HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-003529DATEUTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYDIVISION OF WATER QUALITYPUBLIC NOTICE OF EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT OFFER,DETROIT DIESEL REMANUFACTURING LLC, PERMITT NO. UTR267305PURPOSE OF PUBLIC NOTICEThis notice is to declare that the State of Utah has proposed anExpedited Settlement Offer to Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC. This Public Notice is issued pursuant to Utah Administrative Code R305-7-402 and R317-8-1.9, to provide opportunity for public comment on the proposed settlement of an enforcement action. The proposed settlement is for the purpose of resolving alleged violations of Utah Code Annotated 19-5 (Water Quality Act), and is a resolution of enforcement proceedings brought against Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing LLC. PUBLIC COMMENTSPublic comments are invited any time prior to close of businessDATE. Comments may be directed to the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality, 195 North 1950 West, P.O. Box 144870, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870. FURTHER INFORMATION The settlement agreement is available for public review under “Public Notices” at www.waterquality.utah.gov/PublicNotices and/or https://www.utah.gov/pmn/index.html. If internet access is not available, a copy may be obtained by calling Eric Castrejon at (385) 341-3503. Written public comments can be submitted to: Eric Castrejon, P.O. Box 144870, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870 or by email at: ecastrejon@utah.gov.The deadline to receive comments is close of businessDATE. After considering public comment the Director of the Division of Water Quality may execute the Expedited Settlement Offer, revise it, or abandon it. DWQ-XXXX-XX EQ_Docs/DWQ/Compliance and Enforcement/XXXX