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DRC-2011-008358 - 0901a068803b3237
DENISO MINES Sent VIA Federal Express May 20,2011 Mr. Rusty Lundberg Co-Executive Secretary Utah Water Quality Board Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 &9 D(V;L"J Denison Mines (USA) Corp. 105017th Street, Suite 950 Denver, CO 60265 USA Tel: 303 628-7798 Fax:303 389-4125 www.denleonmlne8.com "DRC-2011-008358" Re: Transmittal of 1st Quarter 2011 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-01- White Mesa Uranium Mill Dear Mr. Lundberg: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 1st Quarter of 2011 as required by the Notice of Violation and Groundwater Corrective Action Order, UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-01 as well as two CDs each containing a word searchable electronic copy of the report. If you should have any questions regarding this report please contact me. Yours very truly, DENISON MINES (USA) CORP. Jo Ann Tischler Director, Compliance and Permitting CC: Ron F. Hochstein David C. Frydenlund Harold R. Roberts David E. Turk Kathy Weinel Central Files White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report State of Utah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Corrective Action Order UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-01 1st Quarter (January through March) 2011 Prepared by: Denison Mines (USA) Corp. 1050 17th Street, Suite 950 Denver CO 80265 May 20,2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING 1 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter 1 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring 1 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed 2 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring 2 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures 3 2.2.1 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater 3 2.2.2 Sample Collection 4 2.3 Field Data 5 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map 5 2.5 Laboratory Results 5 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results 5 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework 5 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION 6 3.1 Field QC Samples 6 3.2 Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs 7 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review 7 3.4 Data Validation 7 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation 7 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation 9 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation 9 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist 9 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation 9 3.4.6 Trip Blank Evaluation 9 3.4.7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates 10 3.4.8 Rinsate Sample Check 10 3.4.9 Other Laboratory QA/QC 12 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA 13 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions 13 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map 13 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Map for Previous Quarter 14 4.1.3 Hydrographs 14 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation 14 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture 15 4.2 Review of Analytical Results 16 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map 16 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs 16 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data 16 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW4-4 OPERATIONS REPORT 18 5.1 Introduction 18 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection 18 5.3 Water Level Measurements 18 i N \Required Rcports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Q1Y2011 _Q 1 Chloroform Report text doc 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes 19 5.4.1 MW-4 19 5.4.2 TW4-19 19 5.4.3 MW-26 19 5.4.4 TW4-20 20 5.4.5 TW4-4 20 5.5 Mass Removed 20 5.6 Inspections 21 5.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers 21 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT 21 6.1 Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels 21 6.2 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions 23 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 23 8.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT 24 9.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION 25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Well Sampling for the Period Table 2 Mass of Chloroform Removed Per Well Per Quarter ii N \Requn-ed Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 QIV2011_Q 1 Chloroform Report Jext doc INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Depth to Water Data Table Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Depths to Groundwater and Elevations Over Time for Monitoring Wells Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables 1-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation 1-2 Holding Time Evaluation 1-3 Receipt Temperature Check 1-4 Analytical Method Check 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluation 1-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks 1-9 Rinsate Evaluation Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data Over Time Tab L Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs Tab M CSV Transmittal Letter iii N \Required Reports\ChIoroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_text doc 1.0 INTRODUCTION The presence of chloroform was initially identified in groundwater at the White Mesa Mill (the "Mill") as a result of split sampling performed in May 1999. The discovery resulted in the issuance of State of Utah Notice of Violation ("NOV") and Groundwater Corrective Action Order ("CAO") State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality ("UDEQ") Docket No. UGQ-20-01, which required that Denison Mines (USA) Corp. ("DUSA") submit a Contamination Investigation Plan and Report pursuant to the provisions of UAC R317-6-6.15(D). The frequency of chloroform sampling, which was initially performed on a monthly basis, was modified on November 8, 2003. Since that time all chloroform contaminant investigation wells have been sampled on a quarterly basis. This is the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report for the first quarter of 2011 as required under the NOV and CAO. This Report also includes the Operations Report for the Long Term Pump Test at MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26 (previously referred to as TW4- 15), TW4-20, and TW4-4 for the quarter. 2.0 CHLOROFORM MONITORING 2.1 Samples and Measurements Taken During the Quarter A map showing the location of all groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers, existing wells, temporary chloroform contaminant investigation wells and temporary nitrate investigation wells is attached under Tab A. Chloroform samples and measurements taken during this reporting period (January through March), are discussed in the remainder of this section. 2.1.1 Chloroform Monitoring Quarterly sampling for chloroform monitoring parameters is currently required in the following wells: TW4-1 TW4-2 TW4-3 TW4-4 TW4-5 TW4-6 TW4-7 TW4-8 TW4-9 TW4-10 TW4-11 TW4-12 TW4-13 TW4-14 TW4-16 TW4-18 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-21 TW4-22 TW4-23 TW4-24 TW4-25 MW-4 MW-26 MW-32 (formerly TW4-17) TW4-26 1 N VRequired Reports\ChIorofbim Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 _Chloroform_Report_text doc Table 1 provides an overview of all wells sampled during the current period, along with the date samples were collected from each well, and the date(s) which analytical data were received from the contract laboratory. Table 1 also identifies equipment rinsate samples collected, as well as sample numbers associated with the deionized field blank (DIFB) and any required duplicates. As indicated in Table 1, chloroform monitoring was performed in all of the required chloroform monitoring wells. 2.1.2 Parameters Analyzed Wells sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents: • Chloroform • Chloromethane • Carbon tetrachloride • Methylene chloride • Chloride • Nitrate plus Nitrite as Nitrogen Use of analytical methods is consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform Investigation Monitoring Quality Assurance Program (the "Chloroform QAP") attached as Appendix A to the White Mesa Uranium Mill Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan ("QAP"). 2.1.3 Groundwater Head Monitoring Depth to groundwater was measured in the following wells and/or piezometers, pursuant to Part I.E.3 of the Groundwater Discharge Permit (the "GWDP"): • The quarterly groundwater compliance monitoring wells. • Existing monitoring well MW-4 and all of the temporary chloroform investigation wells. • Piezometers - P-l, P-2, P-3, P-4 and P-5. • MW-20 and MW-22. • Nitrate monitoring wells. • In addition to the above, depth to water measurements are routinely observed in conjunction with sampling events for all wells sampled during quarterly and accelerated efforts, regardless of the sampling purpose. All well levels used for groundwater contour mapping were measured and recorded within 5 calendar days of each other as indicated by the measurement data in the summary sheet under Tab D. 2 N \Required Rcports\Chlorofbrm Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Q1V2011_Q l_Chloroform_Report_text doc In addition, weekly and monthly depth to groundwater measurements were taken in MW- 4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, and TW4-4, as part of the long term pumping test for MW-4. 2.2 Sampling Methodology and Equipment and Decontamination Procedures DUSA completed, and transmitted to UDEQ on May 25, 2006, a revised QAP for sampling under the Mill's GWDP. While the water sampling conducted for chloroform investigation purposes has conformed to the general principles set out in the QAP, some of the requirements in the QAP were not fully implemented prior to UDEQ's approval, for reasons set out in correspondence to UDEQ dated December 8, 2006. Subsequent to the delivery of the December 8, 2006 letter, DUSA discussed the issues brought forward in the letter with UDEQ and has received correspondence from UDEQ about those issues. In response to UDEQ's letter and subsequent discussions with UDEQ, DUSA has incorporated changes in chloroform Quality Assurance ("QA") procedures in the form of the Chloroform QAP, which is a separate Appendix A to the QAP. The Chloroform QAP describes the differing needs of the chloroform investigation program, and is an attachment to the GWDP QAP where QA requirements for the chloroform investigation are addressed. On June 20, 2009 the Chloroform QAP was modified to require that the quarterly chloroform reports include additional items specific to DUSA's ongoing pump testing and chloroform capture efforts. The sampling methodology, equipment and decontamination procedures that were performed for the chloroform contaminant investigation, as summarized below, are consistent with the QAP and the Chloroform QAP. 2.2.1 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater A list of the wells in order of increasing chloroform contamination is generated quarterly. The order for purging is thus established. The list is included with the Field Data Worksheets under Tab B. Mill personnel start purging with all of the non-detect wells and then move to the more contaminated wells in order of chloroform contamination. Before leaving the Mill office, the portable pump and hose are rinsed with DI water. A rinsate blank sample is collected at the beginning of each day prior to the first use of the pump. Mill personnel then proceed to the first well which is the well with the lowest concentration of chloroform based on the previous quarter's sampling results. Well depth measurements are taken and the two casing volumes are calculated for those wells which do not have a dedicated pump (measurements are made using the same instrument used for the monitoring wells under the Mill's GWDP). If the well has a dedicated pump, it is pumped on a set schedule per the remediation plan and is considered sufficiently evacuated to immediately collect a sample; however, if a pumping well has been out of service for 48 hours or more, DUSA will follow the purging requirements outlined in Section 6.2.7(d)(v) of the QAP. The dedicated pump is used to collect parameters and to collect the samples as described below. If the well does not have a dedicated pump, a Grundfos pump (9-10 gpm pump) is then lowered to the screened interval in the well and purging is started. The purge rate is established for the well by using a calibrated 5 3 N YRequired Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chtoroform_Report_tcxt doc gallon bucket. The purging of the well is completed per Section 6.2.5 of the QAP. In wells where the portable pump is used, a disposable bailer is used to collect the samples the day following purging activities. After each use, the portable pump is decontaminated prior to reuse at the next sample location. This purging process is repeated at each well location moving from least contaminated to the most contaminated well. All wells are capped and secured prior to leaving the sampling location. Wells with dedicated pumps are sampled when the pump is in the pumping mode. If the pump is not pumping at the time of sampling, it is manually switched on by the Mill Personnel. The well is pumped for approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the collection of the field parameters. Per the approved QAP, one set of parameters is collected. Samples are collected following the measurement of one set of field parameters. The pump is turned off and allowed to resume its timed schedule. 2.2.2 Sample Collection Samples are collected as described above. In all cases, on days when samples will be collected, a cooler with ice is prepared. The trip blank is also gathered at that time (the trip blank for these events is provided by the Analytical Laboratory). Once Mill Personnel arrive at the well sites, labels are filled out for the various samples to be collected. All personnel involved with the collection of water and samples are then outfitted with rubber gloves. Chloroform investigation samples are collected by means of disposable bailers. Mill personnel use a disposable bailer to sample each well that does not have a dedicated pump. The bailer is attached to a reel of approximately 150 feet of nylon rope and then lowered into the well. After coming into contact with the water, the bailer is allowed to sink into the water in order to fill. Once full, the bailer is reeled up out of the well and the sample bottles are filled as follows: • Volatile Organic Compound ("VOC") samples are collected first. This sample consists of three 40 ml vials provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The VOC sample is not filtered and is preserved with HCI; • A sample for nitrate/nitrite is then collected. This sample consists of one 250 ml. bottle which is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The nitrate/nitrite sample is also not filtered and is preserved with H2SO4; • A sample for chloride is then collected. This sample consists of one 500 ml. bottle which is provided by the Analytical Laboratory. The chloride sample is also not filtered and is not chemically preserved. After the samples have been collected for a particular well, the bailer is disposed of and the samples are placed into the cooler that contains ice. The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well. 4 N \Required Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Q1Y201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_text doc 2.3 Field Data Attached under Tab B are copies of all Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the quarter for the chloroform contaminant investigation monitoring wells identified in paragraph 2.1.1 above, and Table 1. 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Data and Water Table Contour Map Attached under Tab C are copies of the Depth to Water Sheets for the weekly monitoring of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, and TW4-4, as well as the monthly depth to groundwater data for chloroform contaminant investigation wells measured during the quarter that are not included in Tab D. Depth to groundwater measurements which were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Quarterly Depth to Water Worksheet at Tab D of this report, along with the kriged groundwater contour map for the current quarter generated from this data. All of the water level measurements used for the contour map were collected within 5 days of each other as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab D. A copy of the kriged groundwater contour map generated from the 4th quarter 2010 data is provided under Tab E. 2.5 Laboratory Results 2.5.1 Copy of Laboratory Results All analytical results were provided by Energy Laboratories ("EL"). Table 1 lists the dates when analytical results were reported to the QA Manager for each well or other sample. Results from analysis of samples collected for the first quarter chloroform contaminant investigation are provided under Tab H of this Report. Also included under Tab H are the results of analyses for duplicate samples, the DIFB, and rinsate samples for this sampling effort, as identified in Table 1, as well as results for trip blank analyses required by the Chloroform QAP. 2.5.2 Regulatory Framework As discussed in Section 1.0, above, the NOV and requirements of the CAO triggered a series of actions on DUSA's part. In addition to the monitoring program, DUSA has equipped five wells with pumps to recover impacted groundwater, and has initiated recovery of chloroform from the perched zone. Sections 4 and 5, below, interpret the groundwater level and flow information, contaminant analytical results, and pump test data to assess effectiveness of DUSA's chloroform capture program. 5 N \Required Reports\Chlorofonn Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chlorofonn_Report_tort doc 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA VALIDATION The QA Manager performed a QA/Quality Control ("QC") review to confirm compliance of the monitoring program with requirements of the QAP. As required in the QAP, data QA includes preparation and analysis of QC samples in the field, review of field procedures, an analyte completeness review, and QC review of laboratory methods and data. Identification of field QC samples collected and analyzed is provided in Section 3.1. Discussion of adherence to Mill sampling Standard Operating Procedures ("SOPs") is provided in Section 3.2. Analytical completeness review results are provided in Section 3.3. The steps and tests applied to check laboratory data QA/QC are discussed in Sections 3.4.4 through 3.4.9 below. The analytical laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical quality QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference ("NELAC") certification and reporting protocol. The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports, including copies of the Mill's Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for each set of Analytical Results, follow the analytical results under Tab H. Results of review of the laboratory QA/QC information are provided under Tab I and are discussed in Section 3.4, below. 3.1 Field QC Samples The following QC samples were generated by Mill personnel and submitted to the analytical laboratory in order to assess the quality of data resulting from the field sampling program. Field QC samples for the chloroform investigation program consist of one field duplicate sample for each 20 samples, a trip blank for each shipped cooler which contains VOCs, one DIFB and rinsate samples. During this quarter, two duplicate samples were collected as indicated in Table 1. The duplicates were sent blind to the analytical laboratory and analyzed for the same parameters as the chloroform wells. Two trip blanks were provided by Energy Laboratories and returned with the quarterly chloroform monitoring samples. Six rinsate blank samples were collected as indicated on Table 1. Rinsate samples were labeled with the name of the subsequently purged well with a terminal letter "R" added (e.g. TW4-7R). The results of these analyses are included with the routine analyses under TabH. It is important to note that the rinsate blank sample frequency was modified in the fourth quarter 2010 as recommended by UDEQ personnel present on site for split sampling. Previously, a rinsate blank sample was collected after each decontamination of the nondedicated pump and prior to the next use of the pump. Per an e-mail from Mr. Phil Goble, dated October 4, 2010, rinsate blank samples are only required at the beginning of 6 N VRequired Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 Chloroform Report text doc the sampling event and at the beginning of each day of sampling. The frequency change was implemented immediately and the rinsate blank frequency has been modified for all sampling events since. In addition, one DIFB, while not required by the Chloroform QAP, was collected and analyzed for the same constituents as the well samples and rinsate blank samples. 3.2 Adherence to Mill Samplmg SOPs On a review of adherence by Mill personnel to the existing sampling SOPs, the QA Manager observed that QA/QC requirements established in the QAP and Chloroform QAP were being adhered to and that the SOPs were implemented, except as described below. One site procedure requiring clarification was noted during the QA Manager's review of the field data. As previously stated, a list of the wells in order of increasing chloroform contamination (based on the previous quarter's data) is generated quarterly prior to the next quarter's sampling to determine the order for purging prior to sampling. Consistent with the approved QAP, each quarterly event begins with purging of the wells from the least affected to the most affected based on the previous quarter's data. Although purging follows this order, the sampling order may deviate slightly from the generated list. This practice does not affect the samples for these reasons: any wells sampled in slightly different order had either dedicated pumps or were sampled via a disposable bailer. This practice does not affect the quality or usability of the data as there is no cross- contamination resulting from sampling order. DUSA intends to propose an amendment to clarify this practice in the next revision of the QAP. 3.3 Analyte Completeness Review All analyses required by the GWDP for chloroform monitoring for the period were performed. 3.4 Data Validation The QAP and GWDP identify the data validation steps and data QC checks required for the chloroform monitoring program. Consistent with these requirements, the QA Manager performed the following evaluations: a field data QA/QC evaluation, a holding time check, a receipt temperature check, an analytical method check, a reporting limit evaluation, a trip blank check, a QA/QC evaluation of sample duplicates, a QC Control Limit check for analyses and blanks including the DIFB and a rinsate sample check. Each evaluation is discussed in the following sections. Data check tables indicating the results of each test are provided under Tab I. 3.4.1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation The QA Manager performs a review of all field recorded parameters to assess their adherence with QAP requirements. The assessment involved review of two sources of 7 N \Required Reports\Chlorofbrm Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 QIV201 l_Ql_Chlorororm_Report_text doc mformation: the Field Data Sheets and the Quarterly Depth to Water summary sheet. Review of the Field Data Sheets addresses well purging volumes and stability of five parameters: conductance, pH, temperature, redox potential, and turbidity. Review of the Depth to Water data confirms that all depth measurements used for development of groundwater contour maps were conducted within a five-day period as indicated by the measurement dates in the summary sheet under Tab D. The results of this quarter's review of field data are provided under Tab I. Based upon this review, all non-pumping wells conformed to the QAP requirement to evacuate two well casing volumes before sampling except TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-3, TW4-7, TW4-10, TW4-13, TW4-14, TW4-16, TW4-22, and TW4-26. All of these wells were pumped to dryness before two casing volumes were evacuated and as such the requirement to purge two casing volumes does not apply. In each case, representative samples of formation water were collected after the wells were allowed to recover. In addition, TW4-6, and TW4-11, were pumped to dryness after 2 casing volumes were evacuated. During review of the field data sheets, it was observed that sampling personnel consistently recorded depth to water to the nearest 0.01 foot. All field parameters for all wells were within the required Relative Percent Difference ("RPD") (other than the wells that were pumped to dryness and the wells which are continually pumped, for which this requirement does not apply), except as follows. The review of the field sheets for compliance with QAP requirements resulted in the observations noted below. The requirements in Section 6.2.7 of the QAP specifically state that field parameters must have stabilized to within 10% over at least 2 consecutive measurements. The QAP states that turbidity should be less than 5 Nephelometric Turbidity Units ("NTU") prior to sampling unless the well is characterized by water that has a higher turbidity. The QAP does not require that turbidity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations regarding turbidity measurements less than 5 NTU below are included for information purposes only. Six wells did not meet the requirement for the stabilization of turbidity within 10% RPD and two wells did not meet the requirement for the stabilization of conductivity within 10% RPD. In all cases, the wells were purged to dryness prior to the achievement of stabilization for turbidity and conductivity and as such the requirement to meet the stabilization criteria does not apply. Twenty-three turbidity measurements exceeded the QAP's 5 NTU goal. Of the twenty- three wells, nine wells were pumped to dryness. The QAP does not require that turbidity measurements be less than 5 NTU prior to sampling. As such, the noted observations regarding turbidity measurements less than 5 NTU below are included for information purposes only. DUSA's letter to DRC of March 26, 2010 discusses further why turbidity does not appear to be an appropriate parameter for assessing well stabilization. In response to DRC's 8 N \Reqmred Reports\Chlorofonn Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 _Chloroform_Report_text doc subsequent correspondence dated June 1, 2010 and June 24, 2010, DUSA is currently implementing a monitoring well redevelopment program. The redevelopment program has reviewed the available turbidity data for the nitrate wells and has developed a list of wells that have undergone redevelopment utilizing several strategies. The redevelopment strategies include additional surging and bailing and overpumping as necessary. Surging and bailing and overpumping for the nitrate and chloroform wells is complete. Redevelopment of the groundwater wells is in progress. Data from the redevelopment of the chloroform wells will be reviewed with the data from the redevelopment of the nitrate and groundwater programs. A single report will be prepared at the completion of the redevelopment program for the wells in all three programs which is planned for submittal on or before the end of the third quarter 2011. DUSA will review the redevelopment data and summarize the status of the Mill wells. Redevelopment results will be discussed with DRC in an effort to come to a consensus regarding turbidity considerations for the chloroform wells at the Mill site. 3.4.2 Holding Time Evaluation QAP Table 1 identifies the method holding times for each suite of parameters. Sample holding time checks are provided in Tab I. All samples were received and analyzed within the required holding time. 3.4.3 Receipt Temperature Evaluation Chain of Custody sheets were reviewed to confirm compliance with the QAP requirement which specifies that samples be received at 6°C or lower. Sample temperatures checks are provided in Tab I. All samples were received within the required temperature limit. 3.4.4 Analytical Method Checklist All analytical methods reported by the laboratory were checked against the required methods enumerated in the Chloroform QAP. Analytical method checks are provided in Tab I. All methods were consistent with the requirements of the Chloroform QAP. 3.4.5 Reporting Limit Evaluation All analytical method reporting limits reported by the laboratory were checked against the reporting limits enumerated in the Chloroform QAP. Reporting Limit Checks are provided under Tab I. All analytes were measured and reported to the required reporting limits, except 25 sets of sample results (23 wells, and 2 duplicates) had the reporting limit raised for at least one analyte due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution. In all cases the reported value for the analyte was higher than the increased detection limit. 3.4.6 Trip Blank Evaluation All trip blank results were reviewed to identify any VOC contamination resulting from transport of the samples. Trip blank checks are provided in Tab I. All trip blank results were less than the reporting limit for all VOC analytes. 9 N VRequnrd Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Q1N201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_textdoc 3.4.7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Section 9.1.4 a) of the QAP states that RPDs will be calculated for the comparison of duplicate and original field samples. The QAP acceptance limits for RPDs between the duplicate and original field sample is less than or equal to 20% unless the measured results (described as activities in the QAP) are less than 5 times the required detection limit. This standard is based on the EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review, February 1994, 9240.1-05-01 as cited in the QAP. The RPDs are calculated for all duplicate pairs for all analytes regardless of whether or not the reported concentrations are greater than 5 times the required detection limits; however, data will be considered noncompliant only when the results are greater than 5 times the reported detection limit and the RPD is greater than 20%. The additional duplicate information is provided for information purposes. All analytical results except for chloroform in sample/duplicate pairs TW4-19/TW4-65 and TW4-10/TW4-70 were within the 20% RPD acceptance limits. The chloroform results for both sets of duplicate pairs are greater than 5 times the reporting limit and both sets of duplicate pairs results were diluted 100-fold or more due to the high chloroform concentration. The RPD greater than 20% is most likely due to a dilution error in the laboratory. In addition, the results are significantly above the groundwater quality standard of 70 ug/L and as such the noncompliant RPD results do not affect the quality or usability of the data. Results of the RPD test are provided in Tab I. 3.4.8 Rinsate Sample Check Rinsate blank sample checks are provided in Tab I. Chloroform A review of the analytical results reported for rinsate blank samples indicated that none of the rinsate blank samples contained chloroform. A DIFB was analyzed and was reported as nondetect. Nitrate Five rinsate blank samples had reported low level concentrations of nitrate. A DLFB was analyzed and was reported as nondetect for nitrate. A comparison of the rinsate blank sample concentration levels to the QAP requirements - that rinsate sample concentrations be one order of magnitude lower than that of the actual well - indicated that all but one of the rinsate blank samples met this criterion. Rinsate blank TW4-9R had a reported detection of nitrate of 0.2 mg/L while the previously sampled well was reported as nondetect. This criterion however, is irrelevant and inappropriate for the rinsate blank sample data collected during the nitrate sampling because rinsate blank samples are collected from the decontaminated portable pump used for well purging, and the pump is not used for sample collection. As stated in Section 2.2.1, wells that do not have a dedicated pump 10 N \Required ReportsVChloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Q1V201 l_Ql_Chlorofonn_Report_text doc are purged using a portable pump. In wells where the portable pump is used for purging, a disposable bailer is used to collect the samples the day following purging activities. Rinsate blank samples collected from the portable pump may be indicative of possible cross-contamination resulting from pump usage during the purging process. Under the Mill's sampling program the rinsate blank sample results are not directly applicable to the sample results due to the use of different equipment (disposable bailers) for the sample collection. The pump used for purging does not come into contact with the samples at any time during the sample collection process and therefore comparison of the pump rinsate blanks to the sample results is irrelevant and inappropriate. Any nitrate left in the well from pump cross-contamination is reduced or negated by the influx of formation water into the well in the time after purging and prior to sampling. Because samples are collected the day following purging and using different equipment, the rinsate blank concentration resulting from the pump use or decontamination fluids is not applicable to the sample results because the pump does not contact the samples. As noted in previous reports, an investigation into the source of the nitrate contamination present in the rinsate blank samples has been ongoing. Below are the results of the source investigations, and corrective actions are detailed in Section 6.2. The nitrate levels reported in the rinsate blank samples for this investigation are similar to the nitrate rinsate sample concentrations reported for the previous nitrate sampling programs. Data collected for this ongoing investigation are as follows: • The nitrate concentrations in the rinsate samples from both the chloroform sampling program and the nitrate sampling program are just slightly above the detection limit and are not dependent on or affected by the previous sample concentrations. • The presence of nitrate in both the chloroform and nitrate sampling programs indicates that the contamination is due to external factors such as the nitric acid rinse during the decontamination process and potential absorption of nitrogen from the nitric acid into the non-stainless steel portions of the purging equipment including the pump tubing and connectors. The investigation into the nitrate in the rinsate blanks is continuing, with additional focus on the rinsate collection process. Nitric acid introduced during the decontamination process is the single highest possible source of nitrate ions. However, there may be some contribution of nitrate from the decontamination process and/or the purging equipment. To address these issues, the decontamination process and rinsate collection process are being reviewed to determine if the purging equipment in combination with the nitric acid wash used during the decontamination process are causing the nitrate detections in the rinsate blanks. Corrective actions are described in Section 6.2. 11 N \Requtred Repons\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chloroform_ReportJext doc 3.4.9 Other Laboratory QA/QC Section 9.2 of the QAP requires that the laboratory's QA/QC Manager check the following items in developing data reports: (1) sample preparation information is correct and complete, (2) analysis information is correct and complete, (3) appropriate analytical laboratory procedures are followed, (4) analytical results are correct and complete, (5) QC samples are within established control limits, (6) blanks are within QC limits, (7) special sample preparation and analytical requirements have been met, and (8) documentation is complete. In addition to other laboratory checks described above, DUSA's QA Manager rechecks QC samples and blanks (items (5) and (6)) to confirm that the percent recovery for spikes and the relative percent difference for spike duplicates are within the method-specified acceptance limits, or that the case narrative sufficiently explains any deviation from these limits. Results of this quantitative check are provided in Tab I. All lab QA/QC results met these specified acceptance limits except as noted below. The QAP Section 8.1.2 requires that an MS/MSD (referred to as Duplicate Spike [Matrix spike] in the QAP) pair be analyzed with each analytical batch. The QAP does not specify acceptance limits for the MS/MSD pair, and the QAP does not specify that the MS/MSD pair be prepared on DUSA samples only. Acceptance limits for MS/MSDs are set by the laboratories. The review of the information provided by the laboratories in the data packages verified that the QAP requirement to analyze an MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met. While the QAP does not require it, the recoveries were reviewed for compliance with the laboratory established acceptance limits. The QAP does not require this level of review, and the results of this review are provided for information only. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the MS/MSDs recoveries and the associated RPDs for all quarterly chloroform samples are within acceptable laboratory limits for all regulated compounds except as indicated in Tab I. The recoveries, which are above the laboratory established acceptance limits, do not affect the quality or usability of the data because the recoveries above the acceptance limits are indicative of matrix interference. The QAP requirement to analyze a MS/MSD pair with each analytical batch was met and as such the data are compliant with the QAP. The QAP specifies that surrogate compounds shall be employed for all organic analyses, but the QAP does not specify acceptance limits for surrogate recoveries. The analytical data associated with the routine quarterly sampling met the requirement specified in the QAP. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that the surrogate recoveries for all quarterly chloroform samples were within acceptable laboratory limits for all surrogate compounds except as indicated in Tab I. The surrogate recoveries that were outside of acceptance limits were above the upper limit or that had a high recovery, indicating a high bias to the individual sample results. A high bias means that reported results will be higher than the actual results. There is no effect on the quality or usability of the data because there are multiple surrogates added to each sample 12 N \Required Reports\Chlorofbrm Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Cnlorofomi_Report_text doc and all other surrogates were within limits. Furthermore, there are no QAP requirements for surrogate recoveries. The information from the Laboratory QA/QC Summary Reports indicates that all LCS recoveries were within acceptable laboratory limits for all LCS compounds. 4.0 INTERPRETATION OF DATA 4.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels, Gradients and Flow Directions. 4.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map As stated above, a listing of groundwater level readings for the current quarter (shown as depth to groundwater in feet) is included under Tab D. The data from this tab has been interpreted (kriged) and plotted in a water table contour map, provided under the same tab. Also included under Tab D is a groundwater contour map of the Mill site and a more detailed map of a portion of the Mill site where the four chloroform pumping wells are located, in each case with hand-drawn stream tubes, depicting hydraulic capture from the pumping The contour maps are based on the February 28, 2011 data for all wells. The water level contour maps indicate that perched water flow at the site ranges from generally southwesterly in the western portion of the site to generally southerly in the eastern portion of the site. Perched water mounding associated with the wildlife ponds locally changes the flow patterns. For example, northeast of the Mill site, mounding associated with wildlife ponds results in locally northerly flow near MW-19. Flow directions are also locally influenced by pumping at MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20. Significant cones of depression have formed in the vicinity of all pumping wells except TW4-4, which began pumping in the first quarter of 2010. Although pumping at TW4-4 has depressed the water table in the immediate vicinity of TW4-4, the well has apparently not been pumped long enough to have measurably affected water levels at adjacent wells. Therefore, a well-defined cone of depression is not yet evident. Water levels at wells immediately south of TW4-4 have likely not responded measurably to TW4-4 pumping because TW4-4 is located at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions south (downgradient) of TW4-4. The permeability of the perched zone at TW4-6 and TW4-26 is approximately 2 orders of magnitude lower than at TW4-4. The lack of definition of a cone of depression at TW4-4 is also influenced by the persistent, apparently anomalously low water level at non-pumping well TW4-14, located east of TW4-4 and TW4-6. For the current quarter, the water level at TW4-14 is approximately 13 feet lower than the water level at TW4-6 and approximately 19 feet lower than TW4-4 even though TW4-4 is pumping. The low water level at TW4-14 is considered anomalous because it appears to be downgradient of all three wells TW4-4, 13 N \Required Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_ChIoroform_Report_text doc TW4-6, and TW4-26, yet there is no chloroform at TW4-14. Chloroform has apparently migrated from TW4-4 to TW4-6 and from TW4-6 to TW4-26 which suggests that TW4- 26 is actually downgradient of TW4-6, and TW4-6 is actually downgradient of TW4-4, regardless of the flow direction implied by the low water level at TW4-14. 4.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Map for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour maps for the Mill site for the fourth quarter of 2010, as submitted with the Chloroform Monitoring Report for the fourth quarter of 2010, are attached under Tab E. A comparison of the water table contour maps for the first quarter of 2011 to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter (fourth quarter of 2010) indicates similar patterns of drawdown related to pumping of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19 and TW4- 20. Water levels and water level contours for the site have not changed significantly since the last quarter, except for a few locations. As discussed in Section 4.1.1, pumping at TW4-4, which began in the first quarter of 2010, has depressed the water table near TW4-4, but does not yet appear to have measurably affected water levels at adjacent wells. A reported increase in water level of approximately 3 feet occurred in Piez-3. Reported decreases in water levels of approximately 5 feet occurred in well MW-18, of approximately 21 feet occurred in well TW4-18, and of approximately 20 feet occurred in well TWN-18. A reported increase in water level of approximately 11 feet occurred in pumping well TW4-4, and a reported decrease in water level of approximately 18 feet occurred in pumping well TW4-19. Water level changes at other pumping wells were less than 5 feet. Water level fluctuations at pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4- 20 are due in part to fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken. The largest decrease (increase in drawdown) of approximately 18 feet occurred in well TW4-19 and the largest increase (decrease in drawdown), of approximately 11 feet, occurred at TW4-4. Water levels reported for TW4-18 and TWN- 18 during the current quarter are more similar to historical measurements than those reported for the previous quarter. 4.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab F are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each chloroform contaminant investigation monitor well over time. 4.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached under Tab G are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above. 14 N \Requtrcd Reports\Chlorofonn Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Qt_Chloroform_Report_text doc 4.