HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2019-003761 - 0901a06880a29650Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www.energyfuels.com ENERGY FUELS April 18, 2019 SENT VIA OVERNIGRT DELIVERY Mr. Ty L. Howard Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 D RC-2019- 00377I Div of Waste Manastrfx111 and Radiation Contrtol APR 2 4 2019 •Re: Application by Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ("EFRI") for an amendment to State of Utah Radioactive Materials License No. 1900479 for the VVhite Mesa Uranium Mill (the "Mill") to authorize processing of NPM Silmet OU ("Silmet") alternate feed material (the "Uranium Material") Dear Mr. Howard: We are pleased to enclose with this letter two copies of an application to amend the Mill' s Radioactive Materials License No. 1900479 to authorize receipt and processing of the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material primarily for the recovery of uraniurn and disposal of the resulting tailings in the Mill's tailings impoundments as 1 le.(2) byproduct material. Silmet is licensed to store up to 615 metric tons of uranium material on site at their facility in Estonia. Based on current production rates, Silmet anticipates that limit will be reached by late 2019. EFRI plans to enter into an agreement with Silmet to allow shipment of the uranium material to the Mill as soon as reasonably possible. Please contact us as to the anticipated timeframe required for DWMRC to review this application. If you should have any questions regarding this amendment application, please contact me. Yours very truly, ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager David Frydenlund Mark Chalmers Paul Goranson Logan Shinnway Terry Slade Scott Bakken April 18, 2019 SENT VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Ty L. Howard Director Di vision of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www .energyfuels.com Re: Application by Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ("EFRI") for an amendment to State of Utah Radioactive Materials License No. 1900479 for the White Mesa Uranium Mill (the "Mill") to authorize processing of NPM Silmet OU ("Silmet") alternate feed material (the "Uranium Material") Dear Mr. Howard: We are pleased to enclose with this letter two copies of an application to amend the Mill's Radioactive Materials License No. 1900479 to authorize receipt and processing of the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material primarily for the recovery of uranium and disposal of the resulting tailings in the Mill's tailings impoundments as 1 le.(2) byproduct material. Silmet is licensed to store up to 615 metric tons of uranium material on site at their facility in Estonia. Based on current production rates, Silmet anticipates that limit will be reached by late 2019. EFRI plans to enter into an agreement with Silmet to allow shipment of the uranium material to the Mill as soon as reasonably possible. Please contact us as to the anticipated timeframe required for DWMRC to review this application. If you should have any questions regarding this amendment application, please contact me. Yours very truly, <}(~ ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager cc: David Frydenlund Mark Chalmers Paul Goranson Logan Shumway Terry Slade Scott Bakken REQUEST TO AMEND RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS LICENSE ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL SAN JUAN COUNTY, UTAH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT for Processing of Alternate Feed Material from NPM Silmet OU Prepared for: Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Prepared by: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Boulevard, Suite 600, Lakewood, CO 80228 April 18, 2019 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 WHITE MESA MILL ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PROPOSED ACTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.3 PURPOSE OF ACTION .......................................................... ················ ............................... 1 1.4 AMENDMENT APPLICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ............................................. 2 2.0 MATERIAL COMPOSITION AND VOLUME ............................................................. 2 2.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF SOURCES ................................................................................ 4 2.3 QUANTITY OF MATERIAL .................................................................................................. 5 2.4 RADIOCHEMICAL DATA ..................................................................................................... 6 2.5 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA ...................................................................................... 6 2.6 COMPARISON TO OTHER ORES AND ALTERNATE FEED MATERIALS LICENSED FOR PROCESSING AT THE MILL ............................................................................................................ 6 2.6.1 Ores and Alternate Feed Materials With Similar Radiological Characteristics ......... 6 2.6.2 Ores and Alternate Feed Materials With Similar Chemical/Metal Characteristics .... 8 3.0 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................... 8 3.1 ALTERNATE FEED GUIDANCE ............................................................................................ 8 3.2 URANIUM MATERIAL QUALIFIES AS "ORE" ...................................................................... 8 3.3 URANIUM MATERIAL NOT SUBJECT TO RCRA ................................................................. 8 3.3.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.2 EFRIIUDEQ Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol .......................................................... 9 3.3.3 Application of the Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol ................................................ 10 3.3.4 Radioactive Material Profile Record ......................................................................... 11 3.3.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 12 3.4 URANIUM MATERIAL IS PROCESSED PRIMARILY FOR ITS SOURCE MATERIAL CONTENT 12 3.5 OTHER LICENSING CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 12 4.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................... 13 4.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 13 4.2 TRANSPORTATION CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 16 4.2.1 Packaging and Mode ofTransportation ..................................................................... 16 4.2.2 Transportation Impacts .............................................................................................. 17 4.2.3 Transportation Accidents ........................................................................................... 19 4.3 STORAGE ......................................................................................................................... 19 4.3.1 Manner of Storage ...................................................................................................... 19 4.3.2 Environmental Impacts Associated With Storage ...................................................... 19 4.4 PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 19 4.4.1 Mill Accidents and Emergency Response ................................................................... 20 4.5 COMPATIBILITYWITHEFRIMILL TAILINGS ................................................................... 21 4.5.1 Physical Compatibility ............................................................................................... 21 4.5.2 Capacity and Throughput ........................................................................................... 23 Request to Amend Radioactive Materials License Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 4.5.3 Mill Tailings Closure and Reclamation ...................................................................... 23 4.6 GROUNDWATER·············································································································· 23 4.7 SURFACE WATER ············································································································ 24 4.8 AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL IMPACTS ............................................................................... 25 4.9 RADON AND GAMMA IMPACTS ........................................................................................ 25 4.10 SAFETY MEASURES .................................................................... ····· ................................ 25 4.10.1 General ................................................................................................................... 25 4.10.2 Radiation Safety ...................................................................................................... 25 4.10.3 Occupational Safety ................................................................................................ 26 4.10.4 Vehicle Scan ............................................................................................................ 27 4.11 LONG TERM IMPACTS ...................................................................................................... 27 4.12 0THER0PERATIONALCONSIDERATI0NS ........................................................................ 27 4.13 ADDED ADVANTAGE OF RECYCLING ............................................................................... 27 4.14 CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................ 27 5.0 CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 29 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 NPM Silmet OU' s (Silmet) Sillamae, Estonia Facility Information Attachment 2 Radioactive Material Profile Record and Affidavit Attachment 3 EFRI/UDEQ Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are RCRA Listed Hazardous Wastes Attachment 4 Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine the Potential Presence of RCRA Characteristic or RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste Attachment 5 Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine Worker Safety and Environmental Issues and Chemical Compatibility at the EFRI White Mesa Mill Attachment 6 Cross Index to DWMRC Interrogatory Template for Review of License Amendment Requests and Environmental Reports under UAC R313-24 Request to Amend Radioactive Materials License ii Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 White Mesa Mill Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ("EFRI") operates the White Mesa Uranium Mill (the "Mill") located approximately six miles south of Blanding, Utah. The Mill processes natural (native, raw) uranium ores and alternate feed materials. Alternate feed materials are uranium- bearing materials other than natural ores, that meet the criteria specified in the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ("NRC's") Interim Position and Guidance on the Use of Uranium Mill Feed Material Other Than Natural Ores (November 30, 2000) (the "Alternate Feed Guidance"). Alternate feed materials are processed as "ore" at the Mill primarily for their source material content. As a result, all waste associated with this processing is lle.(2) byproduct material. The Uranium Material is similar to the alternate feed materials the Mill is currently licensed to receive from the Cabot and Fansteel Metals Recovery, Inc. ("FMRI") facilities, which are also residues from tantalum and niobium processing facilities. 1.2 Proposed Action This is a request for an amendment to State of Utah Radioactive Materials License ("RML") No. UT 1900479 to authorize receipt and processing of certain uranium containing materials. These materials are residuals resulting from purification of columbite and tantalite mineral ores processed via an acid leach process for recovery of columbium ("niobium") and tantalum conducted in NPM Silmet OU's ("Silmet's") tantalum and niobium production plant (the "Facility") in Sillamae, Estonia. For ease of reference, the uranium bearing material that results from this process, described further in Section 2, is referred to herein as "Uranium Material". 1.3 Purpose of Action The Uranium Material contains greater than 0.05% uranium on both a wet and dry basis. The Uranium Material is the uranium-containing residue (or "tailings") from the Facility which has been dried and calcined to oxidize the residual minerals and remove water content (reduce volume), then cooled and packaged in closed drums for off-site recovery or disposal. Because the Uranium Material contains elevated levels of naturally-occurring radionuclides, its collection and storage has been regulated by the Republic of Estonia under Silmet's Radioactivity License 14 010. License 14 010 limits the quantity of residue collected and stored on site at the Facility to 615.5 metric tonnes. To date, the Facility has accumulated and stored 600 metric tonnes (660 tons) of material, in over 2,000 drums. Because the Facility has approached its licensed storage limit, Silmet has temporarily suspended the niobium and tantalum recovery operations which produce the Uranium Material. Silmet's Radioactivity License 14 010, authorized on January 30, 2014, expired on January 31, 2019. The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia has required that Silmet demonstrate they have arranged with an off-site facility appropriately licensed for recovery or disposal of the Uranium Material, prior to renewal of Silmet's license and resumption of niobium/tantalum recovery operations. Silmet is seeking to remove the material off-site, as soon as practicable, for reprocessing or disposal. No facility within the Republic of Estonia is Pa e 1 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. currently licensed for either the direct disposal or the reprocessing of the Uranium Material. Although the Estonian government is planning to build a disposal facility, it is not expected to be completed for a number of years. Silmet would like to recycle the Uranium Material for the recovery of uranium if possible. No facility within the Republic of Estonia is capable of reprocessing and recovery of any component of the Uranium Material at this time. In order to recycle the Uranium Material, Silmet desires to send the material to the White Mesa Mill, which has a long history of successfully processing such types of alternate feed materials for the recovery of uranium. EFRI has been requested by Silmet to make this application to process the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material at the Mill for the recovery of uranium and to dispose of the resulting tailings in the Mill's tailings management system as 1 le.(2) byproduct material. Approval of this application will: 1. allow the recovery of valuable uranium, a resource that would otherwise be lost to direct disposal, and 2. allow Silmet to meet the requirement of the Estonian Ministry of Environment to confirm a licensed off-site destination for the Uranium Material, and to resume operations at the Facility. Reprocessing at the Mill will afford Silmet a cost-effective and productive mechanism for managing the Uranium Material generated. 1.4 Amendment Application and Environmental Report This application is intended to fulfill the requirements of an application for an amendment to the Mill's Radioactive Materials License set out in Utah Administrative Code ("UAC") R3I3-22-38 and includes the Environmental Report ("ER") required by UAC R3I3-24-3 to be contained in such an application. For ease of review, this application contains a cross reference to the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control's ("DWMRC's") Interrogatory Template for Review of License Amendment Request and Environmental Report under UAC R313-24 that was provided to EFRI. The cross reference is provided in a table format in Attachment 6. 2.0 MATERIAL COMPOSITION AND VOLUME 2.1 General The Facility currently operates a niobium and tantalum, production plant located in the Republic of Estonia. The Republic of Estonia1 is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden on the other 11 This summary information about Estonia is drawn from Wikipedia. Pae 2 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. side, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), water 2,839 km2 (1,096 sq mi), land area 42,388 km2 (16,366 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The official language of the country, Estonian, is the second most spoken Finnie language. The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 9,000 B.C. Ancient Estonians were some of the last European pagans to be Christianized, following the Livonian Crusade in the 13th century. After centuries of successive rule by Germans, Danes, Swedes, Poles and Russians, a distinct Estonian national identity began to emerge in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This culminated in independence from Russia in 1920 after a brief War of Independence at the end of World War I. Initially democratic, after the Great Depression Estonia was governed by authoritarian rule since 1934. During World War II (1939-1945), Estonia was repeatedly contested and occupied by the Soviet Union and Germany, ultimately being incorporated into the former as the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by diplomatic representatives and the government-in-exile. In 1987 the peaceful "Singing Revolution" began against Soviet rule, resulting in the restoration of de facto independence on 20 August 1991. The sovereign state of Estonia is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union since joining in 2004, the economic monetary Eurozone, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Schengen Area, and of the Western military alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that has been among the fastest- growing in the European Union. Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favorably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012 and 2007). Estonian citizens are provided with universal health care, free education, and the longest-paid maternity leave in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. One of the world's most digitally advanced societies, in 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency. The Facility is located on a property which formerly contained a shale oil production plant from 1927 to 1940. A uranium production pilot plant was constructed on the site in 1944, following the commencement of the Soviet Union's occupation of Estonia. A separate portion of the Facility produced uranium oxides from local shale ores from 1944 through 1952. The Facility subsequently began receiving other uranium-containing ores in 1952, and continued to produce uranium oxides, including reactor-grade enriched uranium products from 1982-1988, in this separate portion of the Facility, until uranium production ceased in 1990. In 1970, concurrent with the uranium operations, the plant began receiving loparite ores and began the recovery of niobium and tantalum in one process area, and rare earths from loparite ores in a separate process area, both of which were separate and independent from the uranium processing and enrichment areas. After 1990, the plant no longer received loparite ores, and began to process columbite and tantalite ore residue concentrates for niobium and tantalum production. Processing of columbite and tanatalite ores occurs in the same separate portion of the Facility used to process the loparite Pae 3 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ores. Niobium and tantalum recovery continues to the present time. The Uranium Material was produced specifically from operations since 2000 in the plant area and process operation which recovers niobium and tantalum, as discussed in Section 2.3, below. Prior to 2000, all tailings and wastes from the uranium processing and enrichment activities, as well as tailings from the loparite ore processing and columbite and tantalite ore residue concentrates, were disposed of in a radioactive tailings pond near the Facility. That pond was taken out of service in 1999 and decommissioned by a third party between 1999 and 2009. From 1999 onward, because the pond was no longer available, the residues from the ongoing columbite and tantalite ore residue processing operations were filtered into filter cake, calcined to remove the remaining moisture, and packaged in 55-gallon metal drums lined with triple- walled polyethylene bag liners and stored as Uranium Material. The currently accumulated Uranium Material is comprised of the drums of material that had accumulated through this process and have been stored at the Facility since 1999. As the columbite and tantalite ore residue processing operations continue to be active, Uranium Material is expected to continue to be produced in this same fashion at the rate of approximately 80 tons/yr. indefinitely. This license amendment application covers the currently accumulated Uranium Material as well as the Uranium Material that is expected to continue to be produced going forward. The Uranium Material does not include residuals from oil shale production, from uranium production or enrichment, rare earth recovery, or from other previous operations at the Facility. It does not include any material from the former radioactive tailings pond or from the decommissioning of the former pond which has been conducted by entities other than Silmet. The Uranium Material is comprised only of residuals from the current Silmet niobium and tantalum recovery unit, which were directly calcined, dried, and drummed after generation in a closed process, independent of other historic activities at the Facility. No other processing activities, other than the current niobium and tantalum recovery operations, have occurred at the site since 2000. 2.2 Historical Summary of Sources The Uranium Material consists of the residuals from niobium and tantalum recovery from columbite and tantalite ore concentrates. It does not include residuals from oil shale production, from uranium production or enrichment, rare earth recovery, or from other previous operations at the Facility. It does not include materials from the former radioactive materials pond at the Facility. Columbite and tantalite-containing mineral ore concentrates were processed via acid-leaching to separate the insoluble impurities, including uranium and some thorium, from niobium and tantalum. The ores were crushed and milled, then dissolved in hydrofluoric and sulfuric acid, and removed in solution phase. The insolubles, containing uranium and thorium, were removed from solution. The precipitate was filtered, and the filter cake was transferred to the calcining unit, in the same building. The filter cake was calcined and dried in electric rotary kilns, cooled in rotary coolers and placed into metal drums lined with triple-walled polyethylene bags. The process which generated the Uranium Material is isolated from the remainder of site operations. Columbite and tantalite ores are processed in a separate milling area, for which the Pa e4 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. feed, grinding and discharge steps are controlled by hermetically sealed equipment, primarily for the management of radioactive dusts. Acid leaching, washing, filtration, electric rotary calcining, rotary cooling and packaging are all conducted in automated closed systems. Hence, the Uranium Material is isolated from other materials on site from feed source through drum packaging. The process which produced the Uranium Material is comparable to the process which produced other alternate feed materials previously licensed for receipt and processing at the Mill. The table below compares the source of Silmet Uranium Material to the sources of previously licensed alternate feeds. Alternate Feed Niobium Tantalum Source Production Production Cabot X X Fansteel X X Silmet X X EFRI has been requested by Silmet to make this application to process the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material at the Mill and to dispose of the resulting tailings in the Mill's tailings management system as 1 le.(2) byproduct material.. By providing Silmet with the option of processing the Uranium Material at the Mill, Silmet will be given the option of recycling the Uranium Material for the recovery of valuable uranium, a resource that would otherwise be lost to direct disposal. 2.3 Quantity of Material Silmet has requested that EFRI recycle the uranium material and has asked that EFRI submit this Amendment Request. Silmet estimates that the total volume of Uranium Material accumulated to date is approximately 600 metric tonnes (660 tons). The material has been dried and calcined, therefore this value is essentially a dry weight quantity, and chemical and radiochemical data discussed in this application and attachments are on a dry weight basis. Based on Silmet's prior Radioactivity License, the Facility is permitted to accumulate an average of 72.5 metric tonnes (80 tons) per year of Uranium Material. This application anticipates that the Mill could potentially receive the accumulated material plus Uranium Material annually for a total of at least 1,325 metric tonnes (1,460 tons) assuming at least 10 years of annual Uranium Material production. It has been EFRI' s experience with other alternate feed materials from comparable sources that the initial estimate may increase by as much as 50 percent or more by the time of receipt, due to factors such as under-estimation of numbers of containers and other variables. Therefore, in order to allow for these factors and the potential to receive annual increments of Uranium Material for greater than 10 years, this Request for Amendment is for approval of approximately 2,200 tons dry weight of Uranium Material, to ensure that all the Uranium Material for a reasonable period of time is covered by this Amendment. Pae 5 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 2.4 Radiochemical Data As noted, the process history demonstrates that the Uranium Material results from the recovery of niobium and tantalum from columbite and tantalite ore concentrates. Silmet has estimated that the current Uranium Material has a uranium content ranging from 0.14 to 0.35 dry weight percent natural uranium or 0.17 to 0.41 dry weight percent U30s. The uranium content may be expected to average approximately 0.23 dry weight percent natural uranium or 0.27 dry weight percent U30s. As discussed in section 1.3 above, the Uranium Material has been dried and calcined, hence all available data is on a dry weight basis. As noted in the Radioactive Materials Profile Record ("RMPR") and on the Table below, the Thorium-232 content will likely range from 542 to 2,160 picocuries per gram dry weight basis ("pCi/g-dry"). A more detailed radiological characterization of the Uranium Materials (see Section 2.6.1, below) is contained in the RMPR (Attachment 2). The radionuclide activity concentration of the Uranium Material is comparable to Colorado Plateau ores and alternate feed materials which the Mill is currently licensed to receive (see Section 2.6.1, below). 2.5 Physical and Chemical Data Physically, the Uranium Material consists of dry, calcined, powdered solids, containing residual amounts of uranium and other metals. The chemical characterization data for the Uranium Materials is set out in the RMPR (Attachment 2). As with the radionuclides and as discussed in more detail in Section 4.4 below, all the chemical constituents in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, already present in the Mill's tailings management system or were reported in other licensed alternate feeds, at levels generally comparable to or higher than those reported in the Uranium Materials. 2.6 Comparison to Other Ores and Alternate Feed Materials Licensed for Processing at the Mill 2.6.1 Ores and Alternate Feed Materials With Similar Radiological Characteristics With an average uranium content of approximately 0.17 to 0.41 percent U30s, the Uranium Material is comparable to a high-grade Colorado Plateau ore. Colorado Plateau ores typically average from approximately 0.18 percent to 0.3 percent U30s. The estimated average content of total natural thorium (Th-232) ("Th-nat") of approximately 2,200 pCi/g-dry is higher than normally encountered with natural ores but well within the range of previously licensed alternate feed materials at the Mill. For example, the average concentrations of Th-nat in the Sequoyah Fuels alternate feed material averaged 2,385 pCi/g Th-232, and many other alternate feed materials have had elevated concentrations of Th-nat. The Uranium Material will be handled at the Mill under the Mill's radiation safety program in a manner appropriate for such materials. The table below compares the radionuclide content of the Uranium Material and that of other alternate feed materials and natural uranium ores previously approved for processing at the Mill. Pa e6 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Range of Uranium Previously Licensed Material Alternate Feed Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Activity Source for Alternate Activity Concentrations Feed Information Concentration (pCi/g dry) (pCi/g dry) 2,000 avg; 10,400 max W.R.Grace Application April 2000 Ra-226 445 max CaF2 annual feed analysis Average 1332 2018 1650 pCi/g Typical Arizona Strip Natural Uranium Ores 2,000 avg.; 3,222 max W.R.Grace Application 527 to 1,790 April 2000 Th-228 Sequoyah Fuels Average 1,033 1,110 max Application August 2013 75.5 mg/kg (1,555,000 Nevada Test Site Cotter pCi/g) avg., 143 mg/kg Concentrate Application (2,330,000 pCi/g) max. March 1997 Th-230 507 to 1,300 8,000 avg.; 31,500 max W.R.Grace Application Average 900 April 2000 46,300 pCi/g Sequoyah Fuels annual alternate feed sample Sequoyah Fuels 542 to 2,160 2,385 avg.; 4,990 max Application Th-232 August 2013 Average 1,200 1,190 avg. Heritage RMPR, undated Unat 1,400 mg/kg to 3,500 686,000 mg/kg max Mill lab monthly assays mg/kg of Cameco UF4 Note: Values are in pCi/g unless otherwise stated. Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 2.6.2 Ores and Alternate Feed Materials With Similar Chemical/Metal Characteristics The Uranium Material is physically and chemically comparable to previously-approved alternate feed materials that the Mill has processed. As discussed in more detail in Section 4.5 below, all the constituents in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, already present in the Mill's tailings system or were reported in other licensed alternate feeds, at levels generally comparable to or higher than those reported in the Uranium Material. 3.0 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Alternate Feed Guidance The Alternate Feed Guidance provides that if it can be determined, using the criteria specified in the Alternate Feed Guidance, that a proposed feed material meets the definition of "ore", that it will not introduce a hazardous waste not otherwise exempted (unless specifically approved by the EPA (or State) and the long-term custodian), and that the primary purpose of its processing is for its source material content, the request can be approved. 3.2 Uranium Material Qualifies as "Ore" According to the Alternate Feed Guidance, for the tailings and wastes from the proposed processing to qualify as lle.(2) byproduct material, the feed material must qualify as "ore". NRC has established the following definition of ore: Ore is a natural or native matter that may be mined and treated for the extraction of any of its constituents or any other matter from which source material is extracted in a licensed uranium or thorium mill. The Uranium Material is an "other matter" which will be processed primarily for its source material content in a licensed uranium mill, and therefore qualifies as "ore" under this definition. Further, the uranium concentration of the Uranium Material is greater than 0.05 percent on both a wet and dry basis, and the Uranium Material is an ore, the entire mass of Uranium Material is therefore Source Material. 3.3 Uranium Material Not Subject to RCRA 3.3.1 General The Alternate Feed Guidance currently provides that if a proposed feed material contains hazardous waste, listed under Section 261.30-33, Subpart D, of 40 CFR (or comparable Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") authorized State regulations), it would be subject to EPA (or State) regulation under RCRA. However, the Guidance provides that if the licensee can show that the proposed feed material does not consist of a listed hazardous waste, this issue is resolved. NRC guidance further states that feed material exhibiting only a characteristic of hazardous waste (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity) that is being recycled, would not be regulated as hazardous waste and could therefore be approved for extraction of source material. The Alternate Feed Guidance concludes that if the feed material contains a listed hazardous waste, the licensee can process it only if it obtains EPA (or State) approval and provides the necessary documentation to that effect. The Alternate Feed Guidance also states that Pae 8 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. NRC staff may consult with EPA (or the State) before making a determination on whether the feed material contains listed hazardous waste. Subsequent to the date of publication of the Alternate Feed Guidance, NRC recognized that, because alternate feed materials that meet the requirements specified in the Alternate Feed Guidance must be ores, any alternate feed materials that contain greater than 0.05% source material are considered source material under the definition of source material in 10 CFR 40.4 and hence exempt from the requirements of RCRA under 40 CFR 261.4(a)(4). See Technical Evaluation Report, Request to Receive and Process Molycorp Site Material issued by the NRC on December 3, 2001 (the "Molycorp TER"). As a result, any such alternate feed ores are exempt from RCRA, regardless of whether they would otherwise have been considered to contain listed or characteristic hazardous wastes. Since the Uranium Material contains greater than 0.05% source material, it is exempt from RCRA, regardless of its process history or constituents, and no further RCRA analysis is required. Nevertheless, because the Alternate Feed Guidance has not yet been revised to reflect this position recognized by NRC in the Molycorp TER, EFRI will demonstrate below that, even if the Uranium Material were not considered source material or 1 le.(2) byproduct material, and as such exempt from RCRA, the Uranium Material would not, in any event, contain any RCRA listed hazardous wastes, as contemplated under the Alternate Feed Guidance as currently worded. 3.3.2 EFRI/UDEO Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol In a February 1999 decision regarding the Mill, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Presiding Officer suggested there was a general need for more specific protocols for determining if alternate feed materials contain hazardous components. In a Memorandum and Order of February 14, 2000, the full Commission of the NRC also concluded that this issue warranted further staff refinement and standardization. Cognizant at that time of the need for specific protocols to be used in making determinations as to whether or not any alternate feed materials considered for processing at the Mill contained listed hazardous wastes, EFRI took a proactive role in the development of such a protocol. Accordingly, EFRI established a "Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are Listed Hazardous Wastes" (November 22, 1999). This Protocol was developed in conjunction with, and accepted by, the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality ("UDEQ") (Letter of December 7, 1999). Copies of the Protocol and UDEQ letter are provided in Attachment 3. The provisions of the protocol can be summarized as follows: a) In all cases, the protocol requires that EFRI perform a source investigation to collect information regarding the composition and history of the material, and any existing generator or agency determinations regarding its regulatory status; b) The protocol states that if the material is known --by means of chemical data or site history --to contain no listed hazardous waste, EFRI and UDEQ will agree that the material is not a listed hazardous waste; Pae 9 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. c) If such a direct confirmation is not available, the protocol describes the additional chemical process and material handling history information that EFRI will collect and evaluate to assess whether the chemical constituents in the material resulted from listed or non-listed sources; d) The protocol also specifies the situations in which ongoing confirmation/acceptance sampling will be used, in addition to the chemical process and handling history, to make a listed waste evaluation; e) If the results from any of the decision steps indicate that the material or a constituent of the material did result from a RCRA listed hazardous waste or RCRA listed process, the material will be rejected; and f) The protocol identifies the types of documentation that EFRI will obtain and maintain on file, to support the assessment for each different decision scenario. The above components and conditions of the Protocol are summarized in a decision tree diagram, or logic flow diagram, included in Attachment 3, and hereinafter referred to as the "Protocol Diagram". 3.3.3 Application of the Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol EFRI has conducted a RCRA evaluation of the Uranium Material and, specifically, applied the Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol to the Uranium Material. A copy of the analysis is included as Attachment 4. The analysis evaluated the following regulatory history to develop the conclusions enumerated below. The Uranium Material is produced solely as a residual from the processing of columbite and tantalite ore concentrates for recovery of tantalum and niobium, a known process under the control of the generator. No other wastes from the niobium/tantalum process, and no residuals from any other process at the Facility enter the rotary kilns, the rotary coolers or the collection drums where the Uranium Material is generated and packaged. NPM Silmet OU Radiation Activity License 14 010, approved on January 30, 2014, authorized Silmet to collect and store up to a licensed limit of 615.5 metric tonnes of calcined Uranium Material generated from the tantalum/niobium circuit. Silmet's Radiation Activity License expired on January 30, 2019. The quantity collected on site prior to expiration of the Radiation Activity License, 600 metric tonnes, approached the licensed limit. Although the license limit has not been reached, Silmet and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia have agreed that Silmet will cease further production of niobium/tantalum, and therefore cease production of Uranium Material, and that renewal of the Radioactivity License will be delayed until such time as Silmet demonstrates they have confirmed an appropriately-licensed off-site destination for the material. Silmet has suspended niobium/tantalum processing, the only source of the Uranium Material, pending renewal of the Radioactivity License. Pa e 10 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. The Uranium Material has not been classified or treated as listed hazardous waste nor has it been in contact with any listed hazardous wastes. The RCRA analysis concluded that, based on the information that is available, 1. The Uranium Material would not be a RCRA listed hazardous waste because it is an ore that has a natural uranium content of greater than 0.05 weight percent, is therefore source material and, as a result, is exempt from regulation under RCRA. 2. Even if the Uranium Material were not source material, it would not be a RCRA listed hazardous waste for the following additional reasons: a) It was generated from a known process under the control of the generator, who has provided an affidavit declaring that the Uranium Material is not and does not contain RCRA listed hazardous waste. This determination is consistent with Boxes 1 and 2 and Decision Diamonds 1 and 2 in the EFRI/UDEQ Protocol Diagram; b) None of the metals in the Uranium Material samples came from RCRA listed hazardous waste sources. This determination is consistent with Box 8 and Decision Diamonds 9 through 11 in the EFRI/UDEQ Protocol Diagram. c) Analysis by a Utah approved laboratory, process history, and review of mineralogy literature confirms that all of the metal and inorganic constituents in the material are consistent with those expected to result from columbite and tantalite ores and the niobium and tantalum recovery process described by the generator; d) No volatile or semi-volatile organic compounds were detected in any of the analyses performed by the certified analytical laboratory. 3. The Uranium Material does not exhibit any of the RCRA characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity for any constituent. 3.3.4 Radioactive Material Profile Record Furthermore, in order for EFRI to characterize the Uranium Material, Silmet has completed EFRl's RMPR form, stating that the material is not RCRA listed waste. The certification section of the RMPR includes the following text: I certify that the material described in this profile has been fully characterized and that hazardous constituents listed in 10 Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR") 40 Appendix A Criterion 13 which are applicable to this material have been indicated on this form. I further certify and warrant to EFRI that the material represented on this form is not a hazardous waste as identified by 40 CFR 261 and/or that this material is exempt from RCRA regulation under 40 CFR 261.4(a)(4). Pa e 11 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 3.3.S Conclusion Because the Uranium Material is an ore that contains greater than 0.05% source material, the Uranium Material is exempt from RCRA under 40 CFR 261.4(a)(4). In addition, based on the site history, the determinations by Silmet, and the analysis of the EFRI's chemical engineering consultant, EFRI has also concluded that, even if not exempted from RCRA under 40 CFR 261.4(a)(4), on the application of the Listed Hazardous Waste Protocol, Uranium Material from the Facility would not be listed hazardous waste subject to RCRA. 3.4 Uranium Material is Processed Primarily for its Source Material Content In its Memorandum and Order, February 14, 2000, In the Matter of International Uranium (USA) Corp. (Request for Materials License Amendment), Docket No. 40-8681-MLA-4, the NRC concluded that an alternate feed material will be considered to be processed primarily for its source material content if it is reasonable to conclude that uranium can be recovered from the Uranium Material and that the processing will indeed occur. The Uranium Material will be processed for the recovery of uranium at the Mill. Based on the uranium content of the Uranium Material, its physical and chemical characteristics, and EFRl's success in recovering uranium from a variety of different types of materials, including materials that were similar to the Uranium Materials, at the Mill, it is reasonable to expect that uranium can be recovered from the Uranium Material. As a result, the Uranium Material is an ore that will be processed primarily for the recovery of source material, and the tailings resulting from processing the Uranium Material will therefore be 1 le.(2) byproduct material under the definition set out in 10 CFR 40.4. 3.5 Other Licensing Considerations As stated above, according to the Alternate Feed Guidance, for the tailings and wastes from the proposed processing to qualify as 1 le.(2) byproduct material, the feed material must qualify as "ore". NRC has established the following definition of ore: Ore is a natural or native matter that may be mined and treated for the extraction of any of its constituents or any other matter from which source material is extracted in a licensed uranium or thorium mill. The Uranium Material is an "other matter" which will be processed primarily for its source material content in a licensed uranium mill, and therefore qualifies as "ore" under this definition. Further, because the uranium concentration of the Uranium Material is greater than 0.05 percent on both a wet and dry basis, and the Uranium Material is an ore, the entire mass of Uranium Material is therefore Source Material under 10 CFR 40.4. Upon issuance of a license amendment authorizing the Mill to receive and process the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material, the Uranium Material may be imported into the United States as "source material" under 10 CFR 110.20(a), because it is covered by the NRC general license described in 10 CFR 110.27(a), and because the Uranium Material: • is not in the form of irradiated fuel, as contemplated by 10 CFR l 10.27(b ); and • is not a radioactive waste, as contemplated by 10 CFR 110.27(c). As an approved alternate feed material ore, the Uranium Material will not be a radioactive waste as defined in 10 CFR 110.2 because (A) the Uranium Material will be processed for its source material content and will therefore be imported solely for the purposes of Pa e 12 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. recycling and not for waste management or disposal, and (B) there is a market for the recycled uranium. In its November 1998 approval of Amendment 9 to the Mill's Source Material License SUA- 1358, White Mesa Uranium Mill -Approval to Process Materials from Cameco Corporation's Facilities in Ontario, Canada," which are alternate feed materials from Canada, the NRC came to the same conclusion in the same circumstances: "Finally, import of radioactive materials from Canada required a license from NRC. As discussed above, the staff has determined that these uranium-bearing materials from Cameco's Blind River and Port Hope facilities will be processed for their source-material content. Therefore, with the staff's approval of IUC's request to process these materials, IUC also is authorized to import them under the general license at 10 CFR 110.27." Because the import of the Uranium Material into the United States is covered by the general license in 10 CFR Part 110.27(a), a specific import license is not required. It should also be noted that Estonia is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group as stipulated under 10 CFR 110.30 and is not considered an "embargoed destination" or "restricted destination" by the NRC under 10 CFR 110.28 and 110.29, respectively. 4.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 4.1 General The Mill is a licensed uranium processing facility that has processed to date over 5,000,000 tons of uranium-bearing conventionally mined ores and alternate feed materials primarily for the recovery of uranium, with the resulting tailings being permanently disposed of as 1 le.(2) byproduct material in the Mill's tailings management system. Environmental impacts associated with such previously licensed Mill operations have been thoroughly evaluated and documented in the past. See, for example: • the original 1979 Final Environmental Statement ("FES ") for the Mill, • Environmental Assessments ("EAs"), dated 1985 and 1997, • an EA for the Mill's reclamation plan dated 2000, • EAs for alternate feed materials dated 2001 and 2002, in each case prepared by the NRC, • the Safety Evaluation Report for the Receipt, Storage and Processing of Fansteel Alternate Feed Material prepared by DWMRC, • the Safety Evaluation Report for the Receipt, Storage and Processing of Dawn Mining Alternate Feed Material prepared by DWMRC, • the Safety Evaluation Report for the Receipt, Storage and Processing of Sequoyah Fuels Corporation ("SFC") Alternate Feed Material prepared by DWMRC, and • The Technical Evaluation and Environmental Assessment Report prepared in connection with the 2018 Radioactive. Materials License Renewal for the Mill, prepared by DWMRC. Pae 13 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. The Uranium Material will also be processed as an alternate feed at the Mill for the recovery of uranium and the resulting tailings will be permanently disposed of in the Mill's tailings management system as 1 le.(2) byproduct material, in a similar fashion to other conventionally mined ores and alternate feed materials that have been processed or licensed for processing at the Mill. Accordingly, this Environmental Report will focus on the various pathways for potential radiological and non-radiological impacts on public health, safety and the environment and determine if the receipt and processing of the Uranium Material would result in any potential significant incremental impacts over and above previously licensed activities. The pathways that are analyzed are the following: a) potential impacts from transportation of the Uranium Material to the Mill; b) potential impacts from radiation released from the Uranium Material while in storage at the Mill; c) any chemical reactions that may occur in the Mill's process; d) any potential reactions or inconsistencies with the existing tailings or tailings facilities; e) potential impacts on groundwater; f) potential impacts on surface water; g) potential airborne radiologic impacts; h) potential radon and gamma impacts; and i) worker health and safety issues. These potential pathways will be discussed in the following sections of this document. The findings below will demonstrate that, because all the constituents in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, already present in the Mill's tailings system or were reported in other licensed alternate feed materials, at levels generally comparable to or higher than those reported in the Uranium Material, the resulting tailings will not be significantly different from existing tailings at the facility. As a result, there will be no incremental public health, safety or environmental impacts over and above previously licensed activities. Processing of the Uranium Material involves no new construction, no additional use of land, no modification of the Mill, main circuit, alternate feed circuit, or tailings management system of any significance. The Uranium Material contains no new chemical or radiological constituents beyond those already processed in ores and approved alternate feed materials, or already known or expected to be present in the tailings management system. As a result, there are no anticipated impacts to the environment via any of the above pathways, above those already anticipated in the existing environmental statements and environmental assessments associated with the Mill's approved license, which have addressed, among other issues and requirements: • Geology and soils, • Liquid effluents, • Airborne effluents, • Direct radiation, Pae 14 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. • Management of sanitary wastes, • Human and ecological receptor hazard assessment, • Mill accidents, • Transportation accidents, • Groundwater impacts, • Surface water impacts, • Mill decommissioning, • Land, structures, site and tailings reclamation, • Internal inspection program, • Corporate organization and management, • Radiological protection training, • Security, • Quality assurance for all phases of the milling program, • Operational effluent monitoring, • Operational radiological monitoring, • Meteorological monitoring, • Capacity of tailings system over the lifetime of the Mill operations, • Permanent isolation of tailings including slope stability, settlement, and liquefaction potential, • Consideration of below-grade disposal of tailings, • Tailings design requirements including site location and layout, site area, geography, land use and demographic surveys, use of adjacent lands and waters, population distribution, demography, meteorology, air models, geology and soils, seismology, hydrologic description of the site, surface water, flooding determination, surface water profiles, channel velocities, shear stresses, groundwater hydrology, radiological surveys, site and uranium mill tailings characteristics, disposal cell cover engineering design, and design of erosion protection covers, • Groundwater protection standards, • Liner construction, • Prevention of overtopping, • Dike design, construction, and maintenance, • Cover and closure at end of operations including radon attenuation, gamma attenuation, and cover radioactivity content, • Effectiveness of final radon barrier including verification and reporting, • Radium in cover materials, • Radionuclides other than radium in soils, • Non-radiological hazards, • Completion of final radon barrier, • Preoperational and operational monitoring programs, • Effluent control during operations including gaseous and airborne particulates, liquids and solids, contaminated equipment, sources and controls of Mill wastes and effluents, sanitary and other Mill waste systems, effluents in the environment, effluent control techniques, external radiation monitoring program, airborne radiation monitoring, exposure calculations, bioassay program, contamination control program, airborne Pae 15 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. effluent and environmental monitoring program, groundwater and surface water monitoring program, control of windblown tailings and ore, • Daily tailings inspections, • Financial surety, • Costs of long-term surveillance, • Application for a groundwater discharge permit, • Groundwater permit compliance monitoring, • Background groundwater quality determination, • Submission of data, • Reporting of mechanical problems or discharge system failures, • Correction of adverse effects, and • Out of compliance status and procedures. 4.2 Transportation Considerations 4.2.1 Packaging and Mode of Transportation The drummed Uranium Material from the Facility accumulated to date will be loaded into closed cargo containers, such as Container Express ("Conex"), Sea Box, Intermodal Containers ("IMCs") or the equivalent and transported by truck to a port of departure in Estonia. The containers will be transferred to a container ship and will be transported by sea from Estonia to a Port of arrival (such as Houston, Texas) in one seaborne shipment. The closed cargo containers will be transferred either to: • intermodal rail cars at the port of entry and transported by rail to one of the existing rail transfer yards in Utah (e.g., Green River), followed by transfer to intermodal truck tractors from the railhead to the Mill, or • multi-unit truck tractors at the port of entry and transported by truck over public highways from the port of entry to the Mill. The Uranium Material will be shipped as Radioactive LSA I (low specific activity) Hazardous Material as defined by U.S. Department of Transportation ("DOT") regulations. Silmet will arrange with a material handling contractor for the proper marking, labeling, placarding, manifesting and transport of each truckload of the Uranium Material. Shipments will be tracked by the shipping company from the Facility until they reach the Mill. Each shipment will be "exclusive use" (i.e., the only material on each vehicle will be the Uranium Material). Silmet will ship a total of approximately 50 IMCs or the equivalent to transfer all the material currently on site in Estonia. If the Facility continues to ship material produced for the next 10 years, Silmet will ship an additional 6 containers per year, or a total of approximately 110 containers, over that time period. Once a shipment reaches the Port of arrival, the entire consignment of containers might potentially be transferred directly to rail cars or to individual truck tractors without interim-term storage at dockside or at the terminal. In the maximum theoretical case for Uranium Material accumulated to date, if 50 truck chassis were available for Pa e 16 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. container pickup at the Pmt, and were continuously loaded and released from dockside at one per hour, or if the rail shipment was transferred to IM Cs at the rail terminal in Utah at the rate of one container per hour, the entire initial shipment of 50 containers could conceivably travel SR 191 over a period of slightly more than two days. Subsequent future shipments of annual Uranium Material would be expected to be transported periodically in similar or smaller-sized batches. The containers and trucks involved in transporting the Uranium Material to the Mill site will be surveyed and decontaminated, as necessary, prior to leaving the Facility for the port of departure from Estonia. The containers and trucks will be decontaminated again, as necessary, prior to leaving the Mill site. In the maximum theoretical case, for the Uranium Material accumulated to date, the Mill may potentially receive the trucks over a period of two to three days, stage the trucks on site as they are received, and release them over a period of one week or more as each truck and container is scanned, decontaminated as needed, for release. Alternatively, the shipper may be requested to transport the initial shipment to the Mill at a preferred frequency of no more than 10 containers per day. This rate would allow the Mill to receive, scan, decontaminate and release each truck as it arrives, with no staging on the Mill site required. 