HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2009-008203 - 0901a0688070e18ao^C':xo^'C^'^'^'^^ DENISOrvB^. MINES August 31, 2009 Sent Via Federal Express te ^^Ve Denison Mines (USA) Corp. 105017th Street, Suite 950 Denver, CO 80265 USA Tel: 303 628-7798 Fax:303 389-4125 www.denisonmlnes.com \'>>^ ^1 Dane L. Finerfrock, Executive Secretary Utah Radiation Control Board Utah Department of Environmental Quality 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144810 Sah Lake City, UT 84114-4810 ff^ico-c^' ^^f-f- Re: Transmittal of 2"^ Quarter 2009 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-Ol-White Mesa Mill Dear Mr. Finerfrock: Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the 2' Quarter of 2009, as required by the Notice of Violation and Groudwater Corrective Action order, UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-01. If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the undersigned. Yours tmly. nd Steven D. Landau DENISON MINES (USA) CORP. Manager, Environmental Affairs cc: Ron Hochstein Harold Roberts David Fryderilund David Turk Attachment SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION perched monitoring well temporary perched monitoring well perched plezometer perched monitoring well metalled April 2b05 temporary perched monitoring well metalled April gggg T37S T38S wildlife pond HYDRO GEO CHEM INC AND PERCHED WELL LOCATIONS WHITE MESA SITE H171 8000/ac gO9IweIloc.orf Denison Mines USA Corp ft 1050 17th Street Suite 950 DENISO Denver CO 80265 IJ ES Tel 303 628-7798 Fax 303 389-4125 www.denisonmines.com August 31 2009 Sent Via Federal Express Dane Finerfrock Executive Secretary Utah Radiation Control Board Utah Department of Environmental Quality 168 North 1950 West P.O Box 144810 Salt Lake City UT 84114-4810 Re Transmittal of Quarter 2009 Routine Chloroform Monitoring Report UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-01-White Mesa Mill Dear Mr Finerfrock Enclosed are two copies of the White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report for the Quarter of 2009 as required by the Notice of Violation and Groudwater Corrective Action order UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-01 If you have any questions or require any further information please contact the undersigned Yours truly Steven Landau DENIS0N MINES USA CORP Manager Environmental Affairs cc Ron Hochstein Harold Roberts David Frydenlund David Turk White Mesa Uranium Mill ChloroformMonitoring Report State of Utah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Corrective Action Order UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-O1 Quarter April through June 2009 Prepared by Denison Mines USA Corp DUSA 1050 17th Street Suite 950 Denver CO 80265 August 2009 INTRODUCTION This is the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report as required under State of Utah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Conective Action Order State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-01 for the Quarter of 2009 the Quarter for Denison Mines USA Corp.s DUSAs White Mesa Uranium Mill the Mill This Report also includes the Operations Report for the Long Term Pump Test at MW-4 TW4-19 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4-20 for the Quarter SAMPLING AND MONITORING PLAN 2.1 Description of Monitor Wells Sampled During the Quarter During the Quarter the following chloroform contaminant investigation groundwater samples and measurements were taken 2.1.1 Groundwater Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring was performed in all of the chloroform monitoring wells being the following wells MW-4 TW4-11 TW4-1 TW4-12 TW4-2 TW4-13 TW4-3 TW4-14 TW4-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-5 TW4-16 TW4-6 TW4-17 MW-32 TW4-7 TW4-18 TW4-8 TW4 19 TW4-9 TW4-20 TW4-10 TW4-21 TW4-.22 The locations of these wells are indicated on the map attached under Tab Wells sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents Chloroform Chloromethane Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite as 2.1.2 Groundwater Head Monitoring Depth to groundwater was taken in the following wells and/or piezometers during the Quarter All of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells listed in paragraph 2.1.1 above in two measurement events on either June 30 2009 The point of compliance monitoring wells under the Mills Groundwater Discharge Permit GWDP on June 30 2009 Piezometers P-i P-2 P-3 P-4 and P-S on June 30 2009 In addition weekly depth to groundwater measurements were taken in MW-4 TW4-1S MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 as part of the long term pumping test for MW-4 2.2 Sampling Methodology Equipment and Decontamination Procedures The sampling methodology equipment and decontamination procedures that were performed for the chloroform contaminant investigation during the Quarter can be summarized as follows 2.2.1 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater list is gathered of the wells in order of increasing chloroform contamination The order for purging is thus established Mill personnel start purging with all of the non-detect wells and then move to the more contaminated wells in order of chloroform contamination starting with the wells having the lowest chloroform contamination and Before leaving the Mill office the pump and hose are rinsed with de-ionizedDIwaterMillpersonnelthenproceedtothefirstwellwhichisthewell indicating the lowest concentration of chloroform based on the previous quarters sampling results Well depth measurements are taken and the two casing volumes are calculated measurements are made using the same instrument used for the monitoring wells under the Mills GWDP The Grundfos pump gpm pump is then lowered to the bottom of the well and purging is begun At the first well the purge rate is established for the purging event by using calibrated gallon bucket After the evacuation of the first well has been completed the pump is removed from the well and the process is repeated at each well location moving from least contaminated to most contaminated All wells are capped and secured prior to leaving the sampling location 2.2.2 Sampling Following the purging of all chloroform investigation wells the sampling takes place usually the next morning Prior to leaving the Mill office to sample cooler along with blue ice is prepared The trip blank is also gathered at that time the trip blank for these events is provided by the Analytical Laboratory Once Mill Personnel arrive at the well sites labels are filled out for the various samples to be collected All personnel involved with the collection of water and samples are the outfitted with rubber gloves Chloroform investigation samples are collected by means of dedicated bailers and the wells are purged by means of dedicated portable pump Each quarterly pumping and sample collection event begins at the location least affected by chloroform based on the previous quarters sampling event and proceeds by affected concentration to the most affected location The dedicated portable pump is appropriately decontaminated prior to each purging sampling event and the QA rinsate sample is collected after said decontamination but prior to the commencement of the sampling event Mill personnel use disposable bailer to sample each well The bailer is attached to reel of approximately 150 feet of nylon rope and then lowered into the well After coming into contact with the water the bailer is allowed to sink into the water in order to fill Once full the bailer is reeled up out of the well and the sample bottles are filled as follows First set of VOC vials is filled This set consists of three 40 ml vials provided by the Analytical Laboratory The set is not filtered and is preserved with HCL ii Second 500 ml sample is collected for Nitrates/Nitrites This sample is also not filtered and is preserved with H2SO4 the bottle for this set is also provided by the Analytical Laboratory iii Third 500 ml sample is collected for Chloride This sample is not filtered and is not preserved and After the samples have been collected for particular well the bailer is disposed of and the samples are placed into the cooler that contains blue ice The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well DUSA completed and transmitted to UDEQ on May 25 2006 revised Quality Assurance Plan QAP for sampling under the Mills GWDP The GWDP QAP was reviewed by UDEQ and has been approved for implementation The QAP provides detailed presentation of procedures utilized for groundwater sampling activities under the GWDP While the water sampling conducted for chloroform investigation purposes has been conformant with the general principles set out in the QAP some of the requirements in the QAP were not fully implemented prior to UDEQs approval for reasons set out in correspondence to UDEQ dated December 2006 Subsequent to the delivery of the December 2006 letter DUSA discussed the issues brought forward in the letter with UDEQ and has received correspondence from UDEQ about those issues In response to UDEQs letter and subsequent discussions with UDEQ DUSA has incorporated changes in chloroform QA procedures in the form of separate document The chloroform QA document describes the differing needs of the chloroform investigation program and is and attachment to the GWDP QAP where QA needs other than those described in the chloroform QA document are addressed 2.3 Field Data Worksheets Attached under Tab are copies of all Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the Quarter for the chloroform contaminant investigation monitoring wells listed in paragraph 2.1.1 above and sampled during the sampling event of June 23-25 2009 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Sheets Attached under Tab are copies of the Depth to Water Sheets for the weekly monitoring of MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 as well as the monthly depth to groundwater monitoring data for chloroform contaminant investigation wells measured during the quarter Depth-to-groundwater measurements which were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Field Data Worksheets at Tab of this report DATA INTERPRETATION 3.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels Gradients and Flow Directions 3.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map The contour map Tab uses the June 30 2009 data for the wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 above June 30 2009 data for the wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 and June 30 2009 data for the piezometers and wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 above Also included under Tab is groundwater contour map of the portion of the Mill site where the four chloroform pumping wells are located with hand-drawn stream tubes in order to demonstrate hydraulic capture from the pumping 3.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour maps for the Mill site for the first quarter of 2009 as submitted with the Chloroform Monitoring Report for the first quarter of 2009 are attached under Tab comparison of the water table contour maps for the Quarter to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter indicates similar patterns of drawdown related to pumping of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 Water levels and water level contours for the site have not changed significantly since the last quarter except for few locations reported decrease in water level of approximately 19 feet occurred in pumping well TW4-20 Reported increases in water levels of approximately feet in pumping well MW-4 and of approximately 11 feet in pumping well TW4-19 occurred Water level fluctuations at pumping wells MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 are due in part to fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken The largest decrease increase in drawdown of approximately 19 feet occurred at TW4-20 and the largest increase decrease in drawdown of approximately 11 feet occurred at TW4-19 3.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each chloroform contaminant investigation monitor well over time 3.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached under Tab are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above 3.