HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-009134UTAH
Reference Document
May 2022
195 North 1950 West
PO BOX 144840
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840
Table on Contents
• R311
• PEI RP100
General, Rules, Regulations
• Notification and Permits
• UST Installation Permit
• Red Tag
• Removal of Red Tag
• One Time Drop
• Testing
• Certificate of Compliance
• R311 Certification for Installers
• Limited Installer Certification or Service/Repair Technician
• UST Installer
• UST Installation Company Permit & Fees
• UST Installer Specialties
• Standards of Performance
• Energy Policy Act 2005
• Definitions
Tank Installation Procedures
• Tank Handling, FRP and Steel
• Testing
• Testing of Double-Walled FRP Tanks
• The Excavation
o Size
o Burial Depths
o Backfill
• Deflection
• Safety
• Anchoring
• Piping Materials
• Piping Burial
• Flex Connectors
Additional Requirements
• Spill Containment and Overfill Preventions
o Spill Containment
o Overfill Prevention
o Alarms
o Automatic Shut-Off Devices
o Ball Floats
o Installing Overfill Prevention Devices
• Secondary Containment
o Tank Sumps
o Testing Tank Sumps
o Dispenser Sumps
o Transition Sumps
o Sensors
o Requirements
• Release Detection
o Automatic Tank Gauging
o Interstitial Monitoring
o Leak Detection Methods for Piping
• Cathodic Protection
• R311 Utah Underground Storage Tank Rules
• PEI RP100 Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid
Storage Systems
General, Rules, Regulations
Notification and Permit Requirements for Installing New USTs
Link: https://deq.utah.gov/environmental-response-and-remediation/installing-underground-
When you install a new tank you are required to notify the Utah Division of Environmental
Response and Remediation (DERR) ten days prior to beginning the work. An installation permit
and fee of $200 per tank is required and should be obtained prior to the completion of the
installation. The local fire jurisdiction and health department should also be contacted for any
requirements that they may have associated with the installation of new tanks.
UST Installation Permit
Information on the installation permit includes:
• Utah Certified UST installer who is directing all critical operations associated with tank
• Installation company name, address and current UST Installation Company Permit
• Date the work will commence
• Tank owner name and address
• Facility name and address
• Complete description of what is to be installed: tank or piping, capacity, material of
construction, substance to be stored, etc.
Red Tag
Link: https://deq.utah.gov/environmental-response-and-remediation/red-tag-program
No more tank tags! Starting in 2013 the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
(DERR) discontinued issuing tags to be placed on underground petroleum storage tanks to show
they were eligible to receive deliveries of fuel or other regulated substances.
Since then, large red "delivery prohibition" tags have been and will continue to be placed on
tanks that are NOT eligible to receive deliveries.
These are tanks whose certificate of compliance has lapsed or has been revoked, and tanks that
have never qualified for a certificate of compliance. The 2012 Utah legislature changed the Utah
Underground Storage Tank Act to create the new "red tag" program.
The DERR will continue to issue a certificate of compliance each year. You should be sure to
keep the certificate on site, but it will not be necessary to have it posted for deliveries. Delivery
drivers will only have to see that a delivery prohibition tag is not in place to verify that a tank is
eligible to receive deliveries.
Delivery prohibition tags will also be placed on a new tank during the installation process, to
help ensure that no unauthorized deliveries are made to the tank before it qualifies for a
certificate of compliance.
Removal of Red Tag
When a new tank does qualify for a certificate of compliance, the DERR will issue the certificate
and a letter authorizing the removal of the delivery prohibition tag. Please allow the DERR
several days for this, it has to be approved by several levels of management.
One Time Drop Letter
Before a tank can receive a Certificate of Compliance, the integrity of the tank and associated
piping must be evaluated through a tank and line tightness test. To receive fuel for the test, the
owner or installer must contact the DERR for authorization of a one-time delivery (One Time
Drop Letter).
Information to submit to request a One Time Drop Letter:
• Facility and owner name, facility I.D. or facility address, and phone number
• Date(s) delivery of fuel is needed
• Name of company delivering fuel and contact person
One Time Drop requests can be made via e-mailed to the appropriate UST Project Manager.
DERR/UST must have at least three business days prior to the date the delivery is needed to
approve the request. Our office hours are 7 a.m to 5.p.m. Monday through Friday (closed
holidays). A One Time Drop Letter request received Thursday afternoon may not be approved
until Monday.
After the initial drop, the tanks may not receive subsequent deliveries of fuel until they are issued
a Certificate of Compliance. Both the owner of the facility and the delivery company will be
subject to a $500 fine for each delivery made to an UST without a Certificate of Compliance
(other than the One Time Drop).
In addition to the above rule changes, DERR (UST) will be asking for documentation of integrity
testing on all newly installed secondary containment and spill containment (spill buckets) prior
to going into operation. These tests should be conducted according to the equipment
manufacturer requirements.
Ref: PEI/RP 1200-12
• Tanks, piping, overfill devices, ATG, and line leak detectors must be tested by a Certified
Utah Tester.
• Sumps, spill buckets, and under dispenser containment must have an integrity test;
according to the manufacturer’s requirements.
Certificate of Compliance
What is required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance?
