HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-004845Charge Questions Update and Next Steps
Science Panel Meeting | June 20, 2024
Overarching Charge Questions
1.What was the historical condition of Utah Lake with respect to
nutrients and ecology pre-settlement and along the historical timeline
with consideration of trophic state shifts and significant transitions
since settlement?
2.What is the current state of the lake with respect to nutrients and
3.What additional information is needed? [addressed as part of
strategic research plan]
4.What additional information is needed to define nutrient criteria that
support existing beneficial uses?
Sub-Questions Divided into Theme Areas
Historical condition
Macrophytes and diatoms
Fish, aquatic life, birds
Criteria development
Charge Question Responses
1.Evidence Evaluation
Focus: technical
Detailed analysis of studies that inform the question (Utah Lake and related)
Figures from cited studies
Focus: plain-language, non-technical
Overall response to the question
Includes assessment of SP confidence in the response
Historical Condition
•1.1. What does the diatom community and macrophyte community in the paleo record tell us about the historical trophic state and nutrient regime of the lake?
•1.1.i. Can diatom (benthic and planktonic) and/or macrophyte extent or presence be detected in sediment cores? And if so, what are they?
•1.1.iii. How have environmental conditions changed over time?
•1.2. What were the historic phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon concentrations as depicted by sediment cores? (add calcium, iron, and potentially N and P isotopes)
•1.4. What do photopigments and DNA in the paleo record tell us about the historical water quality, trophic state, and nutrient regime of the lake?
•4.1. What would be the current nutrient regime of Utah Lake assuming no nutrient inputs from human sources? This question may require the identification of primary sources of nutrients.
Macrophytes and Diatoms
•1.1.ii. What were the environmental requirements for diatoms and
extant macrophyte species?
•2.2 What are the environmental requirements for submerged
macrophytes currently present at Utah Lake?
•2.2.i. What is the role of lake elevation and drawdown in macrophyte
recovery? Are certain species more resilient to drawdowns and nutrient
related impacts? Can some species establish/adapt more quickly?
•2.2.ii. What is the relationship between carp, wind, and macrophytes
on non-algal turbidity and nutrient cycling in the lake? What impact
could macrophyte reestablishment have?
Fish, Aquatic Life, Birds
•1.3. What information do paleo records (eDNA/scales) provide on the population trajectory/growth of carp over time? What information do the paleo records provide on the historical relationship between carp and the trophic state and nutrient regime of the lake?
•2.1. What are the impacts of carp on the biology/ecology and nutrient cycling of the lake and how are those impacts changing with ongoing carp removal efforts?
•2.1.i. What contribution do carp make to the total nutrient budget of the lake via excretion rates and bioturbation? How much nutrient cycling can be attributed to carp?
•2.1.ii. What is the effect of carp removal efforts on macrophytes, nutrients, secchi depth, turbidity, and primary productivity?
•2.1.iii. How much non-algal turbidity and nutrient cycling is due to wind action versus carp foraging? How much does sediment resuspension contribute to light limitation, and does wind resuspension contribute substantially in the absence of carp?
•2.5. For warm water aquatic life, waterfowl, shorebirds, and water-oriented wildlife: i. Where and when in Utah Lake are early life stages of fish present? ii. Which species are most sensitive and need protection from nutrient-related impacts?
•4.2. Assuming continued carp removal and current water management, would nutrient reductions support a shift to a macrophyte-dominated state within reasonable planning horizons (i.e., 30¬50 years)?
•2.3. What are the linkages between changes in nutrient regime and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)?
•2.3.i. Where do HABs most frequently start/occur? Are there hotspots and do they tend to occur near major nutrient sources? Data analysis
•2.3.ii. Which nutrients are controlling primary production and HABs and when?
•2.3.iii. If there are linkages between changes in nutrient regime and HABs, what role if any does lake elevation changes play?
