BiosolidsPermitNo.UTL-025852In compliance with provisions of the Utah Water Quality Act, Title 19, Chapter 5, Utah Code (the "Act"),JORDAN BASIN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTis hereby authorized
to discharge from JORDAN BASIN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITYto receiving waters named JORDAN RIVER, todispose of biosolids, in accordance with specific limitations, outfalls, and other
conditions set forth herein.This permit shall become effective on August 01, 2024This permit expires at midnight on March 09, 2027.Signed this XXth day of July, 2024._________________________John
K. Mackey, P.E. Director
Tableof ContentsOutlinePageNumberDISCHARGELIMITATIONSANDREPORTINGREQUIREMENTSDescription of Discharge Points.The authorization to discharge wastewater provided under this part is limited
to those outfalls specifically designated below as discharge locations. DischargesatanylocationnotauthorizedunderaUPDESpermitareviolationsoftheActand may be subject to penalties under
the Act.Knowingly discharging from an unauthorized location or failing to report an unauthorized discharge may be subject to criminal penalties as provided under the Act.OutfallNumberLocationofDischargeOutfall001Located
at latitude N40º30'18.29" and longitude W111º55'0.29".The discharge is through two 42-inch diameter gravity flow concrete pipes from the disinfection building to the Jordan River.Narrative
Standard.It shall be unlawful, and a violation of this permit, for the permittee to discharge or place any waste or other substance in such a way as will be or may become offensivesuchasunnaturaldeposits,floatingdebris,oil,scum,orothernuisancessuchascolor,
odor or taste, or cause conditions which produce undesirable aquatic life or which produce objectionabletastesinedibleaquaticorganisms;orresultinconcentrationsorcombinationsof substances
which produce undesirable physiological responses in desirable resident fish, or other desirable aquatic life, or undesirable human health effects, as determined by a bioassay or other
tests performed in accordance with standard procedures.SpecificLimitationsandSelf-MonitoringRequirements.Effectiveimmediately,andlastingthroughthelifeofthispermit,thereshallbenoacuteor
chronic toxicity in Outfall 001 as defined in Part VIII, and determined by test procedures described in Part I. C.4.a of this permit.Effective immediately and lasting the duration of
this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001.Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:
EffluentLimitations *a
Maximum MonthlyAvg
Maximum WeeklyAvg
Yearly Average
Daily Minimum
Daily Maximum
BOD5Min.% Removal
TotalAmmonia(asN),mg/L Summer (Jun-Aug)
Fall (Sep-Nov) Winter(Dec-Feb)
--TotalPhosphorus,mg/L (Final)
BOD5,Influent*d Effluent
4x Weekly
4x Weekly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
TSS,Influent*d Effluent
4x Weekly
4x Weekly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
4x Weekly
4x Weekly
4x Weekly
4x Weekly
WET–Biomonitoring*f Ceriodaphnia - Chronic
2nd&4thQuarter 1st&3rd Quarter
Composite Composite
Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
WhenSheen Observed
Orthophosphate(asP),*i Effluent
TotalPhosphorus(asP),*i Influent
Monthly Monthly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
TotalKjeldahlNitrogen TKN (as N), *i, *j Influent
Monthly Monthly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
4x Weekly
Metals,Influent*g,*h Effluent
Quarterly Quarterly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
Copper,Influent*g Effluent
Monthly Monthly
Composite Composite
mg/L mg/L
OrganicToxics,Influent Effluent
Yearly Yearly
mg/L*aSeeDefinitions,PartVIII,ofpermit,fordefinitionofterms.*bFlowmeasurementsofinfluent/effluent volume shallbe made insucha manner thatthepermittee can affirmatively demonstrate that
representative values are being obtained.*cIftherateofdischargeiscontrolled,therateanddurationofdischargeshallbereported.
*dIn addition to monitoringthe final discharge,influentsamples shall betaken andanalyzed forthis constituent at the same frequency as required for this constituent in the discharge.*eOil&Greasesampledwhensheenispresentorvisible.Ifnosheenispresentorvisible,reportNA.
*fThe chronic Ceriodaphnia will be tested during the 2nd and 4th quarters, and the chronic fathead minnows will be tested during the 1st and 3rd quarters.
*gMetals results were reviewed for the last 36 months. No limits are required at this time, however monitoring frequency for copper has been increased.
*hIn the case of mercury sampling is composite/grab, in the case of cyanide sampling is grab (see permit Part II.F.).
*iThese reflect changes required with the adoption of UCA R317-1-3.3, Technology-basedPhosphorus Effluent Limits rule.
*jPollutantsarebeingsampledinsupportoftheworkbeingdonefortheTMDLcurrentlyunderway for the Jordan River. The Pollutants Of Concern (POC) will be monitored and reported (on a monthlybasisbythe
facilityon DischargeMonitoringReport, but will not have alimitassociated with them /or at the end of each Calendar year of sampling for these POC’s), JBWRF will report theresultsofallsamplingdoneforthePOC.IfJBWRFdecidestosamplemorefrequentlyforthese
POC’s, the additional data will be welcome.ComplianceScheduleThereisnoComplianceScheduleincludedinthisrenewalpermit.ChronicWholeEffluentToxicity(WET)Testing.WholeEffluentTesting–ChronicToxicity.
Starting immediately the permittee shall quarterly conduct chronic static renewal toxicity tests on a composite sample of the final effluent at Outfall 001.The sample shall be collected
at the point of compliance before mixing with the receiving water.
ThreesamplesarerequiredandsamplesshallbecollectedonMonday,Wednesdayand Fridayofeachsamplingperiodorcollectedonatwodayprogressionforeachsampling period. This may be changed with Director
approval. The chronic toxicity tests shall beconductedingeneralaccordancewiththeproceduressetoutinthelatestrevisionof Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents
and Receiving WatertoFreshwaterOrganisms,FourthEdition,October2002,EPA—821-R-02-013 asper40CFR136.3(a)TABLEIA-LISTOFAPPROVEDBIOLOGICAL
METHODS.Test species shall consist of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow).
Amultidilutiontestconsistingofatleastfiveconcentrationsandacontrolisrequired attwodilutionsbelowandtwoabovetheRWC,ifpossible.Iftestacceptabilitycriteria are not met for control survival,
growth, or reproduction, the test shall be considered invalid. A valid replacement test is required within the specified sampling period to remainincompliancewiththispermit.Chronictoxicityoccurswhen,duringachronic
toxicity test, the 25% inhibition concentration (IC25) calculated on the basis of test organismsurvivalandgrowthorsurvivalandreproduction,islessthanorequalto46% effluentconcentration(equivalenttotheRWC).Ifasampleisfoundtobechronically
toxic duringaroutinetest,the monitoringfrequencyshallbecome biweekly(see Part I.C.4.b.AcceleratedTesting).(theDirectormayenteracceptablevariationsinthetest procedure here as documented
in the Fact Sheet Statement of Basis and based on the testacceptabilitycriteriaascontainedinUtahPollutantDischargeEliminationSystem (UPDES) Permitting and Enforcement Guidance Document
for Whole Effluent ToxicityControlFebruary,2018).Ifpossible,dilutionwatershouldbeobtainedfrom the receiving stream.
Ifthepermitcontainsatotalresidualchlorinelimitationsuchthatitmayinterferewith WET testing (>0.20 mg/L), the permittee may dechlorinate the sample in accordance with the standard method.If
dechlorination is negatively affecting the test, the permittee may collect the sample just before chlorination with Director approval.
