HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDO-2024-000046H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 Actual cost 6566 Actual cost 6567 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DRINKING WATER Drinking Water Administration Special Surveys File Searches Safe Drinking Water Act 6568 Annual Connections Fee 6569 Community Water Systems (CWS) 6570 1-50 ERCs 6571 Incentivized (per Year)25.00 6572 Non-Incentivized (per year)0.50 6573 51-500 ERCs 6574 Incentivized (per Year)138.00 6575 Non-Incentivized (per year)166.00 6576 501-3,300 ERCs 6577 Incentivized (per Year)950.00 6578 Non-Incentivized (per year)1,140.00 6579 3,301-5,000 ERCs 6580 Incentivized (per Year)2,075.00 6581 Non-Incentivized (per year)2,490.00 6582 5,001-10,000 ERCs -178- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6583 Incentivized (per Year)3,750.00 6584 Non-Incentivized (per year)4,500.00 6585 10,001-17,500 ERCs 6586 Incentivized (per Year)6,875.00 6587 Non-Incentivized (per year)8,250.00 6588 17,501-25,000 ERCs 6589 Incentivized (per Year)10,625.00 6590 Non-Incentivized (per year)12,750.00 6591 25,001-50,000 ERCs 6592 Incentivized (per Year)18,750.00 6593 Non-Incentivized (per year)22,500.00 6594 6595 50,001-75,000 ERCs 6596 Incentivized (per Year)31,250.00 6597 Non-Incentivized (per year)37,500.00 6598 75,001-200,000 ERCs 6599 Incentivized (per Year)68,750.00 6600 Non-Incentivized (per year)82,500.00 6601 Cross Connection Control Program 6602 Certification and Renewal 6603 Program Administrator: paper testing 270.00 6604 Program Administrator: renewal 150.00 6605 Assembly Tester and Class III; initial certification and renewal 270.00 6606 Certificate of reciprocity with another state 270.00 6607 Replacement Certificate 30.00 6608 Operator Certification Program 6609 Examination: online 144.00 6610 Any level 6611 Examination: paper 240.00 6612 Any level 6613 Renewal of certification 180.00 6614 Every 3 years if applied for during designated period 6615 Reinstatement of lapsed certificate 360.00 6616 Certificate of reciprocity with another state 180.00 6617 System Assistance 6618 Well Sealing Inspection (per hour)125.00 6619 Technical Assistance (per hour)125.00 -179- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6620 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 6621 CERCLA 6622 CERCLA Professional and Technical services or assistance (per hour)125.00 6623 Including but not limited to oversight of cleanups EPCRA Technical 6624 Assistance, preparing, administering or conducting administrative process, 6625 environmental covenants. 6626 Clandestine Drug Lab Decontamination Specialist Certification 6627 Certification and Recertification 275.00 6628 Retest of Certification Exam 125.00 6629 Enforceable Written Assurance Letters 6630 Written letter 500.00 6631 Flat fee to cover costs up to 8 hours of work. 6632 Additional charge for any costs above $500 (per hour)125.00 6633 Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanup 6634 Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Professional/Technical services or assistance (per hour)125.00 6635 Including but not limited to PST Claim Preparation Assistance, 6636 Management and Oversight for releases not covered by the fund, PST 6637 Compliance follow-up Inspection, apportionment of Liability requested by 6638 responsible parties, prepare, administer, or conduct administrative process, 6639 environmental covenants. 6640 Petroleum Storage Tank Compliance 6641 PST Fund Reapplication, Certification of Compliance Reapplication Fee, or both 300.00 6642 Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Notification Fee (per Facility)250.00 6643 Environmental Response and Remediation Program Training Actual cost 6644 UST Operators Registration - Initial 100.00 6645 UST Operators Registration - Renewal 50.00 6646 UST Operator 'Out of Compliance' Re-Training 200.00 6647 Petroleum Storage Tank Red Tag Replacement 500.00 6648 Applied only when a Red Tag is removed without authorization 6649 Petroleum Storage Tank Installation Base Fee 500.00 6650 Annual Petroleum Storage Tank 6651 Tanks on Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund 130.00 6652 Tanks not on PST Fund 