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture Perched water containing chloroform has been removed from the subsurface by pumping MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 The purpose of the pumping is to reduce total chloroform mass in the perched zone as rapidly as is practical These wells were chosen for pumping because they are located in areas of the perched zone having relatively high permeability and saturated thickness and high concentrations of chloroform were detected at these locations The relatively high transmissivity of the perched zone in the vicinity of the pumping wells results in the wells having relatively high productivity The combination of relatively high productivity and high chloroform concentrations allows high rate of chloroform mass removal The impact of pumping these wells is indicated by the water level contour maps attached under Tabs and Cones of depression have developed in the vicinity of the pumping wells which continue to remove significant quantities of chloroform from the perched zone The water level contour maps indicate that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of the pumping wells is occurring As noted in Section 3.1.2 increases in water levels decreases in drawdowns occurred at MW-4 and TW4-19 and decrease in water level increase in drawdown occurred at TW4-20 between the first and second quarters of 2009 Overall the combined capture of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 has not changed significantly since the last quarter The decrease in drawdown at TW4-19 and the increase in drawdown at TW4-20 has decreased and increased respectively the apparent capture zones of these wells relative to that of other nearby pumping wells The decrease in drawdown at MW-4 has slightly decreased the apparent capture zone associated with MW-4 Although high chloroform concentrations exist at some locations downgradient of the pumping wells for example near TW4-4 the low permeability of the perched zone at these locations would prevent significant rates of chloroform mass removal should these wells be pumped By pumping at the more productive upgradient locations however the rate of downgradient chloroform migration will be diminished because of the reduction in hydraulic gradients and natural attenuation will be more effective 3.2 Interpretation of Analytical Results 3.2.1 Copy of Laboratory Results Included under Tab of this Report are copies of all laboratory analytical results for the groundwater quality samples collected under the chloroform contaminant investigation on June 23-25 2009 2009 along with the laboratory analytical results for trip blank 3.2.2 Electronic Data Files and Format DUSA has provided to the Executive Secretary an electronic copy of all laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the chloroform contaminant investigation during the Quarter in Comma Separated Values CSV copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab 3.2.3 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Included under Tab of this Report is current chloroform isoconcentration map for the Mill site 3.2.4 Data and Graphs Showing Chloroform Concentration Trends Attached under Tab is table summarizing chloroform and nitrate values for each well over time Attached under Tab are graphs showing chloroform concentration trends in each monitor well over time 3.2.5 Analysis of Analytical Results Comparing the analytical results to those of the previous quarter as summarized in the table included under Tab the following observations can be made Chloroform concentrations have increased by more than 20%in the following wells compared to last quarter TW4-6 TW4-18 and TW4-22 Chloroform concentrations have decreased by more than 20%in TW4-7 and TW4-15 compared to last quarter Chloroform concentrations have remained within 20%in the following wells compared to last quarter MW-4 TW4-1 TW4-2 TW4-4 TW4-5 TW4-10 TW4-1 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-21 and TW4-24 TW4-3 TW4-8 TW4-9 TW4-12 TW4-13 TW4-14 TW4-16 MW-32 TW4- 17 TW4-23 and TW4-25 remained non-detect In addition between the first and second quarters of 2009 the chloroform concentration in well TW4-21 increased slightly from 180 g/L to 200 jig/L the concentration in well TW4-22 increased from 390 pg/L to 730 ig/L and the concentration in pumping well TW4-20 decreased from 8200 pg/L to 6800 pg/L Wells TW4-23 and TW4-25 remained non-detect for chloroform and the concentration in well TW4-24 increased slightly from 1.4 tg/L to 1.5 jig/L TW4-24 located west of TW4-22 and TW4-25 located north of TW4-2 bound the chloroform plume to the west and north Chloroform concentrations in TW4-6 which was the most downgradient temporary perched well prior to installation of temporary well TW4-23 and which remained outside the chloroform plume until last quarter increased from 81 pgfL to 120 jig/L This well likely remained outside the chloroform plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008 due to combination of slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping and natural attenuation TW4-23 continues to bound the chloroform plume to the south 3.3 Quality Assurance Evaluation And Data Validation Quality assurance evaluation and data validation procedures in effect at the time of sampling were followed These involve three basic types of evaluations field QC checks Analytical Laboratory checks and checks performed by DUSA personnel as described below 3.3.1 Field OC Checks Field Quality Control samples for the chloroform investigation program consist of field duplicate sample field blank and trip blank These check samples are to be generated for each quarterly sampling episode During the 2nd Quarter 2009 duplicates TW4-65 duplicate of TW4-17 and TW4-70 duplicate of TW4-8 DI blank TW4-60 rinsate TW-4-63 and trip blank were collected and analyzed The results of these analyses are included with the routine analyses under Tab 3.3.2 Analytical Laboratory QA/OC Procedures The Analytical Laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical quality assurance/quality control QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with NELAC certification and reporting protocol The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Report including copies of the Mills Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for the September sampling event are included under Tab 3.3.3 Mill QA Manager Review The Mill QA Manager which for these sampling events was DUSAs Manager of Environmental Affairs performed four types of reviews determination of whether Mill sampling personnel followed Mill sampling procedures review of the results from the Field QC Checks review of analytical reports for holding times and qualifying indicators for the data and review of the Analytical Laboratory QAIQC analysis The results of the QA Managers review are discussed below Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs On review of adherence by Mill personnel to the sampling procedures summarized in Section 2.2 above the QA Manager concluded that such procedures had been followed Results From Field QC Checks The duplicate samples of TW4-8 and TW4-17 indicated relative percent difference within the prescribed standard of 20%for those parameters duplicated However trace chloroform and methylene chloride presence was indicated in the field blank The rinsate sample also contained trace presence of chloroform During the 3rd Quarter report period it was noted that field blank de-ionized water continued to yield trace volatile organic presence i.e Chloroform This matter was further investigated by the QA manager and corrective measures included confirmation that purchased de-ionized water had in fact been used for the field blank and two sets of purchased de-ionized waters samples were prepared and duplicate sets were sent to each of two contract laboratories Energy Lab and AWAL Both Labs continued to report the presence of low concentration Chloroform in all of the purchased water samples e.g approximately 30 ppb Concurrently these low concentrations of Chloroform were found in Quarter 2009 field blanks as well During the QA review for the preparation of the 4th Quarter Groundwater Report it was discovered that in fact what was purchased is the resin used to treat the water and not the water itself Accordingly samples of pretreated water treated water and the field blanks themselves were planned for analysis in order to further isolate the cause of this low level contaminant source Field blanks were collected during the 2nd Quarter and the matter was discussed at length with onsite laboratory personnel however the samplings for pre and post treatment DI water have not yet been received Review ofAnalytical Laboratory QA/QC Analysis and Analytical Reports The QA Manager reviewed the Analytical Laboratorys QAIQC Summary Reports and made the following conclusions Check samples were analyzed for each method used in analyzing the Chloroform investigation samples These methods were Parameter Method Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite as E353.2 Chloroform E624 Carbon tetrachloride E624 Chioromethane E624 Methylene chloride E624 Chloride A4500-CL ii The check samples included at least the following method blank laboratory control spike sample matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate iii All qualifiers if any and the corresponding explanations in the summary reports are reviewed by the QA Manager The only qualifiers reported were for matrix interference in some of the analyzed monitoring location samples however the reporting limit was maintained below the parameter standard in these instances iv The laboratory holding time for all analyses was within chloroform specification and sample temperature was acceptable upon receipt LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 AND TW4-20 OPERATIONS REPORT 4.1 Introduction As part of the investigation of chloroform contamination at the Mill site IUSA has been conducting Long Term Pump Test on MW-4 TW4-19 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4- 20 The purpose of the test is to serve as an interim action that will remove significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation The following information documents the operational activities during the Quarter 4.2 Pump Test Data Collection The long term pump test for MW-4 was started on April 14 2003 followed by the start of pumping from TW4-19 on April 30 2003 from TW4-15 MW-26 on August 2003 and from TW4-20 on August 2005 Personnel from Hydro Geo Chem Inc were on site to conduct the first phase of the pump test and collect the initial two days of monitoring data for MW-4 IUSA personnel have gathered subsequent water level and pumping data Analyses of hydraulic parameters and discussions of perched zone hydrogeology near MW-4 has been provided by Hydro Geo Chem in separate report dated November 12 2001 and in the May 26 2004 Final Report on the Long Term Pumping Test Data collected during the Quarter included the following Measurement of water levels at MW-4 TW4-19 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4- 20 on weekly basis and at selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells on monthly basis See Section 3.1 and Tabs and for discussion of the water levels Measurement of pumping history pumping rates ii total pumped volume iii operational and non-operational periods Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate nitrite analysis and other constituents as discussed in detail in Section 3.2 above 4.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16 2003 the frequency of water level measurements from MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4-19 was reduced to weekly From commencement of pumping TW4-20 water levels in that well have been measured weekly Depth to groundwater in all other chloroform contaminant investigation wells is monitored monthly Copies of the weekly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 and the October and December monthly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for all of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells are typically included under Tab but will be transmitted separately on December 2008 Monthly depth to water measurements for September are recorded in the Field Data Worksheets included under Tab 4.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes 4.4.1 MW-4 Approximately 83090 gallons of water were pumped from MW-4 during the Quarter The average pumping rate from MW-4 when the pump was pumping was approximately 4.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well purges for set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge Water from MW-4 was transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the 3rd Quarter 2008 and since commencement of pumping on April 14 10 2003 an estimated total of approximately 1900550 gallons of water have been purged from MW-4 TW4-19 4.4.2 TW4-19 Approximately 450040 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-19 during the Quarter The average pumping rate from TW4-19 when the pump was pumping was approximately 6.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The pump in this well is operating on delay It pumps for approximately one and half minutes and then is off for two to three minutes Water from TW4-19 was directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the Pt Quarter 2007 and since commencement of pumping on April 30 2003 an estimated total of approximately 9673190 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-19 4.4.3 TW4-15 MW-26 Approximately 58050 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-15 MW-26 during the Quarter The average flow rate from TW4-15 when the pump was pumping was approximately 1.5 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well now purges for set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge The water is directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the Pt Quarter 2006 and since commencement of pumping on August 2003 an estimated total of approximately 1331990 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-15 4.4.4 TW4-20 Approximately 49270 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-20 during the Quarter The average flow rate from TW4-20 when the pump was pumping was approximately 6.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well pump is set on water elevation device When the water reaches set point the pump turns on until the water level drops to another set point The water is directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose Since commencement of pumping on August 2005 an estimated total of approximately 1014920 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-20 4.5 Daily Inspections Denison has submitted an Operations and Maintenance Plan Chloroform Pumping System White Mesa Mill Blanding Utah Revision 1.0 to UDEQ for approval Upon approval of that plan the Mill will commence documenting its daily inspections of the operational status of the chloroform pumping wells on the daily inspection form an example of the form of which is attached as Tab Operational Problems 11 No operational problems in the pumping wells were reported during the Quarter 2008 period 4.