•2.3.iv. How do other factors affect HAB formation in Utah Lake (e.g., climate change; temperature; lake stratification; changes in zooplankton and benthic grazers and transparency)
•2.3.vi. What is the relationship between light extinction and other factors (e.g., algae, TSS, turbidity)?
•4.3. If the lake stays in a phytoplankton-dominated state, to what extent can the magnitude, frequency, and extent of harmful and nuisance algal blooms be reduced through nutrient reductions?
•2.3.v. What is the role of calcite “scavenging” in the phosphorus cycle?
•2.4. How do sediments affect nutrient cycling in Utah Lake?
•2.4.i. What are current sediment equilibrium P concentrations (EPC)
throughout the lake? What effect will reducing inputs have on water
column concentrations? If so, what is the expected lag time for lake
recovery after nutrient inputs have been reduced?
•2.4.ii. What is the sediment oxygen demand of, and nutrient releases
from, sediments in Utah Lake under current conditions?
•2.4.iii. Does lake stratification [weather patterns] play a result in anoxia
and phosphorus release into the water column? Can this be tied to HAB
Criteria Development
•3. What additional information is needed to define nutrient criteria that
support existing beneficial uses?
•3.1. For warm water aquatic life, waterfowl, shorebirds, and water-
oriented wildlife
•3.2. For primary contact recreation
•3.3. For agricultural uses including irrigation of crops and stock
Overview of Subgroup Outcomes & Next Steps
•April-May 2024: Subgroups met to discuss updates to interim
charge question responses
•SP subgroups discussed:
Minor edits to evidence evaluation
Additional citations of related studies
Additional context for interpretations
Recommendations for translating synthesis bullets into paragraph form
Recommendations for level of confidence
In a few cases, more substantive recommendations for deeper dives into
existing and/or upcoming studies
Overview of Subgroup Outcomes & Next Steps
TT to incorporate straightforward edits
SP subgroups meet to discuss substantial edits/evidence evaluation
TT to compile all charge question responses into a master document
SP reviews charge question responses
At in-person SP meeting, seek to approve charge question responses
Potential discussion with Steering Committee?
Confidence Evaluation
Confidence Evaluation
•High confidence
Direct evidence in Utah Lake
Well-established methods
Consistent behavior of Utah Lake compared to lakes in the literature
If multiple studies/lines of evidence, findings were consistent
•“Big picture” conclusions more often resulted in high confidence
•Sometimes very specific items or interacting drivers resulted in lower
•Questions needing analysis from mass balance and/or mechanistic
models were not assessed for confidence yet
Conclusions with < high confidence, or less SP agreement
•Geographic specificity of historical macrophyte cover outside of bays/shallow
areas (limited evidence)
•Specifics on interacting factors for macrophyte requirements & reestablishment
(individual impacts known, but restoration requirements are complex)
•Causal spatial linkages for HAB formation and persistence (what can be
attributed to proximity to nutrient sources vs. hydrodynamics of the system?)
•Causation of the role of lake elevation on HABs (high confidence in correlation,
but difficult to disentangle several possible causal drivers)
Items for Remaining Analysis & Discussion
•Cross-referencing studies for evidence of Si concentrations (Bioassay study)
•Zooplankton role in grazing (Richards and Aanderud reports)
•Further discussions with sediments subgroup: much to unpack!
