HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2015-008588 - 0901a068805c1deeENERGYFUELS Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www.energyfuels.com November 24, 2015 Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control Sent VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Scott Anderson Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Re: Transmittal of 3rd Quarter 2015 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Anderson: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2015 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order, UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 as well as two CDs each containing a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly, ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager CC: David C. Frydenlund Harold R. Roberts David E. Turk Dan Hillsten Scott Bakken eJEN~RGYFUELS November 24, 2015 Sent VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Mr. Scott Anderson Director Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Suite 600 Lakewood, CO, US, 80228 303 974 2140 www .energyfuels.com Re: Transmittal of 3rd Quarter 2015 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Anderson: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2015 as required by the Stipulation and Consent Order, UDEQ Docket No. UGW-20-01 as well as two CDs each containing a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. ~~~l~ ENERGY FUELS RESOURCES (USA) INC. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager CC: David C. Frydenlund Harold R. Roberts David E. Turk Dan Hillsten Scott Bakken White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report State of Utah Stipulation and Consent Order Docket No. UGW-20-01 3rd Quarter (July through September) 2015 Prepared by: Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 225 Union Boulevard, Suite 600 Lakewood, CO 80228 November 24, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING ...................................................................... 1 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter ..................................... I 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring .............................................................................. 1 2.1. 2 Parameters Analyzed .................................................................................. 2 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring ................................................................... 2 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures ....... 3 2.2.1 Decontamination Procedures ...................................................................... 3 2.2.2 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater .................................................... 4 2.2.3 Sample Collection ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 Field Data ............................................................................................................. 6 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map ............................... 6 2.5 Laboratory Results .............................................................................................. 6 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results ......................................................................... 6 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework ............................................................................... 6 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION ................................... 6 3.1 Field QC Samples ................................................................................................ 7 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs ..................................................................... 7 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review ........................................................................... 7 3.4 Data Validation .................................................................................................... 8 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation .................................................................... 8 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation ............................................................................. 9 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation ................................................................. 9 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist ...................................................................... 9 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation ...................................................................... 10 3.4.6 Receipt pH Evaluation .............................................................................. 10 3.4.7 Trip Blank Evaluation ............................................................................... 10 3.4.8 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates ................................................ 10 3.4.9 Rinsate Sample Check ............................................................................... 10 3.4.10 Other Laboratory QA/QC ......................................................................... 11 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA ....................................................................... 12 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions ........... 12 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map ................................................... 12 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter. ........................................................ 1 · 4.1.3 Hydrographs ............................................................................................... 17 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Mea ·ured and Groundwater Elevation ................. 17 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effecli vene. of Hydraulic Capture ............................ 1 4.2 Review of Analytical Results ............................................................................ 20 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map .............................................. 20 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs .................................. 21 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data ............................................................... 21 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP 'fEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW4-4 OPERATIONS REPORT ..................................................................... 24 5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 24 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection ............................................................................... 24 5.3 Water Level Measurements ............................................................................... 25 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes ............................................................................. 25 5.4.1 MW-4 ............................................................................................................... 25 5.4.2 TW4-11 ............................................................................................................ 26 5.5 Mass Removed and Plume Residual Mi!t! s ....................................................... 26 5.6 Inspe ·Lion .................................................................................... ; ................... 2 5.7 onditio~l-That .May Affect Water Level in Piez meter· .............................. 26 6.0 ORiffiCTIVE A TION REPORT ................................................................. 26 6.1 A e menc ·of Previou Quarter . orrective Actions ..................................... 27 7.0 CURRE T CO.MPLIAN E TATU .............................................................. 27 7.1 Long Term 'h1 orofonn Plume Cdnt.rol ............................................................ 27 7.2 Well Construction, Maintenance and Operation ............................................... 27 7.3 Disposal of Extracted Groundwater .................................................................. 27 7.4 Compliance Well Performance ......................................................................... 27 7.5 Chloroform Plume Monitoring for Well within 500 Feet of the Propet:ty Boundary .......................................................................................................... 28 8.0 ON LUSIO S AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 28 9.0 ELE TRONJC DATA FILES AND FORMAT .............................................. 3l 0.0 SIGNATURE ND ERTIFI ATIO·N ........................................................... 32 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Well Sampling for the Period ii INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Depth to Water Data Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells OverTime Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables I-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation I-2 Holding Time Evaluation I-3 Receipt Temperature Check I-4 Analytical Method Check I-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation I-6 Trip Blank Evaluation I-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates I-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks I-9 Rinsate Check Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs Over Time Tab L Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data Over Time Tab M CSV Transmittal Letter Tab N Evaluation of Productivity at TW4-19 and TW4-24 iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION The pr nee of cWor form was initially identified in gr un:dwater at the WhiLe M sa MiU (the "Mill ') a a re ·ult of ·pl it ampl ing per~ rmed i.n May 1999. T he dl covcry re ·ulted in U1e issuance of State of Utah N tice of Vi olati n 'N OV" and roundwater orrecli ve A tion Ord r 'CAO ) State of Urah Department f Env ironmenta l Quali ty (' UDEQ'') Di i 'ion of Waste Management and Racli atio~ ontrol (''DWMRC") Docket No. UGW-20-01, which required that Ener:gy ~uel Resoul'ce. (US A) In . ("EFRI") submit a Contamination Investigation Plao and Report pur ·uant to the p.rov i ·ion of AC R317-6-6.15(D). In response to the NOV, EFRl uo01it te I erie f d \,ill'lent. outl ining plan for inve ligation of th chlorof rm contamination. This plan of action and preliminary ·chedule wn: et out in EFRI 'ubmittal dated: September 20, 1999; June 30, 2000; April 14, 2005· and N vern er 29 2006. EFRf submitted a draft Groundwater Corrective Action Pltm ( 'GCAP ) dated Augu. t 22 2007. The draft GCAP was reviewed by the Director, who advised EFRI in 2013 that modifications were required. Io an ef.forr. to expedite and formalize active and continued remediation of the hl to:fi nn plu me b th parties have agreed to the GCAP found in Attachment 1, of the final Stipulation and Consent Order ("SCO") dated September 14, 2015. This is the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report for the third quarter of 2015 as required under the SCO. This report also includes the Operations Report for MW-04, TW4-01, TW4-04, TW4-02, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, MW-26, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TW4- 3 7 for the quarter. 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter A map showing the location of aH groundwatet monito ri ng well , piezometer existing wells, temporary chloroform contami nant iave tigalion welt and lemporar nit1:ate jn e tigation wells is attached under Tab A. Cl lorofom1 :amples nd mea ~1remen taken du d ng this reporting period are discussed in the remainder of this section. 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring Quarterly sampling for chloroform monitoring parameters is currently required in the following wells: MW-4 TW4-9 TW4-18 TW4-27 TW4-36 TW4-1 TW4-10 TW4-19 TW4-28 TW4-37 TW4-2 TW4-11 TW4-20 TW4-29 TW4-3 TW4-12 TW4-21 TW4-30 TW4-4 TW4-13 TW4-22 TW4-31 TW4-5 TW4-14 TW4-23 TW4-32 TW4-6 MW-26 (formerly TW4-15) TW4-24 TW4-33 TW4-7 TW4-16 TW4-25 TW4-34 TW4-8 MW-32 (formerly TW4-17) TW4-26 TW4-35 1 Chloroform mon_i tori ng was p~rformed in all of lhe required chJ or form moililoti ng we!l . Table l pro ides ~m overvi w of aU wei.! a:mpled dur Ln g rhe quarter along with the date atnple. were collected froti1 eacb well and the date when analytical data were received fr m U1e contra t laboratory. Tab le 1 al o ldemifle. equipment rin ate ample co llected as well a ~ample num b r assocjaied with the deioojzed field blank ( 'DJFB') and any required dLlpJicate . 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed Wells sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents: • Chloroform • Chloromethane • Carbon tetrachloride • Methylene chloride • Chloride • Nitrate plus Nitrite as Nitrogen Use of analytical methods is consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform Investigation Monitoring Quality Assurance Program (the "Chloroform QAP") attached as Appendix A to the White Mesa Uranium Mill Groundwater Monitoring QAP Revision 7.2, dated June 6, 2012. 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring Depth to groundwater was measured in the following wells and/or piezometers, pursuant to Part I.E.3 of the Groundwater Discharge Permit (the "GWDP"): • The quarterly grou ndwater complian ·e monitoring wells • Existio rnonit rin g well MW -4 and all of the temporary chloroform investigation wells • Piezometer P-1 P-2 , P-3 P-4 ahd P-5 • MW-20 and MW-22 • Nitrate monitoring wells • The DR piezometers that were installed during the Southwest Hydrologic Investigation In addition to the above, depth to water measurements are routinely observed in conjunction with sampling events for all wells sampled during quarterly and accelerated efforts, regardless of the sampling purpose. Weekly and m ntbly depth to groundwater me~ urement: were taken in lbecblorofonn pu mpj ng well MW-4, MW-26 TW4-I, TW4-2, TW4-4 TW4-ll, TW4-l9 TW4-20, TW4-2 1, TW4-37, and lhc nitrat pumping we Us TW4-22 TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN~02. In addition, mon thly wateJ level mea urements were taketr in non-pum1 ing we lL MW-27 MW-30 MW-3 1 TW4-2 I TWN-1, TWN-3, TWN-4, TWN-7, an d TWN-18. 2 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures EFRI completed, and transmitted to DWMRC on May 25, 2006, a revised QAP for sampling under the Mill's GWDP. While the water sampling conducted for chloroform investigation purposes has conformed to the general principles set out in the QAP, some of the requirements in the QAP were not fully implemented prior to DWMRC's approval of the QAP, for reasons set out in correspondence to DWMRC dated December 8, 2006. Subsequent to the delivery of the December 8, 2006 letter, EFRI discussed the issues brought forward in the letter with DWMRC and has received correspondence from DWMRC about those issues. In response to DWMRC's letter and subsequent discussions with DWMRC, EFRI modified the chloroform Quality Assurance ("QA") procedures within the Chloroform QAP. The Chloroform QAP describes the requirements of the chloroform investigation program and identifies where they differ from the Groundwater QAP. On June 20, 2009 the Chloroform QAP was modified to require that the quarterly chloroform reports include additional items specific to EFRI's ongoing pump testing and chloroform capture efforts. The Groundwater QAP as well as the Chloroform QAP were revised again on June 6, 2012. The revised Groundwater QAP and Chloroform QAP, Revision 7.2 were approved by DWMRC on June 7, 2012. The sampling methodology, equipment and decontamination procedures used in the chloroform contaminant investigation, as summarized below, are consistent with the approved QAP Revision 7.2 and the Chloroform QAP. 2.2.1 Decontamination Procedures Non-dedicated sampling equipment is decontaminated prior to use as described in the DWMRC- approved QAP and as summarized below. The water level meter is decontaminated with a detergent/deionized ("DI") water mixture by pouring the solutions over the water level indicator. The water level meter is then rinsed with DI water. The fJeld me, ur meot in trum•nr probe L decontaminated by rinsing with DI water prior to ea h calibration. he ample c Lleclion cup i washed with a detergent/DI water solution and rin d witb ft"e. h DI wa ter pl'ior lO each calibrati n. The non-dedicated purging pump is decontaminated after each use and prior to use at subsequent sampling locations using the following procedures: a) the pump is submerged into a 55-gallon drum of nonphosphate detergent/DI water mixture; b) the detergent/DI water solution is pumped through the pump and pump outlet lines into the drain line connected to Cell 1; c) the pump is submerged into a 55-gallon drum of DI water; d) the DI water solution is pumped through the pump and pump outlet lines into the drain line connected to Cell 1 ; 3 2.2.2 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater Tb non-vumping weJL are purged prior to , amp.ling by means of a portable pump. A list of the w ll .in orde r of increa,. ing bJoroB rm concenlralion is generated quarterly. The order for purging tJ1e non-pumping i tlm e ta llshed. The list is included with the Field Data Work, heeLs under Tab B. Mill pers nnel tan purging with all of the non-detect wells and then mo e to the well with dete table chloroform concentrations staring with the lowest concentration and pr ceeding to th wells with Lhe highest concentration. One deviation to this pra tice i. ma le for the continuously pmnp.ing w Jls. These wells are sampled throughout the ·ampling event and ur"" not. ampled in the order of contamination. This practice does not affect the . amp.lc for thi. reason: the pumping well have dedicated pumps and there will be no cross- contamination re ulting from the arnpling order. Sample are collected by means of dispo able bailer(s) the day r Jlowing rhe pu~:ging. The eli po abJe bailer i. u. ed oly for the collection of a ample from an individual well and dispo d :ub equen t the ·ampling. A noted in the approved QAP, Revi.sio.n 7.2 •. ampling will generally follow th ·arne rder < • purging· however the ampling rder may devi·tte li 0 htly from the :generated 11. t. This practice d not affect the ample for Lhese rea on ·: any weU . samp.led in lightly different order either have de.dicated pumps o.r ar amplcd ia a di p able bail.cr. Th.i. pracbce d not affect the quality or usab.iJity of the data a, ther ill be no ro :- contamin·ation r~ ulting fr m the ampUng order. Before leaving the Mill office the porrabJ pump and lw e are rim; d with deienized (' DJ') water. Where· p rtable non-dedicatee) ·an1pliog equipmentl u e l a rin ·ate ample i collect d ala f requen y of ne rin < te ample per 20 field . amp.le . W ell depth mea:urem nL al'e taken and the one ca;ing. volume i calculated for lho e well, -...vhich do n0t have a dedicated pump as de ribed in Attachment 2-3 of the QAP. Purging is completed to J."emove ·tagnant water fr m theca ·ing and t a ·ure Lhc t repre entati ve rnple of formation water arc coJlected for analy. i. . There are three purging 'tralegies U1al are u ed to remove stagnant wat r [rom t.lJe.ca ing duri_ng groundwater ampling althe Mill. The tlrre trategies are as follows: 1. Purging three well ca ·j.ng volume with a single measurement of field parameters p cifi conducti jty, turbidity pH, red x potential and water temp .raLUre 2. Purging two ca. ing volutne · with table field pm·ameter for pecific conductivity, turbidity pH redox poteptial, and w ter lem:perature (wilhin 10% Relative Percent Difference ["RPD"]) 3. Purging a well to dryness and stability (within 10% RPD) of field parameters for pH, specific conductivity, and water temperature only after recovery If the well has a dedicated pump, it is pumped on a et chedule per the remediation plan and i. considered sufficiently evacuated to immediately c Ueet a . ample; however if a pumping well has been out of service for 48 hours or more, EFRI will follow the purging requirement outlined in Attachment 2-3 of the QAP. The dedicated pump ,j ' u ed to ·oiled pa1·ameter. _and to coUecl the samples as described below. If the well doe no t hav a dedi.cated pump, a Grundfo ·pump 4 (9 -10 gpm pump) is then lowered to the screened interval in the well and purging is started. The purge rate is measured for the well by using a calibrated 5 gallon bucket. This purging process is repeated at each well location moving from least contaminated to the most contaminated well. All wells are capped and secured prior to leaving the sampling location. Well with d · dkated pump are sampled when the pump is in the pumping mode. If the pump is not pumping at the t ime of 'ampling, it is manually switched on by the Mill Personnel. The well i pu mped for approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the collection of the field parameters. Per the ·appro ed QAP one 'et 0f parameters is collected. Samples are collected following the measurement of one set of field parameters. After sampling, the pump is turned off and allowed to resume its timed schedule. 2.2.3 Sample Collection Prior to sampling, a cooler with ice is prepared. The trip blank is also gathered at that time (the trip blank for these events is provided by the analytical laboratory). Once Mill Personnel arrive at the well sites, labels are filled out for the various samples to be collected. All personnel involved with the collection of water and samples are then outfitted with disposable gloves. Chloroform investigation samples are collected by means of disposable bailers. Mill personnel use a disposable bailer to sample each well that does not have a dedicated pump. The bailer is attached to a reel of approximately 150 feet of nylon rope and then lowered into the well. After coming into contact with the water, the bailer is allowed to sink into the water in order to fill. Once full, the bailer is reeled up out of the well and the sample bottles are filled as follows: • Volatile Organic Compound ("VOC") samples are collected first. This sample consists of three 40 ml vials provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The VOC sample is not filtered and is preserved with HCl; • A sample for nitrate/nitrite is then collected. This sample consists of one 250 ml. bottle that is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The nitrate/nitrite sample is not filtered and is preserved with H2S04; • A sample for chloride is then collected. This sample consists of one 500 ml. bottle that is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The chloride sample is not filtered and is not chemically preserved. After the samples have been collected for a particular well, the bailer is disposed of and the samples are placed into the cooler that contains ice. The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well. 5 2.3 Field Data Attached under Tab B are copies of the Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the quarter for the chloroform contaminant investigation monitoring wells identified in paragraph 2.1.1 above, and Table 1. 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map Attached under Tab C are copies of the Depth to Water Sheets for the weekly monitoring of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21 T W4-22 TW4- 24, TW4-25, TW4-37, and TWN-2 as well as the monthly depth to groundwater data for the chloroform contaminant investigation wells and the non-pumped well mea ·ured du ring the quarter. Depth to groundwater measurement U1at were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Quarterly Depth to Water W rk heet at Tab D of thi report, along with the kriged groundwater contour map for the current quatter generated from tb i data. A copy of the kriged groundwater contour map generated from the pi·e iou. ]ua:rler data i provided under Tab E. 2.5 Laboratory Results 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results All analytical results were provided by American West Analytical Laboratory ("AWAL"). Table 1 lists the dates when analytical results were reported to the QA Manager for each sample. Re ·ulls from U1 analyses of samples collected for this quarter'· chi reform contaminant investigati n are provided under Tab H of this Report. Also included under Tal R ar· the re olt of the ,analy, e for duplicate samples, the DIFB, and rinsate samples for lhi ampfing ffort a identified in Table 1, as well as results for trip blank analyses required by the Chloroform QAP. 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework As discussed in Section 1.0, above, the SCO triggered a series of actions on EFRI's part. In addition to the monitoring program, EFRI has equipped one nitrate well and thirteen chloroform wells with pumps to recover impacted groundwater, and has initiated recovery of chloroform from the perched zone. Sections 4 and 5, below, interpret the groundwater level and flow information, contaminant analytical results, and pump test data to assess effectiveness of EFRI's chloroform capture program. 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION The QA Manager performed a QA/Quali ty Control ( QC ) rev1ew to confirm com pliance of the monitoring program witb requirement. of U1e QAP. A reqnir d in the QAP. data QA include · preparation an.d analy ·i of Q am pies in rhe field review of fiel~ procedur aD ana1yte completenes rev·iew, and Q review of lab ratory method and data. Identification -:f field QC 6 samples collected and analyzed is provided in Section 3.1. Discussion of adherence to Mill sampling Standard Operating Procedures ("SOPs") is provided in Section 3.2. Analytical completeness review results are provided in Section 3.3. The steps and tests applied to check laboratory data QA/QC are discussed in Sections 3.4.4 through 3.4.9 below. The analytical laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference ("NELAC") certification and reporting protocol. The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports, including copies of the Mill's Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for each set of Analytical Results, follow the analytical results under Tab H. Results of the review of the laboratory QA/QC information are provided under Tab I and are discussed in Section 3.4, below. 3.1 Field QC Samples The following QC samples were generated by Mill personnel and submitted to the analytical laboratory in order to assess the quality of data resulting from the field sampling program. Field QC samples for the chloroform investigation program consist of one field duplicate sample for each 20 samples, a trip blank for each shipped cooler that contains VOCs, one DIFB and rinsate samples. During this quarter, two duplicate samples were collected as indicated in Table 1. The duplicates were sent blind to the analytical laboratory and analyzed for the same parameters as the chloroform wells. Two trip blanks were provided by AW ALand returned with the quarterly chloroform monitoring samples. Two rinsate blank samples were collected at a frequency of one rinsate per twenty samples per QAP Section 4.3.2 and as indicated on Table 1. Rinsate samples were labeled with the name of the subsequently purged well with a terminal letter "R" added (e.g. TW4-7R). The results of these analyses are included with the routine analyses under Tab H. In addition, one DIFB, while not required by the Chloroform QAP, was collected and analyzed for the same constituents as the well samples and rinsate blank samples. 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs The QA Manager's review of Mill Personnel's adherence to the existing SOPs, confirmed that the QA/QC requirements established in the QAP and Chloroform QAP were met. 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review All analyses required by the GCAP for chloroform monitoring for the period were performed. 7 3.4 Data Validation The QAP and GWDP identify the data validation steps and data QC checks required for the chloroform monitoring program. Consistent with these requirements, the QA Manager performed the following evaluations: a field data QA/QC evaluation, a holding time check, a receipt temperature check, an analytical method check, a reporting limit evaluation, a trip blank check, a QAJQC evaluation of sample duplicates, a QC Control Limit check for analyses and blanks including the DIFB and a rinsate sample check. Each evaluation is discussed in the following sections. Data check tables indicating the results of each test are provided under Tab I. 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation The QA Manager performs a review of the field recorded parameters to assess their adherence with QAP requirements. The assessment involved review of two sources of information: the Field Data Sheets and the Quarterly Depth to Water summary sheet. Review of the Field Data Sheets addresses well purging volumes and measurement of field parameters based on the requirements discussed in section 2.2.1 above. The purging technique employed determines the requirements for field parameter measurement and whether stability criteria are applied. Review of the Depth to Water data confirms that all depth measurements used for development of the groundwater contour maps were conducted within a five-day period as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab D. The results of this quarter's review of field data are provided under Tab I. Based upon the review of the field data sheets, the purging and field measurements were completed in conformance with the QAP requirements. A summary of the purging techniques employed and field measurements taken is described below: Purgin6rTwo Ca, in_ Velum with Lable Fi ld Parameter (within 10% RPD Wells TW4-5, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-16, MW-32, TW4-18, TW4-23, and TW4-32 were sampled after two casing volumes were removed. Field parameters (pH, specific conductivity, turbidity, water temperature, and redox potential) were measured during purging. All field parameters for this requirement were stable within 10% RPD. Purging a Well to Drynes. and Stabmty of a Limited Li t of Field Paramet J'. Wells TW4-3, TW4-6, TW4-7, TW4-10, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4- 28, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34, TW4-35, and TW4-36 were pumped to dryness before two casing volumes were evacuated. After well recovery, one set of measurements were taken. The samples were then collected, and another set of measurements were taken. Stabilization of pH, conductivity and temperature are required within 10% RPD under the QAP, Revision 7.2. The QAP requirements for stabilization were met. Continuously Pumped Wells Wells MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20 TW4-2l. TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TW4-37 are continuously pumped wells. Tbe e well are pumped on a set schedule per the remediation plan and are considered sufficiently eva uated to immediately collect a sample. 8 During review of the field data sheets, the QA Manager confirmed that sampling personnel consistently recorded depth to water to the nearest 0.01 foot. The review of the field sheets for compliance with QAP, Revision 7.2 requirements resulted in the observations noted below. The QAP requirements in Attachment 2-3 specifically state that field parameters mu t b tab·ilized to within 10% over at leru t 2 on eeuti· e mea ur men for wells purged to 2 ca ·ing olume r purged to dryness. The QAP Attac hment 2-3 tat~ that turbidity should be les lha n 5 NTU prior to sampling unl the well 1 bara ·terized by water that has a higher turbidity. The QAP Attachment 2-3 doe .not require th at turb.idity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations below regarding turbidity measurements greater than 5 NTU are included for information purposes only. Wells TW4-1, TW4-5, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-16, MW-32, TW4-18, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-23, TW4-25, TW4-32, and TW4-37 exceeded the QAP's 5 NTU goal. EFRI's letter to DWMRC of March 26, 2010 discusses further why turbidity does not appear to be an app1' priate parameter for e sing well stabilization. In response to DWMRC's subsequent correspond nee· dated June l 2010 and June 24, 2010, EFRI completed a monitoring well redevelopment program. be redevelopment report was submitted to DWMRC on September 30,201 L DWMR re:p nded to the redevelopment report via letter on November 15, 2012. Per the DWMRC letter dated November 15, 2012, the field data generated this quarter are compliant with the turbidity requirements of the approved QAP. 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation QAP Table 1 identifies the method holding times for each suite of parameters. Sample holding time checks are provided in Tab I. The samples were received and analyzed within the required holding times. 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation Chain of Custody _ heet. were reviewed to confirm compliance with the QAP requirement which specifies that ~irnple ~ be received at 6°C or lower. Sample temperatures checks are provided in Tab I. The sample. were received within the required temperature limit. 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist The analytical methods reported by the laboratory were checked against the required methods enumerated in the Chloroform QAP. Analytical method checks are provided in Tab I. The analytical methods were consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform QAP. 9 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation Th anaJytical method reporti ng Limits reported by Lh lab rat ry were checked again l U1e reporting Jjrni~ num ·ated iu the Chl oroform QAP. R p rling Limit Check.. at pro ided under Tab I. The ana'! tes wer measured ~nd reported r lbe req ujr.ed reporti ng limits· ev ral et Gf ample re:uH bad the r"porting limil rai ed for at least one analyte du OL l matrix. in terference and/or ampl ' dilution. In Lhe e ca. es, the reported value for the analyte was higher than the increased detection limit. 3.4.6 Receipt pH Evaluation Appendix A of the QAP stat , th, l volatile amples are required to be preserved and arrive at the laboratory with a pH le · than 2. A revie'i of the laboratory data revealed that the volatile samples were received at the lab ratory with a pH less than 2. 3.4. 7 Trip Blank Evaluation Trip blank results were reviewed to identify any VOC contamination resulting from transport of the samples. Trip blank checks are provided in Tab I. The trip blank results were less than the reporting limit for all VOCs. 3.4.8 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Seclion 9.1 .4 a) of the QAP tate. that RPD will be .c-Liclllated for the e::ompari. on of duplicate and original field samples. The QAP acceptance limit. for RPD · between rhe duplicate and original field ample i le than or eguaJ to 20% unl .. the measured r~ ults are less than 5 time. the required detection Ji mil. TI1i · tandard i. based on the EPA ontract Laboratory Program National Ptmctional Guidelines for Inmganlc Data Review, February .L994, 9240.1 -05- 01 as ciled in tbe QAP. he RPDs are calculated for the duplicate pair ti r all analytes t:ega:rdle , of whether or not .Lhe reported c ncentrati oos are greater Lb~:Ul -times the required derection Jjm ir · however, data are con idered noncompliant only when the results are greater than 5 Lime the report d deteclion .Jimi.t and the RPD is greater than 20%. The additional duplicate inforrn ati n 1 pr vided for info nnalion purposes. Duplicate results were within a 20% RPD in the quarterly samples. Duplicate results are provided under Tab I. 3.4.9 Rinsate Sample Check Rinsate blank sample he .ks are provided .in Tab I. The rinsate blank sample concentrali . n levels were compared .to the QAP requi rement i.e., that rinsate sample concentt:ati (1, be one order of magnitude lower than lhat of the a tual well. The rinsate blan~ ample resul ts were nondetect for this quarter. While not required by the Chloroform QAP, DIFB samples are collected to analyze the quality of the DI water system at the Mill, which is also used to collect rinsate samples. A review of the analytical results reported for the DIFB sample indicated the sample results were nondetect. 10 3.4.10 Other Laboratory QA/QC S ction 9.2 of the QAP requiJcs that th laboratory QNQ Manager check the f I lowing item in developing data report : (I) ·a.mp.le preparation information is correct and compJete, 2) analy i information i corr ~land complete, (3) appropriate analytical laboratory pro edur are Jj Jl . wed 4) analyti al r ult: ar orrect and c mpl te (5) Q ampl are .. ilhin e ·t bli hed c ntrol limit , 6) 01anks are will~ in Q limi (7 speciHl ampJe pr"'P< ration and analytical requirements have been met, and (8) documentation i ·complete. In addjtion to otl r laborat r checks described above, EFRI's QA Manager re becks QC :ampJ · nd blank (item (5) and (6)) Lo confirm thai rhe perc nt recovery for spik · and the 1' lative percent difference for . pike duplicate · cu·e witbi.n the method-specified acceptance limits, or that the case narrative qfficieuLiy explain an deviati 11 from these limits. Results of this quantitative check are provided in Tab I. The lab QA/QC results met these specified acceptance limits except as noted below. Tbe QAP Section 8.1.2requjre .that a Malrix ··pile/Matrix Spike Duplicate ("MS/MSD") pair be ·1n lyzed wi.th ·eac.h analytical bald1. The QAP d e not specify acceptance limits for the MS/MSD pa.ir, and the QAP d · not ·peGify that the MS/MSD pair be prepared on EFRI amples only. Acceptauc Jimits for MS/MSDs are set by the laboratories. The review of the informacion pro ided by the laboratmie. i1:t th data packages verified that the QAP requirement to analyze an MS/MSD pa:ir wjth each analytical batch was met. While the QAP does not require H, th re overie were re iewed for .compliance with the laboratory established acceptance limits. The QAP does n l requiJ:e thi. level of review and the results of this review are provided for information only. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the MS/MSDs recoveries and the associated RPDs for the samples were within acceptable laboratory limits for the regulated compounds except as indicated in Tab' 1. Th dat, reco erie which are outsid the laboratory established acceptance limits do not affecllhe quality r u ·ability of the data beca\:1 e the recoveries outside of the acceptance limit ar" indicntiv f matr· · interfetence. Mau·ix interferences are applicable to the individual sample re 'tllts only. The r qui.rement in the QAP to analyze a MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch wa met and as su h the lata are c _mpliant with the QAP. The QAP specifies that . lll'fO ale comp unds hall be employed for· ll tgani analy ·e bat tl1e QAP does not specitY acceptance li.mi for stuTagate rec , verie '. The analytical data as o iated with the routine quarterly ampling met the reqlLirement ·pecified in the QAP. The in] rmation from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Report indicat tha the unogate recoverie ' for the quarterly chloroform ample were within acceptable laborat0ry limit for the surrogate compound ·. The fequiremenl in the QAP to analyze . urrogate ompounds wa met and the data are compliant with the QAP. Furthermore, there are n Q P requir ments for surrogate recoveries. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the Laboratory Control Samples (the "LCS") recoveries were within acceptable laboratory limits for the LCS 11 compounds. 4.0 INTERPRETATIONOFDATA 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions. 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map The water level contour maps (See Tab D) indicate that perched water flow ranges from generally southwesterly beneath the Mill site and tailings cells to generally southerly along the eastern and western margins of White Mesa. Perched water mounding associated with the wildlife ponds locally changes the generally southerly perched water flow patterns. For example, northeast of the Mill site, mounding associated with wildlife ponds results in locally northerly flow near PIEZ-1. The impact of the mounding associated with the northern ponds, to which water has not been delivered since March 2012, is diminishing and is expected to continue to diminish as the mound decays due to reduced recharge. Not only has recharge from the wildlife ponds impacted perched water elevations and flow directions at the site, but the cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds, which are generally upgradient of the nitrate and chloroform plumes at the site, has resulted in changing conditions that are expected to impact constituent concentrations and migration rates within the plumes. Specifically, past recharge from the ponds has helped limit many constituent concentrations within the plumes by dilution while the associated groundwater mounding has increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the nmthern wildlife ponds ceased in March 2012, the reduction in recharge and decay of the associated groundwater mound are expected to increase many constituent concentrations within the plumes while reducing hydraulic gradients and acting to reduce rates of plume migration. EFRI and its consultants have raised the issues and potential effects associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds during discussions with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. The impacts associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern ponds are expected to propagate downgradient (south and southwest) over time. Wells close to the ponds are generally expected to be impacted sooner than wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Therefore, constituent concentrations are generally expected to increase in downgradient wells close to the ponds before increases are detected in wells farther downgradient of the ponds. Although such increases are anticipated to result from reduced dilution, the magnitude and timing of the increases are difficult to predict due to the complex permeability distribution at the site and factors such as pumping and the rate of decay of the groundwater mound. The potential exists for some wells completed in higher permeability materials to be impacted sooner than some wells completed in lower permeability materials even though the wells completed in lower permeability materials may be closer to the ponds. Localized increases in concentrations of constituents such as chloroform and nitrate within and near the chloroform plume, and of nitrate and chloride within and near the nitrate plume, may occur even when these plumes are under control. Ongoing mechanisms that can be expected to 12 increase constituent concentrations locally as a result of reduced wildlife pond recharge include but are not limited to: 1) Reduced dilution -the mixing of low constituent concentration pond recharge into existing perched groundwater will be reduced over time. 2) Reduced saturated thicknesses -dewatering of higher permeability layers receiVmg primarily low constituent concentration pond water will result in wells intercepting these layers receiving a smaller proportion of the low constituent concentration water. The combined impact of the above two mechanisms may be especially evident at chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20; nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2; and non-pumped wells adjacent to the pumped wells. Impacts are also expected to occur over time at wells added to the chloroform pumping network during the first quarter of 2015 (TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11), and to those added last quarter (TW4-21 and TW4-37). The overall impact is expected to be generally higher constituent concentrations in these wells over time until mass reduction resulting from pumping and natural attenuation eventually reduces concentrations. Short-term changes in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells are also expected to result from changes in pumping conditions. In addition to changes in the flow regime caused by wildlife pond recharge, perched flow directions are locally influenced by operation of the chloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Well defined cones of depression are evident in the vicinity of all chloroform pumping wells except TW4-4, which began pumping in the first quarter of 2010, and TW4-21 and TW4-37, which began pumping last quarter. Although operation of chloroform pumping well TW 4-4 has depressed the water table in the vicinity of TW 4-4, a well-defined cone of depression is not clearly evident. The lack of a well-defined cone of depression near TW4-4 likely results from 1) variable permeability conditions in the vicinity of TW4-4, and 2) persistent relatively low water levels at adjacent well TW4-14. The lack of well-defined cones of depression near TW4-21 and TW4-37 likely results from their recent start-up. Nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 started pumping during the first quarter of 2013. Water level patterns near these wells are expected to be influenced by the presence of, and the decay of, the groundwater mound associated with the northern wildlife ponds, and by the persistently low water level elevation at TWN-7. By the fourth quarter of 2013, operation of the nitrate pumping system had produced well-defined impacts on water levels. The long-term interaction between the nitrate and chloroform pumping systems is evolving, and changes will be reflected in data collected as part of routine monitoring. As discussed above, variable permeability conditions likely contribute to the lack of a well- defined cone of depression near chloroform pumping well TW 4-4. Changes in water levels at wells immediately south of TW 4-4 resulting from TW 4-4 pumping are expected to be muted because TW4-4 is located at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions south (downgradient) of TW4-4. The permeability of the perched zone at TW4-6, TW4-26, TW4-29, and TW4-33 is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4. Any drawdown of water levels at wells immediately south of TW4-4 resulting from TW4-4 13 pumping is also difficult to determine because of the general, long-term increase in water levels that occurred in this area due to recharge from the wildlife ponds. Water levels at TW4-4 and TW4-6 increased by nearly 2.7 and 2.9 feet, respectively, between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the fourth quarter of 2009 Uust prior to the start of TW4-4 pumping) at rates of approximately 1.2 feet/year and 1.3 feet/year, respectively. However, the rate of increase in water levels at TW4-6 after the start of pumping at TW4-4 (first qumter of 2010) was reduced to less than 0.5 feet/year suggesting that TW4-6 is within the hydraulic influence ofTW4-4. Furthermore, water levels at TW4-6 have been trending downward since the fourth quarter of 2013 suggesting an additional influence related to the cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds as discussed above, and more recently to the addition of chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11. Recharge from the southern wildlife pond is expected to continue to have an effect on water levels near TW4-4, even as the groundwater mound associated with recharge from the northern ponds diminishes over time due to cessation of water delivery to these ponds. The lack of a well-defined cone of depression at TW4-4 is also influenced by the persistent, relatively low water level at non-pumping well TW4-14, located east of TW4-4 and TW4-6. For the current quarter, the water level at TW4-14 was measured at approximately 5532.2 feet above mean sea level ("ft amsl"). This is approximately 5 feet lower than the water level at TW4-6 (approximately 5537.4 ft amsl) and 9 feet lower than the water level at TW4-4 (approximately 5541.4 ft amsl) even though TW4-4 is pumping. The static water levels at wells TW4-14 and downgradient well TW4-27 (installed south of TW4-14 in the fourth quarter of 2011) were similar (within 1 to 2 feet) until the third quarter of 2014; both appeared anomalously low. The current quarterly water level at TW4-27 (approximately 5528.1 ft amsl) is 4.1 feet lower than the water level at TW4-14 (5532.2 ft amsl). Recent increases in the differences between water levels at TW4-14 and TW4-27 are due to more rapid increases in water levels at TW4-14 that result from past delivery of water to the northern wildlife ponds. The rate of water level increase at TW4-27 is smaller than at TW4-14 because TW4-27 is farther downgradient of the ponds. TW4-27 was positioned at a location considered likely to detect any chloroform present and/or to bound the chloroform plume to the southeast and east (respectively) of TW4-4 and TW4-6. As will be discussed below, groundwater data collected since installation indicates that TW4-27 does indeed bound the chloroform plume to the southeast and east of TW 4-4 and TW 4-6 (respectively); however chloroform exceeding 70 ~g/L has been detected at recently installed temporary perched wells TW4-29 (located south of TW4-27) and TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29). Prior to the installation of TW4-27, the persistently low water level at TW4-14 was considered anomalous because it appeared to be downgradient of all three wells TW 4-4, TW 4-6, and TW 4- 26, yet chloroform had not been detected at TW4-14. Chloroform had apparently migrated from TW4-4 to TW4-6 and from TW4-6 to TW4-26 which suggested that TW4-26 was actually downgradient of TW4-6, and TW4-6 was actually downgradient of TW4-4, regardless of the flow direction implied by the low water level at TW4-14. The water level at TW4-26 (5535.8 14 feet amsl) is, however, lower than water levels at adjacent wells TW4-6 (5537.4 feet amsl), and TW4-23 (5538.8 feet amsl. Hydraulic tests indicate that the permeability at TW4-27 is an order of magnitude lower than at TW4-6 and three orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4 (see Hydro Geo Chern, Inc. [HGC], September 20, 2010: Hydraulic Testing of TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26, White Mesa Uranium Mill, July 2010; and HGC, November 28, 2011: Installation, Hydraulic Testing, and Perched Zone Hydrogeology of Perched Monitoring Well TW4-27, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah). The similar water levels at TW4-14 and TW4-27, and the low permeability estimate at TW4-27 suggested that both wells were completed in materials having lower permeability than nearby wells. The low permeability condition likely reduced the rate of long- term water level increase at TW4-14 and TW4-27 compared to nearby wells, yielding water levels that appeared anomalously low. This behavior is consistent with hydraulic test data collected from recently installed wells TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34 and TW4- 35, which indicate that the permeability of these wells is one to two orders of magnitude higher than the permeability of TW4-27 (see: HGC, January 23, 2014, Contamination Investigation Report, TW4-12 and TW4-27 Areas, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah; and HGC, July 1, 2014, Installation and Hydraulic Testing of TW4-35 and TW4-36, White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah [As-Built Report]). The low permeability at TW4-14 and TW4-27 is expected to retard the transport of chloroform to these wells (compared to nearby wells). As will be discussed in Section 4.2.3, third quarter, 2015 chloroform concentrations at TW4-26 and TW4-27 are 4.8 ~-tg/L and 1.3 ~-tg/L, respectively and both wells are outside the chloroform plume. Hydraulic tests also indicate that the permeability at recently installed well TW4-36 is slightly higher than but comparable to the low permeability at TW4-27, suggesting that TW4-36, TW4- 14 and TW4-27 are completed in a continuous low permeability zone. Although chloroform exceeding 70 ~-tgiL was detected at recently installed wells TW4-29 (located south of TW4-27) and TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29), chloroform was detected at only approximately 3.3 ~-tg/L at recently installed well TW4-30 (located east and downgradient of TW4-29), and was not detected at recently installed wells TW4-31 (located east of TW4-27), nor TW4-34 (located south and cross-gradient of TW4-29), nor at well TW4-35 (located southeast and cross-to downgradient of TW4-29). The detections at TW4-29 and TW4- 33 suggest that chloroform migrated southeast from the vicinity of TW4-4 to TW4-33 then TW4- 29 in a direction nearly cross-gradient with respect to the direction of groundwater flow implied by the groundwater elevations. Such migration is possible because the water level at TW4-29 is lower than the water level at TW4-4 (and TW4-6). The hydraulic conductivities of TW4-29, TW 4-30, and TW 4-31 are one to two orders of magnitude lower than the conductivity of TW 4-4, and one to two orders of magnitude higher than the conductivity of TW4-27. The permeability and water level distributions are generally consistent with the apparent nearly cross-gradient migration of chloroform around the low permeability zone defined by TW4-36, TW4-14, and TW4-27. 15 Data from existing, and recently installed wells indicate that: 1. Chloroform exceeding 70 ~g/L at TW4-29 is bounded by concentrations below 70 ~-tg/L at wells TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-30, TW4-34, and TW4-35. TW4-30 is downgradient of TW4-29; TW4-26 is upgradient of TW4-29; TW4-27 and TW4-34 are cross-gradient of TW4-29; and recently installed well TW4-35 is cross-to downgradient of TW4-29. 2. Chloroform concentrations at TW4-33 that are lower than concentrations at TW4-29, and the likelihood that a pathway exists from TW4-4 to TW4-33 to TW4-29, suggest that concentrations in the vicinity of TW4-33 were likely higher prior to initiation of TW4-4 pumping, and that lower concentrations currently detected at TW4-33 are due to its closer proximity to TW 4-4. Furthermore, TW4-4 pumping is likely to reduce chloroform at both TW4-33 and TW4-29 by cutting off the source. The decrease at TW4-33 is expected to be faster than at TW4-29 because TW4-33 is in closer proximity to TW4-4 pumping. Such behavior is expected by analogy with the decreases in chloroform concentrations that occurred at TW4-6 and TW4-26 once TW4-4 pumping began. Since installation in 2013, however, concentrations at TW4-33 appear to be relatively stable; since the third quarter of 2014, concentrations at TW4-29 appear to be generally increasing (although they decreased from 329 ~-tg/L to 276 ~-tg/L between last quarter and the current quarter). The relative stability at TW4-33 may result from the dual impacts of reduced dilution from wildlife ponds and TW4-4 pumping. The apparent increases at TW4-29 may be related to reduced dilution and its greater distance from TW 4-4. 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour map for the Mill site for the second quarter of 2015, as submitted with the Chloroform Monitoring Report for the second quarter of 2015, is attached under Tab E. A comparison of the water table contour maps for the current quarter (third quarter of 2015) to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter (second quarter of 2015) indicates similar patterns of drawdowns associated with pumping wells. Significant drawdowns associated with new chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 are not yet evident. Drawdowns associated with chloroform pumping wells MW-4, TW4-1 and TW4-2, and nitrate pumping well TW4-24 increased by more than 2 feet this quarter. Drawdowns associated with chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-11 and TW4-19 decreased by more than 2 feet this quarter. Nitrate pumping wells TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 were brought into operation during the first quarter of 2013 and their impact on water level patterns was evident as of the fourth quarter of 2013. While the water levels in nitrate pumping wells TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 showed decreases (increases in drawdown) of less than 1 to nearly 3 feet, the water level at TW4-22 showed a slight increase (decrease in drawdown) this quarter. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, pumping at chloroform well TW4-4, which began in the first quarter of 2010, has depressed the water table near TW 4-4, but a well-defined cone of depression is not clearly evident, likely due to variable permeability conditions near TW4-4 and the persistently low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. 16 Small ( <1 foot) changes in water levels were reported at the majority of site wells; water levels and water level COI:l l tlr for the it hav nol changed igni ficantly since the last quarter except for a tl location . Rep ned decn~a e in water 1 e l (increc: ·e in drawdown) of approximately 12.6. . , 4.2, and 2.8 feeL occurred in chi ro~ rrn pumping weJls MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, and nitrate pumping well TW4-24 re pect.i veJy . lncreases in water level (decreases in drawdown) of approximately 6.2, 2.3, and 5.4 feet were reported for chloroform pumping wells TW4-ll , MW- 26, and TW4-19, respectively. The reported water level fo r CTW4-I 1 i JiglnJy below tb depth of the Brushy Basin contact this quarter. Change. in W'lter levels at other pumping w c II (chloroform pumping wells TW4-4, TW4-20, TW4-2 1, and T W4-7, an.d nju-ate pumping weU. TW4-22, TW4-25, and TWN-2) were less than 2 t: et. Water level t1u tu atlon at pum pin g well : typically occur in part because of fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken. !though increa es in water levels (decreases in drawdown) occurred in some pumping wells and decrea e in water le vel -increases in drawdown) occurred in others, the overall apparent capture o th combined y rem is approximately the same as last quarter. Reported water level decreases of up to 0.8 feet at Piezometers 1, 2, 4, and 5, TWN-1, TWN-4, TWN-6, TWN-18, and MW-19 may result from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds as discussed in Section 4.1.1 and the consequent continuing decay of the associated perched water mound. Reported water level decreases of approximately 0.7 feet and 0.8 feet at Piezometers 4 and 5, respectively, may result from reduced recharge at the southern wildlife pond. Reported water level decrea ed by approximate ly 2.8 feet at MW-3, and increased by ap pr xiJHal c ly 4 feet and 6 .. 6 feet at MW-20 and MW-7, respectively, between the previous quarter and the current quarter. W ater level vari ability at tl1ese wells is likely the result of low permeability and vari able interval · b twee n pul'ging/sampling and water level measurement. The water L v J • at TW4-7 and TW4-8 d crea. ed by approximately 9.7 and 3 feet, respectively, likely related to the decrease at adjacent chloroform pumping well MW -4. Measurable water was again reported at DR-22. This piezometer is typically dry but on occasion has measurable water reported in the bottom of the casing. 4.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab F are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each chloroform contaminant investigation monitor well over time. 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached under Tab F are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above. 17 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture Perched water containing chloroform has been removed from the subsurface by operating chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20, and wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-21, and TW4-37 that have been added to the chloroform pumping system during the first and second quarters of 2015. The primary purpose of the pumping is to reduce total chloroform mass in the perched zone as rapidly as is practical. Pumping wells upgradient ofTW4-4 were chosen because 1) they are located in areas of the perched zone having relatively high permeability and saturated thickness, and 2) high concentrations of chloroform were detected at these locations. The relatively high transmissivity of the perched zone in the vicinity of these pumping wells results in the wells having a relatively high productivity. The combination of relatively high productivity and high chloroform concentrations allows for a high rate of chloroform mass removal. TW4-4 is located in a downgradient area having relatively high chloroform concentrations but relatively small saturated thickness, and at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions downgradient of TW4-4. As with the other chloroform pumping wells, pumping TW 4-4 helps to reduce the rate of chloroform migration in downgradient portions of the plume. The impact of chloroform pumping is indicated by the water level contour maps attached under Tabs D and E. Cones of depression are evident in the vicinity of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20 which continue to remove significant quantities of chloroform from the perched zone. Relatively large cones of depression have developed in the vicinities of wells TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 which began pumping during the first quarter of 2015. Cones of depression in the vicinities of chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37, which began pumping last quarter, are not yet evident. The water level contour maps indicate effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinities of these pumping wells. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, although chloroform pumping well TW 4-4 became operational in 2010, the draw down associated with TW4-4 is likely less apparent due to variable permeability conditions near TW4- 4 and the persistently low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. Compared to last quarter, both increases and decreases in water levels occurred at nitrate and chloroform pumping wells. The water levels in chloroform pumping wells MW-4, TW4-1, TW4- 2, TW4-20, TW4-21, and TW4-37 decreased by approximately 12.6 feet, 8.3 feet, 4.2 feet, 1.5 feet, 1.8 feet, and 1.3 feet respectively, while water levels in chloroform pumping wells TW 4-4, TW4-11, MW-26, and TW4-19 increased by approximately 1.7 feet, 6.2 feet, 2.3 feet, and 5.4 feet, respectively. The water levels in nitrate pumping wells TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 decreased by approximately 2.8 feet, 0.51 feet, and 0.75 feet, respectively, and the water level in nitrate pumping well TW4-22 increased by approximately 0.3 feet . While the apparent capture of the combined pumping systems has expanded in some areas and been reduced in others, the overall apparent capture area is about the same as last quarter. The capture associated with nitrate pumping wells is expected to increase over time as water levels continue to decline due to cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and continued pumping. Slow development of hydraulic capture is consistent with and expected based on the relatively low permeability of the perched zone at the site. 18 The hydraulic capture effectiven . of bOLh hloroform and nitrate pumping systems depends to ome extent on Lh · continued predLlCti ity r ehloroform and nitrate pumping wells. Decreases in prodLT tivity have been n led . ince th third quarter of 2014 in chloroform pumping well TW4- 19 and nitmte pumping well TW4-24. The impact of reduced productivity of these wells on chloroform capture is discussed iu Attachment N. Also included is a discussion of the effectiveness of chloroform pumping on chloroform capture. As indicated in Attachment N, chloroform pumping is considered adequate at the present time even with the reduced productivity of TW4-19 and TW4-24. Chi ro~ rni oncentrati on at many locatiol1 hav been or appear to be affected by changes a s<lciated with reduced dilution from the wildli fe ponds and nitrate pumping. For example, increa -in hloro£ rm ar TW4-22 and T W4-24 after these wells were converted to nitrate pumping w · 11 are, ttrihutabl t westward migration of chloroform from the vicinity of TW4-20 toward lhe e weJI . The increa e in c n en tration at TW4-8 from non-detect to 100 1-lg/L in the first quarter of 2014 (and to 747 1-lg/L this quarter) is likely related to reduced dilution. Although the chloroform concentration in TW4-6 remained at 1,040 1-lg/L this quarter, concentrations at TW4-6 have increased from approximately 10 1-lgiL since the second quarter of 2014. These changes are likely related to both reduced dilution and more westward flow induced by nitrate pumpmg. TW4-6 is located immediately south and eros.-tO· downgradient of chl oroform pumping well TW 4-4. Chloroform concentrations at TW 4-6 e ceeded 70 !-lg/L b lw en the fir 'l qt!arter r 2009 and the third quarter of 2010, and remained below 70 ~tg/L belween the fo u.rth quan er f 2010 and the second quarter of 2014. Relatively Jow permeability and relati veJy mall aturated thickness in the vicinity of TW4-6 limit the rate at which chloroform mass can be removed by pumping. However, pumping at more productive upgradient locations such as TW4-4 enhances mass removal and lowers hydraulic gradients, thereby reducin g tb rate of downgradient chloroform migration and allowing natural attenuati on ro be more effective. Pumping at TW4-4 was implemented during the first quarter of 2010 lo Jm prov capture downgradient of TW4-4 to the extent allowable by the lower productivity conditions present in this area. The beneficial effect of pumping TW 4-4 is demonstrated by the net decreases in TW 4-6 chloroform concentrations from 1,000 1-lg/L to 10.3 1-lg/L, and in TW4-26 from 13 1-lg/L to 4.2 1-lg/L, between the initiation of TW4-4 pumping and the second quarter of 2014. Concentrations at these wells decreased substantially even though they do not unambiguously appear to be within the hydraulic capture of TW 4-4. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, however, the decrease in the long- term rate of water level rise at TW4-6 after TW4-4 began pumping does suggest that TW4-6 is within the hydraulic influence of TW4-4. The decline in water levels at TW4-6 since the fomth quarter of 2013 likely reflects the additional influences of cessation of water delivery to the wildlife ponds and the addition of chlorform pumping wells TW 4-1, TW 4-2, and TW 4-11. Regardless of whether TW4-6 can be demonstrated to be within the hydraulic capture of TW4-4, pumping TW4-4 helps to reduce chloroform migration to TW4-6, TW4-26, and other downgradient locations by the mechanisms discussed above. Likewise, pumping at other productive upgradient locations has a beneficial impact on downgradient chloroform even if the downgradient chloroform is not completely within the hydraulic capture of the productive upgradient well(s). For example, pumping at MW-26 likely 19 reduced chloroform concentrations at TW4-16 from a maximum of 530 flg/L in the second quarter of 2004 to less than 70 flg/L by the fourth quarter of 2005, and maintained concentrations below 70 flg/L until the second qumter of 2014, even though TW4-16 appears to be just beyond the hydraulic capture of MW-26. Furthermore, the overall hydraulic capture of the chloroform pumping system is expected to expand with continued operation of wells TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 which became operational during the first quarter of 2015, and wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 which became operational last quarter. Operation of these additional wells may have reversed the increase in concentration at TW4-16 which dropped from 387 flg/L in the fourth quarter of 2014 to less than 70 flg/L last quarter. Chloroform at TW4-16 was detected at 82 flg/L this quarter. Chloroform exceeding 70 flg/L was detected at recently installed well TW4-29, located south of TW4-27 and east of TW4-26, and generally cross-gradient of TW4-4 and TW4-6 with respect to the groundwater flow directions implied by groundwater elevations in the area. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, this may represent clll roform migrating around the low permeability area defined by TW4-27, TW4-14 and TW4-36. The apparent migration pathway from TW4-4 to TW4-29 is consistent with chloroform exceedin., 70 J,tg/L detected at recently installed well TW4-33, located between TW4-4 and TW4-29. Chloroform concentrations at TW4-33 that are lower than concentrations at TW4-29, and the likelihood that a pathway exists from TW4-4 to TW4-33 to TW4-29, suggest that concentrations in the vicinity of TW4-33 were likely higher prior to initiation of TW4-4 pumping. TW4-4 pumping is likely to eventually reduce chloroform at both TW4-33 and TW4-29 by cutting off the source. The impact at TW4-33 is expected to be greater than at TW4-29 because TW4-33 is in closer proximity to TW4-4 pumping. Such behavior is expected by analogy with the decreases in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-26 that occurred once TW4-4 pumping began. However, concentrations at both TW4-29 and TW4-33 were relatively stable (rather than decreasing) for several quarters after installation. Concentrations at TW4-29 appear to be on an upward trend since the third quarter of 2014, although concentrations decreased between the last quarter and the current quarter. Although decreasing concentration trends at both wells are eventually expected to occur, the concentration behavior at both wells has generally been consistent with the dual impacts of TW4-4 pumping and reduced dilution from the wildlife ponds. Chloroform analytical results from recently installed wells TW4-35 and TW4-36 (as discussed in Section 4.2.3) demonstrate that chloroform is bounded to the southeast of TW4-29 and to the east of TW4-8. 4.2 Review of Analytical Results 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Included under Tab J of this Report is a current chloroform isoco nc nu·alion map for the Mill site. Details of the gridding procedure used to generate the chJor · fonn iso on entration map (consistent with Part III.B.2.a through Part III.B.2.c of the GCAP) are provided in Tab L. 20 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs Attached under Tab K are tables summarizing values for all required parameters, chloride, nitrate/nitrite, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, and methylene chloride, for each well over time. Attached under Tab K are graphs showing chloroform concentration trends in each monitor well over time. 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data Comparing the chloroform analytical results to those of the previous quarter, as summarized in the tables included under Tab K, the following observations can be made: a) Chloroform concentrations have increased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: TW4-9, TW4-16, TW4-19, TW4-24, and TW4-30; b) Chloroform concentrations decreased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-8, TW4-11, TW4-21, TW4-26, and TW4-37; c) Chl rofo rm coucentl'ati n hav.e remained within 20% in the following wells compared to la. t quarter: MW-4, TW4-l TW4-4, TW4-5, TW4-6, TW4-7, TW4-10, TW4-18, TW4-20 TW4-22 TW4-29, and TW4-33; d) Chloroform concentrations have remained non-detect in the following wells: MW-32, TW4-3, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-23, TW4-25, TW4-28, TW4-31, TW4-32, TW4-34, TW4-35, and TW4-36; e) The chloroform concentration in TW4-14 went from 1.8 f!g/L to non-detect this quarter; and f) The chloroform concentration in TW4-27 went from non-detect to 1.3 f!g/L this quarter. As indicated, chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported for the wells during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Wells MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-16, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-24, TW4-26, TW4-30 and TW4-37 had changes in concentration greater than 20%. Of these, MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-ll, TW4-19, TW4-21, and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells, and TW4-24 is a nitrate pumping well. TW4-8 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping well MW-4; TW4-9 is located near chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20; and TW4-16 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping wells TW4-11 and MW-26. Fluctuations in concentrations at both chloroform and nitrate pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from changes in pumping. TW4-26 is located immediately southwest of the plume boundary, and TW4-30 is located immediately downgradient of the leading edge of the chloroform plume. 21 Chloro.D rm pumping well TW4-20 and TW4-37 and nitrate pumping well TW4-22 had the highe.t detected bloroform concenlration of 17, 00 19 100, and 7,810 p.g/L, re:pe tiveJy. Th hloroform · oncent.ralion at recently in tailed pumping well TW4-37 was the higbe 'l detected thi quarter, indicating the well i. well plac d to incre.a chJ -reform ma t'c:m ·val rate . S.in e the lat quarter, th chlo.ro:~ nn conc.entralion in TW4-20 decrea d from 17 00 t 17 000 !Jg/L. the on · entration in adja ent pumping w Jl TW4-19 increa. ed from 1 570 to 7 60 J.Ag/L and the concentraUon in n mby pumping well TW4-21 d crea.ed from 366 to 28 L J.tg/L. The chlorof'Orm concentration in nitrate pumping well TW4-22 decrea ed from 050 J.Ag/L to_ 7,810 j..lg/L The hi rof0r:m oncentrati n in nitrate pumping well TW4-24 increa ed from 4.3 to 46. !,tg/L and TW4-24 remain. out id the chloroform plume. Nilrate pumping weU TW4-25 remained non-detecr for chJoro~ rm. TW4-25, located north o1 TW4~1 cominue to bound the chloroform plume t0 the north. Chloroform at TW4-8 (which was non-detect fron1 th fir t quarter of 2008 through the fourth quarter of 20 13) de rea ed in nc ntrution from 9 1 ~lg/L to 747 jJ.g/L. TW4-i. Jo a ted lL11mCCtiately ea t of chl0rofi rm pllmping w Jl MW-4 where chloroform wru detected a[ a oncentraUon of J 290 ~ g/L. From lbe fir t quarter of 2005 thr ugh the fourth quarter of 2013 the plume boundary reinained between MW-4 and TW4-. The oc urrence of Jevaled hloroform at TW4-8. i.· Jjkely related to i.l locatjon along the ea tern plllme boundar immediar Ly east r pumping well MW-4. hange in the pJume boundary near TW4-8 .ar expected to re uJl from change in pumping c nd reduced dilulion re ul.lino· from ce sation of water delivery to· lbe n · rthem wildHfe pond·. C}ll roforni al TW4-· i · b u11ded to the norrh b TW4--3 n n-detecL), to the n rthea t by TW4-1" (nou-dete l), to the ea t by TW4-6 non.- detect and t tb -uthea t by TW4-14 (non-detect. The increase in chlomform at TW4-27 (r m non-detect to &ppro imately .1.3 J.tg/L sinqe the p~evi _u. quarter j, con i tent with n0 ino-, but . low, downgr d.i.enl migration. · _ hloro~ rn1 at r cently in:talled well TW4-29 (i<>cated at the ulhern tip of the plume, to the ea l ofTW4-26 and to the uth ofTW4-27 decrea ed from 329 !Ag/L to 276 J.l.g/L. Chloroform at TW4-0, located immediately downgradieut of TW4-29 increa ed from approx.imately 2. !Jg/L to appro ·imately 3.3 ~tg/L. A with TW4~27. the change at TW4-0 i consistent with ongoing but 1 w, d wogradient migrati n. bl oroform a TW4-29 i bound d t -Lhe n rth by TW4-27 1.3 JA;giL to tl1e east by TW4--0 3.3 ~tg/L), t the , oulhea. t by TW~35 (non-deLe t), to the ·oulh byTW4-34 n n-det ct) and to the we l byTW4-26 (4. !Ag/L), b.lorofonn at re enLly in talled well TW4-33 (lo ated between TW4-4 and TW4-29 h wed <t .light decrea e in concentration, fmm 127 1--Lg/L to 123 t.tg/L. Chloroform at TW4-33 i bounded to then rth y TW4-14 non-detect), to the ea t by TW4-17 (l.3 ~tg/L, to lb w t by TW4-23 (non-detect), and to the . outh and we t by 1W4-26 4.8 ~J-g/L). Thi chloroform dj lribution indicate ·hal the plume . outheast of TW4-4 is very narrow compared to more upgradient As discussed above, the chloroform concentration in TW4-6 remained at approximately 1,040 f!g/L, and is within the chloroform plume boundary. oncenrration. at TW4-6 exceeded 70 J.tg/L from the first quarter of 2009 through the third quart · r of 2010 lheu remained below 70 f,lg/L 22 until the third quarter of 2014. Between initiation of pumping of TW4-4 in the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014, concentrations at TW4-6 showed a net decrease from 1,000 f.,tg/L to 10.3 f.,tg/L. TW4-6, installed in the second quarter of 2000, was the most downgradient temporary perched well prior to installation of te mporary well TW4-23 in 2007 and temporary well TW4-26 in the second quarter of 2010. TW4-6 remaitted utside the ch l roform plu me between the second quarter of 2000 and the fo urth quarter f 2008. TW4-6 ]jkely r mained outside the chloroform plume during this time due t a combinati n of 1) low rate f downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping, and 2) natural attenuation. The relatively slow rate of chloroform migration in the vicinity of TW4-6 in the past is demonstrated by comparing the rate of increase in chloroform at this well to the rate of increase in the nearest up gradient well TW 4-4. Concentrations at TW 4-4 increased from non-detect to more than 2,200 f.,tg/L within only 2 quarters whereas 16 quarters were required for concentrations in TW4-6 to increase from non-detect to only 81 f.,tg/L. This behavior is consistent with bydJaulic tes performed at TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26 during the third quarter of 2010 that indi aLe a nearly tw o ord r Qf magni tude decrease in permeability south (downgradient) of TW4-4. Chloro.D rm mign1tion rate jn the vici nity of well TW4-26 and recently installed wells TW4-29 and TW4--33 ar nJ~ ex pe ted to be relatively slow due to upgradient pumping and relati vely I w p rn~eabi lity concliti.ons. By analogy with the decreases in concentration at TW4-6 and TW4-26 lh t occmred after in-iti ation of TW4-4 pumping, chloroform concentrations at TW4-29 and TW4-33 are expected to eventually trend downward. Although changes in concentration have occurred jn we ll, within lhe chloroform plum , the boundaries of the plume have not changed significantly ince the la t quarter except for a ·Ji ght expansion near TW4-24. Nitrate pumping general ly au ea the boun dary of the northem portion of the chloroform plume to migrate to the west t ·ward T W4-24. Ov.er the previou ix qu atier TW4-24 has been both inside and outside the plume and remains outside the plume this quarter, likely due to initiation of TW4-37 pumping and reduced productivity at TW4-24. Generally increased concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-16 (both of which were within the chloroform plume in the past) since the second quarter of 20 14 in di a.te tbut the lume oundary migrated to the southwest and re-incorporated both wells. TW·4-6 remain within UJ plume thi quarter and TW4-16 (with a concentration of approximately 82 f,tg/L) i agai n within the plume (after bei ng outside the plume last quarter). Increases at thes well begin ning in the econd quarter f 201 4 are likely related to reduced dilution from cessati n f water de li very t Lhe oorth rn wildJife ponds and more westerly flow induced by nitrate pumping. However, continued operation of the nitrate pumping system is expected to enhance the capture zone associated with the chloroform pumping system even though nitrate pumping may redistribute chloroform within the plume and cause changes in the plume boundaries. Furthermore, the addition of chloroform wells TW4-l , TW4-2, and TW4-11 to the chloroform pumping network in the first quarter of 2015, and TW4- 21 and TW4-37 last quarter, is expected to have a beneficial impact. Reductions in concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-16 after previous increases are likely the result of initiation of TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-ll pumping. 23 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW4-4 OPERATIONS REPORT 5.1 Introduction As a part of the investigation of chloroform contamination at the Mill site, EFRI has been conducting a Long Term Pump Test on MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, and TW4-20, and, since January 31, 2010, TW4-4. The purpose of the test is to serve as an interim action that will remove a significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation. Beginning in January 2013, EFRI began long term pumping of TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 as required by the Nitrate CAP, dated May 7, 2012 and the Stipulated Consent Order (the "SCO") dated December 12, 2012. Because wells TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are chloroform program wells, they are included in this report and any chloroform removal realized as part of this pumping is calculated and included in the chloroform quarterly reports. Beginning on January 14,2015, EFRI began long term pumping ofTW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 and began long term pumping ofTW4-21 and TW4-37 on June 9, 2015. The following information documents the operational activities during the quarter. 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection The long term pump test for MW-4 was started on April 14, 2003, followed by the start of pumping from TW4-19 on April 30, 2003, from MW-26 on August 8, 2003, from TW4-20 on August 4, 2005, from TW4-4 on January 31, 2010, and from TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 on January 26, 2013. Personnel from Hydro Geo Chern, Inc. were on site to conduct the first phase of the pump test and collect the initial two days of monitoring data for MW-4. EFRI personnel have gathered subsequent water level and pumping data. Analyses of hydraulic parameters and discussions of perched zone hydrogeology near MW -4 has been provided by Hydro Geo Chern in a separate report, dated November 12, 2001, and in the May 26, 2004 Final Report on the Long Term Pumping Test. Data collected during the quarter included the following: • Measurement of water levels at MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, TW4-20, and TW4-4, on a weekly basis, and at selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells on a monthly basis. • Measurement of pumping history, including: pumping rates total pumped volume operational and non-operational periods. • Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate/nitrite analysis and other constituents 24 • Measurement of water levels weekly at TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-02 commencing January 28, 2013, and on a monthly basis for selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells. 5.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16, 2003, the frequency of water level mea urement from MW-4, MW-26 and TW4-19 was reduced to weekly. From commencemenl of pumpin0 TW4-20, and regularl y after March 1, 2010 for TW4-4, water levels in the e well have .been me· ·ured weekly. From commencement of pumping, water levels in well T W4-l TW 4-2, TW4-11 W4-21, TW4-22 TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, and TWN-2 have been mea urecl weekl y . .Depth L groundwater in all other chloroform contaminant investigation wells is monitored monthly. Copies of the weekly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4- 19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-4, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-37, and TWN-2 and the 111 nthly Der th lO Water monitoring beet · for the chloroform contaminant investigation wells and tb • elected temponr y well and pem1anent monitoring wells are included under Tab C. Momhly depth to water mea~urement for the quarter are recorded in the Field Data Worksheets in luded under Tab C. 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes Table G-2 ummarize. the recovered mass of chl o rof rm by well per quarter and historically jn e the inception of the chloroform recovery program for tb active pumping wells. It is impo rtant to nole Lhat TWN-2 is a nitrate pr gram well and i sampled only for nitrate and chl ride a required by the nitrate program. Becau ·e TWN-2 is not sampled or analyzed for chloroform, th rna. of chloroform recovered i. oat calculated. The pumping wells do not pump continuously, bur are oo a delay device. The wells purge f; r a set amount of time and then shut off to allow tbe welJ to recharge. Water fr n1 the pumping wells is transferred to a holding tank. The water in th h !cling tank j H din the Mill proce · e . The pumping rates and volumes for each of the pumpjng we ll are b wn in Ta -le G-3. Sp cific operational problems observed with the well or pumpj nc qujpment ' hicb occurred during the quarter are noted for each well below in Sections 5.4.1 through 5.4.4. Unless specifically noted below, no additional operational problems were observed with the well or pumping equipment during the quarter. 5.4.1 MW-4 On July 7, 2015, Mill Field Personnel noted during the routine weekly inspection that the timer on MW-4 Josl m mory and the timer ,e tling. were erased. The well continued to pump and no lo ~ of data were noted. The display batreri were changed and the timer was reset. No official notification: to OWNIRC were required as Lhe i ue was rectified within 24-hours and there was no los of pmnpjng. 25 The timer issue noted above was the result of battery failure in the display module. The pump continued to operate as programed, however, the display was incorrect. Pumping continued uninterrupted. 5.4.2 TW 4-11 On August 24, 2015, Mill Field Personnel no ted during the rc utine weekly iJlspecti n that the timer on TW4-lllost memory and the timer setting. were rase l. The well continued to pump and no loss of data were noted. The timer was re. et. The well continued to pump and no lo · · f data were noted. The timer was inspected daily for everal day and no i ·ue. were L'l ted. On August 31, 20J5 Mill Field Per ·onoeJ noted during the routine weekly inspection that the timer n TW4-I J t·o t memory ·mel the timer settings were erased. The well continued to pump and 110 lo . of data were noted. The di ·play batteries were changed and the timer was reset. No further i ue were noted dming :ub equenL checks. No official notifications to DWMRC were .reqlli"red a' the i ·ue wa F rified within 24-hours and there was no loss of pumping. The timer issues noted above was the result of battery failure in the display module. The pump continued to operate as programed, however, the display was incorrect. Pumping continued uninterrupted. 5.5 Mass Removed and Plume Residual Mass Ch loro.f;, rm removal wa e Limateo a of Lhe first quarter 2007. Since that estimation, the mass removed by well .~ reach quarter ha: een compiled in Table G-2, which shows the pounds of chloroform that have been rem ved to dale. The mass of chloroform removed from the plume th.l quarter i approximately 33.4 lb. The residual mass of chloroform within the plume is e 'timated a 1712 lb u ing Lhe meth ·do logy described in Appendix A of the G AP (" hi reform Plume Mass Cal ulation Method' . A, per Part III.B.2 of the GCAP, elecu nic fi le u ed jn calcu[aling the. rna s ~ tiniate re provided with this report. Details of the procedure are provided in Ta L. The residual mass is plotted in Figure L.l. Subsequent residual plume mass estimates will be calculated quarterly, added to the graph, and a trendline applied as per Part III.B.3 of the GCAP. 5.6 Inspections All of the required inspections were completed and the inspection forms are included in Tab C. 5. 7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers No water was added to the any of the wildlife ponds during the quarter. 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT There are no corrective actions required during the current monitoring period. 26 6.1 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions There are no corrective actions required during the previous monitoring period. 7.0 CURRENT COMPLIANCE STATUS 7.1 Long Term Chloroform Plume Control The chloroform plume is currently entirely within the Mill property boundary and is bounded on all sides by wells having chloroform concentrations that are either non-detect or less than 70 f-t,g/L (Tab J). The plume is bounded to the north by TW4-25 (non-detect); to the west and southwest by MW-31 (non-detect), MW-32 (non-detect), TW4-23 (non-detect), TW4-24 (approximatel.y 47 ~~giL). and TW4-2 (~pproximately 5 11.g/L); ro Lh · ea ·t by TW4-· (n n- det ct TW4-5 (appr ximately 13 J.tg/L), TW4-9 (appr ximately 48 J!g/L TW 4-13 (n n- detecL), TW4-14 (non-de.tect), TW4-18 app.1> x.i mately 29 j.ig/L) TW4-27 ar pro · imately 1 ~tg/L)1 TW4-0 appr xirnat Jy 3 ~tg/L), and TW4-6 (non-d tecr); to the ouLh by TW4-4 (non-detect); and to the ·ll lhca t by TW4-35 (n n-detecl). Data collected to date indicate there are sufficient chloroform monitoring and pumping wells to effectively define, control, and monitor the plume. 7.2 Well Construction, Maintenance and Operation Part II of the GCAP specifies that EFRI must construct, maintain and operate the chloroform wells in accordance with the specifications delineated therein. No new wells were installed during the quarter and all previously installed wells were installed in accordance with the GCAP requirements. The existing wells were maintained and operated as required. Additional details regarding any specific pumping well operations and maintenance issues noted during the quarter are discussed in Section 5.0 above. 7.3 Disposal of Extracted Groundwater Part II of the GCAP requires that all extracted groundwater be disposed of in the tailings management system or fed in the Mill process. All extracted groundwater was handled as required by the GCAP. 7.4 Compliance Well Performance Part II.G of the GCAP states that an exceedance of the compliance well performance standard is defined as the presence of chloroform in any compliance monitoring well in excess of 70 ug/L for two or more quarters. The compliance well chloroform concentrations were below the 70 ug/L during the quarter. Because there were no excursions of chloroform in any compliance monitoring wells, an Exceedance Notice and Plan and Time Schedule are not required. 