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture Perched water containing chloroform has been removed from the subsurface by pumping MW-4, MW-26, TW4-4, TW4-19, and TW4-20. The primary purpose of the pumping is to reduce total chloroform mass in the perched zone as rapidly as is practical. Pumping wells upgradient of TW4-4 were chosen for pumping because 1) they are located in areas of the perched zone having relatively high permeability and saturated thickness, and 2) high concentrations of chloroform were detected at these locations. The relatively high transmissivity of the perched zone in the vicinity of these pumping wells results in the wells having a relatively high productivity. The combination of relatively high productivity and high chloroform concentrations allows a high rate of chloroform mass removal. TW4-4 is located in a downgradient area having relatively high chloroform concentrations but relatively small saturated thickness, and at a transition from relatively high to relatively low permeability conditions downgradient of TW4-4. As with other pumping wells, pumping TW4-4 helps to reduce the rate of chloroform migration in downgradient portions of the plume. The impact of pumping is indicated by the water level contour maps attached under Tabs D and E. Cones of depression have developed in the vicinity of MW-4, MW-26, TW4- 19, and TW4-20 which continue to remove significant quantities of chloroform from the perched zone. The water level contour maps indicate that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of these pumping wells is occurring. Overall, the combined capture of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20 has not changed significantly since the last quarter. As noted in Section 4.1.2, a decrease in water level (increase in drawdown) of approximately 18 feet occurred at TW4-19, and an increase in water level (decrease in drawdown) of approximately 11 feet occurred at TW4-4. The increase in drawdown at TW4-19 has increased the apparent capture zone of this well relative to other nearby pumping wells. As discussed in Section 4.4.1, TW4-4 has apparently not been pumped long enough for a well-defined capture zone to develop and the drawdown associated with TW4-4 is likely less apparent due to the low water level at TW4-14. Chloroform concentrations exceeding 70 Lig/L have occurred at some locations downgradient of pumping wells (for example, at TW4-6, located immediately south and as discussed in Section 4.1.1, presumably downgradient of TW4-4), where the lower permeability and relatively small saturated thickness of the perched zone significantly limits the rate at which chloroform mass can be removed by pumping. By removing mass and reducing hydraulic gradients, thereby reducing the rate of downgradient chloroform migration, and allowing natural attenuation to be more effective, pumping at the productive, upgradient locations has a beneficial effect on this downgradient chloroform. Pumping at TW4-4 was implemented during the first quarter of 2010 to improve capture in this downgradient area to the extent allowable by the lower productivity conditions presumed to exist in this area. The beneficial effect of pumping TW4-4 is demonstrated by the decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 from 1,000 Lig/L to 47 (ig/L, and at TW4-26 from 13 Lig/L to 2 ug/L since pumping began at TW4-4. Concentrations at these wells have decreased substantially even though they do not appear to be within the 15 N \Requrred Reports\Chlorofbnn Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 Chloroform_Report_text doc hydraulic capture of TW4-4. Pumping TW4-4 acts to cut off the source of chloroform to these wells by the mechanisms discussed above. 4.2 Review of Analytical Results 4.2.1 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Included under Tab J of this Report is a current chloroform isoconcentration map for the Mill site. 4.2.2 Chloroform Concentration Trend Data and Graphs Attached under Tab K is a table summarizing values for all required parameters, chloride, nitrate/nitrite, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, and methylene chloride, for each well over time. Attached under Tab L are graphs showing chloroform concentration trends in each monitor well over time. 4.2.3 Interpretation of Analytical Data Comparing the analytical results to those of the previous quarter, as summarized in the table included under Tab K, the following observations can be made: a) Chloroform concentrations have increased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: TW4-11, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-22, and TW4-24; b) Chloroform concentrations have decreased by more than 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: TW4-6, TW4-10, MW-26, and TW4-26; c) Chloroform concentrations have remained within 20% in the following wells compared to last quarter: MW-4, TW4-1, TW4-2, TW4-4, TW4-5, TW4-7, and TW4-21;and d) TW4-3, TW4-8, TW4-9, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14, MW-32, TW4-23, and TW4-25 remained non-detect. As indicated, chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported for the wells during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Wells TW4-6, TW4-10, TW4-11, MW-26, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4- 22, and TW4-24, and TW4-26 had changes in concentration greater than 20%. Of the latter, MW-26, TW4-19 and TW4-20 are pumping wells. TW4-6 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4-4; TW4-10 and TW4-16 are located adjacent to pumping well MW- 26; TW4-11 is located between pumping wells MW-4 and MW-26; TW4-18 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4-19; and TW4-22 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4-20. Fluctuations in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping 16 N \Requmed Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\20l l_Ql_Chlorofonn_Report_text doc wells, likely result, in part, from changes in pumping. The increase in concentration at TW4-24 from 1.4 to 1.8 Lig/L was only slightly greater than 20%, and likely the result of anaivtical error because the concentration is close to the detection limit. Decreases in concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-26 are likely related to pumping at TW4-4. Pumping well TW4-20 had the highest detected chloroform concentration. Since the last quarter, the chloroform concentration in TW4-20 increased from 24,000 \ig/L to 31,000 Lig/L, the concentration in adjacent pumping well TW4-19 increased from 1,200 ug/L to 3,400 ng/L, the concentration in nearby well TW4-21 increased slightly from 200 to 230 ^ig/L, and the concentration in nearby well TW4-22 increased from 340 ug/L to 1,300 Ug/L. Wells TW4-23 and TW4-25 remained non-detect for chloroform. TW4-24, located west of TW4-22, and TW4-25, located north of TW4-21, bound the chloroform plume to the west and north. The chloroform concentration in TW4-6 decreased substantially from 430 ng/L to 47 Lig/L since last quarter, placing the well outside the chloroform plume boundary. Concentrations at TW4-6 have been on a generally downward trend since initiation of pumping of TW4-4 in the first quarter of 2010 and have decreased from 1,000 ng/L to 47 ng/L since that time. TW4-6, installed in the second quarter of 2000, was the most downgradient temporary perched well prior to installation of temporary well TW4-23 in 2007 and temporary well TW4-26 in the second quarter of 2010. TW4-6 remained outside the chloroform plume between the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008. TW4-6 likely remained outside the chloroform plume during this time due to a combination of 1) slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping, and 2) natural attenuation. Because TW4-6 is again outside the plume boundary, TW4-6 and TW4-23 bound the chloroform plume to the south. The slow rate of chloroform migration in the vicinity of TW4-6 is demonstrated by comparing the rate of increase in chloroform at this well to the rate of increase in the nearest upgradient well TW4-4. Concentrations at TW4-4 increased from non-detect to more than 2,200 ng/L within only 2 quarters whereas 16 quarters were required for concentrations in TW4-6 to increase from non-detect to only 81 ng/L. This behavior is consistent with hydraulic tests performed at TW4-4, TW4-6, and TW4-26 during the third quarter of 2010 that indicate a nearly two order of magnitude decrease in permeability downgradient of TW4-4. Chloroform migration rates in the vicinity of recently installed well TW4-26 are also expected to be relatively low due to upgradient pumping and low permeability conditions. The chloroform concentration in TW4-16, located immediately downgradient of the chloroform plume, increased from 3 ng/L to 15 ng/L. Slight expansion and contraction of the chloroform plume boundaries in response to changes in upgradient pumping are expected to impact the concentrations at TW4-16. In addition, the southernmost boundary of the plume is now between TW4-4 and TW4-6 (located just north of southernmost temporary well TW4-26). Decreases in concentration at both TW4-6 (from 430 ng/L to 47 ng/L) and TW4-26 (from 5.4 ng/L to 2 ng/L) are likely due to upgradient pumping, in particular pumping at TW4-4. 17 N \Requrred Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Ql\2011_Q 1 _Chloroform_Report_textdoc 5.0 LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20, AND TW4-4 OPERATIONS REPORT 5.1 Introduction As a part of the investigation of chloroform contamination at the Mill site, DUSA has been conducting a Long Term Pump Test on MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, and TW4-20, and, since January 31, 2010, TW4-4. The purpose of the test is to serve as an interim action that will remove a significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation. The following information documents the operational activities during the quarter. 5.2 Pump Test Data Collection The long term pump test for MW-4 was started on April 14, 2003, followed by the start of pumping from TW4-19 on April 30, 2003, from MW-26 on August 8, 2003, from TW4-20 on August 4, 2005, and from TW4-4 on January 31, 2010. Personnel from Hydro Geo Chem, Inc. were on site to conduct the first phase of the pump test and collect the initial two days of monitoring data for MW-4. DUSA personnel have gathered subsequent water level and pumping data. Analyses of hydraulic parameters and discussions of perched zone hydrogeology near MW-4 has been provided by Hydro Geo Chem in a separate report, dated November 12, 2001, and in the May 26, 2004 Final Report on the Long Term Pumping Test. Data collected during the quarter included the following: • Measurement of water levels at MW-4, TW4-19, MW-26, and TW4-20 and, commencing regularly on March 1, 2010, TW4-4, on a weekly basis, and at selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells on a monthly basis. • Measurement of pumping history, including: - pumping rates - total pumped volume - operational and non-operational periods. • Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate/nitrite analysis and other constituents. 5.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16, 2003, the frequency of water level measurements from MW-4, MW-26, and TW4-19 was reduced to weekly. From commencement of pumping TW4- 20, and regularly after March 1, 2010 for TW4-4, water levels in these wells have been measured weekly. Depth to groundwater in all other chloroform contaminant investigation wells is monitored monthly. Copies of the weekly Depth to Water 18 N \Reqmred Rcports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_QI_ChIoroform_Report_text doc monitoring sheets for MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, TW4-20 and TW4-4 and the January and March monthly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for all of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells are included under Tab C. Monthly depth to water measurements for February are recorded in the Field Data Worksheets included under Tab D. 5.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes Table 2 summarizes the recovered mass of chloroform by well per quarter and historically since the inception of the chloroform recovery program for the five currently- active pumping wells. During the review of the weekly depth to water and flow measurements the Field Coordinator noted that there were inconsistencies in how the flow measurements were made. The flow measurements were adjusted by the Field Coordinator and retraining of the Field Staff was completed to assure correct and consistent recording of measurements. 5.4.1 MW-4 Approximately 76,247 gallons of water were pumped from MW-4 during the quarter. The average pumping rate from MW-4, when the pump was pumping, was approximately 3.7 gpm throughout the quarter. The well is not pumping continuously, but is on a delay device. The well purges for a set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge. Water from MW-4 was transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond through a pipeline installed specifically for that purpose. During the January 4, 2011 weekly depth to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the flow meter was frozen. Additionally, during the February 21, 2011 depth to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the flow meter needed to be replaced. Field Personnel returned the following week and collected the measurements indicating that the flow meter had been replaced. 5.4.2 TW4-19 Approximately 454,608 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-19 during the quarter. The average pumping rate from TW4-19, when the pump was pumping, was approximately 7.5 gpm throughout the quarter. The pump in this well is operating on a delay. It pumps for approximately one and a half minutes and then is off for two to three minutes. Water from TW4-19 was directly transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond through a pipeline installed specifically for that purpose. 5.4.3 MW-26 Approximately 55,130 gallons of water were pumped from MW-26 during the quarter. The average flow rate from MW-26, when the pump was pumping, was approximately 5.3 gpm throughout the quarter. The well is not pumping continuously, but is on a delay device. The well now purges for a set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge. The water is directly transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond through a pipeline installed specifically for that purpose. During the January 4, 2011 weekly depth 19 N \Required Reports\Chbrofbrm Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chlorofbnn_Report_text doc to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the flow meter was slow due to the cold weather. During the January 17, 2011 weekly depth to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the power was off to wells MW- 26 and TW4-20. Field Personnel returned the following week and collected the measurements after the power had been restored. 5.4.4 TW4-20 Approximately 37,187 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-20 during the quarter. The average flow rate from TW4-20, when the pump was pumping, was approximately 6.7 gpm throughout the quarter. The well is not purging continuously but is on a delay device. The well pump is set on a water elevation device. When the water reaches a set point, the pump turns on until the water level drops to another set point. The water is directly transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond through a pipeline installed specifically for that purpose. During the January 17, 2011 weekly depth to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the power was off to wells MW- 26 and TW4-20. Field Personnel returned the following week and collected the measurements after the power had been restored. During both the February 7, 2011 and the February 14, 2011 weekly depth to water and flow measurements it was noted by Field Personnel that the flow from the pump was slow. Repeat daily inspections on February 15, 2011 and February 16, 2011 indicated there was a potential issue with the pump. On February 16, 2011 the pump was replaced and the sealant on electrical connections was allowed to set. On February 17, 2011 the new pump was turned on but would not run for more than a few seconds. Upon observing that the new pump was not performing properly on February 17, 2011, the Mill environmental personnel removed and inspected the pump and discharge hose, noting that the hose as well as the new pump were now plugged with fines from the underground formation. New, larger tubing was ordered for the pump and the well was surged and bailed on February 21, 2011 by a drilling subcontractor. The well was repaired and put back into operation by 3:00pm on Monday February 21, 2011. Detailed descriptions of this incident are included in the notification letter from DUSA to UDEQ dated February 22, 2011. 5.4.5 TW4-4 Approximately 73,360 gallons were pumped from TW4-4 during the quarter. The average flow rate, when the pump was pumping, was 7.9 gpm. The well is not pumping continuously, but is set on a water elevation device. When the water reaches a set point, the pump turns on until the water level drops to another set point. The water is directly transferred to the Cell 1 evaporation pond through a pipeline installed specifically for that purpose. 5.5 Mass Removed Chloroform removal was estimated as of the first quarter 2007. Since that estimation the mass removed by well for each quarter has been compiled in Table 2 below, indicating that a total of 554.3 pounds of chloroform have been removed to date. 20 N \Requtred Reports\Chlorororm Quarterly Monitoring Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 _Chloroform_Report_text doc 5.6 Inspections Denison has submitted an Operations and Maintenance Plan, Chloroform Pumping System, White Mesa Mill, Blanding, Utah, Revision 2.1 to UDEQ for approval on October 25, 2010. Upon approval of that plan, the Mill will commence documenting its required inspections of the operational status of the chloroform pumping wells on an inspection form. An example of the form as well as completed reports for the quarter will be included in future Chloroform reports upon approval by UDEQ. At the time of the publication of this report approval of the Operations and Maintenance Plan, Chloroform Pumping System, White Mesa Mill, Blanding, Utah, Revision 2.1 had not been received. Operational problems in the pumping wells are summarized above. 5.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers Water was added to the upper and lower wildlife diversion ponds during the quarter. The middle wildlife pond had no water added and is dry at this time. 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT Necessary corrective actions identified during the current monitoring period are described below. 6.1 Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels Identification and Definition of the Problem Rinsate Nitrate Levels DI water used for decontamination does not show the presence of nitrate. Contamination does not appear to be related to the nitrate presence in the preceding well that was purged. Rinsate blank samples following high concentration wells appear to be the same as rinsate blank samples following low concentration wells. Rinsate blank samples following purging of uncontaminated wells appear to also be contaminated with nitrate. Presence of nitrate in the rinsate blank samples is not consistent from one sampling event to the next. Assignment of Responsibility for Investigation of the Problem The problem is currently under investigation by the QA Manager. Investigation and Determination of Cause of the Problem Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels To address the nitrate contamination, DUSA has investigated the potential sources of nitrate contamination. Nitrile gloves were removed from the rinsate collection process to 21 N VRequmed Reports\ChIoroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Q1N20I l_Ql_Chlororbrm_Report_text doc eliminate the potential for mobilizing nitrogen compounds present in nitrile gloves (possibly caused by leaching of nitrogen from the gloves by the nitric acid). In an effort to address the nitrate contamination, DUSA has reviewed the entire rinsate collection process and has made additional changes in an attempt to eliminate the source of the nitrate in the rinsate sample blanks. These additional changes are discussed below. In addition, DUSA has requested in the revised QAP, submitted June 4, 2010, the removal of the nitric acid rinse step when samples are not collected for heavy metals, which will effectively remove the source of nitrate. DUSA will proceed with the removal of that step only upon approval of the QAP revision. Determination of a Corrective Action to Eliminate the Problem Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels The nitrate source is most likely the nitric acid rinse used during decontamination procedures; however, additional conditions which may be contributing to the nitrate detections in the rinsate blank samples are being investigated. The additional items for investigation last quarter included replacement of all of the non-stainless steel portions of the purging equipment including the pump tubing and connectors. Based on low level detections this quarter, the replacement of the non-stainless steel portions of the sample train was not successful. Additional corrective actions to be implemented as a result of this quarter's exceedances includes the addition of an additional DI rinse to the decontamination process. Currently, the decontamination process is to pump 50 gallons of nitric acid, followed by pumping 50 gallons of soap/DI water and lastly pumping 50 gallons of DI water. During the Q2 2011 event a second 50 gallon rinse with DI water will be added. The rinsate blank will be collected from the second DI rinsate water after the second 50 gallons of DI are pumped. Assigning and Accepting Responsibility for Implementing the Corrective Action Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels It will be the joint responsibility of the Director, Compliance and Permitting, and the Mill's sampling staff to implement the changes and to assess the data to determine if it has corrected the problems. Implementing the Corrective Action and Evaluating Effectiveness Rinsate Blank Sample Nitrate Levels Nitrate sources will be removed after the removal of the nitric acid rinse from the decontamination procedure when heavy metals are not collected (assuming requisite changes to the QAP submitted June 4, 2010 are approved by the Executive Secretary). Additive effects from the nitric acid in the decontamination/rinsate procedure will be evaluated. To eliminate the cross contamination of the DI water from the nitric acid an additional rinse of the pump will be conducted. 22 N \Required ReportsVChloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\20l 1 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_textdoc Verifying That the Corrective Action Has Eliminated the Problem Verification of the contribution from the purging equipment will be completed after the second quarter 2011 samples have been collected using the decontamination process and the data have been reviewed. If nitrate contamination persists then additional sources will be researched and the investigation will continue. Removal of the nitric acid from the decontaniination procedure will be completed after the Executive Secretary's approval of the June 4, 2010 QAP revision is received. 6.2 Assessment of Previous Quarter's Corrective Actions The fourth quarter 2010 report identified corrective actions for nitrate contamination in the rinsate blank samples. Nitrate contamination continues to be present in the rinsate blank samples and the investigation to determine the source of nitrate and the associated corrective actions are described above. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The water level contour maps for the first quarter, 2011 indicate that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations is occurring in the vicinity of pumping wells MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20. TW4-4 has apparently not been pumped long enough for a well-defined capture zone to develop in the vicinity of this well. Furthermore, the capture zone associated with TW4-4 may be less apparent because of the low water level at adjacent well TW4-14. However, decreases in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-26, located downgradient of TW4-4, are likely related to TW4-4 pumping. First quarter, 2011 chloroform concentrations at many of the wells with detected chloroform were within 20% of the values reported during the previous quarter, suggesting that variations are within the range typical for sampling and analytical error. Changes in concentration greater than 20% occurred in wells TW4-6, TW4-10, TW4-11, MW-26, TW4-16, TW4-18, TW4-19, TW4-20, TW4-22, and TW4-24, and TW4-26; the concentration in well TW4-16 increased from 3 fig/L to 15 ug/L and the concentration in well TW4-24 increased from 1.4 ng/L to 1.8 ng/L. Of the wells showing changes in concentration greater than 20%, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20 are pumping wells. TW4-6 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4-4; TW4-10 and TW4-16 are located adjacent to pumping well MW-26; TW4-11 is located between pumping wells MW-4 and MW-26; TW4-18 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4- 19; and TW4-22 is located adjacent to pumping well TW4-20. Fluctuations in concentrations at pumping wells and wells adjacent to pumping wells likely results in part from changes in pumping. Fluctuations in concentration at well TW4-16, located immediately downgradient of the chloroform plume, likely result from slight expansion and contraction of the chloroform plume boundaries in response to changes in upgradient pumping. Between the current and previous quarters, the concentration in TW4-26, which is the most downgradient temporary well, decreased from 5.4 Lig/L to 2 ng/L. 23 N \Reqiured RcportsVChloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_tert doc The highest chloroform concentration was detected at pumping well TW4-20. Between the current and previous quarters, the chloroform concentration in TW4-20 increased from 24,000 ug/L to 31,000 ng/L, the concentration in adjacent pumping well TW4-19 increased from 1,200 ng/L to 3,400 ng/L, the concentration in nearby well TW4-21 increased slightly from 200 to 230 ng/L, and the concentration in nearby well TW4-22 increased from 340 ng/L to 1,300 ng/L. Fluctuations in concentrations in these wells are likely related to their location near the suspected former office leach field source area in addition to variations in pumping in TW4-20 and nearby wells. Regardless of these measured fluctuations in chloroform concentrations, sampling of temporary wells TW4- 24 (located west of TW4-22) and TW4-25 (located north of TW4-21), indicates these wells remain outside the chloroform plume and thus bound the plume to the west and north. Chloroform was not detected at TW4-25, and was detected at a concentration of 1.8 ug/LatTW4-24. The chloroform concentration at well TW4-6 decreased substantially from 430 ng/L to 47 ng/L since last quarter, placing the well outside the chloroform plume boundary. TW4-6 remained outside the plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008. Although fluctuations in concentrations have occurred, this well likely remained outside the chloroform plume during this time due to a combination of 1) slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping, and 2) natural attenuation. Decreases in concentrations at TW4-6 and TW4-26 since the last quarter are likely the result of upgradient pumping, in particular pumping at TW4-4. Chloroform remained non-detect at downgradient temporary well TW4-23. TW4-23 and TW4-6 (with a chloroform concentration of 47 ng/L) bound the chloroform plume to the south. Continued pumping of MW-4, MW-26, TW4-19, and TW4-20 is recommended. Pumping these wells, regardless of any short term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells (such as at TW4-20), helps to reduce downgradient chloroform migration by removing chloroform mass and reducing average hydraulic gradients, thereby allowing natural attenuation to be more effective. Continued pumping at TW4-4 is also recommended to improve capture of chloroform to the extent practical in the southern portion of the plume where low permeability conditions exist. The general decrease in chloroform concentrations at TW4-6 from 1,000 ng/L to 47 ng/L since the first quarter of 2010 is likely related to pumping at TW4-4. 8.0 ELECTRONIC DATA FILES AND FORMAT DUSA has provided to the Executive Secretary an electronic copy of all laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the chloroform contaminant investigation during the quarter, in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. A copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab M. 24 N \Required Reports\Chlorofbrm Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\2011 _Q 1 _Chloroform_Report_text doc 9.0 SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION This document was prepared by Denison Mines (USA) Corp. on May 20, 2011, DENISON MINES (jfrSA) CORP. By: Daviu C. r^rydenlutid Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Counsel 26 N \Requn-ed Rcports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chlorofbnn_Report_text doc Certification: I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties far submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisorimeni for knowing violations. Da™ C. Frydenfund Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Counsel Denison Mines (USA) Corp. 27 N VRequired Reports\Chloroform Quarterly Monitonng Report\2011 Ql\201 l_Ql_Chloroform_Report_text doc Tables I Table 1: Summary of Well Sampling for the Period Well Sample Date Pate of Lab Report MW-4 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-1 2/24/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-1R 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-2 2/24/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-3 2/15/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-3R 2/14/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-4 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-5 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-6 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-7 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-8 2/16/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-9 2/17/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-9R 2/16/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-10 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-11 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-12 2/15/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-13 2/15/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-14 2/15/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-15 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-16 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-16R 2/21/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-17 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-18 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-19 2/17/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-20 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-21 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-22 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-22R 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-23 2/16/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-23R 2/15/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-24 2/17/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-25 2/16/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-26 2/22/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-60 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 TW4-65 2/17/2011 3/9/2011 TW4-70 2/23/2011 3/11/2011 All sample locations were sampled for Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachlonde, Chloromethane, Methylene Chlonde, Chloride and Nitrogen "R" following a well number deisgnates a rinsate sample collected prior to purging of the well of that number TW4-60 is a DI Field Blank, TW4-65 is a duplicate of TW4-24, and TW4-70 is a duplicate of TW4-11 } Highlighted wells are continuously pumped Table 2 Chloroform Mass Removal Per Well Per Quarter Quarter MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Quarter Totals Ql 2007 36.8 12.9 150.2 87.0 NA 286.9 Q2 2007 1.4 0.1 0.0 2.5 NA 4.0 Q3 2007 2.2 0.8 2.9 3.1 NA 9.0 Q4 2007 1.7 1.0 3.1 4.8 NA 10.6 Ql 2008 1.7 0.4 4.6 7.2 NA 13.8 Q22008 1.3 0.5 3.2 9.9 NA 14.8 Q3 2008 1.2 0.3 15.9 9.3 NA 26.8 Q42008 1.3 0.3 20.7 0.4 NA 22.7 Ql 2009 1.7 0.4 4.3 3.6 NA 10.0 Q2 2009 6.8 0.2 3.7 2.8 NA 13.5 Q3 2009 1.5 0.4 11.1 5.5 NA 18.5 Q4 2009 4.8 0.6 17.8 26.1 NA 49.4 Ql 2010 0.9 0.4 2.7 0.4 NA 4.5 Q2 2010 1.5 1.0 6.8 5.9 1.4 16.5 Q3 2010 1.3 1.2 2.0 4.9 1.3 10.6 Q4 2010 1.1 0.5 7.7 7.4 1.2 17.9 Ql 2011 1.1 0.2 12.9 9.6 1.1 24.9 Well Totals (pounds) 67.1 21.0 256.6 180.8 4.0 554.3 INDEX OF TABS Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site Tab B Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Tab C Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data Tab D Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Capture Zone Map, Capture Zone Details Map, and Depth to Water Data Tab E Kriged Previous Quarter Groundwater Contour Map Tab F Hydrographs of Groundwater Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab G Depths to Groundwater and Elevations Over Time for Chloroform Monitoring Wells Tab H Laboratory Analytical Reports Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables 1-1 Field Data QA/QC Evaluation 1-2 Holding Time Evaluation 1-3 Receipt Temperature Check 1-4 Analytical Method Check 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluation 1-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analyses and Blanks 1-9 Rinsate Check Tab J Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Tab K Analyte Concentration Data Over Time Tab L Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs TabM CSV Transmittal Letter Tab A Site Plan and Perched Well Locations White Mesa Site TWN-12 TWN-11 N-19 PROPERTY BOUNDARY o 46 nun 00 LU O a: TWN-1 r* TWN-15 TWN-14 TWN-10 MW-01 CO Ui TWN-9 MW-18 TWN 13 TWN-6 PIEZ-1 2:* A 4 1/ MW-22 // 3000 o ft MW-20 TW4-19 o PIEZ-1 o TWN-1 <> TW4-26 « MW-34 SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION perched monitoring well temporary perched monitoring well perched piezometer temporary perched nitrate monitoring well temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2010 perched monitoring well installed August/September, 2010 1 wildlife pond HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. SITE PLAN AND PERCHED WELL LOCATIONS WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED SJS DATE Ql 2011 REFERENCE H:/718000/may11/welloc10.srf FIGURE A-1 TabB Order of Sampling and Field Data Worksheets Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit 1 Groundwater Monrtortng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate; 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 1 OENISO ATTACHMENT I WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: \ Ink- Quicker Aul<>>»gffs<w Sampler Name and initials: Location (well name):} /V\ \jj ~ l\ Date and Time for Purgin j ff,/ .fl>Zfi» t( | and Samp!ing (if different) [ Well Purging EquipUsed:( B {pump or|6 | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I fc;yA&£/9<C ] Sampling Event feu^teHy Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 pH Buffer 7.0 | Specific Conductance! 0(C(&\ , luMHOS/ cm Well Dcpth(0.01 ft): | \JiM V I Depth to Water Before Purging) M , S3L [ Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: i2 (2. (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) j ~'AZjOi£-pH of Water (avg) \ S6^\ Well Water Temp, (avg) I IS* IM Weather Cond, Redox Potential (Eh)| %gf£ \ TuifridityfT^ >, | Exfl Amb. Temp. X {prior sampling event)! Timc I fP-^^T 1 GaL^Scd ( ;,] PH 1 Conductance TemP°C I 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 3 1 Turbidity (NTU) { Q \ Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged —3 pH I Redox Potential Eh (mV) j: Turbidity (NTU) , [ Time £ Conductance Temp. °C Oa!. Purged [ ~3 [ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ Time Conductance Temp. aC Ga!. Purged [ I J pHf c Redox Potential Eh (mV) [T Turbidity (NTU) £ White Mesa Mill Field Oata Worksheef for Groundwater CSPtUTX* COMPATIBLt WITHy^trt-, 1 of 2 PUNCTIOMAtlTY MiH - Groundwater Discharge Permit • Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm S/60 = galton{s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q- \ & ~ Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ] I yM, i Name ofCertified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj A/iA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs a; 3x40 ml a HCL • Nutrients n 100 ml a H2S04 • Heavy Metals 250 ml HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics -O • 250 ml No Prcserv. D a Gross Alpha 1,000 ml D HN03 a • Other (specify) • Sample volume If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ;Comment « See instruction y Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Oata Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 C3ptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITH^/CUttlil fUMCTtOWAUTr Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO I MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 , ^ See instruction Description of Sampling Event: I \*+ AUb^fer^ <X6\\ Sampler Name Location (well name) and initials: Date and Time for Purging 3 / 2^ / ?J>\ 1 I and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | H | pump or| • [ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1 fai^^fa Sampling Event \chja.*\Af\y /^l^rMfrw w Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event t U^H ""7 pH Buffer 7.0 7rO Specific Conductance ffqq pH Buffer 4.0 uMHOS/ cm Well Depth(O.Olft): Depth to Water Before Purging! Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3M Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | \£\ 7 7 ] pH of Water (avg) | IL^M ] Well Water Temp, (avg) Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)! I Turbidity! 6 I Ext'l Amb. temp. °C (prior sampling event)! j.*^- I PHI Time I IffSfl. I GaLPurged | ly Conductance j Q_]ftk Temp.X ! iat<|S 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) ( LjaT j Turbidity (NTU) I M Time Gal. Purged | 34 Conductance I iXOll I pH I 6>S3 I Temple I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I HPS Turbidity (NTU) I 136^ Time 1 I£>£H 1 Gal. Purged | 3\ \ Conductance 1 1 g/9 pH { &.j£2 "1 Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) | HQH Turbidity (NTU) Time I Gal. Purged [ Conductance | 1 pH [ Temp. *C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 CaptUTX COMPATIBLE WITHy<3*t&fi/ rUNCTlOHAUTV MHI - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | t6 Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= | 17 gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2V/Q=| Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 54.16 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj M/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs S3 • 3x40 ml HCL Nutrients 100 ml • H2S04 £2 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • • HN03 • AU Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml • HN03 • Other (specify) • Sample volume • If prcsenrative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Comment See instruction ArrweA OA J^ft &\ OlS^ 6<\.I-MA, t*AAe-r <XAA £yt\A prcvs&i* Par- jfa^pUAfy Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of 2 CaptlirX' COMPATIBLE WITH^r<fc*«tf£? rUNCTIONAtlTT Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES Mi ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: | U ^ ft ij<xrfre,r C^APCDS PiVA &OW Location (well name):| Tl*J^~ IR. Sampler Name and initials: I (W^x PAU^ t t*P Date and Time for Purging £L I ^JXJ *XO W and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | tg [pump or| • | bailer WeU Pump (if other than Bennet) I &^AAfiyjs: pH Buffer 7.0 |-7„n Sampling Event \ct^^t-\&f\^ cUtprofeftJ P**v. Well Sampled in Sampling Event ^ (JH - ~7 pH Buffer 4.0 1 HtQ 1 ~]uMHOS/cm Well Depth(O.Olft): " Specific Conductance! C\ C\ <\ Depth to Water Before Purging) ///A I Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 ^gj Weather Cond. ]• pH of Water (avg) 1 M.lM 1 Redox Potential (Eh)! M//> ! Turbidityl 5" Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! Q Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged | \SQ P»l Hf 74 Redox Potential Eh (mV) 1 Uj^Q Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) ] Time Conductance Temp. °C ] Gal. Purged [ 1 PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ Time Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C ] PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^4 1 of 2 CaptUfX' COMPATIBLE WITH/OW'/t' FUNCTIOWAUTY] Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) 13. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ] Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj MtA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml HCL Nutrients 100 ml • 0 H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml HN03 • • Other (specify) • Sample volume • £Mc?rffAf. If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: \ ' ! s a % •-3 See instruction Comment . . , |r^.A>^+^ b«uyvA i^V 0<*H\, Pc/^vptA S>0 &cM**s trlr.Ac.;^ t~>*4<5^ SQ 0&\\O*± &<*£>Q, L<s-f+ 5ife ^ \o\t>. I \ I Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^4 2 of2 CaptlirX' COMPATIBLK WITH fOMCTIOHALIty Mill ^Groundwater Discharge Permit groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 S«c instruction Description of Sampling Event: Q\j,^\,.r r.W\#ro$or^ aOi\ Location (well name):| TU^H'nl Sampler Name ^ ] and initials: 1 (fr^tT'iA fa\f***~'/-frf 13 Date and Time for Purging}^ p^,J^fy\\ 1 and Sampling (if different) \H/1LH/Z6\\ 1 Well Purging Equip Used: j 8 [pump or[ • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1 for*i?AAffi> £ 1 pH Buffer 7.0 [ ~7, # Sampling Event \o^r ¥^ciy S-UX&tVtc&rM^ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer4.0 1 t\M Q , "1 uMHOS/ cm Well Depth(0.01 ft): ] Specific Conductance} Depth to Water Before Purging A&f 7 "j ) Conductance (avg) | : "^L S| 7 "~" Casing Volume (V) 4** Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) pH of Water (avg) WeU Water Temp, (avg) I \3* 74 I Redox Potential (Eh) 1 ^/THI Turbidity! t 1 Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)! 3°^ Time Gal. Purged | \ f Conductance [ ftjSM 1 1 pH [ "7« j Temp. «C 1 \3.K\ 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | j Turbidity (NTU) I 3 I Time ! l aqq i Gal. Purged [3lZD Conductance PH 1 6t1 Temp.°C | |^^7 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) ! I Turbidity (NTU) , Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged ~1 PH C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) f Time [ ] Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) f Turbidity (NTU) L White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 f UHCTIONAllTV MiH - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP} Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm, S/60« gallon(s) ii 3 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = I I Number of casing volumes evacuated (i f other than two) ju \~J [ If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I H O* tf I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj A^/A Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml IS HCL ta • Nutrients a 100 ml O & H2S04 El • Heavy Metals • 250 ml • HN03 • • Ail Other Non Radiologics D. 250 ml O No Preserv. a Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml Q O HN03 Other (specify) • Sample volume • • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment J Arr*veA o** &<U-ISA. (Zy&A. £. Qrc~scA,\ fVrj^' rVrijc- k*5*U CK± Pu^f fyr Q_ +\IM+CS O+A-ik M# S'cco^Jiy, U>e.tl r&A, £~ry. Arrwe^ »A i'iK M C>#0£. 6CMTAA> T^AW <i^A 5, pr^csvvV tt?r <K\ &8\5> la-H Siro-nf Og\l, Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 Of 2 'FUNCTIONALITY MiH - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) m^ii] ATTACHMENT 1 • 0ENI5OtfpXJ JI WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL •4 MINES j FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event: I f^4^ G^tk&r e.w\a^ar^ PLOW Sampler Name Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Location (well name); and initials: Date and Time for Purging f \Uj f QuC?\ \ 1 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | CB |pump orj • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) | fjru*ek$&7 PH Buffer 7.0 \jJZ Sampling Event loi/^j. ^riy ziUloA/ypgn-yJ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 ]]uMHOS/cm WetlDepth(O.Olft): | 1^1 Specific Conductance CjciQ Depth lo Water Before Purging) Ujq. Hf Casing Volume (V) 4" Well 3" Well: MJJL (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | \&$[> pH of Water (avg) | &MX Well Water Temp, (avg) I 13.Jf4 1 Redox Potential (Eh)| i^Qt\ \ Turbidity RT^ 1 Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb.Temp.'C(priorsamplingevent)|-f Time I \D*>*> I Gal Purged | 3M Conductance I 1473 "1 pH | I.OO Temp- °C I 13^7 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | L)&£ Turbidity (NTU) QgTT Time | \p£j, j Gal. Purged | Sl Conductance | j^*? Temp. *C 1 ft. $7 pHl fc,.gl Redox Potential Eh (mV) j -foSf 7 \ Turbidity (NTU) j -7.9 | Time I W&l I GaL Purged 1 6<? 1 Conductance \ I PHI &.*7 1 Temp. °C I |3.5?M 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | mg, ] Turbidity (NTU) I O I 1 Time ] Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill field Oata Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of2 CaptlirX' confAT«te WITHyClr*c>&—PVNCTIONAI.IT Y Mill*- Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Pian (QAP) Date- 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | 77. Oi Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60- gallon(s) 12. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=2WQ = i aaaag I ~i. 03 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated r77.pl Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj /s/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml SL HCL • Nutrients EI • 100 ml • H2S04 m • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics 250 mt • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction ^Comment ^ rAAtcvfervs \*st~L TW*. o^crfu.