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Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Technical Guide for Risk Assessments:
Utah Administrative Code R315-101
May 2024
May 2024
Summary of Changes .....................................................................................................................v
Acronymns and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... vi
Definitions ................................................................................................................................... viii
1.0 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Applicability ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 STABILIZATION OF RELEASES .................................................................................1
3.0 Site Characterization and Documentation ......................................................................2
3.1 Conceptual Site Model ..................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Receptors and Pathways ................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Residential Receptors................................................................................................ 4
3.2.2 Industrial/Commercial .............................................................................................. 5
3.2.2 Construction Worker ................................................................................................. 6
3.2.3 Other Receptors ........................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Soil Exposure Intervals .................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Background and Background Threshold Values (BTVs) .............................................. 10
3.3.1 Default County-specific BTVs ............................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Surrogate BTVs ...................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Site-specific BTVs .................................................................................................. 11
4.0 IDENITIFICATION OF COPCs/COPECS and exposure point concentrations
(EPCs) ..........................................................................................................................................15
4.1 Soil/Sediment ................................................................................................................. 15
4.1.1 Organics and Chemicals without Background Data ............................................... 15
4.1.2 Organics and Chemicals with Background Data .................................................... 16
4.1.3 Discrete Soil Sampling ........................................................................................... 16
4.1.4 Incremental Sampling Method ................................................................................ 17
4.2 Exposure Point Concentration (EPCs) ........................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Soil/Sediment .......................................................................................................... 18
4.2.2 Groundwater EPCs.................................................................................................. 19
4.2.3 Non-detects ............................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Hierarchy of Human Health Toxicity Data .................................................................... 24
5.2 Special Considerations ................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1 Lead......................................................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Chemical Agents ..................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Chromium ............................................................................................................... 27
5.2.4 Dioxin/Furans ......................................................................................................... 29
5.2.5 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ........................................................... 30
5.2.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ......................................................................... 31
5.2.7 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) ..................................................................... 32
5.2.8 Polyfluoroalkyl and Perfluoroalkyl Compounds (PFAS) – RESERVED, For
Informational Purposes Only .................................................................................. 34
5.2.9 Salts ......................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.10 Contaminants of Emerging Concern ....................................................................... 38
May 2024
6.0 HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT ....................................................................39
6.1 RSLs ............................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.1 Construction Worker RSLs ..................................................................................... 40
6.1.2 Construction Worker - Dermal Contact with Groundwater .................................... 42
6.2 Quantifying Risk ............................................................................................................ 44
6.3 Chemicals with No RSLs ............................................................................................... 47
6.4 One Hit Model ................................................................................................................ 47
6.5 Discussion of Uncertainties ............................................................................................ 48
7.0 VAPOR INTRUSION ......................................................................................................49
7.1 Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels .................................................................................. 51
7.2 Construction Worker Trench Model .............................................................................. 53
7.3 Groundwater ................................................................................................................... 55
7.4 Soil Gas .......................................................................................................................... 57
8.0 SOIL-TO-GROUNDWATER .........................................................................................59
8.1 Step 1 – Generic SSLs .................................................................................................... 59
8.2 Step 2 – Site-specific DAF ............................................................................................. 61
8.3 Step 3 – Alternative Methods ......................................................................................... 63
9.0 ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT ..........................................................................64
9.1 Ecological Waiver .......................................................................................................... 64
9.2 Tier 1 .............................................................................................................................. 65
9.2.1 COPECs .................................................................................................................. 66
9.2.2 EPCs ........................................................................................................................ 66
9.2.3 Receptors................................................................................................................. 66
9.2.4 Exposure Pathways ................................................................................................. 70
9.2.5 Exposure Assessment.............................................................................................. 71
9.2.6 Dose ........................................................................................................................ 71
9.2.7 Toxicity and Risk Characterization ........................................................................ 75
9.3 Tier 2 .............................................................................................................................. 78
9.3.1 Toxicity ................................................................................................................... 86
9.3.2 Risk Characterization .............................................................................................. 86
9.4 Tier 3 .............................................................................................................................. 87
9.4.1 Performing a Tier 3 Site Specific Ecological Risk Assessment ............................. 88
9.4.2 Problem Formulation for Tier 3 .............................................................................. 88
9.4.3 Refining Contaminants of Concern ........................................................................ 88
9.4.4 Frequency and Magnitude of Detection .................................................................. 89
9.4.5 Dietary Considerations............................................................................................ 89
9.4.6 Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration and Biomagnification .................................... 90
9.4.7 Further Characterization of Ecological Effects ....................................................... 90
9.4.8 Reviewing and Refining Information on Contaminant Fate and Transport,
Complete Exposure Pathways, and Ecosystems Potentially at Risk ...................... 90
9.4.9 Contaminant Fate and Transport ............................................................................. 91
9.4.10 Complete Exposure Pathways................................................................................. 91
9.4.11 Ecosystems Potentially at Risk ............................................................................... 92
9.4.12 Selection of Site-Specific Assessment Endpoints................................................... 92
9.4.13 Development of a Conceptual Site Model and Associated Risk Questions ........... 93
9.4.14 Finalization of the CSM .......................................................................................... 94
May 2024
9.4.15 Develop a Work Plan and SAP for Tier 3............................................................... 94
9.4.16 Analysis of Ecological Exposures and Effects ....................................................... 96
9.4.17 Characterizing Exposures ....................................................................................... 96
9.4.18 Characterizing Ecological Effects ........................................................................... 97
9.4.19 Risk Characterization .............................................................................................. 98
9.4.20 Risk Estimation ....................................................................................................... 98
9.4.21 Risk Description...................................................................................................... 99
9.4.22 Additional Risk Information ................................................................................... 99
9.4.23 Uncertainty Analysis ............................................................................................. 100
9.4.24 Recommended Content of the Tier 3 Ecological Risk Assessment Report .......... 100
10.0 INTREPRETING RESULTS AND SITE MANAGEMENT ....................................102
10.1 No Further Investigation (NFI) .................................................................................... 103
10.2 No Further Action ........................................................................................................ 104
10.3 Corrective Action Complete Without Controls ............................................................ 104
10.4 Mixed Media Closure ................................................................................................... 105
10.5 Risk-Based Closure ...................................................................................................... 105
10.6 CAC With Controls ...................................................................................................... 105
10.7 Corrective Action Requirements .................................................................................. 106
11.0 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................106
Figure 1. Example CSM
Figure 2. Plume Core Figure
Figure 3. Eh-pH Diagram for Chromium
Figure 4. Classification of Salt-affected Soils
Figure 5. Example Output VISL Calculator
Figure 6. Generalized Food Web for Soil
Figure 7. Snapshot of LANL EcoRisk and ESLs
Figure 8. Snapshot of LANL EcoRisk and TRVs
Table 1. Soil Exposure Intervals
Table 2. Default BTVs by County
Table 3. Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) for Chemical Agents
Table 4. Dioxin and Furan Equivalency Factors
Table 5. Indicator Compounds Associated with Common TPH Mixtures
Table 6. PFAS Analyte List
Table 7. Proposed MCLs for Select PFAS
Table 8. What RSL to Use for a Given Medium
Table 9. Target Organ Analysis Example
Table 10. Trench Exposure Parameters
Table 11. SSL Example
Table 12. Refined SSL Evaluation Example
Table 13. Ecological Soil Exposure Intervals
Table 14. Plant Uptake Factors for Inorganics
Table 15. Plant Uptake Equations for Select Organics
Table 16. Summary of Types of Closure
May 2024
The following table summarizes changes to the “Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah
Administrative Code R315-101 (TGRA).”
Summary of Changes to the TGRA
Item Section Change
November 2023
1. Section 3.0 Added discussion on data quality and usability.
2. Section 3.3 Clarification of natural vs anthropogenic background
3. Section 3.3.1 Clarification that background data in Table 2 are not for use with ISM data.
4. Section 4.2.1 Clarification on EPC for lead.
5. Section 5.1 Added reference to 2021 EPA memo updating chronic toxicity hierarchy for
19 compounds.
6. Section 5.2.3 Clarification on the assumptions for the total chromium MCL and the
application of the MCL to hexavalent chromium
7. Section 6.1 Edited text on RSLs based on a HQ of 1 vs 0.1 for clarity
8. Section 6.2 Added text clarifying use of significant figures for final presentation of
cancer risk and hazard quotients and indices.
9. Section 9.2.7 Added text clarifying use of significant figures for final presentation of
hazard quotients and indices.
10. Section 10 Clarified discussions on types of closure
11. Table 16 Added table summarizing the types of closure
May 2024
12. Section 3.3.2 Updated reference.
13. Section 5.2.1 Updated the blood lead level for lead (5 µg/dL).
14. 5.2.8 Added PFAS MCLs and deleted informational only language
15. Section 5.2.11 Added clarification on which RSL to use for mercury
16. Section 6.4
and Equation
Updated to include the conversion factor in the equation and corrected a
17. Section 9.2.6 Updated reference to Table 13.
18. References Added US EPA 2024, addressing the new lead screening criteria.
May 2024
AI Adequate Intake
ALM Adult Lead Methodology
AOC Area of Contamination
ASTDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AUF Area Use Factor
BAF Bioaccumulation Factor
bgs Below Ground Surface
BTV Background Threshold Value
C Celsius
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
CFR Code of Federal Regulation
CMTP Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products
COC Contaminant of Concern
COI Contaminant of Interest
COPC Contaminants of Potential Concern
COPEC Contaminant of Potential Ecological Concern
CSM Conceptual Site Model
DAF Dilution Attenuation Factor
DERR Department of Environmental Response and Remediation
DQO Data Quality Objectives
DU Decision Unit
DWMRC Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
EC Electrical Conductivity
EPC Exposure Point Concentration
ERA Ecological Risk Assessment
ESA Environmental Site Assessment
ESL Ecological Screening Level
ESP Exchangeable Sodium Percentage
FOD Frequency of Detection
GPS Global Positioning System
HEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
HI Hazard Index
HQ Hazard Quotient
IEUBK Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
ISL Initial Screening Level
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
J&E Johnson and Ettinger
Kow Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
LOAEC Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Concentration
LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
May 2024
MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
MDL Minimum Detection Limit
meq/100g milliequivalents per 100 grams soil
meq/L Milliequivalents per liter
mg/kg milligrams per kilogram
mg/L milligrams per liter
mmhos/cm millimhos per centimeter
MRL Minimum Risk Level
NAPL Non-aqueous Phase Liquid
NFA No Further Action
NOAEC No Observed Adverse Effect Concentration
NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PEF Particulate Emission Factor
PFAS Polyfluoroalkyl and Perfluoroalkyl Compounds
PFOA Perfluorooctanoic acid
PFOS Perfluorooctane Sulfonate
PPE Probably Point of Entry
PPRTV Provisional Peer-reviewed Toxicity Value
PUF Plant Uptake Factor
QSAR Quantitative Structure-activity Relationship
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RfC Reference Concentration
RfD Reference Dose
RFI RCRA Facility Investigation
RME Reasonable Maximum Exposed
RSL Regional Screening Level
SAP Sampling and Analysis Plan
SLERA Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment
SLHQ Screening Level Hazard Quotient
SQL Sample Quantitation Level
SSL Soil Screening Level
SU Sample Unit
SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit
TCDD Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
TCE Trichloroethylene
TEF Toxicity Equivalency Factor
TEQ Toxicity Equivalent Concentration
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon
May 2024
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TRV Toxicity Reference Value
UAC Utah Administrative Code
UCL Upper Confidence Limit
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
USGS United States Geologic Survey
UTL Upper Tolerance Limit
VF Volatilization Factor
VISL Vapor Intrusion Screening Level
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
WHO World Health Organization
May 2024
Acceptable Risk Range: cancer risk greater than or equal to one additional cancer in 1,000,000
(1E-06), but less than or equal to one additional cancer in 10,000 (1E-04) or a noncancer
hazard index less than or equal to one.
Action Level: the existence of a contaminant concentration in the environment that is high
enough to warrant an action or trigger a response action.
Adverse Effect: any effect that causes harm to the normal functioning of plants, animals, or
humans due to exposure to any contaminants of concern.
Appropriate Site Management Activities: measures that are reasonable and practical that will be
taken to control and reduce risks greater than 1E-06 and less than 1E-04 for carcinogen and
hazard index equal to or less than one for non-carcinogens under both current and
reasonably anticipated future land use conditions, for example, institutional controls,
engineering controls, groundwater monitoring, post-closure care, or corrective action and
ensuring that assumptions made in the estimation of cancer risk and non-cancer hazard in
the risk assessment report are not violated.
Assessment Endpoints: an explicit expression of environmental value that is to be protected. It is
the part of the ecosystem that should be protected at a Superfund site, and it is generally
some characteristic of a species of plant or animal, for example, reproduction, growth, that
may be described numerically.
Background: measurements that are not influenced by releases from a site. Background
constituents may be naturally occurring in the environment in forms that have not been
influenced by human activity or may be natural and human-made substances present in the
environment resulting from anthropogenic activities and not related to the site.
Background Threshold Value (BTV): a single value most often used to represent soil background
levels. The BTV may be a default level established by the Division of Waste Management
and Radiation Control (DWMRC), a surrogate level from another facility, or a site-specific
level. This level is used to determine what constituents are present due to natural or
anthropogenic levels or are representative of contamination.
Boundary: the furthest extent where contamination from a defined source has migrated in any
medium when the release is first identified. This is often referred to as extent, when
defining nature and extent of contamination.
Cancer Risk: the probability that an individual with contract cancer after lifetime exposure to a
Censored Data Sets: Data sets that contain one or more observations which are nondetects.
May 2024
Cleanup: the range of corrective action activities that occur in the context of addressing
environmental contamination at Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites to
lower contaminant concentration or decrease chemical toxicity. Activities may include but
are not limited to waste removal, contaminated media removal or source reduction, such as
excavation or pumping, in-place treatment of waste or contaminated media, such as
bioremediation, monitored natural attenuation, hydraulic control and/or containment of
waste or contaminated media, such as barrier walls, low permeability covers, liners or
capping, or various combination of these approaches.
Complete Exposure Pathway: An exposure pathway is the link between a contaminant source
and a receptor (United States Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. EPA, 1991). A
complete exposure pathway is one in which the stressor can be traced or expected to travel
from the source to a receptor that can be affected by that stressor and shall meet the
following: (1) the presence of a source and transport; (2) exposure point or contact
(receptor); and (3) exposure route. Otherwise, exposure is incomplete.
Conceptual Site Model (CSM): a written, illustrative, or both, representation of a site that
documents the physical, chemical and biological processes that control the transport,
migration, actual or potential, or both impacts of contamination in soil, air, ground water,
surface water, sediments, to human or ecological receptors, or both, exposure pathways, at a
site or at a reasonably anticipated site under both current and potential future land use
Contaminate: to make a medium polluted through the introduction of hazardous waste or
hazardous constituents as identified in Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-261-1092,
which incorporates by reference 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 261, Appendix
Contaminant of Concern (COC): Constituents of Potential Concern that significantly contribute
to a pathway in a land use scenario for a receptor that either exceeds a cumulative cancer
risk of 1E-04 or exceeds a non-cancer hazard index of one.
Constituents of Potential Concern (COPC): constituents detected in a medium that are selected to
be addressed in the risk assessment process because contact with humans may result in
adverse effects.
Constituents of Potential Ecological Concern (COPEC): any constituent that is shown to pose
possible ecological risk at a site. It is generally a constituent that may or may not be causing
risk or adverse effects to plants and animals at a site.
Corrective Action: the cleaning up of environmental problems caused by the mismanagement of
wastes, or the cleanup process or program under RCRA and any activities related to the
investigation, characterization, and cleanup of release of hazardous waste or hazardous
constituents from solid waste management units or hazardous waste management units at a
permitted or interim status treatment storage or disposal facilities or voluntary cleanup sites
or brownfield sites.
May 2024
Corrective Action Complete With Controls: a condition of a solid waste management unit, a
hazardous waste management unit, an area of contamination or a contaminated site where
site characterization or risk assessment indicate corrective action is required and completed
and the results of the risk assessment meet the closure standards and requirements specified
in UAC R315-101-7(b), or a condition of a solid waste management unit, a hazardous waste
management unit, area of contamination or a contaminated site where site characterization
or risk assessment indicate corrective action is not required but also meets the closure
standards and requirements specified in UAC R315-101-7(b).
Corrective Action Complete Without Controls: a condition of a solid waste management unit, a
hazardous waste management unit, area of contamination or a contaminated site where site
characterization or risk assessment indicate corrective action is required and completed and
the results of the risk assessment meet the closure standards and requirements equivalent to
a no further action or meeting the requirements of UAC R315-101-7(a) or a condition of a
solid waste management unit, a hazardous waste management unit, area of contamination or
a contaminated site when site characterization or risk assessment indicate corrective action
is not required but also meets the closure standards and requirements equivalent to a no
further action or meeting the requirements of UAC R315-101-7(a).
Corrective Action Level: the concentration of a contaminant in a medium after cleanup of a site
that is protective of human health and the environment.
Data Quality Objectives (DQO): qualitative and quantitative statements of the quality of data
needed to support specific decisions or regulatory actions.
Detection Limit: a measure of the capability of an analytical method to distinguish samples that
do not contain a specific analyte from samples that contain low concentrations of the
analyte. It is the lowest concentration or amount of the target analyte that can be determined
to be different from zero by a single measurement at a stated level of probability. Detection
limits are analyte and matrix-specific and are laboratory-dependent.
Dilution Attenuation Factor (DAF): the ratio of the contaminant concentration in soil leachate to
the concentration in groundwater at the receptor point.
Dose-Response Assessment: this describes how the likelihood and severity of adverse health
effects (the responses) are related to the amount and condition of exposure to an agent (the
dose provided). Typically, as the dose increases, the measured response also increases,
although not linear in relationship. At low doses there may be no response. At some level
of dose, the responses begin to occur in a small fraction of the study population or at a low
probability rate. Both the dose at which response begin to appear and the rate at which it
increases given increasing dose can be variable between different pollutants, individuals,
exposure routes, etc.
Environment: the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or
May 2024
Exposure: contact of an organism with a chemical or physical agent and it is the amount of the
agent available at the exchange boundaries of the organism.
Exposure Assessment: the process of measuring or estimating the magnitude, frequency, and
duration of exposure to a constituent in the environment or estimating future exposures for a
constituent that has not yet been released. The exposure assessment answers the question of
how much of the pollutant are receptors exposure to during a specific time period.
Exposure Pathway: the course a chemical or physical agent takes from a source to an exposed
Exposure Point Concentration (EPC): either a maximum detected value or a statistical derivation
of measured or modeled data that represents an estimate of the chemical concentration
available from a particular medium or route of exposure. The exposure point concentration
value is used to quantify potential cancer risks and non-cancer hazards.
Groundwater Cleanup Levels: site-specific groundwater chemical concentration levels based on
groundwater use designation and exposure pathway established to ensure the protection of
human health and the environment when defining groundwater cleanup objectives.
Groundwater Use: the current or reasonably expected maximum beneficial use of groundwater
that warrants the most stringent cleanup levels, including drinking or other uses.
Hazard Identification: the process of determining whether exposure to a stressor can cause an
increase in the incidence of specific adverse health effects. This process in the risk
assessment answers the question of what health problems, either human or ecological, are
caused by the pollutant.
Hazard Index (HI): the sum of hazard quotients.
Hazard Quotient: (HQ) the ratio of the potential exposure to a substance and the level at which
no adverse effects are expected. The HQ is calculated to evaluate the potential for non-
cancer health hazards to occur from exposure to a contaminant. An HQ may be calculated
for human health or ecological receptors.
Lowest Observed Adverse Effects Level (LOAEL) or Lowest Observed Adverse Effects
Concentration (LOAEC): the lowest level of a chemical stressor evaluated in a toxicity test
that shows harmful effects on a plant or animal. A LOAEL is based on dose of a chemical
ingested while a LOAEC refers to direct exposure to a chemical such as through the skin.
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): the highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in
drinking water and is set as close to the "Maximum Contaminant Level Goal" as feasible
using the best available treatment technology and taking cost into consideration. Maximum
Contaminant Levels are enforceable standards.
May 2024
Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): the level of a contaminant in drinking water
below which there is no known or expected risk to health. Maximum Contaminant Level
Goals allow for a margin of safety and are non-enforceable public health goals.
Measures of Effects: quantitative measurements of effects expressed as statistical or numerical
assessment endpoint summaries of the observations that make up the measurement.
Measurement End Point: a measurable ecological characteristic that is related to the valued
characteristic chosen as the assessment endpoint and it is a measure of biological effects
such as death, reproduction, or growth, of a particular species.
Natural Resources: land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground water, drinking water supplies,
and other similar resources.
No Further Action (NFA): the state of a solid waste management unit, a hazardous waste
management unit, or a contaminated site at closure meeting the requirements in UAC R315-
101-7(a) and it is equivalent to corrective action complete without controls if the site was
under corrective action activities. No further action is equivalent to unrestricted land use.
Nonparametric: A term describing statistical methods that do not assume a particular population
probability distribution and are therefore valid for data from any population with any
probability distribution, which can remain unknown.
No Observed Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) or No Observed Adverse Effects Concentration
(NOAEC): the highest level of a chemical stressor in a toxicity test that did not cause a
harmful effect in a plant or animal. A NOAEL refers to a dose of chemical that is ingested,
while a NOAEC refers to direct exposure to a chemical such as through the skin.
Parametric: A term describing statistical methods that assume a probability distribution such as a
normal, lognormal, or a gamma distribution.
Point of Departure: the target risk level that risk to an individual is considered insignificant.
Potentially Complete Exposure Pathway: a pathway that, due to current site conditions, is
incomplete but could become complete at a future time because of changing site practices.
For example, the ingestion pathway of groundwater from a residential well in a high total
dissolved solids aquifer. This pathway could be complete if treatment technologies like
reverse osmosis become economically feasible and are observed to be employed
successfully in that aquifer.
Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME): the highest exposure that is reasonably expected to
occur at a site. Reasonable Maximum Exposure combines upper-bound and mid-range
exposure factors so that the result represents an exposure scenario that is both protective and
reasonable, not the worst possible case.
May 2024
Regional Screening Levels (RSL): risk-based chemical concentrations derived from standardized
equations combing exposure assumptions with US EPA chemical-specific toxicity values
and target risk levels that are used for site screening and initial cleanup goals. For the
residential receptor, the residential RSLs should be applied. For the industrial/commercial
scenario, the composite worker RSLs should be applied. For the construction worker, the
on-line calculator must be used to derive scenario specific RSLs.
Release: spill or discharge of hazardous waste, hazardous constituents, or material that becomes
hazardous waste when released to the environment.
Regression on Order Statistic (ROS): A regression line is fit to the normal scores of the order
statistics for the uncensored observations and is used to fill in values imputed from the
straight line for the observations below the detection limit.
Responsible Party: the owner or operator of a site, or any other person responsible for the release
of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents.
Risk-Based Clean Closure: closure of a site where hazardous waste was managed or any medium
that has been contaminated by a release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents, and
where hazardous waste or hazardous constituents remain at the site in any medium at
concentrations determined, in UAC R315-101, to cause minimal levels of risk to human
health and the environment so as to require no further action or monitoring by the
responsible party nor any notice of hazardous waste management on the record of title to the
Risk-Based Concentration: the concentration of a contaminant the values of which are derived
from equations combining toxicity factors with standard exposure scenarios to calculate
chemical concentrations corresponding to some fixed levels of risks in any medium, such as
water, air, fish tissue, sediment, and soil.
Risk Characterization: summarize and integrate information from the hazard identification, dose-
response, and exposure assessment phases of the risk assessment to synthesize an overall
conclusion about risk. Risk characterization takes place in both human health risk
assessments and ecological risk assessments.
Robust Statistic: a statistic that is resistant to errors in the results, produced by deviations from
assumptions, such as normality. This means that the limits are not susceptible to outliers, or
distributional assumptions. For example, if the limits are centered on the median, instead of
on the mean, or on a modified, "robust mean," and constructed with suitable weighting, or
influence, or function, they could be considered "robust."
Site: the area of contamination and any other area that could be impacted by the released
contaminants, or could influence the migration of those contaminants, regardless of whether
the site is owned by the responsible party.
May 2024
Site Specific Screening Value: contaminant screening values derived for media, such as soil,
sediment, water, at a site based on relevant site assumptions and factors.
Source Control: a range of actions, for example, removal, treatment in place, and containment,
designed to protect human health and the environment by eliminating or minimizing
migration of or exposure to significant contamination.
Target Risk: any acceptable specified risk level. the protective end of the acceptable risk range
for screening of contaminants in risk assessment and considered to be the point of departure.
The target risk is defined as 1E-06 and is appropriate for all human receptors.
Upper Confidence Limit (UCL): the upper boundary of a confidence interval. Because of the
uncertainty associated with estimating the true average concentration at a site, the 95% UCL
of the arithmetic mean is used to represent this variable and provides reasonable confidence
that the true site average will not be underestimated.
Upper Tolerance Limit (UTL): A confidence limit on a percentile of the population rather than a
confidence limit on the mean where a defined percentage of sample data will be less than or
equal to that limit. For example, a 95% one-sided UTL for 95% coverage represents the
value below which 95% of the population values are expected to fall with 95% confidence.
In other words, a 95% UTL with coverage coefficient 95% represents a 95% UCL for the
95th percentile.
Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-101: outlines the cleanup actions and risk-based closure
standards and applies to cleanup actions conducted voluntarily as well as corrective action at
permitted sites. The complete rule may be found at
May 2024
1.1 Purpose
The Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) developed the
Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101 (or the TGRA) to
assist facilities within the State of Utah in navigating Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-
101 (herein referred to as the Rule), which sets the standards for risk-based closure. TGRA
outlines recommended approaches to both human health and ecological risk assessments based
on current State and Federal risk assessment practices. The overarching objective of the TGRA
is to allow for a consistent interpretation of the Rule when conducting risk assessments. The
TGRA is focused on how to complete human health and ecologic risk assessments required
under UAC R315-101.
1.2 Applicability
UAC R315-101 applies to sites in Environmental Cleanup Program, Corrective Action Sites,
permitted facilities, releases from spills, and hazardous waste generators that are not cleaned up
to background. UAC R315-101 risk-based cleanup standards apply to sites that will not or
cannot be cleaned to background constituent levels. When some amount of contamination may
be left in place, risk assessments are conducted to ensure the residual risks can be managed for
the protection of human health and the environment. The process of conducting these risk
assessments is outlined in the TGRA.
In order to protect human health and the environment, when there has been a release, immediate
action to stabilize the site either through source removal or source control must be taken by the
responsible party. These actions apply to the spilled material, and any residue or contaminated
media resulting from the spill and posing a hazard to human health or the environment.
Stabilization of releases is required for any hazardous waste handler, including transporters and
sites under the Environmental Cleanup Program, Corrective Action sites, and permitted facilities.
It is noted that permitted facilities will likely have permit conditions addressing spills,
stabilization of releases and notification requirements. The facility-specific permit conditions
should always be followed for permitted facilities.
If the DWMRC determines that the action taken to stabilize a release is insufficient to meet the
requirements of the emergency control of spills as outlined UAC R315-263-30(c)(7) and cleanup
requirements in UAC R315-263-31, additional corrective action will be required and is to be
outlined in a work plan, to be submitted to the DWMRC, addressing the mitigation of the
released waste.
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The work plan will need to (1) define the scope of work to be performed, (2) include a
description of the interim measures and other corrective actions to be taken, and (3) include a
description of how the plan will meet the criteria of source removal or source control to
residential levels requiring no long-term site controls.
UAC R315-263-30(c)(7) states that: in the event of a spill of hazardous waste or material
which, when spilled, becomes hazardous waste, the person responsible for the material at the
time of the spill shall immediately provide the emergency action taken to minimize the threat
to human health and the environment when reporting the spill.
UAC R315-263-31 states that: the person responsible for the material at the time of the spill
shall clean up all the spilled material and any residue or contaminated media or other
material resulting from the spill or take action as may be required by the DWMRC so that the
spilled material, residue, or contaminated media no longer presents a hazard to human health
or the environment as defined in UAC R315-101. The cleanup or other required actions shall
be at the expense of the person responsible for the spill. If the person responsible for the spill
fails to take the required action, the DWMRC may take action and bill the responsible person.
If the responsible party is not able to clean up impacted media to background levels, they may
perform human health and ecological risk assessments to verify that contamination has been
removed or mitigated to residential closure levels and no ecological risks. If the responsible
party is able to make these demonstrations, they may petition the DWMRC for a determination
of Corrective Action Complete (CAC) Without Controls, or No Further Action (NFA). What
this means is that no residual contamination may remain that would restrict future land use.
The removals will be considered complete and compliant with UAC R315-263-31 when the
following conditions are shown in the risk assessment:
• The level of cumulative residential risk present at the site is less than or equal to 1E-06 for
carcinogens and the hazard index is less than or equal to 1 for non-carcinogens (See
Section 6);
• Ecological effects are insignificant (See Section 9); and
• Current and potential future impacts to groundwater are insignificant as determined by the
soil-to-groundwater pathway screening assessment (see Section 8).
The site characterization phase is intended determine the degree and extent of on-site
contamination providing spatial and contextual information about the site, which may be used to
determine if there is any reason to believe complete exposure pathways may exist at the site
where a release of hazardous waste/constituents has occurred. The site characterization may be
conducted as part of due diligence and include phased Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
for sites under the Environmental Cleanup Program. For Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) part B permitted and corrective action sites, site characterization will likely consist
of phased RCRA Facility Investigations (RFI). Regardless of the program, the elements and
intent of site characterization are similar.
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Details on how to conduct site characterization are outside the scope of the TGRA. However,
some elements of site characterization are important in terms of data needs for risk assessments.
During site characterization nature (chemical contaminants) and extent (horizontal and vertical)
of contamination for all potentially impacted media are defined. Media may include soil,
sediment, groundwater, surface water, biota, and air. During site characterization, the site
history should be reviewed to determine contaminants that could potentially be present due to
site history, identify sampling needs to determine background threshold values (BTVs), and
develop a conceptual site model (CSM).
