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Utah Division of Water Quality
Statement of Basis
Wasteload Analysis and Antidegradation Level I Review
Date: October 10, 2023
Prepared by: Suzan Tahir
Standards and Technical Services
Facility: Coalville City WWTP
UPDES No. UT-0025976
Receiving water: Unnamed Tributary => Chalk Creek (1C, 2B, 3A, 4)
This addendum summarizes the wasteload analysis that was performed to determine water quality
based effluent limits (WQBEL) for this discharge. Wasteload analyses are performed to determine
point source effluent limitations necessary to maintain designated beneficial uses by evaluating
projected effects of discharge concentrations on in-stream water quality. The wasteload analysis
also takes into account downstream designated uses (UAC R317-2-8). Projected concentrations
are compared to numeric water quality standards to determine acceptability. The numeric criteria
in this wasteload analysis may be modified by narrative criteria and other conditions determined
by staff of the Division of Water Quality.
Outfall 001: Unnamed tributary to Chalk Creek
The mean monthly design discharge is 0.58 MGD (0.90 cfs) for the facility.
Receiving Water Body
The receiving water for Outfall 001 is an unnamed tributary of Chalk Creek.
Per UAC R317-2-13.4(a), the designated beneficial uses for Weber River and tributaries, from
Stoddard diversion to headwaters (includes Chalk Creek) is 1C, 2B, 3A and 4.
● Class 1C - Protected for domestic purposes with prior treatment by treatment processes as
required by the Utah Division of Drinking Water
● Class 2B - Protected for infrequent primary contact recreation. Also protected for
secondary contact recreation where there is a low likelihood of ingestion of water or a low
degree of bodily contact with the water. Examples include, but are not limited to, wading,
hunting, and fishing.
Utah Division of Water Quality
Wasteload Analysis
Coalville City WWTP
UPDES No. UT-0025976
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● Class 3A - Protected for cold water species of game fish and other cold water aquatic life,
including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain.
● Class 4 - Protected for agricultural uses including irrigation of crops and stock watering.
Typically, the critical flow for the wasteload analysis is considered the lowest stream flow for
seven consecutive days with a ten year return frequency (7Q10). Due to a lack of flow data, the
7Q10 flow was estimated by calculating the 20th percentile of available data. Chalk Creek tributary
flows were determined from DWQ monitoring station #4926323, Receiving Stream ab
New Coalville WWTP Discharge, for the period 2012-2023 (all available data). The receiving
water was characterized by samples collected from the same site and time period.
The calculated annual low value is 0.21 cfs.
According to DWQ 2022 Integrated Report, 303(d) Assessment, Chalk Creek1-Coalville (Chalk
Creek and tributaries from confluence with Weber River to South Fork confluence, UT16020101-
010_00) supports all designated uses.
Echo Reservoir (UT-L-16020101-001_00), located immediately downstream of the discharge, is
listed as impaired (Class 3A use) for total phosphorus.
The Rockport Reservoir and Echo Reservoir Total Maximum Daily Load study was approved
March 26, 2014. The TMDL limited Coalville WWTP’s total phosphorus load to 582 kg annually
and 291 kg during the summer (April 1st - September 30th) and total nitrogen to 5,819 kg annually
and 2,909 kg during the summer.
Protection of Downstream Uses
Per UAC R317-2-8, all actions to control waste discharges under these rules shall be modified as
necessary to protect downstream designated uses. For this discharge, 3A numeric aquatic life use
criteria apply to the immediate receiving water (Chalk Creek).
Mixing Zone
The maximum allowable mixing zone is 15 minutes of travel time for acute conditions, not to
exceed 50% of stream width, and 2,500 feet for chronic conditions, per UAC R317-2-5. Water
quality standards must be met at the end of the mixing zone.
As per DEQ’s mixing zone policy, the effluent was considered to be totally mixed as the ratio of
river flow (7Q10) to discharge flow was 0.35 (<=2). Acute limits were calculated using 50% of
the seasonal critical low flow.
Utah Division of Water Quality
Wasteload Analysis
Coalville City WWTP
UPDES No. UT-0025976
Page 3 of 4
Parameters of Concern
The potential parameters of concern identified for the discharge/receiving water were ammonia
and total phosphorus as determined in consultation with the UPDES Permit Writer. Additional
parameters of concern may become apparent as a result of reasonable potential analysis,
technology-based standards, or other factors as determined by the UPDES Permit Writer.
WET Limits
The percent of effluent in the receiving water in a fully mixed condition, and acute and chronic
dilution in a not fully mixed condition are calculated in the WLA in order to generate WET limits.
The LC50 (lethal concentration, 50%) percent effluent for acute toxicity and the IC25 (inhibition
concentration, 25%) percent effluent for chronic toxicity, as determined by the WET test, needs to
be below the WET limits, as determined by the WLA. The WET limit for LC50 is typically 100%
effluent and does not need to be determined by the WLA.
Table 1: WET Limits for IC25
Outfall Percent
Outfall 001 81.0%
Wasteload Allocation Methods
Effluent limits were determined for conservative constituents using a simple mass balance mixing
analysis (UDWQ 2012). The mass balance analysis is summarized in the Wasteload Addendum.