^f^. p,a<& iU^ct, . p, Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUTX COMPATIBLE WITH^^^Sw^J 2 of2 FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES Mi ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event: ||jf Q^rifcr &Mof*of orA Q,Q\\ Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 , >yr See instruction Location (well name):| TU7*-|- 3fc Sampler Name 3 and initials: 1 &frrf-« A Ffr C?P 1 Date and Time for Purging) 3L/ < M / Jfi \ { and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: psf] pump o{W] bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I feruAASoI pH Buffer 7.0 \-J^Q Sampling Event fa^ri^My AMarnZnr*** I Pfev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 uMHOS/cm WellDepth(0.01ft): \ A//A ] A//A Specific Conductance! QCfCj Depth to Water Before Purging yU/A 1 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | ||, % pH of Water (avg) | "7#^ Well Water Temp, (avg) ! 13. Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| %9*i Turbidity! Q ] Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event) J g£ | Time Conductance Temp. °C IOOO 1 Gal.Purged | fg'p 1 •HMD Redox Potential Eh (mV) 1 7] Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) Time £ Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C pH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) f Time GaL Purged f Conductance Temp. °C PH[ C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of2 C3ptUrX° coMPATiaue WITHyCUt&tb—FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumoitm Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= | 17 J£0_ gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q=| A/1 A Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I A//A Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab} MIA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml (3 H2S04 • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 • AH Other Non Radiologics • • 250 m! • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • L000 ml • • HN03 • Other (specify) • Sample volume • 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment b«23<x/v 0351. ?u**pc<k SO &*\\o*J 6<c Adik c^Ver, B>0 6<UU>A> of So^f tJ^fe, Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of2 CaptUrX' COMPATIBLE WITHyCl**&A> FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit ''Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 OENISO A MIMES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 See instruction Description pf Sampling Event: I \s>* Qvo~r\e,r £Mar<>fiacyyi 3.f>li Location (well name)] tW M - M Sampler Name and initials: I S&rK^BklM^r /Y*€ 1 Date and Time for Purging fl / 2 3/ p <Q, | 1 and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:fijripump orfql bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ( &c*u/\fa$C>A I Sampling Event l#u<^r4 e>r\y /Lutefy fyjyj Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 7.0 t -7,/? Y pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance!" QjC\ . (uMHOS/ cm WellDcpth(O.OIft): I ll 2 Depth to Water Before Purging 3$j Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: a (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) |, . -3L3H. pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) \ 1 Redox Potential (Eh)| _ flt^ j 1 Turbidityfj^ ff jJ Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)! ^2:?^* 1 Weather Cond. Time [ \ Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C , Li^os- I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | >j£/ "[ Turbidity (NTU) 1 ! Time Conductance £ Temp. °C f ] Gal Purged [ pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ Time £ Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turbidity (NTU) £ Time | Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) f_ Turbidity (NTU) Q White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of2 CaptUTX" COMPAT«»te WITHyl&tHi fc FUNCTIONALITY Mill ^Groundwater Discharge Permit 'Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumpine Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = £L gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q = 0 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated [ ] I M/A I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab} A/j A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml 0 H2S04 0 • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 • AU Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml HN03 • Other (specify) Sample volume • • a If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction 'Comment Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Oata Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of 2 CaptUTX" COMPATIBLE WITH S&rK&fc f UNC TION AUT * Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) DENISO I MINES M£ ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: fSutvfVej- AUloroVoryw Sampler Name 1 and initials: I &o>*r\+* t*\s*&r J M Location (well name): Date and Time for Purging!"^./^ t /%Oiy and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | B 1 pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) \ •fertfjft^y<Mr I Sampling Event iQUkA.r^rty £.uu<v»gar*\. Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event | T t^/H - ^-6, pH Buffer 7.0 | -y Specific Conductance! C\CjC\ pH Buffer 4.0 uMHOS/ cm Well Depth(0.0lft): Depth to Water Before Purging) 56,5*3 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3rt Well: Hit 3*, (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 13>^M pH of Water (avg) | 6*60 Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 lLjM*S6 Weather Cond. Turbidity) a 6.) I Redox Potential (Eh)| 331 Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)) | *** Time Gal. Purged | \qi Conductance 1 lMftq I pH | I Temp. °C I IH.W I Redox Potential Eh (mV) L.-^S^ *"1 Turbidity (NTU) | | Time Gal. Purged | 3tc>M Conductance I iMfff? ~\ pH\ &^&[ Temp.X | Hf3? | Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ j Turbidity (NTU) I Time IPSE Gal. Purged 1 3L*X\ \ Conductance I \5*q I pH|6.g, 1 Temp.°C I m,^<? I Redox Potential Eh (mV) f :3*>ff ] Turbidity (NTU) | qgjj 1 Time I I Gal. Purged Q^] Conductance 1 l^f 1 pH | ) Temp.°C | Htg/fr I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ^Ljg Turbidity (NTU) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUfX* COMPATIBLE WITHy/<*V»**fe PUNCTIOWAltTTI Milt - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged I £lMl*7H Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm S/60 = gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2WQ = Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab) A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • 0 HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml • H2S04 • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • • HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics D 250 ml • No Preserv. Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml HN03 • Other (specify) • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: 1 ' s s I - See instruction Comment ArfSfcA site \o$.\, Gf^cr*/^ CXAA. £y*-A* prOcv^t £&r pL/r^fi-. Pvt*Q& begp*- oA- fvrgZ" b&P*^ *o UAM-^T Ck<?\cr f>T*fi- LSO~£> 57,55* Po^rc^eA&rS uAM-c CofiCjk D^f?r-U u;*~*-e.r btt-Wr^ 5tx^v^ u/ortv itt*A$*. S6> 6 7> SoW 1*4 ^ot\g^.T^^ 03)7, Lcv^f ^Ve. *A II * 1 |Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 CaptUrX" co*ir*Ti»ie imns/^k*>tt>—FUHCTIOHALIT* Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitonng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: | Ur Quo*r¥eA- ^WSoroVort*. Q^O\\ Sampler Name and initials: I £o.rr\A. QAXAA&C I 60 ] Location (well name):] TLAVH - 6 Date and Time for Purging 2ty ftfft/ QfixS and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:[ 63 |pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I (vco/uk$o*% pH Buffer 7.0 [ ~7„fj Sampling Event a^rWly £Morv>£e»tw\l Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 | nuMHOS/cm WellDcpth(O.Olft): I <37,£ 1 Specific Conductance C\C\<\ Depth to Water Before Purging) ~7S.3Q Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 1 3 5 65* pH of Water (avg) |. f>.W% Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 \3*6<\ Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| 39>\ Turbidityl frflgG Ext'l Amb. Temp. X (prior sampling event)! gt ?C- Time | ||S5 I Gal.Purged | 17 I Conductance \3M<\ | pH | 1*01. 1 Temp. °C ! \&$Q I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I :%35 1 Turbidity (NTU) Timc 1 "uS6 I Gal. Purged, | 3M Conductance Temp.°C 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 37ff Turbidity (NTU) Time I Gal. Purged Conductance | | pH Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^4 1 of2 CaptUrX* COMPATIBLE VHTHySCUtfll? FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged | A £> j7 Pumpirm Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = | 1,70 1 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab] A//A Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs ja • 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients 100 ml H2S04 Heavy Metals • 250 ml • • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml • HN03 Other (specify) • Sample volume • S • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ^Comment See instruction iV^er si^wHy r^vrV-Y ^^A^ foQe*. faro^cAec* u/ere. Cop.tK j-We. QJ^rfO**.?^ $\tr\(k SWczA, S\\rt, Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 "FUNCTlOHAllTr Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 0ENISO j MINES Description of Sampling Event: ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 ij£5»^ See instruction Location (well name): Sampler Name pm^^^mmmmmm^^mmmmmm^mmmmm^^mm andimtials: I dWr,*» fa\+*t.r /6>P Date and Time for Purging] "XJ HX/ XOW and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: (WJpump or] • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &cu*A&&<» 1 Sampling Event Qv£s.r¥&>r\y £k\rtf-prW;*l Prev, Weil Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 | M, fl uMHOS/cm Well Dcpth(O.Olft): 1 \XO pH Buffer 7.0 f -7^ fl Specific Conductance] *\<\~<\ Depth to Water Before Purging! 66 >7D Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: *3 SL (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | j C\ \ pH of Water (avg) | 6.46 ] Well Water Temp, (avg) I Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)j jCjjj Turbidity! 63,^ I Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)! 3.*^ IH17 (7 Conductance 1 q^^L I pH | g. Cfo Temp. °C 13, Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ^.72 Turbidity (NTU) I HfffH Timc I rUiq 1 Gal.Purged [ SI I Conductance I raji I pH 1 1 Time Gal. Purged Conductance LlJ&&... 1 PH1 filH Temp.X 1 ( Redox Potential Eh (mV) | CL&C\ \ Turbidity (NTU) | «>i\^ \ Temp. °C 1 j^ftl Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 0*7^ ] I H3r^ ] Turbidity (NTU) Timc Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C [ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of2 CaptUrX" COHFATItue WITH^^Cfcnwrfj PUN CTI ON A LIT V Kill! - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged I £>D>Q\ Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= 1 |7 gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T*2V/Q HJ2± Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 \ni l Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab] /i//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs D 3x40 ml HCL Nutrients • 100 ml H2S04 0 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml • • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml O • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml a HN03 • • Other (specify) Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction [Comment ArrweA ©A- Sife. 14£S. Gc<rr\^ <X/MA fcy^A. £> f resell Cor purkp,. ?ur^t^ AfMi/cvA ^'H ^+ 0£56. Ga.rr-1^ CXAA £y<XA, fr<^Sd/vl £pr jS^^vpViA^ £-i/eV\.¥. Oe-ptU \-o be.^i?rc-^tVvnpld.s c^cr^ i-oUtM^A t*>A£ 67.5 7. ^ Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater capturx COMPATIBLE WITH 2 of 2 -FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Grondwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 0ENISO MINES uJ ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 t ,y^ See instruction Description of Sampling Event: l/st Quarter CWioroVer^ Sampler Name Location (well name):[ Date and Time for Purging Q3j/th/ £01 ( j and initials: 1 fr*rrjA Pfrlf^WfrP and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used :[H] pump orf51 bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I 6t »A^f o< pH Buffer 7.0 | "7fl Sampling Event iGuoLr-r-^ly /Luhsrof p»wl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 []uMHOS/cm Well Depth(0.0lft): | ) ±L£L TVH-25 Specific Conductance! qqq Depth to Water Before Purging) 66. 3^ Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: 3g. 7* (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) | t^jtff Weather Cond. pH of Water (avg) ! 6Al J Redox Potential (Eh)l no I Turbidityl 2 f ^. \ j Ext'l Amb. Temp, *C (prior sampling event)! * 3.*^ Time Conductance Temp. °C ms Gal. Purged 1 2QM 1 ElH,.3l 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) { ~\ Turbidity (NTU) | 3>\^f> \ Time I I Gal. Purged | a 21 Conductance I S'XQ.QL T™P-°C U,rt-.3BL I Redox Potential Eh (mV) j t 7g> Turbidity (NTU) ! PH! fc.qfl Time lift*? I Gal Purged HaAft I Conductance I 331 % 1 pH | 1 TemP- °c 1 i^ai » Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 171 ] Turbidity (NTU) Lii^j_J Time 1 jQfitf I Gal. Purged L3£«jj | Conductance j 1 pH 1 I Tcmp.X I IM.^S i Redox Potential Eh (mV) | j 7| 1 Turbidity (NTU) I LSI.5 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^9 1 of2 CaptUrX" COMPATIBLt <H\tYly^Cl^fy •FUNCTIONALITY Jtfill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged I ZLSb, Ql Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= I 17 gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q = IHSO Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated U2S. Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab} A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL a Nutrients 100 ml H2S04 • Heavy Metals 250 ml • • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. O • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 • Other (specify) Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment ArtMtyeA tw xi+c I03H, 6o.rf*iA. <xwA fcytcA. ^/v si Ye- $or flvrvp* fur£e~ be^a/v at- !Ai-rWt>A *v Gtxf^A u^tK EyAw preset W tor MJ*QI\A± CM/6A1. £>0<*\f{er£ u/d^e, ^cild^-t-tcl l(?«-k?* i-cvPf 5irev <xV i#H5, Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 CaptUrX" COMPATIBH WITHSClfP*tt> FUNCTIONALITY <• Mill- Grcuindwater.Dfscharge Permit . ^ *. Groundwater Monitorlnk Quality Assurance Plan fQAPl , ;DENISO MINES Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 I i ATTACH^iENTl WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL " Attacbinerit'l; I Description of Sailing Event: | \ ^ KWUr V^uVs C»>vv^ - a 6 if \ t IMMILLt ' 'H&VS-r1. 4;^^jnsa^c^l^^V^'y,^ i v-,.,.'• "" ..: ^ -:/SamplerNamely ^&'v'.'^S'-A:t^s£j&V-rfey»">?-?' : Lbcatiori (well name): TiOA/-* 0—" ^y/t/^ ^ * ' I - iand imtiai^ ftxl^&if^/'ffii?r: v I ; • Date and Time forPvtfguijjfra. /\£ / Z6i\ >" I , ahd Sampiinjg(if diffi^ty^ f 7//X61 & ,•• - j -U^. Well Purging Equip Used: [B| pump or| • | bailer ''-^WelLflji^ (if otherttian Bemetj ^ V |jfc rJA/ACft*; H " Sampling Event looc^Arly cU\o^t>r^l Prev; ^ell Sampledla'Siu^ling'EifW pH Buffer 7.0 | ~7. 0 pH Buffer 4:0 Speciflc Conductance! ]uMHOS/ WeH;Depth(0.p.lft): I 1 2Q Depth to Water Before Purging! I Casing Volunte (V) Conductance (avg) 1 QM 2M pH of Water (avg) -| I r 4'" WelLMSL-aP? (.653h)X\«; *.^V*Vy Well Water temp, (avg) 1 \*l\U h Weather Cbnd. 3vAiryY Time 1 I32g Gal.Purged _Q*0}\ Conductance ! ^M3l3 ! pH EZSIZl .°c Redox Potential Eh (mV) ! v3LS t T^urbidiry;(NTy) Tihie; [ |^ ) Gal 'Conductance | 'p.Mft.'S . j v Redlox Potential Eh (mY) ( 2 Turbidity (NTU) / . v: j 3cV3 F I i i i Redox Potential tEh)l ^ • X v - TurmMiry! -.M 32% .1''^ ^ / ^tAfnfcjem&'JC; (prior sampling event)! I — r I I I I I I T#(; 1 13 J : daL Piursgcl | 22 \ 1 Conductance Temp:^C;.' I IMiM^ :VI 1;^?^^ iRedox Po&ntial EhtmVy M 7A' 1 ':turbidity:(rTOD g ^".l 3 ill WtjI^NiesaMlll Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater j„rJ 1 ^ = r-::^ - 7^' ' - 1 <, f1'-r>*1 ' 7'"--.-, -f,"'*i J"-wvr'',»" . *'.* - *- - V ,f- ^ ^ ' : CaptlirX" Co*i»*ttiLe WITH^^/cWdtr-^-ruiicTioMAUT I I 'Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitonng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged 1 £.57. £1 Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60- gallon(s) 12. Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q=[^^_r Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labi A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • E HCL Nutrients 100 ml • 0 H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml O • HN03 • • AH Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • L000 ml • • HN03 Other (specify) Sample volume • 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Comment j See instruction I3i£. tor IS Mi/^fej: C^AA. 13 ^c^o^s. U/^CV ^wrjty ^ ^farr 2lz^\. be-$±^ H> u^^r-cv- b^rfi. SAfsfteS ^t^cv fcHltcfeA U'** i>H. ±>*. >A^IA$ Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater capturx COMPATIBLE WITH 2 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY Mil! - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISOI MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: | Kfr QuA.rV^r CJA.\t>t*>?or*A *XO\i Location (well name):| ~T"U>U| ^qR Sampler Name ond initials: 1 frftfrt* PfrWf/fri Date and Time for PurginJ7>gt/ I ft / 3LDII I and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:(j^T)pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I f*)ru/vA£/>s 1 Sampling Event \^cjrV^r\>f LA^Xnt-o^otA Prev- Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 7.0 | "7, Q | pH Buffer 4.0 | l{m Q Specific Conductance) C{(\(\ |uMHOS/cm Well Depth(0.0lit): 1 A/f/K ] ] Depth to Water Before Purging A//A Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | j Q._B ] pH of Water (avg) | ~7^q Well Water Temp, (avg) | [S^OH Weather Cond. _St//v/vy Redox Potential (Eh)! 3>HQ | Turbidity! Q I Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)! \&€* Time I HS3 1 Gal. Purged | |Sft 1 Conductance ! jQ,5 1 pH [ T^qq 1 Temp. °C I 13. Q*4 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | Q.L\q Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH C Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) ] Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged —I pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time [ 2 Gal. Purged [ • Conductance [ Temp. °C f 3 I«C Redox Potential Eh (mV) TirrbiditytWU) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of 2 CapttirX COMPATIBLE WITH^^I****^ FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitonng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = ISO I gallon(s) H Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated IDA i A//A l Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj M/A\ Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml HCL a • Nutrients • 100 ml 0 H2S04 • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 o All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. O Gross Alpha 1,000 ml HN03 D Other (specify) • Sample volume • • If preservative is ased, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative; Comment ^ See instruction Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of2 CaptUrX COMPATIBLE WITHy/Clmpfc FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER 0ENISO M MINES J Description of Sampling Event: 1 fWr-lfcr £W\or?V^ <XO\K Sampler Name Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment I 1.^0 Sec instruction 1 Location (well name):] TtyM-|0 and initials: I fia,^ ft^M^/ ^Pl Date and Time for Purging Z/zg./ foa | and Sampling (if different) 1 KlVSlQrPXV 1 Well Purging Equip Used: | 63 |pump or] • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Beimel) I &ro/K(k$o£ 1 Sampling Event &udL.<a*,r\y AW\arflfrprvd Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 pH Buffer 7.0 [ *7mQ JdiXl Specific Conductance! <frg[.q "jjuMHOS/cm Well Dcpth(0.01ft): | ,1(5 • , ! Depth to Water Before Purging) 5>&~*A Casing Volume (V) 4" Weil: 3" Well: g6^(.653h) (,367h) Conductance (avg) | | pH of Water (avg) Weil Water Temp, (avg) 1 IM.fcfr? | Redox Potential (Eh)| 3#0~\ Turbidity!. $ 1 Ext'l Amb. Temp. 'C (prior sampling event)!0-°J~ Weather Cond. Time | j33£ 1 Gal. Purged [35 Conductance 1 :Sl 1" Temp. °C 1 IM.U7.I PHESIS Redox Potential Eh (mV) | *3X0 Turbidity (NTU) ! t43* g Time Conductance [_ Temp.°C / , [~ GaL Purged Z3 PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. X ""^ Gal. Purged [] I I PHT Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc Conductance [ Temp. °C [ Gal. Purged ~1 pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CapttirX COMMTIBII WITHyCUt&tV »UNCTIOMALITV Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | l\Q, g PumDinjy Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q-, Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab) A/1 A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL Nutrients 100 ml • 0 H2S04 ta • Heavy Metals • 250 ml • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml No Preserv. • O Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml HN03 Other (specify) 0 • Sample volume 9 • 12 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction •Comment u/e^c^ c&pieA. 9to/** fU,c &vejr\Oo*^p\fi:t\ Q;cX^ SUcofv Arrti/fr^ o*- 6*.«SA> *u\A T*y**. ^* prist** Fjr^^i^ £-i/£v\4. Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUrX' COMPATIBLE mn^y^Lt^i 2 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 ?jr See instruction Description of Sampling Event: Location (well name):| Tu/H- U Sampler Name and initials: 1 (WciA. figj^frr f b$ 1 Date and Time for Purging^/CX.Q./ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | B |pump or| • 1 bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I £»riy/\,ACt?A Sampling Event lat/,xrV&.riY ^Mo^at-oAnl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 7.0 | *7.Q H pH Buffer 4.0 juMHOS/ cm Well Dcpth(O.Olft): Specific Conductance) <%C\C{ Depth to Water Before Purging S&, 7M ~] Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: a (.<553h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 1 li> "7^ pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 13*34 \ Redox Potential (Eh)! 333"H Turbidity VO^>^ 1 Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)lgL°£"l Weather Cond. Time | tZ*4l ] Gal.Purged 1 3H Conductance | \ h\Q\ Temp.°C i I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I 3rQ.^ 1 Turbidity (NTU) f~ IM.ff I PH1 6,1* Time I »3tHH J Gal.Purged | £\ Conductance 1 I PH 1 6„#Si \ Temp. °C I \3><H£ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I -?37 I TtirbidityfNTU) I CL 1 Timc Conductance [ Temp. °C f Gal Purged [ -~I PH[ ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time [ "") Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C pH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [_ Turbidity (NTU) Q White Mesa MM Field Oata Worksheet for Groundwater ^ I of 2 CapttirX' COMPATIBLE WITHySCU+vrfp 1UNCTIOMALITTl Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | .S&.gjL Pumpinu Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gatlon(s) iZ Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2 V) T = 2V/Q = 3,t£ Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj A/I~A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs ta 3x40 ml a HCL • Nutrients 100 ml H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 Other (specify) 13 Sample volume • 0 • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction •Comment ?u**P vV 3 rAiAurW CL+IL H<5 <^COA-A$. P^r^rvve. Vara ^er<1- Cof \e,<k Prc?AA. Ovdrf<s+\p\A6\ PidUtfL SUevcvh £-^9f 5i-hi A.f 1 £5t?:> Ami/c^ ^iHi ^ OSlV De*p*U to is*-Ytr »c?ort~ £<w"fMoi u>d*rc ^UC*,T£*V u^exs S6*£»5,5f>OL^ie-i ^cvrev ^n^Ve^ <M- 0325. L£*> .site ^+ <?£c>^ Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 CaptUrX' COMPATIBII WITHyC%***>fa— PUNCTIOHALITV Mitt • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 i See instruction Description of Sampling Event: luV Qu^r \es- £u\0fo$or/^ Q.Oi\ Location (well name^pT W Li- \ "X Sampler Name 3 and initials: | fattM <h\**r /Of 3 Date and Time for Purging | uj / QxJW 1 and Sampling (if different) I (s11t \Z.JQo\^ Well Purging Equip Used: J3_ pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1 G+ISAASOS. Sampling Event lai7A*+e.My ^uto«>*>trW'vl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event \ rujLi ~ ^ pH Buffer 7.0 | -y.p ~~ Specific Conductance Cj(\C\ pH Buffer 4.0 I H.O ~1 uMHOS/cm Well Depth(O.Olft): I lf)L& I Depth to Water Before Purging 35f, Casing Volume (V) 4" Well 3M Well (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) pH of Water (avg) 1 y.. IA Well Water Temp, (avg) | Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| ^tgl ~1 Turbidity I3i5 Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! .3 »C | Time Gal. Purged | \gf | Conductance Temp. °C $01 I PH1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ ^<^3 1 Turbidity (NTU) \ t^ 7 I Time | l%Ha 1 Gal. Purged Conductance | \ pH I 7. I 7 1 Temp^C 1 IHrSa I Redox Potential Eh (mV) I/ff^ fl. 1 Turbidity (NTU) £2& Time nan-V | Gal. Purged fOOl I Conductance I qo\ I pH | -7. ^ | Temp. °C 1 1H.^ 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 3L3c9 "| Turbidity (NTU) [ ^IM Timc 110.HM I Gal. Purged [ Conductance | <%qCj \ pH 1 1 Temp.°C | H^7 I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 1 Turbidity (NTU) | g^U I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of2 CaptUrX COMPATIBLE WITH^^CX**^ FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged \2L**\0,J>% I gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = il Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = mtVftift Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 A// A | Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| A//A Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • 0 HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml • H2S04 • Heavy Metals LT 250 ml • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • O HN03 D • Other (specify) (2 • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: [Comment ? "3 See instruction ^AA IH 5C^OA^# |£S|> Ar^t/«.«L eA 5<VK \3^. ^AU, r^e^r <XAA- |2*/*Wl $. M S.f^ 5*.~N^<3 Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 2 of2 CdptlirX' COMPATIBLE WITHyj-Utofc FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OEIMISO JM. MINES Mi ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment I Sec instruction Description of Sampling Event: |)$f &/Ai-4er CU^oro^r^ 1 Location (well name):| TU/ H - 13 ] Sampler Name and initials: I £»xr rl^ GkAtiAr J AP 1 Date and Time for Purgingl Q%j \ dj J \ and Sampling (if different) 1 £>ay ifi/ QQIK Well Purging Equip Used:| B [pump or] • 1 bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I /*«M^ywA,Cg>& Sampling Event /j^x^me^nA Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 7.0 | I.O I pH Buffer 4.0 luMHOS/cm Well Depth(O.Olft): I \ Q$Lr *> I Specific Conductance) CfCfCf Depth to Water Before Purging) Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | j 3^2 M pH of Water (avg) | ] Well Water Temp, (avg) riM> j>fr Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| 357 Turbidity! lUcP Ext'l Amb. Temp. #C (prior sampling event)! Time | 1333 [ Gal. Purged [ 3H Conductance [ t33M [ pH | 7»£g 1 Temp.°C. 11M.66 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 3.5 7 ] Turbidity (NTU) j [ Time Conductance [ Temp. °C [ Gal. Purged n pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) ] Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged ~1 pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turbidity (NTU) [ Time Gal. Purged [ Conductance [ Temp. °C [ 1 prfC Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUfX* COMPATI9ie WITHyClnVti! FUMCTIONAUTr Mjll • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2O1O Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | 3_*L N lT Pumping Rate Calculation galion(s) Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) 1 1. p# I If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I 3*3. H<4 I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| sts/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL Nutrients & • 100 ml • ta H2S04 • Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 mt • • HN03 • Other (specify) • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: | See instruction Comment ^ • tvc*.\. Ptvr^tv he^a/v CL* 133L ?u^P V % ^w\es ^ 3d s>e,c^>^S.> Lc?evU A. eXt-y, Par^^eVer5 u>e/-ev c^pieA fU<% t*/c^p<//*p.A5 Geift >Ww«Jl ^ SIlc ^ I53L 6^KA, r^c^ ^ t*y*/l t. M\ f^cS^i ^ SA^fty Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 2 of 2 CaptUfX" CO«PATi»L8 WITH /CUucfo FUNCTIONAL ITT Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Pian (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER DENISO M MINES J Description of Sampling Event: |frT Q^r\cr- Ch.)oro$or#\ Sampler Name 1 and initials: Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Location (well name), TWH- 14 6r*rnn Mwcf/frP Date and Time for Purging) 3^) ij ~ 3LO>7T and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:[ST]pump or| • [ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I (W^n^-EoS I Sampling Event |OW5L<-WLM Ch\oro$orrA pH Buffer 7.0 | 7,0 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event C H.O 1 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance! qc\c\ [uMHOS/cm Well Depth(0.0lft): | ^3.00 Depth to Water Before Purging) ftft.Ql Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) -7 pH of Water (avg) | 7.44 Well Water Temp, (avg) \ ^Al I Redox Potential (Eh)| IhO I Turbidity! 7flfi 1 Weather Cond. 1 i>nr\< Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! *-j*c Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged % Qfftl I pH| 7.<,<? Redox Potential Eh (mV) | \SQ Turbidity (NTU) Time Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ Timc Q Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turbidity (NTU) f Timc |[ Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C ] PH[ C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [_ Turbidity (NTU) f White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 CaptUTX" COMPATIBIC WITH/<im>A> FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit 'Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged j Q^.hb Pumpirm Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. gallon(s) S/60- | 17 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 3L-SS i Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • E3 HCL Nutrients IS • 100 ml • H2S04 Heavy Metals • 250 ml • a HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) m • Sample volume • SI t^-Mori*) If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: to omment , See instruction UUlblU Arr/viCt^ On <j£ \^X<>, 6-c\rr.Vj Palmer M^'i £ prcS*^ +-0 pUrae Tw^c b^yn A 1H'5A ?\*r4f& 4^ «. 4oW ^ Second - We>f ftctrfdr* sHc *•} IHHS. ^ ftxrixwtcvttvs &ere~ recite*, frc^ tfi/^f^^'^ {Votot iktttir. PepT^ To W<x4<sr bePort 5a/*lj?k> were collrcrfe^ ivO^LS ^7»Hi. Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CSptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITHydtWlir— 2 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY MHl • Groundwater Discharge Permit ^Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 J>iA OENISOI MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 .../jr* S« instruction Description of Sampling Event. 1 Ui Qv^\^r CU\^0Ttf>^ • ' - Sampler Name _ and initials: | f (*P Location (well name): Date and Time for Purging / Q.O\ \ \ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: {GTJpump orpT) bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I iWA^feL I Sampling Event l^>^«xrfAr\y cWLotctforA Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event | /W.U>- H pH Buffer 7.0 j ~7mD ~1 pH Buffer 4.0 | M. O \ Specific Conductance! Cfq Oj 1uMHOS/cm Well Depth(OX) lft): 1 \H1X»£ Depth to Water Before Purging] >7*;7i£g Casing Volume (V) 4" Well:! 3" Welli 12. o (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 3:3*74 $n\ pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) | ji-L-gii I Redox Potential (Eh)l *Xtj 2 | Turbidity!"7^ I Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event)! ff ° $r Time 1 I33tq I Gal. Purged [ Conductance 1 3*374 , ] pH 1 &, "Jj Temp. «C i lH^M 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) f ' Turbidity (NTU) | Q 1 Time £T Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH C ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) [7 Turbidity (NTU) ^ f Time Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C pH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (MTU) [ Time [] Conductance Temp, °C Gal. Purged £ c Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CSptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITH 1 of 2 "FUMCTIOMAlltY Mill * Groundwater Discharge Permit •Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60= | j gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = | Q Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated C ] Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labi /WA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml S3 HCL 13 • Nutrients 100 ml H2S04 ts •a Heavy Metals • 250 ml • O HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml a No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • • LOOO ml • HN03 Other (specify) H • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ; Comment See instruction 1*9* Site *V I3J3M. Do not touch this cell (SheetNamc) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 J t Ul £. CaptUrX* COMPATIBLE WITHyCl*t*.A> FUNCTIONALITY Milt - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 OENISO MINES j ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: |bf fty^Yc^, frffU Location (well name):[ f ' \ 6 Sampler Name • and initials: I f^tV.A. fa**tr/BP Date and Time for Purginof^/^i/^t^tl "| and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: j BJ [pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) pH Buffer 4.0 Sampling Event |Qu*.rfrAt>ly LW\o r&VarA Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I Tu/M-H pH Buffer 7.0 | ~7, Q ' luMHOS/ cm WeU Depth(O.Olft): Specific Conductance! <\q<\ Depth to Water Before Purging!^ M.5Cj 1 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Weil: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 3 % J pH of Water (avg) 1 Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)[ 3~7£ Turbidity jj^a^ Ext'f Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! Q^^l Time I Qgnsl Gal.Purged | 34 "1 Conductance 1 3>$~7J} Temp. °C ] PHI e.ho I i3» 17 Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) HOP 32,3 Time | flam; I Gal.Purged I Sl 1 Conductance I pH | \ Temp.X \\2.\<? I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 3fr6 I Tiirbidity(NTU) ! IH&3. 1 Timc I pflHfj 1 Gal. Purged [jg I Conductance 1 -35<y3 \ pH 1 1 Temp. °C I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 35fl 1 Turbidity (NTU) I °l&,£ 1 Timc Conductance Temp. °C C Gal. Purged [ —] PH[ c Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) White Mesa Min Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 C«lptUrX~ COMPATIBLE WITH^*jl»*tffc FUNCTIONALITY Mill' Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged j q^. |q Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) 12 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q= Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| /i//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml • H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • • HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 • Other (specify) 0 • Sample volume • • 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: -Comment « See instruction ArrWeA o^- .svfc ^f OSXH. 6fv.r-f»A- <w\ fcy*^ S. fftse^\ £or p^^e, Pyrt^e- b&jywV, be-fore. SCWM0*>£ v^e-re. ^ii^f«jA U^A* 64,65 S**\f\€& tve-rtv c~o\\ec\ w ! Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptlirX COMPATIBLE WITH^/^bw/fp 2 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) IOENISO j MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL , „„ FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event: 1 t,t Q^WU- gui^gfe™ flfrlt Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 .fjf See instruction Location (well name):) TW*H > I Sampler Name ] and initials: 1 f^triA ^M&f / /aQ Date and Time for Purging) 3 /a \ / ^ flit* and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:[W]pump orj • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I 6riwAft»s..r.. I Sampling Event \gu^v\A.r\y ^uu^Pdrwv I Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event TWH- ifl pH Buffer 7.0 | -7, Q ~~ Specific Conductance ^CjQj pH Buffer 4.0 | q,ff uMHOS/cm WellDepth(0.0lft): 1 s//A Depth to Water Before Purging y^M Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well Jl JI (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) ] pH of Water (avg) | H.gq Well Water Temp, (avg) \ 5,3LH Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| HftO | Turbidttyl Q I Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)PTg£ Time \plS9 I Gal. Purged | jfip Conductance Temp. °C PH I N, flQ Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ujffo Turbidity (NTU) fTi 1 Time [ Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH[ C J Redox Potential Eh (mV) (_ Turbidity (NTU) £ Timc Conductance Temp. °C J Gal. Purged [ I PHT Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turbidity (NTU) f Timc T Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged ~1 PH C ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) white Mesa Mill Reid Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 1 of 2 C3ptUrX COMfATIBie WITHy/CUtett? FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged | )S£ Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) r? Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q= I A/IAr I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 ASIA~\ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| A/I A Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml • 0 H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml • • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) • Sample volume • 0 • 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: 1 ; Comment See instruction IbcAfr* ^ Q~7£>0. Py^p&fiL SO £*U*Ai o$ Ac\k t^c<\er^ S>0 6MIC-A£ o$ x^i^ti Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUTX' COMPATIBLE WITHy^HU^t 2 of 2 "FUNCTIONALITY ' Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. & r OENISO .MINES Mi ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: \ QM^ACT Chloroform Sampler Name Location (well name):} Tyjuj - \y and initials: I -Turin*? fjo > 1ijqj/CM, Date and Time for Purging! and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: [ S jpump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I Q&T^ 1; \ Sampling Event |(3vjiarV.e,rU Chlcr^rrA pH Buffer 7.0 7 0 ] Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event l no Specific Conductance pH Buffer 4.0 1 Vto '77| uMHOS/cm Well Dcpth(0.0lft): \ .\3iL*> \ Depth to Water Before Purging! Casing Volume (V) 4" Well 3M Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) MPS? pH of Water (avg) 1 & . ft - Well Water Temp, (avg) j Hil ! Redox Potential (Eh)| | CM f Tiirbidityl ^ 7 . | Ext'l Amb. temp. *C (prior sampling event)[^L^ C Weather Cond. Time 1 \^>S 1 Gal. Purged 1 77, Conductance [ ~| pH | C>.)7 Ml | Temp. *C Redox Potential Eh (mV) | <OT Turbidity (NTU) | ^.7 Time 1 t2>aG 1 Gal. Purged |^7&&£il Conductance -| ^6Sfc> 1 >H I £.17 S] Tcmp.»C I IM I Redox Potential Eh (mV) |, jl py( 1 Turbidity (NTU) ! I Tirae > 1^7 1 Gal Purged frf^T^ Conductance \ HOtf f pH j ^17 I Temp-°c CE3EZ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) | |pL| } Turbidity (NTU) I 5,7 ] Time 1 1^3 ft I Gal. Purged | 77. fcSi I Conductance I HQCT ^1 pH I k-17 - Temp. °C [ IH 10 ) Redox Potential Eh (mV) ! \,Q3 1 Turbidity (NTU) 1 B.7 ! White Mesa Mill field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptlirX" COMPATIBIS WITHy/^Ut* 1 Of 2 rUNCHONM-ITY ' Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan {QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged 1 7ff,lgL Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60- gallon(s) 2£L Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q- [ % | Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated [ C Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy LabJ Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs m 3x40 ml • HCL Nutrients a • 100 ml S3 H2S04 • Heavy Metals • D 250 ml HN03 a All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml O O No Prescrv. D D Gross Alpha I,00Q mi P • HN03 Other (specify) m Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Comment See instruction JDo nol touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 CaptUTX" COMPATIBLE WITHy^ttwA) PUNCTtO*»UT Mill * Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OEIMISO ., MINES Description of Sampling Event Location (well name): ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 ,4^. See instruction Sampler Name and initials: 1 fcp>f*A Pfr.r*^ / j Date and Time for Purging^. f%\ j X0\i *H and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:[la]pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) \ fcrvAtkS&i pH Buffer 7.0 | «X£> Sampling Event | (^ua^^^y £.iJiar^ATf^\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 | H.O ^uMHOS/cm WclIDepth(0.01ft): | IZ^S Specific Conductance QC\c\ Depth to Water Before Purging iff Casing Volume (V) 4n Well: 3" Well: O (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | pH of Water (avg) | 6, q<4 Well Water Temp, (avg) Ll^-flj. Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)| 3 \f) I Turbidity. I Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! Time [ tftgg Conductance Temp. °C Gal.Purged | 311 pH| 6*HS i wfm i Redox Potential Eh (mV) | r)\-z> "] Turbidity (NTU) j ^,0. \ Time I H6M 1 Gal. Purged | ££1 1 Conductance I I*3_S£ I pH 1 t^MM' I Temp.°C I 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | i Turbidity (NTU) Time 1 ,qfrg I Gal. Purged C^ZIjL Conductance I f?^ [ pH \ ^gfj Temp. °C | iH-ffc I Redox Potential Eh (mV) ) Jgff^ Turbidity (NTU) 1 tO.,c\ Time Ha,e>6 1 Gal.Purged ] Conductance \ J | pH 1 A. M>A 1 Temp. °C 1 IH,g3 ! Redox Potential Eh (mV) ! 3o7 Turbidity (NTU) I \2- M White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of2 CaptUrX' COMPATIBLE WITH/€U+erip FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | PPVtfr 1 Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) n mg, vol T = 2V/Q=| 6A6 \ Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 ASiA I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| _A/IA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients 9 100 ml • H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml HN03 • • Other (specify) 9 • Sample volume 53 8 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction ^Comment ;;H51. fVwf rc^A. 9or 15 ^,AUT^ OACA S£ ><^tW^ Oef^ tcv u^<U-c?-r o-VYes* pot^e. 6C^.&^ VwVv Vl^e- ouzr-P^^f^ frctc* *>\*e*,±, Lc£Y SiYc- *-r 1^15* A:* Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of2 CapttirX' conrATiBtt mTHysCb***ir—fUNCTIONALITV Mill > Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO c MINES MA ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: | W\ fl^gf-Vey £,UWrgCgrA\ Location (well name):| "ttfj Lj ~ /cjf Sampler Name . and initials: facKtt'xA- fe-l****^*-/ 6P 1 Date and Time for Purgin Jt Y/3 Qfj I and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | g | pump or] • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1 &roA&%6£ ] Sampling Event | Qu<srle*\.y £.uto^co^ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event 7.A 1 pH Buffer 4.0 | ^.Q pH Buffer 7.0 Specific Conductance) <Jf ^ |uMHOS/ cm Well Depth(0.0lft): | 13.5 I Depth to Water Before Purgingp7 \ A Q2 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: o o (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) \ 3 \ ] pH of Water (avg) 1 6.~7l Well Water Temp, (avg) I IS, 24 I Redox Potential (Eh) 1 23S I Turbidity [jH3>Q Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)! 0°C \ Weather Cond. Time Gal. Purged Conductance ) I pH ! 6 ,J ( 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ^ fT Turbidity (NTU) | } if y Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) ] Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH c Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc Gal. Purged Conductance Temp. °C pH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ white Mesa Milt Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater .>* 1 of2 CaptUTX' COMPATIBLE WITH^/CAw***? FUNCTIONALIT1 Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Pian (QAP) Date; 03/22/2020 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. J2. galton(s) S/60- 1 # Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2 V) T-2V/Q- Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL • Nutrients ca 100 ml • IS H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) (3 Sample volume G3 • Bl If preservative is used, specify Type aud Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment JJQQJL l&i/eA*. Sample* iVcvrev coii^tv+eA ALT* ^c^\er KSC^ orx^e^ color. Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of2 CapttlfX" COMPATIBLE WITH^^CJi^/fe PUNCTIOMALITV Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER &ENISOI -4 MINES , i Description of Sampling Event: 1 UV Qypu-r&r C^\0ro$o~*\ Q-OW Sampler Name Date: 03/22/2010 ftev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Location (well name):} ;f UJ I and initials: Vfajpriti 9&\**e>r f 69 1 ] Date and Time for Purging Q'f X^2>/ }LO\ \ 1 and Sampling (if difTerent) Well Purging Equip Used: [jgjpump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) lAr^cH^c 1 pH Buffer 7.0 \ ^7,Q Sampling Event l&Qixrierty pU\*rofyfA P^ev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event | TTtJ H " ^ pH Buffer 4.0 1 h\.Q . 