Remaining Evidence to Generate and Evaluate
•Brett Mass Balance Analysis
What would be the current nutrient regime of Utah Lake assuming no nutrient
inputs from human sources? run scenario with minimal nutrient inputs
Where do HABs most frequently start/occur? Are there hotspots and do they tend to
occur near major nutrient sources? why are chlorophyll concentrations higher in
Provo Bay? Deep dive on nutrient concentrations and clarity
If the lake stays in a phytoplankton-dominated state, to what extent can the
magnitude, frequency, and extent of harmful and nuisance algal blooms be reduced
through nutrient reductions? analyze length of time the lake will take to respond
to external nutrient loadings
What is the expected lag time for lake recovery after nutrient inputs have been
reduced? analyze length of time the lake will take to respond to external nutrient
Remaining Evidence to Generate and Evaluate
•Utah Lake mechanistic watershed and lake models
What would be the current nutrient regime of Utah Lake assuming no nutrient inputs
from human sources? run model in reference scenario mode
Where do HABs most frequently start/occur? Are there hotspots and do they tend to
occur near major nutrient sources? run hydrodynamic analysis to better define
causal spatial linkages for HABs
Which nutrients are controlling primary production and HABs and when? test
nutrient reduction scenarios to provide additional line of evidence alongside bioassays
If the lake stays in a phytoplankton-dominated state, to what extent can the
magnitude, frequency, and extent of harmful and nuisance algal blooms be reduced
through nutrient reductions? analyze impact of nutrient reduction scenarios on
primary productivity
Questions and Discussion
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
TT to incorporate straightforward edits
SP subgroups meet to discuss substantial edits/evidence evaluation
TT to compile all charge question responses into a master document
SP reviews charge question responses
At in-person SP meeting, move to approve charge question responses
Potential discussion with Steering Committee?
Technical Support Update and Next Steps
Science Panel Meeting | June 20, 2024
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
•Provide the technical basis for the
development of numeric nutrient criteria (NNC)
to protect designated uses
•Aquatic Life
•Others (Agriculture, Downstream)
•Conduct analyses to support multiple lines of
evidence in the NNC framework
Purpose of the Technical
Support Document
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Lines of Evidence
Results from paleolimnological studies
Utah Lake Nutrient Model prediction/extrapolation of reference conditions
2.Stressor-response analysis
Utah Lake Nutrient Model output
Statistical models
3.Scientific literature
Scientific studies of comparable/related lake ecosystems
Support/supplement other lines of evidence
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
TSD Document Status and Upcoming Analyses
Reference Analysis
Paleolimnological analysis
Mechanistic model analysis
Stressor-Response Analysis
Empirical analysis (pending target selection by criteria subgroup)
Mechanistic model analysis
Literature Analysis
Weight of Evidence
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Reference-Based Analysis
•Intended to set a “floor” & add context for how the lake has changed over time
•Paleolimnological reconstruction of past conditions
Quantify pre-settlement nutrient conditions and how they have changed over time
Multiple studies, SC charge question responses
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Reference: Paleolimnological Reconstruction
•Lines of Evidence
Diatom community
Macrophytes: physical remains, eDNA, C:N, H index
Anodonta and Gastropods: physical remains
C, N, H index/ratios and isotopes
Cyanobacteria: eDNA, phytopigments
Sediment P concentrations and speciation
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Reference: Paleolimnological Reconstruction
•Quantitative vs. Qualitative?
Many lines of evidence are directional rather
than directly quantifiable
Some lines of evidence support inferences
about nutrient concentrations
–Shift from meso-oligotrophic to eutrophic
–Approximate doubling of P concentrations
Paleo reference evidence can be used as
supporting evidence for stressor-response
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Reference: Paleolimnological Reconstruction
•Paleo evidence: several events occurring simultaneously
Nutrient enrichment (increase in loading)
Carp introduction
Loss of macrophytes
Population growth and land use change in watershed
Sewage treatment
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Reference-Based Analysis
•Intended to set a “floor” & add context for how the lake has changed over time
•Model-based prediction
Run watershed model under a “reference conditions” scenario watershed nutrient loading
Watershed conditions then used as boundary conditions for the lake model
Run lake model with new boundary conditions, then analyze in-lake nutrient concentrations
quantitative estimation of historical nutrient concentrations