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers No significant amount of water was added to any of the three wildlife diversion ponds during the Quarter 4.8 Chloroform Analysis Monthly chloroform sampling ceased on November 2003 From that time all chloroform contaminant investigation wells were sampled on quarterly basis The sample results are discussed above in Section 3.2 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The water level contour map for the Quarter indicates that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of the pumping wells is occurring Between the first and second quarters of 2009 the chloroform concentration in well TW4-21 increased slightly from 180 jig/L to 200 tg/L the concentration in well TW4-22 increased from 390 pg/L to 730 jig/L and the concentration in pumping well TW4-20 decreased from 8200 pg/L to 6800 pg/L Fluctuations in concentrations in these wells are likely related to variations in pumping in TW4-20 and nearby wells and their location near the suspected former office leach field source area Regardless of these measured fluctuations in chloroform concentrations sampling of temporary wells TW4-24 located west of TW4-22 and TW4-25 located north of TW4-21 indicated these wells remain outside the chloroform plume and thus bound the plume to the west and north Chloroform was not detected at TW4-25 and was detected at concentration of 1.5 jig/L at TW4-24 The chloroform concentration at downgradient well TW4-6 which remained outside the plume until last quarter increased from 81 to 120 pg/L Although fluctuations in concentrations have occurred this well likely remained outside the chloroform plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008 due to combination of slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping and natural attenuation Chloroform remained non-detect at downgradient temporary well TW4-23 which continues to bound the chloroform plume to the south Continued pumping of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 is recommended Pumping these wells regardless of any short term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells such as at TW4-20 helps to reduce downgradient chloroform migration by removing chloroform mass and reducing average hydraulic gradients thereby allowing natural attenuation to be more effective 12 13 Attachment 02 erThsthai PeSt Date 2.25.07 Revisiom QMaaaaaP1anQAP AflACIRIIENT 11 W1HIIII1ThIISMJMIffLL fflIWTh JATA WOflSJBIIEIEflOR GROUNRJ WARTh Desvp ntS IBvehttz Qu.oºr chkro4rpi Smu1er LoaOnwiS /IU-1si Lrrtnner DaSThSurPBitgbg rB-tYsdSapflngifdiffeieig___________ Weli Mgmjspp User jSpar...JS $n 1.imp ifothenhaui _______ SawpthwEvei XxttAccr t\IerªWfl\ pflUfferLfl 7X SpecificCuntetanceA1i uAWOScn .WeIIiWtLi4t thWdtefoit1uhig 73 aS1theCr4SII ..GSSh Well 367k Well WateiiTemp aQg ___ .14L .5WeatherboEd -PH %tt Mill-S DicSgePs J1ate 1U7.5 RSSO QaocPIam Q12AJP Page 41 of 41 Name of edAna1yficalLabdratoy.iSEySi sffijffi ______Jt ISSILS VOCs t13j Nutrients lOOmi IS feavflIetal3 25Db Au otS Nun-tioiM Itathlogies ..4ti GroS.M iv io9n OUtS spŁit SaniolØ volume IfapSeSfive 11 Quanthjj ŁMtie IbwRSeQJ iagpa TSocvcns two caoizgvokupes 2V 0160 ___________________________ Nor ng.va1nthSiifo4tSfjikettItS If well evaonaS tedrpess1 numbr of gadoitkti Cu ots 4p1u4 1T /Vfl LItL Lec 4nr f4w.d ar -L itht1a1s 1n Jmttr rttnner R1lt oSWzer thacgePeiS QSity Man QAJP Date 2.25.07 JRevision Pege4Oof 4ff AT1ACJHIMIENT 31 WHIIIfl4IIESA IIJllANWMMLL 1JIIBW DATA WOS1 FOR GROUND WATJR oescæpthnaniplinglEvet OupA-er oh toroIerrsn Location wSliame W9 Date and ThneIor Purging a-CY and Sampling if diffeientL Well nginguip US pSp or_Jailer Wflump ifotherlbanRennei trnt-k Sampling EveittX wxr\er cki cro2wr pH Bufferit $appiedin apipIiqgEyqnt pnffr4Q 4U Specific Conil4nce 11 OSkni W. Depth to WteiBefS Purging._\.S Casing Vhime sr WelLnx .653h rWeJt4/4 367k codabttheebi_________ Welt Watettezqp avg RMMttt4i tuthzdity Weather Contj 6Io4 MitI Amb Temp otasamp1ing event Tune ha1 PdJt Ti4ie qi Fnrge bonduanc.1.J Temperaupt..J 5.5 Temperature RedoxPotØrttjÆflBh Redoxod1ihI Jaity_Turbidity. dwaterThscSgePeiai4t JDate 11.11116 JRSzS ammthcMothtorhg QwlityiSiraflce PAm Q12 Page 41 of 41 ________________Tnrbidfty_________________ raQPttTc-tr jnrno Tin to eVUCIRte two crsMg voum ZV _______________T2V/Q ML Numbernfvashg voISSo4Sated OLbthetthan two____________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gauotii ScuiiS________________________ Name of Cmlifled MmlytiealLaboratoiy Othi-t4tbgyLt Al/A flow ato in gpa SJUt Comments J3ac Arr4 pr s-xt ptJq1 FJnc tnnr 10llcA4t _________________eQCA ptat4topresior qk jjitoflLLt5________________________________________________________________________________________ OftL J$ikL Fkkc tesck4 ka cL ntsf1 1juLi-4c LnT2t VJ1IAaA YV AWZ IL frggbte C1cu1ation 4c Mill Gwgoter Dkthafge IPencit Date 2.2517 Revisioa uiiStei7Sbthg Qoclily Pb1 QAP Jpge 4i9 of 411 MTACIHIIMIIIINT 11 WkfflnruESA IIJJI2AMUMBL BrJIIPLkP DATA WOJRIE1T J1OJI GRtOUND WMfl DescrpfiontSMpiligEvct Qu.c.crer cahlorolrrrvi Saup1r Locationtlhiaiue uJM NIkfiSdiæitWs tyfl Poirnlr Date arnflTSelbrThrging r3 and Sampling Qfdiffezmit____________ WdllPurgiuipteftjthpor_t WunpifOtherthanpenneO_G-rLxnks SamplpgEvett uaAtr ip rr JPryWejl $pp spliJwEvent 1bJ4- 7.0 SftFt Specific Condnuce II UMROS/Ckn 7/P4Lt Depth to Wz1terefow Pngiug Casing Volume V4 Well 34 L1.J .653h 3h .36Th p0 f$ahLayi Well WateTnp avg Rfth%tQ4Ii %thidzty WthttherCondk\i6 SAfl d..-fflAnbTerniiwsprosaniplsflgevent issi dal e54 Qal $tgecL CohIdaube ConduŁti$w 7/ pH _______ Ternperatiprt -3 Tem1eraturS 77 __________RedoxPo falEb___________ Turbidity .l ____________________ Tune Gal Fur Conducbnc_ gedpH Time GaLPurged Conductance__________________________ p0 TemeV Red6otential Eh Temr7 ME-weflisthatgePcaSt Date 1L17D6 FeviSn oworISkSng QityAssffaacePIas QAP Page 41 of 41 Comments prcsajj pA Purge cr J$ iA t5 Arr Pfl sk at eucL cALcs2 Iicw t4fly 40iWA4.A P_hn oJis9a 1i2i .55k 5t_PcrJ Ofl__4c tAncr flug Atn Rkc jeSc3%l C-.O\MlIIa e4 -rMkA .Lrfli gJj ITLajfL VthunnfWatstPdi Qalcg Flow Rate in gpm _______ Tjmp to evacuate iwo casing volumes DV ____H__Mr Number.ofeaaiitg voluniS Sttad flb thaii tiojt If well evnaS todr3mtess number of gidlo sØtS Nunie ofCenifiedAnalyilealLaboratoiy tOthriiSgyLabs Al/1-\ St $McX$$flliic Wlai1Ł PsnatflveAd trM vs vcn Nuttis ..cn .ts 75 1.4Sfs..x icoini .Y Ht UeavyMŁSs Aft OtIIIIŁ Nbff- RSiologics GrossA4iba OthisjecVy Yt 23iuf ZOMF ... t000mi Sampi volume ..HYM R2S04 GMrck Cnor\o4c If apme live is ued SPcina$ QuatityofPreservitive Mill GrnnrDkchagePennit oSwatclStouing Quality Assauanp Plan QAP Date 2.25.07 Davithou JPage4Oof4 A1TAC4IINT Sanpler ÆIIJ initials Poimtr tna er Sampling Eve LAtr c.W porr%4W $l $inq4pdin SajnpligEyent TA pSffer4iL...pllBuffTh 7X LL Specific Contlnciance it uMHOS/cm Well flnth Depth to WeBefore PwgingL 01 Casing Volume 114 wewSS .653k Wek..367k pii rt4 ----- Well Watfrmnp avg ReflolaIWh_Thrbzdltf weauier ComJ c6cJy /4jaat1 Exti Ant Temp Qrtoflo sampling eveªt Tune__Sj.Gal iiqeaj dondutaætc.. p0 2.0/ Tempen4qrcJ Y-572 Temperature RPohJ VI Time_____Gal PurgecL Conduclanc._p07 eArn .------- Time GaL ged_______ Conductance p1 WflDgMJ4 IIT1IILD DATh WOfllll irJYOR G1OUi WAT1E Deaciptianiff1EnpliugBvent Quc%Atr ch orolo ml IT .nrMflnN I1SBM eflAJH Date and Tinniur Purgingk.3 Ot and Sampling if diffetent Well Pnrgi$1n Uset fltifflp orjbaikr WIiump if othex than Benne tcnA Turbidity...2/s Tem9tIiT PotentidFa. TernvenV edintentia1 Ehj.. -4 Plow RateQ in gpa Time to evacuate two casing volmues 2V _______________T2V/Q /1 WumbeSkusing voluiSoirieuaS it Or si _____________________ if well evacuated to.dryness number olgailods S6æMI_______________________ NfiedAnaiyfiOæSigyLt Comments Arr4 sh M2Z Fbtbwcr tnncr 10lttt.4 prcsen knpln eicv biio4 i27.f cA aX A4cc a-otrc 1-.tpcccf Ofls Acrekth .s1k Ofl4 l.rtrcr fldLcLq 1AA/1 Potfrc ac4 mp1M cL_kSiK dpif ta_Q oj MM_amSvrisbLrgePeast Date 1U7116 1evWt OvnSuaier MoæoSg QvJitySzaoraflCe Plea QAfl Page 41 of 41 Volume itWater Pxged gpingiWe Calpnlstion mSity rnSrDschaigePeredt QSirj Mswaaaa QM Samptr Lsinnss 1sn PaLcn R.i SamplingEveift LACC C1ccprr4 Prey W41 Jurnpiug put flnJQ ..7 pHEuffcrW_7.0 LO. Specific ContluLaance A1 ulkWOSkni Wefl4tlj LH Depth to Wdterfom Fuging thd0ce 4.CasingVOlimie If 49 Well 33 ta..653k.J 3WdE..ttI4 .367k Welt Wateifrrnp avg Rti PoMi1tIi Turtudity EJ 2LOGc3arr Tuta tialPurged T1u coiŁtptit aSS Condudtncp PH________________________________ TP1UJYPVIDrn IL 1__.T TemperatuS RedoxmfIi Eli_____________ TudÆy___________________ -r RedoxPottÆflEh i3 Turbidity Tinie Gal Condnccp_ Purged PH Tempe Date 2.25.07 iet4sion JPge40of4l WIUTI1MII1SA UMF11IUMIMIffLL IVHEKJTh DATA WOHHIIEfl JR GIItOUND WATJEII Descon$SSsavenc Q.o..4cr cjiUronrsi Inc vElflaInth cflJL4 14 Date and Tinvelbr Purging -3-CYt and Sompling if diffexent Well PurgiisaS ttseth xus _si WEiump itt metutr4cm -J Time GaLPurged conducnce______________________ iPotentidla JRedtentia1 Bhij r-araSwaterDiscSgePcweft Date 1fl7i6 ktevEioit Gdvzter Mon1tothg QAsslirance QAfl Thbidity____________ Page 41 of 41 Plow RnIeQ in S160 vvwuim wucji rutvu Time to owicalate two casing volumes 2V ______________nWQ II Numberof casing voluthSŁiiSted if two__________________ If well evnonated to dryness mnnber of galkuih ciSuate4 Name of edMmlyticalLaboratoEy iOtheflSSigy Labs Al/A Comments fjae Arr$Pejljyitr ii 1vnr J401itt44 cj4jna eicA Pt.r 1-tFc1 ch ii fAncs ttArec nXck3m1-jg Lfl isb /crcki_s4c ca 074 ncrP ______________ tpIc44 MIll .-riSier Dhe PeSt QnS Mansnip1P11an QAJP Dae 2.25.07 levfis1cwr JPge 40 of 411 4flAC1RffthflNT WU1HEA UNMJItO1JIILL kWh DATA WOS1RllZlC 1FW GJWkJNIII WATh DctipiSanplingEvent Qu.c.4er oh oro4 rrv1 Santpler LocatIon wºlthanie kfiH o.Lr Date and Tn%brPrging r3-Ot and Samp11ing if diffeint_____________ Well Eai Uae Xpor.Jbailer WUAsmp ifother than BenucO trtxns sanplingEveift 6XciAcr Chip ocrr PeyW apip edinSanipiingEyent IWW pHBt.Y1J 7.0 LO SpecifIc Conduaance 413 uMUONcin Wqaptij Depth to Wdterfoxt PugingSC .5 CasingVIuthe 4fl WelL .77 .6531 Wet ..AIf/.367h CoMSwŁ_____________ Well Wate.tTnup avg___________Reik 6fe1t4i Turbidity WeithŁrCoiid t-ga 1azfl 74JC CI$tinte ISS pH Teniperativt..jcjjc RedoxPoteitthulfl Thrhiditv .sc Red tn Time Ga1 V-wthrgePe1St mite 1117116 RovMoo Orouxaloatof MoaftozW Quefiflsairanee Plea QJP Page 41 of 41 ________________TadAdfty_________________ Vohantul Water Parged Ptow Rate in flL Timflo evemate two easing volumes 2V ___________T2t/Q f9 frk Numbertashgvo1thnSeviited if other Sn two If welt evacuated tOdtynesSD number of gatioii SoulICE Name ofteilified Analytical Laboratoq iththei 4SSi Labs Al/A Comments fiatae Arrve sk at tSi %o Rakncr itc.nnr J-tofltt4 _y CQCnL 0d Pwyl WThLfC tr mAŁoA-in Lfl tAt ttt OKL O2 CæRCP GlUA4tA g19ak jescnl @npM4 ccrtL 5oii6viLjrLiLk cat .1 Mill Jacanoater Dkthaio PeSt QiaHity ta QAP Date 2.25117 llteSioa II nrtnne iwØWitthwtth ttiH pNBufferflL AflAC11t4ffiMT 11 Page 40 of 41 IRTIIE14IISA HllANMJMIMUILL F1GIiIIS ffDATA WOflSJJEfl FO G1POUND WAflJF Desc4tiotSiSatapliag lEvent Qc4cr oro4 rVl Sanp1er tr Poimfr Date and ThnnfnrPirging CY and Sampling if diffewnQ Well gi l1uip Ureft X$ffi or her Wornaup SmnVhi Eveina flAnrLr uJ .rnSrr\Prey WeJI aPIpe in amplingEvnt 1J-L sS 4.0 Specific ConElugiance 11 nlVWOSTcni W4DŁth fl Depth to Wdterefore Pging7 CMudAeXai Casing VOiwne 1V Well .653h .t frF Wel .36Th fl q13Ue av ReMih tThthiditYWellWateflterqpavg_ WeatherComl d0J 1CL tlAyib Temp prortosaiupl1nievent S5 TUj1u conduc /1 Temperature Redox9i1t1iWh 3uæty \_ Tune $i7 i1a1PurgetL4L. cucge% pH 7V3 Tempemtqa .4 RedoxPotØntÆlVlhY Turbkflty 3.O Time Gal Put1 Comments .1ae Arr4 tsJ 13cr Fjncr ttlncr fl0I1a44 fftscn -Qr Œan\L cnk crnpIin eenL Pue O%UE itt 41urc nigi cfl ih4 Aervej gg%cncr 1oithcuj _1r 31fl4 eer4 SAthilcafLotfOLL__J_rfl-_Qk4AUL_ Mlli -Oxirnadwzz DiscSge PeSt JJ3ate 1L17.G6 lRevkioz ounilwtw Moiætoæog QSiflsanceflafl QAfl VuluadfWw3L ruzna ppg_Rate Calculation Page 41 of 41 Tothidity flow Ra1o fin gpn Time evacuate two casing volumes 2V T2V/Q tC IqwnbernfcaSg voluthSSicnated otkŁr than two If well evacuated todzyness utunber ofgalloiisScuitÆl Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory it oStbSEn Labs______________ EASer Dkchae PcirS Qeality Maawp PSi QAP Date 2.2551 IReSS Page 40 of 41 AT1rACJBU4IINTJ W1HUY1IThtA 1IThtANWMMIIJEL lliflD EMTA fl S1RIIEMt F0R GJ1OWD WAT1EH DeptioSfflnplMngent Qu.oc4er phi oroVb crY Location wtMiarne lidH Saffipler Pcimtr Date and Timdor Pntgiag C7-3-and Sampling if diffeit Well Puagiguip IlJgedfr Xpflitip oUSter Weflnmp if other than Bonnet rrLAnJSos SmplugThevtX Acr cb1orpnn pNBufferJ7Xi_ eyh eIJ ifl iwqllpgEvent 1ijJV -1 Specific Conilw2nnce 11 Depth toWdterBefomPagin uMLIOSYcm .OJ Casing VlnnmV4 WellzSf36__.653h ...3 We1L N/.361k CondftdfiŁÆ p1 fr.Łg .c1c-r/ Well Watettcnip avg VJ4Rfl4iti1 tmbiddy_____ Weather COdY MI Anth Temp priortosamphfl evS 34 -- Th49 COhthitance Condndtahce -.