MinorMunicipalPermitNo. UT0025976
IncompliancewithprovisionsoftheUtah WaterQualityAct,Title19,Chapter5,UtahCode(the "Act"),
isherebyauthorizedtodischarge from
to receiving waters named UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO CHALK CREEK,to dispose biosolids,
inaccordance withspecificlimitations,outfalls,andotherconditionssetforthherein.
ThispermitshallbecomeeffectiveonMonthXX,20XXThispermitexpiresatmidnightonMonthXX, 20XX.
SignedthisXXthdayof Month, 20XX.
John K. Mackey, P.E.Director
TableofContentsOutlinePageNumberDISCHARGELIMITATIONSANDREPORTINGREQUIREMENTS5DescriptionofDischarge Points5NarrativeStandard5SpecificLimitationsand Self-MonitoringRequirements5ReportingofMonitoringResults7PRETREATMENTREQUIREMENTS9Definitions9Pretreatment
Monitoringand ReportingRequirements10Industrial Wastes10General and Specific Prohibitions11Significant IndustrialUsersDischargingtothe POTW12ChangeofConditions12Legal Action12LocalLimits12BIOSOLIDSREQUIREMENTS13BiosolidsTreatmentand
Disposal13SpecificLimitationsand MonitoringRequirements13Management PracticesofBiosolids16Special Conditions onBiosolids Storage19RepresentativeSampling19ReportingofMonitoringResults19Additional
RecordKeepingRequirements Specificto Biosolids19STORMWATERREQUIREMENTS21MONITORING,RECORDING &GENERALREPORTINGREQUIREMENTS22RepresentativeSampling22MonitoringProcedures22PenaltiesforTampering22Compliance
Schedules22AdditionalMonitoringbythe Permittee22RecordsContents22RetentionofRecords22Twenty-four HourNotice ofNoncomplianceReporting22Other Noncompliance Reporting23Inspection andEntry24COMPLIANCERESPONSIBILITIES25Dutyto
Comply25PenaltiesforViolationsofPermitConditions25NeedtoHaltorReduceActivitynota Defense25Dutyto Mitigate25Proper OperationandMaintenance25RemovedSubstances25BypassofTreatmentFacilities25Upset
Conditions27GENERALREQUIREMENTS28Planned Changes28AnticipatedNoncompliance28Permit Actions28Dutyto Reapply28Dutyto Provide Information28Other Information28SignatoryRequirements28PenaltiesforFalsification
ofReports30AvailabilityofReports30Oiland Hazardous Substance Liability30PropertyRights30Severability30Transfers30StateorFederalLaws30WaterQuality-ReopenerProvision31Biosolids– ReopenerProvision31ToxicityLimitation-ReopenerProvision31DEFINITIONS32Wastewater32Biosolids33DISCHARGELIMITATIONSANDREPORTINGREQUIREMENTSDescription
of Discharge Points.The authorization to discharge wastewater provided underthis part is limited to those outfalls specifically designated below as discharge locations.Discharges at
any location not authorized under a UPDES permit are violations of the Act andmay be subject to penalties under the Act.Knowingly discharging from an unauthorizedlocation or failing
to report an unauthorized discharge may be subject to criminal penalties asprovidedunderthe Act.OutfallNumberLocationof DischargeOutfall001Located at latitude4055'13" and longitude11124'09".The
15” PVC pipe discharges to anunnamed tributary of Chalk Creek, immediatelyabove its junction with the Weber River andEchoReservoir.Narrative Standard.It shall be unlawful, and a violation
of this permit, for the permittee todischarge or place any waste or other substance in such a way as will be or may becomeoffensive such as unnatural deposits, floating debris, oil,
scum, or other nuisances such ascolor, odor or taste, or cause conditions which produce undesirable aquatic life or whichproduce objectionable tastes in edible aquatic organisms; or
result in concentrations orcombinations of substances which produce undesirable physiological responses in desirableresident fish, or other desirable aquatic life, or undesirable human
health effects, asdeterminedbyabioassayor othertestsperformedinaccordance withstandardprocedures.SpecificLimitationsandSelf-MonitoringRequirements.Effective immediately, and lasting
through the life of this permit, there shall be no acuteor chronic toxicityin Outfall001 asdefined in PartVIII.
2.Effective immediately and lasting the duration of this permit, the permittee isauthorized to discharge from Outfall 001.Such discharges shall be limited andmonitoredbythe permitteeas
specified below:
BOD5, mg/LBOD5Min.%
TSS, mg/LTSSMin.%
Total Ammonia(as N), mg/LSummer (Jul-Sep)
Fall (Oct-Dec)Winter(Jan-Mar)
E. coli,No./100mL
Total Nitrogen,lbs
Oil & Grease,mg/L
pH, StandardUnits
Self-Monitoringand ReportingRequirements*a
Total Flow*b, *c
BOD5, Influent *dEffluent
2 X Month
2 X Month
TSS, Influent *dEffluent
2 X Month
2 X Month
2 XMonth
2 XMonth
2 XMonth
2 XMonth
2 XMonth
Oil &Grease*e
Orthophosphate (as P),Effluent
Total Phosphorus (as P),Influent
Total Kjeldahl NitrogenTKN(as N),
Metals, Influent *fEffluent
mg/Lmg/L*aSeeDefinitions,Part VIII,for definitionofterms.*bFlowmeasurementsofinfluent/effluentvolumeshallbemadeinsuchamannerthatthepermitteecanaffirmativelydemonstratethat representativevaluesarebeingobtained.*cIftherateofdischargeiscontrolled,therateanddurationof
dischargeshall bereported.*dInadditiontomonitoringthefinal discharge,influentsamplesshall betakenandanalyzedforthisconstituent atthesamefrequencyasrequiredfor thisconstituentinthedischarge.*eOil&Greasesampledwhensheenispresentorvisible.Ifnosheenispresentorvisible,reportNA.
