NO. UTP000059FACILITY INFORMATIONFacility Contact: Isai CariasFacility AddressTitle:Maintenance Manager350 South 300 WestOffice: 435-436-8211Moroni, Utah 84646Cell: 435-851-3406Signatory
Authority: Mike VanceMailing AddressTitle:VP of Turkey OperationsPO Box 308and Sales Utah DivisionMoroni, UT 84646Office: 435-436-8211Cell: 714-353-5474Email:Mike.Vance@Pitmanfarms.com
Pitman Family Farms, Inc. (Pitman) is a poultry processing plant.The facility processes live animals into ready-to-cook whole birds, parts, roasts and ground meat. The average production
rate has been about 90 million pounds annually for the last five years.
The facility hastwo shifts workingdaily. On average, it processes about 16,000 turkeys, with a maximum daily capacity of 32,300. The operation is continuous throughout the year without
seasonal or scheduled closures other than holidays.
Pitman has been classified as a Significant Industrial User due to the flow and load discharged to the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). Limitations will be based onensuring compliance
with the general and specific prohibitions.
Outfall 001 is located south of the northeast corner of the lagoon system, at latitude: 39° 31’ 7.74” N, longitude: 111° 35’ 39.7” W. The average flow from the discharge point is 0.55
million gallons per day (MGD). The maximum daily flow rate is 1.1 MGD, with a peak hourly flow rate of 0.7 MGD. The discharge from the outfall is generally continuous.
The influent wastewater is from cutting, bagging, cleaning and rendering, which occur at the facility. The wastewater is treated utilizing a dissolved air flotation system (DAF) and
a single-cell lagoon. Before entering the DAF, there is an equalization basin.
Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R317-8-8.5 contains general and specific prohibitions thatall non-domestic dischargers into a POTW must achieve. Pollutants introduced into a POTW by a
non-domestic source shall not Pass Through the POTW or Interfere with the operation or performance of the POTW.
A reasonable potential analysis was not completed for this facility because it does not discharge directly into a water of the State.Instead, the facility discharges to a POTW and is
regulated by Pretreatment Standards and Requirements.
The daily minimum pH limit is based on the prohibited standard per R317-8-8.5(3)(b). The daily maximum pH limit is based on not allowing waste that would otherwise be classified as hazardous
waste to bedischarged to the POTW, 40 CFR 261.22. The limit is slightly more stringent than stated in 40 CFR 261.22(a)(1), which is a pH of 12.5 SU.This is to protect the POTW and POTW
personnel from corrosive wastewater.
Oil and grease limits are based on protecting the POTW from Interference orPass Through. The limit protects the wastewater treatment plant from being impacted by oil and grease build-up.
This is due to the potential for the grease from the facility to impact the equipment at the wastewater treatment system and potentially cause Interferencewith the wastewater treatment
process by causing blockages. If the wastewater treatment system is impacted by grease, it could also Pass Through the process. The permittee has installed a DAF, which is known to treat
grease adequately. Also, grease issues were not seen in the lagoon during inspections. This indicates the facility has installed adequate treatment to ensure grease does not impact the
POTW. This equipment must continue to be operated and maintained to ensure grease issues do not cause problems at the POTW.
The effluent limitations listed in the Effluent Limitations Table will apply to the discharge from the facility as end-of-pipe standards.
Effluent Limitations Table
Maximum Monthly Avg
Daily Minimum
Daily Maximum
pH, SU
Polar - Oil and Grease, mg/L
NA – Not Applicable
MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTSThe permittee must notify the Utah Division of Water Quality Director and the POTW of any permit violations, including spills or changes at the facility.
If a sample result violates a permit requirement, it must be reported within 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation. Also, a resample of the violated permit requirement must occur,
with the results being submitted to DWQ within 30 days of becoming aware of the violation. Also, notification of bypasses of any treatment units utilized to treat the process wastewater
from the processing plant must be reported to DWQ and the POTW. If notification must occur to the city, it must be provided to the public works directorandthe city manager or mayor.
If the POTW does not have a public works director at the time of notification, the notification must be made to the city manager or mayor and the direct responsible charge (DRC) for
the wastewater treatment plant or collection system.