The water quality standard for chronic ammonia toxicity is dependent on temperature and pH, and
the water quality standard for acute ammonia toxicity is dependent on pH. The AMMTOX Model
developed by University of Colorado and adapted by Utah DWQ and EPA Region VIII was used
to determine ammonia effluent limits (Lewis et al. 2002). The analysis is summarized in the
Wasteload Addendum.
Models and supporting documentation are available for review upon request.
Antidegradation Level I Review
The objective of the Level I ADR is to ensure the protection of existing uses, defined as the
beneficial uses attained in the receiving water on or after November 28, 1975. No evidence is
known that the existing uses deviate from the designated beneficial uses for the receiving water.
Therefore, the beneficial uses will be protected if the discharge remains below the WQBELs
presented in this wasteload.
A Level II Antidegradation Review (ADR) is not required for this facility. The proposed permit
is a simple renewal, with no increase in flow or concentration over that which was approved in the
existing permit.
Utah Division of Water Quality
Wasteload Analysis
Coalville City WWTP
UPDES No. UT-0025976
Page 4 of 4
WLA Document : Coalville_WLADoc_2023.docx
Wasteload Analysis and Addendum: Coalville_WLA_2023.xls
Utah Division of Water Quality. 2022. Final 2022 Integrated Report on Water Quality
Utah Division of Water Quality. 2021. Utah Wasteload Analysis Procedures Version 2.0.
Utah Division of Water Quality. 2014. Echo Reservoir TMDL Water Quality. March 26, 2014.
Lewis, B., J. Saunders, and M. Murphy. 2002. Ammonia Toxicity Model (AMMTOX, Version2): A Tool for
Determining Effluent Ammonia Limits. University of Colorado, Center for Limnology.
Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Addendum: Statement of Basis 4:00 PM
Discharging to:Unamed Trib. => Chalk Creek => Echo Reservoir
I. Introduction
Wasteload analyses are performed to determine point source effluent limitations necessary to maintain designated
beneficial uses by evaluating projected effects of discharge concentrations on in-stream water quality. The
wasteload analysis also takes into account downstream designated uses [R317-2-8, UAC]. Projected concen-
trations are compared to numeric water quality standards to determine acceptability. The anti-degradation
policy and procedures are also considered. The primary in-stream parameters of concern may include metals
(as a function of hardness), total dissolved solids (TDS), total residual chlorine (TRC), un-ionized ammonia (as a
function of pH and temperature, measured and evaluated interms of total ammonia), and dissolved oxygen.
Mathematical water quality modeling is employed to determine stream quality response to point source discharges.
Models aid in the effort of anticipating stream quality at future effluent flows at critical environmental conditions
(e.g., low stream flow, high temperature, high pH, etc).
The numeric criteria in this wasteload analysis may always be modified by narrative criteria and other conditions
determined by staff of the Division of Water Quality.
II. Receiving Water and Stream Classification
Unamed Trib. => Chalk Creek => Echo Reservoir:1C,2B, 3A, 4
Antidegradation Review:Level I review completed. Level II review is not required.
III. Numeric Stream Standards for Protection of Aquatic Wildlife
Total Ammonia (TNH3)Varies as a function of Temperature and
pH Rebound. See Water Quality Standards
Chronic Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)0.011 mg/l (4 Day Average)
0.019 mg/l (1 Hour Average)
Chronic Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 6.50 mg/l (30 Day Average)
9.50 mg/l (7Day Average)
7.22 mg/l (1 Day Average)
Maximum Total Dissolved Solids 1200.0 mg/l
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Acute and Chronic Heavy Metals (Dissolved)
4 Day Average (Chronic) Standard 1 Hour Average (Acute) Standard
Parameter Concentration Load*Concentration Load*
Aluminum 87.00 ug/l**0.422 lbs/day 750.00 ug/l 3.634 lbs/day
Arsenic 190.00 ug/l 0.921 lbs/day 340.00 ug/l 1.648 lbs/day
Cadmium 0.74 ug/l 0.004 lbs/day 8.46 ug/l 0.041 lbs/day
Chromium III 261.58 ug/l 1.267 lbs/day 5472.66 ug/l 26.518 lbs/day
ChromiumVI 11.00 ug/l 0.053 lbs/day 16.00 ug/l 0.078 lbs/day
Copper 29.71 ug/l 0.144 lbs/day 50.21 ug/l 0.243 lbs/day
Iron 1000.00 ug/l 4.846 lbs/day
Lead 17.87 ug/l 0.087 lbs/day 458.58 ug/l 2.222 lbs/day
Mercury 0.0120 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day 2.40 ug/l 0.012 lbs/day
Nickel 164.23 ug/l 0.796 lbs/day 1477.14 ug/l 7.158 lbs/day
Selenium 4.60 ug/l 0.022 lbs/day 20.00 ug/l 0.097 lbs/day
Silver N/A ug/l N/A lbs/day 38.96 ug/l 0.189 lbs/day