-.7...c 11jt- Temperature 77 pH- TemperaturtJA Redox ilk Z.Eict Redox Poeftfh_______________ Thrhirflhr Time Conducnce_ Gal Purged Time Conductence GaL-Purged PH Tempera $ett6CtentiaI Ehj wIill-GzoaadwahaageFeainit Dte 1L17A16 itsvithot QLaJJWSSWaECPMM QAP Page 41 of 41 UAMB1b vy aza flCalc flow Rate 0P in gpa Time to evacoate two casing Vitaes ZV S/60 T211Q 11 Numentcasing volukSSed jf oIlier than So___________________ If well evacuated todtyness number of ganotib StuatS.. Name of Cettified Analytical Laboratory tOther11Biirgy Labs Mm comment8...fiAce Arr$ISiO ii tv1iftr L40WA4A PrcsFLr pi een tAn5 w-c5c eaLi-xLtfl sAc ic or SL4c t%cia JSF\1 cor cst apks t1a.LM53 -txi- Mill Grrnaker Dsthaigeftriimit ourdwatMenftoSg Qealiry AssoriPlan QAP PotentiÆltEhi Date 2.25.07 llevisioa Page 40 of 41 AflACIIt6IINTWgSAUflNKIEJ1W NHLL FffflEffJU DATA WOEKS1ET BbR GJ1lOIIJND WARIEIR oeSptiontfSampling Event cxc\-cr ro-rrVl Snp1er Location wØlbame WH Hague Sd initia1s_L Paktctnn cr U01 Date and Timefor Purging -3 and Sampling if thfferent____________ Well Pergin Equip thet .Xjmthp or..Jiailer Well Pump if other than Bennet trudSos Sampling Eveiit CLAer J Prey.Well Sampled in Sampling Event 1i/3 pilBuffertO 7.O pR$uffer4i 4J Specific Condutlance uIVItLOSIcin Wll Depth I2 Depth to WzterBefore Casing Volume V4 w01t37J4_1153k Welt .367k Condaetatnee aig pH qf XVafer avg___________________ Well WatdTenp avg Ajj4 Twbidity Weather 14j4-jVf Exti Amb Ternpp taamplidflVent Tjnie9757 GaiPurged Tiipi GalPurged Conducqiec Conduct nce 1-2O Temperatm /tCI-23 Temperature 77 Reclox PoteittiÆlfl Redox PnIh Turbidity Time Gal Purged_______ Conductance_. nUt Time________ Conductance -Purged pH Temperate Red6Zotential M1 -QnSwaterDischaie PeSt owidwagr 14Ionitothg QaSMaUreflCe Plan QAP VVliWiW Vfl4 VJ5VU 1low RsteQX in gpa 8169 _______ prcsca3 oA C%JCAL PuM4 be4Ar flP/jtrtttd l3 pjkkknqc4 fl j c4 il9SZ ____Arrvc on .sLa 4s cne i4 cMry 9AYVIDItS li4Wee Date ILIY.C6 Eevisieit Thrbidt Page 41 of 41 Time to evacuate two casing volumes TV T2V/Q Nmnberof casing volumes evacuated if other than twe_ If well evacuated to dryness number of galioiis evacuÆt Name of Ceitifted Analytical Laboratory if Other Energy Labs_ DittiLS Me leVj Jii44S lb SÆasfi$ iiI1 fltered cie PresenatAdded VOCs Nutrients IlØavyMetals All Other Mm- Radiotogics T..4 1st 10GmZW.. 250tn1 Y1 H$O4 fl it NoPxesSitivŁAded 4pm Other specify A-coeji\Cct 1%h13 L0O91 Sample volume ESO4 Ifapreservativeisuse4 Specil Type and Quantity of Pesetvative trCnmmentsRxreieArrjtAck1-Z591c R.icir Pcjnaer it knrur ljnWikaA MilE aS2h-Discbaic PeSt QS AflQAP It3te 2.25.97 Pevsca Page4Oof4Il ATFACPTh6IIkNT WflllU IffiILL ffTHuIL1Th DATA sigt jlrctpipE GMOJND WATIE1R DescpttSaRnpJlnglvent b1Qucxcror rh oro-rn1 LolionWSSrMW tWhl 113 1x Pot dLEh.. NaM Æd initWsi.n ojrntr er Hal Ci Date and TOSk Purging r3 and Sampling if diffcienQ Well Puugitguiflfseth XpSpcrjaier WØllPumx4fotkerthanBexmet GrncPs annVncr vSL OkinAtr I.hI Ar.Xfl.4 pRBufferO -.%-- ii Specific Conilwflance Prey SatphngEynt iW4-1/ pPfk4O P1 Im Depth to Wdterfore Puging..flL CondttSnce1a --Lc Casing Vume Well Q3 -13 .65Mm .367k pzWcavi Well Wateftmni aig__________ Ii .1d Rei1tk SWIXOAi Sb Yurbithty Wether.CoDdJk.4I bM Coiidctnilbc p11 Tempeatq4t IS .P t4i-14ssl COndL1cthfle ... paH Temperature RdoxPyha 3ur6ity RedoxPcedaRBh Thrbidty 23 Time_____ Conductance GaL Purged PLZ Time Conductance GaL-Purged pH Teatine Jedntial Eh_ 1WGrowrdwaterDicSgelPermk IDa 1117416 iien QualityMwraacePka QAP ThrMdltv Page of flow Rate OJ in gpa S160 VthumenfWaterParged Time to evaeu$e two casiflg taIuuws _______________T2V/Q Mk Numbertca1ug vo1uthSyicnated ISS than two If well evaeuated to.dtyness number of gaUms ScudSl_________________________ Name ofcerlifiedAuatyticalLaboratoit ifOStiakiSrgyLiig .1 Comments Arr4 ftlmcr tnncr floflJ144 ______________________________________4Sn capJn eJca4 Rcnbr 1L rcccxc $i4 ec4 .Srs fla nzoicL sL flI_ Th AflACMIItIJ W1MDSA UANIJffJTMIMIIILL ffiUffS DATA WOWSllE1Efl\U GMOUN1 WATJE1 DescrpioSatnplingEvet Qup4cr oh oron nuil Locatªonttftan2e uJM Na oimw ftjkcj Date Ot and Sampling if diffeint____________ Welt PuagigBiip LThbt X$tp oUSter WØUPwnp if other than ______ pfltcr4.O__________ Specific Conthwtanee Itt uMROSfcun ttj. Depth to Wdterfom Fiiging coAdutScaJ Casing Vttnne V4 WeltDG .3 .65Th AJ//t G361WiMrpsit Welt WatetFmmj avg J4c Rddkit4I 1Turbxdity Bat .Amb teffip pnoresaiupIing event $9WeatherComL PoeFtoCIoutl..rm 7Mrt ducnbtL lg CpdOdtih4 .. pH 7.a7 71 TempeiflgJ.Q7 Temperatore 77 RdohIWlh RedoxPo ialEh_____________ niliithtyTurbidity61.7 MW stsDscScgePeiSt Date 2.25.07 ieSS QinffªMs2aranPiaa QAIP ipge 40 of 41 SapingEve tAcLr\tr clpeo2srr pH BufferlXi 7.0 Fey il gEvnt iuq ______Oat Pin Date 1U7O6 Jevkio Gousthater MoeUoÆg Qaalftyfti rams PS Page 41 of dii Ttubidiw crr Comments 4rr4 s-2-Fetbncr truer M0IIA4A prcsrr.3 pn ecn\Pu.cn$cess MOQ s-pn4st jq Lfl I12 Acracks S4c Ln13 tncr jrT Sn$C Th Qs___ VsiiumeorWaterflqed flow Rate Wi in Time to evacuate wa casing volumes 2V S160 ______________T2V/Q 53 Numberthcnsing Yams noted irSier tbai So___________________ If well evacuated to dryness3 number cigaliotis eitdtl Wants of fled Analytical LaboratoEy if btheitiiszThiergyLt Mill iloaier DkcSgalPeSt QuS Mawe Plan QAP AITACJNR4UI1Nfl WIffT1WflA VI1JM14IIILL IIWATD IDMKTA WO1KS1NilEl FOJI GROUNIP WAT1E1I DescæpSanffSampllªogEvent Qt4er ch1ororrvi $arnplcr LecationwØllSae tuN bSdihs1r Jmtr Dale and Time1wPnrging r3 Y1 and Sampling if diffeiient_____________ Well Purghjgdp tTet 2jthiq or_Jt II tap iotherthanBenuet Grrnt-kos Sampling Efl OAcr cshipcSn Prey.WpI a1nje iumplthgEvent ttf pHBOffet7lL 1.0 pflffcr4.O SpecificCofldw2ance IqI uMROSJctu W4Dpp Depth to WLturBefuze Purging jr 5t Casing Volume wetjL O7 .653k Well WateiThqp avg 44jC Weather Cornl7c/1s41 /h7 ThtI Ainb Temppo toaaiuplmg event______ mSSLjial14wged T1ie qRurgeth co.d____________Cuduc$4e. Teniperntip_Pi Temperature RedoxPflBh_________________ Turbidity _5 __________________________ Tinte Gal Purged Time GaJ.-Purged Coaducac Conduclence___________________ Date 2.25.07 aevise Page 49 of 41 Potentidiffihi aj .3 M-mSvintcrThscVwgePerS Date iLI7S6 Revjgiea Grnaflsafet OÆJring Asssrsnceflan QA Page4l sf41 Tvtrbdhy 82 comments jr.e Arrus s-.f.ftZ yit Ftbvcr tnncr lloHtLj yrc.san f6i onkspUn ecrv1 Ptaj ht 0/æV9 dl_-_M //jcg Lcfl-ccL//oZi st4oif tnrcr flpiJiaJ An flalinC ec2f\4 cr 3ctU1r4 3cmplts nYL_...r4r Vthuane ofWaterPwged mS$flo Plow RafeOJ in wm Tiu to evacuate two casing volumes 2V 8/60 _____________t2VIc /34 Numbexof casing vobiniS Sainted thØr than tid If well evacuated to dryness number of gales eirSMd_________________________ Name oftbulitiedAualyticalLaboratoEy tthŁ1iiiSgy Labs______________ Ml GterDkcSge ftS w1fSothig Quality Msanara Plan $1 Date 2.25.67 MeWsom Page 40 of 41 AflACWIIMIIIENTJ W1thr1r4llmA flIIJM MIIIIAL IF7IIWID DATA WORIBJRT FOR GROUND WATER Oescrip tThmpling Event Qcxi1er cAii erolO pr Location wkaine IAJ9 13 itS Sd oiwn.r cr Sampling EVwttXaXxkaAcr ckd oprr $1 EufferlFAL Pwv $amp4il $amplig Event JZc Specific Conductance ti uMECSfcm W.bPO- Dejith to WitterBefom Pnging VT 57 Casing VØ anne 1/4 Well4j653h..3Wt ...367k thAduSleetaS_________________________fM j-% Well WatefTnp avg RMttQaI nil æzbzdty Weather coni%4 A4 Entl Ajnb Temp R4or tosamplnit event 28 .C inne /I/Cal Purged thLPurgeL ColldudSoŁ.....c pH _________ _______________ TempelitIn%_kSjL2 RdoxPlO 1/if Turbidity j3. Temperature_ Date andThwdorPnrging o-3 Y1 and SamplingQf diffeiwnQ Wall PargigEgaip Unetli xjrnthpor_JSer WI1nmpifothertbannnet trLwkQ Time_____Gal Paz Mill-GoSwaterDiscSge Penit Quslsnwance Plua QAP JDate 11.17.05 llevntea Page 41 of 41 Tutbiolity VIWEAQ Uk VCtUL II-Cft4I 75 cCttaUea kllowRateQ in gpa Time evacuate two casing voluqies ZV 8/60 _________TV/Q /2 NurofcashgVo1uffiSSated mother Si two___________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gait mis eirŁS4 Name of CeztifiedAnalyfiealLaboratoty iOthert1iSiSrgy Labs Comments Arr4 s-A_LO fGnce ti tcnncr i10wp..j prcsn4 tr LsnnphmL%Ai PuLr 1/8/au J/J LII /is CQc cc1 OSC 1rcr flItJt4 5nr Sampks roU2ij llGLLk orniiDschargeJPeSt Date 2.2507 aisioa QSiy MsaePlanQAP Page4Dof4l AflACffiIMfl WffiIffTfl4IIESA 1LUVN1WM1t4II1LL FW.JD BDATA WDSfflIET 1t111I GRO1rJNIU W4TJE1 DescripSmplingThidnt QucAtr c7h oroIe rsvi Sampler Location wEthianiie TUM æs_1Lr er Date and ThuelbrPntgthg and Sampling if diffexwt_ Well ik1gdp LThetbx porjbailer ShiupifotherthanEennetJmnrk SampJugEvftL\ar\tr dd oarr Prey we1 ip ipgEyent it/k cs-t pHBuffet70 51 Specific Conilnaance AI uMHoWctn WqPŁtk.1.i Depth tO WixterBefore Pugging 37 Casing Volume IT WeIL .653k WeflL .367k conduStheavg____________________________________ Well Watetfrmnp wig__________itiiL Eoiki Yliutdity WethŁtCOP4e TjO Time bal Sged_______TlluCr QI 1ure bits ConductUQp_______________________ pHTerntwe Temperature Re4oxPOh Redoxtetft1Hh Turbidity Iir61iitY tI GSwatvrDizcSgePwnit thnmdwar Monitoring QuslftyiIsBnrnnCe Plan QAP Date IL 1726 DavSn Page4I of Thrbidioy VthfWatnPurgedl jgRateQalcujjtion Flow Rate in gpa Time to evacuate two casing voYumes 2V S/69 Cc T2V/_________________ Numberf caning vobthiSevicimted iŁthŁr than two If well ewuawted to dryness number ofgalloiiaeiracuta Name afl dMatytIea1Laboratoy ifotheThaæTJngyLt AUA on p152 1tArcr J4liths cor k4 tMI al E.LJr1i MIII rtcar Disclwrge PeSt Crc big Msrt an QAP Dnte 2.25137 3evLcion Page oE4ll -- LofiOn wOMiiwme DSnd-TrPutgng-3 Yl aSSjiugfdiffŁient Well PtngwgW4up tTsedl Xpamp ar_Jailer Wefliimp if other thaft _______ Sampllpflvf1Xaicr cELroiri .41c p11ffer1L tO Specific Conilui2ance uMO$fckn $$4Y nj to wtSoit flg 77 7c fruS VŁut.__.65311 Wail 37h ________-l.IE$O __eU -- Wetberond g1A ______ih--- S5t Itx -.i--.-kt--.eA-t -_-- ___________Wi--____________________________ ctqg SP Conductance 77 ----k---j -.v -.i ---.- pH 4311 ThkbidiLy ute Ga rnnaiintonra Mll-WaterDiSSrge PeiSt Date 11.17116 Pevbiioa Qutyi reace Plan QAP Page 41 of 411 iknkbfdb -- thwlWeQiingptn ThqeesipgvoluqipaZV S/61Y Nwnbergvo1ukdttS If well emoeated to dtynens number of tailqAŁitEEi NameodAnn1ylielLabprnothbiILAUA -I u1ar VoWatPtjr ____ Comments 4tnC o7 /Vfl5 /3tA //nZc4e %trt7 4/ Sri.sq Jaaecrz m4 saps anA fir/Vit/eFr tfi At-797 GroukerDkchahge1PeESt Date 2.25.07 iReWsica QSv raulPian QAIP lpage 40 of 41 AflAC4llNTJ WffiWflIIA ANTIUMIWIILL IIFHELITh ATAYV1UWSAHWEfl ffiOR GRO1 WATIER Descri$ioffSptingEvent Qu4cr GhI oroIbryYi Sampler JonwIfiaree TvJH oimtr 1tnner Date and Thnnlbr Pwging -3 and Sampling if diffeient_____________ Well PuAiflquipUed XrffiP or_it Pinup ifotherthanBennet trunccps Sampling EveIltal\oL CL134r CL rr\Pev SaniplingErent 170 pNEufferliD p$ffrr4. Spec We Conductance 11 nh/lbS/cm Weltpptb cL LT Depth to Wdtere Purging 6S-CaSt VMthe V4 Well ST 75$.6531i WelL1 .367k Well WatetThnp avg 4$iiothbIaI1Ui Turbidity_____ Weather Con____________uti Awh Temp pfltoaSnpjmg event ine 1t/L UaI Purged YLJ Tne Gal targd Cod$ec .Jfl2 ConduŁtqhcjt. pH__________________Hv __________ TemperatiprJ3 6C.C Temperature Redox efr4___________Redox Bh_____________ Turbidity 3Ut61tY Time Gal Purged Time GaL-Purged Condiicbmce__.Conductance_______________________ flow RnteQ in gua Time evacuate two cauig vo1uiua ZV TflIQ wunderzffthig vobithseiØuaS itothr two_____________________ If weff cvaenated to dryness number of gauoiis eirmSI________________________ Name ofCIifiedMialylicslLaboratory ifOstE4egyL8s_______________ MiR-oSwflDiscgePeSt Dtte 11.17516 lReviSrn cMStwter 1Wotoæng QSityArsnceP1anQA Page4I of 41 of Watei Fur pQicM Ththldity if Comments fscac Arr sk 64LC Rr f3Jrner tlrJr /4011A44_r jn okiatplin eon o%r /jJ nc.turef mkt-U-/O/Lfl SL /e2zo. 2 A2cL 54 c S/2nccThfflLsL 14c311Pctkcr pfet4 nr-4anqjs4 ce SGft4pth ttflSJflL5 i.Jt LsJFL UoJ 1Sl aTOLewF ffXschanje PeSt GreewIJfraitOSg Qanflity MsawacpPai QAP Date 2.25117 PeSioa Page 449 of 41 AflAC1IIIM1NT W1llIfffl40A UFAill1UM140ffLL FMZLD DATA WOflIRE 1BOII MDUID WATJ DscoStmpling Event c4cr _oh oroI rft1 Sjnp1pr LocatioE wØltiSde ujL oimr tnntr DateandTSdurPuig G3Oc adSmnpllngOfdifferent ws PoajEPp US Xpiaap or..JbÆiler lSiiSmp ifother thau BeunetLGrvS.m Sampling EVeit CXarLr C1crprr\ pffBufferfl tO scer Specific Coniltrelance uMJlflSTem WeI1Dipth 3EH.. Depth to WdterYore FugingS 23 Cashig VØlume WelkJ /6k VI .653k Wll .361k CondtiSm4fl SW $rav Well WatexTcnp avg___________ Weather ConzLCc1 LA IId oeiftS$b Turbidity ati Arnb Tern qcior tosampIm event 1flO clal Thtpd TitutI Ofl Utl Xurged Cohttd$tce L/1 tndutanve.42 70 Vt .tol7TpHJ7 Tempemtqt Lf Temperature yI/40Z kedoxPd /77RedoxPoflaIEhZO Turbidity jijjjy JI Time tO 126 Conditctauce 591 GaLPutied_______ pH Ctzj Teemtu Time 670 G1.PurgCd Condflnce 1/ oH Tem591/lt El -I jL-6xoiSwnterDSargePeSt Date 11117116 Jl11SSn 11 6iSnu1er Monitethig ArancePMn QM Fage 411 of 411 Ththldi$y Flow ll11ste in gpn Time Jo evacuate two casing volumes ZV33TWQrno2dvt Number lngvolnMSevieOEted43thØrtStio If well evacuated todtyness number of gaff otis auÆtdd_________________________ Wants of Cfl ylicMLaboxatofOihertifliŁELabs /d/A COntinents fue Arrv sk I%L cn tincr lJoflA4j or nt Gn sthplIM 1Jtt4 h4IAA JX4T 9i 124 p\ntt4 tAPE k90LO22 47A VolwneofWSrPnrgeu gpinabte Calcuintion Mill arDkcInie Pest GrouedwaSillothtorbrg QaalityMa2EraPlan QJ41P Date 2.25.07 jlllevision Page 40of41 AflAC1MuIeNTA Wwrrfl4llSA IIJMNliIIJMIWMAL WIIIIQLAfl JThATh WO1K1BIIE1T N1Rk GIWIJJIW WAT oescnptinnSf Sampling Ilvent u4tr c5.h oroIb c/ri $ampler Locationwdthante W9 nc __NsiØftdifiitiais Cn irnyr Date and Tn rPurgingit -i3-Oct and Sampling if difMent_____________ WellPgRquiptJse xptathpor_Jiailer nnInhRW MIM1ItXCI flxnAr JJ trSXrr\ pHBufferJ72Q _7 M1P4 ii $apllngE.vent TiJ 42f fliffcr Specific Conilnannce uMhoslcin W4Depth Depth to WdterDefOre Casing Vohune V4 WelL 37.34 .653k.AsWcj$H4 .367k CoI1duSnS__________ r4JIJcfret.t .t1 Well Watfrm avg RU fOti S1 Turbidity WedthØt.Coi1l4UA4 tCflr Tune rltN al14urge6 Tune_L GalPArged conducSe L1 ..Condudtance ph 7-VT 777 Ternpenitqrc....J .67 Temperatur oflfiffj RedoxPpei11IWh Turbidity l.cf udS1dty Time_____Gal Purged________ Condmctance_ ph Tenme rjpotentjLfl Time G2J..Pnrged Conductance ph Tethpemfl jaeCntiaLEhj SwateDiscbaae ecSt Date IL17BG kWSioit cinjuathwtcr Monitoring QonliyJIsanra000 Plan Qt4P rmbav____________ Page4l of 41 --7D Flow RateQ ingpm w6o _____ Time evacuate two casing vohuies 2V ____T2V/Q Numbereftasing vohnSsciricSed otSthdn two If waft evacuated to.dtyness mimber of glloiia oiracuaMt Name of Ctlified AualyticalLabcratoy M/A Comments prtstn 4ur4\c on eucc4 Ljs FoJtncr rr 1-r3j p4e4ca 4LAV1t Lcfl-ik ccf 1Ld1 ir on S4c pci tt4rcr 1iotUii4LI Jr pL114 Cefl45tvipItsTot1Qr4 sa km kiid flfloStesoa ffrt okui4ssned PraeSe Lde 1..4II Nutnents 715 t4i 1JOpd HJ Ra 7N R2fl04 neavyMetSls Aft Otlini 1oi 1xMSMd Radiotogics rossAliS Other speciy .r loOOthf Sample volume J13wd CnOn\4flkS ci Mapreservativeisiiedfytyn Quantity of Weservitiva Mil trDJsthaige PaS Date 2.25.07 iitevisioa JeMs2framlP1auQAP 1Pge4Oof41 AflACfflhIfflE1Wii WMIITflSA L4flKEflHLLW1GIIODN1U WA nco4 rrn Lncaton .wStSj aM /7 Danc1ThicfnrPPtgog G-3-sd$Spliagifdi Welt Pirgngup llJsetL Xpwup or.jkuler if other than Bemtet trnJ Sapliaig vita cXAacLLr CVJ oeokrr YJ .1 7.0 ___________________ SpeeificCollillublnce 1l uMRO.STcm WlliJ$h\s.n.L Iiepth toiAtete1lging 72 Ji 3ujftetJ411 V/OW .653k 3flh%ff.36711 Well afeffrmqp nyg__________ $IIfr WeatherCSl____________________ t14 It Vt6 Itj Time JI4iS-jJS LPuirgJ Conductance -.i rzL sIt Poteni I- VoiwefWaterPtrd.