Quarterly test results shall be reported along with the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) submitted for the end of the required reporting period (e.g., biomonitoring results for the
calendar quarter ending March 31 shall be reported with the DMR due April 28, with the remaining biomonitoring reports submitted with DMRs due each July28,October28,andJanuary28).Monthlytestresultsshallbereportedalongwith
theDMRsubmittedforthatmonth.Theformatforthereport shallbeconsistentwith Appendix C of “Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Permitting and Enforcement Guidance Document
for Whole Effluent Toxicity, Utah Division of Water Quality, February, 2018.Accelerated Testing.When whole effluent toxicity is indicated during routine WET testing as specified in this
permit, the permittee shall notify the Director in writing within 5 days after becoming aware of the test result.The permittee shall performan accelerated schedule of WET testing to
establish whether a pattern of toxicity exists unless the permittee notifies the Director and commences a PTI, TIE, or a TRE. Accelerated testing or the PTI, TIE, or TRE will begin within
fourteen days after the permittee becomes aware of the test result.Accelerated testing shall be conducted as specified under Part I. Pattern of Toxicity.If the accelerated testing demonstrates
no pattern of toxicity, routine monitoring shall be resumed.Pattern of Toxicity.A pattern of toxicity is defined by the results of a series of up to five biomonitoring tests pursuant
to the accelerated testing requirements using a full set of dilutions for acute (five plus the control) and five effluent dilutions for chronic (fiveplusthecontrol),onthespeciesfoundtobemoresensitive,onceeveryweekfor
uptofiveconsecutiveweeksforacuteandonceeverytwoweeksuptotenconsecutive weeks for chronic.
Iftwo(2)consecutivetests(notincludingthescheduledtestwhichtriggeredthesearch forapatternoftoxicity)donotresultinanexceedanceoftheacuteorchronictoxicity criteria, no further accelerated
testing will be required and no pattern of toxicity will befoundtoexist.ThepermitteewillprovidewrittenverificationtotheDirectorwithin 5 days of determining no pattern of toxicity exists,
and resume routine monitoring.
Apatternoftoxicitymayor maynot beestablishedbasedonthefollowing:
WETtestsshouldberunatleastweekly(acute)oreverytwoweeks(chronic)(note that only one test should be run at a time), for up to 5 tests, until either:2consecutivetestsfail,or3outof5testsfail,atwhichpointapatternoftoxicity
will have been identified, or2 consecutive tests pass, or 3 out of 5 tests pass, in which case no pattern oftoxicity is identified.PreliminaryToxicityInvestigation.When a pattern of
toxicity is detected the permittee will notify the Director in writing within 5 days and begin an evaluation of the possible causes of the toxicity.The permittee will have 15 working
days from demonstration of the pattern of toxicity to complete an optional Preliminary Toxicity Investigation (PTI) and submit a written report of the results to the Director.The PTI
may include, but is not limited to: additional chemical and biological monitoring, examination of pretreatment program records, examination of discharge monitoring reports, a thorough
review of the testing protocol, evaluation of treatmentprocessesandchemicaluse,inspectionofmaterialstorageandtransfer areas to determine if any spill may have occurred.If the PTI identifies
a probable toxicant and/or a probable source of toxicity, the permitteeshallsubmit,aspartofitsfinalresults,writtennotificationofthateffect to the Director.Within thirty days of completing
the PTI the permittee shall submit to the Director for approval a control programto control effluent toxicity and shall proceed to implement such plan in accordance with the Director’s
approval.Thecontrolprogram,assubmittedtoorrevisedbytheDirector,willbe incorporated into the permit.After final implementation, the permittee must demonstratesuccessful removal oftoxicitybypassinga
twospecies WET testas outlinedinthispermit.Withadequatejustification,theDirectormayextendthese deadlines.IfnoprobableexplanationfortoxicityisidentifiedinthePTI,thepermitteeshall notifytheDirectoraspartofitsfinalreport,alongwithascheduleforconducting
a Phase I Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) (see Part I. C.4.e Toxicity Reduction Evaluation).If toxicity spontaneously disappears during the PTI, the permittee shall submit writtennotificationtothateffecttotheDirector,withsupportingtestingevidence.ToxicityReductionEvaluation(TRE).Ifapatternoftoxicityisdetectedthepermittee
shallinitiateaTIE/TREwithin7daysunlesstheDirectorhasacceptedthedecisionto complete a PTI.With adequate justification, the Director may extend the 7-day deadline.ThepurposeoftheTIEportionofaTREwillbetoestablishthecauseofthe
toxicity, locate the source(s) of the toxicity, and the TRE will control or provide treatment for the toxicity.
ATREmayincludebutisnot limitedtoone,all,or acombinationofthe following:PhaseI–ToxicityCharacterizationPhaseII–ToxicityIdentification ProceduresPhaseIII–ToxicityControl ProceduresAnyotherappropriateproceduresfortoxicitysourceeliminationandcontrol.
If the TRE establishes that the toxicity cannot be immediately eliminated, the permitteeshallsubmitaproposedcomplianceplantotheDirector.Theplanshall include the proposed approach to
control toxicity and a proposed compliance scheduleforachievingcontrol.Iftheapproachandscheduleareacceptabletothe Director, this permit may be reopened and modified.
If toxicity spontaneously disappears during the TIE/TRE, the permittee shall submit written notification to that effect to the Director.
IftheTREshowsthatthetoxicityiscausedbyatoxicant(s)thatmaybecontrolled with specific numerical limitations, the permittee shall submit the following:An alternative control program for
compliance with the numerical requirements.If necessary, as determined by the Director, provide a modified biomonitoring protocol which compensates for the pollutant(s) being controlled
Thispermitmaybereopenedandmodifiedtoincorporateanyadditionalnumerical limitations, a modified compliance schedule if judged necessary by the Director, and/or modified WET testing requirements
without public notice.
Failure to conduct an adequate TIE/TRE plan or program as described above, or the submittal of a plan or program judged inadequate by the Director, shall be considered a violation of
this permit. After implementation of TIE/TRE plan, the permittee must demonstrate successful removal of toxicity by passing a two species WET test as outlined in this permit.ReportingofMonitoringResults.Reporting
of Wastewater Monitoring Results Monitoring results obtained during the previous month shall be summarized for each month and reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report Form(EPA No. 3320-1)*or
by NetDMR, post-marked or entered into NetDMRnolaterthanthe28thdayofthemonthfollowingthecompletedreportingperiod. The first report is due on September 28, 2024.If no discharge occurs
during the reporting period, “no discharge” shall be reported.Legible copies of these, and all other reports including whole effluent toxicity (WET) test reports required herein, shall
be signed and certifiedinaccordancewiththerequirementsofSignatoryRequirements(seePartVII.G), and submitted by NetDMR, or to the Division of Water Quality at the following address:
*StartingJanuary1,2017monitoringresultsmustbesubmittedusingNetDMRunlessthepermitteehassuccessfully petitioned for an exception.
DepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality Division of Water Quality
SaltLakeCity,Utah84114-4870INDUSTRIALPRETREATMENTPROGRAMPretreatmentProgramDelegation.Thepermitteehasbeendelegatedprimaryresponsibilityfor enforcing against discharges prohibited by
40 CFR 403.5 and applying and enforcing any national Pretreatment Standards established by the United States Environmental Protection AgencyinaccordancewithSection307(b)and(c)ofTheCleanWaterAct(CWA),asamended
by The Water Quality Act (WQA), of 1987.