*fMetalstobeanalyzedincludearsenic,cadmium,chromium,copper,cyanide,lead,mercury,nickel,selenium,silver,andzinc.Theminimumdetectionlimit(MDL)ofthetestmethodusedforanalysismust be below
the values stated in the waste load analysis for the metals listed, if a test method isnot available the Permittee must submit documentation to the Director regarding the method thatwillbe
*g Final effluent limitations will become effective in accordance with the compliance schedule asfound in Part I.C.3.a. of the permit. The final limit of 8.0 mg/L will become effective
January 1,2026.Theinterimlimitwillbe 5.5 mg/L.ComplianceScheduleDissolvedOxygen
PermitIssuance–December 31,2025
8.0mg/LReportingofMonitoringResults.Reporting of Wastewater Monitoring Results Monitoring results obtained during thepreviousmonthshall besummarizedfor eachmonthandreportedonaDischarge
Monitoring Report Form (EPA No. 3320-1)*or by NetDMR, post-marked or entered intoNetDMR no later than the 28th day of the month following the completed reportingperiod.The first report
is due on Month 28, 20--.If no discharge occurs during thereporting period, “no discharge” shall be reported.Legible copies of these, and all otherreports required herein, shall be signed
and certified in accordance with the requirementsof Signatory Requirements (see Part VII.G), and submitted by NetDMR, or to theDivisionofWaterQualityatthe followingaddress:
Department of Environmental QualityDivisionofWaterQuality
*StartingJanuary1,2017monitoringresultsmustbesubmittedusingNetDMRunlessthe permitteehassuccessfullypetitionedforanexception.PRETREATMENTREQUIREMENTSDefinitions.Forthissectionthefollowingdefinitionsshall
apply:Indirect Discharge means the introduction of pollutants into a publicly-owned treatmentworks (POTW) from any non-domestic source regulated under section 307 (b), (c) or (d)of the
CWA.Interferencemeansadischargewhich,aloneorinconjunctionwithadischargeordischargesfromothersources, both:Inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations, or its
sludgeprocesses,use ordisposal;andTherefore is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit(includinganincreaseinthemagnitudeordurationofaviolation)orofthepreventionofsewagesludgeuseordisposalincompliancewiththefollowingstatutoryprovisionsandregulationsorpermitsissuedthereunder(ormorestringentStateorlocalregulations):
Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act(SWDA) (including title II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservationand Recovery Act (RCRA), and including
State regulations contained in any StatesludgemanagementplanpreparedpursuanttosubtitleDoftheSWDA),theCleanAirAct, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Marine Protection, Research
andSanctuariesAct.Local Limit is defined as a limit designed to prevent Pass Through or Interference. And isdevelopedin accordance with 40 CFR403.5(c).Pass Through means a Discharge
which exits the POTW into waters of the State inquantities or concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or dischargesfrom other sources, is a cause of a violation
of any requirement of the POTW's NPDESpermit (includingan increase inthemagnitude ordurationofaviolation).PubliclyOwnedTreatmentWorksor POTWmeansatreatmentworksasdefinedbysection212
of the CWA, which is owned by a State or municipality (as defined by section 502(4)of the CWA). This definition includes any devices and systems used in the storage,treatment, recycling
and reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquidnature.Italsoincludessewers,pipesandotherconveyancesonlyiftheyconveywastewaterto a POTW Treatment Plant. The term
also means the municipality as defined in section502(4)of theCWA,whichhas jurisdictionover theIndirectDischarges to andthedischargesfromsuch atreatmentworks.Significant Industrial User
(SIU) is defined as an Industrial User discharging to a POTWthat satisfiesanyofthe following:Hasaprocesswastewaterflowof25,000gallonsor moreper averageworkday;Has a flow greater than
five percent of the flow carried by the municipal systemreceivingthewaste;IssubjecttoCategoricalPretreatment Standards,orHasareasonablepotentialforadverselyaffectingthePOTW'soperationorforviolatinganypretreatmentstandardorrequirement.UserorIndustrialUser(IU)meansasourceofIndirectDischargePretreatmentMonitoringandReportingRequirements.The
design capacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facility is less than 5 MGD;therefore the permittee will not be required to develop an Approved POTW PretreatmentProgram.However,inordertodetermineifdevelopmentofanApprovedPOTWPretreatmentProgram
is warranted,thepermittee shallconductan industrialwastesurvey,as describedinPartII.C.1.Monitoring will not be required of the permittee for the pretreatment requirements at thistime.
If changes occur monitoring may be required for parameters not currently listed inthepermitorcurrentmonitoringrequirementsmayberequiredtobeincreasedtodeterminethe impact of an Industrial
User or to investigate sources of pollutant loading. This couldinclude but is not limited to sampling of the influent and effluent of the wastewatertreatment plantand withinthe collectionsystem.For
Local Limit parameters it is recommended that the most sensitive method be used foranalysis. This will determine if the parameter is present and provide removal efficienciesbased on
actual data rather than literature values. If a parameter load is greater than theallowableheadworksload,foranypollutantlistedinPartI.,orapollutantofconcernlistedin the Local Limit development
document or determined by the Director, the permitteemust report this information to the Pretreatment Coordinator for the Division of WaterQuality. If the loading exceeds the allowable
headworks load, increase sampling mustoccurbasedontherequirementsgivenbythePretreatmentCoordinatorfortheDivisionofWaterQuality.Ifneededsamplingmayneedtooccurtofindthesource(s)oftheincrease.Thismayincludesamplingofthecollectionsystem.Notificationregardingtheexceedancesoftheallowable
headworksloadingcanbe providedvia email.IndustrialWastes.The"Industrial WasteSurvey"or “IWS”asrequiredbyPart II.B.1.consistsof;IdentifyingeachIndustrialUser(IU)anddeterminingif theIUisaSignificantIndustrial
IUs are properly permitted or controlled at all times.Updates must be submitted to theDirector sixty(60)days followingachange tothe IWS.NotifyallSignificantIndustrialUsersoftheirobligationtocomplywithapplicablerequirements
under Subtitles C and D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA).The permittee must notify the Director of any new introductions by new or existing SIUsoranysubstantialchangeinpollutantsfromanymajorindustrialsource.Suchnoticemust
containtheinformationdescribedin1.above,andbeforwardednolaterthansixty(60)daysfollowingthe introductionorchange.General and Specific Prohibitions. The permittee must ensure that no IU
violates any of thegeneral or specific standards.If an IU is found violating a general or specific standard thepermittee must notify the Director within 24 hours of the event. The general
prohibitions andthespecificprohibitionsapplytoeachUserintroducingpollutantsintoaPOTWwhetherornotthe User is subject to other Pretreatment Standards or any national, State or local PretreatmentRequirements.General
prohibition Standards. A User may not introduce into a POTW any pollutant(s)whichcausePassThrough orInterference.Specific Prohibited Standards. Developed pursuant to Section 307 of The
Water QualityAct of 1987 require that under no circumstances shall the permittee allow introduction ofthefollowingpollutantsintothe waste treatment systemfromanyUser(40 CFR403.5):Pollutants
which create a fire or explosion hazard in the publicly owned treatmentworks(POTW),including,butnotlimitedto,waste-streamswithaclosedcupflashpointofless than 140˚F(60˚C);Pollutants,whichwillcausecorrosivestructuraldamagetothePOTW,butinnocase,dischargeswitha
pHlowerthan 5.0;Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction to the flow in thePOTWresultingin Interference;Any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants
(BOD, etc.) released in adischargeat such volumeor strengthastocause Interferenceinthe POTW;Heat in amounts, which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW, resulting inInterference,
but in no case, heat in such quantities that the influent to the sewagetreatment works exceeds 104˚F(40˚C);Petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin
inamountsthatwillcauseInterference orPassThrough;Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapor, or fumes within thePOTWin aquantitythatmaycause workerhealthorsafetyproblems;or,Anytruckedorhauledpollutants,exceptatdischargepointsdesignatedbythePOTW.AnypollutantthatcausesPassThroughor
Interferenceatthe POTW.Any prohibited standard which the permittee has adopted in an ordinance or rule tocontrolIUdischarge tothePOTW.Inadditiontothegeneralandspecificlimitationsexpressedabove,morespecificpretreatmentlimitationshavebeenandwillbepromulgatedforspecificindustrialcategories
