HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2020-018964 - 0901a06880d8e00bDate of NOV Regulations Docket Number Violations Severity Level Penalty Civil Penalty Paid NotesAugust 23, 1999 Water Quality UGW20-01 1. In violation of UCA 19-5-107(1) for discharging pollutants to waters of the State, causing groundwater pollution which constitutes a menace to public health and the environment and impairs beneficial uses of water, and for placing wastes in a location where there is probable cause to believe it will cause groundwater pollution. NA None NA May 1999 - DRC Split Sampling Events with IUC 1. Failure to sample and report groundwater quality results from monitor well MW-3 in the 2nd Quarter 2005 monitoring event, as required by Part I.E.1(b)(2), of the Permit. NA None NA 2-4. Failure to provide an adequate MDL for MEK sampling and analysis for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarter, 2005 groundwater monitoring event, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(2) of the Permit. NA None NA 5. Failure to analyze for carbon tetrachloride in well MW-11 in the 2nd Quarter 2005 monitoring event, as required by Part I.E.1(c)(2)(i) of the Permit. NA None NA 6-8. Failure to provide an adequate error term for the gross alpha activity concentrations for the 4th Quarter, 2005 (December 12 - 14, 2005 groundwater monitoring event, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(3) of the Permit. NA None NA 1. In violation of UCA 19-5-107(1) for the following contaminants: Manganese (MW-14, MW-26, MW-32), Selenium (MW-15), Uranium (MW-3, MW-14, MW-15), and Chloroform (MW-26). NA None NA 2. Failure to promptly make corrections to the system to correct all groundwater discharge violations of the Permit, pursuant to UAC R317-6-6.14(A). NA None NA 3. In violation of the Permit requirements found in Part I.C.1 for exceeding the Utah Ground Water Quality Standard (GWQS)NA None NA 1. Failure to use an analytical laboratory that was certified by the State of Utah to perform testing for THF for the April, May, and 2nd Quarter 2006 monitoring events, as required in Part I.E.4(c), of the Permit. NA None NA 2. Failed to provide an adequate MDL for benzene sampling and analysis for the May, 2006 accelerated monitoring event, in well MW-26, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(2) of the Permit. NA None NA 3. Failure to provide an adequate MDL for carbon tetrachloride sampling and analysis for the May, 2006 accelerated monitoring event, in well MW-26, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(2) of the Permit. NA None NA 1. Failure to provide an adequate MDL for MEK sampling and analysis for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarter groundwater monitoring events, as required in Part I.E.1(d)(2), of the Permit. NA None NA 2. Failure to provide an adequate MDL for THF sampling and analysis for the 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, and November 2006 monitoring events, in well MW-26, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(2) of the Permit. NA None NA 3. Failure to provide an adequate error term for the gross alpha activity concentrations for wells during the 3rd Quarter (MW-23 and MW-32) and 4th Quarter (MW-2, MW-23, MW-26, MW-27, MW-28, MW-29, MW-30, and MW-32) 2006 monitoring events, as required by Part I.E.1(d)(3) of the Permit. NA None NA October 26, 2007 Radiation Control -1. On October 16, 2007 DRC inspectors observed DUSA personnel leaving the restricted area without monitoring themselves. III None NA October 16 - 17, 2007 DRC Inspection 1. Failure to provide written notification of the GWCL exceedances for the March, 2007 monitoring event to the DRC within 30 days after receiving the data from the analytical laboratory, as required by Part I.G.1(a) of the Permit. NA 2. Failure to accelerate groundwater monitoring from quarterly to monthly for gross alpha in monitoring well MW-32 during the April and May 2007 monitoring events, as required by Part I.E.1(c)(2) and Part I.G.1(b)(1) of the Permit. NA 3. Failure to provide the 1st and 2nd Quarter 2007 Reports, to the DRC by their respective due dates for each report June 1 and September 1, respectively; as required by Part I.F.1 of the permit. NA 4-7. Failure to provide groundwater samples