______________ FlowRatcQJMgpm TMeevtcawocaathgymes2V ____________ Nwternflasmg volmn evicted idther than two If well evimnated todryneas umnbet oftaJloæS Name ofthxUfied AnalytiealLaboratofy _____ St flrJUsthcePetht 13s 11.17.06 litevMcit QwJiWaPnaacePMn QAP F8ge41 of 41 Mm erDiscSg ftirulit Thae 2.25.07 L1teSk udwter1itiitoSg QWæyMsPaiQAP Page 4Oof 41 AflAG4IIENT ii WffiIIIlEflA Ufl1UllJMMiILL MHLI1D IIDATA WDWJ1 GHOUJNRJ WAThI DescnptionSpvSt tX c3h oro4 rri LocaiOnwŁflrSJ 11AM 20 ciI5rd.1ir naSThipforSgiug -3 1Y SSipIiagQfdiffeinO WellThng7ptTserL Xflmpar...jat WqPumptotherthanilenaet rcnAn sampliigBve At.-ch10r pREuffer7O tO Specific Canducbace 11 uMflOSkm We1Ith Lh tiWdteSf7keuWging_LRj bh1tht4 ŁU .653k ____ ______- SAfl cc 144 Time Id $gd conaucqnc$Is-sa mnpersre/$.Ol mriay_ Coaductanc TempÆK Potenthi .1 61-athtThscSgeftst JDate 11.17.06 JltviSit raucePS QM JPge 41 of41 kIowbteQX ingpm Thpteute two cabig voJumos 2W SA%0t ______________________________ Ngvo1S1uth tt If well evamwS todryness nmberofgaIiqÆaW Wnie of Ceitfied AnatyliealLaboratoty tOtheFStEjLab /U/4 hiritar jqComni9atsoitootcqLntrrrs A/hei ylkLS4Ly /e ocr 4v-9._li-n Aies At a.-m..dyJfl Mill uaerD1schage Panit Date 2.25.07 Iiaviskm owfllStSng QealityMattQAP Page 40 of 411 AflACII0NT1 WIHIff WilE MIS4 U1L4NiRJMMLL IFIIIIELD BMTAWDflRIIllfl fl GIllOUIkIIII WAfl oeenpontffmplla Event uctcr cut oroIc rryi SmpIprLMMtuJH Jmr tnntr Date and TSeibr Purging Oct and Sampling if different__ Well Paagi1j1q4 XPaEI1 or_baller We Paw ifotherthanBennet tru4m SamplagflvemX tXaAtr Cbiprorr PreyWe$pldipSaipiingByent_714 pREtZO 7.0 pl14k4L0 Specific Coniluctence IM EjthWOS/cm Welleptk Depth to WittnrBefom Casing VØlume V4 Well .x .653b WelL. .367k coSftdncefl arv Well Watefiiwip avgL 1te4i4 P6h4141$urbxdity WethØrCopd Pr 4n Thtlsa Ten peratiwil1 Li jteox P4I9 Redox eidI El_____________ Tuthidity LJ3 TUt1ty Tune Gal Parget Time GaL-Purged Condtxctancc_..________________Conductance____________________ Comments fse Arrue1x il tnut IJOIJSck4j prese$tr Ar G.3$iz1 eocn-\1-rO IAt1t LAIO1I LAL sit n47 MlJj_IsonMwLtflisthrgePeSt Dte 11.17.06 evisien OroSwater MonItorIng OSIeyMnwm Plan QA Page 41 of 411 FltwRateQ Mgpa 8/60 ____ NufcEhg voiwSsevtcuaS llSbØrtAªtwojLL If well evaennted to.kyness number ofgathniieirStL. Tiino to evacuate two casing voluqies T2V/Q nil/I Name of AnlyticalLaboratoi ito il%gy Labs AI/4 oy s4c gy 0ii16q Scar SAnapks rnn 3- MmaeSlater DscSga Permit IDa 2.25.07 JFevisioa am tmastoring ouS Plan QAP W1IIIPIIEMIEM RJftA1I1WM 14IIULL IFJIIIIH DATA WilflSlHllEEt NM GJWCJND WA DescæptoampIlingvet Q.oAtr oh arc rvl LocationtllSne tyJi 22 wiaSiuitiths oO.n Pointer ttnner fLifJcctt Date and ThwetbrlPnrging r3-and Sampling if different Well Pargl$lquip Ted XUthp or Skr Oimp ifothertlianDennet rrtnloS Sampling BveC CXctAcr cmi prarr pKEufferiTAL Specific Conductance uMHOSftin Time Gal lllrged Conductance --____-pHZ Tem6 PotentMLth___ AflACIIMDNT IL Depth to WdterBefOre Purging SS Casing VtIlvthie y4 Well2f7 .653h Wall wA .367k thndtiSnee________________ Well WatetTnmj avg edt44alh Turbidity Weather Comi Uctrm tl Ant Temp Lor t943ampllug event C\ 11a Pui1eL.fl TUp1 CoaduScSL6 ConddtQi$e iT p11 Temparatwe S1 Temperatur 77 RedoxPOttllh RedoxiIh Turbidity 24-i jurMity Time GaL-Purged Conductance________________________ nil r6Totent WIt Volum Water Pt god Plow IWo in TIme to ovecuate two casiwj volumes 2V T2V/Q-CL NsboSfwsing voluttteseidicunted iSthan two If well emmuated to dryness ntunber of galioS svicSkid__________________________ Name ofte4itIedMalyllcal Laboratoiy it thi EiŁrgyLnbLs AU/-\ Comments Lame Arr4 sk 01-Rqt11ott tnncr bHL1i amijjfljQcAj-Putg$$A 0H5i ja nAc5 LArec eJc9c-I9oL sic Aer Sc4c o1j4 Ct4ncr i1itJtti titci_4 ...LcspLkCs-L.3apks LLLr41 Li ilL Mll-terJNscSgeSt Date UJ7J6 1eviaic thwador 1Mothtog QSJ4srniancePlan QAJP Page 41 of 41 I6fil oSwYier chage1PeffS Qualib Ms raflea QAP bate 2.25/11 aewes lPage 4tIDof4l Saniplpr kr CJmectnner jLJI Tiline Conductanc_ Gal Purged .. pH Tem33tt1I Potenti4Bh. Time Conductance Gal-Purged pH Teiuoera ed6ntiat F4L_ AflACIHIIMIIENT II W1fflRTIUMIIESA UMANffl Pill Wil EDATA WOSJHflfl EIOJ aouni WATh1I Descriionrlfulkg Event Qucrirtr o..hi role rr1 nrinn nnthWimnne cflAJ9 DatonndThuebrPwging o-3 mid Sainplingif diffeivnti WdfturgigBuip TLTSe Xpthpor_jiailer WaiinpifethffianBenntj SamplingEv Zkctcr Cpr pJhgEyent 71o //- pRBufferZO Specific CondceA 7X $1$fpr4.Q iWtfiO$Jcm $t 40 4. Depth to WaterEefott Purging conduSnctt_____________ 23 Casing lame V4 Wdll3 a.tr-%311 WdIL. .653k .367k Well Wateflbnip avg Weathet coon Eli Rthiecitn$h 1%ubidity lamb Temp ppr to sEmplui event Tune CASt Puket ØC Ti$e-Gal Purge4 -i$ -7 Temperatre RedoaPotcitIjgIh 72 Temperatuit RedoxehIh /.. Turbidity t/j Miii-CreSwaterDisSrge Pest GwSwafa Moeitudog QSBBaranVePIzu QAF Date ILIY.46 RSSt Pege4t of 41 Ttti flow KbteQJ iagpm Time to evaciatc two casiftg vohutios 2W 8160 T2VIQ_______________ Numberofimsiog vo1SSiicnaS WŁthor lati twos__________________ JU well evacutited todryness number of galtotis eiricÆ1 Name oftthliied Malj4leal Laboratory if tberThthtThetgy Labs MJI\ Vobunfwafer Purged pjggbte Calciæation Comments ftre Arrve si-a//gc FWr LAtwr jrCstc tr cipit eot1 unUfl Lfl AA Arraek on s1T Ca iac -n 40ik %flAf_rsI4Jw50tnip44ce4MpttSotffiEh.L2k Ca Mill otSter chaige FoiSt UroudwatoiliSoSg QS1W Msav Plan QAF AflACfflllffiENT 11 WTM4IIISA UI1Mll II7IIELIIJ 1ATA WilJSflElET fl GllOKJIillTh WAThllR DecrpticflfSamplig vent Qjjo.4cr ph oro W Snjpler LocatiouSlthmne tuJM Sijjtjais Foirntr Date and ThneorFtirgthg 3-and Sampling if diffeient_____________ Well PurgiBjWp that Xfltp or_Jailer iTlltmpQfotherthanBennet GrLAnp Sampling EveX CLAtr Jprpsn Prey We$a4fl4 pYigEvnflb34 t-13 pflBæfferYO 7.0 s... Specific Conhbnflanee 11 UIkWOSlem WqiJQEpt Depth to Witerefoi Pngiug_SL3Q.__Casing Volume 114 Well .6531i YWefti .IJflT-.361kdncJ_______________ Well Wateitemp avg____________Turbidity_____ WethetCeS CJ To jee _______ Tnne.Ja2a_JlaI Purge 12 TiDier Eiurged________ Conductance rny Conductance__________________ p11 nil TempeircL4h /7 Temperature________________ Reox fi Turbidity Time Oal Pisrge Conductance_________________ nil Date 2.2527 1evithoa IFage4Oof4X Redox ml Eli PotentiÆhi odtrtrnterDkthzrgePnoft flIe II.1706 Jyjjo oSisr Mookothg QSflsMffaacePlwl QAP Pge41of4l Turbidity untww ax VVflM2 rttPU flow JbtcQ in wa Time to vacUM two casiig VoYunigs 2V ______________T2V1Q Mj Numberufcathng volumSS other Ian two____________________ If well evaonated to.dryness number of gaikuis aeæiØI__________________________ Name of lifted AsuaiytiealLaboratoq fOtbertStnrgy Labs______________ COUUIIeILts fjt4e Arr4 uo Rt PcJMcr ii tnnr J40ucA4 tjts iLpIiii eicnL u bc4a 1-satt Us tAncs fcc Lfl-stk ta3o xa_-sic_eA O70 1jstner ikst1q gp br vblptdl4 ccMiannpks iA JLk iWuil GroSwterDische PeiSt cGrowdwaSWtoSg QiaffiIy Ms Plan QAP AflAC1HIIbfluIiW11 W1ffTU4JA TEJMNWMMLL PlIllff2 DATA WO1RIIEflUR GIIWUMJ WATJEM oescæptirnnffSampiag Event Qw4cr .nhi oro-R-rtl NaththdiæitWi Ckn cJmtr -hfcLocationwSlithneli4 pate and Thwur Purging and Sampling Wdifferentj Welt Purgbjiip ZThed por%t WllPump if other than Eennet rrwk4Js Sanip2ingEveflC uaAcr Chacªrr Prey Well $1 Wn pRBffer7D_7.0 Pi4 4cC Specific Coiitlflnce 118 u1WoSTcni WelWepth Depth to WdterBefort Pwging 4743 Casing V6hune it Well .653b YWcIL..367kflSt4__ t11 Well WatezTemp avg_uSc 4h_Turbidity WeatherCond.Art e/1//M4P4LEgIAmb Temiortosamplmevent fl4 Time 2Z /C 1a1 PiiiuedJlj Tifflo 6M1 7C condactƺe i. Teniperatq fl Temperature Redox Redox Eh Turbidity /0 mtiiGiiy .- Time flat Purged Conductance__________________ TemytiifC_ Potenthuak Time GakPurged Conductance ... p0 3S6teuthl ffl Date 225.07 iievLioa Page 30o1 41 lodwaterDischePcrmft Date 1L17116 2evitiast Gro%Swatef Mcioxhg QSASaQrantePkn QA Page 41 @1411 __________ 12S.7Z1 Flow RteQJ gpa Time to eweniate two casipg volumes ZV S160z _____________T2VIQ 20 Yl- Numbenif casing VOIUSSeVdCtRtCd dthOr thin twa__________________ If well evimnated todrjmwss number of gailoth eiithhS___________________ blame of Certified MalytiealLaboratoiy WOtherTMifrBærgyLt AT/4 .t\ \ToRuunoflWSI Pwed Comments fte Arre.at flC Ruon Foiwicr ttjincr Jjiuj4.A ________________ekA Pc $QA O4 anO LCflAL1MnQ4tI.4r\ Cnrncr iinku tnc.c.si4cfapks1ifl_Lt-fl-Zi ske oi itL 1Wll GrnSerDkcIwgePeSt kotSwaattJMtoIPflg Qiallity Ms ruiPka QAP Well atenlp atg3 OH Date 2.25.07 lFteSica iFage 4iJof4X N6KI iAd iIItIØJ tjn PtimtiCtancr j1 Dare and Tiniefur Purging Jr3-O1 and Sampling if diffeRent Well Ptsagijgup iTsek 44puSp nrJbiiIer ISp if other than $ennet Sarnpling Eveflta wir\cr pllBufferZO 7.0 pllBffer4ft SpeeitIcConUnnee iqg uM Wfljpth Depth toWdterBeforePucging___________Casing VlugneV4 Well .653fi -wi-.36Th WetherCondt .5idity Esfl .Mnb Temp rzpr tsamphdt event Trme O1\daiPurge_______Tiht O4 Puirgd ebdaŁtqntt toSutanee pt Temperature Redox Pendh_____________ TemperacL23 .CY-t Redox Turbidity .75 AflACIIIIIt4NNT WfflEffA MMIIILL IITThLUD DATA WOflS1NIIEJT FOR GROUND WAT1EIt DpStffSampIængEvent Qucc4cr Gui roIcrrl orinn wt4Iiinrme.1 TU39 Llc Comments Ar4ttrk Lth isS partteohcs Jzjzcri erJ aiqi Snmpln Ia .4 r1iS nr 5A4TpLifli kL iiPJJ trr.re JltdMqcn br g-DkthsrgePeawnt Date 111716 Revincn arc Swa ar Moaitothg QnahtyMaurauceltu 6W Page 41 of 41 ________________Tuthidity__________________ Vohuisci Water Puxged _________________ Plow Rate tQ in gpn Time to evacuate two casing volumes ZV _______________TVIQ Numberttthig voluiSsviSS t3tdther than two if well evacuated todcyuess number of gaiiotii airaUÆS Name of Cethfied Analytical Laboratoiy it oiEtii gyLab AJrn GrAiWr DscSga PeSt Qua APkn QAIP Jtkte 2.251117 RevisS lFage4Oof4l Wfflfl1SA L4dJ1IIUMMll1LL II1UEW DATA WOflS1Efl E0II G11OUPVTh WAThI1 DcriptoSfmpilig Eveney o.4tr Cli oro $Smpler LoealionwØlthnie T\A39 a1mtr Date and Tin rPurging tr3 Y1 and Sampling if diffeient____________ Sii ejte if other than Bennet rrk-cos sateplingEvea tXMir\cr cLh1o$orr PSftflnpYktEvPn h4 pHEnffer7L 7.0 pithffer4.O Specific Condnc3nnce 1U uMEIoSlcm WelWepth Depth to WdtBefre Pnging Casing .Volme V4 Well 1/14 653h WeJL..367hj ________________ Well Watetfrnp avgS3 Q4 ndIii$p8 ____ WeathrConthStJLrut d01J itIAmb Temfl cw1rtosaunpliaevenU Time O7T3 Cal PUiged Tlme Gal Ptlrgtxt nduanS.. pI_ TemperatureTempemt_34 lox Tuthldity Time GaL gr01- 6awtdwukrDiscbnrge PeSt QwflsuraacePAan QAP Date 11.17.06 JIteviziem Page 41 o141 Flow Rate in gpnt Time to ewwuate two casing voluiaes ZV S160 Nmnbernfcasiflg volthttiS iidthor to two___________________ Iftwil evacuated todzyness number of galloth Std$ Name ofCeztified AnalytiealLaboratoty OtheSifltiSjLhb_____________ Vo1umoWater Pqrged gpjpgiWe Calculation Tidy____________ nr ifcCommentsRcicb7-nrAn aA o1 .yn AtA COrn4 j_wc4r kVer oA-/VlYiFk L5GSrlpI MiJ1 GroS2r IJisSkge Per ronadvSllkSttg QeSy Maar an QAIP Date 2.25.07 iitevksS JPge 40of4 Depth to Wiiterfore Purglng Casing Volume 4tt WeL .6531 ..3Wefl1 .36Th thadicflas Ha11gk fr Well WatetTcip avg___________Reikt$i Turbidity WeffietCopd.______________ThStI s$Tc .4ve4Y muff da1Purged Tim Gflurge pH________________ Tempemtui Redox POc$fl Turbidity tondup.... XZ Temperature Redox Po ml 0Th Tur$ity__________________ Time_____Gal Purged Conducncey Time GaLPurged Conductance pH Tebnerature7 AflAC1fiIIt4HNT It WIIR4SA ANkffJMWItILL HTKWI MTA WOSJfltfl RR GROKThJIui WAR7JR DesptiontSaEupltiug Bveat_oh cr cr11 inrnrnn iwUSma iiH NaYrkAdiOitia1s Jemr 1c-41I 29of/ Date and Thflr Putging..L...and Sampling Wthffemnt Well Puagcdp 1tJse _Jjf WŒlfump ifotherthatBennet rrunAs Sampling Bve oAw cmi orjirr\ pHBt7XL to Specific Condnnce II uMFIOS/em W.P -1cotenthah_fiedotenthl Bit o1 T7uY/7 ji@ig-atcrDisthargePast Thte 11.17.06 RevkoE Cwugthyaer oaitoiing Qualityknkrace Plan IQAfl Thibi TnIbiOIiIy VthmcWaterPmed ttiI__________ pingae Caj Iow Rate in WWIL Time evacuate two casing valumea ZiP sf69 _______________T2V/Q Numberdeaaing voluiSedcuated if other than So.t if well evacuated to dryness9 number of gaOoiis SSIt__________________ Name Certified AualyticalLabOratoq fotheitbibnIgyLaba At 14 Page of 41t 7q-j _1 MO aer Dischawge PeSt GmusdwttWdrnJtOSg QualiLy Msan 9an QAJP Date 2.255/P.evisioa Page 41 of 41 Sainplqr LinithSuntiaia n1jmtr rtnner p0n pBEufferZt.7.0 ptfrr4.O .. uMROS/crnSpecificConductance Depth to WdterefOft Purging CondUcShcdui Casing V6hime it Well .653h Wet .367h Welt Watettiap avg___________ifx t1b$Turbidity______ Weather Cond_______________IExFI Anb Temp Qor to mp1pi event -.