Data collected during site characterization should be of sufficient quality and quantity to conduct
a risk assessment. As data collected are used to support risk assessments, the laboratory’s
minimum detection levels (MDLs) should be carefully reviewed to verify the method and levels
will be sufficient to compare to selected screening criteria. Screening criteria to consider may
include residential risk levels, industrial risk levels, soil-to-groundwater screening levels, and/or
ecological risk levels. This step is typically conducted with a work plan, or prior to collecting
the data.
Often older data (from historical investigations) may be combined with newer, or proposed, data.
A data usability assessment should be conducted and presented in the work plan or prior to
collection of the proposed data.
It is important to note that risk assessments should not be submitted to the Division until the
nature and extent of contamination are defined.
3.1 Conceptual Site Model
A CSM is useful in planning the risk assessment process by providing information about the
types of contamination known or suspected at the site, and the mechanisms by which human and
ecological receptors could be exposed to the contaminants. Site-specific CSMs should be
developed early in the site-specific risk assessment processes to aid in providing direction to
sampling efforts and risk assessment objectives. The necessary components that will be included
in the CSMs are (1) sources of contamination, (2) release mechanisms, (3) affected media, (4)
potential receptors, and (5) exposure pathways. All five elements must be present for the
exposure pathway to be considered complete.
A CSM is a graphical representation of site conditions that conveys what is known or suspected,
at a discrete point in time, about the site-specific sources, releases, release mechanisms,
contaminant fate and transport, exposure routes, and potential receptors. The CSM is generally
documented by written descriptions and supported by maps, geological cross-sections, tables,
diagrams and other illustrations to communicate site conditions. When preparing a CSM, the
facility should decide the scope, quantity, and relevance of the information to be included,
balancing the need to present as complete a picture as possible to illustrate current site conditions
and establish risk management actions, with the need to keep the information focused and
exclude extraneous data.
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The CSM should identify all potential exposure pathways for both human health and ecological
risk assessments. While each site may have unique pathways, common human health pathways
• Direct (and incidental) ingestion of soil,
• Dermal contact with soil,
• Inhalation of volatiles and fugitive dusts from contaminated soil,
• Ingestion of groundwater,
• Dermal contact with groundwater,
• Inhalation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) volatilized from groundwater into
indoor air, and
• Inhalation of volatiles in indoor air via the subsurface vapor intrusion pathway.
An example of a CSM showing both human health and ecological receptors is also provided as
Figure 1.
Under some site-specific situations, additional complete exposure pathways may be identified.
In these cases, a site-specific evaluation of risk or development of pathway-specific screening
levels is warranted under which additional exposure pathways can be considered. If other land
uses and exposure scenarios are determined to be appropriate for a site (e.g., farming,
recreational land use, hunting, and/or Native American land use), the exposure pathways
addressed in this document should be modified or augmented accordingly or a site-specific risk
assessment should be conducted. Early identification of the need for additional information is
important because it facilitates development of a defensible sampling and analysis strategy.
3.2 Receptors and Pathways
The three most common human receptors are a resident, industrial/commercial worker, and a
construction worker. Most, if not all, risk assessments should evaluate these three receptors as
part of the human health risk assessment. Note that receptors may be current, future/anticipated,
or hypothetical. While a site may be slated for industrial use, the residential receptor would still
be required to be assessed if NFA was desired. Ecological receptors are addressed in Section 9.
Receptors may primarily be exposed to contamination via several pathways, including soil, water
(surface water or groundwater), and air.
3.2.1 Residential Receptors
A residential receptor may be actual or hypothetical. Evaluation of this receptor is required to
achieve closure under NFA or to demonstrate the site risks are within an acceptable range to
allow closure with controls.
A residential receptor is assumed to be a long-term receptor residing within the site boundaries.
Adults and children exhibit different ingestion rates for soil. To account for changes in intake as
the receptor ages, the US EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) have incorporated age adjusted
intakes in the derivation of the levels. Exposure to soil (to depths of zero to 10 feet below
May 2024
ground surface, bgs) is expected to occur during home maintenance activities and outdoor play
Contaminant intake is assumed to occur via three exposure pathways – direct ingestion, dermal
absorption, and inhalation of volatiles and fugitive dusts. The residential RSLs for soil include
exposure via direct ingestion of soil, dermal absorption, and inhalation of fugitive dust.
The indoor air RSLs are compared to ambient air samples collected in a building or residence.
However, in most cases, indoor air data are not available, and the vapor intrusion scenario is
estimated using sub-slab soil gas or groundwater data. The residential RSLs for indoor air do not
account for inhalation of volatiles indoors via vapor intrusion estimated from soil gas or
groundwater. If VOCs are present at a site, and indoor air data are not available, the vapor
intrusion pathway may require evaluation and the risks/hazards using VISLs and added to
risk/hazard determined using the RSLs (see Equations 10 and 11). Refer to Section 7 on vapor
• Indoor Air Data – use residential RSL indoor air screening level. As a side note, the
VISL calculator may list an indoor air concentration in addition to VISLs for subslab and
groundwater. The indoor air concentration listed in the VISL calculator is the same as
the RSL indoor air screening level.
• Subslab Data Only – use VISL calculator (See Section 7) to determine an estimated
indoor air concentration based on migration of VOCs through a building foundation.
• Groundwater Data Only – use VISL calculator (See Section 7) to determine an estimated
indoor air concentration based on migration of VOCs from groundwater through soil and
into a building.
The residential RSLs do not take into consideration ingestion of homegrown
produce/meat/fish/dairy, vapor intrusion estimated from soil gas or groundwater, or other unique
exposure pathways. If these pathways are complete, analysis of risks resulting from these
additional exposure pathways must be determined and added to the total risk and hazard (refer to
Section 6 and Equations 10 and 11).
3.2.2 Industrial/Commercial
The industrial/commercial scenario is considered representative of on-site workers who split
their day between indoor and outdoor activities. Exposure to surface and shallow subsurface
soils (i.e., at depths of zero to one ft bgs) is expected to occur during moderate digging
associated with routine maintenance and ground-keeping activities. An industrial/commercial
receptor is expected to be the most highly exposed receptor in the outdoor environment under
generic or day-to-day industrial/commercial conditions. Thus, the industrial RSLs for this
receptor are expected to be protective of other reasonably anticipated indoor and outdoor
workers at a commercial/industrial facility. Note that RSLs for the industrial/commercial
receptor are identified as “industrial” on the RSL table but are discussed in the RSL User’s
Guide as a “composite worker”.
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Similar to the resident, the industrial RSLs for soil include exposure via direct ingestion of soil,
dermal absorption and inhalation of fugitive dust.
Similar to the resident, the industrial RSLs do not account for inhalation of volatiles via vapor
intrusion. If vapor intrusion is complete, analysis of risks resulting from these additional
exposure pathways must be determined and added to the total risk and hazard (refer to Section 7
and Equations 10 and 11). Industrial air RSLs are compared to indoor air samples collected in a
building. However, in most cases, indoor air data are not available, and the vapor intrusion
scenario is estimated using sub-slab soil gas or groundwater data. The industrial RSLs for indoor
air do not account for inhalation of volatiles indoors via vapor intrusion estimated from soil gas
or groundwater. If VOCs are present at a site, and indoor air data are not available, the vapor
intrusion pathway may require evaluation and the risks/hazards using VISLs and added to
risk/hazard determined using the RSLs (see Equations 10 and 11). Refer to Section 7 on vapor
• Indoor Air Data – use RSL industrial air screening level. As a side note, the VISL
calculator may list an indoor air concentration in addition to VISLs for subslab and
groundwater. The indoor air concentration listed in the VISL calculator is the same as
the RSL indoor air screening level.
• Subslab Data Only – use VISL calculator (See Section 7) to determine an estimated
indoor air concentration based on migration of VOCs in soil through a building
• Groundwater Data Only – use VISL calculator (See Section 7) to determine an estimated
indoor air concentration based on migration of VOCs from groundwater through soil and
into a building.
3.2.2 Construction Worker
A construction worker is assumed to be a receptor that is exposed to contaminated soil during the
workday for the duration of a single on-site construction project. If multiple construction
projects are anticipated, it is assumed that different workers will be employed for each project.
The activities for this receptor typically involve substantial exposures to surface and subsurface
soils (i.e., at depths of zero to 10 feet bgs) during excavation, maintenance, and building
construction projects (intrusive operations).
A construction worker is assumed to be exposed to contaminants via the following pathways:
incidental soil ingestion, dermal contact with soil, and inhalation of contaminated outdoor air
(volatile and particulate emissions). While a construction worker receptor is assumed to have a
higher soil ingestion rate than a commercial/industrial worker due to the type of activities
performed during construction projects, the exposure frequency and duration are assumed to be
significantly shorter due to the short-term nature of construction projects.
Either lines of evidence need to be provided to demonstrate other scenarios are protective of the
construction worker or the RSL on-line calculator will need to be run to derive construction
worker screening levels. For example, if none of the RSLs for site contaminants are driven by
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inhalation toxicity (e.g., manganese), then it is possible the residential scenario RSLs are
protective of the construction worker, and a qualitative analysis may be sufficient.
Refer to Section 6.1 for more details on deriving construction worker RSLs. Note, if site-
specific RSLs for the construction worker are calculated, subchronic toxicity should be used
when available.
3.2.3 Other Receptors
Other receptors may be present at a site, such as a trespasser or recreationalists and other unique
exposure scenarios such as those for Native American communities, that may not be reflected in
the generic RSLs. If other receptors are present at a site, either site-specific RSLs may be
developed using the on-line calculator or lines of evidence may be provided to demonstrate the
generic RSLs are protective of these additional receptors.
3.2 Soil Exposure Intervals
Based on current and potential/hypothetical land-use scenarios, receptors for completed exposure
pathways can be exposed to varying depths of soil, or soil exposure intervals. Per the US EPA
(US EPA, 1989), depth of samples should be considered, and surface soils should be evaluated
separately from subsurface soils due to possible differences in exposure levels that would be
encountered by different receptors. Exposure intervals for each receptor are based on the most
likely types of activities and potential soil exposure. Default exposure intervals are summarized
in Table 1.
Residents could be exposed to surface and subsurface soils during home maintenance activities,
yard work, landscaping, and outdoor play activities. Therefore, an exposure soil interval of 0-10
ft bgs should be assumed when evaluating soil exposure by a residential receptor.
It is assumed that industrial/commercial workers would only be exposed to surface soils (0-1 ft
bgs). This receptor may be involved with routine maintenance and groundskeeping activities.
A construction worker is assumed to be exposed to surface and subsurface soils up to depths of
0-10 ft bgs. Construction workers are involved in digging, excavation, maintenance and building
construction projects and could be exposed to surface as well as subsurface soil.
When evaluating the soil-to-groundwater pathway, refer to Section 8, concentrations are not
restricted to a specific soil interval. Rather, the maximum detected concentration, regardless of
depth, is used for the initial screening.
Exposure to soil by ecological receptors should be addressed separately in a tiered approach as
outlined in Section 8. However, a discussion of soil exposure intervals for ecological receptors
is warranted here because ecological receptors are considered in the CSM and depending on the
types of ecological receptors, there could be a difference in exposure levels due to soil exposure
intervals. Burrowing animals and deep rooted plants would be exposed to deeper soils, whereas
all other animals/receptors would only be exposed to surface and shallow subsurface soils.
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Therefore, concentrations in soil 0-6 feet bgs should be assessed for burrowing animals while
soil 0-1 ft bgs should be assessed for all other ecological receptors.
Table 1. Soil Exposure Intervals
Receptor Exposure Intervals (Soil)
Resident 0 – 10 ft bgs
Industrial/Commercial Worker 0 – 1 ft bgs
Construction Worker 0 – 10 ft bgs
Soil-to-Groundwater Migration Depth of maximum detection
Ecological Receptors (non-burrowing) 0 – 1 ft bgs
Ecological Receptors (burrowing, deep rooted plants) 0 – 6 ft bgs
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Sources Release Mechanisms Affected Media
Incidental Ingestion ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Dermal Contact ● ● ●
Inhalation ● ● ●
Plant Uptake ●
Ingestion ●
Dermal Contact ● ●
Inhalation of VOCs ● ●
Plant Uptake
Inhalation ● ● ●
Ingestion ● ● ●
Ingestion ● ● ● ● ●
Buried containers
containing various
hazardous waste
(spills or buried) Leaching and
sinking of dense
vapors to
Infiltration and
Direct release
Volatilization and
emissions of particulates
● = Exposure pathway potentially complete.
May 2024
3.3 Background and Background Threshold Values (BTVs)
Whether conducting a human health or ecological risk assessment, determination of background
concentrations is important to discern whether detected constituents are reflective of past
operations or are present due to natural or other anthropogenic causes. Background metals and
inorganics detected in soil can prove problematic for risk assessment purposes, as these elements
may be naturally occurring metals and due to past historical operations. Inorganics and even
some organics, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dioxin/furans, may also be
present due to regional anthropogenic contributions, such as from runoff of asphalt, nearby
industrial operations, or regional forest fires.
A background level is "the concentration of a hazardous substance that provides a defensible
reference point that can be used to evaluate whether or not a release from the site has occurred.
The background level should reflect the concentration of the hazardous substance in the medium
of concern for the environmental setting on or near a site. A background level does not
necessarily represent pre-release conditions, nor conditions in the absence of influence from
source(s) at the site" (US EPA, 1992). It is important to note that background levels do not have
to reflect pristine conditions. Background may be considered natural background (no impact by
human activity) or anthropogenic background (impacts by non-site related activities). An
example of anthropogenic background would be in an industrialized area, where air emissions
and other sources may contribute to levels above natural background levels.
A site attribution analysis looks at site concentrations and compares them to background or
ambient levels. Constituents that are not present due to site activities, but are representative of
background, are not carried forward into the risk analysis. Therefore, determination of
background is a critical step to ensure the risk assessment reflects conditions as a result of site
activities and avoids an overly conservative estimation of risk. Three types of background data
are available for use as described below and include:
• Default county specific BTVs,
• Surrogate BTVs, and
• Site-specific BTVs.
Establishment of a site-specific BTV is highly encouraged for 1) areas where metals may have a
greater range of ambient levels than the default county specific BTVs; 2) site data are above the
background level(s) and a statistical comparison is needed (See Section 4); 3) differentiation of
concentrations based on geology and/or depth in soil is needed, or 4) other project-specific needs
(e.g., geochemical evaluations or impact from other sources). In addition, site-specific
background data will be needed if using incremental sampling (refer to Section 4.1.4).
As the BTVs represent an upper limit value, use of a 95 percent upper confidence level of the
mean (95% UCL) is not appropriate in screening against the BTVs. The maximum detected site
concentration should be used as the initial exposure point concentration (EPC), and if the site
maximum is below the default BTV, the metal may be dropped as a constituent of potential
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concern or constituents of potential ecological concern (COPC/COPEC). Note – refer to
Sections 4.2 and 9.2.2 on EPCs and Sections 4.1 and 9.2.1 on identifying COPCs/COPECs.
3.3.1 Default County-specific BTVs
Arsenic may be problematic in risk assessments since the RSLs are significantly lower than
typical background soil concentrations in Utah. For many sites, especially Environmental
Cleanup Sites located in highly developed areas, determination of background levels for arsenic
as well as other metals may prove difficult. The DWMRC has established default county
specific BTVs for RCRA metals plus a couple of other commonly detected metals. Note that
insufficient data were available to derive default BTVs for selenium and silver. The data for the
BTVs were taken from various databases, including United States Geological Society (USGS)
databases, where specific global positioning system (GPS) locations, sampling methodology, and
analytical methods were known. Only data that had the same sampling methodology and
analytical method were compiled in deriving the county specific BTVs. These county specific
BTVs may be used in lieu of site-specific background data and may be used for surface and
subsurface data (up to 10 feet bgs).
The county specific BTV listed in Table 2 may be applied when using discrete or composite
data. The background data provided in Table 2 may not be used for comparison to ISM site data.
Variation of metals across Utah is well documented and it is recognized that metals may be
present in site backgrounds at levels higher than the default BTVs listed in Table 2.
3.3.2 Surrogate BTVs
An alternative to the default county specific BTVs is to use surrogate BTVs. These are site-
specific BTVs that were derived from a facility located within a six-mile radius of your site. The
surrogate BTVs must have been derived following the methodology outlined in Section
and have been previously approved by the DWMRC.
3.3.3 Site-specific BTVs
If site-specific BTVs are to be developed, they should be established during site characterization
and in accordance with the following sections. However, it is acceptable to initially go with the
default county BTVs. Site-specific background levels may be derived if the site does not meet
the county-specific level. It is acceptable to take a step-wise approach to background, as it may
potentially be both time and cost effective.
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12 Soil
Sample size, sample locations, as well as other site-specific parameters for background data sets
should be outlined in a site characterization/facility investigation work plan. Guidance on the
process of conducting a background soil study is beyond the scope of this document. However,
the following criteria are representative of a defensible background data set:
• Includes enough data (minimum of 8) for statistical analyses;
• Free of statistically determined outliers;
• Reliably representative of the variations in background media (e.g., soil types or
groundwater horizons);
• Collected from areas where there is no potential for site contamination based on site
• Collected from areas that are upwind of the site;
• Collected from soil types that are lithologically comparable to the samples that will be
collected from contaminated areas; and
• Collected from depths that correspond to the exposure intervals that will be evaluated
during human and ecological risk assessments.
An adequate sample size will likely capture a reliable representation of the background
population while meeting the minimum sample size requirements for calculating BTVs and
conducting hypothesis testing. US EPA (2020) recommends 8-10 samples for each background
data set, but more are preferable. While it is possible to calculate BTVs with small data sets
containing as few as three samples, these results are not considered representative and reliable
enough to make cleanup or remediation decisions. Therefore, a minimum sample size of eight
(8) is required to calculate BTVs and conduct hypothesis testing. The size of the background
area and size of the site or facility under study should also be considered in determining sample
size. That is, if the background and site areas are relatively large, then a larger background data
set (e.g., > 8 samples) should be considered (US EPA, 2020). Background soil data are often
grouped according to depth (e.g., surface vs. subsurface) or soil type. It is important to note that
the minimum sample size of 8 should be met for each grouping of data to compute BTVs for
each soil horizon or soil type.
Determination of BTVs should be conducted using current ProUCL software and guidance or
other software as approved by DWMRC. In general, soil BTVs should be based on 95% upper
tolerance limits (UTLs). Exceptions can occur on a case-by-case basis when the estimated 95%
UTL is greater than the maximum detected concentration. This may be an indication that the
95% UTL is based on the accommodation of low-probability outliers (which may or may not be
attributable to the background population) or highly skewed data sets and/or possibly inadequate
sample size. In these cases, it may be warranted to evaluate the possibility of additional potential
outliers or collection of more data. In lieu of collection of additional data to resolve the elevated
UTL issue, the maximum detected concentration should be used as the BTV.
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13 Surface Water Bodies
For moving surface water, such as a river or stream, background may be determined from
upstream locations. Generally, sediment samples are preferred over aqueous samples for
evaluating the surface water pathway because sediments are more likely to retain contaminants.
In general, aqueous samples might represent current release conditions, whereas sediment
samples might exhibit historical release conditions. Simple surface water pathway sampling
generally consists of taking a minimum of one Probable Point of Entry (PPE) sample and one
upstream background sample. If the surface water pathway has multiple PPEs, multiple
background samples may be needed. The number of background samples collected depends on
the complexity of the path of the surface water body. The presence of multiple tributaries
upstream with multiple potential sources would require collecting multiple background samples
in each tributary to differentiate the potential contribution of contamination from off-site sources
[US EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Directives 9345.1-05 and
Establishing a background level for a static water body (lake or spring) should be discussed with
the DWMRC. For ponds and lakes, background samples may be collected near the inflow to the
water body if it is not influenced by the site. A pond near the site may be selected for
background sampling if it exhibits similar physical characteristics to the on-site pond. For large
ponds and lakes, background samples may be collected from the water body itself, but as far
away as possible from the influence of the PPE and other potential sources (OSWER Directive
9345.1-07). Groundwater
Additional consideration may be given to determining background levels for groundwater,
depending on intra-well or inter-well comparisons. In general, background samples should be
collected from nearby wells that are not expected to be influenced by the source of
contamination or by nearby sites. If there are other sites or potential local sources of
groundwater contamination, additional background samples should be collected where possible
to differentiate their contribution from that of the site under investigation (OSWER Directive
Aqueous release and background samples must be collected from comparable zones (e.g.,
saturated zone) in the same aquifer and, where possible, should be collected during the same
sampling event. Non-filtered samples should be collected to represent total dissolved metals.
May 2024
Table 2. Default County Specific BTVs
County Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium1 Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc Thallium Copper
Beaver 18 724 0.4 58 33 0.05 22 110 0.9 24
Box Elder 9 631 0.9 61 41 0.02 27 96 1.0 28
Cache 9 606 1.0 46 30 0.10 14 95 0.975 24
Carbon 15 664 0.5 45 20 0.02 14 70 0.5 19
Daggett 7 380 0.1 22 11 0.01 7 31 0.3 7
Davis 13 454 0.4 30 25 0.02 10 47 0.35 18
Duchesne 22 749 0.5 55 25 0.02 14 73 0.6 25
Emery 14 508 3.0 80 15 0.03 35 102 1.0 36
Garfield 10 840 0.4 246 29 0.04 18 98 1.5 30
Grand 17 721 2.8 65 26 0.04 32 106 1.2 28
Iron 16 710 0.5 106 42 0.04 12 80 1.3 34
Juab 29 509 0.5 41 40 0.02 15 69 1.6 18
Kane 17 417 0.2 52 18 0.02 22 61 0.6 17
Millard 22 580 0.5 50 26 0.02 25 76 0.6 23
Morgan 7 508 0.7 42 27 0.03 18 83 0.5 26
Piute 4 937 0.3 44 22 0.03 17 98 0.5 29
Rich 5 818 0.5 63 21 0.02 18 69 0.6 22
Salt Lake 27 521 0.4 51 60 0.03 10 73 1.1 75
San Juan 6 469 0.4 42 21 0.02 19 53 0.5 39
Sanpete 9 400 0.7 49 27 0.02 19 84 0.6 14
Sevier 9 862 0.4 59 33 0.01 18 144 0.7 71
Summit 3 610 0.7 30 22 0.02 12 43 0.4 13
Tooele 25 581 1.1 53 64 0.05 25 111 0.9 64
Uintah 29 1060 0.5 66 26 0.04 25 75 0.5 22
Utah 14 376 0.9 36 20 0.02 12 57 0.475 17
Wasatch 8 1508 0.4 36 36 0.58 12 72 0.475 15
Washington 23 522 0.3 73 29 0.02 39 126 0.7 43
Wayne 8 477 0.4 37 18 0.01 10 58 0.6 16
Weber 8 400 0.4 31 15 0.02 11 49 0.4 16
All data in units of milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)
Sufficient numbers of detects were not available to derive a BTV for selenium and silver.
1 Chromium is presented as total chromium. If hexavalent chromium is a COPC, and speciation of chromium is needed, additional site-specific background values
based on valence state may be required.
May 2024
COPCs and COPECs are any substance likely to be present in environmental media affected by a
release and past site history. Identification of COPCs/COPECs should begin with existing
knowledge of the process, product, or waste from which the release originated. For example, if
facility operations deal primarily with pesticide manufacturing, then pesticides should be
considered COPCs/COPECs. Contaminants identified during current or previous site
investigation activities should also be evaluated as COPCs/COPECs. A site-specific
COPC/COPEC list for soil may be generated based on maximum detected (or, if deemed
appropriate by DWMRC, the 95% UCL value) concentrations (US EPA 2002b) and a
comparison of detection/quantitation limits for non-detect results to the DWMRC SSLs. This list
may be refined through a site-specific risk assessment.
An initial reduction of COPCs/COPECs by a simple comparison to the RSL is not acceptable.
All contaminants deemed present due to site activities must be carried forward as
COPCs/COPECs for comparison to background, regardless of if the maximum detected
concentration is less than the RSL. For example, if a contaminant has a concentration less than
the RSL, the contaminant may not be dropped as a COPC prior to evaluating background and/or
cumulative risk. Further, other lines of evidence, such as frequency of detection may not be used
in the initial determination of COPCs/COPECs but may be addressed in the uncertainty
discussion and/or revised assessment.
For the initial screening assessment, duplicates should be handled using the higher concentration
as the EPC; averaging of the data is not appropriate for the initial screening assessment. If a
refined EPC is needed, the duplicates may be averaged.
4.1 Soil/Sediment
4.1.1 Organics and Chemicals without Background Data
Per US EPA guidance (US EPA 1989), if there is site history to indicate a chemical was
potentially used/present at a site, or if there is insufficient site history to demonstrate that a
chemical could not be present, and the chemical was detected in at least one sample, this
chemical must be included as a COPC/COPEC and evaluated in the screening assessment.
Frequency of detection or other lines of evidence may not be used to eliminate a chemical as a
COPC/COPEC if there is history to indicate it is potentially present due to site activities,
although these lines of evidence may be addressed in the uncertainty analysis for the risk
It is possible a site may have been impacted by other anthropogenic sources. As one line of
evidence to help assess site impact to certain organics, development of baseline levels for
organics may be appropriate. For example, PAHs may be present due to runoff from nearby
paved/industrial structures, and dioxins/furans may be ubiquitous due to natural fires. If there
are other potential sources of organics, the site characterization work plan should include
sampling to determine baseline organic levels. In lieu of baseline sampling, additional lines of
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evidence may be required to justify the organics as not being site related. Factors to consider are
proximity to other source areas for contamination (e.g., paved roads), magnitude of detection,
spatial variability.
4.1.2 Organics and Chemicals with Background Data
For organics and inorganics where background data are available, a comparison of site
concentrations to appropriate background concentrations may be conducted prior to evaluation
against SSLs. Those organics and inorganics that are present at levels indicative of natural
background may be eliminated as COPCs/COPECs and not carried forward to the screening
assessment calculations. Comparison to background must be conducted following current US
EPA Guidance and as outlined following the tiered approach below.
4.1.3 Discrete Soil Sampling
For discrete data, the following tiered approach should be applied for determining if site data are
reflective of background conditions.
Step 1. Compare the maximum detected site concentration to the site-specific background
reference values (upper tolerance limit or upper threshold value) determined for each
soil type and soil depth at the site. If the site maximum is less than the background
reference value, it is assumed that the site concentrations are representative of
background and the metal/inorganic/organic is not retained as a COPC/COPEC. If
there is no background value for a constituent, then the constituent must be retained
Step 2: If the maximum site concentration is greater than the background reference value,
then a two-sample hypothesis test should be used to compare the distributions of the
site data to the distributions of background data to determine if site concentrations are
elevated compared with background. A simple comparison to the range of
background is not acceptable. Background can vary across a site (especially larger
sites) and not allow for soil type to be taken into consideration. Further, a range can
mask low level contamination. Comparisons of site data to the range of background
values or comparison to the maximum detected concentration in the background data
set may not be used as a line of evidence to eliminate site constituents as
The most recent version of US EPA’s ProUCL statistical software should be used for
hypothesis testing. ProUCL should also be used to determine the most appropriate
test (parametric or nonparametric) based on the distribution of the data. Appropriate
methods in ProUCL will also be used to compute site-to-background comparisons
based on censored data sets containing non-detect values. A review of graphical
displays (e.g., box plots and Q-Q plots) may also be provided in addition to the results
of the statistical tests to provide further justification in determining whether site
concentrations are elevated compared with background. These graphical plots can
also be generated by ProUCL software.
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Note that the above two-sample test can only be used for site data sets that have
sufficient samples (i.e., n ≥ 8) and number of detections (greater than 5 detected
observations is preferred). While a minimum of 10 background data samples are now
required, there may be sites where background has been previously determined from
a data set that contains fewer than 10 samples. As stated in the current version of
ProUCL User’s Guide (US EPA, 2020), hypothesis testing is only considered to be
reliable with sufficient sample size (n ≥ 8) and frequency of detection.
If there are not at least eight samples in the site data set and at least five detections,
then the site maximum detected concentrations will be compared to the corresponding
background value (i.e., 95% upper tolerance limit) as noted in Step 1 or additional
data must be collected to conduct a two-tailed test.
Step 3: Additional lines of evidence may be used to justify exclusion of a constituent as
being site related, such as site history, high percentage of non-detects, etc. However,
these lines of evidence must be based on a sufficient number of samples to adequately
define nature and extent of contamination and to clearly delineate potential hotspots.
For areas where a hotspot may be present, additional actions are required (such as
sampling and/or corrective actions) and the constituent(s) must be retained as a
COPC/COPEC. Comparison of site data to regional data (such as USGS) databases
not specific to the site and simple comparison to a range of data or quartiles are not
acceptable lines of evidence.
4.1.4 Incremental Sampling Method
If incremental sampling (ISM) data are to be collected, a similar process as described above
comparing site data to background may be conducted. However, the ISM BTVs must also be
derived using the ISM approach. ISM data may not be compared to BTVs based on discrete
sampling. ProUCL is being updated to include hypothesis testing and calculation of statistically
derived upper thresholds for ISM data. However, until such statistical evaluations are available
in ProUCL, the following approach should be conducted for comparing site ISM to background
ISM data:
• If the site ISM maximum detected concentration is less than the background minimum
ISM, the constituent may be considered present at ambient concentrations and does not
require retention as a COPC/COPEC.
• If the site ISM maximum falls within the range of background ISM, a qualitative
discussion and lines of evidence must be provided to justify exclusion of the constituent
as a COPC/COPEC. Evaluation of triplicate data should be included. Note: collection of
field triplicates or replicates helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the ISM sampling and
to ensure more reliable estimates of the mean. ISM samples collected in triplicate, means
soil aliquots are collected thrice following the same sample pattern within the same
decision unit.
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If the site ISM maximum is greater than the background ISM minimum, the constituent must be
retained as a COPC/COPEC.