4.2.2 Transportation Impact For the following reasons, it is not expected that transportation impacts associated with the movement of the Uranium Material by cargo ship and truck from the Facility to the Mill will be significant: a) Radiological Matters The transport of radioactive materials is subject to limits on radiation dose rate measured at the transport vehicle as specified in the US Code of Federal Regulations. The external radiation standards for these shipments are specified in 10 CFR 71.47 sections (2) and (3) as less than 200 millirems per hour ("mrem/h") at any point on the outer surface of the vehicle, and less than 10 mrem/h at any point two meters from the outer lateral surfaces of the vehicle. All exclusive use trailer trucks will be scanned by Silmet prior to departure from the Facility to ensure that these limits are satisfied. From a radiologic standpoint, the Uranium Material is within the bounds of other ores and alternate feed materials licensed for processing at the Mill. The Uranium Material will be transported in covered exclusive use box-style trailers or IMCs, in a similar fashion to other conventional ores and alternate feed materials, and as a result there will be no significant incremental radiological impacts associated with transportation of Uranium Material to the Mill, over and above other previously licensed ores and alternate feed materials at the Mill or from licensed activities at other facilities in the State of Utah. b) Traffic Volume Matters (i) Comparison to Licensed Mill Operations Section 4.8.5 of the 1979 FES for the Mill noted that during the operations period, when area mining was at expected peak levels, approximately 68 round trips on local highways would be made by 30-ton ore trucks to the Mill per day (see the 1978 Dames and Moore Environmental Pa e 17 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Report for the Mill, p. 5-34). In contrast, the entire quantity of Uranium Material accumulated to date is expected to be transported in a total of approximately 50 truckloads of 20-ton containers. Whether the material shipments are received over a week or, in the worst case, condensed into a period of two days, the maximum additional truck traffic generated will be no greater than 25 trucks per day or approximately one truck per hour over two days. In future years, the entire annual production of Uranium Material could potentially be transported to the Mill in six 20-ton containers, once per year. In addition, based on a licensed yellowcake capacity of 4,380 tons U308 per year (Mill license condition 10.1) a maximum of approximately 8,760,000 pounds of yellowcake would require shipment from the Mill to conversion facilities. This would require approximately 183-275 truck shipments from the Mill per year (based on 40-60 drums per truck, 800 lbs. per drum), or one truck every one to two days based on a seven-day work week ( one truck every day or so, based on a five-day work week). In contrast, the entire volume of yellowcake to be produced from processing the Uranium Material accumulated to date is expected to be transported in approximately 11 drums or a fraction of one truckload. In future years, the entire volume of yellowcake produced may be transported in one drum per year. These frequencies are minimal in comparison to the estimated yellowcake transport frequency at licensed capacity. Moreover, during the period of transportation of the Uranium Material to the Mill, EFRI does not expect that ore deliveries from all other sources would, in total, exceed a small fraction of the truck transportation associated with licensed capacity. After leaving the port of arrival, the shipments will travel west via one of several routes to the Mill. Potential routes considered include: • Rail shipment to one of the existing rail transfer yards in southeastern Utah or western Colorado, followed by transfer of the containers to intermodal trucks, and transport by truck the remainder of the trip to the Mill. These potential transfer locations would result in truck travel for a short distance on Interstate Highway 70 to Utah State Highway ("SH") 191, and south along SH 191 to the Mill. • Interstate Highway 45 to Interstate Highway 35 to Interstate Highway 40, followed by US and State Highways to the Four Corners area, to SH 191 and north on SH 191 to the Mill. • Interstate Highway 10 to Interstate Highway 25 to Interstate Highway 40, followed by US and State Highways to the Four Corners area, to SH 191 and north on SH 191 to the Mill. (ii) Comparison to Existing Truck Traffic on US Highway 191 Whether the shipments from the port of entry arrive by rail and truck or directly by truck, the multi-unit trucks will travel over Utah Highway 191 either north or south of the Mill, to reach the Mill. Pae 18 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. In the most conservative case, based on information from the Utah Department of Transportation ("UDOT") analysis reports, 319 multi-unit trucks traveled daily on segments of US Highway 191 south of the Mill. Based on the 2017 UDOT truck traffic information, the maximum of 25 additional trucks per day traveling this route to the Mill during the limited period anticipated for shipment of the Uranium Material represents an increased traffic load of approximately 8 percent for no longer than two to three days. Alternatively, at a lower truck frequency of 10 per day, the increased traffic load of 3 percent may last no longer than a week. Therefore, the truck traffic to the Mill from this project is expected to be an insignificant portion of existing truck traffic on US Highway 191 and well within the level of truck traffic expected from normal Mill operations, even in the most conservative case. In theoretical future years, the incremental increase of six trucks per year, transported in one day, would produce an increased traffic load of less than 2 percent for one day. 4.2.3 Transportation Accidents As discussed in Section 2.3 and Attachment 5, the Uranium Material has a uranium content and radioactivity levels comparable to Colorado Plateau ores and previously-approved alternate feed materials and contains no additional constituents beyond those associated with other ores or alternate feed materials previously transported to the Mill. Therefore, the Uranium Material poses no additional hazards during transport above previously licensed activities. Existing accident response and spill response procedures are therefore sufficient for management of potential transportation accidents or spills of the Uranium Material. 4.3 Storage 4.3.1 Manner of Storage Trucks arriving at the Mill site will be received according to existing Mill procedures. The drums will be unloaded from the trucks onto the ore pad for temporary storage until the material is scheduled for processing. 4.3.2 Environmental Impacts Associated With Storage Because the Uranium Material does not significantly differ in radiological activity from other ores and alternate feed materials, and because the Uranium Material will be stored in metal drums with triple-walled polyethylene bag liners on the Mill's ore pad pending processing, there will be no environmental impacts associated with the Uranium Material over and above those associated with other ores and alternate feed materials handled at the Mill on a routine basis. Experience at the Facility has determined that the Uranium Material is stable under ambient environmental conditions and does not require any special handling. 4.4 Process The Uranium Material will be introduced to the process in either the alternate feed circuit or in the main circuit either alone or in combination with other conventional ores or other alternate feed materials. Because the Uranium Material is in a dry, powdered state, the drum contents will Pae 19 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. be managed, as required, to minimize dust generation upon emptying. Dust management may include emptying the drums within an enclosure with water sprays, wetting the drum contents before emptying, or emptying the drums submerged, as determined to be appropriate based on the material condition after receipt. In either case, the material will be processed through existing acid leach, solid liquid separation and solvent extraction circuits for the recovery of uranium values. The leaching process will begin either in the main circuit leach tanks with the addition of sulfuric acid, or in the alternate feed circuit. The solution will be advanced through the remainder of the Mill or alternate feed circuit with no significant modifications to either the circuit or the recovery process anticipated. The only wastes or effluents to be generated from processing the Uranium Material are tailings solutions or solids to be transferred to the Mill's existing tailings management system. Since no significant physical changes to the Mill circuit and no new process chemicals will be necessary to process this Uranium Material, no significant construction impacts beyond those previously assessed will be involved. Recovery of additional contained metals is not anticipated at this time. As with other alternate feed materials, a Standard Operating Procedure ("SOP") specific to processing of the Uranium Material, addressing processing procedures, personnel safety and radiation or other exposure monitoring will be developed and reviewed by the Mill's Safety and Environmental Review Panel ("SERP"), and Mill personnel will be trained in the approved SOP prior to processing of the Uranium Material. Because the Uranium Material contains elevated concentrations of Th-232, relative to conventional ores (but within the concentrations of other approved and processed alternate feed materials) the Mill's existing high-thorium content SOP will also be utilized or modified for the specific alternate feed material as applicable. The effects of introducing the Uranium Material into the Mill's process and tailings were reviewed by EFRI's consulting chemical process engineer. The consulting engineer's Technical Memorandum is included as Attachment 5. The Technical Memorandum provides, in Tables 4-1 and 4-2, comparisons of the concentrations of all known constituents of the Uranium Material to the tailings and other previously processed ores and alternate feed materials. As discussed in Section 4.5 below, and in Attachment 5, the existing tailings management system controls are adequate for management of any tailings generated from the Uranium Material. 4.4.1 Mill Accidents and Emergency Response As discussed in Section 2.4 and Attachment 5, the Uranium Material has a uranium content and radioactivity levels comparable to Colorado Plateau ores, and previously-approved alternate feed materials, and contains no additional constituents beyond those associated with other ores or alternate feed materials previously transported to the Mill. Therefore, the Uranium Material poses no additional hazards during storage, processing or disposal of tailings. As discussed in Attachment 5, the Uranium Material will not introduce any new hazardous constituents, and processing will not require the introduction of any new processing chemicals. Existing emergency resp~nse and spill response procedures are therefore sufficient for management of potential accidents or spills of the Uranium Material on the Mill site. Paoe 20 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 4.5 Compatibility with EFRI Mill Tailings 4.5.1 Physical Compatibility The Uranium Material will be received as dried powdered solids from rotary calcining at the Silmet Facility. All the non-uranium components of the material will eventually be discharged to the Mill's tailings management system. Cell 3 and Cell 4A are currently the active tailings cells at the Mill and either could receive tailings from the Uranium Material. However, because filling of Cell 3 is nearing completion, tailings from the Uranium Material will more likely be placed in Cell 4A. The evaluations in this application and its attachments are therefore based on placement of tailings in Cell 4A. For purposes of comparison, calculations of concentration changes in the tailings management system have been prepared both for Cell 3 and Cell 4A. The solutions from the Uranium Material tailings will be recirculated through the mill process for reuse of the acidic properties in the solution. The solids will be only a portion of the total mass of Uranium Material. However, assuming a worst-case scenario that all of the solid material ends up in the tailings management system, it is estimated that for the main processing circuit, the additional load to the tailings management system is minimal (Attachment 5, Tables 4-1 and 4-2). It is expected that the percent increase to the system will be an average of 4 to 5 percent averaged over all components. Based on the calculations in Table 5, lead concentrations may theoretically increase up to 87% compared to the currently estimated concentration of lead in Cell 4A. It should be noted, however, that the existing concentrations of lead in Cell 4A are low and that the maximum lead content of 4,100 mg/kg in the Uranium Material is substantially lower than the elevated lead levels of previously approved alternate feeds such as Molycorp and others, which have ranged up to 236,000 mg/kg, and the quantity of Uranium Material is far lower than the quantities of those alternate feed materials. As can be seen from Tables 4-1 and 4-2, the constituents in the Uranium Material are estimated to raise the current concentration in Cell 4A by no more than a few mg/L, and for many constituents, due to the low levels in the Uranium Material, the resulting concentration in tailings is expected to go down, in some cases significantly. Based on Table 4-1 lead concentrations may increase by 14.9 mg/L compared to current concentrations in Cell 4A or by 3.4 mg/Lover the life of Cell 4A, when represented by Cell 3 in Table 4-2. Again, it should be noted, that the level in the Uranium Material is 100 times lower than that of other alternate feed materials previously approved and processed at the Mill, such as the Molycorp Mountain Pass drummed material. Based on Table 4-1 barium concentrations may increase by 1.6 mg/L compared to current concentrations in Cell 4A or by 0.4 mg/L over the life of Cell 4A, when represented by Cell 3 in Table 4-2. Cell 4A, which has been in service since October of 2008, has received tailings solids and solutions primarily from conventional ore processing together with a small volume from alternate feed material processing. Cell 4B, placed into service in February 2011, currently serves as an evaporation pond and receives only solutions at this time. Cell 4A has primary and secondary high-density polyethylene ("HDPE") flexible membrane liners, a geosynthetic clay Pa e 21 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. underliner, and a leak detection system design, selected specifically to meet current standards for uranium mill tailings management. The constituents in the tailings resulting from processing the Uranium Material are not expected to be significantly different from those in the conventional ores either in composition or in concentration of constituents. The Technical Memorandum on Worker Safety, Environmental Issues and Chemical Compatibility (the "Safety and Compatibility Technical Memorandum", Attachment 5) indicates that all of the constituents found in the Uranium Material have previously been processed in the Mill's circuits and managed in the Mill's tailings management system. The Safety and Compatibility Technical Memorandum identified that the components of the Uranium Material are not expected to have any adverse effect on the Mill processing system or the tailings cells. As described in Attachment 5, it is expected that most of the metal and non- metal impurities entering the leach system with the Uranium Material will be converted to sulfate ions, precipitated, and eventually discharged to the tailings management system. Every metal and non-metal cation and anion component in the Uranium Material already exists or can be assumed to exist in the Mill's tailings management system, is already addressed in the Mill's groundwater monitoring program, or both. A summary of the anticipated tailings composition before and after the Uranium Material is processed is presented in the Safety and Compatibility Technical Memorandum Attachment 5. Every identified component in the Uranium Material has been: 1. detected in analyses of the tailings management system; 2. detected in analyses of alternate feed materials licensed for processing at the Mill; or 3. detected in process streams or intermediate products when previous alternate feeds were processed at the Mill; at concentrations that are generally comparable to the concentrations in the Uranium Material. However, even if the Uranium Material were to contain some constituents at significantly higher concentrations, due to the limited quantity of Uranium Material, any such increase in the concentration of any analyte in the Mill's tailings would not be expected to be significant. The estimated effect on tailings management system composition is discussed in the attached technical memorandum. The constituents in the Uranium Material are expected to produce no incremental additional environmental, health, or safety impacts in the Mill's tailings management system beyond those produced by the Mill's processing of natural ores or previously approved alternate feed materials. Pa e22 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 4.5.2 Capacity and Throughput The amount of tailings that would potentially be generated from processing the Uranium Material is equivalent to the volume that would be generated from processing an equivalent volume of conventional ore. Processing of the Uranium Material will have no effect on the capacity of the tailings management system over the lifetime of the Mill operations beyond that of processing a similar amount of natural ore. The Facility, as described above, may be expected to ship a total of approximately 2,200 tons of Uranium Material to the Mill. This volume is well within the maximum annual throughput rate and tailings generation rate for the Mill of 720,720 tons per year. EFRI has updated the Tailings Capacity Review, a copy of which is available for review at the Mill. The Tailings Capacity Review confirms that there is more than adequate capacity to accommodate the tailings from the Uranium Material. Additionally, the design of the existing tailings management system has previously been approved by the Utah DWMRC (Cells 4A and 4B), and EFRI is required to conduct regular monitoring of the leak detection systems and of the groundwater in the vicinity of the tailings management system to detect any potential leakage should it occur. A copy of the updated Tailings Capacity Review is available for review at the Mill. 4.5.3 Mill Tailings Closure and Reclamation Processing of the Uranium Material will have no effects beyond those identified in the approved ERs, Final Environmental Statements ("FESs"), and Reclamation Plans for tailings operational management and closure. The Uranium Material will have no effect on existing approved plans for decommissioning of the Mill, buildings, land or structures, or reclamation of the site. The Uranium Material will have no effect on tailings design components addressing permanent isolation of tailings, slope stability, settlement or liquefaction of reclaimed tailings, or design features addressing disposal cell covers or erosion protection. Because radionuclide content is within the ranges associated with other ores and alternate feed materials approved for processing at the Mill, there will be no effect on radon attenuation, gamma attenuation or cover radionuclide content. Because it will not affect cover design at closure and reclamation, there will be no effect on the final radon barrier design or its method of emplacement, radium concentration in cover materials, or other cover radionuclide content. Processing of the Uranium Material will have no effect on completion of the final radon barrier or on the timetable for completion of reclamation. Processing of the Uranium Material will not require the acceptance of uranium byproduct material from other sources during closure. Because processing the Uranium Material will have no effect on reclamation and closure design, construction or timing, it will have no effect on existing and approved financial surety estimates or arrangements and will not require any changes to costs of long-term surveillance. 4.6 Groundwater In the 1997 EA, NRC staff concluded that, for a number of reasons, groundwater beneath or in the vicinity of the Mill site will not be adversely impacted by continued operation of the Mill. Because the Mill's tailings management system is not impacting groundwater, the receipt and Pae 23 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. processmg of Uranium Material at the Mill will not have any incremental impacts on groundwater over and above existing licensed operations. EFRI meets the State of Utah Groundwater Protection Standards by complying with the Mill's current Groundwater Discharge Permit ("GWDP"). The Mill initially applied for a GWDP in 2005. The current version was approved in March 2019. The primary groundwater protection standard in UAC R313-24-4 is a design standard for surface impoundments used to manage uranium and thorium byproduct material. The design of the Mill's Cell 4A, which will receive tailings from processing the Uranium Material, has been approved by DWMRC as meeting Best Available Technology ("BAT") Requirements for the liners and other components of the containment system. The GWDP established points of groundwater monitoring compliance, a compliance monitoring program, and agreed to the establishment of intra-well background for comparison with groundwater compliance limits. The GWDP further established requirements for submission of field and laboratory monitoring data, reporting of mechanical problems or discharge system failures, correction of adverse effects, assessment of corrective actions, and notification, reporting and procedures during any out-of-compliance status. Since the issuance of the initial GWDP, the Mill has not sought to discontinue the GWDP. All constituents identified in the Uranium Material, are already present or can be assumed to be present in the Mill's tailings system, are already included in the Mill's groundwater monitoring program, or both. Chemical and radiological make-up of the Uranium Material is similar to other ores and alternate feed materials processed at the Mill, and their resulting tailings will have the chemical composition of typical uranium process tailings, for which the Mill's tailings system was designed. As a result, the existing groundwater monitoring program at the Mill will be adequate to detect any potential future impacts to groundwater. As a result, there will be no incremental impacts over and above previously licensed activities. 4.7 Surface Water There will be no discharge of Mill effluents to local surface waters. All Mill process effluents, and analytical laboratory liquid wastes will be discharged to the Mill's tailings management system for disposal by evaporation. Runoff from the Mill and facilities is directed to the tailings management system. Sanitary wastes are discharged to State-approved leach fields. Since there is no plausible pathway for Uranium Material to impact surface water, and, as indicated in Semi- Annual Effluent Reports filed by the Mill to date, there is no indication of the Mill impacting surface waters, then there will be no incremental impact to surface waters from any airborne particulates associated with processing the Uranium Material. The Uranium Material will be transported to the Mill in closed metal drums with triple-walled polyethylene bag liners in exclusive use trucks. Upon introduction into the Mill circuit, the Uranium Material will be processed in a similar fashion as other ores and alternate feed materials. The Uranium Material will be dry, with an average moisture content estimated to be Pae 24 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. less than 1 %. The drums will be opened and fed to the Mill process in an appropriate manner to minimize dust both for the purposes of worker safety and environmental protection. In addition, standard procedures at the Mill for dust suppression will be employed if necessary. There will therefore be no new or incremental risk of discharge to surface waters resulting from the receipt and processing of Uranium Material at the Mill or the disposition of the resulting tailings. Finally, as the chemical and radiological make-up of the Uranium Material are sufficiently similar to natural ores and other alternate feed materials and resulting tailings, that the existing surface water monitoring program at the Mill will be adequate to detect any potential impacts to surface water. As a result, there will be no incremental impacts over and above previously licensed activities. 4.8 Airborne Radiological Impacts The chemical and radiological make-up of the Uranium Material will not be significantly different from natural ores and other alternate feed materials that that have been licensed for processing at the Mill in the past. The existing air particulate monitoring program is equipped to handle all such ores and alternate feed materials. 4.9 Radon and Gamma Impacts As discussed in Section 2.6.1 above, the uranium content and radioactivity levels of the Uranium Material is comparable to high grade Colorado Plateau ores and previously approved alternate feed materials. Therefore Rn-220 emanations from the Uranium Material will be comparable to emanations from the same quantity of Colorado Plateau ores. The gamma emanations from the Uranium Material will be elevated somewhat compared to Colorado Plateau ores, due to the elevated Th-228, but within the range of higher-grade conventional ores and other alternate feed materials. Overall, the Uranium Material will therefore pose a comparable or lower gamma and radon hazard as other ores and alternate feed materials that have already been processed or licensed for processing at the Mill. 4.10 Safety Measures 4.10.1 General During unloading of the Uranium Material drums onto the ore pad, while the Uranium Material is being stored in drums on the ore pad pending processing, while feeding Uranium Material into the Mill process and while processing the Uranium Material and disposing of and managing the resulting tailings, the Mill will follow existing Mill SOPs, including the Mill's High Thorium Content SOP as applicable, in addition to an SOP to be developed specific to the Uranium Material, as discussed below. 4.10.2 Radiation Safety a) Existing Radiation Protection Program at the Mill The radiation safety program which exists at the Mill, pursuant to the conditions and provisions of the Mill's RML, and applicable State Regulations, is adequate to ensure the protection of the Pae 25 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. worker and environment and is consistent with the principle of maintammg exposures of radiation to individual workers and to the general public to levels As Low As Reasonably Achievable ("ALARA"). Employees will be provided with personal protective equipment including full-face respirators, if required. In addition, all workers at the Mill are required to wear personal Optically Stimulated Luminescence ("OSL") badges or the equivalent to detect their exposure to gamma radiation. b) Gamma Radiation Gamma radiation levels associated with the Uranium Material are within levels of gamma radiation associated with other ores and alternate feed materials processed or licensed for processing at the Mill in the past. Gamma exposure to workers will be managed in accordance with existing Mill SOPs, including the Mill's High Thorium Content SOP as applicable. c) Radon Radon levels associated with the Uranium Material are within levels of radon associated with other ores and alternate feed materials processed or licensed for processing at the Mill in the past. Radon exposures to workers will be managed in accordance with existing Mill standard operating procedures. d) Control of Airborne Contamination The Uranium Material is a fine-grained powder with an average moisture content estimated to be less than 1 %. While stored on the ore pad, the uranium material will remain within the metal drums with triple-walled polyethylene bag liners used for transport. The Uranium Material will be stored in an area on the ore pad separate from regular traffic and marked as Uranium Material. Dust suppression techniques will be implemented, if required, while the Uranium Material is being introduced into the Mill process. Once in the Mill process, the Uranium Material will be in a dissolved form, and no special dust suppression procedures will be required. As is the practice at the Mill for other alternate feed materials, the Derived Air Concentration ("DAC") to be used in any analysis of airborne particulate exposure to workers will be developed specifically for the Uranium Material, based on applicable regulations and Mill procedures, in order to take into account the specific radionuclide make-up of the Uranium Material. The Mill has safely received and processed alternate feed materials with comparable concentrations of the radionuclides contained in the Uranium Material, under previous license amendments, and can safely handle the Uranium Material in accordance with existing Mill standard operating procedures. 4.10.3 Occupational Safety The primary focus of safety and environmental control measures will be to manage potential exposures from radionuclide particulates. Response actions and control measures designed to manage particulate radionuclide hazards will be more than sufficient to manage chemical hazards from the metal oxides (see the conclusions of the Safety and Compatibility Technical Memorandum in Attachment 5). Pae 26 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 4.10.4 Vehicle Scan As stated in Section 4.2 above, the shipments of Uranium Material to and from the Mill will be dedicated, exclusive loads. Radiation surveys and radiation levels consistent with applicable DOT regulations will be applied to the exclusive use vehicles. For unrestricted use, radiation levels will be in accordance with applicable values contained in the NRC Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipmem Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material, U.S. NRC, April 1993. If radiation levels indicate values in excess of the above limits, appropriate decontamination procedures will be implemented. 4.11 Long Term Impacts The Uranium Material is comprised of similar chemical and radiological components as already exist in the Mill's tailings management system. Existing monitoring programs are therefore adequate and no new monitoring procedures are required. As a result, there will be no decommissioning, decontamination or reclamation impacts associated with processing the Uranium Material, over and above previously licensed Mill operations. 4.12 Other Operational Considerations Processing of the Uranium Material will not require changes to corporate organization or administrative procedures, management control programs, management audit and inspection programs, staffing levels or staff qualifications. Processing will not require modifications to the Mill's existing security procedures. 4.13 Added Advantage of Recycling Silmet has expressed its preference for use of recycling and mineral recovery technologies for the Uranium Material for three reasons: 1) for the environmental benefit of reclaiming valuable minerals; 2) for the added benefit of reducing radioactive material disposal costs; and 3) for the added benefit of minimizing or eliminating any long-term Contingent liability for the waste materials generated during processing. Silmet has noted that the Mill has the technology necessary to process materials for the extraction of uranium and to provide for disposal of the 1 le.(2) byproduct material, resulting from processing primarily for the uranium, in the Mill's existing tailings management system. As a result, Silmet will contractually require EFRI to recycle the Uranium Material at the Mill for the recovery of uranium. 4.14 Consideration of Alternatives This application is in response to a request by Silmet for disposal/processing options in connection with removal of uranium material from storage at the Facility to maintain compliance with the Facility's license conditions. The Mill is a facility that has been requested to provide these services, because it is licensed to process materials for the recovery of uranium and is licensed to create, possess and dispose of byproduct materials that are similar to the Uranium Pae 27 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Materials. Given that removal of the Uranium Material to an offsite facility is required to meet the Facility's license conditions, the only options are as to which offsite facility the Uranium Materials will ultimately be sent for reprocessing or disposal. Silmet has determined that the Mill is the only off-site facility capable of re-processing the Uranium Material. Therefore, the alternative to processing/disposal at the Mill would be direct disposal. If direct disposal 1s utilized, the value of the recoverable uranium in the Uranium Material would not be realized. Pae 28 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 5.0 CERTIFICATION This applicat'on and Environmental Report has been submitted as of April 18, 2019 by By:_-H-H'-1---1-------- David , ·yde 1 und Chief Financial fficer, General Counsel and Corporate Sectretary Pa e29 ATTACHMENT 1 NPM Silmet OU Facility Information • necf Performance Materials HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE SITE -NPM SILMET OU General overview 1927-1940 1944 1946-1952 1952-1970 1970 1982-1988 1988-1990 1990-1997 1997 1999-2009 A. Nobel established Shale Oil production factory, which was destroyed during Second World War Soviet Union occupied Estonia and restoration of facilities started, with the aim to produce Uranium from local Shale ore The Pilot production of the Uranium from local Shale ore Different Uranium containing ores processing to produce Uranium oxide Started the Loparite ore processing to produce Nb, Ta and Rare Earth Concentrates Production of the reactor grade enriched uranium products Soviet occupation in Estonia ended and uranium production stopped. Facility reorganization as State owned company Private Company for Nb, Ta and REE production The decomissioning process of the radioactive tailings pond. Regulated quantites of the collection and storage of the NORM residues in NPM Silmet 00 NPM Silmet 00 Radiation Activity License 14 010 (valid from 30.01.2014 to 30.01.2019) regulates the quantity of the NORM residue collected and stored on the site in period 2014- 2019 is 362,5 Mt. NPM Silmet 00 has already collected and stored 255 Mt NORM residues during previous periods (2009-2014) after closing Sillamae radioactive tailings pond at 2009. NPM Silmet 00 has licensed limit to collect and storage altogether 615,5 Mt of NORM residues. NPM Silmet 00 actual quantity of collected and storaged NORM residue will be 535,33 Mt in the end of 2018. Graph 1. NORM residue quantities in period 2009-2019. NPM SILMET 00 Kesk 2 40231 Sillamae, Estonia Reg hr. 10294959 www.neomaterials.com +372 392 9100 PHONE 100 80 60 40 20 0 NORM Residue collected and storaged in 2009- 2019 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 -Lubatud -tegelik 2 Jane Paju Director of Technology NPM Silmet 00 • necf Performance Materials TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION FOR PRODUCTION OF NORM CONTAINING RESIDUE General description of the process Columbite and tantalite -NORM (U 238 and Th 232) containing mineral ore concentrates are processed via leaching process to separate the insoluble impurities including NORM (U238 and Th232) and Nb, Ta. The process includes the following operations: Crushing and milling of the mineral ores Columbite and Tantalite; Dissolution of the mineral ores, columbite and tantalite in acid solutions (HF, H2S04); Precipitation of insolubles from slurry and their filtration -Filter cake = NORM containing residue; Washing of the filter cake with water Filtration of the NORM containing residue Calcination, cooling and packing of the NORM containing residue Figure 1. The principal flowchart of the NORM containing residue process TANTALITE, COLUMBITE Mineral or concentrates Crushing and Milling i Dissolution i ~----_.. Raw material NPM SILMET 00 Kesk 2 40231 Sillamae, Estonia Reg nr. 10294959 Filtration and washing i NORM containing residues Drying and Calcination + Cooling and packing of NORM containing residues www.neomaterials.com +372 392 9100 PHONE Nb and Ta containing 2 Raw Materials NPM Silmet 00 is using several types of mineral ores -Columbite and Tanatlite, which are characterized by different rare metals Nb and Ta content, but also different impurities profile included content of naturally occuring radioactive materials U 238 and Th 232 and their decay products. Typical characteristics of Columbite and Tantalite are in Table 1. Columbite and Tantalite are dark coarse mineral materials, what will be crushed and milled by vibrating mills. Raw materials are transported to NPM Silmet 00 in 50 kg plastic bags or 200 liter metal drums. Table 1 Element Columbite Tantalite 1 Ta205, % 4 30 2 Nb205, % 40 20 3 Th02, % 0,5 0,2 4 U203, % 0 1 0,2 5 LOO,% 0, 1 0, 1 Crushing and milling of raw material Columbite and tantalite are crushed and milled in isolated area -milling unit, because of the formation of the radioactive dust, which is the must hazardous factor of the entire process. Raw materials are loaded by hermetic feeder screws into vibrating mills, where material is milled until to required particle size, removed from mills by hermetical discharge systems and packed into metal drums. Milling unit has isolated ventilation system with filter systems, dust particles from the filtered air is removed by cyclons and recycled in the process with raw material. Dissolution of raw material and filtration of the solutions. Milled columbite and tantalite is transported into dissolution unit (located in the same territory, but separate building). Drums with the milled columbite and tantalite are placed on the top of automatic feeder systems, where material is loaded into dissolution reactors into hydrofluoric acid solution. Raw material is dissolved at temperature 80-85°C in hydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid is added to precipitate out the impurities. The slurry is filtrated to remove the insoluble impurities including U and Th. After filtration the filtercake is washed with water several times to remove all Nb and Ta from the cake. Wet NORM containing cake is packed into 1 Mt plastic bags (Big-bags) and transported into calcination unit (locating in the same building). Calcination of the NORM containing cake NORM containing cake (NORM Residue) is loaded from big-bags into electric rotary kilns via feeder systems, and calcined at temperature 550-600 °C 1 hour. Calcined NORM residue is moving from rotary kiln into rotary coolers where material is cooled down and packed into 200 I metal drums what is insulated with triple wall PE bags. Quality Control Department with Governmental Lab Okosil AS, are taking samples from every drum for gamma spectrometry analyze and all drums are measured for dose speed. The LOT is completed from 9 drums and transported into warehouse, photos 1,2,3. Photos 1, 2: Packed NORM residues. Photo 3. NORM residue warehouse 3 Jane paju Director of Technology NPM Silmet 00 ATTACHMENT 2 Radioactive Material Profile Record and Affidavit RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL PROFILE RECORD Name and Title of Person Completing Form: JANE PAJU, DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY Original Submission: yes; Revision# I; Date of Revision: 03 January 2019 Generator Name: NPM SILMET OU Generator/Feed Stream#: columbite/tantalite Volume of Feed Material: 600 metric tons Contractor Name: _______ _,. Feed Stream Name: ________ _, Delivery Date:---------- Check all appropriate boxes: Licensed: Yes NORM/NARM X; LLRW_; MW_; MW Treated_; MWNeedingTrtmt_; DOE_; lie. (2)_; A. CUSTOMER INFORMATION: GENERAL: Please read carefully and complete this form for one feed stream. This information will be used to determine how to properly manage the material. Should there be any questions while completing this fonn, contact Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc.'s ("EFRI's") Manager of Compliance and Licensing at 303.389.4132. MATERIALS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AT EFRl'S WHITE MESA MILL UNLESS THIS FORM IS COMPLETED. If a category does not apply, please indicate. This form must be updated annually. I. GENERATOR INFORMATION EPA ID# EPA Hazardous Waste Number(s) (if applicable) __________ _ Mailing Address: KESK 2, SILLAMAE, ESTONIA, EU Fax: Phone:--------------------------------- Location of Material (City, ST): KESK 2, SILLAMAE, ESTONIA, EU Generator Contact: Jane Paju Title: Director of Technology Mailing Address (if different from above): j.paju@neomaterials.com Phone: +372-392-9137 Fax: ---------------- B. MATERIAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (Should you have any questions while completing this section, contact EFRl's Manager of Compliance and Licensing at 303.389.4132.) I. PHYSICAL DA TA (Indicate percentage of material that will pass through the following grid sizes, e.g., 12" 100%, 4" 96%, I" 74%, 1/4" 50%, l/40" 30%, l/200" .5%) 2. DESCRIPTION: Color _x_ Brown/Multi_ Odor Liquid_ Solid_ Sludge __ Powder/Dust_x_ 3. DENSITY RANGE: (Indicate dimensions) 0.9 -1.2 S.G. 4. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS (% OF EACH) Odorless_x_ lb. /ft3 lb. /yd3 l/200" 61.72% GRADATION OF MATERIAL: 12" 100% 4" 100% I" 100% 1/4" 100% 1/40" 99.83% Process Residue (concentrated and calcined NORM containing filter cake after ore (columbite/tantalite) leaching) - 100% Other constituents and approximate% contribution of each: Generator or Contractor Initials: Page I of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record 5. MOISTURE CONTENT: (For soil or soil-like materials). (Use Std Proctor Method ASTM D-698 or equivalent) Low Moisture Content: % High Moisture Content: % Average Moisture Content: below 1 % DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Attach a description of the material (as Attachment B.6) with respect to its physical composition and characteristics such as geotechnical or engineering information (for example, if information is available regarding percent[%] sands, clay or debris). C. RADIOLOGICAL EVALUATION I. MATERIAL INFORMATION. For each radioactive isotope listed below, obtain sufficient samples to adequately determine a range and weighted average of activity in the material. If Uranium, Thorium, or other non-gamma emitting nuclides are present in the material, have at least (1) sample evaluated by radiochemistry to determine the concentration of these additional contaminants in the material. EFRI's license assumes daughter products to be present in equilibrium. Add isotope information as necessary for the proposed alternate feed material. Analytical data packages, including quality control information, MUST be included for all data summarized below (as Atlachment C. 1). Isotooe Concentration Ran2e lnCi/2) Avera2e (oCi/e:) Pb 210 U Nat (238) Th 228 Th 230 Th 232 Rad226 Rad 228 U234 U 235 ND -Analyte not detected. (Please Circle) 904 1105 1033 902 I 199 1332 1394 Others (Please Specirv) 979 45 2. Y ® Is the radioactivity contained in the feed material Low-Level Radioactive Waste as defined in the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 or in DOE Order 5820.2A. Chapter III? lfyes, check "LLRW" block on line 3 of page I. 3. Y @ LICENSED MATERIAL: Is the feed material listed or included on an active Nuclear Regulatory Commission or Agreement State license? (If Yes) TYPE OF LICENSE: Source __ ; Special Nuclear Material __ ; By-Product __ ; Norm __ ; NARM __ ; LICENSING AGENCY: LICENSE NUMBER:--------- 0. CHEMICAL AND HAZARDOUS CHARACTERISTICS 1. DESCRIPTlON AND HISTORY OF MATERIAL Please attach a description of the material to this profile (as Attachment D. l a through/). Include the following as applicable: a. The process by which the material was generated. Including available process knowledge of the material. b. The basis of hazardous material determination or waste characterization determinations. c. A list of the chemicals and materials used in or commingled with the material. d. A list of any and all current or former applicable EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers. e. A list of any and all applicable land-disposal prohibition or hazardous-waste exclusions, extensions, exemptions, effective dates, variances or delistings. f. Attach any product information or Material Safety Data Sheets associated with the material. If a category/description listed in a through f above does not apply, describe why it does not. Generator or Contractor Initials: ./LL Page 2 of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record Please describe the history, and include the following: (Please Circle) Was this material mixed, treated, neutralized, solidified, commingled, dried, or otherwise processed at any time after generation? Has this material been transported or otherwise removed from the location or site where it was originally generated? Was this material derived from (or is the material a residue of) the treatment, storage, and/or disposal of hazardous waste defined by 40 CFR 261? Has this material been treated at any time to meet any applicable treatment standards? 2. LIST ALL KNOWN AND POSSIBLE CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OR HAZARDOUS WASTE CHARACTERISTICS The generator may use its knowledge of processes and materials to in lieu of analytical data EXCEPT as required by Section 3. Any "yes" response will require the submission of appropriate analytical data with this RMPR (as Attachment D.2). y N y N y N General Metals Metals (cont'd) Listed Waste X Arsenic -TCLP* Nickel -Total* X "Derived-From" HW Barium -TCLP* Selenium -Total* X Characteristic Cadmium -TCLP* Silver -Total* X Reactive -CN X Chromium -TCLP* Thallium -Total* X Reactive Sulfide X Lead-TCLP* Tin-Total* X Ignitable X Mercury -TCLP* Uranium -Total* X Corrosive X Selenium -TCLP* Vanadium -Total* X Toxic (as detennined bv TCLP analvsis) Silver -TCLP* Zinc -Total* X Oreanics Arsenic -Total* X Miscellaneous voes X Barium -Total* X Exolosives X SVOCs X Beryllium -Total* X Pyrophorics X Pesticides X Cadmium -Total* X Infectious X Herbicides X Chromium -Total* X Chelating Agents X Dioxins X Cobalt -Total* X Residue from WWT Plant X PCBs X Copper -Total* X Anions Solvents X Iron -Total* X Fluoride* X Alcohols X Lead-Total* X Nitrate* X Fuel X Manganese -Total* X Nitrite* X Oil X Mercurv-Total* X Sulfate* X Phenolics X Molybdenum -X Sulfide* X Total* *Analytical data are required f or these constituents regardless of generator knowledge of process or materials. Generator or Contractor Initials: , Page 3 of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record 3. REQUIRED ANALYTICAL RESULTS. Generator must submit results of analyses of samples of the material. Results are required from a qualified laboratory for the following analytical parameters. Attach all analytical results and QA/QC documentation available (as Attachment D.3). (CAUTION: PRIOR TO ARRANGING FOR LABO RA TORY ANALYSIS, CHECK WITH EFRI REGARDING UTAH LABORATORY CERTIFICATIONS.) Please summarize results on the blank spaces provided. Analyte TCLP Range or MHimum Arsenic 0.0125 Barium ND Bervllium Cadmium 0.0198 Chromium 0.257 Cobalt Cooner Iron Lead 1.114 Manganese Mercurv ND Molybdenum Nickel Selenium ND Silver ND Thallium Tin Uranium Vanadium Zinc Fluoride Nitrate Nitrite Sulfate Sulfide ND= Not Detected NA = Not Analyzed Additional Required Analytical Information: pH (liquids only): NIA (me/L\ Paint Filter Liquids Test (Please Circle): Pass Fail Free Liquid Present (Please Circle): Yes @ Is the material a RCRA oxidizer? (Please Circle): Yes@ 4. PRE-SHIPMENT SAMPLES OF MATERIAL TO EFRI Total Concentration Range or Maximum (mg/kg) 4.9 435 1.8 3.5 89 3.8 85 .2 8766.7 4093 1458 0.2 2.3 51.5 ND 3.5 1.3 88 2306 7.4 88.2 4933 0.2 NA 6051 NA Once permission has been obtained from EFRI, and unless amenability samples have previously been sent to EFRI, please send 5 representative samples of the material to EFRI. A completed chain of custody form must be included with the sampling containers. These samples will be used to establish the material's incoming shipment acceptance parameter tolerances and may be analyzed for additional parameters. Send about two pounds (one liter) for each sample in an air-tight clean glass container via United Parcel Post (UPS) or Federal Express to: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc., Attn: Sample Control, 6425 S. Highway 191, P.O. Box 809, Blanding, UT 84511 Phone: ( 435) 678-2221 Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 4 of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record 5. LABORATORY CERTIFICATION INFORMATION. Please indicate below which of the following categories applies to your laboratory data. a. All radiologic data used to support the data in item C. l. must be from a certified laboratory. X UT AH CERTIFIED. The laboratory holds a current certification for the applicable chemical or radiological parameters from the Utah Department of Health insofar as such official certifications are given. GENERATOR'S STATE CERTIFICATION. The laboratory holds a current certification for the applicable chemical parameters from the generator's State insofar as such official certifications are given, or GENERA TOR'S STATE LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS. The laboratory meets the requirements of the generator's State or cognizant agency for chemical laboratories, or: If using a non-Utah certified laboratory, briefly describe the generator state's requirements for chemical analytical laboratories to defend the determination that the laboratory used meets those requirements, especially in tenns of whether the requirements are parameter specific, method specific, or involve CLP or other QA data packages. b. For analytical work done by Utah-certified laboratories, please provide a copy of the laboratory's current certification letter for each parameter analyzed and each method used for analyses required by this form. c. For analytical work done by laboratories which are not Utah-Certified, please provide the following information: State or Other Agency Contact Person Generator's State Telephone Number Lab Contact Person Laboratory's State Telephone Number E. CERTIFICATION GENERA TOR'S CERTIFICATION: I also certify that where necessary those representative samples were or shall be provided to EFRI and to qualified laboratories for the analytical results reported herein. I also certify that the information provided on this form is complete, true and correct and is accurately supported and documented by any laboratory testing as required by EFRI. I certify that the results of any said testing have been submitted to EFRI. I certify that the material described in this profile has been fully characterized and that hazardous constituents listed in IO CFR 40 Appendix A Criterion 13 which are applicable to this material have been indicated on this form. I further certify and warrant to EFRI that the material represented on this form is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR 261 and/or that this material is exempt from RCRA regulation under 40 CFR 26 l .4(a)( 4). The Generator's responsibilities with respect to the material described in this form are for policy, programmatic, funding and scheduling decisions, as well as general oversight. The Contractor's responsibilities with respect to this material are for the day-to- day operations (in accordance with general directions given by the Generator as part of its general oversight responsibility), including but not limited to the following responsibilities: material characterization, analysis and handling; sampling; monitoring; record keeping; reporting and contingency planning. Accordingly, the Contractor has the requisite knowledge and authority to sign this certification on behalf of itself, and as agent for the Generator, on behalf of the Generator. By signing this certification, the Contractor is signing on its own behalf and on behalf of the Generator. Generator's or Contractor's Signature:-..~""'"""""-""'----"--·-~----- (Sign for the above certifications). Print Name of Individual Signing above: Randal Reid Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 5 of 11 Title: attorney-in-fact Date: 08 February 2019 List of Documentation Required With the Submission of This RMPR Attachment B.6 -Description of Physical Attributes of the Material Attachment C. l -Radiological Analysis -Data Packages (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) Attachment D.1 a through f-Material generation process history and description Attachment 0.2 -Analytical data (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) for all yes answers Attachment 0.3 -Analytical Data (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) for total and TCLP metals and anions Page 6 of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record Attachment B.6 Description of Physical Attributes of the Material (see Material Information Safety Sheet, dated 08/02/2013 -attached) Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 7 of 11 r Molx_corp • Present Material Safety Information Sheet is only informative as described material is not the object of the Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 (REACH Regulation) or Regulation (EC) No.1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). Radioactive substances and mixtures are regulated by EC Directive No. 96/29/Euratom of 13 May 1996. Created on August 02, 2013 MSIS (Material Safety Information Sheet) LMF (Insoluble Mineral Fraction) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: LMF (Insoluble Mineral Fraction) Other names: LMF, Tantalum containing cake, Uranium containing cake Chemical name: NIA INDEX number as listed in Annex VI NIA of CLP: ID number of the C&L inventory: NIA CAS number: NIA REACH registration no(s): NIA 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Uses: LMF (Insoluble Mineral Fraction) is used as raw material of production of Light Rare Earth Elements, Ta, Zr, Sn and also U and Th for Energy solutions. Uses advised against: NIA 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer: AS MOL YCORP SILMET Kesk Str.2; 40231; Si llamae; ES TONIA Tel.: +372 3929100 URL website: www.molycorp.com Email: silmet@molycorp.com Person responsible for the Safety Jane Paju Data Sheet (with e-mail address) Jane.paju@molycorp.com 1.4 Emergency telephone number Emergency phone number: MOL YCORP SILMET AS Kesk 2 +372 392 9100 PHONE 40231 Si/lamiie, Estonia +372 392 9111 FAX Reg. nr. 10294959 2. HAZARDS ID ENT/FICA TION 2.1 Other hazards Other hazards: Contains traces of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORM) U-238, Th-232, Ra-226 and Ra-228. Total Activity (by U and Th) -below 191 Bq/g 3. COMPOSITION/INFO.RMA TION ON INGREDIENTS Substances This material is intennediate which contains insoluble mixed metal oxides on fluorides. Chemical name CASno. EC no. Classification Cone.% information (max) Niobium Pentoxide (Nb205) 1313-96-215-213-Not classified according 2,3 8 6 ~LP Tantalum Pentoxide (Ta20s) 1314-61-215-238-Not classified according 5,0 0 2 CLP Silicon Dioxide (Si02) 7631-86-231-545-Not classified according 11,0 9 4 CLP Zirconium Dioxide (Zr02) 1314-23-215-227-Not classified according 23,0 4 2 CLP Dialuminium Trioxide (Al203) 1344-28-215-691-Not classified according 9,0 1 6 CLP Cerium Dioxide 1306-38-215-150-Not classified according 1,5 3 4 CLP Di lanthanum Trioxide 1312-81-215-200-Not classified according 0,5 8 5 CLP Dineodymium Trioxide 1313-97-215-214-Not classified according 0,5 9 1 CLP Diyttrium Trioxide 1314-36-215-233-Not classified according 1, 7 9 5 CLP Diytterbium trioxide 1314-37-215-234-Not classified according 0,7 0 0 CLP Iron Oxide (Fe203) 1309-37-215-168-Not classified according 8,5 1 2 CLP Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) 13463-236-675-Not classified according 2,5 67-7 5 CLP Tin Dioxide (Sn02) 18232-242-159-Not classified according 40,0 10-5 0 CLP Tungsten Trioxide (W03) 1314-35-215-231-Not classified according 0,1 8 4 CLP Uranium Oxide (U30s) 1344-59-215-702-Radioactive substance 0,8 8 4 regulated by EC Directive 96/29/Euratom Thorium Oxide (Th02) 1314-20-215-225-Radioactive substance 2,4 I I '"egulated by EC Directive 1)6/29/Eu ratom Fluoride content Bonded with metals 13,0 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES 4.1 Description of first aid measures Eye contact: Hold eyelids apart and flush affected eye(s) with plenty of clean water (at least for 10 minutes) Skin contact: Flush with plenty of water and mild soap. Ingestion: Seek for medical attention Inhalation: Seek for medical attention. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects Acute effects Dust may cause irritation of eyes and respiratory organs Delayed effects Can be harmful in case of prolonged contact due to radioactive properties particularly when swallowed or inhaled. 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Note to physician: Radioactive substances 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable: Use extinguishing agent suitable for type of surrounding fire Not suitable: Not known 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Not known 5.3 Advice for firefighters Wear appropriate protective equipment. Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done with minimal risk. Dust could bear radioactive particles. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures A void creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. A void contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use suitable protective equipment. 6.2 Environmental precautions Prevent the material from contact with soil, entering surface water or sanitary sewer system. Do not discharge directly to a water source. If accidental spillage or washings enter drains or watercourses contact local authority. 6.3 Methods and material/or containment and cleaning up Vacuum or sweep up and place into suitable labelled containers for recovery or disposal. Clean up affected area with a large amount of water. 6.4 Reference to other sections See section 8 for personal protective equipment and section 13 for waste disposal. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 Precautions/or safe handling Technical measures/ Precautions: Use with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation should be provided. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. General occupation hygiene: Do not eat, drink or smoke in work areas. Wash hands after use. Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas. 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Technical measures/ Storage Material is to be stored in area marked for radioactive conditions: material storage. Keep in the original container. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Packaging materials: Stainless steel (304). Synthetic material. Incompatible products: Not known 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Control parameters Regulated occupational exposure Effective dose: 100 mSv/5 years for workers (not limit values: exceeding 50 mSv in single year). 8.2 Exposure controls Appropriate engineering controls: Use of adequate ventilation is good industrial practice. In addition, an eyewash facility and a safety shower for facilities storing or utilizing this material is good industrial practice. Environmental exposure controls; Dispose of rinse water in accordance with local and national rej:!;ulations. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment (}eneral remark: Only person wearing personal dosimeter can work with this material. Respiratory protection: Respiratory protection if high airborne concentrations prevail Hand protection: Protective gloves, impermeable to the dust Eye protection: Chemical goggles or face shield are recommended to prevent potential eye contact. Skin and body protection: Working clothes Hygiene measures: Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Appropriate techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9. I Information on basic physical and cl,emical properties Appearance: Beige or yellow clumpy powder material. Odour: Odourless Melting/Freezing temperature: NIA Boiling temperature: NIA Flash-point: NIA Flammability: Non flammable (based on molecular structure). Explosive properties: NIA Oxidizing properties: NIA Vapour pressure: NIA Relative density (D4 (20)): 5-6 glcm~ Solubility in water: negligible Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: NIA Viscosity: Not applicable to solids Specific conductivity: No data Auto ignition temperature: NIA Surface tension: Not surface active (based on molecular structure) 9.2 Other information JO. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.1 Reactivity Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7, handling and storage). 10.2 Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7, handling and storage). 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions NIA 10.4 Conditions to avoid None known 10.5 Incompatible materials None known 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products None known 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION I 1.1 Information on toxicological effects ACUTE TOXICITY Oxides and fluorides contained in LMF are not toxic, but material is radioactive and could cause health risk due to radioactive properties. OTHER In case of prolonged eye contact or repeated inhalation or ingestion material can present a hazard due to radioactive properties. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Avoid contamination and distribution in the environment due to radionuclide properties. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste from residues; Special disposal in accordance with local and state regulations due to radioactivity. Container: Containers should be cleaned by appropriate method, in accordance with local and national regulations. Do not remove label until container is thoroughly cleaned. Empty containers should be decontaminated before reuse. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN Number: 2912 Proper shipping name: Radioactive material, low specific activity LSA-1 Transport hazard classes: ADR/RJD: 7 (LSA I) IMO: 7 (LSA I) lCAO/IATA: 7 (LSA I) Authorized carrier for class 7 required! Packaging group: I type IP-I (II yellow, Tl =O, I) Special precautions: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, DANGEROUS GOOD, RADIOACTIVE! 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION 15. 1 Safety, health and RADIOACTIVE environmental regulation/legislation National regulation observation recommended! specific for the substance or mixture: Radioactive substances and mixtures are regulated by EC Directive No. 96/29/Euratom of 13 Ma~ 1996. 15 .2 Chemical safety assessment: This substance is not regulated by REACH. In accordance with REACH Article 14, a Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out for this substance. 16. OTHER INFORMATION The information provided in this safety data sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal, and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any proceed, unless specified in the text. Classification in accordance with Regulation 1272/2008, as listed in Annex VI: Radioactive substances and mixtures, as such are not regulated by the Regulation 1272/2008 Version: 2 Creation date: 13.05.2013 Revision date: 12.08.2016 Printing date: 12.08.2016 Release info: This version replaces all previous documents Created/Revised by: Jane Paju Gane.paju@molycorp.com) 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Other hazards Other hazards: Contains traces of naturally occurring radionuclides (NORM) U-238, Th-232, Ra-226 and Ra-228. Total Activity (by U and Th) -below 191 Bq/~ 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substances This material is intennediate which contains insoluble mixed metal oxides on fluorides. Chemical name CAS no. EC no. Classification Cone.% information (max) Niobium Pentoxide (Nb20s) 1313-96-215-213-Not classified according 2,3 8 6 SLP Tantalum Pentoxide (Ta20s) 1314-61-215-238-Not classified according 5,0 0 2 CLP Silicon Dioxide (Si02) 7631-86-231-545-Not classified according 11,0 9 4 CLP Zirconium Dioxide (Zr02) 1314-23-215-227-Not classified according 23,0 4 2 CLP Dialuminium Trioxide (A'203) 1344-28-215-691-Not classified according 9,0 I 6 CLP Cerium Dioxide 1306-38-215-150-Not classified according 1,5 3 4 CLP Dilanthanum Trioxide 1312-81-215-200-Not classified according 0,5 8 5 CLP Dineodymium Trioxide 1313-97-215-214-Not classified according 0,5 9 1 CLP Diyttrium Trioxide 1314-36-215-233-Not classified according 1,7 9 5 CLP Diytterbium trioxide 1314-37-215-234-Not classified according 0,7 0 0 CLP Iron Oxide (Fe203) 1309-37-215-168-Not classified according 8,5 1 2 CLP Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) 13463-236-675-Not classified according 2,5 67-7 5 CLP Tin Dioxide (Sn02) 18232-242-159-Not classified according 40,0 10-5 0 CLP Tungsten Trioxide (W03) 1314-35-215-231-Not classified according 0,1 8 4 CLP Uranium Oxide (UJ08) 1344-59-215-702-Radioactive substance 0,8 8 4 regulated by EC Directive ~6/29/Euratom Thorium Oxide (Th02) 1314-20-215-225-Radioactive substance 2,4 1 l egulated by EC Directive \>6/29/Eu ratom Fluoride content Bonded with metals 13,0 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES 4.1 Description of first aid measures Eye contact: Hold eyelids apart and flush affected eye(s) with plenty of clean water (at least for IO minutes) Skin contact: Flush with plenty of water and mild soap. Ingestion: Seek for medical attention Inhalation: Seek for medical attention. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects Acute effects Dust may cause irritation of eyes and respiratory organs Delayed effects Can be harmful in case of prolonged contact due to radioactive properties particularly when swallowed or inhaled. 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Note to physician: Radioactive substances 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable: Use extinguishing agent suitable for type of surrounding fire Not suitable: Not known 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Not known 5.3 Advice for firefigl,ters Wear appropriate protective equipment. Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done with minimal risk. Dust could bear radioactive particles. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures A void creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. A void contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use suitable protective equipment. 6.2 Environmental precautions Prevent the material from contact with soil, entering surface water or sanitary sewer system. Do not discharge directly to a water source. If accidental spillage or washings enter drains or watercourses contact local authority. 6.3 Methods and material/or containment and cleaning up Vacuum or sweep up and place into suitable labelled containers for recovery or disposal. Clean up affected area with a large amount of water. 6.4 Reference to other sections See section 8 for personal protective equipment and section 13 for waste disposal. 7. BANDUNG AND STORAGE 7.1 Precautions for safe handling Technical measures/ Precautions: Use with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation should be provided. A void contact with eyes, skin and clothing. A void creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. General occupation hygiene: Do not eat, drink or smoke in work areas. Wash hands after use. Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas. 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Technical measures/ Storage Material is to be stored in area marked for radioactive conditions: material storage. Keep in the original container. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. Packaging materials: Stainless steel (304). Synthetic material. Incompatible products: Not known 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.1 Control parameters Regulated occupational exposure Effective dose: 100 mSv/5 years for workers (not limit values: exceeding 50 mSv in single year). 8.2 Exposure controls Appropriate engineering controls: Use of adequate ventilation is good industrial practice. In addition, an eyewash facility and a safety shower for facilities storing or utilizing this material is good industrial practice. Environmental exposure controls: Dispose of rinse water in accordance with local and national regulations. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment General remark: Only person wearing personal dosimeter can work with this material. Respiratory protection: Respiratory protection if high airborne concentrations prevail Hand protection: Protective gloves, impermeable to the dust Eye protection: Chemical goggles or face shield are recommended to prevent potential eye contact. Skin and body protection: Working clothes Hygiene measures: Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before eating, smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Appropriate techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1 Information on basic pl1ysica/ and c/remica/ properties Appearance: Beige or yellow clumpy powder material. Odour: Odourless Melting,'Freezing temperature: NIA Boiling temperature: NIA Flash-point: NIA Flammability: Non flammable (based on molecular structure). Explosive properties: NIA Oxidizing properties: NIA Vapour pressure: NIA Relative density (D4 (20)): 5-6 g,'cmJ Solubility in water: negligible Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: NIA Viscosity: Not applicable to solids Specific conductivity: No data Auto ignition temperature: NIA Surface tension: Not surface active (based on molecular structure) 9.2 Other information 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.1 Reactivity Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7, handling and storage). 10.2 Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7, handling and storage). 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions NIA 10.4 Conditions to avoid None known 10.5 Incompatible materials None known 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products None known 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION I I.I Information on toxicological effects ACUTE TOXICITY Oxides and fluorides contained in LMF are not toxic, but material is radioactive and could cause health risk due to radioactive properties. OTHER In case of prolonged eye contact or repeated inhalation or ingestion material can present a hazard due to radioactive properties. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Avoid contamination and distribution in the environment due to radionuclide properties. 13. DISPOSAL CONSlDERA TIONS Waste from residues: Special disposal in accordance with local and state regulations due to radioactivity. Container: Containers should be cleaned by appropriate method, in accordance with local and national regulations. Do not remove label until container is thoroughly cleaned. Empty containers should be decontaminated before reuse. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN Number: 2912 Proper shipping name: Radioactive material, low specific activity LSA-1 Transport hazard classes: ADR/RID: 7 (LSA I) IMO: 7 (LSA I) ICAO/IA TA: 7 (LSA I) Authorized carrier for class 7 required! Packaging group: I type IP-1 (II yellow, Tl =O, 1) Special precautions: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, DANGEROUS GOOD, RADIOACTIVE! 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION 15. 1 Safety, health and RADIOACTIVE environmental regulation/legislation National regulation observation recommended! specific for the substance or mixture: Radioactive substances and mixtures are regulated by EC Directive No. 96/29/Euratom of 13 Ma~ 1996. 15.2 Chemical safety assessment: This substance is not regulated by REACH. In accordance with REACH Article 14, a Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out for this substance. 16. OTHER INFORMATION The information provided in this safety data sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal, and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any proceed, unless specified in the text. Classification in accordance with Regulation 1272/2008, as listed in Annex VI: Radioactive substances and mixtures, as such are not regulated by the Regulation 1272/2008 Version: 2 Creation date: 13.05.2013 Revision date: 12.08.2016 Printing date: 12.08.2016 Release info: This version replaces all previous documents Created/Revised by: Jane Paju (iane.paju@molycorp.com) Radioactive Material Profile Record Attachment C.1 Radiological Analysis -Data Packages (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) (see ALS lab analysis results, dated 07/27/2018 -attached) Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 8 of 11 A Ft. Collins, Colorado Friday, July 27, 2018 Jane Paju Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Kesk tn 2, 40231 Sillamae, Estonia, Re: ALS Workorder: 1806204 Project Name: NEO Silmet Project Number: Dear Ms. Paju: LIMS Version: 6.867 Page 1 of 1 Fifteen solid samples were received from Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00, on 6/4/2018. The samples were scheduled for the following analyses: Gamma Spectroscopy lgnitability lnorganics Isotopic Thorium Isotopic Uranium Lead-210 Metals The results for these analyses are contained in the enclosed reports. The data contained in the following report have been reviewed and approved by the personnel listed below. In addition, ALS certifies that the analyses reported herein are true, complete and correct within the limits of the methods employed. Thank you for your confidence in ALS Environmental. Should you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, ~±: Jeff R. Kujawa Proj ect Manager ADDRESS 225 Commerce Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA 80524 I PHONE +1970490 15111 FAX +1970490 1522 ALS GROUP USA, CORP. Part of the ALS Laboratory Group An ALS Limited Company Enulronm•nt•• JII www dhglobal.com AICiHT SDLUTIDns Rlc;HT PAR TnER 1 of70 ALS Environmental -Fort Collins is accredited by the following accreditation bodies for various testing scopes in accordance with requirements of each accreditation body. All testing is performed under the laboratory management system, which is maintained to meet these requirement and regulations. Please contact the laboratory or accreditation body for the current scope testing parameters. ALS Environmental -Fort Collins Accreditation Boclv License or Certification Number AIHA 214884 Alaska (AK) UST-086 Arizona (AZ) AZ0742 California (CA) 06251CA Colorado (CO) C001099 Florida (FL) E87914 Idaho (ID) C001099 Kansas (KS) E-10381 Kentuckv (KY) 90137 PJ-LA (DoD ELAP/ISO 170250) 95377 Maryland (MD) 285 Missouri (MO) 175 Nebraska(NE) NE-OS-24-13 Nevada (NV) C0000782008A New York (NY) 12036 North Dakota (ND) R-057 Oklahoma (OK) 1301 Pennsvlvania (PA) 68-03116 Tennessee (TN) 2976 Texas (TX) T104704241 Utah (UT) C001099 WashinQton (WA) C1280 2 of70 1806204 lgnitability: The samples were analyzed based on SW-846, 3rd Edition method 101 O and the current revision of SOP 629. All acceptance criteria were met. Metals: The samples were analyzed following SW-846, 3rd Edition procedures. Analysis by Trace ICP followed method 601 OB and the current revision of SOP 834. Analysis by ICPMS followed method 6020A and the current revision of SOP 827. Mercury analysis by CVAA followed method 7470A (leachate), 7471A (solid) and the current revision of SOP 812. All acceptance criteria were met. lnorganics: The samples were analyzed following SW-846 and EMSL procedures for the current revisions of the following SOPs and methods: Analyte Ammonia as N Nitrate/nitrite as N pH Chloride Fluoride Sulfate All acceptance criteria were met. Gamma Spectroscopy: Method 350.1 353.2 Revision 2.0 90450 300.0 Revision 2.1 300.0 Revision 2.1 300.0 Revision 2.1 SOP# 1129 1127 1126 1113 1113 1113 The samples were analyzed for the presence of gamma emitting radionuclides according to the current revision of SOP 713. These samples were prepared according to the current revision of SOP 739. The samples were sealed in steel cans and stored for at least 21 days prior to analysis. All acceptance criteria were met. -\~00;,.,~;: 225 Commerce Drive, Fort Collins Colorado 80524 USA ''-' ,·,c +l 970 490 1511 ,: :, +l 970 490 l 52~ of 70 ·.•, ;r;:;,,,·, ,J:C.\ =:·,.e r· Part of the ALS Group An ALS Limited Company Isotopic Uranium: The samples were analyzed for the presence of isotopic uranium according to the current revision of SOP 714. U-234 activity is reported in the associated method blank above the minimum detectable concentration value. The measured blank activity is below the requested MDC. Results are acceptable according to the current revision of SOP 715, and are submitted without further qualification. All remaining acceptance criteria were met. Isotopic Thorium: The samples were analyzed for the presence of isotopic thorium according to the current revision of SOP 714. A Due to a laboratory spill, sample 1806204-15DUP has a chemical recovery of 10.9%, below the 30% lower control limit. The duplicate error ratio (DER) values for the sample/duplicate pair for Th-228, Th-230, and Th-232 are in control. Please refer to NCR #14714 for further information. All remaining acceptance criteria were met. Lead-210: The samples were analyzed for the presence of 210Pb according to the current revisions of SOP 704. All acceptance criteria were met. . i='C•,' ~ ;_, 22 5 Commerce Drive, Fort Collins Colorado 805 24 USA ?H ','I::: + l 970 490 1 51 1 > ·\, + 1 970 490 1 52ij of 70 '-'-' ::;:L:,•;F · ,, \ ,~r;,{" Part of the ALS Group An ALS Limited Company ALS --Fort Collins Sample Number(s) Cross-Reference Table OrderNum: 1806204 Client Name: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Client Project Name: NEO Silmet Client Project Number: Client PO Number: Client Sample Lab Sample COC Number Matrix Number Number LOT20 1806204-1 SOLID LOT21 1806204-2 SOLID LOT22 1806204-3 SOLID LOT31 1806204-4 SOLID LOT 32 1806204-5 SOLID LOT34 1806204-6 SOLID LOT35 1806204-7 SOLID LOT 58 1806204-8 SOLID LOT60 1806204-9 SOLID LOT64 1806204-10 SOLID LOT69 1806204-11 SOLID LOT76 1806204-12 SOLID LOT84 1806204-13 SOLID LOT85 1806204-14 SOLID LOT 86 1806204-15 SOLID LOT20 1806204-16 LEACHAT LOT 21 1806204-17 LEACHAT LOT22 1806204-18 LEACHAT LOT 31 1806204-19 LEACHAT LOT32 1806204-20 LEACHAT LOT34 1806204-21 LEACHAT LOT35 1806204-22 LEACHAT LOT58 1806204-23 LEACHAT LOT60 1806204-24 LEACHAT LOT64 1806204-25 LEACHAT LOT69 1806204-26 LEACHAT LOT76 1806204-27 LEACHAT LOT84 1806204-28 LEACHAT LOT85 1806204-29 LEACHAT LOT 86 1806204-30 LEACHAT Date Collected 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 1 O-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 10-Apr-18 Time Collected Page 1 of 1 ALS --Fort Collins Date Printed: Friday, July 27, 2016 LIM$ Version: 6 B67 5 of70 I ·i 3 { 1 ~ " ,o \I 11-- 11 flt \~ - Kesk l, 40231, Sillamlle Tel. 39 29140, 39 29141 AS OKOSIL KESKK01'~ALABOR Akreditccritud katselaboratoorium EN JSO/JEC J702S Reg.or. L 091 FJks 39 29152, e-mAII: sckrctar@.ecosll.ee 17577 7 SS E rn ZZEl9F 7177W i7 7 HIP 1 rr::t ... -~ 77 s ·lli2 a .,. .. Ts MEASUREMENT PROTOCOL .N'!, 195/18 Date: 10.04.2018 Customer: NPM Silmet 00, Kesk 2, 40231 Sillamae FESPTEZ nrr:w· T I Sheet !(I) Order: NORM samples analysis, LOT 20,21,22,30,31,32,34,35,58,59,60,64,65,68,69,76,84,85,86 Target: Determination of radionuclide content: U-238, Th-232, Ra-226, Ra-228 Measurement method: Measurement of the content ofradionuc.Jides on a gamma spectrometric unit using the Genie -2000 spectroscopy system* Appliance: Digital Spectrum Analyzer DSA-1000, sin 00001181, Canberra Ind.Inc. Germanium detector Model GR2520. Serial number: b 96517 Sample Geometry-Marinelly, 500 ml Reference Materials MBSS2, RGU-1, RGTh-1 Measurement results: The content of ratlionuclidcs in the l'IOR:\-1 samples, Bq/g. Samples Weiizh. g LOT20 500 LOT21 500 LOT22 500 LOT3I 500 LOT32 500 LOT34 500 LOT35 500 LOT58 500 LOT60 500 LOT64 500 LOT69 500 LOT 76 500 LOT84 500 LOT85 500 LOT86 500 • The mclhod i~ not accredited Dina Shestakova ~ Sillamae department director U-238 Th-232 Ra-226 37 29 38 59 27 60 46 45 I 51 37 34 33 36 35 36 46 49 36 45 49 30 62 68 46 80 81 60 73 73 57 91 82 57 87 95 60 73 81 57 80 72 67 . 73 71 I 68 Ra-228 30 28 47 35 35 50 49 68 74 73 81 95 81 72 73 PrOll'COI data relate only to lhc "it.:ms lt:dicated in th: Protocoi. Prolocol playbuck i$ o.llowed only in ~pc~i1ic pnrls oflh~ written pem:ission of AS Okosii ••;. 6 of70 A ALS Em'ironmental -Fort Collins CONDITION OF SAMPLE UPON RECEIPT FORM Client: _.N..._t-_O ________ _ Workorder No: I~ i) lo ) 0 L-J Project Manager: ---------------Initials: C.~ Date: (p.,)1 .... /f' I Does this project require any special handling in addition to standard ALS procedures? YES ' Cl:!Q) 1. Are custody seals on shipping containers intact? NOfil_ (yE§")' NO ------· 3. Are Custody seals on sample containers intact? (.1iON1;/ YES NO -~ - 4. Is there a COC (Chain-of-Custody) present or other representative documents? (YES) NO s. Are the COC and bottle labels complete and legible? I (...YE'Y NO -- 6 Is the COC in agreement with samples received? (IDs, dates, times, no. of samples, no. @ of containers, matrix, requested analyses, etc.) NO -- 7. Were airbills / shipping documents present and/or removable? DROP OFF YES ( N<Y - s. Are all aqueous samples requiring preservation preserved correctly? (excluding volatiles) (NIA) YES NO 9. Are all aqueous non-preserved samples pH 4-9? (NIA) YES NO 10. Is there sufficient sample for the requested ~alyses? (YE9 NO - 11. Were all samples placed in the proper containers for the requested analyses? (yE~ I NO 12. Are all samples within holding times for the requested analyses? (VEs) NO 13. Were all sample containers received intact? (not broken or leaking, etc.) ~ NO --,---·-- 14· Are all samples requiring no headspace (VOC, GRO, RSK/MEE, Rx CN/S, radon) ~ YES NO headspace free? Size of bubble: __ < green pea __ > green pea I G ' is. Do any water samples contain sediment? Amount YES NO Amount of sediment: __ dusting moderate __ heavy --·- 16. Were the samples shipped on ice? -YES (NO) 17. Were cooler temperatures measured at 0.1-6.0°C? IR gun i(1RAU YES I 00) used*: #1 #3 #4 ONb)' Cooler#: I '.)_ Temperature (°C): /Jrr.}, ~~ No. of custody seals on cooler: -m5o I DOT Sul'ff~ External ~LR/hr reading: Accepla.nce Information Background ~LR/hr reading: 11... Were external µR/hr re.,clings s two Innes l>nckgrmmd and within DOT accepuincc criteria? YES/ NO/ NA (lfno. see Fonn 008.) Additional Information: PROVIDE DETAILS BELOW FOR A NO RESPONSE TO ANY QUESTION ABOVE, EXCEPT# I AND #16. ---------------------- If applicable, was the client contacted? YES/ NO~ Contact: DateiTime: --------------------- Pro j tt t M,nag" ..... ,.,. /Doi<, 1..1/._ 'l.... C -l't ,Ir f I[ ·1R Gun #1, VWR SN 170560549 Fonn 201r25.xls ·rR Gun #3, VWR SN 170647571 (0.2/12/2018) ·1R Gun #4, Oakton. SN 2372220101-0002 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Project: NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 20 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 Ra-228 ICPMS Metals SILVER ALUMINUM ARSENIC BARIUM BERYLLIUM CALCIUM CADMIUM COBALT CHROMIUM COPPER IRON POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MOLYBDENUM SODIUM NIOBIUM NICKEL LEAD SELENIUM TIN TANTALUM THORIUM THALLIUM URANIUM VANADIUM ZINC ZIRCONIUM Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE FLUORIDE SULFATE Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 Th-228 Th-230 Th-232 Result 47 900 (+/-110) 667 (+/-78) 2.2 1400 7.1 320 1.3 2500 4 3.2 34 32 4500 420 400 410 0.74 220 350 26 1700 ND 110 70 5700 0.5 1400 5 48 410 ND 1600 7300 86.7 527 (+/-83) 507 (+/-80) 642 (+/-85) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 92.B Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-1 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed EPA350.1 Prep Date: 71712018 0.99 MG/KG 1 SOP 713 Prep Date: 611812018 M3,G 10 pCi/g NA M3,G 8 pCi/g NA M3 M3 M3 SW6020 Prep Date: 711612018 0.048 MG/KG 10 9.6 MG/KG 10 0.19 MG/KG 10 0.48 MG/KG 10 0.048 MG/KG 10 96 MG/KG 10 0.19 MG/KG 10 0.48 MG/KG 10 0.96 MG/KG 10 1.9 MG/KG 10 9.6 MG/KG 10 96 MG/KG 10 9.6 MG/KG 10 0.48 MG/KG 10 0.19 MG/KG 10 96 MG/KG 10 0.96 MG/KG 100 1.9 MG/KG 10 19 MG/KG 1000 0.96 MG/KG 10 0.96 MG/KG 10 0.96 MG/KG 100 1.9 MG/KG 1000 0.0096 MG/KG 10 0.96 MG/KG 1000 0.48 MG/KG 10 9.6 MG/KG 10 0.48 MG/KG 100 EPA300.0 Prep Date: 6118/2018 19 48 96 MG/KG MG/KG MG/KG 10 50 10 SOP 714 Prep Date: 712/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA 4 pCi/g NA 6 pCi/g 1 pCi/g NA NA SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA PrepBy: HMA 717/201813:31 PrepBy:NMP 7/9/2018 07:33 7/9/2018 07:33 PrepBy: JML 7/21/201817:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/201818:48 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/21/201817:15 7/21/201817:15 7/27/201811:15 7/21/201817:15 7/22/201819:51 7/21/201818:48 7/21/201817:15 7/27/2018 11 :15 7/22/201819:51 7/21/201817:15 7/22/201819:51 7/21/201817:15 7/21/2018 17:15 7/27/2018 11 :15 PrepBy: HMA 6/19/2018 03:30 6/19/2018 03:45 6/19/2018 03:30 PrepBy:SOW 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2016 12:06 PrepBy: SOW 7/16/2018 07:26 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page 1 Stoi&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT20 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result U-234 518 (+/-86) U-235 23.7 (+/-6.1) U-238 545 (+/-90) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 480 (+/-120) Carr: LEAD 93.1 Mercury MERCURY ND Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 2.68 Report Qual Limit M3 2 M3 1.8 M3 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.031 EPA353.2 0.096 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-1 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCi/g NA pCilg NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed 7116/2016 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2016 07:26 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy:NCC pCi/g NA 7/18/201815:44 %REC DL=NA 7/18/201815:44 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/201811 :21 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 1 6/2312018 09:18 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:AEJ pH 1 6/1812018 AR Page 2 2,to(&70 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT21 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 36 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1140 (+/-130) Ra-228 636 (+/-75) ICPMS Metals SILVER 2.6 ALUMINUM 1800 ARSENIC 7.9 BARIUM 460 BERYLLIUM 2.2 CALCIUM 3600 CADMIUM 0.95 COBALT 1.1 CHROMIUM 24 COPPER 24 IRON 5400 POTASSIUM 310 MAGNESIUM 660 MANGANESE 500 MOLYBDENUM 0.65 SODIUM 420 NIOBIUM 430 NICKEL 16 LEAD 2100 SELENIUM ND TIN 110 TANTALUM 140 THORIUM 4100 THALLIUM 0.61 URANIUM 1900 VANADIUM 4.2 ZINC 42 ZIRCONIUM 490 Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 1400 SULFATE 8500 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 81,7 Th-228 574 (+/-91) Th-230 740 (+/-120) Th-232 611 (+/-96) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 92.1 Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 0.99 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 12 SW6020 0.048 9.5 0.19 0.48 0.048 95 0.19 0.48 0.95 1.9 9.5 95 9.5 0.48 0.19 95 0.95 1.9 19 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.9 0.0095 0.95 0.48 9.5 0.48 EPA300.0 20 49 98 SOP 714 30-110 M3 7 M3 10 M3 2 SOP 714 30-110 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: I 806204-2 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/712018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 1 7/7/2016 13:32 Prep Date: 6118/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2016 07:33 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 07:33 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy: JML MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:18 MGIKG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MGIKG 10 7/21/2018 18:54 MGIKG 10 7/21/201817:18 MGIKG 10 7/21/201817:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 100 7/27/201811 :16 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 19:54 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:54 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :16 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 19:54 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 1000 7/22/201819:54 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:18 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:18 MG/KG 100 7/27/201811:16 Prep Date: 611812018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 04:00 MG/KG 50 6/19/2018 04:14 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 04:00 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL= NA 7/14/201812:06 pCl/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/16/2018 07:28 AR Page 1 Qro{&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT21 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result U-234 700 (+1-120) U-235 30.7 (+/· 7.4) U-238 750 (+/· 120) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintllatlon Pb-210 660 (+/-160) Carr: LEAD 93.8 Mercury MERCURY ND Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 2.72 Report Qual Limit M3 0 M3 1.4 M3 0 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.033 EPA353.2 0.099 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 '\\'orkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-2 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: NCC pCi/g NA 7/18/201816:33 %REC DL= NA 7/18/201816:33 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy:KJM MG/KG 7/13/2018 11 :23 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 6/23/2018 09:19 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: AEJ pH 1 6/18/2018 AR Pagel l>to{G'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Project: NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 22 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 44 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1070 (+/-130) Ra-228 940 (+/-110) ICPMS Metals SILVER 3.4 ALUMINUM 1300 ARSENIC 6.9 BARIUM 250 BERYLLIUM 0.86 CALCIUM 3000 CADMIUM 1.9 COBALT 2.1 CHROMIUM 20 COPPER 26 IRON 4900 POTASSIUM 300 MAGNESIUM 460 MANGANESE 450 MOLYBDENUM 0.49 SODIUM 240 NIOBIUM 390 NICKEL 9.6 LEAD 2300 SELENIUM ND TIN 63 TANTALUM 69 THORIUM 6800 THALLIUM 0.44 URANIUM 1600 VANADIUM 4.1 ZINC 29 ZIRCONIUM 720 Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 1200 SULFATE 6500 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 86.4 Th-228 740 (+/-110) Th-230 650 (+/-100) Th-232 770 (+/-120) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 89.5 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-3 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed EPA350.1 Prep Date: 7/7/2018 9.8 MG/KG 10 SOP 713 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 M3,G 10 pCi/g NA MJ.G 10 pCilg NA SW6020 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 0.05 MG/KG 10 10 MG/KG 10 0.2 MG/KG 10 0.5 MG/KG 10 0.05 MG/KG 10 100 MG/KG 10 0.2 MG/KG 10 0.5 MG/KG 10 1 MG/KG 10 2 MG/KG 10 10 MG/KG 10 100 MG/KG 10 10 MG/KG 10 0.5 MG/KG 10 0.2 MG/KG 10 100 MG/KG 10 1 MG/KG 100 2 MG/KG 10 20 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 2 MG/KG 1000 0.01 MG/KG 10 1 MG/KG 1000 0.5 MG/KG 10 10 MG/KG 10 0.5 MG/KG 100 EPA300.0 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 9.8 MG/KG 5 20 MG/KG 20 200 MG/KG 20 SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL=NA M3 10 pCi/g NA M3 10 pCi/g NA M3 0 pCi/g NA SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA PrepBy:HMA 717/2018 13:34 PrepBy: NMP 7/9/2018 07:33 7/9/2018 07:33 PrepBy: JML 7/2112018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/201819:00 7/21/201817:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/201817:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/201817:21 7/21/201817:21 7/21/201817:21 7/21/201817:21 7/27/2018 11 :17 7/21/201817:21 7/22/2018 19:57 7/21/2018 19:00 7/21/201817:21 7/27/201811:17 7/22/2018 19:57 7/21/201817:21 7/22/2018 19:57 7/21/2018 17:21 7/21/2018 17:21 7/27/201811:17 PrepBy:HMA 6/19/2018 04:29 6/30/2018 12:49 6/19/2018 05:15 PrepBy:SDW 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 PrepBy:SDW 7/16/2018 07 :28 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page llito{&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT22 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result U-234 600 (+/-99) U-235 28.2 (+/. 7) U-238 890 (+/-110) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 650 (+/-160) Carr: LEAD 92.7 Mercury MERCURY ND Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 2.96 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-!8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-3 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Qual Limit Units Factor Date Analyzed M3 1 pCi/g NA M3 0.7 pCilg NA M3 0 pCilg NA SOP 704 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 M3 0 pCi/g NA 40-110 %REC DL= NA SW7471 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 0.033 MG/KG 1 EPA353.2 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 0.1 MG/KG 1 SW9045 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 0.1 pH 1 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 PrepBy: NCC 7/18/201817:19 7/18/201817:19 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201811:26 PrepBy:HMA 6/23/2016 09:20 PrepBy:AEJ 6/16/2018 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page ilro(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT31 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 82 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1020 (+/-120) Ra-228 950 (+/-110) ICPMS Metals SILVER 4.5 ALUMINUM 4300 ARSENIC 9.3 BARIUM 380 BERYLLIUM 0.64 CALCIUM 9400 CADMIUM 28 COBALT 20 CHROMIUM 150 COPPER 860 IRON 11000 POTASSIUM 790 MAGNESIUM 880 MANGANESE 630 MOLYBDENUM 4.1 SODIUM 1500 NIOBIUM 710 NICKEL 100 LEAD 2800 SELENIUM ND TIN 98 TANTALUM 79 THORIUM 3900 THALLIUM 0.66 URANIUM 1700 VANADIUM 18 ZINC 150 ZIRCONIUM 740 Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE 110 FLUORIDE 2700 SULFATE 9400 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 87 Th-228 Th-230 Th-232 680 (+1-110) 760 (+1-120) 710 (+/-110) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 93.9 Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 10 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 10 SW6020 0.046 9.1 0.18 0.46 D.046 91 0.18 0.46 0.91 1.8 9.1 91 9.1 0.46 0.18 91 D.91 1.8 18 0.91 0.91 0.91 1.8 0.0091 0.91 0.46 9.1 0.46 EPA300.0 20 49 99 SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 10 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-111/-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-4 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Prep Date: 7/7/2018 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 pCi/g NA pCl/g NA Prep Date: 7/16/2018 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 50 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 %REC DL=NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed PrepBy: HMA 7/7/2018 13:36 PrepBy: NMP 7/9/2018 07:33 7/9/2018 07:33 PrepBy: JML 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 19:06 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/201817:24 7/21/201817:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/201817:24 7/21/201817:24 7/21/201817:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/21/2018 17:24 7/27/2018 11 :19 7/21/201817:24 7/22/2018 20:00 7/21/201819:06 7/21/201817:24 7/27/2018 11 :19 7/22/2018 20:00 7/21/2018 17:24 7/22/2018 20:00 7/2112018 17:24 7121/201817:24 7/27/201811:19 PrepBy: HMA 6/19/2018 05:30 6/30/2018 13:04 6/19/2018 05:30 M3 0 pCilg NA PrepBy:SOW 7/1412018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/201812:06 7/14/201812:06 SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 PrepBy:SOW 7/16/2018 07:28 AR Page H,to{OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT31 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I0/2018 Analyses Result U-234 730 (+/-120) U-235 32.3 (+/-7 .4) U-238 790 (+/-130) Lead-21 O by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 690 (+/-170) Carr: LEAD 102 Mercury MERCURY 0.045 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N 0.14 pH PH 3.61 Report Qual Limit M3 0 M3 1.2 M3 0 SOP 704 Y1,M3 0 Y1 40-110 SW7471 0.031 EPA353.2 0.098 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 2 7-Jul-J 8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-4 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCl/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: NCC pCi/g NA 7/18/2018 18:07 %REC DL=NA 7/18/2018 18:07 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/2018 11 :28 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 6/23/2018 09:20 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:AEJ pH 1 6/18/2018 AR Page I ito(t'10 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silrnet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT32 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 Ra-228 ICPMS Metals SILVER ALUMINUM ARSENIC BARIUM BERYLLIUM CALCIUM CADMIUM COBALT CHROMIUM COPPER IRON POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM MANGANESE MOLYBDENUM SODIUM NIOBIUM NICKEL LEAD SELENIUM TIN TANTALUM THORIUM THALLIUM URANIUM VANADIUM ZINC ZIRCONIUM Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE FLUORIDE SULFATE Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 Th-228 Th-230 Th-232 Result 69 930 (+/-110) 860 (+/-100) 4.6 2900 11 490 0.36 4400 1.8 1.9 57 55 6300 1100 450 360 1.5 2300 780 38 2200 ND 92 150 3600 0.44 1500 14 38 710 ND 3200 6700 87.4 599 (+/. 94) 557 (+/. 88) 598 (+/-94) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 80 Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 9.9 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 10 SW6020 0.048 9.5 0.19 0.48 0.048 95 0.19 0.48 0.95 1.9 9.5 95 9.5 0.48 0.19 95 0.95 1.9 19 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.9 0.0095 0.95 0.48 9.5 0.48 EPA300.0 20 49 99 SOP 714 30-110 M3 5 M3 7 M3 2 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-5 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Prep Date: 7/7/2018 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Prep Date: 7/16/2018 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 50 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 %REC DL=NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed PrepBy:HMA 717/2018 13:39 PrepBy:NMP 7/9/2018 07:33 7/9/2018 07:33 PrepBy: JML 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/201819:12 7/21/201817:27 7/21/201817:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/201817:27 7/21/201817:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/27/2018 11 :20 7/21/2018 17:27 7/22/2018 20:03 7/21/201819:12 7/21/2018 17:27 7/27/2018 11 :20 7/22/2018 20:03 7/21/2018 17:27 7/22/2018 20:03 7/21/201817:27 7/21/2018 17:27 7/27/2018 11 :20 PrepBy: HMA 6/19/2018 05:59 6/30/2018 13:20 6/19/2018 05:59 PrepBy:SDW 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/201812:06 7/14/201812:06 SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW 111512018 01 :28 30-110 %REC DL = NA ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page t 6to(00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT32 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result U-234 640 (+/-110) U-235 32.7 (+/-8.2) U-238 730 (+/-120) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintllation Pb-210 490 (+/-1201 Carr: LEAD 104 Mercury MERCURY 0.46 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 3.66 Report Qual Limit M3 0 M3 0.8 M3 0 SOP 704 Y1 ,M3 0 Y1 40-110 SW7471 0.032 EPA353.2 0.95 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-5 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: NCC pCi/g NA 7/18/2018 18:55 %REC DL=NA 7/18/201818:55 Prep Date: 7/1212018 PrepBy:KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/201811:30 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/23/2018 10:47 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:AEJ pH 1 6/18/2018 AR Page Ji oto(&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT34 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 140 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1130 (+/-130) Ra-228 1360 (+/-160) ICPMS Metals SILVER 4.1 ALUMINUM 10000 ARSENIC 1.1 BARIUM 480 BERYLLIUM 4.8 CALCIUM 11000 CADMIUM 0.38 COBALT 1.7 CHROMIUM 180 COPPER 8.6 IRON 19000 POTASSIUM 7200 MAGNESIUM 4200 MANGANESE 3900 MOLYBDENUM 4.1 SODIUM 2700 NIOBIUM 2300 NICKEL 99 LEAD 5900 SELENIUM ND TIN 88 TANTALUM 440 THORIUM 1900 THALLIUM 5.1 URANIUM 1700 VANADIUM 13 ZINC 180 ZIRCONIUM 4300 Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 17000 SULFATE 17000 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 82.4 1090 (+/-170) Th-228 Th-230 Th-232 780 (+/-120) 1190 (+/. 190) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 BB Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 10 SOP 713 M3 10 M3 10 SW6020 0.049 9.7 0.19 0.49 0.049 97 0.19 0.49 0.97 1.9 9.7 97 9.7 49 0.19 97 9.7 1.9 19 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.9 0.0097 0.97 0.49 9.7 4.9 EPA300.0 40 490 200 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 M3 0 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-6 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Prep Date: 7/7/2018 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Prep Date: 7/16/2018 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 100 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 10 MG/KG 1000 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 MG/KG 20 MG/KG 500 MG/KG 20 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 %REC DL=NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed PrepBy:HMA 717/2018 13:41 PrepBy:NMP 7/9/2018 07:34 7/9/2018 07:34 PrepBy:JML 7/21/201817:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2016 19:18 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2016 17:29 7/21/201817:29 7/21/201817:29 7/21/201817:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/22/2018 20:06 7/21/201617:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/27/201 B 11 :51 7/21/2018 17:29 7/22/2018 20:06 7/21/201819:18 7/21/201817:29 7/27/2018 11 :21 7/22/2018 20:06 7/21/2018 17:29 7/22/2018 20:06 7/21/201817:29 7/21/2018 17:29 7/27/2018 11 :51 PrepBy: HMA 6/19/2018 06:29 6/30/2018 13:36 6/19/2018 06:29 PrepBy:SDW 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/2018 12:06 7/14/201812:06 7/14/201812:06 SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW 7/16/2018 07:28 30-110 %REC DL = NA ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page 1 li:t0f&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT34 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result U-234 740 (+/. 120) U-235 37.4 (+/-8.7) U-238 860 f+/-140) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 1050 f+/-250) Carr: LEAD 90_6 Mercury MERCURY 0.062 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 2.4 Report Qual Limit M3 0 M3 1.4 M3 0 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.033 EPA353.2 0.95 SW9045 0.1 ALS •· Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 \\lorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-6 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Date Analyzed 7/16/2018 07:28 7116/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: NCC pCi/g NA 7/18/201819:42 %REC DL=NA 7/18/2018 19:42 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/201811 :32 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/23/2018 10:49 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:AEJ pH 1 6/16/2018 AR Page ti'Af0{(70 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT35 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 150 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1140 (+/-130) Ra-228 1410 (+/-170) ICPMS Metals SILVER 4.1 ALUMINUM 10000 ARSENIC BARIUM 480 BERYLLIUM 5.5 CALCIUM 10000 CADMIUM 0.36 COBALT 1.9 CHROMIUM 190 COPPER 7.8 IRON 20000 POTASSIUM 7100 MAGNESIUM 3900 MANGANESE 4000 MOLYBDENUM 3.8 SODIUM 2800 NIOBIUM 2300 NICKEL 120 LEAD 6100 SELENIUM ND TIN 51 TANTALUM 430 THORIUM 2000 THALLIUM 5.2 URANIUM 1600 VANADIUM 13 ZINC 180 ZIRCONIUM 4000 Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 20000 SULFATE 18000 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 85.2 Th-228 1090 (+/-170) Th-230 790 (+/-120) Th-232 1220 (+/-190) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 88.5 Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 9.8 SOP 713 M3 10 M3 10 SW6020 0.047 9.4 0.19 0.47 0.047 94 0.19 0.47 0.94 1.9 9.4 94 9.4 47 0.19 94 9.4 1.9 19 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.9 0.0094 0.94 0.47 9.4 4.7 EPA300.0 39 490 200 SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 10 M3 0 SOP 714 30-110 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \\'orkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-7 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 10 717/2018 13:45 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 07:34 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 07:34 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy: JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:23 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:09 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:09 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:23 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 100 7/27/2016 11 :22 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:09 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:32 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:09 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:32 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201811 :52 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 20 6/19/2018 06:59 MG/KG 500 6/30/2018 13:52 MG/KG 20 6/19/2018 06:59 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/16/2018 07:28 AR Page 1lQ10f§O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT35 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result U-234 830 (-t/-140) U-235 42.7 (-t/-9.6) U-238 970 , .. ,. 160) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 1260 ,..,_ 300) Carr: LEAD 73.B Mercury MERCURY 0.039 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 2.46 Report Qual Limit M3 0 M3 0.7 M3 0 SOP 704 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-7 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Prep Date: 7/17/2018 Date Analyzed 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 M3 0 pCi/g NA PrepBy: NCC 7/18/2018 20 :30 7/18/2018 20:30 40-110 SW7471 0.033 EPA353.2 0.97 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 %REC DL=NA Prep Date: 7/12/2018 MG/KG 1 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 MG/KG 10 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 pH 1 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 11 :39 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/2018 10:51 PrepBy:AEJ 6/18/2018 AR Page 121,rof&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 58 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 26 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1480 (+/-1701 Ra-228 1830 (+/-2101 ICPMS Metals SILVER 7.6 ALUMINUM 11000 ARSENIC 0.92 BARIUM 550 BERYLLIUM 6.9 CALCIUM 13000 CADMIUM ND COBALT 1.2 CHROMIUM 100 COPPER 26 IRON 20000 POTASSIUM 670 MAGNESIUM 4100 MANGANESE 1200 MOLYBDENUM 1.6 SODIUM 3300 NIOBIUM 1000 NICKEL 150 LEAD 5700 SELENIUM ND TIN 69 TANTALUM 210 THORIUM 810 THALLIUM 2.6 URANIUM 2500 VANADIUM 14 ZINC 56 ZIRCONIUM 5100 lgnitability IGNIT ABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 3900 SULFATE 2600 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 74.1 Th-228 1120 (+/-1701 Th-230 910 (+/-1401 Th-232 1370 (+/-210) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 1 SOP 713 M3 10 M3 10 SW6020 0.049 9.9 0.2 0.49 0.049 99 0.2 0.49 0.99 2 9.9 99 9.9 0.49 0.2 99 9.9 2 20 0.99 0.99 0.99 2 0.0099 0.99 0.49 9.9 4.9 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 19 97 97 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-8 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 7/7/2018 13:46 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 11912010 01:34 pCi/g NA 11912010 01:34 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:38 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 112112010 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :54 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:47 MG/KG 1000 112212010 20:23 MG/KG 10 7/21/201819:38 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 100 112112010 11 :31 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:23 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:23 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:47 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :54 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: JMD deg C 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 08:18 MG/KG 100 6/30/2018 14:08 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 08:18 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 1J2,f0{00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 58 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 85.7 1080 (+/-180) U-234 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 Carr: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 52 (+/-11) 1300 (+/-210) 1230 (+/-300) 87.1 ND ND 2.93 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-8 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL= NA M3 0 pCi/g NA M3 2 pCi/g NA M3 0 pCi/g NA SOP 704 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 M3 0 pCi/g NA 40-110 %REC DL= NA SW7471 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 0.033 MG/KG 1 EPA353.2 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 1 MG/KG 10 SW9045 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 0.1 pH 1 PrepBy:SDW 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 PrepBy: NCC 7/18/2018 21:17 7/18/2018 21 :17 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201811:41 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/201 B 10:53 PrepBy:AEJ 6/18/2018 ALS ·-Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page 1ilto{OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet OU NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT60 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 11 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1520 (+/. 180) Ra-228 1810 (+/. 210) ICPMS Metals SILVER 3.2 ALUMINUM 3400 ARSENIC 1.4 BARIUM 370 BERYLLIUM 1.4 CALCIUM 3500 CADMIUM ND COBALT ND CHROMIUM 36 COPPER ND IRON 7000 POTASSIUM 360 MAGNESIUM 830 MANGANESE 1300 MOLYBDENUM 1 SODIUM 420 NIOBIUM 620 NICKEL 28 LEAD 4600 SELENIUM ND TIN 84 TANTALUM 75 THORIUM 2100 THALLIUM 0.54 URANIUM 2700 VANADIUM 3.9 ZINC 74 ZIRCONIUM 2200 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 2100 FLUORIDE 2200 SULFATE 2500 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 87.8 Th-228 930 (+/. 140) Th-230 830 (+/. 130) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 1 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 20 SW6020 0.046 9.2 0.18 0.46 0.046 92 0.18 0.46 0.92 1.8 9.2 92 9.2 0.46 0.18 92 9.2 1.8 18 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.8 0.0092 0.92 0.46 9.2 4.6 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 2 9.8 98 98 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-!8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-9 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG ?n/2018 13:47 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:21 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:21 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:44 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:26 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:44 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :33 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:26 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:26 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:50 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201811:55 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy:JMD degC 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 6/19/2018 08:33 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 08:48 MG/KG 100 6/30/2018 14:23 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 08:48 Prep Date: 7/212018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL,.NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 AR Page 1J4rtofG'0 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT60 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Th-232 1150 (+/· 180) Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 77.5 U-234 1250 (+/-2101 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 Can-: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 64 (+/. 14) 1390 (+/. 230) 960 (+/-230) BB.7 ND ND 3.18 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-9 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed M3 0 pCi/g NA SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA M3 0 pCi/g NA M3 M3 M3 SOP 704 2 pCi/g 0 pCi/g NA NA Prep Date: 7/17/2018 0 pCi/g NA 40-110 %REC DL=NA SW7471 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 0.031 MG/KG 1 EPA353.2 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 0.1 MG/KG 1 SW9045 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 0.1 pH 1 7/14/201812:06 PrepBy:SDW 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 PrepBy: NCC 7/18/2018 22:05 7/18/2018 22:05 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 11 :43 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/2018 09:24 PrepBy: AEJ 6/18/2018 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6 867 AR Page lliJtof&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT64 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 23 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1570 (+/-180) Ra-228 1710 (+/. 200) ICPMS Metals SILVER 3.9 ALUMINUM 6200 ARSENIC 5.5 BARIUM 540 BERYLLIUM 0.65 CALCIUM 3700 CADMIUM 0.6 COBALT 2.1 CHROMIUM 260 COPPER 34 IRON 7600 POTASSIUM 840 MAGNESIUM 870 MANGANESE 1000 MOLYBDENUM 4.6 SODIUM 13000 NIOBIUM 870 NICKEL 67 LEAD 5400 SELENIUM ND TIN 100 TANTALUM 180 THORIUM 2200 THALLIUM 0.69 URANIUM 3100 VANADIUM 5.5 ZINC 78 ZIRCONIUM 1700 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 6800 SULFATE 3100 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 83.1 Th-228 1380 (+/-210) Th-230 1170 (+/. 