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
TSD Document Status and Upcoming Analyses
Reference Analysis
Paleolimnological analysis
Mechanistic model analysis
Stressor-Response Analysis
Empirical analysis (pending target selection by criteria subgroup)
Mechanistic model analysis
Literature Analysis
Weight of Evidence
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Stressor-Response Analysis: Empirical
•Nearly complete, pending selection of targets
•Target decisions are risk management
Exceedance frequency (e.g., prediction interval,
certainty level)
Chlorophyll target value/range to input into TN and
TP models
•Which decisions are SP members comfortable
SP subgroup could select target values/ranges
SP could send to Steering Committee and/or EPA to
help decide
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Stressor-Response Analysis: Mechanistic
•EFDC-WASP will be run under different scenarios:
Reduced nutrients
•Can treat each of these scenarios as a point along
the stressor-response curve, then run S-R models:
Chlorophyll ~ TN
Chlorophyll ~ TP
Can use chlorophyll targets generated by other models and/or
the mechanistic model to identify TN and TP targets
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
TSD Document Status and Upcoming Analyses
Reference Analysis
Paleolimnological analysis
Mechanistic model analysis
Stressor-Response Analysis
Empirical analysis (pending target selection by criteria subgroup)
Mechanistic model analysis
Literature Analysis
Weight of Evidence
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Literature Analysis
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Approach for Magnitude, Frequency, Duration Components
•Lines of evidence can “easily” identify magnitude
•Criteria and assessment require frequency and duration as well, e.g.,
Not to exceed
Growing season mean, 1 in 3 years
10% exceedance rate (current Utah assessment method for pH, temperature, DO, TDS)
•Most S-R analyses are on a single-day basis may need to translate this to a
longer duration
•Researched what other states have done (next slides)
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Other State Frequency and Duration Components: Chlorophyll
•AL: Mean
•A. Samoa & HI: median/geomean not to exceed, 10% exceedance, 2% exceedance
•CA: Monthly mean
•FL: Annual mean, annual geomean, 10% exceedance
•GA & TN: Monthly mean in growing season
•MN: Maximum
•NV: Growing season mean
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Other State Frequency and Duration Components: TN
•A. Samoa & HI: median/geomean not to exceed, 10% exceedance, 2% exceedance
•CA: Monthly mean, 90th percentile, annual mean
•FL: Annual mean, annual geomean, 10% exceedance
•NV: Not to exceed, annual mean, growing season mean
•Northern Mariana & Puerto Rico: Not to exceed
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Other State Frequency and Duration Components: TP
•A. Samoa & HI: median/geomean not to exceed, 10% exceedance, 2% exceedance
•CA: Monthly mean, 90th percentile, annual mean, not to exceed in hypolimnion
•FL: Annual mean, annual geomean, 10% exceedance
•IN: Daily maximum, monthly mean
•NV: Growing season mean
•Northern Mariana & Puerto Rico & USVI: Not to exceed
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Approach for Magnitude, Frequency, Duration Components
What input would the SP like to have on frequency and duration?
SP subgroup could advise
SP could defer to Utah standards group
SP could send to Steering Committee and/or EPA to help decide
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Discussion with Utah Standards Group
•TT has periodic meetings with the UDWQ standards group
•Goal: Ensure that TSD and SP & SC recommendations are consistent with:
State water quality criteria
State assessment methods
EPA guidance
Lessons learned from other criteria development efforts
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Discussion with Utah Standards Group
•TSD will help lay the groundwork for a site-specific standard for Utah Lake
Updates in state criteria
Updates in state assessment methods
Main basin and Provo Bay are already separate assessment units
TN and TP will be separate indicators
•Weight of Evidence: most sensitive use should take precedent, then can use
weight of evidence within the use
•Extent: One site exceedance can lead to an impairment of the AU, but there is
language reserved in the assessment methods for judgement calls
•Consider adaptive management: is the lake moving toward supporting its uses?
(this is more a question for implementation)
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Weight of Evidence
•Most sensitive use will dictate nutrient targets
•But, ranges of nutrients may be deemed protective of most sensitive use
across lines of evidence how to combine into a recommendation?
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Combining Lines of Evidence: Weight of Evidence
If more than one line of evidence has sufficient weight, need to merge
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Approach for Weight of Evidence
What input would the SP like to have on weight of evidence?