260.00 6653 Tanks at Facilities significantly out of compliance with leak prevention or leak detection 6654 requirements 400.00 6655 Certification or Certification Renewal for UST Contractors 6656 PST Consultants, UST installers, UST removers, Certified Samplers, & non-government -180- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6657 UST inspectors & testers (per Certification)275.00 6658 PST Consultant Recertification Class 150.00 6659 Review and approval of Alternate PST Financial Assurance Mechanisms 300.00 6660 Petroleum Storage Tank Installation Tank Fee (State Inspector)200.00 6661 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE 6662 Executive Director Office Administration 6663 All Divisions 6664 Request for copies over 10 pages (per page)0.25 6665 Copies made by the requestor-over 10 pages (per page)0.05 6666 Compiling, tailoring, searching, etc., a record in another format Actual cost* 6667 Charged at rate of lowest paid staff employee who has necessary 6668 skill/training to perform the request. *After the first 1/4 hour. 6669 Special computer data requests (per hour)125.00 6670 CDs (per disk)10.00 6671 DVDs (per disk)8.00 6672 Contract Services Actual Cost 6673 To be charged in order to efficiently utilize department resources, protect 6674 dept permitting processes, address extraordinary or unanticipated requests on 6675 the permitting processes, or make use of specialized expertise. In providing 6676 these services, department may not provide service in a manner that impairs 6677 any other person's service from the department. 6678 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RADIATION CONTROL 6679 Hazardous Waste 6680 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility List 5.00 6681 Enforceable Written Assurance Letters or Similar Letters 6682 Flat fee for up to 8 hours to complete letter 500.00 6683 Additional per hour charge if over the original 8 hours 125.00 6684 Solid and Hazardous Waste Program Administration (including Used Oil and Waste Tire 6685 Recycling Programs) 6686 Professional (per hour)125.00 6687 This fee includes but is not limited to: Review of Site Investigation and 6688 Site Remediation Plans, Review of Permit Applications, Permit Modifications 6689 and Permit Renewals; Review and Oversight of Administrative Consent 6690 Orders and Consent Agreements, Judicial Orders; compliance activities; 6691 Review and Oversight of Construction Activities; Review and Oversight of 6692 Corrective Action Activities; and Review and Oversight of Vehicle 6693 Manufacturer Mercury Switch Removal and Collection Plans -181- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6694 Hazardous Waste Permit Filing 6695 Hazardous Waste Operation Plan Renewal or Modification 1,000.00 6696 Vehicle Manufacturer Mercury Switch Removal and Collection Plan 6697 Mercury Switch Removal and Collection Plan Filing 100.00 6698 Solid Waste 6699 Plan Renewals and Plan Modifications 100.00 6700 Variance Requests 500.00 6701 New Incinerator 6702 Commercial 5,000.00 6703 Industrial or Private 1,000.00 6704 Solid Waste Permit Filing (does not apply to Municipalities, Counties, or Special Service 6705 Districts seeking review from the Division) 6706 New Comm. Facility 6707 Class V and Class VI Landfills 1,000.00 6708 New Non-Commercial Facility 750.00 6709 Radiation 6710 Pre-Licensing, review of licensing or permit actions, amendments, environmental monitoring 6711 reports, and miscellaneous reports for uranium recovery facilities (per hour)125.00 6712 Publication costs for making public notice of required actions Actual cost 6713 Expedited application review (per hour)125.00 6714 Applicable when, by mutual consent of the applicant and staff, an 6715 application request is taken out of date order and processed by staff. 6716 Management and oversight of impounded radioactive material Actual cost 6717 Analytical costs for monitoring samples from radioactive materials facilities Actual cost 6718 Low Level Radioactive Waste 6719 Radioactive Waste Disposal (licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive 6720 material from other persons for the purpose of commercial disposal by land by the licensee) 6721 Review of Commercial Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal and Uranium Recovery 6722 Special Projects Actual cost 6723 Applicable when the licensee and the Division agree that a review will be 6724 conducted by a contractor in support of the efforts of Division staff. 