The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act requires that owners and operators of regulated
petroleum USTs qualify their tanks for and receive a Certificate of Compliance, and keep the
tanks in substantial compliance with all UST rules and regulations. It is a violation of the UST
Act to operate these USTs without a certificate. New tanks must have a certificate before being
put into operation. Fines may be assessed if product or other regulated substance is delivered to
or placed into an UST that does not have a Certificate of Compliance. (Certificate of Compliance
How Do I Get a Certificate?
To qualify for and receive a Certificate of Compliance, complete the following steps:
1. EPA Notification Form - The tanks should be registered using Notification for
Underground Storage Tanks, EPA Form 7530-1, at the completion of the installation. The
notification must be complete with the owner's signature and include the tank installer's
signature certifying that the tanks meet all state and federal requirements for proper
installation. Utah rules also require as-built drawings or site plats.
2. Submit a completed Application for Certificate of Compliance and declare whether you
will participate in the Utah Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund (PST Fund) or
demonstrate financial responsibility for your USTs by another allowable mechanism.
You must meet all requirements for coverage under your chosen mechanism before you
operate the USTs.
If you choose to participate in the PST Fund you must:
• Check the box on the Application for Certificate of Compliance to indicate
participation in the PST Fund and indicate the financial responsibility mechanism
you will use to pay the cleanup costs not covered by the Fund.
• Pay the PST Fund fee. Pay $50 per tank for USTs installed at new facilities. If a
new UST is installed at a facility with existing USTs, pay the rate assessed to the
existing USTs for the current fiscal year, either $50 or $150 per tank. If the new
UST is a replacement for a previously-existing UST, the current year PST Fund
fee paid for the original tank is applied to the new UST.
3. Pay the Registration Fee of $100 per tank for USTs participating in the PST Fund, or
$200 per tank for USTs using another allowable financial responsibility mechanism.
4. Tests that need to be conducted include:
• Tank tightness test;
• Line tightness tests;
• Line leak detector tests;
• STP and UDC sump tests;
• Spill Bucket tests;
• Overfill tests;
• Interstitial Space tests;
• ATG test
Submit completed copies of the test results (including field notes, measured leak rate, and
other technical data). The tightness tests, overfill, interstitial space tests, and ATG tests
must be performed by a Utah certified UST Tester. To receive fuel for the test, you must
contact the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) Project
Manager for authorization of a one-time delivery. The DERR Project Manager will need
to know the date of delivery and the name of the company that will deliver the fuel.
5. Submit a completed Previous Pollution Incidents form to indicate whether you have had
any petroleum releases at the facility. If you participate in the PST Fund, failure to report
previous releases could void your coverage. Payment of clean-up costs for previous
releases is your responsibility.
6. Submit a facility site plat or as-built drawing that shows the tank excavation, buildings,
tanks, product lines, vent lines, cathodic protection systems, tank leak detection systems
and product line leak detection systems. The as-built drawing is required under Section
R311-203-3(7) of the Utah UST rules.
7. Submit a copy of the manufacturer’s installation checklist for review by the DERR, and
for their records.
8. Other required documentation:
• Photographs of the job at various stages;
• Operating and maintenance instructions for the installed equipment; and
• Calibration documentation of gauge systems.
R311, the Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Rules, Additional Requirements
There have been several significant changes in the UST rules that will affect certified UST
Installers and those who repair and or service any part of the UST system.
UST Installer
After January 1, 1991, no person shall install an underground storage tank without having
certification or the on-site supervision of an individual having certification to conduct these
After January 1, 1991, no owner or operator shall allow the installation of an underground
storage tank to be conducted on a tank under their ownership or operation unless the person
installing the tank is certified according to Rule R311-201. The director may issue a limited
certification restricting the type of UST installation the applicant can perform. Utah Admin.
Code R311-201-2(5).
All UST systems must be installed in accordance with a code of practice developed by a
nationally recognized association or laboratory, in accordance with the UST manufacture’s
instructions, and after all local, municipal, and fire agency permits have been acquired.
The DERR is currently issuing three limited or specialty certifications under the UST Installer
1. Cathodic Protection (CP) Installer
2. Tank Liner
3. Service/Repair Technician
Limited Installer Certification or Service/Repair Technician
This allows for issuing limited certifications for UST installers, so individuals who
perform work that falls under the definition of UST installation can be certified without having
to meet all the requirements for a "full" Installer certification.
A person must have the limited Installer certification (technician) if they work on any
portion of the UST system that is critical to the integrity of the system, this includes:
• Line leak detectors
• Repairs on any portion of the UST system
• Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) systems
• Probes/sensors
• Overfill and spill devices
• Containment sumps
• Sub-pump
• Relays and electrical components
UST Installer
New requirements for UST Installer.
Financial Assurance
An applicant or the applicant's employer shall have insurance, surety bonds, liquid company
assets or other appropriate kinds of financial assurance. ($250,000)
For initial and renewal certification, an applicant must have successfully completed an
underground storage tank installer approved training course within the six-month period prior to
the application in a program approved by the director. Training shall include: Pre-installation
tank testing, tank site preparation including anchoring, tank placement, backfilling, cathodic
protection installation, service or repair, vent and product piping assembly, fill tube attachment,
installation of manholes, pump installation, secondary containment, UST repair, and state and
federal statutes, rules and regulations.