representative of the monitored activity for the March, April, May, and June 2007 monitoring events, in that the samples arrived at the analytical laboratory at a temperature above 4°C, as required by Part I.E.4(b), Part II.A of the Permit, and Table 1 and Section 9.3(d) of the approved DUSA QAP. NA 1. Failure to accelerate groundwater monitoring from quarterly to monthly for gross alpha in monitoring well MW-32 during the July and September 2007 monitoring events, as required by Part I.E.1(c)(2) and Part I.G.1(b)(1) of the Permit. NA 2. Failure to provide the 3rd Quarter 2007 Report, to the DRC by its due date (December 1), as required by Part I.F.1of the permit. NA 3. Failure to provide groundwater samples representative of the monitored activity for the July 2007 monitoring event, in that four samples arrived at the analytical laboratory at a temperature above 4°C, as required by Part I.E.4(b), Part II.A of the Permit, and Table 1 and Section 9.3(d) of the approved DUSA QAP. NA 4. Failure to provide groundwater samples representative of the monitored activity for the August 2007 monitoring event, in that 19 samples arrived at the analytical laboratory at a temperature above 4°C, as required by Part I.E.4(b), Part II.A of the Permit, and Table 1 and Section 9.3(d) of the approved DUSA QAP. NA Water Quality Water Quality November 28, 2007 UGW07-04 1st & 2nd Qtr, 2007 Reports February 28, 2008 UGW08-01 3rd Qtr, 2007 Report $24,949* $24,949* July 21, 2008 July 21, 2008 August 31, 2007 UGW07-02 2nd Qtr, 2006 Report September 10, 2007 UGW07-03 3rd & 4th Qtr, 2006 Reports Water Quality Water Quality IUC/DUSA/EFR History of Notice of Violations and Civil Penalties July 17, 2006 UGW06-04 1st - 4th, Qtr 2005 Reports August 24, 2006 UGW06-03 1st - 4th, Qtr 2005 Reports Water Quality Water Quality Date of NOV Regulations Docket Number Violations Severity Level Penalty Civil Penalty Paid Notes IUC/DUSA/EFR History of Notice of Violations and Civil Penalties 1. Failure to provide written notification of the GWCL exceedance for manganese in well MW-18 for the October, 2007 monitoring event to the DRC within 30 days after receiving the data from the analytical laboratory, as required by Part I.G.1(a) of the Permit. NA 2. Failure to accelerate groundwater monitoring from quarterly to monthly for gross alpha in monitoring well MW-32 during the November and December, 2007 monitoring events, as required by Part I.E.1(c)(2) and Part I.G.1(b)(1) of the Permit. This is a continuing violation, previously cited by the Executive Secretary on January 11, 2008, Docket No. UGW07-04 (Violation No. 2) and February 28, 2008, Docket No. UGW08-01 (Violation No. 1). NA 3. Failure to analyze carbonate and bicarbonate in October 30, 2007 sample from well MW-19 within 14 day maximum holding time, as required by Part I.E.4(b) of the Permit and Table 1 and Section 9.3(c) of the approved DUSA QAP. NA 4. Failure to provide groundwater samples representative of the monitored activity for the November 2007 monitoring event, in that two samples from wells MW-26 and MW-65 arrived at the analytical laboratory at a temperature above 4°C, as required by Part I.E.4(b), Part II.A of the Permit, and Table 1 and Section 9.3(d) of the approved DUSA QAP. This is a continuing violation, previously cited by the Executive Secretary on January 11, 2008 Docket No. UGW07-04 (Violations No. 4-7) and February 28, 2008 Docket No. UGW08-01 (Violations No. 3-4). NA 1a. Failure to provide written procedures pertaining to the storage, issuance, maintenance, repair, testing, and quality assurance of respiratory protection equipment. IV None NA 1b. Failure to provide training documentation for respirator users.IV None NA June 9, 2008 Radiation Control -1. On March 28, 2008 DRC inspectors observed approximately 25 DUSA employees leave the Mill site at the end of their shift without properly monitoring themselves before exiting the restricted area. III $2,500 July 10, 2008 May 28 - 29, 2008 DRC Inspection June 10, 2008 Water Quality Civil Penalty Failure to meet the terms of the November 14, 2007 Consent Agreement - Certified Laboratory (THF)NA $1,000 July 22, 2008 Tetrahydrofuran SCA 1. Failure to submit the 2007 semi-annual reports within 60 days of the end of the reporting period.IV None NA 