HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2017-003806 - 0901a068807038d7Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www.energvfuels.com May 22, 2017 Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control Sent VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Scott Anderson Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 MAY 2 4 2017 'Wt-'-zvn-wm? Re: Transmittal of 1st Quarter 2017 Nitrate Monitoring Report Stipulation and Consent Order Docket Number UGW12-04 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Anderson: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Nitrate Monitoring Report for the 1st Quarter of 2017 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order Docket Number UGW12-04, as well as two CDs each containing a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly. 7 / 1 v A Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager cc: David C. Frydenlund Logan Shumway Mark S. Chalmers David E. Turk Scott Bakken May 22,2017 Sent VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Scott Anderson Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Re: Transmittal of 1st Quarter 2017 Nitrate Monitoring Report Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www.energyfuels.c m Stipulation and Consent Order Docket Number UGW12-04 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Anderson: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Nitrate Monitoring Report for the 1st Quarter of 2017 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order Docket Number UGW12-04, as well as two CDs each containing a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly, =f(~&~ ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager cc: David C. Frydenlund Logan Shumway MarkS. Chalmers David E. Turk Scott Bakken White Mesa Uranium Mill Nitrate Monitoring Report State of Utah Stipulated Consent Agreement, December 2014 Docket No. UGW12-04 1st Quarter (January through March) 2017 Prepared by: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Boulevard, Suite 600 Lakewood, CO 80228 May 22,2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 2.0 GROUNDWATER NITRATE MONITORING ................................................ 1 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter ..................................... 1 2.1.1 Nitrate Monitoring ...................................................................................... 1 2.1.2 Parameter Analyzed .................................................................................. 2 2.1.3 Groundwater Head and Level Monitoring .................................................. 3 2.2 Sampjjng Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures ....... 3 2.2.1 Well Purgin g, Sampling and Depth to Groundwater.. ................................ 3 2.2.2 Piezometer Sampling .................................................................................. 4 2.3 Field Data ............................................................................................................ 5 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map .............................. 5 2.5 Laboratory Re ult .............................................................................................. 5 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Re ult ........................................................................ 5 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework ............................................................................... 5 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION ................................... 5 3.1 Field QC Samples ............................................................................................... 6 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs ..................................................................... 6 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review ........................................................................... 6 3.4 Data Validation ................................................................................................... 6 3.4.1 Field Data QNQC Evaluation .................................................................... 7 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation ............................................................................ 8 3.4.3 Analytical Method Checklist ...................................................................... 8 3.4.4 Rep01ting Limit Evaluation ........................................................................ 8 3.4.5 QNQC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates ................................................. 8 3.4.6 Other Laboratory QNQC ........................................................................... 8 3.4.7 Receipt Temperature Evaluation ................................................................. 9 3.4.8 Rinsate Check ............................................................................................. 9 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA ....................................................................... 10 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions ........... 10 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map ................................................... 10 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Map to Groundwater Contour Map for Previous Quarter. ................................................................................. 14 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation ................. 15 4.2 Effectiveness of Hydraulic Containment and Capture ...................................... 15 4.2.1 Hydraulic Containment and Control.. ....................................................... 15 4.2.2 Current Nitrate and Chloride Isoconcentration Maps ............................... 18 4.2.3 Comparison of Areal Extent ............................................................................ 19 4.2.4 Nitrate and Chloride Concentration Trend Data and Graphs .................... 20 4.2.5 Interpretation of Analytical Data .............................................................. 20 4.3 Estimation of Pumped Nitrate Mass and Residual Nitrate Mass within the Plume ·························································································································· 22 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT TWN-02, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 OPERATIONS REPORT .................................................................................. 24 5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 24 5.2 Pumping Well Data Collection ......................................................................... 24 5.3 Water Level Measurements .............................................................................. 25 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes ............................................................................ 25 5.4.1 TW4-11 ............................................................................................................ 25 5.4.2 TW4-20 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.4.3 TW4-21 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.4.4 TW4-25 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.4.5 TW4-37 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.4.6 TW4-39 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.4.7 MW-4 ............................................................................................................... 26 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT ................................................................. 27 6.1 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions ..................................... 27 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 27 8.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT .............................................. 31 9.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION ........................................................... 32 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 LIST OF TABLES Summary of Well Sampling and Constituents for the Period Nitrate Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter Nitrate Well Pumping Rates and Volumes Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate mass Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped Nitrate Data Over Time for MW-30, MW-31, MW-5, and MW-11 Slug Test Results Pre-Pumping Saturated Thickness Pre-Pumping Hydraulic Gradients and Flow Calculations Recalculated Background Flow 11 INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map and Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab E Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations Over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells Tab G Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab H Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables H-1 Field Data QNQC Evaluation H-2 Holding Time Evaluation H-3 Analytical Method Check H-4 Reporting Limit Evaluation H-5 QNQC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates H-6 QC Control limits for Analysis and Blanks H-7 Receipt Temperature Evaluation H-8 Rinsate Evaluation Tab I Kriged Current Quarter Nitrate and Chloride Isoconcentration Maps Tab J Analyte Concentration Data Over Time Tab K Nitrate and Chloride Concentration Trend Graphs Tab L CSV Transmittal Letter Tab M Residual Mass Estimate Analysis Figure lll ACRONYM LIST AWAL CA CAP CIR DIFB DWMRC DRC EFRI ft amsl GWDP LCS MS MSD QA QAP QC RPD sco SOPs UDEQ voc American West Analytical Laboratory Consent Agreement Corrective Action Plan Contamination Investigation Report Deionized Field Blanks Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Division of Radiation Control Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. feet above mean sea level Groundwater Discharge Permit Laboratory Control Spike Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate Quality Assurance Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan Quality Control Relative Percent Difference Stipulated Consent Order Standard Operating Procedures Utah Department of Environmental Quality Volatile Organic Compound IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Utah Department of Environmental Quality ("UDEQ") Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control ("DWMRC") noted in a Request dated September 30, 2008 (the "Request"), for a Voluntary Plan and Schedule to Investigate and Remediate Nitrate Contamination at the White Mesa Uranium Mill (the "Mill") (the "Plan"), that nitrate levels have exceeded the State water quality standard of 10 mg/L in certain monitoring wells. As a result of the Request, Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. ("EFRI") entered into a Stipulated Consent Agreement with the Utah Water Quality Board in January 2009 which directed the preparation of a Nitrate Contamination Investigation Report ("CIR"). A subsequent letter dated December 1, 2009, among other things, recommended that EFRI also address elevated chloride concentrations in the CIR. The Stipulated Consent Agreement was amended in August 2011. Under the amended Consent Agreement ("CA"), EFRI submitted a Corrective Action Plan ("CAP"), pursuant to the requirements of the Utah Groundwater Quality Protection Rules [UAC R317-6-6.15(C-E)] on November 29,2011 and revised versions of the CAP on February 27, 2012 and May 7, 2012. On December 12, 2012, DWMRC signed the Stipulation and Consent Order ("SCO"), Docket Number UGW12-04, which approved the EFRI CAP, dated May 7, 2012. The SCO ordered EFRI to fully implement all elements of the May 7, 2012 CAP. Based on the schedule included in the CAP and as delineated and approved by the SCO, the activities associated with the implementation of the CAP began in January 2013. The reporting requirements specified in the CAP and SCO are included in this quarterly nitrate report. This is the Quarterly Nitrate Monitoring Report, as required under the SCO, State of Utah Docket No. UGW 12-04 for the first quarter of 2017. This report meets the requirements of the SCO, State of UDEQ Docket No. UGW12-04 and is the document which covers nitrate corrective action and monitoring activities during the first quarter of2017. 2.0 GROUNDWATER NITRATE MONITORING 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter A map showing the location of all groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers, existing wells, temporary chloroform contaminant investigation wells and temporary nitrate investigation wells is attached under Tab A. Nitrate samples and measurements taken during this reporting period are discussed in the remainder of this section. 2.1.1 Nitrate Monitoring Quarterly sampling for nitrate monitoring parameters was performed in the following wells: TWN-1 TWN-2 TWN-3 TWN-4 TWN-7 TWN-18 TW4-22* TW4-24* TW4-25* Piezometer 1 Piezometer 2 Piezometer 3A ** 1 As discussed in Section 2.1.2 the analytical constituents required by the CAP are inorganic chloride and nitrate+nitrite as N (referred to as nitrate in this document) * Wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 are chloroform investigation wells (wells installed and sampled primarily for the chloroform investigation) and are sampled as part of the chloroform program. The analytical suite for these three wells includes nitrate, chloride and a select list of Volatile Organic Compounds ("VOCs") as specified in the chloroform program. These three wells are included here because they are being pumped as part of the remediation of the nitrate contamination as required by the SCO and the CAP. The nitrate and chloride data are included in this report as well as in the chloroform program quarterly report. The VOC data for these three wells will be reported in the chloroform quarterly monitoring report only. **Piezometer 3 was abandoned and replaced with Piezometer 3A in March 2016. The December 12, 2012 SCO approved the CAP, which specified the cessation of sampling in TWN-5, TWN-6, TWN-8, TWN-9, TWN-10, TWN-11, TWN-12, TWN-13, TWN-14, TWN-15, TWN-16, TWN-17, and TWN-19. The CAP and SCO also approved the abandonment ofTWN- 5, TWN-8, TWN-9, TWN-10, TWN-11, TWN-12, TWN-13, TWN-15, and TWN-17 within 1 year of the SCO approval. These wells were abandoned in accordance with the DWMRC- approved Well Abandonment Procedure on July 31, 2013. Wells TWN-6, TWN-14, TWN-16, and TWN-19 have been maintained for depth to groundwater monitoring only, as noted in the CAP. Table 1 provides an overview of all locations sampled during the current period, along with the date samples were collected from each location, and the date(s) upon which analytical data were received from the contract laboratory. Table 1 also identifies rinsate samples collected, as well as sample numbers associated with any required duplicates. As indicated in Table 1, nitrate monitoring was performed in the nitrate monitoring wells, chloroform wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and Piezometers 1, 2, and 3A. Analytical data for all of the above-listed wells, and the piezometers, are included in Tab G. Nitrate and chloride are also monitored in all of the Mill's groundwater monitoring wells and chloroform investigation wells. Data from those wells for this quarter are incorporated in certain maps and figures in this report but are discussed in their respective programmatic reports. 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed Locations sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents: • Inorganic Chloride • Nitrate plus Nitrite as Nitrogen (referred to herein as nitrate) Use of analytical methods consistent with the requirements found in the White Mesa Mill Groundwater Quality Assurance Plan, ("QAP") Revision 7.2, dated June 7, 2012 was confirmed for all analytes, as discussed later in this report. 2 2.1.3 Groundwater Head and Level Monitoring Depth to groundwater was measured in the following wells and/or piezometers, pursuant to Part I.E.3 of the Groundwater Discharge Permit ("GWDP") (dated August 24, 2012): • The quarterly groundwater compliance monitoring wells • Existing well MW -4 and all of the temporary chloroform investigation wells • Piezometers-P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4 and P-5 • MW-20, MW-22, and MW-34 • The DR piezometers that were installed during the Southwest Hydrogeologic Investigation • Nitrate wells TWN-1, TWN-2, TWN-3, TWN-4, TWN-6, TWN-7, TWN-14, TWN-16, TWN-18 and TWN-19 In addition to the above, depth to water measurements are routinely observed in conjunction with sampling events for all wells sampled during quarterly and accelerated efforts, regardless of the sampling purpose. All well levels used for groundwater contour mapping were measured and recorded within 5 calendar days of each other as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab C. Field data sheets for groundwater measurements are also provided in Tab C. Weekly and monthly depth to groundwater measurements were taken in the chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-4, TW4-21, TW4-37, TW4-39 (starting in December 2016), and the nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2. In addition, monthly water level measurements wen~ taken in non-pumping wells MW-27, MW- 30, MW-31, TWN-1, TWN-3, TWN-4, TWN-7, and TWN-18 as required by the CAP. 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures The QAP provides a detailed presentation of procedures utilized for groundwater sampling activities under the GWDP (August 24, 2012). The sampling methodology, equipment and decontamination procedures that were performed for the nitrate contaminant investigation, as summarized below, are consistent with the QAP. 2.2.1 Well Purging, Sampling and Depth to Groundwater A list of the wells in order of increasing nitrate contamination is generated quarterly. The order for purging is thus established. The list is included with the Field Data Worksheets under Tab B. Mill personnel start purging with all of the nondetect wells and then move to the wells with detectable nitrate concentrations, progressing from the wells having the lowest nitrate contamination to wells with the highest nitrate contamination. 3 Before leaving the Mill office, the pump and hose are decontaminated using the cleaning agents described in Attachment 2-2 of the QAP. Rinsate blanks are collected at a frequency of one rinsate per 20 field samples. Purging is completed to remove stagnant water from the casing and to assure that representative samples of formation water are collected for analysis. There are three purging strategies specified in the QAP that are used to remove stagnant water from the casing during groundwater sampling at the Mill. The three strategies are as follows: 1. Purging three well casing volumes with a single measurement of field parameters 2. Purging two casing volumes with stable field parameters (within 10% Relative Percent Difference ["RPD"]) 3. Purging a well to dryness and stability (within 10% RPD) of a limited list of field parameters after recovery. Mill personnel proceed to the first well, which is the well with the lowest concentration (i.e. non- detect) of nitrate based on the previous quarter's sampling results. Well depth measurements are taken and the one casing volume is calculated. The purging strategy that will be used for the well is determined at this time based on the depth to water measurement and the previous production of the well. The Grundfos pump (a 6 to 10 gallon per minute [gpm] pump) is then lowered to the appropriate depth in the well and purging is started. At the first well, the purge rate is measured for the purging event by using a calibrated 5 gallon bucket. After the evacuation of the well has been completed, the well is sampled when possible, and the pump is removed from the well and the process is repeated at each well location moving from the least contaminated to most contaminated well. If sample collection is not possible due to the well being purged dry, a sample is collected after recovery using a disposable bailer and as described in Attachment 2-3 of the QAP. Sample collection follows the procedures described in Attachment 2-4 of the QAP. After the samples have been collected for a particular well, the samples are placed into a cooler that contains ice. The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well. If a bailer has been used it is disposed of. Decontamination of non-dedicated equipment, using the reagents in Attachment 2-2 of the QAP, is performed between each sample location, and at the beginning of each sampling day, in addition to the pre-event decontamination described above. 2.2.2 Piezometer Sampling Samples are collected from Piezometers 1, 2 and 3A, if possible. Samples are collected from piezometers using a disposable bailer after one set of field measurements have been collected. Due to the difficulty in obtaining samples from the piezometers, the purging protocols set out in the QAP are not followed. After samples are collected, the bailer is disposed of and samples are placed into a cooler containing ice for sample preservation and transit to the Mill's contract analytical laboratory, American West Analytical Laboratories ("AWAL"). 4 2.3 Field Data Attached under Tab B are copies of all Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the quarter for the nitrate investigation monitoring wells and piezometers identified in Section 2.1.1 and Table 1. 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map Depth-to-groundwater measurements that were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Quarterly Depth to Water Sheet at Tab C of this Report along with the kriged groundwater contour map for the current quarter generated from this data. All well levels used for groundwater contour mapping were measured and recorded within 5 calendar days of each other as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab C. A copy of the kriged groundwater contour map generated from the previous quarter's data is provided under Tab D. 2.5 Laboratory Results 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results The analytical results were provided by A W AL. Table 1 lists the dates when analytical results were reported to the Quality Assurance ("QA") Manager for each well or other sample. Analytical results for the samples collected for this quarter's nitrate investigation and a limited list of chloroform investigation nitrate and chloride results are provided under Tab G of this Report. Also included under Tab G are the results of analyses for duplicate samples and rinsate samples for this sampling effort, as identified in Table 1. See the Groundwater Monitoring Report and Chloroform Monitoring Report for this quarter for nitrate and chloroform analytical results for the groundwater monitoring wells and chloroform investigation wells not listed in Table 1. 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework As discussed in Section 1.0 above, the Request, Plan, and CA each triggered a series of actions on EFRI's part. Potential surficial sources of nitrate and chloride have been described in the December 30, 2009 CIR and additional investigations into potential sources were completed and discussed with DWMRC in 2011. Pursuant to theCA, the CAP was submitted to the Director of the Division Waste Management and Radiation Control (the "Director") on May 7, 2012. The CAP describes activities associated with the nitrate in groundwater. The CAP was approved by the Director on December 12, 2012. This quarterly report documents the monitoring consistent with the program described in the CAP. 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCEANDDATA VALIDATION EFRI's QA Manager performed a QA/Quality Control ("QC") review to confirm compliance of the monitoring program with the requirements of the QAP. As required in the QAP, data QA includes preparation and analysis of QC samples in the field, review of field procedures, an analyte completeness review, and QC review of laboratory data methods and data. Identification 5 of field QC samples collected and analyzed is provided in Section 3.1. Discussion of adherence to Mill sampling Standard Operating Procedures ("SOPs") is provided in Section 3.2. Analytical completeness review results are provided in Section 3.3. The steps and tests applied to check field data QA/QC, holding times, receipt temperature and laboratory data QA/QC are discussed in Sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.7 below. The analytical laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference certification and reporting protocol. The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports, including copies of the Mill's Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for each set of Analytical Results, follow the analytical results under Tab G. Results of the review of the laboratory QA/QC information are provided under Tab H and discussed in Section 3.4, below. 3.1 Field QC Samples The following QC samples were generated by Mill personnel and submitted to the analytical laboratory in order to assess the quality of data resulting from the field sampling program. Field QC samples for the nitrate investigation program consist of one field duplicate sample for each 20 samples, DI Field Blanks ("DIFB"), and equipment rinsate samples. During the quarter, one duplicate sample was collected as indicated in Table 1. The duplicate was sent blind to the analytical laboratory and analyzed for the same parameters as the nitrate wells. One rinsate blank sample was collected as indicated on Table 1. Rinsate samples are labeled with the name of the subsequently purged well with a terminal letter "R" added (e.g. TWN-7R). The field QC sample results are included with the routine analyses under Tab G. 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs The QA Manager review of Mill Personnel's adherence to the existing SOPs, confirmed that the QAJQC requirements established in the QAP and Chloroform QAP were met. 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review All analyses required by the GWDP for nitrate monitoring for the period were performed. 3.4 Data Validation The QAP and GWDP (August 24, 2012) identify the data validation steps and data QC checks required for the nitrate monitoring program. Consistent with these requirements, the QA Manager performed the following evaluations: a field data QA/QC evaluation, a holding time evaluation, an analytical method check, a reporting limit evaluation, a QC evaluation of sample duplicates, a QC evaluation of control limits for analysis and blanks, a receipt temperature 6 evaluation, and a rinsate evaluation. Because no VOCs are analyzed for the nitrate contamination investigation, no trip blanks are required in the sampling program. Each evaluation is discussed in the following sections. Data check tables indicating the results of each test are provided under Tab H. 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation The QA Manager performs a review of all field recorded parameters to assess their adherence with QAP requirements. The assessment involved review of two sources of information: the Field Data Sheets and the Quarterly Depth to Water summary sheet. Review of the Field Data Sheets addresses well purging volumes and stability of five parameters: conductance, pH, temperature, redox potential, and turbidity. Review of the Depth to Water data confirms that all depth measurements used for development of groundwater contour maps were conducted within a five-day period of each other. The results of this quarter's review are provided under Tab H. Based upon the review of the field data sheets, field work was completed in compliance with the QAP purging and field measurement requirements. A summary of the purging techniques employed and field measurements taken is described below: Purging Two Ca ing Volume with Stable Field Parameter (within 10% RPD) Wells TWN-01, TWN-04, and TWN-18 were sampled after two casing volumes were removed. Field parameters pH, specific conductivity, turbidity, water temperature, and redox potential were measured during purging. All field parameters for this requirement were stable within 10% RPD. Purging a Well to Dryness and Stability of a Limited List of Field Parameters Wells TWN-03 and TWN-07 were purged to dryness before two casing volumes were evacuated. After well recovery, one set of measurements for the field parameters of pH, specific conductivity, and water temperature only were taken; the samples were collected, and another set of measurements for pH, specific conductivity, and water temperature were taken. Stabilization of pH, conductivity and temperature are required within 10% RPD under the QAP. All field parameters for this requirement were stable within 10% RPD. Continuously Pumped Wells Wells TWN-02, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are continuously pumped wells. These wells are pumped on a set schedule per the remediation plan and are considered sufficiently evacuated to immediately collect a sample. As previously noted, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are chloroform investigation wells and are sampled under the chloroform program. Data for nitrate and chloride are provided here for completeness purposes. During review of the field data sheets, it was observed that sampling personnel consistently recorded depth to water to the nearest 0.01 foot. All field parameters for all wells were within the QAP required limits, as indicated below. The field data collected during the quarter were in compliance with QAP requirements. 7 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation QAP Table 1 identifies the method holding times for each suite of parameters. Sample holding time checks are provided in Tab H. All samples were received and analyzed within the required holding time. 3.4.3 Analytical Method Checklist All analytical methods reported by the laboratory were checked against the required methods enumerated in the QAP. Analytical method checks are provided in Tab H. All methods were consistent with the requirements of the QAP. 3.4.4 Reporting Limit Evaluation All analytical method reporting limits ("RLs") reported by the laboratory were checked against the reporting limits enumerated in the QAP. Reporting Limit Checks are provided in Tab H. All analytes were measured and reported to the required reporting limits, with the exception of several samples that had increased reporting limits due to matrix interference or required dilution due to the sample concentration. However, in all of those cases the analytical results were greater than the reporting limit used. 3.4.5 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Section 9.1.4 a) of the QAP states that RPDs will be calculated for the comparison of duplicate and original field samples. The QAP acceptance limits for RPDs between the duplicate and original field sample is less than or equal to 20% unless the measured results are less than 5 times the required detection limit. This standard is based on the EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review, February 1994, 9240.1-05- 01 as cited in the QAP. The RPDs are calculated for duplicate pairs for all analytes regardless of whether or not the reported concentrations are greater than 5 times the required detection limits. However, data will be considered noncompliant only when the results are greater than 5 times the required detection limit and the RPD is greater than 20%. All duplicate results were within 20% RPD for the quarterly samples. The duplicate results are provided under Tab H. 3.4.6 Other Laboratory QA/QC Section 9.2 of the QAP requires that the laboratory's QA/QC Manager check the following items in developing data reports: (1) sample preparation information is correct and complete, (2) analysis information is correct and complete, (3) appropriate Analytical Laboratory procedures are followed, (4) analytical results are correct and complete, (5) QC samples are within established control limits, (6) blanks are within QC limits, (7) special sample preparation and analytical requirements have been met, and (8) documentation is complete. In addition to other laboratory checks described above, EFRI' s QA Manager rechecks QC samples and blanks (items (5) and (6)) to confirm that the percent recovery for spikes and the relative percent difference for spike duplicates are within the method-specific required limits, or that the case narrative 8 sufficiently explains any deviation from these limits. Results of this quantitative check are provided in Tab H. The lab QA/QC results met these specified acceptance limits. The QAP Section 8.1.2 requires that a Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate ("MS/MSD") pair be analyzed with each analytical batch. The QAP does not specify acceptance limits for the MS/MSD pair, and the QAP does not specify that the MS/MSD pair be prepared on EFRI samples only. Acceptance limits for MS/MSDs are set by the laboratories. The review of the information provided by the laboratories in the data packages verified that the QAP requirement to analyze an MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met. While the QAP does not require it, the recoveries were reviewed for compliance with the laboratory established acceptance limits. The QAP does not require this level of review, and the results of this review are provided for information only. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the MS/MSDs recoveries and the associated RPDs for the samples were within acceptable laboratory limits for the regulated compounds except as indicated in Tab H. The MS/MSD recoveries that are outside the laboratory established acceptance limits do not affect the quality or usability of the data because recoveries above or below the acceptance limits are indicative of matrix interference. Matrix interferences are applicable to the individual sample results only. The requirement in the QAP to analyze a MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met and as such the data are compliant with the QAP. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the Laboratory Control Sample recoveries were acceptable, which indicate that the analytical system was operating properly. The QAP Section 8.1.2 requires that each analytical batch shall be accompanied by a reagent blank. All analytical batches routinely contain a blank, which is a laboratory-grade water blank sample made and carried through all analytical steps. For the Mill samples, a method blank is prepared for all analytical methods. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the method blanks did not contain detections of any target analytes above the Reporting Limit. 3.4.7 Receipt Temperature Evaluation Chain of Custody sheets were reviewed to confirm compliance with the QAP requirement in QAP Table 1 that samples be received at 6°C or lower. Sample temperatures checks are provided in Tab H. All samples were received within the required temperature limit. 3.4.8 Rinsate Check Rinsate checks are provided in Tab H. A comparison of the rinsate blank sample concentration levels to the QAP requirements -that rinsate sample concentrations be one order of magnitude lower than that of the actual well -indicated that all of the rinsate blank analytes met this criterion. All rinsate and DIFB blank samples were non-detect for the quarter. 9 4.0 INTERPRETATIONOFDATA 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions. 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map As stated above, a listing of groundwater level readings for the current quarter (shown as depth to groundwater in feet) is included under Tab C. The data from this tab has been interpreted (interpolated by kriging) and plotted in a water table contour map, provided under the same tab. The contour map is based on the current quarter's data for all wells. The water level contour maps indicate that perched water flow ranges from generally southwesterly beneath the Mill site and tailings cells to generally southerly along the eastern and western margins of White Mesa south of the tailings cells. Perched water mounding associated with the wildlife ponds is still evident and locally changes the generally southerly perched water flow patterns. For example, northeast of the Mill site, mounding associated with formerly used wildlife ponds disrupts the generally southwesterly flow pattern, to the extent that locally northerly flow occurs near MW -19 and PIEZ-1. The impact of the mounding associated with the northern ponds, to which water has not been delivered since March 2012, is diminishing and is expected to continue to diminish as the mound decays due to reduced recharge. Not only has recharge from the wildlife ponds impacted perched water elevations and flow directions at the site, but the cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds, which are generally upgradient of the nitrate and chloroform plumes at the site, resulted in changing conditions that were expected to impact constituent concentrations and migration rates within the plumes. Specifically, past recharge from the ponds helped limit many constituent concentrations within the plumes by dilution while the associated groundwater mounding increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the northern ponds was discontinued in March, 2012, increases in constituent concentrations in many wells, and decreases in hydraulic gradients within the plumes, are attributable to reduced recharge and the decay of the associated groundwater mound. EFRI and its consultants anticipated these changes and discussed these and other potential effects during discussions with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. The impacts associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds were expected to propagate downgradient (south and southwest) over time. Wells close to the ponds were generally expected to be impacted sooner than wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Therefore, constituent concentrations were generally expected to increase in downgradient wells close to the ponds before increases were detected in wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Although such increases were anticipated to result from reduced dilution, the magnitude and timing of the increases were anticipated to be and have been difficult to predict due to the complex permeability distribution at the site and factors such as pumping and the rate of decay of the groundwater mound. Because of these complicating factors, some wells completed in higher permeability materials were expected to be impacted sooner than other wells completed in lower permeability materials even though the wells completed in lower permeability materials were closer to the ponds. 