HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDO-2024-0000061 Utah Department of Environmental Quality FFY 2023 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT End of Year Report December 2023 FFY 2023 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 The Performance Partnership Agreement ............................................................................................. 3 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................ 13 FFY 2023 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 3 Introduction The Performance Partnership Agreement The State of Utah, Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region VIII coordinate to deliver Utah’s environmental services. This partnership concept, memorialized in the Performance Partnership Agreement (PPA), recognizes that each brings unique experience, capabilities, knowledge and resources to the table and that environmental issues can be more effectively addressed by maximizing these assets. An End of Year report is used by UDEQ and EPA to jointly evaluate the partnership's success in achieving the environmental program goals, measures and commitments contained in this agreement and to jointly plan for next year's PPA. The evaluation seeks to determine whether the work undertaken in the PPA: 1. Addresses the stated strategic priorities and goals; 2. Achieves administrative cost savings; 3. Where appropriate, improves environmental results; and 4. Improves EPA/UDEQ working relationships. The End of Year Report documents the accomplishments of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality under the FFY 2023 Performance Partnership Agreement and Performance Partnership Grant. Utah DEQ appreciates the flexibility allowed by the PPA and PPG in meeting critical environmental goals and the burden reduction offered by a single end of year report. We remain committed to the PPA as an effective mechanism to “set out jointly-developed priorities and protection strategies” and to “work together to address priority needs.”1 1 https://www.epa.gov/ocir/national-environmental-performance-partnership-system-nepps##Per%20Par%20Agreements UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Executive Director’s Office Business Assistance 4 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Executive Director’s Office Stakeholder Involvement 5 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OFFICE OF PLANNING AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS State Indoor Radon Grant 6 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OFFICE OF PLANNING AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Support Services 7 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 8 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. UDEQ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER 9 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RADIATION CONTROL 10 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A GOALS AND OBJECTIVES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 11 End of Year components for FY23 are available in the UTWorkplanRevisedMarch2023 document on MS Teams. A copy of the document is also available in Appendix A. PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP GRANT 12 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP GRANT Appendix A Utah PPA FFY2023 End of Year Report Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Null Null Null Null Null Goal 1: Contintue to manage State Quality System and the QMP Objective 1.1 Ensure the acquisition of accurate, reliable and defensible environmental data and support associated assistance programs as a necessary element of the awards. Utah’s QMP is waiting for approval by EPA. The QMP has been updated and submitted to EPA September 5, 2022. The QMP’s period of performance runs through January 2023. FY23 State On Going Ongoing Utah's QMP was successfully approved by EPA. The QMP has been effectively updated and is approved through January 2028.Successful in approving Utah's QMP through January 2028. September 30,2023 9/30/23 Completed Eleanor Divver Null Null Null Null Null Goal 1: Contintue to manage State Quality System and the QMP Objective 1.1 Ensure the acquisition of accurate, reliable and defensible environmental data and support associated assistance programs as a necessary element of the awards. The annual report is due on August 31st of each year. UDEQ’s annual report submitted to R8 will summarize its review of the quality system for five divisions: i. Documented review of the QMP using the EPA R8 Quality Management Plan Crosswalk docx and submit a revision or update if necessary. ii. Listing of QA training provided within the Department for the previous year including training provider, dates of training, and number of attendees; iii. Identification of all QA documents including status (current/reviewed/approved) and whether the QA document is for new or continuing projects; iv. Reporting of all assessments conducted in the previous year and the corrective actions taken to resolve and findings; and v. Reporting if there are real or perceived risks or vulnerabilities in the quality system that needs to be addressed or if support is needed from EPA Region 8. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Utah's End of Year Reports for five Divisions have been completed and shared with EPA's R8 QA/QC Coordinator. Successfully submitted UDEQ's End of Year Reports for five Divisions to EPA's R8 QA/QC Coordinator September 30,2023 September 30,2023 Completed Eleanor Divver Null Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 1 - Tackle the Climate Crisis Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 2.1 Facilitate UDEQ cross-media business assistance. a. Businesses making phone or e-mail contact to PPA receive informational assistance. b. Pre-design permitting meetings are held. c. Cross-divisional, sector specific focus in outreach activities developed and implemented, as appropriate. d. Business assistance Web pages are regularly updated. e. Opportunities are taken to encourage consistent business assistance policies within UDEQ. f. Regular coordination with GOED, EDCU, UMEP, UAMMI, business assistance providers, Chambers of Commerce, and professional associations. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Continue to work with businesses on environmental permits and pre- design meetings. Continue to work with Business partners. Keeping the website up to date with new permit changes, opportunities for grants, etc. Efficiently assisted businesses with environmental permit requests, pre-design meetings, working with Busines partners, etc. Also, kept the SBEAP website updated and easy to navigate. September 30,2023 September 30,2023 Ongoing Eleanor Divver Null Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 2.2 Serve as Small Business Ombudsman for UDEQ. a. Air Quality Small Business Compliance Panel remains active and a yearly meeting is held. b. Availability of Ombudsman is promoted on website and as part of informational presentations, as appropriate. c. Number of businesses contacted for DEQ feedback. d. Number of responses from business that reach out for assistance. e. Issues brought to ombudsman are appropriately handled. f. Opportunities are taken to encourage small business considerations in UDEQ policy development. g. Small businesses receive DEQ assistance with the permitting process and other programs as needed. h. Number of business visited in Ombudsman outreach initiative. i. Annual EPA Small Business Assistance Program report is completed. j. Create a user-friendly website that is easy for small-business to understand the environmental permitting process. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 AQ CAP was sunset in the 2023 Legislative session. AQ & SBEAP are planning a more inclusive meeting for businesses that can increase awareness about Environmental permits/regulations. b. Proactively promote ombudsman on website. c/d. 55 businesses reached out to the SBEAP program and received helpful interaction about permits/regulations. e. Issues brought to the ombudsman are appropriately handled. f. UDEQ continues to consider small businesses and their ability to comply with new environmental permits/regulations. g. UDEQ successfully assists small businesses with their permitting process and pollution prevention. h. No businesses reached out to UDEQ's Ombudsman program. i. UDEQ successfully completed the Annual EPA SBEAP report. UDEQ Webteam has created an amazing user-friendly website for small businesses to better undersand the environmental permitting process. Successful in combining the SBEAP CAP with an Air Quality Industry Stakeholder meeting that existed. Effectively report numbers and data to the National SBEAP report. For example, we have assisted 150 businesses with their permit and environmental questions. Effectively reply to complaints for Utah's Ombudsman. Make the SBO accessible on SBEAP website. September 30,2023 9/30/23 Completed Eleanor Divver Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Null Technical Assistance Null Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective2.3: Public Education Objectives:Design and implement issue-specific campaigns to inform and involve the public. a. Proactively employ traditional and social media to inform public of issues and programs. b. Develop an annual state of Utah environment report that highlights metrics that demonstrates the work of individual Divisions. Develop ‘success stories’ that show how DEQ achieved the improvements and developed innovations for a more efficient process. c. Spotlight issues and achievements with monthly blogs d. Promote and employ DEQ’s website to public access to science-based information in an understandable context. E.g. habs.utah.gov FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Public education is an on going objective for UDEQ. The UDEQ website is continually being updated to give the issuer a more positive experience. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Null Technical Assistance Null Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives Objective 2.4: Stakeholder Involvment Objectives: 1.As needed assist DEQ programs and project managers with outreach and web resources for specific projects. a. Develop issue-specific communications plans. b. Create collateral materials like videos, fact sheets, info-graphics, and social media graphics that help communicate issues to the public. c. Utilize Google analytics and other means to measure outcomes of outreach and adjust strategy when needed. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 UDEQ Executive Director's Office assist Department Programs with stakeholder involvement and outreach through digital platforms and in person meetings. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 1 - Tackle the Climate Crisis Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives Objective 2.4: Statkeholder Involvment ObjecƟves:2.IdenƟfy opportuniƟes for proacƟve outreach and partnerships. a. Develop issue-specific communications plans. b. Create collateral materials like videos, fact sheets, info-graphics, and social media graphics that help communicate issues to the public. c. Utilize Google analytics and other means to measure outcomes of outreach and adjust strategy when needed. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 UDEQ Executive Director's Office assist Department Programs with stakeholder involvement and outreach through digital platforms and in person meetings. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 1 - Tackle the Climate Crisis Null Goal 2C: Media Relations Objectives Objective 2.5: Media Relations Objectives: 1.Subject matter experts participate in successful media interviews supported by Comms. a. Website improved and adheres to Plain Language best practices for better customer service. b. UDEQ media policy is followed and UDEQ continues to be a trusted source of information for the media and public. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 UDEQ continually updates the department website with updated information, follows established policies, and gives media support to delegated programs. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 1 - Tackle the Climate Crisis Null Goal 2C: Media Relations Objectives Objective 2.5: Media Relations Objectives: 2.Utilize DEQ’s social media channels to highlight ‘calls to action’ on air quality, harmful algal blooms and other issues. a. Website improved and adheres to Plain Language best practices for better customer service. b. UDEQ media policy is followed and UDEQ continues to be a trusted source of information for the media and public. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 UDEQ updates the department website and related media platforms to give environmental related updates on air quality, harmful algal blooms, and other issues. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Technical Assistance Air & Radiation Goal 1 - Tackle the Climate Crisis Null Goal2D: Branding Objectives Objective 2.6 - Branding Objective:1. Continue to define and establish DEQ’s brand to help the public better engage with DEQ. a. Continued development and promotion of DEQ’s brand. b. Tools and information provided to Divisions to support them in maintaining brand consistency in all public communications. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 UDEQ continually promotes the department brand by updating the digital platforms and request for surveys to be completed by individuals who visit the department website. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Ashley Sumner Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Null Technical Assistance Null Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 4: Value: Exceptional Service-Partner with the Department and Divisions in planning and policy initiatives Objective 3.1 -. Provide planning support for UDEQ initiatives and, on request, to statewide initiatives. Process for completion of FY2023 PPA is successfully coordinated and final document is submitted to EPA. FY23 Joint UDEQ completed the FY2023 PPA and submitted the final document to EPA in the required timeframe. 9/30/23 Enf. IO-No comment David Piantanida, piantanida.david@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Technical Assistance Null Goal 2 - Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights select objective from drop down Goal 4: Value: Exceptional Service-Partner with the Department and Divisions in planning and policy initiatives Objective 3.1 -. Provide planning support for UDEQ initiatives and, on request, to statewide initiatives. Process for completion of End-of-Year Report for FY 2022 PPA is coordinated with Divisions and is submitted to EPA. FY23 Joint UDEQ completed the FY2022 PPA End of Year report before the required due date. 9/30/23 type your information here type first and last name and email Eleanor Divver Null Technical Assistance Null Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities select objective from drop down Goal 4: Value: Exceptional Service-Partner with the Department and Divisions in planning and policy initiatives Objective 3.2 - Continue to provide the financial application for the Performance Partnership Grant. Complete the PPG grant and all necessary amendments and changes within prescribed due dates. FY23 Joint UDEQ continually reviews and updates the PPG within the prescribed due dates. 9/30/23 type your information here type first and last name and email Eleanor Divver Enforcement Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Enforcement Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Identify violations subject to the HPV Policy to EPA. select year from drop down State On Going 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: Communicate to EPA the compliance status of each source with a violation subject to the HPV Policy. ECAD Air Enf: Communicate to EPA the compliance status of each source with a violation subject to the HPV Policy. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Enforcement Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Take timely and appropriate (T&A) action to address and resolve the identified high priority violations.FY23 and FY24 State On Going 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: Based on the T&A timelines within the HPV Policy. ECAD Air Enf: Based on the T&A timelines within the HPV Policy. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Inspection Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Enter violations into ICIS on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV Policies. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: Enter violations into ICIS on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS ECAD Air Enf: Enter violations into ICIS on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV Policies. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Inspection Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Provide the status and T&A accounting for identified high priority violations.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Status and T&A accounting for identified HPVs was provided. Status and T&A accounting for identified HPVs was provided.9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Inspection Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Provide the compliance status and reports for any enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: Provide the compliance status and reports for any enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. ECAD Air Enf: Provide the compliance status and reports for any enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Inspection Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Conduct partial compliance evaluations that consist of observing stack tests when available.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Stack tests were observed as partial complaince evaluations. Stack tests were observed as partial complaince evaluations.9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see comments and language under H and I. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance and Inspection Null Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Conduct partial compliance evaluations that consist of observing stack tests when available.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 See above See above 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD AIr Enf: ECAD Air Enf: Recommend revising Target Completion section to say "within 120 days after completion of stack test" since the deadline is keyed off of the date of test completion. Remove line 18 as it is identical to line 17 Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Identify the federally reportable violations and identify them in the inspection report consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Identified the federally reportable violations in the inspection report consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. Identified the federally reportable violations in the inspection report consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see additional comments and language under H and I.See Column H and I Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Maintain an inspector force capable of conducting visible emission observations.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 We have maintained an inspector force certified to conduct VEO readings. We have maintained an inspector force certified to conduct VEO readings.9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: See additional comments and language under H and I. We don't conduct smoke school, we attend and complete it. We have not required the classroom session every 2 years but it Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Review continuous emission monitoring plans and programs submitted by sources. Observe and review Performance Specification Tests and self-audits performed by sources for continuous emission monitoring systems consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS policy. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Reviewed continuous emission monitoring plans and programs submitted by sources. Observed and reviewed Performance Specification Tests and self-audits performed by sources for continuous emission Reviewed continuous emission monitoring plans and programs submitted by sources. Observed and reviewed Performance Specification Tests and self- audits performed by sources for continuous emission monitoring systems consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS policy. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see additional comments and language under H and I. See Column H Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Review data assessment reports, as required by 40 CFR 60, Appendix F and excess emission reports submitted by sources consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS policy. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Reviewed data assessment reports, as required by 40 CFR 60, Appendix F and excess emission reports submitted by sources consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS policy. Reviewed data assessment reports, as required by 40 CFR 60, Appendix F and excess emission reports submitted by sources consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS policy. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: See additional comments and language under H and I.See Column H Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Review the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursue appropriate enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Reviewed the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursued appropriate enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV Reviewed the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursued appropriate enforcement actions consistent with the MDR's and FRVs as well as the CMS and HPV policies. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: See additional comments and language under H and I.See Column H Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Review the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursue appropriate enforcement actions.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Reviewed the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursued appropriate enforcement actions. Reviewed the Title V annual compliance certification reports and pursued appropriate enforcement actions.9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see additional comments and language under H and I.All of this is covered in Line 28. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: The Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan shall meet EPA’s October 2016 version of the Stationary Source Compliance Monitoring Strategy policy. FY23 State Complete 9/30/23 The Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan meets EPA’s October 2016 version of the Stationary Source Compliance Monitoring Strategy policy. The Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan meets EPA’s October 2016 version of the Stationary Source Compliance Monitoring Strategy policy. 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: See additional comments and language under H and I. DAQ submits this report by November 15 of each year as required. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance ECAD Air Enf: Coordinate with EPA to electronically flag the stationary sources identified in the Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan in the ICIS database as identified in Table 1, section “CMS Record” of EPA’s Air Stationary Source Compliance and Enforcement Information Reporting (Renewal), EPA-HQ-OECA- FY23 State Complete 9/30/23 Coordinated with EPA to electronically flag the stationary sources identified in the Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan in the ICIS database as identified in Table 1, section “CMS Coordinated with EPA to electronically flag the stationary sources identified in the Compliance Monitoring Strategy Plan in the ICIS database as identified in Table 1, section “CMS Record” of EPA’s Air Stationary Source Compliance and Enforcement 9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: see additional comments and language under H and I.Sources listed in the CMS plan are flagged in ICIS. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Compliance Monitoring Strategy Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Revise the CMS Plan. FY23 State Partially Complete 9/30/23 The CMS plan is modified as needed. The CMS plan is modified as needed.9/30/23 9/30/23 ECAD Air Enf: See additional comments and language under H and I.The CMS plan is revised and submitted annually. Youn Joo Kim Kim.Younjoo@epa.gov Harold Burge hburge@utah.gov Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. a. The annual Monitoring Network Plan is completed and submitted to EPA by July 1. The monitoring network is evaluated and modified to reflect the most recent changes in funding and national monitoring requirements to optimize the network. FY23 Joint Complete 7/1/23 The annual monitoring network plan was submitted as required. The annual monitoring plan was submitted on time. 7/1/2023 7/1/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. b. The PM2.5 monitoring network is maintained and operated as appropriate funding is received from EPA.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 The PM2.5 monitoring network is maintained and operated as required and funded.The PM2.5 monitoring network was maintained and operated as appropriate. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. c. Monitoring data are submitted to EPA 90 days after each quarter. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Monitoring data is submitted within 90 days of the end of each quarter Monitoring data was submitted quarterly on time. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. d. Locations for new monitoring sites are based on current emission inventories, air quality modeling and EPA regulation.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 The correct data is used to determine locations of new monitoring sites New monitoring site locations are selected based on these factors.9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. e. Staff works with EPA to assess the impacts of changes to 40 CFR 58, and continues planning for the implementation of those changes (National Monitoring Strategy/NCORE Monitoring Network). FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Staff works with EPA to implement changes to the monitoring network. Staff works with EPA to implement changes to the monitoring network.9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. f. The National Air Toxics Trends site in Bountiful is operated in accordance with NATTS QAPP with appropriate updates.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 The National Air Toxics Trends site in Bountiful is operated in accordance with current regulations. The National Air Toxics Trends site in Bountiful is operated in accordance with current regulations.9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. g. An appropriate response to each identified National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) violation is prepared and submitted to EPA.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 An appropriate response to each identified National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) violation is prepared and submitted to EPA. An appropriate response to each identified National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) violation is prepared and submitted to EPA. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. h. The annual certification of each year’s data is completed by the May 1 annual certification date.FY23 Joint Complete 5/1/23 The annual certification of each year’s data is completed by the May 1 annual certification date. The annual certification of each year’s data is completed by the May 1 annual certification date.5/1/2023 5/1/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. i. Participation in the Three-State Air Quality Study continues with two major tasks: 1) review the continued operation of the Price ozone/meteorological site after collecting 3 years of Federal regulatory data based on availability of EPA or BLM funding; and 2) provide staff and other support to the Three-State Data Warehouse and modeling efforts as the project design matures and funding allows. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Staff has continued to participate in the three-state air quality study. Staff has continued to participate in the three-state air quality study.9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.6 - 4. Maintain an adequate ambient air quality monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 to assess public exposure to air pollutants and to establish the attainment status. j. Continue operating the PAMS as included in the most current Annual Monitoring Network Plan contingent upon available funding from EPA.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Staff has continued operating the PAMS as described in the network plan and funding. Staff has continued operating the PAMS as described in the network plan and funding.9/30/23 9/30/23 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.10 -8. Quality Assurance programs are reviewed for effectiveness. a. Statistical quality standards are met for the collection of ambient air data and emissions inventories prepared by the State.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Statistical quality standards were met for the collection of ambient air data and emissions inventories prepared by the State. Statistical quality standards were met for the collection of ambient air data and emissions inventories prepared by the State. 9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.10 -8. Quality Assurance programs are reviewed for effectiveness.b. Rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and protocols are complied with. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and protocols were complied with. Rules, regulations, procedures, policies, and protocols were complied with.9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.10 -8. Quality Assurance programs are reviewed for effectiveness. c. Regulatory activities are documented, including the appropriate technical support.FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Regulatory activities were documented, including the appropriate technical support. Regulatory activities were documented, including the appropriate technical support.9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.10 -8. Quality Assurance programs are reviewed for effectiveness.d. The State and EPA agree on the adequacy of air program results. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 The State and EPA agree on the adequacy of air program results. The State and EPA agree on the adequacy of air program results.9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment is more administrative in nature and may be better aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.15 -13. Submit monitoring data to EPA as required. a. Quality assured ambient air pollution data is submitted to AQS no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Quality assured ambient air pollution data was submitted to AQS no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter. Quality assured ambient air pollution data was submitted to AQS no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter. 9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment is more administrative in nature and may be better aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.15 -13. Submit monitoring data to EPA as required. b. Data precision and accuracy assessments are submitted to ICIS-Air no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Data precision and accuracy assessments were submitted to ICIS- Air no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter. Data precision and accuracy assessments were submitted to ICIS-Air no later than 90 days after each calendar quarter. 9/30/2023 9/30/2023 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment is more administrative in nature and may be better aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.15 -13. Submit monitoring data to EPA as required. c. ICIS-Air is monitored on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS and HPV Policies.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 ICIS-Air was monitored on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS and HPV Policies. ICIS-Air was monitored on an ongoing basis for accuracy and completeness consistent with the MDR's as well as the CMS and HPV Policies. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment is more administrative in nature and may be better aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Air Monitoring Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.1 - Improve Air Quality and Reduce Localized Pollution and Health Impacts Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.15 -13. Submit monitoring data to EPA as required. d. Data summary reports are printed for regulatory and public use as appropriate.FY23 State Complete 9/30/23 Data summary reports were printed for regulatory and public use as appropriate. Data summary reports were printed for regulatory and public use as appropriate.9/30/23 9/30/23 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment is more administrative in nature and may be better aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Joshua Rickard rickard.joshua@epa.gov Bo Call bocall@utah.gov Null Air Planning Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives Objective 4.1 - 1. Develop and implement appropriate SIPs and Maintenance Plans for all areas of the state. a. State develops all State Implementation Plan revisions, including appropriate Maintenance Plans, required to meet federal law and submits them to EPA for their review and approval according to the established timeframe. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Improve air quality through the development of non-attainment area and maintenance area revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the abatement and control of air pollution. Improve air quality through the development of non- attainment area and maintenance area revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the abatement and control of air pollution. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment relates to air quality planning and may be more appropriately aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Crystal Ostigaard - email ostigaard.crystal@epa.gov and Scott Jackson - email jackson.scott@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Null Air Planning Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives Objective 4.1 - 1. Develop and implement appropriate SIPs and Maintenance Plans for all areas of the state. b. All measures contained in the SIP approved by the Air Quality Board are fully implemented.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 All measures in the SIP approved by the UAQB are being implemented. All measures in the SIP approved by the UAQB are being implemented.9/30/2023 9/30/23 Per 9/20/22 conversation with state, unsure of origin of commitment. This commitment relates to air quality planning and may be more appropriately aligned with EPA Goal 4 (& appropriate objective) rather than Goal 1. Unsure of EPA POC. Unsure if this work commitment should be included. Unsure of origin. This appears to be a new requirement that the state has not seen before. Crystal Ostigaard - email ostigaard.crystal@epa.gov and Scott Jackson - email jackson.scott@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 4.4 - 2. Develop and improve appropriate inventories.a. The Title V inventory is prepared by April 15. FY23 State Complete 4/15/23 The Title V inventory was prepared by April 15.The Title V inventory was prepared by April 15.4/15/2023 4/15/23 Jeniffer Snyder - email snyder.jeniffer@epa.gov Greg Mortensen - email gmortensen@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 4.4 - 2. Develop and improve appropriate inventories. b. Required inventory data is entered into the NEI by EPA's established timeframe.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Required inventory data was entered into the NEI by EPA's established timeframe. Required inventory data was entered into the NEI by EPA's established timeframe.9/30/2023 9/30/23 Jeniffer Snyder - email snyder.jeniffer@epa.gov Greg Mortensen - email gmortensen@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 4.4 - 2. Develop and improve appropriate inventories. c. Non-HAP/non-Criteria/non-MACT regulated pollutants are inventoried as required by federal rules.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Non-HAP/non-Criteria/non-MACT regulated pollutants were inventoried as required by federal rules. Non-HAP/non-Criteria/non-MACT regulated pollutants were inventoried as required by federal rules.9/30/23 9/30/23 Jeniffer Snyder - email snyder.jeniffer@epa.gov Greg Mortensen - email gmortensen@utah.gov Business Assistance Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2: Promote a sustainable relationship between economic development and environmental protection by coordinating work with businesses and related organizations. Objective 4.4 - 2. Develop and improve appropriate inventories. d. The inventories required for the SIPS and Maintenance Plans are developed as required and appropriate technical support for each is submitted to EPA for their review with the applicable plan. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 The inventories required for the SIPS and Maintenance Plans were developed as required and appropriate technical support for each was submitted to EPA for their review with the applicable plan. The inventories required for the SIPS and Maintenance Plans were developed as required and appropriate technical support for each was submitted to EPA for their review with the applicable plan. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Jeniffer Snyder - email snyder.jeniffer@epa.gov Greg Mortensen - email gmortensen@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.11 -9. Maintain the small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to actively assist small businesses to comply with rules of the Board. a. Educational Assistance is offered to all small businesses affected by adopted NSPS and NESHAP standards.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Educational Assistance was offered to all small businesses affected by adopted NSPS and NESHAP standards. Educational Assistance was offered to all small businesses affected by adopted NSPS and NESHAP standards. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Dan Fagnant - email fagnant.dan@epa.gov Eleanor Divver - email edivver@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.11 -9. Maintain the small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to actively assist small businesses to comply with rules of the Board. b. As appropriate, the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel's role is modified to increase the effectiveness of the SBEAP.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 The Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel's role was modified to increase the effectiveness of the SBEAP. The Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel's role was modified to increase the effectiveness of the SBEAP. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Dan Fagnant - email fagnant.dan@epa.gov Eleanor Divver - email edivver@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.11 -9. Maintain the small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to actively assist small businesses to comply with rules of the Board. c. On-site assistance is provided when requested. FY23 State Complete 9/30/23 On-site assistance was provided when requested.On-site assistance was provided when requested.9/30/2023 9/30/23 Dan Fagnant - email fagnant.dan@epa.gov Eleanor Divver - email edivver@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.11 -9. Maintain the small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to actively assist small businesses to comply with rules of the Board. d. The small business work plan for the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel is modified as appropriate to better meet assistance needs.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 The small business work plan for the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel was modified as appropriate to better meet assistance needs. The small business work plan for the Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel was modified as appropriate to better meet assistance needs. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Dan Fagnant - email fagnant.dan@epa.gov Eleanor Divver - email edivver@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.11 -9. Maintain the small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to actively assist small businesses to comply with rules of the Board. e. Assistance tracking is modified as appropriate to better provide and measure assistance needs.FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Assistance tracking was modified as appropriate to better provide and measure assistance needs. Assistance tracking was modified as appropriate to better provide and measure assistance needs.9/30/2023 9/30/23 Dan Fagnant - email fagnant.dan@epa.gov Eleanor Divver - email edivver@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2A:Exceptional Service, Credibility and Trust Objective 4.16 -14. Respond to questions from the public regarding air quality issues.a. Ambient air quality data is provided to the AirNow Program. FY23 State On Going 9/30/23 Ambient air quality data was provided to the AirNow Program. Ambient air quality data was provided to the AirNow Program.9/30/2023 9/30/23 Josh Rickard - email rickard.josh@epa.gov Bo Call - email bocall@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives ObjecƟve 4.17 -15. a)Work with other state / federal / local agencies to reduce diesel emissions in Utah. b)Work with Cache and Wasatch Front CounƟes to implement motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs that meet requirements in the Ut a. Continue implementing the Utah Clean Diesel Program and apply for additional funding through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Continued implementing the Utah Clean Diesel Program and applied for additional funding through the DERA program. Continued implementing the Utah Clean Diesel Program and applied for additional funding through the DERA program. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Marisa McPhillamy (grants) - email mcPhillamy.marisa@epa.go v and Greg Lohrke (I/M & Trasportation Conformity) - email lohrke.greg@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives ObjecƟve 4.17 -15. a)Work with other state / federal / local agencies to reduce diesel emissions in Utah. b)Work with Cache and Wasatch Front CounƟes to implement motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs that meet requirements in the Ut b. Continue efforts with Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber counties to implement their respective I/M programs and update SIP Section X to reflect the most current versions of the county I/M programs. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Continued efforts with Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber counties to implement their respective I/M programs and update SIP Section X to reflect the most current versions of the county I/M programs. Continued efforts with Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber counties to implement their respective I/M programs and update SIP Section X to reflect the most current versions of the county I/M programs. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Marisa McPhillamy (grants) - email mcPhillamy.marisa@epa.go v and Greg Lohrke (I/M & Trasportation Conformity) - email lohrke.greg@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives ObjecƟve 4.17 -15. a)Work with other state / federal / local agencies to reduce diesel emissions in Utah. b)Work with Cache and Wasatch Front CounƟes to implement motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs that meet requirements in the Ut c. Continue implementing, tracking and reporting on currently awarded Targeted Airshed Grants as well as applying for more grants as opportunities become available. FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Continued implementing, tracking and reporting on currently awarded Targeted Airshed Grants as well as applying for more grants as opportunities become available. Continued implementing, tracking and reporting on currently awarded Targeted Airshed Grants as well as applying for more grants as opportunities become available. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Marisa McPhillamy (grants) - email mcPhillamy.marisa@epa.go v and Greg Lohrke (I/M & Trasportation Conformity) - email lohrke.greg@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Null Air Quality Improvement Strategies Air & Radiation Null Null Goal 2B:Stakeholder Involvement Objectives ObjecƟve 4.17 -15. a)Work with other state / federal / local agencies to reduce diesel emissions in Utah. b)Work with Cache and Wasatch Front CounƟes to implement motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs that meet requirements in the Ut d. Continue to provide consultation and interagency collaboration to assist the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), and the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) as they develop conformity determinations for their respective Regional Transportation Plans (RTP) and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP). FY23 Joint On Going 9/30/23 Continued to provide consultation and interagency collaboration to assist the Cache MPO, WFRC, and the MAG as they develop conformity determinations for their respective RTP and TIP. Continued to provide consultation and interagency collaboration to assist the Cache MPO, WFRC, and the MAG as they develop conformity determinations for their respective RTP and TIP. 9/30/23 9/30/23 Marisa McPhillamy (grants) - email mcPhillamy.marisa@epa.go v and Greg Lohrke (I/M & Trasportation Conformity) - email lohrke.greg@epa.gov Becky Close - email bclose@utah.gov Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.16.1 Annotate the quarterly Enforcement Targeting Tool (ETT) list created by the Enforcement Response Policy (ERP) by indicating UDEQ actions planned for each identified priority ETT system, the projected timeframe for such actions and other relevant information that helps the EPA evaluate candidates for federal enforcement. Return the annotated list to the EPA within 30 days of the ETT list being emailed to the division contact. Annotate the quarterly Enforcement Targeting Tool (ETT) list created by the Enforcement Response Policy (ERP) by indicating the state actions planned for each identified priority ETT system, the projected timeframe for such actions and other relevant information that helps the EPA evaluate candidates for federal enforcement. Return the annotated list to the EPA within 30 days of the ETT list being emailed to the division contact. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ agrees to annotate the quarterly Enforcement Targeting Tool (ETT) list created by the Enforcement Response Policy (ERP) by indicating UDEQ actions planned for each identified priority ETT system, the projected timeframe for such actions and other relevant information that helps the EPA evaluate candidates for federal enforcement. Return the annotated list to the EPA within 30 days of the ETT list being emailed to the division contact. On going on going SDWA Enf.: row added to capture the ETT commitment language. Steven Latino; latino.steven@epa.gov; Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.16.2 Address all priority ETT systems (through formal enforcement or appropriate return to compliance) within 6 months of their being identified as priorities, with the goal of taking action before systems reach the priority status. The date that the EPA makes the ETT list specifically available to UDEQ via email is day zero (0) of the six-month timeliness period. Address all priority ETT systems (through formal enforcement or appropriate return to compliance) within 6 months of their being identified as priorities, with the goal of taking action before systems reach the priority status. The date that the EPA makes the ETT list specifically available to the State via email is day zero (0) of the six-month timeliness period. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ agrees to address all priority ETT systems (through formal enforcement or appropriate return to compliance) within 6 months of their being identified as priorities, with the goal of taking action before systems reach the priority status. The date that the EPA makes the ETT list specifically available to UDEQ via email is day zero (0) of the six-month timeliness period. On going on going SDWA Enf.: row added to capture the ETT commitment language. Steven Latino; latino.steven@epa.gov; Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.16.3 Provide the EPA with access to state PWS files and data for EPA’s oversight purposes at UDEQ’s offices. Provide the EPA a copy of all final settlement agreements, both administrative and judicial, upon issuance or EPA request. Copies of actions will be provided to EPA Region 8 in electronic format unless the EPA requests a hard copy. Upon request, make supporting documentation available to the EPA. Provide the EPA with access to state PWS files and data for EPA’s oversight purposes at the state’s offices and/or virtually. Provide the EPA a copy of all final settlement agreements, both administrative and judicial, upon issuance or EPA request. Copies of actions will be provided to EPA Region 8 in electronic format unless the EPA requests a hard copy. Upon request, make supporting documentation available to the EPA. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ agrees to provide the EPA with access to state PWS files and data for EPA’s oversight purposes at UDEQ’s offices. Provide the EPA a copy of all final settlement agreements, both administrative and judicial, upon issuance or EPA request. Copies of actions will be provided to EPA Region 8 in electronic format unless the EPA requests a hard copy. Upon request, make supporting documentation available to the EPA. On going on going SDWA Enf.: row added to capture the ETT commitment language. Steven Latino; latino.steven@epa.gov; Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.16.4 Upload all violations (and their associated actions), enforcement actions and applicable return-to- compliance codes into SDWIS the quarter following their occurrence. The division will ensure that all enforcement actions are linked to violations in SDWIS to avoid orphan actions identified in guidance. Upload all violations (and their associated actions), enforcement actions and applicable return-to-compliance codes into SDWIS the quarter following their occurrence. The division will ensure that all enforcement actions are linked to violations in SDWIS to avoid orphan actions identified in guidance. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ agrees to upload all violations (and their associated actions), enforcement actions and applicable return-to- compliance codes into SDWIS the quarter following their occurrence. The division will ensure that all enforcement actions are linked to violations in SDWIS to avoid orphan actions identified in guidance. On going on going SDWA Enf.: row added to capture the ETT commitment language. Steven Latino; latino.steven@epa.gov; Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water Objective 5.16.5 Continue to update the program’s and ENFD program escalation polices to address federal and state rule changes, as resources allow. The State will continue to update the program’s and enforcement program escalation polices to address federal and state rule changes, as resources allow. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ will continue to update the program’s and ENFD program escalation polices to address federal and state rule changes, as resources allow.On going on going SDWA Enf.: row added to capture the ETT commitment language. Steven Latino; latino.steven@epa.gov; Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.1 To meet or exceed 92% of “person month” during which community water systems provide drinking water that meets all applicable health- based drinking water standards of population served by CWS that meet all health- based standards. UDEQ will m 92% of “person month” during which community water systems provide drinking water that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards of population served by CWS that meet all health-based standards. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 96.8% On going Exceeded the EPA Target and UDEQ Goal Monitor self-reported data submitted by the state's community water systems to ensure that reported data meet all existing federal and state requirements; ensure reported data are accurately entered into the state's data system; and that violations are determined and responded. The State will assist in meeting Region 8 Goals for each of these strategic measures and associated targets. On going on going type your information here paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.2 To meet or exceed 85% of community water systems meeting all applicable health-based standards. UDEQ will maintain its data in the national database, SDWIS/FED. This includes timely data entry, quality assurance, and data validation. 85% of community water systems meet all applicable health-based standards, through approaches that include effective treatment and sources water protection. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 94.4% On going Exceeded the EPA Target and UDEQ Goal Monitor self-reported data submitted by the state's community water systems to ensure that reported data meet all existing federal and state requirements; ensure reported data are accurately entered into the state's data system; and that violations are determined and responded. The State will assist in meeting Region 8 Goals for each of these strategic measures and associated targets. On ging on going type your information here paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.3 To meet or exceed 90% of population served by community water systems that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards. UDEQ will maintain its data in the national database, SDWIS/FED. This includes timely data entry, quality assurance, and data validation. 90% of population served by community water systems that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards.FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 97.3% On going Exceeded the EPA Target and UDEQ Goal Monitor self-reported data submitted by the state's community water systems to ensure that reported data meet all existing federal and state requirements; ensure reported data are accurately entered into the state's data system; and that violations are determined and responded. The State will assist in meeting Region 8 Goals for each of these strategic measures and associated targets. On going on going type your information here paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.4 To meet or exceed 90% of community water systems in compliance with health-based standards. UDEQ will maintain its data in the national database, SDWIS/FED. This includes timely data entry, quality assurance, and data validation. By September 30, 2026, reduce the number of community water systems still in noncompliance with health-based standards. Baseline: 2017 3rd Quarter had 85 CWS with health-based violations. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 2023 Q3: 28 CWS had health-based violations (baseline 2017 Q3:85) 94.4% CWS in compliance with health- based standard (see Objective 5.2) On going Exceeded the EPA Target and UDEQ Goal The UDEQ will collaborate with the EPA reduce the number of community water systems still in noncompliance with health-based standards.6/30/2026 on going type your information here paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.5 UDEQ will continue to conduct sanitary surveys that address the eight elements and report the results based on the federal fiscal year. UDEQ, as a condition of primacy, are required to conduct Sanitary Surveys on Subpart H Systems (40 CFR 142.16(b) (3)) and to provide the EPA with an annual evaluation of its program to conduct these Sanitary Surveys (40 CFR 142.15.(c)(5)). Conduct Sanitary Surveys on Subpart H Systems (40 CFR 142.16(b) (3)) and to provide the EPA with an annual evaluation of its program to conduct these Sanitary Surveys (40 CFR 142.15.(c)(5)). FY23 and FY24 State On Going 9/30/23 Met targets and goals UDEQ and LHD conducted 320 surveys between October 1st 2022 and September 30th 2023. UDEQ and LHD will continue sanitary surveys into October 2023 for this season. UDEQ will continue to conduct sanitary surveys that address the eight elements and report the results based on the federal fiscal year. On going on going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Drinking Water Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.6 UDEQ will work to provide the content required of the capacity development program and meet the report submittal deadlines for Capacity Development Program. Submit Annual Capacity Development Program Report to EPA by September 30 of each year, as described in 142.16. Submit Annual Capacity Development Program Report to EPA by September 30 of each year, as described in 142.16. FY23 and FY24 State Complete 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ submited the Capacity Development Report to the EPA on September 28, 2023. UDEQ will work to provide the content required of the capacity development program and meet the report submittal deadlines for Capacity Development Program. September 30 each fiscal year 9/28/23 paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Parthnerships and Enhance Engagement Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.7 UDEQ will work to provide the content required and meet the report submittal deadlines for operator certification. Submit annual operator certification report annually by June 30th to allow time for a final determination to be determined by September 30th. Submit Annual Operator Certification Report to EPA by June 30 of each year, as described in 142.16. FY23 and FY24 State Complete 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ and EPA communicated and set the due for July 31, 2023. DEQ submitted the report on July 31, 2023. UDEQ will submit Annual Operator Certification Report to EPA by June 30 of each year, as described in 142.16. June 30 each fiscal year 7/31/23 paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.8 UDEQ will work with EPA in the development of their annual review report. Work collaboratively with the EPA to complete an annual review report by April 1st of each year, as described in 142.17. Work collaboratively with the EPA to complete an annual review report by April 1st of each year, as described in 142.17.FY23 and FY24 Joint Complete 9/30/23 Met targets and goals UDEQ received the document from EPA on 8/3/2023, contributed in editing and send it back to EPA on 8/23/2023. UDEQ will work with EPA in the development of their annual review report to meet their goal.April 1 each fiscal year 8/23/23 paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.9 UDEQ will continue entering required data into regional and national data systems so that federally required data fields are timely, accurate, and complete pursuant to definitions, guidance, and policy and within database capabilities. For any requests from EPA for data not a part of the normal data uploads, EPA will supply the query necessary to pull the data. UDEQ is required to provide accurate and complete inventory, violations, and enforcement data to SDWIS. States may do this through the SDWIS State software developed by EPA to provide support for state implementation of the program or through submission of files through the EPA Exchange Network. Ensure that compliance data submitted to the Agency is accurate, complete, and submitted in a timely manner. FY23 and FY24 State On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ will continue entering required data into regional and national data systems so that federally required data fields are timely, accurate, and complete pursuant to definitions, guidance, and policy and within database capabilities. For any requests from EPA for data not a part of the normal data uploads, EPA will supply the query necessary to pull the data. On going on going Omar Sierra-Lopez sierra- lopez.omar@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.10 UDEQ currently has primary enforcement authority for all existing rules. For any future regulations, UDEQ will submit draft and final primacy revisions or apply for extensions prior to applicable deadlines. UDEQ commits to implementing thei Implement all primary Drinking Water Regulations for which UDEQ has been delegated primary enforcement authority. FY23 and FY24 State On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ has primary enforcement authority for all existing rules. For any future regulations, Utah will submit draft and final primacy revisions or apply for extensions prior to applicable deadlines. Utah commits to implementing their regulations at least as stringently as the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation On going on going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Parthnerships and Enhance Engagement Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.11 Complete duties as defined in the UCMR5 partnership agreement signed by May 4, 2021. UDEQ will complete UCMR5 duties as defined in the partnership agreement. This includes the opportunity to modify if/when the rule is promulgated this year. Complete UCMR5 duties as defined in the partnership agreement. The agreement was signed on May 12, 2021. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals Complete duties as defined in the UCMR5 partnership agreement signed by December 16, 2021. The State will complete UCMR5 duties as defined in the partnership agreement. This includes the opportunity to modify if/when the rule is promulgated this year. On going on going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.12 As resources allow and the grant is available, UDEQ will perform activities agreed upon in the approved workplan for this grant. UDEQ will partner with the EPA to implement emerging contaminants grant. Partner with the EPA to implement emerging contaminants, including PFAS workplans.FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals As resources allow and the grant is available, UDEQ will perform activities agreed upon in the approved workplan.On going on going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.13 UDEQ commits to implementing Lead and Copper rules and regulations by collaborating with EPA. Work continuously with EPA to respond to requests for systems out of compliance with Lead and Copper Rule, including action level exceedances. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals UDEQ commits to collaborating with the EPA to implement lead and copper rules and regulations. On going on going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.14 Annually by November 15th, provide to the EPA a description of any additional actions and the time frames for completing assessments of groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, and the systems for which such assessments need By November 15th, UDEQ will provide to the EPA the information requested on annual basis. FY23 and FY24 State Complete 11/10/22 Met targets and goals UDEQ submitted the UDI report to the EPA on November 10, 2022. UDEQ will annually document to EPA the status of outstanding GWUDISW determinations by November 15th. November 15 each fiscal year 11/10/22 paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Null Public Water System Supervision Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 5: Safeguard Utah’s drinking water through balanced regulation by enforcing and implementing the Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Acts and by providing assistance and support to public water systems. Objective 5.15 UDEQ will work collaboratively with the EPA to accomplish the goals of the National Compliance Initiative: Reducing Noncompliance with Drinking Work collaboratively with EPA to accomplish the goals of the National Compliance Initiative: Reducing Noncompliance with Drinking Water Standards at Community Water Systems. The State will provide access to the State sanitary survey files, data, enforcement actions, and communication to enable a review of the significant deficiencies from identification to compliance as well as other required information to address questions/requests from EPA. FY23 and FY24 Joint On Going 9/30/23 On going Met targets and goals For example, UDEQ meets with EPA on a quarterly basis to discuss ETA and other issues. UDEQ will work collaboratively with the EPA to accomplish the goals of the National Compliance Initiative: Reducing Noncompliance with Drinking Water Standards at Community Water Systems. On going On going paquin.sienna@epa.gov Mimi Ujiie, mujiie@utah.gov / Mark Berger, mberger@utah.gov Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.20 Maintain an effective 1422 Underground Injection Control Program per agreement with the EPA to protect Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDWs) from contamination by maintaining and implementing an effective core program. (1) Evaluate the core program effectiveness as reported in the UIC Program narrative included in the EOY Report. (2) Enforce the 1999 Class V Rule regarding motor vehicle waste disposal wells (MVWDWs) and large capacity cesspools (LCCs). MVWDWs and LCCs are closed as they are identified. Priority is given to identifying these wells within groundwater- based source water protection zones as delineated by the Utah Division of Drinking Water, Source Water Protection Program. MVWDWs and LLCs identified, inspected and closed are included in the submittal of the biannual narratives and quarterly reporting to the UIC Data Application. (3) Identify and report the number and percent of Class I injection wells that are used to inject industrial, municipal, or hazardous waste wells that fail mechanical integrity and maximize the number that are returned to compliance within 180 days, thereby reducing the potential to endanger USDWs. -The reporting requirements for this metric shall be fulfilled by the quarterly submittal to the UIC Data Application. -Identify and report the number and percent of Class III injection wells that lose mechanical integrity and maximize the number that are returned to compliance within 180 days, thereby reducing the potential to endanger USDWs. The reporting requirement for this metric shall be fulfilled by the quarterly submittal to the UIC Data Application. (4) Identify and report the number of Class V motor vehicle waste disposal (MVWD) wells and large capacity cesspools that are closed or permitted in sensitive ground water protection areas* and maximize the number that are closed or permitted thereby reducing the potential to endanger underground sources of drinking water. -The reporting requirement for this metric shall be fulfilled by the quarterly submittal to the UIC Data Application. * Although Utah has not formally delineated "other sensitive ground water areas" throughout the state as defined by the December 7, 1999 final rule, the 1422 UIC Program will continue to prioritize the identification, reporting, and return-to- compliance of MVWDW and other high priority wells within Source Water Protection Zones and other areas, although not formally delineated, where risk to human health and vulnerability to ground water contamination is recognized. (5) Ensure Utah UIC Program monitoring activities are performed according to the DEQ/QMP Approved QAPP. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/3/23 This is an ongoing commitment throughout FY 23 The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality (Utah DWQ) certifies that it maintains and implements an adequate Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program under Section 1422 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (1422 UIC Program) in conformance with federal and state laws, regulations, and conditions set forth in program authorization (delegation) documents. As long as the Utah DWQ maintains a 1422 UIC Program, the Regional Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 8 and the Director of the Utah DWQ agree this Agreement shall remain in effect, except as amended through mutual agreement. Grant dollars awarded by the USEPA may be used by the Utah DWQ to perform core program activities (40 CFR Parts 144 and 147) to adequately maintain its 1422 UIC Program, even when these activities are not specifically defined by goals, measures, and/or reporting requirements. The Utah DWQ agrees to conduct core program activities as described in and as evidenced by the submittal of the UIC Program narrative included in the EOY Report. The USEPA agrees to provide the following support to the Utah 1422 UIC Program: One annual midyear review of Utah 1422 UIC Program. Technical training, as appropriate and as funds allow. Seventy-five percent (maximum) of funds necessary to operate the core State 1422 UIC Program, assuming a federal budget funding level near or equal to the past three years. Should funding levels drop significantly, USEPA will review core program elements and provide appropriate revisions. UIC Reporting Requirements: -Semi-Annual: Due Date May 15; Electronic submittal to UIC National Database for First and Second Federal Fiscal Year Quarters (October 1 through March 31) -Annual: Due Date November 15; Electronic submittal to UIC National Database for First, Second, Third, and Fourth Federal Fiscal Year Quarters (October 1 through September 30); Utah DEQ End of Year Report to EPA (EOY Report) -Annual: Due Date December 31; Final Financial Status Report (FSR) Ongoing Ongoing sierra-lopez.omar.epa.gov Dan Hall (dhall@utah.gov) Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Parthnerships and Enhance Engagement Water Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.21 Encourage responsible environmental behavior and promote excellence in environmental quality through environmental education, community-based partnerships and qualitative and quantitative feedback from regulated and non- regulated customers. (1) Provide a description of presentations to local government groups, local health departments, public works departments, private sector groups, civil groups, etc. which include UIC concerns and opportunity for feedback. (Reported in the UIC Program biannual and EOY narratives which are submitted to the UIC Data Application) FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/3/23 Ongoing Provide a description of all outreach activities intended to inform local government groups, local health departments, public works departments, private sector groups, civil groups, etc. about the 1999 Class V rule regarding the closure of motor vehicle waste disposal wells (MVWDWs), large capacity cesspools (LCCs) and any other outreach activities intended to inform the public and the regulated community about UIC Program requirements. (Reported in the UIC Program biannual and EOY narratives which are submitted to the UIC Data Application) This is an ongoing effort. More details will be included at the end of the year. Ongoing Ongoing sierra-lopez.omar.epa.gov Dan Hall (dhall@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.22 Continue reporting of 7520 Data and the Biannual and EOY Program Narratives. (1) Maintain the 1422 UIC Program's geodatabase which is queried quarterly to provide the 7520 data necessary to submit to the UIC Data Application. The Utah 1422 UIC Program prepares two program narratives: one prior to the mid-year program review and another for the EOY report. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/3/23 This is an ongoing commitment throughout FY 24 The Division continues to maintain the geodatabase and provides the 7520 data as required. Ongoing Ongoing sierra-lopez.omar.epa.gov Dan Hall (dhall@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.1 - Ensure Safe Drinking Water and Reliable Water Infrastructure Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.23 Continue administration of a comprehensive groundwater protection program accordint to priorities established in the Utah Groundwater Protection Strategy and then annual Division of Water Quality Goals and Objectives. (1) End-of-year report as required by EPA grant on achievement of FY23 DWQ/Ground Water Program Goals and Objectives. (2) Continue participation in the Ground Water Protection Council National Ground Water Strategy Committee with EPA Headquarters, Regions, and States. The intent is to help EPA develop a national strategy for refocusing EPA and States efforts on ground water protection. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/3/23 This is an ongoing commitment throughout FY 24 The Division particpates in mid year reviews qith EPA and provides the end of year report as required and also participates i the GWPC strategy for groundwater protection.Ongoing Ongoing sierra-lopez.omar.epa.gov Dan Hall (dhall@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Assessment Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.34 Complete Integrated Report analysis of water quality data for submission to EPA. (1) Compile and prepare all readily available and credible data for assessments and perform assessments. (2) Issue draft Integrated Report for a minimum 30 day public comment period and integrate public comments into final report. (3) Complete and submit Integrated Report electronically into the ATTAINS system. Transmit water quality data to EPA using the WQX framework to satisfy the general obligation to report water quality data annually. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/27/23 Ongoing Commitment for FY24 The 2024 IR call for data ended on 4/28/23. Currently preparing the draft 2024 IR for public comment. Will submit the 2024 IR into Attains by 04/01/2024 Ongoing Ongoing Shera Reems Jodi Gardberg Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality Assessment Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.35 Maintain and implement responsive Waterborne Pathogen (WBP) (i.e., e. coli) and Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) Programs. (1) Continue partnership development of outreach materials that communicate reporting e. coli and HABs results, water recreational risks avoidance, and education. (2) Continue development of agency-wide strategic communication: response, education, messaging and advisories. (3) Maintain up to date WBP and HAB guidances, sampling and analysis plans, and SOP documents as necessary. (4) Maintain water recreation incident response reporting information and tracking. (5) Improve program data management. (6) Continue partner data sharing for enhanced monitoring tool development. (7) Update integrated report assessment methods related to WBP and HABs. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing commitment. Weekly sampling occurred throughout the 2023 field season (June-October). There were 81 days of sampling, 561 site visits, and 166 waterbodies sampled. Ongoing Ongoing Tina Laidlaw Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Assessment Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.36 Conduct a flow study that will acquire water rights to increase flow in the lower Jordan River to study the influence of flow on chronic low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions during dry base flow conditions. (1) Form stakeholder group including Salt Lake City Public Utilities, Jordan River Commission, Audubon Society, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and Kennecott Copper. (2) Acquire water rights in consultation with partners. (3) Conduct flow experiments during the critical late-summer period (July-September) over a period of two years. (4) During the flow experiments, collect water quality data at 8 monitoring stations on the lower Jordan River. (5) Analyze and report findings. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Delayed Project implementation did not occur for this project during the 2023 field season.Ongoing TBD Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.28 Continue statewide monitoring efforts to meet DWQ's data needs by conducting probabilistic (Strategy 1) monitoring programs as outlined in the Strategic Monitoring Plan. (1) Update Utah’s probabilistic approach to better utilize sampling methods for state statistical surveys. (2) Participate in the National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) during the 2023-2024 field seasons.FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing DWQ participated in the 2023 NRSA survey. 16 sites were sampled. 18 sites will be sampled in 2024. No updates have been made to DWQ's internal probabilistic monitoring approach. Ongoing Ongoing Update reference Part A and Part B workplans that Ben Brown sends to me. Those have all of the detail. I don't think it is necesarry to include everything so for simplicity, just reference those documents and upload as part of the documentation Updated the workplan commitment and removed other rows referencing individual monitoring initiative projects. Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.29 Continue statewide monitoring efforts to meet DWQ's data needs by conducting core program (Strategy 2) monitoring programs as outlined in the Strategic Monitoring Plan. (1) Ambient Monitoring Program: Complete ambient intensive targeted monitoring objectives in the Uinta Basin Watershed (2) Priority Lakes Monitoring Program: Conduct lake sampling at targeted lakes/reservoirs in the Uinta Basin Watershed. Also, sample requested lakes outside of the Uinta Basin that have unique circumstances (i.e. TMDL development; NPS; data gaps; suspect data; lakes of concern; etc.). -UCASE: Complete 10-15 targeted UCASE sites in the Uinta Basin. Sampling locations are re-visit sites from a previous rotating probabilistic survey. Sample ~10-15 targeted UCASE sites statewide to address reference site conditions; NPS/restoration effectiveness; data gaps; increase data variability at a site. (3) Fish Tissue Contamination Program: Testing will focus primarily on mercury contamination. -Utilize established workgroup to provide guidance and recommendations for the program. -Participate in issuing fish tissue advisories. -Participate in triennial review preparations/discussion pertaining to elemental contamination. (4) Cooperative Monitoring Program:Monitoring program to allow for cooperators from other governmental agencies to collect water chemistry samples to address their data needs, but to also address DWQ data gaps and needs. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing 1) Monthly monitoring occurred in the Uinta Basin as part of DWQ's Ambient Monitoring Program (Intensive Runs). 83 sites were sampled over the year with 670 unique sampling events. Supplemental monitoring trips are needed in order to meet assessment method objectives, which will occur in 2023 and 2024, when feasible. 2) Lakes monitoring occurred during the 2023 field season. Most of the goals on the Monitoring Plan were met. A handful of sites could not be visisted due to weather and other factors beyond crews' control. What was missed this season will be added to the 2024 Monitoring Plan. UCASE sampling did not occur in 2023 as sampling efforts were focused on NRSA sampling. 3) Samples were collected throughout the state. Processing will begin this Fall and submitted to the EPA lab over the winter. 4) DWQ's monitoring program supported a number of cooperative monitoring efforts with particiating agencies. Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.30 Continue statewide monitoring efforts to meet DWQ's data needs by conducting targeted/programmatic (Strategy 3) monitoring programs as outlined in the Strategic Monitoring Plan. (1) TMDL monitoring: Monitoring runs (usually via intensive runs as part of the Ambient Monitoring Program) throughout the state to address data needs for WP Section to develop TMDLs. Parameters of concern are dependent on listed waterbody. (2) Surface Water Compliance: Continue to Implement QUAL2K model sampling for permit renewal and wasteload development (3) NPS Effectiveness Monitoring: Implement pilot study for long-term monitoring stations to assess effects watershed restoration, long term trends and climate change and develop site specific sampling plans. (4) E. coli Cooperative Monitoring: Continue implementation of monitoring program for E. coli to facilitate informing Local Health Departments for recreational advisories and more rigorous assessment of recreational beneficial uses (5) Utah Lake Monitoring Program: A comprehensive monitoring program to characterize pollution sources into Utah Lake. This includes monthly sampling events, stormwater sampling, sampling in response to copper treatments, and sampling to generate aesthetic endpoints (i.e. How Green is too Green?). (6) PFAS Monitoring Program: Implement monitoring program to address PFAS contamination in drinking water sources, surface waters, and fish/waterfowl tissue. (7) Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Program (HABs): Monitoring program developed to address proactive (baseline) and response monitoring related to HABs. (8) Incident Response: Allocate staff and equipment resources to respond to unforeseen environmental impacts that affect surface and groundwater. (9) High Frequency Data Program: Continue to develop DWQ’s High Frequency Data Program by deploying remote monitoring stations like buoys or sondes. Some will be telemetered. Dedicate staff time to develop sampling plans, data organization and implementation, and analysis. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing 1) Supported by the Ambient Monitoring Program (Intensive Runs). 2) Supported by the Ambient Monitoring Program (Intensive Runs). 3) Supported by the Ambient Monitoring Program (Intensive Runs). Additionally, monthly monitoring occurred on Mud Creek for a restoration project that was implemented there. 4) Weekly monitoring occurred as part of the Recreational Monitoring Program in conjunction with HABs sampling. 5) Sampling occurred on a monthly basis as part of the Utah Lake Project. 6) Tissue samples from waterfowl were collected as part of the GSL WQ Strategy. Upcoming sampling events for PFAS monitoring are to be determined at the moment. 7) Weekly monitoring occurred as part of the Recreational Monitoring Program in conjunction with E. coli sampling. 8) Incident response monitoring was limited for the Monitoring Section as the Compiance and Enforcement Section has largely taken over this role. 9) Remote telemetered buoys were deployed on a number of waterbodies throughout the state. Remotely deployed sondes were deployed along the Jordan River. 10) One WLA synoptic sampling event occurred this year, which was for Ashley Valley SSD. Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.31 Fully implement quality assurance system for water quality including QAPPs, SOPs, annual monitoring plans, and new documentation requirements for continuous monitoring. (1) Implement overhauled quality assurance system for water quality: New documentation requirements for continuous monitoring staƟons will be developed as part of the scoping and planning of pilot study (2) Training in revised SOPs and QAPPs FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing DWQ's QAPP was completed in 2023. A SOP maintenance program has been designated to ensure that continuous improvement occurs for these documents as methodology and equipment becomes more advanced. A new SAP process was implemented, which helps with more precise planning and budgeting. These documents also help bridge communication gaps between management, sampling crews, and project managers. Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.32 Continue management of AWQMS. (1) Populate database with current datasets and system in place for dynamic uploads to WQX. (2) Reviews of data in AWQMS, WQX, and the Water Quality Portal to ensure accuracy and completeness. (Biannually) (3) Expand on and update training resources to support the use of AWQMS. (4) Perform testing of new AWQMS patches/versions prior to updating. Expand on the use of custom programming script queries to increase the accuracy, quality, and efficiency of data management. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/2/23 Ongoing FY 24 commitment Data is properly and securly stored in a database. Further, we frequently (quarterly) submit to the EPA's Water Quality Portal. Quarterly data QA and import processes are on schedule. Waterfowl tissue collected in Great Salt Lake peripheral wetlands. Data analysis is currently underway. Consumption advisories are forecasted for the near future. Quarterly Laboratory and Field data are entered into AWQMS. This effort is on schedule. The State shares data with WQX, and therefore is up to date in the EPA's Water Quality Portal Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Alex Heppner Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.33 Integrate monitoring strategy elements to full operating levels, including update of monitoring strategy and annual monitoring plan for public comment; ongoing maintenance of cooperative monitoring/statewide. (1) Maintain monitoring strategy (Strategic Monitoring Plan). Updated version will be posted to DWQ’s website. (2) Continue to apply for the 106 Monitoring Initiative funds to address data gaps and needs identified in monitoring strategy and to produce state-scale probability survey results. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/24/23 Ongoing DWQ makes updates to its monitoring strategy as needed. As changes are made updated versions are posted on the website. DWQ will continue to apply for 106 Monitoring Initiative funds on an annual basis.Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Ben Brown (brbrown@utah.gov) Business Assistance Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Monitoring Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.37 Partner with EPA to implement emerging contaminants, including PFAS, workplans.Implement fish/waterfowl tissue monitoring program to address PFAS concerns in surface waters. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/6/23 Ongoing Waterfowl have been collected and analyzed for PFAS; determining actions based on those results is ongoing and active. Fish have been collected and tissue is being processed for analysis. Results are expected late 2023/early 2024. Beyond these 2 projects, it's unclear whether the Division has resources for follow-up monitoring. Identifying and securing resources is active/ongoing. 1)UpdaƟng the GSL WQ Strategy is ongoing. IteraƟons of draŌs for both Core Components 1 & 2 are moving forward and remain a high priority for UDWQ. Progress pace has been impacted due to emerging priorities for joint agency management of GSL salinity and water levels and new initiatives by the Utah Legislature. 2)This task has been completed. A formal joint agency press release is imminent before July 31. 3)This task is ongoing. 4)This task is ongoing. 5)This task is ongoing and highly acƟve on a daily basis. 6)Components of this task are related to task 3 (UGS WPDG). 7)This task is completed and is being incorporated into the Task 1 (GSL Strategy). Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here Shera Reems Ben Holcomb Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Standards Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.24 Maintain Water Quality Standards as the basis for effective water quality management and assessment programs. (1) Continue to review and compile a list of potential water quality standards to be included in the 2023 triennial review, including: nutrient criteria, appropriate modifications to Great Salt Lake standards, and new or revised 304 (a) criteria recommendations. (2) Continue to collaborate with the water quality standards workgroup(s) of stakeholders and partners on continued water quality standards revisions. (3) Develop a plan for implementing tissue-based criteria (i.e., revised selenium criteria adopted). (4) Add an authorizing provision for UPDES compliance schedules. Work towards adoption of Utah ammonia criteria based on EPA’s 2013 ammonia criteria recommendation. Refine the implementation guidance. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/6/23 Ongoing 1). WQ Standards priorities have been identified and shared publicly. We initiated the Triennial Review with a 45-day public comment period from 10/30/2023- 12/15/2023. We plan to review comments and provide replies along with a update to the WQ Board for their January or February meeting. 2). We have been developing the WQ standards workgroup by providing member surveys and setting our kickoff meeting for 11/6/2023. 3). The Se implementation plan for the 2016 Se critierion update continues to evolve as we learn lessons and best practices from EPA and other states, e.g., EPAR8 WQ Standards Annual 2023 meeting. 4). These WQ standards changes were adopted by the WQ Board and approved by EPA in 2023. Ongoing Ongoing State WQS commitments #1-3 are ongoing. #4 was completed by WQ Board's WQS revisions adopted in Jan 2023, UDWQ submitted to EPA in Apr 2023, and awaiting EPA CWA action. Will be completed upon EPA CWA action. George Parrish parrish.george@epa.gov Jim Harris and Ben Holcomb (bholcomb@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Standards Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.25 Develop rules, policies, and procedures to ensure protection of Great Salt Lake and its surrounding wetlands. (1) Update the Great Salt Lake (GSL) Water Quality Strategy, Core Components 1 (aquatic life use criteria development) and 2 (monitoring) . The goal would be to solicit and respond to public comment by July 1, 2023. (2) Evaluate and update Hg waterfowl tissue advisories for GSL wetlands by July 1, 2023. (3) Provide review and oversight of GSL Wetland Program Development Grant implemented by Utah Geological Survey. (4) Continue to implement the Great Salt Lake Baseline Sampling Plan within the requirements of the Quality Assurance Program Plan. Update the QAPP as needed. (5) Continue numerous efforts to encourage collaboration among DWQs sister State and Federal agencies with related management responsibilities for GSL. (6) As resources allow, continue to develop and implement monitoring and assessment methods for GSL wetlands. (7) As resources allow, finalize the key data gaps identified by the 2016 Great Salt Lake Aquatic Life Use Resident Taxa Summary. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/6/23 Ongoing 1). Standards staff are currently working on the GSL strategy update(s) with a goal for public comment to initiate at the end of 2023. 2). The consumption advisories for mercury in fish and waterfowl were updated in August 2023. 3). We continue to coordinate and collaborate with UGS to fulfill the WPDG grant requirements. 4). The GSL baseline monitoring continues without any significant modifications. 5)This task is ongoing and highly acƟve on a daily basis. 6)The components of this task are related to task 3 (UGS WPDG). 7)This task is completed and is being incorporated into the Task 1 (GSL Strategy). Ongoing Ongoing a year ago, it was mentioned that the strategy would go out for public comment. Let's include a date for when the document will go out for public comment and when the state will address. What is the status of updating the waterfowl advisories for mercury? type your information here Shera Reems Jim Harris and Ben Holcomb (bholcomb@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Standards Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.26 Develop numeric nutrient criteria and associated implementation procedures. (1) Continue to incorporate nutrient-specific monitoring efforts into Utah’s long-term monitoring strategy. Include plans for the ongoing measurement of nutrient-related ecological responses. (2) Continue working with stakeholders to refine the implementation strategy; including the incorporation of alternative TMDL practices . (3) Continue to develop numeric water quality indicators and/or criteria for phosphorus, nitrogen and associated ecological responses to protect recreation or aquatic life uses for Utah’s waters. (4) Continue to meet with Utah’s Nutrient Stakeholder Workgroups on outreach efforts in support of Utah’s nutrient reduction efforts. Maintain up to date assessment processes and associated rules for a comprehensive nutrient reduction program. (5) Continue to participate on TMDLs for nutrient-related impairments to ensure that, wherever possible, that the endpoints align with site-specific standard development. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/6/23 This is an ongoing commitment throughout FY 24 1). UDWQ has incorporated targeted, headwater locations into our annual monitoring in order to assess waters using numeric nutrient criteria. 2). UDWQ is formally developing an Advanced Restoration Plan for Otter Creek using stakeholder involvement; planned to be finalized early 2024. 3). UDWQ, EPA, and TetraTech have begun to evaluate Utah's diatom data to develop indicators for screening, planning, or assessing water quality; project to be finished late 2024 or 2025. 4&5). UDWQ no longer has a formalized nutrient stakeholder workgroup; however, whenever nutrient-related issues arise, whether it's for developing/planning wasteloads, waterbody restoration, and site-specific projects, nutrient-reduction staff and ideas are incorporated. Ongoing Ongoing Should we start incorporating commitment dates to accomplish interim steps towards nutrient criteria developement and adoption? type your information here Parrish.george@epa.gov Jim Harris and Ben Holcomb (bholcomb@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making Water Quality Standards Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.27 Develop and implement a long-term biological assessment program. (1) Maintain annual biological monitoring strategy that best balances the programmatic needs of stakeholders. Make the list of sites available for review and incorporated into the annual monitoring strategy. (2) Collect physical habitat, macroinvertebrate, and periphyton samples at 25 probabilistic stream sites as well as ~15-25 targeted sites annually to provide the data necessary to augment assessment tools and fulfill long-term (trend), natural variability (reference), restoration effectiveness, TMDL, 305(b), and 303(d) assessment needs. (3) Continue to build capacity to digitize both field and biological data and store in a readily accessible database. Create electronic field form linking collected data to database. (4) Continue development of modeled diatom MMI and integrate into existing aquatic life assessments. (5) Continue compiling an expanded reference water body (streams and rivers) dataset for future assessment tool development. (6) Continue development of assessment methods that better integrate biological and chemical assessment methods to provide an overall assessment of aquatic life beneficial use support for Utah’s streams. (7) Continue development of outreach materials (i.e., website, fact sheets, reports) to more completely describe Utah’s biological assessment program to our stakeholders. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/6/23 This is an ongoing commitment throughout FY 24 1) &2). These tasks are completed. 3). This project is greatly hindered and could use attention and resources. 4). Ongoing/active (see above). 5). Ongoing/active. 6). Ongoing/active. 7). This element could use greater attention and resources. Ongoing Ongoing type your information here type your information here George Parrish parrish.george@epa.gov Jim Harris and Ben Holcomb (bholcomb@utah.gov) Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.1 Maintain an acceptable UPDES Program per agreement with EPA. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) shall fully implement and enforce its delegated UPDES program (including, as appropriate, general permitting, pretreatment, bios (1) Report annually the number and percent of facilities that have a discharge requiring an individual permit. (2) Issue or reissue 95% of priority permits and 90% of all perits within the five-year statutory timeframe. (3) Assure proper implementation of WET requirements in UPDES permits. (4) Continue to implement the process/procedures for Reasonable Potential (RP) consistent with 40 CRF 122.44(d). FY23 and FY24 State ongoing 10/19/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24. (1) There are 138 permits. (2) Issued or reissued 95% of priority permits and 90% of all permits within the five-year statutory timeframe. (3) DWQ has a WET Coordinator who reviews all permits with WET requirements to ensure proper implementation in permits. (4) Reasonable Potential (RP) is run for all new permits and permit renewals, consistent with 40 CRF 122.44(d). Ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Danielle Lenz (dlenz@utah.gov) Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.1 Maintain an acceptable UPDES Program per agreement with EPA. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) shall fully implement and enforce its delegated UPDES program (including, as appropriate, general permitting, pretreatment, bios State NPDES permit writers will be trained in the pretreatment program and how to establish appropriate discharge limits in publicly owned treatment works permits. EPA is willing to assist with the training. Report the date of the training with the EOY report. POTW permit writers shall review permit applications for industrial user contributions and ensure this portion of applications are complete. The permit writers shall evaluate the industrial user data and pollutants of concern to determine if reasonable potential exists at POTWs. Permit fact sheets will document this evaluation. FY23 and FY24 State ongoing 10/19/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24. Staff will not attend training again in FY24 unless required. A majority of UPDES Individual Permit Staff attended the in-person EPA Salt Lake City Pretreatment 101 Training on November 15 and 16th, 2022, to increase knowledge on the topic. Internally, all UPDES Individual Permit Staff are trained to identify pollutants of concern before permit issue/renewal. These concerns are identified and evaluated in the Permit FSSOB, and will continue to be identified and evaluated during future permit issue/ renewal. As part of the draft permit review, the Pretreatment Coordinator reviews the application, service area for the POTW, and, if needed, discussions occur regarding Industrial Users with the permittee. This ensures that oversight of an Industrial User is occurring per the ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Danielle Lenz (dlenz@utah.gov) Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.2 Implement the ongoing stormwater program in conformance with federal and state laws and regulations and conditions set forth in program authorization (delegation) documents. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 . This is an ongoing commitment for FY 24. All Stormwater UPDES Permits are up to date. The MSGP Permit is on public notice and it set to have an on-time permit renewal. Ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Jeanne Riley (jriley@utah.gov ) Strategy 2: Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.3 Implement the ongoing pretreatment program in conformance with federal and state laws and regulations and conditions set forth in program authorization (delegation) documents. POTW permit writers shall review permit applications for industrial user contributions and ensure this portion of applications are complete. The permit writers shall evaluate the industrial user data and pollutants of concern to determine if reasonable potential exists at POTWs. Permit fact sheets will document this evaluation. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/19/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24. a. Annually provide EPA with the number of approved pretreatment programs. Currently, there are 19 approved pretreatment programs in Utah. b. Annually provide EPA with the number of programs that have implemented the EPA Pretreatment Streamlining Regulations. Sixteen Approved POTW Pretreatment Programs (Programs) have legal authorities that include the streamlining requirements, which ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Danielle Lenz (dlenz@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.4 Promote the beneficial use of biosolids by implementing the ongoing biosolids program in conformance with federal and state laws and regulations and conditions set forth in program authorization (delegation) documents. (1) Provide the number of UPDES permits that contain biosolids language annually. (2) Provide the total number of Biosolids permits. (3) Maintain biosolids in the ICIS database. (4) Reissue all biosolids permits which will expire in FY2023 and transition into consolidated permits as needed. (5) Submit an End-of-Year report to EPA for the preceding calendar year containing a summary of DWQs actions under their biosolids program. Also include a list of facilities that beneficially reuse biosolids, methods of reuse and the tons reused. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/19/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY23. (1) All Individual Permits include Biosolids language and we include reopener provisions. Total Individual UPDES Permits: 138 (2) There are 48 individual biosolids permits. (3) Biosolids Permits are maintained in the ICIS Database. (4) Reissued all biosolids permits that expired in FY2023. (5) FY23 was submitted with PPA, All Annual reports are in the EPA NeTBiosolids Application. Nine biosolids inspections; North Davis Sewer District, Garland, Logan City Corporation, Central Valley Water Reclamation, Kennecott Utah Copper, South Valley Water Reclamation Facility, Mona Wastewater Treatment Plant, Pitman Farms/Moroni City Corporation, And Tremonton City WWTP. Permit # Facility Inspector Inspection Date 1 UTL021741 North Davis Sewer District Dan G 9/26/2023 2 UTL026034 Garland Dan G 9/12/2023 3 UTL021920 Logan City Corporation Dan G 8/30/2023 4 UTL024392 Central Valley Water Reclamation Dan G 8/28/2023 5 UTL000051 Kennecott Utah Copper Dan G 6/1/2023 6 UTL024384 South Valley Water Reclamation Facility Dan G 5/11/2023 7 UTL025950 Mona Wastewater Treatment Plant Dan G 2/17/2023 8 UTL020222 Pitman Farms/Moroni City Corporation Dan G 1/31/2023 9 UTL020303 Tremonton City WWTP Dan G 10/13/2022 d. Biosolids Produced/Disposed of 1. Bulk Biosolids (Land Application) (dmt); 25,547 a. Agricultural Land (B) (dmt); 22,071 b. Derived Material (A) (dmt); 3,478 ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Danielle Lenz (dlenz@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.6 Implement the ongoing Utah Sewer Management Program (USMP). Continue to implement a comprehensive statewide permit program for the planning, operation, and maintenance of all public wastewater sewer collection systems.FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/19/23 Ongoing The USMP permit was renewed on April 1, 2023. Additionally, Individual Permit UPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspections include investigating sewer condition and maintenance. ongoing Ongoing Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Danielle Lenz (dlenz@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.7 Address Permit Quality Review (PQR) Essential Action Items. Within 45 days of receipt of a final PQR report, so long as a draft PQR Report with findings is shared ahead of time or within 90 days if not, the State will provide a table of specific actions that the State will take to address each Essential Action Item and a date (not to exceed two years from the final PQR report date unless agreed to by EPA) by which the action is anticipated to be completed. The State may be provided additional time to provide this Essential Action Item addressing action list. The State will then complete the addressing action items by these dates and provide supporting documentation to EPA (e.g., an email with a description of the addressing action and when it was completed). FY23 and FY24 State Pending 11/10/23 Complete The State responded to the DRAFT FY21 PQR on 5/2/23. The State received the final PQR on 6/8/23. On 7/17/23 the State responded to the PQR, within 45 days. The State has not received a response at this time. 7/23/2023 7/17/23 Amy Maybach (maybach.amy@epa.gov) Leanna Littler-Woolf (lnlittler@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.8 Ensure maintenance of ICIS data management systems sufficient to plan, track, assess and make adjustments to program activities. (1) Properly enter data into the ICIS data system such that the federally required data fields are current. (2) Provide to the maximum extent practicable the RIDE elements required. This depends on information that is obtainable with the permittee’s cooperation and economic restraints. (3) Provide to the maximum extent practicable the data elements in accordance with 40 CFR Part 127, Appendix A, Table 2. (4) Enter ICIS data accurately which includes permitting, compliance, and enforcement data. (5) Continue to report non-major facilities compliance data the same as majors through the ICIS data management system. (6) Track all inspections in ICIS. (7) Enter additional ICIS data as listed in other parts of this document FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 Ongoing The State works to expeditiously enter inspections the appropriate data into ICIS. Staff work with our ICIS coordinator when inaccuracies are identified to get them corrected in a timely manner. The State is currently working on a process to ensure that enforcement data is getting into ICIS in the appropriate amount of time. Both permitting Sections (Individual Permitting and General permitting) have internal tracking systems to keep track of what inspections have gone into ICIS and ensure they have been entered within 45 days after completion of the activity. Ongoing Ongoing Leanna Littler-Woolf (lnlittler@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.9 Implement the Clean Water Act Action Plan. DWQ and EPA will work together to implement the Clean Water Act Action Plan to identify water quality issues of greatest concern for the State and develop collaborative annual work plans to leverage both DWQ and EPA resources to address these issues. This will be accomplished through the Annual State/EPA UPDES Compliance Inspection Plan as approved for each fiscal year. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 Complete Based on the State's internal tracking mechanisms, the State has met its inspection commitment. The State will begin the internal QA/QC process soon, to ensure that all inspections have been entered into ICIS. The DRAFT FY24 Inspection Plan was submitted to the EPA on 8/7/23. The State is waiting for EPAs response to work on finalizing the plan. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Leanna Littler-Woolf (lnlittler@utah.gov) Business Assistance Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.10 Implement the Annual State/EPA UPDES Compliance Inspection Plan. (1) Coordinate inspection activities among programs and between the State and USEPA. Incorporate targeted USEPA national and regional priorities as agreed upon between DWQ and USEPA. Consider planning inspections to complement timing and focus on watershed efforts. Inspections will be conducted in accordance with the mutually agreed to Annual State / EPA UPDES Compliance Inspection Plan (Inspection Plan), to the extent possible, incorporating the EPA NPDES Compliance and Monitoring Strategy (CMS) - July 21, 2014. (2) DWQ will submit an annual draft Inspection Plan to EPA by August 15 each year. DWQ will review and submit the final Inspection Plan to EPA by September 15 each year or within 15 of days of receiving EPA’s formal comments on the draft Inspection Plan if EPA comments are received later than August 31. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 Ongoing The Annual State/EPA UPDES Compliance Inspection plan will (a) include the universe of facilities subject to each CMS metric and number of compliance monitoring activities planned for the year. (b) If the Inspection Plan commitments do not meet the inspection goals listed in the EPA NPDES Compliance and Monitoring Strategy, the Inspection Plan will include adequate detail for EPA to understand: i- the overall approach proposed including the rationale for any deviations and tradeoffs; ii- a description of the affectected regulated universe(s); and iii- an explanation of how DWQ has determined that the resulting reduced/modified attention at certain facilities will not have negative public health or environmental impacts. In addition, the Inpsection plan should include the details always expected in a CMS plan (e.g., universe of facilities subject to each CMS metric and number of compliance monitoring activities planned for the year). (c) EPA may determine the number of inspections conducted at the end of the federal fiscal year (September 30) by DWQ in each category above by requesting this information from DWQ. DWQ will provide a list of inpsections performed for each category as indicated in the Inspection Plan in the form of ICIS reports, Excel spreadsheets, or any other format agreeable to DWQ and EPA. DWQ will enter all inspections into ICIS within 40 days of the completed activity, in accordance with 40 CFR Part 127, Appendix A, Table 1. Any inpsections performed on or before September 30, but which do not appear in ICIS by November 10 may not be counted in the end of year numbers. EPA Region 8 may conduct up to 6 oversight inpsections with DWQ each year. Additional inspections EPA Region 8 may conduct are included in and agreed to in the Inspection Plan. This includes inspections within EPA national and regional enforcement initiatives. Region 8 will ask DWQ to conduct single and/or multimedia inspections at federal facility NPDES majors with recurrent effluent violations. Region 8 will conduct these inspections if DWQ does not plan to conduct the inspections. Region 8 will ask authorized states to work with EPA to target federal facilities for multimedia inspections. DWQ will be asked to lead the NPDES portion of a multimedia inspection at the selected federal facility. If DWQ does not want to conduct the inspection then EPA will conduct the inspection in lieu of the State. Each year, EPA Region 8 may perform inspections at any Federal Facility construction sites that have been awarded contract dollars for site construction, in cooperation with DWQ inspectors. Ongoing Ongoing Leanna Littler-Woolf (lnlittler@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.11 Increase the number of overall stormwater inspections performed in the state. (1) Continue implementation of MS4 permits which will ensure adequate sediment control inspections at local construction sites. (2) Encourage DWQ staff, District Engineers and municipal and county staff to assist with inspections as allowed by time and resource constraints. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 Ongoing All the State's MS4 permits are current and include inspection requirements. DWQ works with local partners and DEs for assistance, as needed.Ongoing Ongoing Jeanne Riley (jriley@utah.gov ) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.12 Continue to implement and maintain DWQ compliance and enforcement programs. (1) EPA and DWQ enforcement programs (7.5) will conduct quarterly meetings to discuss, at a minimum, a review of up to 10 DWQ facilities in Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) (alternatively, a review of facilities in the NPDES Noncompliance Report [NNCR], once the NNCR becomes available), the status of pending SRF recommendations, any DWQ enforcement actions or concerns DWQ would like to discuss with EPA, and any recent or planned EPA compliance evaluations or enforcement actions at facilities where DWQ is authorized to implement the NPDES program. (2) EPA will identify and provide copies, if possible, of any policy or guidance documents used when evaluating the appropriateness of DWQ’s enforcement actions. DWQ agrees to evaluate all violations and determine an appropriate response and take that action. (3) DWQ will take timely and appropriate enforcement against facilities in Significant Non-compliance. (4) DWQ will incorporate approved compliance schedules and deadlines into enforcement actions such that these schedules and deadlines are enforceable under the NOV/Order. (5) Utah may submit an updated draft Enforcement Management System. EPA Region 8 will provide timely comments within 45 days of any submittal. (6) DWQ will submit to EPA appropriate enforcement documents (NOVs/Orders, settlement agreements, etc.) upon request. (7) A list of all completed enforcement actions including the name of the facility, type of action, penalty amount (if any), and type of facility shall be provided to the EPA with the EOY Report. The EPA may conduct a penalty review of a select number of actions, not to exceed ten. Upon request, DWQ will provide penalty calculations and all necessary background documentation to EPA for the selected enforcement actions, which will mainly focus in priority areas (e.g. cases in priority areas; MS4s, CAFOs, SSOs, and energy extraction). The EPA will provide written comments on any reviewed settlement documents and penalty calculations as part of the EOY Review. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/2/23 This is an Ongoing commitment for FY24 FFY23 10/01/22-9/30/23 FFY24 10/01/23-9/30/24 (1) Quarterly meetings between DWQ and EPA took place on 10/03/22, 12/13/22, 3/14/23, 6/06/23 and 10/23/23. (2) The Compliance & Enforcement (C&E) Section has been evaluating all violations brought forth by the Permitting Sections, to determine appropriate DWQ response, since February 2021. The C&E Section and the Info Data Services (IDS) Section are working with Utah Dept. of Technology Services (DTS) to develop a database to better house all violation and enforcement information. (3) EPA's SNC Criteria is a baseline for formal enforcement consideration, under C&E SOPs. (4) All formal enforcement actions issued by DWQ include a schedule for when the entity will return into compliance. When appropriate, existing compliance schedules for permitted facilities are also incorporated into formal enforcement actions and associated settlement documents. (5) The updated Division EMS is in progress. (6) Payson City WWTP enforcement document was provided to EPA on 11/01/23 (day of issuance) as requested. DWQ will continue to provide enforcement documents to EPA upon request. (7) An updated list of completed enforcement actions and penalties was provided to EPA on 7/18/23. ongoing ongoing Samantha Heusser (sheusser@utah.gov ) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.13 Assure proper and consistent enforcement of WET requirements in UPDES permits. (1) Enforce UPDES permit WET limits and compliance schedule violations in accordance with the enforcement guidance contained in its February 2018 “Permit and Enforcement Guidance Document for Whole Effluent Toxicity,” and any subsequent revisions. (2) DWQ will submit as part of their FY2023 EOY report: a list of the facilities which are required to have WET limits or WET monitoring, a list of facilities that have entered into a TIE/TRE during FY2023, and a list of any formal enforcement actions which included WET violations. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24 (1) Utah utilizes its Wet guidance when renewing and issuing permits as well as during enforcement evaluations. (2) DWQ is not aware of any facility that entered TIE/TRE. and no formal enforcement actions. List of facilities with Wet limits/Monitoring: 1.AutoLiv ASP, Inc: UT0024911 2.Ashley Valley OperaƟng Company: UT0000035 3.Ashley Valley Water ReclamaƟon Facility: UT0025348 4.ATI Titanium L.L.C.: UT0025755 5.ATK Launch Systems: UT0024805 6.BLX Mayflower, LLC: UT0026140 7.Brigham City Wastewater Treatment Plant: UT0022365 8.Bronco Utah OperaƟons, Emery Underground Mine: UT0022616 9.Blue Sky Ranch: UT0025763 10.Central Davis Sewer: UT0020974 11.Canyon Fuels L.L.C.—SUFCO Mine: UT0022918 12.Canyon Fuels L.L.C.—Skyline Mine: UT0023540 13.Central Valley Water ReclamaƟon Facility: UT0024392 14.Central Weber Sewer Improvement District: UT0021911 15.Duchesne Valley Water Treatment Plant: UT0025801 16.GPM Enviro Project Manager LLC: UT0000361 17.Garland City WWTP: UT0026034 18.Jordan Basin Water ReclamaƟon Facility: UT0025852 19.Jordan Valley Southwest Groundwater Treatment Plant: UT0025836 20.Jordanelle SSD Drinking Water Treatment Facility: UT0022403 21.Jordanelle Special Service District Water ReclamaƟon Facility: UT0025747 22.Hyrum City CorporaƟon: UT0023205 23.KennecoƩ Utah Copper, L.L.C.: UT0000051 24.LiƩle Mountain Service Area: UT0025569 25.Logan City CorporaƟon: UT0021920 26.Moab City: UT0020419 27.Magna Water and Sewer District: UT0021440 ongoing ongoing Samantha Heusser (sheusser@utah.gov ) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) Water Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.14 Cooperate with EPA Enforcement cases. (1) DWQ understands that EPA Region 8 will continue to participate in and initiate regional and national enforcement cases. In cooperation with DWQ, EPA Region 8 may perform inspections in regional and national priority areas according to national guidance. EPA may conduct inspections and issue enforcement actions as appropriate and will promptly advise, consult with, and coordinate with DWQ prior to such activity. (2) Region 8 agrees to coordinate with and appropriately notify DWQ when it conducts any inspections and investigations. (3) EPA Region 8 will take the lead on 404 enforcement actions that have associated 402 violations, except where EPA determines combined cases may not be in the best interest of litigation. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 11/10/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24 (1) and (2) EPA coordinated with DWQ on the UDOT MS4 Audit in February 2023 and the Hill Airforce Base MS4 Audit in August 2023. (3) DWQ is not aware of any 404 enforcement actions with 402 violations. ongoing ongoing Samantha Heusser (sheusser@utah.gov ) Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State and Local Parthnerships and Enhance Engagement 319 Program Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.18 Continue to implement the Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program. (1) Conduct a comprehensive NPS program review preceding the update of the NPS Management Plan every five years (beginning 2018) (2) Update GRTS annually by entering annual progress report information accordint to December 31st deadlines. (3) Submit NPS Annual Report by January 31st of each year. (4) Foster program integration and interagency technical and financial assistance through participation on statewide partnership committees including: The Water Quality Task Force, the State Technical Advisory Committee, and the Utah Conservation Commission. (5) Obtain 319 project final reports from project sponsors and coordinate with EPA to obtain concurrence for grant closure in a five-year time frame. (6) Maintain sound fiscal management of contracts by tracking contract amount, expenditures to date and availability of funds to meet contractual obligations via quarterly reports. (7) Implement best management practices appropriately and effectively and achieve natural resource improvements for 319 NPS Watershed Projects. Obtain available information of reductions in nonpoint source loadings for sediments, nitrogen and phosphorus, and improvements in water quality. Report load reduction and water quality information in project annual reports (GRTS), project final reports and NPS Program annual report. (8) Report the number of waterbodies identified (in 2000 or subsequent years) as being primarily NPS-impaired that are partially or fully restored. Target for is 1 watershed per year. (9) Report the number of priority NPS watershed areas where USDA EQIP funds are used to implement conservation projects. Report allocation of EQIP funds to 303(d) waters and approved TMDL watersheds. FY23 and FY24 State Ongoing 10/27/23 This is an ongoing commitment for FY24 with multiple deadlines. This is an ongoing commitment with multiple deadlines (1) Updates to the NPS Management Plan continue 2) FY23 updates to GRTS will be entered by 12/2023 3) FY23 NPS Annaul Report will be submitted by 01/31/2024 4) Attended and participated in all STAC and UCC meetings 5) Ongoing 6) Ongoing 7) Ongoing 8) 1 Success story will be reported on in the NPS Annual Report 9) Ongoing 10) Ongoing (5 watershed coordinators statewide) Ongoing Ongoing Reviewed - no comments. (PM)Erika Larsen; larsen.erika @epa.gov Jodi Gardberg (jgardberg@utah.gov) Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations TMDL and Water Quality Modeling Unit Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.15 Accomplish an effective program for completion and implementation of TMDLs.FY23 and FY24 State Partially Complete 10/27/23 1) communicated monthly, attended R8 meeting in SD, participate in annual 303d conference 2) Priority areas submitted with 2022 IR 3) Following identified priorities in Bridge Metrics 4) Jordan River TMDL finalized early 2023 (1) Participate in calls and meetings with EPA to refine and update (as necessary) the Program Vision prioritization strategy, efforts to address the other 303(d) Vision goals, and progress in developing TMDLs and TMDL alternatives. (2) Identify the extent of priority areas that are addressed by EPA-approved TMDLs or alternative restoration approaches for impaired waters that will achieve water quality standards. These areas may also include protection approaches for unimpaired waters to maintain water quality standards. (3) Identify the State-wide extent of activities leading to completed TMDLs or alternative restoration approaches for impaired waters, or protection approaches for unimpaired waters. This is an indicator measure and does not require annual commitments. (4) Implement the Watershed Approach to effectively and efficiently support the development and implementation of TMDLs in Utah for impaired waters according to the approved 303(d) list. Ongoing Items 1-3 Ongoing Kristy Fortman fortman.kristy@epa.gov Jodi Gardberg (jgardberg@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making TMDL and Water Quality Modeling Unit Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.16 Implement a prioritization strategy under the 303(d) vision.FY23 and FY24 State Pending 10/27/23 1) Developed Bridge Metrics for 2022-2024 2 and 3) Working on developing 10 year strategic framework due April 1st, 2024. Waterbody pollutant combinations slated for TMDL development for 2024-2026 due Sept 30 2024. (1) Identify a list of priority waters slated for near term (-2 year) TMDL development or alternative approaches. (2) Update as necessary a list of priority waters scheduled for likely TMDL development or alternative approaches. (3) Update as necessary a list of priority waters awaiting management to protect their current condition from degradation (optional) and the strategic rationale of the state in setting these priorities. April 1 2024 and Sept 30 2024 Ongoing Kristy Fortman fortman.kristy@epa.gov Jodi Gardberg (jgardberg@utah.gov) Strategy 1: Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making TMDL and Water Quality Modeling Unit Water Goal 5 - Ensure Clean and Safe Water for All Communities Objective 5.2 - Protect and Restore Waterbodies and Watersheds Goal 7: DWQ GOAL: Protect, maintain, and enhance the quality of Utah’s surface water and ground water to allow appropriate beneficial uses, and protect public health while giving reasonable consideration to economic impacts. Objective 7.17 Monitor implementation activities for completed TMDLs on a watershed basis.FY23 and FY24 State On Going 10/27/23 Due annually Require the submission of annual reports by local watershed coordinators on December 31 of each year Annually - December 31 12/31/23 Kristy Fortman fortman.kristy@epa.gov Jodi Gardberg (jgardberg@utah.gov) Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRAInfo Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6E: Promote proper handling of hazardous waste. Objective 6.18 Update hazardous waste inspection universe and develop inspection schedule for FY 2023 by September 30, 2022. The selected universe and schedule will incorporate, as appropriate, state, regional, and national priorities. The selected schedule will also include 20% of the large quantity generator (LQG) universe as determined and agreed to by the Division and EPA using RCRAInfo as of September 1, 2022. The Region will develop its FY2023 Inspection schedule and submit to the Division by October 30, 2022. Closure Activities (Unit Level) Closure Plan Approval (CL360) for LDUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Verification (CL380) for LDUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Plan Approval (CL360) for TSUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Verification (CL380) for TSUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Plan Approval (CL360) for CUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Verification (CL380) for CUs COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Plan Approvals Total (LDUs+TSUs+CUs) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Closure Verifications Total (LDUs+TSUs+CUs) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 FY23 State Complete 4/25/23 Mid-year check-in with the State on 4/25/23 Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Permit Renewals Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6A: Rule Adoption and Authorization Objective 6.5 Rule Adoption and Authorization. Permit Activities at GPRA Universe Facilities (Facility Level) Permitted Facilities under Approved Controls COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Permit Renewals due COMMITED 3 ACHIEVED #0 Permit Activities Totals COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 FY23 State Not Complete 10/17/23 These permit renewals have been pushed to FY24. Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 Not complete.lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Permit Renewals Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6A: Rule Adoption and Authorization Objective 6.5 Rule Adoption and Authorization. Permit Activities for GPRA Universe Facilities (Unit Level) Controls in Place for LDUs on Closure Track COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Controls in Place for LDUs on Operating Track COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Controls in Place for TSUs on Operating Track COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Controls in Place for CUs on Operating Track COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 FY23 State Complete 4/25/23 Mid-year check-in with the State on 4/25/23 Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.2 Maintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subMaintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action, including site assessment, stabilization (accounting for health and environmental risk control measures), and regular corrective action process activities through staff interaction, correspondence and/or automated data systems (RCRAInfo). For RCRAInfo, all required data elements will be entered by the 20th of the month following the activity. Corrective Action Activities at GPRA Universe Facilities(Facility Level) RCRA Facility Assessments (CA050)COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Overall Facility NCAPS Ranking (CA075) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Facility Stabilization Assessment (CA225) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Facility Remedy Selection (CA400) 0 0 Facility Construction Completion (CA550) (GPRA measure) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Human Health Exposures Controlled Determination (CA725) (GPRA measure) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Groundwater Migration Controlled Determination (CA750) (GPRA measure) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 Facility level RAU (CA800)(GPRA measure) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 CA Performance Standards Attained/CA Process Terminated (CA900/CA999) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 (GPRA Measure) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 FY23 State Complete 4/25/23 Mid-year check-in with the State on 4/25/23 Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.2 Maintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subMaintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action, including site assessment, stabilization (accounting for health and environmental risk control measures), and regular corrective action process activities through staff interaction, correspondence and/or automated data systems (RCRAInfo). For RCRAInfo, all required data elements will be entered by the 20th of the month following the activity. Corrective Action Activities at GPRA Universe Facilities (Area Level) RFI Imposed (CAIOO) (area level) COMMITED # ACHIEVED #0 RFI Approved (CA200) (area level) COMMITED 11 ACHIEVED #1 Remedy Selection (CA400) (area level) COMMITED 7 ACHIEVED #3 Construction Completion (CA550) (area level) COMMITED 7 ACHIEVED #0 Corrections completed (CA900CR) (area level) COMMITED 2 ACHIEVED #2 Corrective Action Completed (CA999) (area level) COMMITED 5 ACHIEVED #3 *Permit Renewals Due this Strategic Period (FY23-FY26) FY23 State Partially Complete 10/17/23 Not all of the commitments were achieved. Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Permit Renewals Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6A: Rule Adoption and Authorization Objective 6.5 Rule Adoption and Authorization. Permit Renewals Utah Test and Training Range Expires September 27, 2023 Clean Harbors Aragonite, Expires September 28, 2022 Clean Harbors Grassy Mountain, Expires September 28, 2022 FY23 State Partially Complete 10/16/23 The permit renewals for both Clean Harbors permits have been completed. The UTTR permit renewal is currnetly being reviewed by the Utah Attorney Generals office. Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.2 Maintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subMaintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action, including site assessment, stabilization (accounting for health and environmental risk control measures), and regular corrective action process activities through staff interaction, correspondence and/or automated data systems (RCRAInfo). For RCRAInfo, all required data elements will be entered by the 20th of the month following the activity. Corrective Action Activities (Area Level) RFI Report Approval (CA200) for Group 6 SWMUs S-19, S-31 North, S-31 South at ATK Bacchus. S-31 South approved, S-19 and S-31 North pushed to FY24 or FY25. RFI Report Approval (CA200) for Group 8 SWMUs SS-4 and SS-5 at ATK Bacchus. Pushed to FY24. RFI Report Approval (CA200) for Group 9 SWMUs SI-2, SL-2 and SL-3 at ATK Bacchus. Pushed to FY24. RFI Report Approval (CA200) for SWMUs 608 and 651 at ATK Promontory. Pushed to FY24. Remedy Selection (CA400) for Group 6 SWMUs S-25, S-28 and S-39 at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. Remedy Selection (CA400) for Group 9 SWMU SI-I at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. Remedy Selection (CA400) for SWMUs 208 and 212 at ATK Promontory. Completed. CMI Construction Complete (CA550) for Group 6 SWMUs S-25, S-28 and S-39 at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. CMI Construction Complete (CA550) for Group 9 SWMU SI-1 at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. CMI Construction Complete (CA550) for SWMUs 208 and 212 at ATK Promontory. Completed. Corrective Action Completed (CA999) for Group 6 SWMUs S-25, S-28 and S-39 at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. Corrective Action Completed (CA999) for Group 9 SWMU SI-I at ATK Bacchus. Not completed. Corrective Action Performance Standards Attained - Controls Required (CA900CR) for SWMUs 208 and 212 at ATK Promontory. Completed but SWMU 208 was 999NF and SWMU 212 was CA900CR. FY23 State Partially Complete 10/17/23 Not all of the commitments were achieved. Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRAInfo Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6E: Promote proper handling of hazardous waste. Objective 6.18 Update hazardous waste inspection universe and develop inspection schedule for FY 2023 by September 30, 2022. The selected universe and schedule will incorporate, as appropriate, state, regional, and national priorities. The selected schedule will also include 20% of the large quantity generator (LQG) universe as determined and agreed to by the Division and EPA using RCRAInfo as of September 1, 2022. The Region will develop its FY2023 Inspection schedule and submit to the Division by October 30, 2022. Carryover from FY22 RFI Report Approval (CA200) for SWMU 1 at Dyno Nobel - Site B. Remedy Selection (CA400) for SWMU I at Dyno Nobel - Site B. CMI Construction Complete (CA550) for SWMU I at Dyno Nobel. - Site B. Corrective Action Completed (CA999) for SWMU I at Dyno Nobel. - Site B. FY23 State Not Complete 10/17/23 All of these have been pushed ot FY24. Annual target for 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 9/30/23 lin.moye@epa.gov tball@utah.gov Status Comment Required Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.8 - Promote new home construction with radon resistant technology. Conduct at least three educational training courses entitled, “Radon Resistant New Construction.” The course will offer continuing education core credits by the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Occupation and Professional Licensing (DOPL) and will be held throughout various areas of the state. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Continue to encourage RRNC Continue to work with Builders, Home Inspectors, Radon Mitigators, Realtors, DOPL on education about RRNC. Successfully educated and encouraged Builders, Home Inspectors, Radon Mitigators, Realtors, DOPL about RRNC 9/30/2023 9/30/23 I updated the EPA Strategic Plan Goal & Objective that best align with the radon grant work. Great to have them align. Thanks! Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.8 - Promote new home construction with radon resistant technology. Promote Radon Resistant New Construction by reaching out to Utah home builders through personal contacts and partners, educational courses, advertising, and home show exhibits.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Continue to encourage RRNC Continue to work with Builders, Home Inspectors, Radon Mitigators, Realtors, DOPL on education about RRNC. Successfully educated and encouraged Builders, Home Inspectors, Radon Mitigators, Realtors, DOPL about RRNC 9/30/2023 9/30/23 I expect that the target completion date is likely 9/30/23 for most of these, right? (column L). Yes - target completion is 9/30/22 Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.8 - Promote new home construction with radon resistant technology. Assist Utah Habitat for Humanity in its building projects by providing RRNC training. Assist Green and Healthy Homes with providing mitigation and RRNC training.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Continue to encourage RRNC & Mitigation w/Habitat for Humanity and GHHI. Both organizations test every residence for Radon and install a radon mitigation system when levels are > than 4 pCi/L. Continue to work with and build relationships with Habitat for Humanity and Green and Healthy Homes to install RRNC in new homes and test for radon and mitigate in existing homes that are remodeled when the radon levels are >4 pCi/L Successfully encouraged RRNC and Radon Mitigation with Habitat for Humanity and GHHI. They both test every residence for Radon and install a radon mitigation system when levels are >4pCi/L. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Please indicate whether each commitment is by the state, EPA, or joint (column K). State commitment Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.8 - Promote new home construction with radon resistant technology. Recognize and acknowledge home builders who are building RRNC homes in Utah via the Radon.Utah.Gov website, public events, and/or at Radiation Control Board meetings.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Working with Builders with RRNC and currently have 3 builders that build every home RRNC. Award a builder prioritizing RRNC with a DEQ award at the EPA Region 8 Radon Conference hosted in Utah. Support Utah Builders that are building RRNC in every home. Utah has three builders that build RRNC into every new home. Successfully work with builders to install RRNC in new building projects in Utah. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 Is this workplan supposed to be for FY24 as well as FY23? If so, please add in activities for FY24 (they can be the same commitments). Utah activities for FY2023 Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.8 - Promote new home construction with radon resistant technology. Respond to opportunities provided by national radon organizations such as the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) and the Conference for Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) to attend national radon meetings and submit comments on radon standards (RRNC 2.0). FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and ongoing Work with AARST & CRCPD on Conferences, Trainings to share how Utah is increasing awareness, testing and mitigating for Radon. Attended and presented at the EPA Region 8 Radon Stakeholders meeting in CO in 4/23. Successfully worked with AARST & CRCPD on Conferences and trainings to share how Utah is increasing awareness, testing and mitigating for Radon. Attended and presented at the EPA Region 8 Radon Stakeholders meeting in CO in 4/23. Also presenting at the National Indoor Enviroments Conferenc 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.9 - Support disclosure, testing and mitigation in conjunction with Real Estate transfers. Conduct at least three educational training courses entitled, "Radon for the Real Estate Professional." The courses will offer continuing education core credits by the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate (DRE) and will be held throughout various areas. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met commitment and ongoing Conducted three "Radon for the Real Estate Professional" CE courses for realtors. Continue to teach "Radon for the Real Estate Professional" through the Board of Realtors. Conducted three classes with approximately 20 realtors/class. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.9 - Support disclosure, testing and mitigation in conjunction with Real Estate transfers. Coordinate annual meetings for radon mitigators, measurement providers, and home inspectors to clarify EPA standards and protocols.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met commitment and ongoing Coordinated the EPA R8 meeting in 2022 in Utah and assisted with the planning of the R8 conference in CO. Invited radon certified measurement and mitigation professionals to those meetings. Assisted the State of CO who hosted the 2023 R8 Radon Stakeholder meeting by presenting and helped with planning.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.9 - Support disclosure, testing and mitigation in conjunction with Real Estate transfers.Recognize and acknowledge Realtors who are radon educated on the Radon.Utah.Gov website. FY23 State Not Complete 4/30/23 Unmet commitment. Utah is moving away from this goal. Utah is moving away from this goal.Successfully phase out posting Realtors names on our website after completing the above training. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Continue working with Utah’s 12 local Health Districts in promoting public outreach. Encourage area outreach activities such as disseminating information packets on radon, distributing radon test kit coupons, and conducting radon educational presentations, and testing radon levels in schools. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met commitment and continue to work together with future projects in mind Work with Local Health Districts within the State of Utah. Provide mini-grants to LHD's to provide a radon coordinator to test schools, answer questions, increase awareness, sell test kits at local offices, etc. Successfully work with twelve local health districts on testing schools for radon, answering questions for residents, sell test kits at local offices, etc. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Continue working with the Huntsman Cancer Institute in raising awareness in the state. Outreach activities will include attending the 2023 University Health Care Be Well Utah Family Health Fair. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and ongoing Working with the University of Utah Health Team and Huntsman Cancer to increase radon testing and awareness. Effectively working with the University of Utah Health team and Huntsman Cancer to increase radon testing, testing in schools, awareness, etc.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Conduct outreach activities with the Utah Department of Health, Utah Cancer Action Network (UCAN), CanSAR, and the American Lung Association to promote radon awareness, radon testing, and mitigation. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and ongoing Successful in working with UDOH, UCAN, CanSar, ALA, etc. to promote radon awareness, testing and mitigation.Success in working with our Radon Partners in increasing radon awareness. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Provide assistance when requested by tribal organizations throughout Utah (specifically, the Confederated Goshute Tribe).FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and looking forward to working with Tribal Nations in the future if receive EJG2G Grant Providing assistance to CTGR. Wrote a grant to provide radon mitigaiton systems and more testing on the reservation in 2024. Find out if we receive EJG2G Grant in November 2023. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here In progress Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Continue partnership with Intermountain Health Care (IHC) and other women/newborn centers by supplying hospitals with newborn radon packet information, which started December 2003 (FY04)FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing Provide radon test kits to new families that request a free radon test kit with the birth of their newborn Successfully provide >200 test kits to families who have a newborn through our newborn program. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Continuous Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Develop coalition with the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) Salt Lake Coalition to do radon testing in unhealthy homes throughout Salt Lake County.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing Build partnership with Green & Healthy Homes to test homes for radon and mitigate when they are >4 pCi/L Successfully partner with Green & Healthy Homes to test and mitigate homes >4 pCi/L.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Provide radon education to the public through the National Radon Poster Contest, National Radon Action Month activities, Radon.Utah.Gov website, press releases, media appearances and advertisements, Governor’s Declaration, school science projects, and eagle scout projects. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and ongoing National Radon Poster Contest continues to be widely embraced throughout the State of Utah, NRAM was extremely successful this year + Radon.Utah.Gov website had many hits. All of the mentioned activities were successfully achieved Successfully promote and receive posters for the Radon Poster Contest, promote NRAM through proclamations, newspaper stories, etc.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.10 - Develop coalitions with local governments, partner affiliates and other radon risk reduction leaders. Promote state radon legislation as opportunities arise. Work with DNR on creating Radon Task Force as advised by HB45 2021.FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Completed Interacted with Legislators from the Natural Resources Committee on Radon Legislation.Assist legislators as the Utah Radon Expert with questions for Legislation.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track local and national media articles about radon and the health hazard associated with exposure to elevated levels.FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Successful media stories on Kerri Robbins (lung cancer survivor) and increased testing, awareness, phone calls, and emails.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track educational opportunities to reach out to the general public, real estate professional, and homebuilders (see measures 1-2).FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing and Met Successfully accomplished this task Proficient at contacting/working with realtors, builders, general public with all things radon. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track phone calls, visits on the DEQ Radon website (Radon.Utah.Gov), and email inquiries.FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Because of powerful media stories mentioned above, UDEQ received >24,000 webhits, phone calls, emails, etc.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track and report the number of homes tested for radon by currently listed radon measurement service providers, mitigation providers, and laboratories.FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Utah had >25,000 completed test kits because of the above mentioned media story. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track and provide annual reports of the number of homes built with RRNC, based on information provided by local home builders.FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Utah had > 800 homes built with Radon Resistant New Construction following Appendix F.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track free radon test kit orders that come through the IHC newborn radon packets. FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Utah's Radon Program delivered >200 radon test kits to newborn families and provided a radon brochure in delivery bags for new families.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.11 - Determine (track) and measure results with respect to awareness levels, testing frequency, mitigation, and radon resistant new construction. Continue to track the number of homes mitigated quarterly by radon mitigation service providers. FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Successfully accomplished this task Utah's radon Program tracked 5,700 mitigation systems installed in homes to lower radon levels.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Completed Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny. Educate School District Administrators about the health hazard associated with exposure to radon and promote radon testing in schools.FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Met and Ongoing - Looking forward to working with more rural and low income school districs in the next years Tested 27 Schools in the Tri-County Health District in January and February 2023. School districts included Duchesne and Uintah School District Successful in testing schools for radon in rural and low income school districts.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny.Provide discounted radon test kits to school districts for testing, as requested. FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Accomplished Proficient in providing discounted radon test kits to schools and providing testing at school's request.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny.Continue assisting school districts with education and radon testing programs. FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Accomplished Proficient in providing discounted radon test kits to schools and providing testing at school's request.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny.Solicit school districts to participate in National sponsored “Radon in Schools” Webinars. FY23 State Complete 4/30/23 Ongoing Accomplished Successfully shared webinars about indoor environments in schools.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here Ongoing Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny.Create a Core Curriculum for Schools in Utah titled The 3 R’s: Radon, Radiation & Radioactivity. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Working with Educators throughout the State to create a curriculum about Radon that will beneficial to students and teachers. Working on finishing up this curriculum and power point presentations that will complement the curriculum Continue to create radon/radiation curriculum for science teachers and Utah schools. 