27 7.5 Chloroform Plume Monitoring for Wells within 500 Feet of the Property Boundary Currently there are no compliance wells within 500 feet of the property boundary. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The residual mass of chloroform within the plume is estimated as 1712lb using the methodology described in Appendix A of the CAP ("Chloroform Plume Mass Calculation Method"). The mass of chloroform removed from the plume this quarter is approximately 33.4lb. The chloroform plume is currently entirely within the Mill property boundary and is bounded on all sides by wells having chloroform concentrations that are either non-detect or less than 70 f!g/L. The plume is bounded to the north by TW4-25; to the west and southwest by MW-31, MW-32, TW4-23, TW4-24, and TW4-26; to the east by TW4-3, TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-18, TW4-27, TW4-30, and TW4-36; to the south by TW4-34; and to the southeast by TW4-35. Data collected to date indicate there are sufficient chloroform monitoring and pumping wells to effectively define, control, and monitor the plume. The water level contour maps for the third quarter, 2015 indicate effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of chloroform pumping wells MW -4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20. Capture in the vicinity of MW-4 has been enhanced by start-up of chloroform pumping wells TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 during the first quarter of 2015. Well-defined capture zones are not clearly evident at chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 which began pumping last quarter, nor at TW4-4. The capture zone associated with TW4-4 is likely obscured by the low water level at adjacent well TW4-14 and the two orders of magnitude decrease in permeability south of TW4-4. However, between the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014, decreases in chloroform concentrations and the rate of water level rise at TW4-6 (located downgradient of TW4-4) likely resulted from TW4-4 pumping. Cones of depression associated with the nitrate pumping wells became evident as of the fourth quarter, 2013, and capture associated with the nitrate pumping is expected to continue to develop. The start-up of chloroform pumping wells TW4-21 and TW4-37 last quarter is also expected to increase capture and chloroform removal rates. Chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Changes in concentration greater than 20% occurred in wells MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-11, TW4-16, TW4-19, TW4-21, TW4-24, TW4- 26 and TW4-30. Of these, MW-26, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-21, and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells, and TW4-24 is a nitrate pumping well. TW4-8 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping well MW-4; TW4-9 is located near chloroform pumping wells MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20; and TW4-16 is located adjacent to chloroform pumping wells TW4-11 and MW-26. Fluctuations in concentrations at both chloroform and nitrate pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely result in part from changes in pumping. TW4-26 is located immediately southwest of the plume boundary, and TW4-30 is located immediately downgradient of the leading edge of the chloroform plume. In addition, changes in concentrations at chloroform wells are expected to result from continued operation of nitrate 28 pumping wells as the capture associated with nitrate pumping expands and flow directions change locally. Chloroform at TW4-8 (which was non-detect from the first quarter of 2008 through the fourth quarter of 2013) decreased in concentration from 981 f!g/L to 747 f!g/L. TW4-8 is located immediately east of chloroform pumping well MW -4, where chloroform was detected at a concentration of 1,290 f,Lg/L. From the first quarter of 2005 through the fourth quarter of 2013, the plume boundary remained between MW-4 and TW4-8. The occurrence of elevated hlor form at TW4-8 i li.kely re.laLed to it · location al ng Lh · a tern plume boundary immediately a.l of pumping weJI MW-4. 'hange in lhe plume oundary near TW4-8 ar expeeted to re uJ( from change. in pumping and reduced djluti n re ul ting from ces ·ar ion f water deUvery to rhe northern wil dl ife pond . Chl oroform d TW4-i · l ounded t _ the north by TW4-3 (non-dete 't} to the northeast by TW4-l3 (non-detect), to Lhe ast by TW4-6 (non- dele t) and to the out('lea l by TW4-l 4 (non-del ct). The in crea e in hlor ~ rm a:t T\¥4-_7 · r m non-cletec[ to appr x.imately 1."' J.t g/L ince the pre j u cjmu-t · r is con i tent with ngoing, but . low; do"Y n&Tfadienl migration. Chloroform pumping wells TW4-20 and TW4-37, and nitrate pumping well TW4-22, had the highest detected chloroform concentrations of 17,000, 19,100, and 7,810 f,Lg/L, respectively. The chloroform concentration at recently installed pumping well TW4-37 was the highest detected this quarter, indicating the well is well placed to increase chloroform mass removal rates. Since the last quarter, the chloroform concentration in TW4-20 decreased from 17,600 to 17,000 J.lg/L the oncentrati on in adj acent pump.ing w Jl TW4-19 increa ·ed from 1,570 L 7 60 ~tg!L, and rh c ncenlration in nearby pumping well TW4-21 de reasecl from 366 to 281 f,Lg/L. The hl roform concentrati n in nilraLe p umping well TW4-22 -dccn~a ed from 8,050 J!g/L to 7 810 ~-tg/L. The cblo.roform concentration in nitrate ptunping well TW4-24 increa ed from 4.3 to 46.9 IJ.g/L and TW4-24 remai n. om ide th cb1oroform plume. Nitrate pumping well TW4-25 remained non-detect for chloroform. TW4-25, located north of TW4-21, continues to bound the chloroform plume to the north. Chloroform at recently installed well TW4-29 (located at the southern tip of the plume, to the east of TW4-26 and to the south of TW4-27) decreased from 329 f!g/L to 276 f,Lg/L, Chloroform at TW4-30, located immediately downgradient of TW4-29, increased from approximately 2.3 f,Lg/L to approximately 3.3 f,Lg/L. As with TW4-27, the change at TW4-30 is consistent with ongoing, but slow, downgradient migration. Chloroform at TW4-29 is bounded to the north by TW4-27 (1.3 f,Lg/L), to the east by TW4-30 (3.3 f!g/L), to the southeast by TW4-35 (non-detect), to the south by TW4-34 (non-detect), and to the west by TW4-26 (4.8 f!giL). Chloroform at recently installed well TW4-33 (located between TW4-4 and TW4-29) howed a slight decrease in concentration, from 127 f!g/L to 123 ~t.g/L. Chlor fo rm ~rt TW4-33 .u bounded to the north by TW4-14 (non-detect), to the ea l by TW4-27 (1.3 J,Lg/L), to the we t by TW4-23- (non-detect), and to the south and west by TW4-26 (4.8 !,t.g/L). Thi chl r form di tribution indicates that the plume southeast of TW 4-4 is very narrow compared to more up gradient locations. 29 Although changes in concentration have occurred in wells within the chloroform plume, the boundaries of the plume have not changed significantly since the last quarter, except for a slight expansion near TW4-24. Nitrate pumping generally caused the boundary of the northern portion of the chloroform plume to migrate to the west toward TW4-24. Over the previous six quarters, TW4-24 has been both inside and outside the plume and remains outside the plume this quarter, likely due to initiation of TW4-37 pumping and reduced productivity at TW4-24. Generally increased concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-16 (both of which were within the chloroform plume in the past) since the second quarter of 2014 indicate that the plume boundary migrated to the southwest and re-incorporated b oth wells. TW4-6 remain within the plume this quarter and TW 4-16 (with a concentration f approximalel y 82 ~tg/L) i again within the plume (after being outside the plume last quarter). In rea es ar thes well beginning in the second quarter of 2014 are likely related to reduced cl iJution from c~ ·ation f wa ter delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and more westerly flow induced by nitrate pumping. However, continued operation of the nitrate pumping system is expected to enhance the capture zone associated with the chloroform pumping system even though nitrate pumping may redistribute chloroform within the plume and cause changes in the plume boundaries. Furthermore, the addition of chloroform wells TW 4-1, TW 4-2, and TW 4-11 to the chloroform pumping network in the first quarter of 2015, and TW 4- 21 and TW4-37 last quarter, is expected to have a beneficial impact. Reductions in concentrations at TW 4-6 and TW 4-16 after previous increases are likely the result of initiation of TW4-1, TW4-2, and TW4-11 pumping. Continued operation of chloroform pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20 is recommended. Pumping these wells, regardless of any short term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells (such as at TW4-20), helps to reduce downgradient chloroform migration by removing chloroform mass and reducing hydraulic gradients, thereby allowing natural attenuation to be more effective. Continued operation of chloroform pumping well TW 4-4 is also recommended to improve capture of chloroform to the extent practical in the southern portion of the plume. The overall decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 from 1,000 [tg!L in the first quarter of 2010 to 10.3 [tg/L in the second quarter of 2014 is likely related to pumping at TW4-4. The decrease in the long-term rate of water level rise at TW4-6 since TW4-4 pumping began, which suggests that TW4-6 is within the hydraulic influence of TW4-4, is also consistent with the decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 between the first quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2014. Furthermore, because of the influence of TW4-4 pumping, and by analogy with the concentration decreases at TW4-6 and TW4-26 that occurred after initiation of TW4-4 pumping, chloroform concentrations at TW4-29 and TW4-33 are expected to eventually trend downward. Since installation in 2013, however, concentrations at TW4-33 appear to be relatively stable; and concentrations at TW4-29 appear to be on an upward trend since the third quarter of 2014, although concentrations decreased between the last quarter and the current quarter. The relative stability at TW4-33 may result from the dual impacts of reduced dilution from wildlife ponds and TW4-4 pumping. The apparently increasing trend at TW4-29 may be related to reduced dilution and its greater distance from TW 4-4. Several more quarters of data will be likely required before trends at these wells can be properly evaluated. EFRI and its consultants have raised the issues and potential effects associated with cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds in March, 2012 during discussions with DWMRC in March 2012 and May 2013. While past recharge from the ponds has helped limit many 30 constituent concentrations within the chloroform and nitrate plumes by dilution, the associated groundwater mounding has increased hydraulic gradients and contributed to plume migration. Since use of the northern wildlife ponds ceased in March 2012, the reduction in recharge and decay of the associated groundwater mound are expected to increase constituent concentrations within the plumes while reducing hydraulic gradients and rates of plume migration. Recent increases in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6, TW4-8, TW4-9, and TW4-16 are likely related in part to reduced dilution. The net impact of reduced wildlife pond recharge is expected to be beneficial even though it is also expected to result in higher concentrations that will persist until continued mass reduction via pumping and natural attenuation ultimately reduce concentrations. Temporary increases in chloroform concentrations are judged less important than reduced chloroform migration rates . The actual impacts of reduced recharge on concentrations and migration rates will be defined by continued monitoring. 9.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT EFRI has provided to the Executive Secretary an electronic copy of the laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the chloroform contaminant investigation during the quarter, in Comma Separated Values format. A copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab M. 31 Certification: I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly respon jbJe for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, u·u· . accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for ubmjrting false informali n, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violati on ·. Scott A. Bakken Senior Director Regulatory Affairs Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. 33 10.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION This document was prepared by Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. on November 24, 2015 Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. By: Scott A. Bakken Senior Director Regulatory Affairs 32 Tables Table 1: Summary of Well Sampling for the Period Well Sample Date Date of Lab Report MW-04 9/4/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-01 9/13/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-02 9/13/2012 10/112012 TW4-03 8/29/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-03R 8/28/2012 9112/2012 TW4-04 9/4/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-05 9111/2012 1011/2012 TW4-06 9/11/2012 1011/2012 TW4-07 9/13/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-08 8/29/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-09 8/30/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-IO 9112/2012 1011/20 I 2 TW4-11 9113/2012 1011/2012 TW4-12 8/29/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-13 8/29/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-l4 8/29/2012 9112/2012 MW-26 9/4/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-16 8/30/2012 9/12/2012 MW-32 9/5/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-18 9/11/2012 10/112012 TW4-19 9/5/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-20 9/4/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-21 9/13/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-22 9/12/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-23 8/29/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-24 8/30/2012 9/12/2012 TW4-25 911112012 10/1/2012 TW4-25R 9110/2012 10/112012 TW4-26 9/11/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-27 8/30/2012 9112/2012 TW4-60 9113/2012 10/1/2012 TW4-65 9/5/2012 9/25/2012 TW4-70 9/11/2012 10/1/2012 All sample locations were sampled for Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloromethane, Methylene Chloride, Chloride and Nitrogen "R" following a well number deisgnates a rinsate sample collected prior to purging of the well of th at number. TW4-60 is a DI Field Blank, MW-65 is a duplicate of MW-32, and TW4-70 is a duplicate ofTW4-25. Highlighted wells are continuously pumped. INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Depth to Water Data Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells Over Time Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables I-1 Field Data QNQC Evaluation I-2 Holding Time Evaluation I-3 Receipt Temperature Check I-4 Analytical Method Check I-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation I-6 Trip Blank Evaluation I-7 QNQC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates I-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks I-9 Rinsate Check Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs Over Time Tab L Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data Over Time Tab M CSV Transmittal Letter Tab N Evaluation of Productivity at TW4-19 and TW4-24 Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site TW4-37 E9 TW4-19 EB MW-5 • TW4-12 0 TWN-7 9 PIEZ-1 Q TW4-35 ~ perched chloroform pumping well installed March, 2015 perched chloroform or nitrate pumping well perched monitoring well temporary perched monitoring well temporary perched nitrate monitoring well perched piezometer temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2014 RUIN SPRING 0 seep or spring ~~~10, J.2 Dfl.11 ~-IW~ .. . J.f4 IIR-15 " HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. Ml#.te~ ~ ' ~~, -·~ 0' l'f'l'l'-11 WHITE MESA SITE PLAN SHOWING LOCATIONS OF PERCHED WELLS AND PIEZOMETERS >\!>PROVISO DATe REFERENCE FIGURE H:/718000/nov15/Uwelloc0915.srf I A-1 TabB Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets ( Order of Contamination for 3rd Quarter 2015 Chloroform Purging Event Chloroform Water Well Well Sample time Levels Rinsate date/time level Depth TW 4-03 "!1211.5 ND 141 Ti...l'1-0::) R-oqor ·.::c lS 07J7 0"105 TW 4-12 'ft2115 OriS ND -l').,p 101.5 TW4-28 ~/2115 on.~ ND 107 TW4-32 j.lz./IS iJ'13D ND 115.1 TW4-13 GJfz/15 07J.7 ND 102.5 TW4-36 <J/V/5 0"1"/.J ND 99 TW4-27 o,lz..115 Q750 ND 96 TW4-31 1/UiS 0757 ND 106 TW4-34 !\13/t> 0154 ND 97.2 TW4-35 111h.) Oi03 ND 87.5 TW4-23 '3/3/0 0~1"3 ND 114 -MW-32 9/1 /lS j-::,10 ND 1:12.5 Bladder pump TW4-25 •M31JI!> 1'335 ND 134.8 Cont. Pumping TW4-14 q!J/15 08Z5 1.82 93 TW4-30 Ot./?>/15 Oft~'i 2.25 92.5 TW4-24 S/3\1)5 )'~jg 4.28 112.5 Cont. Pumping TW4-26 91"~/l ') 08~~ 6.12 86 TW4-05 '\J:~/l5 Q~T:!.] 13.3 120 TW4-18 ~/3/I.:S oqor 30.5 137.5 TW4-09 qt;/JS oqlo 35.1 120 TW4-16 413/15 Q9/7 65.3 142 TW4-33 9{3/1) a'lz5 127 87.9 TW4-29 qf:j(J.S 0'13..~ 329 93.5 TW4-21 8Pll IS rsz.? 366 121 twl..\-07 R_ 0" Qq20I5 0 '6 Z."3 - -TW4-07 "/101!5 0703 950 120 -TW4-08 1/ID{l'? 0 710 981 125 -· TW4-06 '3/tD/lS 071_1, 1040 97.5 .... TW4-10 10Cllr5 rrr'23 1240 111 TW4-01 ?5 /31/tS ~SC2-1260 110 TW 4-04 '6/31/ 15 1~12 1280 112 Cont. Pumping MW-04 U:llflS J~S.S 1300 124 Cont. Pumping TW4-19 :S/3111!, I S'~5 1570 125 Cont. Pumping TW4-02 <&./31/ J.S t'-1'37 1650 120 MW-26 8/31/IS 1'1'2.0 1980 122.5 Cont. Pumping TW4-11 SI'~III S 1~28' 2710 100 TW4-22 U31/I.S \3·.511 8050 113.5 Cont. Pumping TW4-20 Kt:W15 1'11~ 17600 106 Cont. Pumping TW4-37 3131/IE> 1'10.5 30200 112 Cont. Pumping -TW4-60 D.l. Blank 'Ilia/~ 0745 TW4-65 Duplicate '\h.l 15 0'115 2:> TW4-70 Duplicate '11':\l II) 0 ~1::) Comments: Name: Date: Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ~a£ .. ,. : . .' ·E~ERGYFUELS ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: -3ra Qv.o.rler 01 lor .otorr>'l zo IS See instruction Location (well name ):I._ _M---'IfJ'---O_lf,__ _________ __, Sampler Name - and initials: l'l;,,e,.. fl~ll •fA"t:1/TJf Field Sample ID MliJ-oy_ 083/ ZOlS Date and Time for Purging ._l_€7_~_1/_z_o_LS _____ _. and Sampling (if different) ._I AI_/._:A ________ _, Well Purging Equip Used: (]!]pump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Cotd /m;.t;V.S Purging Method Used: [ID2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I·Qv..M+c'rl;:) Z:J1/orotorn Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l.._-tW __ Y_-_0_7.. _____ ___. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Specific Conductance ,_l_l_ol>_o ____ _.lflMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I I 2 LJ,OO Depth to Water Before Purging I g l .00 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:~'::' =====--11(.653h) 3" Well:_'o 1.5.76 _(.367h) IS.7g Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._j-z_7_o _ _. Time I lq59 I Gal. Purged I () I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I }g~:z I pH I b,S!.6 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I 16.15 I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I L.S.7.. I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I () I Turbidity (NTU) l J Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 9. 6 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca. ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I z;,gz> I l o l o Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs 11-.LA:..!;W:.:..A!..!:L:.__ _____ _J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 ml D Ell HCL fj] D Nutrients ijl D 100 ml D IE H2S04 IE D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) Ill D Sample volume D NJ D ~ Ghlon'dc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth l._~_y_;~--'"1 __ _, Sample Time ]455 See instruction Comment Arp\Je~ Of\ site (A+· JYS ] -r;;(\r\er dlj'IJ Go.cr:(\ fre~tn+ +o C.()/1ec..T .s..,pl~ ~1"'\pJe.> C.oiJ-e.c+c::J ~t JLJSS w,.,+er LAXt.). C JeCAr l-eft S1lc P<f Jt./57 MW-04 08-31-2015 IDa not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER 1'" See instruction ~~~oo~s~~i~fu~t ~~~3~r_a_G~~-~~~~·¢~r __ C_h_l_o_rb_~_~_r_~~-z_o~~~--------------~ Sampler N arne and initials: -r;_,..n(r Ho JJ ,J ~ /JH Location (well name): l._ll..;..;o_W_Y ..... -"""o;;...;l'------------' Field Sample ID JWLJ -01.-0831 ZDI S Date and Time for Purging I ~/~1/ZOI.S and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: (![]pump or I]] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: (![]2 casings 1]]3 casings Sampling Event I &v.o.r+~rk¢ C:.l-o lortrf'on>'\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event .... I_M_w_-_0_'-1 ______ _. pH Buffer 7 .o l ,_ _,_,_o ___ _. pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ~-.1 .....:l..:..:oo:.:;o ____ ....~l ~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): 110.00 '--------' Depth to Water Before Purging I Z 0. 50 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:,l4:Z .. h ,(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) ._ ___ __. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl._l-z_,_• _ _. Time I I:SDJ I Gal. Purged I ~ I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I '2:ZZ:<. I pH I l;,i g I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I IS1t;9 I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I z:~~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I'Z, l I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate {Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) S/60 = I I b·b T = 2V/Q =I 7._,$2_ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AvJAL.. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs [JI D 3x40 ml D ~ HCL Ill D Nutrients 1!1 D 100 ml D m H2S04 ~)!!! D Heavy Metals D D 250m) D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250m) D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) ~ D Sample volume D ~ D ~ Chlc>r;J~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I ~7 · S 1 Sample Time J5o-e: See instruction Comment Arrive ~ Of\ S•fe At IY..58 ---r;,.M,. tAn ) {jg.rr.'t~ pre~rrr -fo co)}ec.+ Sc,t>"lpl~s S"I'Vlple.> co)/ec.-J-~J "'-.f-I SDZ lNt;~.t~r \JVaS rvrosiJ~ <-kar. l~+'+ s,,'.J-<! ~-} ISOf> TW4-0l 08-31-2015 ID0 not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I "3 ('a Qv..a.rtcr c~loro.f't>r 1"1 ZlHS See instruction Location (well name): Ll_-ri..!..wlt.:· =-LJ..!..-.....;o:._z~-----------1 Sampler Name and initials: I :::r:~~~~~r /f()JJ,'d'!j /m Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I g /31 /201 5 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: OOpump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [1[]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I QI);Ar+e.rl j c n I 0 (otD(I'f\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ..... 1_-n_W_Y_-_,_, ______ _. pH Buffer 7.0 -r.o pH Buffer 4.0 4,0 Specific Conductance ._I _l....;.D.;...DO~----~'[lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _lz._o_. o_o __ _.. Depth to Water Before Purging I 76.Lj{) Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:,($,41 ,(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) L-----..J Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)!'-_"2._7_0_...-~ Time I )Lj3:l; I Gal. Purged I () I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ~3l.S I pH I b.c.., I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I ]{; .19 I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I -z:z.q I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q). in gpm. S/60 = I 15(,5 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V /Q = I ~. 07 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated D Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs Ill D 3x40 ml D [] HCL [!l] D Nutrients I] D 100 ml D [!] H2S04 0!1 D Heavy Metals D 0 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250m] D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) [jl 0 Sample volume D Etl 0 Gil Lh lor;dc. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L-1 ..;;..~..;...8_,7_3 ___ _, Sample Time fY37 See instruction Comment A(riveJ on ~~+~ ,..t l~:n 5An,p I..!.S C.o llecfeJ. ,J-I Y37 Le-f-t ~~+~ tr-t JLJLJY --r;.llner tMJ. Go.rr.·,. rr~se-YI1- V0"'-tel'" W~~ G lco...r -h:, colle c.+ TW4-02 08-31-2015 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-l!lroundwat~rr Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAPI ,-'c'.~ ATTACHMENT 1-Z WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL /J See inslruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: ._I _....;:~:.-r_d.__:Q::.""....:.c.r-t_.=.~r __ C_n.;..;l..;..o~"_o_ft....;;.o_fY"l __ "Z.._o_;I_.S _______________ ___J Location (well name): 1..__'1\J-'-' -=--i.j.:...-_0-'3=--------------..J Sampler Name and initials: 1---r:;lln er flo ii."Jftjh11 Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._I _9;.;./...;.1.:.../...;;'Z;.;;..O=l.S::..__ ____ _. and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [QJ bailer Well Pwnp {if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [g)3 casings Sampling Event I Gv..a-1"'1-e.rb C.h lor~+1rrfl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._I_I_L>J_l4_-_0_3_~-------' pH ButTer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 l..\.0 Specific Conductance ._I ....:.lo;_t>_o ___ ___.l J.1MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.O lfi): ._I -'-1 L/:....;_1.'--o _o __ _. Depth to Water Before Purging l .55,q·z. Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l S5 .. !;5 1{.653b) 3" Well.· o ( 367'·) ...__ __ ---J •• u Weather Cond. Ext'l Am b. Temp. ·c (prior sampling eventl._l ..;....17_(1 __ _, Time I 0~2"Z I Gal. Purged I ~!;:zs I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I lf/11 I pH I (.,;71. I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I IY,T'-I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ~10 I Redox Potential Eb (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I '2\ I Turbidity (NTU) L I Time I 0701.{ I Gal. Purged I o I Time I o7ob I Gal. Purged I 0 I Conductance I lb]b I pH I b.5 D I Conductance '''f{' I pH I f;,,5 i( .I Temp. cc I l.S, gq I Temp. oc I lS/I~ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A-f:l-er Nhite Mesa Mill ~ield Data Worksheet for Groundwater ~ 1 of2 capturx· COMPATIBLE WITH,;"""-I...,..,,nr-fUNCtiDNALITY Mili-,Sroundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-{16-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater M"'onitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate lQ), in gpm. S/60 = I 11.0 Number of casing \'oJumes evacuated (if other than t\vo) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gal1ons evacuated Time to evacuate two casin volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= 1o .to '--..=.;'-'-=-------' I SS/2..5 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I ALL.!..:.wA"""""L _____ __, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Presen·ath·e Type VOCs Nulrients Heavy Metals All Other Non Radiologies Gross Alpha Other (specify) L h lor\de ~inal Depth I 1'2> 8 , 4_5 ~ ~ :comment y Sl L'il 0 0 0 r5il N specified below) 0 · 3x40 ml 0 100 ml 0 250m! 0 250m! 0 1,000 ml 0 Sample volume Sample Time 070!:> y N y 0 IZt HCL Cil 0 I! H2S04 lEI 0 0 HN03 0 0 0 No Prcserv. 0 0 0 HN03 0 0 IKI 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction ·' Afflve~ 11-n Site oJ ogoq --rt((\(\er W1J G.\.rri., p-reSell+ -For pu.r~c. Pu..r-5~ 1€j"" o..:+-og N P~r~et\ (..)e ll .for~ ht-.,.1 ot 7 M;~u.+~ .:tntl YS Sec.otlJ~ t'u.r~~J. Well Jr~. Pur~ el'lCkJ ct + , w~-+tr ~"'S 111ostj C.kdo.r. Le--B sHe tt-t agzs Arr-il.ld M s.i'tl! ~J-0707.. -r:tln,r e\nd Go..rrifl pre5ell+ to ccilecf SCJ,...,pl"t".), Dt=p+h +c t,..Jc;_~r · L.Vc..s. f,t,.lg ~~P'lpk.> b"-.'11!'! c..t 07oS l ett ~~~-~ A.T 07Dg ~.-_______ ____JIDo not touch this cell (SheetName) Nhite Mesa Mill N 0 0 0 0 0 IE =ield Data Worksheet for Groundwater ~ 2 of2 capturx" COMPATIBLE WITH~· .... -e·ti:>-FUHCTIONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I '3' dl: Q. ..... CA.~r @ Chlor<>f.>rfl"' "Z.OIS See instruction Location (well name): ._l-n~w:....Y..t..-..::0;...;;3;::...:~c..:------------' Sampler Name and initials: q;\'"Jlcr HoJI,JCI.::j /-rJ.J Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._l_'l....:/ __ J __ /_2_D....,lS"-·------~ and Sampling (if different) IV'lA ~--------------~ Well Purging Equip Used: (![]pump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) j._G_r_oJ-_na_~_o_s ______ _, Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings [9]3 casings Sampling Event jQu.o.Merb C.hlor0forrv1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l .... _-r_w __ 4_-_19 ________ --' pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 Specific Conductance I._I_OO....;o'--___ _.lr.tMHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging 1.__6 ___ --.J Weather Con d. Time I 073'-I Gal. Purged I l'Z.I Conductance 13,5 I pH I &.ID Temp. oc I '"Z:\,7':5 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Z'i~ I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I Conductance I I pH I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater I I I I pH Buffer 4.0 '"\.0 Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _o ____ _, Casing Volume (V) 4" w~n:~~o----tl(.653h) 3" Well:_ 0 _(.367h) Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)!._ 1_7_() __ _. Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pRj I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 1!:.0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 11.0 Time to evacuate two casin g volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 0 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) () If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated l o Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._l !...JA~W .... A ...... L ______ -J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N speC:Jified below) y N y N VOCs ijl 0 3x40 rnl 0 IE HCL 111 12!1 Nutrients 111 0 100 ml 0 ~ H2S04 ~ 0 Heavy Metals 0 Cl 250 ml 0 D HN03 D 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross A IJ~ha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 D Other (specify) Gl 0 Sample volume 0 f&) 0 ~ L..h I oridc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._l ___ o __ ___. Sample Time Of'"!J7 See instruction Comment p wY1p!!!d SD cJ-,.IIotts. "f' .S6~f wc1o..+cr afiJ lbO G--. I IottS of" Dr LV"7?r . ~ ... Mplej co\lec+~~ ~..+ 0737 TW4-03R 09-01-2015 lD o not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 I Mill-Groundwat~r Discharge Permit Date: 06.()6-12 Rev 7.2-Errata Grotmdw;rter Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3,..a ~v.o..r-·fer-C h l 1H·~ rl"l zo/5 .f) g.., instruction Location (well name): t...l _-r1..:.....:...W_4.:....~.....;0::..'-l.!... ________ __. Sampler Name and initials: li:Mner -I-I<>JI ,'J':.!j/1]J Field Sample ID Date and Time for Pwging I SI~J /zo/.5 and Sampling (if different) 1-....'-M-~'-:4;.:._ _______ .-~ Well Purging Equip Used: [mpump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Can+' fl v.ou.s Purging Method Used: @] 2 casings [QJ 3 casings Sampling EYent I Ov..o-rterlcl Chlor,f0cft1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event t...l_-n..v __ Y_-_0_1 _____ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ._I _i_o_oo ____ _,I~IMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): l.___,_l..:..;lz."'"",_oo __ ___. Depth to Water Before Purging I ]"2. .I 0 Casing Volmue (V) 4" Well:' Z.b.OS ,(.653 h) -'=~" Well·. .,., ' 367h) r._..:;""'----J'-·- Weather Cond. Ext'l Am b. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)._! ..::Z"""b-ft _ _. Time I lS I/ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I Z3o~ I pH I 6.ta I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. ac I \ s-3\ I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I "'2..77 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 3.z. I Turbidity (NTU) L I Time I I GaL Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. "C I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I II Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwat~r A 1 of2 Ca ptu rx-COMPATIBLE W>TH /'-'"'"".ri:r-FUHCTIONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata GroUndwater tt,onitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged () gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two c~sin S/60 == I ( 0 r D T == 2V/Q = .__s_._z_r __ _, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than tv.ro) l.__o ___ --1 If well evacuated to dryness_ number of gallons evacuated o .__ ___ --1 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Type of Sample VOCs Nutrients Hea\ly Metals All Other Non Radiologies Gross Alpha Other (specify) Ch\or\dc: ~inal Depth I 79 ,J.(; ! ~ 'Comment Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate if other than as y N specified below) Ill 0 3x40 ml ~ 0 lOOml 0 0 250m! 0 0 250m! 0 0 1,000 ml EiJ D Sample volume Sample Time I.S rz thJ A L Filtered y N D en D liJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ED Presen·ative Type Presen'alive Added y N HCL Ill 0 H2S04 Ill 0 HN03 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 HN03 0 0 0 Ill lf preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Arr:ve.J on .st'+e.. (;_t i-5016 -JN!ne• (JifiJ. Ga-rr•'n prese11-r f'<> ollcc.f s""'~f 'e.s .S.U.Mp le s Co llec -h-J. o..+ I f:. 1< 10()\.+rr--h.:lo..S (.IC"or Le-ft s,;.}-e_ o-t IS/(;, .___....._"--'-'·.:....;·-__,; _ _,__.;.:.··....:·--liDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Freid Data Work~heet for Groundwater A 2 of2 capturx· COMPATIBLE WITH/'-1.-u'n:.-FUNCTiONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3~"00 Qv.a.f+C.-Gh lor otorr'(l "2.01.5 t See instruction Location (well name); ._l_li_W_Y_-_o_S _________ ____. Sampler Name and initials: Ff"o.nner t)~J!JJ~)-'r9 Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging .... 1 _q_l_z_lz_o_•s ______ __, and Sampling (if different) ._I _17_3_/_zo_lS ______ ____, Well Purging Equip Used: [][)pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ~-' &_"'_,_J+._as _____ ......~ Purging Method Used: (QJ2 casings [QJ3 casings I--Jw'-l-z6 Sampling Event I Q'-l..or+er6 o .. )or~flYJ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event....__ _________ _, pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 IY.D Specific Conductance IL-_,_ooo ____ _.JI r.tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I lzo. DO Depth to Water Before Purging I ,3.7D Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l '3{;.7 b 1(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) L----.....J Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)L-12_7_0 __ ___, Time l l'Z.')~ I Gal. Purged I .ss I Time I rz.y o I Gal. Purged I 66 I Conductance I lt'\.:,'6 I pH I ~. z=l6 I Conductance l lql;'3 I pH I C.QS I Temp. oc I !S.S9 I Temp. oc I IS.Si I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I 'Z.f'1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Z 18 I Turbidity (NTU) I "3j I Turbidity (NTU) I 3i I Time j!Zql I Gal. Purged I 77 I Time I IZ'-tZ I Gal. Purged I 88. I Conductance I 1952: I pH 116. G~ I Conductance 119CfZ: I pHI"·" I Temp. oc I l$.5~ I Temp. oc 115;5<J I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I '1:7"1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 'Z.TI I Turbidity (NTU) I qo I Turbidity (NTU) I '10 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged ._j_.,g;,::;[S ____ _, Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in gpm. S/60= ~.-1 _;_11~.0 __ _.. gallon(s) Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) ._I o ___ ___,.J If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated L-1 o ___ ___, Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs .._}}'-=-=-VJ....JA.._· .;;;,L _____ ......J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y VOCs [I 0 3x40 ml 0 Nutrients [] 0 100 ml 0 Heavy Metals D 0 250ml D All Other Non Radiologies 0 D 250 ml D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D Other (specify) '(] D Sample volume 0 ch\oriJc Final Depth I b 5., l D Sample Time 08.5:) Comment ArriiJt~ OY'I !>ite t1..+ l'Z.3J ~M~r 611J Ge.rr•'fl pn.·~ud·· .-k>r fv.rt::Ji>. fu.r~e~ 11-)ell tor ~ io-tQ.l o~ g .,; nlA+es _ 'H,.r~~ ~,J~d wo·Jer w ~ tJ.. U.llL Mu.rk_j . Le.-0-S.•'tc ~+ 12. LJ5 N y B HCL ~l '[] H2S04 r:r 0 HN03 0 0 No Preserv. D 0 HN03 D ~ D If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: J See instruction Pu.r~{ hc!j~" ~ 1-1Z3t.f 6.+ IZYZ A rr •'ve! Dfl s•+e ~-t og SO -(,.11ncr o.t1J G-o.rrir. pte.s.&J--h. c.o/l~c.+ ~t:~M.ples. \N~~ b 3, 7.5 ~ o.IV) p)e.s. b6o.; lei\ ,d-6 85'3 LJt .Site 411:} D 8 5..5 1W4-05 09-02-2015 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N 0 0 0 0 D m 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ';?~ ---....~IVERGYFUEL.S ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3n:s: G.\A.O<r+~ c.J, )o rD"i"or"? Zo lf, See instruction Location (well name): ._I _J\_w_I..J_-_O_b _________ __, Sampler Name and initials: 1-r;tii/Cr lJ~ll ·da..,O /-n} Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging 1'-_'V_'l_l_-z._o_J.S _____ ----.~ and Sampling (if different) 4//0 /ZOJS ~------------~ Well Purging Equip Used: CQ]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1.6r ""!'Jfo> Purging Method Used: 1!!]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I G\J:O:ff~rh\ Chloro:JorfY\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event'._ _-;~ __ w __ Y_-_o_s __________ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 7.D pH Buffer 4.0 Li.o Specific Conductance ._I _l_oo_o _______ _.lf.LMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I q....:...7_.s_o __ _.. Depth to Water Before Purging I 1 I · '55 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' ) /,0 l ,(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) .__ ______ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event) I~.-::~,..;-· _ __, Time I )31j~ I Gal. Purged I '22 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ~\3~ I pH I {;,./1q I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I \C.,·ID I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) lzg~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I '5 I Turbidity (NTU) l J Time ID71~ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time 1 o7lt I Gal. Purged I 0 I Conductance I :!.2.i\5 I pH 17.'30 I Conductance j-:33 01 I pHj 7.Z8 I Temp. oc I \'1, gl I Temp. °C I 19,g~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) . Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in gpm. s/6o =I~.......--..:...:..''=· o __ -.~ Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q =I 3 .ID I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) l l .Zf/ If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I .s...A!....:.\J~A~L _____ ___. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N Spe¢ified below) y VOCs f[] 0 3x40 ml 0 Nutrients TfJ D 100 ml D Heavy Metals D 0 250m! D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D Gross AIQha 0 D 1,000 ml D Other (specify) iJ D !Sample volume 0 ch\or;J~ Final Depth ._l9_S_._o_c. ___ _, Sample Time 6 715 Comment ArrkJ~b.. ofl ~ i +~ o..+ 1'3 YD -r;.1111~r ew~a G-. a in fr~se-nf -for pv.r~e . Pw~c~ VJell .h;'r fA. 1o+Al o~ z. M;l1"'-.}~. 'Pv.rt(~ \.Ue'\1 ~~~ V)~fcr l,:)o.~ ~ l,·Hic. l'rlll\.rK.(:) Lc~ S i+c ~+ 13~~ N y 1!1 HCL n V!l H2S04 El D HN03 D D No Preserv. 0 0 HN03 D 1:1 D If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: p<A~C:. .b~ lUI 'P VII'(\~ eYJJd .aJ See instruction Atn\J~~ 011 5;tr= ~t 0712 ..,.;nnu t?:fltl Go.rr.'l'\ pr~Sc:flt ~ coll~c+ \rOll~ II.(~. SAMpleS bo.~·J~A ().-+ 071.5 l...et:'t s)tc ~f. 07/8 TW4-06 09-09-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D ~ 2 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~rJ ~v."rftr Chlort>fi>tl'1 "ZOJ.S See instruction Location (well name): J.._'it_W_'i_-_:0;_"7 _________ ---' Sampler Name and initials: l -'fAflr~-t.r H,J J,'J-tj/-r'fJ Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._I __ "1_/ ~_/_2_0_1.5 ____ __, and Sampling (if different) ~~~~/zoL.S Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings (QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Q'IAM hr b C. h I o ro.t'.>rM Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I I\JLj-0 7 .R pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 pH Buffer 4.0 I Y,O Specific Conductance ._I __..:..::IO;.;.o;.;.o ___ __,l!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): )z.O,Oll '-'--;......._ __ ___. Depth to Water Before Purging l 14.7S CasingVolume(V) 4"WeJJ:I "Z.'I.SLI ,(.653h) 3'' w J.l : 0 (.367h) '--"'----' Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)lL......:....J'1.:..~ __ _, Time I 0 &Yl< I Gal. Purged I sg,u, I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I lbO\ I pH 17.lb I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I l'la.s I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I t:ql I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I i1E I Turbidity (NTU) I J Time I 07D<.. I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time 1 o?a'j I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I l5bL. I pl-l I 7.yq I Conductance 1 15~0 I pHI -,·'-17 I Temp. oc I IS ,b~ I Temp. oc 1 15./3 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged s8.u gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in ru m. S/60 = I 11.0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q=I 5.37 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) l.qg If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 rnl D 61 HCL eJ 0 Nutrients {] D lOOm! D Ill H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250m! D 0 No Prese1-v. D 0 !Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume D III D liJ ch lo,.,·Jl If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth IL--'-ll_l _ • ..:::c&'Z=---__. Sample Time 0703 Comment (J See instruction Aa:v~~ on s.•-+e .J-07txJ ~ 7S.l:.S ~iiN!pl~-5 ~tll"'~r AIIJ. 6~rr·~ pres,~llt ~ c~ 11-(.c.+ 514(V)ples . Pep+h ..J-i> w~-fc-r b~>~~J\ (A+ o7o'3 l.-e..-f-1-slfc ~~t-7-07()£, L--...;T;....W_4...;-...:.0_;_7...:.0.:....9--=.0.:....9-....::2...:.0.:....15;___,lDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: j3.r~ QWJ.('fer Ghlor()f~riVf 2CJ1S Location (well name):j ._ =t_.w_'-l_-_6_....,_~ _________ ____. Field Sample ID j1\J4-0 7lt:04 O ~W l$ Date and Time for Purging I GfJtQzof5 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: OO]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: (][]2 casings [QJ3 casings See instruction I ~~~z Sampling Event I Q<.A£Arterlj Gh/orb~rl"? Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._ _________ ........... pH Buffer 7.0 "1.0 pH Buffer 4.0 1 4.o Specific Conductance ._l_lo_o_o ____ ...... l~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _o ____ _...... Depth to Water Before Purging ._I ____ _. Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l 0 1(.653h) 3'1 Well:t-..,-0----1_ (.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling eventll~....7_4_0 __ _, Time I o~·z:t-I Gal. Purged I \3'L I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I s.q I pH I ~.1 () I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. ac 1 "2.o. 15 I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I :s~c; I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. ac I I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 1'-'\S=--0 ____ ____. gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 11.0 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q =I 0 I l o lo Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs '-I A_~...;~_!.-______ __, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N spe.cified below) y N y N VOCs lJ 0 3x40 ml 0 I!J HCL 0 0 Nmri_~1 rs J;l 0 100 ml 0 !J H2S04 Q 0 Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radi ologies 0 0 250ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) '[] 0 Sample volume 0 [] 0 'E:J C}11oriJc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth!.__<> ____ __. Sample Time Comment ~ J See instruction Arrr\JeJ. Of\ S•tc. ~ 08'00. ~fl/'l.!r Iiiii~ GMrl,., rr~~.J--for rin~~+~. 'Riti.SOI.-J.( b~~l\>'1. fv.""p~J So G,.llon!. of .$oe; F .N,.~rr ~,J )00 c; .... llons 0 {' D::I l...)ea.-frr ~~M~Its Wdc (.ol/ec.feJ.. -c+ 03'Z.~ J._~.f} ~ lfc ~ .J.-0 g 3.5 TW4-07R 09-09-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3,.~ G u.~rfc.r-Gh loro:f~t"m zoi..S See instruction Location (well name): ._I _!W;___t..t_-_o_z _________ __, Sampler Name and initials: j---r;.n,~; J.J~JI."lo~/TH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging IL_'I_/_'1_1_-z._o_t.S _____ _. and Sampling (if different) ~/JO/zoJ.5 ~~-~~----------1 Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet)!._ 6 __ rv._,_,{3_+_o_s ______ _, Purging Method Used: [![]2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I Gi. ..... .H=t<rb c.nl.orb'forl") Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event 1 ..... -rt_w __ y_ ..... _0_1 _________ -' pH Buffer 7.0 ._I _7_.o ____ _,, pH Buffer 4.0 j 4.o Specific Conductance ._I _1_oo_o ________ _.l [!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): l...__J2.5_.o_o __ ___. Depth to Water Before Purging ltb.OD Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll:,31,qq ,(.653h) 3" Wol.l: 0 (.367h) ..__ ___ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)l._1_5_" __ _. Time I 1>117 I Gal. Purged I Y4 I Time I o9Jt I Gal. Purged I ~ I Conductance I 'ihZ:> I pH I G.77 I Conductance I LH;zJ I pHI b,78 I Temp. oc I IS,o~ I Temp. oc I 15.01 I . Redox Potential Eh (m V) j 30D I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 2.1'1 I Turbidity (NTU) I -z.o I Turbidity (NTU) I -z.J I Time I Oti11 I Gal. Purged I bb I Time I Ol:f'U> I Gal. Purged 171 I Conductance l~b "2.3 I pH I c. .7 f? I Conductance I ql;J~ I pHIG-78 I Temp. oc I \S,07 I Temp. oc I 15.o(; I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I -z~~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I '2-G\&' I Turbidity (NTU) I ""21 I Turbidity (NTU) I Z-1 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate ( ; in gpm. st6o = I n.o gallon(s) 77 Time to evacuate two ca ·ing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = I 5. g I I Number of casing volumes eva~uated (if other than two) ._I o ___ __, If well evacuated to dryness,' number of gallons evacuated !._? ___ __, Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ~A.:..:'W~A~L _____ _,~ Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N spe<::ified below) y N y N VOCs [l! 0 3x40 mi 0 ~ HCL ~ 0 Nutrients ~ 0 JOOml D !'l!l H2S04 ~ 0 Heavy Metals tJ 0 250 ml D D HN03 0 D All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 D No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha_ 0 EJ 1,000 ml 0 D HN03 0 D Other (specify) EQ 0 Sample volume 0 (B D IS C'r11oridc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I._ ....... XY_._._. 56._ __ --' Sample Time o7/D Comment 4 See instruction Arrive~ on s:+~ tll.+ Dt!I ID -r;..f\ll~r (Af'IJ.. (r,.,r:n pr~e(lr .for pvr~c . Pur~c bc~'jM 0\t oqJ3 P v.(~eJ Well .fo'r o. foh,l o+' 7 ,..,;noAtc:..s, I,..),,:J.cr v:>a.5. clcM. Pur~~ Cf'ldca A.-1-oqza Lc:t+-s.r'-l c ~-r olfZ.3 Arrive~ 0(\ ~;fe ()..+ 0707 }';,"~("' 17111~ G-/Ar(l\11 f.1c.Sdlr +z, co)lt>L1-.s~mph·s. D~pth to 'W~ 7{..,(.5 s~Mplt:S bc..'JcJ q.,+ 0110 t...ctt ~ac ~J-D71J TW4-08 09-09-2015 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: 3ra Gv.c:v·ter--Ch/orb+"riYI :zol5 See instruction Location (well name): I._T_W_4_-_o_~------------' Sampler Name and initials: I =--t' ... ~,..,c:r /1oJl ;J<e.ITJ} Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging!._ _'l_l_~_7_z_o_1.S _____ __. and Sampling (if different) 'f/:!/z.o1,5 '-----------~ Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or ill] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I._G_rv._~"~_a_:(_o_.S. ____ __. Purging Method Used: 1][12 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I Gv.o.r+~dj Chloroform Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l.__li_W_Y_-_1% ______ _. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Specific Conductance 1~.-_Jo_o_o ___ ___.lf.lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft):l ~.-_IZ_O_,O_D __ --J Depth to Water Before Purging I 61 .55 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:,38,,/(,. ,(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) L.....-----' Weather Con d. Ext'! Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)!._ Z_8" __ _. Time I )34 11' I Gal. Purged I ss I Time I )3Y9 I Gal. Purged I "" I Conductance l?.~j7 I pH I ,.sq I Conductance I 'Z31Y I pHI ~$~ I Temp. oc I ~s."Zq; I Temp. oc I lS,-z~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I zg-z I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ZSJ I Turbidity (NTU) I 'it I Turbidity (NTU) I Ll" I Time I J>.SO I Gal. Purged I 7Z I Time 11'351 I Gal. Purged I g~ I Conductance I Z3Gt~ I pH I b.5q I Conductance I Z3~$ I pH I ".SY I Temp. °C I ]5:Z..'1 I Temp. oc I 15,:Z~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I "2.7~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I z..i~ I Turbidity (NTU) I qt I Turbidity (NTU) I 9b I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q). in gpm. Time to evacuate two c< ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I }).0 T=2V/Q= I ~.Cf3 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs LI_A.;..h)..:.ifJ_L. ______ -.~ Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs I!J D 3x40 ml D ~ HCL !!]_ 0 Nutrients [!] D 100 ml D 1!1 H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals D D 250m! D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologi~ D 0 250m! D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpba D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) ~ D Sample volume D ~ D C!r C \1 lor ;Jc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 7 8,12 Sample Time 0'110 See instruction Comment f\rc"i ueJ D() s.:t~ ~+ 13YO, 'JA.nncr .MJ. 6-,.r,;f'l pr-~..st"trf 1-or pur~e. 'Pv.r5e.. .be-j'ln "-r 13 Y3 P\).r~<:J \1-)ejl .foe-rA tot,.! Dt 8 (Y!;tlu+~s 'PL..\r~1c: ~lldej ~+ )35/ WA+('r wo.~ q.. I;H/c Mu.rk~. L~rt Site ~t 1'355 Auive~ Of'l s;1-~ a..1 0~D7 -rA.,Mr ~na 6-(A((I.(J pr~.s.cn+ .fo c.oll~c.+-.5P.YYJf1~~. Def-1-J., +o wet+~, ~Net~ (;1.54 . .S"-ti'J'f'le-~ b,_·,j~J "":t-O'JJO L~ s:tc t{,Y 6'-IJ-c TW4-09 09-02-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3 r ~ ·Gv.or'f('r C), lor o'for)l'} -z..o 15 Location (well name): ._I _1'..;..\.o.)_l..l_-_r_o _________ __, Sampler Name and initials: Field Sample ID I J"~Ll -IO_ oq lo zo..\5 Date and Time for Purging I t~j/ j / "20!_S and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: IT[] pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) See instruction Purging Method Used: 002 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I Qu.tU'+erh C..nlo ro t~r)¥) Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ._l_w __ Y_-_O_C. _____ ~ pH Buffer 7.0 (,D Specific Conductance .... l-'1"'-D"-oo ____ _,lf.l.MHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I b l, l CJ Weather Cond. Time I IY 19 I Gal. Purged I '1~ .'bD Conductance I -zgot I pH I b.'l,3 Temp. oc I l s. 5LJ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I "!> lt I Turbidity (NTU) I 'l>Z I Time 10727... I Gal. Purged I 0 Conductance 12.700 I pH I r;, ~z: Temp. oc 114.20~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater I I I I pH Buffer 4.0 1-i.D Well Depth(O.Olft): I )) l.OD Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll:l ~z. S2 1(.653h) 3" Well:._ __ l> __ _.._(.367h) Ext'l Am b. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)j.__z _7_' _ __, Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I 07Zij I Gal. Purged l o I Conductance I "Z7Z"t I pH 1 ?;,liz I Temp. °C I I LJ.3'3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate Q), in gpm. S/60 = I ll. D Time to evacuate two ·as in g volumes (2V) T = 2V /Q = I s. q I I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 1 1.:s2 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Ce1tified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs IJW/H. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs 111 0 3x40 ml D [} HCL ~ D NuLricnts 17J 0 lOOm! D _111 H2S04 1]1 0 Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml D D HN03 D 0 All Other Non Rad!_cili:>_gic~ 0 D 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. D 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 D 0 Other (specify) Ill 0 Sample volume 0 Ill 0 ~ L h \or~·J(. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I los-87 Sample Time ._l_o_7_Z3--"----J Comment I a See instruction Au ;v~~ 0(\ v-:>~ bl.30 site ~t1-07'U>. '\Mntr 6.(\'i>-G-o.rrin pr<~efl} t1> Lollett" 5NY!p7es . Dep+h -h r.va.-1-~r ~mpk..S ~,·JeJ "'1-077.3 L.eJ'} 5ltt: 1-} 07Z" I TW4-10 09-09-2015 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3 rJI ~\Nl\.f+er-Z:h ll>r0Jeovr ...ZD}S Location (well name): '-1_,_:"1_W_Il __ ~ __ 4_-....:.ll _____ ___. Sampler N arne and initials: Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I ~/'31/-t.OJS and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: @pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [!!]2 casings [ill3 casings See instruction Sampling Event I GWA.r:h:t'/2}' ChloM"bnY} Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l.__fl.i_w_-_z_b ______ ~ pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Specific Conductance ._I _l_O_oo ___ ___.I!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I 100.00 Depth to Water Before Purging I G<i • 9 D Casing Volume (V) 4" Well.:l 1'1. qt, 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) .___ ___ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling eventl~...l -z._7_• _ __.J Time I lq'Z7· I Gal. Purged I l5 t Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance l 3~b4 I pH I b,S"Z I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I p;:,q; I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I IT7 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I g. I I Turbidity (NTU) t t Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 17,0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 2.~ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I D Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y VOCs fJ Nutrients TlJ Heavy Metals D All Other Non Radio.logi.cs D Gross Alpha D Other (specify) lJ GhJor;Je Final Depth ._I _~_z_,_~_, __ _....J Comment c..ollec.tetA s.r'+e 11\.1 N specified below) y N y 0 3x40 rnl 0 __g:J HCL ~ D 100 ml D [!] H2S04 ~ D 250 ml D D HN03 D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Sample volume D ~ D If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Sample Time }4?.8 o-nJ. G-Mr;n pu.S.el'\1-to Coli"~ t .S~f't'lp/e~ l..001.+el' W a....S. C Jea.r See instruction TW4-ll 08-31-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D tJ 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP} ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I '3,-J\. Qv..,r:b= Ch!o.rofor111 -zoJ5 Location (well name): I.._TW __ ._l-J_-_1< __________ _, Sampler Name and initials: 1f;'nT1(r AoJJ:J~IIH Field Sample ID 1--n-Jq-lz_ o9oz z.ol5 Date and Time for Purging ._l_~_7_1_7_2_o_l5 _____ _. and Sampling (if different) 'j/-z/2ol5 '-----------~ Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I.._G_r_"'_.,_a:J_a~ ____ __, Purging Method Used: [ru2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.g.f'7~rlj CJ'llorb'fl>rtr~ I 'JW4-0"3 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._ _________ ___. pH Buffer 7.0 1.6 pH Buffer 4.0 Lf.O Specific Conductance L..p_o_bb ____ __.l flMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _10_1._.5_0 __ __, Depth to Water Before Purging I q5,2>1 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' 3{, .bj ,(.653h) 3" Well: D (.367h) L------1 Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl._ll'-~-· __ _, Time I o8.sY I Gal. Purged I 55 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I \~'3 \ I pH I /,07.. I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I \L\. q1 I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ':):\~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I -z.S I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time 1 o7JY I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time 10117 I Gal. Purged I ~ I Conductance I 1-z.i g I pH I 7,0(:. I Conductance I )-z. Zf c: I pH 17. OS I Temp. °C I 'j~. gg I Temp. oc I li:J.CJ3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A-H-er White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 5.5 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate Q) in gpm. S/60 = I ll.o Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I G.G)7 I l /.9 q 155 N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Ll _.A_w_J1_L ______ __, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs !J D 3x40 ml D 129 HCL '[] D Nutrients El D 100 ml 0 ~ H2S04 l:l D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D A ll Other Non Radiolml.k s D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) '@g 0 Sample volume 0 '[] 0 f] ChloriJ( If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ~-.I 4_8.:.....'...:..g ...:..g __ ___, Sample Time 01!.5 Comment , J. See instruction Arr;\leJ on s)·k o.+ 0 8Yk. I' Mn~l ~nJ. 6.11rrif) prc-s~nt for pu.r~e-?ur~e ~~11 "'t CJ8lj<j P ... v·~eJ t..Vcll tor "' +1rhl 6t ~ M · fliAtc ~. ?ur~a, (,.)ell ~r~. P"-'r~~ e(ldeJ IA-f o '8 ~~ \N!Alcr ~-vo..5 ml)$~1'\ c.l~~r. Le-ft sN~ ~t 0~57 Arr .'vd 011 s.itc o.t 07l'l. ~VIner "',..,c:;t (;..,,rr;i\ pre~etrl +o c.o)l(c.+ S&~IY!ples . .D~ptJ. fo ~+c!'r 1;1)4,S y5,3.5 .SDtMpl!!~ bj)\i 1~). o-f D7J..5 Le.f-t s;-f-e ~+ 0718 1W4-12 09-01-2015 IDa not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: See instruction Location (well name): .._FT}_v:>_'"l_-_13 __________ ___. Sampler N arne and initials: 1-r;;:nner ~o Jl;J"'>i/1"71" Field Sample ID tTW4-l3~ o9 ozzo[S Date and Time for Purging ._I _q_/_ll_-z._o_JS _____ _. and Sampling (if different) 'fiz./zo{5 Well Purging Equip Used: (![]pump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [Q]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I QW).('fUI:::) ChlorotOriVJ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ..... 1_~_1 _VJ_LJ_-_3_-z. ______ ....J pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ..... l ..... l.;..:OO,._,O::.._ ___ ....... IflMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IO'Z..SO Depth to Water Before Purging I 51·7...0 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l ~3.Yq ,.653h) 3'' WeU: 0(.367h) .__ ___ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event),_! _IIJ_• __ ....... Time I )-z lj I Gal. Purged I ~~~~bk I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I 1~70 I pH I ,,84 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I \5,'3S I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~8~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I ~5 I Turbidity (NTU) L J Time I 07~1; I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I o--r:!>K I Gal. Purged 10 I Conductance I 187Z I pH I 1.1LJ I Conductance II~~D I pH I7.JJ I Temp. oc I l';.SO I Temp. oc I JI=LS3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate QJ, in gpl'n. S/60 = I I 1.0 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca in volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I (0,01 I l l.9Z 1 Lj7, ro{:, Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AWA L Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) VOCs Ill D 3x40 rnl Nutrients I] D 100 m1 Reavy Metals D D 250 ml All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml Other (specify) Ejj D Sample volume c~!oriJc Final Depth ._I _Cf.:.._'f_ • ...;;;b_l __ _.. Sample Time 0737 Comment y N D 01 D IE D 0 D 0 D D D 00 y N HCL III D H2S04 Ell D HN03 D D No Preserv. D D HN03 D D D ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: (J See instruction b1j4"' ~+ ~~ 15 Jt~ enJeJ ~1- Arr;\Jed on .site ~+ 1212 ~~~rJu cv1J G-o.rr,'r, pre.St-~ tor pur~c_-· Pur~~ fv.r~fc). ~e.JI for 0\ fot(l..1 "f 4 11'\ii'h,J~ ,.11J 20 S~c.onJ~. f'v.r~~J. IN~II Jr~~ lZ.J'f . WC4Jer W~j tvJo~r!j C.letA.r: L~tt .:s1t~ )2Z3 Arr;vcJ. on s~-}e A,} 073~ ,-;'nn(r 0;,J. 6-,.rrl·fl prcs~n+-+~> col'ecf 5P.~¥~p)e:>. Ocpfh tt. v.::>t:t+e-r l..>)c;,s 5.1 ,30 Sb.~>"~plt"~ b,.:7e~ ,.} 0737 L~.f.t-5rt~ ,_-} 0"'1:3~ TW4-13 09-01-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I -srh\ QW).r1'~ d'lloro:fD('IYl -zol5 Location (well name): I~......-1_W_LJ_-_;I_Y __________ __. Sampler Name and initials: Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._14_7_-z._J_z_o_IS _____ __, and Sampling (if different) 9/::Vzal3 ~---------~ Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ~.-I6T_VJ!_/1_::h_o.S _____ __. Purging Method Used: [QJ2 casings IQ]3 casings Sampling Event I Qu,o-rtl!!r6 c~l or~Orm I 'JW4 ... Z'3 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._ _________ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ._l_lD_o_o ____ __,l!lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O .o 1ft): l._~_3_._o_o __ ____. Depth to Water Before Purging I go.ZJ9 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:~7...,... S'l.....;7 __ --l,(.653h) 3" Well;_ 0 _(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Am b. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventJ._I _l8:.....0 __ _J Time I IOOS I Gal. Purged I I) I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I '-I~Z~ I pH l 7,oz. I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I H.:z.o I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) 1 2:3c. I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 1.3 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time 1 o&z'f I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time 1 o~z" I Gal. Purged I 0 I Conductance 1 9~b5 I pH I b·bb I Conductance I 9il7'Z I pH I (0./0 I Temp. oc I )5.1t I Temp. °C I IS.ZD I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Attcr White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged II gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = ._I --!..!!11,~0 ----1 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two a. ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 1.'13 I 1.39 II N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs 1'-'A~W..:JA~L~-------.J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N spcdficd below) y N y N VOCs rLl D 3x40 ml D lJ HCL E D INim1cnts !!l D 100 ml D f!] H2S04 l:J D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radio"logics D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. 0 D Gross Alpha D D l,DOO ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) iJ D Sample volume D El D r:J ch)or;Je If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth lL......;.91;....._o_z ___ _J Sample Time ._I 6_8_25 ___ ____, See instruction Comment Arf\.\lc! Grt 51~e .,t 1005 .,.;.,,ef" (1.('1~ GtSrr:n pr~Sl'rrf .for pv.r~<'-Pur~~ bejM ... } 1007 ? u.rU"A well fb, ,... hl~J ~+ I rvl;J1v..tc . ?.,....~c~ v.>el\ ~(~. PIAr~c ~r'IJeJ &\.t l008'. w.c-f~r we.~ n,o~t~ Cl~c.or . Lc~t-S.'tc a..+ JOIJ Arr;\Je! o(1 srt-~ ~~~.+ 0 8lZ ~ntlU O.t'lti\ (,.. ... rr•'n prt".S.('rt+ +b collect .S.tli'Vlp}<S . De(>1h 1-r. k}~+er LA>~s '?0/11 ~,.,pk~ bA;J~a "'4-o gzs Lefr s;ft: o.-\ og-z..7 TW4-14 09-02-2015 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: :y·CX: Q'-'4f>*r Chlofotor"'l '2015 See instruction Location (well name):!.__ ...J.;..:M"-'-W_-_2_C:. __________ _j Sampler N arne and initials: I ;:;r,.,,.w-Ht>J),D\<:~~ J1JJ Field Sample ID ~w -2b.. o~~l zo 15 Date and Time for Purging ._l -~-~-~_l_/_-zo_-IS _____ _. and Sampling (if different)! ,_1'1._0_~----------' Well Purging Equip Used: []!]pump or !]] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ICM:J inv.OUS Purging Method Used: [ID2 casings 1]]3 casings I T\.) Lj-"U) Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event'------------' pH Buffer 7.0 1,0 pH Buffer 4.0 4,0 Specific Conductance .._I_J_o_oo ____ .... I~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IZ.Z. SO Depth to Water Before Purging I 64 ,!::/) Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l "'!::,/, $] 1(.653h) 3" Well: b .367h) .__ ___ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event),_j z_7_D _ ____, Time I 14 1~ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I 53' I I pH I G. o-z. I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I J:J.ol I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 1,7 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 5. '-'1 I Turbidity (NTU) l l Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate Q) in gpm. S/60 = I g,z, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca ·ing volumes (2V) T = 2V /Q = I 4. Z3 I I o Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labsj .......... A_.\,J_A_L _____ ___. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y voc~ !] Nutrients 'fl. Heavy Metals D All Other Non ~adiologics D Gross Alpha D Other (specify) lD Ch)o,;dc Final Depth!,__ 7_,_1..L.;'"""g&=------' Comment A(r:veJ 0(\ s;t<. ~t IY t1 ~~f>\e~ C.ol\ected 1\T JljZD LJ+ ~;tc ~At }ljZ3 N specified below) y N y D 3x40 ml D -~-HCL [J D 100 ml D [] H2S04 ~ D 250 ml D D HN03 D D 250 ml D D No Preset-v. D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Sample volume D 'tl 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Sample Time IYZD See instruction -f"""Jner o-11~ ~rr:n p'e.s.en 't -tb c.ollec.:t S.,o.,.,.,r ks. l.U~fec-~.S. mo!.:f~ GJ~t~,.r MW-26 08-31-2015 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D lD 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I '3,.J G""a.rfc:f"' chlorClrooYI 'ZOlS See instruction Location (well name): ._I _lW...~..:.:......;Y:....-..:..1 "~------------~ Sampler Name and initials: j-r;M~r i)oJJ;J~m Field Sample ID I TW4-l(,._O'I032D I5 Date and Time for Purging ._l_~.:.:,./_z...:.../..;;z_o-='5=--------' and Sampling (if different) ._I -:'li:...:3::.::/......;'Z;...t>--=LS=-------......1 Well Purging Equip Used: []!]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ._I &,.=....:..f'LA;...f)..:..:tJ;..;;f..=:~~:::::.._-----' Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Gv..Ar:hr6 C.h lorot'brm Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event Ll_-ri_W_lf_-_D_Cf _____ ..-~ pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 LJ.O Specific Conductance!.__ -"I_Do_l> ___ ___,l [J.MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I ]'iZ,OD Depth to Water Before Purging I b 3, 4 g CasingVolume(V) 4"Well:l S/.'2.7 1(.653h) 3" Well:. o . (.367h) ..__ ___ __. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)L,;j Z==8=-~---J Time I ltt4-z. I Gal. Purged I 88' I Time j/493 I Gal. Purged I q'1 I Conductance I :z~~ I pH I c..c..o I Conductance lnz I pH I b.S7 I Temp. oc I \S,\'2. I Temp. oc I \S.ll I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I '2.39 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 2.:3j I Turbidity (NTU) I 3b I Turbidity (NTU) I 3b I Time I IYY~ I Gal. Purged I lJ£) I Time IJtiLIS I Gal. Purged I IZJ I Conductance I 111 I pH I t;,,sg I Conductance 1737 I pH I c..sg I Temp. oc I I S.ll I Temp. oc I \S.IZ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) lz~g I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Z'37 I Turbidity (NTU) I 'Jb I Turbidity (NTU) I 3b I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 1'2.] gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate Q). in gpm. S/60 = 1._~1 )._0 __ __, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= llf-'YZ I l> Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AWA L- Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N St~ecificd below) y N VOCs rll 0 3x40 ml 0 U1 Nutrients Ill 0 lOOm! 0 00 Heavy Metals 0 0 2.50 ml 0 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 Other (specify) Ill 0 Sample volume 0 ~ chlor.'J~ Final Depth I !3b .77 Sample Time ,_1_6_'1_17 ___ ---J Comment Afr iv~c\ Or'\ 5,;+( ~+ 143 1 ,;.ner ~~.,J G-11ai" pre~ent .f&1 plAI'~~- 1' \At"'~~! W~ll -fo> ($. .fo+A ) 6-f II Mi()'"'-+e.s • 'Pv.r~e enJeJ. a r I l./~5 \A:>o•Jer wc..s yYl~A/K~. l("ri-~·+c ,._t l'i'-lg y HCL 111 H2S0 4 ~ HN03 0 Np Preserv. 0 HN03 0 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: -,J See instruction pr~.seriT +b .collec-+ 5~mp1e~. LJ1. s •te e1-t OCJ )'f A ui\J~~ Of\ .Sit~ 11'-} O'H~ .,.;,'1~f"' Jlnel-G-o..rr :, voa.s 63, f,6 s~.Mp~.? 6Q:J~J "'j 6<:t 17 TW4-16 09-02-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~·roo Q v.Arf~r Gh/orOhJrm ZOJS Location (well name): ._I_M_W_-_:S_'L _________ __j Sampler Name and initials: l::(,;~~rH!'r HDIJ,'Jto.j Field Sample ID AilS -3Z:_o909Z615 See instruction Date and Time for Purging ._I _'l_l_~_l_z_o_LS _____ _. and Sampling (if different) ._I _.N._~_A _______ ____, Well Purging Equip Used: (Q]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I._Q_£_D _____ _. Purging Method Used: @2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I G~MrfGrG 011o~tor/V'I Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Eventi._T1_W_Y_-_2_1 _____ __. pH Buffer 7.0 ].D pH Buffer 4.0 I Y.o Specific Conductance!._ _ID_o_o ___ __.I~-LMHOSI em Well Depth(O.Olft): ...... h 3.;;_Z..:........;;. S;;....D __ _. Depth to Water Before Purging I 77.00 Casing Volume (V) 410 Well:l ~<.:..-z:~ 1(.653h) 3" Well:.__o __ __._(.367h) Weather Con d. Gl~tAr Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl._l _Jz._• __ _. Time I l30/ I Gal. Purged I -n.Y, I Time 1 130g I Gal. Purged j77,~3 I Conductance I '3,'-.C.S I pH I 7,).5 I Conductance 13~0 I pH j 7..15 I Temp. oc I IS .Gi I Temp. oc I 1~.70 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 13:tj I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 139 I Turbidity (NTU) I 3.S I Turbidity (NTU) l Jj l Time I r~o'1 I Gal. Purged 1 7i,~t5 I Time 11:5/0 I Gal. Purged I Z&.lZ I Conductance j3l;7~ I pH I ;.I!;; I Conductance I :sl::~v I pH 17·1~ I Temp. oc I l5 .b~ I Temp. oc IIS.'3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I l:)l.J I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 1:53 I Turbidity (NTU) I ~9 I Turbidity (NTU) I ~3 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 78. IZ gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Time to evacuate two a, ing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q =I 334. 6(. I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) lo If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated lo Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N speeified below) y N y VOCs lJ 0 3x40 ml 0 ltl HCL rJ Nutrients ll 0 100 ml 0 Ill H2S04 r:J Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 No Preset-v . 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume 0 ~ 0 Ch lorJ(. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L..l..;:.8.;...l._b'2 ___ ___. Sample Time }3)0 See instruction Comment Arr i\l;n-!\ Or'\ s it~~} 0105. '};M,tf' 111nJ G-Mrlr~ pre~~nf tor -p~.t r~e. anJ. S~~tY'Tf)'1j evenf ?u.r~~ bc~o.f\ o--\-OliO. 'Pu.r~eJ. V)ell ~r g.._ +o+,l 6f 3'-0 Mi,l).f<!"j._ Q£D f4'""? ~..:J.;,s ac~ ~nr~ >\A.r~;~ voit~ ~lr lMbbJ"s. _ .s~rY\piG collcc..Jd "t+ l3 rO, LJa.+cr ~S. ,... ),·J-t,t mw~. lerJ-~'+c (}..+ 1~\.l.. MW-32 09-09-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~rJ: GtA.t:Art« CJ'>It>rt*t>riY'l -zo}5 See instruction Location (well name): I._"T_w........;Y_-_18 _________ ---J Sampler Name and initials: I 4"a.nn~r f:io JJ,Jijh'H Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._I _Zi_lz_l_z._o_LS _____ _. and Sampling (if different) 9./:3/ZoLS Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: 1][]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I G'-'0-rt~rE Cl'llor:otoffV) Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event!'--~-1.0_'1_-_0_5 _____ _. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance '-1_1_00_0 ___ __,1~-LMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I 137 . .50 Depth to Water Before Purging I bq, S5 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l LJ7. €.:3 ,(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) ......._ ___ __, Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl._l _z _1_., _ ___, Time .I r!YA-. I Gal. Purged I 77 I Time 1.-g.-H\ I Gal. Purged I 88 I I31.S l31k Conductance I qo~ I pH I 6.35 I Conductance I f6'3 I pHI (a .3k. I Temp. oc I )5.(,(.., I Temp. oc I \5, "5 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I '1.~~ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I -z.g~ I Turbidity (NTU) I 1~ I Turbidity (NTU) I 73 I Time 1--b l ~. I Gal. Purged I <lf I 1317 Time I ~· I Gal. Purged I 110 I }3/8· Conductance I ~s1 I pH I G..38 I Conductance I ~~o I pH I ,,37 I Temp. oc I ~~.~9 I Temp. oc I IS,'::) I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I --z.gg I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I Z81.f I Turbidity (NTU) I '3 I Turbidity (NTU) I 7'3 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 1/0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in gpm. s16o = I 11.o Time to evacuate two T = 2 V /Q = lr--:--g .--:-1;-:-b ---=--, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I o If weii evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I :....;A_w_A_L. _____ __. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs '!J D 3x40ml 0 !J HCL f!l Nutrients llJ D 100 ml D ~ H2S04 [!] Heavy Metals 0 0 250m! 0 0 HN03 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 D 250m! D D No Preserv. D Gross Alpha 0 D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D Other (specify) lJ D Sample volume D 'tl 0 G}dor;dc. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I c;:q I zrs Sample Time o'lo I See instruction Comment Arr-:"IJt!do 011 s.rh~ uJ-13D.S -r;.t'lf)(.i' ana 6-(l,rrl.--pre~~".}--\-or f'""Ge. 'Pv..r~~ b~n ~+ )3Clf f v-r .. ¥~ I,Uell for 1\. +o-f~l of 10 toll',vJe~ , fw-e,e: ende~ A.+ 1318 . \NIA~f" w~s. m"'r\\~. L c:t1-~··tc:: ~ )32.? Arr;~(J. on 9'+c 6.+ o 8Sg -r;nnt...-~~~a VJc;..S bY·:S8 _s,.tv~ple.> b-,.;leJ a-.f-O'IOI TW4-18 09-02-2013 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D tJ 2 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WIDTE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3 rA Q"""'f"Oh:,-C.\--1 lorb+1,r, 'ZDI.S Location (well name): ._1_11--=--W_L.\...;...-___;_,:1~ _________ ____, Sampler Name and initials: I ~ner ~o li;J.,.j /}?! Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I g/'31/ZQlS. and Sampling (if di fferent) Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [![]2 casings [QJ3 casings I IWt;-oy Sampling Event I Qv\(J...ihrh C.\.lorof'o(t'Vl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event._ _________ ____. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.O Specific Conductance ._l_to_o_D ___ __,I[!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IZS1DO Depth to Water Before Purging I b Z. {5 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' qD.Sl ,(.653h) 3" Well: II (.367h) .___ ___ _, Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)l,__z _,_• _ _, Time I 1539 I Gal. Purged I D I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I bl7 I pH I G:-.75 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I JC.,gl I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 301 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I D I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pH I I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. st6o = I rtK Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= 1 y.sos 1 I a Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I.___A_W_A:..::L.-______ __. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs (] D 3x40 ml D 111 HCL 1:!1 D Nutrients [!I D 100 ml D ell H2S04 r1 D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) Ill D Sample volume D !!I D IE Gh\ori~~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ~.-I ~b...J_,q --.:' 0=------' Sample Time 1535 See instruction Comment Arr~v~~ Of\ ~~+~ g.}" )530 ~nll~r tJ.nd G-o.rr:t'l prc~l"+ 1o Cc)l/.:.c.t StJ.:Mfl~s _ ~&iW'Ifle.s Ctdl~c.t~J a.+ ISJS, LVQ\,+cr ~.s t'Yios~J~ Cl~ L-e-0-~1'-fc &\t 1 Sl.Jb TW4-19 08-31-2015 ]Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill· Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-{16-12 Rev. 7.2 • Err.~ta Groundwater Monitonng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE 1\IESA URANIUM f\ULL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I '!,ra. &v.o.ri~r C.\-IIM~orM "ZOIS --~ _ y See instroction Location (well name): ._1-rw~_Y_,_-_z_o _________ _. Sampler Name and initials: I ::J:"'w ~oihtLI~)n! Field Sample ID Date and Time for Pmgiug I ~/31/Z.O\S and Sampling (if different) ..VIA Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or @] bailer Well Pwnp (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [!g]2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I QI~.>Arh:..-1::\ C"hlor ~orrn Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ._I_M_w_-'3._7 ______ _, pH Buffer 7.0 1 ._ _'7"""'· ·=0 ___ __. Specific Conductance ~-.1 _,_o_oo ___ ___JIIlMHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I '=> Z . .2) Weather Cond. Time I 1417. I Gal. Purged I 6 Conductance 1 4-z.32. I pH I (,,3\ Temp. oc I j 6,bS I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I -z.\1.\ I Turbidity (NTU) I b-~ I Time I I Gal. Purged I Conductance I I pH I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Fi~d Data Worksheet fur Groundwater I I I I pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Well Depth(0.01ft): I IOb.OO Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll:l zg,-;,7 ,(.653 h) 3" Well: o (.367b) L..::..-----' Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._l _Z_7 _c _ ___, Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) L I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I . Turbidity (NTU) I I 1 of2 Capturx· tDIHATJIL. WJTH~,.:In,-FUHtTJDNALJTY Mill -Groundwater Distharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groun~water Monitoring Quality Assuronce Plan (QAPI Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I ~ ·'- Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I c..sq I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) ._I _o ___ _, Ifwell evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ._l_o ___ _, Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ~..l ..:....ft..;..I-J..:....A~b::....... ____ _~ Sample Vol (indicate Type of Sample Sample Taken if other than as Filtered Presenra!ive Type Preservative Added VOCs Nutrients Heavy Metals All Other Non Radiologies Gross Alpha Other (specify) C:.h lor,'Jc. E ~Comment ~ /hr,'ue.~ Df\ ~:t e J- J: So.tl~ )c!~ ~lled<!J Le. .} _slic At y N specified below) y N y N ffi 0 3x40 ml 0 [i] HCL ~ 0 ~ 0 100 ml 0 Iii H2S04 [i!:l 0 D 0 250m! D D HN03 D D D D 250 rnl D 0 No Preserv. D D D 0 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D ~ D Sample volume D m D ~ If preservative is 11sed, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Sample Time Jl.j 13 See instruction !409 ~t1c::1 c,.,J &~rr.'fl present -h, colla~ ~&tMpl"' 'l. t\+ 141:> ltJo.J~r wtt~ mos+l~ cl~w, l-1:1 1-th ~o)'Y\~ broLUn pr.r.J.~cJ,..s .foerA-n~· IY/G ~.--________ _.Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater A 2 of2 capturx• COMPATIILE WITH~ .... .,li:r--FUNCTIONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER D~scription of Sampling Event: I ~rl Q ..._o.f:kr C. h loro-tbrn "'2..0·15 Location (well name): l.._-r-'--W___.j_-_7...--'l _________ ___. Sampler Name and initials: Field Sample ID Date and Time for PurgingJ ~/'31/ZO.\S and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: [IDpump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: {1!]2 casings 11[13 casings ,~ See instruction ,N/A Sampling Event I Q,.,.,Mft.r~ (._~\or-otonv'\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l...__..v._V-_11 ________ __. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.O Specific Conductance!._ ~IO...._O=O ___ ___.IJlMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): j iZI.OD .._ ____ __. Depth to Water Before Purging I b 6, I g CasingVolume(V) 4"W ·II :I 3'S,7~ 1(.653h) 3" WeH: o (.367h) ,___ ___ _, Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)!..._ u_• __ _. Time I 13'Z" I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ~2.!1S I pH I 6.56 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I 17.33 I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 3g~ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I l \.:9 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I I" I D T = 2V /Q = L-....:..;_;_;. __ ___, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) o L------' If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ._I _o ___ _. Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._1-'-A;;...:.w""'A..,L=---------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 rnl D ~ HCL 511 D Nutrients rn D 100 ml D 1!1 H2S04 111 D Heavy_ Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radi()logics D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) Ill D Sample volume D ffl D I.E Chlof;~( If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._I 7_o_. _o_1 __ ___, Sample Time 13Z7 See instruction Comment Acr;\J~~ of\ ~itc o..t 1323 ~ c>.t'Vlplc:~ c.oll ec.+~~ 1),.-\- --r;;IIM( ,~~,J rr~aln preSen-t +c!l c.ollec.+ S6f11ples . 1327 t..V,Ju 1.11.)14~ tv~o~f!j C./ear _c.ft ':::ll:te ~t I33D L--_T_W_4_-_2_1-'-0_8--'-3_1-_2~0_15 _ _.1D · not touch this cell (SheetN arne) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER See instruction De~ription~Sam~~gEvent ~~-~-r-~~Q-~_~_r_i_e~~_G_h_IJ_r_o_t_~_r~~-z_o_0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location (well name): ,_1 _1--'-W_Y.:....-_z_z~~~~~~~~~--' Sampler Name andinitials: 1-r;,.,,.,u-HoJJ ,'d!;j/rJ) Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging I ~I '31/ Z o 13 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: 002 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I ~ v..o.r +cr b G hI or0.f'a(rv1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event L..l_-rw~-4~-Z~'-/~~~~~--' pH Buffer 7.0 ,_1 --....:..'7;,;;' 0--'-~----' pH Buffer 4.0 LJ,o Specific Conductance L..l _l:..;;.O~o_o ~~~----~~ [.tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IJ3,SO Depth to Water Before Purging I 57, 'g Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l 3G,.Lj.!) 1(.653h) 3" Well:,_ __ o ___ _._(.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl,_l z_~;.o __ __, Time I )3£.8 I Gal. Purged I () I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I SlS'-I pH I z;.:S7 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I lb.Z~ I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I z 78 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I II .Z I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill -Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Ground~ater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon{s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in &rpm. S/60 = I u. 'Z. Time to evacuate two a ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 9.Z:S I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Type of Sample if other than as y VOCs ~. Nutrients 1!1 Heavy Metals D All Other Non Radiologies D Gross Alpha D Other (specify) ~ C. 'n \Of'; ae Final Depth ._I _7_1_. _LJ _I __ ____, Comment Arf ;\lea on ~ih ~~~~ c.olleG tl:~ LeD sri-~ (;._+ 6-t l~f>Lj fA. t-/3~4 IYDI N specified below) D 3x40 ml D 100 ml D 250 ml D 250 ml D 1,000 ml D Sample volume Sample Time --1-.Mtr o..,a 6-,.cr\n ?fes.~,t ~AX,..+~r IA.)~S. cle'o.r TW4-22 08-31-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 6 AIJA L Filtered y N D ~ D et D D 0 D D D 0 6 Preservative Type Preservative Added y N HCL ~ D H2S04 [] D HN03 D 0 No Preserv. D D HN03 D D 0 ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: 7J See instruction 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3r~ .Qv.o.r+er--Zh loro+Orm ZoJ5 See instruction Location (well name): l._li_\.<)_L!_-_z_3 __________ -..~ Sampler Name and initials: I ~;,ner Roli•J~/1# Field Sample ID 1-,.J '+ 23-0 'I 03 ZQ [5 Date and Time for Purging I q;-z/ZDIS ~--------~ and Sampling (if different) l._~_l:_3_/_z_o_l.5 ______ ,_--~ Well Purging Equip Used: (]]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ._I _G_r_..,._,a_+o_~----..J Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I ~o,.ft>r.lj Ollori>t"brtr~ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event .... 1_--r_~_~_-_3_5 ______ _, pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance .._I_Io_o_o ____ ..JiflMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): IL...l_IY_,_oo ___ _. Depth to Water Before Purging I b 8 , GO Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' Z..1, f, '1 ,(.653h) 3" Well:L.... 0 ___ __._ (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext' IAmb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event} I-I _l{;_a __ _. Time I O'iYO I Gal. Purged I 5.5 I Time I OCJ'-1/ I Gal. Purged I'' I Conductance I '7:l'S7 ~ I pH I 6.LJ/ I Conductance I 357s I pH I G..Sz I Temp. oc I \0\.s' I Temp. oc I 14.'11 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I )~5 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) ll8LJ I Turbidity (NTU) I 2.'2... I Turbidity (NTU) I -z..."Z.. I Time 1 o'19z: I Gal. Purged I 77 I Time I o'1'B I Gal. Purged I fl.X I Conductance I ~~IS I pH I '-.S'i I Conductance I ~~:zs I pH I b . .$.b I Temp. oc I 1~. 515 I Temp. °C I H.SD I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I 1~1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 17& I Turbidity (NTU) I "2.'2.. I Turbidity (NTU) I 2.Z. I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two ca. ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I )J,O T=2V/Q= I 5.3~ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) !o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I._A_W_A_L ______ ....J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs n D 3x40 m1 D !J HCL l!J D Nutrients 0 D 100 ml D [I H2S04 -~ D Hea\ly Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross .Aipha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) 'El D Sample volume D ~ D tJ G nlo r;c\e If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I gg, ZfD Sample Time D813 Comment J. See instruction /trri.Je~ l>rl s•'+e .,..+ 0~3 1 -r;;f)n~• a."~ G,.rrr"n pres.<~~+ to• rv.r~e . ?v.r~~ b~""' ~:~t 0<135 Pu.r~~a well fo,-lA. tr>+o.' 0~ ~ ,.,.,;nv.t~s. H...r~~o ~ncl..!J o.1-O~Y3 woJ~r S-l-o.rte-4 O'v\1-lr\r) 0(£)..(15~ c.olor bl..\i-Slo-wl; c.leo.('~j. t'h.-"~ov.1 P\)('ee . L.e·P· ~it~ "-t oq Yk Arr .. \Jt~ 011 sJh oJ 081/ -r;.flt'lt=r ~~ Go..rr:, e•c.s.e-rJ ..f-o c.oJlec.+ ..Sc.M~]cs . D~fh. ..J-o I.A)4-kr wo.s bK .b~ .;.o.TYJple~ bo.;-]cd oJ 080 LeA-~,'}z ,J 081.5 TW4-23 09-02-2015 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER DescriptionofSamplingEvent: I 3rt\: Q\J:o.r+er C.hl ort)form ZOIS See instruction Location (well name): ~.-l..;-r'i...:W'---'-y_-.;;..Z_,lj..;. -----------' Sampler Name and initials: j...,;nMr Ho 1/•J~.;,ITJ.J Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ~...1 _..;:;f!...:..../_;3....;.;1/:...-z._D..:..:LS=--------l and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: [!!]2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qu..o.•·+u l:\ Ch \or ofonYJ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Eventl L _IW __ ~..._1-_Z5 ______ __J pH Buffer 7.0 ;,0 pH Buffer 4.0 y.o Specific Conductance ~..1 -'l_O_OlJ ____ _,h.tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): .1 .... _11_2_.5_0 __ ____, Depth to Water Before Purging I b Z .00 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l ~2.2\7 ,.653h) 3" Well:._ __ C> __ __,(.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling eventll~... _z._6_D _ ___j Time I \3lf7 I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I -~~-"?~, :5 "37 I pH I _6. 4S: I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I l&.e 7o I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 2 ~Ll I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I } '6 I Turbidity (NTU) l J Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate Q), ingpm. S/60 = I 17,0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T = 2V /Q = I 3,. 87 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I o If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Ce1tified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs 1'-A_.:....W...:....~..:__L::__ ____ ___. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Type of Sample if other than as y VOCs 111 Nutrients Cll Heavy Metals D All Other Non Radiologies D Gross Alpha D Other (specify) I] ChloriJ<: Final Depth ._I _f>_~_. 4--"9~-_..J Comment ~11\.Mflt"s. collecteJ. u..+ 13~~ Le-n-~··-k ~+ J3 S.J N specified below) D 3x40 ml D 100 ml D 250 ml D 250 ml D 1,000 ml 0 Sample volume Sample Time TW4-24 08-31-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater Filtered Preservative Type Preservative Added y N y N D Ill HCL ~ D D [2]_ H2S04 f.!] 0 D D HN03 0 0 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 0 D HN03 D D 0 1!1 0 ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction 2 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ( -,. I' _-"""-»~ ~~N'ERGYFUELS ATTACHMENT l-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~r3 Q..,.o.rhr Gh lorOfllriYI 'ZDL5 f' See instruction Location (well name): ._I _li_W_Lj"---zs-"-----------' Sampler N arne and initials: I ;;r,;nnu J.J jjJI,').,.;j /"r)/ Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging l.___~...;../_'3_1;_/_-z_o-'ts:;__ __ ___, and Sampling (if different) ...V/A Well Purging Equip Used: [Q]pump or @] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: rnJ2 casings [gJ3 casings Sampling Event I Q~d-erl:1 C. h \or()'\i,I"M Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ._l_li_iJ_t..!_-_z_J _____ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.O Specific Conductance L-1 _l o_o...=o:.,_ __ ----~1 ~MHOS/ ern Well Depth(O.Olft): I 13Y. go Depth to Water Before Purging I (;3, U: CasingVolume(V) 4"Well:l yb,liS 1(.653h) 3" Well:~.... --=-0 __ __.._ (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventli~...Z_b_6 __ _J Time I 133~ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I "Z..~'-8 I pH I "· gy I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I \"I I l I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ~"'1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I )7...0 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q) in gpm . S/60 = I \5 .