10 In general, nitrate concentrations within and adjacent to the nitrate plume appear to have been impacted to a lesser extent than chloroform and nitrate concentrations within and in the vicinity of the chloroform plume. This behavior is reasonable considering that the chloroform plume is generally more directly downgradient of and more hydraulically connected (via higher permeability materials) to the wildlife ponds. Localized increases in concentrations of constituents such as nitrate and chloride within and near the nitrate plume may occur even when the nitrate plume is under control based on the Nitrate CAP requirements. Ongoing mechanisms that can be expected to increase the concentrations of nitrate and chloride locally as a result of reduced wildlife pond recharge include but are not limited to: 1) Reduced dilution -the mixing of low constituent concentration pond recharge into existing perched groundwater will be reduced over time. 2) Reduced saturated thicknesses -dewatering of higher permeability zones receiving primarily low constituent concentration pond water will result in wells intercepting the zones receiving a smaller proportion of the low constituent concentration water. The combined impact of the above two mechanisms was anticipated to be more evident at chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20; nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2; and non-pumped wells adjacent to the pumped wells. hnpacts were also expected to occur over time at wells added to the chloroform pumping network during the first quarter of 2015 (TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-ll); at those added during the second quarter of 2015 (TW4-21 and TW4-37); and at TW4-39, added during the previous quarter (fourth quarter, 2016). The overall impact was expected to be generally higher constituent concentrations in these wells over time until mass reduction resulting from pumping and natural attenuation eventually reduces concentrations. Short-term changes in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells are also expected to result from changes in pumping conditions. In addition to changes in the flow regime caused by wildlife pond recharge, perched flow directions are locally influenced by operation of the chloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Well-defined cones of depression are typically evident in the vicinity of all chloroform pumping wells except TW4-4 and TW4-37, which began pumping in the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2015, respectively. A well defined capture zone was also not evident at TW4- 39 until the current quarter due to its recent start-up (fourth quarter of 2016). However, a large decrease in water level at TW4-37 this quarter created an apparently large increase in capture at this well that obscured the apparent capture at some nearby wells (including chloroform pumping wells TW4-19 and TW4-20). The lack of well-defined capture associated with chloroform pumping well TW4-4 has been consistent, even though pumping since the first quarter of 2010 has depressed the water table in the vicinity of this well. The lack of a well-defined cone of depression near TW4-4 likely results from 1) variable permeability conditions in the vicinity of TW4-4, and 2) persistent relatively low water levels at adjacent well TW4-14. 11 Pumping of nitrate wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 began during the first quarter of 2013. Water level patterns near these wells are expected to be influenced by the presence of and the decay of the groundwater mound associated with the northern wildlife ponds, and by the persistently low water level elevation at TWN-7, which is located up gradient of the nitrate pumping wells. Capture associated with nitrate pumping is expected to continue to increase over time as water levels decline due to pumping and to cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Interaction between nitrate and chloroform pumping is expected to enhance the capture of the nitrate pumping system. The long-term interaction between the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems is evolving, and changes will be reflected in data collected during routine monitoring. As discussed above, variable permeability conditions are one likely reason for the lack of a well- defined cone of depression near chloroform pumping well TW 4-4. Changes in water levels at wells immediately south and southeast (downgradient) ofTW4-4 resulting from TW4-4 pumping are expected to be muted because TW4-4 is located at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions south and southeast of TW4-4. As will be discussed below, the permeability of the perched zone at TW4-6, TW4-26, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34, and TW4-35 is one to two orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4, and the permeability at TW4-27 is approximately three orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4. Detecting water level drawdowns in wells immediately south and southeast of TW4-4 resulting from TW4-4 pumping has also been complicated by a general, long-term increase in water levels that occurred in this area that is attributable to past wildlife pond recharge. Between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the fourth quarter of 2009 (just prior to the start of TW4-4 pumping), water levels at TW4-4 and TW4-6 increased by nearly 2.7 and 2.9 feet at rates of approximately 1.2 feet/year and 1.3 feet/year, respectively. However, between the start of pumping at TW4-4 (first quarter of 2010) and the fourth quarter of 2013, the rate of increase in water level at TW4-6 was reduced to less than 0.5 feet/year suggesting that TW4-6 is within the hydraulic influence of TW4-4. Since the fourth quarter of 2013, water levels in all wells currently within the chloroform plume south of TW4-4 (TW4-6, TW4-29, and TW4-33) have been trending generally downward. This downward trend is attributable to both the cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and pumping. Generally increasing water levels, except for an apparent stabilization during 2016, are now confined to some of the wells marginal to the chloroform plume such as TW4-14, TW4-27, TW4-30, and TW4-31. These spatially variable water level trends likely result from pumping conditions, the permeability distribution, and distance from the wildlife ponds. Wells that are relatively hydraulically isolated (due to completion in lower permeability materials or due to intervening lower permeability materials) and that are more distant from pumping wells and the wildlife ponds, are expected to respond more slowly to pumping and reduced recharge than wells that are less hydraulically isolated and are closer to pumping wells and the wildlife ponds. Wells that are more hydraulically isolated will also respond more slowly to changes in pumping. 12 The continuing lack of a well-defined cone of depression at TW4-4 is also influenced by the persistent, relatively low water level at non-pumping well TW4-14, located east of TW4-4 and TW4-6. For the current quarter, the water level at TW4-14 (approximately 5534.0 feet above mean sea level ["ft amsl"]), is approximately 1.5 feet lower than the water level at TW4-6 (approximately 5535.5 ft amsl) and approximately 5.5 feet lower than the water level at TW4-4 (approximately 5539.5 ft amsl), even though TW4-4 is pumping. However, water level differences among these wells are diminishing. The static water levels at wells TW4-14 and downgradient well TW4-27 (installed south of TW4-14 in the fourth quarter of 2011) were similar (within 1 to 2 feet) until the third quarter of 2014; both appeared anomalously low. The current quarterly water level at TW4-27 (approximately 5528.9 ft. amsl) is approximately 5 feet lower than the water level at TW4-14 (5534.0 ft. amsl). Recent increases in water level differences between TW4-14 and TW4-27 are due to more rapid increases in water levels at TW 4-14 resulting from past delivery of water to the northern wildlife ponds. The rate of water level increase at TW4-27 is smaller than at TW4- 14 because TW4-27 is farther downgradient of the ponds. Prior to the installation of TW4-27, the persistently low water level at TW4-14 was considered anomalous because it appeared to be downgradient of all three wells TW 4-4, TW 4-6, and TW 4- 26, yet chloroform had not been detected at TW4-14. Chloroform had apparently migrated from TW4-4 to TW4-6 and from TW4-6 to TW4-26. This suggested that TW4-26 was actually downgradient of TW4-6, and TW4-6 was actually downgradient of TW4-4, regardless of the flow direction implied by the low water level at TW4-14. The water level at TW4-26 (5534.0 feet amsl) is, however, lower than water levels at adjacent wells TW4-6 (5535.5 feet amsl), and TW4-23 (5536.9 feet amsl), as shown in the detail water level map under Tab C. Hydraulic tests indicate that the permeability at TW4-27 is an order of magnitude lower than at TW4-6 and three orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4 (see Hydro Geo Chern, Inc. [HGC], September 20, 2010: Hydraulic Testing of TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26, White Mesa Uranium Mill, July 2010; and HGC, November 28, 2011: Installation, Hydraulic Testing, and Perched Zone Hydrogeology of Perched Monitoring Well TW4-27, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah). Past similarity of water levels at TW4-14 and TW4-27, and the low permeability estimate at TW4-27, suggested that both wells were completed in materials having lower permeability than nearby wells. The low permeability condition likely reduced the rate of long-term water level increase at TW4-14 and TW4-27 compared to nearby wells, yielding water levels that appeared anomalously low. This behavior is consistent with hydraulic test data collected from more recently installed wells TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34 and TW4-35, which indicate that the permeability of these wells is one to two orders of magnitude higher than the permeability of TW4-27 (see: HGC, January 23, 2014, Contamination Investigation Report, TW4-12 and TW4-27 Areas, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah; and HGC, July 1, 2014, Installation and Hydraulic Testing of TW4-35 and TW4-36, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah [As-Built Report]). Hydraulic tests also indicate that the permeability at TW4-36 is slightly higher than but comparable to the low permeability at TW4-27, suggesting that TW4-36, TW4-14 and TW4-27 are completed in a continuous low permeability zone. 13 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Map to Groundwater Contour Map for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour maps for the Mill site for the previous quarter, as submitted with the Nitrate Monitoring Report for the previous quarter, are attached under Tab D. A comparison of the water table contour maps for the current quarter (first quarter of 2017) to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter (fourth quarter of 2016) indicates the following: water level changes at the majority of site wells were small ( < lfoot); water level contours have not changed significantly except for a few locations (most notably chloroform pumping well TW4- 37); and, except for the large increases in drawdown and apparent capture at TW4-37, overall drawdown patterns associated with pumping wells are similar. Drawdowns at chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2 and TW4-37, and nitrate pumping well TWN-2, increased by more than 2 feet this quarter, with the drawdown at TW4-37 increasing by more than 44 feet. Draw downs at chloroform pumping wells TW 4-11 and TW 4- 21, and nitrate pumping wells TW4-22 and TW4-25, decreased by more than 2 feet this quarter. Water level changes at other nitrate and chloroform pumping wells were less than 2 feet, although both increases (decreases in drawdown) and decreases (increases in drawdown) occurred. Water level fluctuations at pumping wells typically occur in part because of fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken. The reported water level for chloroform pumping well TW4-11 is above the depth of the Brushy Basin contact this quarter. Although both increases and decreases in drawdown occurred in pumping wells, the overall apparent capture of the combined pumping system is larger than last quarter due to the relatively large increase in drawdown at TW4-37. Except for the apparent increase in capture downgradient (south-southwest) of TW4-37, overall pumping capture is similar to last quarter. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, pumping at chloroform well TW 4-4, which began in the first quarter of 2010, has depressed the water table near TW4-4, but a well-defined cone of depression is not clearly evident, likely due to variable permeability conditions near TW4-4 and the persistently low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. Reported water level decreases of up to 0.8 feet at Piezometers 1, 3A, 4, and 5 may result from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds as discussed in Section 4.1.1 and the consequent continuing decay of the associated perched water mound. Reported water level decreases of up to 0.26 feet at piezometers 4 and 5 may also result from reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond. Reported water level increases of approximately 0.45 feet at Piezometer 2, and of approximately 0.2 and 0.9 feet at TWN-1 and TWN-4, respectively, may indicate a slowing in the decay of the groundwater mound. The reported water level at MW-20 increased by approximately 3.8 feet, compensating for a drop of similar magnitude last quarter. Water level variability at MW-20 likely results from low permeability and variable intervals between purging/sampling and water level measurement. Measurable water was not reported at DR-22. Although DR-22 is typically dry, measurable water was reported in the bottom of its casing between the second quarter of 2015 and the third quarter of 2016. 14 4.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab E are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each nitrate contaminant investigation monitor well over time. Per the CAP, nitrate wells TWN-6, TWN-14, TWN-16, and TWN-19 have been maintained for depth to groundwater monitoring only. These hydrographs are also included in Tab E. 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached in Tab F are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above. 4.2 Effectiveness of Hydraulic Containment and Capture 4.2.1 Hydraulic Containment and Control The CAP states that hydraulic containment and control will be evaluated in part based on water level data and in part on concentrations in wells downgradient of pumping wells TW4-22 and TW4-24. As per the CAP, the fourth quarter of 2013 was the first quarter that hydraulic capture associated with nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 was evaluated. Hydraulic containment and control based on water level data is considered successful per the CAP if the entire nitrate plume upgradient of TW4-22 and TW4-24 falls within the combined capture of the nitrate pumping wells. Capture zones based on water level contours calculated by kriging the current quarter's water level data are provided on water level contour maps included under Tab C. The nitrate capture zones are defined by the bounding stream tubes associated with nitrate pumping wells. Each bounding stream tube represents a flow line parallel to the hydraulic gradient and therefore perpendicular to the intersected water level contours. Assuming that the stream tubes do not change over time, all flow between the bounding stream tubes associated with a particular pumping well is presumed to eventually reach and be removed by that well. Capture associated with chloroform pumping wells is also included on these maps because the influence of the chloroform and nitrate pumping systems overlap. The specific methodology for calculating the nitrate capture zones is substantially the same as that used since the fourth quarter of 2005 to calculate the capture zones for the chloroform program, as agreed to by the DWMRC and EFRI. The procedure for calculating nitrate capture zones is as follows: 1) Calculate water level contours by gridding the water level data on approximately 50-foot centers using the ordinary linear kriging method in Surfer™. Default kriging parameters are used that include a linear variogram, an isotropic data search, and all the available water level data for the quarter, including relevant seep and spring elevations. 2) Calculate the capture zones by hand from the kriged water level contours following the rules for flow nets: -From each pumping well, reverse track the stream tubes that bound the capture zone of each well, 15 -maintain perpendicularity between each stream tube and the kriged water level contours. Compared to last quarter, both increases and decreases in water levels occurred at nitrate and chloroform pumping wells. The water levels in chloroform pumping wells MW -4, TW 4-4, TW 4- 11, TW4-21 and TW4-39 increased by approximately 1.4, 0.3, 7.9, 4.1, and 1.2 feet, respectively, while the water levels in chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-19, TW4-20 and TW4-37 decreased by approximately 1.4, 5.2, 3.8, 0.54, 0.66, and 44 feet, respectively. The water levels in nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24 and TW4-25 increased by approximately 2.9, 1.9, and 6.7 feet, respectively, while the water level in nitrate pumping well TWN-2 decreased by approximately 3.9 feet. Overall, the apparent capture of the combined pumping systems has increased compared to last quarter, primarily due to the relatively large increase in drawdown at TW4-37. The capture associated with nitrate pumping wells and chloroform pumping wells added in 2015 and 2016 is expected to increase over time as water levels continue to decline due to pumping and to cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Slow development of hydraulic capture is consistent with and expected based on the relatively low permeability of the perched zone at the site. Fmthermore, the presence of the perched groundwater mound, and the apparently anomalously low water level at TWN-7, will influence the definition of capture associated with the nitrate pumping system. That pumping is likely sufficient to eventually capture the entire plume upgradient of TW4-22 and TW4-24 can be demonstrated by comparing the combined average pumping rates of all nitrate pumping wells for the current quarter to estimates of pre-pumping flow through the nitrate plume near the locations of TW4-22 and TW4-24. The pre-pumping flow calculation presented from the fourth quarter of 2013 through the second quarter of 2015 was assumed to represent a steady state 'background' condition that included constant recharge, hydraulic gradients, and saturated thicknesses; the calculation did not account for reduced recharge and saturated thickness caused by cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds since March, 2012. Because significant water level declines have occurred in upgradient portions of the nitrate plume due to reduced recharge, hydraulic gradients within the plume have been reduced independent of pumping. Changes related to reduced wildlife pond recharge have also resulted in reduced well productivity. Generally reduced productivities of nitrate pumping well TW4-24 and chloroform pumping well TW4-19 since the third qumter of 2014 are at least partly the result of reduced recharge. The pre-pumping flow through the nitrate plume near TW4-22 and TW4-24 that was presented from the fourth quarter of 2013 through the second quarter of 2015 was estimated using Darcy's Law to lie within a range of approximately 1.31 gpm to 2.79 gpm. Calculations were based on an average hydraulic conductivity range of 0.15 feet per day (ft. /day) to 0.32 ft./day (depending on the calculation method), a pre-pumping hydraulic gradient of 0.025 feet per foot (ft./ft.), a plume width of 1,200 feet, and a saturated thickness (at TW4-22 and TW4-24) of 56 feet. The hydraulic conductivity range was estimated by averaging the results obtained from slug test data that were collected automatically by data loggers from wells within the plume and analyzed using the KGS unconfined slug test solution available in Aqtesolve™ (see Hydro Geo Chern, Inc. [HGC], August 3, 2005: Perched Monitoring Well Installation and Testing at the White Mesa Uranium Mill, April Through June 2005; HGC, March 10, 2009: Perched Nitrate Monitoring Well 16 Installation and Hydraulic Testing, White Mesa Uranium Mill; and HGC, March 17 2009: Letter Report to David Frydenlund, Esq, regarding installation and testing of TW4-23, TW4-24, and TW4-25). These results are summarized in Table 6. Data from fourth quarter 2012 were used to estimate the pre-pumping hydraulic gradient and saturated thickness. These data are summarized in Tables 7 and 8. The average hydraulic conductivity was estimated to lie within a range of 0.15 ft. /day to 0.32 ft. /day. Averages were calculated four ways. As shown in Table 6 arithmetic and geometric averages for wells MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TWN-2, and TWN-3 were calculated as 0.22 and 0.15 ft. /day, respectively. Arithmetic and geometric averages for a subset of these wells (MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, and TW4-24) were calculated as 0.32 and 0.31 ft. /day, respectively. The lowest value, 0.15 ft. /day, represented the geometric average of the hydraulic conductivity estimates for all the plume wells. The highest value, 0.32 ft. /day, represented the arithmetic average for the four plume wells having the highest hydraulic conductivity estimates (MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, and TW4-24). Pre-pumping hydraulic gradients were estimated at two locations; between TW4-25 and MW-31 (estimated as 0.023 ft. /ft.), and between TWN-2 and MW-30 (estimated as 0.027 ft. /ft.). These results were averaged to yield the value used in the calculation (0.025 ft. /ft.). The pre-pumping saturated thickness of 56 feet was an average of pre-pumping saturated thicknesses at TW4-22 and TW4-24. As discussed above the hydraulic gradient and saturated thickness used in the pre-pumping calculations were assumed to represent a steady state 'background' condition that was inconsistent with the cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds, located upgradient of the nitrate plume. Hydraulic gradients and saturated thicknesses within the plume have declined since nitrate pumping began as a result of two factors: reduced recharge from the ponds, and the effects of nitrate pumping. A more representative 'background' flow condition that accounts for reduced wildlife pond recharge was presented in Attachment N (Tab N) of the third quarter 2015 Nitrate Monitoring report. The original pre-pumping 'background' flow range of 1.31 gpm to 2.79 gpm has been recalculated to range from 0.79 gpm to 1.67 gpm, as presented in Table 9. This calculation is still considered conservative because the high end of the range assumed an arithmetic average hydraulic conductivity of a subset of plume wells having the highest conductivities. The cumulative volume of water removed by nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 during the current quarter was approximately 168,628 gallons. This equates to an average total extraction rate of approximately 1.3 gpm over the 90 day quarter. This average accounts for time periods when pumps were off due to insufficient water columns in the wells. The current quarter's pumping of 1.3 gpm, although lower than last quarter's average of approximately 2 gpm, is within the recalculated 'background' flow range of 0.79 gpm to 1.67 gpm. The primary reason for the reduction in pumping this quarter is downtime at TW4-25. As will be discussed in Section 5, normal pumping operation has resumed at TW 4-25 and pumped volume during the next quarter (second quarter of 2017) is expected to be more typical. Although TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are designated nitrate pumping wells, some chloroform pumping wells are also located within the nitrate plume because the northwest 17 portion of the chloroform plume commingles with the central portion of the nitrate plume. While chloroform pumping wells TW4-19 and TW4-20 are only periodically within the nitrate plume, chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 have been within the nitrate plume consistently since they started pumping in 2015. The volume of water removed by TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4- 24, TW4-25, TW4-37, and TWN-2 this quarter is approximately 320,033 gallons or approximately 2.47 gpm over the 90 day quarter, which exceeds the high end of the recalculated 'background' flow range by approximately 0.8 gpm, or a factor of approximately 1.5. Because the arithmetic average hydraulic conductivity of a subset of plume wells having the highest conductivities was used to calculate the high end of the 'background' flow range, the high end is considered less representative of actual conditions than using the geometric average conductivity of all of the plume wells. Therefore, nitrate pumping likely exceeds the actual flow through the plume by more than a factor of 1.5 as calculated above. Nitrate pumping is therefore considered adequate at the present time even with reduced productivity at TW4-24. The CAP states that MW -5, MW -11, MW -30, and MW -31 are located downgradient of TW 4-22 and TW4-24. MW-30 and MW-31 are within the plume near its downgradient edge and MW-5 and MW-11 are outside and downgradient of the plume. Per the CAP, hydraulic control based on concentration data will be considered successful if the nitrate concentrations in MW-30 and MW-31 remain stable or.decline, and the nitrate concentrations in downgradient wells MW-5 and MW-11 do not exceed the 10 mg/L standard. Table 5 presents the nitrate concentration data for MW-30, MW-31, MW-5 and MW-11, which are down-gradient of pumping wells TW4-22 and TW4-24. Based on these concentration data, the nitrate plume is under control. The nitrate plume has not migrated downgradient to MW-5 or MW-11; nitrate was not detected at MW -11 and at MW -5 (not sampled this quarter) was detected last quarter at a concentration of approximately 0.24 mg/L. Between the previous and current quarters, nitrate concentrations increased slightly in both MW-30 and MW-31. Nitrate in MW-30 increased from 17.2 mg/L to 17.4 mg/L and nitrate in MW-31 increased from 18.8 mg/L to 21.1 mg/L. Although short-term fluctuations have occurred, nitrate concentrations in MW-30 and MW-31 have been relatively stable, demonstrating that plume migration is minimal or absent. MW -30 and MW -31 are located at the toe of the nitrate plume which has associated elevated chloride. Chloride has been generally increasing at MW-31; chloride also appears to be increasing at MW-30, but at a lower rate (see Tab J and Tab K, discussed in Section 4.2.4). These increases are consistent with continuing downgradient migration of the elevated chloride associated with the nitrate plume. The apparent increases in chloride and relatively stable nitrate at both wells suggests a natural attenuation process that is affecting nitrate but not chloride. A likely process that would degrade nitrate but leave chloride unaffected is reduction of nitrate by pyrite. The likelihood of this process in the perched zone is discussed in HGC, December 7 2012; Investigation of Pyrite in the Perched Zone, White Mesa Uranium Mill Site, Blanding, Utah. 4.2.2 Current Nitrate and Chloride Isoconcentration Maps 18 Included under Tab I of this Report are current nitrate and chloride iso-concentration maps for the Mill site. Nitrate iso-contours start at 5 mg/L and chloride iso-contours start at 100 mg/L because those values appear to separate the plumes from background. All nitrate and chloride data used to develop these iso-concentration maps are from the current quarter's sampling events, except for those wells not sampled this quarter. To ensure that the same number of data points were used in the gridding and contouring process, the previous quarter's data were used for wells not sampled this quarter. 4.2.3 Comparison of Areal Extent The area of the nitrate plume is larger than last quarter due to the following: a general increase in nitrate concentrations at wells within the plume; an increase in concentration at TW4-25 from approximately 1 mg/L to 17 mg/L, which brought TW4-25 back into the plume for the first time since the first quarter of 2015; and a slight increase in concentration at MW-27, which contributed to an expansion of the plume boundary to the west. The increase at TW4-25 is attributable to the small pumped volume from TW4-25 this quarter. The reduction in pumping reduced the amount of relatively low-nitrate water that this well typically receives from up gradient areas to the north. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, pumping from this well is expected to be more typical next quarter.TW4-18 remained outside the plume with a concentration of approximately 4.5 mg/L. TW4-18 was encompassed by an eastward-extending 'spur' in the plume during the third quarter of 2015, similar to an occurrence during the third quarter of 2013. Changes in nitrate concentrations near TW 4-18 are expected to result from changes in pumping and from the cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. The reduction in low- nitrate recharge from the ponds appeared to be having the anticipated effect of generally increased nitrate concentrations in some wells downgradient of the ponds. However, decreasing to relatively stable nitrate concentrations at most wells in the vicinity of TW4-18 between the first quarter of 2014 and the second quarter of 2015 after previous increases suggested that conditions in this area had stabilized. Since the second quarter of 2015, concentrations at TW4-18 have been above and below 10 mg/L, but have remained below 10 mg/L since the third quarter of 2015. Over this same time period, concentrations at nearby wells TW4-3 and TW4-9 remained below 10 mg/L, concentrations at TW4-5 exceeded 10 mg/L only once (first quarter of2016), and concentrations at TW4-10 remained above 10 mg/L. Although increases in concentration in the area downgradient of the wildlife ponds have been anticipated as the result of reduced dilution, the magnitude and timing of the increases are difficult to predict due to the measured variations in hydraulic conductivity at the site and other factors. Nitrate in the area directly downgradient (south to south-southwest) of the northern wildlife ponds is associated with the chloroform plume, is cross-gradient of the nitrate plume as defined in the CAP, and is within the capture zone of the chloroform pumping system. Perched water flow in the area is to the southwest in the same approximate direction as the main body of the nitrate plume. Nitrate concentrations at the downgradient edge of the plume (MW-30 and MW-31) have been relatively stable, demonstrating that nitrate plume migration is minimal or absent. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, stable nitrate at MW-30 and MW-31 is consistent with a natural attenuation process affecting nitrate but not chloride, as elevated chloride associated with the nitrate plume continues to migrate downgradient. 19 With regard to chloroform, changes in the boundary of the chloroform plume are attributable in part to the initiation of nitrate pumping. Once nitrate pumping started, the boundary of the chloroform plume migrated to the west toward nitrate pumping well TW4-24, and then to the southwest to reincorporate chloroform monitoring wells TW 4-6 and TW 4-16. Concentration increases leading to the reincorporation of these wells occurred first at TW4-24, then at TW4-16 and TW4-6. Subsequent contraction of the plume eastward away from TW4-24 and TW4-16 through the first quarter of 2016 is attributable in part to the start-up of additional chloroform pumping wells during the first half of 2015, and reduced productivity at TW4-24. Both TW4-16 and TW4-24 are outside the chloroform plume this quarter. More details regarding the chloroform data and interpretation are included in the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report submitted under separate cover. 4.2.4 Nitrate and Chloride Concentration Trend Data and Graphs Attached under Tab J is a table summarizing values for nitrate and chloride for each well over time. Attached under Tab K are graphs showing nitrate and chloride concentration plots in each monitor well over time. 4.2.5 Interpretation of Analytical Data Comparing the nitrate analytical results to those of the previous quarter, as summarized in the tables included under Tab J, the following observations can be made for wells within and immediately surrounding the nitrate plume: a) Nitrate concentrations have increased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: TW4-21, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, and TWN-7; b) Nitrate concentrations have decreased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-26 and TW4-39; c) Nitrate concentrations have remained within 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-27, MW-30, MW-31, TW4-5, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-22, TWN-1, TWN-2, TWN-3, TWN-4 and TWN-18; and d) MW-11, MW-25 and MW-32 remained non-detect. As indicated, nitrate concentrations for many of the wells with detected nitrate were within 20% of the values reported during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. The remaining wells had changes in concentration greater than 20%. The latter includes chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39; nitrate pumping wells TW4-24 and TW4-25; and non-pumping well TWN--7. Fluctuations in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from the effects of pumping as discussed in Section 4.1.1. Concentrations at TWN- 7 are less than 2 mg/L. 20 The decrease in nitrate concentration in chloroform pumping well TW4-39 from approximately 21 mg/L to 6 mg/L eliminated the southeast trending 'spur' in the plume that extended from the vicinity ofTW4-19 to the vicinity ofTW4-10 last quarter. MW-27, located west ofTWN-2, and TWN-18, located north ofTWN-3, bound the nitrate plume to the west and north (See Figure 1-1 under Tab 1). In addition, the southernmost (downgradient) boundary of the plume remains between MW-30/MW-31 and MW-5/MW-11. Nitrate concentrations at MW-5 (adjacent to MW- 11) and MW-11 have historically been low (< 1 mg/L) or non-detect for nitrate (See Table 5). Non-detectable nitrate at MW -11 is consistent with the relative stability of the downgradient margin of the plume. MW-25, MW-26, MW-32, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-39, TWN-1, and TWN-4 bound the nitrate plume to the east. Nitrate concentrations outside the nitrate plume are greater than 10 mg/L at a few locations: TW4-10 (13 mg/L), TW4-12 (25.9 mg/L), TW4-26 (15.8 mg/L), TW4-27 (22.2 mg/L), TW4-28 (24.4 mg/L), and recently installed well TW4-38 (10.6 mg/L). Concentrations at TW4-18 are also occasionally above 10 mg/L. Each of these wells is located southeast of the nitrate plume as defined in the CAP and is separated from the plume by a well or wells where nitrate concentrations are either non-detect, or, if detected, are less than 10 mg/L. Concentrations at TW4-10, TW4-12, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28 and TW4-38 are within 20% of last quarter's concentrations. Since 2010, nitrate concentrations at TW4-10 and TW4-18 have been above and below 10 mg/L Concentrations were below 10 mg/L between the first quarter of 2011 and second quarter of 2013, and mostly close to or above 10 mg/L between the second quarter of 2013 and third quarter of 2015. However, concentrations at TW4-18 have been below 10 mg/L since the third quarter of 2015. Concentrations at nearby well TW4-5 have exceeded 10 mg/L only twice since 2010, and concentrations at nearby wells TW4-3 and TW4-9 have remained below 10 mg/L. Nitrate at TW4-5, TW4-10, and TW4-18 is associated with the chloroform plume, and is within the capture zone of the chloroform pumping system. Elevated nitrate at TW4-12, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28, and recently installed well TW4-38 is likely related to former cattle ranching operations at the site. Chloride concentrations are measured because elevated chloride (greater than 100 mg/L) is associated with the nitrate plume. Chloride concentrations at all sampled locations this quarter are within 20% of their respective concentrations during the previous quarter except at non- pumping well TWN-7, chloroform pumping wells TW4-19 and TW4-39, and nitrate pumping well TW4-25. The increase in chloride from approximately 60 mg!L to 285 mg/L at TW4-25, which accompanied an increase in nitrate from approximately 1 mg/L to 17 mg/L, is attributable to the small pumped volume from TW 4-25 this quarter. The reduction in pumping reduced the amount of relatively low-chloride and low-nitrate water that this well typically receives from upgradient areas to the north. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, pumping from this well is expected to be more typical next quarter. Concentration fluctuations at pumping wells TW 4-19 and TW 4- 39 likely also result in part from the effects of pumping as discussed in Section 4.1.1. Although chloride increased at TWN-7, the concentration is a relatively low 14 mg/L. Piezometer Piez-3A was installed in the second quarter of 2016 as a replacement to piezometer PIEZ-3. The chloride concentration at piezometer PIEZ-3A (111 rng/L) was more than three 21 times higher this quarter than the pre-abandonment first quarter 2016 concentration at PIEZ-3 (approximately 33 mg/L). The nitrate concentration at PIEZ-3A (approximately 10 mg/L) was also higher this quarter than the pre-abandonment first quarter 2016 PIEZ-3 concentration (approximately 2.2 mg/L). 4.3 Estimation of Pumped Nitrate Mass and Residual Nitrate Mass within the Plume Nitrate mass removed by pumping as summarized in Table 2 includes mass removed by both chloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Table 3 shows the volume of water pumped at each well and Table 4 provides the details of the nitrate removal for each well. Mass removal calculations begin with the third quarter of 2010 because the second quarter, 2010 data were specified to be used to establish a baseline mass for the nitrate plume. As stated in the CAP, the baseline mass is to be calculated using the second quarter, 2010 concentration ~nd saturated thickness data "within the area of the kriged 10 mg/L plume boundary." The second quarter, 2010 data set was considered appropriate because "the second quarter, 2010 concentration peak at TWN-2 likely identifies a high concentration zone that still exists but has migrated away from the immediate vicinity ofTWN-2." As shown in Table 2, since the third quarter of 2010, a total of approximately 2,124lb. of nitrate has been removed directly from the perched zone by pumping. Prior to the first quarter of 2013, all direct nitrate mass removal resulted from operation of chloroform pumping wells MW -4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20. During the current quarter: • A total of approximately 116 lb. of nitrate was removed by the chloroform pumping wells and by nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2. • Of the 116 lb. removed during the current quarter, approximately 59 lb., (or 50%), was removed by the nitrate pumping wells. The calculated nitrate mass removed directly by pumping was slightly higher than last quarter's approximately 106lbs. As discussed in Section 4.3 .1, achievable pumping rates are expected to diminish over time as saturated thicknesses are reduced by pumping and by cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Attachment N (Tab N) of the third quarter 2015 Nitrate Monitoring report provides an evaluation of reduced productivity at chloroform pumping well TW 4-19 and nitrate pumping well TW4-24. Baseline mass and current quarter mass estimates (nitrate + nitrite as N) for the nitrate plume are approximately 43,700 lb. and 43,790 lbs., respectively. Mass estimates were calculated within the plume boundaries as defined by the kriged 10 mg/L isocon by 1) gridding (kriging) the nitrate concentration data on 50-foot centers; 2) calculating the volume of water in each grid cell based on the saturated thickness and assuming a porosity of 0.18; 3) calculating the mass of nitrate+nitrite as N in each cell based on the concentration and volume of water for each cell; and 4) totaling the mass of all grid cells within the 10 mg/L plume boundary. Data used in these calculations included data from wells listed in Table 3 of the CAP. 22 The nitrate mass estimate for the current quarter (43,790 lb) is higher than the mass estimate for the previous quarter (31 ,800 lb) by 11,990 lb, and also slightly higher than the baseline mass estimate by approximately 90 lb., which appears inconsistent with the amount of nitrate mass that has been removed directly by pumping. Since pumping began, calculated nitrate mass within the plume has generally decreased at a rate that is on average higher than would be expected based on direct mass removal by pumping. Changes in the quarterly mass estimates are expected to result from several factors, primarily 1) nitrate mass removed directly by pumping, 2) natural attenuation of nitrate, and 3) re-distribution of nitrate within the plume and changes in saturated thicknesses. Nitrate mass removed by pumping and natural attenuation (expected to result primarily from pyrite oxidation/nitrate reduction) act to lower both nitrate mass and concentrations within the plume. Both mechanisms are expected to continuously reduce both nitrate mass and concentrations within the plume. Reductions in saturated thickness that are not accompanied by increases in concentration will also reduce nitrate mass within the plume. However, redistribution of nitrate within the plume is expected to result in both increases and decreases in concentrations at wells within the plume and therefore increases and decreases in mass estimates based on those concentrations, thus generating 'noise' in the mass estimates. In addition, because the sum of sampling and analytical error is typically about 20%, changes in the mass estimates from quarter to quarter of up to 20% could result from typical sampling and analytical error alone. Furthermore, redistribution of nitrate within the plume and changes in saturated thicknesses will be impacted by changes in pumping and in background conditions such as the decay of the perched water mound associated with the northern wildlife ponds. Cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds is expected to result in reduced saturated thicknesses and reduced dilution, which in turn is expected to result in increased nitrate concentrations in many wells. Because of quarter to quarter variations in factors that impact the mass estimates, only longer- term analyses of the mass estimates that minimize the impacts of 'noise' can provide useful information on plume mass trends. Over the long term, nitrate mass estimates are expected to trend downward as a result of direct removal by pumping and through natural attenuation. The increase in the mass estimate this quarter is attributable to the following: a general increase in nitrate concentrations at wells within the plume; an increase in concentration at TW4-25 from approximately 1 mg/L to 17 mg/L, which brought TW4-25 back into the plume for the first time since the first quarter of 2015; and a slight increase in concentration at MW-27, which contributed to an expansion of the plume boundary to the west. The increase at TW4-25 is attributable to the small pumped volume from TW4-25 this quarter. The reduction in pumping reduced the amount of relatively low-nitrate water that this pumping well typically receives from up gradient areas to the north. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, pumping from this well is expected to be more typical next quarter. As specified in the CAP, once eight quarters of data were collected (starting with the first quarter of 2013), a regression trend line was to be applied to the quarterly mass estimates and evaluated. The trend line was to be updated quarterly and reevaluated as additional quarters of data were 23 collected. The evaluation was to determine whether the mass estimates were increasing, decreasing, or stable. As the fourth quarter of 2014 constituted the eighth quarter as specified in the CAP, the mass estimates were plotted, and a regression line was fitted to the data and evaluated. The regression line has been updated each quarter since the fourth quarter of 2014 as shown in Figure M.1 of Tab M. Although the mass estimate increased this quarter, the fitted line shows a decreasing trend in the mass estimates. 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT TWN-02, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4- 25 OPERATIONS REPORT 5.1 Introduction Beginning in January 2013, EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 as required by the Nitrate CAP, dated May 7, 2012 and the SCO dated December 12, 2012. In addition, as a part of the investigation of chloroform contamination at the Mill site, EFRI has been conducting a Long Term Pump Test on MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, and TW4-20, and, since January 31, 2010, TW4-4. In anticipation of the final approval of the GCAP, beginning on January 14, 2015, EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 and began long term pumping of TW4-21 and TW4-37 on June 9, 2015. The purpose of the test is to serve as an interim action that will remove a significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation. Because wells MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-20, TW4-01, TW4-02, TW4-11, TW4- 21, TW4-37, and TW4-39 are pumping wells that may impact the removal of nitrate, they are included in this report and any nitrate removal realized as part of this pumping is calculated and included in the quarterly reports. The following information documents the operational activities during the quarter. 5.2 Pumping Well Data Collection Data collected during the quarter included the following: • Measurement of water levels at MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, and TW4-20 and, commencing regularly on March 1, 2010, TW4-4, on a weekly basis, • Measurement of water levels weekly at TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 commencing January 28,2013, • Measurement of water levels weekly at TW4-01, TW4-02, and TW4-11 commencing on January 14, 2015, • Measurement of water levels weekly at TW4-21 and TW4-37 commencing on June 9, 2015, and on a monthly basis selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring well, 24 • Measurement of water levels weekly at TW4-39 commencing on December 7, 2016. • Measurement of pumping history, including: pumping rates total pumped volume operational and non-operational periods. • Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate/nitrite analysis and other constituents 5.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16, 2003, water level measurements from chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, and TW4-19 were conducted weekly. From commencement of pumping TW4-20, and regularly after March 1, 2010 for TW4-4, water levels in these two chloroform pumping wells have been measured weekly. From commencement of pumping in January 2013, water levels in wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 have been measured weekly. From the commencement of pumping in December 2016, water levels in TW4-39 have been measured. Copies of the weekly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-4, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TWN-02, TW4-0l, TW4-02, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-37, and TW4-39 are included under Tab C. Monthly depth to water monitoring is required for all of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells and non-pumping wells MW-27, MW-30, MW-31, TWN-1, TWN-3, TWN- 4, TWN-7, and TWN-18. Copies of the monthly depth to Water monitoring sheets are included under Tab C. 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes The pumping wells do not pump continuously, but are on a delay device. The wells purge for a set amount of time and then shut off to allow the well to recharge. Water from the pumping wells is either transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond or is used in the Mill process. The pumped wells are fitted with a flow meter which records the volume of water pumped from the well in gallons. The flow meter readings shown in Tab C are used to calculate the gallons of water pumped from the wells each quarter as required by Section 7.2.2 of the CAP. The average pumping rates and quarterly volumes for each of the pumping wells are shown in Table 3. The cumulative volume of water pumped from each of the wells is shown in Table 4. Specific operational problems observed with the well or pumping equipment which occurred during the quarter are noted for each well below. Unless specifically noted below, no operational problems were observed with the well or pumping equipment during the quarter. 5.4.1 TW4-11 25 On January 4, 2017 Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weekly inspection that the heat lamp on TW 4-11 had burned out. The lamp was replaced. 5.4.2 TW 4-20 On March 13, 2017, Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weekly inspection that the TW4-20 had no power and was not operating. Mill Maintenance Personnel were notified and stated that the circuit breaker had tripped. The breaker was turned on and the well pumped with no additional issues noted. No official notifications to DWMRC were required as the issue was rectified within 24-hours. 5.4.3 TW 4-21 On January 4, 2017 Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weekly inspection that the heat lamp on TW4-21 had burned out. The lamp was replaced. 5.4.4 TW 4-25 During the review of the quarterly pump data, it was noted that TW4-25 only pumped 161 gallons. Mill Field Personnel immediately checked the well and noticed that the control module lost memory and the timer settings were erased. Since the well pumps on a timer, minimal water was pumped during the quarter. The loss of the settings was not noticed during the weekly inspections as the well readouts were appropriate and the well was able to be activated manually with no issues. No official notifications to DWMRC were required as the issue was rectified within 24-hours of discovery. A corrective action is discussed in Section 6.0 of the Q1 2017 Quarterly Chloroform Report. 5.4.5 TW 4-37 On March 13, 2017, Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weeki y inspection that the TW4-37 had no power and was not operating. Mill Maintenance Personnel were notified and stated that the circuit breaker had tripped. The breaker was turned on and the well pumped with no additional issues noted. No official notifications to DWMRC were required as the issue was rectified within 24-hours. 5.4.6 TW 4-39 On January 4, 2017 Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weeki y inspection that the heat lamp on TW4-39 had burned out. The lamp was replaced. 5.4.7MW-4 On February 21, 2017 Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weekly inspection that the timer on MW -4 lost memory due to battery failure and the timer settings were erased. The well continued to pump and no loss of data were noted. The batteries were changed and pump settings were restored. No official notifications to DWMRC were required as the issue was rectified within 24-hours. 26 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT Corrective action associated with the pumping issue noted for TW4-25 is included in the Q1 2017 Quarterly Chloroform Report. 6.1 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions There were no corrective actions required during the previous quarters' monitoring period. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As per the CAP, the current quarter is the fourteenth quarter that hydraulic capture associated with nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 was evaluated. The apparent combined capture of the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems is larger than last quarter primarily due to the relatively large increase in drawdown at chloroform pumping well TW4-37. Capture associated with nitrate pumping wells is expected to increase over time as water levels decline due to pumping and to cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. Furthermore, the evaluation of the long term interaction between nitrate and chloroform pumping systems requires more data to be collected as part of routine monitoring. Slow development of hydraulic capture by the nitrate pumping system is consistent with and expected based on the relatively low permeability of the perched zone at the site. Definition of capture associated with the nitrate pumping system is also influenced by the perched groundwater mound and the apparently anomalously low water level at TWN-7. Nitrate pumping is likely sufficient to eventually capture the entire nitrate plume upgradient of TW4-22 and TW4-24 even with productivity at TW4-24 that has been reduced since the third quarter of 2014. Hydraulic gradients and saturated thicknesses within the plume have declined since nitrate pumping began as a result of two factors: reduced recharge from the ponds, and nitrate pumping. A more representative 'background' flow condition that accounts for reduced wildlife pond recharge was presented in Attachment N (Tab N) of the third quarter, 2015 Nitrate Monitoring report. The original pre-pumping 'background' flow range of 1.31 gpm to 2.79 gpm was recalculated to range from 0.79 gpm to 1.67 gpm. This calculation is still considered conservative because the high end of the calculated range assumed an arithmetic average hydraulic conductivity of a subset of plume wells having the highest conductivities. The current nitrate pumping of approximately 1.3 gpm, based on water removed by TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2, is within the recalculated 'background' flow range of 0.79 gpm to 1.67 gpm. The primary reason that pumping is lower than last quarter's 2.06 gpm is downtime at TW4-25. As discussed in Section 5, normal pumping operation has resumed at TW4-25 and pumped volume during the next quarter (second quarter of 2017) is expected to be more typical. If water removed from the nitrate plume by chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 is included, the current nitrate pumping of approximately 2.47 gpm exceeds the high end of the recalculated 'background' range by 0.8 gpm, or a factor of approximately 1.5. Including TW4-21 27 and TW 4-37 is appropriate because these wells have been within the nitrate plume consistently since they started pumping in 2015. In addition, because the arithmetic average hydraulic conductivity of a subset of plume wells having the highest conductivities was used in recalculating the high end of the 'background' flow range, the high end is considered less representative of actual conditions than using the geometric average conductivity of all of the plume wells. Therefore, nitrate pumping likely exceeds flow through the plume by a factor greater than 1.5 times the high end of the recalculated range. Nitrate pumping is considered adequate at the present time even with reduced productivity at TW4-24. Furthermore, as the groundwater mound associated with former water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds continues to decay, hydraulic gradients and saturated thicknesses will continue to decrease, and 'background' flow will be proportionally reduced, thereby reducing the amount of pumping needed. Fourth quarter, 2016 nitrate concentrations at many of the wells within and adjacent to the nitrate plume were within 20% of the values reported during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Changes in concentration greater than 20% occurred in chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-21, TW4- 37 and TW4-39; nitrate pumping wells TW4-24 and TW4-25; and non-pumping well TWN-7. Concentrations at TWN-7 are less than 2 mg/L .. Fluctuations in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from the effects of pumping as discussed in Section 4.1.1. Concentrations at TWN -7 are less than 2 mg/L. The nitrate concentrations in wells MW -25 and MW -32 remained non-detect. As discussed in Section 4.2.3, the area of the nitrate plume is larger than last quarter due to the following: a general increase in nitrate concentrations at wells within the plume; an increase in concentration at TW4-25 from approximately 1 mg/L to 17 mg/L, which brought TW4-25 back into the plume for the first time since the first quarter of 2015; and a slight increase in concentration at MW-27, which contributed to an expansion of the plume boundary to the west. The increase at TW4-25 is attributable to the small pumped volume from TW4-25 this quarter. The reduction in pumping reduced the amount of relatively low-nitrate water that this well typically receives from upgradient areas to the north. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, pumping from this well is expected to be more typical next quarter. MW-27, located west of TWN-2, and TWN-18, located north of TWN-3, bound the nitrate plume to the west and north (See Figure 1-1 under Tab 1). In addition, the southernmost (downgradient) boundary of the plume remains between MW-30/MW-31 and MW-5/MW-11. Nitrate concentrations at MW-5 (adjacent to MW-11) and MW-11 have historically been low(< 1 mg/L) or non-detect for nitrate (See Table 5). Non-detectable nitrate at MW-11 is consistent with the relative stability of the downgradient margin of the plume. MW-25, MW-26, MW-32, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-39, TWN-1, and TWN-4 bound the nitrate plume to the east. Although short-term fluctuations have occurred, nitrate concentrations in MW-30 and MW-31 have been relatively stable, demonstrating that plume migration is minimal or absent. Nitrate in MW-30 increased slightly from 17.2 mg/L to 17.4 mg/L and nitrate in MW-31 increased from 18.8 mg/L to 21.1 mg/L. Based on the concentration data at MW-5, MW-11, MW-30, and MW- 31, the nitrate plume is under control. 28 Chloride has been generally increasing at MW-31; chloride also appears to be increasing at MW- 30, but at a lower rate. These increases are consistent with continuing downgradient migration of the elevated chloride associated with the nitrate plume. The apparently increasing chloride and relatively stable nitrate at both wells suggests a natural attenuation process that is affecting nitrate but not chloride. A likely process that would degrade nitrate but leave chloride unaffected is reduction of nitrate by pyrite. The likelihood of this process in the perched zone is discussed in HGC, December 7 2012; Investigation of Pyrite in the Perched Zone, White Mesa Uranium Mill Site, Blanding, Utah. Nitrate mass within the plume boundary has been calculated on a quarterly basis beginning with the first quarter of 2013. Mass within the plume is expected to be impacted by factors that include pumping, natural attenuation, redistribution of nitrate within the plume, and changes in saturated thickness. Nitrate mass removal by pumping and natural attenuation (expected to result primarily from pyrite oxidation/nitrate reduction) act to lower nitrate mass within the plume. Reductions in saturated thickness that are not accompanied by increases in concentration will also reduce nitrate mass within the plume. Changes resulting from redistribution of nitrate within the plume are expected to result in both increases and decreases in concentrations at wells within the plume and therefore increases and decreases in mass estimates based on those concentrations, thus generating 'noise' in the mass estimates. Furthermore, because the sum of sampling and analytical error is typically about 20%, changes in the mass estimates from quarter to quarter of up to 20% could result from typical sampling and analytical error alone. Longer-term analyses of the mass estimates that minimize the impact of these quarter to quarter variations are expected to provide useful information on plume mass trends. Over the long term, nitrate mass estimates are expected to trend downward as a result of direct removal by pumping and through natural attenuation. As specified in the CAP, once eight quarters of data were collected (starting with the first quarter of 2013), a regression trend line was to be applied to the quarterly mass estimates and evaluated. The trend line was to be updated quarterly and reevaluated as additional quarters of data were collected. As the fourth quarter of 2014 constituted the eighth quarter as specified in the CAP, the mass estimates were plotted, and a regression line was fitted to the data and evaluated. The regression line was updated this quarter as shown in Figure M.l of Tab M. Although an increase in the mass estimate occurred this quarter, the fitted line shows a decreasing trend in the mass estimates. During the current quarter, a total of approximately 116 lb. of nitrate was removed by the chloroform pumping wells and by nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN- 2. Of the 116 lb. removed during the current quarter, approximately 59 lb. (or 50 %) was removed by the nitrate pumping wells. The baseline nitrate (nitrate+nitrite as N) plume mass calculated as specified in the CAP (based on second quarter, 2010 data) was approximately 43,700 lb. The mass estimate during the current quarter (43,790 lb.) was larger than the mass estimate during the previous quarter (31,800 29 lb.) by 11,990 lb. or approximately 38%. The current quarter's estimate is also larger than the baseline estimate by approximately 90 lb. These differences are attributable to the following: a general increase in nitrate concentrations at wells within the plume this quarter; an increase in concentration at TW4-25 from approximately 1 mg/L to 17 mg/L, which brought TW4-25 back into the plume for the first time since the first quarter of 2015; and a slight increase in concentration at MW-27, which contributed to an expansion of the plume boundary to the west. The increase at TW 4-25 is attributable to the small pumped volume from TW4-25 this quarter. The reduction in pumping reduced the amount of relatively low-nitrate water that this pumping well typically receives from upgradient areas to the north. As discussed in Section 4.2.1, pumping from this well is expected to be more typical next quarter. Nitrate concentrations outside the nitrate plume are greater than 10 mg/L at a few locations: TW4-10 (13 mg/L), TW4-12 (25.9 mg/L), TW4-26 (15.8 mg/L), TW4-27 (22.2 mg/L), TW4-28 (24.4 mg/L), and TW4-38 (10.6 mg/L). Concentrations at TW4-18 are also occasionally above 10 mg/L. Each of these wells is located southeast of the nitrate plume as defined in the CAP and is separated from the plume by a well or wells having nitrate concentrations that are either non- detect, or, if detected, are less than 10 mg/L. Concentrations at TW4-10, TW4-12, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28 and TW4-38 are within 20% oflast quarter's concentrations. Since 2010, nitrate concentrations at TW4-10 and TW4-18 have been above and below 10 mg/L Concentrations were below 10 mg/L between the first quarter of 2011 and second quarter of 2013, and mostly close to or above 10 mg/L between the second quarter of 2013 and third quarter of 2015. However, concentrations at TW4-18 have been below 10 mg/L since the third quarter of 2015. Concentrations at nearby well TW4-5 have exceeded 10 mg/L only twice since 2010, and concentrations at nearby wells TW4-3 and TW4-9 have remained below 10 mg/L. Nitrate at TW4-5, TW4-10, and TW4-18 is associated with the chloroform plume, and is within the capture zone of the chloroform pumping system. Elevated nitrate at TW4-12, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28, and recently installed well TW4-38 is likely related to former cattle ranching operations at the site. Increases in both nitrate and chloride concentrations at wells near the northern wildlife ponds (for example TW4-18) were anticipated as a result of reduced dilution caused by cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds. However, decreasing nitrate concentrations at TW4-10 and TW4-18 from the first through third quarters of 2014 after previously increasing trends (interrupted in the first quarter of 2014) suggested that conditions in this area had stabilized. The temporary increase in nitrate concentration at TW 4-18 in the third quarter of 2015 and the generally increased nitrate at TW4-5 and TW4-10 since the second quarter of 2015 suggest that reduced wildlife pond recharge is still impacting concentrations in downgradient wells. EFRI and its consultants have raised the issues and potential effects associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds in March, 2012 during discussions with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. While past recharge from the ponds has helped limit many constituent concentrations within the chloroform and nitrate plumes by dilution, the associated groundwater mounding has increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the northern wildlife ponds ceased in March 2012, the reduction in recharge and 30 decay of the associated groundwater mound was expected to increase many constituent concentrations within the plumes while reducing hydraulic gradients and rates of plume migration. The net impact of reduced wildlife pond recharge is expected to be beneficial even though it was also expected to result in temporarily higher concentrations until continued mass reduction via pumping and natural attenuation ultimately reduce concentrations. Temporary increases in nitrate concentrations are judged less important than reduced nitrate migration rates. The actual impacts of reduced recharge on concentrations and migration rates will be defined by continued monitoring. Nitrate mass removal from the perched zone was increased substantially by the start-up of nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 during the first quarter of 2013. Continued operation of these wells is therefore recommended. Pumping these wells, regardless of any short term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells, helps to reduce downgradient nitrate migration by removing nitrate mass and reducing average hydraulic gradients, thereby allowing natural attenuation to be more effective. Continued operation of the nitrate pumping system is expected to eventually reduce nitrate concentrations within the plume and to further reduce or halt downgradient nitrate migration. 8.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT EFRI has provided to the Director an electronic copy of all laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the nitrate contaminant investigation during the quarter, in Comma Separated Values ("CSV") format. A copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab L. 31 9.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION This document was prepared by Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. on May 22, 2017. Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. By: Scott Bakken Senior Director Regulatory Affairs 32 Certification: I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. ~r\c Scott Bakken Senior Director Regulatory Affairs Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 33 Tables Table 1 Summary of Well Sampling and Constituents for the Period Well S.ample Collection Date Piezometer 01 2/15/2017 Piezometer 02 2/15/2017 Piezometer 03A 2/15/2017 TWN-01 2115/2017 TWN-02 2/15/2017 TWN-03 2/16/2017 TWN-04 2115/2017 TWN-07 2/16/2017 TWN-18 2/15/2017 TWN-18R 2/15/2017 TW4-22 3/8/2017 TW4~2~ 3/8/,2917 TW4-25· 3/8/2017 TWN-60 2/16/2017 TW4-60 3/8/2017 TWN-65 2115/2017 Note: All wells were sampled for Nitrate and Chloride. TWN-60 is a DI Field Blank. TWN-65 is a duplicate of TWN-01 TW4-60 is the chloroform program DI Field Blank. !C:ortlinuoiJsly putneed welt Date of Lab Report 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 2/28/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 3/24/2017 2/28/2017 3/24/2017 2/28/2017 Table 2 Nitrate Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter Mw:-Quarter MW-4 26 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 TW4-22 TW4-24 TW4-25 TWN-02 TW4-TW4-02 TW4-TW4-21 TW4-37 TW4-39 Totals Quarter (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) 01 (lbs.) (lbs.) 11 (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) -- Q3 2010 3.2 0.3 5.8 1.7 4.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.69 Q4 2010 3.8 0.4 17.3 1.4 5.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.97 Q1 2011 2.9 0.2 64.5 1.4 4.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 73.30 Q2 2011 3.5 0.1 15.9 2.7 4.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.01 Q3 2011 3.5 0.5 3.5 3.9 5.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.82 ' Q4 2011 3.8 0.8 6.2 2.5 6.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.71 Q1 2012 3.6 0.4 0.7 5.0 6.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.86 Q2 2012 3.7 0.6 3.4 2.1 5.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.03 Q3 2012 3.8 0.5 3.6 2.0 4.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.67 Q4 2012 3.2 0.4 5.4 1.8 4.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.92 Q1 2013 2.5 0.4 14.1 1.4 3.6 8.1 43.4 7.5 14.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95.73 Q2 2013 2.5 0.4 5.6 1.6 3.4 10.7 37.1 6.4 23.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA 91.71 Q3 2013 3.0 0.4 48.4 1.4 3.8 6.3 72.8 6.9 33.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 176.53 ' Q4 2013 3.1 0.3 15.8 1.6 3.9 9.4 75.2 6.4 46.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 162.07 Ql 2014 2.7 0.4 4.1 1.2 3.6 11.2 60.4 2.3 17.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 103.14 Q2 2014 2.4 0.3 3.3 0.9 3.0 9.5 63.4 1.3 17.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA 101.87 Q3 2014 2.3 0.1 4.1 0.6 3.1 8.5 56.2 1.6 16.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA 92.99 Q4 2014 2.7 0.2 7.8 1.0 3.8 11.0 53.2 0.9 28.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 108.57 Ql 2015 3.7 0.5 4.3 1.3 2.4 12.7 26.7 8.6 19.2 1.45 1.07 0.72 NA NA NA 82.61 Q2 2015 1.3 0.2 0.6 0.9 3.6 9.1 16.6 0.9 21.4 1.22 0.79 0.37 3.4 8.6 NA 68.86 Q3 2015 3.6 0.3 11.3 1.4 3.5 13.3 14.0 1.7 20.2 1.24 0.68 0.29 15.4 31.9 NA 118.63 Q4 2015 3.7 0.2 10.0 0.8 3.1 11.1 26.6 1.7 17.5 0.3 0.9 0.3 16.1 32.3 NA 124.50 Q1 2016 3.9 0.23 15.28 1.23 3.21 6.36 24.30 0.81 34.33 0.02 0.93 0.22 15.29 26.45 NA 132.55 Q2 2016 3.7 0.21 1.31 1.48 3.36 12.92 13.17 1.01 19.24 0.02 1.15 0.25 14.46 27.76 NA 99.98 Q3 2016 3.3 0.22 9.08 1.15 3.02 11.33 14.86 1.56 12.47 0.72 0.59 0.22 15.20 27.42 NA 101.12 Q4 2016 3.5 0.18 8.76 1.23 1.79 12.14 26.49 1.02 12.14 0.10 1.00 0.23 14.68 22.20 0.62 106.06 (Jl :lUU 3.:2 u.u lU.L) 1.36 1.3~ 14.U:l 34.16 U.U2 10.35 U.63 U.79 U.:lU IS.U:l Lo.lo ).)4 116.1':.1 1 Well Totals (pounds) 86.00 9.11 300.37 45.21 104.16 177.69 658.55 50.69 364.56 5.66 7.94 2.75 102.46 202.75 6.16 2124.07 Table 3 Well Pumping Rates and Volumes Pumping Volume of Water Well Pumped During the Name Quarter (gals) Average Pump Rate (gpm) MW-4 76642.3 4.5 MW-26 26107.0 10.7 TW4-19 110416.7 18.0 TW4-20 13552.8 6.6 TW4-4 23526.8 17.0 TWN-2 45283.2 18.5 TW4-22 24066.2 16.9 TW4-24 99117.4 14.2 TW4-25 161.2 14.4 TW4-01 16931.8 15.7 TW4-02 19869.7 16.3 TW4-11 2984.2 16.0 TW4-21 54333.5 15.7 TW4-37 97071.7 16.9 TW4-39 103117.8 17.3 Table4 Table 4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped MW-4 MW-26 -I - Total Total Total Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Quarte! Pumped (gal) Cone (mgll) Cone (ugll) (liters) Total (ug) Total (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) TOtal ~.>anons total pumped for Total pumped Total grams/453. I I Calculations the quarter Concentration Concentration gallons/3.785 Concentration ug/1000000 592to I I and Data from the Flow' from the in mg/LX1000 to to converto in ug/L X total to convert to convert to Origination Meter data _ analytical data , convert to ug/L liters liters grams pounds 03 2010 79859.1 4.80 4800 302266.7 1450880129 1450.9 3.20 63850.0 0.60 600 241672.3 145003350 145 0.32 042010 90042.2 5.00 5000 340809.7 1704048635 1704.0 3.76 60180.0 0.70 700 227781.3 159446910 159 0.35 01 2011 76247.6 4.60 4600 288597.2 1327546964 1327.5 2.93 55130.0 0.50 500 208667.1 104333525 104 0.23 02 2011 85849.3 4.90 4900 324939.6 1592204042 1592.2 3.51 55800.6 0.30 300 211205.3 63361581 63 0.14 03 2011 85327.7 4.90 4900 322965.3 1582530188 1582.5 3.49 65618.0 0.90 900 248364.1 223527717 224 0.49 04 2011 89735.0 5.10 5100 339647.0 1732199573 1732.2 3.82 50191.3 2.00 2000 189974.1 379948141 380 0.84 012012 90376.4 4.80 4800 342074.7 1641958435 1642.0 3.62 31440.1 1.70 1700 119000.8 202301323 202 0.45 02 2012 90916.5 4.90 4900 344118.8 1686181940 1686.2 3.72 26701.2 2.50 2500 101064.1 252660294 253 0.56 03 2012 91607.0 5.00 5000 346732.5 1733662475 1733.7 3.82 25246.0 2.60 2600 95556.1 248445886 248 0.55 04 2012 78840.0 4.80 4800 298409.4 1432365120 1432.4 3.16 30797.0 1.46 1460 116566.6 170187302 170 0.38 012013 62943.7 4.78 4780 238241.9 1138796304 1138.8 2.51 22650.7 2.27 2270 85732.9 194613682 195 0.43 02 2013 71187.3 4.22 4220 269443.9 1137053387 1137.1 2.51 25343.4 2.11 2110 95924.8 202401263 202 0.45 03 2013 72898.8 4.89 4890 275922.0 1349258375 1349.3 2.97 25763.0 1.98 1980 97513.0 193075651 193 0.43 04 2013 70340.4 5.25 5250 266238.4 1397751674 1397.8 3.08 24207.6 1.38 1380 91625.8 126443557 126 0.28 012014 69833.8 4.70 4700 264320.9 1242308385 1242.3 2.74 23263.1 2.12 2120 88050.8 186667767 187 0.41 02 2014 71934.9 4.08 4080 272273.6 1110876274 1110.9 2.45 23757.5 1.42 1420 89922.1 127689435 128 0.28 03 2014 74788.2 3.70 3700 283073.3 1047371347 1047.4 2.31 24062.4 0.70 700 91076.2 63753329 64 0.14 04 2014 63093.0 5.07 5070 238807.0 1210751515 1210.8 2.67 21875.8 0.93 934 82799.9 77335109 77 0.17 012015 76454.3 5.75 5750 289379.5 1663932272 1663.9 3.67 24004.9 2.68 2680 90858.5 243500905 244 0.54 02 2015 60714.7 2.53 2530 229805.1 581407002.9 581.4 1.28 27804.6 0.85 845 105240.4 88928147 89 0.20 03 2015 89520.8 4.79 4790 338836.2 1623025532 1623.0 3.58 21042.0 1.75 1750 79644.0 139376948 139 0.31 04 2015 99633.4 4.43 4430 377112.4 1670608016 1670.6 3.68 19355.6 1.11 1110 73260.9 81319650 81 0.18 012016 90882.1 5.15 5150 343988.7 1771542055 1771.5 3.91 19150.8 1.45 1450 72485.8 105104378 105 0.23 02 2016 96540.5 4.54 4540 365405.8 1658942298 1658.9 3.66 22105.7 1.12 1120 83670.1 93710483 94 0.21 03 2016 79786.4 4.95 4950 301991.5 1494858044 1494.9 3.30 17149.5 1.57 1570 64910.9 101910046 102 0.22 04 2016 85414.0 4.88 4880 323292.0 1577664911 1577.7 3.48 18541.6 1.18 1180 70180.0 82812348 83 0.18 01 2017 76642.3 4.99 4990 290091.1 1447554616 1447.6 ____l.