1 ~]uMHOS/cm Well Dcpth(0.01ft): | \Q h Specific Conductance ," ^Cf*j Depth lo Water Before PurgingCasing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3 * Well: (.653h) (.367h) 343 ? pH of Water (avg) | £*$7 Conductance (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) | \h .3>Q \ Redox Potential (Eh)l 31H Tl Turbidityl O \ Extl Amb. Temp. 'C (prior sampling event)! ^t^A Weather Cond. Time |_ 1^17 Conductance Gal. Purged PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [TftTtl Turbidity (NTU) | , Q Time Conductance J~ Temp. *C [ GaL Purged Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time £ Conductance Temp. °C ] Gal. Purged pH L 3 Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ Time 1 1 Gal. Purged [ Conductance f .. pH [ Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mil! Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUrX' COMPATIBLE VHTHysd*t4i 1 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm S/60- gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T=*2V/Q« 1 & Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab{ A/1A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as speci Hed below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml 1. HCL 81 ra Nutrients Br E1 100 ml H2S04 O Heavy Metals • 250 ml a HN03 • AH Other Non Radiologics D 250 ml O No Preserv. Gross Alpha O LOOQml • HNG3 • O Other (specify) Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ^Comment See instruction Le#* site <vt 1*30* Do not touch this cell (ShcetName) White Mesa Mill field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of2 CaptUTX* COMPATIBLE WITH s*-Ute.ftr~~ FUMCTIOMALITV Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) DENISO J MINES JOJJ ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event: | Quarter- g-Morsgftr,^ HOW Sampler Name Location (well name) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 .j^ Sec instruction and initials: 1 &Mf\^ faUer,/ (tf Date and Time for Purging)"^./ X\/ 3.0iV and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:} B [pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) | (p^ufAlrQ*. 1 pH Buffer 7.0 [ ~7.£) Sampling Event iQ^rtferVy ^.uta^gor^A. I Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 | H- O uMHOS/ cm Specific Conductance C(C\C\ Well Depth(0.0 lft): I |3L\ Depth to Water Before Purging S g^SHTI Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3W Well O (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | 32,66 pH of Water (avg) \ &,q6 Well Water Temp, (avg) 113^ I Redox Potential (Eh)l 3Q t 1 Turbidity Weather Cond. £lot^/ Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event) | £*- Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged j| g "7 33^7 1 PHEE 1 I*.?.*- I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ] Turbidity (NTU) | 1 Time 1317 Gal. Purged | 3^>M Conductance 1 33^7 I pH I 1 Tcmp.°C |, fft^ 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) I ^3>g>^ ,1 Turbidity (NTU) | <2rt I Timc H51*. I Gal. Purged 1 g.21 1 Conductance \ 3X10 1 pH 1 1 Temp. X I I^ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | Qj^pj Turbidity (NTU) Time 1 1 Gal. Purged 1 ;T3ff | Conductance | -30.10 1 pH I 6.47 1 Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ;2_Q7 Turbidity (NTU) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITHy/dfivt 1 of 2 'f UNCTION ALITV Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | ^LH£..5i5 Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) n Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2 V) T = 2V/Q = I M.7Q I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I MA Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab) Jy[A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 0 • 3x40 ml HCL 13 Nutrients 100 ml • H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 mi HN03 AH Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • HN03 Olher (specify) $3 • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: I J s | See instruction Comment ArrWtvV ^iVe- ixA \%H5* teevt-n/^ <?^A $* 5»H for- fvf3^# Pvr^cv be^AA a* I30S> Pu/rv^f m/v 90r H /v\,AiyW <x/vA. \S Se^-e^As* Pe^u ^^e^ oSYe.r lArrAuttk D*v^l<- ^ 0$H<L 6IVCHA &y#.A. 5, ^fd-Sev^V Ftfr AV^P»»AS« Pd^J*W % s j I I Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^4 2 of2 CaptUfX" COMPATIBLE WITHj/CbutAf FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT I WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment I See instruction Description of Sampling Event: I ft^rW.r /itaorr^rvw O-OW Sampler Name Location (well name): run-33 J and initials: I 6t\rhA. Date and Time for Purging! 2./2.3L./ 3.01 \ I and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: | 53 |pump or] • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &?LrAjk1£&i> Sampling Event liguju^ArVy lL\*\ar>a?e>nA Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 [[]uMHOS/cm WellDepth(O.Olft): 1 )|gr^ run-3ii pH Buffer 7.0 | ~7,Q Specific Conductance QCj(\ Depth to Water Before Purging! ^.H Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3M Well: (,653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | HQM 7 pH of Water (avg) 1 6, 73 Weil Water Temp, (avg) I IH,3Q 1 Redox Potential (Eh)! m$ | Turbidity Q>.?3r Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event) |°£ l<??7 Gal. Purged | HPH7 I PHI 6 ! Time Conductance Temp.X I IM^O I Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ 1 Turbidity (NTU) | & % [ Time 3 Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged [ ~n PH[ [ Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc Gal. Purged Conductance £ Temp. °C [" ] PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 A OI CaptUfX' COMPATIBLE WITHy/CU*vA> rUHCTIOHAl "Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged [ H'h.D'i 1 gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q= I M.SS Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj M/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL • Nutrients 100 ml • H2S04 ca Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics 250 mi • • No Preserv. Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml HN03 • Other (specify) a Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Comment i\>eMKA~ txV 10^-5. P^Avf f<piw- %or 0- /^AV+e* t^wk 53 Stwds. IVe-U f^/v ^tw, -P«>AV rW. eoerposAp**^ <?i&\&. U-SV $MnV 4> 1035. Arrived ^ *V 6ivr<s/v £y*>v 5. f rW^f For ^w^pU^ 0d-f?H^ h> cVMe.r fre^Pe. ^rt^ltt u^eft £*U«-feA S*1A$— S*s*p\tS u/*r*~ Ca\\t*.\v#* See instruction Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CSptUTX' COMPATIBLE mv*ys4&t4'ii?—' 2 Of 2 fUNCTtOMAllTV Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date; 03/22/2010 Rev. OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: I Ur £WrV~- ^ut^9d^ Location (well name):| XlJH - 0*3. Sampler Name and initials: j fi^nA Pfr^frT. / 6(P ] Date and Time for Purging! £j/ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:[ g |pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) ! &cvf»&Vos I pH Buffer 7.0 | ~J_Q Sampling Event lo^rVArly /^\*™9or+\\ Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event \TUI4 pH Buffer 4.0 | []uMHOS/cm Well Depth(O.Olft): I A//A Specific Conductance) Depth to Water Before PurginJ^//^ Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) [ fMui4 pH of Water (avg) | 9>*%\ Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 q.Ml ! Redox Potential (Eh)| H2M Weather Cond. Turbidity Y~Q Ext'l Amb. Temp. "C (prior sampling event) t °£ Time [Q^MM 1 Gal.Purged [ \&Q Conductance | 1M.M | pH | 0,3.1 Temp. °C | q.m I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | H3m 1 Turbidity (NTU) | Q ] Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) 3 Time [ Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc ! 1 Gal. Purged [ Conductance | | pH [ Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Min Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater M I of2 CaptUfX" COMPATIBU WllHySCUM?etf PUNCT10NALIT Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. 5/60 = i&CL galton(s) JLZ Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q- Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated i ft* Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| A//At Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 0 3x40 ml • HCL 13 Nutrients 100 ml 0 H2S04 • HeavyMetals • • 250 ml HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml O • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha O O 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) D Sample volume SI • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater * 2 of2 CdptUrX* COMPATIBLE WITH/CU**>&r--f\}*i.-1\Q**\.KV Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitonng Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 0ENI5O *a MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 r See instruction' Description of Sampling Event: | frfr flvfrrrfrr f^Wfar** £0" Location (well name):| T 4 - £L3 Sampler Name and initials: Date and Time for Purging Q'X./ \^/0>Q\\ and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:| B jpump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I 6?t-w*x)<£0£ ': i pH Buffer 7.0 | -7,.^ Sampling Event I^^Arftvly ^.utaf^P^rMl Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event. pH Buffer 4.0 HuMHOS/ cm Well Depth(O.Olft) T^Jl<f 3J1. Specific Conductance! (\<\<\ iH. Depth to Water Before Purging) 65 "7*1 Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3M Well: "SLM 7 (.653h) (367h) Conductance (avg) | ^SQl 6 SH pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) TT3. M3 ) Redox Potential (Eh)l ' 1 TurbidityfTo 7/? 1 1 . Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)[v^^l Weather Cond. Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged _J3£ PHI » 13 ^ » Redox Potential Eh (mV) | 4 m Turbidity (NTU) | r7_£;3 Time I I Gal. Purged Conductance 1^36 I pH 1 Temp.°C j Redox Potential Eh (mV) I lud | Turbidity (NTU) \ \oqi *\ Timc l-frft.qa, 1 Gal. Purged f j^Q | Conductance 13547 I pH Q35IZ1 Temp.X Il3•^<t^ I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ~[ Turbidity (NTU) | lays 1 Gal. Purged FiftTT 1 Time 1Q^3 Conductance I ^yjj? 1 pH I 6.5s" Temp.°C I |3,4f>- 1 ! Redox Potential Eh (mV) 1,2*30 | Turbidity (NTU) 1 t3Ud 3 White Mesa Mill Reid Data Worksheet for Groundwater CdptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITH>(^C3lr**'i4r---pUMCTIONALITy Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged j (3Q.7H Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = | 17 gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q- 1 3.10 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated 1 fifth I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 mi IS HCL Bl Nutrients 13 • 100 ml • ta H2S04 Heavy Metals 250 ml • • HN03 O All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml • HN03 • • Other (specify) 0 • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative; See instruction Comment Color L\c+reA to rUt o$ Hvt f»r£pr 0e~f>\rW. \v ^Itv &.4\cr fi/C£e~ WAS <?£U05, Pcj^A^ve-TCrS u/ore- CopicdL fco*<^ Hvt o^e^pu^piA^ &clk b>t?rtv Ix> ^ffrr ft>£,fe>rt> Jfeifte; f^tcW £5,6£.>'*'*VlecS fc^c C.o\\c€.\^ ffJX OTHH. Ie4'+ iiT^^V- p*iH*L ; Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater yl 2 of2 CapttirX" COMPATIBLE WITHy<Ut4>fa—'I UHCTIOMALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MULL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 j& See instruction Description of Sampling Event: Iter CWrfe-r CWioroSar** 2.01 i Location (well name):} TU/<~-\- 3.3 Sampler Name ^.^.^^^.^^.^^^^.^.^^ and initials: 1 (W,hA Pftlt*jWr/-£ft \ Date and Time for Purging O^L/ {^ / ^tjft.LI 1 and Samplmg (if different) [ Well Purging Equip Used:| B |pump or) • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I GcuA^os pH Buffer 7.0 | ~j Q Sampling Event [o^^f^ty /.kiawPor^v. I Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event | T \*J H ~ 1 M pH Buffer 4.0 "luMHOS/cm Specific Conductance] CffiCj WellDepth(O.Olfi): 1 A/fA Depth to Water Before Purging! Af/A I Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well:! a. (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | \(% ,q pH of Water (avg) 1 fl. Q7 Well Water Temp, (avg) | |3. jij Weather Cond. Redox Potential (Eh)[ 3^3, I Turbidityl Q | Ext'l Amb. Temp. 'C (prior sampling event))- 1 Time Conductance Temp. °C GaL Purged | \£>Q l!3r!M 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) ) "Xq 2. Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged [ I PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turtidity(NTU) f Time ] Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. °C pH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc Conductance Temp. °C ] Gal. Purged [ " 1 PH[ [ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) White Mesa Mid Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 1 of 2 CapturX* COMPATIBLE WITHXXCI*»*»I4'—rukcnoNAiiTY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = lie. gallon(s) 12 T = 2V/Q- Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) • \ A//A j A/fA Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labi A//A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs a • 3x40 ml • HCL Nutrients CS 100 ml • ® H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • • No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml HN03 • Other (specify) 9 Sample volume • • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ^Comment See instruction ArtWtA CM* 5»f€- 0755* tSc^rM/v 0-A*L fry*.** S. $i\r<~ for tSA^tX f cv, R.»A$*>.TC ibe^yx.^ OZOb. Pv**pcA So faXioA.* 0$ Aoi"A- t^^fev*. BO fattens, o$ 5&c^p Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 CaptUrX' coM^ATieie vainyCLn&&>—FUNCTIONALITY Mill • Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 0ENI5O MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: Hs* btUt*.r\&>r C^Sotx/^r&f^ 1Q\\ I Sampler Name ^ and initials: I 6^ A. P*.\**&r / &f> 1 Location (well name):| f LJ *4 - 1M Date and Time for Purging Q%t\MlQi\ and Sampling (if different) I<737i7/ 1Q\[ pH Buffer 7.0 "7^ Q Sampling Event a^r^y &l*\orc>?orA Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event XUH'^ pH Buffer 4.0 1 l\,0 uMHOS/cm WellDepth(O.Olft): | Ua.Sfl Specific Conductance L^g^ Depth to Water Before Purging[55, &p Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) C\ £>M£L pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) lfH,#3 I Redox Potential (Eh)l £6 j "~1 Turbidityrgg. ) I Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)| \ Time \\*43X A Gal.Purged | \1Q Conductance [ <\Q*4\. \ pH [ f> 7 Temp. *C I IH.gf I Redox Potential Eh (mV) | ^(T) I turbidity (NTU) | tj3_fl I Time 1 }l/S3 1 Gal.Purged Q^J Conductance I <Hf)Vl%~\ pH | £^ 66 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) 1 t2/l 1 Turbidity (NTU) I \DO.O I Time 1 i Gal. Purged FJOH | Conductance | Qt9Ul 1 pH | 6.6 7 1 Temp.°C I lMt^ 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) I Stfffl J Turbidity (NTU) | jflg.Q I Timc 1 l^lYs I Gal Purged 1 3.3.1 1 Conductance 1 I pH I £.66 I Temp.'C | |H,y7 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ ^^7 1 Turbidity (NTU) I iffLH 1 White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater Well Purging Equip Used: 1 H | pump or) • [ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I facuAikSoz 1 1 of 2 jj 1 vu CaptUrX' COMPATIBLC WITM>^*J>»<Wi' PUNCTIOMAUTY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | \ Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. gallon(s) s/eo= 1_L2 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q=Pl36 I Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated ] A//A Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj AV/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml D EJ H2S04 Heavy Metals 250 ml • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics • a 250 ml • • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha 1,000 ml HN03 Other (specify) 0 • Sample volume • ta • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: Comment See instruction comment /KrtxvcA o*- IMPjL tStvrri*. O.AA- Ey**v- Preset <W- Pu>™>cv be~g/x^ O.T- IH22. ?u*\? r-i\^v for 13 *A,\AV¥C& 3t? St^o^As. u^Mev tv<x$ t-ie^r- fU^t^U**^ Pc^e.* Pe.pr-U- H> i^^cr a-£fe,- fvtye- ^s ~lO.S>%. Pfrw*cAerJ u/crt- copied ]Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUrX" COMPATIBLE WITHy/Clnvn? FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: 1 Q»±.t\e* ZlUto^forM lQ\\ Location (well name):] TWH^jtS Sampler Name , and initials: 1 f^,.^ flxL*Aevr/ 1 Date and Time for Purginj OZ/ ts> Zt>U and Sampling (if different) OlhUZOiK Well Purging Equip Used:| Ig [pump or| • [ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) i {*r»sJJlc& I pH Buffer 7.0 | -7, Q Sampling Event \Qu^ry&r\y fcuu»w>for,vv 1 Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event | TU/M* 1X3 pH Buffer 4.0 | t\,Q "]nMHOS/cm Well Depth(O.Olft): Specific Conductance QCjq Depth to Water Before PurginglH^. f»M Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) 1 ] pH of Water (avg) | *7. \$ Well Water Temp, (avg) \ iM.MS Weather Cond. Turbidity 1 2133 Redox Potential (Eh)l 2 ID i Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)l~3t*£ Time logs^ 1 Gal.Purged Conductance 13>n4 ""I PH 1^1"? Temp.°C I I Redox Potential Eh (mV) f aia 1 Turbidity (NTU) Time I pq^, I Gal. Purged (T^M Conductance 1 I pH QoZ Temp.^C 1 H8*H i Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ aU 1 Turbimly(NTU) f 1374 1 Timc L<M57 I Gal Purged P^rn Conductance I I pH 1 ~7.i.S 1 Temp.°C I iHM. I Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ Turbidity (NTU) y?66 I Timc I pq.sg I Gal. Purged \ Conductance I I pH \ 7.^ ; | Temp.°C 1 J Redox Potential Eh (mV) f *XtoCj \ Turbidity (NTU) I 23*1*1 I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater - 1 of 2 CaptUTX" COMPATIBLE mn*y/Cb**>&>—FUHCTIOHALITI Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | 33i>, 3.\ Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = gallon(s) 11 Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = 6<n Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated A/ih Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab| AS/A Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml E HCL • Nutrients • 100 ml • H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml D HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml • No Preserv. Gross Alpha 1,000 ml HN03 • O Other (specify) 0 • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction ^Comment Urr.ue,A ft+e. *\4 O^W. G*.r*-^ fcy*.A. $. fre.»e^k for for£&. fcr£tv bc^fXA *Y Oq&{. fur*? ?or \H ^.AUTOS I\AA \% $4~t>9Afe> '^Mtt- vJ(ns £-1^ \-\AWS£\*.I!>V\ pvtye,, a^fu^p^ CiciA s.\»uA. *v xooq, Devpl-U Ve w*a*r b^V*re-**~p.^i u^crc coim+t C\ WM.H^M^ ±fi*Af\t& USCS*" Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater 2 of 2 j* C Ul ^ CaptUrX' COMPATIBIB WITHy/CUlvti? FUNCTIONALITY ' Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO ^ MINES ; ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: I tsf Q^ele.r CkloroPor-rfA 2U?tt Location (well name):} TUJM- Q-A Sampler Name and initials: Date and Time for Purging! 3V ±\ f 1QW and Sampling (if different) I 3L/:2a/;2flH Sampling Event la^rl-.M-ty dUi^rftPor^ I Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I T" U H - I ^ pH Buffer 7.0 \ 1,Q "H pH Buffer 4.0 [ M,f) . Specific Conductance! qqq |tiMHOS/cm Well Depth(0.0lft): | £ Depth to Water Before Purging! rS Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) Well Water Temp, (avg) ! q^gj Weather Cond. ] pH of Water (avg) I Redox Potential (Eh)| 537 ) Turbidity, ! Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)} 1 c> Time Lg^l I GaL Purged | 17 Conductance | ] pH | tjaf?g ] Temp. °C 1 Redox Potential Eh (mV) \ 537 ) Turbidity (NTU) dST^ I Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH L Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) ] Time [ Gal. Purged [ Conductance | | PH Temp. °C Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Timc Conductance |[ Temp. °C £ Gal. Purged £ —\ PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Well Purging Equip Used:| 8 [pump or) • \ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) 1 r->ry*<kS&<* I White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater y, 1 Of2 CaptljrX" COMPATIBLE WITH^/Cbtvttf FUNCTIONALITY Mill - G^undwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged | 17„ | Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm S/60= 1)7 gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T«2V/Q- I 1.66 Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated I7,6fl I Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj A//A Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml HCL • Nutrients 100 ml H2S04 13 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml • • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics 250 ml No Preserv. • • Gross Alpha • 1,000 ml • • HN03 • Other (specify) • Sample volume 0 • 13 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: I ! s o I Comment Arrii/tvA DAjCite-^cf 0^33., £a.rf-;*v <XAJL fcy*wv frtv.$cv^r- $cc pvr^e*. pi^t- be^*.A- AT 6ohe.6VtA L-t-%¥ 5tjr> tvl P30H„ 3 I Do not touch this cell (SheetName) See instruction White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptUrX" COMPATIBLI WlTHyA^HP/ 2 of 2 "FUNCTIONALITY Mill -'Groundwater Discharge Permit groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 ATTACHMENT J WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER 4 MINES I Description of Sampling Event: I \ it tSuiif-li^r £l«»\i?rfl 'for»w Attachment 1 S<c instruct wn Location (well name):| X U (,D Sampler Name arid initials: I 6>>•»>', A ,P<x,lM6r \ Date and Time for Purging &3/3<7\A I and Sampling (if different) 3 Well Purging Equip Used: J3_ pump or) • [ bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) [ Sampling Event \ BloojrYcrVf ^Ultwfe^i Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event I ,"TT Cj H -.3>(? pH Buffer 7.0 [^ff | pH Buffer 4.0 | M*Q Specific Conductance) q^^, |uMHOS/cm Well Depth(0.01ft): [ JK//A 3 Depth to Water Before Purging! A/tA Casing Volume (V) 4" WeU: 3MWell; 2 (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | 3 pH of Water (avg) Well Water Temp. <avg) t jfe^l I Redox Potential (Eh)| &g£~~\ Turbidity! O 1 Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)! Weather Cond. Time Conductance Temp. bC Gal. Purged 7*6 1 P^EDO Redox Potential Eh (mV) j *pJ&Q \ Turbidity (NTU) 0 Time [ ] Gal. Purged [ Conductance Temp. aC [ 3 PH[ c Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) r Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged [ ~3 pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) 1 Time [ Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged —] pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CaptlirX' COMPATIBLE mtHysrfat. 1 of 2 rilNCTrONAtlTY Mill -.Groundwater Discharge Permit groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged | O \ gallon(s) Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60 = Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q= | .Q Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated c 1 Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labj JSfJ^ Oate: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs • 3x40 ml • HCL ft • Nutrients S 100 ml 0 H2S04 m • Heavy Metals Of 250 ml • HN03 All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha a 1,000 ml a HN03 • Other (specify) 0 Sample volume «3 • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction ^Comment yArCW/eA CA iite 6<-rriA. P*W*er fr^S^Y '5A*+p\\A$ eW£A*< S^pU> ^evrev coi\c£,\tk <K.\ IHf^ 5i^^V IM5?c Do not touch this cell (ShectNamc) White Mesa Mid Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater CapttirX" COMPATIBLE WITHydft. 2 of 2 FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) OENISO MINES J>4A ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. Attachment 1 See instruction Description of Sampling Event: [kf IrWrt^r ^kWrpfofy* Q-OW Location (well name):| fji^.^ Sampler Name ^^^^m^Mm^. and initials: I fefr.rr.Vi P^i^er / 6>f Date and Time for Puigiij^/j_7/ flL&li and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used:} g [pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I (pru^Vcs Sampling Event lOt/cirfr^My ^uw<y£pry\| Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 7.0 | ~7.fy H pH Buffer4.0 | l\,Q Specific Conductance) CjC\q [LIMHOS/ cm Well Depth(0.01ft): [ | Depth to Water Before Purging! *7|,fl3. Casing Volume (V) 4" Well: 3" Well: o o (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) | \ 3 % pH of Water (avg) 6,7. ] Well Water Temp, (avg) 1 15.1*4 1 Redox Potential (Eh)! 3L3^H Turbiditynif^. M I Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. *C (prior sampling event)) 0*t~ Time Gal. Purged Conductance £ Temp. °C f 3 PH[ Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) f Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Tuitidity(NTU) [ 1 Time f Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged [ ZJ PH[ ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance £ Temp. °C £ Gal. Purged Z3 pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) ] White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^ 1 of 2 CapXUrX" COMPATIBLE WITHyCUt^Ar--FUNCTIONALITY Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Volume of Water Purged Pumpirm Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm. S/60* gallon(s) Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T = 2V/Q = ] Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab) A//A Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 3x40 ml • HCL • Nutrients 0 100 ml • H2S04 Heavy Metals • • 250 ml • HN03 • All Other Non Radiologics • • 250 ml • • No Preserv. • Gross Alpha • • 1,000 ml • • HN03 • • Other (specify) Sample volume 0 If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: ; Comment See instruction White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater Do not touch this cell (SheetName) si 2 0f2 CaptUTX COMPATIBLE WITHx'<fc**'/i> FUNCTIONALITY * Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 0ENISO MIMES J>AA ATTACHMENT 1 WHITE MESA URANIUM MILL FIELD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Attachment 1 r$ See instruction Description of Sampling Event: lul- Qj^^*r £\*\&ro ffgiV* O.0i\ Location (well name):| TlJH»7Q Sampler Name ] and initials: I r^rh^ Qx\**e,r / 6P 1 Date and Time for Purging) 3.^ / Q Q\\ | and Sampling (if different) Well Purging Equip Used: j S [pump or| • | bailer Well Pump (if other than Bennet) I &.~^AA?£V Sampling Event e>r\y ct*\n r/A Prev. Well Sampled in Sampling Event pH Buffer 4.0 uMHOS/ cm Well Depth(0.01ft): pH Buffer 7.0 | ~I.Q ] Specific Conductance [goq 13L Depth to Water Before PurgingTs ^^ | Casing Volume (V) 4n Well: 3" Well J2L (.653h) (.367h) Conductance (avg) I 1 ] pH of Water (avg) | &. Well Water Temp, (avg) I IM. H7I Redox Potential (Eh)| I Turbidityl tjjg.ff Weather Cond. Ext'l Amb. Temp. °C (prior sampling event)l Q.» Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged pH Redox Potential Eh (mV) [ Turbidity (NTU) f Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) £ Turbidity (NTU) Timc Gal. Purged £ Conductance Temp. °C ] PH[ ] Redox Potential Eh (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Time Conductance Temp. °C Gal. Purged I PH Redox Potential Eh (mV) \_ Turbidity (NTU) [ White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater sf , 1 of2 CapttirX' COWPATIBH WITHy^Uwar— FUHCTIOHAIITT Mill - Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Date: 03/22/2010 Rev. 6 Volume of Water Purged | UjQt g Pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate (Q), in gpm, S/60 = gallon(s) ] Time to evacuate two casing volumes (2V) T-2V/Q* Hi .?? Number of casing volumes evacuated (if other than two) If well evacuated to dryness, number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labi A/IA Type of Sample Sample Taken N Sample Vol (indicate if other than as specified below) Filtered N Preservative Type Preservative Added N VOCs 63 3x40 ml • HCL 81 • Nutrients • 100 ml H2S04 • Heavy Metals • 250 ml • • HN03 • • All Other Non Radiologics • 250 ml • No Preserv. Gross Alpha • LOOO ml • • HN03 Other (specify) • Sample volume • If preservative is used, specify Type and Quantity of Preservative: See instruction Comment Do not touch this cell (SheetName) White Mesa Mill Field Data Worksheet for Groundwater ^4 2 0,2 CapttirX" tOMPATIBLS WITHyCI***tfo fUMCTIOWAtlTV TabC Weekly and Monthly Depth to Water Data o Date I-H-3.0H Time Well o o Depth to Water Name T^^r lUU^ MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Water: Depth Comments 71.03 7$.7f FlOW -flu* M«Wtogs Wen Meter 3S733)«46 Meter 4-7H«50.O Flow 64 feVPrf Meter |0*;UW$.H:5 Flow L4 t>PM Meter masrt.Tf Flow t>£ mi Meter anfuio* Depth to Water Date i/W«2of) Time Well Name *7 Depth Comments MW-4 fe1 51 FlOW 3LM (*9** Meter 3£ai7a.s3 TW4-15 T5 Flow 5,4 (SprA Meter mgfel.Q I3as TW4-19 Flow &j Meter iofla&ax.3M TW4-20 71 7<* Flow |.b 6-PM Meter nmm.gj mos> TW4-4 Flow 6P0| Water: Meter V7£,\ I* o Chloroform Wells Date I - il- Hail Time Q<HS7 _£&HL ICII 0J£SS_ loot 09:sz. Well MW-4 TW4-1 TW4-2 TW4-3 TW4-4 TW4-5 TW4-6 TW4-7 TW4-8 TW4-9 TW4-10 TW4-11 TW4-12 TW4-13 TW4-14 TW4-15 TW4-16 TW4-17 7W4-18 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-21 TW4-22 TW4-23 TW4-24 TW4-25 TW4-26 Depth 47. ia 63* 3 Name £ ity*^ Comments o o o Date Time Well Depth to Water Name /5fl.,:^ Depth Comments MW-4 Flow H3 ^PH Meter ?67^?-s^ TW4-15 Flow Pou^r off Meter H&ag4.o TW4-19 Flow -7u ^PM Meter \22>L TW4-20 FlOW PQU3er A off 0 Meter y\at&36 TW4-4 Flow Meter jwpnta Water: Q Depth to Water Date Name Ql Time Well Depth Comments o o 421Z MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Water: JMR. an. Flow V. H /ifitvx Meter,? 73 y/j 7, * Flow 6.3 (*Pri{ Meter 6H%{><1*> ft Flow ? . Meter U7%12\.L Flow /. ^ /^V FUM7AA Meter / 4^/.^ i~ Flow -7, y cWi Meter;3f^/7^ o Q Date 1-31 Time Well Depth to Water Name Q*i*/" QX2A. AMI Ml M2t MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Water: Depth Comments tin Flow y.y fa fa Meter 37%tf5"7- H Flow s.tj 6Prt Meter HtM^O Flow 7. £&/A\ Meter j/y^J//. j/ Flow /, ,7 /*?t»\ Meter isrr/C$T7. 2 Flow g. s 6,M Meter onnir.l Depth to Water Date 2-1-low Time Well Name 1"*«ntr Depth Comments MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Water: 46.1/ it.so £1.5 7A/?a Flow j?^ ^.PM Meter 3S/3JH.13 Flow 5 4 ^PAI Meter q 1,373.0 Flow &.o Meter \\t*Afr.& FlowjfL;f /j^ ^ L//> Li£ Meter fen72 .MM Flow &4 Meter Depth to Water Time Well WL mi MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 7W4-20 TW4-4 Water: Depth Name "7^L Pjfm.S— Comments Flow ^,<r Meter^gxz-yj. y Flow si fr- <U. Meter ng^AM Flow <?./ Cjrfn Meter /? ?/^_ 7 /Ly*t Flow /C, ^ s*M Meter }<r//77.4' £6*' Flow Meter ^^.<ss. r Date JL-^LI-Jlfel Time Well Depth to Water Name Depth ML Comments nil MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-4 Water: 78.11 70.01> FlOW A)e«>S « noo Meter 3-If Flow s.f Meter som i.o Flow g.o tVpM Meter ta&>7.3H..£5 FlOW <s^mr * fti;i pcrRrwcd. Meter n^ Uck FlOW a.Q. LA, aftW Mchr Meter SN^H.O // M/J jj if 4/LJ M.t MAI ILL V Depth to Water Pate xt2A/as>\\ Time Well Name Depth Comments MW-4 Flow g.3 £ps\ Meter LI^X^^MO TW4-15 Flow Meter ££>~7gM.S5 TW4-19 Flow d.7 ^•P'i Meter is5H037 ^s TW4-20 69.35 Flow 10 <?M TW4-4 Meter 15/7 iss, io Flow ~?,6 Meter ^zansj^ Water: Depth to Water Date Time Well Name T^n^r W*\\>k* Depth Comments J00O MW-4 IS.oa FlOW (rPM Meter 407HQ3.3M TW4-15 SO A3 FlOW 5.c Meter sino.o ISQO TW4-19 Flow g.o Meter ,3s40H3.&5 TW4-20 Flow /oil G-m Meter 146-7^ TW4-4 70-01 FlOW 83 6-fM Water: Meter 33."73iMl^ 3O)|0l 13 5.1 Depth to Water pate s-m-a Time Well Depth Name /^nrtl^ raJiM-tr- Comments MW-4 Flow Meter omu.ofcw,<i3 TW4-15 Flow 5.4 G-PM Meter StfcMa..o SOS TW4-19 Flow a,afcP// Meter mzs5~ TW4-20 Flow IQ.l\ Crf<A Meter o\c&i\s.xl TW4-4 FIOW mm %.s 6-PM Water: Meter ?&>t,iSA Date Time Well Depth to Water Name '*\MM\*S V)oH-«l«- Depth 1 Comments MW-4 Flow 4,^ ^/Vl Meter MOQH-5.S.3I TW4-15 Flow s.g Meter j^.Mg TW4-19 FlOW "7.5 6r^V Meter IL/WAQ^SS XOiO TW4-20 Flow IQ /Cf^ Meter nog^.^M TW4-4 Flow q,g 6rV\ Meter s^^q.^ Water: Depth to Water Pate Time Well Name ^Xl^< §o\kh Depth Comments MW-4 70.7,3 Flow M .3 G&A Meter *\xi\2f(.z\ TW4-15 7H.MI FlOW SM Meter ^m.o \ZS1 TW4-19 Flow c,5 6-PM Meter \SMC%2.AC TW4-20 &5t-"7l FlOW )Q,j 6-PfA an TW4-4 Water: 7ft,15 Meter rr^^ ^ Flow 3,4, C-PM Meter ^(J7^.£ Chloroform Wells Date ^- OJC-l{ Name Pci^«o Time Well Depth Comments \2M MW-4 HQ 12 /g/g TW4-1 •aASgr* TW4-2 A7./>± TW4-3 H*i.2o Ji2i TW4-4 7o.Q.£ /a/o TW4-5 5b. %o mat, TW4-6 7o.«<-L TW4-7 /AH. TW4-8 ifl-ig- TW4-9 -S^.61 mo* 7W4-10 St.m 1^ TW4-11 s?.?a TW4-12 S^.IH ia3l TW4-13 )3 TW4-14 S7.-7S TW4-15 -7M.M| TW4-16 6M.31 >a3l TW4-17 -?£.oS _LZHf_ TW4-18 57 MM Ig&U TW4-19 91. S3 asm TW4-20 ji37l TW4-21 cg.K /aofc TW4-22 gf.il yaffil TW4-23 /a:ov TW4-24 ss.so tf& TW4-25 ^.gi I TW4-26 fiM.t^ Depth to Water Date M-CH-fl Time Well O&HO MW-4 TW4-15 TW4-19 0530 TW4-20 QftH3 TW4-4 Depth Name ^C*wcr t Ey\ s Comments 7&.I.S I0|. 3| Flow 4^ (^PK Meter H33£71;u Flow 5.H CrPlM Meter Flow k.g 4.IL~<PM Meter Mt I • I Flow IQJ w Meter f7<n3i.A7 Flow S.7 £rW Meter 3S1K30.5 Water: TabD Kriged Current Quarter Groundwater Contour Map, Details Map, and Depth to Water Summary Quarterly Depth to Water NAME: Garrin Palmer, Ryan Scheirman DATE: 2/28/2011 Static Static TIME WELL Static level TIME WELL Level TIME WELL Level 1458 MW-1 65.29 839 MW-2 109.93 942 MW-3 83.50 943 MW-3A 85.55 912 MW-5 106.09 909 MW-11 89.37 915 MW-12 108.76 859 MW-14 104.00 857 MW-15 106.75 939 MW-17 76.04 1456 MW-18 74.90 1452 MW-19 51.30 1432 MW-20 83.97 1438 MW-22 67.32 842 MW-23 117.43 829 MW-24 114.81 903 MW-25 74.91 1252 MW-26 78.68 826 MW-27 51.09 834 MW-28 77.29 921 MW-29 102.58 922 MW-30 76.83 926 MW-31 69.03 934 MW-32 76.56 848 MW-33 Dry 853 MW-34 108.20 846 MW-35 112.67 Comments: 1004 MW-4 75.33 1001 TW4-1 63.84 1007 TW4-2 67.11 900 TW4-3 49.63 1258 TW4-4 69.05 1012 TW4-5 57.15 956 TW4-6 70.80 1005 TW4-7 67.14 932 TW4-8 66.90 1010 TW4-9 54.96 1015 TW4-10 57.10 1016 TW4-11 58.20 906 TW4-12 39.58 909 TW4-13 46.84 912 TW4-14 87.99 1252 TW4-15 78.68 1020 TW4-16 64.76 934 TW4-17 76.56 1522 TW4-18 57.72 1320 TW4-19 81.03 1248 TW4-20 69.35 1524 TW4-21 59.82 1026 TW4-22 54.51 928 TW4-23 65.83 1024 TW4-24 56.05 925 TW4-25 46.73 952 TW4-26 64.52 1447 PIEZ-1 62.04 1500 PIEZ-2 17.20 1503 PIEZ-3 41.96 932 PIEZ-4 48.92 934 PIEZ-5 43.91 1513 TWN-1 49.80 1000 TWN-2 16.05 1005 TWN-3 31.61 1406 TWN-4 38.18 1523 TWN-5 70.10 1039 TWN-6 74.78 1518 TWN-7 89.58 1021 TWN-8 61.81 1245 TWN-9 63.91 1250 TWN-10 81.38 1422 TWN-11 69.57 1418 TWN-12 33.89 1302 TWN-13 46.68 1311 TWN-14 62.79 1254 TWN-15 92.45 1407 TWN-16 48.50 1400 TWN-17 34.59 1012 TWN-18 58.10 1431 TWN-19 52.87 All depths were checked. i-a 3«nou JJS'1. 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ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OO NO NO OO ON 09/13/07 - 11/02/07 12/22/07 - 02/10/08 - 03/31/08 - 05/20/08 07/09/08 - 08/28/08 10/17/08 - 12/06/08 - 01/25/09 - 03/16/09 - 05/05/09 - 06/24/09 08/13/09 10/02/09 11/21/09 - 01/10/10 - 03/01/10 - 04/20/10 06/09/10 07/29/10 - 09/17/10 11/06/10 12/26/10 02/14/11 04/05/11 05/25/11 H I I ft O fD 73 rt cr O < fD H B fD cr 3 Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) on on on on on on on on on on on on ON ON on on ON ON ON ON -r 09/13/07 to © 00 ON © 00 11/02/07 12/22/07 02/10/08 03/31/08 05/20/08 - 07/09/08 08/28/08 - 10/17/08 12/06/08 01/25/09 - 03/16/09 - 05/05/09 - 06/24/09 - 08/13/09 - 10/02/09 - 11/21/09 01/10/10 03/01/10 04/20/10 06/09/10 07/29/10 09/17/10 11/06/10 - 12/26/10 - 02/14/11 - 04/05/11 05/25/11 H I rt fb o a 73 rt cr O < fb "t H 3 cr Depth Below Measuring Point (ft.) o ON o Ol o 4^ © o N3 O 09/13/07 h 11/02/07 12/22/07 - 02/10/08 - 03/31/08 05/20/08 - 07/09/08 - 08/28/08 - 10/17/08 - 12/06/08 - 01/25/09 - 03/16/09 05/05/09 h 06/24/09 08/13/09 - 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Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,529.92 5,530.25 5,530.20 5,530.19 5,529.75 5,530.98 5,531.35 5,531.62 5,532.58 5,533.42 5,534.70 5,535.44 5,537.16 5,538.37 5,539.10 5,539.13 5,542.29 5,551.58 5,552.08 5,552.83 5,553.47 5,554.63 5,555.13 5,555.73 5,556.03 5,555.73 5,555.98 5,556.05 5,556.18 5,556.05 5,556.15 5,556.18 5,556.17 5,556.26 5,556.35 5,556.38 5,556.39 5,556.57 5,556.68 5,556.73 5,556.82 5,556.84 5,556.81 12/09/92 03/24/93 06/08/93 09/22/93 12/14/93 03/24/94 06/15/94 08/18/94 12/13/94 03/16/95 06/27/95 09/20/95 12/11/95 03/28/96 06/07/96 09/16/96 03/20/97 04/07/99 05/11/99 07/06/99 09/28/99 01/03/00 04/04/00 05/02/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/25/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 09/29/00 10/05/00 92.41 92.08 92.13 92.14 92.58 91.35 90.98 90.71 89.75 88.91 87.63 86.89 85.17 83.96 83.23 83.20 80.04 70.75 70.25 69.50 68.86 67.70 67.20 66.60 66.30 66.60 66.35 66.28 66.15 66.28 66.18 66.15 66.16 66.07 65.98 65.95 65.94 65.76 65.65 65.60 65.51 65.49 65.52 90.85 90.52 90.57 90.58 91.02 89.79 89.42 89.15 88.19 87.35 86.07 85.33 83.61 82.40 81.67 81.64 78.48 69.19 68.69 67.94 67.30 66.14 65.64 65.04 64.74 65.04 64.79 64.72 64.59 64.72 64.62 64.59 64.60 64.51 64.42 64.39 64.38 64.20 64.09 64.04 63.95 63.93 63.96 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,556.89 5,556.98 5,557.01 5,557.14 5,557.17 5,556.95 5,557.08 5,557.55 5,557.66 5,557.78 5,558.28 5,558.23 5,558.31 5,558.49 5,558.66 5,559.01 5,559.24 5,559.26 5,559.27 5,559.77 5,559.78 5,559.96 5,560.16 5,560.28 5,560.76 5,560.58 5,560.43 5,560.44 5,560.71 5,560.89 5,557.86 5,561.10 5,561.39 5,561.41 5,561.93 5,561.85 5,536.62 5,528.56 5,535.28 5,534.44 5,537.10 5,539.96 5,535.91 10/12/00 10/19/00 10/23/00 11/09/00 11/14/00 11/21/00 11/30/00 12/07/00 01/14/01 02/09/01 03/29/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/22/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 65.44 65.35 65.32 65.19 65.16 65.38 65.25 64.78 64.67 64.55 64.05 64.10 64.02 63.84 63.67 63.32 63.09 63.07 63.06 62.56 62.55 62.37 62.17 62.05 61.57 61.75 61.90 61.89 61.62 61.44 64.47 61.23 60.94 60.92 60.40 60.48 85.71 93.77 87.05 87.89 85.23 82.37 86.42 63.88 63.79 63.76 63.63 63.60 63.82 63.69 63.22 63.11 62.99 62.49 62.54 62.46 62.28 62.11 61.76 61.53 61.51 61.50 61.00 60.99 60.81 60.61 60.49 60.01 60.19 60.34 60.33 60.06 59.88 62.91 59.67 59.38 59.36 58.84 58.92 84.15 92.21 85.49 86.33 83.67 80.81 84.86 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 5,550.70 5,557.58 5,558.80 5,560.08 5,560.55 5,561.06 5,561.48 5,561.86 5,529.17 5,536.55 5,529.00 5,541.55 5,541.12 5,540.59 5,542.85 5,537.91 5,548.67 5,549.53 5,544.36 5,545.16 5,544.67 5,541.28 5,536.96 5,546.49 5,546.15 5,545.15 5,545.91 5,545.90 5,548.16 5,547.20 5,547.20 5,547.79 5,545.09 5,550.36 5,550.39 5,542.25 5,542.25 5,550.19 5,550.94 5,546.08 5,550.98 5,548.33 5,551.01 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 09/27/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/17/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/13/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/25/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 71.63 64.75 63.53 62.25 61.78 61.27 60.85 60.47 93.16 85.78 93.33 80.78 81.21 81.74 79.48 84.42 73.66 72.80 77.97 77.17 77.66 81.05 85.37 75.84 76.18 77.18 76.42 76.43 74.17 75.13 75.13 74.54 77.24 71.97 71.94 80.08 80.08 72.14 71.39 76.25 71.35 74.00 71.32 70.07 63.19 61.97 60.69 60.22 59.71 59.29 58.91 91.60 84.22 91.77 79.22 79.65 80.18 77.92 82.86 72.10 71.24 76.41 75.61 76.10 79.49 83.81 74.28 74.62 75.62 74.86 74.87 72.61 73.57 73.57 72.98 75.68 70.41 70.38 78.52 78.52 70.58 69.83 74.69 69.79 72.44 69.76 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,547.00 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.56 123.6 02/28/11 75.33 73.77 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-4A Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.51 5,622.31 1.80 121.33 5,560.53 5,560.76 5,560.96 5,561.00 5,561.19 5,561.46 5,561.48 5,561.96 5,561.94 5,536.88 5,529.35 5,535.54 5,534.74 5,536.74 5,540.24 5,536.13 5,550.77 5,557.67 5,558.87 5,560.16 5,560.63 5,561.14 5,561.56 5,561.95 5,529.25 5,536.63 5,529.08 5,541.63 5,541.20 5,540.67 5,543.45 5,537.99 5,549.27 5,545.08 5,544.94 5,544.71 5,545.23 5,545.00 5,537.45 5,546.86 5,546.66 5,545.63 5,546.18 8/23/02 9/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/3/02 1/9/03 2/12/03 3/26/03 4/2/03 5/1/03 6/9/03 7/7/03 8/4/03 9/11/03 10/2/03 11/7/03 12/3/03 1/15/04 2/10/04 3/28/04 4/12/04 5/13/04 6/18/04 7/28/04 8/30/04 9/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 1/18/05 2/28/05 3/15/05 4/26/05 5/24/05 6/30/05 7/29/05 9/12/05 9/27/05 12/7/05 3/8/06 6/13/06 7/18/06 11/7/06 61.78 61.55 61.35 61.31 61.12 60.85 60.83 60.35 60.37 85.43 92.96 86.77 87.57 85.57 82.07 86.18 71.54 64.64 63.44 62.15 61.68 61.17 60.75 60.36 93.06 85.68 93.23 80.68 81.11 81.64 78.86 84.32 73.04 77.23 77.37 77.60 77.08 77.31 84.86 75.45 75.65 76.68 76.13 59.98 59.75 59.55 59.51 59.32 59.05 59.03 58.55 58.57 83.63 91.16 84.97 85.77 83.77 80.27 84.38 69.74 62.84 61.64 60.35 59.88 59.37 58.95 58.56 91.26 83.88 91.43 78.88 79.31 79.84 77.06 82.52 71.24 75.43 75.57 75.80 75.28 75.51 83.06 73.65 73.85 74.88 74.33 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-4A Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,620.51 5,622.31 1.80 121.33 5,545.30 2/27/07 77.01 75.21 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.02 111.04 5,540.98 5,541.13 5,541.23 5,541.23 5,540.98 5,541.03 5,541.03 5,540.93 5,541.23 5,541.23 5,541.33 5,541.43 5,541.73 5,541.43 5,541.43 5,541.18 5,540.93 5,541.23 5,541.43 5,541.33 5,541.63 5,541.33 5,541.63 5,541.63 5,541.65 5,541.63 5,541.85 5,541.79 5,541.91 5,542.17 5,542.31 5,542.43 5,542.41 5,542.08 5,542.93 5,542.87 5,543.09 5,543.25 5,543.44 5,544.08 5,544.49 5,546.14 5,547.44 11/08/99 11/09/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/01/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/14/01 02/02/01 81.35 81.20 81.10 81.10 81.35 81.30 81.30 81.40 81.10 81.10 81.00 80.90 80.60 80.90 80.90 81.15 81.40 81.10 80.90 81.00 80.70 81.00 80.70 80.70 80.68 80.70 80.48 80.54 80.42 80.16 80.02 79.90 79.92 80.25 79.40 79.46 79.24 79.08 78.89 78.25 77.84 76.19 74.89 80.33 80.18 80.08 80.08 80.33 80.28 80.28 80.38 80.08 80.08 79.98 79.88 79.58 79.88 79.88 80.13 80.38 80.08 79.88 79.98 79.68 79.98 79.68 79.68 79.66 79.68 79.46 79.52 79.40 79.14 79.00 78.88 78.90 79.23 78.38 78.44 78.22 78.06 77.87 77.23 76.82 75.17 73.87 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.02 111.04 5,548.71 5,549.20 5,549.64 5,549.94 5,550.25 5,550.93 5,551.34 5,551.59 5,549.64 5,549.94 5,550.25 5,550.93 5,551.34 5,551.59 5,551.87 5,552.40 5,552.62 5,553.12 5,553.75 5,553.97 5,554.56 5,554.54 5,554.83 5,555.29 5,555.54 5,555.94 5,556.02 5,556.23 5,556.49 5,556.67 5,557.15 5,557.23 5,556.07 5,554.28 5,553.84 5,553.39 5,553.06 5,553.33 5,553.25 5,553.82 5,555.61 5,556.32 5,557.38 03/29/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/22/01 07/10/01 08/10/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 73.62 73.13 72.69 72.39 72.08 71.40 70.99 70.74 72.69 72.39 72.08 71.40 70.99 70.74 70.46 69.93 69.71 69.21 68.58 68.36 67.77 67.79 67.50 67.04 66.79 66.39 66.31 66.10 65.84 65.66 65.18 65.10 66.26 68.05 68.49 68.94 69.27 69.00 69.08 68.51 66.72 66.01 64.95 72.60 72.11 71.67 71.37 71.06 70.38 69.97 69.72 71.67 71.37 71.06 70.38 69.97 69.72 69.44 68.91 68.69 68.19 67.56 67.34 66.75 66.77 66.48 66.02 65.77 65.37 65.29 65.08 64.82 64.64 64.16 64.08 65.24 67.03 67.47 67.92 68.25 67.98 68.06 67.49 65.70 64.99 63.93 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depthto Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,620.77 5,622.33 1.02 111.04 5,557.79 5,558.35 5,560.03 5,560.36 5,557.96 5,557.24 5,556.28 5,556.17 5,556.21 5,555.82 5,555.96 5,556.01 5,556.05 5,556.00 5,555.97 5,555.90 5,556.22 5,556.25 5,556.71 5,556.98 5,560.95 5,557.07 5,558.10 5,557.82 5,557.82 5,557.63 5,559.48 5,560.35 5,560.58 5,560.62 5,560.65 5,560.66 5,560.36 5,560.53 5,560.50 5,559.94 5,559.01 5,558.41 5,558.49 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/14/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 64.54 63.98 62.30 61.97 64.37 65.09 66.05 66.16 66.12 66.51 66.37 66.32 66.28 66.33 66.36 66.43 66.11 66.08 65.62 65.35 61.38 65.26 64.23 64.51 64.51 64.70 62.85 61.98 61.75 61.71 61.68 61.67 61.97 61.8 61.83 62.39 63.32 63.92 63.84 63.52 62.96 61.28 60.95 63.35 64.07 65.03 65.14 65.10 65.49 65.35 65.30 65.26 65.31 65.34 65.41 65.09 65.06 64.60 64.33 60.36 64.24 63.21 63.49 63.49 63.68 61.83 60.96 60.73 60.69 60.66 60.65 60.95 60.78 60.81 61.37 62.30 62.90 62.82 Water Elevation Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,623.10 5,625.00 1.90 121.125 5,548.85 5,548.85 5,548.60 5,548.80 5,548.60 5,549.00 5,548.90 5,548.90 5,549.30 5,549.40 5,549.50 5,549.60 5,549.50 5,550.20 5,550.00 5,549.70 5,549.80 5,550.00 5,550.10 5,550.10 5,550.40 5,550.10 5,550.40 5,550.40 5,550.50 5,550.35 5,550.45 5,550.45 5,550.46 5,550.61 5,550.66 5,550.68 5,550.70 5,550.82 5,551.15 5,551.25 5,551.32 5,546.11 5,546.75 5,547.16 5,552.46 5,552.48 5,551.38 11/08/99 11/09/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/26/01 02/02/01 03/29/01 76.15 76.15 76.40 76.20 76.40 76.00 76.10 76.10 75.70 75.60 75.50 75.40 75.50 74.80 75.00 75.30 75.20 75.00 74.90 74.90 74.60 74.90 74.60 74.60 74.50 74.65 74.55 74.55 74.54 74.39 74.34 74.32 74.30 74.18 73.85 73.75 73.68 78.89 78.25 77.84 72.54 72.52 73.62 74.25 74.25 74.50 74.30 74.50 74.10 74.20 74.20 73.80 73.70 73.60 73.50 73.60 72.90 73.10 73.40 73.30 73.10 73.00 73.00 72.70 73.00 72.70 72.70 72.60 72.75 72.65 72.65 72.64 72.49 72.44 72.42 72.40 72.28 71.95 71.85 71.78 76.99 76.35 75.94 70.64 70.62 71.72 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,623.10 5,625.00 1.90 121.125 5,551.87 5,552.31 5,552.61 5,552.92 5,553.60 5,554.01 5,554.26 5,554.42 5,555.07 5,555.02 5,555.19 5,555.43 5,555.67 5,556.01 5,556.07 5,556.19 5,556.32 5,556.53 5,557.00 5,556.70 5,557.29 5,557.48 5,557.63 5,558.11 5,558.15 5,553.99 5,549.26 5,548.42 5,548.03 5,547.50 5,547.96 5,547.80 5,548.57 5,554.28 5,555.74 5,557.18 5,557.77 5,558.35 5,558.47 5,559.28 5,554.54 5,552.25 5,549.93 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 73.13 72.69 72.39 72.08 71.40 70.99 70.74 70.58 69.93 69.98 69.81 69.57 69.33 68.99 68.93 68.81 68.68 68.47 68.00 68.30 67.71 67.52 67.37 66.89 66.85 71.01 75.74 76.58 76.97 77.50 77.04 77.20 76.43 70.72 69.26 67.82 67.23 66.65 66.53 65.72 70.46 72.75 75.07 71.23 70.79 70.49 70.18 69.50 69.09 68.84 68.68 68.03 68.08 67.91 67.67 67.43 67.09 67.03 66.91 66.78 66.57 66.10 66.40 65.81 65.62 65.47 64.99 64.95 69.11 73.84 74.68 75.07 75.60 75.14 75.30 74.53 68.82 67.36 65.92 65.33 64.75 64.63 63.82 68.56 70.85 73.17 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,623.10 5,625.00 1.90 121.125 5,550.17 5,550.65 5,550.23 5,550.37 5,550.41 5,550.46 5,550.60 5,550.49 5,550.39 5,550.61 5,550.57 5,551.58 5,551.70 5,550.80 5550.80 5553.17 5,552.34 5,552.30 5,552.48 5,554.86 5,555.51 5,555.57 5,555.71 5,556.01 5,556.53 5,556.22 5,556.81 5,558.15 5,557.91 5,557.52 5,557.28 5,557.89 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/14/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 74.83 74.35 74.77 74.63 74.59 74.54 74.40 74.51 74.61 74.39 74.43 73.42 73.3 74.20 74.20 71.83 72.66 72.7 72.52 70.14 69.49 69.43 69.29 68.99 68.47 68.78 68.19 66.85 67.09 67.48 67.72 67.11 72.93 72.45 72.87 72.73 72.69 72.64 72.50 72.61 72.71 72.49 72.53 71.52 71.40 72.30 72.30 69.93 70.76 70.80 70.62 68.24 67.59 67.53 67.39 67.09 66.57 66.88 66.29 64.95 65.19 65.58 65.82 65.21 Water Elevation (z) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Water (blwXSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 141 5,565.78 5,566.93 5,567.03 5,566.83 5,567.13 5,567.33 5,567.13 5,567.43 5,567.63 5,567.73 5,567.83 5,567.70 5,568.03 5,567.93 5,567.63 5,567.83 5,568.03 5,568.23 5,568.13 5,568.53 5,568.23 5,568.53 5,568.61 5,568.69 5,568.45 5,568.61 5,568.61 5,568.49 5,568.55 5,568.65 5,568.73 5,568.77 5,568.76 5,568.95 5,568.49 5,568.67 5,568.96 5,568.93 5,569.34 5,568.79 5,569.11 5,569.75 5,570.34 11/29/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/16/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/28/01 66.45 65.30 65.20 65.40 65.10 64.90 65.10 64.80 64.60 64.50 64.40 64.53 64.20 64.30 64.60 64.40 64.20 64.00 64.10 63.70 64.00 63.70 63.62 63.54 63.78 63.62 63.62 63.74 63.68 63.58 63.50 63.46 63.47 63.28 63.74 63.56 63.27 63.3 62.89 63.44 63.12 62.48 61.89 65.43 64.28 64.18 64.38 64.08 63.88 64.08 63.78 63.58 63.48 63.38 63.51 63.18 63.28 63.58 63.38 63.18 62.98 63.08 62.68 62.98 62.68 62.60 62.52 62.76 62.60 62.60 62.72 62.66 62.56 62.48 62.44 62.45 62.26 62.72 62.54 62.25 62.28 61.87 62.42 62.10 61.46 60.87 Water Elevation (z) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Water (bhv.