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Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 DI3C — 2021 — o2o (41 www.enerafuels.com November 17, 2021 Sent VIA EXPEDITED DELIVERY Ms. Doug Hansen Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Re: Transmittal of 3rd Quarter 2021 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Hansen: I— a. 1 Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2021 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order, UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 as well as two CDs, that each contains a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly, ttq kLLt-1 ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager CC: David Frydenlund Logan Shumway Scott Bakken Garrin Palmer November 17, 2021 Sent VIA EXPEDITED DELIVERY Ms. Doug Hansen Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www.energyfuels.com Re: Transmittal of 3rd Quarter 2021 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Hansen: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2021 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order, UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 as well as two CDs, that each contains a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly, ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager CC: David Frydenlund Logan Shumway Scott Bakken Garrin Palmer White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report State of Utah Stipulation and Consent Order Docket No. UGW-20-01 (July through September) 2021 Prepared by: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Boulevard, Suite 600 Lakewood, CO 80228 November 17, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING ...................................................................... 1 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter ..................................... 1 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring .............................................................................. 1 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed .................................................................................. 2 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring ................................................................... 2 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures ....... 3 2.2.1 Decontamination Procedures ...................................................................... 3 2.2.2 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater ................................................... 4 2.2.3 Sample Collection ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 Field Data ............................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map .............................. 6 2.5 Laboratory Results .............................................................................................. 6 2.5 .1 Copy of Laboratory Results ........................................................................ 6 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework ............................................................................... 6 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION ................................... 6 3.1 Field QC Samples ............................................................................................... 7 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs ..................................................................... 7 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review ........................................................................... 7 3.4 Data Validation ................................................................................................... 8 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation .................................................................... 8 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation ............................................................................ 9 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation ................................................................. 9 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist ...................................................................... 9 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation ........................................................................ 9 3.4.6 Receipt pH Evaluation .............................................................................. 10 3.4.7 Trip Blank Evaluation ............................................................................... 10 3.4.8 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates ............................................... 10 3.4.9 Rinsate Sample Check .............................................................................. 10 3.4.10 Other Laboratory QA/QC ......................................................................... 11 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA ....................................................................... 12 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions ........... 12 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map ................................................... 12 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter. ........................................................ 19 4.1.3 Hydrographs .............................................................................................. 21 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation ................. 21 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture ............................ 21 4.2 Review of Analytical Results ............................................................................ 26 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map .............................................. 26 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs .................................. 26 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data .............................................................. 26 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW 4-4 OPERATIONS REPORT ..................................................................... 30 5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 30 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection ............................................................................... 30 5.3 Water Level Measurements .............................................................................. 31 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes ............................................................................ 31 5.5 Mass Removed and Plume Residual Mass ....................................................... 32 5.6 Inspections ........................................................................................................ 33 5.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers .............................. 33 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT ................................................................. 33 6.1 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions ..................................... 33 7.0 CURRENT COMPLIANCE STATUS ............................................................. 33 7 .1 Long Term Chloroform Plume Control ............................................................ 33 7.2 Well Construction, Maintenance and Operation ............................................... 34 7.3 Disposal of Extracted Groundwater. ................................................................. 34 7.4 Compliance Well Performance ......................................................................... 34 7 .5 Chloroform Plume Monitoring for Wells within 500 Feet of the Property Boundary .......................................................................................................... 34 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 34 9.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT .............................................. 41 10.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION ........................................................... 42 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Wells Sampling for the Period ii INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map and Depth to Water Data Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells over Time Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables 1-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation I-2 Holding Time Evaluation 1-3 Receipt Temperature Check 1-4 Analytical Method Check 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluations I-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks I-9 Rinsate Check Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs over Time Tab L Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data Over Time Tab M CSV Transmittal Letter Tab N Exceedance Notices for the Reporting Period iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION The presence of chloroform was initially identified in groundwater at the White Mesa Mill (the "Mill") as a result of split sampling performed in May 1999. The discovery resulted in the issuance of State of Utah Notice of Violation ("NOV") and Groundwater Corrective Action Order ("CAO") State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality ("UDEQ"), Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control ("DWMRC") Docket No. UGW-20-01, which required that Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ("EFRI") submit a Contamination Investigation Plan and Report pursuant to the provisions of UAC R317-6-6.15(D). In response to the NOV, EFRI submitted a series of documents outlining plans for investigation of the chloroform contamination. This plan of action and preliminary schedule was set out in EFRI submittals dated: September 20, 1999; June 30, 2000; April 14, 2005; and November 29, 2006. EFRI submitted a draft Groundwater Corrective Action Plan ("GCAP") dated August 22, 2007. The draft GCAP was reviewed by the Director, who advised EFRI in 2013 that modifications were required. In an effort to expedite and formalize active and continued remediation of the chloroform plume, both paities have agreed to the GCAP found in Attachment 1, of the final Stipulation and Consent Order ("SCO") dated September 14, 2015. This is the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report for the third quarter of 2021 as required under the SCO. This report also includes the Operations Report for MW-04, TW4-01, TW4-04, TW4-02, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, MW-26, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, and TW4-41 for the quarter. 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter A map showing the location of all groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers, existing wells, temporary chloroform contaminant investigation wells and temporary nitrate investigation wells is attached under Tab A. Chloroform samples and measurements taken during this reporting period are discussed in the remainder of this section. 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring Quarterly sampling for chloroform monitoring parameters is currently required in the following wells: MW-4 TW4-9 TW4-18 TW4-28 TW4-37 TW4-1 TW4-10 TW4-19 TW4-29 TW4-38 TW4-2 TW4-11 TW4-21 TW4-30 TW4-39 TW4-3 TW4-12 TW4-22 TW4-31 TW4-40 TW4-4 TW4-13 TW4-23 TW4-32 TW4-41 TW4-5 TW4-14 TW4-24 TW4-33 TW4-42 TW4-6 MW-26 (formerly TW4-15) TW4-25 TW4-34 TW4-7 TW4-16 TW4-26 TW4-35 TW4-8 MW-32 (formerly TW4-17) TW4-27 TW4-36 1 Chloroform monitoring was performed in all of the required chloroform monitoring wells. Table 1 provides an overview of all wells sampled during the quarter, along with the date samples were collected from each well, and the date(s) when analytical data were received from the contract laboratory. Table 1 also identifies equipment rinsate samples collected, as well as sample numbers associated with the deionized field blank ("DIFB") and any required duplicates. 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed Wells sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents: • Chloroform • Chloromethane • Carbon tetrachloride • Methylene chloride • Chloride • Nitrate plus Nitrite as Nitrogen Use of analytical methods is consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform Investigation Monitoring Quality Assurance Program (the "Chloroform QAP") attached as Appendix A to the White Mesa Uranium Mill Groundwater Monitoring QAP Revision 7.6, dated August 22, 2019. 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring Depth to groundwater was measured in the following wells and/or piezometers, pursuant to Part I.E.3 of the Groundwater Discharge Permit (the "GWDP"): • The quarterly groundwater compliance monitoring wells • Existing monitoring well MW-4 and all of the temporary chloroform investigation wells • Piezometers P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4 and P-5 • MW-20 and MW-22 • Nitrate monitoring wells • The DR piezometers that were installed during the Southwest Hydrologic Investigation In addition to the above, depth to water measurements are routinely observed in conjunction with sampling events for all wells sampled during quarterly and accelerated efforts, regardless of the sampling purpose. Weekly and monthly depth to groundwater measurements were taken in the chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, and TW4-41 and the nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02. In addition, monthly water level measurements were taken in non-pumping wells MW-27, MW- 30, MW-31, TW4-21, TWN-1, TWN-3, TWN-4, TWN-7, and TWN-18. 2 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures EFRI completed, and transmitted to DWMRC on May 25, 2006, a revised QAP for sampling under the Mill's GWDP. While the water sampling conducted for chloroform investigation purposes has conformed to the general principles set out in the QAP, some of the requirements in the QAP were not fully implemented prior to DWMRC's approval of the QAP, for reasons set out in correspondence to DWMRC dated December 8, 2006. Subsequent to the delivery of the December 8, 2006 letter, EFRI discussed the issues brought forward in the letter with DWMRC and has received correspondence from DWMRC about those issues. In response to DWMRC's letter and subsequent discussions with DWMRC, EFRI modified the chloroform Quality Assurance ("QA") procedures within the Chloroform QAP. The Chloroform QAP describes the requirements of the chloroform investigation program and identifies where they differ from the Groundwater QAP. On June 20, 2009 the Chloroform QAP was modified to require that the quarterly chloroform reports include additional items specific to EFRI's ongoing pump testing and chloroform capture efforts. The Groundwater QAP as well as the Chloroform QAP were revised again on June 6, 2012, August 15, 2017, July 23, 2018, May 14, 2019, and August 22, 2019. The revised Groundwater QAP and Chloroform QAP, Revision 7.6 were approved by DWMRC on September 10, 2019. The sampling methodology, equipment and decontamination procedures used in the chloroform contaminant investigation, as summarized below, are consistent with the approved QAP and the Chloroform QAP. 2.2.1 Decontamination Procedures Non-dedicated sampling equipment is decontaminated prior to use as described in the DWMRC- approved QAP and as summarized below. The water level meter is decontaminated with a detergent/deionized ("DI") water mixture by pouring the solutions over the water level indicator. The water level meter is then rinsed with DI water. The field measurement instrument probe is decontaminated by rinsing with DI water prior to each calibration. The sample collection cup is washed with a detergent/DI water solution and rinsed with fresh DI water prior to each calibration. The non-dedicated purging pump is decontaminated after each use and prior to use at subsequent sampling locations using the following procedures: a) the pump is submerged into a 55-gallon drum of nonphosphate detergent/DI water mixture; b) the detergent/DI water solution is pumped through the pump and pump outlet lines into the drain line connected to Cell 1; c) the pump is submerged into a 55-gallon drum of DI water; 3 d) the DI water solution is pumped through the pump and pump outlet lines into the drain line connected to Cell 1; 2.2.2 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater The non-pumping wells are purged prior to sampling by means of a portable pump. A list of the wells in order of increasing chloroform concentration is generated quarterly. The order for purging the non-pumping wells is thus established. The list is included with the Field Data Worksheets under Tab B. Mill personnel start purging with all of the non-detect wells and then move to the wells with detectable chloroform concentrations staring with the lowest concentration and proceeding to the wells with the highest concentration. One deviation to this practice is made for the continuously pumping wells. These wells are sampled throughout the sampling event and are not sampled in the order of contamination. This practice does not affect the samples for this reason: the pumping wells have dedicated pumps and there will be no cross- contamination resulting from the sampling order. Samples are collected by means of disposable bailer(s) the day following the purging. The disposable bailer is used only for the collection of a sample from an individual well and disposed subsequent to the sampling. As noted in the approved QAP, sampling will generally follow the same order as purging; however; the sampling order may deviate slightly from the generated list. This practice does not affect the samples for these reasons: any wells sampled in slightly different order either have dedicated pumps or are sampled via a disposable bailer. This practice does not affect the quality or usability of the data as there will be no cross-contamination resulting from the sampling order. Before leaving the Mill office, the portable pump and hose are rinsed with DI water. Where portable (non-dedicated) sampling equipment is used, a rinsate sample is collected at a frequency of one rinsate sample per 20 field samples. Well depth measurements are taken and the one casing volume is calculated for those wells which do not have a dedicated pump as described in Attachment 2-3 of the QAP. Purging is completed to remove stagnant water from the casing and to assure that representative samples of formation water are collected for analysis. There are three purging strategies that are used to remove stagnant water from the casing during groundwater sampling at the Mill. The three strategies are as follows: 1. Purging three well casing volumes with a single measurement of field parameters specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, redox potential, Dissolved Oxygen ("DO") and water temperature 2. Purging two casing volumes with stable field parameters for specific conductivity, turbidity, pH, redox potential, DO, and water temperature (within 10% Relative Percent Difference ["RPD"]) 3. Purging a well to dryness and stability (within 10% RPD) of field parameters for pH, specific conductivity, and water temperature only after recovery If the well has a dedicated pump, it is pumped on a set schedule per the remediation plan and is considered sufficiently evacuated to immediately collect a sample; however, if a pumping well has been out of service for 48 hours or more, EFRI will follow the purging requirements outlined in Attachment 2-3 of the QAP. The dedicated pump is used to collect parameters and to collect 4 the samples as described below. If the well does not have a dedicated pump, a Grundfos pump (9 -10 gpm pump) is then lowered to the screened interval in the well and purging is started. The purge rate is measured for the well by using a calibrated 5 gallon bucket. This purging process is repeated at each well location moving from least contaminated to the most contaminated well. All wells are capped and secured prior to leaving the sampling location. Wells with dedicated pumps are sampled when the pump is in the pumping mode. If the pump is not pumping at the time of sampling, it is manually switched on by the Mill Personnel. The well is pumped for approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the collection of the field parameters. Per the approved QAP, one set of parameters is collected. Samples are collected following the measurement of one set of field parameters. After sampling, the pump is turned off and allowed to resume its timed schedule. 2.2.3 Sample Collection Prior to sampling, a cooler with ice is prepared. The trip blank is also gathered at that time (the trip blank for these events is provided by the analytical laboratory). Once Mill Personnel arrive at the well sites, labels are filled out for the various samples to be collected. All personnel involved with the collection of water and samples are then outfitted with disposable gloves. Chloroform investigation samples are collected by means of disposable hailers. Mill personnel use a disposable bailer to sample each well that does not have a dedicated pump. The bailer is attached to a reel of approximately 150 feet of nylon rope and then lowered into the well. After coming into contact with the water, the bailer is allowed to sink into the water in order to fill. Once full, the bailer is reeled up out of the well and the sample bottles are filled as follows: • Volatile Organic Compound ("VOC") samples are collected first. This sample consists of three 40 ml vials provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The VOC sample is not filtered and is preserved with HCl; • A sample for nitrate/nitrite is then collected. This sample consists of one 250 ml. bottle that is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The nitrate/nitrite sample is not filtered and is preserved with H2S04; • A sample for chloride is then collected. This sample consists of one 500 ml. bottle that is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The chloride sample is not filtered and is not chemically preserved. After the samples have been collected for a particular well, the bailer is disposed of and the samples are placed into the cooler that contains ice. The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well. 5 2.3 Field Data Attached under Tab B are copies of the Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the quarter for the chloroform contaminant investigation monitoring wells identified in paragraph 2.1.1 above, and Table 1. 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map Attached under Tab C are copies of the Depth to Water Sheets for the weekly monitoring of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4- 25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, TW4-41 and TWN-2 as well as the monthly depth to groundwater data for the chloroform contaminant investigation wells and the non-pumped wells measured during the quarter. Depth to groundwater measurements that were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Quarterly Depth to Water Worksheet at Tab D of this report, along with the kriged groundwater contour map for the current quarter generated from this data. A copy of the kriged groundwater contour map generated from the previous quarter's data is provided under Tab E. 2.5 Laboratory Results 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results All analytical results were provided by American West Analytical Laboratory ("AWAL"). Table 1 lists the dates when analytical results were reported to the QA Manager for each sample. Results from the analyses of samples collected for this quarter's chloroform contaminant investigation are provided under Tab H of this Report. Also included under Tab H are the results of the analyses for duplicate samples, the DIFB, and rinsate samples for this sampling effort, as identified in Table 1, as well as results for trip blank analyses required by the Chloroform QAP. 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework As discussed in Section 1.0, above, the SCO triggered a series of actions on EFRI' s part. In addition to the monitoring program, EFRI has equipped one nitrate well and fifteen chloroform wells with pumps to recover impacted groundwater, and has initiated recovery of chloroform from the perched zone. Sections 4 and 5, below, interpret the groundwater level and flow information, contaminant analytical results, and pump test data to assess effectiveness of EFRI' s chloroform capture program. 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION The QA Manager performed a QNQuality Control ("QC") review to confirm compliance of the monitoring program with requirements of the QAP. As required in the QAP, data QA includes preparation and analysis of QC samples in the field, review of field procedures, an analyte completeness review, and QC review of laboratory methods and data. Identification of field QC 6 samples collected and analyzed is provided in Section 3.1. Discussion of adherence to Mill sampling Standard Operating Procedures ("SOPs") is provided in Section 3.2. Analytical completeness review results are provided in Section 3.3. The steps and tests applied to check laboratory data QA/QC are discussed in Sections 3.4.4 through 3.4.9 below. The analytical laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference ("NELAC") certification and reporting protocol. The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports, including copies of the Mill's Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for each set of Analytical Results, follow the analytical results under Tab H. Results of the review of the laboratory QA/QC information are provided under Tab I and are discussed in Section 3.4, below. 3.1 Field QC Samples The following QC samples were generated by Mill personnel and submitted to the analytical laboratory in order to assess the quality of data resulting from the field sampling program. Field QC samples for the chloroform investigation program consist of one field duplicate sample for each 20 samples, a trip blank for each shipped cooler that contains VOCs, one DIFB and rinsate samples. During this quarter, three duplicate samples were collected as indicated in Table 1. The duplicates were sent blind to the analytical laboratory and analyzed for the same parameters as the chloroform wells. Three trip blanks were provided by AW AL and returned with the quarterly chloroform monitoring samples. Two rinsate blank samples were collected as indicated on Table 1. Rinsate samples were labeled with the name of the subsequently purged well with a terminal letter "R" added (e.g. TW4-7R). The results of these analyses are included with the routine analyses under Tab H. In addition, one DIFB, while not required by the Chloroform QAP, was collected and analyzed for the same constituents as the well samples and rinsate blank samples. 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs The QA Manager's review of Mill Personnel's adherence to the existing SOPs, confirmed that the QA/QC requirements established in the QAP and Chloroform QAP were met. 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review All analyses required by the GCAP for chloroform monitoring for the period were performed. 7 3.4 Data Validation The QAP and GWDP identify the data validation steps and data QC checks required for the chloroform monitoring program. Consistent with these requirements, the QA Manager performed the following evaluations: a field data QA/QC evaluation, a holding time check, a receipt temperature check, an analytical method check, a reporting limit evaluation, a trip blank check, a QA/QC evaluation of sample duplicates, a QC Control Limit check for analyses and blanks including the DIFB and a rinsate sample check. Each evaluation is discussed in the following sections. Data check tables indicating the results of each test are provided under Tab I. 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation The QA Manager performs a review of the field recorded parameters to assess their adherence with QAP requirements. The assessment involved review of two sources of information: the Field Data Sheets and the Quarterly Depth to Water summary sheet. Review of the Field Data Sheets addresses well purging volumes and measurement of field parameters based on the requirements discussed in section 2.2.1 above. The purging technique employed determines the requirements for field parameter measurement and whether stability criteria are applied. Review of the Depth to Water data confirms that all depth measurements used for development of the groundwater contour maps were conducted within a five-day period as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab D. The results of this quarter's review of field data are provided under Tab I. Based upon the review of the field data sheets, the purging and field measurements were completed in conformance with the QAP requirements. A summary of the purging techniques employed and field measurements taken is described below: Purging Two Casing Volumes with Stable Field Parameter (within 10% RPD) Wells TW4-5, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-16, MW-32, TW4-18, TW4-23, TW4-32, and TW4-38 were sampled after two casing volumes were removed. Field parameters (pH, specific conductivity, turbidity, water temperature, DO, and redox potential) were measured during purging. All field parameters for this requirement were stable within 10% RPD. Purging a Well to Dryness and Stability of a Limited List of Field Parameters Wells TW4-3, TW4-6, TW4-7, TW4-10, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4- 28, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34, TW4-35, TW4-36, and TW4-42 were pumped to dryness before two casing volumes were evacuated. After well recovery, one set of measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature were taken. The samples were then collected, and another set of measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature were taken. Stabilization of pH, conductivity and temperature are required within 10% RPD under the QAP. The QAP requirements for stabilization were met. Continuously Pumped Wells Wells MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, and TW4-41 are continuously pumped wells. These wells are pumped on a set schedule per the remediation plan and are considered sufficiently evacuated to immediately collect a sample. 8 During review of the field data sheets, the QA Manager confirmed that sampling personnel consistently recorded depth to water to the nearest 0.01 foot. The review of the field sheets for compliance with QAP requirements resulted in the observations noted below. The QAP requirements in Attachment 2-3 specifically state that field parameters must be stabilized to within 10% over at least 2 consecutive measurements for wells purged to 2 casing volumes or purged to dryness. The QAP Attachment 2-3 states that turbidity should be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling unless the well is characterized by water that has a higher turbidity. The QAP Attachment 2-3 does not require that turbidity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations below regarding turbidity measurements greater than 5 NTU are included for information purposes only. Wells TW4-9, TW4-16, MW-32, TW4-18, TW4-32, TW4-37, and TW4-38 exceeded the QAP's 5 NTU goal. EFRI's letter to DWMRC of March 26, 2010 discusses further why turbidity does not appear to be an appropriate parameter for assessing well stabilization. In response to DWMRC's subsequent correspondence dated June 1, 2010 and June 24, 2010, EFRI completed a monitoring well redevelopment program. The redevelopment report was submitted to DWMRC on September 30, 2011. DWMRC responded to the redevelopment report via letter on November 15, 2012. Per the DWMRC letter dated November 15, 2012, the field data generated this quarter are compliant with the turbidity requirements of the approved QAP. 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation QAP Table 1 identifies the method holding times for each suite of parameters. Sample holding time checks are provided in Tab I. The samples were received and analyzed within the required holding times. 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation Chain of Custody sheets were reviewed to confirm compliance with the QAP requirement which specifies that samples be received at 6°C or lower. Sample temperatures checks are provided in Tab I. The samples were received within the required temperature limit. 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist The analytical methods reported by the laboratory were checked against the required methods enumerated in the Chloroform QAP. Analytical method checks are provided in Tab I. The analytical methods were consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform QAP. 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation The analytical method reporting limits reported by the laboratory were checked against the reporting limits enumerated in the Chloroform QAP. Reporting Limit Checks are provided under Tab I. The analytes were measured and reported to the required reporting limits; several sets of sample results had the reporting limit raised for at least one analyte due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution. In these cases, the reported value for the analyte was higher than the increased detection limit. 9 3.4.6 Receipt pH Evaluation Appendix A of the QAP states that volatile samples are required to be preserved and arrive at the laboratory with a pH less than 2. A review of the laboratory data revealed that the volatile samples were received at the laboratory with a pH less than 2. 3.4.7 Trip Blank Evaluation Trip blank results were reviewed to identify any VOC contamination resulting from transport of the samples. Trip blank checks are provided in Tab I. All of the trip blank samples were nondetect. 3.4.8 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Section 9.1.4 a) of the QAP states that RPDs will be calculated for the comparison of duplicate and original field samples. The QAP acceptance limits for RPDs between the duplicate and original field sample is less than or equal to 20% unless the measured results are less than 5 times the required detection limit. This standard is based on the EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review, February 1994, 9240.1-05- 01 as cited in the QAP. The RPDs are calculated for the duplicate pairs for all analytes regardless of whether or not the reported concentrations are greater than 5 times the required detection limits; however, data are considered noncompliant only when the results are greater than 5 times the reported detection limit and the RPD is greater than 20%. The additional duplicate information is provided for information purposes. Duplicate results were within a 20% RPD in the quarterly samples. Duplicate results are included in Tab I. 3.4.9 Rinsate Sample Check Rinsate blank sample checks are provided in Tab I. The rinsate blank sample concentration levels were compared to the QAP requirements i.e., that rinsate sample concentrations be one order of magnitude lower than that of the actual well. Rinsate blank sample TW4-3R had a reported chloroform detection of 12.8 ug/L. TW4-3 was nondetect for chloroform. The rinsate blank results for TW 4-3 were outside of acceptance limits for the rinsate blank results. TW4-3R was collected after decontamination and prior to the pump being used to collect any Q3 2021 chloroform samples. Because the pump was not used prior to the rinsate sample collection, the detection is not the result of cross contamination. Rinsate blank sample TW4-5R had a reported chloroform detection of 142.8 ug/L. TW4-5 had a detection of chloroform of 11.2 ug/L. The rinsate blank results for TW4-5 were outside of acceptance limits for the rinsate blank results. 10 Prior to the Q3 2021 sampling event EFRI serviced the DI water system and all filters and media were changed. The DI blank from the on-site DI system which generates the water for rinsate blank samples was nondetect, but has had reported concentrations in recent quarters. EFRI is continuing the investigation of the chloroform in the DI samples. The results of this investigation will be provided in future reports. EFRI is contacting the media and filter provider again and looking at plumbing systems to determine if the chloroform is originating within the physical system. The data for all samples are usable as reported. Even if there were contribution of chloroform to the sample results, it would bias the data high and would result in a more conservative data application. EFRI does not believe the data quality has been affected. 3.4.10 Other Laboratory QA/QC Section 9.2 of the QAP requires that the laboratory's QA/QC Manager check the following items in developing data reports: (1) sample preparation information is correct and complete, (2) analysis information is correct and complete, (3) appropriate analytical laboratory procedures are followed, (4) analytical results are correct and complete, (5) QC samples are within established control limits, (6) blanks are within QC limits, (7) special sample preparation and analytical requirements have been met, and (8) documentation is complete. In addition to other laboratory checks described above, EFRI's QA Manager rechecks QC samples and blanks (items (5) and (6)) to confirm that the percent recovery for spikes and the relative percent difference for spike duplicates are within the method-specified acceptance limits, or that the case narrative sufficiently explains any deviation from these limits. Results of this quantitative check are provided in Tab I. The lab QA/QC results met these specified acceptance limits except as noted below. The QAP Section 8.1.2 requires that a Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate ("MS/MSD") pair be analyzed with each analytical batch. The QAP does not specify acceptance limits for the MS/MSD pair, and the QAP does not specify that the MS/MSD pair be prepared on EFRI samples only. Acceptance limits for MS/MSDs are set by the laboratories. The review of the information provided by the laboratories in the data packages verified that the QAP requirement to analyze an MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met. While the QAP does not require it, the recoveries were reviewed for compliance with the laboratory established acceptance limits. The QAP does not require this level of review, and the results of this review are provided for information only. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the MS/MSDs recoveries and the associated RPDs for the samples were within acceptable laboratory limits except as indicated in Tab I. The data recoveries and RPDs which are outside the laboratory established acceptance limits do not affect the quality or usability of the data because the recoveries and RPDs above or below the acceptance limits are indicative of matrix interference most likely caused by other constituents in the samples. Matrix interferences are applicable to the individual sample results only. The requirement in the QAP to analyze a MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met and as such the data are compliant with the QAP. 11 The QAP specifies that surrogate compounds shall be employed for all organic analyses, but the QAP does not specify acceptance limits for surrogate recoveries. The analytical data associated with the routine quarterly sampling met the requirement specified in the QAP. The information from the Laboratory QNQC Summary Reports indicates that the surrogate recoveries for the quarterly chloroform samples were within acceptable laboratory limits for the surrogate compounds. The requirement in the QAP to analyze surrogate compounds was met and the data are compliant with the QAP. Furthermore, there are no QAP requirements for surrogate recoveries. The QAP, Section 8.1.2 requires that each analytical batch shall be accompanied by a method blank. The analytical batches routinely contain a blank, which is a blank sample made and carried through all analytical steps. For the Mill samples, a method blank was prepared for the analytical methods. Per the approved QAP, contamination detected in analysis of method blanks will be used to evaluate any analytical laboratory contamination of environmental samples. The QAP states that non-conformance conditions will exist when contaminant levels in the samples(s) are not an order of magnitude greater than the blank result. The laboratory reported that a method blank reported concentrations of methylene chloride below the RL. The method blank results did not affect any sample results and no further actions are necessary. Method blank results are included in Tab H. The information from the Laboratory QNQC Summary Reports indicates that the LCS recoveries for the samples were within acceptable laboratory limits for the regulated compounds as indicated in Tab I. The information from the Laboratory QNQC Summary Reports indicates that there were low Continuing Calibration Verification ("CCV") recoveries for chloromethane. The CCV recovery affected samples TW4-5, TW4-5R, TW4-7, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-10, TW4-16, MW-32, TW4- 18, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-33, and TW4-70. The data were flagged in accordance with the changes specified in EPA Method 8260D. The flagging requirements are new to the revised method and do not adversely affect the data. The data are usable for the intended purpose because chloromethane is not frequently detected. Further, the wells listed above do not have recent historical detections of chloromethane and the nondetect data are likely accurate. 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions. 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map The water level contour maps (See Tab D) indicate that perched water flow ranges from generally southwesterly beneath the Mill site and tailings cells to generally southerly along the eastern and western margins of White Mesa south of the tailings cells. Perched water mounding associated with the wildlife ponds locally changes the generally southerly perched water flow patterns. For example, northeast of the Mill site, mounding associated with formerly used wildlife ponds is still evident and disrupts the generally southwesterly flow pattern, to the extent that locally northwesterly flow occurs near MW-19 and 12 PIEZ-1. The impact of the mounding associated with the northern ponds, to which water has not been delivered since March 2012, is diminishing and is expected to continue to diminish as the associated mound decays due to reduced recharge. The perched groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond is also diminishing due to reduced recharge at that location. Not only has recharge from the wildlife ponds impacted perched water elevations and flow directions at the site, but the cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds, which are generally upgradient of the nitrate and chloroform plumes at the site, resulted in changing conditions that were expected to impact constituent concentrations and migration rates within the plumes. Specifically, past recharge from the northern ponds helped limit many constituent concentrations within the plumes by dilution while the associated groundwater mounding increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the northern ponds was discontinued in March 2012, increases in constituent concentrations in many wells, and decreases in hydraulic gradients within the plumes, are attributable to reduced recharge and the decay of the associated groundwater mound. EFRI and its consultants anticipated these changes and discussed these and other potential effects with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. The impacts associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds were expected to propagate downgradient (south and southwest) over time. Wells close to the ponds were generally expected to be impacted sooner than wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Therefore, constituent concentrations were generally expected to increase in downgradient wells close to the ponds before increases were detected in wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Although such increases were anticipated to result from reduced dilution, the magnitude and timing of the increases were anticipated to be, and have been, difficult to predict due to the complex permeability distribution at the site and factors such as pumping and the rate of decay of the groundwater mound. Because of these complicating factors, some wells completed in higher permeability materials were expected to be impacted sooner than other wells completed in lower permeability materials even though the wells completed in lower permeability materials were closer to the ponds. In general, chloroform and nitrate concentrations within and in the vicinity of the chloroform plume appear to have been impacted to a greater extent than nitrate concentrations within and adjacent to the nitrate plume. This behavior is reasonable considering that the chloroform plume is generally more directly downgradient of and more hydraulically connected (via higher permeability materials) to the northern wildlife ponds. In addition, the southern wildlife pond is in relatively close proximity to the downgradient (southern) extremity of the chloroform plume. Reduced recharge at the southern pond, and decay of the associated groundwater mound, can be expected to impact water level behavior and chloroform and nitrate concentrations in wells within this portion of the chloroform plume. Localized increases in concentrations of constituents such as chloroform and nitrate within and near the chloroform plume, and of nitrate and chloride within and near the nitrate plume, may occur even when these plumes are under control. Ongoing mechanisms that can be expected to 13 increase constituent concentrations locally as a result of reduced wildlife pond recharge include but are not limited to: 1) Reduced dilution -the m1xmg of low constituent concentration pond recharge into existing perched groundwater will be reduced over time. 2) Reduced saturated thicknesses -dewatering of higher permeability layers rece1vmg primarily low constituent concentration pond water will result in wells intercepting these layers receiving a smaller proportion of the low constituent concentration water. The combined impact of the above two mechanisms was anticipated to be more evident at chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20 (now abandoned); nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2; and non-pumped wells adjacent to the pumped wells. Impacts were also expected to occur over time at wells subsequently added to the chloroform pumping network: TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21 and TW4-37 (added during 2015); TW4-39 (added during the fourth quarter of 2016); TW4-41 (added during the second quarter of 2018); and TW4-40 (added during the second quarter of 2019). The overall impact was expected to be generally higher constituent concentrations in these wells over time until mass reduction resulting from pumping and natural attenuation eventually reduces concentrations. Short-term changes in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells are also expected to result from changes in pumping conditions. In addition to changes in the flow regime caused by wildlife pond recharge, perched flow directions are locally influenced by operation of the chloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Well defined cones of depression were typically evident in the vicinity of all chloroform pumping wells except TW4-4 and TW4-37, which began pumping in the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2015, respectively. The third quarter of 2018 was the first quarter that a well- defined cone of depression was associated with TW4-4, primarily the result of pumping at adjacent well TW4-41. The lack of well-defined capture associated with chloroform pumping well TW 4-4 was consistent prior to the third quarter of 2018, even though pumping since the first quarter of 2010 has depressed the water table in the vicinity of this well. The lack of a well-defined cone of depression near TW4-4 likely resulted from 1) variable permeability conditions in the vicinity of TW4-4, and 2) historical relatively low water levels at adjacent well TW4-14. Nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 started pumping during the first quarter of 2013. By the fourth quarter of 2013, operation of the nitrate pumping system had produced well-defined impacts on water levels. Water level impacts of the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems overlap; however the long-term interaction between the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems is evolving, and changes will be reflected in data collected during routine monitoring. Water level patterns near nitrate pumping wells are expected to be influenced by the presence of, and the decay of, the groundwater mound associated with the northern wildlife ponds, and by the historically relatively low water level at TWN-7. Since 2012, water levels in TWN-7 have risen while water levels in nearby wells have generally dropped due to pumping and the decay of the 14 northern groundwater mound. These factors have reduced water level differences between TWN- 7 and nearby wells. As discussed above, variable permeability conditions likely contributed to the lack of a well- defined cone of depression near chloroform pumping well TW 4-4. Changes in water levels at wells immediately south and southeast (downgradient) of TW4-4 resulting from TW4-4 pumping were expected to be muted because TW4-4 is located at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions south and southeast of TW4-4. As will be discussed below, the permeability of the perched zone at TW4-6, TW4-26, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34, and TW4-35 is one to two orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4, and the permeability at TW4-27 is approximately three orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4. Detecting water level drawdowns in wells immediately south and southeast of TW 4-4 resulting from TW4-4 pumping has also been complicated by a general, long-term increase in water levels in this area that has been attributable to past wildlife pond recharge. Between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the fourth quarter of 2009 (just prior to the start of TW4-4 pumping), water levels at TW4-4 and TW4-6 increased by nearly 2.7 and 2.9 feet at rates of approximately 1.2 feet/year and 1.3 feet/year, respectively. However, between the start of pumping at TW4-4 (first quarter of 2010) and the fourth quarter of 2013, the rate of increase in water levels at TW4-6 was reduced to less than 0.5 feet/year suggesting that TW 4-6 is within the hydraulic influence of TW 4-4. Water levels in wells currently within the chloroform plume south of TW4-4 (TW4-26, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-33 and TW4-40) are trending generally downward. The downward trend is evident at TW4-26, TW4-29 and TW4-33 since the fourth quarter of 2013; at TW4-30 only since about the end of 2020; and at TW4-40 since installation in the first quarter of 2018. The water level in TW4-6 (remaining outside the plume again this quarter) has also trended downward since the fourth quarter of 2013. Downward trends are attributable to both the cessation of water delivery to the wildlife ponds and pumping. Although water levels at some of the wells marginal to the chloroform plume such as TW4-14, TW4-27 and TW4-31 were generally increasing until about the first quarter of 2018, these water levels now appear to be relatively stable to decreasing. Water level trends at TW4-30, which was incorporated into the chloroform plume during the fourth quarter of 2020, have been similar to those at TW 4-27. These spatially variable water level trends likely result from pumping conditions, the permeability distribution, and distance from the wildlife ponds. Wells that are relatively hydraulically isolated (due to completion in lower permeability materials or due to intervening lower permeability materials) and that are more distant from pumping wells and the wildlife ponds, are expected to respond more slowly to pumping and reduced recharge than wells that are less hydraulically isolated and are closer to pumping wells and the wildlife ponds. Wells that are more hydraulically isolated will also respond more slowly to changes in pumping. The previous lack of a well-defined cone of depression associated with TW 4-4 was also influenced by the historically relatively low water level at non-pumping well TW4-14, located east of TW4-4 and TW4-6. Prior to 2018, although water level differences among these three wells had diminished, and TW 4-4 has been pumping since 2010, the water level at TW 4-14 was typically lower than the water level at TW4-6 and lower to an even greater extent than the water level at TW4-4. However, since the first quarter of 2018, as a result of pumping at TW4- 15 4l(adjacent to TW4-4), and declining water levels at TW4-6, the water level at TW4-14 was typically higher than the water levels at both TW4-4 and TW4-6. During the current quarter the water level at TW4-14 (approximately 5535.3 feet above mean sea level ["ft amsl"]) is more than 5 1/z feet higher than the water level at TW4-6 (approximately 5529.7 ft amsl), and is nearly 3 feet higher than the water level at TW4-4 (approximately 5532.4 ft. amsl). The static water levels at wells TW 4-14 and downgradient well TW 4-27 (installed south of TW4-14 in the fourth quarter of 2011) were similar (within 1 to 2 feet) until the third quarter of 2014; both appeared anomalously low. TW4-27 was positioned at a location considered likely to detect any chloroform present and/or to bound the chloroform plume to the southeast and east (respectively) of TW4-4 and TW4-6. As will be discussed below, groundwater data collected since installation indicates that TW4-27 does indeed bound the chloroform plume to the southeast and east of TW4-4 and TW4-6 (respectively); however, chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L has been detected at more recently installed temporary perched wells TW4-29 (located south of TW4-27) and TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29). Prior to the installation of TW4-27, the persistently low water level at TW4-14 was considered anomalous because it appeared to be downgradient of all three wells TW 4-4, TW 4-6, and TW 4- 26, yet chloroform had not been detected at TW4-14. Chloroform had apparently migrated from TW4-4 to TW4-6 and from TW4-6 to TW4-26. This suggested that TW4-26 was actually downgradient of TW4-6, and TW4-6 was actually downgradient of TW4-4, regardless of the flow direction implied by the relatively low water level at TW4-14. The water level at TW4-26 5527.7 feet amsl) is, however, lower than water levels at adjacent wells TW4-6 (5529.7 feet amsl) and TW4-23 (5531.6 feet amsl), as shown in the detail water level map under Tab D. Hydraulic tests indicate that the permeability at TW4-27 is an order of magnitude lower than at TW4-6 and three orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4 (see Hydro Geo Chem, Inc. [HGC], September 20, 2010: Hydraulic Testing of TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26, White Mesa Uranium Mill, July 2010; and HGC, November 28, 2011: Installation, Hydraulic Testing, and Perched Zone Hydrogeology of Perched Monitoring Well TW4-27, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah). Past similarity of water levels at TW4-14 and TW4-27, and the low permeability estimate at TW4-27, suggested that both wells were completed in materials having lower permeability than nearby wells. The low permeability condition likely reduced the rate of long-term water level increase at TW4-14 and TW4-27 compared to nearby wells, yielding water levels that appeared anomalously low. This behavior is consistent with hydraulic test data collected from more recently installed wells TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34 and TW4-35, which indicate that the permeability of these wells is one to two orders of magnitude higher than the permeability of TW4-27 (see: HGC, January 23, 2014, Contamination Investigation Report, TW4-12 and TW4-27 Areas, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah; and HGC, July 1, 2014, Installation and Hydraulic Testing of TW4-35 and TW4-36, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah [As-Built Report]). Hydraulic tests also indicate that the permeability at TW4-36 is slightly higher than but comparable to the low permeability at TW4-27, suggesting that TW4-36, TW4-14 and TW4-27 are completed in a continuous low permeability zone. 16 The current quarterly water level at TW4-27 (approximately 5528.8 ft. amsl) is more than 6 feet lower than the water level at TW4-14 (5535.3 ft. amsl) Increases in water level differences between TW4-14 and TW4-27 since 2013 are attributable to more rapid increases in water levels at TW4-14 compared to TW4-27. This behavior likely results primarily from: the relative positions of the wells; past water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds; and the permeability distribution. Past seepage from the ponds caused propagation of water level increases in all directions including downgradient to the south. The relative hydraulic isolation of TW 4-14 and TW4-27 delayed responses at these locations. Until pumping started at TW4-41, water levels at both these wells were consistently lower than in surrounding higher permeability materials even though water levels in surrounding materials were generally decreasing due to reduced pond seepage and pumping. Although water levels at TW4-14 and TW4-27 appear to have stabilized, the previous rate of increase was higher at TW 4-14 due to factors that include: closer proximity to the northern pond seepage source; and a smaller thickness of low permeability materials separating TW4-14 from surrounding higher permeability materials. In addition, hydraulic gradients between TW 4-14 and surrounding higher permeability materials were relatively large and were consistently directed toward TW4-14 prior to TW4-41 pumping. Slowing of the rates of water level increase at TW4-14 (since 2015) and TW4-27 (since early 2014), and relative stabilization since about the first quarter of 2018, are attributable to changes in hydraulic gradients between these wells and surrounding higher permeability materials. In addition, water levels in this area are affected by reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond and the decay of the associated groundwater mound. The decay of the mound is expected to contribute to changes in hydraulic gradients between the low permeability materials penetrated by TW4-14 and TW4-27 and the surrounding higher permeability materials. Because TW4-27 is closer to the southern wildlife pond than TW 4-14, changes in hydraulic gradients attributable to decay of the southern groundwater mound are expected to impact TW4-27 sooner and to a greater extent than TW4-14, consistent with the lower rate of increase in water levels at TW4-27, and the earlier reduction in the rate of increase (since early 2014) as discussed above). The low permeability at TW4-14 and TW4-27 is expected to retard the transport of chloroform to these wells (compared to nearby wells). As will be discussed in Section 4.2.3, TW4-14 and TW4-27 remain outside the plume with current quarter chloroform concentrations of less than 1 µg/L and 3.8 µg/L, respectively. Chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L detected at TW4-29 and TW4-33 since their installation in 2013 indicates that, in addition to migrating south from TW4-4 to TW4-6 and TW4-26, chloroform also migrated along a relatively narrow path to the southeast from the vicinity of TW4-4 to TW4- 33 then TW4-29. Such migration was in a direction nearly cross-gradient with respect to the direction of groundwater flow implied by the historic groundwater elevations in this area, which, until about 2014, placed TW4-14 almost directly downgradient of TW4-4. Such migration was historically possible because the water levels at TW4-29 were lower than the water levels at TW4-4 (and TW4-6). The permeability and historic water level distributions are generally consistent with the apparent nearly cross-gradient migration of chloroform from TW4-4 around the low permeability zone defined by TW4-36, TW4-14, and TW4-27. 17 Chloroform at TW4-30 exceeded 70 µg/L for the first time during the fourth quarter of 2020 and was detected at approximately 78 µg/L this quarter. Consequently, TW4-30 does not bound the plume immediately to the east. However, chloroform was not detected at wells TW4-31 (located east of TW4-27), TW4-34 (located south and cross-to downgradient of TW4-29), nor TW4-35 (located southeast and generally downgradient of TW 4-29). Data from wells within and adjacent to the southern portion of the chloroform plume indicate that: 1. Chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L at TW4-29 is bounded by concentrations below 70 µg/L at wells TW4-6, TW4-23, TW4-27, TW4-34, TW4-35 and TW4-42; however, as discussed above, TW4-30 does not bound the plume immediately to the east. Although previously downgradient of TW4-29, due to long-term changes in water levels, TW4-30 is now generally cross-gradient of TW4-29. TW4-6, TW4-23 and TW4-27 are generally cross- to upgradient of TW4-29; TW4-34 is generally cross-to downgradient of TW4-29; TW4- 42 is generally cross-gradient of TW4-29; and TW4-35 is generally downgradient of both TW4-29 and TW4-30. 2. Chloroform concentrations at TW4-33 that are lower than concentrations at TW4-29, and the likelihood that a pathway exists from TW4-4 to TW4-33 to TW4-29, suggest that concentrations in the vicinity of TW4-33 were likely higher prior to initiation of TW4-4 pumping, and that lower concentrations currently detected at TW4-33 are due to its closer proximity to TW 4-4. 3. Chloroform concentrations at TW4-26 exceeded 70 µg/L for the first time during the second quarter of 2017. Chloroform at TW4-26 is bounded by concentrations below 70 µg/L at TW4-6 and TW4-23 (located up-to cross-gradient of TW4-26); and at TW4-34 (located generally cross-gradient of TW4-26). Chloroform has not been detected at either TW4-23 or TW4-34. Although chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L was detected at well TW4- 40, installed approximately 200 feet south of TW4-26 in February, 2018, chloroform has not been detected at TW 4-42, installed approximately 200 feet south of TW 4-40 in April, 2019. TW4-42 is generally downgradient of both TW4-26 and TW4-40 and bounds the chloroform plume to the south. Eventually, TW4-4 pumping, enhanced by operation of adjacent pumping well TW4-41, is likely to reduce chloroform at both TW4-29 and TW4-33 by cutting off the source. The decrease at TW4-33 is expected to be faster than at TW4-29 because TW4-33 is in closer proximity to TW4- 4 pumping. Such behavior is expected by analogy with the temporary decreases in chloroform concentrations that occurred at TW4-6 and TW4-26 once TW4-4 pumping began (discussed in Section 4.2.3). Since installation in 2013, however, concentrations at TW4-33 appear to be relatively stable to decreasing (and have been decreasing since 2018). From the third quarter of 2014 until the second quarter of 2020, concentrations at TW4-29 generally increased; however since the second quarter of 2020 concentrations appear to be relatively stable to decreasing. Chloroform trends at TW4-29 and TW4-33 suggest that chloroform migration has been arrested at TW4-33 by TW4-4 (and TW4-41) pumping and that increased chloroform at TW4-29 resulted from a remnant of the plume that migrated past TW4-33 and generally toward TW4-30 (which was previously downgradient of TW4-29, and until the fourth quarter of 2020, bounded the 18 plume to the east). The influence of TW4-4 pumping at the distal end of the plume is consistent with generally decreasing water levels at both TW4-29 and TW4-33. Pumping at TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018 is expected to help maintain or enhance this decline. Decreasing water level trends at TW4-29 and TW4-33 are also consistent with reduced wildlife pond seepage. The decay of the groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond, which is 3 to 4 times closer to the southern extremity of the chloroform plume than the northern ponds, is expected to impact water levels within and adjacent to this portion of the plume. Reduced wildlife pond seepage, in particular, reduced seepage from the southern wildlife pond, likely contributes to decreasing water level trends at both wells (since about the fourth quarter of 2013); temporarily increased concentrations at TW4-6 subsequent to the first quarter of 2014; and increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016. As the groundwater mound associated with the southern pond decays, groundwater flow directions in the southern extremity of the plume have become more southerly, and plume migration has turned more to the south. An increasingly southerly direction of plume migration is consistent with water level changes in this area and increased concentrations at TW4-26. In addition, generally decreasing concentrations at TW4-6 since the third quarter of 2015, and generally increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016, suggest that TW4- 4 pumping has arrested chloroform migration between TW 4-4 and TW 4-6, and that increased chloroform at TW4-26 results from a remnant of the plume that continues to migrate south from TW4-6 to TW4-26. The enhancement of pumping in the vicinity of TW4-4 by the start-up of TW4-41 pumping in the second quarter of 2018 is likely to increase this apparent separation and to have resulted in concentrations at TW4-6 dropping below 70 µg/L after the second qua1ter of 2018. Furthermore, the initiation of pumping at TW4-40 during the second quarter of 2019 is expected to reduce or prevent chloroform migration to the south of TW 4-40. Detectable chloroform concentrations at TW4-14 (from the fourth quarter of 2014 through the first quarter of 2021) and at TW4-27 (since the third quarter of 2015) suggest ongoing, but slow, downgradient migration of chloroform from the southeastern extremity of the plume (near TW4- 29 and TW4-33) into the low permeability materials penetrated by TW4-14 and TW4-27. Pumping at TW 4-41 is expected to reduce or prevent future migration of chloroform toward these wells. 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour map for the Mill site for the second quarter of 2021, as submitted with the Chloroform Monitoring Report for the second quarter of 2021, is attached under Tab E. A comparison of the water table contour maps for the current quarter (third quarter of 2021) to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter (second quarter of 2021) indicates the following: water level changes at the majority of site wells were small ( < 1 foot); as with the previous quarter, no significant changes to water level contours north of Cell 1 resulted from water level measurements at recently installed temporary nitrate wells TWN-20 and TWN-21; and water level contours have not changed significantly except in the vicinities of many of the 19 nitrate and chloroform pumping wells. Overall, total pumping capture 1s smaller than last quarter. Drawdown patterns and overall capture associated with pumping of the original chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, and TW4-19 have changed as additional groups of wells have been added to the pumping network. A large expansion in capture occurred within a year of the initiation of pumping at nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 in the first quarter of 2013. Additional large expansions occurred once chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21 and TW4-37 became operational in 2015, and once TW4-39 became operational in the fourth quarter of 2016. Significant expansion of capture to the south has resulted from pumping of TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018 and from initiation of pumping at TW 4-40 during the second quarter of 2019. The drawdown at nitrate pumping well TW 4-24 increased by more than 2 feet this quarter. However drawdowns at chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-4 and TW4-21; and nitrate pumping well TWN-2 decreased by more than 2 feet this quarter. Water level changes at other nitrate and chloroform pumping wells were 2 feet or less, although both increases (decreases in drawdown) and decreases (increases in drawdown) occurred. Water level fluctuations at pumping wells typically occur in part because of fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken. The reported water level for chloroform pumping well TW 4-11 is below the depth of the Brushy Basin contact this quarter. Although both increases and decreases in drawdown occurred in pumping wells, the overall apparent capture area of the combined pumping system is smaller than last quarter. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, pumping at chloroform well TW 4-4, which began in the first quarter of 2010, depressed the water table near TW4-4, but a well-defined cone of depression was not clearly evident until the third quarter of 2018, likely due to variable permeability conditions near TW4-4 and the historically relatively low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. The expanded cone of depression associated with TW4-4 and adjacent pumping well TW4-41 since the initiation of pumping at TW 4-41 in the second quarter of 2018 has contributed to southerly expansion of total pumping system capture. As discussed above, southerly expansion of capture was additionally enhanced in the second quarter of 2019 by the initiation of pumping at TW4-40. Water levels at Piezometers 1 and 2 decreased by up to 0.17 feet this quarter; current and past decreases are consistent with cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds as discussed in Section 4.1.1 and the consequent continuing decay of the associated perched water mound. Reported water level decreases of approximately 0.13 and 0.25 feet, respectively, at TWN-1 and TWN-4 are also consistent with continuing decay of the northern groundwater mound. The reported water level decrease of approximately 0.12 feet at both Piezometers 4 and 5 likely result primarily from reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond. The reported water level at MW-20 increased by nearly 2 feet. Water level variability at this well likely results from low permeability and variable intervals between purging/sampling and water level measurement. The reported water level increase at MW-20 partially compensates for the reported decrease last quarter. 20 Measurable water was not reported at DR-22. Although DR-22 is typically dry, measurable water was reported in the bottom of its casing between the second quarter of 2015 and the third quarter of 2016. 4.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab F are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each chloroform contaminant investigation monitor well over time. 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached under Tab F are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above. 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture Perched water containing chloroform has been removed from the subsurface by operating chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26 and TW4-19 since 2003; TW4-4 since 2010; TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21 and TW4-37 since 2015; TW4-39 since the fourth quarter of 2016; TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018; and TW4-40 since the second quarter of 2019. TW4- 20 was also operated as a pumping well from 2005 until August, 2020 when it collapsed and was subsequently abandoned. The primary purpose of pumping the above wells is to reduce total chloroform mass in the perched zone as rapidly as is practical. The original pumping wells up gradient of TW 4-4 were chosen because 1) they were located in areas of the perched zone having relatively high permeability and saturated thickness, and 2) high concentrations of chloroform were detected at these locations. The relatively high transmissivity of the perched zone in the vicinity of these original pumping wells resulted in the wells having a relatively high productivity. The combination of relatively high productivity and high chloroform concentrations allowed for a high rate of chloroform mass removal. TW 4-4 and TW4-41 are located in a downgradient area having relatively high chloroform concentrations but relatively small saturated thickness, and at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions downgradient of TW 4-4. As with the other chloroform pumping wells, pumping TW 4-4 and TW 4-41 helps to reduce the rate of chloroform migration in downgradient portions of the plume. Although pumping of TW4-6 and TW4-26 (located south of TW4-4 and TW4-41) is impractical due to low permeability and small saturated thicknesses, the permeability in the vicinity of TW 4- 40 (located south of TW4-26) is large enough to make pumping practical. TW4-40 is valuable in that it is located within the downgradient (southern) toe of the plume and is relatively productive. Pumping of TW4-40 is likely to more effectively reduce or prevent further downgradient plume migration than can be expected by pumping at the more upgradient locations. The impact of chloroform pumping is indicated by the water level contour maps attached under Tabs D and E. Cones of depression are evident in the vicinity of MW-4; and near MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-37 and TW4-39. These wells continue to remove significant quantities of 21 chloroform from the perched zone. Relatively large cones of depression are also evident in the vicinities of wells TW4-1 and TW4-2 (near MW-4); and at TW4-11. These wells began pumping during the first quarter of 2015. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, although chloroform pumping well TW4-4 became operational in 2010, the drawdown associated with TW4-4 was likely less apparent due to variable permeability conditions near TW 4-4 and the persistently low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. However, pumping at adjacent well TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018 has generally increased drawdowns in this area; the third quarter of 2018 was the first quarter that a well-defined cone of depression was associated with TW4-4. As discussed in Section 4.1.2 the combined pumping of TW 4-4 and TW 4-41, enhanced by initiation of pumping at TW4-40 during the second quarter of 2019, has contributed to southerly expansion of total pumping system capture. Overall, the water level contour maps indicate effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinities of the pumping wells. Compared to last quarter, both increases and decreases in water levels occurred at nitrate and chloroform pumping wells, although changes in water levels in chloroform pumping wells MW- 4, TW4-1, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41; and nitrate pumping wells TW4-22 and TW4-25 were less than two feet. Water level decreases occurred in chloroform pumping wells TW4-11 (approximately 0.4 feet); TW4-19 (approximately 1 foot); and TW4-40 (approximately 0.2 feet); and in nitrate pumping well TW4-24 (approximately 2.4 feet). Water level increases occurred in chloroform pumping wells MW-4 (approximately 0.2 feet); MW-26 (approximately 10.3 feet); TW4-1 (approximately 1.8 feet); TW4-2 (approximately 13.1 feet); TW4-4 (nearly 4.3 feet); TW4-21 (approximately 2.5 feet); TW4-37 (approximately 1 foot); TW4-39 (nearly 0.8 feet); and TW4-41 (approximately 0.8 feet); and in nitrate pumping wells TW4-22 (nearly 0.7 feet); TW4-25 (nearly 0.7 feet); and TWN-2 (approximately 10.1 feet). The overall apparent combined capture area of the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems is smaller than last quarter; capture decreased within the central and northern portions of the combined pumping system due primarily to decreased drawdowns at MW-26 and TWN-2. The capture associated with nitrate pumping wells and chloroform pumping wells added since the beginning of 2015 is expected to generally increase over time as water levels continue to decline due to cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and continued pumping. Slow development of hydraulic capture in the vicinities of many wells is consistent with and expected based on the relatively low permeability of the perched zone at the site. The hydraulic capture effectiveness of both chloroform and nitrate pumping systems depends to some extent on the continued productivity of chloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Decreases in productivity since the third quarter of 2014 have been noted in chloroform pumping well TW4- 19 and nitrate pumping well TW4-24. The impact of reduced productivity of these wells on chloroform capture was discussed in Attachment N (Tab N) of the third quarter, 2015 report. The report also included a discussion of the effectiveness of chloroform pumping on chloroform capture. 'Background' flow through the chloroform plume was calculated in Attachment N as approximately 3.3 gpm. A more refined 'background' flow calculation of 3.4 gpm was provided in the CACME Report (See HGC, March 31, 2016: Corrective Action Comprehensive Monitoring Evaluation Report, White Mesa Uranium Mill, Near Blanding, Utah). 22 Decreases in productivity at TW 4-4 since the third quarter of 2016 have been addressed by the operation of adjacent pumping well TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018. Pumping from wells within and immediately adjacent to the chloroform plume during the current quarter (from wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41) is approximately 4.9 gpm. Pumping from TW4-20 is not included as it was abandoned in October, 2020. The pumping calculation is based on the total volume pumped by the above wells over the 90 day quarter (633,307 gallons) and accounts for times that the pumps are off due to insufficient water columns in the wells. Pumping from these wells exceeds the calculated background flow by 1.5 gpm or 44 %, and is considered adequate at the present time even with the reduced productivities of some wells. In addition, because of continued reductions in saturated thicknesses and hydraulic gradients resulting from reduced wildlife pond recharge, 'background' flow through the plume is expected to continue to diminish, thereby reducing the pumping needed to control the plume. Chloroform concentrations at many locations have been or appear to be affected by changes associated with reduced dilution from the wildlife ponds and nitrate pumping. For example, increases in chloroform at TW4-22 and TW4-24 after these wells were converted to nitrate pumping wells are attributable to westward migration of chloroform from the vicinity of TW 4-20 toward these wells. The increase in concentration at TW4-8 from non-detect to 100 µg/L in the first quarter of 2014 is likely related to reduced dilution. The concentration at TW4-8 remained below 70 ug/L this quarter after dropping below 70 µg/L during the first quarter of 2020. In addition, although the chloroform concentration in TW4-6 generally decreased between the first quarter of 2015 and the current quarter (and remains outside the plume), concentrations at TW4- 6 increased from approximately 6 µg/L in the first quarter of 2014 to 1,180 µg/L in the first quarter of 2015 before dropping to 3.7 µg/L this quarter. The increase between the first quarter of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 was likely related to both reduced dilution and more westward flow induced by nitrate pumping. TW4-6 is located immediately south and historically cross-to downgradient of chloroform pumping well TW 4-4. TW 4-6 has been incorporated into the chloroform plume twice: from the first quarter of 2009 through the third quarter of 201 O; and from the third quarter of 2014 through the second quarter of 2018. Pumping of TW4-6 (and TW4-26) is impractical because of relatively low permeability and relatively small saturated thicknesses. However, pumping at more productive locations upgradient of TW4-6 (such as TW4-4 and TW4-41) enhances mass removal and lowers hydraulic gradients, thereby reducing the rate of downgradient chloroform migration and allowing natural attenuation to be more effective. Pumping at TW 4-4 was implemented during the first quarter of 2010 to improve capture down gradient of TW 4-4 to the extent allowable by the lower productivity conditions present in this area. The beneficial effect of pumping TW 4-4 was demonstrated by the net decreases in TW 4-6 chloroform concentrations from 1,000 µg/L to 10.3 µg/L, and in TW4-26 from 13 µg/L to 4.2 µg/L, between the initiation of TW4-4 pumping and the second quarter of 2014. Concentrations at these wells decreased substantially even though they did not unambiguously appear to be 23 within the hydraulic capture of TW4-4. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, however, the decrease in the long-term rate of water level rise at TW4-6 after TW4-4 began pumping does suggest that TW4-6 was within the hydraulic influence of TW4-4. The decline in water levels at TW4-6 since the fourth quarter of 2013 likely reflects the additional influences of cessation of water delivery to the wildlife ponds and the addition of chloroform pumping wells TW4-l, TW4-2, TW4-11 and TW4-41. Regardless of whether TW4-6 was demonstrably within the hydraulic capture of TW4-4, pumping TW4-4, and relatively recently installed adjacent pumping well TW4-41, helps to reduce chloroform migration to TW4-6, TW4-26, and other downgradient locations by the mechanisms discussed above. Likewise, pumping at other productive upgradient locations has a beneficial impact on downgradient chloroform even if the downgradient chloroform is not completely within the hydraulic capture of the productive upgradient well(s). For example, pumping at MW-26 likely reduced chloroform concentrations at TW4-16 from a maximum of 530 µg/L in the second quarter of 2004 to less than 70 µg/L by the fourth quarter of 2005, and maintained concentrations below 70 µg/L until the second quarter of 2014, even though TW4-16 appears to be beyond the hydraulic capture of MW-26. Furthermore, the overall hydraulic capture of the chloroform pumping system has expanded since initiation of pumping at wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11 TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 since the beginning of 2015. In particular, the addition of wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 likely halted the mid-2013 to end of 2014 increase in concentration at TW4-16 from non-detect to 387 µg/L. Concentrations at TW4-16 dropped from 387 µg/L in the fourth quarter of 2014 to less than 70 µg/L by the second quarter of 2015. Although chloroform at TW4-16 has been above and below 70 µg/L since 2014, and was detected at 202 µg/L this quarter, concentrations have generally increased since 2018, likely in response to reduced dilution. Chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L was detected in the second quarter of 2013 at TW4-29, installed during the first quarter of 2013 and located south of TW4-27 and east of TW4-26. With respect to historic groundwater flow directions implied by historic groundwater elevations in this area, TW4-29 was positioned generally cross-gradient of TW4-4 and TW4-6. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, chloroform detected at TW4-29 may have migrated around the low permeability area defined by TW4-27, TW4-14 and TW4-36. The apparent migration pathway from TW4-4 to TW4-29 is consistent with chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L detected in the fourth quarter of 2013 at TW4-33, installed during the third quarter of 2013 and located between TW4-4 and TW4-29. Chloroform concentrations at TW4-33 that are lower than concentrations at TW4-29, and the likelihood that a pathway exists from TW4-4 to TW4-33 to TW4-29, suggest that concentrations in the vicinity of TW4-33 were likely higher prior to initiation of TW4-4 pumping. TW4-4 pumping (augmented by pumping at adjacent well TW4-41) is expected to eventually reduce chloroform at both TW4-33 and TW4-29 by cutting off the source, with the impact at TW4-33 anticipated to be greater than at TW4-29 because TW4-33 is in closer proximity to TW4-4 (and TW4-41) pumping. By analogy, such behavior would be consistent with the decreases in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-26 that occurred once TW4-4 pumping began. 24 However, for several quarters after installation, concentrations at both TW4-29 and TW4-33 were relatively stable (rather than decreasing). Between the third quarter of 2014 and the second quarter of 2020, concentrations at TW4-29 generally increased; subsequently concentrations stabilized and began to decrease. Over the same time period concentrations at TW4-33 remained generally stable to decreasing. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, decreasing concentration trends at both wells were eventually expected to occur. Since the third quarter of 2014, TW4-33 concentrations that have been relatively stable to decreasing; and TW4-29 concentrations that generally increased before stabilizing and subsequently decreasing; appear consistent with these expectations. Trends at these wells suggest that chloroform migration has been arrested at TW 4- 33 by TW4-4 (and TW4-41) pumping and that previously increasing chloroform at TW4-29 resulted from a remnant of the plume that migrated past TW4-33 generally toward TW4-30 (which was previously downgradient of TW4-29 and, until the fourth quarter of 2020, bounded the plume to the east). The influence of TW 4-4 pumping at the distal end of the plume is consistent with generally decreasing water levels at both TW4-29 and TW4-33. However, as discussed in Section 4.1.1, decreasing water level trends are also consistent with reduced wildlife pond seepage. The decay of the groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond, which is 3 to 4 times closer to the southern extremity of the chloroform plume than the northern ponds, is likely to have an impact on water levels within and adjacent to this portion of the plume. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, generally decreasing water level trends at TW4-6 and TW4-26 (since about the fourth quarter of 2013), temporarily increased concentrations at TW4-6 (since the first quarter of 2014) and increased concentrations at TW4-26 (since the third quarter of 2016), are also consistent with reduced wildlife pond seepage, in particular reduced seepage from the southern wildlife pond. As the groundwater mound associated with the southern pond decays, groundwater flow directions in the southern extremity of the plume have become more southerly, and plume migration is turning more to the south. An increasingly southerly direction of plume migration is consistent with increased concentrations at TW4-26 (from less than 10 µg/L in the third quarter of 2016 to 927 µg/L this quarter). In addition, as in the area near TW4-29 and TW4-33, generally decreasing concentrations at TW4-6 since the third quarter of 2015, and generally increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016, suggest that TW4-4 (and TW4-41) pumping has arrested chloroform migration between TW4-4 and TW4-6, and that increased chloroform at TW4-26 results from a remnant of the plume that continues to migrate south from TW 4-6 to TW 4-26. The enhancement of pumping in the vicinity of TW4-4 by the start-up of TW4-41 pumping in the second quarter of 2018 is likely to increase this apparent separation and to have resulted in concentrations at TW4- 6 dropping below 70 µg/L beginning in the third quarter of 2018. Furthermore, detectable chloroform concentrations at TW4-14 (from the fourth quarter of 2014 through the first quarter of 2021) and at TW4-27 (since the third quarter of 2015) suggest ongoing, but slow, down gradient migration of chloroform from the southeastern extremity of the plume into the low permeability materials penetrated by these wells. Chloroform analytical results from TW4-35 (as discussed in Section 4.2.3) demonstrate that chloroform is bounded to the southeast of TW4-29. From 2014 through 2019 chloroform 25 concentrations at TW4-8 exceeded 70 µg/L and TW4-36 (non-detect for chloroform) served as an eastern bounding well. However, since the end of 2019, chloroform at TW4-8 remained below 70 µg/L and continues to bound the chloroform plume to the east. 4.2 Review of Analytical Results 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Included under Tab J of this Report is a current chloroform isoconcentration map for the Mill site. Details of the gridding procedure used to generate the chloroform isoconcentration map (consistent with Part III.B.2.a through Part III.B.2.c of the GCAP) are provided in Tab L. 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs Attached under Tab K are tables summarizing values for all required parameters, chloride, nitrate/nitrite, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, and methylene chloride, for each well over time. Attached under Tab K are graphs showing chloroform concentration trends in each monitor well over time. 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data Comparing the chloroform analytical results to those of the previous quarter, as summarized in the tables included under Tab K, the following observations can be made: a) Chloroform concentrations have increased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-26, TW4-6, TW4-19, and TW4-24; b) Chloroform concentrations decreased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-37 and TW4-39; c) Chloroform concentrations have remained within 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-5, TW4-7, TW4-10, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-33, TW4-40 and TW4-41; and d) Chloroform concentrations have remained non-detect in the following wells: MW-32, TW4-3, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-23, TW4-25, TW4-28, TW4-31, TW4-32, TW4-34, TW4-35, TW4-36, TW4-38 and TW4-42. As indicated, chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported for the wells during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Wells MW-26, TW4-6, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-37 and TW4-39 had changes in concentration greater than 20%. Of these, MW-26, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; and TW4-22 and TW4-24 are nitrate 26 pumping wells. TW4-6 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping wells TW4-4 and TW4-41; TW 4-8 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping well MW-4; and TW 4-9 is located near chloroform pumping well TW4-39. Fluctuations in concentrations at both chloroform and nitrate pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from changes in pumping. In addition, fluctuations in concentrations at wells such as TW 4-9 are expected based on their locations near the plume margins. Chloroform pumping wells MW-26 (1,580 µg/L); TW4-2 (1,150 µg/L), TW4-11 (2,600 µg/L); TW4-19 (4,450 µg/L); TW4-37 (10,200 µg/L); and nitrate pumping well TW4-22 (3,510 µg/L) had the highest detected chloroform concentrations. Although pumping well TW4-20, formerly located between pumping wells TW4-19 and TW4-37, would typically be distinguished as having one of the highest concentrations, TW4-20 collapsed during August, 2020 and was abandoned in October, 2020. Since last quarter, the chloroform concentrations in MW-26 increased from 998 to 1,580 µg/L; TW4-2 decreased from 1,160 to 1,150 µg/L; TW4-11 decreased from 3,320 to 2,600 µg/L; TW4- 19 increased from 775 to 4,450 µg/L; and TW4-37 decreased from 13,000 to 10,200 µg/L. In addition, the chloroform concentration in chloroform pumping well TW4-21 decreased from 1,130 to 669 µg/L; the concentration in nitrate pumping well TW4-22 decreased from 4 520 to 3,510 µg/L; and the concentration in nitrate pumping well TW4-24 increa ed from 41.2 to 103 µg/L, taking it just within the plume boundary lhis qL1arter. Nitrate pumping well TW4-25 remained non-detect. TW4-25, located north of TW4-21, bound the chloroform plume to the north. Chloroform at TW4-8 (which was non-detect from the first quarter of 2008 through the fourth quarter of 20 L3) decrea ·ed from 22.3 µg/L to 17 ~lg/L and remained out ide the pJume. TW 4-8 is located immediately east of chloroform pumping well MW-4, where chloroform was detected at a concentration of 1,140 µg/L. Although the plume boundary remained between MW-4 and TW4-8 from the first quarter of 2005 through the fourth quarter of 2013, TW4-8 was re- incorporated into the plume between the first quarter of 2014 and the fourth quarter of 2019. Elevated chloroform at TW4-8 was bounded to the north by TW4-3 and TW4-38 (both non- detect), to the northeast by TW4-13 (non-detect), to the east by TW4-36 (non-detect), and to the southeast by TW4-14 (which has remained below 10 µg/L and is non-detect this quarter). Although previously elevated, TW4-8 remained outside of and bounded the plume during 2020, and remains outside of and bound the plume this quarter. Changes in the plume boundary near TW4-8 are expected to result from change in pumping and reduced dilution resulting from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Chloroform at TW4-29 (located at the southeastern extremity of the plume, to the east of TW4- 26 and to the south of TW4-27) increased from 543 µg/L to 602 µg/L; and chloroform at TW4- 30, located immediately cross-gradient of TW4-29, decreased slightly from 78.7 µg/L to 78.2 µg/L, remaining within the plume. Chloroform at TW4-14 remained non-detect and chloroform at TW4-27 decreased from approximately 4.3µg/L to 3.8 µg/L. Concentration trends at these wells are generally consistent with ongoing, but slow, downgradient migration of chloroform at these locations. For example, it took more than 51 quarters for detectable chloroform at TW 4-4 to migrate approximately 400 feet downgradient to TW4-14; and it took more than 30 quarters 27 for chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L at TW4-29 to migrate approximately 160 feet to TW4-30. In addition, although TW4-30 was previously downgradient of TW4-29, due to long-term changes in water levels in this area, TW4-30 is now generally cross-gradient of TW4-29. Furthermore, as discussed in Section 4.1.1, general increases in concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016 are also consistent with continuing downgradient chloroform migration which is likely enhanced by the decay of the groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond. Recent increases in concentration at TW4-26 have widened the southeast extremity of the plume which historically was narrow compared to more upgradient locations. Chloroform at TW4-29 is bounded to the north by TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µg/L), to the southeast by TW4-35 (non-detect), to the south by TW4-34 (non-detect), and to the west- northwest by TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non-detect). As a consequence of increases in concentration, TW4-30 no longer bounds the plume immediately to the east. Chloroform at TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29) showed a decrease in concentration, from approximately 64 µg/L to approximately 60 µg/L. Chloroform at TW4-33 is bounded to the north by TW4-14 (non-detect), to the east by TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µg/L), and to the west by TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non-detect). The chloroform concentration in TW4-6 increased from approximately 3 µg/L to 3.7 µg/L. TW4-6 has remained outside the chloroform plume since the third quarter of 2018. Installed in the second quarter of 2000, TW4-6 was the most downgradient temporary perched well prior to installation of TW4-23 in 2007 and TW4-26 in the second quarter of 2010. TW4-6 remained outside the chloroform plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008 likely due to a combination of 1) slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping, and 2) natural attenuation. TW4-6 was subsequently incorporated into the plume twice: from the first quarter of 2009 through the third quarter of 2010; and from the third quarter of 2014 through the second quarter of 2018. Between initiation of pumping of TW 4-4 in the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014, concentrations at TW4-6 showed a net decrease from 1,000 µg/L to 10.3 µg/L. The relatively slow rate of chloroform migration in the vicinity of TW4-6 in the past is demonstrated by comparing the rate of increase in chloroform at this well to the rate of increase in the nearest upgradient well TW4-4. Concentrations at TW4-4 increased from non-detect to more than 2,200 µg/L within only two quarters whereas 16 quarters were required for concentrations in TW4-6 to increase from non-detect to only 81 µg/L. This behavior is consistent with hydraulic tests performed at TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26 during the third quarter of 2010 that indicate a nearly two orders of magnitude decrease in permeability south (downgradient) of TW4-4. Chloroform migration rates in the vicinities of wells TW4-26, TW4-29 and TW4-33 have been expected to be relatively slow due to upgradient pumping and relatively low permeability conditions. By analogy with the decreases in concentration at TW4-6 and TW4-26 that occurred after initiation of TW 4-4 pumping, chloroform concentrations at both TW 4-29 and TW4-33 have been expected to eventually trend downward; and recent data are consistent with this expectation. 28 Although changes in concentration have occurred in wells within the chloroform plume, the boundaries of the plume have not changed significantly since the last quarter, except for slight contraction near TW4-9; and slight expansion near TW4-24. The chloroform concentration increase at TW4-24, from approximately 41 µg/L to 103 µg/L, caused slight expansion of the plume boundary toward the west; and the concentration decrease at TW4-9 (from approximately 102 µg/L to 30 µg/L), caused slight contraction of the plume boundary toward the west. As has been the case since the first quarter of 2020, due primarily to decreases in concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-33, the kriging algorithm has 'pinched off' the southern extremity of the plume. TW 4-9 remained outside the plume from the second quarter of 2019 through the first quarter of 2021; was re-incorporated within the plume last quarter; and is again outside the plume this quarter. TW4-9 was incorporated into the plume from the first quarter of 2016 until the first quarter of 2019 due to increased concentrations attributable to reduced recharge (and dilution) from the northern wildlife ponds. Prior to the first quarter of 2016, however, TW4-9 was outside the plume except during the fomth quarter of 2014. Nitrate pumping generally caused the western boundary of the northern portion of the chloroform plume to migrate to the west toward TW4-24. Since the first quarter of 2014, TW4- 24 has been both inside and outside the plume and is just within the plume this quarter. TW 4-24 likely remained primarily outside the plume since 2014 due to initiation of TW4-37 pumping in the second quarter of 2015 and reduced productivity at TW4-24 (since the third quarter of 2014). Subsequent to the first quarter of 2014, generally higher concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-16 (both of which were within the chloroform plume in the past) caused the plume boundary to migrate to the southwest and temporarily re-incorporate both wells. This increase was likely related to reduced dilution from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and more westerly flow induced by nitrate pumping. In addition, concentrations at TW4-6 are expected to be influenced by reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond and the decay of the associated groundwater mound. TW 4-6 has remained outside the plume since the third quarter of 2018 due to the general decrease in chloroform concentrations since the third quarter of 2015, while (as discussed in Section 4.1.5) TW4-16 has been both within and outside the plume. This quarter, although TW4- 6 remains outside the plume, TW4-16 remains just inside the plume. The decreasing trend in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 since the third quarter of 2015, and generally increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quaiter of 2016, suggest that TW4- 4 pumping has arrested chloroform migration between TW 4-4 and TW 4-6, and that increased chloroform at TW4-26 results from a remnant of the plume that continues to migrate south from TW4-6 to TW4-26. This behavior is consistent with the apparent 'pinching-off' of the southern extremity of the plume since the end of 2019. Regardless, pumping at TW4-41, located adjacent to TW4-4, and pumping at TW4-40, located just south (downgradient) of TW4-26, is expected to reduce or halt plume expansion to the south. 