Zinc 377.89 ug/l 1.831 lbs/day 377.89 ug/l 1.831 lbs/day
* Allowed below discharge
**Chronic Aluminum standard applies only to waters with a pH < 7.0 and a Hardness < 50 mg/l as CaCO3
Metals Standards Based upon a Hardness of 387.93 mg/l as CaCO3
Organics [Pesticides]
4 Day Average (Chronic) Standard 1 Hour Average (Acute) Standard
Parameter Concentration Load*Concentration Load*
Aldrin 1.500 ug/l 0.007 lbs/day
Chlordane 0.004 ug/l 0.026 lbs/day 1.200 ug/l 0.006 lbs/day
DDT, DDE 0.001 ug/l 0.006 lbs/day 0.550 ug/l 0.003 lbs/day
Dieldrin 0.002 ug/l 0.011 lbs/day 1.250 ug/l 0.006 lbs/day
Endosulfan 0.056 ug/l 0.334 lbs/day 0.110 ug/l 0.001 lbs/day
Endrin 0.002 ug/l 0.014 lbs/day 0.090 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day
Guthion 0.010 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day
Heptachlor 0.004 ug/l 0.023 lbs/day 0.260 ug/l 0.001 lbs/day
Lindane 0.080 ug/l 0.477 lbs/day 1.000 ug/l 0.005 lbs/day
Methoxychlor 0.030 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day
Mirex 0.010 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day
Parathion 0.040 ug/l 0.000 lbs/day
PCB's 0.014 ug/l 0.084 lbs/day 2.000 ug/l 0.010 lbs/day
Pentachlorophenol 13.00 ug/l 77.586 lbs/day 20.000 ug/l 0.097 lbs/day
Toxephene 0.0002 ug/l 0.001 lbs/day 0.7300 ug/l 0.004 lbs/day
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
IV. Numeric Stream Standards for Protection of Agriculture
4 Day Average (Chronic) Standard 1 Hour Average (Acute) Standard
Concentration Load*Concentration Load*
Arsenic 100.0 ug/l lbs/day
Boron 750.0 ug/l lbs/day
Cadmium 10.0 ug/l 0.02 lbs/day
Chromium 100.0 ug/l lbs/day
Copper 200.0 ug/l lbs/day
Lead 100.0 ug/l lbs/day
Selenium 50.0 ug/l lbs/day
TDS, Summer 1200.0 mg/l 2.91 tons/day
V. Numeric Stream Standards for Protection of Human Health (Class 1C Waters)
4 Day Average (Chronic) Standard 1 Hour Average (Acute) Standard
Metals Concentration Load*Concentration Load*
Arsenic ug/l lbs/day
Barium ug/l lbs/day
Cadmium ug/l lbs/day
Chromium ug/l lbs/day
Lead ug/l lbs/day
Mercury ug/l lbs/day
Selenium ug/l lbs/day
Silver ug/l lbs/day
Fluoride (3)ug/l lbs/day
to ug/l lbs/day
Nitrates as N ug/l lbs/day
Chlorophenoxy Herbicides
2,4-D ug/l lbs/day
2,4,5-TP ug/l lbs/day
Endrin ug/l lbs/day
Hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane)ug/l lbs/day
Methoxychlor ug/l lbs/day
Toxaphene ug/l lbs/day
VI. Numeric Stream Standards the Protection of Human Health from Water & Fish Consumption [Toxics]
Maximum Conc., ug/l - Acute Standards
Class 1C Class 3A, 3B
Toxic Organics [2 Liters/Day for 70 Kg Person over 70 Yr.] [6.5 g for 70 Kg Person over 70 Yr.]
Acenaphthene ug/l lbs/day 2700.0 ug/l 16.11 lbs/day
Acrolein ug/l lbs/day 780.0 ug/l 4.66 lbs/day
Acrylonitrile ug/l lbs/day 0.7 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Benzene ug/l lbs/day 71.0 ug/l 0.42 lbs/day
Benzidine ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Carbon tetrachloride ug/l lbs/day 4.4 ug/l 0.03 lbs/day
Chlorobenzene ug/l lbs/day 21000.0 ug/l 125.33 lbs/day
Hexachlorobenzene ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
1,2-Dichloroethane ug/l lbs/day 99.0 ug/l 0.59 lbs/day
Hexachloroethane ug/l lbs/day 8.9 ug/l 0.05 lbs/day
1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/l lbs/day 42.0 ug/l 0.25 lbs/day
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/l lbs/day 11.0 ug/l 0.07 lbs/day
Chloroethane 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ug/l lbs/day 1.4 ug/l 0.01 lbs/day
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
2-Chloronaphthalene ug/l lbs/day 4300.0 ug/l 25.66 lbs/day
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/l lbs/day 6.5 ug/l 0.04 lbs/day
p-Chloro-m-cresol 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Chloroform (HM)ug/l lbs/day 470.0 ug/l 2.81 lbs/day
2-Chlorophenol ug/l lbs/day 400.0 ug/l 2.39 lbs/day
1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/l lbs/day 17000.0 ug/l 101.46 lbs/day
1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/l lbs/day 2600.0 ug/l 15.52 lbs/day
1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/l lbs/day 2600.0 ug/l 15.52 lbs/day
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/l lbs/day 0.1 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
1,1-Dichloroethylene ug/l lbs/day 3.2 ug/l 0.02 lbs/day
1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene1 ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/l lbs/day 790.0 ug/l 4.71 lbs/day
1,2-Dichloropropane ug/l lbs/day 39.0 ug/l 0.23 lbs/day
1,3-Dichloropropylene ug/l lbs/day 1700.0 ug/l 10.15 lbs/day
2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l lbs/day 2300.0 ug/l 13.73 lbs/day
2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/l lbs/day 9.1 ug/l 0.05 lbs/day
