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Environmental Factors in Cancer: Radon
Charleston, South Carolina
Testimony - December 4, 2008
R. William Field, Ph.D., M.S.
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
Department of Epidemiology
College of Public Health
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
Over 50% of the average individual’s radiation dose comes from exposure to radon decay
products. Two of the radon decay products, Polonium-218 and Polonium-214, account for the
majority of the radiation exposure to the lungs. Because we are building homes without radon
resistant features faster than we are mitigating homes to reduce radon concentrations, more
people are exposed to radon than ever before. Furthermore, the increased use of medical
procedures and tests that utilize radiation has increased substantially. The consequence of
this mounting radiation exposure for an individual is genomic instability and an increased
potential for cancer. In the following paper, the generic term radon will be used to refer to
radon and its decay products.
Radon causes lung cancer even below the United States Environmental Protection
Agency’s (U.S. EPA’s) radon action level of 150Bq/m3 (4 pCi/L)
Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and
primary cause of lung cancer for individuals who have never smoked. The North American
(Krewski et al. 2006, Krewski et al. 2005), European (Darby et al. 2006, Darby et al. 2005), and
Chinese (Lubin et al. 2004) pooled residential radon studies all have reported statistically
significant increases (ranging from 8% to 18% depending on the method of analyses) in lung
cancer risk at 100 Bq/m3 (2.7 pCi/L) (Table 1). It is worth noting that these direct risk
estimates mirror the 12% increased-risk estimate at 100 Bq/m3 that was predicted by the
downward extrapolation of findings from the radon-exposed underground miners (National
Research Council 1999).
Pooled risk estimates likely underestimate the true risk posed by protracted radon
There is substantial evidence to conclude that radon exposure may carry a higher risk for
lung cancer than prior epidemiologic studies have reported. If the level of individual radon
exposure is misclassified in a study, this generally causes the study to underestimate the risk.
Nondifferential misclassification of exposure generally results in a bias toward the null when
assessing the relationship between exposure and disease (Kelsey et al. 1986, Pierce et al.
1990). Misclassification of residential radon exposure can occur from: 1) errors in radon
detector measurement; 2) the failure to consider temporal and spatial radon variations within a
home; 3) missing information on radon exposure from other sites, such as prior homes; 4) the
failure to properly link radon concentrations with subject mobility; and 5) measuring radon gas
as a surrogate for radon progeny exposure (Field et al. 1996).
Studies that are
performed with methods that
minimize exposure
misclassification often report
higher levels of risk for
radon exposure. For
example, in the North
American pooled analysis
(Table 1), lung cancer risk
increased from 11% to 18%
at 100 Bq/m3 when the
analysis was restricted to
individuals who resided in
either one or two homes for
the period 5 to 30 years prior to recruitment and also had at least 20 years covered by a year-
long radon measurement. The European Pooled Residential Radon Study performed an
additional analysis, which attempted to adjust for some of the uncertainty in the temporal
variation of radon. As shown in Table 1, this one adjustment, a regression calibration, doubled
the lung cancer risk from 8% to 16% at 100 Bq/m3 (2.7 pCi/L). A regression calibration for the
North American Study is in progress (Smith et al. 2008).
While the individual methods noted above help improve exposure assessment and
decrease misclassification, most studies address only a few of the potential sources of
exposure misclassification (Field et al. 1996). One particular residential radon case control
study, the Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study (IRLCS), incorporated methods to reduce the five
sources of exposure misclassification (Field et al. 2000, Fisher et al 1998, Steck et al. 1999,
Field et al. 1996). The National Research Council’s Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
(BEIR) VI Committee (NRC 1999) concluded that the power of a residential radon study to
detect an excess lung cancer risk could be greatly enhanced by targeting populations that
have both high radon exposures and low residential mobility. Iowa has the highest average
radon concentration in the United States and very low population mobility. The IRLCS
targeted women because they historically spent more time in the home and had less
occupational exposure to lung carcinogens. Moreover, the IRLCS included only women who
lived in their current home for at least 20 years.
The IRLCS study design consisted of four strategic components to reduce exposure
misclassification. These were: 1) rapid reporting of cases; 2) mailed questionnaires followed
by face-to-face interviews; 3) comprehensive radon exposure assessments; and 4)
independent histopathologic review of lung cancer tissues. Through rapid case reporting,
personal interviews were conducted with 69% of cases. The interview of live cases provided
more accurate information than that obtained by interviewing relatives. The IRLCS
incorporated the most advanced radon exposure assessment techniques ever performed in a
residential radon study. Historical information of participant mobility within the home, time
spent outside the home, and time spent in other buildings was ascertained. The mobility
assessment accounted for the time the participant moved into their current home until study
enrollment (Field et al. 1998). Numerous yearlong radon measurements were performed on
each level of the participant's home. Outdoor radon measurements were also conducted in
addition to workplace radon exposure assessments. All these spatially diverse measurements
were linked to where the participant spent time, for at least the proceeding 20 years, in order to
obtain a cumulative radon exposure for the individual.