29 Although the nitrate pumping system may redistribute chloroform within the plume and cause change. in the chloroform plume boundarie , continued operation of the nitrate pumping sy. Lem i • expected to enhance capture as ociated with the chloroform pumpjng y tern. Furthermore since the beginnjng of 2015, the addition of chloroform weJls TW4-l, TW4-2, TW4-ll TW4- 21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 is expected to have a beneficial impact. Generally reduced concentrations at TW4-6 (since the first quarter of 2015) and TW4-I 6 (since the fourth quarter of 2014) after previous increa ·es are likely the re uJt of initiation of TW4-l, TW4-2, and TW4-11 pumping during 2015. Maintaining reduced concentrations at TW4-6 i anticipated to result from pumping at TW 4-41. 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW4-4 OPERA TIO NS REPORT 5.1 Introduction As a part of the inve tigation of chloroform contamination at the MilJ ite EFRI ba been conducting a Long Term Pump Test on MW-4, TW4-J9, MW-26, and TW4-20, and, si nce January 31, 2010, TW4-4. The purpo e of tbe te ·t i to erve a an interim action that wrn remove a significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation. TW4-20 collapsed in August of 2020 and was abandoned in October 2020. Beginning in January 2013, EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 as required by the Nitrate CAP dated May 7, 2012 and the Stipulated Consent Order (the "SCO") dated December 12, 2012. Because welJ TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are chloroform program wells, they are included in this report and any chloroform removal realized as part of this pumping is calculated and included in the chloroform quarterly reports. Beginning on January 14 2015 EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-ll and began Jong term pumping of TW4-21 and TW4-37 on June 9, 2015. Beginning in December 2016 EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-39. Beginning in April 2018 EFRl began long term pumping of TW 4-41. Beginning in May 2019 EFRI began long term pumping of TW 4-40. The following information documents the operational activities during the quarter. 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection The long term pump te t for MW-4 wa tarted on April 14, 2003, followed by the start of pumping from TW4-19 on ApriJ 30 2003 from MW-26 on August 8, 2003, from TW4-20 on Augu t 4, 2005, from TW4-4 on January 31, 2010, and from TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 on January 26 2013. Per onnel from Hydro Geo Chem, Inc. were on site to conduct the fi r t pba e of the pump test and collect the initial two days of monitoring data for MW-4. EFRI personnel have gathered subsequent water level and pumping data. Analyses of hydraulic parameters and discussion of perched zone hydrogeology near MW-4 has been provided by Hydro Geo Chem in a separate report, dated November 12, 2001, and in the May 26, 2004 Final Report on the Long Term Pumping Test. 30 Data collected during the quarter included the following: • Measurement of water levels at MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4- 19, MW-26, TW4-21, TWN-2, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39 TW4-40, and TW4-41 on a weekly basis, and at selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells on a monthly basis. • Measurement of pumping history, including: pumping rates total pumped volume operational and non-operational periods. • Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate/nitrite analysis and other constituents. 5.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16, 2003, the frequency of water level measurements from MW-4, MW-26, and TW4-19 was reduced to weekly. From commencement of pumping, and regularly after March 1, 2010 for TW4-4, water levels in these wells have been measured weekly. From commencement of pumping, water levels in wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-41, and TWN-2 have been measured weekly. Depth to groundwater in all other chloroform contaminant investigation wells is monitored monthly. Copies of the weekly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-4, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 (beginning May 2019), TW4-41 and TWN-2 and the monthly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for the chloroform contaminant investigation wells and the selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells are included under Tab C. Monthly depth to water measurements for the quarter are recorded in the Field Data Worksheets included under Tab C. 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes Table G-2 summarizes the recovered mass of chloroform by well per quarter and historically since the inception of the chloroform recovery program for the active pumping wells. It is important to note that TWN-2 is a nitrate program well and is sampled only for nitrate and chloride as required by the nitrate program. Because TWN-2 is not sampled or analyzed for chloroform, the mass of chloroform recovered is not calculated. The pumping wells do not pump continuously, but are on a delay device. The wells purge for a set amount of time and then shut off to allow the well to recharge. Water from the pumping wells is transferred to a holding tank. The water in the holding tank is used in the Mill processes. The pumping rates and volumes for each of the pumping wells are shown in Table G-3. Specific operational problems observed with the well or pumping equipment which occurred during the quarter are noted for each well below. Specific operational problems observed with the well or pumping equipment which occurred during the quarter are noted for each well below. 31 Unless specifically noted below, no operational problems were observed with the well or pumping equipment during the quarter. 5.5 Mass Removed and Plume Residual Mass Chloroform removal was estimated as of the first quarter 2007. Since that estimation, the mass removed by well for each quarter has been compiled in Table G-2, which shows the pounds of chloroform that have been removed to date. The mass of chloroform removed from the plume this quarter is approximately 13.4 lb., which is 14 % more than the approximately 11.8 lb. removed last quarter. The larger rate of mass removal is attributable primarily to the increased concentrations at TW4-19. The residual mass of chloroform within the plume is estimated as 933 lb. using the methodology described in Appendix A of the GCAP ("Chloroform Plume Mass Calculation Method"). This is approximately 149 lb. larger than last quarter's estimate of 784 lb. As per Part 111.B.2 of the GCAP, electronic files used in calculating the mass estimate are provided with this report. Details of the procedure are provided in Tab L. The residual mass is plotted in Figure L. l. Since the third quarter of 2015 the trend is downward; the current quarter's estimate of 933 lb. is substantially lower than both the third quarter 2015 estimate of 1,712 lb., and the maximum of 2,261 lb. estimated for the second quarter of 2016. Subsequent residual plume mass estimates will be calculated quarterly, added to the graph, and the trendline updated as per Part III.B.3 of the GCAP. As discussed in the CACME Report, the calculated chloroform mass is larger since the cessation of water delivery to the two northern wildlife ponds in the first quarter of 2012. These ponds are located immediately upgradient of the chloroform plume. The increase in calculated mass results from increased plume area and increased average concentrations within the plume. The increases in both plume area and average concentrations are attributable to reduced dilution due to the reduction in chloroform-free wildlife pond seepage. The general decrease in the residual mass estimates since the second quarter of 2016 suggests stabilization and decline. Although the residual mass estimates are generally larger since 2012, the rate of mass removed per quarter by pumping is also generally larger. Mass removal rates were particularly enhanced after the addition of 5 new pumping wells in 2015; and the subsequent addition of 3 additional pumping wells has helped maintain mass removal rates. Furthermore, although the pumping system is not designed to hydraulically capture the entire plume, the proportion of the mass of the plume under capture has historically been large. The proportion of the mass of the plume under capture during the fourth quarters of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 ranged from approximately 84% to 99%. The approximate proportion of the mass of the plume under capture this quarter is 96%, which is smaller than last quarter's approximately 99%. 32 5.6 Inspections All of the required inspections were completed and the inspection forms are included in Tab C. 5.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers No water was added to the any of the wildlife ponds during the quarter. 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT No corrective actions were necessary for the current reporting period. 6.1 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions There were no corrective actions required during the previous quarters' monitoring period. 7.0 CURRENT COMPLIANCE STATUS 7.1 Long Term Chloroform Plume Control The chloroform plume is currently entirely within the Mill property boundary and is bounded on all sides by wells having chloroform concentrations that are either non-detect or less than 70 µg/L (Tab J), except at the location of TW4-30. As discussed in Section 2.4.3, TW4-30 no longer bounds the plume immediately to the east due to increases in concentration that brought TW4-30 into the plume for the first time during the fourth quarter of 2020. To serve as a new bounding well, chloroform well TW4-43 was installed to the southeast of TW4-30 during September, 2021. TW4-43 will be sampled during the fourth quarter of 2021. Although TW4-30 no longer serves as a bounding well, the chloroform plume is bounded to the north by TW4-25 (non-detect); to the west and southwest by MW-28 (non-detect), MW-31 (non- detect), MW-32 (non-detect), TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non -detect); to Lhe east by TW4-3 (non-detect), TW4-5 (approximately 11 µg/L), TW4-8 (approximately 17 ~tg/L), TW4-9 (approximately 30 µg/L) TW4-I3 (non-detecl), TW4-14 (non-detect) TW4-I8 (approximately 50 µg/L), TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µg/L), TW4-36 (non-detect) and TW4-38 (non-detect); to the south by TW4-34 (non-detect) and TW4-42 (non-detect); and to the southeast by TW4-35 (non-detect). Becau e TW4-26 no longer bounded the chloroform plume to lhe south-southwest, TW4-40 was installed outh (downgradient) of TW4-26 during the first quarter of 2018. Because the econd quarter of 20J 8 wa the second con ·ecutive quarter that chloroform in TW4-40 exceeded 70 µg/L the required Plan and Time Schedule was submitted and TW4-42 was installed approximately 200 feel south of TW 4-40 during April, 2019. Chloroform has not been detected in TW4-42, indicating that TW4-42 bounds the plume immediately to the south-southwest. Regardless, MW-17 (non-detect) and MW-38 (non-detect) bound the plume to the far southwest (cross-gradient), and MW-22 (non-detect), MW-39 (non-detect) and MW-40 (non-detect) bound the plume far to the south (cross-to downgradient). 33 Except for TW4-30, located in the southeastern extremity of the plume, data collected to date indicate there are sufficient chloroform monitoring and pumping wells to effectively define control, and monitor the plume. Subsequent data will determine wh ther or not TW4-30 remain within the plume and can serve (as in the past) as a bounding well. Regardless of whether or not TW4-30 remains within the plume, chloroform well TW4-43 has been installed to the southeast of TW4-30 to serve as a new bounding well; and site water level data indicate that perched groundwater flow to the east of TW4-30, between TW4-30 and the ea tern site property boundary, is to the south-southwe ·t; therefore it is unlikely that any chloroform within thi portion of the plume could ever migrate across the ea tern property boundary. In addition chloroform in the vicinity of TW4-30 is migrating relatively . lowly; it took more than 30 quarters for chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L at TW4-29 to migrate approximately 160 feet to TW4-30. Furthermore, hydraulic gradients from TW4-29 to TW4-30 that are now nearly non- existent as a result of long-term decline is expected to reduce chloroform migration rates in this area. Finally, the groundwater flow direction in the immediate vicinity of TW4-30 is now southerly, toward TW4-35 which remains non-detect for chloroform. 7 .2 Well Construction, Maintenance and Operation Part II of the GCAP specifies that EFRI must construct, maintain and operate the chloroform wells in accordance with the specifications delineated therein. The wells were maintained and operated as required. Additional details regarding any specific pumping well operations and maintenance issues noted during the quarter are discussed in Section 5.0 above. 7 .3 Disposal of Extracted Groundwater Part II of the GCAP requires that all extracted groundwater be di po ·ed of in the tailings management system or fed in the Mill pr ce All extracted groundwater was handled as required by the GCAP. 7 .4 Compliance Well Performance Part Il.G of the GCAP states that an exceedance of the compliance well performance standard is defined as the presence of chloroform in any compliance monitoring well in excess of 70 ug/L for two or more quarters. The compliance well chloroform concentrations were below the 70 ug/L except as noted in previou reports. The previously noted exceedances have been addressed in Plans and Time Schedules. There are no new exceedances in Q3 2021. 7.5 Chloroform Plume Monitoring for Wells within 500 Feet of the Property Boundary Currently there are no compliance wells within 500 feet of the property boundary. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The residual mass of chloroform within the plume is estimated as 933 lb. using the methodology described in Appendix A of the GCAP ("Chloroform Plume Mass Calculation Method"). This is 34 approximately 149 lb. more than last quarter's estimate of 784 lb. The mass of chloroform removed from the plume this quarter by pumping, approximately 13.4 lb., is 14 % greater than the mass removed last quarter (approximately 11.8 lb.). The larger mass removal is attributable primarily to the increased concentration at TW4-19. The chloroform plume is entirely contained within the Mill property boundary and is bounded on all sides by wells having chloroform concentrations that are either non-detect or less than 70 µg/L (Tab J) except at the location of TW4-30. As discussed in Se tion 2.4.3, TW4-30 does not bound the plume immediately to the east this quarter due to increa. e i11 concentration that brought TW4-30 into the plume for the first time during the fourth quarter of 2020. However, chloroform well TW4-43 has been installed to the southeast of TW4-30 to serve as a new bounding well; and the plume is currently bounded to the north by TW4-25 (non-detect); to the west and southwest by MW-28 (non-detect), MW-31 (non-detect) MW-32 (non-detect), TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non-detect); to the ea t by TW4-3 (non-detect) TW4-5 (approximately 11 µg/L), TW4-8 (approximately 17 ~tg/L) TW4-9 (approX_irnately 30 µg/L), TW4-13 (non-detect) TW4-14 (non-detect), TW4-J8 (approximately 50 µg/L), TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µ.g/L), TW4-36 (non-detect) and TW4-38 (non-detect)· to the outh by TW4- 34 (non-detect) and TW4-42 (non-detect); and to the southeast by TW4-35 (non-detect). Becau e TW4-26 no longer bounded the chloroform plume to the south-outhwest TW4-40 wa in stalled sooth (downgradient) of TW4-26 during the fir 't quarter of 2018. Becau e the econd quarter of 2018 wa the econd con ecutive quarter that chloroform in TW4-40 exceeded 70 µg/L the required Plan and Time Schedule wa ubmitted and TW4-42 was in tailed approximately 200 feet outb of TW4-40 during April, 2019. Chloroform ha not been detected in TW4-42, indicating that TW4-42 bound the plume immediately to the south-outhwe t. RegardJe ·s MW-17 (non-detect) and MW-38 (non-detect) bound the plume to the far southwest (cross-gradient), and MW-22 (non-detect), MW-39 (non-detect) and MW-40 (non-detect) bound the plume far to the oath (cro s-to downgradienr). Except for TW4-30, located in the southeastern extremity of the plume, data collected to date indicate there are sufficient chloroform monitoring and pumping well to effectjvely define control, and monitor the plume. Subsequent data will determine whether or not TW4-30 remains within the plume and can serve (as in the past) as a bounding well. Regardless of whether or not TW 4-30 remains within the plume, chloroform well TW 4-43 has been installed to the southeast of TW 4-30 to serve as a new bounding well; and site water level data indicate that perched groundwater flow to the east of TW4-30, between TW4-30 and the ea tern site property boundary, is to the south-southwe t; therefore it is unlikely that any chloroform within thi portion of the plume could ever migrate across the eastern property boundary. In addition, chloroform in the vicinity of TW4-30 is migrating relatively lowly; it took more than 30 quarters for chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L at TW4-29 to migrate approximately 160 feet to TW4-30. Furthermore, hydraulic gradients from TW4-29 to TW4-30 that are now nearly non- existent as a result of long-term decline is expected to reduce chloroform migration rates in this area. Finally, the groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of TW4-30 is now southerly, toward TW4-35, which remains non-detect for chloroform. 35 The water level contour maps for the third quarter, 2021 indicate effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations over most of the chloroform plume. Capture in the southeastern portion of the plume (vicinity of MW-4) was enhanced by start-up of chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 during the first quarter of 2015. Capture in the northwestern portion of the plume was enhanced by start-up of chloroform pumping wells TW4- 21 and TW4-37 during the second quarter of 2015; and of TW4-39 during the fourth quarter of 2016. Capture in the southernmost portion of the plume was enhanced by ta11-up of pumping at TW4-41 during the second quarter of 2018 and of TW4-40 during the second quarter of 2019. All pumping wells added since the beginning of 2015 have enhanced the effectiveness of chloroform mass removal. Although pumping began in the first quarter of 2010, a well-defined capture zone was not clearly evident at chloroform pumping well TW 4-4 until the third quarter of 2018. Increased draw downs in this area since the second quarter of 2018, and development of a definable capture zone, is attributable to pumping at adjacent well TW4-41. The capture zone ass ociated with TW4-4 was likely ob cured prior to the second quarter of 2018 by the historically relatively low water level at adjacent well TW4-14 and the two orders of magnitude decrease in permeability south of TW 4-4. However, as noted in previous reports, between the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014, decreases in chloroform concentrations and the rate of water level rise at TW4-6 (located downgradient of TW4-4) likely resulted from TW 4-4 pumping. Cones of depression associated with the nitrate pumping wells became evident as of the fourth quarter of 2013, and capture associated with the nitrate pumping is expected to continue to develop. Overall, the apparent capture area of the combined chloroform and nitrate pumping systems is smaller than last quarter, with capture decrea ing within the central and northern portions of the combined pumping system due primarily to decreased drawdowns at MW-26 and TWN-2. 'Background' flow through the chloroform plume was calculated as approximately 3.4 gpm (See HGC March 31, 2016: Corrective Action Comprehensive Moni toring Evaluation [CACME] Report White Me ·a Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah). Pumping from wells within and immediately adjacent to the chloroform plume during the current quarter (from well · MW-4 MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41) is approximately 4.9 gpm. The combined pumping rate of 4.9 gpm exceeds the calculated background flow by 1.5 gpm or 44%, and is considered adequate at the present time. Chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Wells MW-26, TW4-6, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-37 and TW4-39 had changes in concentration greater than 20%. Of these, MW-26, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; and TW4-22 and TW4-24 are nitrate pumping wells. TW4-6 is 36 located adjacent to chloroform pumping wells TW4-4 and TW4-41; TW4-8 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping well MW-4; and TW4-9 is located near chloroform pumping well TW4-39. Fluctuations in concentrations at both chloroform and nitrate pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from changes in pumping. In addition, fluctuations in concentrations at wells such as TW 4-9 are expected based on their location near the plume margins. Furthermore, changes in concentrations at chloroform wells are expected to result from continued operation of the nitrate pumping system, as the capture associated with nitrate pumping expands and flow directions change locally. Chloroform pumping well s MW-26 (1,580 µg/L); TW4-2 (1150 µg/L), TW4-J I (2,600 µg/L); TW4-19 (4,450 µg/L); TW4-37 (10,200 µg/L)· and nitrate pumping well TW4-22 (3 510 µg/L) had the highest detected chloroform concentrations. Although pumping well TW4-20 formerly located between pumping wells TW4-19 and TW4-37, would typically be distinguished as having one of the highest concentrations, TW4-20 collapsed during August, 2020 and was abandoned in October, 2020. Since last quarter, the chloroform concentrations in MW-26 increased from 998 to 1,580 µg/L; TW4-2 decreased from 1,160 to 1,150 µg/L; TW4-l 1 decreased from 3,320 to 2,600 µg/L; TW4- 19 increased from 775 to 4,450 µg/L; and TW4-37 decreased from 13,000 to 10,200 µg/L. In addition, the chloroform concentration in chloroform pumping well TW4-21 decreased from 1,130 to 669 µg/L; the concentration in nitrate pumping well TW4-22 decrea ed from 4,520 to 3,510 µg/L; and the concentration in nit.rate pumping well TW4-24 increa. ed from 41.2 to 103 µg/L, taking it just within the plume boundary tl1is quarter. Nitrate pumping well TW4-25 remained non-detect. TW4-25, located north of TW4-21, bounds the chloroform plume to the north. Chloroform at TW4-8 (which was non-detect from the fir t quarter of 2008 through the fourth quarter of 2013) decreased from 22.3 µg/L to 17 µg/L and remained outside the plume. TW4-8 is located immediately east of chloroform pumping well MW-4, where chloroform wa. detected at a concentration of 1,140 µg/L. Although the plume boundary remained between MW-4 and TW4-8 from the first quarter of 2005 through the fourth quarter of 2013 TW4-8 was re- incorporated into the plume between the first quarter of 2014 and the fourth quarter of 2019. Elevated chloroform at TW4-8 was bounded to the north by TW4-3 and TW4-38 (both non- detect), to the northeast by TW 4-13 (non-detect), to the east by TW 4-36 (non-detect), and to the southeast by TW4-14 (which has remained below 10 µg/L and is non-detect this quarter). Although previously elevated, TW4-8 has remained outside of and has bounded the plume since the end of 2019. Changes in the plume boundary near TW4-8 are expected to result from changes in pumping and reduced dilution resulting from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Detectable chloroform concentration at TW 4-14 (between the fourth quarter of 2014 and the fir t quarter of 2021) and at TW4-27 ( ince the third quarter of 2015) are consistent with continued, but slow, downgradient migration of chloroform from the distal end of the plume (near TW4-29 and TW4-33) into the low permeability. materials penetrated by TW4-14 and TW4-27. Chloroform at TW4-14 remained non-detect and chloroform at TW4-27 decreased 37 from approximately 4.3 µg/L to 3.8 µg/L. Pumping at TW4-41 is expected to reduce or prevent future migration of chloroform toward these wells. Concentration trends at TW4-29 (located at the southeastern extremity of the plume, to the east of TW4-26 and to the south of TW4-27); and at TW4-30 (located immediately east of TW4-29), are also generally consistent with ongoing, but slow, downgradient migration of chloroform. Although previously downgradient of TW4-29, due to long-term changes in water levels in this area, TW4-30 is now generally cross-gradient of TW4-29. Chloroform at TW4-29 increased from 543 µg/L to 602 µg/L; and chloroform at TW4-30 decreased slightly from 78.7 µg/L to 78.2 µg/L, remaining within the plume. As discussed above, slow downgradient migration is consistent with the more than 30 quarters needed for chloroform exceeding 70 µg/L at TW4-29 to migrate approximately 160 feet to TW4-30. Chloroform at TW4-29 is bounded to the north by TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µg/L), to the southeast by TW4-35 (non-detect), to the south by TW4-34 (non-detect), and to the west- northwest by TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non-detect). As discussed above, TW4-30 no longer bounds the plume immediately to the east. In addition, general increases in concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016 are consistent with continuing downgradient chloroform migration, which is likely enhanced by the decay of the groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond. Chloroform at TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29) showed a slight decrease in concentration, from approximately 64 µg/L to approximately 60 µg/L. Chloroform at TW4-33 is bounded to the north by TW4-14 (non-detect), to the east by TW4-27 (approximately 3.8 µg/L), and to the west by TW4-6 (approximately 3.7 µg/L) and TW4-23 (non-detect). Although changes in concentration have occurred in wells within the chloroform plume the boundaries of the plume have not changed significantly since the last quarter, except for light expansion near TW4-24; and slight contraction near TW4-9. The chloroform concentration increase at TW4-24, from approximately 41 µg/L to 103 µg/L, caused slight expansion of the plume boundary toward the west; and the concentration decrease at TW4-9 (from approximately 102 µg/L to 30 µg/L), caused slight contraction of the plume boundary toward the west. As has been the case since the first quarter of 2020, due primarily to decrea es in concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-33, the kriging algorithm ha 'pinched off' the outhern. extremity of the plume. TW4-9 remained out ide the pJume from the econd quarter of 2019 through the fir t quarter of 2021; was re-incorporated within the plume lasl quarter; and i again outside the plume thi quarter. TW4-9 wa incorporated into the plume from the first quarter of 2016 until the first quarter of 2019 due to increa ·ed concentrations attributable to reduced recharge (and dilution) from the northern wildlife ponds. However, except for the fourth quarter of 2014, TW4-9 was outside the plume prior to the first quarter of 2016. TW4-38 was installed to the east-southeast of TW4-9 to serve as a bounding well when concentrations at TW4-9 exceeded 70 µg/L. Nitrate pumping generally caused the western boundary of the northern portion of the chloroform plume to migrate to the west toward TW4-24. Since the first quarter of 2014, TW4- 38 24 has been both inside and outside the plume and is again just within the plume this quarter. TW4-24 likely remained primarily outside the plume since 2014 due to initiation of TW4-37 pumping in the second quarter of 2015 and reduced productivity at TW4-24 (since the third quarter of 2014). Subsequent to the first quarter of 2014, generally increased concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-16 (both of which were within the chloroform plume in the past), caused the plume boundary to migrate to the southwest and temporarily re-incorporate both wells. Increased concentrations at these wells subsequent to the first quarter of 2014 are likely related to reduced dilution from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and more westerly flow induced by nitrate pumping. In addition, concentrations at TW 4-6 are expected to be influenced by reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond and the decay of the associated groundwater mound. Since 2014, TW4-16 has been both within and outside the plume; whereas a decreasing trend in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 (since the third quarter of 2015) has once again taken TW4- 6 outside the plume. This quarter, TW4-16 and TW4-6 remain within and outside the plume, respectively. Although chloroform at TW4-16 has been above and below 70 µg/L since 2014, and was detected at 202 µg/L this quarter, concentrations have generally increased since 2018, likely in response to reduced dilution. The decreasing trend in chloroform concentration at TW4-6 since the third quarter of 2015, and generally increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016, suggest that TW4- 4 pumping has arrested chloroform migration between TW 4-4 and TW 4-6, and that the increased chloroform at TW4-26 results from a remnant of the plume that continues to migrate south toward TW4-26. Pumping at adjacent well TW4-41 since the second quarter of 2018 has likely enhanced the decline in TW4-6 concentrations to less than 70 µg/L. Although the nitrate pumping system may redistribute chloroform within the plume and cause changes in the chloroform plume boundaries, continued operation of the nitrate pumping system is expected to enhance capture associated with the chloroform pumping system. Furthermore, the addition of chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW 4-40 and TW 4-41 since the beginning of 2015 is expected to have a beneficial impact. Generally reduced concentrations at TW4-6 (since the third quarter of 2015) and TW4-16 (since the fourth quarter of 2014) after previous increases are likely the result of initiation of TW4-1, TW 4-2, and TW 4-11 pumping. Continued operation of the original chloroform pumping wells (MW-4, MW-26, and TW 4-19) is recommended. Pumping these wells, regardless of any short-term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells, helps to reduce downgradient chloroform migration by removing chloroform mass and reducing hydraulic gradients thereby aUowing natural attenuation to be more effective. Continued operation of chloroform pumping well TW 4-4, augmented by pumping at adjacent well TW 4-41, is recommended to improve capture of chloroform to the extent practical in the southern portion of the plume. The overall decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 from 1,000 µg/L in the first quarter of 2010 to 10.3 µg/L in the second quarter of 2014 is likely related to pumping at TW 4-4. The decrease in the long-term rate of water level rise at TW 4-6 once 39 TW4-4 pumping began, which suggests that TW4-6 is within the hydraulic influence of TW4-4, is also consistent with the decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 between the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014. The decreasing trend in water levels beginning in 2014 and, as noted above, the generally decreasing chloroform concentration since the first quarter of 2015 at TW4-6 are also attributable in part to TW4-4 (augmented by TW4-41) pumping. Continued operation of chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-1 l, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 is also recommended because pumping these wells has increased overall capture and improved chloroform mass removal. In particular, continued pumping of TW 4-37 (in conjunction with TW 4-19) is expected to at least partially compensate for the loss of TW4-20; and pumping at TW4-40 has expanded capture within the southern extremity of the plume. Furthermore, because of the influence of TW4-4 pumping (augmented by TW4-41 pumping since the second quarter of 2018), and by analogy with the concentration decrease. at TW4-6 and TW4-26 that occurred after initiation of TW4-4 pumping, chloroform concentration at TW4-29 and TW4-33 were expected to eventually trend downward. Since the third quarter of 2014, TW4- 33 concentrations that have been relatively stable to decreasing; and TW4-29 concentrations that generally increased before becoming stable to decrea ing; appear con i tent with the e expectations. As discussed above. trends at the e well sugge t that chloroform migration ha been arrested at TW4-33 by TW4-4 (and TW4-41) pumping and that previou ly increa ing chloroform at downgradient well TW4-29 resulted from a remnant of the plume that migrated past TW4-33 generally toward TW4-30, which until recently was downgradient of TW4-29, and which until the fourth quarter of 2020 bounded the plume to the east. The influence of TW4-4 pumping at the distal end of the plume is consistent with decreasing water levels at both TW 4-29 and TW4-33. Pumping at adjacent well TW4-41 is likely to help maintain or enhance these decrea ing trends in water levels and to augment tbe expected eventual reductions in concentrations in the distal end of the plume. Continued evaluation of trends at TW4-29 and TW4-33 will be provided in subsequent quarters. EFRI and its consultants have raised the issues and potential effects as ociated with cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds in March, 2012 during discussions with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. While pa t recharge from the ponds has helped limit many constituent concentrations within the chloroform and nitrate plumes by dilution, the associated groundwater mounding has increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the northern wildlife ponds ceased in March 2012, the reduction in recharge and decay of the associated groundwater mound has caused the expected decrease in hydraulic gradients and the increases in constituent concentrations within the chloroform plume. Generally increased chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 (between 2013 and 2020)· and at TW4-8, TW4-9 and TW4-16 (since 2013), are likely related in part to reduced dilution (although concentration at TW4-6 and TW4-8 have been trending downward since the first qua1ter of 2015; and concentrations at TW4-9 have been trending generally downward since the fir. t quarter of 2018). As discussed above, increased concentrations at TW4-26 since the third quarter of 2016 that are consistent with continuing downgradient chloroform migration are also likely enhanced by the decay of the groundwater mound associated with the southern wildlife pond. 40 The net impact of reduced wildlife pond recharge i expected to be beneficial even though it is al o expected to re ult in higher concentrations that will per i t until continued ma reduction via pumping and natural attenuation ultimately reduce concentration . Temporary increa e in chloroform concentrations are judged le s important than reduced chloroform migration rates. The evolution of the impacts of reduced recharge on concentrations and plume migration rates will be defined by continued monitoring. 9.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT EFRI has provided to the Director an electronic copy of the laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the chloroform contaminant investigation during the quarter, in Comma Separated Values format. A copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab M. 41 10.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION This document was prepared by Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. By: Scott A. Bakken Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 42 Certification: I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified per onnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or per ons who manage the sy tern or those per ·on directly respon ibJe for gathering the information the information ubmitted j , to the be t of my knowledge and beli.ef true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalLie for submitting fa1 e information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Scott A. Bakken Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 43 Tables Table 1: Summary of Well Sampling for the Period Well Sample Date Date of Lab Report MW-04 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-01 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-02 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-03 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-03R 9/14/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-04 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-05 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW-05R 9/21/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-06 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-07 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-08 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-09 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-10 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-11 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-12 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-13 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-14 9/J 5/2021 10/4/2021 MW-26 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-16 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 MW-32 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-18 9/22/2021 10/1 J/2021 TW4-19 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-21 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-22 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-23 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-24 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-25 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-26 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-27 9/J 5/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-28 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-29 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-30 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-31 9/15/2021 I 0/4/2021 TW4-32 9/J 5/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-33 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-34 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-35 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-36 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-37 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-38 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-39 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-40 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-41 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-42 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-60 8/24/2021 9/13/2021 TW4-65 9/15/2021 10/4/2021 TW4-70 9/22/2021 10/11/2021 TW4-75 9/23/2021 10/11/2021 All sample locations were sampled for Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloromethane, Methylene Chloride, Chloride and Nitrogen. Date in parantheses is the date the analytical data package was resubmitted by the laboratory. The package was resubmitted to correct an error. "R" following a well number deisgnates a rinsate sample collected p1ior to purging of the well of that number. TW4-60 is a DI Field Blank, TW4-65 is a duplicate ofTW4-03, and TW4-70 is a duplicate ofTW4-08 and TW4-75 is a duplicate of MW-32. Highlighted wells are continuously pumped. INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Depth to Water Data Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells over Time Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables 1-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation 1-2 Holding Time Evaluation 1-3 Receipt Temperature Check 1-4 Analytical Method Check 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluations I-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks 1-9 Rinsate Check Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs over Time Tab L Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data Over Time Tab M CSV Transmittal Letter Tab N Exceedance Notices for the Reporting Period Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site TW4-43 temporary perched monitoring well ~ installed September, 2021 TWN-20 temporary perched nitrate monitoring C well installed April, 2021 MW-24A perched monitoring well installed • December 2019 TW4-42 ¢ temporary perched monitoring well installed April 2019 TW4-40 perched chloroform pumping well EB installed February 2018 TW4-19 perched chloroform or EB nitrate pumping well MW-38 -¢-perched monitoring well installed February 2018 MW-5 • perched monitoring well TW4-12 0 temporary perched monitoring well TWN-7 temporary perched nitrate monitoring ~ well PIEZ-1 perched piezometer ~ RUIN SPRING b seep or spring HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. WHITE MESA SITE PLAN SHOWING LOCATIONS OF PERCHED WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS APf'ROVEO DATE REFERENCE H :/718000/nov21 /Uwelloc0921 .srf FJGUA-1 TabB Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Order of Contamination for 3rd Quarter 2021 Chloroform Purging Event Chloroform Well sample time Levels Rinsate date/time TW4-03 1/t!i/gl 07'(0 ND TW4-4211 !StZI 0155 ND TW4-2s 111s12,1 og1"f ND TW4-32 '1/lfa/Z,l O &21. ND TW4-12 tJ~21 Q ~ ND TW4-13/ /~( O .;1 ND TW4-14 q/ 15/2.1 uj':t5 ND TW4-36 ()./JS(Ll 015'1 ND TW4-31 'WS/11 o~us ND TW4-34 'IU.$'21 01Z'( ND TW4-35 qus/t.l O'l:S:Z. ND TW4-23 'f{1Slz1 O<t'fl ND ..MW-32 C,123(?1 tOOO ND TW4-38 1115[2-I 0'150 ND TW4-25 "A/i"1/ZI a1l5 ND TW4-06 'l/1',h\ l'l.2,5 2.9 TW4-27 ~/lS/cf 12.31 4.26 ~. TW4-05 ,/'1!!1./t,/ o,£.5 13 ' TW4-08 'I~ Q1oi 22.3 TW4-24 '(fl.'4/zl O'tl(,, 41.2 -TW4-18,1/z:z./u Olr7 54.2 -TW4-33 q/n,/z.1 0835 63.9 -TW4-30 ':\lnlt.l Ol'iS 78.7 -TW4-09 CJ/zr/ct OflOO 102 -TW4-16 ~ZI o,Jo 247 TW4-40 J'(/Z.1 tZ'Z.'1 343 -TW4-291/.l'3lzt <>&'ii 543 -TW4-IO'j/~/z, 0"'5b 609 rw4 ... 19 vtz.'i/z.1 IZ:'fO 11s -TW4-07~/~I 01'08 819 TW4-01 "'t'i/'Ll II SI 957 MW-26 i(ft'i/Z.I t>1 SI 998 -TW4-26't~/t! 07 I~ 1020 TW4-41 tS(Z't(ZI lZ.01 1130 TW4-21 ~,zi11z.1 oqo.5 1130 TW4-02 f/Z'i/t) \Q\5 1160 TW4-04 ((f.j/!1 12.l'I 1240 ~~ !~;~' df!>~ ~!~~ TW4-l 1 C/'Z't/11 IOC>b 3320 TW4-22 '4(2'j/U oi~ 4520 TW4-37tfbfnl Qcit,3 13000 TW4-60 0.1. Blank ~1~00 TW4-65 Oupllcate 0-t'fO -TW4-70 Duplicate ~l&Zf!I 0"70'7 -TW4-75 Duplicate '3 lZ::S(Z! 1000 Comments: Water level Well Depth 141 '1""\....>~·0~R:. oql'i'Z.0"2.\ 86 107 115.1 101.S 102.5 93 99 106 97.2 87.5 114 130.6 Bladder pump 112.75 134.8 Cont. Pumping 97.5 96 120 ... 1''-'"\-osR_ oqz.1 zozl ,o,s 125 112.5 Cont. Pumping 137.5 87.9 92.5 120 146.3 86 Cont. Pumping 93.5 111 125 Cont. Pumping 120 110 Cont. Pumping 122.5 Cont. Pumping 86 97.75 Cont. Pumping 121 Cont. Pumping 120 Cont. Pumping 112 Cont. Pumping 124 Cont. Pumping 120 Cont. Pumping 100 Cont. Pumping 113.5 Cont. Pumping 112 Cont. Pumping Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID MW-04 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID MW-04 08242021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202111:49 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202111:50 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 25 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-02 Casing Volume (gal) 14.11 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 123.60 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 3 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 85.13 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202111:50 1818 7.03 16.80 426 0 44.0 Pumping_ Rate Calculations [volume of water purged () Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 4.0 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [ Final Depth to Water (feet) 86.67 Number of casin_g Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness() 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1146. Samples collected at 1150. Water was clear. Left site at 11 52. Signature of Field Technician ~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-01 Sampling Pro_g_ram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-01 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 11:57 Sample Date & Time 8/24/2021 11:58 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 25 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled MW-04 Casing Volume (gal) 13.68 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 111.30 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 90.34 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202111:58 3246 7.09 16.25 424 0 36.0 (yolume of water purged O Pum_eing Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 12.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [ Final Depth to Water (feet) 108.30 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Sami:>_les Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1154. Samples collected at 1158. Water was clear. Left site at 1200. Signature of Field Technician -=3~M~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-02 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-02 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202110:14 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202110:15 [sampler TH/Dl Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-11 Casing Volume O Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration O pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 120.90 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 97.76 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202110:15 3769 7.07 16.75 418 0 97.0 Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged J) Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () I Final Dep_th to Water (feet) 117.34 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-mL HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1011 . Samples collected at 1015. Water was clear. Left site at 1017. Signature of Field Technician ~~..,-.r~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-03 Samplil'l__g Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-03 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/2021 8:20 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 7:40 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature {C) 17 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-03R Casing Volume {gal) 49.39 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration {min) 8.98 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth {ft) 140.30 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter {in) 4 Specific Conductance {micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging {ft) 64.65 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged {gal) {umhos/cm) pH {pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/2021 8:26 68.75 1890 6.85 14.98 485 0 83.6 9/15/2021 7:39 1854 6.71 15.15 Before 9/15/2021 7:42 1855 6.73 15.10 After Pumping Rate Calculations §__1ume of water purged (gals) 68.75 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 6.25 [Final D_epth _t_o VVater (feet} 137.86 Number of casing Volumes .39 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 68.75 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Sami>_les Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 0816. Purge began at 0820. Purged well for a total ore minutes and 15 seconds. Purged well dry. Water was clear. Purge ended at 0826. Left site at 0828. Arrived on site at 0736. De_eth to water was 64.88. Samples bailed and collected at 0740. Left site at 0745. Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-03R Sampling ~rogram Field Sample ID TW4-03R 09142021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time 9/14/2021 8:00 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Weather Conditions Pump Type External Ambient Temperature Q Purging Method Previous Well Sampled Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 Well Depth (ft) pH Buffer 4.0 Well Casing Diameter O Specific Conductance O Dee_th to Water Before Purging (ft) Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/2021 7:59 133.00 5.8 8.01 23.62 439 0.5 32.0 Pumping Rate Calculations !volume of water purged() Flow Rate (Q = S/60) () Time to evacuate 2 Casing_ Volumes () I Final Depth to Wate__!_ (feet} Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness() Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Anal}'tical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2)., 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-mL HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Signature of Field Technician ~,...,,~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-04 Sampling Pro_gram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-04 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202112:13 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202112:14 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-41 Casing Volume (gal) 22.36 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 114.50 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 80.25 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202112:14 2414 7.31 16.25 409 2.0 98.0 [volume of water purged () Pumping_ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes O [ Final Depth to Water (feet) 108.96 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-mL HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: I Arrived on site at 1209. Samples collected at 1214. Water was clear. Left site at 1216. Signature of Field Technician ~~,.~ Groundwater Discharge Permit e-~,.. ;,.,-· l" -r "-.......... -,.-";. ' . ' ---i-__ ' /,./ . .-~y~ Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-05 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-05 09222021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/21/202112:00 Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 6:55 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 22 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-27 Casing Volume (gal) 32.17 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 5.85 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 121.85 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 72.37 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202112:05 55.00 1548 6.86 15.55 521 5.1 59.0 9/21/202112:06 66.00 1540 6.89 15.55 521 5.1 58.0 9/21/202112:07 77.00 1527 6.90 15.55 521 5.0 57.0 9/21/202112:08 88.00 1512 6.91 15.55 521 5.0 56.0 Pumping Rate Calculations [volume of water pu_l'_ged (gals) 88.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 8.00 [Final Depth to Water (feet) 74.55 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical 1..ci_boratol)'_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1157. Purge began at 1200. Purged well for a total of 8 minutes. Purge ended at 1208. Water was clear. Left site at 1211. Arrived on site at 0651. Depth to water was 72.46. Sameles bailed and collected at 0655. Left site at 0657. Signature of Field Technician ..=3=--~A~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-0SR Sampling Program Field Sample ID TW4-0SR 09212021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time 9/21/202110:15 !sam~ler TH/DL Purging Equipment Weather Conditions Pump Type External Ambient Temperature() Purging Method Previous Well Sampled Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .0 Well De_e_th (ft) pH Buffer 4.0 Well Casing Diameter () Specific Conductance () Depth to Water Before_Purging (ft) Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202110:14 133.00 2.1 6.70 17.45 426 0 46.6 Pum_e_ing Rate Calculations [volume of water purged() Flow Rate (Q = S/60) Q Time to evacuate 2 Casin_g_ Volume~U I Final Depth to Water (feet) Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Signature of Field Technician ~ ...... ~'?"'7,::..~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-06 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-06 09152021 Sami:>_l_irlg Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202115:38 Sample Date & Time 9/15/202112:25 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 30 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-38 Casing Volume (gal) 13.41 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 2.43 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 99.60 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 79.06 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/14/202115:39 14.66 3980 6.70 16.24 411 66.0 14.0 9/15/202112:24 3518 6.90 16.55 Before 9/15/202.112:26 3525 6.88 16.45 After Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged (gals) 14.66 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.33 [Final Depth to Water_~et) 97.95 Number of casing Volumes 1.09 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 14.66 Name of Certified Analytical Lc!!>oratory_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1535. Purge began at 1538. Purged well for a total of 1 minute and 20 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1539. Water was murky. Left site at 1540. Arrived on_site at t:r2-,. Dee_lh to water was 79.55. S_amples bailed and collected at 1225. Left site at 1227. Signature of Field Technician Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-07 Samp__lin_g_ Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-07 09232021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/22/202111:25 Sample Date & Time 9/23/2021 7:08 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 22 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-10 Casing Volume (gal) 25.33 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 4.60 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 121.00 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 82.20 Conductivity Dissolved Date!Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/22/202111:29 52.25 1690 6.96 15.04 473 24.0 35.6 9/23/2021 7:07 1597 6.92 13.85 Before 9/23/2021 7:09 1597 6.93 13.79 After [volume of water purged (gals) 52.25 Pumping_ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 4.75 [ Final Depth _to Water__(feet) 118.74 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 52.25 Name of Certified Analytical Lallo_ratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform V WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C V Chloride V WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N V WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C V Comments: Arrived on site at 1121. Purge began at 1125. Purged well for a total of 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1129. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1133. Arrived on site at 0704. Del)_th to water was 84.57. Samples bailed and collected at 0708. Left site at 0710. Signature of Field Technician --=:)& ... ~-r.A.~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-08 Sampling Pro_gram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-08 09222021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/21/202112:36 Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 7:07 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-05 Casing Volume (gal) 26.64 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 4.85 pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 126.20 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 85.40 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202112:38 22.00 4909 6.63 15.29 537 1.0 2.3 9/21/202112:39 33.00 4908 6.65 15.25 536 1.0 2.2 9/21/202112:40 44.00 4908 6.66 15.22 535 1.0 2.1 9/21/202112:41 55.00 4906 6.66 15.20 534 1.1 2.1 Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged (gals) 55.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 5.00 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 [Final Depth to Wc1!er (fee_!) 93.05 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1232. Purge began at 1236. Purged well for a total of 5 minutes. Purge ended at 1241. Water was clear. Left site at 1245. Arrived on site at 0703. Depth to water was 85.70. Sample_s bailed and collected at 0707. Left site at 0712. Signature of Field Technician ~.,__~-hi~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan ~-~· -.~~ ~y~ee:z:s White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-09 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring_ Field Sample ID TW4-09 09222021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/21/202114:56 Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 9:00 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-30 Casing Volume (gal) 32.48 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 5.90 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 120.10 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter {in) 4 Specific Conductance {micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 70.35 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp {deg C) Redox(mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202115:00 44.00 2558 6.64 15.35 528 18.0 2.5 9/21/202115:01 55.00 2547 6.66 15.35 528 19.0 2.4 9/21/202115:02 66.00 2542 6.67 15.34 527 20.0 2.3 9/21/202115:03 77.00 2542 6.67 15.32 527 20.1 2.3 !Voh1me of wate_r-purg~ (g_als) Pumping_ Rate Calculations 77.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 7.00 !Final Dep_th to Water _{_feet) 74.23 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1452. Purge began at 1456. Purged well for a total of 7 minutes. Purge ended at 1503. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1506. Arrived on site at 0856. Depth to water was 70.40. Same_les bailed and collected at 0900. Left site at 0902. Signature of Field Technician ~=,,L-'C----hi Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-10 Sampling_ Prog_ram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-10 09232021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/22/202110:52 Sample Date & Time 9/23/2021 6:56 ~_c1_mpler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 21 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-29 Casing Volume (gal) 28.56 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 5.19 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 113.20 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 69.45 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (um hos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/22/202110:55 40.33 2880 6.30 15.22 517 16.4 12.4 9/23/2021 6:55 2629 6.66 14.30 Before 9/23/2021 6:57 2639 6.67 14.26 After Pumping Rate Calculations jvolume of water purged (gals) 40.33 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 3.66 I Final Depth to Water (feet) 110.38 Number of casing Volumes 1.41 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 40.33 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mLPoly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1048. Purge began at 1052. Purged well for a total of 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1055. Water was a little murky. Left site at 11 DO. Arrived on site at 0652. Depth to water was 69.80. Samples bailed and collected at 0656. Left site at 0658. Signature of Field Technician -.:3«.,I~#~, Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan e~ .. · /' :.-, L / .,,. ' ' .··i ___,._ .· ' ·~ >./ . , .ENEA.GYJq;EZ:S White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-ll Sampling_F>ro_g_ram Chloroform Monitoring_ Field Sample ID TW4-ll 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202110:05 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202110:06 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled MW-26 Casing Volume (gal) 8.75 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .o 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 102.40 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 88.99 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV} Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202110:06 3778 6.94 18.92 404 0 97.0 [volume of water purged () Pumping_ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 13.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (} I Final Depth to Water (feet) 100.10 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analyt_ical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1002. Samples collected at 1006. Water was clear. Left site at 1008. Signature of Field Technician ~~1'7~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-12 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-12 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202110:38 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:30 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-32 Casing Volume (gal) 30.85 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 5.60 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 103.20 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 55.95 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/14/202110:42 40.33 1380 6.89 15.42 501 1.5 27.0 9/15/2021 8:29 1474 6.35 15.00 Before 9/15/2021 8:31 1473 6.38 14.96 After Pumping_ Rate Calculations [volume of water purged (gals) 40.33 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 nme to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 3.67 I Final Depth to Water (feet) 100.38 Number of casing Volumes 1.30 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 40.33 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1035. Purge began at 1038. Purged well for a total of 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1041. Water was clear. Left site at 1044. Arrived on site at 0826. Depth to water was 55.96. _samples bailed and collected at 0830. Left site at 0832. Signature of Field Technician -=:)~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-13 Sampling_Pro_g_ram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-13 09152021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202111:22 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:37 [s_ampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-12 Casing Volume (gal) 31.89 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration {min) 5.79 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 105.70 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance {micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 56.85 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) {umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/202111:26 44.00 2098 6.80 15.57 504 0 91.0 9/15/2021 8:36 2056 6.85 14.98 Before 9/15/2021 8:38 2061 6.83 15.02 After !Volume of water purged (gc1I~ Pumping Rate Calculations 44.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 4.00 [i:i_rl_al Depth !o Water (feet) 102.65 Number of casing Volumes 1.37 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 44.00 Name of Certified Anal~ical La_boratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1119. Purge began at 1122. Purged well for a total of 4 minutes. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1126. Water was clear. Left site at 1129. Arrived on site at 0833. Depth to water was 56.94. Samples bailed and collected at 0837. Left site at 0839. Signature of Field Technician ~~--d~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-14 Sampling P!ogram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-14 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202111:56 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:45 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 27 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-13 Casing Volume (gal) 11.63 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 2.11 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 95.10 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 77.28 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/202111:57 13.75 5550 6.18 16.09 518 20.0 102.0 9/15/2021 8:44 5406 6.56 15.10 Before 9/15/2021 8:46 5410 6.55 15.05 After Pumping Rate Calculations - ~ume of water_purged (g_als) 13.75 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Cai,ing Volumes (min) 1.25 §ial Depth to W!t!r (f_!!et)_ 92.97 Number of casing Volumes 1.18 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 13.75 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1153. Purge began at 1156. Purged well for a total of 1 minute and 15 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge Ended at 1157. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1159. Arrived on site at 0842. Depth to water was 77.33. Samples bailed and collected at 0845. Left site at 0847. Signature of Field Technician -:=':>~ Location ID Field Sample ID Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time Purging Equipment Pump Type Purging Method Casing Volume (gal) Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance (micromhos) Date/Time 8/24/2021 9:58 !volume of water purged () I Final Depth to Water (feet) Gallons Purged Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Type of Sample/ Analysis VO Cs-Chloroform Chloride Nitrate/nitrite as N Comments: Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater MW-26 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring MW-26 08242021 Sam_e_ling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform 8/24/2021 9:57 8/24/2021 9:58 jsampler TH/DL Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-39 29.24 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 121.33 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 76.55 Conductivity Dissolved (umhos/cm) pH {pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 3447 6.83 16.70 436 0 30.0 Pumping_ Rate Calculations - Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Cas_ing Volumes () 108.76 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Sample Container Preservative Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y I Arrived on site at 0954. Samples collected at 0958. Water was clear. Left site at 1000. Signature of Field Technician ~~-,f7.r~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-16 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-16 09232021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/22/2021 9:41 Sample Date & Time 9/23/2021 6:30 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 19 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-09 Casing Volume (gal) 48.19 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 8.76 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 147.60 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Spe<:ific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 73.80 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/22/2021 9:48 77.00 3869 6.81 14.88 493 12.0 5.0 9/22/2021 9:49 88.00 3742 6.84 14.88 492 10.0 4.0 9/22/2021 9:50 99.00 3723 6.85 14.88 491 11.0 3.9 9/22/2021 9:51 110.00 3726 6.86 14.87 490 10.0 4.1 [volume of water pur_ged (gals) Pumping Rate Calculations 110.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 10.00 !Final Depth to Wat~r (fee!} 121.67 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical_ Laboratory AWSL Analytical Same_les Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 0937. Purge began at 0941 . Purged well for a total of 10 minutes. Purge ended at 0951 . Water was mostly clear. Left site at 0954. Arrived on site at 0626. Depth to water was 73.82. Samples bailed and collected at 0630. Left site at 0632. Signature of Field Technician ~. Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan --ew;::., -. l, ,.- '·---t_ .·· (~ ·.~~: / ~Y~ft3tS' ./. -~ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID MW-32 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID MW-32 09232021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/23/2021 5:00 Sample Date & Time 9/23/202110:00 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Partly cloudy Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 14 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-26 Casing Volume (gal) 31.60 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min} 291.29 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 130.60 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 82.20 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/23/2021 9:57 64.44 3751 6.50 14.50 476 16.0 30.0 9/23/2021 9:58 64.66 3752 6.50 14.52 459 15.0 30.0 9/23/2021 9:59 64.88 3750 6.51 14.53 440 16.0 30.0 9/23/202110:00 65.10 3750 6.50 14.54 426 16.3 29.9 Pumping Rate Calculations [volume of Wilter purged (gals) 65.10 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) .217 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 300.00 [Final Depth to Water (feet) 87.23 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Anal}'!ical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: I Arriv_ed on site_at 0457._ Purge b~J;Jan at 0500. P_LJr_g_ed well for a total of~O mLnutes. P_LJr_ge ended and samples collected at 1000. W~ter was a little_ murky. Left site at 1006. Signature of Field Technician -:3~.J--A~ Location ID Field Sample ID Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time Purging Equipment Pump Type Purging Method Casing Volume (gal) Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance (micromhos) Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) 9/21/202113:18 9/21/202113:19 9/21/202113:20 9/21/2021 13:21 [volume of water pu_rged 1gals) !Final Depth to Water (feet) 66.00 77.00 88.00 99.00 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical S~mples Information Type of Sample/Analysis voes-Chloroform Chloride Nitrate/nit rite as N Comments: Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater TW4-18 Samplin_g_Program Chloroform Monitoring T\N4-18 09222021 Samet_ing Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform 9/21/202113:12 9/22/20218:17 [sampler TH/DL Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-08 41.42 7.53 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 136.90 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 73.46 Conductivity Dissolved (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 1961 6.56 15.72 527 14.3 14.7 1933 6.57 15.71 527 14.3 14.5 1891 6.57 15.72 527 14.4 14.7 1862 6.57 15.72 526 14.5 14.8 Pum_e_ing Rate Calculations 99.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 9.00 75.56 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Sample Container Preservative Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 {pH<2), 4 Deg C y Arrived on site at 1308. Purge began at 1312. Purged well for a total of 9 minutes. Purge ended at 1321 . Water water a little murky. Left site at 1324. Arrived on site at 0813. Depth to wate r was 73.45. Sameles bailed and collected at 0817. Left site at 0819. Signature of Field Technician ~<L,~~-M~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-19 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-19 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202112:39 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202112:40 [sampler TH/Dl Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-40 Casing Volume (gal) 32.66 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 126.86 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft} 76.84 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV} Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202112:40 3383 6.74 16.40 468 0 42.0 Pumping Rate Calculations @olume of water e_llrged () Flow Rate '(Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () 83.90 Number of casing Volumes -[ Final Depth to Water (feet} Volume, if well evacuated to dryness() 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-mL HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: ( Arrived C>__n site at 1236. Sam_eles collected at 1240. Water was clear. Left site at 1242. Signature of Field Technician ~.....,~ Groundwater Discharge Permit ··~--.....c:-::: -I • , . ....-:. . ~s a/~. -~y-: ' --~ r ' --~·LJ! Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-21 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-21 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:04 Sample Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:05 !sa_f!l_pler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 22 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled N/A Casing Volume (gal) 27.59 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration O pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 118.80 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 76.54 Dissolved Date!Time Gallons Purged pnductivity (umhos/c pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/2021 9:05 2759 6.89 16.71 519 4.0 76 .0 jvolume of_water pllrged O Pumpi_rlg Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () ! Final Depth to Water (feet) 85.11 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Anal~cal Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: ! Arrived on site at 0901 . Samples collected at 0905. Water was clear. Left site at 0908. Signature of Field Technician ~~-/&.-r'~- Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-22 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-22 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:34 Sample Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:35 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-24 Casing Volume (gal) 28.65 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .O 7.0 Well Depth {ft) 114.70 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 70.82 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/2021 9:35 5379 6.94 16.64 451 2.0 87.0 Pumping Rate Calculations [vo1t.1me of_water_purged () Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 16.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [ Fin~J Depth to Water (feet) 103.78 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL AnalyticaJ Same_les Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: I Arrived on site at 0931. Samples collected at 0935. Water was clear. Left site at 0937. Signature of Field Technician --=:)~-rfi,~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan e--~~ -I· ,..-_., _-·.-· ~· . ~ .... /' ,.#• s --,: ' 7 , .' ~YF'<AFT "-. -· White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-23 Sampling_~rogram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-23 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202114:35 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 9:41 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 30 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-35 Casing Volume (gal) 26.59 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 4.83 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 116.40 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 75.68 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/202114:39 44.00 3561 6.71 14.71 322 1.0 7.0 9/14/202114:40 55.00 3548 6.72 14.70 312 1.0 7.5 9/14/202114:41 66.00 3561 6.71 14.75 303 1.0 8.0 9/14/202114:42 77.00 3568 6.71 14.85 301 1.1 8.2 Pume_il"lg Rate Calculations - !volume of water purged (gals) 77.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 7.00 [Final Depth to Water J!eet) 96.78 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Anal~ical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1432. Purge began at 1435. Purged well fo r a total of 7 minutes. Purge ended at 1442. Water had a orange coloration but slowly cleared as purge went on. Left site at 1445. Arrived on site at 0938. Depth to water :v"as 75.81 . Samples bailed and collected at 0941. Left site at 0943. Signature of Field Technician -.:3.vvv--M~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-24 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-24 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:25 Sample Date & Time 8/24/20219:26 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-25 Casing Volume (gal) 28.65 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .O 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 114.80 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 70.92 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 8/24/2021 9:26 7858 6.74 16.87 496 1.7 20.0 Pumping Rate Calculations jvolume of water p1Jrged O Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 15.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes O [Final Depth to_Water (feet) 75.37 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform V WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C V Chloride V WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N V WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C V Comments: I Arrived on site at 0922. Samples collected at 0926. Water was mosJly clear. Left site at 0928. Signature of Field Technician --:3,,,_,,.~-h'::-ff~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-25 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-25 08242021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/20219:14 Sample Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:15 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 22 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-21 Casing Volume (gal) 41.27 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 136.70 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 73.49 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/2021 9:15 2535 7.01 15.96 511 0 39.8 ,~lul'll_e of water_purged O Pume_ing Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 10.50 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [Final De_eth to Water (feet) 84.23 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI {pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 0911 . Samples collected at 0915. Water was clear. Left site at 0918. Signature of Field Technician ~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-26 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-26 09232021 Same_lrng Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/22/202111:59 Sample Date & Time 9/23/2021 7:18 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 22 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-07 Casing Volume (gal) 8.75 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 1.59 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 87.70 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 74.30 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/22/202112:00 11.00 3636 6.61 16.10 508 4.9 91.0 9/23/2021 7:17 4633 6.96 13.92 Before 9/23/2021 7:19 4635 6.96 13.90 After Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged (gals) 11.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.00 [ Fi~I Depth to Wate~1feet) 85.66 Number of casing Volumes 1.25 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 11.00 Name of Certified Anal~ical ~boratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1155. Purge began at 1159. Purged well for a total of 1 minute. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1200. Water was mostly clear. Left site at 1204. Arrived on site at 0714. Depth to water was 74.40. Samples bailed and collected at 0718. Left site at 0720. Signature of Field Technician ~<LA~~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-27 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-27 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202116:12 Sample Date & Time 9/15/202112:37 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 29 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-06 Casing Volume (gal) 10.99 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 1.99 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 95.75 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 78.91 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/202116:13 11.00 5310 6.78 16.61 419 11.0 50.0 9/15/202112:36 5211 7.10 16.10 Before 9/15/202112:38 5189 7.13 16.04 After Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged (gals) 11.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.00 (En~I _Oee_th to Water (feet) 93.56 Number of casing Volumes 1.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 11.00 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory_ AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform V WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C V Chloride V WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1608. Purge began at 1612. Purged well for a total of 1 minute. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1613. Water was mostly clear. Left site at 1616. Arrived on site at 1233. Depth to water was 79.35. Samples bailed and collected at 1237. Left site at 1239. Signature of Field Technician ~<.vV>~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-28 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-28 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/20219:25 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:14 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 20 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-42 Casing Volume (gal) 38.57 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 7.01 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 108.48 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 49.41 Conductivity Dissolved Dateffime Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/2021 9:29 49.50 1574 7.04 15.22 492 1.5 88.00 9/15/2021 8:13 1508 7.lS 14.93 Before 9/15/20218:15 1508 7.15 14.90 After Pumping Rate Calculations !voh1me of wa~r pu!_gedlgals) 49.50 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 4.50 !Final Depth to Water (feet} 105.23 Number of casing Volumes 1.28 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals} 49.50 Name of Certified Analytical Labora!Ol}f AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 0922. Purge began at 0925. Purged well for a total of 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 0929. Water was clear. Lett site at 0932. rrived on site at 0810. Depth to water was 49.51 . Samples bailed and collected at 0814. Left site at 0816. Signature of Field Technician _::) Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-29 Sampling _Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-29 09232021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/22/202110:21 Sample Date & Time 9/23/2021 6:41 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 19 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-16 Casing Volume (gal) 10.29 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 1.87 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 94.48 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 78.71 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/22/202110:22 11.00 4141 6.56 15.82 503 5.2 97.0 9/23/2021 6:40 4100 6.74 15.70 Before 9/23/2021 6:42 4115 6.76 15.65 After jvolume of water purged (gals) Pumping_ Rate Calculations 11.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.00 [Final Depth _!c:>_ Wat~(feE!!)_ 92.45 Number of casing Volumes 1.06 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals} 11.00 Name of Certified Analytical Lab<>_!c1tory AWSL Analytical Sam_e_les Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on slfe at 1017. Purge began aCfo21. Purged well for-a total of 1 minute. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1022. Water was clear. Left site at 1025. Arrived on site at 0637. Depth to water was 78.51 . Samples bailed and collected at 0641 . Left site at 0644. Signature of Field Technician ..=3~e.~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-30 Sampling_Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-30 09222021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/21/202114:26 Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 8:45 [§,ameler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-33 Casing Volume (gal) 11.87 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 2.15 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 93.48 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 75.30 Conduct1v1ty u1ssolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202114:27 14.66 4695 6.10 16.02 562 26.0 55.0 9/22/2021 8:44 4457 6.36 14.12 Before 9/22/2021 8:46 4460 6.35 14.08 After !Volume of water purged (gals) 14.66 Pumping_ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.33 !Final Dee_th to Water (feet) 91.10 Number of casing Volumes 1.23 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 14.66 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytica_l__!:>ameles Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1222. Purge began at 1426. Purged well for a total of 1 minute and 20 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1428. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1431. Arrived on site at 0841 . Depth to water was 75.37. Samples bailed and collected at 0845. Left site at 0847_ Signature of Field Technician ~~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-31 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-31 09152021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202113:00 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 9:15 [same_ler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 29 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-36 Casing Volume (gal) 18.24 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 3.31 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 107.48 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 79.54 1.,;onaucuv11y u1sso1vea Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/14/202113:02 24.75 3940 6.76 15.98 473 21.3 30.2 9/15/2021 9:14 3891 7.00 15.77 Before 9/15/2021 9:16 3892 7.00 15.71 After jv~ume of water purged Jgals) 24.75 Pume_ing Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min} 2.25 jFinal Depth to Water (feet) 105.55 Number of casing Volumes 1.35 Volume, it well evacuated to dryness (gals) 24.75 Name of Certified AnalY!ical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1256. Purge began at 1300. Purged well for a total of 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1302. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1304. Arrived on site at 0911 . Depth to water was 76. 18. Samples bailed and collected at 0915. Left site at 0917. Signature of Field Technician ~c,;,~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan --e·c...,... F-:··.,, . ~ -. . .· y ,=;a:.es,; s-:r~ _:-.. ~.,,;· _.· ~ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-32 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-32 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202110:02 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:22 [sampler TH/Dl Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 21 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-28 Casing Volume (gal) 38.04 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 6.91 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 114.64 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (.mforomhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 56.38 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%} Before/ After 9/14/202110:06 44.00 6268 3.80 15.08 484 10.0 2.3 9/14/202110:07 55.00 6348 3.80 15.01 485 11.0 2.2 9/14/202110:08 66.00 6402 3.79 14.99 486 10.0 2.2 9/14/202110:09 77.00 6440 3.78 14.96 487 10.0 2.2 !Volume of water purged (gals) Pumping Rate Calculations 77.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 7.00 [Final _l)epth to Water (fee!) 88.00 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Sameles Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 0958. Purge began at 1002. Purged well for a total of 7 minutes. Purge ended at 1009. Water was mostly clear. Pump and hose had white salt like particles on them when pulled from the well. left site at 1011 . Arrived on site at 0819. Depth to water was 56.44. Samples bailed and collected at 0822. Left site at 0824. Signature of Field Technician ~=~/",<·'·~ .. G-••<~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-33 Samel_ing Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID T\"14-33_09222021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/21/2021 13:55 Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 8:35 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 24 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled T\N4-18 Casing Volume (gal) 5.11 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 0.92 pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 86.23 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 78.40 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/21/202113:56 5.5 4240 6.50 21.90 537 10.2 85.0 9/22/2021 8:34 4809 7.13 13.65 Before 9/22/20218:36 4810 7.15 13.59 After !Volume of_wate_l"J)urged (gal~ 5.5 Pumping_ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 0.50 [Final Depth to Water (f~t) 85.02 Number of casing Volumes 1.07 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 5.5 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Anal}'!ical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y \NATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y \NATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y \NATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1351. Purge began at 1355. Purged well for a total of 30 seconds. Purged well dry. Water was mostly clear. Purge ended at 1355. Left site at 1358. Arrived on site at 0830. Depth to water was 79.14. Samples bailed and collected at 0835. Left site at 0837. Signature of Field Technician ~~-~ ew;:,' -~ .' .-.r . . ' ~ !~ . } ~-. ,• C -. 'l ., / .E:l'..::suc:;Y,ll"L-;;p: <; ; J ... Location ID Field Sample ID Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time Purging Equipment Pump Type Purging Method Casing Volume (gal) Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance (micromhos) Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) 9/14/202113:31 9/15/2021 9:23 9/15/2021 9:25 I Volume of water purged (gals) !Final Depth to Water (~t) 14.66 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samp_les Information Type of Sample/Analysis VOCs-Chloroform Chloride Nitrate/nitrite as N Comments: Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater TW4-34 Sampling P_rogram Chloroform Monitoring TW4-34 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform 9/14/202113:30 9/15/2021 9:24 !s~mpler TH/DL Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 30 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-31 12.45 2.26 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 95.74 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 76.67 Conductivity Dissolved (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 3622 6.71 16.45 453 9.5 45.0 3574 7.05 15.34 Before 3569 7.05 15.30 After Pumping Rate Calculations 14.66 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.33 93.23 Number of casing Volumes 1.17 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 14.66 Sample Container Preservative Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Arrived on site at 1327. Purge began at 1330. Purged well for a total of 1 minute and 20 seconds. Purge ended at 1331 . Water was mostly clear. Left site at 1333. Arrived on site at 0920. Depth to water was 76. 77. Samples bailed and collected at 0924. Left site at 0926. Signature of Field Technician ...:3=~,17fC~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan e-·~--c-' k r ,,,-; . : . I ---l ,._, --~--::-;' . ~ ~y~ --_ .,. .. ~ s: White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-35 SampHng f>_ro_g_ram Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-35 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202114:02 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 9:32 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 30 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-34 Casing Volume (gal) 7.30 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 1.32 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 86.50 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 75.32 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/14/202114:03 8.25 4532 6.55 16.99 444 10.0 40.0 9/15/2021 9:31 4409 6.73 15.44 Before 9/15/2021 9:33 4406 6.71 15.42 After Pumping Rate Calculations §1ume o_f water purged (gals) 8.25 Flow Rate (0 = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 0.75 !Final Depth to Water (feet} 84.20 Number of casing Volumes 1.13 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 8.25 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analyt_ical Sameles Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site. at 1358. Purge began at 1402. Purged well for a total of 45 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 1402. Water was mostly clear. Left site at 1405. Arrived on site at 0928. Depth to water was 75.38. Samples bailed and collected at 0932. Left site at 0934. Signature of Field Technician Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-36 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitorin_g_ Field Sample ID TW4-36 09152021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202112:27 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 8:54 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 28 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-14 Casing Volume (gal) 26.96 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 4.90 pH Buffer 7 .o 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 99.41 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 58.12 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 9/14/202112:30 33.00 2473 6.67 15.74 370 22.0 7.0 9/15/2021 8:53 2562 6.77 15.06 Before 9/15/2021 8:55 2570 6.78 15.00 After Pumping_ Rate Calculations !volume of water purged (gals) 33.00 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 3.00 I Final Depth to Water (feet) 97.01 Number of casing Volumes 1.22 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 33.00 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Comments: Arrived on site at 1224. Purge began at 1227. Purged well for a total of 3 minutes. Purge ended at 1230. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1233. Arrived on site at 0850. Depth to water was 59.05. Samples bailed and collected at 0854. Left site at 0856. Signature of Field Technician ~t,J~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan e~ .. __ i,. r ,· .· . .. ...___.;. . V' • .· ,. ~y,i,:;,r.as, s ~/ / _/ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-37 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-37 08242021 Samplin9 Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:42 Sample Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:43 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-22 Casing Volume (gal) 29.88 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 113.72 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 67.95 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/2021 9:43 4694 6.65 16.56 443 10.0 74.4 [volume of water J)Urged () Pumeing Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 18.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () I Fin~Depth ~ Wate!__{feet) 79.91 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical LaboratoFY. AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-mL HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 0938. Samples collected at 0943. Water was clear. Left site at 0945. Signature of Field Technician ~~ ~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan e.·.·tF-:·--.__ ,,-_,· -~~ (·~ -./,~·· ,'~Y~1FES White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-38 Sampling_Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-38 09152021 Samplin.9. Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 9/14/202115:08 Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 9:50 lsameler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 30 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-23 Casing Volume (gal) 35.19 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) 6.39 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 113.92 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 60.03 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (gal) (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 9/14/202115:12 44.00 1890 6.80 15.19 406 14.0 79.0 9/14/202115:13 55.00 1916 6.75 15.04 410 13.0 70.0 9/14/2021 15:14 66.00 1908 6.77 15.01 412 14.0 69.0 9/14/202115:15 77.00 1900 6.80 15.02 413 14.0 68.0 Pumping Rate Calculations !volume of water purged{_gals) 77.00 Flow Rate (Q c: S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 7.00 IFi!lal Dep_!h to WaterJfeet) 108.34 Number of casing Volumes 2.00 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: Arrived on site at 1505. Purge began at 1508. Purged well for a total of 7 minutes. Purge ended at 1515. Water was a little murky. Left site at 1518. Arrived on site at 0947. Depth to water was 60.25. Samples bailed and collected at 0950. Left site at 0952. Signature of Field Technician ~c,AJV~~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID 1W4-39 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-39 08242021 Sam_eling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/2021 9:50 Sample Date & Time 8/24/20219:51 (sampler TH/Dl Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 23 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-37 Casing Volume (gal) 30.50 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 120.74 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in} 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft} 74.03 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/2021 9:Sl 2399 6.87 16.06 440 0 38.0 Pumping Rate Calculations [volume of water purged _O Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 18.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [ Final Depth to Water (feet} 112.87 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Sample,s Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VOCs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 0946. Samples collected at 0951 . Water was clear. Left site at 0953. Signature of Field Technician ~~-h~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-40 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-40 08242021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202112:23 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202112:24 jsampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-04 Casing Volume (gal) 7.47 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 86.00 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 74.56 Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202112:24 4164 7.10 15.88 421 0 79.4 Pumping Rate Calculations (yolulll~ of w~ter Pl!!ged Q Flow Rate (0 = S/60) (gal/min) 18.