2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l lbs/day 0.5 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Ethylbenzene ug/l lbs/day 29000.0 ug/l 173.08 lbs/day
Fluoranthene ug/l lbs/day 370.0 ug/l 2.21 lbs/day
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l lbs/day 170000.0 ug/l 1.01E+03 lbs/day
Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Methylene chloride (HM)ug/l lbs/day 1600.0 ug/l 9.55 lbs/day
Methyl chloride (HM)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Methyl bromide (HM)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Bromoform (HM)ug/l lbs/day 360.0 ug/l 2.15 lbs/day
Dichlorobromomethane(HM)ug/l lbs/day 22.0 ug/l 0.13 lbs/day
Chlorodibromomethane (HM)ug/l lbs/day 34.0 ug/l 0.20 lbs/day
Hexachlorobutadiene(c)ug/l lbs/day 50.0 ug/l 0.30 lbs/day
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l lbs/day 17000.0 ug/l 101.46 lbs/day
Isophorone ug/l lbs/day 600.0 ug/l 3.58 lbs/day
Nitrobenzene ug/l lbs/day 1900.0 ug/l 11.34 lbs/day
2-Nitrophenol ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
4-Nitrophenol ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l lbs/day 14000.0 ug/l 83.55 lbs/day
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ug/l lbs/day 765.0 ug/l 4.57 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/l lbs/day 8.1 ug/l 0.05 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/l lbs/day 16.0 ug/l 0.10 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ug/l lbs/day 1.4 ug/l 0.01 lbs/day
Pentachlorophenol ug/l lbs/day 8.2 ug/l 0.05 lbs/day
Phenol ug/l lbs/day 4.6E+06 ug/l 2.75E+04 lbs/day
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/l lbs/day 5.9 ug/l 0.04 lbs/day
Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/l lbs/day 5200.0 ug/l 31.03 lbs/day
Di-n-butyl phthalate ug/l lbs/day 12000.0 ug/l 71.62 lbs/day
Di-n-octyl phthlate
Diethyl phthalate ug/l lbs/day 120000.0 ug/l 716.18 lbs/day
Dimethyl phthlate ug/l lbs/day 2.9E+06 ug/l 1.73E+04 lbs/day
Benzo(a)anthracene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Benzo(k)fluoranthene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Chrysene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Acenaphthylene (PAH)
Anthracene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Pyrene (PAH)ug/l lbs/day 11000.0 ug/l 65.65 lbs/day
Tetrachloroethylene ug/l lbs/day 8.9 ug/l 0.05 lbs/day
Toluene ug/l lbs/day 200000 ug/l 1193.63 lbs/day
Trichloroethylene ug/l lbs/day 81.0 ug/l 0.48 lbs/day
Vinyl chloride ug/l lbs/day 525.0 ug/l 3.13 lbs/day
Pesticides lbs/day
Aldrin ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Dieldrin ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Chlordane ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
4,4'-DDT ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
4,4'-DDE ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
4,4'-DDD ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
alpha-Endosulfan ug/l lbs/day 2.0 ug/l 0.01 lbs/day
beta-Endosulfan ug/l lbs/day 2.0 ug/l 0.01 lbs/day
Endosulfan sulfate ug/l lbs/day 2.0 ug/l 0.01 lbs/day
Endrin ug/l lbs/day 0.8 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Endrin aldehyde ug/l lbs/day 0.8 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Heptachlor ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Heptachlor epoxide
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
PCB 1242 (Arochlor 1242)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1254 (Arochlor 1254)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1221 (Arochlor 1221)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1232 (Arochlor 1232)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1248 (Arochlor 1248)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1260 (Arochlor 1260)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
PCB-1016 (Arochlor 1016)ug/l lbs/day 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Toxaphene ug/l 0.0 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)ug/l lbs/day
Antimony ug/l lbs/day
Arsenic ug/l lbs/day 4300.00 ug/l 25.66 lbs/day
Asbestos ug/l lbs/day
Chromium (III)
Chromium (VI)
Cyanide ug/l lbs/day 2.2E+05 ug/l 1312.99 lbs/day
Lead ug/l lbs/day
Mercury 0.15 ug/l 0.00 lbs/day
Nickel 4600.00 ug/l 27.45 lbs/day
Selenium ug/l lbs/day
Silver ug/l lbs/day
Thallium 6.30 ug/l 0.04 lbs/day
There are additional standards that apply to this receiving water, but were not
considered in this modeling/waste load allocation analysis.
VII. Mathematical Modeling of Stream Quality
Model configuration was accomplished utilizing standard modeling procedures. Data points were
plotted and coefficients adjusted as required to match observed data as closely as possible.