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 141 5,570.61 5,570.70 5,570.88 5,571.02 5,571.70 5,572.12 5,572.08 5,570.70 5,570.88 5,571.02 5,571.70 5,572.12 5,572.08 5,572.78 5,573.27 5,573.47 5,573.93 5,574.75 5,574.26 5,575.39 5,574.84 5,575.33 5,575.79 5,576.08 5,576.30 5,576.35 5,576.54 5,576.96 5,577.11 5,577.61 5,572.80 5,577.89 5,577.91 5,577.53 5,577.50 5,577.71 5,577.31 5,577.33 5,577.34 5,578.24 5,578.38 5,578.69 5,579.15 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 61.62 61.53 61.35 61.21 60.53 60.11 60.15 61.53 61.35 61.21 60.53 60.11 60.15 59.45 58.96 58.76 58.30 57.48 57.97 56.84 57.39 56.90 56.44 56.15 55.93 55.88 55.69 55.27 55.12 54.62 59.43 54.34 54.32 54.70 54.73 54.52 54.92 54.90 54.89 53.99 53.85 53.54 53.08 60.60 60.51 60.33 60.19 59.51 59.09 59.13 60.51 60.33 60.19 59.51 59.09 59.13 58.43 57.94 57.74 57.28 56.46 56.95 55.82 56.37 55.88 55.42 55.13 54.91 54.86 54.67 54.25 54.10 53.60 58.41 53.32 53.30 53.68 53.71 53.50 53.90 53.88 53.87 52.97 52.83 52.52 52.06 Water Elevation Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Water (blw.LSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,631.21 5,632.23 1.02 141 5,579.47 5,579.53 5,580.17 5,580.20 5,580.26 5,580.12 5,579.93 5,580.07 5,579.80 5,580.35 5,580.57 5,580.86 5,581.20 5,581.51 5,581.55 5,581.68 5,581.83 5,564.92 5,582.73 5,582.33 5,582.75 5583.35 5,559.57 5,583.29 5,583.49 5,584.95 5,584.59 5,584.55 5,584.03 5,583.64 5,587.34 5,582.90 5,583.27 5,583.63 5,583.82 5,583.51 5,582.86 5,582.60 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 U4/26/05 '05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 112/07/05 \03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 52.76 52.70 52.06 52.03 51.97 52.11 52.30 52.16 52.43 51.88 51.66 51.37 51.03 50.72 50.68 50.55 50.4 67.31 49.50 49.90 49.48 48.88 72.66 48.94 48.74 47.28 47.64 47.68 48.2 48.59 44.89 49.33 48.96 48.6 48.41 48.72 49.37 49.63 51.74 51.68 51.04 51.01 50.95 51.09 51.28 51.14 51.41 50.86 50.64 50.35 50.01 49.70 49.66 49.53 49.38 66.29 48.48 48.88 48.46 47.86 71.64 47.92 47.72 46.26 46.62 46.66 47.18 47.57 43.87 48.31 47.94 47.58 47.39 47.70 48.35 48.61 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,512.145 5,518.985 5,512.145 5,517.465 5,520.145 5,521.435 5,522.005 5,522.945 5,523.485 5,523.845 5,523.885 5,524.555 5,513.235 5,516.665 5,519.085 5,522.165 5,524.665 5,518.545 5,527.695 5,529.085 5,529.535 5,530.235 5,530.265 5,534.405 5,533.145 5,534.035 5,534.465 5,533.285 5,530.265 5,534.405 5,533.145 5,534.035 5,534.465 5,533.285 5,533.865 5,534.275 5,534.715 5,535.435 5,536.445 5,536.405 5,537.335 5,537.325 5,537.975 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 09/01/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/27/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/22/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 101.34 94.50 101.34 96.02 93.34 92.05 91.48 90.54 90.00 89.64 89.60 88.93 100.25 96.82 94.40 91.32 88.82 94.94 85.79 84.40 83.95 83.25 83.22 79.08 80.34 79.45 79.02 80.20 83.22 79.08 80.34 79.45 79.02 80.20 79.62 79.21 78.77 78.05 77.04 77.08 76.15 76.16 75.51 100.16 93.32 100.16 94.84 92.16 90.87 90.30 89.36 88.82 88.46 88.42 87.75 99.07 95.64 93.22 90.14 87.64 93.76 84.61 83.22 82.77 82.07 82.04 77.90 79.16 78.27 77.84 79.02 82.04 77.90 79.16 78.27 77.84 79.02 78.44 78.03 77.59 76.87 75.86 75.90 74.97 74.98 74.33 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,538.825 5,539.275 5,539.765 5,540.205 5,540.295 5,540.795 5,540.985 5,541.675 5,541.765 5,541.885 5,542.025 5,541.925 5,541.885 5,541.825 5,541.885 5,541.995 5,542.005 5,542.555 5,542.705 5,543.225 5,543.555 5,543.865 5,543.915 5,544.655 5,544.795 5,544.845 5,544.705 5,544.525 5,544.625 5,544.305 5,544.585 5,544.685 5,544.675 5,544.785 5,544.795 5,544.775 5,545.005 5,545.225 5,545.735 5,545.785 5,545.855 5,545.805 5546.675 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/14/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 74.66 74.21 73.72 73.28 73.19 72.69 72.50 71.81 71.72 71.60 71.46 71.56 71.60 71.66 71.60 71.49 71.48 70.93 70.78 70.26 69.93 69.62 69.57 68.83 68.69 68.64 68.78 68.96 68.86 69.18 68.90 68.80 68.81 68.70 68.69 68.71 68.48 68.26 67.75 67.70 67.63 67.68 66.81 73.48 73.03 72.54 72.10 72.01 71.51 71.32 70.63 70.54 70.42 70.28 70.38 70.42 70.48 70.42 70.31 70.30 69.75 69.60 69.08 68.75 68.44 68.39 67.65 67.51 67.46 67.60 67.78 67.68 68.00 67.72 67.62 67.63 67.52 67.51 67.53 67.30 67.08 66.57 66.52 66.45 66.50 65.63 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,612.301 5,613.485 1.184 114.5 5,546.535 5,547.155 5,547.215 5,548.305 5,548.865 5,549.235 5,549.305 5,549.725 5,549.905 5,549.695 5,549.865 5,545.60 5,530.88 5,545.24 5,533.66 5,544.44 05/02/07 08/15/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 66.95 66.33 66.27 65.18 64.62 64.25 64.18 63.76 63.58 63.79 63.62 67.89 82.61 68.25 79.83 69.05 65.77 65.15 65.09 64.00 63.44 63.07 63.00 62.58 62.40 62.61 62.44 66.71 81.43 67.07 78.65 67.87 Water Elevation fr) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 121.75 5,579.30 5,579.60 5,579.35 5,579.60 5,579.50 5,579.50 5,579.90 5,579.90 5,580.20 5,580.00 5,580.04 5,580.70 5,580.30 5,580.00 5,580.20 5,580.40 5,580.50 5,580.50 5,580.90 5,580.50 5,580.75 5,580.80 5,580.92 5,580.80 5,580.90 5,581.05 5,580.90 5,581.05 5,581.06 5,581.08 5,581.07 5,581.25 5,581.32 5,581.34 5,581.41 5,581.37 5,581.66 5,581.63 5,581.92 5,582.20 5,582.54 5,582.72 5,582.72 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/16/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/28/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 61.40 61.10 61.35 61.10 61.20 61.20 60.80 60.80 60.50 60.70 60.66 60.00 60.40 60.70 60.50 60.30 60.20 60.20 59.80 60.20 59.95 59.90 59.78 59.90 59.80 59.65 59.80 59.65 59.64 59.62 59.63 59.45 59.38 59.36 59.29 59.33 59.04 59.07 58.78 58.50 58.16 57.98 57.98 59.45 59.15 59.40 59.15 59.25 59.25 58.85 58.85 58.55 58.75 58.71 58.05 58.45 58.75 58.55 58.35 58.25 58.25 57.85 58.25 58.00 57.95 57.83 57.95 57.85 57.70 57.85 57.70 57.69 57.67 57.68 57.50 57.43 57.41 57.34 57.38 57.09 57.12 56.83 56.55 56.21 56.03 56.03 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 I21-75 5,582.81 06/22/01 57.89 55.94 5,582.92 07/10/01 57.78 55.83 5,583.17 08/20/01 57.53 55.58 5,583.28 09/19/01 57.42 55.47 5,583.36 10/02/01 57.34 55.39 5,582.72 05/31/01 57.98 56.03 5,582.81 06/21/01 57.89 55.94 5,582.92 07/10/01 57.78 55.83 5,583.17 08/20/01 57.53 55.58 5,583.28 09/19/01 57.42 55.47 5,583.36 10/02/01 57.34 55.39 5.583.49 11/08/01 57.21 55.26 5,583.84 12/03/01 56.86 54.91 5,583.79 01/03/02 56.91 54.96 5.583.96 02/06/02 56.74 54.79 5.584.39 03/26/02 56.31 54.36 5,584.12 04/09/02 56.58 54.63 5,584.55 05/23/02 56.15 54.20 5,584.42 06/05/02 56.28 54.33 5,583.65 07/08/02 57.05 55.10 5,584.90 08/23/02 55.80 53.85 5,585.02 09/11/02 55.68 53.73 5,585.20 10/23/02 55.50 53.55 5,585.15 11/22/02 55.55 53.60 5,585.42 12/03/02 55.28 53.33 5,585.65 01/09/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.65 02/12/03 55.05 53.10 5,585.92 03/26/03 54.78 52.83 5,586.22 04/02/03 54.48 52.53 5,586.01 05/01/03 54.69 52.74 5,584.81 06/09/03 55.89 53.94 5,584.34 07/07/03 56.36 54.41 5.584.40 08/04/03 56.30 54.35 5,583.88 09/11/03 56.82 54.87 5,583.57 10/02/03 57.13 55.18 5,583.39 11/07/03 57.31 55.36 5.583.97 12/03/03 56.73 54.78 5,585.28 01/15/04 55.42 53.47 5.585.50 02/10/04 55.20 53.25 5,585.87 03/28/04 54.83 52.88 5,586.20 04/12/04 54.50 52.55 5,586.45 05/13/04 54.25 52.30 5,586.50 06/18/04 54.20 52.25 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (z) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,638.75 5,640.70 1.95 121-75 5,587.13 07/28/04 53.57 51.62 5,586.22 08/30/04 54.48 52.53 5,585.69 09/16/04 55.01 53.06 5,585.17 10/11/04 55.53 53.58 5.584.64 11/16/04 56.06 54.11 5,584.77 12/22/04 55.93 53.98 5.584.65 01/18/05 56.05 54.10 5,584.98 02/28/05 55.72 53.77 5,585.15 03/15/05 55.55 53.60 5,586.25 04/26/05 54.45 52.50 5.586.79 05/24/05 53.91 51.96 5,586.52 06/30/05 54.18 52.23 5,586.03 07/29/05 54.67 52.72 5.586.05 09/12/05 54.65 52.70 5.585.80 12/07/05 54.90 52.95 5.587.06 03/08/06 53.64 51.69 5,585.90 06/13/06 54.80 52.85 5,585.32 07/18/06 55.38 53.43 5.585.35 11/07/06 55.35 53.40 5585.81 02/27/07 54.89 52.94 5,585.20 05/02/07 55.50 53.55 5.586.66 08/14/07 54.04 52.09 5,586.80 10/10/07 53.90 51.95 5,588.48 03/26/08 52.22 50.27 5,586.51 06/24/08 54.19 52.24 5,586.45 08/26/08 54.25 52.30 5,585.40 10/14/08 55.3 53.35 5,584.80 03/03/09 55.9 53.95 5,584.73 06/24/09 55.97 54.02 5.584.36 09/10/09 56.34 54.39 5,585.02 12/11/09 55.68 53.73 5,585.66 03/11/10 55.04 53.09 5,584.86 05/11/10 55.84 53.89 5,584.55 09/29/10 56.15 54.20 5,584.17 12/21/10 56.53 54.58 5,583.55 02/28/11 57.15 55.20 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Total Depth to Depth Of Water Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 1.450 98.55 5,522.28 5,521.51 5,522.35 5,522.14 5,522.25 5,522.13 5,522.17 5,522.26 5,522.31 5,522.33 5,522.35 5,522.40 5,522.40 5,522.45 5,522.53 5,522.39 5,522.42 5,522.29 5,522.63 5,522.72 5,522.90 5,522.70 5,522.89 5,522.88 5,522.96 5,523.10 5,523.23 5,523.21 5,522.89 5,522.88 5,522.96 5,523.10 5,523.23 5,523.21 5,523.25 5,523.46 5,523.36 5,523.50 5,523.94 5,523.75 5,524.23 5,523.98 5,524.31 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/25/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/26/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/20/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 86.50 87.27 86.43 86.64 86.53 86.65 86.61 86.52 86.47 86.45 86.43 86.38 86.38 86.33 86.25 86.39 86.36 86.49 86.15 86.06 85.88 86.08 85.89 85.90 85.82 85.68 85.55 85.57 85.89 85.90 85.82 85.68 85.55 85.57 85.53 85.32 85.42 85.28 84.84 85.03 84.55 84.80 84.47 85.05 85.82 84.98 85.19 85.08 85.20 85.16 85.07 85.02 85.00 84.98 84.93 84.93 84.88 84.80 84.94 84.91 85.04 84.70 84.61 84.43 84.63 84.44 84.45 84.37 84.23 84.10 84.12 84.44 84.45 84.37 84.23 84.10 84.12 84.08 83.87 83.97 83.83 83.39 83.58 83.10 83.35 83.02 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Total Depth to Depth Of Water Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 1.450 98.55 5,524.36 5,524.49 5,524.71 5,524.60 5,524.94 5,525.10 5,525.15 5,525.35 5,525.68 5,525.74 5,525.98 5,526.04 5,526.07 5,526.42 5,526.30 5,526.41 5,526.46 5,526.83 5,526.81 5,527.14 5,527.39 5,527.64 5,527.70 5,528.16 5,528.30 5,528.52 5,528.71 5,528.74 5,529.20 5,528.92 5,529.51 5,529.74 5,529.96 5,530.15 5,530.35 5,530.47 5,530.95 5,531.50 5,532.43 5,533.49 5,532.58 5,532.88 5534.09 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 84.42 84.29 84.07 84.18 83.84 83.68 83.63 83.43 83.10 83.04 82.80 82.74 82.71 82.36 82.48 82.37 82.32 81.95 81.97 81.64 81.39 81.14 81.08 80.62 80.48 80.26 80.07 80.04 79.58 79.86 79.27 79.04 78.82 78.63 78.43 78.31 77.83 77.28 76.35 75.29 76.20 75.90 74.69 82.97 82.84 82.62 82.73 82.39 82.23 82.18 81.98 81.65 81.59 81.35 81.29 81.26 80.91 81.03 80.92 80.87 80.50 80.52 80.19 79.94 79.69 79.63 79.17 79.03 78.81 78.62 78.59 78.13 78.41 77.82 77.59 77.37 77.18 76.98 76.86 76.38 75.83 74.90 73.84 74.75 74.45 73.24 Water Land Elevation Surface (z) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Total Depth to Depth Of Water Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,607.33 5,608.78 1.450 98.55 5,534.04 5,534.43 5,554.54 5,535.40 5,535.55 5,535.90 5,535.87 5,536.42 5,536.71 5,536.83 5,537.35 5,537.93 5,538.14 5,538.03 5,538.04 5,537.98 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 74.74 74.35 54.24 73.38 73.23 72.88 72.91 72.36 72.07 71.95 71.43 70.85 70.64 70.75 70.74 70.8 73.29 72.90 52.79 71.93 71.78 71.43 71.46 70.91 70.62 70.50 69.98 69.40 69.19 69.30 69.29 69.35 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Depth Water Of Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 119.8 5,552.37 5,553.57 5,553.87 5,553.72 5,553.97 5,553.87 5,553.87 5,554.17 5,554.27 5,554.37 5,554.37 5,554.27 5,554.77 5,554.57 5,554.27 5,554.57 5,554.77 5,554.87 5,554.87 5,555.27 5,554.97 5,555.27 5,555.33 5,555.45 5,555.22 5,555.45 5,555.40 5,555.45 5,555.59 5,555.65 5,555.70 5,555.74 5,555.96 5,555.87 5,555.95 5,556.05 5,556.06 5,556.17 5,556.20 5,556.22 5,556.36 5,556.42 5,556.45 11/29/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/16/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 10/12/00 10/19/00 10/23/00 11/09/00 11/14/00 11/30/00 68.70 67.50 67.20 67.35 67.10 67.20 67.20 66.90 66.80 66.70 66.70 66.80 66.30 66.50 66.80 66.50 66.30 66.20 66.20 65.80 66.10 65.80 65.74 65.62 65.85 65.62 65.67 65.62 65.48 65.42 65.37 65.33 65.11 65.20 65.12 65.02 65.01 64.90 64.87 64.85 64.71 64.65 64.62 67.50 66.30 66.00 66.15 65.90 66.00 66.00 65.70 65.60 65.50 65.50 65.60 65.10 65.30 65.60 65.30 65.10 65.00 65.00 64.60 64.90 64.60 64.54 64.42 64.65 64.42 64.47 64.42 64.28 64.22 64.17 64.13 63.91 64.00 63.92 63.82 63.81 63.70 63.67 63.65 63.51 63.45 63.42 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (b!w.MP) Total Depth to Total Depth Water Of Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 119.8 5,556.15 5,556.89 5,557.07 5,557.62 5,557.51 5,557.77 5,557.84 5,557.98 5,558.33 5,558.57 5,558.53 5,558.62 5,559.03 5,559.08 5,559.32 5,559.63 5,559.55 5,560.06 5,559.91 5,560.09 5,560.01 5,560.23 5,560.43 5,560.39 5,560.61 5,560.89 5,560.94 5,561.28 5,561.35 5,546.20 5,539.47 5,541.87 5,542.12 5,541.91 5,544.62 5,542.67 5,549.96 5,557.17 5,558.65 5,559.90 5,560.36 5,560.87 5,560.95 12/06/00 01/14/01 02/09/01 03/29/01 04/30/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 64.92 64.18 64.00 63.45 63.56 63.30 63.23 63.09 62.74 62.50 62.54 62.45 62.04 61.99 61.75 61.44 61.52 61.01 61.16 60.98 61.06 60.84 60.64 60.68 60.46 60.18 60.13 59.79 59.72 74.87 81.60 79.20 78.95 79.16 76.45 78.40 71.11 63.90 62.42 61.17 60.71 60.20 60.12 63.72 62.98 62.80 62.25 62.36 62.10 62.03 61.89 61.54 61.30 61.34 61.25 60.84 60.79 60.55 60.24 60.32 59.81 59.96 59.78 59.86 59.64 59.44 59.48 59.26 58.98 58.93 58.59 58.52 73.67 80.40 78.00 77.75 77.96 75.25 77.20 69.91 62.70 61.22 59.97 59.51 59.00 58.92 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (b!w.MP) Total Depth to Total Depth Water Of Well (blwXSD) (blwXSD) 5,619.87 5,621.07 1.20 119.8 5,561.64 5,543.00 5,541.91 5,540.08 5,546.92 5,546.97 5,546.51 5,546.66 5,546.81 5,548.19 5,547.11 5,546.98 5,546.92 5,547.26 5,547.26 5,548.86 5,548.62 5,550.04 5,548.32 5,550.44 5,549.69 5,549.97 5,550.30 5,551.92 5,552.94 5,552.34 5,552.61 5,552.81 5,553.11 5,552.55 5,553.06 5,554.64 5,554.20 5,553.45 5,553.40 5,553.93 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 59.43 78.07 79.16 80.99 74.15 74.10 74.56 74.41 74.26 72.88 73.96 74.09 74.15 73.81 73.81 72.21 72.45 71.03 72.75 70.63 71.38 71.10 70.77 69.15 68.13 68.73 68.46 68.26 67.96 68.52 68.01 66.43 66.87 67.62 67.67 67.14 58.23 76.87 77.96 79.79 72.95 72.90 73.36 73.21 73.06 71.68 72.76 72.89 72.95 72.61 72.61 71.01 71.25 69.83 71.55 69.43 70.18 69.90 69.57 67.95 66.93 67.53 67.26 67.06 66.76 67.32 66.81 65.23 65.67 66.42 66.47 65.94 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth Total to Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,618.21 1.41 126.00 5,543.21 5,543.01 5,543.31 5,543.11 5,543.41 5,543.31 5,543.31 5,543.71 5,543.76 5,543.86 5,543.86 5,543.91 5,544.31 5,544.21 5,544.01 5,544.21 5,544.41 5,544.51 5,544.51 5,544.81 5,544.51 5,544.71 5,544.71 5,544.81 5,544.68 5,544.76 5,544.77 5,544.76 5,544.92 5,544.96 5,544.98 5,544.97 5,545.21 5,545.31 5,545.43 5,545.56 5,545.57 5,545.81 5,545.66 5,546.28 5,546.70 5,547.18 5,547.31 11/29/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/27/01 04/30/01 75.00 75.20 74.90 75.10 74.80 74.90 74.90 74.50 74.45 74.35 74.35 74.30 73.90 74.00 74.20 74.00 73.80 73.70 73.70 73.40 73.70 73.50 73.50 73.40 73.53 73.45 73.44 73.45 73.29 73.25 73.23 73.24 73.00 72.90 72.78 72.65 72.64 72.40 72.55 71.93 71.51 71.03 70.90 73.59 73.79 73.49 73.69 73.39 73.49 73.49 73.09 73.04 72.94 72.94 72.89 72.49 72.59 72.79 72.59 72.39 72.29 72.29 71.99 72.29 72.09 72.09 71.99 72.12 72.04 72.03 72.04 71.88 71.84 71.82 71.83 71.59 71.49 71.37 71.24 71.23 70.99 71.14 70.52 70.10 69.62 69.49 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth Total to Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,616.80 5,618.21 1.41 126.00 5,547.49 5,547.49 5,547.83 5,548.13 5,548.30 5,548.45 5,547.49 5,547.54 5,547.83 5,548.13 5,548.30 5,548.45 5,548.62 5,549.03 5,548.97 5,549.19 5,549.66 5,549.64 5,550.01 5,549.97 5,550.13 5,550.30 5,550.50 5,550.90 5,550.83 5,551.04 5,551.24 5,551.23 5,551.52 5,551.64 5,549.02 5,544.74 5,543.78 5,543.39 5,543.05 5,543.19 5,543.21 5,543.40 5,548.10 5,549.50 5,550.87 5,551.33 5,551.87 05/31/01 06/20/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 05/31/01 06/21/01 07/10/01 08/20/01 09/19/01 10/02/01 11/08/01 12/03/01 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 70.72 70.72 70.38 70.08 69.91 69.76 70.72 70.67 70.38 70.08 69.91 69.76 69.59 69.18 69.24 69.02 68.55 68.57 68.20 68.24 68.08 67.91 67.71 67.31 67.38 67.17 66.97 66.98 66.69 66.57 69.19 73.47 74.43 74.82 75.16 75.02 75.00 74.81 70.11 68.71 67.34 66.88 66.34 69.31 69.31 68.97 68.67 68.50 68.35 69.31 69.26 68.97 68.67 68.50 68.35 68.18 67.77 67.83 67.61 67.14 67.16 66.79 66.83 66.67 66.50 66.30 65.90 65.97 65.76 65.56 65.57 65.28 65.16 67.78 72.06 73.02 73.41 73.75 73.61 73.59 73.40 68.70 67.30 65.93 65.47 64.93 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth Total to Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,616.80 5,618.21 1.41 126.00 5,551.92 5,552.69 5,549.78 5,547.46 5,545.21 5,545.09 5,545.61 5,545.24 5,545.42 5,545.45 5,545.46 5,545.66 5,545.54 5,545.43 5,545.61 5,545.52 5,546.53 5,546.51 5,546.51 5,546.46 5,547.92 5,547.01 5,547.40 5,547.57 5,548.76 5,549.17 5,549.31 5,549.37 5,549.72 5,550.08 5,549.93 5,550.44 5,551.46 5,551.38 5,551.15 5,550.90 5,551.31 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 66.29 65.52 68.43 70.75 73.00 73.12 72.60 72.97 72.79 72.76 72.75 72.55 72.67 72.78 72.60 72.69 71.68 71.70 71.70 71.75 70.29 71.20 70.81 70.64 69.45 69.04 68.9 68.84 68.49 68.13 68.28 67.77 66.75 66.83 67.06 67.31 66.9 64.88 64.11 67.02 69.34 71.59 71.71 71.19 71.56 71.38 71.35 71.34 71.14 71.26 71.37 71.19 71.28 70.27 70.29 70.29 70.34 68.88 69.79 69.40 69.23 68.04 67.63 67.49 67.43 67.08 66.72 66.87 66.36 65.34 65.42 65.65 65.90 65.49 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 121.33 5,577.09 5,577.09 5,577.29 5,577.09 5,577.39 5,577.29 5,577.19 5,577.69 5,577.69 5,577.79 5,577.79 5,577.89 5,568.49 5,578.14 5,577.84 5,578.04 5,578.24 5,578.39 5,578.39 5,578.79 5,578.39 5,578.79 5,578.81 5,578.89 5,578.74 5,578.86 5,578.87 5,578.84 5,579.03 5,579.03 5,579.05 5,579.04 5,579.25 5,579.35 5,579.40 5,579.46 5,579.44 5,579.79 5,579.73 5,580.01 5,580.30 5,580.66 5,580.75 12/20/99 01/02/00 01/10/00 01/17/00 01/24/00 02/01/00 02/07/00 02/14/00 02/23/00 03/01/00 03/08/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 03/29/00 04/04/00 04/13/00 04/21/00 04/28/00 05/01/00 05/11/00 05/15/00 05/25/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/26/00 07/06/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/27/00 08/02/00 08/09/00 08/15/00 08/31/00 09/08/00 09/13/00 09/20/00 10/05/00 11/09/00 12/06/00 01/03/01 02/09/01 03/27/01 04/30/01 60.5 60.5 60.3 60.5 60.2 60.3 60.4 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.8 59.7 69.1 59.45 59.75 59.55 59.35 59.2 59.2 58.8 59.2 58.8 58.78 58.7 58.85 58.73 58.72 58.75 58.56 58.56 58.54 58.55 58.34 58.24 58.19 58.13 58.15 57.8 57.86 57.58 57.29 56.93 56.84 59.02 59.02 58.82 59.02 58.72 58.82 58.92 58.42 58.42 58.32 58.32 58.22 .67.62 57.97 58.27 58.07 57.87 57.72 57.72 57.32 57.72 57.32 57.30 57.22 57.37 57.25 57.24 57.27 57.08 57.08 57.06 57.07 56.86 56.76 56.71 56.65 56.67 56.32 56.38 56.10 55.81 55.45 55.36 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 121.33 5,581.04 05/31/01 56.55 55.07 5,581.12 06/21/01 56.47 54.99 5,581.15 07/10/01 56.44 54.96 5,581.51 08/20/01 56.08 54.60 5,581.70 09/19/01 55.89 54.41 5,581.61 10/02/01 55.98 54.50 5,581.04 05/31/01 56.55 55.07 5,581.12 06/21/01 56.47 54.99 5,581.15 07/10/01 56.44 54.96 5,581.51 08/20/01 56.08 54.60 5.581.70 09/19/01 55.89 54.41 5,581.61 10/02/01 55.98 54.50 5,581.83 11/08/01 55.76 54.28 5,582.17 12/03/01 55.42 53.94 5,582.21 01/03/02 55.38 53.90 5,582.57 02/06/02 55.02 53.54 5,583.12 03/26/02 54.47 52.99 5,582.77 04/09/02 54.82 53.34 5,583.21 05/23/02 54.38 52.90 5,582.94 06/05/02 54.65 53.17 5.582.71 07/08/02 54.88 53.40 5.583.67 08/23/02 53.92 52.44 5,583.82 09/11/02 53.77 52.29 5,584.01 10/23/02 53.58 52.10 5.583.88 11/22/02 53.71 52.23 5,583.81 12/03/02 53.78 52.30 5,584.28 01/09/03 53.31 51.83 5,584.41 02/12/03 53.18 51.70 5.584.68 03/26/03 52.91 51.43 5,584.49 04/02/03 53.10 51.62 5,584.51 05/01/03 53.08 51.60 5,583.59 06/09/03 54.00 52.52 5,582.96 07/07/03 54.63 53.15 5,582.98 08/04/03 54.61 53.13 5,582.57 09/11/03 55.02 53.54 5,582.25 10/02/03 55.34 53.86 5,582.09 11/07/03 55.50 54.02 5,582.48 12/03/03 55.11 53.63 5.583.69 01/15/04 53.90 52.42 5.583.89 02/10/04 53.70 52.22 5,584.30 03/28/04 53.29 51.81 5,584.59 04/12/04 53.00 51.52 5,584.87 05/13/04 52.72 51.24 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,636.11 5,637.59 1.48 121.33 5,584.96 06/18/04 52.63 51.15 5.585.50 07/28/04 52.09 50.61 5,584.81 08/30/04 52.78 51.30 5,584.40 09/16/04 53.19 51.71 5,583.91 10/11/04 53.68 52.20 5,583.39 11/16/04 54.20 52.72 5,583.54 12/22/04 54.05 52.57 5.583.34 01/18/05 54.25 52.77 5.583.66 02/28/05 53.93 52.45 5,583.87 03/15/05 53.72 52.24 5.584.74 04/26/05 52.85 51.37 5,585.26 05/24/05 52.33 50.85 5,585.06 06/30/05 52.53 51.05 5.584.67 07/29/05 52.92 51.44 5.584.75 09/12/05 52.84 51.36 5.584.51 12/07/05 53.08 51.60 5,585.74 03/08/06 51.85 50.37 5,584.74 06/13/06 52.85 51.37 5.584.26 07/18/06 53.33 51.85 5,584.21 11/07/06 53.38 51.90 5,584.67 02/27/07 52.92 51.44 5,584.06 05/02/07 53.53 52.05 5,585.33 08/14/07 52.26 50.78 5,585.42 10/10/07 52.17 50.69 5,587.01 03/26/08 50.58 49.10 5,585.44 06/24/08 52.15 50.67 5,585.23 08/26/08 52.36 50.88 5.584.42 10/14/08 53.17 51.69 5,583.59 03/03/09 54 52.52 5.583.35 06/24/09 54.24 52.76 5.582.91 09/10/09 54.68 53.20 5.583.43 12/11/09 54.16 52.68 5,584.00 03/11/10 53.59 52.11 5.583.27 05/11/10 54.32 52.84 5.582.92 09/29/10 54.67 53.19 5,583.08 12/21/10 54.51 53.03 5,582.63 02/28/11 54.96 53.48 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth Total to Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,631.99 5,634.24 2.25 121.33 5,576.75 5,576.92 5,577.43 5,577.22 5,577.80 5,577.47 5,577.55 5,578.10 5,578.24 5,578.49 5,578.43 5,578.43 5,578.66 5,578.66 5,578.78 5,578.90 5,578.83 5,578.05 5,577.38 5,577.15 5,576.76 5,576.36 5,576.05 5,576.20 5,577.43 5,577.81 5,578.47 5,578.69 5,578.93 5,578.99 5,579.18 5,579.06 5,578.78 5,577.80 5,577.13 5,576.96 5,576.63 5,576.82 5,576.86 5,577.52 5,578.01 5,578.15 5,577.90 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 57.49 57.32 56.81 57.02 56.44 56.77 56.69 56.14 56.00 55.75 55.81 55.81 55.58 55.58 55.46 55.34 55.41 56.19 56.86 57.09 57.48 57.88 58.19 58.04 56.81 56.43 55.77 55.55 55.31 55.25 55.06 55.18 55.46 56.44 57.11 57.28 57.61 57.42 57.38 56.72 56.23 56.09 56.34 55.24 55.07 54.56 54.77 54.19 54.52 54.44 53.89 53.75 53.50 53.56 53.56 53.33 53.33 53.21 53.09 53.16 53.94 54.61 54.84 55.23 55.63 55.94 55.79 54.56 54.18 53.52 53.30 53.06 53.00 52.81 52.93 53.21 54.19 54.86 55.03 55.36 55.17 55.13 54.47 53.98 53.84 54.09 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-10 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth Total to Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,631.99 5,634.24 2.25 121.33 5,578.02 5,577.56 5,579.69 5,578.34 5,577.94 5,578.01 5578.43 5,577.84 5,578.74 5,579.04 5,580.69 5,579.87 5,579.47 5,578.87 5,578.01 5,577.85 5,577.49 5,577.98 5,578.38 5,578.16 5,577.85 5,577.28 5,577.14 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 56.22 56.68 54.55 55.90 56.30 56.23 55.81 56.40 55.50 55.20 53.55 54.37 54.77 55.37 56.23 56.39 56.75 56.26 55.86 56.08 56.39 56.96 57.1 53.97 54.43 52.30 53.65 54.05 53.98 53.56 54.15 53.25 52.95 51.30 52.12 52.52 53.12 53.98 54.14 54.50 54.01 53.61 53.83 54.14 54.71 54.85 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Land j Point Depthto Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) I (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5,623.62 1.70 121.33 5,548.32 5,548.73 5,549.03 5,548.84 5,549.30 5,549.01 5,549.22 5,549.44 5,549.57 5,549.64 5,549.58 5,549.62 5,549.85 5,549.91 5,550.15 5,550.01 5,550.31 5,550.44 5,550.33 5,550.35 5,550.44 5,550.47 5,550.60 5,550.60 5,550.94 5,551.00 5,550.34 5,551.54 5,551.89 5,551.94 5,552.49 5,552.74 5,553.01 5,553.11 5,553.19 5,553.53 5,553.31 5,553.84 5,554.04 5,554.23 5,553.87 5,554.46 5,554.57 01/03/02 02/06/02 03/26/02 04/09/02 05/23/02 06/05/02 07/08/02 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 75.30 74.89 74.59 74.78 74.32 74.61 74.40 74.18 74.05 73.98 74.04 74.00 73.77 73.71 73.47 73.61 73.31 73.18 73.29 73.27 73.18 73.15 73.02 73.02 72.68 72.62 73.28 72.08 71.73 71.68 71.13 70.88 70.61 70.51 70.43 70.09 70.31 69.78 69.58 69.39 69.75 69.16 69.05 73.60 73.19 72.89 73.08 72.62 72.91 72.70 72.48 72.35 72.28 72.34 72.30 72.07 72.01 71.77 71.91 71.61 71.48 71.59 71.57 71.48 71.45 71.32 71.32 70.98 70.92 71.58 70.38 70.03 69.98 69.43 69.18 68.91 68.81 68.73 68.39 68.61 68.08 67.88 67.69 68.05 67.46 67.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,621.92 5,623.62 1.70 121.33 5,553.86 09/12/05 69.76 68.06 5,555.30 12/07/05 68.32 66.62 5,556.20 03/08/06 67.42 65.72 5,556.48 06/14/06 67.14 65.44 5,556.37 07/18/06 67.25 65.55 5,556.94 11/07/06 66.68 64.98 5557.92 02/27/07 65.7 64 5,557.84 05/02/07 65.78 64.08 5,558.02 08/15/07 65.60 63.90 5.557.13 10/10/07 66.49 64.79 5,569.74 03/26/08 53.88 52.18 5,561.01 06/24/08 62.61 60.91 5,562.07 08/26/08 61.55 59.85 5,562.47 10/14/08 61.15 59.45 5,563.80 03/10/09 59.82 58.12 5,564.27 06/24/09 59.35 57.65 5,564.32 09/10/09 59.3 57.60 5,564.70 12/11/09 58.92 57.22 5.565.14 03/11/10 58.48 56.78 5.565.61 05/11/10 58.01 56.31 5,565.67 09/29/10 57.95 56.25 5.565.62 12/21/10 58 56.30 5,565.42 02/28/11 58.2 56.50 Water Levels and Data over Time I White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface {Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) i (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.38 j 5,624.03 1.65 121.33 5.580.71 I 08/23/02 43.32 41.67 5.581.34 | 09/11/02 42.69 41.04 5.581.13 \ 10/23/02 42.90 41.25 5,581.27 11/22/02 42.76 41.11 5.581.35 j 12/03/02 42.68 41.03 5,582.38 j 01/09/03 41.65 40.00 5,582.27 ! 02/12/03 41.76 40.11 5.582.51 j 03/26/03 41.52 39.87 5,581.91 ! 04/02/03 42.12 40.47 5.582.72 | 05/01/03 41.31 39.66 5.582.93 j 06/09/03 41.10 39.45 5,583.01 07/07/03 41.02 39.37 5,583.11 I 08/04/03 40.92 39.27 5.583.35 j 09/11/03 40.68 39.03 5.583.52 i 10/02/03 40.51 38.86 5,583.57 11/07/03 40.46 38.81 5,583.81 ! 12/03/03 40.22 38.57 5.584.17 i 01/15/04 39.86 38.21 5,584.19 02/10/04 39.84 38.19 5,584.31 ! 03/28/04 39.72 38.07 5.584.70 ! 04/12/04 39.33 37.68 5,584.68 | 05/13/04 39.35 37.70 5.584.73 | 06/18/04 39.30 37.65 5,585.16 i 07/28/04 38.87 37.22 5.585.18 ! 08/30/04 38.85 37.20 5,585.29 ! 09/16/04 38.74 37.09 5,585.65 10/11/04 38.38 36.73 5.585.71 11/16/04 38.32 36.67 5,586.15 I 12/22/04 37.88 36.23 5.585.94 ' 01/18/05 38.09 36.44 5.586.36 02/28/05 37.67 36.02 5,586.75 . 03/15/05 37.28 35.63 5,587.00 ! 04/26/05 37.03 35.38 5,587.15 j 05/24/05 36.88 35.23 5,587.38 ! 06/30/05 36.65 35.00 5,587.38 | 07/29/05 36.65 35.00 5.587.74 ! 09/12/05 36.29 34.64 5,588.23 12/07/05 35.80 34.15 5.588.72 03/08/06 35.31 33.66 5.588.14 06/13/06 35.89 34.24 5,588.13 ; 07/18/06 35.90 34.25 5,584.50 ! 11/07/06 39.53 37.88 5588.65 02/27/07 35.38 33.73 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,622.38 5,624.03 1.65 121.33 5,588.33 5,586.29 5,586.48 5,587.56 5,587.39 5,587.15 5,586.64 5,585.97 5,585.54 5,585.34 5,585.57 5,585.68 5,586.15 5,585.48 5,584.89 5,584.45 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 35.70 37.74 37.55 36.47 36.64 36.88 37.39 38.06 38.49 38.69 38.46 38.35 37.88 38.55 39.14 39.58 34.05 36.09 35.90 34.82 34.99 35.23 35.74 36.41 36.84 37.04 36.81 36.70 36.23 36.90 37.49 37.93 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time ! White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-13 j Total or Measuring Measured Land I Point Depthto Surface j Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) ' (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,618.09 ! 5,619.94 1.85 121.33 5,529.66 5,530.66 5,529.10 5,530.58 5,530.61 5,529.74 5,531.03 5,531.82 5,524.63 5,531.54 5,538.46 5,539.38 5,540.72 5,541.25 5,541.34 5,541.69 5,541.91 5,542.44 5,542.47 5,542.84 5,543.08 5,543.34 5,543.40 5,544.06 5,544.61 5,545.23 5,546.20 5,547.43 5,548.96 5,549.02 5,550.66 5,551.26 5,552.23 5,552.87 5,553.42 5,554.00 5,555.21 5,558.13 5,562.93 5,564.39 5,562.09 5,565.49 5571.08 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 90.28 89.28 90.84 89.36 89.33 90.20 88.91 88.12 95.31 88.40 81.48 80.56 79.22 78.69 78.60 78.25 78.03 77.50 77.47 77.10 76.86 76.60 76.54 75.88 75.33 74.71 73.74 72.51 70.98 70.92 69.28 68.68 67.71 67.07 66.52 65.94 64.73 61.81 57.01 55.55 57.85 54.45 48.86 88.43 87.43 88.99 87.51 87.48 88.35 87.06 86.27 93.46 86.55 79.63 78.71 77.37 76.84 76.75 76.40 76.18 75.65 75.62 75.25 75.01 74.75 74.69 74.03 73.48 72.86 71.89 70.66 69.13 69.07 67.43 66.83 65.86 65.22 64.67 64.09 62.88 59.96 55.16 53.70 56.00 52.60 47.01 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,618.09 5,619.94 1.85 121.33 5.570.63 05/02/07 4931 47.46 5,565.24 08/14/07 54.7 52.85 5,565.83 10/10/07 54.11 52.26 5,569.29 03/26/08 50.65 48.80 5.570.00 06/24/08 49.94 48.09 5.570.41 08/26/08 49.53 47.68 5.570.64 10/14/08 49.3 47.45 5,570.43 03/03/09 49.51 47.66 5,570.56 06/24/09 49.38 47.53 5.570.42 09/10/09 49.52 47.67 5,571.15 12/11/09 48.79 46.94 5.572.01 03/11/10 47.93 46.08 5,572.88 05/11/10 47.06 45.21 5,573.17 09/29/10 46.77 44.92 5,573.14 12/21/10 46.8 44.95 5,573.10 02/28/11 46.84 44.99 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time I White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-14 | Total or Measuring Measured I Point Depth to j Elevation Length Of Date Of Water j (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,610.92 I 5,612.77 1.85 121.33 5,518.90 5,519.28 5,519.95 5,520.32 5,520.42 5,520.70 5,520.89 5,521.12 5,521.12 5,521.24 5,521.34 5,521.36 5,521.35 5,521.30 5,521.35 5,521.36 5,521.16 5,521.29 5,521.36 5,521.46 5,521.54 5,521.59 5,521.69 5,521.71 5,521.76 5,521.77 5,521.79 5,521.80 5,521.82 5,521.82 5,521.86 5,521.85 5,521.91 5,521.93 5,521.94 5,521.84 5,521.99 5,522.04 5,522.05 5,522.27 5,521.92 5,520.17 5522.24 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 93.87 93.49 92.82 92.45 92.35 92.07 91.88 91.65 91.65 91.53 91.43 91.41 91.42 91.47 91.42 91.41 91.61 91.48 91.41 91.31 91.23 91.18 91.08 91.06 91.01 91.00 90.98 90.97 90.95 90.95 90.91 90.92 90.86 90.84 90.83 90.93 90.78 90.73 90.72 90.50 90.85 92.60 90.53 92.02 91.64 90.97 90.60 90.50 90.22 90.03 89.80 89.80 89.68 89.58 89.56 89.57 89.62 89.57 89.56 89.76 89.63 89.56 89.46 89.38 89.33 89.23 89.21 89.16 89.15 89.13 89.12 89.10 89.10 89.06 89.07 89.01 88.99 88.98 89.08 88.93 88.88 88.87 88.65 89.00 90.75 88.68 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-14 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,610.92 5,612.77 1.85 121.33 5,522.47 5,520.74 5,518.13 5,522.85 5,522.91 5,523.01 5,522.96 5,523.20 5,523.33 5,523.47 5,523.54 5,522.98 5,524.01 5,524.37 5,524.62 5,524.78 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 90.30 92.03 94.64 89.92 89.86 89.76 89.81 89.57 89.44 89.3 89.23 89.79 88.76 88.40 88.15 87.99 88.45 90.18 92.79 88.07 88.01 87.91 87.96 87.72 87.59 87.45 87.38 87.94 86.91 86.55 86.30 86.14 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,574.75 5,574.97 5,575.10 5,574.99 5,575.28 5,575.41 5,575.43 5,575.63 5,575.91 5,575.81 5,572.36 5,570.70 5,570.29 5,560.94 5,560.63 5,560.56 5,564.77 5,570.89 5,572.55 5,574.25 5,574.77 5,575.53 5,575.59 5,576.82 5,527.47 5,553.97 5,562.33 5,550.00 5,560.02 5,546.11 5,556.71 5,554.95 5,555.48 5,551.09 5,552.85 5,554.30 5,554.87 5,550.88 5558.77 5,548.54 5,551.33 5,545.56 5,545.56 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 09/16/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/25/08 50.70 50.48 50.35 50.46 50.17 50.04 50.02 49.82 49.54 49.64 53.09 54.75 55.16 64.51 64.82 64.89 60.68 54.56 52.90 51.20 50.68 49.92 49.86 48.63 97.98 71.48 63.12 75.45 65.43 79.34 68.74 70.50 69.97 74.36 72.60 71.15 70.58 74.57 66.68 76.91 74.12 79.89 79.89 49.40 49.18 49.05 49.16 48.87 48.74 48.72 48.52 48.24 48.34 51.79 53.45 53.86 63.21 63.52 63.59 59.38 53.26 51.60 49.90 49.38 48.62 48.56 47.33 96.68 70.18 61.82 74.15 64.13 78.04 67.44 69.20 68.67 73.06 71.30 69.85 69.28 73.27 65.38 75.61 72.82 78.59 78.59 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,624.15 5,625.45 1.30 121.33 5,545.82 5,545.64 5,544.45 5,545.32 5,544.61 5,549.33 5,543.78 5,545.61 5,547.43 5,544.14 5,546.77 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 79.63 79.81 81.00 80.13 80.84 76.12 81.67 79.84 78.02 81.31 78.68 78.33 78.51 79.70 78.83 79.54 74.82 80.37 78.54 76.72 80.01 77.38 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.19 5,624.02 1.83 121.33 5,562.91 5,563.45 5,563.75 5,563.68 5,563.68 5,564.16 5,564.25 5,564.53 5,564.46 5,564.79 5,564.31 5,563.29 5,562.76 5,561.73 5,561.04 5,560.39 5,559.79 5,561.02 5,561.75 5,562.98 5,563.29 5,564.03 5,564.09 5,565.08 5,564.56 5,563.55 5,561.79 5,560.38 5,559.71 5,559.14 5,558.65 5,558.54 5,558.22 5,558.54 5,559.24 5,559.38 5,559.23 5,557.67 5,557.92 5,558.47 5,558.42 5,558.09 5557.34 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 61.11 60.57 60.27 60.34 60.34 59.86 59.77 59.49 59.56 59.23 59.71 60.73 61.26 62.29 62.98 63.63 64.23 63 62.27 61.04 60.73 59.99 59.93 58.94 59.46 60.47 62.23 63.64 64.31 64.88 65.37 65.48 65.8 65.48 64.78 64.64 64.79 66.35 66.10 65.55 65.60 65.93 66.68 59.28 58.74 58.44 58.51 58.51 58.03 57.94 57.66 57.73 57.40 57.88 58.90 59.43 60.46 61.15 61.80 62.40 61.17 60.44 59.21 58.90 58.16 58.10 57.11 57.63 58.64 60.40 61.81 62.48 63.05 63.54 63.65 63.97 63.65 62.95 62.81 62.96 64.52 64.27 63.72 63.77 64.10 64.85 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,622.19 5,624.02 1.83 121.33 5,547.11 5,558.52 5,559.02 5,561.04 5,560.06 5,559.32 5,558.89 5,558.40 5,558.32 5,558.03 5,558.81 5,559.80 5,559.85 5,560.54 5,558.65 5,559.26 05/02/07 08/14/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 76.91 65.5 65.00 62.98 63.96 64.7 65.13 65.62 65.7 65.99 65.21 64.22 64.17 63.48 65.37 64.76 75.08 63.67 63.17 61.15 62.13 62.87 63.30 63.79 63.87 64.16 63.38 62.39 62.34 61.65 63.54 62.93 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 121.33 5,542.17 08/23/02 83.07 81.24 5,542.39 09/11/02 82.85 81.02 5,542.61 10/23/02 82.63 80.80 5,542.49 11/22/02 82.75 80.92 5,542.82 12/03/02 82.42 80.59 5.543.03 01/09/03 82.21 80.38 5.543.04 02/12/03 82.20 80.37 5,543.41 03/26/03 81.83 80.00 5,543.69 04/02/03 81.55 79.72 5,543.77 05/01/03 81.47 79.64 5,544.01 06/09/03 81.23 79.40 5.544.05 07/07/03 81.19 79.36 5,543.99 08/04/03 81.25 79.42 5,544.17 09/11/03 81.07 79.24 5.544.06 10/02/03 81.18 79.35 5,544.03 11/07/03 81.21 79.38 5,543.94 12/03/03 81.30 79.47 5,543.98 01/15/04 81.26 79.43 5,543.85 02/10/04 81.39 79.56 5,544.05 03/28/04 81.19 79.36 5,544.33 04/12/04 80.91 79.08 5,544.55 05/13/04 80.69 78.86 5,544.59 06/18/04 80.65 78.82 5.545.08 07/28/04 80.16 78.33 5,545.26 08/30/04 79.98 78.15 5,545.48 09/16/04 79.76 77.93 5,545.61 10/11/04 79.63 77.80 5,545.46 11/16/04 79.78 77.95 5,545.66 12/22/04 79.58 77.75 5,545.33 01/18/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.51 02/28/05 79.73 77.90 5,545.57 03/15/05 79.67 77.84 5,545.46 04/26/05 79.78 77.95 5,545.45 05/24/05 79.79 77.96 5,545.33 06/30/05 79.91 78.08 5,545.16 07/29/05 80.08 78.25 5,545.54 09/12/05 79.70 77.87 5,545.77 12/07/05 79.47 77.64 5.546.09 03/08/06 79.15 77.32 5,545.94 06/13/06 79.30 77.47 5,545.94 07/18/06 79.30 77.47 5,546.24 11/07/06 79.00 77.17 5546.81 02/27/07 78.43 76.6 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depthto Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,623.41 5,625.24 1.83 121.33 5546.56 5546.81 5546.96 5547.9 5548.08 5548.42 5548.05 5548.29 5548.09 5547.79 5548.09 5,548.50 5,548.89 5,548.83 5,548.97 5,548.68 05/02/07 08/15/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/25/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 78.68 78.43 78.28 77.34 77.16 76.82 77.19 76.95 77.15 77.45 77.15 76.74 76.35 76.41 76.27 76.56 76.85 76.6 76.45 75.51 75.33 74.99 75.36 75.12 75.32 75.62 75.32 74.91 74.52 74.58 74.44 74.73 Water Elevation (WL) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Land Point Depth to Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 121.33 5,585.13 5,585.41 5,585.47 5,585.40 5,585.68 5,585.90 5,590.79 5,586.18 5,586.36 5,586.24 5,584.93 5,584.46 5,584.55 5,584.01 5,583.67 5,583.50 5,584.08 5,585.45 5,585.66 5,586.13 5,586.39 5,586.66 5,586.77 5,587.35 5,586.34 5,585.85 5,585.22 5,584.70 5,584.81 5,584.68 5,585.02 5,585.25 5,586.31 5,586.97 5,586.58 5,586.10 5,586.05 5,585.86 5,587.13 5,585.93 5,585.40 5,585.38 5585.83 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/12/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 09/11/03 10/02/03 11/07/03 12/03/03 01/15/04 02/10/04 03/28/04 04/12/04 05/13/04 06/18/04 07/28/04 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 06/30/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 56.15 55.87 55.81 55.88 55.60 55.38 50.49 55.10 54.92 55.04 56.35 56.82 56.73 57.27 57.61 57.78 57.20 55.83 55.62 55.15 54.89 54.62 54.51 53.93 54.94 55.43 56.06 56.58 56.47 56.60 56.26 56.03 54.97 54.31 54.70 55.18 55.23 55.42 54.15 55.35 55.88 55.90 55.45 54.00 53.72 53.66 53.73 53.45 53.23 48.34 52.95 52.77 52.89 54.20 54.67 54.58 55.12 55.46 55.63 55.05 53.68 53.47 53.00 52.74 52.47 52.36 51.78 52.79 53.28 53.91 54.43 54.32 54.45 54.11 53.88 52.82 52.16 52.55 53.03 53.08 53.27 52.00 53.20 53.73 53.75 53.30 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,639.13 5,641.28 2.15 121.33 5585.15 05/02/07 56.13 53.98 5586.47 06/24/08 54.81 52.66 5586.3 08/26/08 54.98 52.83 5585.21 10/14/08 56.07 53.92 5584.47 03/03/09 56.81 54.66 5584.35 06/24/09 56.93 54.78 5583.88 09/10/09 57.4 55.25 5584.43 12/11/09 56.85 54.70 5,585.26 03/11/10 56.02 53.87 5,584.17 05/11/10 57.11 54.96 5,583.61 09/29/10 57.67 55.52 5,604.29 12/21/10 36.99 34.84 5,583.56 02/28/11 57.72 55.57 Water Land Elevation Surface (WL) (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Water (blwXSD) Total Depth Of Well I 5,629.53 5,631.39 1.86 121.33 5,581.88 5,582.14 5,582.06 5,582.07 5,582.16 5,582.28 5,582.29 5,582.74 5,582.82 5,548.47 5,564.76 5,562.53 5,564.10 5,566.01 5,555.16 5,549.80 5,546.04 5,547.34 5,548.77 5,551.18 5,556.81 5,562.63 5,573.42 5,552.94 5,554.00 5,555.98 5,552.00 5,545.74 5,544.06 5,548.81 5543.59 5544.55 5558.97 5559.73 5569.26 5535.47 5541.41 5558.45 5536.9 5547.76 5561.48 5548.14 5,570.58 08/23/02 09/11/02 10/23/02 11/22/02 12/03/02 01/09/03 02/21/03 03/26/03 04/02/03 05/01/03 06/09/03 07/07/03 08/04/03 08/30/04 09/16/04 10/11/04 11/16/04 12/22/04 01/18/05 02/28/05 03/15/05 04/26/05 05/24/05 07/29/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/15/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/25/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/03/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 49.51 49.25 49.33 49.32 49.23 49.11 49.10 48.65 48.57 82.92 66.63 68.86 67.29 65.38 76.23 81.59 85.35 84.05 82.62 80.21 74.58 68.76 57.97 78.45 77.39 75.41 79.39 85.65 87.33 82.58 87.8 86.84 72.42 71.66 62.13 95.92 89.98 72.94 94.49 83.63 69.91 83.25 60.81 47.65 47.39 47.47 47.46 47.37 47.25 47.24 46.79 46.71 81.06 64.77 67.00 65.43 63.52 74.37 79.73 83.49 82.19 80.76 78.35 72.72 66.90 56.11 76.59 75.53 73.55 77.53 83.79 85.47 80.72 85.94 84.98 70.56 69.8 60.27 94.06 88.12 71.08 92.63 81.77 68.05 81.39 58.95 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-19 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Measuring Point Elevation (MP) Length Of Date Of Riser (L) Monitoring Total or Measured Depth to Water (blw.MP) Total Depth to Water (blwXSD) Total Depth Of Well 5,629.53 5,631.39 1.86 121.33 5,561.35 5,535.26 5,568.40 5,550.36 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 70.04 96.13 62.99 81.03 68.18 94.27 61.13 79.17 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-20 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,628.52 5,629.53 1.01 106.0 5,565.70 07/29/05 63.83 62.82 5,546.53 08/30/05 83.00 81.99 5,540.29 09/12/05 89.24 88.23 5.541.17 12/07/05 88.36 87.35 5,540.33 03/08/06 89.20 88.19 5,530.43 06/13/06 99.10 98.09 5,569.13 07/18/06 60.40 59.39 5,547.95 11/07/06 81.58 80.57 5,549.25 02/27/07 80.28 79.27 5,550.58 05/02/07 78.95 77.94 5,563.60 08/14/07 65.93 64.92 5,555.85 10/10/07 73.68 72.67 5,569.10 03/26/08 60.43 59.42 5,560.00 06/25/08 69.53 68.52 5,539.64 08/26/08 89.89 88.88 5,539.51 10/14/08 90.02 89.01 5,553.00 03/03/09 76.53 75.52 5.534.18 06/24/09 95.35 94.34 5,558.39 09/10/09 71.14 70.13 5,560.99 12/11/09 68.54 67.53 5,564.09 03/11/10 65.44 64.43 5,564.22 05/11/10 65.31 64.30 5,560.33 09/29/10 69.20 68.19 5,561.35 12/21/10 68.18 67.17 5,560.18 02/28/11 69.35 68.34 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,638.20 5,639.35 1.15 120.92 5,582.98 5,583.43 5,581.87 5,580.50 5,583.64 5,580.55 5,578.95 5,578.47 5,579.53 5,578.07 5,583.41 5,583.45 5,586.47 5,579.16 5,579.92 5,577.37 5,578.00 5,580.14 5,578.72 5,579.99 5,582.81 5,582.23 5,576.60 5,581.14 5,579.53 07/29/05 08/30/05 09/12/05 12/07/05 03/08/06 06/13/06 07/18/06 11/07/06 02/27/07 05/02/07 08/15/07 10/10/07 03/26/08 06/24/08 08/26/08 10/14/08 03/10/09 06/24/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 56.37 55.92 57.48 58.85 55.71 58.80 60.40 60.88 59.82 61.28 55.94 55.9 52.88 60.19 59.43 61.98 61.35 59.21 60.63 59.36 56.54 57.12 62.75 58.21 59.82 55.22 54.77 56.33 57.70 54.56 57.65 59.25 59.73 58.67 60.13 54.79 54.75 51.73 59.04 58.28 60.83 60.20 58.06 59.48 58.21 55.39 55.97 61.60 57.06 58.67 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - WeU TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depthto Depthto Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of (WL) (LSD) (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,629.00 1.17 H3.5 5,571.89 07/29/05 57.11 55.94 5,572.20 08/30/05 56.80 55.63 5,572.08 09/12/05 56.92 55.75 5.571.61 12/07/05 57.39 56.22 5,571.85 03/08/06 57.15 55.98 5.571.62 06/13/06 57.38 56.21 5,571.42 07/18/06 57.58 56.41 5,571.02 11/07/06 57.98 56.81 5571.24 02/27/07 57.76 56.59 5,570.75 06/29/07 58.25 57.08 5,571.82 08/14/07 57.18 56.01 5,571.99 10/10/07 57.01 55.84 5,573.05 03/26/08 55.95 54.78 5,573.04 06/24/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.04 08/26/08 55.96 54.79 5,573.02 10/14/08 55.98 54.81 5,573.19 03/10/09 55.81 54.64 5,573.32 06/24/09 55.68 54.51 5,573.17 09/10/09 55.83 54.66 5,573.52 12/11/09 55.48 54.31 5,573.88 