The methodology used to calculate radon
exposure in an epidemiologic investigation is
particularly critical to assessing risk. As seen in
Figure 1, the application of the more stringent, a
priori-defined, IRLCS method to model radon
exposure produced higher risk estimates (solid line)
compared to the application of a less-stringent
method (dashed lines). The later less-stringent
method averaged the living area and basement
radon measurement without linkage to participant
mobility (Field et al. 1996) and is representative of
the radon-exposure model used in both the North
American and European pooled analyses.
Importantly, Figure 1 illustrates how risk estimates
may be underestimated in pooled analyses. Even
when included in the pooling, well designed case control studies may not benefit pooled
analyses if the pooled analyses are performed using less rigorous methods than the original
study to calculate radon exposure.
Most radon-induced lung cancers occur below the U.S. EPA’s radon action level
Because of the log normal distribution of radon, the vast majority of homes in the United
States exhibit radon concentrations under the U.S. EPA’s radon action level. However, in
some states like Iowa, over half of the homes can exceed the radon action level. The National
Research Council’s (NRC 1999) BEIR VI committee has estimated that approximately one-
third of radon-related cancers could be averted by reducing residential radon concentrations
below 150 Bq/m3 (4 pCi/L) nationwide. In order to reduce the overall number of radon
attributable lung cancer deaths in the United States by 50%, radon concentrations in all homes
in the United States could not exceed 74 Bq/m3 (2 pCi/L).
Protracted radon exposure increases the risk of all types of lung cancer
The Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study found that large cell carcinoma exhibited a
statistically significant positive trend with increasing radon exposure. A suggestive trend was
also noted for squamous cell carcinoma. However, all the histological types appeared to be
elevated with protracted radon exposure and differences in the linear excess risks between
histologic types was not significantly different (Field et al 2000). The European pooled
analysis detected a significantly increased dose-response relationship for small cell lung
cancer (Darby 2006, Darby 2005). However, similar to the Iowa Study, the variation between
the dose-response relationships for the major histological subtypes did not differ. The
investigators from the North American Pooling (Krewski et al. 2006, 2005) also reported that
the largest risk was observed for small-cell carcinoma, but as noted in both the IRLCs and
European Pooled Studies, the confidence limits overlapped the risk estimates for the other
histologic types of lung cancer.
Radon is one of our major environmental toxicants in the United States
Radon is a potent environmental carcinogen. The National Research Council’s BEIRVI
Committee report (NRC 1999) provided the foundation for the U.S. EPA’s (2003) most recent
assessment of risks from radon in homes. Guided by the BEIR VI report, the U.S. EPA
estimated that approximately 21,100 (14.4%) of the 146,400 lung cancer deaths that occurred
nationally in 1995 were related to radon exposure. Among individuals who never smoked,
26% of lung cancer deaths were radon-related. The report also estimated that the lung cancer
risk from a lifetime radon exposure at the U.S. EPA’s action level of 150 Bq/m3 (4 pCi/L) was
2.3% for the entire population, 4.1% for individuals who ever smoked, and 0.73% for
individuals who never smoked.
Table 2 ranks the estimated 2008 mortality for
radon-induced lung cancer in comparison to some
other common types of cancer. While the risk of lung
cancer from radon exposure pales to the risk of lung
cancer posed by smoking, the number of radon-
induced lung cancer deaths exceed the number of
deaths for many other types of cancers (e.g., non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, liver, ovarian, kidney,
melanoma, etc.) from all causes. In fact,
comparative human health-based risk assessments
performed by the U.S. EPA and numerous state
agencies have consistently ranked radon among the
most important environmental health risks facing the
nation (Johnson 2000). Moreover, a 1998 Harvard
Center for Risk Analysis study judged radon the
number one health risk in the home (HCRA 1998).
One can question whether the U.S. EPA’s radon
action level is sufficiently geared towards disease prevention, given the number of radon-
induced lung cancer deaths and the fact that the radon-related risk of lung cancer can be
lowered by minimizing radon exposure.
