HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-004789NeTDMR Review for NPDES Permits
Julian Carroll, DWQ
Table of Contents
Intro to NeTDMR01 NeTDMR User
Types and Roles
02 Preparing for
Access to DMRs
04 DMR Data Entry05 DMR Errors &
No Discharge in
08Copy of Records07 Importing DMRs09
Not Covered This Presentation
►Making account in CDX
►Requesting access to NeT applications
Intro to NeTDMR
•Some stormwater permits require sampling of stormwater discharge.
•Construction Dewatering (UTG07) and Treated Groundwater (UTG79) Permits submit DMRs through NeTDMR
•DMRs are automatically generated in NeTDMR in intervals determined by the type of permit.•(Monthly for NeTRDHT)
5 DMR = Discharge Monitoring Report
User Types and Roles
•Permiee (signature)
•Permiee (no signature)
•Data Providers (Contractors and Labs)
•Internal Users (EPA & State Regulatory Authority)
7User Types in NeTDMR
•Signatory•MUST be Permiee (signature)
•Permit Administrator•Permiee (signature) OR •Permiee (no signature)
•Edit•ALL users•View•ALL users
8User Roles in NetDMR
9How Types and Roles are related
Preparing for NeTDMR
RO or DAR? (Signatories Only)
•Are you a Responsible Oicial (RO) or a Duly Authorized Representative (DAR)?
•Responsible Oicials are authorized to sign and submit DMRs themselves (in accordance with 40 CFR 122.22)
•Duly Authorized Representatives are authorized to sign and submit DMRs on behalf of a Responsible Oicial
•When Requesting Access as a Signatory, DARs will need to enter the Responsible Oicial Information to complete the NetDMR Subscriber Agreement
•Determine who will be your Responsible Oicial
•This person should request access to permit ID first
•Create account, finalize account, request access
•Verify that Regulatory Agency approved
•Identify others at your facility that would need the Edit, Permit Administrator, View or Signatory role(s)
•Other users will have to wait to request access after RO is approved
12First Steps
Requesting Access to a DMR (as a RO)
To get Request Access 14
Click on “Request Access” to type in the permit you want to have Signatory access to
Insert Permit ID and Role 15
Type in Permit ID
Click “Update”
Next, click on
drop-down list
Click “Signatory”
Click “Add Request”
Submit Request 16
Make sure you typed in the correct
Permit ID and Role
If correct, click Submit
Select Radio Buon for Responsible Oicial 17
Click on employer's relationship to facility
Click on first radio button if you are the RO
Paper or Electronic Signature 18
Click either sign electronically or sign via paper
○Paper process will take much longer to resolve
19Paper Signature
•Upon clicking “Sign via Paper” you will receive a message stating you will have to go to My Account to print paper SA
20Paper Signature
•To print SA, click on printer icon
21Paper Signature
•A pop-up window with your SA will appear
•Click on print
Where to mail Subscriber Agreement
•Once signed, mail Subscriber Agreement (SA) to your Regulatory Authority (RA)
•You can find your RA’s mailing information on the boom of SA form
Utah Division of Water Quality
ATTN: Baylie Nusink
PO Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT
Electronic Signature 23
•Upon clicking on “Sign Electronically”, a pop-up box will appear confirming you have chosen to sign your Subscriber Agreement electronically
•As an RO, your request will be sent directly to your RA via email
•Click on Sign Electronically to sign SA
Electronical Signature 24
Complete the following steps for authorization:
▪Enter password to start authenticate eSignature process.
▪Answer security question
▪Click on “Sign”
Requesting Access to a DMR (as a DAR)
To get Request Access 26
Click on “Request Access” to type in the permit you want to have Signatory
access to
Insert Permit ID and Role 27
Type in Permit ID
Click “Update”
Next, click on
drop-down list
Click “Signatory”
Click “Add
Submit Request 28
Make sure you typed in the correct
Permit ID and Role
If correct, click Submit
Enter Responsible Oicial Information 29
Click on employer's relationship to facility
Click on second radio button only if you are the DAR
Make sure to type in your RO's email address correctly
Paper or Electronic Signature 30
Click either sign electronically or sign via paper
Paper or Electronic Signature 31
•Remember, this determination (to sign via paper or electronically) is made in consultation with your RO.
•If RO requires paper, DAR must choose Sign via Paper.
•If RO requires electronic, DAR must choose Sign Electronically.
Paper Process - Where to Mail SA
•As a Duly Authorized Representative, both you and your Responsible Oicial must sign your request before it is sent to the Regulatory Authority.
•You can find your RA’s mailing information on the boom of SA form.
•Your status will be Pending until your request is approved by the Regulatory Authority.
Utah Division of Water Quality
ATTN: Baylie Nusink
PO Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT
Electronic Process - Subscriber Agreement
•For DAR to submit the Subscriber Agreement electronically, the Responsible Oicial (RO) must have a CDX account and access to the NetDMR Program Service.
•If RO chooses to submit Paper Subscriber Agreement, DAR must also sign paper. Paper and Electronic process cannot be mixed.
