HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-005222Official Draft Public Notice Version Month Day, year The findings, determinations, and assertions contained in this document are not final and subject to change following the public comment period. FACT SHEET AND STATEMENT OF BASIS PARLEYS WATER TREATMENT FACILITY PERMIT: DISCHARGE UPDES PERMIT NUMBER: UT0026263 MINOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITY CONTACTSOperator Name:Salt Lake City CorporationPerson:Laura BrieferPosition: Director of Public UtilitiesPerson Name:Teresa GrayPosition:Water Quality and Treatment AdministratorPhone Number:(801) 483-6744Permittee Name:Salt Lake City CorporationFacility Name:Parleys Water Treatment FacilityMailing and Facility Address:1530 South West TempleSalt Lake City, Utah 84115Telephone:(801) 483-6744 Actual Address:6650 Parleys Plant Lane DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Parleys Water TreatmentFacility(PWTF) is located at 6650 Plant Lane, Salt Lake City, Utah and provides water to the residents of Salt Lake City with the outfall located at latitude 40o40.55' N and longitude 111o4320' W. PWTF is rated at 38 million galls per day (MGD) treatment capacity.Flow from the following locations within PWTF discharge to Sherwood Pond: flash mix distribution box drains, floor drains at all levels including basement, filter gallery, flash mix area, upper levels of 3-story chemical building, etc., plant water hydro-pneumatic tank drain, filter effluent turbidimeters, filter effluent piping drain, and maintenance sink drain. The discharge into Sherwood Pond is estimated at approximately .0049 MGD. DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE PWTF is a drinking water treatment facility. Various flows throughout the facility discharge into Sherwood Pond and then to Parleys Creek. This is a new Permit.OutfallDescription of Discharge Point 001 Located atlatitude40o40.55' N and longitude 111o4320' W,sampling of the effluent discharge shall be collected at the sampling manhole immediately before discharging into Sherwood Pond. RECEIVING WATERS AND STREAM CLASSIFICATION Effluent discharges on the southwest side of the treatment facility into the retention basin described as Sherwood’s Pond, which flows into Parleys Creek, which is a Class 1C, 2B, and 3Aaccording to UAC R317-2-13: Class 1C -- Protected for domestic purposes with prior treatment by treatment processes as required by the Utah Division of Drinking Water Class 2B -- Protected for infrequent primary contact recreation. Also protected for secondary contact recreation where there is a low likelihood of ingestion of water or a low degree of bodily contact with the water. Examples include, but are not limited to, wading, hunting, and fishing. Class 3A -- Protected for cold water species of game fish and other cold water aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain. TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL) REQUIREMENTS According to the Utah’s Final 2022 Integrated Report on Water Quality dated December 9, 2022, the receiving water for the discharge, “Parley's Creek and tributaries, from 1300 East in Salt Lake City to Mountain Dell Reservoir (Assessment Unit UT16020204-025_00)” was listed as “Not Supporting” for Dissolved Oxygen and Benthic Macroinvertebrates Bioassessments. A TMDL is needed, however, the priority is low. BASIS FOR EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS Effluent limitations on pH are based on current Utah Secondary Treatment Standards, UAC R317-1-3.2. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO), and total residual chlorine (TRC)limitations are derived from the wasteload analysis (WLA). The limit for nitrate (NO3), measured as nitrogen, is based on Drinking Water Standards, UAC R309-200-5, as the discharge goes into a 1C water body. Attached is a WLA for this discharge into Sherwood Pond and thence Parleys Creek. It has been determined that this discharge will not cause a violation of water quality standards. An Antidegradation Level II review is required since this is a new permit. The permittee is expected to be able to comply with these limitations. Reasonable Potential Analysis Since January 1, 2016, DWQ has conducted reasonable potential analysis (RP) on all new and renewal applications received after that date. A quantitative RP analysis was not performed oneffluent metals data because this is a new UPDES permit and there is inadequate data for use in a RP. As a result, monitoring for metals will be included in this permit. The monitoring will help establish a record of presence or absence of each pollutant. Monitoring for metals will be required semi-annual to gather enough data to run RP. The permit limitations are: Parameter Table 1: Effluent Limitations(a) Maximum Monthly Avg Maximum Weekly Avg Yearly Average Daily Minimum Daily Maximum Total Flow -- -- -- -- 0.010 BOD5, mg/L -- -- -- -- 10.6 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L -- -- -- 6.0 -- Nitrate, NO3 as (N), mg/L -- -- -- -- 10.0 TRC mg/L Summer (Jul-Sep) Fall (Oct-Dec) Winter (Jan-Mar) Spring (Apr-Jun) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.964 0.892 0.879 1.347 pH, Standard Units -- -- -- 6.5 9 SELF-MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTSThe following are the self-monitoring requirements for this permit. The permit will require reports to be submitted monthly and annually, as applicable, on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms due 28 days after the end of the monitoring period. Effective January 1, 2017, monitoring results must be submitted using NetDMR unless the permittee has successfully petitioned for an exception. Lab sheets for biomonitoring must be attached to the biomonitoring DMR. Lab sheets for metals and toxic organics must be attached to the DMRs.The applicant identifies aluminum, fluorine, and iron as present and potential parameters of concern. Monitoring only for aluminum, fluorine, and iron were included in this permit to determine if a future limit will be required. Table 2: Self-Monitoring and Reporting Requirements(a) Parameter Frequency Sample Type Units Total Flow(b)(c) Continuous Recorder MGD BOD5 Monthly Composite mg/L DO Monthly Grab mg/L Nitrate, NO3 as (N) Monthly Composite mg/L TRC(d) Monthly Grab mg/L pH Monthly Grab SU Total Aluminum Monthly Composite mg/L Total Fluorine Monthly Composite mg/L Total Iron Monthly Composite mg/L Metals(e) Total Arsenic Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Cyanide Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel Total Selenium Total Silver Total Zinc Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Semi-annual Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/LNotes