under Section 307 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 as amended (WQA).(See40CFR, Subchapter N, Parts 400through 500,forspecificinformation).Significant Industrial Users Discharging to
the POTW. The permittee shall provide adequatenoticetothe Director andthe DivisionofWater QualityPretreatmentCoordinatorof;Any new introduction of pollutants into the treatment works
from an indirect discharger(i.e.,IndustrialUser)whichwouldbesubjecttoSections301or306oftheWQAifitweredirectlydischargingthose pollutants;Any substantial change in the volume or character
of pollutants being introduced into thetreatment works by a source introducing pollutants into the treatment works at the time ofissuanceofthe permit;andForthepurposesof thissection,adequatenoticeshall
includeinformationon:Thequalityandquantityofeffluenttobeintroducedinto suchtreatment works;and,Anyanticipatedimpactofthechangeonthequantityorqualityofeffluenttobedischargedfromsuch publiclyowned
treatmentworks.Any IU that must comply with applicable requirements under Subtitles C and D of theResourceConservationandRecoveryAct(RCRA).Change of Conditions.At such time as a specific
pretreatment limitation becomes applicabletoanIndustrial User of thepermittee,theDirector may,asappropriate,dothefollowing:Amend the permittee's UPDES discharge permit to specify the
additional pollutant(s) andcorresponding effluent limitation(s) consistent with the applicable national pretreatmentlimitation;Require the permittee to specify, by ordinance, contract,
or other enforceable means, thetype of pollutant(s) and the maximum amount which may be discharged to the permittee'sfacility for treatment.Such requirement shall be imposed in a manner
consistent with thePOTWprogramdevelopmentrequirementsoftheGeneralPretreatmentRegulationsat40CFR403;Require the permittee to monitor its discharge for any pollutant, which may likely
bedischargedfromthepermittee'sfacility,shouldtheIndustrialUserfailtoproperlypretreatits waste;and/orRequirethepermitteetodevelopanApprovedPOTWPretreatmentProgram.Legal Action. The Director
retains, at all times, the right to take legal action against theIndustrialUserand/orthetreatmentworks,inthosecaseswhereapermitviolationhasoccurredbecause of the failure of an Industrial
User to discharge at an acceptable level. If the permitteehasfailedtoproperlydelineatemaximumacceptableindustrialcontributorlevels,theDirectorwilllookprimarilytothepermittee astheresponsibleparty.Local
Limits. If Local Limits are developed per R317-8-8.5(4)(b) to protect the POTW fromPass Through or Interference, then the POTW must submit limits to DWQ for review andpublicnotice,asrequiredbyR317-8-8.5(4)(c).LocalLimitsshouldbedevelopedinaccordancewiththelatest
revisionoftheEPALocal LimitsDevelopment GuidanceandperR317-8-8.5.BIOSOLIDSREQUIREMENTSBiosolids Treatment and Disposal. The authorization to dispose of biosolids provided underthispermitislimitedtothosebiosolidsproducedfromthetreatmentworksownedandoperatedbythe
permittee.Thetreatmentmethodsand disposalpracticesaredesignatedbelow.TreatmentLandfill - The wastewater solids are stabilized treated in a Modified Luzack-Ettinger(MLE) process.The wastewater
solids from the process will be de-watered with ascrewpress, and hauledtoa landfillfor disposal.DescriptionofBiosolidsDisposalMethodClassAbiosolidsmay besoldorgivenawaytothepublicforlawnandgardenuseorlandapplication.ClassBbiosolidsmaybelandappliedforagricultureuseoratreclamationsitesatagronomicrates.Biosolidsmaybedisposedofinalandfillortransferredtoanotherfacilityfortreatmentand/or
disposal.ChangesinTreatmentSystemsandDisposalPractices.Should the permittee change their disposal methods or the biosolids generation andhandlingprocessesoftheplant,thepermitteemust
notifytheDirectoratleast 30daysin advance if the process/method is specified in 40 CFR Part 503.This includes, butis not limited to, the permanent addition or removal of any biosolids
treatment units(i.e.,digesters, dryingbeds,belt presses, etc.) and/oranyother change.Should the permittee change their disposal methods or the biosolids generation andhandlingprocessesoftheplant,thepermitteemustnotifytheDirectoratleast180daysin
advance if the process/method is not specified in 40 CFR Part 503.This includes,butisnotlimitedto,thepermanentadditionorremovalofanybiosolidstreatmentunits(i.e.,digesters, dryingbeds,belt
presses, etc.) and/oranyother change.
Foranybiosolidsthatarelandfilled,therequirementsinSection2.12ofthelatestversionoftheEPARegion VIII BiosolidsManagementHandbookmust be followedSpecific Limitations and Monitoring Requirements.
All biosolids generated by this facility tobesoldorgivenawaytothepublicshallmeettherequirementsofPartIII.B.1,2,3and4listedbelow.Metals Limitations.All biosolids sold or given away in
a bag or similar container forapplication to lawns and home gardens must meet the metals limitations as describedbelow.Ifthesemetalslimitations arenot met, thebiosolidsmustbelandfilled.
Pollutant Limits,(40 CFRPart503.13(b))DryMassBasis
Ceiling Conc.Limits1,(mg/kg)
Pollutant Conc.Limits3(mg/kg)
Pollutant Limits,(40 CFRPart503.13(b))DryMassBasis
Ceiling Conc.Limits1,(mg/kg)
Pollutant Conc.Limits3(mg/kg)
Total Lead
Total Molybdenum
Total Zinc
1, If the concentration of any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 1 limit, thebiosolidscannotbelandapplied orbeneficiallyused inanyway.
2, CPLR-CumulativePollutantLoadingRate-Themaximumloadingforany1 (one)ofthe
parameters listed that may be applied to land when biosolids are land applied or beneficiallyusedonagricultural,forestry, ora reclamationsite.
3, If the concentration of any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 3 limit, thebiosolids cannot be land applied or beneficially used in on a lawn, home garden, or other highpotential
public contact site. If any 1 (one) of these parameters exceeds the Table 3 limit, thebiosolids may be land applied or beneficially reused on an agricultural, forestry, reclamationsite,orother
high potentialpubliccontactsite,as longasitmeetstherequirementsofTable
1, Table 2, andTable 4.
4, APLR - Annual Pollutant Loading Rate - The maximum annual loading for any 1 (one) ofthe parameters listed that may be applied to land when biosolids are land applied orbeneficiallyreusedonagricultural,forestry,or
areclamationsite,whentheydonot meet
Table3, butdo meetTable1.Pathogen Limitations. All biosolids sold or given away in a bag or a similar container forapplication to lawns and home gardens must meet the pathogen limitations
for Class A.LandappliedbiosolidsmustmeetthepathogenlimitationsforClassBasdescribedbelow.If the pathogenlimitationsare notmet, thebiosolids mustbelandfilled.Class A biosolids shall meet
one of the pathogen measurement requirements in thefollowingPathogenControlClasstableorshallmeettherequirementsforaProcesstoFurtherReducePathogensasdefinedin40CFRPart503.32(a)SewageSludge–ClassA.AtthistimeCWWTFdoesnotintendtodistributebiosolidstothepublicforuseonthelawnandgardenandthusisnotrequiredmeetClassABiosolidsrequirementscurrently.Class
B biosolids shall meet the pathogen measurement requirements in the followingPathogenControlClasstableorshallmeettherequirementsforaProcesstoSignificantlyReducePathogensasdefinedin40CFRPart503.32(b)SewageSludge
– ClassB.At this time CWWTF does not intend to distribute bulk biosolids for landapplicationandthusisnotrequiredmeetClassBBiosolidsrequirementscurrently.Inaddition,thepermitteeshallcomplywithallapplicablesiterestrictionslistedbelow
(40CFR503.32,(b),(5)):Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and aretotallyabovethelandsurfaceshallnotbeharvestedfor14monthsafterapplication.Foodcropswithharvestedpartsbelowthelandsurfaceshallnotbeharvestedfor20
months after application if the biosolids remains on the land surface for fourmonthsormore priortoincorporationinto the soil.Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the
land shall not beharvested for 38 months after application of sewage sludge when the sewagesludgeremainsonthelandsurfaceforlessthanfourmonthspriortoincorporationinto the soil.Food crops,
feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested from the land for30days afterapplication.Animalsshallnotbeallowed tograze onthelandfor 30 daysafterapplication.Turfgrownonlandwherebiosolidsisappliedshallnotbeharvestedforoneyearafterapplicationiftheharvestedturfisplacedoneitherlandwithahighpotentialfor
public exposure oralawn.Publicaccesstolandwithahighpotentialforpublicexposureshallberestrictedfor one yearafterapplication.Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure
shall be restrictedfor 30 days afterapplication.The sludge or the application of the sludge shall not cause or contribute to theharmofathreatenedorendangeredspeciesorresultinthedestructionoradversemodificationofcriticalhabitatofathreatenedorendangeredspeciesafterapplication.