4.2 Exposure Point Concentration (EPCs)
4.2.1 Soil/Sediment
For the initial screening risk assessment, the maximum detected concentrations shall always be
used as the EPCs. If using the maximum detected concentrations excess risk is a result, further
assessment is warranted (see Section 5) using refined EPCs [e.g., 95 percent upper confidence
limit (UCL)). US EPA (1989) recommends using concentration to represent "a reasonable
estimate of the concentration likely to be contacted over time". US EPA’s (1992b) Supplemental
Guidance to RAGS: Calculating the Concentration Term states that, “because of the uncertainty
associated with estimating the true average concentration at a site, the 95 percent UCL of the
arithmetic mean should be used for this variable.”
The exception to an EPC based on the maximum detected concentration is for lead. The
arithmetic mean (average) concentration for lead should be used when comparing site data to a
screening level based on blood lead levels. This applies to whether using IEUBK or the ALM
(US EPA, 1996c, US EPA, 2003, SRC, 2021) Discrete Samples
Upper confidence limits should only be calculated for data sets that meet the US EPA (2020)
minimum requirements for calculating UCLs. The minimum requirements for calculating UCLs
are: 1) each data set must contain at least eight samples (i.e., n ≥ 8) for the analyte being
evaluated; and 2) there must be a minimum of five detections (i.e., ≥ 5 detected observations) for
the analyte being evaluated. Although it is possible to calculate UCLs with small datasets (i.e., n
≤ 8) and low frequencies of detection (i.e., < 5 detected observations), these estimates are not
considered reliable and representative enough to make defensible and correct cleanup and
remediation decisions (US EPA, 2020). Therefore, UCLs should only be calculated for data sets
that meet the minimum requirements for the calculation of UCLs. For datasets with less than
four detects or datasets with less than eight samples and a low level of detection (less than 10%),
the median concentration may be used as the EPC.
• UCLs should be calculated using the most current version of US EPA’s ProUCL
statistical software package. Statistical methods for calculating UCLs are dependent on
the distribution of the data. Therefore, when calculating UCLs, ProUCL should be used
to perform statistical tests in order to determine the distribution of the site data. If
assumptions about the distribution cannot be made, then nonparametric methods can be
utilized. ProUCL recommends a computational method for calculation of the 95% UCL
based on the assumed distribution.
• Using parametric and nonparametric methods, ProUCL will typically return several
possible values for the UCL. Professional judgment should be used in selecting the most
appropriate UCL; however, the UCL recommended by ProUCL is based on the data
distribution and is typically the most appropriate value to be adopted as the EPC for use
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in risk assessments. It is important to note that the UCL should not be greater than the
maximum detected concentration.
• Non-detects (censored datasets) should be evaluated following the appropriate
methodology outlined in the most recent version of US EPA’s ProUCL Technical Guide.
Currently, the ProUCL Technical Guide indicates that the Kaplan-Meier (KM) method
yields more precise and accurate estimate of decision characteristics than those based
upon substitution and regression on order statistics. Use of one-half the minimum
detection limit (MDL) or sample quantitation limit (SQL), or other simple substitution
methods, are not considered appropriate methods for handling non-detects. ISM Samples
The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) 2020 guidance states that “In theory,
all of the UCL methods that are applied to discrete sampling results can also be applied to ISM.
In practice, however, because fewer than eight replicate ISM samples are likely to be collected
for a decision unit (DU), fewer options are typically available to calculate a UCL compared with
discrete sampling data.” For those DUs where there are eight or more sample units (SUs), the
current version of US EPA’s ProUCL should be used to calculate a UCL and the recommended
UCL (if less than the maximum) used in the risk assessment. Triplicates should be
conservatively represented in the calculation of the UCL as the maximum of the detected results,
which will bias the UCL high.
For those DUs where there are three (3) to eight (8) sample units (SUs), Interstate Technology
Regulatory Council (ITRC, 2020) and US EPA (2020) guidance indicate that not all of the UCL
calculation methods provided in ProUCL are reliable. Instead, ITRC (2020) guidance indicates
that either the Student’s-t UCL or the Chebyshev UCL be used for DUs with 3-8 SUs. For these
DUs (with 3-8 SUs), ProUCL should be run and the Student’s t UCL used as the EPC if the data
are determined to be normally distributed. If the data are determined to not be normally
distributed, the 95% Chebyshev UCL should be used as the UCL. Triplicate data should be
represented by the maximum of the detected values.
For DUs with 1-2 SUs, a UCL should not be calculated; the EPC should be the maximum
detected concentration.
For chemicals with both non-detected results and detected results, the KM based UCLs (using
Student’s-t or Chebyshev) should be used, as recommended by US EPA (2020) guidance.
4.2.2 Groundwater EPCs
A workgroup comprised of members of two US EPA forums, the OSWER Human Health
Regional Risk Assessors Forum and the Groundwater Forum, deliberated about how to
determine groundwater exposure point concentration (GWEPC). The final consensus on how to
determine groundwater exposure point concentration was published in a memorandum titled
Determining Groundwater Exposure Point Concentrations, Supplemental Guidance, March 11,
2014. The objective of the memorandum was to reduce unwarranted variability in the exposure
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assumptions used by Regional Superfund staff to characterize exposures to human populations in
baseline risk assessment.
UAC R315-101 has adopted this guidance in determining the GWEPC for evaluating risks from
exposure to contaminated groundwater at all sites. GWEPC is a conservative estimate of the
average chemical concentration in groundwater at a potential location and point in time. Note
that ecological receptors are typically not exposed to groundwater. Groundwater that surfaces
(such as a spring) is evaluated as surface water in an ecological risk assessment.
Data to be used in GWEPC calculations must be recent and from the core of the groundwater
plume. For current risk, actual data should be used and is always preferred. While it is typically
not appropriate to use modeled concentrations in GWEPC calculations for current risk, model
data may be appropriate for assessing future risk. Representative samples should be from the
core of the plume, where the three-dimensional core/center of the plume is the zone of highest
concentration of each contaminant within a delineated groundwater plume. If a groundwater
CSM has identified seasonal or temporal influences (e.g., drought patterns), the recommendation
is to use data collected during times of higher detected concentrations.
If seasonality or temporal influences are not an issue, the recommendation is to use data
collected from the latest two rounds of sampling for each selected well and preferably data
collected within the last year to be representative of current site conditions. If data are not
available within two-years of the assessment, additional groundwater data will be required to be
collected to represent current conditions. Note: refer to the Unified Guidance for evaluating
seasonal trends in data.
Non-detects are frequently an issue; consult the ProUCL Technical Guide (US EPA, 2022) on
how to handle non-detects in the data set.
The following factors are to be considered when evaluating whether data are representative of
current condition:
1. Movement - the faster the flow, the less representative older data will be to evaluate risk,
2. Fate and transport – the higher the attenuation rates, the less representative older data
may be to evaluate future risks.
If there exists more than one aquifer, the recommendation is to consider each aquifer separately
when calculating an EPC. There should be one EPC for each aquifer. If monitoring network
provides sample concentration from multiple sample depths at a given location, the
recommendation is to use the highest detected concentration from such samples at each location
to calculate a GWEPC for each aquifer.
Data needs for site characterization focuses on the nature and extent of contamination. However,
data needed for a GWEPC calculation focuses on the core or center of the contaminated plume.
For groundwater there is the need to adequately characterize the entire plume to be able to
identify the core of the plume which is distinguished by higher concentration levels when
compared to the lower concentration levels at the fringes of the plume.
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For sites that have comingled plumes resulting from multiple sources, the aggregate risk needs to
be evaluated based on the consideration of the combined effects, from each of the contaminants
present. Data from a minimum of three wells in the core of the plume is recommended for
calculations. GWEPC is calculated as the 95% UCL of the arithmetic mean concentration for
each contaminant. The US EPA ProUCL is generally recommended for such calculations. It is
desirable to use at least 10 data points for each contaminant, e.g., five wells and two rounds of
data representative of current conditions equate to 10 data points to compute a 95% UCL.
If the computed 95% UCL is greater than the maximum detected concentration, the
recommendation is to default to the maximum detected concentration for that contaminant. If
less than three wells are within the core of the plume, the recommendation is to default to the
maximum detected concentrations as the EPC for that contaminant and discuss this specifically
in the uncertainty section of the risk assessment.
For an example of the plume core figure, refer to Figure 2 (from the Unified Guidance).
Figure 2. Plume Core Figure (US EPA, 2009)
Well Types
Sampling data from monitoring wells are the only data acceptable for use in GWEPC
calculations. If modeled data are to be used for GWEPC calculations, the data should be
approved by the DWMRC prior to use.
• Monitoring wells in the core of the plume are the preferred source of data in GWEPC
calculations for the purposes of characterizing a reasonable maximum exposure (RME)
condition. There must be documentation that the wells have been properly constructed
and maintained.
• Temporary well data such as from a hydropunch are not recommended for use in the
calculations of GWEPC because the results are not reproducible. The exception may be
a site-specific condition where temporary wells may be the only wells in the core of the
plume. DWMRC approval of data from a temporary well is required prior to use.
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• Piezometer data may or may not be acceptable for use in GWEPC calculations
depending on the details of their construction. DWMRC approval of data from the
piezometer is required prior to use.
Data Quality to be Addressed
In addition to well types, the following factors must be considered when evaluating data for
inclusion in a data set for GWEPC development.
• Detection limits assure that laboratories can meet the Maximum Contaminant Level
(MCL) and/or the tap water RSLs.
• Turbidity levels of samples must be stable and as low as possible, and generally less than
5-10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) prior to sampling. If turbidity levels cannot be
stabilized or adequately reduced, additional well development or well replacement may
be considered before sample collection.
• Filtered vs. Unfiltered. Unfiltered data (i.e., total metals) are required for use in EPC
calculations. It is noted that there are occasions where filtered sample data are needed,
such as for geochemical modeling.
• All potential COPCs, including fate and transport process of VOCs breakdown products,
non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), metals, the potential presence of contaminants of
emerging concern, must be considered during sampling and analysis.
4.2.3 Non-detects
ProUCL Technical Guide should be consulted for handling non-detects. In general, ProUCL
follows regression on order statistical (ROS) tests, where both detect and non-detect data are
provided as inputs. However, to understand handling of non-detects, the following provides
background on the evolution from simple substitution methods to more robust statistical
evaluation of non-detects.
Measurements whose value are known only to be above or below a threshold are called censored
data in the statistical literature. Censored data have been an integral part of several disciplines
like medicine, industry, environment, etc., from which procedures have been developed to allow
censored data to be incorporated into the computations of summary statistics, regression, and
hypothesis tests. In the environmental field censored data are commonly encountered as values
below a detection limit and are called “less thans” or “non-detects”. These values are not known
exactly and because these low values are usually plotted to the left on a graph, nondetects are
often labeled as “left-censored” with values lying somewhere to the left of the detection
In the environmental field, overly simplistic methods are commonly used when censored data are
encountered. The first is to delete censored data values. Deleting the lowest values obviously
produces biased results. The tests or statistics that result from this approach do not apply to the
entire data set collected, but only to the part of the data on the higher end of the distribution. The
argument for deletion is usually that the only interest is in detected observations. The second
method commonly used for dealing with nondetects or censored data is to assign an arbitrary
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fraction of the detection limit. This is sometimes called “substitution” or “fabrication”. In
several investigations, one-half the detection limit has been substituted for censored values.
Substitution can induce a signal “not present” in the original data or result in a biased estimate of
the mean with the highest variability.
Substitution of one-half the detection limit is not a reasonable method for interpreting censored
data. The fundamental problem with this approach is in the statement that something is known
that really is not known. This can be interpreted as the value of 0.5 times the detection limit is
known about the observation, and not some other value below the detection limit. The true value
may have been anywhere below the detection limit.
In truth, a great deal of information is available in censored data. If efficient methods are used,
the information extracted from them is almost equal to that for data with single known values.
The information is primarily contained in the proportion of data below the threshold values.
In summary there are three approaches for extracting information from datasets that include
• Substitution or fabricating numbers. These are widely used but have no theoretical basis
and are not approved by DWMRC. Numerous papers have shown that substitution
methods do not work well in comparison to other procedures.
• Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE). MLE uses data both below and above the
detection limit that are assumed to follow a certain distribution such as the lognormal.
Parameters are computed that best match a fitted distribution to the observed values
above each detection limit and the percentage of data below each limit. The most crucial
consideration for MLE is how well data fits the assumed distribution. For small data sets
there is often insufficient information to determine the validity and reliability of the
assumed distribution and the estimated parameters.
The US EPA ProUCL program computes summary statistics for raw as well as log-
transformed data sets with and without nondetects observations. For uncensored data
sets, mathematical algorithms and formulae used in the program are discussed. The
ProUCL program also computes the MLE and the minimum variance unbiased estimates
(MVVUEs) of the population parameters of normal, lognormal and gamma distributions.
Critical values for gamma goodness of fit (GOF) for various decision statistics (e.g., UCL
and BTVs) are computed using MLE estimates.
• Regression on Order Statistics (ROS). A regression line is fit to normal scores of the
order statistics for uncensored observations and is used to fill in values imputed from the
straight line for observations below the detection limit. ProUCL imputes nondetects
based upon a hypothesized distribution such as gamma or lognormal distribution. The
ROS method yields a data set of a certain size (N) which is used to compute the various
summary statistics, and to estimate EPCs and BTVs.
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Target risk and hazard levels for human health are risk management-based criteria for
carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic responses, respectively, to determine: (1) whether site-related
contamination poses an unacceptable risk to human health and requires corrective action or (2)
whether implemented corrective action(s) sufficiently protects human health. If an estimated
risk or hazard falls within the target range, the risk manager must decide whether or not the site
poses an unacceptable risk. This decision should consider the degree of inherent conservatism or
level of uncertainty associated with the site-specific estimates of risk and hazard. An estimated
risk that exceeds these targets, however, does not necessarily indicate that current conditions are
not safe or that they present an unacceptable risk. Rather, a site risk calculation that exceeds a
target value may simply indicate the need for further evaluation or refinement of the exposure
For cumulative exposure for soil via ingestion, inhalation, and dermal pathways, DWMRC uses
the US EPA RSLs based on a carcinogenic risk level of one-in-one million (1E-06) and a
noncarcinogenic hazard quotient of 1. A carcinogenic risk level is defined as the incremental
probability of an individual developing cancer over a lifetime, as a result of exposure to a
potential carcinogen. The noncarcinogenic hazard quotient assumes that there is a level of
exposure below which it is unlikely for even sensitive populations to experience adverse health
For the initial screening assessment, the RSLs may be used in lieu of calculating dose for
exposure pathways.
5.1 Hierarchy of Human Health Toxicity Data
The toxicity values used in calculating residential and composite worker (industrial/commercial)
RSLs are based on chronic exposure while those for a construction worker will be based on
subchronic. The default RSLs already have the preferred toxicity built into them.
However, the following hierarchy of toxicity data should be followed when refined assessments,
to include target organ analysis, are conducted. The primary sources for the human health
benchmarks follow the US EPA Superfund programs tiered hierarchy of human health toxicity
values (US EPA 2003). Although the US EPA 2003 identified several third tiered sources, a
hierarchy among the third-tier sources was not assigned by the US EPA. The- hierarchy of
sources to be applied is as follows (US EPA, 2016a). For select chronic toxicity values, USEPA
2021 should also be consulted:
The below hierarchy should be followed when selecting target organs for a refined hazard
1) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (US EPA, 2023) (www.epa.gov/iris),
2) Provisional peer reviewed toxicity values (PPRTVs) (https://www.epa.gov/pprtv),
3) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/)
and minimal risk levels (MRLs) (http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/index.asp),
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4) California EPA’s Office of Environmental and Health Hazard Assessment values
(CalEPA) (https://dtsc.ca.gov/assessing-risk/), and
5) Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) (US EPA 1997a).
5.2 Special Considerations
Special assumptions were also applied in determining appropriate toxicological data for certain
5.2.1 Lead
The US EPA RSL Table recommends levels for lead, based on blood-lead modeling
applied for the residential scenarios (Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model,
IEUBK) and industrial/construction workers (Adult Lead Methodology, ALM). If a site-
specific screening level is needed, note that neither the IEUBK nor the ALM are
appropriate for acute exposures. For short-term exposure less than 90 days, periodic
exposure, or acute exposure, alternative modeling approaches should be applied (USEPA
Exposure to lead can result in neurotoxic and developmental effects. The primary receptors of
concern are children, whose nervous systems are still undergoing development and who also
exhibit behavioral tendencies that increase their likelihood of exposure (e.g., pica). These effects
may occur at exposures so low that they may be considered to have no threshold and are
evaluated based on a blood lead level [rather than an external dose as reflected in the reference
dose/reference concentration (RfD/RfC) methodology]. Therefore, US EPA views it to be
inappropriate to develop noncarcinogenic “safe” exposure levels (i.e., RfDs) for lead. Instead,
US EPA’s lead assessment workgroup has recommended the use of the IEUBK model that
relates measured lead concentrations in environmental media with an estimated blood-lead level
for assessing risks to residential receptors (US EPA 2016h). The model is used to calculate a
blood lead level in children when evaluating residential land use and in adults (based on a
pregnant mother’s capacity to contribute to fetal blood lead levels). However, US EPA
recommends the use of the ALM for adults in evaluating occupational scenarios at sites where
access by children is reliably restricted (US EPA 2016h).
The DWMRC soil concentration for each receptor that would not result in an estimated blood-
lead concentration of 5 micrograms per deciliter (g/dL) or greater. The US EPA RSL for a
residential adult is now 200 mg/kg and the industrial and construction worker is 800 mg/kg. If
the industrial and construction worker scenario exceeds 800 mg/kg, the ALM may be used to
derive a site-specific screening level. It is noted additional guidance from US EPA concerning
blood lead levels and industrial screening levels is forthcoming.
A screening level of 100 mg/kg should be used if an additional source of lead is identified (e.g.,
lead water service lines, lead-based paint, non-attainment areas where the air lead concentrations
exceed National Ambient Air Quality Standards [NAAQS]). The recommended level of 100
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mg/kg considers aggregate lead exposure and increased risk to children living in communities
with multiple sources of lead contamination.
If the screening levels for lead are exceeded, it is recommended that site-specific bioavailability
of lead using the US EPA’s in-vitro bioaccessibility assay for lead be used to refine the screening
The ALM along with site-specific exposure parameters may be used if a site-specific screening
level for a landfill worker is proposed as part of a contained-out request. Refer to the DWMRC
guidance on contained-out (DWMRC, 2022) for more detail.
5.2.2 Chemical Agents
Chemical agents may be suspected to be present in soil at some sites. RSLs are not available for
chemical agents; therefore, chemical agents will be evaluated by comparing EPCs with the
health-based screening levels (HBSLs) provided in the US Army Public Heath Command
(USAPHC, 2011) the report entitled Chemical Agent Health-Based Standards and Guidelines
Summary Table 2: Criteria for Water, Soil, Waste, as of July 2011 or as updated. The chemical
agent data are updated from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Reevaluation of 1999
Health Based Environmental Screening Levels (HBESLs) for Chemical Warfare Agents. The
HBSLs shown in Table 3 were calculated using standard US EPA methodology and exposure
and represent RME conditions.
Table 3. Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) for Chemical Agents
Agent Residential
0.01 0.3
0.3 3.7
2.8 68
1.3 32
0.22 5.2
VX 0.042 1.1
a Note: Industrial worker HBSLs were not
converted from units of g/kg as listed in
USAPHC, 2011 (assume unit error in source
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The HBSL for HD is the only HBSL that is based on a carcinogenic endpoint. All other agents
listed in Table 3 have HBSLs that are based on noncarcinogenic endpoints. Risks and hazards
will be calculated for chemical agents and added to the cumulative risk and hazard index
calculations for respective scenarios.
The industrial worker is synonymous with an indoor worker and the industrial screening levels.
Residential HBSLs are considered protective of a construction worker scenario as both scenarios
require evaluation of soil from zero to 10 ft bgs (Table 1).
Risk-based screening levels have not been established for chemical agents in drinking water.
The U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM, 1999)
evaluated the potential for groundwater contamination from chemical agent and found that the
groundwater contamination scenario was not plausible due to hydrolysis, degradation, and
dilution of the agents. However, if toxicity data become available to qualitatively address this
pathway, this document will be updated to reflect the methodology and data.
5.2.3 Chromium
Elemental chromium (Cr) is naturally present and considered stable in the ambient environment
in one of two valence states: chromium (III) and chromium (VI). Chromium (III) occurs in
chromite compounds or minerals and concentrations in soil/groundwater result from the
weathering of minerals. Chromium (III) is the most stable state of environmental chromium;
chromium (VI) in the environment is man-made, present in chromate and dichromate
compounds, and is the more toxic of the oxidation states (RAIS, 1992).
The oxidation state of Cr has a significant effect on its transport and fate in the environment.
The equilibrium distribution of the Cr between the two oxidation states is controlled by the
reduction/oxidation potential (redox) environment. Oxidation depends on a variety of factors
and is a function of pH and the rate of electron exchange, or standard reduction potential (Eh).
Chromium (VI) is converted to the less toxic and much less mobile form of chromium (III) by
reduction reactions. The corresponding oxidation of chromium (III) to chromium (VI) can also
occur under oxidizing conditions.
The degree to which chromium (III) can interact with other soil constituents is limited by the fact
that most chromium (III) is present in the form of insoluble chromium oxide precipitates
rendering chromium (III) relatively stable in most soils. Oxidation of chromium (III) to
chromium (VI) can occur under specific environmental conditions with influencing factors
including the soil pH, chromium (III) concentration, presence of competing metal ions,
availability of manganese oxides, presence of chelating agents (i.e., low molecular weight
organic compounds), and soil water activity. Chromium (III) oxidation is favored under acidic
conditions, where the increased solubility of chromium (III) at lower pH enables increased
contact with oxidizing agents. Aside from decreasing soil pH, chromium (III) solubility is
enhanced by chelation to low molecular weight compounds such as citric or fulvic acids.
Conversely, factors influencing the reduction of chromium (VI) to chromium (III) in soil include
soil pH, the presence of electron donors such as organic matter or ferrous ions, and soil oxygen
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levels (CEQG, 1999). Chromium reducing action of organic matter increases with decreasing
Figure 3 (TCEQ, 2002) shows a generalized Eh-pH diagram for the chromium-water system.
Chromium (III) exists over a wide range of Eh and pH conditions [e.g., Cr3+, Cr(OH)3, and CrO2-
] while chromium (VI) exists only in strongly oxidizing conditions (e.g., HCrO-4 and CrO24).
Figure 3. Eh-pH Diagram for Chromium
Generally, groundwater containing high concentrations of chromium is more likely to be
comprised of chromium (VI) than chromium (III) because chromium (III) is more likely to have
precipitated as Cr2O3 x H2O and, to a lesser extent, adsorbed. Chromium (VI) is highly mobile in
groundwaters with neutral to basic pH. In acidic groundwaters chromium (VI) can be
moderately adsorbed by pH-dependent minerals such as iron and aluminum oxides. Under
favorable conditions, chromium (VI) reduces to chromium (III) rapidly via ferrous iron, organic
matter, and microbes. The oxidation of chromium (III) to chromium (VI) by dissolved oxygen
and monoxides is kinetically slower (TCEQ, 2002). Redox conditions and pH dominate Cr
speciation and thus are important parameters required for assessment of groundwater data.
The RSL tables no longer contain risk-based screening levels for total chromium (except for air).
The US EPA deleted the total chromium values due to uncertainty associated with the previously
applied ratio of trivalent to hexavalent chromium. The concern was that an assumed ratio (1:6)
had the potential to both under- and over-estimate risk.
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For sites where chromium is to be included for analysis, a tiered process should be applied. If a
review of site-specific geology and geochemistry indicates conditions are not favorable for the
possible presence of chromium (VI), additional sampling may be conducted to demonstrate that
total chromium is representative of only chromium (III). If site-specific speciated data
demonstrate the absence of chromium (VI) in background and/or site soil, the use of the
chromium (III) SSLs may be warranted. However, if there is site history sufficient to identify
chromium (VI) as a potential site contaminant, such as the site previously housed a plating
operation or soil/water chemistry may allow for speciation, analyses of media (soil and/or
groundwater) should include hexavalent and total chromium in the analytical suite along with
determination of pH (water samples) and Eh to assess chemical state. Comparison of the
species-specific data can be compared to representative background concentrations.
If site history does not indicate a known source for chromium (VI), the data (soil and/or
groundwater) should be analyzed for total chromium. If the site levels of total chromium are
within background, no additional analyses would be required (chromium would drop from the
risk assessment as a constituent of concern). However, if the total chromium concentrations are
statistically different (using a 95% confidence level) from background for soil or if chromium
appears to be a site contaminant in groundwater, a two-tiered approach should be applied.
A more detailed review of the site history should be conducted to see if there were any potential
sources for chromium (VI) or any processes that could have resulted in an alteration of
speciation (such as introduction of acids). If there is no potential source, or it does not appear
that any other chemicals or contaminants are present that may have altered the speciation of Cr,
and this can be documented, no additional analyses will be required, and the data may be
evaluated as total chromium.
If there is a potential source for chromium (VI) or the data are statistically different (using a 95%
confidence level) from background, additional sampling should be conducted to determine
speciation. The species-specific data will then be compared to the trivalent and hexavalent
chromium EPA RSL screening levels.
The current federal MCL for total chromium is 0.1 mg/L. As outlined in the Safe Drinking
Water Act Frequent Questions (US EPA, 2023), “Chromium-6 and chromium-3 are covered
under the total chromium drinking water standard because these forms of chromium can convert
back and forth in water and in the human body, depending on environmental conditions.
Measuring just one form may not capture all of the chromium that is present. In order to ensure
that the greatest potential risk is addressed, EPA's regulation assumes that a measurement of total
chromium is 100 percent chromium-6, the more toxic form.” Therefore application of the
chromium MCL is applicable to both total chromium and chromium (VI).
5.2.4 Dioxin/Furans
Dioxins/Furans. Toxicity data for the dioxin and furan congeners were assessed using the
2005 World Health Organization’s (WHO) toxicity equivalency factors (TEF) (Van den
berg, et al 2006) and are summarized in Table 4. When screening risk assessments are
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performed for dioxins/furans at a site, the TEFs in Table 4 should be applied to the
analytical results and summed for each sample location; the sum, or toxicity equivalent
(TEQ) as calculated using Equations 1 and 2, should be compared to the EPA RSL
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).
𝑃𝐴𝐴�ℎ× 𝐴�ℎ=𝑃𝐴𝐴�ℎ Equation 1
∑𝑃𝐴𝐴�ℎ=𝑃𝐴𝑃 Equation 2
TEFi = Congener-specific toxicity equivalency factor (Table 4)
Ci = Congener-specific concentration
TEQ = Toxicity Equivalent Concentration
Table 4. Dioxin and Furan Toxicity Equivalency Factors
Dioxin and Furan
Chlorinated dibenzo-p-
2,3,7,8-TCDD 1
1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 1
1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 0.01
OCDD 0.0003
Chlorinated dibenzofurans
2,3,7,8-TCDF 0.1
1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 0.03
2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 0.3
1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF 0.1
2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 0.01
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 0.01
OCDF 0.0003
5.2.5 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
PAHs consist of chemicals that belong to the same family and exhibit similar
toxicological properties. However, they differ in their degree of toxicity and a relative
potency factor (RPF) is sometimes applied to adjust the oral slope factor or inhalation
unit risk factor and basing the RPF on benzo(a)pyrene.
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Provisional Guidance for Quantitative Risk Assessment recommends that a RPF be used
to convert concentration of carcinogenic PAHs (cPAHs) to an equivalent concentration of
benzo(a)pyrene when assessing risks posed by these substances from oral exposures. The
RPFs are based on the potency of each compound relative to that of benzo(a)pyrene.
The toxicity values contained in the RSL tables have already been adjusted using the
RFPs. The RSL SSLs for each PAH may be used and adjustment with RPFs is not
required. Computationally it makes no difference or little difference whether the RFPs
are applied to the concentrations of PAHs found in the environmental samples or to the
toxicity values as long as the RFPs are not applied to both.
5.2.6 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
PCBs refer to complex man-made mixtures of chlorinated hydrocarbons. PCBs were specifically
manufactured for their insulating properties and have historically been used in capacitors,
transformers, and other electrical equipment as they do not easily burn, evaporate nor conduct
electricity. The term “Aroclor” refers to a PCB mixture of individual PCB compounds called
PCB congeners. Theoretically, Aroclor mixtures can contain up to 209 different individual PCB
congeners; however, most Aroclors contain only about 130 individual congeners.
Historically, it was appropriate to screen sites as well as estimate risks based on Aroclor
data for both human health risk and ecological risk assessments. Recent guidance,
however, requires that much more detailed information on polychlorinated biphenyl
(PCB) congener data be collected at PCB-contaminated sites.
For PCB risk assessment under UAC R315-101, Aroclor analysis can be used as a preliminary
screen and to investigate the nature and extent of contamination where release is suspected, i.e.,
for presence or absence of PCBs. If site history indicates no release or use of PCBs, congener
analysis will not be required. However, at sites where site history indicates PCB release
especially from PCB transformers or used oil recycling sites where the potential exists for a
mixture or used oil and PCB oil, congener analysis must be performed to conduct a human health
or ecological risk assessment.
The results of Aroclor analysis, however, must be interpreted carefully because a preliminary
data indicating no PCB contamination may be a false negative result. This is true when PCB
mixture has undergone extensive weathering and thereby changing the Aroclor composition for
which the analytical method was based. To confirm that no PCB congeners are present, it may
be necessary to conduct congener analysis on a limited number of samples. In addition, it is also
possible to have Aroclor non-detect but have the dioxin-like PCB congener present at levels that
pose unacceptable risk to human health and the environment.