2. Failure to include lower limits of detections (LLDs) in the 2007 Semi-Annual Effluent Monitoring Reports with respect to stack monitoring and radon (Rn-222) monitoring. IV None NA August 4, 2008 Water Quality UGW08-05 1. Failure to provide groundwater samples representative of the monitored activity for the March 2008 monitoring event, in that 20 samples arrived at the analytical laboratory at a temperature above 4°C, as required by Part I.E.1(a), Part II.A of the Permit, and Table 1 and Section 9.3(d) of the approved DUSA QAP. This is a continuing violation, previously cited by the Executive Secretary on January 11, 2008 (Docket No. UGW07-04, Violations Nos. 4-7), February 28, 2008 (Docket No. UGW08-01, Violations Nos. 3-4) and April 1, 2008 (Docket No. UGW08-02, Violation No. 4). NA None NA 1st Qtr, 2008 Report January 15, 2009 Water Quality UGW09-02 1. Part I.F.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.4(d) of the DUSA QAP for failing to measure multiple field parameters with a flow-cell system that allows real time measurements without exposure of the groundwater sample to the atmosphere. NA $3,599.91 October 28, 2009 December 9, 2008 DRC Inspection January 27, 2009 Water Quality UGW09-03 Stipulated Consent Agreement (Docket No. UGW09-03) for the Nitrate Plume. The agreement requires DUSA to conplete a nitrate contamination investigation of the shallow aquifer at White Mesa and submit a Contaminant Investigation Reprt on or before January 4, 2010. NA None NA Nitrate Plume Identified in wells MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 March 17, 2009 Radiation Control -1. Failure to have documentation of the weekly breathing zone sampling for yellowcake operations readily available for DRC review. DUSA personnel dislosed that weekly breathing zone sampling for those personnel are not being conduct as required by Section 1.1.2 (Breathing Zone Sampling) and (Applicability) of the Radiation Protection Manual. III None NA February 24 - 25, 2009 DRC Inspection 1. Part I.F.1 of the Permit for failing to report all well monitoring and samples collected, including a result for TDS in well MW-25 in the 4th Quarter 2008 Report, for the November 2008 monitoring event. NA 2. Parts I.E.1(a) and II.A of the Permit and Sections of 7.2, 9.3(d), and 11 of the DUSA QAP for failing to a provide chain of custody for the July and September 2008 monitoring events. NA 3. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 11 of the DUSA QAP for creating Water Table Contour Maps in the 3rd and 4th Quarter 2008 Reports with elevation data that was not contemporaneous, i.e. collected with a time difference that was greater than five calendar days. NA 1. (Rn-222 Results) Failure to specify the quantity of each of the principle radionuclides released to unrestricted areas in the 2nd Half of 2008 Semi-Annual Effluent Monitoring Report. IV None NA 2. (Stack Effluent Sampling) Failure to specify the quantity of each of the principle radionuclides released to unrestricted areas in the 2nd Half of 2008 Semi-Annual Effluent Monitoring Report. IV None NA Water Quality Water Quality April 1, 2008 UGW08-02 4th Qtr, 2007 Report April 21, 2009 UGW09-04 3rd & 4th Qtr, 2008 Reports $24,949*July 21, 2008 October 28, 2009$4,815 1st and 2nd Half of 2007 Semi-Annual Effluent Monitoring Reports March 26, 2008 DRC InspectionApril 30, 2008 Radiation Control - -Radiation ControlJuly 3, 2008 2nd Half of 2008 Semi-Annual Effluent Monitoring Report April 29, 2009 Radiation Control - Date of NOV Regulations Docket Number Violations Severity Level Penalty Civil Penalty Paid Notes IUC/DUSA/EFR History of Notice of Violations and Civil Penalties 1. Section 6.2.5 of the DUSA QAP, for failing to completely follow all decontamination procedures for sampling equipment in the 3rd Quarter 2008, 4th Quarter 2008, and 1st Quarter 2009 chloroform monitoring events. NA None NA 2. Section 6.2.7(e) of the DUSA QAP, for failing to follow purging procedures and remove at least 2 casing volumes before sampling well TW4-14 in the 3rd Quarter, 2008 chloroform monitoring event. NA None NA 3. Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP, for failing to make and record multiple field measurements to demonstrate parameter stability before water quality sample collection in 20 monitoring wells for the 3rd Quarter 2008, 21 monitoring wells 4th Quarter 2008, and 20 monitoring wells 1st Quarter 2009 chloroform monitoring events. NA None NA 4. Section 4 of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to analyze for Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform, Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride), and Chloromethane for well TW4-20 in the 4th Quarter 2008 monitoring event. NA None NA 5. Section 6(b) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to identify, mention or and explain samples TW4-62 and TW4-73 in Energy Laboratories analytical summary in the text of the 1st Quarter 2009 Report. NA None NA 6. Section 6(b) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to analyze and report the results of a trip blank sample in the 3rd Quarter 2008 Report. NA None NA 7. Section 6(c) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing provide historic groundwater level elevation data for wells TW4-23, TW4-24, and TW4-25 in the 3rd Quarter 2008 Report, 4th Quarter 2008 Report, and 1st Quarter 2009 Report. NA None NA 8. Section 6(c) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to provide historic analytical results and a summary data table for all analytes in each well, including: carbon tetrachloride, chloride, chloromethane, and methylene chloride in the 3rd Quarter 2008 Report, 4th Quarter 2008 Report, and 1st Quarter 2009 Report. NA None NA 9. Section 6(c) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to include chloroform isoconcentration maps that illustrates the 70 µg/l boundary in the 3rd Quarter 2008 Report, 4th Quarter 2008 Report, and 1st Quarter 2009 Report. NA None NA 10. Section 6(c) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to report in the 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, and 1st Quarter Reports: A. Total historic chloroform mass removed from the shallow aquifer to date, B. Total historic chloroform mass removed from each pumping well (MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW-4-20) to date, C. Calculated chloroform mass removed from each pumping well (MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19 and TW4-20) in the quarter, and D. Total chloroform mass removed in the quarter. NA None NA 11. Section 6(f) of Appendix A of the DUSA QAP, for failing to provide a field data worksheet for well TW4-14 for the 1st Quarter chloroform monitoring event. NA None NA 12. Section 4.3.3 of the QAP, failing to submit the required two duplicate samples in the 4th Quarter chloroform monitoring event.NA None NA 1. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Sections 6.2.2(a) and 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to measure for turbidity in wells MW-14 and MW-32 during the January, 2009 monitoring event and wells MW-20 and MW-22 during the February, 2009 monitoring event. NA None NA 2. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7)(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable turbidity conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 17 wells during the February and March, 2009 monitoring events. NA None NA 3. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to excavate two casing volumes before collecting groundwater samples in 13 wells during the January, February, and March 2009 monitoring events. NA None NA 4. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 9.1.3 of the DUSA QAP for failing to provide any comparison of March, 2009 Trip Blank results to original sample results for multiple volatile organic compounds. NA None NA December 17, 2009 Water Quality Civil Penalty Failure to meet the terms of the January 27, 2009 Stipulated Consent Agreement - Nitrate Contamination Investigation.NA $5,000 1/21/2010 Nitrate Investigation SCA January 14, 2010 Water Quality Civil Penalty Failure to meet the terms of the November 14, 2007 Consent Agreement - Certified Laboratory (THF)NA $4,000 February 14, 2010 Tetrahydrofuran SCA 1. Part I.D.6(a) of the Permit, for allowing the fluid head in the Cell 4A leak detection system sump exceed a 1-foot level above the lowest point in the lower flexible membrane liner (or a LDS transducer reading of more than 30-inches of fluid). NA None NA 2. Part I.G.3(a) of the Permit, for failing to provide 