•Electronic submission of Subscriber Agreement is much faster than paper. It can take only a few minutes to complete
Electronic Process - RO Must Approve Request
•RO will sign into NeTDMR•Navigate to “Access Requests”•Either Approve or Deny request•(This is also where Permit Admins will manage access requests)
Initial Request
Request Approved
Requesting Access to a DMR(For Data Providers or Non-Signatories)
Request Access 38
Enter Permit ID (Click Update)39
Select Role 40
Submit and Confirm Request 41
•Wait for your Permit Administrator to approve you
•Repeat process for additional Roles
•Such as View + Edit
•Some Roles come included with other roles
•Permit Admin comes with View and Edit
DMR Data Entry
•If you have been granted access to a permit ID, you will automatically open to search window when launching NeTDMR
•Can search for DMRs or CORs (Copy of Record) pertaining to that permit
44Searching for DMRs to Fill
•Enter a Monitoring Period End Date Range (MPED) to narrow your results to the DMR for which you are entering data.
•Click Search
45Searching for DMRs to Fill
•Upon clicking on search, you will see the DMRs available for the monitoring period you selected.
•DMRs with the status Ready for Data Entry are available to enter data.
•Select Edit DMR from the drop-down menu for the DMR you are editing and click Go.
46Searching for DMRs to Fill
47Enter Data
•If you are a non-signatory user, click either "Save & Continue" or "Save & Exit" after adding data.
•If the DMR is complete, your signatory will now be able to log onto NetDMR and review the information before submiing.
•If you are a Signatory, you can submit the DMR by clicking “Sign & Submit”.
48Finalize DMR
•Check the boxes to include your DMR in the submission and if you would like to add a copy of the submission to the email notification.
•Type in Password and click “Submit” buon. The page will reload, you will then enter a security question, click “Submit” again.
49Submit DMR
Submiing DMRs Prepared by Others
Search for DMRs Ready to Submit 51
❖NOTE: Blank DMRs cannot be signed
DMR Errors
DMR Errors
•Indicated on DMR with pink hue and exclamation mark
•Errors listed below DMR
DMR Errors (Hard, Soft)54
•Hard Error – Must be resolved before signing DMR
•Example: Missing Data
•Soft Error – Must be ‘Acknowledged’ (or resolved) before signing DMR
•Example: Exceedances
DMR Status
DMR Status
There are 4 DMR status values:
●Ready for Data Entry: Permiee can enter DMR data if the status of the DMR is "Ready for Data Entry".
●NetDMR Validated: The DMR was saved successfully, but has not been signed nor submied.
●Signed & Submied: Signatory Signed & Submied the DMR with a status of "NetDMR Validated".
●Completed: The DMR was processed successfully and the status changed from Signed & Submied to Completed.
Signing Status
There are 4 signing status values:
•SIGNED_SUCCESSFULLY – Signing process completed
•SIGNING_FAILED – Signing process failed
•PROCESSING – In the process of being signed at CDX
•PENDING – In the queue to be sent to CDX for signing
Signing Status
Sign Status
CORs (Copy of Records)
•Search for DMRs
•Download Copy of Record (COR)
Sample of COR 62
NODI (No Discharge)
NODI Data Submission
•Even if you have no discharge, you will still need to submit DMR stating there is no discharge with a No Data Indicator (NODI). Otherwise your permit ID will be in non-compliance and subject to enforcement.
•Noncompliance is viewable to the regulatory authority and the public via ECHO.
NODI Codes 65
Claiming NODI 66
Can either claim NODI in the DMR itself, or in the “Update NODI”
buon below. (You must still submit the DMR manually)
Update NODI 67
Importing DMRs
DMRs can be uploaded into NeTDMR instead of being filled out manually
•The import DMR file must be in a comma delimited or comma separated value format. The file extension must be .TXT, .CSV, or .zip.
•The file name cannot contain any spaces, and the file size cannot be larger than 20 megabytes.
69Import Requirements
•The date must be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD.
•The Permied Feature ID must be 3 or 4 characters long.
•The Parameter ID must be 5 characters.
70Data Formaing Requirements
•The templates that should be used to import DMRs can be found at the link below
•You can also find a Key, Common Errors, and a list of Units of Measurement Codes
•Remember that the templates download as Excel files and will need to be saved in comma delimited or comma separated value (.csv) format when ready for import after the file is completed.
71Import Templates
To begin performing the import:
•Click Perform Import under the Import DMRs heading in your NetDMR account
•Click Choose File
•Select the desired .CSV or .TXT file
•Click open.
•Add a description to your import file
•Click Submit Import File
When the file is imported, you will receive a confirmation message on the screen that your import request has been assigned a transaction ID and it is queued for processing. The status will be "Pending."
You will receive an email when your import has been completed.
72Importing DMRs
# 1
UPDES Permits Webpage:
Find Help Files:
NeT Resources
# 3
Email us:
# 2
EPA NeT Training Materials:
NeTDMR Frequently Asked
Has links to many help files
created by the EPA for navigating
and seing up NeTDMR Account.
Account Setup
Switch User Type
Password changes
Locked out of account
eSign Failure
Account deactivation
Utah DWQ
Permit Questions
Plan Documents
User Roles
DMR data or form questions
Permission Requests
(801) 536-4300
Who to Call to Get Help?
Julian Carroll
DWQ Info & Data Services
(801) 536-4300