180) Th-232 1650 (+/-260) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 1 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 20 SW6020 0.049 9.8 0.2 0.49 0.049 98 0.2 0.49 0.98 2 9.8 98 9.8 0.49 0.2 98 9.8 2 20 0.98 0.98 0.98 2 0.0098 0.98 0.49 9.8 4.9 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 20 99 99 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-10 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 71712018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 717/2018 13:48 Prep Date: 61181201 B PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7116/2018 PrepBy: JML MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201819:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :56 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:29 MG/KG 10 7/21/201819:50 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 100 7/2712016 11 :34 MG/KG 1000 7/2212018 20:29 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 1000 7122/2018 20:29 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:52 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:52 MG/KG 1000 7127/201811:56 Prep Date: 711212018 PrepBy: JMD deg C 1 7/12/2016 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/19/2016 09:02 MG/KG 100 6/3012016 14:39 MG/KG 10 6/1912018 09:02 Prep Date: 71212018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/141201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 1 Jito(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT64 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 79.2 1340 (+/-220) U-234 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintllatlon Pb-210 Carr: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 68 (+/-14) 1550 (+/. 250) 1160 (+/-2801 91.1 0.88 ND 3.01 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-10 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL=NA M3 0 pCi/g NA M3 2 pCi/g NA M3 0 pCi/g NA SOP 704 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 M3 0 pCi/g NA 40-110 %REC DL=NA SW7471 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 0.03 MG/KG 1 EPA353.2 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 1 MG/KG 10 SW9045 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 0.1 pH 1 PrepBy:sow 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/1612018 07:28 PrepBy: NCC 7/18/2018 23:40 7/18/2018 23:40 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201811:45 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/2018 10:55 PrepBy:AEJ 6/18/2018 ALS -Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page 2i'oro(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT69 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 78 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1550 (+/-180) Ra-228 1480 (+/. 170) ICPMS Metals SILVER 2.5 ALUMINUM 3900 ARSENIC 2.5 BARIUM 460 BERYLLIUM 0.41 CALCIUM 2800 CADMIUM 0.38 COBALT 5.9 CHROMIUM 33 COPPER 11 IRON 4900 POTASSIUM 1000 MAGNESIUM 520 MANGANESE 740 MOLYBDENUM 1.8 SODIUM 1600 NIOBIUM 780 NICKEL 18 LEAD 5100 SELENIUM ND TIN 110 TANTALUM 120 THORIUM 3500 THALLIUM 0.83 URANIUM 3100 VANADIUM 2.2 ZINC 75 ZIRCONIUM 2500 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE 4.2 FLUORIDE 3100 SULFATE 2400 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 85.9 Th-228 1280 (+/-200) Th-230 1000 (+/. 160) Th-232 1510 (+/. 230) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 9.8 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 20 SW6020 0.05 10 0.2 0.5 0.05 100 0.2 0.5 2 10 100 10 0.5 0.2 100 10 2 20 1 1 1 2 0.01 1 0.5 10 5 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 1.9 97 97 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 2 7-Jul-18 VVorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-11 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 10 7/7/201813:50 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 19:56 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7121/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7121/201817:55 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201811 :58 MG/KG 10 7/211201817:55 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201819:56 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :35 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:32 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:55 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:55 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201811:58 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: JMD degC 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 6/19/2018 09:32 MG/KG 100 6/30/2018 15:28 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 09:47 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7114/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCl/g NA 7/14/201812:06 AR Page 2litofOO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT69 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 79.6 U-234 1280 (+/-210) U-235 64 (+/-13) U-238 1380 (+/-230) Lead-21 O by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 1110 (+/-270) Carr: LEAD 90.5 Mercury MERCURY 0.04 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N 0.18 pH PH 3.2 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-11 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SOP 714 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 30-110 %REC DL = NA M3 0 pCi/g NA M3 M3 M3 SOP 704 1 pCi/g 0 pCi/g 0 pCi/g NA NA Prep Date 7/17/2018 NA 40-110 %REC DL= NA SW7471 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 0.03 MG/KG 1 EPA353.2 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 0.1 MG/KG 1 SW9045 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 0.1 pH 1 PrepBy: SDW 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 PrepBy: NCC 7/19/2018 00:28 7/19/2018 00:28 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 11 :47 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/2018 09:25 PrepBy: AEJ 6/18/2018 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 AR Page 2%2,tof&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 Project: NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 76 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIA AS N 29 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1360 (+/-160) Ra-228 2290 (+/-270) ICPMS Metals SILVER 2 ALUMINUM 2300 ARSENIC 0.91 BARIUM 490 BERYLLIUM 0.49 CALCIUM 1500 CADMIUM ND COBALT ND CHROMIUM 42 COPPER 2.5 IRON 4100 POTASSIUM 820 MAGNESIUM 86 MANGANESE 800 MOLYBDENUM 1.7 SODIUM 350 NIOBIUM 390 NICKEL 28 LEAD 5400 SELENIUM ND TIN 70 TANTALUM 32 THORIUM 6000 THALLIUM 0.8 URANIUM 3500 VANADIUM 3 ZINC 82 ZIRCONIUM 1000 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 2300 SULFATE 570 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 88.6 Th-228 1790 (+/· 280) Th-230 1300 (+/-200) Th-232 2180 (+/-330) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 0.98 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 20 SW6020 0.049 9.7 0.19 0.49 0.049 97 0.19 0.49 0.97 1.9 9.7 97 9.7 0.49 0.19 97 9.7 1.9 19 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.9 0.0097 0.97 0.49 9.7 4.9 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 2 99 9.9 SOP 714 30-110 M3 10 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-!8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-12 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 7/7/2018 13:51 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:NMP pCi/g NA 71912018 08:22 pCi/g NA 719/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7121/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:02 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7121/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7121/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201811:59 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:35 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:02 MG/KG 10 7/21/201817:58 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :36 MG/KG 1000 7/2212018 20:35 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:35 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 17:58 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 11 :59 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: JMD deg C 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 1 6/19/2018 10:02 MG/KG 100 6/30/2018 15:44 MG/KG 1 6/19/2018 10:02 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/14/201812:06 pCilg NA 711412018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 2JQ10(&°0 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT76 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 79.6 1380 (+/-230) U-234 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 Carr: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 71 (+/-15) 1610 (+/-260) 960 C+I-230) 96.3 0.077 ND 3.76 Report Qual Limit SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 1 M3 0 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.032 EPA353.2 0.098 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-12 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/16/2018 07:28 pCi/g NA 7/16/2018 07:28 pCi/g NA 7/16/2018 07:28 pCi/g NA 7/16/2018 07:28 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: NCC pCilg NA 7/19/2018 01 :16 %REC DL=NA 7/19/2018 01 :16 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/201811:49 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 6/23/2018 09:26 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: AEJ pH 1 6/18/2018 AR Page 231-tO(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT84 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 16 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1530 (+/-180) Ra-228 1970 (+/-230) ICPMS Metals SILVER 1.4 ALUMINUM 1700 ARSENIC 0.39 BARIUM 420 BERYLLIUM 0.31 CALCIUM 980 CADMIUM ND COBALT ND CHROMIUM 25 COPPER ND IRON 2700 POTASSIUM 690 MAGNESIUM 170 MANGANESE 480 MOLYBDENUM 1.2 SODIUM 310 NIOBIUM 260 NICKEL 13 LEAD 4700 SELENIUM ND TIN 72 TANTALUM 16 THORIUM 9200 THALLIUM 0.57 URANIUM 2800 VANADIUM 2.3 ZINC 51 ZIRCONIUM 1000 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 1600 SULFATE 1100 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 81.8 Th-228 1620 (+/-250) Th-230 1110 (+/-170) Th-232 1930 (+/-300) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 0.99 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 20 SW6020 0.046 9.2 0.18 0.46 0.046 92 0.18 0.46 0.92 1.8 9.2 92 9.2 0.46 0.18 92 9.2 1.8 18 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.8 0.0092 0.92 0.46 9.2 4.6 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 20 49 99 SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-13 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 7(7/201813:52 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/211201818:01 MG/KG 10 7121/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:08 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 10 7/211201818:01 MG/KG 10 7/2112018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 1000 712712018 12:00 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:38 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:08 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 100 7/27/201811 :38 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:36 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 16:01 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:36 MGIKG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:01 MG/KG 1000 7/271201812:00 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy:JMD deg C 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/19/201810:17 MG/KG 50 6/30/2018 16:00 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 10:17 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/1412018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 23lto(&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 84 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 85.4 U-234 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 Carr: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 1100 (+/-180) 64 (+/-13) 1260 (+/. 210) 930 (+/. 220) 93.3 0.035 ND 3.78 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-13 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 1 M3 0 SOP 704 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 %REC DL=NA pCifg NA pCi/g NA pCilg NA Prep Date: 7/17/2018 PrepBy: SDW 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 7/16/2018 07:28 M3 0 pCilg NA PrepBy: NCC 7/19/2018 02:03 7/19/2018 02:03 40-110 SW7471 0.031 EPA353.2 0.098 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 %REC DL=NA Prep Date: 7/12/2018 MG/KG 1 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 MG/KG Prep Date: 6/18/2018 pH 1 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201811 :51 PrepBy:HMA 6/23/2018 09:26 PrepBy:AEJ 6/18/2018 AR Page 2iltofOO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet OU NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT85 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIAASN 46 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1830 (+/-210) Ra-228 1610 (+/-190) ICPMS Metals SILVER 2.3 ALUMINUM 2200 ARSENIC 11 BARIUM 320 BERYLLIUM 0.5 CALCIUM 2000 CADMIUM 0.21 COBALT 1.8 CHROMIUM 45 COPPER 6.7 IRON 7800 POTASSIUM 140 MAGNESIUM 550 MANGANESE 4400 MOLYBDENUM 2.6 SODIUM 1100 NIOBIUM 470 NICKEL 13 LEAD 3900 SELENIUM ND TIN 96 TANTALUM 49 THORIUM 3700 THALLIUM 0.27 URANIUM 2700 VANADIUM 4.6 ZINC 130 ZIRCONIUM 1500 lgnltablllty IGNIT ABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE ND FLUORIDE 2800 SULFATE 2800 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 86.6 Th-228 1080 (+/-170) Th-230 1170 (+/-180) Th-232 1310 (+/-200) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 0.99 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 10 SW6020 0.05 9.9 0.2 0.5 0.05 99 0.2 0.5 0.99 2 9.9 99 9.9 50 0.2 99 9.9 2 20 0.99 0.99 0.99 2 0.0099 0.99 0.5 9.9 5 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 19 48 480 SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-14 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 7n/2018 13:52 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy: JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:14 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:04 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:41 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201812:02 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:04 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:41 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:14 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :39 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:41 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:04 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:41 MG/KG 10 7/211201818:04 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:04 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 12:02 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy:JMD deg C 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 10 6/19/201810:31 MG/KG 50 6/19/201811:16 MG/KG 50 6/19/201811:16 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/201812:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 2~4,rofOO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT 85 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 U-234 U-235 U-238 Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 Carr: LEAD Mercury MERCURY Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N pH PH 74.9 1290 (+/· 210) 63 (+/-13) 1440 (+/. 240) 1000 (+/. 240) 96 0.3 ND 3.31 Report Qual Limit SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 1 M3 0 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.033 EPA353.2 0.098 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-14 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/212018 PrepBy:sow %REC DL=NA 7/1612018 07:28 pCi/g NA 7/16/2018 07:28 pCi/g NA 711612018 07:28 pCi/g NA 7/1612018 07:28 Prep Date: 7117/2018 PrepBy:NCC pCl/g NA 7/19/2018 02:51 %REC DL= NA 7/19/2018 02:51 Prep Date: 7112/2018 PrepBy: KJM MG/KG 1 7/13/201811:54 Prep Date: 6122/2018 PrepBy: HMA MG/KG 1 6/23/2018 09:27 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:AEJ pH 1 6/18/2018 AR Page 2iS10(00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet Sample ID: LOT86 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Ammonia as N AMMONIA AS N 190 Gamma Spectroscopy Results Ra-226 1820 (+/-210) Ra-228 1400 (+/-160) ICPMS Metals SILVER 5.4 ALUMINUM 4000 ARSENIC 7.4 BARIUM 520 BERYLLIUM 0.47 CALCIUM 2300 CADMIUM 0.56 COBALT 2.7 CHROMIUM 140 COPPER 14 IRON 6300 POTASSIUM 460 MAGNESIUM 560 MANGANESE 1700 MOLYBDENUM 4.8 SODIUM 2900 NIOBIUM 640 NICKEL 48 LEAD 3700 SELENIUM ND TIN 120 TANTALUM 83 THORIUM 2800 THALLIUM 0.47 URANIUM 2800 VANADIUM 3.9 ZINC 110 ZIRCONIUM 1900 lgnitability IGNITABILITY Ion Chromatography CHLORIDE 5 FLUORIDE 4300 SULFATE 2300 Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: Th-229 83.8 Th-228 1020 (+/-160) Th-230 1260 (+/. 190) Th-232 1270 (+/-200) Report Qual Limit EPA350.1 10 SOP 713 M3,G 10 M3,G 10 SW6020 0.046 9.2 0.18 0.46 0.046 92 0.18 0.46 0.92 1.8 9.2 92 9.2 0.46 0.18 92 9.2 1.8 18 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.8 0.0092 0.92 0.46 9.2 4.6 SW1010 96 EPA300.0 1.9 97 97 SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 10 M3 0 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-15 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Dilution Units Factor Date Analyzed Prep Date: 7/7/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 10 717/2018 13:55 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:NMP pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 pCi/g NA 7/9/2018 08:22 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 PrepBy:JML MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201 B 20:20 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201 B 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 1000 7/27/2018 12:11 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:44 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 20:20 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 100 7/27/2018 11 :40 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:44 MG/KG 10 7/21/2018 18:06 MG/KG 1000 7/22/2018 20:44 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 10 7/21/201818:06 MG/KG 1000 7/27/201812:11 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy:JMD degC 1 7/12/2018 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 PrepBy:HMA MG/KG 1 6/19/201811:31 MG/KG 100 6/30/2018 16:15 MG/KG 10 6/19/2018 11 :46 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 PrepBy:SDW %REC DL=NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 pCi/g NA 7/14/2018 12:06 AR Page 2~iro{&70 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT86 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses Result Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spectroscopy Tracer: U-232 77.9 U-234 1210 (+/-200) U-235 62 (+/-13) U-238 1320 (+/-220) Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilation Pb-210 930 (+/-220) Carr: LEAD 93.B Mercury MERCURY 0.13 Nitrate/Nitrite as N NITRATE/NITRITE AS N ND pH PH 3.22 Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-15 Matrix: SOLID Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SOP 714 30-110 M3 0 M3 2 M3 0 SOP 704 M3 0 40-110 SW7471 0.032 EPA353.2 0.099 SW9045 0.1 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 Prep Date: 71212018 %REC DL= NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA pCi/g NA Prep Date: 711712018 pCi/g NA %REC DL=NA Prep Date: 711212018 MG/KG 1 Prep Date: 612212018 MG/KG 1 Prep Date: 6118/2018 pH 1 PrepBy:SDW 7/16/2018 07:29 7/16/2016 07:29 7/16/2016 07:29 7/16/2016 07:29 PrepBy: NCC 7/19/2018 03:39 7/19/201 B 03:39 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201811:56 PrepBy: HMA 6/23/201 B 09:28 PrepBy:AEJ 6/18/2018 AR Page 3a'o-io(00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSi\met LOT20 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND 0.018 0.059 0.39 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-16 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6. 867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/201813:48 7/12/2018 13:48 7/12/2018 13:48 7/12/201813:48 7/12/201813:48 7/12/2018 13:48 7/12/2018 13:48 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 09:43 AR Page 31Sto(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT21 Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result 0.011 ND 0.0054 0.02 0.4 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-17 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12(2018 14:09 7/12(2018 14:09 7/12/201814:09 7/12/201814:09 7/12/201814:09 7/12(2018 14:09 7/12(201814:09 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 09:45 AR Page 33'Ato{00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet LOT22 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND 0.0096 O.D15 0.39 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-18 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 , 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:12 7/12/2018 14:12 7/12/2018 14:12 7/12/201814:12 7/12/201814:12 7/12/201814:12 7/12/201814:12 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 09:47 AR Page 3~Qf0(00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT31 Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result 0.013 ND 0.085 0.14 0.52 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-19 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 71121201814:15 7112/201814:15 7/12/201814:15 7112/201814:15 711212018 14:15 7112/2018 14:15 7112/2018 14:15 PrepBy: KJM 7/1312016 09:49 AR Page 34,l,rof&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet LOT32 Collection Date: 4/ l 0/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND 0.0085 0.16 0.56 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-20 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/201814:18 7/12/201814:18 7/12/201814:18 7/12/201814:18 7/12/201814:18 7/12/2018 14:18 7/12/201614:18 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 09:51 AR Page 3~ltof6"0 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet LOT34 Collection Date: 4/10/20 IS Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result 0.012 ND 0.0064 1.2 0.89 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: I S06204 Lab ID: I S06204-2 I Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.05 SW7470 0.002 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 8.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 1 5 Prep Date: 7/1212018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:21 7/12/2018 14:21 7/12/2018 14:21 7/12/2018 14:21 7/12/201814:21 7/12/201814:21 7/12/2018 15:01 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 09:54 AR Page 31Jlto(6'0 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 NEO Silmet LOT35 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result 0.014 ND 0.0057 0.75 0.64 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-22 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.05 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 5 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/2018 14:24 7/12/201815:10 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201 B 09:56 AR Page 3f,10fOO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT 58 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.095 1.1 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-23 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.05 SW7470 0.002 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 5 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 14:33 7/12/2018 15:13 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 10:02 AR Page 3fJStof00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT60 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.044 1.1 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-!8 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-24 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/201814:36 7/12/201814:36 7/12/201814:36 7/12/201814:36 7/12/201814:36 7/12/2018 14:36 7/12/201814:36 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/2018 10:04 AR Page 34610{00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT64 Collection Date: 4/ I 0/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.55 1.3 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-25 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 711112018 1 1 1 1 Prep Date: 711212018 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 7/12/2018 14:39 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:06 AR Page 41J7,tof&70 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT69 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.033 0.73 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-26 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/201814:42 7/12/201814:42 7/12/2018 14:42 7/12/201814:42 7/12/2018 14:42 7/12/2018 14:42 7/12/201814:42 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:09 AR Page 44SJO{&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEOSilmet LOT76 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.11 4.3 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-/8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-27 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,667 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:45 7/12/201814:45 7/12/2018 14:45 7/12/201814:45 7/12/2018 14:45 7/12/2018 14:45 7/12/2018 14:45 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:11 AR Page 4f ~f0f&'0 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Project: NEO Silmet Sample ID: LOT 84 Legal Location: Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.063 1.7 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Juf-18 Work Order: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-28 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 , 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/201814:48 7/12/2018 14:48 7/12/2018 14:48 7/12/201814:48 7/12/2018 14:48 7/12/201814:48 7/12/2018 14:48 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:13 AR Page 4jQto(OO ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT85 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.038 1.7 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Jul-18 VVorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-29 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.B67 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:52 7/12/2018 14:52 7/12/2018 14:52 7/12/2018 14:52 7/12/201814:52 7/12/201814:52 7/12/2018 14:52 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:15 AR Page 4S1to{00 ALS --Fort Collins Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silrnet 00 NEO Silmet LOT 86 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Analyses TCLP ICP Metals ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER TCLP Mercury MERCURY Result ND ND ND 0.58 1.2 ND ND ND Report SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Date: 27-Ju/-18 \\forkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: I 806204-30 Matrix: LEACHATE Percent Moisture: Qual Limit Units Dilution Factor Date Analyzed SW6010 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.004 0.006 0.01 SW7470 0.002 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L Prep Date: 7/11/2018 1 1 1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 1 PrepBy: AJL2 7/12/2018 14:55 7/12/2018 14:55 7/12/201814:55 7/12/201814:55 7/12/201814:55 7/12/201814:55 7/12/2018 14:55 PrepBy: KJM 7/13/201810:17 AR Page 4Sitol&'O ALS --Fort Collins SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Client: Project: Sample ID: Legal Location: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 NEO Silmet LOT86 Collection Date: 4/10/2018 Date: 27-Jul-/8 \VorkOrder: 1806204 Lab ID: 1806204-30 Matrix: LEA CHA TE Percent Moisture: Analyses Result Explanation of Qualifiers Radiochemistry: -"Report Limit" is the MDC U or ND -Result is less than the sample specific MDC. Y1 -Chemical Yield is in control at 100-110%. Quantitative yield is assumed. Y2 -Chemical Yield outside default limits, W -DER is greater than Warning Limit of 1.42 • -Aliquot Basis is 'As Received' while the Report Basis is 'Dry Weight', # -Aliquot Basis is 'Dry Weight' while the Report Basis is 'As Received'. G -Sample density differs by more than 15% of LCS density. Qual Report Limit Units Dilution Factor M3 -The requested MDC was not met, but the reported activity is greater than the reported MDC. L -LCS Recovery below lower control limit. H -LCS Recovery above upper control limit. P -LCS, Matrix Spike Recovery within control limits. N -Matrix Spike Recovery outside control limits NC -Not Calculated for duplicate results less than 5 times MDC B -Analyte concentration greater than MDC. Date Analyzed D -DER is greater than Control Limit M -Requested MDC not met. B3 -Analyte concentration greater than MDC but less than Requested MDC. LT -Result Is less than requested MDC but greater than achieved MDC. lnorganlcs: B -Result is less than the requested reporting limit but greater than the instrument method detection limit (MDL), U or ND -Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. E -The reported value is estimated because of the presence of interference An explanatory note may be included in the narrative. M -Duplicate injection precision was not met. N -Spiked sample recovery not within control limits. A post spike is analyzed for all ICP analyses when the matrix spike and or spike duplicate fail and the native sample concentration is less than four times the spike added concentration. Z -Spiked recovery not within control limits. An explanatory note may be included in the narratiw. • -Duplicate analysis (relative percent difference) not within control limits. S -SAR value is estimated as one or more analytes used in the calculation were not detected above the detection limit. Organics: U or ND -Indicates that the compound was analyzed for but not detected. B -Analyte is detected in the associated method blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data useL E -Analyte concentration exceeds the upper level of the calibration range. J -Estimated value. The result is less than the reporting limit but greater than the instrument method detection limit (MDL). A -A tentatively identified compound is a suspected aldol-condensation product. X -The analyte was diluted below an accurate quantitation level. • -The spike recovery is equal to or outside the control criteria used. + -The relative percent difference (RPO) equals or exceeds the control criteria. G -A pattern resembling gasoline was detected in this sample. D -A pattern resembling diesel was detected in this sample. M -A pattern resembling motor oil was detected in this sample. C -A pattern resembling crude oil was detected In this sample. 4 -A pattern resembling JP-4 was detected in this sample. 5 -A pattern resembling JP-5 was detected in this sample. H -Indicates that the fuel pattern was in the heavier end of the retention time window for the analyte of interest. L -Indicates that the fuel pattern was in the lighter end of the retention time window for the analyte of interest. Z -This flag indicates that a significant fraction of the reported result did not resemble the patterns of any of the following petroleum hydrocarbon products: -gasoline -JP-8 -diesel -mineral spirits -motor oil -Stoddard solwnt -bunker C ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 AR Page 4Slro{&'O ALS --Fort Collins Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Sifmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Date: 7/27/2018 4:36: QC BATCH REPORT Batch ID: AS180702-7-1 Instrument ID AlphaSpec2 Method: Isotopic Uranium by Alpha Spec DUP Sample ID: 1806204-15 Units: pCi/g Client ID: LOT 86 Run ID: AS180702-7UR SPK Ref Analyte Result ReportLimit SPKVal Value %REC U-234 1430 (+/-240) 0 U-235 75 (+/-16) U-238 1630 (+/-270) 0 Tracer: U-232 160 3 227.7 70.1 LCS Sample ID: AS180702-7 Units: pCilg Client ID: Run ID: AS180702-7UR SPK Ref Analyte Result ReportLimit SPK Val Value %REC U-234 2.17 (+/-038) 0.01 2.11 103 U-238 2.29 (+/-0.4) 0.01 2.191 105 Tracer: U-232 194 0.03 2.323 83.3 MB Sample ID: AS180702-7 Units: pCi/g Client ID: Run ID: AS180702-7UR SPK Ref Analyte Result ReportLimit SPK Val Value %REC U-234 0.015 (+/-0.013) 0.013 U-235 ND 0.007 U-238 ND 0.0127 Tracer: U-232 1.86 0.02 2.323 80.1 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-2 1806204-4 1806204-5 1806204-7 1806204-8 1806204-10 1806204-11 1806204-13 1806204-14 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 Analysis Date: 7/16/2018 07:29 Prep Date: 71212018 DF: NA Control Decision DER DER Limit Le1.el Ref DER Limit Qual 1210 0.7 2.1 M3 62 0.7 2.1 M3 1320 0.9 2.1 M3 30-110 177 Analysis Date: 7/16/2018 07:29 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 OF: NA Control Decision DER DER Limit Lewi Ref DER Limit Qual 82-122 p 82-122 p 30-110 Analysis Date: 7/16/2018 07:29 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 OF: NA Control Decision DER DER Limit Le1oel Ref DER Limit Qual B3 u u 30-110 1806204-3 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 QC Page: 1 of 16 54 of70 Client: Work Order: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 QC BATCH REPORT Project: NEOSilmet Batch ID: AS180702-8-1 DUP Sample ID: 1806204-15 Client ID: LOT 86 Analyte Th-22B Th-230 Th-232 Tracer: Th-229 LCS Client ID: Analyte Th-230 Sample ID: AS180702-8 Tracer: Th-229 MB Client ID: Analyte Th-228 Th-230 Th-232 Sample ID: AS180702-8 Tracer: Th-229 Instrument ID AlphaSpec2 Method: Isotopic Thorium by Alpha Spec Units: pCi/g Run ID: AS180702-8TH SPK Ref Control Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit 1120 (+/-220) 1300 (+/-250) 1390 (+1-260) 49.2 40 20 10 1.6 Run ID: AS180702-8TH 451 .2 Result Reportlimit SPK Val 2 52 (+/-0.4) 0.03 2.464 1.84 0.01 2.301 Run ID: AS180702-8TH 10.9 30-110 Units: pCilg SPK Ref Control Value %REC Limit 102 85-121 79.9 30-110 Units: pCi/g SPK Ref Control Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit ND 0.026 ND 0.034 ND 0.0079 178 0.01 2.301 77.3 30-110 Analysis Date: 7/14/2018 12:07 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 DF: NA Decision DER DER Level Ref DER Limit Qual 1020 0.4 2.1 1260 0.1 2.1 1270 0.3 2.1 377 Analysis Date: 7/14/2018 12:07 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 DF: NA Decision DER DER Y2,M3 Y2,M3 Y2,M3 Y2 Level Ref DER Limit Qual p Analysis Date: 7114/201812:07 Prep Date: 7/2/2018 DF: NA Decision DER DER Level Ref DER Limit Qual u u u The following samples were analyzed In this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-4 1806204-5 1806204-7 1806204-8 1806204-10 1806204-11 1806204-13 1806204-14 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.B67 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 QC Page: 2 of 16 55 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: GS180619-1-1 Instrument ID GAMMA DUP Sample ID: 1806204-4 Client ID: LOT 31 Run ID: GS180619-1A Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val Ra-226 Ra-228 LCS Client ID: Analyte Am-241 Co-60 Cs-137 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: GS180619-1A Sample ID: GS180619-1 1020 (+/-120) 10 890 (+/-110) 10 Run ID: GS180619-1A Result Reportlimit SPK Val 467 (+i-57) 14 469.3 200 (+1-24) 1 197.4 182 (+/-21) 179.4 Run ID: GS180619-1A QC BATCH REPORT Method: Gamma Spectroscopy Results Units: pCi/g Analysis Date: 7/9/2018 08:21 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 DF: NA SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Value %REC Limit Level Ref DER Limit Qual 1020 0.02 2.1 M3,G 950 0.4 2.1 M3,G Units: pCi/g Analysis Date: 7/9/2018 09:11 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 DF: NA SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Value %REC Limit Level Ref DER Limit Qual 99.5 85-115 p 102 85-115 p 102 85-115 p Units: pCi/g Analysis Date: 7/9/2018 09:11 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 DF: NA SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Level Ref DER Limit Qual Ra-226 454 (+/-53) 3 468.3 96.9 85-115 P,M3 Sample ID: GS180619-1 Units: pCi/g Analysis Date: 7/9/2018 08:23 MB Client ID: Run ID: GS180619-1A Prep Date: 6/18/2018 DF: NA Analyte Result Cs-137 ND Ra-226 ND Ra-228 ND The following samples were analyzed In this batch: SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Reportlimit SPKVal Value %REC Limit Level Ref DER Limit Qual 0.109 0.33 0.4 1806204-1 1806204-2 1806204-4 1806204-5 1806204-7 1806204-8 1806204-10 1806204-11 1806204-13 1806204-14 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 u u u 1806204-3 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 QC Page: 3 of 16 56 of 70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: Pb180717-1-1 Instrument ID LIQSCINT LCS Client ID: Sample ID: Pb180717-1 Run ID: PB180717-1A Analyte Result ReportLimit SPK Val Carr: LEAD Pb-210 MB Client ID: Sample ID: Pb180717-1 839 3 944.4 22 1 (+/-5 4) 0_5 20.66 Run ID: PB180717-1A QC BATCH REPORT Method: Lead-210 by Liquid Scintilatio Units: ug Analysis Date: 7/19/2018 06:50 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 DF: NA SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref DER Limit Qual 88.9 40-110 107 70-130 p Units: ug Analysis Date: 7/19/2018 06:01 Prep Date: 7/17/2018 DF: NA SPK Ref Control Decision DER DER Analyte Result Reportlimil SPK Val Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref DER Limit Qual Carr: LEAD 8496 Pb-210 ND The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1000 84_9 40-110 0.55 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-5 1806204-6 1806204-8 1806204-9 1806204-11 1806204-12 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 1806204-14 1806204-15 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 u QC Page: 4 of 16 57 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: HG180712-1-1 Instrument ID CETAC7500 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: HG180712-1 Run ID: HG180713-1A1 QC BATCH REPORT Method: SW7470 Units: MG/L Analysis Date: 7/13/2018 09:12 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPD RPD Analyte Result ReportLimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPD Limit Qual MERCURY 0 00104 0.0002 0.001 104 60-120 20 MB Client ID: Sample ID: HG180712-1 Units: MG/L Analysis Date: 7/13/2018 09:10 Run ID: HG180713-1A1 Analyte Result MERCURY ND The following samples were analyzed in this batch: ReportLimit 0.0002 1606204-16 1606204-17 1806204-19 1806204-20 1806204-22 1806204-23 1606204-25 1806204-26 1606204-28 1806204-29 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 DF: 1 Qual 1806204-18 1806204-21 1806204-24 1806204-27 1806204-30 QC Page: 5 of 16 58 of 70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEOSilmet Batch ID: HG180712-3-1 Instrument ID CETAC7500 Method: SW7471 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: HG180712-3 Units: MG/KG Run ID: HG180713-2A1 QC BATCH REPORT Analysis Date: 7/13/201811:19 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPD RPO Analyte MERCURY MB Client ID: Analyte MERCURY Sample ID: HG180712-3 Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Le~I Ref RPO Limit Qual 0.18 0.0333 0.167 108 80-120 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/13/2018 11 :17 Run ID: HG180713-2A1 Prep Date: 7/12/2018 DF: 1 Result Reportlimit Qual ND 0.033 The following samples were analyzed In this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 1806204-2 1806204-5 1806204-8 1806204-11 1806204-14 1806204-3 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC Page: 6 of 16 59 of70 Client: Work Order: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 Project: NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180711-11-1 LCS Sample ID: IP180711-11 Client ID: Analyte ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER MB Sample ID: EX180710-4 Client ID: Analyte ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER MS Sample ID: 1806204-16 Client ID: LOT 20 Analyte ARSENIC BARIUM CADMIUM CHROMIUM LEAD SELENIUM SILVER Instrument ID ICP6500 Method: SW6010 Units: MG/L Run ID: IP180712-1A1 SPK Ref Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC 0 981 0.01 98 1.02 0.1 , 102 0 0524 0.005 0.05 105 0.204 0.01 0.2 102 0.535 0.004 0.5 107 1.97 0.006 2 98 00983 0.01 0.1 98 Units: MG/L Run ID: IP180712-1A1 Result Reportlimit ND 0.01 ND 0.1 ND 0.005 ND 0.01 ND 0.004 ND 0.006 ND 0.01 Units: MG/L Run ID: IP180712-1A1 SPK Ref Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC 0.01 0.01 100 1.02 0.1 0.1 102 0.0694 0.005 0.05 0.018 103 0.268 0.01 0.2 0.059 104 0.902 0.004 0.5 0.39 103 1.99 0.006 2 0.006 100 0,0926 0.01 0.1 0.01 93 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC BATCH REPORT Analysis Date: 7/12/201813:45 Prep Date: 7/11/2018 DF: 1 Control Decision RPO RPO Limit Lewi Ref RPO Limit Qual 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 Analysis Date: 7/12/201813:39 Prep Date: 7/11/2018 DF: 1 Qual Analysis Date: 7/12/201814:03 Prep Date: 711112018 DF: 1 Control Decision RPO RPO Limit Lewi Ref RPO Limit Qual 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 80-120 20 QC Page: 7 of 16 60 of 70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180711-11-1 Instrument ID ICP6500 MSD Sample ID: 1806204-16 Client ID: LOT 20 Run ID: IP180712-1A1 Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val ARSENIC 1.01 0.01 BARIUM 1 05 0.1 CADMIUM 00706 0.005 0.05 CHROMIUM 0.271 0.01 0.2 LEAD 0.911 0.004 0.5 SELENIUM 2.04 0.006 2 SILVER 0.0954 0.01 0.1 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-16 1606204-19 1806204-22 1806204-25 1806204-28 Method: SW6010 Units: MG/L SPK Ref Value %REC 0.01 101 0.1 105 0.018 105.4 0.059 106.1 0,39 104.9 0.006 102 0.01 95 1806204-17 1606204-20 1806204-23 1806204-26 1806204-29 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC BATCH REPORT Analysis Date: 7/1212018 14:06 Prep Date: 7/11/2018 DF: 1 Control Decision RPO RPO Limit Le\el Ref RPO Limit Qual 80-120 20 80-120 1.02 3 20 80-120 0.0694 2 20 80-120 0.268 20 80-120 0.902 20 80-120 1.99 2 20 80-120 0.0926 3 20 1806204-18 1806204-21 1806204-24 1806204-27 1806204-30 QC Page: 8 of 16 61 of70 Client: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Work Order: 1806204 Project: NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180716-4-1 Instrument ID ICPMS2 Method: SW6020 LCS Sample ID: IM180716-4 Units: MG/KG Client ID: Run ID: IM180721-10A2 Analyte Result ALUMINUM 423 ARSENIC eas BARIUM 972 BERYLLIUM 4.44 CADMIUM 289 CALCIUM 883 CHROMIUM 464 COBALT 9 57 COPPER 93.4 IRON 483 MAGNESIUM 902 MANGANESE 943 MOLYBDENUM 9.36 NICKEL 47.3 POTASSIUM 448 SELENIUM 9 23 SILVER 0 993 SODIUM 906 THALLIUM 0194 TIN 461 VANADIUM 8.95 ZINC 188 Report Limit 10 0.2 0.5 0.05 0.2 100 1 0.5 2 10 10 0.5 0.2 2 100 1 0.05 100 0.01 0.5 10 SPK Ref SPK Val Value 500 10 10 5 3 1000 50 10 100 500 1000 10 10 50 500 10 1 1000 0.2 50 10 200 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 Control %REC Limit 85 80-120 89 80-120 97 80-120 89 80-120 96 80-120 88 80-120 93 80-120 96 80-120 93 80-120 97 80-120 90 80-120 94 80-120 94 80-120 95 80-120 90 80-120 92 80-120 99 80-120 91 80-120 97 80-120 92 80-120 89 80-120 94 80-120 QC BATCH REPORT Analysis Date: 7/21/2018 17:06 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 Decision RPO RPD Lewi Ref RPD Limit Qual 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 QC Page: 9 of 16 62 of70 Client: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 Work Order: 1806204 Project: NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180716-4-1 Instrument ID ICPMS2 Method: SW6020 LCSD Sample ID: IM180716-4 Units: MG/KG Client 10: Run ID: IM180721·10A2 Analyte Result ReportLimit ALUMINUM 430 10 ARSENIC 9_03 0_2 BARIUM 9-76 0.5 BERYLLIUM 456 0.05 CADMIUM 3 0.2 CALCIUM 940 100 CHROMIUM 47_5 1 COBALT 9-75 0.5 COPPER 956 2 IRON 485 10 MAGNESIUM 921 10 MANGANESE 9.77 0.5 MOLYBDENUM 962 0.2 NICKEL 47 8 2 POTASSIUM 461 100 SELENIUM 9 75 1 SILVER 0 993 0.05 SODIUM 931 100 THALLIUM 0197 0.01 TIN 46.6 1 VANADIUM 915 0.5 ZINC 193 10 SPK Ref SPK Val Value 500 10 10 5 3 1000 50 10 100 500 1000 10 10 50 500 10 1 1000 0.2 50 10 200 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 Control %REC Limit 66 60-120 90 80-120 98 80-120 91 80-120 100 80-120 94 80-120 95 60-120 97 80-120 96 80-120 97 60-120 92 80-120 98 80-120 96 80-120 96 80-120 92 80-120 98 80-120 99 80-120 93 80-120 99 80-120 93 80-120 92 80-120 96 60-120 QC BATCH REPORT Analysis Date: 7/21/201817:09 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 Decision RPO RPO Le\EI Ref RPO Limit Qual 423 2 20 8.66 2 20 9.72 0 20 4.44 2 20 2.89 4 20 863 6 20 46.4 2 20 9.57 2 20 93.4 2 20 483 20 902 2 20 9.43 4 20 9.36 3 20 47.3 20 448 3 20 9.23 5 20 0.993 0 20 906 3 20 0.194 2 20 46.1 1 20 8.95 2 20 166 2 20 QC Page: 10 of 16 63 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180716·4·1 Instrument ID ICPMS2 MB Client ID: Analyte Sample ID: IP180716-4 Run ID: IM180721-10A2 Result Reportlimit ALUMINUM NO 10 ARSENIC ND 0.2 BARIUM ND 0.5 BERYLLIUM ND 0.05 CADMIUM ND 0.2 CALCIUM ND 100 CHROMIUM ND 1 QC BATCH REPORT Method: SW6020 Units; MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/21/2018 17:03 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 DF: 10 Qual ------------------------------------------------COBALT ND 0.5 COPPER ND 2 IRON ND 10 MAGNESIUM ND 10 MANGANESE ND 0.5 MOLYBDENUM ND 0.2 POTASSIUM ND 100 SELENIUM ND 1 SILVER ND 0.05 SODIUM ND 100 THALLIUM ND 0.01 TIN ND 1 VANADIUM ND 0.5 ZINC ND 10 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-1 3 1806204-2 1806204-5 1806204-8 1806204-11 1806204-14 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6,867 1806204-3 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 QC Page: 11 of 16 64 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: IP180716-4-1 Instrument ID ICPMS2 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: IM180716-4 Run ID: IM180722-10A2 Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val LEAD THORIUM URANIUM LCSD Client ID: Analyte LEAD THORIUM URANIUM MB Client ID: Analyte LEAD THORIUM URANIUM Sample ID: IM180716-4 Sample ID: IP180716-4 5 03 0.2 5 0.928 0.02 1 0.958 0.01 1 Run ID: IM180722-10A2 Result Reportlimit SPKVal 516 0.2 5 0.97 0.02 1 01 0.01 1 Run ID: IM180722-10A2 Result Reportlimit ND 0.2 0.021 0.02 0.015 0.01 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1606204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 QC BATCH REPORT Method: SW6020 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/22/2018 19:42 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 SPK Ref Control Decision RPD RPO Value %REC Limit Le1.el Ref RPO Limit Qual 101 B0-120 20 93 B0-120 20 96 80-120 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/22/2018 19:45 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 DF: 10 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPO Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPD Limit Qual 103 B0-120 5.03 3 20 97 80-120 0.928 4 20 101 80-120 0.958 5 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/22/201819:39 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 Qual 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-5 1806204-6 1806204-8 1806204-9 1806204-11 1806204-12 1806204-14 1806204-15 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC Page: 12 of 16 65 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Sil met 00 1806204 NEOSilmet Batch ID: IP180716-4-1 Instrument ID ICPMS2 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: IM180716-4 Run ID: IM180727-10A2 Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val NIOBIUM TANTALUM ZIRCONIUM LCSD Client ID: Analyte NIOBIUM TANTALUM ZIRCONIUM MB Client ID: Analyte NIOBIUM TANTALUM ZIRCONIUM Sample ID: IM180716-4 Sample ID: IP180716-4 111 0.1 0.974 0.1 1 09 0.05 Run ID: IM180727-10A2 Result Reportlimit SPKVal 1.09 0.1 0 989 0.1 1 107 0.05 1 Run ID: IM180727-10A2 Result Reportlimit ND 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.05 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 QC BATCH REPORT Method: SW6020 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/27/201811:09 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPO Value %REC Limit Le-..el Ref RPO Limit Qual 111 80-120 20 97 80-120 20 109 80-120 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/27/201811:11 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPO Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPO Limit Qual 109 80-120 1.11 2 20 99 80-120 0.974 2 20 107 80-120 1.09 2 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 7/27/2018 10:44 Prep Date: 7/16/2018 OF: 10 Qual 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-5 1806204-6 1806204-8 1806204-9 1806204-11 1806204-12 1806204-14 1806204-15 ALS •• Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC Page: 13 of 16 66 of70 Client: Work Order: Project: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 NEO Silmet Batch ID: IC180618-1-1 Instrument ID IC3 LCS Client ID: Sample ID: IC180618-1 Run ID: IC180618-1A1 Analyte Result Reportlimlt SPK Val FLUORIDE CHLORIDE SULFATE LCSD Client ID: Analyte FLUORIDE CHLORIDE SULFATE MB Client ID: Analyte FLUORIDE CHLORIDE SULFATE Sample ID: IC180618-1 Sample ID: IC180618-1 20 4 20 51-4 2 50 202 10 200 Run ID: IC180618-1A1 Result Reportlimit SPKVal 20 3 1 20 506 2 50 202 10 200 Run ID: IC180618-1A1 Result ReportLimit ND NO 2 ND 10 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 QC BATCH REPORT Method: EPA300.0 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/19/2018 02:45 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 OF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPD RPO Value %REC Limit Le1.el Ref RPO Limit Qual 102 85-115 30 103 85-115 30 101 85-115 30 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/19/2018 03:00 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 OF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPD Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPD Limit Qual 102 85-115 20.4 0 30 101 85-115 51.4 2 30 101 85-115 202 0 30 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/19/2018 02:31 Prep Date: 6/18/2018 OF: 1 Qual 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-5 1806204-6 1806204-8 1806204-9 1806204-11 1806204-12 1806204-14 1806204-15 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 QC Page: 14 of 16 67 of70 Client: Work Order: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 QC BATCH REPORT Project: NEO Silmet Batch ID: NH180707-2-1 Instrument ID Lachat Method: EPA350.1 LCS Sample ID: NH180707-2 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 717/201813:28 Client ID: Run ID: NH180707-2A1 Prep Date: 7/7/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPD RPO Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPO Limit Qual AMMONIA AS N 11.2 10 112 85-115 20 LCSD Sample ID: NH180707-2 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 717/2018 13:29 Client ID: Run ID: NH180707-2A1 Prep Date: 7/7/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPD Analyte Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Lewi Ref RPO Limit Qual AMMONIAASN 112 10 112 85-115 11.2 0 20 MB Sample ID: NH180707-2 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 717/2018 13:27 Client ID: Run ID: NH180707-2A1 Prep Date: 717/2018 DF: 1 Analyte Result Reportlimit Qual AMMONJAASN ND The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-4 1806204-7 1806204-10 1806204-13 1806204-2 1806204-5 1806204-8 1806204-11 1806204-14 1806204-3 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 ALS --Fort Collins LJMS Version: 6.867 QC Page: 15 of 16 68 of 70 Client: Work Order: Neo Performance Materials Silmet 00 1806204 QC BATCH REPORT Project: NEOSilmet Batch ID: NN180622-3-1 LCS Client ID: Analyte Sample ID: NN180622-3 NITRATE/NITRITE AS N LCSD Client ID: Analyte Sample ID: NN180622-3 NITRATE/NITRITE AS N MB Client ID: Analyte Sample ID: NN180622-3 NITRATE/NITRITE AS N Instrument ID Lachat Method: EPA353.2 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/23/2018 09:16 Run ID: NN180623-1A1 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPO Result Reportlimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Level Ref RPO Limit Qual 103 0.1 10 103 80-120 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/23/2018 09:17 Run ID: NN180623-1A1 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 DF: 1 SPK Ref Control Decision RPO RPO Result ReportLimit SPK Val Value %REC Limit Level Ref RPD Limit Qual 10.1 0.1 10 101 80-120 10.3 2 20 Units: MG/KG Analysis Date: 6/23/2018 09:16 Run ID: NN180S23-1A1 Prep Date: 6/22/2018 DF: 1 Result Reportlimit Qual ND 0.1 The following samples were analyzed in this batch: 1806204-1 1806204-2 1806204-3 1806204-4 1806204-5 1806204-7 1806204-8 1806204-10 1806204-11 1806204-13 1806204-14 ALS --Fort Collins LIMS Version: 6.867 1806204-6 1806204-9 1806204-12 1806204-15 QC Page: 16 of 16 69 of70 Ft. Collins, Colorado Non-Conformance CONTROLLED NON-CONFORMANCE REPORT Initiated By: Steven D. While on 7/12/2018 Event Type: Laboratory lncidenUError NCR#: 14714 Event Explanation: For sample 1806204-15Dup. Thorium analysis --Low recoveries are expected. The sample cup spilled just before ii was to be poured through the filter funnel to be planchetted. The sleeve of the lab coat caught lhe sample cup and knocked it over spilling lhe sample on the counter. What remained in the cup was taken through the rest of the process, but low recoveries are expected. Action To Prevent Reccurence: Not Applicable Corrective Action Corrective Action: Department Manager Approval: Approval Date: Corrective Action Comments: Workorder --Procedure 180621JiJ -ilihlS:G> Associated Batches John C. Petrovic 7/17/2018 The chemical yield for this sample was below the 30% lower conlrol limit al 10.9%. The DER was in control for the sample/duplicate al 0.39 (Th-228), 0.14 (Th-230), and 0.34 (Th-232). Narrate low yield was due to spill. Workorders Affected No client contact information. Approved By PENDING ------ Approval Date The samples were originally associated with the following Batch(es): All rework was completed in the following Batch{es): AS180702-8 created on 7/2/2018 Not Applicable NCR Approval Project Manager Approval: Department Manager Approval: QA Manager Approval: Page 1 of 1 Date Printed: Thursday, July 19, 2018 225 Commerce Drive Ft. Collins, Colorado B0524 Phone (970) 490-1511 Fax (970) 490-1522 www.elsglobal.com 70 of70 Radioactive Material Profile Record Attachment D.1 a through f Material generation process history and description (see "Technological Process Description for Production of NORM Containing Residue" -attached) Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 9 of 11 • necf Performance Materials TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION FOR PRODUCTION OF NORM CONTAINING RESIDUE General description of the process Columbite and tantalite -NORM (U 238 and Th 232) containing mineral ore concentrates are processed via leaching process to separate the insoluble impurities including NORM (U238 and Th232) and Nb, Ta. The process includes the following operations: Crushing and milling of the mineral ores Columbite and Tantalite; Dissolution of the mineral ores, columbite and tantalite in acid solutions (HF, H2S04); Precipitation of insolubles from slurry and their filtration -Filter cake = NORM containing residue; Washing of the filter cake with water Filtration of the NORM containing residue Calcination, cooling and packing of the NORM containing residue Figure 1. The principal flowchart of the NORM containing residue process ~----__.. TANTALITE, COLUMBITE Mineral or concentrates Crushing and Milling i Dissorion Filtration and washing i NORM containing residues Drying and Calcination + Nb and Ta containing Cooling and packing of NORM containing residues Raw material NPM SILMET 00 Kesk 2 40231 Sillamiie, Estonia Reg nr 10294959 www.neomaterials.com ,,, ~~ ' ... • , 11,,lJ• +372 392 9100 PHONE 2 Raw Materials NPM Silmet 00 is using several types of mineral ores -Columbite and Tanatlite, which are characterized by different rare metals Nb and Ta content, but also different impurities profile included content of naturally occuring radioactive materials U 238 and Th 232 and their decay products. Typical characteristics of Columbite and Tantalite are in Table 1. Columbite and Tantalite are dark coarse mineral materials, what will be crushed and milled by vibrating mills. Raw materials are transported to NPM Silmet 00 in 50 kg plastic bags or 200 liter metal drums. Table 1 Element Columbite Tantalite 1 Ta205 % 4 30 2 Nb205, % 40 20 3 Th02. % 0.5 0,2 4 U203 % 0, 1 0,2 5 LOD. % 0.1 0 1 Crushing and milling of raw material Columbite and tantalite are crushed and milled in isolated area -milling unit, because of the formation of the radioactive dust, which is the must hazardous factor of the entire process. Raw materials are loaded by hermetic feeder screws into vibrating mills, where material is milled until to required particle size, removed from mills by hermetical discharge systems and packed into metal drums. Milling unit has isolated ventilation system with filter systems, dust particles from the filtered air is removed by cyclons and recycled in the process with raw material. Dissolution of raw material and filtration of the solutions. Milled columbite and tantalite is transported into dissolution unit (located in the same territory, but separate building). Drums with the milled columbite and tantalite are placed on the top of automatic feeder systems, where material is loaded into dissolution reactors into hydrofluoric acid solution. Raw material is dissolved at temperature 80-85°C in hydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid is added to precipitate out the impurities. The slurry is filtrated to remove the insoluble impurities including U and Th. After filtration the filtercake is washed with water several times to remove all Nb and Ta from the cake. Wet NORM containing cake is packed into 1 Mt plastic bags (Big-bags) and transported into calcination unit (locating in the same building). Calcination of the NORM containing cake NORM containing cake (NORM Residue) is loaded from big-bags into electric·rotary kilns via feeder systems, and calcined at temperature 550-600 °C 1 hour. Calcined NORM residue is moving from rotary kiln into rotary coolers where material is cooled down and packed into 200 I metal drums what is insulated with triple wall PE bags. Quality Control Department with Governmental Lab Okosil AS, are taking samples from every drum for gamma spectrometry analyze and all drums are measured for dose speed. The LOT is completed from 9 drums and transported into warehouse, photos 1,2,3. Photo 3. NORM residue warehouse 3 Jane paju Director of Technology NPM Silmet 00 Radioactive Material Profile Record Attachment D.2 Analytical data (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) for all yes answers (see Attachment C. l -ALS lab analysis results) Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 10 of 11 Radioactive Material Profile Record Attachment D.3 Analytical Data (including all pertinent Quality Control Data) for total and TCLP metals and anions (see Attachment C.1 -ALS lab analysis results) Generator or Contractor Initials: Page 11 of 11 REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA COUNTY OF IDA-VIR V CITY OF SILLAMAE AFFIDAVIT OF SIGNEKASK I, Signe Kask, being duly sworn, depose and state as follows: GENUINENESS OF THE SIGNATURE 1. I am presently Managing Director of NPM Silmet OU (' Silmet' ). In this capacity I am responsible for managing the business and operations at Silmet s manufacturing facility located in Sillamae, Estonia (the Facility ), including its environmental compliance programs. I am familiar with the operation of Facility equipment and systems, and the implementation and oversight of decommissioning activities and related, including waste management. I have personal knowledge of the raw materials used, the production processes employed, and the waste handling procedures followed at the Facility. 