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [Final_Depth to Water (feet) 82.77 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1220. Samples collected at 1224. Water was clear. Left site at 1226. Signature of Field Technician Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-41 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-41 08242021 Saml)ling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202112:06 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202112:07 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-01 Casing Volume (gal) 13.01 Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 97.75 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 6 Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 88.89 Conductivity Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202112:07 2823 7.14 17.65 394 0 128.0 Pumping Rate Calculations [volume of water purged () Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 6.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () I Final Depth to Water (feet) 90.45 Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Comments: [ Arrived on site at 1203. Samples collected at 1207. Water was clear. Left site at 1209. Signature of Field Technician ~ ....... ~/".O~ e ·~~-· ~ . I r ; ·",· -· ,• ~ ( <=. · _, ' -Y.F'I: -ar S -. _.,..·,· •' E:NtER!G Location ID Field Sample ID Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time Purging Equipment Pump Type Purging Method Casing Volume (gal) Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration (min) pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance (micromhos) Date!Time Gallons Purged (gal) 9/14/2021 8:57 9/15/2021 7:54 9/15/2021 7:56 !v~ume of wate~urge<!Jgals) !F_il,al Dee!_h to Water (f_eet) 13.75 Name of Certified Anal}'!_ical LaEoratory_ AWSL AnalyticaJ Sameles Information Type of Sample/Analysis VOCs-Chloroform Chloride Nitrate/nitrite as N Comments: Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater TW4-42 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring_ TW4-42 09152021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform 9/14/2021 8:56 9/15/2021 7:55 !sampler TH/DL Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Grundfos External Ambient Temperature (C) 19 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-03 10.56 1.92 7.0 Well Depth (ft) 86.00 4.0 Well Casing Diameter (in) 4 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) 69.82 Conductivity Dissolved (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/ After 3868 6.89 15.82 501 0 113.0 3554 7.06 14.72 Before 3553 7.07 14.70 After Pumping Rate Calculations 13.75 Flow Rate (Q = S/60) (gal/min) 11.00 Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (min) 1.25 84.02 Number of casing Volumes 1.30 Volume, if well evacuated to dryness (gals) 13.75 Sample Container Preservative Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y y WATER 1 500-mL Poly u None N y WATER 1 250-ml HDPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Arrived on site at 0852. Purge began at 0856. Purged well for a total of 1 minute and 15 seconds. Purged well dry. Purge ended at 0857. Water was clear. Left site at 0900. Arrived on site at 0751. De.e_th to water was 69.86. Samples bailed and collected at 0755. Left site at 0757. Signature of Field Technician ~==,,,_.-bi~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-60 Sampling Program Chloroform Monitoring Field Sample ID TW4-60 08242021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time 8/24/202112:59 Sample Date & Time 8/24/202113:00 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Pump Weather Conditions Sunny Pump Type Grundfos External Ambient Temperature {C) 26 Purging Method 2 Casings Previous Well Sampled TW4-19 Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7 .0 7.0 Well Depth (ft) pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Casing Diameter {) Specific Conductance (micromhos) 1000 Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) Conductivity Dissolved DatefTime Gallons Purged (umhos/cm) pH (pH Units) Temp (deg C) Redox (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Oxygen(%) Before/After 8/24/202113:00 2.6 5.73 24.35 511 10.1 8.6 lvoJume _<>_f wate! purg~d () Pumping Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) () Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () l Final De_eth to Water (feet) Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness() 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40mlVOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: I DI sample was collected in the lab at 1300. Left site at 1305. Signature of Field Technician -=:3~M~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-65 Sampling_ Program Field Sample ID TW4-65 09152021 Sampling_ Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time 9/15/2021 7:40 !sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Weather Conditions Pump Type External Ambient Temeerature () Purging Method Previous Well Sampled Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration O pH Buffer 7.0 Well Depth (ft) pH Buffer 4.0 Well Casing Diameter () Specific Conductance () Depth to Water Before Purging (ft) Dissolved Date/Time Gallons Purged Conductivity pH Temp Redox Turbidity Oxygen I Before/After Pumping Rate Calculations !Volume of water purged O Flow Rate (Q = S/60} () Time to evacuate 2 Casing_ Volumes () I Final Depth t_o Wal!r (fee_!}_ Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical Samples Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/ Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? VO Cs-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2}, 4 Deg C y Comments: I Duplicate of TW4-03 Signature of Field Technician --=3c,.,vv_.~---h f a'~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater Location ID TW4-70 Sampling Prc:i_gram Field Sample ID TW4-70 09222021 Sampling Event 2021 Q3 Chloroform Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time 9/22/2021 7:07 [sampler TH/DL Purging Equipment Weather Conditions Pump Type External Ambient Temperature () Purging Method Previous Well Sampled Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration () pH Buffer 7.0 Well Depth (!!) pH Buffer 4.0 Well Casing_l:)_iameter Q Specific Conductance () Depth tc:i Wat_er Before Purgingjft) Dissolved Date!Time Gallons Purg_ed Conductivity pH Temp Redox Turbiditt Oxyg_en I Before/After Pumping Rate Calculations [V<>lum~ of water purgect_J) Flow Rate (Q = S/60) () Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes () [Fin~Depth to Waterjf_eetl Number of casing Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryn_ess () Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL Analytical_§am_eles Information Sample Container Preservative Type of Sample/Analysis Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? voes-Chloroform y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Chloride y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N Nitrate/nitrite as N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2S04 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y Comments: I Duplicate of TW4-08 Signature of Field Technician -.:::3=~ Location ID Field Sample ID Purge Date & Time Sample Date & Time Purging Equipment Pump Type Purging Method Casing Volume () Calculated Casing Volumes Purge Duration O pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance O Date/Time Gallons Purg_ed !Volume of water purged () [final_!)eptl'l_to Water _(feet) Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory AWSL AnaJytical Samples Information Type of Sample/ Analysis voes-Chloroform Chloride Nitrate/nitrite as N Comments: I Duplicate of MW-32 Signature of Field Technician --=3~~A~ Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet For Groundwater TW4-75 Sampling Program TW4-75 09232021 Sampling Event 9/23/202110:00 ~a_ine_ler Weather Conditions External Ambient Tempe!ature () Previous Well Sampled Well Depth (ft) Well Casing Diameter() Depth to Water Before Purging_(ft} Conductivity eH Temp Redox Turbidity Pumpin~ Rate Calculations Flow Rate (Q = S/60) {) Time to evacuate 2 Casing Volumes (1 Number of casin_g_ Volumes Volume, if well evacuated to dryness () Sample Container 2021 Q3 Chloroform TH/D L Dissolved Oxygen Preservative Before/After Collected? Matrix Number Type Sample Filtered? Type Added? y WATER 3 40ml VOA u HCI (pH<2), 4 Deg C y y WATER 1 500-ml Poly u None N y WATER 1 250-ml HOPE u H2504 (pH<2), 4 Deg C y TabC Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Date Time W_ell oqr:~ MW-4 nq1'.l MW-26 .ff< II'°'~ TW4-19 NA-TW4-20 fnr" TW4-4 ()8~.., TWN-2 1>~.: ~ TW4-22 n«'-1"-TW4-24 mc~n TW4-25 oq~::> TW4-11 OH~l1 TW4-21 aq o o TW4-37 O'llJ1 TW4-39 11'1~~ TW4-40 roe~ TW4-41 Weekly. Inspection Form Namey""'" &Lyrn•" 'morzc< fltl~c Depth* Jvstem Operatlonalttf no note Comments anv problems/corrective actions) NA '" .~ ..,"1 Flow u, n Yes No Flow , Gi n Va No Flow 16.0 ¥iia No Meter ~ ~ .. ~ 4 ; ta .:;" ~ No Flow "'A Yes llte Meter NA Yes ,a. Flow 1 , .., .. ¥ea No Meter ; 1. rr"':\ e,, L l'1 .._ No Flow u •. n W. No Meter '11, ~ 1 ~ s--. .2 'um, No Flow 1 , •• 'l )Aae No Meter ~ n ~. c;-2 '?> .., '9 No Flow , t:; . 'A Meter 11.; /J"I~ ~ C:-1./ Flow 1D.::1 Meter iii t. t , .. ..2 ~ "'q Flow H2..~ Meter '3 t. -, r-rr <>{, 7 Vas-No ¥9 No *8 No WII No "'8 No "85 No , mt~ n« Flow 1 r. "i '* No Meter ~4t;73'-i.7 'a No qo.17 Flow I i..r '9r *9:-No ¥ae No 7-f'. 7 t Flow , ~ ..., -. No ¥ala,, No ¥ea No ns> No V. No ~qp Meter~ :u t."1s° 0 '8,8 No "'1 ".l 1.,.-Flow 1 ~ o ._ No Meter ~, ;).4 ,_,,. /11 I. ~ No 'i{.C\. -rlJ Flow /11, O ~ No Meter -,. y fl 7 c.«. 'i ,; ll lfl!!9 No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Actlon(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date z-l+n-+t Time Well Nam«;C)..,.. Ll9/o1<na &.ce: ~ll~t · Svstem Qperatlonfllf no note Deoth• Comments any problem1/compctlve actions> 1no1.1 ~ MW-4 -c1 , • qt.. Flow t.l o lam No Meter ~ q ,,.1 a~ o. '.l.11 _. No n,,Q 1 -, MW-26 q.., ,'(',;' Flow 11 .. n Ya, No Meter t: 4., ...,.q s.: . ~ ._. No ,~ ~ n TW4-19 ., ~ 1411 Flow , t.. 1 ~ No '*-No ,..,A TW4-20 N o.. Flow M .o.. Yes .we Meter ..... , .. Yes M9 ·~ ~" 1W4-4 «'°. ,, Flow , ~-a *' No Meter -, , .. , .. -... , ., ,.~--:a. ._, No n ca , r: TWN-2 'S"fl c11 Flow , , __ n ~ No Meter ..,. Q "" ~ I!. /,. -:a V., No n«C3 TW4-22 r,.-, ~ ,,-Flow , • _ 11 ¥a No Meter ct:,n q q , , • ., ;laa. No 11>1"1!1 TW4-24 ..._, No Meter , ,. -, •·Ut iaa I c;" *9 No nQn ,. TW4-25 -,n. nf. Flow ,n. ~ V.. N6 Meter "', .. -,n,., 1 .ll ~ ~Nb 1 ~ 1 t;"" TW4-1 ,ne"'. -i c:"' Flow r 2. /.. 'a No ._ No loq-:..~ TW4-2 , 11 « . ",.. Flow u.. /] 1'e No -. No "96 No ¥a No n-i<ff. TW4-21 ~ 1 . -, .., Flow , ,_ . !l *-' No .._,.No OQl'H TW4-37 4;1 n . , 1,1 Flow , « ,1 'al No -No ,,,:a.-.• TW4-39 ~'2 ,_, Flow 17./~ "9 No Meter Q., ~ ,:-, a. n V. No 13~() 1W4-40 1, . r.. < Flow 1 4 n "-No Meter ~h, .. ~ ~-,. n1 'a No 1-i ?" TW4-41 ,zQ « n Flow ... 1 • .q. , ~ No · Meter <11 '-t Q r...nn ,., <>. ~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Monthly Depth Check Form Date 1-,it-a..• Name Dcu (j-Lren,, :z;;:,PC£ u., i..J7 Time Well De pth* Time Well De pth* 13Q3 MW-4 SA.ii l~a.a TWN-1 ~!.1~ ta~z TW4-1 LQ.;l.,a!I l!1.t£ TWN-2 r1.o 1311 TW4-2 110. ll H:fY !i TWN-3 ~a.1:i 1318 TW4-3 r.~. t..5'. 1!13! TWN-4 ,.a, I I ,a~ TW4-4 1,.?ai l!f I 3 TWN-7 sa.1.1 l3az TW4-5 :u.n .. Ht1i TWN-18 62,.~G , a~s:: TW4-6 "1.<f, L2. 1~0~ MW-27 ! l, !8. l30D TW4-7 i 2., :l.1. •~as: MW-30 15'.t II l3D1 TW4-8 2H:t!.t..il. 1~01 MW-31 ,~.31 13:l!i TW4-9 1a.03 ,33a TW4-10 ,g,~l 131 S: TW4-11 !S.91 l..2 (8 TW4-12 r5.s, la1s: TW4-13 S~,SS l.2. a., TW4-28 ~!.3S: ,~ns TW4-14 11,l~ l~ll 5: TW4-29 lS,~S · {1·5'f TW4-15 76, IS II <a TW4-30 1$:0i .; ,3,;-1;' TW4-16 23,.,, II~! TW4-31 1, •. a1 ctr~ TW4-17 ~"'"·' 1.a~ TW4-32 ~~.JS 7:4,UI l !:lat-TW4-18 :l],Q8. 11~3 TW4-33 :J·S,I i U3~ TW4-19 1a.a3 US:I TW4-34 1,.,, bl.A TW4-20 b!A ll~S: TW4-35 :75. !:12. ,~3a TW4-21 7..2.,Q~ aa.12 TW4-36 21,l~ .. •. TW4-22 TW4:-37 l~!::fl t'J.,OS. (3~1 11.,1Q t2.3~ TW4-23 1~. '29 l32.I TW4-38 I.01ll l 5S:f TW4-24 ,1,33 l33] TW4-39' :za.. :ia l~19 TW4-25 ~!, ~l'!t la.3:a TW4-40 "'1a,.,l6. 1.a.3& TW4-26 :Z3u93 L2.5'.i TW4-41 Sl,~?I ,,..,, TW4-27 2<f,0S:: 111.10 TW4-42 ,1,1·1 Comments: (Please not~ the well number for any comments) (f iu "t -M AharuiwJ * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet Weekly Inspection Form Date 7 ... ,,-a.,1 Name D«ckfr«/ Marc~/£;~, ~ystem Opera :nal (If no note Comments anv Probl ~ fv: Tl WU D th* me e 8D 8ffl1CO[[!ct S! actlonel ''"'"" MW-4 91.c\~ Flow "I. 0 -No Meter 2.qt;sH~ ~~. ,.,.{') -.ia No IDt;'t'l MW-26 ., .,. /l f_ Flow J {,,, :l. 'Q. No Meter ~ I) I fa q I,, 'q ._. No if &.l ~ TW4-19 ..,,..,, t~ Flow JI../) >a. No Meter .2._~ y .1 ~ ., D 1_ ~ No 1\.1 A TW4-20 fJA FJow NA Yes cM,. , Meter A.I A Yes• ,,.,.., TW4-4 "''"'· , .. "'f Flow -/I~~ .,. 8-No Meter 1 ti.rt~ 'il , 1,. <¥a-No '0~ '-f '.l. lWN-2 t;~ "l /'l Flow I(,. () .._ No Meter ~ n n DI./ "I~ Ym-No D « ,;-« TW4-22 1.q J., Flow ''. 2 'ea No Meter ~ 1 1 7 '° "1 • ,;--~No 09.~0 TW4-24 (.., ~..,, Flow J ". ,.., -,.. No Meter 11. "Ht l ~ ~ &..1·t:. 'al No -- /)R ":I/ .. TW4-25 ~L t.< Flow I O Lo\ .._. No Meter ~; > ~ 4 ·r, ~ :1 ~ No 1\13 TW4-1 llJt.. '" Flow , 2 cJ ~ No Meter ~t.tq/Hl. I ._ No J J 1}2 TW4-2 ,n<" Q1 Flow It, "I Va No Meter "',., -, r.. 1 , "' ... No J()l;i'... TW4-11 qi, ,< Flow '&.I 9,. "-No Meter ,..nn"" _q :1. ~ No 0~'21) TW4-21 -r<: ... s-Flow I;_ I.I v... No _, Meter .2_ "1 O"\f/.1. ~ . (ilD Via No I01fJ TW4-37 1., Sll) Flow HZ 0 .... No Meter !l n 1..,, I;'"" A l. . ~ ,._ No ,o-:r-r TW4-39 ""1'1. 4 \ Flow I« () .._ No Meter ~~t;q'1 t ... a.t 'as' No ' f '2.A-lW4-40 ""12 ':2Q Flow I 4'l .It 'IIIF No Meter i11.\\M1 :1\ V. No I" I I I Cl TW4-41 .a-t.,ur Flow (,. (') ~ No Meter -,, ,; IJ J,, 1 ~ . "f Ll )!IJ(f No Operational Problems (Please list well number): /:r-1,v ._, -!2 " .\ ~ 1:,.,1,.. __ J_.. __ .J J Corrective Act1on(s) Taken (Please 11st well number). \..... / * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Date z-.. 4 -;1._1 • Weekly Inspection Form Namey~~ ~r:; fi.r/.~<' vstem Operatio;;,;,; no note Time Well Denth* Comments any probfema/correctlve actions) n 9. ~ i:-MW-4 ~.,_ r,o Flow 4, tJ -_ No 1 n st~!! MW-26 ...,~ .~,,.-Flow 1;,.. IJ ~ No Meter ~ n ":1 ~ n"" q • No ; 1 1 'j'"" Flow 1 ~ I) ~ No Meter ~st<~n-~~ J ~ No NA TW4-20 /\J A Flow NA Yes -Ma Meter ,._, A Yes • nq1< TW4-4 Meter '7 "· 9. '.] n 'l. , 'e No D7t:~ TWN-2 <''1.qn Flow 1 r... rJ ._ No Meter~, -..,4.r •. 11 "-No !nt;r 1 1 TW4-22 ; ~ ~ .:l. Flow 11. ~ '*1a No ~ Meter 's:l , -,. ~ -, e:-q .\91. No In Q nC" TW4-24 --rn ,~ Flow ~No Meter , , ... Q ".1 .., ~ <-I? Sl ~No rrf'-'q TW4-25 ¥a No Meter ~ '1 q 7 -, '1 Sl , ~No ,n=-... ~c' Flow J"':J .~ "-No Meter ~~q.<Q<~ ~ 'm1t No 1nA1.&"1 TW4-2 , tJ" 09. Flow 1 ,... ~ Meter '-11./ « ~ & ~. q ... No n1;1 ""11 TW4-11 gqL~n Flow • ~_fl Via No Meter ,_, , 'l <. tie:--~No 1Di'f -:z. TW4-21 -,~ '" Flow I/_ '-f .Mat No Meter .:::1-,,, n 1.t;-: n 7 ~No 1>~ 1st TW4-37 -, 4 . .., ,.,,,. Flow 1 ~ n ~ No Meter ,, n -'.l .~ < -, 2 sr .. No o A !l (' TW4-39 ..,,. ~o Flow ,~ "' "9e No Meter ~ ~."'1 ~ q ~ , O ¥al No rnq-,-:a. TW4-40 -,1 ~!! Flow 1~ n Yee No Meter ca. -i c: "1 fl r,. . -, 9 'GW No c.t.t. «« Flow 111 l'J -.., No ~ No Operational Problems {Please list well number): Corrective Actlon(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date i..; 2:r,-61 Time Well Name Deu:J. 4:: J,ym•i, knot£'. Hott:I. t Deoth* vstem OperatloruJ(lf no note Comments anv oroblems/correctfye actions) na~t;. MW-4 Gl.~1 Flow "I. n V. No n4t:l MW-26 s:1n ._. L4 Flow , ,,. n "88 No Meter I'.. /J 1.1 ~ J . 3 • No 1 1 -:t n TW4-19 "1'J. ~ I/ Flow I '4 -~ "-No Meter j~t:"l~l"l.'3 ~ No t>...IA TW4-20 MA Flow N4 Yes Ma Meter N .A Yes M9 ncu:-1 TW4-4 ttt •. t.in Flow ,, .. n ., V. No Meter 71,,.q I :1 ':J .i ¥a No tH1 ~u. 1WN-2 ~"it.11 Flow -IL. 11 'Mi! No Meter ~~~n~ .,_~ ~ No ltJG&.l'a TW4-22 ~ ~ q n Flow u. "' "8a No Meter "';, 0"1 -, 1ml No n SI ~ ~ TW4-24 ;;. £. I 'A Flow 1 c". "I 'm No .Va No {){I.I-, TW4-25 Flow ,n ~ ~ No Meter 11 « £. o "'_q. q si -No tJ<lu~ TW4-1 Flow ,~ .~ 'e No Meter ~ 1 f'J" ,::, ~ ~ ._ No na !l t. TW4-2 11 ,. , ~ Flow , ,,. "' "'-No Meter ..,,.,q , .. 'i"::2. , VID-No nct"', TW4-11 4ct.,_t: Flow , ,_ n 'M No -No o-r,: t:. TW4-21 .,. !1. • '=I r Flow , , ... 'I ~ No Meter ~ .., 19. u. , 1 . q ~ ~No lnRll'f TW4-37 1. t... ~ ,. Flow , «, n ¥ia;, No Meter !l n ":\, a:;-o. "1. SI '1118 No 1nr1r:1 .. TW4-39 -, "' ,: n Flow I sr. D ._ No Meter ~ ~o . .c; 7 ~ o ~No ,nn~ TW4-40 .,~ , .. < Flow ,1 n Yea-No cVl!9 No -oqw < TW4-41 Q~ ,~ Flow , .. ,n -"-No Meter -:,. ~ tJ. .., n n ·I q \CaJ' No Operational Problems (Please list well number): /--:'·'Ti.~A.._1·'-17-_,1..,n""j~,;------------( A ... __ .., ___ J / Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date Tl W II /System Operatfoia1 (If no note D th* C ts bf s1, Name Peco CT 'rmAn , laoacc l:to/£,~ r e-9-a,, -~me e 8D ommen 1nx ero em correctfxe actions) In Q 1 ,;"' MW-4 ~~. ~c Flow 1./.0 )6a No Meter 1 q 4i? q q ~ 1 o 2 "-No rn~,; 1 MW-26 "1~.9'"{ Flow It~ &..-/ "-No Meter t..nc;l ~q 3. ~ ._ No , 1 nq TW4-19 -, -:L n ,;-Flow I I. f\. .. No Meter :i Sl .., 14 /,. fJ ., '-I ~ No NA TW4-20 1\1 6. Flow I\JA. Yes .... Meter 1'sl ~ Yes .. /IQ ... &I TW4-4 st '4 . .,.,. Flow ti •. ~ ... V. No Meter -,..,n, 71 . .., Ye No 0«1, TWN-2 5q,t;{J Flow I{.• (J ._ No Meter ~ ,:-("..., , . 41 tr ¥118 No r"cr ~ '4 TW4-22 /./ •. -ft Flow I/,., 1 'Ms> No Meter «, 1.Q&-1Q ~ VD No l)Q ~CZ TW4-24 I'. I •. ,::; &{ Flow J 6.. ,., ._ No Meter IIA 1:1 n 1LJ 1 q , .., 'l ... No n~U!t TW4-25 ~'Q ct l Flow In. ft -No Meter ~q .'l .1-t <t 'It . Cl!~ \IN No lnQ.,, TW4-1 Inc;' 11 Flow I~ ~ -No Meter '17 nql\n () ._ No nqnq TW4-2 q~ -~,, Flow J t... • "i >a, No Meter "-I ~ fl ,; o -i . ~ -.,.No nann 1W4-11 ~q _«,q Flow 11. n VD No Meter "'"' 7 /J. ~ ,z 'Aat-No o~ni: TW4-21 -, r •. -, ,::-Flow I I' ... "' ~No Meter ~ "" ':2 c-, .., ,q oQ V...-No l'>irW'/} TW4-37 ~ , .... "l '.2 Flow J"' n ¥a No Meter ~ n '!I ~ ..!l .,_ ~ • ..:1.. ~No n~._,,,,_ TW4-39 .,.~ ,.., Flow lit n -_ No Meter ~"'1i ".l n., \ , '-' No n Qa.,l".J TW4-40 -, 1 . ~. ,i:. Flow I~ . .f'l ¥ea No Meter ~ ·:u.,1 q , 1. , 1 V. No "'Q '\.._-, T W4-41 Qff '-,/. Flow fa,() .. No Meter ':\(" -:t g aq, 17 .... No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective·Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date 8 .. ,4 .... a,i Time Well Deoth* Comments 00/\M MW-4 ~l._. f,.2 Flow '4 tJ 1nt1 11 Q MW-26 Flow u,.D Meter ~ 1 tl ~ilq t 1n1n TW4-19 ,..,-,-:1 Flow ,i.t.n Meter ~-st~~,"' u , NA TW4-20 NA Flow NA Meter "'A.. 04"'1-i TW4-4 ti« i:'"&.4 Flow I r. n ... Meter 7 '1 , oo Lf *-:::-.-·-· O"J~!i' TWN-2 , ... .,_ ., "' Flow , ~ o 09. 1 ~ TW4-22 -, 1 cit a. Flow , " D a~ 1 w TW4-24 L ~ "' "' Flow , .,_ n Meter , ,. q "4' ., , , • z: ., ln71/« TW4-25 ""12. , -, t Flow , n sr. , n 1 , ,.. Flow , '!I L4 Meter ~ 7 1 t,, 9 ,;-:i. , ow~,_ TW4-2 q "". o ir Flow J 1,. • D Meter 'i llj, ~ t,. s-, OA'i"'.:l TW4-11 Q «. ~"" Flow , ~ , ~ Meter "' r: Cl ~ • , 2. 1n"1-ac:t TW4-21 Meter .2 7 -i ~ q II;" l1 n cir r.« ~ 1 Flow 1ff o ·O« ~ "» TW4-39 -rn., ~ Flow 14.0 nq"'-n TW4-40 ., -i ., .,... Flow I oa o na I r.. TW4-41 ~., · ~ ~ Flow /,. ~ O Meter ~~'f<t 1 '3. 'l., Jea4,::c if? I le,. v ___. ,I t~ System ~pera~; nal {If no note anv problems/corrective actions) Y:e.-No Vea No ~ No ~ No ._ No .... No Yes...._ Yes .adD ~ No ._No -_ No ._ No "-No *' No ~ No 'fel No _l!i!lt No --No Yo No V.-No ~No Va No '98 No Va No V.. No *t No ._ No ¥IN-No "-No ._ No V.. No ._ No .... No 'M8' No Operational Problems (Please list well number): /._,-;:~ .... ..,.,'-,,1~~,--~ .... n...,.,-\ __________ _ ( ~.a , J ___ J / Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): \ / * Depth ls measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date jj .. 63 -;u Time Well Deoth* System Operatlona Clf no note Comments anv problems/corrective actions) 101" MW-4 ill.'1'1 Flow '-4.0 V.. No Qq"4~ MW-26 7:,. .e:n Flow JI~ fJ .._ No Meter (';a/~ 7 2 4, 7---No 11c..t< TW4-19 7;;1 n9. Flow , ,,,.o -No Meter .1 .g q_ c: t ;:i. o , -. No tJ A TW4-20 NA Flow l\t A Yes._ Meter N~ Yes• , o ~,r TW4-4 ~ J Lin Flow 11'1 n ... )fa No Meter --, 7 ,:l n.q 1. ~ *9 No 1 o q n 4111 TWN-2 IJ-,. !I a Flow 1 t •. n 'ea No Meter si.: ~ q ~ ~ 5"" -, Wr No 041-".\ TW4-22 t,./., ~~ Flow , t. D )fa.No Meter 'it .2 n ~ D ~ q "-No ()q I t.. TW4-24 -, o -, r Flow I~ /,.. Vee No Meter 1 ~<S\~q 7c. o !l ¥19-No lr?CI011 TW4-25 ,: q. '1 .., Flow 1 n to ~ No Meter q-o ,; ~ ~ t, n., Jiilll. No fD:J I lW4-1 ,n;z ,;7 Flow , ~ n ¥!Ill No Va No Joo ':l lW4-2 1117 Q~ Flow 1 lit () ~No "-No oq~~ TW4-11 SUI f! ,... Flow I ~ _9' 'W No Meter 4t...:J.q. o~ ._ No OB§'.!1 TW4-21 7 !i". ;;1.::1 Flow _ J t... '-I 'al:. No ~ No oq~1 TW4-37 £ 7. '-Ir;-Flow 1 Q n ._ No ~No nq~cr TW4-39 7.1.3 5'" Flow , ~ n ~ No Meter tt~7~\ 8J *9 No , D l.f ,;-TW4-40 -r2 ~;i Flow , ~ o V.. No ~ No 1n2.« TW4-41 Q« .4~ Flow /,. tJ .._ No ~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date S5-3o _ i-l Time Well Deoth* Comments any problema/compctfve actions) lh"\-r MW-4 « !I .., n Flow 'I n ~ No Meter -=!. n I n Q '* q . o .:t \ta. No 104'°3 MW-26 «~ .. ~l Flow u ... n *-No Meter L.1 t:n <e:. 1. ~ No •~'-' t.. TW4-19 q n. ~.;--Flow f~. n ,. Va No Meter _!2 a n ,_ .2 ..-.;";Ci '-' No MA TW4-20 I\IA Flow NA Yes..._ Meter NA Yes Mt ,~ ~n TW4-4 Qr; 17 Flow ,,_ D V.. No Meter 7 7 ~ ~ \ c;-n 'b No 1111~ t.. TWN-2 ,: 7 « "' Flow 11,, • n YM No Meter Ql\~•a. ~, .. *' No nQn~ TW4-22 1.1 ... « :\ Flow , ~. -::1 "'-No Meter 1l ~ -.:i I c.. 1 o Va No It,«~" TW4-24 ,_/,. ".l.n Flow , ,_. o V.. No Meter ., .., n ':tl"J LJ /) ~,., Va No 111« ~"'7 TW4-25 /,,,. r. ~ ~ Flow , ~ "' ¥.ill No Meter q111.o~ 69 'Me No 1nu-, TW4-1 , Au ., 'ii' Flow 1 ::l • • "91 No rn"'"' TW4-2 'Ml No Meter .., r: 2 ,., \ '.:l " ~ No Mt>G TW4-11 St OI . 1 1 Flow 1 '.1 a "8 No Meter LI .;i_ "' .::Ii n n '8' No ln"-n., TW4-21 -rr:. "n Flow , ~. fJ "-No ...-, No lnq~, TW4-37 L. ~-• , .., Flow , • 11. ¥.a No Meter ~ ""'-,' q ~ ~ ws, No 11a~« TW4-39 'T ~ ,:; D Flow , er n "'8 No )fa No 1 "' 1 ,,. TW 4-40 ..,. ~ , '"" Flow , ~ /1 ._ No \fa No , ..11 n TW4-41 Ql'J. t1" Flow ~-*"-I ._. No '*-No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date 9 _1 .. +' I W II 1 System Opera~nal (ff no note D th* C ts an bl /, Name Oezco Cc: 'froeP TYtncc Hal ti..L r Tme ~ 8DI ommen J£ (!!ro ema comtctlve actions) I :tf)~ MW-4 411. cu:: Flow 1-J l) Va. No Meter '\ o, iQfH1 :1 ,: , Ve&. No JI"., MW-26 .,.., :in Flow , , .. n .... No Meter/., Y4"~ ..:1 1 Ve. No '"':l I '-1 TW4-19 '"11 ,. fJ Flow JI,. n .._ No Meter ~.~t ~1.1 ~~-bt ... No NA TW4-20 NA Flow NA Yes -Meter .... D,. Yes ., I~ "I la TW4-4 -,~ Ill Flow I I' •. ,;t. ., *' No Meter .., ~ "' n .., ,c .., ~No II) '2~ TWN-2 c"'oa ., ~ Flow u. '1 "'-No Meter cuq .. < 1-1 §t ... No '"<~ TW4-22 ,_,. ~ ... Flow I(,. fl ~ No Meter ~ ~-"f , 11) . ~ Va No ,nii-r TW4-24 L.C-: <fl,0 Flow , , 'II \'-No Meter , "f n -, t:t 1. ,..., 1u, ._ No Jl)"l'I. TW4-25 /..CJ ... "\ Flow ,n.• ._ No Meter q I q. 1 .,. ,;-"1 ~ ... No ,'.1\"4 TW4-1 11114 ,WAI Flow 'u l'I ~ No Meter "., -i.., !II , -~ ¥a No 11 !fQ TW4-2 Qa., ~~ Flow ("' 91, ... No Meter 1.1,:4,:~q 2 '-No . ,~~ TW4-11 ~Q.CH Flow I a;". fl .._ No Meter uaa-:a. _-,, .. No - ,n!l'"l TW4-21 -,<_ II Flow r {,. q, Ya, No Meter .:>7C"c"'4L ~ -..-a. -No 11-aC" TW4-37 '1lJ ~"1 Flow HL/1 V.. No : Meter .., n , , ,: n -:l , "1 .. No .... , TW4-39 ., ' ~,;-Flow HID ... No Meter au ':I.""~."\ 'ala No I~-,.., TW4-40 -, -i nr1 Flow HI A '811 No Meter ,;i, < ~11 "A 1. r,.1,, .._,. No )'2'11J TW4-41 GQl!":1 Flow "1..n *9 No Meter -1.c-.s~ '.l"-'."\':I. 'Wft No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Actlon(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- * Depth ls measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date 9-1'3-,a,1 Name Peco,,. 4¥moo J Ti me W II e D th* 8D Comments 105~ MW-4 ~l.<q/. Flow .., 0 Meter .~n1~-r1,r . .., 1' 1n!l"1 MW-26 '1 ::l. 9..1> Flow ,, • .1 Meter "",e11 &.f 7n 11 l~"f "1 TW4-19 _'7:l .3\ Flow It,. • I) Meter ...2 q j_ .., ,;-"' <1. a NA TW4-20 NA Flow Nb. Meter "1111.. ,~on TW4-4 ~I'. ·"'2'1 Flow Jt:#,:.. ., Meter 7 7'-1-, 3n ,~ :04'"' &.I TWN-2 ~&. T.3 Flow , , •. n . Meter Q"L~i;"'i&. ~':l 1009 TW4-22 1~. ti Flow 1t..o Meter " ~ <' ~ 2.. ~ • q ,o fl,';l TW4-24 /..~c:t,rt Flow It. ."I Meter , ., 1 , ~ 3 J . .:, ~ oq~:v. TW4-25 ~~ ~· Flow ,,. " Meter q j .., 7 ".2 .., si l:l "I ii TW4-1 1n1 2« Flow ,~ I,,. Meter ~ 7 't' ~ , 1 . -, Jl)..,s;' TW4-2 JlU'L 11;' Flow Ila ll Meter "" ~ ,:-"' 7,. 1 IIU,4D TW4-11 «Q -5lJ Flow It..() Meter ~nq~. o ~ Qq!J:Q TW4-21 "'It:'. OR Flow Jf.._1../ Meter !l '1 ,,_ 2.1 T .i. io4 • ,o,~ TW4-37 t. (.. 2.. Cl\ Flow ,.,, D Meter ~ " (",., t....1 1.4 -, JO!I n TW4-39 "'1:l. 3~ Flow 19 (} Meter ~ '4 ,; ~ 1 i;-7 1'3(}7 TW4-40 "1~. I~ Flow 19L t1 Meter it('9. o 1-f \ cz o J 2..,:1,,/ TW4-41 QQ nq Flow /,. 0 -Meter ~ ~ q :i,; "A t. Si Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): .. Depth Is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Svstem Opa;;,onal (ff no note anv or: bl s/i looncc Helli:, 0 !ffl corrective actions) '-No -.i No v-No ... No ~No ~No Yes.._ Yes .a.. ¥89-No ~No ._ No .._ No Y• No Y!IIII No ¥a No Vea. No ~ No W... No ._, No -. No ¥9 No .__ No ._ No ~No ~ No )tla. No ._ No &a8 No V... No "8 No Va No ~No "-No "'1fD No Monthly Depth Check Form Date 9-11-su Name Pc::ca k: 1¥mAn1 :z:;;.,",..., t/oo,~ I Time Well Depth* Time Well Depth* /052. MW-4 83.,3 11 !f 0 TWN-1 C.9,t I ,o ... ,s TW4-1 I 05,Q.!i'" 11a~ TWN-2 S:-8.~ a. JQ~<, TW4-2 911,i:a ·J::a.n !:i TWN-3 1-f.2... f.a~ 1332 TW4-3 G~ .. t:;a.. iwo TWN-4 C. :l I Is::: JQ'i;l, TW4-4 ZG.1£ us:a TWN-? SIQ.~~ I 3&f l TW4-5 11.9,: 115'.l. TWN-18 .•c(i,2, e '1~ 10'?-'8 TW4-6 ::z~t .:u "~ !:I MW-27 ~1.~a 132-S: TW4-7 8-..lg r110 MW-30 2£11 ,, a.i' TW4-8 iS:.~Q. IA\~ MW-31 i,ig.~ I ,;1,·$ TW4-9 7.0.i lQ J3£(f" TW4-10 '-~. '.?A,;' 1/Ql TW4-11 9fLl ::i_ lll/0 TW4-12 ~".as 1007 TW4-13 ~1.Q~ IQI~ TW4-28 ~!.!i2 1000 TW4-14 7.1.., 33 Q9S::Z TW4-29 :,.-8..~a llOS: TW4-15 Bl ,HI Q~!:i4a TW4-30 7~.fQ .134" TW4-16 :z3.~ Q~!:t 3 TW4-31 1(6., ~" 1353 TW4-17 !a.. t~· JQII TW4-32 5,.s:s 11~4 TW4-18 :13, IS::: Q~:31 TW4-33 J11. as )3S:9 TW4-19 :Zl ,Ol Q95:!:f TW4-34 lba·S2' · NA TW4-20 ~A Q!~! TW4-35 '75'.. ~! 1133 TW4-21 1J.~4' UlO.~ TW4-36 'd.-~] 11 l G. TW4-22 ~a. 1:~1f JI' 2. TW4-37 1a.t~ 1031 TW4-23 ::X5',91 133~ TW4-38 t:.{LQ~ Hao . TW4-24 -:r..a.1n II Q1J TW4-39 1a.;;i~ pa.s TW4-25 <i'4, '(i 40M TW4-40 :7 a.. a.1 10 3"' TW4-26 :z:3 ... g9 lfl~S: TW4-41 is.g,3 0939 TW4-27 1,. ,s: Q913 TW4-42 49,95 Comments: (Please note the well number for any comments) (¥5~ * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet Date Cf/ ;l.O / ~;t l Weekly Inspection Form Name -r:,,n,r ».1 i:J.~-y Time e eot ommen anv oro ems/ ....... .......:fva actions) W II D h* C ts System Operational llf no note bl 'l2~i; MW-4 _8"1 '-'1 Flow "'1.0 C Yes)No Meter 30'<, l, 7 '-i, s:<.2 C Yes"'No - tl3,b MW-26 7'1.J.~ Flow 1c...n (Yes )No Meter (__ '2. l b():2 . I (~ No \~2.0 TW4-19 ,Y .',lo Flow 1',, D (~s,No Meter !'.l..Gt~3 7q ..3 ( 'Yes-lfNo ,,/"/A TW4-20 .l'V'/A Flow .N"/,() Yes (f o) Meter .,.//A Yes (" ,a t>DO TW4-4 76.i.f D Flow 16.:) ., {Yes ')Jo Meter 77 5C--""I t-f • C--( Ye~ No t '2..04l TWN-2 ~9 .1.3 Flow ll...D ( Y.13S )No Meter qyt.f \~. ,~ (Yes)No ---.. 1'2..17 TW4-22 73,ld Flow lb,0 r'Yes JJo Meter cg.1738'3 K r res \No '--__) J'Z.13 TW4-24 bt.f .C,f( Flow IC,.~ eve~ /No Meter 1 '"7 I E><.:. ~ 2. • 7 q ( Yes 'No --~ l't.O"( TW4-25 U .... ~S Flow 1().5 cYes_')No Meter Cf3J3 '10 K, ( Yes 'No l'Z,SO TW4-1 97, y ~ Flow \2 .·~ (Ylis ')No Meter ~7_-r::..Cft7.'i ( res ".\No lz.3G\. TW4-2 ,~ i; ,fo Flow I C,..t> r..xes ")No Meter Yi::. ,31-i i , .. S C Yes-) No !'235 TW4-11 CfD ·F,7 Flow ll.b ( Yes_'f'.Jo Meter ~ 1 C>9. CtS C Yes \No iZf:10 TW4-21 7'-f _qq Flow I(., .S _(Yes 1No Meter z-r ,q l.f 7Y!) S r~No \ J 17".J.l TW4-37 7D.Yt./ Flow ,~.o t:::_Yes _'iNo I Meter 'l oSKY ::J. &-. .t J ( Tt,5 1'110 122C.. TW4-39 '7<,,/J Flow 1£(,0 (Y_esJ No Meter 9. Li ~qLf l ~ /'Yes...'\No 13Db TW4-40 71,3q Flow ,~.C) r~No Meter stb~~s~. ('1 Ye&J.No _i;t; 1'2 TW4-41 S<K'.1 I Flow 6 ,0 I YesvNo Meter 3 b o~ '-i .:2 • I ,R r Yes )No Operational Problems (Please list well number): -' ~ -r\.J4#-:>r. 1,.,,.,. h,..,.._ ,.1,...,. A .. Corrective Actlon(s) Taken (Please list well number): * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Time Well ~a-:1, MW-4 n'ln::l. MW-26 1 n 1., TW4-19 f\J A TW4-20 nr1~n TWN-2 iJ,Q u,;i TW4-22 In~~, .. TW4-24 ~~,,: TW4-25 n" ~ < TW4-1 loq It{ TW4-2 oq~ TW4-11 n«nn·· TW4-21 in~ t<rJ TW4-37 IO~t;/~ TW4-39 OCl~I TW4-41 Weekly Inspection Form NameD,a G-::91r1111i. IMa«c ftq/l~c . vstem Operation (If no note Deoth* Comments any problems/corrective actions) c,a. « _ q ('" Flow J.J. I> Yiaa No , o~ ,qc;-Flow it..() ¥98 No Meter ~ .l ~ ~ t.l.. .ti' d1m No -, 'l 0..-3 Flow , r.. • n 'tfes No 7t. .1'1 Flow u,. ~ .. "81 No Meter 77t...~~ ;,. .3 \£el No C"~., 1 Flow J/ .. ;i 'e No Meter Q~.,~frl.6'" )fa' No ~~7, ~r Flow ,1,. n ._ No Vm No I'-,:: <n Flow , 1,.. ~ ~ No Meter 1 "'1 1 Q .., ,, ~ ~,.->I&, No Flow ,a.1 ..._,..No I Meter q ~ '1 7-'f 1 711 ._, No Vee No Meter -:t "7.C-, .. ,; :i :1 VD-No , n 1 ,,.,. Flow 1 '4 n X.. No Meter £4 ,;:r.., 2. -, t:. < *9 No Q 1 -:1. n Flow , ~. ci( "-1 No Meter ef :J ~q ta " .-No 1 n s. JI,;; Flow u •. ,.,. _. No Meter b .., 7 t'LJ 4 '11. I ~No .._, No .t.."'1.-,. ::2 Flow Hl o "81 No Meter !'.>nr...~~, ... ~ r..4 ~, Flow 1 '!t o 'lat No Meter gt:' J r:si ~ ti ._ No .., 2 .., '1 Flow 1 ~ 11 ~ No ~ No ~C\.O'I Flow l. o 'till> No ~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number}: Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---::-------------- "Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. TabD Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Details Map, and Depth to Water Summary Name: Tanner Holliday, Deen Lyman Date: 8/11/2021 -8/13/2021 Depth to Depth to Date Time Well Water (rt.) Date Time Well Water (ft.) 8/1 I /2021 1002 MW-01 64.86 8/13/2021 656 MW-04 81..68 8/11/2021 903 MW-02 109.52 8/13/202 I 701 TW4-0l 103.33 8/J 1/2021 1319 MW-03A 84.14 8/J 3/202) 652 TW4-02 98.10 8/J l/2021 733 MW-05 108.14 8/13/202) 751 TW4-03 64.62 8/11/2021 834 MW-II 85.31 8/13/2021 708 TW4-04 81-06 8/11/2021 737 MW-12 109.60 8/13/2021 746 TW4-05 72.02 8/11/2021 821 MW-14 101.78 8/13/2021 718 TW4-06 79.l l 8/11/2021 817 MW-15 105.36 8/13/2021 711 TW4-07 82.07 8/11/2021 1311 MW-17 72.13 8/13/2021 715 TW4-08 85.28 8/l l/2021 1010 MW-18 73.85 8/13/2021 742 TW4-09 70.05 8/11/2021 1028 MW-19 66.13 8/13/2021 738 TW4-10 69.35 8/11/2021 1247 MW-20 86.33 8/13/202) 647 TW4-ll 89.90 8/J 1/2021 1256 MW-22 66.39 8/13/2021 918 TW4-12 55.88 8/11/2021 742 MW-23 113.84 8/13/2021 914 TW4-13 56.95 8/11/2021 937 MW-24A Ill.II 8/13/202) 906 TW4-14 77.52 8/11/2021 934 MW-24 110.05 8/13/2021 734 TW4-16 73.70 8/11/2021 830 MW-25 81.28 8/13/2021 800 TW4-18 73.l l 8/11/2021 916 MW-26 75.40 8/13/2021 945 TW4-19 73.40 8/11/2021 948 MW-27 58.03 8/13/2021 620 TW4-21 72.33 8/11/2021 920 MW-28 74.65 8/13/2021 634 TW4-22 68.20 8/11/2021 908 MW-29 107.15 8/13/2021 730 TW4-23 75.74 8/J 1/2021 712 MW-30 75.18 8/13/202) 630 TW4-24 68.71 8/11/2021 841 MW-31 69.33 8/13/2021 625 TW4-25 69.25 8/11/2021 846 MW-32 82.18 8/13/2021 722 TW4-26 73.95 8/11/2021 755 MW-33 DRY 8/13/2021 843 TW4-27 79.18 8/11/2021 806 MW-34 107.38 8/13/202) 922 TW4-28 49.36 8/11/2021 749 MW-35 112.25 8/13/202) 902 TW4-29 78.48 8/11/2021 746 MW-36 110.51 8/13/202) 850 TW4-30 75.16 8/11/2021 810 MW-37 106.06 8/13/2021 847 TW4-31 76.41 8/11/2021 1237 MW-38 70.28 8/13/2021 927 TW4-32 56.43 8/11/2021 1230 MW-39 64.65 8/13/2021 839 TW4-33 78.25 8/11/2021 1218 MW-40 79.85 8/13/2021 858 TW4-34 76.71 8/13/2021 854 TW4-35 75.42 MW-26=TW4-15 8/13/2021 910 TW4-36 58.28 MW-32=TW4-17 8/13/2021 638 TW4-37 72.15 Comments: 8/13/2021 755 TW4-38 60.06 8/13/2021 642 TW4-39 74.55 8/13/2021 726 TW4-40 72.32 8/13/2021 705 TW4-41 88.87 8/13/2021 835 TW4-42 69.93 Date Time 8/11/2021 1033 8/11/2021 1021 8/11/2021 1411 8/11/2021 1354 8/11/2021 1349 8/l J/202 I 1424 8/l l/2021 1421 8/11/2021 1417 8/11/2021 1408 8/11/2021 1016 8/11/2021 957 8/11/2021 1049 8/11/2021 1044 8/11/2021 1403 8/l l/2021 919 8/l 1/2021 1059 8/11/2021 1 I 11 8/11/2021 906 8/11/2021 859 8/l I /2021 1158 8/11/2021 851 8/11/2021 847 8/11/2021 840 8/11/2021 1335 8/11/2021 1330 8/11/2021 1325 8/11/2021 822 8/11/2021 834 8/11/2021 815 8/11/2021 750 8/11/2021 746 8/11/2021 730 8/11/2021 757 8/11/2021 737 8/11/2021 804 Well PIEZ-01 PIEZ-02 PIEZ-03A PIEZ-04 PIEZ-05 TWN-01 TWN-02 TWN-03 TWN-04 TWN-06 TWN-07 TWN-14 TWN-16 TWN-18 TWN-19 TWN-20 TWN-21 DR-05 DR-06 DR-07 DR-08 DR-09 DR-10 DR-II DR-12 DR-13 DR-14 DR-15 DR-17 DR-19 DR-20 DR-21 DR-22 DR-23 DR-24 Depth to Water (ft.) 67.30 46.17 57.27 67.35 66.06 69.25 58.35 42.84 62.32 80.69 80.55 59.48 47.85 62.44 54.03 77.95 79.19 83.18 94.08 91.91 51.32 86.52 78.38 97.93 91.88 69.82 76.19 92.85 64.68 63.28 55.45 100.54 DRY 69.05 44.51 @ TWN-20 [J5565 TW4-42 ¢5525 estimated dry area temporary perched nitrate monitoring well installed April, 2021 showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing elevation in feet amsl MW-38 perched monitoring well -¢-5463 installed February, 201 B showing elevation in feet amsl TW4-40 temporary perched monitoring well +5525 installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl M:5';04 perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 . . 0 5568 temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 . . . .A.5569 temporary perched nitrate monitoring V well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing "1 5588 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING o 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, l\'V4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells; TW4-11 water level is below the base of the Burro Canyon Formation HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2021 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE FIGURE H:/718000/nov21 /WUUwl0921 srf D-1 --1 ,, ,, I I 111 '@ TWN-20 CJ5565 I TW4-42 9 5525 I I MW-38 I -¢,-5463 estimated chloroform capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping. (note: combined capture shown for MW-4, TW4-1 , TW4-2, 1W4-4, TW4-11, 1W4-40 and TW4-41; and for MW-26, 1W4-19, 1W4-21, TW4-37 and 1W4-39) estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping (note: combined capture shown for 1W4-22, TW4-24 and TW4-25) estimated dry area temporary perched nitrate monitoring well installed April, 2021showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl TW4-40 temporary perched monitoring well + 5525 installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl MW-5 e 5so4 f TW4-12 0 5568 perched monitoring well showing etevaUon in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 temporary perched nitrate monitoring <>5569 well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing -i 5588 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING b 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet ams! HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. APPROVED KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2021 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE DATE REFERENCE H:/718000/nov21 /WUUwl0921 cz2.srf FIGURE D-2 --.,., ,, I I • TW4-42 ¢5525 TW4-40 ... 5525 MW-25 .5532 TW4-7 0 5539 PIEZ-2 Q 5583 estimated chloroform capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping. (note: combined capture shown for MW-4, TW4-1 , TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-40 and TW4-41; and for MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39) estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tube resulting from pumping (note: combined capture shown for TW4-22, TW4-24 and TW4-25) temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl perched piezometer showing elevation in feet amsl NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells; TW4-11 water level is below the base of the Burro Canyon Formation KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2021 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE detail ma HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. APPROVED DATE REFERENCE FIGURE H :/718000/nov21 /WL/Uwl0921 cz.srf D-3 TabE Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map @ TWN-20 C 5565 TW4-42 ¢5525 MW-38 -<>5463 TW4-40 ... 5525 estimated dry area temporary perched nitrate monitoring well installed April, 2021showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing elevation in feet amsl M;'5~04 perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 . . 0 5568 temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 h d . . . A.5569 temporary perc e nitrate monitoring V well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing g 5588 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING ~ 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping_ wells; TW4-1 , TW4-2 and TW4-11 water levels are below the base of the Burro Cany_on Formation HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 2nd QUARTER, 2021 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE H:/718000/aug21/WUUwl0621srf FIGURE E-1 TabF Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,527.63 09/25/79 94.70 93.14 5,527.63 10/10/79 94.70 93.14 5,528.43 01/10/80 93.90 92.34 5,529.93 03/20/80 92.40 90.84 5,528.03 06/17/80 94.30 92.74 5,528.03 09/15/80 94.30 92.74 5,527.93 10/08/80 94.40 92.84 5,527.93 02/12/81 94.40 92.84 5,525.93 09/01/84 96.40 94.84 5,528.33 12/01/84 94.00 92.44 5,528.13 02/01/85 94.20 92.64 5,528.33 06/01/85 94.00 92.44 5,528.93 09/01/85 93.40 91.84 5,528.93 10/01/85 93.40 91.84 5,528.93 11/01/85 93.40 91.84 5,528.83 12/01/85 93.50 91.94 5,512.33 03/01/86 110.00 108.44 5,528.91 06/19/86 93.42 91.86 5,528.83 09/01/86 93.50 91.94 5,529.16 12/01/86 93.17 91.61 5,526.66 02/20/87 95.67 94.11 5,529.16 04/28/87 93.17 91.61 5,529.08 08/14/87 93.25 91.69 5,529.00 11/20/87 93.33 91.77 5,528.75 01/26/88 93.58 92.02 5,528.91 06/01/88 93.42 91.86 5,528.25 08/23/88 94.08 92.52 5,529.00 11/02/88 93.33 91.77 5,528.33 03/09/89 94.00 92.44 5,529.10 06/21/89 93.23 91.67 5,529.06 09/01/89 93.27 91.71 5,529.21 11/15/89 93.12 91 .56 5,529.22 02/16/90 93.11 91.55 5,529.43 05/08/90 92.90 91.34 5,529.40 08/07/90 92.93 91.37 5,529.53 11/13/90 92.80 91.24 5,529.86 02/27/91 92.47 90.91 5,529.91 05/21/91 92.42 90.86 5,529.77 08/27/91 92.56 91.00 5,529.79 12/03/91 92.54 90.98 5,530.13 03/17/92 92.20 90.64 5,529.85 06/11/92 92.48 90.92 5,529.90 09/13/92 92.43 90.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,529.92 12/09/92 92.41 90.85 5,530.25 03/24/93 92.08 90.52 5,530.20 06/08/93 92.13 90.57 5,530.19 09/22/93 92.14 90.58 5,529.75 12/14/93 92.58 91.02 5,530.98 03/24/94 91.35 89.79 5,531.35 06/15/94 90.98 89.42 5,531.62 08/18/94 90.71 89.15 5,532.58 12/13/94 89.75 88.19 5,533.42 03/16/95 88.91 87.35 5,534.70 06/27/95 87.63 86.07 5,535.44 09/20/95 86.89 85.33 5,537.16 12/11/95 85.17 83.61 5,538.37 03/28/96 83.96 82.40 5,539.10 06/07/96 83.23 81.67 5,539.13 09/16/96 83.20 81.64 5,542.29 03/20/97 80.04 78.48 5,551.58 04/07/99 70.75 69.19 5,552.08 05/11/99 70.25 68.69 5,552.83 07/06/99 69.50 67.94 5,553.47 09/28/99 68.86 67.30 5,554.63 01/03/00 67.70 66.14 5,555.13 04/04/00 67.20 65.64 5,555.73 05/02/00 66.60 65.04 5,556.03 05/11/00 66.30 64.74 5,555.73 05/15/00 66.60 65.04 5,555.98 05/25/00 66.35 64.79 5,556.05 06/09/00 66.28 64.72 5,556.18 06/16/00 66.15 64.59 5,556.05 06/26/00 66.28 64.72 5,556.15 07/06/00 66.18 64.62 5,556.18 07/13/00 66.15 64.59 5,556.17 07/18/00 66.16 64.60 5,556.26 07/25/00 66.07 64.51 5,556.35 08/02/00 65.98 64.42 5,556.38 08/09/00 65.95 64.39 5,556.39 08/15/00 65.94 64.38 5,556.57 08/31/00 65.76 64.20 5,556.68 09/08/00 65.65 64.09 5,556.73 09/13/00 65.60 64.04 5,556.82 09/20/00 65.51 63.95 5,556.84 09/29/00 65.49 63.93 5,556.81 10/05/00 65.52 63.96 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,556.89 10/12/00 65.44 63.88 5,556.98 10/19/00 65.35 63.79 5,557.01 10/23/00 65.32 63.76 5,557.14 11/09/00 65.19 63.63 5,557.17 11/14/00 65.16 63.60 5,556.95 11/21/00 65.38 63.82 5,557.08 11/30/00 65.25 63.69 5,557.55 12/07/00 64.78 63.22 5,557.66 01/14/01 64.67 63.11 5,557.78 02/09/01 64.55 62.99 5,558.28 03/29/01 64.05 62.49 5,558.23 04/30/01 64.10 62.54 5,558.31 05/31/01 64.02 62.46 5,558.49 06/22/01 63.84 62.28 5,558.66 07/10/01 63.67 62.11 5,559.01 08/20/01 63.32 61.76 5,559.24 09/19/01 63.09 61.53 5,559.26 10/02/01 63.07 61.51 5,559.27 11/08/01 63.06 61.50 5,559.77 12/03/01 62.56 61.00 5,559.78 01/03/02 62.55 60.99 5,559.96 02/06/02 62.37 60.81 5,560.16 03/26/02 62.17 60.61 5,560.28 04/09/02 62 .05 60.49 5,560.76 05/23/02 61.57 60.01 5,560.58 06/05/02 61.75 60.19 5,560.43 07/08/02 61.90 60.34 5,560.44 08/23/02 61.89 60.33 5,560.71 09/11/02 61.62 60.06 5,560.89 10/23/02 61.44 59.88 5,557.86 11/22/02 64.47 62.91 5,561.10 12/03/02 61.23 59.67 5,561.39 01/09/03 60.94 59.38 5,561.41 02/12/03 60.92 59.36 5,561.93 03/26/03 60.40 58.84 5,561.85 04/02/03 60.48 58.92 5,536.62 05/01/03 85.71 84.15 5,528.56 06/09/03 93.77 92.21 5,535.28 07/07/03 87.05 85.49 5,534.44 08/04/03 87.89 86.33 5,537.10 09/11/03 85.23 83.67 5,539.96 10/02/03 82.37 80.81 5,535.91 11/07/03 86.42 84.86 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,550.70 12/03/03 71.63 70.07 5,557.58 01/15/04 64.75 63.19 5,558.80 02/10/04 63.53 61.97 5,560.08 03/28/04 62.25 60.69 5,560.55 04/12/04 61.78 60.22 5,561.06 05/13/04 61.27 59.71 5,561.48 06/18/04 60.85 59.29 5,561.86 07/28/04 60.47 58.91 5,529.17 08/30/04 93.16 91.60 5,536.55 09/16/04 85.78 84.22 5,529.00 10/11/04 93.33 91.77 5,541.55 11/16/04 80.78 79.22 5,541.12 12/22/04 81.21 79.65 5,540.59 01/18/05 81.74 80.18 5,542.85 02/28/05 79.48 77.92 5,537.91 03/15/05 84.42 82.86 5,548.67 04/26/05 73.66 72.10 5,549.53 05/24/05 72.80 71.24 5,544.36 06/30/05 77.97 76.41 5,545.16 07/29/05 77.17 75.61 5,544.67 09/12/05 77.66 76.10 5,541.28 09/27/05 81.05 79.49 5,536.96 12/07/05 85.37 83.81 5,546.49 03/08/06 75.84 74.28 5,546.15 06/13/06 76.18 74.62 5,545.15 07/18/06 77.18 75.62 5,545.91 11/17/06 76.42 74.86 5,545.90 02/27/07 76.43 74.87 5,548.16 05/02/07 74.17 72.61 5,547.20 08/13/07 75.13 73.57 5,547.20 10/10/07 75.13 73.57 5,547.79 03/26/08 74.54 72.98 5,545.09 06/25/08 77.24 75.68 5,550.36 08/26/08 71.97 70.41 5,550.39 10/14/08 71.94 70.38 5,542.25 03/03/09 80.08 78.52 5,542.25 06/24/09 80.08 78.52 5,550.19 09/10/09 72.14 70.58 5,550.94 12/11/09 71.39 69.83 5,546.08 03/11/10 76.25 74.69 5,550.98 05/11/10 71.35 69.79 5,548.33 09/29/10 74.00 72.44 5,551.01 12/21/10 71.32 69.76 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa MiJI -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,547.00 02/28/11 75.33 73.77 5,557.54 06/21/1 l 64.79 63.23 5,551.14 09/20/l l 71.19 69.63 5,550.32 12/21/11 72.01 70.45 5,551.22 03/27/12 71.11 69.55 5,551.29 06/28/12 71.04 69.48 5,550.29 09/27/12 72.04 70.48 5,549.31 12/28/12 73.02 71.46 5,552.30 03/28/13 70.03 68.47 5,550.18 06/27/13 72.15 70.59 5,552.55 09/27/13 69.78 68.22 5,553.23 12/20/13 69.lO 67.54 5,551.91 03/27/14 70.42 68.86 5,552.93 06/25/14 69.40 67.84 5,552.23 09/25/14 70.10 68.54 5,552.08 12/17/14 70.25 68.69 5,551.13 03/26/15 71.20 69.64 5,556.02 06/22/15 66.31 64.75 5,543.38 09/30/15 78.95 77.39 5,551.13 12/02/15 71.20 69.64 5,542.10 03/30/16 80.23 78.67 5,542.31 06/30/16 80.02 78.46 5,540.96 09/29/16 81.37 79.81 5,540.65 12/21/16 81.68 80.12 5,542.05 03/30/17 80.28 78.72 5,550.28 06/27/17 72.05 70.49 5,534.84 09/28/17 87.49 85.93 5,532.41 11/30/l 7 89.92 88.36 5,534.64 03/28/18 87.69 86.13 5,539.53 06/22/18 82.80 81.24 5,537.04 09/24/18 85.29 83.73 5,537.82 12/17/18 84.51 82.95 5,536.10 03/25/19 86.23 84.67 5,536.20 06/24/19 86.13 84.57 5,538.67 08/12/19 83.66 82.lO 5,533.67 11/18/19 88.66 87.10 5,525.79 02/10/20 96.54 94.98 5,533.63 05/04/20 88.70 87 .14 5,536.94 09/21/20 85.39 83.83 5,535.31 12/28/20 87.02 85.46 5,539.70 03/11/21 82.63 81.07 5,540.44 06/24/21 81.89 80.33 5,540.65 08/13/21 81.68 80.12 ...... ...... ~ 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 O'\ 0 .j::.. 0 N 0 0 09/25/79 02/06/81 06/21/82 11/03/83 03/17/85 07/30/86 12/12/87 04/25/89 09/07/90 01/20/92 ~ 06/03/93 ~ -10/16/94 ,I;;.. 02/28/96 ~ -07/12/97 ~ ""1 11/24/98 0 ~ "O 04/07/00 -=r" 08/20/01 0 -od 01/02/03 ~ ""1 05/16/04 ~ .... a 09/28/05 ~ -02/10/07 ? a" 06/24/08 -a 11/06/09 "O '-' 03/21/11 08/02/12 12/15/13 04/29/15 09/10/16 01/23/18 06/07/19 10/19/20 03/03/22 07/16/23 11/27/24 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5,620.77 5618.58 1.02 111.30 5,537.23 11/08/99 81.35 80.33 5,537.38 11/09/99 81.20 80.18 5,537.48 01/02/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.48 01/10/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.23 01/17/00 81.35 80.33 5,537.28 01/24/00 81.30 80.28 5,537.28 02/01/00 81.30 80.28 5,537.18 02/07/00 81.40 80.38 5,537.48 02/14/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.48 02/23/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.58 03/01/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.68 03/08/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.98 03/15/00 80.60 79.58 5,537.68 03/20/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.68 03/29/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.43 04/04/00 81.15 80.13 5,537.18 04/13/00 81.40 80.38 5,537.48 04/21/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.68 04/28/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.58 05/01/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.88 05/11/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.58 05/15/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.88 05/25/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.88 06/09/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.90 06/16/00 80.68 79.66 5,537.88 06/26/00 80.70 79.68 5,538.10 07/06/00 80.48 79.46 5,538.04 07/13/00 80.54 79.52 5,538.16 07/18/00 80.42 79.40 5,538.42 07/27/00 80.16 79.14 5,538.56 08/02/00 80.02 79.00 5,538.68 08/09/00 79.90 78.88 5,538.66 08/15/00 79.92 78.90 5,538.33 08/31/00 80.25 79.23 5,539.18 09/01/00 79.40 78.38 5,539.12 09/08/00 79.46 78.44 5,539.34 09/13/00 79.24 78.22 5,539.50 09/20/00 79.08 78.06 5,539.69 10/05/00 78.89 77.87 5,540.33 11/09/00 78.25 77.23 5,540.74 12/06/00 77.84 76.82 5,542.39 01/14/01 76.19 75.17 5,543.69 02/02/01 74.89 73.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5,620.77 5,618.58 1.02 111.30 5,544.96 03/29/01 73.62 72.60 5,545.45 04/30/01 73.13 72.11 5,545.89 05/31/01 72.69 71.67 5,546.19 06/21/01 72.39 71.37 5,546.50 07/10/01 72.08 71.06 5,547.18 08/20/01 71.40 70.38 5,547.59 09/19/01 70.99 69.97 5,547.84 10/02/01 70.74 69.72 5,548.12 11/08/0 l 70.46 69.44 5,548.65 12/03/01 69.93 68.91 5,548.87 01/03/02 69.71 68.69 5,549.37 02/06/02 69.21 68.19 5,550.00 03/26/02 68.58 67.56 5,550.22 04/09/02 68.36 67.34 5,550.81 05/23/02 67.77 66.75 5,550.79 06/05/02 67.79 66.77 5,551.08 07/08/02 67.50 66.48 5,551.54 08/23/02 67.04 66.02 5,551.79 09/11/02 66.79 65.77 5,552.19 10/23/02 66.39 65.37 5,552.27 11/22/02 66.31 65.29 5,552.48 12/03/02 66.10 65.08 5,552.74 01/09/03 65.84 64.82 5,552.92 02/12/03 65.66 64.64 5,553.40 03/26/03 65.18 64.16 5,553.48 04/02/03 65.10 64.08 5,552.32 05/01/03 66.26 65.24 5,550.53 06/09/03 68.05 67.03 5,550.09 07/07/03 68.49 67.47 5,549.64 08/04/03 68.94 67.92 5,549.31 09/11/03 69.27 68.25 5,549.58 10/02/03 69.00 67.98 5,549.50 11/07/03 69.08 68.06 5,550.07 12/03/03 68.51 67.49 5,551.86 01/15/04 66.72 65.70 5,552.57 02/10/04 66.01 64.99 5,553.63 03/28/04 64.95 63.93 5,554.04 04/12/04 64.54 63.52 5,554.60 05/13/04 63.98 62.96 5,556.28 06/18/04 62.30 61.28 5,556.61 07/28/04 61.97 60.95 5,554.21 08/30/04 64.37 63.35 5,553.49 09/16/04 65.09 64.07 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5,620.77 5,618.58 1.02 111.30 5,552.53 10/11/04 66.05 65.03 5,552.42 11/16/04 66.16 65.14 5,552.46 12/22/04 66.12 65.10 5,552.07 01/18/05 66.51 65.49 5,552.21 02/28/05 66.37 65.35 5,552.26 03/15/05 66.32 65.30 5,552.30 04/26/05 66.28 65.26 5,552.25 05/24/05 66.33 65.31 5,552.22 06/30/05 66.36 65.34 5,552.15 07/29/05 66.43 65.41 5,552.47 09/12/05 66.11 65.09 5,552.50 12/07/05 66.08 65.06 5,552.96 03/08/06 65.62 64.60 5,553.23 06/14/06 65.35 64.33 5,557.20 07/18/06 61.38 60.36 5,553.32 11/07/06 65.26 64.24 5,554.35 02/27/07 64.23 63.21 5,554.07 05/02/07 64.51 63.49 5,554.07 08/14/07 64.51 63.49 5,553.88 10/10/07 64.70 63.68 5,555.73 03/26/08 62.85 61.83 5,556.60 06/24/08 61.98 60.96 5,556.83 08/26/08 61.75 60.73 5,556.87 10/14/08 61.71 60.69 5,556.90 03/10/09 61.68 60.66 5,556.91 06/24/09 61.67 60.65 5,556.61 09/10/09 61.97 60.95 5,556.78 12/11/09 61.8 60.78 5,556.75 03/11/10 61.83 60.81 5,556.19 05/11/10 62.39 61.37 5,555.26 09/29/10 63.32 62.30 5,554.66 12/21/10 63.92 62.90 5,554.74 02/28/11 63.84 62.82 5,554.57 06/21/11 64.01 62.99 5,554.13 09/20/11 64.45 63.43 5,554.54 12/21/11 64.04 63.02 5,553.64 03/27/12 64.94 63.92 5,553.66 06/28/12 64.92 63.90 5,553.73 09/27/12 64.85 63.83 5,553.59 12/28/12 64.99 63.97 5,554.73 03/28/13 63.85 62.83 5,554.44 06/27/13 64.14 63.12 5,554.37 09/27/13 64.21 63.19 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5,620.77 5,618.58 1.02 111.30 5,553.92 12/20/13 64.66 63.64 5,553.20 03/27/14 65.38 64.36 5,552.20 06/25/14 66.38 65.36 5,551.13 09/25/14 67.45 66.43 5,550.72 12/17/14 67.86 66.84 5,546.50 03/26/15 72.08 71.06 5,544.18 06/22/15 74.40 73.38 5,535.85 09/30/15 82.73 81.71 5,529.54 12/02/15 89.04 88.02 5,527.55 03/30/16 91.03 90.01 5,525.92 06/30/16 92.66 91.64 5,524.48 09/29/16 94.10 93.08 5,533.15 12/21/16 85.43 84.41 5,527.92 03/30/17 90.66 89.64 5,534.48 06/27/17 84.10 83.08 5,524.98 09/28/17 93.60 92.58 5,525.88 11/30/17 92.70 91.68 5,526.18 03/28/18 92.40 91.38 5,515.78 06/22/18 102.80 101.78 5,510.83 09/24/18 107.75 106.73 5,542.47 12/17/18 76.11 75.09 5,531.82 03/25/19 86.76 85.74 5,539.90 06/24/19 78.68 77.66 5,538.56 08/12/19 80.02 79.00 5,510.85 11/18/19 107.73 106.71 5,513.12 02/10/20 105.46 104.44 5,512.44 05/04/20 106.14 105.12 5,517.82 09/21/20 100.76 99.74 5,520.38 12/28/20 98.20 97.18 5,513.47 03/11/21 105.11 104.09 5,513.44 06/24/21 105.14 104.12 5,515.25 08/13/21 103.33 102.31 --N -0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -8 \0 0 00 0 -.J 0 VI 0 ~ 1-----i----t----lr-----<1t+-----t----1r-----+ 11/08/99 04/06/00 09/03/00 01/31/01 06/30/01 11/27/01 04/26/02 09/23/02 02/20/03 07/20/03 12/17/03 05/15/04 10/12/04 03/11/05 08/08/05 01/05/06 06/04/06 -11/01/06 03/31/07 08/28/07 01/25/08 06/23/08 11/20/08 04/19/09 09/16/09 02/13/10 07/13/10 12/10/10 05/09/11 10/06/11 03/04/12 08/01/12 12/29/12 05/28/13 -10/25/13 03/24/14 08/21/14 01/18/15 06/17/15 11/14/15 04/12/16 09/09116 02/06/17 07/06/17 12/03/17 05/02/18 09/29/18 02/26/19 07/26/19 12/23/19 05/21/20 10/18/20 03/17/21 08/14/21 01/11/22 06/10/22 .__ __ ...,__ __ __._ __ __. ___ ......_ __ ......._ __ __. ___ ...._ 11/07/22 ~ ~ I "'"" ~ ~ ~ "1 0 ~ "C Er 0 -< ~ "1 ~ e· ~ -? 'a" 9 "C "-" Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.10 5,624.72 1.62 120.900 5,548.57 11/08/99 76.15 74.53 5,548.57 11/09/99 76.15 74.53 5,548.32 01/02/00 76.40 74.78 5,548.52 01/10/00 76.20 74.58 5,548.32 01/17/00 76.40 74.78 5,548.72 01/24/00 76.00 74.38 5,548.62 02/01/00 76.10 74.48 5,548.62 02/07/00 76.10 74.48 5,549.02 02/14/00 75 .70 74.08 5,549.12 02/23/00 75.60 73.98 5,549.22 03/01/00 75.50 73.88 5,549.32 03/08/00 75.40 73.78 5,549.22 03/15/00 75.50 73.88 5,549.92 03/20/00 74.80 73.18 5,549.72 03/29/00 75.00 73.38 5,549.42 04/04/00 75.30 73.68 5,549.52 04/13/00 75.20 73.58 5,549.72 04/21/00 75.00 73.38 5,549.82 04/28/00 74.90 73.28 5,549.82 05/01/00 74.90 73.28 5,550.12 05/11/00 74.60 72.98 5,549.82 05/15/00 74.90 73.28 5,550.12 05/25/00 74.60 72.98 5,550.12 06/09/00 74.60 72.98 5,550.22 06/16/00 74.50 72.88 5,550.07 06/26/00 74.65 73.03 5,550.17 07/06/00 74.55 72.93 5,550.17 07/13/00 74.55 72.93 5,550.18 07/18/00 74.54 72.92 5,550.33 07/27/00 74.39 72.77 5,550.38 08/02/00 74.34 72.72 5,550.40 08/09/00 74.32 72.70 5,550.42 08/15/00 74.30 72.68 5,550.54 08/31/00 74.18 72.56 5,550.87 09/08/00 73.85 72.23 5,550.97 09/13/00 73.75 72.13 5,551.04 09/20/00 73.68 72.06 5,545.83 10/05/00 78.89 77.27 5,546.47 11/09/00 78.25 76.63 5,546.88 12/06/00 77.84 76.22 5,552.18 01/26/01 72.54 70.92 5,552.20 02/02/01 72.52 70.90 5,551.10 03/29/01 73.62 72.00 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.10 5,624.72 1.62 120.900 5,551 .59 04/30/01 73.13 71 .51 5,552.03 05/31/01 72.69 71.07 5,552.33 06/21/01 72.39 70.77 5,552.64 07/10/01 72.08 70.46 5,553.32 08/20/01 71.40 69.78 5,553.73 09/19/01 70.99 69.37 5,553.98 10/02/01 70.74 69.12 5,554.14 11/08/01 70.58 68.96 5,554.79 12/03/01 69.93 68.31 5,554.74 01/03/02 69.98 68.36 5,554.91 02/06/02 69.81 68.19 5,555.15 03/26/02 69.57 67.95 5,555.39 04/09/02 69.33 67.71 5,555.73 05/23/02 68.99 67.37 5,555.79 06/05/02 68.93 67.31 5,555.91 07/08/02 68.81 67.19 5,556.04 08/23/02 68.68 67.06 5,556.25 09/11/02 68.47 66 .85 5,556.72 10/23/02 68.00 66.38 5,556.42 11/22/02 68.30 66.68 5,557.01 12/03/02 67.71 66.09 5,557.20 01/09/03 67.52 65.90 5,557.35 02/12/03 67.37 65.75 5,557.83 03/26/03 66.89 65.27 5,557.87 04/02/03 66.85 65.23 5,553.71 05/01/03 71.01 69.39 5,548.98 06/09/03 75.74 74.12 5,548.14 07/07/03 76.58 74.96 5,547.75 08/04/03 76.97 75.35 5,547.22 09/11/03 77.50 75.88 5,547.68 10/02/03 77.04 75.42 5,547.52 11/07/03 77.20 75.58 5,548.29 12/03/03 76.43 74.81 5,554.00 01/15/04 70.72 69.10 5,555.46 02/10/04 69.26 67.64 5,556.90 03/28/04 67.82 66.20 5,557.49 04/12/04 67.23 65.61 5,558.07 05/13/04 66.65 65.03 5,558.19 06/18/04 66.53 64.91 5,559.00 07/28/04 65.72 64.10 5,554.26 08/30/04 70.46 68.84 5,551.97 09/16/04 72.75 71.13 5,549.65 10/11/04 75.07 73.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.10 5,624.72 1.62 120.900 5,549.89 11/16/04 74.83 73.21 5,550.37 12/22/04 74.35 72.73 5,549.95 01/18/05 74.77 73.15 5,550.09 02/28/05 74.63 73.01 5,550.13 03/15/05 74.59 72.97 5,550.18 04/26/05 74.54 72.92 5,550.32 05/24/05 74.40 72.78 5,550.21 06/30/05 74.51 72.89 5,550.11 07/29/05 74.61 72.99 5,550.33 09/12/05 74.39 72.77 5,550.29 12/07/05 74.43 72.81 5,551.30 03/08/06 73.42 71.80 5,551.42 06/14/06 73.30 71.68 5,550.52 07/18/06 74.20 72.58 5550.52 11/07/06 74.20 72.58 5552.89 02/27/07 71.83 70.21 5,552.06 05/02/07 72.66 71.04 5,552.02 08/14/07 72.70 71.08 5,552.20 10/10/07 72.52 70.90 5,554.58 03/26/08 70.14 68.52 5,555.23 06/24/08 69.49 67.87 5,555.29 08/26/08 69.43 67.81 5,555.43 10/14/08 69.29 67.67 5,555.73 03/10/09 68.99 67 .37 5,556.25 06/24/09 68.47 66.85 5,555.94 09/10/09 68.78 67.16 5,556.53 12/11/09 68.19 66.57 5,557.87 03/11/10 66.85 65.23 5,557.63 05/11/10 67.09 65.47 5,557.24 09/29/10 67.48 65 .86 5,557.00 12/21/10 67.72 66.10 5,557.61 02/28/11 67.11 65.49 5,557.58 06/21/11 67.14 65.52 5,557.46 09/20/11 67.26 65.64 5,557.84 12/21/11 66.88 65.26 5,557.86 03/27/12 66.86 65.24 5,557.87 06/28/12 66.85 65.23 5,557.46 09/27/12 67.26 65.64 5,557.82 12/28/12 66.90 65.28 5,559.39 03/28/13 65.33 63.71 5,559.21 06/27/13 65.51 63.89 5,559.26 09/27/13 65.46 63.84 5,559.27 12/20/13 65.45 63.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.10 5,624.72 1.62 120.900 5,558.92 03/27/14 65.80 64.18 5,557.99 06/25/14 66.73 65.11 5,557.09 09/25/14 67 .63 66.01 5,557.07 12/17/14 67.65 66.03 5,549.93 03/26/15 74.79 73.17 5,551.30 06/22/15 73.42 71.80 5,547.12 09/30/15 77.60 75.98 5,538.34 12/02/15 86.38 84.76 5,542.22 03/30/16 82.50 80.88 5,538.31 06/30/16 86.41 84.79 5,536.70 09/29/16 88.02 86.40 5,540.40 12/21/16 84.32 82.70 5,536.61 03/30/17 88 .11 86.49 5,547.16 06/27/17 77 .56 75.94 5,522.65 09/28/17 102.07 100.45 5,532.64 11/30/17 92.08 90.46 5,506.94 03/28/18 117.78 116.16 5,521.60 06/22/18 103.12 101.50 5,510.01 09/24/18 114.71 113.09 5,543.01 12/17/18 81.71 80.09 5,522.70 03/25/19 102.02 100.40 5,522.49 06/24/19 102.23 100.61 5,522.29 08/12/19 102.43 100.81 5,515.62 11/18/19 109.10 107.48 5,516.60 02/10/20 108.12 106.5 5,514.51 05/04/20 110.21 108.59 5,522.29 09/21/20 102.43 100.81 5,521.08 12/28/20 103.64 102.02 5,513.42 03/11/21 111.30 109.68 5,513.51 06/24/21 111.21 109.59 5,526.62 08/13/21 98.10 96.48 -w 0 -~ -0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -8 \0 0 00 0 -.J 0 °' 0 Vl 0 11/08/99 04/06/00 09/03/00 01/31/01 06/30/01 11/27/01 04/26/02 09/23/02 02/20/03 07/20/03 12/17/03 05/15/04 10/12/04 03/11/05 08/08/05 01/05/06 ~ 06/04/06 ~ 11/01/06 ,I:;;.. 03/31/07 I N 08/28/07 ~ 01/25/08 06/23/08 .... 11/20/08 ~ ., 04/19/09 ~ 09/16/09 ~ 02/13/10 ~ 07/13/10 ;. 12/10/10 0 05/09/11 ~ ~ 10/06/11 ., 03/04/12 ~ ... 08/01/12 9 12/29/12 ~ 05/28/13 -10/25/13 ? 03/24/14 'a' -08/21/14 9 01/18/15 ~ 06/17/15 --11/14/15 04/12/16 09/09/16 02/06/17 07/06/17 12/03/17 05/02/18 09/29/18 02/26/19 07/26/19 12/23/19 05/21/20 10/18/20 03/17/21 08/14/21 01/11/22 06/10/22 11/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z) (LSD (J\lfP) Riser (L) Monitoring (bhv.MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5 632.23 1.02 140.30 5,565.78 11/29/99 66.45 65.43 5,566.93 01/02/00 65.30 64.28 5,567.03 01/10/00 65.20 64.18 5,566.83 01/17/00 65.40 64.38 5,567.13 01/24/00 65.10 64.08 5,567.33 02/01/00 64.90 63.88 5,567.13 02/07/00 65.10 64.08 5,567.43 02/14/00 64.80 63.78 5,567.63 02/23/00 64.60 63.58 5,567.73 03/01/00 64.50 63.48 5,567.83 03/08/00 64.40 63.38 5,567.70 03/15/00 64.53 63.51 5,568.03 03/20/00 64.20 63.18 5,567.93 03/29/00 64.30 63.28 5,567.63 04/04/00 64.60 63.58 5,567.83 04/13/00 64.40 63.38 5,568.03 04/21/00 64.20 63.18 5,568.23 04/28/00 64.00 62.98 5,568.13 05/01/00 64.10 63.08 5,568.53 05/11/00 63.70 62.68 5,568.23 05/15/00 64.00 62.98 5,568.53 05/25100 63.70 62.68 5,568.61 06/09/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.69 06/16/00 63.54 62.52 5,568.45 06/26/00 63.78 62.76 5,568.61 07/06/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.6] 07/06/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.49 07/13/00 63.74 62.72 5,568.55 07/18/00 63.68 62.66 5,568.65 07/27/00 63.58 62.56 5,568.73 08/02/00 63.50 62.48 5,568.77 08/09/00 63.46 62.44 5,568.76 08/16/00 63.47 62.45 5,568.95 08/31/00 63.28 62.26 5,568.49 09/08/00 63.74 62.72 5,568.67 09/13/00 63.56 62.54 5,568.96 09/20/00 63.27 62.25 5,568.93 10/05/00 63.30 62.28 5,569.34 11/09/00 62.89 61.87 5,568.79 12/06/00 63.44 62.42 5,569.11 01/03/01 63.12 62.10 5,569.75 02/09/01 62.48 61.46 5,570.34 03/28/01 61.89 60.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z) (L D) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 140.30 5,570.61 04/30/01 61.62 60.60 5,570.70 05/31/01 61.53 60.51 5,570.88 06/21/01 61.35 60.33 5,571.02 07/10/01 61.21 60.19 5,571.70 08/20/01 60.53 59.51 5,572.12 09/19/01 60.11 59.09 5,572.08 10/02/01 60.15 59.13 5,572.78 11/08/01 59.45 58.43 5,573.27 12/03/01 58.96 57.94 5,573.47 01/03/02 58.76 57.74 5,573.93 02/06/02 58.30 57.28 5,574.75 03/26/02 57.48 56.46 5,574.26 04/09/02 57.97 56.95 5,575.39 05/23/02 56.84 55.82 5,574.84 06/05/02 57.39 56.37 5,575.33 07/08/02 56.90 55.88 5,575.79 08/23/02 56.44 55.42 5,576.08 09/11/02 56.15 55.13 5,576.30 10/23/02 55 .93 54.91 5,576.35 11/22/02 55.88 54.86 5,576.54 12/03/02 55.69 54.67 5,576.96 01/09/03 55.27 54.25 5,577.11 02/12/03 55.12 54.10 5,577.61 03/26/03 54.62 53.60 5,572.80 04/02/03 59.43 58.41 5,577.89 05/01/03 54.34 53.32 5,577.91 06/09/03 54.32 53.30 5,577.53 07/07/03 54.70 53.68 5,577.50 08/04/03 54.73 53.71 5,577.71 09/11/03 54.52 53.50 5,577.31 10/02/03 54.92 53.90 5,577.33 11/07/03 54.90 53.88 5,577.34 12/03/03 54.89 53.87 5,578.24 01/15/04 53.99 52.97 5,578.38 02/10/04 53.85 52.83 5,578.69 03/28/04 53.54 52.52 5,579.15 04/12/04 53.08 52.06 5,579.47 05/13/04 52.76 51.74 5,579.53 06/18/04 52.70 51.68 5,580.17 07/28/04 52.06 51.04 5,580.20 08/30/04 52.03 51.01 5,580.26 09/16/04 51.97 50.95 5,580.12 10/11/04 52.11 51.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 140.30 5,579.93 11/16/04 52.30 51.28 5,580.07 12/22/04 52.16 51.14 5,579.80 01/18/05 52.43 51.41 5,580.35 02/28/05 51.88 50.86 5,580.57 03/15/05 51.66 50.64 5,580.86 04/26/05 51.37 50.35 5,581.20 05/24/05 51.03 50.01 5,581.51 06/30/05 50.72 49.70 5,581.55 07/29/05 50.68 49.66 5,581.68 09/12/05 50.55 49.53 5,581.83 12/07/05 50.40 49.38 5,564.92 03/08/06 67.31 66.29 5,582.73 06/13/06 49.50 48.48 5,582.33 07/18/06 49.90 48.88 5,582.75 11/07/06 49.48 48.46 5583.35 02/27/07 48.88 47.86 5,559.57 05/02/07 72.66 71 .64 5,583.29 08/14/07 48.94 47.92 5,583.49 10/10/07 48.74 47.72 5,584.95 03/26/08 47.28 46.26 5,584.59 06/24/08 47.64 46.62 5,584.55 08/26/08 47.68 46.66 5,584.03 10/14/08 48.20 47.18 5,583.64 03/03/09 48.59 47.57 5,587.34 06/24/09 44.89 43.87 5,582.90 09/10/09 49.33 48.31 5,583.27 12/11/09 48.96 47.94 5,583.63 03/11/10 48.60 47.58 5,583.82 05/11/10 48.41 47.39 5,583.51 09/29/10 48.72 47.70 5,582.86 12/21/10 49.37 48.35 5,582.60 02/28/11 49.63 48.61 5,590.00 06/21/11 42.23 41.21 5,582.70 09/20/11 49.53 48.51 5,583.05 12/21/11 49.18 48.16 5,581.93 03/27/12 50.30 49.28 5,582.03 06/28/12 50.20 49.18 5,582.08 09/27/12 50.15 49.13 5,581.94 12/28/12 50.29 49.27 5,581.52 03/28/13 50.71 49.69 5,580.88 06/27/13 51.35 50.33 5,580.58 09/27/13 51.65 50.63 5,580.38 12/20/13 51.85 50.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 l.02 140.30 5,579.62 03/27/14 52.61 51.59 5,578.52 06/25/14 53.71 52.69 5,577.59 09/25/14 54.64 53.62 5,577.40 12/17/14 54.83 53.81 5,576.73 03/26/15 55.50 54.48 5,576.62 06/22/15 55.61 54.59 5,576.16 09/30/15 56.07 55.05 5,575.57 12/02/15 56.66 55.64 5,575.62 03/30/16 56.61 55.59 5,574.89 06/30/16 57.34 56.32 5,574.37 09/29/16 57.86 56.84 5,574.23 12/21/16 58.00 56.98 5,574.23 03/30/17 58.00 56.98 5,573.72 06/27/17 58.51 57.49 5,573.28 09/28/17 58.95 57.93 5,572.66 11/30/17 59.57 58.55 5,572.19 03/28/18 60.04 59.02 5,571.83 06/22/18 60.40 59.38 5,571.34 09/25/18 60.89 59.87 5,570.99 12/17/18 61.24 60.22 5,570.21 03/25/19 62.02 61.00 5,570.28 06/24/19 61.95 60.93 5,570.04 08/12/19 62.19 61.17 5,569.68 11/18/19 62.55 61.53 5,569.35 02/10/20 62.88 61.86 5,568.92 05/04/20 63.31 62.29 5,568.38 09/22/20 63.85 62.83 5,568.28 12/30/20 63.95 62.93 5,568.31 03/11/21 63.92 62.90 5,567.65 06/24/21 64.58 63.56 5,567.61 08/13/21 64.62 63.60 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.l -.l O'I O'I Ul Ul ~ ~ Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 11/29/99 04/27/00 09/24/00 02/21/01 07/21/01 12/18/01 05/17/02 10/14/02 03/13/03 08/10/03 01/07/04 06/05/04 11/02/04 04/01/05 08/29/05 01/26/06 ~ 06/25/06 ~ 11/22/06 .&;. 04/21/07 I ~ 09/18/07 ~ 02/15/08 07/14/08 """ 12/11/08 ~ ""1 05/10/09 ~ 10/07/09 ~ 03/06/10 "O """ 08/03/10 =-- 12/31/10 0 05/30/11 < ~ 10/27/11 ""1 03/25/12 ~ .... 08/22/12 e 01/19/13 ~ 06/18/13 --11/15/13 ? 04/14/14 a" -09/11/14 e 02/08/15 "O 07/08/15 '-' 12/05/15 05/03/16 09/30/16 02/27/17 07/27/17 12/24/17 05/23/18 10/20/18 03/19/19 08/16/19 01/13/20 06/11/20 11/08/20 04/07/21 09/04/21 02/01/22 07/01/22 11/28/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,512.15 05/25/00 101.34 100.16 5,518.99 06/09/00 94.50 93.32 5,512.15 06/16/00 101.34 100.16 5,517.47 06/26/00 96.02 94.84 5,520.15 07/06/00 93.34 92.16 5,521.44 07/13/00 92.05 90.87 5,522.01 07/18/00 91.48 90.30 5,522.95 07/27/00 90.54 89.36 5,523.49 08/02/00 90.00 88.82 5,523.85 08/09/00 89.64 88.46 5,523.89 08/15/00 89.60 88.42 5,524.56 09/01/00 88.93 87.75 5,513.24 09/08/00 100.25 99.07 5,516.67 09/13/00 96.82 95.64 5,519.09 09/20/00 94.40 93.22 5,522.17 10/05/00 91.32 90.14 5,524.67 11/09/00 88.82 87.64 5,518.55 12/06/00 94.94 93.76 5,527.70 01/03/01 85.79 84.61 5,529.09 02/09/01 84.40 83.22 5,529.54 03/27/01 83.95 82.77 5,530.24 04/30/01 83.25 82.07 5,530.27 05/31/01 83.22 82.04 5,534.41 06/22/01 79.08 77.90 5,533.15 07/10/01 80.34 79.16 5,534.04 08/20/01 79.45 78.27 5,534.47 09/19/01 79.02 77.84 5,533.29 10/02/01 80.20 79.02 5,533.87 11/08/01 79.62 78.44 5,534.28 12/03/01 79.21 78.03 5,534.72 01/03/02 78.77 77.59 5,535.44 02/06/02 78.05 76.87 5,536.45 03/26/02 77.04 75.86 5,536.41 04/09/02 77.08 75.90 5,537.34 05/23/02 76.15 74.97 5,537.33 06/05/02 76.16 74.98 5,537.98 07/08/02 75.51 74.33 5,538.83 08/23/02 74.66 73.48 5,539.28 09/11/02 74.21 73.03 5,539.77 10/23/02 73.72 72.54 5,540.21 11/22/02 73.28 72.10 5,540.30 12/03/02 73.19 72.01 5,540.80 01/09/03 72.69 71.51 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,540.99 02/12/03 72.50 71.32 5,541.68 03/26/03 71.81 70.63 5,541.77 04/02/03 71.72 70.54 5,541.89 05/01/03 71.60 70.42 5,542.03 06/09/03 71.46 70.28 5,541.93 07/07/03 71.56 70.38 5,541.89 08/04/03 71.60 70.42 5,541.83 09/11/03 71.66 70.48 5,541.89 10/02/03 71.60 70.42 5,542.00 11/07/03 71.49 70.31 5,542.01 12/03/03 71.48 70.30 5,542.56 01/15/04 70.93 69.75 5,542.71 02/10/04 70.78 69.60 5,543.23 03/28/04 70.26 69.08 5,543.56 04/12/04 69.93 68.75 5,543.87 05/13/04 69.62 68.44 5,543.92 06/18/04 69.57 68.39 5,544.66 07/28/04 68.83 67.65 5,544.80 08/30/04 68.69 67.51 5,544.85 09/16/04 68.64 67.46 5,544.71 10/11/04 68.78 67.60 5,544.53 11/16/04 68.96 67.78 5,544.63 12/22/04 68.86 67.68 5,544.31 01/18/05 69.18 68.00 5,544.59 02/28/05 68.90 67.72 5,544.69 03/15/05 68.80 67.62 5,544.68 04/26/05 68.81 67.63 5,544.79 05/24/05 68.70 67.52 5,544.80 06/30/05 68.69 67.51 5,544.78 07/29/05 68.71 67.53 5,545.01 09/12/05 68.48 67.30 5,545.23 12/07/05 68.26 67.08 5,545.74 03/08/06 67.75 66.57 5,545.79 06/14/06 67.70 66.52 5,545.86 07/18/06 67.63 66.45 5,545.81 11/07/06 67.68 66.50 5,546.68 02/27/07 66.81 65.63 5,546.54 05/02/07 66.95 65.77 5,547.16 08/15/07 66.33 65.15 5,547.22 10/10/07 66.27 65.09 5,548.31 03/26/08 65.18 64.00 5,548.87 06/24/08 64.62 63.44 5,549.24 08/26/08 64.25 63.07 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,549.31 10/14/08 64.18 63.00 5,549.73 03/03/09 63.76 62.58 5,549.91 06/24/09 63 .58 62.40 5,549.70 09/10/09 63.79 62.61 5,549.87 12/11/09 63.62 62.44 5,545.60 03/11/10 67.89 66.71 5,530.88 05/11/10 82.61 81.43 5,545.24 09/29/10 68.25 67.07 5,533.66 12/21/10 79.83 78.65 5,544.44 02/28/11 69.05 67.87 5,543.73 06/21/11 69.76 68.58 5,540.48 09/20/11 73.01 71.83 5,544.36 12/21/11 69.13 67.95 5,543.48 03/27/12 70.01 68.83 5,543.49 06/28/12 70.00 68.82 5,543.36 09/27/12 70.13 68.95 5,543.51 12/28/12 69.98 68.80 5,543.49 03/28/13 70.00 68:82 5,543.36 06/27/13 70.13 68.95 5,544.59 09/27/13 68.90 67.72 5,543.33 12/20/13 70.16 68.98 5,544.11 03/27/14 69.38 68.20 5,543.61 06/25/14 69.88 68.70 5,543.67 09/25/14 69.82 68.64 5,543.69 12/17/14 69.80 68.62 5,541.49 03/26/15 72.00 70.82 5,539.67 06/22/15 73.82 72.64 5,541.35 09/30/15 72.14 70.96 5,541.63 12/02/15 71.86 70.68 5,540.38 03/30/16 73.11 71.93 5,539.46 06/30/16 74.03 72.85 5,540.39 09/29/16 73.10 71.92 5,539.21 12/21/16 74.28 73.10 5,539.53 03/30/17 73.96 72.78 5,539.89 06/27/17 73.60 72.42 5,540.09 09/28/17 73.40 72.22 5,539.07 11/30/17 74.42 73.24 5,540.45 03/28/18 73.04 71.86 5,531.79 06/22/18 81.70 80.52 5,531.94 09/24/18 81.55 80.37 5,540.22 12/17/18 73.27 72.09 5,514.10 03/25/19 99.39 98.21 5,529.11 06/24/19 84.38 83.20 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,527.15 08/12/19 86.34 85.16 5,528.08 11/18/19 85.41 84.23 5,534.40 02/10/20 79.09 77.91 5,533.16 05/04/20 80.33 79.15 5,539.39 09/21/20 74.10 72.92 5,536.54 12/28/20 76.95 75.77 5,533.98 03/11/21 79.51 78.33 5,528.14 06/24/21 85.35 84.17 5,532.43 08/13/21 81.06 79.88 ---0 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) '° 0 00 0 -...I 0 0\ 0 Vl 0 05/25/00 10/22/00 03/21/01 08/18/01 01/15/02 06/14/02 11/11/02 04/10/03 09/07/03 02/04/04 07/03/04 11/30/04 04/29/05 09/26/05 02/23/06 ~ 07/23/06 12/20/06 ~ 05/19/07 ,i.. I 10/16/07 ,i.. 03/14/08 ~ 08/11/08 """' 01/08/09 ~ 06/07/09 ""1 ~ 11/04/09 ~ 04/03/10 "'C """' 08/31/10 =-01/28/11 0 06/27/11 ~ 11/24/11 ~ ""1 04/22/12 ~ 09/19/12 .... a 02/16/13 ~ 07/16/13 ,,-.., 12/13/13 ? 05/12/14 a' 10/09/14 -a 03/08/15 "'C 08/05/15 --01/02/16 05/31/16 10/28/16 03/27/17 08/24/17 01/21/18 06/20/18 11/17/18 04/16/19 09/13/19 02/10/20 07/09/20 12/06/20 05/05/21 10/02/21 03/01/22 07/29/22 12/26/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring {blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.75 5,640.70 1.95 121.85 5,579.30 01/02/00 61.40 59.45 5,579.60 01/10/00 61.10 59.15 5,579.35 01/17/00 61.35 59.40 5,579.60 01/24/00 61.10 59.15 5,579.50 02/01/00 61.20 59.25 5,579.50 02/07/00 61.20 59.25 5,579.90 02/14/00 60.80 58.85 5,579.90 02/23/00 60.80 58.85 5,580.20 03/01/00 60.50 58.55 5,580.00 03/08/00 60.70 58.75 5,580.04 03/15/00 60.66 58.71 5,580.70 03/20/00 60.00 58.05 5,580.30 03/29/00 60.40 58.45 5,580.00 04/04/00 60.70 58.75 5,580.20 04/13/00 60.50 58.55 5,580.40 04/21/00 60.30 58.35 5,580.50 04/28/00 60.20 58.25 5,580.50 05/01/00 60.20 58.25 5,580.90 05/11/00 59.80 57.85 5,580.50 05/15/00 60.20 58.25 5,580.75 05/25/00 59.95 58.00 5,580.80 06/09/00 59.90 57.95 5,580.92 06/16/00 59.78 57.83 5,580.80 06/26/00 59.90 57.95 5,580.90 07/06/00 59.80 57.85 5,581.05 07/13/00 59.65 57.70 5,580.90 07/18/00 59.80 57.85 5,581.05 07/27/00 59.65 57.70 5,581.06 08/02/00 59.64 57.69 5,581.08 08/09/00 59.62 57.67 5,581.07 08/16/00 59.63 57.68 5,581.25 08/31/00 59.45 57.50 5,581.32 09/08/00 59.38 57.43 5,581.34 09/13/00 59.36 57.41 5,581.41 09/20/00 59.29 57.34 5,581.37 10/05/00 59.33 57.38 5,581.66 11/09/00 59.04 57.09 5,581.63 12/06/00 59.07 57.12 5,581.92 01/03/01 58.78 56.83 5,582.20 02/09/01 58.50 56.55 5,582.54 03/28/01 58.16 56.21 5,582.72 04/30/01 57.98 56.03 5,582.72 05/31/01 57.98 56.03 5,582.81 06/22/01 57.89 55.94 5,582.92 07/10/01 57.78 55.83 5,583.17 08/20/01 57.53 55.58 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.L D) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 121.85 5,583.28 09/19/01 57.42 55.47 5,583.36 10/02/01 57.34 55.39 5,583.49 11/08/01 57.21 55.26 5,583.84 12/03/01 56.86 54.91 5,583.79 01/03/02 56.91 54.96 5,583.96 02/06/02 56.74 54.79 5,584.39 03/26/02 56.31 54.36 5,584.12 04/09/02 56.58 54.63 5,584.55 05/23/02 56.15 54.20 5,584.42 06/05/02 56.28 54.33 5,583.65 07/08/02 57.05 55.10 5,584.90 08/23/02 55.80 53.85 5,585.02 09/11/02 55.68 53.73 5,585.20 10/23/02 55.50 53.55 5,585.15 11/22/02 55.55 53.60 5,585.42 12/03/02 55.28 53.33 5,585.65 01/09/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.65 02/12/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.92 03/26/03 54.78 52.83 5,586.22 04/02/03 54.48 52.53 5,586.01 05/01/03 54.69 52.74 5,584.81 06/09/03 55.89 53.94 5,584.34 07/07/03 56.36 54.41 5,584.40 08/04/03 56.30 54.35 5,583.88 09/11/03 56.82 54.87 5,583.57 10/02/03 57.13 55.18 5,583.39 11/07/03 57.31 55.36 5,583.97 12/03/03 56.73 54.78 5,585.28 01/15/04 55.42 53.47 5,585.50 02/10/04 55.20 53.25 5,585.87 03/28/04 54.83 52.88 5,586.20 04/12/04 54.50 52.55 5,586.45 05/13/04 54.25 52.30 5,586.50 06/18/04 54.20 52.25 5,587.13 07/28/04 53.57 51.62 5,586.22 08/30/04 54.48 52.53 5,585.69 09/16/04 55.01 53.06 5,585.17 10/11/04 55.53 53.58 5,584.64 11/16/04 56.06 54.11 5,584.77 12/22/04 55.93 53.98 5,584.65 01/18/05 56.05 54.10 5,584.98 02/28/05 55 .72 53.77 5,585.15 03/15/05 55.55 53.60 5,586.25 04/26/05 54.45 52.50 5,586.79 05/24/05 53.91 51.96 5,586.52 06/30/05 54.18 52.23 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 121.85 5,586.03 07/29/05 54.67 52.72 5,586.05 09/12/05 54.65 52.70 5,585.80 12/07/05 54.90 52.95 5,587.06 03/08/06 53.64 51.69 5,585.90 06/13/06 54.80 52.85 5,585.32 07/18/06 55.38 53.43 5,585.35 11/07/06 55.35 53.40 5585.81 02/27/07 54.89 52.94 5,585.20 05/02/07 55.50 53.55 5,586.66 08/14/07 54.04 52.09 5,586.80 10/10/07 53.90 51.95 5,588.48 03/26/08 52.22 50.27 5,586.51 06/24/08 54.19 52.24 5,586.45 08/26/08 54.25 52.30 5,585.40 10/14/08 55.30 53.35 5,584.80 03/03/09 55.90 53.95 5,584.73 06/24/09 55.97 54.02 5,584.36 09/10/09 56.34 54.39 5,585.02 12/11/09 55.68 53.73 5,585.66 03/11/10 55.04 53.09 5,584.86 05/11/10 55.84 53.89 5,584.55 09/29/10 56.15 54.20 5,584.17 12/21/10 56.53 54.58 5,583.55 02/28/11 57.15 55.20 5,584.72 06/21/11 55.98 54.03 5,584.62 09/20/11 56.08 54.13 5,585.04 11/21/11 55.66 53.71 5,583.89 03/27/12 56.81 54.86 5,583.92 06/28/12 56.78 54.83 5,583.89 09/27/12 56.81 54.86 5,583.89 12/28/12 56.81 54.86 5,582.88 03/28/13 57.82 55 .87 5,582.05 06/27/13 58.65 56.70 5,581.35 09/27/13 59.35 57.40 5,580.52 12/20/13 60.18 58.23 5,579.44 03/27/14 61.26 59.31 5,578.11 06/25/14 62.59 60.64 5,577.15 09/25/14 63.55 61.60 5,577.44 12/17/14 63.26 61.31 5,577.37 03/26/15 63.33 61.38 5,577.46 06/22/15 63.24 61 .29 5,576.92 09/30/15 63.78 61.83 5,576.33 12/02/15 64.37 62.42 5,576.30 03/30/16 64.40 62.45 5,575.72 06/30/16 64.98 63.03 5,575.12 09/29/16 65.58 63.63 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 121.85 5,574.77 12/21/16 65.93 63.98 5,575.03 03/30/17 65.67 63.72 5,574.55 06/27/17 66.15 64.20 5,574.09 09/28/17 66.61 64.66 5,573.48 11/30/17 67.22 65.27 5,573.05 03/28/18 67.65 65.70 5,572.68 06/22/18 68.02 66.07 5,571.89 09/24/18 68.81 66.86 5,571.86 12/17/18 68.84 66.89 5,571.15 03/25/19 69.55 67.60 5,571.26 06/24/19 69.44 67.49 5,571.12 08/12/19 69.58 67.63 5,570.73 11/18/19 69.97 68.02 5,570.50 02/10/20 70.20 68.25 5,570.15 05/04/20 70.55 68.60 5,569.36 09/22/20 71.34 69.39 5,569.17 12/30/20 71.53 69.58 5,569.24 03/11/21 71.46 69.51 5,568.71 06/24/21 71.99 70.04 5,568.68 08/13/21 72.02 70.07 ....J u, ....J 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ u, 0\ 0 u, u, u, 0 l-------+-----t------411~1-------+-----+ 01/02/00 05/31/00 10/28/00 03/27/01 08/24/01 01/21/02 06/20/02 11/17/02 04/16/03 09/13/03 02/10/04 07/09/04 12/06/04 05/05/05 10/02/05 03/01/06 07/29/06 12/26/06 05/25/07 10/22/07 03/20/08 08/17/08 01/14/09 06/1 3/09 11/10/09 04/09/10 09/06/10 02/03/11 07/03/11 11/30/11 04/28/12 09/25/12 02/22/13 07/22/13 12/19/13 05/18/14 10/15/14 03/14/15 08/11/15 01/08/16 06/06/16 11/03/16 04/02/17 08/30/17 01/27/18 06/26/18 11/23/18 04/22/19 09/19/19 02/16/20 07/15/20 12/12/20 05/11/21 10/08/21 03/07/22 08/04/22 ,__ ___ ___.._ ____ _.__ ___ ~ ____ __._ ____ ..._ 01/01/23 i-3 ~ I Ul ~ -~ "1 0 ~ "'CS Er 0 -< ~ "1 i-3 ... a ~ --? a 9 "'CS "-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Well (z) (L D) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 1.450 99.60 5,522.28 05/25/00 86.50 85.05 5,521.51 06/09/00 87.27 85.82 5,522.35 06/16/00 86.43 84.98 5,522.14 06/26/00 86.64 85.19 5,522.25 07/06/00 86.53 85 .08 5,522.13 07/13/00 86.65 85.20 5,522.17 07/18/00 86.61 85.16 5,522.26 07/25/00 86.52 85.07 5,522.31 08/02/00 86.47 85.02 5,522.33 08/09/00 86.45 85.00 5,522.35 08/15/00 86.43 84.98 5,522.40 08/31/00 86.38 84.93 5,522.40 09/08/00 86.38 84.93 5,522.45 09/13/00 86.33 84.88 5,522.53 09/20/00 86.25 84.80 5,522.39 10/05/00 86.39 84.94 5,522.42 11/09/00 86.36 84.91 5,522.29 12/06/00 86.49 85.04 5,522.63 01/03/01 86.15 84.70 5,522.72 02/09/01 86.06 84.61 5,522.90 03/26/01 85.88 84.43 5,522.70 04/30/01 86.08 84.63 5,522.89 05/31/01 85.89 84.44 5,522.88 06/20/01 85.90 84.45 5,522.96 07/10/01 85 .82 84.37 5,523.10 08/20/01 85.68 84.23 5,523.23 09/19/01 85.55 84.10 5,523.21 10/02/01 85.57 84.12 5,523.25 11/08/01 85.53 84.08 5,523.46 12/03/01 85.32 83.87 5,523.36 01/03/02 85.42 83.97 5,523.50 02/06/02 85.28 83.83 5,523.94 03/26/02 84.84 83.39 5,523.75 04/09/02 85.03 83.58 5,524.23 05/23/02 84.55 83.10 5,523.98 06/05/02 84.80 83.35 5,524.31 07/08/02 84.47 83.02 5,524.36 08/23/02 84.42 82.97 5,524.49 09/11/02 84.29 82.84 5,524.71 10/23/02 84.07 82.62 5,524.60 11/22/02 84.18 82.73 5,524.94 12/03/02 83.84 82.39 5,525.10 01/09/03 83.68 82.23 5,525.15 02/12/03 83.63 82.18 5,525.35 03/26/03 83.43 81.98 5,525.68 04/02/03 83.10 81.65 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Well (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 1.450 99.60 5,525.74 05/01/03 83.04 81.59 5,525.98 06/09/03 82.80 81.35 5,526.04 07/07/03 82.74 81.29 5,526.07 08/04/03 82.71 81.26 5,526.42 09/11/03 82.36 80.91 5,526.30 10/02/03 82.48 81.03 5,526.41 11/07/03 82.37 80.92 5,526.46 12/03/03 82.32 80.87 5,526.83 01/15/04 81.95 80.50 5,526.81 02/10/04 81.97 80.52 5,527.14 03/28/04 81.64 80.19 5,527.39 04/12/04 81.39 79.94 5,527.64 05/13/04 81.14 79.69 5,527.70 06/18/04 81.08 79.63 5,528.16 07/28/04 80.62 79.17 5,528.30 08/30/04 80.48 79.03 5,528.52 09/16/04 80.26 78.81 5,528.71 10/11/04 80.07 78.62 5,528.74 11/16/04 80.04 78.59 5,529.20 12/22/04 79.58 78.13 5,528.92 01/18/05 79.86 78.41 5,529.51 02/28/05 79.27 77.82 5,529.74 03/15/05 79.04 77.59 5,529.96 04/26/05 78.82 77.37 5,530.15 05/24/05 78.63 77.18 5,530.35 06/30/05 78.43 76.98 5,530.47 07/29/05 78.31 76.86 5,530.95 09/12/05 77.83 76.38 5,531.50 12/07/05 77.28 75.83 5,532.43 03/08/06 76.35 74.90 5,533.49 06/13/06 75.29 73.84 5,532.58 07/18/06 76.20 74.75 5,532.88 11/07/06 75.90 74.45 5534.09 02/27/07 74.69 73.24 5,534.04 05/02/07 74.74 73.29 5,534.43 08/14/07 74.35 72.90 5,554.54 10/10/07 54.24 52.79 5,535.40 03/26/08 73.38 71.93 5,535.55 06/24/08 73.23 71.78 5,535.90 08/26/08 72.88 71.43 5,535.87 10/14/08 72.91 71.46 5,536.42 03/10/09 72.36 70.91 5,536.71 06/24/09 72.07 70.62 5,536.83 09/10/09 71.95 70.50 5,537.35 12/11/09 71.43 69.98 5,537.93 03/11/10 70.85 69.40 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Well (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 I .450 99.60 5,538.14 05/11/10 70.64 69.19 5,538.03 09/29/10 70.75 69.30 5,538.04 12/21/10 70.74 69.29 5,537.98 02/28/11 70.80 69.35 5,538.46 06/21/11 70.32 68.87 5,538.37 09/20/11 70.41 68.96 5,538.87 12/21/11 69.91 68.46 5,538.73 03/27/12 70.05 68.60 5,538.80 06/28/12 69.98 68.53 5,539.04 09/27/12 69.74 68.29 5,538.74 12/28/12 70.04 68.59 5,539.53 03/28/13 69.25 67.80 5,539.46 06/27/13 69.32 67.87 5,539.62 09/27/13 69.16 67.71 5,539.85 12/20/13 68.93 67.48 5,539.65 03/27/14 69.13 67 .68 5,538.85 06/25/14 69.93 68.48 5,538.69 09/25/14 70.09 68.64 5,538.71 12/17/14 70.07 68.62 5,538.03 03/26/15 70.75 69.30 5,537.78 06/22/15 71.00 69.55 5,537.40 09/30/15 71.38 69.93 5,537.44 12/02/15 71.34 69.89 5,536.76 03/30/16 72.02 70.57 5,536.08 06/30/16 72.70 71.25 5,535.54 09/29/16 73.24 71.79 5,535.38 12/21/16 73.40 71.95 5,535.48 03/30/17 73.30 71.85 5,535.13 06/27/17 73.65 72.20 5,534.78 09/28/17 74.00 72.55 5,534.54 11/30/17 74.24 72.79 5,534.38 03/28/18 74.40 72.95 5,533.92 06/22/18 74.86 73.41 5,533.49 09/25/18 75.29 73.84 5,533.17 12/17/18 75.61 74.16 5,532.63 03/25/19 76.15 74.70 5,532.56 06/24/19 76.22 74.77 5,532.28 08/12/19 76.50 75.05 5,531.69 11/18/19 77.09 75.64 5,531.34 02/10/20 77.44 75.99 5,530.76 05/04/20 78.02 76.57 5,530.36 09/22/20 78.42 76.97 5,530.29 12/30/20 78.49 77.04 5,530.20 03/11/21 78.58 77.13 5,529.69 06/24/21 79.09 77.64 5,529.67 08/13/21 79.11 77.66 \0 0 00 lJl 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -....) lJl -....) 0 0\ lJl 0\ 0 lJl lJl lJl 0 05/25/00 10/22/00 03/21/01 08/18/01 01/15/02 06/14/02 11/11/02 04/10/03 09/07/03 02/04/04 07/03/04 11/30/04 04/29/05 09/26/05 02/23/06 07/23/06 ~ 12/20/06 ~ 05/19/07 ,I:.. I 10/16/07 O'. 03/14/08 ~ 08/11/08 01/08/09 ...... ~ 06/07/09 "'1 11/04/09 0 ~ 04/03/10 "C 08/31/10 ...... =-01/28/11 0 06/27/11 ~ 11/24/11 ~ "'1 04/22/12 ~ 09/19/12 .... 02/16/13 9 ~ 07/16/13 -12/13/13 ? 05/12/14 O" 10/09/14 -9 03/08/15 "C 08/05/15 --01/02/16 05/31/16 10/28/16 03/27/17 08/24/17 01/21/18 06/20/18 11/17/18 04/16/19 09/13/19 02/10/20 07/09/20 12/06/20 05/05/21 10/02/21 03/01/22 07/29/22 12/26/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 121.0 5,552.37 11/29/99 68.70 67.50 5,553.57 01/02/00 67.50 66.30 5,553.87 01/10/00 67.20 66.00 5,553.72 01/17/00 67.35 66.15 5,553.97 01/24/00 67.10 65.90 5,553.87 02/01/00 67.20 66.00 5,553.87 02/07/00 67.20 66.00 5,554.17 02/14/00 66.90 65.70 5,554.27 02/23/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.37 03/01/00 66.70 65.50 5,554.37 03/08/00 66.70 65.50 5,554.27 03/15/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.77 03/20/00 66.30 65.10 5,554.57 03/29/00 66.50 65.30 5,554.27 04/04/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.57 04/13/00 66.50 65.30 5,554.77 04/21/00 66.30 65.10 5,554.87 04/28/00 66.20 65.00 5,554.87 05/01/00 66.20 65.00 5,555.27 05/11/00 65.80 64.60 5,554.97 05/15/00 66.10 64.90 5,555.27 05/25/00 65.80 64.60 5,555.33 06/09/00 65.74 64.54 5,555.45 06/16/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.22 06/26/00 65.85 64.65 5,555.45 07/06/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.40 07/13/00 65.67 64.47 5,555.45 07/18/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.59 07/27/00 65.48 64.28 5,555.65 08/02/00 65.42 64.22 5,555.70 08/09/00 65.37 64.17 5,555.74 08/16/00 65.33 64.13 5,555.96 08/31/00 65.11 63.91 5,555.87 09/08/00 65.20 64.00 5,555.95 09/13/00 65.12 63.92 5,556.05 09/20/00 65.02 63.82 5,556.06 10/05/00 65.01 63.81 5,556.17 10/12/00 64.90 63.70 5,556.20 10/19/00 64.87 63.67 5,556.22 10/23/00 64.85 63.65 5,556.36 11/09/00 64.71 63.51 5,556.42 11/14/00 64.65 63.45 5,556.45 11/30/00 64.62 63.42 5,556.15 12/06/00 64.92 63.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 121.0 5,556.89 01/14/01 64.18 62.98 5,557.07 02/09/01 64.00 62.80 5,557.62 03/29/01 63.45 62.25 5,557.51 04/30/01 63.56 62.36 5,557.77 05/31/01 63.30 62.10 5,557.84 06/21/01 63.23 62.03 5,557.98 07/10/01 63.09 61.89 5,558.33 08/20/01 62.74 61.54 5,558.57 09/19/01 62.50 61.30 5,558.53 10/02/01 62.54 61.34 5,558.62 11/08/01 62.45 61.25 5,559.03 12/03/01 62.04 60.84 5,559.08 01/03/02 61.99 60.79 5,559.32 02/06/02 61.75 60.55 5,559.63 03/26/02 61.44 60.24 5,559.55 04/09/02 61.52 60.32 5,560.06 05/23/02 61.01 59.81 5,559.91 06/05/02 61.16 59.96 5,560.09 07/08/02 60.98 59.78 5,560.01 08/23/02 61.06 59.86 5,560.23 09/11/02 60.84 59.64 5,560.43 10/23/02 60.64 59.44 5,560.39 11/22/02 60.68 59.48 5,560.61 12/03/02 60.46 59.26 5,560.89 01/09/03 60.18 58.98 5,560.94 02/12/03 60.13 58.93 5,561.28 03/26/03 59.79 58.59 5,561.35 04/02/03 59.72 58.52 5,546.20 05/01/03 74.87 73.67 5,539.47 06/09/03 81.60 80.40 5,541.87 07/07/03 79.20 78.00 5,542.12 08/04/03 78.95 77.75 5,541.91 09/11/03 79.16 77.96 5,544.62 10/02/03 76.45 75.25 5,542.67 11/07/03 78.40 77.20 5,549.96 12/03/03 71.11 69.91 5,557.17 01/15/04 63.90 62.70 5,558.65 02/10/04 62.42 61.22 5,559.90 03/28/04 61.17 59.97 5,560.36 04/12/04 60.71 59.51 5,560.87 05/13/04 60.20 59.00 5,560.95 06/18/04 60.12 58.92 5,561.64 07/28/04 59.43 58.23 5,543.00 08/30/04 78.07 76.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 121.0 5,541.91 09/16/04 79.16 77.96 5,540.08 10/11/04 80.99 79.79 5,546.92 11/16/04 74.15 72.95 5,546.97 12/22/04 74.10 72.90 5,546.51 01/18/05 74.56 73.36 5,546.66 02/28/05 74.41 73.21 5,546.81 03/15/05 74.26 73.06 5,548.19 04/26/05 72.88 71.68 5,547.11 05/24/05 73.96 72.76 5,546.98 06/30/05 74.09 72.89 5,546.92 07/29/05 74.15 72.95 5,547.26 09/12/05 73.81 72.61 5,547.26 12/07/05 73.81 72.61 5,548.86 03/08/06 72.21 71.01 5,548.62 06/13/06 72.45 71.25 5,550.04 07/18/06 71.03 69.83 5,548.32 11/07/06 72.75 71.55 5,550.44 02/27/07 70.63 69.43 5,549.69 05/02/07 71.38 70.18 5,549.97 08/14/07 71.10 69.90 5,550.30 10/10/07 70.77 69.57 5,551.92 03/26/08 69.15 67.95 5,552.94 06/24/08 68.13 66.93 5,552.34 08/26/08 68.73 67.53 5,552.61 10/14/08 68.46 67.26 5,552.81 03/10/09 68.26 67.06 5,553.11 06/24/09 67.96 66.76 5,552.55 09/10/09 68.52 67.32 5,553.06 12/11/09 68.01 66.81 5,554.64 03/11/10 66.43 65.23 5,554.20 05/11/10 66.87 65.67 5,553.45 09/29/10 67.62 66.42 5,553.40 12/21/10 67.67 66.47 5,553.93 02/28/11 67.14 65.94 5,553.67 06/21/11 67.4 66.20 5,553.46 09/20/11 67.61 66.41 5,553.78 12/21/11 67.29 66.09 5,553.17 03/27/12 67.90 66.70 5,553.21 06/28/12 67.86 66.66 5,552.90 09/27/12 68.17 66.97 5,553.15 12/28/12 67.92 66.72 5,556.23 03/28/13 64.84 63.64 5,556.04 06/27/13 65.03 63.83 5,556.09 09/27/13 64.98 63.78 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,619.87 5 621.07 1.20 121.0 5,555.80 12/20/13 65.27 64.07 5,555.40 03/27/14 65.67 64.47 5,554.20 06/25/14 66.87 65.67 5,552.96 09/25/14 68.11 66.91 5,552.62 12/17/14 68.45 67.25 5,548.57 03/26/15 72.50 71.30 5,555.88 06/22/15 65.19 63.99 5,546.22 09/30/15 74.85 73.65 5,539.47 12/02/15 81.60 80.40 5,545.08 03/30/16 75.99 74.79 5,544.62 06/30/16 76.45 75.25 5,544.61 09/29/16 76.46 75.26 5,544.09 12/21/16 76.98 75.78 5,546.07 03/30/17 75.00 73.80 5,549.36 06/27/17 71.71 70.51 5,541.91 09/28/17 79.16 77.96 5,540.51 11/30/17 80.56 79.36 5,540.71 03/28/18 80.36 79.16 5,540.12 06/22/18 80.95 79.75 5,540.17 09/25/18 80.90 79.70 5,538.26 12/17/18 82.81 81.61 5,538.81 03/25/19 82.26 81.06 5,539.11 06/24/19 81.96 80.76 5,539.75 08/12/19 81.32 80.12 5,539.13 11/18/19 81.94 80.74 5,538.03 02/10/20 83.04 81.84 5,538.29 05/04/20 82.78 81.58 5,540.28 09/22/20 80.79 79.59 5,539.17 12/30/20 81.90 80.70 5,539.03 03/11/21 82.04 80.84 5,538.82 06/24/21 82.25 81.05 5,539.00 08/13/21 82.07 80.87 00 Vl 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.I Vl -.I 0 0\ Vl °' 0 Vl Vl Vl 0 11/29/99 04/27/00 09/24/00 02/21/01 07/21/01 12/18/01 05/17/02 10/14/02 03/13/03 08/10/03 01/07/04 06/05/04 11/02/04 04/01/05 08/29/05 01/26/06 ~ 06/25/06 ~ -11/22/06 ,&;;;,.. 04/21/07 I ....J 09/18/07 ~ 02/15/08 07/14/08 ""'" 12/11/08 ~ ""1 05/10/09 ~ 10/07/09 ~ 03/06/10 "'O 08/03/10 ~ 12/31/10 0 05/30/11 -< ~ 10/27/11 ""1 03/25/12 ~ .... 08/22/12 a 01/19/13 ~ 06/18/13 -11/15/13 ? 04/14/14 -r::::' --09/11/14 a 02/08/15 "'O 07/08/15 '-' 12/05/15 05/03/16 09/30/16 02/27/17 07/27/17 12/24/17 05/23/18 10/20/18 03/19/19 08/16/19 01/13/20 06/11/20 11/08/20 04/07/21 09/04/21 02/01/22 07/01/22 11/28/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,621.40 4.60 126.2 5,546.40 11/29/99 75.00 70.40 5,546.20 01/02/00 75.20 70.60 5,546.50 01/10/00 74.90 70.30 5,546.30 01/17/00 75 .10 70.50 5,546.60 01/24/00 74.80 70.20 5,546.50 02/01/00 74.90 70.30 5,546.50 02/07/00 74.90 70.30 5,546.90 02/14/00 74.50 69.90 5,546.95 02/23/00 74.45 69.85 5,547.05 03/01/00 74.35 69.75 5,547.05 03/08/00 74.35 69.75 5,547.10 03/15/00 74.30 69.70 5,547.50 03/20/00 73.90 69.30 5,547.40 03/29/00 74 .00 69.40 5,547.20 04/04/00 74.20 69.60 5,547.40 04/13/00 74.00 69.40 5,547.60 04/21/00 73.80 69.20 5,547.70 04/28/00 73.70 69.10 5,547.70 05/01/00 73.70 69.10 5,548.00 05/11/00 73.40 68.80 5,547.70 05/15/00 73.70 69.10 5,547.90 05/25/00 73.50 68.90 5,547.90 06/09/00 73.50 68.90 5,548.00 06/16/00 73.40 68.80 5,547.87 06/26/00 73.53 68.93 5,547.95 07/06/00 73.45 68.85 5,547.96 07/13/00 73.44 68.84 5,547.95 07/18/00 73.45 68.85 5,548.11 07/27/00 73.29 68.69 5,548.15 08/02/00 73.25 68.65 5,548.17 08/09/00 73.23 68.63 5,548.16 08/15/00 73.24 68.64 5,548.40 08/31/00 73.00 68.40 5,548.50 09/08/00 72.90 68.30 5,548.62 09/13/00 72.78 68.18 5,548.75 09/20/00 72.65 68.05 5,548.76 10/05/00 72.64 68.04 5,549.00 11/09/00 72.40 67.80 5,548.85 12/06/00 72.55 67.95 5,549.47 01/03/01 71.93 67.33 5,549.89 02/09/01 71.51 66.91 5,550.37 03/27/01 71.03 66.43 5,550.50 04/30/01 70.90 66.30 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,621.40 4.60 126.2 5,550.68 05/31/01 70.72 66.12 5,550.68 06/20/01 70.72 66.12 5,551.02 07/10/01 70.38 65.78 5,551.32 08/20/01 70.08 65.48 5,551.49 09/19/01 69.91 65.31 5,551.64 10/02/01 69.76 65.16 5,551.81 11/08/01 69.59 64.99 5,552.22 12/03/01 69.18 64.58 5,552.16 01/03/02 69.24 64.64 5,552.38 02/06/02 69.02 64.42 5,552.85 03/26/02 68.55 63.95 5,552.83 04/09/02 68.57 63.97 5,553.20 05/23/02 68.20 63.60 5,553.16 06/05/02 68.24 63.64 5,553.32 07/08/02 68.08 63.48 5,553.49 08/23/02 67.91 63.31 5,553.69 09/11/02 67.71 63.11 5,554.09 10/23/02 67.31 62.71 5,554.02 11/22/02 67.38 62.78 5,554.23 12/03/02 67.17 62.57 5,554.43 01/09/03 66.97 62.37 5,554.42 02/12/03 66.98 62.38 5,554.71 03/26/03 66.69 62.09 5,554.83 04/02/03 66.57 61.97 5,552.21 05/01/03 69.19 64.59 5,547.93 06/09/03 73.47 68.87 5,546.97 07/07/03 74.43 69.83 5,546.58 08/04/03 74.82 70.22 5,546.24 09/11/03 75.16 70.56 5,546.38 10/02/03 75.02 70.42 5,546.40 11/07/03 75.00 70.40 5,546.59 12/03/03 74.81 70.21 5,551.29 01/15/04 70.11 65.51 5,552.69 02/10/04 68.71 64.11 5,554.06 03/28/04 67.34 62.74 5,554.52 04/12/04 66.88 62.28 5,555.06 05/13/04 66.34 61.74 5,555.11 06/18/04 66.29 61.69 5,555.88 07/28/04 65.52 60.92 5,552.97 08/30/04 68.43 63.83 5,550.65 09/16/04 70.75 66.15 5,548.40 10/11/04 73.00 68.40 5,548.28 11/16/04 73.12 68.52 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,621.40 4.60 126.2 5,548.80 12/22/04 72.60 68.00 5,548.43 01/18/05 72.97 68.37 5,548.61 02/28/05 72.79 68.19 5,548.64 03/15/05 72.76 68.16 5,548.65 04/26/05 72.75 68.15 5,548.85 05/24/05 72.55 67.95 5,548.73 06/30/05 72.67 68 .07 5,548.62 07/29/05 72.78 68.18 5,548.80 09/12/05 72.60 68 .00 5,548.71 12/07/05 72.69 68.09 5,549.72 03/08/06 71.68 67.08 5,549.70 06/13/06 71.70 67 .10 5,549.70 07/18/06 71.70 67.10 5,549.65 11/07/06 71.75 67.15 5,551.11 02/27/07 70.29 65.69 5,550.20 05/02/07 71.20 66.60 5,550.59 08/14/07 70.81 66.21 5,550.76 10/10/07 70.64 66.04 5,551.95 03/26/08 69.45 64.85 5,552.36 06/24/08 69.04 64.44 5,552.50 08/26/08 68.90 64.30 5,552.56 10/14/08 68.84 64.24 5,552.91 03/03/09 68.49 63.89 5,553.27 06/24/09 68.13 63.53 5,553.12 09/10/09 68.28 63.68 5,553.63 12/11/09 67.77 63.17 5,554.65 03/11/10 66.75 62.15 5,554.57 05/11/10 66.83 62.23 5,554.34 09/29/10 67.06 62.46 5,554.09 12/21/10 67.31 62.71 5,554.50 02/28/11 66.9 62.30 5,554.79 06/21/11 66.61 62.01 5,554.63 09/20/11 66.77 62.17 5,555.01 12/21/11 66.39 61.79 5,554.85 03/27/12 66.55 61.95 5,554.90 06/28/12 66.5 61.90 5,554.85 09/27/12 66.55 61.95 5,554.86 12/28/12 66.54 61.94 5,556.48 03/28/13 64 .92 60.32 5,556.35 06/27/13 65.05 60.45 5,556.60 09/27/13 64.80 60.20 5,556.56 12/20/13 64.84 60.24 5,556.38 03/27/14 65.02 60.42 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,621.40 4.60 126.2 5,555.56 06/25/14 65 .84 61.24 5,554.82 09/25/14 66.58 61.98 5,554.95 12/17/14 66.45 61.85 5,546.89 03/26/15 74.51 69.91 5,547.80 06/22/15 73.60 69.00 5,544.84 09/30/15 76.56 71.96 5,540.22 12/02/15 81.18 76.58 5,542.00 03/30/16 79.40 74.80 5,542.10 06/30/16 79.30 74.70 5,541.70 09/29/16 79.70 75.10 5,539.90 12/21/16 81 .50 76.90 5,541.70 03/30/17 79.70 75.10 5,542.19 06/27/17 79.21 74.61 5,540.58 09/28/17 80.82 76.22 5,538.52 11/30/17 82.88 78.28 5,537.95 03/28/18 83.45 78.85 5,537.73 06/22/18 83.67 79.07 5,537.38 09/25/18 84.02 79.42 5,536.86 12/17/18 84.54 79.94 5,536.30 03/25/19 85.10 80.50 5,536.67 06/24/19 84.73 80.13 5,536.82 08/12/19 84.58 79.98 5,536.37 11/18/19 85.03 80.43 5,535.53 02/10/20 85.87 81.27 5,535.25 05/04/20 86.15 81.55 5,535.49 09/22/20 85.91 81.31 5,534.69 12/30/20 86.71 82.11 5,534.92 03/11/21 86.48 81.88 5,534.82 06/24/21 86.58 81.98 5,536.12 08/13/21 85.28 80.68 -0 0 \0 0 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.l 0 0\ 0 V, 0 .j:::,. 0 VJ 0 N 0 -0 0 11/29/99 04/27/00 09/24/00 02/21/01 07/21/01 12/18/01 05/17/02 10/14/02 03/13/03 08/10/03 01/07/04 06/05/04 11/02/04 04/01/05 08/29/05 01/26/06 ~ 06/25/06 ~ 11/22/06 ,I:;;,,. 04/21/07 I 00 09/18/07 ~ 02/15/08 07/14/08 """ 12/11/08 ('ti "'1 05/10/09 ~ 10/07/09 ('ti 03/06/10 "'C 08/03/10 ;. 12/31/10 0 05/30/11 ~ ('ti 10/27/11 "'1 03/25/12 ~ ... 08/22/12 a 01/19/13 ('ti 06/18/13 --11/15/13 ? 04/14/14 O" -09/11/14 a 02/08/15 "'C 07/08/15 '-' 12/05/15 05/03/16 09/30/16 02/27/17 07/27/17 12/24/17 05/23/18 10/20/18 03/19/19 08/16/19 01/13/20 06/11/20 11/08/20 04/07/21 09/04/21 02/01/22 07/01/22 11/28/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 120.1 5,577.09 12/20/99 60.50 59.02 5,577.09 01/02/00 60.50 59.02 5,577.29 01/10/00 60.30 58.82 5,577.09 01/17/00 60.50 59.02 5,577.39 01/24/00 60.20 58.72 5,577.29 02/01/00 60.30 58.82 5,577.19 02/07/00 60.40 58.92 5,577.69 02/14/00 59.90 58.42 5,577.69 02/23/00 59.90 58.42 5,577.79 03/01/00 59.80 58.32 5,577.79 03/08/00 59.80 58.32 5,577.89 03/15/00 59.70 58.22 5,568.49 03/20/00 69.10 67.62 5,578.14 03/29/00 59.45 57.97 5,577.84 04/04/00 59.75 58.27 5,578.04 04/13/00 59.55 58.07 5,578.24 04/21/00 59.35 57.87 5,578.39 04/28/00 59.20 57.72 5,578.39 05/01/00 59.20 57.72 5,578.79 05/11/00 58.80 57.32 5,578.39 05/15/00 59.20 57.72 5,578.79 05/25/00 58.80 57.32 5,578.81 06/09/00 58.78 57.30 5,578.89 06/16/00 58.70 57.22 5,578.74 06/26/00 58.85 57.37 5,578.86 07/06/00 58.73 57.25 5,578.87 07/13/00 58 .72 57.24 5,578.84 07/18/00 58.75 57.27 5,579.03 07/27/00 58.56 57.08 5,579.03 08/02/00 58.56 57.08 5,579.05 08/09/00 58.54 57.06 5,579.04 08/15/00 58.55 57.07 5,579.25 08/31/00 58.34 56.86 5,579.35 09/08/00 58.24 56.76 5,579.40 09/13/00 58.19 56.71 5,579.46 09/20/00 58.13 56.65 5,579.44 10/05/00 58.15 56.67 5,579.79 11/09/00 57.80 56.32 5,579.73 12/06/00 57.86 56.38 5,580.01 01/03/01 57.58 56.10 5,580.30 02/09/01 57.29 55.81 5,580.66 03/27/01 56.93 55.45 5,580.75 04/30/01 56.84 55.36 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 120.1 5,581.04 05/31/01 56.55 55.07 5,581.12 06/21/01 56.47 54.99 5,581.15 07/10/01 56.44 54.96 5,581.51 08/20/01 56.08 54.60 5,581.70 09/19/01 55.89 54.41 5,581.61 10/02/01 55.98 54.50 5,581.83 11/08/01 55.76 54.28 5,582.17 12/03/01 55.42 53.94 5,582.21 01/03/02 55.38 53.90 5,582.57 02/06/02 55.02 53.54 5,583.12 03/26/02 54.47 52.99 5,582.77 04/09/02 54.82 53.34 5,583.21 05/23/02 54.38 52.90 5,582.94 06/05/02 54.65 53.17 5,582.71 07/08/02 54.88 53.40 5,583.67 08/23/02 53.92 52.44 5,583.82 09/11/02 53.77 52.29 5,584.01 10/23/02 53.58 52.10 5,583.88 11/22/02 53.71 52.23 5,583.81 12/03/02 53.78 52.30 5,584.28 01/09/03 53.31 51.83 5,584.41 02/12/03 53.18 51.70 5,584.68 03/26/03 52.91 51.43 5,584.49 04/02/03 53.10 51.62 5,584.51 05/01/03 53.08 51.60 5,583.59 06/09/03 54.00 52.52 5,582.96 07/07/03 54.63 53.15 5,582.98 08/04/03 54.61 53.13 5,582.57 09/11/03 55.02 53.54 5,582.25 10/02/03 55.34 53.86 5,582.09 11/07/03 55.50 54.02 5,582.48 12/03/03 55.11 53.63 5,583.69 01/15/04 53.90 52.42 5,583.89 02/10/04 53.70 52.22 5,584.30 03/28/04 53.29 51.81 5,584.59 04/12/04 53.00 51.52 5,584.87 05/13/04 52.72 51.24 5,584.96 06/18/04 52.63 51.15 5,585.50 07/28/04 52.09 50.61 5,584.81 08/30/04 52.78 51.30 5,584.40 09/16/04 53.19 51.71 5,583.91 10/11/04 53.68 52.20 5,583.39 11/16/04 54.20 52.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (L D) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 120.1 5,583.54 12/22/04 54.05 52.57 5,583.34 01/18/05 54.25 52.77 5,583.66 02/28/05 53.93 52.45 5,583.87 03/15/05 53.72 52.24 5,584.74 04/26/05 52.85 51.37 5,585.26 05/24/05 52.33 50.85 5,585.06 06/30/05 52.53 51.05 5,584.67 07/29/05 52.92 51.44 5,584.75 09/12/05 52.84 51.36 5,584.51 12/07/05 53.08 51.60 5,585.74 03/08/06 51.85 50.37 5,584.74 06/13/06 52.85 51.37 5,584.26 07/18/06 53.33 51.85 5,584.21 11/07/06 53.38 51.90 5,584.67 02/27/07 52.92 51.44 5,584.06 05/02/07 53.53 52.05 5,585.33 08/14/07 52.26 50.78 5,585.42 10/10/07 52.17 50.69 5,587.01 03/26/08 50.58 49.10 5,585.44 06/24/08 52.15 50.67 5,585.23 08/26/08 52.36 50.88 5,584.42 10/14/08 53.17 51.69 5,583.59 03/03/09 54.00 52.52 5,583.35 06/24/09 54.24 52.76 5,582.91 09/10/09 54.68 53.20 5,583.43 12/11/09 54.16 52.68 5,584.00 03/11/10 53.59 52.11 5,583.27 05/11/10 54.32 52.84 5,582.92 09/29/10 54.67 53.19 5,583.08 12/21/10 54.51 53.03 5,582.63 02/28/11 54.96 53.48 5,583.62 06/21/11 53.97 52.49 5,583.52 09/20/11 54.07 52.59 5,583.91 12/21/11 53.68 52.20 5,582.84 03/27/12 54.75 53.27 5,582.84 06/28/12 54.75 53.27 5,582.92 09/27/12 54.67 53.19 5,582.84 12/28/12 54.75 53.27 5,581.97 03/28/13 55.62 54.14 5,581.19 06/27/13 56.40 54.92 5,580.50 09/27/13 57.09 55.61 5,579.73 12/20/13 57.86 56.38 5,578.61 03/27/14 58.98 57.50 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 120.1 5,577.24 06/25/14 60.35 58.87 5,576.24 09/25/14 61.35 59.87 5,576.44 12/17/14 61.15 59.67 5,576.35 03/26/15 61.24 59.76 5,576.48 06/22/15 61.11 59.63 5,575.98 09/30/15 61.61 60.13 5,575.41 12/02/15 62.18 60.70 5,575.38 03/30/16 62.21 60.73 5,574.74 06/30/16 62.85 61.37 5,574.26 09/29/16 63.33 61.85 5,573.88 12/21/16 63.71 62.23 5,573.99 03/30/17 63.60 62.12 5,573.49 06/27/17 64.10 62.62 5,573.05 09/28/17 64.54 63.06 5,572.34 11/30/17 65.25 63.77 5,574.97 03/28/18 62.62 61.14 5,571.69 06/22/18 65.90 64.42 5,571.20 09/25/18 66.39 64.91 5,570.92 12/17/18 66.67 65.19 5,570.16 03/25/19 67.43 65.95 5,570.17 06/24/19 67.42 65.94 5,570.01 08/12/19 67.58 66.10 5,569.66 11/18/19 67.93 66.45 5,569.38 02/10/20 68.21 66.73 5,569.04 05/04/20 68.55 67.07 5,568.30 09/22/20 69.29 67.81 5,568.12 12/30/20 69.47 67.99 5,568.18 03/11/21 69.41 67.93 5,567.66 06/24/21 69.93 68.45 5,567.54 08/13/21 70.05 68.57 -.J 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) °" Vl °" 0 Vl Vl Vl 0 ,---+--~~~~--1-~~~~---11~~~~~~+--~~~~--+ 12/20/99 05/18/00 10/15/00 03/14/01 08/11/01 01/08/02 06/07/02 11/04/02 04/03/03 08/31/03 01/28/04 06/26/04 11/23/04 04/22/05 09/19/05 02/16/06 07/16/06 12/13/06 05/12/07 10/09/07 03/07/08 08/04/08 01/01/09 05/31/09 10/28/09 03/27/10 08/24/10 01/21/11 06/20/11 11/17/11 04/15/12 09/12/12 02/09/13 07/09/13 12/06/13 05/05/14 10/02/14 03/01/15 07/29/15 12/26/15 05/24/16 10/21/16 03/20/17 08/17/17 01/14/18 06/13/18 11/10/18 04/09/19 09/06/19 02/03/20 07/02/20 11/29/20 04/28/21 09/25/21 02/22/22 07/22/22 12/19/22 ~ ~ ,I;;;,.. I \0 ~ ;- ~ ~ ~ ~ g. 0 < ~ ~ ~ ... ~ --~ . O"" a ~ -- Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,631.99 5,634.24 2.25 113.2 5,576.75 01/03/02 57.49 55.24 5,576.92 02/06/02 57.32 55.07 5,577.43 03/26/02 56.81 54.56 5,577.22 04/09/02 57.02 54.77 5,577.80 05/23/02 56.44 54.19 5,577.47 06/05/02 56.77 54.52 5,577.55 07/08/02 56.69 54.44 5,578.10 08/23/02 56.14 53.89 5,578.24 09/11/02 56.00 53.75 5,578.49 10/23/02 55.75 53.50 5,578.43 11/22/02 55.81 53.56 5,578.43 12/03/02 55.81 53.56 5,578.66 01/09/03 55.58 53.33 5,578.66 02/12/03 55.58 53.33 5,578.78 03/26/03 55.46 53.21 5,578.90 04/02/03 55.34 53.09 5,578.83 05/01/03 55.41 53.16 5,578.05 06/09/03 56.19 53.94 5,577.38 07/07/03 56.86 54.61 5,577.15 08/04/03 57.09 54.84 5,576.76 09/11/03 57.48 55.23 5,576.36 10/02/03 57.88 55.63 5,576.05 11/07/03 58.19 55.94 5,576.20 12/03/03 58.04 55.79 5,577.43 01/15/04 56.81 54.56 5,577.81 02/10/04 56.43 54.18 5,578.47 03/28/04 55.77 53.52 5,578.69 04/12/04 55.55 53.30 5,578.93 05/13/04 55.31 53.06 5,578.99 06/18/04 55 .25 53.00 5,579.18 07/28/04 55 .06 52.81 5,579.06 08/30/04 55.18 52.93 5,578.78 09/16/04 55.46 53.21 5,577.80 10/11/04 56.44 54.19 5,577.13 11/16/04 57.11 54.86 5,576.96 12/22/04 57.28 55.03 5,576.63 01/18/05 57.61 55.36 5,576.82 02/28/05 57.42 55.17 5,576.86 03/15/05 57.38 55.13 5,577.52 04/26/05 56.72 54.47 5,578.01 05/24/05 56.23 53 .98 5,578.15 06/30/05 56.09 53.84 5,577.90 07/29/05 56.34 54.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,631.99 5,634.24 2.25 113.2 5,578.02 09/12/05 56.22 53.97 5,577.56 12/07/05 56.68 54.43 5,579.69 03/08/06 54.55 52.30 5,578.34 06/13/06 55.90 53.65 5,577.94 07/18/06 56.30 54.05 5,578.01 11/07 /06 56.23 53.98 5578.43 02/27/07 55.81 53.56 5,577.84 05/02/07 56.40 54.15 5,578.74 08/14/07 55.50 53.25 5,579.04 10/10/07 55.20 52.95 5,580.69 03/26/08 53.55 51.30 5,579.87 06/24/08 54.37 52.12 5,579.47 08/26/08 54.77 52.52 5,578.87 10/14/08 55.37 53.12 5,578.01 03/10/09 56.23 53.98 5,577.85 06/24/09 56.39 54.14 5,577.49 09/10/09 56.75 54.50 5,577.98 12/11/09 56.26 54.01 5,578.38 03/11/10 55.86 53.61 5,578.16 05/11/10 56.08 53.83 5,577.85 09/29/10 56.39 54.14 5,577.28 12/21/10 56.96 54.71 5,577.14 02/28/11 57.10 54.85 5,578.09 06/21/11 56.15 53.90 5,578.24 09/20/11 56.00 53.75 5,578.74 12/21/11 55.50 53.25 5,577.89 03/27/12 56.35 54.10 5,577.90 06/28/12 56.34 54.09 5,578.29 09/27/12 55.95 53.70 5,577.87 12/28/12 56.37 54.12 5,577.92 03/28/13 56.32 54.07 5,577.19 06/27/13 57.05 54.80 5,576.77 09/27/13 57.47 55.22 5,576.22 12/20/13 58.02 55.77 5,575.36 03/27/14 58.88 56.63 5,574.11 06/25/14 60.13 57.88 5,573.19 09/25/14 61.05 58.80 5,573.19 12/17/14 61.05 58.80 5,573.12 03/26/15 61.12 58.87 5,573.33 06/22/15 60.91 58.66 5,572.98 09/30/15 61.26 59.01 5,572.39 12/02/15 61.85 59.60 5,572.64 03/30/16 61.60 59.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,631.99 5,634.24 2.25 113.2 5,571.79 06/30/16 62.45 60.20 5,571.27 09/29/16 62.97 60.72 5,570.94 12/21/16 63.30 61.05 5,571.09 03/30/17 63.15 60.90 5,570.59 06/27/17 63.65 61.40 5,570.12 09/28/17 64.12 61.87 5,569.42 11/30/17 64.82 62.57 5,569.06 03/28/18 65.18 62.93 5,568.81 06/22/18 65.43 63.18 5,568.33 09/25/18 65.91 63.66 5,568.08 12/17/18 66.16 63.91 5,567.33 03/25/19 66.91 64.66 5,567.39 06/24/19 66.85 64.60 5,567.21 08/12/19 67.03 64.78 5,566.88 11/18/19 67.36 65.11 5,566.61 02/10/20 67.63 65.38 5,566.27 05/04/20 67.97 65.72 5,565.53 09/22/20 68.71 66.46 5,565.33 12/30/20 68.91 66.66 5,565.46 03/11/21 68.78 66.53 5,564.86 06/24/21 69.38 67.13 5,564.89 08/13/21 69.35 67.1 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 -..J 0\ VI ~ w N ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01/03/02 06/02/02 10/30/02 03/29/03 08/26/03 01/23/04 06/21/04 11/18/04 04/17/05 09/14/05 02/11/06 07/11/06 12/08/06 05/07/07 ~ 10/04/07 03/02/08 ~ 07/30/08 ,I;;;.. I ),,,,a 12/27/08 = 05/26/09 ~ 10/23/09 03/22/10 f"lo-~ 08/19/10 --r 0 01/16/11 ~ 06/15/11 "'=I f"lo- 11/12/11 =- 04/10/12 0 09/07/12 < ~ 02/04/13 --r ~ 07/04/13 ... 12/01/13 a 04/30/14 ~ --09/27/14 ? 02/24/15 O"' 07/24/15 -a 12/21/15 "'=I 05/19/16 '-" 10/16/16 03/15/17 08/12/17 01/09/18 06/08/18 11/05/18 04/04/19 09/01/19 01/29/20 06/27/20 11/24/20 04/23/21 09/20/21 02/17/22 07/17/22 12/14/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (L D) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorini (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5 623.62 1.70 102.4 5,548.32 01/03/02 75.30 73 .60 5,548.73 02/06/02 74.89 73.19 5,549.03 03/26/02 74.59 72.89 5,548.84 04/09/02 74.78 73.08 5,549.30 05/23/02 74.32 72.62 5,549.01 06/05/02 74.61 72.91 5,549.22 07/08/02 74.40 72.70 5,549.44 08/23/02 74.18 72.48 5,549.57 09/11/02 74.05 72.35 5,549.64 10/23/02 73.98 72.28 5,549.58 11/22/02 74.04 72.34 5,549.62 12/03/02 74.00 72.30 5,549.85 01/09/03 73.77 72.07 5,549.91 02/12/03 73.71 72.01 5,550.15 03/26/03 73.47 71.77 5,550.01 04/02/03 73.61 71.91 5,550.31 05/01/03 73.31 71.61 5,550.44 06/09/03 73.18 71.48 5,550.33 07/07/03 73.29 71.59 5,550.35 08/04/03 73.27 71.57 5,550.44 09/11/03 73.18 71.48 5,550.47 10/02/03 73.15 71.45 5,550.60 11/07/03 73.02 71.32 5,550.60 12/03/03 73.02 71.32 5,550.94 01/15/04 72.68 70.98 5,551.00 02/10/04 72.62 70.92 5,550.34 03/28/04 73.28 71.58 5,551.54 04/12/04 72.08 70.38 5,551.89 05/13/04 71.73 70.03 5,551.94 06/18/04 71.68 69.98 5,552.49 07/28/04 71.13 69.43 5,552.74 08/30/04 70.88 69.18 5,553.01 09/16/04 70.61 68.91 5,553.11 10/11/04 70.51 68.81 5,553.19 11/16/04 70.43 68.73 5,553.53 12/22/04 70.09 68.39 5,553.31 01/18/05 70.31 68.61 5,553.84 02/28/05 69.78 68.08 5,554.04 03/15/05 69.58 67.88 5,554.23 04/26/05 69.39 67.69 5,553.87 05/24/05 69.75 68.05 5,554.46 06/30/05 69.16 67.46 5,554.57 07/29/05 69.05 67.