PathogenControl Class
503.32 (a)(1)-(5),(7),(8),Class A
503.32 (b)(1)-(5), ClassB
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPN1per four (4) grams total solids (DWB)2 or FecalColiforms – lessthan1,000MPNpergram
total solids(DWB).
Fecal Coliforms – less than 2,000,000 MPN orCFU3pergramtotalsolids(DWB).
B Salmonella species –less than three (3) MPNper four (4) grams total solids (DWB) or lessthan 1,000 MPN Fecal Coliforms per gram totalsolids(DWB),
And - Enteric viruses –less than one (1) plaqueforming unit per four (4) grams total solids(DWB)
And - Viable helminth ova –less than one (1)per four(4)grams total solids(DWB)
2 -DWB– DryWeightBasis
3 -CFU –ColonyFormingUnitsVectorAttractionReductionRequirements.The permitee will meet vector attraction reduction through use of one of the methodslistedin40CFRPart503.33.Facilityismeetingtherequirementsthoughthefollowingmethods.CWWTF
dewaters the biosolids then transfers them to a landfill for disposalwhere CWWTF will need to ensure that the solids are covered daily with soil oranother approved material. If the solids
are not covered daily, the solids cannotbe disposed inthe landfill.
If the permittee intends to use another one of the alternatives, the Director and the EPAmustbeinformedatleastthirty(30)dayspriortoitsuse.Thischangemaybemadewithoutadditionalpubliccomment.Self-MonitoringRequirements.Ataminimum,upontheeffectivedateofthispermit,allchemicalpollutants,pathogens
and applicable vector attraction reduction requirements shall be monitoredaccordingto40 CFRPart503.16(1)(a).
MinimumFrequencyofMonitoring(40 CFRPart 503.16, 503.26. and503.46)
Per Year orBatch
> 0to<320
> 0to<290
>320 to < 1650
>290 to < 1,500
CWWTFhasproducedanddisposedofanaverageofdisposedof27DMT/yearofbiosolids,thereforetheyshouldsampleatleastonceayear.However,CWWTFtransfersthebiosolidsto the Three Mile Canyon Landfill,
and as long as they continue to do this, they are onlyrequired tosample whenrequested bythelandfillaccordingto40 CFR258forthe landfill.Samplecollection,preservationandanalysisshallbeperformedinamannerconsistentwith
the requirements of 40 CRF 503 and/or other criteria specific to this permit.Ametals analysis is to be performed using Method SW 846 with Method 3050 used fordigestion.For the digestion
procedure, an amount of biosolids equivalent to a dryweight of one gram shall be used. The methods are also described in the latest versionof the Region VIIIBiosolidsManagementHandbook.The
Director may request additional monitoring for specific pollutants derived frombiosolidsifthe datashowsa potentialforconcern.Aftertwo(2)yearsofmonitoringatthefrequencyspecified,thepermitteemayrequestthat
the Director reduce the sampling frequency for the heavy metals.The frequencycannot be reduced to less than once per year for biosolids that are sold or given awayto the public for any
parameter.The frequency also cannot be reduced for any of thepathogenorvector attraction reductionrequirements listedinthis permit.ManagementPracticesofBiosolids.BiosolidsDistributionInformationForbiosolidsthataresoldorgivenaway,aninformationsheetshallbeprovidedtothepersonwhoreceivesthebiosolids.Thelabel
orinformation sheetshallcontain:The name and address of the person who prepared the biosolids for a sale or tobegiven away.A statement that prohibits the application of the biosolids
to the land except inaccordancewiththeinstructionsonthelabel orinformation sheet.BiosolidsApplicationSiteStorageForbiosolidsor material derivedfrombiosolidsthatarestoredinpilesforoneyear
orlonger,measuresshallbetakentoensurethaterosion(whetherbywindorwater)doesnot occur. However, best management practices should also be used for piles used forbiosolids treatment.If a
treatment pile is considered to have caused a problem, bestmanagement practicescouldbeaddedas arequirement inthenextpermit renewalLandApplicationPracticesThepermitteeshalloperateandmaintainthelandapplicationsiteoperationsinaccordancewiththefollowingrequirements:The
permittee shall provide to the Director and the EPA within 90 days of theeffectivedate ofthis permita land applicationplan.Applicationofbiosolidsshallbeconductedinamannerthatwillnotcontaminatethe
groundwater or impair the use classification for that water underlying thesites.Application of biosolids shall be conducted in a manner that will not cause aviolation of any receiving
water quality standard from discharges of surfacerunoff from the land application sites.Biosolids shall not be applied to land 10metersorless fromwatersoftheUnited States(asdefined in40CFR122.2).No
person shall apply biosolids for beneficial use to frozen, ice-covered, orsnow-coveredlandwheretheslopeofsuchlandisgreaterthanthreepercentandis less than or equal to six percent unless
one of the following requirements ismet:thereis80percentvegetativegroundcover; or,approval has been obtained based upon a plan demonstrating adequaterunoff containmentmeasures.Application
of biosolids is prohibited to frozen, ice-covered, or snow-coveredsiteswheretheslope ofthesiteexceeds six percent.AgronomicRateApplicationofbiosolidsshallbeconductedinamannerthatdoesnotexceedthe
agronomic rate for available nitrogen of the crops grown on the site. Ata minimum, the permittee is required to follow the methods for calculatingagronomicrateoutlinedinthelatestversionoftheRegionVIIIBiosolids
Management Handbook (other methods may be approved by the Director).The treatment plant shall provide written notification to the applier of thebiosolids of the concentration of total
nitrogen (as N on a dry weight basis)in the biosolids. Written permission from the Director is required to exceedtheagronomic rate.ThepermitteemayrequestthelimitsofPartIII.C.6.bemodifiedifdifferentlimits
would be justified based on local conditions.The limits are requiredto be developed in cooperation with the local agricultural extension officeor university.Deepsoilmonitoringfornitrate-nitrogenisrequiredforalllandapplicationsites(doesnotapplytositeswherebiosolidsareappliedlessthanonceeveryfive
years). A minimum of six samples for each 320 (or less) acre area is tobecollected.Thesesamplesaretobecollecteddowntoeithera5-footdepth,or the confining layer, whichever is shallower
(sample at 1 foot, 2 foot, 3foot, 4 foot and 5 foot intervals).Each of these one-foot interval samplesshall be analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen. In addition to the one-foot intervalsamples,
a composite sample of the 5-foot intervals shall be taken, andanalyzedfornitrate-nitrogenaswell.Samplesarerequiredtobetakenonceevery five years for non-irrigated sites that receive more
than 18 inches ofprecipitationannuallyorforirrigated sitesBiosolids shall not be applied to any site area with standing surface water. If theannualhighgroundwaterlevelisknownorsuspectedtobewithinfivefeetofthesurface,
additional deep soil monitoring for nitrate-nitrogen as described in PartIII.C.(6)(c). is to be performed.At a minimum, this additional monitoring willinvolve a collection of more samples
in the affected area and possibly morefrequentsampling.TheexactnumberofsamplestobecollectedwillbeoutlinedinadeepsoilmonitoringplantobesubmittedtotheDirectorandtheEPAwithin90 days of
the effective date of this permit.The plan is subject to approval bytheDirector.The specified cover crop shall be planted during the next available plantingseason.If this does not occur,
the permittee shall notify the Director in writing.Additional restrictions may be placed on the application of the biosolids on thatsite on a case-by-case basis to control nitrate movement.Deep
soil monitoringmaybe increased underthediscretion ofthe Director.Whenweatherandorsoilconditionspreventadherencetothebiosolidsapplicationprocedure,biosolids shallnot beappliedon thesite.Forbiosolidsthataresoldorgivenaway,aninformationsheetshallbeprovidedto
the person who receives the biosolids.The label or information sheet shallcontain:The name and address of the person who prepared the biosolids for sale orgiveawayforapplication to theland.Astatementthatprohibitstheapplicationofthebiosolidstothelandexceptinaccordancewiththeinstructionson
thelabel orinformationsheet.The annual whole biosolids application rate for the biosolids that do notcause the metals loading rates in Tables 1, 2, and 3 (Part III.B.1.) to beexceeded.Biosolids
subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in Table 2 (PartIII.B.1.) shall not be applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, orareclamationsiteifanyofthecumulativepollutantloadingratesinTable2havebeenreached.Ifthetreatmentplantappliesthebiosolids,itshallprovidetheownerorleaseholder
of the land on which the biosolids are applied notice and necessaryinformationto complywith therequirements inthis permit.The permittee shall inspect the application of the biosolids
to active sites toprevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges, whichmay cause or lead to the release of biosolids to the environment or a threat tohuman health.The
permittee must conduct these inspections often enough toidentify problems in time to correct them before they harm human health or theenvironment.The permittee shall keep an inspection