2. Silmet proposes to ship to the White Mesa Mill in Blanding, Utah (which is owned by EFR White Mesa LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("White Mesa"), and operated by an affiliate of White Mesa, Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc., a Delaware corporation) the following materials for processing as alternate feed materials: uranium and thorium-containing residues ('Residue'). The proposed alternate feed material is calcined residue resulting from the processing of col um bite and tantalite mineral ore concentrates at the Facility and contains no RCRA-listed or hazardous materials or wastes from any other source. 3. The Residue consists of precipitated radionuclides removed from the columbite and tantalite solutions during the purification process conducted at the Facility. The Residue contains uranium thorium, and other radionuclide impurities precipitated as a slun-y. The slurry was passed through a filter press, and the filter cake washed with water. The washed filter cake was subsequently calcined in a rotary kiln, cooled, and drummed. The calcined, drummed Residue is to be shipped to the White Mesa Mill. 4. I have reviewed and am familiar with the Utah Hazardous and Solid Waste Regulations R315-2-10 and R3 l 5-2-11 and the United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Sections 261 .31 through 33 (th,: 'Regulations"). Based on the processing steps employed at the Facility, the proposed alternate feed materials do not contain any of the listed wastes enumerated in the Regulations. 5. Based on my knowledge of waste management at the Facility, the proposed alternate feed materials have not been mixed with wastes from any other source that may have been defined as or that may have contained listed wastes enumerated in the Regulations. 6. The proposed alternate feed materials: a. do not contain hazardous wastes from non-specific sources (Utah RCRA F type wastes) because Silmet: (i) does not operate any processes that produce the types of wastes listed in Section 261.31 of Title 40 of the Regulations, and (ii) has never accepted, nor have the proposed alternate feed materials ever been combined with, wastes from any other source that contain Utah RCRA F type wastes as defined therein; b. do not contain hazardous wastes from non-specific sources (Utah RCRA K type wastes) because Silmet: (i) does not operate any processes that produce the types of wastes listed in Section 261 .32 of Title 40 of the Regulations, and (ii) has never accepted, nor have the proposed alternate feed materials ever been combined with, wastes from any other source that contain Utah RCRA K type wastes as defined herein; and c. are not Utah RCRA P or U type wastes because (i) they are not manufactured or formulated commercially pure grade chemicals, off-specification commercial chemical products, or manufacturing chemical intermediates, are not residues from containers that held commercial chemical products or manufacturing chemical intermediates, and are not residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris from a spill cleanup and (ii) Silmet has never accepted, nor have the proposed alternate feed materials ever been combined with wastes from any other source that contain Utah RCRA P or U type wastes as defined herein. In witness whereof I have set my hand on the ). ' day of / a,/!J t1 ~1. 2019. { Siglle Registration number 108 in the Notary Journal of official acts. In the town of Sillamiie on the twenty-ninth (29th) of January (01) in the year two thousand and nineteen (2019). I, the undersigned Sillamae notary Irina Kritsuk, whose office is located at 22 Kesk str., Sillamae, Jda-Viru county, the Republic of Estonia, do hereby certify the authenticity of the signature made in my presence by SIGNE KASK, personal code 47107300281, residing at Tutermaa, Harku parish, Harju county, the Republic of Estonia, who was identified by her identity card AA1392759. Upon certifying the authenticity of signatures, the notary did not verify the facts stated by the applicant in the document. Notary fee(§ 31 part 12 of Notary Fees Law) VAT20% Total ATTACHMENT 3 EFRI/UDEQ Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials Are RCRA Listed hazardous Waste lJc:Yc.-mcr Di.ir.n~ !l S:i~!,:m, !'h 0. r:,~1,J(.VC Cu1.:ClOr Dc:ini, R. Ocwn~ :)1r~~1:1ir St~1te ()f Ltal1 D i:::PA in V :~ ~ T o:: ::S'· . .":RO '-.YI_\;·:-.\: .. ():'A'..'.": ':'- D!V :.~ :Ol\ u~· SO~i~> .-\:--,..D l-i.\7.-\i~.UOI_ .. ':-, W:\S~:~ 21!8 1-ort:: !460 WW r o lh,x 144SK<l S~t lnJ.:c City. Utal\ 84 l 14-1&80 (!!Ol l 5 38-6170 (SOI) 538•6715 [:ax (801) 536.4414 TDD. WW\• tkq ,::;(.i!i:.u(.US W<=b o~cember 7, i 999 M. Lindsay Ford Parsons, Behle and Latimer One Utah Center 20 l South Main Street Suite 1800 Post Office Box 45898 Salt Lake City. Utah 84145-0898 RE: Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are Listed Hazardous Wastes Dear ~r. Ford: On November 22, 1999, we received the final protocol to be used by International Uraniuni Corporation (TUSA) in determining whether altemate feed materials proposed for processing at the White Mesa Mill are listed baz.a:rdous wastes. We appreciate the effort that went into preparing this procedure and feel that it will be a useful guide for IUSA in its alternate feed detenninations. As was discussed; please be advised that it is IUSA's responsibility to ensure that the alternate feed materials used are not listed hazardous wastes and that the use of this protocol cannot be used as a defense if listed hazardous waste is somehow processed at the White Mesa Mill. Thank. you again for your corporation. If you have any question~. please contact Don Verb1ca ::.t 538-6170. Sincerely, ~~1ri~~~~~e~ry Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board c: Bill Sinclair, Utah Division of Radiation Control F.ISHW\HWO\OVERSIC'.AIWl'lwhiCcmClo.1.,vpd (;:~c ~ ·t..,.:1 Cc.:u\&.:t :!.c 1 ~u·sL'l ~{310 Srrcct :,m10 i800 1•0,: Office li<l• ~ 5~9~ Sl!I l.2~c City, L:t:Lll ro:cphoac 801 5J'2.:2l4 r,·.,o,milc 801 !J6-61 l I Don Verbica I Par-sons- Behle & 1 I Latimer i 1 ,\ 1•,orcss:0.1.1~ [.;.',I' GnR,o~~TIJ~ November 22, 1999 Utah Divisiou of Solid & Hazardous Waste 288 1':orth 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Don: Re: Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are Listed Bazardo11.1 Wastes I am pleased to present the final protocol to be used by [nternational Uranium (USA) Corporation ("IDSA'') in determining whether alternate feed. materials proposed for processing at the White Mesa Mill are Listed hazardous wastes. Also attached is a red-lined version of the protocol reflecting final changes made to the document based on our last discussion with you as well as some minor editorial changes from our final read-through of the document We appreciate the thoughtful input of you and Scott Anderson in developing this protocol. We understand the Division concurs that materials determined not to be listed wastes pursuant to this protocol are not listed hazardous wastes. We also recognize the protocol does not address the situation where, after a material has been determined not to be a listed hazardous waste under the protocol, new unrefutable information comes to light that indicates the material is a listed hazardous waste. Should such an eventuality arise, we understand an appropnate response. if any, would need to be worked out on a case-by-ease basis. )03107.l :Jon V t-:-jica Ct;.ih Division of Solid & Hazardcus \Vaste :--.:ovember 22, t 999 Page Two Thank you again for your cooperation on this maner. Please call me if you have any questions. cc: (with copy of final protocol only) Dianne Nielson Fred Nelson Brent Bradford Don Ostler Loren Morton Bill Sinclair David Frydenlund David Bird Tony Thompson JOJ!O?.I Very truly yours, Parsons Behle & Latimer ~1rAP M. Lindsay Ford Protocol tor Determining if Alternate Feed Material is a Listed Hazardous Vv'aste a ~ S::.rnce 1.-...e~hgotior, I (e.g .. oblo•n 1"'5!)S, R~ existir,g ~er.,:;•, (8Stort de:1er1ri:1ottons. 01 o?t,er co·npos·1•:n J il\'.otmolicn 01 s;:i,,-,. ping dola rr-:m 9-?rte1aklr( ------:i;·-- o. II It ·a: proi,ide to NAC Ol'.d/cr U1o'1: • SI • Alrido-.•it tl'f ,'JEA o: 8:r.eiolor exploiring wh')• r.ol usteo lil'i Ir ·b, • pr0vioa lo NRC crn:l,'or Utar,; • Do:umen1o:vi frcm reg1,lalo;y oufhon~1 -·--·----.- E"~~:::_,, ~1 t! Si:.1-<<.;r? tn~,,,-319.JJ1:;1'1 PJ-:rt~:rJ , AJ!,~. rlOSe 1ee.::l 11"1,Qle .. .d p·,o~j ~::c v·n:-F-SSSq or 1/ltlfiP.' ~"~ Ml c,:,;iw"'Ct'on Sa~ =-Fns: 1:-.cCO\·o'.on .:r PUJ·'."itl'pt'f'E-f1: .o.,:i:~•rrce SorrpP.S ,. Up;.-,~ 1ece,_:i1 al ·,•,sr.ne 1.1~;o t.1i I ~ ~ "S...,~,,0~11;:J &Al'KJ~~t;. ibn ;,,,•;,rJ>Jtf flsle,;1lialo·oo..s ,.onstm.eils e Ccr~mu;,nls l~lef1,r, «:JO~ 2,:>I.As;;P •t,la; lhe tx:,,riCc1 lstrg tuu:r<lOus •.,rn•,a; o< i" 4\1 CH! 261.JJtel <:I 1rl(F 01 U W:Bles!. FolP.nh:ily l,;teoWo<res ~ HJ.."0/oou; ...asles ..t!ICl1 o,e lls!e<:l h~ oo; of rr,,, l~1ed Hc,r:,;;r·oc.,~ C:Jn,~ivan·i d!?lse<:led h tre 1.1a.211ol (b>f l'.oli e. Conli1rr01on 01 A<:cepor>::~ ~P'.esl OS den:,:oo 1n .:0 CHI 261 .;,cp \Ji (Ji I~ ,3 CFR 261.33/e/ Cf [I(. GS?Oe1r.J1c..,,r -E:nl#'r ~p::riSbc 10. "lA ,r-e rtvm Y.t"lc:h t.1ntard ag n)les.. t".'Y.111.:l~.rre,101 "~~ ~ ~c<s. ·nr.J1et o:-d s,ad,-.-,..?111~ L•··,,,..,•;~ YES m PtO'llide to NOC ord/or Ufoh: • 51 , bp·onol'ai ,...ti·,· 110! mec:1 • SAP~!II opp!ccb'~] , Conlirmallon.,'AccaplOflce Sorr,;:iing Results 11r oppllco· blej YES NO NO II l-~101 . Polen:nl·r Li sled Wosles fl. fconduct ongoing l Conrirmotion and Acceptance Sampling end uss resui1S ;o roovo~uo1e Wtlether Maferf::i~ ,. I. ore listed hazardous l__'l,OSte:s,. NO r Sepo!Ole Liiled Ha2.a1c,x•s Wosles Non-h'N 111cm ctr,;<" M::ileld; NO H'N PROTOCOL FOR DETER.:'\,fl)o'l:"JG WHETHER ALT£R."1"ATE: FEED :V{ATERIALS ARE LISTED HAZARDOUS WA.STES 1 NOVEMBER 16, 1999 1. SOURCE lNVESTIGATlON. Perform a good faith. investigation (a "Source Investigation" or "Sl")2 regarding whether any listed hazardous wastes) are located at the site from which alternate feed material" ("Material") originates (th~ 0 Site"). This investigation will be conducted in conformance with EPA guidance5 and the extent of information required will vary with the circumstances of each case. Following are examples of investigations that would be considered satisfactory under EPA guidance and this Protocol for some selected situations: • Where the Material is or has been generated from a known process under the control of the generator: (a) an affidavit. certificate, profile record or similar document from the: Generator or Site Manager, to that eff~t, together with (b) a Material Safety Data Sheet ("MSDS'') for the Material, limited profile sampling, or a material composition determined by the generator/operator based on a process material balance. 1 This Protocol reflects the procedures that will be followed by International Uranium (USA) Corporation ("!USA") for determining whether alternate feed materials proposed for processing at the White Mesa Mill are (or contain) listed hazardous wastes. It is based on current Utah and EPA rules and EPA guidance \lllder the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq. This Protocol will he changed as necessary to reflect any pertinent changes to RCRA rules or f.P A guidance. 2 This investigation will be performed by IDSA, by the entity responsible for the site from which tr.e Material origmates (the "Generator"). or by a combination of the two. 3 Attachment l to this Protocol provides a summary of the different classifications of RCRA ltsted hazardous wastes. 4 Alternate feed materials that arc pri.mMY or intermediate products of the generator of the material (e.g.. "green" or "black" salts) are not RCRA "secondary materials" or "solid wastes," as defined in 40 CFR 261, and are not covered by this Protocol. 5 EPA guidance identifies the following sources of site~ and waste-specific information that may. depending on the circumstances, be considered in such an invcsligation: hu..ardous waste man1fest5, vouch<.TS, bills of lading, sales and inventory n:cords, material safety data sheets, storage records. sampling and analysis reports, accident reports, site investigation reports. interviews With <.mployees/fonner employees and former owners/operators, spill reports, inspection reports and ,ogs. permits, and enforcement orders. See e.g .. 61 Fed. Reg. I 8805 (April 29, L 996). 243876.l PtWTOCOL FOR O El Ell..'-11.' l;\"G WHETlf F. R ~LT£RS .\ TE l•HD '.\1." rrn, ..... L.s AR[ LISTE:D H,\lARDOLS \VAST[S • Where specific information exists about the generation process :md management of the Yiaterial: (a) an affidavit, certificate, profile record or similar document from the Generator or Site ~anager, to that effect, together with (b) an MSDS for the Material, limited profile sampling data or a preexisting investigation perfom1ed at the Site pursuant to CERCLA. RCRA or other state or federal environmental laws or programs. • Where potentially listed processes are known to have been conducted at a Site, an investigation considering the following sources of information: site investigation reports prepared under CERCLA, RCRA or other state or federal environmental laws or programs (e.g .. an R.I/FS, ROD, RFI/CMS, hazardous waste inspection report); interviews with persons possessing knowledge about the Material and/or Site; and review of publicly available documents concerning process activities or the history of waste generation and management at the Site. • If material from the same source is being or h.u been accepted for direct disposal as l le.(2) byproduct material in an NRC-regu.lated facility in the State of Utah with the consent or acquiescence of the State of Utah, the Source Investigation performed by such facility. Proceed to Step 2. 2. SPECIFIC INFORMATION OR AGREEMENT/DETERMINATION BY RCRA REGULATORY AUTHORITY THAT MATERIAL IS NOT A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE? a. Determine whether specific information from the Source Investigation exi.sts about the generation and management of the Material to support a conclusion that the Material is not (and docs not contain) any listed hazardous waste. For example, if specific information exists that the Material was not genetated by a listed waste i.ource and that the Material has not been mixed with any listed wastes, the Material would not be a listed hazardous waste. b. Alternatively, determine whether the appropriate state or federal authority with RCRA jurisdiction over the Site agrees in writing with the generator's determination that the Material is not a listed hazardous waste, has made a •·contained-out'' detcmrination6 w1th respect to the Material or bas concluded the Material or Site is not subject to RCRA 6 EPA explains the "contained-out" (also referred to as "contained-in") principle M follo~: In practice, EPA has applied the contai ncd-1n prmciple to refer to a process where a site- specific determination ii. made that concentrations of hazardous constituents in any given (footnote contutued on next page) 243876 I 2 PROTO( 01. F() II. D l::TER~U:'\1:"i G W IIHllER AL l'E R."'0. n: Fr.rn .\.L\.T[R!A!...S Aru:: LtsT [D HA.LA1lDOL::i w .. \:, n:s If yes to either question, proceed to St<.!p 3. [f 110 10 borlt questions. proceed to Step 6. 3. PROVIDE INFOR..l\1ATION TO !.'.'RC AND L'TAH. a. 1f specific information exists to .support a conclusion that the Material is not, and docs not contain, any listed hazardous waste, TIJSA will provide a description of the Source Investigation to NRC and/or the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (the "State"), together with an affidavit explaining why the Material is not a listed hazardous waste. b. Altemati vel y, if the appropriate regulatory authority with RCRA jurisdiction over the Site agrees in writing with the generator's determination that the Material is not a listed hazardous waste, makes a contained-out determination or determines the Material or Site is not subject to RCRA, [USA will provide documentation of the regulatory authority's determination to NRC and the State. illSA may rely on such determination provided that the State agrees the conclusions of the regulatory authority were reasonable and made in good faith. Proceed to Step 4. 4. DOES STATE OF ITTAH AGREE THAT ALL PREVIOUS STEPS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PROTOCOL? Determine whether the State agrees that this Protocol has been properly followed (including that proper decisions were made at each decision point). The State shall review the infonnation provided by IUSA in Step 3 or 16 with reasonable speed and advise IUSA if it believes IUSA has not properly followed this Protocol in detennining (footnote continued from previous page) volume of eovuonmental media an; low enough to determine that the media does not "contain" hazardous waste. Typically, these so-called .. contained-in" [or "contained· out") determinations do not mean that no hazardous constituents are present in environmental media but simply that the concentrations of hazardous constituents present do not warrant maoag~-ment of tht: mc:dia aa hazardous waste. . .. EPA has not, to date, issued definitive guidance to establish the concentrations at which contained-in detenninations may be made. As noted above, decisions that media do not or no longer contain hu.ardous waste are typjcally made on a case-by-case basis considering the risks posed by the contaminated media. 63 Fed. Reg. 28619, 28621-22 (May 26, 1998) (Phase IV LDR pre:m1ble). 243876.1 3 PROTOCOi. FOR Dt:n:n.,u:-.1::-.G \\ ... ~Jl::T1!£H ALfUl."i.-\ I£ fH:u :\1.-H£lUAL:i AH£ LISTEU H.UAH.l)<.)l.!; W .. s I LS that the Material is not listed hazardous waste, specifying the particular areas of deficiency. If this Protocol has not been properly followed by IUSA in making its detennination that the Material is not a listed hazardous waste, then [USA shall redo its analysis in accordance with this Protocol and, if j u.stified, resubmit the information described in Step 3 or 16 explaining why the Material is not a listed hazardous waste. The State shall notify lUSA with reasonable speed if the State still believes this Protocol has not been followed . .([yes. proceed to Step 5. If no, proceed to Step I. 5. MATERIAL IS NOT A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE. The Material is not a listed hazardous waste and 110 further sampling or evaluatton is necessary in the following circumstances: • Where the Material is determined not to be a listed hazardous waste based on specific information about the generation/management of the Material OR the appropriate RCRA regulatory authority with jurisdiction over the Site agrees with the generator's determination that the Material is not a listed HW, makes a contained.out determination., or concludes the Material. or Site is not subject to RCRA (and the State agrees the conclusions of the regulatory authority were reasonable and made in good faith) (Step 2); or • Where the Material is dctcnnined not to be a listed hazardous waste (in Steps 6 through 11, 13 or 15) and Confumation/Acceptance Sampling arc determined not to be necessary (under Step 17). 6. IS MATERIAL A PROCESS WASTE K."'IOWN TO BE A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE OR TO BE MIXED WITH A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE? 243876.l Based on the Source Investigation, determine whether the Material is a process waste known to be a listed haurdous waste or co be mixed with a listed hv..ardous waste. If the Material is a process waste and is from a listed hazardous waste source, it is a listed hazardous waste. Similarly, if the Material is a process waste and has been mixed with a listed hazardous waste, it is a listed hazardous waste under the RCRA "mixrurc rule ." ff 4 PfW'fO(.OL FOR D£TER.\1l:St:-;G WHETHER AL rER.."-ATE fHD ~l,\ TF,Rl,\T~<; ARF. Lrsn:o H .-\7..ARDQlS W.\STES the Y!aterial is an Environmental Medium, 7 it cannot be a listed hazardous waste by direc'. listing or w1der the RCRA "mixture rule ... ~ ff the Material is a process waste but is not know11 to be from a listed source or to be mixed with a listed waste, or if the Material is an Environmental Medium, proceed to Steps 7 through 11 to determine whether it is a listed hazardous waste. If yes, proceed to Step 12. If no, proceed to Step 7. 7. DOES MATERIAL CONTAIN ANY POTENTIALLY LISTED HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS? Based on the Source Investigation (and, if applicable, Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling). determ.ine'whether the Material contains aoy hazardous constituents listed in the then most recent version of 40 CFR 261, Appendix VII {which identifies hazardous constituents for which F-and K-hsted wastes were listed) or 40 CFR 261.33(e) or (f) (the P and U listed wastes) (collectively "Potentially Listed Haz.ardous Constirucnts"). lf the Material contains such constituents, a source evaluation is necessary (pursuant to Steps 8 through 11). If the Material does !!Q! contain any Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents, it is not a listed hazardous : waste. The Material also is not a listed hazardous waste it: where applicable, Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling results do not reveal the presence of any "new" Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (i.e., constituents other than those that have already been identified by the Source Investigation (or previous Confirmation/Acceptance Sampling) and determined not to originate from a listed S<>urce). If yes, proceed to Step 8. If no, proceed to Step J 6. 8. IDENTIFY POTENTIALLY LISTED WASTES. Identify potentially listed hazardous wastes ("Potentially Listed Wastes") based on Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents detected in the Material, i.e., wastes which are listed for any of the Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents detected in the Matenal, as 7 The tcnn "Environmental Media" means solls, ground or surface water and sediments. 8 The "mixture rule" applies only to mixtures of listed hazardous wastes and other "solid wastes." Sei,: 40 CFR § 26 t .3(a)(2Xiv). The mixture rule docs, not apply to mixtures of listed wastes and Environmental Media. because Environmental Media are not ''solid wastes" under RCRA. See 63 Fed. Reg. 28556, 28621 (May 261 1998). 24Jll7G.I 5 PROTOCOL FOR l>tTF.RMl~1:,,G \VH£i11Efi. ALTER.'-,\ TF; Fuo :\,(,\Tf,RIAU. AR£ LtSTfl) HAZARDOl S w ,\S H.'i identified. in the then most current version of 40 CFR 261 Appendix VU or 40 CFR 261.3 3( c) or (f) . .., With respect to Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents identified through Confirmation and/or Acceptance Sampling, a source evaluation (pursuanL to Steps 8 through l l) is uecessary only for "new" Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (i.e., constituents other than those that have already been identified by the Source lnvestigation (or previous Confirmation/ Acceptance Sampling) and determined not to originate from a listed source). Proceed to Step 9. 9. WERE ANY OF THE POTENTIALLY LISTED WASTES KNOWN TO BE GENERATED OR MANAGED AT SITE? Based on information from the Source rovestigation. determine whether any of the Potentially Listed Wastes identified in Step 8 are known to have been generated or managed at the Site. This detem1ination involves identifying whether any of the speclfic or non-specific sources identified in the K-or F-lists has ever been conducted or located at the Site, whether any waste from such processes has been managed at the Site, and whether any of the P-or U-1.istcd commercial chemical products has ever been used, spilled or managed there. In particular, this determination shouJd be based on the following EPA criteria: Solvent Listines {FOOi-FOOS) Under EPA guidance, .. to determine if solvent constituents contaminating a waste are RCRA spent solvent F001-F005 wastes, the [site manager] must know if: • The solvents are spent and ca11not be reused without reclamation or cleaning. • The solvents were used excl11sively for their solvent properties. • The solvents are spent mixtures and blends that contained, before use, a total of IO percent or more (by volume) of the solvent.s listed in FOOl, F002, F004, and F005. lf the solvents contained in the [wastes] are RCRA listed wastes, the [wastes] are RCRA hazardous waste. When the [site manager] does not have guidance infonnation oa the use of the solvents and their characteristics before use, the [wastes] cannot be classified as containing a 9 For example, if the Material contains tetrachloroethylenc, the following would be Potentially Listed Wastes: FOOi, F002, F024, K019. K020, K150, Kl5I or U210. See 40 CFR 261 App. VU. 2431!7t. I 6 PROiOCOL F()R ()F.Tf.R.'1!'.'ll"-C WHF:THEH ALTl:::R.'i.Hf. FF:F.D MATFRI.A.L.S ARE Lt!)TEO HA.7.AROQl S W ,\SrF.'i listed spent solvent.";c The person perfonning rhe Source l.nvcStigation will make a good faith effort to obtain information on any solvent use at the Site. If solvents were used at the Site, general industry standards for solvent use in effect at the time of use will be cons1dered in detern1ining whether those solvents contained 10 percent or more of the solvents listed in FOOl, F002, F004 or F005. K-Listed Wastes and F·Llsted Wastes Other Than FOOl·F005 Under EPA guidance, to determine whether K wastes and F wastes other than F00l-F005 arc RCRA listed wastes, the generator "must know the generation process information (about each waste contained in the RCRA waste) described in the listing. For example, for [wastes} to be identified as contairung KOOl wastes that arc described as 'bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophcnol, · the [site manager] must know the manufacturing process that generated the wastes (treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving process), fccdstocks used in the process (creosote and pentachJorophcnol), and the process identification of the wastes (bottom sediment sludge)."11 P-and U-Listed Wastes EPA guidance provides that "P and U wastes cover only Wlused and unmixed commercial chemical products, particularly spilled or off-spec products. Not every waste containing a P Ol" U chemical is a hazardous waste. To determine whether a [waste] contains a P or U waste, the [site manager] must have direcc evidence of product use. In particular, the [site manager] should ascertain, if possible, whether the chemicals are: + Discarded (as described in 40 CFR 261.2(a)(2)). • Either off.spec commercial products or a commercially sold grade. • Not used (soil contaminated with spilled unused wastes is a P or U waste). 10 Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes Dwing Site Inspections, EP A/540/G-9 l/009, May 199 l (emphasis added). l L Management of Invcstigation•Derivcd Wastes Owing Site Inspections. EP A/540/G-91/009, May 1991 (emphasis added). 24JS76.I 7 l'ROTOCOL FOH. DE:n:llMl."il!'iG Wll£1'1l(K ALTER:-.A TF FF F'.n MATF:R(,\L.S ARE; LISTED HAZ . .\.RUOl::, w .;,.::; n:s • The sole active ingredient ir1 a fonnulat10n.":2 If Potentially Listed Wastes were known to be generated or managed at the Site, furthet evaluation is necessary to determine whether these wastes were disposed of or conuningled with the Material (Steps 10 and possibly l l). If Potentially Listed Wastes were not known to be generated or managed at the Site, then information concerning the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material wiJl be considered "mtavailable or inconclusive" and, under EPA guidance,u the Material will be assumed not to be a listed hazardous waste. 12 Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes During Site Inspections, EPA/540/G"91/009, May 1991. 13 EPA guidance consistently provides that, where information concerning the origin of a waste is unavailable or inconclusive, the waste may be assumed not to be a listed hazardous waste. See e.g., Memorandum. from Timothy Fields (Acting Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste & Emergency Response) to RCRNCERCLA Senior Policy Managers regarding "Management of Remediation Waste Under RCRA." dated October 14, 1998 (''Where a facility owner/operator mak:cs a good faith effort to determine if a material is a listed haurdous waste but cannot make such a detennination because docwncntation regarding a source of contamination, contaminant:, or waste is unavailable or inconclusive, EPA has stated that one may assume the sow-cc, contaminant, or waste is not hsted hazardous waste"); NCP Preamble, 55 Fed. Reg. 8758 (March 8, 1990) (Noting that ••it 1s often necessary to know the origin of the waste to determine whether it is a listed waste and that, if such docume,itation is lacking, the lead agency may assume it is not a listed waste); Preamble to proposed Hazardous Waste Identification Rule, 61 Fed. Reg. 1880S (April 29, 1996) {"Facility owner/operators should make a good faith effort to determine whether media were contaminated by hazardow wastes and ascertain the dates of placement The Agency believes that by using available sitew and waste-specific information ... facility owner/operaton; would typically be able to make these determinations. However, as discussed earlier in the preamble of today's proposal, if information is not available or inconclusive. facility owner/operators may generally assumf!' that the material contaminating 1/,e "'edia were not hazardous wastes."); Preamble to LDR Phase IV Rule. 63 Fed. Reg. 28619 (May 26, 1998) ("t\s discussed in the April 29, 1996 proposal, the Agency continues to believe that, if infonnation is nor available or inconclusive, it is ge11erally reasonable 10 assume that contaminated .wi/s do not contain untreated ha:zardo&1.1 was ta ... "); and Memorandum from John H. Skinner (Director, EPA Office of Solid Waste) to David Wagoner {Director, EPA Air and Waste Management Division, Region Vlf) rcg;).rding "Soils from Missouri Dio,un S1 tes," dated January 6, 1984 (''The analyses indicate the presence of a. number of toxic compounds in many of the soil samples talten from various sites. However. the presence of these to-xicancs in the soil docs not automatically make the soil a RCRA hazardous waste. The origin of the tox.icants mu.~t be known in order to determine that they arc den ved from a listed hazardous waste(s). If tlit ~act origin of the 10.iicants is not known. th~ soils cannot be (footnote continued on next page) 24lB76. l 8 PROTOCOL fOR DETEK;\,'11:',l;'(G \\-'ui,:nu:R AL1'£1l.'i,.,_ H FEED :vt.AT(Rl.ALS AR£ Lcsn:o HALAIWOLS W~TD If yes. proceed ro Step 10. If no, procaed to Step 16. 10. WERE LISTED WASTES KNOWN TO BE DISPOSED OF OR COMMINGLED WITH MATERIAL? If listed wastes identified in Step 9 were known to be generated at the Site, detemtine whether they were known to be disposed of or commingled with the Material? if yes, proceed to Step 12. Ifno, proceed to Step 11. 11. ARE THERE ONE OR MORE POTENTIAL NON-LISTED SOURCES OF LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE CONSTITUENTS? In a situation where Potentially Listed Wa.sta. were known to have been generated/managed at the Site, but the wastes were not known to have been disposed. of or commingled with the Material, detennine whether there are potential non-listed sources of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material. If not, unless the State agrees otherwise; the constituents will be asswned to be from listed sources (proceed to Step 12). If so, the Material will be assumed not to be a listed haz.ardous waste (proceed to Step 16). Notwithstanding the existence of potential non-listed sources at a Site, the Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material will be considered to be from the listed source(s) ~ based on the relative proximity of the Material to the listed and non-listed source(s) and/or information concerning waste management at the Site, the evidence is compelling that the listed source(s) is the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material. If yes, proceed to Step I 6. If no. proceed to Step 12. 12. MATERIAL IS A LISTED HAZARDOCS WASTE. The Material is a listed hazardous waste under the following circumstances; (footnote continued from previous pagt.:) considered RCRA hazardous wastes unless they exhibit one ·or more of the characteristics of ha.7.ardou,; waste ... "). 24'.1876.1 9 PROTOCOL FOR l)ETF:R\11~!.',(, WH£TH£H ALTERS Ht: Fu:o ,:\1,\T£R.lALS ARE LISTED HAZARIH)lS \\,",\.SID • If the Material is a process waste and is lmown to be a listed hazardous waste or to be mixed with a listed hazardous waste (Step 6), + [f Potentially Listed Wastes were known to be generated/managed at the Site and to be disposed of7cornmiugled with the Material (Step l 0) (subject to a .. contained-out" determination in Step l 3), or + If Potentially Listed Wastes were known to be generated/managed at the Site, were not known to be disposed oflcommingled with the Material but there are not any potential non-listed sources of the Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents detected in the Material (Step L 1) (subject to a .. contained-out" determination in Step 13). Proceed to Step 13. 13. HAS ST ATE OF UT AH MADE A CONTAINED-OUT DETERMINATION. If the Material is an Environmental Medium, and:! • the level of any listed waste constituents in the Material is .. de minimis"; or • all of the listed waste constituents or classes thereof are already present in the White Mesa Mill's tailings ponds as a result of processing conventional ores or other alternate feed materials in concentrations at least as high as found in the Materials the State of Utah will consider whether it is appropriate to make a contained-out determination with respect to the Material. If the Stale makes a contained-out detennil!atio,r, proceed to Step 16. If the State does not make a contained-out determination, proceed to Step I 4. 14. IS IT POSSIBLE TO SEGREGATE LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTES FROM OTHER MATERIALS? 24Jll76.l Determine whether there is a reasonable way to segregate material that is a listed hazardous waste from alternate feed materials that arc not listed hazardous wastes that will be sent to rt.JSA's White Mesa Mill. For example, it may be possible to isola.J:e material from a certain area of a remediation site and exclude that material from Materials that will be sent to the White Mesa Mill. Alternatively, it may be possible to increase to " PROTOCOi, FOR OETt:R."ttl'l'IC WHHHER A.1..TER.'liATE FEED MAT[R1.4.LS ARE LL!i'f£0 H .4./.ARn()l,~ w,,~TO sampling frequency and exclude mate1ials with respect to which. the increased sampling identifies constituents which hav~ been attributed to listed hazardous waste. If yes, proceed ro Szep 15. lf no, proceed to Step I 2. JS. SEPARATE LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTES FROM MATERJALS. Based on the method of segregation determined under Step 14, materials that are Listed hazardous wastes are separated from Materials that will be sent to the White Mesa Mill. For materials that are listed hazardous wastes. proceea to Step J 2. For Materials to be sent to the White Mesa Mill, proceed to Step 16. 16. PROVIDE INFORMATION TO NRC AND UTAH. ff the Material does not contain any Potentially Listed Hazardous Coll5tituents (as · determined in Step 7), where information concerning the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material is ''unavailable or inconclusive .. (as determined in Steps 8 through 11), or where the State of Utah has made a contained-out determination with respect to the Material (Step J 3), the Material will be assumed not to be (or contain) a listed hazardous waste. fn such circumstances, fUSA will submit the following documentation to NRC and the State: · • A description of the Source Investigation; • An explanation of why the Material is not a listed hazardous waste. • Where applicable, an explanation of why Confinnation/Acceptance Sampling has been determined not to be necessary in Step 17. • If Confumation/Acceptance Sampling 1w been determined necessary in Step 17 , a copy of IUSA, s·: and the Generator's Sampling and Analysis Plans. • A copy of Confinnation and Acceptan~e Sampling results, if applicable. IUSA will submit these results only if they identify the presence of "new" Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (as defined in Steps 7 and 8). Proceed to Step 17. 17. ARE SAMPLING RESULTS OR DAT A REPRESENTATIVE? l~JR7Ci.l Determine whether the sampling results or data from the Source Investigation ( or, where applicable. Confirmation/ Acceptance Sampling results) arc representative. The purpose of this step ) js to detennine whether Confumation and Acceptance Sampling (or Ll l'ROHKOL rnR DETER"tlNl~G WUt:THER AI.Tf.R,..;,\Tf. Fuu :V(Xf£R1A1..::i ARE LISTED HA2.ARDOL;s '" ... ::, l"D continued Confirmalion and Acceptance Sampling) are necessary. If the sampling resu::.,; or data are representative of all Yfaterial destfacd for the White Mesa Mil~ based on the extent of sampling conducted, the nature of the Material and/or the nature of the Sim (e.g., whether chemical operations or waste disposal were known to be conducted at the Site), future Confinnation/ Acceptance Sampling. will not be necessary. If the sampling results ~e not representative of aJl Material destined for the White Mesa Milt, then additional Confim1atioa/Acceptance sampling may be appropriate. Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling will be required only where it is reasonable to expect that additional sampling will detect additional contaminants not already detected.. For ex.ample: • Where the Material is segregated 'from Environmental Media, e.g., the Material is containerized, there is a high probability the sampling results or data from the Source Investigation are representative of the Material and Confinnation/Acceptance Sampling_ w~uld not be required. • Where IUSA will be accepting Mat~rial from a discrete portion of a Site, e.g .. a storage pile or other de.fined ar~ and adequate sampling characterized the area of concem for radioactive and chemical contaminants, the sampling for that area would be considered representative and Confirmation/ Acceptance sampling would not be required. · 1 I • Where Material will be received from a wide area of a Site and the Site has been carefully characterized for radioactive contaminants, but not chemical contaminants, Confirmation/ Acceptan~e sampling would be required. • Where the Site was not used for industrial activity or disposal before or after uranium material dispo~ and the Site has been adequately characterized for radioactive and chemical contaminants, the existing sampling would be considered sufficient and Confirmation/Acc;eptancc sampling would not be required. ! ' • Where listed wastes were known to be:disposed of on the Site and the lim.its of the area where listed wastes I were managed is not known, Confirmation/Acceptance sampling· would be required to ensure that Listed wastes are nQt shipped to nJSA (sec Step 14). If yes, prrx:e«d lo Step 4. If no, proceed to Step 18. 18. DOES STATE OF UTAH AGREE THAT ALL PREVIOUS STEPS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE Wlil11 THIS PROTOCOL? ' . Dctcnninc whether the State agr~ that this i Protocol bas been properly followc:d (including that proper decisions were made at ;each decision point). The State shail 243876.l 12 l'l(OTuCOL 1:0R OETERMl'ilNC, WHF.TH F.R AL TE:ll..'\AH FEED :VIA 1'£1:<lAl.S ARE usn:o HAZ.>,RD()l:s \\· .>,~TES I ' i review the information provided by IUSA in Step 16 with reasonable speed and advise [USA 1f it believes !USA has not properly followed this Protocol in determining that the Material is not listed hazardous waste, specifying the particular areas of deficiency. I If thlS Protocol bas not been properly followed by IUSA in making its determination that the Material is not a listed haz~dous waste, .then !USA shall redo its analysis in accordance with this Protocol and,li f justified, res'~brnit the information described in Step 16 explaining why tbe Material is not a listed hhzardous waste. The State shall notify l ruSA with reasonable speed if the State still-believes this Protocol has not been followed. I : , lfyes, proceed to Step 19. I :, ; If no, proceed to Step 1. I : i 19. MATERIAL IS NOTALISTE~HAZARDOUS WASTE,BUT CONFIRMATION AND ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AIU; REQUIRED. The Material is not a listed hazardbus waste~ but ~onfirmation and Acceptance Sampling are required, as determined necess~ under Step 17. ' ' Proceed to Step 20. i j : ! : I 20. CONDUCT ONGOING CONFIRM.A TION AND ACCEPTANCE 2431176.1 SAMPLING. I '. . I . i: Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling ·wm icontinue until determined no longer I , necessary under Step 17. Such s'*11pling will be conducted pursuant to a Sampling and Analysis Plan (''SAP") that speci~es the frequency and type of sampling required. If such sampling does not reveal any "new'' Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (as defined in Steps 7 and 8), further ~valuation is not necessary (as indicated in Step 7). If such sampling reveals the presence of "new" constituents. Potentially Listed Wastes must be identified (Step 8) and evaluat~ (Steps 9 through 11) to determine whether-the new constituent is from a listed hazarddus waste sourcei. Generally, in each case, the SAP will specify sampling comparable to t~e level and fre~uency of sampling performed by other facilities in the State of Utah that dispose of.1 le.(2) byproduct material, either directly or that results from processing alt~m~te feed ~teri~s. I 'I Proceed to Step 7. 1 j : 13 • f i I I • . ' 'I : i ; I i: JI i ! .; I I I 'I : I l , I ' ! ! Attachment 1 Summary of RCRA Listed Hazardous Wastes There are three different categories of Ii sted hazardous waste under RCRA: • F·listed wastes from non-specific sources (40 CFR § 26/.3/(a)): These wastes include spent solvents (FOO l-F005), specified wastes from electroplating operations (F006-F009), specified wastes from metal hear treating operations (F01Q..F012), specified. wastes from chemical conversion coating of aluminum (F019), wastes from the production/manufacturing of specified , chlorophenols, chlorobenzenes, and chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (FO 19-F028), specified wastes from wood preserving processes (F032-F035), specified wastes from petroleum refinery primary and secondary oiVwater/solids separation sludge (F037-F038), and leachate resulting from the disposal of more than one listed hazardous waste (F039). • K-listed wastes from specific sources (40 CFR § 261.32): These include specified wastes from wood preservation, inorganic pigment production, organic chemical production, chlorine productiori, pesticide production, petroleum refining, iron and steel production, copper production, primary· and secondary lead smelting, primary zinc production, primary aluminum reduction, ferroalloy production. vetcrimuy pharmaceutical production, ink. formulation and coking. ' ; I • P-and U-listttd commercial chemical products (40 CFR § 261.33): These include commercial chemical products, 'or manufacturing chemical intermediates having the generic name listed in the ''P" or .. U'' list of wastes, container residues, and residues in soil or debris resulting from a spill of these· materials.1 "The phrase 'commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical: intermediate ... • refers to a chemical substance which is manufactured or fom1ulated for commercial or manufacturing use which consists of the commercially pure grade of the chemical, any technical grades of the chemical that are produced. or n:iarketcd. and all formulations in which the chemical is the sole active ingredient. : It do:es not refer to a material, such as a manufacruring process waste, that contains any!of the (P-or U-listed substances]."1 Appendix VIl to 40 CPR part 261 identifi~ the bazardo4k constituents for which the F-and K- listcd wastes were listed. ! ! j ; ! I I I I: I . I 1 i j l . 1 P-lislcd wasw.. are identified as ''acutely hazardous wastes" ~d arc subject to additional management controls wider RCRA. 40 CFR § 26L33(e) (1997). U-l'isted wastes arc identified as "toxic wastes." !.Q. § 26l.33(f). ; 2 40 CFR. § 26I.33(d) note (1997)_ Ii 24)117C.. l : ! I • I 11 1 • . I : . : i 11 Michael 0 . L~:1Vitt Gc:YCl'TIDI Dianne R Sidsnn, l'h.O. (:l.'.f'cu,,vc Duct1or Denn is R. Downs State of"' Utal1 DEPARTMENT OF E~VIRON:vtt.:::--:TAL QUALTTY DIVISION OF SOLID At\D HAZARDOLS WASTE 2~8 North 1460 West r.o. llt\X I t14R!!Cl Snit L.nkr. Cil)'. Ut:1h 84 l 14-48!!0 (301) 538-5170 (801) 538-6715 Fax (801) 536-4414 T (> 0 . www.tl~q.Slilll!-ULUS Web Oec1::mber 7, t 999 M. Lindsay Ford Parsons, Behle and Latim~r One Utah Center 201 South Main Street Suite 1800 Post Office Box 45898 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0898 RE: Protoeol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are Listed Hazardous "'a.stcs Dear Mr. Ford: On November 22, 1999, we received the final protocol to be used by International Uranium Corporation (IUSA) in determining whether alternate feed materials proposed for processing at the White Mesa Mill are listed hazardous wastes. We appreciate the effort that went into preparing this procedure and feel that it will be a useful guide for IUSA in its alternate feed determinations. As was discussed, please be advised that it is IUSA's responsibility to ensure that the alternate feed materials used are not listed hazardous wastes and that the use of th.is protocol cannot be used as a defense if listed hazardous waste is somehow processed at the White Mesa Mi II. Thank. you again for your corporation. If you have any questions, please contact Don Vcrbica nl 538-6170. Sincerely, ~t~ti~a~~ti~t;;etary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board c: Bill Sinclair. Utah Division of Radiation Control F.\SHW\HWCJ\DVERBICI\\Wl'\lvliitc111e~~.,11p<1 l. PROTOCOJi FOR DETERMINING WllETHER ALTER...~ATE FEED MAfdUALS ARE l)~TED HAZARDOUS WASTES1 i ; . : N6VEMBER 16; :1999 I j• 1 SOURCE INVESTIGATION.I '. : : I · : i Perform a good faith investigationr(a "Source Investigation" or "S1")1 regarding whether any listed hazardous wastes1 arb lbcated. at the site from which alternate feed material4 (''Material") originates (the "Sit6'')t This investiga~ion will be conducted in confom1ance ~ith EPA guidances and the! e~te?t of info~1ation r~qu.ire~ ~ill vary with the circwnstances of each case. Fpll?wmg are ex~ples of mvestigattons that would be considered satisfactory under !EPA guidm1ce and this Protocol for some selected . . 11 .. s1tuat1ons: t : • Where the Material is dr has been gene~ated from a known process under the control of the generatoq: (a) an affidavit, certificate, profile record or similar document from the den,erator or S1te ¥fanager, to that effect, together with (b) a Material Safety .data Sheet ("MSDS") for the Material, limited profile I : : ' . .: 1 l : I I. I ~ I I . ; l This Protocol reflects the procedures t~at twill be follow~~ by an Wlderstancling eet•Neea tAe Ul&h Di•l'isi0a. 0f Selia anEI-UWl!atdo1:1s Waste, Dep'artmeat ef ~aYiroomeatal Q~&lity("Dl?:Q" er the "State") aee: International Uranium (USA) Corp~r~tion ("WSA") ; for determining whether altemate feed ,naterials proposed for processing at the Wjhi~e Mesa Mill are; (or contain) listed hazardous wai.tcs. It is based on current Utah and EPA rules and EP ~ guidance W1de.r;the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 ct scql llbis Protocol wi,1 be changed as necessary to reflect any pertinent changes to RCRA rules or EPA gµidance. . i 2 This investigation will be performed by! rtlsA. by the entlJ responsible for the site from which the Material originates (the "Generator"), orb~ a bombination of ~~e two. 3 Attachment l to this Protocol provides~' a isumniary of th~ I different classifications of RCRA listed hazardous wastes. I . ; 4 Al temate feed materials that are primary r !intermediate products of the generator of the material ( e.g., "green" or ''black" salts) are not RCRA ''secbndary materials'! or "solid wastes," as defined in 40 CFR 261, and ar.e not co_vcre~ by this Protoco.L / ~ . ; i . . . 5 EPA gmdance identifies the followmg sources of site-and waste-specific mfonnahon tbat may, depending on the circumstances, be cons~dL+cd in such an investigation: hazardous waste manifests, vouchers, bills of lading, sales and inv~ntory records, matJrial safety data sheets, storage records, sampling and analysis reports, accident[ reports, site ! ;investigation reports, interviews with employees/former employees and former O'Qners/opcrators, ;spill reports, inspection report.'! and logs, permits, and enforcement orders. See e.g., l iFed. Reg. 18805 tApril 29, 1996). l : I . I JU396 l. l I i f, l'ROTOCOL FOR D£TF.RM1NING WUETHER ALTtfu"'ATE lfE:£0 MATERIALS ARE L1ST£ll HAT.AROOUS WASTES ii sampling, or a material conJlosition detem1incd by the generator/operator based on a process material biiance. II • Where specific i.nfonnationli exists about the generation process and management of the Material~! (a). an affidavit, certificate, profile record or similar document from the Generator or Site Manager, to that effect, together with {b) an MSDS for the !Material, limited profile sampling data or a preexisting investigation perf~bned at the Site pursuant to CERCLA, RCRA or other state or federal enviro~nental laws or programs. I. • Where potentially listed processes are known to have been conducted at a Site, an investigation considering i:the following sources of information: site investigation reports prepared l:mder CERCLA. RCRA or other state or federal envirorunental laws or programs (e.g .. an RI/FS, ROD, RFI/CMS, hazardous waste inspection report); inteiyiews with persons possessing knowledge about the Material and/or Site; :uid review of publicly available documents concerning process activitie~ or the history of waste generation and management at the Site. I· ~ ; • If I.Oateria} from the same sdurce is being Of has beell accepted for direct disposal as l le.(2) byproducf material in an NRC-regulatcd facility in the State of Utah with the consentior acquiescence of the State of Utah, the Source I Investigation performed by such facility. 11 Proceed to Step 2. 1. ,. ' 2. SPECIFIC INFORMATION OR AGREEMENT/DETER1\1INATI0N BY RCRA REGUl..ATORY AUTHORITYJTHAT MATERIAL IS NOT A 303961.1 LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE? :: . -- a. Determine whether specific informatiol from tho Source Investigation exists about the generation and management of the Mate~al to support a conclusion that the Material is not (and does not contain) any listed !!hazardous waste. For example, if speci fie information exi.!Jts that the Material was not generated by a listed waste source and that the Material has not been mixed with any !iisted wastes, the Material would not be a listed hazardous waste. I! .. b. Alternatively, determine whether the appropriate state or federal authority with RCRA jurisdiction over the Site agrees in writir g· with the generator's detenninatiou that the i, I I !i 1: I· ,, ,: !! I' I! 11 2j\ ' Ii i I l)ROTOCOL. FOR DF;T£RMlNING WUE'tll,1:-R ALTF.:RNATF. l~EED MA TERIAl,S ARE LISTED HAl.ARDOUS WASTES 3_ ' I • •i '. . !j Material is not a listed haiardous waste, has made a .. contained-out" determination6 with respect to the Material or l~as concluded the Mate~al or Site is not subject to RCRA. i I ; i1 Ifyes to either question, p,: 1 oceed to Step 3. i 11 I : ,, If no to both questions, pr,ceed to Step 6.\ . \ ll PROVIDE INFORMATION TO NRC ~D Ur AH. i I . : I If 'fi . r.: • I . ' 11 . th th M . 1 . d d a. spec1 1c m.i:ormanon extsts to suppo~ a cpnc.us1on at e . atena 1s not, an oes not contain, any listed ~azardous was~e. ~te#ia.tione.l Uranium (UK,\) Gerporatioa f!IUSA~ will provide a d~cdption of tlie So~c4 Investigation to NRC and/or the State of Utah Department of Brivironmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (the "State"), together wi1th an affidavit explafiiing why the Material is not a listed hazardous waste. ! i ; j J b. Alternatively, if the ap~ropriate regula'.tory!au~ority with RCRA jurisdiction over the Site agrees in writing with the generator'~ dctc~ination that the Material is not a Listed hazardous waste, makes a bontained-out deterinuiltion or determines the Material or Site is not subject to RCRA, lliSA will prov1de doclilnentation of the regulatory authority's detennination to NRC and the State. IUSA(m4~ rely on such detem1ination provided that the State agrees the coriclusions of th6 regulat6ry authority were reasonable and made I ' . I in good faith. 1 Proceed t.o Step 4. l I I ! I 6 EPA explains the "contained-out" (ilso Tefen:ed to ~s "c~ntaw ed-in") principle as follows: In prnctice, EPA has applied ~he contained-inlpt:m~iplt to refer to a process where a site- specific determination is made that conccnlrations ofhbardous constituents in any given volume of environmental mJdia are low endugh .to determine that the media does not "c<mtain" hazardous waste. ·, Typically, these so-call6d "contained-in" [or "contained-' ,> . out"J detenninations do not mean that n'o hazardous constituents arc prcseot in environmental media but simply that the lconccnl~tions of h:lZaI'dous constituents I ' II present do not warrant management of the me,dia a~ hazardous waste. EPA has not, to date, issued ~efinitive goidaJce:to es~blish the concentrations at which contained-in detenuinations ~ay be made. As noted ~bovc, decisions that media do not or no longer contain hazaril.ous wuste are! typicall~ made on a case.by-case basis considering the risks posed by the contaminatl::d medial 63 fed. Reg. 28619·, 28621·22 (May ~6, 1998) (Pbase!N [~D~~reamble). I · i I . I I JOJ961.l 3 I I l'ROTOCOL fOK D1tf£R.'"lNING WHETHER ALTF.Rl"I/AT£ FEED MATERIALS ARE L1.S'f£0 HAZAROOr.;S WASTE.S j; 4. 5. 6. 30396l.l ·, • l I . ' ' DOES STATE OF UTAH AGREE THATALU PREVIOUS STEPS HAVE I • . BEEN PERFORMED IN.ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PROTOCOL? : I :! Determine whether the S:tate agrees that :tliis .frotocol h:is been properly followed (including that proper decisions were made lat ~ach decision point). The State shall review the information provided by lUSA in~Step·~ or 16 t}l'OI-Ul:)tly with reasonable speed and advise !USA if it b'elieves IUSA has I noi properly followed this Protocol in determining that the Material is not listed h~ardo~s waste, specifying the particular areas of deficiency. . : \ :1 I ' If this Protocol has not been properly follow~d b) IUSA in making its determination that the Material is not a listed hazardous w:i.ste, then IUSA shall redo its analysis in accordance with this Proto<?ol and, if justified, [resµbmit the information described in Step 3 or 16 explaining why the Material is not ~ li~ted hazardous waste. The State shall notify IUSA f'F0m~Hy with reasonable speed ~f the State still believes this Protocol has not been followed. l 1· .:i i " If yes, proceed to Step 5. ; .:! • I I If ,to, proceed to Step J. ; i ) MATERIAL IS NOT A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE. ~-t ! • I f ::! The Material is not a listed hazardous was~e and no further sampling or evaluation is necessary in the following circumstances: i :[j I : • Where the Material is detemrinedlnot to be a listed hazardous waste based on specific information aboµi th~i generation/management of the Material OR the. appropriate RCRA.! regulatory authority with jurisdiction over the Site agrees ,it~ th~ generator's determination that lhe Material is not a listed HW, m~es.~ contained-out determination, or concludes the Material or Site ~s pot:~ubject to RCRA (and the State agrees the conclusions of the reg~atoI] 1 . authority were reasonable and made in good faith) (Step 2); or j I j + Where the Material is detem1ined,npt tq be a listed hazardous waste (in Steps 6 throllgh 11, 13 or 15) an.diCfmfpmation/Acceptancc Sampling arc detennined not to be necessary (un4,er Step 17). i I ·.: . . IS MATERIAL A PROCESS WASTE KNO~ TO BE A LISTED HAZARDOUS w ASTE OR T.O 'BE MIX.ED WITH A LISTED HAZARDOUSWASTE?: II I :;I I I ·!I Based on the Source Investigation, detenniµe ~~ether the Material is a process waste known to be a listed hazardous waste or to be thlxed with a listed hazardous waste. If the Material is a process waste and is from a iiJtedi hazardous waste source, it is a listed . I .'. : • !! . 