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5,623.62 1.70 102.4 5,553.86 09/12/05 69.76 68.06 5,555.30 12/07/05 68.32 66.62 5,556.20 03/08/06 67.42 65.72 5,556.48 06/14/06 67.14 65.44 5,556.37 07/18/06 67.25 65.55 5,556.94 11/07/06 66.68 64.98 5557.92 02/27/07 65.70 64.00 5,557.84 05/02/07 65.78 64.08 5,558.02 08/15/07 65.60 63.90 5,557.13 10/10/07 66.49 64.79 5,569.74 03/26/08 53.88 52.18 5,561.01 06/24/08 62.61 60.91 5,562.07 08/26/08 61.55 59.85 5,562.47 10/14/08 61.15 59.45 5,563.80 03/10/09 59.82 58.12 5,564.27 06/24/09 59.35 57.65 5,564.32 09/10/09 59.30 57.60 5,564.70 12/11/09 58.92 57.22 5,565.14 03/11/10 58.48 56.78 5,565.61 05/11/10 58.01 56.31 5,565.67 09/29/10 57.95 56.25 5,565.62 12/21/10 58.00 56.30 5,565.42 02/28/11 58.20 56.50 5,566.01 06/21/11 57.61 55.91 5,566.03 09/20/11 57.59 55.89 5,566.63 12/21/11 56.99 55.29 5,565.81 03/27/12 57.81 56.11 5,565.82 06/28/12 57.80 56.10 5,566.66 09/27/12 56.96 55.26 5,565.77 12/28/12 57.85 56.15 5,566.89 03/28/13 56.73 55.03 5,566.32 06/27/13 57.30 55.60 5,565.92 09/27/13 57.70 56.00 5,565.63 12/20/13 57.99 56.29 5,565.03 03/27/14 58.59 56.89 5,564.18 06/25/14 59.44 57.74 5,563.52 09/25/14 60.10 58.40 5,563.37 12/17/14 60.25 58.55 5,532.62 03/26/15 91.00 89.30 5,527.07 06/22/15 96.55 94.85 5,533.27 09/30/15 90.35 88.65 5,532.67 12/02/15 90.95 89.25 5,531.44 03/30/16 92.18 90.48 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5,623.62 1.70 102.4 5,529.85 06/30/16 93 .77 92.07 5,530.64 09/29/16 92.98 91.28 5,530.61 12/21/16 93.01 91.31 5,538.48 03/30/17 85.14 83.44 5,529.93 06/27/17 93.69 91.99 5,530.41 09/28/17 93.21 91.51 5,531.26 11/30/17 92.36 90.66 5,530.28 03/28/18 93.34 91.64 5,530.36 06/22/18 93.26 91.56 5,530.41 09/24/18 93.21 91.51 5,531.96 12/17/18 91.66 89.96 5,532.84 03/25/19 90.78 89.08 5,533.62 06/24/19 90.00 88.30 5,532.49 08/12/19 91.13 89.43 5,532.50 11/18/19 91.12 89.42 5,533.60 02/10/20 90.02 88.32 5,533.02 05/04/20 90.60 88.90 5,530.54 09/21/20 93.08 91.38 5,533.51 12/28/20 90.11 88.41 5,533.54 03/11/21 90.08 88.38 5,534.12 06/24/21 89.50 87 .80 5,533.72 08/13/21 89.90 88.20 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) _. 0 \0 \0 00 00 -.J -.J 0\ 0\ VI VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 01/03/02 06/02/02 10/30/02 03/29/03 08/26/03 01/23/04 06/21/04 11/18/04 04/17/05 09/14/05 02/11/06 07/11/06 12/08/06 05/07/07 ~ 10/04/07 03/02/08 ~ 07/30/08 ,I;:.. I ,.... 12/27/08 ,.... 05/26/09 ~ 10/23/09 ""'" 03/22/10 ~ 08/19/10 "1 I:, 01/16/11 ~ 06/15/11 ~ 11/12/11 ~ 04/10/12 0 09/07/12 ~ ~ 02/04/13 "1 ~ 07/04/13 .... 12/01/13 a ~ 04/30/14 ---09/27/14 ? 02/24/15 -r:::J" 07/24/15 -a 12/21/15 ~ 05/19/16 '-' 10/16/16 03/15/17 08/12/17 01/09/18 06/08/18 11/05/18 04/04/19 09/01/19 01/29/20 06/27/20 11/24/20 04/23/21 09/20/21 02/17/22 07/17/22 12/14/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.38 5,624.23 1.85 103.2 5,580.91 08/23/02 43.32 41.47 5,581.54 09/11/02 42.69 40.84 5,581.33 10/23/02 42.90 41.05 5,581.47 11/22/02 42.76 40.91 5,581.55 12/03/02 42.68 40.83 5,582.58 01/09/03 41.65 39.80 5,582.47 02/12/03 41.76 39.91 5,582.71 03/26/03 41.52 39.67 5,582.11 04/02/03 42.12 40.27 5,582.92 05/01/03 41.31 39.46 5,583.13 06/09/03 41.10 39.25 5,583.21 07/07/03 41.02 39.17 5,583.31 08/04/03 40.92 39.07 5,583.55 09/11/03 40.68 38.83 5,583.72 10/02/03 40.51 38.66 5,583.77 11/07/03 40.46 38.61 5,584.01 12/03/03 40.22 38.37 5,584.37 01/15/04 39.86 38.01 5,584.39 02/10/04 39.84 37.99 5,584.51 03/28/04 39.72 37.87 5,584.90 04/12/04 39.33 37.48 5,584.88 05/13/04 39.35 37.50 5,584.93 06/18/04 39.30 37.45 5,585.36 07/28/04 38.87 37.02 5,585.38 08/30/04 38.85 37.00 5,585.49 09/16/04 38.74 36.89 5,585.85 10/11/04 38.38 36.53 5,585.91 11/16/04 38.32 36.47 5,586.35 12/22/04 37.88 36.03 5,586.14 01/18/05 38.09 36.24 5,586.56 02/28/05 37.67 35.82 5,586.95 03/15/05 37.28 35.43 5,587.20 04/26/05 37.03 35.18 5,587.35 05/24/05 36.88 35.03 5,587.58 06/30/05 36.65 34.80 5,587.58 07/29/05 36.65 34.80 5,587.94 09/12/05 36.29 34.44 5,588.43 12/07/05 35.80 33.95 5,588.92 03/08/06 35.31 33.46 5,588.34 06/13/06 35.89 34.04 5,588.33 07/18/06 35.90 34.05 5,584.70 11/07/06 39.53 37.68 5588.85 02/27/07 35.38 33.53 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.38 5,624.23 1.85 103.2 5,588.53 05/02/07 35.70 33.85 5,586.49 08/14/07 37.74 35.89 5,586.68 10/10/07 37.55 35.70 5,587.76 03/26/08 36.47 34.62 5,587.59 06/24/08 36.64 34.79 5,587.35 08/26/08 36.88 35.03 5,586.84 10/14/08 37.39 35.54 5,586.17 03/03/09 38.06 36.21 5,585.74 06/24/09 38.49 36.64 5,585.54 09/10/09 38.69 36.84 5,585.77 12/11/09 38.46 36.61 5,585.88 03/11/10 38.35 36.50 5,586.35 05/11/10 37.88 36.03 5,585.68 09/29/10 38.55 36.70 5,585.09 12/21/10 39.14 37.29 5,584.65 02/28/11 39.58 37.73 5,584.76 06/21/11 39.47 37.62 5,584.32 09/20/11 39.91 38.06 5,584.22 12/21/11 40.01 38.16 5,577.07 03/27/12 47.16 45.31 5,577.05 06/28/12 47.18 45.33 5,583.14 09/27/12 41.09 39.24 5,577.10 12/28/12 47.13 45.28 5,582.71 03/28/13 41.52 39.67 5,582.25 06/27/13 41.98 40.13 5,582.24 09/27/13 41.99 40.14 5,582.12 12/20/13 42.11 40.26 5,581.67 03/27/14 42.56 40.71 5,581.03 06/25/14 43.20 41.35 5,580.49 09/25/14 43.74 41.89 5,580.33 12/17/14 43.90 42.05 5,579.28 03/26/15 44.95 43.10 5,579.23 06/22/15 45.00 43.15 5,578.87 09/30/15 45.36 43.51 5,578.53 12/02/15 45.70 43.85 5,578.53 03/30/16 45.70 43.85 5,578.03 06/30/16 46.20 44.35 5,577.54 09/29/16 46.69 44.84 5,577.27 12/21/16 46.96 45.11 5,577.00 03/30/17 47.23 45.38 5,576.59 06/27/17 47.64 45.79 5,576.00 09/28/17 48.23 46.38 5,575.27 11/29/17 48.96 47.11 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.38 5,624.23 1.85 103.2 5,573.64 03/28/18 50.59 48.74 5,572.58 06/22/18 51.65 49.80 5,571.91 09/25/18 52.32 50.47 5,571.49 12/17/18 52.74 50.89 5,570.77 03/25/19 53.46 51.61 5,570.78 06/24/19 53.45 51.60 5,570.54 08/12/19 53.69 51.84 5,570.06 11/18/19 54.17 52.32 5,570.02 02/10/20 54.21 52.36 5,569.45 05/04/20 54.78 52.93 5,569.03 09/22/20 55.20 53.35 5,568.91 12/30/20 55.32 53.47 5,568.99 03/11/21 55.24 53.39 5,568.44 06/24/21 55.79 53.94 5,568.35 08/13/21 55.88 54.03 Ul I.O Ul .i,.. Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) .i,.. I.O t VJ I.O VJ .i,.. 08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 ~ 05/23/08 ~ 10/20/08 ,I;:.. I 03/19/09 i,,.. N 08/16/09 ~ 01/13/10 06/12/10 f"I'-~ 11/09/10 "1 04/08/11 0 ~ 09/05/11 ~ f"I'- 02/02/12 =- 07/01/12 0 11/28/12 -< ~ 04/27/13 "1 ~ 09/24/13 ... 02/21/14 a ~ 07/21/14 --12/18/14 ? 05/17/15 'a" -10/14/15 a 03/12/16 ~ '-' 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 10/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.09 5,619.94 1.85 105.7 5,529.66 08/23/02 90.28 88.43 5,530.66 09/11/02 89.28 87.43 5,529.10 10/23/02 90.84 88.99 5,530.58 11/22/02 89.36 87.51 5,530.61 12/03/02 89.33 87.48 5,529.74 01/09/03 90.20 88.35 5,531.03 02/12/03 88.91 87.06 5,531.82 03/26/03 88.12 86.27 5,524.63 04/02/03 95.31 93.46 5,531.54 05/01/03 88.40 86.55 5,538.46 06/09/03 81.48 79.63 5,539.38 07/07/03 80.56 78.71 5,540.72 08/04/03 79.22 77.37 5,541.25 09/11/03 78.69 76.84 5,541.34 10/02/03 78.60 76.75 5,541.69 11/07/03 78.25 76.40 5,541.91 12/03/03 78.03 76.18 5,542.44 01/15/04 77.50 75.65 5,542.47 02/10/04 77.47 75.62 5,542.84 03/28/04 77.10 75.25 5,543.08 04/12/04 76.86 75.01 5,543.34 05/13/04 76.60 74.75 5,543.40 06/18/04 76.54 74.69 5,544.06 07/28/04 75.88 74.03 5,544.61 08/30/04 75.33 73.48 5,545.23 09/16/04 74.71 72.86 5,546.20 10/11/04 73.74 71.89 5,547.43 11/16/04 72.51 70.66 5,548.96 12/22/04 70.98 69.13 5,549.02 01/18/05 70.92 69.07 5,550.66 02/28/05 69 .28 67.43 5,551.26 03/15/05 68.68 66.83 5,552.23 04/26/05 67 .71 65 .86 5,552.87 05/24/05 67.07 65.22 5,553.42 06/30/05 66.52 64.67 5,554.00 07/29/05 65.94 64.09 5,555.21 09/12/05 64.73 62.88 5,558.13 12/07/05 61.81 59.96 5,562.93 03/08/06 57.01 55 .16 5,564.39 06/13/06 55.55 53 .70 5,562.09 07/18/06 57 .85 56.00 5,565.49 11/07/06 54.45 52.60 5,571.08 02/27/07 48.86 47.01 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.09 5,619.94 1.85 105.7 5,570.63 05/02/07 49.31 47.46 5,565.24 08/14/07 54.70 52.85 5,565.83 10/10/07 54.11 52.26 5,569.29 03/26/08 50.65 48.80 5,570.00 06/24/08 49.94 48.09 5,570.41 08/26/08 49.53 47.68 5,570.64 10/14/08 49.30 47.45 5,570.43 03/03/09 49.51 47.66 5,570.56 06/24/09 49.38 47.53 5,570.42 09/10/09 49.52 47.67 5,571.15 12/11/09 48.79 46.94 5,572.01 03/11/10 47.93 46.08 5,572.88 05/11/10 47.06 45.21 5,573.17 09/29/10 46.77 44.92 5,573.14 12/21/10 46.80 44.95 5,573.10 02/28/11 46.84 44.99 5,573.75 06/21/11 46.19 44.34 5,573.63 09/20/11 46.31 44.46 5,573.94 12/21/11 46.00 44.15 5,572.79 03/27/12 47.15 45.30 5,572.77 06/28/12 47.17 45.32 5,573.04 09/27/12 46.90 45.05 5,572.79 12/28/12 47.15 45.30 5,573.03 03/28/13 46.91 45.06 5,572.44 06/27/13 47.50 45.65 5,573.46 09/27/13 46.48 44.63 5,573.46 12/20/13 46.48 44.63 5,572.90 03/27/14 47.04 45.19 5,571.79 06/25/14 48.15 46.30 5,571.04 09/25/14 48.90 47.05 5,571.08 12/17/14 48.86 47.01 5,569.50 03/26/15 50.44 48.59 5,569.16 06/22/15 50.78 48.93 5,568.66 09/30/15 51.28 49.43 5,568.02 12/02/15 51.92 50.07 5,568.39 03/30/16 51.55 49.70 5,567.49 06/30/16 52.45 50.60 5,566.99 09/29/16 52.95 51.10 5,566.94 12/21/16 53.00 51.15 5,567.24 03/30/17 52.70 50.85 5,566.79 06/27/17 53.15 51.30 5,566.43 09/28/17 53.51 51.66 5,566.28 11/29/17 53.66 51.81 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.09 5,619.94 1.85 105.7 5,566.24 03/28/18 53.70 51.85 5,566.03 06/22/18 53.91 52.06 5,565.61 09/25/18 54.33 52.48 5,565.32 12/17/18 54.62 52.77 5,564.78 03/25/19 55.16 53.31 5,564.99 06/24/19 54.95 53.10 5,564.78 08/12/19 55.16 53.31 5,564.39 11/18/19 55.55 53.70 5,564.39 02/10/20 55.55 53.70 5,563.82 05/04/20 56.12 54.27 5,563.55 09/22/20 56.39 54.54 5,563.51 12/30/20 56.43 54.58 5,563.66 03/11/21 56.28 54.43 5,563.14 06/24/21 56.80 54.95 5,562.99 08/13/21 56.95 55.10 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ..... 0 \0 00 -.l °' Vl .j::,.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 ~ 05/23/08 ~ 10/20/08 .,:. I 03/19/09 i,,.. (,H 08/16/09 ~ 01/13/10 06/12/10 ~ ~ 11/09/10 ""1 ~ 04/08/11 ~ 09/05/11 "'O 02/02/12 ;. 07/01/12 0 ~ 11/28/12 ~ ""1 04/27/13 ~ 09/24/13 ... a 02/21/14 ~ 07/21/14 --12/18/14 ? 05/17/15 -r::1" -10/14/15 a 03/12/16 "'O '-" 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 10/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorin; (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.92 5,612.77 1.85 95.1 5,518.90 08/23/02 93.87 92.02 5,519.28 09/11/02 93.49 91.64 5,519.95 10/23/02 92.82 90.97 5,520.32 11/22/02 92.45 90.60 5,520.42 12/03/02 92.35 90.50 5,520.70 01/09/03 92.07 90.22 5,520.89 02/12/03 91.88 90.03 5,521.12 03/26/03 91.65 89.80 5,521.12 04/02/03 91.65 89.80 5,521.24 05/01/03 91.53 89.68 5,521.34 06/09/03 91.43 89.58 5,521.36 07/07/03 91.41 89.56 5,521.35 08/04/03 91.42 89.57 5,521.30 09/11/03 91.47 89 .62 5,521.35 10/02/03 91.42 89.57 5,521.36 11/07 /03 91.41 89.56 5,521.16 12/03/03 91.61 89.76 5,521.29 01/15/04 91.48 89.63 5,521.36 02/10/04 91.41 89.56 5,521.46 03/28/04 91.31 89.46 5,521.54 04/12/04 91.23 89.38 5,521.59 05/13/04 91.18 89.33 5,521.69 06/18/04 91.08 89.23 5,521.71 07/28/04 91.06 89.21 5,521.76 08/30/04 91.01 89.16 5,521.77 09/16/04 91.00 89.15 5,521.79 10/11/04 90.98 89.13 5,521.80 11/16/04 90.97 89.12 5,521.82 12/22/04 90.95 89.10 5,521.82 01/18/05 90.95 89.10 5,521.86 02/28/05 90.91 89.06 5,521.85 03/15/05 90.92 89.07 5,521.91 04/26/05 90.86 89.01 5,521.93 05/24/05 90.84 88.99 5,521.94 06/30/05 90.83 88.98 5,521.84 07/29/05 90.93 89.08 5,521.99 09/12/05 90.78 88.93 5,522.04 12/07/05 90.73 88 .88 5,522.05 03/08/06 90.72 88.87 5,522.27 06/13/06 90.50 88.65 5,521.92 07/18/06 90.85 89.00 5,520.17 11/07/06 92.60 90.75 5,522.24 02/27/07 90.53 88.68 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.92 5,612.77 1.85 95.1 5,522.47 05/02/07 90.30 88.45 5,520.74 08/14/07 92.03 90.18 5,518.13 10/10/07 94.64 92.79 5,522.85 03/26/08 89.92 88.07 5,522.91 06/24/08 89.86 88.01 5,523.01 08/26/08 89.76 87.91 5,522.96 10/14/08 89.81 87.96 5,523.20 03/03/09 89.57 87.72 5,523.33 06/24/09 89.44 87.59 5,523.47 09110/09 89.30 87.45 5,523.54 12/11/09 89.23 87.38 5,522.98 03/11/10 89.79 87.94 5,524.01 05/11/10 88.76 86.91 5,524.37 09/29/10 88.40 86.55 5,524.62 12/21/10 88.15 86.30 5,524.78 02/28/11 87.99 86.14 5,525.23 06/21/11 87.54 85.69 5,525.45 09/20/11 87.32 85.47 5,525.72 12/21/11 87.05 85.20 5,525.88 03/27/12 86.89 85.04 5,525.97 06/28/12 86.80 84.95 5,526.32 09/27/12 86.45 84.60 5,525.88 12/28/12 86.89 85.04 5,526.91 03/28/13 85.86 84.01 5,526.99 06/27/13 85.78 83.93 5,527.68 09/27/13 85.09 83.24 5,528.19 12/20/13 84.58 82.73 5,528.75 03/27/14 84.02 82.17 5,529.21 06/25/14 83.56 81.71 5,529.78 09/25/14 82.99 81.14 5,530.41 12/17/14 82.36 80.51 5,530.86 03/26/15 81.91 80.06 5,531.40 06/22/15 81.37 79.52 5,532.15 09/30/15 80.62 78.77 5,532.12 12/02/15 80.65 78.80 5,533.12 03/30/16 79.65 77.80 5,533.13 06/30/16 79.64 77.79 5,533.24 09/29/16 79.53 77.68 5,533.42 12/21/16 79.35 77.50 5,533.97 03/30/17 78.80 76.95 5,534.05 06/27/17 78.72 76.87 5,534.07 09/28/17 78.70 76.85 5,534.29 11/29/17 78.48 76.63 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.92 5,612.77 1.85 95.1 5,534.56 03/28/18 78.21 76.36 5,534.67 06/22/18 78.10 76.25 5,534.75 09/25/18 78.02 76.17 5,534.71 12/17/18 78.06 76.21 5,534.71 03/25/19 78.06 76.21 5,535.04 06/24/19 77.73 75.88 5,535.17 08/12/19 77.60 75.75 5,535.09 11/18/19 77.68 75.83 5,535.31 02/10/20 77.46 75.61 5,535.12 05/04/20 77.65 75.80 5,535.25 09/22/20 77.52 75.67 5,535.54 12/30/20 77.23 75.38 5,535.55 03/11/21 77.22 75.37 5,535.41 06/24/21 77.36 75.51 5,535.25 08/13/21 77.52 75.67 -8 . ~ • • \0 0 ~ <. ' t • • • ~ . ~ ~ ~ • 00 0 • • • • ~ • ' ~ 0 0 • ~ ' •• j • • • l ~ Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -..J 0 0\ 0 VI 0 .i:. 0 w 0 N 0 -0 0 08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 ~ 05/23/08 ! 10/20/08 I 03/19/09 ~ ,&. 08/16/09 ~ 01/13/10 06/12/10 .... ~ 11/09/10 ., 04/08/11 ~ ~ 09/05/11 ts .... 02/02/12 =- 07/01/12 0 11/28/12 ~ ~ 04/27/13 ., ~ 09/24/13 ... 02/21/14 a ~ 07/21/14 -12/18/14 ? 05/17/15 C" -10/14/15 a 03/12/16 ts '-' 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 10/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,574.75 08/23/02 50.70 49.40 5,574.97 09/11/02 50.48 49.18 5,575.10 10/23/02 50.35 49.05 5,574.99 11/22/02 50.46 49.16 5,575.28 12/03/02 50.17 48.87 5,575.41 01/09/03 50.04 48.74 5,575.43 02/12/03 50.02 48.72 5,575.63 03/26/03 49.82 48.52 5,575.91 04/02/03 49.54 48.24 5,575.81 05/01103 49.64 48.34 5,572.36 06/09/03 53.09 51.79 5,570.70 07/07/03 54.75 53.45 5,570.29 08/04/03 55.16 53.86 5,560.94 09/11/03 64.51 63.21 5,560.63 10/02/03 64.82 63.52 5,560.56 11/07/03 64.89 63.59 5,564.77 12/03/03 60.68 59.38 5,570.89 01/15/04 54.56 53.26 5,572.55 02/10/04 52.90 51.60 5,574.25 03/28/04 51.20 49.90 5,574.77 04/12/04 50.68 49.38 5,575.53 05/13/04 49.92 48.62 5,575.59 06/18/04 49.86 48.56 5,576.82 07/28/04 48.63 47.33 5,527.47 09/16/04 97.98 96.68 5,553.97 11/16/04 71.48 70.18 5,562.33 12/22/04 63.12 61.82 5,550.00 01/18/05 75.45 74.15 5,560.02 04/26/05 65.43 64.13 5,546.11 05/24/05 79.34 78.04 5,556.71 06/30/05 68.74 67.44 5,554.95 07/29/05 70.50 69.20 5,555.48 09/12/05 69.97 68.67 5,551.09 12/07/05 74.36 73.06 5,552.85 03/08/06 72.60 71.30 5,554.30 06/13/06 71.15 69.85 5,554.87 07/18/06 70.58 69.28 5,550.88 11/07/06 74.57 73.27 5,558.77 02/27/07 66.68 65.38 5,548.54 05/02/07 76.91 75.61 5,551.33 10/10/07 74.12 72.82 5,545.56 03/26/08 79.89 78.59 5,545.56 06/25/08 79.89 78.59 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,545.82 08/26/08 79.63 78.33 5,545.64 10/14/08 79.81 78.51 5,544.45 03/03/09 81.00 79.70 5,545.32 06/24/09 80.13 78.83 5,544.61 09/10/09 80.84 79.54 5,549.33 12/11/09 76.12 74.82 5,543.78 03/11/10 81.67 80.37 5,545.61 05/11/10 79.84 78.54 5,547.43 09/29/10 78.02 76.72 5,544.14 12/21/10 81.31 80.01 5,546.77 02/28/11 78.68 77.38 5,537.60 06/21/11 87.85 86.55 5,551.46 09/20/11 73.99 72.69 5,549.12 12/21/11 76.33 75.03 5,557.30 03/27/12 68.15 66.85 5,557.38 06/28/12 68.07 66.77 5,550.86 09/27/12 74.59 73.29 5,557.30 12/28/12 68.15 66.85 5,565.37 03/28/13 60.08 58.78 5,563.55 06/27/13 61.90 60.60 5,560.12 09/27/13 65.33 64.03 5,559.27 12/20/13 66.18 64.88 5,556.65 03/27/14 68.80 67.50 5,552.23 06/25/14 73.22 71.92 5,554.05 09/25/14 71.40 70.10 5,550.65 12/17/14 74.80 73.50 5,557.55 03/26/15 67.90 66.60 5,558.51 06/22/15 66.94 65.64 5,560.81 09/30/15 64.64 63.34 5,560.25 12/02/15 65.20 63.90 5,561.07 03/30/16 64.38 63.08 5,560.51 06/30/16 64.94 63.64 5,557.99 09/29/16 67.46 66.16 5,561.26 12/21/16 64.19 62.89 5,559.85 03/30/17 65.60 64.30 5,559.35 06/27/17 66.10 64.80 5,553.30 09/28/17 72.15 70.85 5,557.38 11/30/17 68.07 66.77 5,543.85 03/28/18 81.60 80.30 5,553.27 06/22/18 72.18 70.88 5,547.57 09/24/18 77.88 76.58 5,547.63 12/20/18 77.82 76.52 5,545.54 03/25/19 79.91 78.61 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,547.27 06/24/19 78.18 76.88 5,549.07 08/12/19 76.38 75.08 5,549.15 11/18/19 76.30 75.00 5,552.38 02/13/20 73.07 71.77 5,539.82 05/04/20 85.63 84.33 5,545.34 09/21/20 80.11 78.81 5,551.33 12/28/20 74.12 72.82 5,551.37 03/11/21 74.08 72.78 5,539.74 06/24/21 85.71 84.41 5,550.05 08/11/21 75.40 74.10 -0 0 \0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -.J 0 0\ 0 V, 0 ~ 1-----+-----+-----1-----+----...... ----1-08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 05/23/08 10/20/08 03/19/09 08/16/09 01/13/10 06/12/10 11/09/10 04/08/11 09/05/11 02/02/12 07/01/12 11/28/12 04/27/13 09/24/13 02/21/14 07/21/14 12/18/14 05/17/15 10/14/15 03/12/16 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 .___ __ ___. ___ __._ ___ __._ ___ __._ ___ __.__ ___ _.._ 10/07/22 ~ ~ N O'\ ~ ;- "'1 0 ~ "'O ~ 0 -< ~ "'1 ~ ... 9 ~ ,-.... ? 'r::,' §" "'O '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total ' Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5 625.28 5,628.65 3.37 147.6 5 562.91 08/23/02 61.11 57.74 5,563.45 09/11/02 60.57 57.20 5,563.75 10/23/02 60.27 56.90 5,563.68 11/22/02 60.34 56.97 5,563.68 12/03/02 60.34 56.97 5,564.16 01/09/03 59.86 56.49 5,564.25 02/12/03 59.77 56.40 5,564.53 03/26/03 59.49 56.12 5,564.46 04/02/03 59.56 56.19 5,564.79 05/01/03 59.23 55.86 5,564.31 06/09/03 59.71 56.34 5,563.29 07/07/03 60.73 57.36 5,562.76 08/04/03 61.26 57.89 5,561.73 09/11/03 62.29 58.92 5,561.04 10/02/03 62.98 59.61 5,560.39 11/07/03 63.63 60.26 5,559.79 12/03/03 64.23 60.86 5,561.02 01/15/04 63.00 59.63 5,561.75 02/10/04 62.27 58.90 5,562.98 03/28/04 61.04 57.67 5,563.29 04/12/04 60.73 57.36 5,564.03 05/13/04 59.99 56.62 5,564.09 06/18/04 59.93 56.56 5,565.08 07/28/04 58.94 55.57 5,564.56 08/30/04 59.46 56.09 5,563.55 09/16/04 60.47 57.10 5,561.79 10/11/04 62.23 58.86 5,560.38 11/16/04 63.64 60.27 5,559.71 12/22/04 64.31 60.94 5,559.14 01/18/05 64.88 61.51 5,558.65 02/28/05 65.37 62.00 5,558.54 03/15/05 65.48 62.11 5,558.22 04/26/05 65.80 62.43 5,558.54 05/24/05 65.48 62.11 5,559.24 06/30/05 64.78 61.41 5,559.38 07/29/05 64.64 61.27 5,559.23 09/12/05 64.79 61.42 5,557.67 12/07/05 66.35 62.98 5,557.92 03/08/06 66.10 62.73 5,558.47 06/13/06 65.55 62 .18 5,558.42 07/18/06 65.60 62.23 5,558.09 11/07/06 65.93 62.56 5,557.34 02/27/07 66.68 63.31 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.28 5,628.65 3.37 147.6 5,547.11 05/02/07 76.91 73.54 5,558.52 08/14/07 65.50 62.13 5,559.02 10/10/07 65.00 61.63 5,561.04 03/26/08 62.98 59.61 5,560.06 06/24/08 63.96 60.59 5,559.32 08/26/08 64.70 61.33 5,558.89 10/14/08 65.13 61.76 5,558.40 03/03/09 65.62 62.25 5,558.32 06/24/09 65 .70 62.33 5,558.03 09/10/09 65.99 62.62 5,558.81 12/11/09 65.21 61.84 5,559.80 03/11/10 64.22 60.85 5,559.85 05/11/10 64.17 60.80 5,560.54 09/29/10 63.48 60.11 5,558.65 12/21/10 65 .37 62.00 5,559.26 02/28/11 64.76 61.39 5,560.48 06/21/11 63.54 60.17 5,561.52 09/20/11 62.50 59.13 5,562.95 12/21/11 61.07 57.70 5,563.76 03/27/12 60.26 56.89 5,563.90 06/28/12 60.12 56.75 5,564.65 09/27/12 59.37 56.00 5,563.77 12/28/12 60.25 56.88 5,564.74 03/28/13 59.28 55.91 5,563.66 06/27/13 60.36 56.99 5,562.27 09/27/13 61.75 58.38 5,562.17 12/20/13 61.85 58.48 5,561.17 03/27/14 62.85 59.48 5,559.53 06/25/14 64.49 61.12 5,558.36 09/25/14 65.66 62.29 5,558.00 12/17/14 66.02 62.65 5,559.02 03/26/15 65.00 61.63 5,560.62 06/22/15 63.40 60.03 5,560.62 09/30/15 63.40 60.03 5,560.85 12/02/15 63.17 59.80 5,560.92 03/30/16 63.10 59.73 5,559.95 06/30/16 64.07 60.70 5,559.72 09/29/16 64.30 60.93 5,559.71 12/21/16 64.31 60.94 5,559.53 03/30/17 64.49 61.12 5,569.02 06/27/17 59.63 56.26 5,558.97 09/28/17 69.68 66.31 5,558.51 11/30/17 70.14 66.77 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.28 5,628.65 3.37 147.6 5,558.00 03/29/18 70.65 67.28 5,557.94 06/22/18 70.71 67.34 5,557.67 09/25/18 70.98 67.61 5,557.66 12/17/18 70.99 67.62 5,548.49 03/25/19 80.16 76.79 5,556.98 06/24/19 71.67 68.30 5,556.83 08/12/19 71.82 68.45 5,556.90 11/18/19 71.75 68.38 5,556.65 02/10/20 72.00 68.63 5,556.25 05/04/20 72.40 69.03 5,555.53 09/22/20 73.12 69.75 5,555.37 12/30/20 73.28 69.91 5,555.38 03/11/21 73.27 69.9 5,554.94 06/24/21 73.71 70.34 5,554.95 08/13/21 73.70 70.33 00 VI 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -J VI -J 0 0\ VI 0\ 0 VI VI VI 0 t-----+-----i----t-----+------<11'*1----t-----t-08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 ,_ 07/28/07 12/25/07 05/23/08 10/20/08 03/19/09 08/16/09 01/13/10 06/12/10 11/09/10 04/08/11 09/05/11 02/02/12 07/01/12 11/28/12 04/27/13 09/24/13 02/21/14 07/21/14 12/18/14 05/17/15 10/14/15 03/12/16 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 .___ __ ......_ __ ~ __ _______..____ __ _.__ __ __._ __ _______..____ __ ...._ 10/07/22 ~ ~ I ~ °" ~ ;- ""S e:, ~ "'O ~ 0 ~ ""S ~ .... a ~ ---? C" -a "'O ._, Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 130.6 5,542.17 08/23/02 83.07 81.24 5,542.39 09/11/02 82.85 81.02 5,542.61 10/23/02 82.63 80.80 5,542.49 11/22/02 82.75 80.92 5,542.82 12/03/02 82.42 80.59 5,543.03 01/09/03 82.21 80.38 5,543.04 02/12/03 82.20 80.37 5,543.41 03/26/03 81.83 80.00 5,543.69 04/02/03 81.55 79.72 5,543.77 05/01/03 81.47 79.64 5,544.01 06/09/03 81.23 79.40 5,544.05 07/07/03 81.19 79.36 5,543.99 08/04/03 81.25 79.42 5,544.17 09/11/03 81.07 79.24 5,544.06 10/02/03 81.18 79.35 5,544.03 11/07/03 81.21 79.38 5,543.94 12/03/03 81.30 79.47 5,543.98 01/15/04 81.26 79.43 5,543.85 02/10/04 81.39 79.56 5,544.05 03/28/04 81.19 79.36 5,544.33 04/12/04 80.91 79.08 5,544.55 05/13/04 80.69 78.86 5,544.59 06/18/04 80.65 78.82 5,545.08 07/28/04 80.16 78.33 5,545.26 08/30/04 79.98 78.15 5,545.48 09/16/04 79.76 77.93 5,545.61 10/11/04 79.63 77.80 5,545.46 11/16/04 79.78 77.95 5,545.66 12/22/04 79.58 77.75 5,545.33 01/18/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.51 02/28/05 79.73 77.90 5,545.57 03/15/05 79.67 77.84 5,545.46 04/26/05 79.78 77.95 5,545.45 05/24/05 79.79 77.96 5,545.33 06/30/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.16 07/29/05 80.08 78.25 5,545.54 09/12/05 79.70 77.87 5,545.77 12/07/05 79.47 77 .64 5,546.09 03/08/06 79.15 77.32 5,545.94 06/13/06 79.30 77.47 5,545.94 07/18/06 79.30 77.47 5,546.24 11/07/06 79.00 77.17 5,546.81 02/27/07 78.43 76.60 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.4] 5,625.24 1.83 130.6 5,546.56 05/02/07 78.68 76.85 5,546.8] 08/15/07 78.43 76.6 5,546.96 10/10/07 78.28 76.45 5,547.90 03/26/08 77.34 75 .51 5,548.08 06/25/08 77.16 75.33 5,548.42 08/26/08 76.82 74.99 5,548.05 10/14/08 77.19 75 .36 5,548.29 03/03/09 76.95 75.12 5,548.09 06/24/09 77.15 75.32 5,547.79 09/10/09 77.45 75.62 5,548.09 12/11/09 77.15 75 .32 5,548.50 03/11/10 76.74 74.91 5,548.89 05/11/10 76.35 74.52 5,548.83 09/29/10 76.41 74.58 5,548.97 12/21/10 76.27 74.44 5,548.68 02/28/11 76.56 74.73 5,549.33 06/21/11 75.91 74.08 5,549.19 09/20/11 76.05 74.22 5,550.06 12/21/11 75.18 73.35 5,550.31 03/27/12 74.93 73.10 5,550.32 06/28/12 74.92 73.09 5,550.88 09/27/12 74.36 72.53 5,550.29 12/28/12 74.95 73.12 5,551.54 03/28/13 73.70 71.87 5,550.34 06/27/13 74.90 73.07 5,551.35 09/27/13 73.89 72.06 5,551.33 12/20/13 73.91 72.08 5,550.97 03/27/14 74.27 72.44 5,550.16 06/25/14 75.08 73.25 5,549.29 09/25/14 75.95 74.12 5,548.99 12/17/14 76.25 74.42 5,548.24 03/26/15 77.00 75.17 5,548.29 06/22/15 76.95 75.12 5,548.33 09/30/15 76.91 75.08 5,547.98 12/02/15 77.26 75.43 5,548.24 03/30/16 77.00 75.17 5,547.68 06/30/16 77.56 75.73 5,547.29 09/29/16 77.95 76.12 5,547.09 12/21/16 78.15 76.32 5,547.34 03/30/17 77.90 76.07 5,546.94 06/27/17 78.30 76.47 5,546.59 09/28/17 78.65 76.82 5,546.32 11/30/17 78.92 77.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 130.6 5,546.19 03/29/18 79.05 77.22 5,545.99 06/22/18 79.25 77.42 5,545.57 09/26/18 79.67 77.84 5,545.56 12/17/18 79.68 77.85 5,545.08 03/26/19 80.16 78.33 5,544.99 06/24/19 80.25 78.42 5,544.87 08/12/19 80.37 78.54 5,544.70 11/19/19 80.54 78.71 5,544.57 02/13/20 80.67 78.84 5,544.99 05/05/20 80.25 78.42 5,543.69 09/22/20 81.55 79.72 5,543.67 12/30/20 81.57 79.74 5,543.64 03/11/21 81.60 79.77 5,543.20 06/24/21 82.04 80.21 5,543.06 08/11/21 82.18 80.35 00 .j::,,. 00 N Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -.J 00 -.J O'I ~ -.J N 08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 ~ 05/23/08 ~ 10/20/08 I 03/19/09 ~ N 08/16/09 ~ 01/13/10 06/12/10 ..... ~ 11/09/10 ~ 04/08/11 ~ ~ 09/05/1 l "'O ..... 02/02/12 t:r" 07/01/12 0 11/28/12 ~ ~ 04/27/13 ~ ~ 09/24/13 .... 02/21/14 a ~ 07/21/14 --12/18/14 ? 05/17/15 -r:::r -10/14/15 a 03/12/16 "'O '-' 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 10/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 136.9 5,585.13 08/23/02 56.15 54.00 5,585.41 09/11/02 55.87 53.72 5,585.47 10/23/02 55.81 53.66 5,585.40 11/22/02 55.88 53.73 5,585.68 12/03/02 55.60 53.45 5,585.90 01/09/03 55.38 53.23 5,590.79 02/12/03 50.49 48.34 5,586.18 03/26/03 55.10 52.95 5,586.36 04/02/03 54.92 52.77 5,586.24 05/01/03 55.04 52.89 5,584.93 06/09/03 56.35 54.20 5,584.46 07/07/03 56.82 54.67 5,584.55 08/04/03 56.73 54.58 5,584.01 09/11/03 57.27 55.12 5,583.67 10/02/03 57.61 55.46 5,583.50 11/07/03 57.78 55.63 5,584.08 12/03/03 57.20 55.05 5,585.45 01/15/04 55.83 53.68 5,585.66 02/10/04 55.62 53.47 5,586.13 03/28/04 55.15 53.00 5,586.39 04/12/04 54.89 52.74 5,586.66 05/13/04 54.62 52.47 5,586.77 06/18/04 54.51 52.36 5,587.35 07/28/04 53.93 51.78 5,586.34 08/30/04 54.94 52.79 5,585.85 09/16/04 55.43 53.28 5,585.22 10/11/04 56.06 53.91 5,584.70 11/16/04 56.58 54.43 5,584.81 12/22/04 56.47 54.32 5,584.68 01/18/05 56.60 54.45 5,585.02 02/28/05 56.26 54.11 5,585.25 03/15/05 56.03 53.88 5,586.31 04/26/05 54.97 52.82 5,586.97 05/24/05 54.3 1 52.16 5,586.58 06/30/05 54.70 52.55 5,586.10 07/29/05 55.18 53.03 5,586.05 09/12/05 55.23 53.08 5,585.86 12/07/05 55.42 53.27 5,587.13 03/08/06 54.15 52.00 5,585.93 06/13/06 55.35 53.20 5,585.40 07/18/06 55.88 53.73 5,585.38 11/07/06 55.90 53.75 5,585.83 02/27/07 55.45 53.30 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 136.9 5,585.15 05/02/07 56.13 53.98 5,586.47 06/24/08 54.81 52.66 5,586.30 08/26/08 54.98 52.83 5,585.21 10/14/08 56.07 53.92 5,584.47 03/03/09 56.81 54.66 5,584.35 06/24/09 56.93 54.78 5,583.88 09/10/09 57.40 55.25 5,584.43 12/11/09 56.85 54.70 5,585.26 03/11/10 56.02 53.87 5,584.17 05/11/10 57.11 54.96 5,583.61 09/29/10 57.67 55.52 5,604.29 12/21/10 36.99 34.84 5,583.56 02/28/11 57.72 55.57 5,584.73 06/21/11 56.55 54.40 5,584.71 09/20/11 56.57 54.42 5,585.03 12/21/11 56.25 54.10 5,584.63 03/27/12 56.65 54.50 5,584.67 06/28/12 56.61 54.46 5,583.98 09/27/12 57.30 55.15 5,584.65 12/28/12 56.63 54.48 5,582.88 03/28/13 58.40 56.25 5,584.63 06/27/13 56.65 54.50 5,581.38 09/27/13 59.90 57.75 5,579.71 12/20/13 61.57 59.42 5,579.26 03/27/14 62.02 59.87 5,577.73 06/25/14 63.55 61.40 5,576.79 09/25/14 64.49 62.34 5,577.11 12/17/14 64.17 62.02 5,577.18 03/26/15 64.10 61.95 5,577.13 06/22/15 64.15 62.00 5,576.63 09/30/15 64.65 62.50 5,576.20 12/02/15 65.08 62.93 5,576.05 03/30/16 65.23 63.08 5,575.35 06/30/16 65.93 63.78 5,575.02 09/29/16 66.26 64.11 5,574.34 12/21/ 16 66.94 64.79 5,574.73 03/30/17 66.55 64.40 5,574.13 06/27/17 67.15 65.00 5,573.51 09/28/17 67.77 65.62 5,572.93 11/29/17 68.35 66.20 5,572.51 03/29/18 68.77 66.62 5,572.28 06/22/18 69.00 66.85 5,571.72 09/26/18 69.56 67.41 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 136.9 5,571.45 12/17/18 69.83 67.68 5,570.86 03/26/19 70.42 68.27 5,570.60 06/24/19 70.68 68.53 5,570.53 08/12/19 70.75 68.60 5,570.39 11/19/19 70.89 68.74 5,570.03 02/10/20 71.25 69.10 5,569.68 05/04/20 71.60 69.45 5,568.90 09/22/20 72.38 70.23 5,568.70 12/30/20 72.58 70.43 5,568.73 03/11/21 72.55 70.40 5,568.28 06/24/21 73.00 70.85 5,568.17 08/13/21 73.11 70.96 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 -..J 0\ Vt .j:::,. w N -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08/23/02 01/20/03 06/19/03 11/16/03 04/14/04 09/11/04 02/08/05 07/08/05 12/05/05 05/04/06 10/01/06 02/28/07 07/28/07 12/25/07 ~ 05/23/08 ~ 10/20/08 ,I:;.. I 03/19/09 """ 00 08/16/09 ~ 01/13/10 06/12/10 ~ ('ti 11/09/10 "1 04/08/11 ~ ('ti 09/05/11 ~ ~ 02/02/12 =r" 07/01/12 0 11/28/12 < ('ti 04/27/13 "1 ~ 09/24/13 .... 02/21/14 a ('ti 07/21/14 -.. 12/18/14 ? 05/17/15 -r:::r -10/14/15 a 03/12/16 ~ '-' 08/09/16 01/06/17 06/05/17 11/02/17 04/01/18 08/29/18 ,_ 01/26/19 06/25/19 11/22/19 04/20/20 09/17/20 02/14/21 07/14/21 12/11/21 05/10/22 10/07/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Total Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,629.53 5,631.39 1.86 126.86 5,581.88 08/23/02 49.51 47.65 5,582.14 09/11/02 49.25 47.39 5,582.06 10/23/02 49.33 47.47 5,582.07 11/22/02 49.32 47.46 5,582.16 12/03/02 49.23 47.37 5,582.28 01/09/03 49.11 47.25 5,582.29 02/21/03 49.10 47.24 5,582.74 03/26/03 48.65 46.79 5,582.82 04/02/03 48.57 46.71 5,548.47 05/01/03 82.92 81.06 5,564.76 06/09/03 66.63 64.77 5,562.53 07/07/03 68.86 67.00 5,564.10 08/04/03 67.29 65.43 5,566.01 08/30/04 65.38 63.52 5,555.16 09/16/04 76.23 74.37 5,549.80 10/11/04 81.59 79.73 5,546.04 11/16/04 85.35 83.49 5,547.34 12/22/04 84.05 82.19 5,548.77 01/18/05 82.62 80.76 5,551.18 02/28/05 80.21 78.35 5,556.81 03/15/05 74.58 72.72 5,562.63 04/26/05 68 .76 66.90 5,573.42 05/24/05 57.97 56.11 5,552.94 07/29/05 78.45 76.59 5,554.00 09/12/05 77.39 75.53 5,555.98 12/07/05 75.41 73.55 5,552.00 03/08/06 79.39 77.53 5,545.74 06/13/06 85.65 83.79 5,544.06 07/18/06 87.33 85.47 5,548.81 11/07/06 82.58 80.72 5,543.59 02/27/07 87.80 85.94 5,544.55 05/02/07 86.84 84.98 5,558.97 08/15/07 72.42 70.56 5,559.73 10/10/07 71.66 69.8 5,569.26 03/26/08 62.13 60.27 5,535.47 06/25/08 95.92 94.06 5,541.41 08/26/08 89.98 88.12 5,558.45 10/14/08 72.94 71.08 5,536.90 03/03/09 94.49 92.63 5,547.76 06/24/09 83.63 81.77 5,561.48 09/10/09 69.91 68.05 5,548.14 12/11/09 83.25 81.39 5,570.58 03/11/10 60.81 58.95 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Total Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,629.53 5,631.39 1.86 126.86 5,561.35 05/11/10 70.04 68 .18 5,535.26 09/29/10 96.13 94 .27 5,568.40 12/21/10 62.99 61.13 5,550.36 02/28/11 81.03 79.17 5,570.41 06/21/11 60.98 59.12 5,567.84 09/20/11 63.55 61.69 5,571.32 12/21/11 60.07 58.21 5,572.40 03/27/12 58.99 57.13 5,572.39 06/28/12 59.00 57.14 5,571.40 09/27/12 59.99 58.13 5,568.21 12/28/12 63.18 61.32 5,572.51 03/28/13 58.88 57 .02 5,566.00 06/27/13 65.39 63 .53 5,568.37 09/27/13 63.02 61.16 5,564.55 12/20/13 66.84 64.98 5,565.11 03/27/14 66.28 64.42 5,561.49 06/25/14 69.90 68 .04 5,562.67 09/25/14 68.72 66.86 5,562.99 12/17/14 68.40 66.54 5,567.99 03/26/15 63.40 61.54 5,562.79 06/22/15 68.60 66.74 5,568.16 09/30/15 63.23 61.37 5,567.51 12/02/15 63.88 62 .02 5,566.38 03/30/16 65.01 63.15 5,566.91 06/30/16 64.48 62.62 5,567.38 09/29/16 64.01 62 .15 5,567.41 12/21/16 63.98 62.12 5,566.87 03/30/17 64.52 62.66 5,566.76 06/27/17 64.63 62.77 5,565.19 09/28/17 66.20 64.34 5,565.79 11/30/17 65.60 63.74 5,563.79 03/28/18 67.60 65.74 5,564.58 06/22/18 66.81 64.95 5,562.56 09/24/18 68.83 66.97 5,555.78 12/18/18 75.61 73 .75 5,547.86 03/25/19 83.53 81 .67 5,557.99 06/24/19 73.40 71 .54 5,554.26 08/12/19 77.13 75.27 5,561.87 11/18/19 69.52 67.66 5,561.71 02/10/20 69.68 67 .82 5,563.21 05/04/20 68.18 66.32 5,559.19 09/21/20 72.20 70.34 5,554.95 12/28/20 76.44 74.58 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) 5,629.53 5,558.24 5,559.02 5,557.99 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) 5,631.39 1.86 03/11/21 73.15 06/24/21 72.37 08/13/21 73.40 Total Depth to Water Total Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 126.86 71.29 70.51 71 .54 -0 0 \0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -..J 0 ~ Vl 0 .i:. 0 06/08/01 11/05/01 04/04/02 09/01/02 01/29/03 06/28/03 11/25/03 04/23/04 09/20/04 02/17/05 07/17/05 12/14/05 05/13/06 10/10/06 ~ 03/09/07 08/06/07 ~ 01/03/08 ... I 06/01/08 ~ ~ 10/29/08 ~ 03/28/09 08/25/09 -~ 01/22/10 ., 06/21/10 ~ ~ 11/18/10 "Cl -04/17/11 =-09/14/11 0 02/11/12 < ~ 07/10/12 ., 12/07/12 ~ .... 05/06/13 9 10/03/13 ~ 03/02/14 -~ 07/30/14 . 12/27/14 i::r -05/26/15 9 10/23/15 "Cl --03/21/16 08/18/16 01/15/17 06/14/17 11/11/17 04/10/18 09/07/18 02/04/19 07/04/19 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 10/16/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.20 5,639.35 1.15 118.8 5,582.98 07/29/05 56.37 55.22 5,583.43 08/30/05 55.92 54.77 5,581.87 09/12/05 57.48 56.33 5,580.50 12/07/05 58.85 57.70 5,583.64 03/08/06 55.71 54.56 5,580.55 06/13/06 58.80 57.65 5,578.95 07/18/06 60.40 59.25 5,578.47 11/07/06 60.88 59.73 5,579.53 02/27/07 59.82 58.67 5,578.07 05/02/07 61.28 60.13 5,583.41 08/15/07 55.94 54.79 5,583.45 10/10/07 55.90 54.75 5,586.47 03/26/08 52.88 51.73 5,579.16 06/24/08 60.19 59.04 5,579.92 08/26/08 59.43 58.28 5,577.37 10/14/08 61.98 60.83 5,578.00 03/10/09 61.35 60.20 5,580.14 06/24/09 59.21 58.06 5,578.72 09/10/09 60.63 59.48 5,579.99 12/11/09 59.36 58.21 5,582.81 03/11/10 56.54 55.39 5,582.23 05/11/10 57.12 55.97 5,576.60 09/29/10 62.75 61.60 5,581.14 12/21/10 58.21 57.06 5,579.53 02/28/11 59.82 58.67 5,584.17 06/21/11 55.18 54.03 5,584.80 09/20/11 54.55 53.40 5,585.68 12/21/11 53.67 52.52 5,585.24 03/27/12 54.11 52.96 5,585.26 06/28/12 54.09 52.94 5,585.16 09/27/12 54.19 53.04 5,585.25 12/28/12 54.JO 52.95 5,582.84 03/28/13 56.51 55.36 5,581.79 06/27/13 57.56 56.41 5,580.89 09/27/13 58.46 57.31 5,577.45 12/20/13 61.90 60.75 5,576.01 03/27/14 63.34 62.19 5,574.08 06/25/14 65.27 64.12 5,573.20 09/25/14 66.15 65.00 5,576.13 12/17/14 63.22 62.07 5,578.19 03/26/15 61.16 60.01 5,574.85 06/22/15 64.50 63.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.20 5,639.35 1.15 118.8 5,573.05 09/30/15 66.30 65.15 5,569.88 12/02/15 69.47 68.32 5,571.81 03/30/16 67.54 66.39 5,571.86 06/30/16 67.49 66.34 5,570.82 09/29/16 68.53 67.38 5,570.45 12/21/16 68.90 67.75 5,574.53 03/30/17 64.82 63.67 5,569.91 06/27/17 69.44 68.29 5,569.49 09/28/17 69.86 68.71 5,566.87 11/30/17 72.48 71.33 5,568.10 03/28/18 71.25 70.10 5,568.17 06/22/18 71.18 70.03 5,567.50 09/24/18 71.85 70.70 5,554.80 12/17/18 84.55 83.40 5,560.92 03/25/19 78.43 77.28 5,561.49 06/24/19 77.86 76.71 5,564.17 08/12/19 75.18 74.03 5,555.91 11/18/19 83.44 82.29 5,561.05 02/10/20 78.30 77.15 5,567.23 05/04/20 72.12 70.97 5,566.29 09/21/20 73.06 71.91 5,562.48 12/28/20 76.87 75.72 5,568.64 03/11/21 70.71 69.56 5,564.50 06/24/21 74.85 73.70 5,567.02 08/13/21 72.33 71.18 I.O 0 00 0 -..J 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ 0 V, 0 .j::. 0 (.;.) 0 N 0 -0 0 ~ 07/29/05 12/26/05 05/25/06 10/22/06 03/21/07 08/18/07 01/15/08 06/13/08 11/10/08 04/09/09 09/06/09 02/03/10 07/03/10 11/30/10 04/29/11 09/26/11 02/23/12 07/22/12 12/19/12 05/18/13 10/15/13 03/14/14 08/11/14 01/08/15 06/07/15 ll/04/15 04/02/16 08/30/16 01/27/17 06/26/17 11/23/17 04/22/18 09/19/18 02/16/19 07/16/19 12/13/19 05/11/20 10/08/20 03/07/21 08/04/21 01/01/22 05/31/22 '---~--------~------~------~----------'-10/28/22 ""'3 ! I N ,.... ~ ;- "1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 < ~ "1 ""'3 .... a ~ -? a" s ~ ._.. Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,629.00 1.17 114.7 5,571.89 07/29/05 57.11 55.94 5,572.20 08/30/05 56.80 55.63 5,572.08 09/12/05 56.92 55.75 5,571.61 12/07/05 57.39 56.22 5,571.85 03/08/06 57.15 55.98 5,571.62 06/13/06 57.38 56.21 5,571.42 07/18/06 57.58 56.41 5,571.02 11/07/06 57.98 56.81 5571.24 02/27/07 57.76 56.59 5,570.75 06/29/07 58.25 57.08 5,571.82 08/14/07 57.18 56.01 5,571.99 10/10/07 57.01 55.84 5,573.05 03/26/08 55.95 54.78 5,573.04 06/24/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.04 08/26/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.02 10/14/08 55.98 54.81 5,573.19 03/10/09 55.81 54.64 5,573.32 06/24/09 55.68 54.51 5,573.17 09/10/09 55.83 54.66 5,573.52 12/11/09 55.48 54.31 5,573.88 03/11/10 55.12 53.95 5,574.29 05/11/10 54.71 53.54 5,574.88 09/29/10 54.12 52.95 5,574.44 12/21/10 54.56 53.39 5,574.49 02/28/11 54.51 53.34 5,574.97 06/21/11 54.03 52.86 5,575.06 09/20/11 53.94 52.77 5,575.69 12/21/11 53.31 52.14 5,575.61 03/27/12 53.39 52.22 5,575.62 06/28/12 53.38 52.21 5,575.90 09/27/12 53.10 51.93 5,575.59 12/28/12 53.41 52.24 5,573.50 03/28/13 55.50 54.33 5,572.45 06/27/13 56.55 55.38 5,572.25 09/27/13 56.75 55.58 5,569.93 12/20/13 59.07 57.90 5,569.36 03/27/14 59.64 58.47 5,569.02 06/25/14 59.98 58.81 5,570.00 09/25/14 59.00 57.83 5,568.60 12/17/14 60.40 59.23 5,557.00 03/26/15 72.00 70.83 5,570.93 06/22/15 58.07 56.90 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,629.00 1.17 114.7 5,571.24 09/30/15 57.76 56.59 5,568.23 12/02/15 60.77 59.60 5,570.28 03/30/16 58.72 57.55 5,570.75 06/30/16 58.25 57.08 5,544.60 09/29/16 84.40 83.23 5,565.11 12/21/16 63.89 62.72 5,567.99 03/30/17 61.01 59.84 5,569.17 06/27/17 59.83 58.66 5,569.37 09/28/17 59.63 58.46 5,566.48 11/30/17 62.52 61.35 5,568.30 03/28/18 60.70 59.53 5,568.42 06/22/18 60.58 59.41 5,567.98 09/24/18 61.02 59.85 5,553.65 12/17/18 75.35 74.18 5,550.09 03/25/19 78.91 77.74 5,540.65 06/24/19 88.35 87.18 5,557.09 08/12/19 71.91 70.74 5,544.97 11/18/19 84.03 82.86 5,558.05 02/10/20 70.95 69.78 5,558.77 05/04/20 70.23 69.06 5,559.12 09/21/20 69.88 68.71 5,564.70 12/28/20 64.30 63.13 5,560.19 03/11/21 68.81 67.64 5,560.12 06/24/21 68.88 67.71 5,560.80 08/13/21 68.20 67.03 -0 0 \0 0 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -..J 0 °' 0 u, 0 ~ (;.) 0 N 0 -0 0 07/29/05 12/26/05 05/25/06 10/22/06 03/21/07 08/18/07 01/15/08 06/13/08 11/10/08 04/09/09 09/06/09 02/03/10 lo-3 07/03/10 ~ 11/30/10 .,I. I 04/29/11 N N 09/26/11 ~ 02/23/12 ;- 07/22/12 "'1 12/19/12 c::, ~ 05/18/13 "C -10/15/13 =-0 03/14/14 ~ ~ 08/11/14 "'1 01/08/15 lo-3 ... 06/07/15 a ~ 11/04/15 - 04/02/16 ? 'C:1' 08/30/16 a 01/27/17 "C --06/26/17 11/23/17 04/22/18 09/19/18 02/16/19 07/16/19 12/13/19 05/11/20 10/08/20 03/07/21 08/04/21 01/01/22 05/31/22 10/28/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-23 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,605.77 5,607.37 1.60 116.4 5,538.89 09/13/07 68.48 66.88 5,538.80 10/10/07 68.57 66.97 5,539.25 11/30/07 68.12 66.52 5,539.49 12/11/07 67.88 66.28 5,539.19 01/08/08 68.18 66.58 5,539.44 02/18/08 67.93 66.33 5,539.54 03/26/08 67.83 66.23 5,539.71 04/23/08 67.66 66.06 5539.48 05/30/08 67.89 66.29 5,539.53 06/24/08 67.84 66.24 5,539.44 07/16/08 67.93 66.33 5,539.68 08/26/08 67.69 66.09 5,541.18 09/10/08 66.19 64.59 5,539.57 10/14/08 67.80 66.20 5,539.29 11/26/08 68.08 66.48 5,539.55 12/29/08 67.82 66.22 5,540.15 01/26/09 67.22 65.62 5,539.74 02/24/09 67.63 66.03 5,539.86 03/06/09 67.51 65.91 5,539.72 04/07/09 67.65 66.05 5,539.84 05/29/09 67.53 65.93 5,540.12 06/30/09 67.25 65.65 5,540.12 07/31/09 67.25 65.65 5,540.27 08/31/09 67.10 65.50 5,540.13 09/10/09 67.24 65.64 5,540.64 12/11/09 66.73 65.13 5,541.15 03/11/10 66.22 64.62 5,541.61 05/11/10 65.76 64.16 5,541.47 09/29/10 65.90 64.30 5,541.54 12/21/10 65.83 64.23 5,541.54 02/28/11 65.83 64.23 5,541.98 06/21/11 65.39 63.79 5,541.90 09/20/11 65.47 63.87 5,542.58 12/21/11 64.79 63.19 5,542.59 03/27/12 64.78 63.18 5,542.61 06/28/12 64.76 63.16 5,542.92 09/27/12 64.45 62.85 5,542.61 12/28/12 64.76 63.16 5,543.48 03/28/13 63.89 62.29 5,543.23 06/27/13 64.14 62.54 5,543.12 09/27/13 64.25 62.65 5,542.96 12/20/13 64.41 62.81 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-23 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,605.77 5,607.37 1.60 116.4 5,542.35 03/27/14 65.02 63.42 5,541.42 06/25/14 65.95 64.35 5,540.65 09/25/14 66.72 65.12 5,540.34 12/17/14 67.03 65.43 5,539.47 03/26/15 67.90 66.30 5,539.22 06/22/15 68.15 66.55 5,538.82 09/30/15 68.55 66.95 5,538.28 12/02/15 69.09 67.49 5,538.29 03/30/16 69.08 67.48 5,537.60 06/30/16 69.77 68.17 5,537.07 09/29/16 70.30 68.70 5,536.86 12/21/16 70.51 68.91 5,536.91 03/30/17 70.46 68.86 5,536.49 06/27/17 70.88 69.28 5,536.18 09/28/17 71.19 69.59 5,535.72 11/30/17 71.65 70.05 5,535.62 03/28/18 71.75 70.15 5,535.34 06/22/18 72.03 70.43 5,534.93 09/25/18 72.44 70.84 5,534.64 12/17/18 72.73 71.13 5,534.23 03/25/19 73.14 71.54 5,534.22 06/24/19 73.15 71.55 5,534.01 08/12/19 73.36 71.76 5,533.51 11/18/19 73.86 72.26 5,533.26 02/10/20 74.11 72.51 5,532.76 05/04/20 74.61 73.01 5,532.33 09/22/20 75.04 73.44 5,532.30 12/30/20 75.07 73.47 5,532.32 03/11/21 75.05 73.45 5,531.71 06/24/21 75.66 74.06 5,531.63 08/13/21 75.74 74.14 -..J 00 -..J °' -..J .j::.. Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -..J N -..J 0 °' 00 °' °' i °' N 09/13/07 02/10/08 07/09/08 12/06/08 05/05/09 10/02/09 03/01/10 07/29/10 12/26/10 05/25/11 10/22/11 i-3 ~ 03/20/12 I 08/17/12 ~ ~ 01/14/13 ~ 06/13/13 ""' ~ .., 11/10/13 t:, 04/09/14 ~ "'Cl 09/06/14 ~ 0 02/03/15 < ~ 07/03/15 .., i-3 11/30/15 -· a 04/28/16 ~ -09/25/16 ? 02/22/17 C" -a 07/22/17 "'Cl --12/19/17 05/18/18 10/15/18 03/14/19 08/11/19 01/08/20 06/06/20 11/03/20 04/02/21 08/30/21 01/27/22 06/26/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-24 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.70 5,627.83 2.13 114.8 5,570.61 09/13/07 57.22 55.09 5,570.53 10/10/07 57.30 55.17 5,571.16 11/30/07 56.67 54.54 5,571.30 12/11/07 56.53 54.40 5,571.03 01/08/08 56.80 54.67 5,571.22 02/18/08 56.61 54.48 5,571.43 03/26/08 56.40 54.27 5,571.68 04/23/08 56.15 54.02 5571.52 05/30/08 56.31 54.18 5,571.34 06/24/08 56.49 54.36 5,571.28 07/16/08 56.55 54.42 5,571.34 08/26/08 56.49 54.36 5,571.23 09/10/08 56.60 54.47 5,571.12 10/14/08 56.71 54.58 5,570.95 11/26/08 56.88 54.75 5,570.92 12/29/08 56.91 54.78 5,571.65 01/26/09 56.18 54.05 5,571.31 02/24/09 56.52 54.39 5,571.37 03/06/09 56.46 54.33 5,571.21 04/07/09 56.62 54.49 5,571.23 05/29/09 56.60 54.47 5,571.42 06/30/09 56.41 54.28 5,571.38 07/31/09 56.45 54.32 5,571.48 08/31/09 56.35 54.22 5,571.28 09/10/09 56.55 54.42 5,571.64 12/11/09 56.19 54.06 5,571.86 03/11/10 55.97 53.84 5,571.91 05/11/10 55.92 53.79 5,572.18 09/29/10 55.65 53.52 5,571.86 12/21/10 55.97 53.84 5,571.78 02/28/11 56.05 53.92 5,572.40 06/21/11 55.43 53.30 5,572.19 09/20/11 55.64 53.51 5,573.02 12/21/11 54.81 52.68 5,573.03 03/27/12 54.80 52.67 5,573.02 06/28/12 54.81 52.68 5,573.13 09/27/12 54.70 52.57 5,573.05 12/28/12 54.78 52.65 5,566.53 03/28/13 61.30 59.17 5,564.63 06/27/13 63.20 61.07 5,570.01 09/27/13 57.82 55.69 5,566.85 12/20/13 60.98 58.85 5,562.33 03/27/14 65.50 63.37 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-24 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.70 5,627.83 2.13 114.8 5,563.43 06/25/14 64.40 62.27 5,563.43 09/25/14 64.40 62.27 5,560.97 12/17/14 66.86 64.73 5,561.95 03/26/15 65.88 63.75 5,565.38 06/22/15 62.45 60.32 5,562.61 09/30/15 65.22 63.09 5,560.91 12/02/15 66.92 64.79 5,563.69 03/30/16 64.14 62.01 5,565.64 06/30/16 62.19 60.06 5,565.35 09/29/16 62.48 60.35 5,563.33 12/21/16 64.50 62.37 5,565.27 03/30/17 62.56 60.43 5,565.86 06/27/17 61.97 59.84 5,565.21 09/28/17 62.62 60.49 5,559.24 11/30/17 68.59 66.46 5,564.78 03/28/18 63.05 60.92 5,564.83 06/22/18 63.00 60.87 5,565.47 09/24/18 62.36 60.23 5,549.72 12/17/18 78.11 75.98 5,559.52 03/25/19 68.31 66.18 5,546.68 06/24/19 81.15 79.02 5,549.54 08/12/19 78.29 76.16 5,554.44 11/18/19 73.39 71.26 5,563.62 02/10/20 64.21 62.08 5,558.32 05/04/20 69.51 67.38 5,558.88 09/21/20 68.95 66.82 5,556.76 12/28/20 71.07 68.94 5,557.89 03/11/21 69.94 67.81 5,561.51 06/24/21 66.32 64.19 5,559.12 08/13/21 68.71 66.58 \Cl 0 0 00 0 0 -.J 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) O'I 0 0 VI 0 0 .j::,,. 0 0 (.;.) 0 0 N 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 09/13/07 02/10/08 07/09/08 12/06/08 05/05/09 10/02/09 03/01/10 07/29/10 12/26/10 05/25/11 10/22/11 ~ ~ 03/20/12 ,I;.. I 08/17/12 N ,I;.. 01/14/13 ~ 06/13/13 -tT) "1 11/10/13 ~ 04/09/14 tT) "Cl -09/06/14 ==- 02/03/15 0 ~ tT) 07/03/15 "1 ~ 11/30/15 .... e 04/28/16 tT) ,-.., 09/25/16 ? 02/22/17 "r:1" -e 07/22/17 "Cl '-' 12/19/17 05/18/18 10/15/18 03/14/19 08/11/19 01/08/20 06/06/20 11/03/20 04/02/21 08/30/21 01/27/22 06/26/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-25 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,642.82 5,644.91 2.09 136.7 5,601.86 09/13/07 43.05 40.96 5,601.89 10/10/07 43.02 40.93 5,602.57 11/30/07 42.34 40.25 5,602.82 12/11/07 42.09 40.00 5,601.94 01/08/08 42.97 40.88 5,599.13 02/18/08 45.78 43.69 5,597.11 03/26/08 47.80 45.71 5,595.51 04/23/08 49.40 47.31 5594.42 05/30/08 50.49 48.40 5,594.26 06/24/08 50.65 48.56 5,586.67 07/16/08 58.24 56.15 5,594.17 08/26/08 50.74 48.65 5,594.23 09/10/08 50.68 48.59 5,594.12 10/14/08 50.79 48.70 5,594.06 11/26/08 50.85 48.76 5,594.87 12/29/08 50.04 47.95 5,595.89 01/26/09 49.02 46.93 5,596.27 02/24/09 48.64 46.55 5,596.47 03/06/09 48.44 46.35 5,596.74 04/07/09 48.17 46.08 5,597.55 05/29/09 47.36 45.27 5,598.11 06/30/09 46.80 44.71 5,598.22 07/31/09 46.69 44.60 5,598.52 08/31/09 46.39 44.30 5,598.49 09/10/09 46.42 44.33 5,599.48 12/11/09 45.43 43.34 5,599.75 03/11/10 45.16 43.07 5,599.63 05/11/10 45.28 43.19 5,598.68 09/29/10 46.23 44.14 5,598.66 12/21/10 46.25 44.16 5,598.18 02/28/11 46.73 44.64 5,598.61 06/21/11 46.30 44.21 5,598.08 09/20/11 46.83 44.74 5,598.23 12/21/11 46.68 44.59 5,597.41 03/27/12 47.50 45.41 5,597.41 06/28/12 47.50 45.41 5,595.60 09/27/12 49.31 47.22 5,597.41 12/28/12 47.50 45.41 5,597.43 03/28/13 47.48 45.39 5,587.61 06/27/13 57.30 55.21 5,585.91 09/27/13 59.00 56.91 5,561.00 12/20/13 83.91 81.82 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-25 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,642.82 5,644.91 2.09 136.7 5,584.79 03/27/14 60.12 58.03 5,582.44 06/25/14 62.47 60.38 5,583.95 09/25/14 60.96 58.87 5,581.13 12/17/14 63.78 61.69 5,587.40 03/26/15 57.51 55.42 5,581.91 06/22/15 63.00 60.91 5,581.40 09/30/15 63.51 61.42 5,578.42 12/02/15 66.49 64.40 5,579.42 03/30/16 65.49 63.40 5,579.25 06/30/16 65.66 63.57 5,579.68 09/29/16 65.23 63.14 5,577.73 12/21/16 67.18 65.09 5,584.44 03/30/17 60.47 58.38 5,580.19 06/27/17 64.72 62.63 5,573.63 09/28/17 71 .28 69.19 5,577.88 11/30/17 67.03 64.94 5,543.71 03/28/18 101.20 99.11 5,575.26 06/22/18 69.65 67.56 5,578.78 09/24/18 66.13 64.04 5,567.86 12/17/18 77.05 74.96 5,572.46 03/25/19 72.45 70.36 5,571.58 06/24/19 73.33 71.24 5,572.15 08/12/19 72.76 70.67 5,572.66 11/18/19 72.25 70.16 5,572.77 02/10/20 72.14 70.05 5,572.46 05/04/20 72.45 70.36 5,575.17 09/21/20 69.74 67.65 5,574.42 12/28/20 70.49 68.40 5,574.90 03/11/21 70.01 67.92 5,575.01 06/24/21 69.90 67.81 5,575.66 08/13/21 69.25 67.16 --N 0 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 ~ ~ N 0 0 09/13/07 02/10/08 07/09/08 12/06/08 05/05/09 10/02/09 03/01/10 07/29/10 12/26/10 05/25/11 10/22/11 ~ ~ 03/20/12 I 08/17/12 ~ (It 01/14/13 ~ 06/13/13 ~ ~ "'1 11/10/13 ~ 04/09/14 ~ "C 09/06/14 ~ 02/03/15 0 ~ ~ 07/03/15 "'1 ~ 11/30/15 .... a 04/28/16 ~ -09/25/16 ? 02/22/17 ~ -a 07/22/17 "C '-' 12/19/17 05/18/18 10/15/18 03/14/19 08/11/19 01/08/20 06/06/20 11/03/20 04/02/21 08/30/21 01/27/22 06/26/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,599.98 5,601.68 1.70 87.7 5,536.90 06/14/10 64.78 63.08 5,536.95 09/29/10 64.73 63.03 5,537.17 12/21/10 64.51 62.81 5,537.16 02/28/11 64.52 62.82 5,537.57 06/21/11 64.11 62.41 5,537.59 09/20/11 64.09 62.39 5,538.16 12/21/11 63.52 61.82 5,538.18 03/27/12 63.50 61.80 5538.23 06/28/12 63.45 61.75 5,538.57 09/27/12 63.11 61.41 5,538.20 12/28/12 63.48 61.78 5,539.13 03/28/13 62.55 60.85 5,539.00 06/27/13 62.68 60.98 5,538.94 09/27/13 62.74 61.04 5,538.97 12/20/13 62.71 61.01 5,538.53 03/27/14 63.15 61.45 5,537.85 06/25/14 63.83 62.13 5,537.33 09/25/14 64.35 62.65 5,537.14 12/17/14 64.54 62.84 5,536.43 03/26/15 65.25 63.55 5,536.16 06/22/15 65.52 63.82 5,535.76 09/30/15 65.92 64.22 5,535.23 12/02/15 66.45 64.75 5,535.15 03/30/16 66.53 64.83 5,534.61 06/30/16 67.07 65.37 5,534.12 09/29/16 67.56 65.86 5,533.96 12/21/16 67.72 66.02 5,533.97 03/30/17 67.71 66.01 5,533.66 06/27/17 68.02 66.32 5,533.43 09/28/17 68.25 66.55 5,533.39 11/30/17 68.29 66.59 5,532.99 03/28/18 68.69 66.99 5,532.74 06/22/18 68.94 67.24 5,532.32 09/25/18 69.36 67.66 5,532.04 12/17/18 69.64 67.94 5,531.48 03/25/19 70.20 68.50 5,531.20 06/24/19 70.48 68.78 5,530.96 08/12/19 70.72 69.02 5,530.14 11/18/19 71.54 69.84 5,529.73 02/10/20 71.95 70.25 5,529.08 05/04/20 72.60 70.90 5,528.48 09/22/20 73.20 71.50 5,528.42 12/30/20 73.26 71.56 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,599.98 5,601.68 1.70 87 .7 5,528.39 03/11/21 73.29 71.59 5,527.76 06/24/21 73.92 72.22 5,527.73 08/13/21 73.95 72.25 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -..J -..J -..J -..J 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ +so, N 0 00 0\ +so, N 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 08/25/09 01/22/10 06/21/10 11/18/10 04/17/11 09/14/11 02/11/12 07/10/12 12/07/12 ~ 05/06/13 ~ ,l;;i,.. 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I 05/26/15 N ....:J 10/23/15 ~ """ 03/21/16 ~ "1 ~ 08/18/16 ~ "'O """ 01/15/17 =-0 06/14/17 < ~ "1 11/11/17 ~ .... 9 04/10/18 ~ -.. 09/07/18 ? O"' -02/04/19 9 "'O ._, 07/04/19 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 , Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-28 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (hlw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,613.52 5,617.00 3.48 108.48 5,580.69 03/28/13 36.31 32.83 5,580.30 06/27/13 36.70 33.22 5,580.35 09/27/13 36.65 33.17 5,580.25 12/20/13 36.75 33.27 5,579.83 03/27/14 37.17 33.69 5,579.21 06/25/14 37.79 34.31 5,578.84 09/25/14 38.16 34.68 5,578.72 12/17/14 38.28 34.80 5,578.11 03/26/15 38.89 35.41 5,577.83 06/22/15 39.17 35.69 5,577.56 09/30/15 39.44 35.96 5,577.27 12/02/15 39.73 36.25 5,577.25 03/30/16 39.75 36.27 5,576.75 06/30/16 40.25 36.77 5,576.36 09/29/16 40.64 37.16 5,576.13 12/21/16 40.87 37.39 5,575.92 03/30/17 41.08 37.60 5,575.50 06/27/17 41 .50 38.02 5,575.08 09/28/17 41.92 38.44 5,574.80 11/29/17 42.20 38.72 5,574.36 03/28/18 42.64 39.16 5,573.92 06/22/18 43.08 39.60 5,572.37 09/25/18 44.63 41.15 5,571.74 12/17/18 45.26 41.78 5,570.65 03/25/19 46.35 42.87 5,570.60 06/24/19 46.40 42.92 5,570.24 08/12/19 46.76 43.28 5,569.87 11/18/19 47.13 43.65 5,569.89 02/10/20 47.11 43.63 5,569.01 05/04/20 47.99 44.51 5,568.41 09/22/20 48.59 45.11 5,568.29 12/30/20 48.71 45.23 5,568.32 03/11/21 48.68 45.20 5,567.79 06/24/21 49.21 45.73 5,567.64 08/13/21 49.36 45.88 0\ 0 8 VI 0 0 0 • ' ' 1 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ~ W N 0 0 0 8 8 8 •• . ' ~ ' 0 I< ' ' ' ' 0 t ~ 0 ' • . •• t -0 0 8 8 07/10/12 12/07/12 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 12/27/14 ~ 05/26/15 ~ ,,. 10/23/15 I N Q() 03/21/16 ~ """ 08/18/16 ~ "'1 ~ 01/15/17 ~ "C 06/14/17 er 0 11/11/17 < ~ "'1 04/10/18 ~ ... e ~ 09/07/18 ,-... ? 02/04/19 -r:r - 07/04/19 e "C '-' 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-29 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,602.56 5,606.04 3.48 94.48 5,533.98 03/28/13 72.06 68.58 5,533.84 06/27/13 72.20 68.72 5,534.27 09/27/13 71.77 68.29 5,534.43 12/20/13 71.61 68.13 5,534.32 03/27/14 71.72 68.24 5,533.85 06/25/14 72.19 68.71 5,533.53 09/25/14 72.51 69.03 5,533.60 12/17/14 72.44 68.96 5,533.04 03/26/15 73.00 69.52 5,532.93 06/22/15 73.11 69.63 5,532.79 09/30/15 73.25 69.77 5,532.34 12/02/15 73.70 70.22 5,532.54 03/30/16 73.50 70.02 5,532.01 06/30/16 74.03 70.55 5,531.58 09/29/16 74.46 70.98 5,531.49 12/21/16 74.55 71.07 5,531.60 03/30/17 74.44 70.96 5,531.24 06/27/17 74.80 71.32 5,530.95 09/28/17 75.09 71.61 5,530.83 11/29/17 75.21 71.73 5,530.74 03/28/18 75.30 71.82 5,530.54 06/21/18 75.50 72.02 5,530.28 09/25/18 75.76 72.28 5,530.11 12/17/18 75.93 72.45 5,527.99 03/25/19 78.05 74.57 5,529.77 06/24/19 76.27 72.79 .... 5,529.64 08/12/19 76.40 72.92 5,529.23 11/18/19 76.81 73.33 5,529.10 02/10/20 76.94 73.46 5,528.51 05/04/20 77.53 74.05 5,528.21 09/22/20 77.83 74.35 5,528.13 12/30/20 77.91 74.43 5,528.13 03/11/21 77.91 74.43 5,527.67 06/24/21 78.37 74.89 5,527.56 08/13/21 78.48 75.00 -.J \0 0 0 -.J 00 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ...J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J ~ ~ ~ w o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 -.J N 8 -.J -0 0 07/10/12 12/07/12 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 12/27/14 ~ 05/26/15 ~ ,I::;.. I 10/23/15 N l,C 03/21/16 ~ ""'" 08/18/16 ~ ""1 ~ 01/15/17 ~ "Cl ""'" =--06/14/17 0 -< 11/11/17 ~ ""1 ~ 04/10/18 ... e ~ 09/07/18 ,_ ? 02/04/19 'r::;" -e 07/04/19 ~ 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-30 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,599.33 5,602.81 3.48 93.48 5,524.78 03/28/13 78.03 74.55 5,524.79 06/27/13 78.02 74.54 5,525.54 09/27/13 77.27 73.79 5,525.81 12/20/13 77.00 73.52 5,525.98 03/27/14 76.83 73.35 5,525.91 06/25(14 76.90 73.42 5,526.00 09/25/14 76.81 73.33 5,526.41 12/17/14 76.40 72.92 5,526.23 03/26/15 76.58 73.10 5,526.48 06/22/15 76.33 72.85 5,526.74 09/30/15 76.07 72.59 5,526.56 12/02/15 76.25 72.77 5,527.26 03/30/16 75.55 72.07 5,527.04 06/30/16 75.77 72.29 5,526.97 09/29/16 75.84 72.36 5,527.17 12/21/16 75.64 72.16 5,527.65 03/30/17 75.16 71.68 5,527.54 06/27/17 75.27 71.79 5,527.56 09/28/17 75.25 71.77 5,527.59 11/29/17 75.22 71.74 5,527.88 03/28/18 74.93 71.45 5,527.86 06/21/18 74.95 71.47 5,525.76 09/25/18 77.05 73.57 5,527.87 12/17/18 74.94 71.46 5,527.69 03/25/19 75.12 71.64 5,528.01 06/24/19 74.80 71.32 5,528.04 08/12/19 74.77 71.29 5,527.94 11/18/19 74.87 71.39 5,528.12 02/10/20 74.69 71.21 5,527.73 05/04/20 75.08 71.6 5,527.75 09/22/20 75.06 71.58 5,527.90 12/30/20 74.91 71.43 5,527.96 03/11/21 74.85 71.37 5,527.75 06/24/21 75.06 71.58 5,527.65 08/13/21 75.16 71.68 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J 00 00 -.J -.J °' °' V, V, .,1:,. u, 0 u, 8 u, 8 u, 0 0 0 0 0 u, 0 0 0 07/10/12 12/07/12 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 12/27/14 ~ 05/26/15 ~ ,I;;;,,. I (,H 10/23/15 = 03/21/16 ~ """' ~ 08/18/16 "1 t:; ~ 01/15/17 ~ """' =-06/14/17 0 < 11/11/17 ~ "1 ~ 04/10/18 ... a ~ 09/07/18 --? 02/04/19 C" -a 07/04/19 ~ '-' 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW4-31 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,601.10 5,604.58 3.48 107.48 5,520.17 03/28/13 84.41 80.93 5,520.36 06/27/13 84.22 80.74 5,521.22 09/27/13 83.36 79.88 5,521.81 12/20/13 82.77 79.29 5,522.25 03/27/14 82.33 78.85 5,522.32 06/25/14 82.26 78.78 5,522.64 09/25/14 81.94 78.46 5,523.27 12/17/14 81.31 77.83 5,523.33 03/26/15 81.25 77.77 5,523.82 06/22/15 80.76 77.28 5,524.34 09/30/15 80.24 76.76 5,524.29 12/02/15 80.29 76.81 5,525.32 03/30/16 79.26 75.78 5,525.33 06/30/16 79.25 75 .77 5,525.43 09/29/16 79.15 75.67 5,525.81 12/21/16 78.77 75.29 5,526.48 03/30/17 78.10 74.62 5,526.53 06/30/17 78.05 74.57 5,526.68 09/28/17 77.90 74.42 5,526.82 11/29/17 77.76 74.28 5,527.28 03/28/18 77.30 73.82 5,527.36 06/21/18 77.22 73.74 5,529.67 09/25/18 74.91 71.43 5,527.58 12/17/18 77.00 73.52 5,527.53 03/25/19 77.05 73.57 5,527.94 06/24/19 76.64 73.16 5,528.03 08/12/19 76.55 73.07 5,528.02 11/18/19 76.56 73.08 5,528.30 02/10/20 76.28 72.80 5,528.01 05/04/20 76.57 73.09 5,528.13 09/22/20 76.45 72.97 5,528.41 12/30/20 76.17 72.69 5,528.59 03/11/21 75.99 72.51 5,528.34 06/24/21 76.24 72.76 5,528.17 08/13/21 76.41 72.93 00 °' 0 0 00 ~ 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 00 -.) N 0 00 8 8 0 0 -.) -.) °' ~ 0 0 0 0 07/10/12 12/07/12 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 ~ 12/27/14 ~ ,I;:;.. I 05/26/15 ~ ,.... 10/23/15 ~ -03/21/16 ~ ""1 ~ 08/18/16 ~ "Cl -01/15/17 =-0 06/14/17 < ~ ""1 11/11/17 ~ ... 04/10/18 e ~ -.. 09/07/18 ? O" -02/04/19 e "Cl 07/04/19 '-' 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.20 5,611.84 1.64 114.64 5,564.43 09/27/13 47.41 45.77 5,563.74 12/20/13 48.10 46.46 5,563.24 03/27/14 48.60 46.96 5,562.43 06/25/14 49.41 47.77 5,561.90 09/25/14 49.94 48.30 5,560.93 12/17/14 50.91 49.27 5,561.35 03/26/15 50.49 48.85 5,561.15 06/22/15 50.69 49.05 5,560.96 09/30/15 50.88 49.24 5,560.58 12/02/15 51.26 49.62 5,560.85 03/30/16 50.99 49.35 5,560.25 06/30/16 51.59 49.95 5,559.69 09/29/16 52.15 50.51 5,559.75 12/21/16 52.09 50.45 5,560.14 03/30/17 51.70 50.06 5,559.44 06/27/17 52.40 50.76 5,558.99 09/28/17 52.85 51.21 5,558.84 11/29/17 53.00 51.36 5,558.85 03/28/18 52.99 51.35 5,558.52 06/22/18 53.32 51.68 5,557.92 09/25/18 53.92 52.28 5,557.89 12/17/18 53.95 52.31 5,557.24 03/25/19 54.60 52.96 5,557.41 06/24/19 54.43 52.79 5,557.03 08/12/19 54.81 53.17 5,556.86 11/18/19 54.98 53.34 5,557.04 02/10/20 54.80 53.16 5,556.29 05/04/20 55.55 53.91 5,555.99 09/22/20 55.85 54.21 5,555.99 12/30/20 55.85 54.21 5,556.19 03/11/21 55.65 54.01 5,555.54 06/24/21 56.30 54.66 5,555.41 08/13/21 56.43 54.79 VI -.:i 8 VI O'I 8 VI VI 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) VI .j:::,. 8 VI (.;.) 8 VI N 8 VI ,_. 8 VI .j:::,. 0 '° 0 0 0 0 .j:::,. .j:::,. 00 -.:i 0 0 0 0 .j:::,. 0\ 0 0 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 12/27/14 05/26/15 10/23/15 03/21/16 08/18/16 01/15/17 06/14/17 11/11/17 04/10/18 09/07/18 02/04/19 07/04/19 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 ~ ~ I ~ N ~ ;- "'1 ~ ~ "'O 5r 0 ~ ~ "'1 ~ -· ! --? 'a' s "'O '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-33 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,605.20 5,606.73 1.53 86.23 5,536.70 09/27/13 70.03 68.50 5,536.62 12/20/13 70.11 68.58 5,536.49 03/27/14 70.24 68.71 5,536.06 06/25/14 70.67 69.14 5,535.73 09/25/14 71.00 69.47 5,535.73 12/17 /14 71.00 69.47 5,535.14 03/26/15 71.59 70.06 5,534.98 06/22/15 71.75 70.22 5,534.81 09/30/15 71.92 70.39 5,534.34 12/02/15 72.39 70.86 5,534.33 03/30/16 72.40 70.87 5,533.90 06/30/16 72.83 71.30 5,533.48 09/29/16 73.25 71.72 5,533.39 12/21/16 73.34 71.81 5,533.28 03/30/17 73.45 71.92 5,533.01 06/27/17 73.72 72.19 5,532.67 09/28/17 74.06 72.53 5,532.53 11/29/17 74.20 72.67 5,532.37 03/28/18 74.36 72.83 5,532.13 06/21/18 74.60 73.07 5,531.82 09/25/18 74.91 73.38 5,531.61 12/17/18 75.12 73.59 5,531.14 03/25/19 75.59 74.06 5,531 .08 06/24/19 75.65 74.12 5,530.98 08/12/19 75.75 74.22 5,530.45 11/18/19 76.28 74.75 5,530.22 02/10/20 76.51 74.98 5,529.68 05/04/20 77.05 75.52 5,529.30 09/22/20 77.43 75.90 5,529.15 12/30/20 77.58 76.05 5,529.07 03/11/21 77.66 76.13 5,528.64 06/24/21 78.09 76.56 5,528.48 08/13/21 78.25 76.72 .....i '° 0 0 .....i 00 8 .....i .....i 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) .....i °' 0 0 .....i V, 0 0 .....i +"- 8 .....i w 8 .....i N 8 .....i ..... 8 .....i 0 8 °' '° 0 0 05/06/13 10/03/13 03/02/14 07/30/14 12/27/14 05/26/15 10/23/15 03/21/16 08/18/16 01/15/17 06/14/17 11/11/17 04/10/18 09/07/18 02/04/19 07/04/19 12/01/19 04/29/20 09/26/20 02/23/21 07/23/21 12/20/21 05/19/22 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ;' "'1 c:, ~ "t:, ~ 0 ~ "'1 ~ .... 9 ~ --? -r:::,--9 "t:, '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-34 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,601.60 5,603.34 1.74 95.74 5,534.04 09/27/13 69.30 67.56 5,534.14 12/20/13 69.20 67.46 5,533.89 03/27/14 69.45 67.71 5,533.32 06/25/14 70.02 68.28 5,532.94 09/25/14 70.40 68.66 5,532.99 12/17/14 70.35 68.61 5,532.37 03/26/15 70.97 69.23 5,532.24 06/22/15 71.10 69.36 5,532.08 09/30/15 71.26 69.52 5,531.79 12/02/15 71.55 69.81 5,531.80 03/30/16 71.54 69.80 5,531.28 06/30/16 72.06 70.32 5,530.87 09/29/16 72.47 70.73 5,530.74 12/21/16 72.60 70.86 5,530.79 03/30/17 72.55 70.81 5,530.43 06/27/17 72.91 71.17 5,530.12 09/28/17 73.22 71.48 5,530.01 11/29/17 73.33 71.59 5,529.84 03/28/18 73.50 71.76 5,529.64 06/21/18 73.70 71.96 5,529.39 09/25/18 73.95 72.21 5,529.23 12/17/18 74.11 72.37 5,528.83 03/25/19 74.51 72.77 5,528.84 06/24/19 74.50 72.76 5,528.75 08/12/19 74.59 72.85 5,528.30 11/18/19 75.04 73.30 5,528.18 02/10/20 75.16 73.42 5,527.62 05/04/20 75.72 73.98 5,527.28 09/22/20 76.06 74.32 5,527.22 12/30/20 76.12 74.38 5,527.10 03/11/21 76.24 74.50 5,526.73 06/24/21 76.61 74.87 5,526.63 08/13/21 76.71 74.97 IZ:/1£/01 OZ/81/90 ,-.._ c.. e -,.Q cd 6Ilv0/ZO .._ ~ e ..... ~ -~ ;;,,.. LIIZZ/60 0 -= .... c.. ~ ~ -~ 91/01/~0 .... ~ "" ~ I "" ~ 171/LZ/Z:I ~ £1/171/80 ZI/I0/170 0 8 8 ~ 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 C: C: 0 C: 0 C: C: 00 0\ 0 -C'i (") -.::i-V") \Cl r-00 \0 \0 r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- Cu) lU!Od ~uµnsegw M.opg qldga Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-35 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorin~ (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,598.67 5,599.87 1.20 86.5 5,525.52 09/25/14 74.35 73.15 5,525.72 12/17/14 74.15 72.95 5,525.56 03/26/15 74.31 73.11 5,525.67 06/22/15 74.20 73.00 5,525.81 09/30/15 74.06 72.86 5,525.57 12/02/15 74.30 73.10 5,526.01 03/30/16 73.86 72.66 5,525.75 06/30/16 74.12 72.92 5,525.57 09/29/16 74.30 73.10 5,525.62 12/21/16 74.25 73.05 5,525.87 03/30/17 74.00 72.80 5,525.70 06/27/17 74.17 72.97 5,525.57 09/28/17 74.30 73.10 5,525.56 11/29/17 74.31 73.11 5,525.64 03/28/18 74.23 73.03 5,525.56 06/21/18 74.31 73.11 5,525.46 09/25/18 74.41 73.21 5,525.37 12/17/18 74.50 73.30 5,525.12 03/25/19 74.75 73.55 5,525.35 06/24/19 74.52 73.32 5,525.31 08/12/19 74.56 73.36 5,525.12 11/18/19 74.75 73.55 5,525.17 02/10/20 74.70 73.50 5,524.80 05/04/20 75.07 73.87 5,524.71 09/22/20 75.16 73.96 5,524.82 12/30/20 75.05 73.85 5,524.49 03/11/21 75.38 74.18 5,524.52 06/24/21 75.35 74.15 5,524.45 08/13/21 75.42 74.22 IZ/1£/01 ,.-... Q,i OZ/81/90 .5 ,.Q ~ '-' QJ e .... E-1 61/PO/ZO -QJ ;;. 0 ..c: ..... Q,i QJ Q -ll/ZZ/60 QJ ..... ~ ll) ~ I ~ ~ 91/01/~0 E-1 PI/LZ/Zl £l/PI/80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 00 0 N -.::f" IO 00 ~ C"! "": ~ Cf") Cf") ..,j-..,j-..,j-..,j-..,j-V") V") V") iri r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- ("lJ) lU!Od liuµnsuaw MO{;:}ff l{ldaQ Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-36 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,615.18 5,616.59 1.41 99.41 5,559.14 09/25/14 57.45 56.04 5,559.77 12/17/14 56.82 55.41 5,559.79 03/26/15 56.80 55.39 5,560.08 06/22/15 56.51 55.10 5,560.18 09/30/15 56.41 55.00 5,559.95 12/02/15 56.64 55.23 5,560.53 03/30/16 56.06 54.65 5,560.20 06/30/16 56.39 54.98 5,560.00 09/29/16 56.59 55.18 5,560.04 12/21/16 56.55 55.14 5,560.43 03/30/17 56.16 54.75 5,560.26 06/27/17 56.33 54.92 5,560.12 09/28/17 56.47 55.06 5,560.07 11/29/17 56.52 55.11 5,560.18 03/28/18 56.41 55.00 5,560.11 06/22/18 56.48 55.07 5,560.14 09/25/18 56.45 55.04 5,559.78 12/17/18 56.81 55.40 5,559.43 03/25/19 57.16 55.75 5,559.61 06/24/19 56.98 55.57 5,559.55 08/12/19 57.04 55.63 5,559.28 11/18/19 57.31 55.90 5,559.32 02/10/20 57.27 55 .86 5,558.94 05/04/20 57.65 56.24 5,558.64 09/22/20 57.95 56.54 5,558.76 12/30/20 57.83 56.42 5,558.84 03/11/21 57.75 56.34 5,558.44 06/24/21 58.15 56.74 5,558.31 08/13/21 58.28 56.87 --Q. e -,,t:J. ~ '-' ~ e .... E-4 .. ~ j;;,,, 0 -= ..... Q. ~ ~ .. ~ ..... ~ ',e ~ I ~ ~ E-4 IZ/1 £/01 OZ/81/90 61/tO/ZO LI/ll/60 91/01/~0 tl/LZ/Zl 0 li"'! tr. tr. 0 tr. r--: tr. ~ 00 tr. 0 li"'! 00 tr. Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-37 Total or Measuring Measured Water Point Depth to Total Depth Elevation Land Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Total Depth (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Of Well 5,630.13 5,631.85 1.72 113.72 5,571.99 06/22/15 59.86 58.14 5,570.67 09/30/15 61.18 59.46 5,568.25 12/02/15 63.60 61.88 5,569.80 03/30/16 62.05 60.33 5,569.07 06/30/16 62.78 61.06 5,569.40 09/29/16 62.45 60.73 5,568.35 12/21/16 63.50 61.78 5,524.05 03/30/17 107.80 106.08 5,566.35 06/27/17 65.50 63.78 5,568.47 09/28/17 63.38 61.66 5,567.57 11/30/17 64.28 62.56 5,567.83 03/28/18 64.02 62.30 5,567.87 06/22/18 63.98 62.26 5,567.35 09/24/18 64.50 62.78 5,555.12 12/17/18 76.73 75.01 5,558.24 03/25/19 73.61 71.89 5,560.63 06/24/19 71 .22 69.50 5,550.84 08/12/19 81.01 79.29 5,560.14 11/18/19 71.71 69.99 5,558.17 02/10/20 73.68 71.96 5,555.68 05/04/20 76.17 74.45 5,553.36 09/21/20 78.49 76.77 5,563.37 12/28/20 68.48 66.76 5,562.66 03/11/21 69.19 67.47 5,558.68 06/24/21 73.17 71.45 5,559.70 08/13/21 72.15 70.43 lZ/1 £/01 -Q. e OZ/81/90 -,,Q ;t:: --~ e ... ~ s. ~ ~ 0 61/\70/ZO .i= -Q. ~ ~ s. ~ -~ r---ll/Zl/60 ~ I ~ ~ ~ 91/01/~0 '\71/LZ/Zl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci ci ci ci ci ci ci N s::t '° 00 0 N (':JJ) lU!Od ~uµns~;ry,i: Mopg tpd~Q -- Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-38 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,628.82 5,629.99 1.17 113.92 5,576.59 12/21/16 53.40 52.23 5,576.62 03/30/17 53.37 52.20 5,576.07 06/27/17 53.92 52.75 5,577.49 09/28/17 52.50 51.33 5,575.68 11/30/17 54.31 53.14 5,574.69 03/28/18 55.30 54.13 5,574.25 06/22/18 55.74 54.57 5,573.63 09/25/18 56.36 55.19 5,572.31 12/17/18 57.68 56.51 5,572.51 03/25/19 57.48 56.31 5,572.53 06/24/19 57.46 56.29 5,572.31 08/12/19 57.68 56.51 5,571.90 11/18/19 58.09 56.92 5,571.67 02/10/20 58.32 57.15 5,571.20 05/04/20 58.79 57.62 5,570.69 09/22/20 59.30 58.13 5,570.74 12/30/20 59.25 58.08 5,570.54 03/11/21 59.45 58.28 5,570.04 06/24/21 59.95 58.78 5,569.93 08/13/21 60.06 58.89 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ 0\ Vt Vt Vt Vt Vt V, V, V, ..... 0 \0 00 -.,l 0\ V, .j::a.. w N 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08/18/16 03/06/17 09/22/17 ~ 04/10/18 ~ ,I:,,.. I ~ 00 ~ -10/27/18 (Cl "1 ~ (Cl "Cl -=-05/15/19 0 < (Cl "1 ~ ... 9 12/01/19 (Cl ---? -r::r -9 06/18/20 "Cl '-' 01/04/21 07/23/21 ,__ _ ___,_ __ __.__ __ __.__ __ _._ __ ,...._ _ ___,_ __ _.... __ --L-__ _._ 02/08/22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-39 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,628.82 5,629.56 0.74 120.74 5,566.39 12/21/16 63.17 62.43 5,567.57 03/30/17 61.99 61.25 5,567.11 06/27/17 62.45 61.71 5,567.26 09/28/17 62.30 61.56 5,560.52 11/30/17 69.04 68.30 5,565.51 03/28/18 64.05 63.31 5,529.91 06/22/18 99.65 98.91 5,565.04 09/24/18 64.52 63.78 5,557.32 12/17/18 72.24 71.50 5,564.12 03/25/19 65.44 64.70 5,553.85 06/24/19 75.71 74.97 5,555.03 08/12/19 74.53 73.79 5,549.98 11/18/19 79.58 78.84 5,548.39 02/10/20 81.17 80.43 5,544.51 05/04/20 85.05 84.31 5,552.04 09/21/20 77.52 76.78 5,553.71 12/28/20 75.85 75.11 5,557.31 03/11/21 72.25 71.51 5,554.26 06/24/21 75.30 74.56 5,555.01 08/13/21 74.55 73.81 IZ/£ZILO lZ/170/10 --OZ/81/90 Q. j ,&J. ;t: --~ 61/IO/Zl e ... ~ a. ~ ~ 0 6 I/s;"l/s;"O ..c= ... Q. ~ Q a. 81/LZ/Ol ~ ... ~ °' ~ I "" 81/01/170 ~ ~ ll/ZZ/60 ll/90/£0 91/81/80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N """ \0 00 0 N (°lJ) lU!Od ~uµnst?:l~"t MOJgS: qldgQ -- Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-40 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorin~ (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,595.66 5,597.58 1.92 86 5,531.12 03/28/18 66.46 64.54 5,530.83 06/22/18 66.75 64.83 5,530.34 09/25/18 67.24 65.32 5,530.06 12/17/18 67.52 65.60 5,529.52 03/25/19 68.06 66.14 5,527.69 06/24/19 69.89 67.97 5,526.98 08/12/19 70.60 68.68 5,526.43 11/18/19 71.15 69.23 5,525.57 02/10/20 72.01 70.09 5,525.81 05/04/20 71.77 69.85 5,525.51 09/21/20 72.07 70.15 5,523.08 12/28/20 74.50 72.58 5,526.17 03/11/21 71.41 69.49 5,525.45 06/24/21 72.13 70.21 5,525.26 08/13/21 72.32 70.40 --C. .a ,,t:;. 4::: '-' ~ e .... ~ s.. ~ ;.,. 0 ..c: ..... C. ~ Q s.. ~ ..... ~ 0 ~ I ~ ~ ~ IZ/£1/90 IZ/tl/IO OZ/ll/80 OZ/OZ/£0 61/ZZ/OI 61/~Z/S'O 81/9Z/Zl 8I/6Z/LO 00 \0 0 r-It") r- Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-41 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,613.31 5,614.96 1.65 97.8 5,539.24 03/28/18 75.72 74.07 5,526.18 06/22/18 88.78 87.13 5,513.86 09/24/18 101.10 99.45 5,536.53 12/17/18 78.43 76.78 5,521.88 03/25/19 93.08 91.43 5,527.89 06/24/19 87.07 85.42 5,530.75 08/12/19 84.21 82.56 5,536.69 11/18/19 78.27 76.62 5,538.67 02/10/20 76.29 74.64 5,526.94 05/04/20 88.02 86.37 5,529.30 09/21/20 85.66 84.01 5,528.43 12/28/20 86.53 84.88 5,525.74 03/11/21 89.22 87.57 5,525.25 06/24/21 89.71 88.06 5,526.09 08/13/21 88.87 87.22 --Q. .§ ,,I:;. ~ --~ e .... ~ .i ~ ~ 0 ..= -Q. ~ Q .i ~ -~ 1"'"'I "" I "" ~ ~ IZ/£1/90 IZ/171/10 OZ/ll/80 OZ/OZ/£0 61/ZZ:/Ol 61/~Z:/~O 8I/9Z/Zl 8I/6Z/LO 0 0 N 0 00 8 ..... 0 N ..... Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-42 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,592.39 5,594.70 2.31 86.0 5,518.98 03/28/18 75.72 73.41 5,528.28 06/24/19 66.42 64.11 5,527.90 08/12/19 66.80 64.49 5,527.13 11/18/19 67.57 65.26 5,526.83 02/10/20 67.87 65.56 5,526.10 05/04/20 68.60 66.29 5,525.75 09/22/20 68.95 66.64 5,525.59 12/30/20 69.11 66.80 5,525.52 03/11/21 69.18 66.87 5,525.00 06/24/21 69.70 67.39 5,524.77 08/13/21 69.93 67 .62 --c.. e -.c ~ .._., a, s ·-~ s.. a, ~ 0 ..= -c.. a, ~ s.. a, -~ N ~ I ~ ~ 1Z/£l/90 1ztvl/10 OZ/ll/80 OZ/OZ/£0 61/ZZ/Ol 61/~Z/~O 8I/9Z/Zl 8I/6Z/LO 81/10/£0 +--~~---+~~~-+--~~-----,f----~~-+-~~~;--~~--+-~~-----1 i 00 '-D 0 r-N r-00 r- TabG Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells over Time Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped MW-4 ·-= TW4-15 Jform~ly MW-26) Total Pumped Total Pumped Total Total Total Total Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Pumped (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Ql 2007 1307110 3370 4947411.4 l.6673E+IO 16673 36.8 930510 1660 3521980.4 5846487381 5846 12.9 Q2 2007 81230 2000 307455.6 614911100 615 1.4 54400 300 205904.0 61771200 62 0.1 Q3 2007 100700 2600 381149.5 990988700 991 2.2 72080 1400 272822.8 381951920 382 0.8 Q4 2007 90830 2300 343791.6 790720565 791 J.7 61750 2000 233723.8 467447500 467 1.0 QI 2008 83950 2400 317750.8 762601800 763 1.7 47780 930 180847.3 168187989 168 0.4 Q2 2008 62780 2500 237622.3 594055750 594 1.3 44840 1300 169719.4 220635220 221 0.5 Q3 2008 81400 1800 308099.0 554578200 555 1.2 61280 630 231944.8 146125224 146 0.3 Q4 2008 91320 1700 345646.2 587598540 588 1.3 55700 630 210824.5 132819435 133 0.3 QI 2009 90710 2200 343337.4 755342170 755 1.7 52970 950 200491.5 190466878 190 0.4 Q22009 450040 1800 1703401.4 3066122520 3066 6.8 58050 410 219719.3 90084892.5 90 0.2 Q3 2009 90420 2000 342239.7 684479400 684 1.5 57610 850 218053.9 185345773 185 0.4 Q4 2009 322380 1800 1220208.3 2196374940 2196 4.8 61960 1100 234518.6 257970460 258 0.6 Ql 2010 68125 1600 257853.1 412565000 413 0.9 61320 780 232096.2 181035036 181 0.4 Q2 2010 84005.33 2100 317960.2 667716366 668 1.5 60500 1900 228992.5 435085750 435 1.0 Q3 2010 79859.1 1900 302266.7 574306718 574 1.3 63850 2200 241672.3 531678950 532 1.2 Q4 2010 90042.2 1500 340809.7 511214591 511 1.1 60180 970 227781.3 220947861 221 0.5 Ql 2011 76247.6 1700 288597.2 490615182 491 I. I 55130 450 208667.1 93900172.5 94 0.2 Q2 2011 85849.3 1700 324939.6 552397321 552 1.2 55800.6 1800 211205.3 380169488 380 0.8 Q3 2011 85327.7 1700 322965.3 549041086 549 1.2 65618 720 248364.1 178822174 179 0.4 Q4 2011 89735.0 1600 339647.0 543435160 543 1.2 50191.3 1800 189974.1 341953327 342 0.8 Ql 2012 90376.4 1500 342074.7 513112011 513 I.I 31440.1 2400 119000.8 285601868 286 0.6 Q2 2012 90916.5 1400 344118.8 481766269 482 1.1 26701.2 3000 101064.1 303192353 303 0.7 Q3 2012 91607.0 1500 346732.5 520098743 520 I.I 25246 3100 95556.1 296223941 296 0.7 Q4 2012 78840.0 1300 298409.4 387932220 388 0.9 30797 1200 116566.6 139879974 140 0.3 QI 2013 62943.7 1670 238241.9 397863981 398 0.9 22650.7 2120 85732.9 181753747 182 0.4 Q2 2013 71187.3 1490 269443.9 401471456 401 0.9 25343.4 4030 95924.8 386576819 387 0.9 Q3 2013 72898.8 1520 275922.0 419401376 419 0.9 25763 2940 97513.0 286688088 287 0.6 Q4 2013 70340.4 1410 266238.4 375396164 375 0.8 24207.6 1410 91625.8 129192330 129 0.3 Ql 2014 69833.8 1390 264320.9 367406097 367 0.8 23263.1 1400 88050.8 123271167 123 0.3 Q2 2014 71934.9 1390 272273.6 378460299 378 0.8 23757.5 1960 89922.1 176247390 176 0.4 Q3 2014 74788.2 1490 283073.3 421779272 422 0.9 24062.4 2120 91076.2 193081510 193 0.4 Q4 2014 63093.0 1440 238807.0 343882087 344 0.8 21875.8 2090 82799.9 173051797 173 0.4 Ql 2015 76454.3 1400 289379.5 405131336 405 0.9 24004.9 1980 90858.5 179899922 180 0.4 Q2 2015 60714.7 1300 229805.1 298746681 299 0.7 27804.6 1980 105240.4 208376014 208 0.5 Q3 2015 89520.8 1290 338836.2 437098734 437 1.0 21042.0 2350 79644.0 187163330 187 0.4 Q4 2015 99633.4 1200 377112.4 452534903 453 1.0 19355.6 2680 73260.9 196339335 196 0.4 QI 2016 90882.1 1240 343988.7 426546048 427 0.9 19150.8 2650 72485.8 192087312 192 0.4 Q2 2016 96540.5 1580 365405.8 577341152 577 1.3 22105.7 2220 83670.1 185747565 186 0.4 Q3 2016 79786.4 1430 301991.5 431847879 432 1.0 17149.5 3190 64910.9 207065635 207 0.5 Q4 2016 85414.0 1470 323292.0 475239225 475 1.0 18541.6 2510 70180.0 176151690 176 0.4 Ql 2017 76642.3 1450 290091.1 420632103 421 0.9 26107.0 1290 98815.0 127471344 127 0.3 Q2 2017 72299.8 1430 273654.7 391326282 391 0.9 25921.8 2450 98114.0 240379332 240 0.5 Q32017 95349.3 1400 360897.1 505255941 505 I. I 27489.9 1230 104049.3 127980604 128 0.3 Q4 2017 106679.8 1320 403783.0 532993617 533 1.2 26445.8 2570 100097.4 257250197 257 0.6 Table G-1 ·-.. ··-.. -· .. --··---~-~---· &•-·••'-' ·-"" -··'-" ................. ~--.., ........... _.. • ..................... -MW-4 TW4-15 {formt!rJy MW:.26) Total Pumped TotaJ Pumped Total Total Total Total Pumped Total Total Qµarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) _Pumped (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Ql 2018 105060.4 1320 397653.6 524902770 525 1.2 27004.7 1210 102212.8 123677475 124 0.3 Q2 2018 101786.2 1240 385260.8 477723351 478 I. I 26654.7 1870 100888.0 188660634 189 0.4 Q3 2018 95480.5 1300 361393.7 469811800 470 1.0 25536.1 1680 96654.1 162378953 162 0.4 Q4 2018 102884.8 1330 389418.9 517927177 518 I. I 23791.3 1480 90050.1 133274104 133 0.3 QI 2019 111746.9 1190 422962.0 503324800 503 1.1 26798.5 1110 101432.3 112589878 113 0.2 Q2 2019 94540.7 1300 357836.5 465187514 465 1.0 24050.2 1280 91030.0 116518409 117 0.3 Q3 2019 95517.7 1180 361534.5 426610704 427 0.9 24181.1 1360 91525.5 124474630 124 0.3 Q4 2019 99220.8 1370 375550.9 514504705 515 1.1 22384.8 1390 84726.5 117769791 118 0.3 Ql 2020 102597.0 1230 388329.6 477645370 478 1.1 24107.0 1100 91245.0 100369495 100 0.2 Q2 2020 101850.7 1250 385504.9 481881077 482 I.I 25418.4 1610 96208.6 154895917 155 0.3 Q3 2020 84607.8 1240 320240.6 397098342 397 0.9 23663.7 1130 89567.1 101210828 IOI 0.2 Q4 2020 91258.6 1050 345413.8 362684491 363 0.8 28934.5 866 109517.1 94841793.4 95 0.2 QI 2021 93486.7 1150 353847.3 406924364 407 0.9 27898.0 3060 105593.9 323117426 323 0.7 Q2 2021 93252.4 1320 352960.3 465907641 466 1.0 29124.1 998 110234.7 110014249 110 0.2 Q3 2021 89693.5 1140 339489.9 387018483 387 0.9 27945.6 1580 105774.l 167123072 167 0.4 Totals 6913723.33 109.8 2999239.6 38.8 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-19 TW4-20 - Total Pumped Total Pumped Total Total Total Total Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Pumped (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Ql 2007 6768986 2660 25620612.0 68150827947 68151 150.2 642290 16240 2431067.7 3.9481E+IO 39481 87.0 Q2 2007 605400 8 2291439.0 18331512 18 0.0 163520 1800 618923.2 1114061760 1114 2.5 Q3 2007 316080 1100 1196362.8 1315999080 1316 2.9 70360 5200 266312.6 1384825520 1385 3.1 Q42007 334350 l 100 1265514.8 1392066225 1392 3.1 63630 9000 240839.6 2167555950 2168 4.8 QI 2008 304784 1800 1153607.4 2076493392 2076 4.6 66520 13000 251778.2 3273116600 3273 7.2 Q2 2008 380310 1000 1439473.4 1439473350 1439 3.2 39360 30000 148977.6 4469328000 4469 9.9 Q3 2008 529020 3600 2002340.7 7208426520 7208 15.9 53260 21000 201589.1 4233371100 4233 9.3 Q4 2008 589620 4200 2231711.7 9373189140 9373 20.7 50230 1000 190120.6 190120550 190 0.4 QI 2009 469100 1100 1775543.5 1953097850 1953 4.3 52050 8200 197009.3 1615475850 1615 3.6 Q22009 450040 990 1703401.4 1686367386 1686 3.7 49270 6800 186487.0 1268111260 1268 2.8 Q3 2009 200650 6600 759460.3 5012437650 5012 I I. I 51030 13000 193148.6 2510931150 2511 5.5 Q4 2009 454205 4700 1719165.9 8080079848 8080 17.8 208790 15000 790270.2 l.1854E+IO 11854 26.1 QI 2010 348550 940 1319261.8 1240106045 1240 2.7 14490 3500 54844.7 191956275 192 0.4 Q2 2010 453340 1800 1715891.9 3088605420 3089 6.8 39014.86 18000 14767 l.2 2658082412 2658 5.9 Q3 2010 116899.2 2000 442463.5 884926944 885 2.0 39098.3 15000 147987.1 2219805983 2220 4.9 Q4 2010 767970.5 1200 2906768.3 3488122011 3488 7.7 36752.5 24000 139108.2 3338597100 3339 7.4 QI 2011 454607.9 3400 1720690.9 5850349065 5850 12.9 37187.5 31000 140754.7 4363395313 4363 9.6 Q2 2011 159238.9 4000 602719.2 2410876946 2411 5.3 67907.7 8100 257030.6 2081948220 2082 4.6 Q3 2011 141542.6 970 535738.7 519666578.8 520 I. l 72311.2 6800 273697.9 1861145666 1861 4.1 Q4 2011 147647.2 2200 558844.7 1229458234 1229 2.7 72089.3 7900 272858.0 2155578204 2156 4.8 QI 2012 148747 650 563007.4 365954806.8 366 0.8 76306 11000 2888 18.2 3177000310 3177 7.0 Q2 2012 172082.03 460 651330.5 299612022.4 300 0.7 22956.43 36000 86890.1 3128043152 3128 6.9 Q3 2012 171345 950 648540.8 616113783.8 616 1.4 22025 13000 83364.6 1083740125 1084 2.4 Q4 2012 156653 1500 592931 .6 889397407 .5 889 2.0 20114 19000 76131.5 1446498310 1446 3.2 QI 2013 210908 4210 798286.8 3360787344 3361 7.4 18177 18500 68799.9 1272798983 1273 2.8 Q2 2013 226224 2070 856257.8 1772453729 1772 3.9 20252.4 26300 76655.3 2016035284 2016 4.4 Q3 2013 329460.1 8100 1247006.5 10100752476 10101 22.3 19731 26800 74681.8 2001473178 2001 4.4 Q4 2013 403974 942 1529041.6 1440357178 1440 3.2 19280.2 15700 72975.6 1145716245 1146 2.5 QI 2014 304851 586 1153861.0 676162566.5 676 1.5 18781.6 17800 71088.4 1265372737 1265 2.8 Q2 2014 297660.0 810 1126643.] 912580911 913 2.0 18462.4 22100 69880.2 1544352066 1544 3.4 Q3 2014 309742.0 1410 1172373.5 1653046593 1653 3.6 17237.9 12400 65245.5 809043599 809 1.8 Q4 2014 198331 .0 4310 750682.8 3235443019 3235 7.1 16341.8 23300 61853.7 1441191513 1441 3.2 QJ 2015 60553.0 4660 229193.1 1068039869 1068 2.4 15744.7 19900 59593.7 1185914421 1186 2.6 Q2 2015 75102.8 1570 284264.l 446294633.9 446 1.0 18754.1 17600 70984.3 1249323126 1249 2.8 Q3 2015 116503.9 7860 440967.3 3466002675 3466 7.6 17657.3 17000 66832.9 1136158969 1136 2.5 Q4 2015 112762.7 7840 426806.8 3346165465 3346 7.4 15547.4 17000 58846.9 1000397453 1000 2.2 QI 2016 116597.0 7780 441319.6 3433466838 3433 7.6 14353.5 21600 54328.0 1173484746 1173 2.6 Q22016 123768.0 12600 468461.9 5902619688 5903 13.0 15818.3 33700 59872.3 2017695347 2018 4.4 Q3 2016 103609.0 6040 392160.1 2368646793 2369 5.2 12186.6 23600 46126.3 1088580232 1089 2.4 Q4 2016 104919.4 6640 397119.9 2636876329 2637 5.8 12879.6 21300 48749.3 1038359792 1038 2.3 QI 2017 110416.7 1240 417927.2 518229739.8 518 J. l 13552.8 23400 51297.3 1200357943 1200 2.6 Q2 2017 109943.0 510 416134.3 212228470.1 212 0.5 12475.3 18100 47219.0 854664090 855 1.9 Q3 2017 112626.4 8840 426290.9 3768411768 3768 8.3 14556.8 27600 55097.5 1520690669 1521 3.4 Q4 2017 10889 l.2 129 412153.2 53167761.77 53 0.1 14271.0 l 1600 54015.7 626582526 627 1.4 Table G-1 -----·-. -·-·· ---··-· -· -· ... ., .... ..,. ....... • --• • •••~•••-H O • ----· 0 .. 0000 ·-- -· TW4-19 TW4-20 - Total Pwnped Total Pwnped Total Total Total Total Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Couc (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pouuds) Pumped (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pouuds) 01 2018 109856.3 2640 415806.l 1097728092 1098 2.4 14258.4 15400 53968.0 831107878 831 1.8 Q2 2018 111271.4 2980 421162.2 1255063502 1255 2.8 13367.6 12000 50596.4 607156392 607 1.3 Q3 2018 105821.8 1910 400535.5 765022829.8 765 1.7 12443.6 10500 47099.0 494539773 495 I. I Q4 2018 107197.4 5270 405742.2 2138261178 2138 4.7 12841.1 9500 48603.5 461733494 462 1.0 Qi 2019 I 16132.8 2050 439562.6 901103428.4 901 2.0 14623.9 15600 55351.5 863482799 863 1.9 Q2 2019 100704.0 ll500 381164.6 4383393360 4383 9.7 13439.1 13700 50867.0 696877811 697 1.5 Q3 2019 101026.8 6670 382386.4 2550517541 2551 5.6 13787.0 10500 52183.8 547929848 548 1.2 Q4 2019 98806.8 551 373983.7 206065039.6 206 0.5 8317.69 8790 31482.5 276730794 277 0.6 QI 2020 96857.9 8720 366607.2 3196814361 3197 7.0 9505.05 14300 35976.6 514465584 514 1.) Q2 2020 136619.7 7600 517105.6 3930002290 3930 8.7 100713.8 5800 381201.6 2210969393 221 l 4.9 Q3 2020 154514.4 1350 584837.0 789529955.4 790 1.7 12476.2 Well collapsed and not sampled Q4 2020 144512.0 660 546977.9 361005427.2 361 0.8 Well collapsed and not sampled QI 2021 133462.3 6660 505154.8 3364331005 3364 7.4 Well collapsed and not sampled Q2 2021 151242.8 775 572454.0 443651848.5 444 1.0 Well collapsed and not sampled Q3 2021 157632.4 4450 596638.6 2655041921 2655 5.9 Well collapsed and not sampled Totals 20003670.33 456.4 2582397.89 296.2 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-4 -TW4-22 -. -· -·-~ Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) QI 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 84513.9 2000 319885. l 639770223 640 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 76916.8 2100 291130.1 611373184.8 611 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 86872.1 1700 328810.9 558978527.5 559 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2011 73360.0 1800 277667.6 499801680 500 I.I NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22011 80334.6 1700 304066.5 516912983.7 517 I. I NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 97535.0 1500 369170.0 553754962.5 554 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42011 109043.5 1500 4 12729.6 619094471.3 619 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2012 101616.8 1200 384619.6 461543505.6 462 1.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 87759.l 1500 332168.2 498252290.3 498 I.I NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 80006.0 1600 302822.7 484516336 485 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 71596 1400 270990.9 379387204 379 0.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2013 58716.8 1460 222243.1 324474908.5 324 0.7 16677.4 10600 63124.0 669113965.4 669.1 1.5 Q2 2013 65603.4 1330 248308.9 330250795.8 330 0.7 25523.2 12500 96605.3 1207566400.0 1207.6 2.7 Q3 2013 63515.4 1380 240405.8 331759988.8 332 0.7 25592.9 9640 96869.1 933818379 .5 933.8 2.1 Q4 2013 60233.6 1360 227984.2 310058479.4 310 0.7 24952.2 13300 94444.1 1256106224.1 1256.1 2.8 QI 2014 58992.9 1260 223288.1 281343039.4 281 0.6 24532.0 12100 92853.6 1123528802.0 1123.5 2.5 Q2 2014 60235.3 1220 227990.6 278148544.8 278 0.6 24193.9 12400 91573.9 1135516502.6 1135.5 2.5 Q3 20[4 69229.4 1320 262033.3 345883928.3 346 0.8 24610.9 12400 93152.3 1155087980.6 1155.1 2.5 Q4 2014 64422.6 1130 243839.5 275538681.3 276 0.6 23956.9 12400 90676.9 I 124393144.6 1124.4 2.5 QI 2015 36941.3 1350 139822.8 188760807.7 189 0.4 22046.9 12700 83447.5 I 059783459.6 1059.8 2.3 Q2 2015 68162.8 1280 257996.2 330235133.4 330 0.7 23191.6 8050 87780.2 706630658.3 706.6 1.6 Q3 2015 64333.0 1220 243500.4 297070494.1 297 0.7 24619.9 7810 93186.3 727785170.9 727.8 1.6 Q4 2015 59235.1 1190 224204.9 266803775.7 267 0.6 23657.6 7530 89544.0 674266440.5 674.3 1.5 QI 2016 57274.0 1190 216782.1 257970687. I 258 0.6 24517.8 6070 92799.9 563295229.1 563.3 1.2 Q2 2016 61378.0 1780 232315.7 413521999.4 414 0.9 26506.3 8570 100326.3 859796780.9 859.8 1.9 Q3 2016 50104.2 1380 189644.4 261709267 .9 262 0.6 22144.1 5840 83815.4 489482044.0 489.5 I. I Q4 2016 31656.0 1430 119818.0 171339682.8 171 0.4 23646.8 3370 89503.1 301625575.1 301.6 0.7 QI 2017 23526.8 1290 89048.9 114873130 115 0.3 24066.2 5320 91090.6 48460 I 8 I 6.4 484.6 I. I Q22017 23244.9 1290 87981.9 11349671 I I 13 0.3 23685.0 3670 89647.7 329007150.8 329.0 0.7 Q3 2017 23937.3 1290 90602.7 116877457.8 I 17 0.3 24583.2 5150 93047.4 479194171.8 479.2 I.I Q4 2017 22900.6 1120 86678.8 97080223.52 97 0.2 23779.6 4770 90005.8 429327599.2 429.3 0.9 Table G-1 ·-... ·-·---· .. ...... -· .... ·--···------·~ -.,.... . ...... ···--· -·--· -... - ·-TW4-4 TW4-22 -·--~-. Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) 012018 23103.4 1160 87446.4 101437788 101 0.2 23982.8 4530 90774.9 411210287.9 41 l.2 0.9 Q2 2018 18137.0 1050 68648.5 72080972.25 72 0.2 23256.6 3010 88026.2 264958955.3 265.0 0.6 Q3 2018 15366.0 1030 58160.3 59905119.3 60 0.1 21248.7 3600 80426.3 289534786.2 289.5 0.6 Q4 2018 15420.2 1140 58365.5 66536620.98 67 0.1 24171.0 2680 91487.2 245185789.8 245.2 0.5 QI 2019 16655.0 1050 63039.2 66191133.75 66 0.1 26149.9 4310 98977.4 426592471.2 426.6 0.9 Q2 2019 14311.9 1070 54170.5 57962479.41 58 0.1 23073.1 4690 87331.7 409585595.6 409.6 0.9 Q3 2019 14520.0 989 54958.2 54353659.8 54 0.1 24711.7 3460 93533.8 323626894.4 323.6 0.7 Q4 2019 14399.8 1140 54503.2 62133697 .02 62 0.1 24052.5 3820 91038.7 347767881.8 347.8 0.8 QI 2020 14439.2 1100 54652.4 60117609.2 60 0.1 24746.1 3910 93664.0 366226195.0 366.2 0.8 Q2 2020 15347.0 1140 58088.4 66220770.3 66 0.1 25295.3 2530 95742.7 242229057.6 242.2 0.5 Q3 2020 14389.9 1110 54465.8 60457006.37 60 0.1 23050.6 3760 87246.5 328046919.0 328.0 0.7 Q4 2020 15061.5 979 57007.8 55810614.17 56 0.1 22866.1 3640 86548.2 315035406.1 315.0 0.7 QI 2021 13740.8 1130 52008.9 58770088.64 59 0.1 22605.6 5100 85562.2 436367199.6 436.4 1.0 Q2 2021 13425.7 1240 50816.3 63012180.38 63 0.1 22893.3 4520 86651.1 391663155.1 391.7 0.9 Q3 2021 12021.0 llOO 45499.5 50049433.5 50 0.1 22272.5 3510 84301.4 295897957.9 295.9 0.7 Totals 2203535.6 26.2 830860.2 45.9 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-24 TW4-25 .. --. --·. --Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Qi 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Qi 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2013 144842.6 5.7 548229.2 3124906.7 3.1 0.0 99369.9 0.0 376115.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2013 187509.3 17.4 709722.7 12349175.0 12.3 0.0 147310.4 0.0 557569.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2013 267703.5 21.8 1013257.7 22089018.9 22.1 0.1 145840.9 0.0 552007.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2013 260555.3 32.5 986201.8 32051558.8 32.l 0.1 126576.5 0.0 479092.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 QI 2014 229063.9 78.5 867006.9 68060038.6 68.1 0.2 129979.2 0.0 491971.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2014 216984.l 62.7 821284.8 51494558.1 51.5 0.1 124829.8 0.0 472480.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2014 213652.5 76.3 808674.7 61701880.6 61.7 0.1 119663.9 0.0 452927.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q42014 178468.7 25.8 675504.0 17428004.0 17.4 0.04 107416.1 0.0 406569.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 QI 2015 92449.3 49.2 349920.6 17216093.5 17.2 0.04 71452.4 0.0 270447.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2015 62664.2 4.28 237184.0 1015147.5 1.0 0.002 91985.3 0.0 348164.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2015 66313.2 46.9 250995.5 11771687.2 l 1.8 0.026 124137.1 0.0 469858.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2015 107799.1 25.3 408019.6 10322895.7 10.3 0.023 116420.l 0.0 440650.l 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ql 2016 100063.2 22.8 378739.2 8635254.0 8.6 0.019 115483.2 0.0 437103.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2016 65233.6 69.6 246909.2 17184878.6 17.2 0.038 125606.0 0.0 475418.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2016 51765.8 17.8 195933.6 3487617.2 3.5 0.008 104983.6 0.0 397362.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2016 99522.5 20.8 376692.7 7835207.4 7.8 0.017 98681.2 0.0 373508.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 QI 2017 99117.4 18.3 375159.4 6865416.3 6.9 0.015 161.2 l.15 610.1 701.7 0.0 0.0 Q2 2017 52808.7 17.2 199880.9 3437952.0 3.4 0.008 101617.2 0.0 384621.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2017 55574.6 17.8 210349.9 3744227.5 3.7 0.008 124138.4 0.0 469863.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 04 2017 106021.4 16.0 401291.0 6420656.0 6.4 0.014 116731.9 0.0 441830.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Table G-1 --· --·. . -· ... .... -· -·· ... ---·-·~ ---·· . __ .,. .. '--...-··· -·· . -. ---·· -TW4-24: TW4-<25, --. - Total Total total Total Pumpaf Pumpf,d TMal Total Pwnped fumpejl 'FoW TJ>tal Quarter -(Ml) Co!IC (liters)' T~(ug) (grams) (w.und~) _ ,(gal) Cone Qit~) Total (ug) {grams) (Bounds) 01 2018 96900.2 24.9 366767.3 9132504.7 9.1 0.020 116991.7 0.0 442813.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2018 53117.9 49.2 201051.3 9891721.6 9.9 0.022 117758.3 0.0 445715.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2018 53142.5 35.0 201144.4 7040052.7 7.0 0.016 111657.5 0.0 422623.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2018 101606.4 21.0 384580.3 8076185.5 8.1 O.Ql8 114458.2 0.0 433224.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ql 2019 97701.0 28.l 369798.3 10391331.8 10.4 0.023 90789.5 0.0 343638.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2019 53197.3 28.8 201351.8 5798931.3 5.8 0.013 88302.0 0.0 334223.l 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2019 54445.7 31.l 206077.0 6408993.9 6.4 0.014 87609.5 0.0 331602.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2019 102211.02 43.3 386868.7 16751415.2 16.8 0.037 85928.53 0.0 325239.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ql 2020 86344.38 61.7 326813.5 20164391.6 20.2 0.044 85049.47 0.0 321912.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2020 57634.7 49.4 218147.3 10776478.6 10.8 0.024 90767.9 0.0 343556.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2020 53316.l 63 .8 201801.4 12874931.8 12.9 0.028 83956.3 0.0 317774.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2020 103987.2 72.6 393591.6 28574746.7 28.6 0.063 86254.4 0.0 326472.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ql 2021 81891.2 96.2 309958.3 29817985.4 29.8 0.066 80272.2 0.0 303830.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2021 54377.9 41.2 205820.4 8479798.5 8.5 0.019 82692.8 0.0 312992.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2021 53333.1 103.0 201865.8 20792175.7 20.8 0.046 82802.3 1.3 313406.7 419965.0 0.4 0.001 Totals 3761319.5 1.3 3597674.9 0.0 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped -.TW4-01 -. -----TW4-02 Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Couc (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pouuds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) QI 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q420JJ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2015 24569.2 1130 92994.4 I 05083696.9 105.1 0.23 24156.7 1840 91433.1 J 68236921.5 168.2 0.37 Q2 2015 23989.9 1260 90801.8 114410232.1 114.4 0.25 22029.9 1650 83383.2 137582233.0 137.6 0.30 Q3 2015 23652.0 1060 89522.8 94894189.2 94.9 0.21 21586.9 1310 81706.4 I 07035405.6 107.0 0.24 Q4 2015 20764.3 1040 78592.9 81736590.5 81.7 0.18 21769.8 2070 82398.7 170565294.5 170.6 0.38 QI 2016 19255.6 974 72882.4 70987502.4 71.0 0.16 20944.6 1970 79275.3 I 56172362. 7 156.2 0.34 Q2 2016 19588.2 1140 74141.3 84521124.2 84.5 0.19 20624.0 2070 78061.8 161588008.8 161.6 0.36 Q3 2016 15613.5 1160 59097.1 68552633.1 68.6 0.15 17487.4 1780 66189.8 117817860.0 117.8 0.26 Q4 2016 16756.8 1330 63424.5 84354569.0 84.4 0.19 19740.6 1600 74718.2 119549073.6 119.5 0.26 Qt 2017 1693 l.8 519 64086.9 33261081.9 33.3 0.07 19869.7 1570 75206.8 118074698.8 118.1 0.26 Q2 2017 18200.2 977 68887.8 67303338.6 67.3 0.15 18716.7 1940 70842.7 137434856.4 137.4 0.30 Q3 2017 17413.6 958 65910.5 63142236.0 63.1 0.14 19338.8 1310 73197.4 95888539.0 95.9 0.21 Q4 2017 14089.8 556 53329.9 29651420.5 29.7 0.07 17327.6 1610 65585.0 I 05591795.3 105.6 0.23 Table G-1 ......... .,.__. .. ' -·-·-·-·-.................. ···-· -· u , .... • ... -···~. -~ ~--~ ........ ~ .. ···~···--· ......... _ •• -··· _.._ .... TW4-01 -TW4-02 . Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) 012018 12505.7 70.4 47334.1 3332318.8 3.3 0.01 16232.3 764 61439.3 46939591.2 46.9 0.10 Q2 2018 10814.8 942 40934.0 38559845.0 38.6 0.09 16051.4 949 60754.5 57656067.0 57.7 0.13 Q3 2018 9727.3 1010 36817.8 37186008.8 37.2 0.08 14927.2 980 56499.5 55369463.0 55.4 0.12 Q4 2018 9836.7 752 37231.9 27998395.9 28.0 0.06 15464.1 822 58531.6 48112990.4 48.1 0.11 Ql 2019 10603.6 87.2 40134.6 3499739.4 3.50 0.01 16169.9 1040.0 61203.1 63651194.4 63.65 0.14 Q2 2019 9393.9 1040.0 35555.9 36978148.0 36.98 0.08 13893.7 1360.0 52587.7 71519210.1 71.52 0.16 Q3 2019 9734.1 894 36843.6 32938150.2 32.94 0.07 14106.9 797 53394.6 42555509.4 42.56 0.09 Q4 2019 9184.3 1070 34762.6 37195955.8 37.20 0.08 14220.9 934 53826.1 50273583.5 50.27 0.11 QI 2020 8796.7 1190 33295.5 39621656.3 39.62 0.09 13162.1 1880 49818.5 93658871 .2 93.66 0.21 Q2 2020 9600.2 499 36336.8 18132041.7 18.13 0.04 14155.6 1070 53578.9 57329472.2 57.33 0.13 Q3 2020 9487.3 1060 35909.4 38063996.3 38.06 0.08 14009.5 1260 53026.0 66812706.5 66.81 0.15 Q4 2020 9318.7 924 35271.3 32590662.3 32.59 0.07 14582.9 1130 55196.3 62371792.4 62.37 0.14 QI 2021 9066.4 948 34316.3 32531875.2 32.53 0.07 13189.6 939 49922.6 46877355.2 46.88 0.10 Q2 2021 8764.1 957 33172.1 31745717.4 31.75 0.07 I 1975.9 1160 45328.8 52581386.5 52.58 0.12 Q3 2021 8677.2 821 32843.2 26964268.8 26.96 0.06 12694.5 1150 48048.7 55255984.9 55.26 0.12 Totals 376335.9 2.9 458429.2 5.4 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-11 -TW4-21 . ----- Total Total Total -Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (ljters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Ql 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 20LO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2015 9898.7 2450 37466.6 91793119.8 91.8 0.20 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2015 5243.3 2710 19845.9 53782363.3 53.8 0.12 30743.7 366 116364.9 42589555.0 42.6 0.09 Q3 2015 3584.4 1120 13567.0 15194988.5 15.2 0.03 125285.4 281 474205.2 133251672.2 133.3 0.29 Q4 2015 4110.3 2730 15557.5 42471935.4 42.5 0.09 134774.9 339 510123.0 172931695.8 172.9 0.38 QI 2016 3676.2 2660 13914.4 37012349.2 37.0 0.08 125513.3 390 475067.8 185276457 .8 185.3 0.41 Q2 2016 3760.4 3340 14233.1 47538600.8 47.5 0.10 132248.7 545 500561.3 272805924.6 272.8 0.60 Q3 2016 2953.8 3200 11180.1 35776425.6 35.8 0.08 110381.9 456 417795.5 190514744.1 190.5 0.42 Q4 2016 3050.2 3180 11545.0 36713122.3 36.7 0.08 130311.3 434 493228.3 214061069.4 214.1 0.47 Ql 2017 2984.2 3310 11295.2 37387102.l 37.4 0.08 54333.5 598 205652.3 122980073.9 123.0 0.27 Q2 2017 2845.9 3370 10771.7 36300735.2 36.3 0.08 60969.7 224 230770.3 51692550.4 51.7 0.1 I Q32017 2830.0 3290 10711.6 35240999.5 35.2 0.08 120116.2 537 454639.8 244141581.7 244.l 0.54 Q4 2017 2612.7 2880 9889.1 28480520.2 28.5 0.06 126492.5 466 478774.l 223108736.4 223.1 0.49 Table G-1 -·------------. TW4-ll -TW4-.Zl_ Total -Total Total Total Pumped J>umped Total T'of.al l'unip~ Pump~ Tota,! Total Ql)arter (gal) Cone· (liters) T:otal Mil !(grams) (pounds) ~) Cone (liters) 'l'o~l(1fg) ~) (p(!un~) 01 2018 2571.0 3090 9731.2 30069516.2 30.1 0.07 117832.0 421 445994.1 187763524.5 187.8 0.41 Q2 2018 2513.5 2800 9513.6 26638073.0 26.6 0.06 116681.0 532 441637.6 234951195.2 235.0 0.52 Q3 2018 2170.2 3050 8214.2 25053331.4 25.l 0.06 110001.4 476 416355.3 198185122.3 198.2 0.44 Q42018 2379.5 2930 9006.4 26388774.0 26.4 0.06 121686.3 585 460582.8 269440914.0 269.4 0.59 QI 2019 2342.4 2820 8866.0 25002074.9 25.00 0.06 123264 323 466554.6 150697141.8 150.70 0.3 Q2 2019 2195.1 2970 8308.5 24676106.9 24.68 0.05 106893.6 734 404592.3 296970730.6 297.0 0.7 Q3 2019 2046.0 2790 7744.1 21606066.9 21.61 0.05 108132.9 596 409283.0 243932683.8 243.9 0.5 Q4 2019 1983.9 3250 7509.1 24404449.9 24.40 0.05 116167.55 794 439694.2 349JJ7176.3 349.1 0.8 QI 2020 1947.4 2990 7370.9 22039017.9 22.04 0.05 106622.01 844 403564.3 340608275.8 340.6 0.8 Q22020 2003.9 2810 7584.8 21313179.8 21.31 0.05 110999.13 767 420131.7 322241019.3 322.2 0.7 Q3 2020 1784.1 3070 6752.8 20731152.8 20.73 0.05 99515.11 920 376664.7 346531516.0 346.5 0.8 Q4 2020 1394.6 2670 5278.6 14093757.9 14.09 0.03 107061.16 948 405226.5 384154713.1 384.2 0.8 QI 2021 2195.1 2750 8308.5 22848455.3 22.85 0.05 97211.49 400 367945.5 147178195.9 147.2 0.3 Q2 2021 1694.5 3320 6413.7 21293425.9 21.29 0.05 97157.60 1130 367741.5 415547913.1 415.5 0.9 Q3 2021 1560.8 2600 5907.6 15359832.8 15.36 0.03 93390.40 669 353482.7 236479902.2 236.5 0.5 Totals 78332.1 1.9 2783786.9 13.2 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped -TW4-3'T --TW4-39 - ~ -. ·--------- Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) QI 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QJ 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q420] 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2015 29206.0 30200 110544.7 3338450242.0 3338.5 7.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2015 118063.9 19100 446871.9 8535252554.7 8535.3 18.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2015 111737.5 19500 422926.4 8247065531.3 8247.1 18.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA QI 2016 111591.0 17500 422371.9 7391508862.5 7391.5 16.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22016 I 19241.2 16200 451327.9 7311512660.4 7311.5 16.