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The findings, determinations, and assertions contained in this document are not final and subject to change following the public comment period.
FACILITY CONTACTSOperator Name:South Utah Valley Solids Waste DistrictName:Terry FicklinDistrict ManagerName:Kade Eva, Bayview Landfill Composting ForemanName:Steve DansieBayview Landfill
Facility Name:South Utah Valley Solid Waste DistrictMailing Address:2450 West 400 SouthP.O. Box 507 (Mail)Springville, Utah 84663 District Telephone:801-489-3027
Facility Address:10800 South, Highway 68 Utah County, Utah Facility Telephone:801-667-2031
The South Utah Valley Solid Waste District (District) is a Special Services District formed in 1990 to dispose of solid waste from the southern half of Utah County. The office of the
District is located in Springville, Utah, with the composting operation located about five miles North of Elberta, Utah, just west of State Road 68, in Utah County, Utah. The latitude
is 40o 02’ 08.16” N, with a longitude of 111o 57’ 43.96” W at the Bayview Landfill. The District composts green waste and sewage sludge (biosolids) from several wastewater treatment
plants in Utah County. After the compost meets permit requirements and is cured, it is sold to the public from two satellite sites, one in Spanish Fork, Utah, and the other in Springville,
The biosolids compost area consists of a four-acre impermeable asphalt pad, sloped on both sides to the center, and has a grade between one and two percent for storm water runoff which
drains to a pond that is designed to contain a 100-year, 24-hour storm event.
Process: The District (Permittee) receives processed biosolids from member cities at the Bayview Landfill and uses the windrow method of composting to treat the compost to meet Class
A requirements. The facility has a 4-acre asphalt pad where they compost the biosolids. This pad is adjacent to 9 acres used to compost green waste, and a 3 acres site where finished
compost, both biosolids and green waste, is stored for distribution. Runoff from the biosolids composting pad is collected in a lined runoff pond and evaporated.
There is no discharge authorized under this permit.
For clarification purposes, sewage sludge is considered solids, until treatment or testing shows that the solids are safe, and meet beneficial use standards. After the solids are tested
or treated, the solids are then known as biosolids. Class A biosolids, may be used for high public contact sites, such as home lawns and gardens, parks, or playing fields, etc. Class
B biosolids may be used for low public contact sites, such as farms, rangeland, or reclamation sites, etc.
The SUVSWD uses the windrow method of composting to achieve Class A composting requirements. To achieve Class A requirements, the windrows need to maintain a temperature of at least
131°F (55 °C), for at least 15 days, and be turned a minimum of five times during those fifteen days. If the product fails to meet Class A standards, the product cannot be sold or given
away to the public. If the product meets Class B standards, it may be used for the final cover for landfill reclamation, or be used for daily cover for vector attraction reduction at
the landfill. If the product fails to meet Class A or Class B standards, it will need to be placed in the landfill and covered daily with soil or another approved material.
The last inspection conducted at the site was September 14, 2016. The inspection showed that South Utah Valley was in compliance with all aspects of the biosolids management program.
The facility has not composted any biosolids since 2013, but is maintaining permit coverage.
Under 40 CFR 503.16(a)(1), the self-monitoring requirements are based upon the amount of biosolids disposed per year and shall be monitored according to the chart below.
Minimum Frequency of Monitoring (40 CFR Part 503.16, 503.26. and 503.46)
Amount of Biosolids Disposed Per Year
Monitoring Frequency
Dry US Tons
Dry Metric Tons
Per Year or Batch
> 0 to < 320
> 0 to < 290
Once Per Year or Batch
> 320 to < 1650
> 290 to < 1,500
Once a Quarter or Four Times
> 1,650 to < 16,500
> 1,500 to < 15,000
Bi-Monthly or Six Times
> 16,500
> 15,000
Monthly or Twelve Times
The Permittee has not processed any biosolids in the last 10 years. When they start to process again, they will base the monitoring frequency on the volume of biosolids received to compost
on site.
Landfill MonitoringUnder 40 CFR 258, the landfill monitoring requirements include a paint filter test. If the biosolids do not pass a paint filter test, the biosolids cannot be disposed
in the sanitary landfill (40 CFR 258.28(c)(1).