4 ·I J 'I I I I l)ROTOC"OI, FOR DETERMlNlNG WHETHER A..LT.l::.K."lA"fl:'. FEF:Q MA.HRIALS ARE LlSTED HAZARDOUS WASTES ' . , I , I ! [ •, haza(dous waste. Similarly, if the Material i)s a proc~ss waste and has been mixed with a listed hazardous waste, it is a listed :hazardousiwaste under the RCRA ''mixture rule." If the Material is an Environmental Medium, 7 it ciannot be a listed hazardous waste by direct listing or wider the RCRA. "mixture rnle."8 I lf the Material is a process waste but is not known to be from a listed source or· to be mix~d with a listed waste, or if the Material is an Environmental Medium, prciceed to SteiJ,s 7 t~ough 11 to detenuine whether it is a listed hazardous waste. ·; Jfyes, proceed to Step 12. If no. proceed to Step 7. . . . 7. DOES MATERIAL CONTAI~ ANY POlf ;N1:'~LY LISTED HAZARDOUS CONSTlTUE~S? I ! .; Based on tbe Source Investigation (and, if ~pplicable, Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling), determine whether the Material bohtains any hazardous constituents listed in the then most recent version of40 CFR 26 ( !Appendix VII (which identifies hazardous constituents for which F-and K-listed wastes '\ivere listed) or 40 CFR 26l.33{e) or (t) (the P and U listed wastes) (collectively "Potenti~ijy Listed Hazardous Constituents"). If the Material contains such constituents, a soured ~va.luation is necessary (pUJSuant to Steps 8 through 11 ). If the Material does n.Q! ~Jntain any Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents, it is not a listed h~ardous 1,aste. The Material also is not a listed hazardous waste if, where appli~able, Con.fi~atiqn and Acceptance Sampling results do not reveal the presence of any. "new" Pot~ntially Listed Hazardous Constituents (i.e., constituents other than those :that have JJ already been identified by the Source Investigation (or previous Confinuation/A~c~ptance Sampling) and determined not to originate from a listed source). j If yes, ptoceed to Step 8. If no, proceed to Step 16. •' ., 7111e term "Environmental Media" mcans·soils, ground o~ surface water and sediments. 8 The "m1xture rule" applies only to. mixtures ·of listed h.h.ardous wastes and other "solid wastes.'' SC?e 40 CFR § 261.3(a)(2)(iv}. The mixture rule does j ~ol :ipply to mix.tures of listed wastes and Environmental Media, because Environmental Media a :c not "solid wastes" under RCRA. See 63 Fed. i I ' Reg. 28556, 28621 (May 26, 1998). · I : i 30396\.l 5 PROTOCOL FOR DETERMINING W1n;THER ALTKRNAT!i. Fr,~I) MATERIALS AR£ LISTF:.O HAZARDOUS w....sns 8. 9. . . E I· . ' IDENTIFY POTENTIALLY LISTEO WAST ES. ; • I • I Identify potentially listed hazardbus wastes: ("Potentially Listed Wastes") b.i.sed on Potentially Listed Hazardous Consiituents detected in the Material, i.e., wastes which are listed for any of the Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents detected in the Material, as identified in the then most current version ,of 40 CFR 26 l Appendix VH or 40 CFR 261.33(c) or (f).9 With respect to !Potentially Li'.sted Hazardous Constituents identified through Confinnation and/or Acceptance Sampling, a source evaluation (pursuant to Steps 8 through 11) is necessJry only for ·!"new" Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (i.e., constituents othcir than those that have ~ already been identified by the Source Investigation (or previous Confumation/Acceptance Sampling) and determined not to originate from a listed soW'Ce). : ' . Proceed to Step 9. \: WERE ANY OF THE POTENTlkL Y LISTED WASTES KNOWN TO BE ' I GENERATED OR MANAGED AT SITE? ! 1. ,, Based on information from the Source Investigation, detemrine whether any of the Potentially Listed Wastes identifi~d in Step ·8 are known to have been generated or managed at the Site. This detecrni~ation involves !identifying whether any of the specific or non-specific sources identified id. the K-or·F-lists has ever been conducted or located at the Site, whether any waste fro~ such processes has been managed at the Site, and whether any of the P-or U-listedi commercial chemical products has ever been used, spilled or managed there. In pa~cular, this determination should be based on the following EPA criteria: ! ; i Solvent Listings (F00I-F005) ! Under EPA guidance, "to d¢temtlne if solvent constituents contaminating a waste are RCRA spent solvent FOQ1-F005 wastes~ the [site manager] must know if: I• ·. I I + The solvents are spent ~d cannot; be jreused without reclamation or cleaning. 1. · 1 !· : • The solvents were used exclusively/or their solvent properties. I ~ • The solvents are spent ~ixtures and blends that contained, before llse, a total of l O percent o~· more (by vo/ume) of the solvents listed in FOOl, F002, F004, and F:oos. :i : ~ 9 For example, if the Material contains tetrac~loroethylene, h1e following would be Potentially Listed Wastes: FOOl, FOOZ, F024, K019. K020, K150;K15 Lor U210: See 40 CFR 261 App. VII. I. . I 1· 1. ,. !'. .I ii !: ,· PROTOCOL. !"OR DETERMINlNG WHETHER AtTF.:RNA'fl:': FEED MATER[ALS AR£ L1sn::o fiAZA{U)OLIS WASTtS I i: i :. I ·I . ; i ! ~ . i ; If the solvents contained in the (wastes] are RCRA listed wastes, the ' I . ' [wastes] are RCRA hazardous waste.· W:11en the [site manager] does not have guidance infonn~tio·l1 on the: uiie of the solvents and their characteristics before ust tHe [wastes] 1cati.not be classified as containing a listed spent solvent"10 i Thb person perf~rrning the Source Investigation will make a good faith ~ffoh to obtain irifom1ation on any solvent use at the Site. If solvents were u~ed at the Sitb. general industry standards for solvent use in effect at the time of use W:m be considered in detcnniuing whether those solvents cont~ined l O per~eht or more of the solvents listed in FOO 1, F002, F004 or FOOS . ; 11·: . I ' ·' K-Listed Wastes and F-Listed!Wastes Other Than F001-F005 1 .I ! !• Under EPA guidance, to determjne ~hether K wastes and F wastes other than F001-F005 are RCRA listeil wastes, piergenerator "must know the getteration process infonnation (abciut Jach waste contained in the RCRA waste) described in the listing_ For example, fo~ [wastes] to be identified as containing KOOl wastes that are described as 'b~tto~ sediment s.l~dge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that use breosote and/or pentachlorophenol,' the I I I I• [site manager) must know the manufactliri.11g process that generated the wastes (treatment of wastewateis frpm wood preJ~rving process), feedstocks used in the process (creosote and pentachlorophenolt and the process identification of the wastes (bottom sedimentlstudge)."11 .! 11 . ' I I P-and U-Listed Wastes ; : : : i Ii I I ' EPA guidance provides ;thai ''P and li v.;astes cover only unused and unmixed conunercial chemical prod~cts, particularly spilled or off-spec products. Not every waste containing a P ;or U chenp.c~ is a hazm-dous waste. To determine whether a [waste] contains f P or U wast~. the [site manager] must have direct evid:nce of product us~ .. ~ particu1¥, ~e [site manager] should ascertain, if possible, whether the ch~rrucals are: j ; • Discarded (as described ih 40 CFR i61 l2(a)(2))- + Either off-spec co~ercJal productl or:a commercially sold grade. ·1 . ! I : I . ! i: 10 Mat1agement of Investigation-Derived ~astes During s ite lilspections, EPA/540/G-91/009. May 1991 (emphasis added). : I . : ·1 1! 1 . . 1. L Management oflnvcstigation-Derived Wastes During S#e Inspections, EPA/540/G~91/009, May 1991 ( emphasis added). · I'. I: .. r· 1/\i {\.C. 1 I ~ : l Ii L'ROTOCOr.. FOR DF.T£1.t.'1JNING WHF;THER AI.TER."l'A.TE FEED M,\TF.RIALS AIU: L1sn:o HAZAP.DOUS WASTES I .j :;: t j]; ., . ,, • Not used (soil contamiu~ted ~ith. spil:1:·ed unused wastes is a P or U waste). i I . j: + The sole active ingredient in a fommlation. "12 : ! J [f tl1e afl6'·"*'Bf to the ques~n m ~6ft6Jl iJ yes, I~1?otentially Listed Wastes were known to he generated or managed at th~ Site,! furtherJ evaluation is necessary to determine whether these wastes were disposec;i of or comnungled with the Material (Steps 10 and possibly 11). If !:he &BS'Ner i5 noJ if Potentially! Listed Wastes were not known to be generated or managed at the Site, tilten informatidn concerning the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in I the Matclialj will be considered "unavailable or inconclusive" and, under EPA guidance, 13 !the Material will be assumed not to be a listed I hazardous waste. I .. I ' I '· 12 Management of Investigation-Derived W~stes During Site [nspcctions, EPA/540/0-91/009, May ., I I 1991. . I ;. 13 EPA guidance consistently provides that, ~here i:hrormatibn concerning the origiri of a waste is Rat !ill.available 01· inconclusive, the waste may b6 assumed not ·~o be a listed hazardous waste. See e.g., Memorandum from Timothy Fields (Acting ,!Assistant AdniJinistrator for Solid Waste & Emergency Response) to RCRA/CERCLA Senior Policy ¥anag9r~ ~eg~~ng '4Managvmcnt of Remedi~tion Waste Under RCRA," dated October 14, 1998 ("Wh~re a fac1hty o~er/operator makes a good faith effort to determine if a material is a listed h8.2ardow! w~tJ but caimot make such a determination because documentation regarding a source of coniamination, cohtaminant, or waste is unavailable or inconclusive, EPA has stated that one may ~ssurne the sohrce, contaminant, or waste is not listed hazardous waste"); NCP Preamble, 55 Fed! Reg.: 8758 (March 8, 1990) (Noting that ''it is often necessary to know the origin of the waste tol determine whbtber it is a listed waste and that, if such docw11entatio11 is lacking, the lead agency may assu~e it is ~ot a listed waste); Preamble to proposed Hazardous Waste Identification Rule, 61 Fed1! Reg. '18805 (fpril 29, 1996) ("Facility owner/operators should make a good faith effort to determine wf ether!mcdia \l{ere contaminated by hazardous wastes and ascertain the dates of placement. The Agenc! beliet es that .~Y using available site-and waste-specific infonnation ... facility owner/operators would!~icaHy be able to make these determinations. However, as discussed earlier in the preamble of today' J prop~sal, if i~Jormation ls not available or i11conclusive. facility owner/operators may generally assuJie tlrat tJte nuiterlai contaminating the media were not hazardous wastes."); Preamble to LOR PhJsc IV !Rule, 63 Fed. Reg. 28619 (May 26, 1998) ("As discussed in the April 29. 1996 proposal, th~ Agenhy contihues to believe that, if information is not available or inconclusive, it is generaily reasbnabfe: to assuine that contaminated soils do not contai11 l ; .,. urrtreo.ted hazardous wastes ... ''); and Mem?randw;n from ,!olm H. Skinner (Director, EFA Office of Solid Wi1ste) to David Wagoner (Director, EPA Air and yaste Management Division, Region VU) regarding "Soils from Missouri Dioxin Site1s," dated Janu;ary 6, 1984 ("The analyses indicate the presence of a number of tox.ic compounds :lin many of tiJe soil samples taken from various sites. However, the presence of these toxicants in · the sciit docs hot automatically make the soi.I a R.CRA (footnote continued on next page) : · I ol l'ROTOCOL FOR 0ETERMINl~G WHETHER ALTERNATE J:<"£.ED.'.\1A.TERlALS All£ L1S'f£l) IIAZAJWOt.:.S WAS'ft:S 10. 11. 12. ff yes, proceed to Step JO. If 11.0, proceed to Step I 6. :. ji :' 1: I• I, I; i •: .: I.I if Ji, ~[ t ., ~ '! i I! . ll . 1.1: :Ii WERE LISTED WASTES KNOWN TO ~E DISPOSED OF OR COMMINGLED WITH MATERIAL?, ri ii I, I ,: If listed wastes identified in Step ~ wenhJI~wn![to be generated at the Site. detennine whether they were known to be disJ·osed ~f & coriuuingled with the Material? . I: ! t: 11 If yes, proceed to Step I 2. : i t t If no, proceed to Step lJ. I I 1; I! ARE THERE oNE oR MORE PbTENTFAL JoN-LISTED souRcEs OF LISTED HAZARDous WASTE lcoNsrrtuFiNTS? : !:i } In a situation where Potential, y Listcl:i. Wi 1 kstes were known to have been I I• • generated/managed at the Site, but jthe wa'.st~s we~c not kttown to have been disposed of or corruningled with the Materia~ deteimllie Jrbether there are potential non-listed sources of Potentially Listed Haza.r;dous Co~stitu~nts in the Material. If not, unless the State agrees otherwise, the const~~uents l ~~ll b~ a.ssumed to be from listed sources (proceed to Step L2). If so, the 1\1ateriat ~11 bJ ; assumed not to be a listed hazardous waste (proceed to Step 16). Notwitbstandi.ng~ithe J~istence of potential non-listed sources at a Site, the Potentially Listed Hazk.rdous,C~ostitiients in the Material will be considered to be from the listed source(s) if. ~ased ~n fhc rdtative proximity of the Material to the listed and non-listt,d source(s) ancLfor infoniratiod concerning waste management at the Site, the evidence is compelling tba~ the liste~ so~ce(s) is the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material. t: ·1 If yes, proceed to Step 16. 'I If no, proceed to Step 12. Ii I MATERIAL IS A LISTED HAZrO~~i~ A1TE. The Material is a listed hazardous waste undJ} the i ollowing circwnstances: . . ' ~, J: (footnote continued from previous page) ' : · i1 I; ' I ' jl • I •: ' : •I : . ' . hazardous wast~. The origin of the toxicants tfiust be: lcrjown fu order to determine that they are derived from a listed hazanlous waste(s). ff the ~act: origin'.o.Jif!~"e t~xicants is not lmow,1, the soils cannot be considered RCRA hazardo"s wastes unless t11Jy exlu"bit ' 11e ~} more of the characteristics of hazardous wa11te ... "). j' : .! 1li . ; !1 ': . fl!: ,; I i! I I I 9 1 ll :J 303961.\ I I .. I PROTOCOL rOR 01.TER~UNIN"G Wll£TH.£K AL"f(IUIIAT F. FEED MAl;ERIAlS ARE LrSTED HAZARDOUS WASTES . ·I :·· :!! + If the Material is a process waste and i~ known to be a listed hazardous waste or to be mixed with a listed bazatdous waste (Step 6), ,.: !Ii • If Potentially Listed Wastes' w~rc known to be actually generated/managed at the Site and. to ~·e disposed ofi'commingled with the Material (Step 10) (subject to a "~ontained-out" determination in Step 13), or :: ii • If Potentially Listed Wastes· weie known to be aGtually generated/managed at the Site, we~f not known to be disposed oflcorruningled with the Material but there are not any potential non- listed sources of the Potentially [isted Hazardous Constituents detected in the Material (Step 1 l) '(subject to a "contained-out'' determination in Step 13). Proceed to Step 13. 13. HAS STATE OF UTAH MADE A CONTAINJ;p-OUT DETERMINATION. 14. 30J961.1 I If the Material is an Environmental Mcdiwnt.and; : • the level of any listed waste co11stituen1s in the Material is "de minimist' ; or • all of the listed waste constituents or ci~~sses thereof are already present in the White Mesa Mill's tailings ponds as al:result of processing conventional ores or other alternate feed materials in coJcentrations at least as high as found in the Materials I: the State of Utah will consider whether it is 1 1 1.a.ppropriate to make a contained-out detennination with respect to the Material. j If the State makes a co11tained-or,t determination, proceed to Step J 6. If the State does not make a contained-out detennt iatiori, proceed to Step 14. ~~;;~~:iE~~=;ATE LISTED rZARDOUS WASTES Determine whether there is a reasonable way lo segregate material that is a listed hazardous waste from alternate feed materials that are not listed hazardous wastes that will be sent to IUSA's White Mesa Mill. For hample, it ma.y be possible to isolate material from a certain area of a remediation site a!hd exclude that material from Materials 10 I; i I 1 .. l j' ., I. PRO'fOCOt. FOR DETF:RMIN.i'«, WHETHEK ALTl!.l<.~A'I £ FEED Mi\TF.:RIAJ .. S ARE LISTED HAZARDOUS WAST~S :H : i: that will be sent to the White Mesa Mill. Alternatively, it may be possible to increase • !I sampling frequency and exclude materials with f.~spect to which the increased. sampling identifies constituents which 11ave bee11 attribJte&.to listed hazardous waste. If yes, proceed to Step 15. '. II; lf110, proceed to Step 12. i 1: 15. SEPARATE LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTES FROM MATERIALS. I 'Ii Based on the method of segregation detenni1~edl}mder Step 14, materials that are listed hazardous wastes are separated from Materials th;t will be sent to the White Mesa Mil]. ! !,, For materials that are listed hazardous wastes, pr,pceed to Step 12. : ,11 For Materials to be sent to the White Mesa M~ll. kroceed ta Step 16. i ii: 16. PROVIDE INFORMATION TO NRC AND UTAH. 17. 303',161.I i ~; If the Material does not contain any Potentia;l)y Listed Hazardous Constituents (as determined in Step 7), where in.formation con4ming the source of Potentially Listed Hazardous Constituents in the Material is "unavailable or inconclusive" (as determined in Steps 8 through 11 ), or where the State of Ut~ has made a contained-out determination with respect to the Material (Step 13), the Materil l will be assumed not to be (or contain) a listed hazardous waste. In such circum~tari~es, UJSA will submit the following docamentation to NRC and the State: · j;: • A description of the Source fnvestikaribn; I f • An explanation of why the Material islnol a listed hazardous waste. I t • Where applicable, an explanation o~ why Confirmation/Acceptance Sampling has been detennined not Ito ~c necessary in Step 17. • ff Confirmation/ Acceptance SamphnJj has been determined necessazy in Step 17 • a copy of IUSA's an.cf the Generator's Sampling and Analysis Plans. I f:: ' r • A copy of Confinnation and ! Aclccptance Sampling results, if applicable. IUSA will submit these [results only if they identify the presence of .. new" Potentially lj..ist~ Hazardous Constituents (as defined in Steps 7 and 8). 1j1 Proceed to Step 17. I·, I iJ. ARE SAMPLING RESULTS OR DATA REPRESENTATIVE? Determine whether the sampling results or ~Ja Lm the Source Investigation (or, where applicable, Confinnation/Acceptance Samplirig r~sults) are representative. The purpose 11 .! I l'ROTOCOL FOR 0ETERMJ:-l1NG WHETHER ALURN/\TF, FF.eo M/\T;€Rl/\t.S ARF. LISTED R ,\.7.AROO\iS WASTES 303961.l '.j ; . ~ i of th.is step ) is to detenuine whetller Gpnfirmation and Acceptance Sampling (or continued Continnation and Acceptance Sarµpling) are necessary. If the sampling results or data are representative of all Material de§tinecil for the White Mesa Mill, based on the extent of sampling conducted. the nature o:f the I Material and/or the nature of the Site (e.g .• whether chemical operations or waste:!disp~sal were known to be conducted at the Site), future Confirmation/Acceptance Samj}ling ~vill not be necessacy. If the sampling results are not representative of all Material destined for the White Mesa Mill, then additional Confirmation/ Acceptance samplthg rriay be appropriate. Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling will be required o~ly .J...here it is reasonable to expect that additional sampling will detect additional/ con~aminants not already detected. For example: !I I • I • Where the Material is segreg~ted from Environmental Media, e.g., the Material is containerized, there i~ a lugh probability the sampling results or data from the Source Investiga~ion f e rcprcsentati ve of the Material and Confirmation/ Acceptance Samplihg would not be required. • Where IUSA will be; accepting Jaterilt from a discrete portion of a Site, e.g., a storage pile or other defined ax;ea, aild adequate sampling characterized the area of concern for radioactive and c~emical contaminants, the sampling for that area would be considered tepresentative and Confinnation/Acceptance sampling would not be required. ·i [ • Where Material will be received1,fronl a wide area of a Site and the Site has been carefully characterized forl radi~active contaminants, but not chenucal contaminants, Confirmation/ Acc~ptanqe sampling would be required. • Where the Site was not used for ~nduJtrial activity or disposal before or after uranium material disposal, and tlie Site has been adequately characterized for radioactive and chemical co~nahts, the existing sampling would be considered sufficient and Confiimatien/ Acceptance sampling would not be required. . :J I • Where listed wastes were known to beldisposed of on the Site and the limits of the area where listed wistes I were managed is not known, Confirmation/ Acceptance samp~1g ~ould be required to ensure that listed wastes are not shipped to IUSA (~ee S~ep 14). lfyes, proceed to Step 4. :I ! If no, proceed to Step 18. i I :1 ., 'I • I 12 i ' . I PROTOCOL fOllDETERMINING WHETHER AL TERNA.TE FEED MA'l'RRlALS ARE LISTED HAZA.ROOUS WASTES ;[ 18. DOES S1ATE OF UTAH AGREE THAT .~LPREVIOUS STEPS HAVE BEEN PERFORM.ED IN ACCORDANCEIWITHTHIS PROTOCOL? I Detenuine whether the State agrees that this Protocol has been properly followed (including that proper decisions were madd at each decision point). The State shall review the infom1ation provided by IUSA in ;Step 16 preHttJtly; with reasonable speed and advise IUSA if it believes IUSA has not properly followed this Protocol in detemiining that the Material is not listed hazardous ;waste, specifying the particular areas of deficiency. ! If this Protocol has not been properly follow~d by IlJSA in making its determination that the Material is not a listed hazardous waste, then IDSA shall redo its analysis in accordance with this Protocol and, if justifie~, resubmit the information described in Step 16 explaining why the Material is not a list~d hazardous waste. The State shall notify IUSA fff6fflf'tlY with reasonable speed if the State still believes this Protocol has not been I followed. .j If yes, proceed to Step 19. I If 110, proceed to Step 1. ·j 19. MATERIAL IS NOT A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE, BUT CONFIRMATION AND ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING ARE REQUIRED. The Material is not a listed hazardous waste,lbut Confirmation and Acceptance Sampling are required, as determined necessary under $tep 1 7. l Proceed to Step 20. I 20. CONDUCT ONGOING CONFIRMATION AND ACCEPTANCE SAI\iPLING. I I Confinnation and Acceptance Sampling {vill continue until determined no longer necessary under Step 17. Such sampling will be conducted pursuant to a Sampling and Analysis Plan ("SAP") that specifies the fr~uency and type of sampling required. If such sampling does not reveal any "new" Pbtentially Listed Hazardous Constituents (as defined in Steps 7 and 8), further evaluation! is not necessary (as indicated in Step 7). If such sampling reveals the presence of"new"i constituents, Potentially Listed Wastes must be identified (Step 8) and evaluated (Steps ? through 11) to detennine whether the new constituent is from a listed hazardous waste ~ource. Generally" in each case, the SAP will specify sampling comparable to the level an'.d frequency of sampling performed by other I facilities in the State of Utah that dispose of1 l le.(2) byproduct material, either directly or that results from processing alternate feed m~teriafs . . I Proceed to Step 7. .; I ·1 , ., i I Attachment l i Summary of RC.RA Listed Hazardous Wastes I I . There are three different categories of listed i1azardous waste under RCRA: . • F-listed wastes from IIOn-specific sources (40 CFR § 261.31 (a)): The.se wastes include spent solvents (F001-F005), s.pJcified wastes from electroplating operations (F006-F009), specified wastes from metal heat treating operations (FOLO-FOl2), specified wastes from chemical 'conversion coating of aluminum (FOI 9), wastes from the production/manufacturing of spe~ified chlorophenols, chlorobenzenes, and chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (FO l 9-F028), specified wastes from wood preserving processes (F032-F035), specified wastes from petroleum refinery primary and secondary oil/water/solids separation sludge (F037-F038), and leachate resulting from the disposal of more than one listed hazardous waste (F039). • K-listed wastes from specific sources (40 CFR § 261.32): These include specified wastes from wood preservation, inorglmic pigment production, organic chemical production, chlorine production, pesticide production, petroleum refining, iron and steel production, copper production, primary and secondary lead smelting, primary zinc production, primary alwninum reduction, ferroalloy production, veterinary pharmaceutical production, ink fonnulation and coking. • p. a,id U-listed commercial chemical P,roducls (40 CFR § 261.33): These include commercial chemical products, or manufacturing chemical intermediates having the generic name listed in the "P" or uU'' list of wastes, container residues, and residues in soil or debris resulting from a spill o'f these materials.• .. Toe phrase 'commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate ... • refers to a chemical substance which is manufactured or formulated for conunercial or manufacturing use which consists of the commercially pure grade of the chemical, any technical grades of the chemical that are produced or marketed, and all fom1ulations in which the chemical is the sole active ingredient. . It does not refer to a material, such as a manufacturing process waste, that contains any of the [P-or U-listed s1.1bstances]."2 Appendix VII to 40 CFR part 261 identifies the hazardous constituents for which the F-and K- li sted wastes were listed. · · .. . ' I l P-listed wastes are identified as "acutely hazardous ·wastes" and are subject to additional management controls under RCRA. 40 CFR § 261.33(e) (1997). U-ilisted wastes are identified as "toxic wastes.: Id . . I § 261.33(£). : : · Z 40 CFR § 261.33(d) note (1997). Protocol for Determining if Alternate Feed Material is a Usted Hazardous Vvaste 8- I ·-- :.'c/lt,J!'JONS ,, •• 1l•u•> 1:t•'5-'1'1\)ISI,... r.,,., ~ l1:•p,;iy1••Z:f\ a_ ~c .. nr;e l,.,,,.ishg<Jlk)r, I••,;. ot:l10o:"I A',ili5. Rl e>istw",g <YJ•ir.c·; dn~•mhotions. 01 o·r1.r'!1 co·1~s ,.-~("t jn'o1rrotfc" 01 S:JH"'I· oln9 0010 lr-::m ,-:,,_-..,e1ok~I ,., 1!•-iJ t!.J1,,i~i,;oJ,1~1~-~""P~fX;.¥.!"'J~:::1 l •' .-,~11:J <:t 'l/hrh• :Ag,10 •1Al i1>".(°:' • W\ !i() I"-"!.\ •., J.":"15,° (:J:l:D\'l)'.~1.:l pro• o,p,,,:"ti fJ :k.l"IC',\.TI 1101 10 be, o, rx"'·:,11 er.:, L\lec, t<,•, on o 11::s ,eo-Jorur,· c;v1hr, ,ly .,_,. n ncl!A tulSdc 1'Cn a,..,, s~ .. o;;,<IP.d ...ir, Qen,,,o·,~·• O!l~rr-,ncrt10., tlwJI Mc!<!dol tS r,ol !$l- ed 11',1'. rn:,,:h o ·con1orec1 oul' oe:.,.,rlrralel' Cll d3le1 rrlnr.d I~ t.lQ!e,OI o, !tl'ff ii noi sut:Cect ~n OCA'l\1 II YfS -··-······L_ __ _ 11 ·a.· pr01,ida lo NllC ordtc:7 Ulm: • SI • Aifldo·,il ti'( \l,ISA O! 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II -----l'rCNlde lo NOC ord/c, llto!i: ' SI • 1::,p'ono'l'Dl ""1',' not r,!ed • w.s,opp!ccb'!!) , Contl<tnofl001/Acc1tplOl'lce Sorrl;)lrlg Resulh 411 o_pc,lfco- t)l!!I YES NO ConslilL-erJ~? tilled ~·o~lm tID fl CondlJCI ongoing Conrilmo1ion and Accep!once Somp,r,g end use re:suilS 10 reevo'uo!e wt1e1her Mo!B1(::iis ore listed hazardous v,asle~ , Se()ololg ll~"d Ho10rc-::1.·~ \\';)Sles 1,cn• ott·,;;< t.1::ilet;·:i', HW ATTACHMENT4 Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine the Potential Presence of RCRA Characteristic or RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste Technical Memorandum To: David C. Frydenlund From: Jo Ann Tischler~~ Company: Energy Fuels Resources (USA), Inc. Date: April 18, 2019 ------------- Re: Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine the Potential Presence of RCRA Characteristic or RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste CC: 1.0 Introduction This report summarizes the characterization of the NPM Silmet OU's ("Silmet") Uranium Material (the "Uranium Material"), also referred to as the residue or Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Material ("NORM") residue, to be transported from the Sillamae, Estonia facility, to determine whether or not the Uranium Material is or contains any listed or characteristic hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA"). The results of this characterization will provide information for Energy Fuels Resources (USA), Inc. ("EFRI") to determine the requirements necessary for an amendment to its White Mesa Uranium Mill ("the Mill") State of Utah Radioactive Materials License No. UT1900479 ("RML") to permit the processing of the Uranium Material as an alternate feed material at the Mill. In accordance with the definitions in the Atomic Energy Act, as amended, and 10 Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR") 40.4, ores with natural uranium content of 0.05 weight percent or higher are classified as source material and, as per 40 CFR Part 261.4, are exempt from regulation under RCRA. As summarized in the Radioactive Material Profile Record ("RMPR"), the Uranium Material has a uranium content of approximately 0.14 to 0.35 dry weight percent natural uranium (0.17 to 0.41 dry weight percent U30s). This Uranium Material is, therefore, source material and is categorically exempt from RCRA. Although the Uranium Material is exempt from regulation under RCRA, EFRI nonetheless requires a due di_ligence evaluation of potential materials to be processed, to assess: 1. Whether the material is, or contains, any hazardous constituents that would be regulated as RCRA listed hazardous waste, if the Uranium Material were not categorically exempt from RCRA as a uranium ore or 1 le.(2) byproduct material or a categorically exempt solid waste. 2. Whether the material contains any constituents that could generate a worker safety or environmental hazard under the conditions under which it will be processed at the Mill. 3. Whether the material contains any constituents that would be incompatible with the Mill's tailings management system. 1 This memorandum provides the evaluation of the regulatory status of the Uranium Material relative to RCRA. Evaluation of potential safety and environmental hazards, and compatibility with the Mill's tailings system are provided in a separate memorandum. 2.0 Site History and Background The Silmet Sillamae, Estonia facility (the "Facility") currently operates a niobium and tantalum production plant. The Facility is located on a property that formerly contained a shale oil production plant from 1927 to 1940. A uranium production pilot plant was constructed on the site in 1944, following the Soviet Union's occupation of Estonia. The Facility produced uranium oxides from local shale ores from 1944 through 1952. The Facility subsequently began receiving other uranium-containing ores in 1952 and continued to produce uranium oxides until uranium production ceased in 1990. In 1970, concurrent with the uranium operations, the plant began receiving loparite ores and began the recovery of niobium and tantalum in one process area, and rare earths in a separate process area. After 1990, the plant no longer received loparite ores, and began to process columbite and tantalite ore residue concentrates for niobium and tantalum production. No other processing activities, other than the current niobium and tantalum recovery operations, have occurred at the site since 2000. Niobium and tantalum, recovery continues to the present time. A chronology of the site history is listed below. 1927-1940 A. Nobel established a Shale Oil production factory, which was destroyed during 1944 1946-1952 1952-1970 1970 1970-1990 1988-1990 1990-1997 the Second World War The Soviet Union occupied Estonia and began restoration of facilities, with the aim of producing uranium from local shale ore Pilot production of uranium from local shale ore Processing of various uranium-containing ores to produce uranium oxide Start of loparite ore processing to produce niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and rare earth element concentrates ('REE') Processing of loparite to produce niobium and tantaluml 982-1988 Production of reactor grade enriched uranium products Soviet occupation in Estonia ended and uranium production stopped Facility reorganization as State owned company 1990-present Processing of columbite and tantalite concentrates to produce niobium and 1997 1999-2009 tantalum Private Company established for Nb, Ta and REE production Decommissioning of the former radioactive tailings pond. (Material from this pond is NOT included in the Uranium Material.) 2000 to present Silmet begins accumulating Uranium Material in warehouse 2000 to present Niobium and tantalum recovery is the only operation on site. The Uranium Material results specifically from the plant area and process operation which recovers niobium and tantalum, as discussed below. It does not include residuals from oil shale production, from uranium production or enrichment, rare earth recovery, or from other current or previous operations at the Facility. The Uranium Material does not include any material from the former radioactive tailings pond or from the decommissioning of the former pond, which has been conducted by entities other than Silmet. The Uranium Material is comprised only of residuals from the current Silmet niobium and tantalum recovery unit, which were directly calcined, dried, and drummed after generation. This closed process is described in further detail in Section 2.1, below. 2 NRC' s Alternate Feed Guidance currently provides that if a proposed feed material contains hazardous waste, listed under Section 261.30-33, Subpart D, of 40 CPR (or comparable RCRA authorized State regulations), it would be subject to EPA (or State) regulation under RCRA. However, the Guidance provides that if the licensee can show that the proposed feed material does not consist of a listed hazardous waste, this issue is resolved. NRC guidance further states that feed material exhibiting only a characteristic of hazardous waste (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity) that is being recycled, would not be regulated as hazardous waste and could therefore be approved for extraction of source material. The Alternate Feed Guidance concludes that if the feed material contains a listed hazardous waste, the licensee can process it only if it obtains EPA (or State) approval and provides the necessary documentation to that effect. The Alternate Feed Guidance also states that NRC staff may consult with EPA (or the State) before making a determination on whether the feed material contains listed hazardous waste. Subsequent to the date of publication of the Alternate Feed Guidance, NRC recognized that, because alternate feed materials that meet the requirements specified in the Alternate Feed Guidance must be ores, any alternate feed materials that contain greater than 0.05% source material are considered source material under the definition of source material in 10 CPR 40.4 and hence exempt from the requirements of RCRA under 40 CPR 261.4(a)(4). See Technical Evaluation Report Request to Receive and Process Molycorp Site Material issued by the NRC on December 3, 2001 (the "Molycorp TER"). As a result, any such alternate feed ores are exempt from RCRA, regardless of whether they would otherwise have been considered to contain listed or characteristic hazardous· wastes. Since the Uranium Material contains greater than 0.05% source material, it is exempt from RCRA, regardless of its process history or constituents, and no further RCRA analysis is required. Nevertheless, because the Alternate Feed Guidance has not yet been revised to reflect this position recognized by NRC in the Molycorp TER, the remainder of this memorandum will demonstrate that, even if the Uranium Material were not considered source material or 1 le.(2) byproduct material, and as such exempt from RCRA, the Uranium Material would not, in any event, contain any RCRA listed hazardous wastes, as required under the Alternate Feed Guidance as currently worded. 2.1 Description of Process which Generated the Uranium Material The Uranium Material consists of the residuals from niobium and tantalum recovery from columbite and tantalite ores, as described below. Columbite and tantalite-containing mineral ore concentrates are crushed and milled in an isolated area to control the formation of radioactive dust. Raw materials are loaded by hermetic feeder screws into vibrating mills, where the material is milled to the required particle size, removed from the mills by a hermetically contained discharge systems, and packed into metal drums. The milling unit has an isolated ventilation system with particle filter system. Dust particles from the filtered air are removed by cyclones and recycled to the process with raw material. Milled columbite and tantalite is transported to the dissolution unit, located in a separate building in the same plant area. Drums with the milled columbite and tantalite are placed on the top of automatic feeder systems, where material is loaded into dissolution reactors containing hydrofluoric acid solution. Raw material is dissolved at temperatures from 80-85°C (176 to 185 °F) in hydrofluoric acid, and sulfuric acid is added to precipitate out the impurities. The slurry is filtered to remove the insoluble impurities including U and Th. After filtration, the filter cake is washed with water several times to remove all Nb and Ta from the cake. Wet residue cake is 3 packed into 1-metric tonne plastic bags ("Big-Bags") and transported to the calcination unit (located in the same building). The residue is loaded from Big-Bags into electric rotary kilns via feeder systems and calcined at temperatures from 550-600°C (1022-11 l2°F) for 1 hour. Calcined residue is transferred from the rotary kilns into rotary coolers where the material is cooled down and packed into 200-liter (approximately 55 gallon) metal drums which are lined with triple-walled polyethylene bag liners. The Quality Control Department and the Governmental Lab Okosil AS, take samples from every drum for gamma spectrometry analysis, and all drums are measured for dose speed. Each nine drums comprise a lot, which is transported into the warehouse. The process which generated the Uranium Material is isolated from the remainder of site operations. As described above, columbite and tantalite ores are processed in a separate milling area, for which the feed, grinding and discharge steps are controlled by hermetically sealed equipment. Dissolution, washing, filtration, electric rotary calcining, rotary cooling and packaging are all conducted in automated closed systems. Hence, the Uranium Material 1s isolated from other materials on site from feed source through drum packaging. Per the process description for residue production provided by Silmet, the chemical reagents used in the above processes included: • hydrogen fluoride (as hydrofluoric acid solution) • sulfuric acid The presence of residuals or reaction byproducts from these compounds would be expected in the Uranium Material, as discussed in the sections below. A schematic flow sheet depicting the process which produced the Uranium Material is provided in Figure 1. 3.0 Basis and Limitations of this Evaluation The Uranium Material to be processed at the EFRI White Mesa Mill consists solely of the calcined residues from tantalum and niobium recovery, currently stored on site at the Facility. Physical and chemical properties of the residues have been measured at different times to confirm radiological content and support evaluation of disposal or recovery alternatives. Over several years of niobium and tantalum recovery operations from 2015 to 2017, Silmet's internal quality control laboratory periodically analyzed samples of the Uranium Material to assess mineral content of the oxidized product. During the same time period, Estonia's national environmental control laboratory at the Okosil Keskkonnalabor ("Okosil Environmental Center") sampled and analyzed composites of drummed material for radionuclide content. In 2018, Silmet composited grab samples representing all the drums into 15 composites for total constituent analyses of total metals, inorganic anions, isotopic uranium, thorium, radium, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure ("TCLP") metals analysis of eight RCRA metals, pH, ignitability, ammonia nitrogen and nitrate as nitrogen. The evaluations are summarized in the table below. 4 Summary of Silmet Analyses Sample Sampling/ Analysis Analyses Number of Name/Laboratory Date(s) Composite Samples Quality Certificates 2015 through 201 7 Uranium oxides, 15 (NPM Silmet OU internal thorium oxides, rare ( every drum was laboratory) earth oxides, metal sampled; oxides composites were made from 9 samples) Okosil Keskkonnalabor 2015 through 2017 Radionuclides 19 Katseprotokoll ("Okosil ( every drum was Environmental Center sampled; Test Report") composites were made from 9 samples) ALS Laboratory 2018 Ignitability, TCLP, 15 inorganic ions, total ( composited by the metals, ammonia and same method as nitrate N, earlier samples) radionuclides As discussed in Section 2.0, above, the Uranium Material contains greater than 0.05% source material, and is exempt from RCRA, regardless of its process history or chemical composition, and no further RCRA analysis is required. The following evaluation of characterization data is provided to demonstrate that even if the Uranium Material were not categorically exempt from RCRA, it is not and does not contain RCRA listed hazardous waste. The sampling was representative of a continuous process stream under the control of the generator from a process which did not vary appreciably over time. Analyses provided with the RMPR were performed by laboratories possessing State of Utah and/or National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference ("NELAC") certification for the analyses performed. As a result, these studies provide sufficiently representative characterization to assess the regulatory status, worker safety environmental hazards, and chemical and processing properties of the Uranium Material. The following RCRA evaluation is based on information from the following sources: 1. Current and historic Silmet Uranium Material analytical data. 2. Material Safety Information Sheet for Insoluble Mineral Fraction provided by Silmet 2019 3. Process description and historical overview of the site provided by Silmet 2018 4. Sample collection procedure provided by Silmet 2018 5. Communications with Silmet personnel throughout 2018 and 2019. 6. EFRI Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials Are Listed Hazardous Wastes (EFRI, November 1999). 7. RMPR for the Silmet Uranium Material (February 2019). 8. Basis of Hazardous Material and Waste Determinations from the RMPR (February 2019) 9. Affidavit of Signe Kask, Managing Director of NPM Silmet OU (January 2019). 5 EFRI has developed a "Protocol for Determining Whether Alternate Feed Materials are Listed Hazardous Wastes" (November 22, 1999) ("the Protocol"). The Protocol has been developed in conjunction with, and accepted by, the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality ("UDEQ") (Letter of December 7, 1999). Copies of the Protocol and UDEQ letter are provided in Attachment 2 of this Report. The RCRA evaluation and recommendations in this Report were developed in accordance with the Protocol. 4.0 Application of Protocol to Uraniwn Material 4.1 Source Investigation Several of the information sources enumerated above were used to perform the Source Investigation indicated in Box 1 of the flow diagram (the "Protocol Diagram") that forms part of the Protocol. The following sections describe the status of the Uranium Material relative to RCRA Characteristic and RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste regulations, and relative to the specific parameters identified in the EFRI/UDEQ Hazardous Waste Protocol. Although alternate feed materials are being recycled to recover uranium and hence are permitted to contain constituents that may be considered RCRA characteristic wastes in other circumstances, for completeness, this Report also determines whether or not the Uranium Material contains any such constituents. 4.2 Determination Methods in the EFRI / UDEQ Protocol 4.2.1 Regulatory History of the Silmet Uraniwn Material NPM Silmet OU Radiation Activity License 14 010, approved on January 30, 2014, authorized Silmet to collect and store up to a licensed limit of 615.5 metric tonnes of calcined Uranium Material generated from the tantalum/niobium circuit. Silmet' s Radiation Activity License expired on January 30, 2019. The quantity collected on site prior to expiration of the Radiation Activity License, 600 metric tonnes (660 tons), approached the licensed limit. Although the license limit has not been reached, Silmet and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia have agreed that Silmet will cease further production of Uranium Material, and renewal of the Radioactivity License will be delayed until such time as Silmet demonstrates they have confirmed an appropriately-licensed off-site destination for the material. Silmet has suspended niobium/tantalum processing, the only source of the Uranium Material, pending renewal of the Radioactivity License. The Uranium Material, which has materially not changed in form or content since first being produced in approximately 1997, remains definitional source material as per 40 CFR Part 261.4, and is explicitly exempt from regulation under RCRA. However, for the sake of completeness, EFRI has required the following evaluation to confirm that even if the Uranium Material were not exempt from RCRA, it is not and does not contain, what would otherwise be considered a RCRA- listed waste, or a RCRA characteristic waste. The Uranium Material has not been classified or treated as listed hazardous waste nor has it been in contact with any listed hazardous wastes. 6 4.2.2 Evaluation of Potential RCRA Listings Associated with Specific Constituents For potential alternate feed materials that are not exempt from RCRA, the Protocol describes additional steps EFRI will take to assess whether constituents associated with any potential RCRA waste listings are present, and the likelihood that they resulted from RCRA listed hazardous wastes or RCRA listed processes. These steps include tabulation of all potential listings associated with each known chemical constituents in the material, and the review of chemical process and material handling history at the generator location to assess whether the known chemical constituents in the material resulted from listed or non-listed sources. This evaluation is described in Box 8 and Decision Diamonds 9 through 11 in the Protocol Diagram. If the results of the evaluation indicate that the contaminants are not listed waste, the Protocol specifies an additional assessment of whether the data on which this determination was made is sufficiently representative, or whether an ongoing acceptance sampling program should be implemented, and a similar evaluation performed on any new constituents identified during acceptance sampling. In the case of the Uranium Material, Steps 9 through 11 are not required as indicated by the statements provided in the Affidavit of Signe Kask. However, for the sake of a thorough due diligence evaluation, Steps 9 through 11 were completed, and the results are presented below. 5.0 RCRA Review of Chemical Constituents Determination of whether the Uranium Material is, or contained, potential RCRA-listed waste included consideration of the written source history provided by Silmet, and through interviews with Silmet personnel from January 2018 to date, as well as the analytical efforts summarized in Section 3.0 above. 5.1 Overview The Uranium Material does not contain any "P" or "U" listed wastes as it contains no discarded commercial chemical products, off-specification species, container residues, and spill residues thereof. Any chemicals used in the tantalum and niobium recovery process which generated the Uranium Material were used for their intended purpose and are not waste materials. There were no processes conducted at the site which fall under the category of "F" listed hazardous wastes from non-specific sources as designated in the following seven categories: • Spent solvent wastes (F001-F005) • Wastes from electroplating and other metal finishing operations (F006-F012, F019) • Dioxin-bearing wastes (F020-F023 and F026-F028) • Wastes from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (F024, F025) • Wastes from wood preserving (F032, F034, and F035) • Petroleum refinery wastewater treatment sludges (F037 and F038) • Multi-source leachate (F039) 7 There were no processes conducted at the site which fall under the category of "K" listed hazardous wastes from specific sources designated in the following 13 categories: • Wood preservation (KOO 1) • Inorganic pigment manufacturing (K002 -KOOS) • Organic chemicals manufacturing (K009-K030, K083, K085, K093-K096, K103-Kl05, K107-K118, Kl36, K149-K151, K156-K159, K161, K174-K175, K181) • Inorganic chemicals manufacturing (K071, K073, K106, K176-178) • Pesticides manufacturing (K031-K043, K097-K099, K123-K126, K131-K132) • Explosives manufacturing (K044-K047) • Petroleum refining (K048-52, Kl 70-Kl 72) • Iron and steel production (K061-K062) • Primary aluminum production (K088) • Secondary lead production (K069, KlOO) • Veterinary pharmaceuticals manufacturing (K084, K101-Kl02) • Ink formulation (K086) • Coking (K060, K087, K141-K145, K147-K148) Evaluation of RCRA listings associated with the inorganic ions and metals analyzed m the Uranium Material is provided in attached Tables 1 and 2 respectively. 5.2 Volatile Organic Compounds The Uranium Material consists of acid digestion residuals from inorganic mineral ores, which have subsequently been oxidized in a calcining rotary kiln at temperatures above 1000°F. The only constituents remaining in the material following calcining are metals and inorganic ionic species in their highest oxidation states. No volatile organic constituents can reasonably be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. 53 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds The Uranium Material consists of acid digestion residuals from inorganic mineral ores, which have subsequently been oxidized in a calcining rotary kiln at temperatures above 1000°F. The only constituents remaining in the material following calcining are metals and inorganic ionic species in their highest oxidation states. No semi-volatile organic constituents can reasonably be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. 5.4 Non-Metal Inorganic Compounds Analytical results indicate that low levels of ammonia nitrogen, chloride, fluoride, and sulfate are present in the Uranium Material. Evaluation of potential RCRA listings associated with the analyzed inorganics, and why they are not applicable to the Uranium Material, is provided in detail in the attached Table 1. Inorganic nitrate/nitrite and inorganic ammonia nitrogen have also been analyzed in ALS samples in 2018. The residues that form the Uranium Material were calcined at elevated temperature in rotary kilns. At elevated temperatures tantalum and niobium, in addition to reacting with oxygen to form oxides, are capable of absorbing atmospheric hydrogen and nitrogen into their metal lattices. Other accessory metals in the ores and concentrates also absorb hydrogen and nitrogen. 8 Nitrogen is expected to be present at trace to low levels in both the reduced (ammonia N) and/or oxidized (nitrate/nitrite) forms. Inorganic nitrate/nitrite compounds and inorganic ammonia nitrogen are not associated with any RCRA hazardous waste listings. These analytes have not been included in Table 1. 5.5 Metals Analytical results indicate that the metals aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, sodium, silver, thallium, vanadium, zinc, and zirconium, were present in the Uranium Material. Evaluation of potential RCRA listings associated with the analyzed metals, and why they are not applicable to the Uranium Material, is provided in detail in the attached Table 2. Additionally, the following metals were identified either in Silmet's internal mineral analysis, ALS' 2018 analysis, or both. Cerium, cobalt, dysprosium, gadolinium, hafnium, iron, lanthanum, molybdenum, neodymium, niobium, rubidium, samarium, scandium, tantalum, thorium, tin, titanium, yttrium, ytterbium, and zirconium are not associated with any RCRA hazardous waste listings. Each of these metals is commonly found at greater or lesser levels in rare earth, columbite, tantalite and lanthanide ores and concentrates, and is expected to be present in the concentrates processed for niobium and tantalum recovery at the Silmet Facility. These metals have not been included in Table 2. 5.6 Summary of RCRA Listed Waste Findin~ Based on the information presented above, none of the constituents in the Uranium Material would be indicative of RCRA listed hazardous waste, even if the Uranium Material were not already exempt from RCRA as source material. Review of the analytical data, the, process history, and mineralogy literature confirms that all of the constituents in the material are consistent with those expected to result from columbite and tantalite ores and the niobium and tantalum recovery process described by the generator 6.0 RCRA Characteristics The Uranium Material is an oxidized/calcined product of precipitated and washed filter cake. As a result, it would not be ignitable, corrosive, or reactive per the RCRA definitions of these characteristics. Fifteen Uranium Material samples collected during 2018 were analyzed for eight RCRA TCLP metals. No analyzed constituent exceeded its respective TCLP threshold for RCRA toxicity characteristic as defined in Table 1 of 40 CFR Part 261.24(b). Therefore, the test results confirm that that the Uranium Material does not have the RCRA characteristic of toxicity. These results are summarized in the attached Table 3. Fifteen Uranium Material samples collected during 2018 were tested for corrosivity. No samples exhibited a pH of 2.0 or lower, or a pH of 12.5 or higher. These results confirm that the Uranium Material does not have the RCRA characteristic of corrosivity. The Uranium is not an oxidizer, an ignitable compressed gas, a solid that can cause a fire and sustain combustion. In addition, one of the samples of Uranium Material collected during 2018 was tested for flash point. The sample did not exhibit a flash point of <140°F. These results confirm that the Uranium Material does not have the RCRA characteristic of ignitability. 9 The Affidavit from Signe Kask of Silmet affirms that the Uranium Material has never been classified for shipment or off-site management as a RCRA characteristic waste. This is consistent with the source of the constituents and the treatment process used to develop the Uranium Material. As discussed in the introduction to this report, the Uranium Material is exempt from regulation under RCRA; however, even if it were classified as a characteristic hazardous waste, alternate feed materials are permitted to contain RCRA characteristic wastes under NRC' s Alternate Feed Guidance (10 CFR 40, Appendix A). Based on all of the above information, the Uranium Material 1s not a RCRA characteristic hazardous waste. 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations In summary, the following conclusions can be drawn from the RCRA analysis of the analytical data and Facility information presented above: 1. The Uranium Material is not a RCRA listed hazardous waste because it is an ore that has a natural uranium content of greater than 0.05 weight percent, is therefore source material and, as a result, is exempt from regulation under RCRA. 2. Even if the Uranium Material were not source material, it would not be a RCRA listed hazardous waste for the following additional reasons: a) It was generated from a known process under the control of the generator, who has provided the Affidavit declaring that the Uranium Material is not and does not contain RCRA listed hazardous waste. This determination is consistent with Boxes I and 2 and Decision Diamonds 1 and 2 in the EFRI/UDEQ Protocol Diagram; b) No volatile organic compounds are used in the inorganic mineral process for niobium and tantalum recovery, and no volatile organic compounds can be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. c) No semi-volatile organic compounds are used in the inorganic mineral process for niobium and tantalum recovery, and no semi-volatile organic compounds can be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. d) None of the metals in the Uranium Material samples came from RCRA listed hazardous waste sources. This determination is consistent with Box 8 and Decision Diamonds 9 through 11 in the EFRI/UDEQ Protocol Diagram. 3. The Uranium Material does not exhibit any of the RCRA characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity for any constituent. 10 8.0 References • Austin, G.T. Shreve's Chemical Process Industries, Fifth Edition. McGraw Hill. New York 1984. • Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I -Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Part 40-Domestic Licensing of Source Material: 40.4 -Definitions (10 CFR 40.4) • Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations; Protection of the Environment, Part 261 - Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Subpart A, 261.4 -Exclusions: Subpart B -Criteria for Identifying the Characteristics of Hazardous Waste and for Listing Hazardous Waste. • Hudson Institute of Mineralogy Columbite Mineral Data accessed at https://www.mindat.org/min-8667.html on 2/13/19 • Hudson Institute of Mineralogy Tantalite Mineral Data accessed at httgs://www.mindat.org/min-3882.html on 2/13/19 • NPM Silmet OU Documented Procedure -Selection and Preparation of Samples of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 2018 • NPM Silmet OU Technological Description for Production of NORM Containing Residue 2018 • Sax, N. Irving and Lewis, Richard L. Sr. Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, JJ'h Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York 1987. 11 FIGURE 1 FLOW SCHEMATIC OF PRODUCTION OF URANIUM MATERIAL (RESIDUES) HF H2SO• H20 -------Cru ..