The toxicity of a particular PCB mixture, whether it is the original commercial Aroclor or
weathered environmental mixture analyzed in a sample, is dependent on the type and quantity of
individual PCB congeners present in the PCB mixture. Although information on homologue
composition can provide general information, it does not provide congener-specific information
that is necessary to quantify toxicity and potential risks. This is because the toxicity of specific
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individual PCB congeners within each homologue group can vary by several orders of
magnitude. In other words, knowledge of homologue composition is not particularly useful in
quantifying the toxicity of the PCB mixture. While the number of chlorines represented in each
homologue group is important, it is the three-dimensional position of chlorines and the
conformation of the biphenyl rings that ultimately govern the toxicity of each of the 209 PCB
congeners. Thus, it is not possible to assign toxicity values to homologue groups. Therefore, to
evaluate the toxicity and health risks associated with environmental PCB mixtures, the
composition and concentration of individual PCB congeners must be quantified. In addition, the
position of the chlorination on the biphenyl ring governs toxicity.
A small subset of PCB congeners evokes dioxin-like toxic effects, which should be target
analytes if an HHRA or ERA is conducted. There are 13 different PCB congeners in this group
that have been identified by Ahlborg et al. (1994) and U.S.EPA (1996) that are structurally
similar to chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs) and chlorinated dibenzo furans (CDFs). These
can be present in Aroclors 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260. Like dioxin, these PCB congeners all
bind to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and elicit dioxin-specific biochemical and toxic responses.
These toxic responses are exacerbated because these congeners have a long half-life in the body
(for many decades) and persist and accumulate in the food chain.
Ahlborg, et al. (1994) have derived TEF for each of the 13 congeners as a fraction of the toxicity
of 2,3,7,8-TCDD.
Toxicity data for the dioxin-like PCBs relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity can be found on
the EPA RSL Tables. TEFs for non-ortho [International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) numbers 77, 81, 126, and 169)] and mono-ortho congeners (IUPAC
numbers 105, 114, 118, 123, 156, 157, 167, and 189) were assessed using the 2005 WHO
TEFs (Van den Berg, et al 2006) while TEFs for di-ortho congeners (IUPAC numbers
170 and 180) are taken from Ahlborg, et al, 1993 (see Table 2-2).
The toxicity information (cancer potency factors) listed in the RSL Tables for the
numbered PCB congeners are derived by applying the respective TEFs to the toxicity
data for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. This means there should be no modification of sample data
and/or the RSL values when conducting PCB risk assessment.
High Risk, Low Risk, Lowest Risk in Calculating Risk
The US EPA RSL Table contains PCB screening levels designated as “high risk”, “low
risk” and “lowest risk”. However, as noted above, the screening hierarchy for PCBs is
that Aroclors may be used for an initial presence/absence determination, but individual
congener data are required if PCBs are confirmed present or a known COPC. Therefore
the individual Aroclor and/or congener RSLs are used and preferred over total PCB data
and High/Low/Lowest risk RSLs should not be used.
5.2.7 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH)
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Traditionally, hydrocarbon-impacted soils at sites contaminated by releases of petroleum fuels
have been managed based on their total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content. TPH refers to
the total mass of hydrocarbons present without identifying individual compounds. In practice,
TPH is defined by the analytical method that is used to measure the hydrocarbon content in
contaminated media. Since the hydrocarbon extraction efficiency is not identical for each
method, the same sample analyzed by different TPH methods will produce different TPH
The hazard and health risk assessments that are typically conducted to support risk management
decisions at contaminated sites generally require some level of understanding of the hydrocarbon
chemical composition present in the contaminated media. Traditional TPH measurement
techniques, however, provide no specific information about the detected hydrocarbons. Because
TPH is not a consistent entity, the assessment of health effects and development of toxicity
values for mixtures of hydrocarbons are problematic.
On that basis, DWMRC assesses risk from TPH by analyzing and assessing the individual
chemical constituents rather than relying on TPH fraction data. Use of the Utah Department of
Remediation and Environmental Response (DERR) Underground Storage Tank Initial Screening
Levels (ISLs) and/or Tier 1 Screening Levels are not appropriate to use in risk assessments
conducted for UAC R315-101.
The EPA RSL Table contains a listing of TPH fractions based on the PPRTV assessment.
However, to circumvent problems associated with analytical methods and toxicity values for
hydrocarbon mixtures, UAC R315-101 requires using the individual chemical constituents to
evaluate risk from TPH release. All the TPH indicator compounds including most of the
carcinogens in the TPH carbon range are listed in the EPA RSL Table. Table 5 below shows
typical listings of TPH indicator compounds.
Table 5. Indicator Compounds Associated with Common TPH Mixtures
Indicator Compounds
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Lead (inorganic)
Methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE)
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
Methyl isobutyl ketone
5.2.8 Polyfluoroalkyl and Perfluoroalkyl Compounds (PFAS)
Polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS), which are synthetic chemicals that do
not occur naturally. However, once released, they are persistent and mobile in the environment.
These compounds (and other PFAS) repel oil, grease, and water and have been used in many
consumer, commercial and industrial products (Gaines, 2022).
Perfluorinated compounds are considered an emerging contaminant. These include
perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), and
perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
PFAS may be divided into two primary categories: polymer (or potential precursors) and non-
polymer PFAS. Table 6 lists the most common PFAS that should be included in analytical
suites. In addition, to the listed PFAS, four replacement chemicals, GenX, Adona, and F53b
major and minor should be included in the analytical suite as appropriate based upon site history.
Table 6. PFAS Analyte List
Analytical Name Acronym CAS Number
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PFTeA 376-06-7
Perfluorotridecanoic acid PFTriA 72629-94-8
Perfluorododecanoic acid PFDoA 307-55-1
Perfluoroundecanoic acid PFUnA 2058-94-8
Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA 335-76-2
Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA 375-95-1
Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA 335-67-1
Perfluoroheptanoic acid PFHpA 375-85-9
Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA 307-24-4
Perfluoropentanoic acid PFPeA 2706-90-3
Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA 375-22-4
Perfluorodecanesulfonic acid PFDS 335-77-3
Perfluorononanesulfonic acid PFNS 68259-12-1
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS 1763-23-1
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid PFHpS 375-82-8
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid PFHxS 355-46-4
Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid PFPeS 2706-91-4
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Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid PFBS 375-73-5
Perfluoroictabesylfonamide PFOSA 754-91-6
Fluorotelomer sulphonic acid 8:2 FtS 8:2 39108-34-4
Fluorotelomer sulphonic acid 6:2 FtS 6:2 27619-97-2
Fluorotelomer sulphonic acid 4:2 FtS 4:2 757124-72-4
2-(N-Ethylperfluoroactanesulfonamido) acetic acid N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6
2-(N-Methylperfluoroactanesulfonamido) acetic acid N-MeFOSAA 2355-31-9
US EPA has finalized MCLs for six PFAS compounds , as shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Finalized MCLs for Select PFAS
Compounds Proposed MCLs
PFOS 4 part per trillion (ppt)
PFOA 4 ppt
10 ppt
GenX Chemicals (HFPO-DA) 10 ppt
PFNA 10 ppt
Mixtures containing two ore
more of PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-
DA, and PFBS
Hazard Index = 1 (unitless)
5.2.9 Salts
Salts are immensely soluble in ground and surface water. Salinity is the measure of the amount
of salt present in soil and water. Salinity is broadly classified into primary and secondary.
Primary salinity is the product of natural processes that deposit salts for an extended period on
land and water like weathering, rain, and strong wind. Whereas secondary salinity is the action
of anthropogenic activity such as releasing of oil and gas production water, well development
fluids, hydraulic fracturing fluids, and flowback waters on the ground (Neff, et.al, 2011).
In arid regions, such as Utah, soil drainage is often poor and evaporation rates are high. Soils
with sandy topsoil and dense clay subsoils may have severe problems at depth without any
surface signs. The clay disperses because of an excessive proportion of sodium in the
exchangeable cations attached to the surface of the clay. Soils with six percent or more of
sodium as a percentage of the total exchangeable cations are sodic. Sodicity in soils has a strong
influence on the soil structure of the layer in which it is present. A high proportion of sodium
within the soil can result in dispersion, where the clay particles swell strongly and separate from
each other on wetting. On drying, the soil becomes dense, cloddy and without structure. This
dense layer is often impermeable to water and plant roots. In addition, scalding can occur when
the topsoil is eroded and sodic subsoil is exposed to the surface, increasing erodibility. Thus,
sodic soils adversely affect the plants’ growth. (Wiesman, 2009).
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If salts are released to surface soil, and sufficient precipitation does not wash the salts to below
plant root levels, the increased soil salinity will stunt growth and eventually kill most of the
native plants. High salt levels hinder water absorption, inducing physiological drought. The soil
may contain adequate water, but plant roots are unable to absorb the water due to unfavorable
osmotic potential. This is referred to as osmotic or water-deficit effect of salinity (Greenway and
Munns, 1980). Plants are generally most sensitive to salinity during germination and early
growth. Salinity inhibits seed germination, plant growth, development, and yield and lowers soil
water potential and leaf water potential disturbing plant water relations and reducing the turgor
of plant, which ultimately leads to osmotic stress (Arif, et. al, 2020). Soil salinity imposes ion
toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, nutritional imbalances, osmotic stress, and oxidative stress on
plants (Pichtel, 2016). With native plants unable to thrive in saline conditions, the soil is either
left barren and subject to erosion or non-native invader species may also move into the area.
Runoff from saline soils into surface water bodies, the salts will tend to sink towards the bottom
of the water body, creating a dense layer that can inhibit gas exchange with the overlying water.
This can lead to the development of low oxygen conditions that are detrimental to fish and other
aquatic organisms (Arif, etc. al, 2020).
When there has been a release of salts to either soil or a water body, the ecological toxicity of the
increased salts and salinity must be evaluated as part of the risk assessment. For oil and gas
production water, well development fluids, hydraulic fracturing fluids, and flowback waters, in
addition to salts, other common contaminants include water-soluble low molecular weight
organic acids and monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, total PAHs, and higher molecular weight
alkyl phenols.
As noted above, with time, and continued natural precipitation, the issue of adsorption,
complexation, lability of contaminants in soils, and the corresponding reduction in toxicity over
time is an important issue in understanding the fate of salts in soils.
Sufficient ecological toxicity data are available for most salts, to include sodium, chloride,
bromide, nitrate/nitrite, and phosphate. If a release of saline waters has occurred, remediation
may be needed along with a site-specific ecological risk assessment. Salt Affected Soil
A soil-affected soil is defined as a soil that has been adversely modified for the growth of plants
by the presence of or actions of soluble salts. This group of soils includes both sodic and saline
soils (Nomenclature Committee Report, 1958). Saline soil contains sufficient soluble salts to
interfere with growth of most crop plants. Sodic soil contains sufficient exchangeable sodium to
interfere with the growth of most crop plants. Saline-sodic soil contains sufficient salt and
exchangeable sodium to interfere with the growth of most crop plants.
Most salt-affected soils are associated with semiarid and arid climates. It should be noted that
not all soils in arid regions are salt-affected. Under a dry-climate regime such as in Utah, the
potential evaporation rates greatly exceed precipitation over most of the year (James et al.,
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1982). This climate condition dictates that essentially no water percolates through the soil under
natural conditions. Classification of Salt-affected Soil
Salt-affected soils may be classified into normal, saline, sodic and saline-sodic categories. The
criteria used to classify salt-affected soils are:
1. Electrical Conductivity (EC):
Measures the ability of the soil solution to conduct electricity. Salinity of the saturation
extract as measured by the electrical conductivity at 25 °C and expressed in reciprocal
ohms or ohm-1 and referred to as mho (ohm spelled backwards). Conductivity is
expressed as specific conductance or conductance of a unit volume of solution as
millimhos per centimeter (mmhos/cm). According to the US Salinity Lab (US SLS,
1954) a saline salt has an EC of 4 ds/m or greater. Plants vary in their tolerance to
salinity which influences water uptake or available water.
2. Total Soluble Salts (TSS)
Refers to the total amount of salts in a soil-saturated paste extract expressed in milligrams
per liter (mg/L). The total soluble salts (TSS, in mg/L) are approximately equivalent to
640 times the electrical conductivity (EC, in mmhos/cm).
3. Exchangeable-sodium percentage (ESP)
ESP is the sodium adsorbed on soil particles as a percentage of the Cation Exchange
Capacity (CEC). CEC is the estimated sum of the major exchangeable cations, including
hydrogen and expressed as milliequivalent per 100 grams of soil (meq/100g). Sodic soil
has an ESP greater than 15% (US Salinity Lab, 1954). ESP is used to characterize
sodicity of soils only.
Sodicity is manifested in the swelling and subsequent deflocculation (dispersion) of the
clay minerals, resulting in retardation of both air and water entry into the soil. Sodicity is
particularly serious in heavy-textured soils that contain 2:1 expanding clay minerals.
Sandy oils are affected less due to their low clay content.
4. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
SAR describes the proportion of sodium to calcium and magnesium in soil solution.
Concentrations are expressed in milliequivalents per liter (meq/L) analyzed from a
saturated paste extract. When the SAR is greater than 13, the soil is called sodic soil.
Excess sodium in sodic soils causes soil particles to repel each other preventing the
formation of soil aggregates. The result is a very tight soil structure with poor
infiltration, poor aeration and surface crusting making tillage difficult and restricts
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seedling emergence and root growth (Munshower, 1994; Seelig, 2000; Horneck et al.,
Figure 4 provides the classification of salt-affected soils using the saturated paste extraction
method for determining the amount of salt in soil.
Class EC
SAR ESP Typical soil
Normal Below 4.0 Below 13 Below 15 Flocculated2
Saline Above 4.0 Below 13 Below 15 Flocculated
Sodic Below 4.0 Above 13 Above 15 Dispersed3
Saline-Sodic Above 4.0 Above 13 Above 15 Flocculated
1 Soil structural condition also depends on other factors not included in the Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS) classification system, including soil organic matter, soil texture, and EC of irrigation water.
2 Flocculated soil – soil stuck together, aggregated. Allows for water to move through large pores and plant roots
to grow mainly in pore spaced.
3 Dispersed soil – soil that is plugged with no aggregate formation. Impedes water movement and soil drainage.
Figure 4. Classification of Salt-affected Soils (Saha, 2022) Visual Diagnosis of Salt-affected Soil
The three soil conditions - saline, saline-sodic and sodic soils resulting from accumulation of
salts have distinct characteristics that can be observed in the field. These characteristics are
useful and helpful for diagnosing salinity problems. Completely white soils, or soils with a
white crust are saline. Plants may exhibit leaf tip burn. Soils with brown-black crust or a black
powdery residue are sodic and are indicative of poor drainage. Grey colored soils with stressed
plants are generally saline-sodic.
5.2.10 Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Contaminants of emerging concern are those contaminants possibly present in environmental
media that are suspected to elicit adverse effects to human and ecological receptors but may or
may not have established health standards or established analytical methods. As many agencies,
including the US EPA, are working to understand the types of effects and levels of concern in
environmental media, it is important to consider whether emerging contaminants may be present
at facilities in Utah.
For facilities where a regulated contaminant of emerging concern is detected in site media and
RSLs are available, a quantitative analysis is required if RSLs are available. If RSLs are not
available, a qualitative discussion of potential exposure and impact on overall risk/hazard must
be included in the risk assessment. If the detected contaminant of emerging concern is not
regulated e.g., PFAS, only a qualitative assessment will be required in a risk assessment
describing potential impacts on human health and the environment in a risk assessment until such
time that the contaminant of emerging concern becomes regulated, and RSLs become available.
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5.2.11 Mercury
When using SW-846 Method 7471, what RSL should be used for mercury. Method 7471, a
cold-vapor atomic absorption method, is based on the absorption of radiation by mercury vapor.
The mercury is reduced to the elemental state and aerated from solution in a closed system.
Elemental mercury is a semi-mobile form of mercury - non-extractable. However, mercuric
chloride is also a non-mobile form of mercury and also non-extractable. The method measures
total mercury (organic and inorganic). The User's Guide for the RSLs discusses mercury and
notes that the IRIS RfC for elemental mercury is used as a surrogate for mercuric chloride and
other mercury salts. The difference between the two RSLs is that mercuric chloride also
incorporates a RfD and a GI absorption factor. The RSL for mercuric chloride, while less
conservative, probably mimics actual toxicity and how the body can absorb the mercury better.
As the result using Method 7471A is total mercury, and the mercury gets reduced to the
elemental state, using the more conservative RSL for elemental mercury is acceptable but using
mercuric chloride is more realistic. If using Method 7471 for mercury, the RSL for mercuric
chloride is recommended.
The methodology and exposure assumptions that are utilized in order to quantify risks and
hazards to current and future human receptors at sites in accordance with UAC R315-101,
follows the standard exposure scenarios at the site: 1) hypothetical residential land use and
construction; or 2) actual (industrial) land use and construction. Risk assessments must be
conducted at sites where the nature and extent of contamination has been fully characterized.
This applies to sites in Environmental Cleanup Program, Corrective Action Sites, and permitted
Note that if the nature and extent of contamination has not been defined for a site, a risk
assessment should not be submitted to the DWMRC.
6.1 RSLs
The RSLs for the resident and composite worker (i.e., industrial/commercial worker) are
tabulated and available for soil, indoor air, and tap water. The RSLs based on a cancer risk of
1E-06 and a HQ of 1 should be applied. The RSLs based on a target level of 1 rather than the
RSL based on a target level of 0.1 is acceptable, as DWMRC requires all COPCs to be evaluated
for a combined assessment and total HI (See Equation 11).
Table 8. What RSL to Use for a Given Medium
Exposure Medium RSL to Use
Soil Soil
Indoor air Indoor air
Groundwater Tapwater1
Vapor intrusion (soil gas or groundwater) VISL (see Section 7)
1While an MCL may be used for site characterization and as a protection standard for corrective action, the
tapwater RSL is applied for risk assessments. This is because the MCL is not derived purely on toxicity but
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rather incorporates technology constraints. The risk assessment only evaluates toxicity. The tapwater RSL
applies to both residential and industrial/commercial receptors.
RSLs are not available for a construction worker and the on-line calculator should be used to
derive construction worker screening levels.
6.1.1 Construction Worker RSLs
The RSL calculator may be used to calculate the Construction Worker screening level values.
The default values in the calculator may be used to calculate the SSLs. However, the on-line
calculator requires a particulate emission factor (PEF) and volatilization factor (VF). A default
PEF has been calculated as shown in Equation 5. This equation can also be used to develop a
site-specific PEF for a construction worker scenario as needed.
US EPA toxicity data indicate that risks from exposure to some chemicals via the inhalation
pathway far outweigh the risk via ingestion or dermal contact. To address the soil/sediment-to-
air pathways, the RSL calculations incorporate a VF for volatile contaminants and a PEF for
semi-volatile and inorganic contaminants.
Inhalation of chemicals absorbed to suspended respirable particles in ambient air is assessed by
calculating a site-specific PEF, which is calculated based on modeled fugitive dust emissions
from contaminated soils. The PEF addresses dust generated from open sources, which is termed
“fugitive” because it is not discharged into the atmosphere in a confined flow stream. For further
details on the methodology associated with the PEF model, the reader is referred to US EPA’s
Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document (US EPA 1996), Supplemental
Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites (US EPA 2002a) and Human
Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (US EPA 1998a).
It is important to note that the PEF for use in evaluating exposures of industrial worker receptors
addresses only windborne dust emissions and does not consider emissions from traffic or other
forms of mechanical disturbance, which could lead to a greater level of exposure. The PEF for
use in evaluating the construction worker exposures considers windborne dust emissions and
emissions from vehicle traffic associated with construction activities. Therefore, the fugitive
dust pathway must be considered carefully when developing the CSM at sites where receptors
may be exposed to fugitive dusts by other mechanisms.
Equation 5. Derivation of the Particulate Emission Factor
()PEF Q /C 1
556 W
365 days /yr - P
365 days /yr VKT
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
PEFCW Particulate emission factor for a construction worker
(m3/kg) 2.1E+06 Calculated
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Q/CCW Inverse of a mean concentration at center of a 0.5-acre-
square source (g/m2-s per kg/m3) 23.02 US EPA 2002b
FD Dispersion correction factor (unitless) 0.185 US EPA 2002b
T Total time over which construction occurs (s) 7.2E+06 US EPA 2002b
AR Surface area of road segment (m2) 274.2 US EPA 2002b
W Mean vehicle weight (tons) 8 US EPA 2002b
P Number of days with at least 0.01 inches of
precipitation (days/yr) 60 US EPA 2002b
VKT sum of fleet vehicle kilometers traveled during the
exposure duration (km) 168.75 US EPA 2002b
The soil-to-air VF is used to define the relationship between the concentration of the contaminant
in soil and the flux of the volatilized contaminant to ambient air. The volatilization factor is
applicable to COPCs that are VOCs. VOCs are defined as those chemicals having a Henry’s
Law constant greater than 1 x 10-5 atmospheres-cubic meters per mole (atm-m3/mole) and a
molecular weight less than 200 grams per mole (g/mole). The emission terms used in the VF are
chemical-specific and will be calculated from physical-chemical information obtained from
sources including US EPA’s Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document (US
EPA, 1996 and 2001), US EPA Master Physical and Chemical Parameter table for development
US EPA RSLs (US EPA 2011a), US EPA’s Basics of Pump and Treat Groundwater
Remediation Technology (US EPA 1990), US EPA’s Dermal Exposure Assessment (US EPA
1992a), Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual (US EPA 1986), US EPA’s Additional
Environmental Fate Constants (US EPA 1995), Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects
Database (ATSDR 2003), the Risk Assessment Information System database (DOE 2005),
and/or the CHEMFACTS database (US EPA 2000c). The VF is calculated using Equation 6.
Equation 6
Derivation of the Volatilization Factor for Construction Worker Scenario
14.3 4
cws FCQD
Where: ()
a w
b d w a
Parameter Definition (units) Default
VFs-cw Volatilization factor for soil, construction worker
DA Apparent diffusivity (cm2/s) Chemical-specific
Q/C Inverse of the mean concentration at the center of a
0.5- acre-square source (g/m2-s per kg/m3)
Salt Lake
T Exposure interval (s) 3.15E+07
10-4 Conversion factor (m2/cm2) 1E-04
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FD Dispersion correction factor (unitless) 0.185
b Dry soil bulk density (g/cm3) 1.5
n Total soil porosity 1 - (b/s) 0.43
a Air-filled soil porosity (n - w) 0.17
w Water-filled soil porosity 0.26
s Soil particle density (g/cm3) 2.65
Da Diffusivity in air (cm2/s) Chemical-specific
H’ Dimensionless Henry’s Law constant Chemical-specific
Dw Diffusivity in water (cm2/s) Chemical-specific
Kd Soil-water partition coefficient (cm3/g) = Koc x foc
Koc Soil organic carbon partition coefficient (cm3/g) Chemical-specific
foc Fraction organic carbon in soil (g/g) 0.0015
6.1.2 Construction Worker - Dermal Contact with Groundwater
If VOCs are present, follow the methodology for a trench scenario outlined in Section 7.2.
If shallow groundwater is present at a site at depths less than 10 ft bgs, it is possible that a
construction worker could come into contact with potentially contaminated groundwater during
intrusive activities. Incidental ingestion of groundwater may occur, but the amount of
groundwater accidentally ingested is assumed to be negligible and evaluation of this scenario
would not result in significant risk. However, exposure through dermal contact with
groundwater must be evaluated if: 1) groundwater is less than 10 ft bgs, and 2) groundwater has
been impacted by site activities.
Equation 7 below is used to estimate the dermally absorbed dose (DAD) from accidental contact
with contaminated groundwater (US EPA, 2004).
Equation 7. Dermal Absorbed Dose (DAD) – Incidental Contact with Groundwater
𝐴𝐴𝐴=𝐴𝐴𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× 𝐴𝑃× 𝐴𝐴× 𝐴𝐴× 𝑃𝐴
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
DAD Dermally Absorbed Dose (mg/kg-day) -- --
DAevent Absorbed dose per event (mg/cm2-event) Chemical-specific Equations 8 or 9
EV Event Frequency (events/day) 1 US EPA 2004
ED Exposure Duration (yr) 1 DSHW, 2008
EF Exposure Frequency (days/year) 125 DSHW, 2008
SA Skin surface area available for contact
3,470 US EPA 2014
BW Body Weight (kg) 80 US EPA 2014
ATc Averaging Time, carcinogens (days) ED x 365 days/yr US EPA 2004
ATn Averaging Time, noncarcinogens (days) 70yr x 365 day/yr US EPA 2004
The absorbed dose per event is dependent on the lag time and the permeability of the chemical
into the skin and is evaluated differently for organics and inorganics. Equation 8 shows the
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calculation methods for organic constituents. US EPA 2004 guidance will be followed for
determining lag times and times to reach steady state and site-specific data will be used where
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Equation 8. Dermal Absorbed Dose per event for Organic Constituents
If tevent t*, then:
𝐴𝐴𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘=2𝐴𝐴× 𝐾𝑘× 𝐴𝑘√6𝜏𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘
If tevent > t*, then:
𝐴𝐴𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘=𝐴𝐴× 𝐾𝑘× 𝐴𝑘[𝑟𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘
1 +𝐴+2𝜏𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘(1 +3𝐴+3𝐴2
(1 +𝐴)2 )]
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
DAevent Absorbed dose per event (mg/cm2-event) Chemical-
US EPA 2004
FA Fraction absorbed water (unitless) Chemical-
US EPA 2004
Kp Dermal permeability coefficient in water Chemical-
US EPA 2004
Cw Chemical concentration in water (mg/cm3) Site-specific EPC
event Lag time per event (hours/event) Chemical-
US EPA 2004
tevent Event duration (hours/event) 1 US EPA 2004
t* Time to reach steady state (hours) 2.4 x event US EPA 2004
B Dimensionless ratio of permeability
coefficient through the stratum corneum
relative to its permeability coefficient across
the viable epidermis (unitless)
US EPA 2004
Per US EPA 2004, the absorbed dose per event for inorganics is calculated using Equation 9.
Equation 9. Dermal Absorbed Dose per event for Inorganic Constituents
𝐴𝐴𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘=𝐾𝑘× 𝐴𝑘× 𝑟𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
DAevent Absorbed dose per event (mg/cm2-event) Chemical-
US EPA 2004
Kp Dermal permeability coefficient in water Chemical-
US EPA 2004
Cw Chemical concentration in water (mg/cm3) Site-specific EPC
tevent Event duration (hours/event) 1 US EPA 2004
6.2 Quantifying Risk
The process used by the RSL calculator to calculate carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient uses a
simple method that relies on the linear nature of the relationship between concentration and risk.
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Cancer risks are added together to calculate cumulative risk using Equation 10 below, while
noncancer HIs is calculated using Equation 11. If a COPC has both carcinogenic and
noncarcinogenic endpoints, both of these endpoints will be evaluated against appropriate
screening levels in the screening level calculations shown in Equations 10 and 11. The RSL
summary tables only present the screening level that is most conservative; however, the
supporting tables provide screening levels for both endpoints when a chemical may exhibit both
cancer and non-cancer effects.
In accordance with USEPA (1989, 2001, and 2002a), the calculated cancer risk should be
presented as one significant figure. However, exposure assumptions, screening levels, toxicity
data, and any other data/input used in the intermediary calculations in deriving the cancer risk
should contain at least two-three significant figures.
In accordance with USEPA (1989, 2001, and 2002), both the HQ and the hazard index HI should
be presented according to the following convention:
• HQ or HI is less than 10, one significant figure should be used.
• HQ or HI is 10 or greater but less than 100, two significant figures should be used.
• HQ or HI is 100 or greater, three significant figures should be used.
Equation 10. General Cumulative Risk for Carcinogenic COPCs
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑟𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑟𝑐 𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑘= [(𝐴𝑃𝐴1
)]× (𝑃𝑃)
𝐻𝑘𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑘 𝐴𝑎𝑘𝑐𝑐𝑟 𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑘= (𝐴𝑃𝐴
Note: Risk for each exposure route will be added for an overall risk (soil, water, and air). RSLs may not
include all exposure pathways. Vapor intrusion risks are added to this calculation to result in total risk.
Parameter Definition (units)
Sum of individual constituents’ risks (unitless; expressed as incremental
probability of developing cancer over a lifetime)
EPC1,2…i Exposure Point Concentration. Maximum detected concentration for
constituents 1 through i (mg/kg for soil [0-10 ft bgs]; μg/L for groundwater,
and μg/m3 for indoor air); or revised EPC (95UCL)
RSL1,2…i US EPA residential RSL for constituents 1 through i (carcinogenic endpoint)
(mg/kg for soil; μg/L for tap water, and μg/m3 for indoor air)
TR DWMRC target risk level (1E-06) (unitless; incremental probability)
μg/L – micrograms per liter
μg/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter
For COPCs with noncarcinogenic endpoints, the maximum detected concentration is divided by
the RSL for each constituent and multiplied by the target hazard quotient (HQ) of one, resulting
in the HQ. The HQs will be added together to calculate the HI (See Equation 11). Since all HQs
are initially considered to be additive, the RSLs based on a target level of 1 are applied.
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In the event that the hazard index results in a value above the target level of 1, noncarcinogenic
effects may be evaluated for those chemicals with the same toxic endpoint and/or mechanism of
action. While for carcinogens, the effect is response-addition (meaning the end result is cancer
regardless of type), for noncarcinogens, toxicity is unique to specific organs and only chemicals
with the same mode of action exhibit response-addition. For a refined noncarinogenic
assessment, chemicals are separated by similar mode of action. This is referred to as a target
organ analysis. The sources of information on toxic end point or mechanism of action follow the
US EPA toxicity hierarchy, as outlined in Section 5.1, with the IRIS database being the first tier.
This information may be used to evaluate the additive health effects resulting from simultaneous
exposure to multiple contaminants.
Equation 11. General Hazard Index for Noncarcinogenic COPCs
𝐻𝐻= [(𝐻𝑃1 )+(𝐻𝑃2 )+⋯+(𝐻𝑃�ℎ)] × 𝑃𝐻𝑃
Note: HIs for each exposure route will be added for an overall HI (soil, water, and air). RSLs
may not include all exposure pathways. Vapor intrusion risks are added to this calculation to
result in total hazard index.