- Time lid Pucged Tflne-FOrgecL // Conductance /1-.- yiH Temperature -- Tempertine RedoxPdir RedoxPo aUEh Turbidity 3tir6lity ATIFACIHIft4IIENT WWTflWA flWJWM MULL F1HOULUD DATA WOWSIBUIUET JJJ DiR GlOUND WATIEI Dc criptioSfSamplliug Event Q.A-cr ch lororyl Location welSanie AiL Datn and TSebrPutiag B-and Sanip$ing if thffexent Well PtirgbgT4ilptTset XPIIIE oL_S 1$f Pump if other than BenneOruis SamplipgEve wur i$.- GaLPurg PotentidtEh 3edIOteiltial Ehi Page 41 of 41 1-wDicbaurgaPeSt lJate 1117116 laSSt thiiuadwztef MaSg QfiwraaMn QAP _______________irbidity VolWI of Water ad Plow IWe in gpw Time tot evacuate two casig volumea 211 S169 ______________T2VIQ__________________ Numbern1vag voluSvicjsed if dEtEr thin So___________________ If well eyaenated to.dryness munber of galiozis SemiS Name ofthrlif fed Analytical Laboratory Othe tiiuiBngy Labs_____________ Commuts 1ir irk tr %arDkchafge Peraæt QroUWt1aitOSg Quthly Ms raneJPian QAP lDate 225117 1Pevisioa JPage4Oof4l Tethperri ya6otential EIIL ATMCM4DgNn W1IIfflTEMESA UMAMIIJMMIIILL li1flgff1llD DATh WilS1RIIE FO GJLtOUNtW WAT1EIR nescipSampililBvent QcAtr oorecrvv Location tlbufrSe aiM siÆfidiaitiths ojvpr Date and Tiiue1brFirging Ot and Sampling if diffezent_____________ Well Furi4gquip thed X$ffp orjt olltump Of other than Bemietirnwi Sampling Eveiita4 XaAcr cW rrez Well WK vs plllluffertO_7.0 p1f4.O SpecifIc Conilflnce SI uMIIOS wewbapi 2f S3. Depth to WdterDefe Fuging5 1j5 CasingVluUie V4 Well .653k Well .367h CoodSsicej tfl flaAÆvW -f---- ..t Well WaSTexup avg WIMfti4fh iiIkbidity_____ Weather C011d2hJ æt Eat Aub TmppHthio4amplthgeieæt Time O7/s-Cal Pdtged Tjipe Cithictauee ondudEi$ p0 720 Temperak /S Temperature 77 Redoxdtih Turbidity Time GaL Purged_______Thne GaL.Purged Conducthncc nductance____________________ 77 ./ edncPntentUt1h Comments fle Arr4 s-O2 I3ctr FoJMtr tnncr I10wÆ4.j fStn ft nL mplina ccrv\Purar %f Mn -_3-c r4cŁlf2O fl xLa7zs Of S4C tI3/tnRcr floIIULtaf ccs4 ivpHs tkg j-c_CUk FJ-EIgoamthvSDischargeP1anit Date 1117fl6 laSniou aSS QiwliWkatraace Flan QA ThrWdity ----- fl Page 41 of 41 Volume gwater Purged _________________ Flow Rate 03 in gpkt Time to evacuate two casing volumes 211 S60 _____________T21t/Q Numbernfcasiug vobithSeviuaS ildthor than tioL it well umesed to dryness number of gallons evacÆtd Name of Certified AUaIQCaILabOratOIy itOtheræThØEgyL At//k 01 Attachment Depth to Watet Date 4-C-oo mmlllo cu K2 fime Well Dapth Comments MW-4 3s Flow F0- Meter oviasO JEO 1W4-15 7qc Flow Meter 057q70 ios TW4-19 GiY7I Flow Meter q.PM 2-3ottZO 1W4-20 cc3 Flow icr Meter bJ3S7O Water ke cn 5\wr cSc -cc 2he \eCY%LC Depth to Water Date 2/13 2oOe/mmHc 2O Time WeDs /L/fl /Tti Li /417 MW-4 1W4-1 DeDth 2/q/ 5J-o.U tY q22- Comments 1-i Flow 4.4An4 Meter 2iS Flow In TW4-19 Meter /20 1W4-20 Flow ggxr1 tAn7 Meter 29qgj flow 1/LiPM Meter Water 93159 Depth to Water Date 9a mmH 192LLit9 lime WII /3/S lOw Depth q30 7/L7 Comments 2io t5 TW4-19 1W4-20 Flow /Stn Meter Flow 4-vt Meter q19q /hs MW-4 7I Flow q.g Meter oj /D3/TW4-15 j1rqfin Flow Ce Meteror Water Date Depth to Watef mmHa 02.1 24q lime Well Qpth Comments f4g/MW-4 i.fl Flow Meter l5 TW4-15 ff2.-Flow qep Meter 5r0j-J /Y/S 1W4-19 jc Flow Meter 2-1o1 za 1W4-20 dj Flow fr Meter 7qq Water S302g Depth to Water Date 6-92C0 mmH /V9 TOme WeG Depth MW-4 Comments itzi TW4-15 flow Lv-sL7 Meter 2zi so fl/114 9 TW4-19 Flow fvl Meter i2s is gt.1 kLZ Flow rcpl TVV4-20 Meter 24Qa12 7/L/J Flow p4 Meter h97Y7 Water 72623 Depth to Watet Date 5-j-ooq mmHa Tme Weill Depth Comments MW-4 nc1 flow /9 p Meter Q7z2o 1W4-15 -c.g Flow SA G5jys Meter Oo9-no 1W4-19 Cg2y Flow cu Meter t4qopp TW4-20 q3.-Row s-Pm Meter cso-az1o Water Ofl7po Depth to Watet DateI_/wfl lime Well mm Comments æ135 MW-4 5z9Q2 Flow q.41w Meter yfl 1W445 fl-fl Flow 17 Mi Meter 1qiao J3qj 1W4-19 7qq Flow J5O Wv Meter az1 TW4-20 i5 Flow G-PV Meter ios fl/Q45 b-fl We6 Jhk4 t4L 4v 4446 14%staeL7vs/a42 Sr4 nc 4rdar6iar Water 1O53t Depth to Watet Date6S2 ddL mmHa Time Wefi comments oL MW-4 7/.3 Flow Meter fyzf 1W4-15 ko.7 Flow J/aa afi Meter ylcy HcO TW4-19 69.r Flow //-iPoi Meter c1Z27 syC 1W4-20 702L Flow /pit Meter wo Water iflfl 44417k .-el Depth to Watr Date ...LOOq mmHq____ Tme WellO 13Z 1/t2 s3$- DeDth Comments TW4-15 8o.q TW4-19 Flow 5- Meter SJIO 471s Flow fg TW4-20 Meter 2Sk5cfltl 7O.O4 Flow 3.7 Meter 7fl794 tII MW-4 /4 Flow Meter /5MO Water S4L17 Depth to Wateir Date cp-pna mmHg 711 Tame WeU DeDth Comments toqcj MW-4 itai Flow Lt.H Meter tao ogg 1W4-15 icst1 Flow p\ $Jflfl Meter 1i__Lcc\ TW4-19 JOO.5 Flow -6-ps Meter rffiiO lt37 TW4-20 T1.5 Flow 39 rPftJ\ Meter 0717493 Water fft55 Depth to Watet Date I5OOt mmHa Ii7 qqz7 Thiie WeU Depth Comments O4/ /O/MW-4 z4q Flow qs Ø411 Meter147o TW4-15 4q 4$1 Flow aC Meter t/1W4-19 Flow /O -I I$T Meter zhsif 1033 TW4-20 7O Flow Meter Water 77OD Depth to Watet Date f0-O9 mmH9 lime Weff Death Comments MW4 Flow L\TPM Meter TW4-15 Flow .q pK\ Meter TW4-19 7G1f Flow Cp\ Meter .r71o- TW4-20 .q3 Flow Meter N7SOtfl Water I8O Depth to Watet Date -1oct rtLkmmHa lime WeD Da LuS comments rPN\1W4-15 7iL%S Flow TW4-19 Meter1 ieA s.at Flow LaGFM 1W4-20 Meter q1 Flow 6PM Meter 0721 xco l-5 MW-4 Flow gri Meter on3o3o Water Chfforoform WeDs Date -7.-1Oo mmHg b2L\.%-1 Time WeH Depth Comments 0137 MW-4 ________ ________________ _____TW4-1 _________ __________________ ____TW4-2 ________ _______________ oq2 TW4-3 __________ ___________________ _____TW4-4 _________ _________________ ____TW4-5 ___________ _____TW4-6 pgss TW4-7 _________ _____TW4-8 _____TW4-9 czi TW4-1O 533 _____TW4-11 _________ octEt TW4-12 Lj7o%TW4-1 t4c c3 05S TW4-1 gq TW4-15 77 1014 TW4-16 .qi-J ion TW4-17 77C- o9Ot TW4-18 _______ ____1W4-19 91.1 to oqt 1W4-20 S4 _____TW4-21 09i0 1W4-22 _________ ____TW4-23 b7J5 ____1W4-24 ________ _____TW4-25 ________ Chloroform Wells Datefill.2007 mmHg__________ lime YVeH Depth Comments joq MW-4 77.92 gy TW4-1 fl ______________ ____1W4-2 725 ______________ Jail TW4-3 __________________________ pqc TW4-4 ____________________________ jioic TW4-5 fl 26 _____________________ 075CC 1W4-6 ______ ________________Ct JIOJ TW4J 41 CM TW4-8 ______________________ /0/7 1W4-9 if _______________________ftc //2.1W4-1O S4.6 ___________________crj6f IN TW4-11 ________________________ æqqg TW4-12 ji.6ff ___________________ ovc TW4-13 _____________________________ 1ffY2 TW4-1 ________ ____________________ ____1W4-15 _______ ___________________ O958 TW4-16 _______ ___________________ 6933 1W4-17 __________________________ O86/1W4-18 ________________________ Mgi TW419 97.3 r7LJE p$P F2 t4/ee/bkv 6q2C TW4-20 o.fl ________________ flyg 1W4-21 411 iz flZ/TW4-22 56 11757 1W4-23 _______ O1/7 TW4-24 ________ ____1W4-25 ________ Attachment SCALE iN FEET EXPLANATION perched monitoring well ehewieg elevation in feet emel temporary petched monitoring well shewieg elevation in feet amel perched yiezvmeter showing elevation in feet amel perched monitoring well installed April 2005 ehvwleg elevetion In feet amel temporary perched maoltormg well installed AprIl 2005 showing elenetion In feet amal temporery perched monitoring well leetalled May 2007 vhvwing apprevimate elevehee is feet amel // // // // // // // // // // NOTES Locations and elevations for TW4-23 TW4-24 and TW4-25 are HYDRO CEO CHEM INC KRIGED 2nd QUARTER 2009 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE H171 8000/mugO9/wt0609.ert 11 y// I\ \/I I\ -t-.\Z4 \4 11 \\\\1/ \\frs -L W4k NCII It\C/Iii s/ki 11141 02 41Æ\\ ji_J_4a$9 o_t4_c_ Nc N7 NN c-4A2 /1 5560 1L iH 550 EXPLANATION 150 300 estimated capture zone NOTES MW-4 MW-26 TW4-lg and TW4 20 are pumping wells SCALE IN FEET boundary etream tubes Locations and elevations of TW4-23 TW4-24 and TW4-25 are approximate resulting from pumping KRIGED 2nd QUARTER 2009 WATER LEVELS 0TW4-4 temporary perched monitoring well HYDRO AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES 5550 showing elevation in feet amel GEO WHITE MESA SITE detail map MW32 perched monitoring well showing CHEM INC APPROVED DATE REFEOEDVE FIG/TOE 5548 elevation in feet amsi SJS H/718000/augo9/wlO600czert Quarterly Depth Summary 2nd Quarter 2009 WELL DATE DEPTH WELL DATE DEPTH MW-i 6/30/2009 66.2 MW-4 6/30/2009 71.29 MW-2 6/30/2009 109.66 1W4-i 6/30/2009 61.67 MW-3 6/30/2009 83.42 TW4-2 6/30/2009 68.42 MW-3A 6/30/2009 85.43 TW4-3 6/30/2009 44.89 MW-4 6/30/2009 71.29 1W4-4 6/30/2009 63.58 MW-S 6/30/2009 106.51 TW4-5 6/30/2009 55.97 MW-i 6/30/2009 90.39 TW4-6 6/30/2009 72.07 MW-i 6/30/2009 108.47 1W4-7 6/30/2009 67.96 MW-i 6/30/2009 03.85 TW4-8 6/30/2009 68 MW-iS 6/30/2009 106.5 TW4-9 6/30/2009 54.24 MW-i7 6/30/2009 77.i8 1W4-iO 6/30/2009 56.39 MW-i 6/30/2009 7i .29 TW4-i 6/30/2009 59.35 MW-i9 6/30/2009 5i.i3 TW4-i2 6/30/2009 38.49 MW-20 6/30/2009 80.83 1W4-i 6/30/2009 49.38 MW-22 6/30/2009 67.22 TW4-i4 6/30/2009 89.44 MW-23 6/30/2009 14.85 TW4-i5 6/30/2009 80.i3 MW-24 6/30/2009 ii 4.76 1W4-i 6/30/2009 65.7 MW-25 6/30/2009 76.14 TW4-i 6/30/200 77.15 MW-26 6/30/2009 80.i3 TW4-i8 6/30/2009 56.93 MW-27 6/30/2009 Si .2 1W4-i 6/30/2009 83.63 MW-28 6/30/2009 77.8 TW4-20 6/30/2009 95.35 MW-29 6/30/2009 02.76 1W4-2i 6/30/2009 59.21 MW-30 6/30/2009 77.39 TW4-22 6/30/2009 55.68 MW-3i 6/30/2009 69.75 TW4-23 6/30/2009 67.25 MW-32 6/30/2009 77.i5 1W4-24 6/30/2009 56.4i TW4-25 6/30/2009 46.80 PIEZ-i 6/30/2009 62.84 PIEZ-2 6/30/2009 i5.94 PIEZ-3 6/30/2009 36.2i PIEZ-4 6/30/2009 50.7i PIEZ-5 6/30/2009 45.24 Attachment SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-CO perched monitariee well ehnwlnp oen elenehon in feet aniel teerperery perched rnneitnring well shnwing elevation in feet enisi P1hZ-f perched piezometer showing 5593 elevation in feet ansi MW 3t perched monitering well Inetelled April 200e1 9-n546 snnwing etenatrnn in reet ansi tenrpararp perched nnnitcring well installed April 2005 ohnwing elenatinn In feet ansi 5540 temporary perched einnitenng well installed Map 2007 showing appranimate elena inn // // // 7/ // // /7 // // // NOTES Locations and elevations for TW4-23 TW4-24 and TW4-25 are AsSt HYDRO GEO CHEM INC KRIGED 1st QUARTER 2009 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE Attachment White Mesa Monitor Well Depth Over Time 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 .0 90.00 4- 100.00 4- 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-1 Water Level Over Time 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 .0 90.00 Cu 1100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-2 Water Level Over Time IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IllIllIllIll 1111111 111111 60.00 nnVLis 90.00 1oo.o0 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-3 Water Level Over Time LI OOQ II II Ii 50.00 80.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-4 Water Level Over Time Oo 07 07 Op Os 0c 0c 50.00 6000 70.00 Woo .0 00 1100 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-5 Water Level Over TimeoooQo%% 50M0 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-6 Water Level Over Time 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 4- Ct 100.00 4- 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-7 Water Level Over Time 0o 0o 07 0p 0p 0a Oq Oq 4g 2$0c 5000 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Mill Temporary Well 4-8 Water Level Over Time $g Oo Oo 42 50.00 60.00 70.00 ___ 80.00 90.00 1100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-9 Over Time 99 0o 0o 07 07 Os a- .0 .c 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 k.... 70 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-10 Over Time 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-11 Over Time 7/S/97/S/97/S//7/S/.7/tt/9/7/S/9/7/S/7/S/ 6000 70.00 80.00 .0 90.00 .1-i 100.00 -C 110.00 120.00 -_______ White Mesa Temporary Well 4-12 Over Time 0Q 0Q 0e 0o 0o 00T O05 00j 00 Oe 0oe so 0o 0o 0o 005 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 I. 90.00 100.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-13 Over Time 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 .2 90.00 .c 100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-14 Over Time OO/OO/OOjOO/OOq 0j-O3-Oc 50.00 II 60.00 70.00 8000 .0 9000 .5 .c 100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Temporay Well 4-15 Over Time 20.00 40.00 ______-u. 60.00 4- Ct 80.00 .c 4- 100.00 120.00 De p t h to Wa t e r bl w . M P J% 4 C5 % N 4A A N .A C 4 A\ n . CD c4 j A\ QA CD V$ 4 I cj a \ CD cb A 9 CD White Mesa Temporary Well 4-17 MW-32 Over Time 0Q 0Q 0a 003 003 Oo 0o 0 0s0s Os 00c Ooc 006 0o 0o 0o 005 00 005 3000 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 4- 00.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-18 Over Time OQ 003003003 0o 0o 000 0%006 0@ 0o Oo 0%0o 0o 0o .3000 40.00 50.00 _____ 60.00 F- 0- 70.00 .0 80.00 90.00 -C 00.00 110.00 120.00 .-.