~ 26107.0 0.768 768 98815.0 75889916 76 0.17 - ----·- Totals Since Q3 2010 2171409.35 86.00 851139.4 9.11 Table 4 Table 4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped . . TW4-19 TW4-20 ... --. I I Total Pumped Cone Cone Total Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Total Pumped Total Quarter (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) Total (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) Total (grams) (pounds) Calculations I and Data Origination Q3 2010 116899.2 5.90 5900 442463.5 2.611E+09 2611 5.76 39098.3 5.30 5300 147987.1 784331447 784 1.73 Q4 2010 767970.5 2.70 2700 2906768.3 7.848E+09 7848 17.30 36752.5 4.60 4600 139108.2 639897778 640 1.41 Q12011 454607.9 17.00 17000 1720690.9 2.925E+10 29252 64.49 37187.5 4.40 4400 140754.7 619320625 619 1.37 Q2 2011 159238.9 12.00 12000 602719.2 7.233E+09 7233 15.95 67907.7 4.80 4800 257030.6 1.234E+09 1234 2.72 Q3 2011 141542.6 3.00 3000 535738.7 1.607E+09 1607 3.54 72311.2 6.50 6500 273697.9 1.779E+09 1779 3.92 Q42011 147647.2 5.00 5000 558844.7 2.794E+09 2794 6.16 72089.3 4.20 4200 272858.0 1.146E+09 1146 2.53 Q12012 148747.0 0.60 600 563007.4 337804437 338 0.74 76306.0 7.90 7900 288818.2 2.282E+09 2282 5.03 Q2 2012 172082.0 2.40 2400 651330.5 1.563E+09 1563 3.45 22956.4 11.00 11000 86890.1 955790963 956 2.11 Q3 2012 171345.0 2.50 2500 648540.8 1.621E+09 1621 3.57 22025.0 10.80 10800 83364.6 900337950 900 1.98 Q42012 156653.0 4.10 4100 592931.6 2.431E+09 2431 5.36 20114.0 11.00 11000 76131.5 837446390 837 1.85 Q12013 210908.0 7.99 7990 798286.8 6.378E+09 6378 14.06 18177.0 9.07 9070 68799.9 624015501 624 1.38 Q2 2013 226224.0 2.95 2950 856257.8 2.526E+09 2526 5.57 20252.4 9.76 9760 76655.3 748156060 748 1.65 Q3 2013 329460.1 17.60 17600 1247006.5 2.195E+10 21947 48.39 19731.0 8.65 8650 74681.8 645997873 646 1.42 Q42013 403974.0 4.70 4700 1529041.6 7.186E+09 7186 15.84 19280.2 9.64 9640 72975.6 703484369 703 1.55 Q12014 304851.0 1.62 1620 1153861.0 1.869E+09 1869 4.12 18781.6 7.56 7560 71088.4 537427971 537 1.18 Q2 2014 297660.0 1.34 1340 1126643.1 1.51E+09 1510 3.33 18462.4 5.95 5950 69880.2 415787095 416 0.92 Q3 2014 309742.0 1.60 1600 1172373.5 1.876E+09 1876 4.14 17237.9 4.30 4300 65245.5 280555441 281 0.62 Q42014 198331.0 4.72 4720 750682.8 3.543E+09 3543 7.81 16341.8 7.67 7670 61853.7 474417979 474 1.05 Q12015 60553.0 8.56 8560 229193.1 1.962E+09 1962 4.33 15744.7 9.80 9800 59593.7 584018157 584 1.29 Q2 2015 75102.8 0.92 916 284264.1 260385914 260 0.57 18754.1 5.76 5760 70984.3 408869387 409 0.90 Q3 2015 116503.9 11.60 11600 440967.3 5.115E+09 5115 11.28 17657.3 9.27 9270 66832.9 619540802 620 1.37 Q4 2015 112767.7 10.6 10600 426825.7 4.524E+09 4524 9.97 15547.4 6.23 6230 58846.9 366616243 367 0.81 Q12016 116597.0 15.7 15700 441319.6 6.929E+09 6929 15.28 14353.5 10.3 10300 54328.0 559578374 560 1.23 Q2 2016 123768.0 1.27 1270 468461.9 594946588 595 1.31 15818.3 11.2 11200 59872.3 670569374 671 1.48 Q3 2016 103609.0 10.5 10500 392160.1 4.118E+09 4118 9.08 12186.6 11.3 11300 46126.3 521226975 521 1.15 Q42016 104919.4 10.0 10000 397119.9 3.971E+09 3971 8.76 12879.6 11.4 11400 48749.3 555741860 556 1.23 Q12017 110416.7 11.1 11100 417927.2 4.639E+09 4639 10.23 13552.8 12 12000 51297.3 615568176 616 1.36 - Totals Since Q3 2010 5642120.9 300.37 751506.5 45.21 Table4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped -TW44 -· --TW4-22 I Total Total Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) (mgll) (ugll) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mgll) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Calculations and Data Origination 03 2010 76916.8 7.30 7300.00 291130.1 2.1E+09 2125.25 4.69 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2010 86872.1 7.10 7100.00 328810.9 2.3E+09 2334.56 5.15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 01 2011 73360.0 7.00 7000.00 277667.6 1.9E+09 1943.67 4.29 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2011 80334.6 7.00 7000.00 304066.5 2.1E+09 2128.47 4.69 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2011 97535.0 6.60 6600.00 369170.0 2.4E+09 2436.52 5.37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 042011 109043.5 7.00 7000.00 412729.6 2.9E+09 2889.11 6.37 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012012 101616.8 7.10 7100.00 384619.6 2.7E+09 2730.80 6.02 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2012 87759.1 7.10 7100.00 332168.2 2.4E+09 2358.39 5.20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2012 80006.0 7.10 7100.00 302822.7 2.2E+09 2150.04 4.74 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2012 71596.0 7.00 7000.00 270990.9 1.9E+09 1896.94 4.18 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012013 58716.8 7.36 7360.00 222243.1 1.6E+09 1635.71 3.61 16677.4 58.00 58000.0 63124.0 3.7E+09 3661.2 8.07 02 2013 65603.4 6.30 6300.00 248308.9 1.6E+09 1564.35 3.45 25523.2 50.20 50200.0 96605.3 4.8E+09 4849.6 10.69 03 2013 63515.4 7.22 7220.00 240405.8 1.7E+09 1735.73 3.83 25592.9 29.70 29700.0 96869.1 2.9E+09 2877.0 6.34 042013 60233.6 7.84 7840.00 227984.2 1.8E+09 1787.40 3.94 24952.2 45.20 45200.0 94444.1 4.3E+09 4268.9 9.41 012014 58992.9 7.28 7280.00 223288.1 1.6E+09 1625.54 3.58 24532.0 54.60 54600.0 92853.6 5.1E+09 5069.8 11.18 02 2014 60235.3 5.91 5910.00 227990.6 1.3E+09 1347.42 2.97 24193.9 47.20 47200.0 91573.9 4.3E+09 4322.3 9.53 03 2014 69229.4 5.30 5300.00 262033.3 1.4E+09 1388.78 3.06 24610.9 41.50 41500.0 93152.3 3.9E+09 3865.8 8.52 042014 64422.6 7.02 7020.00 243839.5 1.7E+09 1711.75 3.77 23956.9 54.90 54900.0 90676.9 5.0E+09 4978.2 10.97 012015 36941.3 7.70 7700.00 139822.8 1.1E+09 1076.64 2.37 22046.9 69.20 69200.0 83447.5 5.8E+09 5774.6 12.73 02 2015 68162.8 6.33 6330.00 257996.2 1.6E+09 1633.12 3.60 23191.6 47.10 47100.0 87780.2 4.1E+09 4134.4 9.11 03 2015 64333.0 6.45 6450.00 243500.4 1.6E+09 1570.58 3.46 24619.9 64.70 64700.0 93186.3 6.0E+09 6029.2 13.29 04 2015 59235.1 6.27 6270.00 224204.9 1.4E+09 1405.76 3.10 23657.6 56.10 56100.0 89544.0 5.0E+09 5023.4 11.07 012016 57274.0 6.71 6710.00 216782.1 1.SE+09 1454.61 3.21 24517.8 31.10 31100.0 92799.9 2.9E+09 2886.1 6.36 02 2016 61378.0 6.56 6560.00 232315.7 1.5E+09 1523.99 3.36 26506.3 58.40 58400.0 100326.3 5.9E+09 5859.1 12.92 03 2016 50104.2 7.22 7220.00 189644.4 1.4E+09 1369.23 3.02 22144.1 61.30 61300.0 83815.4 5.1E+09 5137.9 11.33 04 2016 31656.0 6.77 6770.00 119818.0 8.1E+08 811.17 1.79 23646.8 61.50 61500.0 89503.1 5.SE+09 5504.4 12.14 01 2017 23526.8 6.87 6870.00 89048.9 6.1E+08 611.77 1.35 24066.2 69.80 69800.0 91090.6 6.4E+09 6358.1 14.02 Totals Since 03 2010 1818600.5 104.16 404436.6 177.69 Table4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-24 TW4-25 . ---~ Total Total Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Calculations I and Data Origination 03 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012013 144842.6 35.90 35900.0 548229.2 2.0E+10 19681.4 43.39 99369.9 9.00 9000.0 376115.1 3.4E+09 3385.0 7.46 02 2013 187509.3 23.70 23700.0 709722.7 1.7E+10 16820.4 37.08 147310.4 5.24 5240.0 557569.9 2.9E+09 2921.7 6.44 03 2013 267703.5 32.60 32600.0 1013257.7 3.3E+10 33032.2 72.82 145840.9 5.69 5690.0 552007.8 3.1E+09 3140.9 6.92 04 2013 260555.3 34.60 34600.0 986201.8 3.4E+10 34122.6 75.23 126576.5 6.10 6100.0 479092.1 2.9E+09 2922.5 6.44 01 2014 229063.9 31.60 31600.0 867006.9 2.7E+10 27397.4 60.40 129979.2 2.16 2150.0 491971.3 1.1E+09 1052.7 2.34 02 2014 216984.1 35.00 35000.0 821284.8 2.9E+10 28745.0 63.37 124829.8 1.21 1210.0 472480.8 5.7E+08 571.7 1.25 03 2014 213652.5 31.50 31500.0 808574.7 2.5E+10 25473.3 56.15 119663.9 1.60 1600.0 452927.9 7.2E+08 724.7 1.50 04 2014 178468.7 35.70 35700.0 675504.0 2.4E+10 24115.5 53.17 107416.1 1.03 1030.0 405559.9 4.2E+08 418.8 0.92 012015 92449.3 34.50 34500.0 349920.6 1.2E+10 12107.3 26.59 71452.4 14.40 14400.0 270447.3 3.9E+09 3894.4 8.59 02 2015 62664.2 31.80 31800.0 237184.0 7.5E+09 7542.5 16.63 91985.3 1.14 1140.0 348154.4 4.0E+08 395.9 0.88 03 2015 66313.2 25.30 25300.0 250995.5 6.4E+09 5350.2 14.00 124137.1 1.63 1630.0 459858.9 7.7E+08 755.9 1.59 04 2015 107799.1 29.60 29500.0 408019.6 1.2E+10 12077.4 26.63 116420.1 1.78 1780.0 440550.1 7.8E+08 784.4 1.73 012016 100063.2 29.10 29100.0 378739.2 1.1E+10 11021.3 24.30 115483.2 0.84 837.0 437103.9 3.7E+08 365.9 0.81 02 2016 65233.6 24.20 24200.0 246909.2 6.0E+09 5975.2 13.17 125606.0 0.96 959.0 475418.7 4.6E+08 455.9 1.01 03 2016 51765.8 34.40 34400.0 195933.6 6.7E+09 6740.1 14.86 104983.6 1.78 1780.0 397362.9 7.1E+08 707.3 1.56 042016 99522.5 31.90 31900.0 376692.7 1.2E+10 12016.5 26.49 98681.2 1.24 1240.0 373508.3 4.6E+08 463.2 1.02 012017 99117.4 41.30 41300.0 375159.4 1.5E+10 15494.1 34.16 161.2 17.0 17000.0 610.1 1.0E+07 10.4 0.02 Totals Since Q3 2010 2443708.2 658.55 1849896.8 50.69 Table 4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped -TWN-02 TW4-01 ··--~ ---. Total Total Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total I Quarter -(gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mg/L) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) I Calculations I and Data I Origination I 03 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012013 31009.4 57.30 57300.0 117370.6 6.7E+09 6725.3 14.83 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2013 49579.3 57.70 57700.0 187657.7 1.1E+10 10827.8 23.87 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2013 50036.5 80.00 80000.0 189388.2 1.5E+10 15151.1 33.40 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2013 49979.9 111.00 111000.0 189173.9 2.1E+10 20998.3 46.29 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012014 48320.4 42.60 42600.0 182892.7 7.8E+09 7791.2 17.18 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02 2014 47611.9 44.70 44700.0 180211.0 8.1E+09 8055.4 17.76 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 03 2014 46927.2 42.00 42000.0 177619.5 7.5E+09 7460.0 16.45 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 04 2014 47585.6 70.60 70600.0 180111.5 1.3E+10 12715.9 28.03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 012015 47262.2 48.60 48600.0 178887.4 8.7E+09 8693.9 19.17 24569.2 7.06 7060.0 92994.4 6.6E+08 656.5 1.45 02 2015 48497.3 52.80 52800.0 183562.3 9.7E+09 9692.1 21.37 23989.9 6.07 6070.0 90801.8 5.5E+08 551.2 1.22 03 2015 48617.4 49.70 49700.0 184016.9 9.1E+09 9145.6 20.16 23652.0 6.3 6280.0 89522.8 562203309.6 562.2 1.2 04 2015 46754.1 44.90 44900.0 176964.3 7.9E+09 7945.7 17.52 20764.3 1.55 1550.0 78592.9 1.2E+08 121.8 0.27 012016 47670.2 86.30 86300.0 180431.7 1.6E+10 15571.3 34.33 19255.6 0.15 148.0 72882.4 1.1E+07 10.8 0.02 02 2016 50783.0 45.40 45400.0 192213.7 8.7E+09 8726.5 19.24 19588.2 0.14 138.0 74141.3 l.OE+07 10.2 0.02 03 2016 42329.6 35.30 35300.0 160217.5 5.7E+09 5655.7 12.47 15613.5 5.49 5490.0 59097.1 3.2E+08 324.4 0.72 04 2016 44640.6 32.60 32600.0 168964.7 5.5E+09 5508.2 12.14 16756.8 0.75 746.0 63424.5 4.7E+07 47.3 0.10 012017 45283.2 27.40 27400.0 171396.9 4.7E+09 4696.3 10.35 16931.8 4.44 4440.0 64086.9 2.8E+08 284.5 0.63 Totals Since Q3 2010 792887.8 364.56 181121.3 5.66 Table 4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-0Z TW4-11 ----- - ~ ' I Total Total Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) (mgiL) (ugll) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mgll) (ugll) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) I Calculations and Data I Origination Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q1 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12015 24156.7 5.32 5320.0 91433.1 4.9E+08 486.4 1.07 9898.7 8.72 8720.0 37466.6 3.3E+08 326.7 0.72 Q2 2015 22029.9 4.30 4300.0 83383.2 3.6E+08 358.5 0.79 5243.3 8.48 8480.0 19845.9 1.7E+08 168.3 0.37 Q3 2015 21586.9 3.8 3760.0 81706.4 307216126.0 307.2 0.7 3584.4 9.6 9610.0 13567.0 130378427.9 130.4 0.3 Q4 2015 21769.8 5.18 5180.0 82398.7 4.3E+08 426.8 0.94 4110.3 7.50 7500.0 15557.5 1.2E+08 116.7 0.26 Q12016 20944.6 5.30 5300.0 79275.3 4.2E+08 420.2 0.93 3676.2 7.13 7130.0 13914.4 9.9E+07 99.2 0.22 Q2 2016 20624.0 6.67 6670.0 78061.8 5.2E+08 520.7 1.15 3760.4 7.81 7810.0 14233.1 1.1E+08 111.2 0.25 Q3 2016 17487.4 4.07 4070.0 66189.8 2.7E+08 269.4 0.59 2953.8 8.83 8830.0 11180.1 9.9E+07 98.7 0.22 Q4 2016 19740.6 6.07 6070.0 74718.2 4.5E+08 453.5 1.00 3050.2 8.92 8920.0 11545.0 l.OE+08 103.0 0.23 Q12017 19869.7 4.74 4740.0 75206.8 3.6E+08 356.5 0.79 2984.2 8.12 8120.0 11295.2 9.2E+07 91.7 0.20 Totals Since Q3 2010 188209.6 7.94 39261.5 2.75 Table4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped -TW4-21 TW4-37 I Total Total Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) (mg/l) (ug/L) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) (mg/L) (ug/l) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) I Calculations I and Data I Origination I Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA I Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2015 30743.7 13.1 13100.0 116364.9 1.5E+09 1524.4 3.4 29206.0 35.2 35200.0 110544.7 3.9E+09 3891.2 8.6 Q3 2015 125285.4 14.7 14700.0 474205.2 6970817013.3 6970.8 15.4 118063.9 32.4 32400.0 446871.9 14478648312.6 14478.6 31.9 Q4 2015 134774.9 14.30 14300.0 510123.0 7.3E+09 7294.8 16.08 111737.5 34.60 34600.0 422926.4 1.5E+10 14633.3 32.26 Q12016 125513.3 14.60 14600.0 475067.8 6.9E+09 6936.0 15.29 111591.0 28.40 28400.0 422371.9 1.2E+10 11995.4 26.45 Q2 2016 132248.7 13.10 13100.0 500561.3 6.6E+09 6557.4 14.46 119241.2 27.90 27900.0 451327.9 1.3E+10 12592.0 27.76 Q3 2016 110381.9 16.50 16500.0 417795.5 6.9E+09 6893.6 15.20 98377.6 33.40 33400.0 372359.2 1.2E+10 12436.8 27.42 Q4 2016 130311.3 13.50 13500.0 493228.3 6.7E+09 6658.6 14.68 101949.1 26.10 26100.0 385877.3 1.0E+10 10071.4 22.20 i Q1 2017 54333.5 17.70 17700.0 205652.3 3.6E+09 3640.0 8.02 97071.7 32.30 32300.0 367416.4 1.2E+10 11867.5 26.16_ J Totals Since Q3 2010 843592.7 102.46 787238.0 202.75 Table4 Quarterly Calculation of Nitrate Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped . .. TW4-39 ---· Removed Total Total by All Pumped Cone Cone Pumped Total Total Wells Quarter (gal) (mgll) (ugll) (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (pounds) Calculations and Data Origination Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.69 Q42010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.97 Q12011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 73.30 Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.01 Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.82 Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.71 Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.86 Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.03 Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.67 Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.92 Q12013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 95.73 Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 91.71 Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 176.53 Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 162.07 Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 103.14 Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 101.87 Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 92.99 Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 108.57 Q12015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 82.61 Q2 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 68.86 Q3 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 118.63 Q4 2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 124.50 Q12016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 132.55 I Q2 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 99.98 Q3 2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 101.12 Q4 2016 3589.3 20.70 20700.0 13585.5 2.8E+08 281.2 0.62 106.06 Q12017 103117.8 6.44 ~ 6440.0 390300.9 2.5E+09 2513.5 5.54 116.19 ---- Totals Since Q3 2010 106707.10 6.16 2124.07 Q~ Lmeu:Uht'ln 211.\'a@ miW-3'1i) 15.8 W-3'1 22.5 MW-5 ND w-~l ND ND =Not detected NS = Not Sampled Q'd 2:(0\11~, 15 21 NS ND Q4 1Qa Q'2 ~0·ll•Oi l:.C9ll l 2Q!l1 16 16 17 20 21 22 0.2 NS 0.2 ND ND ND Q (/)~ .. Q l Q2 011 Q4 Ql ltal !0,1 § 2:0~5 A~H~6 lm~~m 2J~:,f!(5 20](6 ~DJfY 11 17.9 16.3 20.0 17.3 18.0 17.2 17.4 2. 19.9 18.4 18.8 18.6 19.7 18.8 21.1 N NS 0.118 NS 0.156 NS 0.241 NS NfND ND ND 0.117 ND ND ND TABLES Slug Test Results (Using KGS Solution and Automatically Logged Data) Well K lcm/s) MW-30 1.0E-04 MW-31 7.1 E-05 TW4-22 1.3E-04 TW4-24 1.6E-04 TW4-25 5.8E-05 TWN-2 1.5E-05 TWN-3 8.6E-06 Average 1 Average2 Average3 Average4 Notes: Average 1 = arithemetic average of all wells Average 2 = geometric average of all wells K (ft/dav) 0.28 0.20 0.36 0.45 0.16 0.042 0.024 0.22 0.15 0.32 0.31 Average 3 = arithemetic average of MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, and TW4-24 Average 4 =geometric average of MW-30, MW-31, TW4-22, and TW4-24 cmls = centimeters per second ft/day = feet per day K = hydraulic conductivity KGS = KGS Unconfined Slug Test Solution in Aqtesolve TM. S:\Environmentai\UT\WhiteMesaMiii\Required Reports\Nitrate Quarterly Report\2017 01\FiowCalcs-Tables 6-7-8: Table 6 TABLE 7 Pre-Pumping Saturated Thicknesses Depth to Depth to Water Saturated Thickness Well Brushy Basin Fourth Quarter, 2012 Above Brushy Basin (ft) (ft) (ft) TW4-22 112 53 58 TW4-24 110 55 55 Notes: ft =feet S:\Environmentai\UnWhiteMesaMiii\Required Reports\Nitrate Quarterly Report\2017 01\FiowCalcs-Tables 6-7-8: Table 7 TABLE 8 Pre-Pumping Hydraulic Gradients and Flow Calculations Pathline Boundaries Path Length Head Change Hydraulic Gradient (ft) (ft) (ftlft) TW4-25 to MW-31 2060 48 0.023 TWN-2 to MW-30 2450 67 0.027 average 0.025 1 min flow (gpm) 1.31 2 max flow (gpm) 2.79 Notes: ft =feet ftlft = feet per foot gpm = gallons per minute 1 assumes width = 1 ,200 ft; saturated thickness = 56 ft; K = 0.15 ft/day; and gradient = 0.025 ft/ft 2 assumes width = 1 ,200 ft; saturated thickness = 56 ft; K = 0.32 ft/day; and gradient = 0.025 ft/ft S:\Environmentai\UT\WhiteMesaMiii\Required Reports\Nitrate Quarterly Report\2017 Q1\FiowCalcs-Tables 6-7-B: Table 8 Table 9 *Recalculated Background Flow Background *Recalculated Flow Background Flow (gpm) (gpm) minimum 1.31 0.79 maximum 2.79 1.67 * recalculated based on reduced widlife pond recharge as presented in the third quarter, 20 15 Nitrate Monitoring Report gpm = gallons per minute INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab E Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells Tab G Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab H Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables H-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation H-2 Holding Time Evaluation H-3 Analytical Method Check H-4 Reporting Limit Evaluation H-5 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates H-6 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks H-7 Receipt Temperature Evaluation H-8 Rinsate Evaluation Tab I Kriged Current Quarter Isoconcentration Maps Tab J Analyte Concentration Data over Time Tab K Concentration Trend Graphs Tab L CSV Transmittal Letter Tab M Residual Mass Estimate Analysis Figure Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site TW4-19 EB TW4-38 ... PIEZ-3A ~ MW-5 • TW4-12 0 TWN-7 <> PIEZ-1 (i) perched chloroform or nitrate pumping well temporary perched monitoring well installed October, 2016 May, 2016 replacement of perched piezometer Piez-03 perched monitoring well temporary perched monitoring well temporary perched nitrate monitoring well perched piezometer RUIN SPRING b seep or spring HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. WHITE MESA SITE PLAN SHOWING LOCATIONS PERCHED WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS REFERENCE H :/718000/feb17/Uwelloc1216.srf FIGURE A-1 TabB Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Name TWN·18 TWN-7 TWN·1 TWN-4 TWN-3 TWN-2 Duplicate of Rlnsate Dl Sample l.lJ Nitrate Mg/L Previous Qrt. 0.501 0.698 1.98 3.09 15.8 32.6 Piez 1 6.42 Plez2 0.732 Piez 3.t.. 8.44 c Nitrate Samples Date/Purge sample QiJSLt? rz.oa lvtc./11 i025 7..A.s/l1 r~il lz./15111 r::,:sL "Z../Ib/11 103-t "Jtslll \OOu lw~-1 'Z/II:JJ-1 10~ 2/)t::,/1'1 ossss "L) l.'Y 11 0~'2..~ '1.1 15111 ()qW Nitrate Order 1st Quarter 2017 Depth Total Depth 1451 1051 112.5 125.7 96 96 Rinsate Samples Name Date Sample TWN-18R ly 15/1/ IG'-48 TWN-7R TWN-1R TWN-4R TWN-3R TWN-2R Samplers: Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~,. QIAo.rfec A) i h"'-t~ 'Z.o 11 See instruction Location (well name): ._l-'-?_;c.=z=---0;;_1'--------------' Sampler N arne and initials: 1-rc;.ni'\<:C .Jlo!I Jdaj hH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 2 I I S I 2 0 ll and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: [![)pump or 00 bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I· Purging Method Used: [![)2 casings [![)3 casings Sampling Event I G.':.\o,du\.j /\) l}r<A+G Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I.__'P_i_~_1:._-_o_z.. ______ _, pH Buffer 7.0 7 .0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y,O Specific Conductance ._I ___._,lD....,!'>...u!\u..._ __ __.lflMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I .::....0 ____ _, Depth to Water Before Purging I b$,].5 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:~o::;.__ __ ---t,(.653h) 3" Well: 0 .C.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)IL-:.3::;_0 __ __, Time I O S ~'i I Gal. Purged I () I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance 1 -z.1 02 I pH I "· "~ I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc 115, 70 I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I t:::f£12: I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) l l5 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 11 of24 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = ~....I __ o ___ __. Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ._I _o ___ _. Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I AW~ L ~~~=------------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs 0 D 3x40 rnl D 0 HCL D 0 Nutrients [!] D 100 ml 0 ~ H2S04 1!1 D Heavy Metals D D 250m! D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250m! 0 0 No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) 00 0 Sample volume 0 ~ 0 21 C.h) or; ~e If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth Ll _C._7_, ....:.LI..:.j __ ---.~ Sample Time 08'.5.5 See instruction Comment Arri v~~ Oh .si-h. ~+ 0~50, -r"'t~~r.ne..r """6 G<J.rr;fl pr~enf .Jo co Jle.c/-s,"'Mpk.s. ~1\l'llple.S h~;lt.J G..ntA co1JdJ ~ D85.S. w~f~r wa..s. o. \;H-J~tvlufi<q, wltk 1.\)Do) ]1·~~ P~rh'c..I-Q +l t~"~~· "-...l l-e.Pt-S ,+e..-"'t oqoo Piez-01 02-15-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 12 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER De~ription~SamplingE~~: ~~~1~·-r~Q~~~~~~-~-~~r~~~;+~r~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location (well name): ._I _'P-=----~e._-z_=---'00..."2.~~~~~~~~~------' Sampler N arne and initials: Field Sample ID p,~-z.-oz. oz \.S'2.o11 Date and Time for Purging I 'Z-/1.!:. /20 11 and Sampling (if different) ~~-,.1'/,..;./":...;.:.4~~~~~~~~--~ Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or 00 bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ._I AI.-~-~~~~~~~--' Purging Method Used: (ID2 casings (ID3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.o...fte.r G N ;tr01fe. Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~~--v:_V._~"'--~~~~~~~-1 pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ._I ---'\'-"0-"'0-""6 ___ _,1 !!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _0 ____ -1 Depth to Water Before Purging I 40 .~fo Casing Volume (V) 4" Weii:~_0 ___ --11(.653h) 3" Well:_ D . (.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._! _Z_6 __ _. Time I DKZ.Y I GaL Purged I 0 I Time I I GaL Purged I I Conductance I qo~ I pH I c._qq I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I ll.\,gO I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Q~'Z. I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I GaL Purged I I Time I I GaL Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 21 of 24 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculalion Flow Rate (Q) in gpm. S/60 = L---1 _____:_0 ___ ___. Time to evacuate two ca ·ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated l o Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I .:..;AuW""k<..L:,_'-_____ ____. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs 0 0 3x40 ml 0 0 HCL 0 0 Nutrients ~ 0 100 ml 0 ~ H2S04 ~ 0 Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250m] 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume 0 ~ 0 ~ Gh\or;ae If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ~...1 ....:.4~L~f(:..s;L.__ _ _, Sample Time See instruction Comment A(",.;Ve~ 01'\ ~·"+~ CA.+ ogzo. I;Ml-e.(' rAnJ... cro.rr,'r! ~re~erJ--~ co11ed-Seu'>'!p1c!!:S, SrAMr'~ b""J~.J., CAf\a Golldd ~+ o~z..s. [,J~+er wa...s G\w..r. Lili .s•Jc:. a..t og33 Piez-02 02-15-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 22 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 1 -el6,•rU/!'ROYFUELS WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I l ~,-Qu.o..rf~r /Jj fr~fe-'2.0 17 Location (well name): IL-.:...A-'-l_e.:_t..-03.::::...,_...:...A _________ __, Field Sample ID I 'Pie:& 03A_.O-z lS>ZOil Sampler Name and initials: See instruction Date and Time for Purging Ll z___:_/_:JS=...;,_/7._0_1'1 _____ _. and Sampling (if different) I._M_~-~----------' Well Purging Equip Used: (g]pump or [!]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) L-6...:..~--=?1'-----------' Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I ~o..rt<-f" 1'-\ AH+("~~ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I.__P_i_e._z_-_0_1 _____ __, pH Buffer 7.0 /,0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance Ll _ll..=O~O:.=:D ___ __,jl ~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): l._o ____ ____. Depth to Water Before Purging I S \, '15 Casing Volume (V) 4" WeU :~0-----11(.653h) 3" We ll: D .(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._I3_D __ _, Time I 090~ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I )\~j I pH I ro. %4 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I \3.S') I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~3b I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I '3>0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 9 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I 0 T= 2V/Q= I ~ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I _,_A,__\J:.><.<;.A.._L ______ -' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs D D 3x40 ml D D HCL D Nutrients 1!1 D 100 ml D IE H2S04 El Heavy Metals D D 250ml D D HN03 D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml D D No Preserv. D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D Other (specify) 12!1 D Sample volume D 5'l D Gh \ or;de. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._15_<._,3_3 ___ -' Sample Time ._I OG\..;;........;.;1'-'-0----' Comment .~ See instruction AH'i\l~ Of\ s.itc. a.+ 0~05, -r;nntV o:ntl G-""r(",-11 pres.ettf +o tolle.o} .SAA?ple..s1 S "'I'V\ p le_s 'b01 i l e ~ q" a Go )1 ~d-~J a.. t-Oq Ill wo..fer (...)o.s m~r ~ , Lert s.l+c«.f 091&. Piez-03A 02-15-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D ~ 10 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ) s'T' Q u.o..;:J;r .N lfro..fe Z.O I/ r "" . . , / i> i See InstructiOn Location (well name): IT wAJ -0\ ~------~----------------~ Sampler Name and initials: 1-=t:.nner lJoJ liJ~"\/TH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I "L/IS/Z.D\1 and Sampling (if different) l._~__;_:i"~-'-------------------' Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &ro.Antf-h).!) Purging Method Used: (m2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qu.OV+-ef"'b j\),}f"t~~.+'-c. Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I TWAJ -0/ pH Buffer 7.0 '7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 I LJ.D Specific Conductance ._I __ l o_o_o ______ _.l~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I II"Z. SD Depth t() Water Before Purging l b'3>. 6 0 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l 31,93 1(.653h) 3" Well: C (.367h) ~-------' Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventllo.......:...l )_D ____ _, Time l l ~o~ I Gal. Purged I so I Time I 13D9 I Gal. Purged I 'b O I Conductance I BbC I pH I ~.g7 I Conductance I gb,g I pHI r;,.8'f I Temp. ac I IS.I':Z:: I Temp. ac 1 \s. 1:3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I :>~Z I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 3 viJ I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I b I Time I J~J l:5 I Gal. Purged I zv I Time ll3ll I Gal. Purged I 8'o I Conductance I 'b7D I pH I C.9D I Conductance 13i) I pH I ~.~<j I Temp. ac I 15.11 I Temp. ac I e),j•Z I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 3 111 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ·~~I I Turbidity (NTU) I ~ I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 23 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I \0.0 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I b,3& I io N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs L!l A_,_W~AuL=--------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs 0 0 3x40 ml D 0 HCL 0 Nutrients [] 0 100 ml 0 ll H2S04 ~ Heavy Metals 0 0 250ml 0 0 HN03 0 All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250m] 0 0 No Preserv. D Gross Alpha D 0 1,000 ml 0 D HN03 0 Other (specify) £] D Sample volume 0 [] 0 Ch\ocid~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 9D. zr:: Sample Time Comment sJ See instruction Arri\lJ Or'\ si+c ~ \'2,0\ ~IIT!e.r ~11a. G~~~.rri" pr~.s.en1--hr ~~-e. o.n~ .$11~)i~ ~venf. PlA('~G bc~o.."' o..+ \'5C>3 Pu.r~e.O \.Uell -for Q\_ .1to.\ oP ~ m inu. i-<.S . R.v-~e et7de4 o.-nO. .... S~rvlpl~s wer~ c.ol\~c.+cd ~t \3}\. t.JtA-1-er ~ G)ea . .('_ LeJ+ Site 6-.+-l~ Pi TWN-01 02-15-2017 lDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N 0 0 0 D D 1!1 24 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I \~ ~M-er ;V:frf.\fe -z.on Location (well name): 1~....--rw __ !V_-_O.:........::Z'--------------~ Sampler Name and initials: Field Sample ID I -rwtJ-oz .. DZ15Zol] Date and Time for Purging I z/ 15/'ZOIJ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: !]!]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) See instruction I .N/~ Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.~r+er..lj A) ;ffolc Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I 'Pi e-z-03/i pH Buffer 7.0 7,D pH Buffer 4.0 Y.D Specific Conductance '-I_I_O_O_D ___ ___.I!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.o 1ft): l._<if-=-6_.0___;0::..._ _ __. Depth to Water Before Purging I 3b, D Y Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:I 3C\ ,[5 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) ,___ ___ _, Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling eventl.....,l S....__6 __ _, Time I oqsq I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ZSIQ I pH I <;,,54 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C 1 l3,fn I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~95 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) lo I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 19 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculati n Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) S/60::: I ~~ D T:::2V/Q= I '-1.$ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) l o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 11> Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I..__._,A.._.\J;:;JA=L-------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) VOCs D D 3x40 ml Nutrients [] D 100 ml Heavy Metals 0 D 250 ml All Other Non Radiologies 0 D 250 ml Gross Alpha 0 D 1,000 ml Other (specify) 113 0 Sample volume Gh1o,;d( Final Depth I 59. 13 Sample Time \000 Comment A("fi\)ea Ofl sl1-e o..t 0955. -,;(lt'\(.r" 0.,(\J. G-""a:l] SG\.rl\~ )~ col1ecte~ avf IDDO. \..0o...+-er (...)~ TWN-02 02-15-2017 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater y N y N 0 0 HCL D 0 0 ~ H2S04 ~ 0 0 0 HN03 0 0 0 D No Preserv. 0 D 0 0 HN03 0 0 0 ~ 0 ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: .. j See instruction +b eoJJed· :SAmpJes. L~ ~~-+~ ~-t 1005 20 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I l s,.-Qv..o.r+er Ni+r,..+e Zb'rf Location (well name): L-1 _--r_W_N_-_0==0=-------------J Field Sample ID 1 -rwAJ-o~_oziC2o17 Sampler N arne and initials: See instruction I'To-Mer n.,)lrd~/t)} Date and Time for Purging I 7/ IShc>n and Sampling (if different) ._I 2_/_Jf:/_z.o __ ll _____ __, Well Purging Equip Used: (]f) pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) IGrv.na:ft;~ Purging Method Used: [ID2 casings [1[]3 casings Sampling Event I QI.Ao.r=ferlj A) iJr01-f~ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l._~_vJ_JJ_ .... _O_t-i _____ __, pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 Specific Conductance 1._...:.1..::..00..::..0=------'1 !!MHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I 9 0' 3Z: Weather Cond. Time I 111-z1 I Gal. Purged I ~-z..s Conductance 1-z.:zof.t, I pH 1 ~.71 Temp. oc I l'i.rll:> I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I gl'l I Turbidity (NTU) 15.0 I Time 1 103~ I Gal. Purged I () Conductance I '2.1~4 I pH I '·'3 Temp. °C I ~~ ,bt I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater I I I I pH Buffer 4.0 Well Depth(O.Olft):l ._ 9-'--"-·0_D __ _, CasingVolume(V) 4"WeJI:I 36,33 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) ,__ ___ _, Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._ll'-2_6 __ _, Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time 1 1035 I Gal. Purged 16 I Conductance l-z1 't8' I pH I ,,(5 I Temp. oc I l9.tz I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I 15 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged b.Z .56 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Cal ulalion Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I \0,0 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 7.26 I I \ nz. 1 cz.so Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs '-'1 A...::..:...vJ...:..A"-'L=-------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs D 0 3x40 ml 0 0 HCL D Nutrients rtJ 0 100 ml D ~ H2S04 r!J Heavy Metals 0 D 250 ml D D HN03 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. D Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 Other (specify) tl D Sample volume 0 !] 0 Gh\criJ.e If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth l'"""'f_3._g_~.:....._ __ _. Sample Time See instruction Comment Arr;\Je~ 0(1 ~;+~ IYlg. ~o"el"" M~ C.o.(r;n ?'e~ei\.J-~,. ?u.r~e . Pv...c~e b~t'l ~t I~ZO Pv..r~ed ~ll ~r ~ ·h·h~.l of '-Wlin..Jo lt!) See¢nJ.~. ft.r~~ IN&II dor~'· ?~~~,JeJ. e~..+ 1~27, w~hr \A)().~ mo~~ C.\eo.r. LA slk ~+ 1"130 ~ Aa-lvea on ~~-h: o-.t-1631 -(o.Mer MJ. C.Arr•'l'l ?~ ~ coned---~«M~S.. Dep~ ~ ~ er w~ 40,'11 ~W!p\~ b~:l~a q_.} l03tt l...et1-~~+e ~+ \03b TWN-03 02-15-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D 0 D 0 tJ 16 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I \ s-r Gh .... o..rfer N •+r-~+e zo 17 Location (well name): Ll _41_W...:.)\J_-_O_LJ..:..._ _______ __J Sampler N arne and initials: I ~I'WH:r flo II ' J~)rH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 2..71 s/ zo II and Sampling (if different) LIM_~-~----------~ Well Purging Equip Used: (Q]pump or [ID bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I U:rv.nd/::Q,..:; Purging Method Used: 1][]2 casings [ID3 casings Sampling Event I Q W>-r'Rr!j N ifr~h~. Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I -('wA) -O / pH Buffer 7.0 /,0 pH Buffer 4.0 Lf.O Specific Conductance l.____l_l>_o_o __ --JI~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I 1 Z 5,71) Depth to Water Before Purging I 5l0 , (),5. Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l l{S,L\g ,(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) '------....J Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)IL-_11_" __ -.J Time I 13?'3? I Gal. Purged I -g-o I Time l l~'t I Gal. Purged I ~~ I Conductance I l07q I pH I C:.75 I Conductance I l07g I pH I b.73 I Temp. oc I l\\.1\ I Temp. oc I \4.7_3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I qo,5 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I q b5 I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Time 11325 I Gal. Purged I I 10 I Time I \3SC. I Gal. Purged I 120 I Conductance I ID'7fl I pH ICz .iY I Conductance I 1077 I pH I ~7.3 I Temp. oc I 19,11 I Temp. °C I lq,"71 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I :JbS I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I YD_5 I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) IO I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 17 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged IZD gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) S/60 = I 10.0 T=2V/Q= 19,09 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) l o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs IL....:,_A_vJ_A_:_L _____ ___, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs D 0 3x40 ml D 0 HCL 0 D Nutrients [] 0 100 ml D ID H2S04 f) D Heavy Metals D 0 250ml D 0 HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) ~ D Sample volume D t!1 0 ~ Chle>cl~e_ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 5/. I 0 Sample Time 1356 Comment , ,...) See instruction Arr•'\led on ~ i}e. 0\.+ 13'1'2.. --lo.nl\er lfl.r1a G"'rf'•'" pres. en+ -h.-pv..r5e (lnJ. .SII\!V7fJ;~ e-.Jen 1: 'Pu..r~rc be~o.n o...+ 13li~ R ... ,-~.eJ well --h;r tJ... +o+tA.l o-F lZ. mit~LA+~ 'Pu..c~e erJe~ O..f\0. ~o..ft"lples. l.0erc. c.oJiec+eJ (;)..+ \35b. [,.)o...