Parameter Definition (units)
HI Hazard index; sum of HQs (unitless)
HQ Hazard quotient (unitless)
THQ Target hazard quotient (1) (unitless)
EPC Exposure Point Concentration. Maximum detected concentration for
constituents 1 through i (mg/kg for soil; µg/L for groundwater; and
μg/m3 for indoor air); or revised EPC (95UCL)
RSL US EPA residential RSL (noncarcinogenic endpoint) (mg/kg for soil;
µg/L for tap water; μg/m3 for indoor air), based on target level of 1
When calculating a revised HI, only those HQs for chemicals with the same mode of action (e.g.,
target organ) are summed. This potentially results in several HIs. Refer to Table 9 for an
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Table 9. Target Organ Analysis Example
Target Organ Systems1 Non-Cancer RSL
Non-Cancer Hazard Quotient
Soil Soil
Chemical CASRN EPC
Benzene 71-43-2 533.1 95 UCL HM, IM 4.2E+02 1
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 62.0 Max HP; UR; DV 1.7E+04 0.004
Naphthalene 91-20-3 306.0 95 UCL NV, RS 5.9E+02 0.5
Non-Cancer HI: 2
Developmental (DV) HI: 0.004
Hematological (HM) HI: 1
Hepatic (HP) HI: 0.004
Immune (IM) HI: 1
Nervous (NV) HI: 0.5
Respiratory (RS) HI: 0.5
Urinary (UR) HI: 0.004
RSL =Composite Worker (Target Cancer Risk = 1E-06 and Target Hazard Quotient = 1)
CASRN = Chemical Abstract Services Registry Number
EPC = Exposure Point Concentration
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram
(1) US EPA's IRIS and the Risk Assessment Information System were consulted for target organ groups.
6.3 Chemicals with No RSLs
The RSL tables do not address all constituents that may potentially be present at a site. The
absence of a RSL does not preclude the evaluation of that constituent in the risk assessment. For
each compound that does not have an RSL, an effort must be made to determine if there are
available toxicity data to derive a screening level following the preferred toxicity database
hierarchy (See Section 5.1). Methodologies and assumptions consistent with those used to
develop the RSLs should be applied.
In addition, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) can be used to find relationships
between chemical structure or structural properties and biological activity of target property
based on structural similarities. Toxicity data for these chemicals can be used as surrogates for
chemicals with no US EPA RSLs. Biological effects of compounds can often be predicted from
their molecular structure using data about other similar compounds. This is because there is a
relationship between molecular structures and their biological activity.
6.4 One Hit Model
The one-hit equation is only applied to scenarios where the exposure dose is high, and it assumes
any single “hit” of an amount of a carcinogen at a cellular target (e.g., DNA), can initiate a series
of events leading to a tumor. The one-hit equation is an exponential model that limits the single
chemical risk to less than one, whereas the regular linear cancer model may calculate values
greater than one. The equation (12) is as follows:
𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑘=1 −𝑐(−�ℎ𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑐 ×𝑘𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑐�ℎ𝑘𝑘) Equation 12
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The reassessment of risk is typically only focused on the receptor of concern (e.g., residential or
industrial) and the critical exposure pathway driving risks at the site. It is noted that excluding
non-critical exposure pathways may underestimate total risk.
The resulting risk is assessed to determine if the initial risk that concluded adverse health impact
is valid.
Example: Calculated risk to benzene
Assume the carcinogenic risk to an industrial worker for benzene exceeded 1E-02 and the risk
was driven by ingestion of soil. The intake (soil ingestion) would be calculated using US EPA
intake equation, for example from the Human Health Evaluation Manual Supplemental
𝐻𝑘𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑐= 𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑐𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘�ℎ𝑘𝑘×𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑐𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘𝑘 𝑅𝑎𝑘𝑐×𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘𝑘 𝐴𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑘𝑘×𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘×𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘�ℎ𝑘𝑘
𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑘 𝑉𝑐�ℎ𝑐�𝑘×𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑐�ℎ𝑘𝑐 𝑅�ℎ𝑘𝑐 Equation 13
Assuming the concentration is soil is 3.9E+05 mg/kg, ingestion rate of 100 mg/kg, conversion
factor of 1E-06 kg/mg, body weight of 80 kg, exposure frequency of 225 days/year and an
exposure duration of 25 years, the intake would be 4.88E-01 mg/kg-day. The oral cancer slope
factor for benzene is 5.5E-02 mg/kg-day.
𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑘=1 −𝐴𝑟𝑘(−𝐻𝑘𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑐 × 𝐴𝑃𝐴) Equation 14
The risk estimated for exposure by the One-hit model is 1.64E-02 (2E-02), which is above the
acceptable risk range. The conclusion is that exposure to benzene in soil to an industrial work is
outside the risk range, and the initial conclusion that excess risk is present is valid.
As with any risk-based tool, the potential exists for misapplication. In most cases the root cause
will be a lack of understanding of the intended use of screening levels. In order to prevent
misuse of the RSLs, the following should be avoided:
• Applying RSLs to a site without adequately developing a conceptual site model that
identifies relevant exposure pathways and exposure scenarios,
• Use of RSLs as cleanup levels without verifying numbers with a toxicologist or risk
• Not considering the effects of additivity when screening multiple chemicals, and
• Applying RSLs and risk determinations on sites where the nature and extent of
contamination has not been defined.
6.5 Discussion of Uncertainties
All risk assessments involve many assumptions that may or may not accurately reflect site
conditions. A discussion of the uncertainties associated with the risk assessments must be
included in each site-specific risk assessment conducted at a site. Typical uncertainties in human
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health risk assessments that may over- or underestimate risks and/or hazards that may be
applicable at any site may include:
• Data collection and evaluation – insufficient number of samples; loss of contaminant
during sampling; high method detection limits; and field or laboratory contamination.
• Exposure assessment – exposure assumptions that may not accurately reflect actual
exposures; representativeness of fate and transport models; use of maximum detected
concentrations as the EPC; assumption of uniform concentration over entire site; and
assumption of 100% bioavailability of COPCs.
• Toxicity assessment – availability and accuracy of toxicity data; use of surrogate toxicity
data; extrapolation of results of toxicity studies from animals to humans; and assumption
of linearity of dose-response relationships.
• Risk Characterization – assumption of additivity of risk/hazard estimates; use of
surrogate toxicity information; and unavailable toxicity information.
If volatiles are present in subsurface media (e.g., soil-gas or groundwater), volatilization through
the vadose zone and into indoor air could occur. If indoor air data are available, the indoor air
RSLs may be used for direct comparison. However, if indoor air concentrations are not
available, the US EPA vapor intrusion screening levels (VISLs) and the VISL calculator are used
for estimating the indoor air concentration based on groundwater or soil gas data. VOCs are
considered those chemicals having a Henry’s Law constant greater than 1E-05 atmospheres –
cubic meter per mole (atm-m3/mole) and a molecular weight less than 200 grams per mole
(g/mole) and determined to be sufficiently volatile and toxic to pose inhalation risk via vapor
intrusion from either a soil or groundwater source.
Residential receptors and industrial workers could be exposed to VOCs volatilized from
subsurface media (soil and/or groundwater) through pore spaces in the vadose zone and building
foundations (or slab) into indoor air. Construction workers may be exposed via build-up of
VOCs in trenches.
Incomplete pathway; no action required.
If no VOCs are detected in site media, then the vapor intrusion pathway is considered
Potentially complete pathway - qualitative discussion
If during investigation sampling the following criteria are met, the pathway is considered
potentially complete, and a qualitative discussion of the vapor intrusion pathway will be
• VOC detections are minimally (e.g., once or twice) detected in site media (soil, soil gas,
and/or groundwater),
• Concentrations are below screening levels,
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• There is no suspected source(s) for VOCs, and/or
• Concentrations are decreasing with depth (for soil).
In addition, if VOCs were present at a site but the source(s) and associated contaminated soil
have been removed and the following criteria have been met, only a qualitative assessment of the
vapor intrusion pathway will be required:
• Confirmation sampling indicates removal of the source with minimal VOCs detected in
soil/soil gas or groundwater data,
• Concentrations are below screening levels, and
• Concentrations decrease with depth.
Complete pathway; quantitative assessment
If during investigation sampling or confirmation sampling VOCs are detected consistently in site
media, concentrations are detected at depth or show increasing concentrations with depth in soil,
and/or there is potentially a source(s) for the VOCs based on site history, a quantitative
assessment of the vapor intrusion pathway is required following a tiered approach.
US EPA guidance no longer supports the use of bulk soil data for evaluation of the vapor
intrusion pathway (US EPA, 2002). If VOCs are present and this pathway is complete, active
soil gas and/or groundwater data must be used as appropriate. Note that passive soil gas data
may be used to assess the presence or absence of VOCs, but active soil gas data are required for
assessing the risk pathway.
Step 1. Compare the maximum detected concentration for soil gas or groundwater against the
EPA’s VISL calculator (EPA, 2023) using the default attenuation factors (0.03 soil gas and 0.001
groundwater). Attenuation is the reduction in concentrations that occurs through migration in the
subsurface combined with the dilution that occurs when vapor enters a building and mix with
indoor air. The attenuation factor is expressed as the ratio of concentrations of chemicals in
indoor air to the concentrations in subsurface vapor. Attenuation factors are site specific and can
vary depending on several variables (e.g., soil type, depth of contamination, building
characteristics and indoor air exchange rates). The US EPA default attenuation factors are based
on conservative assumptions and empirical data. If active soil gas data are collected from soils
located outside of a structure or below a slab, the VISL target sub slab and exterior soil gas
concentrations for a target cancer risk of 1E-06 and a target HQ of 1 should be applied. The
VISL target groundwater concentrations for a target cancer risk of 1E-06 and a target HQ of 1
should be applied for groundwater data.
It is recommended that conditions at the site are consistent with the assumptions underlying the
generic VISL conceptual model. Specific factors may result in unattenuated or enhanced
transport of vapors towards a receptor, and consequently are likely to render the VISL screening
target subsurface concentrations inappropriate. If the following conditions apply, then the use of
VISL is not appropriate and evaluation should follow the processes in Step 2:
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• Very shallow groundwater sources (for example, depths to water less than five feet below
foundation level);
• Shallow soil contamination vapor sources (for example, sampled at levels within a few
feet of the base of the foundation); or
• Buildings with significant openings to the subsurface (for example, sumps, unlined
crawlspaces, earthen floors) or significant preferential pathways, either naturally
occurring or anthropogenic (not including typical utility perforations present in most
Step 2. Use other suitable, acceptable, and well calibrated mathematical models to estimate
indoor air concentration and vapor intrusion. Model results (i.e., predicted indoor air or sub slab
soil gas concentration) must be in good agreement with measured data.
The US EPA and State risk assessors and toxicologists participate in a quarterly Risk Assessor
meeting. The topics of the April 2022 meeting were the numerical/calculational problems with
Version 6.0 of the US EPA Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) Model Spreadsheet Tool (September
2017) and the applicability of the J&E modeling in risk assessments.
US EPA indicated that the 2017 J&E Model Spreadsheet Tool has been noted to have some
limitations as well as producing some calculation errors. The current on-line version has a
programming error in the calculation of lifetime cancer risk for mutagenicity and this is
especially concerning for contaminants such as trichloroethylene (TCE). In summary, US EPA
does not recommend the use of the current model for soil vapor intrusion assessment particularly
for the purpose of demonstrating that a response action is not needed.
US EPA further stated that when suitably constructed, documented, and verified mathematical
models can provide an acceptable line of evidence supporting risk management decisions
pertaining to vapor intrusion. This may suggest that to use the J&E Model which is a predictive
model, one must collect sub slab data or other site-specific data to perform a model calibration to
fit the data. The output data or predicted data must be in good agreement with measured data for
the use of the J&E Model to be acceptable for vapor intrusion assessment.
Nonetheless, US EPA contends that until such time the US EPA addresses the programming
issues identified in the 2017 J&E Model, its use is considered unacceptable for vapor intrusion
assessment at any site. In lieu of the use of the J&E Model, DWMRC recommends the use of
the US EPA VISL calculator in vapor intrusion assessment at any site. DWMRC may consider
the use the J&E Model for use in vapor intrusion assessment but only with the approval of the
Director, (DWMRC Position Paper on the J&E Model, https://documents.deq.utah.gov/waste-
7.1 Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels
Residential receptors and commercial/industrial workers could be exposed to volatile compounds
vaporized from subsurface media (soil gas and/or groundwater) through pore spaces in the
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vadose zone and building foundations (or slabs) into indoor air. Per US EPA guidance (US EPA,
2015 and errata 2018), this pathway must be evaluated if: 1) there are vapor-forming compounds
present in subsurface media that are sufficiently volatile and toxic, and 2) there are existing or
planned buildings where exposure could occur. If volatile and toxic constituents are detected in
site media and are not listed, VISLs should be calculated following the methodologies in the US
EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level Guidance Document.
The US EPA (2015 and errata 2018) vapor intrusion guidance does not support the use of bulk
soil data for evaluation of the vapor intrusion pathway; active soil gas and/or groundwater data
must be used as appropriate. As such, VISLs are neither available nor recommended for soil. It
is noted; however, that bulk soil data can be used in a qualitative sense to determine delineation
of a vapor source or in determining if soil has been impacted and additional evaluation (e.g., soil
gas) is needed. Conversely, it must not be assumed that non-detect results of volatile compounds
in soil equates to an absence of a vapor source.
However, if site concentrations exceed the VISLs, it is recommended that the assumptions
underlying the US EPA VISL calculations be reviewed and a determination made as to whether
they are applicable at each site. Site-specific factors may result in unattenuated or enhanced
transport of vapors towards a receptor, and consequently are likely to render the VISLs target
subsurface concentrations overly or underly conservative.
Application of the VISLs is appropriate as a first-tier screening assessment for all sites except
those where the following conditions apply. If any of the below are applicable to a site, a site-
specific evaluation must be conducted:
• Very shallow groundwater sources [e.g., depth to water is less than five feet below
foundation level];
• Shallow soil contamination resulting in vapor sources (e.g., VOCs are found at
significant levels within 10 ft of the base of the foundation);
• Buildings with significant openings to the subsurface (e.g., sumps, unlined
crawlspaces, earthen floors) or significant preferential pathways, either naturally
occurring or anthropogenic (not including typical utility perforations present in most
• Vapor sources originating in landfills where methane is generated in sufficient
quantities to induce advective transport into the vadose zone;
• Vapor sources originating in commercial or industrial settings where vapor-forming
chemicals can be released within an enclosed space and the vapor density of a
chemical may result in significant advective transport of the vapors downward through
cracks and openings in floors and into the vadose zone; and/or
• Leaking vapors from gas transmission lines.
US EPA VISLs should be used as a tool to estimate potential cumulative risks and/or hazards
from exposure to volatile and toxic chemicals at a site where the underlying assumptions are
deemed appropriate and if further evaluation is required.
May 2024
Below is a screenshot from the VISL calculator as an example of a soil gas and a groundwater
vapor intrusion screening level for a residential scenario for TCE, based on a carcinogenic risk
level of 1E-06 and a HI of 1. Once obtained, the VISLs are applied in a similar fashion to RSLs
and incorporated into Equations 10 and 11, as appropriate.
Figure 5. Example Output VISL Calculator
7.2 Construction Worker Trench Model
The following is excerpted from the Virginia Unified Risk Assessment Model – VURAM
User Guide for Risk Assessors, August 2022
There are no well-established models available for estimating migration of volatiles from
groundwater into a construction/utility trench. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
(VDEQ) recommends the following trench model, developed by VDEQ, for evaluating
construction groundwater and soil gas. As construction workers are presumed to be adults, age-
adjusted and mutagenic equations, as well as TCE and vinyl chloride specific equations, do not
apply to the construction worker computations.
The models are based on a two-step process. First, a simple fate and transport equation of a
vadose zone model to estimate volatilization of gases (emission flux of VOCs) from
contaminated groundwater into the air of the trench. Then a box model is used to estimate
dispersion of the contaminants from the air inside the trench into the above-ground atmosphere
to estimate the EPC for air in a construction trench (Ctrench). For chemicals that are not
included in the RSL table, calculate EPCs for air in a construction trench, following the soil gas
equations. References should be provided for all chemical-specific parameters.
In October 2017, VDEQ revised the parameterization of the soil gas equations underlying the
Construction Worker Trench Model. During a review of the equations and approaches utilized in
the VDEQ’s construction worker trench model, risk assessment staff identified the need for a
modification to the soil gas trench model that evaluates risks from soil vapor to construction
workers in a trench. Currently, VDEQ’s application of the groundwater trench model assumes
that the distance from the bottom of the trench to a vapor source is 31 centimeters (cm). This
value is adjusted to 1 cm for the soil gas trench model; this change applies ONLY to the soil gas
portion of the trench model. This modification is made because soil gas analytical results are
direct measurements of vapors within the soil column that could be directly adjacent to the trench
and diffusing directly through the trench walls.
May 2024
It is a reasonable assumption that the contaminated source materials or soil gas would intersect
with the trench walls. The change is also consistent with US EPA’s recent acknowledgment that
contaminated groundwater is not the only source of vapor and that soils saturated with volatiles
can also be a significant driver of vapor contamination. As a result, there is a substantial change
in the construction worker soil gas screening levels. Modifying the model in this way provides a
more accurate representation of both exposures and risks to construction workers in these
scenarios and is consistent with other regulatory agencies’ approaches and their application of
VDEQ’s Construction Worker Trench Model.
VDEQ’s Construction Worker Trench Model (groundwater) has been adopted by other state
agencies because it captures scenarios involving the exposure of a construction worker to vapors
from contaminated groundwater. With the 2017 revision of the soil gas portion, the Construction
Worker Trench Model also captures scenarios involving exposure to gases directly measured in
the trench and incorporates vapor concentrations directly measured in the subsurface.
Table 10. Trench Exposure Parameters (VDEQ, 2022)
Symbol Description Value Units
TR-ACH Trench Air Changes per Hour 2 (h)-1
TR-ACvad Trench Advection Coefficient Groundwater greater than
0.25 (cm3/cm3)
TR-CF1 Trench Conversion Factor-1 0.001 (L/cm3)
TR-CF2 Trench Conversion Factor-2 10000 (cm2/m2)
TR-CF3 Trench Conversion Factor-3 3600 (s/hr)
TR-CF4 Trench Conversion Factor-4 1000000 (cm3/m3)
TR-D-dir Trench Depth - groundwater less Than 15ft 2.44 (m)
TR-D-ind Trench Depth - groundwater greater than 15ft 4.57 (m)
TR-Dsg Trench - Depth to soil gas vapor source 1 (cm)
TR-EFcw Trench Construction Worker Exposure Frequency 125 (days/yr)
TR-ETcw Trench Construction Worker Exposure Time 4 (hrs/day)
TR-EVcw Trench Construction Worker Events 1 (events/day)
TR-F Trench Fraction of floor through which contaminant can
1 (unitless)
TR-HV Trench Thickness of Vadose Zone - groundwater
greater than 15 ft
30 (cm)
TR-IRcw Trench Construction Worker Groundwater Ingestion
0.02 (L/day)
TR- KGH2O Trench Gas-phase mass transfer coefficient of water
vapor at 25 deg C
0.833 (cm/s)
TR-KLO2 Trench Liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient of
oxygen at 25 deg C
0.002 (cm/s)
TR-L Trench Length 2.44 (m)
TR-Lgw Trench Depth to groundwater 488 (cm)
TR-MWH2O Trench Molecular Weight of Water 18 (unitless)
TR-MWO2 Trench Molecular Weight of Oxygen 32 (unitless)
May 2024
Symbol Description Value Units
TR-Porvad Trench Porosity in Vadose Zone - groundwater
greater than 15ft
0.44 (cm3/cm3)
TR-R Trench Ideal Gas Constant 0.000082 (atm-
TR-Temp-F Trench Temperature Fahrenheit 77 (F)
TR-Temp-K Trench Temperature - 298 (K)
TR-W Trench Width 0.91 (m)
TR-W/D Trench Width to Depth Ratio 0.38 (unitless)
7.3 Groundwater
Two exposure scenarios are evaluated based on the site-specific depth of the groundwater:
indirect contact based on contaminant transport through the vadose zone groundwater depth
greater than 15 feet and direct contact based on groundwater pooling in the trench groundwater
depth less than or equal to 15 feet. Two unique volatilization factors (VF) are computed for each
chemical. For indirect contact, where the groundwater is greater than 15 feet, the VF Equation
16 is used. For direct contact, where the groundwater is less than 15 feet, VF Equation 18 is
applied. VDEQ assumes that a construction project could result in an excavation as deep as 15
feet. At some sites there is a high probability that construction projects with deeper excavations
may occur. Contact the DWMRC project manager and risk assessor to discuss the appropriate
assumptions for site-specific parameters.
Equations 16 or 18 are used to calculate chemical-specific VF. Residential groundwater
equations for noncancer adult and cancer and construction worker exposure values, are used to
compute screening levels or hazard/risk values. The appropriate groundwater VF replaces the
Andelman Volatilization Factor (K=0.5) in the residential groundwater equations. Airborne
concentration of a contaminant in a trench can be estimated using Equation 15
𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑐�=𝐴𝑐𝑉× 𝑃𝐴 Equation 15
Ctrench = Concentration of contaminant in trench, µg/m³
CgW = Concentration of contaminant in groundwater, µg/L
VF = Volatilization factor (See Equations X and X), chemical-specific, L/ m3
Groundwater Greater than 15 Feet Deep
3.33 ×𝐴×𝐴×10−3×104 ×3600)
2 ) Equation 16
Hi = Henry's Law constant for contaminant (RSL table), atm-m³/mol
Dair = Diffusion coefficient in air (RSL table), cm²/s
ACvad = Volumetric air content in vadose zone soil, cm³/cm³
A = Area of trench, m²
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F = Fraction of floor through which contaminant can enter, unitless
R = Ideal gas constant, atm-m³/mole-°K
T = Average system absolute temperature, degree Kelvin (°K)
Ld = Distance between trench bottom and groundwater Equation X, cm
ACH = Air changes per hour, h-1
V = Volume of trench, m³
Porvad = Total soil porosity in vadose zone, cm³/cm³
10-3 = Conversion factor, L/cm³
104 = Conversion factor, cm²/m²
3600 = Conversion factor, s/hr
The value for R is 8.2 x 10-5 atm-m³/mole-°K. A default value of 298°K may be used for the
average system absolute temperature.
Studies of urban canyons suggest that if the ratio of trench width -- relative to wind direction -
- to trench depth is less than or equal to 1.0, a circulation cell or cells will be set up within the
trench that limits the degree of gas exchange with the atmosphere. VDEQ has assumed an
ACH in this case of 2/hr - based upon measured ventilation rates of buildings.
Ld = Lgw - Dtrench Equation 17
Lgw = depth to groundwater, cm
Dtrench = depth of trench, cm
Groundwater Less Than or Equal to 15 Feet Deep
If the depth to groundwater at a site is less than 15 feet, VDEQ assumes that a worker would
encounter groundwater when digging an excavation or a trench. The worker would then have
direct exposure to the groundwater. The worker would also be exposed to contaminants in the
air inside the trench that would result from volatilization from the groundwater pooling at the
bottom of the trench. VDEQ assumes that the trench would only intercept the groundwater for a
few inches since a groundwater pool of more than a few inches would likely require dewatering.
Therefore, trench depth should be set to equal the actual depth to groundwater at the site.
Equation 18 is used to calculate VF for groundwater less than 15 feet deep.
𝑃𝐴=𝐾𝑖×𝐴×𝐴×10−3×104 ×3600
𝐴𝐴𝐴×𝑉 Equation 18
Ki = Overall mass transfer coefficient of contaminant (Equation 19), cm/s
A = Area of trench, m²
F = Fraction of floor through which contaminant can enter, unitless
ACH = Air changes per hour, h-1
V = Volume of trench, m³
10-3 = Conversion factor, L/cm³
May 2024
104 = Conversion factor, cm²/m²
3600 = Conversion factor, s/hr
−1 Equation 19
kiL = Liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient of i (Equation 20), cm/s
R = Ideal gas constant, atm-m³/mole-°K
T = Average system absolute temperature, °K
Hi = Henry's Law constant for contaminant (RSL table), atm-m³/mol
KiG = Gas-phase mas transfer coefficient of i (Equation 21), cm/s
The value for R is 8.2 x 10-5 atm-m³/mole-°K. A default value of 298°K may be used for the
average system absolute temperature.
× 𝑅
298 × 𝑘𝐾,𝑂2 Equation 20
kiL = Liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient of I,cm/s
MWO2 = Molecular weight of O2, g/mol
MWi = Molecular weight o component i, g/mol
T = Absolute temperature of system, °K
kL,O2 = Liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient of oxygen at 25°C, cm/s
The value of kL, O2 is 0.002 cm/s.
× (𝑅
× 𝑘𝐴,𝐴2𝑂 Equation 21
kiG = Gas-phase mass transfer coefficient of component I, cm/s
MWH2O = Molecular weight of water, g/mol
MWi = Molecular weight o component i, g/mol
T = Absolute temperature of system, °K
kG,H2O = Gas-phase mass transfer coefficient of water vapor at 25°C, cm/s
The value of kG, H2O is 0.833 cm/s. (Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual, EPA, Office of
Remedial Response, April, 1988.)
7.4 Soil Gas
This model can be used to estimate the contaminant concentration in soil vapor (Csv)
partitioning from the groundwater concentration. The contaminant is then transported by
diffusion to the trench base or face (where applicable) and diluted by mixing within the
May 2024
trench. In order to accommodate the assumption that the construction worker could intersect
with the sample collection depth, distance between the trench bottom and vapor source (Ld) is
modified to 1 cm.
A unique, chemical-specific, dimensionless volatilization factor for soil vapor (VFsv) is
developed based on the groundwater VFgt Equation 16. Trench dimensions remain
consistent with groundwater equations. Apply the construction exposure parameters to the
residential air equations for noncancer adult and cancer. The resulting hazard/risk is
multiplied by the chemical- specific VFsv as an attenuation factor to obtain a final
hazard/risk value. Screening values are likewise computed by using the residential equations
and then divided by VFsv. The final screening value is the lower of the calculated
noncancer/cancer screening values. Soil gas volatilization factor is based on groundwater
depth greater than 15 feet, Equations 15 and 16. Combining these two equations yields:
3.33 ×𝐴×𝐴×10−3×104×3600
2 Equation 22
Hi = Henry's Law constant for contaminant (RSL table), atm-m³/mol
Dair = Diffusion coefficient in air (RSL table), cm²/s
ACvad = Volumetric air content in vadose zone soil, cm³/cm³
A = Area of trench, m²
F = Fraction of floor through which contaminant can enter, unitless
R = Ideal gas constant, atm-m³/mole-°K
T = Average system absolute temperature, °K
Ld = Distance between trench bottom and groundwater Equation 17, cm
ACH = Air changes per hour, h-1
V = Volume of trench, m³
Porvad = Total soil porosity in vadose zone, cm³/cm³
10-3 = Conversion factor, L/cm³
104 = Conversion factor, cm²/m²
3600 = Conversion factor, s/hr
Soil gas concentrations are estimated from groundwater concentrations using the following
Equation 23
𝑅×𝑅 Equation 24
Csg = Concentration in soil gas, μg/m³
HLC = Dimensionless Henry’s Law Constant, (unitless)
Combining Equations 23 and 24 and solving for the groundwater concentration yields:
May 2024
𝐴𝑐𝑘=𝐴𝑘𝑐× 𝑅×𝑅
Equation 25
Substituting Equation 25 in trench concentration equation yields:
𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑐�=𝐴𝑘𝑐× 𝑅×𝑅
× 𝐴𝑖×𝐴𝑎𝑖𝑟×𝐴𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑑
3.33 ×𝐴×𝐴×10−3×104×3600
2 Equation 26
Equation 26 simplifies to the following:
𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑐�=𝐴𝑘𝑐× 𝐴𝑎𝑖𝑟×𝐴𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑑
3.33 ×𝐴×𝐴×104 ×3600
2 ×106 Equation 27
Since the concentration in the trench is equal to the soil gas concentration times VFsv:
3.33 ×𝐴×𝐴×104×3600
2 ×106 Equation 28
Dair = Diffusion coefficient in air (RSL table), cm²/s
ACvad = Volumetric air content in vadose zone soil, cm³/cm³
A = Area of trench, m²
F = Fraction of floor through which contaminant can enter, unitless
Ld = Distance between trench bottom and groundwater Equation 17, cm
ACH = Air changes per hour, h-1
V = Volume of trench, m³
Porvad = Total soil porosity in vadose zone, cm³/cm³
106 = Conversion factor, cm³/cm³
104 = Conversion factor, cm²/m²
3600 = Conversion factor, s/hr
When closing or managing a contaminated site, the mass of contaminants in the source area
should not increase. This means that levels of contamination in soil should not act as a
continuing source for groundwater contamination. It is understood that naturally occurring
variations in groundwater contaminant concentrations, natural groundwater flow, and dispersion
of plumes will occur, but there should not be an on-going source for new contamination (e.g.,
contamination continuing to leach through soil or buried/leaking waste).
Future impacts to groundwater can be addressed by evaluating the potential for detected
concentrations in soil at each site to contaminate groundwater via the soil-to-groundwater
migration pathway. This may be achieved by following a stepwise approach.
8.1 Step 1 – Generic SSLs
To assess the potential of contamination migrating through soil to groundwater, the Protection of
Groundwater soil screening levels (SSLs) from the US EPA RSL tables should be used. The
May 2024
RSL tables may list two protection of groundwater SSLs: risk-based and/or MCL-based. If the
RSL table lists a value for both a risk-based and an MCL-based SSL, the least conservative
(greater of the two values) may be used for comparison to site data.