log or summary includingat least the date and time of inspection, the printed name and the handwrittensignature of the inspector, a notation of observations made and the date andnatureofanyrepairs
or corrective action.SpecialConditionsonBiosolidsStorage.Permanentstorageofbiosolidsisprohibited.Biosolids shall not be temporarily stored for more than two (2) years.Written permission
tostore biosolids for more than two years must be obtained from the Director.Storage ofbiosolids for more than two years will be allowed only if it is determined that significanttreatment
is occurring.Representative Sampling. Biosolids samples used to measure compliance with Part III of thisPermit shall be collected at locations representative of the quality of biosolids
generated at thetreatment works and immediatelypriortolandapplication.ReportingofMonitoringResults.Biosolids.ThepermitteeshallprovidetheresultsofallmonitoringperformedinaccordancewithPartIII.B,andinformationonmanagementpractices,biosolidstreatment,siterestrictionsandcertificationsshallbeprovidednolaterthanFebruary19ofeachyear.Eachreportisforthepreviouscalendaryear.Ifnobiosolidsweresoldorgivenawayduringthe
reporting period, "no biosolids were sold or given away" shall be reported. Legiblecopies of these, and all other reports required herein, shall be signed and certified inaccordance
with the Signatory Requirements (see Part VII.G), and submitted to the UtahDivision of Water Quality and the EPA by the NeT-Biosolids system through the EPACentral Data Exchange (CDX)System.AdditionalRecordKeepingRequirementsSpecifictoBiosolids.UnlessotherwiserequiredbytheDirector,thepermitteeisnotrequiredtokeeprecordson
compost products if the permittee prepared them from biosolids that meet the limits inTable 3 (Part III.B.1), the Class A pathogen requirements in Part III.B.2 and the vectorattraction
reduction requirements in Part III.B.3.The Director may notify the permitteethat additional record keeping is required if it is determined to be significant to protectingpublichealth
and the environment.Thepermitteeisrequiredtokeepthefollowinginformationfor atleast 5years:Concentrationofeachheavymetal inTable3(Part III.B.1).Adescriptionof howthepathogenreductionrequirementsinPart
III.B.2weremet.A description of how the vector attraction reduction requirements in Part III.B.3 weremet.AdescriptionofhowthemanagementpracticesinPartIII.Cweremet(if necessary).Thefollowingcertificationstatement:
"I certify under the penalty of law, that the heavy metals requirements in Part III.B.1,the pathogen requirements in Part III.B.2, the vector attraction requirements in PartIII.B.3,
the management practices in Part III.C.This determination has been madeunder my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to assurethatqualifiedpersonnelproperlygatherandevaluatetheinformationusedtodeterminethat
the pathogen requirements, the vector attraction reduction requirements and themanagement practices have been met.I am aware that there are significant penaltiesforfalsecertificationincludingthe
possibilityofimprisonment."The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibrationand maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings
for continuous monitoringinstrumentation,copiesofallreportsrequiredbythispermitandrecordsofalldatausedtocomplete the application for this permit for the life of the permit.Data collected
on site,copies of Biosolids Report forms, and a copy of this UPDES biosolids-only permit mustbemaintainedon siteduringtheduration ofactivityatthe permittedlocation.STORMWATERREQUIREMENTS.Industrial
Storm Water Permit. Due to the facility having a design flow of less than 1 MGD,the permittee is not required to maintain separate coverage or an appropriate exclusion underthe Multi-Sector
General Permit (MSGP) for Storm Water Discharges Associated withIndustrial Activities(UTR000000).Construction Storm Water Permit. Any construction at the facility that disturbs an acre
ormore of land, including less than an acre if it is part of a common plan of development orsale, is required to obtain coverage under the UPDES Construction General Storm WaterPermit
(UTRC00000). Permit coverage must be obtained prior to land disturbance. If the sitequalifies, a Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW) Certification may be submitted instead of permitcoverage.MONITORING,RECORDING&GENERALREPORTINGREQUIREMENTSRepresentative
Sampling.Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirementsestablished under Part I shall be collected from the effluent stream prior to discharge into thereceiving waters.Samples
and measurements shall be representative of the volume andnature of the monitored discharge.Samples of biosolids shall be collected at a locationrepresentativeof thequalityof biosolidsimmediatelyprior
totheuse-disposal practice.Monitoring Procedures.Monitoringmustbeconductedaccording totestproceduresapproved under Utah Administrative Code ("UAC'') R317-2-10, UAC R317-8-4.1(10)(d),and/or
40 CFR 503 utilizing sufficiently sensitive test methods unless other test procedureshave been specified in this permit. Monitoring must be conducted according to the testprocedures
listed above unless another method is required under 40 CFR subchapters N or O.Sufficiently sensitive test method means: (1) The method minimum level (ML) is at or belowthe level of
the effluent limit established in the permit for the measured pollutant or pollutantparameter; or (2) The method has the lowest ML of the analytical methods approved under 40CFR part
136 or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or O for the measuredpollutant orpollutant parameter as per40CFR122.44(i)(1)(iv)(A).Penalties for Tampering.The Act provides that
any person who falsifies, tampers with, orknowingly renders inaccurate, any monitoring device or method required to be maintainedunder this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished
by a fine of not more than $10,000 perviolation,orbyimprisonmentfornotmore thansix monthsperviolation, orbyboth.Compliance Schedules. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or
any progressreports on, interim and final requirements contained in any Compliance Schedule of thispermit shallbesubmitted nolaterthan 14days followingeach scheduledate.Additional Monitoring
by the Permittee.If the permittee monitors any parameter morefrequently than required by this permit, using test procedures approved under Permit PartV.B., the results of this monitoring
shall be included in the calculation and reporting of thedatasubmitted in the DMRorthe Biosolids Report Form.RecordsContents.Recordsof monitoringinformationshallinclude:Thedate,exact
place,andtimeofsamplingor measurements:Theindividual(s)whoperformedthesamplingor measurements;Thedate(s)andtime(s)analyseswereperformed;Theindividual(s) whoperformedtheanalyses;Theanalyticaltechniquesor
methods used;and,Theresultsofsuchanalyses.Retention of Records.The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information,including all calibration and maintenance records and
all original strip chart recordings forcontinuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this permit, andrecords of all data used to complete the application for
this permit, for a period of at least fiveyears from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application.This period may beextended by request of the Director at any time. A copy
of this UPDES permit must bemaintainedonsite duringtheduration ofactivityatthepermittedlocationTwenty-fourHourNoticeofNoncomplianceReporting.The permittee shall (orally) report any noncompliance
including transportation accidents,spills, and uncontrolled runoff from biosolids transfer or land application sites which mayseriously endanger health or environment, as soon as possible,
but no later than twenty-four (24) hours from the time the permittee first became aware of circumstances.Thereport shall be made to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) via the 24-hour
answeringservice(801)536-4123.The following occurrences of noncompliance shall initially be reported by telephone totheDWQviathe24-houransweringserviceassoon aspossible butnolaterthan24
hoursfromthe time the permitteebecomes aware ofthecircumstances:Anynoncompliance whichmayendangerhealthortheenvironment;Anyunanticipatedbypass,which exceeds anyeffluentlimitationinthepermit(See
PartVI.G,BypassofTreatmentFacilities.);Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit (SeePart VI.H, UpsetConditions.);Violation of a daily discharge limitation for any
of the pollutants listed in the permit.Forotherpermitviolationswhichwillnotendangerhealthortheenvironment,DWQmayotherwisebenotified duringbusinesshours (801)536-4300;or,Violation of
any of the Table 3 metals limits, the pathogen limits, the vectorattractionreductionlimitsorthemanagementpracticesforbiosolidsthathavebeensoldorgiven away.A written submission shall
also be provided within five days of the time that thepermitteebecomesawareofthecircumstances.Thewrittensubmissionshallcontain:Adescription ofthenoncompliance and itscause;Theperiodof
noncompliance,includingexact datesandtimes;The estimated time noncompliance is expected to continue if it has not beencorrected;Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent
reoccurrence of thenoncompliance;and,Steps taken, if any, to mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment and humanhealthduringthe noncompliance period.The Director may waive the
written report on a case-by-case basis if the oral report hasbeenreceived within24 hours bytheDivisionofWaterQuality,(801)536-4300.ReportsshallbesubmittedtotheaddressesinPartI.D,ReportingofMonitoringResults.Other
Noncompliance Reporting.Instances of noncompliance not required to be reportedwithin 24 hours shall be reported at the time that monitoring reports for Part I.D aresubmitted.Thereports
shallcontainthe informationlistedin Part V.H.3Inspection and EntryThe permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative,uponthe presentationofcredentialsand otherdocuments
as maybe requiredbylaw, to:Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located orconducted,orwhererecordsmustbe kept undertheconditionsofthepermit;Have
access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under theconditionsofthispermit;Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and
controlequipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit, including butnot limited to, biosolids treatment, collection, storage facilities or area, transport
vehiclesandcontainers, and land applicationsites;Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purpose of assuring permit compliance oras otherwise authorized by the Act, any substances
or parameters at any location,including, but not limited to, digested biosolids before dewatering, dewatered biosolids,biosolids transfer or staging areas, any ground or surface waters
at the land applicationsitesorbiosolids,soils, or vegetation ontheland applicationsites;and,The permittee shall make the necessary arrangements with the landowner or leaseholderto obtain
permission or clearance, the Director, or authorized representative, upon thepresentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, will bepermittedtoenter withoutdelayfor
thepurposesofperformingtheir responsibilities.COMPLIANCERESPONSIBILITIESDutytoComply.Thepermitteemust complywithall conditionsofthispermit.Anypermitnoncompliance constitutes a violation
of the Act and is grounds for enforcement action; forpermit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or for denial of a permitrenewal application.The permittee shall
give advance notice to the Director of any plannedchanges in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance with permitrequirements.Penalties for Violations of
Permit Conditions.The Act provides that any person who violatesa permit condition implementing provisions of the Act is subject to a civil penalty not toexceed $10,000 per day of such
violation. Except as provided at Part VI.G, Bypass ofTreatment Facilities and Part VI.H, Upset Conditions, nothing in this permit shall beconstruedtorelievethe permitteeof thecivilor
criminal penaltiesfornoncompliance.Need to Halt or Reduce Activity not a Defense.It shall not be a defense for a permittee in anenforcement action that it would have been necessary to
halt or reduce the permitted activityin orderto maintaincompliance withtheconditionsofthis permit.Duty to Mitigate.The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent
anydischarge in violation of this permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affectinghuman health or the environment.The permittee shall also take all reasonable steps tominimizeorpreventanyland
applicationin violationofthispermit.Proper Operation and Maintenance.The permittee shall at all times properly operate andmaintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control
(and related appurtenances) whichare installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of thispermit.Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate
laboratory controls andquality assurance procedures.This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliaryfacilities or similar systems, which are installed by a permittee only
when the operation isnecessaryto achieve compliancewith the conditions ofthe permit.RemovedSubstances.Collectedscreening,grit,solids,sludge,orother pollutantsremovedinthe course of treatment
shall be disposed of in such a manner so as to prevent any pollutantfrom entering any waters of the state or creating a health hazard.Sludge/digester supernatantand filter backwash shall
not directly enter either the final effluent or waters of the state byanyotherdirect route.BypassofTreatment Facilities.Bypass Not Exceeding Limitations.The permittee may allow any bypass
to occur whichdoes not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essentialmaintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to paragraph
2and3 ofthissection.ProhibitionofBypass.Bypass is prohibited, and the Director may take enforcement action against apermitteeforbypass, unless:Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss
of human life, personal injury, orseverepropertydamage;There were no feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliarytreatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes,
or maintenance during normalperiods of equipment downtime.This condition is not satisfied if adequatebackup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonableengineering
judgement to prevent a bypass which occurred during normalperiodsofequipment downtime orpreventivemaintenance,andThepermitteesubmittednoticesas requiredunder PartVI.G.3.The Director
may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects,iftheDirectordeterminesthatitwill meetthethreeconditions listedinParts
VI.G.2.a(1),(2)and(3).Notice.Anticipated bypass.Except as provided above in Part VI.G.2 and below in PartVI.G.3.b, if the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall
submitprior notice, at least ninety days before the date of bypass.The prior notice shallincludethefollowingunless otherwise waived bytheDirector:Evaluation of alternative to bypass,
including cost-benefit analysis containinganassessmentofanticipatedresource damages:A specific bypass plan describing the work to be performed includingscheduled dates and times.The
permittee must notify the Director in advanceofanychangestothe bypass schedule;Description of specific measures to be taken to minimize environmental andpublic healthimpacts;A notification
plan sufficient to alert all downstream users, the public andothersreasonablyexpectedto beimpactedbythebypass;A water quality assessment plan to include sufficient monitoring of thereceiving
water before, during and following the bypass to enable evaluation ofpublichealthrisks and environmentalimpacts; and,Anyadditional informationrequestedbytheDirector.Emergency Bypass.Where
ninety days advance notice is not possible, the permitteemust notify the Director, and the Director of the Department of Natural Resources, assoon as it becomes aware of the need to
bypass and provide to the Director theinformationin PartVI.G.3.a.(1)through(6)totheextentpracticable.Unanticipated bypass.The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypassto
the Director as required under Part IV.H, Twenty-Four Hour Reporting.Thepermitteeshall alsoimmediatelynotifytheDirector oftheDepartment of Natural
Resources, the public and downstream users and shall implement measures tominimizeimpactstopublichealth andenvironment totheextentpracticable.UpsetConditions.Effect of an upset.An upset
constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought fornoncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements ofparagraph 2 of this section are met.Director's
administrative determination regarding aclaim of upset cannot be judiciously challenged by the permittee until such time as anactionisinitiated fornoncompliance.Conditions necessary
for a demonstration of upset.A permittee who wishes to establishthe affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed,contemporaneousoperatinglogs, orother relevantevidencethat:Anupset
occurredandthatthepermitteecanidentifythecause(s) oftheupset;Thepermittedfacilitywas atthetimebeingproperlyoperated;The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required under Part
V.H, Twenty-fourHourNotice ofNoncomplianceReporting;and,The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under Part VI.D, Dutyto Mitigate.Burden of proof.In any enforcement
proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish theoccurrenceofanupsethas the burden ofproof.GENERALREQUIREMENTSPlanned Changes.The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon
as possible of anyplanned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility.Notice is required onlywhen:The alteration or addition to a permitted facility may meet one of the
criteria fordeterminingwhetherafacilityisa newsource in 122.29(b); orThe alteration or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity ofpollutants discharged.This
notification applies to pollutants which are subject neither toeffluent limitations in the permit nor to notification requirements under Subsection R317-8-4.1(15).The alteration or addition
results in a significant change in the permittee's sludge use ordisposal practices, and such alteration, addition, or change may justify the application ofpermit conditions that are