"Trade training" is also required for certification of UST Installer Examination: An applicant
must successfully pass the UST Installer certification exam administered by the Division of
Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) and a business and law examination
administered by the Division of Professional Licensing (DOPL).
Each applicant must provide with his application a sworn statement or other evidence that he has
actively participated in a minimum of three underground storage tank installations.
An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
Certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period. No additional fee is required if the
applicant is currently certified as an installer and the expiration date remains the same.
In addition to an UST Installer, installation companies must have:
UST Installation Company Permit from the DERR
After July 1, 1994 no individual or underground installation company may install an UST
without having a valid UST installation company permit. This permit provides the UST
Installation Company with $1 million of financial assurance for environmental releases after
paying $10,000 per incidence.
If an employer provides the UST Installer’s financial assurance and the UST Installer leaves that
employer, the installer’s certificate is automatically inactivated and the installer must document
financial assurance by another means.
Companies which install or upgrade USTs must have a General Engineer or Petroleum System
Contractor’s license issued by the Utah Department of Professional Licensing (DOPL)
UST Installation Company Fees
Annual fee of $2,000 if 15 or fewer USTs were installed in Utah during the prior year.
Annual fee of $4,000 if 16 or more USTs were installed in Utah during the prior year.
The annual fee is due July 1 each year. There is no proration for portions of the year. A $60
penalty is assessed for payments which are received late.
Installation permit fee of $200 for installation of each UST system. (See R311-203-3.)
UST Installer Specialties
Cathodic Protection
Applicant must document specialized training for installation of cathodic protection.
Applicant must document specialized training for UST lining.
Standards of Performance for Installers R311-201-6
(e) UST Installer. An individual who performs underground storage tank installation in the State
of Utah:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding
underground storage tank installation in this state;
(3) shall perform all work in a manner that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
(4) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing
tank installation to the local health district, local public safety office and the director within
twenty-four hours;
(5) shall assure that all operations of tank installation which are critical to the integrity of the
system and to the protection of the environment which includes preinstallation tank testing, tank
site preparation including anchoring, tank placement, backfilling, cathodic protection
installation, service, or repair, vent and product piping assembly, fill tube attachment, installation
of tank manholes, pump installation, secondary containment construction, and UST repair shall
be supervised by a certified person;
(6) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to
any certificate application;
(7) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to
performance of work for which certification is granted where the manner of the activity would
increase the possibility of a release from an underground storage tank; and
(8) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all
requirements of that certification program.
(9) shall notify the director as required by R311-203-3(a) before installing or upgrading an UST.
Energy Policy Act of 2005
As of August 18, 2008 several significant changes have been made to the UST rules that will
affect contractors who install UST systems and who upgrade or replace any part of the UST
Summary of the Rule Changes
• R311-203-2, Notification. UST owner/operators are required to notify the DERR (UST)
before switching to some alternative fuels in their tanks. “Alternative Fuels” is defined as
petroleum based fuel containing more than 20% Biodiesel or more than 10% Ethanol.
There may be compatibility issues when these fuels are used in steel tanks, older
fiberglass-reinforced plastic tanks, or in tank systems with certain types of fittings, seals,
etc. Adding this requirement will help ensure that these problems are minimized.
• R311-203-6, Requirements for Secondary Containment. This section implements the
“Additional Measures to Protect Groundwater” provision of the Energy Policy Act of
2005. Beginning October 1, 2008, secondary containment will be required for most new
UST installations and upgrades. This includes secondary containment on tanks, piping,
and product dispensers. The rule specifies some exceptions to this requirement. Please
refer to the full text of the rule changes for details. Interstitial monitoring will be required
for all new secondary containment installed under this rule change.
• R311-206-3, Requirements for Issuance of Certificates of Compliance. Owner/operator
must submit an as-built drawing, photographs of the job at various stages, operating and
maintenance instructions for the installed equipment, and calibration documentation of
gauge systems for new UST installations, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
Compliance for new installations. A Certificate of Compliance will not be issued without
these documents.
In addition to the above rule changes, DERR (UST) will be asking for documentation of integrity
testing on all newly installed secondary containment and spill containment (spill buckets) prior
to going into operation. These tests should be conducted according to the equipment
manufacturer requirements.
R311-200-1. Definitions.
(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 19-6-402.
(2) In addition, for purposes of this rule:
(a) "Actively participated" for the purpose of the certification programs
means that the individual applying for certification must have had operative
experience for the entire project from start to finish, whether it be an installation
or a removal.
(b) "As-built drawing" for the purpose of notification means a drawing to
scale of newly constructed USTs. The USTs shall be referenced to buildings,
streets and limits of the excavation. The drawing shall show the locations of
tanks, product lines, dispensers, vent lines, cathodic protection systems, and
monitoring wells. Drawing size must be limited to 8-1/2" x 11" if possible, but
shall in no case be larger than 11" x 17".
(c) "Backfill" means any foreign material, usually pea gravel or sand,
which usually differs from the native soil and is used to support or cover the UST
(d) "Certificate" means a document that evidences certification.
(e) "Certification" means approval by the director or the Board to engage in the
activity applied for by the individual.
(f) "Certified sampler" is the person who performs environmental media sampling
for compliance with Utah UST rules.