6725 WASTE TIRE RECYCLING FUND 6726 Waste Tire Recycling 6727 Registration 6728 Recycler or Transporter (per year)100.00 6729 Fees for registration applications received during the year will be prorated 6730 at $8.30 per month over the number of months remaining in the year. -182- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6731 WATER QUALITY 6732 Water Quality Support 6733 Operator Certification 6734 Certification Examination Application Fee: Computer-based test 50.00 6735 Certification Examination Application Fee: Paper-based test 200.00 6736 Renewal of Certificate 75.00 6737 or New Certificate Change in Status 6738 Reinstatement of Lapsed Certificate plus renewal (per month)55.00 6739 $165.00 maximum (Renewal fee required with reinstatement) 6740 Duplicate Certificate 30.00 6741 Certification by reciprocity with another state 200.00 6742 Water Quality Protection 6743 Construction permits and sales and use tax exemptions (per hour)125.00 6744 Except projects of political subdivisions funded by the Division of Water 6745 Quality. 6746 Water Quality Permits 6747 Annual Non-discharging municipal and commercial treatment facilities 350.00 6748 UIC Class V Inventory Review Fee 250.00 6749 All Other Permits 6750 UPDES, Ground Water, & Underground Injection Control Permits Not Listed (per hour1)25.00 6751 including permit renewals and modifications 6752 Complex facilities where the anticipated permit issuance costs will exceed the above 6753 categorical fees by 25% (per hour)125.00 6754 Permittee to be notified upon receipt of application 6755 Annual Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Permits, Surface Water 6756 Cement Manufacturing 6757 Major 1,202.00 6758 Minor 301.00 6759 Coal Mining and Preparation 6760 General Permit 601.00 6761 Individual Major 1,804.00 6762 Individual Minor 1,202.00 6763 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) General Permit 152.00 6764 Construction Dewatering/Hydrostatic Testing General Permit 208.00 6765 Dairy Products 6766 Major 1,202.00 6767 Minor 601.00 -183- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6768 Electric 6769 Major 1,502.00 6770 Minor 601.00 6771 Fish Hatcheries General Permit 167.00 6772 Food and Kindred Products 6773 Major 1,502.00 6774 Minor 601.00 6775 Hazardous Waste Clean-up Sites 3,607.00 6776 Geothermal 6777 Major 1,202.00 6778 Minor 601.00 6779 Inorganic Chemicals 6780 Major 1,804.00 6781 Minor 901.00 6782 Iron and Steel Manufacturing 6783 Major 3,607.00 6784 Minor 901.00 6785 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Cleanup 6786 General Permit 601.00 6787 LUST Cleanup Individual Permit 1,202.00 6788 Meat Products 6789 Major 1,804.00 6790 Minor 601.00 6791 Metal Finishing and Products 6792 Major 1,804.00 6793 Minor 901.00 6794 Mineral Mining and Processing 6795 Sand and Gravel 334.00 6796 Salt Extraction 334.00 6797 Other 6798 Other Majors 1,202.00 6799 Other Minors 601.00 6800 Manufacturing 6801 Major 2,404.00 6802 Minor 901.00 6803 Oil and Gas Extraction 6804 flow rate <=0.5 million gallons per day (MGD)601.00 -184- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6805 flow rate > 0.5 MGD 901.00 6806 Ore Mining 6807 Major 1,804.00 6808 Minor 901.00 6809 Major w/ concentration process 13,800.00 6810 Organic Chemicals Manufacturing 6811 Major 3,006.00 6812 Minor 901.00 6813 Petroleum Refining 6814 Major 2,404.00 6815 Minor 901.00 6816 Pharmaceutical Preparations 6817 Major 2,404.00 6818 Minor 901.00 6819 Rubber and Plastic Products 6820 Major 1,502.00 6821 Minor 901.00 6822 Space Propulsion 6823 Major 3,340.00 6824 Minor 901.00 6825 Steam and/or Power Electric Plants 6826 Major 1,202.00 6827 Minor 601.00 6828 Water Treatment Plants 6829 General Permit 167.00 6830 Annual UPDES Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) 6831 Large >10 million gallons per day (mgd) flow design (per year)12,144.00 6832 Medium >3 mgd but <10 mgd flow design (per year)7,590.00 