different from or absent in the existing permit, includingnotification of additional use or disposal sites not reported during the permit applicationprocess or not reported pursuant
to an approved land application plan. The permittee shallgive notice to the Director of any planned changes at least 30 days prior to theirimplementation.Anticipated Noncompliance.The
permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of anyplanned changes in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance withpermit requirements.Permit Actions.This
permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause.The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance,or termination, or
a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does notstayanypermitcondition.Duty to Reapply.If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit
afterthe expiration date of this permit, the permittee shall apply for and obtain a new permit.Theapplicationshall besubmittedatleast180 daysbeforethe expirationdateofthis permit.Duty
to Provide Information.The permittee shall furnish to the Director, within a reasonabletime, any information which the Director may request to determine whether cause exists formodifying,
revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliancewith this permit.The permittee shall also furnish to the Director, upon request, copies ofrecordsrequired
to be keptbythis permit.Other Information.When the permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevantfacts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a
permit application or anyreportto theDirector, it shallpromptlysubmitsuchfacts or information.Signatory Requirements.All applications, reports or information submitted to the Directorshall
besignedand certified.All permit applications shall be signed by either a principal executive officer or rankingelectedofficial.Aperson isa dulyauthorized representativeonlyif:The authorization
is made in writing by a person described above and submitted totheDirector, and,The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility forthe overall operation
of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager,superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or positionhaving overall responsibility for
environmental matters.A duly authorizedrepresentative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying anamed position.For a corporation.By a responsible corporate officer.
For the purpose of thissection,a responsiblecorporate officermeans:A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation inchargeofaprincipal businessfunction,or anyotherpersonwhoperfomssimilarpolicy-ordecision-makingfunctionsforthecorporation,
orthe manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operatingfacilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make managementdecisions which govern the operation of the regulated
facility includinghaving the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investmentrecommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensivemeasures to assure long term
environmental compliance withenvironmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that thenecessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete andaccurate information
for permit application requirements; and whereauthority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the managerinaccordance with corporate procedures.For a partnership or sole
proprietorship.By a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; orForamunicipality,State,Federal,orother publicagency.Byeitheraprincipalexecutive officer or ranking elected official.
For purposes of this section, aprincipalexecutive officerofa Federalagencyincludes:Thechiefexecutive officerof the agency,ora senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall
operationsof a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., Regional AdministratorsofEPA).All reports required by the permit and other information requested by the Director shallbe
signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of thatperson.Changes to authorization.If an authorization under paragraph VII.G.2 is no longeraccurate because
a different individual or position has responsibility for the overalloperationofthefacility,anewauthorizationsatisfyingtherequirementsof paragraph
VII.G.2. must be submitted to the Director prior to or together with any reports,information,orapplicationsto besigned byanauthorized representative.Certification.Any person signing
a document under this section shall make the followingcertification:
"Icertifyunderpenaltyoflawthatthis documentandallattachmentswerepreparedunder my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure thatqualified personnel properly
gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on myinquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directlyresponsible for gathering the information, the
information submitted is, to the best of myknowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significantpenalties for submitting false information, including
the possibility of fine andimprisonment forknowingviolations."Penalties for Falsification of Reports.The Act provides that any person who knowinglymakes any false statement, representation,
or certification in any record or other documentsubmitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports orreports of compliance or noncompliance shall,
upon conviction be punished by a fine of notmore than $10,000.00 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than six months perviolation, orbyboth.Availability of Reports.Except
for data determined to be confidential under UAC R317-8-3.2, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be available forpublic inspection at the office of
Director.As required by the Act, permit applications,permitsand effluentdatashallnotbe considered confidential.Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability.Nothing in this permit shall be construed
to precludethe permittee of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities,orpenaltiestowhich the permitteeisormaybe subjectundertheAct.Property Rights.The
issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights of any sort,or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or anyinvasionofpersonal rights,nor
anyinfringement of federal,stateor locallawsorregulations.Severability.The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provisions of this permit,or the application of any provision
of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, theapplication of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit, shallnotbeaffectedthereby.Transfers.Thispermit
maybeautomaticallytransferredtoanewpermitteeif:The current permittee notifies the Director at least 20 days in advance of the proposedtransfer date;The notice includes a written agreement
between the existing and new permittee’scontaining a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liabilitybetweenthem;and,The Director does not notify the existing
permittee and the proposed new permittee of hisorherintent tomodify,orrevokeandreissue the permit.Ifthis noticeis not received,the transfer is effective on the date specified in the
agreement mentioned in paragraph 2above.State or Federal Laws.Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution ofanylegalactionorrelievethe permitteefromanyresponsibilities,
established pursuant to any applicable state law or regulation under authority preserved bySections 19-5-117 and 510 of the Act or any applicable Federal or State transportationregulations,such
as butnotlimitedtotheDepartmentofTransportationregulations.Water Quality - Reopener Provision.This permit may be reopened and modified (followingproper administrative procedures) to
include the appropriate effluent limitations andcomplianceschedule,if necessary, if one or more ofthe followingevents occurs:Water Quality Standards for the receiving water(s) to which
the permittee discharges aremodified in such a manner as to require different effluent limits than contained in thispermit.A final wasteload allocation is developed and approved by the
State and/or EPA forincorporationinthis permit.Revisions to the current CWA § 208 areawide treatment management plans orpromulgations/revisions to TMDLs (40 CFR 130.7) approved by the
EPA and adopted byDWQwhichcallsfordifferent effluentlimitationsthancontained inthis permit.Biosolids – Reopener Provision.This permit may be reopened and modified (followingproper administrative
procedures) to include the appropriate biosolids limitations (andcompliance schedule, if necessary), management practices, other appropriate requirements toprotect public health and
the environment, or if there have been substantial changes (or suchchanges are planned) in biosolids use or disposal practices; applicable management practicesor numerical limitations
for pollutants in biosolids have been promulgated which are morestringent than the requirements in this permit; and/or it has been determined that thepermittees biosolids use or land
application practices do not comply with existing applicablestateoffederalregulations.ToxicityLimitation-ReopenerProvision.