-z Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I C7.ll I j o j o Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I_Jt_W_~_L _____ _...J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 ml D ~ HCL ~ D Nutricms [) D 100 ml D rJ H2S04 1:1 D Heavy Metals D D 250m! D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpba D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) I!J D Sample volume D ~ D ~ Chlor;de. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 77. 23 Sample Time See instruction Comment ./hr;-.Je~ on ~~+t" o-+ l33Z -r;11ner .:o."o\ G-Mr;f'l pres.eil-f -=fo c.,Jiec.+ So.rvtple$. c..fA·""'FJec c..olleC~eJ ~+ 1'33.5 1' ' J.1 /1 _:::, ··I ~ W"'-Ter LJo...s.. m o Sv~ ~...... <.Ar L(:.\+ ~~--k oJ J3~~ TW4-25 08-31-2015 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I :3, rJ. Gv-a.ch r Chlo rof;,rm "ZO!S Location (well name): l.__--r_w_4_~_-z._"' _________ _. Sampler Name and initials: Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging!'-__ '1_1_.z._J_-z_.o_t5_-____ ..~ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: @]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings See instruction I /IA.J 4-30 Sampling Event I Qv.o.r"fl!r8 Ch lorof"orM Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event.._ _________ ___. pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 1-j.O Specific Conductance ~...I_I_Do_o ____ ..Jl!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I ~(..oc) Depth to Water Before Purging I 65.2f0 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' 1.3, IZ.. 1(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) 1...---':::__--_.J Weather Con d. Ext'l Am b. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)jL-z.='-" _ ____. Time I }'Z.IO I Gal. Purged I 1 b,:5Z> I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I r;:s~t I pH I i:\.0.5 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I 15 .~1 I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I C\!1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I t ~.i I ~3.70 Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I ogl.f3 I Gal. Purged I l' I Time log4s I Gal. Purged IO I Conductance I {;:yzq I pH I q.sg I Conductance I ~So I pHi q-~ I Temp. oc I 'IS,Ot:; I Temp. °C ll$./0 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q). in gpm. S/60 = I 11.0 i) Time to evacuate two cas.ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q=I Z...'38 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I L2.5 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 11ZH5.lJ N arne of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs IL..J.,A.:,_~.;;..:..JA~..:L=----------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VQC~ [Sl 0 3x40 ml D ISl HCL l;iJ D Nutrients [] 0 lOOm! 0 [] H2S04 [iJ D Hea\ry Metals D 0 250m! D D HN03 0 D All Other Non Radiol<:lgics 0 D 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 D Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 D Other (specify) l.1l 0 Sample volume D [Sj 0 EA c hlt)(';J'( If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth 1._&_3_._15 ___ _.. Sample Time Comment J See instruction Arr;v~A on s:.J-l: .,a--1'207, --r;llrl,l" fwl¥J 1,) ell -to'..-(j.. f o ta I of ) Wo.TC( wo..s tv?1.11.r~. Lett .sl+c::: ~} )2/() Arr\\l~~ 01"\ Sftc! li~ O~L.jl l.:.nner 0\(1~ G--Mr.'n prcse,.,-f -1o c:olled ,Y.nplL"'~. VJI\.~ 6b ·OO S11r1plt'~ bA,:I1:J. G.J-OfsYY Le.f.} s;+~ .-{t 08lj1 TW4-26 09-02-2015 I Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3ra Q..,.A(fer C)1/or6+orM 'ZOI& See instruction Location (well name): ~...1 _"_l_-lS_4_-'Z_7 _________ __, Sampler Name and initials: I "1' .-nr1u I:J()J f,;)'t:j 1-rn Field Sample ID ITW4-27_ D'IOZZOIS Date and Time for Purging ._I _9_. 7_1 l_z_o_J_f, _____ ....~ and Sampling (if different) l.__1_7_z_7z_o_l5 ______ _, Well Purging Equip Used: IT[) pump or @] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I zr,. .... ,.a:+os Purging Method Used: @]2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event IQ~.>.o.rrcd3 Cltlortrtor!V1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event .... l_TIJ __ Y_-_3_'-_____ ___, pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 4.6 Specific Conductance I..___Joo_o ___ --..JI r.tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): '-1 _9_C::._o_e __ ____, Depth to Water Before Purging 171.Z}8 Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll;,lo.qc; ,(.653h) 3" Well :~.-. _0 ___ _J_ (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventll~.-Z_l/_' __ ....~ Time I 132.3 I Gal. Purged I ll I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I SI~S I pH I b. z.c;. I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C IIG.:so I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) ,,_~~z: I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 5D I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I Olyq I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I o'~' I Gal. Purged I O I Conductance I 50~~ I pH I ~.~£. I Conductance I 56 5 1 I pH I {,.S2 I Temp. °C I 1q.b0 I Temp. oc I 11:!. Cz I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A++er . White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged II gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = !.____It_. o __ _~ Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two cra ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I l.t:JO I l l·OS I ll Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I _A__;WA_L ______ __J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs 1!;1_ 0 3x40 ml 0 [!] HCL IE Nutrients tl 0 IOOml 0 1!1 H2S04 ~ Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 D All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250 ml 0 0 No Prese1-v. 0 Gross _I>. I ph a 0 0 1,000 ml 0 D HN03 0 Other (specify) rtJ 0 Sample volume 0 rn 0 Gh lor~dc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth 1.___~3_· Z:_l __ _. Sample Time 0750 See instruction Comment A rri v~ Ofl s.tt~ od· l31q 'lo.nn ef" 6Jl~ Cro.rl;fl pre~~A-t +~r p~r~~. fu.~ ~..jNI dl+ ]3Z.Z Pu.r~~ v.:>eJI for (}._ tot-.1 ot l t¥1;1'\v-.:c. Pu.r~d Well Jr~:} ?ur~e 2m:l~d. "\t 13Z3 IN~i.,-W(f..S, fJI.. );HI< Mu.rk~. Lc.n-sA·c ~t 13Z~ N 0 0 D D 0 ~ Arri-.>e~ on s;te" 4 07L..j7 --r;.,,.,tr "'ru). 0-o.rrir, f>"~s.~r1t -h c.olle-c.i--s~111pl~. Dt!pth 1-Jij wa.hr \,Vc..~ 80,~0 ~G.MplGS bA;lo!J. ~+-0150 Le+t c;,.i+c o-.+ 0753 TW4-27 09-01-2015 loo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill • Groundwat~r Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7 2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Qu;ality Assurance Plan (QAP) I ! f ! E ' ! " : ATTACHMENT 1-2 . / ei,..,.,~,.,.,,.,._<J .. u WHITE MESA URANIUM 1\DLL -'} See instrucJion FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I s r¢ QW).rtt>r Chloro-Form Z.OJ.S Location (well name): ._I -r!--'-"W..:;..'-1_,_-_2.;..._.::.,8 ________ -J Sampler Name and initials: I ~ner ·Holl•d'\.'1/1H Field Sample ID l -rwy -z8' ... octozzoJ5 Date and Time for Pwgingl ,_ __;qj;.....I...;.../_Z..O._..:IS"'-------1 Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or ~bailer Purging Method Used: ~2 casings @]3 casings and Sampling (if different) I <\lz!zoo Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Sampling Event I Qu..o.rter-1~ Ghlorot6m Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I.__"TW_4_-_r_z.. ______ __J pH Buffer 7.0 ,_1 _7..;..;'....::.0 ___ ___, Specific Conductance IL-......;.)O=O:...:O~ __ __,!J.JMHOS/ em Depth to Water Before Purging I :::.'1 , YO Weather Cond. Time I 093D I Gal. Purged 17 1·.50 Conductance I IZ'33. I pH I 7.D j Temp. °C I I L\ .9'1 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) ~~~~ I Turbidity (NTU) I ~~ I Time I on.Ll I Gal. Purged I 0 Conductance I IZ.~Z. I pH I 7,09 Temp. °C I I~ ~~:f2.. I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I pH Buffer 4.0 Well Depth(O.Olft): L-1 ..:.....I0_7....:.....o_o __ __. Casing Volume (V) 4" We11:14Y . N ,(.653h) -3" w ei.. -~ c 367h) U.L.......;..u __ ---J ·- Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling everit)L-1 1:..::.8'_0 __ ....... I Time I I Gal. Purged I I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidily (NTU) L I I Time [ QT~f. I Gal. Purged j o I I Conductance I I"Z.~:L3 I pH 17,09 I Temp. oc t 14,47 I I• Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A-Pter White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater .A . 1 of2 Capturx· COMPATIBLE WITH~<;u>rir-FUHCTIONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: O!HJ6-12 Rev. 7 2-Errata Grou~dwater M.,nitorrng Quality Assurance Plan (QAPI Volume ofWater Purged Ll7..t...:..:I.::::::So~-----J gallon(s) Pumping Rate Cnlculution Flow Rate (Q). in gpm. S/60 = I ll.O Time to evncuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = I s.o'2-I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other tl1an t\vo) j t.(./ If well evacuated to dryness, number of gaJions evacuated I ILSD Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AWA-L Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type or sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs Iii 0 3x40 ml 0 ~ HCL 00 0 Wulrienls 1!1 0 100 ml 0 ~ H2S04 121 0 Heavy Metals D 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non .Radiologies 0 0 250ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alplla D 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 D 0 Other (specify) Bl 0 Sample volume 0 li1 0 121 G'nlonJc: If preservntive is U5cd, speciiy Type and Quuntily of Preservative: Sample Time See instruction ~Conuncnl : A.-•iue~ of\ s.i+e (,\-+ oqzo ~l)f1o?r IN1J Gurrlfl r~er'\+ ~~'(-f'"'r~e Pv..r~e .be~.,.., <.\.+ o<1z.3 Pu.r~~ l.)e.\1 .Cr "' +c:Ja.l of' b Mlfl v..~e.S a~~A "30 sew,,ts Pw~~t\ ~.ucll J.r~\ P .... rW en,leJ ~t 0430 \.,..)l\+e-r 1..-.)t.._s. mostl:J Cleo.<. 1..-e\t s.H-e ,0. O'i3Z ArriveJ. O(l 5 ·+~ ~J onz ~flfl~!' Wid ()-._ .. ,.,. .. " pre~en-1 +o c.ollec.+ .Sa.Mples. P ~ptl, +a wo.+ ... r '-.)<d. ~"l.y/ .SOJ>'!ple..> b~II,..A A.r o;zs Lef-l-s,+c .::(+ 0727 ~-----'-'-'---'-'--'IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater A 2 of2 capturx· COMPATIBLE WITH~·...,~·n.--ruNCTIONALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ?la o~AA ~.-LhlOro:fo(,t? "Zo!.5 See instruction Location (well name): '-1-rw--=--_'1....:.._-_z_'f _________ -----J Sampler Name and initials: I ~11nd ~ol)."J~:~,;O/T J.J Field Sample ID 1 TWY -z~-04032.ol_s Date and Time for Purging l.__o/_z_J_2_o_l5_· ____ _. and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: [![]pump or [[]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [[)3 casings Sampling Event I G\Ao.Acrlj Chl ori>torM Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ._l-rw __ Y_-_TI ______ ___. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ._I _lo_o_l> ____ __.l !!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _.1~3""" . .9>..__ __ _. Depth to Water Before Purging I 73 ·) & Casing Volume (V) 4" WeH:I I3.'2k 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) ._ ___ __. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._! z __ 8;;_" __ _, Time I \SI.\5 I Gal. Purged I lc..s·o I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance 1 q1:s1 I pH I ~.i_s I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C 1 H> •. l! I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) 1 -:s1 1 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 3~ I Turbidity (NTU) I J Time l oq3<-I Gal. Purged I" I Time loq::sy I Gal. Purged I 0 I Conductance I CJI rrs I pH I f),82 I Conductance 191 92. I pH I b.<t.3 I Temp. °C I IS.DG I Temp. °C I IS.IZ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged lb,5D gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two ea ing volumes (2V) S/60 = I 'ILD T=2V/Q= 12.4/ I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I I.Zlf If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y VOCs 1¥1 D 3x40 ml D ~ HCL ~ Nutrients rjl D 100 ml D ijl H2S04 Kl Heavy Metals D D 250ml D D HN03 0 All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume D llJ D ch tor;~(_ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 'l J , Z3 Sample Time Comment (J See instruction ll(r:\)ea o.,., s l+~ <'<t JS4\ · I'At~,rf" IJ./IJ. G-Mro'" yrcs.crt+ -h'r J'U'~(. ?ur~e k,ea , "+ }5Ljl./ ?lAr~~c\ well +ric-~ -to+o.t ot \ M:n..,.t~ 3£> ~wrJs. Pur~ea INel\ dt~. Pl-\n~f er1Jd a.i )5!JS v.J,Jer Wtt.S rv1DS~ c::l~a.r. L~ti-~;ie-o.:r IS48 ~MIG' M~ G-Mr;l'l prrSrnt ..}-0 CoJI~c.t-5"rr!P}<".S.. o~pf~ ..fo Wafu b 6.:Jd. t{ 1-oq33 Lett' .s /+c (;tf oq :3 '- Aa\J~d on _s,f~ 6.t O<l}zq wu ~ 73.30 S<1mplc:..s ..__:TW:....;_;_4..:...-~2;,_9...:.09;,_-...:.0-=-2-..;;2...:.0.:..:15:___JIDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N D D D D D £!!:! 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7. 2 -Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~,..(X Q""c..r :):~r C.n loro:form z.o 15 See instruction Location (well name): ._I T_W_Y_-_'3_6_. ------------' Sampler Name and initials: fM11/lt"r :JJo Jl,a~ )'T1J Field Sample ID 1 TWY -36_o~o'3-zol5 Date and Time for Purging I~-._C:V_z_7_ZD_l5 _____ _J and Sampling (if different) I '17~/ZOI5 Well Purging Equip Used: [}[]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings ,...., --P I --r~l../-7'-f Sampling Event I Ui""'-rfc:.-~ Gl'llor;;:;:Of'r>l Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event L..-----------l pHBuffer7.ol .__ _7_.o ____ _.. pH Buffer 4.0 Y.o Specific Conductance .... I _l_o_ot> ___ ___.l~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I _'lz_,_so ___ ....... Depth to Water Before Purging 17,,7...0 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l JO. (,Y 1(.653h) 3" Well: 0 (.367h) ...._ ___ ....... Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventl.__lz_o_• __ _, Time I 1037 I Gal. Purged I IY.b.C. I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I 9'Z:'3.3 I pH I 5.2.~ I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc-I 15 .tt·~ I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ~'-3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I '5i I Turbidity (NTU) I J Time 1 o 8:S"3> I Gal. Purged I lJ I Time 1mess I Gal. Purged 125 I Conductance I 93~75 I pH I ~;;.cr::; I Conductance 1 q3~8 I pH 16.90 I Temp. oc I 19 . q 7• I Temp. °C I ):5. ZJ~ I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged /4 .6C gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q . in gpm . S/60 = I 11.0 Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = I I. ~.3 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 1.37 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._l_A_W_A_l-______ __. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs _1!1 0 3x40 rnl 0 ~ HCL ~ D Nutrients ~ 0 100 ml 0 f) H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 D All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml D D No Preserv_ 0 D Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml D D HN03 0 0 Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume 0 ~ [] ~ C h \ori ~c. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I g·~ • 88 '--::8-'1.-5-% __ __, OiO't Sample Time Comment . "') See instruction Arri\Je~ 0r1 5.'te ""-+ 1032 -r;,n~r o.tl~ G-o.rr:" pt"e~e-n1-fo<" f .... ~~. P"'r~c! bejGo.n .,.f }035 f v.rJc~ l.ol~ll tor a... +~()l..l o-f ) M;l'lv.+" -zo \ o \ ·' ' !>~Col1o-~ -r u.r C'-.t:t>. wd I eM..>.. . PL.crO.C" <!nJ~J + )037 L01'A cr IN~5> do... J.~;lc )'YJu.rk~. L~fl-S·"f~ ,d-)O"jD \.1 0 ~ q Arri\.leJ 0(\ si+~ o..+ 0~31 -r;;,lflt.'r' £1\flJ Go.rr:fl preS~t1} -h> Goll~d 5.&.(P)plc-s.. D~p-1J.. +o V01A+~ WC'.1.5. lb.'Z I ~1ArV1f)es. bo..~lt>~ ,J 0~'3"i \...e-\1-s:-ic ~} 0831 TW4-30 09-02-2015 jD0 not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I 3Fel Q ""c.A cr (h lorofo(n? "ZOl.S See instruction Location (well name): I i\.v"'!-31 ~------------------------~ Sampler Name and initials: I 'i"(Jifln~f' Aollrd A_j/--rti Field Sample ID 11 v-14 -3 1_ O'l oz. z 6tS Date and Time for Purging L-1 _21_7_1_7-z.. __ o_JS __________ ___, and Sampling (if different) ~...I q_J_z_l_z_o_J5 ____________ __J Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I._G_r_"'_"_J_:f_o_S ________ __, Purging Method Used: [Q]2 casings IQJ3 casings Sampling Event I Q v..c:..r i'er~ c~ lorO+orrVI Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event''-__ -r __ w_Y_~_z_7 __________ __, pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 pH Buffer 4.0 4.0 Specific Conductance .... l_l_o_o_o ______ __,l!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IOt,.DO Depth to Water Before Purging I SO.LJD Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' lb.( J ,(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) ...__ ___ __, Weather Cond. Ext' I Am b. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)._! z:_s_' __ _, Time I 1901 I Gal. Purged I 11.£.S I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance 1 t:t b~; I pH I ~.~:;:; I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I lC.'ZO I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 7;5 79 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I ~zo I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I 07SC. I Gal. Purged I o I Time 1 o7s ~ I Gal. Purged 10 I Conductance I ~1~3 I pH I C...7l I Conductance I l-i735 I pH I b,75 I Temp. °C I 14. l>Y I Temp. °C I l"J,{.S I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Afte~'" White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 1'\,25 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. s16o =I._ __:..:,11__::.-o __ __. Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two ca ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I '3,03 I II. L5 1 19.-z.s Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AWA t.. Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N _$pccified below) y N y N VOCs fl] 0 3x40 ml 0 I[] HCL El 0 Nutrients ~ 0 100 ml 0 El H2S04 !:! o· Hea vy Metals 0 0 250 ml D 0 HN03 D D All Other Non Radi oJ_Q_gics 0 0 250m! D 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1.000 m1 D 0 HN03 0 D Other (specify) Kl 0 Sample volume 0 !J 0 'EJ LhloriJ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L-11..~.:3:::..:•.:'3>~~:..__ _ ___,~ Sample Time 0157 Comment f-;J See instruction Art;vd._ On ~,.+~ ~+-I3.5C. ,;./!JI("t' o.n~ G-arr r'n rr:cs<"trl--For pu.r5e . P .... r~ f'ut~t-d INt>ll for fA totAl ot l Y"'i'""'1c Y5 St:l:Ot'l~~-g,..,.~~J. l.)c-11 t1-~­ VJ,Jer v.:>~ v... YYhM""~ ~~.fr. tolor. L-eft ~1'+e o..t 14Dlj b~.!!An a-f 135'1 "Pw~ endd .,. t-)lj{)J . A rr:vd 6f'\ ~ltc ~-t 075Lf -r;_11ur ~t'IJ Wiit!J f50 15/:> s~"1pk,!) btA.:}c~ ~A+ 0757 G-o.rrifl ?reS.~tlf +o ~ollec.f s;.,p/ec:. J,...d=}-~d-~ a+' 0791 TW4-31 09-01-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: l3"a GI.A,o.::t~r c}tlorOi~ 'ZOIS Location (well name): .._I :::?_J_w_Ll_-_3_<-__________ __, Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging l.___q_/_1/_z_o_J.;...S ____ ~ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: I!I]pump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) See instruction Purging Method Used: (![]2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I Qu..e>.rt~rGl Chlo·ro+'o(l"' Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~..l_-r_\-J_~_-_z_8 _____ ~ pH Buffer 7.0 /,0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance ~..l...:...lO_o_D ____ ...Jif.lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I~.....1_1S_._Io ___ ....J Depth to Water Before Purging I SO · £I 0 CasingVolume(V) 4''Well:l 4).qz 1(.653h) 3" Well:.__o ___ ....J. (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. •c (prior sampling event)j,__l_8_~ __ _. Time llO O'f I Gal. Purged I 56 I Time I /00..5 I Gal. Purged I ~ I Conductance j 73~9 I pH I 3,CS I Conductance 17'101 I pH I 3 .~.:s I Temp. °C I ltt.zz; I Temp. oc 119.&5 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I g~ 7 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) l 'i 8 ~ I Turbidity (NTU) .I :zs I Turbidity (NTU) l '4..::, I Time I Poe: I Gal. Purged I '7/ I Time liDo 7 I Gal. Purged I "t~ I Conductance 1 i9i'i3 I pH 13.~5 I Conductance 17"10.5 I pHi s·~ I Temp. oc llg,gs I Temp. oc 119.6 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ggg I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I '13' '8 I Turbidity (NTU) I Z ,:) I Turbidity (NTU) I ~ I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q}, in gpm. S/60 = ._I ......;1'--'l,_O __ __, gallon(s) Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata 0 0 IAwA L Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y VOCs 1tl D 3x40 ml D Nulrients ~ D 100 ml D Heavy Metals 0 D 250ml D All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250m] D Gross AJpha 0 0 1,000 ml D Other (specify) 1!1 0 Sample volume D Ghlor;d<: Final Depth I €o.ob Sample Time Comment Arr:vt>d 011 !.i+e o..+ O~SG. ~flner Mel fi-Mrin rr~,SI?m-.fo(' pv.reJe . P~,~~~ I.Velf .for o. fo·ft;.l of ~ ,.,:(l.Jc~ Pw~c ~J<!j. ~t )OC>7. 1..eQ--sl+c o.f-lOili f Acr'ved on ~ite o.+ 07Z!J IAflll-tr t1nc) Go.rr•'ll pr6e,+ +-o collec.. So.l'\lole'> ~:)ej. o.t 07'3,0 L~++ S•'+c 01.+ 073z .50,KO r· TW4-32 09-01-2015 lDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater N y N II] HCL ID D I[) H2S04 !] D D HN03 0 D 0 No Preserv. D 0 D HN03 0 D ID 0 ~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction f>V\r5e b~o11 o..f O'lS'J l.f.)e--1-c.'t'" ~a~ J'V'IISS.-1 ~ cJ~c.r· S.tfo/'11p/e.S. · Dc:pi-h ..Jr, [..)Q.f~,.. ~~ 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurar)ce Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: l '3'·J Q\).o.rf~t" Lh loroforr'1 zo t5 See instruction Location (well name): ~.....l_/:...LJ_Y:....-..,;:3:::::~:;...... ________ ___, Sampler Name and initials: l ,.,...-,.rlt')t:r HoJJ.J,3 /T1-l Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging l.___'l;.;./:_z_/_z_o-=ts;;...._ ____ _. and Sampling (if different) ':t/3/Zo 15 ~---~~------------' Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or [gJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) (rru.nH~.s ~~-~~----~ Purging Method Used: (1!]2 casings [g]3 casings Sampling Event I Q'-'~~r)-j Cn I u Dtor 1"1'1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~.....1-r_w_L/_-_J_b ________ -.J pH Buffer 7.0 ~...I _7.:..:..•.::...0 ___ ___,~ pH Buffer 4.0 Y.O Specific Conductance ~...I_JO_OO _____ -JI~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I ....;;!_7.;_. q,_lJ __ ___, Depth to Water Before Purging I /J. '\5 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:~_JD_·Y_I __ --1,(.653h) 3" Well:_ 0 . (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)!._ -z_g::...• __ _. Time I l51J I Gal. Purged I II I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I YLJL\L. I pH I 2:.7::5 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I \C .t;l I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 'ltt ' I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 9'3 I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time loq'Zi I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time IO'IZ6 I Gal. Purged Jo I Conductance I ~:uo I pR I b.)() I Conductance I :1~2~ I pH I b .l(, I Temp. oc I }5.3/ I Temp. °C I 15.31 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Af+el" White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2 -Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged galfon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Time to evacuate two en i·n~ volumes (2V) T=2V/Q=l ).~'f I Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. s/60 = I 1/.o Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) }.05 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ~...l.L.A:...:W..:.;A:...!..!::L=---------1 Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 ml D IE HCL Ill D Nutrients [!I D lOOm! D III H2S04 ~ D Heavy Metals D D 250 ml D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiolo~ics D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Al pha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) r!.il D Sample volume D Ill D ftl L.~lor,'Jc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L...:l 8"-5 ..... ct .... 1.__ __ _, Sample Time See instruction Comment Arr.'\1('& o"' .s•+~ ,.t 1507 -(o.,ner o.t~tl 6-o.rr.fl pre!)<"rt+ +or pv.r~c. 'Pv.t'~e be~rAil o..+ }!SJO Pur~<"d ~.Ucll for "' +t>i-~1 ot 1 M;"',.Jc. ·, Pu.re~! well tAr~. ~w~~ Cldd ,.+ )SII wo."t'c-r w~.s a-. )JH~ f\11Ar~. Le.P sNc 'it 15/~ Arr; \Jej of\ 1.-)o.S 7Z .D0 sl+e. ~+ oqzz j;,.,n~r MIQ {j-(A((;t) pr~s~n.J-.;/) ~~~~~~+ .S.~o.mpl6 . Dcpi-lt -h Wo.-kr S~l"'lp1o b"';ld tA:t 0'12.5 Left-S•~ a1-012k' TW4-33 09-02-2015 [Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I :Y ~ Q"'o.rfer Lh I Of of'brrYI 2015 See instruction Location (well name): I.__..,.,..;........W_Y"'---J:::....:.!...'i ________ ___. Sampler N arne and initials: I ::rc;,IIU Ho/1/J~j /'I.J.} Field Sample ID j iW4-34_0'i0.3ZOl5 Date and Time for Purging I 9 /7.. /-z.o IS and Sampling (if different) '\13/Zol.5 Well Purging Equip Used: (1!]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.o..r flu·!'"\ C',\onwor rvt Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ,_,_1_· _W_Y_-_3_1 ____ ___. pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.o Specific Conductance ._I ---'l_Oo;...;:o;_ __ _,I!!MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I ~ 7. 'Z.O Depth to Water Before Purging 1"71. Z ){ CasingVolume(V) 4"Wcli:I J6,qz 1(.653h) 3" WeH:,____o __ __,_(.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event),_! _J_CJ_"' _ ___, Time I 08Y [ I Gal. Purged I -z7. :Eo I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ::,/~" I pH I C:../5 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I 1S,1Z I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 3'Z3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I 19 .q I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time j0753 I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time 16755 I Gal. Purged I o I Conductance I ~7~R I pH I 7. 2.:3 I Conductance r:sg;,' I pH 1'·2o I Temp. oc I ls,q 7 I Temp. °C IIG.o l I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A-f+er White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP} Volume of Water Purged IL-._Z_7...:..,.5_D ___ -J gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q)\ in gpm. S/60 = I ll,O Time to evacuate two a ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I 3.07 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 11· (>z If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I Z7,50 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AVJAL Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N speci ficd below J y N y VOCs ~ 0 3x40 ml D ~ HCL [jl Nutriems ~ 0 100 ml D 1]1 H2S04 1:! Heavy Metals 0 0 250 rnl D 0 HN03 D All Other Non Radiol0gics 0 0 250ml D 0 No Preserv. 0 Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml 0 D HN03 0 Other (specify) · Iii D Sample volume 0 IE 0 CV\Ion.Jc. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth L-1 -'-q 4..:..:'....::3 _;..0 __ ___. Sample Timel ._ 0_7_5_4 __ __, Comment -See instruction -J Arr ;\)d_ Of\ si+e ~-r 0&3C:. -J,nntr cMJ (,.IJo(,;f'l pri!"Sljlf .for pu.~e. r<,A(~~ b~"'t1 ""t ()g31 Pu.r(\c~ !Nell for o.. +o+c.l 6f 2 JVI;I'Iv.te6 ~Mtl 30 s~coflJs . R..r~~J w~ll dr~· ~r~c: end~J -.t ogyr. !,0,J~:r \,.)~~ WI05tl.j Ck~r. L~+J-s,:f~ «t osy~ N D 0 D D D Ill A rr:v e'J. O(\ ~it<! o..t 0751 lo.llf\(~f o.~~J 6-o.rr :" pr~S~tl} +a coiled s~f>'lples . ~pH -to We;-k-r w1.1.~ 7l.'ZY .S~mple~ b";IL"~ c11..} 07!;Y" Left ~;ft= Pit 0757 TW4-34 09-02-2015 !Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL "' See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: l 3ra (~0..0J4er-Z:l'lloro:fo,, -zo[5 Location (well name): I._T_W_9_-_35 __________ __, Sampler Name and initials: ~~nnt>r" HoJJIJ~h'H Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging ._I _9_/_~_J_'ZD_. _1_5 _____ _. and Sampling (if different) 1._'?_7_3_1_'2._~_15 ______ __,~ Well Purging Equip Used: rn::Jpump or [QJ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I._G_r_v_n_J:h_o..s ____ __, Purging Method Used: @]2 casings [gJ3 casings Sampling Event I G~Q.rfer~ <.::hloro-forW'l 1-rw~-31./ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event'------------' pH Buffer 7.0 7,0 pH Buffer 4.0 I 4.o Specific Conductance ._I _Jo_o_o ____ _.l ~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): 1._!._7_._5_0 __ __, Depth to Water Before Purging I 7 Y ' Jl) Casing Volume (V) 4" Well;~_g_,7_1 __ -l,(.653h) 3" Well:_ o . (.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)j.__1.5_6 __ _. Time I OjQ, I Gal. Purged I II I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I Li~47 I pH 1 6.~1 I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc 11>. Z1 I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I 7 . .'3q I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I \I.~ I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I O t(O~ I Gal. Purged I 0 I Time I 08D'f I Gal. Purged I 0 I Conductance I ~z1:s I pH I "· ,;,<i I Conductance I YZ.~~ I pH lc.{)g I Temp. oc 1 IS:z.b I Temp. oc l 15.3D I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I A f-kr White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) Volume of Water Purged ._I''""'! _____ _, gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) S/60 = I ll. 0 T=2V/Q= I ,,sg I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) I.U If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I ll Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs IL....:...A:..::W,;;.,Au....=L'------___J Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N s_pecified below) y N y N VOCs ~ D 3x40 ml D IJJ HCL ~ D Nutrients ~ D 100 ml D ~ H2S04 1!1 D Heavy Metals [] D 250m! D 0 HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250m! D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) ~ 0 Sample volume D 111 0 lSI C.~lor:Jc If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._I _3_4_;..]_/ __ __. Sample Time L...l _o_&_D..3 ___ _. Comment -;J See instruction p~..tre .... pi.A,~(" .b~j'", ~~~.t-oGJ£>8 P\Art;i~ et~deJ. o.i-O<:fO'Y , t.Ua+cr """'~ clear. AaioJ~~ O(l ~:-t~ ,JOI sq -rAtlf'ICI' MJ 74,11 S,QI"'J plc:> bo.:I~J o-+ ogcn 6-t;.{( :" pri!"SI!'/1-} -h coiled-.s-.mpltfs.. Let.f-..s/.f~ o.+ D8£>.£, TW4-35 09-02-2015 I Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 MilL Ground't;ater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT l-2 WIDTE MESA URANIUM MILL See irutruclion FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Location (well name): ~..1 _-r...;..;..w_Y..;.-_3;;..'-;:;..... ________ _____J Sampler Name and initials: 1---r;.,ntr .).J.,iJ~J. .. .j/t1f Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging L..l _'l..;./_JI_z_,o..;.I5::..... ____ ___J and Sampling (if different) L--G}:;.../Z-.:/'.-.:2:...0....::!5:::.._ _____ ___J Well Purging Equip Used: @]pump or [QJ bailer Well Pmnp (if other than BeiUlet) 1..!:1 C::..:r.:::WI:..:.!O::.;..fi!..!o:...::S=--___ __. Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [QJ3 casings Sampling Event I ·Qv-o.rhrb Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~..l_"TW_1 _'-l_-_J'3 ______ __, pH Buffer 7.0 r..l _;_o ___ ---J pH Buffer 4.0 1.4.0 Specific Conductance Ll_t_o_co ____ _,l ~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): ._I -=-q'l.;_._oo ___ _J Depth to Water Before Purging I s~. bO Casing Volume (V) 4" We11:127 .f,fi ,(.653h) 7:!. 3( 3" Well: o _(.367h) S'S,:Sk ~-----' Weather Cond. Ext' I Am b. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)._l ZY' ___ _, Time I j 2.Slf I GaL Purged I 3 b.bb I Time I I Gal. Purged I I I'ZS~ Conductance I 2.l.\l:.~ I pH I t.-...;o I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc I \S:-17 I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I t':IY I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I ~~ I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I Ol·'f~-I Gal. Purged Ill I Time I 07'1~ I Gal. Purged I () I Conductance I ·z.2.90 I pH I -,.02 I Conductance I :t..:Jo I I pH j 7,00 I Temp. ac I I'·I.Y7 I Temp. °C I l"'.lf7 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I After White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater A 1 of2 Capturx· COMPAT18LE WITM,/'-..... "",ri>--FUHCTIONALITY Mill .• Groundwater Discharge Permit Date· 06-06-12 Rev 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = I 11 0 Time to evacuate two casing volmnes (2V) T = 2V/Q = I 5 CD I Number of casing volwnes evacuated (if other than two) l l:.sz If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated l3 b.U Name of Certified Analytkal Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs AIVAL Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as PrcservatiYe Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs Nl 0 3x40 ml 0 1:!1 HCL 1£1 0 Nutrients 121 0 100 ml D ~ H2S04 lj5] D Heavy Metals 0 D 250m! 0 D HN03 D 0 All Other Non Radiologies D 0 250 ml 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) fil D Sample volume 0 Iii! 0 IS ' Chloride. If preservntive is used, specifY Type and Quantity ofPreseJVative: ~inal Depth ,_, -4b-,D-I __ _ Sample Time ._I ~07.;...'i.:..;;'3;;__ __ ....J ~ ;. ;commcill Arr,\ld on .s,+c: ~<..+ /Z.Y7 P W~f~ ~.Vel) .for c-.. +o-lu.l l'2..~l\ wda-wo..s. h)u..rkj. See instruction ·-;: -r;:nnc::r ~nJ. (j-,,rr;n prc5errf... +o f'-'"r~e L-J~H. -pvet bCCjatJ c.·f-JZ5 I oF 3 M·niA+e.s Mo\ zo .s.econa~ . P"'r~d well c\c~. Pv..-Gc: endeGI ~d­ \...e-f.t. st+e o..r 125 7 Arr;"e~ ~n sile o-t OlliD lD..I\Ilef' O..r1~ GD..rr;f\ presellt +t) C.ollec:.+ 5tli""f'le-.s. De.pf}, to [}.)o..+-e.r wo-.S 57.31 SO.P1.ple5 bo..le! o..t-0743 Lett-!:,;../-~ a}-CJ7'-i5 L........-'--------''----..........JIDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater .A 2 of2 capturx· COMPATIBLE WITH,/'-WI<"rV--'•UN<TIOHALITY Mill-Groundw~ter Oischilrge Permit Date' 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Mdlitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 .·-" ~~GIVPR<DY,..&J#U WffiTE MESA URAl\WM MU..L S.:c: instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~.-X Gu.u..r-+er G.l-l\ota¥orm 'ZOIS Location (well name): ._l ....;.r_W_Y..._-_3-={-'-------------' Sampler Name and initials: I ~YHH~r Holi ~J'\'=\/iH Field Sample ID l rvJI.l -:n ... 0'8:JIZDI.5 Date and Time for Purging I S/:3J/2DIS and Sampling (if different) t=~IA Well Purging Equip Used: [Q!Jpump or @] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Purging Method Used: ~2 casings [g]3 casings Sampling Event I ~rb:rlj Chlo rofOr M Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~...l_li_IU_Y_-_z._z _____ -1 pH Buffer 7.0 7.() pH Buffer 4.0 Y.o Specific Conductance ~.-I .....:.l~oo~l> ___ ___.jl ~MHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olfl): ]1'2..00 Depth to Water Before Purging I 6 I .OD Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:' :)'S,::)() 1(.653h) 3" Welt~.-. o:.-.-__ -1(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)._l z_,_c __ _. Time I 1404 I Gal. Purged I D I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I ~b76 I pH I 6.~~ I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I 'IG.LJ'Z. I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I ZJ Z.. I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity {NTU) 1115 I Turbidity (NTU) L I Time I I G'dl. Purged I I Time r I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I [Temp. °C I I Temp. cc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Me~ Mill =ield Data Worksheet for Groundwater ~ 1 of2 Capturx-tDIIPATIILE WITH,./'--·Pb--FUHCTIDHALITY Mill-Groundwat~r Discharg~ Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Grouni!water Mo~itonng Qu~lity Assurance Plan fQAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q). in gprn. S/60 = I II ,y Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q =I '3.8Z. I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than t\vo) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other TI1an Energy Labs Type of Sample VOCs Nutrients Heavy Metals All Other Non Radiologies Gross Alpha Other (specifY) Ch)oriJc. ' rinal Depth I b Lf • 91 ! ~Comment Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate if other than as y N specified below) ril 0 3x40 ml ID 0 lOOm! 0 0 250 ml 0 0 250m! 0 0 1,000 ml lil D Sample volume Sample Time 140.5 0 0 AWA\.. Filtered Preservative Type Preservative Added y N y N 0 ~ HCL 1!1 0 0 qJ H2S04 IP 0 0 0 HN03 0 0 0 0 No Preserv. D 0 0 0 HN03 0 0 D IIl D IKJ If prescrvutive is used. :;pecifY Type and Quantity of Preservative: -; See instruction Ofl .~J-k &\f coHec.fed. IYDZ G\t .,-;:,11o!r a.nJ.. G-.:lrr\(1 p("e.S.el'\ + -h CD1lec.+ ~YVIpl~ S. ~I'Y\?\es Le ~~t ~;tc ~+- 140.S v-Jt\.t~' L.JaS. G}etJ-r /'108 .__ ________ _.Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill =ield Data Worksheet for Groundwater A 2 of2 capturx-COMPATIOLf W!TH ........... w•o>Jir-FUNCTIDNALITY Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: J 3ra Qv.o.Ffe( <::.hiD roHr/1'] ZOI5 See instruction Location (well name): .__]l_w___.:LJ_-b.:....o __________ __J Sampler Name and initials: I =t'eAnn~r HoJl ,'Jit!j711J Field Sample ID JlwY -G.6_oq \oZO-IS Date and Time for Purging L..J-~_I_J_o/_z._oi_S _____ -J and Sampling (if different) ~-...lM_V-_1'1 ________ _. Well Purging Equip Used: rn:::J pump or [Q] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ~-...1-v._~_:A ______ ___, Purging Method Used: [Q]2 casings [Q]3 casings Sampling Event JG:>v.(.\rfer3 CrdorOfo rrv> Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event L...l_-n.v __ Y_-_10 ______ _.. pH Buffer 7.0 ..__I _-,_. D ___ --J pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance L..l_l_Oil_O ____ ....~lf.lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): L..j_o ____ __. Depth to Water Before Purging J ,__ _o ___ --1 Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll:ll--o----11(.653h) 3" Wellr_ 0 _(.367h) Weather Cond. Ext'l Am b. Temp. oc (prior sampling event)JL...;z.~o;;:..._o _ ____. Time 1 01411 I Gal. Purged I b I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance ~~~~ I pH 11 150 I o. Conductance I I pHI I Temp. oc l-z..:2.7b I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I 3q3 I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I o.s I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. ac I I Temp. ac I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged 0 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in _gpm. S/60 = I 6 Time to evacuate two ca ing' volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I v I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 0 If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 0 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs I.__A...:.W-'--A_L _____ __, Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs rn. D 3x40 ml D [] HCL [!I D Nutrients [] D 100 ml D 111 H2S04 IZ] D Heavy Metals D D 250m! D D HN03 D D All Other Non Radiologies D D 250 ml D D No Preserv. D D Gross Alpha D D 1,000 ml D D HN03 D D Other (specify) [!j D Sample volume D ll D ~ Ch\oride If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth ._I _o ____ _, Sample Time 0/45 See instruction Comment DI TW4-60 09-10-2015 lno not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL See instruction FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I ~rbo Gwv"fer C.>·dD(O:f~FM zc> J5 Location (well name): ._I i"_v.>_'i_-_65 __________ __. Sampler Name and initials: I '7:nnd fio//.J ,.-::1 HH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging [.__q_7_J7_z_o_l_5 ____ ___. and Sampling (if different)[,_ _4_l_z_7_z_o_J5 ______ _. Well Purging Equip Used: (IDpump or @]bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Grc.A112f=Fos Purging Method Used: ~2 casings @]3 casings Sampling Event I 61v..o.A'fr 8 C:l'\ lorootofrYJ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ~...1 Jl_k)_LJ_-_O_CS _____ -..J pH Buffer 7.0 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Y.D Specific Conductance l.___l_o_oo ____ _.lf..lMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.Olft): I IOJ,SD Depth to Water Before Purging I C\5,"31 Casing Volume (V) 4" Wcll:l 3h. 61 1(.653h) 3" Well: o (.367h) ..__ ___ _. Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. ·c (prior sampling event)._[ _JK_., __ __J Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pH[ I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pH[ I Temp. oc I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q , in gpm. S/60 = I II.D Time to evacuate two ca ·ing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q= I b.67 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) J. Y'l If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 55 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ~...1 .L)t.:....W---=~-=L=----------' Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs Tll 0 3x40 ml 0 ~ HCL E) 0 Nutrients IZJ 0 100 ml 0 [] H2S04 [] 0 Heavy Metals D 0 250m! 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radiologies 0 0 250 ml 0 0 No Prese1-v. 0 0 Gross Alflha 0 0 1,000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) }!] 0 Sample volume 0 'tl 0 ~ Chloe~·~ If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Final Depth I 4g ,gg Sample Time 07LS Comment -·· See instruction ,J TW4-65 09-01-2015 ]D not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT l-2 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUNDWATER Description of Sampling Event: I -::3r J Qv.11.r'fd <..J.-d o rDn(m 'ZOI5 See instruction Location (well name): ._I _--r-'-w_L.J_-7_0 _________ ---' Sampler Name and initials: I ~,.,~~~r tJ~JI,·J~trH Field Sample ID Date and Time for Purging !t....._~:.;./_z._l_-z._o-=I.S;;.._ ____ __. and Sampling (if different) ...._ll~/....;:3:..:./_-z:;;.;.o_,ts,· ------~ Well Purging Equip Used: ~pump or [ill bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) Grv.n J"h>s Purging Method Used: 1]]2 casings [ill3 casings Sampling Event I Qv.o.,'krlj Cn lt>rl>form Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Eventl ,_ _-r_w_Y_~_3_S _____ ____. pH Buffer 7.0 /.0 pH Buffer 4.0 y,o Specific Conductance!,__ -'I_D_DO ____ _.I ~-tMHOS/ em Well Depth(O.O 1ft): ._I -'-t_JI·l-.· _oo;....._ __ _, Depth to Water Before Purging I b8. 60 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:l Z.'l.~Y 1(.653h) 3" Well :L-_o ___ .....~_(.367h) Weather Con d. Ext'l Amb. Temp. oc (prior sampling eventlli-....U/6"-11--..J Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. oc I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Time I I Gal. Purged I I Conductance I I pH I I Conductance I I pHI I Temp. °C I I Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Redox Potential Eh (m V) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I Turbidity (NTU) I I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 Mill-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date: 06-06-12 Rev. 7.2-Errata Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q). in gpm. Time to evacuate two casin volumes (2V) S/60 = I IJ.C> T=2V/Q= I 5.31 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) () If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated () Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ._I....:A-...:..:...lJ...:..~.:.:L-=---------~ Sample Taken Sample Vol (indicate Filtered Preservative Added Type of Sample if other than as Preservative Type y N specified below) y N y N VOCs [] 0 3x40 ml 0 Ill HCL 121 0 Nutrients Cll 0 100 m1 0 [] H2S04 lr.J 0 HeHvy Metals 0 0 250 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 All Other Non Radi..Q&gic~ 0 0 250m! 0 0 No Preserv. 0 0 Gross Alpha 0 0 1.000 ml 0 0 HN03 0 0 Other (specify) rn 0 Sample volume 0 rn 0 ~ Ch1or:Je If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative; Final Depth .__I ..w5.._$::.....;,'1~0 __ __,.J Sample Time 0813 Comment ,(J See instruction TW4-70 09-02-2015 IDo not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 TabC Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data ( ( ___ _ Time w ell I .So z.. MW-4 1~4l\ MW-26 IOY'I TW4-19 I L-ll-{ '-1 TW4-20 IS"ILI TW4-4 141.\ TWN-2 l'"l3fl. TW4-22 lt..t3t. TW4-24 \4'2"1 TW4-25 t3ro TW4-1 1'-t--.~ TW4-2 1~5b TW4-11 11.{7~ TW4-21 I'-ll.\ I TW4-37 ~ ( ( Weekly Inspection Form D epth * h5.o~ h 3 .4o t:.f.-..4;( f...b. 4~ 72.66 L7 ._b4 SG .o.s ~ 2 .32.. 6 2.'2.~ 7 2..30 II 2 ~ ql 2'1 6'1 .Y'1 h 1.6 t? Name &c...rri'.,.._ P0 <~1 T10~u-Hotl;.rL·y System Operational (If no note c omments 80l£ eroblems/correctlve actions} Flow 4 .{... GPM (Y...e._s) No Meter b~~7S1 .9o (Ye~ No Flow 'L b &Pr'\ _(YeiD_ No Meter ~~L.\'t6~ lc !Y~ No Flow I~ z r...-P.-v\... _t!e§l No Meter li ~Co/ .oo ?fa~ No Flow SL 6 Gf'M. (Ye~ No Meter £J.:SZ6. 16 (Ye~ No Flow \O.J.. MA. -~No Meter \3,L.If 3 1 l<t> !Yes) No --Flow IS.o &fl.,~A... (YeS) No Meter '17C>.5'LA-Go _{f~No Flow 17.R G PJ"'\ L_Y~ No Meter ·z. 3 7'Z. g-q 4o ('fe~ No Flow 17. s b-f' _pl.. (Ye_i) No Meter 1~..5)!113 70 j:J__ a§)_ No Flow 15" ~_&fA jf_ei)_ No Meter Ill 4 -1 t; t 3D t{e$) No Flow J 6_. 0 6-f' .#\... ~No Meter So"'t ·l . ?..D ('{e~ No Flow 17._D_ _G.E.;.c.1 .LY_e_! No Meter Y/~'2.. 7 o o f{e~ No Flow lb . 3 &f'..-v\. (Ye~ No Meter 155 D s . '-lo ~No _, Flow J b,.l _G-f'...-v\.. _de$.2_ No Meter YDS7b S"Z.. C1ei) No Flow 17~6 G-f>A _d_~S} No !Meter 3 55 11. YD ~ No - Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): lsc. sed ±t"""t,.r:-sc. + ti"'"..3S. oc. ....,w ·o'-\ • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form ( System Operational (If no note T' •me Wll e D th* BPI c t ommen s anl! !;!rO bl sf I ) em correct ve actions J'4Z!t MW-4 _:73. 1.1 '2.. Flow _~.~ .~. _beA-'\ (Ye§) No Meter .t. t1 6 1 ~ 2. s 4 6e.i> No l421 MW-26 A4. 2.5 Flow 'L z.._ l:r f> ./A ~..)NO Meter l /ct"7 k 7.b de_§} No 1~3S TW4-19 63.\5 Row \ s. 0 {5-?...-v\. &~No Meter Sogo .. LSo (/BS) No 1~1 ~ TW4-20 ~ \. xl'l Flow ~.o _fr.PM C{_ej) No Meter 92.5b.S~ 64 &SS No ~4.14 TW4-4 'fZ.bZ Flow I O.b 6-Pft'\. d .fJj) No Meter t3~'izo./o (Yes) No ...-... _l_l.to.S TWN-2 27 q.s-Flow \ ~-s:. 6e,..A ~)No Meter ... 73771. 'ZC (YeS) No l413. TW4-22 ~'l.oo. Flow J"l.4 .&P~ (Y~j No Meter -z. ::u·1fq z. . '2. u (Yel No . ( Ll.{\a_ TW4-24 62. 8'Z. Flow _l_7.i &M (Vel No Meter I 8',i;~l7 l .SD <J'e~ No ' \L.It')? TW4-25 f.'l ,_,D Flow 15 ~> t~r/'A (Ye~ No Meter II~ 'Z.I.{S"5. 2o ~e~1 No 11.11'2.. TW4-1 7/, '\I Flow 17, 4. &P P'\ . cf"eS\ No Meter 52oo'l_ Jo (Y~ No 1427 TW4-2 72.40 Flow 1'/.z &P~ ~ No Meter t..jq31 \.6o ~es) No Lc.tZ.S TW4-11 q l . ~0 Row I b z t:. P ..N'\. <..YJts.) No Meter !.S S'!f7 .t.o c:fe~ No 1 ~:<.'1 TW4-21 6:;. '3i' Flow lb.D f"l"P_..v\.. ~e~ No Meter Lj R !.ID . o&. <Yes) No I t-l I'-TW4~37 67. O')' Flow I 7 ./., &(J.;V\. G'es No I Meter 46'{ Z7. 'ZI!l (Yes) No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest O.D1 feet. Monthly Depth Check Form Date 7 -14 -"lO 15 Name -,:::"', t.r t-/o/J.J~<.j Time Well Depth* Time Well Depth* 10.51 MW-4 7!.bj 100.5 TWN-1 bl .3~ 104'l TW4-1 77.~0 095~ TWN-2 -z.g.o.s lD5'i TW4-2 7Z .'"f5 IQ l:!l TWN-3 tC:S . e.g "H$.35' 1tlW1 122tf TW4-3 ss.bq IC:! ! f2 TWN-4 .S'S gb \DI.\] TW4-4 7Cl .b'f tozb TWN-7 ~.7Z. l"-?.5 TW4-5 <;,.3.qo IDiq TWN-18 bt>.OO IQ"LS TW4-6 /i.O't ID'ZZ MW-27 !.:>3.g/ liOO TW4-7 '-9 -8£., 1031 MW-30 75 i~ 1..) '3'iJ3lflb TW4-8 'l.Z,)b ID3,5 MW-31 t.8.5Z g,07 ~.t2.")00 II Q:3 12'2..1 TW4-9 ~I.'L 1 .')~8~"111 rz:z.'3 TW4-10 60 .'f~ 110"' TW4-11 '1'2.. oz. I2SD TW4-12 {5.D.5 t'2.$.5 TW4-13 ~o.a5 IZSr TW4-28 31LD 1"2..58 TW4-14 8f.2.0 JZ.'iD TW4-29 7 '3 ,, II I"Z. TW4-15 b 7. :l.5 IZ':f b TW4-30 7~.'Zb JIQ:i TW4-16 '-3.'-lj 17.~1 TW4-31 ~Q-bl. lQ;2~ TW4-17 1b,q1 p .. f,-3 TW4-32 56.1'Z .. IQQg TW4-18 6~.'2.5 l"l..~fo TW4-33 :ZI· 15 oqso TW4-19 '-4 D I lZ Lf?.. TW4-34 11 ·)0 1115 TW4-20 (;.3.35 1"2 ~~-TW4-35 7~ L5 1010 TW4-21 (:,5 YO 1<.5 '-TW4-36 5(,,S~ Ill£. TW4-22 (;1{,11 Ill~ TW4-37 ':). sy IDYO TW4-23 b_&-3{ I I I 'l TW4-24 (;.3 .~ IOOZ. TW4-25 64.05 IC> Y.3 TW4-26 (:.S.C:,S IZ38' TW4-27 ao.o-z Comments: {Please note the well number for any comments) * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet Weekly Inspection Form ( Date ?lzol!s System Operational (If no note- 1me Wll e 0 h* e12_t c t ommen s bl I I 1 ani! ero ems corrective act ons ~3\l MW-4 So . GIS" Flow 4 .7 &P.M.. /fes\No Meter /O':J,~n9. --tl. _f'~ )NO ---;::::: 1~2 MW-26 S.3.1.\ Z. Flow 3. z t5P~ (?~No Meter \q510 -\D ()'e_i>No 1 7.na. TW4-19 !{'2...60 Flow tg_s &?~ ;res) No Meter ~'t 65 t.f 1-.o d'"eey) No 15DO TW4-20 A2. ZS Flow 8 4_ ~PM (Ves) No Meter ~3'17() b b de~ No ·= _l ~1_2 TW4-4 7 J . ~( Flow In. o {orr""' <Y_e)) No Meter t 43q \0 "'lLJ ?(e~ No 1741< TWN-2 'Z7-75 Flow 1 s -0 &fl""""' (Yes) No Meter -"i /l 1.{ 77 c:; ('Ves) No ll.~3 TW4-22 5S .D,5 Flow \-!. z_ (,..f'A (Yes) No Meter l'-IOb zq. z o (Y"e~ No ( IZ.S i TW4-24 6 z.~o Flow I g 0 &f>,cA.. {"{eS\No Meter I R.<:"u-,~ o o ?reS') NO l2'd4 TW4-25 hh.t..l3 Flow 1.~·-4 G-P~ J(eS) No Meter H GZ0~5 /..t'l ~No l ~1 4. TW4-1 ~Cf-7 7 Flow 1/,. 4 6' f>/"'\, ?fes ) No Meter 5.3~'-lq . 7o 813.""?> No 13oK TW4-2 7/... 4.A Flow I 11..6 &·P~ (Yes) No Meter 5 lD3~-Zo (Ve8) No 11o6 TW4-11 q-2 .73 Flow l b-t 6-P~ (feS\ No Meter lh l '-i~ ."JO ("(e S\ No ~ _I 'Z. ':-La TW4-21 (;. s _ _g c Flow 16. 'Z. &f' /-"\ ('YeS:) No Meter A:.~l~q_ q~ (Yes)No _\_7,.,5~ TW4-37 (-,o qo Flow _17 ." &f"A. ~No Meter S53'-l 7 .~o CYe~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form ( Date Name System Operational Cit no note Tl me W II e D h* eot c t ommen s anll era bl sl . tl } em correctiVe·aC ons 1~-140 MW-4 '] _,;;. g.Y_ Flow _4.e &fA de~ No Meter -,,11~;\.~s Cl.e$) No I 4.SI MW-26 /,3.65 Flow ct.o GPN\. @~No Meter 212.72. S'o ~ No 134<l TW4~19 62.tJS Flow ( ~ 4 {d.M eYe~ No Meter h~61l 'Z-0 des) No I 4._Z Cj TW4-20 75"~ '{5 Flow s .o_ &~ eYeS) No Meter ~5.3 7 «4 . l.o <Y_es) No I 1.11.4,(. TW4-4 73-ll> Flow 10.6 forP.ill\ ~-~No Meter t4€q"'' z. So <Y,eS) No ..... I LitE TWN-2 ?..7.oD Flow .if .. ~ ('.,.pp\ Cle$) No Meter ~~lt!!."'J .t.f'l (Je~ No II.\ 'l.S TW4-22 h l .'3"J Flow n . o f.. r _.v\, <Ye~ No Meter ZH'ZSI'"l .~o ~es>.! No ( IW.?o TW4-24 62-2-7 Flow 17. ~ h:eM. (YeS\ No Meter 1 ~7~2.'34 .. 60 ~eS) No '""'l2.. TW4-25 /,:2. .Sf< Row I t..o ~P/"\ C..Ye~ No Meter IZOI 67S . .s-o ~e~ No 1"\41. TW4-1 ('3.'1 t Flow 17-D &P..-v\ (Ye~ No Meter 5510 1. &..IU ~es) No I '-137 TW4-2 ('3.. q' Flow lb .'-\ ;;.p"""" C...Ye~ No Meter s-z. ·ng. -,o <:...yeS) No 143~ TW4-11 'i\.61 Flow-lb-1..1 &f'/-'\ (Yej' No Meter 1 ~.5'1o _6r>_ ~Yes} No \\.\0 £( TW4-21 t:.:s. 45 Row \&..0 6-f.l-'\ (Ve~ No Meter &76"Z.0 -'1Z. ~No --" 1~2.7 TW4-37 b3.15 Flow 1"1 d> &() ..... A._ ~ej No Meter l,L{/,~2 -~ ~Ye$ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): ---------------- l~ *Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. ( Weekly Inspection Form Name~llcr LJo!J~,J J ' ZJ System Operational (If no note 1me Wll e 0 th* ep1 c t ommen s an:!£ ero bl sf tl 1" } em · correc ve ac 1ons \~1L MW-4 7P, /,D Flow 4 ,h .~P.M.. !YeP No Meter /l'it£~7 Dl {'{e?)No - 1321\ MW-26 6'l _C6'1.{ Flow 9.ss> 4f'~ rYe~ No Meter Z.Z.~'\1' 1..\. ZCI f{es') No -=:,. I '11 z_ TW4-19 63-.. oo Flow J -~·-L /'Yes\ No Meter 77.511 D~ (fes) No \3Z6 lW4-20 6 z .S"q Flow S.z. &t',..v\. (Ye.§) No Meter Stf..6q.,7o ~qs) No 134?.. lW4-4 7~.~0 Flow I D,~ f..P_..v'\. Cl® No Meter -:1.~ I ~~S!I..f~ . .<n Cte~ No 13\L. TWN-2 'Z. 7.35 Flow \~~5 (,.f')A. /YeS) No Meter 1.1. 164S ot.. 1-:o ?Ye]:>No I "3"2a TW4-22 57..~£3 Flow J7 • .."i_ &e.8. ~e..sl)_No Meter 91.1 '-1 Y.s't.l Wo TYew No 131b TW4-24 6Z.3'-{ Flow 1 «.o r.,.f'~ ~No Meter 1~71r3h~ "'10 ~No J3 t>g TW4-25 6L\.3Z. Flow I 5.;;, b f'JV\. (?e~ No Meter 12\\UB-60 7feS) No l 'S)tt TW4-1 &-z.,q q Flow l7 o t~P.M\ 6e~ No Meter 5'7.5..'-i 5 . 3D r?esr No 133C) lW4-2 7.5-~~ Flow I 6 I 6 6-i> ,M..._ {Y_e~ No Meter 5Lt 4_9o :S_0_ tY~ No 1'7.3:3 TW4-11 qz ,c;o Flow t,<,o 6-_~ ~No Meter lb~Z& .'CO ?"reS No /'Soc./ TW4-21 h c;-_ 'lS Flow 15.6 GP~ r-YeS) No Meter 7 7?f-S< .'1 ~ ?fe§) No I~Z~ TW4-37 6 o .qz Flow 1.7. I..\ &f/-A... ("Yej) No Meter "'7 33L3 ~a (Y~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Time Well Oeoth• Comments 71.6/ Flow 4-~ G:P.M Meter 7 z ~ 71-:, -'2. i.A \5o3 MW-26 ~.3. 60 Flow li ~6 &r~ Meter Z.'-\t-17 g. 7 0 t33o TW4-19 ~ 3. 55 Flow J ~Lo t .... P/"'\. Meter Bh3 7 4..~D \ 5C)o TW4-20 1~1~ TW4-4 73. 42.. Flow \D.'l-r~PA ·, Meter 1 5"'67"13 .oe. 1.~21 TWN-2 Z'L 15 Flow l fr _4 _&P..I'-'\.. Meter Ll R'S?h 7 S'. c:, b I 4SLI TW4-22 .5g_ :vl Flow 17 \ t~fM I LIS' Z. TW4-24 !-.Z -35 Flow !Js .o &PA Flow I 5. o f:.P~~ -Meter L£. zn ~'t 7 .Jo l~t/ TW4-1 ~'-1-ZD Flow 17. n 1-~_M Meter St:r t{ «6 , 2/--. l L-1\A. TW4-2 7$. 4 < Flow I h. ~ &f)/\_ Meter c;"6o·z L 'lo \ l.Jl\ 'TW4-11 Meter 168'3g.oo I S""L<." TW4-21 66. 3o Flow I b. 'Z 6-P _,v\._ Jl-1_57 TW4-37 hl~ ~ &' Flow I {,.lf 6-f'M Meter 'l"ZS70 . Zh Operational Problems (Please list well number): System Operational (If no note any problems/corrective actions) ~No ~No - (Ye~ No /'"'Ye$ No (Yes\ No Cf:e~ No _C_~ No - (Yfii. No (Yes) No -~No {Ye_~ No (Y_ii)· No {Ye_ff No ~No Xe~ No tv~ No {Yes) No ('Yes) No Cfes)_No !YeS:, No ("fes) No <YeS) No ffi~ No .r'f~ No Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Monthly Depth Check Form Date Bl lz l1 .£ Name 6e-rr-·;A Pt,l..yw: (-Time Well Depth* Time Well Deeth* j'Z~'6 MW-4 Ia. .l.f. 1.5tl TWN-1 ciLos I Z'i7 TW4-1 iZ 'il~ J.5D~ TWN-2 1.~.6b l~Y" TW4-2 7,,~Q I~~~~ TWN-3 38 .3~ J S Z~ TW4-3 5f!.OZ. 1~5:! TWN-4 5L1 .3Q !ZSt . TW4-4 '71 .()0 I So6 TWN-7 85.70 I5:Za TW4-5 &:~. 7l.{ !St!.( TWN-18 h4.6.6 1441 TW4-6 r t.~ 1~~0 MW-27 5:1.1 't. I :Z. '-l j TW4-7 7 '3., 7Q 1~3~ MW-30 1.5.. 11 l 30] TW4-8 7~,7Q I SJtj MW-31 6. K. 6&. 1522 TW4-9 61.6o I.~Zb TW4-10 6 1-ZS 1 z: ~s TW4-11 ~.3-2~ 1.1~0 TW4-12 l.\5 . ~s: 1~31 TW4-13 5 \.5() 1~4:Z. TW4-28 3'1. 4 ~ l~>~ TW4-14 fSL Z\ lJ2'2. TW4-29 73.. ~ (;} I Z.'-13 TW4-15 b '-\. '2C> 132~ TW4-30 7 6_. 4t..t ( 1~5Q TW4-16 6.3-65: 1 3~0 TW4-31 ~Q. 70 ...... -' TW4-17 TW4-32 ~ .ilt. 11.1i 13!:1~ SI.QS I '--lSI TW4-18 AD. Z'-1 Ill] TW4-33 2?_. Q~ I Zoe TW4-19 6~. ~6 !3'Z.:2 TW4-34 :ZI ~..., 0 I1.4Z. TW4-20 6. 4 .Q I I :!!:26 TW4-35 ]~ :Jc i~3Q TW4-21 67-02. 133S TW4-36 S.b.. 8'-2 )~~.2 TW4-22 cO. Z.'Z. 1 '2.3~ TW4-37 63. Ji:l.> I t..(.:J7 TW4-23 6g,6S 1~7 TW4-24 6Lj~ 1'2..:1~ TW4-25 7~. ill I '13~ TW4-26 6S. 9.S 1310 TW4-27 ls'o.lb Comments: (Please note the well number for any comments) \ *Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet Weekly Inspection Form r ( System Operational (If no note T" W II •me e 0 th* c t bl sl f ) ep1 ommen s anll Qro em correct!ve ac 1ons 05-z.G. MW-4 7Z.I M. Flow Y..c..,_ &PM /YJ3s)No ·Meter /'2.2.7~1 .52. \. -m) No l)g()l:, MW-26 101:~5 Flow 'Vi G-Pfv\. eYes }Jo Meter "!.S'I '1L·3_ (Yes) No I07ZS TW4-19 (:)3.11'\ Flow 18.0 {rp/1-\ C.. .Y.es )'Jo Meter qL\~ 4/. ~ ( 'reS)No fL f - D'I:DZ TW4-20 C., I} .0 ~ Flow iiif {rPM _C'[es }No Meter 2l\t:n.q t' Yes\ No 0~5 TW4-4 7Z,'3q Flow 10.\ (~No Meter \ C..'3Y ) ~. S ( Yes J No V7'"14 TWN-2 Z~.l.D Flow lis 4 C'ies ) No Meter Y q ZZ74 Y ( Yes )No 015'1 TW4-22 .57,'iS Flow \~.0 ~No Meter Z.LfZO'-t'l, g LYe~ No bi.SO TW4-24 '=-'til Flow \f{[) (Yes.) No Meter 1 ~.r<K'Z.."Z.b I (Yes )No Oi4D TW4-25 lbb·~ Flow 15.1 Cies)No Meter I2'Z475Z.0 (Yes) No ~ TW4-1 K3.Z.I Flow 17.D Clas ) No 0~31 Meter {,I 137.0 C.. YeS) No -0~2./ TW4-2 7S,b( Flow /(..$ (~No Meter 57(;, 90. Y (Yes) No bK17 TW4-11 'iZ Z.l Flow l".s ( Y.as) No Meter lb8'38' .y ~ 'fes) No ..c---. 07:t5 TW4-21 ,C,.oz Flow • 1(,.0 ~·Yes r1'!o Meter tTSK/tf<.qq C. Tes)No -o;.sS TW4-37 6DA5 Flow 17.0 C:/~No Meter '11/00."2. ( Ye-~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- * Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Name 6 "'t r--.-6 'Pc.-! ~u- Svstem Ooerational (If no note Tlme Well Oeoth* Comments anv oroblemslcorrectlve actions) l3\5' MW-4 g;o, '1.~ Flow l..\, 7 &P,v\.. _('Yei) No Meter I L..\l>4 I '2.. OD /Ye~No ~ l:i)~ MW-26 213 15 Flow B..o &f'....v\. ;Yej) No Meter z. 7 b_tf s. ~(") tye~ No 1.3 '1"2.. TW4-19 t: _r:; ZD Flow 19.0 t ... P~ Cfe~ No Meter I03'1Sl.ll tf~ No l3D3 TW4-20 ;:.'2..flS Flow 8. & &-P.I'-"L Xes) No Meter qD7t;6.1Li ?'1€~ No =-- I 32.l TW4-4 7o .R~ Flow 10.4 &P..AA fie~ No Meter lb ~-~~~ DO (Ye~ No \1-52. TWN-2 2. 7-qb Flow l ~L ~ &fl~ f)'es) No Meter L1 '1 .s-t~ ol y () ?7'"eS) No 12.-S 7 TW4-22 S"~ OD Flow \7.0 6-P~ (fes) No Meter Z.Ytti! ~G ."'\., ,/'{e§> No - 12.SS TW4-24 6'Z.'1S'" Flow i g ~~ G-P..-"'\. /?e~ No Meter L ~&!~~<,(. <tn ~No IZ~~ TW4-25 A 2; .f)~ Flow I~~'-{ t.-PA-If~ No Meter l '2..39 L.ll, 7. I~ (Yes)No .- l ?.I K TW4-1 ctS,I-.\ Flow lh.3 ~f>_,v\. (Ye~ No Meter 63COI . ~0 (Yes~ No l'Z..\3 TW4-2 Ro .D 4 Flow 1~.1( &fJ.A. (Ye~ No Meter 5 'i Z_S"L.j 50 (Ye§:> No \3ofl. TW4-11 70.\b Flow 17.0 6-f'~ ('{e~ No Meter lb~3t1. 70 (ire$)_ No l2"\5 TW4-21 I E.. 0:fJ Flow I h. 2 ?.f'A deS) No 6'7.~8 Meter I o S'7 Z\. ~~ 2(ej) No .... j30D TW4-37 61.~16 Flow 17 0 j;.f,AA. (YM_ No Meter I DO 2. l I-\ . ()0 (Ye~ No Operational Problems (Please list well number): J:L...<-t; ......_G.,.. o ...._ TW 4 -1 l \ p .s t M~''Y {J_~J-. ~uMf (c.,·H-~""QJ L:<,.:)~r<;. {>,NUcu\. Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): (( e....S.e.. t b~e.r 0 /\... +w 4-11. t,Uc.l t \;. o(>.:.ce-± ,' VCA= l. • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Time Well Depth• Comments tt..J~~ MW-4 <li-DO Flow Meter 1'-lz.o MW-26 h _4 so Flow Meter \~35 TW4-19 J.z-tJs Flow Meter 1413 TW4-20 b2.5S Flow Meter I .b"lD TW4-4 72.10 Flow Meter 1340 TWN-2 zl.so Flow Meter \U't TW4-22 57-~ l$ Flow Meter J3(.jx TW4-24 1-.'Z.oo Flow Meter \31.5' TW4-25 {.~ '(.,/, Flow Meter ISD'Z.. TW4-1 go.5o Flow Meter 1437 TW4-2 7b. LiD Flow Meter J ~.oiZ.S TW4-11 /..,'}:.1.-jQ Flow Meter 1~'2..5 TW4-21 ""· lk Flow Meter I L.\os· TW4-37 /.;I .DD Flow Meter Operational Problems (Please list well number): c...rc.. oo 3carA· y. & 6--f'.M 7 '-17 ~ '} .5 I 7. g_z. r~~ z_q Z.6'l . 'io U$.o &P..rA- li7_Q66 .~ ~ b G-f'P'- '1Z.o65 qo \ D-0 b-P .AA. _i_ L332.Z. ' 2..D I ~-S G. PM. 4C,q7 1-l7. bO n . z. &P .)A_ 'ZSI9''f'L 7 D I 7 -I~ f.. f' ,.v\.. IRG><.~C\1-oo 15.:2.. ~P.,.A.t \2.a.tnU.4a 16 _,.(, &P..-v\ ,(,L..j~71 .ZD \ ~ 5 (.,..f' _,v\_ ADqSL '2-D I/_ 6 6-('_,q 16$?-r;~ AD tb .o r~ P--"""'- I !£2._j,(t._ &:'f 17 4 kP/-A- I0'11·Z'l\.5D System Operational (If no note anv problems.lcarrective actions) ~No ~No /Vd No '("'V"e_s) No ~e§)_No cf_e.W No (Ye)> No Cf__e~ No ({e~ No ffe~ No {Y._e~ No {YeS) No --(Yej) No (Yes) No ('(eS) No ~No ffe~ No ~No (Y~ No CfeS) No /Y'~ No ~No Yes tf\[0) Yes (NO) (5(ej) No (te~ No ~No ~No Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): {2.<:-f_l,y:.-M b&+h.n-e.s A.A4 1, •• k,t l , s Wot"IC:, • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. Weekly Inspection Form Date CJ!s/ L( Name 6_b-rr,_ P,..t~rt 1 MA.~r-r\d(l:AA.y System Operational (If no note Ti a me Wll e 0 th* eru c omments I ) anl£moblems corrective actions 1'25'1 MW-4 77,/,5 Flow 4.6-&.PA Ci':ei)No Meter 7 ,~.< '31!£>. '-11 tY'e~>No \'Z-43 MW-26 .<2.40 Flow g.\ 6'e~ No Meter ~OCft3'g. -z.o L?~eDNo -1315 TW4-19 b3,Z.L Flow rg.o 6-f,.v"-CY~ No Meter I 'Z..~b~.5¢ (Ye]J No -L'Z.3 g-TW4-20 63. '2(_ .. Flow ~.i (}f_,.vL t;fp No Meter '1~50~9 ~~-~ t(rij No I~ TW4-4 A'f.'7Y Flow \o.6 r~P#\.. ((~s) No Meter l/BIS06-'lo (IN;> No IZ.Zf, TWN-2 ~0-10 Flow JK 5 &f.l#\. ~s)No Meter <;"t> ~q?tL 26 {Yei> No ...... 12..31.( TW4-22 5?.87.... Flow 11.4 &f.M.. {Yei;2 No Meter '2..531:\ z.. 4 . Ito ~No l'Z.3Z. TW4-24 .< z_ o'-'1 Flow I S._a_ (sf-"""'-{YeS> No Meter I qa 4 'J,L.ft'L "id ~ No l Z.llt 1W4-25 ~4.17 Flow I 6 -D tS:f ./"'\.. (Ye~ No Meter IZ.Sct'-(1.(-z.?o ?res;. No ...... --\'Z..57 TW4-1 (O L.{. 6.0 Flow \ 6.t> &f'/"\ (fe§) No Meter 66gq y . 5D ~No ::;;:.:.. \Z.~C> 1W4-2 C!Z .61 Flow il:..l.( r~P.M.. /'"Y~ No Meter 6't711 ~10 TYeS> No --=-- I'Z.'i £" TW4-11 £~,q~ Flow lb-2 6-f'A (Yes) No Meter t74f.4 'Z.o (Yes) No I'Ll~ TW4-21 hb ~.~ Flow I h 4 ;.: P ..-v'\.. (Y~ No Meter 1'2..£. l5 <" ~ ... , YeS) No IZ3b TW4-37 61.6o Flow 17-0 6P..M. (Ye_?\ No Meter 11q2.n 1 o (Tes) No - Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest O.D1 feet. ( \ ( I \ Weekly Inspection Form System Operational (If no note rme W II e · D th* e_p1 c omments I sl anll erob em correcttve actrons} 1"]'-i / MW-4 ICJ 3~ Flow L.{ &..1 _6 p ..M. Cfe~No Meter 7 6 "Z 7."l"'l • 05 eYes) No \~3~ MW-26 f,7.6 't Flow g_o &f/-1'1.. (Y'e$) No Meter .zz.z "Z..I.{ '-lu (Yej) No 1305 TW4-19 he, f?~ Flow J/.2. k?A (YeS) No Meter l ~ot..""J0.3D (V"_efl)No - \ JJ.S" TW4-20 h_Z .6S Flow S!>. z_ &PM _[Yesl) No /-~-Meter '1'16 Z<s 5c,i; ?Ve~ No ~ \_3S_:t TW4-4 71. l< I Flow l () & (,: f?,)A. (Ye_D No Meter ,g~O'Z.\.!io (?eS) No 13L.o TWN-2 .11_. 6_'1( Flow t2J . o G· r'.;V\. J(~ No Meter So70 0Y.bb ~No 1333 TW4-22 .S 7 r '-17 Flow n . 6 &e foA.-~No Meter Z-556. '2 7 . '10 _(Ye§) No 13'2..~ TW4-24 ~62_"(){. Flow 11.6 bP~ [Yes )_No Meter 1Qn~/4t.l. 7D ?Veib No 1_.3JG TW4-25 63. '1 &' Flow \5 6 /,.f:,.u\, ;Y'e$) No Meter r ?..t.7t.lfl<; "-\o mfi> No 13S'O_ TW4-1 'l '1. ct:J Flow 16 .a uPM 6'es 1)No Meter 6 !?"S 7J 5. D D (1"e~.>No 1":?.44 TW4-2 /{.10 Flow I ~ . 'l. ('1 f:M.-tfe~No Meter 1-. t.-116 -z.. 'Zh ~No 114l TW4-11 q~_oo Flow II o &f ,.u\. (?e~ No Meter 17 «: '3 1 . 7 () /fes)No - L31'7,. TW4-21 6 6 .20 Flow \6 b_ bffA.-tfel No Meter I ~l..f~Q ~. ~I {les) No \ 33{, TW4-37 £1.0~ Flow \ '"]_, '-\ 6f.M-_f&'S) No Meter I U,~'-l o.f . 7D <res) No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. ( ( \ Weekly Inspection Form Time~ Well Depth' Comments 141( MW-4 Meter 140~ MW-26 65r2.0 Flow Meter I 1.-\ l.\3 TW 4-19 t:J . 7Z Flow Meter 11.94~.6/0 I35S TW4-20 Meter I \..II/ TW4-4 %Z.~& Flow Meter lJ..c-{5 TWN-2 Z..S L-10~ Flow Meter 135L{ TW 4-22 57. sz. Flow 1 I ,'& L..f>A Meter zs7 '"('J I. 7o 11SD TW4-24 Meter 1 q 131? ?.k. . Cro 13_36 TW4-25 Meter 1 '2.. 76771. qo )'-"II :1 TW4-1 ~z. 75' Flow 16.0 G-<'..-v' Meter (DOO '\. Zo _-:1_7. 35 Flow lb.D &PA Meter ;::, 57'-'\ Z. ~(') '"'" 3 TW4-11 Meter \ '6 z. '-\ I.( • 3D Js~Z TW4-21 Meter P·ISSI'Z.,57 I"!D7 TW+37 hl.o7 Flow 17.'-t r"'P.IA ._Meter i'36'-7 c.J & _1_ D Operational Problems (Please list well number): System Operational (It no note anv problems/corrective actions) ~No r (Yej) No rYe~ No ?'Ye!P No ~~No O'e]) No (Yes) No eYe$> No ( Yey) No l_Ye}_ No t<Y~ No ~_No /Y~_ No ne~ No eva) No r(e~ No r:fe!Y No ('(e$) No ~No &es)_ No 6'~ No /fe~ No l(_e_s)_ No {'Yes) No Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): --------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest 0.01 feet. ( ( Date 9/30 /z.o1s Weekly Inspection Form Name ---r:;;.ner llo J L~ S Operational (If no note Time .W.,ell Depth* Comments any problems/corrective aotlons) 191S MW-4 Flow Y.l{ _des') No Meter T 14Z. 7 Z.. 3~ ( ¥9$) No lL\D Y MW-26 Flow ~.D (Y~ No Meter ~5 773 7_ (Yes )_No II-\..3L.. TW4-19 Flow 1'6 .0 Meter I S0_5< ~b 7_ (Yes)_No - t4.00 TW4-20 Flow ~.3> Meter q7 55 5{ o &' (Yes ) No L'i"Z._li TW4-4 72 JLj Flow 10.5 ('{~o Meter l 4 3 Cf 0 J · 7 ( Yes )No 13'-IL! TWN-2 z.g _go Flow 18.1 (')'es_LNo Meter S ISL{2 7 . 1 L~ TW4-22 9 .7.fo Flow \1,6 Meter 2.!:.<l~J57, g ( Yes .>Jo 1 ~so TW4-24 ~S :z.;z_ Flow 1 s .o ( .lles)No Meter I q 2020~. /0 ( Yes )No 1'3'il TW4-25 {,.3,5l Flow \S .S ( Y_es.) No . Meter r2 ~fSSIQ (. '1 (~s_) No 1'-\l't TW4-1 8Z.7.3 Flow lb .O Meter 7"2.. '2.. '11 . I /__Yesl No IY!"Z. TW4-2 T/.bD Flow \!o ,l (Y~No Meter ~1713 .5 _C{_es1 No I "tOll TW4-11 '1 0.35 Flow I Co .SCI Meter t~72.b,4 Cie.s) No Meter 1 ~6()2. q. 6'l ('fes ) No - r3.S b. TW4-37 bL I~ Flow ll,S. !Meter ll.l7 Z.b<l .9 { YBS) No Operational Problems (Please list well number): Corrective Action(s) Taken (Please list well number): -------------- • Depth is measured to the nearest O.Oi feet. TabD Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Details Map, and Depth to Water Summary NAME: Tanner Holliday 9/30/2015 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to TIME WELL Water (ft.) TIME WELL Water (ft.) TIME WELL Water (ft.) TIME WELL Water (ft.) 937 MW-1 64.12 1415 MW-4 78.95 927 PIEZ-1 64.84 NA DR-1 Abandoned 1050 MW-2 109.66 1419 TW4-1 82.73 921 PIEZ-2 38.20 NA DR-2 Abandoned 833 MW-3 85.50 1412 TW4-2 77.60 1034 PIEZ-3 49.11 816 DR-5 82.98 834 MW-3A 84.51 1158 TW4-3 56.07 1140 PIEZ-4 57.55 813 DR-6 94.25 1057 MW-5 106.10 1424 TW4-4 72.14 1137 PIEZ-5 57.08 1108 DR-7 92.05 1130 MW-11 86.10 1204 TW4-5 63.78 1023 TWN-1 61.70 809 DR-8 51.25 1100 MW-12 108.19 1148 TW4-6 71.38 1344 TWN-2 28.80 806 DR-9 86.47 1115 MW-14 103.07 1152 TW4-7 74.85 1029 TWN-3 37.89 802 DR-10 78.12 1116 MW-15 106.04 1155 TW4-8 76.56 1032 TWN-4 54.39 824 DR-11 98.08 838 MW-17 71.95 1201 TW4-9 61.61 TWN-5 Abandoned 827 DR-12 90.78 934 MW-18 71.79 1206 TW4-10 61.26 931 TWN-6 78.01 830 DR-13 69.87 923 MW-19 61.15 1409 TW4-11 90.35 939 TWN-7 85.62 751 DR-14 76.21 758 MW-20 86.15 855 TW4-12 45.36 TWN-8 Abandoned 754 DR-15 92.83 721 MW-22 66.70 900 TW4-13 51.28 TWN-9 Abandoned DR-16 Abandoned 1054 MW-23 113.96 903 TW4-14 80.62 TWN-10 Abandoned 747 DR-17 64.85 1048 MW-24 113.11 1404 TW4-15 64.64 TWN-11 Abandoned DR-18 Abandoned 1133 MW-25 76.28 1209 TW4-16 63.40 TWN-12 Abandoned 736 DR-19 63.00 1404 MW-26 64.64 1211 TW4-17 76.91 TWN-13 Abandoned 733 DR-20 55.56 1041 MW-27 53.97 1025 TW4-18 64.65 917 TWN-14 61.35 726 DR-21 101.00 1045 MW-28 75.30 1436 TW4-19 63.23 TWN-15 Abandoned 740 DR-22 60.60 1220 MW-29 100.83 1400 TW4-20 62.75 914 TWN-16 47.65 729 DR-23 70.43 1217 MW-30 75.40 1337 TW4-21 66.30 TWN-17 Abandoned 743 DR-24 44.17 1214 MW-31 68.40 1353 TW4-22 57.76 1038 TWN-18 60.08 NA DR-25 Abandoned 1211 MW-32 76.91 1140 TW4-23 68.55 910 TWN-19 53.30 1445 MW-33 DRY 1350 TW4-24 65.22 1125 MW-34 107.13 1341 TW4-25 63.51 1103 MW-35 112.29 1143 TW4-26 65.92 1105 MW-36 110.40 843 TW4-27 79.81 1121 MW-37 107.18 1856 TW4-28 39.44 844 TW4-29 73.25 850 TW4-30 76.07 852 TW4-31 80.24 858 TW4-32 50.88 841 TW4-33 71.92 846 TW4-34 71.26 848 TW4-35 74.06 901 TW4-36 56.41 1356 TW4-37 61.18 @ estimated dry area TW4-37 perched pumping well installed ......_5571 ~arch, 2015 showing elevation .....,.-1n feet amsl MW-5 perched monitoring well showing e 5503 elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 temporary perched monitoring well 0 5579 showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 temporary perched nitrate monitoring ¢ 5564 well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing Q 5591 elevation in feet amsl TW4-35 temporary perched monitoring well 3::t5526 install~ ~~:'lay, 2014 showing elevation 1n feet amsl RUIN SPRING b 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11,TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21 and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells TW4-11 water level is below the base of the Burro C3llyOI'l Formation HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2015 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE FIGURE H:/718000/nov15/WUUwl0915.srf D-1 ,-;~~$• estimated chloroform capture 1~-j', zone boundary stream tubes I 1 1 ,' resulting from pumping estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping @ estimated dry area TW4-37 perched pumping well installed ......_5571 ~arch, 2015 showing elevation ...,..-tn feet amsl MW-5 perched monitoring well showing e 5503 elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 temporary perched monitoring well .Q 5579 showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 temporary perched nitrate monitoring Q S564 well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing ~ 5591 elevation in feet amsl TW4-35 temporary perched monitoring well .~5526 install?d ~ay, 2014 showing elevatton tn feet amsl RUIN SPRING b 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2015 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE DATE H:/718000/nov15/WUUwl0915cz2.srf ,-,-........ ,- , ,' ,. ,p estimated chloroform capture 1' 1 /' /' zone boundary stream tubes I I 1 r resulting from pumping TW4-37 -+-ss71 MW-25 • 5537 TW4-7 0 5546 PIEZ-2 ~ 5591 TW4-35 ~5526 estimated nitrate capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping perched pumping well installed March, 2015 showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl perched piezometer showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2014 showing elevation in feet amsl ....... ' ' \ \ \ NOTES: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1 , TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11 , TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21 and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells; TW4-1 1 water level is below the base of the Burro Canyon Formation HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. APPROVED KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2015 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE detail rna DATE I REFERENCE I FIGURE H:/718000/nov15/WL/Uwl0915cz.srf I D-3 TabE Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map @ estimated dry area TW4-37 temporary perched monitoring well .....1....5572 install~d ~arch, 2015 showing -,.-elevatiOn m feet amsl MW·S perched monitoring well showing e 5S03 elevation in feet amsl TW4-12 temporary perched monitoring well 0 5579 showing elevation in feet amsl TWN-7 temporary perched nitrate monitoring ~ 5563 well showing elevation in feet amsl PIEZ-1 perched piezometer showing ~ 5591 elevation in feet amsl TW4-35 temporary perched monitoring well ~5526 install~d ~ay, 2014 showing elevation 1n feet amsl RUIN SPRING A 5380 seep or spring showing elevation in feet amsl HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 2nd QUARTER, 2015 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE DATE H:/718000/aug15/WUUwl0615.srf TabF Depths to Groundwater and Elevations and Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) Riser (L Monitoring (blw.MP) (bh .LSD) Well 1.56 123.6 5,527.63 09/25179 94.70 93.14 5,527.63 10/10179 94.70 93.14 5,528.43 01110/80 93.90 92.34 5,529.93 03/20/80 92.40 90.84 5,528.03 06117/80 94.30 92.74 5,528.03 09/15/80 94.30 92.74 5,527.93 10/08/80 94.40 92.84 5,527.93 02/12/81 94.40 92.84 5,525.93 09/01184 96.40 94.84 5,528.33 12/01/84 94.00 92.44 5,528.13 02/01185 94.20 92.64 5,528.33 06/01185 94.00 92.44 5,528.93 09/01185 93.40 91.84 5,528.93 10/01185 93.40 91.84 5,528.93 11101/85 93.40 91.84 5,528.83 12/01185 93.50 91.94 5,512.33 03/01186 110.00 108.44 5,528.91 06/19/86 93.42 91.86 5,528.83 09/01186 93.50 91.94 5,529.16 12/01186 93.17 91.61 5,526.66 02/20/87 95.67 94.11 5,529.16 04/28/87 93.17 91.61 5,529.08 08/14/87 93.25 91.69 5,529.00 11/20/87 93.33 91.77 5,528.75 01126/88 93.58 92.02 5,528.91 06/01188 93.42 91.86 5,528.25 08/23/88 94.08 92.52 5,529.00 11/02/88 93.33 91.77 5,528.33 03/09/89 94.00 92.44 5,529.10 06/21189 93.23 91.67 5,529.06 09/01/89 93.27 91.71 5,529.21 11/15/89 93.12 91.56 5,529.22 02/16/90 93.11 91.55 5,529.43 05/08/90 92.90 91.34 5,529.40 08/07/90 92.93 91.37 5,529.53 11113/90 92.80 91.24 5,529.86 02/27/91 92.47 90.91 5,529.91 05/21/91 92.42 90.86 5,529.77 08/27/91 92.56 91.00 5,529.79 12/03/91 92.54 90.98 5,530.13 03/17/92 92.20 90.64 5,529.85 06/11192 92.48 90.92 5,529.90 09/13/92 92.43 90.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) Riser (L) Mouitorin~ (blw.MP) blw.LSD) Well 1.56 123.6 5,529.92 12/09/92 92.41 90.85 5,530.25 03/24/93 92.08 90.52 5,530.20 06/08/93 92.13 90.57 5,530.19 09/22/93 92.14 90.58 5,529.75 12/14/93 92.58 91.02 5,530.98 03/24/94 91.35 89.79 5,531.35 06/15/94 90.98 89.42 5,531.62 08118/94 90.71 89.15 5,532.58 12/13/94 89.75 88.19 5,533.42 03/16/95 88.91 87.35 5,534.70 06/27/95 87.63 86.07 5,535.44 09/20/95 86.89 85.33 5,537.16 12111195 85.17 83.61 5,538.37 03/28/96 83.96 82.40 5,539.10 06/07/96 83.23 81.67 5,539.13 09/16/96 83.20 81.64 5,542.29 03/20/97 80.04 78.48 5,551.58 04/07/99 70.75 69.19 5,552.08 05111199 70.25 68.69 5,552.83 07/06/99 69.50 67.94 5,553.47 09/28/99 68.86 67.30 5,554.63 01/03/00 67.70 66.14 5,555.13 04/04/00 67.20 65.64 5,555.73 05/02/00 66.60 65.04 5,556.03 05/11100 66.30 64.74 5,555.73 05/15/00 66.60 65.04 5,555.98 05125/00 66.35 64.79 5,556.05 06/09/00 66.28 64.72 5,556.18 06/16/00 66.15 64.59 5,556.05 06/26/00 66.28 64.72 5,556.15 07/06/00 66.18 64.62 5,556.18 07113/00 66.15 64.59 5,556.17 07/18/00 66.16 64.60 5,556.26 07/25/00 66.07 64.51 5,556.35 08/02/00 65.98 64.42 5,556.38 08/09/00 65.95 64.39 5,556.39 08/15/00 65.94 64.38 5,556.57 08/31100 65.76 64.20 5,556.68 09/08/00 65.65 64.09 5,556.73 09/13/00 65.60 64.04 5,556.82 09/20/00 65.51 63.95 5,556.84 09/29/00 65.49 63.93 5,556.81 10/05/00 65.52 63.96 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,556.89 10/12/00 65.44 63.88 5,556.98 10119/00 65.35 63.79 5,557.01 10/23/00 65.32 63.76 5,557.14 11109/00 65.19 63.63 5,557.17 11114/00 65.16 63.60 5,556.95 11121/00 65.38 63.82 5,557.08 11/30/00 65.25 63.69 5,557.55 12/07/00 64.78 63.22 5,557.66 01114/01 64.67 63.11 5,557.78 02/09/01 64.55 62.99 5,558.28 03/29/01 64.05 62.49 5,558.23 04/30/01 64.10 62.54 5,558.31 05/31101 64.02 62.46 5,558.49 06/22/01 63.84 62.28 5,558.66 07/10/01 63.67 62.11 5,559.01 08/20/01 63.32 61.76 5,559.24 09/19/01 63.09 61.53 5,559.26 10/02/01 63.07 61.51 5,559.27 11108/01 63.06 61.50 5,559.77 12/03/01 62.56 61.00 5,559.78 01/03/02 62.55 60.99 5,559.96 02/06/02 62.37 60.81 5,560.16 03/26/02 62.17 60.61 5,560.28 04/09/02 62.05 60.49 5,560.76 05/23/02 61.57 60.01 5,560.58 06/05/02 61.75 60.19 5,560.43 07/08/02 61.90 60.34 5,560.44 08/23/02 61.89 60.33 5,560.71 09/11/02 61.62 60.06 5,560.89 10/23/02 61.44 59.88 5,557.86 11122/02 64.47 62.91 5,561.10 12/03/02 61.23 59.67 5,561.39 01109/03 60.94 59.38 5,561.41 02/12/03 60.92 59.36 5,561.93 03/26/03 60.40 58.84 5,561.85 04/02/03 60.48 58.92 5,536.62 05/01/03 85.71 84.15 5,528.56 06/09/03 93.77 92.21 5,535.28 07/07/03 87.05 85.49 5,534.44 08/04/03 87.89 86.33 5,537.10 09/11103 85.23 83.67 5,539.96 10/02/03 82.37 80.81 5,535.91 11107/03 86.42 84.86 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,550.70 12/03/03 71.63 70.07 5,557.58 01/15/04 64.75 63.19 5,558.80 02/10/04 63.53 61.97 5,560.08 03/28/04 62.25 60.69 5,560.55 04/12/04 61.78 60.22 5,561.06 05/13/04 61.27 59.71 5,561.48 06/18/04 60.85 59.29 5,561.86 07/28/04 60.47 58.91 5,529.17 08/30/04 93.16 91.60 5,536.55 09/16/04 85.78 84.22 5,529.00 10/11/04 93.33 91.77 5,541.55 11/16/04 80.78 79.22 5,541.12 12/22/04 81.21 79.65 5,540.59 01/18/05 81.74 80.18 5,542.85 02/28/05 79.48 77.92 5,537.91 03/15/05 84.42 82.86 5,548.67 04/26/05 73.66 72.10 5,549.53 05/24/05 72.80 71.24 5,544.36 06/30/05 77.97 76.41 5,545.16 07/29/05 77.17 75.61 5,544.67 09/12/05 77.66 76.10 5,541.28 09/27/05 81.05 79.49 5,536.96 12/07/05 85.37 83.81 5,546.49 03/08/06 75.84 74.28 5,546.15 06/13/06 76.18 74.62 5,545.15 07/18/06 77.18 75.62 5,545.91 11117/06 76.42 74.86 5,545.90 02/27/07 76.43 74.87 5,548.16 05/02/07 74.17 72.61 5,547.20 08/13/07 75.13 73.57 5,547.20 10110/07 75.13 73.57 5,547.79 03/26/08 74.54 72.98 5,545.09 06/25/08 77.24 75.68 5,550.36 08/26/08 71.97 70.41 5,550.39 10/14/08 71.94 70.38 5,542.25 03/03/09 80.08 78.52 5,542.25 06/24/09 80.08 78.52 5,550.19 09110/09 72.14 70.58 5,550.94 12/11/09 71.39 69.83 5,546.08 03111/10 76.25 74.69 5,550.98 05/11/10 71.35 69.79 5,548.33 09/29/10 74.00 72.44 5,551.01 12/21/10 71.32 69.76 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW 4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (MP) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,6'22.3 123.6 5,547.00 02/28111 75.33 73.77 5,557.54 06/21111 64.79 63.23 5,551.14 09/20111 71.19 69.63 5,550.32 12/21111 72.01 70.45 5,551.22 03/27112 71.11 69.55 5,551.29 06/28112 71.04 69.48 5,550.29 09/27112 72.04 70.48 5,549.31 12/28112 73 .02 71.46 5,552.30 03/28/13 70.03 68.47 5,550.18 06/27113 72.15 70.59 5,552.55 09/27/13 69.78 68.22 5,553.23 12/20/13 69.10 67.54 5,551.91 03/27/14 70.42 68.86 5,552.93 06/25114 69.40 67.84 5,552.23 09/25114 70.10 68.54 5,552.08 12/17/14 70.25 68.69 5,551.13 03/26115 71.20 69.64 5,556.02 06/22/15 66.31 64.75 5,543.38 09/30115 78.95 77.39 ...... N 0 ...... 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 0\ 0 .j::. 0 N 0 0 09/25179 ~ 02/06/81 06/21/82 11/03/83 03/17/85 07/30/86 12/12/87 04/25/89 09/07/90 a: 01/20/92 ~ ~ 06/03/93 ~ ~ 10/16/94 ttl "1 02/28/96 0 ttl ~ ~ . 07/12/97 =-0 11/24/98 < ttl "1 04/07/00 1-3 ... 08/20/01 a ttl --01102/03 ? 0"' --05/16/04 a ~ 09/28/05 '-' 02/10/07 '-06/24/08 11106/09 03/21111 08/02/12 12/15/13 04/29/15 . 09/10/16 01/23/18 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5,620.77 5,618.58 1.02 111.04 5,537.23 11 /0 /99 81.35 80~3. 5,537.38 11/09/99 81 .20 80.18 5,537.48 01/02/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.48 01/10/00 81.10 80.08 5,537 .23 01/17/00 81.35 80.33 5,537.28 01/24/00 81 .30 80.28 5,537.28 02/01/00 81.30 80.28 5,537.18 02/07/00 81.40 80.38 5,537.48 02/14/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.48 02/23/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.58 03/01/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.68 03/08/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.98 03/15/00 80.60 79.58 5,537.68 03/20/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.68 03/29/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.43 04/04/00 81.15 80.13 5,537.18 04113/00 81.40 80.38 5,537.48 04/21/00 81.10 80.08 5,537.68 04/28/00 80.90 79.88 5,537.58 05/01/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.88 05111/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.58 05/15/00 81.00 79.98 5,537.88 05/25/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.88 06/09/00 80.70 79.68 5,537.90 06/16/00 80.68 79.66 5,537.88 06/26/00 80.70 79.68 5,538.10 07/06/00 80.48 79.46 5,538.04 07/13/00 80.54 79.52 5,538 .16 07118/00 80.42 79.40 5,538.42 07/27/00 80.16 79.14 5,538.56 08/02/00 80.02 79.00 5,538.68 08/09/00 79.90 78.88 5,538.66 08/15/00 79.92 78.90 5,538.33 08/31100 80.25 79.23 5,539.18 09/01100 79.40 78.38 5,539.12 09/08/00 79.46 78.44 5,539.34 09/13/00 79.24 78.22 5,539.50 09/20/00 79.08 78.06 5,539.69 10/05/00 78.89 77.87 5,540.33 11/09/00 78.25 77.23 5,540.74 12/06/00 77.84 76.82 5,542.39 01/14/01 76.19 75.17 5,543.69 02/02/01 74.89 73.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL LSD) (MP) Riser L) Monjtoring (bh .MP) (blw.L D Well z 5,620.77 5,6 18.58 1.02 111.04 5,544.96 03/29/01 73.62 72.60 5,545.45 04/30/01 73.13 72.11 5,545.89 05/31/01 72.69 71.67 5,546.19 06/21/01 72.39 71.37 5,546.50 07/10/01 72.08 71.06 5,547.18 08/20/01 71.40 70.38 5,547.59 09/19/01 70.99 69.97 5,547.84 10/02/01 70.74 69.72 5,548.12 11/08/01 70.46 69.44 5,548.65 12/03/01 69.93 68.91 5,548.87 01/03/02 69.71 68.69 5,549.37 02/06/02 69.21 68.19 5,550.00 03/26/02 68.58 67.56 5,550.22 04/09/02 68.36 67.34 5,550.81 05/23/02 67.77 66.75 5,550.79 06/05/02 67.79 66.77 5,551.08 07/08/02 67.50 66.48 5,551.54 08/23/02 67.04 66.02 5,551.79 09/11/02 66.79 65.77 5,552.19 10/23/02 66.39 65.37 5,552.27 11/22/02 66.31 65.29 5,552.48 12/03/02 66.10 65.08 5,552.74 01/09/03 65.84 64.82 5,552.92 02112/03 65.66 64.64 5,553.40 03/26/03 65.18 64.16 5,553.48 04/02/03 65.10 64.08 5,552.32 05/01/03 66.26 65.24 5,550.53 06/09/03 68.05 67.03 5,550.09 07/07/03 68.49 67.47 5,549.64 08/04/03 68.94 67.92 5,549.31 09111/03 69.27 68 .25 5,549.58 10/02/03 69.00 67.98 5,549.50 11107/03 69.08 68.06 5,550.07 12/03/03 68.51 67.49 5,551.86 01115/04 66.72 65.70 5,552.57 02/10/04 66.01 64.99 5,553.63 03/28/04 64.95 63.93 5,554.04 04/12/04 64.54 63.52 5,554.60 05113/04 63.98 62.96 5,556.28 06/18/04 62.30 61.28 5,556.61 07/28/04 61.97 60.95 5,554.21 08/30/04 64.37 63.35 5,553.49 09/16/04 65.09 64.07 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL (LSD) ( IP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well z 5 6').0.71 5,618.58 1.02 111.04 5,552.53 10111/04 66.05 65.03 5,552.42 11/16/04 66.16 65.14 5,552.46 12/22/04 66.12 65.10 5,552.07 01/18/05 66.51 65.49 5,552.21 02/28/05 66.37 65.35 5,552.26 03/15/05 66.32 65.30 5,552.30 04/26/05 66.28 65.26 5,552.25 05/24/05 66.33 65.31 5,552.22 06/30/05 66.36 65.34 5,552.15 07/29/05 66.43 65.41 5,552.47 09/12/05 66.11 65.09 5,552.50 12/07/05 66.08 65.06 5,552.96 03/08/06 65.62 64.60 5,553.23 06/14/06 65.35 64.33 5,557.20 07118/06 61.38 60.36 5,553.32 11/07/06 65.26 64.24 5,554.35 02/27/07 64.23 63.21 5,554.07 05/02/07 64.51 63.49 5,554.07 08114/07 64.51 63.49 5,553.88 10/10/07 64.70 63.68 5,555.73 03/26/08 62.85 61.83 5,556.60 06/24/08 61.98 60.96 5,556.83 08/26/08 61.75 60.73 5,556.87 10/14/08 61.71 60.69 5,556.90 03110/09 61.68 60.66 5,556.91 06/24/09 61.67 60.65 5,556.61 09110/09 61.97 60.95 5,556.78 12/11/09 61.8 60.78 5,556.75 03/11/10 61.83 60.81 5,556.19 05/11110 62.39 61.37 5,555.26 09/29/10 63.32 62.30 5,554.66 12/21/10 63.92 62.90 5,554.74 02/28/11 63.84 62.82 5,554.57 06/21111 64.01 62.99 5,554.13 09/20/11 64.45 63.43 5,554.54 12/21111 64.04 63.02 5,553.64 03/27/12 64.94 63.92 5,553.66 06/28/12 64.92 63.90 5,553.73 09/27112 64.85 63.83 5,553.59 12/28/12 64.99 63.97 5,554.73 03/28/13 63.85 62.83 5,554.44 06/27/13 64.14 63.12 5,554.37 09/27/13 64.21 63.19 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Surface Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of LSD) Riser (L) Monitoring (hlw.MP) Well 5,620.77 1.02 111.04 5,553.92 12/20/13 64.66 63.64 5,553.20 03/27114 65.38 64.36 5,552.20 06/25114 66.38 65.36 5,551.13 09/25114 67.45 66.43 5,550.72 12/17/14 67.86 66.84 5,546.50 03/26115 72.08 71.06 5,544.18 06/22/15 74.40 73.38 5,535.85 09/30115 82.73 81.71 00 Vl 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -...) Vl -...) 0 0\ Vl 0\ 0 Vl Vl Vl 0 11/08/99 04106100 -09/03/00 -01/31101 06/30/01 11/27/01 04/26/02 09/23/02 02/20/03 07/20/03 12117/03 05/15/04 ~ • 10/12/04 ~ 03111/05 ~ I ~ 08/08/05 ~ 01105/06 ~ -06/04/06 ~ ""1 11/01106 0 ~ 03/31/07 "C 08/28/07 ~ 01/25/08 0 -< 06/23/08 ~ ""1 11/20/08 ~ .... 04/19/09 a ~ -09116/09 -.. 02/13110 ~ 07113/10 a" -a -12/10/10 "C ...._, 05/09111 10/06/11 ,_ 03/04112 08/01/12 12/29/12 05/28113 10/25/13 03/24/14 08/21/14 01/18115 06117115 11/14/15 -04112116 09/09116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) ('MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) blw.LSD) Well 5.624.72 1.62 121.125 5.5~.57 11108/99 76.15 74.53 5,548.57 11109/99 76.15 74.53 5,548.32 01102/00 76.40 74.78 5,548.52 01110/00 76.20 74.58 5,548.32 01117/00 76.40 74.78 5,548.72 01/24/00 76.00 74.38 5,548.62 02/01/00 76.10 74.48 5,548.62 02/07/00 76.10 74.48 5,549.02 02114/00 75.70 74.08 5,549.12 02/23/00 75.60 73.98 5,549.22 03/01/00 75 .50 73.88 5,549.32 03/08/00 75.40 73.78 5,549.22 03/15/00 75.50 73.88 5,549.92 03/20/00 74.80 73.18 5,549.72 03/29/00 75.00 73.38 5,549.42 04/04/00 75.30 73.68 5,549.52 04/13/00 75.20 73.58 5,549.72 04/21100 75.00 73.38 5,549.82 04/28/00 74.90 73.28 5,549.82 05101100 74.90 73.28 5,550.12 05/11100 74.60 72.98 5,549.82 05/15/00 74.90 73.28 5,550.12 05/25/00 74.60 72.98 5,550.12 06109/00 74.60 72.98 5,550.22 06/16/00 74.50 72.88 5,550.07 06/26/00 74.65 73.03 5,550.17 07/06/00 74.55 72.93 5,550.17 07/13/00 74.55 72.93 5,550.18 07/18/00 74.54 72.92 5,550.33 07/27/00 74.39 72.77 5,550.38 08/02/00 74.34 72.72 5,550.40 08/09/00 74.32 72.70 5,550.42 08/15/00 74.30 72.68 5,550.54 08/31/00 74.18 72.56 5,550.87 09/08/00 73.85 72.23 5,550.97 09/13/00 73 .75 72.13 5,551.04 09/20/00 73.68 72.06 5,545.83 10/05/00 78.89 77.27 5,546.47 11109/00 78.25 76.63 5,546.88 12/06/00 77.84 76.22 5,552.18 01/26/01 72.54 70.92 5,552.20 02/02/01 72.52 70.90 5,551.10 03/29/01 73.62 72.00 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (z (LSD (MP) Riser (L) Moniroring (blw:Ml,) Well 5,623.10 5.624.72 1.62 12LI25 5,551.59 04/30/01 73.13 71.51 5,552.03 05/31/01 72.69 71.07 5,552.33 06/21/01 72.39 70.77 5,552.64 07/10/01 72.08 70.46 5,553.32 08/20/01 71.40 69.78 5,553.73 09/19101 70.99 69.37 5,553.98 10/02/01 70.74 69.12 5,554.14 11/08/01 70.58 68.96 5,554.79 12/03/01 69.93 68.31 5,554.74 01/03/02 69.98 68.36 5,554.91 02/06/02 69.81 68.19 5,555.15 03/26/02 69.57 67.95 5,555.39 04/09/02 69.33 67.71 5,555.73 05/23/02 68.99 67.37 5,555.79 06/05/02 68.93 67.31 5,555.91 07/08/02 68.81 67.19 5,556.04 08/23/02 68.68 67.06 5,556.25 09/11/02 68.47 66.85 5,556.72 10/23/02 68.00 66.38 5,556.42 11/22/02 68.30 66.68 5,557.01 12/03/02 67.71 66.09 5,557.20 01/09/03 67.52 65.90 5,557.35 02/12/03 67.37 65.75 5,557.83 03/26/03 66.89 65.27 5,557.87 04/02/03 66.85 65.23 5,553.71 05/01/03 71.01 69.39 5,548.98 06/09/03 75.74 74.12 5,548.14 07/07/03 76.58 74.96 5,547.75 08/04/03 76.97 75.35 5,547.22 09/11/03 77.50 75.88 5,547.68 10/02/03 77.04 75.42 5,547.52 11/07/03 77.20 75.58 5,548.29 12/03/03 76.43 74.81 5,554.00 01115/04 70.72 69.10 5,555.46 02/10/04 69.26 67.64 5,556.90 03/28/04 67.82 66.20 5,557.49 04/12/04 67.23 65.61 5,558.07 05/13/04 66.65 65.03 5,558.19 06/18/04 66.53 64.91 5,559.00 07/28/04 65.72 64.10 5,554.26 08/30/04 70.46 68.84 5,551.97 09/16/04 72.75 71.13 5,549.65 10/11104 75.07 73.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L Monitoring {blw.MP) {blw.LSD) Well 5,623.10 5,624.72 1.62 121.125 5,549.89 11/16/04 74.83 73.21 5,550.37 12/22/04 74.35 72.73 5,549.95 01118/05 74.77 73.15 5,550.09 02/28/05 74.63 73.01 5,550.13 03/15/05 74.59 72.97 5,550.18 04/26/05 74.54 72.92 5,550.32 05/24/05 74.40 72.78 5,550.21 06/30/05 74.51 72.89 5,550.11 07/29/05 74.61 72.99 5,550.33 09/12/05 74.39 72.77 5,550.29 12/07/05 74.43 72.81 5,551.30 03/08/06 73.42 71.80 5,551.42 06/14/06 73.3 71.68 5,550.52 07/18/06 74.20 72.58 5550.52 11/07/06 74.20 72.58 5552.89 02/27/07 71.83 70.21 5,552.06 05/02/07 72.66 71.04 5,552.02 08/14/07 72.7 71.08 5,552.20 10/10/07 72.52 70.90 5,554.58 03/26/08 70.14 68.52 5,555.23 06/24/08 69.49 67.87 5,555.29 08/26/08 69.43 67.81 5,555.43 10/14/08 69.29 67.67 5,555.73 03/10/09 68.99 67.37 5,556.25 06/24/09 68.47 66.85 5,555.94 09/10/09 68.78 67.16 5,556.53 12/11/09 68.19 66.57 5,557.87 03/11/10 66.85 65.23 5,557.63 05/11110 67.09 65.47 5,557.24 09/29/10 67.48 65.86 5,557.00 12/21/10 67.72 66.10 5,557.61 02/28/11 67.11 65.49 5,557.58 06/21111 67.14 65 .52 5,557.46 09/20/11 67.26 65.64 5,557.84 12/21111 66.88 65.26 5,557.86 03/27112 66.86 65 .24 5,557.87 06/28/12 66.85 65.23 5,557.46 09127/12 67.26 65 .64 5,557.82 12/28/12 66.9 65.28 5,559.39 03/28113 65.33 63.71 5,559.21 06/27/13 65.51 63.89 5,559.26 09/27/13 65.46 63.84 5,559.27 12/20113 65.45 63.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (l\1-P) Riser (L (blw.MP) (t)lw.L, D) Well 5,624.72 1.62 121.125 5,558.92 03/27/14 65.8 64.18 5,557.99 06/25114 66.73 65.11 5,557.09 09/25114 67.63 66.01 5,557.07 12/17/14 67.65 66.03 5,549.93 03/26/15 74.79 73.17 5,551.30 06/22/15 73.42 71.80 5,547.12 09/30115 77.60 75.98 00 Ul 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.....) Ul -.....) 0 0\ Ul 0\ 0 Ul Ul Ul 0 11108/99 04/06/00 09/03/00 -01131101 -06/30/01 11/27/01 04/26/02 09/23/02 02/20/03 07/20/03 12/17/03 05115/04 ~ 10/12/04 ~ 03/11/05 ~ I N 08/08/05 ~ 01105/06 f"'''o 06/04/06 ~ ""1 11101106 ~ ~ 03/31107 "0 f"'''o 08/28/07 =- 01125/08 0 ~ 06/23/08 ~ ""1 • 11120/08 ~ .... 04119/09 a ~ -09/16/09 ,-.., 02/13/10 ~ -07/13110 ~ -a 12110/10 "0 '-' 05/09111 10/06/11 03/04112 08/01112 12/29112 05/28113 -10/25/13 03/24/14 08/21114 ,_ 01118115 06/17115 11114/15 04/12116 09/09116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water z) (LSD) (MP) Riser L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 141 5,565.78 11/29/99 66.45 65.43 5,566.93 01/02/00 65.30 64.28 5,567.03 01110/00 65.20 64.18 5,566.83 01117/00 65.40 64.38 5,567.13 01/24/00 65.10 64.08 5,567.33 02/01100 64.90 63.88 5,567.13 02/07/00 65.10 64.08 5,567.43 02/14/00 64.80 63.78 5,567.63 02/23/00 64.60 63.58 5,567.73 03/01100 64.50 63.48 5,567.83 03/08/00 64.40 63.38 5,567.70 03/15/00 64.53 63.51 5,568.03 03/20/00 64.20 63.18 5,567.93 03/29/00 64.30 63.28 5,567.63 04104100 64.60 63.58 5,567.83 04/13/00 64.40 63.38 5,568.03 04/21100 64.20 63.18 5,568.23 04/28/00 64.00 62.98 5,568.13 05/01/00 64.10 63.08 5,568.53 05/11/00 63.70 62.68 5,568.23 05/15/00 64.00 62.98 5,568.53 05/25/00 63.70 62.68 5,568.61 06/09/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.69 06/16/00 63.54 62.52 5,568.45 06/26/00 63.78 62.76 5,568.61 07/06/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.61 07/06/00 63.62 62.60 5,568.49 07/13/00 63.74 62.72 5,568.55 07/18/00 63.68 62.66 5,568.65 07/27/00 63.58 62.56 5,568.73 08/02/00 63.50 62.48 5,568.77 08/09/00 63.46 62.44 5,568.76 08/16/00 63.47 62.45 5,568.95 08/31/00 63.28 62.26 5,568.49 09/08/00 63.74 62.72 5,568.67 09/13/00 63.56 62.54 5,568.96 09/20/00 63.27 62.25 5,568.93 10/05/00 63.3 62.28 5,569.34 11109/00 62.89 61.87 5,568.79 12/06/00 63.44 62.42 5,569.11 01103/01 63.12 62.10 5,569.75 02/09/01 62.48 61.46 5,570.34 03/28/01 61.89 60.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z.) Riser (L) onitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD Total Depth Of Well 1.02 141 5,570.61 04/30/01 61.62 60.60 5,570.70 05/31101 61.53 60.51 5,570.88 06/21101 61.35 60.33 5,571.02 07/10/01 61.21 60.19 5,571.70 08/20/01 60.53 59.51 5,572.12 09119/01 60.11 59.09 5,572.08 10/02/01 60.15 59.13 5,572.78 11108/01 59.45 58.43 5,573.27 12/03/01 58.96 57.94 5,573.47 01/03/02 58.76 57.74 5,573.93 02/06/02 58.30 57.28 5,574.75 03/26/02 57.48 56.46 5,574.26 04/09/02 57.97 56.95 5,575.39 05/23/02 56.84 55.82 5,574.84 06/05/02 57.39 56.37 5,575.33 07/08/02 56.90 55.88 5,575.79 08/23/02 56.44 55.42 5,576.08 09/11102 56.15 55.13 5,576.30 10/23/02 55.93 54.91 5,576.35 11/22/02 55.88 54.86 5,576.54 12/03/02 55.69 54.67 5,576.96 01/09/03 55.27 54.25 5,577.11 02/12/03 55.12 54.10 5,577.61 03/26/03 54.62 53.60 5,572.80 04/02/03 59.43 58.41 5,577.89 05/01103 54.34 53.32 5,577.91 06/09/03 54.32 53.30 5,577.53 07/07/03 54.70 53.68 5,577.50 08/04/03 54.73 53.71 5,577.71 09/11103 54.52 53.50 5,577.31 10/02/03 54.92 53.90 5,577.33 11107/03 54.90 53.88 5,577.34 12/03/03 54.89 53.87 5,578.24 01115/04 53.99 52.97 5,578.38 02/10/04 53.85 52.83 5,578.69 03/28/04 53.54 52.52 5,579.15 04/12/04 53.08 52.06 5,579.47 05/13/04 52.76 51.74 5,579.53 06/18/04 52.70 51.68 5,580.17 07/28/04 52.06 51.04 5,580.20 08/30/04 52.03 51.01 5,580.26 09/16/04 51.97 50.95 5,580.12 10/11104 52.11 51.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water (z) (LSD (MP) Riser (L Monitoring (bhv1MP) (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well .),631.2 L 5;632.23 1.02 141 5,579.93 11/16/04 52.30 51.28 5,580.07 12/22/04 52.16 51.14 5,579.80 01118/05 52.43 51.41 5,580.35 02/28/05 51.88 50.86 5,580.57 03/15/05 51.66 50.64 5,580.86 04/26/05 51.37 50.35 5,581.20 05/24/05 51.03 50.01 5,581.51 06/30/05 50.72 49.70 5,581.55 07/29/05 50.68 49.66 5,581.68 09/12/05 50.55 49.53 5,581.83 12/07/05 50.4 49.38 5,564.92 03/08/06 67.31 66.29 5,582.73 06/13/06 49.50 48.48 5,582.33 07118/06 49.90 48.88 5,582.75 11/07/06 49.48 48.46 5583.35 02/27/07 48.88 47.86 5,559.57 05/02/07 72.66 71.64 5,583.29 08/14/07 48.94 47.92 5,583.49 10/10/07 48.74 47.72 5,584.95 03/26/08 47.28 46.26 5,584.59 06/24/08 47.64 46.62 5,584.55 08/26/08 47.68 46.66 5,584.03 10/14/08 48.2 47.18 5,583.64 03/03/09 48.59 47.57 5,587.34 06/24/09 44.89 43.87 5,582.90 09/10/09 49.33 48.31 5,583.27 12/11/09 48.96 47.94 5,583.63 03/11/10 48.6 47.58 5,583.82 05111110 48.41 47.39 5,583.51 09/29/10 48.72 47.70 5,582.86 12/21110 49.37 48.35 5,582.60 02/28/11 49.63 48.61 5,590.00 06/21/11 42.23 41.21 5,582.70 09/20/11 49.53 48.51 5,583.05 12/21/11 49.18 48.16 5,581.93 03/27112 50.30 49.28 5,582.03 06/28112 50.20 49.18 5,582.08 09/27/12 50.15 49.13 5,581.94 12/28112 50.29 49.27 5,581.52 03/28113 50.71 49.69 5,580.88 06/27/13 51.35 50.33 5,580.58 09/27113 51.65 50.63 5,580.38 12/20/13 51.85 50.