The SSLs listed in the RSL tables are based on a dilution attenuation factor (DAF) of 1. The
DAF is a function of the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, infiltration rate, mixing zone, and
length of the source area parallel to groundwater flow. A DAF of one assumes that no dilution
or attenuation occurs within the unsaturated zone to the water table. Adsorption and degradation
are not considered, and the assumption is that the contaminant in soil comes into immediate
contact with groundwater. The higher the DAF value, the greater the degree of dilution and
attenuation of contaminants along the flow path. The DWMRC has established that a DAF of 20
(US EPA, 2002a) is protective of groundwater for most sites in Utah.
Because of assumptions used in SSL model approach, use of the DAF model may be
inappropriate for certain conditions, including sites where:
• Adsorption or degradation processes are expected to significantly attenuate contaminant
concentrations in the soil or aquifer media;
• Saturated thickness is significantly less than 12 meters thick;
• Fractured rock or karst aquifer types exist (violates the unconfined, unconsolidated,
homogeneous, isotropic assumptions);
• Facilitated transport is significant (colloidal transport, transport via dissolved organic
matter, or transport via solvents other than water); and/or
• NAPLs are present.
For sites that have these types of conditions, consideration should be given to application of a
more detailed site-specific analysis than either the generic or site-specific models described
The use of the SSL based on a DAF of 20 is advised for Step 1. Therefore, RSL SSLs, which are
based on a DAF of 1.0, will require modification to reflect values based on a DAF of 20 (i.e.,
multiply the RSL SSL by 20).
1. Compare the maximum detected concentration for COPCs in soil to the US EPA RSL
SSLs based on the DAF of 20. This is simply a point-to-point comparison, as shown in
the example below. The maximum detected site soil concentration regardless of depth
should be used.
Table 11. SSL Example
Constituent Max
20 (mg/kg)
Barium 5.14E+02 3.20E+03 No
May 2024
Mercury 2.35E+00 2.00E+00 Yes
Benzo(a)pyrene 2.21E+00 4.80E+00 No
Naphthalene 3.47E-01 1.08E-02 Yes
2. If the maximum detected concentration exceeds the SSL DAF 20, the potential exists for
future impacts to groundwater. If the potential for future groundwater contamination
exists, additional lines of evidence and a re-evaluation using a refined EPC (95UCL) may
be provided. If sufficient data are not available to calculate a 95UCL, the maximum
constituent of potential concern concentration value shall be used for evaluation, or an
alternate value for a revised EPC may be proposed.
Table 12. Refined SSL Evaluation Example
Constituent 95UCL1
20 (mg/kg)
Mercury 1.25E+00 2.00E+00 No
Naphthalene 1.88E-01 1.08E-02 Yes
1 Less than four detections were available in the dataset for
naphthalene, the median concentration was used as the refined EPC
(US EPA, 2022).
If the results of the comparison to the SSLs using the refined EPC are acceptable, no additional
analysis is warranted. If the analysis shows potential for contamination of groundwater, Step 2
should be followed.
8.2 Step 2 – Site-specific DAF
If maximum detected concentrations and/or revised EPCs in soil at a site exceed the generic soil-
to-groundwater SSLs (Step 1), then site-specific soil-to-groundwater SSLs may be estimated,
and the Step 2 approach followed. As stated in US EPA (1996a), the calculation of soil-to-
groundwater SSLs is most sensitive to the DAF. Unless sufficient data are available to calculate
a site-specific DAF, there is little benefit derived from using the site-specific SSLs instead of the
generic SSLs.
The development of the site-specific dilution attenuation factor should follow US EPA’s
Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels. US EPA’s Supplemental Soil
Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document (US EPA 1996a) and Supplemental
Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites (US EPA 2002a), or the most
current US EPA guidance. Estimation of contaminant release in soil leachate is based on the
Freundlich adsorption isotherm. The Freundlich equation was modified to relate the sorbed
concentration to the total concentration measured in a soil sample (which includes contaminants
associated with solid soil, soil-water and soil-air components) (Feenstra 1991). Equation 29,
given below, is used to calculate SSLs corresponding to target soil leachate concentrations (Cw).
Equation 29
Soil Screening Level for Leaching to Groundwater Pathway
May 2024
Hθ θ K x C SSL
Parameter Definition (units) Default
SSL Soil Screening Level for migration to
groundwater pathway (mg/kg) Chemical-Specific
Cw Target soil leachate concentration (mg/L) Chemical-Specific
Kd Soil /water partition coefficient (L/kg) Chemical-Specific
w Water-filled soil porosity (Lwater/Lsoil) 0.26
a Air-filled soil porosity (Lair/Lsoil), n - w 0.17
n Total soil porosity (Lpore/Lsoil), 1 - (b/s) 0.43
s Soil particle density (kg/L) 2.65
b Dry soil bulk density (kg/L) 1.5
H´ Dimensionless Henry’s Law constant Chemical-Specific
Target soil leachate concentrations (Cw) are equivalent to either the tap water SSLs or an MCL
multiplied by a DAF, as follows:
Cw = Tap Water SSL x DAF Equation 30
Cw = MCL x DAF
Contaminants transported as a leachate through soil to groundwater are affected by physical,
chemical, and biological processes that can significantly reduce their concentration. These
processes include adsorption, biological degradation, chemical transformation, and dilution from
mixing leachate with groundwater. The total reduction in concentration between the source of
the contaminant (vadose zone soil) and the point of groundwater withdrawal is defined as the
ratio of contaminant concentration in soil leachate to the concentration in groundwater at the
point of withdrawal. This ratio is termed a dilution/attenuation factor (DAF; US EPA 1996a and
1996b). The higher the DAF value the greater the degree of dilution and attenuation of
contaminants along the migration flow path. A DAF of one implies no reduction in contaminant
concentration occurs.
Development of the RSL SSLs considers only the dilution of contaminant concentration through
mixing with groundwater in the aquifer directly beneath the source. This is consistent with the
conservative assumptions used in the SSL methodology including an infinite source, soil
contamination extending from surface to groundwater and the point of exposure occurring at the
downgradient edge of the source. The ratio of contaminant concentration in soil leachate to the
concentration in groundwater at the point of withdrawal that considers only dilution processes is
calculated using the simple water balance equation (Equation 31), described below.
May 2024
Equation 31
Dilution/Attenuation Factor (DAF)
DAF =1 +K i D
D i K
I L -exp - 1D L 0.0112 D
Parameter Definition (units) Default
DAF Dilution/attenuation factor (unitless) Site-Specific
K Aquifer hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) Site-Specific
i Hydraulic gradient (m/m) Site-Specific
D Mixing zone depth (m) Site-Specific
I Infiltration rate (m/yr) Site-Specific
L Source length parallel to groundwater flow (m) Site-Specific
Da Aquifer thickness (m) Site-Specific
Most of these parameters are available from routine environmental site investigations. The
mixing zone depth incorporates one additional parameter, the aquifer thickness (Da).
If the 95% UCL concentration exceeds the calculated groundwater protection soil screening
level, the potential exists for future impacts to groundwater. The groundwater protection soil
screening level value shall be the greater of either the maximum contaminant level or the risk-
based groundwater protection soil screening level value for evaluation. If the potential for future
groundwater contamination exists, the responsible party may choose to submit a work plan for
approval by the director describing actions that will be taken to protect groundwater from future
impacts due to soil contamination. In addition, the work plan shall include a proposal for
collection of sufficient monitoring data to evaluate both current and future groundwater
conditions. Alternatively, an alternative method as outlined in Step 3 may be applied.
8.3 Step 3 – Alternative Methods
An alternate method for evaluating potential future impacts to groundwater due to soil
contamination may be proposed to the DWMRC for approval. If it is determined that the
potential for future groundwater contamination exists, a work plan should be submitted for
approval by the DWMRC describing actions that will be taken to protect groundwater from
future impacts due to soil contamination. In addition, the work plan should include a proposal
for collection of sufficient monitoring data to evaluate both current and future groundwater
Alternative methods may include site-specific fate and transport modeling (using commercially
available programs capable of reproducing known groundwater contamination). In addition,
weight of evidence may be provided. Discussions should include frequency of detection,
May 2024
magnitude of detected concentrations, soil profiles and extent of contamination, and history of
the contamination at the site. Other site-specific issues may include the potential for dense,
sinking vapors acting as a source for contamination.
Ecological risk assessments (ERAs) are required at sites where it has been determined that
exposure pathways are potentially complete for ecological receptors. A complete exposure
pathway consists of 1) a source; 2) a mechanism of contaminant release; 3) a receiving or contact
medium; 4) a potential receptor population; and 5) an exposure route. In order for a potential
receptor population to exist, sites must contain open areas that would allow plant growth and
suitable habitat for wildlife. Pathways may be incomplete for ecological receptors at sites in
industrial areas or are filled in with concrete or pavement; in these cases, an ecological waiver
may be granted (refer to Section 6.1).
In accordance with US EPA ERA guidance (US EPA 1997c), the objectives of the ERAs are to
1) document whether actual or potential ecological risks exist at a site; 2) identify which
contaminants present at a site pose an ecological risk; and 3) generate data to be used in
evaluating cleanup options, if warranted. The ERAs should be conducted in accordance with US
EPA guidance and general processes consisting of four main components: 1) problem
formulation; 2) exposure assessment; 3) toxicity assessment; and 4) risk characterization.
The ERAs may follow a tiered approach, with each tier including problem formulation, exposure
assessment, toxicity assessment, and risk characterization. The Tier 1 assessment is a screening
level assessment that utilizes conservative assumptions. If the results of the Tier 1 assessment
indicate potential for adverse risk, then a Tier 2 assessment will be conducted. The Tier 2
assessment provides a more refined screening analysis utilizing some site-specific information.
If the results of the Tier 2 assessment indicate potential for adverse risk, then a Tier 3 site-
specific risk assessment or additional site actions may be warranted.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has a website that provides several useful
links to US EPA guidance, screening levels, wildlife exposures, and identification of species,
that may help in completing an ecological assessment.
9.1 Ecological Waiver
Site investigations must include an evaluation of human health and ecological risk to support
risk-based closure. An ecological risk assessment is warranted when it has been determined that
exposure pathways are potentially complete for ecological receptors. A complete pathway
consists of 1) a source, 2) a mechanisms of contaminant release, 3) a receiving or contact
medium, 4) a potential receptor population, and 5) and exposure route. Of these five criteria, the
most fundamental is the fourth criterion. In order for a potential receptor population to exist, a
site must contain open areas that would allow plant growth and suitable habitat for wildlife.
Pathways are incomplete for ecological receptors at sites that are completely filled-in with
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buildings, concrete, or pavement. For these areas, a risk assessment cannot be completed, and a
waiver may be requested in lieu of a quantitative risk assessment.
Environmental conditions at the site may be used to eliminate the need for ecological risk
assessment and support an ecological waiver include:
• The affected property is not a viable habitat,
• The site cannot be used by potential ecological receptors as a habitat, and/or
• Complete or potentially complete exposure pathways do not exist due to prevailing
conditions or property setting.
Photographs of the property are useful in showing the state of potential habitat, such as if the site
is completely paved and/or covered in structures with minimal or no vegetation and devoid of
habitat. In addition, the property may be in an area that is highly industrialized, consisting of
paved/cemented lots and industrial-use buildings. A discussion of surrounding lots and the
potential or lack of potential for nearby habitat is also helpful as well as a discussion of any
observations of wildlife using the property for permanent habitat or food. While it is possible
that some species could be casually present (such as birds resting in nearby trees or crossing the
property), it may not plausible that any receptor would forage, nest or den on the property itself
due to a complete lack of vegetation.
Using the above, it can be demonstrated that there is no complete exposure pathway, and an
ecological risk assessment is not deemed required. A formal request for a waiver for conducting
a quantitative ecological risk assessment should be submitted along with all potential lines of
evidence to justify minimal impact on ecological receptors. A waiver may be submitted as a
standalone document or contained within a site characterization report.
9.2 Tier 1
The objective of the Tier 1 screening-level ERA (SLERA) is to determine whether: 1) there are
any potential adverse effects for ecological receptors; and 2) there may be potential adverse
health effects to ecological receptors, and further evaluation of ecological risk is warranted.
The SLERA should contain a detailed discussion of each of these items.
• Characterization of the environmental setting, including current and future land uses.
Ecological assessments must include the evaluation of present-day conditions and land
uses but also evaluate future land uses.
• Identification of known or likely chemical stressors (chemicals of potential ecological
concern, COPECs). The characterization data from the site (e.g., facility investigation) is
evaluated to determine what constituents are present in which media.
• Identification of the fate and transport pathways that are complete. This includes an
understanding of how COPECs may be mobilized from one medium to another.
• Identification of the assessment endpoints that should be used to assess impact of the
receptors; what is the environmental value to be protected.
May 2024
• Identification of the complete exposure pathways and exposure routes. What is the
impacted medium/media (soil, surface water, sediment, groundwater, and/or plants) and
how might the representative receptors be exposed (direct ingestion, inhalation, and/or
direct contact)?
• Species likely to be impacted and selection of representative receptors. From the list of
species likely to be present on-site, what species are to be selected to represent specific
trophic levels?
9.2.1 COPECs
The identification of COPECs for the ecological risk assessments will follow the same
methodology as presented in Section 4.0 for organic and inorganic constituents. For ecological
assessments, the potential for a chemical to be bioaccumulative should be considered when
identifying COPECs.
Burrowing animals and plant roots would be exposed to COPECs in deeper soils, whereas all
other animals would only be exposed to surface soils. Concentrations of contaminants in soil 0-6
ft bgs will be assessed for burrowing animals and deep-rooted plants while concentrations in soil
0-1 ft bgs will be assessed for all other receptors.
9.2.2 EPCs
The Tier 1 exposure assessment consists of estimating exposure doses based on conservative
exposure assumptions and maximum detected concentrations within the defined exposure
intervals. EPCs are discussed in Section 4.2.
9.2.3 Receptors
Sites may include a wide range of terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and aquatic wildlife. A generalized
food web for soil is shown in Figure 6. Wildlife receptors for the SLERA should be selected to
represent the trophic levels and habitats present or potentially present at the site and include any
Federal threatened and endangered species and State sensitive species.
As there are typically numerous species of wildlife and plants present at a given facility or site
and in the surrounding areas, only a few key receptors need to be selected for quantitative
evaluation in the SLERA, which are representative of the ecological community and varying
trophic levels in the food web. Possible receptors that may be evaluated in the SLERAs at each
site include the following:
• Plant community,
• Deer mouse,
• Horned lark,
• Kit fox (evaluated at sites greater than 267 acres),
• Pronghorn (evaluated at sites greater than 342 acres), and
May 2024
• Red-tailed hawk (evaluated at sites greater than 177 acres).
The above key receptors selected as the representative species represent the primary producers as
well as the three levels of consumer (primary, secondary, and tertiary) for the most common
receptors found at hazardous waste sites in Utah. If water bodies are present, and aquatic
receptors are viable, DWMRC should be consulted to discuss appropriate identification of
receptor species, pathways, and SLERA methodologies. Plants
The plant community will be evaluated quantitatively in the SLERAs at all sites. Specific
species of plants will not be evaluated separately; rather the plant community will be evaluated
as a whole. The plant community provides a necessary food source directly or indirectly through
the food web for wildlife receptors. Deer Mouse
The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is a common rodent throughout much of North
America and it can thrive in a variety of habitats. The deer mouse was selected as a
representative receptor because it is prevalent near most sites in Utah, and it represents one of the
several species of omnivorous rodents that may be present at sites. Small rodents are also a
major food source for larger omnivorous and carnivorous species. The deer mouse receptor will
be evaluated at all sites, regardless of size. The deer mouse has a relatively small home range
and could therefore be substantially exposed to COPECs at sites if their home range is located
within a solid waste management unit (SWMU) or other corrective action sites.
Based on a review of literature (OEHHA, 1999) and from the Natural Diversity Information
Source (CDW, 2011), a dietary composition consisting of 26% invertebrates and 74% plant
matter will be assumed for the deer mouse. Horned Lark
The horned lark (Eremophila alpestris) is a common widespread terrestrial bird. It spends much
of its time on the ground and its diet consists mainly of insects and seeds. The horned lark
receptor was chosen because it is prevalent in Utah and represents one of the many small
terrestrial bird species that could be present. Since the horned lark spends most of its time on the
ground, it also provides a conservative measure of effect since it has a higher rate of incidental
ingestion of soil than other songbirds. The horned lark is also a major food source for
omnivorous intermediate species, and top avian carnivores. The horned lark will be evaluated
based on an omnivorous diet of invertebrates and plant matter. The horned lark receptor will be
evaluated at all sites, regardless of size. The horned lark has a relatively small home range and
could therefore be substantially exposed to COPECs at sites if their home range is located within
a SWMU or other corrective action units.
It will be assumed that the horned lark’s diet consists of 75% plant matter, and 25% animal
matter based on a study conducted by Doctor, et al, 2000.
May 2024
68 Kit Fox
The kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) is native to the western United States and Mexico. Its diet consists
of mostly small mammals. Although the kit fox’s diet may also consist of plant matter during
certain times of the year, the kit fox will be evaluated as a carnivore, with a diet consisting of
100% prey items. It was selected as a key receptor because it is a sensitive species and is
common in Utah, and the surrounding area at most sites in Utah provides suitable habitat for the
kit fox. The kit fox also is representative of a mammalian carnivore within the food web.
The kit fox will only be evaluated at sites that are larger than 276 acres. A kit fox has a large
home range size (2767 acres) (Zoellick & Smith, 1992) and it is assumed that risks are negligible
from exposure to COPECs at sites that are less than 10% of the receptors home range. Unless
the area use factor (AUF) is at least 10%, food items potentially contaminated with COPECs and
incidental soil ingestion at the site would not contribute significantly to the receptor’s diet and
exposure to COPECs. The kit fox diet will be based on composition of 100% prey.
May 2024
Primary Source Secondary Source Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Tertiary Consumers
Figure 6. Generalized Food Web for Soil
(Deer Mouse)
(Horned Lark)
(Deer Mouse)
(Horned Lark)
(Kit Fox)
Birds of Prey
(Kit Fox)
Birds of Prey
May 2024
70 Red-Tailed Hawk
The red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) was selected as a top carnivore avian key receptor. The
red-tailed hawk is widespread throughout Utah and is one of the most common birds of prey. It
hunts primarily rodents, rabbits, birds, and reptiles. The red-tailed hawk was chosen as a key
receptor since it is a common species throughout Utah. The red-tailed hawk will only be
evaluated at sites that are larger than 177 acres. The red-tailed hawk has a large home range size
(1770 acres) (US EPA, 1993b), and risks to the red-tailed hawk from exposure to COPECs at
sites smaller than 177 acres (10% of the home range) would be negligible. The red-tailed hawk
diet will be based on composition of 100% prey. Pronghorn Antelope
The pronghorn (Antilocapra Americana) is a popular big game species that occurs in western
Canada, United States, and northern Mexico. Its diet consists mainly of sagebrush and other
shrubs, grasses, and forbs. The pronghorn was selected as a key receptor representative of large
herbivorous species of wildlife. The pronghorn will only be evaluated at sites that are larger than
342 acres. The pronghorn has a large home range size (3422 acres) (Reynolds, 1984), and risks
to the pronghorn from exposure to COPECs at sites smaller than 342 acres (10% of the home
range) would be negligible. It is assumed that 100% of the diet is from grazing.
9.2.4 Exposure Pathways
A CSM (refer to Section 3.1) provides a summary of potentially complete exposure pathways,
along with potentially exposed receptor types. A complete exposure pathway is defined as a
pathway having all the following attributes:
• A source and mechanism for hazardous waste/constituent release to the environment,
• An environmental transport medium or mechanism by which a receptor can encounter the
hazardous waste/constituent,
• A point of receptor contact with the contaminated media or via the food web, and
• An exposure route to the receptor.
If any of the above components are missing from the exposure pathway, it is not a complete
pathway for the site. A discussion regarding all possible exposure pathways and the
rationale/justification for eliminating any pathways will be included in the risk assessment.
Affected media that ecological receptors may be exposed to at sites are soil, biota, and surface
water or groundwater (through springs). Surface water, sediment, and groundwater should be
evaluated based on site-specific conditions.
Wildlife receptors could be exposed to COPECs that have been assimilated into biota. Ingestion
of contaminated plant and animal matter, as a necessary component of the receptor’s diet, will be
evaluated quantitatively in the SLERAs. However, for the Tier 1 SLERA, it will conservatively
be assumed that 100% of the wildlife receptors’ dietary intake consists of site soil.
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For soil, two soil intervals should be evaluated:
• For all non-burrowing receptors and for shallow-rooted plants, the soil exposure interval
is typical of surface conditions and is considered to be between zero (0) and one (1) foot
• For all burrowing receptors (and receptors that may use borrows) and deep-rooted plants,
the soil interval to be evaluated is 0 – 6 feet bgs.
Table 13. Ecological Soil Exposure Intervals
Receptor Exposure Intervals (Soil)
Ecological Receptors (non-burrowing
and shallow rooted plants)
0 – 1 foot bgs
Ecological Receptors (burrowing and
deep-rooted plants)
0 – 6 feet bgs
9.2.5 Exposure Assessment
The effects assessment evaluated the potential toxic effects on the receptors being exposed to the
COPECs. The effects assessment includes selection of appropriate toxicity reference values
(TRVs) for the characterization and evaluation of risk. TRVs are receptor and chemical specific
exposure rates at which no adverse effects have been observed, or at which low adverse effects
are observed. TRVs that are based on studies with no adverse effects are called no observed
adverse effects levels (NOAELs). TRVs that are based on studies with low adverse effects are
termed lowest observed adverse effects levels (LOAELs).
For the initial SLERA, the preference for TRVs is based on chronic or long-term exposure, when
available. The TRVs should be selected from peer-reviewed toxicity studies and from primary
literature. Initial risk characterization should be conducted using the lowest appropriate chronic
NOAEL for non-lethal or reproductive effects. If a TRV is not available and/or no surrogate
data could be identified, the exclusion of potential toxicity associated with the COPEC will be
qualitatively addressed in the uncertainty analysis of the risk assessment. Other factors that may
be included in this discussion are frequency of detection, depth of detections, and special
analysis of the detections.
9.2.6 Dose
For the initial SLERA, conservative assumptions should be applied as follows:
• The maximum detected concentrations for the exposure interval listed in Table 13 will be
utilized in calculating exposure doses.
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• 100% of the diet is assumed to contain the maximum concentration of each COPEC
detected in the site media.
• Minimum reported body weights should be applied.
• Maximum dietary intake rates should be used.
• It will be assumed that 100% of the diet consists of direct ingestion of contaminated soil.
• It is assumed that the bioavailability is 100% at each site.
• Foraging ranges are initially set equal to the size of the site being evaluated. This means
that the AUF in the SLERA is set to a value of one.
• Because body weight is reported as wet-weight (kg), and soil concentrations are reported
as dry-weight (mg/kg), a wet-weight to dry-weight conversion factor of 0.22 (assuming
78% moisture content) will also be applied when calculating exposure doses.
The equation and exposure assumptions for calculating the Tier 1 exposure doses for the deer
mouse are presented in Equation 32.
Equation 32. Calculation of Tier 1 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Deer Mouse
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐=(𝐴𝑘× (𝐻𝑃∗𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟) × 𝐴𝑃𝐴)
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
calculated --
Cs Chemical concentration in soil (mg/kg) Site-specific Maximum detected
concentration (0-10 ft bgs)
IR Ingestion rate (kg food [ww]/day) 0.007 Maximum reported total
dietary intake (US EPA,
ww:dw Wet-weight to dry weight conversion
factor for ingested matter (kg [dw]/kg
0.22 78-percent moisture
AUF Area use factor (the ratio of the site
exposure area to the receptor foraging
range) (unitless)
1 Maximum possible value
BW Body weight (kg) 0.014 Minimum reported adult
body weight (CDW, 2011)
The equation and exposure assumptions for calculating the Tier 1 exposure dose for the horned
lark are presented in Equation 33.
May 2024
Equation 33. Calculation of Tier 1 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Horned
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐= (𝐴𝑘 × (𝐻𝑃∗𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴)
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cs Chemical concentration in soil (mg/kg) Site-specific Maximum detected
concentration (0-1 ft bgs)
IR Ingestion rate (kg food [ww]/day) 0.024 Maximum reported total
dietary intake; American
robin (US EPA, 1993g)
ww:dw Wet-weight to dry weight conversion
factor for ingested matter(kg [dw]/kg
0.22 78-percent moisture
AUF Area use factor (the ratio of the site
exposure area to the receptor foraging
range) (unitless)
1 Maximum possible value
BW Body weight (kg) 0.025 Minimum reported adult
body weight (Trost, 1972)
The equation and exposure assumptions for calculating the Tier 1 exposure doses for the kit fox
are presented in Equation 34.
Equation 34. Calculation of Tier 1 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Kit Fox
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐= (𝐴𝑘× (𝐻𝑃∗𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴)
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
calculated --
Cs Chemical concentration in soil (mg/kg) Site-specific Maximum detected
concentration (0-10 ft bgs)
IR Ingestion rate (kg food [ww]/day) 0.18 Maximum reported total
dietary intake (OEHHA,
ww:dw Wet-weight to dry weight conversion
factor for ingested matter (kg [dw]/kg
0.22 78-percent moisture
AUF Area use factor (the ratio of the site
exposure area to the receptor foraging
range) (unitless)
1 Maximum possible value
BW Body weight (kg) 1.6 Minimum reported adult
body weight (OEHHA, 2003)
The equation and exposure assumptions for calculating the Tier 1 exposure doses for the red-
tailed hawk are presented in Equation 35.
May 2024
Equation 35 Calculation of Tier 1 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Red-tailed
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐= (𝐴𝑘 × (𝐻𝑃∗𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴)
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
Estimated receptor-specific
contaminant intake (mg/kg of body
Calculated --
Cs Chemical concentration in soil
Site-specific Maximum detected
concentration (0-1 ft bgs)
IR Ingestion rate (kg food [ww]/day) 0.12 Maximum reported total
dietary intake (US EPA,
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion
factor for ingested matter (kg
[dw]/kg [ww])
0.22 78-percent moisture
AUF Area use factor (the ratio of the site
exposure area to the receptor
foraging range) (unitless)
1 Maximum possible value
BW Body weight (kg) 0.96 Minimum reported adult
body weight (US EPA,
The equation and exposure assumptions for calculating the Tier 1 exposure doses for the
pronghorn are presented in Equation 36.
Equation 36. Calculation of Tier 1 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Pronghorn
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐= (𝐴𝑘× (𝐻𝑃∗𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴)
Parameter Definition (units) Value Reference
Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
calculated --
Cs Chemical concentration in soil (mg/kg) Site-specific Maximum detected
concentration (0-1 ft bgs)
IR Ingestion rate (kg wet matter/day)
Based on equation:
IR=a(BW)b where: a=2.606, b=0.628
0.74 Dry matter intake rate for
herbivores (based on Nagy,
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion
factor for ingested matter (kg [dw]/kg
0.22 78-percent moisture
AUF Area use factor (the ratio of the site
exposure area to the receptor foraging
range) (unitless)
1 Maximum possible value
BW Body weight (kg) 47 Minimum reported adult body
weight (O’Gara, 1978)
May 2024
Exposure doses will not be calculated for plants. For the Tier 1 exposure assessment, it will be
assumed that the exposure concentrations for plants are equal to the maximum detected
concentrations of COPECs in soil.
9.2.7 Toxicity and Risk Characterization
For the Tier 1 ERAs, toxicity reference values will be selected based on NOAELs. TRVs will be
obtained from literature and available databases such as Los Alamos National Laboratory’s
(LANL) EcoRisk database.
Note: If using the LANL EcoRisk database, caution must be taken. EcoRisk provides pre-
calculated ecological screening levels that are based on LANL-specific assumptions. The main
search engine will provide ecological screening levels (ESLs) for receptors based on NOAEL
and LOAEL toxicity data (see Figure 7). When calculating doses using the above equations, the
TRVs and not the ESLs must be used (as shown in Figure 8).
Figure 7. Snapshot of LANL EcoRisk and ESLs
Figure 8. Snapshot of LANL EcoRisk and TRVs
In lieu of using EcoRisk or other US EPA ecological databases, a review of literature may be
conducted to determine if data are available to either derive a TRV or if an appropriate surrogate
can be applied. If a new TRV is derived, the TRV and supporting data will be provided to the
DWMRC for approval.
May 2024
If a TRV is not available and/or no surrogate data could be identified, the exclusion of potential
toxicity associated with the COPEC will be qualitatively addressed in the uncertainty analysis of
the risk assessment. Other factors that may be included in this discussion are frequency of
detection, depth of detections, and special analysis of the detections.
For plants, the Tier 1 screening level hazard quotients for plants will be calculated by comparing
exposure doses (i.e., maximum detected concentrations of COPECs; 0-1 ft bgs for shallow rooted
plans or 0-6 ft bgs for deep rooted plants) to an effect concentration. The equation for screening
level hazard quotient (SLHQ) for plants is shown in Equation 37.
Equation 37. Calculation of Screening-Level Hazard Quotients for
Plant Receptors
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑟 𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑐𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑘𝑘
Parameter Definition (units)
SLHQ Screening level hazard quotient (unitless)
Cs Chemical concentration in soil (mg COPEC / kg soil dry weight),
(0-1 ft bgs shallow-rooted and 0-6 ft bgs deep rooted plants)
Effect Concentration Concentration at which adverse effects are not expected (mg/kg)
Tier 1 SLHQs for wildlife receptors will be calculated by comparing estimated exposure doses
derived using Equations 32 through 36 for each of the key receptors determined to have
complete habitat and exposure pathways at the site to NOAEL-based TRVs. The derivation of
SLHQ for the key receptors (except plants) is shown in Equation 38.