This permit may be reopened and modified (following proper administrative procedures)to include WET testing, a WET limitation, a compliance schedule, a compliance date,additional or
modified numerical limitations, or any other conditions related to thecontroloftoxicantsiftoxicityis detectedduringthelife ofthis permit.DEFINITIONSWastewater.The “7-day (and weekly)
average”, other than for E. coli bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria,and total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic average of all samples collected during aconsecutive 7-day period or
calendar week, whichever is applicable.Geometric meansshall be calculated for E. coli bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria, and total coliform bacteria.The 7-day and weekly averages are
applicable only to those effluent characteristics forwhich there are 7-day average effluent limitations.The calendar week, which begins onSunday andendsonSaturday,shallbeusedforpurposesofreportingself-monitoringdata
on discharge monitoring report forms.Weekly averages shall be calculated for allcalendar weeks with Saturdays in the month.If a calendar week overlaps two months(i.e., the Sunday is
in one month and the Saturday in the following month), the weeklyaverage calculated for that calendar week shall be included in the data for the month thatcontainsSaturday.The "30-day
(and monthly) average," other than for E. coli bacteria, fecal coliformbacteria and total coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic average of all samples collectedduring a consecutive 30-day
period or calendar month, whichever is applicable.Geometric means shall be calculated for E. coli bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria and totalcoliform bacteria.The calendar month shall
be used for purposes of reporting self-monitoringdata ondischargemonitoringreportforms."Average annual discharge limit" means maximum allowable average of monthlydischarges over a calendar
year, calculated as the sum of all monthly dischargesmeasured during a calendar year divided by the number of monthly discharges measuredduringthe year.The timeframeis definedasfromJanuary1stto
December31st.“Act,”meanstheUtah WaterQuality Act.“Acute toxicity” occurs when 50 percent or more mortality is observed for either testspeciesatanyeffluentconcentration(lethal concentration
or “LC50”).“Bypass,”meansthediversionof wastestreamsfromanyportionofatreatment facility.“Chronic toxicity” occurs when the IC25< XX% effluent.The XX% effluent is theconcentration of
the effluent in the receiving water, at the end of the mixing zoneexpressedaspercenteffluent."IC25" is the concentration of toxicant (given in % effluent) that would cause a 25%reduction
in mean young per female, or a 25% reduction in overall growth for the testpopulation.“Composite Samples” shall be flow proportioned.The composite sample shall, as aminimum, contain
at least four (4) samples collected over the compositing period.Unless otherwise specified, the time between the collection of the first sample and thelast sample shall not be less than
six (6) hours nor more than 24 hours.Acceptablemethodsforpreparation ofcompositesamples are as follows:Constant time interval between samples, sample volume proportional to flow rate
attimeofsampling;Constant time interval between samples, sample volume proportional to total flow(volume) since last sample.For the first sample, the flow rate at the time the samplewascollected
maybe used;Constant sample volume, time interval between samples proportional to flow (i.e.,sampletaken every“X” gallons offlow); and,Continuoussample volume,withsample collectionrate
proportionaltoflowrate.“CWA” means The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, by The CleanWaterActof1987.“Daily Maximum” (Daily Max.) is the maximum value allowable in any
single sample orinstantaneousmeasurement.“EPA,”meanstheUnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency.“Director,”meansDirectoroftheDivisionofWaterQuality.A “grab” sample, for monitoring requirements,
is defined as a single “dip and take”samplecollected atarepresentative pointinthedischarge stream.An “instantaneous” measurement, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a singlereading,observation,
ormeasurement.“Severe Property Damage,” means substantial physical damage to property, damage tothe treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial andpermanent
loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in theabsence of a bypass.Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused bydelaysin production.“Upset,”
means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporarynoncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factorsbeyond the reasonable control
of the permittee.An upset does not includenoncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatmentfacilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative
maintenance, or careless orimproper operation.Biosolids.“Biosolids,”meansanymaterialormaterialderivedfromsewagesolidsthathavebeenbiologicallytreated.“DryWeight-Basis,”means100percentsolids(i.e.zeropercentmoisture).“LandApplication”isthesprayingorspreadingofbiosolidsontothelandsurface;theinjectionofbiosolidsbelowthelandsurface;ortheincorporationofbiosolidsintotheland
so that the biosolids can either condition the soil or fertilize crops or vegetation grown inthe soil.Land application includes distribution and marketing (i.e. the selling or givingawayofthebiosolids).“Pathogen,”
means an organism that is capable of producing an infection or disease in asusceptiblehost.“Pollutant”forthepurposesofthispermitisanorganicsubstance,aninorganicsubstance,a combination
of organic and inorganic substances, or pathogenic organisms that afterdischargeanduponexposure,ingestion,inhalation,orassimilationintoanorganismeitherdirectly from the environment or
indirectly by ingestion through the food-chain, could onthe basis of information available to the Administrator of EPA, cause death, disease,behavioralabnormalities,cancer,geneticmutations,physiologicalmalfunctions(includingmalfunction
in reproduction), or physical deformations in either organisms or offspring oftheorganisms.“Runoff” is rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over any part of a land surfaceand
runs offthelandsurface.“SimilarContainer”iseitheranopenorclosedreceptacle.Thisincludes,butisnotlimitedto, a bucket, a box, a carton, and a vehicle or trailer with a load capacity of
one metric tonorless.“TotalSolids”arethematerialsinthebiosolidsthatremainasaresidueifthebiosolidsaredriedat103o or105o Celsius.“TreatmentWorks”areeither Federally owned, publicly owned,
orprivately owneddevices or systems used to treat (including recycling and reclamation) either domesticsewageor acombinationofdomesticsewageandindustrial waste orliquidmanure.“Vector
Attraction” is the characteristic of biosolids that attracts rodents, flies mosquito’sor otherorganisms capableoftransportinginfectiousagents.“Animals”forthepurposeof thispermitaredomesticlivestock.“Annual
Whole Sludge Application Rate” is the amount of sewage sludge (dry-weightbasis)thatcan beappliedtoa unitareaoflandduringa croppingcycle.“Agronomic Rate is the whole sludge application
rate (dry-weight basis) designed to: (1)providetheamountofnitrogenneededbythecroporvegetationgrownontheland;and
(2)minimizetheamountof nitrogeninthesewagesludgethat passesbelow therootzoneof the croporvegetation grownon the landto the groundwater.“AnnualPollutantLoadingRate”isthemaximumamountofapollutant(dry-weightbasis)thatcanbe
appliedto aunitareaoflandduringa365-dayperiod.“ApplicationSiteorLandApplicationSite”meansallcontiguousareasofausers’propertyintendedforsludge application.“Cumulative Pollutant Loading
Rate” is the maximum amount of an inorganic pollutant(dry-weight basis)thatcanbe applied toa unitarea ofland.“GritandScreenings”aresand,gravel,cinders,othermaterialswithahighspecificgravityand
relatively large materials such as rags generated during preliminary treatment ofdomesticsewageatatreatmentworksandshallbedisposed of accordingto40CFR258.“High Potential for Public Contact
Site” is land with a high potential for contact by thepublic.This includes, but is not limited to, public parks, ball fields, cemeteries, plantnurseries,turffarms, and golfcourses.“Low
Potential for Public Contact Site” is the land with a low potential for contact by thepublic.This includes, but is not limited to, farms, ranches, reclamation areas, and otherlands which
are private lands, restricted public lands, or lands which are not generallyaccessibleto orused bythepublic.“MonthlyAverage”isthearithmetic meanofall measurements takenduringthemonth.“VolatileSolids”istheamountofthetotalsolidsinsewagesludgelostwhenthesludgeiscombustedat550degreesCelsiusfor
15-20minutesinthe presence ofexcessair.