__ __ ____, ------:hing •id Miling EJ--------..... Dissof tion Filtration and washing i NORM containing residues Drying and Calcination ~ Cooling and packing of NORM containing residues Nb and Ta containing INORGANIC CHLORIDES1 Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely Hazardous FList UList PList U216 Thallium chloride P033 Cyanogen chloride P095 Carbonic dichloride (phosgene) NONE FLUORIDE Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely Hazardous FList UList PList U033 Carbonic difluoride, Carbon oxyfluoride, Carbonyl fluoride U075 Dichlorodifluoro methane Ul34 Hydrogen fluoride P043 Diisoproplyfluorophosp hate P056 Fluorine P057 2-fluoroacetamide P058 Fluoroacetic acid sodium salt NONE TABLE 1 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH NON-METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Indnstrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Chlorination catalyst, sun lamp monitors. Organic synthesis, tear gas, warning agent in fumigant gases. Used in organic synthesis for production of urethanes, plastics and pesticides. Formerly used as choking ag.ent in combat gas. NONE Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Listed Sources Element or Compound KList Used in organic synthesis for addition of carbon groups to other structures. Used as refrigerant in air conditioners, and direct contact freezing. Used in plastics manufacture. and as solvent and blowing agent. Catalyst in refinery alkylation, isomerization, condensation, dehydration, and polymerization processes. Used for organic and inorganic flourination reactions, production of fluorine gas and aluminum fluoride, some uranium leaching processes, and as additive to solid rocket propellant. Insecticide Production of metallic fluorides and fluorocarbons, fluoridation compounds for toothpaste and water treatment. Primarily as a rodenticide. Primarily as a rodenticide. NONE Page 1 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product. byproduct or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product. byproduct. or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. Fluorides are present in residual fluoride compounds from the acid digestion of niobium and tantalum ore concentrates for removal of uranium and thorium. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings PHOSPHORUS Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely Hazardous UList PList U087 0,0-diethyl S- methyl dithiophosphate Ul45 Lead phosphate Ul89 Phosphorus sulfide, Phosphorus trisulfide U249 Zinc phosphide P006 Aluminum phosphide P039 Phosphorodithioic acid 0,0 diethyl S-[2- e(thylthio) ethyl diethyl] ester (malathion) P040 0,0-diethyl 0-pyrazinyl ohosphate P041 Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate (parathion) P043 Diisopropylfluorophosp hate (DFP) P062 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate (HETP) P085 Octamethy diphosphoramide (schradan) P096 Hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) P094 Phosphorodithioic acid 0,0 diethyl S- etheylthio) ethyl diethyll ester Pl09 Tetraethyl Non-Specific Sources FList TABLE 1 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH NON-METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents. pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Used as a stabilizing agent additive in plastic No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as formulation. pure product. byproduct. or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents. pure product. byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as airents. used as rodenticide. pure product. byproduct. or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents, insecticide, fumigant, semiconductor pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. technology. Fruit fly insecticide. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of thionazin insecticide, fungicide, No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as nemtatocide, chemical warfare agents. pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents. Insecticide and acaicide. pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents. pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents; contact insecticide pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents. Systemic insecticide toxic to plant-pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. chewing insects. Organic chemical synthesis, doping agent for No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as semiconductors, polymerization initiator, pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. condensation polymerization catalyst. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents, thion pesticides. pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Insecticides, chemical warfare agents. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product. byproduct. or off-spec product on site. Page 2 dithiopyrphosphate (TEDP or sulfotepp) Pl 11 Diphosphoric acid tetraethvl ester P122 Zinc phosphide NONE SULFATES Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely Hazardous FList UList PList NONE NONE NONE TABLE 1 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH NON-METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents, incendiary weapons, stabilizer for pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. organic peroxides. Synthesis of pesticides, chemical warfare No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as agents, used as rodenticide. pure product, bvproduct, or off-spec moduct on site. No FListings K037 Wastewater treatment sludges from the No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. production of disulfoton. K038 Wastewater from the washing and stripping of No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. ohorate K039 Filter cake from the filtration of No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. diethylphosphorodithioic acid in the production of phorate K040 Wastewater treatment sludges from the No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. production of phorate Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Listed Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? Sources Element or Compound KList No U Listings No P Listings No F Listings Kl31 No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Sulfates are Dimethyl sulfate in present in residual sulfate compounds from the acid digestion of wastewater from the niobium and tantalum ore concentrates for removal of uranium reactor and spent and thorium. sulfuric acid from the acid dryer from the production of methyl bromide Page 3 ALUMfNUM Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList NONE P006 Aluminum phosphide ARSENIC Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList Ul36 Dimethyl arsenic acid (cacodvlic acid) POI I Arsenic trioxide POI2 Arsenic Pen to xi de TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList -- Insecticide, fumigant, semiconductor manufacturing. NONE -- NONE -- Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList Used as herbicide for Johnson grass on cotton, in timber thinning, as a soil sterilizing agent, and as a chemical warfare agent. Used in production of pigments, aniline colors, ceramic enamels, and decolorizing glass, insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, wood and hide preservatives, and sheep dip. Used in production of arsenates, insecticides, dyeing and printing, weed killers, and colorization of glass. Also used in metal adhesives. F032 Wastewater from wood preserving processes using creosote and pentachlorophenol F034 Wastewater from wood preserving processes using creosote and pentachlorophenol F035 Wastewaters from wood preserving processes using inorganic oreservati ves F039 - Leachates from land disposal of wastes F20 to F22 and F26 to F28 Page 1 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL K021 -- Spent catalyst from fluoromethane production K031 - Byproduct salts from MSMA and cacodylic acid production K060 -- Ammonia still lime sludge from coking K084 - Wastewater sludge from veterinary pharmaceutical production KIO! -- Distillation tar residues from veterinary pharmaceutical production Kl02 - Residue from decolorization of veterinary pharmaceuticals Kl61 - Purification solids, baghouse dust and floor sweepings from dithiocarbamate acids production Kl 71 Spent hydrotreating catalyst - from petroleum refining Kl72 - Spent hydrorefining catalyst from petroleum refining Kl76 Baghouse filters from the production of antimony oxide, and intermediate metals. Kl77 - Slag from production or speculative accumulation of antimony or antimony oxides Page 2 No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and_ concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium mes and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. BARIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely F List UList Hazardous PList NONE P013 Barium Cyanide NONE BERYLLIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList NONE Beryllium --POIS Beryllium powder NONE COPPER Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList NONE P029 Cuprous or Cupric Cyanide NONE TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList -- Used in metallurgy and electroplating. -- NONE -- Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList -- Beryllium powder is used in the aerospace industry, as a neutron reflector in nuclear reactor shielding, solid rocket fuel, and in X-ray tubes. Also used in alloys and parts in gyroscopes, guidance system components, instrumentation and controls such as solenoids. relavs. and switches. -- NONE -- Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList -- Used in metallurgy and electroplating, insecticides, anti-foulants in paints, catalysts in organic synthesis .. -- NONE -- Page 3 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for powdered beryllium to be present as pure product, byproduct or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No F Listings No K Listings CADMIUM Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList NONE NONE CALCIUM Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList U032 Calcium chromate P021 Calcium cyanide Non-Specific Sources FList F006 Wastewater sludge from electroplating F039 TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList -- -- --- --·- Leachates from land disposal of wastes F20 to F22 and F26 to F28 K061 -- Steel electric furnace emission control dust/sludge K064 -· Acid plant blowdown thickener slurry/sludge from primary copper oroduction blowdown K069 -- Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting Kl77 Slag from production or speculative accumulation of antimony or antimony oxides Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList Used as a pigment, corrosion inhibitor, oxidizing agent, battery depolarizer, coatin g for light metal alloys. Rodenticide, fumigant for greenhouses, flour mills, grain, seed, and citrus trees, gold leaching, and synthesis of other cyanides. NONE -- NONE - Page4 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No P Listings No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings. No K Listings. CHROMIUM Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList 0032 Chromic acid or calcium salt of chromic acid NONE TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList Used in manufacture of pigments, oxidizers, catalysts, medicines, ceramic glazes, colored glass, inks, paints, plating, anodizing, engraving, plastic etching, and textile dvejne:, and metal cleaninir. F006 - Wastewater treatment sludge from electroplating FOl9 Wastewater treatment - sludge from chemical coating of aluminum F035 - Wood treating wastewater F037 - Refinery oil/water separator solids F038 - Refinery secondary oil/water separator solids F039 - Leachates from land disposal of wastes F20 to F22 and F26 to F28 K002 - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome yellow pigment K003 - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome molybdate orange pigment K004 - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of zinc yellow pigment KOOS - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome green Page 5 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No P Listings No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL pigment K006 -- Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome oxide green pigments K007 - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of iron blue pigments. KOOS - Oven residue from production of chrome oxide green pigments K048 - Petroleum refining dissolved air flotation ("DAF') solids K049 - Petroleum refining slop oil emulsion solids KOSO - Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge form petroleum refining KOS! - Petroleum refining API separator solids K061 - Steel electric furnace emission control dust/sludge K062 - Iron and steel manufacturing pickle liquor K069 -- Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting K086 - Solvent, caustic and water wash sludges from ink formulation K090 -- Emission control dust or sludge from ferrochromium silicon production Page 6 waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. LEAD Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList U 144 lead acetate U 145 lead phosphate Ul46 lead subacetate Pl 10 Tetraethyl lead TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList Textile dyeing, chrome pigments, gold cyanide leaching, lab reagent, hair dye. May be present as antifoulant in paints, waterproofing, varnishes. Stabilizing agent added to plastic resins. Decolorizing agent added to sugar solutions in food products. Synthesized solely as a gasoline anti-knock additive. F035 - Wood treating wastewater F037 - Refinery oil/water separator solids F038 - Refinery secondary oil/water separator solids F039 -- Leachates from land disposal of wastes F20 to F22 and F26 to F28 K002 -- Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome yellow oigment K003 - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome molybdate orange pigment KOOS - Wastewater treatment sludge from production of chrome green oigment K046 -- Wastewater treatment sludge from production of lead based explosive initiators Page 7 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. MANGANESE Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL K048 -- Petroleum refining dissolved air flotation ("DAF') solids K049 -· Petroleum refining slop oil emulsion solids KOS! -- Petroleum refining API separator solids K052 Petroleum refining leaded -- tank bottoms K061 - Steel electric furnace emission control dust/sludge K062 - Iron and steel manufacturing pickle liquor K064 -- Acid plant blowdown thickener slurry/sludge from primary copper oroduction blowdown K069 -- Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting K086 - Solvent, caustic and water wash sludges from ink formulation KlOO - Waste solution from acid leaching of emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smeltino- Kl76 Baghouse filters from the production of antimony oxide, and intermediate metals. Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Page 8 No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? PList NONE Pl96 Manganese dimethyldithio carbamate NONE MERCURY Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList Ul51 Mercury metal Hg P065 Mercury Fulminate P092 Acetato-0- phenyl mercury or phenyl mercuric acetate NONE NICKEL Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Ha:zardous TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL -- Primarily as a pesticide. -- NONE -- Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Dental amalgams, organic and inorganic reaction catalyst, cathodes for chlorine/ caustic production cells, mirror coating, vapor and arc lamps, nuclear power reactors, boiler fluids. Also present in instruments and used in extractive metallunrv. Due to relatively high detonation velocity, used primarily as an explosive initiator in military explosives. Too unstable for most other uses. Used as a fungicide, anti-mildew agent, and as a topical spermicide - K071 - Brine purification muds from mercury cell chlorine production Kl06 - Wastewater treatment sludge from mercury cell chlorine production Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Page 9 No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? PList NONE P073 Nickel carbonyl P074 Nickel Cyanide POTASSIUM Commercial Commercial Chemicals Chemicals Acutely Toxic Acutely UList Hazardous PList NONE P098 Potassium cyanide P099 Potassium silver cyanide F006 TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL --- Electroplated nickel coatings, reagent chemical Metallurgy, electroplating --- Wastewater treatment sludge from electroplating NONE --- Non-Specific Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Sources Listed Element or Compound FList KList - Extraction of gold and silver from ores, reagent in analytical chemistry, insecticide. fumi11:ant. electroplating. Silver plating, bactericide, antiseptic. NONE K161 Dithiocaroamate production Metam-sodium Purification solids, baghouse dust and sweepings form dithiocaroamate oroduction. Page 10 No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. No K Listin11:s Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listin11:s No K Listings SELENIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList U204 Selenious acid or selenium dioxide U205 Selenium sulfide or selenium disulfide Pl03 Selenourea Pll4 Selenious acid dithallium salt, Selenious acid dithallium salt, Thallium selenide, Thallium selenite, Ancimidol NONE SILVER - Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList NONE P099 Potassium bis (cyano-c) (I) argentate Silver potassium cyanide Pl04 Silver cyanide NONE TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Selenious acid and its salts are used for cold blackening of metal parts for model building and decorative finishes. Preparation of topical dermal and scalp medications. Production of dimethyl selenourea for safety glass coatings Selenious acid and its salts are used for cold blackening of metal parts for model building and decorative finishes. - NONE -- Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList ··- Silver plating, bactericide, antiseptic Used in silver plating. - NONE - Page 11 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material?? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product or byproduct on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product or byproduct on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product or byproduct on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product or byproduct on site. No F Listings No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No K Listings SODIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList U236 3,3'-[(3,3'- dimethyl[l,l'- biphenyl)-4,4' - diyl)bis(azo )bis[5- amino-4-hydroxy]- ,tetrasodium salt P058 Auoroacetic acid sodium salt Pl05 Sodium azide Pl06 Sodium Cyanide NONE TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList - Rodenticide Air bag inflator, intermediate in explosive manufacture, preservative in diagnostic medicines. Manufacture of dyes, pigments, nylon, chelating compounds, insecticides, fumigants. Extraction of gold and silver from ores, electroplating, metal cleaning, heat treatment, ore flotation. K161 Dithiocarbamate production Metam-sodium Purification solids, baghouse dust and sweepings form dithiocarbamate production. Page 12 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. THALLIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList U214 Thallium (I) acetate U215 Thallium (Q Carbonate U216 Thallium chloride U217 Thallium (I) nitrate P114 Selenious acid dithallium salt, Thallium selenide, Thallium selenite, Ancimidol PIIS Sulfuric acid dithallium salt NONE VANADIUM Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList NONE P119 Ammonium vanadate P120 TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList High specific gravity solutions for ore flotation. Laboratory standard for analysis for carbon disulfide, synthesis of artificial diamonds. Chlorination catalyst, sun lamp monitors. Analytical standard, green-fire pyrotechnics. Selenious acid and its salts are used for cold blackening of metal parts for model building and decorative finishes. Pesticide, ant-ki Iler - Kl78 -- Residues from manufacturing and storage of ferric chloride from acids from titanium dioxide production Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList - Intermediate in production of vanadium oxide. Used in DeNOx catalysts for emissions controls, and to produce ceramic colorants. Used in steel ceramics industries. Used in Page 13 Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No. Uranium Material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No U Listings No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be Vanadium pentoxide NONE .. Commercial Commercial Non-Specific Chemicals Chemicals Sources Acutely Toxic Acutely FList UList Hazardous PList U249 Zinc phosphide (10 wt.% or less) P121 Zinc cyanide Pl22 Zinc phosphide (greater than 10 wt.%) P205 Zinc dimethyl dithiocarbamate, Ziram NONE TABLE 2 (Rev. 0): SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL RCRA LISTINGS IN 40 CFR 261 and APPENDIX VII ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN URANIUM MATERIAL inorganic and organic synthesis in dye, paint, varnish, glass, pesticides, and ink manufacture. NONE Specific Industrial Uses and Sources of U or P Sources Listed Element or Compound KList Rodenticide Metal plating, chemical reagent, insecticide. Rodenticide Fungicide, accelerator in rubber synthesis. - Kl61 Rodenticide Ziram pesticides Page 14 present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. Vanadium and its oxides are naturally-occurring in 80 different mineral ores, including tantalum and niobium ores. No F Listimrs No K Listings Is This Listing Applicable to Uranium Material? No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No. There would be no reason for this compound to be present as pure product, byproduct, or off-spec product on site. No F Listings No. Uranium material is not from this industry. Also it is present primarily as an accessory metal in tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates, which are not listed waste sources. ATTACHMENT 5 Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine Worker Safety and Environmental Issues and Chemical Compatibility at the EFRI White Mesa Mill TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM j To: David C. Frydenlund, Kathy Weinel From: Jo Ann Tischler ~(} Company: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Date: April 18, 2019 ------------- Re: Review of Chemical Constituents in Silmet Uranium Material to Determine Worker Safety and Environmental Issues and Chemical Compatibility at the White Mesa Mill 1.0 Introduction This report summarizes the characterization of the NPM Silmet OU's ("Silmet") Uranium Material (the "Uranium Material"), also referred to as the residue or Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Material ("NORM") residue, to be transported from the Sillamae, Estonia facility, to determine whether processing the Uranium Material at the Energy Fuels Resources (USA), Inc. ("EFRI") White Mesa Mill (the "Mill") may pose any worker safety or environmental hazards, or may be incompatible with the Mill's existing tailings management system. The results will provide information to EFRI to determine the requirements, if any, for changes to worker safety practices, or potential incompatibilities to the Mill for the processing of Uranium Material as an alternate feed material. This report will also provide comparison of constituents of the Uranium Material and the EFRI groundwater ("GW") monitoring program to identify any constituents which are not covered under the EFRI GW monitoring program and whether these additional parameters need to be added to the sampling requirements. The following questions were considered for the evaluation of potential safety and environmental hazards and compatibility with the Mill's tailings system and GW monitoring requirements: 1) Will any constituents of the Uranium Material volatilize at the known conditions on the Mill site or in the Mill circuits? If so, will they create any potential environmental, worker health, or safety impacts? 2) Will the Uranium Material or any of its constituents create a dust or off-gas hazard at the known conditions on the Mill site or in the Mill circuit? If so, will they create any potential environmental, worker health, or safety impacts? 3) Will any constituents of the Uranium Material react with other materials in the Mill circuits? 4) Will any constituents of the Uranium Material create any impacts on the tailings system? 5) Does the Uranium Material contain any constituents that are not present in the current Mill GW monitoring program and not sufficiently represented by the Mill's groundwater monitoring analyte list and need to be added to the analyte list? 6) What, if any, limitations on feed acceptance criteria or added operational controls are recommended in connection with processing the Uranium Material at the Mill? An evaluation of the regulatory status of the Uranium Material relative to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") regulations is provided in a separate technical memorandum. 1 2.0 Basis and Limitations of This Evaluation The Uranium Material to be processed at the Mill consists solely of the calcined residues from tantalum and niobium recovery, currently stored on site at the Facility. The evaluation in this memorandum is based on information from the following sources: 1. Current and historic Silmet Uranium Material analytical data. 2. Material Safety Information Sheet for Insoluble Mineral Fraction provided by Silmet 2019 3. Process description and historical overview of the site provided by Silmet 2018 4. Sample collection procedure provided by Silmet 2018 5. Communications with Silmet personnel throughout 2018 and 2019. 6. Radioactive Material Profile Record ("RMPR") for the Silmet Uranium Material (February 2019). 7. Basis of Hazardous Material and Waste Determinations from the RMPR (February 2019) 8. Affidavit of Signe Kask, Managing Director of NPM Silmet 0-0 (January 2019). 9. Basis of Hazardous Material and Waste Determinations from the RMPR (February 2010) 10. Current technical literature from the internet and other sources on performance of liner materials 3.0 Site History and Background The Silmet Sillamae, Estonia facility (the "Facility") currently operates a niobium, and tantalum recovery plant. The Facility is located on a property which formerly contained a shale oil production plant from 1927 to 1940. A uranium production pilot plant was constructed on the site in 1944, following the Soviet Union's occupation of Estonia. The Facility produced uranium oxides from local shale ores from 1944 through 1952. The Facility subsequently began receiving other uranium-containing ores in 1952, and continued to produce uranium oxides until uranium production ceased in 1990. In 1970, concurrent with the uranium operations, the plant began receiving loparite ores and began the recovery of niobium and tantalum in one process area, and rare earths in a separate process area. After 1990, the plant no longer received loparite ores, and began to process columbite and tantalite ore residue concentrates for niobium and tantalum production. Niobium and tantalum, continues to the present time. A chronology of the site history is listed below. 1927-1940 A. Nobel established a Shale Oil production factory, which was destroyed during Second 1944 1946-1952 1952-1970 1970 1970-1990 1982-1988 1988-1990 1990-1997 1990-present 1997 1999-2009 World War The Soviet Union occupied Estonia and began restoration of facilities, with the aim of producing uranium from local shale ore Pilot production of uranium from local shale ore Processing of various uranium-containing ores to produce uranium oxide Start of loparite ore processing to produce niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta) and rare earth element concentrates ("REE") Processing of loparite to produce niobium and tantalum Production of reactor grade enriched uranium products Soviet occupation in Estonia ended and uranium production stopped Facility reorganization as State owned company Processing of columbite and tantalite concentrates to produce niobium and tantalum Private Company established for Nb, Ta and REE production Decommissioning of the former radioactive tailings pond. (Material from this pond is NOT included in the Uranium Material.) 2000 to present Silmet begins accumulating Uranium Material in warehouse 2000 to present Niobium and tantalum recovery is the only operation on site. 2 The Uranium Material results specifically from the plant area and process operation which recovers niobium and tantalum, as discussed below. It does not include residuals from oil shale production, from uranium production or enrichment, rare earth recovery, or from other previous operations at the Facility. The Uranium Material does not include any material from the former radioactive tailings pond or from the decommissioning of the former pond, which has been conducted by entities other than Silmet. No other processing activities, other than the current niobium and tantalum recovery operations, have occurred at the site since 2000.The Uranium Material is comprised only of residuals from the current Silmet niobium and tantalum recovery unit, which were directly calcined, dried, and drummed after generation. This closed process is described in further detail in Section 3.1 below. 3.1 Description of Process which Generated the Uranium Material The Uranium Material consists of the residuals from niobium and tantalum recovery from columbite and tantalite ore concentrates, as described below. Columbite and tantalite-containing mineral ore concentrates are crushed and milled in an isolated area to control the formation of radioactive dust. Raw materials are loaded by hermetic feeder screws into vibrating· mills, where the material is milled to the required particle size, removed from the mills by a hermetically contained discharge systems, and packed into metal drums. The milling unit has isolated ventilation system with particle filter system. Dust particles from the filtered air are removed by cyclones and recycled to the process with raw material. Milled columbite and tantalite is transported to the dissolution unit, located in a separate building in the same plant area. Drums with the milled columbite and tantalite are placed on the top of automatic feeder systems, where material is loaded into dissolution reactors containing hydrofluoric acid solution. Raw material is dissolved at temperatures from 80-85°C ( 176 to 185 °F) in hydrofluoric acid, and sulfuric acid is added to precipitate out the impurities. The slurry is filtered to remove the insoluble impurities including U and Th. After filtration, the filter cake is washed with water several times to remove all Nb and Ta from the cake. Wet residue cake is packed into I-metric tonne plastic bags (Big-Bags) and transported to the calcination unit (located in the same building). The residue is loaded from Big-Bags into electric rotary kilns via feeder systems, and calcined at temperatures from 550-600°C (1022-1112°F) for 1 hour. Calcined residue is transferred from the rotary kilns into rotary coolers where the material is cooled down and packed into 200 liter (approximately 55 gallon) metal drums which are lined with triple wall polyethylene bags. The Quality Control Department and the Governmental Lab Okosil AS, take samples from every drum for gamma spectrometry analysis and all drums are measured for dose speed. Each nine drums comprises a lot, which is transported into the warehouse. The process which generated the Uranium Material is isolated from the remainder of site operations. As escribed above, columbite and tantalite ores are processed in a separate milling area, for which the feed, grinding and discharge steps are controlled by hermetically sealed equipment. Dissolution, washing, filtration, electric rotary calcining, rotary cooling and packaging are all conducted in automated closed systems. Hence, the Uranium Material is isolated from other materials on site from feed source through drum packaging. 3 Per the process description for residue production provided by Silmet, the chemical reagents used in the above processes included: • hydrogen fluoride (as hydrofluoric acid solution) • sulfuric acid The presence of residuals or reaction byproducts from these compounds would be expected in the Uranium Material, as discussed in the sections below. A schematic flow sheet depicting the process which produced the Uranium Material is provided in Figure 1. 4.0 Assumptions Regarding White Mesa Mill Processing of the Uranium Material This evaluation was based on the following process assumptions: 1. The Mill will process the Uranium Material in either the main circuit or alternate feed circuit alone or in combination with natural ores or other alternate feed materials. 2. The Uranium Material will be delivered to the Mill by truck in 200 liter (55 gallon) drums lined with triple-walled polyethylene bag liners. The drums will be shipped in closed cargo containers, such as Container Express ("Conex"), Sea Box, Intermodal Containers ("IMCs") or the equivalent. 3. The drums will be unloaded from the trucks onto the ore pad for temporary storage until the material is scheduled for processing. 4. The Uranium Material will be added to the circuit in a manner similar to that used for the normal processing of conventional ores and other alternate feed materials. 5. Because the material is in a dry, powdered state, the drum contents will be managed, if required, to minimize dust generation upon emptying. Dust management may include emptying the drums within an enclosure with water sprays, wetting the drum contents before emptying, or emptying the drums submerged, as determined to be appropriate based on the material condition after receipt. 6. The Mill does not anticipate any significant modifications to the leaching circuit or recovery process areas for the processing of the Uranium Material. 7. Cell 3 and Cell 4A are currently the active tailings cells at the Mill and either could receive tailings from the Uranium Material. However, because filling of Cell 3 is nearing completion, tailings from the uranium Material will more likely be placed in Cell 4A. The evaluations in this attachment are therefore based on placement of tailings in Cell 4A. For purposes of comparison, calculations of concentration changes in the tailings management system have been prepared both for Cell 3 and Cell 4A. 5.0 Chemical Composition of the Uranium Material and Potential Effects in the Mill Process 5.1 Composition Physical and chemical properties of the residues have been measured at different times to confirm radiological content and support evaluation of disposal or recovery alternatives. Over several years of niobium and tantalum recovery operations from 2015 to 2017, Silmet's internal quality control laboratory periodically analyzed samples of the Uranium Material to assess mineral content of the oxidized/calcined product. During the same time period, Estonia's national environmental control laboratory at the Okosil Keskkonnalabor ("Okosil Environmental Center") sampled and analyzed composites of drummed material for radionuclide content. In 2018, Silmet composited grab samples representing all the drums into 15 composites, for total constituent analyses of total metals, inorganic anions, isotopic uranium, thorium, 4 radium, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure ("TCLP") metals analysis of eight RCRA metals, pH, ignitability, ammonia nitrogen and nitrogen as nitrate. The evaluations are summarized in the table below. Table 1 Summary of Silmet Analyses Sample Sampling/ Analysis Analyses Number of Name/Laboratory Date(s) Composite Samples Quality Certificates 2015 through 2017 Uranium oxides, 15 (NPM Silmet 00 thorium oxides, rare ( every drum was internal laboratory) earth oxides, metal sampled; composites oxides were made from 9 samples) Okosil Keskkonnalabor 2015 through 2017 Radionuclides 19 Katseprotokoll ("Okosil ( every drum was Environmental Center sampled; composites Test Report") were made from 9 samples) ALS Laboratory 2018 Ignitability, TCLP, 15 inorganic ions, total ( composited by the metals, ammonia same method as earlier and nitrate N, samples) radionuclides As discussed in Section 2.0, above, the Uranium Material contains greater than 0.05% source material, and is exempt from RCRA, regardless of its process history or chemical composition, and no further RCRA analysis is required. The following evaluation of characterization data is provided to demonstrate that even if the Uranium Material were not categorically exempt from RCRA, it is not and does not contain RCRA listed hazardous waste. The sampling was representative of a continuous process stream under the control of the generator, from a process which did not vary appreciably over time. Analyses provided with the RMPR were performed by laboratories possessing State of Utah and/or National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference ("NELAC") certification for the analyses performed. As a result, these studies provide sufficiently representative characterization to assess the regulatory status, worker safety environmental hazards, and chemical and processing properties of the Uranium Material. As a result, these studies provide sufficiently representative characterization to assess the regulatory status, worker safety, environmental hazards, and chemical and processing properties of the Uranium Material. The Uranium Material is a calcined product of insoluble minerals precipitated from hydrofluoric acid digestion of niobium and tantalum ores. In general, based on Silmet' s mineral assays, the compounds aluminum oxide (Alz03) zirconium oxide (Zr02), and tin oxide (Sn02) together comprise up to 50 percent of the material, and all other compounds are present at trace levels from mg/kg up to 1 to 2%. The Uranium Material exhibits a relatively low pH, from approximately pH 2.5 to 3, due to residual fluoride from the hydrofluoric digestion of tantalum and niobium, and from fluoride present in some of the ore minerals themselves. 5 The drums, containing powdered calcined product, will be opened and fed to the Mill process in an appropriate manner to minimize dust, both for the purposes of worker safety and environmental protection. The concentrations of these constituents will be further reduced by introduction into the leach circuit, where they will be present at fractional ppm levels, or lower, after the solid mass is diluted to a level of 50 percent or less, with acid solutions, in the leach tanks. These constituents will be processed in the same manner as natural uranium ores or other alternate feed materials are processed at the Mill, and will be discharged to the Mill tailings management system in the same way as the non-uranium constituents from ores and other alternate feed materials. The majority of the soluble mineral salts will be converted to sulfate salt forms in the leach system. This includes the three oxides that comprise up to half of the material, which are insoluble in water, but will react with sulfuric acid to form soluble sulfate salts. The soluble sulfate forms are stable and non-reactive and will be removed from the circuit in post-leach steps and discharged to the Mill's tailings management system. All the non-uranium components of the material will eventually be discharged to the tailings management system. Components that are removed as tailings solids will be discharged to Cell 4A or Cell 3, as discussed above. Process solutions will be discharged to whichever of the basins are being used for evaporation of Mill solutions at the time of processing. All the known Uranium Material components in their anticipated mineral states are compatible with, or will be converted by reaction with, aqueous sulfuric acid, which will be used for leaching the Uranium Material, and with any other chemicals and materials to which they may be exposed in the Mill following the leach circuit. It should be noted that he Mill has previously processed thousands of tons of alternate feed materials comprised of residuals from tantalum, niobium and rare earth recovery operations similar to the Silmet Facility, including: • Cabot alternate feed (tantalum and niobium) • Fansteel alternate feed (tantalum and niobium) Each of these alternate feed materials contained a comparable, or even broader, spectrum of columbite, tantalite or other rare earth element constituents as the Silmet Uranium Material. Individual components in the Uranium Material have been grouped into classes of constituents, and discussed below. 5.2 Organic Constituents 5.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds The Uranium Material consists of acid digestion residuals from inorganic mineral ores, which have subsequently been oxidized in a calcining rotary kiln at temperatures above 1000°F. The only constituents remaining in the material following calcining are metals and inorganic ionic species in their highest oxidation states. No volatile organic constituents can reasonably be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. 5.2.2 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds 6 The Uranium Material consists of acid digestion residuals from inorganic mineral ores, which have subsequently been oxidized in a calcining rotary kiln at temperatures above 1000°F. The only constituents remaining in the material following calcining are metals and inorganic ionic species in their highest oxidation states. No semi-volatile organic constituents can reasonably be expected to be present in the Uranium Material. 5.3 Inorganic Constituents Analyses of inorganic constituents is provided in the analytical reports included with the RMPR and summarized in Attachments D.1 of the RMPR. 5.3.1 Non-Metal Inorganic Compounds As discussed above, the residues that form the Uranium Material were calcined at elevated temperature in rotary kilns. At elevated temperatures tantalum and niobium, in addition to reacting with oxygen to form oxides, are capable of absorbing atmospheric hydrogen and nitrogen into their metal lattices. Other accessory metals in the ores and concentrates also absorb hydrogen and nitrogen. Nitrogen is expected to be present at trace to low levels in both the reduced (ammonia N) and/or oxidized (nitrate/nitrite) forms. AmmoniaasN Ammonia nitrogen was present at very trace levels, averaging 66 mg/kg in the ALS analyses. Anhydrous ammonia gas or high concentrations of ammonium hydroxide solutions are incompatible with strong oxidizers, halogen gases, acids, and salts of silver and zinc. The very low levels of ammonia nitrogen will not be present as anhydrous ammonia gas or ammonium hydroxide and will not contact halogen gases at any time in the Mill process. If traces of ammonia are present in the reactive form ( ammonium hydroxide) it will be at concentrations too low to react with the silver and zinc already present in the Mill tailings management system, or with the moderate oxidizer that may be added in the Mill acid leach circuit. Nitrate/Nitrite as N Nitrate is extremely soluble in nearly all mineral forms. In the Uranium Material nitrate/nitrite nitrogen was present at minute levels, averaging 0.1 mg/kg in the ALS analyses. It was not analyzed in the Silmet mineral assays. Nitrate nitrogen has been introduced into the Mill's circuit with natural ores and alternate feed materials at levels as high as 350,000 mg/kg. The Mill has handled these compounds in the Mill circuit and tailings management system with no adverse process, environmental, or safety issues. The extremely low levels identified of nitrate/nitrite nitrogen identified in the ALS reports are inconsequential in comparison. Phosphorus Phosphorus is naturally present as a component of several of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. The trace levels in the insolubles from the niobium and tantalum digestion were converted in the calciner to trace levels of the oxide P20s, averaging approximately 0.6 percent in the Uranium Material. These low levels will react to form soluble ions in the sulfuric acid. 7 Fluorides Fluoride is present as a residual of the hydrofluoric acid used at the Facility in digestion of tantalum and niobium ores. It is also a component of several of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. The average fluoride level analyzed in the Uranium Material was 4,923 mg/kg. This level is well within the level present in other alternate feed materials already approved for processing at the Mill, such as the Fansteel alternate feed material, which contained concentrations ranging up to 396,000 mg/kg. Fluorides have been introduced into the Mill's circuit with natural ores and alternate feed materials at levels as high as 460,000 mg/kg. The Mill has handled fluoride compounds in the Mill circuit and tailings management system with no adverse process, environmental, or safety issues. Chlorides Chloride is a component of several of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. The average chloride level analyzed in the Uranium Material was less than 16 mg/kg. Chloride has been introduced into the Mill with other alternate feed materials, at concentrations ranging up to 89,900 mg/kg. The Mill has handled chloride compounds in the Mill circuit and tailings system with no adverse process, environmental, or safety issues. In conclusion, all of the anions in the Uranium Material have been introduced into the Mill at levels greater than those identified in the analytical data and assay data. A summary of the anion content of previous alternate feed materials, and the source of the feed information, has been tabulated in the attached Table 5. 5.3.2 Metals As mentioned above, chemical form (mineral oxide) data for the calcined residues was available from Silmet' s internal quality control laboratory. Additional metals, ions and RCRA parameter data was produced in 2019. Data from both these sources was used to tabulate the types of inorganic constituents in the Uranium Material. These constituents can be categorized based on their elemental characteristics and chemical properties as indicated in Table 2. Table 2: Classes of Metals in Silmet Uranium Material Class Component of the Uranium Material Alkali Metals Sodium, Potassium Alkaline Earths Barium, Beryllium, Calcium, Magnesium Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Transition Metals Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silver, Thallium, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium Other Metals Aluminum, Lead, Tin Metalloids Arsenic, Selenium Rare Earth Elements Cerium, dysprosium, gadolinium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, scandium, ytterbium, yttrium All species listed in Table 2, above, are natural constituents in tantalum and niobium ores, are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. 8 As discussed above, in addition to the elemental analyses performed by ALS, Silmet routinely analyzed samples of the Uranium Material for their actual mineral composition, that is, the compound form(s) in which each constituent is present. Sufficient data and process knowledge of the Facility exists to reasonably assess the chemical forms for each constituent, as discussed under each class of constituents, below. None of the incompatibilities described below or in Table 3 are applicable to the components as they will be present in the Uranium Material. None of the components will be present in pure or concentrated reduced metal form or as pure or concentrated metal oxides. None of the fluoridated, sulfite, or cyanide, compound or hydroxy lated (caustic) forms in Table 3 of the alkali metals or alkaline earths are expected to be present. None of the components will be exposed to any of the incompatible agents identified in the table. Alkali Metals The alkaline earth metals, sodium, and potassium are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. The two oxide forms identified by Silmet, K20 and Na20, comprise together, on average, less than 3 percent of the mass of material. Both will be converted to soluble sulfates in the leach acid. Alkaline Earths The alkali metals, barium, beryllium, calcium, and magnesium are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. Barium, calcium and magnesium were identified in their oxide mineral forms in the calcined Uranium Material. Barium, calcium and magnesium together comprise approximately 5 percent of the mass of Uranium Material. Beryllium, analyzed in metal form in the ALS reports, can be assumed to be in its oxide form as well. In the ALS data, beryllium ranged from 200 to 2,000 times lower in concentration than any of other alkali metals, and was likely too low to be quantifiable in the mineral assays. Although in some circumstances, the introduction of oxides of the alkaline earths in sufficient quantities into an acid leach circuit has the potential to result in unwanted excess chemical reactivity, this situation will not occur from the processing of the Uranium Material at the Mill. As described above, none of the alkaline earths will be present as pure metals. Although they have been oxidized in the calcining process at the Facility and are in the oxide state, they are present at low concentrations, will be diluted either during drum emptying, leaching, or both, and none will be present at pure or high levels anywhere in the Mill's circuit. Hazards associated with pure metals and pure oxides are not applicable and will not be discussed further. All other compound and complex forms of the alkaline earths anticipated in the Uranium Material are compatible with either acid or alkaline leach solutions and any other process chemicals to which they may be exposed in the Mill circuit. They will be removed as sulfates or other insoluble salts, and discharged to the tailings management system. They do not pose any incompatibility hazards in the Mill process. Data from a recent sample of Cell 4A indicates that barium has been introduced into the Mill process and to Cell 4A tailings. Barium concentrations as high as 43,000 ppm, or 10 times higher than the levels in the Uranium Material, have been processed at the Mill with no adverse process effects, environmental impacts, or safety issues. Incompatible materials listed for barium sulfate include phosphorous and aluminum. The barium will not be exposed to these materials, and the addition of sulfuric acid at the Mill will not create any additional worker safety or environmental hazards from contact with barium. 9 Transition Metals The transition metals, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, silver, thallium, vanadium, zinc and zirconium are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. IBased on the Silmet mineral assay data, all of these components are present in oxide forms as a result of the calcining step at the Facility. However, none of their oxides were present at greater than 0.5% in the Silmet assay, oxides of mercury, cadmium, silver, thallium, vanadium, were below the detection limit of 0.02% (200 ppm) in the assay results. This is generally consistent with the low levels detected in the ALS data. Although in some circumstances, the introduction of oxides of the transition metals in sufficient quantities into an acid leach circuit has the potential to result in unwanted excess chemical reactivity, this situation will not occur from the processing of the Uranium Material at the Mill. As described above, none of the transition metals will be present as pure metals, or at pure or high concentrations in the highest oxidation state (oxide) form. Hazards associated with pure metals and high concentration oxides are not applicable and will not be discussed further. All other compound and complex forms of the transition metals anticipated in the Uranium Material are compatible with acid leach solutions, and any other process chemicals to which they may be exposed in the Mill circuit. Their very low levels will be removed as sulfates or other insoluble salts, and discharged to the tailings management system. They do not pose any incompatibility hazards in the Mill process. Other Metals The other metals, aluminum, lead, and tin, are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. As indicated by the Silmet assay data, these metals are present in their oxide forms, as a result of the calcining step at the Facility. Both the ALS data and Silmet assays show lead present at comparable levels, on average 0.4 percent in the ALS data, and 0.5 percent lead oxide (0.46 percent lead) in the assay data. Aluminum averaged 12.7 percent aluminum oxide (6.7 percent aluminum average, 9 percent maximum) in the assay data. The ALS data averaged lower, at 0.44 percent average aluminum and 1.1 percent maximum). Tin averaged 15.6 percent tin oxide 12.2 percent tin average, 21 percent maximum) in the assay data. The ALS data averaged much lower, at 0.001 percent average tin and 0.01 percent maximum). Manufacturers' Safety Data Sheets ("SDSs") and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health ("NIOSH") safety hazard information indicate that the metals aluminum lead and tin, and their lower oxides, are incompatible with strong oxidizers, halogen gases, and some acids. The Mill sometimes adds oxidants to the leaching system to improve uranium recovery from some types of feeds. Sodium chlorate, the typical oxidizing agent used in the Mill's leach circuit, is a moderately effective oxidizer. It will be introduced in relatively weak aqueous solution in the leach system, not in concentrate. The oxides of lead and aluminum react aggressively with strong mineral acids such as nitric acid or combinations of nitric and sulfuric acids. Sulfuric acid used at the Mill is a relatively weak acid (compared 10 to nitric or phosphoric acid) and not an oxidizing acid. Aluminum oxides would be converted to sulfates in the leach step and removed from the system and transferred to the tailings management system. As described above, neither of these metals will be present as pure metals. Both will be present initially as oxides, and subsequently as sulfates once reacted with sulfuric acid. Hazards associated with pure metals are not applicable and will not be discussed further. All other compound and complex forms of these two metals are compatible with acid leach solutions and any other process chemicals to which they may be exposed in the Mill circuit. They will be dissolved or precipitated as sulfate salts, and discharged to the tailings. They do not pose any incompatibility hazards in the Mill process. The Mill has previously processed alternate feed materials with comparable levels of aluminum and tin, ranging up to 13 percent aluminum and 2 percent tin, with no incompatibility issues in the Mill process. The Mill has processed alternate feed materials with substantially higher levels of lead, such as the Molycorp lead-iron filter cake alternate feed material with up to 23.6 percent lead, with no adverse effects to workers, the Mill process or the environment. Metalloids The metalloids, arsenic and selenium, are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co- present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. In the Silmet assay data, selenium oxides averaged no more than 0.2 percent of the mass of the Uranium Material, with one of the two oxides being below detection limit in all samples. In the ALS data, selenium was below detection limit in all of the 15 samples. Arsenic oxides were at levels below the detection limit of 0.02 percent in all the Silmet assay samples. Although in some circumstances, the introduction of oxides of the metalloids in sufficient quantities into an acid leach circuit has the potential to result in unwanted excess chemical reactivity, this situation will not occur from the processing of the Uranium Material at the Mill. As discussed above, none of the metalloids will be present as pure metals, and the minimal concentrations of oxides identified in the available data are too low to be of any concern in the Mill circuit. Hazards associated with pure metals and oxides will not be discussed further. All other compound and complex forms of the metalloids anticipated in the Uranium Material are compatible with acid leach solutions and any other process chemicals to which they may be exposed in the Mill circuit. They will be removed as sulfates or other insoluble salts, and discharged to the tailings management system. They do not pose any incompatibility hazards in the Mill process. Rare Earth Elements The rare earth elements, cerium, dysprosium, gadolinium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, scandium, ytterbium, and yttrium are components of many of the accessory minerals commonly co-present in the tantalum and niobium ores. All are expected to be present in the concentrates processed, and the calcined residues produced, at the Facility. The Mill has previously processed thousands of tons of alternate feed materials comprised of residuals from tantalum, niobium and rare earth recovery, including: • Cabot alternate feed (tantalum and niobium) • Fansteel alternate feed (tantalum and niobium) 11 Each of these alternate feed materials contained similar, or even broader spectrum of rare earth element constituents as the Uranium Material. Every one of the rare earth components of the Uranium Material has been introduced into the Mill circuits at levels greater than those in the Uranium Material, with no adverse effects to workers, the Mill process or the environment. 