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water LSD) (MP) Riser (L Monitoring (blw.Ml,) (blw.LSO) Total epth Of Well 5,631.21 5,6. 2.23 1.02 141 5,579.62 03/27114 52.61 51.59 5,578.52 06/25114 53.71 52.69 5,577.59 09/25114 54.64 53.62 5,577.40 12117/14 54.83 53.81 5,576.73 03/26115 55.50 54.48 5,576.62 06/22/15 55.61 54.59 5,576.16 09/30115 56.07 55.05 -.l Vl -.l 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) e: 0\ 0 Vl Vl Vl 0 ~ Vl ~ 0 -11129/99 04/27/00 -09/24/00 • 02/21/01 -07/21/01 ,_ 12/18/01 05/17/02 10/14/02 03113/03 08/10/03 01107/04 06/05/04 ~ 11102/04 ~ -04/01105 I w ,. 08/29/05 ~ 01126/06 f"''- -06/25/06 ~ ""'S 11122/06 ~ ~ -04/21/07 "0 f"''- 09/18/07 =- -02/15/08 0 ~ -07114/08 ~ ""'S 12/11108 ~ .... 05/10/09 a ~ -10/07/09 ---03/06/10 ? 08/03/10 0"" -a 12/31110 "0 '--' -05/30/11 -10/27/11 -03/25/12 -08/22/12 01119/13 06/18/13 11115/13 04/14/14 09/11/14 ·-02/08115 07/08115 -12/05/15 ,_ 05/03116 09/30/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (L D) (MP Riser (L Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613A85 J.J84 114.5 5,512.145 05/25/00 101.34 100.16 5,518.985 06109100 94.50 93.32 5,512.145 06/16/00 101.34 100.16 5,517.465 06/26/00 96.02 94.84 5,520.145 07/06/00 93.34 92.16 5,521.435 07/13/00 92.05 90.87 5,522.005 07/18/00 91.48 90.30 5,522.945 07/27/00 90.54 89.36 5,523.485 08/02/00 90.00 88.82 5,523.845 08/09/00 89.64 88.46 5,523.885 08/15/00 89.60 88.42 5,524.555 09/01/00 88.93 87.75 5,513.235 09/08/00 100.25 99.07 5,516.665 09/13/00 96.82 95.64 5,519.085 09120/00 94.40 93.22 5,522.165 10/05/00 91.32 90.14 5,524.665 11/09/00 88.82 87.64 5,518.545 12/06/00 94.94 93.76 5,527.695 01103/01 85.79 84.61 5,529.085 02/09/01 84.40 83.22 5,529.535 03/27/01 83.95 82.77 5,530.235 04/30/01 83.25 82.07 5,530.265 05/31/01 83.22 82.04 5,534.405 06/22/01 79.08 77.90 5,533.145 07110/01 80.34 79.16 5,534.035 08/20/01 79.45 78.27 5,534.465 09/19/01 79.02 77.84 5,533.285 10/02/01 80.20 79.02 5,533.865 11/08/01 79.62 78.44 5,534.275 12/03/01 79.21 78.03 5,534.715 01103/02 78.77 77.59 5,535.435 02/06/02 78.05 76.87 5,536.445 03/26/02 77.04 75.86 5,536.405 04/09/02 77.08 75.90 5,537.335 05/23/02 76.15 74.97 5,537.325 06/05/02 76.16 74.98 5,537.975 07/08/02 75.51 74.33 5,538.825 08/23/02 74.66 73.48 5,539.275 09/11102 74.21 73.03 5,539.765 10/23/02 73.72 72.54 5,540.205 11/22/02 73.28 72.10 5,540.295 12/03/02 73.19 72.01 5,540.795 01/09/03 72.69 71.51 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (MP) Riser L) Monitoring ~blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5-613.485 1.184 114.5 5,540.985 02/12/03 72.50 71.32 5,541.675 03/26/03 71.81 70.63 5,541.765 04/02/03 71.72 70.54 5,541.885 05/01103 71.60 70.42 5,542.025 06/09/03 71.46 70.28 5,541.925 07/07/03 71.56 70.38 5,541.885 08/04/03 71.60 70.42 5,541.825 09/11103 71.66 70.48 5,541.885 10/02/03 71.60 70.42 5,541.995 11/07/03 71.49 70.31 5,542.005 12/03/03 71.48 70.30 5,542.555 01115/04 70.93 69.75 5,542.705 02/10/04 70.78 69.60 5,543.225 03/28/04 70.26 69.08 5,543.555 04/12/04 69.93 68.75 5,543.865 05/13/04 69.62 68.44 5,543.915 06/18/04 69.57 68.39 5,544.655 07/28/04 68.83 67.65 5,544.795 08/30/04 68.69 67.51 5,544.845 09/16/04 68.64 67.46 5,544.705 10/11104 68.78 67.60 5,544.525 11/16/04 68.96 67.78 5,544.625 12/22/04 68.86 67.68 5,544.305 01118/05 69.18 68.00 5,544.585 02/28/05 68.90 67.72 5,544.685 03/15/05 68.80 67.62 5,544.675 04/26/05 68.81 67.63 5,544.785 05/24/05 68.70 67.52 5,544.795 06/30/05 68.69 67.51 5,544.775 07/29/05 68.71 67.53 5,545.005 09/12/05 68.48 67.30 5,545.225 12/07/05 68.26 67.08 5,545.735 03/08/06 67.75 66.57 5,545.785 06/14/06 67.70 66.52 5,545.855 07/18/06 67.63 66.45 5,545.805 11/07/06 67.68 66.50 5546.675 02/27/07 66.81 65.63 5,546.535 05/02/07 66.95 65.77 5,547.155 08/15/07 66.33 65.15 5,547.215 10110/07 66.27 65.09 5,548.305 03/26/08 65.18 64.00 5,548.865 06/24/08 64.62 63.44 5,549.235 08/26/08 64.25 63.07 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (i'; (MP) Riser L Mouitorin~ (blw.MP) (blw .LSD) Well 5,613.485 1.1.84 11 .5 5,549.305 10114/08 64.18 63.00 5,549.725 03/03/09 63.76 62.58 5,549.905 06/24/09 63.58 62.40 5,549.695 09/10/09 63.79 62.61 5,549.865 12/11109 63.62 62.44 5,545.60 03/11/10 67.89 66.71 5,530.88 05111110 82.61 81.43 5,545.24 09/29/10 68.25 67.07 5,533.66 12/21110 79.83 78.65 5,544.44 02/28/11 69.05 67.87 5,543.73 06/21111 69.76 68.58 5,540.48 09/20/11 73.01 71.83 5,544.36 12/21/11 69.13 67.95 5,543.48 03/27/12 70.01 68.83 5,543.49 06/28/12 70.00 68.82 5,543.36 09/27112 70.13 68.95 5,543.51 12/28112 69.98 68.80 5,543.49 03/28/13 70.00 68.82 5,543.36 06/27113 70.13 68.95 5,544.59 09/27/13 68.90 67.72 5,543.33 12/20/13 70.16 68.98 5,544.11 03/27/14 69.38 68.20 5,543.61 06/25/14 69.88 68.70 5,543.67 09/25/14 69.82 68.64 5,543.69 12/17/14 69.80 68.62 5,541.49 03/26115 72.00 70.82 5,539.67 06/22115 73.82 72.64 5,541.35 09/30115 72.14 70.96 ...... ....... 0 ....... 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) \0 0 00 0 -....1 0 g; Ul 0 I • : 0 • M ± I I I ,_ g~~6~~gg % 12/11100 -03/21101 06/29/01 ,. 10/07/01 -01115/02 04/25/02 08/03/02 11111102 02/19/03 05/30/03 09/07/03 ,_ 12/16/03 -03/25/04 07/03/04 -10111/04 -01119/05 -04/29/05 08/07/05 -11/15/05 -02/23/06 06/03/06 09111106 12/20/06 03/30/07 07/08/07 10116/07 01/24/08 -05/03/08 08/11108 -11119/08 -02/27/09 -06/07/09 ,_ 09/15/09 12/24/09 04/03110 07112110 10/20/10 01128111 05/08/11 -08/16/11 11/24/11 03/03/12 06/11/12 09/19112 12/28112 ,_ 04/07/13 07/16/13 -10/24113 02/01114 05/12114 08/20/14 -11128114 03/08115 06116115 09/24115 01/02116 04/11116 I 07/20/16 1-3 ~ I .&;. ~ ;- "'1 0 ~ "C :; 0 < ~ "'1 1-3 .... ~ ,-. ~ . 0"' i3 "C '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) MP) Riser L Monito1:ing (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,640.70 1.95 12 1.75 5,579.30 Ol/02/00 61.40 59.45 5,579.60 01110/00 61.10 59.15 5,579.35 01117/00 61.35 59.40 5,579.60 01124/00 61.10 59.15 5,579.50 02/01100 61.20 59.25 5,579.50 02/07/00 61.20 59.25 5,579.90 02/14/00 60.80 58.85 5,579.90 02/23/00 60.80 58.85 5,580.20 03/01/00 60.50 58.55 5,580.00 03/08/00 60.70 58.75 5,580.04 03115/00 60.66 58.71 5,580.70 03/20/00 60.00 58.05 5,580.30 03/29/00 60.40 58.45 5,580.00 04/04/00 60.70 58.75 5,580.20 04/13/00 60.50 58.55 5,580.40 04/21100 60.30 58.35 5,580.50 04/28/00 60.20 58.25 5,580.50 05/01100 60.20 58.25 5,580.90 05/11/00 59.80 57.85 5,580.50 05/15/00 60.20 58.25 5,580.75 05/25/00 59.95 58.00 5,580.80 06/09/00 59.90 57.95 5,580.92 06/16/00 59.78 57.83 5,580.80 06/26/00 59.90 57.95 5,580.90 07/06/00 59.80 57.85 5,581.05 07/13/00 59.65 57.70 5,580.90 07/18/00 59.80 57.85 5,581.05 07/27/00 59.65 57 .70 5,581.06 08/02/00 59.64 57.69 5,581.08 08/09/00 59.62 57.67 5,581.07 08/16/00 59 .63 57.68 5,581.25 08/31/00 59.45 57.50 5,581.32 09/08/00 59.38 57.43 5,581.34 09113/00 59.36 57.41 5,581.41 09/20/00 59.29 57.34 5,581.37 10/05/00 59.33 57.38 5,581.66 11/09/00 59.04 57.09 5,581.63 12/06/00 59.07 57.12 5,581.92 01103/01 58.78 56.83 5,582.20 02/09/01 58.50 56.55 5,582.54 03/28/01 58.16 56.21 5,582.72 04/30/01 57.98 56.03 5,582.72 05/31/01 57.98 56.03 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Wen 5,638.75 5;640.70 1.95 12I.T 5,582.81 06/22/01 57.89 55.94 5,582.92 07/10/01 57.78 55.83 5,583.17 08/20/01 57.53 55.58 5,583.28 09119101 57.42 55.47 5,583.36 10/02/01 57.34 55.39 5,583.49 11108/01 57.21 55.26 5,583.84 12/03/01 56.86 54.91 5,583.79 Ot/03/02 56.91 54.96 5,583.96 02/06/02 56.74 54.79 5,584.39 03/26/02 56.31 54.36 5,584.12 04/09/02 56.58 54.63 5,584.55 05/23/02 56.15 54.20 5,584.42 06/05/02 56.28 54.33 5,583.65 07/08/02 57.05 55.10 5,584.90 08/23/02 55.80 53.85 5,585.02 09/11102 55.68 53.73 5,585.20 10/23/02 55.50 53.55 5,585.15 11/22/02 55.55 53.60 5,585.42 12/03/02 55.28 53.33 5,585.65 01/09/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.65 02112/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.92 03/26/03 54.78 52.83 5,586.22 04/02/03 54.48 52.53 5,586.01 05/01/03 54.69 52.74 5,584.81 06/09/03 55.89 53.94 5,584.34 07/07/03 56.36 54.41 5,584.40 08/04/03 56.30 54.35 5,583.88 09111/03 56.82 54.87 5,583.57 10/02/03 57.13 55.18 5,583.39 11/07/03 57.31 55.36 5,583.97 12/03/03 56.73 54.78 5,585.28 01/15/04 55.42 53.47 5,585.50 02/10/04 55.20 53.25 5,585.87 03/28/04 54.83 52.88 5,586.20 04112/04 54.50 52.55 5,586.45 05113/04 54.25 52.30 5,586.50 06118/04 54.20 52.25 5,587.13 07/28/04 53.57 51.62 5,586.22 08/30/04 54.48 52.53 5,585.69 09/16/04 55.01 53.06 5,585.17 10/11/04 55.53 53.58 5,584.64 11116/04 56.06 54.11 5,584.77 12/22/04 55.93 53.98 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Surface Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of Riser L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.L D Well 1.95 121.75 5,584.65 01/18/05 56.05 54.10 5,584.98 02/28/05 55.72 53.77 5,585.15 03/15/05 55.55 53.60 5,586.25 04/26/05 54.45 52.50 5,586.79 05/24/05 53.91 51.96 5,586.52 06/30/05 54.18 52.23 5,586.03 07/29/05 54.67 52.72 5,586.05 09/12/05 54.65 52.70 5,585.80 12/07/05 54.90 52.95 5,587.06 03/08/06 53.64 51.69 5,585.90 06/13/06 54.80 52.85 5,585.32 07/18/06 55.38 53.43 5,585.35 11107/06 55.35 53.40 5585.81 02/27/07 54.89 52.94 5,585.20 05/02/07 55.50 53.55 5,586.66 08/14/07 54.04 52.09 5,586.80 10/10/07 53.90 51.95 5,588.48 03/26/08 52.22 50.27 5,586.51 06/24/08 54.19 52.24 5,586.45 08/26/08 54.25 52.30 5,585.40 10/14/08 55.3 53.35 5,584.80 03/03/09 55.9 53.95 5,584.73 06/24/09 55.97 54.02 5,584.36 09/10/09 56.34 54.39 5,585.02 12111109 55.68 53.73 5,585.66 03/11110 55.04 53.09 5,584.86 05/11/10 55.84 53.89 5,584.55 09/29/10 56.15 54.20 5,584.17 12/21110 56.53 54.58 5,583.55 02/28/11 57.15 55.20 5,584.72 06/21/11 55.98 54.03 5,584.62 09/20/11 56.08 54.13 5,585.04 11/21/11 55.66 53.71 5,583.89 03/27112 56.81 54.86 5,583.92 06/28/12 56.78 54.83 5,583.89 09/27/12 56.81 54.86 5,583.89 12/28/12 56.81 54.86 5,582.88 03/28/13 57.82 55.87 5,582.05 06/27/13 58.65 56.70 5,581.35 09/27/13 59.35 57.40 5,580.52 12/20/13 60.18 58.23 5,579.44 03/27/14 61.26 59.31 5,578.11 06/25/14 62.59 60.64 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Elevation Surface Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of ·Z.) (LSD Riser (L) Monitoring (blw;MP Well 5.638.75 1.95 '121.75 5,577.15 09/25114 63 .55 61.60 5,577.44 12/17114 63.26 61.31 5,577.37 03/26115 63.33 61.38 5,577.46 06/22115 63 .24 61 .29 5,576.92 09/30115 63.78 61.83 0\ 0\ 0\ .j:>. 0\ N Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) g) Vl 00 Vl 0\ Vl .j:>. Vl N Vl 0 01/02/00 04/11100 07/20/00 10/28/00 ,_ 02/05/01 05116/01 • 08/24/01 12/02/01 03/12/02 -06/20/02 09/28/02 01106/03 04/16/03 07/25/03 11102/03 02110/04 05/20/04 ~ 08/28/04 12/06/04 ~ • 03/16/05 ..&;. I . 06/24/05 Ol 10/02/05 ~ . 01/10/06 04/20/06 ""'" 07/29/06 t'D ""1 -11106/06 ~ 02/14/07 ('!) -05/25/07 "t:S 09/02/07 ~ 12/11107 0 03/20/08 -< 06/28/08 t'D 10/06/08 ""1 ~ 01114/09 .... 04/24/09 9 -08/02/09 t'D -11110/09 ,-.. 02/18/10 ? 05/29/10 0" 09/06/10 -9 12/15110 "t:S 03/25111 '-' -07/03/11 10111111 -01119/12 04/28112 08/06/12 11114112 02/22/13 06/02/13 09/10/13 -12/19/13 1 " 03/29/14 07/07/14 10115/14 01/23/15 05/03/15 08111115 • 11/19115 02/27116 06/06/16 09/14116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill· Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (z (LSD) MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP 5,607.33 5,60!3.78 1 .4~0 5,522.28 05125100 86.50 85.05 5,521.51 06/09100 87.27 85.82 5,522.35 06/16/00 86.43 84.98 5,522.14 06/26/00 86.64 85.19 5,522.25 07/06/00 86.53 85.08 5,522.13 07/13/00 86.65 85.20 5,522.17 07/18/00 86.61 85.16 5,522.26 07/25/00 86.52 85.07 5,522.31 08/02/00 86.47 85.02 5,522.33 08/09/00 86.45 85.00 5,522.35 08/15/00 86.43 84.98 5,522.40 08/31/00 86.38 84.93 5,522.40 09/08/00 86.38 84.93 5,522.45 09/13/00 86.33 84.88 5,522.53 09/20/00 86.25 84.80 5,522.39 10105100 86.39 84.94 5,522.42 11/09/00 86.36 84.91 5,522.29 12/06/00 86.49 85.04 5,522.63 01/03/01 86.15 84.70 5,522.72 02/09/01 86.06 84.61 5,522.90 03/26/01 85.88 84.43 5,522.70 04/30/01 86.08 84.63 5,522.89 05/31101 85.89 84.44 5,522.88 06/20/01 85.90 84.45 5,522.96 07/10/01 85.82 84.37 5,523.10 08/20/01 85.68 84.23 5,523.23 09119/01 85.55 84.10 5,523.21 10/02/01 85.57 84.12 5,523.25 11/08/01 85.53 84.08 5,523.46 12/03/01 85.32 83.87 5,523.36 01103/02 85.42 83.97 5,523.50 02/06/02 85.28 83.83 5,523.94 03/26/02 84.84 83.39 5,523.75 04/09/02 85.03 83.58 5,524.23 05/23/02 84.55 83.10 5,523.98 06/05/02 84.80 83.35 5,524.31 07/08/02 84.47 83.02 5,524.36 08/23/02 84.42 82.97 5,524.49 09111102 84.29 82.84 5,524.71 10/23/02 84.07 82.62 5,524.60 11122/02 84.18 82.73 5,524.94 12/03/02 83.84 82.39 5,525.10 01/09/03 83.68 82.23 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Well (z <LSD) (MP Riser (L) Mcmitoring (bh .MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5.607.33 5,608.78 1.450 98.55 5,525.15 02/12/03 83.63 82.18 5,525.35 03/26/03 83.43 81.98 5,525.68 04/02/03 83 .10 81.65 5,525.74 05/01/03 83.04 81.59 5,525.98 06/09/03 82.80 81.35 5,526.04 07/07/03 82.74 81.29 5,526.07 08/04/03 82.71 81.26 5,526.42 09/11/03 82.36 80.91 5,526.30 10/02/03 82.48 81 .03 5,526.41 11/07/03 82.37 80.92 5,526.46 12/03/03 82.32 80.87 5,526.83 01/15/04 81.95 80.50 5,526.81 02/10/04 81.97 80.52 5,527.14 03/28/04 81.64 80.19 5,527.39 04/12/04 81.39 79.94 5,527.64 05/13/04 81.14 79.69 5,527.70 06/18/04 81.08 79.63 5,528.16 07/28/04 80.62 79.17 5,528.30 08/30/04 80.48 79.03 5,528.52 09/16/04 80.26 78.81 5,528.71 10/11/04 80.07 78.62 5,528.74 11116/04 80.04 78 .59 5,529.20 12/22/04 79.58 78.13 5,528.92 01/18/05 79.86 78.41 5,529.51 02/28/05 79.27 77.82 5,529.74 03/15/05 79.04 77.59 5,529.96 04/26/05 78.82 77 .37 5,530.15 05/24/05 78.63 77.18 5,530.35 06/30/05 78.43 76.98 5,530.47 07/29/05 78.31 76.86 5,530.95 09/12/05 77.83 76.38 5,531.50 12/07/05 77.28 75.83 5,532.43 03/08/06 76.35 74.90 5,533.49 06/13/06 75.29 73.84 5,532.58 07/18/06 76.20 74.75 5,532.88 11/07/06 75.90 74.45 5534.09 02/27/07 74.69 73.24 5,534.04 05/02/07 74.74 73.29 5,534.43 08/14/07 74.35 72.90 5,554.54 10/10/07 54.24 52.79 5,535.40 03/26/08 73.38 71.93 5,535.55 06/24/08 73.23 71.78 5,535.90 08/26/08 72.88 71.43 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Well (zl LSD) (Ml)) Riser'(L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw. D) 5,607 .33 5,6 .78 J .450 98.55 5,535.87 10114/08 72.91 71.46 5,536.42 03/10/09 72.36 70.91 5,536.71 06/24/09 72.07 70.62 5,536.83 09/10/09 71.95 70.50 5,537.35 12111109 71.43 69.98 5,537.93 03111110 70.85 69.40 5,538.14 05111110 70.64 69.19 5,538.03 09/29/10 70.75 69.30 5,538.04 12121/10 70.74 69.29 5,537.98 02/28/11 70.8 69.35 5,538.46 06/21111 70.32 68.87 5,538.37 09/20111 70.41 68.96 5,538.87 12/21/11 69.91 68.46 5,538.73 03/27112 70.05 68.60 5,538.80 06/28/12 69.98 68.53 5,539.04 09/27/12 69.74 68.29 5,538.74 12/28/12 70.04 68.59 5,539.53 03/28113 69.25 67.80 5,539.46 06127/13 69.32 67.87 5,539.62 09127113 69.16 67.71 5,539.85 12/20/13 68.93 67.48 5,539.65 03/27/14 69.13 67.68 5,538.85 06/25/14 69.93 68.48 5,538.69 09125114 70.09 68.64 5,538.71 12117114 70.07 68.62 5,538.03 03/26115 70.75 69.30 5,537.78 06/22/15 71.00 69.55 5,537.40 09/30/15 71.38 69.93 \0 0 00 Vl 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.l Vl -.l 0 0\ Vl 0\ 0 Vl Vl Vl 0 - -- -- - . - - - . . -- -- 05/25/00 09/02/00 12111/00 03/21/01 06/29/01 10/07/01 01115/02 04/25/02 08/03/02 11111102 02/19/03 05/30/03 09/07/03 12/16/03 03/25/04 07/03/04 10111104 ~ 01119/05 ~ 04/29/05 ~ 08/07/05 I """ 11115/05 ~ 02/23/06 06/03/06 ~ 09111106 ~ "'1 12/20/06 ~ 03/30/07 ~ 07/08/07 "0 10/16/07 ~ 01124/08 0 05/03/08 < 08/11108 ~ "'1 11119/08 ~ 02/27/09 .... 06/07/09 9 09/15/09 ~ ,-... 12/24/09 ~ 04/03110 07112/10 "a" -10/20/10 e 01/28111 "0 05/08/11 '-' 08/16/11 11124/11 03/03112 06111112 09119/12 12/28/12 04/07/13 07116113 10/24/13 02/01114 05112/14 08/20/14 11128/14 03/08/15 06116/15 09/24/15 01102/16 04111116 07/20/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD} 5,619.87 5, 2 1.07 1.20 11 9.8 5,552.37 11129/99 68.70 67.50 5,553.57 01102/00 67.50 66.30 5,553.87 01110/00 67.20 66.00 5,553.72 01117/00 67.35 66.15 5,553.97 01124/00 67.10 65.90 5,553.87 02/01/00 67 .20 66.00 5,553.87 02/07/00 67.20 66.00 5,554.17 02/14/00 66.90 65.70 5,554.27 02/23/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.37 03/01100 66.70 65.50 5,554.37 03/08/00 66.70 65.50 5,554.27 03/15/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.77 03/20/00 66.30 65.10 5,554.57 03/29/00 66.50 65.30 5,554.27 04/04/00 66.80 65.60 5,554.57 04113/00 66.50 65.30 5,554.77 04/21100 66.30 65.10 5,554.87 04/28/00 66.20 65.00 5,554.87 05101100 66.20 65.00 5,555.27 05111100 65.80 64.60 5,554.97 05/15/00 66.10 64.90 5,555.27 05/25/00 65.80 64.60 5,555.33 06/09/00 65.74 64.54 5,555.45 06/16/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.22 06/26/00 65.85 64.65 5,555.45 07/06/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.40 07/13/00 65.67 64.47 5,555.45 07118/00 65.62 64.42 5,555.59 07/27/00 65.48 64.28 5,555.65 08/02/00 65.42 64.22 5,555.70 08/09/00 65.37 64.17 5,555.74 08/16/00 65.33 64.13 5,555.96 08/31100 65.11 63.91 5,555.87 09/08/00 65.20 64.00 5,555.95 09/13/00 65.12 63.92 5,556.05 09/20/00 65.02 63.82 5,556.06 10/05/00 65.01 63.81 5,556.17 10/12/00 64.90 63.70 5,556.20 10119/00 64.87 63.67 5,556.22 10/23/00 64.85 63.65 5,556.36 11109/00 64.71 63 .51 5,556.42 11114/00 64.65 63.45 5,556.45 11/30/00 64.62 63.42 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5.619.87 5, 21.07 1.~0 119.8 5,556.15 12/06/00 64.92 63.72 5,556.89 01/14/01 64.18 62.98 5,557.07 02/09/01 64.00 62.80 5,557.62 03/29/01 63.45 62.25 5,557.51 04/30/01 63.56 62.36 5,557.77 05/31101 63.30 62.10 5,557.84 06/21101 63.23 62.03 5,557.98 07/10/01 63.09 61.89 5,558.33 08/20/01 62.74 61.54 5,558.57 09119/01 62.50 61.30 5,558.53 10/02/01 62.54 61.34 5,558.62 11108/01 62.45 61.25 5,559.03 12/03/01 62.04 60.84 5,559.08 01103/02 61.99 60.79 5,559.32 02/06/02 61.75 60.55 5,559.63 03/26/02 61.44 60.24 5,559.55 04/09/02 61.52 60.32 5,560.06 05/23/02 61.01 59.81 5,559.91 06/05/02 61.16 59.96 5,560.09 07/08/02 60.98 59.78 5,560.01 08/23/02 61.06 59.86 5,560.23 09111102 60.84 59.64 5,560.43 10/23/02 60.64 59.44 5,560.39 11122/02 60.68 59.48 5,560.61 12/03/02 60.46 59.26 5,560.89 01109/03 60.18 58.98 5,560.94 02/12/03 60.13 58.93 5,561.28 03/26/03 59.79 58.59 5,561.35 04/02/03 59.72 58.52 5,546.20 05/01/03 74.87 73.67 5,539.47 06/09/03 81.60 80.40 5,541.87 07/07/03 79.20 78.00 5,542.12 08/04/03 78.95 77.75 5,541.91 09/11/03 79.16 77.96 5,544.62 10/02/03 76.45 75.25 5,542.67 11107/03 78.40 77.20 5,549.96 12/03/03 71.11 69.91 5,557.17 01/15/04 63.90 62.70 5,558.65 02/10/04 62.42 61.22 5,559.90 03/28/04 61.17 59.97 5,560.36 04/12/04 60.71 59.51 5,560.87 05/13/04 60.20 59.00 5,560.95 06/18/04 60.12 58.92 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 119.8 5,561.64 07/28/04 59.43 58.23 5,543.00 08/30/04 78.07 76.87 5,541.91 09/16/04 79.16 77.96 5,540.08 10111/04 80.99 79.79 5,546.92 11116/04 74.15 72.95 5,546.97 12/22/04 74.10 72.90 5,546.51 01/18/05 74.56 73.36 5,546.66 02/28/05 74.41 73.21 5,546.81 03/15/05 74.26 73.06 5,548.19 04/26/05 72.88 71.68 5,547.11 05/24/05 73.96 72.76 5,546.98 06/30/05 74.09 72.89 5,546.92 07/29/05 74.15 72.95 5,547.26 09/12/05 73.81 72.61 5,547.26 12/07/05 73.81 72.61 5,548.86 03/08/06 72.21 71.01 5,548.62 06/13/06 72.45 71.25 5,550.04 07/18/06 71.03 69.83 5,548.32 11107/06 72.75 71.55 5,550.44 02/27/07 70.63 69.43 5,549.69 05/02/07 71.38 70.18 5,549.97 08/14/07 71.10 69.90 5,550.30 10110/07 70.77 69.57 5,551.92 03/26/08 69.15 67.95 5,552.94 06/24/08 68.13 66.93 5,552.34 08/26/08 68.73 67.53 5,552.61 10114/08 68.46 67.26 5,552.81 03110/09 68.26 67.06 5,553.11 06/24/09 67.96 66.76 5,552.55 09110/09 68.52 67.32 5,553.06 12/11/09 68.01 66.81 5,554.64 03111/10 66.43 65.23 5,554.20 05111/10 66.87 65.67 5,553.45 09/29/10 67.62 66.42 5,553.40 12/21110 67.67 66.47 5,553.93 02/28/11 67.14 65.94 5,553.67 06/21/11 67.4 66.20 5,553.46 09/20/11 67.61 66.41 5,553.78 12/21111 67.29 66.09 5,553.17 03/27/12 67.90 66.70 5,553.21 06/28/12 67.86 66.66 5,552.90 09/27/12 68.17 66.97 5,553.15 12/28/12 67.92 66.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Of Well (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) (blw.LSD) 5.619.87 5,62:1.07 1.20 119.8 5,556.23 03/28/13 64.84 63.64 5,556.04 06/27113 65.03 63.83 5,556.09 09/27113 64.98 63.78 5,555.80 12/20/13 65.27 64.07 5,555.40 03/27/14 65.67 64.47 5,554.20 06/25/14 66.87 65.67 5,552.96 09/25/14 68.11 66.91 5,552.62 12/17114 68.45 67.25 5,548.57 03/26115 72.50 71.30 5,555.88 06/22/15 65.19 63.99 5,546.22 09/30/15 74.85 73.65 00 Ul 00 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.I Ul -.I 0 0\ Ul 0\ 0 Ul Ul Ul 0 11129/99 03/08/00 06/16/00 09/24/00 • 01102/01 04/12/01 -07/21101 :~ 10/29/01 ~-02/06/02 05/17/02 08/25/02 12/03/02 .. 03/13/03 -06/21103 09/29/03 r ol/07/04 -04/16/04 ~ 07/25/04 11102/04 ~ 02/10/05 ,&;;;.. I 05/21105 -....l 08/29/05 ~ 12/07/05 03/17/06 f"'to-~ 06/25/06 ""'l 10/03/06 ~ 01111107 ~ 04/21107 ~ f"'to-·~ 07/30/07 =-11107/07 0 02115/08 < 05/25/08 ~ 09/02/08 ""'l ~ 12/11/08 ... 03/21/09 9 06/29/09 ~ -10/07/09 ,-., 01115/10 ? 04/25110 C" 08/03110 -9 . 11/11/10 ~ 02119/11 .._, 05/30111 09/07/11 12/16111 03/25112 07/03/12 10/11112 01119113 . 04/29/13 . 08/07/13 . 11115/13 02/23114 • 06/03/14 09111114 '• 12/20114 03/30115 07/08/15 10116/15 01/24116 05/03/16 08111116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser L Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.L D) Well 5,616.80 5,621.40 4.60 126.00 5,546.40 I J/29/99 75.00 70.40 5,546.20 01102/00 75.20 70.60 5,546.50 01110100 74.90 70.30 5,546.30 01117/00 75.10 70.50 5,546.60 01124/00 74.80 70.20 5,546.50 02/01100 74.90 70.30 5,546.50 02/07/00 74.90 70.30 5,546.90 02/14/00 74.50 69.90 5,546.95 02/23/00 74.45 69.85 5,547.05 03/01100 74.35 69.75 5,547.05 03/08/00 74.35 69.75 5,547.10 03/15/00 74.30 69.70 5,547.50 03/20/00 73.90 69.30 5,547.40 03/29/00 74.00 69.40 5,547.20 04/04/00 74.20 69.60 5,547.40 04/13/00 74.00 69.40 5,547.60 04/21/00 73.80 69.20 5,547.70 04/28/00 73.70 69.10 5,547.70 05/01/00 73.70 69.10 5,548.00 05/11/00 73.40 68.80 5,547.70 05/15/00 73.70 69.10 5,547.90 05/25/00 73.50 68.90 5,547.90 06/09/00 73.50 68.90 5,548.00 06/16/00 73.40 68.80 5,547.87 06/26/00 73.53 68.93 5,547.95 07/06/00 73.45 68 .85 5,547.96 07/13/00 73.44 68.84 5,547.95 07/18/00 73.45 68.85 5,548.11 07/27/00 73.29 68.69 5,548.15 08/02/00 73.25 68.65 5,548.17 08/09/00 73 .23 68.63 5,548.16 08115/00 73.24 68.64 5,548.40 08/31100 73.00 68.40 5,548.50 09/08/00 72.90 68.30 5,548.62 09/13/00 72.78 68.18 5,548.75 09120100 72.65 68.05 5,548.76 10/05/00 72.64 68.04 5,549.00 11109/00 72.40 67.80 5,548.85 12/06/00 72.55 67.95 5,549.47 01103/01 71.93 67.33 5,549.89 02/09/01 71 .51 66.91 5,550.37 03/27/01 71.03 66.43 5,550.50 04/30/01 70.90 66.30 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Well 5,621.40 4.60 126.00 5,550.68 05/31101 70.72 66.12 5,550.68 06/20/01 70.72 66.12 5,551.02 07/10/01 70.38 65.78 5,551.32 08/20/01 70.08 65.48 5,551.49 09/19/01 69.91 65.31 5,551.64 10/02/01 69.76 65.16 5,551.81 11108/01 69.59 64.99 5,552.22 12/03/01 69.18 64.58 5,552.16 01103/02 69.24 64.64 5,552.38 02/06/02 69.02 64.42 5,552.85 03/26/02 68.55 63.95 5,552.83 04/09/02 68.57 63.97 5,553.20 05/23/02 68.20 63.60 5,553.16 06/05/02 68.24 63.64 5,553.32 07/08/02 68.08 63.48 5,553.49 08/23/02 67.91 63.31 5,553.69 09/11102 67.71 63.11 5,554.09 10/23/02 67.31 62.71 5,554.02 11/22/02 67.38 62.78 5,554.23 12/03/02 67.17 62.57 5,554.43 01109/03 66.97 62.37 5,554.42 02/12/03 66.98 62.38 5,554.71 03/26/03 66.69 62.09 5,554.83 04/02/03 66.57 61.97 5,552.21 05/01103 69.19 64.59 5,547.93 06/09/03 73.47 68.87 5,546.97 07/07/03 74.43 69.83 5,546.58 08/04/03 74.82 70.22 5,546.24 09/11103 75.16 70.56 5,546.38 10/02/03 75.02 70.42 5,546.40 11/07/03 75.00 70.40 5,546.59 12/03/03 74.81 70.21 5,551.29 01115/04 70.11 65.51 5,552.69 02/10/04 68.71 64.11 5,554.06 03/28/04 67.34 62.74 5,554.52 04/12/04 66.88 62.28 5,555.06 05/13/04 66.34 61.74 5,555.11 06/18/04 66.29 61.69 5,555.88 07/28/04 65.52 60.92 5,552.97 08/30/04 68.43 63.83 5,550.65 09/16/04 70.75 66.15 5,548.40 10/11104 73.00 68.40 5,548.28 11116/04 73.12 68.52 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL (MP) Riser ) Monitoring (blw.MP) (bh\'.LSD Well 5,621.40 4.60 126.00 5,548.80 12/22/04 72.60 68.00 5,548.43 01118/05 72.97 68.37 5,548.61 02/28/05 72.79 68.19 5,548.64 03/15/05 72.76 68.16 5,548.65 04/26/05 72.75 68.15 5,548.85 05/24/05 72.55 67.95 5,548.73 06/30/05 72.67 68.07 5,548.62 07/29/05 72.78 68.18 5,548.80 09112/05 72.60 68.00 5,548.71 12/07/05 72.69 68.09 5,549.72 03/08/06 71.68 67.08 5,549.70 06/13/06 71.70 67.10 5,549.70 07/18/06 71.70 67.10 5,549.65 11107/06 71.75 67.15 5,551.11 02/27/07 70.29 65 .69 5,550.20 05/02/07 71.20 66.60 5,550.59 08/14/07 70.81 66.21 5,550.76 10/10/07 70.64 66.04 5,551.95 03/26/08 69.45 64.85 5,552.36 06/24/08 69.04 64.44 5,552.50 08/26/08 68.9 64.30 5,552.56 10/14/08 68.84 64.24 5,552.91 03/03/09 68.49 63.89 5,553.27 06/24/09 68.13 63.53 5,553.12 09/10/09 68.28 63 .68 5,553.63 12/11109 67.77 63.17 5,554.65 03/11/10 66.75 62.15 5,554.57 05/11/10 66.83 62.23 5,554.34 09/29/10 67.06 62.46 5,554.09 12/21/10 67.31 62.71 5,554.50 02/28/11 66.9 62.30 5,554.79 06/21/11 66.61 62.01 5,554.63 09/20/11 66.77 62.17 5,555.01 12/21/11 66.39 61.79 5,554.85 03/27/12 66.55 61.95 5,554.90 06/28/12 66.50 61.90 5,554.85 09/27/12 66.55 61.95 5,554.86 12/28112 66.54 61.94 5,556.48 03/28/13 64.92 60.32 5,556.35 06/27/13 65.05 60.45 5,556.60 09/27/13 64.8 60.20 5,556.56 12/20/13 64.84 60.24 5,556.38 03/27114 65.02 60.42 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill M Well TW 4M8 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL~ (LSD) (MP) Riser (L Monitoring (bl w.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,62J .40 4.60 126.00 5,555.56 06/25/14 65.84 61.24 5,554.82 09/25/14 66.58 61.98 5,554.95 12/17/14 66.45 61.85 5,546.89 03/26/15 74.51 69.91 5,547.80 06/22/15 73.6 69.00 5,544.84 09/30/15 76.56 71.96 00 0 -...l 00 -...l 0\ Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -...l +:>. -...l N -...l 0 0\ 00 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ +:>. N 0\ 0 11/29/99 03/08/00 06/16/00 09/24/00 -01102/01 04/12/01 07/21101 10/29/01 02/06/02 -05/17/02 08/25/02 ~ 12/03/02 03/13/03 06/21103 09/29/03 01/07/04 04/16/04 ~ 07/25/04 -11/02/04 ~ -02/10/05 ~ I -05/21105 00 -08/29/05 ~ 12/07/05 03/17/06 ~ ~ 06/25/06 "1 ,_ 10/03/06 ~ 01111107 ~ 04/21107 "C ~ 07/30/07 ::r 11107/07 0 02/15/08 -< 05/25/08 ~ 09/02/08 "1 ~ 12/11/08 ..... 03/21109 a 06/29/09 ~ 10/07/09 ,-... 01115/10 ? 04/25/10 0" 08/03/10 -a 11111110 "C 02119111 '-' 05/30/11 -09/07111 12/16/11 • 03/25/12 07/03/12 10/11/12 01/19/13 04/29/13 08/07113 .• 11115/13 . 02/23/14 06/03114 .. 09/11114 12/20114 03/30/15 07/08115 -10116115 01/24116 05/03116 08/11116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Elevation Surface Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD Riser (L) Monitoring {blw.MP Well 5,636.11 1.48 121.33 5,577.09 12/20/99 60.50 59.0Z 5,577.09 01/02/00 60.50 59.02 5,577.29 01110/00 60.30 58.82 5,577.09 01117/00 60.50 59.02 5,577.39 01124/00 60.20 58.72 5,577.29 02/01100 60.30 58.82 5,577.19 02/07/00 60.40 58.92 5,577.69 02114/00 59.90 58.42 5,577.69 02/23/00 59.90 58.42 5,577.79 03/01100 59.80 58.32 5,577.79 03/08/00 59.80 58.32 5,577.89 03/15/00 59.70 58.22 5,568.49 03/20/00 69.10 67.62 5,578.14 03/29/00 59.45 57.97 5,577.84 04/04/00 59.75 58.27 5,578.04 04/13/00 59.55 58.07 5,578.24 04/21100 59.35 57.87 5,578.39 04/28/00 59.20 57.72 5,578.39 05101100 59.20 57.72 5,578.79 05/11100 58.80 57.32 5,578.39 05/15/00 59.20 57.72 5,578.79 05125100 58.80 57.32 5,578.81 06/09/00 58.78 57.30 5,578.89 06/16/00 58.70 57.22 5,578.74 06/26/00 58.85 57.37 5,578.86 07/06/00 58.73 57.25 5,578.87 07113/00 58.72 57.24 5,578.84 07/18/00 58.75 57.27 5,579.03 07/27/00 58.56 57.08 5,579.03 08/02/00 58.56 57.08 5,579.05 08/09/00 58.54 57.06 5,579.04 08115/00 58.55 57.07 5,579.25 08/31100 58.34 56.86 5,579.35 09/08/00 58.24 56.76 5,579.40 09/13/00 58.19 56.71 5,579.46 09/20/00 58.13 56.65 5,579.44 10/05/00 58.15 56.67 5,579.79 11/09/00 57 .80 56.32 5,579.73 12/06/00 57.86 56.38 5,580.01 01103/01 57.58 56.10 5,580.30 02/09/01 57.29 55.81 5,580.66 03/27/01 56.93 55.45 5,580.75 04/30/01 56.84 55.36 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (,hlw.MP) (blw.L D Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 121.33 5,581.04 05/31101 56.55 55.07 5,581.12 06/21101 56.47 54.99 5,581.15 07/10/01 56.44 54.96 5,581.51 08/20/01 56.08 54.60 5,581.70 09/19/01 55.89 54.41 5,581.61 10/02/01 55 .98 54.50 5,581.83 11108/01 55.76 54.28 5,582.17 12/03/01 55.42 53.94 5,582.21 01/03/02 55.38 53.90 5,582.57 02/06/02 55.02 53.54 5,583.12 03/26/02 54.47 52.99 5,582.77 04/09/02 54.82 53.34 5,583.21 05/23/02 54.38 52.90 5,582.94 06/05/02 54.65 53.17 5,582.71 07/08/02 54.88 53.40 5,583.67 08/23/02 53.92 52.44 5,583.82 09/11/02 53.77 52.29 5,584.01 10/23/02 53.58 52.10 5,583.88 11/22/02 53.71 52.23 5,583.81 12/03/02 53.78 52.30 5,584.28 01109103 53.31 51.83 5,584.41 02/12/03 53.18 51.70 5,584.68 03/26/03 52.91 51.43 5,584.49 04/02/03 53.10 51.62 5,584.51 05/01/03 53.08 51.60 5,583.59 06/09/03 54.00 52.52 5,582.96 07/07/03 54.63 53.15 5,582.98 08/04/03 54.61 53.13 5,582.57 09/11103 55.02 53.54 5,582.25 10/02/03 55.34 53.86 5,582.09 11107/03 55.50 54.02 5,582.48 12/03/03 55.11 53.63 5,583.69 01115/04 53 .90 52.42 5,583.89 02/10/04 53.70 52.22 5,584.30 03/28/04 53.29 51.81 5,584.59 04/12/04 53.00 51.52 5,584.87 05/13/04 52.72 51.24 5,584.96 06/18/04 52.63 51.15 5,585 .50 07/28/04 52.09 50.61 5,584.81 08/30/04 52.78 51.30 5,584.40 09/16/04 53 .19 51.71 5,583.91 10/11/04 53.68 52.20 5,583.39 11116/04 54.20 52.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of Riser L) Moni.toring (blw.MP) (blw.L D) Well 1.48 121.33 5,583.54 12/22/04 54.05 52.57 5,583.34 01/18/05 54.25 52.77 5,583.66 02/28/05 53.93 52.45 5,583.87 03115/05 53.72 52.24 5,584.74 04/26/05 52.85 51.37 5,585.26 05/24/05 52.33 50.85 5,585.06 06/30/05 52.53 51.05 5,584.67 07/29/05 52.92 51.44 5,584.75 09112/05 52.84 51.36 5,584.51 12/07/05 53.08 51.60 5,585.74 03/08/06 51.85 50.37 5,584.74 06/13/06 52.85 51.37 5,584.26 07118/06 53.33 51.85 5,584.21 11/07/06 53.38 51.90 5,584.67 02/27/07 52.92 51.44 5,584.06 05/02/07 53.53 52.05 5,585.33 08114/07 52.26 50.78 5,585.42 10/10/07 52.17 50.69 5,587.01 03/26/08 50.58 49.10 5,585.44 06/24/08 52.15 50.67 5,585.23 08/26/08 52.36 50.88 5,584.42 10/14/08 53.17 51.69 5,583.59 03/03/09 54.00 52.52 5,583.35 06/24/09 54.24 52.76 5,582.91 09/10/09 54.68 53.20 5,583.43 12/11/09 54.16 52.68 5,584.00 03/11110 53.59 52.11 5,583.27 05111110 54.32 52.84 5,582.92 09/29/10 54.67 53.19 5,583.08 12/21/10 54.51 53.03 5,582.63 02/28/11 54.96 53.48 5,583.62 06/21/11 53.97 52.49 5,583.52 09/20/11 54.07 52.59 5,583.91 12/21/11 53.68 52.20 5,582.84 03/27112 54.75 53.27 5,582.84 06/28/12 54.75 53.27 5,582.92 09/27112 54.67 53.19 5,582.84 12/28/12 54.75 53.27 5,581.97 03/28/13 55.62 54.14 5,581.19 06/27/13 56.40 54.92 5,580.50 09/27/13 57.09 55.61 5,579.73 12/20/13 57.86 56.38 5,578.61 03/27114 58.98 57.50 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) Riser (L) Monitor·ing (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 1.4' 12 1._33 5,577.24 06/25114 60.35 58.87 5,576.24 09/25114 61.35 59.87 5,576.44 12117/14 61.15 59.67 5,576.35 03/26/15 61.24 59.76 5,576.48 06/22115 61.11 59.63 5,575.98 09/30/15 61.61 60.13 -.) 0 0\ 00 0\ 0\ Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ ~ 0\ N 0\ 0 V1 00 V1 0\ V1 V1 ~ N V1 0 12/20/99 03/29/00 07/07/00 10115/00 01123/01 05/03/01 08/11101 11119/01 02/27/02 06/07/02 09/15/02 12/24/02 • 04/03/03 07112/03 10/20/03 01/28/04 05/07/04 08/15/04 ~ 11/23/04 ~ 03/03/05 .,. -06/11105 I \0 . 09/19/05 ~ ~ 12/28/05 • 04/07/06 """' .• 07/16/06 ~ "'1 -10/24/06 0 02/01107 ~ .• 05112/07 "'C 08/20/07 ~ 11/28/07 0 03/07/08 -< 06/15/08 ~ 09/23/08 "'1 -01101109 ~ .... 04/11109 !3 07/20/09 ~ 10/28/09 --02/05/10 ~ 05116110 r:r 08/24/10 -12/02/10 !3 03/12111 "'C ._.. 06/20/11 09/28/11 ~-01106/12 -04/15112 -07/24/12 11101/12 02/09/13 -05/20/13 ,_ 08/28/13 12/06/13 ,_ 03116/14 06/24114 10/02114 01/10/15 04/20/15 07/29115 11/06/15 02114/16 05/24116 09/01116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of WI..) (LSD) (MP) Riser ( Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,631.99 -.6?.4.24 2.25 111 5,576.75 OJ/03/02 57.49 55.24 5,576.92 02/06/02 57.32 55.07 5,577.43 03/26/02 56.81 54.56 5,577.22 04/09/02 57.02 54.77 5,577.80 05/23/02 56.44 54.19 5,577.47 06/05/02 56.77 54.52 5,577.55 07/08/02 56.69 54.44 5,578.10 08/23/02 56.14 53.89 5,578.24 09/11/02 56.00 53.75 5,578.49 10/23/02 55.75 53.50 5,578.43 11122/02 55.81 53.56 5,578.43 12/03/02 55.81 53.56 5,578.66 01/09/03 55.58 53.33 5,578.66 02/12/03 55.58 53.33 5,578.78 03/26/03 55.46 53.21 5,578.90 04/02/03 55.34 53.09 5,578.83 05/01/03 55.41 53.16 5,578.05 06/09/03 56.19 53.94 5,577.38 07/07/03 56.86 54.61 5,577.15 08/04/03 57.09 54.84 5,576.76 09/11103 57.48 55.23 5,576.36 10/02/03 57.88 55.63 5,576.05 11107/03 58.19 55.94 5,576.20 12/03/03 58.04 55.79 5,577.43 01/15/04 56.81 54.56 5,577.81 02/10/04 56.43 54.18 5,578.47 03/28/04 55.77 53.52 5,578.69 04/12/04 55.55 53.30 5,578.93 05/13/04 55.31 53.06 5,578.99 06/18/04 55.25 53.00 5,579.18 07/28/04 55:06 52.81 5,579.06 08/30/04 55.18 52.93 5,578.78 09/16/04 55.46 53.21 5,577.80 10/11104 56.44 54.19 5,577.13 11/16/04 57.11 54.86 5,576.96 12/22/04 57.28 55.03 5,576.63 01/18/05 57.61 55.36 5,576.82 02/28/05 57.42 55.17 5,576.86 03/15/05 57.38 55.13 5,577.52 04/26/05 56.72 54.47 5,578.01 05/24/05 56.23 53.98 5,578.15 06/30/05 56.09 53.84 5,577.90 07/29/05 56.34 54.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of WL} (LSD) ( 1P) Riser (L) Monitorio!:! blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,631.99 5.634.24 2.25 111 5,578.02 09/12/05 56.22 53.97 5,577.56 12/07/05 56.68 54.43 5,579.69 03/08/06 54.55 52.30 5,578.34 06/13/06 55.90 53.65 5,577.94 07/18/06 56.30 54.05 5,578.01 11/07/06 56.23 53 .98 5578.43 02/27/07 55.81 53.56 5,577.84 05/02/07 56.40 54.15 5,578.74 08/14/07 55.50 53.25 5,579.04 10/10/07 55.20 52.95 5,580.69 03/26/08 53.55 51.30 5,579.87 06/24/08 54.37 52.12 5,579.47 08/26/08 54.77 52.52 5,578.87 10/14/08 55.37 53.12 5,578.01 03/10/09 56.23 53.98 5,577.85 06/24/09 56.39 54.14 5,577.49 09/10/09 56.75 54.50 5,577.98 12111109 56.26 54.01 5,578.38 03/11110 55.86 53.61 5,578.16 05/11110 56.08 53 .83 5,577.85 09/29/10 56.39 54.14 5,577.28 12/21110 56.96 54.71 5,577.14 02/28111 57.1 54.85 5,578.09 06/21111 56.15 53.90 5,578.24 09/20111 56 53.75 5,578.74 12/21111 55.5 53 .25 5,577.89 03/27112 56.35 54.10 5,577.90 06/28/12 56.34 54.09 5,578.29 09/27112 55.95 53.70 5,577.87 12/28/12 56.37 54.12 5,577.92 03/28/13 56.32 54.07 5,577.19 06/27113 57.05 54.80 5,576.77 09/27/13 57.47 55.22 5,576.22 12/20/13 58.02 55.77 5,575.36 03/27/14 58.88 56.63 5,574.11 06/25/14 60.13 57.88 5,573.19 09/25/14 61.05 58.80 5,573.19 12/17/14 61.05 58.80 5,573.12 03/26/15 61.12 58.87 5,573.33 06/22115 60.91 58.66 5,572.98 09/30/15 61.26 59.01 0\ N 0\ ....... 0\ 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) Vl \0 Vl 00 Vl -..l Vl 0\ Vl Vl Vl +:>. Vl VJ 01/03/02 04/13/02 ,. 07/22/02 -10/30/02 02/07/03 05118/03 08/26/03 12/04/03 03/13/04 06/21104 09/29/04 01107/05 04117/05 07/26/05 11/03/05 ~ . 02/11106 ~ 05/22/06 ""' • 08/30/06 I ~ -12/08/06 Q 03118/07 ~ 06/26/07 -.• 10/04/07 t't) ""1 01112/08 ~ 04/21108 t't) -07/30/08 "C -11107/08 =- 1· 02/15/09 0 < -05/26/09 t't) 09/03/09 ""1 12/12/09 ~ ... 03/22110 a 06/30/10 t't) --10/08110 ? 01116111 r::J' 04/26111 -08/04111 a "C 11112111 --02/20112 05/30112 . 09/07/12 12/16112 -03/26113 -07/04/13 10/12/13 01120/14 04/30114 -08/08/14 11/16/14 02/24115 -06/04/15 09/12115 12/21115 ~03/30/16 07/08116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD> (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP (blw.LSD) Well 5.621.92 5,623.62 1.70 100 5,54 •. 32 01/03/02 75.30 73 .. 60 5,548.73 02/06/02 74.89 73.19 5,549.03 03/26/02 74.59 72.89 5,548.84 04/09/02 74.78 73.08 5,549.30 05/23/02 74.32 72.62 5,549.01 06/05/02 74.61 72.91 5,549.22 07/08/02 74.40 72.70 5,549.44 08/23/02 74.18 72.48 5,549.57 09/11/02 74.05 72.35 5,549.64 10/23/02 73.98 72.28 5,549.58 11/22/02 74.04 72.34 5,549.62 12/03/02 74.00 72.30 5,549.85 01109/03 73.77 72.07 5,549.91 02/12/03 73.71 72.01 5,550.15 03/26/03 73.47 71.77 5,550.01 04/02/03 73.61 71.91 5,550.31 05/01103 73.31 71.61 5,550.44 06/09/03 73.18 71.48 5,550.33 07/07/03 73.29 71.59 5,550.35 08/04/03 73.27 71.57 5,550.44 09/11103 73.18 71.48 5,550.47 10/02/03 73.15 71.45 5,550.60 11/07/03 73.02 71.32 5,550.60 12/03/03 73.02 71.32 5,550.94 01/15/04 72.68 70.98 5,551.00 02/10/04 72.62 70.92 5,550.34 03/28/04 73.28 71.58 5,551.54 04/12/04 72.08 70.38 5,551.89 05/13/04 71.73 70.03 5,551.94 06/18/04 71.68 69.98 5,552.49 07/28/04 71.13 69.43 5,552.74 08/30/04 70.88 69.18 5,553.01 09/16/04 70.61 68.91 5,553.11 10/11104 70.51 68.81 5,553.19 11116/04 70.43 68.73 5,553.53 12/22/04 70.09 68.39 5,553.31 01118/05 70.31 68.61 5,553.84 02/28/05 69.78 68.08 5,554.04 03/15/05 69.58 67.88 5,554.23 04/26/05 69.39 67.69 5,553.87 05/24/05 69.75 68.05 5,554.46 06/30/05 69.16 67.46 5,554.57 07/29/05 69.05 67.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5,623.62 1.70 100 5,553.86 09/12/05 69.76 68.06 5,555.30 12/07/05 68.32 66.62 5,556.20 03/08/06 67.42 65.72 5,556.48 06/14/06 67.14 65.44 5,556.37 07118/06 67.25 65.55 5,556.94 11/07/06 66.68 64.98 5557.92 02/27/07 65.70 64 5,557.84 05/02/07 65.78 64.08 5,558.02 08/15/07 65.60 63.90 5,557.13 10/10/07 66.49 64.79 5,569.74 03/26/08 53.88 52.18 5,561.01 06/24/08 62.61 60.91 5,562.07 08/26/08 61.55 59.85 5,562.47 10/14/08 61.15 59.45 5,563.80 03/10/09 59.82 58.12 5,564.27 06/24/09 59.35 57.65 5,564.32 09/10/09 59.30 57.60 5,564.70 12/11109 58.92 57.22 5,565.14 03/11110 58.48 56.78 5,565.61 05111110 58.01 56.31 5,565.67 09/29/10 57.95 56.25 5,565.62 12/21110 58.00 56.30 5,565.42 02/28/11 58.20 56.50 5,566.01 06/21111 57.61 55.91 5,566.03 09/20111 57.59 55.89 5,566.63 12/21111 56.99 55.29 5,565.81 03/27112 57.81 56.11 5,565.82 06/28/12 57.80 56.10 5,566.66 09/27/12 56.96 55.26 5,565.77 12/28/12 57.85 56.15 5,566.89 03/28113 56.73 55.03 5,566.32 06/27/13 57.30 55.60 5,565.92 09/27/13 57.70 56.00 5,565.63 12/20/13 57.99 56.29 5,565.03 03/27/14 58.59 56.89 5,564.18 06/25114 59.44 57.74 5,563.52 09/25114 60.10 58.40 5,563.37 12/17114 60.25 58.55 5,532.62 03/26115 91.00 89.30 5,527.07 06/22115 96.55 94.85 5,533.27 09/30/15 90.35 88.65 -0 0 1.0 VI 1.0 0 .....: ~ ~ Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 VI 00 0 -.l VI -.l 0 ., 0\ VI 0\ 0 VI VI 1--- ===== :.+ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ VI 0 - -- . - - - - - -. - -- - 01103/02 04113/02 07/22/02 10/30/02 02/07/03 05/18/03 08/26/03 12/04/03 03/13/04 06/21104 09/29/04 01107/05 04117/05 07/26/05 11/03/05 02/11106 05/22/06 08/30/06 12/08/06 03118/07 06/26/07 10/04/07 01112/08 04/21108 07/30/08 11/07/08 02/15/09 05/26/09 09/03/09 12/12/09 03/22/10 06/30/10 10/08110 01116/11 04/26/11 08/04/11 11112111 02/20/12 05/30/12 09/07112 12116/12 03/26113 07/04/13 10112/13 01120/14 04/30/14 08/08/14 11116/14 02/24/15 06/04115 09/12115 12/21/15 03/30/16 07/08/16 1-3 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ l""t-~ "'1 0 ~ "CC l""t-::r 0 -< ~ "'1 1-3 ..... 9 ~ ,-., ? r::1' -9 "CC '-" Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MJ>) Riser (L) Monitoring blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.38 5,624.2: 1.85 101.5 5,580.91 08/23/02 43.32 41.47 5,581.54 09/11/02 42.69 40.84 5,581.33 10/23/02 42.90 41.05 5,581.47 11/22/02 42.76 40.91 5,581.55 12/03/02 42.68 40.83 5,582.58 01/09/03 41.65 39.80 5,582.47 02/12/03 41.76 39.91 5,582.71 03/26/03 41.52 39.67 5,582.11 04/02/03 42.12 40.27 5,582.92 05/01/03 41.31 39.46 5,583.13 06/09/03 41.10 39.25 5,583.21 07/07/03 41.02 39.17 5,583.31 08/04/03 40.92 39.07 5,583.55 09/11/03 40.68 38.83 5,583.72 10/02/03 40.51 38.66 5,583.77 11107/03 40.46 38.61 5,584.01 12/03/03 40.22 38.37 5,584.37 01115/04 39.86 38.01 5,584.39 02/10/04 39.84 37.99 5,584.51 03/28/04 39.72 37.87 5,584.90 04/12/04 39.33 37.48 5,584.88 05/13/04 39.35 37.50 5,584.93 06/18/04 39.30 37.45 5,585.36 07/28/04 38.87 37.02 5,585.38 08/30/04 38.85 37.00 5,585.49 09/16/04 38.74 36.89 5,585.85 10111/04 38.38 36.53 5,585.91 11/16/04 38.32 36.47 5,586.35 12/22/04 37.88 36.03 5,586.14 01/18/05 38.09 36.24 5,586.56 02/28/05 37.67 35.82 5,586.95 03/15/05 37.28 35.43 5,587.20 04/26/05 37.03 35.18 5,587.35 05/24/05 36.88 35.03 5,587.58 06/30/05 36.65 34.80 5,587.58 07/29/05 36.65 34.80 5,587.94 09/12/05 36.29 34.44 5,588.43 12/07/05 35.80 33.95 5,588.92 03/08/06 35.31 33.46 5,588.34 06/13/06 35.89 34.04 5,588.33 07/18/06 35.90 34.05 5,584.70 11/07/06 39.53 37.68 5588.85 02/27/07 35.38 33.53 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD (MP) Riser ) Monit.(lring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD Well 5,622.38 5,624.23 1.85 101.5 5,588.53 05/02/07 35.70 33.85 5,586.49 08/14/07 37.74 35.89 5,586.68 10/10/07 37.55 35.70 5,587.76 03/26/08 36.47 34.62 5,587.59 06/24/08 36.64 34.79 5,587.35 08/26/08 36.88 35.03 5,586.84 10/14/08 37.39 35.54 5,586.17 03/03/09 38.06 36.21 5,585.74 06/24/09 38.49 36.64 5,585.54 09/10/09 38.69 36.84 5,585.77 12111109 38.46 36.61 5,585.88 03/11110 38.35 36.50 5,586.35 05111110 37.88 36.03 5,585.68 09/29/10 38.55 36.70 5,585.09 12121110 39.14 37.29 5,584.65 02/28111 39.58 37.73 5,584.76 06/21/11 39.47 37.62 5,584.32 09/20111 39.91 38.06 5,584.22 12121111 40.01 38.16 5,577.07 03/27/12 47.16 45.31 5,577.05 06/28/12 47.18 45.33 5,583.14 09/27112 41.09 39.24 5,577.10 12/28112 47.13 45.28 5,582.71 03/28113 41.52 39.67 5,582.25 06/27/13 41.98 40.13 5,582.24 09/27/13 41.99 40.14 5,582.12 12/20/13 42.11 40.26 5,581.67 03127114 42.56 40.71 5,581.03 06/25114 43.20 41.35 5,580.49 09/25/14 43.74 41.89 5,580.33 12/17/14 43.90 42.05 5,579.28 03/26115 44.95 43.10 5,579.23 06/22/15 45.00 43.15 5,578.87 09/30/15 45.36 43.51 ~ 00 ~ 0\ Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) ~ ~ ~ N ~ 0 w 00 w 0\ w ~ l----+----t----. ....... .----t----t----!-----'1----+ 08/23/02 12/01102 03/11103 06/19/03 09/27/03 01105/04 04/14/04 07/23/04 "10/31104 02/08/05 05119105 08/27/05 12/05/05 03/15/06 06/23/06 10/01106 ... 01109/07 04/19/07 • 07/28/07 . 11/05/07 -02/13/08 05/23/08 .. 08/31/08 -12/09/08 03/19/09 . 06/27/09 10/05/09 -01/13/10 -04/23/10 08/01110 11109110 ·~02/17/11 05/28/11 -09/05/11 . 12/14/11 ,_ 03/23/12 07/01/12 10/09112 01/17/13 04/27113 08/05/13 11/13/13 02/21/14 06/01114 09/09114 12/18/14 03/28/15 07/06/15 10/14/15 01/22/16 -05/01/16 '-----'------'----'----'-----'----'---...... 08/09/16 ~ ~ .a;. I 1--' N ~ ;- ""'l ~ ttl ~ Er 0 < ttl ""'l ~ ..... = ttl ,-._ ~ 0" 9 ~ '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser L) Monitoring blw.MP) (blw.LSD). Well 5,618.09 5.6 19.94 1.85 102.5 5,529.66 08/23/02 90.28 88.43 5,530.66 09/11/02 89.28 87.43 5,529.10 10/23/02 90.84 88.99 5,530.58 11/22/02 89.36 87.51 5,530.61 12/03/02 89.33 87.48 5,529.74 01/09/03 90.20 88.35 5,531.03 02/12/03 88.91 87.06 5,531.82 03/26/03 88 .12 86.27 5,524.63 04/02/03 95.31 93.46 5,531.54 05/01/03 88.40 86.55 5,538.46 06/09/03 81.48 79.63 5,539.38 07/07/03 80.56 78.71 5,540.72 08/04/03 79.22 77.37 5,541.25 09/11/03 78 .69 76.84 5,541.34 10/02/03 78.60 76.75 5,541.69 11/07/03 78 .25 76.40 5,541.91 12/03/03 78.03 76.18 5,542.44 01/15/04 77.50 75 .65 5,542.47 02/10/04 77.47 75.62 5,542.84 03/28/04 77.10 75 .25 5,543.08 04/12/04 76.86 75.01 5,543.34 05/13/04 76.60 74.75 5,543.40 06/18/04 76.54 74.69 5,544.06 07/28/04 75.88 74.03 5,544.61 08/30/04 75.33 73.48 5,545.23 09/16/04 74.71 72.86 5,546.20 10/11/04 73.74 71.89 5,547.43 11/16/04 72.51 70.66 5,548.96 12/22/04 70.98 69.13 5,549.02 01/18/05 70.92 69.07 5,550.66 02/28/05 69.28 67.43 5,551.26 03/15/05 68.68 66.83 5,552.23 04/26/05 67.71 65.86 5,552.87 05/24/05 67.07 65.22 5,553.42 06/30/05 66.52 64.67 5,554.00 07/29/05 65.94 64.09 5,555.21 09/12/05 64.73 62.88 5,558.13 12/07/05 61.81 59.96 5,562.93 03/08/06 57.01 55.16 5,564.39 06/13/06 55.55 53.70 5,562.09 07/18/06 57.85 56.00 5,565.49 11/07/06 54.45 52.60 5571.08 02/27/07 48.86 47.01 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.09 5,619.94 1.85 102.5 5,570.63 05/02/07 49.31 47.46 5,565.24 08/14/07 54.70 52.85 5,565.83 10110/07 54.11 52.26 5,569.29 03/26/08 50.65 48.80 5,570.00 06/24/08 49.94 48.09 5,570.41 08/26/08 49.53 47.68 5,570.64 10/14/08 49.30 47.45 5,570.43 03/03/09 49.51 47.66 5,570.56 06/24/09 49.38 47.53 5,570.42 09/10/09 49.52 47.67 5,571.15 12/11/09 48.79 46.94 5,572.01 03111110 47.93 46.08 5,572.88 05/11110 47.06 45.21 5,573.17 09/29/10 46.77 44.92 5,573.14 12/21110 46.80 44.95 5,573.10 02/28/11 46.84 44.99 5,573.75 06/21111 46.19 44.34 5,573.63 09/20/11 46.31 44.46 5,573.94 12/21/11 46.00 44.15 5,572.79 03/27/12 47.15 45.30 5,572.77 06/28/12 47.17 45.32 5,573.04 09/27/12 46.90 45.05 5,572.79 12/28/12 47.15 45.30 5,573.03 03/28/13 46.91 45.06 5,572.44 06/27113 47.50 45.65 5,573.46 09/27113 46.48 44.63 5,573.46 12/20113 46.48 44.63 5,572.90 03/27/14 47.04 45.19 5,571.79 06/25/14 48.15 46.30 5,571.04 09/25/14 48.90 47.05 5,571.08 12117114 48.86 47.01 5,569.50 03/26115 50.44 48.59 5,569.16 06/22/15 50.78 48.93 5,568.66 09/30/15 51.28 49.43 ...... 8 \0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -..1 0 0\ 0 U"o 0 +:> 0 t--------..--------+-----;-----t-----+----+ 08/23/02 ~ 12/01/02 03/11/03 -06/19/03 09/27/03 01105/04 -04114/04 07/23/04 . 10/31104 -02/08/05 -05/19/05 08/27/05 12/05/05 03/15/06 06/23/06 • 10/01106 -01109/07 -04119/07 07/28/07 ,_ 11105/07 02/13/08 !-05/23/08 ,_ 08/31108 ,_ 12/09/08 -03119/09 06/27/09 10/05/09 01/13110 04/23110 08/01110 11109/10 02/17111 05/28111 1 -09/05/11 -12/14/11 -03/23112 ,_ 07/01112 1-10/09112 ,. 01/17113 I-04/27113 08/05/13 11113113 02/21/14 06/01/14 09/09/14 12/18/14 ,_ 03/28/15 07/06/15 10/14/15 01122/16 05/01/16 L------L------I..----"----......L..----'-----...1. 08/09/16 ~ ~ ~ I io-0 ~ ~ f""'-('D ""'S 0 ('D "'0 ;. 0 -< ('D ""'S ~ ..... ~ -.. ? r::1" -9 "'0 '-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of ("YL) (L D) <MP) Riser (L) Monitorh1g (blw.MP) blw.LSD) Well 5,610.92 5,612.77 1.85 93 5,518.90 08123/02 93.87 92.02 5,519.28 09/11/02 93.49 91.64 5,519.95 10/23/02 92.82 90.97 5,520.32 11122/02 92.45 90.60 5,520.42 12/03/02 92.35 90.50 5,520.70 01109/03 92.07 90.22 5,520.89 02/12/03 91.88 90.03 5,521.12 03/26/03 91.65 89.80 5,521.12 04/02/03 91.65 89.80 5,521.24 05/01/03 91.53 89.68 5,521.34 06/09/03 91.43 89.58 5,521.36 07/07/03 91.41 89.56 5,521.35 08/04/03 91.42 89.57 5,521.30 09/11103 91.47 89.62 5,521.35 10/02/03 91.42 89.57 5,521.36 11/07/03 91.41 89.56 5,521.16 12/03/03 91.61 89.76 5,521.29 01115/04 91.48 89.63 5,521.36 02/10/04 91.41 89.56 5,521.46 03/28/04 91.31 89.46 5,521.54 04/12/04 91.23 89.38 5,521.59 05/13/04 91.18 89.33 5,521.69 06/18/04 91.08 89.23 5,521.71 07/28/04 91.06 89.21 5,521.76 08/30/04 91.01 89.16 5,521.77 09/16/04 91.00 89.15 5,521.79 10/11104 90.98 89.13 5,521.80 11116/04 90.97 89.12 5,521.82 12/22/04 90.95 89.10 5,521 .82 01118/05 90.95 89.10 5,521.86 02/28/05 90.91 89.06 5,521.85 03/15/05 90.92 89.07 5,521.91 04/26/05 90.86 89.01 5,521.93 05/24/05 90.84 88.99 5,521.94 06/30/05 90.83 88.98 5,521.84 07/29/05 90.93 89.08 5,521.99 09/12/05 90.78 88.93 5,522.04 12/07/05 90.73 88.88 5,522.05 03/08/06 90.72 88.87 5,522.27 06/13/06 90.50 88.65 5,521.92 07/18/06 90.85 89.00 5,520.17 11107/06 92.60 90.75 5522.24 02/27/07 90.53 88.68 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (bh .MP) (blw.LSD Well 5.6 12.71 1.85 93 5,522.47 05/02/07 90.30 88.45 5,520.74 08/14/07 92.03 90.18 5,518.13 10/10/07 94.64 92.79 5,522.85 03/26/08 89.92 88.07 5,522.91 06/24/08 89.86 88.01 5,523.01 08/26/08 89.76 87.91 5,522.96 10/14/08 89.81 87.96 5,523.20 03/03/09 89.57 87.72 5,523.33 06/24/09 89.44 87.59 5,523.47 09110109 89.30 87.45 5,523.54 12/11/09 89.23 87.38 5,522.98 03/11110 89.79 87.94 5,524.01 05/11110 88.76 86.91 5,524.37 09129110 88.40 86.55 5,524.62 12/21110 88.15 86.30 5,524.78 02/28/11 87.99 86.14 5,525.23 06/21/11 87.54 85.69 5,525.45 09/20/11 87.32 85.47 5,525.72 12/21/11 87.05 85.20 5,525.88 03/27/12 86.89 85.04 5,525.97 06/28/12 86.80 84.95 5,526.32 09/27/12 86.45 84.60 5,525.88 12/28/12 86.89 85.04 5,526.91 03/28/13 85.86 84.01 5,526.99 06/27/13 85.78 83.93 5,527.68 09/27/13 85.09 83.24 5,528.19 12/20/13 84.58 82.73 5,528.75 03/27/14 84.02 82.17 5,529.21 06/25/14 83.56 81.71 5,529.78 09/25/14 82.99 81.14 5,530.41 12/17/14 82.36 80.51 5,530.86 03/26/15 81.91 80.06 5,531.40 06/22/15 81.37 79.52 5,532.15 09/30/15 80.62 78.77 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) \D \0 \0 \0 00 00 00 00 00 ......) 0\ .j::.. N 0 00 0\ .j::.. N 0 00 -08/23/02 12/01/02 03/11103 06119/03 09/27/03 01105/04 04114/04 07/23/04 10/31104 02/08/05 05119/05 08/27/05 12/05/05 03115/06 ~ 06/23/06 10/01/06 ~ 01/09/07 ~ I ........ 04/19/07 ~ . 07/28/07 ~ 11/05/07 02/13/08 ""'" ~ 05/23/08 "1 ~ 08/31108 ~ 12/09/08 ~ ""'" 03/19/09 =- 06/27/09 0 10/05/09 < ~ 01113/10 "1 ~ -04/23/10 ..... 08/01/10 9 11/09/10 ~ -02/17/11 ~ . 05/28/11 0" 09/05/11 -9 12/14111 ~ 03/23112 --- 07/01112 10/09/12 01/17/13 . 04/27/13 08/05/13 11113/13 02/21114 06/01/14 09/09/14 12/18/14 03/28/15 07/06/15 10114/15 -01122/16 05/01/16 08/09/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) lonitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5.624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,574.75 08/23/02 50.70 49.40 5,574.97 09111102 50.48 49.18 5,575.10 10/23/02 50.35 49.05 5,574.99 11122/02 50.46 49.16 5,575.28 12/03/02 50.17 48.87 5,575.41 01109/03 50.04 48.74 5,575.43 02/12/03 50.02 48.72 5,575.63 03/26/03 49.82 48.52 5,575.91 04/02/03 49.54 48.24 5,575.81 05/01103 49.64 48.34 5,572.36 06/09/03 53.09 51.79 5,570.70 07/07/03 54.75 53.45 5,570.29 08/04/03 55.16 53.86 5,560.94 09111103 64.51 63.21 5,560.63 10/02/03 64.82 63.52 5,560.56 11107/03 64.89 63.59 5,564.77 12/03/03 60.68 59.38 5,570.89 01115/04 54.56 53.26 5,572.55 02/10/04 52.90 51.60 5,574.25 03/28/04 51.20 49.90 5,574.77 04/12/04 50.68 49.38 5,575.53 05113/04 49.92 48.62 5,575.59 06/18/04 49.86 48.56 5,576.82 07/28/04 48.63 47.33 5,527.47 09/16/04 97.98 96.68 5,553.97 11/16/04 71.48 70.18 5,562.33 12/22/04 63.12 61.82 5,550.00 01/18/05 75.45 74.15 5,560.02 04/26/05 65.43 64.13 5,546.11 05/24/05 79.34 78.04 5,556.71 06/30/05 68.74 67.44 5,554.95 07/29/05 70.50 69.20 5,555.48 09112/05 69.97 68.67 5,551.09 12/07/05 74.36 73.06 5,552.85 03/08/06 72.60 71.30 5,554.30 06113/06 71.15 69.85 5,554.87 07/18/06 70.58 69.28 5,550.88 11107/06 74.57 73.27 5558.77 02/27/07 66.68 65.38 5,548.54 05/02/07 76.91 75.61 5,551.33 10/10/07 74.12 72.82 5,545.56 03/26/08 79.89 78.59 5,545.56 06/25/08 79.89 78.59 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW -26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,624.15 5 lL 5.45 J.30 121.33 5,545.82 08/26/08 79.63 78.33 5,545.64 10114/08 79.81 78.51 5,544.45 03/03/09 81.00 79.70 5,545.32 06/24/09 80.13 78.83 5,544.61 09/10/09 80.84 79.54 5,549.33 12111/09 76.12 74.82 5,543.78 03/11110 81.67 80.37 5,545.61 05111110 79.84 78.54 5,547.43 09/29/10 78.02 76.72 5,544.14 12/21/10 81.31 80.01 5,546.77 02/28111 78.68 77.38 5,537.60 06/21/11 87.85 86.55 5,551.46 09/20/11 73.99 72.69 5,549.12 12/21/11 76.33 75.03 5,557.30 03/27112 68.15 66.85 5,557.38 06/28/12 68.07 66.77 5,550.86 09/27/12 74.59 73.29 5,557.30 12/28/12 68.15 66.85 5,565.37 03/28/13 60.08 58.78 5,563.55 06/27113 61.90 60.60 5,560.12 09/27/13 65.33 64.03 5,559.27 12/20/13 66.18 64.88 5,556.65 03/27/14 68.80 67.50 5,552.23 06/25/14 73.22 71.92 5,554.05 09/25/14 71.40 70.10 5,550.65 12/17/14 74.80 73.50 5,557.55 03/26/15 67.90 66.60 5,558.51 06/22115 66.94 65.64 5,560.81 09/30115 64.64 63.34 ....... 8 \0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -..J 0 0\ 0 VI 0 .j::.. 0 1-----+-----+----t-----t----~------1· 08/23/02 12/01102 03/11103 06119/03 09/27/03 '01/05/04 04/14/04 07/23/04 10/31104 -02/08/05 05/19/05 08/27/05 12/05/05 03/15/06 06/23/06 10/01/06 01109/07 04119/07 07/28/07 ,_ 11105/07 02113/08 05/23/08 08/31108 12/09/08 03/19/09 • 06/27/09 10/05/09 01113110 -04/23/10 08/01/10 11109/10 -02/17/11 -05/28/11 09/05111 12/14111 03/23112 ,_ 07/01112 10/09/12 01/17/13 04/27/13 08/05113 . 11113113 02/21114 06/01/14 09/09114 12/18/14 ·~ 03/28115 ·~ 07/06115 10/14/15 01122/16 05/01/16 i__ __ _L ___ _L ___ _J__ ___ L.-__ ---~. ___ -~-. 08/09116 ~ ~ N 0'\ ~ ;- "1 e.; ~ "0 ;. 0 < ~ "1 ~ ..... 9 ~ ,-..., ? 'a' a "0 ...._, Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of WL (LSD) MP) Riser'(L) Monitoring (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.19 5,624.02 1.83 142 5,562.91 08/23/02 61.11 59.28 5,563.45 09/11/02 60.57 58.74 5,563.75 10/23/02 60.27 58.44 5,563.68 11/22/02 60.34 58.51 5,563.68 12/03/02 60.34 58.51 5,564.16 01/09/03 59.86 58.03 5,564.25 02/12/03 59.77 57.94 5,564.53 03/26/03 59.49 57.66 5,564.46 04/02/03 59.56 57.73 5,564.79 05/01103 59.23 57.40 5,564.31 06/09/03 59.71 57.88 5,563.29 07/07/03 60.73 58.90 5,562.76 08/04/03 61.26 59.43 5,561.73 09/11/03 62.29 60.46 5,561.04 10/02/03 62.98 61.15 5,560.39 11107/03 63.63 61.80 5,559.79 12/03/03 64.23 62.40 5,561.02 01/15/04 63.00 61.17 5,561.75 02/10/04 62.27 60.44 5,562.98 03/28/04 61.04 59.21 5,563.29 04/12/04 60.73 58.90 5,564.03 05/13/04 59.99 58.16 5,564.09 06/18/04 59.93 58.10 5,565.08 07/28/04 58.94 57.11 5,564.56 08/30/04 59.46 57.63 5,563.55 09/16/04 60.47 58.64 5,561.79 10/11104 62.23 60.40 5,560.38 11/16/04 63.64 61.81 5,559.71 12/22/04 64.31 62.48 5,559.14 01/18/05 64.88 63.05 5,558.65 02/28/05 65.37 63.54 5,558.54 03/15/05 65.48 63.65 5,558.22 04/26/05 65.80 63.97 5,558.54 05/24/05 65.48 63.65 5,559.24 06/30/05 64.78 62.95 5,559.38 07/29/05 64.64 62.81 5,559.23 09/12/05 64.79 62.96 5,557.67 12/07/05 66.35 64.52 5,557.92 03/08/06 66.10 64.27 5,558.47 06/13/06 65.55 63.72 5,558.42 07/18/06 65.60 63.77 5,558.09 11/07/06 65.93 64.10 5557.34 02/27/07 66.68 64.85 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP Riser (L) Monilol'ing (blw.MP) Well 5,62'2.1 9 5,624.02 1.83 142 5,547.11 05/02/07 76.91 75.08 5,558.52 08114/07 65.50 63.67 5,559.02 10110/07 65.00 63.17 5,561.04 03/26/08 62.98 61.15 5,560.06 06/24/08 63.96 62.13 5,559.32 08/26/08 64.70 62.87 5,558.89 10/14/08 65.13 63.30 5,558.40 03/03/09 65.62 63.79 5,558.32 06/24/09 65.70 63.87 5,558.03 09110/09 65.99 64.16 5,558.81 12/11109 65.21 63.38 5,559.80 03111110 64.22 62.39 5,559.85 05111110 64.17 62.34 5,560.54 09/29110 63.48 61.65 5,558.65 12/21/10 65.37 63.54 5,559.26 02/28/11 64.76 62.93 5,560.48 06/21/11 63.54 61.71 5,561.52 09/20/11 62.50 60.67 5,562.95 12/21/11 61.07 59.24 5,563.76 03/27/12 60.26 58.43 5,563.90 06/28/12 60.12 58.29 5,564.65 09/27/12 59.37 57.54 5,563.77 12/28/12 60.25 58.42 5,564.74 03/28113 59.28 57.45 5,563.66 06/27/13 60.36 58.53 5,562.27 09/27113 61.75 59.92 5,562.17 12/20/13 61.85 60.02 5,561.17 03/27114 62.85 61.02 5,559.53 06/25/14 64.49 62.66 5,558.36 09/25/14 65.66 63.83 5,558.00 12/17/14 66.02 64.19 5,559.02 03/26/15 65.00 63.17 5,560.62 06/22115 63.40 61.57 5,560.62 09/30/15 63.40 61.57 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 -.J -.J 0\ 0\ Ul Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 08/23/02 12/01/02 03/11103 -06/19/03 -09/27/03 01105/04 -04114/04 07/23/04 10/31104 -02/08/05 05/19/05 . 08/27/05 -12/05/05 -03/15/06 ~ 06/23/06 10/01106 ~ 01/09/07 ""' I 1--' 04119/07 0\ 07/28/07 ~ ,_ 11/05/07 ,_ 02/13/08 ~ ~ -05/23/08 "1 0 -08/31/08 ~ -12/09/08 "'C -03/19/09 ;. -06/27/09 0 -10/05/09 -< ~ -01/13110 "1 ~ -04/23110 .... 1 -o81o1110 a -11/09110 ~ .-.. 02117111 ? 05/28111 0" 09/05111 -a -12114111 "'C -03/23112 '-' 07/01/12 10/09/12 -01117113 1 -o4t27113 • 08/05/13 11113113 1-02/21114 1-06/01/14 1-09/09/14 ,_ 12118/14 03/28/15 ~ 07/06/15 10114/15 01122116 05/01/16 08/09/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well MW -32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 130.6 5,542.17 08/23/02 83.07 81.24 5,542.39 09/11/02 82.85 81.02 5,542.61 10/23/02 82.63 80.80 5,542.49 11/22/02 82.75 80.92 5,542.82 12/03/02 82.42 80.59 5,543.03 01/09/03 82.21 80.38 5,543.04 02/12/03 82.20 80.37 5,543.41 03/26/03 81.83 80.00 5,543.69 04/02/03 81.55 79.72 5,543.77 05/01/03 81.47 79.64 5,544.01 06/09/03 81.23 79.40 5,544.05 07/07/03 81.19 79.36 5,543.99 08/04/03 81.25 79.42 5,544.17 09/11/03 81.07 79.24 5,544.06 10/02/03 81.18 79.35 5,544.03 11/07/03 81.21 79.38 5,543.94 12/03/03 81.30 79.47 5,543.98 01115/04 81.26 79.43 5,543.85 02/10/04 81.39 79.56 5,544.05 03/28/04 81.19 79.36 5,544.33 04/12/04 80.91 79.08 5,544.55 05/13/04 80.69 78.86 5,544.59 06/18/04 80.65 78.82 5,545.08 07/28/04 80.16 78.33 5,545.26 08/30/04 79.98 78.15 5,545.48 09/16/04 79.76 77.93 5,545.61 10111104 79.63 77.80 5,545.46 11/16/04 79.78 77.95 5,545.66 12/22/04 79.58 77 .75 5,545.33 01/18/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.51 02/28/05 79.73 77 .90 5,545.57 03/15/05 79.67 77.84 5,545.46 04/26/05 79.78 77.95 5,545.45 05/24/05 79.79 77.96 5,545.33 06/30/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.16 07/29/05 80.08 78 .25 5,545.54 09/12/05 79.70 77 .87 5,545.77 12/07/05 79.47 77.64 5,546.09 03/08/06 79.15 77.32 5,545.94 06/13/06 79.30 77.47 5,545.94 07118/06 79.30 77.47 5,546.24 11/07/06 79.00 77.17 5546.81 02/27/07 78.43 76.6 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill · Well MW -32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 130.6 5546.56 05/02/07 78.68 76.85 5546.81 08115/07 78.43 76.6 5546.96 10/10/07 78.28 76.45 5547.9 03/26/08 77.34 75.51 5548.08 06/25/08 77.16 75.33 5548.42 08126/08 76.82 74.99 5548.05 10/14/08 77.19 75.36 5548.29 03/03/09 76.95 75.12 5548.09 06/24/09 77.15 75.32 5547.79 09110109 77.45 75.62 5548.09 12/11109 77.15 75.32 5,548.50 03/11/10 76.74 74.91 5,548.89 05111110 76.35 74.52 5,548.83 09/29/10 76.41 74.58 5,548.97 12/21/10 76.27 74.44 5,548.68 02/28/11 76.56 74.73 5,549.33 06/21111 75.91 74.08 5,549.19 09/20/11 76.05 74.22 5,550.06 12/21111 75.18 73.35 5,550.31 03/27/12 74.93 73.10 5,550.32 06/28112 74.92 73.09 5,550.88 09/27/12 74.36 72.53 5,550.29 12128/12 74.95 73.12 5,551.54 03/28/13 73.70 71.87 5,550.34 06127113 74.90 73.07 5,551.35 09/27/13 73.89 72.06 5,551.33 12/20/13 73.91 72.08 5,550.97 03/27114 74.27 72.44 5,550.16 06/25/14 75.08 73.25 5,549.29 09/25/14 75.95 74.12 5,548.99 12/17114 76.25 74.42 5,548.24 03/26/15 77.00 75.17 5,548.29 06/22/15 76.95 75.12 5,548.33 09/30/15 76.91 75.08 00 ~ 00 N Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -..] 00 -..] 0\ -..] ~ -..] N 1-------4---1----1-----+----r-----r-----+ 08/23/02 12/01102 03111103 . 06/19/03 09/27/03 01/05/04 04114/04 07/23/04 10/31104 02/08/05 05/19/05 ·08/27/05 12/05/05 03115/06 06/23/06 10/01/06 -01/09/07 04119/07 07/28/07 11/05/07 02/13/08 05/23/08 08/31108 12/09/08 03119/09 06/27/09 10/05/09 01113/10 04/23110 08/01110 11109/10 02/17/11 05/28/11 09/05111 -12/14/11 03/23112 07/01112 -10/09/12 -01117/13 . 04/27113 -08/05113 -11/13/13 02/21114 06/01114 09/09114 12118114 03/28115 07/06115 10/14115 01122116 05/01116 1------'------L------l.....-----'----....L-----'-08/09116 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ;- "'1 ~ ~ "0 :; 0 -< ~ "'1 1-3 ..... 9 ~ ~ ? 0"' a "0 -- Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 137.5 5,585.13 08/23/02 56.15 54.00 5,585.41 09111102 55.87 53.72 5,585.47 10/23/02 55.81 53.66 5,585.40 11122/02 55.88 53.73 5,585.68 12/03/02 55.60 53.45 5,585.90 01109/03 55.38 53.23 5,590.79 02/12/03 50.49 48.34 5,586.18 03/26/03 55.10 52.95 5,586.36 04/02/03 54.92 52.77 5,586.24 05/01103 55.04 52.89 5,584.93 06/09/03 56.35 54.20 5,584.46 07/07/03 56.82 54.67 5,584.55 08/04/03 56.73 54.58 5,584.01 09/11103 57.27 55.12 5,583.67 10/02/03 57.61 55.46 5,583.50 11/07/03 57.78 55.63 5,584.08 12/03/03 57.20 55.05 5,585.45 01/15/04 55.83 53.68 5,585.66 02/10/04 55.62 53.47 5,586.13 03/28/04 55.15 53.00 5,586.39 04/12/04 54.89 52.74 5,586.66 05/13/04 54.62 52.47 5,586.77 06/18/04 54.51 52.36 5,587.35 07/28/04 53.93 51.78 5,586.34 08/30/04 54.94 52.79 5,585.85 09116/04 55.43 53.28 5,585.22 10/11104 56.06 53.91 5,584.70 11116/04 56.58 54.43 5,584.81 12/22/04 56.47 54.32 5,584.68 01118/05 56.60 54.45 5,585.02 02/28/05 56.26 54.11 5,585.25 03/15/05 56.03 53.88 5,586.31 04/26/05 54.97 52.82 5,586.97 05/24/05 54.31 52.16 5,586.58 06/30/05 54.70 52.55 5,586.10 07/29/05 55.18 53.03 5,586.05 09/12/05 55.23 53.08 5,585.86 12/07/05 55.42 53.27 5,587.13 03/08/06 54.15 52.00 5,585.93 06/13/06 55.35 53.20 5,585.40 07118/06 55.88 53.73 5,585.38 11107/06 55.90 53.75 5585.83 02/27/07 55.45 53.30 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L Monitoring (blw.l\llP . Well 5,6. 9.1 5,64 1.28 2.15 137.5 5585.15 05/02/07 56.13 53.98 5586.47 06/24/08 54.81 52.66 5586.3 08/26/08 54.98 52.83 5585.21 10/14/08 56.07 53.92 5584.47 03/03/09 56.81 54.66 5584.35 06/24/09 56.93 54.78 5583.88 09/10/09 57.4 55.25 5584.43 12111109 56.85 54.70 5,585.26 03/11110 56.02 53.87 5,584.17 05/11/10 57.11 54.96 5,583.61 09/29110 57.67 55.52 5,604.29 12/21110 36.99 34.84 5,583.56 02/28/11 57.72 55.57 5,584.73 06/21111 56.55 54.40 5,584.71 09/20/11 56.57 54.42 5,585.03 12/21111 56.25 54.10 5,584.63 03/27/12 56.65 54.50 5,584.67 06/28112 56.61 54.46 5,583.98 09/27/12 57.30 55 .15 5,584.65 12/28112 56.63 54.48 5,582.88 03/28/13 58.40 56.25 5,584.63 06/27113 56.65 54.50 5,581.38 09/27/13 59.90 57.75 5,579.71 12/20113 61.57 59.42 5,579.26 03/27/14 62.02 59.87 5,577.73 06/25114 63.55 61.40 5,576.79 09/25/14 64.49 62.34 5,577.11 12117/14 64.17 62.02 5,577.18 03/26/15 64.10 61.95 5,577.13 06/22/15 64.15 62.00 5,576.63 09/30115 64.65 62.50 -.l 0 0'1 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) IJI 0 -!::>. 0 (J.) 0 N 0 ....... 0 0 08/23/02 12/01102 03/11103 06/19/03 09/27/03 01105/04 -04114/04 07/23/04 10/31104 02/08/05 05/19/05 08/27/05 12/05/05 -03/15/06 1-3 ,_ 06/23/06 10/01106 ~ 01109/07 ~ I """'" 04/19/07 00 07/28/07 ~ -11105/07 -02113/08 ~ t'D 05/23/08 "1 ~ 08/31108 t'D -12/09/08 "C ~ -03/19/09 =- 06/27/09 0 10/05/09 < t'D -01113/10 "1 1-3 04/23/10 .... -08/01110 9 -11/09/10 t'D ,.-._ 02/17/11 ~ 05/28/11 r:t' 09/05111 -9 -12114/11 "C -03/23/12 '-' -07/01112 -10/09/12 01117113 -04/27113 -08/05/13 -11113113 -02/21114 • 06/01114 .. 09/09114 12118114 03/28115 07/06115 10114115 01122116 05/01116 08/09116 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Total Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,629.53 5,631.39 1.86 121.33 5,581.88 08/23/02 49.51 47.65 5,582.14 09/11/02 49.25 47.39 5,582.06 10/23/02 49.33 47.47 5,582.07 11/22/02 49.32 47.46 5,582.16 12/03/02 49.23 47.37 5,582.28 01/09/03 49.11 47.25 5,582.29 02/21/03 49.10 47.24 5,582.74 03/26/03 48.65 46.79 5,582.82 04/02/03 48.57 46.71 5,548.47 05/01/03 82.92 81.06 5,564.76 06/09/03 66.63 64.77 5,562.53 07/07/03 68.86 67.00 5,564.10 08/04/03 67.29 65.43 5,566.01 08/30/04 65.38 63.52 5,555.16 09/16/04 76.23 74.37 5,549.80 10/11/04 81.59 79.73 5,546.04 11/16/04 85.35 83.49 5,547.34 12/22/04 84.05 82.19 5,548.77 01/18/05 82.62 80.76 5,551.18 02/28/05 80.21 78.35 5,556.81 03/15/05 74.58 72.72 5,562.63 04/26/05 68.76 66.90 5,573.42 05/24/05 57.97 56.11 5,552.94 07/29/05 78.45 76.59 5,554.00 09/12/05 77.39 75.53 5,555.98 12/07/05 75.41 73.55 5,552.00 03/08/06 79.39 77.53 5,545.74 06/13/06 85.65 83.79 5,544.06 07/18/06 87.33 85.47 5,548.81 11/07/06 82.58 80.72 5543.59 02/27/07 87.80 85.94 5544.55 05/02/07 86.84 84.98 5558.97 08/15/07 72.42 70.56 5559.73 10/10/07 71.66 69.8 5569.26 03/26/08 62.13 60.27 5535.47 06/25/08 95.92 94 .06 5541.41 08/26/08 89.98 88 .12 5558.45 10/14/08 72.94 71.08 5536.9 03/03/09 94.49 92 .63 5547.76 06/24/09 83.63 81.77 5561.48 09110109 69.91 68.05 5548.14 12/11/09 83.25 81.39 5,570.58 03/11/10 60.81 58.95 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Total Depth Of (WL (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP Well 5 629.53 5,6 1.39 1. 6 121.33 5,561.35 05/11110 70.04 68 .18 5,535.26 09/29110 96.13 94.27 5,568.40 12/21110 62.99 61.13 5,550.36 02/28111 81.03 79.17 5,570.41 06/21/11 60.98 59.12 5,567.84 09/20/11 63.55 61.69 5,571.32 12/21111 60.07 58 .21 5,572.40 03/27/12 58.99 57 .13 5,572.39 06/28112 59.00 57.14 5,571.40 09/27/12 59.99 58.13 5,568.21 12/28/12 63.18 61.32 5,572.51 03/28/13 58.88 57.02 5,566.00 06/27/13 65.39 63.53 5,568.37 09/27/13 63.02 61.16 5,564.55 12/20/13 66.84 64 .98 5,565.11 03/27/14 66.28 64.42 5,561.49 06/25/14 69.90 68.04 5,562.67 09/25/14 68.72 66.86 5,562.99 12/17/14 68.40 66.54 5,567.99 03/26/15 63.40 61.54 5,562.79 06/22/15 68.60 66.74 5,568.16 09/30/15 63.23 61.37 -0 0 \0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 00 0 -....1 0 0\ 0 VI 0 ~ 0 r-------t----t----t-----+----____.---+ 08/23/02 -12/01/02 03/11103 -06119/03 -09/27/03 -01/05/04 . 04/14/04 07/23/04 . 10/31104 02/08/05 05/19/05 08/27/05 ~ 12/05/05 03115/06 06/23/06 -10/01106 -01/09/07 -04/19/07 • 07/28/07 11105/07 02/13/08 05/23/08 . 08/31/08 12/09/08 ,_ 03/19/09 06/27/09 10/05/09 01/13110 04/23/10 08/01/10 11/09/10 ~ 02117111 05/28111 09/05/11 12/14/11 03/23/12 . 07/01112 . 10/09/12 01/17/13 04/27/13 08/05/13 11/13113 02/21/14 06/01/14 09/09114 12118/14 03/28/15 ,_ 07/06/15 10/14115 01/22/16 -05/01/16 .__ __ _.._ ___ -L..._ ___ .J_ ___ I_ __ ----l. ___ _L 08/09/16 ~ ~ ~ I 1-1 \0 ~ ;' ""1 ~ ('t) "'0 ;. 0 ~ ~ ""1 ~ -· a ~ ,-.. ? r:J" -a "'0 '-._/ Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-20 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser L Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw D) Well 5,6ZR.52 5,629.53 1.01 106.0 5,565.70 07/29/05 63.8;\ 62.82 5,546.53 08/30/05 83.00 81.99 5,540.29 09/12/05 89.24 88.23 5,541.17 12/07/05 88.36 87.35 5,540.33 03/08/06 89.20 88.19 5,530.43 06/13/06 99.10 98.09 5,569.13 07/18/06 60.40 59.39 5,547.95 11/07/06 81.58 80.57 5,549.25 02/27/07 80.28 79.27 5,550.58 05/02/07 78.95 77.94 5,563.60 08114/07 65.93 64.92 5,555.85 10/10/07 73.68 72.67 5,569.10 03/26/08 60.43 59.42 5,560.00 06/25/08 69.53 68.52 5,539.64 08/26/08 89.89 88.88 5,539.51 10/14/08 90.02 89.01 5,553.00 03/03/09 76.53 75.52 5,534.18 06/24/09 95.35 94.34 5,558.39 09110109 71.14 70.13 5,560.99 12/11/09 68.54 67.53 5,564.09 03111110 65.44 64.43 5,564.22 05/11110 65.31 64.30 5,560.33 09/29/10 69 .20 68.19 5,561.35 12/21/10 68.18 67.17 5,560.18 02/28111 69.35 68.34 5,576.23 06/21111 53.30 52.29 5,548.50 09/20/11 81.03 80.02 5,558.58 12121/11 70.95 69.94 5,567.73 03/27112 61.80 60.79 5,567.77 06/28112 61.76 60.75 5,569.58 09/27/12 59.95 58.94 5,572.58 12/28/12 56.95 55.94 5,571.52 03/28113 58.01 57.00 5,569.93 06/27/13 59.60 58.59 5,568.53 09/27113 61.00 59.99 5,559.44 12/20/13 70.09 69.08 5,562.17 03/27114 67.36 66.35 5,558.98 06/25/14 70.55 69.54 5,561.03 09/25114 68.50 67.49 5,559.39 12/17/14 70.14 69.13 5,565.65 03/26/15 63.88 62.87 5,568.25 06/22115 61.28 60.27 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-20 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (bl w. D) Well 5,628.52 5.629.53 1.01 106.0 5,566.78 09/30/15 62.75 61.74 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.20 5,639.3 120.92 5,582.98 07/29/05 56.37 55.22 5,583.43 08/30/05 55.92 54.77 5,581.87 09112/05 57.48 56.33 5,580.50 12/07/05 58.85 57.70 5,583.64 03/08/06 55.71 54.56 5,580.55 06/13/06 58.80 57.65 5,578.95 07/18/06 60.40 59.25 5,578.47 11/07/06 60.88 59.73 5,579.53 02/27/07 59.82 58.67 5,578.07 05/02/07 61.28 60.13 5,583.41 08/15/07 55.94 54.79 5,583.45 10110/07 55.90 54.75 5,586.47 03/26/08 52.88 51.73 5,579.16 06/24/08 60.19 59.04 5,579.92 08/26/08 59.43 58.28 5,577.37 10/14/08 61.98 60.83 5,578.00 03/10/09 61.35 60.20 5,580.14 06/24/09 59.21 58.06 5,578.72 09/10/09 60.63 59.48 5,579.99 12/11/09 59.36 58.21 5,582.81 03111110 56.54 55.39 5,582.23 05/11110 57 .12 55.97 5,576.60 09/29/10 62.75 61.60 5,581.14 12/21110 58.21 57.06 5,579.53 02/28/11 59.82 58.67 5,584.17 06/21111 55.18 54.03 5,584.80 09/20111 54.55 53.40 5,585.68 12/21/11 53.67 52.52 5,585.24 03/27/12 54.11 52.96 5,585.26 06/28/12 54.09 52.94 5,585.16 09/27/12 54.19 53.04 5,585.25 12/28/12 54.10 52.95 5,582.84 03/28113 56.51 55.36 5,581.79 06/27/13 57.56 56.41 5,580.89 09/27/13 58.46 57.31 5,577.45 12/20113 61.90 60.75 5,576.01 03/27/14 63.34 62.19 5,574.08 06/25114 65.27 64.12 5,573.20 09/25114 66.15 65 .00 5,576.13 12/17/14 63.22 62.07 5,578.19 03/26115 61.16 60.01 5,574.85 06/22/15 64.50 63.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP Riser (L) Monitoring bh .MP) (hlw.L D) Well 5,638.20 5.639. 5 1.15 120.92 5,573.05 09/30/15 66.30 65.15 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL MP) Riser (L Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5 629.00 1.17 113.5 5,571.89 07/29/05 57.11 55.94 5,572.20 08/30/05 56.80 55.63 5,572.08 09/12/05 56.92 55.75 5,571.61 12/07/05 57.39 56.22 5,571.85 03/08/06 57.15 55.98 5,571.62 06/13/06 57.38 56.21 5,571.42 07/18/06 57.58 56.41 5,571.02 11/07/06 57.98 56.81 5571.24 02/27/07 57.76 56.59 5,570.75 06/29/07 58.25 57.08 5,571.82 08/14/07 57.18 56.01 5,571.99 10/10/07 57.01 55.84 5,573.05 03/26/08 55.95 54.78 5,573.04 06/24/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.04 08/26/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.02 10/14/08 55.98 54.81 5,573.19 03/10/09 55.81 54.64 5,573.32 06/24/09 55.68 54.51 5,573.17 09/10/09 55.83 54.66 5,573.52 12/11/09 55.48 54.31 5,573.88 03/11/10 55.12 53.95 5,574.29 05/11/10 54.71 53.54 5,574.88 09/29/10 54.12 52.95 5,574.44 12/21/10 54.56 53.39 5,574.49 02/28/11 54.51 53.34 5,574.97 06/21/11 54.03 52.86 5,575.06 09/20/11 53.94 52.77 5,575.69 12/21/11 53.31 52.14 5,575.61 03/27/12 53.39 52.22 5,575.62 06/28/12 53.38 52.21 5,575.90 09/27112 53.10 51.93 5,575.59 12/28/12 53.41 52.24 5,573.50 03/28/13 55.50 54.33 5,572.45 06/27113 56.55 55.38 5,572.25 09/27/13 56.75 55.58 5,569.93 12/20/13 59.07 57.90 5,569.36 03/27/14 59.64 58.47 5,569.02 06/25/14 59.98 58.81 5,570.00 09/25/14 59.00 57.83 5,568.60 12/17/14 60.40 59.23 5,557.00 03/26/15 72.00 70.83 5,570.93 06/22/15 58.07 56.90 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD (MP) Riser L · Monitoring (blw. 'lP)' (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,629.00 1.17 113.5 5,571.24 09/30/15 57.76 56.59 -----. . . " - -. - - ., - -. -- - ~ ----- . --- - 0 0 ..... 0 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . t ~ ~ \ ~ ~ 4 ~ r----~ v--- 0 00 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-23 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) MP) Riser (L Monitoring (blw.MP) Well 5,607.37 1.60 113.5 5,538.89 09/13/07 68.48 66.88 5,538.80 10/10/07 68.57 66 .97 5,539.25 11130/07 68.12 66.52 5,539.49 12/11107 67.88 66.28 5,539.19 01108/08 68.18 66.58 5,539.44 02118/08 67.93 66.33 5,539.54 03/26/08 67.83 66.23 5,539.71 04/23/08 67.66 66.06 5539.48 05/30/08 67.89 66.29 5,539.53 06/24/08 67.84 66.24 5,539.44 07/16/08 67.93 66.33 5,539.68 08/26/08 67.69 66.09 5,541.18 09/10/08 66.19 64.59 5,539.57 10/14/08 67.80 66.20 5,539.29 11126/08 68.08 66.48 5,539.55 12/29/08 67.82 66.22 5,540.15 01126/09 67.22 65.62 5,539.74 02/24/09 67.63 66.03 5,539.86 03/06/09 67.51 65.91 5,539.72 04/07/09 67.65 66.05 5,539.84 05/29/09 67.53 65.93 5,540.12 06/30/09 67.25 65.65 5,540.12 07/31109 67.25 65.65 5,540.27 08/31109 67.10 65.50 5,540.13 09110109 67.24 65.64 5,540.64 12111109 66.73 65.13 5,541.15 03111110 66.22 64.62 5,541.61 05/11110 65.76 64.16 5,541.47 09/29/10 65.90 64 .30 5,541.54 12/21110 65.83 64.23 5,541.54 02/28/11 65.83 64.23 5,541.98 06/21111 65.39 63.79 5,541.90 09/20111 65.47 63.87 5,542.58 12/21/11 64.79 63.19 5,542.59 03/27112 64.78 63.18 5,542.61 06/28/12 64.76 63.16 5,542.92 09/27/12 64.45 62.85 5,542.61 12/28112 64.76 63.16 5,543.48 03/28/13 63.89 62.29 5,543.23 06/27113 64.14 62.54 5,543.12 09/27113 64.25 62.65 5,542.96 12/20/13 64.41 62.81 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-23 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD Riser (L Monitoring (blw.MP (lllw.LSD) Well 5,605.77 1.60 113.5 5,542.35 03/27114 65.02 63.42 5,541.42 06/25/14 65.95 64.35 5,540.65 09/25114 66.72 65.12 5,540.34 12/17/14 67.03 65.43 5,539.47 03/26115 67.90 66.30 5,539.22 06/22/15 68.15 66.55 5,538.82 09/30115 68.55 66.95 0\ \0 0\ 00 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ -...I 0\ 0\ 0\ VI 0\ ~ 0\ w 1------,-:j.---t-----+------+-----+-----+----i-09/13/07 11102/07 12/22/07 02110/08 -03/31108 05/20/08 07/09/08 08/28/08 10117/08 12/06/08 01/25/09 ~ 03/16/09 05/05109 ~06/24/09 08/13/09 -10/02/09 11/21109 t 01/10/10 03/01/10 -04/20/10 06/09/10 07/29110 09/17110 11/06/10 12/26/10 "02/14111 .• 04/05111 05/25111 ~ 07/14111 09/02/11 10/22111 12/11111 ~ 01130112 03/20112 ,_ 05/09/12 -06/28112 -08/17112 -10/06112 -11125112 01114/13 03/05113 04/24113 06/13/13 08/02/13 . 09/21113 11110/13 • 12/30/13 02/18/14 04/09114 05/29/14 ,. 07/18/14 09/06/14 -10/26/14 12/15/14 02/03/15 -03/25/15 05114/15 07/03/15 08/22115 10111115 11/30/15 01/19116 '-------l.------l..------'----...J.....----L-----1-03/09/16 l-3 ~ I N w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "0 ~ 0 -< ~ ~ l-3 ..... 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ -9 "0 "'-' Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-24 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL (MP) Riser (L) 1\'fonitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5.627.83 2.13 113.5 5,570.61 09/13/07 57.22 55.09 5,570.53 10/10/07 57.30 55.17 5,571.16 11/30/07 56.67 54.54 5,571.30 12111/07 56.53 54.40 5,571.03 01108/08 56.80 54.67 5,571.22 02/18/08 56.61 54.48 5,571.43 03/26/08 56.40 54.27 5,571.68 04/23/08 56.15 54.02 5571.52 05/30/08 56.31 54.18 5,571.34 06/24/08 56.49 54.36 5,571.28 07/16/08 56.55 54.42 5,571.34 08/26/08 56.49 54.36 5,571.23 09/10/08 56.60 54.47 5,571.12 10/14/08 56.71 54.58 5,570.95 11/26/08 56.88 54.75 5,570.92 12/29/08 56.91 54.78 5,571.65 01/26/09 56.18 54.05 5,571.31 02/24/09 56.52 54.39 5,571.37 03/06/09 56.46 54.33 5,571.21 04/07/09 56.62 54.49 5,571.23 05/29/09 56.60 54.47 5,571.42 06/30/09 56.41 54.28 5,571.38 07/31/09 56.45 54.32 5,571.48 08/31109 56.35 54.22 5,571.28 09/10/09 56.55 54.42 5,571.64 12/11/09 56.19 54.06 5,571.86 03/11/10 55.97 53.84 5,571.91 05/11/10 55.92 53.79 5,572.18 09/29/10 55.65 53.52 5,571.86 12/21/10 55.97 53.84 5,571.78 02/28/11 56.05 53.92 5,572.40 06/21/11 55.43 53.30 5,572.19 09/20/11 55.64 53.51 5,573.02 12/21/11 54.81 52.68 5,573.03 03/27/12 54.80 52.67 5,573.02 06/28/12 54.81 52.68 5,573.13 09/27/12 54.70 52.57 5,573.05 12/28/12 54.78 52.65 5,566.53 03/28/13 61.30 59.17 5,564.63 06/27113 63.20 61.07 5,570.01 09/27/13 57.82 55.69 5,566.85 12/20/13 60.98 58.85 5,562.33 03/27/14 65.50 63.37 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-24 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,625.70 5,627.83 2.13 113.5 5,563.43 06/25114 64.40 62.27 5,563.43 09/25114 64.40 62.27 5,560.97 12/17/14 66.86 64.73 5,561.95 03/26115 65.88 63.75 5,565.38 06/22115 62.45 60.32 5,562.61 09/30/15 65.22 63.09 00 0 0 -.) 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ 0 0 ~ l ~ ~ ~· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " v ~ ( ! Vl 0 0 ~ 0 V;) 0 0 N 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 - -- - . - -- . . -- . - r - -- - 09/13/07 11102/07 12/22/07 02110/08 03/31108 05/20/08 07/09/08 08/28/08 10/17/08 12/06/08 01125/09 03/16/09 05105109 06/24/09 08/13/09 10/02/09 11121/09 1-3 01110110 03/01/10 ~ 04/20/10 .&;;;... I 06/09/10 N 07/29/10 .&;;;... 09/17/10 ~ 11/06/10 12/26/10 ~ ~ 02/14111 "'1 04/05/11 ~ 05/25/11 ~ 07/14/11 "C ~ 09/02/11 =-10/22/11 0 12/11/11 -< 01130/12 ~ 03/20/12 "'1 1-3 05/09112 ..... 06/28/12 9 08/17/12 ~ 10/06/12 --11/25/12 ~ 01/14/13 "a" 03/05/13 -9 04/24/13 "C 06/13/13 '--" 08/02/13 09/21113 11/10/13 12/30/13 02/18/14 04/09/14 05/29/14 07/18114 09/06/14 10/26/14 12115/14 02/03/15 03/25/15 05/14/15 07/03/15 08/22/15 10111/15 11130/15 01119116 03/09/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-25 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,644.91 17.08 134.8 5,601.86 09/13/07 43.05 25.97 5,601.89 10110/07 43.02 25.94 5,602.57 11130/07 42.34 25.26 5,602.82 12/11107 42.09 25.01 5,601.94 01108/08 42.97 25.89 5,599.13 02118/08 45.78 28.70 5,597.11 03/26/08 47.80 30.72 5,595.51 04/23/08 49.40 32.32 5594.42 05/30/08 50.49 33.41 5,594.26 06/24/08 50.65 33.57 5,586.67 07116/08 58.24 41.16 5,594.17 08/26/08 50.74 33.66 5,594.23 09/10/08 50.68 33.60 5,594.12 10114/08 50.79 33.71 5,594.06 11/26/08 50.85 33.77 5,594.87 12/29/08 50.04 32.96 5,595.89 01/26/09 49.02 31.94 5,596.27 02/24/09 48.64 31.56 5,596.47 03/06/09 48.44 31.36 5,596.74 04/07/09 48.17 31.09 5,597.55 05/29/09 47.36 30.28 5,598.11 06/30/09 46.80 29.72 5,598.22 07/31/09 46.69 29.61 5,598.52 08/31109 46.39 29.31 5,598.49 09/10/09 46.42 29.34 5,599.48 12111109 45.43 28.35 5,599.75 03111/10 45.16 28.08 5,599.63 05/ll/10 45.28 28.20 5,598.68 09/29/10 46.23 29.15 5,598.66 12/21/10 46.25 29.17 5,598.18 02/28/11 46.73 29.65 5,598.61 06/21/11 46.30 29.22 5,598.08 09/20/11 46.83 29.75 5,598.23 12/21/11 46.68 29.60 5,597.41 03/27112 47.50 30.42 5,597.41 06/28112 47.50 30.42 5,595.60 09/27112 49.31 32.23 5,597.41 12/28/12 47.50 30.42 5,597.43 03/28/13 47.48 30.40 5,587.61 06/27/13 57.30 40.22 5,585.91 09/27113 59.00 41.92 5,561.00 12/20113 83.91 66.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-25 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Water Water Depth Of (WL (MP) (bh~•.MP) (bh .LSD) Well 5,944.91 134.8 5,584.79 03/27114 60.12 43.04 5,582.44 06/25/14 62.47 45.39 5,583.95 09/25114 60.96 43.88 5,581.13 12/17114 63.78 46.70 5,587.40 03/26/15 57.51 40.43 5,581.91 06/22/15 63.00 45.92 5,581.40 09/30115 63.51 46.43 \0 0 00 0 -..l 0 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) 0\ 0 Vt 0 .j::>. 0 (.)) 0 N 0 -0 0 09/13/07 11102/07 12/22/07 02110/08 ,_ 03/31108 -05/20/08 -07/09/08 -08/28/08 -10/17/08 -12/06/08 01125/09 03116/09 05105109 • 06/24/09 08/13/09 10/02/09 11121/09 1-3 01/10/10 03/01110 ~ 04/20/10 ~ I 06/09110 N -07/29/10 ~ 09/17/10 ~ -11106/10 -12/26/10 """' ~ 02/14/11 ""S 04/05/11 ~ 05/25111 ~ 07/14111 "0 09/02/11 ;. 10/22111 0 12111111 < 01130/12 ~ 03/20112 ""S ~ 05/09112 .... 06/28/12 9 -08/17112 ~ -10/06/12 -.. ·-11125112 ~ 01/14/13 0" 03/05113 -9 -04/24/13 "0 06/13/13 '--" 08/02/13 09/21/13 -11110/13 12/30/13 02118114 -04/09/14 -05/29/14 ,_ 07/18/14 -09/06114 10/26114 12115114 02/03/15 03/25115 05/14115 07/03/15 -08/22/15 10/11/15 11130115 01119116 03/09/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of WL) (MP) Riser L -Monitoring (blw.MP) (bh. D) Well 5 601.68 1.70 86 5,536.90 06114/10 64.78 63.08 5,536.95 09/29110 64.73 63.03 5,537.17 12/21/10 64.51 62.81 5,537.16 02/28/11 64.52 62.82 5,537.57 06/21/11 64.11 62.41 5,537.59 09/20111 64.09 62.39 5,538.16 12/21/11 63.52 61.82 5,538.18 03/27112 63.50 61.80 5538.23 06/28112 63.45 61.75 5,538.57 09/27/12 63.11 61.41 5,538.20 12/28112 63.48 61.78 5,539.13 03/28113 62.55 60.85 5,539.00 06/27/13 62.68 60.98 5,538.94 09/27/13 62.74 61.04 5,538.97 12/20113 62.71 61.01 5,538.53 03/27/14 63.15 61.45 5,537.85 06125114 63.83 62.13 5,537.33 09/25/14 64.35 62.65 5,537.14 12/17114 64.54 62.84 5,536.43 03/26/15 65.25 63 .55 5,536.16 06/22115 65.52 63.82 5,535.76 09/30115 65.92 64.22 ,-, Q.. e -,.Q r:d '-' ClJ e ..... ~ ~ ClJ ;;;... 0 -= -Q.. ClJ ~ ~ ClJ -~ 'C N I ~ ~ ~ 91/011~0 17I/LZ/Zl Sllvi/80 Z:I/I0/170 011811II 60/90/LO 0 0 C"i 10 ~/ ~ ;;__ / ~ v ~ v ~ ~~ \ • ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (·:g) lU!Od ~u~ns~gw MolgS: qldga v 8 0 10 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-27 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) {LSD) (M P}. Riser (L Monitoring bh .MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,606.19 5,607.94 1.75 96 5,517.78 12/21/11 90.16 88.41 5,524.84 03/27/12 83.10 81.35 5,524.93 06/28/12 83.01 81.26 5,525.59 09/27/12 82.35 80.60 5,524.86 12/28112 83.08 81.33 5,526.37 03/28113 81.57 79.82 5,526.29 06/27113 81.65 79.90 5,527.04 09/27113 80.90 79.15 5,527.14 12/20/13 80.80 79.05 5,527.55 03/27114 80.39 78.64 5,527.43 06/25114 80.51 78.76 5,527.48 09/25/14 80.46 78.71 5,527.81 12/17/14 80.13 78.38 5,527.71 03/26115 80.23 78.48 5,527.86 06/22/15 80.08 78.33 5,528.13 09/30115 79.81 78.06 <D N a 0 <D 0 8 co co 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) co "' a 0 ~ a 0 co N a 0 co 0 a 0 -..1 co 8 09/14/11 04/01/12 10/18/12 ~ ~ I 05/06/13 N ..... ~ D.) .... t1) ""'' c 11/22/13 t1) "C .... :::r 0 < t1) ""'' ::1 06/10/14 3 t1) -~ C"' 3 "C 12/27/14 - 07/15/15 01/31/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-28 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,613.52 5,617.00 3.48 105 5,580.69 03/28/13 36.31 32.83 5,580.30 06/27113 36.70 33.22 5,580.35 09/27113 36.65 33.17 5,580.25 12/20113 36.75 33.27 5,579.83 03/27/14 37.17 33.69 5,579.21 06/25114 37.79 34.31 5,578.84 09/25/14 38.16 34.68 5,578.72 12/17/14 38.28 34.80 5,578.11 03/26115 38.89 35.41 5,577.83 06/22/15 39.17 35.69 5,577.56 09/30/15 39.44 35.96 91/I t:/IO ~~1~1/LO - -.. Q. a -.t:J. ct:: vl!LZIZI - ---~ a .... ~ J,.; ~ ~ 0 -= 171/01/90 ...... Q. ~ ~ J,.; ~ ...... ~ QO N t:I/ZZ/1 I I ~ ~ ~ t:l/90/~0 Zl/81/01 ( 1 v / / v / 0 0 0 0 lrJ c:::: lrJ c:::: r---00 00 0\ c:') c:') c:') c:') em lU~od ~upnst?;:JW Mops: qldga 0 0 0 "<:t Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-29 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD J\ilP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD Well 5,602.56 5,606.04 3.48 105 5,533.98 03/28113 72.06 68.58 5,533.84 06/27/13 72.20 68.72 5,534.27 09/27/13 71.77 68.29 5,534.43 12/20/13 71.61 68.13 5,534.32 03/27114 71.72 68.24 5,533.85 06/25114 72.19 68.71 5,533.53 09/25114 72.51 69.03 5,533.60 12/17/14 72.44 68.96 5,533.04 03/26/15 73.00 69.52 5,532.93 06/22/15 73.11 69.63 5,532.79 09/30115 73.25 69.77 91/1£/10 s;vs;v Lo ,-_ c. .a ,.Q ~ tl/LZ/Zl '-' ~ s .... ~ .. ~ .... 0 .c: tl/01190 ~ c. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ 0\ N £11ZZ/l I I ~ ~ ~ £1190/s;o Zl/8110 I v ~ 0 ~ -r- v v j· r: v v Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-30 Total or Measuring Measured Water Land Point Depth to Total Depth Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water to Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,599.33 5,602.81 3.48 105 5,524.78 03/28/13 78.03 74.55 5,524.79 06/27113 78.02 74.54 5,525.54 09/27/13 77.27 73.79 5,525.81 12/20/13 77.00 73.52 5,525.98 03/27114 76.83 73.35 5,525.91 06/25114 76.90 73.42 5,526.00 09/25/14 76.81 73.33 5,526.41 12/17114 76.40 72.92 5,526.23 03/26115 76.58 73.10 5,526.48 06/22115 76.33 72.85 5,526.74 09/30/15 76.07 72.59 91/1£/10 -.------.-----.....-----.....------r-----.....-------. ~11~1/LO ---~ s -,!:;. . 4:::: '-" ~ t11LZ/ll -s ·~ ~ ,_ ~ .... 0 ~ 171/01/90 ~ ~ Q ,_ ~ ..... ~ 0 ~ £11ZZ/l1 -I ~ ~ £1190/~0 - Z1181101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v: 0 V'l c: v: c: v: V'l 0 0 t--t--00 00 t--t--t--t--t--t--t-- ("lJ) lll!Od iiupnst?a_w Mo{ag l{ldaa Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill-Well TW4-31 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,601.10 5,604.58 3.48 105 5,520.17 03/28113 84.41 80.93 5,520.36 06/27/13 84.22 80.74 5,521.22 09/27113 83 .36 79.88 5,521.81 12/20/13 82.77 79.29 5,522.25 03/27/14 82.33 78.85 5,522.32 06/25114 82.26 78.78 5,522.64 09/25114 81.94 78.46 5,523.27 12117/14 81.31 77.83 5,523.33 03/26/15 81.25 77.77 5,523.82 06/22115 80.76 77.28 5,524.34 09/30/15 80.24 76.76 --. c. = -~ ~ '-" Qj = ..... ~ ~ Qj ;;;... 0 ...d .. c. Qj Q ~ Qj ~ 1"'-i ~ I ~ ~ ~ 91/1£/10 !:;1/!:;'l/LO vl!LZ/Zl v1/0li90 El/ZZ/11 £1/90/!:;'0 Zl/81/01 - 0 0 0 00 \ \ 0 ll") 0 00 i\ ....... 00 ' ~ \ \ " ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ...... C'l C'l C"i C<) '<:!" 00('lJ) l&fod 8u!1hsng:W' Mopgqldga00 0 ll") '<i 00 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.20 5,611.84 1.64 113 5,564.43 09/27/13 47.41 45.77 5,563.74 12/20113 48.10 46.46 5,563.24 03/27114 48.60 46.96 5,562.43 06/25/14 49.41 47.77 5,561.90 09/25114 49.94 48.30 5,560.93 12117114 50.91 49.27 5,561.35 03/26115 50.49 48.85 5,561.15 06/22115 50.69 49.05 5,560.96 09/30115 50.88 49.24 91/l£/IO !;l/£Z/OI ,-, !;l/!;l/ LO c. e -~ ~ !;l/90/"170 --- ~ e ..... ~ ~ ~ ;;... vl!LZIZI 0 - ..= ~ c. ~ ~ ~ vl/81160 ~ ~ ~ / / N ~ I vl!Ol/90 "T ~ ~ -rvzo;t:o £1/ZZ/ll v v / v - ~ £llvli80 - ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 00 ~ ~ 0 0 (y) lU!Od lu!Jnsugw MoJgs:"ihdga lr) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-33 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,605.20 5,606.73 1.53 84.7 5,536.70 09/27/13 70.03 68.50 5,536.62 12/20113 70.11 68.58 5,536.49 03/27/14 70.24 68.71 5,536.06 06/25114 70.67 69.14 5,535.73 09/25114 71.00 69.47 5,535.73 12/17/14 71.00 69.47 5,535.14 03/26115 71.59 70.06 5,534.98 06/22/15 71.75 70.22 5,534.81 09/30/15 71.92 70.39 -.l -.l Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) '-l -.l -.l -.l 0\ N N ...... ........ 0 0 \0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -08114/13 11122/13 03/02/14 i-3 ~ 06/10114 ,&;;;.. I tH tH ~ """" ('D 09/18/14 ""1 0 ('D "'0 ~ '12/27/14 0 < ('D ""1 i-3 .... a ('D -04/06115 -. ?? "a' -a "'0 '-" 07/15/15 10/23115 L----..L...-----1..------'------'-------'-----'-01/31/16 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-34 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,601.60 5,603.34 1.74 94 5,534.04 09/27113 69.30 67.56 5,534.14 12/20/13 69.20 67.46 5,533.89 03/27/14 69.45 67.71 5,533.32 06/25114 70.02 68.28 5,532.94 09/25/14 70.40 68.66 5,532.99 12/17/14 70.35 68.61 5,532.37 03/26115 70.97 69.23 5,532.24 06/22/15 71.10 69.36 5,532.08 09/30115 71.26 69.52 -...] ...... v. 0 -...] ...... 8 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -...] 0 v. 0 -...] 0 8 0\ \0 v. 0 0\ \0 0 0 ' 08/14/13 11122/13 03/02/14 06/10/14 09/18/14 12/27114 04/06/15 07115/15 10/23/15 I • 01/31/16 ~ ~ .&;. I ~ .&;. ~ """ ~ "'1 ~ ~ "1:::1 """ ::r 0 < ~ "'1 ~ .... a ~ ,-., ~ ~ -a "1:::1 ,_, Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill -Well TW 4-35 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,598.67 5,599.87 1.20 85.3 5,525.52 09/25/14 74.35 73.15 5,525 .72 12/17/14 74.15 72.95 5,525.56 03/26/15 74.31 73.11 5,525 .67 06/22/15 74.20 73.00 5,525.81 09/30/15 74.06 72.86 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) -.l -.l -.l -.l -.l -.l -.l -.l -.l """ """ 7'-""" """ 7'-7'-""" """ ~ w UJ N N ...... ...... 0 0 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 VI 0 07/30/14 09/18/14 11107/14 1-3 ~ I 12/27114 ~ (Jl ~ ;- . 02/15/15 .., 0 ~ ~ st 04/06/15 0 < ~ .., 1-3 ... a 05/26/15 ~ --? Q"" - 07115115 a ~ '-' 09/03115 ,___ __ ..__ __ ...__ __ ...__ __ ....___ __ _._ __ _.._ __ ___._ __ __._ 10/23115 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-36 Total or Measuring Total Water Land Point Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.LSD) Well 5,615.18 5,616.59 1.41 98 5,559.14 09/25114 57.45 56.04 5,559.77 12117114 56.82 55.41 5,559.79 03/26/15 56.80 55.39 5,560.08 06/22115 56.51 55.10 5,560.18 09/30115 56.41 55.00 !;1/£Z/Ol !;1/£0/60 !;1/!;l/LO ,-.. c.. e -,.Q ~ !;l/9Z/!;0 .._, Q,> e .... E-i -!;l/90/tO Q,> ;;... 0 ..= -c.. Q,> ~ !;l/!;l/ZO -Q,> -~ ~ tl/LZ/ZI ('f') I ~ ~ E-i tl/LO/I I tl/8I/60 tl/0£/LO - . " - I 0 00 I.Ci on ~ ~ ~ !'-. Water Elevation (WL 5,571.99 5,570.67 Land Surface (LSD) 5,630.13 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill • Well TW 4-37 Measuring Point Elevation Length Of MP) Riser ( ) 5,631.85 1.72 Date Of Monitoring 06/22115 09/30/15 Total or Measured Depth to Water (blw.MP) 59.86 61.18 Total Depth to Water (blw.LSD) 58.14 59.46 Total Depth Of Well 112 !)lf£Z/O I !)lf£0/0I ,-..., c.. e !)I/£1/60 -,Q ~ '-" Qj e .... ~ 1-4 !)I/t'Z/80 - Qj ;;... 0 ~ c.. Qj ~ !)I/170/80 1-4 Qj -~ t--~ I ~ ~ !)lf!)I/ LO ~ !)I/!)Z/90 - !)I/!)0/90 - 0 00 o\ on I I I I I I 0 0 0 \0 0 N 0 \0 0 "'1" 0 \0 0 \0 0 \0 0 00 0 \0 v TabG Chloroform Mass Removed and Volume Pumped in Chloroform Pumping Wells Over Time TabU; G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped --MW-4 TW4-l5 (fonnerty MW-26) Total Total Pumped Total Total Total Pumped Total Pumped Total Total Quarter Pumped (gal) Cone (liters)_ Total,{ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) 012007 1307110 3370.0 4947411.4 1.667E+10 16673 36.8 930510 1660.0 3521980.4 5.846E+09 5846 12.9 02 2007 81230 2000.0 307455.6 614911100 615 1.4 54400 300.0 205904.0 61771200 62 0.1 03 2007 100700 2600.0 381149.5 990988700 991 2.2 72080 1400.0 272822.8 381951920 382 0.8 0 4·2007 90830 2300.0 343791.6 790720565 791 1.7 61750 2000.0 233723.8 467447500 467 1.0 012008 83950 2400.0 317750.8 762_60180,0 763 1.7 47780 930.0 180847.3 168187989 168 0.4 02 2008 62780 2500.0 237622.3 594055750 594 1.3 44840 1300.0 169719.4 220635220 221 0.5 03 2008 81400 1800.0 308099.0 554518200 555 1.2 61280 630.0 231944.8 146125224 146 0.3 042008 91320 1700.0 345646.2 587598540 588 1.3 55700 630.0 210824.5 l52S19435 133 0.3 012009 90710 2200.0 343337.4 755342170 755 1.7 52970 950.0 200491.5 190466878 190 0.4 02 2009 450040 1800.0 1703401.4 3.066E+09 3066 6.8 58050 410.0 219719.3 90084893 90 0.2 03 2009 90420 2000.0 342239.7 684479400 684 1.5 57610 850.0 218053.9 185345773 185 0.4 04 2009 322380 1800.0 1220208.3 2.196E+09 2196 4.8 61960 1100.0 234518.6 257970460 258 0.6 Q12010 68125 1600.0 257853.1 41256500.0 413 0.9 61320 780.0 232096.2 1810350j6 181 Q.4 02.2010 84005.33 2100.0 317960.2 667716366 668 1.5 60500 1900.0 228992.5 435085750 435 1.0 03 2010 79859.1 1900.0 302266.7 574306718 574 1.3 63850 2200.0 241672.3 531678950 532 1.2 042010 90042.2 1500.0 340809.7 511214591 511 1.1 60180 970.0 227781.3 220947861 221 0.5 012011 76247.6 1700.0 288597.2 490615182 491 1.1 55130 450.0 208667.1 93900173 94 0.2 Q2 2011 85849.3 1700.0 324939.6 552397321 552 1.2 55800.6 1800.0 211205.3 380169488 380 0.8 03 2011 85327.7 1700.0 322965.3 549041086 549 1.2 65618 720.0 248364.1 178822174, 179 0.4 04 2011 89735.0 1600.0 339647.0 543435160 543 1.2 50191.3 1800.0 189974.1 341953327 342 0.8 012012 90376.4 1500.0 342074.7 513112011 513 1.1 31440.1 2400.0 119000.8 285601868 286 0.6 02 2012 90916.5 1400.0 344118.8 481766269 482 1.1 26701.2 3000.0 101064.1 303192353 303 0.7 03 2012 91607.0 1500.0 346732.5 520098743_ 520 1.1 25246 3100.0 95556.1 296223941 296 0.7 Q4 2012 78840.0 1300.0 298409.4 387932220 388 0.9 30797 1200.0 116566.6 139879974 140 0.3 Ql 2013 62943.7 1670.0 238241.9 397863981 398 0.9 22650.7 2120.0 85732.9 181753747 182 0.4 02 2013 71187.3 1490.0 269443.9 401471456 401 0.9 25343.4 4030.0 95924.8 386576819 387 0.9 03 2013 72898.8 1520.0 275922.0 419401376 419 0.9 25763 2940.0 97513.0 286688088 287 0.6 04 2013 70340.4 1410.0 266238.4 375396164 375 0.8 24207.6 1410.0 91625.8 129192330 129 0.3 012014 69833.8 1390.0 264320.9 367406097 367 0.8 23263.1 1400.0 88050.8 123271167 123 0;3 02 2014 . 