24-hour verbal notice and five day written notice to the Executive Secretary for a BAT failure at the Tailings Cell 4A leak detection system. NA None NA Water Quality 1st Qtr, 2009 Report January 19, 2010 UGW09-13 October 28 - 29, 2009 DRC Inspection Water Quality November 10, 2009 UGW09-05Water Quality 3rd & 4th Qtr, 2008 Reports and 1st Qtr, 2009 Report November 17, 2009 UGW09-06 Date of NOV Regulations Docket Number Violations Severity Level Penalty Civil Penalty Paid Notes IUC/DUSA/EFR History of Notice of Violations and Civil Penalties 1. Part I.F.1 of the Permit for failing to report all well monitoring and samples collected, including a result for TDS in wells MW-31 and MW-32 in the 4th Quarter 2009 Report, for the October 2009 monitoring event. NA 2. Part I.F.1 of the Permit and Section 4.3.3 of the DUSA QAP for failing to report all well monitoring and samples collected, including a result for TDS in field duplicate MW-65 in the 4th Quarter 2009 Report, for the October 2009 monitoring event. NA 3. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable turbidity conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 12 wells during the October, November, and December, 2009 monitoring events. NA 4. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable redox potential (Eh) conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 5 wells during the October and November, 2009 monitoring events. NA 5. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to excavate two casing volumes before collecting groundwater samples in 17 wells during the 4th Quarter (October) 2009 monitoring event. NA 6. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 3.1 of the DUSA QAP for failing to use the correct formula in 39 instances to determine RPD for the duplicates of the October, November, and December, 2009 monitoring events. NA 7. Part I.F.1(e) of the Permit and Section 9.1.4(a) of the DUSA QAP for failure to fully and completely disclose all non-conformance with the approved QAP for the October, 2009 sampling event with respect to a RPD in excess of 20% for ammonia (as nitrogen) in well MW-22 and blind duplicate sample MW-70. NA 8. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 11 of the DUSA QAP for failing to list in a summary table analytes wells that were subject to accelerated monitoring pursuant to Parts I.G.1 and 2 of the Permit, including uranium (MW-14, MW-15, and MW-17) and thallium (MW-18). NA 1. Part I.D.4 of the Permit for construction, and operation of a new wastewater treatment or storage facility without submittal of engineering design plans and specifications, and prior Executive Secretary review and approval. NA 2. Part I.H.4(a) for failure to submit an updated DMT Monitoring Plan within 30 days of Permit issuance, or by February 19, 2010.NA 3. Part I.H.4(b) for failure to submit engineering drawings for the steel liner and leak detection system and receive Executive Secretary approval before liner construction. NA 4. Part I.H.4(c) for failure to provide at least a 10 calendar day prior notice of the hydrostatic test that verifies that the steel liner and leak detection system perform in accordance with the approved drawings, and to allow a DRC inspector to be present during the test. NA 5. Part I.H.4(d) for failure to refrain from use of the New Decontamination Pad until after Executive Secretary approval of the as-built drawings. NA 1. Failure to record the radiological activity of the U3O8 (Uranium Yellowcake) on multiple shipping papers dated from February 9, 2010 to July 16, 2010. IV $750 2. Failure to indicate that the U3O8 (Uranium Yellowcake) shipments were "Exclusive Use" on multiple shipping papers dated from February 9, 2010 to July 16, 2010. IV $750 1. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable turbidity conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 4 wells during the 2nd Quarter, 2010 monitoring event. NA 2. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable turbidity conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 1 well during the June, 2010 accelerated monitoring event. NA 3. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the DUSA QAP for failing to achieve stable turbidity conditions before collecting groundwater samples in 3 wells during the July, 2010 accelerated monitoring event. NA 4. Utah Water Quality Act (UC 19-5-107) and Parts I.C.1of the Permit for failing to protect the waters of the state in that 6 contaminants have exceeded their respective GWCL in Table 2 of the Permit for two consecutive sampling events. NA 5. Part I.G.4(c) of the Permit for failing to provide a plan and schedule for assessment of the sources, extent and potential dispersion of the contamination, and an evaluation of potential remedial action to restore and maintain groundwater quality to insure that Permit limits will not be exceeded at the compliance monitoring point and that DMT or BAT will be reestablished. NA Water Quality Water Quality Water Quality $62,500 May 9, 2011 Radiation ControlAugust 5, 2010 April 20, 2010 May 13, 2010 UGW11-02 January 31, 2011 $2,290 September 16, 2011 UGW10-03 4th Qtr, 2009 Report$17,309 8/23/2010 UGW10-04 May 4, 2010 DRC Inspection of the New Decontamination Pad 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Qtr, 2010 Reports July 20 - 21, 2010 DRC InspectionSeptember 10, 2010- Date of NOV Regulations Docket Number Violations Severity Level Penalty Civil Penalty Paid Notes IUC/DUSA/EFR History of Notice of Violations and Civil Penalties May 17, 2011 Radiation Control -1. Instruments alarm setting at three restricted area gates were set at higher set points than those specified in Appendix E, Section 1.2.3, Monitoring Procedure of the February 28, 2007 Radioactive Material License Renewal Application. IV None NA April 19- 20, 2011 DRC Inspection 1. Part I.H.4(c) of the Permit for failing to provide at least a 14 calendar day written notice to allow the Executive Secretary to observe all drilling and well installation activities for the Southwest Investigation. NA 2. Part I.H.6(g) of the Permit, DUSA failed to provide at least a 14 calendar day written notice to allow the Executive Secretary to observe all drilling and well installation activities for the Southwest Investigation. NA 1.Parts I.E.1(b)(2) and I.G.1(b)(1) of the Permit for failing to accelerate samples for TDS in wells MW-26 and MW-31 and Uranium in well MW-25 during December of 2010. This is also a continuing violation previously cited in three DRC NOVs dated January 11, 2008 (UGW07-04), February 28, 2008 (UGW08-01), and April 1, 2008 (UGW08-02). NA 2. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 8.2 and Table 1 of the DUSA QAP for failing to perform analysis for mercury in 10 wells (MW-1, MW-3, MW-3A, MW-12, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20, MW-23, MW-26, and MW-34) and one blind duplicate (MW-70) within the recommended holding time (28 days). This is also a continuing violation previously cited in the April 1, 2008 NOV (UGW08-02, Violation #3). NA 3. Part I.E.1(a) of the Permit and Section 7.1 and Attachment 1 of the DUSA QAP for failing to use the currently approved Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater for the 4th Quarter (November) and December, 2010 monitoring events, as found in Attachment 1 of the currently approved DUSA QAP, Revision 6.0. NA 1. A rental forklift was released to RSC Equipment Rental on November 3, 2011 with fixed contamination above the release limits specified in the NRC Regulatory Guide 8.30, Table 2 and the Section 2.6.2 of the Mill's Radiation Protection Manual. III $2,500 2. Instruments alarm setting at three restricted area gates were set at higher set points than those specified in the Mill's Radiation Protection Manual, Section 1.2.3, Monitoring Procedures. III $2,500 3. A reagent delivery driver and an ore delivery drivers were found within the Mill's radiological restricted area during a DRC inspection without proper site safety and radiation protection training. IV None 1. Part I.D.11 of the Permit by failing to store and manage feedstock materials in water tight containers (or water tight overpack) or on a qualified hardened surface NA $1,125 May 23, 2012 2. Part I.D.10 of the Permit by failing to manage all contact and non-contact storm water in accordance with the currently approved Storm Water Best Management Practices Plan (SWBMPP). Specifically, DUSA violated Section 2.0 of the SWBMPP by failing to provide an adequate ditch and diversion system to channel and contain the surface runoff to the tailings