+er wa..s. Glea.r Le.R ~it<-oJ-1354 TWN-04 02-15-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 18 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I I~~ Q\J\:O:Oc:fer "fJ'thi N ttl'"tl\fe... 7fJ n Location (well name): '-1 ""D_W_AJ_-_O_i _________ ___. Field Sample ID ll'"WN-Oi_02.Ib'ZDI7 Sampler N arne and initials: See instruction Date and Time for Purging l._-z...--'-/_JS_/_'20 __ 11 ____ __, and Sampling (if different) 'Z llb/Zo}j '-----------~ Well Purging Equip Used: [f[]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Grv."J:fc;.s Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.o,~rJ:S 1\Ji+r/ll.tc.... Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ..... 1_1\_w_vU_-_Jg _____ ~ pHBuffer7.0 ._l7_.o ___ __.. pH Buffer 4.0 '-\.0 Specific Conductance!._ _l_O_O_D ___ __.I [.tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IDS,OO Depth to Water Before Purging I 8l4, S:S Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' )3,3:S ,(.653h) 3" Well: i> (.367h) ,__ ___ __, Weather Cond. Ext'J Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)L..ll_O_t __ __, Time I l'l.~ I Gal. Purged I ·z:3>.t>~ I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I r~t;..j I pH I C.,8Z I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I l9. r;~ I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I '3,.:$ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I t o-z.=. I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time l toz~ I Gal. Purged l o I Conductance I t~S' I pH I ~.3S I Conductance 11.3.5'-I pHI (.9o I Temp. °C I \t1 . 10 I Temp. oc l ltl.C:S I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 3 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 23,3.3 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I -+l-,.(, \O.D lD,O T = 2V /Q = I z.. f, 1 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I 1,74 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I '2.'3>,33 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs 1'-'A....:...t.,;W:..!.A.:...L::...._ _____ __, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs D D 3x40 ml D D HCL D D Nutrients 1[] D 100 ml D lEI H2S04 1!1 D Heavy Metals D D 250ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 0 D Other (specify) lt1 0 Sample volume D lJ D ~ Ch ,o,;cl~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I }03, l"l.. Sample Time IOZS Comment , J, See instruction Arr~\Je~ on s;.}e (}\.+ 12.32. -r;;:t\ner u..Nl G-o.rr:n yresen+ -h,, 'fU.'".!· ?u.~e.. be.j~fl 0\+ IZ33. fv.r~~ \Nell -hr "'-fo+A l of' Z M;Y\tAles MJ., 20 5ec.ofi6.S. 'Pu.r~ed WeJI dr~ ~ Pv..r~e efl~e4 ~-} 1Z3S, l,0od-u· ~ clo.r-. Le.~'!-.si1-~ tAt l"Z3'1 Arrlvea on sl~ ~+ IOZ3 lAnoe(" o..M VtJ-('('1,, pre.S.el'lJ-.ft, <:ollec:f So..t>?pl~s. Oepth 1o IA)o.+~r lA>~ qS.?..(.. ..$«rllp)es, b"".-lcJ cd-10~ LeJl-S•'-1-c ~:itt-1027 TWN-07 02-15-2017 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 4 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ) ~l' Q~.AP.rfe.f /\},'+rQ.,+e zo ll See instruction Location (well name): l.__f _W_tJ_-_\g _________ ____. Sampler N arne and initials: I ::::r;_n11er A,) JliJ.a.:/"11f Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 'Z/1.5/ZO \1 and Sampling (if different) L......:.....N.....:.V.....:..4~------___J Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &rlA.f\J~ S Purging Method Used: (ID2 casings [gJ3 casings Sampling Event I Q\N).r'f-crl~ IV i"hCJ"i Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I lw ,A) -1g R. pH Buffer 7.0 /.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance IL__l_o_oo ___ ___.l~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I )L}S, OD Depth to Water Before Purging I C)O, ~ CasingVolume(V) 4"Weli:,5Li,qlj ,(.653h) 3" Well: D (.367h) '------' Weather Cond. Ext'l Am b. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._l 7.L.-6 __ __, Time I \'l-02 I Gal. Purged I ~0 I Time I \'2.0.(., I Gal. Purged I 110 I Conductance I 2~62. I pH I '-.sl I Conductance I Z35~ I pH I c..sz I Temp. °C I \4.44 I Temp. oc I \~.4:S I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I qol.\ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I qo3 I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Time l lw7 I Gal. Purged I \"2.0 I Time 111.0K I Gal. Purged I 130 I Conductance I 'Z.~Sio I pH I l:.sz I Conductance I 'Z.3S~ I pH I f;..Sl I Temp. °C I l'i. qs I Temp. oc I lt:{, q.s I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I qoz. I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Y D I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I () I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 5 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged l3D gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = ._I _1'--0~, D __ ____. Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 10.48 I 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs A-WhL Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs D D 3x40 ml D D HCL D Nutrients 11 D 100 ml D C!l H2S04 1!1 Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D Other (specify) rn D Sample volume D ~ D Gh)oriJc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I GZ · 35 Sample Time See instruction Comment An-1\led o(l .site 01--t IJSI --r;_Mlcf' '""~ G-~rr.·, fres.~t -for ?u..r~e CAntL SamplinJ e.venf-. Pv.,~e.. b~rN\ o..+ ll5S ?u.r~~a v.:>ell .fo, ~ .f-o+,. I a-P r3 M inu..t~. ?wf:\CJ ende-d. 0\fla S"'rY1ple.s we<"e, collec-l-d o.+ l'Z..og Wo..+<:r tA>a.._s c.Jea.r. LeA::'}-s,,·}e. ~} I~\ I TWN-18 02-15-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D ~ 6 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I \~'1 &"'o.rter N l+r 01.f(. z..o l] See instruction Location (well name): IL-l1.:....W~IV~--~.Iw.S.L.:R::.__ _______ ____J Sampler Name and initials: I --r;.nne.c ~oJI:J~tjJrtt Field Sample ID l--rwN-l8R .... OZ ISZ017 Date and Time for Purging I Z/ IS/ Z017 and Sampling (if different) L.....LMc.::..:....!VA=--------_J Well Purging Equip Used: [!!]pump or [[]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I G-(I.M'\Jto'> Purging Method Used: [[)2 casings [[)3 casings Sampling Event I QI.AQ,c±e.d:\ N ij-cl1\. "te Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event L-1_-r_w_tJ_-_o_z _____ .....~ pH Buffer 7.0 ....,, () pH Buffer 4.0 Y.o Specific Conductance L-1 --'1'-"0..:;.0...;:.0 ___ _JI~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): L-1 =0 ____ _, Depth to Water Before Purging IL.....-_0~---~ Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:,t--o----11(.653h) 3" Well:_ D _(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)L-1 .:.b 6 __ __, Time I IO~J I Gal. Purged I rz.o I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I /,fo I pH 1"1.5/ I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I 4.\~ I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) 1 3~~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I o.-z. I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 7 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) Volume of Water Purged \SO gallon(s) Pumping Rale Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= I )0.0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 0 N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I ..:..PNJ.:..:.,_.;_A_L ______ _. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs D D 3x40 ml D D HCL D Nutrients m 0 100 ml D ~ H2S04 1!1 Heavy Metals D 0 250 ml D D HN03 D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml D D No Preserv. D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D Other (specify) [) D Sample volume D ~ D Ghlor;Jc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L...l _--=..D ___ __J Sample Time \04~ See instruction Comment Arr:\)J. oo s,'te ~J lo3o. ~1\rtcr (}\{1~ G-Q.r,-; .... preS.~n.J-t;, rhts~te.. ~;nSo.tc .h~<!tl) Q..t lD3S . 'Pu.f'\'\pe.~ !;O G-.:o..llon.s ,J' .S~f lNJ.e.r ov1J. IDO G-""J1on~ <'.p .D:L ~fA. fer s~W\fk5. \.Vu-e. ~ollec..fJ ~} lDl\~, Let'J-S•te. ~J. 1051 TWN-18R 02-15-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D ~ 8 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I J.Si" Qv.o..rfer c..f)l o-rbf6rrt~ Zo 17 Location (well name): 1.__-r_w_~_,_-_z_z _________ __, Sampler Name and initials: I ~nner ffo I hJ\~ /'1"1} Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 3/8 / ZD 11 and Sampling (if different) Ll _.;v:_~-~~-------...J Well Purging Equip Used: (![]pump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Gof'lotlr'llAO\A.~ Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [g]3 casings Sampling Event I Qv-..o...rfe.-B c. h \ orOfl>rYYl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event Ll_-,-_w_Y_-_2_Lf _____ __. pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ~...1 ...;I;_;_O..;;.O....;;O ___ ____.If.lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I } 1'3.50 Depth to Water Before Purging I bO. 3.5 Casing Volume (V) 4" WelJ:I 39,70 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) L-----...J Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)la.......:....;/Z=--0 _ ___J Time I )'Z.ZJ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I St..l\b I pH I G,.U/y I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I IS. ~I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~06 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 29 of 30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two casiL1g volumes (2V) S/60 = I J7.D T=2V/Q= I 9.0& I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Type of Sample if other than as y N specified below) VOCs IE D 3x40 ml Nutrients Ill D lOOml Heavy Metals D D 250 ml All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml Other (specify) m D Sample volume 6 h1o11de Final Depth I 'l:,Z . C:. ~ Sample Time Comment s~I'Y)pk~ c.ollecred ~+ 1zzz le~ s.\+e. o.i-17. z_s TW4-22 03-08-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 0 0 AWA L Filtered y N D EJ D ll!l D D D D D D D ~ Preservative Type Preservative Added y N HCL 11!1 D H2S04 ~ D HN03 D D No Preserv. D D HN03 D D D ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction 30 of 30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I l ~~ Q'""o..rfer Gh lorofbnn Z.O 11 See instruction Location (well name): ~...1 _"i\J __ 4_-_z_4 _________ ____. Sampler N arne and initials: ~on~r Holh'J.,.;1/11i Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 3/ 'b/Wl] and Sampling (if different) ._I .N._yj_;4_· _______ ____, Well Purging Equip Used: [@]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Go/lf,·tl IA.O lA_? Purging Method Used: lli]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qu.o-rlef" l ~ G h lorofOnYl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ._l-n_W_Y_--~----------' pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.o Specific Conductance ~...1 ___,l .... O.>o;00"'----------'1 !!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): IL.......:...:..li=Z'=5:...::.D __ ____. Depth to Water Before Purging I b '3' 3 0 Casing Volume (V) 4" We11 :,3Z. \Z ,(.653h) 3" Well:._ __ o ___ __.(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)'-1 =}2,._0 __ _, Time I \ "2.11 I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I £169!: I pH I 6~ It: I Conductance I I pH I I Temp. oc I 1S.3S I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~z~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 6 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I $ I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I A -", I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I ~ I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 17 of 30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 14 I z.o Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I y .sz. I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) () If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs LI...:..A..:...Wc:..:....:.../t.:....L _____ _.. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs 1!1 0 3x40 ml 0 1!1 HCL I1l 0 Nutrients ~ 0 100 ml 0 1!1 H2S04 ~ 0 Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) r!J 0 Sample volume 0 ~ 0 ~ (., n \or ;J.e If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ~.-I b~9...:..;·~4~t __ ___J Sample Time \'Z.\"Z. See instruction Comment TW4-24 03-08-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 18 of 30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I } ~ Gv..o...'(+er Gh \oroOForiYl 2.0 II See instruction Location (well name): l.__-r_W_4_-_z._5 ________ --' Sampler Name and initials: I ~tin~,.. Ho!1iJo..':1/-r7j Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I '3./ ~/--t..D \] and Sampling (if different) ....___!V......:../:...;A'-----------' Well Purging Equip Used: [!!]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I C or1ft'n uou..S:. Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings I l(WY-2) Sampling Event I Q"'~r·h.r~ Ch lo ro f'orM Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._ _________ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 7 ,0 Specific Conductance ._I _l_o_o_o ___ _,ll-lMHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I bD ,::SO Weather Cond. Time I I7.DI I Gal. Purged I 0 Conductance I '2~~5 I pH I 6,y y Temp. oc I 1G.o3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I L( 'Z.~ I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I Conductance I I pH I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater I I I I pH Buffer 4.0 '-\, 0 Well Depth(O.Olft): Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l 39,01 ,(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) <-----.;:::....._ __ _, Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)._I1_Z_6 __ _, Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I 1 of30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged () gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in gpm. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 11.54 I S/60 = I tt.' I so Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AWAL Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Type of Sample if other than as y N specified below) y VOCs 1!1 D 3x40 ml D Nutrients Ill D 100 ml D Heavy Metals D D 250ml D All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250m! 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 Other (specify) [N D Sample volume 0 G'vdof';Je Final Depth I 7D, 'Z.b Sample Time Comment AN i\leA 01\ !S \h. o-..+ \ 158 '"'lo.nner Se~:Mp)eS (.ollec..fGJ. o..t \2.01.. Lett Site (},.+ 1204 o.fla G-C).rri(\ fre...swf 4--o we).+e.r w~ 6leo..r TW4-25 03-08-2017 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N Ill 111 D 0 0 00 Preservative Type Preservative Added y N HCL [!J D H2S04 e3 D HN03 0 D No Preserv. 0 D HN03 0 D 0 [!l If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ! .~ See instruction 2 of30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I l ~T Guo..rf~ A.),'f('t>..'fe ZO 17 Location (well name): Ll1"_w_N_-_b_O _________ __J Field Sample ID 1-rw,AJ-W_ozlf;z.on Sampler Name and initials: See instruction Date and Time for Purging ._I _-z_7_1_C:_/_Z0_'7 _____ __, and Sampling (if different) .__~--'/1,'-/4----------' Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ._I _...v.:_I"':_:A ______ __, Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Glv.o..rtcrlj N i'hk Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event 11"w A)...-05 pH Buffer 7.0 /.0 pH Buffer 4.0 14,0 Specific Conductance ._I --'-\0_00..::...._ ___ __,1 !!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): l._o ____ _. Depth to Water Before Purging 1._6=------' Casing Volume (V) 4" Weii:II-0::-----11(.653h) 3" Well:. 0 . (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext' I Am b. Temp. "C (prior sampling event)._l b;;;...0 __ ___, Time l l04Y I Gal. Purged I'J I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I O,{., I pH 1 7.17 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I 13.6() I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~-z.& I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 6 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I 0 T=2V/Q =I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated D Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I.__A'-VJ_A,_L-'----------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs D D 3x40 rnl D D HCL D D Nutrients Ill D 100 rnl D ~ H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals D D 250m] D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) ~ D Sample volume D ~ D 1:1 A) \fr,-te,., If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._I _o ____ _, Sample Time .__ll_O_C(5-=-<------' See instruction Comment ( Ill a.-f-}OL~ TWN-60 02-16-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I \Sf" Q\Ao..r=+'iir-Ah'fr-~t~ Z.C>ll See instruction Location (well name): I._4""_W_Al_-_~..:::.._ _________ __, Sampler N arne andinitials: l"i";nner R.,n:a'!j/fH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I z /15/'Z..O 1/ and Sampling (if different) IV/A ~---------~ Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &'f"v.fiM'c?S Purging Method Used: [![]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Q\)\wf-er8 .N;'fl""PI.fe Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I -rwtJ-07 pH Buffer 7.0 {,0 Specific Conductance ._l_lO_o_o ____ _,l~-tMHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I b3, bO Weather Cond. Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater pH Buffer 4.0 y,o l ll'Z.SO Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l ~l.'l3 1(.653h) 3" Well:._ __ o ___ ~_(.367h) Well Depth(O.Olft): I 'P··• SO Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event)l'---'-11_0 __ __, Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I 13 of24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I IO.D Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V /Q = I b. ~g I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) l o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated lo Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs D D 3x40 ml D D HCL D D Nutrients I] D 100 ml D [!] H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) [!] D Sample volume D 1!1 0 flJ C. h \or; de. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I "0 , U, Sample Time 13)/ Comment 1 J See instruction TWN-65 02-15-2017 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 14 of 24 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 1 ~,... Q v.o.rfer C..h lorrrt;rYYJ '2-C> 17 Location (well name): IL---r...:.....;,cw;_q.._ .... _,b:<..:D:__ ________ __. Sampler N arne and initials: Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I 3/g / '2...0 17 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or liD bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) [ See instruction ,VIA Purging Methoq Used: IT[)2 casings IID3 casings Sampling Event I Q""o..r+~do;:1 C.h lorofor-rll Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event LI_N_Y,_'A ________ __, pH Buffer 7.0 -,,o pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Specific Conductance l.__l.:....O....:;.O-=O ___ _,I !!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _o ____ __, Depth to Water Before Purging Ll _n ___ _, Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:~_o-:------il(.653h) 3" Well:_ o . (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)!._ z_o• __ _, Time I o'l.z.tl\ I Gal. Purged l o I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I Ll I pH l /._5g I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I 15 ,Slf I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~~~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 1..1.1 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I - I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 9 of30 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) ._I _o ___ _, If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ._I _o ___ _, Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I -!...A.!..:W:..;:..:.:A~L _____ -..~ Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs I! D 3x40 ml D (!] HCL ~ 0 Nutrients 1!1 0 lOOm! 0 {tl H2S04 1!1 0 Heavy Metals D D 250ml D D HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 D 250ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D 0 1,000 ml 0 D HN03 D 0 Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume 0 ~ D 1!1 C. h \or; ~c. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._I _o ____ _, Sample Time Comment . j See instruction DI OCJ30 TW4-60 03-08-2017 jDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 10 of30 TabC Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Depth to Water Data NAME: Garrin Palmer, Tanner Holliday 3/30/2017 Depth to Depth to Time Well Water (ft.) Time Well Water (ft.) Time 1345 MW-1 64.22 1343 MW-4 80.28 1328 1400 MW-2 109.50 1344 TW4-1 90.66 1322 NA MW-3 Abandoned 1347 TW4-2 88.11 1317 1026 MW-3A 84.30 1351 TW4-3 58.00 1051 1410 MW-5 105.80 1345 TW4-4 73.96 1049 1408 MW-11 86.01 1354 TW4-5 65.67 1304 1413 MW-12 107.81 1346 TW4-6 73.30 1310 1410 MW-14 102.43 1344 TW4-7 75.00 1312 1413 MW-15 105.60 1348 TW4-8 79.70 1315 1044 MW-17 71.64 1356 TW4-9 63.60 NA 1342 MW-18 72.07 1358 TW4-10 63.15 1339 1324 MW-19 62.51 1406 TW4-11 85.14 1348 1056 MW-20 85.38 1319 TW4-12 47.23 NA 1019 MW-22 66.42 1325 TW4-13 52.70 NA 1415 MW-23 113.93 1330 TW4-14 78.80 NA 1412 MW-24 112.80 1309 TW4-15 65.60 NA 1055 MW-25 77.63 1341 TW4-16 64.49 NA 1309 MW-26 65.60 1339 TW4-17 77.90 NA 1307 MW-27 54.20 1302 TW4-18 66.55 1332 1356 MW-28 74.61 1452 TW4-19 64.52 NA 1404 MW-29 99.95 1440 TW4-20 65.26 1334 1406 MW-30 74.69 1304 TW4-21 64.82 NA 1402 MW-31 68.10 1403 TW4-22 61.01 1310 1339 MW-32 77.90 1336 TW4-23 70.46 1237 1440 MW-33 DRY 1402 TW4-24 62.56 1420 MW-34 107.46 1409 TW4-25 60.47 1417 MW-35 111.96 1334 TW4-26 67.71 1419 MW-36 110.14 1306 TW4-27 79.09 1340 MW-37 107.02 1321 TW4-28 41.08 1317 TW4-29 74.44 1310 TW4-30 75.16 1308 TW4-31 78.10 1323 TW4-32 51.70 1303 TW4-33 73.45 1315 TW4-34 72.55 1312 TW4-35 74.00 1328 TW4-36 56.16 1416 TW4-37 107.80 1352 TW4-38 53.37 1359 TW4-39 61.99 Depth to Well Water (ft.) Time PIEZ-1 65.28 NA PIEZ-2 40.00 NA PIEZ-3A 51.11 1216 PIEZ-4 60.60 1219 PIEZ-5 60.21 1424 TWN-1 63.35 1227 TWN-2 37.64 1224 TWN-3 40.30 1222 TWN-4 55.52 1036 TWN-5 Abandoned 1033 TWN-6 78.54 1040 TWN-7 84.30 1048 TWN-8 Abandoned 1052 TWN-9 Abandoned NA TWN-10 Abandoned 1044 TWN-11 Abandoned NA TWN-12 Abandoned 1033 TWN-13 Abandoned 1031 TWN-14 60.57 1025 TWN-15 Abandoned 1037 TWN-16 47.27 1027 TWN-17 Abandoned 1039 TWN-18 60.46 NA TWN-19 52.92 Comments: Depth to Well Water (ft.) DR-1 Abandoned DR-2 Abandoned DR-5 82.85 DR-6 94.13 DR-7 91.80 DR-8 51.22 DR-9 86.20 DR-10 78.30 DR-11 98.01 DR-12 91.34 DR-13 69.75 DR-14 76.02 DR-15 92.63 DR-16 Abandoned DR-17 64.62 DR-18 Abandoned DR-19 62.90 DR-20 55.37 DR-21 100.75 DR-22 DRY DR-23 70.27 DR-24 44.02 DR-25 Abandoned @ estimated dry area TW4•38 temporary perched monitoring well -+-5577 installed October, 2016 showing elevation in teet amsl PIEZ-3A May, 2016 replacement of perched ~5587 piezometer Piez-03 showing elevation in feet amsl M:-5 perched monitoring well showing 5503 elevation in feet amsl TW4·12 . Oss7? temporary perched monitonng well showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 h d . . . .A5565 temporary perc e nitrate momtonng V well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing g 5590 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING ~ 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2017 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE DATE H:/718000/may17/WUUwl0317.srf I C-1 , estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping (note: capture for TW4-22 and TW4-25 is combined with chloroform capture by TW4-37). estimated chloroform capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping estimated dry area TW4-JS temporary perched monitoring well +5577 installed October, 2016 showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-3A May, 2016 replacement of perched ~5587 piezometer Piez-03 showing elevation in feet amsl M:'55 503 perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 t "t . II Ossn emporary perched mom onng we showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 h d . . . A temporary perc e mtrate momtonng y 5565 well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing lOl 5590 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING & 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2017 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE FIGURE H:l718000/may171V\/L/Uwi0317NTcz2.srf I C-2 .-estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping (note: ,-capture for TW4-22 and TW4-25 is combined I with chloroform capture by TW4-37). estimated chloroform capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping TW4-38 temporary perched monitoring well -+-5577 installed October, 2016 showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-3A ~5587 MW-25 • 5535 May, 2016 replacement of perched piezometer Piez-03 showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl TW04-7 temporary perched monitoring well 5546 showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-2 ?Jerched piezometer showing ,_ ssas--=etevalion in feet amsl ... ___ __ NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-1'1, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. APPROVED KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2017 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE (detail rna DATE REFERENCE FIGURE H:/718000/may17/WL/Uwi0317NTcz.srf C-3 Weekly Inspection Form Date ) Time e ept * omments an~ groblems corrective act ons} W II D h c System Operational (If no note I I I '2.4."> MW-4 go. y 1 Flow ~.5 _@No Meter tz'3ct3b~ &lf _l'[_e~ No I"'Z.~7 MW-26 6~. 6 z. Flow I\. D ((e] No Meter J3"i373-'3D eYeD No 1430 TW4-19 6l.f.l ~ Flow I g.D ~~No Meter ll'f'ti7.IO iY_e])_ No 17.'2.7 TW4-20 64.61 Flow 7.5 (("§§; No Meter r6qsq~-~7 ~No I Z.5'3 TW4-4 73.qg Flow t7.o (fe~ No Meter 4551S'l. '10 ~No I"Z-1.3 TWN-2 3'Z.bl Flow 113 6 ~No Meter 7~lb·io Yn _crew No l 'l. 'Z.I TW4-22 64.oJ Flow 16.0 _('(_e~ No Meter .S $325 79 . y 0 ~~No l Z.J6 TW4-24 b~. yJ Flow I Li. ~ jJ_e_j_ No ). Meter 31Cf'-17S . "Z.O _(f_ej) No I'ZO'i TW4-25 f..7 .?_o Flow it..I.S C:l.QsJ No Meter ls?l.l'l~P.t..qo lYe~ No l2C..jC( TW4-1 ~$'. 63 Flow 1s.o _d_e~No Meter I 6.5'6 I I _ 't.O _l!e])_ No I"Z.LtO TW4-2 ~Y.f?f< Flow 1 t=.o 'l('"e.'§ No Meter )7oz.6ct .cro -~No l"Z3b TW4-11 ~J.f.7 Flow 16.0 <res) No Ci3 . 67 Meter 3~s·tt6. 3o l(e]L No J'Z.OS TW4-21 /0. '-{~ Flow I L-1 • ..5' ('Y"eS\ No Meter ~011-z.y. 69 _ITe~ No 12.-Z.'Z.... TW4-37 I.S. J'l Flow lb.S ~No I Meter 6'C!Gc7_S_ I {) ~~0 I"L3Z.. TW4-39 6 y. J.J Flow I ~-0 tee..~') NO Meter '-134 ~ 68 ~No ·' Operational Problems (Please list well number): T L ..... H.j -J tf I rw y-'2.1~ Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. '] ) ... ~~.'.· .y····oate \Jq/zpo Weekly Inspection Form Name -1:aacc Holl;kit System Operational (If no note Time WI el Deoth* c omments anv oroblems/correcttve actions_} 1'3. 21 MW-4 ~Z.l/ Flow '-1~ rY~ "No Meter ~ IZI.l Lf(l1Z, 17 <.. TeS" JNO J~ll MW-26 "4 ... ~~ Flow IO·b C1Qs.. blo Meter 1 3 "S 7 b4. D L_ yes No (~I.{ 'I TW4-19 b4. s l Flow \g.D (Yes )'Jo Meter /_l..fc."D ·::,(),7 [Yes\ No I '30<£ TW4-20 bY . .b 'iS' Flow -,,5 (.)(~)No Meter t7 o-z.oz "1; (Yes )\Jo --=::: ~~~ TW4~4 '"7'-\.l1. Flow 17.0 Oe.S .l-Jo Meter '456'J 10.'1 (Yes ..)Jo ~ t-z.S,S_ TWN-2 3'S.OZ Flow 18'.D (..Y~o Meter 7 5'1 D (..., 7_. Z. (Yes )'Jo I~DI TW4-22 b.Y.zO Flow 1'-.0 _des)No Meter '3~~8&, 7 (~No ~ J'Z.5g TW4-24 e,t.{.q~ Flow JL·I. 8' _(Yes/No Meter 'SZb_l91.f. S_t.{ ( Ye_§) No \'1.~\ TW4-25 G.7.1lf Flow l'-1...5 Ue&. No Meter 1~4 <..\1'3& .I \..?'es1 No ~ 1~7.'::> TW4-1 84.~-Jq Flow 15.0 O'.as. f)lo Meter lb'-.56"7.~" (Yes )No -\1-lfS TW4-2 '6~C.3_ Flow 1(:.,0 !Yea )'Jo Meter 171'2..(.7 0 <.._Ves)No ..=. 1~15 TW4-11 qz.'i~ Flow /b .o Ues. )'Jo Meter 3b70C .o C~No I'Z.4,1; TW4-21 (,Cl, gy Flow IY .) ?@s ')No Meter gogl'38' 7'1 [Ye~No 11>0.5 TW4-37 b~ 53 Flow 1'-. ..S ('£e.s_)No I Meter 704Y K'-1 ,g (Yes) NO --::s: 1'10~ TW4-39 (~4_'Lb Flow 1_c;_.o ~No Meter 48'51. '1 Lf (~No - Operational Problems (Please list well number): • Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. -~_r., :~;~:· ~;t \ Weekly Inspection Form Date System Operational (If no note Time Well Deoth* Comments anv oroblems/correctlve actions) l:li'J MW-4 ~i-1-~ Flow 4.5 r Y'eS) No Meter I z.s o 8 o g , Z. 4 _eYe$) No 1:3C.i MW-26 t,g,oo_ Flow ll.~ (Y'eS')No Meter 13777 8. L-to (YeS) No - I 'iOo TW4-19 t&-. C)j Flow 1 8.o ~No Meter 731...J7SS kD ~No -...., 1'U8 TW4-20 f. 4 C:,S Flow 62__ rYe_$, No Meter lil'Z,...q '1 . 3l. (Te§}l No I 3 2a TW4-4 7 J .I"Z.. Flow J ( .() ~ No Meter ~5&71~.'}o ,yea No l z. '""15 TWN-2 YD . IS Flow ~~.s 2(9~ No Meter 7t:;7531...£D c_'f95') No lt..S 1 TW4-22 5Ci.47 Flow 1 :7_ J .~No Meter 3g.5737, "Z.o <rEf~, No ) I Zl..l~ TW4-24 {;.5.16 Flow I '-( . '2... d_e_~ No Meter 33,7Z.'i. o I ~.No I Z..lg TW4-25 £0. ~l( Flow I Y.6 (feS'\No Meter ) ~Y'f ~'>'i. tD (Yes"'"j No I.Jt7 TW4-1 I OJ. zg Flow 1/..o ((as) No Meter I l.7tt lli &0 ("fel No 1310 TW4-2 I 01. oo Flow lb.O ;Yes) No Meter 17Z&Y'L '1o ?V'"e~ No 'Jo/ TW4-11 C(Z.6J Flow 16.0 (fe:9 No Meter 36'1 4fS Cfn (fel No l z. '-i L. TW4-21 bG ~o Flow I b D ('resj No Meter ~ II 7 Y L-1. ~-I (fe~ No i 'Z..> '{ TW4-37 /.'J.o6 Flow l/.6 /r~ No Meter /J 2. I "l3 I 0 7Y~· No D Ol TW4-39 6 z.. L.J g Flow 17.6 ~No Meter 5S-z.7D ~ SCJ (fe~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form ) Date Name 4-e..-rcj.a System Operational (If no note Time Well Dep~th* C_omments anl£ eroblems/correctlve actions} 1"Z-S3 MW-4 gz .it. Flow 4.& ~ No Meter I Z.S7,$"8'Cf ~0 .(r§) No I 'Z,_. 'J MW-26 7o.tq Flow I o. 6 lfe~ No Meter J3q. 1.3.3 .tto l'{ej No J3'1L( TW4-19 1. Ll.-zs Flow 17? 0 /Ye~ No Meter 7~P.S6l.7fl ('(e5) No I 'Z-:\ S" TW4-20 ~.()0 Flow ,<.'-( {Y"e] No Meter 17'Z-~i b /.I, ffe~ No ' z..s-~ TW4-4 73.2A Flow 1"1-0 {f'"ej No Meter Y6os z.o . ?..o ~No - I 'Z't.l TWN-2 6e>_. '1 L..j Flow I g • .S ('VS'i) No Meter 761617. Z.6 (f"ej' No ll-'l.Y TW4-22 Sll.40 Flow 17.3 (fe_j No Meter 3g7<q~-40 ({e~ No ) It. '2.S TW4-24 71 .4.3 Flow l"i.Z ~(f_fii; No Meter 3 t.(L "Z'Z.3. 76 .cre§J No I Z.l ~ TW4-25 66."i'i Flow 14 s ~ No Meter Hf"lqr."lq &e W No l~Sl: TW4-1 S4 .Z.4' Flow lS.o <Y.e..~ No Meter I ~"lz.~ 2. \ Cr (Yes) No ~ jZ.SD TW4-2 lis-. 70 Flow 16.u CfeJ ) No Meter l7'i 411.8o CY~eJ ~ No ll .. 7 TW4-11 qz..J"l Flow 1&0 (V~No Meter 371qo. 66 (Yes~ No -I"Z.I'"I TW4-21 f"l..-61 Flow 16.0 ~No Meter r?£.7.3~'1 /,f) (Ye$ No IZ31 TW4-37 ~3.01... Flow 17. Ll ~S\ No I Meter 71~~37. /0 ~NO -.,......- 1Z.71l TW4-39 62..1.5" Flow 17.o.l (Ye:J. No Meter €27Z.I. 2D G:as' No Operational Problems (Please list well number): ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest O.D1 feet. ) Weekly Inspection Form Time Well Deoth* Comments 1~'2.0 MW-4 Flow 1.4.~ Meter 12l.L437D ~ 73 6s.o6 Flow Jb.Lf Meter tt.tll"32.5o 14o ~ TW4-19 Meter 7.szssz. '-'tJ 13n:~ TW 4-20 Meter 173"2.7Gt. S3 13'2.1-. TW4-4 73 .,_6t,i. Flow J:?.o Meter 46'24Y.5. 70 IZY7 TWN-2 3 'l z 'Z. Flow 1 s . .s Meter 764 sq &'. "iO l 'Z.SS TW4-22 SG .~"1 Flow J7. "2. 1251 TW4-24 ~4.JO Flow Meter 3 5S2.Z I • 2'-t t2."t'i TW4-25 h \.tO Flow 14.5 Meter l3'Z3 TW4-1 1 oo. 70 Flow ''-O 131/ TW4-2 C}7. z.s· Flow l~.s Meter ns-1 'Z6. "iO 1:313 TW4-11 '12.'/S Flow 1~.0 Meter '17'-t 10.70 1~40 TW4-21 6li .sl Flow l' .o Meter g.l5'1JZ.Io 11..5'"-t TW4-37 6'3.~'-l Flow J6-~ Meter 127SZ'f '-4o 1 "30~ TW 4-39 Meter 6~85 Z5 Operational Problems (Please list well number): System Operational (If no note anv problems/corrective actrons) l(e~ No ~No ~No (Ye~ No ([_e§ No (Jj:Ji) No tf_e~ No ~No ~No - tfe._sj No ttef)_ No - ('(ej) No ~No C!Ji$> No (Y~ No ~No -~No <...Ye.Sl No ~No (Ye_§) No C 'laS No ( Yes':J No CY~ No (YasJ No (.yes_) No Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Monthly Depth Check Form .... Date d.3t.? Name G c.-r-r\.o,. f o..lec c ~ ) Time Well Depth* Time Well Depth* w~.s MW-4 i L't6 I J Z.l TWN-1 6.3, l.j 9 H07 TW4-1 ~,. ~~ 13'27 TWN-2 3'2.. 4 I Uc3 TW4-2 R:J.g~ 1~1] TWN-3 YD.'Z.I ~OZ.Q TW4-3 s~.Q~ I J D:J TWN-4 ~~.I Z I I o 9 TW4-4 ~~dQ 1311 TWN-7 K ~ . .s-z. IQ ~6 TW4-5 66.. as l ]()I TWN-18 6_0,78_ l 01~ TW4-6 73.31 j2.~g MW-27 5'-1,73 1~16 TW4-7 77.0'1 I e>c..l Q MW-30 75 Zl 1018 TW4-8 SI .7Q l 0 J ? MW-31 l~.'-11 1 oZ.j TW4-9 6 3 . $?7 fo z~ TW4-10 6 3.YO I!OQ TW4-11 Cit. {g DCf57 TW4-12 Y7. 0 I I DOZ.. TW4-13 5Z.'i5 09S~ TW4-28 ~Q . q_s: D9S:~ TW4-14 {CL 1<6 ogs:Q TW4-29 ]~ . .s-s \OS'S TW4-15 65 . 3Q O~Col :l TW4-30 7 S:, ,SI I 0.31 TW4-16 64.35 0"~1 TW4-31 7 ~. 6.D. ) I 03J TW4-17 7 ~.QO )QQQ TW4-32 s'=. o.s: I :32 'J TW4-18 6_t..'IS D~P :Z TW4-33 73.41 II'Zc TW4-19 6:4."2.7 09~1 TW4-34 '77.5C, IOSb TW4-20 .{,S:.,~ ~Cj o..j.) TW4-35 '71..1.1 ~ \QS::i TW4-21 tQ •QJ ~9.S:5" TW4-36 SE.·!::il 1 o=t ~ TW4-22 Q:4 .1g 13~\ TW4-37 64, 4'Z .. ~OQS TW4-23 'IO.SQ IQZ! TW4-38 53 .~5 I ()_50 TW4-24 64 .~3 IQ~S TW4-39 ,4.5Z IQ~~ TW4-25 tl. I I I ooc2 TW4-26 67.75 D'l 3'i TW4-27 79.37 Comments: (Please note the well number for any comments) * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet Weekly Inspection Form Date Name Svstem Operational (If no note Tme Wll e D h* eot c omments t anl£ Rroblems corrective actions} 1"10'3 MW-4 <61. q"\ Flow 4 .5 ~No Meter I'Z'?I.(O"ir~. ).t lf_e$}> No 134~ MW-26 ~7.oZ. Flow II-() (Ve~ No Meter I '1 4 7 ~ 'l . DC t[e_l> No 1300 TW4-19 &5 3'2.. Flow tS.o ("Te5) No Meter 7,51~~ 70 ffeiD No I :?4 L. TW4-20 b6-'-II. Flow ~h ?_ (Yej> No Meter '''-U,""Z.\.1..('1 /?e§;> No ll..lo 7 TW4-4 73.10 Flow iTO (("e~ No Meter '"i~Yct '3Z qb ~ No J32S? TWN-2 "3b.SO Flow HL&' ~No Meter 7/..CJ~~I I ~No 133, TW4-22 S' _9_. 7 _'-{ Flow II. 1.. >feS\No Meter :3CfZOCf~ ""1D ~S!>No ) i333 TW4-24 7' ~5 Flow 13., ~eS\No Meter 36716_5 g l) ~No I')"Z.J TW4-25 r:: 0 ~ ss Flow /1.{.5 ('YeS) No Meter iS4q'i~c,.~o ~No 135~ TW4-1 '15 ~&f Flow I '·0 ((e~ No Meter t71.Sn7 ./D ~No 13.5"~ TW4-2 ~7 51 Flow JS.o ~No Meter ''8'1-z.(,O,n ~No I '3 5"1 TW4-11 Cf2..'2.S Flow 16 .o ('Ve~ No Meter "'7.,77Y. o~cto CYe~ No _ ... 131~ TW4-21 66 52. Flow 16 .. 0 (Yes) No Meter $Jt.f34t5 .o't {fe~ No 13'3~ TW4-37 b3.zg Flow t7.0 ~No tMeter 7:38'2.. -z.g tb ~ No J:345 TW4-39 63 .~0 Flow t1.1.{ tr~_No Meter 766 ~ "1.,7 /Yes) No - Operational Problems (Please fist well number): ) Corrective Action{s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- " Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Monthly Depth Check Form ) Date 2/tolzol{ Name -r;;.:,ner #.,II :Jad 1 (ro.r6r. ~}mer " Time Well Depth* Time Well Depth* Q:Z (3 MW-4 fSo. 7 ~ 1019 TWN-1 63.53 0714. TW4-1 'l~.l.' 06S'1 TWN-2 '35.il (21 11. TW4-2 ~S .6Q 103~ TWN-3 :iQI3Q Q~31 TW4-3 58,lb IQLg TWN-4 56.0 ( 071b TW4-4 73, I~ 103] TWN-7 XY , s:J 0~3L{ TW4-5 bb .IO 10~ TWN-18 (:,Q ,7b Q~1.4 TW4-6 73 .~0 10'-\D MW-27 5:!. b1 ors.~ TW4-7 17,15 IOI~ MW-30 75 13 Q~~5 TW4-8 g I. bk2 Q'iS'4:\ MW-31 6S. 3~ o~~s TW4-9 b3,CLS l~f:J~] TW4-10 (~3.50 ()7t\ TW4-11 '1 z.. :Jo QgiZ TW4-12 ~1.11 d ~II TW4-13 5"2._q-z.. Q8l~ TW4-28 ~ '· Q"Z. cso~ TW4-14 /C!.Q6 ogoC:, TW4-29 ]4 . .5~ oltD TW4-15 6'6-'33 Q~o£. TW4-30 7~.L.f5 o~YO TW4-16 bt;.5S Q8QO TW4-31 781 y~ Q~j~ TW4-17 121.0S Q8l5 TW4-32 5?...02. IQ'Z."Z. TW4-18 b /,07_ Q75~ TW4-33 /4.31 loSD TW4-19 64.1 s O~QS TW4-34 71:., 6Q 07o.7 TW4-20 66.23 Q~Q'"\ TW4-35 7L.f .l5 1a-z..J TW4-21 6s.c;o ~SIO TW4-36 56.YO {'-}7(2 '-{ TW4-22 tz.o .'-tO (270S TW4-37 64 .D'L d~z~ TW4-23 70J56 ~ SJJ TW4-38 S'J.S'-l 07aL.. TW4-24 7'-f ,IZ, I 0~6 TW4-39 63. q7 Q70I TW4-25 6: l-oj (l ~ -z.o TW4-26 67.7S 07S'tj TW4-27 7q ,3D Comments: (Please 11ote the well number for any comments) * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet ) ) Weekly Inspection Form Date z. It .a f11 Time Well De~th* Comments \ 3.37 MW-4 ~z.co Flow '·f.5 Meter 1'2.7775'2 17 L177 MW-26 l.t. ~o Flow l ( ./'J Meter I '-158'76 .hO I &.41\ I TW4-19 (.. -:1 2 o Flow 1 g . o Meter "77o l sg llJ \350 TW4-20 I. 'L z.o Flow b. 4 Meter 1 752.._il io_ \341 TW4-4 71.!o Flow Jl.o \'3H TWN-2 .3b-4o Flow IS.S Meter lJt7 TW4-22 'i"Ci. :_7,q Flow II> .o Meter 13 I 11 TW4-24 (;3.7o Flow ''-f 0 Meter 130~ TW4-25 t;o l..l Flow \&..\.4 Meter 13'111 TW4-1 qg,, r) Flow Meter i7j"Jil 10 J 3:11.( TW4-2 q 1 .s_:J Flow 16 () Meter 13::11 TW4-11 q '2., .J '2 Flow Meter I:JOS TW4-21 65.sz Flow I b.A Meter I ::J ZD TW4-37 h3.'2.4 Flow I~JJ !Meter tJ2~ TW4-39 G6. z.~ Flow 17 "4 Meter Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): System Operational (If no note anv problems/corrective actions) ~No 7'?9t No /l'e~ No (Yes) No ~e~ No ~-No ~No ~ No ~No ?res)' No (""Ye~ No ("i'" e&f No ~ No /'Ye~ No cYes)No ('V'es" No (Y~ No ('raJ No ~ej No ('re~ No r"{e'l No -{(e~ No ~e~ No Cf~ No (Ye~ NO ~No (Ves) No ------------------------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. ) Weekly Inspection Form Date Time Well Depth* Comments 1oo? MW-4 7Z, tt~ Flow Lf,S Meter 1 z. 777 ~7 J S D'1SS MW-26 b'7 5&.~ Flow I 0 .. o Meter Jl./go~& 'Z.D \oS7 TW4-19 Meter '17_97oZ.~flD oq'it} TW4-20 /...S. 1 f"J Flow (... z_ Meter 171/~ 1 l bl'1 IOo 1 TW4-4 73.Y' Flow 17.o Meter o.f bSO I 6 .st0 Meter 77 SL.f07 ~Q O"t~J TW4-22 h'D ,o 7 Flow 17.o Meter J.'i51D4 bo 6li"t~ TW4-24 ~4 .OS Flow 1!£ L- f"1 (f J3 TW 4-25 t..D .. 7tJ Flow 14.5 I DO"i TW4-1 t no . 2 '6 Flow 16 , 0 Meter 17 4't~ 7, oo lnll\ TW4-2 ~~ f.;~ Flow //, .D Meter 1 &o71l.6o 'D 1 '"I TW4-11 Meter O'l:Sl'.l TW4-21 6 Ll, "''I Flow Meter C Cf4 il TW 4-37 t..3 70 Flow 1/.0 I Meter oqsz TW4-39 S'Z. ~o Flow Meter 85o5oS.I'J7 Operational Problems (Please list well number): ~ e.rns u& Svstem Ooerational (If no note anypJoblemtll:~rrective actions) _a ej[J'!o ~No ~ No (Ve~ No ~No ~No ~No /feS) No ~No (Ye~ No _f[_e~ No jYe§) No - ~No (Ye~ No (YeS\ No (Jes No ~No ~No ~ No LJes') No ('Yes )No -(YeSj No ~NO _ ... Ke~ No ~No ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): 12.c..s to,s:...A. fvM.f' .sc..-Ht~ s a~"' ..c1W -D'-t. • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date '3 I z /17 System Operational (If no note Ti me Wll e 0 h* eot c omments I an~ (!roblems corrective actions} I Z.l.tll MW-4 ~O.H Flow t-4 • '-1 ('Ye) No Meter I 'l ~S_<6_15 ~b _Q'_e_§ No \ Z-'2.0 MW-26 67.01 Flow '"·{) (Y~ No Meter 1"7 7 {/'t z . to lt"el No IJ2l TW4-19 6LI .6~ Flow J~,() ~No Meter 7 ct 'l. 0 5,{, . 