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9/16/2024 1 (385) 239-5974 nlunstad@utah.gov 1 (435) 650-8519 rseeley@utah.gov 2 Jessica Fitzgerald (385) 522-6691 jfitzgerald@utah.gov 2 (385) 499-2920 mderas@utah.gov 1 ASM VACANT 1 Darlene Funn (385) 239-7915 darlenefunn@utah.gov 2 Marisa Mathie (385) 499-0919 mcmathie@utah.gov 2 ASM VACANT VACANT 1 (385) 272-5778 sepage@utah.gov 1 Zac Wilkerson (385) 475-0425 zwilkerson@utah.gov 1 (801) 419-6785 rdearing@utah.gov 1 (385) 271-7040 cmartin@utah.gov 1 (385) 271-7046 dbeck@utah.gov 1 Tom McOmie (385) 552-4446 tmcomie@utah.gov 2 (385) 271-7043 mnoble@utah.gov 2 Pete Keers (385) 271-7045 pkeers@utah.gov 3 (385) 707-7317 nzorsky@utah.gov 3 (801) 560-8456 1 Michael Newberry (385) 515-1464 mnewberry@utah.gov 1 Michael Newberry (385) 515-1464 mnewberry@utah.gov 2 Nagendra Dev (801) 680-5296 ndev@utah.gov 2 Nagendra Dev (801) 680-5296 ndev@utah.gov 1 (385) 515-1464 mnewberry@utah.gov 1 (385) 272-5778 sepage@utah.gov 2 (385) 278-5110 dzebelean@utah.gov 2 (385) 270-7272 bpattee@utah.gov 1 Colt Smith (385) 515-1529 acsmith@utah.gov 1 (385) 515-1464 mnewberry@utah.gov 2 Jennifer Yee (385) 515-1501 jyee@utah.gov 2 Marianne Booth (385) 515-5273 mbooth@utah.gov 1 Helen Lau (801) 247-7416 hlau@utah.gov 1 Dawnie Jacobo (385) 272-5038 dmjacobo@utah.gov 2 (385) 272-5038 dmjacobo@utah.gov 2 Helen Lau (801) 247-7416 hlau@utah.gov 1 Michael Grange (801) 536-0069 mgrange@utah.gov 1 (385) 515-1464 mnewberry@utah.gov 2 Heather Pattee (385) 515-1498 hpattee@utah.gov 3 Kjori Shelley (385) 227-1638 kashelley@utah.gov 4 Allyson Spevak (385) 249-0324 allysonspevak@utah.gov 1 (385) 549-7609 grager@utah.gov 5 Cadence Hernandez (385) 515-2381 cmhernandez@utah.gov 2 Pete Keers (385) 271-7045 pkeers@utah.gov 7 Andrea Thurlow (385) 260-0337 athurlow@utah.gov 8 Dixon Ekins (385) 502-1575 dcekins@utah.gov 1 (385) 303-6474 aamirgol@utah.gov Michael Newberry Lead Service Line Inventories Atie Amirgol Permitting Rule Changes Cross Connection Control Gary Rager Russell Seeley Michelle Deras Michael Newberry Operator Certification Dawnie Jacobo Water Operator Training Coordination Division of Drinking Water Contact List For general questions please call (801) 536-4200 or Fax (801) 536-4211 URL for Waterlink: https://waterlink.utah.gov After Hours Emergency Phone Numbers: (801) 560-8456 or DEQ (801) 536-4123 Mailing Address: PO Box 144830, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4830 Utah Water Quality Alliance Ryan Dearing Sarah Page Sanitary Survey Program, Emerging Issues Engineering Assistance Noah Zorsky Engineering Review 24HR Emergency Contact Melissa Noble Assistant Directors Nathan Lunstad Chris Martin Well Grout WitnessNew Public Water Systems Water Use Data Review MPA Sampling & UDI Sources Source Protection & GIS GRAMA Requests, Document Management Deidre Beck Brian PatteeDani Zebelean Sarah Page Receivables / Fees Lead Testing in Schools Program Emergency Response Director's Office State Revolving Fund Program (SRF), Community Impact Board (CIB) Water Treatment Technical Assistance Michael Newberry 1 Pete Keers (385) 271-7045 pkeers@utah.gov 1 Ryan Dearing (801) 419-6785 rdearing@utah.gov 2 Tom McOmie (385) 552-4446 tmcomie@utah.gov 2 Pete Keers (385) 271-7045 pkeers@utah.gov 3 (385) 270-7272 bpattee@utah.gov 3 Jennifer Yee (385) 515-1501 jyee@utah.gov 1 (385) 566-7789 dbkruse@utah.gov 1 Jennifer Yee (385) 515-1501 jyee@utah.gov 2 (385) 515-1650 brandismith@utah.gov 1 Colt Smith (385) 515-1529 acsmith@utah.gov 1 (385) 515-1459 sfederico@utah.gov 2 (385) 515-1650 brandismith@utah.gov 2 Mz. T Allen (385) 272-5404 tammieallen@utah.gov 1 Brandi Smith (385) 515-1650 brandismith@utah.gov 1 Mark Berger (801) 641-6457 mberger@utah.gov 2 Colt Smith (385) 515-1529 acsmith@utah.gov 2 (385) 515-1459 sfederico@utah.gov 1 (385) 258-6084 ltreutel@utah.gov 1 (385) 566-7789 dbkruse@utah.gov 1 David Kruse (385) 566-7789 dbkruse@utah.gov 1 David Kruse (385) 566-7789 dbkruse@utah.gov 1 Dylan Martinez (385) 278-3807 dylanmartinez@utah.gov 1 Sitara Federico (385) 515-1459 sfederico@utah.gov 1 Luke Treutel (385) 258-6084 ltreutel@utah.gov 1 David Kruse (385) 566-7789 dbkruse@utah.gov 1 Sarah Page (385) 272-5778 sepage@utah.gov 1 John Steffan (385) 499-3926 jtsteffan@utah.gov 1 Mz. T Allen (385) 272-5404 tammieallen@utah.gov 1 Colt Smith (385) 515-1529 acsmith@utah.gov 2 (385) 272-5792 kgolchin@utah.gov 2 Brandi Smith (385) 515-1650 brandismith@utah.gov 3 Jennifer Yee (385) 515-1501 jyee@utah.gov E- m orrections and Updates: ddwips@utah.gov 1 Paul Wright (435) 986-2590 pwright@utah.gov 2 John Chartier (435) 896-5451 x314 jchartier@utah.gov 3 Nathan Hall (435) 247-1167 nhall@utah.gov 4 Curtis Page (435) 650-7795 cmpage@utah.gov 9/16/2024 Enforcement Actions Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTR) Source Groupings Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) DEQ District Engineers Institutional Teams Deficiency Follow-Up Brandi Smith Sitara Federico Brian Pattee David Kruse Data Management Luke Treutel David Kruse Organics (Pesticides & VOCs)Radionuclides Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBP)Inorganics Improvement Priority Report (IPS) Public Notice Arsenic Rule Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) Brandi Smith Groundwater Rule (GWR)Action Planning Strategy (ACS) Sitara Federico Kimia Golchin Chlorine Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL) Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTR) Lead and Copper