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2016 98377.6 15900 372359 5920511534.4 5920.5 13.l NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2016 101949.1 16400 385877 6328388433.4 6328.4 14.0 3598.3 2800 13620 38134783.4 38.1 0.1 QI 2017 97071.7 18000 367416 6613494921.0 6613.5 14.6 103117.8 6460 390301 2521343639 .6 2521.3 5.56 Q2 2017 93191.3 15800 352729 5573119313.9 5573.l 12.3 41313.0 5560 156370 869415559.8 869.4 1.92 Q3 2017 81749.3 15000 309421 4641316507.5 4641.3 10.2 34546.3 10000 130758 1307577455.0 1307.6 2.9 Q4 2017 87529.6 15500 331300 5135142808.0 5135.1 11.3 68180.2 552 258062 142450255.5 142.5 0.3 Table G-1 . --· ---· --·-··· . ···-· . -· .... --···~. ---··-.. --.... -·-··· ..... .. . -... - ---TW4-37 TW4-39 --- Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) . (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) 01 2018 84769.3 12900 320852 4138988226.5 4139.0 9.1 59262.2 2870 224307 643762315.5 643.8 1.4 Q2 2018 83653.1 14400 316627 4559428562.4 4559.4 JO.I 34259.8 7160 129673 928461135.9 928.5 2.0 Q3 2018 77457.8 14100 293178 4133806599.3 4133.8 9.1 33473.4 8180 126697 I 036379979.4 1036.4 2.3 Q4 2018 76271.4 15200 288687 4388046184.8 4388.0 9.7 37003.6 6520 140059 913182241.5 913.2 2.0 QI 2019 77591 13300 293683.4 3905989871.7 3906.0 8.6 49117 885 185907.5 164528107.9 164.5 0.4 Q2 2019 64950.1 16200 245836.1 3982545281.7 3982.5 8.8 34285.7 8640 129771.4 1121224675.7 1121.2 2.5 Q3 2019 67572.0 11900 255760.0 3043544238.0 3043.5 6.7 36976.2 4240 139954.9 593408848. J 593.4 1.3 Q4 2019 66732.4 13100 252582.1 3308825955.4 3308.8 7.3 51808.6 1650 196095.6 323557659.2 323.6 0.7 QI 2020 65554.2 12000 248122.6 2977471764.0 2977.5 6.6 43169.3 812 163395.8 132677390.0 132.7 0.3 Q2 2020 65163.8 11700 246645.0 28857 4630 I.I 2885.7 6.4 37352.7 5870 141380.0 829900421.0 829.9 1.8 Q3 2020 56659.3 13800 214455.5 2959485216.9 2959.5 6.5 35628.2 5960 134852.7 803722312.5 803.7 1.8 Q4 2020 61323.9 10300 232111.0 2390742903.5 2390.7 5.3 46794.2 648 177116.0 114771198.5 114.8 0.3 QI 2021 59907.4 9380 226749.5 2126910394.4 2126.9 4.7 38932.4 2970 147359.1 437656628.0 437.7 1.0 Q2 2021 58564.2 13000 221665.5 2881651461.0 2881.7 6.4 32865.2 2490 124394.8 309743007 .2 309.7 0.7 Q3 2021 49987.5 10200 189202.7 1929867412.5 1929.9 4.3 31436.6 858 118987.5 102091301.6 102.1 0.2 Totals 2065866.0 261.6 853120.6 29.4 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-40 -----. --. -. --TW4-41 Total --Total Total Total Total Volume Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Total Pumped Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (pounds) (gallons) QI 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 286.9 9648896.0 Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.0 904550.0 Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.0 559220.0 Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 550560.0 QI 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.8 503034.0 Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.8 527290.0 Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.8 724960.0 Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.7 786870.0 QI 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.0 664830.0 Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 1007400.0 Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.5 399710.0 Q4 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49.4 I 047335.0 QI 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.5 492485.0 Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.5 721374.1 Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 376623.4 Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.9 I 041817.3 Ql 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.9 696533.0 Q22011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.1 449131.1 Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.1 462334.5 Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.8 468706.3 QI 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 448486.3 Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 400415.2 Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.6 390229.0 Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.1 358000.0 QI 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.7 634286.1 Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 768953.4 Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31.1 950505.6 Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.3 990119.8 Ql 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.6 859297.5 Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 838057.9 Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.2 852987.2 Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.6 673905.9 QI 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 458271.4 Q2 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.3 539592.9 Q3 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33.4 816299.8 Q4 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.3 847567.8 QI 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30.6 819302.3 Q2 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39.4 832418.9 Q3 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.7 686543.4 Q4 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25.6 750667.4 QI 2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.2 667899.1 Q2 2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.6 657232.5 Q3 2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28.5 754250.1 Q4 2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.9 841953.7 Table G-1 ·--· ... ·-. -·-··· ..... •••-• -• -• ••• • --•••-• --~u•-• -~-• • -•-•••-_., •' ,... ... ._, • _,,. _._ ---,. ~ TW4-40 TW4-41 --. Total Total Total Total Total Volume Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Total Pumped Quamr (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (pounds) (gallons) 01 2018 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.0 810330.4 Q2 2018 NA NA NA NA NA NA 73711.2 1400 278997 390595648.8 390.6 0.9 20.l 803034.5 Q3 2018 NA NA NA NA NA NA 44981.6 1390 170255 236654734.4 236.7 0.5 17.6 733435.6 Q4 2018 NA NA NA NA NA NA 35431 .6 1320 134108 177023110.1 177.0 0.4 20.8 800443.6 QI 2019 NA NA NA NA NA NA 31904 1220 120755.1 147321253.7 147.3 0.3 16.2 811589.4 Q2 2019 81762.7 263 309471.8 81391088.5 81.4 0.18 25146.5 1320 -95179.5 125636943.3 125.6 0.3 26.2 750139.6 Q3 2019 116414.2 380 440627.7 167438543.9 167.4 0.37 24045.6 1190 91012.6 I 08304989 .2 108.3 0.2 18.3 794827.4 Q4 2019 108281.89 314 409847.0 128691943.4 128.7 0.28 21186.4 1410 80190.5 113068638.8 113.1 0.2 13.0 844887.9 Ql 2020 102021.51 364 386151.4 140559115.2 140.6 0.31 17289.9 1200 65442.3 78530725.8 78.5 0.2 18.9 802209.2 Q2 2020 100757.13 367 381365.7 139961225.5 140.0 0.31 17294.9 1220 65461.1 79862567.4 79.9 0.2 25.2 910974.8 Q3 2020 86264.50 333 326511.1 108728207.1 108.7 0.24 13411.4 1110 50762.3 56346111.4 56.3 0.1 13.4 766734.5 Q4 2020 77535.9 264 293473.5 77477002.7 77.5 0.17 17765.7 1020 67243.3 68588115.2 68.6 0.2 9.6 828651.4 Ql 2021 72543.4 436 274576.7 119715421.8 119.7 0.26 13407.5 1170 50747.3 59374310.5 59.4 0.1 16.8 759810.1 Q2 2021 66866.4 343 253089.3 86809638.1 86.8 0.19 13168.7 1130 49843.5 56323188.3 56.3 0.1 11.8 738065.6 Q3 2021 58841.0 301 222713.2 67036668.7 67.0 0.15 13821.0 llOO 52312.5 57543733.5 57.5 0.1 13.4 716109.4 Totals 871288.6 2.5 362565.5 3.9 1295.3 49870857.6 TableG-2 Chloroform Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter TW4d~ TW4'20 MW-4 (MW,26) TW!l-19 TWA-4 TW4-2Z. TIY4e24 TW4-ZS TW4-0l TW4-02 TW4-U TW4-21 TW4-37 TW4-39 TW440 TW4;t'l Quarter . Quiit:ter! (lbs.) (lb"$.) (lbs:) Oh$.) ... (llis.J (lbs.) (lbs.) (l~ (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) {lbs.,) .'(lbs.)' (lbs.) (lbs:.} (lbs.) Totali (lbS.} Ql 2007 36.8 l2.9 150.2 87.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 286.9 Q2 2007 1.4 0.1 0.0 2.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.0 Q3 2007 2.2 0.8 2.9 3.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.0 Q4 2007 1.7 LO 3.1 4.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 QI 2008 1.7 0.4 4.6 7.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.8 Q2 2008 1.3 0.5 3.2 9.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.8 Q3 2008 1.2 0.3 15.9 9.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.8 °'12008 1.3 0.3 20.7 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.7 QI 2009 1.7 0.4 4.3 3.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.0 Q2 2009 6.8 0.2 3.7 2.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 Q3 2009 1.5 0.4 11.l 5.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.5 042009 4.8 0.6 17.8 26.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49.4 QI 2010 0.9 0.4 2.7 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.5 Q2 2010 1.5 1.0 6.8 5.9 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.5 Q3 2010 1.3 1.2 2.0 4.9 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 Q4 2010 l.l 0.5 7.7 7.4 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.9 Qi 2011 I.I 0.2 12.9 9.6 I.I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.9 Q2201 I 1.2 0.8 5.3 4.6 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.1 03 2011 1.2 0.4 I.] 4.1 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.1 Q42011 L2 0.8 2.7 4.8 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.8 Qt 2012 I.I 0.6 0.8 7.0 LO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 Q2 2012 1.1 0.7 0.7 6.9 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 03 2012 1.1 0.7 L4 2.4 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.6 Q42012 0.9 0.3 2.0 3.2 0.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.2 QI 2013 0.9 0.4 7.4 2.8 0.7 1.5 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.7 Q2 2013 0.9 0.9 3.9 4.4 0.7 2.7 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 Q3 2013 0.9 0.6 22.3 4.4 0.7 2.1 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31.l Q4 2013 0.8 0.3 3.2 2.5 0.7 2.8 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.3 012014 0.8 0.3 1.5 2.8 0.6 2.5 0.2 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.6 Q2 2014 0.8 0.4 2.0 3.4 0.6 2.5 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 03 2014 0.9 0.4 3.6 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.2 042014 0.8 0.4 7.1 3.2 0.6 2.5 0.04 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14,6 QI 2015 0.9 0.4 2.4 2.6 0.4 2.3 0.04 0.0 0.23 0.37 0.20 NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 02 2015 0.7 0.5 1.0 2.8 0.7 1.6 0.00 0.0 0.25 0.30 0.12 0.09 7.4 NA NA NA 15.3 Q3 2015 1.0 0.4 7.6 2.5 0.7 L6 0.03 0,0 0.21 0.24 0.03 0.29 18.8 NA NA NA 33.4 Q4 2015 LO 0.4 7.4 2.2 0.6 1.5 0.02 0,0 0.18 0.38 0.09 0.38 18.2 NA NA NA 32.3 Qt 2016 0.9 0.4 7.6 2.6 0.6 1.2 0.02 0.0 0.16 0.34 0.08 0.41 16.3 NA NA NA 30.6 Q2 2016 l.3 0.4 13.0 4.4 0.9 1.9 0.04 0.0 0.19 0.36 0.10 0.60 16.1 NA NA NA 39.4 Q3 2016 1.0 0.5 5.2 2.4 0.6 I.I 0.01 0.0 0.15 0.26 0.08 0.42 13.1 NA NA NA 24.7 Q42016 1.0 0.4 5.8 2.3 0.4 0.7 0.017 0.0 0.19 0.26 0.08 0.47 14.0 0.1 NA NA 25.6 Qt 2017 0.9 0.3 1.1 2.6 0.3 I.I 0.015 0.0 0.07 0.26 0.08 0.27 14.6 5.6 NA NA 27.2 02 2017 0.9 0.5 0.5 1.9 0.3 0.7 0.008 0.0 0.15 0.30 0.08 0.11 12.3 1.9 NA NA 19.6 Q3 2017 1.1 0.3 8.3 3.4 0.3 1.1 0.008 0.0 0.14 0.21 0.08 0.54 10.2 2.9 NA NA 28.5 Q4 2017 1.2 0.6 0.1 1.4 0.2 0.9 0.014 0.0 O.D? 0.23 0.06 0.49 I 1.3 0.3 NA NA 16.9 QI 2018 l.2 0.3 2.4 1.8 0.2 0.9 0.020 0.0 0.01 0.10 O.D? 0.41 9.1 1.4 NA NA 18.0 Q2 2018 I.I 0.4 2.8 1.3 0.2 0.6 0.022 0.0 0.09 0.13 0.06 0.52 JO.I 2.0 NA 0.9 20.l Q3 2018 1.0 0.4 1.7 LI 0.1 0.6 0.016 0.0 0.08 0.12 0.06 0.44 9.1 2.3 NA 0.5 17.6 04 2018 1.1 0.3 4.7 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.018 0.0 0.06 0.11 0.06 0.59 9.7 2.0 NA 0.4 20.8 QI 2019 I.] 0.2 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.9 0.023 0.0 0.01 0.14 0.06 0.33 8.6 0.4 NA 0.3 16.2 02 2019 1.0 0.3 9.7 1.5 0.1 0.9 0.013 0.0 0.08 0.16 0.05 0.65 8.8 2.5 0.18 0.3 26.1 Q3 2019 0.9 0.3 5.6 1.2 0.1 0.7 0.014 0.0 O.D? 0.09 0.05 0.5 6.7 1.3 0.37 0.2 18.3 Q42019 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.037 0.0 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.8 7.3 0.7 0.28 0.2 13.0 QI 2020 1.1 0.2 7.0 l.l 0.1 0.8 0.044 0.0 0.09 0.21 0.05 0.8 6.6 0.3 0.31 0.2 18.9 TableG-2 Chloroform Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter 'l'W4"l5 MW.ai (MW-26) 'fW4-19 TW4-.20 TW4..:4 'J'W4-22 TW4-24 TW4,:25 TW4,-0.l TW4-02 TW4-11 'TW4-U TW4-37 TW4-39 TW;!-40 TW4e41 Quartc:i: Qaarkr• (lbs,),, (lbs.) (lbs.) .(lb_s.)•• (lbs.) ,(Ills.) (lb$.) (lbs.) {lbt.) (lbs.) (Tb$.) (lbs.)_ (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) 'Totals (lbs.) Q22020 I.I 0.3 8.7 4.9 0.1 0.5 0.024 0.0 0.04 0.13 0.05 0.7 6.4 1.8 0.31 0.2 25.2 Q3 2020 0.9 0.2 1.7 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.028 0.0 0.08 0.15 0.05 o.s 6.5 1.8 0.24 0.1 13.4 Q42020 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.063 0.0 0.07 0.14 0.03 0.8 5.3 0.3 0.17 0.2 9.6 QI 2021 0.9 0.7 7.4 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.066 0.0 0.07 0.10 0.05 0.3 4.7 1.0 0.26 0.1 16.8 02 2021 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.019 0.0 0.07 0.12 0.05 0,9 6.4 0.7 0.19 0.1 11.8 Q31021 0.9 0.4 5.9 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.046 0.0 0.06 0.12 O.Q3 0.5 4.3 0.2 0.15 0.1 13.4 Well Totals 109.8 38.8 456.4 296.2 26.2 45.9 1.3 0.0 2.9 5.4 UJ 13,2 261.6 29.4 2.5 3.9 1295.3 • QI 2007 represents the cumulative totnl prior to and including QI 2007. ** TW4-20 collapsed in August 2020 and was abandoned on October l, 2020 Table G-3 Well Pumping Rates and Volumes Pumping Well Name Volume of Water Pumped Average Pump Rate (gpm) MW-4 89693.5 4.0 MW-26 27945.6 16.1 TW4-19 157632.4 15.8 TW4-4 12021.0 16.3 TWN-2 21030.8 16.0 TW4-22 22272.5 16.3 TW4-24 53333.1 16.0 TW4-25 82802.3 10.5 TW4-01 8677.2 12.8 TW4-02 12694.5 16.0 TW4-11 1560.8 14.4 TW4-21 93390.4 16.4 TW4-37 49987.5 18.0 TW4-39 31436.6 18.0 TW4-40 58841.0 18.0 TW4-41 13821.0 5.9 Mass of Chloroform Removed by Quarter (lbs.) 350.0 ...-----------------------------------------, 300.0 ;-------------------------------------------1 250.0 ++----------------------------------------1 200.0 -t--l------------------------------------------1 00 11-----------------------------------------------, -g 150.0 :, 0 e:. "O Q) > ~ 100.0 Q) cc E lJL _______ •-----------------------::------------------1 ,§ 50.0 ... 0 ]: () 0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~,-,--,~~~~-r:i--r-,-,-,--;---r-,-,--,r-r--,~~~~~ ,-.. 0 0 C\I ,-.. 0 0 C\I CX) 0 0 C\I ('I) a 0) 0 0 C\I 0 T"" 0 T"" T"" T"" C\I T"" ('I) T"" ('I) T"" """ T"" I.C) T"" co T"" co T"" ,-.. T"" CX) T"" 0) T"" 0) T"" 0 C\I 0 C\I ('I) a T"" C\I 0 C\I T"" a """ a C\I a 0 C\I T"" a 0 C\I """ a 0 C\I ('I) a 0 C\I C\I a Ql 2007 represents the cumulative total prior to and incuding QI 2007. 0 C\I T"" a 0 C\I """ a 0 C\I ('I) a 0 C\I C\I a 0 C\I T"" a 0 C\I """ a 0 C\I ('I) a 0 C\I C\I a 0 C\I T"" a 0 C\I """ a C\I a Cl) ::9 -... Q) t ctS ::::, a >, ..0 "C Q) > 0 E Q) a: E ... 0 -e 0 ..c: () 15 Cl) Cl) ctS ~ g I ~ ~ 0 0 """ -- 0 IO ('I') 0 0 ('I') 0 IO C\I 0 0 C\I 0 Lri T-- q 0 T-- .~ •• .~ .~ I- ' . •• . ~ ' . . ~ ' . . ~ '. ' . •• ' . ~ •• I-~ ' ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ • . ~ . ~ •• •• •• '~ . ~ •• ~ ' ~ • . ~ •• - ' .~ -•• ' . ~ ' rs: .c ~ ~ ~ -~ - ' ~ ~.._ .... q IO 0 0 (spunod) paAOW8!:l WJOJOJ014~ ~GOG GO OGOG £0 6~0G vO 6 ~OG ~O 8~0G GO HOG£0 9~0G vO 9WG m 9~0G GO v~Oc £0 £~0G vO £We ~o G~OG GO r...: 0 0 N ~ ~OG £0 ,...., 0 oJ) i:: O~OG vO ~ ;::l u .5 "O owe ~o i:: «I g .... 0 600G GO ·;:::: 0.. 3 B 800G £0 V ;> ·~ "3 LOOG vO 8 ;::l () V .c:: ... LOOc ~O ~ i:: V "' ~ 0.. ~ r--0 0 N ,...., 0 0 Chloroform Removed (Pounds) 0 0 0 0 0 ~ :.. 0 (J'l O (J'l t 01 2015 02 2015 03 2015 04 2015 01 2016 02 2016 03 2016 04 2016 01 2017 02 2017 03 2017 04 2017 01 2018 02 2018 03 2018 04 2018 01 2019 02 2019 03 2019 04 2019 01 2020 02 2020 03 2020 04 2020 01 2021 02 2021 03 2021 0 t\) 0 0 t\) c.n 0 (,.) 0 ~ .i::,.. I 0 ...... s:: $1) C/J C/J 0 -0 =r 0 a ...... 0 3 ::D CD 3 0 c§ a. O" '< 0 C $1) ;::::i. CD ..... -O" C/J 01 2015 02 2015 03 2015 04 2015 01 2016 02 2016 03 2016 042016 01 2017 02 2017 03 2017 04 2017 01 2018 02 2018 03 2018 04 2018 01 2019 02 2019 03 2019 04 2019 01 2020 02 2020 03 2020 04 2020 01 2021 02 2021 03 2021 0 0 0 + ChlQ!iOform R:§moved (£'ounds)0 o :.... :.... i\:i C11 0 C11 0 9 I\) (11 0 w 0 0 (;) (11 9 .i:,.. 0 ~ ~ I 0 I\) s: Sl,) en en 0 -0 ::; 0 a 0 3 :::0 Cl> 3 0 rti a. 0-'< 0 C: Sl,) ~ Cl> ., -c= en - 6~0G GO -en .0 -9~0G 80 ... Q) t:: CCI ::J a HOG t>O >, .0 lJ Q) > HOG ~O 0 E Q) a: E 9WGG0 ... 0 -0 ... 0 9~0G 80 ..c (.) -0 en t> ~OG t>O en CCI ~ "q" 0 t>Wl ~O I "q" s I- 8~0G GO (spunod) paAoWal:J WJOJOJOl4:::> --:- Cl) .0 -._ Q) t ~ ::::::, 0 >, .0 "O Q) > 0 E Q) er: E ._ 0 e 0 .s::::. (.) ..... 0 Cl) Cl) ~ ~ LO C\I 0 0 C\I 0 II) 0 II) ,-,-0 0 (spuns:>d) paAoWal:::J ui?oJOJOl4~ 0 0 0 ~GOG 80 ~GOG GO ~GOG ~O OGOG t>O OGOG 80 OGOG GO OGOG ~O 6~0G t>O 6WG80 6~0G GO 6WG ~O 8~0G t>O 8~0G 80 8WGG0 8~0G ~O HOGt>O L~OG80 HOG GO HOG ~O 9~0G t>O 9~0G 80 9~0G GO 9~0G ~O S~OG t>O SWG80 S~OG GO S~OG ~O Chloroform Removed (Pounds) 0 I\) .j::,. en CXl 0 0 0 0 0 01 2007 04 2007 03 2008 02 2009 01 2010 04 2010 03 2011 02 2012 01 2013 04 2013 03 2014 02 2015 01 2016 04 2016 03 2017 02 2018 01 2019 04 2019 03 2020 02 2021 ...... 0 0 ...... I\) 0 ...... .j::,. 0 s:: ~ I I\) en s:: ~ en en 0 -(") :::r 0 0 0 .... 3 JJ CD 3 0 < CD a. O" '< 0 C: ~ ;:::i. CD .... -O" en - .... Q) t <lS ~ a >, ..c "O Q) > 0 E Q) er: E 0 .... e 0 ..c (.) 0 c:i co ,... 0 c:i 'Sf" ,... C! 0 C\J ,... 0 0 0 c:i 0 co ,... ~GOG GO OGOG 80 6WGPO 6 ~OG ~O 8~0G GO HOG80 9~0G PO 9~0G ~O 9~0G GO v~OG 80 8WGPO 8~0G ~O GWGGO ~ ~OG 80 OWGPO O~OG ~O 600G GO 800G 80 LOOG PO LOOG ~O C! 0 0 0 0 c:i c:i c:i co 'Sf" C\J (spunod) paAowac1 WJO!OJOl48 Chloroform Removed (Pounds) p p p 0 0 p 0 ..... I\) w :i:. c.n 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 2015 03 2015 04 2015 01 2016 02 2016 03 2016 04 2016 01 2017 02 2017 03 2017 04 2017 01 2018 02 2018 03 2018 04 2018 01 2019 02 2019 03 2019 04 2019 01 2020 02 2020 03 2020 04 2020 01 2021 02 2021 03 2021 0 a, 0 0 ~ 0 p CX) 0 0 <O 0 ...... 0 0 ~ .J::,,. I I\) ..... s: n> en en 0 -() :,- 0 a -0 ..... 3 :JJ ct) 3 0 < ct) a. C" '< 0 C: n> :::1 ct) ..... -a= en ......... (/) .c :::=.. ,_ Q) t'. ~ :::::, 0 >, .c "C Q) > 0 E Q) a: E ,_ 0 -e 0 ..c () -0 (/) (/) ~ ~ N N I -.::t' ~ I- LO C\i 0 C\J ~ ~ LO ,.... ,.... ci (spunod) paAOW9l::::l WJOJOJOILI~ 0 ci 6~0G 170 6~0G ~O 8~0G GO HOl80 9~0G 170 9~0G ~O 9Wll0 -(/) .0 -.... Q) t ro ::::, 0 >-.0 "C Q) > 0 E Q) a: E .... 0 ..... 0 .... 0 ..c () ..... 0 (/) (/) ro ~ v C\I I v ~ C\J c:i ,- c:i ,-,- c:i c:i ,-,- c:i c:i 0 c:i 0 0 (spunod) paAOW98 WJOJOJ014:) 0 c:i 6~0G 170 6WG ~O 8~0G GO L~OG 80 9~0G 170 9~0G ~O 9~0G GO Cl) .0 -,._ Q) t:: ca ~ a >, .0 "C g;? 0 E Q) a: E ,._ 0 ...... e 0 .c (_) ...... 0 Cl) Cl) ca ~ LO (\J I ~ ~ 0 .... 0 0 c:i -~ O> co ..... co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c:i c:i c:i c:i - j~ j ' 0 OGOG 80 0 0 - 0 6Wc170 0 0 0 6~0G ~O •• 0 •• -'. -'. '. L~OG 80 '. 0 '. 9~0G 170 ' . ' . •• •• '. '. '. '. '. 17~0G 80 '. 0 0 8~0G 170 0 0 0 IO "q" C') C\I .... 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i (spunod) paAowal:::J WJO!OJOl4Q Chloroform Removed (Pounds) ..... ..... 0 N ~ m 00 0 N 0 o o o o o o t 02 2015 03 2015 042015 01 2016 02 2016 03 2016 04 2016 01 2017 02 2017 03 2017 04 2017 01 2018 02 2018 03 2018 04 2018 01 2019 02 2019 03 2019 04 2019 01 2020 02 2020 03 2020 04 2020 01 2021 02 2021 03 2021 ..... ~ 0 ..... m 0 ..... 00 0 N 0 0 ~ ~ I w -.....I s:: !l) en en 0 -(") ::::,- 0 a -0 ...... 3 JJ <D 3 0 < <D a. O" '< 0 C: !l) ::+ <D ...... -a= en - en :;Q ........ .... (I) t ctS ::J a >, ..c "O (I) > 0 E (I) a: E .... 0 -e 0 ..c: 0 -0 en en ctS ~ O> C') I "st" ~ 0 c.o ~GOG 80 ~GOG GO ~GOG ~O OGOG 170 OGOG 80 OGOG GO OGOG ~O 6~0G vO 6~0G 80 6~0G GO 6~0G ~O B~OG 170 B~OG 80 BWGGO B~OG ~O HOG170 L~OG 80 L~OG GO HOG ~O 9WG170 0 ~ ~ ('I) C\l ,.... 0 0 (spunod) paAOW8tf WJOJOJOt40 .--. (/) .c -,_ Q) t ctS :l a >, .c "C Q) > 0 E Q) cc E ,_ 0 -e 0 ..c () -0 Cl) Cl) ctS ~ 0 s:;t I s:;t ~ I- 0 """ ci IO (Y) ci 0 (Y) ci 10 "! 0 0 IO O 10 C\I ,-,-0 ci ci ci ci (spunod) paAOW8H WJOJOJ0140 0 0 ci ~cOc cO ~cOc m ococ vo OcOc 80 ococ co ococ ~o 6Wcvo 6~0c 80 -en ..c :::::,.. Lo Q) t::: ca :::::, a >, ..c "O Q) > 0 E Q) a: E Lo 0 -0 Lo 0 ..c (_) -0 en en ca ~ T""" s:;t" I s:;t" ~ I- C> 0 co 0 © ~ V ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 (spunod) paAOW8tJ WJO!OJ0140 0 0 ~GOG ~0 OZOG 170 02:0Z 80 OZOG ZO 02:0Z ~O 6~02: 170 6WZ80 6~02: ZO 6WZ ~O 8~0G 170 8~0G 80 -• -~ -~ ~ n:, ::, a > .a "'C OJ a. E ::, 0.. OJ E ::, -~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 ...... ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co <.D """ N 1400000 • MW-04 Volume Pumped by Quarter (gal.) 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 ...__ ~ ---. _ _..... . . I -... . . . . . . ~ ..... r ----.... -,. "' ~ .... " -... ,,,... ... ~ ,. ~ "' ,.._ ..... . . . .... ,. T I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • , l l I 1 I I I I I 1 I 0 ~~~~~~~~yyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~ Ql 2007 represents the cumulative total prior to and including QI 2007. I-' I-' N N w l.n 0 l.n 0 l.n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ql 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Ql 2016 Q2 2016 I I I I ~I I I -I 03 2016 I I I I<"" I I I ~ .a::. I 04 2016 I I I I t I I I 0 ta.a. 012011 I I I \. I I I ~ 02 2011 I I I I t I I I -C 03 2011 I I I I ~ I I I 3 ti) 04 2011 I I I F l I I I "'C C 012018 I I I , I I I I 3 "C 02 2018 I I 1, I I I ti) C2. 03 2018 I I fl I I I C"' < 04 2018 I I i I I I I fJ C 012019 I I 1, I I I DJ ""I ,.. 02 2019 I I f l I I I I ti) ""I -03 2019 I I ti I I I I OQ DJ -Q4 2019 ~ I 11 I I I I -=- Ql 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Ql 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 .... .... N N w u, 0 u, 0 u, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ql 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Ql 2016 Q2 2016 1 I I I ~ I I -I 03 2016 I I I I < I I I =: ~ 04 2016 I I I I ~ I I I 0 N 01 2017 I I I J I ~ 02 2017 I I I (I I -C 03 2017 I I I I >I I I 3 t1) 04 2017 I I I I , I I I "'C C 012018 I I I I f I I I 3 "C 02 2018 I I I I# I I I t1) Q. 03 2018 I I I f I I I C"' < 04 2018 I I I " I I I 0 C 012019 I I I I > I I I OJ .., ,.... 02 2019 I I I f"I I I I t1) .., -03 2019 I I I t i I I I OQ OJ -Q4 2019 ~ I I /1 I I I • - Ql 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Ql 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 I-' I-' N .i,:. m 00 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Ql 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Ql 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 -I Q4 2012 ~ Ql 2013 ~ Q2 2013 I 0 Q3 2013 ~ Q4 2013 ~ Ql 2014 -Q2 2014 C Q3 2014 3 Q4 2014 tD Ql 2015 ""C Q2 2015 C Q3 2015 3 Q4 2015 "C tD Ql 2016 a. Q2 2016 C"' Q3 2016 < Q4 2016 0 Ql 2017 C DJ Q2 2017 ;1. Q3 2017 tD Q4 2017 ""I Ql 2018 -(JQ Q2 2018 DJ -Q3 2018 • -Q4 2018 Ql 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Ql 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Ql 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 I-' I-' N .,,. O'\ 00 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ql 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Ql 2016 Q2 2016 I --I ~ Q3 2016 I I " I I I I I .a::i. Q4 2016 I I t I I I I I I .... .... 012011 I I f I I I I ~ 02 2011 I I t I I I I I -C Q3 2011 I I t I I I I I 3 n, Q4 2011 I I f I I I I I "'C C 012018 I I t I I I 3 "C 02 2018 I I I I I I I I n, a. Q3 2018 I ,. 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N ,-t ,-t ,-t 1:lOl Eb llOl lb 1:lOl 1:b OlOl vb -• ns QO OlOl Eb -'-a, t OlOl lb ns ::l a > OlOl 10 .c "'C a, a. 6tOZ vb E ::l Q. a, 6t0l Eb E ::l -~ 6t0l lb ""'4 ~ I 6t0l lb ~ ~ t- si:oz: vb 8t0l Eb 8t0l lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 " I.O Lil 'St m N .-t TabH Laboratory Analytical Reports American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-011 C Client Sample ID: MW-04_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1150h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Extracted: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 82600-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1814h Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 100 1,140 ---- Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 4,93 0 5,100 4,850 5,000 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations, Analyzed: 8/27/20211)16h Extracted: Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: CAS Compound Number Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 Chloromethane 74-87-3 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 ---- ------- 5,000 98.6 80-136 5,000 102 85-121 5,000 97.1 78-132 5,000 99.9 81-123 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qual 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual -------------- Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 49.7 50.00 99.3 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52.1 50.00 104 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.7 50.00 IOI 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.8 50.00 102 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 32 of 46 All anal~ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom,ed in accordance LO NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on tJ1e attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for the e..,clusi,·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o~ su~seq~nl ~,~e of lhe ~?1:"e of this .cor~pany or M) ,~mber of its staff, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~~eel ion_ \\·ilh lhe a~\'ertisement.. p~omoti~n or saJe of :Uf ~rod~cl or p1.?Cess, ~r in ~onn1;c!ion w!lh lh~ r;-publication of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-011 Client Sample ID: MW-04_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1150h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L --------- Date Analyzed 9/9/2021 545h 8/27/2021 1019h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 43.2 E353.2 0.100 3.83 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 16 of 46 All analyses applicoble to lhe CWA. SOW A. and RCRA are perfom,ed in accordance 10 NELAC prolocols. l'cnim.,11 sai"11hnQ informalion is located on the attached COC. C(l,'11fideillinl Business lnformahon: This report is pro,·ided for the exclusire use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f su~seq~ent ~~e of the ~~e of 1his .co1~pany or M) '~'!1ber of ils slaff, or repr-Jducrl~ ~!' this r~ In ~1!1ec1ion .. \\•ilh the ™!~·e11ise1~n1. P~?moti'!" ~ safe of~!~: prodl~CI or p1:?Cess, ?r in ~nn~.tion w!th lh? r~-publicatioll of this repon ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00SC Client Sample ID: TW4-0 l _ 08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1158h Received Date: 8/26/2021 l 025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1358h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: 10 CAS Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN 100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 10.0 821 Phone: (80 l) 263-8686 --The reporting limits ivere raised due to high analyte concentrations. Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1636h Fax: (801) 263-8687 Units: µg/L ~-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Laboratmy Director Surrogate Units: µg/L Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 1.18 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 ----- CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual ------- 17060-07-0 49.4 50.00 98.8 80-136 460-00-4 52.2 50.00 104 85-121 1868-53-7 49.4 50.00 98.8 78-132 2037-26-5 50.0 50.00 100 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 26 of 46 All ana1fses applicable to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Jnforma1ion: This report is pro\'ided for the exclusi\"e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o,rsu~seq~enl ~e of the ~?1:'1e of this .cot~pan_v or M) 1~mber of its S13IT, or reproducho1~ ~f Jhis repo~ in ~on~1eclion ... \\·ith lhe a~\ ertise~enl p~~m1olio.n ~r ~a1e of ~!Y. ~rod~ct or p1:~cess, ~r in ~1m:_cJion w!th th: r:-publicalion of this repon American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-01_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1158h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/7/2021 937h E300.0 1.00 44.5 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 8/27/2021 1009h E353.2 0.100 1.38 ---------- 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 10 of 46 All analyses applicable to lhe CWA SOWA, and RCRA ore performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pc11in1C1\l snrnpl ny: in('ont'ln.tioo is locnted on the n11ached COC. Conf1dentinl Business lnfonn1111on: This report is prm•ided for lher.XdU$h'r use: of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.r su~seq~1enl ~e of rhe ~?':11e of lhis .cot~pany or M) ~~mbe, of its starf, or reproductloi~ ~f lhis n:i,o~ in .con!1«1100~ \\·llh the n~~·er1iset~ent. P~?mo1i~n ~r ~ale of~!)'. prod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~!ion \\'!th th~ r~·p~bllcc.iion o( l11is report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-009C Client Sample ID: TW4-02_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 l O 15h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1735h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: 100 CAS Number 67-66-3 Method: Reporting Limit 100 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC ---- Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 5,040 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 5,160 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 4,920 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 5,050 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1553h Units: µg/L Compound Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 101 103 98.5 101 Method: Reporting Limit SW8260D Analytical Result 1,150 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 SW8260D Analytical Result Qual Qual Qual Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane 56-23-5 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 QA Officer Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 75-09-2 ---- CAS Result Amount Spiked 17060-07-0 48.9 50.00 460-00-4 50.5 50.00 1868-53-7 49.8 50.00 2037-26-5 50.4 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual ------- 97.8 80-136 101 85-121 99.5 78-132 101 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 30 of 46 All annl~ ses applic::i.ble to lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perrom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is localed on the aHached COC Conlidentii:il Business lnfonrnilion: This report is pro,·ided for 1he e.-.;:clusi,e use of the ~ddressec Pri, ile~es o,r su~seq~enl ~~e of lhe ~~1e or lhis .co1~pany or an)" ~mber of ils slaff, or reproductio~ ~f Uus repo~ in ~on~eclion .. "·ith the ~ver1isemenl. p~omoli~n l"!r sale of~!). ~1odt'.ct or p1.ocess, ~r in ~1m1;c!ion '''!th th7 r;-publica1ion or lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIF.S 3440 South 700 West ;;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 2108726-009 Client Sample ID: TW4-02 08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 l O 15h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 1113h 8/27/2021 1016h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 36.8 E353.2 0.100 1.97 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 14 of 46 All annlyses applicnble 10 lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA ure performed in accordMce to NELAC protocols Per1inenl sampling information is locuted on the attached COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This repon is pro,•ided for lhe exclur ,(lwrofthe ~c\dressee Pri, ile~es o_fsllb .. seq~enl ~1~e of the ~~e of lhis .co1~po11y or M) 1~mber of its stnff, or reproductio,~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~eclion ... wilh the ~ver1isemenl. p~~motio.n or ~aJe of ?1!). ~rod~cl or P~?ces•;, ~r in ~onn~c~ion w!lh th: r:-publicnll('Jn or 1his report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-002C Client Sample ID: TW4-03_09152021 ANALYTICAL LAeoRAroR1es Collection Date: 9/15/2021 740h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratmy Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 1958h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB Extracted: Dilution Factor; CAS ----- 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 203 7-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 --- Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual --- 52.4 50.00 105 80-136 50.2 50.00 JOO 85-121 SO.I 50.00 100 78-132 50.6 50.00 IOI 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 24 of 48 All anal~ses applicable to lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is located on Lhe atlached COC Con(idential Business Information: This report is pro,·ided for lhe e:-.:clu!U"° use of the ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o,r sub~seq~enl ~e or !he ~~e of lhis .co1~pany or anr '~'!1be1 of its sfa(f, or reproductiO!~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~o,~eclion ... \\ith the a~\'el1ise1~enl. P~?molio.n ~r saJe of?'~~: ~,od~I or p~~ess, ~r in ?>nn:<=~ion \\'!lh 1h~ 11;-publicaJfon of 1his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratoty Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 202 I Lab Sample ID: 2109449-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-03_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 740h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 1746h 9/20/2021 1515h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 20.3 E353.2 0.100 5.28 --- Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 7 of 48 All analyses applicable Lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed m accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling informalion is localed on the attached COC Confidentl:il Business [nformalion: This report is provided ror lhe exclush e use of the ~ctdressee Pri\ ile~es o:sub~seq~enl ~~e or the ~?1;1e of1his .con:ipany or M)' 1~mber of its staff, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~on~1echon~ \\ilh the ~vertise~enL P~?molio.n or ~aJe of :i,i~Y. ~rod1~cl or p1:~ss, ~r in ~onn:c~ion w!lh th~ r:-publication of this reporL ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-00JC Client Sample ID: TW4-03R_09142021 ANALYTICAL LAoonATon1es Collection Date: 9/14/2021 800h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Jabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2156h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chlorofonn Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-b0-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 12.8 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 51.6 50.00 103 80-136 50.0 50.00 99.9 85-121 48.7 50.00 97.4 78-132 50.9 50.00 102 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 23 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling inform::ilion is located on the attached COC. Confiden1ial Business Jnformalion: This repon is proYided for !ho C.SduS1\C1 use of the ~cldressee Prl\ ile~es o! sub~seq~enl ~1~e of lhe ~~e of this .co1~pany or any 1~mber or its staff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~ection~ \\ith the n~vertise1~ent. p~~mo1io.n or sale or ?1!Y. ~rocilict or p~~ess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w!th 1h~ ~-publk111ic11 ur this repon American West ANAI.VTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-03R_09142021 Collection Date: 9/14/2021 800h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 1722h 9/20/202 l 1514h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 6 of 48 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols, Pertinent sampling inrormation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is pro,•ided forthe exclusirn use of the !ddressee. Pri, ile~es o,r sub~seq~enl ~e of lhe ~:11:"e of lhis .co~pany or M) ,~mber of its staff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1eclion .. with the a<!vertisement, P~?moli°:41 ~r sale of ~y ~rod~ct or p1.?Cess, ~r in ~nni;c!ion \\'!lh th~ r:-publicalion of this repon ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample JD: 2108726-0lOC American West Client Sample ID: TW4-04_08242021 ANALvr1 c AL LA s oRAroR, Es Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1214h 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1755h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 100 Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 1,100 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 5,020 460-00-4 5,230 1868-53-7 4,920 2037-26-5 5,070 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1620h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 5,000 100 80-136 5,000 105 85-121 5,000 98.3 78-132 5,000 101 81-123 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qua! 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.5 52.7 51.3 51.1 50.00 103 80-136 50.00 105 85-121 50.00 103 78-132 50.00 102 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 31 of 46 All anal)ses applicable to the CWA SDWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inent sampling informalion is loculed on Lhe attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided ror lhe exclusiYe use of lhe ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es o.rsub~seq~enl ~~e of the ~:1',"e of lhis.co";pany or any ~mbe1 of ils slnff, or reproductio~ ~fthis repo~ in .co~ection~ \\ilh the a~,•ertisemenL p~omolio_n ~r sale of~!). prod~ct or p1 .. ocess, ~r in ~onn~c~ion w~th th7 n;_-publicalion of this 1epor1 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-04_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1214h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 l l37h 8/27/2021 1017h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 39.6 E353.2 0.100 4.00 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 15 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA ore perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sompling information is locoted on the ultached COC Confidential Business lnfonnotion: This report is provided for lhe exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee P1i, ile~es o_f sub~seq~1ent ~,~e of the ~~e of this .cm~p:my or M~ 1~mbe1 of ils slaff, or reproduclio~ ~f 1his repo~ in _co~ection .. "~lh the o~~·ertisemenl. P~?motio_n ~r sale of~!) ~1od~cl or p1:ocess, ?r in :°n":'~ion w!th th~ n;-publicn1ion of I his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORl[6 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-003C Client Sample ID: TW4-05_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 655h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2207h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 11.2 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 48.6 50.00 97.1 80-136 48.6 50.00 97.1 85-121 48.9 50.00 97.8 78-132 49.8 50.00 99.7 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 23 of 44 All analyses applicable 10 lhe CWA. SDW A,. and RCRA are performed in accordance Lo NELAC protocols. Pertinenl sampling informa.Lion is Jocn1ed on the attached COC Confidential Business Jnfonnation: This repon is provided for 1he exclu.5i, e use of the ~ddressee. Pri,ile~es o! su~seq~enl ~e of the ~~e of this &CO~PtlflY or MY ~'!'ber of its staff, or reproducli~ ~f lhis repo~ in f01~1ion,. ,\ilh lhe ~Yertise~nl, P~?molio.n ~r sale of ?J!Y rrodl~I or p~ocess, ~r in i;onn:c!ion w!lh th7 r:-publication of this report 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 210963 8-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-05_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 655h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 10/6/2021 517h E300.0 2.00 39.8 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/27/2021 1216h E353.2 0.100 6.63 ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 8 of 44 All an.ilyses applicable to lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfomied in accordance to NELAC prolocols, Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Jnfonnation: This report is pro\•ided for !he exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es o.r sub~seq~enl ~e of the ~~e of lhis .con;ipany or nnr ~ber of its s141f, or reproducti~ ~f this rcpo~ in ~eclion~ \\it.h the 8<!_vertise~t, ~?moti°:" o.r sale of~) ~rod~t or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~.Lion w!lh 1h~ r~-publication of lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-00IC Client Sample ID: TW4-05R_09212021 Collection Date: 9/21/2021 1015h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2049h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 14.8 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 49.7 50.00 99.5 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 48.6 50.00 97.2 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.2 50.00 101 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.2 50.00 100 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit/or the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 21 of44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA. SOWA~ and RCRA are perfonned in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Pertinmt sampling information Js locmed on lhe auached COC Confidenrinl Business Jnfonnation: Th.is repor1 is pro,·ided for 1he e.xclusiYe use of1he ~ddressee Pri, ile~ o.r sub~seq~ent ~;e of lhe ~~le of this .c~pany or any ~mber of ils slaIT, or reproducti~ ~f this repo~ in ~n?eclion .. \\'ith the ~\'ertise~enl., P~?moli~ ~r sale of ~y ~rod~l or~~, ~r in ?>""~?on w!lh t~ ':·p~blicalion of this report American West ANAi VTICAL LAOORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-05R_09212021 Collection Date: 9/21/2021 1015h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/7/2021 1226h 9/27/2021 1214h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qua) E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 6 of 44 All anal) ses applicable 1o lhe CWA_ SOWA_ and RCRA are perfonned in accordance lo NELAC prolocols, Pertinenl sampling information is localed on lhe al1ached COC Conlidential Business lnfonnation: This repon is provided for the exclusirn use of1he ~ddressee P1i,·ile~es o_F sub .. seq~enl ~:e or the ~~e or lhis .con:ipany or any 1~1;1ber or ils slaIT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~~1ection~ \\ilh the a~venise~enl, P~?moti~n or sale of :11!): ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~~ion ,,·~lh th~ r:-p~blicalion of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awa1@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-015C Client Sample ID: TW4-06_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 1225h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 152h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 3.71 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.2 48.8 48.9 49.6 50.00 102 80-136 50.00 97.5 85-121 50.00 97.8 78-132 50.00 99.2 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 37 of 48 All anal)ses applicable to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the altached COC. Conlidential Business Information: This repon is pro\'ided for the exclusi, e use or the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o!' sub~seq~enl ~~e of lhe ~~e of lhis .con,ipany or any '!!:mber of its slnff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~o~eclion .. wilh I.hen~, er1isement, P~?molio 1 n or sale of ?1!). rrodL'.CL or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn:c~ion w~th th~ r:_-publicalion of Lhis report 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-06_0915202 I Collection Date: 9/15/2021 1225h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/26/2021 I I 4h 9/20/202 I 1542h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 34.1 E353.2 0.100 0.166 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 20 of 48 All anal) ses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informotion is located on lhe auadied COC Confidenliol Business lnfonmi1ion: This repon is pro\'ided for the exclusi\·e use of 1he ~ddressee Pri, ile~es or sub~seq~enL ~~e or the ~~1e of I his .co1~pany or an) ~mber of its s1aff, or reproducti~~ ~f this repo~ in fOn~ecl1on~ with the °<!' ertisemenl. P~?motio.n ~r ~a1e of ?1!) ~rodl~cl or P'.?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion wi1h lh~ r~-publication of this report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 202 I Lab Sample ID: 2109638-013C Client Sample ID: TW4-07 _ 0923202 I ANALvr1cAL LAeoRAroR1Es Collection Date: 9/23/2021 708h 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1619h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform ---------- Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 10 CAS Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua( 67-66-3 10.0 801 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 516 500.0 103 80-136 504 500.0 IOI 85-121 473 500.0 94.7 78-132 502 500.0 100 81-123 --The reporting limits were raised due to high ana/yte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 9/29/2021 124h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 56-23-5 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC 17060-07-0 50.5 50.00 101 460-00-4 49.6 50.00 99.2 1868-53-7 51.6 50.00 103 2037-26-5 51.3 50.00 103 SW8260D Analytical Result < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Qual $ Qua! $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit/or the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: l 0/11/2021 Page 33 of 44 All anal~ ses applic.ible to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling informalion is located on the attached COC Confidenrial Business Information: This report is pr0\1ded for the exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es or sub ... seq~enl ~:e of lhe ~~e of I his .con:ipnny or M) ~r_nbei of ils slalT, or reproduclio~ ~~ this repo~ in .co~eclion ... ,vilh the ~vertise~nL, P~?moli~ or saJe of !1'!Y ~rod~! or p~ocess, ~r in ':°"n:C.Lion w!lh 1h7 n;J>l:lblicaLion of lhis repon 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-013 Client Sample ID: TW4-07_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 708h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 104 7h 9/27/2021 1237h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qua! £300.0 2.00 42.8 £353.2 0.100 4.58 Report Date: I 0/ 11 /2021 Page 18 of 44 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SDW A. Md RCRA are performed in accordance Lo NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informal.ion is locuted on the auached COC Confirlenrio\ Business Jnformation: This repor1 is provided for the exclush e use of 1he ~ddressee Prl\il~es of su~eq~l ~e of the ~?1."e of Lhis.co~pany or an~ ~mber of its staff, or reproduclio~ ~fthls repo~ in ~on~eclion~ ,viU1 lhe ~vertisemenl, P~?molio.n ~r sale of!"!~. ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:c~on w~lh 1h~ r:p~blication of !his report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-004C Client Sample ID: TW4-08_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 707h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2227h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 17.0 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07·0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.4 48.2 50.7 SO.I 50.00 IOI 80-136 50.00 96.4 85-121 50.00 IOI 78-132 50.00 100 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit/or the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: I 0/11/2021 Page 24 of 44 All anal) ses applic.ible lo the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are pecformed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is locoLed on the attached COC. Con(identiol Business Jnfonnation: This report is pro\'ided for 1he exclusi\·e use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·il~es o.f suh_.seq~l ~e of lhe ~~ of this .~pan~· or nn)' ~'!1ber or ils slaff, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~on~clion .. with lhe n~~ertise~ent, P~?moti~n ':r ~ale of ?J!). ~rod~cl or P~?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w~lh th7 r~-publication of this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 l) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-08_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 707h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 628h 9/27/2021 1222h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 40.8 E353.2 0.100 0.665 Report Date: I 0/ 11/2021 Page 9 of 44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CW A. SDWA0 and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling inform.a.lion is located on lhe allached COC Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This report is prol'ided for lhe exclusi, e use of the ~dressee PriYile~es or sub~seq~enl ~e of lhe ~~le of"lhis .oo~pan~· or any ~~her of its sl.i:rr: or reproducli~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~eel ion .. wilh the ~vertisemenl P~?molio.n or saJe of~)' ~rod~cl or p~~ss, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w!lh 1h~ r:.·p~blicalion of this report 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Jabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-008C Client Sample ID: TW4-09_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 900h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2346h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua! 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 30.0 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.1 50.00 100 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 50.1 50.00 100 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.2 50.00 102 78-132 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 50.7 50.00 IOI 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 28 of 44 All anal} ses applicable to lhe CWA, SOW A. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance 10 NELAC proLocols Pertinml sampling informal.ion is localed on lhe at1ached COC. Confidenriol Business lnfonnalion: This report is pro"ided for the exclusi, e use or1he ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es of sub .. seq~enl ~e of lhe ~~e of I his .co~pan)' or W'l) ~~ber of iLs staff, or reproducti~ ~f this repo~ in ~eel ion .. with the ~,·ertisemenl ~?moli~ or sale of~) ~rod~l or p~ocess, ~r in ~n~~on w!lh 1h~ r!·publication of this report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-09 _ 09222021 ANALYTICAL LAeoRAToR1Es Collection Date: 9/22/2021 900h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual I 0/6/2021 802h E300.0 2.00 30.8 9/27/2021 1229h E353.2 0.100 0.700 Report Date: I 0/1 1/2021 Page 13 of 44 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols. Per1inenl sampling information is localed on lhe attached COC. Confiden1ial Business lnfomralion: This repor1 is pr01ided for the e:xclusl\"e use oflhe ~ddressee. PriYile~es or sub .. seq~enl ~~e of lhe ~~e of I his _co1~pany or any ~mber of its Slaff, or reproductio~ ~r this repo~ in .co"!'eclion~ with lhe ~vertisemenl, P~?molio.n or sale of~)~ ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in c_:onnl;C~Ofl \\~lh 1h~ r:-pub]icalion of lhis repon American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2I09638-0l2C Client Sample ID: TW4-I0_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 656h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1559h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: 10 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 10.0 545 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 512 515 492 512 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentralions. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 9/29/2021 104h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 500.0 102 80-136 500.0 103 85-121 500.0 98.3 78-132 500.0 103 81-123 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qual 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 $ 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 49.5 49.4 50.3 50.0 50.00 99.0 80-136 50.00 98.7 85-121 50.00 IOI 78-132 50.00 100 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: I 0/ 11 /2021 Page 32 of 44 All an.I.I~ ses applic.:able to the CW A_ SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinenl sampling information is located on the attached COC, Confidenlial Business Information: This report is pro"ided for 1he exclusfre use of lhe ~ddressee, Pri, ile~es of su~seq~enl ~;e of Lhe ~~e of this .co1~pany or M) ~mber of its sla!T, or reproductio~ ~~ Lhis repo~ in .c~eclion~ \\ilh lhe a~,•ertisemenl, P~?moti°!1 o.r sale of~!) rrod~l or p~s, ~r in ~nnt;=!ion "~Lh I~ r~-publication of this report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-012 Client Sample ID: TW4-10_09232021 ANALYTICAL LA00RAT0R1rs Collection Date: 9/23/2021 656h 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qua) 10/6/2021 1024h E300.0 2.00 50.6 9/27/2021 1236h E353.2 0.100 6.35 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 17 of 44 All analyses applicable 1o lhe CW A. SDWA_ and RCRA are performed in m:cordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on lhe allached COC. Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This report is proyided for the exclusi, e use of1he ~dressee, Pri,ile~es o~ sub~seq~nl ~e of the ~?'!1e orlhis .co~pany or an)r ~mber of its staff, or reproductio~ ~fthis repo~ in .co~eclion~ ,vit.h the ~vertisemenl. P~?motio.n or sale of ?1!): ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c,tion w~lh th~ r~-p~blicalion of this report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-013C Client Sample ID: TW4-l 1_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 I 006h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1418h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 100 Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 2,600 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 4,980 460-00-4 5,310 1868-53-7 4,880 2037-26-5 5,060 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1259h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 5,000 99.5 80-136 5,000 106 85-121 5,000 97.5 78-132 5,000 101 81-123 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qual 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 49.0 50.00 97.9 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.9 50.00 99.7 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.7 50.00 99.3 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.0 50.00 99.9 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 34 of 46 All anal) ses applicable to lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols, Pertinent sampling information is located on Lhe attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee, Pri,·ile~es o.r sub,,seq~ent ~~e of the ~~e of I his .co1~pany or an,· 1~mber of ils slnff, or reproductio~ ~f Lhis repo~ in ~o~ection~ \\~lh lhe ~ver1isemenl. P~?molio.n ~r sale of ?1!Y ~rod~cl or p1:ocess, ~r in ~onn1;c~ion w!th th~ r1;-publicalion of this repor1 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-013 Client Sample ID: TW4-11_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1006h Received Date: 8/26/2021 l 025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/9/2021 634h 8/27/2021 1023h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 40.2 E353.2 0.100 5.78 ----- Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 18 of 46 All annl) ses applicnble 10 the CWA. SOW A. and RCRA ore perl'om1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampliny information is located on lhe auached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is pro"lded for !he e:\C'hl51,c, use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.rsu~seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e or this .c01~pany or M) t~mber of its slnff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~011~1ection ... \\ilh the n~,er1isemen(, p~omotio.n ~r ~ale of~!) ~rodl~ct or p1,ocess, ~r in ~onn:c~ion w!th th~ r:-puhllenhcrn of lhis report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-006C Client Sample ID: TW4-12_09152021 ANALvr1cAL LA00AAT0R1Es Collection Date: 9/15/2021 830h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 l) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2255h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.9 50.00 102 80-136 48.9 50.00 97.8 85-121 48.6 50.00 97.2 78-132 49.2 50.00 98.4 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 28 of 48 All an::il)ses ap11licable lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfomted in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is loctited on the ellached COC (onfidentinl Business Jnformnlion: This report is pro\'ided for the exclushe use of 1he ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o~ sub .... seq~en! ~~e of the ~:u:ne of this _co,~pany or nn~ ~mbet of its stafT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~rn~1ec1ion~ \\ilh the .i~vertisemenl, P~?molio,n ~r sale of~!) ~rod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion w!lh lh~ r~-pul:ilication of lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 2109449-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-12_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 830h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 2008h 9/20/2021 1524h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qua) E300.0 1.00 36.1 E353.2 0.100 1.95 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page I 1 of 48 All anal}ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA nre perfomled in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Jnformation: This report is provided for the cxclusi,·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es of' sub .. seq~1enl ~·~e of Lhe ~?'?e or this .con.1pany or an~ !:mbe1 of its slaff, or reproductio~ ~f Lhis repo~ in ~on~ec11on ... \\ith the u~vertisemenL. P~?molio.n o.r sale or'."!) ~ro<h~cl or p1:ocess, ~r in ~onn:_c~ion w!lh 1h~ r~-publication of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-007C Client Sample ID: TW4-13_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 83 7h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2315h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENI00 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua) 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52.4 50.00 105 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 48.1 50.00 96.2 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.8 50.00 99.7 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.2 50.00 100 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 29 of 48 All analyses applicable Lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the ollached COC Confidenlial Business [nformation: This report is pro,•ided for 1he exclusi,·e use of the ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es of sub~seq~enl ~~e of Lhe ~?1,"e of 1his .co1~pany or an~ ~i:nber of its staff or reproduclio.~ ~! this repo~ in ~on?ection~ with the a~~ ertisement. P~?motio,n ':r sale of~!~ ~rod~cl or p1:ocess, ?r in :onn:c~ion w~th 1h~ r~~publicalion or Lhis report 3440 South 700 West ;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-13_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 837h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 2118h 9/20/2021 1528h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 54.2 E353.2 0.100 4.80 ------------ Report Date: I 0/4/202 I Page I 2 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable to lhe CW A. SDWA, and RCRA are perfom,ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the altached COC Confidential Business [nformation: This report is provided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o! sub ... seq~enl ~1~e of the ~:u:ne of this .co1~pany or ru,y 1'!:~mbe1 of its sLnIT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1eclion~ \\ilh the a~vertisemenl, P~?motio.n ~r sa1e of ~!Y ~rodt~cl or p1.ocess, ~r in ~nn:c~ion w~th 1h7 r~-publication of lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LAB0RAT0Rit6 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-009C Client Sample ID: TW4-14_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 845h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2354h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52.5 50.00 105 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.8 50.00 99.5 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.2 50.00 98.5 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.4 50.00 101 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 31 of 48 All ruin I} ses applicnble lo the CWA, SOW A. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is located on Lhe altached COC Confidential Business lnform:ition: This repor1 is pro\'ided for the exclusi,-e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es a: su~seq~enL ~~e of the ~~e or this .cot~p:my or an) ~~mbe1 of ils slnIT, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~011~eclion~ "-ith the n~verlisemenl, P~?molio.n or sale or :U~), ~rod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion w~Lh th~ r::publicalion or this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-009 Client Sample ID: TW4-14_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 845h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 2206h 9/20/2021 l 530b Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 34.4 E353.2 0.100 5.56 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 14 of 48 AIJ analyses applicable lo lhe CW A. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertineol sampling informal.ion is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Informal ion: This report is provided for 1he e."iclusi\e use of lhe ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es o!' sub,_seci~enl ~1~e or the ~~e of this .coi~p::my or ntl) ~~her of ils slaff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1ection~ witl1 lhe a~,•ertisement, P~?molio.n or sale of?'!~ ~ro<h~ct or p,.?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion W!lh 1h~ r:p~blicalion of this report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2l08726-006C American West Client Sample ID: MW-26_08242021 A.N 11ln 1ch1, lAnoRA.10R1Ea Collection Date: 8/24/2021 958h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Received Date: 8/26/202 l l 025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/27 /202 l l OOOh Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 100 Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 1,580 --- Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 4,870 4,980 4,930 4,980 --The reporting limits were raised due lo high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1424h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 5,000 97.4 80-136 5,000 99.6 85-121 5,000 98.6 78-132 5,000 99.6 81-123 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qua! 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 49.3 53.3 49.6 50.1 50.00 98.6 80-136 50.00 107 85-121 50.00 99.3 78-132 50.00 100 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page27 of46 All anal)ses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is located on the aUached COC. Conlidenlial Business Informal ion: This report is pro,•ided for the e.xclusi\ e use of lhe ~ddressee Pri, ile~es orsub .. seq~enl ~;e of the ~~le of !his .co1~pany or M) ~mber of its staff, or reproducfio~ ~f I his repo~ in ~on~echon .. will1 the n~\'ertisement, P~?moli°:° ~r sale of~!) ~rod~cl or p~~ss, ~r in ~nn~c!ion w!lh lh? r~-publication of this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-006 Client Sample ID: MW-26_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 958h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 1001h 8/27/2021 1013h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 5.00 46.6 E353.2 0.100 0.671 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 11 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA_ SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is located on the allached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prm•ided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o! sub,..seq~1ent ~~e or lhe ~~e or this .co1~pany or Im) 1~mber of its st~ff. or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on)1ection ... wilh the a~verlisement, P~?motio,n ~r saJe of~!) ~rod~ct or p1.?cess, ~r in ~nn:c~ion w/th th~ r~-publication of this repor1 American West I\NAlYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-0IOC Client Sample ID: TW4-16_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 630h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 025h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 202 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 49.3 50.00 98.6 80-136 47.5 50.00 95.0 85-121 50.2 50.00 100 78-132 49.5 50.00 99.1 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limilfor the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: I 0/11/2021 Page 30 of 44 All analyses applic.i.ble 10 the CW A. SOWA and RCRA are performed In accordance 10 NELAC protocols, Pertinenl sampling infom111tion is located on the euached COC. Conridenlial Business lnfonnalion: This report is provided for the exclusi,·e u.se of 1he ~ddressee Pri,ile~es o!' sub .. seq~I ~e or lhe ?,~ of lhis .co~pany or~· ~mber of ilS sta1T, or reproducti°'! ~[this repo~ in ~~eclion .. \\~lh the ~~'ertise~enl, P~?moli~ ~r sale of~)" ~roch.~l or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~.tion w!th 1h~ r~-publication of this repor1 American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-16_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 630h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 93 7h 9/27/2021 1231h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 79.8 E353.2 0.100 5.32 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 15 of 44 All analyses applicable lo the CW A. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NE LAC prolocols Pertinml sampling informalion is located on lhe attached COC Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This report is provided for the e.xclusire use of the ~dressee Pri, ile~es of sub ... seq~enl ~e ofthe~~e ofthis.co~pany or any ~mbe:r of ils slaff, or reproducli~ ~fthis repo~ in ~°!1ection~ l\'ilh lhe 3<!vertisemenl p~omotio_n or sale of ~y ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~rin ':°""~.lion w~lh th~ r:_-publicalion of !his report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-002C Client Sample ID: MW-32_09232021 ANAtn1cAL LAB0RAT0R1Es Collection Date: 9/23/2021 1000h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toi) Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2148h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.3 50.00 101 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene 460-00-4 50.1 50.00 100 85-121 Surr: Dibromotluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.6 50.00 101 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.0 50.00 102 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 22 of 44 All analyses applicable to lhe CWA0 SDWA_ and RCRA are perfomled in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl snmpling infoml81.ion is located on the euoched COC, Confidentinl Business Information: This report is prm•ided for the exclusfre use of the ~dressee. Pri, ile;es of sub_seq~enl ~e of lhe ~:1'!1e of lhis .con.1~· or any ~mbe:r of its slaff, or reproducli~ ~~lhis repo~ in ~fl!leclion .. \\·ilh Lhe ~~'ertisemenl P~?mo1io.n ~r sale of ?';Y ~rod~L or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:c.tion \\'!th th7 r~-p~blicalion of this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263 -8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awa1@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-002 Client Sample ID: MW-32_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 1 OOOh Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/7/2021 1115h 9/27/2021 1215h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 34.3 E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 7 of44 All analyses applicable to lhe CW A. SDW A. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NE LAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is IOCBted on the allached COC. Conridenlial Business Information: This report is prO\'lded for the exclusi\C use of the ~ddressee Privile~es o! sub~seq~enl ~:e of the ~:u:'1e of this .co":1pany or M) ~mber of its staJT; or reproducli~ ~f this repo~ in ~ection~ "ith the ~vertisemenl, P~?motio.n or ~ale of ~!Y, ~rod~! or pi:oce5s, ~r in ~.Lion \\~lh th~ ";,-p~blication of this report 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-005C Client Sample ID: TW4-18_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 817h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2247h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 56-23-5 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 SW8260D Analytical Result < 1.00 49.9 < 1.00 < 1.00 Qual $ Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 49.l 49.5 49.1 49.9 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 98.1 98.9 98.3 99.8 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 25 of 44 AH ana~ ses applic.:ible to lhe CWA. SOW A, Md RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Per1inent sampling information is located on lhe aUached COC Confidentiul Business lnformalion: This repor1 is prOl•ided for the exclusi,e use of lhe ~dressee Pri, ile~es o.r sub .. seq~t ~e or the ~~1e or lhis _co~pany or ml) ~'!1ber of its still, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~o"?ection~ with the u~vertisement., P~?motio.n or sa1e of ~!Y ~rod~cl or P~?Cess, ~r in ~nn~~on w/th 1h~ r~-publicalion or this report American West ANALYTICAL LADORATOAIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-18_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 817h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 651h 9/27/2021 1225h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 29.8 E353.2 0.100 3.37 Report Date: I 0/11/2021 Page IO of 44 All analyses applicable 10 lhe CWA. SOWA_ and RCRA are performed in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is Jocoled on the al1ached COC Confidenliol Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·ile~es o~ sub,_5eq~1 ~ of lite ~?'_Ile of Ibis .co":1pany or~ ~mber or ils slaff, or reproducli~ ~f this repo~ in ~o~tion .. ,,.;111 the a~vertise~ent, P~?motio.n ~r saJe of:"'!} rrod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~orm:c~ion \\'!lh th~ r:-publication of this repon ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-004C Client Sample ID: TW4-l 9 _ 08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1240h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1736h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: 100 CAS Number 67-66-3 Phone: (801) 263-8686 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1616h Extracted: Fax: (801) 263-8687 Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: Method: Reporting Limit 100 Method: -------------------------------~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride CAS Reporting Number Limit 56-23-5 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 SW8260D Analytical Result 4,450 SW8260D Analytical Result 7.83 1.98 1.25 ---- Laboratory Director Surrogate Units: µg/L Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 50.5 460-00-4 51.6 1868-53-7 50.2 2037-26-5 50.6 Amount Spiked %REC Limits 50.00 IOI 80-136 50.00 103 85-121 50.00 100 78-132 50.00 JOI 81-123 Qual Qual Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 25 of 46 All anal,ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA nre performed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is localed on the alt:tched COC Conlidenlial Business lni'ormalion: This report is provided for 1he exclusi\·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.r sub,_seq~ent ~~e or the ~?';le or this _co":1po11y or nny ·~~'!1ber or i1s staff or reproductio~ ~r this repo~ in .conileclion ... with the n~~·ertisement. i:,~omotio.n or sale or ?-1!) ~rod~ct or P'.?Ces1;, ~r in ~nn:c~ion w!th lh~ r~-publicalion of this report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-19 _08242021 L4Donh1 o n1t• Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1240h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/7/2021 913h E300.0 5.00 172 8/27/2021 958h E353.2 0.100 6.68 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 9 of 46 All analyses applico.b\e lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling inl'ormution is located on lhe attached COC Conlidentinl Business Information: This report is provided for 1he exclush·e use of the ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es o[ sub..5eq~1enl ~~e of the ~~e of this .cm~puny or rul) ~~ber of its su,rr, or reproduclio~ ~~ Lhis repo~ in ~on~eclion ... \\ith the a~vertisement, P~?rnotio_n ~r ~ale of ~lY ~rod~ct or p1.?cess, ~r in ~onn~c~ion \\'!lh th~ r~-publicauion of this report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-008C Client Sample ID: TW4-21_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 905h Contact: Tanner Holliday Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1715h Extracted: Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: CAS Reporting Compound Number Limit Chlorofonn 67-66-3 100 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 5,050 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 5,250 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 4,920 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 5,010 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1526h Units: µg/L Compound Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 5,000 IOI 5,000 105 5,000 98.4 5,000 100 Method: Reporting Limit SW8260D Analytical Result Qual 669 Limits Qual 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 SW8260D Analytical Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 QA Officer Methylene chloride 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.8 50.00 102 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52.7 50.00 105 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.3 50.00 103 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.8 50.00 104 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 29 of 46 All anal~ses applicable to the CWA, SOWA. and RCRA are perrormed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is locnled on !he auached COC, Conliden1inl Business Jnfonnotion: This report is provided for the exclnsi, e use or the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.r su~seq~ent ~~e or lhe ~~e or lhis .con_,.pnny or nny ~mbe1 or its sraIT, or reproduclio~ ~r this repo~ in ~on~eclion .. \Vilh the ~vertisement. P~?moli~ ~r sale of ~!Y ~rod~ct or p1:ocess, ~r in ~onn:_c!ion w~Lh lh~ r~-publicalion of I his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-21_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 905h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 1049h 8/27/2021 1015h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual £300.0 5.00 375 £353.2 0.100 12.9 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 13 of 46 All annlyses applicoble lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA ore performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling infonnntion is located on lhe attached COC Confidential Business lnformnlion: This report is provided for the exclushe use or the ~c1dressee Pri\'ile~es o_rsuh .. seq~enl ~~e or the ~~e of this .co1~po11y or M) 1~mbe1 of ils staff, or reproductio,~ ~f this repo~ in .con~eclion~ \\·ith the o~vertisemenL. P~?moti~n or ~ale of ?-1!Y ~rod~ct or p1.ocess, ~r in ~nn:c)ion w!lh th~ r~-publicntion of this repon ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2108726-0 l 4C Client Sample ID: TW4-22 08242021 LAB0RAT0R1Es Collection Date: 8/24/2021 935h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Extracted: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1437h Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: SW8260D 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Compound Chloroform Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 3,510 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 4,940 5,000 98.8 80-136 5,740 5,000 115 85-121 4,920 5,000 98.3 78-132 5,030 5,000 101 81-123 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1330h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Method: CAS Number Reporting 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 49.5 50.00 49.8 50.00 50.0 50.00 50.2 50.00 Limit 1.00 1.00 1.00 %REC 99.0 99.7 100 100 SW8260D Analytical Result Qual < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits Qual 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 35 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling informalion is located on the allached COC. ConridenLial Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Privile~es o.r sub~seq~enl ~~e of the ~?',11e of !his .con_ipany or any J~1!1ber of ils staff, or reproduclio~ ~f I his repo~ in ~o°?eclion .. "ilh the ~vertisement, p~~molio,n or sale of ?1!Y ~rod~c1 or p1:ocess, ~r in ~nm;_c~ion \\'(th lh~ r:_-publication of Lhis 1eport American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84 I 19 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mai I: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-22_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 935h Received Date: 8/26/2021 l 025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/9/2021 658h 8/27/2021 I 046h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 410 E353.2 0.500 35.1 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 19 of 46 All analyses applicnble 10 lhe CWA. SOW A. and RCRA ore perfonned in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the allached COC Conficlentiul Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusi\·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es C'l,fsub ... seq~ent ~~e or the ~~1e of lhis .coi~pnny or M} 1~mbe1 of its staff, or reproductio!~ ~fthis repo~ in ~on~eclio~ with the n~vertisement, P~?motio.n or sale or~!), prod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:_c~ion w!lh lh~ n~-publication of lhis repon 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-013C Client Sample ID: TW4-23_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 94 lh Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 112h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chlorofonn Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 --- 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.7 48.3 48.4 49.2 50.00 IOI 80-136 50.00 96.5 85-121 50.00 96.9 78-132 50.00 98.3 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 35 of 48 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols, Pertinent sampling information is locuted on the altached COC Conlidenlial Business Information: This repon is provided for the e:xclusi,e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f sub .. seq~ent ~~e or the ~~e of this .con:ipony or any ~mber of its slaff. or reproductio.~ ~f this repo~ in ~oi~ection ... with lhe ~vertise~nt. P~?moti~n ~r sale of~!~.~· och~ct or P~?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w!Lh th~ r~·public:ilion of I his report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-013 Client Sample ID: TW4-23_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 941 h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L -------- Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 2340h 9/20/2021 1540h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qua) E300.0 1.00 42.8 E353 .2 0.100 < 0.100 ---- Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 18 of 48 All annlyses applicable to 1he CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on Lhe aunched COC Conlidenlial Business Jnronmllion: This report is pro,·ided for the exclus11·~ uw of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.r sub....5eq~ent ~~e of the ~:u,ne of this .coi~pany or .tn) ~mber of its slnfT, or reµroduclio~ ~f this repo~ in .c~eclion,. \\llh the .a~\'er1isement, p~~moli~ or saJe of ?'!Y ~rod1~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:c~ion \\'/th th~ r~-publicalioo o( this repon American West ANALYTICAL lA80RATORl[6 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2I08726-003C Client Sample ID: TW4-24_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 926h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1556h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chlorofonn Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 103 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 51.2 50.00 102 80-136 49.5 50.00 99.0 85-121 49.9 50.00 99.8 78-132 49.9 50.00 99.8 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 24 of 46 All anal) ses applicnblc to lhe CWA. SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is localed on the nltnched CDC Confidenlinl Business lnformalion: This report is prm•ided for 1he exclusi, e use oflhe ~ddressee. Pri, ile;es or sub .. seri~1enl ~:e of the ~~e of this 0 con;1puny or ru1~· '!:mber or its slalT, or reproduclio_~ ~f this repo~ in .con.~ec1ion .. \\·ilh Lhe °'!' enisemenl. P~?moti~n '!1 sale or ?'lY ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ':°nn:,c~ion w!lh th~ r:·publication or this 1eport American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-24_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 926h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 800h 8/27/2021 1003h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 1,010 E353.2 0.500 26.7 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 8 of 46 All analyses epplicoble to lhe CWA, SOWA. and RCRA we performed in accordance 10 NELAC prolocols Per1inenl sw11pling infornuuion is loctlled on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This repon is pro\•ided for the exclu.sh e use of 1he ~ddressee Pli, ile~es o,r suh,,seq~1ent ~1~e of the ~~1e of lhis .co,~puny or M)' n~mbe, of its staIT, or reproduclio~ ~~this repo~ in ~on~eclion .. wil11 the u~, ertisemen1 P~?motio.n or sale of~!~ ~rod~l or p,.ocess, ~r in ~nn~~ion "'!lh lh~ r~-p~blicolion or lhis 1eport 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00lC Client Sample ID: TW4-25_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 915h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1457h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 1.34 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 -------- Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.2 50.00 JOI 80-136 51.3 50.00 103 85-121 49.5 50.00 99.0 78-132 50.5 50.00 JOI 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 22 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols. Per1inent sampling information is localed on the auached COC. Conlldcnlinl Ow.lr;cn Information: This report is pro,•ided for the exclusi\"e use or the ~ddressee P1i, ile~es o,rsub,_seq~ient ~~e of the ~~1e of this .co1~p.:,,ny or any r~mbe1 of its slaIT, or reproduclio~ ~~ this repo~ in ~o~eclion~ "~th the n~~'ertisemenl. P~?moti4'!1 .r ~le of~ ~rod~cl or p•;?Cess, ~r in ~onn~!ion ,,·ilh th~ r:publica1ion of this reporl American West ANALYTICAi LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 202 l Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00 I Client Sample ID: TW4-25_0824202l Collection Date: 8/24/2021 915h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/7/2021 624h E300.0 5.00 69.3 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 8/27/2021 952h E353.2 0.100 0.793 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 6 of 46 All annl~ ses appliC(lb/e to lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA 01e perfonned in Rccordance 10 NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is localed on the auached COC Confidenliol Business Jnfo1motion: This 1epor1 is pro\'ided for the exclusire use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o:sub~seq~en1 ~,~e or the ~~1e or lhis ,co1~pc111y or nny ~r_nber or its slarT, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~eclion ... "~lh 1he n~vertisement, P~?mo1io_n or sale of ~!Y ~rod~ct or p,.ocess, ~r in ';Onn~c!ion with th~ r~-publicotion of lhis reporl ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2I09638-0l4C Client Sample ID: TW4-26_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 718h Contact: Tanner Holliday Received Date: Analytical Results 9/24/2021 1215h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Analyzed: 9/30/2021 1039h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com --- Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: 10 CAS Number 67-66-3 Method: Reporting Limit 10.0 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC 17060-07-0 530 500.0 106 460-00-4 502 500.0 100 1868-53-7 471 500.0 94.2 2037-26-5 502 500.0 100 SW8260D Analytical Result 927 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Qual Qual --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1638h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qua! 17060-07-0 51.6 50.00 103 80-136 460-00-4 50.0 50.00 99.9 85-121 1868-53-7 45.1 50.00 90.2 78-132 2037-26-5 50.6 50.00 101 81-123 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 34 of 44 All anal)Ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is localed on the aUached COC. Confidential Business lnfonnalioo: This report is pro,•1ded for lhe e~c.l1t.15n-t1 use of the ~dd~ee. Pri, ile~es o~ su~seq~nl ~e of lhe ~~e of this .co'?pany or M) ~'!1ber of ils slaff, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~~1e<:lion~ nilh the ~~ertisement. P~?moli°:° ~r saJe of !"!Y. ~rod~& or p~ocesi;, ~r in ~onn:c.Lim \\~th 1~ r:JM:lblic~ion of 1his report 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-26_09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 718h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/202 I 1158h 9/27/2021 1239h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 36.5 E353.2 0.100 12.1 ----------- Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 19 of 44 All an.ii) ses applicable 10 the CW A. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinenl sampling information is 1ocn1ed on lhe auached COC_ Confiden1ial Business Infonnation: This repor1 is provided fur the e_""cl®,c usa of the ~ddressee Prl\·ile~es o.r sub .. seq~enl ~~e of I.he ~~e or lhis .co~pany or any ~i:nber of its slaIT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~ection,, with lhe a~"ertise~ent, P~?moti~ ~r ~ale of ~Y .. ~rodl~CI or p~~s, ~r in ~nm;c~ion w!lh 1~ ':_·P':11~ a.1100 oJ' mis rq,ort American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-016C Client Sample ID: TW4-27_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 1237h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 21 lh Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Jest Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 3.81 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.6 50.00 49.0 50.00 47.8 50.00 48.6 50.00 ------ 101 80-136 98.0 85-121 95.7 78-132 97.1 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 38 of 48 All analyses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informn1ion is localed on the auached COC. Conlidenlial Business [nfonmition: This repoI1 is provided for the exclusi,·e use of the ~cldressee Pri, ile~es o!su~seq~1enl ~~eofthe ~~e of this .co1~prul) or nn) 1~mber of its s1.1rr, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in .co11!1eclion,. ,vith the a~vertisement. P~?molio.n ~r saJe of~). ~rodl~CI or P~?cess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion "!th th~ r1;-publica1ion of lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LAOORATORIES 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-016 Client Sample ID: TW4-27_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 1237h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/26/202 J 138h 9/20/2021 1608h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 21.7 E353.2 0.200 21.1 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 21 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable to the CWA, SOW A. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is locnted 011 the e.ltached COC Conridenlial Business Lnfonno.lion: This report is pro, ided for lhe exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f sub~seg~enl ~~e of the ~~e of this .cm~pany or rm)' 1~mber of its slafT, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in fO•~eclion~ with the u~vertise~ent p~~mo1io.n or sale of~!~ ~1odl~cl or P~?cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w!th th7 r1;:-publication of this rcpor1 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84 I 19 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-004C Client Sample ID: TW4-28_0915202 I Collection Date: 9/15/2021 814h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2216h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua! 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52.6 50.00 105 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.7 50.00 99.5 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.6 50.00 101 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.6 50.00 JOI 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 26 of 48 All analyses applicable 10 the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is localed on the atlached COC Confidenlial Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for lhe exclusi,e use oflhe ~ddressec. Pri, ile~es of' sub,_5eq~1enL ~1~e or the ~~e or this .co1~pany or any 1~mber of its S1:1.£T, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on?ection ... wilh the n~,,ertisemenL P~?motio.n or sale or ~!Y ~roch~l or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w1lh 1h~ r~-p~blicalion o( 1his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-28_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 814h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 1833h 9/20/2021 1517h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 40.7 E353.2 0.100 8.08 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 9 of 48 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Conl'identlal Business Jnformation: This report is pro,1ided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es o.f sub~seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e of this _co1~p:my or uny 1~mber of its slnlT, or reproduclim~ ~f this repo~ in ~o~ection~ ,vith the a~,•ertisemenl p~omotio_n or saJe or~;y ~roch~cl or p,.?cess, ~r in ~onn:c!ion w!th th? r~-publication of this repon ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-01 lC Client Sample JD: TW4-29_09232021 ANALrncAL LAeoRAToR1~s Collection Date: 9/23/2021 641h Contact: Tanner Holliday Received Date: Analytical Results 9/24/2021 1215h Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1305h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L Extracted: Dilution Factor: 10 Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 67-66-3 10.0 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC ------------------- Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 519 500.0 104 493 500.0 98.5 478 500.0 95.7 500 500.0 100 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. web: www.awal-labs.com --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Jennifer Osborn Analyzed: 9/29/2021 044h Units: µg/L Laboratory Director Compound Jose Rocha QA Officer Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 56-23-5 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC 17060-07-0 50.5 50.00 101 460-00-4 49.8 50.00 99.5 1868-53-7 51.9 50.00 104 2037-26-5 51.1 50.00 102 SW8260D Analytical Result 602 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 SW8260D Analytical Result < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Qual _, Qual Qual $ Qual $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 31 of44 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SDWA. and RCRA are perfomied in accordance to NELAC protocols. Jlcnlo<.'lll sampling information is loer.11ed on the auached COC. Confldi:ntinl Business Jnrorrn.,_hon; This report is provided for 1he ¢''(.lusfrc use of lhe ~dressee Pri,;le~es o.f suh_,seq~I ~e of the ~~e of lhis .con:ipany or nor ~~ber or ilS slafT, or reproductiO!~ ~~l.Ms repo~ in ~on~eclion,. "ilh Lbc °!~crtisemenl, P~?moliO!' ~r sole of ~!Y. ~rod~cl or 1x~ess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w~th th~ r:_-publlcDtlon or this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 LabSampleID: 2109638-011 Client Sample ID: TW4-29 _ 09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 641h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed I 0/6/2021 1000h 9/27/2021 1233h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 40.1 E353.2 0.100 3.29 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 16 of 44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CW A. SDWA_ and RCRA are perfonned in accordance lo NELAC pmlocols Per1inenl sampling infom1alion is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This report js pro,~ded for the exclusive use of 1he ~ddressee, Pri,ile~es of sub~seq~nl ~~e oflhe ~~e of lhis .co~pany or arl) ~~ber or its staff, or reproductio~ ~~this repo~ in ~~ection~ \\'ilh lhe a~~1ertise~enl P~?molio.n ~r sa1e of ~y. ~rod~cl or p~~ess, ~r in ~cmn:c~ion \\'!th th~ r:_-publicalion of this report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84 I I 9 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-007C Client Sample ID: TW4-30_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/202 I 845h Received Date: 9/24/2021 12 I 5h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2326h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua! 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 78.2 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.2 49.4 50.7 50.4 50.00 100 80-136 50.00 98.8 85-121 50.00 101 78-132 50.00 101 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the contro/ limitfor the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 27 of 44 All analyses applicable to lhe CW A,. SDWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is located on lhe attached COC. Confidentinl Business lnfonnalion: This repon is provided for the exchl'ii\'e use or the ~ddressee Pri\ile~es o_f sub .. seq~enl ~~e or lhe ~~e of this .con_ipany or anr ~'!1ber of ils slafT, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~n~eclion~ \\ith lhe a~\'ertisernenL P~?molio_n or ~ale of ?'!y ~rod~cl or p~oces.s, ~r in ~nn~~oo w~lh th~ ':""p~blication of Lhis repon INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-30_09222021 ANALYTICAL LAB0RAT0n1es Collection Date: 9/22/2021 845h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84 I I 9 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 Analytical Results Compound Units Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 1215h Date Prepared Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual I 0/6/202 J 739h EJOO.O 2.00 23.5 9/27/2021 1228h E353.2 0.100 2.60 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 12 of 44 All analyses applicable to lhe CWA SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling informaJion is located on lhe altached COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This report is provided for 1he exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·ile~es o_f sub__seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e of I his .co~pany or any ~~ber of its slafT, or reproduclio~ ~r this repo~ in ~o~ection~ with the °'!~ertise~enl, P~?motio.n o_r sale of ~Y ~rodl~cL or p~~s, ~r in ~nni;c~ion w~lh th~ r:-p~blication of lhis repor1 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-0lOC Client Sample ID: TW4-31_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 915h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 013h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chlorofonn Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS --- 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 l.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 51.2 50,00 102 80-136 48.7 50.00 97.4 85-121 49.0 50.00 98.0 78-132 49.6 50.00 99.2 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 32 of 48 All annlyses applicable lo the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA o.re perfom1ed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling 111formation is located on tl1e al\ached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prm•ided for 1he exclusi,·e use or the ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o_f su~seq~1enl ~~e of the ~?',Ile of lhis .co1~pany or any ~mbe, of its slaff, or reproduclio~ ~fthis repo~ in .co~lection ... Rilh lhe il~~ertise~enl, P~?molio.n ~r saJe of ?J!). pn>d~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn1;_c!ion \\'!lh th~ r:·p~blica1ion of lhis report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-31_0915202 l ANALvT1cAL LAB0RAT0R1Es Collection Date: 9/15/2021 915h 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 841 I 9 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/25/202 I 2229h E300.0 1.00 31.2 9/20/2021 I 53 I h E353.2 0.100 0.461 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 15 of 48 All anal) ses applicable lo the CW A. SOWA. and RCRA me perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is locnted on the allached coc_ Confidenlinl Business lnfonn.irion: This report is prOl·ided for lhe exclush·e use of lhe ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o.r sub~seq~nl ~e of the ~?-1:'1e of this .co".1pany or any 1~~mber of its s1nrr, or reproduc1i°!~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~eclion .. with the a~~'ertisemenl, p~omolio.n '!' sa1e of~~~ ~rodl'.cr or p,.ocess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion "'!lh {h~ r~-_publicatio11 of 1his report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-005C Client Sample ID: TW4-32_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 822h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2235h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 .1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.1 48.3 48.8 49.0 50.00 102 80-136 50.00 96.7 85-121 50.00 97.6 78-132 50.00 98.1 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 27 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is locnted on the all ached COC Confidential Business tnformulion: This report is pro,•ided for the exclush'e use of the ~ddressec Pri, ile~es o!' sub~seq~ient ~~e or lhe ~:u:ne or this .co~pany or an) 1~mbe1 of ils st:1.ff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on?ection~ \,itl1 the 3<!vertisement. P~?motio.n ~r ~ale of~!)~ ~rodl'.cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn;c!ion w(th th~ r~-publicalion of this repor1 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awa1@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-32_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 822h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 1857h 9/20/2021 1521h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 46.1 E353.2 0.100 1.57 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page IO of 48 Alt anal) ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is located on lhe a ti ached COC Confidenlial Business tnformalion: This report is provided for the exclusi, e use of 1he ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o; sub ... seq~1enl ~;e or lhe ~.~e of I his .con:ipany or any ~mber of its slaIT, or reproducti°'! ~r this repo~ in ~o~ecfion~ \\ilh the °'!~·ertisement. p~~molio.n or sale of?'!). ~rodL~l or P•.?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion w!th 1h~ r~-publication of 1his report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-006C Client Sample ID: TW4-33_0922202l ANA1vr1cAL LAnoRAToR1Es Collection Date: 9/22/2021 835h 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/28/2021 2306h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 60.2 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.8 50.00 102 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 51.1 50.00 102 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.2 50.00 103 78-·132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 52.0 50.00 104 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (/011) the control limitfor the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 26 of 44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA. SOW A. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance 10 NELAC protocols, Pertincnl sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidentiol Business Jnfonnalion: This repon is pnnided for lhe e_u:lusi, e u.se or1he !ddressee Pri, ile~es o.f sub .. seq~nl ~e of the ~~1e of this .co".'pnny or nny 1~mber of ils struf, or reproduclio~ ~(this repo~ in .co~lection ... "~th the ~~ertise~enl, P~?moli~ o_r sale of ~y ~rodl~l or ~~s, ~r in ~~~011 ,,·!lh th~ ':"publicalion ofttris report 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-33_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 835h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 7 J 5h 9/27/2021 1227h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 42.5 E353.2 0.100 4.33 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 11 of 44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA_ SOWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols, Per1inenl sampling information is locat(d on the aUached COC Conlidentinl Business Information: This report is provided for lhe exclusirn use of1he ~dressee, Pri,ile~ o.f su~eq~L ~ of the ~?1:'1e of this .co'"?pany or M) ~~her of ils stnJT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~"-?ection ... \\lilh Lhe °'!vertisemenL P~?molio.n or sale of~)'. ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w!lh th~ r~-publication of this repon American West ANALYTICAL LABO RATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-01 lC Client Sample ID: TW4-34_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 924h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 033h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 52.0 49.7 48.9 49.5 50.00 104 80-136 50.00 99.5 85-121 50.00 97.8 78-132 50.00 99.0 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 33 of 48 All analyses applicable to 1he CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinenl sampling informalion is loca1ed on the altached COC. Conlidenllal Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusi, e use of1he ~ddressee Pri, ile¥es o_f sub~seq~ent ~~e or the ~~e of' I his .co1~pany or anr ~mber of' its staff, or reproduclio~ ~r this repo~ in ~on~ectlon ... "ilh lhe a~ver1isemenl. P~?molio.n or sale of :ii!Y ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ?r in ~nn:_c~ion w~lh th~ r:.