(g) "Certified Environmental Laboratory" means a laboratory certified by
the Utah Department of Health as outlined in Rule R444-14 to perform analyses
according to the laboratory methods identified for UST sampling in Subsection
(h) "Change-in-service" means the continued use of an UST to store a non-
regulated substance.
(i) "Claimant" means any person eligible to submit requests for
reimbursement of costs against the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund as
determined by the director.
(j) "Community water system" means a public water system that serves at
least fifteen service connections used by year- round residents or regularly serves
at least 25 year-round residents.
(k) "Confirmation sample" means an environmental sample taken,
excluding closure samples as outlined in Section R311-205-2, during soil over-
excavation or any other remedial or investigation activities conducted for the
purpose of determining the extent and degree of contamination.
(l) "Consultant" is a person who is a certified UST consultant according to
Subsection 19-6-402(7) and Section R-311-
(m) "Cost Guidelines" refers to the Cost Guidelines for Utah Underground
Storage Tank Sites document, dated June 3,
2021. This document contains personnel classifications, requirements, and rates,
general tasks and responsibilities for personnel, maximum allowable equipment
and laboratory rates, and specific items or activities that will and will not be
reimbursed by the Fund.
(n) "Customary, reasonable and legitimate expenses" means costs
incurred during the investigation, abatement, and corrective actions that address
a release which are normally charged according to accepted industry standards,
and which must be justified in an audit as an appropriate cost. The costs must be
directly related to the tasks performed.
(o) "Customary, reasonable and legitimate work" means work for
investigation, abatement and corrective action that is required to reduce
contamination at a site to levels that are protective of human health and the
environment. Acceptable levels may be established by risk-based analysis and
taking into account current or probable land use as determined by the director
following the criteria in Rule R311-211.
(p) "Department" means the Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
(q) "Eligible exempt UST" for the purpose of eligibility for the Utah
Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund means a tank specified in Subsection 19-6-
(r) "Environmental media sample" is a groundwater, surface water, air,
or soil sample collected, using appropriate methods, for the purpose of evaluating
environmental contamination.
(s) "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(t) "Expeditiously disposed of" means disposed of as soon as practical so
as not to become a potential threat to human health or safety or the environment,
whether foreseen or unforeseen as determined by the director.
(u) "Fiscal year" means a period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the
following year.
(v) "Full installation" for the purposes of Subsection 19-6-411(2) means the
installation of an UST.
(w) "Groundwater sample" is a sample of water from below the surface
of the ground collected according to protocol established in Rule R311-205.
(x) "Injury or damages from a release" means, for the purposes of
Subsection 19-6-409(2)(e), any petroleum contamination that has migrated from
the release onto or under a third party's property at concentrations exceeding Initial
Screening Levels specified in Subsection R311-211-6(1).
(y) "In use" means that an operational, inactive or abandoned UST
contains a regulated substance, sludge, dissolved fractions, or vapor which may
pose a threat to the safety of human health or the environment, as determined by
the director.
(z) "Lapse" in reference to the certificate of compliance and coverage
under the Environmental Assurance Program, means to terminate automatically.
(aa) "Native soil" means any soil that is not backfill material, is naturally
occurring, and is most representative of the localized subsurface lithology and
(bb) "No Further Action determination" means that the director has
evaluated information provided by responsible parties or others about the site and
determined that any detectable petroleum contamination from a particular
release does not present a threat to public health or the environment based upon
Board established criteria in Title R311. If future evidence indicates
contamination from that release may cause a threat, further corrective action may
be required.
(cc) "Occurrence" in reference to Section R311-208-4 means a
separate petroleum fuel delivery to a single tank. (dd) "Owners and
operators" means either an owner or operator, or both owner and
(ee) "Over-excavation" means any soil removed in an effort to investigate
or remediate in addition to the minimum amount required to remove the UST or
take environmental media samples during UST closure activities as outlined in
Section R311-205-2.
(ff) "Permanently closed" means UST that are removed from service
following guidelines in 40 CFR Part 280 Subpart G adopted by Rule R311-202.
(gg) "Petroleum storage tank" means a storage tank that contains
petroleum as defined by Subsection 19-6-402(21). (hh) "Petroleum
storage tank fee" means the fee which capitalizes the Petroleum Storage
Tank Trust Fund as established
in Section 19-6-409.
(ii) "Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund" means the Fund created by Section 19-
(jj) "Potable drinking water well" means any hole (dug, driven, drilled, or
bored) that extends into the earth until it meets groundwater which supplies water
for a non-community public water system, or otherwise supplies water for
household use (consisting of drinking, bathing, and cooking, or other similar
uses). Such well may provide water to entities such as a single- family residence,
group of residences, businesses, schools, parks, campgrounds, and other
permanent or seasonal communities.
(kk) "Public water system" means a system for the provision to the public
of water for human consumption through pipes or, after August 5, 1998, other
constructed conveyances, if such system has at least fifteen service connections
or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out
of the year. It includes any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution
facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in
connection with the system; and, any collection or pretreatment storage facilities
not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.
(ll) "Registration fee" means UST registration fee.
(mm) "Related parties" for the purposes of Section R311-207-4, means
organizations or persons related to the consultant by any of the following:
marriage; blood; one or more partners in common with the consultant; one or
more directors or officers in common with the consultant; more than 10%
common ownership direct or indirect with the consultant.