60 ~No I "l. 'Z. ( TW4-20 65.12 Flow C.3 ("'Ye~ No Meter JSo7:I~ OS ~No --ll.4'J TW4-4 /L{. "' Flow \6.€6 CleS No Meter '-t704 C,7-7Q ('Ye§) No r zc? TWN-2 3'4 • I C{ Flow I ~.6 ~"?~ No Meter 77Cf"t'Z7. z. (Ve~ No ~ 'Z.I:) TW4-22 b(, '-i 7 Flow 11 -<> l(e$) No Meter Jq? ,'1 'l. 46 ~No ) ... 1~1'0 TW4-24 ts. e; -z. Flow )l.\,1.\ (Y,.e~ No Meter 38'1?6L.Jt.Ltz. (Vej No ..::.. 1 2.D 'i TW4-25 61-~"3 Flow 14 .5 (Y~ No Meter I~Ltq85t.9t> (Ye~ No -(237 TW4-1 C}'6.7~ Flow 1'-0 C'f:As) No Meter 171.7SI-. .'10 (Ye~ No ~ I'Z'3"f TW4-2 cgc:LoJ Flow I ~-0 (Y§§) No Meter J{?Z~7g go (Ye~ No ~ J 'Z.JI TW4-11 CfZ.'f8 Flow ,,,0 tt'~ No Meter Jfi~33. 'iO (Ye~ No -"" l'Z.,OJ TW4-21 t,.s. 4D Flow l' 0 C'lsifJ No Meter 94341-f~ ~3 (Ye_§,) No ~ _LZ.I) TW4-37 G:J'.il Flow 11-.. o ~No [Meter 7 6o79D . q"' (Ye_s; No l"l"Z.&.t TW4-39 l7... <17 Flow l-, ._0 (Y_e.§> No Meter '1zsso. ZC) Nes) No Operational Problems (Please list well number): ) Corrective Action{s) Taken {Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. ) ) Date 3/g/t7 Time Well J :tJ9_ MW-4 IZ..~'i MW-26 ~ lt...to~ TW4-19 il-~"f TW4-20 13'37 TW4-4 !"Z.05 TWN-2 IVS" TW4-22 1~0 R TW4-24 1 Z ro r:-:. TW4-25 ':;zt.t TW4-1 13tD TW4-2 l~ol TW4-11 ll~D TW4-21 12"'2.~ TW4-37 ll~-10 TW4-39 Weekly Inspection Form Depth* 79~ .. ~ h~ /L{ A4 , S"D t;5,.'2S 7!,.'2£) bO. Li.~ t:..CJ.l5 ~3 ~~ 6o.so qq,06 q'i ID 9'2.34 'L.f.3o f..3.DrD f..'Z.b 'Z. Name G-c..rr~A. P.,..L~"'-4:\ te,r.ASc H"ll ~dc.y System Operational Clf no note Comments anv problems/CI.I)rrectlve actions} Flow y '-1 (')'~~\No Meter I Z Cll 2.47 . 61 a::gs No Flow J I. D ;r~~No Meter I SZ 'iDI Cfo ~No -... Flow \g .D /"Ye~ No Meter 7q8So~. 2o ~-No Flow h.~ ~No Meter I 7 $/1./ -z I . 7 '3 (f8j) No Flow )/.(). ~No Meter Y7"Z.OII. 70 <Y.es) No ' Flow I f:.s ~No Meter ZSZ'ie>2. . "I 0 ~No Flow 17.0 ('Ye_?) No Meter ~ttq '2. ({<.. 'ZO !Ve~ No -Flow fLL 2... ~No Meter 3'ls.~ z:z. .o g ~ No Flow II.{.S (J..~ No Meter \S4qg5'i 7o (-y!jj> No Flow 1/;.0 Cfes.:::No Meter l77i}"14 .lfo ~No Flow '' 7) ('Yes) No Meter H/4 1 7 6 qo c'[el) No Flow 16 ,Q ~No Meter 386'2'1 " 6o ~No Flow 16 .0 6'"e]) No Meter R L4 ~s ~ 1. . o if lfef;) No Flow 17.() ~No Meter 7'll3fS . '-111 ~No Flow jg,c) {' ~No Meter q551..0 ()0 'kVNo Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date Name System Operational (If no note Tl me Wll e D th* ep1 c t bl t tt r l ommen s anl£ &;!ro ems correc ve ac tons !o2..7 MW-4 gl' \.(,5"" Flow 11.5 -~_No Meter I l.A S._l6'i '0 ~No I ot7 MW-26 70 00 Flow IL.S ~No Meter 153~"2.-z. 7o ~No I " '-1 "2. TW4-19 b'-t -~t:t Flow J&:.o ~No Meter ~D~' t..t 7. 7o lfej) No ll'Ul':> TW4-20 b 4 .'io Flow b t... Yes(Nci) Meter 17llo "Z. 'Z..tfo Yes(N:Q) lo:JS TW4-4 74 . B'l Flow 17J) ~No Meter 4 73.3f.6 .60 ?JeS) No - IC>OI TWN-2 36.B~ Flow I fLS trel No Meter 7~.53Z7.qo ~No tool TW4-22 sq.~J Flow 17.6 /(e~ No Meter 4nn_s-·:;~ 6c ~No ~) ibnl:t TW4-24 6 3. '2.0 Flow IL-1.0 ~No Meter ~<17~7?... ?...7 [!§)No {)'157 TW4-25 ~() L 1D Flow i~.o ~No Meter l ~l/ q ~ ~ ( 70 ~No - 1031 TW4-1 qg, S't Flow i ~.0 (YeS') No Meter llg~, ~ 4.<. 'N'e§')No lo"Z.L( TW4-2 ~'L ZS Flow Jl>.5 ~ No Meter 116 S I of:, 7o ~No I c;,ZI TW4-11 q-z. L{Q Flow //,.o ;f"e~ No Meter '38778'.7C ~No C,q..s:J TW4-21 As ,q'l Flow 15.o ~No Meter S43 S ~b . ~o ~No ID14 TW4-37 A-2 .{,\ Flow 1/.o Yes )!@ I Meter 7 71 z q 4 . 7CJ YeS/NQ · TW4-39 l '2 .sc Flow ,7.2... ;feS) No Meter ~&6~Y JD ?re~ No Operational Problems {Please list well number): ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): PI) \:OJ e.r w c....s r, ,s +wed. ~ ~ 112 o 0 ..... J/13/17. • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date 3/23/,7 Name ~rr ;6 PeJv\Aif l --r:;:_.,.,. .... c..r Ho/l ic-tc...'t System Operational (If no note Tl me Wll e D th* ept c t ommen s anl£ (;!ro bl t I I ) ems correct ve act ons I'Z.SS' MW-4 71.65 Flow 4-4 /V'9S\ No Meter J 3o.3 ~'Z.. z. IS ~ No \1.4q MW-26 ~l-J4 Flow io.t_ ~No Meter I ll6_7Q6 . 40 ~No ~ I ... , oS' TW4-19 ..(_s--21 Flow I 6. D (Y'~sJ No Meter ~ l7 05'2 .. 7.0 (YeS\ No ....., I -z.~ 1. TW4-20 64.t3 Flow ~.Y ({es) No Meter lgD'-1/q.{,/, ~No I Jot TW4-4 7'l.15 Flow 17.0 ~No Meter '-175KI..f _S', 10 [feJ> No lo, i'Z.'30 TWN-2 y.3.51 Flow l_g,s (re}> No Meter 79D3 Z6.e0 t"'Ve], No I? J{, TW4-22 S9.4b Flow f7.Y ('YeiD No Meter ""4c31o--t.1o (Y~ No ) ....--.. lz.33 TW4~24 ~'Z-.60 Flow j!.{.l) ~No Meter '-i 0 3 Z..5() . 7 4 Yes) No 1'1-'l_f TW4-25 5"'i. S' 'Z.. Flow 14 -Li (fe~No Meter l ~ 'i q._ '3 q b -'6 (.) l.(e§)_ No 11-SI TW4-1 IC>i.6o Flow 16 ~ ~No Meter 1&'0 cg '31 7 0 ~No I Z.SJf TW4-2 l {) J. y.q Flow 1£.o lf~~ No Meter l €7z.''-6o ~No 1104 TW4-11 0,'3.-z..o Flow l$.o ®No Meter 3'11 'l s. ~6 -~No I l. "l.-3 TW4-21 63. 3g Flow I b.O (JWNo Meter $3435qy 14 ~No I Z 3c; TW4-37 i1. 20 Flow 11 ,5_ d.e])No """~ !Meter 7 gtCfe z. 7,.., (Ye~ NO . 11-'-1,( TW4-39 Gi-Dq Flow 1x.o /Y~ No Meter IOJ32. ""i_l.f [V'e~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form ) Svstem Ocerational (If no note Time Well Deeth* Comments anv Droblems/correctlve actions) f.£"1/, MW-4 /7. &t'l Flow Y.S ('Ve__~' No Meter 130~171.17 C!_e$> No ISo6 MW-26 bS.7o Flow 16.{) ?reS\ No Meter I SKI S5R . '10 ~No - l3SD TW4-19 /,l,.ID Flow I&'. D ~s~No Meter $l -z Z.'l z q .So l(e~ No ' 1560 TW4-20 6S, I J. Flow 6',S ~No Meter ',,~qb..JS, ., 6:eS No 152.3 TW4-4 7-:J.ZS Flow I 7. (') ~No Meter 41ti..1S. So ~ No - 14Lt 7 TWN-2 .3'b. qo Flow 18'.5 ;res) No Meter 7qztg"~7 Sb ~No lt.tS"> TW4-22 I. 6 .t? () Flow lb.A )'as\ No Meter ~O't_'i ~~ bO ~No _) 11-i.SD TW4-24 tz. 31 Flow I Y. 2.... (Yes) No Meter 40M \~. 'Z.O ?reS') No I '1~-r 'i TW4-25 S'f. qo Flow 14 .4..{ tf~~No Meter J ~4 '18'16. go (YeS) No IS?o TW4-1 8((. 2. 2.. Flow IS.o ({~No Meter \~112.1.1.~ tr~ No ISIZ TW4-2 7g,zs Flow I 7.D ~No Meter 1 ggz..oq .60 ~No I Sot;_ TW4-11 lf z.. J '-( Flow It; o ~No Meter J£1"2...6 I. S'D (Ye~ No UYV_ TW4-21 l o.S. 40 Flow l6.o l(e$) No Meter R'-135GL.l 70 ~No _.,. 14S7 TW4-37 63.60 Flow /7.o (Y_d_ No [Meter 7 g 7 'l.:3 g (){) {Ye~ NO 15o.3 TW4-39 61."2.5 Flow I R D /'(~ No Meter I Ob 7o7 IO lYe~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): ) Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. TabD Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map @ estimated dry area rw4•38 temporary perched monitoring well +5577 installed October, 2015 showing elevation in feet arnsl PIEZ-3A May, 2016 replacement of perched ~ 5587 piezometer Piez-03 showing elevation in feet arnsl M:-s 03 perched monitoring well showing 55 elevation in feet amsl TW4-l2 h d . . II 0 5577 temporary perc e momtonng we showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 h d . . . .A.5564 temporary perc e mtrate momtonng V well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing ~ 5590 elevation in feet amsl RUIN SPRING b 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 4th QUARTER, 2016 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE DATE REFERENCE FIGURE Hfl18000/feb17/WUUwl1116.srf I D-1 TabE Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells ...... 0 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ 0> 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ~ U1 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 0 w 0 0 1\) 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 - 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 08/14/13 12/27/14 05/10/16 09/22/17 ~ z I ..... =e a (D "'I r-(D < !!. 0 < (D "'I ::t 3 (D = . C" 3 "C - -a. E .c ..: --Cl) E i= ... Cl) > 0 Cl) > Cl) .J ... Cl) -~ N I z ~ L ~/C::C::/60 -.----..----.-------.------.-----.----.----.---......------. 9~/0~/90 . 17~/LG/C::~ • 8~/17~/BO C::~H0/170 0 ~/B ~~~ ~ 60/90/LO 80/C::C::/C::O +---+--~~-----+---+---4----+---+---+------l 0 c:i q LO 0 c:i q LO 0 c:i C\1 q LO C\1 0 c:i C') 0 c:i o:t L~/GG/60 9~/0~/90 17~/LG/G~ -a. E -.c = -G) E £ ~/17~/80 i= :lo. G) > 0 -G) > G) ...J G~H0/170 :lo. G) -~ ('I) I z ~ 0 ~/8~H ~ 60/90/LO 80/GG/GO 0 c) 0 ui 0 c) ,.... q lO 0 c) C\1 q lO C\1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I) 0 c) C') ,. J ~ ~ ~ ~ • 1 ~ v 0 c) """ (]) 0 0 01 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ~ 0 0 c.u 0 0 1\) 0 0 ---------- 0 0 9 0 02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 ~ z I ol::lo :e m -C'D .., 04/01/12 r C'D < C'D -0 < C'D .., ::1 08/14/13 3 C'D -= . D"' -3 "C -12/27/14 05/10/16 09/22/17 co 0 0 ...... co 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ...... co 0 ...... ...... 0 ...... (j) 0 ...... 01 0 ...... """ 0 t-----+-----+-----+------+-----+-----t-02/22/08 07/06/09 11/18/10 04/01/12 08/14/13 12/27/14 05/10/16 I 09/22/17 ~ z I 0) ~ -(D ""'' r-(D < (D 0 < (D ""'' ::t 3 (D -= . C" -3 "C - -c. E -.c = -C1) E i= lo.. C1) > 0 Q) > C1) ...1 lo.. C1) -ca 3: ,...... I z ~ L~/2:2:/60 9~/0~/90 v~/LGIU 8 ~~v~/80 c::~;~o;-vo 0~/8~H ~ 60/90/LO 80/2:2:/2:0 - 0 C\i 00 \ 0 ..,f 00 t ~ \ ~ ' ~ \ [\ ~ \ ~ " ' 0 <Ci 0> T 0 cO 0> -a. E .c = -C1) E i= ... C1) > 0 C1) > C1) ...J ... C1) -~ 1111::1' ,.... I z ~ L ~/GG/60 -.----------.------r------.-----r-------.------,--------. 9~/0~/90 17~/LG/G~- 8~/17~/80 G~/~0/170 - 0 ~/8 ~~~ ~ 60/90/LO 80/GG/GO +------+-----+-----+----f------+----+--------i 0 0 CD LO 0 CD LO cr:i CD 9~/0~/90 -v~/LG/G~ c. E .c . ---G) E i= 8~/v~/BO :to. G) > 0 Gi > G) ..J :to. G~/W/vO G) -~ CD ,.... I z ~ 0 ~/B~H ~ 60/90/LO -a. E -.c ..; --Cl) E i= "-Cl) > 0 Cl) > Cl) ..J "-Cl) -~ co ,.... 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'llr-' \ 0 .,; ...... 0 cO ...... q CX) ...... 0 c) CX) TabF Depths to Groundwater and Elevations over Time for Nitrate Monitoring Wells Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,646.96 5,648.09 1.13 112.5 5,600.38 02/06/09 47.71 46.58 5,599.99 07/21109 48.10 46.97 5,600.26 09121109 47.83 46.70 5,601.10 10/28/09 46.99 45.86 5,602.59 12/14/09 45.50 44.37 5,600.55 03/11110 47.54 46.41 5,600.66 05/11110 47.43 46.30 5,599.18 09/29/10 48.91 47.78 5,598.92 12/21110 49.17 48.04 5,598.29 02/28/11 49.80 48.67 5,597.80 06121/11 50.29 49.16 5,597.32 09/20/11 50.77 49.64 5,597.15 12121111 50.94 49.81 5,596.54 03/27112 51.55 50.42 5,596.52 06/28/12 51.57 50.44 5,595.03 09/27112 53.06 51.93 5,596.62 12128/12 51.47 50.34 5,593.54 03/28113 54.55 53.42 5,592.38 06/27/13 55.71 54.58 5,591.65 09/27/13 56.44 55 .31 5,590.34 12/20/13 57.75 56.62 5,590.03 03/27/14 58.06 56.93 5,589.09 06/25/14 59.00 57.87 5,588.15 09/25/14 59.94 58.81 5,587.74 12/17/14 60.35 59.22 5,587.09 03/26/15 61.00 59.87 5,586.79 06/22/15 61.30 60.17 5,586.39 09/30/15 61.70 60.57 5,586.05 12/02115 62.04 60.91 5,585.89 03/30/16 62.20 61.07 5,585.30 06/30/16 62.79 61.66 5,584.95 09/29/16 63.14 62.01 5,584.55 12/2l/16 63.54 62.41 5,584.74 03/30/17 63.35 62.22 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TWN-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.75 5,626.69 0.94 95 5,611.37 02/06/09 15.32 14.38 5,610.63 07/21109 16.06 15.12 5,609.73 09/21109 16.96 16.02 5,607.08 11102/09 19.61 18.67 5,606.57 12114/09 20.12 19.18 5,612.45 03/11110 14.24 13.30 5,612.78 05/11110 13.91 12.97 5,611.37 09129110 15.32 14.38 5,610.24 12/21110 16.45 15.51 5,610.64 02/28111 16.05 15.11 5,609.78 06/21/11 16.91 15.97 5609.79 09/20111 16.90 15.96 5609.72 12/21111 16.97 16.03 5,605.69 03/27112 21.00 20.06 5,605.67 06/28112 21.02 20.08 5,603.03 09/27/12 23.66 22.72 5,605.76 12/28112 20.93 19.99 5,598.28 03/28/13 28.41 27.47 5,594.32 06/27113 32.37 31.43 5,594.38 09/27113 32.31 31.37 5,594.68 12/20113 32.01 31.07 5,597.79 03/27114 28.90 27.96 5,595.80 06/25/14 30.89 29.95 5,587.67 09/25114 39.02 38.08 5,592.66 12117114 34.03 33.09 5,596.71 03/26/15 29.98 29.04 5,598.64 06/22115 28.05 27.11 5,597.89 09/30115 28.80 27.86 5,597.89 12/02115 28.80 27.86 5,594.25 03/30116 32.44 31.50 5,590.26 06/30116 36.43 35.49 5,591.67 09/29/16 35.02 34.08 5592.92 12/2112016 33.77 32.83 5589.05 3/30/2017 37.64 36.7 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TWN -3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,633.64 5,634.50 0.86 110 5,603.77 02/06/09 30.73 29.87 5,602.37 07/21109 32.13 31.27 5,602.34 09121109 32.16 31.30 5,602.60 10/28/09 31.90 31.04 5,603.12 12/14/09 31.38 30.52 5,602.90 03/11110 31.60 30.74 5,603.23 05/11110 31.27 30.41 5,602.86 09/29/10 31.64 30.78 5,603.35 12/21110 31.15 30.29 5,602.89 02/28111 31.61 30.75 5,602.75 06/21111 31.75 30.89 5,602.40 09/20111 32.10 31.24 5,602.40 12/21111 32.10 31.24 5,601.70 03/27/12 32.80 31.94 5,601.67 06/28/12 32.83 31.97 5,600.50 09/27/12 34.00 33.14 5,601.74 12/28112 32.76 31.90 5,598.60 03/28/13 35.90 35.04 5,597.18 06/27113 37.32 36.46 5,597.36 09/27/13 37.14 36.28 5,597.60 12/20/13 36.90 36.04 5,598.00 03/27114 36.50 35.64 5,596.34 06/25/14 38.16 37.30 5,596.30 09/25114 38.20 37.34 5,596.55 12117114 37.95 37.09 5,596.20 03/26/15 38.30 37.44 5,596.00 06/22115 38.50 37.64 5,596.61 09/30/15 37.89 37.03 5,596.09 12/02115 38.41 37.55 5,595.29 03/30/16 39.21 38.35 5,594.61 06/30/16 39.89 39.03 5,593.79 09/29116 40.71 39.85 5,594.20 12/2112016 40.30 39.44 5,594.20 3/30/2017 40.30 39.44 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,641.04 5,641.87 0.83 136 5,601.47 02/06/09 40.40 39.57 5,604.26 07/21/09 37.61 36.78 5,605.02 09/21/09 36.85 36.02 5,605.87 10/28/09 36.00 35.17 5,605.81 12/14/09 36.06 35.23 5,605.31 03/11/10 36.56 35.73 5,605.36 05/11110 36.51 35.68 5,604.59 09/29/10 37.28 36.45 5,604.42 12/21110 37.45 36.62 5,603.69 02/28/11 38.18 37.35 5,603.36 06/21/11 38.51 37.68 5,602.82 09/20/11 39.05 38.22 5,602.79 12/21111 39.08 38.25 5,600.82 03/27/12 41.05 40.22 5,600.84 06/28/12 41.03 40.20 5,598.47 09/27/12 43.40 42.57 5,600.86 12/28/12 41.01 40.18 5,595.57 03/28/13 46.30 45.47 5,594.12 06/27/13 47.75 46.92 5,593.33 09/27/13 48.54 47.71 5,591.92 12/20/13 49.95 49.12 5,591.85 03/27114 50.02 49.19 5,590.49 06/25/14 51.38 50.55 5,589.64 09/25/14 52.23 51.40 5,589.42 12/17/14 52.45 51.62 5,589.17 03/26/15 52.70 51.87 5,588.17 06/22/15 53.70 52.87 5,587.48 09/30/15 54.39 53.56 5,587.02 12/02/15 54.85 54.02 5,586.90 03/20116 54.97 54.14 5,586.18 06/30/16 55.69 54.86 5,585.72 09/29/16 56.15 55.32 5585.42 12/2112016 56.45 55.62 5586.35 3/30/2017 55.52 54.69 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,663.03 5,664.94 1.91 135 5,589.52 08/25/09 75.42 73.51 5,589.46 09/22/09 75.48 73.57 5,589.61 11103/09 75.33 73.42 5,589.92 12114/09 75.02 73.11 5,590.24 03111/10 74.70 72.79 5,590.40 05/11110 74.54 72.63 5,590.24 09129110 74.70 72.79 5,590.49 12/21110 74.45 72.54 5,590.16 02/28111 74.78 72.87 5,590.44 06/21111 74.50 72.59 5,590.35 09/20111 74.59 72.68 5,590.67 12/21111 74.27 72.36 5,590.34 03/27/12 74.60 72.69 5,590.32 06/28112 74.62 72.71 5,589.77 09/27/12 75.17 73.26 5,589.67 12/28112 75.27 73.36 5,589.45 03/28/13 75.49 73.58 5,589.01 06/27113 75.93 74.02 5,588.99 09/27/13 75.95 74.04 5,588.15 12/20/13 76.79 74.88 5,588.50 03/27/14 76.44 74.53 5,588.03 06/25/14 76.91 75.00 5,587.74 09/25114 77.20 75.29 5,587.69 12117/14 77.25 75.34 5,587.29 03/26115 77.65 75.74 5,587.04 06/22/15 77.90 75.99 5,586.93 09/30115 78.01 76.10 5,586.72 12/02/15 78.22 76.31 5,586.92 03/30116 78.02 76.11 5,586.32 06/30/16 78.62 76.71 5,586.16 09/29/16 78.78 76.87 5586.03 12/2112016 78.91 77.00 5586.4 3/30/2017 78.54 76.63 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TWN -7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,647.39 5,649.26 1.87 120 5,552.56 08/25/09 96.70 94.83 5,558.34 09/21/09 90.92 89.05 5,558.82 11/10/09 90.44 88.57 5,558.96 12114/09 90.30 88.43 5,559.54 03/11/10 89.72 87.85 5,559.60 05/11110 89.66 87.79 5,559.83 09/29/10 89.43 87.56 5,559.00 12/21/10 90.26 88.39 5,559.68 02/28/11 89.58 87.71 5,560.43 06/21/11 88.83 86.96 5,560.46 09/20111 88.80 86.93 5,560.78 12/21/11 88.48 86.61 5,560.92 03/27/12 88.34 86.47 5,560.87 06/28/12 88.39 86.52 5,561.40 09/27/12 87.86 85 .99 5,561.50 12/28/12 87.76 85.89 5,562.01 03/28/13 87.25 85.38 5,562.21 06/27113 87.05 85.18 5,562.41 09/27/13 86.85 84.98 5,562.23 12/20/13 87.03 85.16 5,562.85 03/27/14 86.41 84.54 5,562.95 06/25/14 86.31 84.44 5,563.06 09/25114 86.20 84.33 5,563.21 12/17/14 86.05 84.18 5,563.33 03/26/15 85.93 84.06 5,563.46 06/22/15 85.80 83.93 5,563.64 09/30/15 85.62 83.75 5,563.88 12/02/15 85.38 83.51 5,564.19 03/30/16 85.07 83.20 5,563.97 06/30116 85.29 83.42 5,564.21 09/29/16 85.05 83.18 5,564.46 12/21/16 84.80 82.93 5,564.96 3/30/2017 84.30 82.43 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorin~ (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,647.80 5,649.53 1.73 135 5,586.18 11104/09 63.35 61 .62 5,586.51 12114/09 63.02 61 .29 5,586.71 03111110 62.82 61.09 5,586.72 05/11/10 62.81 61.08 5,586.53 09/29110 63.00 61.27 5,586.80 12/21110 62.73 61.00 5,586.74 02/28111 62.79 61.06 5,586.84 06/21111 62.69 60.96 5,586.73 09/20/11 62.80 61.07 5,586.98 12/21111 62.55 60.82 5,587.07 03/27/12 62.46 60.73 5,587.10 06/28/12 62.43 60.70 5,587.07 09/27/12 62.46 60.73 5,587.33 12/28112 62.20 60.47 5,587.43 03/28113 62.10 60.37 5,587.43 06/27/13 62.10 60.37 5,587.72 09/27/13 61.81 60.08 5,587.22 12/20/13 62.31 60.58 5,587.91 03/27/14 61.62 59.89 5,587.74 06/25/14 61.79 60.06 5,587.76 09/25114 61.77 60.04 5,587.88 12117114 61.65 59.92 5,587.97 03/26/15 61.56 59.83 5,587.98 06/22115 61.55 59.82 5,588.18 09/30/15 61.35 59.62 5,588.23 12/02/15 61.30 59.57 5,588.70 03/30/16 60.83 59.10 5,588.31 06/30/16 61.22 59.49 5,588.36 09/29/16 61.17 59.44 5588.43 12/2112016 61.10 59.37 5588.96 3/30/2017 60.57 58.84 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,651.07 5,652.70 1.63 100 5,603.34 11104/09 49.36 47.73 5,603.56 12114/09 49.14 47.51 5,603.84 03/11110 48.86 47.23 5,604.31 05/11/10 48.39 46.76 5,604.28 09/29/10 48.42 46.79 5,604.39 12/21110 48.31 46.68 5,604.20 02/28/11 48.50 46.87 5,604.55 06/21111 48.15 46.52 5,604.74 09/20/11 47.96 46.33 5,604.94 12/21111 47.76 46.13 5,604.84 03/27/12 47.86 46.23 5,604.85 06/28/12 47.85 46.22 5,604.99 09/27112 47.71 46.08 5,605.10 12/28112 47.60 45.97 5,605.22 03/28113 47.48 45.85 5,605.11 06/27113 47.59 45.96 5,605.39 09/27/13 47.31 45.68 5,604.99 12/20/13 47.71 46.08 5,605.71 03/27/14 46.99 45.36 5,605.16 06/25/14 47.54 45.91 5,605.10 09/25/14 47.60 45.97 5,605.25 12/17/14 47.45 45.82 5,605.04 03/26/15 47.66 46.03 5,604.99 06/22/15 47.71 46.08 5,605.05 09/30/15 47.65 46.02 5,604.96 12/02/15 47.74 46.11 5,605.25 03/30/16 47.45 45.82 5,605.00 06/30/16 47.70 46.07 5,605.00 09/29/16 47.70 46.07 5605.00 12/21/2016 47.70 46.07 5605.43 3/30/2017 47.27 45.64 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TWN -18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5 643.95 5,645.45 1.50 100 5 586.85 11102/09 58.60 57.10 5,600.14 12/14/09 45.31 43.81 5,587.36 03/11/10 58.09 56.59 5,587.71 05/11/10 57.74 56.24 5,587.50 09/29/10 57.95 56.45 5,607.66 12121110 37.79 36.29 5,587.35 02/28/11 58.10 56.60 5,587.71 06/21111 57.74 56.24 5,587.65 09/20/11 57.80 56.30 5,587.95 12/21/11 57.50 56.00 5,587.05 03/27/12 58.40 56.90 5,587.05 06/28112 58.40 56.90 5,587.50 09/27/12 57.95 56.45 5,587.50 12/28/12 57.95 56.45 5,587.32 03/28113 58.13 56.63 5,586.95 06/27/13 58.50 57.00 5,587.02 09/27/13 58.43 56.93 5,586.26 12/20/13 59.19 57.69 5,586.87 03/27114 58.58 57.08 5,586.23 06/25/14 59.22 57.72 5,586.02 09/25/14 59.43 57.93 5,585.99 12117114 59.46 57.96 5,585.66 03/26/15 59.79 58.29 5,585.45 06/22/15 60.00 58.50 5,585.37 09/30/15 60.08 58.58 5,585.24 12/02/15 60.21 58.71 5,585.38 03/30/16 60.07 58.57 5,584.85 6/30/2016 60.60 59.10 5,584.69 9/29/2016 60.76 59.26 5584.60 12/2112016 60.85 59.35 5584.99 3/30/2017 60.46 58.96 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TWN -19 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,659.59 5,661.36 1.77 110 5,606.17 11102/09 55.19 53.42 5,606.70 12/14/09 54.66 52.89 5,607.22 03/11110 54.14 52.37 5,607.89 05111110 53.47 51.70 5,607.98 09/29110 53.38 51.61 5,608.41 12/21110 52.95 51.18 5,608.49 02/28111 52.87 51.10 5,608.60 06/21111 52.76 50.99 5,609.17 09/20/11 52.19 50.42 5,608.90 12/21/11 52.46 50.69 5,608.87 03/27/12 52.49 50.72 5,608.86 06/28/12 52.50 50.73 5,608.86 09/27/12 52.50 50.73 5,608.86 12/28/12 52.50 50.73 5,609.17 03/28/13 52.19 50.42 5,608.88 06/27113 52.48 50.71 5,608.92 09/27/13 52.44 50.67 5,608.46 12/20/13 52.90 51.13 5,608.88 03/27/14 52.48 50.71 5,608.33 06/25/14 53.03 51.26 5,608.11 09/25/14 53.25 51.48 5,608.36 12/17/14 53.00 51.23 5,607.96 03/26115 53.40 51.63 5,607.98 06/22/15 53.38 51.61 5,608.06 09/30115 53.30 51.53 5,607.88 12/02/15 53.48 51.71 5,608.41 03/30/16 52.95 51.18 5,611.39 06/30/16 49.97 48.20 5,607.90 09/29/16 53.46 51.69 5,608.07 12/2112016 53.29 51.52 5608.44 3/30/2017 52.92 51.15 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW -30 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,613.34 5,614.50 1.16 110 5,534.92 10/24/2006 79.58 78.42 5,535.09 3/16/2007 79.41 78.25 5,535.46 8/27/2007 79.04 77.88 5,535.06 10115/2007 79.44 78.28 5,535.78 3115/2008 78.72 77.56 5,536.26 6/15/2008 78.24 77.08 5,536.35 9115/2008 78.15 76.99 5,536.68 11115/2008 77.82 76.66 5,535.42 3115/2009 79.08 77.92 5,537.11 6/30/2009 77.39 76.23 5,536.93 9/10/2009 77.57 76.41 5,537.23 12/11/2009 77.27 76.11 5,537.59 3/1112010 76.91 75.75 5,537.85 511112010 76.65 75.49 5,538.37 9/29/2010 76.13 74.97 5537.70 12/2112010 76.8 75.64 5537.67 2/28/2011 76.83 75.67 5538.31 6/2112011 76.19 75.03 5538.15 9/20/2011 76.35 75.19 5538.42 12/2112011 76.08 74.92 5538.54 3/27/2012 75.96 74.8 5538.60 6/28/2012 75.9 74.74 5538.68 9/27/2012 75.82 74.66 5538.99 12/28/2012 75.51 74.35 5539.25 3/28/2013 75.25 74.09 5539.05 6/27/2013 75.45 74.29 5539.60 9/27/2013 74.90 73.74 5539.67 12/20/2013 74.83 73.67 5539.77 3/27/2014 74.73 73.57 5539.40 6/25/2014 75.10 73.94 5539.19 9/25/2014 75.31 74.15 5539.30 12/17/2014 75.20 74.04 5539.01 3/26/2015 75.49 74.33 5538.99 6/22/2015 75.51 74.35 5539.10 9/30/2015 75.40 74.24 5538.90 12/2/2015 75.60 74.44 5539.53 3/30/2016 74.97 73.81 5539.11 6/30/2016 75.39 74.23 5539.05 9/29/2016 75.45 74.29 5539.06 12/2112016 75.44 74.28 5539.81 3/30/2017 74.69 73.53 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well MW-31 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitorin~ (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,615.26 5,616.40 1.14 130 5,544.07 10/24/2006 72.33 7l.19 5,544.45 3116/2007 71.95 70.81 5,536.94 8/27/2007 79.46 78.32 5,544.62 10115/2007 71.78 70.64 5,545.37 3/15/2008 71.03 69.89 5,544.50 6/15/2008 71.90 70.76 5,545.94 9/15/2008 70.46 69.32 5,546.42 11115/2008 69.98 68.84 5,546.03 3/15/2009 70.37 69.23 5,546.65 6/30/2009 69.75 68.61 5,546.45 9/10/2009 69.95 68.81 5,546.75 12111/2009 69.65 68.51 5,547.09 3/ll/2010 69.31 68.17 5,547.41 5111/2010 68.99 67.85 5,547.28 9/29/2010 69.12 67.98 5547.45 12/21/2010 68.95 67.81 5547.37 2/28/2011 69.03 67.89 5547.96 6/21/2011 68.44 67.3 5547.65 9/20/2011 68.75 67.61 5548.34 12/21/2011 68.06 66.92 5548.30 3/27/2012 68.10 66.96 5548.40 6/28/2012 68.00 66.86 5548.59 9/27/2012 67.81 66.67 5548.91 12/28/2012 67.49 66.35 5549.14 3/28/2013 67.26 66.12 5548.90 6/27/2013 67.50 66.36 5549.25 9/27/2013 67.15 66.01 5549.16 12/20/2013 67.24 66.10 5548.95 3/27/2014 67.45 66.31 5548.60 6/25/2014 67.80 66.66 5548.19 9/25/2014 68.21 67.07 5548.25 12117/2014 68.15 67.01 5548.14 3/26/2015 68.26 67.12 5547.85 6/22/2015 68.55 67.41 5548.00 9/30/2015 68.40 67.26 5547.84 12/2/2015 68.56 67.42 5548.35 3/30/2016 68.05 66.91 5548.00 6/30/2016 68.40 67.26 5547.80 9/29/2016 68.60 67.46 5547.80 12/21/2016 68.60 67.46 5548.30 3/30/2017 68.10 66.96 TabG Laboratory Analytical Reports INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-010 Client Sample ID: PIEZ-01_02152017 ANALYTICAL LAooRAToR i rs Collection Date: 2/15/2017 855h 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 2/22/2017 1613h E300.0 10.0 2/17/2017 1758b E353.2 0.100 Analytical Result Qual 54.5 6.75 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 13 of 19 Allont~l~ ses applicable to the CWA. SOWA. Md RCRA me perfomu~d in Rccordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent somplin!; informotion is loc~ted on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This reporl is pro,·ided for the exclusi\·e use of the ~ddressee Pri' ile~es orsub~seq!tent ~~e of the ~~~te of this .con.tpony or nny 1~mbe1 of its stnff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on?eclion .. " ith the n~vertisement. P~?motio.n or sale of~;~ ~lodl~1 or p1:?cess, ~r in ~nn~c~ion \\'~lh lh~ r~-publica1ion of lhis report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: I st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-011 Client Sample ID: PIEZ-02 _ 02152017 ANA Lvr leAL LAo oR Aro R 1 t s Collection Date: 2115/2017 825h 3440 South 700 West ;aJt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 2/17/2017 1 045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 2/22/20 17 1630h £300.0 5.00 12.4 2/17/2017 1759h £353.2 0.100 0.696 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 14 of 19 All nn:-~1~ ses applicnble to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA me perfom1t!d in accordance to NELAC protocols Pe1tinen1 sampling informotion is located on Lhe attached COC. Conridentinl Business lnfoJnultion: This repor1 is pro,ided for the es.clusi' e use of the ~rldressee P1i\ ile~es o[ sub ... seq~enl ~~~e or the ~~1e of this .coJ~lpony or nn) ·~mbe1 of its staff, or reproductio~ ~r this repo~ in .con~~ction ... '' itJ1 the u~vertisement. P~?moti~ or sale of~!~ ~JOdi~CI or p1:ocess, ?r in ~nn~c!io11 w!th lh~ n;_·publication of this 1~port 3440 South 700 West ~a It Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-012 Client Sample ID: PIEZ-03A_02152017 Collection Date: 2/15/2017 91 Oh Received Date: 2117/2017 1 045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 2/22/2017 1647h 2/17/2017 1800h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 111 E353.2 0.100 10.0 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 15 of 19 All anal~ ses npplicnble to the CWA. SDW A_ and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on tl1e aunched COC Confidential Business Information: This report is pro,·ided for the e~clusi' e use of the ~ddressee Prh ile~es of sub_seq~1ent ~·:e of the ~~1e of this .c01~pan' or omy ·~mber of its slnff, or reproduclio~ ~f this repo~ itl .con~ection ... ''ith the a~vertisemenl. P~?moti~ ~r sale of ?J!~. ~·od•~ct or P•.?tess, ~r in ~nm;,c~ion w~th th~ n;_·publicDJion or this repor1 3440 South 700 West ;;a It Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail : awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-004 Client Sample ID: TWN-01_02152017 Collection Date: 2115/2017 1311h Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2/22/2017 202611 2/17/2017 1750h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 31.2 E353.2 0.100 2.06 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 7 of 19 All nnalyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. Md RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Per1inent sampling information is located on the auached COC Confidential Business lnfoJmation: This report is provided for the e.xclnsi' e use of the ~ddressee p,;, ile~es o! sub .. seq~ent ~~~e or the ~~1e of this .c011~po.ny or an~ 1~mher of its starT, or reproductio1! ~~this repo~ in .con~lection ... "ith the n~vertisemenl. P~?motio.n or sale of~!) ~IOdt~ct or P•.ocess, ~r in :onm;.c~ion w!lh lh~ n;_-publicDlion or !his report 3440 South 700 West ;;att Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awai-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-007 Client Sample ID: TWN-02_02152017 Collection Date: 2115/2017 lOOOh Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2/22/2017 2009h 2/17/2017 1803h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 65.8 E353.2 0.200 27.4 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page I 0 of 19 All anal) ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA me perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC p1otocols Pertinent sampling information is loented on the nunche<t roc Conlidentiol Business Information: This re1>0rt is pro\'ided J'orthe exclusi\'e use oft he ~ddr~ssee P1i\ ile~es o_f sub .. seq~ent .u?e of the ~~e of this .cot~ pony or ;my 1~mbe1 of its slnff, or reproductio.~ ~~this rep01; in ~on~ection .. ''ith the o~\'ertiseml!nl. P~?motio.n ~··sale of~!~ ~lodl~cl or Pl,c;x:ess, ~~ in ~nn~c~ion w~th lh~ n;_-publicotion of this reporl American West ANALYTICAL lABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-006 ClientSampleiD: TWN-03_02162017 Collection Date: 2116/2017 1 034h Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2/22/2017 1952h 2/17/2017 1754h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 113 E353.2 0.100 17.4 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 9 of 19 All annl)ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, aud RCRA are periOnned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pe•tinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnf'ormotion: This report is provided ror1he exch1si\ e use or the ~cldressee P1i\'ile~es of' sub,..seq~•ent ~~e of the ~~e of this .con.lpan) or any I~f!Jber of its staff, or reproductio.~ ~!this repm~ in ~on~ection .. \\ilh the a~: ertisement, P~?motio.n ~r ~ale of~~. ~rodl~ct or pt:ocess, ~r in ~nn~c!ion \\ !th th~ r:-p~blicntion or this report 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-005 Client Sample ID: TWN-04_02152017 Collection Date: 2/15/2017 1356h Received Date: 2117/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2/22/2017 193511 2/17/2017 1751h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 31.2 E353.2 0.100 2.63 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 8 of 19 All anal~ ses applicoble to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on IJ1e au ached COC Confidential Business lnfmmation: This report is pro\'ided lbrthe e:-.clusi' e use of the ~ddressee Ptirile~es o,r sub~seq~tent ~~~e of the ~~e of I his .cm~pnny or rmy ~mbe1 of its starr, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in _con~lection .. "·itJ1 the a~vertise1'?enl P~?motio_n ~r sale of ?J~~ ~lodl~ct or p1.ocess, ~~ in ~nn:c.tion "~lh lh? r:_·publicntion or this repon INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-003 Client Sample ID: TWN-07 _02162017 ANA 1 vr 1 cAL LA a oR Arc" 1 ~ s Collection Date: 2/16/2017 1025h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 foil Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 2/22/2017 1918h E300.0 1.00 14.0 2/17/2017 1749h E353.2 0.100 1.63 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 6 of 19 All anal)ses a.pplicable to the CWA. SDWA. nnd RCRA ore perft:lm1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is Jocuted on the attached COC Confidential Business Infonnation: This report is pro\'ided for the exclusi' e use of the ~ddressee p,;,·ile~es arsub__seq~ent ~~e or the ~~e of this .cOI~pnny or nny ~:mber of its staff, or reproduclio~~ ~fthis repo~ in ~on~ection .. \\~lh the a~:·ertisel~ent, P~?motio_n ~r saJe or~!~ ~rodi~CI or PJ.ocess, ~r in ~Oim:c~ion \\'!lh th~ n;-publicotion of this report American West ANALYTICAL LADORATORifS 3440 South 700 West ~alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-002 Client Sample ID: TWN-18_02152017 Collection Date: 2115/2017 1208h Received Date: 2/17/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 2/23/2017 1048h 2/17/2017 1749h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 62.1 E353.2 0.100 0.470 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 5 of 19 All anolyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in nccordnnce to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informntion is located on the auached COC Conlidential Business Information: This reporl is proYided for the exclusi' e use of the ~ddressee. Pli' ile~es orsub~seq~ent ~~e of the ~~ne ofthis.con.tpany or rm~ ~~ber or its stniT, or reproductio~~ ~~this rep011 in ~o·~ection~ with the a~vertisemenl. P~?moti~n or sale of~!~ ~JOdl~Cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn~c~ion 1\'!lh th7 n~-publication of this report 3440 South 700 West :lalt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awai-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: I st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-001 Client Sample ID: TWN-18R_02152017 Collection Date: 2/15/2017 I 048h Received Date: 2117/2017 1045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2/23/2017 1030h 2/1 7/2017 1746h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 4 of 19 All anal~ses applic:Jble to the CWA. SDWA and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent samplint:: information is located on ~1e auached COC Conlirlentinl Business Information: This 1epor1 is pro,•ided for the exclusi' e use of the ~ddressee Prh ile~es o.r sub .. seq~•ent ~e of the ~~e or this .co1~pru1y or an~ •~mber of its struT, or reproduclio~ ~r this repo~ in _con~1ection .. \\ilh the a~,·ertisement, P~?moti~n or sale of ?J!~ ~rodL~cl or pt:ocess, ~r in :onn:_c~ion "~lh 1h~ n;-publiculion or I his 1epor1 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 roll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 LabSampleiD: 1703181-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-22_03082017 Collection Date: 3/8/2017 1222h Received Date: 3/10/2017 853h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 3/14/2017 1248h 3/10/2017 1139h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 100 566 E353.2 1.00 69.8 Report Date: 3/24/20 I 7 Page 15 of 48 All analyses applicnble to the CW A, SOW A. and RCRA are pcrfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the aUached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prol'ided for the exclusive use oflhe ~dressee Pri' ile~es o_fsub ... seq~enl ~~e of the ~~e of lhis .co~pany or nny ~~ber of its staff, or reproducli~ ~fthis repm~ in ~on~ection ... with the n~;ertisemenl, P~?n1otio.n or sale of~;y ~rod~ct or p~oce.ss, ~r in ~onn~c~ion w!lh lh~ r~-publication of this report 3440 South 700 West lalt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 foll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-24_03082017 Collection Date: 3/8/2017 1212h Received Date: 3/10/2017 853h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 3114/2017 1157h E300.0 100 1,090 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 3/10/2017 1148h E353.2 0.500 41.3 Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 7 of48 All analyses applicable to the CW A, SOW A, Rnd RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infomu.tion is located on the altached COC Confidential Business lnformution: This report is provided for lhe exclusi,·e use oflhe ~ddressee Pririle~es o.f sub~seq~enl ~~e oft he ~~e of this .co1~pru1y or any ~~ber of its stnfT, or reproducti~ ~f this rcpo~ in ~o~1ection~ \.,.ith the a<!vertise~ent, P~?moti~ or sale of~!~ ~rod~ct or pt:ocess, ~r in ~OJ~c~ian w!th th~ r~·publication o[ this report 3440 South 700 West :alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 [ol! Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Neb: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 1st Quarter Chlorofmm 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-25_03082017 Collection Date: 3/8/2017 1202h Received Date: 3/10/2017 853h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 3/15/2017 753h E300.0 100 285 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 3/10/2017 1115h E353.2 0.100 17.0 Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 6 of 48 All annl}ses applicable to lhe CWA. SOW~ and RCRA are perfomted in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampliny information is locnted on the attached COC Conrldentinl Business lnfonmllion: This report is pro\'ided for the exclusi,·e use of the ~ddressee. Pri,·ile~es o.r sutJ__seq~ent ~~e of the ~~e of this .c01~pany or anr ~~'!'ber of ilS staff, or reproductio~ ~!this repo~ in ~on~ection~ with the ~'·ertise~ent, P~?motio.n ~r :rue of ~Y. ~rod~ct or p~~cess, ~r in ~onn~c!ion w~lh th~ r~-pulllication of this report 3440 South 700 West :alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 roll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Neb: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 LabSamp1eiD: 1703181-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-60_03082017 Collection Date: 3/8/2017 930h Received Date: 3/10/2017 853h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 3/14/2017 1450h E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 3/10/2017 1132h E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 20 of 48 AJI analyses applico.ble to the CWA, SOW A. and RCRA are perfomted in nccordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling inrorma.tion is Jocoted on the attached COC. Confidential Business Jnrormalion: This report is prol·ided forthee:xclusire use of the ~ddressee. P1ivile~es o! sub .. seq~ent ~~e or the ~~1e of this .cm~pw1y or nny 1~mber of its slalT, or reproducti~ ~f this repo~ in .con~ection~ \\'ith the a~~'ertise~ent, P~?motio.n ~r sale of ~~Y. ~Jodl~ct or P~?cess, ~r in ~onn~c~ion w~th th~ r~-publica1ion of this report INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-009 Client Sample ID: TWN-60 _ 02162017 ANAL n1 c A 1 t A a oR Arc R 1 E s Collection Date: 2/16/2017 1 045h 3440 South 700 West ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 2/17/2017 1 045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 2/22/2017 1721h E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 2/17/2017 1757h E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 12 of 19 All anal)ses applicable to thld CWA~ SDWA. and RCRA me perfom1ed in nccordnnce to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infornmtion is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfonmllion: This repor1 is prm·ided for the exclush e use of the ~ddressee Pli,ile~es of sub .. seq~enl ~~e of the ~~r:ne or this .coJ~lpany or ~my n2,7mber of ilS struT. or reproductio~~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~1ection .. with the o~Yertisement, P~?motio.n ~r ~ale of~!). ~rodt~ct or Pl,?cess, ~r in 7onn~c!ion \\'!Lh Lh~ n;:-p~blicaLion of this repon INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: I st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-008 Client Sample ID: TWN-65 _ 021520 17 ANAlYTICAl LAooAAToRIEa Collection Date: 2/15/2017 1311h 3440 South 700 West ~a It Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 !