Heavy MetalsClass A Biosolids for Home Lawn and Garden UseThe intent of the heavy metals regulations of Table 3,40 CFR 503.13 is to ensure the heavy metals do not build up in the soil
in home lawn and gardens to the point where the heavy metals become phytotoxic to plants. The permittee will be required to produce an information sheet (see Part III. C. of the permit)
to made available to all people who are receiving and land applying Class A biosolids to their lawns and gardens. If the instructions of the information sheet are followed to any reasonable
degree, the Class A biosolids will be able to be land applied year after year, to the same lawns and garden plots without any deleterious effects to the environment. The information
sheet must be provided to the public, because the permittee is not required, nor able to track the quantity of Class A biosolids that are land applied to home lawns and gardens.Class
A Requirements with Regards to Heavy Metals If the biosolids are to be applied to a lawn or home garden, the biosolids shall not exceed the maximum heavy metals in Table 3 below. If
the biosolids do not meet these requirements, the biosolids cannot be sold or given away for applications to home lawns and gardens.Class B Requirements for Agriculture and Reclamation
Sites The intent of the heavy metals regulations of Tables 1, 2 and 3, of 40 CFR 503.13 is to ensure that heavy metals do not build up in the soil at farms, forest land, and land reclamation
sites to the point where the heavy metals become phytotoxic to plants. The permittee will be required to produce an information sheet (see Part III. C. of the permit) to be handed out
to all people who are receiving and land applying Class B biosolids to farms, ranches, and land reclamation sites (if biosolids are only applied to land owned by the permittee, the information
sheet requirements are waived). If the biosolids are land applied according to the regulations of 40 CFR 503.13, to any reasonable degree, the Class B biosolids will be able to be land
applied year after year, to the same farms, ranches, and land reclamation sites without any deleterious effects to the environment. Class B Requirements with Regards to Heavy Metals
If the biosolids are to be land applied to agricultural land, forest land, a public contact site or a reclamation site it must meet at all times:
The maximum heavy metals listed in 40 CFR Part 503.13(b) Table 1 and the heavy metals loading rates in40 CFR Part 503.13(b) Table 2; or
The maximum heavy metals in 40 CFR Part 503.13(b) Table 1 and the monthly heavy metals concentrations in 40 CFR Part 503.13(b) Table 3.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 of Heavy Metal Limitations
Pollutant Limits, (40 CFR Part 503.13(b)) Dry Mass Basis
Heavy Metals
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Ceiling Conc. Limits 1, (mg/kg)
CPLR 2, (mg/ha)
Pollutant Conc. Limits 3 (mg/kg)
APLR 4, (mg/ha-yr)
Total Arsenic
Total Cadmium
Total Copper
Total Lead
Total Mercury
Total Molybdenum
Total Nickel
Total Selenium
Total Zinc
1, If the concentration of any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 1 limit, the biosolids cannot be land applied or beneficially used in any way.
2, CPLR - Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate - The maximum loading for any 1 (one) of the parameters listed that may be applied to land when biosolids are land applied or beneficially
used on agricultural, forestry, or a reclamation site.
3, If the concentration of any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 3 limit, the biosolids cannot be land applied or beneficially used in on a lawn, home garden, or other high
potential public contact site. If any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 3 limit, the biosolids may be land applied or beneficially reused on an agricultural, forestry, reclamation
site, or other high potential public contact site, as long as it meets the requirements of Table 1, Table 2, and Table 4.
4, APLR - Annual Pollutant Loading Rate - The maximum annual loading for any 1 (one) of the parameters listed that may be applied to land when biosolids are land applied or beneficially
reused on agricultural, forestry, or a reclamation site, when they do not meet Table 3, but do meet Table 1.Any violation of these limitations shall be reported in accordance with the
requirements of Part III.F.1. of the permit. If the biosolids do not meet these requirements they cannot be land applied.
PathogensThe Pathogen Control class listed in the table below must be met;
Pathogen Control Class
503.32 (a)(1) - (5), (7), (8), Class A
503.32 (b)(1) - (5), Class B
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPN1per four (4) grams total solids (DWB)2 or Fecal Coliforms – less than 1,000 MPN per gram total solids (DWB).
Fecal Coliforms – less than 2,000,000 MPN or CFU3 per gram total solids (DWB).
503.32 (a)(6) Class A—Alternative 4
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPN per four (4) grams total solids (DWB) or less than 1,000 MPN Fecal Coliforms per gram total solids (DWB),
And - Enteric viruses –less than one (1) plaque forming unit per four (4) grams total solids(DWB)
And - Viable helminth ova –less than one (1) per four (4) grams total solids (DWB)
1 - MPN – Most Probable Number
2 - DWB – Dry Weight Basis
3 - CFU – Colony Forming Units
Class A Requirements for Home Lawn and Garden Use
If biosolids are land applied to home lawns and gardens, the biosolids need to be treated by a specific process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP), and meet a microbiological limit of
less than less than 3 most probable number (MPN) of Salmonella per 4 grams of total solids (or less than 1,000 most probable number (MPN/g) of fecal coliform per gram of total solids)
to be considered Class A biosolids. The Permitteehas chosen to achieve PFRP through a method of composting.1. Windrow Method-Using the windrow method of composting, the temperature needs
to be maintained at 55 oC (131 oF) or higher for fifteen days, with a minimum of five turnings during those fifteen days,
This composting method is found under (40 CFR 503.32(a)(8)(ii)).
The practice of sale or giveaway to the public is an acceptable use of biosolids of this quality as long as the biosolids continue to meet Class A standards with respect to pathogens.