(nn) "Secondary containment", for the purposes of Section R311-203-6,
means a release prevention and detection system for a tank or piping that has an
inner and outer barrier with an interstitial space between them for monitoring.
The monitoring of the interstitial space must meet the requirements of 40 CFR
(oo) "Site assessment" or "site check" is an evaluation of the level of
contamination at a site which contains or has contained an UST.
(pp) "Site assessment report" is a summary of relevant information
describing the surface and subsurface conditions at a facility following any
abatement, investigation or assessment, monitoring, remediation or corrective
action activities as outlined in Rule R311-202, incorporating 40 CFR 280
Subparts E and F.
(qq) "Site investigation" is work performed by the owner or operator, or
their designee, when gathering information for reports required for Utah UST
(rr) "Site plat" for the purpose of notification or reporting, refers to a
drawing to scale of USTs in reference to the facility. The scale should be
dimensioned appropriately. Drawing size shall be limited to 8-1/2" x 11" if
possible, but must in no case be larger than 11" x 17". The site plat should include
the following: property boundaries; streets and orientation; buildings or adjacent
structures surrounding the facility; present or former USTs; extent of any
excavations; location and volume of any stockpiled soil; locations, depths, and
analytical results of all environmental media samples collected; locations and
total depths of borings or permanent wells, or other measurement or data points;
type of ground-cover; utility conduits; local land use; surface water drainage; and
other relevant features.
(ss) "Site under control" means that the site of a release has been actively
addressed by the owner or operator who has taken the following measures:
(i) fire and explosion hazards have been abated;
(ii) free flow of the product out of the tank has been stopped.
(iii) free product is being removed from the soil, groundwater or surface
water according to a work plan or corrective action plan approved by the director,
except as allowed by Subsections 19-6-420(3)(b) and 19-6-420(6);
(iv) alternative water supplies have been provided to affected parties
whose original water supply has been contaminated by the release; and
(v) a soil or groundwater management plan or both have
been submitted for approval by the director. (tt) "Soil
sample" is a sample collected following the protocol
established in Rule R311-205.
(uu) "Surface water sample" is a sample of water, other than a
groundwater sample, collected according to protocol established in Rule R311-
(vv) "Tank" is a stationary device designed to contain an accumulation
of regulated substances and constructed of non- earthen materials, such as
concrete, steel, or plastic, that provide structural support.
(ww) "Third-party Class B operator" is any individual who is not the
facility owner or operator, or an employee of the owner or operator and who, by
contract, provides the services outlined in R311-201-12(7).
(xx) "Under-dispenser containment", for the purposes of Section R311-
203-6, means containment underneath a dispenser that will prevent leaks from the
dispenser or transitional components that connect the piping to the dispenser
(check valves, shear valves, unburied risers or flex connectors, or other
components that are beneath the dispenser) from reaching soil or groundwater.
(yy) "UST registration fee" means the fee assessed by Section 19-6-408 on tanks
located in Utah.
(zz) "UST inspection" is the inspection required by state and federal
underground storage tank rules and regulations during the installation, testing,
repairing, operation or maintenance, and removal of regulated underground
storage tank.
(aaa) "UST inspector" is an individual who performs underground
storage tank inspections for compliance with state and federal rules and
regulations as authorized in Subsection 19-6-404(2)(c).
(bbb) "UST installation" means the installation of an underground
storage tank, including construction, placing into operation, building or
assembling an underground storage tank in the field. It includes any operation
that is critical to the integrity of the system and to the protection of the
environment, which includes:
(i) pre-installation tank testing, tank site preparation including anchoring, tank
placement, and backfilling;
(ii) vent and product piping assembly;
(iii)cathodic protection installation, service, and repair;
(iv) internal lining;
(v) secondary containment construction; and
(vi) UST repair and service.
(ccc) "UST installation permit fee" means the fee
established by Subsection 19-6-411(2)(a)(ii). (ddd)
"UST installer" means an individual who engages in
underground storage tank installation.
(eee) "UST removal" means the removal or permanent closure of an
underground storage tank by taking out of service all or part of an underground
storage tank system.
(fff) "UST remover" means an individual who engages
in underground storage tank removal. (ggg) "UST
tester" means an individual who engages in
underground storage tank testing. (hhh)(i) "UST
testing" means:
(A) a testing method which can detect leaks in an underground storage tank
(B) testing for compliance with corrosion protection requirements;
(C) testing or inspection for proper operation of overfill prevention
devices and electronic or mechanical leak detection components; or
(D) any testing requirements for exempt USTs or aboveground
storage tanks that voluntarily participate in the Environmental Assurance
(ii) testing methods must meet applicable performance standards:
(A) 40 CFR 280.40(a)(4), 280.43(c), and 280.44(b) for tank and product piping
tightness testing;
(B) 40 CFR 280.35(a)(1)(ii) for testing of spill prevention equipment
and containment sumps used for interstitial monitoring of piping;
(C) 40 CFR 280.31(b) for cathodic protection testing;
(D) 40 CFR 280.35(a)(2) for overfill device inspection;
(E) 40 CFR 280.40(a)(3) for testing of mechanical and electronic release
detection components; and
(F) interstitial testing for tank and piping secondary containment.