The modeling approach used in this analysis included one or a combination of the following
(1) The Utah River Model, Utah Division of Water Quality, 1992. Based upon STREAMDO IV
(Region VIII) and Supplemental Ammonia Toxicity Models; EPA Region VIII, Sept. 1990 and
QUAL2E (EPA, Athens, GA).
(2) Utah Ammonia/Chlorine Model, Utah Division of Water Quality, 1992.
(3) AMMTOX Model, University of Colorado, Center of Limnology, and EPA Region 8
(4) Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control. Robert V. Thomann, et.al.
Harper Collins Publisher, Inc. 1987, pp. 644.
Coefficients used in the model were based, in part, upon the following references:
(1) Rates, Constants, and Kinetics Formulations in Surface Water Quality Modeling. Environmen-
tal Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Athens Georgia. EPA/600/3-85/040 June 1985.
(2) Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control. Robert V. Thomann, et.al.
Harper Collins Publisher, Inc. 1987, pp. 644.
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
VIII. Modeling Information
The required information for the model may include the following information for both the
upstream conditions at low flow and the effluent conditions:
Flow, Q, (cfs or MGD)D.O. mg/l
Temperature, Deg. C.Total Residual Chlorine (TRC), mg/l
pH Total NH3-N, mg/l
BOD5, mg/l Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), mg/l
Metals, ug/l Toxic Organics of Concern, ug/l
Other Conditions
In addition to the upstream and effluent conditions, the models require a variety of physical and
biological coefficients and other technical information. In the process of actually establishing the
permit limits for an effluent, values are used based upon the available data, model calibration,
literature values, site visits and best professional judgement.
Model Inputs
The following is upstream and discharge information that was utilized as inputs for the analysis.
Dry washes are considered to have an upstream flow equal to the flow of the discharge.
Current Upstream Information
Stream Critical
Low Flow Temp.pH T-NH3 BOD5 DO TRC TDS
cfs Deg. C mg/l as N mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
Summer (Irrig. Season)0.21 15.9 7.5 0.04 2.50 7.22 0.00 857.3
Fall 0.21 4.6 8.0 0.05 3.33 --- 0.00 635.7
Winter 0.21 2.6 7.9 0.06 2.50 --- 0.00 752.0
Spring 0.21 10.2 8.0 0.05 3.33 --- 0.00 863.0
Dissolved Al As Cd CrIII CrVI Copper Fe Pb
Metals ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l
All Seasons 2.385*0.795*0.0795*0.795*3.975*0.8*1.25*0.795*
Dissolved Hg Ni Se Ag Zn Boron
Metals ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l
All Seasons 0.0000 0.795*1.59*0.15*0.0795*1.59** ~80% MDL
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Projected Discharge Information
Season Flow, MGD Temp.
Summer 0.58000 18.1
Fall 0.58000 13.4
Winter 0.58000 8.6
Spring 0.58000 12.6
All model numerical inputs, intermediate calculations, outputs and graphs are available for
discussion, inspection and copy at the Division of Water Quality.
IX. Effluent Limitations
Current State water quality standards are required to be met under a variety of conditions including
in-stream flows targeted to the 7-day, 10-year low flow (R317-2-9).
Other conditions used in the modeling effort coincide with the environmental conditions expected
at low stream flows.
Effluent Limitation for Flow based upon Water Quality Standards
In-stream criteria of downstream segments will be met with an effluent flow maximum value as follows:
Season Daily Average
Summer 0.580 MGD 0.897 cfs
Fall 0.580 MGD 0.897 cfs
Winter 0.580 MGD 0.897 cfs
Spring 0.580 MGD 0.897 cfs
Flow Requirement or Loading Requirement
The calculations in this wasteload analysis utilize the maximum effluent discharge flow of 0.58 MGD. If the
discharger is allowed to have a flow greater than 0.58 MGD during 7Q10 conditions, and effluent limit
concentrations as indicated, then water quality standards will be violated. In order to prevent this from occuring,
the permit writers must include the discharge flow limititation as indicated above; or, include loading effluent
limits in the permit.
Effluent Limitation for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) based upon WET Policy
Effluent Toxicity will not occur in downstream segements if the values below are met.
WET Requirements LC50 >100.0%Effluent [Acute]
IC25 >81.0%Effluent [Chronic]
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Effluent Limitation for Dissolved Oxygen (DO) based upon Water Quality Standards
In-stream criteria of downstream segments for Dissolved Oxygen will be met with an effluent
D.O. limitation as follows:
Season Concentration
Summer 8.00
Fall 8.00
Winter 8.00
Spring 8.00
Effluent Limitation for Total Ammonia based upon Water Quality Standards
In-stream criteria of downstream segments for Total Ammonia will be met with an effluent
limitation (expressed as Total Ammonia as N) as follows:
Concentration Load
Summer 4 Day Avg. - Chronic 5.32 mg/l as N 25.7 lbs/day
1 Hour Avg. - Acute 20.4 mg/l as N 98.6 lbs/day
Fall 4 Day Avg. - Chronic 4.5 mg/l as N 21.6 lbs/day
1 Hour Avg. - Acute 11.2 mg/l as N 54.4 lbs/day
Winter 4 Day Avg. - Chronic 5.0 mg/l as N 24.4 lbs/day
1 Hour Avg. - Acute 12.1 mg/l as N 58.4 lbs/day
Spring 4 Day Avg. - Chronic 4.8 mg/l as N 23.1 lbs/day
1 Hour Avg. - Acute 12.5 mg/l as N 60.4 lbs/day
Acute limit calculated with an Acute Zone of Initial Dilution (ZID) to be equal to 100.%.