If the biosolids do not meet Class A pathogen standards the biosolids cannot be sold or given away to the public, and the permittee will need find another method of beneficial use or
Pathogens Class B
If biosolids are to be land applied for agriculture or land reclamation the solids need to be treated by a specific process to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRP). At this time, thePermittee
does not intend to distribute bulk biosolids for land application and thus is not required meet Class B Biosolids requirements currently.
Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR)
If the biosolids are land applied the Permitteewill be required to meet VAR through the use of a method of listed under 40 CFR 503.33. The Permittee intends to meet the vector attraction
reduction requirements through one of the methods listed below.
Under 40 CFR 503.33(b)(5) the solids need treated through composting with a temperature of 40° C (104° F) or higher for at least 14 days with an average temperature of over 45° C (113°
If the biosolids do not meet a method of VAR, the biosolids cannot be land applied.
If the Permittee intends to use another one of the listed alternatives in 40 CFR 503.33, the Director and the EPA must be informed at least thirty (30) days prior to its use. This change
may be made without additional public notice
Landfill Monitoring Under 40 CFR 258, the landfill monitoring requirements include a paint filter test to determine if the biosolids exhibit free liquid. If the biosolids do not pass
a paint filter test, the biosolids cannot be disposed in the sanitary landfill (40 CFR 258.28(c)(1).
Record Keeping
The record keeping requirements from 40 CFR 503.17 are included under Part III.G. of the permit. The amount of time the records must be maintained are dependent on the quality of the
biosolids in regards to the metals concentrations. If the biosolids continue to meet the metals limits of Table 3 of 40 CFR 503.13, and are sold or given away the records must be retained
for a minimum of five years. If the biosolids are disposed in a landfill the records must retained for a minimum of five years.
Permittee must report annually as required in 40 CFR 503.18. This report is to include the results of all monitoring performed in accordance with Part III.B of the permit, information
on management practices, biosolids treatment, and certifications. This report is due no later than February 19 of each year. Each report is for the previous calendar year.
The Permittee has not processed any biosolids in the past 10 years and has not been required to monitor during that time.
Separate storm water permits may be required based on the types of activities occurring on site.
Permit coverage under the Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities is required based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
for the facility and the types of industrial activities occurring. If the facility is not already covered, it has 30 days from when this permit is issued to submit the appropriate Notice
of Intent (NOI) for the MSGP or exclusion documentation. Previously storm water discharge requirements and coverage were combined in this individual permit. These have been separated
to provide consistency among permittees, electronic reporting for storm water discharge monitoring reports, and increase flexibility to changing site conditions.
Information onstorm water permit requirements can be found at http://stormwater.utah.gov
Any process wastewater that the facility may discharge to the sanitary sewer, either as direct discharge or as ahauled waste, is subject to federal, state and local pretreatment regulations.
Pursuant to Section 307 of theClean Water Act, the permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal General Pretreatment Regulationspromulgated, found in 40 CFR section 403, the State
Pretreatment Requirements found in UAC R317-8-8, andany specific local discharge limitations developed by the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) acceptingthe waste.
In addition, in accordance with 40 CFR 403.12(p)(1), the permittee must notify the POTW, the EPA RegionalWaste Management Director, and the State hazardous waste authorities, in writing,
if they discharge anysubstance into a POTW which if otherwise disposed of would be considered a hazardous waste under 40 CFR261. This notification must include the name of the hazardous
waste, the EPA hazardous waste number, andthe type of discharge (continuous or batch)
As part of the nationwide effort to control toxics, biomonitoring requirements are being included in all majorpermits and in minor permits for facilities where effluent toxicity is an
existing or potential concern.Authorization for requiring effluent biomonitoring is provided for in UAC R317-8-4.2 and R317-8-5.3. TheWhole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Control Guidance Document,
February 15, 1991, outlines guidance to be usedby Utah Division of Water Quality staff and by permittee’s for implementation of WET control through theUPDES discharge permit program.
The Permittee is a minor non-discharging facility. As a result, biomonitoring of the effluent will not berequired. However, the permit will contain a WET reopener provision
PERMIT DURATIONIt is recommended that this permit be effective for a duration of five (5) years.Drafted and Reviewed byDaniel Griffin, BiosolidsPermit WriterUtah Division of Water Quality,
(801) 536-4300PUBLIC NOTICEBegan: Month Day, YearEnded: Month Day, YearComments will be received at: 195 North 1950 West PO Box 144870 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870The Public Noticed
of the draft permit was published on theDivision of Water Quality Public Notice Webpage.During the public comment period provided under R317-8-6.5, any interested person may submit written
comments on the draft permit and may request a public hearing, if no hearing has already been scheduled. A request for a public hearing shall be in writing and shall state the nature
of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. All comments will be considered in making the final decision and shall be answered as provided in R317-8-6.12.ADDENDUM TO FSSOBDuring
finalization of the Permit certain dates, spelling edits and minor language corrections were completed. Due to the nature of these changes they were not considered Major and the permit
is not required to be re Public Noticed.