TT can present a framework for applying weight of evidence
SP could weigh lines of evidence on their own
Could bring in EPA staff for presentation and guidance
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Pathway to Criteria (ULWQS Technical Framework)
•SP recommendation SC recommendation Utah Lake Authority endorsement
•Regulatory process multiple other groups involved with the process
DWQ Water Quality Standards workgroup
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Questions and Discussion
Note: all information and data presented are considered draft, in-process material
Eutrophication Management in Utah Lake - are
phosphorus concentrations regulated by nutrient external inputs?
Michael Brett
Professor of Limnology
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Washington
Key points
1. “Through statistical analysis, we showed that volumes are variable but that dissolved phosphorus concentrations are relatively
2. “We show that monthly changes in mass are large compared to estimated loads to the lake and that these changes switch from
representing net sinks to net sources from one month to the next, a finding that is not consistent with simple mass balance models.”
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
4. “the P content of Utah Lake sediments is high (with an average concentration of 666 mg/kg) . . . These P-rich sediments act as P
reservoirs and are able to support P equilibrium with the water column through sorption processes.”
5. “We show, through several lines of evidence, that [Utah Lake] water column phosphorus concentrations are insensitive to external
6. If “lakes have sediments with high concentrations of P from geologic sources, water column concentrations could behave
independently from external loads.”
7. “For sorption to dominate in this manner requires several unique circumstances, including shallow water with no stratification,
significant water–sediment interaction, and high background P concentrations in the sediment.”
8. “This study has implications for other shallow lakes with significant sediment–water interactions. . . For lakes and reservoirs that have
water column P concentrations primarily driven by sorption processes, costs and efforts aimed at nutrient load reductions may prove
"'= *+,-−*+/0'−1!+/0'
Change = Input –Output –Removal
V = lake volume
Q = water flow into/out of lake
C = concentration into/out of lake
s = first order loss rate of nutrients
The general mass balance model
The general mass balance model
"'= *+,-−*+/0'−1!+/0'
Change = Input –Output –Removal
If we assume steady-state or long term
average conditions
The general mass balance model
Input = Output + Removal
V = lake volume
Q = water flow into/out of lake
C = concentration into/out of lake
s = first order loss rate of nutrients
The general mass balance model
If we express this equation in terms of total
phosphorus (TP) and rearrange, it can be
expressed as:
!"#$%&= !")*+ =!",-.)*+.,-/+ 1 ∗3
where θ represents the lake’s hydraulic residence
time (i.e., θ = V/QIN), and it is assumed the lake is
well mixed
The general mass balance model
!"#$%&= !")*+ =!",-
.)*+.,-/+ 1 ∗3
•This equation gives a very clear mechanistic explanation for the
main processes that determine the average phosphorus
concentration in lakes
•The Lake TP concentration is directly linearly related to the flow wt’d
input TP concentration
•Evaporative losses from the lake will concentrate TP within the lake
•Lakes with long hydraulic residence times will have lower TP
concentrations (relative to TPIN)
•Lakes with high loss rate constants will have lower TP concentrations
The general mass balance model
We can use this mass balance approach to predict how the lake’s
phosphorus concentration will depend on the input
concentrations for the major point sources
𝑇𝑃!" =∑$∗&'!"#$% ) $∗&'&"'(#& ) $∗&'))*+% ) *+
∑$!"#$% ) $&"'(#& ) $))*+%
!"#$%&= !")*+ =!",-
.)*+.,-/+ 1 ∗3
•Phosphorus removal depends on the water
residence time (θ) and the loss rate (s)
•Utah Lake is a very effective sink for
•The 96th percentile for TP removal relative to
these data
•This is probably due to reactions with CaCO3
in the lake and formation of calcium-P
mineral complexes in the sediments
From: Brett and Benjamin (2008)
Freshwater Biology 53: 194–211
n = 305
Phosphorus sequestration in the sediments of Utah Lake
We can use this mass balance approach to predict how the lake’s
phosphorus concentration will depend on the input
concentrations for the major point sources
•Biological-Phosphorus removal is
economically feasible and can get
WWTP effluents down to
200-300 µg TP L-1
•Capital and O&M costs, energy use,
and greenhouse gas emissions
rapidly increase at lower WWTP
effluent concentrations (Falk et al.