9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here In progress Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Null Radon Activities Air & Radiation Goal 4 - Ensure Clean and Healthy Air for All Communities Objective 4.2 - Reduce Exposure to Radiation and Improve Indoor Air Goal 2E: Continue the fundamental activities regarding the EPA Radon Grant Objective 2.12 - Testing and, where necessary, mitigating schools for radon and radon decay progeny. Provide Teacher kits that correlate with the Three R’s Curriculum. The kit will contain a Geiger counter, radioactive sources, interactive assignments, etc. The kits will be housed at DNR and can be checked out by teachers. FY23 State On Going 4/30/23 Ongoing - Working with Educators throughout the State to create a curriculum about Radon that will beneficial to students and teachers. Continue to work on this project. Continue to work on the Teacher Tool Kit that goes with the Radon/Radiation Curriculum.9/30/2023 9/30/23 type your information here In progress Amanda Hong hong.amanda@epa.gov Eleanor Divver Business Assistance Strategy dropdown selection Workplan Component dropdown selection Media dropdown selection EPA Goal dropdown selection EPA Objective dropdown selection State Goal dropdown selection State Objective dropdown selection Commitment Commitment FY dropdown selection Commitment Type dropdown selection Status dropdown selection Status as of date ex: 3/14/23 Status Comment Output/Outcome Comment Target Completion ex: 3/12/23 Actual Completion ex: 3/12/23 EPA Comment State Comment EPA Contact State Contact Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity Rules and Authorization Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.1 - Hold Environmental Violators and Responsible Parties Accountable Goal 6A: Rule Adoption and Authorization Objective 6.5 Meet the deadlines for adoption of all mandatory rules during FY2023. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will adopt all mandatory rules by the required deadline.FY23 State Not Complete 10/16/23 The state contiues to adopt rules as required. State sumitted an authorization package on 4/17/23. RCRA Program is currently in the process of reviewing package. Due to the work on the authorization package other rulemaking activities were suspended. All checklists through 242 have been adopted. The only checklist that Utah should have been adopted but has not is 244. It will be adopted in the next rulemaking in late 2023 or early 2024. Not Completed RCRA Enf.: No comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Tom Ball, tball@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.1 Maintain an effective hazardous waste corrective action program, including stabilization of environmental releases and cleanup of contaminated waste sites. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will maintain an effective corrective action program.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 type first and last name and email Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.2 Maintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subMaintain and update, as necessary, facility-specific corrective action information (universe identification and status) for hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action, including site assessment, stabilization (accounting for health and environmental risk control measures), and regular corrective action process activities through staff interaction, correspondence and/or automated data systems (RCRAInfo). For RCRAInfo, all required data elements will be entered by the 20th of the month following the activity. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will maintain facility specific corrective action information.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 type first and last name and email Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.7 Provide appropriate stabilization response as dictated by case- by-case specifics, regulatory/statutory requirements, permit conditions, or program priorities. Emphasis is on high priority facilities. Appropriate measures may include stabilization measures evaluation (CA225), stabilization imposed (CA600), stabilization construction completed (CA650). The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will provide appropriate hazardous waste corrective action response as dictated and necessary.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 type first and last name and email Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 1 - Ensure Scientific Integrity and Science-Based Decision Making RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.7 Provide appropriate stabilization response as dictated by case- by-case specifics, regulatory/statutory requirements, permit conditions, or program priorities. Emphasis is on high priority facilities. Appropriate measures may include stabilization measures evaluation (CA225), stabilization imposed (CA600), stabilization construction completed (CA650). The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will provide appropriate stabilization response as dictated and necessary.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 type first and last name and email Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity RCRA Corrective Action Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.8 In coordination with EPA Region 8, continue to evaluate annually and amend, as necessary, the facility- by-facility multi-year plan for corrective action activities. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will, incoordination with EPA Region 8, annually evaluate and amend, as necessary, the multi-year corrective action plan.FY23 Joint Complete 10/17/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 type first and last name and email Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Hazardous Waste Intiatives Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and environmental protection through on-site inspections and compliance assistance activities. Objective 6.23 Continue coordination of EPA Region 8's implementation of the CERCLA Off Site Rule (OSR). A regional implementation policy has been established and will serve as the basis for the Region's implementation of the OSR. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will contiue to coordinate with EPA Region 8 on implementation of the CERCLA Off Site Rule.FY23 Joint Complete 10/17/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Hazardous Waste Intiatives Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.9 Incorporate, as appropriate, environmental justice information in the administration of the hazardous waste program. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will incorporate, as appropriate, environmental justice information in the administration of the hazardous waste program.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Hazardous Waste Intiatives Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and environmental protection through on-site inspections and compliance assistance activities. Objective 6.20 Participate in joint state and federal initiatives.The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will participate in joint state and federal compliance and enforcement intitiatives.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity Hazardous Waste Intiatives Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.1 - Clean Up and Restore Land for Productive Uses and Healthy Communities Goal 6: Maintain an Effective Corrective Action Program Objective 6.10 EPA has identified Financial Assurance through the National Program Management Guidance as a priority for FY2022 and 2023. Coordinate with the Region on financial assurance as appropriate. Should the Region or Headquarters identify a RCRA entity operating in several states with financial assurance compliance issues, EPA reserves the right to pursue compliance or enforcement activities with the identified operator in accordance with the Utah/EPA Enforcement Agreement. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will coordinate with EPA Region 8 on financial assurance issues.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov, Brad Maulding, bmaulding@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Meetings and Trainings Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6B: Compliance Assurance – Increase the availability of training for generators of hazardous waste. And provide the regulated community with education of the regulations through compliance assistance visits when requested and during inspections. Objective 6.11 Conduct generator training on-site, on-line (Zoom meeting) or in a classroom. The Division of Waste Management and Radation Control will conduct training for generators of hazardous waste at least annually.FY23 State Complete 6/13/23 This training has been completed for 2023.5/22-23/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Inspection Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6B: Compliance Assurance – Increase the availability of training for generators of hazardous waste. And provide the regulated community with education of the regulations through compliance assistance visits when requested and during inspections. Objective 6.12 Conduct on-site visits to VSQGs and SQGs to provide updated regulatory information and compliance assistance. Continue implementation of the SQG compliance assistance program in FY 2023. The Division of Waste Management and Radation Control will conduct on-site vists to VSQGs and SQGs to provide updated regulatory information and compliance assistance.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Inspection Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and environmental protection through on-site inspections and compliance assistance activities. Objective 6.18 Update hazardous waste inspection universe and develop inspection schedule for FY 2023 by September 30, 2022. The selected universe and schedule will incorporate, as appropriate, state, regional, and national priorities. The selected schedule will also include 20% of the large quantity generator (LQG) universe as determined and agreed to by the Division and EPA using RCRAInfo as of September 1, 2022. The Region will develop its FY2023 Inspection schedule and submit to the Division by October 30, 2022. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will develop an inspection schedule for FY 2023 based on the updated hazardous waste inspection universe. EPA Region 8 will develop its FY23 inspection schedule and submit it to the Division. FY23 Joint Complete 6/13/23 The inspection scheduled was developed and implemented.9/29/22 RCRA Enforcement: corrected a minor typo in Column H. Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Inspection Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and environmental protection through on-site inspections and compliance assistance activities. Objective 6.19 Complete targeted inspections by September 30, 2023.The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will complete all targeted inspections by September 30, 2023.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is completed.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Inspection Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and environmental protection through on-site inspections and compliance assistance activities. Objective 6.24 Inspect at least 50% of the active treatment, storage and disposal facilities during FY 2023. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will inspect at least 50% of the active TSDFs.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Program Management Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.2 - Detect Violations and Promote Compliance Goal 6B: Compliance Assurance – Increase the availability of training for generators of hazardous waste. And provide the regulated community with education of the regulations through compliance assistance visits when requested and during inspections. Objective 6.13 Enhance the State/EPA partnership to ensure the management of a quality hazardous waste program. i.Maintain the MOA, the enforcement agreement, quality assurance plan for environmental data collection, and other operating guidance. ii.Jointly plan and prioriƟze program goals, objecƟves and acƟviƟes which address joint priorities. The Division and EPA will work together on PPA development, program activities and priorities, inspection strategies, planning meetings, program reviews, and national assessments of major program elements. iii.Maintain a high level of coordinaƟon and cooperaƟon between state and EPA staff to assure successful and effective administration of the program. Coordination includes evaluation of desirable technical support targets for joint efforts and work sharing. iv.Maintain frequent and open communicaƟon on rouƟne maƩers, changes in program capability, legislation, and resource levels, emergency situations and other key activities as described in the MOA. EPA and the Division will hold regular meetings or conduct conference calls, at least quarterly, to share information, identify and solve problems, and engage in short-term planning efforts. v.Jointly idenƟfy state training and technical assistance needs. EPA will make training and technical assistance available to the state and will work towards improving the capability to provide high quality assistance. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will work to enhance the State/EPA partnership to ensure the management of a quality hazardous waste program.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity Program Management Waste Goal 7 - Ensure Safety of Chemicals for People and the Environment Objective 7.1 - Ensure Chemical and Pesticide Safety Goal 6E: Promote proper handling of hazardous waste.Objective 6.25 Ensure hazardous waste generators are properly DOT trained.The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will ensure that hazardous waste generators are properly DOT trained.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 3 - Advance EPA’s Organizational Excellence and Workforce Equity Program Management Waste Goal 7 - Ensure Safety of Chemicals for People and the Environment Objective 7.2 - Promote Pollution Prevention Goal 6F: Promote proper management and waste minimzation of household hazardous waste. Objective 6.26 Provide information on the Division website for proper management of household hazardous wastes and reduce, reuse, and recycling options The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will provid information on the Division's web site regarding the proper management of household hazardous waste and recycling options.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Program Management Waste Goal 2 - Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Objective 2.1 - Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels Goal 6G: Coordinate with EPA to ensure regulatory programs are within the framework and spirit of Environmental Justice (EJ). Objective 6.27 The Division and EPA agree to communicate about EJ issues and any EJ grant funded activities in the state. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will communicate with EPA Region 8 on Environmental Justice Issues.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: question for DWMRC: is this referring to specific waste-related EJ grant funding? The answer to the question is No. The statement in the objective was meant to be generic and address any EJ grant funding that the Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Program Management Waste Goal 2 - Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Objective 2.1 - Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels Goal 6G: Coordinate with EPA to ensure regulatory programs are within the framework and spirit of Environmental Justice (EJ). Objective 6.28 The Division and EPA agree to exchange information, which, if appropriate, may give rise to opportunities for addressing additional EJ issues. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will exchange information with EPA Region 8 that may give rise to opportunities for addressing Environmental Justice issues.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Program Management Waste Goal 2 - Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Objective 2.1 - Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels Goal 6G: Coordinate with EPA to ensure regulatory programs are within the framework and spirit of Environmental Justice (EJ). Objective 6.29 EPA will provide EJ training to the Division for the purpose of increasing understanding and improving clarity about EJ concepts and application. The Division and EPA will discuss the applicability of this training to Division programs. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will work with EPA Region 8 to schedule training opportunities for Environmental Justice training.FY23 Joint Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 2 - Consider the Health of Children at All Life Stages and Other Vulnerable Populations Program Management Waste Goal 2 - Take Decisive Action to Advance Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Objective 2.1 - Promote Environmental Justice and Civil Rights at the Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Levels Goal 6G: Coordinate with EPA to ensure regulatory programs are within the framework and spirit of Environmental Justice (EJ). Objective 6.30 EPA will provide the state access to its environmental justice Geographic Information System and other environmental justice tools and resources, as requested. EPA Region 8 will provide the Division of Waste Management and Radation Control with access to tools and resources related to Environmental Justice.FY23 EPA Complete 10/16/23 Utah is using the ECHO database that is provided and maintained by EPA. 9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Business Assistance Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Permitting Activities Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6C: Complete TSDF, Closure, and Post- Closure Permitting actions within a reasonable timeframe. Objective 6.14 Maintain effective hazardous waste permitting and closure/post-closure programs. The Division of Waste Management and Radation Control will maintain an effective hazarodus waste permitting program.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Permitting Activities Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6C: Complete TSDF, Closure, and Post- Closure Permitting actions within a reasonable timeframe. Objective 6.15 Maintain accurate information of the hazardous waste universe and status of hazardous waste facilities subject to closure requirements, post-closure permits, and operating permits. Provide the preceding information through automated data systems (RCRAInfo) for all required data elements by the 20th of the month following the activity. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will maintain accurate information of the hazardous waste universe and the status of permitted hazardous waste facilities.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Permitting Activities Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6C: Complete TSDF, Closure, and Post- Closure Permitting actions within a reasonable timeframe. Objective 6.16 Provide appropriate hazardous waste closure/post-closure and permit response as dictated by case-by-case specifics, regulatory/statutory requirements, permit conditions, and program priorities. Appropriate responses may include, but are not limited to; closure plan approvals (RCRAInfo data element CL360), closure verifications (CL380), final post-closure permit determinations/issuances (PC200), and final operating permit determinations (0P200). Permit modifications (PC240) are as equally important as the preceding activities because they generally reflect upgrading or updating permit conditions resulting in operational improvements for permitted TSDFs in managing hazardous waste. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will provide appropriate closure/post- closure and premit response as dictated.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Paige Walton, pwalton@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Permitting Activities Waste Goal 6 - Safeguard and Revitalize Communities Objective 6.2 - Reduce Waste and Prevent Environmental Contamination Goal 6C: Complete TSDF, Closure, and Post- Closure Permitting actions within a reasonable timeframe. Objective 6.17 Ensure permit modifications are tracked.The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will ensure that permit modifications are tracked.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Enforcement Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.1 - Hold Environmental Violators and Responsible Parties Accountable Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and Objective 6.21 Provide facility specific compliance and enforcement informaiton through the proper and timely entering of program data into automated data systems (RCRAInfo). The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will enter compliance and enforcement information into RCRAInfo in a timely manner.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcement: no comments type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov Strategy 4: Strengthen Tribal, State, and Local Partnerships and Enhance Engagement Compliance and Enforcement Waste Goal 3 - Enforce Environmental Laws and Ensure Compliance Objective 3.1 - Hold Environmental Violators and Responsible Parties Accountable Goal 6D: Compliance and Enforcement- Evaluate compliance status of solid waste, hazardous waste, and used oil handlers and facilities and foster an ongoing commitment to compliance and Objective 6.22 Consider economic factors in determining penalties for violations. i.Use maximum flexibility when negoƟaƟng consent agreements to include consideration of the financial viability of a regulated party. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will consider economic benefit and gravity factors when determining penalties for violations.FY23 State Complete 10/16/23 This commitment is complete for this PPA period.9/30/23 RCRA Enforcment: added the words "benefit and gravity" type your information here Annette Maxwell, maxwell.annette@epa.gov Deborah Ng, dng@utah.gov