-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 2/17/2017 1 045h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 2n2/2017 1704h 211 7/2017 1756h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 31.5 E353 .2 0.100 1.98 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 11 of 19 All annl~ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA me perl'onned in accordnnce lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informotion is locoted 011 the otlached COC Confichmliol Business lnfornUltion; l11is 1epon is pm\'ided for the e.xclusi\e use of the ~ddressee P1i' ile~es o.r su~eq~ent ~~~e of the ~~1e of this .con.lpany or nn~ ~mber of its stnff. or reproductio!~ ~f this repo~ in .con~tection ... " ilh the ~:eniser:'ent p~~moti~ or snJe of~!~ ~roch~ct or p~ocess, ~~ in 7onn~c~io11 \\'!lh lh~ r~-publicalion of this reporl ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West )alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Garrin Palmer Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 S. Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 TEL: (303) 389-4134 RE: 1st Quarter Nitrate 201 7 Dear Garrin Palmer: Lab Set ID: 1702367 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 2/17/2017 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: K I F Digitally signed y e . by Kyle F. Gross Date: Gross 2017.02.28 13:57:31 -07'001 Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 2/28/20 17 Page I of 19 All analyses applicnble Ia the CWA. SDWA and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on t.he attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prO\ ided for the exclushe use of the ~ddressee Pri\ ile~es or sub ... seq~en1 ~~e of the ~~1e of this .cm~pany or any r~~=~bel ofi Is staff, or reproductio~ ~f this repo~ in ~on~eclion~ \\ilh the a~vertisement, P~?motio.n or sale of~~~ ~rodl~CL or P'.?cess, ~r in ~onn:c~ion w~lh lh~ r~-p~blicalion of this report 3440 South 700 West ;;alt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 ~-mail: awal @awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date ofReceipt: Dates of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 1702367 2/17/2017 2/15-2/16/2017 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation for the samples were performed within the method holding times. The samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, DUP: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits. Duplicate (DUP): The parameters that required a duplicate analysis had RPDs within the control limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 2 of 19 All ann I~ ses applicnble to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the aU ached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclnshe use of the ~ddressee Pri' ile~es o.r sub .... seq~enl ~·~e of the ~~e or this .co~p:my or nnr '~'!lber of its starT, or reproductio.~ ~f this repo~ in ~011~1ection .. ''ilh the D~vertisemenl, P~?moli~ or saJe or~~ ~· odl!CI or p~ocess, ~r in ~onn:_c~ion '\ ~lh th~ r:-publicaJion of this report SAMPLE SUMMARY American West Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Lab Set ID: 1702367 Date Received: 2117/2017 1045h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 1702367-001A TWN-18R 02152017 2/15/2017 1048h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 1702367-00 1B TWN-18R 02152017 2115/2017 1048h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-002A TWN-18 02152017 2115/2017 1208h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-002B TWN-18 02152017 2115/2017 1208h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Phone:(801)263-8686 1702367-003A TWN-07 02162017 2/16/2017 1025h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1702367-003B TWN-07 02162017 2/16/2017 1025h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-004A TWN-01 02152017 2115/2017 1311h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 1702367-004B TWN-01 02152017 2/15/2017 131lh Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 ~-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1702367-005A TWN-04 02152017 2/15/2017 1356h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-005B TWN-04 02152017 2115/2017 1356h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1702367-006A TWN-03 02162017 2/16/2017 1034h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-006B TWN-03 02162017 2116/2017 1034h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-007 A TWN-02_02152017 2115/2017 1000h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1702367-007B TWN-02 02152017 2/15/2017 1000h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Laboratory Director 1702367-008A TWN-65 02152017 2115/2017 1311h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-008B TWN-65 02152017 2/15/2017 1311h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Jose Rocha 1702367-009A TWN-60 02162017 2/16/2017 1045h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 QA Officer 1702367-009B TWN-60 02162017 2116/2017 1045h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-010A PIEZ-0 1 02152017 2115/2017 855h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-010B PIEZ-0 1 02152017 2/15/2017 855h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-011A PIEZ-02 02152017 2/15/2017 825h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-011 B PIEZ-02 02152017 2/15/2017 825h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1702367-012A PIEZ-03A 02152017 2/15/2017 910h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1702367-012B PIEZ-03A 02152017 2/15/2017 910h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 3 of 19 All an<~l~ ses applicnble to the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is located on the altached COC Confidential Business Information: TI1is report is prO\ided fort he exclusiYe use oft he ~ddressee Pri,·ite~es o.f sub .. seq~enl ~~e of the ~~1e of this .cm~po.ny or an) r~_:mbeJ of its slaJT, or reproductio~ ~f Lhis repo~ in ~on~ection~ \\iLh the a~\ ertisemenL P~?motio.n ~r ~aJe of~~). ~rodl~ct or P•.ocess, ~r in 7onm;_c~ion \\'!th th~ r~~publication of this 1eporL ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-fabs.com _QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we Lab Set ID: 1702367 Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Analyte Result Units Method Lab Sample ID: LCS-R98837 Date Analyzed: 02/22/2017 1328h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5.08 mg/L E300.0 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R98703 DateAnalyzed: 02/17/20171744h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.00 mg!L E353.2 MDL 0.0127 0.00833 Reporting Limit 0.100 0.0100 QC Type: LCS Amount Spiked 5.000 1.000 Spike Ref. Amount 0 0 %REC 102 100 Limits 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 16 of 19 analyses applicable to the CWA_ SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Lnforrnation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oftt- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1702367 Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R98837 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R98703 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fa'l:: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com. web: www.awal-labs.com _Q_c__SUMMA&Y REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 02/22/2017 1311 h mg/L E300.0 0.0127 0.100 02/1712017 1743h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 Limits Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 17 of 19 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business lnfom1ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of ti- ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fa\:: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com, web: www.awal-Iabs.com QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we Lab Set ID: 1702367 Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 Analyte Result Units Method Lab Sample ID: 1702367-001AMS Date Analyzed: 02/22/2017 1754h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 98.9 mg!L E300.0 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-004AMS Date Analyzed: 02/22/2017 2043h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 135 mg!L E300.0 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-001BMS Date Analyzed: 02/17/2017 1747h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10.5 mg!L E353.2 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-012BMS Date Analyzed: 02/17/2017 1810h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 30.7 mg/L E353.2 MDL 0.254 0.254 0.0833 0.167 Reporting Limit 2.00 2.00 0.100 0.200 QC Type: MS Amount Spiked 100.0 100.0 10.00 20.00 Spike Ref. Amount 0 31.2 0 10 %REC 98.9 104 105 103 Limits 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 2/28/20 1 7 Page 18 ofl9 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information; This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of ti- ne of this company or any member of its statT, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or ln connection wlth the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES _QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1702367 Dept: we Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 QC Type: MSD --- Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPDRef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 1702367-001AMSD Date Analyzed: 02/22/2017 1811h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 100 mg!L E300.0 0.254 2.00 100.0 0 100 90-110 98.9 1.19 20 Lab Sample ID: 1702367 -004AMSD Date Analyzed: 02/22/2017 2100h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 136 mg!L E300.0 0.254 2.00 100.0 31.2 105 90-110 135 0.682 20 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-00IBMSD Date Analyzed: 02/17120 l7 1748h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10.5 mg!L E353.2 0.0833 0.100 10.00 0 105 90-110 10.5 0.190 10 Lab Sample ID: 1702367-012BMSD Date Analyzed: 02/17/2017 1811h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 31.1 mg!L E353.2 0.167 0.200 20.00 10 105 90-110 30.7 1.20 10 Report Date: 2/28/2017 Page 19 of 19 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the e:<:clusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oftr ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This American West Analytical Laboratories WORK ORDER Summary Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Client ID: DENI 00 Contact: Garrin Palmer Rpt Emailed: Work Order: 1702367 Due Date: 2/28/2017 UL Denison Page 1 of2 Project: 1st Quarter Nitrate 2017 QC Level: III WO Type: Project Comments: PA Rush. QC 3 (Summary/No chromatograms). MUST report project specific DL's: Cl@ 1 mg!L, N02/N03@ 0.1 mg!L. Run N02/N03 at lOX dilution. EDD-Denison & LOCUS. Email Group; £;:;r6 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1702367-001A TWN-18R_02152017 2/15/20171048h 2/17/20171045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-00IB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1702367-002A TWN-18_02152017 2/15/20171208h 2/17/20171045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-002B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1702367-003A TWN-07_02162017 2/16/2017 1025h 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-003B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-004A TWN-01_02152017 2/15/2017131lh 2/17/20171045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-004B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-00SA TWN-04_02152017 2115/2017 1356h 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-00SB N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-006A TWN-03 _02162017 2/16/2017 1034h 2117/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cJ 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-007A TWN-02_02152017 2/1512017 LOOOh 2117/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL I702367-007B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N Printed: 2/20/20 l7 FOR lABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1): %M L_] RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QC 0 HOK __ _ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed,__ ___ _ WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1702367 Page2 of2 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 2/28/2017 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1702367-00SA ~-65_02152017 2/15/2017 13llh 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl I SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-00SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-009A TWN-60_02162017 2/16/2017 1045h 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-009B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-010A PIE~1_02152017 2/15/2017 0855h 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl I SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-010B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-011A PIE~02_02152017 2/15/2017 0825h 2/17/2017 1045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-0 llB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1702367-012A PIEZ-03A_02152017 2/15/2017 0910h 2/17/20171045h 300.0-W Aqueous df-cl 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1702367-012B N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N Printed: 2/20/20 17 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QC 0 HOK __ _ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed. ____ _ American West Analytical Laboratories 463W.3600S. SaltLakeCity,UT 84115 Phone ll (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 L-~ Fax # (801) 263-8687 Email awal®awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: gpabner@energyfuels.com: KWeinel@energyfuels.com; Email: dturk@ener~els.com Project Name: 1ST QUARTER NITRATE 2017 Projectll: PO#: Sampler Name: TANNER HOLLIDAY Date SampleiD: Sampled TWN-18R_02152017 2/15/2017 : TWN-18_02152017 2/15/2017 r TWN-07_02162017 2/16/2017 · TWN-01_02152017 2/15/2017 i TWN-04_02152017 2/15/2017 I TWN-03_02162017 2/16/2017 ' TWN-02_02152017 2/15/2017 I TWN-65_02152017 2/15/2017 I TWN-60_02162017 2/16/2017 c PIEZ-01_02152017 2/15/2017 PIEZ-02_02152017 2/15/2017 t PIEZ-03A,_02152017 2/15/2017 2 ~M ? ~Jo.nk ?./1C./WI1 Rallnqul!)hed by: .~' ·n IL(V JC.. .J£/ u~ ...... _,. Dolo: Sig>1otur11 ...... 2/16/2017. -.,.-nmo: Prlnl Name: TP.NNER HOWOAY 1230 ~!)or. Cillo: Signature nmo: Pri11Nomt: Rollnqui$110<1 br. ISlgnot..., Dato: Tcmo: PrintNamo: flclinqul"""' by: 01110; StflliBlU"' limo: Prlnl Nomo: Time Sampled 1048 1208 1025 1311 1356 1034 1000 1311 1045 855 825 910 Received by: Signature Print Name: Received by: Signature Print Name: Rece1vea by: ~lgnature Print Name: I CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis will be conducted using NELAP accredited methods and. all data will be reported using AWAL's standard analyte lists and reporting II mils (PQL) unless specifically requested otherwise on this Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. QC Level: I Turn Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports will be emailed by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For. For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA c 0 NLLAP c;r 0 Non-Compliance M d 0 Other: a In 01 !!! !2 .... Q) )( 0 <= ~ t'l 0 ~ 0 <= ::,;: ~ 0 Known Hazards 0 " In () 1i C'l ::t & 0 E 0 0 "' Sample Comments .. U) z 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X 2 w X X ' w Date: Special Instructions: Time: Dale: nme: Date: Time: ..... Recolved by: ~ SlgnotUte :XUVU~.LM) Oate: 2t\1 \'1 QQ...v\lC£.. hu u.6'\.. ~lme: I'Q; ~5 -Print Namo: - t=KY23ol AWAL Lab Sample Sat ll Page 1 of 1 DueD'l e: ? ~ \] LabOratory _Use OnlY SnmplosWere: ~ 1~ 2 Aml>!o ~od 3 Temperature ~·c ~;ltJ • ROC&Ivoc! Broi<Dnll.oaldrog ~m~sOaJ(!) y. sa-.., y N c edatbenc:h y N -a-~~~~~1" coc Tape waS: ~on Outer Package Y N NA @"""" Oulet Pac~<ago Y N NA 3 Present on ,Sam[Jie e y N 4 Unbroken on Sample F) Y N NA Olscrepandoo Bo..._ Sample Loboloand~ ~ y N Analysis Ammonia COD Cyanide Metals N02 & N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet - Preservative rro\ -co-z -eo?l l-eo.\ ~C05 1-(X)f:, pH<2HzS04 pH<2HzS04 pH>12NaOH pH<2HN03 pH<2HzS04 1\\-€.,~ r-.Jes I \IP~S lves 1\le,~ 1\le-'J pH<2HCL I 1 I I ,, ( pH<2H2S04 pH>9NaOH, ZnAcetate pH<2H2S04 pH <2H2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid doH --- ~-col -oc3 -o:Ji 1ves 1\Jec:> 1\/e-s ,, II I -oto '-011 1ves 1\./e.s II ,, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + ~ # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH> __ due to the sample matrix interference . 1-orz.. 1'\/e~ I Lab SetiD: pH Lot#: I/D7.:3 Col 5rr:r:J 3440 South 700 West .alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 ['oil Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 -mail: awal@awal-labs.com Neb: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Garrin Palmer Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 S. Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 TEL: (303) 389-4134 RE: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 Dear Garrin Palmer: Lab Set ID: 1703181 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 3/10/2017 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: K I F Digitally signed y 9 . by Kyle F. Gross Date: Gross 2017.03.24 13:42:17 -06'00' Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page I of 48 AJI anolyses applicable to lhe CW A. SDW A. ~md RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infonnation is locuted on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfonnution: This report is provided for the e.'(clusire use or the ~dressee Pri,ile~es of sub .. seq~enl ~e of the ~~e of this .co1~pany or ;:my ~~'!lber of its stuff, or repmdu~io.~ ~f this repo~ in ~~ection_ \vitlt lhe m!ven.isement, P~?morio:" or saJe of ?J!~~ ~rod~ct or P~?cess, ~r in ~nn:C~ion w~lh lh~ r~-publication of lhis repon 3440 South 700 West :alt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 roll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com .veb: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Dates of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: March Ground Water 2017 1703180 3/10/2017 3/8/2017 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation for the samples were performed within the method holding times. The samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports . Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, DUP: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: QC MS/MSD Duplicate (DUP): The parameters that required a duplicate analysis had RPDs within the control limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 2 of 48 All analyses applicoble to the CW A, SDWA. and RCRA are periOm1ed in accordMce to NELAC protocols, Peninent sampling infonnDtion is located on the au ached COC ConfidenriDI Business Information: This repon is pro,,ided for the exclusi \ e use of the ~dressee Prh ile~es o: sub ... seq~enl ~~e or the ~~e of this .co~pany or any 1~mber of its stnff, or reproductio~ ~f Lhis repo~ in ~on?ection~ \\ith the a~~ertise~enl, P~?molio_n ~r sale of ?'!Y. ~rodl~cl or p~ocess, ~r in ~nn:C~ion w~lh th~ r:·publicntion of !his report SAMPLE SUMMARY Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 20 17 Lab Set ID: 1703181 Date Received: 3/10/2017 853h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 1703181-001A TVV4-25 03082017 3/8/2017 1202h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 ;alt Lake City, UT 84119 1703181-00lB TVV4-25 03082017 3/8/2017 1202h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-001 c TVV4-25 03082017 3/8/2017 1202h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 1703181-002A TVV4-24 03082017 3/8/2017 1212h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0028 TVV4-24 03082017 3/8/2017 1212h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 foil Free: (888) 263-8686 1703181-002C TVV4-24 03082017 3/8/2017 1212h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260C/5030C :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1703181-003A TVV4-21 03082017 3/8/2017 1152h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0038 TVV4-21 03082017 3/8/2017 1152h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1703181-003C TVV4-21 03082017 3/8/2017 1152h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-004A TVV4-01 03082017 3/8/2017 1328h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1703181-0048 TW4-01 03082017 3/8/2017 1328h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-004C TVV4-01 03082017 3/8/2017 1328h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1703181-005A TVV4-04 03082017 3/8/2017 1338h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1703181-0058 TVV4-04_03082017 3/8/2017 1338h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1703181-005C TVV4-04 03082017 3/8/2017 1338h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-006A TVV4-02 03082017 3/8/2017 1315h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0068 TVV 4-02 03082017 3/8/2017 1315h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-006C TVV4-02 03082017 3/8/2017 1315h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-007 A MVV-26 03082017 3/8/2017 1257h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0078 MVV-26 03082017 3/8/2017 1257h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-007C MVV-26 03082017 3/8/2017 1257h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-008A TVV4-39 03082017 3/8/2017 1249h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0088 TVV4-39 03082017 3/8/2017 1249h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-008C TVV4-39 03082017 3/8/2017 1249h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-009A TVV4-11 03082017 3/8/2017 1305h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0098 TVV4-11 03082017 3/8/2017 1305h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-009C TVV4-11 03082017 3/8/2017 1305h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-010A TVV4-22 03082017 3/8/2017 1222h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1703181-0108 TVV4-22 03082017 3/8/2017 1222h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Report Date: 3/24/20 I 7 Page 4 of48 AJI anul~·ses applicable to the CWA. SDW A, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informnUon is localed on lhe altached COC. Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusi\ e use of the ~ddressee Pri\•ile~es of sub_seq~enl .l~e of the ~~e of this .con.lpa.ny or M~ ~mbef of its staff, or reproduclio~ ~~this repo~ in ~n~eclion. \\·ith the a<!~er1isemenL, P~?motio_n o,r sale of~· ~roch~l or p~ocess, ~r in ~~c~ion w!lh th; r:·publiclllion or this report Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 20 17 Lab Set ID: 1703181 Date Received: 3/10/2017 853h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 1703181-01 oc TW4-22 03082017 3/8/2017 1222h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 3440 South 700 West 8260C/5030C 1703181-0liA TW4-19 03082017 3/8/2017 1410h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 !alt Lake City, UT 84119 1703181-0llB TW4-19 03082017 3/8/2017 1410h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), £353.2 1703181-011 c TW4-19 03082017 3/8/2017 1410h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-012A TW4-37 03082017 3/8/2017 1230h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Phone:(801)263-8686 1703181-0l2B TW4-37_03082017 3/8/2017 1230h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 foil Free: (888) 263-8686 170318l-012C TW4-37 03082017 3/8/2017 1230h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260C/5030C :-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1703181-013A TW4-20 03082017 3/8/2017 1238h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 1703181-0138 TW4-20 03082017 3/8/2017 1238h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1703181-013C TW4-20 03082017 3/8/2017 1238h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-014A MW-04 03082017 3/8/2017 1321h Aqueous Anions, £300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1703181-0148 MW-04 03082017 3/8/2017 1321h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1703181-014C MW-04 03082017 3/8/2017 1321h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1703181-015A TW4-60 03082017 3/8/2017 930h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1703181-0158 TW4-60 03082017 3/8/2017 930h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1703181-015C TW4-60 03082017 3/8/2017 930h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1703181-016A Trip Blank 3/8/2017 Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 5 of 48 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SDW A. and RCRA are perfomled in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infom1atioo is locuted on the auadted COC Confidential Business Information: This repon is provided for the exclusi' e use of the ~ddressee. Pri rile~es a( sub .. seq~enl ~~~e of the ~~e of this .con;pany or an~ 1~mbe1' of its staJT, or reproducti~ ~f this repo~ in ~eel ion~ l\'ilh lhe ~\'ertisement., p~motio.n ~r sale of ?'!Y ~rodt~ct or p~ocess, ~r in ~nm;c~ion w~lh th~ n;_-publicruion of this report .lNAlVTICAL LA80RATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1703181 Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2 0 17 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fa'(: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Method MDL Reporting Limit Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QCType: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: LCS-R99469 Date Analyzed: 03/14/2017 ll40h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5.02 mg/L E300.0 0.0127 0.100 5.000 0 100 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R99261 Date Analyzed: 03110/2017 1027h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.05 mg!L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 1.000 0 105 Limits 90-llO 90-llO Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 37 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordanc-e to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfom1otion: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oftt ne of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1703181 Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R99469 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < 0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R99261 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fa'C: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awa1-1abs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com OC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Dept: QCType: Reporting Amount Units Method MDL Limit Spiked 03/14/2017 1124h mg/L E300.0 0.0127 0.100 03/10/2017 1 026h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 Garrin Palmer we MBLK Spike Ref. Amount %REC Limits Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 38 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfom1ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oftl ne of this company or any member of its statf, or reproduction of this rep01t in connection with the advertisement. p1 amotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1703181 Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 1703181-002AMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 2,050 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-010AMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 1,530 Lab Sample ID: 1703180-00JBMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 13.2 Lab Sample ID: 1703182-002CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.0 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-001BMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 125 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Reporting Units Method MDL Limit 03114/2017 1214h mg/L E300.0 2.54 20.0 -03/14/2017 1305h mg/L E300.0 2.54 20.0 03/10/2017 1029h mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0.100 03110/2017 1035h mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0.100 03110/2017 1133h mg/L E353.2 0.833 1.00 Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QCType: MS Amount Spike Ref. Spiked Amount %REC 1,000 1090 96.6 1,000 566 96.1 10.00 1.72 115 10.00 0.18 109 100.0 17 108 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix inteiference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Limits 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 39 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfom1ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. P1ivileges of subsequent use oft~ ne of this company or any member of its statf, or reproduction of this rep01t in connection with the ~dvertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-ptlblication of this report for any purpose othCl' than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686. Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-1abs.com, web : www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ~ C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1703181 Dept: we Project: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2 0 17 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPDRef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 1703181-002AMSD Date Analyzed: 03/14/2017 1231h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 2,120 mg/L E300.0 2.54 20.0 1,000 1090 104 90-110 2050 3.37 20 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-010AMSD Date Analyzed: 03114/2017 1322h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 1,620 mg/L E300.0 2.54 20.0 1,000 566 105 90-110 1530 5.80 20 Lab Sample ID: 1703180-003BMSD Date Analyzed: 03110/2017 1030h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 12.9 mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0.100 10.00 1.72 112 90-110 13.2 2.30 10 Lab Sample ID: 1703182-002CMSD Date Analyzed: 03110/2017 1038h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.2 mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0.100 10.00 0.18 110 90-110 11 1.08 10 Lab Sample ID: 1703181-001BMSD Date Analyzed: 03110/2017 1134h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 125 mg/L E353.2 0.833 1.00 100.0 17 108 90-110 125 0.160 10 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 3/24/2017 Page 40 of 48 analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC ConfidentiaJ Business Infom1ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of tl- ne ofthi$ company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with t11e re~publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be b"Tanted only on contact This American West Analytical Laboratories Rpt Emailed: UL Denison WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 1703181 Due Date: 3/21/2017 Page 1 of3 Client: Client ID: Project: Comments: SampleiD 1703181-001A 1703181-00lB 1703181-00lC 1703181-002A 1703181-002B 1703181-002C 1703181-003A 1703181-003B 1703181-003C 1703181-004A 1703181-004B 1703181-004C 1703181-00SA 1703181-00SB 1703181-00SC Printed: 3/10/2017 Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. DENlOO Contact: Garrin Palmer 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 QC Level: III WO Type: Project PA Rush. QC 3 (Summary/No chromatograms). RL ofl ppm for Chloride and VOC and 0.1 ppm forN02/N03-RunN02/N03 at a lOX dilution. Expected ( levels provided by client-see Jenn. J-flag what we can't meet. ElM Locus and EDD-Denison. Email Group.; ...!) J Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage TVV4-25_03082017 3/8/2017 1202h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SELAnalytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Analytes: 41 # ofSurr: 4 TVV4-24_03082017 3/8/2017 1212h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Analytes: 4/ # ofSurr: 4 TVV4-21_03082017 3/8/2017 1152h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SELAnalytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Analytes: 4/ # ofSurr: 4 TVV4-01_03082017 3/8/2017 1328h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; # ofAnalytes: 4/#ofSurr: 4 TVV4-04_03082017 "3/8/2017 1338h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN/00; #of Analytes: 41 # ofSurr: 4 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1): %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QC 0 HOK __ HOK __ HOK___ COC Emailed,___ ___ _ WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 1703181 Page2of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 3/21/2017 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1703181..{)06A TW4-02_03082017 3/8/2017 1315h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL And/ytes: CL 1703181-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1703181..{)06C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 41 # ofSurr: 4 1703181..{)07A ~-26_03082017 3/8/2017 1257h 3/1012017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-007B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181..{)07C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 41 # ofSurr: 4 1703181..{)08A TW4-39_03082017 3/8/2017 1249h 3/1012017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181..{)08B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-008C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 TestGrou : 8260-W-DEN100; #ofAnalytes: 4/#ofSurr: 4 1703181-009A TW4-11_03082017 3/8/2017 1305h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-009B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-009C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1703181-010A TW4-22_03082017 3/8/2017 1222h 3/1012017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-010B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-0lOC 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; # ofAnalytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 1703181-011A TW4-19_03082017 3/8/2017 1410h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-011B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N Printed: 3/10/2017 FOR lABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 aco HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1703181 Page 3 of3 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 3/2112017 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1703181-0llC 1W4-19_03082017 3/8/2017 1410h 3/10/2017 0853h 8260-W-DENIOO Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 1703181-012A 1W4-37_03082017 3/8/2017 1230h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-012B N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-012C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; #of Analytes: 4 I # of Surr: 4 1703181-0BA 1W4-20_03082017 3/8/2017 1238h 3/10/2017 08S3h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-013B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-0BC 8260-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #af Analytes: 4 l#ofSurr: 4 1703181-014A ~-04_03082017 3/8/2017 1321h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-014B N021N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-014C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of A1111lytes: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1703181-0lSA 1W 4-60-03082017 3/8/2017 0930h 3/10/2017 0853h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1703181-015B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1703181-015C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; #of Analytes: 4 I # of Surr: 4 1703181-016A Trip Blank 3/8/2017 3/10/2017 0853h 8260-W-DENlOO Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 l #ofSurr: 4 Printed: 3/1012017 FOR lABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QC 0 HOK HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed,__ ___ _ 3 5 American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8686 Toll Free # (888) 263-8688 L~~ Fax !I (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Gartin Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: 435-459-9463 ipalmer@energyfu.els.com: H.Weinel@eaergyfuels.com; Email: dturk@ene~fuels.com Project Name: 1st Quarter Chloroform 2017 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holllday Date Sample ID: Sampled TW4-25_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-24_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-21_03082017 3/8/2017 l'W4--01_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-04_03082017 3/8/2017 ~4-02_03082017 3/8/2017 MW-26_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-39_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4--ll_03082017 3/8/2017 T1V4-22_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-19_03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-37 _03082017 3/8/2017 TW4-20_03082017 3/8/2017 Rolfnqlished by: (;-&-._,_~ oara::YIIo In Signature Print Name: &-4-.o ,..._) "-?&.l~ ilmo: b8S'3 Relinquished by: Dolo: Signature Time: Print Name: AelinqWhed by: Date: Signa lura Tlme: Print Name: RolinGu!Modby: Date: Slana lure 11m a; Print Name: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All anaJyais will be conducted using NELAP accredited methods and all dala will be reported using AWAL's standard analyte lists and reporting limits (POL) unless specifically recuested otherwise on this Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. I QCLevel: I Tum Around Time: Unless other arrangamenls have been made, signed reports will be emalled by 5:00pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. )( Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For. For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/ A2LA 0 0 NLLAP ~ ci 0 Non-Compliance C<} 0 0 Other. .,., 0') G I!? !2 '-0 Q) )( 0 <c ·c: "' c: ;;; Cl C'l :s ::;; 0 Cl ~ Known Hazards c: ~ l!) 0 " ~ "' Time 0 Ci C'l 0 & 0 E 0 0 0 Sampled "' Sample Comments "" CI;I li!: > 1202 5 w X X X 1212 5 w X X X 1152 5 w X X X 1328 5 w X X X 1338 5 w X X X 1315 5 w X X X 1257 5 w X X X 1249 5 w X X X 1305 5 w X X X 1222 5 w X X X 1410 5 w X X X 1230 5 w X X X 1238 5 w -x X X R...,!vod by:~ £. Slqnat\llo p '»f_ eLL -4 ~.3/ft:,/;') Special Instructions: 1£_. ( (/!.., L '+-fl./d .. ~ nmo: aJr-n PrinlNomor. 