HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-003332 Division of Water Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality Public Notice of Renewal of Ground Water Discharge Permit Permit No. UGW010016 Purpose of Public Notice The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is soliciting comments on the request to issue a ground water discharge permit as described below. The ground water discharge permit is issued by the Director of the Division of Water Quality under authority of the Utah Water Quality Act, Section 19-5-106(g) Utah Code Ann. 1953, as amended and Utah Administrative Code R317-6. Under Section 19-1-301.5, effective May 8, 2012, a person who wishes to challenge a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public comment period and was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue. Utah Code Ann. 19-1-301.5 can be viewed at the following internet URL: https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title19/Chapter1/19-1-S301.5.html. Permit Information Permittee Name: Smithfield Hog Production Facility Location: Beaver and Millard Counties Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 Milford, UT 84751 Groundwater Discharge Permit No.UGW010016 is being renewed for the continued operation of swine production facilities owned by Smithfield Hog Production. The 52 farm sites are located in Beaver and Millard Counties, approximately 10 miles north of Milford, UT. Manure from the hog production facilities is washed into anaerobic basins for treatment and storage. The lagoon systems at farm sites consist of one primary storage basin and one containment basin for evaporation, or an anaerobic digester. In addition to well monitoring the basins are lined with a flexible membrane liner for the protection of ground water. The ground water quality beneath farm sites ranges from Class 1A Pristine Ground Water to Class III Drinking Water Quality. Public Comments Public comments are invited any time prior to Friday, May 19, 2024. Written comments may be directed to the Division of Water Quality, P.O. Box 144870, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870. All comments received prior to close of business Friday, May 19, 2024, will be considered in the formulation of final determinations to be imposed on the permit. A public hearing may be held if written requests are received within the first 15 days of this public comment period that demonstrate significant public interest and substantive issues exist to warrant holding a hearing. Further Information Additional information may be obtained upon request by contacting Jeff Kolmel at (385) 228-6349 or jkolmel@utah.gov by writing to the aforementioned address. Related documents are available for review during normal business hours at DWQ, 195 North 1950 West in Salt Lake City or on the DWQ web page at http://www.deq.utah.gov/NewsNotices/notices/water/index.htm. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson, Office of Human Resources at (801) 536-4284, TDD (801) 536-4284.