Tank Installation Procedures
Tank Handling (PEI-RP 100)
• Tanks must not be dropped or dragged. Avoid sharp objects and collisions.
• Always lift tanks by the lifting lugs installed on the tank.
• Ensure that the lifting device is strong enough to lift and lower the tank.
• If the tank is damaged, it must be repaired according to the manufactures requirements.
• When storing tanks before installation, always chock the tanks to prevent movement.
• Ensure that stored tanks are in a secure area.
• Pressure test the tank with 3 to 5 psig air pressure.
• Pressure testing with over 5 psig could be hazardous and harm the tank.
• Never leave a pressurized tank unattended.
• Read and follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully.
• Select a pressure gauge that does not exceed 10-15 psig.
• It is recommended to use two gauges to reduce the chance of over-pressurizing the tank, due to a
gauge failure.
• After pressurizing the tank, soap the tank surface with a mop or spay, check the entire tank for air
Testing of Double-Walled FRP Tanks
• First, read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Plug and tighten all fitting before pressurizing the tank
• Pressurize the inner tank to 5 psig.
• Monitor the pressure for one hour.
• Pressurize the outer tank (or interstice) with air from the inner tank. Because the capacity of the
outer tank is so small compared to the inner tank, this method prevents over pressurizing the outer
• Never pressurize the outer tank unless there is an equal or greater pressure on the inner
tank. Failure to do this could cause the inner tank to collapse.
• Soap the tank and inspect for air bubbles.
• Release the pressure from the interstice, then the pressure from the inner tank.
Tanks shipped with a liquid filled interstice or with a vacuum interstice are not subject to the pre-
installation air/soap test. (PEI RP 100)
The Excavation (PEI-RP 100)
Size of the excavation
• Ensure that the excavation area is large enough to accommodate the tanks, piping and all
associated equipment and backfill materials.
• The excavation must be deep enough to provide for the tanks, sufficient bedding and cover depth
as determined by the type of surface pavement and load.
• A minimum of five feet from the excavation to the base of the nearest structure is recommended.
• If more than one tank is to be installed in the same excavation there must be at least 24 inches
between the tanks.
• Things to consider in determining the size, shape, and depth of the excavation
o Tank manufactures installation requirements
o Stability of the soil
o Requirements for compacting bedding and backfill
o Space for placing and storing associated equipment
o Depth and type of cover.
Burial depths
• FPR tanks, maximum burial depth is 7 feet.
• Steel tanks, maximum burial depth is 5 feet.
• The burial depth should never exceeds the manufacturer’s recommendations
Backfill (PEI-RP 100)
• Tanks subjected to traffic loads must have a cover depth of at least 30 inches of back fill plus 6
inches of asphalt or 18 inches of backfill plus 6 inches or steel re-bar reinforced concrete.
• Tanks subjected to traffic loads and high water must have 30 inches of backfill and either 8
inches of asphalt or 6 inches or steel re-bar reinforced concrete.
• Tanks not subject to traffic loads must have a minimum of 24 inches of backfill plus 4 inches of
steel re-bar reinforced concrete.
• Tanks in high water areas not subjected to traffic loads must have 36 inches of backfill.
• NFPA 30 requires at least three feet of backfill for a nonmetallic UST in a traffic area.
Improper backfilling of an installed underground tank can distort tank dimensions. Deflection in the
tank’s vertical diameter may be caused by improper bedding, voids in the backfill under the tank-bottom
quadrant, or poor compaction of backfill material at the tank sides.
Excessive deflection indicates inadequate support or over tightening of anchor straps, which can cause
structural damage or result in penetration of the tank bottom by suction stubs or submersible pumps. The
amount of deflection of an installed tank should be measured to confirm the quality of backfilling and
compaction. Individual tank manufacturers establish the maximum acceptable deflection. If the
measured deflection of an installed tank exceeds the limits established consult the tank manufacturer.
• Be sure the excavation area is properly barricaded and clearly marked.
• Have Blues Stakes or utility companies mark all underground utilities to include: gas, water,
telephone, electrical, sewers etc.
• All workers on the job should wear hard hats, gloves, and protective safety shoes.
• Have a least 2 approved fire extinguishers on the site
• Have first aid supplies on hand
• Shore up the excavation if needed.
• Buoyancy can be offset by either adding more weight/cover on the top of the tank, or use tie
down straps and anchoring.
• Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
• The American Petroleum Institute (API) recommends anchoring tanks when a high water table
exists or if flooding can be expected.
Piping Materials
All piping components, including fittings, gaskets, o-rings, pipe sealant, and the piping itself, must:
• be fully compatible with the products stored
• be compatible with the underground environment
• be resistant to damage under normal operating or test pressures
• have sufficient strength to withstand the stresses produced during construction and subsequent
• be isolated from the ground, constructed of noncorrosive materials, or coated and cathodically
Pipe Burial
• Make piping trenches wide enough and deep enough to accommodate both the piping and the
backfill material required to provide protection from damage that might be caused by settlement,
abrasion, vibration, expansion, contraction, and contact with foreign materials.
• 6 inches of clearance between piping and electrical conduit, utilities and other structures.
• In traffic areas, ensure that the trench is sufficiently deep to permit 6 inches of bedding and at
least 18 inches of compacted backfill material and pavement above the top of the piping.