Monitoring requirements, measurement frequencies and sample types were adapted from guidance documents for pretreatment permitting. The wastewater discharge shall be sampled as specified
in the Self-Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Table.
Due to violations or increased concentrations at the POTW, increases to the following parameters were determined necessary: ammonia, BOD5 and TSS. If issues continue at the POTW, local
limits may be developed to ensure loading from the permittee does not impact the POTW.
Samples should be collected utilizing time-proportioned composite samples for the parameters listed in the permit. Timed proportioned samples will be allowed so long as aliquots are
taken every 15 minutes.
Samples for pH and oil and grease must be collected using a grab sample.Self-Monitoring and Reporting Requirements TableParameterFrequencySample TypeUnitsTotal FlowContinuousRecordergpd
Polar Oil and Grease
Total Ammonia (as N)
Total Copper
Total Phosphorous
mg/LAll monitoring results and observations shall be summarized on a monthly discharge monitoring report (DMR) form. DMRs must be submitted no later than the 28th day of the month following
the end of the reporting period. DMRs must either be submitted with monitoring data included or indicate that“no discharge” occurred for the monitoring month. DMRs shall be submitted
via netDMR.
Any wastewater that Pitman discharges to the sanitary sewer, either as an Indirect Discharge or as a hauled waste, is subject to Federal, state of Utah and local pretreatment regulations.
Pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act, the permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal General Pretreatment Regulations promulgated in 40 CFR §403, the state of Utah
Pretreatment Requirements found in UAC R317-8-8, and any specific local discharge limitations developed by the POTW accepting the waste.
Pitman has been evaluated for a slug control plan. Raw materials are stored in an area without floor drains. Waste and sludge are stored in drums before being disposed of or further
processed. Liquid wastes are stored with secondary containment. If a spill were to occur in the processing area, the discharge would first enter the DAF and then the lagoon. Based on
this information, it has been determined that a slug control plan is unnecessary.
The facility will be reevaluated as part of the inspections every two years. If conditions change and a slug control plan is needed, the permit will be modified to require the development
of a slug control plan. The facility must immediately notify the Division of Water Quality and the POTW of potential spills or slug changes that could impact the POTW. STORM WATERPermit
coverage under the MSGP for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities is required based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the facility (SIC Code 2015).
If the facility is not already covered, it has 30 days from when this permit is issued to either submit the appropriate Notice of Intent (NOI) for the MSGP or to submit the applicable
exemption documentation. The following link provides additional information regarding the UPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit.https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/general-multi-sector-industrial-storm-water-permit-updes-permits.
Permit coverage under the Construction General Storm Water Permit (CGP) is required for any construction at the facility which disturb an acre or more, or is part of a common plan of
development or sale that is an acre or greater. A Notice of Intent (NOI) is required to obtain a construction storm water permit prior to the period of construction. Information on storm
water permit requirements can be found at http://stormwater.utah.gov.PERMIT DURATIONIt is recommended that this permit be effective for four (4) years. This will allow for an extension
of a year if needed when the permit is renewed. This is beneficial as the requirements of 40 CFR 403 do not allow a pretreatment permit to be issued for more than five (5) years. The
permit requires Pitman to reapply 90 days before the permit expires. PUBLIC NOTICE INFORMATION[The information in italics will be updated once the public comment period is completed.
Information will be consistent with the information stated or include updated information based on the public comment period. This information will be deleted following the public comment
period.]A public comment period occurred from June XX, 2024, until July XX, 2024. The notice was posted on the Division of Water Quality Webpage and the Utah Public Notice Website. Information
will be stated regarding comments received during the public comment period. Also, information will be included regarding the issuance or modification of the final version of the permit.PERMIT
DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Permit drafted by Jennifer RobinsonPermit DWQ-2024-Fact Sheet/Statement of Basis DWQ-2024-Draft Permit DWQ-2024-001665Draft Fact Sheet/Statement of Basis DWQ-2024-001664Permit
Application Information DWQ-2024-000830Public Notice Document DWQ-2024-004600DWQ-2020-23186