6833 Small <3mgd but >1 mgd (per year)1,518.00 6834 Very Small <1 mgd (per year)760.00 6835 Annual UPDES Pesticide Applicator Fee 6836 Small Applicator 276.00 6837 Medium Applicator 690.00 6838 Large Applicator 2,278.00 6839 Groundwater Remediation Treatment Plant 7,590.00 6840 Biosolids Annual Fee (Domestic Sludge) 6841 Small Systems (per year)532.00 -185- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6842 1-4,000 connections 6843 Medium Systems (per year)1,542.00 6844 4,001 to 15,000 connections 6845 Large Systems (per year)2,239.00 6846 greater than 15,000 connections 6847 Non-contact Cooling Water 6848 Flow rate <= 10,000 gallons per day (gpd) (per year)152.00 6849 10,000 gpd < Flow rate 100,000 gpd (per year)304.00 6850 100,000 gpd < Flow rate <1.0 mgd (per year)607.00 6851 Flow Rate > 1.0 mgd (per year)911.00 6852 Pretreatment Program 6853 Pretreatment Program - For Industrial Users in non-Approved Pretreatment Program areas 6854 (per application)600.00 6855 Pretreatment Inspections and Audits (per hour)125.00 6856 Pretreatment Technical Assistance (per hour)125.00 6857 Pretreatment sample analytical costs (per analysis)Actual Cost 6858 Stormwater Permits 6859 General Multi-Sector Industrial Storm Water Permit (per year)250.00 6860 Industrial Stormwater No Exposure Certificate (per 5 years)150.00 6861 Construction Stormwater 6862 Common Plan - < 1 acre of disturbed area (per year)150.00 6863 acre to <5 acres of disturbed area (per year)250.00 6864 5 acres to <30 acres of disturbed area (per year)350.00 6865 30 acres or more of disturbed area (per year)450.00 6866 Construction Stormwater Low Erosivity Waiver Fee (per project)100.00 6867 One-time project based fee. 6868 Municipal Storm Water 6869 0-5,000 Population (per year)750.00 6870 5,001 - 10,000 Population (per year)1,250.00 6871 10,001 - 50,000 Population (per year)1,750.00 6872 50,001 - 125,000 Population (per year)3,000.00 6873 > 125,000 Population (per year)4,000.00 6874 Annual Ground Water Permit Administration Fee 6875 Tailings/Evaporation/Process Ponds; Heaps (per site)Actual cost 6876 0-1 Acre 531.00 6877 >1-15 Acres 1,063.00 6878 >15-50 Acres 2,125.00 -186- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6879 >50-300 Acres 3,188.00 6880 >300-500 Acres 8,473.00 6881 >500 Acres 16,946.00 6882 Underground Injection Control Permit Application Fee 6883 Class I Hazardous Waste Disposal 25,000.00 6884 One-time fee 6885 Class I Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal 9,000.00 6886 One-time fee 6887 Class III Solution Mining 7,200.00 6888 One-time fee 6889 Class V Aquifer Storage and Recovery 5,400.00 6890 One-time fee 6891 Water Quality Cleanup Activities 6892 Corrective Action, Site Investigation/Remediation Oversight, Administration of Consent 6893 Orders and Agreements, and emergency response to spills and water pollution incidents (per 6894 hour)125.00 6895 Sample Analytical Lab Work Actual Cost 6896 Technical Review of and assistance given (per hour)125.00 6897 401 Certification; permit appeals; and sales and use tax exemptions; 6898 waste-load analysis; Great Salt Lake Certifications 6899 GENERAL FUND RESTRICTED - ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 6900 Other Radioactive Materials License Annual Fee (per License)Actual Cost 6901 For radioactive materials not listed on this schedule. 6902 Hazardous Waste Flat Fee (per year)3,193,600.00 6903 Provides for implementation of waste management programs and 6904 oversight of the Hazardous Waste Industry in accordance with UCA 19-6-118. 6905 License Authorizing the Receipt of Waste Radioactive Material for Packaging 11,040.00 6906 The licensee will dispose of the materials by transfer to another person 6907 authorized to receive or dispose of the material (Annual fee). Includes 6908 repackaging. 6909 Licenses authorizing receipt of prepackaged waste radioactive material from others 4,400.00 6910 The licensee will dispose of the materials by transfer to another person 6911 authorized to receive or dispose of the material (annual fee). 