ThepermitteeshallimplementtheIndustrialPretreatmentPrograminaccordancewiththelegal authorities, policies, and procedures described in the permittee's approved Pretreatment Program submission.Such
program commits the permittee to do the following:Carry out inspection, surveillance, and monitoring procedures, which will determine, independentofinformationsuppliedbytheindustrialuser,whethertheindustrialuserisin
compliancewiththepretreatmentstandards.Ataminimum,allsignificantindustrialusers shall be inspected and sampled by the permittee at least once per year;Control through permit, order,
or similar means, the contribution to the POTW by each industrial user to ensure compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements;Require development, as necessary,
of compliance schedules by each industrial user for the installation of control technologies to meet applicable pretreatment standards;Maintain and update industrial user information
as necessary, to ensure that all IUs are properly permitted and/or controlled at all times;Enforce all applicable pretreatment standards and requirements and obtain appropriate remedies
for noncompliance by any industrial user;Annually publish a list of industrial users that were determined to be in significant noncompliance during the previous year.The notice must
be published before March 28 of the following year;Maintainanadequaterevenuestructureandstaffinglevelforcontinuedimplementationof the Pretreatment Program.Evaluate all significant industrial
users at least once every two years to determine if they needtodevelopaslugpreventionplan.Ifaslugpreventionplanisrequired,thepermittee shall insure that the plan contains at least the
minimum elements required in 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(v);Notify all significant industrial users of their obligation to comply with applicable requirements under Subtitles C and D of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); andDevelop, implement, and maintain an enforcement response plan as required by 40 CFR 403.8(f)(5) which shall, at a minimum,DescribehowthePOTWwillinvestigateinstancesofnoncompliance;DescribethetypesofescalatingenforcementresponsesthePOTWwilltakein
response to all anticipated type of industrial user violations; andDescribe the time periods within which such responses will be taken and identify the POTW staff position(s) responsible
for pursuing these actions.Establishandenforce specificlocallimitsasnecessarytoimplement the provisions ofthe
40CFRParts403.5(a)and(b),andasrequiredby40CFRPart 403.5(c).ProgramUpdates.Thepermitteeisrequiredtomodifyitspretreatmentprogram,asnecessary, to reflect changes in the regulations of 40
CFR 403.Such modifications shall be completed within the time frame set forth by the applicable regulations.Modification of the approved pretreatment program must be done in accordance
with the requirements of 40 CFR 403.18. Modifications of the approved program which result in less stringent industrial user requirements shall not be effective until after approval
has been granted by the Director.Annual Report.The permittee shall provide the Division of Water Quality and EPA with an annual report briefly describing the permittee's pretreatment
program activities over the previouscalendaryear.ReportsshallbesubmittednolaterthanMarch28ofeachyear.These annual reports shall, at a minimum, include:Anupdatedlistingofthepermittee'sindustrialusers.Adescriptivesummaryofthecomplianceactivitiesincludingnumbersofanymajor
enforcement actions, i.e., administrative orders, penalties, civil actions, etc.Anassessmentofthecompliancestatusofthepermittee'sindustrialusersandtheeffectiveness ofthepermittee's Pretreatment
Programin meetingitsneeds andobjectives.Asummaryofallsamplingdatatakenoftheinfluentandeffluentforthosepollutantslisted in Part II.F.A description of all substantive changes made to the
permittee's pretreatment program referencedinSectionBofthissection.Substantivechangesinclude,butarenotlimitedto, anychangeinanyordinance,majormodificationintheprogram'sadministrativestructure
oroperatingagreement(s),asignificantreductioninmonitoring,orachangeinthemethod of funding the program.Otherinformationasmaybedeterminednecessarybythe Director.GeneralandSpecificProhibitions.Pretreatmentstandards(40CFR403.5)specificallyprohibit
theintroductionofthefollowingpollutantsintothewastetreatmentsystemfromanysourceof non-domestic discharge:Pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard in the publicly owned treatment
works (POTW), including, but not limited to, waste-streams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140˚F (60˚C);Pollutants, which will cause corrosive structural damage to the POTW,
but in no case, discharges with a pH lower than 5.0;Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction to the flow in the POTW resulting in interference;Anypollutant,includingoxygendemandingpollutants(BOD,etc.),releasedinadischarge
at such volume or strength as to cause interference in the POTW;Heat in amounts, which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW, resulting in interference,butinnocase,heatinsuchquantitiesthattheinfluenttothesewagetreatment
works exceeds 104˚F (40˚C));Petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in amounts that will cause interference or pass through;Pollutants, which result
in the presence of toxic gases, vapor, or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause worker health or safety problems;Anytruckedorhauledpollutants,exceptatdischargepointsdesignatedbythePOTW;orAnypollutantthatcausespassthroughorinterferenceatthe
POTW.Any specific pollutant which exceeds any local limitation established by the POTW in accordance with the requirement of 40 CFR 403.5(c) and 40 CFR 403.5(d).Categorical Standards.In
addition to the general and specific limitations expressed in Part D of this section, applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standards must be met by all industrial users of the
POTW.These standards are published in the federal regulations at 40 CFR 405 et. seq.Self-MonitoringandReportingRequirements.InfluentandEffluentMonitoringandReportingRequirements.Thepermitteeshallsample
and analyze both the influent and effluent, for the parameters listed in the Monitoring for Pretreatment Program Table.
Total Arsenic
Total Cadmium
Total Chromium
Total Copper
Total Molybdenum
Total Nickel
Total Selenium
Total Silver
Total Cyanide
Total Mercury
YearlyA test method must be used that has a reporting limit as stated in the column. If a test methodisnotavailablethepermitteemustsubmitdocumentationtotheDirectorregarding the method
that will be used.The influent and effluent shall be analyzed by the permittee for total toxic pollutants (TTOs) listed in 40 CFR 122 Appendix D Table II (Organic Toxic Pollutants).
The pesticidesfraction of Appendix D,Table IIis suspended unless pesticidesareexpected to be present.Inaccordancewiththerequirementsof40CFRPart403.5(c),thepermitteeshalldetermine ifthereisaneedtodevelopor
reviseitslocallimitsinorder toimplement thegeneral and specific prohibitions of 40 CFR Part 403.5 (a) and Part 403.5 (b). A technical evaluation of the need to develop or revise local
limits shall be submitted to the Division within 12 months of the effective date of this permit. This evaluation should be conducted in accordance with the latest revision of the EPA
Local Limits Development Guidance. If a technical evaluation, reveals that development or revision of local limits is necessary, the permittee shall submit the proposed local limits
revision to the Division of Water Quality for approval, and after approval implement the new local limits, within 12 months of the Division’s determination that a revision is necessary.The
results of the analyses of metals, cyanide andtoxic organics shall be submitted along with the Discharge MonitoringReport (DMR) at the end of the earliest possible reporting period.
Also, the permittee must submit a copy of the toxic organics data to the Pretreatment Coordinator for the DWQ via email.For local limit parameters it is recommended that the most sensitive
method be used for analysis. This will determine if the parameter is present and provide removal efficiencies based on actual data rather than literature values. If a parameter load
is greater than the allowableheadworksload,foranypollutantlistedinPartII.F.1.orapollutantofconcern listedinthelocallimitdevelopment document,thepermitteemust reporttheexceedances to
the Pretreatment Coordinator for the DWQ. If the loading exceeds the allowable headworks load, increase sampling must occur based on the requirements given by the Pretreatment Coordinator
for the DWQ. If needed samplingmayneed to occurtofindthe source(s)oftheincrease.Thismayincludesamplingofthecollectionsystem.Notification regardingtheexceedancesof theallowableheadworksloadingcanbeprovidedviaemail.Enforcement
Notice.UCA 19-5-104 provides that the State may issue a notice to the POTW statingthat a determinationhas been made that appropriate enforcement action must be taken against an industrial
user for noncompliance with any pretreatment requirements within 30 days.The issuance of suchnotice shall not be construed tolimittheauthorityofthe Director.Formal Action.The Director
retains the right to take legal action against any industrial user and/or POTW for those cases where a permit violation has occurred because of the failure of an industrial user to meet
an applicable pretreatment standard.BIOSOLIDSREQUIREMENTSBiosolids Treatment and Disposal. The authorization to dispose of biosolids provided under thispermitislimitedtothosebiosolidsproducedfromthetreatmentworksownedandoperated
by the permittee.The treatment methods and disposal practices are designated below.TreatmentHeatDrying-solidsaredriedbydirectorindirectcontactwithhotgasestoreducethe moisture content
of the solids to 10 percent or lower. Either the temperature of the solids particles or exceeds 80° C (176° F) or the wet bulb temperature of the gas in contact with the solids as the
solids leaves the dryer exceeds 80° C (176° F) (40 CFR 503.32(a)(8)(ii) Appendix B. B. 2.DescriptionofBiosolidsDisposalMethodClass Abiosolids maybe sold or given awayto the public for
lawn andgarden use or land application.Class Bbiosolidsmay be land applied for agricultureuse or at reclamation sitesatagronomic rates.Biosolids may be disposed in a landfill or transferred
to another facility for treatment and/or disposal.ChangesinTreatmentSystemsandDisposal Practices.Should the permittee change their disposal methods or the biosolids generation and handlingprocessesoftheplant,thepermitteemustnotifytheDirectoratleast30days
inadvanceiftheprocess/methodisspecifiedin40CFR503.Thisincludes,butisnot limited to, the permanent addition or removal of any biosolids treatment units (i.e., digesters, drying beds,
belt presses, etc.) and/or any other change.Should the permittee change their disposal methods or the biosolids generation and handlingprocessesoftheplant,thepermitteemustnotifytheDirectoratleast180days
inadvanceiftheprocess/methodisnotspecifiedin40CFR503.Thisincludes,butis notlimitedto,thepermanentadditionorremovalofanybiosolidstreatmentunits(i.e., digesters, drying beds, belt presses,
etc.) and/or any other change.