Flex Connectors
• Flexible connectors may be installed at the tank end of each product line, vent line. and vapor-
recovery line, and at the base of dispensers.
• Flexible connectors are not required on flexible pipe.
• Do not twist or kink flexible connectors, nor bend to radiuses beneath minimums specified by
• Do not apply wrenches to any part of a flexible connector not intended for tool application.
• Flexible connectors installed in dispenser or intermediate sumps should be listed for aboveground
• Flexible connectors installed in tank-top sumps may be listed for underground or aboveground
Additional Requirements
Spill Containment and Overfill Prevention
• Spill and overfill prevention is not required on USTs where there are transfers of 25 gallons or
Spill Containment
• Spill containment is intended to contain small releases of product that may result when the
delivery hose is disconnected from the fill pipe after a delivery.
• Spill containment is usually achieved by installing a liquid-tight container, usually referred to as a
"spill-bucket," around the underground tank fill pipe.
• Spill-buckets may also be used at Stage I vapor-recovery risers and at automatic tank-gauge
• Spill containment is available in single-walled or double-walled configuration.
Overfill Prevention
• Spill containment is intended to contain small releases of product that may result when the
delivery hose is disconnected from the fill pipe after a delivery.
• Overfill prevention is intended to stop the delivery of fuel into an underground tank before the
tank is completely full so that room is available in the tank to drain fuel contained in the delivery
• In the past, the lack of spill-containment and overfill-prevention equipment often resulted in
environmental contamination.
Three types of overfill-prevention devices:
Alarms consist of an external signaling device that is typically connected to an
automatic tank-gauging system. To be effective, the alarm should:
• provide visual and audible signals to the delivery person
• be located in close proximity to where the delivery person stands during the delivery
• be clearly labeled as a "tank overfill alarm"
Automatic Shut-Off Devices
• Often called "flapper valves," are installed in the fill pipe of underground tanks and automatically
stops the flow of product into the tank during a delivery. After the main valve closes, various
bypass mechanisms allow the contents of the delivery hose to drain into the tank.
• To operate properly, shut-off devices must be installed according to the manufacturer's
instructions, particularly with regard to attaching the shut-off device to the drop tube and
attaching the drop tube to the fill pipe.
• Shut-off devices that are designed for use with underground tanks should only be used with
gravity deliveries and where there are liquid-tight connections between the delivery hose and the
fill pipe.
• All risers above the flow shut-off device must be properly sealed or else product may discharge
from the unsealed openings when the overfill shut-off device closes.
Ball-float valves
• Are installed inside the underground tank just below the vent opening.
• A ball-float valve must be installed in an extractable fitting to allow access for inspection,
maintenance, and tightness testing.
• When a ball-float valve operates as designed, the tank becomes pressurized, creating a hazardous
condition. The pressure is most often relieved by releasing flammable vapors at grade. For this
reason, ball-float valves are not recommended.
Other Overfill Device Methods
• Any other method must be approved by the Utah DERR.
Installing Overfill Prevention Devices
When installing an overfill-prevention device, refer to the gauging chart provided by the tank
manufacturer to determine the correct distance below the tank top for that device.
Regulations specify that overfill devices may be installed at a percentage of tank capacity, not a
percentage of tank diameter.
In all cases, the set-points for alarms or ball float devices, should not exceed 90 percent of capacity of the
Flapper-valve-type devices should not exceed 95 percent of the actual capacity of the compartment
into which the delivery is made.
Secondary Containment
Secondary-containment systems provide an additional layer of protection against released product. These
systems should be designed to contain any release from tanks, piping, or associated equipment; facilitate
the detection of any release; and provide access for released-product recovery. Secondary-containment
systems typically consist of the following components:
• spill-containment manholes
• double-walled tanks
• double-walled piping
• tank-top sumps
• under-dispenser sumps
• transition sumps
• sensing devices.
Double-walled tanks and piping should be installed and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Tank Sumps, total containment sump, or STP sump.
• Tank-sumps, are liquid-tight containers designed to contain leaks or spills that involve tank-top
fittings and equipment, and to isolate metallic pipefittings from the corrosive underground
environment. In addition, tank-sumps frequently serve as the leak-detection point for double-
walled piping systems.
• Ensure that tank-top sumps are liquid-tight, both to contain spilled or leaked product and to
prevent groundwater intrusion or surface water runoff.
• Install liquid-tight penetration fittings on all sump entries, including electrical conduit.
• Complete sump connections to the tank top in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Testing Tank Sumps
• Test tank-top sumps after all joints have been assembled, any seating materials have cured, and
all penetration fittings have been installed, but before backfilling.
• Follow the sump manufacturer's or regulatory agency's testing procedure. If testing instructions
are not specified by the sump manufacturer or the regulatory agency, use the following
1. Fill the sump with water to 6 inches above the highest joint or penetration fitting,
whichever is higher;
2. Visually inspect all joints and fittings for drips or moisture indicating a leak;
3. Replace any leaks observed and restore the water level in the sump;
4. Mark the water level using spray paint or other suitable marker;
5. Wait at least 4 hours and repeat the visual inspection for leaks;
6. If no leaks are visible and the water level has not changed, the sump is considered tight.
• Follow the equipment manufacturer's test procedures.