Equation 38. Calculation of Screening-Level Hazard
Quotients for Wildlife Receptors
Parameter Definition (Units)
SLHQ Screening-level hazard quotient (unitless)
Dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant intake, from
Equations 1 through 5 (mg/kg of body weight/day)
TRV NOAEL-based TRV (mg/kg/day)
An ESL can be derived for comparison to chemical concentrations in soil, as shown in Equation
39. As discussed above, pre-calculated ESLs may be available from various sources. However,
for soil calculation of dose is preferred over a generic ESL that may not reflect Utah-specific
parameters. While not comprehensive, the following is a list of commons sources for ESLs and
ecological toxicity data:
• LANL EcoRisk Database (LANL, 2020)
• Region 4 Ecological Risk Assessment Supplemental Guidance (US EPA, 2018)
May 2024
• Region 5 Ecological Screening Levels (US EPA, 2003)
• ECOTOX (US EPA, 2023)
Aquatic community organisms are exposed to chemicals in their natural environment primarily
through direct contact with water and sediment. As defined in the LANL EcoRisk
documentation, the aquatic organism spends at least part of their life in close association with
sediment. For comparison to surface water data, ESLs based on a generic aquatic community
organism may be applied. Aquatic organisms for sediment ESLs are broadly representative of
the adverse effects of COPECs on the aquatic community and apply to both aquatic plants and
invertebrates. Water quality standards listed in UAC R317-2 may not be used as ESLs.
Sediment ESLs do not apply to fish or other wildlife. If fish or other organisms are identified as
receptors, the approach and ESLs/TRVs should be discussed with DWMRC. A useful tool for
water and sediment pathways is the US EPA EcoBox (https://www.epa.gov/ecobox/epa-ecobox-
Equation 39 reflects the relationship between dose and chemical concentration in soil under Tier
1 as well as the relationship between the TRV and ESL.
Equation 39. Use of the ESLs to Determine the SLHQ
Parameter Definition (Units)
SLHQ Screening-level hazard quotient (unitless)
Cs Chemical concentration in soil or sediment (mg COPEC / kg
soil dry weight) or other medium (e.g., surface water)
ESL Ecological Screening Level
SLHQs are calculated for each receptor and each COPEC. For each receptor, additive risk must
be evaluated. For the initial screening assessment, it is assumed that all COPECs have equal
potential risk to the receptor. The overall HI is then calculated for each receptor using Equation
zYxSLHQSLHQSLHQHI+++=... Equation 40
HI = Hazard Index (unitless)
SLHQx = Hazard quotient for each COPEC (unitless)
DWMRC applies a target risk level for ecological risk assessments of 1. If the HI for any
receptor is above this target risk level, then there is a potential for adverse effects on ecological
receptors and additional evaluation following the Tier 2 SLERA process is required.
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Similar to the human health assessment, the following convention should be applied when
presenting HQs and HIs:
• HQ or HI is less than 10, one significant figure should be used.
• HQ or HI is 10 or greater but less than 100, two significant figures should be used.
• HQ or HI is 100 or greater, three significant figures should be used.
As with all risk assessments, the SLERA should include a discussion of the uncertainties. More
detailed information may be found in the Guidance for Assessing Ecological Risks Posed by
Chemicals: Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment (NMED, 2014).
9.3 Tier 2
The refined Tier 2 ERA will follow the same steps as taken in the Tier 1 SLERA, only with more
realistic exposure assumptions likely to be encountered by each ecological receptor. Although
the Tier 2 assessment is more site-specific than Tier 1, the Tier 2 assessment also employs many
assumptions that would provide conservative estimates of ecological risk and is more
conservative than a site-specific Tier 3 assessment.
The first step in the Tier 2 problem formulation will be to refine the list of ecological COPECs.
This will be accomplished by reviewing the results of the Tier 1 assessment. COPECs which
had a receptor specific SLHQ less than one will not be retained as a COPEC for that receptor for
assessment in the refined analysis.
The following assumptions will apply to Tier 2 exposure doses:
• EPC – 95UCLs will be utilized as the EPC for determination of EPCs and UCLs).
• AUF – Site-specific value between 0 and 1, based on the ratio of the exposure area (size
of SWMU or corrective action site) to the receptor’s average home range size, as shown
in Equation 41; if a receptor’s home range size is less than the exposure area, a value of 1
will be assumed.
𝐴𝑃𝐴=𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑎 𝑘𝑐 𝑅�ℎ𝑘𝑐 (𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘)
𝐴𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑐𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐 𝑅𝑎𝑘𝑐𝑐 (𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑐𝑘) Equation 41
• Bioavailability – It will be assumed that the bioavailability is 100% at each site.
• Body weight – The average reported adult body weight will be applied.
• Ingestion rate – The average reported ingestion rate will be applied.
• Dietary composition – Receptor-specific percentages of plant, animal, and soil matter
will be considered. Concentrations of COPECs in dietary elements (plant and animal
matter) will be predicted using bio-uptake and bioaccumulation modeling.
• Wet-weight to dry-weight conversion factor – Because body weight is reported as wet-
weight (kg), and soil concentrations are reported as dry-weight (mg/kg), a wet-weight to
dry-weight conversion factor will also be applied when calculating exposure doses.
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The Tier 2 exposure doses for wildlife receptors will include one, two or all three of the
following elements, depending on the receptor being evaluated: 1) ingestion of plant matter; 2)
ingestion of animal (or invertebrate) matter; and 3) incidental ingestion of soil. Bio-uptake and
bioaccumulation modeling will be utilized to predict the concentrations of COPECs in plants and
animal/invertebrate matter that could be ingested by wildlife receptors.
Plant uptake factors (PUFs) will be used to predict the concentrations of COPECs in plants. PUF
values and the equation that should be used to calculate PUF values for inorganic constituents
are summarized in Table 14. PUF values and equations for selected organic constituents are
listed in Table 15. For organic COPECs, the PUFs are based on the octanol-water partition
coefficient (Kow), which will be obtained from US EPA databases or primary literature.
If a PUF is not available, then a value of one (1) will be applied which assumes 100%
assimilation. The equation and variables that will be used to predict COPEC concentrations in
plants are shown in Equation 42.
Table 14. Plant Uptake Factors for Inorganics
Analyte Plant Uptake Factors (PUFs) and Equations2
Aluminum1 4.0E-03
Antimony ln(Cp) = 0.938 * ln(Cs) - 3.233
Arsenic Cp = 0.03752 * Cs
Barium Cp = 0.156 * Cs
Beryllium ln(Cp) = 0.7345 * ln(Cs) - 0.536
Boron 4.0E+001
Cadmium ln(Cp) = 0.546 * ln(Cs) - 0.475
Calcium 3.5E+001
Chromium Cp = 0.041 * Cs
Equation 42. Calculation of COPEC Concentrations in Plants
𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑟=𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑘× 𝑃𝑃𝐴
Parameter Definition (Units) Value
Cplant COPEC concentration in plant (mg/kg dry
Csoil Concentration of COPEC in soil (EPC)
(mg/kg dry weight)
PUF Plant-uptake factor (unitless)
For inorganics (see Table 14)
For organic constituents (Travis and Arms, 1988):
PUF = 10(1.588 – 0.578 log Kow) or Table 15
Kow- obtain from EPA, 2011b or most current
May 2024
Analyte Plant Uptake Factors (PUFs) and Equations2
Cobalt Cp = 0.0075 * Cs
Copper ln(Cp) = 0.394 * ln(Cs) + 0.668
Iron 4.0E-031
Lead ln(Cp) = 0.561 * ln(Cs) - 1.328
Magnesium 1.0E+001
Manganese Cp = 0.079 * Cs
Mercury 9.0E-011
Molybdenum 2.5E-011
Nickel ln(Cp) = 0.748 * ln(Cs) - 2.223
Potassium 1.0E+001
Selenium ln(Cp) = 1.104 * ln(Cs) - 0.677
Silver Cp = 0.014 * Cs
Sodium 7.5E-021
Thallium 4.0E-031
Tin 3.0E-021
Vanadium Cp = 0.00485 * Cs
Zinc ln(Cp) = 0.554 * ln(Cs) + 1.575
1 From Baes, et.al, 1994
2 US EPA, 2007
Cp – concentration in plant
Cs -concentration in soil
Table 15. Plant Uptake Equations for Select Organics
Analyte Plant Uptake Factor (PUF) Equation1
Dieldrin Cp = 0.41 * Cs
TNT Cp = 4.23 * Cs
RDX Cp = 0.43 * Cs
Acenaphthene ln(Cp)= -0.8556 * ln(Cs) - 5.562
Acenaphthylene ln(Cp) = 0.791 * ln(Cs) -1.144
Anthracene ln(Cp)= 0.7784 * ln(Cs) - 0.9887
Fluoranthene Cp = 0.50 * Cs
Fluorene ln(Cp)= -0.8556 * ln(Cs) - 5.562
Naphthalene Cp = 12.2 * Cs
Phenanthrene ln(Cp)= 0.6203 * ln(Cs) - 0.1665
Benzo(a)anthracene ln(Cp)= 0.5944 * ln(Cs) - 2.7078
Benzo(a)pyrene ln(Cp)= 0.9750 * ln(Cs) - 2.0615
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Cp = 0.310 * Cs
May 2024
Analyte Plant Uptake Factor (PUF) Equation1
Benzo(k)fluoranthene ln(Cp)= 0.8595 * ln(Cs) - 2.1579
Chrysene ln(Cp)= 0.5944 * ln(Cs) - 2.7078
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Cp = 0.13 * Cs
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Cp = 0.11 * Cs
Pyrene Cp = 0.72 * Cs
Pentachlorophenol Cp = 5.93 * Cs
1 US EPA, 2007
Cp – concentration in plant
Cs -concentration in soil
Concentrations of COPECs in animal matter (invertebrates and prey species) will be predicted by
applying bioaccumulation or biomagnification factors (BAFs). The BAFs will be selected from
primary literature sources. If BAF data are not available, a default value of 1.0 will be used,
which will conservatively assume 100% assimilation. Methodology for determining BAFs for
soil to plants, soil to earthworms, and soil to small mammals may be found in US EPA (2003(g),
2005, and 2007). The equation and variables for predicting concentrations in animal matter are
shown in Equation 43.
Equation 43. Calculation of COPEC Concentrations in Prey/Invertebrate
𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐𝑟/𝑖𝑘𝑟𝑐𝑟𝑟=𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑘× 𝐴𝐴𝐴
Parameter Definition (Units) Value
Cprey/invert COPEC concentration in prey/invertebrate
(mg/kg dry weight)
Csoil Concentration of COPEC in soil (EPC) (mg/kg
dry weight)
BAF Bioaccumulation/Biomagnification factor Chemical-specific (see
US EPA 2003(g), 2005,
and 2007)
The equation and exposure assumptions that will be used to calculate the Tier 2 exposure doses
for the deer mouse are shown in Equation 44.
The equation and exposure assumptions that will be used to calculate the Tier 2 exposure doses
for the horned lark are shown in Equation 45.
May 2024
Equation 44. Calculation of Tier 2 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Deer Mouse
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐
[(𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× (𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴�ℎ𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× (𝐻𝑃�ℎ𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝑃𝑃)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴]
Parameter Definition (Units) Value Reference
Exposure dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cplant COPEC concentration in plants (mg final
COPEC/kg plant dry weight)
Calculated See Equation 42
IRtotal Receptor-specific average ingestion rate
based on total dietary intake (kg wet
0.004 US EPA 1993g
IRplant Receptor-specific plant-matter ingestion rate
(kg food wet weight/day)
0.003 Based on an average
ingestion rate of 0.004
kg/day (US EPA,
1993g) and a diet of
74% plant matter
(OEHHA, 1999 )
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion factor
for ingested matter
0.22 78-percent moisture
Cinvert Invertebrate EPC (mg final COPEC/kg
invertebrate dry weight)
Calculated See Equation 43
IRinvert Receptor-specific animal matter ingestion
rate (kg food wet weight/day)
0.001 Based on an average
ingestion rate of 0.004
kg/day (US EPA,
1993g) and a diet of
26% invertebrate matter
(OEHHA, 1999)
Csoil Surface-soil EPC (mg final COPEC/kg soil
dry weight)
Site-specific 95% UCL if available,
or maximum (0-10 ft
IRsoil Receptor-specific incidental soil ingestion
rate (kg soil dry weight/day)
0.000018 Based on < 2% (Beyer
et. al, 1994); Average
ingestion rate of (0.004
kg/day wet weight *
0.22 ww:dw) * 2%.
ST Bioavailability factor for constituents
ingested in soil (assumed to be 1.0 for all
1.0 Conservative default
(assume 100%
AUF area use factor (maximum value = 1); ratio
of area of site to average receptor foraging
range (0.3 acres for deer mouse)
Site-specific US EPA, 1993g
BW average adult body weight (kg) 0.02 CDW, 2011
May 2024
Equation 45. Calculation of Tier 2 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Horned Lark
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐
[(𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× (𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴�ℎ𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× (𝐻𝑃�ℎ𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝑃𝑃)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴]
Parameter Definition (Units) Value Reference
Exposure dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cplant COPEC concentration in plants (mg final
COPEC/kg plant dry weight)
Calculated See Equation 42
IRplant Receptor-specific plant-matter ingestion rate
(kg food wet weight/day)
0.026 Based on average
ingestion rate of 0.035
kg/day (US EPA
1993b) and a diet of
75% plant matter
(Doctor, et al, 2000)
and US EPA, 1993g
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion factor
for ingested matter
0.22 78-percent moisture
Cinvert Invertebrate EPC (mg final COPEC / kg
invertebrate dry weight)
Site-specific See Equation 43
IRinvert Receptor-specific animal matter ingestion
rate (kg food wet weight/day)
0.009 Based on average
ingestion rate of 0.035
kg/day (US EPA
1993b) and a diet of
25% invertebrates
(Doctor, et al, 2000)
and US EPA, 1993g
Csoil Surface-soil EPC (mg final COPEC / kg soil
Site-specific 95% UCL if available,
or maximum (0-1 ft
IRsoil Receptor-specific incidental soil ingestion
rate (kg/day dry weight)
0.00077 Based on 10% (Baer, et
al, 1994). Average
ingestion rate of (0.035
kg/day (wet weight) *
0.22 ww:dw) * 10%).
ST Bioavailability factor for constituents
ingested in soil (assumed to be 1 for all
1 Conservative default
(assume 100%
AUF Area use factor (maximum value = 1); ratio
of area of site to average receptor foraging
range (4 acres for horned lark)
Area of site
(acres) / 4 acres
Beason, 1995
BW Average adult body weight (kg) 0.033 Trost, 1972
The equation and exposure assumptions that will be used to calculate the Tier 2 exposure doses
for the kit fox are shown in Equation 46.
May 2024
Equation 46. Calculation of Tier 2 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Kit Fox
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐=
[(𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘× (𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝑃𝑃)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴]
Parameter Definition (Units) Value Reference
Exposure dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cprey Prey EPC (mg final COPEC / kg prey dry
Calculated See Equation 43
IRprey Receptor-specific animal matter ingestion
rate (kg food wet weight/day)
0.13 Based on an average
ingestion rate of 0.13
kg/day (OEHHA,
2003) and a diet of
100% animal matter
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion factor
for ingested matter
0.22 78-percent moisture
Csoil Surface and subsurface-soil (0-10 ft bgs) EPC
(mg final COPEC / kg soil dw)
Site-specific 95% UCL if available,
or maximum (0-10 ft
IRsoil Receptor-specific incidental soil ingestion
rate (kg soil dry weight/day)
0.0008 Based on 2.8% (Beyer
et.al., 1994). Average
ingestion rate of (0.13
kg/day (wet weight)
*0.22 ww:dw) * 2.8%).
ST Bioavailability factor for constituents
ingested in soil (assumed to be 1for all
1 Conservative default
(assume 100%
AUF Area use factor (maximum value = 1); ratio
of area of site to average receptor foraging
range (1713 acres for kit fox)
Site-specific --
BW Average adult body weight (kg) 2.0 OEHHA, 2003
The equation and exposure assumptions that will be used to calculate the Tier 2 exposure doses
for the red-tailed hawk are shown in Equation 47.
May 2024
Equation 47. Calculation of Tier 2 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Red-Tailed
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐=
[(𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘× (𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝑃𝑃)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴]
Parameter Definition (Units) Value Reference
Exposure dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cprey Prey EPC (mg final COPEC / kg prey dry
Calculated See Equation 43
IRprey receptor-specific animal matter ingestion rate
(kg food wet weight/day)
0.1 Based on an average
ingestion rate of 0.1
kg/day (US EPA
1993g) and a diet of
100% animal matter
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion factor
for ingested matter
0.22 78-percent moisture
Csoil surface-soil EPC (mg final COPEC / kg soil
Site-specific 95% UCL if available,
or maximum (0-1 ft
IRsoil receptor-specific incidental soil ingestion rate
(kg soil dry weight/day)
0.0004 Based on < 2% (Beyer
et. al., 1994). Average
ingestion rate of (0.12
kg/day (wet weight)
*0.22 kg/kg) * 2%).
ST bioavailability factor for constituents ingested
in soil (assumed to be 1 for all constituents)
1 Conservative default
(assume 100%
AUF area use factor (maximum value = 1); ratio of
area of site to average receptor foraging range
(1770 acres for red-tailed hawk)
Site-specific --
BW average adult body weight (kg) 1.1 US EPA, 1993g
The equation and exposure assumptions that will be used to calculate the Tier 2 exposure doses
for the pronghorn are shown in Equation 48.
May 2024
Equation 48. Calculation of Tier 2 Exposure Dose for COPECs in Soil; Pronghorn
𝐴𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑐 𝐴𝑘𝑟𝑐=
[(𝐴𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× (𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑘𝑘× 𝑟𝑟:𝑐𝑟))+(𝐴𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝐻𝑃𝑘𝑘�ℎ𝑘× 𝑃𝑃)× 𝐴𝑃𝐴]
Parameter Definition (Units) Value Reference
Exposure dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant
intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
Calculated --
Cplant COPEC concentration in plants (mg final
COPEC/kg plant dry weight)
Calculated See Equation 42
IRplant receptor-specific plant-matter ingestion rate
(kg food wet weight/day)
1.4 Based on an average
ingestion rate of 1.4
kg/day (US FWS,
2005) and a diet of
100% plant matter
ww:dw Wet weight to dry weight conversion factor
for ingested matter
0.22 78-percent moisture
Csoil surface-soil EPC (mg final COPEC / kg soil
95% UCL if available,
or maximum (0-1 ft
IRsoil receptor-specific incidental soil ingestion rate
(kg soil dry weight/day)
0.006 Based on < 2% (Beyer
et. al., 1994). Average
ingestion rate of (1.4
kg/day (wet weight) *
0.22 ww:dw) * 2%).
ST bioavailability factor for constituents ingested
in soil (assumed to be 1.0 for all constituents)
1 Conservative default
(assume 100%
AUF area use factor (maximum value = 1); ratio of
area of site to average receptor foraging
range (3422 acres for pronghorn)
Site-specific Zoellick & Smith, 1992
BW Average adult body weight (kg) 50 O’Gara, 1978
9.3.1 Toxicity
The Tier 2 TRVs will be based on LOAELs. The LOAEL will be used as it is more
representative of population risks.
9.3.2 Risk Characterization
Risk characterization for Tier 2 will be conducted by calculating HQs for plant and wildlife
receptors using a similar method as in the Tier 1 SLERA. The equation and assumptions for
calculating the Tier 2 HQs for wildlife receptors are shown in Equation 49.
May 2024
Equation 49. Calculation of Tier 2 Hazard Quotients for Wildlife
Parameter Definition (Units)
HQ Hazard quotient (unitless)
Dose Estimated receptor-specific contaminant intake (mg/kg of body weight/day)
TRV Toxicity reference value (mg/kg/day) based on lowest observed adverse
effects level (LOAEL)
For plants, a qualitative discussion of the potential for adverse risk will be provided in the
assessment. Comparison of TRVs to soil concentrations based on the 95% UCL may be
Summation of HQs will be added for COPECs that have a similar receptor-specific mode of
toxicity. If the Tier 2 HI is less than one, adverse ecological effects are not expected, and no
further action will be taken.
If a HQ exceeds 1, this is not necessarily indicative that an adverse risk will occur (Menzie, et.al.
1993, Tannenbaum, et.al 2003, and Tannenbaum, 2004). As reproductive impacts are most
critical to assessing risk to populations, the HQs should be carefully evaluated. If the HQ is
equal to or greater than 1, but less than 10, there may be a low potential for adverse effects. If
the HQ is greater than 10, there may be a higher potential for adverse effects to occur based on
experimental evidence.
For sites that have an HI equal to or greater than one, the site may require: 1) additional
evaluation under a weight-of-evidence analysis; 2) a Tier 3 risk assessment; or 3) a corrective
measures study or other remedial action.
Per US EPA (1997c), Tier 2 ecological risk characterization should include a discussion of the
uncertainties since many assumptions may or may not accurately reflect site conditions.
Therefore, a discussion of the uncertainties associated with Tier 2 SLERA will be included in the
9.4 Tier 3
If the Tier 2 ERA does not show that levels of contamination in the impacted media are below
the target level of 1, additional quantitative analyses (e.g., biota studies to evaluate impacts at the
site) or even corrective actions (e.g., removals) may be warranted. DWMRC should be
consulted before proceeding with additional analyses and/or corrective actions and a cost-benefit
analysis that weighs corrective actions (removals) versus additional investigations should be
performed. If the SLERA, consultation with DWMRC, and the cost-benefit analysis support
further evaluation of the contaminated site, site-specific data that supports formulation of a
problem statement for a Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment should be conducted.
May 2024
9.4.1 Performing a Tier 3 Site Specific Ecological Risk Assessment
After problem formulation is completed and an integrated conceptual exposure model is
developed and discussed with DWMRC, a Work Plan should be developed and submitted to
DWMRC for approval. Site specific data should be collected and used, wherever practicable, to
determine whether site releases present unacceptable risks and to develop quantitative cleanup
levels that are protective. As in all risk assessments, the scope of the Tier 3 site-specific risk
assessment should be tailored to the nature and complexity of the issues present at the site and all
response alternatives being considered, including their costs and implementability.
9.4.2 Problem Formulation for Tier 3
Like a Tier 1 or Tier 2 SLERA, a Tier 3 assessment begins with a problem formulation step. By
combining information on: (1) the site COPECs; (2) the ecotoxicity of the COPECs; (3) the
ecological setting; (4) environmental fate and transport; and (5) complete exposure pathways,
those aspects of the site ecosystem potentially at risk as well as the responses to that risk are
identified. Based on that information, the risk assessment team and DWMRC agree on
assessment endpoints and specific risk questions or testable hypotheses that, together with an
integrated CSM, form the basis for the site investigation.
Problem Formulation for a Tier 3 assessment includes the following elements:
• Refinement of the COPECs by examining the assumptions used in the SLERA.
• Further characterization of the ecological effects associated with the contaminants.
• Reviewing and refining information on contaminant fate and transport, complete
exposure pathways, and ecosystems potentially at risk.
• Selection of site-specific assessment endpoints.
• Development of an integrated CSM and associated risk questions.
If the problem formulation step indicates additional sampling is required for the Tier 3
assessment, a separate sampling and analysis plan (SAP) may also be required. In addition to
documenting the approaches, procedures, and expectations for the Tier 3 site-specific ecological
risk assessment, the Work Plan should also summarize all agreements between the facility and
DWMRC regarding the contaminants of concern, assessment endpoints, exposure pathways, and
risk questions.
9.4.3 Refining Contaminants of Concern
Because of the conservative assumptions used during the SLERA, some of the COPECs retained
for the Tier 3 assessment might pose negligible risk. At this stage of the ecological risk
assessment process, the risk assessment team should review the assumptions used in the SLERA
(e.g., bioavailability assumed to be 100 percent) against COPEC-specific values reported in the
literature and consider how the hazard quotients or indices would change if more realistic, yet
conservative, assumptions were applied.
May 2024
New information may become available that indicates the initial assumptions that screened some
contaminants out of the SLERA are no longer valid (e.g., site contaminant levels are higher than
originally reported). In this case, contaminants can be placed back on the list of COPECs to be
After consultation with DWMRC, one or more of the following supplemental components
(background concentrations, frequency and magnitude of detection, dietary considerations) may
be included in the Problem Formulation step for the Tier 3 assessment. These components need
not be implemented in the order presented herein, nor do all the components need to be
implemented. However, any COPEC identified for potential exclusion from the Tier 3
assessment through application of any supplemental component must also be evaluated for its
potential to bioaccumulate, biomagnify, and bioconcentrate.
Those components included in the assessment should be identified and discussed in the Work
Plan. In addition, the Tier 3 ecological risk assessment report should fully address the issues
associated with each supplemental component included in the Tier 3 assessment and describe the
rationale underlying its selection for inclusion in the assessment.
9.4.4 Frequency and Magnitude of Detection
The SAP needs to provide for characterization of the full range of variability and distribution in
the data while meeting the project criteria for completeness, comparability, representativeness,
precision, and accuracy. Given data of adequate quality, reduction of COPECs through
application of this component may be determined acceptable following consultation with
DWMRC. A frequency of detection (FOD) evaluation should re-examine the original results
• The information and data considered in the evaluation performed for the SLERA;
• The results of the SLERA; and
• The information and data gathered in performing the problem formulation activities
associated with the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment.
The rationale, criteria, and methodology to be employed should be discussed with DWMRC.
For a Tier 3 assessment, these discussions should be expanded to address additional issues
including: 1) the influence of random and/or biased sampling on the frequency and magnitude of
detected values within the distribution of data; 2) the spatial and temporal pattern of
contaminants identified as low frequency and/or low magnitude; 3) comparison of risk-based
detection limits with toxicity benchmarks; and 4) the relationship of detected values to toxicity
benchmarks. The agreed upon approach should be documented in the Work Plan.
9.4.5 Dietary Considerations
Some site-related chemicals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and potassium can
function as nutrients in organisms serving as physiological electrolytes. When present at
concentrations that allow them to function in this manner, they typically pose little ecological
risk. However, some nutrients (e.g., selenium, copper, molybdenum, and boron) can transition
May 2024
from essential to toxic at slightly higher concentrations. As part of the Tier 3 assessment, the
suite of nutrients relevant to the range of ecological receptors (wildlife versus plants) at the site
should be identified. The potential for toxic effects resulting from site concentrations relative to
the toxicological benchmarks for nutrients should be evaluated. In addition, the assessment
should determine whether exposure to site contamination could result in a nutrient deficiency for
organisms of concern. As part of the analysis, the nutrient deficiency level and the toxicity
benchmark should be compared to determine if they are similar in magnitude.
9.4.6 Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration and Biomagnification
For those COPECs identified by applying any of the supplemental components discussed above,
it is essential to evaluate their potential to bioaccumulate, bioconcentrate, and/or biomagnify
prior to eliminating them from further consideration in the Tier 3 assessment. Compounds with a
high potential to accumulate and persist in the food chain should be carried out through the risk
assessment process.
Additionally, the Tier 3 assessment should address the likelihood that contaminants identified for
removal from the list of COPECs could exert adverse effects on higher trophic level organisms.
A determination that bioaccumulation and biomagnification have been satisfactorily addressed
through methods developed in consultation with the DWMRC and documented in the Tier 3
assessment Work Plan (e.g., modeling, site-related tissue measurements) should be included in
the site-specific risk assessment report.
9.4.7 Further Characterization of Ecological Effects
The literature searches conducted as part of the SLERA should be expanded to obtain the
information needed for the more detailed problem formulation phase of the Tier 3 site-specific
ecological risk assessment. The literature search should identify NOAELs, LOAELs, exposure-
response functions, and the mechanisms of toxic responses for those contaminants that were not
addressed in the SLERA. Appendix C of US EPA’s 1997 Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance
for Superfund: Process for Designing and Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments (US EPA
1997a) presents additional details on the factors that are important in conducting a literature
search. For all chemicals on the refined list of COPECs, it is important to obtain and review the
primary literature to ensure potential data gaps are addressed and that the most recently available
information is used is Tier 3 risk assessment.
9.4.8 Reviewing and Refining Information on Contaminant Fate and Transport, Complete
Exposure Pathways, and Ecosystems Potentially at Risk
The exposure pathways and the ecosystems associated with the assessment endpoints that were
retained in the SLERA are evaluated in more detail. Additional information should be compiled
• The environmental fate and transport of the COPECs;
• The ecological setting and general flora and fauna of the site (including habitat, potential
receptors, etc.); and
May 2024
• The magnitude and extent of contamination, including its spatial and temporal variability
relative to the assessment endpoints.
It is frequently possible to reduce the number of exposure pathways that require evaluation to
one or a few "critical exposure pathways" which (1) reflect maximum exposures of receptors
within the ecosystem, or (2) constitute exposure pathways to ecological receptors sensitive to
specific COPECs. If multiple critical exposure pathways exist at a site, each should be evaluated
as part of the Tier 3 assessment.
9.4.9 Contaminant Fate and Transport
Information on how the COPECs will or could be transported or transformed in the environment
by physical, chemical, and biological processes should be used to identify the exposure pathways
that could produce significant ecological impacts. Physically, COPECs move through the
environment by volatilization, erosion, deposition (contaminant sinks), weathering of parent
material with subsequent transport, and/or water transport. Chemically, COPECs can undergo
several processes in the environment such as degradation, complexation, ionization,
precipitation, and/or adsorption. Several biological processes also affect COPEC fate and
transport in the environment including bioaccumulation, biodegradation, biological
transformation, food chain transfers, and/or excretion. Degradation product(s) and biological
transformation products may be more or less toxic than the parent compound.
The above information is used to evaluate how COPECs will partition in the environment and
determine the bioavailability of site contaminants. Note that at this point in the process, it may
be possible for the risk assessment team and DWMRC to use this information to replace some of
the conservative assumptions employed in the SLERA and eliminate some COPECs from further
evaluation. Such negotiations should be summarized in the Work Plan and must be documented
in the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment report.
9.4.10 Complete Exposure Pathways
The potentially complete exposure pathways identified in the SLERA must be evaluated in more
detail in the Tier 3 assessment based on the refined contaminant fate and transport evaluation and
the refined evaluation of potential ecological receptors.