03/11/10 55.12 53.95 5,574.29 05/11/10 54.71 53.54 5,574.88 09/29/10 54.12 52.95 5,574.44 12/21/10 54.56 53.39 5,574.49 02/28/11 54.51 53.34 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-23 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blwXSD) Well 5,627.83 5,629.00 1.17 113.5 5,560.52 5,560.43 5,560.88 5,561.12 5,560.82 5,561.07 5,561.17 5,561.34 5561.11 5,561.16 5,561.07 5,561.31 5,562.81 5,561.20 5,560.92 5,561.18 5,561.78 5,561.37 5,561.49 5,561.35 5,561.47 5,561.75 5,561.75 5,561.90 5,561.76 5,562.27 5,562.78 5,563.24 5,563.10 5,563.17 5,563.17 09/13/07 10/10/07 11/30/07 12/11/07 01/08/08 02/18/08 03/26/08 04/23/08 05/30/08 06/24/08 07/16/08 08/26/08 09/10/08 10/14/08 11/26/08 12/29/08 01/26/09 02/24/09 03/06/09 04/07/09 05/29/09 06/30/09 07/31/09 08/31/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 68.48 68.57 68.12 67.88 68.18 67.93 67.83 67.66 67.89 67.84 67.93 67.69 66.19 67.8 68.08 67.82 67.22 67.63 67.51 67.65 67.53 67.25 67.25 67.1 67.24 66.73 66.22 65.76 65.90 65.83 65.83 67.31 67.40 66.95 66.71 67.01 66.76 66.66 66.49 66.72 66.67 66.76 66.52 65.02 66.63 66.91 66.65 66.05 66.46 66.34 66.48 66.36 66.08 66.08 65.93 66.07 65.56 65.05 64.59 64.73 64.66 64.66 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-24 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,625.70 -2.13 113.5 5,568.48 5,568.40 5,569.03 5,569.17 5,568.90 5,569.09 5,569.30 5,569.55 5569.39 5,569.21 5,569.15 5,569.21 5,569.10 5,568.99 5,568.82 5,568.79 5,569.52 5,569.18 5,569.24 5,569.08 5,569.10 5,569.29 5,569.25 5,569.35 5,569.15 5,569.51 5,569.73 5,569.78 5,570.05 5,569.73 5,569.65 09/13/07 10/10/07 11/30/07 12/11/07 01/08/08 02/18/08 03/26/08 04/23/08 05/30/08 06/24/08 07/16/08 08/26/08 09/10/08 10/14/08 11/26/08 12/29/08 01/26/09 02/24/09 03/06/09 04/07/09 05/29/09 06/30/09 07/31/09 08/31/09 09/10/09 12/11/09 03/11/10 05/11/10 09/29/10 12/21/10 02/28/11 57.22 57.30 56.67 56.53 56.80 56.61 56.40 56.15 56.31 56.49 56.55 56.49 56.60 56.71 56.88 56.91 56.18 56.52 56.46 56.62 56.60 56.41 56.45 56.35 56.55 56.19 55.97 55.92 55.65 55.97 56.05 59.35 59.43 58.80 58.66 58.93 58.74 58.53 58.28 58.44 58.62 58.68 58.62 58.73 58.84 59.01 59.04 58.31 58.65 58.59 58.75 58.73 58.54 58.58 58.48 58.68 58.32 58.10 58.05 57.78 58.10 58.18 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-25 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (blw.LSD) Well 5,627.83 5,644.91 17.08 113.5 5.601.86 09/13/07 43.05 25.97 5,601.89 10/10/07 43.02 25.94 5,602.57 11/30/07 42.34 25.26 5,602.82 12/11/07 42.09 25.01 5,601.94 01/08/08 42.97 25.89 5,599.13 02/18/08 45.78 28.70 5.597.11 03/26/08 47.80 30.72 5.595.51 04/23/08 49.40 32.32 5594.42 05/30/08 50.49 33.41 5.594.26 06/24/08 50.65 33.57 5.586.67 07/16/08 58.24 41.16 5.594.17 08/26/08 50.74 33.66 5,594.23 09/10/08 50.68 33.60 5.594.12 10/14/08 50.79 33.71 5,594.06 11/26/08 50.85 33.77 5.594.87 12/29/08 50.04 32.96 5,595.89 01/26/09 49.02 31.94 5.596.27 02/24/09 48.64 31.56 5.596.47 03/06/09 48.44 31.36 5.596.74 04/07/09 48.17 31.09 5,597.55 05/29/09 47.36 30.28 5,598.11 06/30/09 46.8 29.72 5,598.22 07/31/09 46.69 29.61 5.598.52 08/31/09 46.39 29.31 5,598.49 09/10/09 46.42 29.34 5.599.48 12/11/09 45.43 28.35 5.599.75 03/11/10 45.16 28.08 5,599.63 05/11/10 45.28 28.20 5.598.68 09/29/10 46.23 29.15 5,598.66 12/21/10 46.25 29.17 5.598.18 02/28/11 46.73 29.65 Water Elevation (WL) Land Surface (LSD) Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill - Well TW4-26 Total or Measuring Measured Point Depth to Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Total Depth to Total Water Depth Of (MP) Riser (L) Monitoring (blw.MP) (blwXSD) Well 5,599.98 5,601.68 1.70 86 5,536.90 06/14/10 64.78 63.08 5,536.95 09/29/10 64.73 63.03 5,537.17 12/21/10 64.51 62.81 5,537.16 02/28/11 64.52 62.82 I I TabH Laboratory Analytical Reports ENERGY IMytkslExaSkactSsalSU Hslmia, HT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Caspiir.WY 888-23W)515 Gillette, WY 886-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-122S * College Station, TX 888-690-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-009 Client Sample ID: MW-4 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 12:55 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 40 mg/L 4.6 mg/L 1 0.5 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12 20/lr 03/01/11 14:19 /dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.5 ug/L Chloroform 1700 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr- 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 120 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 95.0 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 09.04/jlr 17:39/jlr 09:04 / jlr 09.04/jlr 09:04/jlr 09:04/jlr 09:04 /jlr 09:04/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 12 of 35 EINERGY daafrflatf ftetOt net Stnct tut Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Caspar, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-686-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 * Collage Station, TX 888-898-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-1 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/24/11 08:00 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 41 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 6.6 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1300 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 107 %REC Surr- Dibromofluoromethane 121 %REC Surr-p-Bromofluorobenzene 110 %REC Surr- Toluene-d8 98.0 %REC 1 0.5 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353.2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 12-18 /Ir 03/01/11 14:17 /dc 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 0828/jlr 17:03/jlr 08.28/jlr 08.28/jlr 08.28/jlr 08:28 /jlr 08.28/jlr 08 28/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 11 of 35 ENERGY Helena, HT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-886-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-016 Client Sample ID: TW4-1R ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 09:50 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND 0.4 mg/L mg/L 1 01 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.38/Ir 03/01/11 1442/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 103 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 110 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 103 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 03/02/11 2341 / jlr 23:41 / jlr 23 41 / jlr 23.41 / jlr 2341 / jlr 23 41 / jlr 23 41 / jlr 23 41 / jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 19 of 35 ENERGY fl§ wvw.energylab.com AailftlalFxaOHCtStetJSSl Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Caspar, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 88B-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-690-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-011 TW4-2 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/24/11 08:15 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 46 7 mg/L mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:32/Ir 03/01/11 14:24/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 2.4 ug/L Chloroform 3100 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 104 %REC Surr Dibromofluoromethane 119 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 111 %REC Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 10.17/jlr 19-28/jlr 10*17/jlr 10:17/jlr 10:17/jlr 10.17/jlr 10 17/jlr 10:17/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 14 of 35 ENERGY @ Aat^fitaflncttttt 1332 Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 8CD-735-44B9 « Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 865-686-7175 « Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-3 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/15/11 13:10 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitnte as N 23 3.5 mg/L mg/L 1 0.2 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 1512/Ir 02/22/11 15.55/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 109 %REC Surr-Dibromofluoromethane 113 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 109 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 89.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 00-40/jlr 00:40/jlr 0040/jlr 00.40/jlr 00-40/jlr 00.40 / jlr 00 40/jlr 00 40/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level Definitions: QQL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 4 of 26 ENERGY f ffffllHftMO Stiff IS52 Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT B00-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY8SB-886-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-872*1225 * College Station, TX 888-698-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020540-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-3R ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/14/11 10:00 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND 0.2 mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 15:10/Ir 02/22/11 15 52/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 106 %REC Surr-Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 89.0 %REC 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 00 05/jlr 00-05/jlr 00:05/jlr 00.05/jlr 00:05/jlr 0005/jlr 00 05/jlr 00 05/jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 3 of 26 !_ALsOI!AICI<:i_i Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 880-735-4489 » Casper, WY 688-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7175 6 Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 « College Station, TX 888490-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-4 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 13:50 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 41 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 7 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.4 ug/L Chloroform 1800 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 103 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 124 %REC Surr: p-Bromof luorobenzene 109 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 105 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353.2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 12:30 /Ir 03/01/11 14:22 /dc 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 09:40/jlr 18.15/jlr 09.40 /jlr 09:40 /jlr 09:40/jlr 09.40/jlr 09.40/jlr 09.40/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 13 of 35 gs^l AttMtrmtEMaStoastiKtm Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper. WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-021 TW4-5 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 0817 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 34 7 mg/L mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.53/Ir 03/01/11 15.02/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1 o ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Sun-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 99.0 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 110 %REC Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr Toluene-d8 109 %REC 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 02:42/jlr 02:42/jlr 02.42/jlr 02:42/jlr 02 42/jlr 02 42/jlr 02:42/jlr 02 42/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit MCL - Maximum contaminant level Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 24 of 35 ENERGY |f$ Helens, Ht 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-738-4489 -! Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-688-7175 • Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-002 Client Sample ID: TW4-6 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 08:00 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 40 0.7 mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.03 /Ir 03/01/11 13.54/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 47 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 124 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 112 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 98.0 %REC 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 06:03 /jlr 15:15/jlr 06:03 /jlr 06.03/jlr 06 03/jlr 06:03/jlr 06:03/jlr 0603/jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit D - RL increased due to sample matrix. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 5 of 35 ENERGY fH> AotljIktlExaBmiaSbiulSU f Hiriena, HT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Caspar, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-880-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020714-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-7 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 09:00 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitnte as N 45 mg/L 3.6 mg/L 1 0.2 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 1213/lr 03/01/11 14.04/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1300 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr- 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 104 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 113 %REC Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 100 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 02/28/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 07-52 / 20 23/ 07-52 / 07-52/ 07:52 / 07 52 / 07:52 / 07:52 / Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 9 of 35 ENERGY @ Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT B00-735-44B9 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 886-888-7178 » Rapid City, SO 888472-1228 * Cpflego Station, TX 888-688-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-009 TW4-8 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/16/11 10 40 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 52 ND mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353 2 02/24/11 15 43/lr 02/22/11 1620/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 113 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 110 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 04:50/jlr 04-50/jlr 04 50/jlr 04-50/jlr 04:50/jlr 04 50/jlr 04.50 / jlr 04 50/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 11 of 26 ENERGY m Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-738-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 886-686-7175 » Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-011 Client Sample ID: TW4-9 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/17/11 07 40 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 41 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 1.3 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC Surr- Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 108 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 83.0 %REC 1 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353.2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/24/11 15:50 /Ir 02/22/11 16 32/dc 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 19:09/jlr 19.09/jlr 19:09/jlr 1909/jlr 19 09/jlr 19.09/jlr 1909/jlr 19:09/jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 13 of 26 ENERGY ff£ AaHrtial£xeeemt$StnatSS2 Helena, MT 8774724711 • Billings, MT 800-7384489 * Casper, WY 888-238-0515 Gillette, WY 868-686-7178 • Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-010 Client Sample ID: TW4-9R ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/16/11 11:53 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND mg/L 0.2 mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353 2 02/24/11 15:44/Ir 02/22/11 16.22/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 103 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 109 %REC Surr-p-Bromofluorobenzene 102 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 83.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 18 34/jlr 18.34 /jlr 18 34/jlr 18-34/jlr 18 34/jlr 1834/jlr 18.34 /jlr 18-34 /jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 12 of 26 ENERGY & »BiWa1Emtaac$SBC*f3S2 Helena, HT 877-472-07^1 » Billings, WT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-886-7175 ' Rapid City, SD 888-672-1228 » College Station, TX 888-680-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020714-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-10 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 08:40 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 62 mg/L 9 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.11 / Ir 03/01/11 1402/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 620 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 104 %REC Surr- Dibromofluoromethane 115 %REC Surr-p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr- Toluene-d8 97.0 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/02/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 07:16/jlr 16-27/jlr 07:16/jlr 07:16/jlr 07-16/jlr 07:16/jlr 07:16/jlr 07:16/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 8 of 35 ENERGY .AbOiwi CN;_:J kufttialEBBBmaStBUISSZ Helena, HT 877-472-0711 » Billings, MT 800-735-4489 » Caspar, WY 888-235-0515 ffillette, WY B6B-6B6-7175 » Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 » College Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-003 Client Sample ID: TW4-11 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 08:25 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 46 mg/L 6.5 mg/L 1 0.5 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:06 /Ir 03/01/11 13 57/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1000 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 107 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 122 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 99.0 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 02/28/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 06 39/jlr 18:34/jlr 06.39 /jlr 06 39/jlr 06:39/jlr 06:39/jlr 06.39/jlr 06:39/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 6 of 35 ENERGY m AuffiatEeBOmfSKftm Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-688-7175 • Rapid Crfr, SD 888472-1225 « College Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-003 TW4-12 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/15/11 13:25 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 31 6.5 mg/L mg/L 1 0.5 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 15.14/Ir 02/22/11 15:57/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 108 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 89.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 02/25/11 01 .16/jlr .16/jlr :16 / jlr •16 /jlr .16/jlr :16/jlr •16/jlr 16/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit ND - Not detected at the reporting limit D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 5 of 26 ENERGY fH HBlena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT B00-7354489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-688-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-13 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/15/11 13 36 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitnte as N 60 5.5 mg/L mg/L 1 05 A4500-CI B E353 2 02/24/11 15 16 /Ir 02/22/11 16:00/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 109 %REC Surr Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 109 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 88 0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 01-52/jlr 01-52/jlr 01-52/jlr 01.52/jlr 01.52 /jlr 01 52/jlr 01 52/jlr 01 52/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 6 of 26 ENERGY U| AatfytlafEiaOmia Since 18S2 Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800*735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-888-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-880-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-005 Client Sample ID: TW4-14 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/15/11 13:46 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 25 1.8 mg/L mg/L 1 0.2 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 15:19/Ir 02/22/11 16:02/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 108 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02 28/jlr 0228/jlr 02:28/jlr 02-28/jlr 02.28 /jlr 02-28/jlr 02:28/jlr 02-28 /jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL . Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 7 of 26 ENERGY fH totljIialEiaBmctSsKilSU Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-051S Gillette, WY BBB-688-7175 ' Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • Collage Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-004 Client Sample ID: TW4-15 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 13:30 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 57 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 0 5 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 450 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde 3 6 ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 102 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 105 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 105 %REC 1 0.1 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353.2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 12:09/Ir 03/01/11 13 59/dc 02/28/11 03/02/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 19.10/jlr 15.51 / jlr 19:10/jlr 19.10/jlr 19:10/jlr 19.10/jlr 19:10/jlr 19.10/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 7 of 35 ENERGY m www.energylabxoirt ks^jtM£tet8ac$SttulS52 Helena, MT 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-7394489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 i,WY 888-888-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 •College Station, TX 888-880-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020714-019 Client Sample ID: TW4-16 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 07:45 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 86 mg/L 7 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:45/Ir 03/01/11 14.57/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 15 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 99.0 %REC Sun" Dibromofluoromethane 114 %REC Surr-p-Bromofluorobenzene 103 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 103 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 01:29/jlr 01:29/jlr 01:29/jlr 01:29/jlr 01:29 /jlr 01.29 /jlr 01:29 / jlr 01:29/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 22 of 35 ENERGY {Jg Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT B00-735-4489 • Casper, WY888-235-6515 Gillette, WY 868-666-7175 ' Rapid City, SO 688-672-1225 » College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-16R ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/21/11 07:59 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND 0.2 mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 1236/Ir 03/01/11 14:37/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 99.0 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 101 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 01:49/jlr 01.49/jlr 01 49/jlr 01 -49 /jlr 01.49/jlr 01.49/jlr 01.49/jlr 01 49 / jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 17 of 35 ENERGY Wjtk*Exciltac$StacMl®2 Helena, Iff 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-8515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 188-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-690-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-17 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 13:40 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitnte as N 40 mg/L ND mg/L 1 01 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:15/Ir 03/01/11 14:14 /dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 106 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 110 %REC Surr- Toluene-d8 100 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 02/28/11 20.59/jlr 20:59/jlr 20:59/jlr 20:59/jlr 20:59 / jlr 20.59/jlr 20:59 / jlr 20:59/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 10 of 35 ENERGY «n«Wjenergylat»xoin Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 « Casper, WY 088-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-022 Client Sample ID: TW4-18 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 08:40 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 52 10 mg/L mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12 55/Ir 03/01/11 15'12/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 39 Ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 103 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 113 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 101 %REC 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 0318/jlr 03.18 /jlr 03*18/jlr 0318 /jlr 03.18/jlr 03.18/jlr 0318/jlr 03:18/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QO_ - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 25 of 35 ENERGY 4-$ M^BBaBwtShu 1S52 Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 » College Station, TX 888-680-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020540-014 Client Sample ID: TW4-19 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/17/11 1015 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 135 17 mg/L mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 16:04/Ir 02/22/11 16:37/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 17 ug/L Chloroform 3400 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 106 %REC Surr- Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 84.0 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/26/11 02/28/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 05 51 / jlr 16:46/jlr 05-51 / jlr 05:51 / jlr 05-51 / jlr 05-51 / jlr 05:51 / jlr 05.51 / jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level Definitions: QQL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix Page 16 of 26 ENERGY |1§| Anttytiu! FmtBwiM Sttct tSSZ Helena, MT 877472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-866-7175 « Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 « College Station, TX 888-080-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020714-012 Client Sample ID: TW4-20 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 14:18 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 220 mg/L 4.4 mg/L 1 0.2 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:34/Ir 03/01/11 14:34 /dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 27 ug/L Chloroform 31000 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride 19 ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 100 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 118 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 113 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 106 %REC 1.0 1000 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 02/28/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 10:53/jlr 21.35/jlr 10 53/jlr 10 53/jlr 1053 /jlr 10-53/jlr 10-53 /jlr 10.53/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 15 of 35 ENERGY Q Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-688-7179 * Rapid City, SD 88B-672-1225 » College Station, TX 888-880-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-023 Client Sample ID: TW4-21 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 08:55 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 303 mg/L 9 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12:58/Ir 03/01/11 15:14 /dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ug/L Chloroform 230 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 101 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 107 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 103 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 106 %REC 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 05:06 /jlr 03:54/jlr 05:06/jlr 0506/jlr 05:06/jlr 0506/jlr 05:06/jlr 05:06/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 26 of 35 ENERGY fH JWttalExaihmtx Steam Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 880-735-4489 « Casper, WY 888-239*0915 Gillette, WY 868-888-7178 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1229 * College Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-001 Client Sample ID: TW4-22 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 07:40 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 114 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 18 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1300 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 104 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 120 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 103 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353 2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 11 54/lr 03/01/11 13 44/dc 03/01/11 02/28/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 0527 / jlr 17.22 /jlr 05 27/jlr 05:27/jlr 05:27/jlr 05 27 /jlr 05.27/jlr 05.27 /jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 4 of 35 ENERGY ExaBunSlBCtlSSl Helena, MT 877472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-7354489 * Casper, WY 888-235-081S Gillette, WY 868-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 88B-672-122S » College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-015 Client Sample ID: TW4-22R ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 09:44 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND 0.2 mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 1237/Ir 03/01/11 14:39/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 97.0 %REC Surr-Dibromofluoromethane 110 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 98 0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 02.25/jlr 02.25/jlr 02:25/jlr 02-25/jlr 02.25/jlr 02 25/jlr 02.25/jlr 02:25/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QO_ - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 18 of 35 ENERGY LALiOIJA"! OHI.'J Helena, MT 877-472-0711« Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-688-7175 • Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 « College Station, TX 888-680-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020540-007 Client Sample ID: TW4-23 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/16/11 09:44 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 44 ND mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353 2 02/24/11 15.23/Ir 02/22/11 16-15/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 111 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 03.39/jlr 0339/jlr 0339/jlr 03:39/jlr 03 39/jlr 03.39/jlr 03 39/jlr 03 39/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 9 of 26 EfSERGY Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-738-4488 * Caspar, WY 888-235-091S Gillette, WY 888-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 * College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-006 Client Sample ID: TW4-23R ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/15/11 08:15 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND ND mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 15.22/Ir 02/22/11 16.12/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 106 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 107 %REC Surr. p-Bromof luorobenzene 107 %REC Surr Toluene-d8 89 0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 03.03 /jlr 03:03/jlr 03:03/jlr 03.03/jlr 03-03/jlr 03 03/jlr 03.03/jlr 03 03/jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 8 of 26 ENERGY fl! Helena, MT B77-472-0711 • Billings, MT 600-7354489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-888-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 'College Stafaon.TX 888-690-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-012 Client Sample ID: TW4-24 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/17/11 07 50 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 1100 mg/L 31 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 1558/ Ir 02/22/11 16-35/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 1.8 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 109 %REC Surr. Dibromofluoromethane 117 %REC Sun: p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 84.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 19.45/jlr 19.45/jlr 19-45/jlr 19 45/jlr 19 45/jlr 19 45/jlr 19 45/jlr 1945/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 14 of 26 ENERGY @ Client: Project: Lab ID: Helena, MT 877-472-9711 * Billings, MT 880-738-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1229 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-008 Client Sample ID: TW4-25 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/16/11 1013 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 315 mg/L 15 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 15:29/Ir 02/22/11 16:17/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr- Dibromofluoromethane 109 %REC Surr. p-Bromof luorobenzene 108 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 04.14/jlr 04.14/jlr 04 14/jlr 0414/jlr 04.14 /jlr 04 14/jlr 04:14 /jlr 04:14/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. Page 10 of 26 ENERGY IaglhBC$StK»IS5t Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 600-735-44B9 • Casper, WY 888-239-0515 Gillette, WY 888-886-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 ' College Station, TX 888-880-2218 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Lab ID: C11020714-020 Client Sample ID: TW4-26 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/22/11 08:00 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 30 mg/L 10 mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.48/Ir 03/01/11 1459/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 2.0 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 107 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 112 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 101 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 02.06/jlr 02 06 /jlr 02.06/jlr 02:06/jlr 02.06/jlr 02.06 /jlr 02.06/jlr 0206/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matnx. Page 23 of 35 ENERGY SS^O. Antj/tlcttEiaSteis$Sbc$tS52 f Helena, MT 877472-0711 *» Billings, MT 800*735-4489 4 Casper, WY 888-235-0515 J Gillette, WY 868-886-7175 ' Rapid City, SD 888-872-1228 » Collage Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-017 Client Sample ID: TW4-60 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 14:50 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N ND ND mg/L mg/L 1 0.1 A4500-CI B E353.2 02/28/11 12.40/Ir 03/01/11 14:44/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 104 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 114 %REC Surr-p-Bromofluorobenzene 108 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 102 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 00:17/jlr 00:17/jlr 00.17/jlr 00:17/jlr 0017/jlr 00:17/jlr 00:17/jlr 00:17/jlr Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 20 of 35 ENERGY f% Helens, MT 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 600-7354489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7175 « Rapid Crty, SO 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-888-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: Client Sample ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-015 TW4-65 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/17/11 1015 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 134 17 mg/L mg/L A4500-CI B E353.2 02/24/11 16-06/Ir 02/22/11 16 40/dc VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 15 ug/L Chloroform 5600 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chlonde ND ug/L Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 107 %REC Surr. Toluene-d8 85 0 %REC 1.0 1000 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/26/11 02/25/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 02/26/11 06 27/jlr 20-57/jlr 06.27 / jlr 06 27/jlr 06 27/jlr 0627 / jlr 06.27 /jlr 06:27/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix Page 17 of 26 ENERGY AhttjUc*IElftUmci$tnc$ 1352 Helena, HT 877-472-8711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 888-888-7175 * Rapid City, SO 888-872-1225 * College Station, TX 888-890-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-018 Client Sample ID: TW4-70 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 08:40 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL/ QCL Method Analysis Date / By MAJOR IONS Chloride 65 mg/L Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N 9 mg/L VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform 810 ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC Surr Dibromofluoromethane 131 %REC Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene 105 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 102 %REC 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 A4500-CI B E353.2 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/28/11 12:43/Ir 03/01/11 14-54/dc 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 03/03/11 04:30 /jlr 00:53/jlr 04-30/jlr 04-30/jlr 04 30/jlr 04.30/jlr 04.30/jlr 04:30/jlr Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. D - RL increased due to sample matrix. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. Page 21 of 35 ENERGY Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 86B-6B8-717S * Rapid City, SD 888:872-1225 « College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-016 Client Sample ID: Temp Blank ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/17/11 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Temperature 3.0 °C E170.1 02/18/11 09 20/kbh Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 18 of 26 ENERGY <p| kstfjikt!Exeeaiac$5Sm\S5I Helena, MT 877-472-0711 » Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-6515 Gillette, WY 866-666-7175 • Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-688*2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-024 Client Sample ID: Temp Blank ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/23/11 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Temperature 2.4 °C E170.1 02/25/11 1015/kbh Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 27 of 35 Helena, MT 877-472-9711 • Billings, HIT 800-735-4489 * Casper. WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WT866-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020714-013 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank 6092 ReportDate: 03/11/11 Collection Date: 02/21/11 DateReceived: 02/25/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 103 %REC Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene 106 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 100 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/01/11 0113/j 03/01/11 0113/j 03/01/11 01.13/j 03/01/11 0113/j 03/01/11 01*13/j 03/01/11 01.13/j 03/01/11 01:13/j 03/01/11 01:13/j Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. QCL - Quality control limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 16 of 35 ENERGY «3 ABiffttortEfuBtactStBUlW Helena, MT 877-472-0711 » Billings, MT 800-739-4488 • Caspar, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 868-686-7175 « Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 * College Station, TX 888-880-2218 Client: Project: Lab ID: LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform 2011 C11020540-013 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank 6092 ReportDate: 03/09/11 Collection Date: 02/14/11 DateReceived: 02/18/11 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCU QCL Method Analysis Date / By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L Chloroform ND ug/L Chloromethane ND ug/L Methylene chloride ND ug/L Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 115 %REC Surr-Dibromofluoromethane 109 %REC Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 111 %REC Surr: Toluene-d8 83.0 %REC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80-120 70-130 80-120 80-120 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 02/25/11 20:21 / 20-21 / 20.21 / 20 21 / 20:21 / 20.21 / 20:21 / 20.21 / Report RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. Definitions: QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 15 of 26 ENERGY r AattrtictfEtceBtanSkctlSSZ Helena, m 877-472-0711 * Billings, HIT 800-735-4488 * Gillfrtte, WY 868-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * r,WY 888-235-0515 ,1X888-680-2218 March 09,2011 ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp 6425 S Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Workorder No.: C11020540 Quote ID: C2975 - Chloroform Sampling Project Name: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Energy Laboratories, Inc. Casper WY received the following 16 samples for Denison Mines USA Corp on 2/18/2011 for analysis Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test C11020540-001 TW4-3R 02/14/11 10:00 02/18/11 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020540-002 TW4-3 02/15/11 13:10 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-003 TW4-12 02/15/11 13:25 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-004 TW4-13 02/15/11 13:36 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-005 TW4-14 02/15/11 13:46 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-006 TW4-23R 02/15/11 08:15 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-007 TW4-23 02/16/11 09:44 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-008 TW4-25 02/16/11 10:13 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-009 TW4-8 02/16/11 10:40 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-010 TW4-9R 02/16/11 11:53 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-011 TW4-9 02/17/11 07:40 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-012 TW4-24 02/17/11 07:50 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-013 Trip Blank 6092 02/14/11 OO'OO 02/18/11 Aqueous SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020540-014 TW4-19 02/17/11 10:15 02/18/11 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020540-015 TW4-65 02/17/11 10:15 02/18/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020540-016 Temp Blank 02/17/11 00-00 02/18/11 Aqueous Temperature This report was prepared by Energy Laboratories, Inc , 2393 Salt Creek Hwy., Casper, WY 82601. Any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report, the QA/QC Summary Report, or the Case Narrative. The results as reported relate only to the item(s) submitted for testing. If you have any questions regarding these test results, please call Report Approved By: . , . N „ Digitally signed by W\)6L^ Kathy Hamre Report proofing Specialist Date: 2011.03.09 12:21:47 -07:00 Page 1 of 26 www.enefgy1ab.com katijtktifxetmtxStKCtlBSl r Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4480 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette. WY 868-888-7175 * Rapid Cifr. SD 888-872-1228 • College Station. TX 888-688-2218 CLIENT: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Sample Delivery Group: C11020540 ReportDate: 03/09/11 CASE NARRATIVE ORIGINAL SAMPLE SUBMITTAL(S) All original sample submittals have been returned with the data package. SAMPLE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE: 4°C (±2<C) Temperature of samples received may not be considered properly preserved by accepted standards. Samples that are hand delivered immediately after collection shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has begun. GROSS ALPHA ANALYSIS Method 900.0 for gross alpha and gross beta is intended as a drinking water method for low TDS waters Data provided by this method for non potable waters should be viewed as inconsistent. RADON IN AIR ANALYSIS The desired exposure time is 48 hours (2 days) The time delay in returning the canister to the laboratory for processing should be as short as possible to avoid excessive decay. Maximum recommended delay between end of exposure to beginning of counting should not exceed 8 days. SOIL/SOLID SAMPLES All samples reported on an as received basis unless otherwise indicated. ATRAZINE, SIMAZINE AND PCB ANALYSIS Data for PCBs, Atrazine and Simazine are reported from EPA 525.2. PCB data reported by ELI reflects the results for seven individual Aroclors When the results for all seven are ND (not detected), the sample meets EPA compliance criteria for PCB monitoring. SUBCONTRACTING ANALYSIS Subcontracting of sample analyses to an outside laboratory may be required. If so, ENERGY LABORATORIES will utilize its branch laboratories or qualified contract laboratories for this service. Any such laboratories will be indicated within the Laboratory Analytical Report BRANCH LABORATORY LOCATIONS eli-b - Energy Laboratories, Inc - Billings, MT eli-g - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - Gillette, WY eli-h - Energy Laboratories, Inc - Helena, MT eh-r - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - Rapid City, SD eli-t - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - College Station, TX CERTIFICATIONS: USEPA: WY00002, Radiochemical WY00937; FL-DOH NELAC: E87641, Radiochemical E871017; California: 02118CA; Oregon: WY200001; Utah: 3072350515; Virginia: 00057; Washington. C1903 ISO 17025 DISCLAIMER: The results of this Analytical Report relate only to the items submitted for analysis. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. - CASPER.WY certifies that certain method selections contained in this report meet requirements as set forth by the above accrediting authorities. Some results requested by the client may not be covered under these certifications All analysis data to be submitted for regulatory enforcement should be certified in the sample state of origin. Please verify ELI's certification coverage by visiting www.energylab.com ELI appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this analytical service. For additional information and services visit our web page www energylab.com. Page 2 of 26 ENERGY £H JbulftieglEttriuc$Slau183t Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4488 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY8S6-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 * Coflega Station, TX 888-690-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/09/11 WorkOrder: C11020540 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: Sample ID: Chloride Sample ID: Chloride Sample ID: Chloride A4500-CI B MBLK9-110224 C11020540-009AMS C11020540-009AMSD Sample ID: C11020540-015AMS Chloride Sample ID: Chloride Sample ID: Chloride C11020540-015AMSD LCS35-110224 Method Blank ND mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 229 mg/L 1 0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 231 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 313 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 312 mg/L 1.0 Laboratory Control Sample 3550 mg/L 1.0 Run. TITRATION 110224A Run TITRATIONJ 10224A 100 90 110 Run: TITRATIONJ 10224A 101 90 110 Run- TITRATIONJ10224A 101 90 110 Run: TITRATIONJ10224A 100 90 110 Run- TITRATIONJ 10224A 100 90 110 Batch: 110224-CL-TTR-W 02/24/11 15.08 02/24/11 15 46 0.7 0.6 02/24/11 15.48 10 02/24/11 1628 02/24/11 1631 10 02/24/11 16 33 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 19 of 26 ENERGY f]§| wwitfinergylab^ofn Helena, MT B77-472-0711 • Billings, MT BfJO-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 816-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 » College Station, TX 888-690-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/09/11 WorkOrder: C11020540 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: E353.2 Sample ID: MBLK-1 Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: LCS-2 Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020540-001BMS Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020540-001BMSD Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020541-001 CMS Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020541-001 CMSD Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Method Blank ND mg/L 0.10 Laboratory Control Sample 2 52 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike 2.29 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 2.34 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike 3.81 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 3.84 mg/L 0.10 Run. TECHNICON_110222A Run: TECHNICONJ 10222A 101 90 110 Run. TECHNICONJ 10222A 104 90 110 Run: TECHNICONJ 10222A 107 90 110 Run: TECHNICONJ 10222A 100 90 110 Run- TECHNICONJ 10222A 101 90 110 2.2 0.8 Batch R142962 02/22/11 12:35 02/22/11 12.37 02/22/11 16.05 02/22/11 16.07 10 02/22/11 16.45 02/22/11 16:47 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 20 of 26 ENERGY www-energyiab.cofli Aadrtfe^ExaBawtStitu 1832 r Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 808-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0315 Gillette, WY 868-886-7178 • Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-690-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/09/11 WorkOrder: C11020540 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimlt Qual Method: SW8260B Sample ID: 24-Feb-11_LCS_5 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr* 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr* Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr. Toluene-d8 Sample ID: 24-Feb-11_MBLK_7 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020525-005GMS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chlonde Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr* Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 8 Laboratory Control Sample 9.6 ug/L 9.5 ug/L 9.6 ug/L 8.9 ug/L 8 Method Blank ND ND ND ND ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 8 Sample Matrix Spike 110 ug/L 110 ug/L 100 ug/L 100 ug/L Sample ID: C11020525-005GMSD 8 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chlonde Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr* p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 110 110 100 96 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 10 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 10 10 10 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 106 94 103 86 114 114 104 102 97 104 97 97 106 108 103 96 98 97 98 96 Run-5975VOC1 110224B 96 95 96 89 97 92 97 96 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 130 120 Run. 5975VOC1 110224B 80 70 80 80 120 130 120 120 Run-5975VOC1 110224B 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 Run:5975VOC1 110224B 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 6.9 5.4 0.8 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 Batch- R143081 02/24/11 12 44 02/24/11 1355 02/24/11 19.19 02/24/11 19 55 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 21 of 26 ErVERGY t;*, Helena, MT 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-7354488 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-886-7178 « Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 • Coflage Station, TX 888-890-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/09/11 WorkOrder: C11020540 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual 8 Laboratory Control Sample 11 ug/L 10 ug/L 11 ug/L 9.6 ug/L Method: SW8260B Sample ID: 25-Feb-11_LCS_4 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr. Toluene-d8 Sample ID: 25-Feb-11_MBLK_6 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr- Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020540-015CMS 8 Sample Matrix Spike 8 Method Blank ND ND ND ND ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chlonde Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr. Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020540-015CMSD Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr. p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 12000 ug/L 18000 ug/L 12000 ug/L 11000 ug/L 8 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 12000 17000 12000 11000 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1.0 1.0 1 0 1 0 Run 5975VOC1 110225B 108 104 108 96 94 90 98 92 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 130 120 Run-5975VOC1 110225B 108 99 106 83 122 127 117 108 97 104 97 93 115 118 115 106 99 102 100 92 80 70 80 80 120 130 120 120 Run:5975VOC1 110225B 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 Run.5975VOC1 110225B 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 5.7 5.1 1.7 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 Batch. R143126 02/25/11 15.01 02/25/11 16 12 02/25/11 21-32 02/25/11 22.08 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 22 of 26 ENERGY kulrtkalExcaBaacaStBUl852 Helena, MT 877-472-9711 • Billings, MT 800-738-4489 * Casper, WY 888*238-0819 Gillette, WY 868-686-7175 » Rapid City, SO 888-872-1225 • College Station, TX 888-890-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/09/11 WorkOrder: C11020540 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8260B Sample ID: 022811_LCS_4 Chloroform Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr. Toluene-d8 Sample ID: 022811_MBLK_6 Chloroform Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr. Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020714-012CMS Chloroform Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr. Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 5 Laboratory Control Sample 12 ug/L 5 Method Blank ND ug/L Sample Matrix Spike 48000 ug/L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 121 101 93 115 102 101 93 106 104 Run. SATURNCA_110228A 70 130 80 120 70 130 80 130 80 120 Run. SATURNCA_110228A 80 70 80 80 120 130 120 120 Run- SATURNCAJ10228A 165 70 130 97 80 120 109 70 130 110 80 120 103 80 120 • Spike recovery is high. This is a matnx related bias since the MS MSD pair both exhibit this same behavior yet have an acceptable RPD Sample ID: C11020714-012CMSD Chloroform Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 45000 ug/L Run: SATURNCAJ 10228A 1000 137 70 130 1.0 99 80 120 1.0 108 70 130 1.0 108 80 120 1.0 102 80 120 6.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 Batch R143162 02/28/11 14:25 02/28/11 15 37 02/28/11 22.12 S 02/28/11 22 48 20 S 10 10 10 10 Spike recovery is high This is a matnx related bias since the MS MSD pair both exhibit this same behavior yet have an acceptable RPD Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 23 of 26 wwvienergylabxom toffl*Exst890c*Slac$tSSt Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 808-735-4488 # Casper, WY 888-235-0815 Gillette, WY 866-688-7175 * Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 » Cortege Station, TX 888-688-2218 Workorder Receipt Checklist Denison Mines USA Corp Login completed by: Edith McPike Reviewed by: BL2000\kschroeder Reviewed Date* 2/18/2011 C11020540 Date Received: 2/18/2011 Received by: ha Carrier name: FedEx Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Chain of custody present? Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Samples in proper container/bottle? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? All samples received within holding time? Container/Temp Blank temperature Water - VOA vials have zero headspace? Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes 0 No • Not Present • Yes 0 No • Not Present • Yes • No • Not Present 0 Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No Q Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • 3"C On Ice Yes 0 NoQ No VOA vials submitted • Yes 0 No • Not Applicable • Contact and Corrective Action Comments None Page 24 of 26 Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record PLEASE PRINT (Provide as much information as possible.) Page_J_ of Company Name: Project Name, PWS, Permit, Etc. Sample Origin State, isf EPA/State Compliance: Yes B No • Report Mail Address: p0 &OX $0** Contact Name: Phone/Fax: Email: £y*^ P^^tr H3S £7? Sampler: (Please Print) Invoice Address. Invoice Contact & Phone: Purchase Order: Quote/Bottle Order: sTippecT Special Report/Formats: • DW • POTWWWTP • State: • Other: • EDD/EDT(Electronic Data) Format: • LEVEL IV • NELAC jBcQ^Slfc cn ^5 .}s""C i_ ai JB c c <V QL CO O O T a)~ go & ' E CD CO >l SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (Name, Location, Interval, etc.) Collection Date Collection Time MATRIX ci o C I TJ C 3 2 to c k_ 3 I— "S CO TJ C co R U H Contact ELI prior to RUSH sample submittal for charges and scheduling - See Instruction Page Comments: Cooler ID(s): Receipt Temp _2> °c On Ice: SI Custody Seat On Bottle On Cooler Intact Signature Match Y N (2> N X TU/>H-3 1210 mi X 133 X JJWJ- ft- 15-U I* a-is-n o$\5 X 5" 5u/ X ©L IOH0 X Custody Record MUST be Signed Relinquished by (print), I/S3 Date/Time */r?/flp» Uso Signature Signature Received by (pnnt) Date/Time Signature. Relinquished by (pnnt)' Date/Time Received by (print) ^ecSIvetTTyTaDoraCry? Date/Time one, Signature Sample Disposal. Return to Client Lab Disposal: In certain circumstances, samples submitted to Energy Laboratories, Inc. may be subcontracted to other certified laboratones in order to complete the analysis requested. This serves as notice of this possibility. All sub-contract data will be clearly notated on your analytical report visit our web site at www.eneroYlab.com for additional information, downloadable fee schedule, forms, and links. Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record PLEASE PRINT (Provide as much Information as possible.) Page <PK of SL, Company Name: Project Name, PWS, Permit, Etc. Sample Origin State: L^T EPA7State Compliance: Yes H No • Report Mail Address: gp* goQj Contact Name: Phone/Fax: Email: Sampler: (Please Print) invoice Address-Invoice Contact & Phone: Purchase Order: Quote/Bottle Order: Special Report/Formats: • DW • POTW/WWTP • State: • Other: • EDD/EDT(Electronic Data) Format: • LEVEL IV • NELAC CO tng & 5. <S. O O CO SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (Name, Location, Interval, etc.) Collection Date Collection Time MATRIX <3 R U S H Contact ELI pnor to RUSH sample submittal for charges and scheduling - See Instruction Page Comments: Cooler IDfs): Recei ptTemp ^ °c On Ice: Custody Seal On Bottle On Cooler Intact Signature Match Y N ©N 5u> Sr IT ti 01SQ r<;f aionk left! Custody Record MUST be Signed Relinquished by (pnnt): Date/Time Relinquished by (pnnt )• Date/Time. Signature Received by (pnnt) Date/Time Signature Received by (pnnt) T?K3v«oTy^B5raTory: Date/Time Signature. Sample Disposal: Return to Client. Lab Disposal: Date/Time ~ _ " f\ signature In certain circumstances, samples submitted to Energy Laboratories, Inc. may be subcontracted to other certified laboratories in order to complete the analysis requested. This serves as notice of this possibility. Ail sub-contract data will be clearly notated on your analytical report. Visit our web site at www.energylab com for additional information, downloadable fee schedule, forms, and links. ENERGY Ujg wwwinergylab.com to&ftetliat!kanSbm1852 Helena, Mt 877-4724711 * Billings, MT M0-735-44B9 • Casper, WY 688-235-0515 GlilettB, WY 86B-B8S-7179 • Rapid City, SD 888-872-1225 » College Station, TX 888-690-2218 ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT March 11, 2011 Denison Mines USA Corp 6425 S Hwy 191 Blanding, UT 84511 Workorder No.: C11020714 Quote ID: C2975 - Chloroform Sampling Project Name: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Energy Laboratories, Inc. Casper WY received the following 24 samples for Denison Mines USA Corp on 2/25/2011 for analysis. Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test C11020714-001 TW4-22 02/23/11 07:40 02/25/11 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020714-002 TW4-6 02/23/11 08:00 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-003 TW4-11 02/23/11 08:25 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-004 TW4-15 02/23/11 13:30 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-005 TW4-10 02/23/11 08:40 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-006 TW4-7 02/23/11 09:00 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-007 TW4-17 02/23/11 13:40 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-008 TW4-1 02/24/11 08:00 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-009 MW-4 02/23/11 12:55 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-010 TW4-4 02/23/11 13 50 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-011 TW4-2 02/24/11 08:15 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-012 TW4-20 02/23/11 14:18 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-013 Trip Blank 6092 02/21/11 00:00 02/25/11 Aqueous SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020714-014 TW4-16R 02/21/11 07:59 02/25/11 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite SW8260B VOCs, Standard List C11020714-015 TW4-22R 02/22/11 09:44 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-016 TW4-1R 02/23/11 09 50 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-017 TW4-60 02/23/11 14:50 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-018 TW4-70 02/23/11 08:40 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-019 TW4-16 02/22/11 07:45 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-020 TW4-26 02/22/11 08:00 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-021 TW4-5 02/22/11 08:17 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-022 TW4-18 02/22/11 08:40 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-023 TW4-21 02/22/11 08:55 02/25/11 Aqueous Same As Above C11020714-024 Temp Blank 02/23/11 00:00 02/25/11 Aqueous Temperature Page 1 of 35 ENERGY <f|| .com Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7175 * Rapid City, SO 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 888-690-2218 ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT This report was prepared by Energy Laboratories, Inc., 2393 Salt Creek Hwy., Casper, WY 82601. Any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report, the QA/QC Summary Report, or the Case Narrative. The results as reported relate only to the item(s) submitted for testing If you have any questions regarding these test results, please call. Report Approved By: . iSpC^^4^YK?d^ Kathyhllmre V J ..,?..„«_- „ Date: 2011.02 Rteport Proofing Specialist Date: 2011.03.11 13:11:06-07:00 Page 2 of 35 www^nergylabxom ItolftetiUctMca State 1852 Helena. HT 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-735-4488 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette. WY 868-886-7178 • Rapid City. SD 888-872-1228 • College Station. TX 888-680-2218 CLIENT: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Sample Delivery Group: C11020714 ReportDate: 03/11/11 CASE NARRATIVE ORIGINAL SAMPLE SUBMITTAL(S) All original sample submittals have been returned with the data package. SAMPLE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE: 4°C (±2<C) Temperature of samples received may not be considered properly preserved by accepted standards. Samples that are hand delivered immediately after collection shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has begun. GROSS ALPHA ANALYSIS Method 900.0 for gross alpha and gross beta is intended as a drinking water method for low TDS waters. Data provided by this method for non potable waters should be viewed as inconsistent RADON IN AIR ANALYSIS The desired exposure time is 48 hours (2 days). The time delay in returning the canister to the laboratory for processing should be as short as possible to avoid excessive decay. Maximum recommended delay between end of exposure to beginning of counting should not exceed 8 days. SOIL/SOLID SAMPLES All samples reported on an as received basis unless otherwise indicated. ATRAZINE, SIMAZINE AND PCB ANALYSIS Data for PCBs, Atrazine and Simazine are reported from EPA 525.2. PCB data reported by ELI reflects the results for seven individual Aroclors. When the results for all seven are ND (not detected), the sample meets EPA compliance criteria for PCB monitoring. SUBCONTRACTING ANALYSIS Subcontracting of sample analyses to an outside laboratory may be required. If so, ENERGY LABORATORIES will utilize its branch laboratories or qualified contract laboratories for this service. Any such laboratories will be indicated within the Laboratory Analytical Report. BRANCH LABORATORY LOCATIONS eli-b - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - Billings, MT eli-g - Energy Laboratories, Inc - Gillette, WY eli-h - Energy Laboratories, Inc - Helena, MT eli-r - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - Rapid City, SD eli-t - Energy Laboratories, Inc. - College Station, TX CERTIFICATIONS: USEPA: WY00002, Radiochemical WY00937; FL-DOH NELAC: E87641, Radiochemical E871017; California: 02118CA; Oregon: WY200001; Utah: 3072350515; Virginia: 00057; Washington: C1903 ISO 17025 DISCLAIMER: The results of this Analytical Report relate only to the items submitted for analysis. ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. - CASPER.WY certifies that certain method selections contained in this report meet requirements as set forth by the above accrediting authorities. Some results requested by the client may not be covered under these certifications. All analysis data to be submitted for regulatory enforcement should be certified in the sample state of origin Please verify ELI's certification coverage by visiting www.energylab.com ELI appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this analytical service. For additional information and services visit our web page www.energylab.com. Page 3 of 35 ENERGY i.com Halena, MT 877*472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-738-4488 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-688-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 • College Station, TX 888-680-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/11/11 WorkOrder: C11020714 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: A4500-CIB Sample ID: MBLK9-110228 Chloride Sample ID: C11020664-001A Chloride Sample ID: C11020664-001A Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-009A Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-009A Chloride Sample ID: LCS35-110228 Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-020A Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-020A Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-023A Chloride Sample ID: C11020714-023A Chloride Method Blank ND mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 232 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 234 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 217 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 219 mg/L 1 0 Laboratory Control Sample 3610 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 120 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 119 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike 658 mg/L 1.0 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 661 mg/L 1.0 Run: TITRATIONJ 10228A Run. TITRATIONJ 10228A 100 90 110 Run: TITRATIONJ 10228A 101 90 110 Run. TITRATIONJ 10228A 100 90 110 Run- TITRATIONJ 10228A 101 90 110 Run: TITRATIONJ 10228A 102 90 110 Run: TITRATIONJ 10228A 101 90 110 Run TITRATIONJ 10228A 100 90 110 Run TITRATIONJ 10228A 100 90 110 Run- TITRATIONJ 10228A 101 90 110 Batch- 110228-CL-TTR-W 02/28/11 10.46 02/28/11 11:25 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.5 02/28/11 11:46 10 02/28/11 12:21 02/28/11 12:23 10 02/28/11 12.25 02/28/11 12.50 02/28/11 12:51 10 02/28/11 13:00 02/28/11 13:02 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 28 of 35 ENERGY ff| wwwjenenjyiab.com iajjtfctiEBeSuciSiBeim Helena, HT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 800*735-4499 • Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 886-886-7175 > Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 » College Station, TX 888-880-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 Report Date: Work Order: 03/11/11 C11020714 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: E353.2 Sample ID: MBLK-1 Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: LCS-2 Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020710-001BMS Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020710-001BMSD Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020714-007BMS Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020714-007BMSD Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020714-017BMS Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Sample ID: C11020714-017BMSD Nitrogen, Nitrate+Nitrite as N Method Blank ND mg/L 0.10 Laboratory Control Sample 2.42 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike 2.16 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 2.09 mg/L 010 Sample Matrix Spike 2.10 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 2.08 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike 2.05 mg/L 0.10 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 2.08 mg/L 010 Run: TECHNICONJ 10301A Run: TECHNICONJ 10301A 97 90 110 Run: TECHNICONJ 10301A 108 90 110 Run- TECHNICONJ 10301A 105 90 110 Run- TECHNICONJ 10301A 105 90 110 Run TECHNICONJ 10301A 104 90 110 Run. TECHNICONJ 10301A 103 90 110 Run. TECHNICONJ 10301A 3.3 1.0 104 90 110 1.5 Batch R143199 03/01/11 12.52 03/01/11 1254 03/01/11 13 47 03/01/11 13.49 10 03/01/11 1427 03/01/11 14.29 10 03/01/11 1504 03/01/11 1507 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit ND - Not detected at the reporting limit Page 29 of 35 ENERGY .com kaUSaiSaellamSlBuim Helena, MT 877472-0711 • Billings, MT 800-738-4468 • Caspar, WY 888-235-0819 Gillette, WY 666-686-7175 • Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * College Station, IX 888-680-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/11/11 WorkOrder: C11020714 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8260B Sample ID: 022811_LCS_4 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: 022811_MBLK_6 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Sun" p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020714-012CMS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 - Spike recovery is high This is a matnx Sample ID: C11020714-012CMSD Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chlonde Surr-1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr- p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 - Spike recovery is high This is a matnx 8 Laboratory Control Sample 12 ug/L 12 ug/L 11 ug/L 12 ug/L Run-SATURNCA 110228A 8 Method Blank ND ND ND ND ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 8 Sample Matrix 14000 48000 12000 13000 related bias since the 8 Sample Matrix 13000 45000 11000 12000 Spike ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L MS MSD pair both Spike Duplicate ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 exhibit this 120 121 107 120 101 93 115 102 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 130 120 Run: SATURNCA 110228A 101 93 106 104 136 165 116 126 97 109 110 103 80 70 80 80 120 130 120 120 Run. SATURNCA 110228A 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 same behavior yet have an acceptable RPD. Run-SATURNCA 110228A 1000 128 70 130 1000 137 70 130 1000 109 70 130 1000 116 70 130 1.0 99 80 120 1.0 108 70 130 1.0 108 80 120 1.0 102 80 120 related bias since the MS MSD pair both exhibit this same behavior yet have an acceptable RPD 6.0 6.0 6.4 7.9 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 Batch- R143162 02/28/11 14:25 02/28/11 15.37 02/28/11 22 12 S S 02/28/11 22:48 20 20 S 20 20 10 10 10 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. S - Spike recovery outside of advisory limits. Page 30 of 35 ENERGY $m D.C001 kmirBuiauBasnSBMim Helena, MT 877-472-0711 * Billings, MT 800-735-4489 * Casper, WY 888-235-0515 Gillette, WY 866-686-7178 » Rapid City, SD 888-672-1225 * College Station, TX 688-688-2218 QA/QC Summary Report Prepared by Casper, WY Branch Client: Denison Mines USA Corp Project: 1 st Quarter Chloroform 2011 ReportDate: 03/11/11 WorkOrder: C11020714 Analyte Count Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method: SW8260B Sample ID: 030211_LCS_4 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chlonde Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: 030211_MBLK_6 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020714-011 CMS Carbon tetrachlonde Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr- 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr- Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 Sample ID: C11020714-011CMSD Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr. Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 8 Laboratory Control Sample 10 ug/L 9.4 ug/L 8.9 ug/L 10 ug/L 8 Method Blank ND ND ND ND ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 8 Sample Matrix Spike 1300 ug/L 4100 ug/L 1100 ug/L 1200 ug/L 8 Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 1300 4100 1100 1100 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 100 100 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 100 100 100 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Run: SATURNCA 110302A 104 94 89 100 105 94 117 109 100 96 103 105 130 104 112 116 98 111 112 106 130 104 109 110 99 106 110 107 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 130 120 Run: SATURNCAJ 10302A 80 70 80 80 120 130 120 120 Run: SATURNCAJ 10302A 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 Run: SATURNCAJ 10302A 70 70 70 70 80 70 80 80 130 130 130 130 120 130 120 120 06 0.0 3.3 53 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Batch. R143253 03/02/11 1226 03/02/11 13:38 03/02/11 20 04 03/02/11 20.40 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 Qualifiers: RL - Analyte reporting limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. Page 31 of 35 ENERGY wwffjenergytabxom ta^fiSalExetaKK»Sac$1SS2 Helena, MT 877-472-0711 • Billings, MT 808-739-4499 • Cssper, WY 688-235-0519 Gillette, WY 86B-886-7175 • Rapid City, SD 998-672-1225 • College Station, TX 889-698-2218 Workorder Receipt Checklist Denison Mines USA Corp Login completed by: Halley Ackerman Reviewed by: Bl_2000\kschroeder Reviewed Date: 2/25/2011 C11020714 Date Received: 2/25/2011 Received by: em Carrier name: FedEx Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Chain of custody present? Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Samples in proper container/bottle? Sample containers intact? Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? Ail samples received within holding time? Container/Temp Blank temperature Water - VOA vials have zero headspace? Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes 0 No • Not Present • Yes 0 No • Not Present Q Yes Q No • Not Present 0 Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • Yes 0 No • 2 4°C On Ice Yes 0 No • No VOA vials submitted Yes 0 No • Not Applicable • Contact and Corrective Action Comments None Page 32 of 35 Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record PLEASE PRINT (Provide as much Information as possible.) Page_jL_of J±£ Company Name: D Project Name, PWS, Permit, Etc. Sample Origin State: off EPA/State Compliance: Yes No • Report Mail Address: _ ^ 6W»n^ ixr SH5II Contact Name: Phone/Fax: Email: Sampler: (Please Print) Invoice Address: Invoice Contact & Phone: Purchase Order: Quote/Bottle Order: Special Report/Formats: • DW • POTW/WWTP • State: • Other: • EDD/EDT(Etedronic Data) Format: • LEVEL IV • NELAC 5 eo co-s gcoSOIte ro, o Q - S> SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (Name, Location, Interval, etc.) Collection Date Collection Time MATRIX I ft Cs R U S H Contact ELI prior to RUSH sample submittal for charges and scheduling - See Instruction Page Comments: ShT Cooler 10(e): Wtlf ptTemp Receipt Temp On Ice: Custody Seal On Bottle On Cooler Intact Slgnatura Match rum-6 2.113/ft oioo ia Sr 4U/ X 1330 ru/M-io OSHO ru/M-7 3-/&3/I g/jt>/n fl./flH/U ho X Custody Record MUST be Signed Relinquished by (pnnt)- Oate/TIma: Signature. ^ y Relinquished by (print) Date/Time- Signature —' Received by (print) Date/Time' Signature Received by (pnnt) Dale/Time Signature Sample Disposal: Return to Client: Lab Disposal:. In certain circumstances, samples submitted to Energy Laboratories, Inc may be subcontracted to other certified laboratories in order to complete the analysis requested. This serves as notice of this possibility All sub-contract data will pe clearly notated on your analytical report. in-:* «.,r u/oh otto at ww,*, „„^r~.,i«h rem fnr arlrlltinnfll Information downloadable f«e «r>haHnlA forms and links. Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record PLEASE PRINT (Provide as much Information as possible.) Page^^of^i Project Name, PWS, Permit, Etc. IST QIWW Chlortrfornn 3JQU Company Name: Sample Origin State: Ufl* EPA/State Compliance: Yes Ef No • Report Mail Address: Contact Name: Phone/Fax: Email: Sampler: (Please Print) Invoice Address: Invoice Contact & Phone: Purchase Order: Quote/Bottle Order: Special Report/Formats: • DW • POTW/WWTP • State: • Other: • EDD/EDT(EtectronicData) Format: • LEVEL IV • NELAC Q fe jjjo «*! gcogOlfe .mo o <55 >i SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (Name, Location, Interval, etc.) Collection Date Collection Time MATRIX ESiTiE'D 3 cr -ft R U S H Contact ELI prior to RUSH sample submittal for charges and scheduling - See Instruction Page Comments: Shipped by: Receipt Temp On Ice: Custody Seal On Bottle On Cooler Intact Signature Match 0915 3U> mi Custody Record MUST be Signed Relpflutehed by (print): ~T*M\er M\\X Oate/Time. Received by (print) Date/Time Signature. Relinquished by (print): Date/Time Received by (print) Date/Dine. Signature Sample Disposal: Return to Client: Lab Disposal:. signature In certain circumstances, samples submitted to Energy Laboratories, Inc. may be subcontracted to other certified laboratories in order to complete the analysis requested. This serves as notice of this possibility. All sub-contract data will be clearly notated on your analytical report. Company Name: Denisort Mi no Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record PLEASE PRINT (Provide as much information as possible.) Page of Report Mail Address: pft g^y invoice Address: Special Report/Formats: • DW • POTW/WWTP • State: • Other: • EDD/EDT(Electronic Data) Format: • LEVEL IV • NELAC SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (Name, Location, Interval, etc.) Collection Date Collection Time Project Name, PWS, Permit, Etc. I51" GWr4-cr Chlor<rforrn 20M Sample Origin State: gfl" Contact Name: Phone/Fax: H3S <>7S Email: Invoice Contact & Phone: 5 gcoisSlte S>£ fit •g |^| eg • Jo."?lg»Q 1 >' CO MATRIX EtSiTi'EE). 0 Purchase Order: R U S H EPA/State Compliance: Yes £f No • Sampler: (Please Print) Contact ELI prior to RUSH sample submittal for charges and scheduling - See Instruction Page Quote/Bottle Order: m Comments: 32 Cooler ID(8): Receipt Temp '<= On Ice: Custody Seal On Bottle Y tfi> OrCooto/ 7r\ N Intact Signature Match la. a/as/it 5±L LU X Tl^M-70 SU X I* JuH-lfr X run-5 10 Custody Record MUST be Signed sw MHO SU Date/Time 02SS_ SW Signa Jteliqpuished by print). Relinquished by (print) I DaWtlnw Sigi nature Sample Disposal: Return to Client: Lab Disposal: Received by (print) Date/Time Signature Received by (pnnt) Date/Time "HKeTvwflfiifEa^orBEryT^ Signature TSgnalufe™ In certain circumstances, samples submitted to Energy Laboratories, Inc. may be subcontracted to other certified laboratories in order to complete the analysis requested. This serves as notice of this possibility. All sub-contract data will be clearly notated on your analytical report. Visit our web site at www eneravlab.com for additional information, downloadable fee schedule, forms, and links. Tab I Quality Assurance and Data Validation Tables & S- ^ O N> 3 o _J o c H ni a <! 3 H H o oo H "2 O e o ro ET- rs 5 3 5= CD o O S= 6 2- — C O 3 3 ri» 2 °- 5 rt (» 5 c o J S ro ta-rt 2 s*§ rt O O c o rl a a. I" rt w. c o 3 | rt 3 CL rt 5 < c o 3 §• rt 3 CL rt ff % n 3 I < B a n a eo 2 I •o ffi o o o tn < 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Location Constituent Holding Time Allowed Holding Time MW-4 Chloroform 7.00 days 14 days MW-4 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days MW-4 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days MW-4 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days MW-4 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days MW-4 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-1 Chloroform 6.00 days 14 days TW4-1 Chloromethane 5.00 days 14 days TW4-1 Methylene chloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-1 Carbon Tetrachloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-1 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-1 Chloride 4.00 days 28 days TW4-2 Chloroform 6.00 days 14 days TW4-2 Chloromethane 5.00 days 14 days TW4-2 Methylene chloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-2 Carbon Tetrachloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-2 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-2 Chloride 4.00 days 28 days TW4-3 Chloroform 10.00 days 14 days TW4-3 Chloromethane 10.00 days 14 days TW4-3 Methylene chloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-3 Carbon Tetrachloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-3 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-3 Chloride 9.00 days 28 days TW4-4 Chloroform 7.00 days 14 days TW4-4 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-4 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-4 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-4 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-4 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-5 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-5 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-5 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-5 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-5 Chloride 6.00 days 28 days TW4-6 Chloroform 7.00 days 14 days TW4-6 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-6 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-6 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-6 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-6 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-7 Chloroform 5.00 days 14 days TW4-7 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-7 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-7 TW4-7 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen 6.00 days 6.00 days 14 days 28 days 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Location Constituent Holding Time Allowed Holding Time TW4-7 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-8 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-8 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-8 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-8 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-8 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-8 Chloride 8.00 days 28 days TW4-9 Chloroform 8.00 days 14 days TW4-9 Chloromethane 8.00 days 14 days TW4-9 Methylene chloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-9 Carbon Tetrachloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-9 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-9 Chloride 7.00 days 28 days TW4-10 Chloroform 7.00 days 14 days TW4-10 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-10 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-10 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-10 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-10 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-11 Chloroform 5.00 days 14 days TW4-11 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-11 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-11 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-11 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-11 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-12 Chloroform 10.00 days 14 days TW4-12 Chloromethane 10.00 days 14 days TW4-12 Methylene chloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-12 Carbon Tetrachloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-12 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-12 Chloride 9.00 days 28 days TW4-13 Chloroform 10.00 days 14 days TW4-13 Chloromethane 10.00 days 14 days TW4-13 Methylene chloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-13 Carbon Tetrachloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-13 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-13 Chloride 9.00 days 28 days TW4-14 Chloroform 10.00 days 14 days TW4-14 Chloromethane 10.00 days 14 days TW4-14 Methylene chloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-14 Carbon Tetrachloride 10.00 days 14 days TW4-14 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-14 Chloride 9.00 days 28 days TW4-15 Chloroform 7.00 days 14 days TW4-15 Chloromethane 5.00 days 14 days TW4-15 Methylene chloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-15 TW4-15 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen 5.00 days 6.00 days 14 days 28 days 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Location Constituent Holding Time Allowed Holding Time TW4-15 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-16 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-16 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-16 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-16 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-16 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-16 Chloride 6.00 days 28 days TW4-17 Chloroform 5.00 days 14 days TW4-17 Chloromethane 5.00 days 14 days TW4-17 Methylene chloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-17 Carbon Tetrachloride 5.00 days 14 days TW4-17 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-17 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-18 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-18 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-18 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-18 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-18 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-18 Chloride 6.00 days 28 days TW4-19 Chloroform 11.00 days 14 days TW4-19 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-19 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-19 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-19 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-19 Chloride 7.00 days 28 days TW4-20 Chloroform 5.00 days 14 days TW4-20 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-20 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-20 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-20 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-20 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-21 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-21 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-21 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-21 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-21 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-21 Chloride 6.00 days 28 days TW4-22 Chloroform 5.00 days 14 days TW4-22 Chloromethane 6.00 days 14 days TW4-22 Methylene chloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-22 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.00 days 14 days TW4-22 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-22 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-23 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-23 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-23 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-23 TW4-23 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen 9.00 days 6.00 days 14 days 28 days 1-2: Holding Time Evaluation Location Constituent Holding Time Allowed Holding Time TW4-23 Chloride 8.00 days 28 days TW4-24 Chlorofonn 8.00 days 14 days TW4-24 Chloromethane 8.00 days 14 days TW4-24 Methylene chloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-24 Carbon Tetrachloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-24 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-24 Chloride 7.00 days 28 days TW4-25 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-25 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-25 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-25 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-25 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-25 Chloride 8.00 days 28 days TW4-26 Chloroform 9.00 days 14 days TW4-26 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-26 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-26 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-26 Nitrogen 7.00 days 28 days TW4-26 Chloride 6.00 days 28 days TW4-60 Chloroform 8.00 days 14 days TW4-60 Chloromethane 8.00 days 14 days TW4-60 Methylene chloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-60 Carbon Tetrachloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-60 Nitrogen 6.00 days 28 days TW4-60 Chloride 5.00 days 28 days TW4-65 Chloroform 8.00 days 14 days TW4-65 Chloromethane 9.00 days 14 days TW4-65 Methylene chloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-65 Carbon Tetrachloride 9.00 days 14 days TW4-65 Nitrogen 5.00 days 28 days TW4-65 Chloride 7.00 days 28 days TW4-70 Chloroform 8.00 days 14 days TW4-70 Chloromethane 8.00 days 14 days TW4-70 Methylene chloride 8.00 days 14 days TW4-70 TW4-70 TW4-70 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen Chloride 8.00 days 6.00 days 5.00 days 14 days 28 days 28 days Table 1-3 Recipt Temperature Check Sample Batch Wells in Batch Temperature Cl1020540 TW4-3, TW4-3R, TW4-8, TW4-9,TW4-9R, TW4-12, TW4-13, TW4-14,TW4-19, TW4-23, TW4-23R/TW4-24, TW4-25, TW4-65, Trip Blank 3°C Cl1020714 MW-4,TW4-1,TW4-1R,TW4-2,TW4-4,TW4-5,TW4- 6,TW4-7,TW4-10,TW4-11 ,TW4-15,TW4-16,TW4- 16R,TW4-17,TW4-18,TW4-20,TW4-21 /TW4-22,TW4- 22R,TW4-26,TW4-60,TW4-70,Trip Blank 2.4 °C 1-4 Analytical Method Check Parameter Method Method Used by Lab Carbon Tetrachloride SW8260B SW8260B Chloride A4500-C1B A4500-C1B Chloroform SW8260B SW8260B Chloromethane SW8260B SW8260B Methylene chloride Nitrogen SW8260B E353.2 SW8260B E353.2 All parameters were analyzed using the reporting method specificied in the 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation Location Constituent Lab Reporting Limit Rqd' Reporting Limit Qualifier Qualifier Check MW-4 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK MW-4 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK MW-4 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK MW-4 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK MW-4 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK MW-4 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-1 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-1 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-1 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-1 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-1 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-1 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-2 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-2 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-2 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-2 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-2 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-3 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-3 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-3 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-3 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-3 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-3 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-4 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-4 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-4 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-4 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-4 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-4 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-5 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-5 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-5 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-5 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-5 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-6 Chloroform 10 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-6 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-6 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-6 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-6 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L OK TW4-6 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-7 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-7 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-7 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-7 TW4-7 TW4-7 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen Chloride ug/L 0.2 mg/L 1 mg/L 1.0 ug/L 0.1 mg/L 1 mg/L _U D OK OK OK 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation Location Constituent Lab Reporting Limit Rqd' Reporting Limit Qualifier Qualifier Check TW4-8 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-8 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-8 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-8 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-8 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L U OK TW4-8 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-9 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-9 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-9 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-9 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L OK TW4-9 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-10 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-10 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-10 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-10 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-10 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-10 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-11 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-11 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-11 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-11 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-11 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-11 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-12 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-12 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-12 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-12 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-12 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-12 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-13 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-13 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-13 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-13 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-13 Nitrogen 0. mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-13 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-14 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-14 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-14 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-14 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-14 Nitrogen 0. mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-14 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-15 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-15 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-15 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-15 TW4-15 TW4-15 TW4-16 Carbon Tetrachloride Nitrogen Chloride Chloroform 0. ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L 1.0 ug/L 0.1 mg/L 1 mg/L 1.0 ug/L U OK OK OK OK 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation Location Constituent Lab Reporting Limit Rqd' Reporting Limit Qualifier Qualifier Check TW4-16 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-16 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-16 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-16 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-16 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-17 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-17 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-17 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-17 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-17 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L U OK TW4-17 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-18 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-18 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-18 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-18 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-18 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-18 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-19 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-19 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-19 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-19 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-19 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-19 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-20 Chloroform 1000 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-20 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-20 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-20 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-20 Nitrogen 0. mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-20 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-21 Chloroform 10 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-21 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-21 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-21 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-21 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-21 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-22 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-22 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-22 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-22 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-22 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-22 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-23 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-23 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-23 Methylene chloride ug/L LOug/L U OK TW4-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L LOug/L U OK TW4-23 Nitrogen 0. mg/L 0.1 mg/L U OK TW4-23 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-24 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK 1-5 Reporting Limit Evaluation Location Constituent Lab Reporting Limit Rqd' Reporting Limit Qualifier Qualifier Check TW4-24 Chloromethane ug/L LOug/L U OK TW4-24 Methylene chloride ug/L LOug/L U OK TW4-24 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-24 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-24 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-25 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-25 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-25 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-25 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-25 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-25 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-26 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-26 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-26 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-26 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-26 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-26 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-60 Chloroform ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-60 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-60 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-60 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-60 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L TJ OK TW4-60 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L U OK TW4-65 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-65 Chloromethane ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-65 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-65 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L OK TW4-65 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-65 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK TW4-70 Chloroform 100 ug/L 1.0 ug/L D OK TW4-70 Chloromethane ug/L LOug/L U OK TW4-70 Methylene chloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-70 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/L 1.0 ug/L U OK TW4-70 Nitrogen mg/L 0.1 mg/L D OK TW4-70 Chloride mg/L 1 mg/L OK U = Analyte was not detected at the RL D = RL was increased due to sample matrix or required dilution due to the sample concentration. In all cases the analytical 1-6 Trip Blank Evaluation Lab Report Constituent Result Cl1020540 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L Cl1020714 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L 1-7 QA/QC Evaluation for Sample Duplicates Constituent TW4-19 TW4-65 Carbon Tetrachloride 17 15 Chloride 135 134 Chloroform 3400 5600 Chloromethane ND ND Methylene Chloride ND ND Nitrate 17 17 Constituent TW4-10 TW4-70 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ND Chloride 62 65 Chloroform 620 810 Chloromethane ND ND Methylene Chloride ND ND Nitrate ND = Not detected NC = Not calculated RPD > 20 1-8 QC Control Limits for Analysis and Blanks Matrix Spike % Recovery Comparison Lab Report Lab Sample ID Well Analyte MS %REC MSD %REC REC Range RPD Cl 1020540 Cl1020714-012 TW4-20 Chloroform 165 137 70-130 Cl 1020714 Cl1020714-012 TW4-20 Carbon Tetrachloride 136 128 70-130 Cl 1020714 Cl1020714-012 TW4-20 Chloroform 165 137 70-130 Surrogate % Recovery Lab Report Well/Sample Analyte Surrogate %REC Lab Specified REC Range QAP Required Range Cl 1020714 TW4-70 Dibromofluoromethane 131 70-130 None 1-9 Rinsate Evaluation Rinsate Sample Parameter Rinsate Result Previous Well Sampled Result for Previous Well Sampled Qualifier Rinsate Reporting Limit TW4-1R Nitrogen 0.4 mg/L TW4-7 3.6 mg/L D 0.1 mg/L TW4-3R Nitrogen 0.2 mg/L None - rinsate collected at the begining of the program NA mg/L 0.1 mg/L TW4-9R Nitrogen 0.2 mg/L TW4-8 ND mg/L 0.1 mg/L TW4-16R Nitrogen 0.2 mg/L TW4-19 17 mg/L D 0.1 mg/L TW4-22R Nitrogen 0.2 mg/L TW4-21 mg/L D 0.1 mg/L TW4-23R Nitrogen ND mg/L TW4-14 1.8 mg/L 0.1 mg/L Previous well sampled is the well that the pump was used to purge prior to the rinsate sample. D = Reporting limit raised due to dilution/sample matrix. TabJ Kriged Current Quarter Chloroform Isoconcentration Map PROPERTY BOUNDARY ONS TWN-11 TWN ONS 0 Q ONS TWN .5 Ui : 3 I? OH ONS TWN-15 TWN ONS TWN-14 ONS TWN-10 MW-01 •NS ONS TWN-9 OMS ONS MW-18 •NS TWN TWN-6 PIEZ-1 «NS 9 ONS MW-19 •NS TWN-8 r ONS TWN-18 ONS TWN-7 ONS PIEZ-2 • NS TWN-3 ONS ONS TWN-4 MW-27 /JW •NS ND MILL §ITE ON! I piEZ-3 TWN-1 eNS CELL NO. 1 MW-28 ft MW •N O ' •NS MW-02 O10 •NS OND OND 20OND CELL NO O' OND A/O 32 MW-2 •N 300 •ND MW MW 05 OND MW ND TW4 MW-B5 OND -25 TW4-26 «2 •ND CELL NO. 4B CELL NO 4A MW-33 Odrtf PIEZ-4 «NS MW-34 ONO 33 MW 32 PIEZ-5 «NS MW-17 •NS MW-03 •NS T37S T38S MW-20 •ND \ A 4 7/ 5s // MW-22 •ND A 3000 c SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-4 1700 /y tp O1300 PIEZ-1 0 NS TWN-1 ^NS TW4-26 »2 MW-34 •<J>ND perched monitoring well showing concentration in uG/l temporary perched monitoring well showing concentration in uG/l perched piezometer (not sampled) temporary perched nitrate monitoring well (not sampled) temporary perched monitoring well installed May, 2010 showing concentration in uG/l perched monitoring well installed August/September, 2010 NOTES: ND = not detected, NS = not sampled HYDRO GEO CHEM, INC. KRIGED 1st QUARTER, 2011 CHLOROFORM (uG/L) WHITE MESA SITE APPROVED SJS Ql 2011 REFERENCE H:/718000/may11 /ch01211 .srf FIGURE J-l TabK Analyte Concentrations Over Time MW-4 Chloroform («g/l) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane Methylene Chloride (ug/l) Nitrate (mg/1) Chloride (mg/1) 28-Sep-99 6200 28-Sep-99 5820 28-Sep-99 6020 15-Mar-00 5520 15-Mar-00 5430 2-Sep-00 5420 9.63 30-Nov-OO 29- Mar-01 22-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 8-Nov-01 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- NOV-02 28- Mar-03 30- Apr-03 30-May-03 23- Jun-03 30- Jul-03 29- Aug-03 12-Sep-03 15- Oct-03 8-NOV-03 29-Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-NOV-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31- Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 9-NOV-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 6470 •4360" "6300" "5300" "52OO" •47OO" •43OO" 6000 2500 2000 3300 3400 4300 3600 4100 3500 3800 3800 NA NA 3300 4300 2900 3170 3500 3000 3100 3000 2820 2830 2300 looo" 2600 2300 "2400" "2500" 7800" "2200" NA <10 <50 <50 To •<50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA <10 <50 <50 To <50~ "TT "<T TT TT TT TT TP TT TT NA <10 <50 50 TT <50" ~<T T~ ~<r~ TT TT TT~ TT TT TT "<r 9.37 TTT ~9A5 8.19 TiT TT TT "NA" T2~ TT TT" TT TT TT NA "NA" TJT TT TT TT To" To" 1.2 TA TT 6.2 TT TT TW T86" TT" NA NA NA 49 "49" "48" TT TT "45~ TT TT TT TT TT TT TT MW-4 Chloroform (ng/I) Carbon Tetrachloride fui 12SL11 Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ug/l) Nitrate (mg/l) Chloride (mgA) 23-Jun-09 14-Sep-09 14-Dec-09 17-Feb-10 14-Jun-10 16-Aug-10 ll-Oct-10 23-Feb-ll 1800 2000 1800 1600 2100 1900 1500 1700 1.3 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <i TT ND" ND" ND" ND" ND" ND" <1 TT ND" ND ND ND ND ND" 5.2 TT 5.1 34 "43" TW4-1 28-Jun-99 IO-Nov-99 15- Mar-00 10-Apr-00 6-Jun-00 2-Sep-00 30-Nov-OO 29- Mar-01 22-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 8-Nov-Ol 26- Mar-02 22-May-02 12-Sep-02 24-Nov-02 28-Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31- Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 Chloroform (ugA) 1700 5"8 " noo 1490 1530 2320 3440 2340 600(5 3200 "3200" "2800" "3300" "3500" "3000" "3600" "2700" "3400" "3200" TToo" "2800" "3000" "2700" 3080 2900 2400 2700 2200 2840 2260 "1900" "1900" "2300" 2000" 2000" "1900" "1700" "1700" Carbon Tetrachloride («gA> NA "To" <50" <50" "^50" <50" TT TT" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Chloromethane («gA) NA To" <50" <50" <50" <50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Methylene Chloride (ngA) NA <10 <50" <50" <50" <50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Nitrate (mgA) 7.2 Chloride (mgA) 5.58 TW TTT TsT T2T TTT TTT TTT T2T TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TT~ JW ToT TTT TF ToT TF TT TT" TF TT" TT" TF 8.4 TF TT "sToT TTT TF NA NA NA TF TF TT TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TW4-1 ll-Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29-Dec-09 3-Mar-10 15-Jun-10 24-Aug-10 14-Oct-10 24-Feb-ll Chloroform («gA) 1700 1500 1700 1400 1300 1600 150(3 1500 1300 Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) 1.1 1 <1 <1 <I L2 <1 <1 ND Chloromethane (ugA) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <I <i <i ND Methylene Chloride (ugA) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <i <i ND Nitrate (mgA) 7.5 6.9 7.3 6.8 7.1 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.6 Chloride (mgA) 37 37 36 41 35 40 35 40 41 TW4-2 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) IO-Nov-99 2510 2-Sep-00 5220 28-Nov-OO 29- Mar-01 22- Jun-01 20-Sep-01 8-Nov-01 26- Mar-02 23- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 I- Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-N0V-O6 28- Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 II- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29- Dec-09 4220 "3890" "55OO" "4900" "5300" •5100" •4700" "6000" "5400" "4700" "5100" "3200" "4700" "4200" "4300" TT00" •4500" "3700" "3750" "3900" "3500" "3800" 3200 4120 3420 2900 3000 340 3200 "3300" "3100" "2800" "3200" "3100" "2800" "3000" "1600" <10 <5T <50" <50" "^50" TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <10 <50 <HT <50" <50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <10 <50 <50 <50 <50 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 10.7 ToT ToT TTT ToT T98" TT T4T ToT TT TT TT TT Tu TTT TT TT TT TT 7.8 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TM TT T99 TT TT TT TT NA NA 56 56 54 55 "54" To" "49" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-2 3-Mar-10 15- Jun-10 16- Aug-10 14-Oct-10 24-Feb-ll Chloroform (ugA) 2600 3300 3300 3000 3KM) Carbon Tetrachloride im 2 Z6 2"5 2A 2A Chloromethane (ug/l) <1 <1 <1 <1 ND Methylene Chloride (ugA) <1 <1 <1 <1 ND Nitrate (mgA) 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 Chloride (mgA) 42 43 43 41 46 TW4-3 Chloroform (ug/1) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane («gA) Methylene Chloride JHS3L Nitrate (mg/l) Chloride (mgA) 28-Jun-99 3500 7.6 29-Nov-99 702 15-Mar-OO 834 2-Sep-00 836 1.56 29-Nov-OO 27- Mar-01 21-Jun-01 20- Sep-01 7- Nov-01 26- Mar-02 21- May-02 12-Sep-02 24-Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 836 "34T "390" "300* Tfo "TT" 20T 20T ToT <i T T <T T TT NA TT TT TT TT" TT~ TT TT TP "<T <i <T NA TT TT TT TT IT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT" TT TT NA <1 <1 <1 TT TT TT TT TT <l TT 1.97 TsT ToT T06" TT TsT TIT T32" TT "TT TT TT TT TTT T6T TsT TT TT TT TT TT IT TT TT" TT TT TT TT IT TT TsT ToT ToT TT TT NA NA NA 26 26 ~ TT TT TT TT" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-3 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride fag/1) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mg/l) 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 23-Feb-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 5-Oct-10 15-Feb-ll <1 T -<r "<r ND <1 ~<r "<r T ND <i ~ "<r ~<r Tr T ND <i ND 2.8 TT u 3.1 TT TT 21 "22" TW4-4 Chloroform («gA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 6-Jun-00 2-Sep-00 28-Nov-OO 28-Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 8-Nov-01 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-N0V-O6 28- Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29- Dec-09 0 3.9 "2260" "3100 "3200 "2900" "3400" "3200" "4000" "3800" 1300" loW "2900" •35OO" •320T "3500" w "3600" TTOO" "2400" "3200" "2800" "2900" 2600 2850 2670 2200 2400 2700 2500 "2800" "2500" "2200" "2500" "2200" T800" 2000" "950" NA "To" <50" <50" <5?T <50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 1.2 TT TT TT NA <HT <5T "<5T <5T <50" TT TT <1 ~ <T <2 TT <T Tf TT NA <10 <50 <50 <50 <50 <1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <l 1.02 TTT TT" TTT TT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT ToT TTT TTT TT ToT TT TT TT ToT 9.4 TT TT TT ToT TsT ToT ToT TT TT TT NA NA NA 51 48 50 49 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-4 Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 17-Feb-10 10- Jun-10 16-Aug-10 11- Oct-10 23-Feb-ll 1700 "2000 2T00" T700" T800" 1 TT TT TT TT <i TT TT ND <i TT TT TT ND 6.6 7T TT TT 48 TT TW4-5 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 20-Dec-99 15- Mar-00 2-Sep-00 29-Nov-OO 28-Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 7- Nov-01 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8-Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-N0V-O6 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29.5 T9T TTT "25T "236" "240" "240" "260" "260" "300" "330" "260" "240" "290" "200" "240" TW "200" "W "W 120" TTT" "82T 6T0" 66.0 51.0 53.7 47.1 33.0 26.0 9.2 TT" TTT TT TTT ToT T2T TTo" TTo" NA <TT <TT <TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA TT TT TT "TT TT <i TT Tf TT TT Tf TT Tf T" Tf TT NA <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 3.7 5.9 TT ~ TT 7.7 TT TT TT Jm TT TT TT TT NA NA NA 52 51 54 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-5 Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride (ng/1) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 22-Dec-09 25-Feb-10 9-Jun-10 ll-Aug-10 13-Oct-10 22-Feb-ll 8.5 TTo" TTo TTo TTo" Too" <i ND <1 "<r "<r -<r "<r ND <1 ND 7.5 u TT 7.2 41 TT TT TW4-6 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 6-Jun-00 0 2-Sep-00 28-Nov-OO 26-Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20- Sep-01 7- Nov-01 26- Mar-02 21- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 I- Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 II- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 22-Dec-09 25- Feb-10 10-Jun-lO 12- Aug-10 13- Oct-10 2.5 "ToT To" TTo 19.0 11.0 42.8 46.0 11.0 18.0 18.0 "52!o" ITo" "39T "37T ITT T20" "280" "250" Tooo" -59T "63T "42T NA TT TT TT TT TT T" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT T~ T~ TT TT NA TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT T" TT TT TH <l T T ~ <T NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 TT TT TT TT TT T T T~ T~ T~ "<T T~ TT T T" TT TT ND TTT "ND" "ND" "NT "ND" "NDT "ND" "ND" TT "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "NT "NT "oT TT TT TT TT 0.6 TT TT "oT TT TT TT TT TTT ToT TT TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT NA NA NA 31 30 37 65 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-6 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride (ug/l) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 23-Feb-ll 47 ND ND ND 0.7 40 TW4-7 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/1) Chloromethane («gA) Methylene Chloride (iig/1) Nitrate (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l) 29-Nov-99 15- Mar-00 2-Sep-00 29-Nov-OO 28-Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 8-Nov-01 26- Mar-02 23- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8-Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14-Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-N0V-O6 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 14- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10- Sep-08 15- Oct-08 11- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 256 "616" TT" "684" "747" TToo "TToo" 1500" 1600" "1500" "2300" "l80T "5200" T600" "4500" "2500" "2900" "3100" "3800" TToo" "2700" TToo" "2500" 1900 2200 2140 2160 1800 2600 2300 1900" 2200" 7800" 1600" T900" TTxT T40T "1500" NA TTo" T5T <50" <50" <50" "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA "To" <50 <50" <5T <50" TT TT <1 ~ Tf TT <T NA <10 <50 <50 <50 <50" TT T" TT TT TT TT TT "<T TT TT TT TT 1.99 "2TT ToT T3T TT TTT TsT TTT "TT TT TT TT TT ToT TsT TTT 5.2 TT TT TT 4.5 TT TT 5.1 "TT TT "TT TT "TTT "ToT TT TT TT NA NA NA 48 47 51 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-7 Chloroform (ug/l) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 29-Dec-09 3-Mar-10 10-Jun-10 18-Aug-10 13-Oct-10 23-Feb-ll 1300 TW TToo" TW TToo TW <i TT TT TT TT ND <1 TT TT TT TT ND <1 TT TT TT TT ND 4.2 T8" 3.6 37 45" TW4-8 Chloroform (ngA) Carbon Tetrachloride ££2 Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mg/I) 29-Nov-99 0 15-Mar-OO 21.8 2-Sep-00 102 29-Nov-OO 26-Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 7- Nov-01 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8-Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 30- Nov-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-NOV-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 107 TiT ToT ToT T80" "W TiT •300" "450" "320" "420" "66T ITo 24T TTo" T20" T20" "Too" TT "TT TT 1.3 1.0 <i TT 2.5 2.5 1.5 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA <1 T ~ TT TT ~ ~ TT TT NA TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA <1 <1 <1 <1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND T«r ND TuT TflT ToT "TTT ND T5LT "TT T5D" TET TT ToT TsT TET ND ND "TT ToT ToT "TT ToT "TT ToT "TT "TT ToT "TT "TT <aoT <o!oT <aoT ToT ToT <i NA NA NA 39 37 39 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-8 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 17-Dec-09 24-Feb-10 9-Jun-10 ll-Aug-10 5-Oct-10 16-Feb-ll <1 "<T "<T "<T ND <1 T ND <1 "<T "<T "<T ND <i "<T "<T "<T ND" <O.I <oT <oT <oT <oT "ND" 51 IT IT TT TW4-9 Chloroform (ttg/I) Carbon Tetrachloride (ng/1) Chloromethane (ngA) Methylene Chloride (ng/1) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 20-Dec-99 15- Mar-00 2-Sep-00 29-Nov-OO 27- Mar-01 20-Jun-01 20-Sep-01 7- Nov-01 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- NOV-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-NOV-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Qct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 4.2 "TF ITT 19T TTT TTo" "19T ~49F TTT TTo" "49T TiT •34T TTT •32T 4oT 48T 48T "39T 26T "TF TT TT T TT TT TT TT TT 21 9.5 TT TF TF TT TT TT TT NA <1 TT T <i TT NA TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT T" TT TT TT TT TT NA <1 <1 <1 <1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND "ND" TTT TT TT TF ToT TT TF TF TF TT TT TsT TTT TsT "TT TT TF "TF "TT "TF TF TF TT TF TF TF 2.1 TF TT "TTT TF TF TF NA NA NA 38 39 41 IT TT TT TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF Chloroform (ug/l) Carbon Tetrachloride (ng/1) Chloromethane Methylene Chloride Nitrate {mg/ty Chloride 17-Dec-09 23-Feb-10 9-Jun-10 ll-Aug-10 6-Oct-10 17-Feb-ll <1 TP ND <1 TT TT TT TT ND <i Tr Tr "<r ND <i TT TP Tr "<r ND 1.7 TT TT TT TT TT 37 40 TW4-10 Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 21-Jan-02 26- Mar-02 21- May-02 12-Sep-02 24-Nov-02 28-Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 I-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14-Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15-Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 II- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 22-Dec-09 3-Mar-10 10-Jun-lO 12- Aug-10 13- Oct-10 23- Feb-ll 14 "16" TT 14 "TTo" TT TT "TT" "IT" "TT T2T "T40" T2T "TTo" Too" T90" Too" ToT "45T ToT TBT ToT 470 620 720 680 1200 1100 1200 TTT ToT ToT T2T ToT TToo" T2T NA <2T TT TT TT TT TT "TT "TT "TT TT TT TT <2 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND NA "TT <2T T5T T50" T50" TT" "TT TT TT TT "TT "TT TT T TT TT "TT "TT "TT TT "TT TT "ND" NA <2T "TT <50 <50 <50 <] <] 0.14 TTT "W "ND" TT TT TT TT TT "ND" "bTT TT TT TT TT" TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TF" T2T ToT TTT TT "TT TT 1.6 "oT IT ND NA NT NA" TT TT ~61~ 58 62 54 59 59 55 58 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-11 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 21- Jan-02 26- Mar-02 22- May-02 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 I- Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28- Feb-07 27- Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 II- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29- Dec-09 3-Mar-10 10-Jun-lO 12- Aug-10 13- Oct-10 23- Feb-ll 4700 "4900" "5200" "6200" IsW •5TOO" "5700" "4600" "5200" •53OO" "5700" "4800" "5800" "4400" "3590" "4400" •44OO" "4400" "4300" "4080" "3660" •35OO" "3800" "4500" 4400 340 640 900 1000 1100 980 looo" ToT ""820" -827T "800" "720" looo" NA TTo" TToo" "<50" "<50" "<50" "TT "TT" TT" TT" "TT" "TT "TT "TT "TT TT T" "TT "TT TT "TT "TT "TT "ND" NA "TTT "Too" T5T T5T T5T TT" "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "<T "TT "ND" NA TTT TToo <50 <50 <50 1.3 1.2 <1 TT TT T2" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND 9.6 ToT ToT TT TT TT TT TT ToT "sTT TT TT "TT ToT TT TT TT TT TT TT "ToT ToT ToT TT TT TT T9T T46 TT TT 6.6 Ts" TT TT TT TJ NA NA NA TT TT TT 55 54 53 53 53 63 46 TT TT TT TT" TT TT TT To" TT TT TT TW4-12 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 9-Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 23- Feb-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-lO 5- Oct-10 15-Feb-ll <1 "TT TT TT "TT "TT "TT "<r "TT Tr T Tr TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT Tr TT Tr ND NA Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr <i <r <i T Tr ~<r "TT ~ Tr Tr "<r ~<r Tr ND NA TT IT TT TT TT "TT "TT TT TT TT "TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" NA TT TT "TT TT "TT "TT <1 <l <1 <l <i <l <1 <1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" 2.54 TT "TT TT TT TT T5T TT T2T TT "TT TT TT "TT TT TT" TT "TT TT ~ 1.4 TT TT ToT ToT "2TT TT TT" TT TT 11 6.5 NA NA NA TT TT TT TF TT TF 29 16 16 19 18 22 23 TT TT TT TT TF TT TT TT TW4-13 Chloroform («gA) Carbon Tetrachlo ride (ug/l) Chlorom ethane (ug/l) Methylen e Chloride fa^> Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24- NOV-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 9-NOV-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 n-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-OS 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 24-Feb-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-lO 5- Oct-10 15-Feb-ll ND ND" "ND" ND ND "ND" ND "ND ND 'ND' ND <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ~ <i <i ND NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 TT <i TT <i <i <i <i <i <i <i <i ~ "<r <i <i ND NA 3.1 <1 TT 1.4 <i T" TT TT TT T" TT <i TT TT ~ ~ ~<r <i ND NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 TT TT ~<T TT <1 <1 ND ND ND 0.2 ND "oT" 0.12 0.17 4.43 TT 4.2 4.3 4.6 4.3 4.2 4.9 4.3 TT 4.6 TT TT TT TW TW ToT TT TT TT TT TT TT 5.6 5.8 5.5 NA NA NA 67 66 65 TT TT "59" TT TT TT TT To" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 55 55 60 TW4-14 Chloroform (ug/l) Carbon Tetrachloride (ng/1) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride (ug/l) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15-Aug-07 10-Oct-07 26-Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 3-Mar-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-lO 6-Oct-10 15-Feb-ll <1 "TT T T "<T TT TT "<T TT TT "<T TT ~<r "<r "<r ND <1 T T T T T T TT TT "<T "<T T T TT TT "<r ND <1 T T TT TT TT TT "<T TT "<T TT TT TT "<T TT *<r ND <1 TT T TT T TT TT TT T ND 2.4 TT TT TT TT "ooT TsT TM ~0J6 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 37 "38" "38" ~ "36" To IT MW-26 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24-Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 15- Aug-03 12-Sep-03 25- Sep-03 29- Oct-03 8-Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 30- Mar-05 25- May-05 31- Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8- Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10- Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15- Sep-09 14-Dec-09 17- Feb-10 9- Jun-10 16- Aug-10 11- Oct-10 23- Feb-ll 7800 "7400 "2500" "2600" "3100" "3000" "NA" "NT TW ToT TnT "230" "442" "960" looo" TToo" "830" THO* "282" "570" "loo" 1400 2000 930 1300 630 1700 950 TTo" "850" TW 155" T900" 2200" "970T "450" NA T5T T5T T5T T5T "TT Tr Tr Tr Tr TT "<r TT TT TT" Tr TT" Tf" TT" Tf" Tf" ND" NA TT TBI" T5T T50" T50" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" NA TT <5([ <50 <50 <50 2.8 5.5 13 36 14 TT TT TT Too" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT IT ND "ND" TT "14T ToT TT TT TT TT "NT "NT olT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0.6 TT 056" T2T "(ToT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA NA NA TT ~ 65 54 56 49 57 57 49 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-16 Chloroform (ug/l) Carbon Tetrachloride («gA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8- Nov-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8- Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 17- Dec-09 24-Feb-10 9- Jun-10 24-Aug-10 6-Oct-10 22-Feb-ll 140 "200" ToT "370" TTT "400" "430" "530" "400" "350" "240" TIT "85" "IT" "Wo TTo "TT" TTT TT TT TT TT TTT TT 10 3.9 <i TT TT TT TT TT "TT TT TTo" NA "<T TTT "TT "TT TT "TT "TT TT "TT TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT "TT TT "TT "TT "TT "TT TT "ND" NA TT TT TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" NA TT TT TT TT TT TT 6.5 1.8 5.1 <i 26 <1 14 6.6 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" ND "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" "ND" ToT ToT "TT 1.9 TT TT TTT TT "TT TT "ND" TTT ToT TsT TT TT TT TT "TT "TT TT TT m MW-32 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ssm Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride _Jug/n_ Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24- NOV-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 8-NOV-03 29- Mar-04 22- Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-NOV-04 16-Mar-05 30- Mar-05 25- May-05 31- Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-NOV-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 17- Feb-10 14-Jun-lO 16-Aug-10 6-Oct-10 23- Feb-ll 1.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND NA 3.2 <1 <1 3.5 1.8 1.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND <0.1 O.I <0.1 <0.1 O.I <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 O.I O.I O.I <0.1 O.I ND NA NA NA 32 30 32 31 32 32 31 32 31 29 30 26 30 31 33 34 38 32 28 24 40 TW4-18 Chloroform («gA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ug/l) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride WP Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24- Nov-02 28- Mar-03 23- Jun-03 12-Sep-03 9-NOV-03 29- Mar-04 22-Jun-04 17-Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16-Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8- Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 22-Dec-09 24-Feb-10 9- Jun-10 12- Aug-10 13- Oct-10 22-Feb-ll 440 TW TW "TTo" "oTO TTT ToT "82T TTo TTo TTo "WT TT "IT" 7TT TTo TTT TW TT TT TT TT TT TT 8.0 9.4 11.0 16.0 13.0 8.2 69.0 29T TTT ToT TTT NA TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <l ND NA TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" NA TT TT TT TT TT TT <l <l <l <l <l <l <l <l TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND" 1.49 TTT ITT TT TTT ToT TT TTT TTT TTT TW TTT TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 4.4 TT T55 ToT TTT "TT "TT "TT "TT TT 10 TT NA NA NA TT IT IT TT TT ~ 32 27 23 23 26 30 29 IT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TW4-19 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride W1) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 12-Sep-02 24-Nov-02 28- Mar-03 15-May-03 23- Jun-03 15-Jul-03 15- Aug-03 12-Sep-03 25- Sep-03 29- Oct-03 9-Nov-03 29-Mar-04 22-Jun-04 16- Aug-04 17- Sep-04 17-Nov-04 16- Mar-05 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15- Sep-09 14-Dec-09 17- Feb-10 9Jun-10 16- Aug-10 7700 "5400 "4200 "4700" "4500 "2400" "2600" "2500" "4600" "4600" "2600" ~ "NA" "7100" "2600" T80T "2200" "1200" 1400" "2800" 1200" TToo" TT2T T050" 1200 1800 1100 HOP 1800 1000 3600 4200" TToo" "990" "6600" "4700" "940" T80T "2000" <5 "<50" <50" T5T <50" TT TT 1.9 TT 8.6 TT TT TT TT TT" TT TT TT <5 T5T <50" T5T <50" TT TT <i Tf Tf Tf TT Tf TT TT" Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf <5 <50 <50 <50 <50 <1 <1 <1 Tf Tf Tf TT Tf TT Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf 47.6 "TT TT "NT TTT TT 5.7 TT TT TT "NT "NT T9f TT TT TT TT TT <oT 5.2 TT TT 2.3 TT 2.2 TsT TT 47T "TT TT TT "26T 4.4 "TT NA NA 86 116 123 134 133 129 TTT TTT TTT TTT "12T TTT 73T TT T2T W TTT "14T ll-Oct-10 1200 1.3 <1 <1 2.7 146 17-Feb-ll 3400 17 ND ND 17 135 TW4-20 Chloroform («gA) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 25-May-05 39000 NA NA NA 10.1 NA 31-Aug-05 3800 <10 <10 <10 2.9 NA l-Dec-05 19000 <250 <250 <250 1.8 NA 9-Mar-06 9200 <500 <500 <500 3.8 120 14-Jun-06 61000 <500 <500 <500 9.4 235 20-Jul-06 5300 <1000 <1000 <1000 2.9 134 8-Nov-06 11000 7.1 1.9 2.2 3.5 124 28-Feb-07 4400 3.1 <1 1.1 4.2 124 27-Jun-07 1800 2.2 <1 <1 2.3 112 15-Aug-07 5200 3.5 <1 1.8 2.1 117 10-Oct-07 9000 6.8 <1 1.9 5.6 170 26-Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10- Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15- Sep-09 14-Dec-09 17-Feb-10 14-Jun-10 16- Aug-10 11- Oct-10 23-Feb-ll 13000 30000 21000 NA 8200 6800 13000 15000 3500 18000 15000 24000 31000 13 TT NA TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <i TT TT NA TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND 1.5 TT TT NA TT TT IT 3.2 3.7 2.2 5.5 19 0.9 TTT T44 TTT "TT TT TT TT 5.6 TT TT TT 132 TTT TTT ToT ToT ToT T5T TsT T79 200 196 203 220 TW4-21 Chloroform («gA) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 l-Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-M-06 8-Nov-06 28-Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10- Sep-08 15-Oct-08 11- Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 22-Dec-09 25- Feb-10 10-Jun-lO 12- Aug-10 13- Oct-10 22-Feb-ll 192 TT TT TTT TIT "106" TW ToT "300" 140" I20" 180" ToT "120" TTo" 180" 200" 140" ToT 170" TTT TTT 200" 230" NA TT Tr TT TT TT 1.8 TT T" TT 1.7 TT <i Tf TT TT ~ TT TT TT TT NA TT TT TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT "NO- NA TT "TT TT TT TT "TT "TT TT TT TT "TT "TT "TT "T~ TT "TT <1 <1 <i <1 "TT TT "ND" 14.6 ToT TT TT TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTT TsT TTT ToT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT NA "NA TT l4T IT I5T "29T loT "32T Too IsT ITT Tn TTT TTT TW Im TTT TsT 228" 266 278 210 303 TW4-22 Chloroform Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ug/l) Methylene Chloride (ugA) Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 25- May-05 31-Aug-05 I- Dec-05 9- Mar-06 14- Jun-06 20-Jul-06 8-Nov-06 28- Feb-07 27-Jun-07 15- Aug-07 10- Oct-07 26- Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 II- Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15-Sep-09 29- Dec-09 3-Mar-10 15-Jun-10 24-Aug-10 13-Oct-10 23-Feb-ll 340 ~290" "320" "390" "280" "864" "350" "440" 140" "530" "440" 1400" 1200" "6300" "630" "390" TW 2300" "380" 2200" "540" TW 140" "1300" NA "TT TT TTT TTT TTo" -<r "TT Tr Tr -<r TP "<r TT TT "TT TT TT TT Tr "ND" NA TT "TT TTT TTT TTT "TT TT TT TT TT TT TT "TT TT TT TT "TT TT "TT TP TT TT "ND" NA TT TT TTo" TTo" TTo" TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <i <i <1 <l <i ND 18.2 "TT7 TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT ToT 20T 40T "TTT TTT TT TT TT TT NA NT NT 236" "22T 22T "236" TTT TTT "259" "238" TTT TTT "52T "53T TTT TTT TTT TT 42T 134 130 134 114 TW4-23 27-Jun-07 15-Aug-07 10-Oct-07 26-Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4- Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 24-Feb-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 5- Oct-10 16-Feb-ll Chloroform (ngA) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <2 <1 <i <I <I <i <I <! <i ND Chloromethane (ug/l) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ~ <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 ND Methylene Chloride (ugA) <1 <1 <l <1 <1 <\ <2 <1 <1 " <1 ~ <1 <1 ND Nitrate (mgA) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 ND Chloride (mgA) 46 43 41 41 35 51 41 43 43 37 45 40 40 34 44 TW4-24 Chloroform (ugA) Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride WP Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 27-Jun-07 15-Aug-07 10-Oct-07 26-Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4-Mar-09 24- Jun-09 15-Sep-09 17-Dec-09 25- Feb-10 9-Jun-10 24-Aug-10 6-Oct-10 17-Feb-ll 2.6 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT <i TT TT TT TT TT ~ TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND <1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND <1 TT TT TT TT TT T TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT ND 26.1 TT ITT ITT "5TT "38T 44T "30T loT "30T "28T TTT "IT "TT TT TT 770 "79T "69T "74T "83T TlsT Tm ToTb" "75T "6iT "1080" "555" "oTT "58T "52T Too" TW4-25 Chloroform (ug/l) Carbon Tetrachloride (ng/1) Chloromethane (ugA) Methylene Chloride Nitrate (mgA) Chloride (mgA) 27-Jun-07 15-Aug-07 10-Oct-07 26-Mar-08 25-Jun-08 10-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 4- Mar-09 24-Jun-09 15- Sep-09 16- Dec-09 23-Feb-10 8-Jun-10 10-Aug-10 5- Oct-10 16-Feb-ll <1 ~ <T ~ TT ND <1 TT TT TT T TT Tr Tr ~<r TP Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr ND <1 TT TT <r Tr <T TT <r ~ <r <r <r <r ND <i TT Tr Tr Tr Tr TT Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr ND 17.1 ToT TT" TsT 22T TsT TIT TTT TTT TT TTT TTT TT" TT" TT" TT" 395 TsT TsT ITT "34T "33T ToT "33T "32T "32T TTT "2%" "30T "25T TTT TTT TW4-26 15-Jun-10 ll-Aug-10 6-Oct-10 22-Feb-ll Chloroform (ugA) 5 5A To Carbon Tetrachloride (ugA) <1 <1 <1 ND Chloromethane (ug/1) <1 <1 <1 ND Methylene Chloride (ugA) <1 <1 <1 ND Nitrate (mgA) 7.9 9 9.6 10 Chloride (mgA) 33 TT~ 22" 30~" TabL Chloroform Concentration Trend Graphs (ug/L) Sep-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Sep-00 Dec-00 Mar-01 Jun-01 Sep-01 Dec-01 Mar-02 Jun-02 Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03; Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 ro 01 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I o o 3 81 c CD 0> (ug/L) 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 - 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 - 18-Nov-10 - 1-Apr-12 ro w o o o o o o Ol o o o o o o o o o o o o 4^ 1 O 3" O I 3 < 0) CD TW4-2 Chloroform Values 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 Data point represented corresponds to laboratory results. The value is likely underestimated due to laboratory error not considering the dilution factor of 10. J oo O) o> O) 6 CD Q CO Q. O) CN O i Q. CD CO 9 c ra in o ±> ra co CM co o • o O 00 o I .a CO li. I CM CM O CO > o z I 00 c c < TW-4-3 Chloroform Values TW4-3 Has been less than the detection limit since March 28, 2003 (ug/L) CO CO 4* O Ol O OOO ooo cn o o 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01 - 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 - 28-May-05 - 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 1-Apr-12 ro ro o 01 o cn cn o 000 o o 000 o o • O o I 3 < SL c CO CO (ug/L) 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01 - 1-Sep-02 - 14-Jan-04 - 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 1-Apr-12 ro ro co o cn o o cn cn o o o o o o o (ug/L) ro o o o o O) o o 00 o o o o o ro o o 07/24/98 12/06/99 - 04/19/01 09/01/02 01/14/04 05/28/05 10/10/06 - 02/22/08 - 07/06/09 - 11/18/10 - 04/01/12 o> O 3" O I < SL c (D (A (ug/L) 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 - 14-Jan-04 8-May-05 10-Oct-06 >2-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 - 8-Nov-10 - 1-Apr-12 4*. CD ro o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I < fl) C CO (ug/L) 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 19-Apr-01 - 1-Sep-02 - 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 j 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - 1-Apr-12 10 10 o 01 o o CO CO cn cn o cn o cn cn o o o o 000 o o (ug/L) 24-Jul-98 6-Dec-99 - I9-Apr-01 - 1-Sep-02 - 4-Jan-04 8-May-05 - I0-Oct-06 2-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 8-Nov-IO 1-Apr-12 -1. ro co -f^ cn 00000 o o o (ug/L) 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 - 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 - 18-Nov-IO - 4* 00 o ro 4*. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I 3 < c CD </> 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) o o o to o o o CA) O O O O O O cn o o o o o o o o o o 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 - 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 - 18-Nov-10 - O 3" O I i c CD Ci) 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) o cn cn ro b 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 - 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 1-Apr-12 ro O O I < SL c CD (ft (ug/L) Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03 Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 o ro o o 4*. o cn o b) o o CO o CO O o" 3 3* -1 3 03 CO O I—K D" CD CD Q. CD I—K CD O CD 4^ CO TW4-14 Chloroform Values Chloroform has not been detected in TW4-14 CO o CO 2 CO o I o o o Q. < O > O CO O I c 3 CO o I o CD Q Oi o cn < £ C U (ug/L) 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 - 18-Nov-10 - ro o 01 o ui o o o o o o o o ro O) O I 3 < c CD C0 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 - 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - ro co o o o o o o o o o o o O O 3" O I 1 c CD Ui 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) o ro o o o co ro oo 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 ro o i 3 < CD CO 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) 19-Apr-01 1-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 - 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - ro CO ro co cn o o o o cn o cn o o o o o o 00 O ar o I 3 < SL c CD V) 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) o o o IO o o o CO o o o 4*. o o o cn o o o cn o o o o o o oo o o o 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 6-Jul-09 O or o i 3 < tt c CD C/> 18-Nov-IO 1-Apr-12 r (ug/L) 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - 1-Apr-12 o> ro CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ro o o o I < SL c CD CO (ug/L) 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 - 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - ro ro CO o o o cn cn cn cn cn o o o o o o o o o o ro -I o o I 3 < SL c CD 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 - 6-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 - 4* CT1 CO ->l rO CO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 4> ro ro o < 1-Apr-12 (ug/L) OOOOO o wz o o 3 c/> D O i—b O" (D CD Q_ CD i—t- 0 O i—K CD CL CA) (ug/L) o b o In ro b IO In u> b LU In 10-Oct-06 28-Apr-07 - 14-Nov-07 - l-Jun-08 18-Dec-08 6-Jul-09 - 22-Jan-10 10-Aug-10 - 26-Feb-ll - ro o •r o cT 3 < c n in 14-Sep-ll (ug/L) OOOOO o IX o 3 3 0) C/> 13 O O" CD CD Q_ CD #—i- CD O i—t- CD CL ho (ug/l) Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 4* Sep-10 n Oct-10 < Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 TabM CSV Transmittal Letter Kathy Weinel From: Kathy Weinel Monday, May 16, 2011 3:11 PM rlundberg@utah.gov Jo Ann Tischler; David Frydenlund Transmittal of CSV Files White Mesa Mill 2011 Q1 Chloroform Monitoring C11020540(1 ).CSV; C11020714(1 ).CSV Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Mr. Lundberg, Attached to this e-mail is an electronic copy of laboratory results for chloroform monitoring conducted at the White Mesa Mill during the first quarter of 2011, in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. Please contact me at 303-389-4134 if you have any questions on this transmittal. Yours Truly Kathy Weinel Denison Mines (USA) Corp. Quality Assurance Manager l