2013. Wat. Env. Res. 85: 2307−)
We can use this mass balance approach to predict how the lake’s
phosphorus concentration will depend on the input
concentrations for the major point sources
•At WWTP effluent TP concentrations < 1
mg L-1, wastewater discharges constitute
< 50% of phosphorus inputs to Utah Lake
•At WWTP effluent TP concentrations < 0.5
mg L-1, the phosphorus inputs to Utah
Lake become increasingly dominated by
Particulate P
•A higher fraction of Particulate P loading
should result in less phytoplankton
biomass production and greater P
removal in Utah Lake relative to TP
TPeff WWTP Flow WWTP load Total load TDP load TPin TPlake Prop. TP Prop. TDP Prop.
from WWTPs from WWTPs Part. P
µg/L m3/yr tonnes/yr tonnes/yr tonnes/yr µg/L µg/L unitless unitless unitless
2314 66493539 129 196 134 316 65.4 0.66 0.82 0.32
1000 66493539 55.6 122 71.5 198 40.9 0.45 0.66 0.42
250 66493539 13.9 80.8 36.0 131 27.0 0.17 0.33 0.55
25 66493539 1.39 68.3 25.4 110 22.8 0.020 0.05 0.63
1000 132987079 111 178 119 260 59.1 0.62 0.80 0.33
250 132987079 27.8 94.7 47.8 138 31.4 0.29 0.49 0.49
25 132987079 2.78 69.6 26.6 102 23.1 0.040 0.09 0.62
If WWTP effluent TPeff concentrations go down to 1,000 µg L-1 and WWTP outflows double,
there is only be a minimal improvement in Utah Lake water quality
Internal loading comparison with Upper Klamath Lake
(in south-central Oregon)
TPIN adjusted for
≈ 10% removal ≈ 94% removal
Interestingly, this internal loading tends to follow the summer
phytoplankton bloom, and not vice-versa
•This internal loading averages +38
•This is equivalent to about 25.9
tonnes P/yr of internal loading
•If a more flexible approach is used
this estimate increases to +38 µg/L or
29.3 tonnes P/yr
•During the peak summer bloom
period internal loading is equal to
15% of annual external loading
Phosphorus vs. Phytoplankton Biomass
(µg L-1)
1 10 100 1000
Total Phosphorus (µg L-1)
y = 0.08x1.5
r2 = 0.91
Jones and Bachmann (1976)
•Mass balance tells us that
nutrients are either in the water
or in the sediments!
•Due to Stoichiometric
constraints only the nutrients in
the water at any given time
contribute to phytoplankton
•The nutrients in the water
column on average equal the
output/advected concentration
that regulates phytoplankton
𝐶!= 𝐶"+ (𝐶#−𝐶")∗𝑒$%&'(
)!= 𝑄𝐶+,−𝑄𝐶#-!−𝜎𝑉𝐶#-!
A few calculus steps
𝐶! = concentration at time t
𝐶" = new steady-state concentration
𝐶# = initial concentration
r = flushing rate = 1/θ
Transition to a new steady-state in Utah Lake
𝐶!= 𝐶"+ (𝐶#−𝐶")∗𝑒$%&'(
Transition to a new steady-state in Utah Lake
𝐶,= 68 µg TP L-1
𝐶-= 31 µg TP L-1
s = 4.05 yr-1
r = 0.29 yr-1
This model predicts the step transition to a new steady-state
in Utah Lake will be mainly governed by the removal term (s)
and will be rapid
𝐶!= 𝐶"+ (𝐶#−𝐶")∗𝑒$%&'(
Transition to a new steady-state in Utah Lake
𝐶,= 68 µg TP L-1
𝐶-= 31 µg TP L-1
s = 4.05 yr-1
r = 0.29 yr-1
This model predicts the step transition to a new steady-state
in Utah Lake will be mainly governed by the removal term (s)
and will be rapid
Transition to a new steady-state in Utah Lake
𝑇𝑃!= 𝑇𝑃"+ (𝑇𝑃#−𝑇𝑃")∗𝑒$$.&'
() &&.*+
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Bowen, DHM 1970. The great phosphorus controversy.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 4: 725-726.