1/G';/'i/ /)u} 1822 ~ AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 1 of 1 rue Date: .. -I · Labolfll.o_ry U!ie ·or~¥.: Samples Were: ·-~ ., 2 Amblerot ctill8d 3 Temperat~e ¥·(; 4 ~lv.~ ~Unii..Wfhg ~y~CJ ' y 'N ' s ~rtvl'r:-'Veci -a:L N 81-h . . y N ' 6 ReC9hied Within: • a~TimM . y N ~ '• coc-i'opt!'W~ ~)NM~~erP~ 2 . ilbmlconon Ou!tlf Paoloi!)G , ·0 N W.. .• 3 "'-!on sample 1 . ,V N c: ~ .Unbtokll<l-cnSamplo_ -~J V N -NA -OIOOfapanciM Batwoen-Sample '-'"bolo arid coo Rooo<d? v a . '' ' !~Halved by: I / Dalo: See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Llm1ts and VOC Sianeu.o analyte list. T!me: Print Name: Received-by: Date: Signature Time: Print Name: Received by: Date: Si!=fnature ·nme: Print Neme: American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8666 Toll Free# (888) 263-<1686 L~ Fax# (801) 263-<1687 Email awal@awaHabs.com www.awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 can II: 435-459-9463 gpalmer@energyfuels.com: KWelnel@energyfuels.com: Email: dturk@eniOri!Yfuels.com Project Name: 1st. Quarter GW 2017 Project #: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date SampleiD: Sampled MW-04=_03082017 3/8/2017 ! TW4-60_03082017 3/8/2017 3 I Trip Blank 3/8/2017 4 . Temp Blank 5 i 6 I 7 I . I 0 1 ~ RclinqlliWdby: [SlgTlaturo ~A )s-Jc;/fA--Oata:~( lo /17 PM!Namo: r; .c.. r-11'"-~ .A. P.:-..t~ Time: /") \?.~ J Relinquished by: Date: Signature ime: PrllliName: Rellnq,.shed by: Date: Signature -nme: Print Nomo: Ri!linqiMI>od by; Date: ffitlnaJIH Time; PnniName: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis will be conducted using NELAP accrediled methods and all data will be reported using AWAL1s standard analyte lis's and reporting limits (POL) unless specifically requested otherwise on lhis Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. I QCLevel: I Turn Around Time: Unless Q(ber Of'JBil9C!'Mnl!ii haY a been made, signed reports will be emal!ed b'f 5:00 pm on 3 Standard lhe clay !My are duo. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Fillered For: For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA 0 0 NLLAP <>1' 0 Non-Dompliance <"'i 0 0 Other. 0 "' 0") u E !:!?. ... 0 " X 0 (0 c: :s C') 19 "' 0 0 ~ ::; 0 S1. Known Hazards c: z "' 0 ~ ..... ~ "' Time () C'l (.) & 0 E 0 0 0 Sampled "' Sample Comments "' C/l z ;:. 1321 5 w X X X 930 5 w X X X 3 w X l w :::17r.c:;-f__o1..._ -H. ./ Da!o') h6 ~ 7 Special Instructions: -:£--(u.,....___ --1--1-4 ~\c.. :r [nme:{)S$--J 2, Prin!Nam"' I/ V / /'() ( '"/ ) (\ $ f}{ '"[:::::~ AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 1 ol 2 1 ... _ I : • 4Jboriltory:l1~-Qnly ' .. ·. . - ~Were: .- '1 .Shipped~ 2 ~em ~---.• 3 T""'P"""""' ~:c --~ Rti¢Y_ed Bnlkor\II,Baklrig 'Y N (lmproP!'rl~~ .. Q:Proserv~_ N ., bM)cll l .N 6 R,O<O\vod Wlhin , •, c!)~Thnes N ._ . COCTopoWas: I Pr-on OU!O< P~ C) N ·NA 2~en Oil c<Aor Pac!<oge ·; N tiA 3 Prosemoo·~ c3 Y "N NA 4 Uribroke_n ~n Sample eN. J Y N NA ~esBetl<oen_s.;,i>la l.llbelaoi>dcoc-~ 1 y ()._ .. Received by: ( I Date: See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Umits and VOC Signature analyte list. nme: Prlnl Name: Received by: Pale: Signature lme: Print Name: Received by: Date: Signature Tlme: Prlnl Name: Analysis Ammonia COD -CYanide Metals NOz& N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 L___ Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet s ,Je Set Ext' --- Preservative I 2... '"' ¥ 5 & pH<2HzS04 oH<2H2S04 oH>12NaOH pH<2HN03 -pH <2HzS04 ~~ 'fr<; '/<,<; Is jeJ fo oH<2HCL _pH<2H2S04 pH>9NaOH, ZnAcetate pH<2HzS04 pH<2H2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample :from lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid '1 fs -doH 8 i fr ~'i /{) II ~ /CJ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + ... # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH> __ due to the sample matrix interference . IZ te5 /~ Lab SetiD: pH Lot#: Jt-j /C!J fo /703 I~ I Sooc'J lv ~ ! TabH Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables H-1 Field Data Evaluation Volume Check TWN-2, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are continuously pumping wells. Piezometers 1, 2, and 3A were not pumped, only one set of parameters were taken. TWN-3 and TWN-7 were pumped dry and sampled after recovery. NM =Not Measured. The QAP does not require the measurement of redox potential or turbidity in wells that were purged to dryness. H-2: Holding Time Evaluation Allowed Hold Time Hold Time Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) (Days) Check PIEZ-01 Chloride 2/15/2017 2/22/2017 7 28 OK PIEZ-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/1512017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK PIEZ-02 Chloride 2/15/2017 2/2212017 7 28 OK PIEZ-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/1512017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK PIEZ-03A Chloride 2/1512017 2/22/2017 7 28 OK PIEZ-03A Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/15/2017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK TWN-01 Chloride 2/15/2017 2122/2017 7 28 OK TWN-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/15/2017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK TWN-02 Chloride 211512017 2/22/2017 7 28 OK TWN-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 211512017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK TWN-03 Chloride 2/16/2017 2/22/2017 6 28 OK TWN-03 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/16/2017 2117/2017 1 28 OK TWN-04 Chloride 2/15/2017 2/22/2017 7 28 OK TWN-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/1512017 2117/2017 2 28 OK TWN-07 Chloride 2/16/2017 2/22/2017 6 28 OK TWN-07 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/16/2017 2117/2017 1 28 OK TWN-18 Chloride 2/15/2017 2/23/2017 8 28 OK TWN-18 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/15/2017 2117/2017 2 28 OK TWN-18R Chloride 2/15/2017 2/23/2017 8 28 OK TWN-18R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 211512017 2/1712017 2 28 OK TWN-60 Chloride 2/16/2017 2122/2017 6 28 OK TWN-60 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/16/2017 2/17/2017 1 28 OK TWN-65 Chloride 2/15/2017 2/22/2017 7 28 OK TWN-65 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 2/15/2017 2/17/2017 2 28 OK H-3: Analytical Method Check Parameter M~tbod Method Used by Lab Nitrate E353.1 or E353.2 E353.2 A4500-Cl B or A4500-Cl E Chloride orE300.0 E300.0 Both Nitrate and Chloride were analyzed with the correct analytical method. -eporong Ifill ec H 4 R L' . Ch k Required Lab Reporting Dilution Reporting RL Location Analyte Limit Units I Qualifier Factor Limit Check PIEZ-01 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK PIEZ-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK PIEZ-02 Chloride 5 mg/L 5 1 OK PIEZ-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK PIEZ-03A Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK PIEZ-03A Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TWN-01 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TWN-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TWN-02 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TWN-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.2 mg/L 20 0.1 OK TWN-03 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TWN-03 Nitrate/Nit1ite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TWN-04 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TWN-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TWN-07 Chloride 1 mg/L 1 1 OK TWN-07 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TWN-18 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 I OK TWN-18 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TWN-18R Chloride I mg/L u 1 1 OK TWN-18R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TWN-60 Chloride I mg/L u 1 I OK TWN-60 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L u 10 0.1 OK TWN-65 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TWN-65 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK H-5 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Constituent TWN .. t TWN·6S %:RPD Chloride 31.2 31.5 0.96 Nitrogen 2.06 1.98 3.96 ND -non-detect NC -not calculated. The RPD was not calucated, because the duplicate sample was reported as non-detect. H-6 QC Control Limits for Analysis and Blanks Method Blank Detections All Method Blanks for the quarter were non-detect. Matrix Soike % Recovery Comoanson Lab Report Lab Sample ID Well Analyte MS%REC 1703181 1703180-003BMS N/A Nitrate * -Recovery was not calculated because the analyte of the sample was greater than 4 times the spike amount N/A-QC was not performed on an EFRI sample. NC-Not calculated Laboratory Control Sample All Laboratory Control Samples were within acceptance limits for the quarter. 115 MSD%REC 112 REC Range 90-110 RPD 2.30 H7R . T E 1 -ecep l enl_IJ_eralUre va uatwn Sample Batch Wei~ in Batch 'llemverature 1702367 Piez-01, Piez-02, Piez-03A, TWN-1, TWN-2, TWN-3, TWN-4, 0.8 oc TWN-7. TWN-18R, TWN-18, TWN-60, TWN-65 1703181 TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-60 2.4 T H-8 Rinsate Evaluation All rinsate and DI blank samples were non-detect for the quarter. Tab I Kriged Current Quarter Isoconcentration Maps NS = not sampled; ND = not detected ...._10 TW4-38 ...,1 PIEZ-3A ~10 MW-32 e ND TW4-7 0 3.9 TWN-1 ~2.1 PIEZ-1 10)6.8 kriged nitrate isocon and label temporary perched monitoring well installed October, 2016 showing concentration in mgll May, 2016 replacement of perched piezometer Piez-03 showing concentration in rng/L perched monitoring well showing concentration in mg/L temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration in rngll temporary perched nitrate monitoring well showing concentration in mgll perched piezometer showing concentration in mg/L NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chlorofonn pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumpina wells HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2017 NITRATE (mg/L) (NITRATE+ NITRITE AS N) WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE FIGURE H:l718000/may17/nitrate1Unt0317.srf I-1 NS = not sampled; NO = not detected ...._100 TW4-38 -+-36 PIEZ-3A ~111 MW-32 .32 TW4-7 0 41 TWN-1 ~31 PJEZ-1 ~55 kriged chloride isocon and label temporary perched monitoring well installed October, 2016 showing concentration in mg/L May, 2016 replacement of perched piezometer Piez-03 showing concentration in mg/L perched monitoring well showing concentration in mgll temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration in mg/L temporary perched nitrate monitoring well showing concentration in mg/L perched piezometer showing concentration in mg/L NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1 , TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-37 and TW4-39 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25 and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2017 CHLORIDE {mg/L) WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE H:/718000/may17/chloride/Ud10317.srf FIGURE I-2 TabJ Analyte Concentrations over Time Piezometer 1 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/19/2009 6.8 NA 7/14/2009 6.8 60 9/22/2009 7.3 78 10/27/2009 7.4 61 6/2/2010 7.2 52 7/19/2010 6.8 52 12/10/2010 6.5 60 1/31/2011 7 60 4/25/2011 6.8 58 7/25/2011 7 53 10/19/2011 6.6 55 1/11/2012 7.1 78 4/20/2012 6.6 58 7/27/2012 7.2 56 10/17/2012 7.66 55 2/18/2013 8.11 56.7 4/24/2013 8.88 53.3 8/28/2013 7.83 55.1 10/16/2013 6.68 54.1 1/13/2014 6.79 56.2 5/7/2014 7.57 52.1 8/6/2014 5.1 55 10/8/2014 5.75 57.6 2/18/2015 6.41 55.9 5/12/2015 5.95 57.5 8/26/2015 4.96 64.2 10/14/2015 6.17 54.4 2/23/2016 8.31 56.5 5/17/2016 6.33 59.1 7/19/2016 6.78 53.9 10/11/2016 6.42 58.1 2/15/2017 6.75 54.5 Piezometer 2 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/19/2009 0.500 NA 7/14/2009 0.500 7.0 9/22/2009 0.500 17.0 10/27/2009 0.600 7.0 6/2/2010 0.600 8.0 7/19/2010 0.600 8.0 12/10/2010 0.200 6.0 1/31/2011 0.300 9.0 4/25/2011 0.300 8.0 7/25/2011 0.100 9.0 10/19/2011 0.100 8.0 1/11/2012 0.100 9.0 4/20/2012 0.200 8.0 7/27/2012 0.200 9.0 10/17/2012 0.192 9.5 2/19/2013 0.218 9.7 4/24/2013 0.172 10.3 8/28/2013 0.198 9.7 10/16/2013 0.364 9.2 1/13/2014 0.169 11.4 5/7/2014 0.736 11.4 8/6/2014 0.800 12.0 10/8/2014 0.755 12.2 2/18/2015 0.749 12.6 5/12/2015 0.646 13.1 8/26/2015 0.662 15.5 10/14/2015 0.692 13.3 2/23/2016 0.615 13.4 5/17/2016 0.665 14.0 7/19/2016 0.669 12.4 10/11/2016 0.732 13.4 2/15/2017 0.696 12.4 Piezometer 3A Date Nitrate (mg/1) 5/17/2016 8.23 7/19/2016 8.83 10/11/2016 8.44 2/15/2017 10.0 Chloride (mg/1) 109 93.8 100 111 TWN-1 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/6/2009 0.7 19 7/21/2009 0.4 17 9/21/2009 0.4 19 10/28/2009 0.5 18 3/17/2010 0.5 17 5/26/2010 0.6 20 9/27/2010 0.6 19 12/7/2010 0.6 14 1/26/2011 0.5 17 4/20/2011 0.5 19 7/26/2011 0.5 14 10/17/2011 0.5 10 1/9/2012 0.6 15 4/18/2012 0.6 17 7/24/2012 0.6 17 10/15/2012 0.432 17.5 2/18/2013 0.681 17.6 4/23/2013 0.84 17.4 8/27/2013 1.24 24.1 10/16/2013 1.61 26.8 1/14/2014 1.47 29.2 5/6/2014 1.63 31.1 8/5/2014 1.7 28 10/8/2014 1.46 27.6 2/18/2015 1.37 27.8 5/13/2015 0.65 29.2 8/25/2015 0.324 33.2 10/13/2015 1.35 27.7 2/23/2016 1.51 30.3 5/17/2016 1.73 32.1 7/20/2016 1.76 29.6 10/6/2016 1.98 33.0 2/15/2017 2.06 31.2 TWN-2 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/6/2009 25.4 29 7/21/2009 25 25 9/21/2009 22.6 17 11/2/2009 20.8 55 3/24/2010 62.1 85 6/2/2010 69 97 9/29/2010 69 104 12/9/2010 48 93 2/1/2011 43 93 4/28/2011 40 85 7/28/2011 33 74 10/20/2011 33 76 1/12/2012 31 86 4/20/2012 48 103 7/31/2012 54 93 10/17/2012 22.1 79 2/19/2013 57.3 80.5 4/24/2013 57.7 82.1 8/27/2013 80 75.9 10/16/2013 111 70.4 1/13/2014 42.6 72.4 5/7/2014 44.7 84.9 8/6/2014 42 80 10/8/2014 70.6 81 2/18/2015 48.6 84.8 5/12/2015 52.8 82.6 8/25/2015 49.7 87.8 10/14/2015 44.9 74.9 2/23/2016 86.3 73.9 5/17/2016 45.4 74.5 7/19/2016 35.3 68.8 10/11/2016 32.6 69.8 2/15/2017 27.4 65.8 TWN-3 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/6/2009 23.6 96 7/21/2009 25.3 96 9/21/2009 27.1 99 11/2/2009 29 106 3/25/2010 25.3 111 6/3/2010 26 118 7/15/2010 27 106 12/10/2010 24 117 2/1/2011 24 138 4/28/2011 26 128 7/29/2011 25 134 10/20/2011 25 129 1/12/2012 25 143 4/20/2012 24 152 7/31/2012 27 158 10/17/2012 12.1 149 2/19/2013 22.2 157 4/24/2013 27.2 158 8/28/2013 20.9 171 10/17/2013 23.5 163 1/15/2014 19.6 160 5/7/2014 23.6 168 8/6/2014 19.5 174 10/9/2014 19.1 153 2/19/2015 19.4 164 5/14/2015 17.2 141 8/26/2015 16.2 156 10/14/2015 16.3 129 2/24/2016 16.8 128 5/18/2016 13.5 116 7/19/2016 16.8 110 10/7/2016 15.8 113 2/16/2017 17.4 113 TWN-4 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/6/2009 1.00 13.0 7/21/2009 0.05 12.0 9/21/2009 0.40 13.0 10/28/2009 0.40 11.0 3/16/2010 0.90 22.0 5/27/2010 1.00 22.0 9/27/2010 0.90 19.0 12/8/2010 1.00 21.0 1/25/2011 0.90 21.0 4/20/2011 0.90 21.0 7/26/2011 1.10 35.0 10/18/2011 0.90 20.0 1/9/2012 0.90 20.0 4/18/2012 1.10 24.0 7/25/2012 1.40 25.0 10/15/2012 1.45 26.4 2/18/2013 1.51 25.3 4/23/2013 1.63 24.4 8/27/2013 1.58 27.2 10/16/2013 1.69 29.4 1/14/2014 1.41 28.4 5/6/2014 1.55 29.6 8/5/2014 2.00 28.0 10/8/2014 1.44 30.7 2/18/2015 1.48 31.5 5/13/2015 0.73 31.9 8/25/2015 0.97 35.2 10/13/2015 1.58 28.4 2/23/2016 2.02 30.7 5/17/2016 2.97 31.7 7/20/2016 3.14 28.0 10/6/2016 3.09 31.3 2/15/2017 2.63 31.2 TWN-7 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 8/25/2009 ND 11.00 9/21/2009 ND 7.00 11/10/2009 0.100 7.00 3/17/2010 0.800 6.00 5/28/2010 1.200 6.00 7/14/2010 1.600 7.00 12/10/2010 1.000 4.00 1/27/2011 1.300 6.00 4/21/2011 1.700 6.00 7/29/2011 0.700 5.00 10/19/2011 2.200 6.00 1/11/2012 2.300 5.00 4/20/2012 1.200 6.00 7/26/2012 0.900 6.00 10/16/2012 0.641 5.67 2/19/2013 0.591 5.68 4/24/2013 1.160 5.88 8/28/2013 0.835 6.96 10/16/2013 0.986 5.70 1/15/2014 0.882 5.75 5/7/2014 0.564 5.26 8/6/2014 0.900 6.00 10/9/2014 0.968 5.93 2/19/2015 1.040 5.58 5/14/2015 0.779 6.18 8/26/2015 0.348 6.12 10/14/2015 0.672 5.84 2/24/2016 0.240 6.06 5/18/2016 0.732 6.26 7/21/2016 0.810 5.97 10/7/2016 0.698 6.17 2/16/2017 1.630 14.0 TWN-18 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 11/2/2009 1.300 57.0 3/17/2010 1.600 42.0 6/1/2010 1.800 63.0 9/27/2010 1.800 64.0 12/9/2010 1.600 59.0 1/27/2011 1.400 61.0 4/26/2011 1.800 67.0 7/28/2011 1.800 65.0 10/18/2011 1.900 60.0 1/10/2012 1.900 64.0 4/19/2012 2.100 64.0 7/26/2012 2.300 67.0 10/16/2012 1.950 67.5 2/18/2013 2.270 68.7 4/23/2013 2.320 64.3 8/27/2013 2.040 70.4 10/16/2013 2.150 67.3 1/14/2014 2.330 68.4 5/6/2014 2.180 76.5 8/5/2014 1.800 70.0 10/8/2014 1.470 74.8 2/18/2015 1.000 73.3 5/13/2015 1.350 76.6 8/25/2015 0.350 81.3 10/13/2015 0.668 69.0 2/23/2016 0.648 67.6 5/17/2016 0.497 69.9 7/20/2016 0.100 52.7 10/6/2016 0.501 67.4 2/15/2017 0.470 62.1 TW4-19 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 7/22/2002 42.80 12/7/2005 81 9/12/2002 47.60 3/9/2006 86 3/28/2003 61.40 7/20/2006 123 6/23/2003 11.40 11/9/2006 134 7/15/2003 6.80 2/28/2007 133 8/15/2003 4.00 8/15/2007 129 9/12/2003 5.70 10/10/2007 132 9/25/2003 9.20 3/26/2008 131 10/29/2003 7.70 6/25/2008 128 11/9/2003 4.80 9/10/2008 113 8/16/2004 9.91 10/15/2008 124 9/17/2004 4.50 3/4/2009 127 3/16/2005 5.30 6/23/2009 132 6/7/2005 5.70 9/14/2009 43 8/31/2005 4.60 12/14/2009 124 12/1/2005 0.10 2/17/2010 144 3/9/2006 4.00 6/9/2010 132 6/14/2006 5.20 8/16/2010 142 7/20/2006 4.30 10/11/2010 146 11/9/2006 4.60 2/17/2011 135 2/28/2007 4.00 6/7/2011 148 8/15/2007 4.10 8/17/2011 148 10/10/2007 4.00 11/17/2011 148 3/26/2008 2.20 1/23/2012 138 6/25/2008 2.81 6/6/2012 149 9/10/2008 36.20 9/5/2012 149 10/15/2008 47.80 10/3/2012 150 3/4/2009 3.20 2/11/2013 164 6/23/2009 2.40 6/5/2013 148 9/14/2009 0.10 9/3/2013 179 12/14/2009 26.70 10/29/2013 206 2/17/2010 2.00 1/27/2014 134 6/9/2010 4.40 5/19/2014 152 8/16/2010 5.90 8/11/2014 140 10/11/2010 2.70 10/21/2014 130 2/17/2011 17.00 3/9/2015 238 6/7/2011 12.00 6/8/2015 180 8/17/2011 3.00 8/31/2015 326 11/17/2011 5.00 10/19/2015 252 1/23/2012 0.60 3/9/2016 276 6/6/2012 2.40 5/23/2016 201 9/5/2012 2.50 7/25/2016 214 10/3/2012 4.10 10/13/2016 200 2/11/2013 7.99 3/8/2017 461 6/5/2013 2.95 TW4-19 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 9/3/2013 17.60 10/29/2013 4.70 1/27/2014 1.62 5/19/2014 1.34 8/11/2014 1.60 10/21/2014 4.72 3/9/2015 8.56 6/8/2015 0.92 8/31/2015 11.60 10/19/2015 10.60 3/9/2016 15.7 5/23/2016 1.27 7/25/2016 10.50 10/13/2016 10.00 3/8/2017 11.10 The sampling program for TW4-19 was updated in the fourth quarter of 2005 to include analysis for chloride as well as nitrate. This change accounts for the different number of data points represented above. TW4-21 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 5/25/2005 14.6 12/7/2005 353 8/31/2005 10.1 3/9/2006 347 11/30/2005 9.6 7/20/2006 357 3/9/2006 8.5 11/8/2006 296 6/14/2006 10.2 2/28/2007 306 7/20/2006 8.9 6/27/2007 327 11/8/2006 8.7 8/15/2007 300 2/28/2007 8.7 10/10/2007 288 6/27/2007 8.6 3/26/2008 331 8/15/2007 8.6 6/25/2008 271 10/10/2007 8.3 9/10/2008 244 3/26/2008 14.3 10/15/2008 284 6/25/2008 8.8 3/11/2009 279 9/10/2008 7.6 6/24/2009 291 10/15/2008 8.0 9/15/2009 281 3/11/2009 8.3 12/22/2009 256 6/24/2009 8.1 2/25/2010 228 9/15/2009 9.2 6/10/2010 266 12/22/2009 8.4 8/12/2010 278 2/25/2010 8.4 10/13/2010 210 6/10/2010 12.0 2/22/2011 303 8/12/2010 14.0 6/1/2011 297 10/13/2010 7.0 8/17/2011 287 2/22/2011 9.0 11/16/2011 276 6/1/2011 13.0 1/19/2012 228 8/17/2011 14.0 6/13/2012 285 11/16/2011 13.0 9/13/2012 142 1/19/2012 15.0 10/4/2012 270 6/13/2012 11.0 2/13/2013 221 9/13/2012 13.0 6/18/2013 243 10/4/2012 14.0 9/12/2013 207 2/13/2013 11.8 11/13/2013 206 6/18/2013 13.8 2/5/2014 200 9/12/2013 10.3 5/22/2014 243 11/13/2013 9.0 8/27/2014 230 2/5/2014 11.4 10/29/2014 252 5/22/2014 11.5 3/12/2015 255 8/27/2014 7.1 6/8/2015 494 10/29/2014 10.0 8/31/2015 499 TW4-21 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 3/12/2015 10.9 10/19/2015 413 6/8/2015 13.1 3/9/2016 452 8/31/2015 14.7 5/23/2016 425 10/19/2015 14.3 7/25/2016 457 3/9/2016 14.6 10/12/2016 439 5/23/2016 13.1 3/8/2017 478 7/25/2016 16.5 10/12/2016 13.5 3/8/2017 17.7 The sampling program for TW4-21 was updated in the fourth quarter of 2005 to include analysis for chloride as well as nitrate. This change accounts for the different number of data points represented above. TW4-24 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 6/27/2007 26.1 770 8/15/2007 29 791 10/10/2007 24.7 692 3/26/2008 24.4 740 6/25/2008 45.3 834 9/10/2008 38.4 1180 10/15/2008 44.6 1130 3/4/2009 30.5 1010 6/24/2009 30.4 759 9/15/2009 30.7 618 12/17/2009 28.3 1080 2/25/2010 33.1 896 6/9/2010 30 639 8/11/2010 32 556 8/24/2010 31 587 10/6/2010 31 522 2/17/2011 31 1100 5/26/2011 35 1110 8/17/2011 34 967 11/16/2011 35 608 1/18/2012 37 373 6/6/2012 37 355 8/30/2012 37 489 10/3/2012 38 405 2/11/2013 35.9 1260 6/5/2013 23.7 916 9/3/2013 32.6 998 10/29/2013 34.6 1030 1/27/2014 31.6 809 5/19/2014 35 1020 8/11/2014 31.5 1150 10/21/2014 35.7 1050 3/9/2015 34.6 944 6/8/2015 31.8 1290 8/31/2015 25.3 788 10/19/2015 29.6 909 3/9/2016 29.1 989 5/23/2016 24.2 771 7/25/2016 34.4 1,180 10/12/2016 31.9 1,010 3/8/2017 41.3 1,090 TW4-22 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 2/28/2007 20.9 347 6/27/2007 19.3 273 8/15/2007 19.3 259 10/10/2007 18.8 238 3/26/2008 39.1 519 6/25/2008 41.9 271 9/10/2008 38.7 524 10/15/2008 36.3 539 3/11/2009 20.7 177 6/24/2009 20.6 177 9/15/2009 40.3 391 12/29/2009 17.8 175 3/3/2010 36.6 427 6/15/2010 19 134 8/12/2010 18 127 8/24/2010 15 130 10/13/2010 16 134 2/23/2011 18 114 6/1/2011 17 138 8/17/2011 15 120 11/16/2011 19 174 1/19/2012 14 36 6/13/2012 12.8 35 ~/12/2012 7 121 10/4/2012 14 130 2/11/2013 58 635 6/5/2013 50.2 586 9/3/2013 29.7 487 10/29/2013 45.2 501 1/27/2014 54.6 598 5/19/2014 47.2 614 8/11/2014 41.5 540 10/21/2014 54.9 596 3/9/2015 69.2 675 6/8/2015 47.1 390 8/31/2015 64.7 557 10/19/2015 56.1 567 3/9/2016 31.1 583 5/23/2016 58.4 598 7/25/2016 61.3 619 10/12/2016 61.5 588 3/8/2017 69.8 566 TW4-24 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 6/27/2007 26.1 770 8/15/2007 29 791 10/10/2007 24.7 692 3/26/2008 24.4 740 6/25/2008 45.3 834 9/10/2008 38.4 1180 10/15/2008 44.6 1130 3/4/2009 30.5 1010 6/24/2009 30.4 759 9/15/2009 30.7 618 12/17/2009 28.3 1080 2/25/2010 33.1 896 6/9/2010 30 639 8/11/2010 32 556 8/24/2010 31 587 10/6/2010 31 522 2/17/2011 31 1100 5/26/2011 35 1110 8/17/2011 34 967 11/16/2011 35 608 1/18/2012 37 373 6/6/2012 37 355 8/30/2012 37 489 10/3/2012 38 405 2/11/2013 35.9 1260 6/5/2013 23.7 916 9/3/2013 32.6 998 10/29/2013 34.6 1030 1/27/2014 31.6 809 5/19/2014 35 1020 8/11/2014 31.5 1150 10/21/2014 35.7 1050 3/9/2015 34.6 944 6/8/2015 31.8 1290 8/31/2015 25.3 788 10/19/2015 29.6 909 3/9/2016 29.1 989 5/23/2016 24.2 771 7/25/2016 34.4 1,180 10/12/2016 31.9 1,010 3/8/2017 41.3 1,090 TW4-25 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 6/27/2007 17.1 395 8/15/2007 16.7 382 10/10/2007 17 356 3/26/2008 18.7 374 6/25/2008 22.1 344 9/10/2008 18.8 333 10/15/2008 21.3 366 3/4/2009 15.3 332 6/24/2009 15.3 328 9/15/2009 3.3 328 12/16/2009 14.2 371 2/23/2010 14.4 296 6/8/2010 16 306 8/10/2010 14 250 10/5/2010 15 312 2/16/2011 15 315 5/25/2011 16 321 8/16/2011 16 276 11/15/2011 16 294 1/18/2012 16 304 5/31/2012 16 287 9/11/2012 17 334 10/3/2012 17 338 2/11/2013 9.04 190 6/5/2013 5.24 136 9/3/2013 5.69 119 10/29/2013 6.10 88.6 1/27/2014 2.16 85.7 5/19/2014 1.21 51.1 8/11/2014 1.6 67 10/21/2014 1.03 58.1 3/9/2015 14.4 310 6/8/2015 1.14 58.3 8/31/2015 1.63 69.2 10/21/2015 1.78 93.7 3/9/2016 0.837 62.7 5/23/2016 0.959 75.5 7/25/2016 1.78 74.1 10/12/2016 1.24 59.8 3/8/2017 17.0 285 MW-30 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 6/22/2005 12.4 6/22/2005 125 9/22/2005 12.8 9/22/2005 125 12/14/2005 13.6 12/14/2005 128 3/22/2006 13.8 3/22/2006 125 6/21/2006 14.5 6/21/2006 124 9/13/2006 14.1 9/13/2006 118 10/25/2006 14.6 10/25/2006 124 3/15/2007 14.4 3/15/2007 125 8/22/2007 14.6 8/22/2007 126 10/24/2007 14.9 10/24/2007 122 3/19/2008 14.8 3/19/2008 118 6/3/2008 18.7 6/3/2008 125 8/4/2008 17.3 8/4/2008 121 11/5/2008 15.6 11/5/2008 162 2/3/2009 15.3 2/3/2009 113 5/13/2009 15.1 5/13/2009 122 8/24/2009 20.9 8/24/2009 118 10/14/2009 15.0 10/14/2009 129 1/20/2010 15.4 1/20/2010 106 2/9/2010 16.1 2/9/2010 127 4/27/2010 15.8 4/27/2010 97 5/24/2010 17.0 9/14/2010 111 6/15/2010 15.3 11/9/2010 126 8/24/2010 16.0 2/1/2011 134 9/14/2010 15.0 4/11/2011 134 10/19/2010 15.0 5/10/2011 128 11/9/2010 15.0 6/20/2011 127 12/14/2010 16.0 7/5/2011 127 1/10/2011 15.0 8/3/2011 126 2/1/2011 16.0 9/7/2011 145 3/14/2011 17.0 10/4/2011 129 4/11/2011 16.0 11/8/2011 122 5/10/2011 16.0 12/12/2011 124 6/20/2011 17.0 1/24/2012 124 7/5/2011 17.0 2/14/2012 126 8/3/2011 14.0 3/14/2012 128 9/7/2011 16.0 4/10/2012 128 10/4/2011 16.0 5/2/2012 124 11/8/2011 16.0 6/18/2012 131 12/12/2011 16.0 7/10/2012 128 1/24/2012 17.0 8/7/2012 139 2/14/2012 17.0 9/19/2012 130 3/14/2012 18.0 10/23/2012 135 MW-30 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 4/10/2012 17.0 11/13/2012 114 5/2/2012 16.0 12/26/2012 122 6/18/2012 15.0 1/23/2013 128 7/10/2012 17.0 2/26/2013 129 8/7/2012 18.0 3/20/2013 126 9/19/2012 16.0 4/17/2013 117 10/23/2012 16.2 5/15/2013 119 11/13/2012 18.5 6/25/2013 127 12/26/2012 17.2 7/10/2013 130 1/23/2013 19.2 8/20/2013 126 2/26/2013 21.4 9/18/2013 131 3/20/2013 14.3 10/22/2013 128 4/17/2013 16.8 11/20/2013 124 5/15/2013 18.8 12/18/2013 134 6/25/2013 16.1 1/8/2014 131 7/10/2013 17.6 2/25/2014 135 8/20/2013 16.4 3/11/2014 144 9/18/2013 16.9 4/23/2014 154 10/22/2013 19.7 5/14/2014 128 11/20/2013 19.5 6/3/2014 128 12/18/2013 20.7 7/29/2014 140 1/8/2014 20.3 8/20/2014 139 2/25/2014 18.4 9/9/2014 136 3/11/2014 21.3 10/7/2014 136 4/23/2014 18.3 11/10/2014 154 5/14/2014 17.9 12/10/2014 138 6/3/2014 19.4 1/21/2015 144 7/29/2014 15.6 2/4/2015 136 8/20/2014 13.8 3/3/2015 132 9/9/2014 16.8 4/8/2015 142 10/7/2014 11.0 5/12/2015 145 11/10/2014 16.2 6/24/2015 142 12/10/2014 17.1 7/7/2015 145 1/21/2015 19.5 8/11/2015 165 2/4/2015 14.9 9/15/2015 165 3/3/2015 17.3 10/7/2015 137 MW-30 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 4/8/2015 17.0 11/11/2015 140 5/12/2015 16.1 12/9/2015 144 6/24/2015 15.8 1/20/2016 143 7/7/2015 15.3 2/10/2016 145 8/11/2015 17.9 3/2/2016 142 9/15/2015 17.3 4/13/2016 144 10/7/2015 19.1 5/4/2016 139 11/11/2015 16.3 6/14/2016 142 12/9/2015 18.2 7/13/2016 137 1/20/2016 14.6 8/18/2016 150 2/10/2016 20.0 9/14/2016 146 3/2/2016 17.8 10/5/2016 148 4/13/2016 18.0 11/3/2016 143 5/4/2016 17.3 12/6/2016 158 6/14/2016 18.5 1/18/2017 150 7/13/2016 16.1 2/2/2017 150 8/18/2016 18.0 3/6/2017 250 9/14/2016 17.0 10/5/2016 17.2 11/3/2016 18.0 12/6/2016 18.2 1/18/2017 19.0 2/2/2017 17.4 3/6/2017 20.4 Under the groundwater sampling program, accelerated monitoring for nitrate began in MW-30 prior to when the accelerated monitoring for chloride began. This difference accounts for the different number of data points represented above. MW-31 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 6/22/2005 24.2 6/22/2005 139 9/22/2005 22.4 9/22/2005 136 12/14/2005 23.8 12/14/2005 135 3/22/2006 24.1 3/22/2006 133 6/21/2006 25.3 6/21/2006 138 9/13/2006 24.6 9/13/2006 131 10/25/2006 25.1 10/25/2006 127 3/15/2007 23.2 3/15/2007 132 3/15/2007 22.0 3/15/2007 132 8/27/2007 23.3 8/27/2007 136 10/24/2007 24.6 10/24/2007 122 3/19/2008 25.0 3/19/2008 124 6/3/2008 29.3 6/3/2008 128 8/4/2008 28.7 8/4/2008 124 11/11/2008 29.9 11/11/2008 119 2/3/2009 23.4 2/3/2009 115 5/13/2009 22.4 5/13/2009 124 8/24/2009 15.4 8/24/2009 122 10/14/2009 22.6 10/14/2009 138 2/9/2010 21.7 2/9/2010 128 4/20/2010 22.5 4/20/2010 128 5/21/2010 23.0 9/13/2010 139 6/15/2010 21.1 11/9/2010 138 8/24/2010 22.0 2/1/2011 145 9/13/2010 21.0 4/1/2011 143 10/19/2010 20.0 5/10/2011 143 11/9/2010 20.0 6/20/2011 145 12/14/2010 20.0 7/5/2011 148 1/10/2011 19.0 8/2/2011 148 2/1/2011 21.0 9/6/2011 148 3/14/2011 22.0 10/3/2011 145 4/1/2011 21.0 11/8/2011 145 5/10/2011 20.0 12/12/2011 148 6/20/2011 22.0 1/24/2012 155 7/5/2011 22.0 2/13/2012 150 8/2/2011 20.0 3/13/2012 152 9/6/2011 21.0 4/9/2012 160 10/3/2011 21.0 5/2/2012 151 11/8/2011 21.0 6/18/2012 138 12/12/2011 21.0 7/9/2012 161 1/24/2012 21.0 8/6/2012 175 2/13/2012 21.0 9/18/2012 172 3/13/2012 22.0 10/22/2012 157 4/9/2012 21.0 11/6/2012 189 5/2/2012 20.0 12/18/2012 170 MW-31 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 6/18/2012 21.6 1/22/2013 176 7/9/2012 21.0 2/19/2013 174 8/6/2012 21.0 3/19/2013 168 9/18/2012 21.0 4/16/2013 171 10/22/2012 18.0 5/13/2013 169 11/6/2012 23.6 6/24/2013 179 12/18/2012 22.2 7/9/2013 182 1/22/2013 22.8 8/19/2013 183 2/19/2013 19.3 9/17/2013 193 3/19/2013 19.1 10/23/2013 188 4/16/2013 18.8 11/18/2013 174 5/13/2013 23.8 12/17/2013 203 6/24/2013 20.0 1/7/2014 194 7/9/2013 21.7 2/17/2014 197 8/19/2013 16.0 3/10/2014 230 9/17/2013 21.2 4/28/2014 230 10/23/2013 21.2 5/13/2014 200 11/18/2013 23.9 6/2/2014 173 12/17/2013 24.2 7/28/2014 200 1/7/2014 24.0 8/18/2014 210 2/17/2014 20.6 9/3/2014 210 3/10/2014 26.2 10/6/2014 205 4/28/2014 19.1 11/4/2014 204 5/13/2014 23.3 12/9/2014 215 6/2/2014 23.1 1/20/2015 226 7/28/2014 19.0 2/2/2015 211 8/18/2014 15.2 3/3/2015 209 9/3/2014 18.9 4/7/2015 211 10/6/2014 15.9 5/11/2015 225 11/4/2014 20.9 6/23/2015 228 12/9/2014 17.0 7/6/2015 222 1/20/2015 20.9 8/10/2015 264 2/2/2015 18.7 9/15/2015 231 3/3/2015 19.8 10/6/2015 222 MW-31 Date Nitrate (mg/1) Date Chloride (mg/1) 4/7/2015 19.0 11/9/2015 215 5/11/2015 18.4 12/8/2015 231 6/23/2015 18.0 1/19/2016 228 7/6/2015 18.8 2/15/2016 246 8/10/2015 19.9 3/2/2016 228 9/15/2015 18.9 4/12/2016 254 10/6/2015 22.0 5/3/2016 243 11/9/2015 18.4 6/15/2016 252 12/8/2015 19.5 7/12/2016 241 1/19/2016 18.9 8/16/2016 272 2/15/2016 18.8 9/13/2016 254 3/2/2016 18.0 10/4/2016 260 4/12/2016 22.8 11/1/2016 267 5/3/2016 18.6 12/5/2016 274 6/15/2016 19.2 1/17/2017 287 7/12/2016 17.4 2/7/2017 266 8/16/2016 19.7 3/6/2017 250 9/13/2016 18.6 10/4/2016 18.8 11/1/2016 19.8 12/5/2016 18.5 1/17/2017 20.9 2/7/2017 21.1 3/6/2017 20.4 Under the groundwater sampling progran, accelerated monitoring for nitrate began in MW-31 prior to when the accelerated monitoring for chloride began. This difference accounts for the different number of data points represented above. TabK Concentration Trend Graphs .-------r--.----,.------.--...-----,----,---,.------r---. L ~ -das 9 ~-ABV\1 17~-oaa rn c 0 ; C'CI llo. £ ~ -Bnv -c G) (,) c 0 0 G) -C'CI llo. .:!::::: z C:: ~ -Jd'v' T"" llo. G) -G) E 0 N G) D. 0~-AON 5o-1nr (1/6W) rn t: 0 ... co .... -t: (L) u t: 0 0 (L) "C 'i: 0 .J: 0 ,.... .... (L) -(L) E 0 N .! c.. 0 0> 0 CX) 0 <0 0 0 LO "<t (1/6W) 0 C') 0 C\l 0 0 ,- 9 ~ -ABV\1 8 ~-5nv c~-Jd\f Q~-AON 6o-1nr en c 0 ; m ... -c CD u c 0 0 CD -m ... ~ z N ... CD a; E 0 N CD c.. 0 0 0) 0 " • ......- ·K 0 0 co 0 0 0 f'.. 0 ~..- ~ ~ ...... 0 0 CD 0 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '""' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 0 0 (t) 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L~-das 9 ~-ABV\1 v~-oaa 8 ~ -onv 0 ~-AON 6o-1nr so-qa.:J In c: 0 ... m ... -c: CD (,) c: 0 0 CD "C 'i: 0 .c: 0 C'll ... CD -CD E 0 N .! c.. q co ,.... 0 cO ,.... 0 ...; ,.... q 0 0 00 ,.... (1t6w) 0 0 9 ~-keVIl v~-oaa £~-5nv G ~ -Jd\f 0~-AON 6o-1nr UJ c 0 ~ -c Cl) () c 0 0 Cl) -m ... !::: z <( ('t) ... Cl) a; E 0 N Cl) ll. ~~ ~ ' C\1 0 L ~-uer 9 ~-/\ON ~ -9 ~-onv 9~-unr ~ 9 ~-J'BV\J co C\1 0 (1/6W) 1/) c 0 ; ca ... -c C1) (,) c 0 0 C1) "C 'i: .2 .c 0 oct ('I) ... C1) -C1) E 0 N .!!! D. C\1 0 (X) 0 T'"" CD 0 C\1 0 0 0 T'"" CD 0> C\1 0> n-uer g~-AON 9~-PO 9~-onv 9~-unr 9 ~-ABV\1 g ~-keV\1 17~-oaa tn c 0 ·.;::; £ ~-Bnv C'IS ... -c Cl) u c 0 0 Cl) -C'IS ... c ~ -JdV ."!:: z ,... I z ~ 0~-AON C\J 1.{) 0 0 (1J6W) en c 0 -.::: tel ... -c (I) CJ c 0 0 (I) 't:J "i: 0 .t:. 0 'I'"" I z ~ 0 C') It) C\1 0 C\1 (1/6W) It) 0 ..... 9 ~-ABV\1 v~-oaa £~-5nv G ~ -JdV o~-1\oN 0 1/) c 0 ;; ctl ... -c Cl) CJ c 0 0 Cl) -ctl ... :!:: z N I z 3: 1- .---------,-------.----....---------,----.--------,..-H-das g ~-AeV'J £~-5nv c~-JdV o~-AoN -6o-1nr r----~---~----+-----r----r----+Bo-qa~ 0 C\J 0 0 0 co 0 CD {1J6W) 0 C\J 0 II) c 0 ':.j:l as ... -c Cl) u c 0 0 Cl) "C 'i: 0 ..c 0 N I z ~ .--------,--------.----...,------.-----.-------..,.. H-das 9 ~ -Aelfll -v~-oaa 8 ~-onv G ~ -JdV -0 ~-/\ON 1------+------+----+-----+----r------+-so-qa::J 0 C\J 0 0 0 co 0 co (1t6w) 0 C\J 0 tn c 0 "+::0 ca "--c Cl) (J c 0 0 Cl) -ca "-."!:: z ('I) I z == 1- 1.0 (") 0 (") 1.0 C\J 0 C\J 1.0 0 1.0 ,.... 9 ~-ABV\1 p~-oaa £ ~ -5nv G ~ -Jdy Q~-AON 6o-1nr 0 CIJ c 0 ... m .... -c C1) u c 0 (.) C1) , 'i: ..2 .c (.) (") I z ~ 0 0 C\1 0 co ..- 0 co 0 C\1 0 0 ..- 0 co 0 co 0 '<t 0 C\1 9 ~-ABV\1 v~-oaa £~-5nv c~-JdV 0~-AON 6o-1nr 0 "' t: 0 ; ca ... -t: C1) CJ c 0 (.) C1) -ca ... :!::::: z 'lll:t I z ~ 0 10 (Y) 0 0 ct:i 0 10 C\i 0 0 C\i 0 10 (1t6w),.... 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 9 ~ -ABV\1 v~-oaa 8~-5nv U-Jd'lf 0~-AON so-1nr In c 0 .. ca ... -c Cl) CJ c 0 0 Cl) "C "i: 0 .c 0 -.::1" I z ~ .-----.-----~------.-----~-----r-----,------~-----r L~-das 9 ~-ABV\1 £ ~ -onv G ~ -Jd'v' 0~-AON 1-----+------+--------ir--------+------+------+------+------+ so-qa.:J 0 0 ""'" 0 L() C') 0 0 C') q L() C\J 0 0 (1f6w) 0 Lri T""" 0 0 0 Lri 0 0 en c 0 ... ca ... -c CD u c 0 (.) CD -ca ... ~ z 1"--I z ~ 0 0 lO C\1 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 lO (1t6w) 0 0 C! 0 0 lO c::i 0 0 0 c::i g ~-lie~ 8 ~-onv l ~ -Jd'V 0~-AON U) c 0 -.::; m .... -c C1) u c 0 0 C1) "C 'i: 0 .c 0 ....... I z ~ 0 0 tO ... 0 0 -:i 0 <=! C\1 .... 0 0 0 T""" 0 0 (1/fffi.) 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N w """ l.n 0'1 -..J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/1/2002 12/1/2002 5/1/2003 10/1/2003 3/1/2004 8/1/2004 1/1/2005 6/1/2005 11/1/2005 4/1/2006 9/1/2006 -1 2/1/2007 ~ 7/1/2007 ~ I ...,a. 12/1/2007 \0 5/1/2008 z -· 10/1/2008 ,... .., GJ 3/1/2009 ,... tD 8/1/2009 n 1/1/2010 0 ::::s 6/1/2010 n tD 11/1/2010 ::::s ,... 4/1/2011 .., GJ 9/1/2011 ,... -· 0 2/1/2012 ::::s "' 7/1/2012 12/1/2012 5/1/2013 10/1/2013 3/1/2014 8/1/2014 1/1/2015 6/1/2015 11/1/2015 4/1/2016 9/1/2016 2/1/2017 ...... ...... 1./1 0 1./1 0 0 0 0 12/1/2005 4/1/2006 8/1/2006 12/1/2006 4/1/2007 8/1/2007 12/1/2007 4/1/2008 8/1/2008 12/1/2008 4/1/2009 8/1/2009 12/1/2009 4/1/2010 8/1/2010 12/1/2010 4/1/2011 8/1/2011 12/1/2011 4/1/2012 8/1/2012 12/1/2012 4/1/2013 8/1/2013 12/1/2013 4/1/2014 8/1/2014 12/1/2014 4/1/2015 8/1/2015 12/1/2015 4/1/2016 8/1/2016 12/1/2016 N 0 0 N 1./1 0 w 0 0 w 1./1 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 1./1 0 1./1 0 0 -t :E ~ I ~ U) n :::r -0 .., -· a. tD n 0 ::::J n tD ::::J r1' .., OJ r1' -· 0 ::::J V) V') c: 0 ·-...., ra .... ...., c: (U u c: 0 u (U ...., ~ ...., ·-z '1""'1 N I ~ s 1- ~ a N ~ 00 .-t a ..,; .-t ~ N .-t a ci .-t a <Xi ~ <.0 ~ N a ci 0 ...... 0 0 N 0 0 w 0 0 ""' 0 0 1.11 0 0 C'\ 0 0 12/1/2005 +-----+-----+-----t-------...----+------+-----; 4/1/2006 8/1/2006 12/1/2006 4/1/2007 8/1/2007 12/1/2007 4/1/2008 8/1/2008 12/1/2008 4/1/2009 8/1/2009 12/1/2009 4/1/2010 8/1/2010 12/1/2010 4/1/2011 8/1/2011 12/1/2011 4/1/2012 8/1/2012 12/1/2012 4/1/2013 8/1/2013 12/1/2013 4/1/2014 8/1/2014 12/1/2014 - 4/1/2015 8/1/2015 12/1/2015 4/1/2016 8/1/2016 12/1/2016 -1 :E ,J::I. I N ...,a. n :::r -0 '""': -· c.. tD n 0 ::::J n tD ::::J ,... '""': QJ ,... -· 0 ::::J "' 2/28/2007 6/27/2007 8/15/2007 10/10/2007 3/26/2008 6/25/2008 9/10/2008 10/15/2008 3/11/2009 6/24/2009 9/15/2009 12/29/2009 3/3/2010 6/15/2010 8/12/2010 8/24/2010 10/13/2010 2/23/2011 6/1/2011 8/17/2011 11/16/2011 1/19/2012 6/13/2012 9/12/2012 10/4/2012 2/11/2013 6/5/2013 9/3/2013 10/29/2013 1/27/2014 5/19/2014 8/11/2014 10/21/2014 3/9/2015 6/8/2015 8/31/2015 10/19/2015 3/9/2016 5/23/2016 7/25/2016 10/12/2016 3/8/2017 0 1-' 0 N 0 UJ 0 mg/L ""' 0 V1 0 0"1 0 -..J 0 00 0 -1 :E ~ I N N z ;:::; Q] ,... It) n 0 ::J n It) ::J ,... 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'""': OJ ,... -· 0 ::::J U) en c: 0 ·-... ~ ... c: cu u c: 0 u cu ... ~ ... ·- ..... ..... N N w w Vl 0 Vl 0 Vl 0 Vl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/1/2005 10/1/2005 2/1/2006 6/1/2006 10/1/2006 2/1/2007 6/1/2007 10/1/2007 2/1/2008 6/1/2008 10/1/2008 2/1/2009 ~ 6/1/2009 ~ I 10/1/2009 w ....,a. 2/1/2010 n =r 6/1/2010 -0 10/1/2010 ""' -· Q. 2/1/2011 tD 6/1/2011 n 0 10/1/2011 ::::s n 2/1/2012 tD ::::s 6/1/2012 ,... ""' OJ 10/1/2012 ,... -· 2/1/2013 0 ::::s 6/1/2013 "' 10/1/2013 2/1/2014 6/1/2014 10/1/2014 2/1/2015 6/1/2015 10/1/2015 2/1/2016 6/1/2016 10/1/2016 2/1/2017 TabL CSV Transmittal Letter Kathy Weinel From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mr. Goble, Kathy Weinel Monday, May 22, 2017 1:33 PM 'Phillip Goble' 'Dean Henderson'; Mark Chalmers; David Turk; Scott Bakken; Logan Shumway; David Frydenlund Transmittal of CSV Files White Mesa Mill 2017 Q1 Nitrate Monitoring 1702367-report-EDD.csv; Q1 2017 Nitrate DTWs.csv; Q1 2017 Nitrate Field.csv Attached to this e-mail is an electronic copy of laboratory results for nitrate monitoring conducted at the White Mesa Mill during the first quarter of 2017, in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. Please contact me at 303-389-4134 if you have any questions on this transmittal. Yours Truly Kathy Weinel 1 TabM Residual Mass Estimate Analysis Figure g CD -I'll E :;:::: (/) w (/) (/) I'll :!!: CD E :::J a: CD -I'll .. -z 45000 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 400001 ' ,, 1 1 \ ~ \ 35000 30000 25000 +-----------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------~ y = -292.04x + 37486 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!>.~ "~ 0,~ ~""0 -b.~ ""~ ·~0 VJ "~ ~ ~ ~ 0' ~"(,;, &-~ ~"(,;, ~~ 0: ~"~ 0'1,~ ~"~ ~~ 0: ~"~ '!>.~ (J ~~ &-~ ~ ~ cY ~~ '!>.~ (J ~"(,;, "~ 0 'Q'l><a 0' ._.....,_ Nitrate Plume Mass Estimates ---Linear (Nitrate Plume Mass Estimates) HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. (J 0 ()! 0: U' ...., Time Series of Nitrate Plume Mass Estimates Approved SJS Figure M.1 H:\718000\may17\nitrate\mass_estimate\Nmtrend1 017: Fig M.1 Table M.1 Residual Nitrate Plume Mass residual plume quarter mass (lb) baseline 43700 01 2013 41350 02 2013 34140 03 2013 36930 04 2013 41150 01 2014 31410 02 2014 30620 03 2014 24140 04 2014 34370 01 2015 38740 02 2015 33042 03 2015 34880 04 2015 30980 01 2016 33083 02 2016 28465 03 2016 32230 04 2016 31798 01 2017 43787 Notes: /bs =pounds