71934.9 1390.0 272273.6 378460299 378 0.8 23757.5 1960.0 89922.1 176247390 176 0.4 03 2014 74788.2 1490.0 283073.3 421779272 422 0.9 24062.4 2120.0 91076.2 193081510 193 0.4 042014 63093.0 1440.0 238807.0 343882087 344 0.8 21875.8 2090.0 82799.9 17305179'7 173 0.4 012015 76454.3 1400.0 289379.5 405131336 405 0.9 24004.9 1980.0 90858.5 179899922 180 0.4 Q2 2015 60714.7 1300.0 229805.1 298746681 299 0.7 27804.6 1980.0 105240.4 208376014 208 0.5 Q32015 89520.8 1290.0 338836.2 437098734 437 1.0 21042.0 2350.0 79644.0 187163330 187 0.4 Totals 4647510.98 85.4 2409479.2 30.3 TableG-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4~19 TW4;2o Total Pum~d Total Pumped Total Total To!al Pumped Total Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone {liter.s) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Ql2007 6768986 2660 25620612.0 6.815E+10 68151 150.2 642290 16240 2431067.7 3.948E+10 39481 87.0 Q2 2007 605400 8 2291439.0 18331512 18 0.0 163520 1800 618923.2 1.114E+09 1114 2.5 Q3 2007 316080 1100 1196362.8 1.316£+09 1316 2.9 70360 5200 266312.6 1.385E+09 1385 3.1 Q42007 334350 1100 1265514.8 1.392E+09 1392 3.1 63630 9000 240839.6 2.168E+09 2168 4.8 Ql 2008 304784 1800 1153607.4 2.076E+09 2076 4.6 66520 13000 251778.2 3.273E+09 3273 7.2 Q2 2008 380310 1000 1439473.4 1.439E+09 1439 3.2 39360 30000 148977.6 I!A69E+09 4469 9.9 Q3 2008 529020 3600 2002340.7 7.208E+09 7208 15.9 53260 21000 201589.1 4.233E+09 4233 9.3 Q42008 589620 4200 2231711.7 ' 9.373E+09 9373 20.7 50230 1000 190120.6 190120550 190 0.4 Q12009 469100 1100 1775543.5 1.953E+09 1953 4.3 52050 8200 197009.3 1.61SE+09 1615 3.6 -Q2 2009 450040 990 1703401.4 1.686E+09 1686 3.7 49270 6800 186487.0 1.268E+09 1268 2.8 Q3 2009 200650 6600 759460.3 5.012.E-t09 5012 11.1 51030 13000 193148.6 2.511E+09 2511 5.5 I Q4 2009 4542.05 4700 1719165.9 8.08E+09 8080 17.& 208790 15000 790270.2 1.185E+10 11854 26.1 Q12010 348550 940 1319261.8 1.24E+09 1240 2.7 14490 3500 54844.7 191956275 192 0.4 Q2 2010 453340 1800 1715891.9 3.089E+09 3089 6.8 39014..86 18000 147671.2 2.658Ei:09 2658 5.9 Q3 2010 116899.2 2000 442463.5 884926944 885 2.0 39098.3 15000 147987.1 2.22Et09 2220 4.9 Q4 2010 767970.5 1200 2906768.3 3.488E+09 3488 7.7 36752.5 24000 139108.2 3.339E+09 3339 7.4 Q12011 454607.9 3400 1720690.9 5.85E+09 5850 12.9 37187.5 31000 140754.7 4.363Et09 4363 9.6 Q2 2011 159238.9 4000 602719.2 2.411E+09 2411 5.3 67907.7 8100 257030.6 2.082£+0.9 2082 4.6 Q3 2011 141542.6 970 535738.7 519666579 520 1.1 72311.2 6800 273697.9 1.861E+09 1861 4.1 Q4 2011 147647.2 2200 558844.7 1.229E+09 1229 2.7 72089.3 7900 272858.0 2.156E+09 2156 4.8 Q12012 148747 650 563007.4 365954807 366 0.8 76306 11000 288818.2 3.177E+09 3177 7.0 Q2 2012 172082.03 460 651330.5 299612022 300 0.7 22956.43 36000 86890.1 3.128E+09 3128 6.9 Q3 2012 171345 950 648540.8 616113784 616 1.4 22025 13000 83364.6 1.084E+09 1084 2.4 Q42012 156653 1500 592931.6 88939.7408 889 2.0 20114 19000 76131.5 1.446E+09 1446 3.Z Q12013 210908 4210 798286.8 3.361Et09 3361 7.4 18177 18500 68799.9 1.273E+09 1273 2,8 Q2 2013 226224 2070 856257.8 1.772E+09 1772 3.9 20252.4 26300 76655.3 2.016E+09 2016 4.4 Q3 2013 329460.1 8100 1247006.5 1.01E+10 10101 22.3 19731 26800 74681.8 2.001E+09 2001 4.4 Q4 2013 403974 942 1529041.6 1.44E+09 1440 3.2 19280.2 15700 72975.6 1.146H09 1146 2.5 Q12014 304851 586 1153861.0 6761'62567 676 1.5 18781.6 17800 71088.4 1.265E+09 1265 2.8 Q2 2014 297660.0 810 1126643.1 912580911 913 2.0 18462.4 22100 69880.2 1.5441:-+00 1544 3.4 Q3 2014 309742.0 1410 1172373.5 1.653E+09 1653 3.6 17237.9 12400 65245.5 809043599 809 1.8 Q4 2014 198331.0 4310 750682.8 3.235Et09 3235 7.1 16341.8 23300 61853.7 1.441E+09 1441 3.2 Q12015 60553.0 4660 229193.1 1.068E-t09 1068 2.4 15744.7 19900 59593.7 1.186E+09 1186 2.6 Q2 2015 75102.8 1570 284264.1 ~..946:34 446 1.0 18754.1 17600 70984.3 1.249E+09 1249 2.8 Q3201S 116503.9 7860 440967.3 3.466E+09 3466 7.6 17657.3 17000 66832.9 1.136£+09 1136 2.5 Totals 17174478.13 345.5 2230983.19 256.5 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4i4 TW4-2l Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter lgal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pound~) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Q12007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q.3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4.2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 84513.9 2000.0 319885.1 6.4E+08 640 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 76916.8 2100.0 291130.1 6.1E+08 611 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 86872.1 1700.0 328810.9 5.6E+08 559 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql2011 73360.0 1800.0 277667.6 S.OE+08 SOD 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22011 80334.6 1700.0 304066.5 5.2E+08 517 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 97535.0 1500.0 369170.0 S.SE+08 554 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42011 109043.5 1500.0 412729.6 6.2E+08 619 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 101616.8 1200.0 384619.6 4.6E+08 462 1.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 87759.1 1500.0 332168.2 5.0E+08 498 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 80006.0 1600.0 302822.7 4.8E+08 485 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 71596 1400.0 270990.9 3.8E+08 379 0.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12013 58716.8 1460.0 222243.1 3.2E+08 324 0.7 16677.4 10600.0 63124.0 669113965.4 669.1 1.5 Q2 2013 65603.4 1330.0 248308.9 3.3E+08 330 0.7 25523.2 12500.0 96605.3 1207·566400.0 1207.6 2.7 Q3 2013 63515.4 1380.0 240405.8 3.3E+08 332 0.7 25592.9 9640.0 96869.1 933818379,5 933.8 2.1 0420~ 60233.6 1360.0 227984.2 3.1E+08 310 0.7 24952.2 13300.0 94444.1 1256106224.1 1256.1 2.8 Q12014 58992.9 1260.0 223288.1 2.8E+08 281 0.6 24532.0 12100.0 92853.6 1123528802.0 1123.5 2.5 Q2 2014 60235.3 1220.0 227990.6 2.8E+08 278 0.6 24193.9 12400.0 91573.9 1135516502.6 1135.5 2.5 Q3 2014 69229.4 1320.0 262033.3 3.5E+08 346 0.8 24610.9 12400.0 93152.3 1155087980.6 1155.1 2.5 0:42014 64422.6 1130.0 243839.5 2.8E+08 276 0.6 23956.9 12400.0 90676.9 1124393144.6 1124.4 2.5 Q12015 36941.3 1350.0 139822.8 1.9E+08 189 0.4 22046.9 12700.0 83447.5 105~783459.6 1059.8 2.3 Q2 2015 68162.8 1280.0 257996.2 3.3E+08 330 0.7 23191.6 8050.0 87780.2 706630658.3 706.6 1.6 Q3 2015 64333.0 1220.0 243500.4 3.0E+<>8 297 0.7 24619.9 7810.0 93186.3 727785170.9 727.8 1.6 Totals 1619940.3 20.1 259897.8 24.5 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-24 TW4-25 Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter {gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Q12007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA_ NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3'2009 NA NA NA · NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12010 NA ' NA 'NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q22010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2.010 NA NA NA NA NA NA Nf\ NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12013 144842.6 5.7 548229.2 3124906.7 3.1 0.0 99369.9 o.o 376115.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q22013 187509.3 17.4 709722.7 12349175.0 12.3 0.0 147310.4 0.0· 557569.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2013 267703.5 21.8 1013257.7 22089018.9 22.1 0.1 145840.9 0.0 552007.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2013 260555.3 32.5 986201.8 32051558.8 32.1 0.1 126576.5 0.0 479092.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q12014 229063.9 78.5 867006.9 68060038.6 68.1 0.2 129979.2 0.0 491971.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2014 216984.1 62.7 821284.8 51494558.1 51.5 0.1 124829.8 0.0 472480.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2014 213652.5 76.3 808674.7 61701880.6 61.7 0.1 119663.9 0.0 452927.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q4 2014 178468.7 25.8 675504.0 17428004.0 17.4 0.04 107416.1 0.0 406569.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q12015 92449.3 49.2 349920.6 17216093.5 17.2 0.04 71452.4 0.0 270447.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q2 2015 62664.2 4.28 237184.0 1015147.5 1.0 0.002 91985.3 0.0 348164.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q3 2015 66313.2 46.90 250995.5 11771687.2 11.8 0.03 124137.1 0.0 469858.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Totals 1920206.6 0. 71 1288561.5 0.0 TableG-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-01 TW4-0Z Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone {liter.s) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (g!ll) Cone (liters) Total (u_g) (grams) (poundS) Q12007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ql 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q1 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12015 24569.2 1130.0 92994.4 105083696.9 105.1 0.23 24156.7 1840.0 91433.1 168236921.5 168.2 0.37 Q2 2015 23989.9 1260.0 90801.8 114410232.1 114.4 0.25 22029.9 1650.0 83383.2 137582233.0 137.6 0.30 Q3201S 23652.0 1060.0 89522.8 94894189.2 94.9 0.21 21586.9 1310.0 81706.4 107035405.6 107.0 0.24 Totals 72211.1 0.69 67?73.5 0.9 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4-11 TW4-21 - Total Total Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Pumped Pumped Total Total Quarter (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) (gal) Cone (liters) Total (ug) (grams) (pounds) Q12007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42008 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42009 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42011 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q42013 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q4 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Q12015 9898.7 2450.0 37466.6 91793119.8 91.8 0.20 NA NA NA NA NA NA Q2 2015 5243.3 2710.0 19845.9 53782363.3 53.8 0.12 30743.7 366.0 116364.9 42589555.0 42.6 0.09 Q32015 3584.4 1120.0 13567.0 15194988.5 15.2 0.03 125285.4 281.0 474205.2 133251672.2 133.3 0.29 Totals ;18726.4 0.35 156029.1 0.39 Table G-1 Quarterly Calculation of Chloroform Removed and Total Volume of Water Pumped TW4'-37 Total Total Total Volume Pumped Pumped Total Total Total Pumped Quarter {gal) Cone {liters) Total {ug) (grams) (pounds) {pounds) {gallons) Q12007 NA NA NA NA NA NA 286.9 9648896.0 Q2 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.0 904550.0 Q3 2007 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.0 559220.0 Q42007 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 550560.0 Q12008 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.8 503034.0 Q2 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.8 527290.0 Q3 2008 NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.8 724960.0 Q42008 NA . NA NA NA NA NA 22.7 786870.0 Q12009 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.0 664830.0 Q2 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 1007400.0 Q3 2009 NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.5 399710.0 Q42009 NA NA NA NA NA NA 49.4 1047335.0 Q12010 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.5 492485.0 Q2 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.5 721374.1 Q3 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 376623.4 Q4 2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.9 1041817.3 Q12011 NA NA I NA NA NA NA 24.9 696533.0 Q2 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.1 449131.1 Q3 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.1 462334.5 Q4 2011 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.8 468706.3 Q12012 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 448486.3 Q2 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 400415.2 Q3 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.6 390229.0 Q4 2012 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.1 358000.0 Q12013 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.7 634286.1 I Q2 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 768953.4 Q3 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA 31.1 950505.6 I Q4 2013 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.3 990119.8 Q12014 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.6 859297.5 I Q2 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 838057.9 1 Q3 2014 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.2 852987.2 I Q42014 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.6 673905.9 Q12015 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 458271.4 Q2 2015 29206.0 30200.0 110544.7 3338450242.0 3338.5 7.4 15.3 539592.9 Q3 2015 118063.9 19100.0 446871.9 8535252554.7 8535.3 18.8 33.4 816299.8 Totals 147269.9 26.2 791.5 32013067.7 TableG-2 Chloroform Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter TW4-15 MW-4 (MW-26) TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 TW4-22 TW4-24 TW4-25 TW4-01 TW4-02 TW4-11 TW4-21 TW4-37 Quarter Quarter* (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) Totals (lbs.) Q1 2007 36.8 12.9 150.2 87.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 286.9 Q2 2007 1.4 0.1 0.0 2.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.0 Q3 2007 2.2 0.8 2.9 3.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.0 Q4 2007 1.7 1.0 3.1 4.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 Q1 2008 1.7 0.4 4.6 7.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.8 Q2 2008 1.3 0.5 3.2 9.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.8 Q3 2008 1.2 0.3 15.9 9.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.8 Q4 2008 1.3 0.3 20.7 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.7 Q1 2009 1.7 0.4 4.3 3.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.0 Q2 2009 6.8 0.2 3.7 2.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 Q3 2009 1.5 0.4 11.1 5.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.5 Q4 2009 4.8 0.6 17.8 26.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 49.4 Q1 2010 0.9 0.4 2.7 0.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.5 Q2 2010 1.5 1.0 6.8 5.9 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.5 Q3 2010 1.3 1.2 2.0 4.9 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 Q4 2010 1.1 0.5 7.7 7.4 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.9 Q12011 1.1 0.2 12.9 9.6 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.9 Q2 2011 1.2 0.8 5.3 4.6 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.1 Q3 2011 1.2 0.4 u 4.1 1.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.1 Q4 2011 1.2 0.8 2.7 4.8 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.8 Q1 2012 1.1 0.6 0.8 7.0 1.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 Q2 2012 1.1 0.7 0.7 6.9 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 Q3 201 2 1.1 0.7 1.4 2.4 1.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.6 Q4 2012 0.9 0.3 2.0 3.2 0.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.2 Q1 2013 0.9 0.4 7.4 2.8 0.7 1.5 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 13.7 Q2 2013 0.9 0.9 3.9 4.4 0.7 2.7 0.0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 03 2013 0.9 0.6 22.3 4.4 0.7 2.1 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 31.1 Q_4 2013 0.8 0.3 3.2 2.5 0.7 2.8 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 10.3 Q1 2014 0.8 0.3 1.5 2.8 0.6 2.5 0.2 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 8.6 Q22014 0.8 0.4 2.0 3.4 0.6 2.5 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 9.9 Q3 2014 0.9 0.4 3.6 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.1 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 10.2 Q4 2014 0.8 0.4 7.1 3.2 0.6 2.5 0.04 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA 14.6 Q1 2015 0.9 0.4 2.4 2.6 0.4 2.3 0.04 0.0 0.23 0.37 0.20 NA NA 9.9 Q2 2015 0.7 0.5 1.0 2.8 0.7 1.6 0.00 0.0 0.25 0.30 0.12 0.09 7.4 15.3 Q3 2015 1.0 0.4 7.6 2.5 0.7 1.6 0.03 0.0 0.21 0.24 0.03 0.29 18.8 33.4 Well Totals 85.4 30.3 345.5 256.5 20.1 24.5 0.71 0.00 0.69 0.91 0.35 0.39 26.2 791.5 -* Q1 2007 represents the cumulative total prior to and including Ql 2007. Table G-3 Well Pumping Rates and Volumes Volume of Water Pumped Pumping Well Name During the Quarter (gals) Average Pump Rate (gpm) MW-4 89,520.8 4.6 MW-26 21,042.0 8.7 TW4-4 64,333.0 10.4 TW4-19 116,503.9 18 .0 TW4-20 17,657.3 8.5 TW4-22 24,619.9 17.4 TW4-24 66,313.2 17.8 TW4-25 124,137.1 15.4 TWN-2 48,617.4 18.4 TW4-01 23,652.0 16.5 TW4-02 21,586.9 16.5 TW4-11 3,584.4 16.5 TW4-21 125,285.4 16.2 TW4-37 118,063.9 17.2 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 en "'0 c 150.0 :J 0 a.. ~ "0 Q) > 0 E 100.0 Q) a: E .... 0 -0 50.0 .... 0 ::c (.) 0.0 1'-0 0 C\J ,... 0 1'-0 0 C\J ..q 0 co 0 0 C\J (") 0 Mass of Chloroform Removed by Quarter (lbs.) 0> 0 0 C\J C\J 0 0 ,... 0 C\J ,... 0 0 ,... 0 C\J ..q 0 ,... ,... 0 C\J (") 0 C\J ,... 0 C\J C\J 0 Ql 2007 represents the cumulative total prior to and including Ql 2007. (") ,... 0 C\J ,... 0 (") ,... 0 C\J ..q 0 ..q ,... 0 C\J (") 0 LO ,... 0 C\J C\J 0 -(/) .c .... Q) t: ctS :J 0 >. .c "'0 Q) > 0 E Q) a: E .... 0 "+-e 0 .c () "+-0 (/) (/) ctS ~ -.:t 0 I $: ~ 0 0 ""'" ""' 0 ci C') ~ LO C\1 0 ci C\1 0 ci ~ ~ - ~ ~ 4 - 4 - ~ -~ - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - - 4 - ~ rs: - < - ~ 0 LO ~ 4 \ 0 ci (spunod) paAowat:J WJOJOJOI40 S~Oc cO vwcso 8~06 170 OWcvO O~Oc ~0 600c co 8006 80 LODe vO LODe ~0 (/) .0 ::::::- ~ (].) t ro :::J 0 >-.0 "0 (].) > 0 E Q) a: E E e .Q ..c () -0 (/) (/) ro ~ T-o I "¢ s 1- 0 C') d ~ 1.() C\J d ~ 0 C\J d 0 d 1.() 0 d (spunod) paAOW8tJ WJO~OJ0148 - 0 0 0 -u) ..c ::::::.. ._ Q) t:: ~ ::I a >. ..c "0 Q) > 0 E Q) cr: E ...... 0 -e 0 ..c () -0 (/) (/) ~ :2 N 0 I ...q- ~ 0 "<:t c:i 1.{) ('() c:i 0 ('() c:i I I 1.{) C\l c:i 0 C\l c:i 1.{) ..... c:i 0 ..... c:i 1.{) 0 c:i (spunOd) p9AOW9Cf WJOlOJOi40 0 0 c:i 9~0~ 80 -(J) ..0 ~ '-(1.) t ~ ::J a >-..0 "0 (1.) > 0 E (1.) 0:: E '-0 ...... 0 '-0 ..c () ...... 0 (J) (J) ~ ~ o;;t 0 I o;;t ~ <0 0 C\1 0 (spunod) p8110W8t:f WJO!OJ0!48 0 0 SWG80 17~0G 170 17WG ~0 8WGG0 GWG80 ~~OG 170 O~OG GO ......... 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N rl rl rl TabH Laboratory Analytical Reports 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-028 Client Sample ID: MW-04_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31 /2015 1455h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/20!5 344h 9/15/2015 954h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300_0 10.0 44.3 E353 2 1.00 4.79 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 35 of93 All anolyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA m i'CJ(ohrit:d rri accordance to NEJ...,\ J)(010C~ P.on•n7m :JalnJ•h~s !nforrp.liKJIIt is located on the atlachcd COC. Conlidcnlial Business Jnfonnation: This report js proYidcd. for the exclusi,·c use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use oflhc name of thll tOm(W:n t)r lilt\' member orh · lAO', ut teproducdoet tlflh '• •q!QU !B~.t.n«'HPA with the adrcrtiscmcnt, promotion or sale of An)" product or process, or in connection "ill1thc rc·publication oflhis report for any purpose other lhan for the addressee" ill be granted only on c.Unt.lci. This cornp:'tft\'lleccptJ no Mpdntibilf ·.e..~CqM J'o,r tho due perfonnance of inspection and/or nnal) sis in good failh and according lo the n1les oflhc trOO<: and of science. American West ANALYTICAL LA[)ORATORIES 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity,UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-028C Client Sample ID: MW-04_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1455h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1535h Units: IJ.g/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 50 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 2,560 2,750 2,490 2,640 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. 67-66-3 50.0 1,290 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 102 72-151 2,500 110 80-152 2,500 99 6 80-124 2,500 106 77-129 web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1637h Units: IJ.g/L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: To1uene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 1.42 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 49.9 50 00 99.8 72-151 53.8 50 00 108 80-152 50.0 50.00 100 80-124 51.5 50.00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 71 of93 All anal> scs applic3ble to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfom1cd in accordance to NELAC prol.ocols Pertinent sampling infonnalion is located on the aUachcd COC ConfidenLial Business lnfonnalion: This report is proYidcd for !he cxclusi"c usc of the addressee Privileges or subseqllent usc or the name of this company or illl) member of its staiT, or reproduction of this report in coMcction with the ad,'ertiscmcnl, promotion or sale of An) product or process. or in connection with the re-publica Lion of this report for an~ purvosc other than for lhe addressee will be granted only on conlaCL This compan) occcpls no responsibilil) except for the due performance of inspection and/or nnalysis in good faith and according to the rules or lhc trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-026 Client Sample ID: TW4-01_08312015 Collection Date: 8/3112015 1502h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/2015 310h 9/10/2015 1757h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 45.9 E353.2 1.00 6.28 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 3 3 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA ft" t'tff,l!tuN lu~.ecordance lo NELAC piotoccl.t.. Vc!r\.lqcnt sampling infonnation is localed on lhc auachcd COC. Conlidcnlial Business lnfonnalion: This report is provided for lhccxclusi\'C use of the addressee. Pri\'ilcgcs of subsequent usc of the name ofiiHJI llCI\tp:l~i~ Ctttt.:t), member of ils sutO:. orrorw.1~op~t vrtt1is report in CO/Uleclion with the ad,•ertiscmcnt, promotion or sale of any prodU<:t or process, or in conncclion wilh lhc re-public::u.ion of this report ror any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only tlnT4'WUOEI. This company <lCcep 110: trfiP'U,ahUit except for lhc due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in sood faith and according lo lhc n•lcs o(thc trOOc and of science ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-026C Client Sample ID: TW4-01_08312015 ANALYTICAL LABORATORIEs Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1502h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1456h Units: 11g/L Dilution Factor: 50 Compound Chloroform Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,480 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,620 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane !86B-53-7 2,460 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 2,570 Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 50.0 1,060 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 99.4 72-151 2,500 105 80-152 2,500 9B.4 B0-124 2,500 103 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1558h Units: !!giL Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50 2 50,00 100 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53.0 50,00 106 B0-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 186B-53-7 50.0 50.00 99 9 80-124 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 51.4 50.00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/2B/20 15 Page 69 of 93 All n>l)..ciOJ>I),ln:oblc to d .. ri.VA, OWA, ... III.CRA .,.,.,, .... .,d in.v<onllr~c [O NELAC jVOO)(Oii.l'<llllll:ltl sampling tnfoWm411!11l" loc->u:d qn !he aUacb;dCOC c~r.dcoilal llvvnc,.lnfonnalion: This report is provirtcd,.,. IW:c; IIWI't>~oflhc sltw~ P,hl~o.r l•~Obm U'IIOOI,Iho rwu ()(~)C'\nllJtlll1;' or~·n):.n~r('fiLs slnfi on~prodr.c~~~of·r~is report in (Of1m'Cdllll v.lth lhcMJ.:cnisc~cn PfUrjiOUwt~ ;.al\1 o(ru:J~ ,,,odUcLorpr?CCss, or in connection with lhctc~fiC";JfJOOI'If&his report fbr.11m1 paflfO!CCL bt"J d1~11 (orlt-.:~Ntd~ tnll b; Utlmli;J onhr' ~. 1thrl lliU~!Pany ncccplJ 11d't~W~· exccpl forme dlK\pt:,1futrl\rldc:c:Cirmspecllon Al:ldiOr tz~N~I}'II)"rn GOOd fiJJI.b and occordmg lo lhc n1lcsoflhc Lro:~dc ~:~~~utflf1CJ!tMC' 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-030 Client Sample ID: TW4-02_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1437h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/2015 437h 9/15/2015 1008h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 50.0 E3 53,2 1.00 3.76 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 37 of 93 All ao>Aiyscs applit•IJio lolllc"CI A. SPIV/,, and RCRA arc pcnormcd in accordance to NEL ~t~OIO<UI .. Pmln•ol AmpiUI lhl'olm>lion IQ<olcd 0,\f\ !he auachcd COC. Confidcnlrol tlwn: lnfqrm~lopu This report is l'fm-ld:ol filr Ill< '"'" -ofobc addressee. Privilep r)(rnbf'(qrmnt 1!JOC)fU1e ~ame of this compan~· or any mc~ber orll!!iJO'lT, «I'Co(1«tdliCI~orU1 ~I~\ n «JttftCC'IM"" nl•lb; cRh:crtiscn:tcnl, promolion ~r ~ale 1)(.11'1} pradm'l 01 fl~ or in connection \\ff}t tiiCI n!•fhlbtlrnlioo oflllis report ror any purpose o~ !.haD r& dtc Ud~Ow1ll be granted ani~· on cont.act. ThrscomJl.l":o'fiCC'CJtCI n ~~llr o~ Atfl.hr,fu.;p:•A~ttnMt't olu.tspectlon and/or nnalys•s m gOOd fltiiii!Uid J~C«~cdn)J •o the rules oflhg fr.ldo~~ orJdmc:,. American West ANALYTICAL lA~OAATOAIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-030C Client Sample ID: TW4-02_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1437h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1614h Units: Jlg/L Compound Chloroform Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Dilution Factor: 50 Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 67-66-3 50.0 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC 17060-07-0 2,540 2,500 102 460-00-4 2,680 2,500 107 1868-53-7 2,470 2,500 98.9 2037-26-5 2,590 2,500 104 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1716h Units: JlgiL Dilution Factor: Method: CAS Reporting Compound Number Limit Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.2 50 00 100 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53.6 50 00 107 Surr: Dibromotluoromethane 1868-53-7 50.4 50.00 101 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51 3 50.00 103 SW8260C Analytical Result Qual 1,310 Limits Qual 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 SW8260C Analytical Result Qual < 1.00 2.58 < 1.00 Limits Qual 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 73 of 93 ,.n .IUI!l)"WS at•pllunb:c tn lhd <:WA. SDW , .o.nd RCRA lt'I'C porfonp1r0d in accordance I~?N~C p,r(IS.OCOh ~·cum~ aAUI~ITh:,JutOlllltl dn i.s l~ou ~c altachcd COC: ConftdenLial Business lnfonnation: Th_is report i~ prov!ded for lhc c~clu~i,·c use ?fthc 21MI'e:SJCC"..f'nv1~~ofllllbtr::qu;:ht tl1-tC!f ll,; ...,c<.~rllth;tompml'~ ot any membcror•o tJnfl,atcqxodUthut\O(Iln; fC'p.)iT tfl COftl'!«hOI! )\¥\bIlK: td1 er\Jscmcnl, promoi.Jon or sal~: of any product or process, or m connec11on w•lh the rc·publlcaLJOn orlh1s report b' .tty. I!III'J)CX•Htt'lil:: Uwu tOt tlli.tadd.rtr.kc 11. Ill ~ ~;tom«:dou~ on (otnact. This comiJ.lll) gcccpU lli'i ~)ll.hllh}' e;w:qH~Ru dw..!uc JW~(~o( iospeclion and/or <~nalysis in good failh and according to lhc mlcs of ~1c lrade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-03_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 705h Received Date: 9/4/2015 l030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/12/2015 1447h E3000 10.0 27.4 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/22/2015 1541h E353 2 0.100 3.88 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 9 of93 All anai)SCS applicable to the CWA, SDWA_ and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnaLion is loc:alcd on the attached COC Confidential Business Jnformatioo: This report is prO\ idcd for the exclusiYC use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent usc oflhe name of this company or &n) member of its staff,. or reproduction oflbis report in connection with the a<h'ertisemenl., promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with lhc re-public.ation of this report for an~ purpose other than for the addressee Y.'ill be granted only on contacL This company ncccpls no responsibility except for lhc due perronnancc of illspcclion and/or anal) sis in good failh 3lld according to lhe n.lcs of lhc Lradc and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-002C Client Sample ID: TW4-03_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 705h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1245h Units: f!g/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 53.5 50 00 56 I 50,00 51 7 50,00 53 6 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 107 72-151 112 80-152 103 80-124 107 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 45 of93 . .AJI.JlliO)SCS •JJPII abtc to'tlw:! CWA. I)W A, and RCRA 2n: J>:r-ronncd m JICC'C'Jn'Lux:e-w .'Et.t\ lf'Oto(t)(u. pg,jnc:rtl sampling inromtAhm h l\k'o11td ~~the auacttcd <.:'OC OQI'f4tJ1UAJ (l!.dlrtt:S1.lnfomtatioo: This report is provided for the exclusi\'c use oflhe JJddr~. rn,\~g~o( ~~~VrR tteiCI of'~e name of thl\ Nm11.1n~ or AI') f!IIC'IIItkr ('lr ltJ tlnlf1 «~pludutiWtt oft.bis report in ~tlon hith I be IKh ertiscmcnl. ptOt.Utit.I:Op. ot IIIIo ortln)~prodtJcl or process, or in connection wilh lhc re-publication oflhis report 'f(y a!WJIU•I fi(11Ct tL.un let iM.t.ddl~ will be granltdMI'• on cOn!lkl TliiiDcOnrp::rn) KC<pllt no tdiMmlifbljl(}l exccpl for dl\.1 ~o ~I(QlTRli'I(:C c( Inspection nndr\1( 11!'1.1t)1hiU poJ .lltltfl anti jtccording lo the n.lcs of lhc trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-03R_09012015 Collection Date: 9/112015 737h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 2222h E300 0 1.00 < 1.00 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/2212015 1539h E353 2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/28/201 5 Page 8 of 93 All 11101)""' llllJ•Ii..t.lc ou tl><tCWh.SDWA. dllil RCRl\IIK j><t(orm«< m·oc:«<!d""" ooii"I.A(.'pllJIOO<ll& l'c1jmcnt sampling lnr<,~~mlllloo 11 kxm<doolhc allocllo:slr <"-"'lt.ikulJ~I 0....,. lnfonnalion: This n:pcrt is provid<d for lhec,clusiYc usc oflhe :l~dr~ TYmii:"QQI=:t:1Jl ·~-q··~ UQ( or tho P\1~ nfthh ffiU1~t) .., &I"' 1i~I.»\'IC1 (fnt M-1"4 ~ IOJWeJu~ orWis report in t::tnlnc.:: inn \~ lh I lk.•h"rtiscmenl~ p ~m~tou oruh: or .anr producl or process, or in conneclion with lhe rc-publicnlion of lhis report I(; JU JNWplt: Ollwf ll~\ r.or tht u.h .... ru k tJUn'IC\J t.)flf\1 01"1 rotii.KL Tln.ll CCJUJ)l.ln~ I«<IKI 1)1) f't1:Mn.W..In~·cxcepl for tfWdu.o p;:J"~ (If nspectioo !Mk11~ :.n-d)VII" i ~llh ~according lo lhe rules of the lradc and or science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-001C Client Sample ID: TW4-03R_09012015 Collection Date: 9/112015 737h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1225h Units: J.!g/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 54.0 5000 !08 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 55 9 50 00 112 80-IS2 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 S2.6 so 00 10S 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-S S4,1 so 00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 44 of 93 All annlyscs applit:llblelQifl< ·IVA, DIVA. ond RCRA 'lo j><1fnmoed in accordance lo NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling ln(...,.•l""' "to<>I:UCO! U1c auachcd COC. (' .. fl<knlibl a......,.,lnfo/lnlrilm>: This report is ]UQ\ cjl farll>o=!Uliii"<",.,Ofthc oddresscc. Privi lc~ of'JIIb$r'rrucnl Ul.C or ~ tumC' ~( lhtll «:!fn(QI~' or any member of its staff, or reproduction of lhis report in CJ:IOllQdiO'fl ,, I fbi tbe ad~ crtisemcnl, promotiOu Of' :ht<" oro~· p~' 1)1 r1ro«K. or in conncclim ".lh ~ ft-J'Ul.:llcal~tn 1r Ulis report for any purpose o1h-ar \h~ (m thl:. ~ldl'Q• '' II ~ ~mmtc:ml) on contact This compaJJ) acccpls no responsibility except for lhodu~ p:J((ImiWJC'C-Of mspeclion and/or Dnal~t.IIUJ ~ rtnl,l,\ nL ~ W lhc mlcs of lhQ uod,e rind t.fiorl(luCc.. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-027 Client Sample ID: TW4-04_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1512h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 9/13/2015 327h E300.0 10.0 9/15/20 15 94 7h E353 2 1.00 Analytical Result Qual 45.8 6.45 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 34 of 93 All m'l'tti)'SCS ~~~}f~ UJIIII:· VA. SD\\'r'~ ld RCRI\.iii!J l>c:lfotmod II'IICCOrdancc LO NELAC pmtoc:f'J l\ulinanl sampling rnl'buni'IIWR I ~don lhc attached coc. Confidenlial Business lnfonnalion: This report is provid:4 rM IJte"(.:\ ·~~· UIE.ofthc addrc.u:x l'il\IJk'po( (I~UCIU wc.orlha ra.mca(lhr.s C~") hr member or its sloff, ol n::JvutiucliO,~t)(tl\is rcpo11 in CUWJoct.ion \.VIIh 1bc l!d\·ertisemcnl, promotion or sale of :my producl or proc~ss, or in conncct..ion wilb UlV re:JlltbiJcotionol 01is report for "'ilT ~fllh:t 1hn11 fM 1hc IKktf~ \~UH~ J:IODU!H ouJ,\' Mto«!Ki. This company accepJ:J r)\11\~~pon t.li'lyexe<;pt ford" dlh7 f""t(t:wl'it~ of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according Lo the n•lcs oflhc (Ia<k IHld oruiQ'\C'£. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-027C Client Sample ID: TW4-04_08312015 ANAlYTICAL LAs oRAToRIEs Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1512h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1516h Units: flg/L Compound Chloroform Dilution Factor: 50 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 50.0 1,220 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 2,550 2,660 2,520 2,590 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1617h Units: flg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 54 2 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50_5 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51 9 2,500 102 72-151 2,500 106 80-152 2,500 101 80-124 2,500 103 77-129 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 1.72 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 99.9 72-151 50.00 108 80-152 50.00 101 80-124 50.00 104 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 70 of 93 All analysC'\orP,lu:obk to ti~C\1! , l)\V-Jnd l(c.;·R MO II't'~tod l.f1 wt:ot!lJJKio w NP.L·A .prOtOtola. Penlne~l sampling UJ(Ilf'IWU,tCn rx ~a1C\i nn lhc auachcdCQC <lllrdl.-uliaiBusiocss Inrom1:Uion: This report is provid~ (JW lbC'c:.'\('(~nt ~of the addressee. ''lh,•kouc!orl'J_~nt iwt:Oflls=•jrtit.Jcui'Uucc\:Jm.('Ml~'or.qll)· m:,nlx!t-ofiiJ.II•Rrt~~·f~lllod•,dlooaflhis report in tnnrkCCdm1 '11d1 1hc ••.hertiscrnen ~·uuuM:klonaf Ukofany produclor process, or in connection witH ll\: 1'(\-publit::-(ton~rtt,is rcJXlr1 for any pufi)Q'SiQOth.:rtlt"'• (untlO ~~~'''l~b,;;tmm~mtl •<'t'll'i'I•L Thh:.C'OCUJT'i'l/1) ::aqtt n&k'l .U.&!hl ~except for thotli•c(l"lrdtt1:buo:.or~nspcclion .,tdlot 1111&!~ CIJ) yood faith ond according to the mlcs of the lr:xlc J1lf1 r~~ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-05_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 853h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/12/20 15 2007h E3000 10.0 52.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 91912015 1522h E353.2 1.00 8.10 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 22 of93 All an:ti)UJ ~~lt~ll'= w 1h: A1 SO\ A, and RCRA-": ptrf«a~..W in accordance UJ ELAC JV"otoc'OI_! Ptrtwenl J.ln'lfillnglnfntrnlilkk1 is located on the aU ached COC. ConlidCJltial Business Lnfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the tiddte:tt~tc PtJ\'iltt.~~ar'uh1.:~K:ttl UJe..b( 1 c name o(lhi~cumpau~~or 311)-member of lll,JIJifr.vt Ti:I~~Worl Qflhll iCJPQn •Jf CfOM(: tJ(Jn with the fld\'(~rtisemcnt.., promotion or sole of any producl or process, or in cooncction \\ ilh the rc-pub/ic<~lion oflhis report fot ..,,~~flll'l~ Cllhc>r lJt~ fCK~ht-:.J~ will be grant~ fltd eM C"tUUacl This romp,~ ac:ccv•• 1110 re4ipe:e:t.iMTify eutgllbt ~due perfonnance of inspccLion and/or anal) sis in good faiili and according Lo the mlcs of the Lradc and of science. American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-015C Client Sample ID: TW4-05_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 853h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1758h Units: ~giL Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 53 3 55.9 52 2 53 9 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 12.9 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50 00 107 72-151 50 00 112 80-152 50.00 104 80-124 50 00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 58 of 93 All analysa:: arJihfH~~IOd CWA ... DWA. tw!lJ RCRAa.rc ~if01m~IIIM ~Old;r.J-=:ofo 1El.1\ JWO:ONb ~JIKt'll sampling u\fu.rmfltioo lli<~C~kd on the attached COC. (•c:ttfi&t.ill.a18u.tir:K-o lnfoonmJ,tn This report is provided for the exclusi\'C use of the addressee. Pm•11t-p 6f.u~ utc of. d»llollfllt <lttusCO~Ip;u\\ orarl}" memb.."turln UAfY1 t11 to:~hSIIOf. qfl.l1is report in to111WC11on '-~ tth thd ad,·crtiscmcnt, promotion or ul~llrMypcoducl Cf"J•'-OC or in connection with the re·publicat.ion of this rcpon for any pufJ CllmT lhlhl r"" I~ addla$.~ \41 II ~ fr.\ltlt."'4 o.~J\. UD~ ttilt(Qtlpn.T~\ xccplt: nDrripo.u·t.tMJl~ except for \T}C a~ JX'ftt)fJiaoQil: of inspection and/or ana.!) »fill &0041 fnhJti.IIMI .ata:~tdiltJ to lhc rules oflh!! trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241 -004 Client Sample ID: TW4-06_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 715h Received Date: 9/11 /2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/16/2015 1507h 9/15/2015 1035h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E3000 10.0 47.0 E353 2 0.500 6.75 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 8 of27 All anJiysc• llpP 10:mk (o llloC"WA. !if)WA, trNI HCRA an; IK!~fiHmoiJ n:aar:cocilllli':'O to NEI.A(' .,ftll«otl r,t1Tm:l1l sampling aJirmmwan n loaa..~ on !he Wl~1d 00C Cuulidt-nilA,IBuuuQi Jnfomlation: This report is prm·idcd for the exclusi\'e use of Jhc addressee. J.irh1kp;-a Clf•UM-telll '-!s.cof\111: lllt.tUetolflh,r.totttl ~· w «U} ~~~~~.ubc.t,otlb starr~ OJ rq.lf\)JUC:I~ (II" this reporL in (dr:bahch'' \\ ith the ad\'Ctll!oerRGrl IXQtnoiiOO nr Jll q( Fll) producL or process, or in connection with lhc re-publication of litis report for any pu~ otHet lhtni ·rbr~~ WddrMik."".S•id( b..: tpM:.cd Ohl.\ Ofl tof1!1Blll. "lhJJ t(f(nP:"!Q} lf(O~lil,n" n:~po.nub'l''~ except for /11::-~IW l:.armmAt~KurhniJ~tCIIOII ~llllllll Job 1"pd (t,l~ ll according to the mlcs o(the Lrndc and of science. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT American West ANAlYTICAL lABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-004C Client Sample ID: TW4-06_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 715h Received Date: 9/ll/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1705h Units: 11g/L Dilution Factor: 50 Compound Chloroform Surrogate CAS Result Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,530 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,680 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 2,470 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 2,580 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1448h Units: ~-tg!L Dilution Factor: 1 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 50.0 1,040 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 101 72-151 2,500 107 80-152 2,500 98.9 80-124 2,500 103 77-129 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Compound Number Limit Result Qual Jose Rocha QA Officer Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: To1uene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 49 2 50 00 512 50 00 49_0 50,00 49_6 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 98.4 72-151 103 80-152 98 1 80-124 99 3 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 15 of27 All nnalys l!~llenttl~ 10 lh:: C\ A1 SOW , ntMSRCRi\ W'l:: ~i'h!TJl.Ddiin M:cordw1cc to NELAC '1Witxdi-l'cnhl N.-.uulfllin lnfbnniiiiOU 1• J«,;Jr::d onlhc auachcd COC. Confidcnl I'll Aal'f'l~ lnfonnation: This report IS provido;l r~ the ~luil.''tl UJO oflhc nddtesscc. f'th,Jc-pnf't:uf~qfila"'t ~r,¢ (.1( lhl: n.lflt:' ~(JW, tUtUpAJI • (.11 JU't)' member of iiS staO', 01 H,'\)(odu<:IIOIII qfthJI rCVOfl 0 o.lnn~tJon taOh 1k ndvcrtiscmenl, ~romolion or sale or (1)1_)' ptodttcl or process. or in conncclion wilh Ill(' 1\:~I'Mibllclllfoo orchis report for any putl~ ~r Lbro• rnr-''1o :a.w~~ \\in~ iV'IUH~ cmlrQn «KJ'~" This company ncccptJ m~ t<iUonv.bllll) ~I'* Nrtbe dOO pm f~rhl'lf'K't' or inspection and/or analysis in good falll, CU~d <Jccordins to the mles or the trnde .aa&J ut.aw«'.. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-07_09102015 Collection Date: 9110/2015 703h Received Date: 9/11 /2015 l030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/16/2015 1433h E300 0 10.0 46.7 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/15/2015 101 9h E353 2 0.500 4.72 '@ @ -High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix inteiference. 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 6 of27 All • ..~ >l!uppLcobJtiO '""'' A. SOWA.IIIld RCRA 1'1: p:rto,m:d "'"'"'"'~ .... ,., lo NELAC I)Oili<!CI?I Ptllinltltsampling ln(Git~>IIOIIQ I <Jil ~IC ••ached coc. Confidential Business lnfomlalion: This report is l•ll'odN (01 aho •"''""~ II~ or the ~ fTil l.k(ld o( ~~qwn1 1 ofrrh:l ~""~ nr thb. C'\m~IIIIU\.' or.,,·.,_ ~nt.mba uf its sli1IT, or u;Jiffldl~ttdti bf' Ill is report in c'oHI~u)n \\ 11h lht Rdl ertiscmcnt, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in conncctiun \ut.b d1t: t'Oorrub.Ucialton drlhis report rM ...,\ ftlltpOJO(IIlwt Uuanki the~ t.t.lll be: pe~n!Cdool\'01* Nt~i&' "r!!D('()cnpany acccpt,nu~libiiJ(f.exccpt ro~lltndllt.tfo.."tl\tml:lllt't"(;(lospcclion and/or an;,lysis in good faill1 nnd according to the mlcs oflhc::II'JU.t~o(IIC'JC'n«. American West ANAlYTICAl LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241-002C Client Sample ID: TW4-07 _09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 703h Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1626h Units: 11g!L Compound Chloroform Dilution Factor: 50 Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 2,550 2,720 2,490 2,600 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9111/2015 1330h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 50.0 897 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 102 72-151 2,500 109 80-152 2,500 997 80-124 2,500 104 77-129 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.7 50 00 101 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53 7 50 00 107 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50 6 50 00 101 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 52 I 50 00 104 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/20 15 Page 13 of 2 7 All an<11) scs applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA nrc pcrfom1cd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnalion is located on the aUachcd COC Confidential Bllsincss lnfonnation: This report is prO\ idcd for the exclusive usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of Lhc name or this company or a.Jl) member of ils starr, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of an) producl or process_ or in connection with Lhc rc·publicnlion oflhis report for any purpose olher Lhan for the addressee will be granted only on contact This compnn) acccpls no responsibility except for the due pel fonnance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and :K:cording to the rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-07R_09092015 Collection Date: 9/9/2015 823h Received Date: 9111/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/1612015 1648h E3000 1.00 < 1.00 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/1512015 1039h E353 2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page II of 27 A1111!1.,\)1<UJ'Illleoblll<o ll~CI 'DIY/I."'"!!( AA""' po1(llfll!«lin tccordancc H>l'lll!.A~ t•nl0<411 PitttliJ!til sampling hlO>rmlttJCn li kl!:l!cll on lho •n .. I...SC~. C..,fl<knholfl\&n"..;"'lnfomtalion: This report is provided for lhe exclusive use of1hc addn:~uo:...Pm-lk!~• u( ;~ttftt~C~(UCill \ • • p U'IC na~uC tJ'Ii.J('OmiiiJn~ or 1111t\ member orll tJ•IT. 01 rc:("foductr® oTd1is rcpon in L'UIU}CC\Ion w ih llto:.a.hctii\Cmle:nt~ 1 utnodf!R Of s!akur :.u> lln!ld.LlcL or process. or in connection with lhc re-publica Lion oflhis report for .o.n,·· S"'~ ndu~r thnti ror lli£1: ldd~~ "iU ~ GfMlrd untv(Jircotilld. This comptm) ICtC'fi\YH<II ~ btl II) except for Uw t.luopcrfoon.:u offmlpKHOn nJMlA)f ft~h"'i• Ulgeot1 ritnh jiCd occording lo lhc mlcs of the Lrndc and of science. American West ANALYTICAL LAOOAATORI£S 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-007C Client Sample ID: TW4-07R_09092015 Collection Date: 9/9/2015 82311 Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9111/2015 1547h Units: J.lgiL Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: To1uene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 51.4 460-00-4 53.7 1868-53-7 50.5 2037-26-5 52 1 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 1.06 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 5000 103 72-151 50.00 107 80-152 50.00 101 80-124 50.00 104 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 18 of 27 All tiL11)""r411JJl hcnblc Lo 1bc-C\\'A1 SPl\'A, W RCR.A .an:p.:~(ounbd lf11ccordallcc lo NELAC VfO\QCOh. h::nlncnL sampling tnfpllfi;JbOi't]t JQta.Led on Itt.: aUkhcd ()(\ Confidential Bll11 lnromuUWL 1l1is report is provi~ r()f tbacul11si"c usc of the lltJI.1.rt::ntx-11tll\' leges of subtt'qu"nj U).C Of ~k!I~QoOI''~I.J(OOl~fWOJ WTf.lllCmbcr of its staff, Of r'l'f.,.h,li!linn urlllis report in ftiW~ItQft \'1 h.h •he Bd\'CrtiJ.OTIIeut.. prdtttOtiOJJ or sale or any UltiCJOCI Ot' prOC:C1t.. Or in connection with ~ CO·riiW(u;ll)(ion or ~liS report (Ot 'l~l) JJUfi>OjiC Otl1er than (Qf ~le ldlJta'ICit "fiJ be S,'LitfltM :h-\WI ez~nt.ad. This company ncccptt Jio ttspon~bill 'except for U10 d110 j)\'ti(.nf\ftf'CC of ill~"(hc'm ~Ottalysis in good faiif\ tnd~hn~ I the rules of lhc ltodt tdiJ o(~Jul 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awaJ-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-08_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 710h Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9116/2015 1450h 911 5/2015 I 034h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300 0 10.0 59.6 E353.2 0.100 1.96 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 7 of27 All anal} ses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC ConfidenLiDI Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the Addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or aJJ) member of its stoiT, or reproduction or this report in connection with the ad\'crtiscmenl, promotion or sale of an) product or process, or in conneclion wilh lhc re-publication of this report (or any purpose other than for lhc addressee will be granted only on contact This oompan) accepts oo respoosibilil} e~cepl for lhc due performance or inspection .,nd/or anal) sis in good faith und according to the rules of the trade and or science American West ANALYTICAl L A80RATORIFS 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-003C Client Sample ID: TW4-08_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 710h Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1646h Units: f.lgiL Dilution Factor: Compound Chloroform 50 Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,550 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,670 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1B6B-53-7 2,4BO Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 2,590 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1349h Units: f.lg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 50.0 747 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 102 72-151 2,500 107 B0-152 2,500 99 3 B0-124 2,500 103 77-129 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.7 50.00 101 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53.2 50.00 106 B0-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane IB6B-53-7 50_2 50.00 100 B0-124 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 51_4 50.00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 14 of 27 All anal)scs applicoblc Lo the CWA.SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance Lo NELAC prolocols, Pertinent sampling information is locolcd on Lhc attached COC Conlidcnliu.l Business Information: This report is provided for the cxclusi\'C usc of the t~ddrcsscc Privileges of subsequent usc of U1c JUline of this company or 311) member of ilS stniT, or rcprodl.ction of this report in conncttion with the ad\'ertiscmcnt, promotion 01 sale of any producl or process, or in connection with the re-publicat..ion of this report for al\y purpose other than for il1c addressee will be granted only on conlacl This compan> accepts no rcsponsibilit> except for the due performance of inspection andlo1 anal)sis in &'OOd faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-017 Client Sample ID: TW4-09_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 91 Oh Received Date: 9/4/2015 l030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9112/2015 2115h E3000 10.0 39.5 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/22/2015 1730h E353 2 1.00 1.44 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 24 of93 All anal}scfi applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling in(onnation is located on the auachcd COC ConCidcnlial Business lnfom1ation: This report is provided for lhc exclusl\'C usc of \he addre!lsce Privileges of subsequent usc of lllC name of I his company or an) member of iLs staff, or reproduction of this rcpon in connection with the ad,•ertiscmenl, promotion or sale of any prodllCl or process. or in conncclion wilh the re·public:llion of this report for any pwposc other than for lhc addressee will be granted only on cont.a.cl This company acccpls no responsibility cxccpl for lhc due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good foilh and according to the mles orthe Lradc and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-017C Client Sample ID: TW4-09 _09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 910h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1837h Units: J.lg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromotluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 54 0 460-00-4 56 0 I 868-53-7 52 5 2037-26-5 53 8 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 48.2 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50,00 108 72-151 50,00 I I2 80-I52 50.00 I05 80-I24 50 00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 60 of 93 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC prolOcols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfomJalion: This report is pro\·idcd for lhc exclusive usc of the addresgee Privileges of subsequent usc of lhc name of this comp;my or M) member of its staff_ or reprodoction of this report in cormection" ith the advertisemenL, promotion or sale or any product or process, or in connection\\ ilh lhe rc-publicaLion orlhis rep:n1 ror an~ purpose olher than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This compan} accepts no responsibility except ror the due pcrfom1ance of inspection and/or analysis in good raiLh and according to the rules oflhc Lradc and of science. INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-10_09102015 ANAtvrrcAL LABORATORIEs Collection Date: 9/10/2015 723h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 911112015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 9/16/2015 1524h E300.0 10.0 9/J 5/20 15 I 036h E353.2 1.00 Analytical Result Qual 89.5 14.0 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 9 of 2 7 All llrull)ld.pjllic;;bi~I0\11< {"WA. PlY~ l!mii\CM "'"p.-rformo.lln accordance 1~1'1~ (: ]lt<llq<oh. Piollrll .. l sampling lnll.rrrnotlt>n I lu<oiOdiHI lhc lllllldrod coc, C~fi<knhol o .... ._Jnfonnalion: This report is llfO'IIltd,..,.. Ike-. """ use ofrhc ~N:J: fm I~ n( ~q-,s:1d \1S.C or&J. • 11~ uf ildS <'OID,'lD]o' Of lVl member or Ill M•ff. (I( ttpfoc$ucll00 of 11ns report 111 COC&~pCCilon \I ifh U ,.. .a\'(lffkli~ll~ ~Hnlli&Jun t:N Uk ~ Mt) J1roducl or process. or m con nee LIM' \\Uti the rc.pubJtc;;.!M'Il of lh1s report ~'14'..-Jl~' pu!J<-Kotbttthnr• (tit lh: addr'~" Ill b-JJ,'(Oll!c4m11ytm_ront""'. This comptlll) ttnqtlJttO I'Hp.'llfWtklll)' except for the dUOfX'IfOtni.IO:'O.C dtniiJ~hUtl Mdlol ~, .... tit ~<CNIIIH)J •qct according Lo !he mlcs oftllottlfde""nntl o(S¢CIIC(. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-00SC Client Sample ID: TW4-10_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 723h Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/1112015 l725h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: 50 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 50.0 1,280 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,550 2,500 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,650 2,500 106 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 2,490 2,500 99.7 80-124 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 2,590 2,500 104 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/1 l/2015 1508h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52.0 50.00 104 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 55.4 50.00 Ill 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 52 4 50.00 105 80-124 Surr: Toluene-dB 2037-26-5 52 5 50,00 105 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 16 of 27 All analyst::t llpplle:tli!C lo tl~;. C\VA, ..,f)WA~ lind t(, RA fiN IJ~:r(G~J11t;d in accordance lo NELAC poUk:OI Pctllm:nlarnj)lm wl'on~~~tiW.U \ l«~Wd on the auachcd COC. OunfHJI:ult:~f Uusiness fnfoml&\tion: This report is provided rf)r U~o;~,;~~~~'c-of lhc nddresscc. Vrivilc~ ,-.rtlltutqnc:t'tt u t.~r~\IC nnr~.,C:I~ s ~"~'~~UP"&\~ w any mcmbc:r of its sLnfT, or rcpt'i)d:UolfOn o(lhllrc:pornm,I)JUlr::dJou" uh.'~ ad\'crtiscmcnt, promotipR(l(lll:l of~;f1) product or process, or in connection wilh ll~et.rptil.iljatioal ~ this report for any purf(M.ooilici' lluu• fntlht:!Hfdt~~ wlrtbd Bf'OmCd oub,1cn1~tacl. This company Acccp" nu r~npibU ~~ ~ ~ lhc d1?rt ~fonn~toofinspcction and/or anb.l) Ju i:OOJfb._lth and according Lo the mlcs of the trndt: ~nd orsdeC?N. American West ANALVTICAL•L.ABORATORI£5 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-032 Client Sample ID: TW4-11_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1428h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mgiL Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/20 I 5 51lh 9/15/2015 !Oilh Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300 0 10.0 73.1 E353 2 1.00 9.61 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 39 of 93 All anal) scs applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance 10 NELAC proloccls Pertinent sampling infonnalion is locai.Cd on Lhc anachcd COC Confidential Business lnfo011alioo: This report js proYidcd for lhc cxclusi\'e use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use oflhe name of this compcmy or any member of il5 Slit IT, or reproduction of this report in connection'' ith Lhe ad\'Crtiscmcnl, promotion or sale of an) product or process, or in connection with the re-publica Lion oflhis report for any purpose oll1er than for the addressee will be granlcd only on contact This comp&l)' accepts no responsibility except for the due pcrfonnancc ofinspcclion and/or anal) sis in &oood fajth nnd according to lhc rules oflhe lrade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-032C Client Sample ID: TW4-11_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1428h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1654h Units: f..lg/L Dilution Factor: 50 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 50.0 1,120 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,500 2,500 99.9 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,670 2,500 107 80-152 Surr: Dibromotluoromethane 1868-53-7 2,400 2,500 96.2 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 2,600 2,500 104 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high ana/yte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1755h Units: f..lg/L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 1.62 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 47.4 50.00 94_9 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 50.8 50 00 102 80-152 Surr: Dibromotluoromethane 1868-53-7 47.7 50 00 95 4 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49.1 50.00 98.1 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 75 of93 U an~ ieUI~Jl~tO the:('.\ A,Sl>WA. tw.d RCRA. MepctfOffb!.-d ln AeCOfcbu (0 F.l.t\ j)I~C<II~ ~mel( sampling information is located on the attached COC. Confidential Business lnfoml:tlion: This report is provided for the cxclusi\·e usc of the ld~ Prh:dct:tjO(II.~ICni iiK:Qr dkl ntiHTC ot',IIHf~\)mpnnrora~· m. ... mha or II HllT.t'ff t~l.-uflr.is report in connecllon with the ach•crtisemeoL, promolion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re·publication of this report (llJ J1)'" 1'"1 ~ ~r dA:.t~ ofl,r'lht.:..aildn::ooo:"Ul b.: 4!1'JI)Iod o.W)• UQ•CQ~l!...m flt.lJcatlpo tk~ Dn 1~pa.1shHiir,. except for the due pcrfonnance of inspection and/or anal~ sis in good faith nnd according to lhc mles of the trade and of science INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-12_09022015 ANALYTICAL LABORAToRIEs Collection Date: 9/2/2015 715h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/12/2015 1538h E300 0 10.0 60.2 919/2015 1532h E353.2 1.00 16.4 Report Date: 9/28/20 I 5 Page 10 of 93 All anal) ses apptic:~blc to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA aJe pcrfonncd in accordance to NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on lhe allached COC Conlidcnlial Business lnformalion: This report is provided for the exclusi' e use oftbc OOdrcsscc Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or an~ member of its slafT, or reproduction of this report in connection'' ith the ad\·ertiscmcol, promotion or snlc of any product or process, or in connection will1 the rc-public.1Lion of this report (or any pwposc other than for the addressee will be gran led only on contacL This com pan) accepts no responsibility except for the due perfonn:mcc of inspection Md/01 anaJysis in good faith nnd according to ll>e ndcs of the lrade and or science. American West AHA.LVTICAL lABORATOR!fS 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-1abs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-003C Client Sample ID: TW4-12_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 715h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 l304h Units: J.Lg!L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 53 0 460-00-4 55 6 1868-53-7 51 7 2037-26-5 53 2 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 106 72-151 50 00 111 80-152 50 00 103 80-124 50_00 106 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 46 of93 All analyses applicable to the C\V A, SDWA, and RCRA an: p:JfutMlf" In .IC'C'.LN:Wn« wXf-l..AC prti!OC(II:s. Vcn.i.t'C'lll samping inronnalion is located on lhc auached COC. Confidential B11sioess Jnfonn.Uioo: This report is pro\ idcd for lhc e:xclusi\'C use oflhc addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of lhc name ofthtt<"ampony Of ~· llK:lobcl'or11C JWN': « tcpro;fiJQuon'fl(Utis report in connection with lhc ad,·ertiscmcnl, promotion or sale of any producl or process, or in connection" llh Lhc rc-publicalion of this repon for an) purpose olhcr than for the addressee will be granted only 0t11 t"<OerltM:i l'llhcon'1MU) IIC'(:CJ'" fltii~Ubill} cxccpl for lhc due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to lhc n.lcs of Lbc trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: {801 )263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofom1 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-13_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 737h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mgfL 9/1212015 !628h E300 0 10.0 76.5 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mgfL 9/9120!5 1534h E353 2 1.00 5.70 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 13 of93 11 1\ll.llf~'tll:l "!!JP,!\ctJbi.I:.Lq 1~ C11VI\-SOWA. e.oL! RCRA nra pctf'btmed In :x'COJ'4:mcc 10 El~ prowx;~1. t\;(UI~miiiiJPpt"ffi.(l m(~~~nn ~,t ~G\'ti~&U&hcd COC: Confidential Busiocss lnfonnalion: Th.is report i~ prov~dcd for the c~clu~''C use ?(the ttdt!~ Jloulogc o(Jljl*ctl~•• UJ~t:' oC'\!w; tw~~ o( IIH•~.Om)~ M .an) mmubc. ol' t:IJ N.1R: ~ l'q1f~.k;n urttus. n1:10lt hl (Oim.."rhbn "tth 11~ :a:f\~·HLCCudL, promotJOn or sale or nny producl or process, or m connecuon WJ lh lhc re·pubhcnllon of lh1s report r« any~ Mh.:t U..1tt ~riC ~ w.1U b:.Jr:Wtd a!lf\ OD coriJru:t, lltk c«Up:w)' bc:tdptJ JlO ~aibd11 ~{Of tho~ f~::r(;Jnnontt g(fro:pC"Cikm and/or analysis in good faith and according lo the mlcs of the lradc and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-006C Client Sample ID: TW4-13_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 737h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1502h Units: J.Lg!L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 53 2 50 00 56 1 50.00 52 I 50.00 53.7 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 106 72-151 112 80-152 104 80-124 107 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 49 of93 All anal) ses applicable lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC prol.ocols Pertinent sampling information is localcd on the aUachcd COC Confidential Business Lnfoml;Uion: This report is provided for lhc exclusi\'C use of the oddresscc Privilch'CS of subsequent usc oflhc name ofth..is company or an~ member oflts stafT, or rcprodm:tion oflhis report in conncctK>n with the ad\'ertiscmcnl, promotion or sale of~n) product or process. or in conne<:tion with the re-publication of this report for aJry purpose other than forlhc addressee will be granted onJ_v on conlacl This compM) ncccpls no responsibilil) except for the due performance of inspection and/or anaJ)siS in good f.1ilh and according to the mlcs of the trade and of science INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-012 Client Sample ID: TW4-14_09032015 ANALYTICAL LABoRAToRIEs Collection Date: 9/3/2015 825h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/12/2015 1843h E3000 10.0 42.4 9/9/2015 1545h E353.2 1.00 2.77 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 19 of 93 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA, ir_ld 1\CR.A.Juo sk!dbnncd in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infonnalion is locai.Cd OJi lhc aUachcd COC. Conlidcntial Business Jnfonnation: This report is pro ... ·idcd for lhe exclusi\'C usc of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of lhc IU\IIt; of\lft•·mmp.li'l~ or any member of ilS slafT, or reproduction of this report in coMedian wilh l.bc i(h·ertisemenl, promolion or sale of fiR)' product or process, or in connection \\ilh lhc re-publication oflhis report for any purpose olhcr than for the addressee will be granted only on conlacl This company :Je<:q:JlS no responsibilily cxcepl for Lhc due performance of iospeelion Mdlor rmalysis in good faith and according Lo the rules of Lbc trade and of science 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity,UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-012C Client Sample ID: TW4-14_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 825h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1659h Units: ~giL 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 52 9 50 00 55 4 50 00 51 4 50 00 53.1 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 106 72-151 111 80-152 103 80-124 106 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 55 of93 All anal)·scs applicable lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are perfom1ed in accordance Lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on dtc auachcd COC Confidcnlial Business InfomHllion: This report is provided for the cxclusi\•c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or an~ member of its staff. or reproduction of !his report in conne4::tion with the ad,•crtiscmcnl, promotion or sale of an) product or process. or in connection wilh the rc~publication oflhis report for any purpose olhcr than for lhc addressee will be granted only on contact This compan) accepts no responsibilit) except for Lhc due perfonnance of inspection and/or analysis in good fililh and DCcording to Lhc mlcs of the trade and of science~ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-031 Client Sample ID: MW-26_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1420h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9/1212015 1951h 9122/2015 1734h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300 0 10.0 69.6 E353 2 0.100 0.684 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 38 of93 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA nnd lte'RA U't. p.'":lfoonbd mlk<dtd:ncc.lo NELAC protocols. Pcrtincm PI\Jpl~hj,Uirbrn'itLUon1'1: tnc-;Ht4 tBJll~Ml~tfCOC Cft'llkknt..ial Business lnfonnation: This report isJU~l.'idc1J forJtl:t--c.~Jum·\" ~oftbc addresSlCC. Privileges of subsequent usc of th: name ofJhtl 4."001J"LL1Y Of.,l) momth::r Q{ its starr, or reproduction of th • ~ t.u tQJUl.OC.hlJn \\lth Oie .aih't:l!lttmti.IL. m"omodon 6' t=IO'of any product or process, or in connecliM1\I~1 lbeR·publlc::tlOit'ttfthis report for auy purpose other than for lite addressee "11!f,h,-: atUHIIl'd CJul~ ...w C.QUI..Ia. tltLJmnpany accepts no responsibility o:'"fi' f'ot the:, da: p;-tfort~I)Q; of'1nlif'.'"(llon prn:L\w ~·to In ~ood faillt nnd according to lhc rules of th uftlk .end of~ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-031C Client Sample ID: MW-26_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1420h Received Date: 9/4/2015 I 030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1634h Units: J.lg/L Dilution Factor: 50 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromotluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 2,540 2,690 2,470 2,580 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. 67-66-3 50.0 2,350 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 2,500 102 72-151 2,500 108 80-152 2,500 98,7 80-124 2,500 103 77-129 web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1735h Units: J.lg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 4.05 75-09-2 1.00 11.6 Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50 4 50 00 101 72-151 52 0 50 00 104 80-152 50.8 50.00 102 80-124 51.6 50 00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/20 I 5 Page 74 of 93 All anal) scs applicable lo lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfom1cd in accordance to NELAC pmLocols Pertinent sampling inronnation is localcd on lhc aUachcd COC Confidcnl.ial Business Jnfonmlion: This report is provided for Lhc cxclusi\'C use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or~ member of ilS slaiT, or reproduction of this report in coMcction "ith I he ad\·ertisemenl, promolion or sale of An)' product or process, or in conncct.ion wilh lhe re·public..1lion of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contacl This company occepls no responsibility except for the due perfonmmcc of inspection and/or anal) sis in good f11ilh nod occordins Lo lhc mles oflhe Lrade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-018 Client Sample ID: TW4-16_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 917h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/12/2015 2132h E300 0 10.0 65.8 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/22/2015 1732h E353 2 1.00 1.18 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 25 of93 All anal)scS applicable lo the CWA, SDWA_ and RCRA are pcrfonned in accordMcc toN ELAC protorols Pertinent sampling infonnation is loco led on Lhc aUachcd COC Confidential Business Infonnation: This report is provided for the cxclusi\•c use of the addressee Pri,..·ilcgcs of subsequent usc of lhc name of this comp&l~' or an~ member of ilS staiT, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection wilh the re-publicnlion oflhis report for any purpose Olhcr than for lhc addressee will be granted only on conlacl, This compan) ncccpls no responsibilily cxcepl for Lhc due performance ofinspedion and/or anal) sis in good failh und ueeording Lo the n1lcs of lhc trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-018C Client Sample ID: TW4-16_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 917h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1857h Units: Jlg/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 53 I 50 00 54 4 50.00 51 8 50.00 53.0 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 82.0 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 106 72-151 109 80-152 104 80-124 106 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 61 of 93 All analyses applicable to the C\VA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pcrtincnl sampling information is located on the allachcd COC Confideuliol Business lnfonnatioo; This report is provided for the exclusi\'C use of the addressee. Privileges or subsequent use oflhc name of this company or any member of its staiT, or reproduction oflhis report in coMeclion with the ud,·ertiscmenl, pr01notton or sale of any product or process, or in connection wilh I he rc-publicOJlion o( lhis report ror an) purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conlacL This company ilcccpts no responsibillly except for the due perfom1ancc a( inspection and/or anal) sis in good f~ilh and oiaGrding to the n1lcs oflhc lrode and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-001 Client Sample ID: MW-32_09092015 Collection Date: 9/9/2015 131 Oh Received Date: 9111 /2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9/16/2015 1343h 9/15/2015 1017h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300 0 10.0 37.7 E353 2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 5 of 27 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfonncd in accordw1ce to NELAC proloools Pertinent sampling information is located on the allachcd COC Confidential Business lnfonufllion: This report is provided for the exclusi\'C use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or an) member of its staff, or reproduclion of Ibis report in connection wilh the ad\'ertiscmenl, promolion or sale of anr product or process, or in connection \\ilh the re-publica Lion of lhis report for any pwposc olJler than for the ttddrcsscc \\·ill be granted only on contact This compM) accepts no responsibilit) except for lhc due pcrfonuancc of inspection and/or anal} sis in good faitl1 and 3CCOt'ding to the rules oflhe trode :md of science._ ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-001C Client Sample ID: MW-32_09092015 ANALYTICAL LABORAro"" s Collection Date: 9/9/2015 1310h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1310h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 50 7 5000 53.1 50 00 50 8 50 00 51.0 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 101 72-151 106 80-152 102 80-124 102 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/20 15 Page 12 of 2 7 All ann lyses applicable Lo the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance lo NELAC proLocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. Con£idcnlial Business lnfommtion: This report is provided for ll1c exclusive use oflhc addressee. Privilc!:CS of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any member of its stniT, or reproduction or ll1is report in connection with the ad\•ertisement, promolion or sale of any producl or process, or in connection wilh the re-publication of this report for any pwposc olher lhan for the addressee will be granted only on oonlacl This compan) accepts no rcsponsibilit) C:"iCCpl for the due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to the rules ofdtc trade and ofseicncc 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-016 Client Sample ID: TW4-18_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 901h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/1212015 2058h E300.0 10.0 47.6 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/9/2015 1547h E353 2 5.00 15.7 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 23 of 93 All analyses applicable to !he CWA, SDW ~and RCRA arc pcrfonncd jn accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnalion is localcd on lhc attached COC Conlidenlial Business lnfom1alion: This report is provided for the cxclusi,•c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of lhc name of 1his company or 811) member of ils sla1T, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in conneclion wilh the re-publica lion of !his rcpor1 forany purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granlcd only on conlacl This compan) accepts no rcsponsibilit) excepl for the due pcrfonnance ofinspection and/or anal) sis in good faith nnd according lo the rules of Lhc trade and of science American West ANALYTICAl LAOORATORirS 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-016C Client Sample ID: TW4-18_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 901h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1818h Units: j.tg/L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 1.00 28.7 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 53 6 50.00 107 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 55 9 50 00 112 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 52 4 50 00 105 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 54.0 50 00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 59 of93 All•slii)S::.S .Jitr,r~~ io IDe (i\VA. SOWA .. ltlill RC·~RA nee. pa-fGI'Oled in accordance toN ELAC protocols. Pcrtinenl sampling lill'Mm.'llrfltl•'t !Oeakd on lhc allacbt!IJ. COC: C'aolidC!r1UII Butffnc~ lllfbt1111U1un: This report is provid~ (Q.J dw ~wlulfl\! ~ oflhe :UIIIl~ Pth 1h:~ or-,lll"b.DC111JCI.Il ~I'JQ ol'l110 ,u~nn:-of\ht,: com~ or any member of its slafT, or reproduction of Lhis report in i."'ftn«l klu ~ 1111 lh: ad\'ertiscmcnla. t•'(tfrtQIIO(I 01 ..,tc-»f l!O) product '0('1 rnxt:b or in connection with the.' IJ...bl.I.CD.uan u.f' this report ((I('IJ(JY 11UI"J!!)c:f11l dmul« lh; a.idtOIIX vrlH W.JIIfJ.ltlcd "Otlh.• on conlacL This compan) acccpl.s no responsibility except for lh:.due~t(ormAf?IDC of inspection uut!(IJ l!U:d} ' l.rt~ faltluuxl IKCOH.Ii11a so the rules of the Lrade IIDd o( Kt¢~. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-029 Client Sample ID: TW4-19_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1535h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/2015 054h 9/1 5/20 15 I 053h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300 0 100 326 E353.2 1.00 11.6 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 36 of93 hll n'n.,))'<n "PP'h"'I>IJ,J~ oho CI.VA, SOIYJ\, ond II.CM ore JP'<lllmlod in accordance 10 NELA(' ~rolllM~ l'l:mn"Jlfiiii!I)Hn~ lnf.,..,.•ltO<l•• la<alcd on lhc auac"'-1 0C. C(>llf•krlllol Blosincss lnformalion: This rcporl is V'"'.s..l flw Ill< <>Ohls"-c u oflbc ~ ftJI\ II~ t)f ut~u.uu UK ot lh.e ~'"'-Nolll,•lj, (•Jn'l~· ar any mc'!lber of''' lilnfr. 01 ~Cf.rodl~l()n of IJu•n."('bti ul I..Kn)~ loo \'-itl• the Hd~·eni~cnt~ P""~h;m Of ale-ar IIJ) product or p~ss, or in cormecri011 ~lUI ~ho ttinll.illr:otion otahis report IOI'fm}' ~ O:lf'lfltt'ih~n (or ~ll: lld'IJn.~ ~\H b.: CJ21J~l"d cnh· on ttJuLacl. Th1s compl.'ln~· P:CI:IIIii 1101 ~Mihf<",.~."Pl fgr dtc Joo ~~'='fonna~tce oflospc<:L•on 1.1idlcn n.al)'31_k hJ gJ.'IOJ fatlh and accordmg lo the rules oflh;-1~aod'ol ~ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-029C Client Sample ID: TW4-19_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1535h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1555h Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Units: J.lg/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 100 7,860 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 5,120 5,000 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 5,310 5,000 106 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 4,900 5,000 98.0 80-124 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 5,200 5,000 104 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1656h Units: j.!g!L Dilution Factor: I Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 7.78 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.7 50 00 101 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 55.2 50 00 110 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.3 50 00 103 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 52.5 so.oo 105 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 72 of93 All anal) ses applicable to Lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfonncd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnalion is localcd Oltlhc aUachcd COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This report is prm idcd for the exclusive usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name oflhis company or 3.11) member of its slnrT, or reproduction of this report in connection wilh I he ad\ ertisernent., promotion or sale of anr product or process. or in connection" ilh Lhc rc-publical.ion of this report for any purpose ol.hcr lhan for the addressee will be granted only on contact This compan} ncccpts no rcsponsibilill except for lhc due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to the mlcs ofl.hc Lradc and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-034 Client Sample ID: TW4-20_08312015 Collection Date: 8/3112015 1413h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9/13/2015 lllh 9/15/2015 1013h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300,0 100 365 E353,2 1.00 9.27 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 41 of93 All analrscsapp~coblc to lhe CW A. SDWA, and RCRA i:l't.J)Itwrroed •• o<eof!lllll<O Jo I!EI.A J~OII)<()l• Pm~~~~:nl sampling m(\.'IIJ1llll"'" ~~ locMcd <11'1ha all~ (,1){" CM11<kfl1•,tlllwr •inlbn!UoluR Thisreport issu•wkkd follhc N>lu>l• .,. oflbc addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of th1J f\'ntp;Jt1~ ""' m'l)' tncm\~r o( ha. 1i1BrT. or rqH udiun ot d~is report in ~t-'I!\ db ilic lith cnfllnnc!"nt..l•nntUikHI or~ of any ':t\Xklrl or f)l -N, or in connection \\llh t?tt r ~~~IK)I'l of &his report for an~ purpose olher lhan for the addressee will be granted only nn K!ftrfl~l 1111:t.c.ontpirrt'j• fte.CI:JM.& 00ru~ll.itlili1.~ except for!] du::: 1!Cf(Qtm~ttqf lf\Jip.-.q~J audlt;U anaJ)""' m ~ faflt) M~f pcc:Of\S~ lij the mlcs oflh¢ ua.t.:.amt Qr.$dc:n(rc. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-034C Client Sample ID: TW4-20_08312015 ANALYT ICA L LAB O RAr oR~rs Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1413h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1733h Units: IJ.g/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: SW8260C 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 100 17,000 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 5,140 5,000 103 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 5,430 5,000 109 80-152 Fax: (801) 263-8687 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 5,010 5,000 100 80-124 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 5,230 5,000 105 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1834h Units: IJ.g/L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C Kyle F. Gross CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Laboratory Director Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 15.1 Jose Rocha Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 12.3 QA Officer Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51.3 50 00 103 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 54,5 50,00 109 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.9 50.00 104 80-124 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 52.4 50.00 105 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 77 of 93 All anal)scs applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA arc performed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is localcd on the allachcd COC ConfidcnLial Busiocss fnfonnalion: This report is prO\ idcd for the cxclusiYe use of the nddressee Privileges of subsequent use of lhc name oflhis compan~' or any member of iiS staff. or reproduction oflhis report in connection" ith the adYertiscmenl, promotion or sale or an) producl or process. or in connection" ilh the rc-publicOlion oflhis report ror an) purpose olhcr Lhan for lhe addressee will be granlcd only on conLacl This compan) acccpls no rcsponsibilil) except for the due perfonnancc of inspection and/or anal) sis in good failh and according Lo Lhe niles of the Lrade and of science American West ANAlYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-025 Client Sample ID: TW4-21_08312015 CollectionDate: 8/31/2015 1327h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9113/2015 037h 9/10/2015 1755h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 100 499 E353 2 1.00 14.7 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 32 of 93 All analyses applicable lo the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling informatKm is located on dtc aUachcd COC Confidential Business lnfofmation: This report is provided forlhccxclusi\'C uscoflbc addressee. Privileges of subseq11enl use of the name of this company or art) member of ils starr, or reproduction ofLhis report in connection with the Bd\'ertiscmcnl, promotiorl or sale of any product or process. or in conooction with lhc rc-ptJblicalioo oflhis rcpon for any purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conlacl This compan, acccplS no responsibilit~ excepl for Lhc due performance of inspeclion and/or analysis in good fnith and nccording lo lhc rules of the LrOOc and of science. American West ANALYTICAL LAOOAATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 I) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-025C Client Sample ID: TW4-21_08312015 Collection Date: 8/3112015 1327h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1437h Units: Jlg/L Compound Chloroform Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Dilution Factor: 10 Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 67-66-3 10.0 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC 17060-07-0 511 500 0 102 460-00-4 542 500 0 108 1868-53-7 503 500 0 101 2037-26-5 515 500 0 103 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1538h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: Method: CAS Reporting Compound Number Limit Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50 5 50.00 101 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53 6 50.00 107 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.5 50 00 99.1 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.4 50.00 103 SW8260C Analytical Result Qual 281 Limits Qual 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 SW8260C Analytical Result Qual < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits Qual 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/20 15 Page 68 of 93 .';ll tffiii."Jd Cippllt.Db!c UJod~ C\~1.A, ~I)WA ... .mtl k,CRA a= (tC:J(mJu~ in accordaucc tv Et..A.C 1irortx0b, Pullntrit sampling in(OtmatiCltt ullotl(tc:d ilp lhc attached COC. ConfidenlialBusirw:ss lnfonnatioo: This report is provided forlhc exclusive use oflhc -~ l'th1lltgM oi'JuVt=ttt•Orn Vie t.trUh:! n:~miJ of lhiOC(Wql.'UIY or w1r member or;~lf.IIIY'4 OJ ICpn::lii~\IG(IC:ff" dlis report in C\'lmKCtkltl" lila lhc ~~~rtiscmcnt, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection wil11 the re-publication oflhis report ft)t cmo.;· J)nti)C)JI: Ql.h~ lfln.l-1 rq( ~w;; ~'lii:O'i~ •ll l>o p n1td O'lll un fttacl. This cornp.lt\ .'ltOCf~ dtH\'rpw\.iu.llu except ror U'IC-.JOO.J.~rl'twmiz;~u.'C'·Of iuspection and/or Dnalysis in good faith Dnd occording Lo the rules oflhc lrOOc and or science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awai-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-033 Client Sample ID: TW4-22_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31 /2015 1359h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/14/2015 1209h 9/15/2015 1012h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E3000 100 557 E353 2 5.00 64.7 Report Date: 9/28/20 15 Page 40 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed ln«"t'Otdi,IJ'\I,Ie-to ND..A IJtl}IOCOk ~lttc'l Qrtlltlu~ ft~Um\ f,:I•"~C:J.\ttloo llk'lltliC'Ii.:dCOC" tcv:•rtd=nlt111 0!1siness Information: This tvpOJit1pru\'Hkd ror ll~e.uhtt.tu: ~~ oflhc addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any qu:mbc,..ofi11 t:tnli. or n',PIOOt~tlfon ur tlil• KptUtlin I:Oun~rnn"' lth tk lldl'Uf1t!i.."m.U!.If..l. pllJIInt.lt~J w ltJJ ull't> product or process, or in «.t~M'CIIIWI mdll~ rt-(f'&b1tc;.D1Wlitolthis report for any purpose olhcr Lhan for lhc addressee will be granted only on con&liCi Thi,CCCIIIfi111) llkqKt »t1 t"f''O"ubi11 o.«f'C. ((fllJ\C'I &to ~JAlfmflll(l: oltn,pc"CII~J fltldfotonti}JAJ illg('OC f1u.lh and according lo the n1lt:~ or (he lJ~ ornJ of seta~ ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-033C Client Sample ID: TW4-22_08312015 ANALYTICAL LABoRAToRIEs Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1359h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1713h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: 50 Method: SW8260C 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 50.0 7,810 Phone:(801)263-8686 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 2,540 2,500 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 2,670 2,500 107 80-152 Fax: (801) 263-8687 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 2,460 2,500 98 4 80-124 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 2,620 2,500 105 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1814h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Kyle F. Gross CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Laboratory Director Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Jose Rocha Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 5.47 QA Officer Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50_1 50.00 100 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 54.7 50_00 109 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.7 50.00 103 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.4 50.00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 76 of 93 Allanal}scs applicable Lo Lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc pcrfonncd in accordance lo NELAC prol.ocols Pcrtincnl sampling inforrnaLion is localcd on lhc allschcd COC Confidential Business lnfonnaLion: This report is provided for Lhc exclusive use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequenl use oflhe name of Lhis company or an) member ofils slaiT. or reproduction of this report in connection with Lhc ad\'ertisemcnl, promotion or sole of an} product or process, or in con nee Lion with the re-publica Lion orl11is report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This com pan) accepts no responsibilit) except for the due pcrfonnancc or inspection and/or ana]~ sis in good fllilh and according to the ntles of Lhe Lrade and or science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-024 Client Sample ID: TW4-23_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 813h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9113/2015 252h E300.0 10.0 54.1 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/l 0/2015 1749h E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 31 of93 All ~)t: ~'Ut.::lblt: 10 ih= C:.WA. Sl)~ 'A1 •mJ RCRA are performed in accordance CO NlU .. A Pf~_!,. J~cnmmn JAmJtfi"U.III~I n It lo;atcd on the attached COC. Conridcnlial Business lnfonnatioo: This report is a~&WKkd, f\11 tl\~e..uiUSi\'C use of the add!'~ Pth•tksb of JuiJ«:quc;,t w-e of the 111mh: <J( IIi is oompany or any member or H•iwl'r. N r~·podu:t~n or th~t. ICJ*' ht c"rm tJnn ,a •ih a he advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or procelS, or in conncctiOit "Hit ~~ ~·,PU lie~ ion of this report for dil) ~~b"'*'dthOt lhAkJ ror Wo l'dd~ \\' ll,!,.. Ulffllcd only on contact This compony IKCL."fllf no rc.! porultJilil}'~'c"i...1W: t'br Uta®ll liCtibftuMce of ills pe-e lion and/or analysis in good faith and according lo the rules or the. rr~ . .md clrStimc'i: 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-Iabs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-024C Client Sample ID: TW4-23_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 813h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1519h Units: ~giL 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 50,3 50 00 53 4 50.00 48 8 50.00 51 3 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 101 72-151 107 80-152 97 7 80-124 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 67 of93 All anal) scs applicable to Lhe CWA, SDWA. and RCRA nrc pcrfonncd in accordance to NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is local.cd on lhc attached COC Conridcniial Business lnfonnatioo: This report is pro.,. idcd for the cxclusi\'C use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or IDJ) member of its starr, or reproduction of this report in coMeclion \\ ilh the: ad\·ertisemcnt, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection wiLh lhc re-publication or this fCJX)rt ror an~ pwposc other lhan for lhc addressee will be granted only on contact This company oc.ccpts no responsibility except for the due perfomtancc of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith and according to lhc rules of the trade and of sctcnce 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 20I5 Lab Sample ID: I509I23-02I Client Sample ID: TW4-24_083 I20I5 Collection Date: 8/31/20 I 5 I 348h Received Date: 9/4/20I 5 I 030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/12/2015 2346h 9110/2015 1734h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 100 788 E353.2 5.00 25.3 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 28 of93 All analyses applicable to lhe CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc pcrfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on Lhc attnchcd COC Conlidcnlial Business Information: This report is pro\'idcd for lhc cxclusi\•c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or an) member of its starr, or reproduction oflhis report in connection" ilh the ad\'ertisemcnl, promolion or sale of any product or process. or in conncclion wilh the re-publication oflhis report for all) purpose olhcr Lhan for lhc addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepls no rcsponsibilit} except for t.hc due pcrfonnance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith o.nd according to the rules of the trade and of science. American West ANAlYTICAl LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-021C Client Sample ID: TW4-24_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1348h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1322h Units: l!g/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 48.7 50.00 49.8 50,00 47.4 50,00 48.6 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 46.9 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 97 5 72-151 99 6 80-152 94,9 80-124 97.3 77-1 29 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 64 of93 All analrscs applic<~ble to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordwlCC to NELAC prolocols. Pertinent sampling infocmalion is loca\ed on lhc allachcd COC. Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the cxelusi,·c usc oftbc addressee. PrivilcJ;,'i::S of subsequent usc of lhe name of this company or any member or i!S stafT, or reproduction oflhis report in connection with the advertiscmenl, promotion or sale of an) producl or process. or in COJUlCCiion wil11 the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granlcd only on conl.aCL This compM) acccpls no responsibilit) except for Lhc due pcrfonnance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the tmdc and or science American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awai-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-011 Client Sample ID: TW4-25_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 l335h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 9112/20 15 1826h E300.0 10.0 9/9/2015 1507h E353.2 0.100 Analytical Result Qual 69.2 1.63 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 18 of93 Allanal)seS applicable to lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfonned in accordance lo NELAC p.-olocols Pertinent sampling info.nnaLion is located onlhc aUachcd COC Conlidenlial Business lnfom1alion: This report is pro\'ided for lhc exclusi\'e use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name oflhis company or CUI) member of its staff, or reproduction oflhis report in conneclion with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any producl or process, or in conncclion with lhc re-publication oflhis report for any purpose olhcr than for the addressee will be granlcd only on conlacL This comp8n) accepts no responsibility cxccpl for lhe due perfonnancc of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith and according lo the n1lcs of lhc lrade and of science American West ANALVTICAL I ABOAATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 LabSampleiD: 1509123-0llC Client Sample ID: TW4-25_08312015 Collection Date: 8/31/2015 1335h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1640h Units: J.lgiL 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 54.0 57 5 52.5 54.4 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 108 72-151 50.00 115 80-152 50.00 105 80-124 50.00 109 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 54 of 93 /I'll I)~ fff.l«<b!e toll>< CWA. IJ\YA. ""' ~ RA u; I'C'fJMncdm ><<l'(~ 19 NELA f'lllo><Ob. I'<~ I·~ 11'1\tlplut; 1~f<'""'""" 1rlocatcd on ll!e •uiiCIIlld ('01:; Cctlrul:!lU>I O..siness lnfonn31ion: TI1is report is f'lOIJ.J.d (o~ 0...~\.CIII!loc II)IOorlhe lllddcc:J:scc-...:ttn·n!.elC:C'I ofJJrt~quounooo(tJ~r;.qa.u.u.:.CJfthtlltOM'Ipanyui'lttn.\ 111tmbcl' nf"IaN3.r~ or U!ptud.:.olwnt~l'tbl fltJ t fnt.c-t\&Wt!ikm "hh lhe ild\'Cfli m;t~t, I»CnniJikmC'FT'J;U\(o(ru1l producl or process, or in connccLion,\\1fll.~tc t~llrhauon oflhis report ror Ml rurpo¢.; Olhn"llr.tn ~ .t.h¢·a.fdt~ wHI (:a.: p n1Qd ani,. (IO l::ilOtntt. On~ COOIIJimJ QI;CC!IJh JP() r'C1iPOO:~Hn.1n ~PI (ort11C dutl l)e'f((N'r ' Icc or ioJ~ti-On MUllnt flnol~'lll in Soot~ .O,ith :md according lo the mlcs of lhe tQJC ~·ld orsc:~rw; 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-26_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 844h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/13/2015 454h E300 0 10.0 14.0 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9/15/2015 1050h E353.2 1.00 14.2 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page21 of93 All analyses applicable lo lhc CWA~ SDWA, and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is locat.cd on Lho aUachcd COC Confidcnlial Business lnfonnation: This report js prm idcd for the exclusive use of the addressee Privilc£CS of subsequent usc of Lhe name of this company or any member ofiiS staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the ad\·ertisemenl, promolion or sale of any product or process, or in connccLion \\ ith the re-publica lion of this report for any purpose olher lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conlacL This compan) acccpls no responsibilit) excepl for lhc due perfonnance of inspeclion and/or analysis in good faith ond according lo lhc mlcs of the trade and of science American West A AIYTIOAI l4~0114f001TG 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-014C Client Sample ID: TW4-26_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 844h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1739h Units: jlg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 53.4 57.5 52.5 54.5 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 4.77 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 107 72-151 50.00 115 80-152 50.00 105 80-124 50 00 109 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/20 I 5 Page 57 of 93 All analyses applicable to Lhc CW ~ SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfonncd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is localcd on the aUachcd COC Confidential Business lnfom1alion: This report is provided for lhe exclusive usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of !he name of this company or an} member of il'i staff, or reproduction of this report in conncclion \\ ilh I he ad,·enisemcnL, promotion or sale of an) producl or process, or in connection" ith the re-publication of this report for~-purpose olhcr Lhan for the addressee will be granlcd only on conlacL This com pan} ncccpts no responsibilil) cxccpl for lhc due pcrfom1ance of inspeclion and/or anal) sis in good faith nnd according Lo Lhe ntles of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-27_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 750h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 1736h E300.0 10.0 26.8 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9/9/2015 1540h E353.2 10.0 20.9 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 15 of93 All analyses applicable lo lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinen1 sampling information is localcd on the allachcd COC Confidential Business lnfommtion: This report is provided for the cxclusit•c usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name oflhis compan) or all) member of its slaiT. or rcproduclion of this report in conneclion \\ilh the advertisemcnL, promotion or sale of an) produclor process, or in connection wilh the re-publicntion ofU1is report for any purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granlcd only on conLacL 11Us company acccpls no responsibilil} cxccpl for lhc due perfonnance of inspeclion and/or analysis in good failll 01od according lo lhe rules'ofthe lradennd of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-008C Client Sample ID: TW4-27_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 750h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1541h Units: ~J.g!L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 1.00 1.30 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 53 7 50.00 107 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 56 3 50,00 113 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 52 I 50,00 104 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 53 8 50.00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 51 of93 All Malyscs applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance lo NELAC prolOcols Pertinent sampling infonnation is localcd on the altachcd COC Conlldcnlial Business Womtation: This report is provided for lhc cxclusi\'C usc oflbc addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or all} member of ilS slaff. or reproduction of this rcpor1 in connection with the ad,·ertisemcnt., promotion or sale of an) producl or process. or in conneclion \\ ilh the re-publication oflhis report for any pwposc olhcr than for tl1c addressee will be g.ranled on I~· on contacl This compan) accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith nnd according to lhc n~lcs oflhc trade and ofsctcncc. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-28_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 725h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 l555h E300.0 10.0 61.4 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/9/2015 1533h E353 2 1.00 17.8 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page II of 93 All anai)'SCS applicable to the CW A, SOW A~ and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protoc.ols PCitincnt sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidcnlial Business Jnfonnalion: This report is pro\-·idcd for lhc exclusive usc of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or in) member of ils starr, or reproduction of this report in cOMcction \\ ith the a<h•ertiscment, promotion or sale of any producl Of" process, or in connection "ilh lhe re-publiciltioo of this report for~ purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granted only on contact This rompan) accepts no ~sibility cxccpl for Lhc due pcrfonn8:1K:e ofinspeclioo and/or analysis in good failh and according lo lhc mlcs of Lbc trade and of science American West ANAlYTICAl lABORATORIE"S 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Iabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-004C Client Sample ID: TW4-28_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 725h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1324h Units: J.tg/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: To1uene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 53.4 56 0 52 I 53_9 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 5o_oo 107 72-151 50 00 112 80-152 50 00 104 80-124 50 00 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 47 of93 All anal) scs applicable Lo lhc CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc pcrrormcd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is localcd on the aUachcd COC Conlidcnlial Business Infonnalion: This report is pro\'idcd for lhe exclusive use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent usc oflhe name ofLhis company or an) member of its staff, or reproduction of lhis report in connection with Lhc advertisement, promotion or sale of flO) producl or process, or in connccLion \\ ith the re-publication of this report for a~ purpose olher lhan for lhe addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for lhc due perfonnance of inspcdion and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to the mles oflhc trade and of science American West ANA LYTICA L lABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-020 Client Sample ID: TW 4-29 _ 09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 933h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg!L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L Date Analyzed 9/12/2015 2205h 9/9/2015 1548h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E300.0 10.0 47.3 E353.2 1.00 2.19 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 27 of93 All an;dyscs appliCDblc lo the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfomlCd in accordance toN ELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is lex a led on I he allachcd COC Conlidenlial Business lnfomHilion: This report is provided for Lhc exclusi,•c usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of lhc name of this company or art) member of its stafl', or reproduction of this report in connection" ilh the ad\•crtiscmcfll, promot)on or sale of an) product or process, or in connection wil11lhc re-publication oflhis report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This compi\11) accepts no responsibilit} except for tllC due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good failh ond according lo lhe rules of the trade and of science ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-020C American West ANALYTICAL I AOORATORIES Client Sample ID: TW4-29_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 933h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1812h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: 10 Method: SW8260C 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Chloroform 67-66-3 10.0 276 Phone:(801)263-8686 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 508 500 0 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 541 500 0 108 80-152 Fax: (801) 263-8687 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 490 500.0 97.9 80-124 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 518 500,0 104 77-129 --The reporting limits were raised due to high analyte concentrations. web: www.awal-labs.com Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1302h Units: JlgiL Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C Kyle F. Gross CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Laboratory Director Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Jose Rocha Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 QA Officer Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50.9 50,00 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52.9 50,00 106 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 50 0 50 00 99 9 80-124 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 51 0 50 00 102 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 63 of 93 All aoai)SCS applicable Lo Lhe CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance Lo NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the auachcd COC Confidcnlial Business lnfonnalion: This report is provided for the exclush'c use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or an~ member or iLs stall', or reproduction of Lhis report in conneclion "ilh lhe adYertiscmenl, promolion or sale of an} producL or process, or in connection with lhc re-publication oflhis report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on conlact This compan) accepts no responsibility cxccpl for the due pcrfonnanec of inspection and/or ;:mal) sis in good faith <~nd according Lo the n1lcs oflhc trade and of science... 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-013 Client Sample ID: TW4-30_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 834h Received Date: 9/4/2 015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 1934h E300 0 10.0 44.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/22/2015 1729h E353.2 1.00 1.75 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 20 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informalion is localed on the attached COC Con(jdenl.ial Business Infom1ation: This report is provided for the exclusive use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or~ member ofiLs staff,. or reproduction oflhis report in connection" ilh the ad\'ertisemenL, promotion or sale of An} product or process, or in connection wilh Lhc rc·publicntion oflhis report for any purpose other than for lhc addressee will be granted only on conl.acl TlUs compan} accepts no responsibility except for lhc due performance of inspcclion and/or analysis in good faith nnd according lo lhc rules of lhe lmde and of science. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-013C Client Sample ID: TW4-30_09032015 ANALYTICAL LABORATORIEs Collection Date: 9/3/2015 834h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1719h Units: JlgiL Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 3.27 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 17060-07-0 53 9 50.00 108 72-151 460-00-4 56 8 50.00 I 14 80-152 1868-53-7 52 8 50.00 106 80-124 2037-26-5 54 3 50 00 109 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 56 of 93 All anai)SCS applie<Jblc lo lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCR.A arc performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling information is located on Lhc aUachcd COC Conlldcnlial Business lnfomJation: This report is prO\ idcd for the e:-;:clusi\'c usc of the addressee Pri\ ilcges of subsequent usc of lhc name of Lhis company or aJl) member of iiS slnfT, or reproduction of this report in coru1ec1ion with the ad,·ertiscmenl, promotion or sale of anr product or process, or in conneclion with Lhe re-publication of Lhis report for ~4 purpose olhcr than for the addressee will be gran red only on con Lac I This com pan) accepts no rcsponsibili~ except for the due performance of inspection and/or nnal) sis in good faith :md nccording lo the rules of rhe trade and of science~ American West ANALVTICAL lABORATORII:S 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-009 Client Sample ID: TW4-31_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 757h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9112/2015 1753h E300.0 10.0 30.4 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9/22/2015 1706h E353.2 0.100 0.916 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 16 of93 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance lo NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling information is localcd on lhc allachcd COC Conlidcnlial Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusiYe use oflhc addressee Privilcses of subsequent usc of lhc name oflhis company or llll)o member ofiiS staff. or reproduction oflhis report in connection\\ ilh lhc advcrtiscmcnL, promotion or sale of an)· product or process, or in connection" ith lhc re-publication of this report for any purpose other than fOt" lhc addressee will be granted only on conlacl This company accepts no responsibility excepl for Lhe due pcrfonnance of inspeclion and/or ilnalysis in good faith and according Lo the n1les of lhe trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-009C Client Sample ID: TW4-31_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 757h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1601h Units: J.!g/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 51.2 50.00 52.8 50.00 49.7 50.00 51.0 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 102 72-151 106 80-152 994 80-124 102 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 52 of 93 All anal) scs applicable lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prolocols~ Pertinent sampling infom1alion is located on the aUachcd COC Confidcnlial Business Information: This report is provided for lhc exclusive usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or lUJ}-member of its starr, or rcproduct~n of this report in coMeclion u ith the ad,·ertiscmcnl, promotion or sale of an} product or process, or in conncclion with the re-publication oflhis report for~ purpose other than for lhc nddrcsscc will be granted only on conlacl This compa.n~ accepts no rcspoosibilily except for the due pcrfom1ancc of inspution and/or nnal)sis in good faith and nccording to the rules of lhc l.radc and of science ANAlYTICAl lABORATOAifS 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-32_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 730h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/12/2015 1612h E300 0 10.0 59.6 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9/17/2015 1543h E353.2 1.00 5.09 '-Mall"ix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 12 of93 All analyses applicable to lhc CW A. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is localcd on the attached COC Conlidcnlial Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for Lhc cxclusi,·e use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc oflhc name of lhis company or any member ofils sUI IT. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of an) producl or process. or in connection with the re-publicm.ion of this report for any purpose other Lhan for lhc addressee will be granted only on conlacl This compan) accepts no rcSJXInsibility excepl for the due pcrfonnance of inspection and/or anal, sis in good failh nod according lo lhe nLies of lhc Lradc and of science American West ANAlYTICAl lABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-005C Client Sample ID: TW4-32_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 730h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 l442h Units: Jlg/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 Result 54_1 56.0 52_2 53.7 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 108 72-151 50 00 112 80-152 50 00 104 80-124 50_00 107 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 48 of 93 All ann f) scs applicable to lhc C\V A, SDWA. and RCRA arc performed in accordance lo NELAC prolOcols. Pertinent sampling infom1ation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfonnatioo: This report is provided for the exclusi\c usc of the addressee Pri\'ileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any member ofiiS starr, or reproduction of this report in connection\\ iLh the ad\'crtisemcnl, promotion or sale of an) product or process, or in connection with the rc·publicalion orlhis report for any purpose other than for Lhc addressee will be gnnlcd only on oonLacL This compilrly accepts no responsibilil) excepl for the due performance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good failh ond according to lhc n1lcs oflhc trade and of science._ American West ANALYTICAL lABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity,UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Jabs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-019 Client Sample ID: TW4-33_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 925h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 2149h E300 0 10.0 53.4 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9122/2015 1733h E353 2 1.00 1.64 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 26 of 93 Allllllai)SCS applicable to lhc CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC proLocols Pcrtinc01 sampling information is locelcd on the auachcd COC Conl'idenlial Business lnfomlalion: This report is provided for the cxclusi\'C use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any member of iiS staiT, or reproduction of this report in connection\\ ith the ad,·ertiscmenl, promotion or sale of an} product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report (or any purpose other lhan for lhe addressee will be granted only on oonlacl This compan) accepls no responsibility excepl for U1e due performance of inspcclion and/or analysis in good failh 01nd according to lhe n1lcs oflhc lr:tdc and or science_ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-019C Client Sample ID: TW4-33_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 925h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1243h Units: Jlg/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 50.7 50.00 53.7 50 00 50.2 50 00 5L8 5000 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 123 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 101 72-151 107 80-152 100 80-124 104 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 62 of93 AU •~b~'ppbt:.We\nJJ~CWA. 0\\'A, and RCRA ' pctfwwcd in t«c¢..rocC to NELAC JM<010tcll Pl!.nuip'ltwrophnJJ m(ommtJou It loc:IUOO !Jn ll'l(l ~~nd~ 00 rCMrtdu:~Lial Business [nformation: This report is provided for lhc exclusive use of the ~ho!l«. l'ri\1Jcpora~IJG:nl UJ.OofiHe name ofthiu "mp.'l"'' 01 1U1~· rucm~ofilS staff, Of npmcfmtJmHtrllllt ~ •na:Hin«~ ~tu •dtlqJ.,..tdrcnl!lum.tt-p antoUotturg£c of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publicotion or this report r... 10) IIIJlPilOO '"'"" l(lnl! ror .t .. ..u~~ will be granl<d 0111 6n QlllllU'l 11'.'·" '"'"P""Y nccep!l oor<>r<mlliHIIII• <M<jll lbi lho tblopttflltmllll«> <! '""""'io!o llllli\)1-oml~'J!· m ~ood faith and according [O the rules of the !Tade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-022 Client Sample ID: TW4-34_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 754h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/13/2015 J44h E300 0 10.0 15.1 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/J 0/2015 1746h E353 2 0.100 0.458 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 29 of 93 All amllyscs applicable lo the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc pcrfonned in accordance to NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on the allachcd COC ConlidcnLial Business lnfonnation: This report is pro\•idcd for the cxclusi\'C use of the addressee~ Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any member of its staiT, or reproduction of this report in coMcction wilh the ad\·crtiscmcnt, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection'' ith lhe re-public<~Lion of this report for any pui'}K)SC olhcr lhan for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for lhc due perfomumcc of inspection and/or anal} sis in good faith and occording to lhc rules oflhc trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-022C Client Sample ID: TW4-34_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 754h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1440h Units: ).!giL 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 49.8 50.00 53 5 50 00 48 5 50 00 51.0 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 99,6 72-151 107 80-152 97.0 80-124 102 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 65 of93 All anal) scs applicnblc Lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC protocols, Pertinent sampling infonnalion is localcd on the auachcd COC Conlidcnlial Business lnfonnation: This report is pro'r·idcd for lhc cxclusi\·c use of the addressee Pri'r·iicges of subsequent use of the name of this company or an) member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in com1cction wilh the iJd,·ertiscmcnt., promotion or saJc of any product or process, or in connection with lhe re-publicnLion oflhis report for any purpose olher than for the addressee will be granted only on conlacl This companyneccpls no rcspoosibilil) except for ll1c doc pcrfonnance of inspeclKln Md/or anaJysis in good failh and according lo lhc mlcs: oflhe lradc and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-023 Client Sample ID: TW4-35_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 803h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Date Analyzed 9/13/2015 235h 9/10/2015 1747h Contact: Garrin Palmer Method Reporting Analytical Used Limit Result Qual E3000 10.0 35.9 E353 2 0.100 0.304 Report Date: 9/28/20 15 Page 30 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA m: p..~bmr~ol in ateotd.:uace to NELAC pOCUCO !'attwntU $.Wililll!JI: i»rboo#tiolt is locai.Cd on the anachcd COC. Confidential Business lnfontllllion: This report is pro\'idcd for the cxclusi,•c usc of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of lhc narne of thls'C'.OUJ~ • OI'ILI(lr.' o~.mlbO.r of iLS starr, Of ftprod,.:ttQil ofllus rcpot\ m t()fJll«l.~-· wilh the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in conncc.tion wilh the re-publication oflhis report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only rm «miAtJ Otla.tcrnpany accept~ nb ~I0-'1~1it)·C"\tJCC~Ii !w il~ due perfonnance of inspcclion and/or analysis in good faith and according Lo the n1les oflhc Lrade and or science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-023C Client Sample ID: TW4-35_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 803h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Analytical Results VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1459h Units: ll81L Dilution Factor: Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 50 6 50.00 101 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52.9 50 00 106 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.3 50 00 98.6 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.5 50 00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 66 of93 AU ·:nl.,ll'J:lljiJI~~~~ 1()tbc CWA, OW A., and RCRA ~~Jbnffl:d u.,.ccordance l~ NEl.AC'·JttUI.OC<b. J.\."1tJbt'lt~ samplin,.g mbmalion u I IICchJII ~c attached coc: Conlidcnliat Business lofonnation: Th.is report i~prov!dtd'~theo.'du:.at'('~ ?fthc «i~ PrhlU~ orwhte~ti('Ul tiR' of' \fie name of lht.l.,c:omp.,.ur« ~~~ member of 1ts nnf. ml!~J!Ifqd..u;t~ orfL•s report 10 con~ik.ti!Ttllh the:~' ert1scment, promoi.Jon or sale of Any product or process, or m connecuon w1tJ11hc r~liUiio.n o(dus report for®,' ~<Mhct ~U'IR r\'lf f,hom:Jdn:s.s,; will be granlod an}~o• on tQn11ft. This com pan) -..uqlb-AQ ~CbJJIJ except for tlto tfua p!tfOftn~e df'lnspection and/or onalysis in good fOJilh ond according to the rules or lhc trade anrt ~fk'JI:nt\· INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-36_09022015 ANALYTICAL tA~o~AroRIEs Collection Date: 9/2/2015 743h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 9/1 2/2015 1645h E3000 10.0 9/22/2015 1702h E353 2 0.100 Analytical Result Qual 76.4 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/28/201 5 Page 14 of 93 i\11ttltU)1C$~1~i:ll~tothr-C Ao 0\VA...-a R(;"RA oh p:t(onnMrn.~«ori.IMtce~to NELAC prot()C::QII.,I'cnu'~~Wi t.#upliJI.U lnChnn:mooeJ focn.."'<lon lhc anachcdC()(; O!qf~nhll1 flu,;.~ Lnforrnalion: This report is provided for the exclusi\'e usc oflhe 'rid~. P11~·Uoi;Mcl\l~QtJCfrl u~ of~ oameotthi.S001l11~'~J liD}" .nMi~l ofils sLaff~orn.-prod~XJHonordll,~hn-nm~lk;ln v.fth lbc.M.I,l:rtiscment .. ptltl•,~l1 at ul<~ ufA 1:00· (k'odl:lctor process. or in connection wiU1lhe re~publicDiion oflhis report fQf 111) 1'1~Clfbclr 1hM Forth.: :Jdtd"J;C ,..·lu b.: l;flmlal ~~~~ Mtclfll ... a('t ... l'lv,e6111P3DY acceptt 110 ·~pmWbUJJ\IC~C'Cpl lilt' lliEl ~ rL'J Ofm3oioo (lrllispection IINli'\l'f•Wh'itll tt\ CQOd ~~ na:d according lo the n.lcs or the b"odc and or science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-007C Client Sample ID: TW4-36_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 743h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1522h Units: !J.g/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 53 8 50 00 56 7 50 00 52.9 50.00 54.3 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 108 72-151 113 80-152 106 80-124 109 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 50 of93 All anai)SCS applie3blc to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are pcrfom1cd in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infonnation is located on lhc allachcd COC CoofKtcnLial Business lnfomuuion: This report is prO'o'idcd for lhc exclusi\'C use oflhe addressee Privileges of StJbsequent use of lhc name of this company or an~ member of ilS staff, Ot" reproduction of this report in connection \\ith the od,·ertiscment, promotion or s.:~lc of an} product or process, or in connection with the re-publicalion or this report for arJ) purpose other lhan (or the addressee will be granted only on conlacl This corn pan) occcepts oo responsibility except for the due perfonnance of inspection a1\d/or anal) sis in good faith nod according to lhe rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-035 Client Sample ID: TW4-37 _08312015 Collection Date: 8/3 !/2015 1405h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analyzed Used Limit 9/13/2015 128h E300 0 100 9115/2015 1015h E353 2 5.00 Analytical Result Qual 374 32.4 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 42 of93 lallllt'l.:ii)K'I ~PP.fle:~bl<"lq IIW ("W('..,SOW , and RC:RA IN p;1(0r1~ m accordance t<:' NELAC prolocols. ~crtincnl '"'"'r~tn;,lltAlt•!UI.IIOU h Ji.,tfit('J Uti ~c attac~(l COC~ CouJl;,kntllll IJdst~ Information: Th_is report i~ prov!dcd for Lhc e:-.:.ctu~i"c use ?r lhc lilf!l~ I'M~ftrt ~l(f11~4_ftlll lltie"t.tflhb ~WIK ~lf11lC"'OIIUil) tu ~ mc~bcr of tts sraO', or rcproducllo~ ?~ lhb l'l'poll m tOILI't«llotl \\:.lh 1hc odt'(rtJSCJJ_lCn~ ~0014)\100 or~ G(fiJ?_ prodacl or pr~ess, or tn connectJOn wtlh the rc-p~bltcolJon ofthts report foru,~ JtWp.')te Qtbcr th:ut (t.-"1 Uit>ddd.r~ ltlll k $tnfcd oulv Gh comac:L Thts company accepts no rcsponsLbLILiy o,c,:{K r\H' ll10di~~: rnAum~ ufl.,spccllon I!IDdlttt.uul tk Ul. ~ fd!htwJ occordmg lo the rules of the lradc and orsc1cnce. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-035C Client Sample ID: TW4-37 _08312015 Collection Date: 8/31 /2015 1405h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1753h Units: 11g/L Dilution Factor: 100 Method: SW8260C Compound Chloroform Surrogate Surr: 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 5,060 460-00-4 5,370 1868-53-7 4,910 2037-26-5 5,180 --The reporting limits were raised due 10 high analyte concentrations. Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1853h Units: !l81L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene chloride CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 67-66-3 100 19,100 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 5,000 101 72-151 5,000 107 80-152 5,000 98 2 80-124 5,000 104 77-129 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 16.6 74-87-3 1.00 13.7 75-09-2 1.00 1.04 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51.2 50,00 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53.4 50 00 107 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51.4 50 00 103 80-124 Surr: To1uene-d8 2037-26-5 51.2 50 00 102 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 78 of93 All anal)SCS applicable lo lhc CWA. SDWA. and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC prolOcols Pertinent sampling information is localed on the auachcd COC Confidential Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for the cxclusi,,c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of Lhe name oflhis com pan~· or any member of its staff, or reproduction of lhis report in connection" ith the advertisement, promotion or sale of an) producl or process, or in connectioo with lhc re-publication oflhis report for an)' pulpOSC other lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conlacl Thjs company accepls no rcsponsibilit)· except for Lhe due pcrforrnllncc of inspection and/or anal) sis in good failh and nceording to the n1lcs of the trade and of science. INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-60_09102015 ANA LYTI CAL lABoRAToRIEs Collection Date: 9/10/2015 745h 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 19 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Compound Units Prepared Chloride mg/L Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L Contact: Garrin Palmer Date Method Reporting Analytical Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual 9/16/2015 1631h E300.0 1.00 < 1.00 9/15/2015 J038h E353 2 0.100 < 0.100 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page lO of27 All analysa:Qrr,IIC#h/l!''t.' t! C'W~. S'D\VA,w.td MClt.A: are pcrfonncd in accordance lo NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling mfprm5\•00r:l~k:dQn the atlachcd COC. C'Quntklmint.Rl!.!l; ... ~rrJn.nutK.Id This report is providod11bt lhrc'c.,'\:tiii.M1'C II)ieofthe OOdrcssce. Pti\·•leRa oftllbK{tuenC !JJCoflltc wunc o(lftis compan~, or any member of its starT, or reproduction oftbis report in toluk!Ulwl \' ltb tlj,i: ath'ertiscment, promotiun or s:do<'!fllrty producl fX ~ or in cooncclion wilb 1hc: ~tle~1Tmo~IJ1is report for any pufJ p; olllQ" lhpn' ("' &ho-llllfr~ ~~IJt ~ !J"r:IIIJcd only on contact This company accepts no rcsponsibilit) except for Lhc dno ~lfbnnNXC Q(lnspection and/or anA~ 1n ptl f~tiUI -.i.DtCIOidlit• the mlcs of the trodo 001.1 or tcitn~ American West ANALYTICAl lAI10AATOAIFS 3440 South 700 West SaltLakeCity,UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241-006C Client Sample ID: TW4-60_09102015 Collection Date: 9/10/2015 745h Received Date: 9/11/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9111/2015 1527h Units: J.Lg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS Result 17060-07-0 50.9 460-00-4 53.7 1868-53-7 50.3 2037-26-5 51.3 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENJOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: CAS Reporting Number Limit 56-23-5 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC 50.00 102 50.00 107 50.00 101 5000 103 SW8260C Analytical Result < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00 Limits 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Qual Qual Report Date: 9/22/20 15 Page 1 7 of 2 7 II Jlrltll)~•'itP.hCAbleto 1JicC\YA, P 'A,111Wl RCJ(AMCpc1(~'T1te,l in accordaucc to NELAC ~l.utoOb l'~n unt sampling lt•fomlfilk.llt l• ll~tUcd on the auachcd COC. Confidential Business lnfonnation: This report is JlfV\~ (t.V tMtMh.~•~ ~of the •ddm~ ~''htlt;C"i ~lii~ISCll~lllt~ tJ.t~·u..~u\t oftlirs OCJtlt\\!llw or anr member of its stnrr, or r~)driCIUflft q(O.is report in ooon:c::dkm WJih 1hr ad,•crtiscmcnl, promotion or sale or any producl or process, or in connoclitM\ wilh 1he """ltldtlrc:~.~K)n qfU,is report tbt411) pt111~ dthct thmt rotUr:.:-:Kidro~'\\111 Wo .t)'fn!llcd ().nh" Vol' coooLacl. This company ncccpLS 00 .Uf?m\lhilir~ except for U&D&Ic ~~ruun.n.fl(¢ofinspcction and/or nnalysis in good faith and according Lo Lhc mlcs oflboll1hkG'lldol$t.: uutt 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-010 Client Sample ID: TW 4-65 _ 09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 715h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg/L 9/12/2015 1810h E300.0 10.0 58.5 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg/L 9/9/2015 1541h E353.2 10.0 19.6 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 17 of 93 All anai)SCS applicable lO the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are pcrfonncd in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling informal~ is hlCalcd on the aU8Chcd COC Confidential Business lnfonmllioo: This report is provided for lhc cxclusi\'C use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company Of any mcmbcrofilS slaiT, or reproduction of this report in connection with lhe ad,•eniscmcol,. promotion or sale of anr product or process, or in connection'' ith lhe re-publication of this report for any purpose other lhan for lhc addressee will be granted only on conlacl Th.is company accepts no responsibility cxccpl for lhc due performance ofinspeclion and/or nnaJy5is in good faith and :~:cording to the n1lcs oflhc trOOe and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-010C Client Sample ID: TW4-65_09022015 Collection Date: 9/2/2015 715h Received Date: 9/4/2015 Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/6/2015 1620h Units: Jlg/L 1030h Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 53 I 50.00 55 8 50,00 52 2 50,00 53 8 50.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 106 72-151 112 80-152 104 80-124 108 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 53 of 93 All anal) scs applicable to Lhc CWA, SDWA~ and RCRA are pmformcd in accordance toN ELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling information is localcd on the allachcd CDC Conlidcnlial Business lnfomHtlion: This report is provided for the cxclusi\'e use of Lhc addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this compM~' or &rl) member of its slafT, or reproduction of this report in connection with the ad\'Crtiscmcol,. promotion or sale of llll)' prOOuct or process, or in connooion with the re-publicution of lhis report for~ purpose other lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conl.acl This compan) accepls no responsibility except for the due pcrfonnance of inspection Mdlor .analysis in good faith and according to the rules ofLhc trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer INORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-036 Client Sample ID: TW4-70_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 813h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Date Date Method Reporting Analytical Compound Units Prepared Analyzed Used Limit Result Qual Chloride mg!L 9/13/2015 62lh E300.0 10.0 55.1 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) mg!L 9/16/2015 934h E353.2 0.100 < 0.100 1 -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 43 of93 All anal) ses applicilblc to lhc CWA, SDWA, and RCRA arc per fanned jn accordance lo NELAC prolocols Pertinent sampling infoonation is localcd on lhc aUachcd COC Confidcnlial Business rnfonnation: This report is provided for lhc exclusive use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or any member of its staiT, or reproduction oflhis report in COMCGiion" ilh Lhe ad\·ertisemenL, promotion or sale of an) producl or process, or in connection\\ ilh lhe re-publicmion of !his report for any purpose other than ror lhc addressee will be granled only on ronLacl TlUs compan) accepts no responsibility exccpl for lhc due pcrfonnam:e of inspeclion and/or anal) sis in good railh oDd according lo Lhc mlcs of lhc trade and or science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-036C Client Sample ID: TW4-70_09032015 Collection Date: 9/3/2015 813h Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1319h Units: Jlg/L Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51 .4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52.1 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 49.8 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51.4 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50.00 103 72-151 50 00 104 80-152 50 00 99 6 80-124 50 00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 79 of 93 All analyses applic01blc to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are p::ttOrmed 111 ac(~cfancc to NELAC ''"otocofJ t'cnmef!C.~JlfU1JI infom1ation is located on the auachcd COC. Confidential Business Jnfonnalion: 11lis rcpon is provided forlhc cxclusi"c useoflhc addressee. Privileges of subsequent usc of lhc name of this co~ar IR"') n~~f its staiT, ot JVpmducuun (J(&Ju ~ ~' coruJcclion with the ndrertiscmen~ promotion or sale of any producl or process, or in conn«tion "ilh the re-pubficnlion oflhis report for any pwposc oilier Lhan for lhc addressee will be granlcd only 00 ft)niJkl TlUitompnny i'lCcepl!f UO f~ltUWiilycxcc-1)1 ftu lhc due perfom1ance of ins~lion and/or anal) sis in good failh nnd according lo the mfcs of Lhc lrndc and or science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123-037 A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Collection Date: 8/31/2015 Received Date: 9/4/2015 1030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/8/2015 1832h Units: ~giL Dilution Factor: Compound Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate CAS Result Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 49_8 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 53 3 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 47 5 Surr: Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 51 2 Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENlOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Number Limit Result Qual 56-23-5 1.00 < 1.00 67-66-3 1.00 < 1.00 74-87-3 1.00 < 1.00 75-09-2 1.00 < 1.00 Amount Spiked %REC Limits Qual 50 00 99 5 72-151 50 00 107 80-152 50.00 95 0 80-124 50 00 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 80 of93 All anai)SCS applicable to the CWA, SDWA. and RCRA are pcrfonncd in accordance toNELAC proLocols Pcrtlncnt swnpling infonuation is located on the al1achcd COC Confidcnlial Business rnfommlion: This report is provided for the exclusi\'C use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of Lhc name of this company or all) member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the ad\'crtiscmcnt, promotion or sale or an) producl or process, or in cooneclioo with lhc re-publication of U1is report for~ purpose other Lharr for U1c addressee will be granted onJy on contacL This company accepls no responsibilily except for the due performance of iuspc-elion and/or analysis in good faith and according lo the mles of the trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241-008A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Collection Date: 9/9/2015 Received Date: 9/11/2015 I 030h Analytical Results Analyzed: 9/11/2015 1606h Units: J.ig/L Dilution Factor: Contact: Garrin Palmer Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO VOAs by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surrogate Surr: 1 ,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: To1uene-d8 CAS 17060-07-0 460-00-4 1868-53-7 2037-26-5 56-23-5 67-66-3 74-87-3 75-09-2 Result Amount Spiked 51 3 50 00 53 7 50 00 50 6 50 00 51 5 50 00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 1.00 < 1.00 %REC Limits Qual 103 72-151 107 80-152 101 80-124 103 77-129 Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 19 of27 All anal) scs applicable Lo the C\V A, SDWA, ond RCRA Are performed in accordance toN ELAC protocols Pcnincnt sampling, information is localcd on the auachcd COC Confidential Business lnfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusi\'C usc o(lhc addressee Privileges of subscq11ent usc of the name of this company or 811) member of its starr, or reproduction of this report in COitncction \\ilh the od\'cr1iscmcnL, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in conncclion with I he 1e-publication of this ropon for any purpose other than for lhc addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no rcsponsibilit) except for the due pe1fonnancc of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to tJ1c rules of the trade and of science. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocba QA Officer Garrin Palmer Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 S. Hwy 191 Blanding UT 84511 TEL: (435) 678-2221 RE: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Dear Garrin Palmer: LabSetiD: 1509123 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 9/4/2015 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (A W AL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: Digitally signed by Jose G. J 0 S e G ~~~~~=Jose G Rocha, • o=American West Analytical Laboratories, ou, R 0 c h a ~:~~=jose@awal-labs.com. Date: 2015.09.28 13:15:57 -06'00' Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page I of93 AU analyses applicable Lo the CWAc SDWA, and RCRA arc performed in accordance to NELAC prol.ocols Pertinent sampling infonnalion is located on Lhe attached COC Confidcnlial Business l.nfonnation: This report is provided for the exclusive usc oflhc addrcsscc Privileges of subsequent usc of the name oflhis company or a/1) member of its slafT, or reproduction of this report in cohneclion with the advertisement, promotion or sale of an) product or process, or in connection" ilh Lllc rc-publicalion ofU1is report for~ purpose olhcr than for the addressee will be granted only on contacl This compan) accepts no responsibilil) exccpl for lhe due perfonnance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faiU1 and according lo the rules of lhe trade and of science SAMPLE SUMMARY Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Set ID: 1509123 Date Received: 9/4/2015 1 030h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 1509123-001A TW4-03R_09012015 9/1/2015 737h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 SaltLakeCity, UT 84119 1509123-001B TW4-03R_09012015 9/1/2015 737h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-001C TW4-03R_09012015 9/1/2015 737h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Phone: (801)263-8686 1509123-002A TW 4-03 090220 15 9/2/2015 705h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-002B TW4-03_09022015 9/2/2015 705h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1509123-002C TW 4-03 _ 09022015 9/2/2015 705h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (80 1) 263-8687 8260C/5030C e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1509123-003A TW4-12_09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-003B TW4-12_09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1509123-003C TW4-12_09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-004A TW4-28_09022015 9/2/2015 725h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1509123-004B TW4-28_09022015 9/2/2015 725h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-004C TW4-28 09022015 9/2/2015 725h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1509123-005A TW4-32_09022015 9/2/2015 730h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1509123-005B TW4-32_09022015 9/2/2015 730h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1509123-005C TW4-32_09022015 9/2/2015 730h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-006A TW4-13_09022015 9/2/2015 737h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-006B TW4-13_09022015 9/2/2015 737h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-006C TW4-13_09022015 9/2/2015 737h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-007A TW4-36_09022015 9/2/2015 743h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-007B TW4-36_09022015 9/2/2015 743h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-007C TW4-36_09022015 9/2/2015 743h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-008A TW4-27_09022015 9/2/2015 750h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-008B TW4-27 09022015 9/2/2015 750h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-008C TW4-27 09022015 9/2/2015 750h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-009A TW4-31 _09022015 9/2/2015 757h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-009B TW4-31_09022015 9/2/2015 757h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-009C TW4-31_09022015 9/2/2015 757h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-010A TW4-65_09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-010B TW4-65_09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 2 of93 Alllllnlr~•f1P.I•C;tbl~1,<1dtc C:\VA.ID\11/1 .~.J II.CB..-. .,<porl~Jiwcdin accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling,nloon"""'" 1<><~.1011 d1 li!U<t.c-4 COC ConroJI.nlial Business lnOII mMliln• This report i•l""'ldt.l Ji)r d•• o..:<lufo1 doeo[tbe .sdJ~ Ptinkrl or $td),cqU~:II1 tH4 of ~l:: oomc of ttk.n:orn§X\ny, or any member of its slaff, or reproduction of this report in cunoOctktn "'" tht ~'D\I,;:It'cm, J"U1noci<wt M j~~IC of any product or~ or in conncc~Mm" "' llfl ~he.lt.-pu\,l{tJ!Iioo of \his report fM tm_:,· W,t]JCr.lt.V rr lhlliii'« l~c:r: td~wHI b..: pJ.Ual CfJl' tm oonlacl Th.is company accepts no responsibility ex.ccpt ror the .;Jug _p:rbm~S~JU.ofin::~raunn JUdiO! MAtplr'-m ~faith and ~dlmJ kt lhc mles ortbe 'mdc :6.1 of'~1te. Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Set ID: 1509123 Date Received: 9/4/2015 1030h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 1509123-010C TW4-65 09022015 9/2/2015 715h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 3440 South 700 West 8260C/5030C 1509123-011A TW4-25 08312015 8/31/2015 1335h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 1509123-0 llB TW4-25 _08312015 8/3112015 1335h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-0llC TW4-25_08312015 8/31/2015 1335h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-012A TW4-14_09032015 9/3/2015 825h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Phone: (80 1) 263-8686 1509123-012B TW4-14_09032015 9/3/2015 825h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1509123-012C TW4-14_09032015 9/3/2015 825h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260C/5030C e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1509123-0BA TW4-30 09032015 9/3/2015 834h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-013B TW4-30 09032015 9/3/2015 834h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1509123-013C TW4-30_09032015 9/3/2015 834h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-014A TW4-26_09032015 9/3/2015 844h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1509123-014B TW4-26_09032015 9/3/2015 844h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-014C TW4-26 09032015 9/3/2015 844h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1509123-015A TW4-05 09032015 9/3/2015 853h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1509123-0 15B TW4-05_09032015 9/3/2015 853h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1509123-015C TW4-05_09032015 9/3/2015 853h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-016A TW4-18_09032015 9/3/2015 901h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-016B TW4-18_09032015 9/3/2015 901h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-016C TW4-18 09032015 9/3/2015 901h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-017A TW 4-09 _ 09032015 9/3/2015 910h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-017B TW 4-09 _ 09032015 9/3/2015 910h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-017C TW4-09 09032015 9/3/2015 910h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-018A TW4-16 09032015 9/3/2015 917h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-018B TW4-16_09032015 9/3/2015 917h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-018C TW4-16_09032015 9/3/2015 917h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-019A TW4-33_09032015 9/3/2015 925h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-019B TW4-33_09032015 9/3/2015 925h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-019C TW4-33_09032015 9/3/2015 925h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-020A TW4-29 09032015 9/3/2015 933h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-020B TW4-29_09032015 9/3/2015 933h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 3 of93 All anai)SCS apptica~c Lo the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are per fanned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling infoonatiou is located on IJ1c auached COC Confidential Business Infom1a1ion: This report is provided for lhccxclusi\·c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of lhc name of l.h.is oompany or 8.11) member of ilS stalf. or reproduction of lhis report in connection with d1c advertiscmcol, promotion or sale of anr product or process, or in connection "ith lhc re-publication of this report for an~ purpose olher t.han for U1c addressee will be granted only on conlacl This compan) accepts no rcsponsibilily except for lhe due pcrfonnancc of inspeclion and/or <!Oal) sis in good failh and according lo lhc rules of the trade aod of science. Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 American West Lab Set ID: 1509123 ~ot<AlYnc .t.L l Anon ~l on 1re Date Received: 9/4/2015 1 030h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 1509123-020C TW4-29 09032015 9/3/2015 933h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 3440 South 700 West 1509123-021A TW4-24 08312015 8/31/2015 8260C/5030C 1348h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 1509123-021B TW4-24 08312015 8/3•1/2015 1348h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-021C TW4-24_08312015 8/31/2015 1348h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-022A TW4-34_09032015 9/3/2015 754h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Phone: (801)263-8686 1509123-022B TW4-34 09032015 9/3/2015 754h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1509123-022C TW4-34_09032015 9/3/2015 754h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260C/5030C e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1509123-023A TW4-35_09032015 9/3/2015 803h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-023B TW4-35 09032015 9/3/2015 803h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1509123-023C TW4-35_09032015 9/3/2015 803h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-024A TW4-23_09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-024B TW4-23_09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Kyle F. Gross 1509123-024C TW4-23 09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1509123-025A TW4-21 08312015 8/31/2015 1327h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1509123-025B TW4-21 08312015 8/31/2015 1327h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1509123-025C TW4-21 _08312015 8/31/2015 1327h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-026A TW4-01_08312015 8/31/2015 1502h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-026B TW4-01_08312015 8/31/2015 1502h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-026C TW4-01 08312015 8/31/2015 1502h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-027 A TW4-04_08312015 8/31/2015 1512h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-027B TW4-04_08312015 8/31/2015 1512h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-027C TW4-04 08312015 8/31/2015 1512h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-028A MW-04 08312015 8/31/2015 1455h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-028B MW-04_08312015 8/31/2015 1455h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-028C MW-04_08312015 8/31/2015 1455h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-029A TW4-19 08312015 8/31/2015 1535h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-029B TW4-19 08312015 8/31/2015 1535h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-029C TW4-19_08312015 8/31/2015 1535h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-030A TW4-02 08312015 8/31/2015 1437h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-030B TW4-02_08312015 8/31/2015 1437h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page4 of93 All aoal)ses applicilble to lhe CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance lo NELAC protocols Pertinent swnpling infonnation is localcd on the auachcd COC Confidential Business lnfonnalion: This report is provided for lhc cxclusi\'C usc oftbc addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name oflhis company or Wl) member of its staff, or reproduction of Ibis report in connection" ilh the ad,·ertisemenl, promotion or sale of an) product or process, or in connection with lhc re-publicntion of this report for an) purpose olhcr Lhan for lhc addressee will be granled only on conl.acl This com pan) ncccpls no rcsponsibilil) cxccpl ror l..hc due perfom1ance of inspection and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to lhe rules or Lhc trade and of science. Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Set ID: 1509123 Date Received: 9/4/2015 1030h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 1509123-030C TW4-02_08312015 8/31/2015 1437h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 3440 South 700 West 8260C/5030C 1509123-031A MW-26_08312015 8/31/2015 1420h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 1509123-031B MW-26_08312015 8/3112015 1420h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-031C MW-26_08312015 8/31/2015 1420h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-032A TW4-11_08312015 8/31/2015 1428h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Phone: (801) 263-8686 1509123-032B TW4-11_08312015 8/31/2015 1428h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1509123-032C TW4-11_08312015 8/3112015 1428h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax: (801) 263-8687 8260C/5030C e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1509123-033A TW4-22 08312015 8/3112015 1359h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-033B TW4-22 08312015 8/31/2015 1359h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1509123-033C TW4-22 08312015 8/3112015 1359h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-034A TW4-20 08312015 8/3112015 1413h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-034B TW4-20_08312015 8/31/2015 1413h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Kyle F. Gross 1509123-034C TW4-20_08312015 8/31/2015 1413h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1509123-035A TW4-37 _08312015 8/31/2015 1405h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1509123-035B TW4-37_08312015 8/3112015 1405h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 QA Officer 1509123-035C TW4-37 _08312015 8/3112015 1405h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509123-036A TW4-70 09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509123-036B TW4-70_09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509123-036C TW4-70_09032015 9/3/2015 813h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 15091 23-037A Trip Blank 8/31 /2015 Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 5 of 93 AH lut.al)l!CJI ~pr.JI~ to l1JI:o ew~~ S-DWA,Imtd RCR.\\ J\A:: paromwd Ill lccordancc IO NEI ... c\C fWQWCGiiJ l"rnu..;Yl sampling in(orml\b(lfl il: lt)('n!N~ lhc aUaclt~-4 coc ~tkniW l)uum. lnfonnalloo: This report is provided for the exclusive use oflhc ~ Pr•nlc~ ( '~J11C1ti U\'C'p(lt¢ ltJUUQ o(Jin'o:JmJ1m~• or~ me~ber orll•f•,~rt'.OI ~lii(.!J.IO~IIIfdlis report in C'QI\il lion \\.ilb lbeld :trtiser1_1cn1. io(0/t\O{KCUQfJ:illco(.o~1ptOd'Ucl or p~css, or in connection wiUt the re-p~blication oflhis report f~ ~~~ I"Hf).*Ut~ lho"tlllOJ th: :add~\\tU Uep''cd.onl • uu.coni.oo~. This comJ)nt IW:cepll 1110 rtq~bl1 except for l~d~ nqfo;nniiiJCC:{}fulsp;xt•on.-.dft,r ;n;,'\t).,km r~uA~according to lhc rules oflhc trade ond ofsc~encc. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date(s) of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123 9/4/2015 8/31-9/3/2015 Intact See Chain of Custody Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation for the samples were performed within the method holding times. The samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: M8, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: Sample ID Analyte QC Explanation 1509123-0058 Nitrate-Nitrite (as N) MS/MSD Sample matrix interference 1509123-0368 Nitrate-Nitrite (as N) MS/MSD Sample matrix interference 1509241-0028 Nitrate-Nitrite (as N) MSD/RPD Sample matrix interference or suspected sample non-homogeneity 15093 81-003C Nitrate-Nitrite (as N) MS/MSD Sample matrix interference Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 6 of93 All illl<tl)scs applicable to lhc CW~ SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC prol.ocols Pertinent swnpling infonnalion is located on the aUachcd COC CoofidenUal Business lnform;ttion: This report is prO\ ided for lhc cxclusi\'c use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent usc of the name of this company or an~ member of its staff, or reproduction of !.his report in connection with the ad,·ertiscmenl, promotion or sale of lll) product or process: or in connecLion wilh the re-publication of this repOrt (or an) pW'JXlSC other than (or the addressee will he granted only on contact This compan) accepts no responsibility except (or lhe due perfonnance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and occording to lhe niles of the trade and of science_ 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Volatile Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date(s) of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: Method: Analysis: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509123 9/4/2015 8/31-9/3/2015 Intact See Chain of Custody SW-846 8260C/5030C Volatile Organic Compounds General Set Comments: Multiple target analytes were observed above reporting limits. Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: All samples were received in appropriate containers and properly preserved. The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, and Surrogates: Method Blanks (MBs): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Sample (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, indicating no apparent matrix interferences. Surrogates: All surrogate recoveries were within established limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 7 of93 All anal) ses applicable Lo the CW A. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC proLocols Pertinent sampling infom1alion is localcd onlhc attached COC Confidential Business Information: lltis report is provided for lhc exclusive use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name oflhis company or Wl} member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in cormeclion wiLh the ad\•crtiscmcnl., promotion or sale of tm) product or process~ or in connection" ith the re-public.11:ion of this report for an) purpose olhcr Lhan for the addressee will be granted only on conlacL Th.is compan) acccpls no responsibility excepl for Lhc due performance or inspection and/or <mal) sis in sood failh nod accordins to the rules oflhc lrade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer American West QC SUMMARY REPORT ANA LYTICAL LABO RATORI ES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1509123 Dept: we Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QCType: LCS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPDRef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82766 Date Analyzed: 09/12/2015 1430h Test Code: 300,0-W Chloride 5.10 mg/L E300.0 0.00751 0.100 5.000 0 102 90-I 10 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82767 Date Analyzed: 09112/2015 2330h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5.13 mg/L E300 0 0.00751 0.100 5,000 0 !03 90. 110 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82792 Date Analyzed: 09/14/2015 1 1 53h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5 07 mg/L E300,0 0.00751 0100 5 000 0 101 90. 110 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82651 Date Analyzed: 09/09/2015 1445h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.960 mg/L E353_2 0 00833 0.0100 1.000 0 96.0 90-I 10 Lab Sample ID: LC5-R82716 Date Analyzed: 09/10/2015 1724h Test Code: N02/N03-W-3532 ----- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.980 mg!L E353.2 0 00833 0.0100 1,000 0 98.0 90-110 Lab Sample ID: LC5-R82866 Date Analyzed: 09/15/2015 945h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.05 mg!L E353,2 0 00833 00100 1.000 0 !05 90-110 Lab Sample ID: LC5-R82882 Date Analyzed: 09/16/2015 933h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.06 mg/L E353.2 0 00833 0.0100 I 000 0 106 90-110 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82927 Date Analyzed: 09117/2015 154lh Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.01 mg/L E353 2 0.00833 0 0100 1.000 0 !01 90-110 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 81 of93 All Jwnl)'ld ..IPIIhcabJe 10 lh CWA. SDWA. and RCRA fil\! ~tformed in (I(~J'dpn:~::o tQ ~"El..J\C I)IQLOcols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the mum: orthiJt et>n1pt!uy ot tuw member of its stafl: cr rcpJ'Odqc\lon of this rtPOf\ In connt;C1h'11'1 "\\1lh the 11dvertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This cotnp~ll)' IICCOpts 11<1 m pot>Stbility except for the dHC po:tform,nce of inspcc~lon •ndlor onnlylio "In gOOd faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Method MDL Reporting Limit Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: WC QCType: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: LCS-R83139 Date Analyzed: 09/22/2015 1533h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.992 mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 1.000 0 99 2 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R83140 Date Analyzed: 09/22/20 15 1656h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.913 mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 I 000 0 913 Limits 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 82 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORrES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R82766 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300,0-W Chloride <0 100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82767 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300,0-W Chloride <0,100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82792 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride < o. 100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82651 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353,2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82716 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 ---- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0 0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82866 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82882 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82927 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0,0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-Jabs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: WC QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/12/2015 1414h mg/L E300.0 0,00751 0.100 09/12/2015 2313h mg/L E300,0 0.00751 OJOO 09/14/2015 1136h mg/L E300.0 0.00751 0,100 09/09/2015 1443h mg/L E353 2 0.00833 0 0100 09/10/2015 172lh mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 09115/2015 942h mg/L E353.2 0,00833 0 0100 09/16/2015 930h mg/L E353,2 0 00833 0,0100 09/17/2015 1540h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 Limits Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 83 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informat1on is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for rhe exclusrve use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report fo1 any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to lhe rules of the trade and of science ANALYT!CAL Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chlorofonn 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R83139 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) <0.0100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R83140 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-3532 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/22/20 15 1531 h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 09/22/2015 1654h mg/L E3532 0 00833 0 0100 Limits Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 84 of93 All nm1)'1C:S 1\pPI't~\'tlle \0 the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA nn: pttformed in accordA~f u• NELAC PfO*Ocols Pertinent sampling mformation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information:. This 1eport is provided for the exclusive usc of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the nrunb cfthl' oc.hnpfn\,)1 ot'·~)· member of its stnff. or ~~Uf.:Ji~.Jn of this report in ronncclf~• "'hh lht: -=dvertisement, promotion or sale of any product 01 process, or in connection with the re-publication ofth1s report for any purpose otl-ler than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This cornpllll)' O((:Cp!S·no respo~~.~tbility except for the due P.C<l'onmllce of inspection ~IIIY<lf .11~1ly.ll!illljOOd faith and according to I he rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ;.c;C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1509123 Dept: we Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QCType: MS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPDRef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 1509123-002AMS Date Analyzed: 09/12/2015 1504h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 75.6 mg/L E300.0 0.0751 1.00 50.00 27 4 96.4 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-012AMS Date Analyzed: 09/12/2015 1900h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 92.6 mg/L E300.0 0 0751 1.00 50,00 42 4 100 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-021AMS Date Analyzed: 09/13/2015 003h Test Code: 3000-W Chloride 1,760 mg/L E300.0 !.50 200 1,000 788 97.1 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-028AMS Date Analyzed: 09113/2015 402h Test Code: 300 0-W Chloride 91.4 mg/L E300,0 0.0751 1.00 50.00 44,3 942 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-033AMS Date Analyzed: 09/14/2015 1226h Test Code: 300 0-W ------------~ ---Chloride 1,010 mg/L E300,0 0 751 10.0 500.0 557 91.2 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-0llBMS Date Analyzed: 09/09/2015 1543h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.9 mg/L E353 2 0.0833 0 100 10 00 I 63 102 90-110 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-021BMS Date Analyzed: 09/10/2015 1743h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 125 mg/L E353.2 0,833 I 00 100.0 25 3 99 5 90-110 Lab Sample ID: IS09123-027BMS Date Analyzed: 09/15/2015 952h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 15.9 mg/L E353 2 0 0833 0,100 10.00 6.45 94.4 90-110 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 85 of 93 All 4"'11}~ ~pplk.nhfc_ tn 1h~ CWA. SDWA. and RCRJ\ Me perfotmt'd in.Me<trdlmtc ttl NEL.i\C pro:cocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive usc oft he addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the naf{'tt aft!Us: ('O(Ill"r.tn)' or rtn)' member of its staff. ht rQp(bdU(tlon orllus tepan In ronn('l::dOf• .. a,thh Lhc .ndvertisement, promotion or sale or any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be yranted only on conract. This co~lP,•D) lll:t.,C.. no respn!lOibility except for the clue pcrf0f!T141n~eo( uaip<:tlailJl :md/Cf •"1'1>,0$lnJ!OO<) faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample 10: 1509241-002BMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9.60 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-036BMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) <0.0100 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-00SBMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.8 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-002BMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 14.0 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-007BMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 ---~ --- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9,94 Lab Sample ID: 1509381-00JCMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 4 91 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Reporting Units Method MDL Limit 09/15/2015 103lh mg/L E353 2 0.0417 0.0500 09/16/2015 938h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 09/17/2015 1544h mg/L E353 2 0.0833 0 100 09/22/2015 1542h mg/L E353 2 0 0833 0.100 09/22/20 15 1726h -- mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0 100 09/22/20 15 173 7h mg/L E353,2 0.0417 0.0500 Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QCType: MS Amount Spike Ref. Spiked Amount %REC 5.000 4.72 97,7 I ,000 0 0 10.00 5,09 66 8 10.00 3 89 101 10.00 0 99.4 5 000 0 795 82.3 1-Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interfrrence. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Limits 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 86 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CW A. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business lnfonnation: This report 1s provided for the exclus1ve use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES :>e; C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1509123 Dept: we Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPORef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample 10: 1509123-002AMSO Date Analyzed: 09112/2015 1521 h Test Code: 300 0-W Chloride 76.2 mg/L E300.0 0.0751 1.00 50.00 27.4 97,5 90-110 75.6 0.746 20 Lab Sample 10: 1509123-012AMSO Date Analyzed: 09/12/20 15 1917h Test Code: 3000-W Chloride 93.1 mg/L E3000 0,0751 I 00 50.00 42.4 101 90-110 92.6 0 536 20 Lab Sample 10: 1509123-02IAMSO Date Analyzed: 09/13/20 15 020h Test Code: 300,0-W Chloride 1,750 mg/L E300 0 ],50 20.0 1,000 788 96.5 90-110 1760 0,376 20 Lab Sample IO: 1509123-028AMSO Date Analyzed: 09/13/20 15 419h Test Code: 300 0-W Chloride 91.0 mg/L E300.0 0.0751 1.00 50.00 44 3 93 3 90-110 91.4 0"518 20 -Lab Sample 10: 1509123-033AMSD Date Analyzed: 09/14/2015 1243h Test Code: 300.0-W -- Chloride 1,0 10 mg/L E300,0 0 751 10,0 500 0 557 90 8 90-110 1010 0.244 20 Lab Sample IO: 1509123-0llBMSD Date Analyzed: 09/09/20 15 1544h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353,2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) I L9 mg!L E353,2 0.0833 0 100 10.00 1.63 103 90-110 119 0.253 10 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-021 BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/10/2015 1745h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353 2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 121 mg/L E353.2 0.833 100 100.0 25.3 95.8 90-110 125 3 01 10 Lab Sample 10: 1509123-027BMSO Date Analyzed: 09115/2015 953h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 16.1 mg/L E353.2 0.0833 0 100 10.00 6 45 96 4 90-110 15.9 L25 10 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 87 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its stafl: or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement. promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (80 I) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ""C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1509123 Dept: we Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPDRef. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 1509241-002BMSD Date Analyzed: 09115/2015 1032h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353,2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 7,84 mg/L E353.2 0.04!7 0,0500 5,000 4.72 62 5 90-1!0 96 20 2 !0 '@ Lab Sample ID: 1509123-036BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/16/2015 940h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) < 0.0100 mg!L E353.2 0 00833 0.0100 1000 0 0 90-110 0 0 10 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-005BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/17/2015 1545h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 11.9 mg/L E353.2 0 0833 0.100 10,00 5 09 68 3 90-110 11.8 1,27 10 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-002BMSD Date Analyzed: 09122/20 15 1544h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353 2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 13.8 mg/L E353,2 0.0833 0,100 10.00 3.89 99 0 90-110 14 144 10 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-007BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/22/2015 1727h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353,2 -------------- Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10.4 mg/L E353 2 0 0833 0.100 !0 00 0 104 90-110 9.94 4 63 10 Lab Sample ID: 1509381-003CMSD Date Analyzed: 09/22/2015 1738h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 5.02 mg/L E353 2 0 0417 0 0500 5 000 0.795 84.4 90-110 4.91 2.08 10 @-High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. ' -Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interforence. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Report Date: 9/28/20 15 Page 88 of 93 t\!1 (lnnLx~pppi19Able 'o tho CWA. SD'YA· an~ R.CR.A ~-c: fla(Otnted m acco~d.n.nc:o tO.t;JEI,;AC protocols ~ertinent sampli~g information is located on the attache~ COC Co~fide~tial Business Info.rmation:. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the add_ressee. Privileges of subsequent ~se of the mnnc. af•hiJ (Of.'I\1U1n)' ("<C' :IUl)' member of1ts stafl. Ortop:t011uCIIh~n ofthll report 10 Ct)Ont'\:tiOfl '"rth the adverttsement, promot1on or sale of any product or process, or 1n connection wtth the re-publ~eat1on of th1s report for any purpose other than for the addressee wtll be granted only on contact Th1s omrpan!f ""CA!JIIS 110 rC.porililbility except for the doc pcrfon'(lnllC<><Jf m>pection ~~~~on QnUI)J.Iolrt goo<i faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Method MDL Reporting Limit Dept: MSVOA QCType: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lah Sample 10: LCS VOC-2 090615A Date Analyzed: 09/06/2015 1144h Test Code: 8260-W-DENI 00 Chloroform Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample 10: LCS VOC-2 090815A Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Chloroform Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 Lab Sample 10: LCS VOC-1 090615A Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Chloroform Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-d8 21.6 f!g/L SW8260C 19.4 f!g/L SW8260C 51.9 f!g/L SW8260C 49.3 f!g/L SW8260C 52,7 f!g/L SW8260C 49,9 f!g/L SW8260C Date Analyzed: 09/08/20 15 1116h 21.1 f!g/L SW8260C 19,2 f!g/L SW8260C 53.1 f!g/L SW8260C 50_0 f!g/L SW8260C 53 8 f!g/L SW8260C 50.4 f!g/L SW8260C Date Analyzed: 09/06/2015 1127h 20.1 f!g/L SW8260C 20.0 f!g/L SW8260C 53 3 f!g/L SW8260C 53.1 f!g/L SW8260C 53.4 f!g/L SW8260C 53 5 f!g/L SW8260C 0.153 LOO 20,00 0 108 0.172 LOO 20.00 0 96.8 50.00 104 50.00 98 6 50.00 105 50 00 99 8 0.153 I 00 20.00 0 106 0.172 1,00 20.00 0 96.0 50.00 106 50.00 100 50.00 108 50 00 101 0.153 1.00 20,00 0 100 0172 LOO 20 00 0 100 50.00 107 50.00 106 50 00 107 50 00 107 Limits 67-132 32-185 76-138 80-152 67-128 81 -135 67-132 32-185 76-138 80-!52 67-128 81 -135 67-132 32-185 76-138 80-152 67-128 81-135 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPD Ref. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 89 of93 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This repon is prov1ded for the exclusive use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staft: or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-1 090615A Test Code: B260-W-DEN 100 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 090615A Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: Toluene-dB Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 090815A Test Code: B260-W-DENIOO Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1 ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result Date Analyzed: <I 00 <I 00 < 1.00 < 1.00 54.7 56.6 53.3 55,0 Date Analyzed: <I 00 <I 00 < 1.00 < 1.00 SO.B 53.1 49.7 51.3 Date Analyzed: < 1.00 < 1.00 < 1,00 < 1.00 50.7 54.1 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84 I I 9 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com. web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Units Method MDL 09/06/2015 1206h f!g/L SW8260C 0.504 f!g/L SW8260C 0 153 f!g/L SW8260C 0163 fl. giL SW8260C 0 172 f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C 09/06/2015 1223h f!g/L SW8260C 0 504 f!g/L SW8260C 0.153 f!g/L SW8260C 0163 fl. giL SW8260C 0172 f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C 09/0B/20 15 I 057h f!g/L SW8260C 0.504 f!g/L SW8260C 0.153 f!g/L SW8260C 0.163 f!g/L SW8260C 0.172 f!g/L SW8260C f!g/L SW8260C Reporting Limit 1.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 I 00 I 00 1.00 I 00 1 00 1.00 Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MBLK Amount Spiked 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 5000 Spike Ref. Amount %REC 109 113 107 110 102 106 994 103 101 108 Limits 76-138 80-152 67-128 Bl -135 76-138 80-152 67-128 81 -135 76-138 80-152 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 90 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: Thi~ report is prov1ded for the exclusive use oflhe addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its sta.ff. or reproduction oft his report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATO RIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 090815A Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DENJOO Surr: Dibromofluorornethane 50 4 Surr: To1uene-d8 52 3 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/08/20 15 I 057h j.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 101 j.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 105 Limits 67-128 81-135 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 91 of93 Ml ru.Uil)iie$:t!tpllc~bfr 10 l_ht~ CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use oft he addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the n~un..., of1lus eotn.PQft)' or "0.)' member of its stntl or reproduction of this report in connection VYith the advertisement, promotion 01 sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This C()l:rln.o.ny acCCI'I'If5 no ~Jbility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509123 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 1509123-001 CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DENI 00 Chloroform 21.6 Methylene chloride 21.5 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 53.2 Surr: 4-Brornofluorobenzene 53.6 Surr: Dibrornofluorornethane 52.9 Surr: Toluene-d8 53.7 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-019CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DEN1 00 Chloroform 147 Methylene chloride 20.8 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 51.0 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 50.7 Surr: Dibromofluorornethane 51.0 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.2 Lab Sample ID: 1509145-00IAMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Chloroform 202 Methylene chloride 201 Surr: I ,2-Dichloroethane-d4 510 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 509 Surr: Dibromofluorornethane 514 Surr: Toluene-d8 499 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QCType: MS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/06/2015 1403h J.lg/L SW8260C 0 153 I 00 20 00 0 108 J.lg/L SW8260C 0172 1.00 20.00 0 107 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 106 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 107 J.lg/L SW8260C 50 00 106 J.lg/L SW8260C 5000 107 09/06/2015 1401h J.lg/L SW8260C 0 153 1.00 20.00 123 118 J.lg/L SW8260C 0172 1 00 20.00 0 104 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 102 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 101 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 102 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 100 09/08/2015 1358h J.lg/L SW8260C 1.53 10,0 200,0 0 101 J.lg/L SW8260C 1.72 10,0 200.0 0 101 J.lg/L SW8260C 500.0 102 J.lg/L SW8260C 500,0 102 J.lg/L SW8260C 500,0 103 J.lg/L SW8260C 500,0 99 9 Limits 50-146 30-192 72-151 80-!52 80-124 77-129 50-146 30-192 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 50-146 30-192 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 92 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Bus10ess Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges ofsubsequentuse of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion 01 sale of any product 01-process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Kyle F. Gross Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 Laboratory Director e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com Jose Rocha QA Officer ANALYTICAL LABQqATORIES =>< C SUMMARY REPORT C lient : Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab S et ID: 1509123 Dept: MSVOA Proj ect: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 20 15 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. RPD Ref. RPD Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Limits Amt %RPD Limit Qual Lab Sample ID: 1509123-001CMSD Date Analyzed: 09/06/2015 l423h Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Chloroform 21.3 f!g/L SW8260C 0.153 I 00 20.00 0 106 50-146 216 lAO 25 Methylene chloride 20 9 f!g/L SW8260C 0.172 I 00 20.00 0 104 30-192 21 5 2.74 25 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 53 I Jlg/L SW8260C 50.00 106 72-lSI Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53 4 Jlg/L SW8260C 50.00 107 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 52.7 Jlg/L SW8260C 50.00 105 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 53,2 Jlg/L SW8260C 50,00 106 77-129 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-019CMSD Date Analyzed: 09/06/2015 1420h Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Chloroform 144 Jlg/L SW8260C 0.153 1.00 20,00 123 105 50-146 147 1.70 25 Methylene chloride 20.6 Jlg/L SW8260C 0172 1.00 20.00 0 103 30-192 20.8 1.02 25 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50 7 Jlg/L SW8260C 50 00 101 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.3 f!g/L SW8260C 50,00 103 80-152 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 50.7 Jlg/L SW8260C 50.00 101 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 49.6 fl. giL SW8260C 50.00 99.1 77-129 Lab Sample ID: 1509145-001AMSD Date Analyzed: 09/08/2015 1417h Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Chloroform 209 f!g/L SW8260C 1,53 10.0 200.0 0 105 50-146 202 3 26 25 Methylene chloride 201 Jlg/L SW8260C 1.72 10.0 200.0 0 101 30-192 201 0 0497 25 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 509 f!g/L SW8260C 500.0 102 72-151 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 508 Jlg/L SW8260C 500.0 102 80-!52 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 514 f!g/L SW8260C 500.0 103 80-124 Surr: Toluene-d8 496 f!g/L SW8260C 500.0 99 I 77-129 Report Date: 9/28/2015 Page 93 of 93 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is prov1ded for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science American West Analytical Laboratories UL Denison WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1509123 Due Date: 9/16/2015 Page 1 of6 Client: Client ID: Project: Comments: SampleiD 1509123-001A 1509123-00lB 1509123-001C 1509123-002A 1509123-0028 1509123-002C 1509123-003A 1509123-0038 1509123-003C 1509123-004A 1509123-0048 1509123-004C 1509123-005A 1509123-0058 1509123-00SC Printed: 9/4/2015 Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. DENlOO Contact: Garrin Palmer 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QC Level: III WO Type: Project PA Rush. QC 3 (Swnmary/No chromatograms). RL of 1 ppm for Chloride and VOC and 0.1 ppm forN02/N03. Expected levels provided by client-see Jenn. J-flag what we can't meet. ElM Locus and EDD-Denison. Email Group.; Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1W4-03R_09012015 9/1/2015 0737h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W -DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4/ # ofSurr: 4 1W4-03_09022015 9/2/2015 0705h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df • no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 1# ofSurr: 4 1W4-12 __ 09022015 9/2/2015 0715h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Anulytes: CL N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4/# ofSurr: 4 1W4-28_09022015 912/2015 0725h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 8260-W -DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; # ofAnalytes: 4 1 # b/Surr: 4 1W4-32_09022015 9/2/2015 0730h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SELAnalytes: CL N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 / # ofSurr: 4 3 3 3 FORLABORATORYUSEONLY[filloutonpage1): %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QC D HOK __ _ HOK __ _ HOK __ COCEmailed 7-q-(J~ WORK ORDER Summary Wor~ Order: 1509123 Page 2 of6 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/16/2015 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1509123-006A 1LYV4-13_09022015 9/2/2015 0737h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I 1 SEL Allizi)lti!s: CL 1509123-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-006C 8260-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN 1 oa; # of Analytes: 4/ # of Surr: 4 1509123-00?A ~4-36_09022015 9/2/2015 0743h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-00?B N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-00?C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge l Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; #of Analytes: 4/ #of Surr: 4 1509123-00SA 1LYV4-27_09022015 9/2/2015 0750h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-00SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Anaiyres: N03N02N 1509123-00SC 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Ana(ytes; 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1509123-009A 1LYV4-31_09022015 9/2/2015 0757h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-009B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-009C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Groi!J1: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Ana/ytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 1509123-010A 1W4-65_09022015 9/2/2015 0715h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-010B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-010C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1509123-011A 1W4-25_08312015 8/31/2015 1335h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-011B N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-0llC 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 I # ofSurr: 4 1509123-012A 1W4-14_09032015 9/3/2015 0825h 9/412015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Andlytts: CL Printed: 9/4/2015 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 aco HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ coc Emailed WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1509123 Page 3 of6 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/16/2015 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix S~l Storage 1509123-012B llYV4-14_09032015 913/2015 0825h 9/4/2015 1030h N02/N03-W -353.2 Aqueous df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-012C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Ana/jrte.r: 4/# ofSurr: 4 1509123-0BA TW 4-30 _ 09032015 9/312015 0834h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0BB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-0BC 8260-W -DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 1509123-014A 11V4-26_09032015 9/3/2015 0844h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-014B N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-014C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 41 # ofSurr: 4 1509123-015A 11V4-05_09032015 913/2015 0853h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-01SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-0 15C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Ana lyres: 41 #of Surr: 4 1509123-0 16A TW4-18_09032015 9/3/2015 0901h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-016B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL bJ.alytes: N03N02N 1509123-016C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridgc 3 Test Gro11J1: 8260-W-DEN100; #of AJIQlytes: 4/ # ofSurr: 4 1509123-017A TW4-09_09032015 9/3/2015 0910h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0l?B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no21no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1509123-017C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Analytcs~ 4 1 # ofSurr: 4 1509123-018A TW4-16_09032015 913/2015 0917h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-018B N02/N03-W-353.2 df. no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N Printed: 9/4/2015 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M D RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 OCD HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COG Emailed WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1509123 Page 4 of6 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/16/2015 SampleD> Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1509123-018C 1lYV4-16_09032015 9/3/2015 0917h 9/4/2015 1030h 8260-W-DENlOO Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 - 1509123-019A 1lYV4-33_09032015 9/312015 0925h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0198 N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-0 19C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #q[Anlll)ltes: 4 1#ofSurr: 4 1509123-020A 1lYV4-29_09032015 9/3/2015 0933h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Anal)ltes: CL 1509123-0208 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Anal)ltes: N03N02N 1509123-020C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; #of Ana/ytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 1509123-021A 1lYV4-24_08312015 8/31120 15 1348h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-021B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1509123-021C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 I # ofSurr: 4 1509123-022A 1lYV4-34_09032015 9/3/2015 0754h 9/412015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0228 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Anal)ltes: N03N02N 1509123-022C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Ana!,Ytes: 4 1 # ofSurr: 4 1509123-023A 1lYV4-35_09032015 9/3/2015 0803h 9/4/7.015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0238 N02/N03-W-353.2 df • no2/no3 1 SEL Ana/ytes: N03N02N 1509123-023C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1509123-024A 1lYV4-23_09032015 9/3/2015 0813h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-0248 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Ana/ytes: N03N02N 1509123-024C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 I # ofSurr: 4 Printed: 9/8/2015 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 aco HOK __ HOK __ HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1509123 Page 5 of6 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/16/2015 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1509123-025A TW4-21_08312015 8/3112015 l327h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-025B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N I509123-025C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 4 I # ofSurr: 4 1509123-026A TW4-01_08312015 8/31/2015 1502h 9/4/2015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Ana/ytes: CL 1509123-026B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1509123-026C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 1509123-027A TW4-04_08312015 8/3112015 1512h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SELAnalytes: CL I509123-027B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalytes: N03N02N I509123-027C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #ofAnalytes: 41#ofSurr: 4 1509123-028A ~-04_08312015 8/31/20I5 I455h 9/4/2015 I 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL 1509I23-028B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-028C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test GrC1Up: 8260-W-DEN100; # Q{.