Mitigation and Radon Resistant New Construction (RRNC) methods are available to
reduce the risk
Well established methods are available to reduce radon concentrations in homes to well
below 150 Bq/m3 (4 pCi/L) for existing homes that currently exhibit elevated radon
concentrations (WHO 2008, Brodhead 1995, Brodhead et al. 1993, U.S. EPA 1992). For
example, in a recent evaluation of the effectiveness of radon mitigation systems in Minnesota,
Steck (2008) examined the pre and post mitigation radon test results for 166 homes. The
median age of the mitigation systems was 2 years with a range from 0.5 to 7 years. Pre-
mitigation radon concentrations averaged 380 Bq/m3 (10.3 pCi/L), while post mitigation radon
concentrations averaged 44 Bq/m3 (1.2 pCi/L). In addition, cost-effective radon-resistant new
construction (RRNC) methods that effectively impede radon entry into a home are available
(U.S. EPA 2008, WHO 2008).
Individual susceptibility to radon-induced lung cancer
Individuals who smoke have an increased susceptibility to radon-induced lung cancer,
because of the sub-multiplicative association between radon and smoking (Krewski et al. 2006,
Krewski et al 2005, Darby et al. 2006, Darby et al. 2005). While the data are generally lacking,
it is likely that individuals who are exposed to other lung carcinogens (e.g., ETS, nickel,
radiation from medical procedures, etc) as well as to mixtures of toxicants may also have
increased susceptibility to radon-induced lung cancer. Furthermore, infants and children are
generally considered more radiosensitive than adults. Unfortunately, studies have not been
performed that directly assess whether or not elevated radon exposure in childhood infers
greater risk of developing radon-induced lung cancer latter in life.
Certain genotypes may predispose individuals to increased risk from protracted radon
exposure. For example, it is estimated that 40% to 60% of Caucasians exhibit a null allele
(i.e., homozygous deletion) for Glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and do not express the
enzyme. Bonner et al. (2006) found that protracted radon exposure over 121 Bq/m3 was
associated with a 3-fold increase in lung cancer risk for individuals with a GSTM1 null
genotype. Additional well-designed studies to examine the association between protracted
radon exposure and factors contributing to individual susceptibility (e.g., genetic
polymorphisms) warrant consideration.
Adverse health outcomes related to protracted radon exposure other than lung cancer
Darby et al. (1995) have examined radon-related cancer specific mortality, other than lung
cancer, in the miner populations that were included in the BEIR VI report (Darby et al. 1995).
The study included over 64,000 workers who were employed in the underground mines for an
average of six years. At the time of the publication, the miners were followed on average for
17 years. Statistically significant increases in risk were noted for leukemia in the period less
than 10 years since starting work. Statistically significant increases in mortality were detected
for both stomach and liver cancer, but the mortality findings for stomach and liver cancers were
not related to cumulative exposure. Statistically significant exposure related excess relative
risks were found also for pancreatic cancer, but this finding was considered a chance finding
by the authors. A very recent study by Kreuzer et al. (2008) of 59,000 mine workers employed
for at least 6 months from 1946 to 1989 at the former Wismut mining company in Eastern
Germany detected statistically significant increases, related to cumulative exposure, in
mortality for stomach and liver cancers. However, after the results were adjusted for potential
confounders (e.g., dust, arsenic), they lost statistical significance. The authors stated that the
data “provide some evidence of increased risk of extrapulmonary cancers associated with
radon, but chance and confounding cannot be ruled out.” One of the limitations of both of
these studies was the inability to assess cancer incidence. In addition, the miner-based
studies included mostly men, which limited the generalizability of the findings. For example,
studies have not been performed to assess possible associations between radon exposure
and breast cancer.
Another fairly recent epidemiologic study evaluated the incidence, rather than mortality, of
leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma in Czech uranium miners (Řeřicha et al. 2007).
The researchers reported a positive association between radon exposure and leukemia.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) was also associated with radon exposure. This result is
somewhat surprising because an increase in CLL has not previously been demonstrated to be
associated with radiation exposure. Other studies, including a recent methodologically
advanced study by Smith et al. (2007) found associations between indoor radon and leukemia,
including CLL, at the geographic level. Over 20 ecological studies examining the relation
between radon exposure and leukemia have been carried out. A review of many of these
studies can be found elsewhere (Laurier et al. 2001). It should be noted that the above
suggested associations have not been confirmed in either a well-designed case-control or
cohort epidemiologic study performed in the general population (Laurier et al. 2001, Möhner et
al. 2006). In a recent review paper by Linet et al. (2007), the authors stated further studies
are needed to assess the possible association between radiation, including radon, and CLL. In
addition, because the skin, bone marrow, and kidney (in addition to the respiratory epithelium)
may also receive appreciable doses in an elevated radon environment (Kendall at al 2002),
well-designed analytic epidemiologic studies examining the possible association between
protracted radon exposure and cancer incidence (e.g., leukemia, skin cancer, kidney cancer,
etc.) are highly recommended.