For any biosolids that are land filled, the requirements in Section 2.12 of the latest version of the EPA Region VIII Biosolids Management Handbook must be followedSpecific Limitations
and Monitoring Requirements. All biosolids generated by this facility to besoldorgivenawaytothepublicshallmeettherequirementsofPartIII.B.1,2,3and4listed below.Metals Limitations.All
biosolids sold or given away in a bag or similar container for application to lawns and home gardens must meet the metals limitations as described below.If these metals limitations are
not met, the biosolids must be landfilled.
PollutantLimits,(40CFRPart503.13(b))DryMass Basis
2, (mg/kg)APLR**,
Total Arsenic
Total Cadmium
Total Copper
Total Mercury
Total Molybdenum
Total Nickel
Total Selenium
2800Pathogen Limitations. All biosolids sold or given away in a bag or a similar container for application to lawns and home gardens must meet the pathogen limitations for Class A. LandappliedbiosolidsmustmeetthepathogenlimitationsforClassBasdescribedbelow.
If the pathogen limitations are not met, the biosolids must be landfilled.Class A biosolids shall meet one of the pathogen measurement requirements in the followingPathogenControlClasstableorshallmeettherequirementsforaProcessto
FurtherReducePathogensasdefinedin40CFRPart503.32(a)SewageSludge–Class A.JBWRF currently uses the following practices to meet Class A Pathogen requirements found under (40 CFR 503.32(a)(7)),
(Appendix B, B.1.):Heat Drying-solids are driedbydirect or indirect contact withhot gases to reduce the moisture content of the solids to 10 percent or lower. Either the temperatureofthesolidsparticlesorexceeds80°C(176°F)orthewetbulb
temperatureofthegasincontactwiththesolidsasthesolidsleavesthedryer exceeds 80° C (176° F) (40 CFR 503.32(a)(8)(ii) Appendix B. B.ClassBbiosolidsshallmeetthepathogenmeasurementrequirementsinthefollowing
Pathogen Control Class table or shall meet the requirements for a Process to SignificantlyReducePathogensasdefinedin40CFRPart503.32(b)SewageSludge– Class B.In addition, the permittee
shall comply with all applicable site restrictions listed below (40 CFR Part 503.32,(b),(5)):Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above
the land surface shall not be harvested for 14 months after application.
†Thelimitationsrepresentthemaximumallowablelevelsofheavymetalsinanybiosolidsintendedforland application
‡Theselimitationsrepresentthemaximumallowablelevelsofheavymetalsbasedonanaverageofallsamplestaken during a 30-day period.
**APLR–AnnualPollutantLoadingRateFoodcropswithharvestedpartsbelowthelandsurfaceshallnotbeharvestedfor 20 months after application if the biosolids remains on the land surface for four
months or more prior to incorporation into the soil.Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of sewage sludge
when the sewage sludge remains on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil.Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested from
the land for 30 days after application.Animalsshallnotbeallowedtograzeonthelandfor30daysafterapplication.Turfgrownonlandwherebiosolidsisappliedshallnotbeharvestedforoneyear afterapplicationiftheharvestedturfisplacedoneitherlandwithahighpotential
for public exposure or a lawn.Publicaccesstolandwithahighpotentialforpublicexposureshallberestricted for one year after application.Public access toland with alowpotential for publicexposure
shall be restricted for 30 days after application.The sludge or the application of the sludge shall not cause or contribute to the harmofathreatenedorendangeredspeciesorresultinthedestructionoradverse
modification of critical habitat of a threatened or endangered species after application.
503.32(b)(1) -(5),ClassB
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPN††perfour(4)gramstotalsolids(DWB)‡‡ orFecalColiforms–lessthan1,000MPNper
Fecal Coliforms – less than 2,000,000 MPN or CFU§§ per gram total solids (DWB).
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPN per four (4) grams total solids (DWB) or less than1,000MPNFecalColiformspergramtotal solids (DWB),
And - Enteric viruses –less than one (1) plaque forming unit per four (4) grams total solids (DWB)
And-Viablehelminthova–lessthanone(1)per four (4) grams total solids (DWB)VectorAttractionReductionRequirements.
‡‡DWB–DryWeight Basis.
§§CFU–ColonyForming UnitsThepermitteewillmeetvectorattractionreductionthroughuseofoneofthemethods listed in 40 CFR 503.33. Facility is meeting the requirements though the following methods.Facilityismeetingvectorattractionreductionthrough40CFRPart503.33(b)(8)
“Thepercentsolidsofsewagesludgethatcontainsun-stabilizedsolidsgenerated in a primary wastewater treatment process shall be equal to or greater than 90 percentbasedonthemoisturecontentandtotalsolidspriortomixingwithother
materials.”Facility may transfer wastes to another facility (E.T. Technologies) where they are stabilized and use as cover on the Salt Lake County Landfill.
If the permittee intends to use another one of the alternatives, the Director and the EPA mustbeinformedatleastthirty(30)dayspriortoitsuse.Thischangemaybemadewithout additional public
comment.Self-MonitoringRequirements.At a minimum, upon the effective date of this permit, all chemical pollutants, pathogens and applicable vector attraction reduction requirements shall
be monitored according to 40 CFR 503.16(1)(a).
> 0 to<320
> 0 to<290
OncePerYearor Batch
>320 to< 1650
>290 to< 1,500
> 1,650to <16,500
> 1,500to <15,000***
> 16,500
> 15,000
MonthlyorTwelveTimesSamplecollection,preservationandanalysisshallbeperformedinamannerconsistent with the requirements of 40 CRF 503 and/or other criteria specific to this permit.A metals
analysis is to be performed using Method SW 846 with Method 3050 used for digestion.For the digestion procedure, an amount of biosolids equivalent to a dry weightofonegramshallbeused.Themethodsarealsodescribedinthelatestversion
of the Region VIII Biosolids Management Handbook.The Director may request additional monitoring for specific pollutants derived from biosolids if the data shows a potential for concern.Aftertwo(2)yearsofmonitoringatthefrequencyspecified,thepermitteemayrequest
that the Director reduce the sampling frequency for the heavy metals.The frequency cannot be reduced to less than once per year for biosolids that are sold or given away to the public
for any parameter.The frequency also cannot be reduced for any of the pathogen or vector attraction reduction requirements listed in this permit.