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Effluent Limitations for Total Dissolved Solids based upon Water Quality Standards
Season Concentration Load
Summer Maximum, Acute 1280.2 mg/l 3.10 tons/day
Fall Maximum, Acute 1332.1 mg/l 3.22 tons/day
Winter Maximum, Acute 1304.9 mg/l 3.16 tons/day
Spring Maximum, Acute 1278.9 mg/l 3.09 tons/day
Colorado Salinity Forum Limits Determined by Permitting Section
Effluent Limitations for Total Recoverable Metals based upon
Water Quality Standards
In-stream criteria of downstream segments for Dissolved Metals will be met with an effluent
limitation as follows (based upon a hardness of 387.93 mg/l):
4 Day Average 1 Hour Average
Concentration Load Concentration Load
Aluminum*N/A N/A 925.0 ug/l 4.5 lbs/day
Arsenic*234.28 ug/l 0.7 lbs/day 419.4 ug/l 2.0 lbs/day
Cadmium 0.89 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day 10.4 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day
Chromium III 322.61 ug/l 1.0 lbs/day 6,753.3 ug/l 32.7 lbs/day
Chromium VI*12.64 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day 18.8 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day
Copper 36.48 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day 61.8 ug/l 0.3 lbs/day
Iron*N/A N/A 1,107.0 ug/l 5.4 lbs/day
Lead 21.87 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day 565.7 ug/l 2.7 lbs/day
Mercury*0.01 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day 3.0 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day
Nickel 202.48 ug/l 0.6 lbs/day 1,822.7 ug/l 8.8 lbs/day
Selenium*5.30 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day 24.3 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day
Silver N/A ug/l N/A lbs/day 48.1 ug/l 0.2 lbs/day
Zinc 466.32 ug/l 1.5 lbs/day 466.3 ug/l 2.3 lbs/day
Cyanide*6.42 ug/l 0.0 lbs/day 27.1 ug/l 0.1 lbs/day
*Limits for these metals are based on the dissolved standard.
Effluent Limitations for Heat/Temperature based upon
Water Quality Standards
Summer 18.4 Deg. C.65.1 Deg. F
Fall 7.1 Deg. C.44.8 Deg. F
Winter 5.1 Deg. C.41.1 Deg. F
Spring 12.7 Deg. C.54.8 Deg. F
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Effluent Limitations for Organics [Pesticides]
Based upon Water Quality Standards
In-stream criteria of downstream segments for Organics [Pesticides]
will be met with an effluent limit as follows:
4 Day Average 1 Hour Average
Concentration Load Concentration Load
Aldrin 1.5E+00 ug/l 1.12E-02 lbs/day
Chlordane 4.30E-03 ug/l 2.08E-02 lbs/day 1.2E+00 ug/l 9.00E-03 lbs/day
DDT, DDE 1.00E-03 ug/l 4.84E-03 lbs/day 5.5E-01 ug/l 4.12E-03 lbs/day
Dieldrin 1.90E-03 ug/l 9.19E-03 lbs/day 1.3E+00 ug/l 9.37E-03 lbs/day
Endosulfan 5.60E-02 ug/l 2.71E-01 lbs/day 1.1E-01 ug/l 8.25E-04 lbs/day
Endrin 2.30E-03 ug/l 1.11E-02 lbs/day 9.0E-02 ug/l 6.75E-04 lbs/day
Guthion 0.00E+00 ug/l 0.00E+00 lbs/day 1.0E-02 ug/l 7.50E-05 lbs/day
Heptachlor 3.80E-03 ug/l 1.84E-02 lbs/day 2.6E-01 ug/l 1.95E-03 lbs/day
Lindane 8.00E-02 ug/l 3.87E-01 lbs/day 1.0E+00 ug/l 7.50E-03 lbs/day
Methoxychlor 0.00E+00 ug/l 0.00E+00 lbs/day 3.0E-02 ug/l 2.25E-04 lbs/day
Mirex 0.00E+00 ug/l 0.00E+00 lbs/day 1.0E-02 ug/l 7.50E-05 lbs/day
Parathion 0.00E+00 ug/l 0.00E+00 lbs/day 4.0E-02 ug/l 3.00E-04 lbs/day
PCB's 1.40E-02 ug/l 6.77E-02 lbs/day 2.0E+00 ug/l 1.50E-02 lbs/day
Pentachlorophenol 1.30E+01 ug/l 6.29E+01 lbs/day 2.0E+01 ug/l 1.50E-01 lbs/day
Toxephene 2.00E-04 ug/l 9.67E-04 lbs/day 7.3E-01 ug/l 5.47E-03 lbs/day
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Effluent Limitations for Protection of Human Health [Toxics Rule]
Based upon Water Quality Standards (Most stringent of 1C or 3A & 3B as appropriate.)