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Bowen, DHM 1970. The great phosphorus controversy.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 4: 725-726.
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Bowen, DHM 1970. The great phosphorus controversy.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 4: 725-726.
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Utah Lake is a very effective sink for phosphorus
The 96th percentile for these data
n = 305
Key points
3. “Data from published studies highlight the fact that P [in] sediments and soils in and around Utah Lake are geologic in origin, not
anthropogenic, and represent a very large, essentially infinite reservoir for P.”
Key points
4. “the P content of Utah Lake sediments is high (with an average concentration of 666 mg/kg) . . . These P-rich sediments act as P
reservoirs and are able to support P equilibrium with the water column through sorption processes.”
Key points
4. “the P content of Utah Lake sediments is high (with an average concentration of 666 mg/kg) . . . These P-rich sediments act as P
reservoirs and are able to support P equilibrium with the water column through sorption processes.”
The earth’s crust has an average phosphorus concentration of 1,200 mg/kg.
Phosphorus in upper 5 cm of soil
Key points
“Our hypothesis is that the water column and sediments in Utah Lake behave as a sorption system that is in equilibrium with respect to
P. . . If this hypothesis is true, then water column concentrations should be relatively insensitive to changes in nutrient loads or lake
5. “We show, through several lines of evidence, that [Utah Lake] water column phosphorus concentrations are insensitive to external
6. If “lakes have sediments with high concentrations of P from geologic sources, water column concentrations could behave
independently from external loads.”
•“If most of the phosphorus removal/control projects being seriously considered by the Utah State
Division of Water Quality are actually undertaken, the large collateral damage will be the waste of
many hundreds of millions of dollars that becomes the burden of area citizens as, through taxation,
wastewater service fees and lost opportunity costs, the wasted project-cost indebtedness is paid off –
likely more than a thousand dollars per year per household and well more than a billion dollars over
the next 30 years or so. What a waste!”
Merritt, L.B. 2020. Open Letter to the Utah Lake Science Panel &
Lake Steering Committee. Memo dated 23 Jan., 2020.
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
•Provo Bay is a fascinating sub-basin of Utah Lake because it is mostly
(but not entirely) separated from the main lake and manifests very
different limnological conditions.
•Thus, we can conceptualize Provo Bay as a microcosm of the main
lake that allows us to ask “what-if” questions about how Utah Lake
might respond if it had different external loading, morphology, and
hydraulic and geologic conditions, etc.
•Provo Bay currently has much higher nutrient loading than the main
lake because it receives discharges from three of the larger WWTPs
in the Utah Lake catchment.
•Therefore, we can look at Provo Bay’s responses to the higher
nutrient loading rate as a test of the main lake’s supposed
insensitivity to external nutrient inputs.