*** Permittee produced 3,440.3 Dry Metric Tons in 2020, therefore they need to sample at least six times a year. However, JBWRF transfers the biosolids to E.T. Technologies Soil Regeneration
for disposal, and as long as they continuetodothis,theyareonlyrequiredtosampleonceayear.Iftheyswitchtreatmentanddisposalmethodsinthe future to land application, they will return to the
required frequency under 40 CFR 503 of six times per year.ManagementPracticesofBiosolids.BiosolidsDistributionInformationForbiosolidsthataresoldorgivenaway,aninformationsheetshallbeprovidedtothe
person who receives the biosolids.The label or information sheet shall contain:The name and address of the person who prepared the biosolids for a sale or to be given away.A statement
that prohibits the application of the biosolids to the land except in accordance with the instructions on the label or information sheet.BiosolidsApplicationSiteStorageForbiosolidsormaterialderivedfrombiosolidsthatarestoredinpilesforoneyearor
longer,measuresshallbetakentoensurethaterosion(whetherbywindorwater)does notoccur.However,bestmanagementpracticesshouldalsobeusedforpilesusedfor biosolids treatment.If a treatment pile
is considered to have caused a problem, best management practices could be added as a requirement in the next permit renewalLandApplicationPracticesThe permittee shall operate and maintain
the land application site operations in accordance with the following requirements:The permittee shall provide to the Director and the EPA within 90 days of the effective date of this
permit a land application plan.Applicationofbiosolidsshallbeconductedinamannerthatwillnotcontaminate the groundwater or impair the use classification for that water underlying the sites.Application
of biosolids shall be conducted in a manner that will not cause a violation of any receiving water quality standard from discharges of surface runoff from the land application sites.Biosolids
shall not be applied to land 10 meters or less from waters of the United States (as defined in 40 CFR 122.2).No person shall apply biosolids for beneficial use to frozen, ice-covered,
or snow-coveredlandwheretheslopeofsuchlandisgreaterthanthreepercentand is less than or equal to six percent unless one of the following requirements is met:thereis80percentvegetativegroundcover;or,approvalhasbeenobtainedbaseduponaplandemonstratingadequate
runoff containment measures.Application of biosolids is prohibited to frozen, ice-covered, or snow-covered sites where the slope of the site exceeds six percent.AgronomicRateApplicationofbiosolidsshallbeconductedinamannerthatdoesnotexceed
theagronomicrateforavailablenitrogenofthecropsgrownonthesite.At a minimum, the permittee is requiredtofollowthe methods for calculating agronomic rate outlined in the latest version
of the Region VIII Biosolids ManagementHandbook(other methods maybe approved bythe Director). The treatment plant shall provide written notification to the applier of the biosolidsoftheconcentration
oftotalnitrogen(asNon adryweightbasis) inthebiosolids.WrittenpermissionfromtheDirectorisrequiredtoexceed the agronomic rate.ThepermitteemayrequestthelimitsofPartIII,C,6bemodifiedifdifferent
limitswouldbejustifiedbased on localconditions.The limitsarerequired to be developed in cooperation with the local agricultural extension office or university.Deepsoilmonitoringfornitrate-nitrogenisrequiredforalllandapplication
sites(doesnotapplytositeswherebiosolidsareappliedlessthanonceevery fiveyears).Aminimumofsixsamplesforeach320(orless)acreareaisto becollected.Thesesamplesaretobecollecteddowntoeithera5-footdepth,
or the confining layer, whichever is shallower (sample at 1-foot, 2-foot, 3- foot, 4-foot and 5-foot intervals).Each of these one-foot interval samples shall be analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen.
In addition to the one-foot interval samples, a composite sample of the 5-foot intervals shall be taken, and analyzedfornitrate-nitrogenaswell.Samplesarerequiredtobetakenonce every five
years for non-irrigated sites that receive more than 18 inches of precipitation annually or for irrigated sites. Sample results should be included on the Annual Report.Biosolidsshallnotbeappliedtoanysiteareawithstandingsurfacewater.Ifthe
annualhighgroundwaterlevelisknownorsuspectedtobewithinfivefeetofthe surface,additionaldeepsoilmonitoringfornitrate-nitrogenasdescribedinPart III.C.(6),(c). is to be performed.At a minimum,
this additional monitoringwill involve a collection of more samples in the affected area and possibly more frequentsampling.Theexactnumberofsamplestobecollectedwillbeoutlined inadeepsoilmonitoringplantobesubmittedtotheDirectorandtheEPAwithin
90 days of the effective date of this permit.The plan is subject to approval by the Director.The specified cover crop shall be planted during the next available planting season.If this
does not occur, the permittee shall notifythe Director in writing. Additional restrictions may be placed on the application of the biosolids on that site on a case-by-case basis to control
nitrate movement.Deep soil monitoring may be increased under the discretion of the Director.When weather and or soil conditions prevent adherence to the biosolids application procedure,
biosolids shall not be applied on the site.Forbiosolidsthataresoldorgivenaway,aninformationsheetshallbeprovided to the person who receives the biosolids.The label or information sheet
shall contain:The name and address of the person who prepared the biosolids for sale or give away for application to the land.Astatementthatprohibitstheapplicationofthebiosolidstothelandexcept
in accordance with the instructions on the label or information sheet.The annual whole biosolids application rate for the biosolids that do not cause the metals loading rates in Tables
1, 2, and 3 (Part III.B.1.) to be exceeded.Biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in Table 2 (Part III.B.1.) shall not be applied to agricultural land, forest, a
public contact site, or areclamationsiteifanyofthecumulativepollutantloadingratesinTable2have been reached.If the treatment plant applies the biosolids, it shall provide the owner or
leaseholder of the land on which the biosolids are applied notice and necessary information to comply with the requirements in this permit.The permittee shall inspect the application
of the biosolids to active sites to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges, which may cause or lead to the release of biosolids to the environment or
a threat to human health.The permittee must conduct these inspections often enough to identify problems in time to correct them before they harm human health or the environment.The permittee
shall keep an inspection logor summaryincluding at least the date and time of inspection, the printed name and the handwritten signature of the inspector, a notation of observations
made and the date and nature of any repairs or corrective action.Special Conditions on Biosolids Storage.Permanent storage of biosolids is prohibited. Biosolids shall not be temporarily
stored for more than two (2) years.Written permission to store biosolids for more than two years must be obtained from the Director.Storage of biosolids for more than two years will
be allowed only if it is determined that significant treatment is occurring.RepresentativeSampling.BiosolidssamplesusedtomeasurecompliancewithPartIIIofthis Permitshallbecollectedatlocationsrepresentativeofthequalityofbiosolidsgeneratedatthe
treatment works and immediately prior to land application.ReportingofMonitoringResults.Biosolids.The permittee shall provide the results of all monitoring performed in accordancewithPartIII.B,andinformationonmanagementpractices,biosolidstreatment,
siterestrictionsandcertificationsshallbeprovidednolaterthanFebruary19ofeachyear. Each report is for the previous calendar year.If no biosolids were sold or given away during the reporting
period, "no biosolids were sold or given away" shall be reported. Legible copies ofthese, and all other reportsrequiredherein, shall be signed andcertified inaccordancewiththeSignatoryRequirements(seePartVII.G),andsubmittedtotheUtah
Division of Water Quality and the EPA by the NeT-Biosolids * system through the EPA Central Data Exchange (CDX) System.AdditionalRecordKeepingRequirementsSpecifictoBiosolids.UnlessotherwiserequiredbytheDirector,thepermitteeisnotrequiredtokeeprecordson
compost products if the permittee prepared themfrombiosolids that meet the limits in Table3 (PartIII.B.1),the ClassApathogenrequirementsinPartIII.B.2and the vector
attraction reduction requirements in Part III.B.3.The Director may notify the permittee that additional record keepingis required if it is determined to be significant toprotecting public
health and the environment.Thepermitteeisrequiredtokeepthefollowinginformationforatleast5 years:ConcentrationofeachheavymetalinTable3(PartIII.B.1).AdescriptionofhowthepathogenreductionrequirementsinPartIII.B.2weremet.AdescriptionofhowthevectorattractionreductionrequirementsinPartIII.B.3were
"Icertifyunder the penaltyof law,that the heavy metals requirementsin Part III.B.1, the pathogen requirements in Part III.B.2, the vector attraction requirements in Part III.B.3, the
management practices in Part III.C.This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the systemdesigned to assure thatqualifiedpersonnelproperlygatherandevaluatetheinformationusedtodetermine
that the pathogen requirements, the vector attraction reduction requirements and the management practices have been met.I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification
including the possibility of imprisonment."The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip
chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation,copiesofallreportsrequiredbythispermitandrecordsofalldatausedto complete the application for this permit for the life of the