-publication of rhis 1eport INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-011 Client Sample ID: TW4-34_09152021 LAB0RAr0R1Es Collection Date: 9/15/2021 924h 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/25/202 I 2253h E300.0 1.00 15.0 9/20/202 I 1538h E353.2 0.100 1.10 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 16 of 48 All an.if) ses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA me perfomied in accordance lo NELAC prolocols. Pertinenl sampling informarion is located on lhe allached COC Confidentlal Business Jnform::llion: This report is prol'ided for the exclusi,·e use of lhe ~dressee Pri, ile~es o.f sub~seq~enl ~~e o[ lhe ~~e of this .co1~pany or any ~~mbe1 of its slnff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1ection~ ,,ith the "'!"ertisemenl. P~?motio.n ~· sale of ?1!) ~rodL~ct or p,.ocess, ~r in 7°nn~~ion \\'!lh th: r~·publication of lhis report American West ANALYTICAL LADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 202 l 2109449-012C Client Sample ID: TW4-35_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 932h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21 /2021 053h Extracted: Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.7 50.00 IOI 80-136 48.2 50.00 96.4 85-121 48.2 50.00 96.5 78-132 48.6 50.00 97.2 81-123 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 34 of 48 All anO.l)ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is located on the attached COC Confidenliol Business lnformntion: This repon is provided for 1he exclusi, e use of lhe ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o_r sub..5eq~1ent ~~e or lhe ~~e of this .co1~p:my or M) l!;:mbe1 or its slaJT, or reproduclio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~~ection .... \\·ilh the a~vertisemenl, P~?molio.n or sale of :11!Y ~rod~cl or P~?Cess, ~r in ~onn:_c~ion w!th th~ r:_·publicntion of this report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-012 Client Sample ID: TW4-35_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 932h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 2316h 9/20/2021 1539h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 27.5 E353.2 0.100 1.20 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 17 of 48 All annl)ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling inrormaLion is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Jnform.ilion: This report is pro,•ided for the exclu.si,·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o,C su~seq~ent ~1~e or the ~~e of lhis .cor1,1pany or any ~mber of iLs slnff, or reproduclio.~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1ection~ \\ith lhe o.~vertisemenl, p~~molio.n or saJe of~!) ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c.lion w~th th~ r~-publication of 1his report American West ANALYTICAL L4BORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-008C Client Sample ID: TW4-36_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 854h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2334h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.5 50.00 48.4 50.00 49.5 50.00 50.2 50.00 103 80-136 96.8 85-121 99.0 78-132 100 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 30 of 48 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is located on the allached COC Confidenlial Business Information: This repon is provided for 1he t,;._~clliilnt life of1he ~ddressee Pri,ile~es o: sub ... seq~nl ~~e or the ~~e of this .con_ipany or nnr 1~mber or its stnlT, or reproductio~ ~rthis repo~ in ~o~ec1ion~ \\ilh the ~~ertisement, P~?motio.n or sale or ?1!~. ~rod~cl or p1:oces1;, ~r in ~onn:_c!ion w!th th~ r~-puh!icmum of 1his repon 3440 South 700 West ;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 foll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-36_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 854h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/25/2021 2142h E300.0 1.00 63.1 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 10/1/2021 1634h E353.2 0.100 <0.100 1 -Matrix spike recovery indica/es matrix interference. The me/hod is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 13 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable to the CW A. SOWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inenl sampling information is localed on the attnched COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclush e use of the ~ddressee Privile~es o.r sub ... seq~enl ~~e of the ~?':"e of I his .co1~p:my or M) 1~mber of ils slaff, or reproductio.~ ~f this repo~ in ~0~1eclion ... "iLl1 the a~vertisemenl. p~~motio.n ~r saJe or :U~\ ~rod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c~io11 w!th th: r~-publicntion or lhis repon American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-015C Client Sample ID: TW4-37_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 943h Contact: Tanner Holliday Received Date: Analytical Results 8/26/2021 I 025h Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1457h Units: µg/L Compound Chloroform Extracted: Dilution Factor: 1000 Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 67-66-3 1,000 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com ------------ Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 203 7-26-5 49,800 53,500 48,700 50,400 --The reporting limits were raised due lo high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1354h Units: µg/L Extracted: Dilution Factor: 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CAS Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Compound Number Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 99.7 107 97.4 IOI Method: Reporting Limit 1.00 1.00 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.2 50.00 100 50.2 50.00 100 49.0 50.00 98.0 50.3 50.00 IOI SW8260D Analytical Result Qual 10,200 Limits Qual 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 SW8260D Analytical Result Qual 7.65 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits Qual 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 36 of 46 All annlyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is located 011 Lhe attached COC Confirlentinl Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for lhe exclnsi, e use of the ~cldressee Privile~es o:su~seq~1enl ~?e of the ~~e of lhis .con:ipany or .my 1~mber of its staff, or reproduclio,~ ~rthis repo'; in .co~\ection ... \\ilh the a~,·ertisemenl. p~omotio.n ~r sale of~~~ ~rod~ct or p1.ocess, ~r in ~onn:_c!ion w!th th~ r~·publicalion of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-37 _08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 943h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/9/2021 722h E300.0 10.0 220 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 8/27/2021 1047h E353.2 0.200 25.8 ,. 2 -Analyte concentration is too high for accurate matrix spike recovery and/or RPD. Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 20 of 46 All analyses applicol>le lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA me performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the auached COC Conl'identinl Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for the exclusi, e use of lhe ~ddressee Pri, ile~es or sub .. seq~enl ~,~e of the ~~le or this .cot~p,my or nn~ ·!::mber or ils stnIT, or reproductio~ ~r this repo~ in .con~leclion ... \\ilh lhe a~ver1iseinenl. P~?motio.n ~r saJe of~!) ~rodl~CI or p~ocess, ~r in '?°nn:c~ion \\'!th th~ r~-publicDtion or this repon 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-014C Client Sample ID: TW4-38_0915202 l Collection Date: 9/15/2021 950h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21 /2021 132h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 ---- Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: J ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.4 49.8 48.6 49.8 50.00 103 80-136 50.00 99.7 85-121 50,00 97.1 78-132 50.00 99.6 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 36 of 48 All analyses applicable to Lhe CWA, SOW A. and RCRA rue perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is locnted on the allached COC Confideniinl Business Jnformation: This repon is provided for lhe exclusi, e use of the ~dressee Pri, ile~es o!' sub_seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e of this .co':lpany or an)" ~mber of its stnff, or reproduclio~~ ~f this repo~ in ~o~ect1on ... with the a<!"ertisemenL P~?molio.n ~r sale of~!) ~rod~ct or P1.?cess, ~r in ~nn:_c.tion w!lh lh~ r:_-publication of this report American West ANALYTICAL LADORATORIEG 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 LabSampleID: 2109449-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-38_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 950h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/26/202 l 05 l h 9/20/2021 1541 h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 32.1 E353.2 0.100 8.04 Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 19 of 48 All anal~ ses ap1>licable to lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA .ire pcrfonned in accordance 1o NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the altached COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This report is pro, ided for lhe e.xclusi,·e use of 1he ~ddresscc Pri, ile~es of sub~seq~1ent ~~e of the ~~e of this .cot~pany or an) ~mber of its stnIT, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~~1eclior: with the ac,!~ertisemenL P~?moli~ or sa1e of?'!~ ~rodl~CI or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion w!lh lh~ r~-p~blicaJ..ion of !his 1epor1 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-012C Client Sample ID: TW4-39 _ 08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 951 h Contact: Tanner Holliday Received Date: Analytical Results 8/26/2021 1025h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Extracted: Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1834h Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 100 Compound Chloroform ----- CAS Number 67-66-3 Method: Reporting Limit 100 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 5,010 5,000 100 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 5,150 5,000 103 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 4,930 5,000 98.6 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 5,060 5,000 IOI --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1141h Extracted: Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: I Method: CAS Reporting Compound Number Limit Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC --- Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.1 50.00 100 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.2 50.00 98.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.6 50.00 IOI Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.1 50.00 JOO SW8260D Analytical Result 858 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 SW8260D Analytical Result < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Qual Qual Qual Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 33 of 46 All ari.il~ ses applicable to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perl'onned in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the au ached COC Confidential Business (nformation: This report is provided for lhe exclusi,·e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o! subpseq~enl ~~e of lhe ~~~e of lhis .con.,pony or anr t~mbeJ of ils slaff, or reproductio~ ~~ !his repo~ in .00~1eclion~ \\ith Lhe n~\•ertisemenl. p~~motio.n ~r sale of :U!~ ~rod~cl or P~?Cess, ~r in 1;0nn~!ion w!lh 1h7 r~-publication of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-012 ClientSamplelD: TW4-39_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 951h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/9/2021 609h 8/27/2021 1022h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual £300.0 2.00 78.7 £353.2 0.100 2.70 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 17 of 46 All anal~ ses applicable 10 the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom,ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Per1inen1 sampling inlbrmntion is locnted on the nuached COC Conlidenlinl Business lnformotion: This 1eport is provided for the exclusi,·e use oflhe ~ddressee Pri\ ile~es of'sub..5eq~ent ~~e or the ~~1e or this .con.1p1my or nny 1~mbe1' of its staIT, or reproducti~ ~fthis repo~ in .co~eclion .. ,,-ith the a~~enisement. P~?motio.n or sale of ?J!Y ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn~!ion w!lh 1h7 r;-p~blica1io11 of lhis report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-002C Client Sample ID: TW4-40_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1224h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Extracted: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Analyzed: 8/30/2021 1319h Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 10 Method: SW8260D 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Compound Chlorofonn Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 --The reporting limits were raised due lo high analyte concentralions. Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1517h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Jennifer Osborn Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS Number 67-66-3 CAS Number 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qual 10.0 301 Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Limit Result Qual 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 1.32 1.00 < 1.00 Laboratory Director Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 50.4 50.6 49.8 50.0 50.00 IOI 80-136 50.00 IOI 85-121 50.00 99.7 78-132 50.00 99.9 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 23 of 46 All anal~ ses applicable to the CW A. SOWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prO\ ided for 1he e . ..:clusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o,rsub~seq~enl ~~e of the ~:1'.ne of lhis .co1~pany or an) l~mber of its staff, or reproducli~ ~~lhis repo~ in ~01~1eclion .. \\ill1 the n~~ertise1~enL P~?moti~ l"!r sale of :1'!~: ~ro<il~I or p1:?Cess, ~r in ~onn:c~ion w~lh th~ r~·publicnlion of lhis report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-40_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1224h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 648h 8/27/2021 956h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 31.8 E353.2 0.100 1.50 --~-- Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 7 of 46 All analyses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA 11re performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informntion is located on the attached COC Conlidentiol Business lnformu.lion: This repol"\ is provided for the exclushe use of the ~ddressee P1iYile~es o,r su~seq~ent .u~e or lhe ~~e of this .cm~pnny or M) r~mbe1 of its stnfT, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo,; in ~on~eclion~ ,vith the~' er1isemen1, P~?motio.n ~r sale of ~!Y rrod~ct or p~ocess. ~r in ~onn~c~ion ,,·!1h lh? r~-publicntion or 1his repor1 ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-007C American West Client Sample ID: TW4-41_08242021 ANAL vr, c AL 1.A eoRAro RI Es Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1207h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/27/2021 1655h Extracted: Units: µg/L Dilution Factor: 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Compound Chloroform Phone: (801)263-8686 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 100 CAS Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 1,100 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qua! 5,050 5,000 IOI 80-136 5,220 5,000 104 85-121 4,950 5,000 99.0 78-132 5,040 5,000 IOI 81-123 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyle concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1459h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Jose Rocha Chloromethane QA Officer Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Method: CAS Number Reporting 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 48.3 50.00 52,2 50.00 49.6 50.00 49.8 50.00 Limit 1.00 1.00 1.00 %REC 96.5 104 99.2 99.7 SW8260D Analytical Result Qual < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits Qual 80-136 85-121 78-132 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 28 of 46 All analyses applicable to lhe CWA SDW A. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inenl sampling information is localed on the allached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for lhe excl~i\'e use of1he ~ddressee Pri, ile~es of'sub .. seq~enl ~·~e of lhe ~:u:"e of lhis .coi~pany or an} 1~mbei of its stnff, or reproduclio~ ~~this repo~ in ~0~1ec1ion,. ,,,ith lhe a~~ertise~ent.. p~omolio.n ~r ~aJe or~;~ ~rod~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:_c~io11 w~th th~ r:·publlcation of this report American West ANALYTICAL LAAORATORIEB 3440 South 700 West :ialt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-41_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1207h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/7/2021 1 025h 8/27/2021 1014h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 37.1 E353.2 0.100 3.77 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 12 of 46 All anol) ses npplicoble lo the CWA. SDWA. ruid RCRA we performed in accordnnce to NELAC protocols. Pe11inent sampling information is located on lhe otlached COC. Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusi, e use of lhe ~ddressee Prid le~es o,rsub,.seq~ent ,u~e of lhe ~~le or this .co1~pony or an) r~..7mbe1 of ils stnf(. or reproductio~ ~r this repo11 in .con?eclion~ with lhe o~,•e11isemenl. ll~?motio.n or sale of ?1!Y ~rodl~ct or p1;ocess, ~r in ~onn:c!ion w!th 1h: r~-publication of 1his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awa1-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-003C Client Sample ID: TW4-42_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 755h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/20/2021 2018h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 ---- Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 52.5 48.6 49.3 50.2 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 105 80-136 97.1 85-121 98.6 78-132 100 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 25 of 48 All anal)ses applicable lo the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Per1inenl sampling informntion is located on Lhe attached COC Confidenlial Business Information: This repon is p10Yided for 1he exclusi\ e use of the ~cldressee. Pri, ile~es o.r sub~seg~enl ~'?e of lhe ~~e of this .cm~pru1y or nn~ ~mbe1 of ils staff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~011!1-eclion ... \\ilh the a~ver1isemenl, p~~molio.n or sa1e of ?1~)~ Rrodl~ct or P~?cess, ~r in ~onn~c.lion "~lh lh~ r1;:-publicaJ.ion of this repon 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-42_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 755h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite ( as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/25/2021 1809h 9/20/2021 1516h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 l.00 16.6 E353.2 0.100 3.26 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 8 of 48 All anal} ses applicable ro lhe CWA, SOWA. and RCRA we perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is located on the auached COC Confidenlial Business Inform.JI ion: This repon is pro,•ided for the e. ... clusi\e use of lhe ~ddressec Pri,·ile~es o_r sub~seq~enl ~e of the ~:1':71e of this .cor~pany or M) ~mber of its Slaff, or reproduclio!~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~on~eclion~ wi1h the ~vertisemenl. P~?motio.n ~r sale of~) .~rod~cl or p,.ocess, ~r in ~nn~c!io11 \\'!lh lh~ r~-publication of !his report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Je1U1ifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-016C Client Sample ID: TW4-60_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1300h Received Date: 8/26/2021 I 025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1344h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chlorofonn Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: --- Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 49.4 50.00 98.7 80-136 53.2 50.00 106 85-121 48.3 50.00 96.6 78-132 50.0 50.00 100 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 3 7 of 46 All analyses applicable lo 1he CWA. SOWA. and RCRA .ire performed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols Per1inenl sampling informalion is located on lhe attached COC Conridenlial Business lnformalion; This report is provided for lhe exclusi,e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f sub~seq~enl ~~e of the ~?1,lle of this .co~pany or an) ~mber of ils slaff, or reproductio~ of this repo~ in ~o~eclion~ Wilh the ~,enisemenl. P~?molio.n ~r ~ale of~~) ~rod~cl or p1:ocess, ~r in 7onn:c!ion \\'!lh th~ r:·publication of this 1eport American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-016 Client Sample ID: TW4-60_08242021 Collection Date: 8/24/2021 1300h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L mg/L ---- Date Analyzed 9/9/2021 746h 8/27/2021 1030h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 21 of 46 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA nre perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is located on 1he allached COC Conlidenliol Business Informo.lion: This repon is provided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f sub .. seq~enl ~1~e of !he ~~e of lhis .con:ipnny or M) 1~~'!lber of its slaff, or reproductio~ ~f lhis repo~ in .con?ection" wil.11 lhe ~YertisemenL. P~?molio.n or saJe of ?-1!Y ~rod~ct or p1:?cess, ~r in ~onn~c~ion w!th 1h~ r:_-publicntion or this repon 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-017C Client Sample ID: TW4-65_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 740h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/202123lh Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < l.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 51.4 49.4 49.2 49.5 50.00 103 80-136 50.00 98.8 85-121 50.00 98.3 78-132 50.00 99.0 81-123 Report Date: I0/4/2021 Page 39 of 48 All anal~ ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance Lo NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling information is localed on the attached COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This report is provided for the excluSl\'C.lliC oflhe ~cldressee Pri\ ile~es o.r sub .. seri~ent ~·~e or the ~~e or this .co1~pany or nn~ ~mber of its staff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in 7on~ection .. ,\ith the a~,·ertisemenl, P~?moli~n or ~aJe of ?1~~~ ~rod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in 7°nn~c!ion w~th th? r~-publica.licn or 1his repon American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 LabSampleID: 2109449-017 Client Sample ID: TW4-65_09152021 Collection Date: 9/15/2021 740h Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/26/202 l 249h 9/20/202 l 1545h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 20.7 E353.2 0.100 6.19 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 22 of 48 All anal) ses applicable 10 lhe CWA. SOWA, and RCRA ::ue pcrfomted in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sempling information is located on the au ached COC Confidenlial Business lnformalion: This repor1 is provided for lhe exdusi,e use of lhe ~ddressee. Pri, ile~es of su~seq~enl ~;e of the "?'':ne of this .co~pany or omr 1~mber of its slaff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on?eclion .. ,,1th the a~~ertisemenl, P~?moti~ C!' :ale of~). ~rodl~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~!ion w!th th~ r~-publication of 1his report Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109638-009C Contact: Tanner Holliday Client Sample ID: TW4-70 09222021 ANALvr1cAL LAD0RAT0R1fs Collection Date: 9/22/2021 707h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 005h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 16.4 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 $ 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 48.9 47.7 49.4 48.6 50.00 97.8 80-136 50.00 95.3 85-121 50.00 98.9 78-132 50.00 97.3 81-123 $ -This compound exceeded (low) the control limit for the CCV. The compound concentration is estimated and may be biased low. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 29 of 44 All anal) ses applicable to lhe CWA. SOW A. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinerll sampling inrormal..ion is located on the all ached COC Confidentinl Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for lhe exclusi, e use of 1he ~ddressee Pri,ile~es o,r sub~seq~ent ?~e of the ~~e of this .co1~pany or any ~~ber of ilS staff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~~eclion~ wilh lhe a~~ertise~~ p~~moli~n or sa1e of~). ~rod~cl or P~?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion w~lh th~ ri;-publicaLion of this report American West ANALYTICAL 1.ABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-009 Client Sample ID: TW4-70_09222021 Collection Date: 9/22/2021 707h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 10/6/2021 826h 9/27/2021 1230h Contact: Tanner Holliday Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 2.00 43.1 E353.2 0.100 0.587 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 14 of 44 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SOW A, and RCRA are performed in accordance 1o NELAC prolocols~ Pertinenl sampling infonnation is loca1ed on lhe al1nched COC. Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This repon is provided for lhe exclusiw use of the ~dressee, Pri, ile~es of sub~seq~enl ~~e or the ~~e or lhis .cm~pany or any ~'!1ber or ils slalT, or reproduclio~ ~[ Lhis repo~ in ~~eclion~ nilh the ~vertisemenL, P~?motio!°1 ~r sa1e of ~y rrod~L or p~~' ~r in ~nn~?on w!th th~ "_:Publication of this report American West ANALYTICAL LADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-015C Client Sample ID: TW4-75 _ 09232021 Collection Date: 9/23/2021 1 OOOh Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1657h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52.7 50.00 105 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.2 50.00 98.3 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 47.0 50.00 94.0 78-132 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 50.5 50.00 101 81-123 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 35 of 44 All analyses applicable lo the CWA. SOW A and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinenl sampling informal.ion is loa:ited on the attached COC. Confidential Business lnformulion: This report is provided for 1he exclusire use of1he ~ddressee, Pri,·ile~es of su1!_seq~nl ~:e orlhe ~~e of lhis .con:'pany or~ ~mber of ils struf, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~"?eel ion_ wil11 lhe ~~ ertisemenL P~?moli°:'1 ~r sale of ?'!f ~rod~I or p~~· ~r in ~nn~!ion w11h 1h~ r~-publica.lion of I.his report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-75_09232021 ANALVTl cAL LAeoRAToR1Es Collection Date: 9/23/2021 1000h 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Tanner Holliday Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual I 0/6/2021 1222h E300.0 2.00 35.5 9/27/2021 1240h E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 20 of 44 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl sampling information is located on the alt.iched COC Confidenlial Business Information: This repon is pro\'ided for the e.x:clusil e use of the ~ressee. Prl\ ile~es of su~seq~ent ~~e of the ~~e of this .co".1p:my or rut) ~mber of its staff, or reproducli~ ~~this repo~ in ~lion" \\ilh lhe a~~ertisement, P~?moli~ ~r sale of?'!) ~od~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~n~~oo \\~th t~ ~blicalion of lhis repon American West ANALYTI CAL l.ADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2108726-017 A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Collection Date: 8/24/2021 905h Received Date: 8/26/2021 1025h Analytical Results Analyzed: 8/26/2021 1404h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Units: µg/L Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Extracted: Dilution Factor: CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua! 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.1 50.00 100 80-136 56.0 50.00 112 85-121 49.0 50.00 98.1 78-132 51.0 50.00 102 81-123 Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 38 of 46 All anal~ ses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inenl sampling i11fonmllion is localed on Lhe attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the e.xclusi\ e use oflhe ~ddressee Pri\ ile~es o_f su~seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e of lhis 1 con;1pn11y or M~ 1!!;mber of its staIT, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~1ection .. ,,,ilh Lhe ~vertisemenl, P~?motio.n o.r saJe of~!~ ~rod~cl or p1:ocess, ~r in ~nn~c.tion \\'!lh lh~ r~-publicalion of this report ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109449-018A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank ANALvr1cAL LAB0RAT0R1Es Collection Date: 9/14/2021 800h 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Received Date: 9/17/2021 945h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/21/2021 250h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 53.4 460-00-4 51.0 1868-53-7 49.7 2037-26-5 51.2 50.00 107 80-136 50.00 102 85-121 50.00 99.5 78-132 50.00 102 81-123 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 40 of 48 All amilyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling i11formation is located on the atlached COC Confidenti11\ Business Information; This report is provided for the e:xclw.i\'e use of the ~ddressee Pri, ile~es o_f sub .. seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e or lhis .cm~pany or My ~i:!1be1 or its slaff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in .con~eclion~ "ith Lhe o~vertisemenl, P~?motio.n or saJe of :11!~ ~rod~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn:c!ion \\'!lh 1h7 n;-publicntio11 of this report 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109638-016A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Collection Date: 9/21/2021 IO 15h Received Date: 9/24/2021 1215h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/29/2021 1521 h Units: µg/L Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Extracted: Dilution Factor: Contact: Tanner Holliday Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Method: SW8260D CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qua! 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate Units: µg/L CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51.5 50.00 103 80-136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49.1 50.00 98.1 85-121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 47.2 50.00 94.5 78-132 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50.4 50.00 IOI 81-123 Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 36 of 44 All anal) ses applicable lo the CW A. SOWA_ and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informal.ion is localed on the attached COC, Confidenlial Business Jnfonn::ilion: This report is pro,•ided for the ~clusiYe use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·il~es o~ su~seq~ent ~e of the~~ of this .co"!~' or anr ~mber of ils staff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~ection .. ,,ilh the 3'!vertisemenl, P~?motio.n or sale of?'!~~ ~rodl~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:,c~ion w!Lh lh~ r:-publicalion of this report 3440 South 700 West ;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Tanner Holliday Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 South Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 TEL: (435) 678-2221 RE: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Dear Tanner Holliday: Lab Set ID: 2108726 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample( s) on 8/26/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, J G Digitally signed 0$9 . by Jose G. Rocha Rocha Date: 2021.09.13 14:03:39 -06'00' Approved by: ....._ ___________ __. Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 1 of 46 All nr111l)ses applicable lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling informal ion is localed on the auached COC Conliden1ial Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for the exclusire use or the ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es or sub..5eq~enl ~·~e of the ~~le or this .co,~pany or M) ~mbe1 or its Slaff, or reproductio~ ~~ this repo~ in ~01~1eclion~ \\ilh lhe n~,·er1isemenl, P~?motio,n °.' sale of ~!Y. rrcxi~ct or P~?Cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion "'!'h lh~ r:publicution of I his report SAMPLE SUMMARY American West Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 202 I Lab Set ID: 2108726 Date Received: 8/26/2021 I 025h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 2108726-00lA TW4-25 08242021 8/24/2021 915h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 ,alt Lake City, UT 841 I 9 2108726-00 I B TW4-25 08242021 8/24/2021 915h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 2108726-00 IC TW4-25 08242021 8/24/2021 915h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Phone:(801)263-8686 2 I 08726-002A TW4-40 08242021 8/24/2021 1224h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-002B TW4-40 08242021 8/24/2021 1224h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 2108726-002C TW4-40 08242021 8/24/2021 1224h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax:(801)263-8687 8260D/5030C !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 2 I 08726-003A TW4-24 08242021 8/24/2021 926h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2 I 08726-003B TW4-24 08242021 8/24/2021 926h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 web: www.awal-labs.com 2108726-003C TW4-24 08242021 8/24/2021 926h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-004A TW4-19 08242021 8/24/2021 1240h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jennifer Osborn 2108726-004B TW4-19 08242021 8/24/2021 1240h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-004C TW4-19 08242021 8/24/2021 1240h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260D/5030C 2108726-00SA TW4-0l 08242021 8/24/2021 1158h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 2 I 08726-00SB TW4-0I 08242021 8/24/2021 1158h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 QA Officer 2 I 08726-00SC TW4-01 08242021 8/24/2021 I 158h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-006A MW-26_08242021 8/24/2021 958h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-006B MW-26_08242021 8/24/2021 958h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-006C MW-26 08242021 8/24/2021 958h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-007 A TW4-4 l _ 0824202 l 8/24/2021 1207h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-007B TW4-41 08242021 8/24/2021 1207h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-007C TW4-41 08242021 8/24/2021 1207h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-008A TW4-21 08242021 8/24/2021 905h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2 I 08726-008B TW4-21 08242021 8/24/2021 905h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-008C TW4-21 08242021 8/24/2021 905h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-009A TW4-02 08242021 8/24/2021 1015h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-009B TW4-02 08242021 8/24/2021 1015h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-009C TW4-02 08242021 8/24/2021 1015h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-0lOA TW4-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1214h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Report Date: 9/13/2 021 Page 2 of 46 All anal) ses applicable lo the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA ure i:,erfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pcd1ncnt stunpllllfl informutfon is loco.ted on the a1t,1ched COC Conridentinl 811,nness Jnformo.tion: This report is provided for the e.\c/usire use of1he ~ddressee~ Pri, ile~es o_fsub .. seq~1enl ~~e of the ~~e of lhis.cor?pany or any ~~~berofits staff or reproducll~ ~lhis fepol! in .con!M:-tfioo. \\oith the ~~·ertise1:ien1. P~?molio.n ~r ~aJe of~!~. l;fadl~Cl or P~?Cess. ~r in 7onn:c~ion w!th th~ r:-publicaliotl of this reporl Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 American West Lab Set ID: 2108726 ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date Received: 8/26/2021 l 025h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 2108726-0 l OB TW4-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1214h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 3440 South 700 West 2108726-0lOC TW4-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1214h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 2108726-01 lA MW-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1150h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-0 l lB MW-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1150h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-01 lC MW-04 08242021 8/24/2021 1150h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 8260D/5030C 2108726-012A TW4-39 08242021 8/24/2021 951h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 2108726-012B TW4-39 08242021 8/24/2021 951h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Fax: (801) 263-8687 21 08726-0 l 2C TW4-39_08242021 8/24/2021 951h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 8260D/5030C 2108726-013A TW4-ll 08242021 8/24/2021 1006h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 web: www.awal-labs.com 2108726-013B TW4-ll 08242021 8/24/2021 1006h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-013C TW4-ll 08242021 8/24/2021 1006h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jennifer Osborn 2108726-014A TW4-22 08242021 8/24/2021 935h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-014B TW4-22 08242021 8/24/2021 935h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Laboratory Director 2108726-0 l 4C TW4-22 08242021 8/24/2021 935h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jose Rocha 2108726-015A TW4-37 08242021 8/24/2021 943h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 QA Officer 2108726-015B TW4-37 08242021 8/24/2021 943h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-0lSC TW4-37 08242021 8/24/2021 943h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-016A TW4-60 08242021 8/24/2021 1300h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2108726-016B TW4-60 08242021 8/24/2021 1300h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2108726-0 l 6C TW4-60 08242021 8/24/2021 1300h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2108726-017 A Trip Blank 8/24/2021 905h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 3 of 46 All anal~ ses applicable to lhe CWA. SOWA, and RCRA rue perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Ptnmcnt siuu1,hn!; infonnntiou is localed Oil the otta.ched COC. Conlidenlinl Business Jnrormarion: This report is proYided forahc exclusire use of1he ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es of sub,.seq~enl ~;e or lhe ~~e of lhis _co1':'puny or miy 1~mber of ils staIT, or reproducti~~ ~f 1h1s re~ in _con!u,"Clio,~ with the n~~1ertise1~ent. P~?motio.n ~r ~ale of ~!Y. ~rodt~ct or p1:?cess, ~r in ~onn:.c!ion w!lh 111~ ':·publication of this report 3440 South 700 West 5alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 202 I 2108726 8/26/2021 8/24/2021 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times. All samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: Sample ID Analyte QC Explanation 2108726-00lB Nitrate/Nitrite MS/MSD Sample matrix interference 2108726-00SB Nitrate/Nitrite MS/MSD Sample matrix interference 2108726-0lSB Nitrate/Nitrite MS High analyte concentration Duplicate (DUP): The parameters that required a duplicate analysis had RPDs within the control limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/13/202 I Page 4 of 46 All rumlyses applicable to lhe CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinenl swnp\ing information is locnted on the attached COC Conlidenlinl Business Information: This report is pro\'ided for the e:"\clusiye use of the ~ddressee Pti, ile~es of sub ... seq~1en1 ~~e of 1he ~~e of this .co,~puny or IUl~ 1~~be1 of its starf, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~! in ~on~eclion ... "ith lhe ~vertisement. P~?motio.n ~r sale of~!~ ~rodl~CI or p1.?cess, ~r in ~onn~c!ion w!lh th~ r~-publicalion of this 1eporl 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Jabs.com Jennifer Osborn Laborato1y Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Volatile Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: Method: Analysis: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2108726 8/26/2021 8/24/2021 Intact None SW-846 8260D/5030C Volatile Organic Compounds General Set Comments: Multiple target analytes were observed above reporting limits. Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: All samples were received in appropriate containers and properly preserved. The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, and Surrogates: Method Blanks (MBs): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Sample (LCSs): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, indicating no apparent matrix interferences. Surrogates: All surrogate recoveries were within established limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/13/202 I Page 5 of 46 All onalyses applicalJle to the CWA. SOWA. and RCRA are perl'omu:d in accordance to NELAC prolocols. 11~m(ncnt snmpHni.i info11rnuion is locuted on lhe nua.ched COC. Confidential Business ln(om1,311on: This report is provided for lhe exclusi,·e use of the ~dd.ressee. Pri,·ile~es o_f suh,,seq~1ent ~1~e or the ~~1e of this .co1~pnn) or ru1) 1~mtie1 or its slnIT, or repr->ductl~ ~~this ,~ in ~011?~·c1ion_ with the o~~·ertisement, P~?motio.n ~r sale or ?1!): ~rodl~Ct c,r ~~ess, ~r in ~onn~c!ion w!lh th~ r~-publicntion of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Contact: Dept: Tanner Holliday WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Units Method Lab Sample ID: LCS-R156360 Date Analyzed: 09/07/2021 600h Test Code: 300.0-W ---- Chloride 5.09 mg/L E300.0 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R156465 Date Analyzed: 09/08/2021 2345h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5.12 mg/L E300 0 Lab Sample ID: LCS-Rl56021 Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 920h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.07 mg/L E353.2 Lab Sample ID: LCS-Rl56022 Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1008h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 m~ ----==-==--=========-=--Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.07 E353.2 MDL 0.0198 0.0198 0.00541 0.00541 Reporting Limit 0.100 0.100 0.0100 0.0100 QC Type: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC 5.000 0 102 5.000 0 102 1.000 0 107 l.000 0 107 Limits 90-J 10 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPO Ref. RPO Limit Amt %RPO Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 39 of 46 ana]yses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of ti' ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connectlon with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R156360 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Tanner Holliday Dept: WC QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Amount %REC 09/07/2021 536h ------ Chloride <0.100 mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R156465 Date Analyzed: 09/08/2021 2321h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < 0.100 mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R156021 Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 919h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 mg/L E353.2 0.00541 0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R156022 Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1007h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 --- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 mg/L E353 2 0.00541 0.0100 Limits Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPO Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 40 of 46 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampllng information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of ti- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process, or Tn connection with there-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee wi11 be granted only on contact. This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Contact: Dept: Tanner Holliday WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Type: MS Reporting Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00JAMS Date Analyzed: 09/07/2021 824h Test Code: 300.0-W ------ Chloride 2,030 mg/L E300,0 3.96 20.0 1,000 JOJO 102 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-016AMS Date Analyzed: 09/09/2021 858h Test Code: 300.0-W ------- Chloride 25.3 mg/L E300.0 0.0990 0.500 25.00 0 101 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00lBMS Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 954h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 --------- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 12.0 mg/L E353 2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 0.793 112 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00SBMS Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1010h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 -------------------- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 12.7 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 1.38 113 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-0lSBMS Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1048h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 ------- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 80.8 mg,'L E353 2 0.270 0.500 50.00 25.8 110 ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. 2 -Analyte concentration is too high for accurate matrix spike recovery and/or RPD. Limits 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 41 of 46 analyses applicable to the CW A. SDW A. and RCRA are pcrf om1c<I In accordnncc to NE LAC protocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: l11is report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee rri,<ileges of "'-'b<oCJuent use oft~ ne of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction or 1hi.J report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the :tddressce will be gl':m1cd only on contact This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com .Q C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Lab Set ID: 2108726 Dept: WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00JAMSD Date Analyzed: 09/07/2021 848h Test Code: 300.0-W ------- Chloride 2,070 mg/L E300.0 3.96 20.0 1,000 1010 106 -Lab Sample ID: 2108726-016AMSD Date Analyzed: 09/09/2021 922h Test Code: 300.0-W --. -------- Chloride 25.3 mg/L E300.0 0.0990 0.500 25.00 0 101 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00IBMSD Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 955h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 --- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.9 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 0,793 111 Lab Sample ID: 2108726-00SBMSD Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 101 lh Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 -------------- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 12.5 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 1.38 Ill Lab Sample ID: 2108726-0ISBMSD Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1049h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 - Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 75.5 mg/L E353 2 0.270 0.500 50.00 25.8 99.4 ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS 2-Analyte concenlration is too high/or accurate matrix spike recovery and/or RPD. Limits 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit 2030 1.95 20 25.3 0.192 20 12 0.261 10 12.7 1.39 10 - 80.8 6.80 10 Qual ReportDate: 9/13/2021 Page42of46 analyses applicable to the CW A. SDW A, and RCRA are pc.."ffom1cd in nttordnncc to NEl..AC ptOlotols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privlleges of subsequent use of tt- ne of thls company or any member of rts staff, or reproduction or,his n:pon in conn<.."Ction with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or ln connection with the re-publ icatlon of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com _QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: Tanner Holliday MSVOA Method MDL Reporting Limit QC Type: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 082721A Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 905h Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 082621A Test Code: 82600-W-DENlOO Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 083021A Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO Chloroform Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 22.5 19.7 16.3 19.1 49.6 48.9 50.2 50.1 Date Analyzed: 23.1 20.0 17.1 19.3 49.8 50.0 50.5 50.4 Date Analyzed: 19.4 49.6 48.9 50.0 49.7 µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 113 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 98.6 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 81.4 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 95.5 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.2 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 97.8 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 08/26/2021 856h µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 116 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 99.8 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 85.6 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 96.5 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 IOI µg/L SW8260D 50.00 101 08/30/2021 914h µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 97.0 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.2 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 97.8 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.4 Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -I 54 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 74 -120 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Limit Amt %RPD Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 43 of 46 analyses applicable to the CWA_ SD\V ,\. and RC'RA are performed in accordance to NE LAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information. This report is provided for the exc1tL5ive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt- nc of thlS company or any member of its st.a.ff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 082621A Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO ----- Carbon tetrachloride < 1.00 Chloroform < 1.00 Chloromethane < 1.00 Methylene chloride < 1.00 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.7 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 48.3 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.4 Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 082721A Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 - Carbon tetrachloride < 1.00 Chloroform < 1.00 Chloromethane < 1.00 Methylene chloride < 1.00 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 49.4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.6 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 49.6 Surr: Toluene-d8 51.2 Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 083021A Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Chloroform < 1.00 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 49.6 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 48.7 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.4 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com _Q._C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Spiked Units Method MDL Limit 08/26/2021 916h --- µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 08/27/2021 937h ---- µg/L SW8260D 0.785 l.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 08/30/2021 934h µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 Tanner Holliday MSVOA MBLK Spike Ref. Amount %REC 97.9 101 96.6 101 98.9 IOI 99.2 102 99.2 101 97 .5 101 Limits 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPO Ref. RPO Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 44 of 46 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NE LAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee PriviletJes of subsequent use oftt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any pu'l)Ose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 2108726-006CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 ----- Carbon tetrachloride 2,440 Chloroform 3,830 Chloromethane 1,740 Methylene chloride 2,060 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 4,910 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4,900 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,020 Surr: Toluene-d8 5,000 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com _Q C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: -- Reporting Amount Spiked Units Method MDL Limit 08/27/2021 1022h -- µg/L SW8260D 78.5 100 2,000 µg/L SW8260D 36.0 100 2,000 µg/L SW8260D 68.2 100 2,000 µg/L SW8260D 45.1 100 2,000 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 --- Tanner Holliday MSVOA MS Spike Ref. Amount %REC 0 122 1580 112 0 86.8 0 103 98.2 97.9 100 99.9 Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 4 5 of 46 analyses apphcable to the CWA. SOW A, and RCRA are perfom1ed ln accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: l11is report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of ti- ne of this company or any member of its. staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee wiJJ be grarned only on contact This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2108726 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 I 9 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT_ Contact: Tanner Holliday Dept: MS VOA QC Type: MSD Reporting Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Method MDL Limit Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: 2 l08726-006CMSD Date Analyzed: 08/27/2021 1049h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO -- Carbon tetrachloride 2,360 µg/L SW8260D 78.5 100 2,000 0 118 Chloroform 3,730 µg/L SW8260D 36.0 100 2,000 1580 107 Chloromethane 1,640 µg/L SW8260D 68.2 100 2,000 0 82.2 Methylene chloride 2,0!0 µg/L SW8260D 45.1 100 2,000 0 100 Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 4,940 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 98.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 4,970 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 99.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5,060 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 101 Surr: Toluene-d8 5,040 µg/L SW8260D 5,000 101 ------- Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -I 54 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit 2440 3.21 35 3830 2.65 35 1740 5.45 35 2070 2.75 35 Qual Report Date: 9/13/2021 Page 46 of 46 analyses applicable to the CW A. SDW A, and RCRA are performed. in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re·publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West Analytical Laboratories Rpt Emailed: UL Denison WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2108726 Page 1 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/10/2021 Client ID: ENE300 Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Level: III WO Type: Project Comments: QC 3 (no chromatograms). EDD-Denison. CC KWeinel@energyfuels.com; (USE PROJECT for special DLs). Do not use "*R_" samples as MS/MSD.; -Q Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2108726-00lA T\V4-25_08242021 8/24/2021 0915h 8126120211025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Anafftes: CL 2108726-00IB N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 l SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-00lC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-w_-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 2I08726-002A T\V4-40_08242021 8/24/2021 1224h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-002B N02/N03-W -353.2 df. no2/no3 l SEL Analy_tes: N03N02N 2I08726-002C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 /# ofSurr: 4 2108726-00JA T\V4-24_08242021 8/24/2021 0926h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc l SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-003B N02/N03-W-353.2 df. no2/no3 I SEL Analj_tes: N03N02N 2108726-003C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 41 # o[Surr: 4 2108726-004A T\V4-19_08242021 8/24/2021 1240h 8/26/20211025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc J SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-004B N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL AnaZJl_tes: N03N02N 2108726-004C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN_J_OO; # of Analytes: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 2108726-00SA T\V4--01_08242021 · 8/24/2021 1158h ' 8/26/20211025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc • I I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-00SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 J SEL Analytes: N03N02N . · 2108726-00SC 8260D:W-DEN100 · VOCFridge ·3 Test Group: 826QJ).W-DENIOO; # of Analyt~: 4/# o/Surr: 4 Printed: 08/26/21 14:01 LABORATORY CHECK: %M O RT O CN O TAT O QC O LUO 0 HOK ___ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed ____ _ WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2108726 Page2 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/10/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2108726-006A l\1.\V-26_08242021 8/24/2021 0958h 8/26/2021102Sh 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Ana/yres: CL 2108726-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-006C 8260D-W-DENIOO YOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENI00; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 2108726-007A 1'\'4-41_08242021 8/24/2021 1207h 8/26/20211025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc l 1 SEL Analytf!oS: CL 2108726-007B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-007C 8260D-W-DEN100 YOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 2108726-00SA 1'\'4-21_08242021 8/24/2021 0905h 8/26/20211025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-008B NOl/NOJ-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-00SC 8260D-W-DEN100 YOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I # of Su": 4 2108726-009A 1'\'4-02_08242021 8/24/20211015h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-009B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-009C 8260D-W-DEN100 YOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN100; # of Analytes: 4 I # of Su": 4 2108726-0lOA 1'\'4-04_08242021 8/24/20211214h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-0lOB NOl/NOJ-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-0lOC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I # of Su": 4 2108726-01 lA l\iW--04_08242021 8/24/2021 1150h 8/26/2021 I 025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-0 l lB N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-0llC 8260D-W-DEN100 YOCFridge 3 1 •· .. ~I Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN100; # of Analytes: 4.//!,of Surr: 4 Printed: 08/26/21 14:01 LABORATORY CHECK: %M 0 RT D CN D TAT D QCO LUOO HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2108726 Page3 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/10/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Set Storage 2108726-012A 1W4-39 _08242021 8/24/2021 095 lh 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analyres: CL 2108726-012B NOl/NOJ-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-012C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJ 00; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 2108726-013A 1W4-11_08242021 8/24/2021 1006h 8/26/2021 I 025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-013B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-013C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 2108726-014A 1W4-22_08242021 8/24/2021 0935h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-014B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2I08726-0l4C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 2108726-0lSA 1W4-37_08242021 8/24/2021 0943h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-0lSB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2108726-0lSC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 2108726-016A 1W4-60_08242021 8/24/20211300h 8/26/2021 1025h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2108726-016B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 2108726-016C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4/# of Su": 4 2108726-017A Trip Blank 8/24/2021 0905h 8/26/2021 1025h 8260D~W-DEN100 Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8~60D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4/# of Su": 4 Printed: 08/26/21 14:01 LABORATORY CHECK: %M O RT O CN O TAT O QC O LUO 0 HOK ___ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed _____ _ 2 6 9 American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Sall Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 ~ Fax# (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awaJ-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Tanner Holliday Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: Email: tholliday@alergyfaels.com; korelnel@energyfaels.cmn Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Samole ID; Samoled TW4-25_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-40_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-24_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-19_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-0l_08242021 8/24/2021 IIW-26_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-41_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-21_08242021 8/24/2021 TW4-02_08242021 8/24/2021 t TW4-04_08242021 8/24/2021 , IIW-04_08242021 8/24/2021 1 TW4-39_08242021 8/24/2021 1 TW4-11_08242021 8/24/2021 RofinqUl.i.!d by. ~ Jh,,/k£-A/ Oale: Stnoatura -• ... • ..-8/2512021 I Time: P<inlNomo: T••=HolJklov 1100 Relinquished by: Date: ls;onature Time: Prird.Naroe: (RollnquioMd bi< Date: ls.m.tun, rnme: Prin!Naroe: IRellnqulshed by: Oate: lslane1ure tTime: IPrintName: I nme Samoled 915 1224 926 1240 1158 958 1207 905 1015 1214 1150 951 1006 Received by: S1Qnalure Print Name: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis 11411 be conducted using NELAP accredited methods and all data v,;11 be reported using AW/V..'s standard analyle his and reporting Umtts (POL} unless speciftcally requesled otherwise on this Chain of Custody end/or attached documentation. QC Level: I Tum Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports v,;11 be emal~ by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For: For Compliance With: D NELAP D RCRA D CWA 0 SOWA 0 ELAP/ A2LA c5' D NLLAP ~ 0 D Non-Compliance ~ 0 G' D Other: l') I!! l!2. .. Cl (I) ~ "' 0 IO C Cl C'1 ~ "' 0 ::a: Cl ~ Known Hazards C Ill I') 0 (I) ..... :t. • (.) C. N t.) & '5 E i 0 g "' Samole Comments .. (JJ s w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X Date: Special Instructions: time: , . ,Z/(}~7~ <c AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page of 2 I"""~· I Laboratory Use Only Sample5W0<e: v.f J e-~o-o 3 Temperature •c 4 Received 8r,,ke"'1.=ki,g (Improperly Sea~ y N 5cly Preserved y N tlOdcod et bench y N 6 Received Within crngTmeo N c~:o-Poc@1(e.( Y\ N • tiken on Ou!0t Poek';;g.---" Y N NA 3 Present on Sample G y N 4 Unbroken on Sample 0 \ Y N NA ) Discrepancies Between Sample Labels td COC Reco'c:) Received by: ~ (.-J/ 1,, --IZ~ .,? Dalo~h.~/-z. I See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and voe k1nna(ure ·:.._. analyte list . Z"/t,,;,,L .J-L .. ./~. // ffime:f IC 2.'1 P~nt No.no; Received by: I / Date: Sianature hime: Print Name: Received by: Date: Sianature Time: P,WName: American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City. UT 84115 Phone# (801) 26343686 Toi Free# (886) 263-8686 ~ Fax# (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact Tanner HoWday Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: Emal: tholliday@energyfilels.com; kwelnel@energyfixels.com Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner HoWday Date Samole ID: Samoled t TW4-22_08242021 8/24/2021 ; TW4-37_08242021 18 I TW4-60_08242021 • TRIP BLANK I 1Q I 20 I I :!2 ! 23 2, 25 2tl ' Rt1iliqu1$1Hidby: --"' "'~·-µ//. / _ l"'°"alU!e , Print No°"': Tonne, HOllldov Ro!lnqwllOd by: "''"noluro Prin""'1M: """'1qu/ehed by. ~na?un, "1 .. Nnme: <oll-t,y: ""'nawro Prln!Norno: 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 081a, 812!112021 TIIM: 11oc Oft!&; Tll)>o, :uatO! '""'"' Doto: rn,ne: I Time Samoled 935 943 1300 905 Received by: Signature Print Name: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysts W\ll bo conducted using NElAP aairadlled melhods and all data \'All be reported using AWAf.'s standaud anal~o llsts and ropomng llmlls (PQL) unless specifically n,quested othe,v,lsa on this Chain of Custody and/or a!tachod documentation. QC Level: I Turn Around Time: Unless other arrangements t'lave been made, signed reports will be emalled by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they ere due. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For: For Compliance With: D NELAP D RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA o' 0 NLLAP csi' C) 0 N~ompliance ei 0 U' 0 Other: ~ 01 E >< ... 0 Cl) 0 IO ,:: I (') ·;;; g 0 C'l "E 1;l ~ Known Hazards 0 Cl) ..... ~ .. () ci N 0 & 'l5 E i tl g .. Samole Comments .. C/l 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 3 w X Oate: Special Instructions: Time: l::i_ (j ){ 7A {( AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 2 of 2 I°""'" I Laboratory Use Only Samples Were: ~ 1 Shipped ~ doJJ,.,erod Amblent oe; (I -O 2 3 Temperahre ~-c I 4 RecelVod Brol<enn.ealdng (Improperly Sealade y N) 5~yl'l--,od y N adal benc:!, y N 6 Received Within a~Times N ~QC Tape Was: 1~ on Outi,r Package Y N NA ,. 2 Gbroken on Outer Package Y N NA 3 Present on Sample y N (5 4 Unbroken on Sample Q y N niscrepancies Betwaen Sample \.abels and COC Record? y CJ Racot-,ad~ ,(__ Signal..... ,,...._,., l"I.,, / ¥-h:. / 0-~Afrhl See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and voe analyte list. z_ /11 t.__ .LL..,' f 7 Time: /(\? "")' Print.Name: / Received by: Signature I ( Oate: Time: Print Name: Received by: Oale: !~nature :time: PrtnlName:. Analysis Ammonia COD <:vanide Metals N02/N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TPQ4 CrVI+ Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet s amp1e "er Extension ana Preservative I 2 .3 l/ 5 nH <2 H2S04 pH<2H2S04 oH>lONaOH pH<2HN03 uH<2H2S04 v,;< \~~ 1/~, v.~ \Ir nH<2HCL I I , ,, r nH<2 H2S04 pH >9 NaOH. ZnAC nH<2 H2S04 nH<2 H2S04 nH >9 (NIL )2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid (ti 'l v. .. ·..t, /' J /' pn >f' 1L. S r Cf / IJ J.L< 11-t y T ' 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + ... # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH > __ due to the sample matrix interference . I I 1/~ I Lab Set ID: pH Lot#: Ii... /_1; 1/,,, tL< /ii ,/,, c; 77 p' // A IC 8-72 G~ {_t ? o a 1< i (n ii~< 1(.1\ II" rev 10-28-2020 ANALVTICAl LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84 I 19 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Tanner Holliday Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 South Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 TEL: (435) 678-2221 RE: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Dear Tanner Holliday: Lab Set ID: 2109449 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample( s) on 9/17/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: J G Digitally signed 058 . by Jose G. Rocha Rocha Date: 2021.10.04 15:05:30 -06'00' Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page I of 48 All anal) ses applicable lo lhe CWA_ SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on Lhe allached COC Conridenlial Business Informalion: This report is provided for the exclusire use o[the ~ddressee Pri\ il~es or sub .. seq~nt ~~e of the ~~e of lhis .co,~pany or nn) ~mber of its staff, or reproducli~ ~f this repo~ in ~~ecl1on~ "ith the ~ver1isement, P~?moli~ or sale of ?1!) ~rod~cl or P~?cess, ~r in ';°nn';c!ion w!lh th~ r~·publication of this repon SAMPLE SUMMARY Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Set ID: 2109449 Date Received: 9/17/2021 945h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 2109449-001 A TW4-03R 09142021 9/14/2021 800h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 2109449-001 B TW4-03R 09142021 9/14/2021 800h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-001 C TW4-03R 09142021 9/14/2021 800h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Phone: (801) 263-8686 2109449-002A TW4-03 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-002B TW4-03 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 2109449-002C TW4-03 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260D/5030C ~-m ail : awal@awal-labs.com 2109449-003A TW4-42 09152021 9/15/2021 755h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-003B TW4-42 09152021 9/15/2021 755h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 2109449-003C TW4-42 09152021 9/15/2021 755h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-004A TW4-28 09152021 9/15/2021 814h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jennifer Osborn 2109449-004B TW4-28 09152021 9/15/2021 814h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-004C TW4-28 09152021 9/15/2021 814h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260D/5030C 2109449-005A TW4-32 09152021 9/15/2021 822h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 2109449-005B TW4-32 09152021 9/15/2021 822h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 2109449-005C TW4-32 09152021 9/15/2021 822h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-006A TW4-12 09152021 9/15/2021 830h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-006B TW4-12 09152021 9/15/2021 830h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-006C TW4-l2 09152021 9/15/2021 830h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-007 A TW4-13 09152021 9/15/2021 837h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-007B TW4-13 09152021 9/15/2021 837h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-007C TW4-13 09152021 9/15/2021 837h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-008A TW4-36 09152021 9/15/2021 854h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-008B TW4-36 09152021 9/15/2021 854h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-008C TW4-36 09152021 9/15/2021 854h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210944 9-009 A TW4-14 09152021 9/15/2021 845h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-009B TW4-14 09152021 9/15/2021 845h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-009C TW4-14 09152021 9/15/2021 845h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-0lOA TW4-31 09152021 9/15/2021 915h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 2 of 48 All anal) ses applicable lo lhe C'WA SOWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols. Pertineol sampling information is located on lhe allached COC Confidenlial Business Inform.iii on: This report is pro,•ided for lhe exclusi, e use of lhe ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o!' sub,,seq~1enl ~,~e of lhe ~~e of this .co':'p::my or any ~mber of iLs slnIT. or reproduclio.~ ~~ I.his repo~ in ~on~eclion" "ill1 the a~~ ertise1~ent. P~?molio,n or sale of~~~ ~rod~cl or P•.?Cess, ~r in ~onn~fi011 w!lh th~ r!-publicafio11 of this report Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 American West Lab Set ID: 2109449 ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date Received: 9/17/2021 945h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 2109449-01 OB TW4-3 l 09152021 9/15/2021 915h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 3440 South 700 West 2109449-01 oc TW4-3 l 09152021 9/15/2021 915h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 2109449-01 lA TW4-34 09152021 9/15/2021 924h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-01 IB TW4-34 09152021 9/15/2021 924h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-01 lC TW4-34 09152021 9/15/2021 924h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Phone:(801)263-8686 8260D/5030C 2109449-012A TW4-35 09152021 9/15/2021 932h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 2109449-012B TW4-35_09152021 9/15/2021 932h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Fax: (801) 263-8687 2109449-012C TW4-35 09152021 9/15/2021 932h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 8260D/5030C 2109449-013A TW4-23 09152021 9/15/2021 941h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 web: www.awal-labs.com 2109449-013B TW4-23 09152021 9/15/2021 941h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-013C TW4-23 09152021 9/15/2021 941h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jennifer Osborn 2109449-014A TW4-38 09152021 9/15/2021 950h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-014B TW4-38 09152021 9/15/2021 950h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Laboratory Director 2109449-0 l 4C TW4-38 09152021 9/15/2021 950h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jose Rocha 2109449-015A TW4-06_09152021 9/15/2021 1225h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 QA Officer 2109449-015B TW4-06 09152021 9/15/2021 1225h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-0 l 5C TW4-06 09152021 9/15/2021 1225h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-016A TW4-27 09152021 9/15/2021 1237h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-016B TW4-27 09152021 9/15/2021 1237h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-0 l 6C TW4-27 09152021 9/15/2021 1237h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-0l 7A TW4-65 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109449-017B TW 4-65 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109449-017C TW 4-65 09152021 9/15/2021 740h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109449-018A Trip Blank 9/14/2021 800h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 3 of 48 All anal) ses applicable to lhe CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the altached COC Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o_f sub .. seq~enl ~~e of lhe ~~e of lhis.co~pany or any 1~mberor its slaIT, or reproduclio~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~0~1ection ... ,,-i1h the a~,·ertisement. P~?molio.n ~r saJe of~!)' ~rodl~cl or P~?cess, ~r in ~nn:,c~ion w!lh th; r~-publicalion or1his report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109449 9/17/2021 9/14-9/15/2021 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times. All samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Rela ive Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: Sam le ID Anal e QC 2109449-008B Nitrate/Nitrite MS Duplicate (DUP): The parameters that required a duplicate analysis had RPDs within the control limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 4 of 48 All analyses applic.:ibl~ 101he CWA. SOWA. :ind K RA are perfom1ed in accordance to NE LAC pro1ocols. JJ~1inttn1 sampling mfornwmou is located on the nttached COC. onru.l~otiol Business lnfonnotion: This reµon is pro,1ided for the exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee. P,frile~es o_rsll~stq~enl ~~e of !he ~:"!~e of this .co1~pany or n11y ~mber or ils staff, or rtproducl1~ '!!•his repo~ in ~Cll\~locth)I'~ \\~lh the «<!~'erlise~enl. P~?moli~ Of $3.lc of ~!Y. ~rod~cl or P~?cess, ~r in ~onn~c!ion w'.lh th~ r~-public:Mion of this report 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84 J J 9 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratmy Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Volatile Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: Method: Analysis: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109449 9/17/2021 9/14-9/15/2021 Intact None SW-846 8260D/5030C Volatile Organic Compounds General Set Comments: Multiple target analytes were observed above reporting limits. Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: All samples were received in appropriate containers and properly preserved. The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times following the method s stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, and Surrogates: Method Blanks (MBs): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Sample (LCSs): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, indicating no apparent matrix interferences. Surrogates: All surrogate recoveries were within established limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 5 of 48 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA, SDWA1 nnd RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pcr1lnmt sampling information is located on the attached COC. Conlidentiol Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusiYe use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·ile~cs o.r sub,_seq~1enl ~e orO,c ~~~1.nc, of lhis .co11;pany or any ~'!lber or its slarT. or reproducl1~ ?.r this repo~ in ~on~1ection .. "ith the at!~·er1ise~enl. p~~mo1io.n ~r sale of ~!Y. ~rod~cl or p~~ess. ~r in ~nn:c!ion \\'!th 1h~ r:-publicalio11 of this report American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com _QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: Tanner Holliday WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Type: LCS Analyte Result Units Method Lab Sample ID: LCS-R157099 Date Analyzed: 09/25/2021 1501h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 4.78 mg/L E300.0 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R156844 Date Analyzed: 09/20/2021 1509h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.967 mg/L E353.2 Lab Sample ID: LCS-RI57344 Date Analyzed: 10/01/2021 1648h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.01 mg/L E353.2 MDL 0.0198 0.00541 0.00541 Reporting Limit 0.100 0.0100 0.0100 Amount Spiked 5.000 1.000 1.000 Spike Ref. Amount %REC 0 95.6 0 96.7 0 IOI Limits 90-110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPO Amt % RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 41 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA a~ performed in accord:11\1:~10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business [nfornrntion: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee, Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of 1h1s report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-Rl57099 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride <0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-Rl56844 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-Rl57344 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Tanner Holliday Dept: WC QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/25/2021 143 7h mg.IL E300.0 0.0198 0.100 09/20/2021 1508h mg.IL E353.2 0.00541 0.0100 10/01/2021 163 lh mg.IL E353,2 0.00541 0.0100 Limits Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 42 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SD\\.'A, and RCRA an: pe:r(onned in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided fort.he exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt- ne of this company or any member of i.s staff, Of rcpn;Kluctlon of1h1s report ,n connccuon with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any pull)Ose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com American West ANAL YTI CAL LAB ORATORIES C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Analyte Result Units Method MDL Lab Sample ID: 2109449-006AMS Date Analyzed: 09/25/2021 203th Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 273 mg/L E300.0 0.990 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-016AMS Date Analyzed: 09/26/2021 202h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 259 mg/L E300.0 0.990 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-00SBMS Date Analyzed: 09/20/2021 1522h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.l mg/L E353.2 0.0541 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-006BMS Date Analyzed: 09/20/2021 1526h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.4 mg/L E353 2 0.0541 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-00SBMS Date Analyzed: 10/01/2021 1635h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.2 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Reporting Limit 5.00 5.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 Contact: Dept: QC Type: Amount Spiked 250.0 250.0 10.00 10.00 10.00 Tanner Holliday WC MS Spike Ref. Amount %REC 36.1 94.7 21.7 94.9 1.57 95.0 1.95 94.8 0.0971 111 Limits 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPO Ref. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 43 of 48 ruulyses applicable to the CWA. SD\\iA, and RCRA on: pct(ormcd in accordnnce to NEL,\C ptolocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business lnfom,ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of tt- ncof 1t11s company or any member of its staff, ur reproduction eiflh1s report in connccuc,n Wilh lho advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 I 9 Jennifer Osborn Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer _Q_C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Lab Set ID: 2109449 Dept: WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 QC Type: MSD ---- Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPO Ref. RPO Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPO Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 2109449-006AMSD Date Analyzed: 09/25/2021 2055h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 271 mg/L E300.0 0.990 5.00 250.0 36.1 94.1 90 -110 273 0.5 17 20 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-016AMSD Date Analyzed: 09/26/2021 225h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 261 mg/L E300.0 0.990 5.00 250.0 21.7 95.5 90-I 10 259 0.581 20 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-00SBMSD Date Analyzed: 09/20/2021 1523h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.4 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 1.57 98.4 90 -I 10 I I.I 3.04 10 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-006BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/20/2021 1527h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.4 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 1.95 94.1 90 -I 10 11.4 0.601 10 Lab Sample ID: 2109449-00SBMSD Date Analyzed: I 0/01/2021 1636h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10.9 mg/L E353 2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 0.0971 108 90 -110 I 1.2 2.71 10 Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 44 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. pron1otion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awa1@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT_ Method MDL Reporting Limit Contact: Dept: QC Type: Amount Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA LCS Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 092021A Date Analyzed: 09/20/202 l 1919h Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 24.0 21.l 15.8 19.9 51.8 48.6 49.9 50.2 µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 120 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 105 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 78.9 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 99.3 50.00 104 50.00 97.2 50.00 99.9 50.00 100 Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 45 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are pcrfom,cd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re•publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 092021A Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN 100 Carbon tetrachloride < 1.00 Chlorofonn < 1.00 Chloromethane < 1.00 Methylene chloride < 1.00 Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52.0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.1 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 49.4 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.6 Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Method MDL Limit Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MBLK Spike Ref. Amount %REC 09/20/2021 1939h µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 104 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 98.8 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 101 Limits 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 10/4/2021 Page 46 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are pcrl'onncd in accordance io NElAC proto:ols. Pertinent sampling infom,ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, o~ reproduction of this report in eo11nceuon with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 2109449-002CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO Carbon tetrachloride 21.9 Chloroform 19.5 Chloromethane 13.4 Methylene chloride 18.4 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 49.8 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 48.0 Surr: Toluene-d8 48.3 Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com _QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Method MDL Limit Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MS Spike Ref. Amount %REC 09/20/2021 2117h µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 110 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 97.6 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 67.2 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 92.1 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 92.9 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 96.0 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 96.5 Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 4 7 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA, SOWA, and RCRA are perfom1cd in accordan,cc lO NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Lnfomiation: TI,is report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in t:onnctt10n wlth the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re~publ ication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West ANALYT ICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109449 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 2109449-002CMSD Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride 23.4 Chloroform 20.9 Chloromethane 14.9 Methylene chloride 19.7 Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 49.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.3 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 48.5 Surr: Toluene-d8 48.0 Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Method MDL Limit Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MSD Spike Ref. Amount %REC 09/20/2021 2137h µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 117 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 104 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 74.4 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 98.7 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 99.7 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 92.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 97.0 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 96.1 Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit 21.9 6.49 35 19.5 6.88 35 13.4 10.3 35 18.4 6.92 35 Qual Report Date: I 0/4/2021 Page 48 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed ln accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the e:xclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tt- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this repon for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West Analytical Laboratories Rpt Emailed: UL Denison WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2109449 Page 1 of4 Client: Client ID: Project: Comments: Sample ID 2109449-00lA 2109449-00 lB 2109449-00IC 2109449-002A 2109449-0028 2109449-002C 2109449-00JA 2109449-0038 2109449-00JC 2109449-004A 2109449-0048 2109449-004C 2109449-005A 2109449-0058 · 2109449-005C Printed: 09/17/2112:51 Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/1/2021 ENE300 Contact: Tanner Holliday 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Level: III WO Type: Project QC 3 (no chromatograms). EDD-Denison. CC KWeinel@energyfuels.com; (USE PROJECT for special DLs). Do not use "*R_" samples as MS/MSD.; Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1W4-03R_09142021 9/14/2021 0800h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Ana1ltes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of A.naly~: 4/#o[Surr: 4 1W4-03_09152021 9/15/2021 0740h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/NOJ-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Anall_tes: N03N02N 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 T\V4-42_09152021 9/15/2021 0755h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge -Test Group: 8260D-JY-DENJOO; # of A_11_al}t_tes: 4 I # of Su1T: 4 1W4-28_09152021 9/15/2021 0814h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test GroUJ)_: 8260D-W-DEN100i # of Analytes: 4 I# oJ Surr: 4 1W4-32_09152021 9/15/2021 0822h 9/17/20210945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Ana/ytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df. no2/no3 1 SEL Ana/yte,s: N03N02N \; 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge .•i. Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # o[ Analy_les: 4 !# ofSurr: 4 ~ ,{ .-'.)\.., 3 3 3 3 3 LABORATORY CHECK: %M O RT O CN O TAT O QC O LUO 0 HOK~~-HOK~~-HOK__ COC EmaJled '7/; 7 /L/ } -C-1 WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2109449 Page2 of4 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/1/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2109449-006A 1W4-12_09152021 9/15/2021 0830h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analyles: CL 2109449-006B N02/N03-W-3S3.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analyles: N03N02N 2109449-006C 8260D-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 2109449-007A 1W4-l3_091S2021 9/15/2021 083 7h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-007B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-007C 8260D-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4/# ofSurr: 4 2109449-00SA 1W4-36_09152021 9/15/2021 0854h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analyies: CL 2109449-00&B N02/N03-W-3S3.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-00SC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJ 00; # of A1ll1lytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 2109449-009A 1W4-14_09152021 9/15/2021 0845h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-009B N02/N03-W-3S3.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-009C 8260D-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 41 # ojSurr: 4 2109449-0IOA T\V4-31_09IS2021 9/15/2021 0915h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0lOB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-0 IOC 8260D-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analyles: 4/# o/Surr: 4 2109449-01 lA T\V4-34_09152021 9/15/2021 0924h 9/l 7 /2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0llB N02/N03-W-353.2 df. no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N '-2109449-0llC ~-=-: 8260D-W-DENIOO VOCFridgc . '3 ~,,, ,, Test Gr:oup: 8260D-W-DENJOO; If-ofA1ll1lytes: 41 # ojSurr: 4 ..... ~ ~ : • t • <io i;.. i. Printed: 09/17/2112:51 LABORATORY CHECK: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 aco LUOO HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2109449 Page 3 of 4 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/1/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2109449-012A 1W4-35 _ 09152021 9/15/2021 0932h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0128 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-012C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 2109449-0l3A 1W4-23_09152021 9/15/2021 094 lh 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0138 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-0l3C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 41# of Surr: 4 2109449-014A TW4-38_09152021 9/15/2021 0950h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-014B N02/N03-W-353.2 elf -no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-014C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN/OO; # of Analytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 2109449-0lSA 1W4-06_09152021 9/15/20211225h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-015B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109449-0lSC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 4/# ofSurr: 4 2109449-0l6A 1W4-27_09152021 9/15/2021 1237h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0168 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 2109449-016C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN100; # of Analytes: 4/# o/Surr: 4 2109449-0l?A TW4-65_09152021 9/15/2021 0740h 9/17/2021 0945h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109449-0l 7B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N Printed: 09/17/2112:51 LABORATORY CHECK: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT D aco LUOO HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COCEmailed WORK ORDER Summary Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Sample ID Client Sample ID 2109449-017C T\V4-6S_09l5202l 2109449-0lSA Trip Blank Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix 9/15/2021 0740h 9/17/2021 0945h 8260D-W-DEN100 Aqueous Work Order: 2109449 Due Date: 10/1/2021 Set Storage VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-_JV-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 9/14/2021 0800h 9/17/2021 0945h 8260D-W-DEN100 Aqueous VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-W-[)_ENJOO; #_of_A_nal:,,tes: 4 I# of_ Surr: 4 Page 4 of4 3 3 Printed: 09/17/2112:51 LABORATORY CHECK: %M O RT O CN O TAT O QC O LUO 0 HOK ___ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed,__ ___ _ 2 American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263~ L~ Fax# (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Tanner Holliday Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: Emal: thoWda:,@eDergyfaeJs.com; KWelneJ@energyfuels.com Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Sample ID: Samoled TW4-03R_09142021 9/14/2021 TW4-03_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-42_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-28_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-32_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-12_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-13_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-36_09152021 9/15/2021 TW4-14 09152021 9/15/2021 9 10 , TW4-31_09152021 9/15/2021 11 I TW4-34_0915202l 9/15/2021 12 t TW4-35_09152021 9/15/2021 13 I TW4-23_09152021 9/15/2021 Relinq,.Jlohod by: \ A •• _If,//~ "'"" Slanolw,> Q/t6.'Z02.1 , Time: Ptt1t Nomo: Torrierliol'"'"" 11"" Relinquished by: [Oa1e: Slaneture mme: !Print Name: RellnqulJJl>edby: toate: ''""""'-!Time: Prlrtlllame: tRellnquJshed by: oete: Lc;.1nnatul"8 ,me: IPriniNam« I Time Samoled 800 740 755 814 822 830 837 854 845 915 924 932 941 Received by: Slanalure Print.Name.: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis will be conducted using NELAP accredited methods and all dale.will be reported using AWAL's standard anelyte llsts and reporting limlts (POL) unless specifically r9quested otherYAse on this Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. QC Level: I Tum Around Time: UnlEIS5 other errengements have been made, signed reports wlll be emailed by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. + X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For. For Compnance With: D NELAP D RCRA D CWA D SOWA D ELAPIA2LA ci' D NLLAP ~ c,; D Non-Compliance ~ 0 D' D other. O') I!! >< '2. ,._ 0 <D 0 \0 C :s (') ~ ~ i 0 ~ 0 '2., Known Hazards 0 Q) It) ..... ~ " 0 Q. C'I t) & 0 E 0 t3 ~ ., I!: Samole Comments 'It C/) 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X, 5 w X X X 5 w X X X' 5 1w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X :>ate: Special Instructions: Time: , 7.. I iJ 9 l/ l( c_J AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 1 of 2 I"" oa,., I Laboratory Use Only s_....-w-ur5 1 8 Ot hand dol1v-on,d 2-l~~ 3 Torrrporut""' rl.!.!f__ •c 4 Received Broken/lea~ ~mproperly Sealed~ $ d:Preseived y N at bench y N 6 Received Within rsr>JTimes N COC Topo Wes: 1<.::..~ on Outer Package Y N NA 2 ~'lean on Outer Package Y N NA 3 PresentonSample <§\ y N ~ 4 Unbroken on sample y N ~-~· Labels and coc Rl>oa<d? y N -- R~~t W u 4' Oate:9 ;-/ · 7-z See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and voe le~-. (I IA-analyte list. £IHI/, -._i 7 rTime: e,t;) PrinlNM1ll,; .J-,L-:_ '""' " . I Received by: Oate: Slanalu,e rTime: J:>rtntName: Received by: Date: 1,a;n1131...., IT1me: Pr1n1Name: American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 L-~ Fax# (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Tanner Holliday Phone#: f435) 678-2221 Gel#: Email: tholliday@eD.ergyfaela.com; KWeiD~e,:gyfaels.eom Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Samole ID: Samoled ,, I TW4-38_09152021 9/15/2021 15 i TW4-06_09152021 9/15/2021 16 I TW4-27_09152021 9/15/2021 17 ' TW4-65_09152021 9/15/2021 18 I TRlPBLANK 9/14/2021 ,v I 20' ) ~ I 22 ! 23 I 24 I 25 i 20 I R.-rlq!Jlohed by'--·, U/// Oato: lq;lnnnfU"Q ·-.. __ .J --1ll!l!l2021 , nmo, Prim Namo: T""""'Hollldav ,,oc Rolinq.ri"'1edby: Dalo: IS1or111turo cnmo: PrinlN°""" R~t,y: Dalo: ~ r""": PrlntNanu,: Raf-,qui,t,odby. Dato: ISioM!uro 11,me: Print Namo: I Time Samoled 950 1225 1237 740 800 Received by: ,;;nnah"e PrtntName: CHAIN OF CUSTODY AJI analysis wm be oondud:ed using JIElAP accredited methods and all data will be reported using AWAL's standard enalyte IJ6ts and reporting limlts (POL} onoss specflically requested othef\Mse on tills Cllain of Custody and/or attached downontation. QC Level: I Tum Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports will be emailed by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day lhey are due. .x Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For. For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA o' 0 NLLAP ~ 0 0 Non-Compliance :;i 0 G' D Other: <') I'! l:2. .. 0 Q) X 0 IQ C: :s (') 0 ~ ·;;; .. 0 C: ::;; 0 ~ Known Hazards Ii!: lt) 0 Q) ..... ~ .. C.J C. N u & 0 E 0 0 g .. Ill: Samole Comments "' U) 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 3 w X Date: Special Instructions: .. Time: 2_t u I t./ t/ 1. AWAJ.. Lab Sample Se!# Page 2 of 2 r~o~. I Laboratory Use Only Srunplo,.) w""'\;1,. Y )" I~~-- 2 ~~) 3 Tompon,tun, , ~ 'C 4 Rec:etved Brok~eaklng ~m-rlys.afJ 5 cnl)Ot1y Preserved . y N Ghodtodat bench y N 6 Received Within Hal~ing Times (J N COC Tape Was: 1~ on Outec Package Y N NA 2 dr""ken on Outer Package Y N NA 3 Present on Sample 6' y N 4 Unbroken on Sample f . \ Y N NA Discrepancies Be""9en sample Labels and COC Record? ) y fN '-. .. Rooolvod ~' ( """"'turo ,:~· ~ _..J_. / _..,c Date:9-/;-2 / See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and voe ,,,.. <--r analyte list. ;§ 1;,,,t (,,.. .Lk._ / \ c:-. . ./ :'flme: 9 lf.·:;-Pt1n!Name: Reoeived by: I , Date: SinnAture ITime: Prirl: Name: Received by: Cate: "'""""'"" nme: Print Name: Analysis Ammonia COD Cvanide Metals N02/N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 Cr VI+ Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet s le Set E Preservative I } >. ,y •:'.-. / •.,) pH<2H2S04 oH<2H2S04 oH>lONaOH nH<2HN03 oH<2 H2S04 >·;~ Yrs /, 5 i1 y{ j nH<2HCL I , 11, F-' I' ,, nH<2H2S04 oH >9 NaOH. ZnAC oH<2H2S04 nH<2H2S04 nH >9 (NH4)2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid ~ );_;, s I d PH 1 ~ j{ 5 0f , V 9 10 )'..<. I ; I /' , 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client ifrequested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + .... # • The sample required additional preservative upon re.ceipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH > __ due to the sample matrix interference . I I 1·?... I;~<; v::\ r Lab Set ID: pH Lot#: i :'.) IL I ,/tS t' t' ~ I 2. IC CJ L;'t.; 1 c:r 76 (\ I'.) /(o 17 );\ v>i vt"ic , I -.,, rev I 0-28-2020 Tanner Holliday Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 South Hwy 191 American West Blanding, UT 84511 ANALYTICAL lADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer TEL: (435) 678-2221 RE: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Dear Tanner Holliday: Lab Set ID: 2109638 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 9/24/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AW AL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: J G Digitally signed 059 . by Jose G. Rocha Rocha Date: 2021 .10.11 14:12:09 -06'00' Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: I 0/ 11/2021 Page I of 44 All D.mll) ses applicable to the CW A_ SOW A. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols, Pertinenl sampling informal.ion is located Oil the attached COC. Conlidential Business Information: This report is prm-ided for the exclusi, e use of the ~ddressee Pri,·ile~es o~ sub3eq~enl ~;e of lhe ~~e or lhis .con:ipany or anr ~~ber of its s13ff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~~eel ion~ \\ilh Lhe n~~'ertisemenl, p~omotio.n ~r sale of~), ~rodt~cl or P~?Uss, ~r in ~nn~~ion "~th th~ r:p~blicalion of this report SAMPLE SUMMARY American West Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday ANA LY TICAL LABORATORIES Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Set ID: 2109638 Date Received: 9/24/2021 1215h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 2109638-00lA TW4-05R 09212021 9/21 /2021 1015h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 2109638-00lB TW4-05R 09212021 9/21/2021 1015h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109638-001 C TW4-05R 09212021 9/21/2021 1015h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Phone: (801) 263-8686 210963 8-002A MW-32 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 210963 8-002B MW-32 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Ioli Free: (888) 263-8686 210963 8-002C MW-32 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260D/5030C ~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com 2109638-003A TW 4-05 _ 09222021 9/22/2021 655h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 2109638-003B TW4-05 09222021 9/22/2021 655h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 2109638-003C TW4-05 09222021 9/22/2021 655h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210963 8-004A TW 4-08 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jennifer Osborn 2109638-004B TW4-08 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 210963 8-004C TW4-08 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260D/5030C 210963 8-005A TW4-18 09222021 9/22/2021 817h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 210963 8-005B TW4-18 09222021 9/22/2021 817h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 2109638-00SC TW4-18 09222021 9/22/2021 817h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210963 8-006A TW4-33_09222021 9/22/2021 835h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 210963 8-006B TW4-33 09222021 9/22/2021 835h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 210963 8-006C TW4-33 09222021 9/22/2021 835h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210963 8-007 A TW4-30 09222021 9/22/2021 845h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 210963 8-007B TW4-30_09222021 9/22/2021 845h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109638-007C TW4-30 09222021 9/22/2021 845h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210963 8-008A TW4-09 09222021 9/22/2021 900h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 210963 8-008B TW4-09 09222021 9/22/2021 900h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109638-00SC TW4-09 09222021 9/22/2021 900h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 210963 8-009 A TW 4-70 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 210963 8-009B TW4-70 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 2109638-009C TW4-70 09222021 9/22/2021 707h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109638-0lOA TW4-16 09232021 9/23/2021 630h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Report Date: I 0/)l /2021 Page 2 of 44 AIJ an.ilrses applicable lo the CWA SOW A. and RCRA are perfom>ed in acc01dance to NELAC prolocols. Pertinenl sam~ing infomtaJ..ion is Jocated on lhe at1ached COC. Confidenhal Business lnfonnation; This repor1 is prO\'ided for 1he e.'\:clusi\ e use 0(1he ~ddressce Pri,·ite~es or sub__seq~ent ~e o(lhe ~~e of this .co":'pan)' or art)' ~mber of ils staff, or reprodocli~ ~f lhis repo~ in ~11?eclion .. \\·ith the a<!vertisement. P:?"1otio.n ~r sale of~) ~ro<h~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn~c.tion ,,·(lh lh~ r:p~blicalion of lhis report Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Lab Set ID: 2109638 Date Received: 9/24/2021 1215h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 2109638-0IOB TW4-16 09232021 9/23/2021 630h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 3440 South 700 West 2109638-0lOC TW4-16_09232021 9/23/2021 630h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 2109638-01 lA TW 4-29 _ 09232021 9/23/2021 641h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 2109638-01 IB TW4-29_09232021 9/23/2021 641h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 2109638-01 lC TW4-29 09232021 9/23/2021 641h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Phone:(801)263-8686 8260D/5030C 2109638-012A TW4-10 09232021 9/23/2021 656h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 2109638-012B TW4-IO 09232021 9/23/2021 656h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 Fax: (801) 263-8687 210963 8-0 I 2C TW4-10 09232021 9/23/2021 656h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 8260D/5030C 2109638-013A TW4-07 09232021 9/23/2021 708h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 web: www.awal-labs.com 2109638-013B TW4-07 09232021 9/23/2021 708h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 2109638-013C TW4-07 09232021 9/23/2021 708h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jennifer Osborn 2109638-014A TW4-26 09232021 9/23/2021 718h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 2109638-014B TW4-26 09232021 9/23/2021 718h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 Laboratory Director 2 I 09638-014C TW4-26 09232021 9/23/2021 718h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Jose Rocha 2109638-015A TW4-75 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 QA Officer 2109638-015B TW4-75 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 2109638-015C TW4-75 09232021 9/23/2021 1000h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C 2109638-016A Trip Blank 9/21/2021 1015h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260D/5030C Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 3 of44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA. SDWA0 and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inent sampling information is located on the altached COC Confidenlial Business lnfonnation: This repon is pr°'•ided for the l">«lusi,c Uk' or the ~dressee Pri,·ile~es o!sub .. seq~enl ~e or the ~~eofthis.con:ipany or WI) ~~ber of il.s slaJT, or reproduclio~ ~~lhis repo~ in ~~eclion~ ,,ilh Lhe a~~ertisemenl, P~?mo1io.n ~r !ale of :U!Y, ~rod~ct or p~ocesi;, ~r in ~nn:_c!ion w~lh th~ r~-publ1c 11m, or this report ANALYTI CAl I ADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ,alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109638 9/24/2021 9/21-9/23/2021 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times. All samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: Sam le ID Anal e 2109638 Nitrate/Nitrite Duplicate (DUP): The parameters that required a duplicate analysis had RPDs within the control limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 4 of 44 All analyses applicable lo lhe CWA_ SDWA_ and RCRA are performed in w:cordance to NE LAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling information is localed on the auachecl COC Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for 1he exclusirn use of the ~ddressee Pri,ile~es o~ sub~seq~I ~e of the ~~e of this .cmi:ipany or an)" ~mber of ils slaIT, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ in ~o~ection~ \\·ith the a~~·enise~enL P~?motio.n o.r ~ale of ?1!~. ~rod~cl or P~?cess, ~r in ~nn:_c~ion w!lh th~ r~-publication of lhis report ANA LYT ICA L LABORATORH S 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Volatile Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Tanner Holliday Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: Method: Analysis: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 2109638 9/24/2021 9/21-9/23/2021 Intact None SW-846 8260D/5030C Volatile Organic Compounds General Set Comments: Multiple target analytes were observed above reporting limits. Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: All samples were received in appropriate containers and properly preserved. The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met, with CCV exceptions noted on the reports. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, and Surrogates: Method Blanks (MBs): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Sample (LCSs): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: the MS and MSD percent recoveries for Chlorofom on sample 2109638-011 C were outside of the control limits due to sample matrix interference. Surrogates: All surrogate recoveries were within established limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: I 0/ 11/2021 Page 5 of 44 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinenl sampling informalion is located 011 the altached COC. Confidential Business Inrormation: This repor1 is provided ior the exclusi, e use of the ~dressee. Prl\'ile"!es o! sub~seq~ent ~~e of lhe ~~e or I his .co":1pany or an)' ·~:mber of ils stalT, or reproduclio~ ~~this repo~ in ~o~ection .. ,\ilh the a~ver1isement. P~?motio.n or saJe o( ?11). fTOdt~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:c~ion \\'!lh th~ r~-publicalion of lhis repon ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109638 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: LCS-R157562 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 4.86 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R157563 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 4.85 Lab Sample ID: LCS-Rl57603 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 4.85 Lab Sample ID: LCS-Rl57123 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) l.01 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Units Method MDL Limit Spiked l 0/05/2021 1532h - mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 5.000 -10/05/2021 2259h mg/L E300,0 0.0198 0.100 5.000 10/06/2021 1931 h mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 5.000 09/27/2021 1209h mg/L E353.2 0.00541 0.0100 1.000 Tanner Holliday WC LCS Spike Ref. Amount %REC 0 97.2 0 97.0 0 97.0 0 101 Limits 90-110 90 -110 90 -110 90 -110 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 37 of 44 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfolTTled in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tr ne of this company or any member of ics staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109638 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-Rl57562 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-RIS7563 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride <0.100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-Iabs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Units Method MDL Limit Spiked I 0/05/2021 1508h mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 10/05/2021 223 Sh mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 Tanner Holliday WC MBLK Spike Ref. Amount %REC -Lab Sample ID: MB-Rl57603 Date Analyzed: I 0/06/2021 1908h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < 0.100 mg/L E300.0 0.0198 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R157123 Date Analyzed: 09/27/2021 1208h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 mg/L E353.2 0.00541 0.0100 Limits Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual ReportDate: 10/11/2021 Page38of44 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfomiation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oft~ ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-Iabs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Lab Set ID: 2109638 Dept: WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Type: MS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Lab Sample ID: 2109638-003AMS Date Analyzed: 10/06/2021 54th Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 133 mg/L E300.0 0.396 2.00 100.0 39.8 93.6 90-110 -Lab Sample ID: 2109638-013AMS Date Analyzed: I 0/06/2021 1111 h Test Code: 300.0-W - Chloride 137 mg/L E300 0 0.396 2.00 100.0 42.8 93.7 90 -110 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-002AMS Date Analyzed: 10/07/2021 1139h Test Code: 300.0-W -------- Chloride 133 mg/L E300.0 0.396 2.00 100.0 34.3 98.9 90 -110 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-003BMS Date Analyzed: 09/27/2021 1217h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 --- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 17.8 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 6.63 112 90 -110 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-004BMS Date Analyzed: 09/27/2021 1223h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.7 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 0.665 110 90 -110 § -QC limits are set with an accuracy of two significant figures, therefore the recovery rounds to an acceptable value within the control limits. ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPO Ref. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual § Report Date: 10/11 /2021 Page 39 of 44 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfoimed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use oft~ ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. Thls 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Jennifer Osborn Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer American West _QC SUMMARY REPORT ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Lab Set ID: 2109638 Dept: WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Type: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPD Ref. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPO Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 2109638-00JAMSD Date Analyzed: I 0/06/2021 604h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 136 mg/L E300.0 0.396 2.00 100.0 39.8 95.9 90 -110 133 1.69 20 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-0IJAMSD Date Analyzed: 10/06/2021 1135h Test Code: 300.0-W - Chloride 138 mg/L E300.0 0.396 2.00 100.0 42.8 94.9 90 -110 137 0.919 20 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-002AMSD Date Analyzed: 10/07/2021 1202h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 133 rng/L E300.0 0.396 2.00 100.0 34.3 98.4 90 -110 133 0.311 20 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-00JBMSD Date Analyzed: 09/27/2021 1218h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 18.8 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 6.63 122 90 • 110 17.8 5.46 10 Lab Sample ID: 2109638-004 BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/27/2021 1224h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 - Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10.6 mg/L E353.2 0.0541 0.100 10.00 0.665 99.4 90 • 110 11.7 9.87 10 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 10/11/2021 Page 40 of 44 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee, Privileges of subsequent use oftt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact, This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Jennifer Osborn Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Tanner Holliday Lab Set ID: 2109638 Dept: MSVOA Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 QC Type: LCS --- Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPD Ref. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPO Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 092821C Date Analyzed: 09/28/2021 1831 h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENI00 -- Carbon tetrachloride 24.l µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 121 66 -143 Chloroform 20.2 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 IOI 74 -120 Chloromethane 11.8 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 59.2 30 -149 Methylene chloride 18.4 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 92.1 65 -154 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 48.5 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 96.9 80 -136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 46.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 93.3 85 -121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.1 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 100 78 -132 Surr: Toluene-d8 49.3 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 98.6 81 -123 -Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-1 092921A Date Analyzed: 09/29/2021 1227h Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN I 00 Carbon tetrachloride 21.6 µg/L SW8260D 0.785 1.00 20.00 0 108 66 -143 Chloroform 20.7 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 103 74 -120 Chloromethane 16.8 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 1.00 20.00 0 84.2 30 -149 Methylene chloride 21.7 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 1.00 20.00 0 109 65 -154 Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 51.0 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 102 80 -136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.4 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 98.9 85 -121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 49.2 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 98.4 78 -132 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 IOI 81 -123 -Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-1 093021A Date Analyzed: 09/30/2021 559h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO Chloroform 20.9 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 1.00 20.00 0 104 74 -120 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 51.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 103 80 -136 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 47.2 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 94.5 85 -121 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 46.3 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 92.6 78 -132 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.6 µg/L SW8260D 50.00 IOI 81 -123 Report Date: 10/11 /2021 Page41 of44 analyses applicable to the CWA. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of tt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This ANALYTICAL Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109638 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com, web: www.awal-Iabs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Method MDL Reporting Limit Contact: Dept: QC Type: Amount Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MBLK Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 092821C Date Analyzed: 09/28/2021 1851h Test Code: 8260D-W-DENJOO Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-1 092921A Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-1 093021A Test Code: 8260D-W-DENIOO Chloroform Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 49.6 48.3 49.9 49.9 Date Analyzed: < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 52.1 50.2 48.8 51.0 Date Analyzed: < LOO 52.3 50.2 47.0 50.5 µg/L SW8260D 0.785 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D 09/29/2021 1246h µg/L SW8260D 0.785 µg/L SW8260D 0.360 µg/L SW8260D 0.682 µg/L SW8260D 0.451 µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D 09/30/2021 619h µg/L SW8260D 0.360 µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D µg/L SW8260D 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 99.2 96.6 99.8 99.9 104 100 97.6 102 105 100 94.1 IOI Limits 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 • 123 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual ReportDate: 10/11/2021 Page42of44 analyses applicable to the CWA, SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of It ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109638 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 2109638-0llCMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DENJOO Carbon tetrachloride 215 Chloroform 760 Chloromethane 185 Methylene chloride 223 Surr: l ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 518 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 479 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 478 Surr: Toluene-d8 495 Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-iabs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Method MDL Limit Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MS Spike Ref. Amount %REC 09/29/2021 1403h µg/L SW8260D 7.85 10.0 200.0 0 108 µg/L SW82600 3.60 10.0 200.0 700 30.1 µg/L SW82600 6.82 10.0 200.0 0 92.6 µg/L SW8260D 4.51 10.0 200.0 0 Ill µg/L SW82600 500.0 104 µg/L SW82600 500.0 95.8 µg/L SW82600 500.0 95.6 µg/L SW8260D 500.0 99.0 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Limits 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPO Limit Qual Report Date: I 0/11 /2021 Page 43 of 44 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDW A, and RCRA. are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of tJ- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 2109638 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2021 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 2109638-0llCMSD Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260D-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride 222 Chloroform 777 Chloromethane 199 Methylene chloride 222 Surr: l,2-Dichloroethane-d4 508 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 488 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 479 Surr: Toluene-d8 504 Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 I 9 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QC Type: Reporting Amount Method MDL Limit Spiked Tanner Holliday MSVOA MSD Spike Ref. Amount %REC 09/29/2021 1423h - µg/L SW8260D 7.85 10.0 200.0 0 Ill µg/L SW8260D 3.60 10.0 200.0 700 38.5 µg/L SW8260D 6.82 10.0 200.0 0 99.6 µg/L SW8260D 4.51 10.0 200.0 0 Ill µg/L SW8260D 500.0 102 µg/L SW8260D 500.0 97.6 µg/L SW8260D 500.0 95.8 µg/L SW8260D 500.0 101 ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Limits -- 66 -143 74 -120 30 -149 65 -154 80 -136 85 -121 78 -132 81 -123 Jennifer Osborn Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPO Amt %RPO Limit 215 3.20 35 760 2.20 35 185 7.28 35 223 0.450 35 ---- Qual Report Date: I 0/ 11/2021 Page 44 of 44 analyses applicable to the CWA, SOWA, and RCRA are penonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tr ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West Analytical Laboratories Rpt Emailed: WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2109638 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/8/2021 Client ID: ENE300 Contact: Tanner Holliday Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 QC Level: III WO Type: Project Comments: QC 3 (no chromatograms). EDD-Denison. CC KWeinel@energyfuels.com. Do not use "*R_" samples as MS/MSD.; Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2109638-00IA 1W4-05R_09212021 9/21/2021 1015h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-001B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-00IC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Group_: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 2I09638-002A l\tW-32_09232021 9/23/2021 lOOOh 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df.wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-002B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-002C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Grl)up: 8260D-W-DEN"/00; # aj Analytes: 41 # ofS1,1rr: 4 2109638-003A 1W 4-05 _ 09222021 9/22/2021 0655h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 210963 8-003B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-003C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-W-DENIOO; # of Analytes: 4/# ofSurr: 4 2109638-004A 1W4-08_09222021 9/22/2021 0707h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analyres: CL 2109638-004B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-004C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge Test Group: 8260D-W-DEN JOO; # of Ana{ytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 2109638-00SA 1W4-18_09222021 9/22/2021 081 7h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-00SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-00SC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge ,r'1 Test Group: 8260D-W-D£N100; # of Analytes: 41 # of Surr: 4 UL Denison Page I of3 3 3 3 Printed: 09/24/21 16:48 LABORATORY CHECK: %M D RT D CN D TAT D QC D Luo·o HOK~~-HOK __ _ HOK___ COG Emailedc...._ ___ _ WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 2109638 Page 2 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/8/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Se) Storage 2109638-006A TW4-33_09222021 9/22/2021 0835h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N 2109638-006C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJ 00; # of Ant;f),tes: 4 _!__I{ of Sun-: 4 2109638-007A 1W4-30_09222021 9/22/2021 0845h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0078 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-007C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-Dlj_Nl00; # of Ana/ytes:,4 /# of Sun-: 4 2109638-00SA 1W4-09_09222021 9/22/2021 0900h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0088 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-008C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 41 # of Sun-: 4 2109638-009A TW 4-70 _ 09222021 9/22/2021 0707h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-009B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-009C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENI00; # of Analytes: 4 1# of Sun-: 4 2109638-0IOA TW4-16_09232021 9/23/2021 0630h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0108 N02/N03-W-353.2 df • no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-0lOC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4/# of Surr: 4 2109638-0llA 1W4-29 _09232021 9/23/2021 064 lh 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0IIB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-0llC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 , • • i~ :... ~· . ;, ., Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analyte$: 4./ .# of SurT: 4 ., Printed: 09/24/21 16:48 LABORATORY CHECK: %M D RT 0 CN D TAT 0 aco LUO"O. HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 2109638 Page3 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 10/8/2021 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 2109638-012A TW4-10_09232021 9/23/2021 0656h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0 l2B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2Jno3 1 SEL Ana/ytes: N03N02N 2109638-012C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENI00; # of Analyres: 4 I # of Surr: 4 2109638-0BA TW4-07 _ 09232021 9/23/2021 0708h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0BB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-oo2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 2109638-0lJC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 2109638-014A TW4-26_09232021 9/23/2021 0718h 9/24/20211215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-014B N02/N03-W-353.2 df. no2Jno3 1 SEL Ana{yies: N03N02N 2109638-014C 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 2I09638-0l5A TW4-75_09232021 9/23/2021 1000h 9/24/2021 1215h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 2109638-0lSB NOl/NOJ-W-353.2 df • no2/no3 1 SEL Ana{ytes: N03N02N 2109638-0lSC 8260D-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Analytes: 4 1# ofSurr: 4 2109638-016A Trip Blank 9/21/2021 1015h 9/24/2021 1215h 8260D-W-DEN100 Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260D-W-DENJOO; # of Anal),tes: 4 1 #_oLSurr: 4 Printed: 09/24/21 16:48 LABORATORY CHECK: %M D RT D CN O TAT O QC 0 Luoo · HOK~~-HOK __ _ HOK___ COG Emailed ____ _ American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W, 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone #(801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 26~86 L~ Fax# (801) 263-6687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Tanner Holliday Phone#: (435) 678-2221 CeU#: Email: thoDidaY'@energyfuels.com; kweinel@energyfuels.com Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: - Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Samole ID: Samoled TW4-05R_09212021 9/21/2021 : MW-32_09232021 9/23/2021 5 8 7 e g TW4-05_09222021 TW4-08_09222021 TW4-18_09222021 TW4-33_09222021 TW4-30_09222021 TW4-09_09222021 TW4-70_09222021 1 TW4-16_09232021 TW4-29_09232021 12 : TW4-10_09232021 13 1 TW4-CYT_09232021 ROl!nqui.nc,a by: ...:] J/ _, I /. Slonllluro '" ~ • ·-1/ I Pl1ol Numo: Tonno< Hollldov """llq\llshod by: ls.anatun, Prid Namo:e ~ollnquiOlloCI by: ~oluro Priri Namo: Roilnq\llsh<id by: ISlanntu"' PrintNmnc,.: 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 9/23/2021 9/23/2021 9/23/2021 9/23/2021 0.Co: 9"'23/2021 rmo: 1100 OaCo: llmo· Dato: ITll11W. CJl!a: nmo: Time Samoled 1015 1000 655 707 817 835 845 900 7CYT 630 641 656 708 Received by. Slanature Print Name: Received oy: Signature Print Name: Received by: Slanelure Print Name: Received by: J Slanature h'rint Name~ I CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis \MU be conduded u.ing NELAP accredited methods and ell data v.11 be reported using AWAL's standard analyte llsts and reporting Vmlts (PCL) unless specifically requested olhe!wi68 on !his Chain of Custody and/or all•ched documenlation. QC Level: I Turn Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports will be emalled by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard lhe day lhey are due X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Fltered For: For Compliance With: 0 NELAP D RCRA D CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA o' 0 NLLAP ~ 0 D Non-Compliance ~ 0 D' D Other: ('J ~ ~ ... 0 CD X 0 IO C: ·c (I) 1§ cii 0 0 C'l ::;; 0 ~ Known Hazards C l!l ltJ 0 " ..... ::!:. II u Q. N 0 & 'l5 E 0 u g .. Sample Comments .. en II; 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X Date: Special Instructions: ITime! 2-\ o9 'e3'6 AWAL Lab Sample Set # Page 1 of 2 r• D""10 /<t ! 1,\ I Laboratory Use Only Samples Were: (,\, 5 1 ~hand delivered 2 Amblonte 3 Temperature O . {) ·c 4 Rocelved Broken/Leaking (lmpropony Soal0} y N 5 6'.,periy Preserved y N Chocked at bench y © 6 Received Within rt!:Jldlw;i Times N r.oc Tape Wes: ~ on Outer Package N NA ~non OuterPoekogo N NA 3 ·--~-~ Y N NII 4 Unbroken on Sample • Y N NA n1screpancles Between Sample Labels snd COC Record© y N Joato: See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and VOC analyte list. Time; Date: Time: IO ,\,A ~ .J:i.. 0 c,.../2i)> ' • ,..__) pate: q 24 \2\ ~ N'\ t92. V:> f", J.. u .. f\ Time: I 1'2.--', {5 American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Sall Lake City, UT 84115 Phone # (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 L~ Fax# (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Tanner Holliday Phone#: f435) 678-2221 Call#: Email: thollidaY'@eDergyfil.els.com; kweinel@energyfil.els.com Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2021 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Samole ID: Samoled 1 TW4-26_09232021 9/23/2021 5 TW4-75_09232021 I TRIP BLANK r I I 20 I I 22 2 2, 2!i ! I I i I 28: Rollnqul"'<ld~\ .JI-J/. J lSlnfll,tl.aO 1.';i, A .A 111' .,. .•••. \ PrintNa111« T"""°'HoiDday I FlllRnqulol>ed by: IR.lnnaturo PrlntNnma: Rol~by. ISlnno!UI" Print.Nam,,; RD!lnqui.,... by: "'"'""""" Prin!Namo: 9/23/2021 9/21/2021 08tll: 812~021 Tlm<r. 1100 °""' rime: Date: Timo: 0 11:0: jl1tno: Time Samoled 718 1000 1015 Recelveo by: Signature Print Name: Received by: Slgnalure Print Name: Received by: Sionature Print Name: Received by: Sianeture Print Nomi>; I CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis Will be ccnducted using NELAP accredited methods and all data will be reported using AWAL'& standard analyte lists and reporting limits (PQL) unless specifically requested otherwi"se on this Chain or Custody and/or attached doc:umentaUon. QC Level: I Tum Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports ¥An be emailed by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they ere due. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For: For Compliance With: D NELAP D RCRA D CWA D SOWA D ELAP /A2LA o' 0 NLLAP ~ ti D Non-Compliance ei 0 G' D Other. "' I!! )( '2. ... 0 a, 0 \0 .!, ·c: (') .; 0 ~ .'!! ::;; Ii! 0 ~ Known Hazards C: \/) 0 " ...... ::!:. .. (.) a. N tJ & 'l5 E Ii! u g "' Samole Comments .. IJl 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 3 w X pare: Special Instructions: ITima: 2 \ 09'9:=% AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page '--of 2 1°000~.10 [ 't \ 1-\ I Laboratory Use Only Samples Were; ll f.:::, 1 ~ hand delivered 2 Ambient~ 3 Temperature ~ gc 4 Received Broken/Leaking (Improperly Seale) y N 5 ~YPrl!so1Vod heckod al l>ooch"G) y N B Received Within {:Jing limes N COCTapeWalS: 1 ~nt on Outer Package Y N NA 2 (!::ten on Outer Package Y N NA 3 Present on Sample Cg y N 4 Unbroken on Sample-~ Y N NA IOi<::r:repancies Between Sample ~sand COC Re,::;> y N Date: See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Llmits and VOC analyte list. rnme: Date: rnme; ~ ~ Uo .Al 11io.., ti-i'h ..I H ) Coto: q zq\21 'l ,., /\""\,\Se ' B1r , .,,.All Time: 2: /S Analysis Ammonia COD Cyanide Metals N02/N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 CrVI+ Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet Sample S et Extension and Preservative -w\ -E)02--OC°-> ·-OO't -ovs -roo -ocn oH<2H2S04 pH<2H2S04 oH>lONaOH pH<2HN03 oH<2H2S04 f\/.P.0 IVfh 1,ll'h 1/P.~ \ I f'".S oH<2HCL I , I I I oH<2H2S04 pH >9 NaOH, ZnAC oH<2 H2S04 oH<2 H2S04 pH >9 (NIL )2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid ,ttv '\JPS t ' PH -et% "\(f!S I i-c,ef\ -010 1\/es ,f/?5, t t 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + ... # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH > __ due to the sample matrix interference . --en \{f5.. I Lab Set ID: pH Lot#: -otz. '-(:)13 -oN \Je--s \.}(!S \/e.55 I I I 7-1 u9to~i (.Q,f?JO , ... o,~ ,IRS f rev I 0-28-2020 Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables 1-1 · Field QA/QC Evaluation 1x Casing 2x casing Location Volume Volume Pumped Volume Volume Check Conductivity RPD pH RPD Temperature RPO Redox RPD Turbidity RPD Dissolved Oxygen RPD MW-04 NA Continuously Pump~d well --1818 NC 7.03 NC 16.80 NC 426 NC 0 NC 44.0 NC TW4-01 NA Continuously, Pumped well --3246 NC 7.09 NC 16.25 NC 424 NC 0 NC 36.0 NC TW4-02' NA 00ntinuously Pumped well --3769 NC 7.07 NC 16.75 NC 418 NC 0 NC 97.0 NC 1W4-03 49.39 68.75 98.78 PUmP.ed D'IV 1854" 1855 0.05 6.71 6.73 0.30 15.15 15.10 0.33 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-04 NA Continu0usly Pumped well --2414 NC 7~31 NC 16.25 NC 409 NC 2.0 NC 98.0 NC TW4-05 32.17 88.00 64.34 okay 1527 1512 0.99 6.90 6.91 0.14 15.55 15.55 0.00 521 521 0.00 5.0 5.0 0.00 57.0 56.0 1.77 TW4-06 13.41 14,66 26,82 Pumoed Orv 3518 3525 0.28 6.9Q 6..88 0.29 16.55 16.45 0.61 NM N.C NM NC ,~M NC TW4-07 25.33 62.25 50.66 Pumped Dry 1597 1597 0.00 6.92 6,93' 0.14 13.85 1S.79 0.43 NM ~c NM NC t'.JM NC TW4-08 26.64 55.00 53.28 okay 4908 4906 0.04 6.66 6.66 0.00 15.22 15.20 0.13 535 534 0.19 1.0 1.1 9.52 2.1 2.1 0.00 TW4-09 32.48 77.00 64.96 okay 2542 2542 0.00 6.67 6.67 0.00 15.34 15.32 0.13 527 527 0.00 20.0 20.1 0.50 2.3 2.3 0.00 TW4-1'0 28.56 40.83 57.12 Pumped Dry 2629 .2639 0.38 6.66 6.67 Q.15 14.30 14.26 0.28 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-11 NA Continuously Pumped well --3778 NC 6:94 NC 18.92 NC 404 NC 0 NC 97.0 NC TW4-12 30.85 40.33 61 .7 PumpedQry 1474 1478 0.07 6.35 6;38 0.47 15.00 141.96 0.27 NM NC NM NC NM NC l W 4-13 31.89 ¢4.08 63.78 Pumped Ory 2(:)56 2061 0.24 6.85 6.80 0.29 14.98 15.02 0.27 NM NC -NM NC NM NC TW4-14 11.63 13.75 23.26 Puml5ed Drv 6406 5410 0.07 6,56 6.~ 0.15 15.10 15.05 0.33 NM Ne NM NC NM NC MW-26 NA C0ntinuo1:1sty Pumpe:d well -3447 NC 6.83 NC 16.70 NC 436 NC 0 NC 30.0 NC TW4-16 48.19 110.00 96.38 okay 3723 3726 0.08 6.85 6.86 0.15 14.88 14.87 0.07 491 490 0.20 11.0 10.0 9.52 3.9 4.1 5.00 MW-32 31.60 65.10 63.2 okay 3750 3750 0.00 6.51 6.50 0.15 14.53 14.54 0.07 440 426 3.23 16.0 16._3-1.86 30.0 29.9 0.33 TW4-18 41.42 99.00 82.84 okay 1891 1862 1.55 6.57 6.57 0.00 15.72 15.72 0.00 527 526 0.19 14.4 14.5 0.69 14.7 14.8 0.68 TW4-19 NA Contin!Jously Pumped well -3383 NC 6.14 NC 16.40 NC 468 NC 0 NC 42.0 NC TW4-21 NA Continuously Pumpee well --2759 NC 6.89 NC 16.71 NC 519 NC 4.0 NC 76.0 NC TW4-22 NA Continuously Pumped well -5379 NC 6.94 NG 16.64 NC 451 NC 2.0 NC 87.0 NC TW4-23 26.59 77.00 53.18 okay 3561 3568 0.20 6.71 6.71 0.00 14.75 14.85 0.68 303 301 0.66 1.0 1.1 9.52 8.0 8.2 2.47 TW4-24 NA Continuously Pumped well --7858 NC 6.74 NC 16.87 NC 496 NC 1.7 NC 20.0 Ne TW4-25 NA Continuously PurnpeEI well -2535 NC 7.01 NC 15.96 NC 511 NC 0 NC 39.8 NC TW4·2~ 8.75 11·.oo 17.5 Pumoetl D~ 4633 4635: 0.04 6.96 6.96 0.00 13.92 13,80 O.f4 NM Ne NM NC NM NC TW4·27 10.99 11 .00 21 .98 Pumped Ory S211 5189 0.42 7.10 7.13 Q.42 16.1.0 16.04 0,37 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-28 38.57 49.50 n .14 Pumped Dry 1508 1508 0.00 7.15 7.15 0.00 14.93 14.90 0.20 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-29 10.29 11.00 -20.58 l?umi>ed Orv 4100 4115 0.37 6.74 6.76 0,30 15.70 15.65 0.32 NM NC NM' NC NM NC TW4-30 11.87 14.66 23.74 Pumoed Orv 4457 4460 0.07 6.36 ' ~35 0.16 14,12 14.08 0.28 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-31 18.24 24.75 36.48 P1:1n,ped Dry 3891 8892 0.03 7.00 7.00 0.00 15.77 15.11 0/,38, NM N~ NM NC NM NC TW4-32 38.04 77.00 76.08 okay 6402 6440 0.59 3.79 3.78 0.26 14.99 14.96 0.20 486 487 0.21 10.0 10.0 0.00 2.2 2.2 0.00 TW4-33 5.11 5.5 10,22 Pumped DJY 4809 4810 0.02 7.13 7.1 5 0.28 13.65 13.59 0)44 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-34 12.45 14.66 24.9 PtJn,ped Dr;v 3574 3669 0.14 1;05 7.05 <MilO 15.34 16.3a 0.26' NM NC NM NC NM NO TW4-35 7.30 8.25 14.B P.urnped Orv 4409 4406 0.07 6.73 6.71 0.30 1$;144 15.42 .0.13 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-36 26.96 33.00 53.92 Pt.irnpecd Dry 2562 2570 0.31 6.7'! 6.78 0.15 15.06 15.00 Q.40 NM NC NM NC NM NC TW4-37 NA Continuously Pumped well -4694 NC 6.65 NC 16.56 NG 443 NC 10.0 NC 74.4 NC TW4-38 35.19 77.00 70.38 okay 1908 1900 0.42 6.77 6.80 0.44 15.01 15.02 0.07 412 413 0.24 14.0 14.0 0.00 69.0 68.0 1.46 TW4-39 N:.\ Contlnueusly Pumped well -2399 NC 6.87 NC 16.06 NC 440 NC 0 NC 38.0 NC TW4·40 NA Continuously Pumped well --4164 NC 7.10 NC 15.88 NC 421 NC 0 Ne 79.4 NC TW4-41 NA Continuously Pumped well --2823 NC 7.14 NC 17.65 NC 394 NC 0 NC 128.0 NC TW·4-42 10':56 13.75 21 .12 Pun,ned Qrv 3554 3553 0.03 7.06 7.07 0.14 14.72 14.70 0.14 NM NC NM ~c NM NC MW-04, MW-26, TW4-01, TW4-02, TW4-04, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21 , TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, TW4-41 are continually pumped wells. TW4-03, TW4-06, TW4-07, TW4-10, TW4-12 T 4-13, TW4-14, TW4-26 TW4-27, TW4-28, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34 TW4-35 TW4-36, TW4-42 were i:1umped dry and samRled after_r_ec_o_v~e-------------------------------- NM = Not Measured. The OAP does not require the measurement of redox potential or turbidity in wells that were purged to dryness. RPO = Relative Percent Difference The OAP states that turbidity should be less than 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units ("NTU") prior to sampling unless the well is characterized by water that has a higher turbidity. The OAP does not require that turbidity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations regarding turbidity measurements Jess than 5 NTU are included for information purposes only. 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Davs) Time (Davs) Check Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 9/14/2021 9/21/2021 7 14 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 9/14/2021 9/21/2021 7 14 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 9/14/2021 9/21/2021 7 14 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 9/14/2021 9/21/2021 7 14 OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 9/21/2021 9/29/2021 8 14 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 9/21/2021 9/29/2021 8 14 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 9/21/2021 9/29/2021 8 14 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 9/21/2021 9/29/2021 8 14 OK MW-04 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK MW-04 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK MW-04 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK MW-04 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK MW-04 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK MW-04 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-0l Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-0l Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-0l Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-01 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-01 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-01 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-02 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-02 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-02 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-02 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-02 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-02 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-03 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-03 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-03 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-03 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-03 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-03 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-03R Chloride 9/14/2021 9/25/2021 11 28 OK TW4-03R Carbon tetrachloride 9/14/2021 9/20/2021 6 14 OK TW4-03R Chloroform 9/14/2021 9/20/2021 6 14 OK TW4-03R Chloromethane 9/14/2021 9/20/2021 6 14 OK TW4-03R Methylene chloride 9/14/2021 9/20/2021 6 14 OK TW4-03R Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/14/2021 9/20/2021 6 28 OK TW4-04 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-04 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-04 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-04 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-04 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-04 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-05 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-05 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-05 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-05 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-05 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK I-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Davs) Check TW4-05 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-05R Chloride 9/21/2021 10/7/2021 16 28 OK TW4-05R Carbon tetrachloride 9/21/2021 9/28/2021 7 14 OK TW4-05R Chloroform 9/21/2021 9/28/2021 7 14 OK TW4-05R Chloromethane 9/21/2021 9/28/2021 7 14 OK TW4-05R Methylene chloride 9/21/2021 9/28/2021 7 14 OK TW4-05R Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/21/2021 9/27/2021 6 28 OK TW4-06 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/26/2021 11 28 OK TW4-06 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-06 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-06 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-06 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-06 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-07 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-07 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-07 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-07 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-07 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-07 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK TW4-08 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-08 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-08 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-08 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-08 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-08 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-09 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-09 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-09 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-09 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-09 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-09 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-I0 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-I0 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-I0 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-I0 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-I0 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-I0 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK TW4-ll Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK TW4-ll Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-ll Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-11 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-l 1 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-l 1 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-12 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-12 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-12 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-12 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-12 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-12 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-13 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 IO 28 OK TW4-13 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-13 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-13 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-13 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-13 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-14 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-14 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-14 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-14 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-14 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-14 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK MW-26 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK MW-26 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK MW-26 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK MW-26 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK MW-26 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK MW-26 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-16 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-16 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-16 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-16 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-16 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-16 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK MW-32 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/7/2021 14 28 OK MW-32 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/28/2021 5 14 OK MW-32 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/28/2021 5 14 OK MW-32 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/28/2021 5 14 OK MW-32 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/28/2021 5 14 OK MW-32 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK TW4-18 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-18 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-18 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-18 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-18 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-18 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-19 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-19 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-19 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-19 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-19 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-19 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-21 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-21 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-21 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-21 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-21 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-21 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-22 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK TW4-22 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-22 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-22 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-22 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-22 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-23 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-23 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-23 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-23 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-23 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-23 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-24 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-24 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-24 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-24 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-24 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-24 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-25 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-25 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-25 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-25 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-25 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-25 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-26 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-26 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-26 . Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/30/2021 7 14 OK TW4-26 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-26 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-26 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK TW4-27 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/26/2021 11 28 OK TW4-27 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-27 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-27 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-27 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-27 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-28 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-28 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-28 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-28 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-28 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-28 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-29 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-29 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-29 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-29 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-29 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-29 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK TW4-30 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-30 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-30 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-30 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-30 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-30 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-31 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-31 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-31 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-31 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-31 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-31 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-32 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-32 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Ana\ysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-32 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-32 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-32 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-32 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-33 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-33 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-33 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-33 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-33 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/28/2021 6 14 OK TW4-33 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-34 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-34 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-34 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-34 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-34 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-34 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-35 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-35 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-35 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-35 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-35 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-35 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-36 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-36 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-36 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-36 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-36 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-36 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 10/1/2021 16 28 OK TW4-37 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK TW4-37 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-37 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-37 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-37 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-37 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-38 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/26/2021 11 28 OK TW4-38 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-38 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-38 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-38 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-38 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-39 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK TW4-39 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-39 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-39 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-39 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-39 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-40 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK TW4-40 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-40 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/30/2021 6 14 OK TW4-40 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-40 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-40 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-41 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/7/2021 14 28 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Davs) Time (Davs) Check TW4-4l Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-41 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 14 OK TW4-41 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-41 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-41 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-42 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/25/2021 10 28 OK TW4-42 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-42 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-42 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-42 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 14 OK TW4-42 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-60 Chloride 8/24/2021 9/9/2021 16 28 OK TW4-60 Carbon tetrachloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-60 Chloroform 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-60 Chloromethane 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-60 Methylene chloride 8/24/2021 8/26/2021 2 14 OK TW4-60 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 8/24/2021 8/27/2021 3 28 OK TW4-65 Chloride 9/15/2021 9/26/2021 11 28 OK TW4-65 Carbon tetrachloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-65 Chloroform 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-65 Chloromethane 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-65 Methylene chloride 9/15/2021 9/21/2021 6 14 OK TW4-65 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/15/2021 9/20/2021 5 28 OK TW4-70 Chloride 9/22/2021 10/6/2021 14 28 OK TW4-70 Carbon tetrachloride 9/22/2021 9/29/2021 7 14 OK TW4-70 Chloroform 9/22/2021 9/29/2021 7 14 OK TW4-70 Chloromethane 9/22/2021 9/29/2021 7 14 OK TW4-70 Methylene chloride 9/22/2021 9/29/2021 7 14 OK TW4-70 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 9/22/2021 9/27/2021 5 28 OK TW4-75 Chloride 9/23/2021 10/6/2021 13 28 OK TW4-75 Carbon tetrachloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-75 Chloroform 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-75 Chloromethane 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-75 Methylene chloride 9/23/2021 9/29/2021 6 14 OK TW4-75 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 9/23/2021 9/27/2021 4 28 OK Table I-3 Recipt Temperature Check Sample Batch Wells in Batch Temperature MW-04, TW4-0l, TW4-02, TW4-04, TW4-l l, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-21, 2108726 TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40, TW4-41, TW4-60, 0.0°C Trip Blank TW4-03, TW4-03R, TW4-06, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-23, TW4-27, 2109449 TW4-28, TW4-31, TW4-32, TW4-34, TW4-35, TW4-36, TW4-38, TW4-42, 0.9°C TW4-65, Trip Blank 2109638 TW4-05, TW4-05R, TW4-07, TW4-08, TW4-09, TW4-10, TW4-16, MW-32, 0.0°C TW4-18, TW4-26, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-33, TW4-70, TW4-75, Trip Blank 1-4 Analytical Method Check Parameter Method Method Used by Lab SW8260B, Carbon Tetrachloride SW8260C or SW8260D SW8260D A4500-Cl B or Chloride A4500-Cl E or E300.0 E300.0 SW8260B, Chloroform SW8260C or SW8260D SW8260D SW8260B, Chloromethane SW8260C or SW8260D SW8260D SW8260B, Methylene chloride SW8260C or SW8260D SW8260D Nitrogen E353. l or E353.2 E353.2 All parameters were analyzed using the reporting method specificied in the QAP I 5 R -CPOl'llllJl 1m1t ec L' . Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit RLCheck Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane l ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloroform l ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u l l OK Trip Blank Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane l ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u I 1 OK MW-04 Chloride I mg/L IO 1 OK MW-04 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 l OK MW-04 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK MW-04 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-04 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-04 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-01 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-0l Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-0I Chloroform IO ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-0l Chloromethane 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-0l Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-0I Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-02 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-02 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-02 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-02 Chloromethane I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-02 Methylene chloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-02 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-03 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-03 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-03R Chloride 1 mg/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Carbon tetrachloride l ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-03R Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-04 Chloride 1 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-04 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-04 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-04 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-04 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-04 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-05 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-05 Carbon tetrachloride l ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-05 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK I 5 R -eporLm.e. 1m1t ec L .. Ch k Lab Reporting Dflution Required Location :A.nalyte L-imit lefnii.s. Qualifier Factor Rei;,0rtin~LJmi1 RLCbeck- TW4-05R Chloride 1 mg/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05R Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05R Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-05R Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05R Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05R Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-06 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-06 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-06 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-07 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-07 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 Chloroform 10 ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-07 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-08 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-08 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-08 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-09 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-09 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-09 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-10 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-10 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Chloroform 10 ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-10 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-11 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-11 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-ll Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-ll Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-11 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-11 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-12 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-12 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-13 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-13 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK I-~eporn ng; Limit C ec SR h k La9 Repo;;ting Dilution Required L0cali0n AnaLy,te Limit Units Qualifier F!a0tor ,R'eP.Orling Lim(l RL Cbe-ek TW4-14 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-14 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u l 1 OK TW4-14 Chloroform 1 ug/L u l 1 OK TW4-14 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-14 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u l I OK TW4-14 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK MW-26 Chloride 5 mg/L 50 1 OK MW-26 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-26 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK MW-26 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-26 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u l 1 OK MW-26 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-16 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-I6 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-16 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 I OK TW4-16 Chloromethane I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-16 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-16 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK MW-32 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK MW-32 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-18 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-18 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-18 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-19 Chloride 5 mg/L 50 1 OK TW4-19 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-19 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-19 Chloromethane 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-19 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-19 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-21 Chloride 5 mg/L 50 1 OK TW4-21 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-21 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-21 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-21 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-21 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-22 Chloride 10 mg/L 100 1 OK TW4-22 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-22 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-22 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-22 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-22 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.5 mg/L 50 0.1 OK TW4-23 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-23 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK I 5 R -eport111g 1m1t ec L' . Ch k Lab Rep0i;ting Diluti()n Required L0cation Anal¥te bimit tJnilS OuaUfier Faet0r Reoortin1?.Limit R.L Check TW4-24 Chloride 10 mg/L 100 1 OK TW4-24 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-24 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.5 mg/L 50 0.1 OK TW4-25 Chloride 5 mg/L 50 1 OK TW4-25 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Chloromethane 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-25 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-26 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-26 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Chloroform 10 ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-26 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-27 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-27 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-27 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-27 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-27 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-27 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.2 mg/L 20 0.1 OK TW4-28 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-28 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-29 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-29 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-29 Chloroform 10 ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-29 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-29 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-29 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-30 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-30 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-30 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-31 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-31 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-32 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-32 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK I-SR eponmg L1m1t ec .. Ch k Lab 11 Reporting Dilution Required Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit RLCheck TW4-33 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-33 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-33 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-33 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-33 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-33 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-34 Chloride I mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-34 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-34 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-34 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-34 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-34 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-35 Chloride 1 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-35 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-36 Chloride 1 mg/L JO 1 OK TW4-36 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Ch\oromethane I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u JO 0.1 OK TW4-37 Chloride IO mg/L JOO 1 OK TW4-37 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L I 1 OK TW4-37 Chloroform 1000 ug/L 1000 1 OK TW4-37 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-37 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-37 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 0.2 mg/L 20 0.1 OK TW4-38 Chloride 1 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-38 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-38 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-38 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-38 Methylene chloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-38 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-39 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-39 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-39 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-39 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-39 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-39 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-40 Chloride 1 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-40 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-40 Chloroform 10 ug/L IO 1 OK TW4-40 Chloromethane l ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-40 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-40 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-41 Chloride 1 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-41 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-41 Chloroform 100 ug/L 100 1 OK TW4-41 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-41 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-41 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK -eport111J?; 1m1t ec I 5 R L' . Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit RLCheck TW4-42 Chloride 1 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-42 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-42 Chloroform I ug/L u I I OK TW4-42 Chloromethane I ug/L u I I OK TW4-42 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u I I OK TW4-42 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-60 Chloride I mg/L u 1 I OK TW4-60 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-60 Chloroform I ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-60 Chloromethane I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-60 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u l l OK TW4-60 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-65 Chloride I mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-65 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Chloroform I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Chloromethane l ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-65 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-70 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 1 OK TW4-70 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-70 Chloroform l ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-70 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-70 Methylene chloride I ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-70 Nitrate+ Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-75 Chloride 2 mg/L 20 I OK TW4-75 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-75 Chloroform 1 ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-75 Chloromethane I ug/L u I I OK TW4-75 Methylene chloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-75 Nitrate + Nitrite as N 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK I-6 Trip Blank Evaluation Lab Report Constituent Result Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2108726 Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2109449 Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2109638 Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L I-7 QNQC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Constifuent Chloride (mg/L) Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloro methane Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Conslituenf Chloride (ing/L) Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Constituent Chloride (mg.IL) Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) RPD = Relative Percent Difference ND= The analyte was not detected TW4-03 20.3 5.28 ND ND ND ND l'W4-08 40.8 0.665 ND 17.0 ND ND MW-32 34.3 ND ND ND ND ND TW4-65 %RPO 20.7 2.0 6.19 15.9 ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC TW4-'l0 %RPO 43.1 5.5 0.59 12.5 ND NC 16.4 3.6 ND NC ND NC TW4-75 %RPO 35.5 3.4 ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analysis and Blanks Method Blank Detections All Method Blanks (MB) for the quarter were nondetect. Matrix Spike % Recoveries MS MSD RPD Lub'Report Luft &lm_pl'e> tllD Well k~te 'Mt1E£ fo/iM/m.C R1m'.C Range· lt1Wa> Range 2108726 2108726-001 TW4-25 Nitrate 112 111 90-110 0.26 10 2108726 2108726-005 TW4-01 Nitrate 113 111 90-110 1.39 10 2108726 2108726-015 TW4-37 Nitrate* NC' NC 90-110 NC 10 2109449 2109449-008 TW4-36 Nitrate 111 108 90-110 2.7 10 2109638 2109638-003 TW4-05 Nitrate 112 122 90-110 5.46 10 2109638 2109638-011 TW4-29 Chloroform 30.1 38.5 74-120 2.20 35 NC -Not calculated * -Recovery was not calculated because the analyte of the sample was greater than 4 times the spike amount Laboratory Control Sample All LCS recoveries for the quarter were within acceptance limits. Surrogate % Recovery All Surrogate recoveries were within acceptance limits for the quarter. 1-9 Rinsate Evaluation llins-a'll Rin ate Re Clili : StM:rit;,le Pm:8/Jllll~tru: (!W~) 11 P11evli'ns "l 'e[J l ~lij'g;"';cl TW4-03R Chloroform 12.8 NA TW4-05R Chloroform 14.8 TW4-27 (3.81 ug/L) NA = This rinsate sample was collected prior to the first use of the pump. TabJ Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map EXPLANATION NS = not sampled; ND = not detected ND 20 = not detected in second quarter ......_ 70 kriged chloroform isocon and label lWN-21 C NS 1W4-42 ¢ND 1W4-40 ... 301 MW-38 -¢-ND MW-32 e ND 1W4-7 0 801 lWN-1 ~NS PIEZ-1 <-NS temporary perched nitrate monitoring well installed April, 2021 (not sampled) temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing concentration in µg/L temporary perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing concentration in µg/L perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing concentration in µg/L perched monitoring well showing concentration in µg/L temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration in µg/L temporary perched nitrate monitoring well (not sampled) perched piezometer (not sampled) NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, 1W4-1, 1W4-2, 1W4-4, 1W4-11, 1W4-19, 1W4-20, 1W4-21, 1W4-37, 1W4-39, 1W4-40 and 1W4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; 1W4-22, 1W4-24, 1W4-25 and lWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells; MW-24A installed December, 2019 HYDRO GEO KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2021 CHLOROFORM (µg/L) WHITE MESA SITE CHEM, INC. APPROVED DATE REFERENCE H:n18000/nov21/chloroform/Uchl0921.srf FIGURE J-1 ,. ' NS = not sampled; ND = not detected ND 2Q = not detected in second quarter ....._ 70 TW4-42 ¢ND TW4-40 .. 301 MW-32 .ND TW4-7 0 801 PIEZ-2 '-NS kriged chloroform isocon and label temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing concentration in µg/L temporary perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing concentration in µg/L perched monitoring well showing concentration (µg/L) tempora ry perched monitoring well showing concentration (µg/L) perched piezometer (not sampled) NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2021 CHLOROFORM (µg/L) WHITE MESA SITE CHEM, INC. APPROVED DATE (detail map) REFERENCE H:/718000/nov21/ chloroform/Uchl0921 det.srf FIGURE J-2 EXPLANATION NS= not sampled; ND= not detected ND 2Q = not detected in second quarter ....._ 70 TW-442 ¢ND TW-440 ... 301 MW-32 e ND TW4-7 0 801 PIEZ-2 '1 NS kriged chloroform isocon and label temporary perched monitoring well installed April, 2019 showing concentration in µg/L temporary perched monitoring well installed February, 2018 showing concentration in µg/L perched monitoring well showing concentration (µg/L) temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration (µg/L) perched piezometer (not sampled) NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39, TW4-40 and TW4-41 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. 3rd QUARTER, 2021 CHLOROFORM GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 70 µg/L GRID WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE H:/718000/nov21/ chloroform/Uchl0921 GE70.srf FIGURE J-3 TabK Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs over Time I'. C lo1ofi rm I Carhon I I, Clilorlde ,Jiw4 Cbloromethan ethy Nitrate (ug/i) TetraeNGrlde (ug/1) Oki ( ... ) (mg/I) (hl~ (lfflit) l 28-Sep-99 6200 28-Sep-99 5820 28-Sep-99 6020 15-Mar-OO 5520 15-Mar-OO 5430 2-Sep-00 5420 9.63 30-Nov-00 6470 9.37 29-Mar-OI 4360 8.77 22-Jun-Ol 6300 9.02 20-Sep-01 5300 9.45 8-Nov-01 5200 8 26-Mar-02 4700 8.19 22-May-02 4300 8.21 12-Sep-02 6000 8.45 24-Nov-02 2500 8.1 28-Mar-03 2000 8.3 30-Apr-03 3300 NA 30-May-03 3400 8.2 23-Jun-03 4300 8.2 30-Jul-03 3600 8.1 29-Aug-03 4100 8.4 12-Sep-03 3500 8.5 15-0ct-03 3800 8.1 8-Nov-03 3800 8 29-Mar-04 NA NA 22-Jun-04 NA NA 17-Sep-04 3300 6.71 17-Nov-04 4300 7.5 16-Mar-05 2900 6.3 25-May-05 3170 NA NA NA 7.1 NA 31-Aug-05 3500 <10 <10 <10 7.0 NA 1-Dec-05 3000 <50 <50 <50 7.0 NA 9-Mar-06 3100 <50 <50 50 6 49 14-Jun-06 3000 <50 <50 50 6 49 20-Jul-06 2820 <50 <50 <50 1.2 48 9-Nov-06 2830 2.1 1.4 <1 6.4 50 28-Feb-07 2300 1.6 <1 <1 6.3 47 27-Jun-07 2000 1.8 <1 <1 7 45 15-Aug-07 2600 1.9 <1 <1 6.2 47 10-0ct-07 2300 1.7 <1 <1 6.2 45 26-Mar-08 2400 1.7 <1 <1 5.8 42 25-Jun-08 2500 1.6 <1 <1 6.09 42 10-Sep-08 1800 1.8 <1 <1 6.36 35 15-0ct-08 2100 1.7 <1 <1 5.86 45 4-Mar-09 2200 1.5 <1 <1 5.7 37 23-Jun-09 1800 1.3 <1 <1 5.2 34 14-Sep-09 2000 1.4 <1 <1 5.3 43 Chlorotor.m.. C tio Chloromethene Meffiy]em; Nti rate Olalorid MW-4 :,~. ·-,., .... (°"') I (ug/A) .:·.. . • (qg/,1) mg/I) (mg/I) _(udfi, 14.:-""" ___ '":" __ 14-Dec-09 1800 1.6 ND ND 5.8 44 17-Feb-10 1600 1.2 ND ND 4 45 14-Jun-10 2100 1.2 ND ND 5.1 41 16-Aug-10 1900 1.5 ND ND 4.8 38 11-0ct-10 1500 1.4 ND ND 4.9 41 23-Feb-l l 1700 1.5 ND ND 4.6 40 1-Jun-11 1700 1.4 ND ND 4.9 35 17-Aug-11 1700 I.I ND ND 4.9 41 16-Nov-1 l 1600 1.3 ND ND 5.1 40 23-Jan-12 1500 1 ND ND 4.8 41 6-Jun-12 1400 1.2 ND ND 4.9 39 4-Sep-12 1500 1.5 ND ND 5 41 4-0ct-12 1300 1 ND ND 4.8 42 11-Feb-13 1670 1.49 ND ND 4.78 37.8 5-Jun-13 1490 1.31 ND ND 4.22 44 3-Sep-13 1520 1.13 ND ND 4.89 41.4 29-0ct-13 1410 5.58 ND ND 5.25 40.1 27-Jan-14 1390 4.15 ND ND 4.7 38.5 19-May-14 1390 5.21 ND ND 4.08 39.9 24-Aug-14 1490 ND 7.6 ND 3.7 41 21-0ct-14 1440 ND ND ND 5.07 41.5 9-Mar-15 1400 1.26 ND ND 5.75 40.7 8-Jun-15 1300 ND ND ND 2.53 43.1 31-Aug-15 1290 ND ND ND 4.79 44.3 19-0ct-15 1200 ND ND ND 4.43 40.8 9-Mar-16 1240 ND ND ND 5.15 42.2 23-May-16 1580 1.44 ND ND 4.54 43 .7 25-Jul-16 1430 ND ND ND 4.95 42.5 12-0ct-16 1470 1.24 ND ND 4.88 44.8 8-Mar-17 1450 1.22 ND ND 4.99 43.3 13-Jun-17 1430 1.15 ND ND 4.88 44.0 26-Jul-17 1400 1.15 ND ND 4.59 43.8 11-0ct-17 1320 ND ND ND 5.25 43.8 12-Mar-18 1320 1.07 ND ND 4.47 46.2 8-Jun-18 1240 ND ND ND 4.64 43.5 22-Aug-18 1300 ND ND ND 4.55 48.5 28-Nov-18 1330 ND ND ND 4.44 43.1 8-Mar-19 1190 ND ND ND 5.05 41.5 5-Jun-19 1300 ND ND ND 5.16 40.6 4-Sep-19 1180 ND ND ND 4.69 41.9 ll-Dec-19 1370 ND ND ND 4.34 45.5 19-Feb-20 1230 ND ND ND 6.22 48.1 27-May-20 1250 ND ND ND 5.04 40.7 4-Sep-20 1240 ND ND ND 4.93 43.8 28-0ct-20 1050 ND ND ND 4.62 41.4 23-Feb-21 1150 ND ND ND 4.61 46.5 9-Jun-21 1320 ND ND ND 6.48 34.8 Chloroform' Carboo.j Cblo~thane MeUiylene Nitrate Chloride MW:..t Tetrachl9.rlde (ug/1) (wr/)), (ug/1) Chloride (ug/1) (mail) (mg/I) 24-Aug-21 1140 ND ND ND 3.83 43.2 0 _. 0 0 0 I\) 0 0 0 (ug/L) (,.) 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 (}l 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 -...J 0 0 0 Sep-99 +-----1-----1-----1-----1----.----1----+,,...._---1 Apr-00 Nov-00 Jun-01 Jan-02 Aug-02 Mar-03 ia::~!t I I £,T I Dec-04 _ C · .. i Jul-05 Feb-06 Sep-06 Apr-07 Nov-07 Jun-08 Jan-09 Aug-09 Mar-10 Oct-10 May-11 Dec-11 Jul-12 Feb-13 Sep-13 Apr-14 Nov-14 Jun-15 Jan-16 Aug-16 Mar-17 Oct-17 May-18 Dec-18 Jul-19 Feb-20 Sep-20 Apr-21 s: :E ~ I () ::::,- 0 a 0 3 ~ C: CD en Chloroform Catb,on Clilo :e etlmJle Methylene Nitrate CMoride 1, 4. Tetraddortde 0hloride 1 (ug/1) {ug/11 (ugtl) ~) (mg/11) (mgt)) ·. 28-Jun-99 1700 7.2 10-Nov-99 5.8 15-Mar-OO 1100 10-Apr-OO 1490 6-Jun-00 1530 2-Sep-00 2320 5.58 30-Nov-00 3440 7.79 29-Mar-01 2340 7.15 22-Jun-01 6000 8.81 20-Sep-01 12.8 8-Nov-01 3200 12.4 26-Mar-02 3200 13.J 22-May-02 2800 12.7 12-Sep-02 3300 12.8 24-Nov-02 3500 13.6 28-Mar-03 3000 12.4 23-Jun-03 3600 12.5 12-Sep-03 2700 12.5 8-Nov-03 3400 11.8 29-Mar-04 3200 11 22-Jun-04 3100 8.78 17-Sep-04 2800 10.8 17-Nov-04 3000 11.1 16-Mar-05 2700 9.1 25-May-05 3080 NA NA NA 10.6 NA 31-Aug-05 2900 <10 <10 <10 9.8 NA 1-Dec-05 2400 <50 <50 <50 9.7 NA 9-Mar-06 2700 <50 <50 <50 9.4 49 14-Jun-06 2200 <50 <50 <50 9.8 48 20-Jul-06 2840 <50 <50 <50 9.7 51 8-Nov-06 2260 1.4 <l <1 9.4 47 28-Feb-07 1900 1.2 <1 <1 8.9 47 27-Jun-07 1900 1.4 <1 <1 9 45 15-Aug-07 2300 1.3 <1 <1 8.4 43 10-0ct-07 2000 1.3 <1 <1 7.8 43 26-Mar-08 2000 1.3 <1 <1 7.6 39 25-Jun-08 1900 1.1 <1 <1 8.68 39 10-Sep-08 1700 1.3 <1 <1 8.15 35 15-0ct-08 1700 1.3 <1 <1 9.3 41 • Cairoon Methylene Chhr~ aoo~f c.· ·' Nitrate Ohtorlde TW4-1 'tmacltlo~de; .. Chloride (~) (uwt) {utJ4} (ugll) I• (fflg/1;) (mg/J) ·---• _L ' 11-Mar-09 1700 1.1 <1 <1 7.5 37 24-Jun-09 1500 1 <1 <1 6.9 37 15-Sep-09 1700 <1 <1 <1 7.3 36 29-Dec-09 1400 <1 <1 <1 6.8 41 3-Mar-10 1300 <1 <1 <1 7.1 35 15-Jun-10 1600 1.2 <1 <1 6.8 40 24-Aug-10 1500 <1 <1 <1 6.8 35 14-0ct-10 1500 <l <l <l 6.6 40 24-Feb-l 1 1300 ND ND ND 6.6 41 1-Jun-11 1200 ND ND ND 7 35 18-Aug-l 1 1300 ND ND ND 6.8 36 29-Nov-11 1300 ND ND ND 6.6 37 19-Jan-12 1300 ND ND ND 6.8 38 14-Jun-12 1000 ND ND ND 7.1 42 13-Sep-12 1000 ND ND ND 5 39 4-0ct-12 1100 ND ND ND 6.5 40 13-Feb-13 1320 3.66 ND ND 6.99 37.6 19-Jun-13 1100 ND ND ND 6.87 39.1 12-Sep-13 1150 ND ND ND 7.12 37.6 14-Nov-13 1280 ND ND ND 7.08 36.5 5-Feb-14 1090 5.47 ND ND 7.74 38.9 23-May-14 1020 4.77 ND ND 6.93 37.4 27-Aug-14 845 ND 1.4 ND 4.8 38 29-0ct-14 1140 ND ND ND 6.31 38.7 9-Mar-15 1130 ND ND ND 7.06 38.3 8-Jun-15 1260 ND ND ND 6.07 40.3 31-Aug-15 1060 ND ND ND 6.28 45.9 19-0ct-15 1040 ND ND ND 1.55 38.5 9-Mar-16 974 ND ND ND 0.148 41.7 23-May-16 1140 ND ND ND 0.138 44.4 25-Jul-16 1160 ND ND ND 5.49 44.7 13-0ct-16 1330 ND ND ND 0.746 44.2 8-Mar-17 519 ND ND ND 4.44 41.5 13-Jun-17 977 ND ND ND 5.74 41.8 26-Jul-17 958 ND ND ND 5.04 42.8 l l-Oct-17 556 ND ND ND 5.78 38.5 12-Mar-18 70.4 ND ND ND 4.84 45.8 8-Jun-18 942 ND ND ND 4.38 42.0 22-Aug-18 1010 ND ND ND 4.30 47.3 II 11 Chlorofo Carbon Chloromethane Methylene ltrate Chlorid, TW4-l (ug/J~ etrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/,1)' (fugll) (u~) I (ugfl~ . ---' ·- 22-0ct-18 752 ND ND ND 4.57 43.2 8-Mar-19 87.2 ND ND ND 4.5 l 40.9 5-Jun-19 1040 ND ND ND 1.43 44.8 4-Sep-19 894 ND ND ND 1.65 46.0 10-Dec-19 1070 ND ND ND 3.91 44.2 19-Feb-20 1190 ND ND ND 4.67 47.5 27-May-20 499 ND ND ND 0.443 46.4 4-Sep-20 1060 ND ND ND 2.22 43.7 28-0ct-20 924 ND ND ND 4.30 41.9 23-Feb-21 948 ND ND ND 27.2 45.4 9-Jun-21 957 ND ND ND 0.728 37.2 24-Aug-21 821 ND 1.18 ND 1.380 44.5 28-Jun-99 28-Dec-99 28-Jun-OO 28-Dec-OO 28-Jun-01 28-Dec-01 28-Jun-02 28-Dec-02 28-Jun-03 28-Dec-03 28-Jun-04 28-Dec-04 28-Jun-05 28-Dec-05 28-Jun-06 28-Dec-06 28-Jun-07 28-Dec-07 28-Jun-08 28-Dec-08 28-Jun-09 28-Dec-09 28-Jun-10 28-Dec-10 28-Jun-11 28-Dec-11 28-Jun-12 28-Dec-12 28-Jun-13 28-Dec-13 28-Jun-14 28-Dec-14 28-Jun-15 28-Dec-15 28-Jun-16 28-Dec-16 28-Jun-17 28-Dec-17 28-Jun-18 28-Dec-18 28-Jun-19 28-Dec-19 28-Jun-20 28-Dec-20 28-Jun-21 ~ 0 0 0 0 I\) 0 0 0 (ug/L) <,J 0 0 0 .;,. 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 O'> 0 0 0 ......, 0 0 0 -4 i I .... 0 :::r 0 .., 0 -0 .., 3 < I» C Cl) rn Chlorofo m Carbon &romettiane Mettt,te e Nitrate Chloride I 'JJW'4-:2 Cug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/i) u Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) lu2'l}J (u2/I) -,. I 10-Nov-99 2510 2-Sep-00 5220 28-Nov-OO 4220 10.7 29-Mar-01 3890 10.2 22-Jun-01 5500 9.67 20-Sep-01 4900 11.4 8-Nov-01 5300 10.1 26-Mar-02 5100 9.98 23-May-02 4700 9.78 12-Sep-02 6000 9.44 24-Nov-02 5400 10.4 28-Mar-03 4700 9.5 23-Jun-03 5100 9.6 12-Sep-03 3200 8.6 8-Nov-03 4700 9.7 29-Mar-04 4200 9.1 4 22-Jun-04 4300 8.22 17-Sep-04 4100 8.4 17-Nov-04 4500 8.6 16-Mar-05 3700 7.7 25-May-05 3750 8.6 31-Aug-05 3900 <10 <10 <10 8 NA 1-Dec-05 3500 <50 <50 <50 7.8 NA 9-Mar-06 3800 <50 <50 <50 7.5 56 14-Jun-06 3200 <50 <50 <50 7.1 56 20-Jul-06 4120 <50 <50 <50 7.4 54 8-Nov-06 3420 2.3 <1 <1 7.6 55 28-Feb-07 2900 1.8 <1 <1 7.3 54 27-Jun-07 3000 2.5 <1 <1 7.8 50 15-Aug-07 340 2.2 <l <1 7.3 49 10-0ct-07 3200 2.1 <1 <I 6.9 51 26-Mar-08 3300 2.3 <1 <1 6.9 48 25-Jun-08 3100 2.2 <1 <1 7.44 46 10-Sep-08 2800 2.4 <1 <1 7.1 42 15 -0ct-08 3200 2.4 <2 <2 7.99 47 11-Mar-09 3100 2.2 <1 <1 6.5 46 24-Jun-09 2800 2 <l <1 6.4 44 15-Sep-09 3000 2 <1 <1 6.6 43 29-Dec-09 1600 2 <1 <1 6.4 46 Ii '€hloroform Carbon ehlore: hane Meffiytene Nitrate g.Joride1 1, W4·2 11.,Tetr ··-.,.~ Ottori e ,, (ug/1) (ud) (mg!l) i, (mgll) (ueffi (mdlll 3-Mar-10 2600 2 <1 <1 6.8 42 15-Jun-10 3300 2.6 <l <1 6.7 43 16-Aug-10 3300 2.5 <l <1 6.6 43 14-0ct-10 3000 2.1 <1 <1 6.5 4 1 24-Feb-11 3100 2.4 ND ND 7 46 2-Jun-11 3000 2.2 ND ND 6.8 42 17-Aug-ll 2400 1.6 ND ND 6 48 29-Nov-11 3900 2.8 ND ND 7 49 24-Jan-1 2 2500 2 ND ND 7.1 49 14-Jun-12 2500 2.1 ND ND 7.7 52 13-Sep-12 2900 1.8 ND ND 4 76 4-0ct-12 3100 2 ND ND 7.6 49 13-Feb-13 3580 5.17 ND ND 8.1 46 19-Jun-13 3110 2.65 ND ND 7.51 46.9 12-Sep-1 3 3480 2.41 ND ND 9.3 44.9 14-Nov-13 3740 3.15 ND ND 8.39 43.9 6-Feb-14 3180 7.1 ND ND 7.87 45.9 23-M<;ty-14 2930 6.05 ND ND 9.11 45.4 27-Aug-14 3170 1.4 3.6 ND 6.2 45 30-0ct-14 3580 2.6 ND ND 8.45 45.5 9-Mar-15 1840 1.44 ND ND 5.32 44.9 8-Jun-15 1650 ND ND ND 4.3 48.l 31-Aug-15 1310 ND ND ND 3.76 50.0 19-0ct-15 2070 ND ND ND 5.1 8 41.9 9-Mar-16 1970 1.20 ND ND 5.30 43.4 23-May-16 2070 1.49 ND ND 5.67 43.8 25-Jul-16 1780 ND ND ND 4.07 42.9 12-0ct-16 1600 ND ND ND 6.07 44.3 8-Mar-17 1570 ND ND ND 4.74 43.J 13-Jun-17 1940 ND ND ND 4.90 43.6 26-Jul-17 1310 ND ND ND 5.08 43.2 11-0ct-17 1610 ND ND ND 3.28 43.5 12-Mar-18 764 ND ND ND 2.94 44.4 8-Jun-18 949 ND ND ND 3.50 4 1.3 22-Aug-18 980 ND ND ND 4.83 44.3 28-Nov-18 822 ND ND ND 3.52 4 1.7 8-Mar-19 1040 ND ND ND 3.92 40.4 5-Jun-19 1360 ND ND ND 4.38 39.8 4-Sep-19 797 ND ND ND 4.79 40.8 Chlorofomi Carbo Chlorom:ethan Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4,.2 Tetracliloride Chloride J (ug/1) (utz/0 (ug/1~ (uf?II) (mg/I} {mg/I) .· 10-Dec-19 934 ND ND ND 3.40 41.5 19-Feb-20 1880 ND ND ND 6.07 42.1 27-May-20 1070 ND ND ND 3.62 40.6 4-Sep-20 1260 ND ND ND 3.35 4 1.3 28-0ct-20 1130 ND ND ND 2.34 38.7 23-Feb-21 939 ND ND ND 3.30 43.3 9-Jun-21 1160 ND ND ND 3.89 32.5 24-Aug-21 1150 ND ND ND 1.97 36.8 0 10-Nov-99 10-May-OO 10-Nov-OO 10-May-01 10-Nov-01 10-May-02 10-Nov-02 10-May-03 10-Nov-03 10-May-04 10-Nov-04 10-May-05 10-Nov-05 10-May-06 10-Nov-06 10-May-07 10-Nov-07 10-May-08 10-Nov-08 10-May-09 10-Nov-09 10-May-10 10-Nov-10 10-May-11 10-Nov-11 10-May-12 10-Nov-12 10-May-13 10-Nov-13 10-May-14 10-Nov-14 10-May-15 10-Nov-15 10-May-16 10-Nov-16 10-May-17 10-Nov-17 10-May-18 10-Nov-18 10-May-19 10-Nov-19 10-May-20 10-Nov-20 1 O-May-21 -! ..... 0 0 0 ~iii"~oO c::O-m-ll> g-Q '<§.iii :::ie!.c::o-o 0 :::i""" 0 iii .""'l a. ei -· C)-<;;(1)02. o~m'<""" .... a se. .... ~ 0 -. -· CD -. -3 en (I) ..... 5 Ill C: en 9-ro~~ C) a.. -g a.-1~ enc::::Tc, a: (I) (I) 0 CD ~ < ~ ::!. 0 Ill (I) :::i -en (C ~ "O :f oo· g (I) a. en I\) 0 0 0 (ug/L) (,.) 0 0 0 .j:,,. 0 0 0 (11 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 -..J 0 0 0 i I I\) 0 -:r 0 .., 2. 0 .., 3 < !. C CD en caroon ~ M~dt,rlene Chloroform NitJiate 1 ,Chh>ricle TW~3: Teti'~ l'i e e ~~re (~) twzm (uglt) ( ' m~I) (~ 28-Jun-99 3500 7.6 29-Nov-99 702 15-Mar-OO 834 2-Sep-00 836 1.56 29-Nov-00 836 1.97 27-Mar-Ol 347 1.85 21-Jun-01 390 2.6 1. 20-Sep-01 300 3.06 7-Nov-01 170 3.6 26-Mar-02 11 3.87 21-May-02 204 4.34 12-Sep-02 203 4.32 24-Nov-02 102 4.9 28-Mar-03 0 4.6 23-Jun-03 0 4.8 12-Sep-03 0 4.3 8-Nov-03 0 4.8 29-Mar-04 0 4.48 22-Jun-04 0 3.68 17-Sep-04 0 3.88 17-Nov-04 0 4.1 16-Mar-05 0 3.5 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA 3.7 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <l 6.4 <1 3.5 NA l-Dec-05 <l <1 2.3 <1 3.3 NA 9-Mar-06 <l <1 2.2 <1 3.3 26 14-Jun-06 <l <1 <1 <l 3.2 26 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 1.6 <l 2.9 26 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <l <l 1.5 23 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <l <l 3.1 22 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <l <l 3.3 23 15-Aug-07 <l <1 <1 <l 3.1 24 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.8 27 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.8 21 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.85 19 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.66 19 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.63 22 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.5 21 24-Jun-09 <1 <l <l <1 2.9 20 15-Sep-09 <1 <l <1 <l 2.8 21 16-Dec-09 <1 <I <1 <1 2.5 22 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <l 2.8 23 Carbon---~edly• .1 I 11 €hloro 4>rm Chlerornetl,lan Nitrate. Ohloride TW:4•3 Tetr. ride ~t I (ugll) lwrllil" (llg/1) ·' (mw)) 'ligft _l_ . . 8-Jun-10 <l <l <l <1 3 24 10-Aug-10 <l <l <l <1 3.1 22 5-0ct-10 <l <1 <l <1 3.3 26 15-Feb-l l ND ND ND ND 3.5 23 25-May-l l ND ND ND ND 3.7 23 16-Aug-1 l ND ND ND ND 4 23 15-Nov-1 l ND ND ND ND 4.4 23 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 4.3 21 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 4.4 24 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 4.9 25 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 4.8 25 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 5.05 23.7 29-May-13 ND ND ND ND 5.83 23.8 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 6.26 24.0 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 5.89 24.1 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 6.66 24.9 19-May-14 ND ND ND ND 6.01 24.4 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 5.3 26 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 6.07 26.7 ll-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 6.64 26.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 5.71 27.5 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 3.88 27.4 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 5.37 25.6 15-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 5.83 32.8 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 5.65 27.9 27-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 6.10 26.5 19-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 6.00 29.5 14-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 6.18 28.1 14-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 6.36 28.7 27-Jul-17 ND ND ND ND 6.36 28.5 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 6.32 25.9 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 6.46 29.8 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 6.52 26.1 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 5.53 31.0 30-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 5.85 27.4 13-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 5.82 25.5 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 6.68 27.4 l l-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 5.12 26.0 12-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 5.91 28.0 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 6.15 27.7 IO-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 6.53 26.2 K Carbon I "Methylene TW4-3 Ch1oroforni TetracbJoride Chlorometbane Chloride Nitrate Cbforide, (ug/1) I ,(usr/1) (ug(l) Cuf!/1): (m~) (mg/I) . 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 6.36 25.9 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 6.02 24.9 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 6.19 28.4 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 8.04 27.0 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 5.28 20.3 Jun-99 Dec-99 Jun-00 Dec-00 Jun-01 Dec-01 Jun-02 Dec-02 Jun-03 Dec-03 Jun-04 Dec-04 Jun-05 Dec-05 Jun-06 Dec-06 Jun-07 Dec-07 Jun-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Dec-09 Jun-10 Dec-10 Jun-11 Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-12 Jun-13 Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 Jun-21 9 0 ...... (J1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ug/L) ...... I\) I\) (J1 0 (J1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 3~ -· .,:::. ,-t, I V, w -· :::::s :r n cu tD V, s C" cu tD ., tD n :::::s :r -N tD 00 : .. ,... N :r 0 cu 0 :::::s w ,... :r tD c.. tD ,... tD n ,... -· 0 :::::s w ~ (J1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 ~ ~ I w 0 :::r 0 ~ a 0 ~ 3 ~ C (1) rn 1,-Carbon Me~en , Cbh>li'oform Ctilwomethne itrate ~ .. . •· ( 4,-4 I"• . Tetir h orit'.le; Chlo d . (~) (egll) I• {mg/I) (mgll) -~) ,f,wr/11 ,, 6-Jun-00 0 2-Sep-00 0 28-Nov-00 3.9 28-Mar-01 2260 1.02 20-Jun-01 3100 14.5 20-Sep-01 3200 14 8-Nov-01 2900 14.8 26-Mar-02 3400 15 22-May-02 3200 13.2 12-Sep-02 4000 13.4 24-Nov-02 3800 12.6 28-Mar-03 3300 13.4 23-Jun-03 3600 12.8 12-Sep-03 2900 12.3 8-Nov-03 3500 12.3 29-Mar-04 3200 12.2 22-Jun-04 3500 12.1 17-Sep-04 3100 11.1 17-Nov-04 3600 10.8 16-Mar-05 3100 11.6 25-May-05 2400 NA NA NA 11.3 NA 31-Aug-05 3200 <10 <10 <10 9.9 NA 1-Dec-05 2800 <50 <50 <50 10.2 NA 9-Mar-06 2900 <50 <50 <50 9.5 51 14-Jun-06 2600 <50 <50 <50 8.6 48 20-Jul-06 2850 <50 <50 <50 9.7 50 8-Nov-06 2670 1.7 <1 <1 10.1 49 28-Feb-07 2200 1.5 <1 <1 9 49 27-Jun-07 2400 1.7 <1 <1 9.4 47 15-Aug-07 2700 1.5 <1 <1 9.5 45 10-0ct-07 2500 1.5 <1 <1 9.5 47 26-Mar-08 2800 1.6 <1 <l 9.2 43 25-Jun-08 2500 1.5 <1 <l 10.8 42 10-Sep-08 2200 1.4 <1 <l 8.83 39 15-0ct-08 2500 2 <2 <2 10.1 44 4-Mar-09 2200 1.2 <1 <l 10.2 37 24-Jun-09 1800 1.2 <1 <1 8.2 34 15-Sep-09 2000 1.1 <l <1 8.4 39 29-Dec-09 950 1.1 <l <1 7.6 41 (hlerof'onn CJniion Chier~ Mediyten.~ I! Nitrate ,.Ohloride TW·4·4· Tet'tac'ldori CJ!llericile (og/1) ,: Cud)· (DWI) {mgll) (mg/J) 17-Feb-10 1700 1 <1 <1 6.6 48 10-Jun-10 2000 1.2 <1 <1 7.6 35 16-Aug-10 2100 1.3 <1 <1 7.3 36 l 1-0ct-10 1700 1.3 <1 <1 7.1 38 23-Feb-l 1 1800 1.4 ND ND 7 41 l-Jun-11 1700 1.2 ND ND 7 35 17-Aug-11 1500 ND ND ND 6.6 40 16-Nov-11 1500 1 ND ND 7 39 23-Jan-12 1200 ND ND ND 7.1 38 6-Jun-12 1500 ND ND ND 7.1 43 4-Sep-12 1600 1.2 ND ND 7.1 39 3-0ct-12 1400 1 ND ND 7 38 1 l-Feb-13 1460 1.12 ND ND 7.36 39 5-Jun-13 1330 ND ND ND 6.3 39.6 3-Sep-13 1380 ND ND ND 7.22 38.8 29-0ct-13 1360 5.3 ND ND 7.84 43.9 27-Jan-14 1260 3.88 ND ND 7.28 37.4 19-May-14 1220 5 ND ND 5.91 47.5 Il-Aug-14 1320 ND 7 ND 5.30 40.0 21-0ct-14 1130 ND ND ND 7.02 40.0 9-Mar-15 1350 1 ND ND 7.70 37.6 8-Jun-15 1280 ND ND ND 6.33 41.3 31-Aug-15 1220 ND ND ND 6.45 45.8 19-0ct-15 1190 ND ND ND 6.27 38.5 9-Mar-16 1190 ND ND ND 6.71 39.7 23-May-16 1780 1 ND ND 6.56 41.9 26-Jul-16 1380 ND ND ND 7.22 40.2 13-0ct-16 1430 ND ND ND 6.77 42.3 8-Mar-17 1290 ND ND ND 6.87 41.7 13-Jun-17 1290 ND ND ND 7.06 40.7 26-Jul-17 1290 ND ND ND 6.47 40.5 ll-Oct-17 1290 ND ND ND 6.90 40.7 12-Mar-18 1160 ND ND ND 6.12 42.2 8-Jun-18 1050 ND ND ND 6.34 39.0 22-Aug-18 1030 ND ND ND 6.34 39.0 28-Nov-18 1140 ND ND ND 6.02 41.4 8-Mar-19 1050 ND ND ND 7.26 38.3 5-Jun-19 1070 ND ND ND 10.40 38.5 4-Sep-19 989 ND ND ND 6.32 39.8 -. C-arbon Methylene Ii Chloroform Chlorome~ane Nitrate Chloride TW4,;4 Tetrachloride Chloride ·(ug/1) (uwl~ (ugll) -_(ust/1) (mg/I) (mg/I) t -._ 10-Dec-19 1140 ND ND ND 6.52 40.4 19-Feb-20 1100 ND ND ND 4.58 43.4 27-May-20 1140 ND ND ND 7.26 46.1 4-Sep-20 1110 ND ND ND 7.04 40.0 28-0ct-20 979 ND ND ND 6.77 38.6 23-Feb-21 1130 ND ND ND 6.75 39.8 9-Jun-21 1240 ND ND ND 9.02 39.4 24-Aug-21 1100 ND ND ND 4.00 39.6 tn Cl) ::::, ca > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 s:. 0 o::t' I o::t' 3: I- 0 0 LO V 0 0 0 v 0 0 LO (') 0 0 0 (') 0 0 LO C\J 0 0 0 C\J (1/6n) 0 0 LO ..- 0 0 0 ..- 0 0 LO oi-unr-B~ v~-oaa-a G ~ -Jdy-~ 60-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 Chlo1"oform earb 0JRl'OlD ,; Methylene N' Chloride TW4·5 (ug(t) 'f*a ri e ( &tl) Chlo ' (mgtl) {uell) (ffllLD 20-Dec-99 29.5 15-Mar-00 49.0 2-Sep-00 124 29-Nov-00 255 28-Mar-01 236 20-Jun-01 240 20-Sep-01 240 7-Nov-01 260 26-Mar-02 260 22-May-02 300 12-Sep-02 330 24-Nov-02 260 28-Mar-03 240 23-Jun-03 290 12-Sep-03 200 8-Nov-03 240 29-Mar-04 210 22-Jun-04 200 17-Sep-04 150 17-Nov-04 180 16-Mar-05 120 25-May-05 113 NA NA NA 3.7 NA 31-Aug-05 82.0 <2.5 5.8 <2.5 6 NA 1-Dec-05 63.0 <2.5 2.5 <2.5 6 NA 9-Mar-06 66.0 <2.5 3.1 <2.5 6 52 14-Jun-06 51.0 <1 <2.5 <2.5 5.9 51 20-Jul-06 53 .7 <1 <1 <1 6.7 54 8-Nov-06 47.1 <l <l <l 2.9 55 28-Feb-07 33 .0 <1 <l <1 7.8 57 27-Jun-07 26.0 <1 <l <1 7 45 15-Aug-07 9.2 <1 <1 <1 7.7 38 IO-Oct-07 9.4 <1 <1 <l 8.2 39 26-Mar-08 11.0 <l <1 <l 7.4 36 25-Jun-08 9.3 <1 <1 <1 8.7 37 10-Sep-08 11.0 <1 <l <1 7.91 34 15-0ct-08 10.0 <1 <1 <l 9.3 37 4-Mar-09 12.0 <1 <l <1 7.9 34 24-Jun-09 13.0 <l <1 <1 7.5 37 15-Sep-09 12.0 <1 <1 <1 8.3 48 . Carbo ~~n,, . Chlorof4)rm Cb~ Nitnte Cldorlde. TW4•5 1'etr.achlori6 Chloride (ug(I, (wdl~. (aglil) (iteA) (mgM) (aglti) ' ' 22-Dec-09 8.5 <1 <l <l 7.5 41 25-Feb-lO 13.0 <1 <l <l 6.8 43 9-Jun-10 12.0 <1 <1 <1 7.1 28 11-Aug-lO 12.0 <1 <1 <1 7 38 13-0ct-10 11.0 <l <1 <l 7.2 41 22-Feb-11 10.0 ND ND ND 7 34 26-May-l l 9.0 ND ND ND 7.2 35 17-Aug-l 1 10.0 ND ND ND 7.5 37 7-Dec-11 7.9 ND ND ND 6 30 18-Jan-12 7.6 ND ND ND 5.8 22 6-Jun-12 8.4 ND ND ND 8 39 ll-Sep-12 12.0 ND ND ND 8.1 37 3-0ct-12 8.0 ND ND ND 7.7 38 13-Feb-13 10.8 ND ND ND 8.24 34.3 13-Jun-13 11.2 ND ND ND 10.7 36.5 5-Sep-13 11.6 ND ND ND 7.79 39.1 13-Nov-13 14.4 ND ND ND 7.75 41.1 30-Jan-14 12.5 ND ND ND 9.16 40.5 22-May-14 13.4 ND ND ND 7.78 51.4 14-Aug-14 12.0 ND ND ND 7.2 44 28-0ct-14 14.6 ND ND ND 8.31 45.1 12-Mar-15 13.8 ND ND ND 9.32 45.1 10-Jun-15 13.3 ND 1.07 ND 7.08 47.3 3-Sep-15 12.9 ND ND ND 8.1 52.2 28-0ct-15 11.0 ND ND ND 8.03 43.6 17-Mar-16 11.0 ND ND ND 10.2 44.7 26-May-16 13.6 ND ND ND 8.98 45.9 25-Jul-16 10.8 ND ND ND 8.49 44.6 26-0ct-16 10.8 ND ND ND 8.32 47.8 15-Mar-17 12.6 ND ND ND 8.49 44.7 15-Jun-17 14.6 ND ND ND 8.52 47.3 2-Aug-17 14.6 ND ND ND 8.52 48.6 10-0ct-17 13.8 ND ND ND 8.57 42.5 15-Mar-18 15.2 ND ND ND 8.36 51.2 13-Jun-18 13.9 ND ND ND 9.24 47.4 30-Aug-18 15.4 ND ND ND 7.34 54.7 12-Dec-18 15.6 ND ND ND 7.67 49.8 16-Mar-19 14.1 ND ND ND 7.38 47.6 13-Jun-19 15.8 ND ND ND 7.62 49.3 ehloroform Carbon Ohlorometballe Methylene Nitr te Chlorid 1, TW4·5 (ug/1) Tetra-chloride (ugll) 1 ' Chloride (mg/I) (mg()) 11 (u21,l) fu211) 11-Sep-19 14.6 ND ND ND 7.02 46.1 14-Dec-19 15.7 ND ND ND 6.97 53.1 17-Mar-20 14.8 ND ND ND 7.1 48.3 11-Jun-20 15.4 ND ND ND 7.83 49.5 18-Sep-20 14.8 ND ND ND 6.37 47.0 4-Nov-20 15 .6 ND ND ND 6.19 50.2 18-Mar-21 12.9 ND ND ND 7.43 46.0 16-Jun-21 13.0 ND ND ND 8.11 50.8 22-Sep-21 11.2 ND ND ND 6.63 39.8 0 G) ::::, t,S > E -0 -0 -0 :c 0 II) I ~ 3: ... 0 LO (Y) 0 0 (Y) 0 LO C\I 0 0 C\I 0 LO ..- (1J6n) 0 0 ..