HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2023-200077APPENDIX I.AB - Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity from Transportation Equipment, Industrial, or Commercial Machinery Manufacturing Facilities
Coverage of This Section.
Discharges Covered Under This Section. The requirements listed under this Part shall apply to storm water discharges from the following activities:
Table I.AB.1 – Sector AB:Transportation Equipment, Industrial, or Commercial Machinery Manufacturing Facilities
SIC Code
Activity Represented
3511 – 3599
(Except 3571 – 3579)
Industrial and Commercial Machinery, Except Computer and Office Equipment which is addressed in Appendix I.AC
3711 – 3799
(Except 3731, 3732)
Transportation Equipment, Except Ship and Boat Building and Repairing which is addressed in Appendix I.R
Sector Specific Limitations on Coverage. There are no additional limitations on coverage other than those listed in Part I.C.
Sector Specific Prohibition of Non-Stormwater Discharges. There are no additional prohibited nonstormwater discharges beyond those in Part I.D of this permit.
Sector Specific Control Measures and Effluent Limits.
There are no additional control measures and effluent limits beyond those in Part III of this permit.
Sector Specific Inspection Requirements.
There are no additional inspection requirements beyond those in Part IV.A of this permit.
Sector Specific Plan Requirements.
Site Map. In addition to the requirements in Part VII.D.3, the site map shall also include the location of the following, if applicable:
Vents and stacks from metal processing and similar operations.
Monitoring Requirements.
Analytical Benchmark Monitoring. There are no analytical benchmark monitoring parameters for Sector AB facilities in this permit.Any additional monitoring and reporting requirements
shall be based on the nature of activities at the facility and the facility stormwater discharges, in accordance with Part V.D.2.
Numeric Effluent Limitation Monitoring. There are no numeric effluent limitation parameters for Sector AB facilities in this permit.Any additional monitoring and reporting requirements
shall be based on the nature of activities at the facility and the facility stormwater discharges, in accordance with Part V.D.2.