6.0 Potential Worker Safety Issues The Uranium Material is expected to have an average moisture content of less than 1 percent. The Mill is equipped with drum-emptying equipment at several locations, in both the main circuit and alternate feed circuit, and Mill personnel are experienced in the use of several different mechanisms to control dusting while emptying drums containing dry, powdered material such as the Uranium Material. Dust management for the Uranium Material, as required, may include: • emptying of the drums within an enclosure with water sprays, • wetting of the drum contents before emptying and remove of the material as a moist cake, or • emptying the drums submerged. If required, the most appropriate method will be determined based on inspection of the material condition after receipt at the Mill. 7.0 Radiation Safety The Uranium Material is derived from the extraction of concentrates of tanatalum and niobium ores. The Uranium Material contains the same radionuclides as previously approved alternate feed materials received from rare earth, tantalum or niobium recovery facilities, at varying concentrations. The derived air concentrations ("DACs"), radiation protection measures, and emissions control measures used for ores and other alternate feed materials at the Mill are sufficiently protective for the processing of the Uranium Material. The Mill plans to manage the Uranium Material under a thorium-specific Standard Operating Procedure ("SOP") developed for feeds with elevated thorium content. It should be noted that when the Uranium Material is managed under the additional precautions in the thorium-specific SOP, the procedures in the SOP will also protect workers from any potentially elevated levels of metal oxides or other components of the calcined product from emptying of the feed drums through disposal in the tailings system. 8.0 Potential Air E~ons Impacts The introduction of a solid powder like the Uranium Material to any process may produce two potential forms of air emissions: fugitive dusts, and/or hazardous gases. Discussions in the previous sections demonstrate that engineering controls already in place at the Mill will prevent the generation or dispersion of both of these types of emissions. The Uranium Material will have a moisture content of less than 1 percent. As described in Section 4.0 and 6.0, above, one of a number of available wet methods for dust control will be applied during emptying of the drum contents, to minimize generation of radionuclide-or chemical containing-dusts and vapors. In addition, once introduced into the Mill, the constituents in the material will almost immediately be converted to sulfates or other stable aqueous ionic forms, which are non-volatile and produce no off gases. 12 Because the metals and ions in the Uranium Material are present at ppm levels or fractional percent levels, they are not expected to generate a significant increase in load on the existing demisters or air pollution control devices even if they reach the air control system as solids from potential spills in the pre-leach area. 9.0 Potential Effects on Tailings Management System 9.1 Tailings Cell Liner Material Compatibility 9.1.1 Effect on Tailings Composition The Uranium Material will be received as a calcined dry solid powder product from the rotary calciners and rotary coolers at the Facility. A portion of this material may be insoluble in the acid leach process at the Mill and therefore, the discharge sent to tailings may contain some solid material. The remainder of the Uranium Material will be soluble and therefore be contained in the liquid phase after processing in the leach system. Tailings from processing of the Uranium Material will be sent to one of the active tailings cells at the Mill, Cell 3 or Cell 4A. Subsequent to the closure of Cell 3 tailings could be sent to Cell 4B or to a similarly designed new cell, depending on the timing of material shipments, and the status of the cells of the tailings management system at the time of receipt. For the purposes of this assessment, it has been assumed that the tailings from the Uranium Material will be transferred to Cell 4A. The solutions from the Uranium Material tailings will be recirculated through the Mill process for reuse. The solids will be only a portion of the total mass of Uranium Material sent to the Mill from the Facility. However, assuming a worst-case scenario that all of the solid material ends up in the tailings, the additional load to the tailings management system will be minimal. Cell 4A was placed into service in October of 2008 and received conventional ore tailings solids and, since July 2009, conventional ore tailings solutions. Cell 4B was authorized for use and placed into service in February 2011. Cell 4B, to date, has been used only as an evaporation pond. Hence, for this analysis, it is reasonable to use known information on the composition of Cell 4A and/or Cell 3. Cell 3 is a mature cell, later in its operational life cycle, and contains a larger volume/mass of tailings, and relatively higher concentrations of most constituents than newer cells. Cell 4A is a newer cell, early in its operational life, and contains a lower volume/mass of tailings and relatively low concentrations of most constituents. As mentioned earlier in Sections 4.0 and 9.1, the filling of Cell 3 is nearing completion and the majority, or all, of the tailings from the Uranium Material is most likely to be placed in Cell 4A. However, Cell 3 provides a reasonable representation of the relative concentrations of constituents that can be expected to be seen in Cell 4A later in its operating life. Therefore, for comparison purposes, the effect of the Uranium Material on the concentrations in the tailings management system was prepared for both Cell 4A and Cell 3. The constituents in the tailings solids and liquids resulting from the processing of Uranium Materials are not expected to be significantly different from those resulting from processing of conventional ores or previously approved alternate feed materials. The Uranium Material contains generally lower concentrations of every constituent than has been received in previously approved alternate feed materials, in many cases two or more orders of magnitude lower than other alternate feed materials. Tables 4-1 and 4-2, which provide the potential tailings composition Cells 4A, and Cell 3, respectively before and after processing of the Uranium Material, indicate that all of the constituents found in the Uranium Material have been processed in the Mill's main circuit and/or the alternate feed circuit and are present in the tailings system. 13 As described above, it is expected that most of the metal and non-metal components entering the leach system with the Uranium Material will be converted to sulfate ions, precipitated, and eventually discharged to the tailings management system. Every metal and non-metal cation and anion component in the Uranium Material already exists in the Mill's tailings management system and/or is analyzed under the GW monitoring program. Every component in the Uranium Material has been: 1. detected in analyses of the tailings cells liquids; 2. detected in analyses of tailings cells solids; 3. detected in analyses of alternate feed materials licensed for processing at the Mill; or 4. detected in process streams or intermediate products when previous alternate feed materials were processed at the Mill; at concentrations that are generally comparable or higher than the concentrations in the Uranium Material. As can be seen from Tables 4-1, the constituents in the Uranium Material are estimated to raise the current concentration in Cell 4A by no more than a few mg/L, and for many constituents, due to the low levels in the Uranium Material, the resulting concentration in tailings is expected to go down, in some cases significant! y. based on the calculations in Table 4-1, lead concentrations may increase up to 14.9 mg/L 127%) compared to the currently estimated concentration of lead in Cell 4A.Over its operating life, Cell 4A is expected to receive up to 1.9 million tons of tailings solids from ores and alternate feed materials, and the eventual resulting concentration of lead will be much lower. When Cell 4A is later in its operational life cycle, the relative effect of the Uranium Material residuals on lead concentration in the tailings management system will more resemble the effect calculated based on Cell 3 (an increase of approximately one third (36%) above the current concentrations, as indicated in Table 4-2. This represents an actual increase over the life of Cell 4A, as represented by Cell 3, of 3.4 mg/L (36%). Additionally, it should be noted that, the maximum lead content of 4,100 mg/kg in the Uranium Material is substantially lower than the elevated lead levels of previously approved alternate feed materials such as Molycorp and others, which have ranged up to 236,000 mg/kg, and the anticipated quantity of Uranium Material is far lower than the quantities of those alternate feed materials. Similarly, over the life of Cell 4A, the effects of the Uranium Material on the concentration of barium, will also be more like the effects shown in Table 4-2 for Cell 3. That is, the concentration may be expected to increase 1.6 mg/L ( 1,590%) when considering Cell 4A. However, this percentage increase represents and actual increase of only 0.4 mg/L (71 %) when considering Cell 3 concentrations as representative of the future composition of Cell 4A. The chemistry of the tailings management system would limit the mobility of barium due to the abundance of sulfate in the tailings cells. The insolubility of barium in the presence of sulfate is generally consistent regardless of the liquid medium. That is, the solubility of barium sulfate in cold water is 0.022 mg/L and in concentrated sulfuric acid is 0.025 mg/L (Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 68th Edition). At the listed concentrations of sulfate in the tailings solutions (67,600 mg/L to 87,100 mg/Lin Cell 4A), a change in the ambient barium concentration in the tailings solutions 0.4 mg/L, or even 1.6 mg/L would be negligible. 14 9.1.2 Liner Resistivity and Suitability As discussed above, the majority, or all, of the tailings from the Uranium Material is expected to be placed in Cell 4A. For the purpose of completeness, the evaluation below addressed both Cell 3 and Cell 4A. Cell 3 was constructed with a polyvinyl chloride ("PVC") membrane liner. Cell 4A (as well as Cell 4B) has a high-density polyethylene ("HDPE") liner. Mitchell (1985) studied the chemical resistivity of both PVC and HDPE at a pH range of 1.5 to 2.5 standard units using sulfuric acid. This study concluded that PVC performed satisfactorily under these conditions, HDPE performed better, and both were structurally stable under these acidic conditions. Haxo, et. al. (EPA 1991) evaluated the performance of PVC (swell as other vinyl and polyethylene liner materials) in leachate solutions containing metals, salts and volatile hydrocarbons, such as chloroform. Although most of the materials softened during the first 12 months of exposure, due to the normal wetting process when exposed to solutions, the PVC and some of the ethylene materials subsequently re-hardened and recovered and retained their tensile properties for the long-term performance. According to Gulec, et al. (2005), a study on the degradation of HDPE liners under acidic conditions (synthetic acid mine drainage), HDPE was found to be chemically resistant to solutions similar to the tailings solutions at the Mill. Battelle Laboratories (Farnsworth and Hymas, 1989) studied the performance of five synthetic geomembrane liner materials in a complex synthetic solution at elevated temperatures of 90°C (194°F), containing high levels of anions, including fluoride, nitrite, sulfate and phosphate ions, along with over 20 of the same metals and metal oxides found in the Mill's tailings and the Uranium Material. In the post-immersion stress/break tests after 120 days exposure, HDPE was determined to be the best performing material of all those tested. It can be concluded that the PVC liner of Cell 3 and the HDPE liners of Cell 4A are suitable for the chemical and mineral composition of tailings expected from the Uranium Material in the sulfuric acid conditions to be encountered in the tailings management system 9.1.3 Conclusions Regarding Tailings Management System Effects The constituents in the Uranium Material, are expected to produce no incremental additional environmental, health, or safety impacts in the Mill's tailings management system beyond those produced by the Mill's processing of natural ores or previously approved alternate feed materials. Since the impacts of all the constituents on the tailings management system are already anticipated for normal Mill operations, and permitted under the Mill's license, they have not been re-addressed in this evaluation. 10.0 Groundwater Monitoring Program The chemical and radiological make-up of the Uranium Material is similar to other ores and alternate feed materials processed at the Mill, and their resulting tailings will have the chemical composition of typical process tailings from the ores and previously approved feeds, for which the Mill's tailings management system was designed. Specifically, each of the constituents of the Uranium Material • is monitored under the Mill's current Groundwater Permit, or • has been evaluated in the environmental evaluations for one or more previously approved alternate feed materials, and it has been determined that one or more analytes monitored under the Groundwater Permit is an effective indicator for the constituent. 15 With respect to barium, as discussed above, given the strong tendency of barium to partition to solids, especially in the presence of sulfate in the Mill's tailings management system, there is no reasonable potential for barium to migrate to ground water from the tailings management system at the Mill in the unlikely event of a leak in the tailings cells. Calcium Kd value in UDEQ Statement of Basis for the permit (December 1, 2004) contains published Kd values for calcium of 5 to 100 L/kg for sandy to clayey soils. The Kd for barium is 100 to 150,000 L/kg for the same soil types indicating less mobility in groundwater, and it has therefore been concluded that barium is sufficiently represented by monitoring for calcium and has identified no technical reason to add barium to the list of constituents monitored in ground water in the vicinity of the tailings management system As a result, the existing groundwater monitoring program at the Mill will be adequate to detect any potential future impacts to groundwater for any constituent in the Uranium Material. 11.0 Conclusions and Recommendations While elevated levels of certain constituents in the Uranium Material may be present, no additional material management requirements during handling and processing will be needed. The Mill has successfully implemented processing of previous alternate feed materials with similar or higher concentrations of each constituent contained in the Uranium Material. For example, the Mill has successfully processed and recovered uranium from tantalum and niobium recovery residuals, uranium-bearing salts, calcium fluoride precipitates, recycled metals, metal oxides, and calcified product, all of which posed potential chemical reactivity and material handling issues comparable to or more significant than those associated with this Uranium Material. Based on the foregoing information, it can be concluded that: 1. All the constituents in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, already present in the Mill tailings management system or were reported in other alternate feed materials processed at the Mill, at levels generally comparable to those reported in the Uranium Material. 2. All the constituents in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, previously introduced into the Mill process, with no adverse effects to the process, or worker health and safety. 3. All the known impurities in the Uranium Material have either been reported to be, or can be assumed to be, previously introduced into the Mill tailings management system, with no adverse effects to the tailings management system, or human health and safety. 4. The Uranium Material will raise the respective concentrations of most constituents in tailings by a fractional percent or a few parts per million to 10 parts per million. In the case of most other analytes, the resulting concentrations of constituents in tailings will be reduced 5. While the Uranium Material is elevated in lead, it is orders of magnitude lower in concentration than previously approved alternate feed materials, and the quantity of Uranium Material is far lower than those feeds. Over the life of Cell 4A, the Uranium Material may raise the concentration of lead 3 to 4 mg/L. 16 6. The levels of barium in the Uranium material may raise the concentration of Cell 4A 1.6 mg/L, or over its lifetime, 0.4 mg/L. These levels are insignificant compared to the sulfate levels of any cell in the tailings management system, which precipitates barium in immobile forms. 7. There will be no significant incremental environmental impacts from the processing of Uranium Material beyond those that are already anticipated in the Environmental Impact Statements for the Mill. 8. Spill response and control measures designed to minimize particulate radionuclide hazards will be more than sufficient to manage chemical hazards from the constituents of the Uranium Material. 17 11.0 References • Austin, G.T. Shreve's Chemical Process Industries, Fifth Edition. McGraw Hill. New York 1984. • Chemical Rubber Company CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 6sth Edition. • Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter I -Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Part 40 - Domestic Licensing of Source Material: 40.4 -Definitions (10 CFR 40.4) • Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations; Appendix A -Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Part 40 - Domestic Licensing of Source Material: Criteria Relating to the Operation of Uranium Mills and the Disposition of Tailings or Wastes Produced by the Extraction or Concentration of Source Material From Ores Processed Primarily for Their Source Material Content (10 CFR 40 Appendix A) • Farnsworth, R.K. and C.R. Hymas, August 1989 The Compatibility of Various Polymeric Liner and Pipe Materials with Simulated Double-Shell Slurry Feed at 9D°C. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, US. Department of Energy, Battelle Memorial Institute • Gulec, S.B., C.H. Benson, and T. B. Edil, 2005. "Effect of Acid Mine Drainage on the Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Three Geosynthetics", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol. 131, No. 8, ASCE, pp. 937-950. • Hudson Institute of Mineralogy Columbite Mineral Data accessed at hltp ://www.mindat.org/min- 8667 .html on 2/ 13/ 19 • Hudson Institute of Mineralogy Tantalite Mineral Data accessed at http ://www.mindat.org/min - 3882.html on 2/13/19 • Mitchell, D.H., 1985. "Geomembrane Compatibility Tests Using Uranium Acid Leachate", Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 2, No. 2, Elsevier Publishing Co., pp. 111-128. • NPM Silmet 0-0 Documented Procedure -Selection and Preparation of Samples of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 2018 • NPM Silmet 0-0 Technological Description for Production of NORM Containing Residue 2018 • Sax, N. Irving and Lewis, Richard L. Sr. Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, I I'" Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York 1987. • US EPA Chemical Fact Sheets -accessed at www .epa.gov/chemfact on 2/17 / 19 • US EPA Haxo H. E., Haxo Robert, Neson, Nancy, et.al. Liner Materials Exposed to Hazardous and Toxic Wastes. EPA Hazardous Waste Engineering and Research Laboratory January 1985 • Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Statement of Basis for White Mesa Mill Groundwater Permit 12/1/2004 18 Table 3: Incompatibilities and Chemical Hazards for Components of Uranium Material Maximum Will constituent be present in this Will constituent be exposed to Chemical Concentration chemical form? these incompatible agents? Component Symbol (mg/kg) Incompatibilities Aluminum Al 11,000 As A'203 -chlorine trifluoride, hot chlorinated As di-aluminum trioxide Sulfuric acid only. Al203 will not be rubber, acids, oxidizers present at greater than 1 %, and will be consumed by the overabundance of sulfuric in the leach system. As Al -Strong oxidizers and acids, No None present except sulfuric acid. Al halogenated hydrocarbons is not present as reduced Al, but as aluminum oxide. As pure powder -varies No -- As Al salts and alkyls -varies No. Aqueous solutions on ly -- Ammonia NH4 190 Strong oxidizers, halogens, acids, salts of No. Will only be present as None present except sulfuric acid. silver and zinc ammonium oxides, hydrates. NH4 will only be present at low levels as ammonium oxides and hydrates. Arsenic As 11 As metal and inorganic compounds -strong Yes. As inorganic salts No. None present except moderate oxidizers, bromine azide oxidizers only, if used. As organic compounds -varies No. ·- As AsH3 (arsine) -strong oxidizers, chlorine, No. No. Mild oxidizer only if used. nitric acid Barium Ba 550 As Barium oxides -reacts with water to form Will be in oxide form. No. hydroxides; reacts with N20 4, hydroxylamines, 803, H2S Beryllium Be 6.9 As BeO -gives off toxic gases in fire No. -- Cadmium Cd 28 As CdO -reacts with magnesium, No. No. decomposes on heating to form cadmium fumes Calcium Ca 13,000 As Ca oxides -react with water No. Water only. As Ca hydroxides -react with water No. No. As CaS04 -diazomethane, aluminum, No. Water only. phosphorous, water As CaSi03 or Ca0Si02 -none listed No. -- Cerium Ce None listed ---- Chloride c1· 110 As inorganic salts -none. As phosphorus Only as trace inorganic salts. Not as No. pentachloride -magnesium oxide phosphorus pentachloride. Table 3: Incompatibilities and Chemical Hazards for Components of Uranium Material Maximum Will constituent be present in this Will constituent be exposed to Chemical Concentration chemical form? these incompatible agents? Component Symbol (mg/kg) I ncompati bi I ities Chromium Cr 260 As Cr02 -none No. -- As Cr03 -combustible materials (paper, No. No. wood, sulfur, aluminum, plastics) Cobalt Co 20 As CoO-none No. -- Copper Cu 860 As CuO -acetylene, zirconium No. No. Fluoride F 20,000 Varies with compound form. As inorganic Yes. - salts -none Iron Fe 20,000 As Fe203 -calcium hypochlorite, carbon No. No. monoxide, hydrogen peroxide As Fe2(S04)3 -decomposes at high No. No. temperature As As2Fe20e -decomposes on heating to No. No. yield fumes of arsenic and iron Lanthanum La 7,700 None listed ------- Lead Pb 6,100 As PbO -strong oxidants, aluminum powder, No. No. None present except moderate sodium; also decomposes on heating to form oxidizers only, if used. lead fumes Magnesium Mg 4,200 As MgC03 -acids, formaldehyde No. None present except sulfuric acid. No issues: Mg will not be present in the carbonate form. As MgO -chlorine, trifluoride, phosphorus No. No. pentachloride Manganese Mn 4,400 As Mn(OHh MN203, MnO -none No. -- Mercury Hg 0.88 As metal and inorganic compounds -No. Will be present as oxide only. No. acetylene, ammonia, chlorine dioxide, azides, calcium, sodium carbide, lithium, rubidium, copper As organic compounds -strong oxidizers No. No. such as chlorine gas Molybdenum Mo 4.8 As metal -strong oxidizers No. No. Moderate oxidizers only, if used. As soluble compounds -varies Yes. - Nickel Ni 150 As NiO-iodine, H2S No. No. Niobium Nb 2,300 As metal -hydrofluoric acid, hydrofluoric-nitric No. No. Table 3: Incompatibilities and Chemical Hazards for Components of Uranium Material Maximum Will constituent be present in this Will constituent be exposed to Chemical Concentration chemical form? these incompatible agents? Component Symbol (mg/kg) Incompatibilities acid mixtures, cold fluorine; or chlorine, bromine or halocarbons above 200°c. Nitrates/Nitrites NOx 0.18 None reported Yes. - Phosphorus p 4,400 As P -oxidizers, halogens; No. No. As PCb -water, reactive metals, nitric acid, No. No. acetic acid, organic matter As PCls -Water, magnesium oxide, No. No. chemically-active metals such as sodium, potassium, alkalis, amines As P2Ss -Water, alcohols, strong oxidizers, No. No. acids, alkalis As PH3 -Air, oxidizers, chlorine, acids, No. No. moisture, halogenated hydrocarbons, copper As POCl3 -Water, combustible materials, No. No. carbon disulfide, dimethyl-formamide, metals (except nickel, lead As P205 -Strong caustics, most metals Yes. No. Potassium K 7,200 As KCN -strong oxidizers (such as acids, No. No. acid salts, chlorates, and nitrates). As KOH -acids, water, metals, halogenated No. No. None present except water and I hydrocarbons, maleic anhydride. Will not be sulfuric acid. No issues. K20 will present in these forms. only be present at low (less than percent) levels. Silver Ag 7.6 As Ag20 -fire and explosion hazard with No. No. Will not be exposed to ammonia organic material or ammonia in circuit. Sodium Na 13,000 As Na2AIF6 -strong oxidizers No. No. Moderate oxidizers only, if used As NaN3 -acids, metals, water No. No. None present except sulfuric acid. No issues: Na will not be present as sodium azide (NaN3) As Sodium bisulfate (dry product) -heat No. No. As NaCN -strong oxidizers (such as acids, No. No. acid salts, chlorates, nitrates) As NaF -strong oxidizers No. No. As Sodium fluoroacetate -none reported No. -- Table 3: Incompatibilities and Chemical Hazards for Components of Uranium Material Maximum Will constituent be present in this Will constituent be exposed to Chemical Concentration chemical form? these incompatible agents? Component Symbol (mg/kg) Incompatibilities --- As NaOH -water, acids, flammable liquids, No. No. None present except sulfuric organic halogens, aluminum, tin, zinc, acid. No issues: Nao will be present nitromethane at extremely low levels. As sodium metabisulfite -heat No. --- Sulfate SQ4 18,000 As calcium sulfate -Diazomethane, aluminum, Will only be present in inorganic salt Water only. phosphorus, water form. As ferrous sulfate -alkalies, soluble No. No. carbonates, oxidizing materials As ferrous sulfate -carbon steel, brass, nylon No. No. Tantalum Ta 440 As metal or metal oxide dust -strong Will be present as tantalum No. Moderate oxidizers only, if used oxidizers, bromine trifluoride, fluorine pentoxide. Thallium Tl 5.2 Varies with compound Will only be present in wet filter cake - or aqueous solution. Thorium Th 9,200 As thorium dicarbide -with sodium chlorate Will be present as thorium dioxide. No. Tin Sn 120 As metal -chlorine, turpentine, acids, alkalies No. Will be present as tin oxides. No. Tin will not be present as pure metal. In the oxide form It will be consumed by the overabundance of sulfuric acid in the leach system. Titanium Tl 12,600 None listed ---- Vanadium V 18 As dust or fume -lithium, chlorine trifluoride No. No. Ytterbium Yb 13,300 None listed .... -- Yttrium y 22,200 As metal -oxidizers No. Moderate oxidizers only, if used Zinc Zn 180 As ZnO-none No. -- Zirconium Zr 5,100 As metal -potassium nitrate, oxidizers. No. Will be present as zirconium No. Moderate oxidizers only, if used oxides. Note: None of the above incompatibilities are applicable to the components as they will be present in the Uranium Material. None of the components will be present in pure/reduced metal form or as pure high concentration metal oxides. None of the components will be exposed to any of the incompatible agents identified in the table. Values for cerium, lanthanum, phosphorus, titanium, tungsten, ytterbium and yttrium were estimated from mineral composition data from NEO internal quality laboratory. All other values are from ALS 2018 report. Sources: NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards accessed September 2018; Wiley Guide to Chemical Incompatibilities Richard Pohanish & S. Greene 2009 Table 4-1 Comparison of Uranium Material to Tailings and Alternate Feeds -Cell 4A H Difference between Column A C D Gand D I Estimated Cone. Range in Estimated F G (Incremental Increase in Average B Mill Tailings Average Cone. in E Mass in Mill Cone. in Mill Increase in Mill Mill Tailings Cone. in Estimated before Mill Tailings before Estimated Tailings after Tailings after Tailings Cone. Cone. after J Uranium Mass in Processing Processing Current Uranium Uranium after Uranium Uranium Cone. in Ores and Material Uranium Uranium Uranium Material Analyte Mass Material Material Material Material Other Alternate (mg/kg or Material Material (mg/Lor ppm)38' in Mill Tailings Processing Processing Processing) Processing Feed Materials Component ppm)1 (tons)2 (mg/L or ppm )3A 3C (tons)4 (tons)5 (ppm)s (ppm)7 (%)8 (mg/kg or ppm)9 Inorganic Nitrogen10 65.9 0.14 31-9133 3,410 2,046 2,046.1 3,398 -12.2 -0.4 350,000 11 Chloride 15.6 0.03 4530-10, 100 6,489 3,893 3,893.4 6,465 -23.6 -0.4 89,900 Fluoride 4,937 10.86 0.3-2,030 962.6 578 588.4 977 14.5 1.5 460,000 Phosphorus as phosphate 2,600 Not analyzed in Mill tailings 65,000 11 Aluminum {AIJ 4,427 9.74 l ,bl u 1,510 906 915.7 1,521 10.7 0.7 .:'.,UUU-1 oU,UUU .Arsenic (As) 5.0 0.01 60.5-626 143 86 85.8 142 -0.5 -0.4 3.5-16, 130 Barium (Ba) 435 0.96 0.10 0.10 0.06 1.0 1.7 1.6 1588.8 21-36,200 Beryllium (Be) 1.8 0.00 0.167-0.538 0.30 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.005 1.8 1-105 Cadmium (Cd) 2.6 0.01 0.844-3.85 2.4 1 1.4 2.4 0.001 0.04 0.004-59,000 Calcium (Ca) 4,912 10.81 445-707 604 362 373.0 619 15.7 2.6 up to 217,000 Cobalt (Co) 3 0.01 9.44-41 27.0 16 16.2 27 -0.1 -0.3 9-350,400 Chromium (Cr) 89.1 0.20 3.22-9.35 6.37 4 4.0 6.7 0.3 4.7 8-16,000 Copper (Cu) 74 0.16 99.2-683 428 257 257.0 427 -1.3 -0.3 8-296,000 Iron (_Fe) 8,767 19.29 2280-5320 3,350 2,010 2,029.3 3,370 19.8 0.6 up to 164,000 Lead (Pb) 4,093 9.00 5.27-16.4 12 7 16.0 27 14.9 127.4 9-236,000 Magnesium (Mg) 1,242 2.73 2,230-7,030 4,064.00 2,438 2,441.1 4,054 -10.3 -0.3 1,020-43,400 Manganese (Mn) 1,458 3.21 112-307 187 112 115.2 191 4.6 2.5 172-3,070 Mercury (Hg) 0.14 0.00 0.0008-0.015 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.0005 14.6 0.0004-14 Molybdenum (Mo) 2.3 0.01 24.2-59.1 39.6 24 23.8 39 -0.1 -0.3 12-17,000 Nickel (NI) 52 0.11 17.1-71 .9 49 29 29.5 49 0.01 0.02 7-450,000 Potassium (K) 1,480 3.26 558-2020 1,138.0 683 686.1 1,139 1.2 0.1 17-7,740 Silver (Ag) 3.6 0.01 0.078-0.521 0.24 0.14 0.1 0.2 0.012 5.2 0.007-90.8 Thallium (Tl) 1.3 0.00 0.162-0.727 0.37 0.22 0.2 0.4 0.003 0.9 0.02-960 Tin (Sn) 89 0.20 0.0696 0.0696 0.04 0.2 0.4 0.325 466.8 116,000 Vanadium (V) 7.4 0.02 237-1,090 732 439 438.9 729 -2.6 -0.4 10-25,000 Zinc (Zn) 88 0.19 142-406 250,900 150,540 150,540.2 249,984 -916.3 -0.4 8-14,500 Zirconium '(Zr) 1,885 4.15 2.53 2.53 1.5 5.7 9.4 6.9 271.8 8-14,500 Table 4-1 Comparison of Uranium Material to Tailings and Alternate Feeds -Cell 4A Notes to Table 4: 1. The concentration in the Uranium Material is from 2018 ALS Laboratory data. Values reported as less than(<) were used as reported. 2. Estimated mass in the Uranium Material is calculated by multiplying column B by an assumed 2,200 dry tons of Uranium Material. 3. Cell 4A Mill tailings range and average concentrations were taken from Mill tailings samples to date, as summarized in the Annual Tailngs Characterization Report except for Al, Ba, Sn and Zr. These metals were analyzed by AWAL Laboratories in additional samples collected in 2019. 4. Estimated current mass in Mill tailings Cell 4A is approximately 600,000 dry tons. 5. Mass in Mill tailings after Uranium Material processing is calculated by adding columns Band E. 6. The concentration in Mill tailings after Uranium Material processing is calculated by dividing column F by 602,200, which is the existing volume of tailings in Cell 4A of 600,000 dry tons plus the assumed 2,200 dry tons of Uranium Material. 7. The increase in Mill tailings concentration after Uranium Material processing (ppm) shows the increase (decrease) in concentration of each constituent in the Mill's tailings, stated in ppm of the total mass of tailings in Cell 4A, which is calculated as the difference between column G and column D. 8. The increase in Mill tailings concentration after Uranium Material processing is the ratio of Column D to Column H expressed in % 9. The concentration in other alternate feeds represents some selected concentrations for constituents found in characterization data for other alternate feed materials licensed for processing at the Mill, for comparison purposes. 10. Inorganic nitrogen shown here is the sum of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate/nitrite nitrogen. 11. Sources of data for cations in other feeds is provided in Table 5. Table 4-2 Comparison of Uranium Material to Tailings and Alternate Feeds -Cell 3 H Difference between Column A C D Gand D I Estimated Cone. Range in Estimated F G (Incremental Increase in Average B Mill Tailings Average Cone. in E Mass in Mill Cone. in Mill Increase in Mill Mill Tailings Cone. in Estimated before Mill Tailings before Estimated Tailings after Tailings after Tailings Cone. Cone. after J Uranium Mass in Processing Processing Current Uranium Uranium after Uranium Uranium Cone. in Ores and Material Uranium Uranium Uranium Material Analyte Mass Material Material Material Material Other Alternate (mg/kg or Material Material (mg/Lor ppm)38• in Mill Tailings Processing Processing Processing) Processing Feed Materials Component ppm)1 (tons)2 (mg/Lor ppm)3A 3C (tons)4 (tons)5 (ppm)6 (ppm)? (%)8 (mg/kg or ppm)9 llnorgarnc Nitrogen10 65.9 0.14 29-10,600 6,945 18,166 18,166.2 6,939 -5.8 -0.1 350,000 11 Chloride 15.6 0.03 2,460-115,000 26,545 69,434 69,433.8 26,523 -22.3 -0.1 89,900 Fluoride 4,937 10.86 0.6-46,500 5,873 15,362 15,372.9 5,872 -0.8 -0.01 460,000 Phosphorus as phosphate 2,600 Not analyzed in Mill tailings 65,000 11 !Aluminum (Al) 4,427 9.74 -'-'U-.:'.0-'U 1,827 4,779 4,788.6 1,829 2.2 0.1 2,UUU-IOU,UUU Arsenic (As) 5.0 0.01 0.87-489 120.6 315 315.5 121 -0.1 -0.1 3.5-16, 130 Barium (Ba) 435 0.96 0.021-0.1 0.048 0 1.1 0 0.4 761.5 21-36,200 Beryllium (Be) 1.8 0.00 0.21-12.5 1.89 5 4.95 2 0.000 0.0 1-105 Cadmium (Cd) 2.6 0.01 1.19-52.1 14.0 37 36.6 14 -0.010 -0.07 0.004-59,000 Calcium (Ca) 4,912 10.81 148-887 488 1,276 1,287.3 492 3.7 0.8 up to 217,000 Cobalt (Co) 3 0.01 4.44-120 62 162 162.2 62 0.0 -0.1 9-350,400 Chromium (Cr) 89.1 0.20 2.38-76.2 19.2 50 50.4 19 0.1 0.3 8-16,000 Copper (Cu) 74 0.16 9.72-3,000 589 1,541 1,540.8 589 -0.4 -0.1 8-296,000 Iron (Fe) 8,767 19.29 262-15,400 5,543 14,499 14,518.1 5,546 2.7 0.0 up to 164,000 Lead (Pb) 4,093 9.00 15.8-20.5 9.6 25 34.1 13 3.4 35.7 9-236,000 Magnesium (Mg) 1,242 2.73 1,910-84,400 18,031 47,164 47,166.4 18,017 -14.1 -0.1 1,020-43,400 Manganese (Mn) 1,458 3.21 82-5,690 1,435 3,754 3,756.7 1,435 0.02 0.001 172-3,070 Mercury (Hg) 0.14 0.00 0.0024-0.873 0.173 0 0.453 0 -0.00003 -0.01 0.0004-14 Molybdenum (Mo) 2.3 0.01 0.014-209 51.6 135 135.0 52 0.0 -0.08 12-17,000 Nickel (Ni) 52 0.11 7.22-241 96 252 251.7 96 -0.04 -0.04 7-450,000 Potassium (K) 1,480 3.26 133-6657 2,223 5,815 5,818.0 2,222 -0.62 -0.03 17-7,740 Silver (Ag) 3.6 0.01 0.101-6.78 2.01 5 5.27 2 0.001 0.07 0.007-90.8 Thallium (Tl) 1.3 0.00 0.021-4.7 1.31 3 3.43 1 0.000 0.0 0.02-960 Tin (Sn) 89 0.20 <5.0 5.0 13 13.3 5 0.071 1.4 116,000 Vanadium (V) 7.4 0.02 5.6-10,300 1,880 4,918 4,917.5 1,878 -1.6 -0.1 10-25,000 Zinc (Zn) 88 0.19 142-406 2,100 5,493 5,493.2 2,098 -1.7 -0.1 8-14,500 Zirconium (Zr) 1,885 4.15 2.3-38.5 12.20 32 36.1 14 1.6 12.9 8-14,500 Table 4-2 Comparison of Uranium Material to Tailings and Alternate Feeds -Cell 3 Notes to Table 4: 1. The concentration in the Uranium Material is from 2018 ALS Laboratory data. Values reported as less than (<) were used as reported. 2. Estimated mass in the Uranium Material is calculated by multiplying column B by an assumed 2,200 dry tons of Uranium Material. 3. Cell 3 Mill tailings range and average concentrations were taken from Mill tailings samples to date, as summarized in the Annual Tailngs Characterization Report Values for Al, Ba, Sn, and Zr were taken from Utah SOB for initial Utah GW Discharge Permit 4. Estimated current mass in Mill tailings Cell 3 is approximately 2,615,700 dry tons based on Mill tailings cell capacity estimate 2019. · 5. Mass in Mill tailings after Uranium Material processing is calculated by adding columns Band E. 6. The concentration in Mill tailings after Uranium Material processing is calculated by dividing column F by 2,617,900, which is the existing volume of tailings in Cell 3 of 2,615,700 dry tons plus the assumed 2,200 dry tons of Uranium Material. 7. The increase in Mill tailings concentration after Uranium Material processing (ppm) shows the increase (decrease) in concentration of each constituent in the Mill's tailings, stated in ppm of the total mass of tailings in Cell 3, which is calculated as the difference between column G and column D. 8. The increase in Mill tailings concentration after Uranium Material processing is the ratio of Column D to Column H expressed in % 9. The concentration in other alternate feeds represents some selected concentrations for constituents found in characterization data for other alternate feed materials licensed for processing at the Mill, for comparison purposes. 10. Inorganic nitrogen shown here is the sum of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate/nitrite nitrogen. 11. Sources of data for cations in other feeds is provided in Table 5. Table 5 Chemicals Present in Alternate Feeds Chemical Value in Supporting or Additional Source Tailings Table 4 for Information Concentration in Other Alternate Feeds Inorganic 350,000 mg/kg 35% (350,000 mg/kg) in Cameco Section II of Regen Nitrates Regen Product alternate feed Product MSDS Ammonia Used as Mill reagent at A 108,000 pound (31,000 gallon) Mill process Nitrogen 100% anhydrous. inventory of 100% anhydrous description, 1991 ammonia is used to prepare RMLrenewal concentrated ammonia solutions application and introduced into the yellowcake 2007 RML renewal precipitation area. Ammonia in this application form is added far downstream of feed area and is never in contact with ores or feeds. (These concentrations far exceed those of the alternate feed.) Barium 36,244 mg/kg 36.2 % in Molycorp Mt. Pass Molycorp drummed material alternate feed characterization data in amendment request December 2000. Chloride 89,900 mg/kg Maximum sample from Molycorp TTLC table from ponds alternate feed, 89,900 mg/kg December 2000 Molycorp Amendment Request Fluoride 460,000 mg/kg Honeywell/Converdyne/ Allied MSDS for CaF2 Signal alternate feed, up to 2% U, product. 98% calcium fluoride and fluoride impurities (48% or 480,000 mg/kg F based on all being as CaF2) Phosphorus 65,000 mg/kg Cameco Calcined alternate feed, 8 to MSDS for Cameco as Phosphate 20% as P04-3 (2.6 to 6.5% or 26,000 Calcined Product to 65,000 mg/kg) Attachment 6 Cross Index to DWMRC Interrogatory Template for Review of License Amendment Requests and Environmental Reports under UAC R313-24 Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory Where Adaressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addressed in Other Documents - Environmental Analysis -Radiological and Section 1.0-1.4, 2.3, 2.5, 4.1, UAC R313-24-3-0IA/01 Nonradiological impacts UAC R313-24-3 Attachment 5 ER Lie. App 3.1-3.10; ER Cell 4B 9.0 ER Lie. App. 3.4.1-3.4.4, 3.5; Rec Plan 1.6; ER Geology and Soils (Land) RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 Cell 4B 6.0 ER Lie. App., Figure 3.13-1; Dames Exposure Pathways RG 3.8, Section 5.2.1 Section 4.1 and Moore 5.2; ER Cell 4B 10.1 Liquid Effluents RG 3.8, Section 5.2.2 Section 4.1, 4.6, 4.8 Rec. Plan; Dames and Moore 5.2 GW Permit App. 2.6; Dames and Moore 2.7.4, Airborne Effluents RG 3.8, Section 5.2.3 Section 4.1, 4.8 Dames and Moore 5 .2 Direct Radiation RG 3.8, Section 5.2.4 Section 2.4, 4.1, 4.9, 4.10 Dames and Moore 2.7.4 Effects of Sanitary and Other Waste Discharges RG 3.8, Section 5.4 Section 4.1 Dames and Moore 5.4 Other Effects RG 3.8, Section 5.5 Section 4.1, 4.2.2 Dames and Moore 5.5 NUREG-1620, Section Hazard Assessment Section 4.1, Attachment 4 GW Permit App. 2.6-2.7 NUREG-1620, Section Exposure Assessment Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.6-2.7 Accidents DG-3024, Section 6 Section 4.1, 4.2.3 ER Lie. App. 4.0 Mill Accidents Involving Radioactivity RG 3.8, Section 7.1 Section 4.1, 4.4.1 ER Lie. App. 4.0 Other Accidents RG 3.8, Section 7.3 Section 4.1, 4.2.3 ER Lie. App. 4.0 Summary of Annual Radiation Doses RG 3.8, Section 5.2.5 Section 4.1 ER Lie. App Tables 3.13-3, 3.13-4 Environmental Analysis -Impact on UAC R313-24-3-01B/01 Waterways and Groundwater UAC R313-24-3 Section 4.1, 4.6, 4.7 GW Permit App. 2.5-2.7; ER Cell 4B 10.0 ER Lie. App. 3.7 .1.1-3.7 .1.3; Rec Plan 1.4.1- Surface Water RG 3.8, Section 6.1.1 Section 4.1, 4. 7 1.4.3, 1.7 .5.5 Physical and Chemical Parameters (Ground Water) RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1, 4.6, Attachment 4 GWDPTable 2 UAC R313-24-3-01C/01 Environmental Analysis -Alternatives UAC R313-24-3 Section 4.1, 4.14 ER Lie. App. 2.0-2.4 Alternatives to the Proposed Action RG 3.8, Section 10 Section 4.1, 4.14 ER Lie. App 2.1, 2.4 Benefit -Cost Analysis RG 3.8, Section 11 Section 4.1, 4.13 ER Lie. App. 5.0; Rec Plan Attachment C UAC R313-24-3-0ID/01 Environmental Analysis -Long-Term Impacts UAC R313-24-3 Section 4.1, 4.5.3, 4.11 ER Lie. App. 5.0; ER Cell 4B 14.0 Mill Decommissioning DG-3024, Section 8.1 Section 4.1, 4.5 .3 Rec. Plan 3.2.3, Site and Tailings Reclamation DG-3024, Section 8.2 Section 4.1, 4.5 .3 Rec. Plan 3.2.1, 3.2.2.; Decommissioning and Reclamation RG 3.8, Section 9 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Rec. Plan Attachment A, 3.2.1, 3.2.2 Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory Where Addressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addressed in Other Documents Decommissioning Plan for Land and NUREG-1620, Section Structures 5.2.3 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Rec. Plan 3.2.1 Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill 10CFR40.26(c)(2)-02/01 General License UAC R313-24-4 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill 10CFR40.31(H)-03/0l Application for Specific Licenses UAC R313-24-4 license Corporate Organization and Administrative Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Procedures DG-3024, Section 5.1 Section 4.1, Section 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Management Control Program DG-3024, Section 5.2 Section 4.1, Section 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Management Audit and Inspection Program DG-3024, Section 5.3 Section 4.1, Section 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mi!T Qualifications DG-3024, Section 5.4 Section 4.1, Section 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Training DG-3024, Section 5.5 Section 4.1, 4.4, 4.10.2, 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Security DG-3024, Section 5.6 Section 4.1, 4.12 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill Quality Assurance DG-3024, Section 7 Section 4.1 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill References DG-3024 Section 4.1 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill 10CFR40.4(c)-04/01 Terms and Conditions of Licenses UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 license 10CFR40.40.42(K)(3)(1)-Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill 05/01 Expiration, Termination, Decommissioning UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 license Satisfied by ongoing compliance with mill 10CFR40.61-06/0l Records UAC R313-24-4 license 1 OCFR40.65(A)(l)-07 /01 Effluent Monitoring Reporting Requirements UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 Rec. Plan Mill Effluent Monitoring (Proposed Operational Monitoring Program RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 Rec. Plan Enviromental Radiological Monitoring (Proposed Operational Monitoring Program) RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 Rec Plan 2.3.2. l 9 (c), (d); ER Cell 4B I 0.4 Meteorological Monitoring (Proposed Rec. Plan 1.l.l-1.1.3, 2.3.2.l(d),; ER Operational Monitoring Program) RG 3.8, Section 6.2.3 Section 4.1 Cell 4B 2.2 10CFR40.INTR0DUCTIO Capacity of Tailings or Waste Systems Over N-08/01 the Lifetime of Mill Operations UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.5.2 GW Permit App. Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory -Where Addressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addressed in Other Documents -10CFR40APPENDIX A, Introduction-09/01 Alternative Requirements UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 ER Lie. App 2.1-2.4 10CFR40 APPENDIX A, Permanent Isolation Without Ongoing CRITERION 1-10/01 Maintenance UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Rec Plan NUREG-1620, Section Slope Stability 2.2.3 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Rec Plan 3.3.6 NUREG-1620, Section Settlement 2.3.3 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Rec Plan 3.3.6 NUREG-1620, Section Liquidifacation Potential 2.4.3 Section 4.1, 4.5 .3 Rec Plan 3.3.6 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 2-11/01 Proliferation UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 3.3.6 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 3-12/01 Placement Below Grade UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 4-13/01 Location and Design Requirements UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 Rec. Plan 3.1 Site Location and Layout RG 3.8, Section 2.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1, Figure 3.2-1; ER Lie. App 3.2 Site Area RG 3.8 Section 3.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1, Figure 1-2, Figure 3.2-1 Geography DG-3024, Section 2.1.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1-1.3 Land Use and Demographic Surveys (Land) RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 FES 2.5; ER Cell 4B 3.0 Uses of Adjacent Lands and Waters RG 3.8, Section 2.2 Section 4.1 FES 2.5; ER Cell 4B 3.0 ER Lie. App. Figure 3.9-1; FES; ER Cell Population Distribution RG 3.8, Section 2.3 Section 4.1 4B 4.0 Demography DG-3024, Section 2.1.2 Section 4.1 FES,, 2.4.2 Meteorology RG 3.8, Section 2.8 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1,; ER Cell 4B 2.0 DG-3024, Section 2.2 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1,; ER Cell 4B 2.0 RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.1,; ER Cell 4B 2.0 Models (Air) RG 3.8, Section Section 4.1 ER Lie App. 3.3.2 Geology and Soils RG 3.8, Section 2.5 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.6 DG-3204, Section 2.4.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.6 Seismology RG 3.8, Section 2.6 Section 4.1 Rec Plan, DG-3024, Section 2.4.2 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.6.3,, NUREG-1620, Section Rec Plan,, Figure 1.5-1, 1.5-3; Hydrological Description of Site 3.1.3 Section 4.1 ER Cell 4B Appendix A Surface Water (Hydrology) RG 3.8, Section 2.7.2 Section 4.1 GWDP I.F.10 Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory Where Addressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addressed in Other Documents DG-3024, Section 2.3.2 Section 4.1 GWDP I.F.10 NUREG-1620, Section Flooding Determinations 3.2.3 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.13 Surface Water Profiles, Channel Velocities, NUREG-1620, Section and Shear Stresses 3.3.3 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.4 Ground Water (Hydrology) RG 3.8 Section 2.7.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 1.5.l.2,,Figure 1.5-1, l.5-3 DG-3024, Section 2.3.1 Section 4.1 Rec Plan,,Figure 1.5-1 , 1.5-3 Radiological Surveys RG 3.8, Section 6.1 Section 4.1 ER Cell 4B 10.3-10.4 NUREG-1620, Section Site and Uranium Mill Tailings Characteristics 2.1.3 Section 4.1, 4.5 .1, Attachment 5 Rec. Plan 2.2 NUREG-1620, Section Disposal Cell Cover Engineering Design 2.5.3 Section 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.7 .2.4; Rec Plan NUREG-1620, Section Design of Erosion Protection Covers 3.5.3 Section 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.7 .2.4; Rec Plan, 3.3.5 UAC R313-24-4, 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, NUREG-1620 section CRITERION SA(l)-14/01 Groundwater Protection Standards 4.2.3 Section 4.1, 4.6, Attachment 5 GWDP I.A Table I, I.B, LC Table 2, I.E 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 5A(2)-15/01 Liner UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6, Attachment 5 GWDP I.D.2, I.E.8 (c), I.E.7(t) 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, Exemption from Groundwater Protection CRITERION 5A(3)-16/0l Standards UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6, Attachment 5 Rec. Plan (a) lOCFR, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 5A(4)-17/01 Prevent Overtopping UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.5.2 Rec Plan, lOCFR APPENDIX A, CRITERION SA(S)-18/01 Dikes UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 Rec Plan , lOCFR APPENDIX A, Cover and Closure at End of Milling CRITERION 6(1)-19/01 Operations UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.19 NUREG -1620, Section Radon Attenuation Section 4.1, 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.19; Rec Plan 3.3.2 NUREG-1620, Section Gamma Attenuation Section 4.1, 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.19; Rec Plan 3.3.2 NUREG-1620, Section GW Permit App. 2.19; Rec Plan 3.3.6, 3.3.8; ER Cover Radioactivity Content Section 4. l, 4.5.3 Cell 4B Figure 13 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 6(2)-20/01 Verify Effectiveness of Final Radon Barrier UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.5 .3 Rec Plan. 3.2,; GW Permit App. 2.19.4 Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory Where Addressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addressed in Other Documents 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 6(3)-21/01 Phased Emplacement of Final Radon Barrier UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 Rec Plan. 3.2, 3.2.3. I; ER Cell 4B Table 5 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, Elevated Raduim Concentrations in cover CRITERION 6(5)-23/01 Materials UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2. I 9; Rec Plan 3.3.6, 3.3.8 NUREG-1620, Section GW Permit App. 2. I 9; Rec Plan 3.3.6, 3.3.8; ER Cover Radioactivity Content Section 4.1, 4.5.3 Cell 4B Figure 13 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, Concentrations of Radionuclides other than CRITERION 6(6)-24/01 Radium in Soil UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 GW Permit App. 2.19; Rec Plan 3.3.5 Background Radiological Characteristics RG 3.8, Section 2.1 Section 4.1 Lie. App. 3.13.1; ER Cell 4B 9.0 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 6(7)-25/01 Nonradiological Hazards UAC R313-24-4 Attachment 5 Dames and Moore 3.3.1; ER Cell 4B 9.0 Regional Nonradiological Characteristics RG 3.8, Section 2.11 Section 4.1 Dames and Moore 3.3.1; ER Cell 4B 9.0 Concentrations of Nonradiocative Wastes RG 3.8, Section 5.3 Section 4.5 .1, Attachment 5 Dames and Moore 3.3.1; ER Cell 4B 9.0 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 6A(l)-26/01 Completion of Final Radon Barrier UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 Rec Plan. 3.2, ; GW Permit App. 2.19.4 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 6A(2)-27/0l Extending Time for Milestones Performance UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 Rec Plan. 3.2, ; GW Permit App. 2.19.4 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, Accepting Uranium Byproduct Material from CRITERION 6A(3)-28/01 Other Sources During Closure UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 License Condition 9 .11 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, Preoperational and Operational Monitoring CRITERION 7-29/01 Programs UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 Rec Plan 2.3.2 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 8-30/01 Effluent Control During Operations UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15 Gaseous and Airbourne Particulate Materials DG-3024, Section 4.1 Section 4.1, Attachment 5 GW Permit App. 2.15 Liquids and Solids DG-3024, Section 4.2 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15 Contaminated Equipment DG-3024, Section 4.3 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15 Sources of Mill Wastes and Effluents RG 3.8, Section 3.4 Section 4.4 GW Permit App. 2.15; Dames and Moore 3.3 Control of Mill Wastes and Effluents RG 3.8, Section 3.5 Section 4.4 GW Permit App. 2.15; Dames and Moore 3.4 Sanitary and Other Mill Waste Systems RG 3.8 Section 3.6 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15; Dames and Moore 3.5 Effluents in the Environment RG 3.8, Section 5.1.2 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15; Dames and Moore 3.3 Effluent Control Techniques DG-3024, Section 5.7.1 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15; Dames and Moore 3.3 External Radiation Exposure Monitoring Program DG-3024, Section 5.7.2 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15 Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Interrogatory Where Addressed in This Number Topic Regulatory Basis Document Where Addr~d in Other Documents Airborne Radiation Monitoring Program DG-3024, Section 5.7.3 Section 4.1 GW Permit App. 2.15; ER Lie. App 3.3.2 Exposure Calculations DG-3024, Section 5.7.4 Section 4.1 EFRIRPM Bioassay Program DG-3024, Section 5.7.5 Section 4.1 EFRIRPM Contamination Control Program DG-3024, Section 5.7.6 Section 4.1 EFRIRPM Airborne Effluent and Environmental GW Permit App. 2.9; Dames and Moore 3.3 ; ER Monitoring Programs DG-3024, Section 5.7.7 Section 4.1 Cell 4B Appendix C Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Programs DG-3024, Section 5.7.8 Section 4.1 GWDP LE, I.F; ER Cell 4B 10.2; EFRI SOPs Control of Windblown Tailings and Ore DG-3024, Section 5.7.9 Section 4.1 EFRI SOPs 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION SA-31/01 Daily Inspections UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1 EFRI SOPs; DMT Plan 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 9-32/01 Financial Surety Arrangements UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 Annual Surety Financial Assurance DG-3024, Section 8.3 Section 4.5.3 Annual Surety NUREG-1620, Section Maintaining Financial Surety 4.4.3(10) Section 4.5.3 Annual Surety 10CFR40, APPENDIX A, CRITERION 10-33/01 Costs of Long-Term Surveillance UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.5.3 Annual Surety Duty to Apply for a Groundwater Discharge UAC R317-6-6.1-34/01 Permit UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDPIV.D U AC R3l7-6-6.3-35/01 Groundwater Discharge Permit Application UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDPIV UAC R317-6.6.4-36/01 Issuance of Discharge Permit UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDPIV UAC R317-6-6.9-37/01 Permit Compliance Monitoring UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDP III Examination of Compliance and Monitoring NUREG -1620, Section Program 4.3.3 .4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDP LF.1 UAC R317-6-6.10-38/0l Background Water Quality Determination UAC R3 l 3-24-4 Section 4.1, 4.6 GWDP LB ; ER Lie App. (c) Commencement and Discontinuance of UAC R317-6-6.10-39/01 Groundwater Discharge Operations UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6 GW Permit App. 2.19 UAC R317-6-6.12-40/0l Submission of Data UAC R3 l 3-24-4 Section 4.6 GWDPLF.l Reporting of Mechanical Problems or UAC R317-6-6.13-41/01 Discharge System Failures UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6 GWDP LG; GW Permit App 2.15 UAC R317-6-6.10-42/01 Correction of Adverse Effects UAC R3 J 3-24-4 Section 4.6 GWDPI.G NUREG-1620, Section Corrective Action Assessment Section 4.6 GWDPI.G UAC R317-6-6.10-43/0l Out-of-Compliance Status UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6 GWDP LG Cross Index to UAC R313-24 Interrogatory Template DRC Int-errogatory Wt,sre Add?~d in 'l'hU! Number Topic R~b!Wt:v B:\'S'JS Do~Ullk.mt Procedure When a Facility is Out-of- UAC R317-6-6.10-44/01 Compliance UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6 UAC R317-6-6.10-45/01 Groundwater Discharge Permit Transfer UAC R313-24-4 Section 4.6 Notes: If not stated otherwise, section number refers to section in the license amendment application, not its attachments. References: GWDP -"Ground Water Discharge Permit UGW370004". ER Cell 4B -"Environmental Report in Support of Construction Tailings Cell 4B". Revised and Resubmitted September 11, 2009 GW Permit App. -"Permit Renewable Application. State of Utah Ground Water Discharge Permit NO. UGW370004". Rec. Plan -"Reclamation Plan White Mesa Mill Blanding, Utah. Radioactive Material License NO. UT1900479 Most Recent Version ER Lie. App. -"White Mesa Uranium Mill License Renewal Application. State of Utah Radioactive Materials License No. UT1900479". Volume 4 of 5 (Environmental Report). February 28, 2007 Dames and Moore -"Environmental Report. White Mesa Uranium Project. San Juan County, Utah for Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc". Prepared by Dames and Moore. January 30, 1978 FES -"Final Environmental Statement related to operation of White Mesa Uranium Project. Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc". May 1979. Annual Surety-"Revised Cost Estimates for Reclamation of the White Mesa Mill and Tailings Management System". License Condition -"Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Radiation Control Radioactive Material License". License #UT1900479. EFRI RPM -"EFRI Radiation Protection Manual" EFRI SOPs -"EFRI Standard Operating Procedures" EFRI DMT -"EFRI Discharge Minimization Technology " Whtre Adtlr:~ iii 0.Jll.er-0 1>c~ts GWDPI.H GWDPIV.L