- 0 LO oi-unr-B~ v~-oaa-a U-JdV-~O 50-1nr-90 90-lOO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 ~ ~±w, I 'l,1, , ... Carbon 1 (51J;~ro~thane;, Metbyl~ne', I• 1 .. Cblorofo Tetrachloride Chloride " \ ltrate CMoride I ( jm (Ug/1) (mgll) (mg/I~ . -. t.uon\'. -Cuen\ 6-Jun-00 0 2-Sep-00 0 28-Nov-OO 0 ND 26-Mar-01 0 0.13 20-Jun-01 0 ND 20-Sep-OI 4 ND 7-Nov-01 1 ND 26-Mar-02 0 ND 21-May-02 0 ND 12-Sep-02 0 ND 24-Nov-02 0 ND 28-Mar-03 0 0.1 23-Jun-03 0 ND 12-Sep-03 0 ND 8-Nov-03 0 ND 29-Mar-04 0 ND 22-Jun-04 0 ND 17-Sep-04 0 ND 17-Nov-04 0 ND 16-Mar-05 0 0.2 25-May-05 2.5 NA NA NA 0.4 NA 31-Aug-05 10.0 <l 2.8 <l 0.8 NA l-Dec-05 17.0 <l 1.3 <l 0.9 NA 9-Mar-06 31.0 <l <l <l 1.2 31 14-Jun-06 19.0 <I <l <l 1 30 20-Jul-06 11.0 <1 <l <l 0.6 37 8-Nov-06 42.8 <l <1 <l 1.4 65 28-Feb-07 46.0 <1 <l <l 1.5 32 27-Jun-07 11.0 <1 <l <l 0.6 38 15-Aug-07 18.0 <I <1 <l 0.7 36 10-0ct-07 18.0 <l <1 <l 0.8 38 26-Mar-08 52.0 <I <l <1 1.l 33 25-Jun-08 24.0 <I <1 <l 0.9 35 10-Sep-08 39.0 <l <l <l 1.14 35 15-0ct-08 37.0 <l <l <l 1.01 33 l l-Mar-09 81.0 <l <l <l 2.2 35 24-Jun-09 120 <l <l <l 2.7 37 15-Sep-09 280 <l <l <l 5.0 37 22-Dec-09 250 <l <1 <l 6.1 41 25-Feb-10 1000 <l <l <l i.6 45 10-Jun-10 590 <l <l <l 2.5 33 12-Aug-10 630 <l <l <l 3.9 31 13-0ct-lO 420 <1 <l <l 4.3 41 LJ-Feb-11 47 ND NU NU 0.7 40 Lb-May-11 lU NU NU NU U.J 42 111 :\)!~ .. .. caibon . :Metby~qe Qhlorid~ CbloJ"oform 1 •• Teirr:\,rlde €).t :,gmethane l'.J : o'iidt Nitrate ,g/1 _ IJ . u (ug/1) <ua1n-: In (mg/I) I• (mg/1)' .. 17-Aug-11 16 ND ND ND 0.3 39 7-Dec-11 21 ND ND ND 0.8 36 18-Jan-12 38 ND ND ND 0.7 38 13-Jun-12 4.7 ND ND ND 0.2 40 l l-Sep-12 6.9 ND ND ND 0.1 21 3-0ct-12 9.0 ND ND ND 0.2 41 13-Feb-13 6.9 ND ND ND 0.154 40.4 13-Jun-13 4.9 ND ND ND 0.155 37.9 5-Sep-I3 5.9 ND ND ND 0.157 40.6 13-Nov-13 5.5 ND ND ND 1.52 40.2 29-Jan-14 5.7 ND ND ND 0.184 40.6 22-May-14 10.3 ND ND ND 0.312 37 14-Aug-14 202 ND ND ND 4.2 40 24-Sep-14 260 ND ND ND NIA NIA 29-0ct-14 723 ND ND ND 6.92 41.l 18-Mar-15 1180 ND ND ND 5.25 41.2 1 l-Jun-15 1040 ND ND ND 5.87 41.6 10-Sep-15 1040 ND ND ND 6.75 47.0 29-0ct-15 843 ND ND ND 5.61 40.2 22-Mar-16 834 ND ND ND 6.79 42.0 8-Jun-16 486 ND ND ND 3.19 44.1 4-Aug-16 433 ND ND ND 3.85 42.2 26-0ct-16 301 ND ND ND 3.74 46.1 16-Mar-17 288 ND ND ND 3.15 42.1 21-Jun-17 239 ND ND ND 2.42 42.6 3-Aug-17 129 ND ND ND 1.71 42.9 11-0ct-17 121 ND ND ND 1.71 37.6 20-Mar-18 159 ND ND ND 1.96 43.1 14-Jun-18 74.9 ND ND ND 1.48 40.2 5-Sep-18 53.2 ND ND ND 1.18 44.0 12-Dec-18 37.0 ND ND ND 0.900 20.0 19-Mar-19 23.2 ND ND ND 0.755 41.0 13-Jun-19 15.8 ND ND ND 0.484 38.1 ll-Sep-19 15.8 ND ND ND 0.412 39.7 14-Dec-19 7.40 ND ND ND 0.244 45.7 17-Mar-20 6.93 ND ND ND 0.222 43.2 1 l-Jun-20 4.86 ND ND ND 0.205 42.4 18-Sep-20 3.63 ND ND ND 0.144 40.5 4-Nov-20 4.61 ND ND ND 0.197 42.9 18-Mar-21 3.78 ND ND ND 0.205 41.6 16-Jun-21 2.90 ND ND ND 0.215 43.8 15-Sep-21 3.71 ND ND ND 0.166 34.1 I\) 0 8 .i,.. 0 0 O> 0 0 (ug/L) CX) 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 ...... I\) 0 0 ...... .i,.. 0 0 24-Jul-98 +------+----i------------+-----1-------1 19-Apr-01 14-Jan-04 10-0ct-06 , -• 6-Jul-09 1 ~ I --I I I I I I 1-Apr-12 V \ I I I I I I I ~7-Dec-14r t · I I • I I =- ~2-Sep-17 18-Jun-20 15-Mar-23 ~---..__ ___ ,__ __ __. ___ _....1. ___ -.L ___ ---1... ___ _J -f == .i:,. I 0) 0 :::r 0 ""' 2. 0 ""' 3 < e!. C C1) 0 • .· ~~8~til)J1t I ~Ohio omethane ~t)lylene - I €1ilor9.f.ollll' Ni rat Chloride TW4-7 -~~j:.--~ Chloride :i (uijli) tra~o,nde l (u~) I•· (tng/1) , (mgM t Cu it (ud}' 29-Nov-99 256 15-Mar-OO 616 2-Sep-00 698 29-Nov-00 684 1.99 28-Mar-01 747 2.46 20-Jun-01 1100 2.65 20-Sep-01 1200 3.38 8-Nov-01 1100 2.5 26-Mar-02 1500 3.76 23-May-02 1600 3.89 12-Sep-02 1500 3.18 24-Nov-02 2300 4.6 28-Mar-03 1800 4.8 23-Jun-03 5200 7.6 12-Sep-03 3600 7.6 8-Nov-03 4500 7.1 29-Mar-04 2500 4.63 22-Jun-04 2900 4.83 17-Sep-04 3100 5.59 17-Nov-04 3800 6 16-Mar-05 3100 5.2 25-May-05 2700 NA NA NA 5.4 NA 31-Aug-05 3100 <10 <10 <10 5.2 NA 1-Dec-05 2500 <50 <50 <50 5.3 NA 9-Mar-06 1900 <50 <50 <50 1 48 14-Jun-06 2200 <50 <50 <50 4.5 47 20-Jul-06 2140 <50 <50 <50 4.7 51 8-Nov-06 2160 1.5 <1 <1 4.6 49 28-Feb-07 1800 1.1 <1 <l 5 47 27-Jun-07 2600 1.5 <1 <1 5.1 45 14-Aug-07 2300 1.4 <1 <1 4.7 44 10-0ct-07 1900 1.2 <1 <1 4.7 45 26-Mar-08 2200 1.3 <1 <1 4.2 43 25-Jun-08 1800 1.3 <1 <1 4.8 43 10-Sep-08 1600 1.4 <1 <1 4.16 35 15-0ct-08 1900 <2 <2 <2 4.01 40 1 l-Mar-09 1800 1.2 <1 <1 3.7 35 24-Jun-09 1400 <1 <l <1 3.8 37 15-Sep-09 1500 1.0 <l <1 4.1 37 TW~7 29-Dec-09 1300 <1 <1 <l 4.2 37 3-Mar-10 1200 <1 <1 <1 3.8 36 10-Jun-10 1100 <1 <1 <l 3.9 31 18-Aug-10 1500 1.1 <1 <l 3.9 36 13-0ct-10 1100 1.1 <1 <1 4 38 23-Feb-l l 1300 ND ND ND 3.60 45 l-Jun-11 1200 ND ND ND 4.00 35 18-Aug-11 1200 ND ND ND 4.10 37 29-Nov-1 l 1000 ND ND ND 3.80 37 19-Jan-12 1000 ND ND ND 3.90 37 14-Jun-12 790 ND ND ND 4.00 41 13-Sep-12 870 ND ND ND 3.80 40 4-0ct-12 940 ND ND ND 3.80 41 13-Feb-13 1080 3.51 ND ND 3.90 37.7 18-Jun-13 953 ND ND ND 4.04 39.3 12-Sep-13 1040 ND ND ND 4.17 36.4 14-Nov-13 1050 ND ND ND 4.13 37.2 5-Feb-14 946 5.41 ND ND 4.24 38.2 23-May-14 847 4.78 ND ND 4.19 37.7 27-Aug-14 857 ND 1.5 ND 2.90 39 30-0ct-14 926 ND ND ND 3.68 40.2 18-Mar-15 942 ND ND ND 4.25 40.4 11-Jun-15 950 ND ND ND 2.62 42.1 10-Sep-15 897 ND ND ND 4.72 46.7 29-0ct-15 847 ND ND ND 3.49 40.6 22-Mar-16 834 ND ND ND 4.43 42.4 8-Jun-16 909 ND ND ND 3.75 44.1 4-Aug-16 1000 ND ND ND 4.21 42.3 27-0ct-16 886 ND ND ND 4.33 45.8 21-Mar-17 986 ND ND ND 3.87 40.5 21-Jun-17 968 ND ND ND 4.15 43.3 4-Aug-17 1070 ND ND ND 4.20 44.7 l l-Oct-17 884 ND ND ND 4.35 43.7 21-Mar-18 721 ND ND ND 3.96 44.5 14-Jun-18 751 ND ND ND 4.45 41.5 5-Sep-18 781 ND ND ND 4.34 48.5 13-Dec-18 838 ND ND ND 3.98 42.8 20-Mar-19 736 ND ND ND 4.01 41.3 19-Jun-19 862 ND ND ND 4.19 43.0 18-Dec-19 546 ND ND ND 3.11 47.2 18-Mar-20 746 ND ND ND 3.75 42.1 12-Jun-20 864 ND ND ND 4.06 44.J 19-Sep-20 971 ND ND ND 3.87 41.5 11-Nov-20 967 ND ND ND 4.40 42.8 24-Mar-21 875 ND ND ND 4.25 46.2 17-Jun-21 819 ND ND ND 4.80 41.7 23-Sep-21 801 ND ND ND 4.58 42.8 ti) Cl> :::, "i > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 ~ 0 r,.. I '111::t' == I- 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 LO 0 0 0 ..,,. 0 0 0 C') (1J6n) 0 0 0 C\J g ,- oi-unr-s~ L~-das-ic v~-oaa-Lc U-Jd'v'-~ 60-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 " ·, Ca non '" . 11,}f{~e .' 11 Oblu1mr £'~a'ddoriie 1 ;,Lchlo Qmetliane iuat Chloride II ~8 (u,W. (ug/.1.) Gliloriai (mg/I) i:, (mg'/l) !.: (11214)' . <~· < .. .,~ I• ,·. ,,, - 29-Nov-99 0 15-Mar-OO 21.8 2-Sep-00 102 29-Nov-OO 107 ND 26-Mar-01 116 ND 20-Jun-01 180 ND 20-Sep-01 180 0.35 7-Nov-01 180 ND 26-Mar-02 190 0.62 22-May-02 210 0.77 12-Sep-02 300 ND 24-Nov-02 450 ND 28-Mar-03 320 0.8 23-Jun-03 420 ND 12-Sep-03 66.0 ND 8-Nov-03 21.0 0.1 29-Mar-04 24.0 0.65 22-Jun-04 110 0.52 17-Sep-04 120 ND 17-Nov-04 120 ND 16-Mar-05 10.0 ND 25-May-05 <l NA NA NA 0.2 NA 31-Aug-05 1.1 <1 1.7 <1 <0.1 NA 30-Nov-05 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 1.3 <1 2.1 <1 0.3 39 14-Jun-06 1.0 <1 1.8 <1 <0.1 37 20-Jul-06 <l <1 <1 <1 0.1 39 8-Nov-06 <1 <l <1 <1 <0.1 40 28-Feb-07 2.5 <1 <1 <l 0.7 39 27-Jun-07 2.5 <1 <1 <1 0.2 42 15-Aug-07 1.5 <l <l <1 <0.1 42 10-0ct-07 3.5 <1 <1 <1 0.5 43 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.1 46 25 -Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 45 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 39 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 44 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 42 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 44 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 44 If . ~n C M~~; ,,1 TW+.8 C,hlo ofomt l,ifar blor c~ Chloride I itrate Chloride, :, I ug(J) e (ugll) (mir/1) (Dlfl'l ,fllfYII) /~) 17-Dec-09 <1 <l <l <1 <0.1 51 24-Feb-10 <1 <1 <l <1 <0.1 57 9-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <l <0.1 42 11-Aug-10 <l <1 <1 <1 <0.1 45 5-0ct-10 <1 <l <1 <l <0.1 46 16-Feb-l 1 ND ND ND ND ND 52 25-May-1 l ND ND ND ND 0.1 45 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 0.1 46 7-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND 0.2 45 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 0.3 45 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 0.2 44 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 0.1 48 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 47 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 0.411 46.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND ND 45.5 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 47.5 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND ND 46.1 23-Jan-14 63.8 ND ND ND 0.166 48.5 6-Feb-14 100 ND ND ND 0.1 65 46.6 22-May-14 122 ND ND ND 0.538 53 27-Aug-14 107 ND ND ND 0.6 47 29-0ct-14 191 ND ND ND 0.9 14 46.7 12-Mar-15 961 ND ND ND 2.34 49.6 ll-Jun-15 981 ND ND ND 1.88 53 10-Sep-15 747 ND ND ND 1.96 59.6 29-0ct-15 770 ND ND ND 2.20 52.0 17-Mar-16 634 ND ND ND 2.48 54.2 8-Jun-16 595 ND ND ND 2.14 58.7 4-Aug-16 522 ND ND ND 2.10 56.9 27-0ct-16 472 ND ND ND 2.16 60.1 21-Mar-17 359 ND ND ND 2.06 57.4 21-Jun-17 256 ND ND ND 1.97 58.8 4-Aug-17 223 ND ND ND 1.64 61.2 11-0ct-17 214 ND ND ND 1.97 52.2 21-Mar-18 220 ND ND ND 1.36 60.8 14-Jun-18 155 ND ND ND 1.3 1 53.8 5-Sep-18 137 ND ND ND 1.40 63.2 13-Dec-18 93.8 ND ND ND 0.123 65.8 19-Mar-19 103 ND ND ND 1.23 54.3 [I • ~,c --.-: I, • e&rJt~ . -Ii, Methylene· -.1 . l,'l;. . tW,4-,Ohlorofo~ Chlo omet,liant .. -N.itra e Chlorfdt (ug/1) ~'trilchlorld.S: j,{J) . Chloride; Cm.WO Crn,vl) . ''I ' • 1, :lueJrf. I -,. (u~)/ . 19-Jun-19 96.0 ND ND ND 1.10 56.5 12-Sep-19 75.4 ND ND ND 0.999 52.0 18-Dec-19 84.4 ND ND ND l.21 60.1 18-Mar-20 55.0 ND ND ND 1.04 53.8 12-Jun-20 53.8 ND ND ND 1.06 56.9 18-Sep-20 39.5 ND ND ND 0.894 52.6 11-Nov-20 51.3 ND ND ND 1.27 54.7 18-Mar-21 26.9 ND ND ND 1.00 52.8 16-Jun-21 22.3 ND ND ND 1.12 51.5 22-Sep-21 17.0 ND ND ND 0.665 40.8 u, Cl) :::::, "i > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 .c 0 co I '11:t' 3: ~ 0 ~ ..- 0 0 0 ..- 0 0 CX) 0 0 (0 (1J6n) 0 0 ""'" 0 0 C\I 0 oc::-unr-B~ L~-das-c::c:: v~-oaa-a c::~-JdV-~ 50-1nr-9 90-ioo-o~ vo-uer-v~ I', . ,.~ ' ( .-~~on.' 1oM~ ; ;l;~r_... •::· Chlorometbane 'Nitrite .Chlorlct•·· I• 4-9 :~T~~nd €hlorlde ir' (ugffl. .. I• (~it) (ug/1) I' (;ti.Jn I ntg/0 It (Ing/I} . I:' . ' -· 20-Dec-99 4.2 15-Mar-00 1.9 2-Sep-00 14.2 29-Nov-OO 39.4 ND 27-Mar-01 43.6 ND 20-Jun-01 59.0 0.15 20-Sep-01 19.0 0.4 7-Nov-01 49.0 0.1 26-Mar-02 41.0 0.5 22-May-02 38.0 0.65 12-Sep-02 49.0 0.2 24-Nov-02 51.0 0.6 28-Mar-03 34.0 0.6 23-Jun-03 33.0 0.8 12-Sep-03 32.0 1.1 8-Nov-03 46.0 1.1 29-Mar-04 48.0 0.82 22-Jun-04 48.0 0.75 17-Sep-04 39.0 0.81 17-Nov-04 26.0 1.2 16-Mar-05 3.8 1.3 25-May-05 1.2 NA NA NA 1.3 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 2.9 <1 1.3 NA l-Dec-05 <1 <l <1 <1 1.3 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 2.6 <1 1.5 38 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 2.7 <1 1.5 39 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <1 <l 0.9 41 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.7 44 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.6 44 27-Jun-07 21 <l <l <1 1.3 42 15-Aug-07 9.5 <1 <1 <1 1.8 38 10-0ct-07 8.7 <1 <1 <1 2 40 26-Mar-08 1.3 <1 <1 <1 2.1 35 25-Jun-08 1.0 <1 <1 <1 2.3 35 10-Sep-08 <l <l <l <1 2.79 28 15-0ct-08 <l <1 <l <1 1.99 58 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <l <1 2.5 30 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <l <1 2.3 30 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.5 30 l'r • I . __ car;:~~n~--v ~¥ethfle~· lpil9roform ··· Chlo,rome.flume l'r ifr te ,,.Chloride 'FW*-9. 1r tu~, t:i . €uitd ~ . e (u,l:J Chi _ e (mg/I) 1'ttsift (mg/I) ) ;'' 17-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.7 37 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.7 47 9-Jun-10 <l <l <1 <1 1.5 33 11-Aug-10 <l <1 <1 <1 1.2 40 6-0ct-10 <l <l <l <1 1.8 34 17-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 1.3 41 25-May-l 1 ND ND ND ND 3.4 38 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 4 21 7-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND 2.3 38 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 2.3 28 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 4 23 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 3.9 22 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 3.8 21 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 4.12 20.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 4.49 21.4 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND 4.03 22.7 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.87 23.6 29-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 4.36 22 21-May-14 6.9 ND ND ND 3.44 24 14-Aug-14 46.9 ND ND ND 2.7 27 29-0ct-14 101 ND ND ND 4.27 25 12-Mar-15 53.5 ND ND ND 3.28 29.5 ll-Jun-15 35.1 ND ND ND J.83 35.3 3-Sep-15 48.2 ND ND ND 1.44 39.5 28-0ct-15 68.4 ND ND ND 2.89 29.2 17-Mar-16 74.3 ND ND ND 2.51 33 .6 8-Jun-16 76.2 ND ND ND 2.16 35.1 3-Aug-16 76.8 ND ND ND 2.11 33 .6 26-0ct-16 76 ND ND ND 2.24 37.4 16-Mar-17 113 ND ND ND 2.18 34.5 21-Jun-17 113 ND ND ND 1.92 35.9 3-Aug-17 118 ND ND ND 1.90 37.0 11-0ct-17 132 ND ND ND 2.18 32.3 21-Mar-18 159 ND ND ND 1.85 38.3 14-Jun-18 134 ND ND ND 1.85 35.7 5-Sep-18 94.2 ND ND ND 1.04 43 .4 13-Dec-18 109 ND ND ND 1.23 36.3 19-Mar-19 86.4 ND ND ND 1.09 36.9 19-Jun-19 68.1 ND ND ND 0.785 38.3 II \ I\_ ~-;; C.rhn ;.. Metbylen~ Oblbride :1 TW~.9 r,hJorofor'Jfl 1, ClilOl'omethane Nitrate (dgffl Tetra=p<Ie (ug?.I) Chlorfde c,g11~ (mg/I) I fo iua/11 --; ll-Sep-19 66.0 ND ND ND 0.904 35.2 18-Dec-19 54.8 ND ND ND 0.744 40.1 18-Mar-20 48.9 ND ND ND 0.855 37.7 12-Jun-20 55.1 ND ND ND 0.990 39.5 18-Sep-20 45.0 ND ND ND 0.867 36.7 ll-Nov-20 47.1 ND ND ND 1.11 37.2 18-Mar-21 39.0 ND ND ND J.06 40.7 16-Jun-21 102.0 ND ND ND L.00 37.4 22-Sep-21 30.0 ND ND ND 0.700 30.8 u, G) .2 co > E ... 0 -0 ... ..2 .c 0 0) I ; I- 0 co ..... 0 (0 ..... 0 '<t" ..... 0 C\J ..... 0 0 ..... (1J6n) 0 (X) 0 co 0 C\J oi-unr-s~ L~-das-ic v~-oaa-a U-Jd'v'-~ ao-1nr-9 90-PO·O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 ' ' Ii Om>.oa 1, Methtlene, 1, I• 4--lli Cb{Qro ~.-ap ~·rir 'racblo a €bloromethane cw Nin-ate 1''Chloiide , ;. (ug/1) ;(ud). (ng/t) lue/1). mglt} 0 git) • _, - 21-Jan-02 14 26-Mar-02 16 0.14 21-May-02 17 0.11 12-Sep-02 6 ND 24-Nov-02 14 ND 28-Mar-03 29 0.2 23-Jun-03 110 0.4 12-Sep-03 74 0.4 8-Nov-03 75 0.3 29-Mar-04 22 0.1 22-Jun-04 32 ND 17-Sep-04 63 0.46 17-Nov-04 120 0.4 16-Mar-05 140 1.6 25-May-05 62.4 NA NA NA 0.8 NA 31-Aug-05 110 <2.5 6.2 <2.5 1.1 NA 1-Dec-05 300 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 3.3 NA 9-Mar-06 190 <5 <50 <50 2.4 50 14-Jun-06 300 <5 <50 <50 3.5 54 20-Jul-06 504 <5 <50 <50 6.8 61 8-Nov-06 452 <1 1.6 1 5.7 58 28-Feb-07 500 <1 <1 1 7.6 62 27-Jun-07 350 <1 <1 1 5.1 54 15-Aug-07 660 <1 <1 1 7.3 59 10-0ct-07 470 <1 <1 1 6.7 59 26-Mar-08 620 <1 <1 1 7.3 55 25-Jun-08 720 <1 <l 1 9.91 58 10-Sep-08 680 <1 <l 1 9.23 51 15-0ct-08 1200 <2 <2 2 10.5 61 1 l-Mar-09 1100 <l <l 1 11.6 64 24-Jun-09 1200 <l <1 1 9.8 62 15-Sep-09 910 <1 <1 1 8.1 51 22-Dec-09 300 <1 <1 <1 3.5 51 3-Mar-10 460 <l <1 <1 5 49 10-Jun-10 220 <l <1 <1 1.6 42 12-Aug-10 100 <l <1 <1 0.8 38 13-0ct-10 1100 <l <1 <1 11 52 23-Feb-l l 620 ND ND ND 9 62 1-Jun-11 280 ND ND ND 3.3 42 .'l •, t Ca b!lt I• ' -~ I/tu. lene C I 1, Chlo c:>fol'm CbJo'tometbpne Nitr w. .,Ohlodde 11 W+ 0 Tetraddoride hlo d -(~~ ". ·iue111· (ug/1) 1 ' ruitlll .. (mgl.l) I (mg/I) I•· • Sc 17-Aug-11 180 ND ND ND 1.9 41 16-Nov-11 110 ND ND ND 1.1 45 19-Jan-12 76 ND ND ND 0.9 40 13-Jun-12 79 ND ND ND 0.8 46 12-Sep-12 130 ND ND ND 1.0 44 3-0ct-12 140 ND ND ND 1.6 45 13-Feb-13 154 ND ND ND 1.2 49.l 13-Jun-13 486 ND ND ND 5.6 51.5 12-Sep-13 1160 ND ND ND 13.0 67.9 14-Nov-13 1380 ND ND ND 16.0 70.9 5-Feb-14 1260 5.16 ND ND 16.8 73 23-May-14 1110 ND ND ND 13.9 77.3 27-Aug-14 1060 ND 1.5 ND 9.8 74 30-0ct-14 1220 ND ND ND 13.2 75.2 18-Mar-15 1210 ND ND ND 15.0 78.6 ll-Jun-15 1240 ND ND ND 11.4 75 10-Sep-15 1280 ND ND ND 14.0 89.5 29-0ct-15 1350 ND ND ND 13.5 79.9 22-Mar-16 1430 ND ND ND 17.3 84.1 8-Jun-16 1510 ND ND ND 14.9 89.5 4-Aug-16 1500 ND ND ND 14.9 85.3 27-0ct-16 1290 ND ND ND 14.8 84.4 21-Mar-17 1260 ND ND ND 13.0 74.6 21-Jun-17 1140 ND ND ND 13.0 73.1 4-Aug-17 1320 ND ND ND 13.4 77.0 11-0ct-l 7 1150 ND ND ND 12.9 70.0 21-Mar-18 1240 ND ND ND 11.1 72.7 14-Jun-18 914 ND ND ND 11.2 64.5 5-Sep-18 911 ND ND ND 10.1 73.5 13-Dec-18 1070 ND ND ND 10.6 63.5 20-Mar-19 869 ND ND ND 9.34 59.3 19-Jun-19 799 ND ND ND 8.86 58.7 12-Sep-19 734 ND ND ND 7.79 55.8 18-Dec-19 768 ND ND ND 6.89 62.0 18-Mar-20 798 ND ND ND 7.83 53.5 12-Jun-20 928 ND ND ND 8.13 60.1 19-Sep-20 854 ND ND ND 7.34 53.9 ll-Nov-20 903 ND ND ND 8.69 58.6 24-Mar-21 718 ND ND ND 7.20 58.1 17-Jun-21 ND 23-Sep-2 1 ND u, Cl) :::, ca > E I., 0 -0 I., .2 .t:. 0 0 .,... I ; I- 0 0 (0 ,-- 0 0 'St" ,-- 0 0 C\1 ,-- 0 0 0 ,-- 0 0 a:> 0 0 (0 {1/6n) 0 0 'St" 0 0 C\1 oz-unr-a~ Z ~ -Jdy-~ 50-1nr-9 so-ioo-o~ W-Jdy-5 ~ 0 '• . J Clf ffiti ' . -I'• 11 • 4 .. ·.,: ~~7ro(,orm Tetnmhlerldlf i:'t:Jiiorometli..ne M tbyJene Nitrate Chloride (ug/i) i I': ('lag/I) 1, 11 (mg/I) ,, (mg/I) ·1 _ hmn, . _ Cbloride ug!J) . ~ .. " .. 21-Jan-02 4700 26-Mar-02 4900 9.6 22-May-02 5200 9.07 12-Sep-02 6200 8.84 24-Nov-02 5800 9.7 28-Mar-03 5100 9.7 23-Jun-03 5700 9.4 12-Sep-03 4600 9.9 8-Nov-03 5200 9.3 29-Mar-04 5300 9.07 22-Jun-04 5700 8.74 17-Sep-04 4800 8.75 17-Nov-04 5800 9.7 16-Mar-05 4400 8.7 25-May-05 3590 NA NA NA 10.3 NA 31-Aug-05 4400 <10 <10 <10 9.4 NA 1-Dec-05 4400 <100 <100 <100 9.4 NA 9-Mar-06 4400 <50 <50 <50 9.2 56 14-Jun-06 4300 <50 <50 <50 10 56 20-Jul-06 4080 <50 <50 <50 10 55 8-Nov-06 3660 1.7 2.7 1.3 10 55 28-Feb-07 3500 1.3 <1 1.6 10.l 54 27-Jun-07 3800 1.6 <1 1.1 10.6 53 15-Aug-07 4500 1.7 <1 1.1 10.2 53 10-0ct-07 4400 1.6 <1 1.2 9.8 53 26-Mar-08 340 <1 <1 <1 7.7 63 25-Jun-08 640 <1 <1 <1 7.28 46 10-Sep-08 900 <1 <1 <1 7.93 42 15-0ct-08 1000 <2 <2 <2 9.46 47 11-Mar-09 1100 <1 <1 <1 7.3 49 24-Jun-09 980 <1 <1 <1 6.8 44 15-Sep-09 1000 <1 <1 <l 7 49 29-Dec-09 860 <1 <1 <l 6.6 46 3-Mar-10 820 <l <1 <l 6.8 42 10-Jun-10 820 <1 <l <1 6.9 40 12-Aug-10 800 <1 <1 <1 6.7 43 13-0ct-10 720 <1 <l <1 6.4 49 23-Feb-11 1000 ND ND ND 6.5 46 l-Jun-11 930 ND ND ND 7.3 49 • I> Cairoon I ., . ' ,·. Chlo Qfo.rm Ohm . dw1e M•tlkylene itrafe loride' TW4· t (ugffl Ti ... :.--· . ~ ':.::... (~), •...,i. -•. :f. ( uil{I) (mg/I) (l:ngll) I . -~tm}f).. . ' ~- 17-Aug-11 820 ND ND ND 7.1 48 16-Nov-l 1 1500 ND ND ND 7.1 46 24-Jan-12 610 ND ND ND 6.8 43 13-Jun-12 660 ND ND ND 6.7 52 13-Sep-12 740 ND ND ND 3 49 4-0ct-12 730 ND ND ND 7 50 13-Feb-13 867 3.23 ND ND 6.83 47.3 18-Jun-13 788 ND ND ND 7.42 49 . .7 12-Sep-13 865 ND ND ND 7.8 46.6 13-Nov-13 874 ND ND ND 8.01 46.7 5-Feb-14 785 5.19 ND ND 8.47 48.5 23-May-14 751 ND ND ND 6.92 5J.6 27-Aug-14 719 ND 1.2 ND 5.4 48 29-0ct-14 803 ND ND ND 7.33 56.4 9-Mar-15 2450 1.24 ND ND 8.72 49.8 8-Jun-15 2710 ND ND ND 8.48 62.2 31-Aug-15 1120 ND 1.62 ND 9.61 73.1 19-0ct-15 2730 ND ND ND 7.5 55.3 9-Mar-16 2660 1.2 ND ND 7.13 55 .5 23-May-16 3340 2.19 ND ND 7.81 56.4 11 25-Jul-16 3200 ND ND ND 8.83 55.3 12-0ct-16 3180 1.58 ND ND 8.92 57 .2 8-Mar-17 3310 1.71 ND ND 8.12 49.8 13-Jun-17 3370 1.83 ND ND 7.92 51.4 26-Jul-17 3290 1.81 ND ND 7.78 51.0 ll-Oct-17 2880 1.48 ND ND 7.79 49.7 12-Mar-18 3090 1.82 ND ND 7.89 54.0 8-Jun-18 2800 1.34 ND ND 7.51 52.6 22-Aug-18 3050 1.47 ND ND 7.15 53.3 28-Nov-18 2930 1.33 ND ND 6.85 45.4 8-Mar-19 2820 1.48 ND ND 7.50 46.8 5-Jun-19 2970 1.52 1.40 ND 8.30 45.3 4-Sep-19 2790 ND ND ND 7.15 48.8 10-Dec-19 3250 ND ND ND 7.14 49.0 19-Feb-20 2990 ND ND ND 7.07 51.9 27-May-20 2810 1.37 ND ND 7.56 48.6 4-Sep-20 3070 1.37 ND ND 7.59 46.3 28-0ct-20 2670 ND 3.86 ND 7.19 43.3 23-Feb-21 2750 ND 3.86 ND 7.21 49.5 NJtrat& Chloride (mi/I) (mg/I) 8.17 37.7 5.78 40.2 V, Cl) :::, ca > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 .c 0 ,-,- I ; I- .-------.------,----..------.------r----..-----.-8C::·J'eV',J-9 ~ -oc::-unr-B~ L~-das-c::c:: C:: ~ -JdV-~ 60-1nr-9 90-PO·O~ vo-uer-v~ i-----+----+----+--------+--------t-B6·1nr-vc:: 0 0 0 (!) 0 0 0 LO 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 C") (1,Sn) 0 0 0 C\J 0 0 0 ..- 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-12 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) (u2'1) (uwl) 12-Sep-02 2 2.54 24-Nov-02 0 2.2 28-Mar-03 .0 1.9 23-Jun-03 0 1.8 12-Sep-03 0 1.8 9-Nov-03 0 1.6 29-Mar-04 0 1.58 22-Jun-04 0 1.4 17-Sep-04 0 1.24 17-Nov-04 0 1.5 16-Mar-05 0 1.4 25-May-05 <l NA NA NA 1.6 NA 31-Aug-05 <l <l 5.8 <l 1.5 NA l-Dec-05 <I <l 1.9 <2 1.4 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <l 2.6 <1 1.3 19 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 1.4 <1 1.4 16 20-Jul-06 <l <l <l <l 1.4 16 8-Nov-06 <1 <l <1 <l 1.4 16 28-Feb-07 <l <l <l <I 1.5 16 27-Jun-07 <I <l <l <1 1,5 18 15-Aug-07 <1 <l <I <l 1.4 29 10-0ct-07 <l <l <1 <l 1.4 16 26-Mar-08 <1 <l <1 <1 1.6 16 25-Jun-08 <l <l <1 <1 2.69 19 10-Sep-08 <l <l <1 <1 2.65 18 15-0ct-08 <l <1 <1 <1 2.47 22 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.4 23 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.8 22 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 5.1 22 16-Dec-09 <l <l <1 <I 3.6 23 23-Feb-lO <I <l <1 <1 4 22 8-Jun-10 <1 <l <1 <1 11 29 10-Aug-10 <l <1 <1 <1 9 35 5-0ct-10 <l <1 <1 <l 8 31 15-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 6.5 31 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 7 32 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 6.8 31 15-Nov-l 1 ND ND ND ND 8 30 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 7.7 28 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-12 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) (ue/1) (ue/1) 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 10 34 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 13 39 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 13 39 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 12.6 36.7 29-May-13 ND ND r, ND ND 14.2 38.6 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 17.4 41.7 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 16.4 41.4 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 18.4 41.6 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 17 40.2 27-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 13 47 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 16.1 50.2 l 1-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 19.2 50.6 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 18.8 56 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 16.4 60.2 21-0ct-l 5 ND ND ND ND 18 51.0 15-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 34.8 56.2 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 30.7 66.4 27-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 37.7 67.5 19-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 25.8 72.6 14-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 25.9 62.6 14-Jun-17 1.25 ND ND ND 29.9 67.2 2-Aug-17 1.20 ND ND ND 25.1 65.3 1 O-Oct-17 ND ND ND ND 26.9 56.2 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 19.8 59.5 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 18.4 53.6 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 13.6 59.9 30-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 10.4 56.1 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 10.1 50.8 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 8.31 55.3 1 l-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 8.88 52.6 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 8.04 58.0 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 6.39 53.0 10-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 4.95 51.7 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 2.34 50.3 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 5.91 48.0 l 7-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 3.10 52.0 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 2.39 51.8 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 1.95 36.1 19-Apr-01 14-Jan-04 10-0ct-06 6-Jul-09 1-Apr-12 27-Dec-14 22-Sep-17 18-Jun-20 15-Mar-23 9 0 • • ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 '. ' ' •• 0 '. ' ' l •• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' h ' • • 0 01 (ug/L) ..... 0 ..... 01 - I\) 0 i I .... N 0 ':S' 0 ... ~ ... 3 ~ C (I) C/) I Cblerofor , Carb:ea Chlo~ M~ene Nitirafte Chi clde 'FW4-13 'few chloliU1 ane Obiuirle ~) (lid) (ugA~ Cu~ (m,g.41) (RltdO 12-Sep-02 ND ND 24-Nov-02 ND ND 28-Mar-03 ND 0.20 23-Jun-03 ND 0.20 12-Sep-03 ND ND 9-Nov-03 ND 0.90 29-Mar-04 ND 0.12 22-Jun-04 ND 0.17 17-Sep-04 ND 4.43 17-Nov-04 ND 4.70 16-Mar-05 ND 4.20 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA 4.30 NA 31-Aug-05 <l <1 3.1 <1 4.60 NA 1-Dec-05 <1 <l <1 <1 4.30 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <l 1.7 <l 4.20 67.0 14-Jun-06 <l <I 1.4 <l 4.90 66.0 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.30 65.0 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.80 33.0 28-Feb-07 <l <1 <1 <1 4.00 59.0 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.60 59.0 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.40 58.0 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.10 58.0 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.80 54.0 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.24 58.0 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.26 50.0 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.63 58.0 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.70 58.0 24-Jun-09 <l <1 <1 <l 1.20 57.0 15-Sep-09 <1 <l <1 <1 4.70 63.0 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.10 60.0 24-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.30 53.0 8-Jun-10 <l <1 <1 <l 5.20 52.0 10-Aug-10 <1 <l <l <l 5.60 55 ,0 5-0ct-10 <l <l <l <l 5.80 55.0 15-Feb-l l ND ND ND ND 5.50 60.0 25-May-l I ND ND ND ND 5.40 56.0 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 5.20 60.0 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND 5.90 54.0 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 5.50 55.0 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 6.00 59.0 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 6.20 60.0 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 5.90 60.0 C otonn 'CatibnD Glrlore -ethane Metb,Iene Niti'ate Obloriide TW4-13 (ng/JO Tetracbl-0,ridi ,._,,t}. CMoride .(mg!f) (mg/I) , .. €o!Al~ 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 6.31 59.3 29-May-13 ND ND ND ND 6.84 56 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 7.16 63.5 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 6.48 58.5 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 7.09 63.1 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 5.99 56.1 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 4.80 62 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 6.28 66.J 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 7.09 66.4 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 6.32 70.3 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 5.70 76.5 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 5.78 65.5 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 7.97 69.4 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 5.87 71.8 28-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 6.14 69.3 19-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 6.20 70.9 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 6.05 66.0 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 6.49 70.4 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 6.15 70.5 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 6.17 60.9 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 5.76 71.0 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 6.24 65.0 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 5.13 73.7 30-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 5.29 64.5 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 5.74 61.6 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 6.56 65.4 13-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 5.19 65.3 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 5.17 68.7 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 5.50 63.9 11-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 5.96 62.7 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 5.25 60.2 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 4.92 60.6 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 5.57 67.3 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 2.88 57.7 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 4.80 54.2 Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03 Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 0 J I 0 •• ,. 0 0 ' I ' J 0 0 0 • 0 0 ' . 0 0 u 0 0 0 I I ' • 0 0 0 • ~ 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 . ~ u • ~ 0 I 0 • • 0 0 0 u ·~ 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ~ 9 I\) 9 w 0 :i:,.. (ug/L) 9 u, () ::l'" 0 -,. 0 -h 0 -,. 3 ::l'" D) U) ::, 0 ,-+ C" CD CD ::, a. CD ,-+ CD 0 ,-+ CD a. ::, --1 ~ ~ I ...... u) 9 0) 0 :....i 0 00 9 (0 ~ ~ =E .,:a. I ...... w 0 J 0 -, 0 -0 "'I 3 < !. C: (I) en Qtonbm Crll&D Joru-.,.,J.-e Met!I tene --· c··· .. ,1 'fW4-14 'f dtloride ci.~nre . (,ug/1) fDid~ (~) (rmd!). c~, (m'gfAl) 'I 8-Nov-06 <l <1 <l <1 2.40 37.0 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <l <1 2.30 38.0 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.40 38.0 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <l <1 1.10 36.0 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <l <l 0.80 36.0 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <l 0.04 57.0 25-Jun-08 <1 <l <1 <1 l.56 35.0 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.34 34.0 15-0ct-08 <1 <l <1 <1 0.76 40.0 4-Mar-09 <l <1 <1 <1 1.60 35.0 24-Jun-09 <l <l <1 <1 1.40 36.0 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.50 38.0 16-Dec-09 <l <1 <1 <l l.40 34.0 3-Mar-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.50 33.0 8-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <l 2.90 49.0 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <l 2.80 35.0 6-0ct-10 <1 <1 <l <1 2.90 29.0 15-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 1.80 25.0 16-Aug-ll ND ND ND ND 2.60 33.0 15-Nov-l l ND ND ND ND 1.70 15.0 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 1.90 20.0 31-May-!2 ND ND ND ND 3.30 35.0 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 3.90 37.0 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 4.20 37.0 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 4.63 35.2 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 4.37 38.6 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 4.51 37.6 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.81 36.5 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 5.92 35.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 4.87 32.5 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 4.10 38.0 23-0ct-14 1.68 ND ND ND 5.22 38.9 12-Mar-15 1.71 ND ND ND 5.22 40.J 10-Jun-15 1.82 ND ND ND 3.55 4 1.8 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 2.77 42.4 21-0ct-15 1.46 ND ND ND 2.45 40.6 16-Mar-16 4.49 ND ND 2.18 2.94 42.4 26-May-16 6.15 ND ND 3.18 2.45 43.6 28-Jul-16 5.00 ND ND 1.80 2.88 42.4 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene itrate Chloride I! 'FW4-14 (ug/1) Tetrtcbloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) (u2/l) (uwl) 20-0ct-16 7.02 ND ND 1.59 2.86 45.6 15-Mar-17 6.45 ND ND ND 4.36 45 .4 15-Jun-17 6.85 ND ND ND 5.12 46.9 2-Aug-17 6.14 ND ND ND 4.84 46.4 10-0ct-17 6.13 ND ND ND 4.73 42.5 15-Mar-18 5.80 ND ND ND 5.67 51.5 13-Jun-18 5.12 ND ND ND 6.36 46.9 30-Aug-18 4.76 ND ND ND 5.34 54.1 12-Dec-18 4.41 ND ND ND 5.85 48.7 16-Mar-19 4.08 ND ND ND 6.16 48.7 13-Jun-19 4.18 ND ND ND 5.86 48.3 ll-Sep-19 6.08 ND ND ND 4.77 45.4 14-Dec-19 3.83 ND ND ND 4.76 49.4 17-Mar-20 2.98 ND ND ND 6.17 48.4 11-Jun-20 2.87 ND ND ND 6.57 47.6 18-Sep-20 2.41 ND ND ND 5.57 45 .1 4-Nov-20 2.69 ND ND ND 5.81 49.7 18-Mar-21 1.77 ND ND ND 5.56 48.2 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 7.02 49.5 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 5.56 34.4 "' Q) ::::s as > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 .c 0 ,i::t' ,... I ,i::t' 3: I- 0 ~ co 0 0 cri 0 0 ui 0 0 ..,f (1,Sn) 0 0 (') 0 0 C\i 0 0 0 0 c::i oi-unr-B~ L~-das-lc v ~ -:>aa-a l ~ -JdV-~ 60-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ ChlQroform Car1loa °*t'O~De ~·'-Nitrate Chlodde M·W-26 (ug/11) Tetradlfedd~ {ug11) ~ (mgll) (\Ing/I' ,(tid {~· , 12-Sep-02 3 ND 24-Nov-02 0 ND 28-Mar-03 0 0.1 23-Jun-03 7800 14.5 15-Aug-03 7400 16.8 12-Sep-03 2500 2.7 25-Sep-03 2600 2.5 29-0ct-03 3100 3.1 8-Nov-03 3000 2.8 29-Mar-04 NA NA 22-Jun-04 NA NA 17-Sep-04 1400 0.53 17-Nov-04 300 0.2 16-Mar-05 310 0.3 30-Mar-05 230 0.2 25-May-05 442 NA NA NA 0.2 NA 31-Aug-05 960 <5 5.4 <5 0.2 NA l-Dec-05 1000 <50 <50 <50 0.3 NA 9-Mar-06 1100 <50 <50 <50 0.2 52 14-Jun-06 830 <50 <50 <50 0.2 52 20-Jul-06 2170 <50 <50 <50 1.4 65 8-Nov-06 282 <l <l 2.8 0.3 54 28-Feb-07 570 <1 <1 5.5 0.5 56 27-Jun-07 300 <1 <1 13 0.4 49 15-Aug-07 1400 <1 <1 36 1 57 10-0ct-07 2000 <l <l 14 0.6 57 26-Mar-08 930 <l <l 40 0.1 49 25-Jun-08 1300 <l <l 53 0.56 57 10-Sep-08 630 <1 <l 24 0.24 44 15-0ct-08 1700 <l <l 100 0.65 64 4-Mar-09 950 <l <l 51 0.4 49 24-Jun-09 410 <l <l 12 0.2 48 15-Sep-09 850 <1 <l 30 0.1 46 14-Dec-09 1100 <1 <l 40 2.3 60 17-Feb-10 780 <1 <1 19 0.2 57 9-Jun-10 1900 <l <1 28 1.1 58 16-Aug-10 2200 <1 <l 21 0.6 49 1 l-Oct-10 970 <1 <l 6.5 0.7 65 23-Feb-11 450 ND ND 3.6 0.5 57 Cai on ethyl e I W-26 Chtoroform etradu rkle CJtlorom ane ri Nitrate Chloride (ug/1) (n~l (ug.l) ('usl) (mg/I) (mgll) 31-May-ll 1800 ND ND 1.3 0.4 88 17-Aug-ll 720 ND ND 7.2 0.9 58 5-Dec-11 1800 ND ND 2.9 2 69 7-Feb-12 2400 ND ND 16 1.7 98 6-Jun-12 3000 ND ND 21 2.5 73 4-Sep-12 3100 ND ND 31 2.6 73 4-0ct-12 1200 ND ND 4 1.8 68 ll-Feb-13 2120 ND ND 9.34 2.27 81.9 5-Jun-13 4030 ND ND 52.4 2.11 77.9 3-Sep-13 2940 ND ND 33.2 1.18 60.5 29-0ct-13 1410 ND ND 4.03 1.38 72.3 27-Jan-14 1400 ND ND 13.8 0.549 59.4 19-May-14 1960 ND ND 15.4 0.928 53.4 l 1-Aug-14 2120 ND 8.7 26 0.7 59 21-0ct-14 2090 ND ND 23.2 0.934 60.1 9-Mar-15 1980 ND ND 27.4 0.732 56.5 8-Jun-15 1980 ND ND 11.2 0.419 62 31-Aug-15 2350 ND 4.05 11.6 0.684 69.6 19-0ct-15 2680 ND 1.32 8.28 0.991 62.6 9-Mar-16 2650 ND 1.32 4.66 1.45 68.3 23-May-16 2220 ND ND 4.57 1.12 66.2 25-Jul-16 3190 ND ND 7.81 1.57 66.4 12-0ct-16 2510 ND ND 4.31 1.18 66.2 8-Mar-17 1290 ND ND 7.65 0.768 58.4 13-Jun-17 2450 ND ND 7.59 0.922 64.3 26-Jul-l 7 1230 ND ND 5.26 1.56 61.4 11-0ct-17 2570 ND ND 7.83 1.18 62.2 12-Mar-18 1210 ND ND 2.14 1.57 60.3 8-Jun-18 1870 ND ND 9.19 0.901 58.7 22-Aug-18 1680 ND ND ND 2.80 91.4 28-Nov-18 1480 ND ND ND 1.96 85.5 8-Mar-19 1110 ND ND 2.20 1.85 69.9 5-Jun-19 1280 ND ND 1.19 2.83 80.7 4-Sep-19 1360 ND ND 1.93 3.08 76.2 10-Dec-19 1390 ND ND 1.78 0.977 83.2 19-Feb-20 1100 ND ND ND 1.17 88.9 27-May-20 1610 ND ND 3.92 2.93 77.6 4-Sep-20 1130 ND ND 2.57 0.42 70.0 28-0ct-20 866 ND ND ND 3.62 67.4 C.hlorofoFm Carbon Cbloromethan Methylene Nitra~ Chloride MW-46 (ugll) '1'etra-cbloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I} (mgll) (ue/1) (ue/1) 23-Feb-21 3060 ND ND 3.46 0.349 59.5 9-Jun-21 998 ND ND ND 0.810 48.6 24-Aug-21 1580 ND ND ND 0.671 46.6 oc-unr-e~ L~-das-cc v~-oaa-a ti) G) ::l -; > U-JdV-~ E ... 0 -0 ... ..2 .c 0 (0 50-1nr-9 N I == :E 90-PO-O~ ~Q-JdV-6 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U') 0 U') 0 U') 0 U') 0 U') "<t "<t C") C") C\I C\I .... .... (1/6n) Carfttm ---t I Chloroform Chleronidb . itrnte Clllori e TW4-16 (ug/1) Tetrad!hi (ugtl) Chlwide {Dl,i'A) {fflfll) I fuel), < {ud 12-Sep-02 140 ND 24-Nov-02 200 ND 28-Mar-03 260 ND 23-Jun-03 370 ND 12-Sep-03 350 ND 8-Nov-03 400 ND 29-Mar-04 430 ND 22-Jun-04 530 ND 17-Sep-04 400 ND 17-Nov-04 350 ND 16-Mar-05 240 ND 25-May-05 212 NA NA NA <0.1 NA 31-Aug-05 85 <1 3.2 43 <0.1 NA l-Dec-05 14 <2.5 2.6 5.9 1.4 NA 9-Mar-06 39 <1 1.1 21 3 60 14-Jun-06 13 <1 2.4 8.9 1.9 55 20-Jul-06 5.2 <1 <1 2.7 2.7 60 8-Nov-06 13 .6 <1 <1 9.2 5.6 62 28-Feb-07 8.7 <1 <1 6.5 12.3 79 27-Jun-07 2.6 <1 <I 1.8 9.9 75 15-Aug-07 7.1 <1 <I 5.1 5.4 66 10-0ct-07 1.4 <1 <1 <1 4.4 69 26-Mar-08 11 <1 <1 26 ND 52 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.46 58 10-Sep-08 10 <1 <1 14 10.5 71 15-0ct-08 3.9 <l <1 6.6 9.82 89 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <l <1 9.6 78 24-Jun-09 <1 <l <1 <1 8.9 76 15-Sep-09 <1 <l <l <1 8.8 79 17-Dec-09 <1 <l <1 <1 5.2 76 24-Feb-10 <l <1 <1 <1 4.2 77 9-Jun-10 2.1 <1 <1 <1 4.7 64 24-Aug-10 4.3 <1 <1 <1 4.6 72 6-0ct-10 3 <l <1 <1 3.3 72 22-Feb-ll 15 ND ND ND 7 86 26-May-11 16 ND ND ND 5 81 17-Aug-11 9.2 ND ND ND 1.7 63 16-Nov-11 ND ND ND 1.4 0.4 38 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND 1.7 0.1 48 c;.;.!11CIA0 m C -C,'tifonnnetiban -MettbyJene Nitrate Chlmde II TW4-.16 . • •e tfe -• e:1111 (~ (ugt,l~ I ' (mg/I) ~~ {ul?ID {'\l2/l}, - 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND ND 53 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND ND 59 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND 3 ND 53 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND 3 ND 58.I 30-May-13 ND ND ND 4.21 ND 49.8 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 54.4 7-Nov-13 13.4 ND ND ND 1.37 56.6 29-Jan-14 6.9 ND ND ND 3.16 66.8 22-May-14 14.6 ND ND ND 4.94 80.7 14-Aug-14 229 ND ND ND 5.1 80 24-Sep-14 371 ND ND ND NIA NIA 29-0ct-14 387 ND ND ND 8.40 92.1 12-Mar-15 153 ND ND ND 4.30 65.3 ll-Jun-15 65.3 ND ND ND 1.06 61 3-Sep-15 82 ND ND ND 1.18 65 .8 28-0ct-15 112 ND ND ND 1.69 58.3 17-Mar-16 45.9 ND ND ND 1.63 56.5 26-May-16 93.4 ND ND ND 1.89 61.3 3-Aug-16 49 ND ND ND 2.20 60 26-0ct-16 92.9 ND ND ND 2.78 66.7 8-Mar-17 19.1 ND ND ND 2.75 62.2 20-Jun-17 64.3 ND ND ND 1.81 60.6 3-Aug-17 143 ND ND ND 2.63 67.1 11-0ct-17 97.8 ND ND ND 2.12 54.2 20-Mar-18 170 ND ND ND 4.55 85.1 14-Jun-18 54.5 ND ND ND 2.83 62.5 30-Aug-18 54.5 ND ND ND 2.53 73.0 12-Dec-18 52.0 ND ND ND 2.88 68.8 19-Mar-19 60.6 ND ND ND 3.36 66.3 19-Jun-19 76.2 ND ND ND 2.43 71.5 12-Sep-19 99.8 ND ND ND 3.55 72.9 18-Dec-19 94.3 ND ND ND 3.37 88.6 18-Mar-20 113 ND ND ND 3.91 76.2 12-Jun-20 141 ND ND ND 4.44 79.7 19-Sep-20 220 ND ND ND 4.74 77.4 4-Nov-20 270 ND ND ND 5.73 85.9 24-Mar-21 248 ND ND ND 5.82 92.6 17-Jun-21 247 ND ND ND 6.74 87.4 23-Sep-21 202 ND ND ND 5.32 79.8 en Cl) ::::s ca > E ... 0 -0 ... 0 :c 0 co ,.... I '11::1' 3: I- .--------,-----.....----------~-----.----~ 8c-JBl/\l-9 ~ oi-unr-s ~ -L~-das-cc v~-oaa-a G ~ -JdV-~ 60-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 1------+-------+----+-----+-----1-----+ W-JdV-6 ~ 0 0 <D 0 0 ll) 0 0 """ 0 0 ('I') (1J6n) 0 0 C\J 0 0 T""" 0 Chloroform Cal'b'.e Ohio:'"'""" -& Mefhyl lj ate Cbtoride MW-32 ~ug/1) Tetrec&lorlc!le 1 (ug/l) Chle ·de (~ (Rtgtl) (od·) 'lue/11 12-Sep-02 1.6 ND 24-Nov-02 ND ND 28-Mar-03 ND ND 23-Jun-03 ND ND 12-Sep-03 ND ND 8-Nov-03 ND ND 29-Mar-04 ND ND 22-Jun-04 ND ND 17-Sep-04 ND ND 17-Nov-04 ND ND 16-Mar-05 ND ND 30-Mar-05 ND ND 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA <0.1 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 3.2 <1 <0.1 NA 1-Dec-05 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 3.5 <1 <0.1 30 20-Jul-06 <1 <l 1.8 <1 <0.1 32 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 1.5 <1 <0.1 31 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 29 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 30 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 26 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 30 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 33 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 34 17-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 38 14-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 16-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 28 6-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 24 23-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND ND 40 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND ND 31 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND ND 33 6-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND ND 32 C bt 1, • lift--• -' l'l~~ _·,o~ c· ""ti ~ Nitr ChfurW,· MW-32 --,,_,_..,.-Tm::::_:: __ :.:_ '~~..,..---e We (DIA) (ugtf) ~) (mgtt) ,fafl4} (uetl;) 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND ND 21 4-Jun-12 ND ND ND ND ND 32 5-Sep-12 ND ND ND ND ND 33 10-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 35 13-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND ND 34.3 18-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND ND 34.9 4-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 33 29-0ct-13 ND ND ND ND ND 35.7 29-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34 23-May-14 ND ND ND ND ND 39.7 26-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34 29-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34.9 17-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND ND 36.3 ll-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND ND 35.8 9-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND ND 37.7 28-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND ND 34.7 22-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND ND 36.7 8-Jun-16 ND ND ND ND ND 37.2 17-Aug-16 ND ND ND ND ND 37.5 31-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND ND 36.9 21-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND ND 33.7 21-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND ND 37.2 4-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND ND 38.1 12-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND ND 32.6 15-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND ND 39.4 14-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND ND 34.4 5-Sep-18 ND ND ND ND ND 41.2 29-0ct-18 ND ND ND ND ND 32.9 19-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND ND 35.3 18-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND ND 36.5 ll-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND ND 33.7 18-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND ND 36.3 18-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND ND 36.0 12-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND ND 35.6 1·8-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND ND 34.7 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND ND 31.3 22-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND ND 36.8 17-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND ND 35.8 23-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND ND 34.3 u, G) ::::, ca > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 ~ 0 C\I C") I 3: :ii: .----..-----.,----,-----,-----..-----,-----,-----,-----.-EC:-J'Bll'J-9 ~ •• 0 0 a 0 oc:-unr-s~ •• •• • • 0 : • • • • L~-das-c:c: • • • • : • •• vk~aa-a •• •• • • ' •• u ' G ~ -Jd'v'-~ l •• • •• 60-1nr-9 •• I • • •• ·~ 90-PO-O~ B •• . . , • vo-uer-v~ . • •• 1----1-------!t----+---t----+----+---+-------~Q-Jd'v'-6 ~ (1/6n) (X) 0 <D 0 0 II Carbon .... a: --... e Chloroform Cider~ ~ Nitrate Cldoritfe TW.4-18· (ug/1) Tetrachloride (~) Chh>. (JD~) ( g{I) (ue/1) tmtJlr): 12-Sep-02 440 l.49 24-Nov-02 240 13.3 28-Mar-03 160 13.1 23-Jun-03 110 19 12-Sep-03 68.0 19.9 9-Nov-03 84.0 20.7 29-Mar-04 90.0 14 22-Jun-04 82.0 12.2 17-Sep-04 38.0 14.5 17-Nov-04 51.0 17.3 16-Mar-05 38.0 14.1 25-May-05 29.8 NA NA NA 12.9 NA 31-Aug-05 39 <1 2.8 <1 13.3 NA l-Dec-05 14 <1 1.1 <1 7.3 NA 9-Mar-06 12.0 <1 1.1 <1 5.9 5.9 14-Jun-06 12.0 <1 1.6 <l 4.7 35 20-Jul-06 10.8 <1 2.7 <1 6.1 35 8-Nov-06 139 <1 <l <1 8.7 34 28-Feb-07 9.2 <l <1 <1 5.1 30 27-Jun-07 8.0 <1 <1 <1 4.9 28 15-Aug-07 8.9 <1 <1 <1 5 32 10-0ct-07 7.4 <1 <1 <1 4.4 27 26-Mar-08 6.4 <l <1 <1 0.7 23 25-Jun-08 5.7 <1 <1 <1 4.55 23 10-Sep-08 8.0 <1 <1 <1 4.68 26 15-0ct-08 9.4 <1 <1 <1 5,15 30 4-Mar-09 11.0 <1 <1 <1 5.2 29 24-Jun-09 16.0 <1 <1 <1 6.2 30 15-Sep-09 13.0 <l <1 <l 5.9 26 22-Dec-09 8.2 <l <1 <1 5.4 30 24-Feb-10 69.0 <1 <l <1 5.1 41 9-Jun-10 29.0 <1 <1 <1 9 35 12-Aug-10 29.0 <l <1 <l 9 37 13-0ct-10 30.0 <l <1 <l 10 50 22-Feb-l 1 39.0 ND ND ND 10 52 - 26-May-l 1 26.0 ND ND ND 9 36 17-Aug-11 29.0 ND ND ND 4.6 23 7-Dec-11 28.0 ND ND ND 6.3 23 19-Jan-12 25.0 ND ND ND 4.4 18 Gl!tkvofonn Cub Ch(otometbane -~Chy.hme MitlrM.e Otilmtle TW4-18 -~i Tetna~ ~ug/1) Cblbmle {~ {mg/\) 1uu/i& ((tmmll' 13-Jun-12 24.0 ND ND ND 6.6 30 11-Sep-12 38.0 ND ND ND 6.6 26 3-0ct-12 30.0 ND ND ND 6 27 13-Feb-13 34.9 ND ND ND 5.58 23.l 13-Jun-13 37.9 ND ND ND 8.86 22.9 5-Sep-13 41.0 ND ND ND 12.1 36.2 13-Nov-13 44.3 ND ND ND 14.2 37.1 30-Jan-14 38.9 ND ND ND 12.8 40.9 22-May-14 34.8 ND ND ND 12.2 47 14-Aug-14 32.8 ND ND ND 9.8 49 28-0ct-14 33.0 ND ND ND 11.1 40.8 12-Mar-15 32.0 ND ND ND 11.7 41.6 11-Jun-15 30.5 ND ND ND 9.69 43.5 3-Sep-15 28.7 ND ND ND 15.7 47.6 28-0ct-15 52.9 ND ND ND 6.24 39.4 17-Mar-16 56.6 ND ND ND 5.96 40.7 8-Jun-16 60.0 ND ND ND 5.43 43.8 3-Aug-16 56.3 ND ND ND 5.79 40.7 26-0ct-16 60.1 ND ND ND 5.24 43.9 16-Mar-17 62.0 ND ND ND 4.47 39.4 20-Jun-17 63.8 ND ND ND 4.5 41.6 3-Aug-17 62.8 ND ND ND 4.24 40.4 10-0ct-17 62.9 ND ND ND 4.43 37.1 15-Mar-18 62.3 ND ND ND 4.32 44.3 13-Jun-18 59.9 ND ND ND 4.09 39.5 30-Aug-18 56.2 ND ND ND 3.51 45.6 13-Dec-18 57.6 ND ND ND 3.60 38.2 19-Mar-19 52.8 ND ND ND 3.85 37.6 19-Jun-19 54.2 ND ND ND 4.01 39.5 11-Sep-19 56.2 ND ND ND 3.25 36.8 18-Dec-19 62.0 ND ND ND 3.02 42.7 18-Mar-20 57.0 ND ND ND 3.71 39.4 12-Jun-20 58.2 ND ND ND 3.62 41.4 18-Sep-20 60.0 ND ND ND 3.36 38.7 11-Nov-20 58.6 ND ND ND 3.67 39.6 18-Mar-21 52.0 ND ND ND 3.61 41.8 16-Jun-21 54.2 ND ND ND 4.24 37.7 22-Sep-21 49.9 ND ND ND 3.37 29.8 U) cu :::, ca > E ... 0 0 ... ..2 .c 0 ClO Y-I o::t' ~ I- 0 0 ll) 0 ll) '<:I" -~ 0 0 '<:I" 0 ll) Ct) 0 0 Ct) 0 ll) C\I , j . , • / ~ • . • ~. i-,~ • • • ' l --5 -y ~· •• • • 1 • ~ i [~ l---+---__.... 0 0 C\I (1/6n) 0 ll) ..... 0 0 ..... 0 ll) 0 oi-unr-a ~ L~-das-ii 60-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ ChlorofoJ!lll Carbon Cfflmr01iWlhaile Metbfleue Nitrate Chloride TW4-19 (ug/1) Treta ~.:_rid (ogll) Chlorid (mg/I) (mg/0 (u.elt) (11w\} 12-Sep-02 7700 47.6 24-Nov-02 5400 42 28-Mar-03 4200 61.4 15-May-03 4700 NA 23-Jun-03 4500 11.4 15-Jul-03 2400 6.8 15-Aug-03 2600 4 12-Sep-03 2500 5.7 25-Sep-03 4600 9.2 29-0ct-03 4600 7.7 9-Nov-03 2600 4.8 29-Mar-04 NA NA 22-Jun-04 NA NA 16-Aug-04 7100 9.91 17-Sep-04 2600 4.5 17-Nov-04 1800 3.6 16-Mar-05 2200 5.3 25-May-05 1200 5.7 31-Aug-05 1400 <5 <5 <5 4.6 NA l-Dec-05 2800 <50 <50 <50 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 1200 <50 <50 <50 4 86 14-Jun-06 1100 <50 <50 <50 5.2 116 20-Jul-06 1120 <50 <50 <50 4.3 123 8-Nov-06 1050 1.6 2.6 <l 4.6 134 28-Feb-07 1200 1.3 <1 <1 4 133 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 15-Aug-07 1100 1.9 <1 <l 4.1 129 10-0ct-07 1100 1.9 <1 <1 4 132 26-Mar-08 1800 2.9 <1 <1 2.2 131 25-Jun-08 1000 1 <l <l 2.81 128 IO-Sep-08 3600 8.6 <1 <1 36.2 113 15-0ct-08 4200 12 <l <l 47.8 124 4-Mar-09 1100 1.2 <1 <l 3.2 127 24-Jun-09 990 1.2 <l <1 2.4 132 15-Sep-09 6600 15 <l <1 0.1 43 14-Dec-09 4700 16 <l <1 26.7 124 17-Feb-10 940 1.3 <1 <1 2 144 9-Jun-10 1800 4.2 <l <1 4.4 132 16-Aug-10 2000 4.9 <l <1 5.9 142 CldG~ Carll Chlor ... Metllf'lene Nitrate 1 . t""lr.l • ,., . ~19 T~, ·"···-rid! : . .. e .· Oil' (ug/1) (u:e/D ( pl) ,u~ (~} {~) 11-0ct-10 1200 1.3 <1 <l 2.7 146 17-Feb-ll 3400 17 ND ND 17 135 7-Jun-11 4000 8.3 ND ND 12 148 17-Aug-ll 970 2.1 ND ND 3 148 5-Dec-11 2200 5.4 ND ND 5 148 23-Jan-12 650 1.5 ND ND 0.6 138 6-Jun-12 460 1.1 ND ND 2.4 149 5-Sep-12 950 3.5 ND ND 2.5 149 3-0ct-12 1500 4 ND ND 4.1 150 ll-Feb-13 4210 5.15 ND ND 7.99 164 5-Jun-13 2070 5.15 ND ND 2.95 148 3-Sep-13 8100 20.7 ND ND 17.6 179 29-0ct-13 942 6.42 ND ND 4.7 134 27-Jan-14 586 4.05 ND ND 1.62 134 19-May-14 810 5.51 ND ND 1.34 152 11-Aug-14 1410 1.9 8.3 ND 1.6 140 21-0ct-14 4310 4.8 ND ND 4.72 130 9-Mar-15 4660 8.92 ND ND 8.56 238 8-Jun-15 1570 2.62 ND ND 0.916 180 4-Sep-15 7860 7.78 ND ND 11.6 326 19-0ct-15 7840 12.2 5.46 ND 10.6 252 9-Mar-16 7780 13.5 1.40 ND 15.7 276 23-May-16 12600 23.1 ND ND 1.27 204 25-Jul-16 6040 9.89 ND ND 10.5 214 25-Jul-16 6040 9.89 ND ND 10.5 214 13-0ct-16 6640 10.8 ND ND 10.0 200 8-Mar-17 1240 3.06 ND ND 11.1 461 13-Jun-17 510 1.35 ND ND 0.243 135 26-Jul-17 8840 13.0 ND ND 1.12 218 ll-Oct-17 129 ND ND ND 0.377 139 12-Mar-18 2640 1.36 ND ND 8.61 193 8-Jun-18 2980 3.45 ND ND 0.494 138 22-Aug-18 1910 2.03 ND ND 2.55 166 28-Nov-18 5270 6.18 ND ND 0.233 140 8-Mar-19 2050 2.43 ND ND 6.58 197 5-Jun-19 11500 15.90 ND ND 8.96 160 4-Sep-19 6670 10.10 ND ND 0.332 153 10-Dec-19 551 ND ND ND 0.535 147 19-Feb-20 8720 13.7 5.41 ND 10.1 205 Chloroform Carbo Cbloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW:4-19 (Ug{I) Tetrachloride (ugll) CMoride ~mgll) (mgll) I (u2'1) (u11/I) 27-May-20 7600 10.4 ND ND 1.14 147 4-Sep-20 1350 1.98 ND ND 11.6 188 28-0ct-20 660 1.10 ND ND 1.10 104 23-Feb-21 6660 8.40 ND ND 6.61 167 9-Jun-21 775 ND ND ND 4.04 115 24-Aug-21 4450 7.83 1.98 1.25 6.68 172 oi-unr-a~ v~-oaa-a "' Q) ::::s cu > E l~-JdV-~ I., 0 -0 I., .2 .c () 0) .... I 60-1nr-9 -.:t" 3: I- 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ ~Q-JdV-6~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v C\I 0 co (!) v C\I T'"" T'"" T'"" (1J6n) Cbmrdorm Oitr-~ Ghl!ONDl'Cthan..e Meftl,tae Nitrate (-01, .•• 11 TW4-21 ~ tr elilwrlde ~ I• (ag/d1 ~ w'f) (mg/.1) ( g/1) I (uf!/10 {ueADfl 25-May-05 192 NA NA NA 14.6 NA 31-Aug-05 78 <5 <5 <5 10.l NA l-Dec-05 86 <l 1.0 <l 9.6 NA 9-Mar-06 120 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 8.5 347 14-Jun-06 130 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 10.2 318 20-Jul-06 106 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 8.9 357 8-Nov-06 139 2 <l <1 8.7 296 28-Feb-07 160 1.8 <l <1 8.7 306 27-Jun-07 300 5.8 <l <1 8.6 327 15-Aug-07 140 <1 <1 <1 8.6 300 10-0ct-07 120 <l <1 <1 8.3 288 26-Mar-08 380 7 <1 <l 14.3 331 25-Jun-08 160 1.7 <1 <1 8.81 271 10-Sep-08 120 1.6 <1 <l 7.57 244 15-0ct-08 170 2 <1 <2 8.00 284 11-Mar-09 180 <1 <1 <1 8.3 279 24-Jun-09 200 <1 <1 <1 8.1 291 15-Sep-09 140 <l <l <1 9.2 281 22-Dec-09 160 <1 <l <1 8.4 256 25-Feb-10 170 <1 <l <1 8.4 228 10-Jun-10 210 1.2 <1 <1 12 266 12-Aug-10 390 9.2 <1 <1 14 278 13-0ct-10 200 1.2 <1 <1 7 210 22-Feb-l l 230 1.2 ND ND 9 303 28-Jun-11 290 4.8 ND ND 12 290 17-Aug-11 460 6.3 ND ND 14 287 7-Dec-11 390 6.7 ND ND 13 276 19-Jan-12 420 6.4 ND ND 15 228 13-Jun-12 400 5.4 ND ND 11 285 13-Sep-12 410 6 ND ND 13 142 4-0ct-12 390 7 ND ND 14 270 13-Jan-13 282 5.25 ND ND 11.8 221 18-Jun-13 328 3.49 ND ND 13.8 243 12-Sep-13 244 2.13 ND ND 10.3 207 13-Nov-13 204 ND ND ND 9 206 5-Feb-14 220 6.23 ND ND 11.4 200 22-May-14 240 4.73 ND ND 11.5 243 27-Aug-14 204 ND ND ND 7.1 230 29-0ct-14 229 1.04 ND ND 10 252 Clfonn C.hnn Cltfurom Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-21 Temi:rcle fl C.lderi ( git) (11 (11Wl) fud\ (mg/I) (m~) 12-Mar-15 292 1.75 ND ND 10.9 255 8-Jun-15 366 1.92 ND ND 13.1 494 31-Aug-15 281 ND ND ND 14.7 499 19-0ct-15 339 ND ND ND 14.3 413 9-Mar-16 390 ND ND ND 14.6 452 23-May-16 545 ND ND ND 13.1 425 25-Jul-16 456 ND ND ND 16.5 457 12-0ct-16 434 ND ND ND 11.4 301 12-0ct-16 434 ND ND ND 11.4 301 8-Mar-17 598 2.36 ND ND 12.0 290 13-Jun-17 224 1.16 ND ND 9.53 309 26-Jul-17 537 1.05 ND ND 18.2 447 ll-Oct-17 466 ND ND ND 16.9 378 12-Mar-18 421 ND ND ND 15.8 447 8-Jun-18 532 ND ND ND 14.1 387 22-Aug-18 476 ND ND ND 0.236 182 22-0ct-18 585 ND ND ND 15.2 392 8-Mar-19 323 ND ND ND 8.99 180 5-Jun-19 734 ND ND ND 17.5 456 4-Sep-19 596 ND ND ND 14.7 478 10-Dec-19 794 ND ND ND 5.73 339 19-Feb-20 844 ND 2.58 ND 8.93 446 27-May-20 767 ND ND ND 15.4 353 4-Sep-20 920 ND ND ND 12.6 382 28-0ct-20 948 ND ND ND 16.3 411 23-Feb-21 400 ND ND ND 15.2 454 9-Jun-21 1130 ND ND ND 21.5 461 24-Aug-21 669 ND ND ND 12.9 375 0 I\) 0 0 ~ 0 0 (ug/L) 0) 0 0 CX> 0 0 0 0 0 I\) 0 0 14-Jan-04 -1-----+----------+------+-------11------1 10-0ct-06 6-Jul-09 ~ \.I\ I I I I I 1-Apr-12 i I \ J[ I I 27-Dec-14 -l I ~ I \ I I I I 22-Sep-17 18-Jun-20 15-Mar-23 _.__ ___ __.__ ____________ _._ ___ _... ___ ___. _____ __, -I :e .i:a,. I I\) ...... 0 ':I' 0 ~ 0 -0 ~ 3 < D) C (D tn Obloroform Ca11bon atleir !IDe'tlume ~hme Nitrate Chloride TW4-22 ,ug/1) Tetracliforldt (ufJ/J) Olleir I (mg!t) (mg/I) Cueill (ooll) 25-May-05 340 NA NA NA 18.2 NA 31-Aug-05 290 <5 <5 <5 15.7 NA 1-Dec-05 320 <5 <5 <5 15.1 NA 9-Mar-06 390 <10 <10 <10 15.3 236 14-Jun-06 280 <10 <10 <10 14.3 221 20-Jul-06 864 <10 <10 <10 14.5 221 8-Nov-06 350 <l 1.6 <1 15.9 236 28-Feb-07 440 <1 <1 <1 20.9 347 27-Jun-07 740 <l <l <1 19.3 273 15-Aug-07 530 <1 <1 <1 19.3 259 10-0ct-07 440 <l <1 <1 18.8 238 26-Mar-08 1400 <1 <1 <1 39.1 519 25-Jun-08 1200 <1 <1 <1 41.9 271 10-Sep-08 6300 1.3 <1 <1 38.7 524 15-0ct-08 630 <2 <2 <2 36.3 539 l l-Mar-09 390 <l <1 <1 20.7 177 24-Jun-09 730 <l <l <l 20.6 177 15-Sep-09 2300 <l <1 <l 40.3 391 29-Dec-09 380 <1 <l <1 17.8 175 3-Mar-10 2200 <1 <l <1 36.6 427 15-Jun-10 540 <1 <1 <1 19 134 24-Aug-10 340 <1 <1 <1 15 130 13-0ct-10 340 <1 <1 <1 16 134 23-Feb-l 1 1300 ND ND ND 18 114 1-Jun-11 210 ND ND ND 17 138 17-Aug-ll 450 ND ND ND 15 120 7-Dec-11 400 ND ND ND 19 174 19-Jan-12 200 ND ND ND 14 36 13-Jun-12 120 ND ND ND 12.8 35 12-Sep-12 940 ND ND ND 7 121 4-0ct-12 330 ND ND ND 14 130 ll-Feb-13 10600 3.24 ND ND 58 635 5-Jun-13 12500 3.35 ND ND 50.2 586 3-Sep-13 9640 3.25 ND ND 29.7 487 29-0ct-13 13300 8.09 ND ND 45.2 501 27-Jan-14 12100 6.06 ND 2.83 54.6 598 19-May-14 12400 6.65 ND ND 47.2 614 11-Aug-14 12400 1.9 40 ND 41.5 540 21-0ct-14 12400 3.32 1.61 ND 54.9 596 CJdorolorm Carbo Chleremet Me~ene Nitrate C:hfmde TW4-l2 ~ug/1) Tetrachlori e (ug/1) ride ~rng/1) ' git) (,mdj): ,I ,.,....) 9-Mar-15 12700 3.77 4.31 ND 69.2 675 8-Jun-15 8050 2.42 3.42 ND 47.1 390 31-Aug-15 7810 ND 5.47 ND 64.7 557 19-0ct-15 7530 ND 5.1 ND 56.1 567 9-Mar-16 6070 ND ND ND 31.1 583 23-May-16 8570 2.64 ND ND 58.4 598 25-Jul-16 5840 ND ND ND 61.3 619 12-0ct-16 3370 1.08 ND ND 61.5 588 8-Mar-17 5320 1.56 ND ND 69.8 566 13-Jun-17 3670 1.21 ND ND 70.8 572 26-Jul-17 5150 ND ND ND 66.1 391 11-0ct-17 4770 ND ND ND 80.1 600 12-Mar-18 4530 ND ND ND 62.3 607 8-Jun-18 3010 ND ND ND 72.5 580 22-Aug-18 3600 ND ND ND 55.4 613 28-Nov-18 2680 ND ND ND 75.7 567 8-Mar-19 43IO 1.02 ND ND 71.9 528 5-Jun-19 4690 ND 1.13 ND 83.9 662 4-Sep-19 3460 ND ND ND 72.5 588 10-Dec-19 3820 ND ND ND 59.9 608 19-Feb-20 3910 ND ND ND 57.7 606 27-May-20 2530 ND ND ND 60.5 578 4-Sep-20 3760 ND ND ND 64.8 514 28-0ct-20 3640 ND 6.83 ND 64.9 523 23-Feb-21 5100 ND ND ND 69.6 618 9-Jun-21 4520 ND ND ND 89.3 408 24-Aug-21 3510 ND ND ND 35.l 410 ti) Cl) ::::s c,s > E ... 0 0 ... 0 :c 0 N N I ! 0 0 0 'Sf" ,.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\J 0 <X) ,.... ,.... oi-unr-B~ v~-oaa-a 60-1nr-9 90-JOQ-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 'Sf" C\J (1J6n) Gffhoo --.... - CMo.rofenn Cht ha . -e Nftrate Cbrorlde I TW4-23 Tetrracld0 lde OlatG . ( rg(I) (wdl) (u~ ' ,fm,/illi ~~ (ntdJJ 27-Jun-07 <l <1 <l <1 <0.1 47 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <] <1 <0.I 46 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <l <l <0.1 43 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <l <l <0.1 41 25-Jun-08 <l <1 <1 <1 <0.05 41 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 35 15-0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.05 51 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <l <0.1 41 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 43 15-Sep-09 <l <1 <1 <1 <0.1 43 16-Dec-09 <l <l <1 <1 <0.1 37 24-Feb-10 <1 <l <1 <1 <0.1 45 8-Jun-10 <1 <1 <l <1 <0.1 40 10-Aug-10 <l <1 <1 <1 <0.1 40 5-0ct-10 <1 <1 <l <l <0.1 34 16-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND ND 44 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND ND 44 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND ND 41 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND ND 43 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND ND 40 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND ND 44 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND ND 46 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 45 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND ND 43.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 0.116 44.7 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 48.0 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND ND 43.0 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND ND 44.6 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND ND 42.3 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND ND 46.0 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND ND 46.8 12-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND ND 47.3 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND ND 48.4 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND ND 54.1 28-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND ND 46.4 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND ND 49.1 26-May-16 ND ND ND ND ND 50.4 3-Aug-16 ND ND ND ND ND 49.6 20-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND ND 52.1 Chloroform Carben Chlmromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride II TW:4-23 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride mg/I) (mg/I~ (ul?/I) Cul?/I) 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND ND 47.7 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND ND 51.5 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND ND 51.8 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND ND 44.7 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND ND 53.8 13-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND ND 47.6 30-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND ND 56.0 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND ND 54.9 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND ND 48.9 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND ND 50.2 ll-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND ND 47.9 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND ND 54.4 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND ND 50.0 ll-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND ND 49.0 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND ND 48.8 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND ND 49.3 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND ND 51.6 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND ND 48.8 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND ND 42.8 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 0 0 0 0 •• l ,. •• 0 0 0 ,. J. •• J. 0 J. 0 •• J. J. '. j. 0 u j. •• j. j. •• 0 1. a 1• J. 0 '. u 0 J. 0 -, . 1• 0 1. •• 1. •• 0 1• 0 0 0 1• 1• ' (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 () ::::r 0 """,i 0 ...... 0 """,i 3 ::::r D,) en ::J 0 -C"' CD CD ::J a. CD -CD (") -CD a. ::J -I :E ~ I I\) uJ __.. i I\) w 0 ::::r 0 ., a 0 ., 3 < m 2' C1) en II -Caitbon M ta,leu CMore o-rm C!h:kJro-... ~ Nitrate Chloride TW4•2'4 Tetraehlwid Cbt-O'•ide 1, (~ (oeMl (ugf,t) (uwID, (mg(A) (mg/I, 27-Jun-07 2.6 <1 <1 <1 26.1 770 15-Aug-07 2.2 <1 <1 <1 29 791 10-0ct-07 1.5 <1 <1 <1 24.7 692 26-Mar-08 1.5 <l <1 <1 24.4 740 25-Jun-08 1.4 <l <1 <1 45.3 834 10-Sep-08 2.9 <1 <1 <1 38.4 1180 15-0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 44.6 1130 4-Mar-09 1.4 <l <l <l 30.5 1010 24-Jun-09 1.5 <l <l <l 30.4 759 15-Sep-09 1.4 <1 <1 <1 30.7 618 17-Dec-09 1.2 <l <1 <l 28.3 1080 25-Feb-10 1.3 <1 <1 <l 33.1 896 9-Jun-10 1.7 <l <1 <l 30 639 24-Aug-10 1.8 <l <1 <1 31 587 6-0ct-10 1.4 <1 <1 <1 31 522 17-Feb-ll 1.8 ND ND ND 31 I JOO 26-May-ll 1.1 ND ND ND 35 1110 17-Aug-ll 1.7 ND ND ND 34 967 7-Dec-11 1.2 ND ND ND 35 608 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 37 373 6-Jun-12 ND ND ND ND 37 355 30-Aug-12 1.1 ND ND ND 37 489 3-0ct-12 1.0 ND ND ND 38 405 11-Feb-13 5.7 ND ND ND 35.9 1260 5-Jun-13 17.4 ND ND ND 23.7 916 3-Sep-13 21.8 ND ND ND 32.6 998 29-0ct-13 32.5 ND ND ND 34.6 1030 27-Jan-14 78.5 ND ND 1.18 31.6 809 19-May-14 62.7 ND ND ND 35 1020 ll-Aug-14 76.3 ND ND ND 31.5 11 50 21-0ct-14 25.8 ND ND ND 35.7 l050 9-Mar-15 49.2 ND ND ND 34.6 944 8-Jun-15 4.3 ND ND ND 31.8 1290 31-Aug-15 46.9 ND ND ND 25.3 788 19-0ct-15 25.3 ND ND ND 29.6 909 9-Mar-16 22.8 ND ND ND 29.1 989 23-May-16 69.6 ND ND ND 24.2 771 25-Jul-16 17.8 ND ND ND 34.4 1180 12-0ct-16 20.8 ND ND ND 31.9 1010 II Carbon , Methylene Chloroform Ohlo..-omethane Nitrate l!Ohlorid II 'tW4,.24 (llg/1) Tetrachlomde (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) (ue/0 (uatl) 8-Mar-17 18.3 ND ND ND 41.3 1090 13-Jun-17 17.2 ND ND ND 39.9 1080 26-Jul-17 17.8 ND ND ND 40.0 1230 11-0ct-17 16.0 ND ND ND 31.7 895 12-Mar-18 24.9 ND ND ND 44.9 1320 14-Jun-18 49.2 ND ND ND 33 .6 792 22-Aug-18 35.0 ND ND ND 33.8 996 28-Nov-18 21.0 ND ND ND 38.4 1100 8-Mar-19 28.1 ND ND ND 39.3 1040 5-Jun-19 28.8 ND ND ND 33 .2 1020 4-Sep-19 31.1 ND ND ND 36.4 1130 10-Dec-19 43.3 ND ND ND 33.8 1090 19-Feb-20 61.7 ND ND ND 37.1 1010 27-May-20 49.4 ND ND ND 41.7 1060 4-Sep-20 63.8 ND ND ND 39.1 1100 28-0ct-20 72.6 ND ND ND 35.9 1050 23-Feb-21 96.2 ND 3.6 ND 41.9 1170 9-Jun-21 41.2 ND ND ND 48.0 938 24-Aug-21 103.0 ND ND ND 26.7 1010 (ug/L} ~ ~ N .i=,. O'I 00 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-0ct-06 6-Jul-09 1-Apr-12 27-Dec-14 22-Sep-17 18-Jun-20 15-Mar-23 ..._ ____ ..__ ____ ..__ ____ .__ ____ .__ ____ .__ ___ ___, i .1:1, I N .,::. n :::r 0 .., 0 o' .., 3 < II) C ti) Ill Cbloi-en' Co'Q Choro -Mefflr,fene Ni ---~~ I TW4-25 -;:,. __ _::oride Cit rife .•. ~ .. ~ €i1211) (8""' -~. (~ (mg{A) I 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <l 17.1 395 15-Aug-07 <l <1 <l <l 16.7 382 10-0ct-07 <l <l <l <l 17 356 26-Mar-08 <1 <l <l <l 18.7 374 25-Jun-08 <l <l <l <l 22.1 344 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <l <l 18.8 333 15-0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 21.3 366 4-Mar-09 <l <l <1 <1 15.3 332 24-Jun-09 <l <1 <l <l 15.3 328 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.3 328 16-Dec-09 <1 <I <l <1 14.2 371 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <l <1 14.4 296 8-Jun-10 <l <1 <l <l 16 306 10-Aug-10 <l <1 <l <l 14 250 5-0ct-10 <l <l <1 <1 15 312 16-Feb-ll ND ND ND ND 15 315 25-May-ll ND ND ND ND 16 321 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 16 276 15-Nov-ll ND ND ND ND 16 294 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 16 304 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 16 287 ll-Sep-12 ND ND ND ND 17 334 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 17 338 l l-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 9.04 190 5-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 5.24 136 3-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND 5.69 119 29-0ct-13 ND ND ND ND 6.1 88.6 27-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 2.16 85.7 19-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.21 51.1 11-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.6 67 21-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.03 58.1 9-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 14.4 310 8-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.14 58.3 31-Aug-15 ND ND ND ND 1.63 69.2 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 1.78 93.7 9-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 0.837 62.7 23-May-16 ND ND ND ND 0.959 75.5 25-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 1.78 74.1 12-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 1.24 59.8 CbloJ'oform Carbon Chforomethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-25 (ug/1) Tetr chloride (ngll'.) I CJrJori :e (mgt,I) (mg/1) <itl!II)' iamd) 8-Mar-17 1 ND ND ND 17 285 13-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 0.976 69.8 26-Jul-17 ND ND ND ND 1.23 70.1 11-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 1.29 68.0 12-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 2.23 70.5 14-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 1.14 60.3 22-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 0.810 69.1 28-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 0.634 59.7 8-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 0.639 65.0 5-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 0.821 59.0 4-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 0.548 58.1 10-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 0.841 73.1 19-Feb-20 ND ND ND ND 0.607 86.0 27-May-20 ND ND ND ND 0.851 76.8 4-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 0.994 67.3 28-0ct-20 ND ND ND ND 1.64 61.3 23-Feb-21 ND ND ND ND 3.43 100 9-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 1.57 55.1 24-Aug-21 ND ND 1 ND 0.793 69 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1· Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-2 Jun-2 Sep-2 Dec-2 Mar-2 Jun-2 0 J. 0 H u a 0 0 u I. Jt 1, •• ,, '. " J. ,. •• ,. ' ,. l . l • ,. ,. • l • ' . ! •• ~· ,. j ~ ~ H H u ~ l H H j. H H 0 (ug/L) 0 0 ....... 0 :::J" 0 , 0 ...... 0 , 3 :::J" Sll en :::J 0 ,-+ O" ('t) ('t) :::J a. ('t) ,-+ ('t) (') ,-+ ('t) a. :::J ;l -..... I I\) CJ1 ....... ....... ~ -4 :E ~ I N (11 0 :::r 0 a -0 ~ 3 < D,) c Cl) u, I Cblolfoform Cm'bon Cbl romdllan Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-26 Tdramlo. . ·Oldoride (ugll) {ua/,1) ( 0 ,(ufVlij (mgtt) (mg/I~ 15-Jun-10 13 <1 <1 <1 7.9 33 11-Aug-10 5 <l <1 <1 9 17 6-0ct-10 5.4 <1 <1 <1 9.6 22 22-Feb-1 l 2.0 ND ND ND 10 30 26-May-l 1 2.9 ND ND ND 10 15 17-Aug-11 2.8 ND ND ND 11 19 7-Dec-11 5.2 ND ND ND 10 26 18-Jan-12 7.0 ND ND ND 11 17 6-Jun-12 4.1 ND ND ND 12 19 11-Sep-12 4.9 ND ND ND 9 19 3-0ct-12 6.0 ND ND ND 12 19 7-Feb-13 5.0 ND ND ND 12.5 16.6 13-Jun-13 2.1 ND ND ND 13.6 14.5 5-Sep-13 2.8 ND ND ND 11.7 17.6 7-Nov-13 3.4 ND ND ND 15.9 15.9 29-Jan-14 1.4 ND ND ND 14.2 16.9 21-May-14 4.2 ND ND ND 12.5 15.4 ll-Aug-14 1.3 ND ND ND 10.8 15 28-0ct-14 2.45 ND ND ND 12.3 14.6 12-Mar-15 2.37 ND ND ND 14.4 14.4 10-Jun-15 6.12 ND 1.17 ND 11.3 14.4 3-Sep-15 4.77 ND ND ND 14.2 14.0 28-0ct-15 3.45 ND ND ND 13.9 13.3 16-Mar-16 I.80 ND ND ND 16.9 13.7 26-May-16 8.23 ND ND ND 15.2 13.9 3-Aug-16 4.42 ND ND ND 17.9 13.9 20-0ct-16 19.9 ND ND ND 15.0 14.2 16-Mar-17 46.1 ND ND ND 15.8 16.2 20-Jun-17 244 ND ND ND 15.2 19.0 3-Aug-17 419 ND ND ND 15.2 25.8 ll-Oct-17 608 ND ND ND 10.0 27.3 21-Mar-18 1050 ND ND ND 12.2 35.5 14-Jun-18 960 ND ND ND 13.2 33.5 5-Sep-18 916 ND ND ND 13.5 38.9 13-Dec-18 1050 ND ND ND 11.8 33.4 20-Mar-19 963 ND ND ND 12.2 32.9 19-Jun-19 1070 ND ND ND 12.6 35.8 12-Sep-19 877 ND ND ND 10.9 32.0 18-Dec-19 1070 ND ND ND 10.3 38.3 18-Mar-20 1090 ND ND ND 11.9 36.3 12-Jun-20 1140 ND ND ND 11.1 35.1 19-Sep-20 1120 ND ND ND 10.5 34.8 ChlorotoFm Carbon Chloromethane Methyle~e Nitrate Chloride 'FW4'-26 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/I) {mg/,)) (ue/0 (ue/1) ll-Nov-20 1160 ND ND ND 11.9 36.3 24-Mar-21 1030 ND ND ND 11.3 38.9 17-Jun-21 1020 ND ND ND 14.2 34.0 23-Sep-21 927 ND ND ND 12.1 36.5 0 Jun-10 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 Oct-15 Feb-16 Jun-16 Oct-16 Feb-17 Jun-17 Oct-17 Feb-18 Jun-18 Oct-18 Feb-19 Jun-19 Oct-19 Feb-20 Jun-20 Oct-20 Feb-21 Jun-21 tv 0 0 .I>, 0 0 er, 0 0 (ug/1) 00 0 0 I-' 0 0 0 I-' tv 0 0 I-' .I>, 8 i .i::,. I N en n ';S" 0 ., a-., 3 < DJ C: tD Ill Chloroform C rbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW41.27 Tetrachloride (Ug/1) (usvi) (ugll~ Chloride (Ug/1) (mg/I,) (mg/I) 24-Jan-12 9 ND ND ND 24 11 13-Jun-12 ND ND ND ND 41 17 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 37 21 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 36 18 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 31.2 18.8 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 29.4 20.3 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 27.2 19 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 29.8 21.8 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 31.3 21.8 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 31.1 20.6 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 27.0 23 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 28.2 24.4 l 1-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 26.5 26.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 24.0 26.8 2-Sep-15 1.30 ND ND ND 20.9 26.8 28-0ct-15 1.60 ND ND ND 23.5 26.2 16-Mar-16 2.11 ND ND ND 25.0 28.0 26-May-16 3.16 ND ND ND 21.2 28.7 3-Aug-16 2.78 ND ND ND 21.8 27.1 20-0ct-16 3.RO ND ND ND 19.3 29.4 15-Mar-17 4.33 ND ND ND 22.2 28.3 15-Jun-17 5.65 ND ND ND 23.8 27.9 2-Aug-17 6.05 ND ND ND 20.0 29.5 10-0ct-l 7 5.91 ND ND ND 21.5 26.3 14-Mar-18 6.95 ND ND ND 19.5 30.3 13-Jun-18 5.95 ND ND ND 22.0 28.3 30-Aug-18 7.32 ND ND ND 18.1 31.4 12-Dec-18 7.70 ND ND ND 20.8 28.2 16-Mar-19 6.54 ND ND ND 21.5 26.2 13-Jun-19 8.24 ND ND ND 22.3 28.6 11-Sep-19 7.58 ND ND ND 21.2 25.3 14-Dec-19 7.97 ND ND ND 22.0 27.4 17-Mar-20 8.04 ND ND ND 23.6 27.6 l l-Jun-20 7.92 ND ND ND 21.5 28.0 18-Sep-20 5.62 ND ND ND 25.2 26.2 4-Nov-20 7.80 ND ND ND 16.7 26.8 18-Mar-21 4.66 ND ND ND 23.0 27.5 16-Jun-21 4.26 ND ND ND 23.8 25.8 15-Sep-21 3.81 ND ND ND 21.1 21.7 Jan-12 Mar-12 May-12 Jul-12 Sep-12 Nov-12 Jan-13 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 May-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 Jan-15 Mar-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Nov-15 Jan-16 Mar-16 May-16 Jul-16 Sep-16 Nov-16 Jan-17 Mar-17 May-17 Jul-17 Sep-17 Nov-17 Jan-18 Mar-18 May-18 Jul-18 Sep-18 Nov-18 Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19 Jan-20 Mar-20 May-20 Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 May-21 Jul-21 0 .... N OJ (ug/1) .i:,. l/1 CTI -..J 00 \D .... 0 Sep-21 _.__~~ ......... ~~-'-~~-'-~--"',._._~~--'-~~~~~__..__ ___ '---..__~~_.__~___, :e .1:1, I N ...... n :::r 0 ~ 0 o' ~ 3 < 11,1 C tD UI 1 Chloroform · Olrbon Cid ~ Meth~.ne Nit,ate Chloride TW+28 F chi . 0 Clloride (ug/1) . hid)) (ug/0 (rWP'/t) (mg/I) (lilg/1) 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 14.9 44.6 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 17 .3 45.3 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 16.2 45.2 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 16.9 47.8 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 16.5 45.7 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 14.2 50 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 16.5 52.1 ll-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 19 52.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 19 56.4 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 17.8 61.4 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 18.7 52.7 15-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 34.0 61.6 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 29.0 67.1 27-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 31.3 70.1 19-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 25.5 70.9 14-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 24.4 64.2 14-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 26.0 68.6 27-Jul-17 ND ND ND ND 24.8 67.1 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 24.8 57.4 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 17.2 65.0 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 19.0 55.7 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 16.0 63.8 30-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 17.7 52.4 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 17.2 51.7 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 15.0 51.8 11-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 10.2 49.0 12-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 9.48 50.0 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 9.87 52.1 10-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 9.55 49.8 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 8.36 47.4 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 7.76 49.0 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 8.68 51.8 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 9.09 48.5 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 8.08 40.7 Jun Sep Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-1 Mar-1 Jun-1 Sep-1 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 <P " 0 " 0 0 '~ 0 '~ '~ JP ! ~ •• '. h •• 0 •• 0 ! ~ 0 0 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 ...... () :::J"' 0 """I: 0 --t\ 0 """I: 3 :::J"' O> CJ) ::J 0 -C" CD CD ::J a. CD -CD (') -CD a. ::J -I :E ~ I I\) CX) ...... i I N co 0 ::r 0 ""I a 0 ""I 3 < !. C CD "' ,, C bon 1\!ldby;lene I I'• Meform QI .. Nitrate -...... ane f TW4-29 Tetrachkuide Clil . (ug/1) (tmill (uglt) (umlti') (mg/I) {~) 19-Jun-13 242 ND ND ND 4.63 44.8 l 1-Jul-13 262 ND ND ND 3.52 37.7 26-Sep-13 246 ND ND ND 4.18 41.4 13-Nov-13 260 ND ND ND 4.11 42.5 5-Feb-14 258 ND ND ND 4.63 41.9 22-May-14 262 ND ND ND 3.52 38.2 27-Aug-14 242 ND ND ND 3.4 41 29-0ct-14 290 ND ND ND 3.64 41 12-Mar-15 299 ND ND ND 4.14 40.5 11-Jun-15 329 ND ND ND 2.95 42.5 3-Sep-15 276 ND ND ND 2.19 47.3 29-0ct-15 631 ND ND ND 2.74 39.8 17-Mar-16 335 ND ND ND 2.92 40.3 8-Jun-16 366 ND ND ND 2.51 42.9 4-Aug-16 401 ND ND ND 2.44 40.6 26-0ct-16 392 ND ND ND 2.4 44.2 16-Mar-17 446 ND ND ND 2.24 41.5 21-Jun-17 420 ND ND ND 2.26 42.0 4-Aug-17 466 ND ND ND 2.35 42.9 1 l-Oct-17 466 ND ND ND 2.45 37.7 21-Mar-18 533 ND ND ND 2.44 43 .1 14-Jun-18 474 ND ND ND 2.67 40.1 5-Sep-18 454 ND ND ND 2.52 45.9 13-Dec-18 521 ND ND ND 2.50 40.9 20-Mar-19 507 ND ND ND 2.67 39.9 19-Jun-19 537 ND ND ND 2.56 39.4 12-Sep-19 549 ND ND ND 2.55 38.0 18-Dec-19 630 ND ND ND 2.58 44.8 18-Mar-20 652 ND ND ND 3.1 41.0 12-Jun-20 686 ND ND ND 3.18 42.2 19-Sep-20 621 ND ND ND 2.9 39.9 11-Nov-20 671 ND ND ND 3.27 40.8 24-Mar-21 577 ND ND ND 3.09 44.3 17-Jun-21 543 ND ND ND 3.59 40.0 23-Sep-21 602 ND ND ND 3.29 40.1 Ill CV ::::, ni > E ... .E 0 ... ..9 .c u en N I o::t' ! 0 0 00 0 0 r-- 0 0 I.D 0 0 U") 0 0 q- (1/~n) 0 0 (V') 0 0 N 0 0 .--i 0 Carl>on I Ohlorofonn Chlol'Omethane ry itrate Chlori~e., TW4-30 (ug/1) Tetr c rid (ug/1) CltlOl'i (mg/I) Ong/11 {ilatl) 1, {81!/H 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 0.948 36 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 0.952 36.3 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.24 35.9 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.36 36 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.44 31.99 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.5 38 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.84 37.1 l l-Mar-15 1.65 ND ND ND 2.15 38.3 10-Jun-15 2.25 ND ND ND 1.75 40.3 3-Sep-15 3.27 ND ND ND 1.75 44.2 28-0ct-15 3.48 ND ND ND 1.86 37.8 17-Mar-16 5.16 ND ND ND 2.74 39.6 26-May-16 7.38 ND ND ND 2.04 40.2 3-Aug-16 6.79 ND ND ND 2.32 38.6 20-0ct-16 8.69 ND ND ND 2.51 41.3 15-Mar-17 13.6 ND ND ND 2.7 37.7 15-Jun-17 15.2 ND ND ND 2.95 37.8 3-Aug-17 15.7 ND ND ND 3.11 39.8 10-0ct-17 13.4 ND ND ND 2.58 34.9 15-Mar-18 16.4 ND ND ND 3.63 41.0 13-Jun-18 16.9 ND ND ND 3.93 37.4 30-Aug-18 19.8 ND ND ND 3.79 44.1 12-Dec-18 23.9 ND ND ND 3.70 35.5 16-Mar-19 25.3 ND ND ND 4.08 35.9 13-Jun-19 31.5 ND ND ND 4.13 27.2 ll-Sep-19 34.8 ND ND ND 3.62 34.5 18-Dec-19 44.9 ND ND ND 3.62 39.1 17-Mar-20 53.1 ND ND ND 3.85 37.5 12-Jun-20 65.4 ND ND ND 3.69 38.6 18-Sep-20 67.7 ND ND ND 3.49 35.0 1 l-Nov-20 82.8 ND ND ND 3.64 37.1 18-Mar-21 74.8 ND ND ND 3.54 37.6 17-Jun-21 78.7 ND ND ND 4.19 38.3 22-Sep-21 78.2 ND ND ND 2.60 23.5 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 0 0 ...... 9 0 I\) 0 0 u) 0 0 (ug/L) .s,. 9 0 01 9 0 O> 0 0 -..J 0 0 CX) 0 0 co 0 0 i I (,.) 0 0 ::r 0 ~ .., 3 ~ C CD ,.,, ·CMorofo Carlten m .· '~iha'ne M~! Nitrate Chloride TW4 .. 31 (ugil) 'Det orid1' {og(A} Chlorl (mg/I) (mgll) (ltd~ (m!M) 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 1.26 28.4 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND I. I 29.4 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.33 28 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.32 28.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.22 26.3 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.1 30 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.23 30 1 l-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 1.33 30.6 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.19 31.1 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 0.916 30.4 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 0.953 29.1 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 1.84 31.5 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 1.36 32.5 28-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 1.41 30.6 20-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 1.14 34.0 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 1.19 31.3 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 1.21 33.4 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 1.11 33.0 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 1.04 30.9 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 0.916 38.8 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 0.948 34.4 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 0.710 40.3 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND 0.766 35.2 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 0.754 35.0 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 0.713 36.9 ll-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 0.610 35.8 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 0.583 40.6 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 0.572 38.2 11-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 0.569 36.7 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 0.507 36.5 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 0.501 36.4 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 0.501 40.3 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 0.451 37.9 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 0.461 31.2 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 0 ; . l !~ 0 • •• l h •• • • 0 J• l 0 h h J• 0 h h !• h h h h h h h h 0 h .. • • (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 ...... 0 :::::r 0 ~ 0 -0 ~ 3 :::::r Sl) en :::J 0 -C"' (t) (t) :::J a. (t) -(t) 0 -(t) a. -· :::J --i ~ ~ I (.,.) ...... ...... -4 == ~ I w ..... 0 :::r 0 ... 0 -0 ... 3 < !!!. C (D f/1 . . t.irbon TW(.;.32 Chloroform Tetrachloride Chloromethane Metliyl1ne Nitrate Chlo.rlde (ug/1) fuwl) (ug/1) Chloride (ug/1) (mg/I) (mg/I) 14-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.26 52.1 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 5.11 54.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 5.63 54.9 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 4.2 64 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 2.14 62.6 l 1-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 2.46 64.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.21 62.7 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 5.09 59.6 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 1.19 55.1 15-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 4.48 64.2 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND 3.16 71.8 28-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND 3.44 64.4 19-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 2.87 66.0 14-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 2.82 62.8 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 2.37 53.5 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 2.47 65.8 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 2.54 58.3 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 2.94 65.4 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 2.51 59.2 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 2.56 68.1 30-Nov-18 ND ND ND ND 2.50 57.5 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 2.15 57.5 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 2.18 60.1 ll-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 1.84 55.0 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 1.89 64.7 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 1.97 59.7 10-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 2.19 57.0 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 1.58 50.8 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 1.74 53.7 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 1.80 60.5 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 2.31 40.4 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 1.57 46.1 Nov-13 Feb-14 May-14 Aug-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 May-15 Aug-15 Nov-15 Feb-16 May-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Feb-17 May-17 Aug-17 Nov-17 Feb-18 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 0 ' . ~~ ' ~ i• . ~ ~· ~ •• j ~· ~ • ~ 0 j •• - l 0 ~ ~ l • (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 ...... (') ::::,- 0 """" 0 ....... 0 """" 3 ::::,- Sl) CJ) :::::, 0 -O" Cl) Cl) :::::, 0. Cl) -Cl) (') -Cl) 0. -· :::::, -I :E ~ I u) I\) ...... ...... ~ .s:,. I w N C') ::::r 0 .., 0 0 .., 3 < D) C (I) "' •. Caroon Chloroform &· ea t~ Nitrate hie TW4-33 {ugtl) Teuachloride (~t) ' Cldoritte( (~). ( g/li) (ue/1)' 14-Nov-13 126 ND ND ND 1.82 47.2 30-Jan-14 124 ND ND ND 2.56 43.5 22-May-14 121 ND ND ND 1.63 46.8 27-Aug-14 104 ND ND ND 1.5 43 29-0ct-14 124 ND ND ND 2.22 44.2 12-Mar-15 134 ND ND ND 1.91 44.2 11-Jun-15 127 ND ND ND 1.62 46.4 3-Sep-15 123 ND ND ND 1.64 53.4 29-0ct-15 129 ND ND ND 1.92 44.5 17-Mar-16 122 ND ND ND 2.13 46.2 8-Jun-16 96 ND ND ND 2.06 49.7 4-Aug-16 121 ND ND ND 2.32 48.5 26-0ct-16 109 ND ND ND 2.36 52.4 16-Mar-17 91 ND ND ND 2.11 49.0 20-Jun-17 103 ND ND ND 2.34 49.2 3-Aug-17 127 ND ND ND 2.04 46.9 l 1-0ct-17 97.1 ND ND ND 2.09 42.5 15-Mar-18 128 ND ND ND 1.94 49.2 13-Jun-18 88 ND ND ND 2.13 44.0 5-Sep-18 113 ND ND ND 1.82 50.0 13-Dec-18 141 ND ND ND 2.01 43.2 20-Mar-19 86.2 ND ND ND 2.00 47.2 19-Jun-19 121 ND ND ND 2.16 43.4 12-Sep-19 101 ND ND ND 1.61 41.1 18-Dec-19 117 ND ND ND 1.86 48.8 18-Mar-20 94 ND ND ND 2.44 45.3 12-Jun-20 90 ND ND ND 3.26 48.9 18-Sep-20 85 ND ND ND 3.58 51.0 11-Nov-20 80.6 ND ND ND 3.71 51.5 18-Mar-21 64.9 ND ND ND 4.62 55.6 17-Jun-21 63.9 ND ND ND 6.25 54.7 22-Sep-21 60.2 ND ND ND 4.33 42.5 Nov-13 Feb-14 May-14 Aug-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 May-15 Aug-15 Nov-15 Feb-16 May-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Feb-17 May-17 Aug-17 Nov-17 Feb-18 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 0 I\) 0 .i::,. 0 0) 0 (ug/L) CX) 0 ...... 0 0 ...... I\) 0 ...... .i::,. 0 ...... 0) 0 -t ! I w w 0 :r 0 ~ .., 3 ~ i: CD tn -Carbon 'Metb)'lene Chlorof onn Chloromethane Nitrate Chloride TW4",34 (ilg(I) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chlolide (mg/I) {mg/I) (usdll: foe/I) 14-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.64 19.2 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.94 20.4 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.69 17.9 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.1 18 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.16 17.5 ll-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 1.21 17.7 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 0.868 17.4 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 0.458 15.1 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 0.368 15.8 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 0.925 17.3 26-May-16 ND ND ND ND 0.605 18 26-May-16 ND ND ND ND 0.605 18 3-Aug-16 ND ND ND ND 0.726 17.2 20-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 0.612 19.0 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 0.674 18.0 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 0.727 15.7 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 0.733 19.8 10-0ct-l 7 ND ND ND ND 0.774 18.5 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 0.737 19.1 13-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 0.877 19.5 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 0.736 23.8 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND 0.889 18.5 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 0.859 17.9 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 0.994 20.1 ll-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 0.934 17.8 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 1.07 21.4 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 1.09 20.1 l l-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 1.24 20.9 l 7-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 0.978 19.0 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 1.04 18.7 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 10.9 19.3 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 1.08 17.8 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 1.1 15.0 Nov-13 Feb-14 May-14 Aug-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 May-15 Aug-15 Nov-15 Feb-16 May-16 Aug-16 Nov-16 Feb-17 May-17 Aug-17 Nov-17 Feb-18 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 0 0 !. 0 •• !. 0 -•• •• !• •• •• •• •• ' . ' • ~· ' l i• • ' . 0 l ~ l l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ug/L) 0 :J9 0 ~ 0 ..... 0 ~ 3 :J9 Q) (/) :J 0 ....... O"' CD CD :J a.. CD ....... CD n ....... CD a.. :J ~ ~ ~ I w ~ ...... .... ...... i I Ci,) .i::i,. 0 :::J' 0 ... 9. 0 ... 3 < SI,) C (I) t/) €hlo ofonn Carbon Chloromethane Methylene ,, Ni.trate Obloride TW~ .. 35 Tetrachloride Chloride (ugll) (ut!/1) (ug/1) (ue/1) (mg/I) (mg/I) - 27-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 0.2 34 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 0.351 34.1 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 0.436 34.9 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 0.452 35.2 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 0.304 35.9 28-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND 0.419 33.4 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND 0.521 35.4 26-May-16 ND ND ND ND 0.631 35.4 3-Aug-16 ND ND ND ND 0.723 34.8 20-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND 0.626 37. l 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 0.673 33.7 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 0.699 34.8 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 0.670 36.3 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 0.651 31.7 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 0.740 37.4 13-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 0.662 33.7 30-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 0.527 39.3 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND 0.559 43.0 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 0.574 33.5 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 0.670 35.5 11-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 0.525 31.7 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 0.524 37.4 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 0.595 34.5 11-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 0.699 34.0 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 0.760 32.2 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 0.756 30.4 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 0.991 35.6 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 1.01 34.1 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 1.20 27.5 Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 Jun-15 Aug-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Feb-16 Apr-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 Aug-17 Oct-17 Dec-17 Feb-18 Apr-18 Jun-18 Aug-18 Oct-18 Dec-18 Feb-19 Apr-19 Jun-19 Aug-19 Oct-19 Dec-19 Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 Feb-21 Apr-21 Jun-21 Aug-21 0 •• •• • •• • -• • ' •• • • ~~ l 0 - • ~ j ~. •• ~ l ~· 0 0 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 () :::r 0 ~ 0 ....... 0 ~ 3 :::r Q) en ::::, 0 ..... C"' CD CD ::::, a. CD ..... CD ("') -CD a. ::::, -I :E ~ I v.) (]1 ..... i I w U1 0 =r 0 ... 2. 0 ... 3 < Cl) C CD en I Cart,G .. Me$y1 Chloroform Clde mne Nitrate Chloride I: TW4-36 tuglt) Tenclloride {ug/1) Chloride I (mg/I) (mgM EavJil I :f111!/l)' 27-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND ND 65 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND ND 67.3 ll-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND ND 67.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND ND 69.3 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND ND 76.4 21-0ct-15 ND ND ND ND ND 64.5 16-Mar-16 ND ND ND ND ND 67.1 25-May-16 ND ND ND ND ND 72.3 27-Jul-16 ND ND ND ND ND 69.4 20-0ct-16 ND ND ND ND ND 73.8 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND ND 60.2 15-Jun-l 7 ND ND ND ND ND 71.3 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND ND 69.6 10-0ct-17 ND ND ND ND 0.104 62.9 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND ND 73.8 12-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND ND 64.3 29-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND ND 76.4 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND 0.123 65.8 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 0.116 65.0 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND ND 71.5 11-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND ND 69.6 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND ND 73.7 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND ND 69.1 ll-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND ND 67.0 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND ND 66.0 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND ND 64.0 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND ND 72.5 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND ND 68.7 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND ND 63.1 Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 Jun-15 Aug-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Feb-16 Apr-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 Aug-17 Oct-17 Dec-17 Feb-18 Apr-18 Jun-18 Aug-18 Oct-18 Dec-18 Feb-19 Apr-19 Jun-19 Aug-19 Oct-19 Dec-19 Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 Feb-21 Apr-21 Jun-21 Aug-21 0 0 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ~· 0 0 ~. i• 0 j. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 0 ::::r 0 """\ 0 --. 0 """\ 3 ::::r Q) en ::, 0 ,-+ rr CD CD ::, Q.. CD ,-+ CD ('") ,-+ CD Q.. ::, ~ ~ ~ I c.v 0) ..... ..... i I w CJ) (') ::::r' 0 "'I 0 -0 "'I 3 < D) C (I) en Ca111bon I Methylene Nitrate TW4-37 Chlornform Tetrachloride Chloromethane Chloride Chloride (ug/1) lui?/1) (ug/J)' (ue.llil (mg/I) (mg11) 8-Jun-15 30200 18 16 2 35 345 31-Aug-15 19100 17 14 1.04 32 374 19-0ct-15 19500 13 9 1.17 35 399 9-Mar-16 17500 16 4 1.34 28.4 332 23-May-16 16200 14 ND 1.17 27.9 389 25-Jul-16 15900 17 ND ND 33.4 294 12-0ct-16 16400 16 ND ND 26.1 304 8-Mar-17 18000 15 ND ND 32.3 305 13-Jun-17 15800 16 ND ND 31.2 281 26-Jul-17 15000 15.1 ND ND 30.5 277 11-0ct-17 15500 12.6 2.47 ND 30.6 255 12-Mar-18 12900 12.8 1.14 ND 30.0 263 8-Jun-18 14400 10.6 ND ND 28.6 275 22-Aug-18 14100 12.1 6.20 ND 25.4 387 28-Nov-18 15200 11.3 19.8 ND 27.3 264 8-Mar-19 13300 13.8 1.2 ND 30.1 209 5-Jun-19 16200 14.6 ND ND 31.2 250 4-Sep-19 11900 10.7 1.90 ND 25.8 228 10-Dec-19 13100 8.8 3.12 ND 25.5 220 19-Feb-20 12000 8.5 12.30 ND 28.3 236 27-May-20 11700 11.8 1.44 ND 28.3 321 4-Sep-20 13800 9.6 ND ND 29.5 273 28-0ct-20 10300 6.5 29.40 ND 28.7 254 23-Feb-21 9380 ND ND ND 26.9 242 9-Jun-21 13000 8.46 1.98 ND 26.6 176 24-Aug-21 10200 7.65 ND ND 25.8 220 CJ1 0 0 0 0 Jun-15 Aug-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Feb-16 Apr-16 Jun-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Feb-17 Apr-17 Jun-17 Aug-17 Oct-17 Dec-17 Feb-18 Apr-18 Jun-18 Aug-18 Oct-18 Dec-18 Feb-19 Apr-19 Jun-19 Aug-19 Oct-19 Dec-19 Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 Dec-20 Feb-21 Apr-21 Jun-21 Aug-21 ...... 0 0 0 0 @ (ug/L) 8 I\) 0 0 0 0 I\) CJ1 0 0 0 c,:, 0 0 0 0 c,:, CJ1 0 0 0 -4 :E .,::i. I w ..... 0 ::::r 0 ""I 0 -0 ""I 3 < D) C (1) 0 Chlorofo · Carbon Ohlorom~ibane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW.4;38 (ug/1) Tetrachloride ,ug/}l Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) (u1!'J.lt . fusr/l'l' ·, 10-Nov-16 ND ND ND ND 11.2 40.0 15-Mar-17 ND ND ND ND 10.6 35.7 15-Jun-17 ND ND ND ND 10.8 36.2 2-Aug-17 ND ND ND ND 10.1 36.9 10-0ct-l 7 ND ND ND ND 10.3 31.3 14-Mar-18 ND ND ND ND 9.34 36.5 13-Jun-18 ND ND ND ND 9.48 33.1 30-Aug-18 ND ND ND ND 7.77 )9.2 12-Dec-18 ND ND ND ND 8.48 35.0 16-Mar-19 ND ND ND ND 8.96 33.5 13-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 8.53 33.7 11-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 7.61 31.6 14-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 7.51 36.0 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 8.11 33.4 l l-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 9.00 34.9 18-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 7.35 34.7 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 7.72 35.1 18-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 8.24 37.2 16-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 9.59 37.7 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 8.04 32.1 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 0 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Nov-16 Feb-17 T May-17 Aug-17 1 Nov-17 Feb-18 t May-18 Aug-18 1 I I I I I I I I I I -I :E .,:ii. I w Nov-18 1 I I I I I I I I I I co 0 ::,- Feb-19 1 I I I I I I I I I I 0 ., 0 -0 May-19 -J I I I I I I I I I I ., 3 < D> Aug-19 i 2" (I) U) Nov-19 Feb-20 t May-20 • Aug-20 • Nov-20 ! Feb-21 • May-21 t Aug-21 I• Chloroform Carbon Chloro.me~ane Methylene Nitrate Chloride 1, TW4-39 (u~} 1'etracbloride (ug(l) Chloride (mg/I) (mg/I) .. Jufi/1) (ueJll 10-Nov-16 2800 ND ND ND 20.7 68.9 8-Mar-17 6460 8.15 ND 1.35 6.44 130 13-Jun-17 5560 8.20 ND 1.31 6.25 120 26-Jul-17 10000 14.40 ND 1.50 7.74 132 ll-Oct-17 552 ND ND ND 2.65 73.5 12-Mar-18 2870 3.10 ND ND 3.33 118 8-Jun-18 7160 7.94 ND ND 4.84 107 22-Aug-18 8180 12.50 2.33 ND 6.05 110 28-Nov-18 6520 6.08 ND ND 6.39 123 8-Mar-19 885 1.20 ND ND 2.08 49.0 5-Jun-19 8640 11.60 ND ND 8.45 114.0 4-Sep-19 4240 5.71 ND ND 1.75 48.2 10-Dec-19 1650 1.14 ND ND 0.948 74.7 19-Feb-20 812 ND ND ND 0.792 76.5 27-May-20 5870 7.56 ND ND 5.01 88 .5 4-Sep-20 5960 8.18 ND ND 2.69 63.2 28-0ct-20 648 ND 1.19 ND 7.03 83.2 23-Feb-21 2970 ND ND ND 2.12 53.0 9-Jun-21 2490 2.92 ND ND 12.0 123.0 24-Aug-21 858 ND ND ND 2.7 78.7 (ug/L) ...... ...... 0 Nov-16 -i------1---1o:------t-----------i------1--------1 I\) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .i:,. 0 0 0 O'l 0 0 0 CX> 0 0 0 I\) 0 0 0 Feb-17 May-17 Aug-17 Nov-17 Feb-18 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-20 May-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 ...,i =e .,::. I (,.) co 0 :::r 0 ... 2. 0 ... 3 < !!!. C (I) en Chloroform Carbon Chlorometba e 'Methylene itrate Chlot-ide TW4-40 Tenrachlorld Chloride . " (ug/.1) iuo:JI\ (ug/1) £no/I) {mg/l) (Jng/1) 21-Mar-18 248 ND ND ND 3.08 35.7 14-Jun-18 131 ND ND ND 3.33 31.6 5-Sep-18 116 ND ND ND 3.22 37.6 13-Dec-18 118 ND ND ND 3.54 29.9 20-Mar-19 111 ND ND ND 3.18 30.9 5-Jun-19 263 ND ND ND 3.55 35.6 4-Sep-19 380 ND ND ND 3.39 35.9 10-Dec-19 314 ND ND ND 2.89 36.7 19-Feb-20 364 ND ND ND 2.98 38.5 27-May-20 367 ND ND ND 2.91 36.5 4-Sep-20 333 ND ND ND 2.88 34.2 28-0ct-20 264 ND ND ND 2.58 34.6 23-Feb-21 436 ND 3.51 ND 2.43 36.0 9-Jun-21 343 ND ND ND 3.77 27.5 24-Aug-21 301 ND 1.32 ND 1.50 31.8 U) Cl) ::::, "iu > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 .t:. 0 0 -=:I' I -=:I' == I- 0 0 L() 0 L() '<t" 0 0 '<t" 0 L() ('I') 0 0 ('I') 0 L() C\I (1/6n) 0 0 C\I 0 L() ~ 0 0 ~ 0 L() ~i-uer-v oi-unr-B~ 6 ~-oaa-~ 6 ~ -Aev.,i-g ~ B~-JdV-O~ 0 Chlorofom1 Catbon Cbloromethane Methylene Chloride TW4-41 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug([) Clhlorid Nitrate (mg/)>, (mg/I) ' (uetl) (Ue/1) 9-May-18 1400 ND ND ND 6.54 42.8 22-Aug-18 1390 ND ND ND 6.13 45.5 28-Nov-18 1320 ND ND ND 6.02 41.4 8-Mar-19 1220 ND ND ND 6.71 39.1 5-Jun-19 1320 ND ND ND 6.00 38.9 4-Sep-19 1190 ND ND ND 6.22 39.4 10-Dec-19 1410 ND ND ND 6.11 42.1 19-Feb-20 1200 ND ND ND 6.12 44.4 27-May-20 1220 ND ND ND 6.78 41.7 4-Sep-20 1110 ND ND ND 6.69 40.2 28-0ct-20 1020 ND ND ND 6.25 39.7 23-Feb-21 1170 ND ND ND 6.41 40.6 9-Jun-21 1130 ND ND ND 7.45 39.3 24-Aug-21 1100 ND ND ND 3.77 37.1 rn Cl) .2 C'O > E ... 0 -0 ... 0 :c 0 ..... q' I ; I- 0 0 co ,.... 0 0 '<:I" ,.... 0 ~ ,.... 0 0 0 0 0 co (1J6n) 0 0 co 0 0 '<:I" 0 0 C\J ~i-uer-v oi-unr-s~ 6 ~-oaa-~ 6 ~ -JieV',J-S ~ 8 ~ -Jd'v'-O ~ 0 ' -; Carbon Methylene ,' TW4-42 'Chloroform Tetrachlorhl~ Chloromethane Chloride Nitrate Chloride (ug(IJ (ut!/1) (ug/1) (ui?/1) (mll{I) {mg/I} 19-Jun-19 ND ND ND ND 2.57 23.3 11-Sep-19 ND ND ND ND 2.75 20.6 12-Dec-19 ND ND ND ND 2.82 22.6 17-Mar-20 ND ND ND ND 2.88 23.2 10-Jun-20 ND ND ND ND 3.23 23.1 17-Sep-20 ND ND ND ND 3.65 23.5 4-Nov-20 ND ND ND ND 2.77 22.4 17-Mar-21 ND ND ND ND 3.15 24.2 15-Jun-21 ND ND ND ND 3.57 24.6 15-Sep-21 ND ND ND ND 3.26 16.6 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 0 4-Feb-19 +-----+---+----+---1--~1----+---+---~---+------1 15-May-19 • 23-Aug-19 • 1-Dec-19 f I I I I I I I -I :E ~ I ~ N 10-Mar-20 i I I I I I I I I 0 :::r 0 ""I 0 -0 I I I I I ""I 18-Jun-20 f I I 3 < !. C (I) en 26-Sep-20 t I I I I I I I 4-Jan-21 l 14-Apr-21 • 23-Jul-21 • 31-0ct-21 _.__ _ __._ __ _,__ _ ___,_ __ ....,__ _ ___J __ ...,1_ __ L_ _ _L __ L_ _ _J TabL Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data over Time CHLOROFORM RESIDUAL MASS ESTIMATE DETAILS: Chloroform Data File: CHL_Surferlnput_Q3_21.xls Gridding details: 1) kriging parameters: SURFER™ default parameters (point kriging, linear variogram, slope= 1, no anisotropy [anisotropy= l], no search constraints [all data used]) 2) minx, max x (UTME[m]): 631900, 633043 3) min y, may y (UTMN[m]): 4154240, 4155550.64 4) grid spacing in x, y (m): 15.24, 15.24 5) artificial or pseudo-data: none 6) Q2, 2021 (previous quarter) data used at wells: MW-1, MW-2, MW-3A, MW-5, MW-12, MW-15, MW-17 through MW-20, MW-22, MW-23, MW-27 through MW-29, MW-35, MW-37 (all non-detect). Chloroform residual mass estimate kriged grid files (ascii format): Ucm3Q2lwl.grd: third quarter, 2021 Water Level Grid (ft amsl) Ucm3Q2lbb.grd: third quarter, 2021 Aquifer Base Grid (ft amsl) Ucm3Q21sat.grd: third quarter, 2021 Saturated Thickness Grid (ft) Ucm3Q211ogchl.grd: third quarter, 2021 log of chloroform grid (log of ug/L) Ucm3Q21chl.grd: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Concentration Grid (ug/L) Ucm3Q21ge70.grd: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Concentration GE 70 Grid (ug/L) Ucm3Q21volm3.grd: third quarter, 2021 Groundwater Volume Grid (m3) Ucm3Q21masslb.grd: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Plume Mass Grid (lb) Chloroform residual mass estimate kriged grid XYZ files (ascii format): Ucm3Q21wl.dat: third quarter, 2021 Water Level Grid XYZ file (ft amsl) Ucm3Q21bb.dat: third quarter, 2021 top of Aquifer Base Grid XYZ file (ft amsl) Ucm3Q21sat.dat: third quarter, 2021 Saturated Thickness Grid XYZ file (ft) Ucm3Q21logchl.dat: third quarter, 2021 log of chloroform grid XYZ file (log of ug/L) Ucm3Q21chl.dat: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Concentration Grid XYZ file (ug/L) Ucm3Q21ge70.dat: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Concentration GE 70 Grid (ug/L) XYZ file Ucm3Q21volm3.dat: third quarter, 2021 Groundwater Volume Grid XYZ file (m3) Ucm3Q21masslb.dat: third quarter, 2021 Chloroform Plume Mass Grid XYZ file (lb) Chloroform plume mass estimate file: Ucm3Q21result.xls ;e--a, .. IQ E · .. Ill w Ill Ill IQ ~ E ... 0 -0 ... 0 ::c V iii :I "C ·;;; a, a: 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ mass estimate --Linear (mass estimate) HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. TIME SERIES OF RESIDUAL CHLOROFORM MASS ESTIMATES File Name I Figure MaHE•tTim11S11rivs,xls L.1 Approved I Date SJS Author I Date SJS H:\718000\nDv21\chloroform\masscalc\FL.1_resid_chl_mass_3Q21 .xls: FL.1 Resid CHL Mass TABLE L.1 Chloroform Plume Residual Mass Since Third Quarter 2015 Residual Plume Mass Quarter (lbs) 0315 1712 0415 1869 01 16 1946 0216 2261 0316 1718 0416 1711 01 17 1271 0217 1372 0317 1948 0417 884 0118 1271 0218 1271 0318 1208 0418 1107 01 19 833 0219 1408 0319 1050 0419 770 01 20 1106 02 20 1056 03 20 909 0420 715 01 21 1273 02 21 784 03 21 933 Notes: lbs= pounds H:\718000\nov21\chloroform\masscalc\FL.l_resid_chl_mass_3Q21.xls: Table L.1 TabM CSV Transmittal Letter Kathy Weinel From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Mr. Goble, Kathy Weinel Thursday, November 18, 2021 12:18 PM Phillip Goble 'Dean Henderson'; David Frydenlund; Scott Bakken; Garrin Palmer; Logan Shumway Transmittal of CSV Files White Mesa Mill 2021 Q3 Chloroform Monitoring 2108726-report-EDD.csv; 2109449-report-EDD.csv; 2109638-reoprt-EDD.csv; Q3 2021 ChCl3 Field Data.csv; Q3 2021 DTW all programs.csv Attached to this e-mail is an electronic copy of laboratory results for chloroform monitoring conducted at the White Mesa Mill during the third quarter of 2021, in Comma Separated Value {CSV) format. Other electronic files required by the Corrective Action Plan are included on the CDs included with the hard copy reports. Please contact me at 303-389-4134 if you have any questions on this transmittal. Yours Truly Kathy Weinel Cf£ Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager t:303.389.4134 I c: I t:303.389.4125 KIN einel@energyf uels.com 225 Union Blvd., Suite 600 Lakewood, CO 80228 http://www.energyfuels.com This e-mail is intended for the exclusive use of person(s) mentioned as the recipient(s). This message and any attached files with it are confidential and may contain privileged or proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient(s) please delete this message and notify the sender. You may not use, distribute print or copy this message if you are not the intended recipient(s). 1 TabN Exceedance Notices for the Reporting Period This attachment has been deliberately left blank.