6912 Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians authorizing 6913 research and development 11,840.00 6914 including human use of radioactive material, except for licenses for 6915 radioactive material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic -187- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6916 radiosurgery or teletherapy devices. Annual Fee 6917 Other licenses issued for human use of radioactive material 4,400.00 6918 except for licenses for radioactive material in sealed sources contained in 6919 gamma stereotactic radiosurgery or teletherapy devices. Annual fee. 6920 Investigation of a misadministration by a third party as defined in R313-30-5 or in R313-32-2, as 6921 applicable Actual cost 6922 Reciprocity - Licensees who conduct activities under the reciprocity provisions of R313-19-30 6923 (per type of license category)Full annual fee 6924 License amendment, for greater than three applications in a calendar year 200.00 6925 Other types of radioactive materials license fees (per license)Actual Cost 6926 For types not listed on this schedule. 6927 General License 6928 Annual Fee for measuring, gauging, and control devices 100.00 6929 as described in R313-21-22(4), other than hydrogen-3 (tritium) devices 6930 and polonium-210 devices containing no more than 10 millicuries used for 6931 producing light or an ionized atmosphere, including In Vitro testing, Depleted 6932 Uranium. 6933 Generator Site Access Permits 6934 Non-Broker Generators transferring radioactive waste (per year)2,500.00 6935 Brokers (waste collectors or processors) (per year)7,500.00 6936 Non-Hazardous Solid Waste 6937 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) (per ton)4.75 6938 Or fraction of a ton 6939 Radioactive Material 6940 Special Nuclear Material 6941 Possession and use in sealed sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring 6942 systems, including X-ray fluorescence analyzers and neutron generators, possession and 6943 use of less than 15 grams in unsealed form for research and development 2,960.00 6944 Use as calibration and reference sources 960.00 6945 All other licenses 6,400.00 6946 Source Material 6947 Annual Fee 6948 All other source material licenses 5,100.00 6949 Radioactive Material other than Source Material and Special Nuclear Material 6950 Annual license fee for possession and use of radioactive material for: 6951 Broad scope for processing or manufacturing for commercial distribution, processing 6952 or manufacturing and distribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, -188- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 6953 sources or devices containing radioactive material 11,840.00 6954 Includes broad scope for research and development that do not authorize 6955 commercial distribution. 6956 The distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, or 6957 sources or devices not involving processing of radioactive material 4,000.00 6958 Industrial radiography operations 10,240.00 6959 Sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is not removed from its 6960 shield (self-shielded units), or search and development that do not authorize 6961 commercial distribution 3,760.00 6962 Less than 10,000 curies of radioactive material in sealed sources for irradiation of 6963 materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes 6,960.00 6964 10,000 curies or more of radioactive material in sealed sources for irradiation of 6965 materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes 13,920.00 6966 All other radioactive material 2,080.00 6967 Annual fee for: 6968 Licenses that Authorize Services for Other Licensees 1,680.00 6969 Except licenses that authorize leak testing or waste disposal services 6970 subject to the fees specified for the listed services 6971 Licenses that authorize services for leak testing only 640.00 6972 Radioactive Waste Disposal (licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive 6973 material from other persons for the purpose of commercial disposal by land by the licensee) 6974 Annual 2,363,100.00 6975 New Application 6976 Siting application Actual costs up to $250,000 6977 License application Actual costs up to $1,000,000 6978 Renewal Actual costs up to $1,000,000 6979 Pre-licensing, operations review, and consultation on commercial low-level radioactive 6980 waste facilities (per hour)125.00 6981 Solid Waste Facility Fee 6982 Treatment and Disposal facilities Greater of $125 or $0.21/ton Quarterly 6983 Treatment (thermal, physical, or chemical) and Disposal facilities 6984 including: Land Application, Land Treatment, Composting, Waste to Energy, 6985 Landfill, Incineration. The fees shall be paid by the 15th of the month 6986 following the quarter in which the fees accrued using the form prescribed by 6987 the department. 