permit.Data collected on site, copies of Biosolids Report forms, and a copy of this UPDES biosolids-only permit must be maintained on site during the duration of activity at the permitted
location.STORMWATERREQUIREMENTS.Industrial Storm Water Permit.Based on the type of industrial activities occurring at the facility, the permittee is required to maintain separate coverage
or an appropriate exclusion under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (UTR000000). If the facility is not already
covered, the permittee has 30 days from when this permit is issued to submit the appropriate Notice of Intent (NOI) for the MSGP or exclusion documentation.ConstructionStormWaterPermit.Anyconstructionatthefacilitythatdisturbsanacreormore
of land, including less than an acre if it is part of a common plan of development or sale, is required to obtain coverage under the UPDES Construction General Storm Water Permit (UTRC00000).Permitcoveragemustbeobtainedpriortolanddisturbance.Ifthesitequalifies,
a Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW) Certification may be submitted instead of permit coverage.MONITORING,RECORDING&GENERALREPORTINGREQUIREMENTSRepresentative Sampling.Samples taken in compliance
with the monitoring requirements established under Part I shall be collected fromthe effluent streamprior to discharge into the receivingwaters.Samplesandmeasurementsshallberepresentativeofthevolumeandnature
ofthemonitoreddischarge.Samplesofbiosolidsshallbecollectedatalocationrepresentative of the quality of biosolids immediately prior to the use-disposal practice.MonitoringProcedures.Monitoringmustbeconductedaccordingtotestproceduresapproved
under Utah Administrative Code ("UAC") R317-2-10 and 40CFR Part 503, utilizing sufficiently sensitive test methods unless other test procedures have been specified in this permit.Penalties
for Tampering.The Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate, any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than six months per violation, or by both.ComplianceSchedules.Reportsofcomplianceornoncompliancewith,oranyprogressreports
on, interim and final requirements contained in any Compliance Schedule of this permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date.Additional Monitoring by
the Permittee.If the permittee monitors any parameter more frequentlythanrequiredbythispermit,usingtestproceduresapprovedunderUACR317-2-10 and 40 CFR 503 or as specified in this permit,
the results of this monitoring shall be included inthecalculationandreportingofthedatasubmittedintheDMRortheBiosolidsReportForm. Suchincreasedfrequencyshallalsobeindicated.Onlythoseparametersrequiredbythepermit
need to be reported.RecordsContents.Recordsofmonitoringinformationshall include:Thedate,exactplace,andtimeofsamplingor measurements:Theindividual(s)whoperformedthesamplingormeasurements;Thedate(s)andtime(s)analyseswere
performed;Theindividual(s)whoperformedthe analyses;Theanalyticaltechniquesormethodsused; and,Theresultsofsuch analyses.Retention of Records.The permittee shall retain records of all
monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required
by this permit, and recordsofall data usedtocomplete the application forthis permit, for aperiodofatleastfive years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application.This
period may be extended by request of the Director at any time. A copy of this UPDES permit must be maintained on site during the duration of activity at the permitted locationTwenty-fourHourNoticeofNoncomplianceReporting.The
permittee shall (orally) report any noncompliance including transportation accidents, spills,anduncontrolledrunofffrombiosolids transferorlandapplicationsites whichmay seriously endanger
health or environment, as soon as possible, but no later than twenty- four(24)hoursfromthetimethepermitteefirstbecameawareofcircumstances.The
reportshallbemadetotheDivisionofWaterQuality,(801)536-4300,or24-hour answering service (801) 536-4123.The following occurrences of noncompliance shall be reported by telephone (801)
536- 4300 as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances:Anynoncompliancewhichmayendangerhealthortheenvironment;Anyunanticipatedbypass,whichexceedsanyeffluentlimitationinthepermit(See
PartVI.G,BypassofTreatmentFacilities.);Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit (See Part VI.H, Upset Conditions.);Violation of a daily discharge limitation for
any of the pollutants listed in the permit; or,ViolationofanyoftheTable3metalslimits,thepathogenlimits,thevectorattraction reductionlimitsorthemanagementpracticesforbiosolidsthathavebeensoldorgiven
away.Awrittensubmissionshallalsobeprovidedwithinfivedaysofthetimethatthepermittee becomes aware of the circumstances.The written submission shall contain:Adescriptionofthenoncomplianceanditscause;Theperiodofnoncompliance,includingexactdatesandtimes;Theestimatedtimenoncomplianceisexpectedtocontinueifithasnotbeencorrected;Steps
taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance; and,Steps taken, if any, to mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment and human health during
the noncompliance period.The Director may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis if the oral report has been received within 24 hours by the Division of Water Quality, (801)
536-4300.ReportsshallbesubmittedtotheaddressesinPartI.D,ReportingofMonitoringResults.Other Noncompliance Reporting.Instances of noncompliance not required to be reported within24hoursshallbereportedatthetimethatmonitoringreportsforPartI.Daresubmitted.
The reports shall contain the information listed in Part V.H.3.Inspection and EntryThe permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative, upon the presentation of credentials
and other documents as may be required by law, to:Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records must be kept under
the conditions of the permit;Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit;Inspect at reasonable times any facilities,
equipment (including monitoring and control equipment),practices,or operationsregulatedor requiredunderthis permit,includingbut not limited to, biosolids treatment, collection, storage
facilities or area, transport vehicles and containers, and land application sites;Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purpose of assuring permit compliance or asotherwiseauthorizedbytheAct,anysubstancesorparametersatanylocation,including,
but not limited to, digested biosolids before dewatering, dewatered biosolids, biosolids transfer or staging areas, any ground or surface waters at the land application sites or biosolids,
soils, or vegetation on the land application sites; and,Thepermitteeshallmakethenecessaryarrangementswiththelandownerorleaseholderto obtain permission or clearance, the Director, or
authorized representative, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, will be permitted to enter without delay for the purposes of performing
their responsibilities.COMPLIANCERESPONSIBILITIESDuty to Comply.The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit.Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Act
and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or for denial of a permit renewal application.The permittee shall give advance
notice to the Director of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements.Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions.The
Act provides that any person who violates apermitconditionimplementingprovisionsoftheActissubjecttoacivilpenaltynottoexceed
$10,000 per day of such violation.Any person who willfully or negligently violates permit conditionsortheActissubjecttoafinenotexceeding$25,000perdayofviolation.Anyperson convictedunderUCA19-5-115(2)asecondtimeshallbepunishedbyafinenotexceeding
$50,000 per day.Except as provided at Part VI.G, Bypass of Treatment Facilities and Part VI.H,UpsetConditions,nothinginthispermitshallbeconstruedtorelievethepermitteeofthe civil or criminal
penalties for noncompliance.Need to Halt or Reduce Activity not a Defense.It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt
or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit.Duty to Mitigate.The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent
any discharge in violation of this permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment.The permittee shall also take all reasonable steps
to minimize or prevent any land application in violation of this permit.Proper Operation and Maintenance.The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintainall facilities
andsystems of treatment andcontrol (andrelated appurtenances) which areinstalledorusedbythepermitteetoachievecompliancewiththeconditionsofthispermit. Proper operation and maintenance
also includes adequate laboratory controls and quality assurance procedures.This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, which are installed
by a permitteeonly when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit.RemovedSubstances.Collectedscreening,grit,solids,sludge,orotherpollutantsremovedin
the course of treatment shall be disposed of in such a manner so as to prevent any pollutant fromentering any waters of the state or creating a health hazard.Sludge/digester supernatant
andfilterbackwashshallnotdirectlyentereitherthefinaleffluentorwatersofthestatebyany other direct route.BypassofTreatment Facilities.Bypass Not Exceeding Limitations.The permittee may
allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are
not subject to paragraph 2 and 3 of this section.Prohibitionof Bypass.Bypassisprohibited,andtheDirectormaytakeenforcementactionagainstapermittee for bypass, unless:Bypasswasunavoidabletopreventlossofhumanlife,personalinjury,orsevere
property damage;There were no feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatmentfacilities,retentionofuntreatedwastes,ormaintenanceduringnormal periods of equipment