management system. NA None NA 3. Part I.D.10 of the Permit by failing to provide adequate active operational measures to discover, prevent, control, contain, and clean-up spills of kerosene outside of the secondary containment located north of the shop building. NA None NA 4. Part I.D.10 of the Permit by failing to provide adequate active operational measures to discover, prevent, control, contain, and clean-up spills of oil from drums stored on racks east of the shop building. NA None NA 5. Part I.D.10 of the Permit by failing to control contact wash water by effective operational measures at the New Decontamination Pad near the scale house. NA None NA 1. Section 2(a) of the of Action and Work Schedule Revision 1 For the Installation of One or More Monitoring Wells Downgradient of TW4-4 and TW4-6 for failing to submit a Hydrogeologic Report within calendar 60 days of the Director approval of the Plan. NA None NA 2. Section 2(b) of the of Action and Work Schedule Revision 1 For the Installation of One or More Monitoring Wells Downgradient of TW4-4 and TW4-6 for failing to sample well TW4-27 in the next regularly scheduled chloroform sampling campaign, which would have been the 4th quarter 2011 chloroform monitoring event. NA None NA December 17, 2012 Radiation Control -1. The SAG Mill area on the lower level was improperly posted. The nonconforming sign was a general safety sign that did not meet the requirements of R313-15-901 and 902. The sign was not of the proper color scheme, did not include the three bladed Standard Radiation Symbol and did not include the words, “Caution (or Danger) Airborne Radioactivity Area.” IV $750 January 3, 2013 November 15- 16, 2012 DRC Inspection 1. Parts I.G.1.b and I.G.4.b of the Permit by failing to submit valid September 2012 groundwater monitoring data for chloroform in monitoring well MW-26, for required monthly accelerated groundwater samples. NA 2. Parts I.G.1.b and I.G.4.b of the Permit by failing to submit valid September 2012 groundwater monitoring data for dichloromethane in monitoring well MW-26, for required monthly accelerated groundwater samples. NA 3. Parts I.G.1.b and I.G.4.b of the Permit by failing to collect and submit July 2012 groundwater monitoring data for chloroform in monitoring well MW-26, for required monthly accelerated groundwater samples. NA 4. Parts I.G.1.b and I.G.4.b of the Permit by failing to collect and submit July 2012 groundwater monitoring data for dichloromethane in monitoring well MW-26, for required monthly accelerated groundwater samples. NA May 30, 2013 Water Quality UGW13-03 1. Part I.G.1 of the Permit for failing to collect a monthly accelerated sample for selenium at monitoring well MW-31 during the December 2012 and January 2013 acceraleted sampling events. NA $13,018 August 23, 2013 4th Qtr, 2012 Report 1. An ore delivery driver was found within the Mill's radiological restricted area during a DRC inspection without proper site saftety and radiation protection training. IV $750 2. Potential radioactive material was released from the Mill resticted area without the proper survey or radioanalysis of the material. IV NA July 23, 2013 Water Quality UGW13-05 1. Part I.G.4.c of the Permit for failing to provide a plan and a time schedule for assessment of the source(s), extent, and potential dispersion of the monitoring well MW-1 THF contamination to the DIRECTOR. NA $2,196 October 24, 2013 1st Qtr, 2013 Report October 14, 2020 Radiation Control -1. Failure to document the results of the radiological surveys on the Licensee’s “Daily Vehicle Scan for Vehicles Leaving the Restricted Area” survey sheets. This is in violation of R313-15-1103. IV NA November 19, 2020 October 5-6, 2020 DWMRC Inspection August 29, 2013July 2, 2013 June 13, 2013 DRC InspectionRadiation Control - May 30, 2012 Water Quality UGW12-05 February 4, 2013 Water Quality 2nd and 3rd Qtr, 2012 Reports October 18, 2011 DRC Inspection December 15 - 16, 2011 DRC InspectionRadiation Control -March 8, 2012 4th Qtr, 2011 Chloroform Report UGW13-01 $5,270 June 5, 2013 January 25, 2012 UGW12-01March 7, 2012 Water Quality UGW11-05Water QualityJune 2, 2011 August 15, 2011 UGW11-04 4th Qtr, 2010 Report $7,348 November 22, 2011 $11,955 December 20, 2011Water Quality May 17 - 20, 2011 DRC Inspection