6988 Transfer facilities Greater of $125 or $0.11/ton Quarterly 6989 The fees shall be paid by the 15th of the month following the quarter in -189- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 6990 which the fees accrued using the form prescribed by the department. 6991 Source Material 6992 Uranium mills in operational or standby status or commercial sites disposing of or 6993 reprocessing (per month)29,120.00 6994 Uranium mills in closure status (per month)10,760.00 6995 Commercial sites disposing of uranium mill byproduct material (per month)10,760.00 6996 Well Logging, Well Surveys, and Tracer Studies Licenses 6997 for the possession and use of radioactive material for well logging, well surveys and tracer 6998 studies other than field flooding tracer studies 6999 Well Logging, Well Surveys, and Tracer Studies Licenses - Annual Fee 8,400.00 7000 X-Ray 7001 Machine-Generated Radiation 7002 Annual Registration Fee 7003 Per control unit including first tube, plus annual fee for each additional tube 7004 connected to the control unit 7005 Hospital/Therapy, Medical, Chiropractic, Podiatry, Veterinary, Dental and 7006 Industrial Facility 45.00 7007 Division Conducted Inspection, Per Tube 7008 Hospital/Therapy, Medical, Chiropractic, Industrial Facility with High and/or Very 7009 High Radiation Areas Accessible to Individuals and Other Types 115.00 7010 Annual or Biennial 7011 Podiatry/Veterinary, Industrial Facility with Cabinet X-Ray Units or Units Designated 7012 for Other Purposes 85.00 7013 Dental 7014 First tube on a single control unit 55.00 7015 Additional tubes on a control unit (per Tube)22.50 7016 Independent Qualified Experts Conducted Inspections or Registrants Using Qualified 7017 Experts 7018 Inspection report (per Tube)25.00 7019 AIR QUALITY 7020 Compliance 7021 Annual Aggregate Compliance 7022 20 or less tons per year (per year)207.00 7023 21-79 tons per year (per year)414.00 7024 80-99 tons per year (per year)1,035.00 7025 100 or more tons per year (per year)1,449.00 7026 Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Abatement -190- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 7027 Course Accreditation Fee (per hour)125.00 7028 Asbestos Company/LBP Firm Certification Application (per year)316.25 7029 LBP Renovation Firm Certification Application (per year)126.50 7030 Asbestos Individual Certification Application 158.13 7031 Asbestos Individual Certification Application Surcharge, (Non-Utah Accredited Training 7032 Provider)37.95 7033 LBP Abatement Worker Certification Application (per year)126.50 7034 LBP Inspector, Dust Sampling Technician Certification Application (per year)158.13 7035 LBP Inspector/Risk Assessor, Supervisor, Project Designer Certification Application (per 7036 year)253.00 7037 LBP Renovator Certification Application (per year)126.50 7038 Lost Certification Card Replacement 37.95 7039 Annual Asbestos Notification 632.50 7040 Asbestos/LBP Abatement Project Notification Base Fee 189.75 7041 Asbestos/LBP Abatement Project Notification Base Fee - Owner Occupied Residences 63.25 7042 Abatement Unit Fee/100 units or any fraction thereof up to 10,000 units 8.86 7043 (square feet/linear feet/cubic feet) (times 3) School Building Asbestos 7044 Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) abatement unit fees will be 7045 waived 7046 Abatement Unit Fee/100 units or any fraction thereof more than 10,000 units 4.43 7047 (square feet/linear feet/cubic feet) (times 3) School Building AHERA 7048 abatement fees will be waived 7049 Demolition Notification Base 31.63 7050 Demolition unit per 5,000 square feet or any fraction thereof 63.25 7051 Alternative Work Practice Review Application 7052 Less than 10 day training provider/Private