• Vacuum or pressure-based test procedures may be used instead of this hydrostatic procedure if
approved by the manufacturer of the sump.
Dispenser Sumps
• Dispenser sumps are designed to contain leaks and spills from dispensers and pumps, and to
isolate metallic pipe fittings from the corrosive underground environment.
• All dispenser-sump entries, including electrical conduit, should be fitted with liquid-tight
penetration fittings to prevent the escape of released liquids or water intrusion.
• Dispenser sumps should be designed and installed so that surface-water entry is minimized.
• Test dispenser sumps after all joints have been assembled, any sealing materials have cured, and
all penetration fittings have been installed, but before backfilling.
• Follow the sump manufacturer's or regulatory agency's testing procedure. If testing instructions
are not specified by the sump manufacturer or the regulatory agency, use the same procedure
described for tank-top sumps in section.
Transition Sumps
Transition sumps may be required for reasons of extending existing piping systems, extending from
underground piping to aboveground apparatus, or creating branches in piping. Transition sumps have
similar requirements as other sumps, but, additionally, should always be continuously monitored
and installed in conjunction with a raised concrete apron not less than 24 inches all around the grade
opening for durability reasons.
• Although secondary-containment systems may be monitored visually, sensing devices that
monitor for the presence of product or liquids are typically installed in tank-top sumps.
• Installing sensors in dispenser sumps can provide a timely and more reliable warning of dispenser
• Sensors may either indicate only the presence of a liquid or have the ability to discriminate
between product and water.
• Mount sensors securely and place them at the bottom of the sump. Carefully follow the
manufacturer's instructions for installation of sensing devices.
Secondary Containment Requirements (R311-203-6)
• New and replacement tanks and piping installed after October 1, 2008 shall have secondary
containment including, double-walled components and containment sumps. R 311-203-6.
• If any portion of piping from tank to dispenser is replaced, double walled piping is required and
must have interstitial monitoring
• Existing dispensers that are replaced must have sumps installed under the replaced dispenser if
any of the piping connecting the dispenser to the product piping is replaced. This includes: flex
connectors, risers, check valves, shear valves, etc.
• All tanks and product piping that are installed as part of an underground storage tank system shall
have secondary containment if the installation is located 1000 feet or less from an existing
community water system or an existing potable drinking water well. R311-203-6
Secondary containment sumps shall meet the requirements of 40 CFR 280.42(b) and R311-203-6 require:
• Monitored monthly for release from the tank and piping.
• At the submersible pump or other location where the piping connects to the tank
• Where the piping connects to a dispenser
• Where double-walled piping that is required connects with existing piping.
• Under-dispenser containment (R311-203-6(2)
• Be liquid-tight on its sides, bottom, and at all penetrations.
• Be compatible with the substance conveyed by the piping
• Allow for visual inspection or have continuous monitoring for the presence of liquids.
• Prevent leaks from the dispenser to reach the soil.
Release Detection
The purpose of release detection is to provide early warning of the loss of integrity in any portion of the
underground storage system that routinely contains product.
All tank systems installed after October 1, 2008 must have interstitial monitoring.
If any portion of piping from tank to dispenser is replaced, double walled piping is required and must
have interstitial monitoring.
Automatic Tank Gauging
• Install the tank-gauging probe as close as possible to the middle of the tank. Avoid locating the
probe adjacent to the fill pipe or the submersible pump.
• Factors to be considered include tank volume, facility throughput, and presence of any siphon
connections between tanks.
• Follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the type of wire to use to connect the tank
probes and the control console.
• Follow the manufacturer's instructions for grounding the tank gauge to maintain the intrinsic
safety rating of the tank gauge, for programming and calibrating the tank gauge.
Interstitial Monitoring
• Monitoring double-walled tanks for leaks can be done manually by inserting a gauge stick or
other probe to the bottom of the interstitial space.
• Monitoring can also be accomplished through the installation of liquid sensors at the bottom of
the interstitial space.
• Both hydrostatic monitoring systems, where the interstitial space is filled with a liquid, and
vacuum systems, where the negative pressure in the interstitial space is monitored, have the
ability to monitor the integrity of both walls of the storage tank.
• Sensors that are installed in tank interstitial spaces should be easy to remove and replace to allow
for servicing and testing of sensor operation.
Leak Detection Methods for Piping
• Install piping so that any released liquid will flow to a sump, where it can be visually observed or
detected by sensors,
• Mount sensors according to the manufacturer's instructions. Place sensors at the bottom of the
sump. Sensors should be easily accessible so they can be tested periodically for proper operation,
• After installation testing is completed, ensure that test fittings do not interfere with the flow of
any released product from the interstitial space of the piping into the sump,
Cathodic-Protection Systems
• Metallic underground storage tanks and product-pipe systems in contact with soil must be
provided with cathodic protection. Tank and pipe systems constructed of corrosion-resistant
materials do not require additional cathodic protection. Cathodic protection should be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, plans, and specifications.
• A cathodic protection system must be designed by a corrosion expert as defined in 40 CFR 280
• Cathodic protection systems must be test within six months of installation or upgrade and at least
once every three years thereafter.
• There are two types of Cathodic protection systems: Impressed Current, and Galvanic Anodes