~nd/yl~$: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1509123-029A TW4-19_08312015 8/3112015 1535h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Ana{ytes: CL I509I23-029B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-029C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #ofAnalytes: 41#ofSurr: 4 I509123-030A TW4-02_08312015 8/31/2015 1437h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes; CL 1509123-030B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL A/UJlytes; N03N02N 1509I23-030C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DEN1 00; #of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 I509I23-031A ~-26_08312015 8/31/2015 I420h 9/4/20 I5 I 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analy~s: CL Printed: 9/4/2015 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QCO HOK __ HOK __ . HOK __ COC Emailed WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 1509123 Page6 of6 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/16/2015 SampleiD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1509123-031B MW-26_08312015 8/3112015 1420h 9/4/2015 1030h N02/N03-W-353.2 Aqueous df-no2/no3 I SEL Aiullyte.~: N03N02N 1509123-031C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of A.nalyte.r: 4 I# o!Surr. 4 1509123-032A 1LYV4-11_08312015 8/31/2015 1428h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-032B N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Alll1lytes: N03N02N 1509123-032C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-D~NJOO; #of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 1509123-033A 1LYV4-22_08312015 8/3112015 1359h 9/412015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-033B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N 1509123-033C 8260-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of Analytes: 4 1 # ofSurr: 4 1509123-034A 1LYV4-20_08312015 8/31/2015 1413h 9/412015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Ar~alytes: CL 1509123-034B N02/N03-W-353.2 df·no2/no3 1 SEL A.nalytes: N03N02N 1509123-034C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENI 00; #of Analytes: 4 I # of Surr: 4 1509123-035A TW4-37_08312015 8/31/2015 1405h 9/4/2015 l030h 300.0-W Aqueous df·wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-035B N02/N03-W -353.2 df-no2/no3 I SELAnalytes: N03N02N l509123-035C 8260-W-DEN100 VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #ofAnalytes: 4 l #of8_"!'": 4 1509123-036A TW4-70_09032015 9/3/2015 0813h 9/4/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df·wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509123-036B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509123-036C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #of .4nalyti.~: 4 I # ofSurr: 4 1509123-037A Trip Blank 8/3112015 9/4/2015 1030h 8260-W-DEN100 Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DEN100; #of Analytes: 4 I# ojSurr: 4 Printed: 9/4/2015 FORLABORATORYUSEONLY[filloutonpage1]: %M 0 RT O CNO TATO QCO HOK __ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed. ____ _ American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8666 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis \\'ill be conducled using NELAP accredlled methods and all data will be reported using AWAL's standard analyte lists and reporting limits (POL) unless speclftcally requested otherwise on this Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. fjd'l/2-.j AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 1 ol 3 Fax II (801) 263-8687 Email awal@awal-labs.com www.awal-labs.com I QC~evel: I Tum Around Time: Standard Unless other arrangements have been made, I rue Date: • • I signed reports will be emaied by 5:00 pm on lhe day lhey are due. Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 I Contact: Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: gpalmcr@cnergyfuele.com; KWcinel@enereyfuels.com: I Email: 4turH-C!J!ffu.ds.c~m Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Project#: ----------------------------- PO#: Sampler Name: -:TT;;;ann;;e~r~HHco~llliidd~a~y;-------------------- S~ll1PJe 10: Date Sampled TW4-03R_09012015 I 9/1/2015 TW4-32_09022015 I 9/2/2015 TW4-13_090220UI I 9/2/2015 TW4-36_09022015 I 9/2/2015 8 ITW4-27_09022015 I 9/2/201!) 2trw4-30_09032015 9/3/2015 Relinquished by: '"""'\ J j /./ / ~ lllole: SlgllOILo& -...__) ~ It'-~ oJ3./zf>l5 lf'nnt Name: -~liner J.l D w ck_-t-ITI(Tlib_o_ X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For. For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/A2LA 0 NLLAP 0 Non-Compliance :J Other. Known Hazards & Sample Comments Special Instructions: 'L!lb6f'!ltl:l~.'u~ ~.!)' fonij.C<J• Were: U ff <9r~nddol1vllfl"' 2 ~·06) 3 Terrip~rature /.. <0 ~C 4 """""'..~~~; ((,P.,P.·Ii·~, ,y v s.crr:-IYP.r ... !Vccl y '! •. 01\lll!ldl 'i -fl G ~..:wlihln cr~~ N f ~~C!l CllliPf P.,.iao9-\!J -II ~. ·3 PI-.LOI)~O 6. y N• • A .-~ ~Citi.'I'JSnmpJo rw..\' v If "-~ ~;~~~~~~:·•uuy. ;;::) ~~~··· l;;!..,~ilfyo., ~ 7 r·•-r r C~~+hoA-olo~MICM-~"'"'"-'''"-D---~·--~~-»---~··M Time: · • • Jj Pr1nt Name: flelinquished by: ;pate: Stqnah•e IPrifll~e.: rnme: Relinquished by: pare: ISignalure !Time: P!lnl.~ $ 8 American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. SaHake City, UT 84115 Phone # (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263-8686 -··-···· Address: 6425 S. Hwy_ 191 Blanding, UT 84511 c ontact: Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell i!: ~cr1tu;::qp;t\lch;.com: KWc!DcliiCllmiiJ{adt-i:oUI: Email: dhn1<C...wofn~m · Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Project #: PO #: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date Sample 10: Sampled TW4"26_09032015 9/3/20Hi TW4·05_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4·18_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4-09_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4-16_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4-33_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4-29_09032015 9/3/2015 ' 'TW4-24_08312015 8/31/2015 TW4-34_09032015 9/3/2015 I TW4-35_09032015 9/3/2015 TW4-23_09032015 9/3/2015 t TW4-21_08312015 8/31/2015 I TW4-01_08312015 8/31/2015 =~lly: _\n..ut~J£ .i}_// ./...~ Date: ·~/'3 lz.w. PdniN<m!oo -"(.NII'lU' ).}o-1!;1..11 V ~lmo:iZ'3D ~.,..,...-lrt, IS~oMi•.n "" tpate: me: Pl'lnllllino: Relinquished by: Dale: Sl9DB1Uro ime: ll'l1n!No""" ~'11llodl7f' Oate: Slvr»liltlt rime: p ,;_'1! lllamo~ I Time Sampled 844 853 901 910 917 925 933 1348 754 803 813 1327 1502 Received by: Signature IP!ini Nll!liO: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis will be conducted using NELAP accredited methods and all data will be reported using AWAL's standard analyte lists and reporting limits (POL) unless specifically requested otherwise on this Chain of Custody and/or altached documentation QC Level: I Turn Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports will be emailed by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. X Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Reid Filtered For. f<lr Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP/ A2LA 0' 0 NLLAP ~ c:i 0 Non-Compliance ('j 0 0 Other. "' "' u I!! ·~ !2 '-0 ., , 0 "' c :§ 'iii 0 0 ~ ::;; 0 ~ Known Hazards c 20 "' 0 "' ._, ~ .. u Ci N 0 & 0 E 0 0 0 ·"' Sample Comments .. en 20 l> 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X Date: Special instructions: l ime: / ./ 15ar/z..5 AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page~ o1 3 ru~Oate: I ~toJY use·Qnly ~IMWoni\.( I"? l ~)loro<l<lo!Votlid 2 Amblen•e , 3 T~mperalurfll. f, ~ 'C 4 Received iin>I\Ofo'-"~icmv (l~l'(s.o\i.J) " y, C9 5d!:~~. y N , , at_bench '( H· ' ~ (loeolvtdW(Ihi~ . (!)~"'" N Iexie ,...,.w.., tj ... ntcoQihr i'~ V N 140. t~'l"Ooll!ll'lt<:~ y II 1>1;\ ~ ~OtjSOmj\lo G v N ~~ ... ~~~ • Y U NA tJI~l•oa.tWilell 6omp10 ~!o;ond'Cq(;'fi-VJ • ,y . ReceiVed oy~ / 1/[, dL J OWl: -r~ ~-17 See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and VOC Sl_gnatura iu'lalyte list. il~t. .;£\(f._ J Time: /<( 3>'6 ~riniNctnO! Eloool'ledlrt: ( I pale: Slonolut~ Time: Prfnl Name: 1 Rdcolvtd I>( Data: ISk!''""''" ·nme: PrifllN~e: American West Analytical Laboratories 463 W. 3600 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Phone II (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (eee) 263·8686 L~~ Fax# (801) 263·8687 Email awal@awaHabs.com www.awal-labs.com Client Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: gpalmer@cnergyfucls.com; KWeinel®energyfuels.com: Email: dturlt@eDc~els.com Project Name: 3rd Quarter C]!loroform 2015 Prolecl #: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date SampleiO: Sampled TW4-04_08312015 8/31/2015 ~ : MW-04_08312015 8/31/2015 ! TW4-19_08312015 8/31/2015 TW4-02_08312015 8/31/2015 ; MW-26_08312015 8/31/2015 ; TW4-11_08312015 8/31/2015 1 ' TW4-22_08312015 8/31/2015 8 I TW4-20_08312015 8/31/2015 I TW4-37_08312015 8/31/2015 D TW4-70_09032015 9/3/2015 1 TRIP BLANK 8/31/2015 ~TEMP BLANK 9/3/2015 ~ F\oilrqvloh<d~ IS~onoun IAAIWI: IJJ/I ....... ~3/~01.5 PtW Nbm~ c")JI\flll.ct"' #,/J:k~ rnmrz.~ Rollllqii!oll6<tl>fl '...) Oate: $1!ln>!l.~11 [Time: Pr\nLNamet . ..,, Pale: Si!IMioo> Time: Plf111H111!11!l Aoilnq<d>hail~ Date: I~IIIW· Time: P!in>N,._ I Time Sampled 1512 1455 1535 1437 1420 1428 1359 1413 1405 813 ~eceived by: Stonatura Print Narne: CHAIN OF CUSTODY All analysis Will be conducted using NEL.AP accredited methods and all data will be reported using AWAL's standard analyta lists and reporting limits (POL) unless speciflcaUy requested otherwise on thls Chain of Custody and/or altached documentation. QC Level: I Turn Around Time: Unless other arrangements have been made, signed reports Will be emalled by 5:00pm on 3 Standard the day they are due. I<· Include EDD: LOCUS UPLOAD EXCEL Field Filtered For: For Compliance With: 0 NELAP 0 RCRA 0 CWA 0 SDWA 0 ELAP I A2LA 0' 0 NLLAP Of 0 Non-Compliance g ci 0 Other: Q "' G' I'! £2. '-g ~ >< 0 '" <') I ·a; 1ii 0 Q C"' ::; Q (2. Known Hazards " :;.; 10 0 "' ' :::!: ~ 0 c. ... & 0 ~ ~ C) 0 .. rn l> Sample Comments 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 6 yv X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 5 w X X X 3 w X 1 w pate: Spacial Instructions: Time: t5rs?lll.3 AWAL Lab Sample Set# Page 3 l. of 3 r \J;)0(11e; I -labQrai~!Y lise Only · · " -~ -• t T:r ;?" • s1 ' . .!! ~~ delivered 2 ~. ~ T~.ot""' /•.GJ ·c • Roco!vl"'il41>«~"G (lmp•opettvs .. V y 'N ~~-'ld y . . N' ·, -.. _ •. d .ilt p_ench v N ,o ~""W\1111!1 ,. :~T~nO. N . !coo fopt War 1·0!'6atlolt:in0lJidiP~ '( N' NA 2 r"""~"p~ V • ·11 IIA s P-oo•Sompw @ " " • U~' ... ~G V Jo1 ·w, Di>cr~l.,. U<l!weo~ S.mp;o lolilk>r.J coc '-"'0 y N ' . ~=br~/l'k ~ Jf{' ate: 9 -C/~,6 See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Limits and VOC analytc list. l: / t4c. ·~-:_ / Time: IG 3-t Pm Nllmo; ~ecelved by: f "/ Date: Signature 1m a: P[intNaroe: Atcon>oooy: Oale: S-11!~ ime: Print Name: - - A W AL -Analytical Scope of Work White Mesa Mill Blanding Utah Page 11 of13 .• CtWJ5iu}j~·!U)t ~]~1~[: -~~~~~~l~ • • ~· . .Q~ •· • rt · · · · Fif~~v Me .· [;-' ' -. . "" ~~%J~. : .' r.l~£ " ' ;; tQ! ·6~ ' ---~~. •i•fL • II H· _., -. . . ~- ~t r,~~~~~ ~~,Ie·-!~ I Sa)~~t~. . .•. _, o!?~,,~-g . i ,1:: . : ~¥?~8·\~~ e8ft$(~ho ', . ., .. :re.mgetidur~. ··:··· ~t:! t.Tiffies . ' ;~~).li~enYcnt '-jWe·· ~ ·einent.r 'F' ~~--:....-...,. -· ~-~,;_u I~ t t .1' '-) = •. ~l'inor~aiiiQ8t~ · . ; •f~w~~~-x:;. ~----';-•'-"·•"'f. ~ a~l lr ~-·~·~-' · · ~r.~ J t','i"-1: IJ • • <r. ''~ , _. • tl~-I ·1"' / Chloride---------A4500-Cl I mg/L 28 days None ~ B or ~ ~ ~ ~ orE300.0 Sulfate A4502;,--rtmg!L 2~ None ~6°C ~ ~Eor --------E300.0 Carbon~03 A2320B 1 mg/L 14 days None ~ ~bonate as HC03 A2320B I mg/L 14 days None ----''V o~til"'e 0~gajJle Qb,ffi'PQ'Un'ds~Jil6!<~fol!li1'~~gr_inv; ', ~~ --~fr_,,..::r.c_s .. ,._ ... ; . Carbon Tetrachloride SW8260B 1.0!-lg/L 14 days HCl to pH<2 ~6°C or SW8260C Chloroform SW8260B 1.0 1-lg/L 14 days HCl topH<2 ~6°C or SW8260C Dichloromethane SW8260B l.OJ.Lg/L 14 days HCl to pH<2 ~6°C (Methylene Chloride) or SW8260C Chloromethane SW8260B 1.0 Jlg/L 14 days HCl to pH<2 ~6°C or SW8260C ·~00s.. -:niJ'l~n&s11illpeuQ'dmtlitfs-amJ1res'f0Jil~ ... ,., , !:L;t,:J", -·; ... -. ,. -;:-· ·:·>-''-' >;:,. _/ " 1 2 ~chJorobcnzene SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None <,9C 1,2-Dich l~euzene SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None A6°C 1 3-Dichlorobeme.ne SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None / , <6°C 1,4-Dichlorobenzen~ SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days Nony <6°C 1-Methylnaphtha1ene '"'-... SW8270D <10 ugll 7/40 days )1(6ne <6°C 2 4,5-T•lich.loropbenol ~8270D <10 ug!L 7/40 days v None <6°C 2 4.6-Trichlorophenol SW~D <10 ug!L 7/40da~ None <6°C .2,.,4-Dichlorophenol SW8270I)--. <10 ug/L 7/4J)-1favs None <6°C 2,4-Dimethylpbenol SW8270D <~giL V!/40 days None <6°C 2 4-Dinitropbeool SW8270D <20u~ 7/40 days None <6°C 2,4-Dirutrotoluene SW8270D <,WUg/L ~40days None <6°C 2,6-Dirutrotoluene SW8270D,...... <10 ug/L 7/4~_s None <6°C 2-Chloronaphtha1ene sws_mn <IOug!L 7/40da~ None <6°C 2-Chloropheno.l ~8270D <10 ug_/L 7/40 days '"'-... None <6°C 2-Methylnaphtha1ene / SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days ~e -<6°C 2-Meth_ylQhenol / SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days Non~ <6°C 2-Nitrophenol / SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None ' <6°C 3&4-Meth~enol SW8270D <10 ug!L 7/40 days None "s.6°C 3,3 '-~orobenzidine SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None <6~ 4fi:1>initro-2-methylphenol SW8270D <10 ug/L 7/40 days None <<fC ~ -- Analysis Ammonia COD Cyanide Metals N02&N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TK.N TP04 Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet ·-·- Preservative I ~ 3 l./ :) (o pH<2H2S04 pH<2 H2S04 pH>12 NaOH pH<2HN03 pH<2H2S04 ltc::s-ye"J ~ Jt5 ~ ~( pH<2HCL I ' I'' pH <2 H2S04 pH>9NaOH, ZnAcetate pH<2 H2S04 _pH <2 H2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from Lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid E doH --------------t" ) ~ q \/e-5 ~/~ llcr r II /a_ /( v.::r \b, I' I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + • # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH > __ due to the sample matrix interference. Lab Set ID: 1S 0 "f /.2 3 /1._ /~ If./ /5 /(o II !/?' !br ~d ,/es u.~ clef X'd (/'1!) I/ 1 Analysis Ammonia COD Cyanide Metals NOz &N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet s ,Je Set Ext, Preservative 1'1 20 2/ 22 'Z) z_tj pH <2 HzS04 pH<2 HzS04 pH>12 NaOH oH<2HN0_3 oH<2 HzS04 rYeS" ~ )b Jt5 1fJ Y-; nH<2HCL ,, ,, pH<2 HzS04 pH >9NaOH, ZnAcetate nH <2 HzS04 oH<2HzS04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from Lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid )'S' Jcs 7 duH ~ ~G l_") Vc~ \k5 -, (I 2.ft .z.r lk:s" ~' 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate column above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + ... # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH > __ due to the sample matrix interference . Lab Set ID: 1$0 Cf / .lJ ~d ~I Jt 3-) 3>7' l.) ,c,: v:;-~ VeS" \C.~ I£.< lkr II,~ , ANAlYTICAl IADORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Garrin Palmer Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. 6425 S. Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 TEL: (435) 678-2221 RE: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Dear Garrin Palmer: Lab Set ID: 1509241 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 9/1112015 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (A W AL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Digitally signed by Jose G. J 0 S e G ~~c~~=Jose G Rocha, • o=American West Analytical Laboratories, au, R 0 ch a ~~~~=jose@awal-labs com. Date: 2015 09,22 13:31:04 Approvedby: ~--------------o_e·o_o·--------~ Laboratory Director or designee Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page I of27 All•m))tc.!>:~ppbcnblc: IQf~ \. A, SOWA. and RCRA "~ pcr(DCmtd in accordance to NELAC ~10tdJI P·atfi~'l sampling infonnation is locutcd on Ute auachcd COC. Con£idcnr.ial Business IJifitiU\,,'""' This report is prO\·idcd for the cxclusi\'c use of the <~ddtQ!ii!'e', Pm1kl~af W~QW:nt usc of the name of thitC"'Ml W.*' (If any member of ils stoll', or Jf:llh.>Liu4lllon O'll)is report in connection with Lhe odvcrtiscmenl, promolion or sale of any producliK ''roc'ea... or in connection with lhe re-publication of this report for •in lXJIJ.IU.tQdl..-:f lha.n f«'tbt addressee will be graniN mil.~' Of! C'l:lnlact. Tttis compnny acccp tW ~~~lillh'-' except for the due perfonnancc of inspection and/or anal)sis in good fai01 nod OiiiCII'fJtniiJI: lO 01c mlcs of the tr-ade and of science. SAMPLE SUMMARY Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer ANALYTICAL lABOAATORtrS Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Lab Set ID: 1509241 Date Received: 9/11/2015 1030h Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date Collected Matrix Analysis 3440 South 700 West 1509241-001A 11W-32_09092015 9/9/2015 1310h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 1509241-001B 11\V-32 09092015 9/9/2015 1310h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509241-001 c 11\V-32 __ 09092015 9/9/2015 1310h Aqueous VOA by GC/11S Method 8260C/5030C Phone:(801)263-8686 1509241-002A TW4-07_09102015 9/10/2015 703h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509241-002B TW4-07 09102015 9/10/2015 703h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1509241-002C TW4-07_09102015 9/10/2015 703h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Fax:(801)263-8687 8260C/5030C e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1509241-003A TW4-08_09102015 9/10/2015 710h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509241-003B TW4-08_09102015 9/10/2015 710h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 web: www.awal-labs.com 1509241-003C TW4-08_09102015 9/1 0/2015 710h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509241-004A TW4-06_09102015 9/10/2015 715h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Kyle F. Gross 1509241-004B TW4-06_09102015 9/10/2015 715h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509241-004C TW4-06_09102015 9/10/2015 715h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method Laboratory Director 8260C/5030C 1509241-005A TW4-10_09102015 9/10/2015 723h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 Jose Rocha 1509241-005B TW4-10_09102015 9/10/2015 723h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 QA Officer 1509241-005C TW4-10 09102015 9/10/2015 723h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509241-006A TW4-60_09102015 9/10/2015 745h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509241-006B TW4-60 09102015 9/10/2015 745h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353 .2 1509241-006C TW4-60 09102015 9/10/2015 745h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509241-007 A TW 4-07R _ 09092015 9/9/2015 823h Aqueous Anions, E300.0 1509241-007B TW4-07R_09092015 9/9/2015 823h Aqueous Nitrite/Nitrate (as N), E353.2 1509241-007C TW4-07R_09092015 9/9/2015 823h Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 1509241-008A Trip Blank 9/9/2015 Aqueous VOA by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 2 of27 II AnRt>JJ;:t!r('ll-.wAhlc ttl lhr: VA. UWA, .a K<."'ltA, .,opoJftitt~ in JI«<ed;nct: ~ .'ELA Jlfoeoml~ !~uncn~ samplin;S .ff(ormi'I'H~ "· IQC::~IItd ~~ Ll~e auachcd COC: Confufwtlul Ou!li_rl.:~ Infonnation: Th_is report i~ prov!dcd ror the e~clu~i,•c usc ?f the t!dttt~a:e.. rti\'UC';aOJ; uii ... ~I(I.II:PI IlK ortpa fld.nt.: pf IIHJ «MllpAm· ()("II\)-mom~t (1rlt11. tnfl. at r~lwtl~ or O.•s report Ill «<IJ!«tiou \uth lf)Q Ml\ ertlscmcnl, promoi.Kin ()( ~IC' ~r fm) ncodncl or process. or m connccuon wtdl die re-pubhcabOn of Ous report for In~ IP'lfJK)tiQ'QI.lU:r llllllo ror tJre .:.Jlllln~" h ba v aUIJd AnJy Ul' (\,11~1 'n.Ut:cornpt\1~1 ~ Ob ~ .... bilil~ except fonba dB; jJitif\NIUWlWCif~nspection and/or ontht.tlo r., '&(IOU ShH.b r:tLttl according to lhc mles of the lradc and of science. ANALYTICAL LABORATORI[S 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax:(801)263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Inorganic Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date(s) of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241 9/11/2015 9/9 & 9/1 0/2015 Intact None Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: The analysis and preparation for the samples were performed within the method holding times. The samples were properly preserved. Preparation and Analysis Requirements: The samples were analyzed following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD: Method Blanks (MB): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Samples (LCS): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicates (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, with the following exceptions: The MSD percent recovery was outside of control limits due to sample matrix interference and the RPD was outside of limits due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference for nitrate/nitrite on sample 1509241-002B. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 3 of 2 7 All Onill~~~~~t.~~.bl~tolh¢("1. A. ~f)\VA 41~ ~CF .. -', J.TQ l'"tfnom;;d.in accordance lo NELAC rtt9WCtJls.l1cdJri.~l sampling 1ni'Otm.Gunu It f~l on lhc auachcd COC. Confidcnlial Business fnfonnalion: This report is provided for lhccxclusivc use oflhe t!Uf·~ Vrr\dcpofi 1~111 •~Kctl't.Lw n1me u(lblJ:coft1Jttu\ 01 any me~bcr of its staff, Of'n:::p--od~fOII?f'll•is report in amn~~llm \11. .111 1hc .atJ_\ertisct~enl, promotion o_r ~ale ofany.prodltcl or pr?cess, or in conneclion \\ilh the rc·p~blicru.ion of this report Jbt.tu • fiiJflM* nlbCf lhM\ (Oifuu ~ \\llf 1Jc.~tmi01i!;mt~ GllWntact This company accepi.HtJtoponuWIIt ·cxccpl fortJ.toifuep!:tfonn!ltlCeOfiBspccllon and/or analys1s tn good fa11h and accordmg to Lhc m1cs oflhc lrade and ofsctcncc. ANALYTICAL lABORATORI[S 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone:(801)263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com web: www.awal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Volatile Case Narrative Client: Contact: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Garrin Palmer Project: Lab Set ID: Sample Receipt Information: Date of Receipt: Date(s) of Collection: Sample Condition: C-0-C Discrepancies: Method: Analysis: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 1509241 9/11/2015 919 & 9/1 0/2015 Intact None SW-846 8260C/5030C Volatile Organic Compounds General Set Comments: Multiple target analytes were observed above reporting limits. Holding Time and Preservation Requirements: All samples were received in appropriate containers and properly preserved. The analysis and preparation of all samples were performed within the method holding times following the methods stated on the analytical reports. Analytical QC Requirements: All instrument calibration and calibration check requirements were met. All internal standard recoveries met method criterion. Batch QC Requirements: MB, LCS, MS, MSD, RPD, and Surrogates: Method Blanks (MBs): No target analytes were detected above reporting limits, indicating that the procedure was free from contamination. Laboratory Control Sample (LCSs): All LCS recoveries were within control limits, indicating that the preparation and analysis were in control. Matrix Spike I Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD): All percent recoveries and RPDs (Relative Percent Differences) were inside established limits, indicating no apparent matrix interferences. Surrogates: All surrogate recoveries were within established limits. Corrective Action: None required. Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page4 of27 All a1mlrscs awlicable Lo lhc CWA, SD\VA, and RCRA nrc pcrfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols PcrtineOI sampling infonnation is located on the attached COC Confidential Business l.nfonnalion: This report is prodded for lhcexclusi,·c use oflhc addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name oflhis company or an} member of its stniT, or rcproduclion oflhis report in connection" ith lhc ad,ertiscmcnl, promotion or s.1lc of M} product or process, or in connection with lhc rc-publicalion of this report Cor any purpose other lhan (or the addressee will be granlcd only on contact This compan} accepts no responsibility except for lhe due perfonnance of inspeclion and/or anal) sis in good faith and according to the n1lcs of the trade and of science. ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we Method MDL Reporting Limit QC Type: LCS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82902 Date Analyzed: 09/16/2015 1326h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 5.11 mg!L E300_0 0,00751 OJOO 5.000 0 102 Lab Sample ID: LCS-R82866 Date Analyzed: 09115/2015 945h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1.05 mg!L E353 2 0 00833 0.0100 I 000 0 105 Limits 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 20 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SD\VA. and RCRA are perfonned in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use oft he addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection wlth the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due perfo011ance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALVTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB-R82902 Date Analyzed: Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride <0.100 Lab Sample ID: MB-R82866 Date Analyzed: Test Code: N02/N03-W-353,2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) <0.0100 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686. Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com OC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/16/2015 1309h mg/L E3000 000751 0.100 09/15/2015 942h mg/L E353.2 0.00833 0.0100 Limits Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 21 of27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed m accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or anaJysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Units 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801 ) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Method MDL Reporting Limit Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: we QCType: MS Amount Spiked Spike Ref. Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: 1509241-001AMS Date Analyzed: 09/16/2015 1359h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 83.6 mg/L E300 0 0.0751 1.00 50.00 37.7 9L8 Lab Sample ID: 1509123-027BMS Date Analyzed: 09/15/2015 952h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 15,9 mg/L E353.2 0 0833 0,100 10,00 6 45 94,4 Lab Sample ID: J50924J-002BMS Date Analyzed: 09/15/2015 I 031h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9.60 mg!L E353 2 0.0417 0 0500 5.000 4,72 97 7 Limits 90-I IO 90-I IO 90-I 10 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt % RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/20 I 5 Page 22 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Busmess Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion 01 sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules oft he trade and of science American West ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Contact: Garrin Palmer Lab Set ID: 1509241 Dept: WC Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Analyte Result Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC Lab Sample ID: 1509241-00lAMSD Date Analyzed: 09116/2015 1416h Test Code: 300.0-W Chloride 83.6 mg/L E300_0 0.0751 1.00 50 00 37.7 91.9 -Lab Sample ID: 1509123-027BMSD Date Analyzed: 09/15/2015 953h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353.2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 16.1 mg/L E353 2 0,0833 0.100 10.00 645 96.4 Lab Sample ID: 1509241-002BMSD Date Analyzed: 09115/20 15 1032h Test Code: N02/N03-W-353 2 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 7.84 mg/L E353.2 0.0417 0.0500 5.000 4.72 62.5 @-High RPD due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference. '-Matrix spike recovery indicates matrix interference. The method is in control as indicated by the LCS. Limits 90-110 90-110 90-110 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit 83,6 0 0347 20 15.9 1,25 10 96 20,2 10 Qual '@ Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 23 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling informal ion is located on the anached COC Confidential Business lnformalion: This report is prov1ded for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: LCS VOC-2 09111SA Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Chloroform 20.1 Methylene chloride 18.4 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 52.9 Surr: To1uene-d8 50 3 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-Jabs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QCType: LCS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/11/2015 1106h J.lg/L SW8260C 0,153 1.00 20.00 0 100 J.lg/L SW8260C 0,172 1.00 20.00 0 92.0 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 106 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 103 J.lg!L SW8260C 50.00 106 J.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 101 Limits 67-132 32-185 76-138 80-152 67-128 81 -135 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 24 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDW A. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Contidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use oft he addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its stafl: or reproduction of this report in connection with the· a.dvertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process. or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules oft he trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: MB VOC-2 09111SA Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DEN100 Carbon tetrachloride < 1.00 Chloroform <I 00 Chloromethane < 100 Methylene chloride < 1.00 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 49 8 Surr: Toluene-d8 51 7 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MBLK Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/11/2015 1145h Jlg/L SW8260C 0.504 1,00 Jlg/L SW8260C 0.153 1.00 Jlg/L SW8260C 0163 1.00 Jlg/L SW8260C 0.172 1.00 Jlg/L SW8260C 50,00 102 Jlg/L SW8260C 50 00 105 Jlg/L SW8260C 50,00 99.7 Jlg/L SW8260C 50.00 103 Limits 76-138 80-152 67-128 81 -135 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 25 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff,. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product 01 process. or in connection with the re~publication of this repon for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 1509241-001CMS Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Chlorofonn 19.8 Methylene chloride 19.7 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 52.9 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 53 4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 53,0 Surr: Toluene-d8 51.9 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com OC SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QCType: MS Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/1112015 1409h f.lg/L SW8260C 0.153 1.00 20 00 0 99,0 f.lg/L SW8260C 0,172 1,00 20.00 0 98.3 f.lg/L SW8260C 50 00 106 f.lg/L SW8260C 50.00 107 f.lg/L SW8260C 50 00 !06 Jlg/L SW8260C 5000 104 Limits 50-146 30-192 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 26 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CVr'A. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Business Information: This report is provided for the excluSive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product 01 process7 or in connection wlth the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on concact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due perform~nce of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules oft he trade and of science American West ANALYTICAL lABORATORIES Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Lab Set ID: 1509241 Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Analyte Result Lab Sample ID: 1509241-001 CMSD Date Analyzed: Test Code: 8260-W-DENIOO Chloroform 19,4 Methylene chloride 19.6 Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroethane-d4 52.3 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.2 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 51.6 Surr: Toluene-d8 50.4 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686, Toll Free: (888) 263-8686, Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awal-labs.com C SUMMARY REPORT Contact: Garrin Palmer Dept: MSVOA QCType: MSD Reporting Amount Spike Ref. Units Method MDL Limit Spiked Amount %REC 09/11 /2015 1428h j.tg/L SW8260C 0 153 1.00 20.00 0 96 9 j.tg/L SW8260C 0_172 I 00 20.00 0 97.9 j.tg/L SW8260C 50.00 105 j.tg/L SW8260C 50 00 104 j.tg/L SW8260C 50 00 103 j.tg/L SW8260C 50 00 101 Limits 50-146 30-192 72-151 80-152 80-124 77-129 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer RPDRef. RPD Amt %RPD Limit 19.8 219 25 19.7 0 408 25 Qual Report Date: 9/22/2015 Page 27 of 27 All analyses applicable to the CWA. SDWA. and RCRA are performed in accordance 10 NELAC protocols Pertment sampling information is located on the attached COC Confidential Busmess Information: This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff. or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promo cion or sale of any product or process. or in connection wlth the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science American West Analytical Laboratories UL Denison WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1509241 Page 1 of2 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/22/2015 Client ID: DENlOO Contact: Garrin Palmer Project: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 QC Level: III WO Type: Project Comments: PA Rush. QC 3 (Swnmary/No chromatograms). RL of 1 ppm for Chloride and VOC and 0.1 ppm for N02/N03. Expected levels provided by client-see Jenn. J-flag what we can't meet. ElM Locus and EDD-Denison. Email Group.; i) 'f:> Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage -- 1509241-00 1A MW -32 _ 09092015 9/912015 l310h 9/1112015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytes: CL --- 1509241-001B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL ilnalytd: N03N02N 1509241-001 c 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Oru11p: 8260-W-DEfiJOO; #of Alfalytes: 4 I# ofSu": 4 ~ 1509241-002A l'V4-07_09102015 9/1012015 0703h 9/11/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analy&s: CL ---1509241-0028 N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509241-002C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Oro'!/): 8260-W-DENI 00; #of Analytes: 4 I# of Surr: 4 ~ 1509241-003A l'V4-08_09102015 9/10/2015 0710h 9/1112015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL --1509241-003B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SELAnalyte:t: N03N02N 1509241-003C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENJ 00; #of Analytes: 41 #of Su": 4 -1509241-004A l'V4-06_09102015 9/10/2015 0715h 9/11/2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SELAna/yles; CL -1509241-004B N021N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 1 SEL Analytes: N03N02N ----1509241-004C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENJ 00; # of Analytes: 4 I# of Su": 4 -1509241-005A l'V4-10_09102015 9/10/2015 0723h 9/lll2015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc 1 SEL Analytu: CL ---1509241-00SB N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/oo3 1 SELAnalyus; N03N02N ---1509241-005C 8260-W-DENIOO VOCFridge Test Group: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of d.nalytes; 4 I# ofSurr: 4 Printed: 9/11/2015 FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY [fill out on page 1]: %M CN~TAT~QC HOK __ HOK __ _ HOK___ COC Emailed Jf' , u , WORK ORDER Summary WorkOrder: 1509241 Page2of2 Client: Energy Fuels Resources, Inc. Due Date: 9/22/2015 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Set Storage 1509241-006A 1W4-60_09102015 9/10/2015 0745h 9/1112015 1030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Analytes: CL 1509241-006B N02/N03-W-353.2 df-no2/no3 I SEL Alllllyta: N03N02N 150924l-006C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Groiip: 8260-W-DENJOO; #of Analyte&: 4 I# ofSurr: 4 1509241-00?A 1W4-07R_09092015 9/912015 0823h 9/1112015 1 030h 300.0-W Aqueous df-wc I SEL Arralytes; CL 1509241-00?B N02/N03-W-353.2 df -no2/no3 I SEL Analytes: N03N02N 1509241-00?C 8260-W-DENlOO VOCFridge 3 Test Gror1p: 8260-W-DENJOO; # ofAna/ytc.s; 4 I # ofSurr: 4 1509241-00SA TripB1ank 9/9/2015 9/1112015 1030h 8260-W-DENIOO Aqueous VOCFridge 3 Test Group: 8260-W-DENIOO; #Q/ Analytes: 41# ofSurr: 4 Printed: 9/14/2015 FORLABORATORYUSEONLY[filloutonpage1]: %M 0 RT 0 CN 0 TAT 0 QCO HOK __ _ HOK __ HOK___ COG Emailed,__ ___ _ American West Analytical Laboratories 463 w. 3600 s. SaHaka City, lJT 84115 Phone# (801) 263-8686 Toll Free# (888) 263·6666 ~ .. ~···· Address: 6425 S. Hwy. 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Contact: Garrln Palmer Phone#: (435) 678-2221 Cell#: gpalmcr@cncrgyfuels.com.: KWeiDel@ftnergyfuels.com; Email: di:VJ:I<I,'I~uea.m>m Project Name: 3rd Quarter Chloroform 2015 Project#: PO#: Sampler Name: Tanner Holliday Date ·SampielD: Samplad 'MW-32_09092015 9/9/2015 2. ~ 'I'W4-()7_Q9102015 9/10/2015 3 I TW4-08_09102015 9/10/2015 4 TW4-iML09102015 9/10/2015 ; TW4-10_09102015 9/10/2015 6 ; 1W4-60_09102015 9/10/2015 T ' TW4-oi'J1~090920US -9/9/2015 8 I TRIPBLANK 9/9/2015 I TEMPBLANK 9/10/2015 0 1 z Rof~:~~r.~ ........... p 72/LZ S!QMiuro iirb/ZD!S ~ 1111. PJk~ Nomor: I~ .t.r #otl,/1-A "' cmi'z3o Rllllrlqullolloel by; '-' Pate: Slllr10iuro llme: """'""'"'"' ~~Wiodb)'i ate: Sl 1me: >'IUII~m•; !l•ifiiiUfohocl·f>r> Date: IOC".IIIIna 1me: Prlt11Namo.t - I . Time SaJllflled 1310 703 710 715 723 745 823 AI)Cii'{ooltlt: \ ~· Prllll!Jame. f!Oco!VIr<!Pv; Smn•tl.h · Print Name: RllcCIIY>dl>f; SICMI<n Print Name: ~ece1ved hy: Si nature l"'irr1 N;im"" CHAIN OF CUSTODY 15692~1 All analysis will be conducted using NELAP accredited methods ar.d all data wtll be reported using AWAL's &1andard analyte lists and reporting AWAL lab Sample Set# limits (POL) unless specifically requested otherwise on this Chain of Custody and/or attached documentation. Page 1 of 1 I QC Level: I Tum Around Time: UnfeQ other anangements have been m~. I Duo Date: I signed reports will be emailad by 5:00 pm on 3 Standard the day \hey are due. )< Include EDD: :: < -t.'al;";~ib;y.l:l~On&';· . ~ ,.,._. "" I LOCUS UPLOAD LLP5 EXCEL ~~osWoro: Field Filtered For. ~~~~·""' I 2 AJ1\b1Jl,.or~ For Compliance With: 3 J~im> 2., 9 :c 0 NELAP 0 RCRA - 0 CWA • ~odt!Jo~ !J SDWA ~-C? 0 ELAP I A2LA '( 'N 0 NLLAP ~ ,, E'l' c I D Non-Compliance c::;:~~wJ . c:i o-i 0 D other: N "' 0') D' ~~~~ !!! ·~ t< \... 0 ' " 0 (0 ',y N " a; "' 0 "' ~ ::;: 0 0 ~ Known Hazards ~~w~ 0 " z "' '11m<$ -.... :::t "' I u c. N 0 & t 15 E 0 0 0 Samole'Camments N "' "" "' z l> 5 w X X X 5 w X X X OOCT;op.W.., 1 ~cnOUia<P~ 5 w X X X y 'N .fNA' ' 5 w X X X 2 U!1blilloon on o;J•c Ji~ r. 5 w X X X y . N' • ~- 5 w X X X 3 ·Pt""""'-'"rS.mpl• v II w. 5 X X X ., w -~-~~~ .... ~ 3 w X '/lA I -1 w ~~v ' til )aM t-Mr:-t.\1'7 J"-lA ) Date: ~ 11 1<::: Spociat Instructions: a . )eJA\se f?j\J.u.('\ llrTI .. 11D -~~n Date: See the Analytical Scope of Work for Reporting Llmits and VOC analyte ltst. nme: Date: nm~ Dale: '-JI/ 'flme: Analysis Ammonia COD Cyanide Metals N02&N03 O&G Phenols Sulfide TKN TP04 Procedure: Frequency: Preservation Check Sheet s le Set E ----------- Preservative P-OOl -oo<-1--QV? -c::a-t -005 -oao pH<ZH2S04 pH<2 H2S04 pH>l2 NaOH pH<2HN03 pH<ZH2S04 I~ 1-Je~ \le? ~,.._'? l·~s I'Je? pH<2HCL I 17 I 11 I I pH<ZH2S04 pH>9NaOH, ZnAcetate pH<ZH2S04 pH<2 H2S04 Pour a small amount of sample in the sample lid Pour sample from Lid gently over wide range pH paper Do Not dip the pH paper in the sample bottle or lid -o:Jf \1~5 I doH 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) If sample is not preserved, properly list its extension and receiving pH in the appropriate colunm above Flag COC, notify client if requested Place client conversation on COC Samples may be adjusted All samples requiring preservation * + • # • The sample required additional preservative upon receipt. The sample was received unpreserved. The sample was received unpreserved and therefore preserved upon receipt. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH < 2 due to the sample matrix. The sample pH was unadjustable to a pH> __ due to the sample matrix interference . Lab Set ID: l5Cft£~) Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables I-1: Field QA/QC Evaluation lxCasing 2x Casing Location Volume Volume Pumped Volume Volume Check Conductivity_ RPD pH RPD Temp RPD Redox Potential RPD Turbidity MW-4 NA C.~ntinuously pumped well --1842 NIA 6.86 N/A 16.15 N/A 257 N/A TW4-01 NA Continuously: pumped well -2222 NIA 6.74 NIA 15.64 N/A 244 N/A TW4-02 NA Continuously pumped well -3315 N/A 6.69 N/A 16.19 N/A 229 N/A TW4-03 55.55 85.25 111 Pumped Df"y 1676 1681 0.30 6.50 6.54 0.61 15.89 I, 15.94 0.31 NM ..NC TW4-04 NA Continuqusly p'UmflCd well -2304 NIA 6.67 N/A 15.31 N/A 277 NIA TW4-05 36.76 88.00 74 OK 1452 1442 0.69 6.68 6.66 0.30 15.59 15.59 0.00 277 277 0.00 TW4-06 17.07 22.00 34 Pumped Dl!y 3295 3301 0.18 7.30 7.28 0.27 14.81 14.88 0.47 NM NC TW4-07 29.54 58.66 59 Pumped Ory 1562 1580 1.15 7.49 7.47 0.27 15 .68 15.73 0.32 NM NC TW4-08 31.99 77 .00 64 OK 4623 4618 0.11 6.78 6.78 0.00 15.07 15.06 0.07 299 298 0.34 TW4-09 38.16 88 .00 76 OK 2398 2398 0.00 6.54 6.54 0.00 15 .29 15.29 0.00 279 278 0.36 TW4-IO 32.52 49.50 65 Plul}p,ed Dry 2700 2724 0.88 6.96 6.92 0.58 14.29 14.33 0.28 NM NC TW4-11 NA .Conti nuously pumped well "-3464 N/A 6.82 N/A 15.45 N/A 177 N/A TW4-12 36.69 55.00 73 Pumped '_b.r:y 1278 1296 1.40 7.06 7.05 0.14 14.88 14.93 0.34 NM NC TW4-13 33.49 4'7.6:6· 67 Puom.<fd G1:y 1872 1890 0.96 7.14 7.11 0.42 14.50 14.53 0.21 NM NC TW4-14 7.87 111.00, 16 Pltmpc.d, Dry 4960 4972 0.24 6.66 6.70 0.60 15.18 15.20 0.13 NM NC MW-26 NA Continuously pumped well -3351 NIA 6.62 N/A 17.01 N/A 197 NfA TW4-16 51.27 121.00 103 OK 717 737 2.75 6.58 6.58 0.00 15.11 15.12 0.07 238 237 0.42 MW-32 36.24 78.12 72 OK 3674 3690 0.43 7.15 7.14 0.14 15.69 15.65 0.26 134 133 0.75 TW4-18 47.63 110.00 95 OK 851 870 2.21 6.38 6.37 0.16 15.64 15.63 0.06 284 284 0.00 TW4-19 NA Continuously.pumped well --617 N/A 6.75 N/A 16.81 N/A 301 N/A TW4-20 NA . Conlinuousty pumped well -4232 N/A 6.31 N/A 16.65 N/A 214 N/A TW4-21 NA Continuously pumped well -4298 N/A 6.56 N/A 17.33 N/A 394 N/A TW4-22 NA Continuously pumped well -5752 NIA 6.57 N/A 16.29 N/A 278 NIA TW4-23 29.64 88.00 59 OK 3575 3575 0.00 6.54 6.56 0.31 14.50 14.50 0.00 181 178 1.67 TW4-24 NA Continuously pumped well -5737 NIA 6.45 N/A 16.70 N/A 284 NIA TW4-25 NA Continuously pumped well --2668 NIA 6.84 N/A 16.11 N/A 329 NIA TW4-26 13.12 16.50 26 Pumped Dry 6324 6350 0.41 4.54 4.53 0.22 15.06 15.10 0.27 NM NC TW4-27 10.46 11.00 21 Pumped Dry 5038 5051 0.26 6.86 6.82 0.58 14.60 14.62 0.14 NM NC TW4-28 44.14 71.50 88 Pulllpcd ·ll>ry 1242 1243 0.08 7.09 7.09 0.00 14.42 14.47 0.35 NM NC TW4-29 13.26 16.50 27 PCimp~d Dry 4145 4142 0.07 6.82 6.83 0.15 15.06 15.12 0.40 NM NC TW4-30 10.64 14.66 21 Pumped Dry 4390 4388 0.05 6.43 6.40 0.47 14.97 15.00 0.20 NM NC TW4-31 16.71 19.25 33 Pumped Dry 4733 4735 0.04 6.77 6.75 0.30 14.64 14.65 0.07 NM NC TW4-32 41.92 88.00 84 OK 7403 7405 0.03 3.65 3.65 0.00 14.85 14.85 0.00 488 488 0.00 TW4-33 10.41 11.00 21 Pumpe'd lDrY 4410 4428 0.41 6.10 6.16 0.98 15.37 15.39 0.13 NM NC TW4-34 16.92 27.50 34 Pumped Dry_ 3798 3801 0.08 7.23 7.20 0.42 15.97 16.01 0.25 NM NC TW4-35 8.71 11.00 17 Pumped Dry 4275 4289 0.33 6.69 6.68 0.15 15.26 15.30 0.26 NM NC TW4-36 I 27.68 36.66 55 Pumpc~l Dry. 2290 2301 0.48 7.02 7.00 0.29 14.47 14.47 0.00 NM NC TW4-37 NA C~nti nuo.usly. pum~d well -4678 N/A 6.83 N/A 16.42 N/A 272 N/A MW-4, TW4-01, TW4-02, TW4-4, TW4-11, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TW4-37 are contmually pumped wells. TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-25 are pumped under the mtrate program. TW4-03, TW4-06, TW4-07, TW4-10, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-33, TW4-34, TW4-35, and TW4-36 were pumped dry and sampled after recovery. NM =Not Measured. The QAP does not require the measurement of redox potential or turbidity in wells that were purged to dryness. RPD =Relative Percent Difference 0.00 12.1 0.0 NM 3.2 40 NM NM 21 46 NM 8.1 NM NM NM 3.4 36.0 34.0 73 0 6.4 11.9 11.2 22 1 12.0 NM NM NM NM NM NM 25 NM NM NM NM 7.5 The QAP states that turbidity should be less than 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units ("NTU") prior to sampling unless the well is characterized by water that has a higher turbidity. The QAP does not require that turbidity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations regarding turbidity measurements less than 5 NTU are included for information purposes only. 40 21.0 46.0 36.0 33.0 73 22 25 RPD NIA N/A N/A NC N/A 0.00 NC NC 0.00 0.00 NC N/A NC NC NC N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.00 N/A N/A NC NC NC NC NC N<C 0.00 NC NC NC NC N/A 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 9/9/2015 911112015 2 14 OK MW-04 Chloride 8/31/2015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK MW-04 Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-04 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK MW-04 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-04 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 9/15/2015 15 28 OK TW4-01 Chloride 8/3112015 9113/2015 13 28 OK TW4-01 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-01 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-01 Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-01 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9/10/2015 10 28 OK TW4-02 Chloride 8/3112015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-02 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-02 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-02 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-02 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9115/2015 15 28 OK TW4-03 Chloride 9/2/2015 9112/2015 10 28 OK TW4-03 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-03 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-03 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-03 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-03 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/22/2015 20 28 OK TW4-03R Chloride 911/2015 9/12/2015 11 28 OK TW4-03R Carbon tetrachloride 9/1/2015 9/6/2015 5 14 OK TW4-03R Chloroform 911/2015 9/6/2015 5 14 OK TW4-03R Chloromethane 911/2015 9/6/2015 5 14 OK TW4-03R Methylene chloride 9/112015 9/6/2015 5 14 OK TW4-03R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/1/2015 9/22/2015 21 28 OK TW4-04 Chloride 8/3112015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-04 Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-04 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-04 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-04 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9115/2015 15 28 OK TW4-05 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/12/2015 9 28 OK TW4-05 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-05 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-05 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name SampJe Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-05 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-05 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/9/2015 6 28 OK TW4-06 Chloride 9/10/2015 9/16/2015 6 28 OK TW4-06 Carbon tetrachloride 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-06 Chloroform 9/10/2015 9/1112015 1 14 OK TW4-06 Chloromethane 9/10/2015 9/1112015 1 14 OK TW4-06 Methylene chloride 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-06 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/10/2015 9115/2015 5 28 OK TW4-07 Chloride 9110/2015 9/16/2015 6 28 OK TW4-07 Carbon tetrachloride 9110/2015 9/1112015 I 14 OK TW4-07 Chloroform 9/10/2015 9/1112015 1 14 OK TW4-07 Chloromethane 9110/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-07 Methylene chloride 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-07 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/10/2015 9/15/2015 5 28 OK TW4-07R Chloride 9/9/2015 9/16/2015 7 28 OK TW4-07R Carbon tetrachloride 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK TW4-07R Chloroform 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK TW4-07R Chloromethane 9/9/2015 9111/2015 2 14 OK TW4-07R Methylene chloride 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK TW4-07R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/9/2015 9/15/2015 6 28 OK TW4-08 Chloride 9/10/2015 9/16/2015 6 28 OK TW4-08 Carbon tetrachloride 9/10/2015 911112015 1 14 OK TW4-08 Chloroform 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-08 Chloromethane 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-08 Methylene chloride 9110/2015 9/11/2015 1 14 OK TW4-08 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/10/2015 9/15/2015 5 28 OK TW4-09 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/12/2015 9 28 OK TW4-09 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-09 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-09 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-09 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-09 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/22/2015 19 28 OK TW4-10 Chloride 9110/2015 9/16/2015 6 28 OK TW4-10 Carbon tetrachloride 9110/2015 9/11/2015 I 14 OK TW4-10 Chloroform 9110/2015 9/11/2015 I 14 OK TW4-10 Chloromethane 9110/2015 9/11/2015 I 14 OK TW4-10 Methylene chloride 9/10/2015 9/1112015 1 14 OK TW4-10 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9110/2015 9/15/2015 5 28 OK TW4-ll Chloride 8/3112015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-ll Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-ll Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-11 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-ll Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-ll Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 9/15/2015 15 28 OK TW4-12 Chloride 9/2/2015 9112/2015 10 28 OK TW4-12 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-12 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-12 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-12 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-12 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/9/2015 7 28 OK TW4-13 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/2015 10 28 OK TW4-13 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-13 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-13 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-13 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-13 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/9/2015 7 28 OK TW4-14 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/12/2015 9 28 OK TW4-14 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-14 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-14 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-14 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-14 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/9/2015 6 28 OK MW-26 Chloride 8/31/2015 9/12/2015 12 28 OK MW-26 Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-26 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK MW-26 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-26 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK MW-26 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 9/22/2015 22 28 OK TW4-16 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/12/2015 9 28 OK TW4-16 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-16 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-16 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-16 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-16 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/22/2015 19 28 OK MW-32 Chloride 9/9/2015 9116/2015 7 28 OK MW-32 Carbon tetrachloride 9/9/2015 9/11/2015 2 14 OK MW-32 Chloroform 9/9/2015 9/1112015 2 14 OK MW-32 Chloromethane 9/9/2015 9111/2015 2 14 OK MW-32 Methylene chloride 9/9/2015 9/1112015 2 14 OK MW-32 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/9/2015 9115/2015 6 28 OK TW4-18 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/12/2015 9 28 OK TW4-18 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-18 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-18 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-18 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-18 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/9/2015 6 28 OK TW4-19 Chloride 8/3112015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-19 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-19 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-19 Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-19 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-19 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 9/15/2015 15 28 OK TW4-20 Chloride 8/31/2015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-20 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-20 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-20 Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK I-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-20 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-20 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9/15/2015 15 28 OK TW4-21 Chloride 8/3112015 9/13/2015 13 28 OK TW4-21 Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-21 Chloroform 8/3112015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-21 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-21 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-21 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 911012015 10 28 OK TW4-22 Chloride 8/31/2015 9/14/2015 14 28 OK TW4-22 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-22 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-22 Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-22 Methylene chloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-22 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 9115/2015 15 28 OK TW4-23 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/13/2015 10 28 OK TW4-23 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-23 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-23 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-23 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-23 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/10/2015 7 28 OK TW4-24 Chloride 8/31/2015 9112/2015 12 28 OK TW4-24 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-24 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-24 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-24 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-24 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9/10/2015 10 28 OK TW4-25 Chloride 8/31/2015 9/12/2015 12 28 OK TW4-25 Carbon tetrachloride 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-25 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-25 Chloromethane 8/3112015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-25 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-25 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/3112015 9/9/2015 9 28 OK TW4-26 Chloride 9/3/2015 911312015 10 28 OK TW4-26 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-26 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-26 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-26 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-26 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/15/2015 12 28 OK TW4-27 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/2015 10 28 OK TW4-27 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-27 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-27 Chloromethane 9/212015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-27 Methylene chloride 912/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-27 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/9/2015 7 28 OK TW4-28 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/2015 10 28 OK TW4-28 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-28 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-28 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK l-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location lD Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-28 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-28 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/9/2015 7 28 OK TW4-29 Chloride 9/3/2015 9112/2015 9 28 OK TW4-29 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-29 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 5 14 OK TW4-29 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-29 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-29 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/9/2015 6 28 OK TW4-30 Chloride 9/3/2015 9112/2015 9 28 OK TW4-30 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-30 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-30 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-30 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-30 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/22/2015 19 28 OK TW4-31 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/2015 10 28 OK TW4-31 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-31 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-31 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-31 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-31 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/22/2015 20 28 OK TW4-32 Chloride 9/2/2015 9112/2015 10 28 OK TW4-32 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-32 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-32 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-32 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-32 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/17/2015 15 28 OK TW4-33 Chloride 9/3/2015 9112/2015 9 28 OK TW4-33 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-33 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-33 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-33 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-33 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/22/2015 19 28 OK TW4-34 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/13/2015 10 28 OK TW4-34 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-34 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-34 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-34 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-34 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9110/2015 7 28 OK TW4-35 Chloride 9/3/2015 9/13/2015 10 28 OK TW4-35 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-35 Chloroform 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-35 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-35 Methylene chloride 9/3/2015 9/6/2015 3 14 OK TW4-35 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/10/2015 7 28 OK TW4-36 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/2015 10 28 OK TW4-36 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-36 Chloroform 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-36 Chloromethane 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Hold Time Allowed Hold Hold Time Location ID Parameter Name Sample Date Analysis Date (Days) Time (Days) Check TW4-36 Methylene chloride 9/2/2015 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-36 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/2015 9/22/2015 20 28 OK TW4-37 Chloride 8/31/2015 9113/2015 13 28 OK TW4-37 Carbon tetrachloride 8/31120I5 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-37 Chloroform 8/31/2015 9/8/2015 8 14 OK TW4-37 Chloromethane 8/31/2015 9/6/20I5 6 14 OK TW4-37 Methylene chloride 8/31/2015 9/6/2015 6 14 OK TW4-37 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 8/31/2015 911512015 15 28 OK TW4-60 Chloride 9/10/2015 9/16/2015 6 28 OK TW4-60 Carbon tetrachloride 9110/2015 9/11/2015 I 14 OK TW4-60 Chloroform 9/10/20I5 9/1112015 I I4 OK TW4-60 Chloromethane 9/10/2015 9/11/2015 1 I4 OK TW4-60 Methylene chloride 9110/2015 9/li/2015 I 14 OK TW4-60 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/10/20I5 9/15/20I5 5 28 OK TW4-65 Chloride 9/2/2015 9/12/20I5 10 28 OK TW4-65 Carbon tetrachloride 9/2/20I5 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-65 Chloroform 9/2/20I5 9/6/2015 4 I4 OK TW4-65 Chloromethane 9/2/20I5 9/6/2015 4 14 OK TW4-65 Methylene chloride 9/2/20I5 9/6/20I5 4 14 OK TW4-65 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/2/20I5 9/9/2015 7 28 OK TW4-70 Chloride 9/3/20I5 9/13/2015 10 28 OK TW4-70 Carbon tetrachloride 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 5 14 OK TW4-70 Chloroform 9/3/20I5 9/8/2015 5 I4 OK TW4-70 Chloromethane 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 5 14 OK TW4-70 Methylene chloride 9/3/20I5 9/8/2015 5 I4 OK TW4-70 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 9/3/2015 9/16/2015 13 28 OK Table I-3 Recipt Temperature Check Sample Batch Wells in Batch Temperature 1509123 MW-04, MW-26, TW4-01, TW4-02, TW4-03, TW4-03R, 1.6 oc TW4-04, TW4-05, TW4-09, TW4-11, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-15, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-23, TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-26, TW4-27, TW4-28, TW4-29, TW4-30, TW4-31, TW4-32, TW4-33, TW4-34, TW4-35, TW4-36, TW4-37, TW4-65, TW4-70 1509241 MW-32, TW4-06, TW4-07, TW4-07R, TW4-08, TW4-10, 2.4·c TW4-60, Trip Blank 1-4 Analytical Method Check Parameter Method Method Used by Lab SW8260B or Carbon Tetrachloride SW8260C SW8260C A4500-Cl B or A4500-Cl E or Chloride E300.0 E300.0 SW8260B or Chloroform SW8260C SW8260C SW8260B or Chloromethane SW8260C SW8260C SW8260B or Methylene chloride SW8260C SW8260C Nitrogen E353.1 or E353.2 E353.2 All parameters were analyzed using the reporting method specificied in the QAP -ep0J'UOg nrut ec I 5R L .. Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyte Limit Units Qual iller Factor Reporting Limit Check Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride I ug!L u I I OK Trip Blank Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u I I OK Trip Blank Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK Trip Blank Chloroform 1 ug/L u I 1 OK Trip Blank Chloromethane I ug!L u 1 I OK Trip Blank Methylene chloride I ug!L u I I OK MW-04 Chloride 10 mg!L IO I OK MW-04 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 I OK MW-04 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 I OK MW-04 Chloromethane I ug!L 1 I OK MW-04 Methylene chloride I ug!L u 1 I OK MW-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) I mg!L 10 0.1 OK MW-26 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK MW-26 Carbon tetrachloride I ug!L u I I OK MW-26 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 1 OK MW-26 Chloromethane I ug!L I 1 OK MW-26 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L 1 1 OK MW-26 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK MW-32 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK MW-32 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Chloroform 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK MW-32 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L u 1 0.1 OK - TW4-01 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-01 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-01 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 1 OK TW4-0I Chloromethane I ug!L u I I OK TW4-0I Methylene chloride I ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-01 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-02 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-02 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-02 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 I OK TW4-02 Chloromethane 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-02 Methylene chloride I ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-02 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-03 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-03 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Chloroform 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) O.I mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-03R Chloride 1 mg!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-03R MeLhylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK -epor11.ng mut C ec I 5 R L' . h k Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor R'epQJ;tblg~ Limit Check TW4-03R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-04 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-04 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-04 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 1 OK TW4-04 Chloromethane 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-04 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-04 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-05 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-05 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Chloroform 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-05 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-05 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-06 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-06 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 1 OK TW4-06 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-06 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.5 mg!L 5 0.1 OK TW4-07 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-07 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 Chloroform 50 ug/L 50 1 OK TW4-07 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 MethyJene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-07 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.5 mg!L 5 0.1 OK TW4-07R Chloride 1 mg!L u 1 1 OK TW4-07R Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-07R Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-07R Chloromethane 1 ug[L u 1 1 OK TW4-07R Methylene chloride 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-07R Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-08 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-08 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 1 OK TW4-08 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Melhylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-08 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L 1 0.1 OK TW4-09 Chloride 10 mgfL 10 1 OK TW4-09 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-09 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-09 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-10 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-10 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Chloroform 50 ug/L 50 1 OK TW4-10 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-10 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK -<.~ort1 ng mut ec I 5 R L' . Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit Check TW4-11 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-11 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-ll Chloroform 50 ug!L 50 I OK TW4-ll Chloromethane I ug/L I 1 OK TW4-ll Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-ll Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-12 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-12 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Chloroform 1 ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-12 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 I OK TW4-12 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-12 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-13 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-13 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-13 Chloroform 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-13 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-14 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-14 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-14 Chloroform 1 ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-14 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-14 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-14 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-16 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-16 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-16 Chloroform 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-16 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-16 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-16 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-18 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-18 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Chloroform 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-18 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-18 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 5 mg!L 50 0.1 OK TW4-19 Chloride 100 mg!L 100 1 OK TW4-19 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 I OK TW4-19 Chloroform 100 ug!L 100 1 OK TW4-19 Chloromethane 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-19 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-19 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-20 Chloride 100 mg!L 100 1 OK TW4-20 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-20 Chloroform 100 ug!L 100 I OK TW4-20 Chloromethane 1 ug!L 1 1 OK TW4-20 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-20 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-21 Chloride 100 mg!L 100 1 OK 15R L' ·ch k -cporung mut ec Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyle Limit Units Qualil1cr Factor ReporLing Limit Check TW4-2I Carbon tetrachloride I u!!IL u I 1 OK TW4-21 Chloroform 10 ug/L IO 1 OK TW4-21 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-2I Methylene chloride 1 ug{L u I 1 OK TW4-21 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 nig/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-22 Chloride 100 ll'lg/L 100 l OK TW4-22 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-22 Chloroform 50 ug/L 50 1 OK TW4-22 Chloromethane 1 ug/L I 1 OK TW4-22 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-22 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 5 mg/L 50 0.1 OK TW4-23 Chloride IO mg!L 10 I OK TW4-23 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u I I OK TW4-23 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 l OK TW4-23 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-23 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L u 1 0.1 OK TW4-24 Chloride 100 mg/L 100 I OK TW4-24 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug_IL u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Chloroform I ug/L 1 I OK TW4-24 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Methy-lene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-24 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 5 mg!L 50 0.1 OK TW4-25 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-25 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Chloromethane 1 ugfL u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-25 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 OK TW4-26 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-26 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-26 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Methylene chloride 1 l!giL u 1 1 OK TW4-26 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-27 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-27 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 l OK TW4-27 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-27 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-27 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-27 Nitrate/Nitrite _(as N) 10 mg!L 100 0.1 OK TW4-28 Chloride 10 m_g/L 10 1 OK TW4-28 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Mc!J1yle.ne chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-28 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 rng/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-29 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-29 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK -eporll,ne: mut ec I 5 R L .. Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit Check TW4-29 Chloroform 10 ug/L 10 1 OK TW4-29 Chloromethane I ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-29 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-29 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-30 Chloride 10 mg/L IO 1 OK TW4-30 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-30 Chloromethane I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-30 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L IO 0.1 OK TW4-31 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-31 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 l OK TW4-31 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-31 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 10 0.1 OK TW4-32 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-32 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-32 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg!L 10 0.1 OK TW4-33 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-33 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-33 Chloroform 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-33 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-33 Methylene chloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-33 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L IO O.I OK TW4-34 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-34 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-34 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-34 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-34 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u I 1 OK TW4-34 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) O.I mg/L I 0.1 OK TW4-35 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 I OK TW4-35 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Chloroform 1 ugjL u I 1 OK TW4-35 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-35 Methylene chloride 1 ug!L u I 1 OK TW4-35 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 OK TW4-36 Chloride 10 mg!L 10 1 OK TW4-36 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Chloromethane 1 ug!L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-36 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg!L u 10 0.1 OK TW4-37 Chloride 100 mg/L 100 1 OK TW4-37 Carbon tetrachloride I ug/L I 1 OK TW4-37 Chloroform 100 ug/L IOO 1 OK -cporUng urut ec I 5 R L .. Ch k Lab Reporting Dilution Required RL Location Analyte Limit Units Qualifier Factor Reporting Limit Check TW4-37 Chloromethane I ug/L I 1 OK TW4-37 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L 1 1 OK TW4-37 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 5 mg/L 50 0.1 OK TW4-60 Chloride 1 mg/L u 1 1 OK TW4-60 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-60 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-60 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-60 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 I OK TW4-60 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L u 1 0.1 OK TW4-65 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-65 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u l 1 OK TW4-65 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-65 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 10 mg!L 100 0.1 OK TW4-70 Chloride 10 mg/L 10 1 OK TW4-70 Carbon tetrachloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-70 Chloroform 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-70 Chloromethane 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-70 Methylene chloride 1 ug/L u 1 1 OK TW4-70 Nitrate/Nitrite (as N) 0.1 mg/L u 1 0.1 OK 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluation Lab Report Constituent Result 1509123 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug!L Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1509241 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1-7 QNQC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Constituent Chloride (mg/L) Nitrate+ Nitrite (as N) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Constituent Chloride (mg/L) Nitrate+ Nitrite (as N) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) RPD =Relative Percent Difference ND = The analyte was not detected TW4-12 60.2 16.4 ND ND ND ND TW4-23 54.1 ND ND ND ND ND TW4-65 %RPD 58.5 2.9 19.6 17.8 ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC TW4-70 %RPD 55.1 1.8 ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC ND NC I-8 QC Control Limits for Analysis and Blanks Method Blank Detections All Method Blanks for the quarter were non-detect. Matrix Spike % RecoYery Comparison MSD REC Lab Report Lab Sample ID Well Analyte MS %REC %REC Range RPD 1509241 1509241-002BMS TW4-07 Nitrate 97.7 62.5 90-110 20.20 1509123 1509123-036BMS TW4-70 Nitrate 0 0 90-110 0 1509123 1509123-005BMS TW4-32 Nitrate 66.8 68.3 90-110 1.27 1509123 1509381-003CMS N/A Nitrate 82.3 84.4 90-110 2.08 N/A: QC was not performed on an EFRI sample. Laboratory Control Sample All Laboratory Control Samples were within acceptance limits for the quarter. Surrogate % RecoYery All Surrogate recoveries were within acceptance limits for the quarter. I-9 Rinsate Evaluation All rinsate blanks results were nondetect for the quarter. TabJ Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map N "*~: NS =not sampled; NO =not detected; NO 02 = not detected in second quarter kriged chloroform isocon and label TW4-37 temporary perched pumping well -+-19100 installed March, 2015 showing concentration in ~g/L MW-32 perched monitoring well showing e ND concentration in ~g/L TW4-7 Q 897 TWN-1 ¢Ns PIEZ-1 Q NS TW4-36 ~NO temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration in ~giL temporary perched nitrate monitoring well (not sampled) perched piezometer (not sampled) temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2014 showing concentration in ~g/L b'Olf'!lelll!d iwN-:1.n NOTE: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2015 CHLOROFORM (IJg/L) WHITE MESA SITE APIIROIIEO Olqe REFERENCE FIGURE H:/718000/nov15/chloroform/Uchl0915.srf J-1 NS =not sampled; NO= not detected; NO 02 = not detected in second quarter ......_ ~ kriged chloroform isocon and label TW4-37 temporary perched pumping well -+-19100 installed March, 2015 showing concentration in jlg/L MW-32 perched monitoring well showing e NO concentration (Jlg/L) TW4-7 temporary perched monitoring well 0 897 showing concentration (Jlg/L) PIEZ-2 perched piezometer showing " NS concentration (j.!g/L) TW4-35 temporary perched monitoring well ~NO installed May, 2014 showing concentration (Jlg/L) TWN;;;G-3 ONS \ ':- ,. TW4-25 ·Q ND --,..,-J NOTE: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1 , TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-1 1, TW4-1 9, TW4-20; TW4-21 and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are nitrate pumping wells HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. KRIGED 3rd QUARTER, 2015 CHLOROFORM (I.JQL) WHITE MESA SITE IIPFROVED 01\lt: (detail map) REFERENCE H:/718000/ nov15/chloroform/Uchl0915detsrf FIGURE J-2 NS =not sampled; NO= not detected; NO 02 = not detected in second quarter kriged chloroform isocon and label TW4-37 temporary perched pumping well -+-HHM installed March, 2015 showing concentration in ~g/L MW-32 perched monitoring well showing e NO concentration (~g/L) TW4-7 Oa~; PIEZ-2 ._, NS TW4-35 *NO temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration (~g/L) perched piezometer showing concentration (~g/L) temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2014 showing concentration (~g/L) NOTE: MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1 , TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-11 , TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21 and TW4-37 are chloroform pumping wells; TW4-22, TW4-24, TW4-25, and TWN-2 are nitrate pumplng wells HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. 3rd QUARTER, 2015 CHLOROFORM GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 70 ~gL GRID WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED DATE REFERENCE H:/718000/ nov15/chloroform/Uchl0915ge70.srf FIGURE J-3 TabK Analyte Concentration Data and Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs Over Time Carbon ~ :;~ MW-4 I Chlorofonn Tetrachloride Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride ' I {ug/1) (ug/1) {ug/1) Chloride {ug/1) (mgll) (mgll) 28-Sep-99 6200 28-Sep-99 5820 28-Se_p-99 6020 15-Mar-00 5520 15-Mar-00 5430 2-Sep-00 5420 9.63 30-Nov-00 6470 9.37 29-Mar-01 4360 8.77 22-Jun-01 6300 9.02 20-Sep-01 5300 9.45 8-Nov-01 5200 8 26-Mar-02 4700 8.19 22-May-02 4300 8.21 12-Sep-02 6000 8.45 24-Nov-02 2500 8.1 28-Mar-03 2000 8.3 30-Apr-03 3300 NA 30-May-03 3400 8.2 23-Jun-03 4300 8.2 30-Jul-03 3600 8.1 29-Aug-03 4100 8.4 12-Sep-03 3500 8.5 15-0ct-03 3800 !U 8-Nov-03 3800 8 29-Mar-04 NA NA 22-Jun-04 NA NA 17-Sep-04 3300 6.71 17-Nov-04 4300 7.5 16-Mar-05 2900 6.3 25-May-05 3170 NA NA NA 7.1 NA 31-Aug-05 3500 <10 <10 <10 7.0 NA 1-Dec-05 3000 <50 <50 <50 7.0 NA 9-Mar-06 3100 <50 <50 so 6 49 14-Jun-06 3000 <50 <50 so 6 49 20-Jul-06 2820 <50 <50 <50 1.2 48 9-Nov-06 2830 2.1 1.4 <1 6.4 so 28-Feb-07 2300 1.6 <1 <1 6.3 47 27-Jun-07 2000 1.8 <1 <1 7 45 15-Aug-07 2600 1.9 <1 <1 6.2 47 10-0ct-07 2300 1.7 <1 <1 6.2 45 26-Mar-08 2400 1.7 <1 <1 5.8 42 25-Jun-08 2500 1.6 <1 <1 6.09 42 10-Sep-08 1800 1.8 <1 <1 6.36 35 15-0ct-08 2100 1.7 <1 <1 5.86 45 4-Mar-09 2200 1.5 <1 <1 5.7 37 23-Jun-09 1800 1.3 <1 <1 5.2 34 14-Sep-09 2000 1.4 <1 <1 5.3 43 14-Dec-09 1800 1.6 ND ND s.g 44 «i:Jtlorofpl!m (.)aj'ljon hlo..:9Jne..than~ 1 th, lcne -itr.a,te. Cblorlde MW-4 Tetraclrloride (ug'/1} ;(utYI'l '(ugll) Chloride (.~) mg'll) {mg/1) 17-Feb-10 1600 1.2 ND ND 4 45 14-Jun-10 2100 1.2 -ND ND 5.1 41 16-Al1g~10 1900 1.5 ND ND 4.8 38 11-0ct-10 1500 1.4 ND ND 4.9 41 23-Feb-11 1700 1.5 ND ND 4.6 40 1-Jun-11 1700 1.4 ND ND 4.9 35 17-Aug-ll 1700 1.1 ND ND 4.9 41 16-Nov-ll 1600 1.3 ND ND 5.1 40 23-Jan-12 1500 1 ND ND 4.8 41 6-Jun-12 1400 1.2 ND ND 4.9 39 4-Sep-12 1500 1.5 ND ND 5 41 4-0ct-12 1300 1 ND ND 4.8 42 ll-Feb-13 1670 1.49 ND ND 4.78 37.8 5-Jun-13 1490 1.31 ND ND 4.22 44 3-Sep-13 1520 1.13 ND ND 4.89 41.4 29-0ct-13 1410 5.58 ND ND 5.25 40.1 27-Jan-14 1390 4.15 ND ND 4.1 38.5 19-May-14 1390 5.21 ND ND 4.08 39.9 24-Aug-14 1490 ND 7.6 ND 3.7 41 21-0ct-14 1440 ND ND ND 5.07 41.5 9-Mar-15 1400 1.26 ND ND 5.75 40.7 8-Jun-15 1300 ND ND ND 2.53 43.1 31-Aug-15 1290 ND ND ND 4.79 44.3 0 0 0 0 t\) 0 0 0 (ug/L) w 0 0 0 -~=:> 0 0 0 ()1 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 -....! 0 0 0 5~~~§§ J I I I I lr ~ • I Mar-00 Jun-00 Sep-00 Dec-00 Mar-01 Jun-01 - Sep-01 Dec-01 Mar-02 Jun-02 Sep-02 - Dec-02 Mar-03 •· Jun-03 Sep-03 l. I I I / 1~i~~h : .i l . Dec-04 - Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 ] Jun-06 ] Sep-06 - Dec-06 Mar-07 - Jun-07 • Sep-07 • Dec-07 • Mar-08 - Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-1 0 •· Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 - Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 ~~--~~--L-----~----~----~----J_----~ ~ ~ -+::-1 0 :::; 0 a ...... 0 .... 