Epidemiologic Research
Additional epidemiologic studies to assess risk factors affecting individual susceptibility
(e.g., genetic polymorphisms) to protracted radon exposure as well studies investigating
possible associations between radon exposure and cancer outcomes, other than lung cancer,
are also recommended. These studies could, cost effectively, be included as components of
on-going prospective cohort studies (e.g., National Children’s Study, Agricultural Health Study,
etc.) or initiated as new case control studies that include assessment of multiple toxicant
exposures (e.g., planned studies of rare cancers, etc. (NCI 2008)). Fortunately, novel
retrospective radon progeny detectors are now calibrated for use in large-scale epidemiologic
studies. These glass-based detectors can provide reliable retrospective radon progeny
assessment of exposures, including exposures that occurred decades ago, by measuring
embedded radon decay products on glass surfaces (e.g., picture frames) that have been
carried from house-to-house with the individual (Steck et al. 2002, Steck and Field 1999, Field
et al. 1999, Steck et al. 1993).
Occupational Exposure
Workplaces have the potential for greatly elevated radon concentrations. In addition to
underground miners, these occupations include: workers remediating radioactive-
contaminated sites, including uranium mill sites and mill tailings; workers at underground
nuclear waste repositories; radon mitigation contractors and testers; employees of natural
caves; phosphate fertilizer plant workers; oil refinery workers; utility tunnel workers; subway
tunnel workers; construction excavators; power plant workers, including geothermal power and
coal; employees of radon health mines; employees of radon balneotherapy spas (waterborne
radon source); water plant operators (waterborne radon source); fish hatchery attendants
(waterborne radon source); employees who come in contact with technologically enhanced
sources of naturally occurring radioactive materials; and incidental exposure in almost any
occupation from local geologic radon sources (Field 1999). In a recent survey of radon
occurrence in Missouri, no significant differences were noted between the radon
concentrations measured in homes versus nearby workplaces (Field et al. 2008), yet little
focus has been placed on radon exposures occurring in the workplace. National strategies to
reduce work-related radon exposures, as well as elevated radon in our nation’s schools, are
long overdue.
The U.S. EPA deserves significant credit for their tremendous leadership over the past 20
years to reduce radon exposure on many fronts. However, greater success has reportedly
been impeded by the U.S.EPA’s reliance on voluntary programs. The recent U.S. EPA’s
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Reports states that, “Nearly two decades after passage of
the 1988 Indoor Radon Abatement Act (IRAA), exposure to indoor radon continues to grow.
Efforts to reduce exposure through mitigation or building with radon-resistant new construction
have not kept pace. Of 6.7 million new single family detached homes built nationwide between
2001 and 2005, only about 469,000 incorporated radon-resistant features. Of 76.1 million
existing single family homes in the United States in 2005, only about 2.1 million had radon-
reducing features in place” (EPA 2008). Figure 2 from the report displays the difference
between the number of single U.S. family homes versus number of U.S. single family homes
with radon-resistant features.
Social-economically stressed individuals are particularly at risk for radon-related lung
cancer. In addition to having elevated rates of
smoking, they often rent homes without radon-
resistant construction features, or if they own a
home, they are often unable to pay the cost (~
$1,100 to mitigate an existing home) for a radon
mitigation system. Among other
recommendations, the U.S. EPA’s Office of
Inspector General strongly recommended that
the U.S. EPA consider using their authority,
including legislation, already provided under the
1988 Indoor Radon Abatement Act (IRAA) to
reduce the risk posed by protracted radon
There is precedent for legislating practices to limit exposure to toxins in construction. The
prohibitive use of lead-based paint in the U.S. is an example. The requirement of radon-
resistant construction methods, at an approximate cost of $500 per home, is cost-effective
when one considers potential savings in health care expenditures from disease prevention. In
a similar manner to smoking, where we are essentially allowing a “bioterrorist within” to attack
over a million Americans each year, radon is a “dirty bomb” within our homes that attacks
millions of people each year. The adverse health effects from radon will increase as more
people are exposed, with the aging of our population, and with increased medically-related
radiation exposure. Numerous cost/benefit analyses have clearly indicated that both mitigation
of existing homes and adopting radon resistant new construction features can be justified on a
national level (WHO 2008, Steck 2008).
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