HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2023-200052APPENDIX I.E - Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity from Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Product Manufacturing Facilities
Coverage of This Section.
Discharges Covered Under This Section. The requirements listed under this Part shall apply to storm water discharges from the following activities:
Table I.E.1 – Sector E: Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Product Manufacturing Facilities
SIC Code
Activity Represented
Flat Glass
3221, 3229
Glass and Glassware, Pressed or Blown
Glass Products Made of Purchased Glass
Hydraulic Cement
3251 – 3259
Structural Clay Products
3261 – 3269
Pottery and Related Products
3271 – 3275
Concrete, Gypsum, and Plaster Products
Cut Stone and Stone Products
3291 – 3299
Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Products
Sector Specific Limitations on Coverage. There are no additional limitations on coverage other than those listed in Part I.C.
Sector Specific Prohibition of Non-Stormwater Discharges. There are no additional prohibited nonstormwater discharges beyond those in Part I.D of this permit.
Sector Specific Control Measures and Effluent Limits.
In addition to the control measures and effluent limits in Part III, the permittee shall implement the following to minimize pollutant discharges, as applicable:
Good Housekeeping. Good housekeeping measures at the facility shallbe designed to include:
Preventing or minimizing the discharge of spilled cement, aggregate (including sand or gravel), kiln dust, fly ash, settled dust, or other significant materials in stormwater from paved
portions of the site that are exposed to stormwater;
Sweeping or vacuuming paved surfaces at the facility that are exposed to stormwater or use other equivalent measures (i.e. wash down the area and collect, treat, and/or properly dispose
of the washdown water) to minimize the potential discharge of these materials in stormwater. The frequency of these measures shall be determined based upon consideration of the amount
of industrial activity occurring in the area and frequency of precipitation, but shall not be less than once per week when cement, aggregate, kiln dust or fly ash are being handled or
otherwise processed in the area; and
Preventing exposure of fine granular solids such as cement, fly ash, and kiln dust to stormwater. Where practicable, these materials shall be stored in enclosed silos, hoppers or buildings,
in covered areas, or under covering.
Sector Specific Inspection Requirements.
There are no additional inspection requirements beyond those in Part IV.A of this permit.
Sector Specific Plan Requirements.
Site Map. In addition to the requirements in Part VII.D.3, the site map shall also include the location of the following, if applicable:
Bag house or other dust control device;
Recycle or sedimentation pond, clarifier, or other devices used for the treatment of process wastewater; and
Areas that drain to the treatment device.
Non-Stormwater Discharge Evaluation. In addition to the requirements in Part VII.D.6, for facilities processing ready-mix concrete, concrete block, brick, or similar products, the non-stormwater
discharge evaluation shall include:
An identification of measures used to ensure process wastewaters resulting from washing trucks, mixers, transport buckets, forms, or other equipment are discharged in accordance with
Part III.I or are recycled.
If the facility has a wash water recycle pond, an estimate of the amount of rainfall (in inches) is required to cause the recycle pond to overflow in a 24-hour period.
Monitoring Requirements.
Analytical Benchmark Monitoring. The following analytical benchmark monitoring parameters shall apply specifically to sector E facilities. Parameters found in this Part apply to both
primary industrial activities and any co-located industrial activities. The facility may be subject to the requirements of more than one of the following:
Table I.E.2 – Analytical Benchmark Monitoring Parameters for Clay Product Manufacturers (SIC 3251 – 3259, 3261 – 3269)
BenchmarkMonitoring Concentration
Total Recoverable Aluminum
Table I.E.3 – Analytical BenchmarkMonitoring Parameters for Concrete and Gypsum Product Manufacturers (SIC 3271 – 3275)
BenchmarkMonitoring Concentration
Total Suspended Solids1
100 mg/L
Sampling for total suspended solids is not required for stormwater discharges that are infiltrating to groundwater.
Numeric Effluent Limitation Monitoring. Numeric effluent limitation monitoring shall be required for sector E facilities conducting certain industrial activities. The concentration of
pollutants in stormwater discharges, independent of comingling, as discussed in Part V.C.2, shall not exceed the following effluent limitations at any time during the duration of permit
Table I.E.4 – Numeric Effluent Limitation Monitoring Parameters
Industrial Activity
Effluent Limitation
Discharges from material storage piles at cement manufacturing facilities (SIC 3241)
Total Suspended Solids1
50 mg/L, daily maximum
6.0 – 9.0 s.u.
Sampling for total suspended solids is not required for stormwater discharges that are infiltrating to groundwater.