3 ~ c (1) (/) Chloroform Carbon 1 Chloromethane~ Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-1 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) 28-Jun-99 1700 7.2 10-Nov-99 5.8 15-Mar-00 1100 10-Apr-00 1490 6-Jun-00 1530 2-Sep-00 2320 5.58 30-Nov-00 3440 7.79 29-Mar-01 2340 7.15 22-Jun-01 6000 8.81 20-Sep-D f 12.8 8-Nov-01 3200 12.4 26-Mar-02 3200 13.1 22-May-02 2800 12.7 12-Sep-02 3300 12.8 24-Nov-02 3500 13.6 28-Mar-03 3000 12.4 23-Jun-03 3600 12.5 12-Sep-03 2700 12.5 8-Nov-03 3400 11.8 29-Mar-04 3200 11 22-Jun-04 3f00 8.78 17-Sep-04 2800 10.8 17-Nov-04 3000 11.1 16-Mar-05 2700 9.1 25-May-05 3080 NA NA NA 10.6 NA 31-Aug-05 2900 <10 <10 <10 9.8 NA 1-Dec-05 2400 <50 <50 <50 9.7 NA 9-Mar-06 2700 <50 <50 <50 9.4 49 14-Jun-06 2200 <50 <50 <50 9.8 48 20-Jul-06 2840 <50 <50 <50 9.7 51 8-Nov-06 2260 1.4 <1 <1 9.4 47 28-Feb-07 1900 1.2 <1 <1 8.9 47 27-Jun-07 1900 1.4 <1 <1 9 45 15-Aug-07 2300 1.3 <1 <1 8.4 43 10-0ct-07 2000 1.3 <1 <1 7.8 43 26-Mar-08 2000 1.3 <1 <1 7.6 39 25-Jun-08 1900 1.1 <1 <1 8.68 39 10-Sep-08 1700 1.3 <1 <1 8.15 35 15-0ct-08 1700 1.3 <1 <1 9.3 41 11-Mar-09 1700 1.1 <1 <1 7.5 37 24-Jun-09 1500 1 <1 <1 6.9 37 15Sep-D9 1700 <1 <1 <1 7.3 36 Chloroform arbon Glilorom~tflane ethylene Nitrate hloJiide TW~-l 'll'drac)llo 'd~ Jor.Jdq uglJ) (~~ (ug/,:1) (11Wi) ~mg/1 (mgll) 29-Dec-09 1400 <1 <I <1 6.8 41 3-Mar-10 1300 <1 <1 <1 7.1 35 15-Jun-10 1600 1.2 <1 <1 6.8 40 24-Aug-10 1500 <1 <1 <1 6.8 35 14-0ct-10 rsuo <1 <1 <I 6.6 40 24-Feb-11 1300 ND ND ND 6.6 41 1-Jun-11 1200 ND ND ND 7 35 18-Aug-11 1300 ND ND ND 6.8 36 29-Nov-11 1300 ND ND ND 6.6 37 19-Jan-12 1300 ND ND ND 6.8 38 14-Jun-12 1000 ND ND ND 7.1 42 13-Sep-12 1000 ND ND ND 5 39 4-0ct-12 1100 ND ND ND 6.5 40 13-Feb-13 1320 3.66 ND ND 6.99 37.6 19-Jun-13 1100 ND ND ND 6.87 39.1 12-Sep-13 1150 ND ND ND 7.12 37.6 14-Nov-13 1280 ND ND ND 7.08 36.5 5-Feb-14 1090 5.47 ND ND 7.74 38.9 23-May-14 1020 4.77 ND ND 6.93 37.4 27-Aug-14 845 ND 1.4 ND 4.8 38 29-0ct-14 1140 ND ND ND 6.31 38.7 9-Mar-15 1130 ND ND ND 7.06 38.3 8-Jun-15 1260 ND ND ND 6.07 40.3 31-Aug-15 1060 ND ND ND 6.28 45.9 tn Q) :J 7ii > E lo.o 0 -0 lo.o .2 .c 0 ,.... I "':t 3: 1- r-----..,.----,;-----r-----r---....-----.-----r L ~-das-c:c: v~-oaa-LG 6o-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uar-v~ -~O-Jd'v'-6 ~ 1-----1-----1---+----+---+----+----f-86-lnr-vc: 0 0 0 I'- 0 0 0 <0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 "<!" 0 0 0 ('I) 0 0 0 C\J 0 0 0 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-2 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (tn;YJ). tusdl) 10-Nov-99 2510 2-Sep-00 5220 28-Nov-00 4220 10.7 29-Mar-01 3890 10.2 22-Jun-01 5500 9.67 20-Sep-01 4900 11.4 8-Nov-01 5300 10.1 26-Mar-02 5100 9.98 23-May-02 4700 9.78 12-Sep-02 6000 9.44 24-Nov-02 5400 10.4 28-Mar-03 4700 9.5 23-Jun-03 5100 9.6 12-Sep-03 3200 8.6 8-Nov-03 4700 9.7 29-Mar-04 4200 9.14 22-Jun-04 4300 8.22 17-Sep-04 4100 8.4 17-Nov-04 4500 8.6 16-Mar-05 3700 7.7 25-May-05 3750 S.6 31-Aug-05 3900 <10 <10 <10 8 NA 1-Dec-05 3500 <50 <50 <50 7.8 NA 9-Mar-06 3800 <50 <50 <50 1.5 56 14-Jun-06 3200 <50 <50 <50 7.1 56 20-Jul-06 4120 <50 <50 <50 7.4 54 8-Nov-06 3420 2.3 <1 <1 7.6 55 28-Feb-07 2900 1.8 <1 <1 7.3 54 27-Jun-07 3000 2.5 <1 <1 7.8 50 15-Aug-07 340 2.2 <1 <1 7.3 49 10-0ct-07 3200 2.1 <1 <1 6.9 51 26-Mar-08 3300 2.3 <1 <1 6.9 48 25-Jun-08 3100 2.2 <1 <1 7.44 46 10-Sep-08 2800 2.4 <1 <1 7.1 42 15-0ct-08 3200 2.4 <2 <2 7.99 47 11-Mar-09 3100 2.2 <1 <1 6.5 46 24-Jun-09 2800 2 <1 <1 6.4 44 15-Sep-09 3000 2 <1 <I 6.6 43 29-Dec-09 1600 2 <1 <J 6.4 46 3-Mar-1 0 2600 2 <J <I 6.-s 42 15-Jun-10 3300 2.6 <1 <1 6.7 43 16-Aug-10 3300 2.5 <I <1 6.6 43 l4-0ct-10 3000 2.1 <I <l 6.5 41 hloro orm ca~bon llloromcthane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4 .. 2 Tetrachloride Cblorid (bt¥1) Cul!'/1) Cug/1~ (,uf!/J) (mg/1 mg/1) 24-Feb-11 3100 2.4 ND ND 7 46 2-Jun-11 3000 2.2 ND ND 6.8 42 17-Aug-11 2400 1.6 ND ND 6 48 29-Nov-11 3900 2.8 ND ND 7 49 24-Jan-12 2500 2 ND ND 7.1 49 14-Jun-12 2500 2.1 ND ND 7.7 52 13-Sep-12 2900 1.8 ND ND 4 76 4-0ct-12 3100 2 ND ND 7.6 49 13-Feb-13 3580 5.17 ND ND 8.1 46 19-Jun-13 3110 2.65 ND ND 7.51 46.9 12-Sep-13 3480 2.41 ND ND 9.3 44.9 14-Nov-13 3740 3.15 ND ND 8.3Y 43.9 6-Feb-14 3180 7.1 ND ND 7.87 45.9 23-May-14 2930 6.05 ND ND 9.11 45.4 27-Aug-14 3170 1.4 3.6 ND 6.2 45 30-0ct-14 3580 2.6 ND ND 8.45 45.5 9-Mar-15 1840 1.44 ND ND 5.32 44.9 8-Jun-15 1650 ND ND ND 4.3 48.1 31-Aug-15 1310 ND ND ND 3.76 50.0 TW4-2 Chloroform Values 7000 r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 6000 r-----------------~------------------------------------------------------------------J 5000 +-------~~-+~-+r-~~----------------------------------------------------------------; 4000 I ! \:1 -...I a, ::s -3ooo I ! \A I '!,! ~ ~ I I ""' \wC----l--------1 2000 +----------------------------------------H--------~+----------------------+----------~ Data point represented corresponds to laboratory results. The value is 1000 +-------I likely underestimated due to laboratory error not considering the dilution factor of 1 0. 0 +-----------~----------~----------~----------~----------~-----------------------; co cp "S ...., ..t C\1 ..-0 ..!.. 0. <( I (]) '""'" 0 I c «! ...., ..t <0 0 t> 0 6 (]) 0 I "S ...., cb C\1 ..-I '-0. <( I '""'" ..-I () Q) 0 ~ C\1 ,.... ..- 6.. Q) (/) c\J C\1 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane M !thylen~ Nitrate Chloride TW4-3 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) (~l (ug/1) i .fuatn (mg/1) (mg/1) 28-Jun-99 3500 7.6 29-Nov-99 702 15-Mar-00 834 2-Sep-00 836 1.56 29-Nov-00 836 1.97 27-Mar-OL 347 1.85 21-Jun-01 390 2.61 20-Sep-0 1 300 3.06 7-Nov-01 170 3.6 26-Mar-02 11 3.87 21-May-02 204 4.34 12-Sep-02 203 4.32 24-Nov-02 102 4.9 28-Mar-03 0 4.6 23-Jun-03 0 4.8 12-Sep-03 0 4.3 8-Nov-03 0 4.8 29-Mar-04 0 4.48 22-Jun-04 0 3.68 17-Sep-04 0 3.88 17-Nov-04 0 4.1 16-Mar-05 0 3.5 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA 3.7 NA 31-Aug-05 <I <1 6.4 <1 3.5 NA 1-Dec-05 <1 <1 2.3 <1 3.3 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 2.2 <1 3.3 26 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.2 26 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 1.6 <1 2.9 26 8-Nov-06 <1 <I <1 <1 1.5 23 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.1 22 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.3 23 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.1 24 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.8 27 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.8 2 1 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.85 19 1.0-Sep-08 <l <1 <I. <1 2.66 19 15-0ct-08 <] <1 <I <1 2.63 22 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <I <1 2.5 21 24-Jun-09 <I <1 <I <] 2.9 20 15-8ep-09 <I <1 <I <1 2.8 21 J6-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.5 22 23-Feb-10 <I <1 <1 <l 2.8 23 8-Jun-10 <I <1 <I <1 3 24 hloroform Ca-rbon blorom~than~ 1 ~Methylene itrate. ChloJid!! TW4-3 Tetrachloride hloride: ~ugtt) _(uJtlit (~gil lui!IU (mgtl) (n1g/l) 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.1 22 5-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.3 26 15-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 3.5 23 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 3.7 23 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 4 23 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND 4.4 23 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 4.3 21 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 4.4 24 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 4.9 25 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 4.8 25 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 5.05 23.7 29-May-13 ND ND ND ND 5.83 23.8 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 6.26 24.0 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 5.89 24.1 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 6.66 24.9 19-May-14 ND ND ND ND 6.01 24.4 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 5.3 26 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 6.07 26.7 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 6.64 26.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 5.71 27.5 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 3.88 27.4 9 0 (.J1 0 0 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 (.J1 0 0 0 (ug/L) 1\) 0 0 0 0 1\) (.J1 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 w (.J1 0 0 0 .j:>. 0 0 0 0 Jun-99 ·r------r--:===J======~======t======t======4F==~~r-----l Nov-99 Apr-00 - Sep-00 Feb-01 Jul-01 Dec-01 May-02 •· Oct-02 Mar-03 Aug-03 Jan-04 Jun-04 Nov-04 Apr-05 Sep-05 Feb-06 Jul-06 Dec-06 May-07 Oct-07 Mar-08 Aug-DB ·· Jan-09 Jun-09 Nov-09 Apr-1 0 Sep-10 Feb-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 : May-12 • Oct-12 Mar-13 t Aug-13 Jan-14 Jun-14 Nov-14 Apr-15 • Sep-15 ' a.- ~ :E tD .1::1 a.v. 0 ::r ::::s Q.l -"' -· c 3 -· tD ,... tD VI ::J :i" -n tD tD ~ 3:9 Q.l Q.l ;::; ::s :::r,... N ::J corD ... N 0 0 w --4 =E ol=lo I w 0 :::r 0 ""' 2. 0 ""' 3 < D) c C1) en ,; .. Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-4 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) I ~ue/l) (ug/1} .(usUH (mg/1} (mg/1) 6-Jun-00. 0 2-Sep-00 0 .28-Nov-00 3.9 28-Mar-01 2260 1.02 20-Jun-01 3 100 14.5 20-Sep-01 3200 14 8~Nov-OJ 2900 14.8 26-Mar-02 3400 15 22-May-02 3200 13.2 12-Sep-02 4000 13.4 24-Nov-02 3800 12.6 28-Mar-03 3300 13.4 23-Jun-03 3600 12.8 12-Sep-03 2900 12.3 8-Nov-03 3500 12.3 29-Mar-04 3200 12.2 'JI/.Jun-04 3500 1:2.1 17-Sep-04 3100 11.1 17-Nov-04 3600 10.8 16-Mar-05 3100 11.6 25-May-05 2400 NA NA NA 11.3 NA 3J-Aug-05 3200 <10 <10 <10 9.9 NA 1-Dec-05 2800 <50 <50 <50 10.2 NA 9-Mar-06 2900 <50 <50 <50 9.5 51 14-Jun-06 2600 <50 <50 <50 8.6 48 20-Jul-06 2850 <50 <50 <50 9.7 50 8-Nov-06 2670 1.7 <1 <1 10.1 49 28-Feb-07 2200 1.5 <1 <1 9 49 27-Jun-07 2400 1.7 <1 <1 9.4 47 15-Aug-07 2700 1.5 <1 <1 9.5 45 10-0ct-07 2500 1.5 <1 <1 9.5 47 26-Mar-08 2800 1.6 <1 <1 9.2 43 25-Jun-08 2500 1.5 <1 <1 10.8 42 10-Sep-08 2200 1.4 <1 <1 8.83 39 15-0ct-08 2500 2 <2 <2 10.1 44 4-Mar-09 2200 1.2 <I <1 10.2 37 24-Jun~09 1800 1.2 <l <l 8.2 34 15-Sep-09 2000 1.1 <l <I 8.4 39 29-Dec~09 950 1.1 <I <I 7.6 41 17-Feb-10 1700 1 <1 <I 6.6 48 10-Jun-10 2000' 1.2 <1 <l 7.6 35 16-Aug-10 2100 1.3 <l <1 7.3 36 11-0ct-1.0 1700 1.3 <1 <I 7.1 38 II Carbon Methylene I Chlori~e' II :t'W4"4 Cltlorofor 'f _t,.chlorrd-e hlorometbane Chloride NJtr.a ~ ~llg/,1) ful!lf) (ulVO (u~l} tmgl!) (mgll , . 23-Feb-11 1800 1.4 ND ND 7 41 1-.Jun-ll 1700 1.2 ND ND 7 35 17-Aug-11 1500 ND ND ND 6.6 40 16-Nov-11 1500 1 ND ND 7 39 23-Jan-12 1200 ND ND ND 7.1 38 6-Jun-12 1500 ND ND ND 7.1 43 4-Sep-12 1600 1.2 ND ND 7.1 39 3-0ct-12 1400 1 ND ND 7 38 11-Feb-13 1460 1.12 ND ND 7.36 39 5-Jun-13 1330 ND ND ND 6.3 39.6 3-Sep-13 1380 ND ND ND 7.22 38.8 29-0ct-13 1360 5.3 ND ND 7.84 43.9 27-Jan-14 1260 3.8~ ND ND 7.28 37.4 19-May-14 1220 5 ND ND 5.91 47.5 11-Aug-14 1320 ND 7 ND 5.30 40.0 21-0ct-14 1130 ND ND ND 7.02 40.0 9-Mar-15 1350 1 ND ND 7.70 37.6 8-Jun-15 1280 ND ND ND 6.33 41.3 31-Aug-15 1220 ND ND ND 6.45 45.8 en Cl) ::l (ij > E .... 0 -0 .... 0 ~ 0 o::t I o::t ~ ,-----.----.----.----.----,-----.----.----.---...... L ~-des-~~ -v~-oea-a -6o-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ lr-t-4~t--t---~~-_j. __ J ~O-Jdv-6 ~ 1-----lr-----+---+---+---1----+---+---+----+ B6-1nr-v~ 0 0 1.0 """" 0 0 0 """" 0 0 1.0 C') 0 0 0 C') 0 0 1.0 C\J 0 0 0 C\J (1J6n) 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 1: Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane ~ Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-5 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (tieLJ~ 'I {ueliJ 20-Dec-99 29.5 15-Mar-00 49.0 2-Sep-00 124 29-Nov-00 255 28-Mar-Ol 236 20-Jun-0 1 240 20-Sep-01 240 7-Nov-01 260 26-Mar-02 260 22-May-02 300 12-Sep-02 330 24--Nov-02 260 28-Mar-03 240 23-Jun-03 290 12-Sep-03 200 8-Nov-03 240 29-Mar-04 .. 210 22-Jun-04 200 17-Sep-04 150 17-Nov-04 180 16-Mar-05 120 25-M ay-05 113 NA NA NA 3.7 NA 31-Aug-0$ 82.0 <2.5 5.8 <2.5 6 NA .1 -D¢c-05 63.0 <2.5 2.5 <2.5 6 NA 9-Mar-06 66.0 <2.5 3.1 <2.5 6 52 14-J Ufl:-06 51.0 <I <2.5 <2.5 5.9 51 20-Jul-06 53.7 <1 <I <I 6.7 54 8-Nov-06 47.1 <1 <1 <1 2.9 55 28-Feb-07 33.0 <1 <I <1 7.8 57 27-Jun-07 26.0 <l <I <1 7 45 15-Aug-07 9.2 <I <] <1 7.7 3~ 10-0ct-07 9.4 <I <1 <1 8.2 39 26-Mar-08 J 1.0 <I <1 <1 7.4 36 25-Jun-08 9.3 <I <1 <1 8.7 37 10-Sep-08 11.0 <1 <I <1 7.9 1 34 15-0ct-08 10.0 <I <I <l 9.3 37 4-Mar-09 12,0 <1 <] <I 7.9 34 24-Jun-09 13.0 <1 <1 <1 7.5· 37 15-Sep-09 12.0 <1 <1 <1 8.3 48 22-Dec-09 8.5 <l <1 <1 7.5 41 25-Feb-10 13.0 <1 ·<( <l 6.8 43 9-J un-1 0 12.0 <I <1 <I 7.1 28 J J.-A.ug-10 12.0 <I <I <1 7 38 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-5 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (m!/.1) (u21J) 13-0ct-10 11.0 <1 <1 <1 7.2 41 22-Feb-11 10.0 ND NO NO 7 34 26-May-11 9.0 ND NO ND 7.2 35 17-Aug-11 10.0 NO ND NO 7.5 37 7-0ec-11 7.9 NO NO ND 6 30 18-Jan-12 7.6 NO ND NO 5.8 22 6-Jun-12 8.4 ND NO NO 8 39 11-Sep-12 12.0 NO NO ND 8.1 37 3-0ct-12 8.0 ND ND ND 7.7 38" 13-Feb-13 10.8 ND NO ND 8.24 34.3 13-Jun-13 11.2 NO ND NO 10.7 36.5 5-Sep-13 11.6 NO ND ND 7.79 39.1 13-Nov-13 14.4 NO ND ND 7.75 41.1 30-Jan-14 12.5 ND ND NO 9.16 40.5 22-May-14 13.4 ND NO ND 7.78 51.4 14-Aug-14 12.0 NO ND NO 7.2 44 28-0ct-14 14.6 ND NO NO 8.3 I 45.1 12-Mar-15 13.8 NO ND ND 9.32 45.1 10-Jun-15 13.3 ND 1.07 NO 7.08 47.3- 3-Sep-15 12.9 ND NO ND 8.1 52.2 en Q) ::::J co > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 J: () It) I o::t 3: t- 0 lO (") 0 0 (") 0 lO C\J 0 0 C\J 0 lO (1t6n) 0 0 .,.... 0 lO v~-oaa -a 5o-1nr-9 90-PO-O~ vo-u<w-v~ 0 fla.,hnn Jo.-::, ... TW4-6 hJoroform "''' l '€!hJ6r_omethaq~ I'llta~•.);,ltmc. ug[J) eh'a loffde (uglJ) ••')ride {n£11} (tU!/n 6-Jun-00 0 ?.-SPon-00 0 28-Nov-00 0 ND 26-Mar-01 0 0.13 20-Jun---=<IT 0 ND 20-Sep-01 4 ND 7-Nov-01 1 ND 26-Mar-02 0 ND 21-May-02 0 ND 12-seQ-02 0 ND 24-Nov-02 0 ND 28-Mar-03 0 0.1 23-Jun-03 0 ND 12-~Pn-n~ 0 ND 8-Nov-03 0 ND 29-Mar-04 0 ND 22-Jun-04 0 ND 17-S~p-fM 0 ND 17-NOV--04 0 ND 16-Mar-05 0 0.2 ?."-M""-0'> 2.5 NA NA NA 0.4 NA 31 -Aug-05 10.0 <1 2.8 <l 0.8 NA 1 .. np"::n-c; -17.0 <1 1.3 <1 0.9 EA._ 9-Mar-06 31.0 <1 <1 <1 1.2 31 1 £1 __ Tnn_n~ 19.0 <1 <1 <1 1 30 20-Jul-06 11.0 <1 <1 <I 0.6 l7 8-Nov~o6 42.8 <1 <1 <l 1.4 65 ?lU:<Ph-07 46.0 <1 <1 <1 1.5 32 27-Jun-07 11.0 <1 <1 <1 0.6 38 15-Aug-07 18.0 <1 <1 <T 0.7 36 10-0ct-07 18.0 <1 <1 <1 0.8 38 26-Mar-08 52.0 <1 <1 <1 1.1 33 25-Jun-08 24.0 <1 <1 <1 0.9 3.5 10-Sep-08 39.0 <1 <1 <T 1.14 35 15-0ct=-08 31.0 <1 <l <1 1.01 33 11-Mar-09 81.0 <1 <1 <1 2.2 35 24-Jun-09 120 <1 <1 <1 2.7 37 1 "--"f'n-00 280 <1 <1 <l 5.0 37 ??-nP1'-f)9 250 <1 <1 <l 6.1 4 25-Feb-10 1000 <1 <1 <1 1.6 45 10-Jun-10 590 <1 <1 <1 2.5 33 J?.A w-10 630 <1 <1 <1 3.9 31 13-0ct-10 420 <1 <1 <l 4.3 4 23-Feb-11 47 ND ND ND 0.7 40 26-May-11 10 ND ND ND 0.3 42 17-Aug_-1 1 16 ND ND ND 0.3 39 1-Dec-lf 21 NO ND ND 0.8 36 Qhlor forrn Car.flpn · blol'omcthane. Metbytene itrate blorid~ TW4-6 <ug(l) Tetta:chto ide (oWJ) :hlocide (mg(l} (mgl! (ui/n '(,u,Jl) 18-Jan-12 38 ND ND ND 0.7 38 n-lun-12 4.7 ND ND ND 0.2 40 I 1-Sep-12 6.9 ND ND ND 0.1 21 3-Gcl-12 9.0 ND ND ND 0.2 41 13-Feb-13 6.9 ND ND ND 0.154 40.4 13-Jun-13 4.9 ND ND ND 0.155 37.9 5-Scp-13 5.9 ND ND ND 0.157 40.6 13-Nov-13 5.5 ND ND ND 1.52 40.2 29-Jan-14 5.7 ND ND ND 0.184 40.6 22-May-14 10.3 ND ND ND 0.312 37 14-Aug-14 202.0 ND ND ND 4.2 40 24-Sep-14 260.0 ND ND ND N/A N/A ~9-0ct~l 4 723.0 ND ND ND 6.92 41.1 18-Mar-15 1180.0 ND ND ND 5.25 4 1.2 11-Jun-15 1040.0 ND ND ND 5.87 41.6 10-Sep-15 1040.0 ND ND ND 6.75 47.0 en Cl) :::J CIS > E ... 0 -0 ... .Q .c 0 co I ~ 3: 1- .-----,----,.-----.----.------,-----,-------r-n!cc/60 -c~HO!PO 60/90/LO 90/0 ~10~ P0/17 ~1~0 ~0/6~/vO ~---t----+------+----1----t---+-----t-, 86/vc/LO 0 0 """ 0 0 C\1 0 0 0 0 0 <X) 0 0 <.0 (1J6n) 0 0 """ 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-7 Tetrachloride Chloride I (ug/1) {oWl); (ug/1) (ul!IJJ (mg/1) (mg/1) 29-Nov-99 256 15-Mar-00 6.16 2-Sep-00 698 29-Nov-00 684 1.99 28-Mar-Ol 747 2.46 20-Jun-01 1 LOO 2.65 20-Sep-0 1 1200 3.38 8"-Nov-01 1100 2.5 26-Mar-02 1500 3.76 23-May-02 1600 3.89 12-S ep-02 1500 3.18 24,.,Nov-02 2300 4.6 28-Mar-03 1800 4.8 23-Jun-03 5200 7.6 12-Sep-03 3600 7.6 8-Nov-03 4500 7.1 29-Mar-04 2500 4.63 22-Jun-04 2900 4.83 'I?...Sep-04 3100 5.59 1 7~Nov-04 3800 6 16-Mar-05 3100 5.2 25-May-05 2700 NA NA NA 5.4 NA 3 1-Aug-05 3100 <1() <10 <10 5.2 NA l-Dec-05 2500 <50 <50 <50 5.3 NA 9-Mar-06 1900 <50 <50 <50 1 48 14-Jun-06 2200 <50 <50 <50 4.5 47 20-Jul-06 2140 <50 <50 <50 4.7 51 8-Nov-06 2160 1.5 <1 <1 4.6 49 28-Feb-07 1800 1.1 <L <1 5 47 27-Jun-07 2600 1.5 <1 <1 5.1 45 14-Aug-07 2300 1.4 <1 <1 4.7 44 '10-0ct-07 1900 1.2 <] <1 4.7 45 26--Mar-08 2200 l.3 <1 <I 4.2 43 25-Jun-08 1800 1.3 <"I <1 4.8 43 10-Sep-08 1600 1.4 <I <1 4.16 35 15-0ct-08 1900 <2 <2 <2 4.01 40 11-Mar-09 1800. L.2 <I <1 3.7 35 24-Juo.-09 1400 <I <J <I 3.8 37 15-Sep-09 1500 t.O <1 <1 4.1 37 29-Dec-09 1300 <1 <1 <.1 4.2 37 3-Ma:r-10 1.200 <1 <1 <I 3.8 36 lO-Jun-1 0 1100 <I <l <1 3.9 31 18-Aug-10 1500 1.1 <l <1 3.9 36 thl():rof or.m,: Ca.-b,on J1f0 omethane M~thyleneq it rate Qh:ioridc TW-4~7. etrachloride eh~:Afe 'UglJ) I (:uutJ~) (ugll~ i(iu ) <mWJ) (mglH 13-0ct-10 1100 1.1 <1 <1 4 38 23-Feb-11 1300 ND ND ND 3.6 45 1-Jun-11 1200 ND ND ND 4 35 18-Aug-11 1200 ND ND ND 4.1 37 29-Nov-11 1000 ND ND ND 3.8 37 I9-Jan-f2 1000 ND ND ND 3.9 37 14-Jun-12 790 ND ND ND 4 41 13-Sep-12 870 ND ND ND 3.8 40 4-0ct-12 940 ND ND ND 3.8 41 13-Feb-13 1080 3.5-1 ND ND 3.9 37.7 18-Jun-13 953 ND ND ND 4.04 39.3 12-Sep-13 1040 ND ND ND 4.17 36.4 14-Nov-13 1050 ND ND ND 4.13 37.2 5-Feb-14 946 5.41 ND ND 4.24 38.2 23-May-14 847 4:78 ND ND 4.19 37.7 27-Aug-14 857 ND 1.5 ND 2.9 39 30-0ct-14 926 ND ND ND 3.68 40.2 18-Mar-15 942 ND ND ND 4.25 40.4 11-Jun-15 950 ND ND ND 2.62 42.1 10-Sep-15 897 ND ND ND 4.72 46.7 tn Cl) ::::J ca > E lo.. 0 -0 lo.. ~ .s:::: 0 1'-I "1::1' 3: 1- ,-------,--------r-----r-------r------,..-----...,. L ~ -das-c::c:: -v~-oaa-a -60-lnr-g -90-PO-O~ vo-uar-v~ ~O-Jd'v'-6 ~ 1-------+------+----+-----1-----1--------+ 86-lnr-vc:: 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 1.{) 0 0 0 '<t 0 0 0 C') (1f6n) 0 0 0 C\J 0 0 0 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane ~ Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-8 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) ~u-a/1) (ug/1) ' (ulf!Jl (mg/1) (mg/1) 29-Nov-99 o· 15-Mar-00 2 '1 .8 2-Sep-00 102 29-Nov-00 J07 ND 26-Mar-01 '16 ND 20-Jup-0 1 180 ND 20-Se_p-01 180 0.35 7~Nov-Ol 180 ~D 26-Mar-02 190 0.62 22-May-02 210 0.77 12-Sep-02 300 ND 24-Nov-02 450 ND 28-Mar-03 320 0.8 23-Jun-03 420 ND 12-Sep-03 66.0 ND 8-Nov-03 21.0 0.1 29-Mar-04 24.0 0.65 22-Jun-04 110 0.52 17-Sep-04 ] 20 ND J7-Nov-04 120 ND 16-Mar-05 10.0 ND 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA 0.2 NA 31-Aug-05 1.1 <1 1.7 <1 <0.1 NA 3.0-Nov-05 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 1.3 <1 2.1 <1 0.3 39 14-Jun-06 1.0 <1 1.8 <1 <0.1 37 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <I <1 0.1 39 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 40 28-Feb-07 2.5 <1 <1 <1 0.7 39 27-Jun-07 2.5 <1 <J <1 0.2 42 15-Aug-07 1.5 <I <1 <l <0.1 42 10-0ct-07 3.5 <1 <I <1 0.5 43 26-Mar-08 <l <1 <1 <I 0.1 4.6 25-Jun-08 <I <1 <1 <I <0.05 45 10-Sep-08 <I <l <I <1 <0.05 39 15-0ct-08 <J <l <1 <1 <0.05 44 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <] <1 <0.1 42 24-Jon-09 <1 <1 <I <1 <O.J 44 15-Sep-09 <1 <I <1 <] <I 44 17-Dec-09 <1 <1 <I <I <0.1 51 24-Feb-10 <1 <] <I <1 <0.1. 57 9-Jun-10 <l <I <1 <1 <0.1 42 11 -Aug-10 <I <1 <J <I <OJ 45 Ch1orofonn1 1 Cnrbon Gblorom-ethaoe Metbyfene~ itra Chlorid~ 4·8 1'1 e.t:rae..llloride )lloride (ug/1) (,wt/1)· (ugtl .~u'210 (mgll) (mgll) 5-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 46 16-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND ND 52 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 0.1 45 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 0.1 46 7-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND 0.2 45 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 0.3 45 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 0.2 44 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 0.1 48 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 47 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 0.411 46.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND NO 45.5 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 47.5 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND ND 46.1 23-Jan-14 63.8 ND ND ND O.I66 48.5 6-Feb-14 100 ND ND ND 0.165 46.6 22-May-14 122 NO ND ND 0.538 53 27-Aug-14 107 ND ND ND 0.6 47 29-0ct-14 191 ND ND ND 0.914 46.7 12-Mar-15 961 ND ND ND 2.34 49.6 11-Jun-15 981 ND ND ND 1.88 53 10-Sep-15 747 ND ND ND 1.96 59.6 In Cl) :::::J ~ E loo. 0 0 loo. 0 s:. (.) ()() I ~ 0 0 C\J I~ 0 0 0 0 0 00 ..... 0 0 <0 (1J6n) -~ - ~ t _,A Cl -~ +c::::: ~ ~~ ~ 0 0 ..q- 0 0 C\J 0 L~-das-<::<:: v~-oaa-a 5o-1nr-g 90-lOO·O~ vo-uer-v~ ~Q-Jd'v'-6 ~ Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-9 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) (uiUI);> (ug/1) ,(_ueJH, (mg/1) (mg/1) 20-De.c-99. 4.2 15-Mar-00 1.9 2-Sep-00 14.2 29-Nov-00 39.4 ND 27-Mar-01 43.6 ND 20-Jun-0 1 59.0 0.15 20-Sep-01 19.0 0.4 7-Nov-01 49.0 0.1 26-Mar-02 41.0 0.5 22-May-02 38.0 0.65 12-Sep-02 49.0 0.2 24-Nov-02 51.0 0.6 28-Mar-03 34.0 0.6 23-Jun-03 33.0 0.8 12-Sep-03 32.0 1.1 8-Nov-03 46.0 1.1 29-Mar-04 48.0 0.82 22-Jun-04 48.0 0.75 17-Sep-04 39.0 0.81 17-Nov-04 26.0 1.2 16-Mar-05 3.8 1.3 25-May~os 1.2 NA NA NA 1.3 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 2.9 <1 1.3 NA 1-Dec-05 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.3 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 2.6 <1 1.5 38 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 2.7 <1 1.5 39 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.9 41 8-Nov-06 <] <] <1 <1 0.7 44 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.6 44 27-Jun-07 21 <1 <1 <1 1.3 42 15-Aug-07 9.5 <1 <1 <1 1.8 3 ~ 10-0ct-07 8.7 <1 <1 <1 2 40 26-Mar-08 1.3 <1 <l <I 2.1 35 25-Jun-08 1.0 <1 <I <I 2.3 35 10-Sep-08 <I <] <l <] 2.79 28 15-0ct-08 <1 <] <1 <I 1.99 58 4-Mar-09 <I <I <1 <1 2.5 30 24-Jun-09 <l <1 <I <1 2.3 30 15-Sep-09 <l <I <1. <1 ~.5 30 17:-Dec-09 <I <1 <I <I 1.7 37 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 l.7 47 9-Jun-1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.5 33 11-Aug-10 <I <1 <1 <I 1.2 40 I ~ Cor bon Mcthy,Jcn hlorgfo11m hloromttbanc 1 N'it'rat @bloJTidc TW:t-9 T tr.a·ohlo ·de Iori de (ug/H '(nsrlh (U:g/1) ''(uefO (mg!J) (mg/1) 6-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.8 34 17-Feb-1 I ND ND ND ND 1.3 41 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 3A 38 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 4 21 7-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND 2.3 38 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 2.3 28 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 4 23 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 3.9 22 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 3.8 21 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 4.12 20.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 4.49 21.4 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND 4.03 22.7 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.87 23.6 29-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 4.36 22 21-May-14 6.9 ND ND ND 3.44 24 14-Aug-14 46.9 ND ND ND 2.7 2T 29-0ct-I4 101 ND ND ND 4.27 25 12-Mar-15 53.5 ND ND ND 3.28 29.5 11-Jun-15 35.1 ND ND ND 1.83 35.3 3-Sep-15 48.2 ND ND ND 1.44 39.5 0 (\J 0 0 0 co +:::: p.. c r- 5 IJ :. ~--...... 0 co (1t6n) 0 '<t I ~ t / • ~~ t ~ ·~ __..-- ~~ ' 0 (\J ~ 0 Lkdas-cc tr~-oao-n 60-lnr-9 90-lOQ-O~ -vo-uer--v ~ ~O-Jd'v'-6 ~ Chloroform I Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride! TW4-10 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) ('UI!II) (ug/1) (UeJl) (mg/1) (mg/1) 21 -Jan-02 14 26-Mar-02 J6 O.J4 2J-May.:o2 17 0.11 12-Sep-02 6 ND 24-Nov-02 14 ND 28-Mar-03 29 0.2 23-Ju n-03 110 0.4 12-Sep-03 74 0.4 8-Nov-03 75 0.3 29-Mar-04 22 0.1 22-Jun-04 32 ND 17-Sep-04 63 0.46 17-Nov-04 120 0.4 16-Mar-05 140 1.6 25-May-05 62.4 NA NA NA 0.8 NA 3 1-Aug-05 110 <2.5 6.2 <2.5 1.1 NA 1-Dec-05 300 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 3.3 NA 9-Mar-Oq 190 <5 <50 <50 2.4 50 14-Jun-06 300 <5 <50 <50 3.5 54 20-Jul-06 504 <5 <50 <50 6.8 61 8-NQv-06 452 <1 1.6 1 5.7 58 28-Feb-07 500 <1 <1 1 7.6 62 27.-Jun-07 350 <1 <1 1 5.r 54 1.5-Aug-07 660 <1 <1 1 7.3 59 10-0ct-07 470 <1 <1 1 6.7 59 26-Mar-08 620 <1 <1 1 1.3 55 25-Jun-08 720 <1 <1 1 9.91 58 10-Sep-08 680 <1 <1 1 9.23 51 15-0ct~OS 1200 <2 <2 2 10.5 61 11-Mar-09 1100 <1 <1 1 11.6 64 24-Jun-09 1200 <1 <1 1 9.8 62 15-Sep-09 910 <1 <1 1 8.1 5 1 ·22-Dec-09 300 <1 <1 <1 3.5 51 3-Mar-JO 460 <1 <1 <] 5 49 lO-Jun-1 0 220 <1 <1 <I 1.6 42 12<-Aug-10 100 <l <1 <1 0.8 38 13-0ct-10 I 100 <I <l <1 II 52 23-Feb-11 '620 ND ND ND 9 62 )-Jun-11 280 ND ND ND 3.3 42 17-Aug-J I 180 ND ND ND 1.9 41 16-Nov-11 110 ND ND ND 1.1 45 19-Jan-12 76 ND ND ND 0.9 40 13-Jun-12 79 ND .ND ND 0.8 46 I! ' CD)?on ~ Metbylen~ TW4· o Chloroform 'FetraehJ tide hlorom~thane Chlfuiile Nitrat Chlo11ide· ug:/1) (.ue/h (ugllJ tue/1) (.mg/0 ~gtl) 12-Sep-12 J30 ND ND ND LO 44 3-0ct-12 140 ND ND ND 1.6 45 13-Feb-13 154 ND ND ND 1.2 49.1 13-Jun-13 486 ND ND ND 5.6 51.5 12-Sep-13 1160 ND ND ND 13.0 67.9 14-Nov-1 3 1380 ND ND ND 16.0 70.9 5-Feb-14 1260 5.16 ND ND 16.8 73 23-May-14 1110 ND ND ND 13.9 77 .3 27-Aug-14 1060 ND J..5 ND 9.8 74 30-0ct-14 1220 ND ND ND 13.2 T5.2 18-Mar-15 1210 ND ND ND 15.0 78.6 11-Jun-15 1240 ND ND ND 11.4 75 10-Sep-15 1280 ND ND ND .14.0 89.5 VI Cl) :::::s 'i > E "-0 -0 "-.2 .r:. 0 0 .,... I "d' 3: 1- ,...---...----,......---.----,-------,----,---r----r n-das-GG 60-lnr-9 90-PO-O~ ..._--+---+----+----+----+-----1---l----+ W-JdV-6 ~ 0 0 <0 0 0 "<!" ,.... 0 0 C\J 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 <0 0 0 "<!" 0 0 C\J 0 1:~ Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-11 Tetrachloride (ug/1) (oWl)_ (ug/1) Chloride (ug/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) 21-Jan-02 4700 26-Mar-02 4900 9.6 22-May-02 5200 9.07 12-Sep-02 6200 s-.84 24-Nov-02 5800 9.7 28-Mar-03 5100 9.7 23-Jun-03 5700 9.4 12-Sep-03 4600 9.9 8-Nov-03 5200 9.3 29-Mar-04 5300 9.07 22-Jun-04 5700 8.74 17-Sep-04 4800 8.75 17-Nov-04 5800 9.7 16-Mar-05 4400 '15.7 25-May-05 3590 NA NA NA 10.3 NA 31-Aug-05 4400 <10 <TO <10 9.4 NA 1-Dec-05 4400 <100 <100 <100 9.4 NA 9-Mar-06 4400 <50 <50 <50 9.2 56 14-Jun-06 4300 <50 <50 <50 10 56 20-Jul-06 4080 <50 <50 <50 10 55 8-Nov-06 3660 1.7 2.7 1.3 10 55 28-Feb-07 3500 1.3 <1 1.6 10.1 54 27-Jun-07 3800 1.6 <1 1.1 10.6 53 15-Aug-07 4500 1.7 <1 1.1 10.2 53 10-0ct-07 4400 1.6 <1 1.2 9.8 53 26-Mar-08 340 <1 <1 <1 7.7 63 25-Jun-08 640 <1 <1 <1 7.28 46 10-Sep-08 900 <I <1 <1 7.93 42 15-0ct-08 1000 <2 <2 <2 9.46 47 11-Mar-09 1100 <1 <1 <I 7.3 49 24-Jun-09 980 <1 <1 <1 6.8 44 15-Sep-09 1000 <1 <1 <1 7 49 29-Dec-09 860 <1 <1 <1 6.6 46 3-Mar-10 820 <1 <1 <1 6.8 42 10-Jun-10 820 <1 <1 <1 6.9 40 12-Aug-10 800 <1 <1 <1 6.7 43 13-0ct-10 720 <1 <1 <1 6.4 49 23-Feb-11 1000 ND ND ND 6.5 46 1-Jun-11 930 ND ND ND 7.3 49 17-Aug-11 820 ND ND ND 7.1 48 16-Nov-11 1500 ND ND ND 7.1 46 24-Jan-12 610 ND ND ND 6.8 43 13-Jun-12 660 ND ND ND 6.7 52 TW4-ll I Carlmn eh1o_r.oform ug11) ~etrach~o~id~ (/) Q) ::::J co > E :1.. 0 -0 :1.. ..2 J: 0 ,... ,... I o:t 3: 1- .--------.----..-----.----,.-----...---..,----.-L ~ -das-cc 17~-oaa-a 50-1nr-9 · 90-PO-O~ vo-uar-v~ 1-----t-------1----+-----t----+-----t-----+ ~O-Jd'v'-6 ~ 0 0 0 """ 0 0 0 (!) 0 0 0 1.() 0 0 0 """ 0 0 0 (I') (1t6n) 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 0 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-12 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (ue/1) (ue/1) 12-Sep-02 2 2.54 24-Nov-02 0 2.2 28-Mar-03 0 1.9 23-Jun-03 0 1.8 12-Sep-03 0 1.8 9-Nov-03 0 1.6 29-Mar-04 0 1.58 22-Jun-04 0 1.4 17-Sep-04 0 1.24 17-Nov-04 u I .5 16-Mar-05 0 1.4 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA 1.6 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 5.8 <1 1.5 NA 1-Dec-05 <l <1 1.9 <2 1.4 NA 9-Mar-06 <I <1 2.6 <1 1.3 19 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 1.4 <1 1.4 16 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 16 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 16 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.5 16 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1,5 18 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 29 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 16 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.6 16 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.69 19 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.65 18 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.47 22 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.4 23 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.8 22 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 5.1 22 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.6 23 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 4 22 8-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <l 11 29 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 9 35 5-0ct-lU <l <1 <I <1 8 31 15-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 6.5 31 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 7 32 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 6.8 31 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND 8 30 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 7.7 28 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 10 34 29-Aug-12 ND ND NO ND 13 39 3-0ct-12 NO NO ND NO 13 39 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND NO 12.6 36.7 hlb.roform Garbo~ Wun mdhant Mith lene Nitrate Cblori~~. TW4-12 'tc.~aahlmtid~ CJ1JJJri4e (ug/J) (u_J!/1) (u_gll) (uwn (mgfl; mg/1) 29-Mny -1 3 ND ND ND ND 14.2 38.6 49-il..ug-1 3 ND ND ND ND 17.4 41.7 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 16.4 4,1.4 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 18.4 4 1.6 2 1-May-14 ND ND ND ND 17 40.2 27-Aug-l4 ND ND ND ND 13 47 23-0ct-1 4 ND ND ND ND 16.1 50.2 li-Ma.r-15 ND ND ND ND 19.2 50.6 10-Jun-1 5· ND ND ND ND 18.8 56 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 16.4 60.2 0 CJ) ::l m > E .... 0 -0 .... ~ ~ 0 N ,.... I -=:1' 3: 1- .--------r--------r---------.--------,-L ~-des-cc . v~-oea-a . c ~ -Jd\f-~ eo-1nr-g · 90-lOQ-O~ vo-uer-v~ 1-------+-------+--------t------1-~Q-Jd\f-6 ~ (1j6n) 1.{) c) 0 c) ' Carbon Methylene Chloroform Chloromethane Nitrate Chloride TW4-13 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mgll) (\uz/Jil (;ue/.1) 12-sep-02 ND ND 24-Nov-02 ND ND 28--Mar-03 NU. 0.2 23-Jtm-03 ND 0.2 12-Sep-03 ND ND 9-Nov-03 ND 0.9 29-Mar-04 ND 0.12 22-J un-04 ND 0.17 17-Sep-04 ND 4.43 17-Nov-04. ND 4.7 16-Mat'-05 ND 4.2 25-May-05 <I NA NA NA 4.3 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 3.1 <1 4.6 NA 1-Dec.:os <l <1 <l <1 4.3 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 1.7 <1 4.2 67 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 1.4 <1 4.9 66 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.3 65 8-Nov-06· <1 <I <1 <1 0.8 33 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4 59 27-Jun-07 <1 <I <1 <1 4.6 59 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.4 58 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.1 58 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.8 54 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.24 58 JO-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.26 50 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.63 58 4-Mar..:Q9 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.7 58 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.2 57 15-Scp-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.7 63 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.1 60 24-Feb-1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.3 53 8-Jun-10 <l <1 <1 <l 5.2 52 l 0-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 5.6 55 5-0ct 10 <1 <1 <1 <l 5.8 55 I 5.-Fcb-J I ND ND ND ND 5.5 60 25-May-11 NO ND ND ND 5.4 56 J6-Aug-l 'l ND ND ND ND 5.2 60 15-No.v-1 J ND ND ND ND 5.9 54 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 5.5 55 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 6 59 29-Aug-·12 ND ND ND NO 6.2 60 3-0ct-12 ND NO ND ND 5.9 60 7-Feb-13 ND ND NP ND 6.31 59.3 29-May-13 ND ND ND ND 6.84 56 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Ghloride TW4-13 (ug(l) Tct11achloride ~ugll~ Chloride (mgll) (mg/1) ( li2/l) (tis!/1) 29~Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 7.16 63.5 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 6.48 58.5 22-Jan-14 ND NO ND ND 7.09 63.1 2 1-May-14 ND NO ND ND 5.99 56.1 13-Aug-14 ND NO NO ND 4.8 62 23-.0ct-14 ND ND ND NO 6.28 66.1 I 1-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 7.09 66.4 lO-Jun-1 5 ND ND ND NP 6.32 70.3 2-Sep-15 ND NO ND ND 5.7 765 0 ~ .l ~ - l - ~ ? 0 i\) Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03 Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 .___ _ __,__ --.....__ 0 w 0 ~ (ug/L) 0 (n 0 =s 0 ..., 0 ........ 0 ..., 3 =s Q.> C/) :J 0 ...... rr CD CD :J Q.. CD ...... CD (") ...... CD Q.. -· :J -I :E ~ I --L. w 0 m 0 ~ ? CXl 0 Co -t ~ I ..... Co) 0 :::::T 0 ""' ~ ""' .3 < D) r::: (I) (I) Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane 11 Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-14 (ug/1) Tetrachloride Chloride (rng/1) (rng/1) (ue/1) (ug/1) {pe/1) 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.4 37 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.3 38 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 38 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.1 36 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.8 36 26-Mar-0~ <1 <1 <1 <1 0.04 57 25-Jun-08 <I <1 <1 <1 1.56 35 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.34 34 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 0.76 40 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.6 35 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 36 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.5 38 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.4 34 3-Mar-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.5 33 8-Jun-10 <1 <[ <1 <1 2.9 49 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.8 35 6-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.9 29 15-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND 1.8 25 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 2.6 33 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND 1.7 15 17-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 1.9 20 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND 3.3 35 29-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 3.9 37 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 4.2 37 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 4.63 35.2 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 4.37 38.6 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 4.51 37.6 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.81 36.5 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 5.92 35.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 4.87 32.5 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 4.1 38 23-0ct-14 1.68 ND ND ND 5.22 38.9 12-Mar-15 1.71 ND ND ND 5.22 40.1 10-Jun-15 1.82 ND ND ND 3.55 41.8 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 2.77 42.4 (/) (1,) ;:, ca > E ... 0 -0 ... .2 J: 0 o:t ,... I o:t 3: 1- 0 q C\1 "I\ 0 CX) 0 C\1 0 0 (1f6n) 0 c:o 0 0 <0 0 0 """ 0 . 0 C\1 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 9~-kell\l-0~ v~-oea-a 8 ~-5nv-v~ 0~-AON-B~ 6o-1nr-9 eo-qe.:~-zz 90-lOO-O~ 90-fiBII\I-BG Ghlorofwm (ugll) 0 G) ::l CIS > E Jo... 0 -0 ... ..9 J: (.) CD N I 3: == ,..---,.-----.---.......---.....---..---.------..----r---r 9 ~ -ABI/\J-0 ~ v~-oaa-a 8 ~ -5nv-v ~ 0~-AON-8~ 5o-1nr-9 so-qa.::~-c::c:: -90-PO-O~ t----1---t----+----+---+---+---+---t----t· vo-uer-v~ 0 0 LO "<t 0 0 0 "<t 0 0 LO C') 0 0 0 C') 0 0 LO C\1 (1fon) 0 0 0 C\1 0 0 LO 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 Carbon -Methylene Chloroform Chloromethane Nitrate Chloride TW4-16 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (uWJ) (uWJ) 12-Sep-02 140 ND 24-Nov-02 200 ND 28-Mar-03 260 ND 23-Jun-03 370 ND 1 2-Sep-03 350 ND 8-Nov-03 400 ND 29-Mar-04 430 ND 22-Jun-04 530 ND 17-Sep-04 400 ND 17-Nov-04 350 ND 16-Mar-05-240 ND 25-May-05 212 NA NA NA <0.1 NA 31-Aug-05 85 <1 3.2 43 <0.1 NA 1-Dec-05 14 <2.5 2.6 5.9 1.4 NA 9-Mar-06 39.0 <1 1.1 21 3 60 14-Jun-06 13.0 <1 2.4 8.9 1.9 55 20-Jul-06 5.2 <1 <1 2.7 2.7 60 8-Nov-06 13.6 <1 <1 9.2 5.6 62 28-Feb-07 8.7 <1 <1 6.5 12.3 79 27-Jun-07 2.6 <1 <1 1.8 9.9 75 15-Aug-07 7.1 <1 <1 5.1 5.4 66 10-0ct-07 1.4 <1 <1 <1 4.4 69 26-Mar-08 11.0 <1 <1 26 ND 52 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.46 58 10-Sep-08 10 <l <1 14 10.5 71 15-0ct-08 3.9 <1 <1 6.6 9.82 89 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 9.6 78 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 8.9 76 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 8.8 79 17-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 5.2 76 24-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 4.2 77 9-Jun-10 2.1 <1 <1 <1 4.7 64 24-Aug-10 4.3 <1 <1 <1 4.6 72 6-0ct-10 3.0 <1 <1 <1 3.3 72 22-Feb-11 15.0 ND ND ND -T 86 26-May-11 16.0 ND ND ND 5 81 17-Aug-11 9.2 ND ND ND l.T 63 16-Nov-11 ND ND ND 1.4 0.4 38 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND 1.7 0.1 48 31-May-12 ND ND ND ND ND 53 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND ND 59 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND 3 ND 53 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND 3 ND 58.1 Chloroform <1arbon hloroJilethanc Methylene Nitrate Cliloricfe ifW4-16 (uW:I) ::t'ettaohloride . ugtl) ".hlomae mg/1) (mgiJ) (uBfl) (ue/1} 30-May-13 ND ND ND 4.21 ND 49.8 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 54.4 7-Nov-13 13.4 ND ND ND 1.37 56.6 29-Jan-14 6.9 ND ND ND 3.16 66.8 22-May-14 14.6 ND ND ND 4.94 80.7 14-Aug-14 229.0 ND ND ND 5.1 80 24-Sep-14 371.0 ND ND ND N/A N/A 29-0ct-14 387.0 ND ND ND 8.40 92.1 12-Mar-15 153.0 ND ND ND 4.30 65.3 11-Jun-15 65.3 ND ND ND 1.06 61 3-Sep-15 82.0 ND ND NO 1.18 65.8 0 Cl) :I (ij > E ... 0 -0 ... ..2 J: 0 co ,.... I ~ 3: 1- ..--------.--------,--------..----....-----,..------r L ~ -das-<::c v~-oao-a 5o-1nr-g 90-lOO-O~ . vo-uer-v~ 1------t------!-----1----+-----+-----1-W-JdV-6 ~ 0 0 <.o 0 0 LO 0 0 "<t 0 0 C') (1t6n) 0 0 C\1 0 0 0 Chlorofonn Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride MW-32 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (u2fl) (u2/I) 12-Sep-02 1.6 ND 24-Nov-02 ND ND 28-Mar-03 ND ND 23-Jun-03 ND ND 12-Sep-03 ND ND 8-Nov-03 ND ND 29-Mar-04 ND ND 22-Jun-04 ND ND 17-Sep-04 ND ND 17-Nov-04 ND ND 16-Mar-05 ND ND 30-Mar-05 ND ND 25-May-05 <1 NA NA NA <0.1 NA 31-Aug-05 <1 <1 3.2 <1 <0.1 NA 1-Dec-05 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 14-Jun-06 <1 <1 3.5 <1 <0.1 30 20-Jul-06 <1 <1 1.8 <1 <0.1 32 8-Nov-06 <1 <1 1.5 <1 <0.1 31 28-Feb-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 29 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 30 15-0ct-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.05 26 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 30 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 31 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 33 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 34 17-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 38 14-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 32 16-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 28 6-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 24 23-Feb-11 ND ND ND ND ND 40 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND ND 31 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND ND 33 6-Dec-11 ND ND ND ND ND 32 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND ND 21 4-Jun-12 ND ND ND ND ND 32 5-Sep-12 ND ND ND ND ND 33 10-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 35 hJorofonn ·c Jlbon Chloromethane l\tleth, I ne Nitrat Chloride W•32 (ugA 'T trachloJiide ~Ug/1} bJoride ~mg/1 (mgO) (u{!/1,)> (ll21JY 13-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND ND 34.3 18-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND ND 34.9 4-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND ND 33 29-0ct-13 ND ND ND ND ND 35.7 29-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34 23-May-14 ND ND ND ND ND 39.7 26-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34 29-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND ND 34.9 17-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND ND 36.3 11-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND ND 35.8 9-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND ND 37.7 en Cl) :::J ca > E .... 0 -0 .... ..2 ~ 0 C\1 CW) I 3: :E .------,--___,..----,-----.----r---.------"T----r-----r L ~ -daS-GG -17~-oaa-a 60-lnr-g 90-PO-O~ f-----t---+----+---+----l---t----t---+---+ W-Jd'v'-6 ~ co 0 <0 0 C\J 0 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-18 ~ Tetrachloride j Chloride (ug/1) (ug/1) Jul!/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (ul!!l) 12-Sep-02 440 1.49 24-Nov-02 240 13.3 28-Mar-03 160 13.1 23-Jun-03 110 19 12-Sep-03 68.0 19.9 9-Nov-03 84.0 20.7 29-Mar-04 90.0 14 22-Jun-04 82.0 12.2 17-Sep-04 38.0 14.5 17-Nov-04 51.0 17.3 16-Mar-05-38.0 14.1 25~-Ma)'_-05 29.8 NA NA NA 12.9 NA 31-Aug-05 39 <1 2.8 <1 13.3 NA 1-Dec-05 14 <1 1.1 <I 7.3 NA 9-Mar-06 12.0 <1 1.1 <1 5.9 5.9 14-Jun-06 12.0 <1 1.6 <1 4.7 35 20-Jul-06 10.8 <1 2.7 <I 6.1 35 8-Nov-06 139 <1 <1 <1 8.7 34 28-F eb-07 9.2 <1 <1 <1 5.1 30 27-Jun-07 8.0 <1 <1 <1 4.9 28 15-Aug-07 8.9 <1 <1 <1 5 32 10-0ct-07 7.4 <1 <1 <1 4.4 27 26-Mar-08 6.4 <1 <1 <1 0.7 23 25-Jun-08 5.7 <1 <1 <1 4.55 23 10-Sep-08 8.0 <1 <1 <1 4.68 26 15-0ct-08 9.4 <1 <1 <1 5,15 30 4-Mar-09 11.0 <I <1 <1 5.2 29 24-Jun-09 16.0 <1 <1 <1 6.2 30 15-Sep-09 13.0 <1 <1 <1 5.9 26 22-Dec-09 8.2 <1 <1 <1 5.4 30 24-Feb-10 69.0 <1 <1 <1 5.1 41 9-Jun-10 29.0 <I <1 <1 9 35 12-Aug-10 29.0 <1 <1 <1 9 37 13-0ct-10 30.0 <1 <1 <1 10 50 22-Feb-11 39.0 ND ND ND 10 52 26-May-J.l 26.0 ND ND ND 9 36 17-Aug-fl 29.0 ND ND ND 4.6 23 7-Dec-11 28.0 ND ND ND 6.3 23 19-Jan-12 25.0 ND ND ND 4.4 18 13-Jun-12 24.0 ND ND ND 6.6 30 11-Sep-12 38.0 ND ND ND 6.6 26 3-0ct-12 30.0 ND ND ND 6 27 13-Feb-13 34.9 ND ND ND 5.58 23.1 hlor()form Cal' bon Ghloromethane· Methylene Nit rat Chlorid~ 17W14-'18 Tetrachlo:llidti Chlorid (ugll~ !(usYJ~ 0.. ) '(wrtl) (rng'/1), (mg/1) '·'· 13-Jun-13 37.9 ND ND ND 8.86 22.9 5-Sep-13 41.0 ND ND ND 12.1 36.2 13-Nov-13 44.3 ND ND ND 14.2 37.1 30-Jan-14 38.9 ND ND ND 12.8 40.9 22-May-14 34.8 ND ND ND 12.2 47 14-Aug-14 32.8 ND ND ND 9.8 49 28-0ct-14 33.0 ND ND ND 11.1 40.8 12-Mar-15 32.0 ND ND ND 11.7 41.6 11-Jun-15 30.5 ND ND ND 9.69 43.5 3-Sep-15 28.7 ND ND ND 15.7 47.6 (/) Cl) :I co > E lo.. 0 -0 lo.. .2 .r:: 0 Q) ,.... I 'IO::t 3: ... 0 0 LO 0 1.() "<t ..... 0 0 "<t 0 1.() (') 0 0 (') ~ ~ li l . ~ ~ ..:::::: ~ i 7 . ~ 1 ~ - ~ ~ ~ . l---+' v..-~ ......--- 0 1.() C\J 0 0 C\J 0 1.() 0 0 0 1.() 0 L~-das-zz v~-oaa-a z~·Jdy-~ so-1nr-g 90-PO·O~ to-uer-v~ ~Q-JdV-6~ I Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-19 Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) {ug/1) (u2[1) (uJl!l) 12-Sep-02 7700 47.6 24-Nov-02 5400 42 28-Mar-03 4200 61.4 15-May-03 4700 NA 23-Jun-03 4500 11.4 15-Jul-03 2400 6.8 15-Aug-03 2600 4 12-Sep-03 2500 5.7 25-Sep-03 4600 9.2 29-0ct-03 4600 7.7 9-Nov-03 2600 4.8 29-Mar-04 NA NA 22-Jun-04 NA NA 16-Aug-04 7100 9.91 17-Sep-04 2600 4.5 17-Nov-04 1800 3.6 16-Mar-05 2200 5.3 25-May-05 1200 5.7 31-Aug-05 1400 <5 <5 <5 4.6 NA 1-Dec-05 2800 <50 <50 <50 <0.1 NA 9-Mar-06 1200 <50 <50 <50 4 86 14-Jun-06 1100 <50 <50 <50 5.2 116 20-Jul-06 1120 <50 <50 <50 4.3 123 8-Nov-06 1050 1.6 2.6 <1 4.6 134 28-Feb-07 1200 1.3 <1 <1 4 133 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 15-Aug-07 1100 1.9 <l <l 4.1 129 10-0ct-07 1100 1.9 <1 <1 4 132 26-Mar-08 1800 2.9 <1 <1 2.2 131 25-Jun-08 1000 1 <1 <l 2.81 128 10-Sep-08 3600 8.6 <1 <1 36.2 113 15-0ct-08 4200 12 <I <1 47.8 124 4-Mar-09 1100 1.2 <1 <1 3.2 127 24-Jun-09 990 1.2 <1 <1 2.4 132 15-Sep-09 6600 15 <1 <1 0.1 43 14-Dec-09 4700 16 <1 <1 26.7 124 17-Feb-10 940 1.3 <1 <1 2 144 9-Jun-10 1800 4.2 <1 <1 4.4 132 16-Aug-10 2000 4.9 <1 <1 5.9 142 11-0ct-10 1200 1.3 <1 <1 2.7 146 17-Feb-11 3400 17 ND ND 17 135 7-Jun-11 4000 8.3 ND ND 12 148 17-Aug-11 970 2.J ND ND 3 148 WA-19 bloro}!l thane (ug(J~ th Cl) ::::J ca > E a-0 -0 a- ..2 .c 0 0) ,... I o:::t 3: 1- .---,.---,.---,.---,.---,..----,----r------,r-----, 9 ~ -AeV\1-0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'l co ..... ----~ 1 ~D ~ ~---+--~~--+----r~--~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I'-(.!) I!') "¢ C') C\1 (1tfin) v~-oao-a 0 ~-AON-8 ~ 6o-1nr-9 ao-qa:~-c::c:: 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 0 0 0 Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-20 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (U21J) (owl) 25-May-05 39000 NA NA NA 10.1 NA 31-Aug-05 3800 <10 <10 <10 2.9 NA 1-Dec-05 19000 <250 <250 <250 1.8 NA 9-Mar-06 9200 <500 <500 <500 3.8 120 14-Jun-06 61000 <500 <500 <500 9.4 235 20-Jul-06 5300 <1000 <1000 <1000 2.9 134 8-Nov-06 11000 7.1 1.9 2.2 3.5 124 28-Feb-07 4400 3.1 <1 1.1 4.2 124 27-Jun-07 1800 2.2 <1 <1 2.3 Il2 15-Aug-07 5200 3.5 <1 1.8 2.1 117 10-0ct-07 9000 6.8 <1 1.9 5.6 170 26-Mar-08 13000 9 <1 1.5 0.9 132 25-Jun-08 30000 13 <1 1.2 7.96 191 10-Sep-08 21000 15 <1 3.7 4.44 156 15-0ct-08 NA NA NA NA 5.51 166 4-Mar-09 8200 5.7 <1 5.2 5.1 164 24-Jun-09 6800 4.9 <2 4.2 2.9 164 15-Sep-09 l JOOO 8.4 <2 4.4 3.3 153 14-Dec-09 15000 14-<1 3 5.3 187 17-Feb-10 3500 2.7 <1 3.2 2 179 14-Jun-10 18000 11 <1 3.7 5.6 200 16-Aug-10 15000 12 <1 2.2 5.3 196 11-0ct-10 24000 20 <1 5.5 4.6 203 23-Feb-11 31000 27 ND 19 4.4 220 1-Jun-11 8100 10 ND 2.1 4.8 177 17-Aug-11 6800 7.3 ND 3.1 6.5 207 16-Nov-11 7900 7.2 ND 2.5 4.2 186 23-Jan-12 11000 10 ND 1.3 7.9 207 6-Jun-12 36000 33 ND ND 11 262 4-Sep-12 13000 26 ND ND 10.8 289 3-0ct-12 I900D 22 ND ND 11 302 11-Feb-13 18500 19.6 ND 1.21 9.07 252 5-Jun-13 26300 32.5 ND 1.13 9.76 250 3-Sep-13 26800 25.7 ND 2.14 8.65 260 29-0ct-13 15700 17.3 ND 1.37 9.64 272 27-Jan-14 17800 18.4 ND 2.04 7.56 254 19-May-14 22100 22.1 2.31 3.98 5.95 269 11-Aug-14 12400 14.1 55.2 2.2 4.3 299 21-0ct-14 23300 18.5 4.04 2.38 7.67 292 9-Mar-15 19900 20.8 4.85 1.38 9.8 290 8-Jun-15 17600 16.2 13.4 1.73 5.76 296 31-Aug-15 17000 15.1 12.3 ND 9.27 365 r-----.----.----r------.----:-------:r----r 9~-Aelf\J-O~ Pk09Q-LG 1/) Cl) • 0~-AON-8 ~ :::::s ('IS > E ... 0 -0 5o-1nr-9 ... .2 .c 0 0 N I ~ ~ so-qa:J-cc 90-PO-O~ · vo-uer-v~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,..... <0 I!') '<:t ('I) C\1 (1Jfin) Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate '1 Chloride I ~ TW4-21 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (ui!/D (ul!!l) 25-May-05 192 NA NA NA 14.6 NA 31-Aug-05 78 <5 <5 <5 10.1 NA 1-Dec-05 86 <1 1.0 <1 9.6 NA 9-Mar-06 120 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 8.5 347 14-Jun-06 130 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 10.2 318 20-Jul-06 106 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 8.9 357 8-Nov-06 139 2 <1 <1 8.7 296 28-Feb-07 160 1.8 <1 <1 8.7 306 27-Jun-07 300 5.8 <1 <1 8.6 327 15-Aug-07 140 <1 <1 <1 8.6 300 10-0ct-07 120 <1 <1 <1 8.3 288 26-Mar-08 380 7 <1 <1 14.3 331 25-Jun-08 160 1.7 <1 <1 8.81 271 10-Sep-08 120 1.6 <1 <1 7.57 244 15-0ct-08 170 2 <1 <2 8.00 284 11-Mar-09 180 <1 <1 <1 8.3 279 24-Jun-09 200 <1 <1 <1 8.1 291 15-Sep-09 140 <1 <1 <1 9.2 281 22-Dec-09 160 <1 <1 <1 8.4 256 25-Feb-10 170 <1 <1 <1 8.4 228 10-Jun-10 210 1.2 <1 <1 12 266 12-Aug-10 390 9.2 <1 <1 14 278 13-0ct-10 200 1.2 <1 <1 7 210 22-Feb-11 230 1.2 ND ND 9 303 28-Jun-11 290 4.8 ND ND 12 290 17-Aug-11 460 6.3 ND ND 14 287 7-Dec-11 390 6.7 ND ND 13 276 19-Jan-12 420 6.4 ND ND 15 228 13-Jun-12 400 5.4 ND ND 11 285 13-Sep-12 410 6 ND ND 13 142 4-0ct-12 390 7 ND ND 14 270 13-Jan-13 282 5.25 ND ND 11.8 221 18-Jun-13 328 3.49 ND ND 13.8 243 12-Sep-13 244 2.13 ND ND 10.3 207 13-Nov-13 204 ND ND ND 9 206 5-Feb-14 220 6.23 ND ND 11.4 200 22-May-14 240 4.73 ND ND 11.5 243 27-Aug-14 204 ND ND ND 7.1 230 29-0ct-14 229 1.04 ND ND 10 252 12-Mar-15 292 1.75 ND ND 10.9 255 8-Jun-15 366 1.92 ND ND 13.1 494 3 I ~Aug-l5 281 ND ND ND 14.7 499 en Q) ::::J C'CS > E ""' 0 -0 ""' ..2 .c 0 ,... C\1 I ~ ..... r----.---.-----....---..-----.--.-----.--..-----,-----.-9 ~ -liBV\1-0 ~ v~-oaa-a -s ~ -5nv-v ~ -0 ~ -AON-8 ~ 5o-1nr-9 so-qa:::J-cc · 90-PO-O~ 1----+--+---4---+---o~----1---+-----1---+---+ vo-uer-v ~ 0 0 IJ) 0 IJ) "<:t 0 0 "<:t 0 IJ) C') 0 0 C') 0 IJ) C\J (1f6n) 0 0 C\J 0 IJ) 0 0 0 IJ) 0 t Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-22 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) (oWl) (ug/1) II I (uam (mg/1) (mg/1) 25-May-05 340 NA NA NA 18.2 NA 31·Aug-05 290 <5 <5 <5 15.7 NA 1-Dec-05 320 <5 <5 <5 15.1 NA 9-Mar-06 390 <10 <10 <10 15.3 236 14-Jun-06 280 <10 <10 <10 14.3 221 20-Jul-06 864 <10 <10 <10 14.5 221 8-Nov-06 350 <1 1.6 <1 15.9 236 28-Feb-07 440 <1 <1 <l 20.9 347 27-Jun-07 740 <1 <1 <1 19.3 273 15-Aug-07 530 <1 <1 <1 19.3 259 10-0ct-07 440 <1 <1 <1 18.8 238 26-Mar-08 1400 <1 <1 <1 39.1 519 25-Jun-08 1200 <1 <1 <I 41.9 271 10-Sep-08 6300 1.3 <1 <1 38.7 524 15-0ct-08 630 <2 <2 <2 36.3 539 11-Mar-09 390 <1 <1 <1 20.7 177 24-Jun-09 730 <1 <1 <1 20.6 177 15-Sep-09 2300 <1 <1 <1 40.3 391 29-Dec-09 380 <1 <1 <1 17.8 175 3-Mar-10 2200 <1 <1 <1 36.6 427 15-Jun-10 540 <1 <1 <1 19 134 24-Aug-10 340 <1 <1 <1 15 130 13-0ct-10 340 <1 <1 <1 16 134 23-Feb-11 1300 ND ND ND 18 114 1-Jun-11 210 ND ND ND 17 138 17-Aug-11 450 ND ND ND 15 120 7-Dec-11 400 ND ND ND 19 174 19-Jan-1 2 200 ND ND ND 14 36 13-Jun-12 120 ND ND ND 12.8 35 12-Sep-12 940 ND ND ND 7 121 4-0ct-12 330 ND ND ND 14 130 11-Feb-13 10600 3.24 ND ND 58 635 5-Jun-13 12500 3.35 ND ND 50.2 586 3-Sep-13 9640 3.25 ND ND 29.7 487 29-0ct-13 13300 8.09 ND ND 45.2 501 27-Jan-1 4 12100 6.06 ND 2.83 54.6 598 19-May-14 12400 6.65 ND ND 47.2 614 11-Aug-14 12400 1.9 40 ND 41.5 540 2 1-0cL-14 12400 3.32 1.61 ND 54.9 596 9-Mar-15 12700 3.77 4.31 ND 69.2 675 8-Jun-1 5 8050 2.42 3.42 ND 47.1 390 3 1-Aug-15 7810 ND 5.47 NO 64.7 557 .-------.------r-----r-----y----.,----r------r 9 ~ -ABV\1-0 ~ v~-oaa-a s~-6nv-v~ rn Q) ::::J cu • 0 ~ -/\ON-8 ~ > E lo-0 -0 ... ..2 .c:: 60-1nr-9 0 C\1 C\1 I ~ t- so-qa:J-cc 90-PO-O~ vo-uer-v~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '<t C\1 0 00 <0 '<t C\1 ,.... (1t6n) Carbon I Methylene I Chloroform Chloromethane Nitrate Chloride TW4-23 Tetrachloride Chloride (ug/1) (uJ!Il) {ug/1) (ue/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) 27-Jun-07 <J <1 <I <I <0.1 47 15-Aug-07 <I <l <1 <I <0. I 46 10-0ct-07 <I <I <1 <1 <0.1 43 26-Mar-08 <I <1 <1 <1 <0.1 4 1 25-Jun-08 <I <I <I <I <0.05 41 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <] <I <0.05 35 15 -0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 <0.05 5 1 4-Mar-09 <1 <I <1 <1 <0.1 41 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 43 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <I <1 <0.1 43 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <I <1 <0.1 37 24-Feb-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 45 8-Jun-10 <1 <1 <I <1 <0.1 40 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 <0.1 40 5-0ct-JO <1 <I <I <1 <0.1 34 16-Feb-1 1 ND ND ND ND ND 44 25-May-1'1 ND ND ND ND ND 44 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND ND 4J. 15-Nov-1 I ND ND ND ND ND 43 17-Jan-1 2 ND ND ND ND ND 40 3J-May-L2 ND ND ND ND ND 44 29-Aug-1:? ND ND ND ND ND 46 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND ND 45 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND ND 43.6 30-May-13 ND ND ND ND 0.116 44.7 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND NO ND 48.0 7~Nov-J3 ND ND ND ND ND 43.0 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND ND 44.6 2 1-May-14 ND ND ND ND ND 42.3 13-Aug., 14 ND NO ND NO ND 46.0 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND ND 46.8 12-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND ND 47.3 I 0-Jun-1 5 ND NO ND ND ND 48.4 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND ND 54.1 (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 0 -1. ...... ...... Jun-07 Sep-07 ~ Dec-07 Mar-08 - Jun-08 Sep-08 ~ ~ Dec-08 -0 :T Mar-09 ·· 0 Jun-09 4 ~ 0 -Sep-09 0 ~ Dec-09 ~ 3 ~ Mar-10 -:T 0> Jun-10 ' en ~ Sep-10 Dec-10 ~ Mar-11 · j Jun-11 ~ Sep-11 ~ Dec-11 : Mar-12 2 ~ Jun-1 =E :::J ~ 0 I 1\) r-+ w 0" 0 CD ~ -CD 0 ""'' :::J 0 -a. 0 ""'' CD 3 r-+ CD < (') !! r-+ s::::: CD Cl) a. en Sep-12 ~ Dec-12 :::J ~ ~ Mar-13 ~ 3 ~ Jun-1 I 1\:) VJ Sep-13 Dec-13 ~ Mar-14 •· Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 - I•' Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-24 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (ul1J) (ul1J) 27-Jun-07 2.6 <1 <1 <1 26.1 170 15-Aug-07 2.2 <1 <1 <1 29 791 10-0ct-07 1.5 <1 <1 <1 24.7 692 26-Mar-08 1.5 <1 <1 <1 24.4 740 25-Jun-08 1.4 <1 <1 <1 45.3 834 10-Sep-08 2.9 <1 <1 <1 38.4 1180 15-0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 44.6 1130 4-Mar-09 1.4 <1 <1 <1 30.5 1010 24-Jun-09 1.5 <1 <1 <1 30.4 759 15-Sep-09 1.4 <1 <1 <1 30.7 618 17-Dec-09 1.2 <1 <1 <1 28.3 1080 25-Feb-10 1.3 <1 <1 <1 33.1 896 9-Jun-10 1.7 <1 <1 <1 30 639 24-Aug-10 1.8 <1 <1 <1 31 587 6-0ct-10 1.4 <1 <1 <1 31 522 17-Feb-11 1.8 ND ND ND 31 1100 26-May-11 1.1 ND ND ND 35 1110 17-Aug-ll 1.7 ND ND ND 34 967 7-Dec-11 1.2 ND ND ND 35 608 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 37 373 6-Jun-12 ND ND ND ND 37 355 30-Aug-12 1.1 ND ND ND 37 489 3-0ct-12 1.0 ND ND ND 3S 405 11-Feb-13 5.7 ND ND ND 35.9 1260 5-Jun-13 17.4 ND ND ND 23.7 916 3-Sep-13 21.8 ND ND ND 32.6 998 29-0ct-13 32.5 ND ND ND 34.6 1030 27-Jan-14 78 .5 ND ND 1.18 31.6 809 19-May-14 62.7 ND ND ND 35 1020 11-Aug-14 76.3 ND ND ND 31.5 1150 21-0ct-14 25.8 ND ND ND 35.7 1050 9-Mar-15 49.2 ND ND ND 34.6 944 8-Jun-15 4.3 ND ND ND 31.8 1290 31-Aug-15 46.9 ND ND ND 25.3 788 I I 0 c:i 0'1 ~ !~ ~ 0 c:i 00 0 c:i ...... .... . \ ~ F\-I--..... . 0 0 c:i c:i U"l o::t (lf.Bn) \ ........ 0 c:i rn ~ 0 c:i N ~ ~ . ~ l ~ ~ • \ J 0 c:i 9t-AeVIJ-Ol: t•t-::>aa-a n-8nv-vt Ot-/\ON-8t 60-1nr-9 8o-qa:~-Zl 90-PO-Ot Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-25 (ug/1) Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloride (mg/1) (mg/1) (ul!/1) _fui!LJJ 27-Jun-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 11.1 395 15-Aug-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 16.7 382 10-0ct-07 <1 <1 <1 <1 11 356 26-Mar-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 18.7 374 25-Jun-08 <1 <1 <1 <I 22.1 344 10-Sep-08 <1 <1 <1 <1 18.8 333 15-0ct-08 <2 <2 <2 <2 21.3 366 4-Mar-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 15.3 332 24-Jun-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 15.3 32~ 15-Sep-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.3 328 16-Dec-09 <1 <1 <1 <1 Pl.2 371 23-Feb-10 <1 <1 <I <1 14.4 296 8-Jun-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 16 306 10-Aug-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 14 250 5-0ct-10 <1 <1 <1 <1 15 312 16-Feb-J 1 ND ND ND ND 15 315 25-May-11 ND ND ND ND 16 321 16-Aug-11 ND ND ND ND 16 276 15-Nov-11 ND ND ND ND 16 294 18-Jan-12 ND ND ND ND 16 304 3-1-May-1 2 ND ND ND ND 16 287 11-Sep-12 ND ND ND ND 17 334 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 11 338 11-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 9.04 190 5-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 5.24 136 3-Se-p-1 3 ND ND ND ND 5.69 119 29-0ct-13 ND ND ND ND 6.1 88.6 27-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 2.16 85.7 19-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.21 51.1 11-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.6 67 21-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.03 58.1 9-Mar-1 5 ND ND ND ND 14.4 310 8-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.14 58.3 31-Aug-15 ND ND ND ND I.63 69.2 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 0 ~ ~ ~ . . - . ; ~ ~- (ug/L) 0 0 0 0 --' I I ' I I I 0 I ::J I 0 ~ I 0 -0 ~ 3 ::J PJ en :J I 0 ...... 0"' I CD I CD :J I a. CD ...... CD () ...... CD a. -· :J --i ~ ~ I 1\) 01 ...... ...... ....... ~ :IE ~ "' (11 0 ::::r 0 '""' a 0 '""' 3 < !!. c: C1) Ul • Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-26 Tetrachloride Chloride )I (ug/1) (u2fl) (ug/1) (mun (mg/1} (mg/1) 15-Jun-10 13 <1 <1 <1 7.9 33 11-Aug-10 5 <1 <1 <1 9 17 6-0ct-10 5.4 <1 <I <1 9.6 22 22-Feb-11 2.0 ND ND ND 10 30 26-May-11 2.9 ND ND ND 10 15 17-Aug-11 2.8 ND ND ND 11 19 7-Dec-11 5.2 ND ND ND 10 26 18-Jan-12 7.0 ND ND ND 11 17 6-.Jun-12 4.1 ND ND ND 12 19 I 1-..')ep-1 2 4.9 ND ND ND 9 19 3-0ct-12 6.0 ND ND ND 12 19 7-Feb-13 5.0 ND ND ND 12.5 16.6 13-Jun-13 2.1 ND ND ND 13.6 14.5 5-Sep-13 2.8 ND ND ND 11.7 17.6 7-Nov-13 3.4 ND ND ND 15.9 15 .9 29-Jan-14 1.4 ND ND ND 14.2 16.9 2 1-'May-14 4.2 ND ND ND 12.5 15.4 ,11-Aug-.14 1.3 ND ND ND 10.8 15 28-0cr-14 2.45 ND ND ND 12.3 14.6 12-Mar-15 2.37 ND ND ND 14.4 14.4 1 O--Jun-15 6.12 ND 1.17 ND 11.3 14.4 3-Sep-15 4.77 ND ND ND 14.2 14.0 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 0 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 _ Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 . Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 _ Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 •. Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 (ug/1) N """ 0"1 00 ...... 0 ...... N ...... """ -t ~ .1:> I N 0\ n ~ 0 ... 0 0' ... 3 < Ql s:::: I'D Ill Chloroform Carbon Chloromethane Methylene Nitrate Chloride TW4-27 Tetrachloride (ugll) (ul!fl) {ug/1} Chloride (ug/1} {mg/1} (mg/1) 24-Jan-12 9 ND ND ND 24 II 13-Jun-I2 ND ND ND ND 4I 17 30-Aug-12 ND ND ND ND 37 21 3-0ct-12 ND ND ND ND 36 I8 7-Feb-13 ND ND ND ND 31.2 18.8 30-May-1 3 ND ND ND ND 29.4 20.3 29-Aog-13 ND ND ND ND 27.2 19 6-Nov-1 3 NO ND ND ND 29.8 21.8 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 31.3 21.8 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 31.1 20.6 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 27.0 23 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 28.2 24.4 I1-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 26.5 26.2 IO-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 24.0 26.8 2-Sep-I5 1.30 ND ND ND 20.9 26.8 0 ...... Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 _ May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 (ug/1) N w """ V1 0'\ ...., 00 lD ...... 0 -4 ~ ~ N -..J n ~ 0 ., a-., 3 < 11.1 c I'D Ill hhn:ofonn Ca-rbon Chlor'om tfiane Metb •lene Ni . ate hloride 1'f'W4-28 11':etrachlotide Oldoride (Ug(J) (ue/.l) ~ug/1) ('ue/1) mg/l (ing(l) 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 14.9 44.6 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 17.3 45.3 6-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 16.2 45.2 22-Jan-14 ND NO ND ND 16.9 47.8 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 16.5 45.7 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 14.2 50 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 16.5 52.1 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 19 52.2 10-Jun-15 NO ND ND ND 19 56.4 2-Sep-15 ND NO ND ND 17.8 61.4 s~-das Skunr . 00 C\1 I ~ $ 1- c "'C Q) t~-oaa +J -() Q) +J Q) "'C c . t~-das Q) Q) .0 +J 0 t~-unr c - (f) co ..c E -,._ 0 ...... 0 ,._ 0 -8~-oaa ..c - (.) 8~-das . 8~-unr ' 0 0 0 0 0 (1t6n) C lo~oforp1 CarbOJT h1o:tomethaue Methylene Nit11ate Chloride TW4-29 ug/J TttFa~hloilide ~ug/l) hlori(le tmt?O (fit !Vi~ _(ur!ltl· j[u1f/l') 19-J un-13 242 ND ND ND 4.63 44.8 tl-Jul-13 262 ND ND ND 3.52 37.7 26-Sep-1 3 246 ND ND ND 4.18 4 l.4 13-Nov-1 3 260 ND ND ND 4.11 42.5 5-Feb-1 4 258 ND ND ND 4.63 41.9 22-May-14 262 ND ND ND 3.52 38.2 27-Aug-'-14 242 ND ND ND 3.4 41 29-0ct-14 290 ND ND ND 3.64 41 12-Mar-"1 5 299 ND ND ND 4.14 40.5 11-Jun-15 329 ND ND ND 2.95 42.5 3-Sep-15 276 ND ND ND 2.19 47.3 l/1 0 0 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 ~ Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 - Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 1-' 0 0 1-' l/1 0 (ug/1) N 0 0 N l/1 0 ~ I ~ ~ w 0 0 w l/1 0 ~ I N ~ n :r 0 ~ ~ 3 ~ c tD Ill hlo.roforril €arbon · Jaloromethane Methy,lin Njtrat hloride TW4-30 :P tracltloiide OMori de (ug/l); ·tuf!ll)~ •Ug/1) ~o1!L]), mgll)· (mgll~ 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 0.948 36 29-Aug-13 ND ND ND ND 0.952 36.3 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.24 35.9 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.36 36 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.44 31.99 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.5 38 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.84 37.1 11-Mar-15 1.65 ND ND ND 2.15 38.3 10-Jun-15 2.25 ND ND ND 1.75 40.3 3-Sep-15 3.27 ND ND ND 1.75 44.2 I ... 0 I 9 01 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 0 0 0 0.. (ug/L) ... 0 ... 0.. 1\) 0 1\) 0.. tv 0 ~ 01 I Ca11bon Metllylen Nitrate CJtloroform Woromelhane Chloride 1 :4-31 ·~ug/l) :retrachlo.ride (uglli Chlo.rid~ mg/1) ~mg/) tui!IJ:i (Uf!l{), 19-Jun-13 ND ND ND ND 1.26 28.4 5-Sep-13 ND ND ND ND 1.1 29.4 7-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.33 28 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.32 28.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.22 26.3 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.1 30 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.23 30 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 1.33 30.6 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.19 31.1 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 0.916 30.4 ~ 9~-das - ~ 9~-unr . .,..- ('I') I ~ $ ~ t- c "'C Q) _. 17~-oaa (.) Q) _. Q) "'C c 17~-das Q) ~ Q) ..c _. 0 c 17~-unr en co ..c E 17 ~ -JBV\1 :I.... . 0 '+-0 :I.... 0 -..c 8~-oaa () 8 ~-des . 8~-unr 0 0 0 0 0 (1J6n) Chlo11oform'l Carbon :hloromethan :~ Methylen · JtTafe bloride ·W4-32 'Fetrachlorlde· (ug/1) :C.ue!J1 ugll Cblori.de (ugll) ·~mg/1) (mg/1) 14-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 4.26 52.1 22-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 5.11 54.5 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 5.63 54.9 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 4.2 64 23-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 2.14 62.6 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 2.46 64.2 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 1.21 62.7 2-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 5.09 59.6 g ~ -6ny C\1 C') I ~ $ 1- c "'0 (1) g~-qa::1 ofooJ (.) (1) ofooJ (1) "'0 c v~-AON (1) (1) ..c ofooJ 0 c en ~~ v ~ -6nv ctS ..c E !..... 0 '+-~ 0 !..... . 0 ..c () ~ ~ - 0 0 0 0 0 (1f6n) Twa-33 i €hlor.ofo.nn C;lrb()n Gbloromethane Metby,Jene )'ljtrate Chloride (,ugft-) Tetra'<lblo.ride ug/1) Ohloride ( ugll) (mg/J (mgll) '(ul!ll) 14-Nov-13 126 ND ND ND 1.82 47.2 30-Jan-14 124 ND ND ND 2.56 43.5 22-May-14 121 ND ND ND 1.63 46.8 27-Aug-14 104 ND ND ND 1.5 43 29-0ct-14 124 ND ND ND 2.22 44.2 12-Mar-15 134 ND ND ND 1.91 44.2 11-Jun-15 127 ND ND ND 1.62 46.4 3-Sep-15 123 ND ND ND 1.64 53.4 0 r.o ~ 4 r ~ 0 C\J 0 0 0 co (1t6n) 0 r.o 0 '<t 0 C\J 0 9 ~ -6ny 9~-kel/\l 9~-qa.::l v ~-/\ON v ~ -Bnv Ohlorofo'l'ni Carli n -b oromethane M.eth lene itrate hloride 1'W~-3!f Tetracbi~rr~ Chloride (ug/;.1) ('u2fl) Ugll (u211}_ (n-g/1) lmgll) 14-Nov-13 ND ND ND ND 1.64 19.2 23-Jan-14 ND ND ND ND 1.94 20.4 21-May-14 ND ND ND ND 1.69 17.9 13-Aug-14 ND ND ND ND 1.1 18 28-0ct-14 ND ND ND ND 1.16 17.5 11-Mar-15 ND ND ND ND 1.21 17.7 10-Jun-15 ND ND ND ND 0.868 17.4 3-Sep-15 ND ND ND ND 0.458 15.1 en (I) ::::s c; > E ... 0 0 ... .2 J: 0 o::t M I o::t 3: 1- ~ (") I ~ $ I- -~ ~ ...... () Q) ~ a3 ~ Q c (/) co ..c E .9 .,.__ 0 ~ .Q ..c (.) s ~-5ny s~-ke1N ~~ s~-qa.:J ~ v~-5ny 1- 0 0 0 0 0 (1t6n) ¢hLorofoJ'lU ~qgt!) 'DW4-3S arbon Tetrncbloride g~-Bnv l() Ct) I ~ s I- c "0 g ~ -ABV\1 r/1 Q.) cu +-! .2 ~ cu > <D E ... "0 0 -c 0 ... Q) ..2 (1) .c ..0 0 Lt') +-! 9kqa.:l M 0 I c -.::t 3: (/) .... ~ § 0 '+-0 ~ _g v~-AON ..c () v~-Bnv ..... 0 0 0 0 0 (1f6n) TW4~ 6 I l)loroform (Ug/J) 6arlion 'l!etradUoride 9 ~ -Bnv co ' (V) I ~ $ 1- c ·- ~ ~ ~ '"0 c Q) Q) ..0 ...... 0 9 ~-qa.:J c ' ClJ co ..c E \....... ~ \....... 0 v~-1\oN 6 ~ v ~-onv 0 0 0 0 0 (1fl5n) -hlorofoJ1U enllb n ChJoJ"omelhan Meth leoe Nitl'a"te CJllorh:le T W4-37 ''JlcifrachloFid~ Gbloride (ug/1) . (o:!fll)~ ,(ug11 (-.211~ (mgl.l) (mg/1) 8-Jun-1 5 30200 18 16 2 35 345 31-Aug-15 19100 17 14 1.04 32 374 tn C1) :I m > E a.. 0 0 a.. .2 s::. 0 ~ I ~ 1- 0 0 0 1.0 C') ~ 0 0 0 0 C') 0 0 0 ~ v 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 (1J6n) 1.0 .,... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 g ~ -Bnv g~-unr TabL Contour Map Based Chloroform Plume Mass Calculations and Data Over Time Table Ll Chloroform Plume Mass Estimate over Time White Mesa Mill Quarter Estimated Plume Chloroform Mass (lb) Q3 2015 1,711.9 --- 1,800 ,-------------------------------------~ 1,600 1,400 g 1,200 :z 111 :E E .E 1,000 !:! 0 :c (.) Q) § 800 a: a! 'lii .§ 8i 600 400 200 • 0 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ H:\718000\nov15\CHL_massest_Fig_L 1.xls: 8x11 LS Color 03 2015 Date •• HYDRO -GEO I - ~CHEM,INC. CONTOUR-BASED CHLOROFORM PLUME RESIDUAL MASS ESTIMATE TIME SERIES WHITE MESA MILL Approved JDate -JAUl~Qr !Dat-a __ lr. ___ Uo Nama _ IFiguru SJS _ ~E_M_ l11f3/2_Q1!f <~L~#f!$1.d* l L.1 QUARTERLY CONTOUR BA ED CHLOROFORM PLUME MA CAL ULATION DETAI hJoroform Data File: CHL_Surferlnput_Q3_15.xls Gridd'ing details: 1) kriging parameters: SURFER ™default parameters (point kriging, linear variogram, slope= 1, no anisotropy [anisotropy= 1], no search constraints [all data u ed]) 2) min x max x (UTME[m]): 63 1900 633043 3 min y may y (UTME[m]): 4 154240, 4 155550.64 4 grid paciug in x y (m : 15 .24, 15.24 5 artificial or p eudo-data: none 6) Q2, 2015 (p1·eviou quarter data u ed at wells: MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-5, MW-12 MW-15 MW-17 through MW-20, MW-22 through MW-24, MW-27 through MW-29. Chloroform residual mass estimate kriged grid files (ascii format): Ucm3Q15wl.grd: third quarter, 2015 Water Level Grid (ft amsl) Ucm3Q15bb.grd: third quarter, 2015 Aquifer Base Grid (ft amsl) Ucm3Q15sat.grd: third quarter, 2015 Saturated Thickness Grid (ft) Ucm3Q15logchl.grd: third quarter, 2015 log of chloroform grid (log of ug/L) Ucm3Q15chl.grd: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Concentration Grid (ug/L) Ucm3Ql5ge70.grd: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Concentration GE 70 Grid (ug/L) Ucm3Q15volm3.grd: third quarter, 2015 Groundwater Volume Grid (m3) Ucm3Q15masslb.grd: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Plume Mass Grid (lb) Chloroform residual mass estimate kriged gridXYZ file (ascii format): Ucm3Q15wl.dat: third quarter, 2015 Water Level Grid XYZ file (ft amsl) Ucm3Ql5bb.dat: third quarter, 2015 top of Aquifer Base Grid XYZ file (ft amsl) Ucm3Q1Ssat.dat: third quarter, 2015 Saturated Thickness Grid XYZ file (ft) Ucm3Q1Siogchl.dat: third quarter, 2015 log of chloroform grid XYZ file (log of ug/L) Ucm3Q1Schl.dat: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Concentration Grid XYZ file (ug/L) Ucm3Q1Sge70.dat: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Concentration GE 70 Grid (ug/L) XYZ file Ucm3Q1Svolm3.dat: third quarter, 2015 Groundwater Volume Grid XYZ file (m3) Ucm3Q1Smasslb.dat: third quarter, 2015 Chloroform Plume Mass Grid XYZ file (lb) Chloroform plume mass estimate file: Ucm3Q15result.xls TabM CSV Transmittal Letter Kathy Weinel From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Mr. Goble, Kathy Weinel Monday, November 23, 2015 12:46 PM 'Phillip Goble' 'Dean Henderson'; Harold Roberts; David Frydenlund; Jaime Massey; David Turk; Scott Bakken; Logan Shumway Transmittal of CSV Files White Mesa Mill 2015 Q3 Chloroform Monitoring 1509123-EDD.csv; 1509241-EDD.csv Attached to this e-mail is an electronic copy of laboratory results for chloroform monitoring conducted at the White Mesa Mill during the third quarter of 2015, in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. Other electronic files required by the Corrective Action Plan are included on the CDs included with the hard copy reports. Please contact me at 303-389-4134 if you have any questions on this transmittaL Yours Truly Kathy Weinel !l£ Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. Kathy Weinel Quality Assurance Manager t: 303.389.4134 1 t: 303.389.4125 225 Union Blvd., Suite 600 Lakewood, CO 80228 http://www.energyfuels.com This e-mail is intended for the exclusive use of person(s) mentioned as the recipient(s). This message and any attached files with it are confidential and may contain privileged or proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient(s) please delete this message and notify the sender. You may not use, distribute print or copy this message if you are not the intended recipient(s). 1 TabN Evaluation of Productivity at TW4-19 and TW4-24 ATTACHMENT N EVALUATION OF REDUCED PRODUCTIVITY AT TW4-19 AND TW4-24 AND COMPARISON OF PUMPING AND 'BACKGROUND' FLOWS THROUGH THE CHLOROFORM PLUME 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW This analysis considers nitrate and chloroform program data up through the second quarter of 2015. As shown in Figures N.1 and N.2, the productivities of chloroform pumping well TW4-19 and nitrate pumping well TW4-24 have dropped since the third quarter of 2014. The decreases in average pumping rates at these wells have caused reductions in pumped chloroform and nitrate masses at each well. As per the nitrate and chloroform CAPs, reductions in productivity of nitrate and chloroform pumping wells requires an evaluation to determine the likely causes and, depending on the results of the evaluation, a decision to either take no additional action, or to take action that may include rehabilitation or replacement of the affected wells, or installation of additional wells. Although under the chloroform CAP such an evaluation is only required as part of the 2-year review process (two-year Corrective Action Comprehensive Monitoring Evaluation ["CACME"]), to be proactive, and because the chloroform and nitrate pumping systems overlap, the evaluation of both systems is commencing at the present time. Lost productivity may result from several causes. Likely causes at the Mill include: interference between relatively large numbers of closely spaced extraction wells; reductions in hydraulic gradients resulting from reduced wildlife pond recharge; reduced transmissivities as saturated thicknesses decline due to reduced wildlife pond recharge and increases in the number of pumping wells; potentially lower average hydraulic conductivity related to saturated thickness declines (that presumably have resulted in dewatering of relatively shallow zones of higher permeability); and losses in well efficiency. Reduced productivity at TW4-24 doesn't significantly affect chloroform mass removal because TW4-24 is primarily a nitrate pumping well and because of low chloroform concentrations. Reduced productivity at TW4-24 is mainly of concern to the nitrate program because of moderately high nitrate concentrations and potentially reduced capture effectiveness. However, potential reductions in capture effectiveness will be mitigated by decreases in saturated thicknesses, decreases in hydraulic gradients, and potentially lower average hydraulic conductivities that in combination will significantly reduce non-pumping 'background' flow through the nitrate plume. Reduced 'background' flow reduces the amount of pumping needed to maintain effective capture. The impact of reduced productivity at TW4-19 on chloroform mass removal will be mitigated by factors that include: 1) reduced non-pumping 'background' flow through the chloroform plume resulting from decreases in saturated thicknesses, decreases in hydraulic gradients, and potentially lower average hydraulic conductivities; 2) chloroform concentrations at TW4-19 are on average lower than concentrations at nearby chloroform pumping wells; and 3) the recent addition of five wells to the chloroform pumping system: four existing wells (TW4-l, TW4-2, TW4-11, and TW4-21), and one new well (TW4-37). The addition of these wells increases chloroform mass removal rates and reduces the relative importance ofTW4-19. At the present time, because nitrate pumping is likely to be adequate even with reduced pumping at TW4-24, and because of the beneficial impact of adding five wells to the chloroform pumping system (which reduces the relative importance of TW4-19), it is considered too early to commit to any particular course of action other than continuing evaluation of the pumping system. 2.0 COMPARISON OF PUMPING AND FLOW THROUGH THE CHLOROFORM PLUME OVER TIME Reduced productivity at TW4-19 is likely the result of four factors other than potential losses in well efficiency: 1) smaller saturated thickness (by approx 10%) related to reduced wildlife pond recharge; 2) smaller hydraulic gradients (by approx 29%) also related to reduced wildlife pond recharge; 3) smaller average hydraulic conductivities (by approx 9%, presumably as a result of dewatering relatively shallow zones of higher permeability); and interference between pumping wells. 'Background' flow through the chloroform plume will be affected by the first three factors because it is meant to represent the condition that would arise in the absence of pumping. The pre-chloroform pumping hydraulic gradient within the chloroform plume can be calculated based on water levels at wells TW4-5 and TW4-16 and wells TW4-10 and TW4-6. The pair TW4-5/TW4-16 can be used to represent the hydraulic gradient within the western portion of the plume and the pair TW 4-10/TW 4-6 can be used to represent the hydraulic gradient within the south-southeastern portion of the plume. Using these well pairs also allows representative comparison to current gradients because these wells have remained non-pumping. Using these well pairs, and water level data from September 2002 (Figure N.3), a pre-pumping hydraulic gradient of approximately 0.021 ft/ft is calculated for the western portion of the plume and a pre-pumping hydraulic gradient of approximately 0.038 ft/ft is calculated for the south-southeastern portion of the plume. Under current conditions, the hydraulic gradient within the western portion of the plume is approximately 0.015 ft/ft (a 29% reduction), and within the south- southeastern portion of the plume approximately 0.028 ft/ft (a 26% reduction). The hydraulic gradient within the chloroform plume has been reduced by decay of the groundwater mound resulting from cessation of water delivery to the northern wildlife ponds and by pumping. Reliable separation of these two effects within much of the chloroform plume is not possible because pumping of the plume has been underway for more than 12 years. However, pre-pumping flow through the plume using pre-pumping gradients and saturated thicknesses can be compared with the average pumping during the 2003 7-month long pumping test (HGC [2004]), and the flow through the plume based on Q2 2015 gradients and saturated thicknesses can be compared with Q2 2015 pumping. Assuming that the pre-pumping plume width was approximately 1,100 feet (Figure N.3), the hydraulic gradient was approximately 0.021 ft/ft, and the saturated thickness was approximately 64 feet (based on September 2002 data from wells TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4- 10, TW4-16, TW4-18, and TW4-19) a pre-pumping flow of approximately 4.6 gpm is calculated for the western portion of the plume; assuming that the pre-pumping plume width was approximately 550 feet (Figure N.3), the hydraulic gradient was approximately 0.039 ft/ft, and the saturated thickness was approximately 29 feet (based on September 2002 data from wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-6, TW4-7, TW4-8, and TW4-11) a pre- pumping flow of approximately 0.78 gpm is calculated for the south-southeastern portion of the plume. The total pre-pumping flow through the plume was therefore approximately 5.4 gpm. During the 7-month long pumping test, the average pumping within the plume was approximately 6.4 gpm (from wells MW-4, MW-26 [TW4-15], and TW4-19). Therefore, pumping within the plume was approximately 1 gpm (19%) higher than the calculated pre-pumping flows. An assessment of the change in transmtsstvrty (product of saturated thickness and conductivity) was performed based on changes in water levels in non-pumping wells TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4-10, TW4-16, and TW4-18 that resulted from reduced pumping at TW4-19 and TW4-24. Water levels at these wells clearly responded to the reduction in pumping at TW4-19 and TW4-24. As shown in Figures N.4 through N.8, the downward trends in water levels in these wells were halted or reversed once pumping was reduced. These same wells responded to pumping of TW4-19 during the 2003 7-month long pumping test. By superposition, the reduced pumping at TW4-19 and TW4-24 can be simulated as injection of water at these locations at rates equivalent to the decreases in rates of pumping at these locations. Water level changes (displacements) at non-pumping observation wells in response to reduced pumping were calculated by subtracting out the average downward water level trends at wells TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4-10, TW4-16, and TW4-18. This eliminated the impact of water level reductions attributable primarily to reduced wildlife pond recharge. The data were then analyzed as an equivalent injection test using the well hydraulics interpretation software WHIP (HGC, 1998). The previous use of WHIP at the Mill is described in HGC (2002). WHIP was chosen for the analysis because it is designed to interpret both pumping and injection tests. Figures N.9 through N.13 provide the results and the fits between measured and simulated displacements at TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4-10, TW4-16, and TW4-18. Transmissivity estimates are similar, but lower, than estimates derived from the 7-month long pumping test (HGC, 2004). The reduction in transmissivity is primarily related to reduced saturated thickness; however, as shown in Table N.1, compared to the year 2003 analysis, the average reduction in transmissivity is approximately 27% whereas the average reduction in saturated thickness is only 20%. This implies a reduction in average conductivity of approximately 9%. Since September 2002, the reduction in average saturated thickness within the western portion of the chloroform plume based on water levels at non-pumping wells TW4-5, TW4-9, TW4-10, TW4-16, and TW4-18 is approximately 10% as of Q4 2014, the last quarter prior to addition of wells TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, and TW4-21 to the pumping network. The saturated thickness in the south-southeastern portion of the plume based on water levels at TW 4-1, TW 4-2, TW 4-6, TW 4-7, TW 4-8, and TW 4-11 as of Q4 2014 has increased by about 12% Assuming that the 9% reduction in conductivity is representative of the western portion of the chloroform plume, the reduced hydraulic gradient ( -29% ), reduced saturated thickness ( -10% ), and reduced conductivity ( -9%) in combination yield a new (second quarter, 2015) 'background' flow that is approximately 42% lower than the pre-pumping calculation of 4.6 gpm. The new 'background' flow is estimated as approximately 2.7 gpm. For the south-southeastern portion of the plume, assuming no change in hydraulic conductivity, the new 'background' flow is calculated as approximately 0.63 gpm. The total 'background' flow is therefore approximately 3.3 gpm. The current total pumping from the chloroform plume (4.64 gpm, from wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-11, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-21, TW4-22, TW4-24, and TW4-37) exceeds the total calculated new 'background' flow of 3.3 gpm indicating that pumping is likely adequate even with reduced productivity at TW4-19. 3.0 EVALUATION OF INTERFERENCE BETWEEN PUMPING WELLS Closely spaced pumping wells will 'interfere' with one another as they 'compete' for groundwater. This 'interference' reduces the productivities of the individual wells. While adding wells will likely increase total pumping, a point will be reached where the gains are negligible. Reduced productivity at individual wells results in part from reduced saturated thicknesses as overall pumping increases with the addition of wells. Addition of wells also creates stagnation points between wells; by superposition, an effective no-flow boundary is created between pumping wells. Because of the effective creation of a no- flow boundary between pumpipg wells, it is important to avoid the generation of rectangular grids of wells or triangular patterns of wells. The creation of effective no- flow boundaries increases the rates of drawdowns at individual wells as well as the rates of reductions in saturated thicknesses within pumped areas; both reduce individual well producti vi ties. A quantitative analysis of interference within the chloroform and nitrate pumping systems is considered premature at this time; nitrate pumping appears adequate even with reduced productivity at TW4-24, and chloroform mass removal rates remain adequate due to the recent addition of five chloroform pumping wells. Additional data collection is considered necessary to evaluate the impacts of these additional wells on long-term pumping well productivities. 4.0 POTENTIAL FUTURE EVALUATION OF TW4-19 AND TW4-24 WELL EFFICIENCIES Should continued monitoring indicate that the reduced productivities at TW 4-19 and TW4-24 need to be addressed, the wells will be tested for reduced efficiency. Reduced efficiency would likely be related to partial clogging of well screens. Step-rate pumping tests may be conducted as part of this evaluation. 5.0 REFERENCES HGC, 2004. Final Report. Long Term Pumping at MW-4, TW4-15, and TW4-19. White Mesa Uranium Mill Near Blanding, Utah. May 26, 2004. Table N.l comparison of transmissivity and saturated thickness estimates observation average 2003 average 2015 % 2003T 2015T % well saturated saturated difference estimate estimate difference thickness (ft) thickness (ft) (ft2/day) (ft2/day) TW4-5 62 48 -23 87 46 -47 TW4-9 63 49 -22 71 51 -28 TW4-10 64 51 -20 46 47 2 TW4-16 79 67 -15 18 9 -50 TW4-18 80 65 -19 74 66 -11 average 70 56 -20 59 44 -27 Notes: average saturated thickness= average of TW4--19 and observation well saturated thicknesses T =transmissivity in feet squared per day (assuming confined analysis) "C Q) Q. E ;:, Q. Ill s:::: ~ m Cl 300,000 ~--~--~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 250,000 ~ 200,000 +---~~~----------~~-------------=~------==----------------~------------------~------------~ • 150,000 100,000 5o,ooo 1 4 • • * * • * ., a 1 . . .. -· ·-. . .. .• 0 +---------------------.---------~----------,---------~----------~---------r----------r---------~ Q2 13 volume Q3 13 volume Q4 13 volume Q1 14 volume Q2 14 volume Q3 14 volume Q4 14 volume Q1 15 volume Q2 15 volume -TW4-22 ~TW4-25 --+-TW4-24 _.,_TWN-2 PRODUCTIVITY OF NITRATE PUMPING WELLS HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. /lpproved SJS Figure N-1 H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\Pvolume.xls: F1 N pump "C Q) Q. E ::J Q. Ill c .2 ItS C) 450,000 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 400,000 ~ 350,000 ~·------~--------~----------4r----------------~------------=-----------------------~ 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 --~------------------~------------------------~--------------------~------~------~ 50,000 -1--------------------------------------------"'=--------:---------------------------------l 0 I C I 1-I I I I ~zf ~ I ,., --~"' --(~ -,, ,, ...,. ..._,~~=~'-----.--------.-------4 '-.,/ I .... j I '--" I '"' J '"' I "\..; 02 13 volume 03 13 volume 04 13 volume 01 14 volume 02 14 volume 03 14 volume 04 14 volume 01 15 volume 02 15 volume ~MW-4 ----MW-26 TW4-4 ----TW4-19 --+-TW4-20 -TW4-1 ----.-TW4-2 - -TW4-11 HYDRO GEO ~CHEM,INC. Approved SJS PRODUCTIVITY OF CHLOROFORM PUMPING WELLS F•gure N.2 H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\Pvolume.xls: F2 chi pmp 11 _ . .--) ' I >-· ......... $' j \_ " i I '---(' I -; \ ~· II 'I ~ f ,, ~ 11 .tf '~ ~,:~ __ _ ~~~=;:::~-- • ..-:P' MW-2 e .. ~ 5503 ~f( 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, II II .;.""II ~I ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, il 32 1\ ,, ,, ,, ,, It ,, ,, ,, ,, It ., t I e M~R~) ,, ,, ,, ,, 1\ ,, \~ ~, X\ ,, \ll ~ .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY ' " " MW-1 • 5574 '-..._ 0 -------558 e MW-18 5575 P-1 ~5578 05519 0~ I \ ~'. \.~~-::o==----1 -5533, ::;;?~\ ----- 0 'C..' ,?~.,.\ I n ........ ~ :g ~ I I \ ~1?:-~-I I -~/ / ss'o z::-: '.....--5500 ~ 5490 ---5480 5470 "" \'I '~, J \~~~~========~ ~ ~~~~~----4 5460 J '~, 1"~ ~., ----==:.=-==-======-=-----'! ~~~~ ----~ ------------------------------5450 j EXPLANATION e MW-11 5514 0 5524 P-5 ~ 5533 55BO----- ~ w PERCHED MONITORING WELL SHOWING WATER LEVEL IN FEET AMSL TEMPORARY PERCHED MONITORING WELL SHOWING WATER LEVEL IN FEET AMSL PIEZOMETER SHOWING WATER LEVEL IN FEET AMSL WATER LEVEL CONTOUR LINE, DASHED WHERE UNCERTAIN APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF CHLOROFORM PLUME WILDLIFE POND NOTE: WATER LEVELS FOR PIEZOMETERS ARE FROM AUGUST, 2002 ~HYDRO GEO MW-22e 5447 ~ // // // i ,.._.._ CHEM, INC.JApproved ss "' /,1 ~ ~ // I' "" ~ /,1 4 ~ 0 ,, ,, ,, ci' N i /. SCALE IN FEET / /" .. ~ 3000 Reference: jFIG: 718000111 A N.3 4? ... Ql .... "' 3: 0 .... ..t:. .... a. Ql Q Date -?o 'V ~ .> ~ ~ ~ 0 -?9: ~ ~ ~ -?o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :;.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~ :;;>,..> ;y :;;>~ :;;>~ 0<-:t'y :;;>J' :;;>6' -? 'S7 50 55 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 65 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. TIME SERIES OF DEPTHS TO WATER AT TW4-5 SINCE 01 2012 Approved H:\718000\aug15\Chloroform\DTW _ TimeSeries_chl.xls: FX TW4-5 Date ~ ""o ~ v ~ 'Y .> % ""v ~ ~ ~ ""o ~ ~ ~ ct., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~ ~0 ~0 ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <v ~ <6' .... v so 55 g ... Cll ... Ill s: 60 0 ... .r. ... Q. Cll 0 65 70 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H:\718000\aug15\Chloroform\DTW_Time8eries_chl.xls: FX TW4-9 HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. TIME SERIES OF DEPTHS TO WATER AT TW4-9 SINCE Q1 2012 Approved Figure N.5 ~ ,_ 111 .. nl 3: 0 .. .s::. .. c. 111 c ~ <.. ~ ~< so : 55 60 <o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~~ ~~ Date ~ <..? ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~vl ~vl ~ 'Y .> 0 <o ~.> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~S' ~ v S' ()' . , ____ _ 65 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME SERIES OF DEPTHS TO WATER AT TW4-10 SINCE 01 2012 HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. Approved Figure N.6 H:\718000\aug15\Chloroform\DTW_TimeSeries_chl.xls: FX TW4-1 0 g ... Cll .... "' s: 0 .... .c 0. Cll c Date -?o -? .... -<> .> ~ ~ ~ ~ -?y ~ ~ ~ -?o ~.> "1: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~..)> ~ ~ ~S' ~ -? y y (5' ~ ' 55 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 65 +---------------------------------------------------------~~~--------~~----------------- 70 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. TIME SERIES OF DEPTHS TO WATER AT TW4-16 SINCE 01 2012 1\pproved Figure N.7 H:\718000\aug15\Chloroform\DTW_TimeSeries_chl.xls: FX TW4-16 ~ ~ -?o ~ -?v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~0 ~0 ~ ~,.l ~,.l ~.., < 50 55 g ... Ql .... "' 3: 60 0 .. ..r:. .... Q. Ql 0 65 70 H :\71 8000\aug 15\Chloroform\DTW _ TimeSeries _chi. xis: FX TW 4-1 B Date v ~ ~ ~0 ~.., ~ -?o ~ ~ v HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. -?,.l ~ 0 ~ <.s-:;., ~ ~0 ~ ~0 ~v 0-~: ~6' '.$' TIME SERIES OF DEPTHS TO WATER AT TW4-18 SINCE 01 2012 Approved g .. s: Qj 6 5 4 E 3 Qj ... "' 1i Ill 0 2 1 0 ------- 0.01 0.1 ........... ........ --------- 1 10 __ ...... .,.,..-.. -- 100 1000 --- 10000 / ., I I • I _...,i ,. I ~ 100000 1000000 Elapsed Time (Jog seconds) Results Transmissivity = 45.9 ft2/d Storativity = 2.86E-04 • Observed Simulated H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\WHIP\WHIP _Fits_chl.xls: Fig X TW4-5 HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. !Approved OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WATER LEVEL DISPLACEMENTS IN TW4-5 SINCE 04 2014 FIQUrll N.9 ~ ~ Cll 6 5 4 E 3 Cll ... "' a. "' 0 2 1 ----- "' ----· ... --~---.....---- I .. I I ,.,. • • I ~ ---_ ... --- ----- o .. ---- 0.01 0.1 Results Transmissivity = 50.8 ft2/d Storativity = 1.23E-04 - 1 10 • Observed Simulated H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\WHIP\WHIP _Fits_chl.xls: Fig X TW4-9 100 1000 Elapsed Time {log seconds) HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. (Approved 10000 100000 1000000 OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WATER LEVEL DISPLACEMENTS IN TW4-9 SINCE 04 2014 Agom N.10 g ... ~ Q) 6 5 4 E 3 Q) u "' c. Ill 0 2 1 0 ---------- 0.01 0.1 Results Transmissivity = 47.4 ft2/d Storativity = 8.98E-04 1 --------------------- 10 + Observed Simulated 100 1000 Elapsed Time (log seconds) HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\WHIP\WHIP _Fits_chl.xls: Fig X TW4-1 0 --__ ..., 10000 1 -, ' I ~ ~ ! ,..., ~ 100000 1000000 OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WATER LEVEL DISPLACEMENTS IN TW4-10 SINCE 04 2014 F/QUI<! N.11 6 • 5 . I ' I I 4 t 4? I ... I c: Cl.l I E 3 Cl.l ~ u "' Q. I ' "' i5 I t I 2 I . • I I I 1 .I I I -------~ ~_ ............... --__ ... _..-----a.- 0 _,..,_ .... ._.-~---- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Elapsed Time (log seconds) Results " Transmissivity = 9.2 ft2/d • Observed ~~~HYDRO OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WATER LEVEL Storativity = 7.23E-04 --Simulated GEO DISPLACEMENTS IN TW4-16 SINCE 04 2014 ~CHEM,INC. Approved I Date I Author ~~0 l J File Name I Figure --GEM 10/81201 N.1:;! H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\WHIP\WHIP _Fits_chl.xls: Fig X TW4-16 g .... c: Cll 6 5 4 E 3 Cll u "' Q. "' 0 2 1 ----------______ .... ---o·-----~::-::-----0.01 0.1 1 10 ------ 100 1000 Elapsed Time (log seconds) Results Transmissivity = 65.7 ft2/d Storativity = 1.29E-05 H:\718000\aug15\Nitrate\WHIP\WHIP _Fits_chl.xls: Fig X TW4-18 • Observed Simulated HYDRO GEO CHEM,INC. --- Approved --- 10000 / / .. • -, ' I • I I ~ 100000 1000000 OBSERVED AND SIMULATED WATER LEVEL DISPLACEMENTS IN TW4-18 SINCE 04 2014 Flgur~ N.13