Some of the potentially complete exposure pathways identified in the SLERA may be ruled out
from further consideration at this time. Conversely, additional exposure pathways might be
identified particularly those originating from secondary sources of contamination. Any data gaps
that result in questions about whether an exposure pathway is complete should be identified, and
the type of data needed to answer those questions should be described to assist in developing the
Work Plan and SAP. During the re-examination of the exposure pathways, the potential for
food-chain exposures deserves particular attention as some COPECs are effectively transferred
through food chains while others are not.
May 2024
9.4.11 Ecosystems Potentially at Risk
The ecological setting information collected during the SLERA should provide answers to
several questions including:
• What habitats are present?
• What types of water bodies are present, if any?
• Do any other habitats exist on or adjacent to the site?
If the questions above cannot be effectively answered using the information from the SLERA, an
additional site visit should be considered to supplement the one conducted during the Scoping
Available information on the ecological effects of contaminants as well as observations made
during the initial and subsequent site visits can help focus the Tier 3 assessment on specific
ecological resources that should be evaluated more thoroughly. For example, some groups of
organisms can be more sensitive than others to a particular COPEC; alternatively, an already-
stressed population (e.g., due to habitat degradation) could be particularly sensitive to any added
9.4.12 Selection of Site-Specific Assessment Endpoints
The selection of assessment endpoints includes discussion between the risk assessment team and
DWMRC concerning management policy goals and ecological values. Input should be sought
from all stakeholders associated with a site when identifying assessment endpoints. Stakeholder
input at this stage helps ensure that DWMRC can readily defend the assessment endpoints when
making decisions for the site.
If a Tier 2 screening assessment has been performed for the site, the selection of assessment
endpoints should be re-examined. The endpoints selected for the Tier 3 assessment should
• Contaminants and concentrations at the site;
• Mechanisms of toxicity of the contaminants to different groups of organisms;
• Ecologically relevant receptor groups potentially sensitive or highly exposed to site
contaminants and attributes of their natural history; and
• Potentially complete exposure pathways.
In addition, the risk assessment team should determine if any of the COPECs can adversely
affect organisms in direct contact with contaminated media (e.g., direct exposure to water,
sediment, soil) or if the contaminants accumulate in food chains, resulting in adverse effects in
organisms that are not directly exposed or are minimally exposed to the original contaminated
media (i.e., indirect exposure). Also, the risk assessment team must decide if the Tier 3
assessment should focus on toxicity resulting from direct or indirect exposures, or if both should
be evaluated.
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In specifying assessment endpoints, a broad specification (e.g., protecting aquatic communities)
is generally of less value in problem formulation than a focused specification (e.g., maintaining
aquatic community composition and structure downstream of a site similar to that upstream of
the site). Focused assessment endpoints define the ecological value in sufficient detail to
identify the measures needed to answer specific questions about the site or to test specific
Once assessment endpoints have been selected, testable hypotheses should be developed to
determine whether or not a potential threat to the assessment endpoints exists. Measurement
endpoints can also be developed or if developed as part of a Tier 2 screening assessment, refined
based on the activities associated with the problem formulation step of the Tier 3 assessment.
Note that testable hypotheses and measurement endpoints cannot be finalized without agreement
on the assessment endpoints among DWMRC, the risk assessment team, and other stakeholders.
9.4.13 Development of a Conceptual Site Model and Associated Risk Questions
Conceptual Site Model
Based on the information obtained from the SLERA, knowledge of the contaminants present, the
screening CSM, including the exposure pathway model, and the assessment endpoints, an
integrated CSM should be developed. The integrated CSM should include a contaminant fate-
and-transport diagram that traces the movement of COPECs from sources through the ecosystem
to receptors associated with the assessment endpoints.
Exposure pathways that do not lead to a species or group of species associated with the proposed
assessment endpoint indicate that: (1) there is an incomplete exposure pathway to the receptor(s)
associated with the proposed assessment endpoint; or (2) there are missing components or data
necessary to demonstrate a complete exposure pathway. If case (1) is true, the proposed
assessment endpoint should be reevaluated to determine if it is an appropriate endpoint for the
site. If case (2) is true, then additional field data may be needed to reevaluate contaminant fate
and transport at the site.
Assessment endpoints differ from site to site and can represent one or more levels of biological
organization. At any particular site, the appropriate assessment endpoints might involve local
populations of a particular species, community-level integrity, and/or habitat preservation. The
integrated CSM must encompass the level of biological organization appropriate for the
assessment endpoints for the site.
Risk Questions
Ecological risk questions are inquiries into the relationship between an assessment endpoint and
its expected response when exposed to site contamination. Risk questions should be based on
the assessment endpoints selected for the site and lead to answers that establish a foundation for
the study design and evaluation of the results of the site investigation in the analysis and risk
characterization phases of the risk assessment process. The most basic question applicable to
virtually every site asks whether site-related contaminants are causing or have the potential to
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cause adverse effects on the assessment endpoint(s). To ensure the Tier 3 assessment is useful in
a feasibility study, it is helpful if the specific contaminant(s) posing the most significant threat(s)
can be identified. Thus, the question is refined to ask "does (or could) chemical X cause adverse
effects on the assessment endpoint?" In general, four lines of evidence are used to answer this
• Comparison of estimated or measured exposure levels for a given chemical with levels
that are known from the literature to be toxic to receptors associated with the assessment
• Comparison of laboratory bioassays of media from the site and bioassays of media from a
reference site;
• Comparison of in situ toxicity tests at the site with in situ toxicity tests in a reference
body of water; and
• Comparison of observed effects in the receptors associated with the site with similar
receptors at a reference site.
9.4.14 Finalization of the CSM
The problem formulation step for the Tier 3 assessment is considered complete once the risk
assessment team and DWMRC reach agreement on four items: the ecological contaminants of
concern, the assessment endpoints, the exposure pathways, and the risk questions. These items
should be presented and summarized in the integrated CSM for the site and the CSM should be
presented and discussed in the Work Plan and SAP (if a separate SAP is developed) for the Tier
3 site-specific assessment.
9.4.15 Develop a Work Plan and SAP for Tier 3
Based on the information assembled during problem formulation, the risk assessment team and
DWMRC agree on assessment endpoints, risk questions and/or testable hypotheses that, together
with the rest of the integrated CSM, form the basis for the site investigation. At this stage, site-
specific information on exposure pathways and/or the presence of specific species is likely to be
incomplete. By using the integrated CSM, measurement endpoints can be selected/verified and a
plan for filling information gaps can be developed and written into the Work Plan and SAP.
Field verification of the SAP is important to ensure that the data quality objectives (DQOs) for
the site investigation will be met. This step verifies that the selected assessment endpoints,
testable hypotheses, exposure pathway model, measurement endpoints, and study design are
appropriate and implementable at the site. By verifying the field sampling plan prior to
conducting the full site investigation, well-considered alterations can be made to the study design
and/or its implementation if necessary. If changing conditions identified during field verification
force changes to the Work Plan and/or SAP (e.g., selection of a different reference site), the
changes should be agreed to and documented by the risk assessment team in consultation with
Site investigation activities and sampling and analysis procedures should be clearly documented
in the Work Plan and/or SAP. However, the Work Plan and SAP should allow for instances
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where unexpected conditions arise in the field that indicate a need to change the study design.
The Work Plan and SAP should indicate that should the need arise, the ecological risk
assessment team will reevaluate the feasibility or adequacy of the sampling design and any
resulting changes to the Work Plan or SAP will be agreed upon by both the risk assessment team
and DWMRC and will be documented in the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment
When possible, any field sampling efforts for the ecological risk assessment should overlap with
other site data collection efforts to reduce sampling costs and to prevent redundant sampling.
The Work Plan and/or the SAP should specify the methods by which the collected data will be
analyzed. Both plans should address all food chain exposure model parameters, data reduction
techniques, data interpretation methods, and statistical analyses that will be used. Once
completed, the documents should be submitted to DWMRC. At the successful conclusion of the
review process, DWMRC will issue approvals or approvals with modifications for the Work Plan
and SAP and the site investigation, data evaluation, and risk characterization can proceed.
Recommended Information for Tier 3 site-specific Ecological Risk Assessment Work Plan
and/or Sampling and Analysis Plan
At a minimum, the Tier 3 site-specific ecological Work Plan and accompanying SAP (if needed)
should include:
• A brief and concise summary of the information contained in the SLERA Report.
• The results of the problem formulation step for the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk
assessment including:
• Summary of discussion and agreements with DWMRC regarding the use of FOD in the
• Refined list of COPECs.
• Further characterization of the ecological effects associated with site contaminants.
• Review and refinement of information on contaminant fate and transport, complete
exposure pathways, and ecosystems potentially at risk at the site.
• Review and refinement of the selection of site-specific assessment endpoints.
• Development of the integrated CSM and associated risk questions.
• Identification and discussion of the Supplemental Components i.e., background
concentrations, frequency and magnitude of detection, dietary considerations, and any
additional considerations used in refining the list of COPECs.
• Presentation and discussion of the integrated CSM.
• Detailed presentation of all site investigation activities and sampling and analysis
procedures including quality assurance/quality control requirements.
• Presentation and discussion of all assessment endpoints, risk questions, and testable
• The SAP should specify the relationship between measurement and assessment
endpoints, the necessary number, volume, and types of samples to be collected, and the
sampling techniques to be used.
• The SAP should specify the data reduction and interpretation techniques and the DQOs
for the site investigation.
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• Contingency plan(s) that anticipate situations that may arise during the site investigation
that require modification of the approaches documented in the Work Plan and/or SAP.
• Detailed presentation of procedures for analyzing site-specific data collected during the
site investigation.
• Identification and discussion of the methodology to be employed in the analysis of
exposure response.
• Identification and discussion of statistical techniques to be used in the Tier 3 assessment.
• Quantified exposure for each measurement receptor for each pathway.
• Technical Decision Point summarizing agreement between the risk assessment team and
DWMRC on the list of COPECs, assessment endpoints, exposure pathways, and risk
9.4.16 Analysis of Ecological Exposures and Effects
Analysis of exposure and effects is performed interactively, with one analysis informing the
other. These analyses are based on the information collected during the SLERA, problem
formulation activities conducted in preparation for the Tier 3 assessment, and additional
information collected in developing the Work Plan and SAP. Both analyses are performed in
accordance with the data interpretation and analysis methods outlined in the Work Plan and SAP.
In the analysis phase, the site-specific data obtained during the site investigation replace many of
the assumptions made for the SLERA. For the exposure and ecological effects characterizations,
the uncertainties associated with the field measurements and with the assumptions made where
site-specific data are not available must be documented in the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk
assessment report.
9.4.17 Characterizing Exposures
In the exposure analysis, both the ecological stressor and the ecosystem must be characterized on
similar temporal and spatial scales. The result of the analysis is an exposure profile that
quantifies the magnitude and spatial and temporal patterns of exposure as they relate to the
assessment endpoints and risk questions developed during problem formulation. This exposure
profile along with a description of the associated uncertainties and assumptions serves as input to
the risk characterization.
Stressor characterization involves determining the stressor's distribution and pattern of change.
The analytic approach for characterizing ecological exposures should follow the methodology
specified in the Work Plan and SAP. For chemical stressors, a combination of fate-and-transport
modeling and sampling data from the site are typically used to predict the current and likely
future nature and extent of contamination at a site. Any site-specific information that can be
used to replace previous assumptions based on literature searches or information from other sites
should be incorporated into the description of ecological conditions at the site. This information
and all remaining assumptions and uncertainties associated with the characterization of
exposures at the site should be documented in the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment
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Specifically, exposure to COPECs released from facility contaminant sources is evaluated
through consideration of the exposure pathways included in the integrated CSM. All exposure
pathways identified as potentially complete should be evaluated in the exposure assessment. The
summation of this potential exposure across all pathways for a measurement receptor defines the
exposure of that measurement receptor to a COPEC. Exposure assessments are conducted
separately for each community and each measurement receptor.
9.4.18 Characterizing Ecological Effects
Following the methods for analyzing site-specific data specified in the Work Plan and SAP, the
assembled information on ecological effects is integrated with any evidence of existing impacts
gathered during the site investigation (e.g., toxicity testing).
Exposure-response Analysis
In this phase of the analysis, measurement endpoints are related to the assessment endpoints
using the logical structure provided by the integrated CSM. Any extrapolations required to relate
measurement to assessment endpoints (e.g., between species, between response levels, from
laboratory to field) should be explained. Finally, an exposure-response relationship is described
to the extent possible (e.g., by a regression equation), including the confidence limits
(quantitative or qualitative) associated with the relationship. Statistical techniques such as those
available in US EPA’s ProUCL software (US EPA, 2022) and other methods used to identify
and/or describe the relationship between exposure and response from the field data should follow
the analysis procedure specified in the Work Plan and SAP.
When exposure-response data are not available or cannot be developed, a threshold for adverse
effects can be developed instead, as in the SLERA. For the Tier 3 assessment, however, site-
specific information should be used instead of conservative assumptions used in the SLERA. If
a site is analyzed using this approach, the methodology should be described in the Work Plan
and, as necessary, the SAP.
Evidence of Causality
Demonstrating a correlation between the contaminant gradient at the site and ecological impacts
is an important component of establishing causality. Thus, it is important to evaluate the
strength of the causal association between the site contaminants and their impact on the
measurement and assessment endpoints. However, other lines of evidence should be presented
in support or in the absence of such a demonstration. Note that by itself, an exposure-response
correlation at a site is not sufficient to demonstrate causality. The correlation must be supported
by one or more lines of evidence as well as an analysis of potential confounding factors at the
site. Criteria for evaluating causal associations are outlined in the US EPA’s Framework for
Ecological Risk Assessment (US EPA, 1992d).
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9.4.19 Risk Characterization
The risk characterization section of the Tier 3 site-specific ecological risk assessment report
should include a qualitative and quantitative presentation of the risk results and associated
9.4.20 Risk Estimation
For population measurement receptors, HQs and HIs should reflect the actual diet of the
receptor; the exposure and risk to multiple contaminants are additive (i.e., two or more
contaminants may affect the same target organs or organ systems and/or act by similar
mechanisms). Therefore, HQs and HIs calculated using TRVs based on different effects (e.g.,
survivorship vs. reproductive ability), toxicity endpoints (e.g., NOAEL, LOAEL), and/or
exposure durations (e.g., acute, chronic) should not be summed to derive HIs. In these cases,
risk assessment efforts should be focused on the highest contributing COPEC or class of
COPECs which can reasonably be summed across effects, toxicity endpoints, and exposure
durations (US EPA, 1999a).
Documentation of the risk estimates should describe how inferences are made from the
measurement endpoints to the assessment endpoints established during problem formulation.
For ecological risk assessments that rely upon multiple lines of evidence, a strength-of-evidence
approach is used to integrate different types of data to support the conclusions of the assessment.
The lines of evidence might include toxicity test results, assessments of existing impacts at a site,
or risk calculations comparing exposures estimated for the site with toxicity values from the
literature. Balancing and interpreting these different types of data can be a major task and
require professional judgment. As already noted, the strength of evidence provided by different
types of tests and the precedence that one type of study might have over another should have
been established in the Work Plan. Taking this approach will ensure that data interpretation is
objective and not biased to support a preconceived result. Additional strength-of-evidence
considerations at this stage include the degree to which DQOs were met and whether
confounding factors became evident during the site investigation and analysis phase of the risk
assessment process.
For some biological tests (e.g., toxicity tests, benthic macroinvertebrate studies), all or some of
the data interpretation process should be outlined in existing documents, such as in toxicity
testing manuals. In most cases, however, the Work Plan or SAP (if available) must describe how
resulting data will be interpreted for a site. The data interpretation methods also should be
presented in the risk characterization documentation. For example, if the triad approach was
used to evaluate contaminated sediments, the risk estimation section should describe how the
three types of studies (i.e., toxicity test, benthic invertebrate survey, and sediment chemistry) are
integrated to draw conclusions about risk.
Where exposure-response functions are not available or developed, the quotient method of
comparing an estimated exposure concentration to a threshold for response can be used, as used
in the SLERA. If possible, presentation of full exposure-response functions is preferred as these
functions provide DWMRC with more information on which to base site decisions. This
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guidance has recommended the use of on-site contamination gradients to demonstrate on-site
exposure-response functions. Where such data have been collected, they should be presented
along with the risk estimates in the Tier 3 site specific ecological risk assessment report. HQs
and HI s (for contaminants with the same mechanism of toxicity), the results of in situ toxicity
testing, or community survey data can be mapped along with analytic chemistry data to provide a
clear picture of the relationship between areas of contamination and observed or expected
ecological effects.
In addition to developing point estimates of exposure concentrations (as provided by the hazard
quotient approach), it may be possible to develop a distribution of exposure levels based on the
potential variability in various exposure parameters. Probabilities of exceeding a threshold for
adverse effects can then be estimated. As previously stated, the risk assessment team and
DWMRC should agree on the specific analyses to be used in characterizing risks and document
the procedures for the analyses in the Work Plan.
9.4.21 Risk Description
Risk descriptions for Tier 3 assessments should document the environmental contamination
levels that bound the threshold for adverse ecological effects for each assessment endpoint. The
lower bound of the threshold should be based on consistent conservative assumptions and
NOAEL toxicity values while the upper bound should be based on observed impacts or
predictions that ecological impacts could occur. This upper bound should be developed using
consistent assumptions, site-specific data, LOAEL toxicity values, or an impact evaluation.
The approach for estimating environmental contaminant concentrations that represent thresholds
for adverse ecological effects should be specified in the study design and documented in the
Work Plan. When higher trophic-level organisms are associated with assessment endpoints, the
study design should describe how monitoring data and contaminant-transfer models will be used
to back-calculate an environmental concentration representing a threshold for effect. If the site
investigation identifies a gradient of ecological effects along a contamination gradient, the risk
assessment team should identify and document the levels of contamination below which no
further improvements in the assessment endpoints are discernable or expected. If departures
from the original analysis plan are necessary based on information obtained during the site
investigation or data analysis phase, the reasons for the change should be discussed with
DWMRC and the results of those discussions documented in the Tier 3 risk assessment report.
9.4.22 Additional Risk Information
In addition to developing numerical estimates of existing impacts, risks, and thresholds for
ecological effects, the risk assessment team should establish the context of the estimates by
describing their extent, magnitude, and potential ecological significance. Additional ecological
risk descriptors are listed below:
• The location and areal extent of existing contamination above a threshold for adverse
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• The degree to which the threshold for contamination is exceeded or is likely to be
exceeded in the future, particularly if exposure-response functions are available; and
• The expected half-life (qualitative or quantitative) of contaminants in the environment
(e.g., sediments, food chain) and the potential for natural recovery once the sources of
contamination are removed.
9.4.23 Uncertainty Analysis
There are several sources of uncertainties associated with ecological risk estimates. One is the
initial selection of substances of concern based on the sampling data and available toxicity
information. Other sources of uncertainty include estimates of toxicity to ecological receptors at
the site based on limited data from the laboratory (usually on other species), from other
ecosystems, or from the site over a limited period. Additional uncertainties result from the
exposure assessment, because of the uncertainty in chemical monitoring data and models used to
estimate exposure concentrations or doses. Further uncertainties are included in risk estimates
when simultaneous exposures to multiple substances occur.
Within the analysis each source of uncertainty should be identified and its impact on the risk
estimates and risk characterization discussed. Uncertainty should be distinguished from
variability. Variability arises from true heterogeneity or variation in environmental
characteristics and receptors. Uncertainty, on the other hand, represents lack of knowledge about
certain factors, which can sometimes be reduced through additional study.
In general, there are two approaches to tracking uncertainties through a risk assessment:
• Using various point estimates of exposure and response to develop one or more point
estimates of risk; and
• Conducting a distributional analysis to predict a distribution of risks based on a
distribution of exposure levels and exposure-response information. Whether one or the
other or both approaches are taken should have been agreed to by the risk assessment
team and DWMRC and documented in the Work Plan.
9.4.24 Recommended Content of the Tier 3 Ecological Risk Assessment Report
In addition to the information delineated below, the report should include any other information
about the site which the risk assessors consider relevant to evaluating the ecological risk at the
site. For purposes of clarity, it is recommended that this additional information be included in an
appendix to the Tier 3 Report and merely referenced in the main body of the report text.
The results of the Tier 3 COPECs selection process should be presented in a tabular format
showing the final list of COPECs from the SLERA, the refined list of COPECs developed during
Tier 3 problem formulation and technically defensible justification for each COPEC eliminated
from or added to the refined list of site contaminants.
The following items should also be included in the Tier 3 Ecological Risk Assessment Report:
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• A brief and concise but comprehensive summary of the information contained in the
SLERA Report.
• The list of refined COPECs addressed in the Tier 3 assessment.
• A comprehensive summary of the results of all Tier 3 problem formulation activities.
• A description of all deviations from the Work Plan and SAP, including the circumstances
that led to the deviations and the agreements with DWMRC on how to address those
• A description of all in-field modifications to the approaches outlined in the Work Plan
and/or SAP, including the circumstances that led to the need for in-field modifications
and the agreements with DWMRC regarding the appropriate modifications for addressing
those circumstances.
• Identification and discussion of the assumptions and uncertainties associated with the
analysis of ecological exposures and ecological effects.
• A demonstration of the correlation between the contaminant gradients at the site and the
ecological effects of the contaminant gradients, including any supporting lines of
evidence needed to establish causality.
• Presentation and discussion of qualitative and quantitative risk results and the
uncertainties reflected in the results.
• Number, type and size of habitats present in the assessment area.
• Sources of information are used to determine habitats.
• Plant and animal species typical of those habitats.
• All food webs developed for habitats occurring in the assessment area including:
o Media for which web is constructed,
o Division into trophic levels,
o Class-specific guild designations for each trophic level, and
o Major dietary interactions.
• Assessment endpoints selected for guilds and communities (and rationale).
• Measurement endpoints associated with identified assessment endpoints.
• Measures of effect selected for guilds and communities (and rationale).
• Integrated conceptual site exposure model.
• Estimated COPEC concentration in each component of each trophic level.
• Quantified exposure for each measurement receptor for each pathway.
• Summary of toxicity values used in the Tier 3 assessment.
• Results of HQ and HI calculations for each receptor if this approach is used in the Tier 3
• Evaluation of nature/magnitude of risk at each site.
• Qualitative analysis of impact of all identified uncertainties on the ecological risk
assessment process.
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Table 16. Types of Closure
Type of Closure1 When applicable? Equivalent Closure
NFI (No Further
• Data show a release has not
occurred, and
• A risk assessment is not
required as there is no
contamination present.
• Corrective action is not required
as there is no contamination
Unrestricted Use
NFA (No Further
• Contamination is present but at
levels at or below residential
carcinogenic level of 1E-6 and
noncarcinogenic HI of 1.
• No adverse ecological risk or a
request for a waiver was
• No impact to groundwater via
SSL evaluation.
• No corrective action was
required to mitigate risk.
• SMP, EC, or post-closure plan is
not required.
Risk-Based Clean Closure,
Unrestricted Use
Risk-Based Closure • Contamination is present but at
levels within the acceptable risk
range for either residential or
actual land use.
• No ecological risks or request
for waiver was granted.
• No corrective action was
required to mitigate risk.
• SMP, EC, and/or a post closure
plan is required.
Restricted Land Use
CAC Without
• Corrective action has been
conducted to reduce
contaminant levels at or below
residential carcinogenic level of
1E-6 and noncarcinogenic HI of
Unrestricted Use2
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• No adverse ecological risk or a
request for a waiver was
• No impact to groundwater via
SSL evaluation.
• SMP, EC, or post-closure plan is
not required.
CAC With Controls • Corrective action has been
conducted to reduce
contaminant levels such that
risks are within the acceptable
risk range for a given receptor.
• Site may qualify for residential
use with controls, or closure
may be based on actual land use
(e.g., industrial/commercial).
• Restrictions may be needed on
limiting exposure to a specific
media (such as groundwater).
• Engineering controls may be
needed (e.g., asphalt cover,
vapor barrier).
• Administrative controls are
needed which may include
LTM, SMP, EC, and/or a post
closure plan.
Risk-Based Closure,
Restricted Land Use
1 Closure determinations do not preclude additional investigation and/or corrective action in
the future.
2 Technically, the difference between NFA and CAC Without Controls is whether corrective
action was required; however, these terms have historically been used interchangeably and are
equivalent in terms of final closure. Both types of closure indicate no restrictions are required
and the land meets unrestricted use.
10.1 No Further Investigation (NFI)
A determination of NFI means that the results of the investigation demonstrated that an
environmental release has not occurred, and contamination is not present. A NFI is applicable
when corrective action is not needed or taken. An NFI determination is typically made following
a RCRA Facility Assessment or Phase I RFI or Phase I Site Assessment.
An example would be a site where all organics were non-detect and metals were determined to
be representative of background levels.
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10.2 No Further Action
A site qualifies for NFA under the requirements of UAC R315-101, when data show there is no
significant risk to human health or the environment. NFA is also referred to as risk-based clean
closure and unrestricted use.
A NFA determination describes a site where correction action was not required to address
contamination at a site. An NFA is appropriate when data indicate a release has occurred, but
contamination meets residential cancer (equal to or below 1E-06) and noncancer (equal to or less
than 1) target levels and no adverse ecological risk is present. This evaluation is typically based
on the residential land used exposure scenario. In some cases, the construction worker scenario
will also have to be evaluated, where residential screening levels are not protective of the
construction worker. An example is for constituents where inhalation drive the screening level
(e.g., manganese).
Residual levels of contamination must not pose as a source for potential groundwater
contamination. An NFA is often seen following a Phase II RFI or Phase II Site Assessment.
Alternatively, where the soil medium meets the criteria of an NFA, but the groundwater medium
does not meet the NFA criteria, the site may be divided into two media, the soil medium and the
groundwater medium. The soil medium can be designated as NFA, and the groundwater
medium will undergo further evaluation and may be restricted for its use or qualify as CAC With
Controls (refer to Section 10.4).
10.3 Corrective Action Complete Without Controls
CAC Without Controls is very similar to NFA; however, CAC Without Controls is applicable
when the objectives of corrective action have been met and no additional actions or measures are
required to ensure the remedy remains protective of human health and the environment. A CAC
Without Controls would be appropriate following corrective measures (e.g., CMI) or an interim
(removal) action to unrestricted levels.
CAC Without Controls or unrestricted land use is appropriate when the level of risk present at
the site is less than or equal to 1E-06 as the point of departure for carcinogens and the hazard
index is less than or equal to one for non-carcinogens. This evaluation is typically based on the
residential land used exposure scenario. In some cases, the construction worker scenario will
also have to be evaluated, where residential screening levels are not protective of the
construction worker. An example is for constituents where inhalation drive the screening level
(e.g., manganese). Other criteria that must be met include (1) ecological effects at the site should
be insignificant or a request for an ecological waiver was granted and residual soil contamination
present at the site should pose no future threat to groundwater. These types of closure do not
require a site management plan (SMP), an environmental covenant, or a post closure plan.
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Alternatively, where the soil medium meets the criteria of an CAC Without Controls, but the
groundwater medium does not meet the CAC Without Controls criteria, the site may be divided
into two media, the soil medium and the groundwater medium. The soil medium can be
designated as CAC Without Controls, and the groundwater medium will undergo further
evaluation and may be restricted for its use or qualify as CAC With Controls (refer to Section
10.4 Mixed Media Closure
It is possible that soil may qualify for NFA or CAC Without Controls, but groundwater is
impacted above acceptable levels. In these cases, the soil medium can be designated as NFA or
CAC Without Controls, and the groundwater medium will undergo further evaluation, treatment,
and/or monitoring (including LTM) and may be restricted (SMP, EC, or post closure plan). This
is termed a Mixed Media Closure or Parceling.
10.5 Risk-Based Closure
Under risk-based closure, contamination is present but at levels within the acceptable risk range
1E-06 to 1E-04) for either residential or actual (e.g., industrial, or commercial) land use and the
target HI is equal to or less than 1. The risk assessment must show that there are no adverse
ecological risks or that a request for waiver was granted. In addition, residual levels of
contamination in soil must be shown to not pose a threat to groundwater. The primary
difference between risk-based closure and CAC With Controls is that under risk-based closure,
no corrective action was required to mitigate risk. Under risk-based closure, a SMP and/or an
EC or a post closure plan is required.
Please note that a site cannot enter into site management or post closure care unless risks and
hazards meet these standards.
10.6 CAC With Controls
A site may be considered for CAC With Controls or restricted land use if the level of risk present
as the site is greater than 1E-06 but less than 1E-04. This risk range is considered the risk
management range or site management range for carcinogens. For non-carcinogens, the hazard
index must be less than or equal to one. These risk levels and hazard levels may be based on
residential or actual land use exposure scenarios.
Please note that a site cannot enter into site management or post closure care unless risks and
hazards meet these standards. Once the risk range has been met, certain controls can be
introduced into the SMP or post closure plan to mitigate risks. For residential land development
where vapor intrusion may be driving risks, the main floor of the building could be parking
garages while the upper-level floors would be residential. On the other hand, vapor intrusion
mitigation system may be constructed on the main floor for residential dwellings to mitigate risks
from vapor inhalation. These types of controls are considered engineering controls which are a
subsect of land use controls (LUCs).
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Other controls such as institutional controls (ICs) or administrative controls that may be unique
to development at a site when the risk management range or site management range is attained,
could be mixed-use development. Here development may be restricted to having
commercial/industrial development on the main floor of the building while residential dwelling
could be confined to the upper floors. Note that several other land use control options may come
into play depending on site-specific conditions.
10.7 Corrective Action Requirements
Corrective action may be required at a site if the level of risk present at the site is greater than
1E-04 for carcinogens or a hazard index greater than one for non-carcinogens for any of the land
use exposure scenarios. Corrective action may also be warranted if there is a desire for
unrestricted use of the property. The following conditions at a site may also trigger corrective
action (1) ecological effects are significant at the site, or (2) groundwater contamination
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