In-stream criteria of downstream segments for Protection of Human Health [Toxics]
will be met with an effluent limit as follows:
Maximum Concentration
Concentration Load
Toxic Organics
Acenaphthene 3.33E+03 ug/l 1.61E+01 lbs/day
Acrolein 9.63E+02 ug/l 4.66E+00 lbs/day
Acrylonitrile 8.14E-01 ug/l 3.94E-03 lbs/day
Benzene 8.76E+01 ug/l 4.24E-01 lbs/day
Benzidine ug/l lbs/day
Carbon tetrachloride 5.43E+00 ug/l 2.63E-02 lbs/day
Chlorobenzene 2.59E+04 ug/l 1.25E+02 lbs/day
Hexachlorobenzene 9.50E-04 ug/l 4.60E-06 lbs/day
1,2-Dichloroethane 1.22E+02 ug/l 5.91E-01 lbs/day
Hexachloroethane 1.10E+01 ug/l 5.31E-02 lbs/day
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5.18E+01 ug/l 2.51E-01 lbs/day
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.36E+01 ug/l 6.56E-02 lbs/day
Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 1.73E+00 ug/l 8.36E-03 lbs/day
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether
2-Chloronaphthalene 5.31E+03 ug/l 2.57E+01 lbs/day
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 8.02E+00 ug/l 3.88E-02 lbs/day
Chloroform (HM)5.80E+02 ug/l 2.81E+00 lbs/day
2-Chlorophenol 4.94E+02 ug/l 2.39E+00 lbs/day
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.10E+04 ug/l 1.01E+02 lbs/day
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3.21E+03 ug/l 1.55E+01 lbs/day
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3.21E+03 ug/l 1.55E+01 lbs/day
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 9.50E-02 ug/l 4.60E-04 lbs/day
1,1-Dichloroethylene 3.95E+00 ug/l 1.91E-02 lbs/day
2,4-Dichlorophenol 9.75E+02 ug/l 4.71E+00 lbs/day
1,2-Dichloropropane 4.81E+01 ug/l 2.33E-01 lbs/day
1,3-Dichloropropylene 2.10E+03 ug/l 1.01E+01 lbs/day
2,4-Dimethylphenol 2.84E+03 ug/l 1.37E+01 lbs/day
2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.12E+01 ug/l 5.43E-02 lbs/day
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 6.66E-01 ug/l 3.22E-03 lbs/day
Ethylbenzene 3.58E+04 ug/l 1.73E+02 lbs/day
Fluoranthene 4.57E+02 ug/l 2.21E+00 lbs/day
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 2.10E+05 ug/l 1.01E+03 lbs/day
Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane
Methylene chloride (HM)1.97E+03 ug/l 9.55E+00 lbs/day
Methyl chloride (HM)
Methyl bromide (HM)
Bromoform (HM)4.44E+02 ug/l 2.15E+00 lbs/day
Dichlorobromomethane(HM)2.71E+01 ug/l 1.31E-01 lbs/day
Chlorodibromomethane (HM)4.20E+01 ug/l 2.03E-01 lbs/day
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2.10E+04 ug/l 1.01E+02 lbs/day
Isophorone 7.40E+02 ug/l 3.58E+00 lbs/day
Nitrobenzene 2.34E+03 ug/l 1.13E+01 lbs/day
2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.73E+04 ug/l 8.36E+01 lbs/day
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 9.44E+02 ug/l 4.57E+00 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1.00E+01 ug/l 4.83E-02 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.97E+01 ug/l 9.55E-02 lbs/day
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1.73E+00 ug/l 8.36E-03 lbs/day
Pentachlorophenol 1.01E+01 ug/l 4.89E-02 lbs/day
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Phenol 5.68E+06 ug/l 2.75E+04 lbs/day
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 7.28E+00 ug/l 3.52E-02 lbs/day
Butyl benzyl phthalate 6.42E+03 ug/l 3.10E+01 lbs/day
Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.48E+04 ug/l 7.16E+01 lbs/day
Di-n-octyl phthlate
Diethyl phthalate 1.48E+05 ug/l 7.16E+02 lbs/day
Dimethyl phthlate 3.58E+06 ug/l 1.73E+04 lbs/day
Benzo(a)anthracene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Benzo(a)pyrene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Benzo(k)fluoranthene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Chrysene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Acenaphthylene (PAH)
Anthracene (PAH)
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (PAH)3.83E-02 ug/l 1.85E-04 lbs/day
Pyrene (PAH)1.36E+04 ug/l 6.56E+01 lbs/day
Tetrachloroethylene 1.10E+01 ug/l 5.31E-02 lbs/day
Toluene 2.47E+05 ug/l 1.19E+03 lbs/day
Trichloroethylene 1.00E+02 ug/l 4.83E-01 lbs/day
Vinyl chloride 6.48E+02 ug/l 3.13E+00 lbs/day
Aldrin 1.73E-04 ug/l 8.36E-07 lbs/day
Dieldrin 1.73E-04 ug/l 8.36E-07 lbs/day
Chlordane 7.28E-04 ug/l 3.52E-06 lbs/day
4,4'-DDT 7.28E-04 ug/l 3.52E-06 lbs/day
4,4'-DDE 7.28E-04 ug/l 3.52E-06 lbs/day
4,4'-DDD 1.04E-03 ug/l 5.01E-06 lbs/day