________________________ White Mesa Temporary Well 4-19 Over Time Ooc so 0o 0o 09 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 0- 70.00 .0 80.00 Cu 90.00 -C 100.00 110.00 120.00 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-20 Over Time 0c 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 .c 100.00 110.00 120.00 10 / 2 9 / 2 0 0 5 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 6 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 6 7/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 6 CD 0/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 6 CD 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 7 -I 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 7 7/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 7 0/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 7 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 8 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 8 7/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 8 0/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 8 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 9 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 9 CD 7/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 9 De p t h to Wa t e r bl w . M P -L -J 01 7/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 5 White Mesa Temporary Well 4-22 Over Time in in in in 0o 0%0c 0o 0o 0o 0o 00 0o 005 005 009 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 a.oo.oo 110.00 120.00 Attachment Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5527.63 9/25/1979 94.70 93.14 5527.63 10/10/1979 94.70 93.14 5528.43 1/10/1980 93.90 92.34 5529.93 3/20/1980 92.40 90.84 5528.03 6/17/1980 94.30 92.74 5528.03 9/15/1980 94.30 92.74 5527.93 10/8/1980 94.40 92.84 5527.93 2/12/1981 94.40 92.84 5525.93 9/1/1984 96.40 94.84 5528.33 12/1/1984 94.00 92.44 5528.13 2/1/1985 94.20 92.64 5528.33 6/1/1985 94.00 92.44 5528.93 9/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.93 10/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.93 11/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.83 12/1/1985 93.50 91.94 5512.33 3/1/1986 110.00 108.44 5528.91 6/19/1986 93.42 91.86 5528.83 9/1/1986 93.50 91.94 5529.16 12/1/1986 93.17 91.61 5526.66 2/20/1987 95.67 94.11 5529.16 4/28/1987 93.17 91.61 5529.08 8/14/1987 93.25 91.69 5529.00 11/20/1987 93.33 91.77 5528.75 1/26/1988 93.58 92.02 5528.91 6/1/1988 93.42 91.86 5528.25 8/23/1 988 94.08 92.52 5529.00 11/2/1988 93.33 91.77 5528.33 3/9/1989 94.00 92.44 5529.10 6/21/1989 93.23 91.67 5529.06 9/1/1989 93.27 91.71 5529.21 11/15/1989 93.12 91.56 5529.22 2/16/1990 93.11 91.55 5529.43 5/8/1990 92.90 91.34 5529.40 8/7/1990 92.93 91.37 5529.53 11/13/1990 92.80 91.24 5529.86 2/27/1991 92.47 90.91 5529.91 5/21/1991 92.42 90.86 5529.77 8/27/1991 92.56 91.00 5529.79 12/3/1991 92.54 90.98 5530.13 3/17/1992 92.20 90.64 5529.85 6/11/1992 92.48 90.92 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5529.90 9/13/1992 92.43 90.87 5529.92 12/9/1992 92.41 90.85 5530.25 3/24/1993 92.08 90.52 5530.20 6/8/1993 92.13 90.57 5530.19 9/22/1993 92.14 90.58 5529.75 12/14/1993 92.58 91.02 5530.98 3/24/1994 91.35 89.79 5531.35 6/15/1994 90.98 89.42 5531.62 8/18/1994 90.71 89.15 5532.58 12/13/1994 89.75 88.19 5533.42 3/16/1995 88.91 87.35 5534.70 6/27/1995 87.63 86.07 5535.44 9/20/1995 86.89 85.33 5537.16 12/11/1995 85.17 83.61 5538.37 3/28/1996 83.96 82.40 5539.10 6/7/1996 83.23 81.67 5539.13 9/16/1996 83.20 81.64 5542.29 3/20/1997 80.04 78.48 5551.58 4/7/1999 70.75 69.19 5552.08 5/11/1999 70.25 68.69 5552.83 7/6/1999 69.50 67.94 5553.47 9/28/1999 68.86 67.30 5554.63 1/3/2000 67.70 66.14 5555.13 4/4/2000 67.20 65.64 5555.73 5/2/2000 66.60 65.04 5556.03 5/11/2000 66.30 64.74 5555.73 5/15/2000 66.60 65.04 5555.98 5/25/2000 66.35 64.79 5556.05 6/9/2000 66.28 64.72 5556.18 6/16/2000 66.15 64.59 5556.05 6/26/2000 66.28 64.72 5556.15 7/6/2000 66.18 64.62 5556.18 7/13/2000 66.15 64.59 5556.17 7/18/2000 66.16 64.60 5556.26 7/25/2000 66.07 64.51 5556.35 8/2/2000 65.98 64.42 5556.38 8/9/2000 65.95 64.39 5556.39 8/15/2000 65.94 64.38 5556.57 8/31/2000 65.76 64.20 5556.68 9/8/2000 65.65 64.09 5556.73 9/13/2000 65.60 64.04 5556.82 9/20/2000 65.51 63.95 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5556.84 9/29/2000 65.49 63.93 5556.81 10/5/2000 65.52 63.96 5556.89 10/12/2000 65.44 63.88 5556.98 10/19/2000 65.35 63.79 5557.01 10/23/2000 65.32 63.76 5557.14 11/9/2000 65.19 63.63 5557.17 11/14/2000 65.16 63.60 5556.95 11/21/2000 65.38 63.82 5557.08 11/30/2000 65.25 63.69 5557.55 12/7/2000 64.78 63.22 5557.66 1/14/2001 64.67 63.11 5557.78 2/9/2001 64.55 62.99 5558.28 3/29/2001 64.05 62.49 5558.23 4/30/2001 64.10 62.54 5558.31 5/31/2001 64.02 62.46 5558.49 6/22/2001 63.84 62.28 5558.66 7/10/2001 63.67 62.11 5559.01 8/20/2001 63.32 61.76 5559.24 9/19/2001 63.09 61.53 5559.26 10/2/2001 63.07 61.51 5559.27 11/8/2001 63.06 61.50 5559.77 12/3/200 62.56 61.00 5559.78 1/3/2002 62.55 60.99 5559.96 2/6/2002 62.37 60.81 5560.16 3/26/2002 62.17 60.61 5560.28 4/9/2002 62.05 60.49 5560.76 5/23/2002 61.57 60.01 5560.58 6/5/2002 61.75 60.19 5560.43 7/8/2002 61.90 60.34 5560.44 8/23/2002 61.89 60.33 5560.71 9/11/2002 61.62 60.06 5560.89 10/23/2002 61.44 59.88 5557.86 11/22/2002 64.47 62.91 5.561.10 12/3/2002 61.23 59.67 5561.39 1/9/2003 60.94 59.38 5561.41 2/12/2003 60.92 59.36 5561.93 3/26/2003 60.40 58.84 5561.85 4/2/2003 60.48 58.92 5536.62 5/1/2003 85.71 84.15 5528.56 6/9/2003 93.77 92.21 5535.28 7/7/2003 87.05 85.49 5534.44 8/4/2003 87.89 86.33 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa 1\lill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5537.10 9/11/2003 85.23 83.67 5539.96 10/2/2003 82.37 80.81 5535.91 11/7/2003 86.42 84.86 5550.70 12/3/2003 71.63 70.07 5557.58 1/15/2004 64.75 63.19 5558.80 2/10/2004 63.53 61.97 5560.08 3/28/2004 62.25 60.69 5560.55 4/12/2004 61.78 60.22 5561.06 5/13/2004 61.27 59.71 5561.48 6/18/2004 60.85 59.29 5561.86 7/28/2004 60.47 58.91 5529.17 8/30/2004 93.16 91.60 5536.55 9/16/2004 85.78 84.22 5529.00 10/11/2004 93.33 91.77 5541.55 11/16/2004 80.78 79.22 5541.12 12/22/2004 81.21 79.65 5540.59 1/18/2005 81.74 80.18 5542.85 2/28/2005 79.48 77.92 5537.91 3/15/2005 84.42 82.86 5548.67 4/26/2005 73.66 72.10 5549.53 5/24/2005 72.80 71.24 5544.36 6/30/2005 77.97 76.41 5545.16 07/29/05 77.17 75.61 5544.67 09/12/05 77.66 76.10 5541.28 09/27/05 81.05 79.49 5536.96 12/7/2005 85.37 83.81 5546.49 3/8/2006 75.84 74.28 5546.15 6/13/2006 76.18 74.62 5545.15 7/18/2006 77.18 75.62 5545.91 11/17/206 76.42 74.86 5545.90 2/27/2007 76.43 74.87 5548.16 5/2/2007 74.17 72.61 5547.20 8/13/2007 75.13 73.57 5547.20 10/10/2007 75.13 73.57 5547.79 3/26/2008 74.54 72.98 5545.09 6/25/2008 77.24 75.68 5550.36 8/26/2008 71.97 70.41 5550.39 10/14/2008 71.94 70.38 5542.25 3/3/2009 80.08 78.52 5542.25 6/24/2009 80.08 78.52 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5540.98 11/8/1999 81.35 80.33 5541.13 11/9/1999 81.20 80.18 5541.23 1/2/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.23 1/10/2000 81.10 80.08 5.540.98 1/17/2000 81.35 80.33 5541.03 1/24/2000 81.30 80.28 5541.03 2/1/2000 81.30 80.28 5540.93 2/7/2000 81.40 80.38 5541.23 2/14/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.23 2/23/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.33 3/1/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.43 3/8/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.73 3/15/2000 80.60 79.58 5541.43 3/20/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.43 3/29/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.18 4/4/2000 81.15 80.13 5540.93 4/13/2000 81.40 80.38 5541.23 4/21/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.43 4/28/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.33 5/1/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.63 5/11/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.33 5/15/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.63 5/25/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.63 6/9/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.65 6/16/2000 80.68 79.66 5541.63 6/26/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.85 7/6/2000 80.48 79.46 5541.79 7/13/2000 80.54 79.52 5541.91 7/18/2000 80.42 79.40 5542.17 7/27/2000 80.16 79.14 5542.31 8/2/2000 80.02 79.00 5542.43 8/9/2000 79.90 78.88 5542.41 8/15/2000 79.92 78.90 5542.08 8/31/2000 80.25 79.23 5542.93 9/1/2000 79.40 78.38 5542.87 9/8/2000 79.46 78.44 5543.09 9/13/2000 79.24 78.22 5543.25 9/20/2000 79.08 78.06 5543.44 10/5/2000 78.89 77.87 5544.08 11/9/2000 78.25 77.23 5544.49 12/6/2000 77.84 76.82 5546.14 1/14/2001 76.19 75.17 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5547.44 2/2/2001 74.89 73.87 5548.71 3/29/2001 73.62 72.60 5549.20 4/30/2001 73.13 72.11 5549.64 5/31/2001 72.69 71.67 554994 6/22/2001 72.39 71.37 5550.25 7/10/2001 72.08 71.06 5550.93 8/10/2001 71.40 70.38 5551.34 9/19/2001 70.99 69.97 5551.59 10/2/2001 70.74 69.72 5549.64 5/31/2001 72.69 71.67 5549.94 6/21/2001 72.39 71.37 5550.25 7/10/2001 72.08 71.06 5550.93 8/20/2001 71.40 70.38 5551.34 9/19/2001 70.99 69.97 5551.59 10/2/2001 70.74 69.72 5551.87 11/8/2001 70.46 69.44 5552.40 12/3/2001 69.93 68.91 5552.62 1/3/2002 69.71 68.69 5553.12 2/6/2002 69.21 68.19 5553.75 3/26/2002 68.58 67.56 5553.97 4/9/2002 68.36 67.34 5554.56 5/23/2002 67.77 66.75 5554.54 6/5/2002 67.79 66.77 5554.83 7/8/2002 67.50 66.48 5555.29 8/23/2002 67.04 66.02 5555.54 9/11/2002 66.79 65.77 5555.94 10/23/2002 66.39 65.37 5556.02 11/22/2002 66.31 65.29 5556.23 12/3/2002 66.10 65.08 5556.49 1/9/2003 65.84 64.82 5556.67 2/12/2003 65.66 64.64 5557.15 3/26/2003 65.18 64.16 5557.23 4/2/2003 65.10 64.08 5556.07 5/1/2003 66.26 65.24 5554.28 6/9/2003 68.05 67.03 5553.84 7/7/2003 68.49 67.47 5553.39 8/4/2003 68.94 67.92 5553.06 9/11/2003 69.27 68.25 5553.33 10/2/2003 69.00 67.98 5553.25 11/7/2003 69.08 68.06 5553.82 12/3/2003 68.51 67.49 5555.61 1/15/2004 66.72 65.70 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5556.32 2/10/2004 66.01 64.99 5557.38 3/28/2004 64.95 63.93 5557.79 4/12/2004 64.54 63.52 5558.35 5/13/2004 63.98 62.96 5560.03 6/18/2004 62.30 61.28 5560.36 7/28/2004 61.97 60.95 5557.96 8/30/2004 64.37 63.35 5557.24 9/16/2004 65.09 64.07 5556.28 10/11/2004 66.05 65.03 5556.17 11/16/2004 66.16 65.14 5556.21 12/22/2004 66.12 65.10 5555.82 1/18/2005 66.51 65.49 5555.96 2/28/2005 66.37 65.35 5556.01 3/15/2005 66.32 65.30 5556.05 4/26/2005 66.28 65.26 5556.00 5/24/2005 66.33 65.31 5555.97 6/30/2005 66.36 65.34 5555.90 7/29/05 66.43 65.41 5556.22 9/12/05 66.11 65.09 5556.25 12/7/2005 66.08 65.06 5556.71 3/8/2006 65.62 64.60 5556.98 6/14/2006 65.35 64.33 5560.95 7/18/2006 61.38 60.36 5557.07 11/7/2006 65.26 64.24 5558.10 2/27/2007 64.23 63.21 5557.82 5/2/2007 64.51 63.49 5557.82 8/14/2007 64.51 63.49 5557.63 10/10/2007 64.70 63.68 5559.48 3/26/2008 62.85 61.83 5560.35 6/24/2008 61.98 60.96 5560.58 8/26/2008 61.75 60.73 5560.62 10/14/2008 61.71 60.69 5560.65 3/10/2009 61.68 60.66 5.560.66 6/24/2009 61.67 60.65 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5548.85 11/8/1999 76.15 74.25 5548.85 11/9/1999 76.15 74.25 5548.60 1/2/2000 76.40 74.50 5548.80 1/10/2000 76.20 74.30 5548.60 1/17/2000 76.40 74.50 5549.00 1/24/2000 76.00 74.10 5548.90 2/1/2000 76.10 74.20 5548.90 2/7/2000 76.10 74.20 5549.30 2/14/2000 75.70 73.80 5549.40 2/23/2000 75.60 73.70 5549.50 3/1/2000 75.50 73.60 5549.60 3/8/2000 75.40 73.50 5549.50 3/15/2000 75.50 73.60 5550.20 3/20/2000 74.80 72.90 5550.00 3/29/2000 75.00 73.10 5549.70 4/4/2000 75.30 73.40 5549.80 4/13/2000 75.20 73.30 5550.00 4/21/2000 75.00 73.10 5550.10 4/28/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.10 5/1/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.40 5/11/2000 74.60 72.70 5550.10 5/15/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.40 5/25/2000 74.60 72.70 5550.40 6/9/2000 74.60 72.70 5550.50 6/16/2000 74.50 72.60 5550.35 6/26/2000 74.65 72.75 5550.45 7/6/2000 74.55 72.65 5550.45 7/13/2000 74.55 72.65 5550.46 7/18/2000 74.54 72.64 5550.61 7/27/2000 74.39 72.49 5550.66 8/2/2000 74.34 72.44 5550.68 8/9/2000 74.32 72.42 5550.70 8/15/2000 74.30 72.40 5550.82 8/31/2000 74.18 72.28 5551.15 9/8/2000 73.85 71.95 5551.25 9/13/2000 73.75 71.85 5551.32 9/20/2000 73.68 71.78 5546.11 10/5/2000 78.89 76.99 5546.75 11/9/2000 78.25 76.35 5547.16 12/6/2000 77.84 75.94 5552.46 1/26/2001 72.54 70.64 5552.48 2/2/2001 72.52 70.62 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5551.38 3/29/2001 73.62 71.72 5551.87 4/30/2001 73.13 71.23 5552.31 5/31/2001 72.69 70.79 5552.61 6/21/2001 72.39 70.49 5552.92 7/10/2001 72.08 70.18 5553.60 8/20/2001 71.40 69.50 5554.01 9/19/2001 70.99 69.09 5554.26 10/2/2001 70.74 68.84 5554.42 11/08/01 70.58 68.68 5555.07 12/03/01 69.93 68.03 5555.02 01/03/02 69.98 68.08 5555.19 02/06/02 69.81 67.91 5555.43 03/26/02 69.57 67.67 5555.67 04/09/02 69.33 67.43 5556.01 05/23/02 68.99 67.09 5556.07 06/05/02 68.93 67.03 5556.19 07/08/02 68.81 66.91 5556.32 08/23/02 68.68 66.78 5556.53 09/11/02 68.47 66.57 5557.00 10/23/02 68.00 66.10 5556.70 11/22/02 68.30 66.40 5557.29 12/03/02 67.71 65.81 5557.48 01/09/03 67.52 65.62 5557.63 02/12/03 67.37 65.47 5558.11 03/26/03 66.89 64.99 5558.15 04/02/03 66.85 64.95 5553.99 05/01/03 71.01 69.11 5549.26 06/09/03 75.74 73.84 5548.42 07/07/03 76.58 74.68 5548.03 08/04/03 76.97 75.07 5547.50 09/11/03 77.50 75.60 5547.96 10/02/03 77.04 75.14 5547.80 11/07/03 77.20 75.30 5548.57 12/03/03 76.43 74.53 5554.28 01/15/04 70.72 68.82 5555.74 02/10/04 69.26 67.36 5557.18 03/28/04 67.82 65.92 5557.77 04/12/04 67.23 65.33 5558.35 05/13/04 66.65 64.75 5558.47 06/18/04 66.53 64.63 5559.28 07/28/04 65.72 63.82 5554.54 08/30/04 70.46 68.56 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5552.25 09/16/04 72.75 70.85 5549.93 10/11/04 75.07 73.17 5550.17 11/16/04 74.83 72.93 5550.65 2/22/04 74.35 72.45 5550.23 01/18/05 74.77 72.87 5550.37 02/28/05 74.63 72.73 5550.41 03/15/05 74.59 72.69 5550.46 04/26/05 74.54 72.64 5550.60 05/24/05 74.40 72.50 5550.49 06/30/05 74.51 72.61 5550.39 07/29/05 74.61 72.71 5550.61 09/12/05 74.39 72.49 5550.57 12/07/05 74.43 72.53 5551.58 03/08/06 73.42 71.52 5551.70 06/14/06 73.3 71.40 5550.80 07/18/06 74.20 72.30 5550.80 11/07/06 74.20 72.30 5553.17 2/27/2007 71.83 69.93 5552.34 5/2/2007 72.66 70.76 5552.30 8/14/2007 72.7 70.80 5552.48 10/10/2007 72.52 70.62 5554.86 3/26/2008 70.14 68.24 5555.51 6/24/2008 69.49 67.59 5555.57 8/26/2008 69.43 67.53 5555.71 10/14/2008 69.29 