HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-002431UPDES Storm Water Permit Training
Julian Carroll, DWQ
Table of Contents
01 Account
Creation and
02 How to File a New
Permissions to an
existing NOI
04 How to Manage or
05 MS4 Authorities06
NeT Resources07
What is CDX?
●Central Data Exchange - Managed by EPA
○Central platform which manages all EPA reporting systems
●EPA published the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule on October 22, 2015.
○Required regulatory entities to report information electronically
What is NeT?
●NPDES eReporting Tool
●NeT refers to a subset of applications within CDX
●NeT applications house dierent UPDES permits
○Construction Stormwater
○Industrial Stormwater
○Dewatering, etc.
Permissions in NeT
●View - View permit form
●Edit - Edit the permit, but not
submit any changes
●Sign - Submit changes for
●Manage - Manage other
accounts’ access to the permit
Roles in NeT
○Can only View and Edit
○Can do everything
○Required to create,
terminate, change, or renew
a permit
Creating an Account
Go to cdx.epa.gov
●“Register with CDX”
Terms and Conditions Creating an Account
●Read Terms and
●Confirm you are
registering for yourself,
and will not share the
account information
Select NeT App Creating an Account
●Select NeT application you
●Select Role
User Information Creating an Account
●Input User Information
○Make sure to choose
security questions you
will remember, you will
need them when
managing your permit!
Add Organization Creating an Account
●Search for Organization,
and request access.
Add New Organization Creating an Account
●If your Organization is not
in CDX, request to add it.
●You must search prior to
adding a new organization
Activate Account Creating an Account
●Find Account Activation
email in your inbox
●Click link in email to confirm
your account.
Log In Creating an Account
●Go to cdx.epa.gov
●Input User ID and
●Log In
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●When logging in for the first time, you may need to go through
Identity Proofing
○Usually for Signatory Access
●Can prove identity by:
○LexisNexis, and independent 3rd party electronic service built
into NeT
○Mailing your info to EPA
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●Input only your PERSONAL
●Info related to your job, such
as an oice phone number,
may get your flagged and
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●Create security questions
○You will need to
remember these when
you submit any changes
to you permits, such as
renewing coverage.
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●Review the information you
●Sign the Electronic Signature
Agreement (ESA)
●Electronics Signature
Agreement (ESA) is specific to
your organization, so you only
need to do this once!
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●Use the eSignature widget to
sign o on the information
●This widget layout will be
similar to how you sign o on
any permit documents as well.
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●If you get denied by LexisNexis, you have two options:
○Call NPDES Helpdesk and ask for them to reset your account, so
you can try again
■Phone Number: (877)-227-8965
○Mail in your info to the EPA
■Usually takes 2+ weeks to resolve
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●If you choose to submit info by
mail, you can select the Paper
Verification option instead
Identity Proofing Creating an Account
●Enter info, sign, and print
●Mail to EPA
Account Sharing Creating an Account
Geing into NeT Apps
Changing your Role
Do you have a Preparer Role but need a Signatory Role?
●From MyCDX tab, select Manage Your Program Services
Changing your Role
●Select the NeT application that
you need a dierent Role for
●Select Deactivate
●Return to MyCDX and select
Add Program Service
Add Program Service
Do you need access to a
dierent NeT application?
Did you just Deactivate a
dierent Role?
●From MyCDX tab, select
Add Program Service
Add Program Service
●Find and select your NeT
application you need
access to.
●Choose Role.
Add Program Service
●Select your current
●Submit request for
●If requesting access as a
Signatory, may need to
do Identity Proofing if
you haven’t before.
# 1
Log in to:
Creating a New NOI
# 2
# 3
# 4
Click on Role:
Click on either:
Search for your Project:
# 5
Click “Create Project/Site”:
Fill out Eligibility Questions
Choose type of permit
●Such as CPP, CGP, or LEW for
●Once you choose, your form
answers will be locked
Creating a New NOI
Create Draft NOI:Flag for Certification/Certify:
Pay Fee:Fill out Site Description Q’s
Ensure you choose:
●Correct MS4
●Correct Receiving Water
Creating a New NOI Problem Areas
#2 #6
Click on Role:
Choose Signatory/Preparer:
●You MUST click Signatory/Preparer on the
myCDX tab in order to access NeT app
Fill in Eligibility Questions:
Choose permit type:
●If you choose the incorrect permit type, you are
unable to change a NOI without cancelling &
#4Search Project:
In NeT: Search for your project (only fill
required fields), “Request Permissions”
Not in NeT: Search, then click, “create
new project/site”
●You must search prior to filing a new permit
Request Permissions to a Permit
Sign into CDX and log into the NeT app
Click on the associated buon below:
# 1
# 2
Request Permissions to a Permit
Permissions must be approved by:
●Someone with the Manage permissions on the permit
Search for permit Request Permissions# 3 # 4
Managing your NOI
# 2
# 3
Click on Role:
Click “Actions”
Click “Change NOI” to change any field including:
●MS4 Operator
●Contact Information
Click “Renew Coverage” to renew Permit coverage:
Click “Manage User Permissions” to manage:
●Add other users
●Remove other users
●Update user’s permissions
# 1
Log in to:
Filing a NOT
# 2
# 3
# 4
Click on Role:
Click “Actions”
Click “Create NOT”
# 5
Click reason for NOT:
●A signatory MUST sign or
it will remain a “draft”
# 1
Log in to:
NOT Inspection
●Once a Termination is submied, your permit may be in an On Hold
○Many potential reasons, such as closeout inspection
●For questions regarding the hold, reach out to either:
○The MS4 with jurisdiction over your permit area
Filing a NOT
MS4 Authorities - NeTCGP
City employees who need an MS4 Authority Role in NeTCGP
●Go to UPDES permit webpage:
●Click on buon for MS4 Authorities:
MS4 Authorities
●Click buon to create new MS4 Authority Role:
●Fill out Google Form
○Form is sent to EPA, who will email you a CRK link
○This link will let you set up your new MS4 Authority Role
○After setup, log in and request access to MS4
○MS4 Admin will approve your new account
Customer Retrieval Key
MS4 Authorities
MS4 Authority Roles can:
●Manage other MS4 Authority Role access
●Access CGP permits within their jurisdiction
●Receive notifications when an NOT is submied
●Approve or Deny Terminations after site inspections
MS4 Authority Role
MS4 Authorities
●Log into NeTCGP
●Go to Actions Center
●Manage MS4 Requests and NOTs
Managing CGP Permits
# 1
UPDES Permits Webpage:
Find Help Files:
NeT Resources
# 3
Email us:
# 2
EPA NeT Training Materials:
NPDES Helpdesk
Account Setup
Switch Preparer/Signatory
Password changes
Locked out of account
eSign Failure
Account deactivation
Utah DWQ
Permit Questions
Plan Documents
Signatory Role
Permission Requests
Change NOI Requests
NOT approval (non-MS4)
(801) 536-4300
Who to Call to Get Help?
Local MS4
Permit Questions
SWPPP (How to fill out)
SWPPP Submial/Review
NOT approval
Upcoming Presentations
●Construction Dewatering and the Treated
Groundwater/Surface Water Permits
○April 10th - Linsey Shafer
●NeT Annual Reports & Discharge Reports
○June - Julian Carroll
Julian Carroll
DWQ Info & Data Services
(801) 536-4300