alpha-Endosulfan 2.47E+00 ug/l 1.19E-02 lbs/day
beta-Endosulfan 2.47E+00 ug/l 1.19E-02 lbs/day
Endosulfan sulfate 2.47E+00 ug/l 1.19E-02 lbs/day
Endrin 1.00E+00 ug/l 4.83E-03 lbs/day
Endrin aldehyde 1.00E+00 ug/l 4.83E-03 lbs/day
Heptachlor 2.59E-04 ug/l 1.25E-06 lbs/day
Heptachlor epoxide
PCB 1242 (Arochlor 1242)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1254 (Arochlor 1254)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1221 (Arochlor 1221)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1232 (Arochlor 1232)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1248 (Arochlor 1248)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1260 (Arochlor 1260)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
PCB-1016 (Arochlor 1016)5.55E-05 ug/l 2.69E-07 lbs/day
Toxaphene 9.26E-04 ug/l 4.48E-06 lbs/day
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Antimony ug/l lbs/day
Arsenic ug/l lbs/day
Asbestos ug/l lbs/day
Chromium (III)
Chromium (VI)
Copper ug/l lbs/day
Cyanide ug/l lbs/day
Mercury ug/l lbs/day
Nickel ug/l lbs/day
Thallium ug/l lbs/day
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)1.73E-08 ug/l 8.36E-11 lbs/day
Metals Effluent Limitations for Protection of All Beneficial Uses
Based upon Water Quality Standards and Toxics Rule
Class 4 Acute
Class 3 Acute
Acute Toxics
Drinking Water
Acute Toxics
1C Acute
Health Criteria
Acute Most
Class 3
ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l
Aluminum 925.0 925.0 N/A
Antimony 5306.4 5306.4
Arsenic 123.4 419.4 123.4 234.3
Beryllium 0.0
Cadmium 12.3 10.4 10.4 0.9
Chromium (III)6753.3 6753.3 322.6
Chromium (VI)123.2 18.8 18.81 12.64
Copper 246.6 61.8 61.8 36.5
Cyanide 27.1 271490.1 27.1 6.4
Iron 1107.0 1107.0
Lead 123.2 565.7 123.2 21.9
Mercury 2.96 0.19 0.19 0.015
Nickel 1822.7 5676.6 1822.7 202.5
Selenium 61.3 24.3 24.3 5.3
Silver 48.1 48.1
Thallium 7.8 7.8
Zinc 466.3 466.3 466.3
Boron 925.5 925.5
Sulfate 2468.1 2468.1
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Utah Division of Water Quality
Salt Lake City, Utah
Summary Effluent Limitations for Metals [Wasteload Allocation, TMDL]
[If Acute is more stringent than Chronic, then the Chronic takes on the Acute value.]
WLA Acute WLA Chronic
ug/l ug/l
Aluminum 925.0 N/A
Antimony 5306.40
Arsenic 123.4 234.3 Acute Controls
Cadmium 10.4 0.9
Chromium (III)6753.3 323
Chromium (VI)18.8 12.6
Copper 61.8 36.5
Cyanide 27.1 6.4
Iron 1107.0
Lead 123.2 21.9
Mercury 0.185 0.015
Nickel 1822.7 202
Selenium 24.3 5.3
Silver 48.1 N/A
Thallium 7.8
Zinc 466.3 466.3
Boron 925.53
Sulfate 2468.1 N/A at this Waterbody
Other Effluent Limitations are based upon R317-1.
E. coli 126.0 organisms per 100 ml
X. Antidegradation Considerations
The Utah Antidegradation Policy allows for degradation of existing quality where it is determined
that such lowering of water quality is necessary to accommodate important economic or social
development in the area in which the waters are protected [R317-2-3]. It has been determined that
certain chemical parameters introduced by this discharge will cause an increase of the concentration of
said parameters in the receiving waters. Under no conditions will the increase in concentration be
allowed to interfere with existing instream water uses.
An Antidegradation Level I Review was conducted on this discharge and its effect on the
receiving water. Based upon that review, it has been determined that an
Antidegradation Level II Review is not required. The proposed permit is not an increase
in flow or concentration.
XI. Colorado River Salinity Forum Considerations
Discharges in the Colorado River Basin are required to have their discharge at a TDS loading
of less than 1.00 tons/day unless certain exemptions apply. Refer to the Forum's Guidelines
for additional information allowing for an exceedence of this value.
This doesn’t apply to facilities that do not discharge to the Colorado River Basin.
XII. Summary Comments
The mathematical modeling and best professional judgement indicate that violations of receiving
water beneficial uses with their associated water quality standards, including important down-
stream segments, will not occur for the evaluated parameters of concern as discussed above if the
effluent limitations indicated above are met.
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