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
•TP concentrations are 5.6 times higher in Provo Bay (384 µg L-1) than
the main lake (68 µg L-1)
•Annual average Chl-a concentrations are 5.1 times higher in Provo
Bay than the main lake (74 and 14 µg L-1, respectively)
•Peak July-September Chl-a concentrations are 5.6 times higher (190
and 35 µg L-1, respectively)
•However, the mean Secchi disc depths for Provo Bay and the main
lake are nearly identical (≈ 0.25 m)
•Additionally, the mean Chl-a to TP ratio is ≈ 0.5 for both Provo Bay
and the main lake
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
•TP concentrations are 5.6 times higher in Provo Bay (384 µg L-1) than
the main lake (68 µg L-1)
•annual average Chl-a concentrations are 5.1 times higher in Provo
Bay than the main lake (74 and 14 µg L-1, respectively)
•Peak July-September Chl-a concentrations are 5.6 times higher (190
and 35 µg L-1, respectively)
•However, the mean Secchi disc depths for Provo Bay and the main
lake are nearly identical (≈ 0.25 m)
•Additionally, the mean Chl-a to TP ratio is ≈ 0.5 for both Provo Bay
and the main lake
•Based on these comparisons, I conclude phytoplankton biomass in
Utah Lake is directly linearly related to phosphorus availability and
light limitation is not indicated for these conditions
Provo Bay versus the main basin of Utah Lake
Parameter Symbol Units Provo Bay Main Lake 50th percentile*
Wt'd input concentration TPIN µg L-1 517 343 73
outflow/inflow QOUT/QIN unitless 0.88 0.32 NA
First-order rate constant σTP yr-1 9.62 4.31 0.88
Hydrualic retention time θ yrs 0.05 1.09 0.58
Areal TP loading L mg m-2 yr-1 5651 633 980
Phosphorus Removal R unitless 0.34 0.94 0.45
Areal hydrualic loading qs m yr-1 10.9 1.8 13.8
Flushing rate ρ yr-1 20.9 0.91 1.7
Mean depth z m 0.52 2.0 6.4
But, why does Provo Bay have
such high TP concentrations?
The higher TP concentrations in Provo Bay are mainly due to the
very short hydraulic residence time for this sub-basin
Water moves through Provo Bay so rapidly that there isn’t
adequate time for substantial phosphorus removal to occur
This result is predicted by theory and commonly observed in other
lakes (see Brett & Benjamin 2008)
The results of the Provo Bay total phosphorus mass balance
compared to a similar mass balance for the whole lake. The
50th percentile results are from a summary of mass balance
results for 305 lakes published by Brett and Benjamin (2008).
Key points
1. “Through statistical analysis, we showed that volumes are variable but that dissolved phosphorus concentrations are relatively
Key points
1. “Through statistical analysis, we showed that volumes are variable but that dissolved phosphorus concentrations are relatively
Mean = 31 ± 11 µg L-1
Coefficient of Variation = 35%
Key points
Why did Taggart et al. (2024) only consider dissolved phosphorus?
Key points
Why did Taggart et al. (2024) only consider dissolved phosphorus?
It is well established that Total Nutrients are the key drivers of eutrophication.
In eutrophic lakes, the large majority of P is usually incorporated in phytoplankton biomass.
Quibbly points
“Hogsett et al. [9] demonstrated that benthic sediments release P into Utah Lake’s water column, suggesting that internal loading can
contribute up to 1500 t of TP/year.”
Quibbly points
“Hogsett et al. [9] demonstrated that benthic sediments release P into Utah Lake’s water column, suggesting that internal loading can
contribute up to 1500 t of TP/year.”
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒=1,500 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑠
800,000,000 𝑚% ≈2 𝑚𝑔 𝐿&'
Quibbly points
“Hogsett et al. [9] demonstrated that benthic sediments release P into Utah Lake’s water column, suggesting that internal loading can
contribute up to 1500 t of TP/year.”
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒=1,500 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑠
800,000,000 𝑚% ≈2 𝑚𝑔 𝐿&'
This internal loading rate estimate is only plausible for
very short intervals at small spatial scales
1.Utah Lake has a fantastic capacity to sequester phosphorus in its sediments,
probably due to extensive calcite formation
2. Currently, WWTPs account for about 66% of TP and 82% of TDP loading to
the Lake
3. Lake TP concentrations and phytoplankton biomass are directly dependent
on external nutrient inputs and light limitation is not indicated
4. Internal loading increases summer phosphorus concentrations by 60-65%
during the peak bloom period
5. Biological phosphorus removal in the WWTPs that discharge to Utah Lake
would likely reduce average TPLAKE concentrations by >50%
6. Mass balance calculations indicate Utah Lake would recover from reduced
external phosphorus loading very rapidly (< 1 year)