downtime.This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgement to prevent a bypass which occurred
during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance, andThepermitteesubmittednoticesasrequiredundersection VI.G.3.TheDirector mayapproveananticipatedbypass,afterconsideringitsadverse
effects, iftheDirectordeterminesthatitwillmeetthethreeconditionslistedinsections
VI.G.2.a(1),(2)and(3).Notice.Anticipated bypass.Exceptas provided above in section VI.G.2 and belowin section VI.G.3.b, if the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it
shall submit prior notice, at least ninety days before the date of bypass.The prior notice shall include the following unless otherwise waived by the Director:Evaluationofalternativetobypass,includingcost-benefitanalysiscontainingan
assessment of anticipated resource damages:Aspecificbypassplandescribingtheworktobeperformedincludingscheduled dates and times.The permittee must notify the Director in advance of any
changes to the bypass schedule;Description of specific measures to be taken to minimize environmental and public health impacts;Anotificationplansufficienttoalertalldownstreamusers,thepublicandothers
reasonably expected to be impacted by the bypass;Awaterqualityassessmentplantoincludesufficientmonitoringofthereceiving water before, during and following the bypass to enable evaluation
of public health risks and environmental impacts; and,Anyadditionalinformationrequestedbythe Director.Emergency Bypass.Where ninety days advance notice is not possible, the permittee
must notifythe Director, and the Director of the Department of Natural Resources,as
soon as it becomes aware of the need to bypass and provide to the Director the information in section VI.G.3.a.(1) through (6) to the extent practicable.Unanticipated bypass.The permittee
shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass to the Director as required under Part V.H, Twenty-Four Hour Reporting.The permittee shall also immediately notify the Director of the
Department of Natural Resources, the public and downstream users and shall implement measures to minimize impacts to public health and environment to the extent practicable.Upset Conditions.Effect
of an upset.An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of paragraph 2 of
this section are met.Director's administrative determination regarding a claim of upset cannot be judiciously challenged by the permittee until such time as an action is initiated for
noncompliance.Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset.A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous
operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:Anupsetoccurredandthatthepermitteecanidentifythecause(s)ofthe upset;Thepermittedfacilitywasatthetimebeingproperlyoperated;The permittee
submitted notice of the upset as required under Part V.H, Twenty-four Hour Notice of Noncompliance Reporting; and,The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under Part
VI.D, Duty to Mitigate.Burden of proof.In any enforcement proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof.GENERALREQUIREMENTSPlanned
Changes.The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible of any plannedphysicalalterationsoradditionstothepermittedfacility.Noticeisrequiredonlywhen the alteration
or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of parametersdischargedorpollutantsoldorgivenaway.Thisnotificationappliestopollutants, whicharenotsubjecttoeffluentlimitationsinthepermit.Inaddition,ifthereareanyplanned
substantial changes tothe permittee's existing sludge facilities or their manner of operation or tocurrentsludgemanagementpracticesofstorageanddisposal,thepermitteeshallgivenotice to
the Director of any planned changes at least 30 days prior to their implementation.Anticipated Noncompliance.The permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes
in the permitted facilityor activity, which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements.Permit Actions.This permit maybe modified,revoked andreissued,or terminated for cause.
The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does
not stay any permit condition.Dutyto Reapply.If the permittee wishestocontinue an activityregulatedbythispermit after the expiration date of this permit, the permittee shall apply for
and obtain a new permit.The application shall be submitted at least 180 days before the expiration date of this permit.Duty to Provide Information.The permittee shall furnish to the
Director, within a reasonable time, any information which the Director may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying,revokingandreissuing,orterminatingthispermit,ortodeterminecompliancewith
this permit.The permittee shall also furnish to the Director, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit.Other Information.When the permittee becomes aware that
it failed to submit any relevant factsina permit application, orsubmittedincorrectinformationinapermitapplication orany report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or
information.Signatory Requirements.All applications, reports or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified.All permit applications shall be signed by either
a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.AllreportsrequiredbythepermitandotherinformationrequestedbytheDirectorshallbe signed by a person described above or by a duly
authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if:Theauthorizationismadeinwritingbyapersondescribedaboveandsubmittedtothe Director, and,The
authorization specifieseither anindividual or a position havingresponsibilityfor the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager, superintendent,positionofequivalentresponsibility,oranindividualorposition
having overall responsibility for environmental matters.A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.Changes to
authorization.If an authorization under paragraph VII.G.2 is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operationofthefacility,anewauthorizationsatisfyingtherequirementsofparagraph
VII.G.2. must be submitted to the Director prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.Certification.Anypersonsigningadocumentunderthissectionshallmakethefollowing
"Icertifyunderpenaltyoflawthatthisdocumentandallattachmentswerepreparedunder my direction or supervision in accordance with a systemdesigned to assure that qualified personnelproperlygatherandevaluatetheinformationsubmitted.Basedonmyinquiryof
the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."PenaltiesforFalsificationofReports.TheActprovidesthatanypersonwhoknowinglymakes
anyfalsestatement,representation,orcertificationinanyrecordor other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance
or noncompliance shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than
$10,000.00perviolation,orbyimprisonmentfornotmorethansixmonthsperviolation,orby both.AvailabilityofReports.ExceptfordatadeterminedtobeconfidentialunderUACR317-8-3.2, all reports prepared
in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be available for public inspection at the office of Director.As required by the Act, permit applications, permits and effluent data
shall not be considered confidential.Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability.Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the permittee of any legal action or relieve the permittee
from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under the Act.Property Rights.The issuance of this permit does not convey any property
rights of any sort, oranyexclusiveprivileges,nordoesitauthorizeanyinjurytoprivatepropertyoranyinvasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of federal, state or local laws or regulations.Severability.The
provisions ofthis permit areseverable,andifanyprovisionsof thispermit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the applicationofsuchprovisiontoothercircumstances,andtheremainderofthispermit,shallnot
be affected thereby.Transfers.Thispermitmaybeautomaticallytransferredtoanewpermitteeif:The current permittee notifies the Director at least 20 days in advance of the proposed transfer
date;The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new permittee’s containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between
them; and,The Director does not notifythe existingpermittee andthe proposed newpermittee of his orherintenttomodify,orrevokeandreissuethepermit.Ifthisnoticeisnotreceived,the transferiseffectiveonthedatespecifiedintheagreementmentionedinparagraph2above.State
or Federal Laws.Nothingin this permit shall beconstrued to precludethe institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties establishedpursuanttoanyapplicablestatelaworregulationunderauthoritypreservedbyUCA
19-5-117 and Section 510 of the Act or any applicable Federal or State transportation regulations, such as but not limited to the Department of Transportation regulations.Water Quality
- Reopener Provision.This permit may be reopened and modified (following proper administrative procedures) to include the appropriate effluent limitations and compliance schedule, if
necessary, if one or more of the following events occurs:Water Quality Standards for the receiving water(s) to which the permittee discharges are modified in such a manner as to require
different effluent limits than contained in this permit.A final wasteload allocation is developed and approved by the State and/or EPA for incorporation in this permit.Revisions to the
current CWA § 208 areawide treatment management plans or promulgations/revisionstoTMDLs (40CFR130.7) approvedbythe EPAandadoptedby DWQ which calls for different effluent limitations
than contained in this permit.Biosolids–ReopenerProvision.Thispermitmaybereopenedandmodified(followingproper administrative procedures) to include the appropriate biosolids limitations