Tables 1 and 2See Definitions, Part VIII, for definition of terms.Flow measurements of influent/effluent volume shall be made in such a manner that the Permittee can affirmatively demonstrate that representative values are being obtained.If the rate of discharge is controlled, the rate and duration of discharge shall be reported.Analytical results less than 0.06 mg/l will not be considered out of compliance with the permit. For purposes of calculating averages and reporting on the Discharge Monitoring Report form, the following will apply: analytical values less than 0.02 mg/L shall be considered zero; andanalytical values less than 0.06 mg/L and equal to or greater than 0.02 mg/L will be recorded as measured.Metals shall be collected semi-annual to gather enough data points to run reasonable potential. BIOSOLIDS The State of Utah has adopted the 40 CFR Part 503 federal regulations for the disposal of sewage sludge (biosolids) by reference. This facility dose not generate any regular sludge production. Therefore 40 CFR Part 503 does not apply at this time. In the future, if the sludge needs to be removed and is disposed in some way, the Division of Water Quality must be contacted prior to the removal of the sludge to ensure that all applicable state and federal regulations are met STORM WATER Separate storm water permits may be required based on the types of activities occurring on site. Permit coverage under the Construction General Storm Water Permit (CGP) is required for any construction at the facility which disturb an acre or more, or is part of a common plan of development or sale that is an acre or greater. A Notice of Intent (NOI) is required to obtain a construction storm water permit prior to the period of construction. Information onstorm water permit requirements can be found at http://stormwater.utah.gov PRETREATMENT REQUIREMENTS PWTF is a drinking water treatment facility and discharges directly into Sherwood Pond. However, if any process wastewater is discharged to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) either as indirect discharge or as a hauled waste, the waste is subject to federal, state and local pretreatment regulations. Pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act, the permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal General Pretreatment Regulations promulgated, found in 40 CFR section 403, the State Pretreatment Requirements found in UAC R317-8-8, and any specific local discharge limitations developed by the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) accepting the waste. In addition, in accordance with 40 CFR 403.12(p)(1), the permittee must notify the POTW, the EPA Regional Waste Management Director, and the State hazardous waste authorities, in writing, if they discharge any substance into a POTW which if otherwise disposed of would be considered a hazardous waste under 40 CFR 261. This notification must include the name of the hazardous waste, the EPA hazardous waste number, and the type of discharge (continuous or batch). BIOMONITORING REQUIREMENTS A nationwide effort to control toxic discharges where effluent toxicity is an existing or potential concern is regulated in accordance with the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit and Enforcement Guidance Document for Whole Effluent Toxicity Control (biomonitoring), dated February 2018. Authority to require effluent biomonitoring is provided in Permit Conditions, UAC R317-8-4.2, Permit Provisions, UAC R317-8-5.3 and Water Quality Standards, UAC R317-2-5 and R317 -2-7.2. The permittee is a minor industrialfacility that will be discharging minor amount of effluent, in which toxicity is neither an existing concern, nor likely to be present. As such, there will be no numerical WET limitations or WET monitoring requirements in this permit. However, the permit will contain a toxicity limitation re-opener provision that allows for modification of the permit should additional information indicate the presence of toxicity in the discharge. PERMIT DURATIONIt is recommended that this permit be effective for a duration of five (5) years.Drafted and ReviewedbyLindsay Cowles, Discharge Permit WriterDaniel Griffin, BiosolidsJennifer Robinson, PretreatmentLonnie Shull, BiomonitoringCarl Adams, Storm WaterSandy Wingert, TMDL/WatershedChristopher Shope, PhD, Wasteload AnalysisUtah Division of Water Quality, (801) 536-4300PUBLIC NOTICEBegan: Month Day, YearEnded: Month Day, YearComments will be received at: 195 North 1950 West PO Box 144870 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870The Public Noticed of the draft permit published on the DWQ webpage. During the public comment period provided under R317-8-6.5, any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permit and may request a public hearing, if no hearing has already been scheduled. A request for a public hearing shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. All comments will be considered in making the final decision and shall be answered as provided in R317-8-6.12.ADDENDUM TO FSSOBDuring finalization of the Permit certain dates, spelling edits and minor language corrections were completed. Due to the nature of these changes they were not considered Major and the permit is not required to be re Public Noticed.Responsiveness Summary(Explain any comments received and response sent. Actual letters can be referenced, but not required to be included). This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 1 Wasteload Analysis This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 Reasonable Potential Analysis This Page Intentionally Left Blank REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Water Quality has worked to improve our reasonable potential analysis (RP) for the inclusion of limits for parameters in the permit by using an EPA provided model. As a result of the model, more parameters may be included in the renewal permit. A Copy of the Reasonable Potential Analysis Guidance (RP Guide) is available at water Quality. There are four outcomes for the RP Analysis. They are; Outcome A:A new effluent limitation will be placed in the permit. Outcome B:No new effluent limitation. Routine monitoring requirements will be placed or increased from what they are in the permit, Outcome C:No new effluent limitation. Routine monitoring requirements maintained as they are in the permit, Outcome D:No limitation or routine monitoring requirements are in the permit. A quantitative RP analysis was not performed oneffluent metals data because this is a new UPDES permit and there is inadequate data for use in a RP. Additional monitoring for metals will be included in this permit to support future RP.