Residence Non-National Emission Standards 7053 for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Requests 125.00 7054 NESHAP Structures and Any Other Requests 316.25 7055 Oil and Gas 7056 Permit By Rule (PBR) Registration (Control Not Required) (per hour)287.50 7057 Permit By Rule (PBR) Registration (Control Required) (per hour)575.00 7058 Major and Minor Source Compliance Inspection (per hour)Actual cost 7059 Permitting 7060 Emission Inventory Workshop 17.25 7061 Attendance 7062 Air Emissions (per ton)112.45 7063 Annual NSR Fee -191- H.B. 8 Enrolled Copy 7064 Ten year review of non-expiring permits, rule and process training, electronic permitting 7065 tools 7066 <20 tons annual emissions (per unit)200.00 7067 20 to 49 tons annual emissions (per unit)400.00 7068 50-99 tons annual emissions (per unit)800.00 7069 100-250 tons annual emissions (per unit)1,500.00 7070 >250 tons annual emissions (per unit)2,500.00 7071 Permit Category 7072 Filing Fees 7073 Name Changes 115.00 7074 Small Sources Exemptions and Soil Remediation, Source Determination Letter 287.50 7075 New non-Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) sources, minor & major 7076 modifications to existing sources, Administrative Amendments 575.00 7077 Any unpermitted sources at an existing facility 1,725.00 7078 New major prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) sources 5,750.00 7079 Monitoring plan review and site visit 7080 Application Review Fees 7081 New Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Source or Major PSD Modification to 7082 Major Source in Nonattainment Area,56,250.00 7083 or New Major Non-PSD Source or Major Non-PSD Modification in 7084 Nonattainment Areas. Covers initial hours up to 450. 7085 New Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) in Attainment Areas, Non-PSD Major 7086 Source or Non-PSD Major Modification to Major Source in Attainment Areas 37,500.00 7087 Covers initial hours up to 300 7088 New minor source or modifications to minor source 2,500.00 7089 Covers initial hours up to 20 7090 Generic permit for minor source or modifications of minor sources 1,000.00 7091 up to 8 hours (sources for which engineering review/BACT standardized) 7092 Temporary Relocations 875.00 7093 Up to 7 hours, at $125/hour 7094 Permitting cost for additional hours (per hour)125.00 7095 Technical review of and assistance given (per hour)125.00 7096 e.g. appeals, sales/use tax exemptions, soils exemptions, soils 7097 remediations, name change, small source exemptions, experimental approvals, 7098 impact analyses, etc. 7099 Air Quality Training Actual Cost 7100 GENERAL FUND REST. - USED OIL COLLECTION ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT -192- Enrolled Copy H.B. 8 7101 Used Oil 7102 Used Oil Collection Center Registration No Charge 7103 Permit Application Fee for Transporter, Transfer Facility, Processor/Re-refiner, and 7104 Off-Specification Burner, including Permit Modifications and Plan Reviews 100.00 7105 Annual Used Oil Handler Certification for Transporter, Transfer Facility, 7106 Processor/Re-refiner, Off-Specification Burner, (per year)100.00 7107 Marketer Application Fee 50.00 7108 Annual Used Oil Handlers Certificate for Marketer (per year)50.00 7109 ENVIRONMENTAL VOLUNTARY CLEANUP RESTRICTED ACCOUNT 7110 Voluntary Environmental Cleanup Program Application Fee 2,500.00 7111 Review/Oversight/Participation in Voluntary Agreements (per hour)125.00 7112 UNDERGROUND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM RESTRICTED ACCT 7113 Underground Wastewater Disposal System Restricted Acct 7114 7115 40.00 7116 25.00 7117 7118 1.0% of Loan Amount 7119 7120 1.0% of Loan Amount 7121 7122 1.0% of Loan Amount 7123 7124 1.0% of Loan Amount 7125 7126 7127 Underground Wastewater Disposal Systems New Systems Fee Certificate Issuance DRINKING WATER ORIGINATION FEE SUBACCOUNT Drinking Water Loan Origination (State) DRINKING WATER ORIGINATION FEE-FEDERAL Drinking Water Loan Origination (Federal) WATER QUALITY ORIGINATION FEE SUB ACCOUNT Water Quality Loan Origination (State) WATER QUALITY ORIGINATION FEE-FEDERAL Water Quality Loan Origination (Federal) 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 -193-