(and compliance schedule,ifnecessary),managementpractices,otherappropriaterequirementstoprotectpublic health and the environment, or if there have been substantial changes (or such changes
are planned)inbiosolids use ordisposal practices;applicable management practicesor numerical limitationsforpollutantsinbiosolidshavebeenpromulgatedwhicharemorestringentthanthe requirements
in this permit; and/or it has been determined that the permittees biosolids use or land application practices do not comply with existing applicable state of federal regulations.Toxicity
Limitation - Reopener Provision. This permit may be reopened and modified (following proper administrative procedures) to include, whole effluent toxicity (WET) limitations, a compliance
date, a compliance schedule,a change in the whole effluent toxicity (biomonitoring)protocol,additionalormodifiednumericallimitations,oranyotherconditions related to the control of toxicants
if one or more of the following events occur;Toxicityisdetected,asperPartI.C.4.aofthispermit,duringthedurationofthispermit.TheTREresults indicate that the toxicant(s)represent pollutant(s)
or pollutant parameter(s) that may be controlled with specific numerical limits, and the Director concludes that numerical controls are appropriate.Following the implementation of numerical
control(s) of toxicant(s), the Director agrees thatamodifiedbiomonitoringprotocolisnecessarytocompensateforthosetoxicantsthat are controlled numerically.The TRE reveals other unique
conditions or characteristics, which in the opinion of the permitissuingauthorityjustifytheincorporationofunanticipatedspecialconditionsinthe permit.DEFINITIONSWastewater.The“7-day(and
weekly) average”, other than for E. coli bacteria,fecal coliformbacteria, and total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic average of all samples collected during a consecutive 7-day period
or calendar week, whichever is applicable.Geometric means shallbecalculatedforE.colibacteria,fecalcoliformbacteria,andtotalcoliformbacteria. The 7-day and weekly averages are applicable
only to those effluent characteristics for which there are 7-day average effluent limitations.The calendar week, which begins on SundayandendsonSaturday,shallbeusedforpurposesofreportingself-monitoringdata
ondischargemonitoringreportforms.Weeklyaveragesshallbecalculatedforallcalendar weeks with Saturdays in the month.If a calendar week overlaps two months (i.e., the Sunday is in one month
and the Saturday in the following month), the weekly average calculated for that calendar week shall be included in the data for the month that contains Saturday.The"30-day(andmonthly)average,"otherthanforE.colibacteria,fecalcoliformbacteria
and total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic average of all samples collected during a consecutive 30-dayperiodor calendar month, whichever is applicable.Geometric means shall be calculated
for E. coli bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria and total coliformbacteria. The calendar month shall be used for purposes of reporting self-monitoring data on discharge monitoring report
forms.“Act,”meanstheUtahWaterQualityAct.“Acute toxicity” occurs when 50 percent or more mortality is observed for either test species at any effluent concentration (lethal concentration
or “LC50”)."Annual Loading Cap" is the highest allowable phosphorus loading discharged over a calendaryear,calculatedasthesumofallthemonthlyloadingdischargesmeasuredduring a calendar
year divided by the number of monthly discharges measured during that year.“Bypass,”meansthediversionofwastestreamsfromanyportionofatreatmentfacility.“Chronic toxicity” occurs when the
IC25< 46% effluent.The 46% effluent is the concentrationoftheeffluentinthereceivingwater,attheendofthemixingzoneexpressed as per cent effluent."IC25" is the concentration of toxicant
(given in % effluent) that would cause a 25% reduction in mean young per female, or a 25% reduction in overall growth for the test population.“Composite Samples” shall be flow proportioned.The
composite sample shall, as a minimum,containatleastfour(4)samplescollectedoverthecompositingperiod.Unless otherwisespecified,thetimebetweenthecollectionofthefirstsampleandthelastsample
shall not be less than six (6) hours nor more than 24 hours.Acceptable methods for preparation of composite samples are as follows:Constant time interval between samples, sample volume
proportional to flow rate at time of sampling;Constant time interval between samples, sample volume proportional to total flow (volume) since last sample.For the first sample, the flow
rate at the time the sample was collected may be used;Constant sample volume, time interval between samples proportional to flow (i.e., sample taken every “X” gallons of flow); and,Continuoussamplevolume,withsamplecollectionrateproportionaltoflowrate.“CWA”meansTheFederalWaterPollutionControlAct,asamended,byTheCleanWater
Act of 1987.“DailyMaximum” (Daily Max.) is the maximumvalue allowable in any single sample or instantaneous measurement.“EPA,”meanstheUnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency.“Director,”meansDirectoroftheDivisionofWater
Quality.A“grab”sample,formonitoringrequirements,isdefinedasasingle“dipandtake”sample collected at a representative point in the discharge stream.An “instantaneous” measurement, for monitoring
requirements, is defined as a single reading, observation, or measurement.“SeverePropertyDamage,”meanssubstantialphysicaldamagetoproperty,damagetothe treatmentfacilitieswhichcausesthemtobecomeinoperable,orsubstantialandpermanent
loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass.Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production.“Upset,”
means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyondthereasonablecontrolofthepermittee.Anupsetdoesnotincludenoncompliance
to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation.Biosolids.“Biosolids,”
means any material or material derived from sewage solids that have beenbiologically treated.“DryWeight-Basis,”means100percentsolids(i.e.zeropercent moisture).“LandApplication”isthe
spraying orspreading ofbiosolidsonto theland surface; the injectionofbiosolidsbelowthelandsurface;ortheincorporationofbiosolidsintotheland
so that the biosolids can either condition the soil or fertilize crops or vegetation grown in the soil.Land application includes distribution and marketing (i.e. the selling or giving
away of the biosolids).“Pathogen,” means an organism that is capable of producing an infection or disease in a susceptible host.“Pollutant”forthepurposesofthispermitisanorganicsubstance,aninorganicsubstance,
a combination of organic and inorganic substances, or pathogenic organisms that after dischargeanduponexposure,ingestion,inhalation,orassimilationintoanorganismeither directly fromthe
environment or indirectly by ingestion through the food-chain, could on the basis of information available to the Administrator of EPA, cause death, disease, behavioralabnormalities,cancer,geneticmutations,physiologicalmalfunctions(including
malfunctioninreproduction),orphysicaldeformationsineitherorganismsoroffspringof the organisms.“Runoff” is rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over any part of a land surface
and runs off the land surface.“SimilarContainer”iseitheranopenorclosedreceptacle.Thisincludes,butisnotlimited to,abucket,abox,acarton,andavehicleortrailer withaloadcapacityof onemetricton
or less.“TotalSolids”arethematerialsinthebiosolidsthatremainasaresidueifthebiosolidsare dried at 103o or 105o Celsius.“Treatment Works” are either Federally owned, publicly owned, or
privately-owned devices or systems used to treat (including recycling and reclamation) either domestic sewage or a combination of domestic sewage and industrial waste or liquid manure.“Vector
Attraction” is the characteristic of biosolids that attracts rodents,flies mosquito’s or other organisms capable of transporting infectious agents.“Animals”forthepurposeofthispermitaredomesticlivestock.“Annual
Whole Sludge Application Rate” is the amount of sewage sludge (dry-weight basis) that can be applied to a unit area of land during a cropping cycle.“Agronomic Rate is the whole sludge
application rate (dry-weight basis) designed to: (1) provide the amount of nitrogen needed by the crop or vegetation grown on the land; and
(2) minimize theamount ofnitrogeninthe sewage sludge thatpassesbelowthe root zone of the crop or vegetation grown on the land to the ground water.“AnnualPollutantLoadingRate”isthemaximumamountofapollutant(dry-weightbasis)
that can be applied to a unit area of land during a 365-day period.“ApplicationSiteorLandApplicationSite”meansallcontiguousareasofausers’property intended for sludge application.“Cumulative
Pollutant Loading Rate” is the maximum amount of an inorganic pollutant (dry-weight basis) that can be applied to a unit area of land.“GritandScreenings”aresand,gravel,cinders,othermaterialswithahighspecificgravity
and relatively large materials such as rags generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage at a treatment works and shall be disposed of according to 40 CFR 258.“High Potential
for Public Contact Site” is land with a high potential for contact by the public.This includes, but is not limited to, public parks, ball fields, cemeteries, plant nurseries, turf farms,
and golf courses.“Low Potential for PublicContact Site”is the land with a low potential for contact bythe public.This includes, but is not limited to, farms, ranches, reclamation areas,
and other lands which are private lands, restricted public lands, or lands which are not generally accessible to or used by the public.“MonthlyAverage”isthearithmeticmeanofallmeasurementstakenduringthe
month.“VolatileSolids”istheamountofthetotalsolidsinsewagesludgelostwhenthesludgeis combusted at 550 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes in the presence of excess air.