HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-003822 StateofUtah SPENCERJ.COX Governor DEIDREHENDERSON LieutenantGovernor DepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality KimberlyD. Shelley ExecutiveDirector DIVISIONOFWATERQUALITY John Mackey Director May **,2024 Divisionof WaterQuality UtahDepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality Public Notice of Permit UTU-37-AP-1D61E74 Underground Injection Control Class V Well PermitAquiferSpent Brine Recover Well,CategoryUIC Well5C-1 PurposeofPublicNotice The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is soliciting comments on the request to permitUndergroundInjectionControl(UIC)ClassVDraftpermitUTU-37-AP-1D61E74. Thepermitisissued by the Director of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) under authority of the Utah Water Quality Act,Section 19-5-106(g) Utah Code Ann. 1953, as amended and Utah Administrative Code R317-7.UnderSection R317-7-13 the Director of DWQ will investigate and provide written response to all citizencomplaintsduly submitted.Inaddition,theDirectorshallnotopposeinterventioninanyciviloradministrative proceeding by any citizen where permissive intervention may be authorized by statute orrule. The Director will publish notice of and provide at least thirty (30) days of public comment on anyproposed settlement of any enforcement action. Utah Administrative Code R317-7-13 can be viewed atthefollowinginternetURL: https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/code/r317/r317-007.htm#E14 PermitInformationPermitteeName:A1 Lithium LLCFacilityLocation:Grand CountyMailingAddress:1635 Village Center Cir #150Las Vegas, Nevada 89144 A1 Lithium is conducting lithium and associated brine resource mining operations near Moab, Utah. Brines will be extracted from the paradox formation, specifically Clastic Zone 31 using extraction wells. Brines will be processed using a lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide production plant utilizing direct extraction. The spent brine that is depleted of lithium will be pumped into the injection wells under pressure into the Paradox formation between clastic zone 23 and 29, or about 6,040 to 6,445 feet below ground surface. 195 North1950 West •SaltLakeCity,UT Mailing Address:PO Box 144870 • Salt Lake City, UT84114-4870Telephone(801)536-4300•Fax(801)536-4301•TDD(801)536-4284 www.deq.utah.gov Printedon100%recycledpaper Page2 A1 Lithium Minerals LLC, PublicNotice PublicComments Public comments are invited any time prior to *****.Comments may be directed tothe Divisionof WaterQuality,POBox144870,SaltLake City,UT84114-4870or viaemailtowqcomments@utah.gov.Allcommentsreceivedpriortocloseofbusiness****,willbeconsideredintheformulationoffinaldecisiontorenewandmodifythepermit.Apublichearingmaybe held if written requests are received within the first 15 days of this public comment period thatdemonstratesignificantpublicinterestand substantiveissuesexist towarrant holdingahearing. AdditionalInformation Additional information may be obtained upon request by contacting Porter Henze at (385) 566-7799 or pkhenze@utah.gov or by writing to the aforementioned address. The Draft Permit and related documents are available for review on the DWQ web page at http://www.waterquality.utah.gov/PublicNotices/index.htm. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact the Utah State Accessibility website at https://www.utah.gov/accessibility.html.