67.39 5556.01 3/10/2009 68.99 67.09 5556.53 6/24/2009 68.47 66.57 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5565.78 11/29/1999 66.45 65.43 5566.93 1/2/2000 65.30 64.28 5567.03 1/10/2000 65.20 64.18 5566.83 1/17/2000 65.40 64.38 5567.13 1/24/2000 65.10 64.08 5567.33 2/1/2000 64.90 63.88 5567.13 2/7/2000 65.10 64.08 5567.43 2/14/2000 64.80 63.78 5567.63 2/23/2000 64.60 63.58 5567.73 3/1/2000 64.50 63.48 5567.83 3/8/2000 64.40 63.38 5567.70 3/15/2000 64.53 63.51 5568.03 3/20/2000 64.20 63.18 5567.93 3/29/2000 64.30 63.28 5567.63 4/4/2000 64.60 63.58 5567.83 4/13/2000 64.40 63.38 5568.03 4/21/2000 64.20 63.18 5568.23 4/28/2000 64.00 62.98 5568.13 5/1/2000 64.10 63.08 5568.53 5/11/2000 63.70 62.68 5568.23 5/15/2000 64.00 62.98 5568.53 5/25/2000 63.70 62.68 5568.61 6/9/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.69 6/16/2000 63.54 62.52 5568.45 6/26/2000 63.78 62.76 5568.61 7/6/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.61 7/6/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.49 7/13/2000 63.74 62.72 5568.55 7/18/2000 63.68 62.66 5568.65 7/27/2000 63.58 62.56 5568.73 8/2/2000 63.50 62.48 5568.77 8/9/2000 63.46 62.44 5568.76 8/16/2000 63.47 62.45 5.568.95 8/31/2000 6318 62 26 5568.49 9/8/2000 63.74 62.72 5568.67 9/13/2000 63.56 62.54 5568.96 9/20/2000 63.27 62.25 5568.93 10/5/2000 63.3 62.28 5569.34 11/9/2000 62.89 61.87 5568.79 12/6/2000 63.44 62.42 5569.11 1/3/2001 63.12 62.10 5569.75 2/9/2001 62.48 61.46 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5570.34 3/28/2001 61.89 60.87 5570.61 4/30/2001 61.62 60.60 5570.70 5/31/2001 61.53 60.51 5570.88 6/21/2001 61.35 60.33 5571.02 7/10/2001 61.21 60.19 5571.70 8/20/2001 60.53 59.51 5572.12 9/19/2001 60.11 59.09 5572.08 10/2/2001 60.15 59.13 5570.70 5/31/2001 61.53 60.51 5570.88 6/21/2001 61.35 60.33 5571.02 7/10/2001 61.21 60.19 5571.70 8/20/2001 60.53 59.51 5572.12 9/19/2001 60.11 59.09 5572.08 10/2/2001 60.15 59.13 5572.78 11/8/2001 59.45 58.43 5573.27 12/3/2001 58.96 57.94 5573.47 1/3/2002 58.76 57.74 5573.93 2/6/2002 58.30 57.28 5574.75 3/26/2002 57.48 56.46 5574.26 4/9/2002 57.97 56.95 5575.39 5/23/2002 56.84 55.82 5574.84 6/5/2002 57.39 56.37 5575.33 7/8/2002 56.90 55.88 5575.79 8/23/2002 56.44 55.42 5576.08 9/11/2002 56.15 55.13 5576.30 10/23/2002 55.93 54.91 5576.35 11/22/2002 55.88 54.86 5576.54 12/3/2002 55.69 54.67 5576.96 1/9/2003 55.27 54.25 5577.11 2/12/2003 55.12 54.10 5577.61 3/26/2003 54.62 53.60 5572.80 4/2/2003 59.43 58.41 5577.89 5/1/2003 54.34 53.32 5577.91 6/9/2003 54.32 53.30 5577.53 7/7/2003 54.70 53.68 5577.50 8/4/2003 54.73 53.71 5577.71 9/11/2003 54.52 53.50 5577.31 10/2/2003 54.92 53.90 5577.33 11/7/2003 54.90 53.88 5577.34 12/3/2003 54.89 53.87 5578.24 1/15/2004 53.99 52.97 5578.38 2/10/2004 53.85 52.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5578.69 3/28/2004 53.54 52.52 5579.15 4/12/2004 53.08 52.06 5579.47 5/13/2004 52.76 51.74 5579.53 6/18/2004 52.70 51.68 5580.17 7/28/2004 52.06 51.04 5580.20 8/30/2004 52.03 51.01 5580.26 9/16/2004 51.97 50.95 5580.12 10/11/2004 52.11 51.09 5579.93 11/16/2004 52.30 51.28 5580.07 12/22/2004 52.16 51.14 5579.80 1/18/2005 52.43 51.41 5580.35 2/28/2005 51.88 50.86 5580.57 3/15/2005 51.66 50.64 5580.86 4/26/2005 51.37 50.35 5581.20 5/24/2005 51.03 50.01 5581.51 6/30/2005 50.72 49.70 5581.55 07/29/05 50.68 49.66 5581.68 09/12/05 50.55 49.53 5581.83 12/7/2005 50.4 49.38 5564.92 3/8/2006 67.31 66.29 5582.73 6/13/2006 49.50 48.48 5582.33 7/18/2006 49.90 48.88 5582.75 11/7/2006 49.48 48.46 5583.35 2/27/2007 48.88 47.86 5559.57 5/2/2007 72.66 71.64 5583.29 8/14/2007 48.94 47.92 5583.49 10/10/2007 48.74 47.72 5584.95 3/26/2008 47.28 46.26 5584.59 6/24/2008 47.64 46.62 5584.55 8/26/2008 47.68 46.66 5584.03 10/14/2008 48.2 47.18 5583.64 3/3/2009 48.59 47.57 5587.34 6/24/2009 44.89 43.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Length Measnred Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5612.301 5613.485 1.184 114.5 5512.145 5/25/2000 101.34 100.16 5518.985 6/9/2000 94.50 93.32 5512.145 6/16/2000 101.34 100.16 5517.465 6/26/2000 96.02 94.84 5520.145 7/6/2000 93.34 92.16 5521.435 7/13/2000 92.05 90.87 5522.005 7/18/2000 91.48 90.30 5522.945 7/27/2000 90.54 89.36 5523.485 8/2/2000 90.00 88.82 5523.845 8/9/2000 89.64 88.46 5523.885 8/15/2000 89.60 88.42 5524.555 9/1/2000 88.93 87.75 5513.235 9/8/2000 100.25 99.07 5516.665 9/13/2000 96.82 95.64 5519.085 9/20/2000 94.40 93.22 5522.165 10/5/2000 91.32 90.14 5524.665 11/9/2000 88.82 87.64 5518.545 12/6/2000 94.94 93.76 5527.695 1/3/2001 85.79 84.61 5529.085 2/9/200 84.40 83.22 5529.535 3/27/2001 83.95 82.77 5530.235 4/30/200 83.25 82.07 5530.265 5/31/2001 83.22 82.04 5534.405 6/22/2001 79.08 77.90 5533.145 7/10/2001 80.34 79.16 5534.035 8/20/2001 79.45 78.27 5534.465 9/19/2001 79.02 77.84 5533.285 10/2/2001 80.20 79.02 5530.265 5/31/2001 83.22 82.04 5534.405 6/21/2001 79.08 77.90 5533.145 7/10/2001 80.34 79.16 5534.035 8/20/2001 79.45 78.27 5534.465 9/19/200 79.02 77.84 5533.285 10/2/2001 80.20 79.02 5533.865 11/8/2001 79.62 78.44 5534.275 12/3/2001 79.21 78.03 5534.715 1/3/2002 78.77 77.59 5535.435 2/6/2002 78.05 76.87 5536.445 3/26/2002 77.04 75.86 5536.405 4/9/2002 77.08 75.90 5537.335 5/23/2002 76.15 74.97 5537.325 6/5/2002 76.16 74.98 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5612.301 5613.485 1.184 114.5 5537.975 7/8/2002 75.51 74.33 5538.825 8/23/2002 74.66 73.48 5539.275 9/11/2002 74.21 73.03 5539.765 10/23/2002 73.72 72.54 5540.205 11/22/2002 73.28 72.10 5540.295 12/3/2002 73.19 72.01 5540.795 1/9/2003 72.69 71.51 5540.985 2/12/2003 72.50 71.32 5541.675 3/26/2003 71.81 70.63 5541.765 4/2/2003 71.72 70.54 5541.885 5/1/2003 71.60 70.42 5542.025 6/9/2003 71.46 70.28 5541.925 7/7/2003 71.56 70.38 5541.885 8/4/2003 71.60 70.42 5541.825 9/11/2003 71.66 70.48 5541.885 10/2/2003 71.60 70.42 5541.995 11/7/2003 71.49 70.31 5542.005 12/3/2003 71.48 70.30 5542.555 1/15/2004 70.93 69.75 5542.705 2/10/2004 70.78 69.60 5543.225 3/28/2004 70.26 69.08 5543.555 4/12/2004 69.93 68.75 5543.865 5/13/2004 69.62 68.44 5543.915 6/18/2004 69.57 68.39 5544.655 7/28/2004 68.83 67.65 5544.795 8/30/2004 68.69 67.51 5544.845 9/16/2004 68.64 67.46 5544.705 10/11/2004 68.78 67.60 5544.525 11/16/2004 68.96 67.78 5544.625 12/22/2004 68.86 67.68 5544.305 1/18/2005 69.18 68.00 5544.585 2/28/2005 68.90 67.72 5544.685 3/15/2005 68.80 67.62 5544.675 4/26/2005 68.81 67.63 5544.785 5/24/2005 68.70 67.52 5544.795 6/30/2005 68.69 67.51 5544.775 7/29/2005 68.71 67.53 5545.005 9/12/2005 68.48 67.30 5545.225 12/7/2005 68.26 67.08 5545.735 3/8/2006 67.75 66.57 5545.785 6/14/2006 67.70 66.52 5545.855 7/18/2006 67.63 66.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5612.301 5613.485 1.184 114.5 5545.805 11/7/2006 67.68 66.50 5546.675 2/27/2007 66.81 65.63 5546.535 5/2/2007 66.95 65.77 5547.155 8/15/2007 66.33 65.15 5547.215 10/10/2007 66.27 65.09 5548.305 3/26/2008 65.18 64.00 5548.865 6/24/2008 64.62 63.44 5549.235 8/26/2008 64.25 63.07 5549.305 10/14/2008 64.18 63.00 5549.725 3/3/2009 63.76 62.58 5549.905 6/24/2009 63.58 62.40 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-S Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5579.30 1/2/2000 61.40 59.45 5579.60 1/10/2000 61.10 59.15 5579.35 1/17/2000 61.35 59.40 5579.60 1/24/2000 61.10 59.15 5579.50 2/1/2000 61.20 59.25 5579.50 2/7/2000 61.20 59.25 5579.90 2/14/2000 60.80 58.85 5579.90 2/23/2000 60.80 58.85 5580.20 3/1/2000 60.50 58.55 5580.00 3/8/2000 60.70 58.75 5580.04 3/15/2000 60.66 58.71 5580.70 3/20/2000 60.00 58.05 5580.30 3/29/2000 60.40 58.45 5580.00 4/4/2000 60.70 58.75 5580.20 4/13/2000 60.50 58.55 5580.40 4/21/2000 60.30 58.35 5580.50 4/28/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.50 5/1/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.90 5/11/2000 59.80 57.85 5580.50 5/15/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.75 5/25/2000 59.95 58.00 5580.80 6/9/2000 59.90 57.95 5580.92 6/16/2000 59.78 57.83 5580.80 6/26/2000 59.90 57.95 5580.90 7/6/2000 59.80 57.85 5581.05 7/13/2000 59.65 57.70 5580.90 7/18/2000 59.80 57.85 5581.05 7/27/2000 59.65 57.70 5581.06 8/2/2000 59.64 57.69 5581.08 8/9/2000 59.62 57.67 5581.07 8/16/2000 59.63 57.68 5581.25 8/31/2000 59.45 57.50 5581.32 9/8/2000 59.38 57.43 5581.34 9/13/2000 59.36 57.41 5581.41 9/20/2000 59.29 57.34 5581.37 10/5/2000 59.33 57.38 5581.66 11/9/2000 59.04 57.09 5581.63 12/6/2000 59.07 57.12 5581.92 1/3/2001 58.78 56.83 5582.20 2/9/2001 58.50 56.55 5582.54 3/28/2001 58.16 56.21 5582.72 4/30/2001 57.98 56.03 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5582.72 5/31/2001 57.98 56.03 5582.81 6/22/2001 57.89 55.94 5582.92 7/10/2001 57.78 55.83 5583.17 8/20/2001 57.53 55.58 5583.28 9/19/2001 57.42 55.47 5583.36 10/2/2001 57.34 55.39 5582.72 5/31/2001 57.98 56.03 5582.81 6/21/2001 57.89 55.94 5582.92 7/10/2001 57.78 55.83 5583.17 8/20/2001 57.53 55.58 5583.28 9/19/2001 57.42 55.47 5583.36 10/2/2001 57.34 55.39 5583.49 11/8/2001 57.21 55.26 5583.84 12/3/2001 56.86 54.91 5583.79 1/3/2002 56.91 54.96 5583.96 2/6/2002 56.74 54.79 5584.39 3/26/2002 56.31 54.36 5584.12 4/9/2002 56.58 54.63 5584.55 5/23/2002 56.15 54.20 5584.42 6/5/2002 56.28 54.33 5583.65 7/8/2002 57.05 55.10 5584.90 8/23/2002 55.80 53.85 5585.02 9/11/2002 55.68 53.73 5585.20 10/23/2002 55.50 53.55 5585.15 11/22/2002 55.55 53.60 5585.42 12/3/2002 55.28 53.33 5585.65 1/9/2003 55.05 53.10 5585.65 2/12/2003 55.05 53.10 5585.92 3/26/2003 54.78 52.83 5586.22 4/2/2003 54.48 52.53 5586.01 5/1/2003 54.69 52.74 5584.81 6/9/2003 55.89 53.94 5584.34 7/7/2003 56.36 54.41 5584.40 8/4/2003 56.30 54.35 5583.88 9/11/2003 56.82 54.87 5583.57 10/2/2003 57.13 55.18 5583.39 11/7/2003 57.31 55.36 5583.97 12/3/2003 56.73 54.78 5585.28 1/15/2004 55.42 53.47 5585.50 2/10/2004 55.20 53.25 5585.87 3/28/2004 54.83 52.88 5586.20 4/12/2004 54.50 52.55 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5586.45 5/13/2004 54.25 52.30 5586.50 6/18/2004 54.20 52.25 5587.13 7/28/2004 53.57 51.62 5586.22 8/30/2004 54.48 52.53 5585.69 9/16/2004 55.01 53.06 5585.17 10/11/2004 55.53 53.58 5584.64 11/16/2004 56.06 54.11 5584.77 12/22/2004 55.93 53.98 5584.65 1/18/2005 56.05 54.10 5584.98 2/28/2005 55.72 53.77 5585.15 3/15/2005 55.55 53.60 5586.25 4/26/2005 54.45 52.50 5586.79 5/24/2005 53.91 51.96 5586.52 6/30/2005 54.18 52.23 5586.03 7/29/2005 54.67 52.72 5586.05 9/12/2005 54.65 52.70 5585.80 12/7/2005 54.90 52.95 5587.06 3/8/2006 53.64 51.69 5585.90 6/13/2006 54.80 52.85 5585.32 7/18/2006 55.38 53.43 5585.35 11/7/2006 55.35 53.40 5585.81 2/27/2007 54.89 52.94 5585.20 5/2/2007 55.50 53.55 5586.66 8/14/2007 54.04 52.09 5586.1W 10/10/2007 53.90 51.95 5588.48 3/26/2008 52.22 50.27 5586.51 6/24/2008 54.19 52.24 5586.45 8/26/2008 54.25 52.30 5585.40 10/14/2008 55.3 53.35 5584.80 3/3/2009 55.9 53.95 5584.73 6/24/2009 55.97 54.02 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5522.28 5/25/2000 86.50 85.05 5521.51 6/9/2000 87.27 85.82 5522.35 6/16/2000 86.43 84.98 5522.14 6/26/2000 86.64 85.19 5522.25 7/6/2000 86.53 85.08 5522.13 7/13/2000 86.65 85.20 5522.17 7/18/2000 86.61 85.16 5522.26 7/25/2000 86.52 85.07 5522.31 8/2/2000 86.47 85.02 5522.33 8/9/2000 86.45 85.00 5522.35 8/15/2000 86.43 84.98 5522.40 8/31/2000 86.38 84.93 5522.40 9/8/2000 86.38 84.93 5522.45 9/13/2000 86.33 84.88 5522.53 9/20/2000 86.25 84.80 5522.39 10/5/2000 86.39 84.94 5522.42 11/9/2000 86.36 84.91 5522.29 12/6/2000 86.49 85.04 5522.63 1/3/2001 86.15 84.70 5522.72 2/9/2001 86.06 84.61 5522.90 3/26/2001 85.88 84.43 5522.70 4/30/2001 86.08 84.63 5522.89 5/31/2001 85.89 84.44 5522.88 6/20/2001 85.90 84.45 5522.96 7/10/2001 85.82 84.37 5523.10 8/20/2001 85.68 84.23 5523.23 9/19/2001 85.55 84.10 5523.21 10/2/2001 85.57 84.12 5522.89 5/31/2001 85.89 84.44 5522.88 6/21/2001 85.90 84.45 5522.96 7/10/2001 85.82 84.37 5523.10 8/20/2001 85.68 84.23 5523.23 9/19/2001 85.55 84.10 5523.21 10/2/2001 85.57 84.12 5523.25 11/8/2001 85.53 84.08 5523.46 12/3/2001 85.32 83.87 5523.36 1/3/2002 85.42 83.97 5523.50 2/6/2002 85.28 83.83 5523.94 3/26/2002 84.84 83.39 5523.75 4/9/2002 85.03 83.58 5524.23 5/23/2002 84.55 83.10 5523.98 6/5/2002 84.80 83.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Laud Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5524.31 7/8/2002 84.47 83.02 5524.36 8/23/2002 84.42 82.97 5524.49 9/11/2002 84.29 82.84 5524.71 10/23/2002 84.07 82.62 5524.60 11/22/2002 84.18 82.73 5524.94 12/3/2002 83.84 82.39 5525.10 1/9/2003 83.68 82.23 5525.15 2/12/2003 83.63 82.18 5525.35 3/26/2003 83.43 81.98 5525.68 4/2/2003 83.10 81.65 5525.74 5/1/2003 83.04 81.59 5525.98 6/9/2003 82.80 81.35 5526.04 7/7/2003 82.74 81.29 5526.07 8/4/2003 82.71 81.26 5526.42 9/11/2003 82.36 80.91 5526.30 10/2/2003 82.48 81.03 5526.41 11/7/2003 82.37 80.92 5526.46 12/3/2003 82.32 80.87 5526.83 1/15/2004 81.95 80.50 5526.81 2/10/2004 81.97 80.52 5527.14 3/28/2004 81.64 80.19 5527.39 4/12/2004 81.39 79.94 5527.64 5/13/2004 81.14 79.69 5527.70 6/18/2004 81.08 79.63 5528.16 7/28/2004 80.62 79.17 5528.30 8/30/2004 80.48 79.03 5528.52 9/16/2004 80.26 78.81 5528.71 10/11/2004 80.07 78.62 5528.74 11/16/2004 80.04 78.59 5529.20 12/22/2004 79.58 78.13 5528.92 1/18/2005 79.86 78.41 5529.51 2/28/2005 79.27 77.82 5529.74 3/15/2005 79.04 77.59 5529.96 4/26/2005 78.82 77.37 5530.15 5/24/2005 78.63 77.18 5530.35 6/30/2005 78.43 76.98 5530.47 7/29/2005 78.31 76.86 5530.95 9/12/2005 77.83 76.38 5531.50 12/7/2005 77.28 75.83 5532.43 3/8/2006 76.35 74.90 5533.49 6/13/2006 75.29 73.84 5532.58 7/18/2006 76.20 74.75 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5532.88 11/7/2006 75.90 74.45 5534.09 2/27/2007 74.69 73.24 5534.04 5/2/2007 74.74 73.29 5534.43 8/14/2007 74.35 72.90 5554.54 10/10/2007 54.24 52.79 5535.40 3/26/2008 73.38 71.93 5535.55 6/24/2008 73.23 71.78 5535.90 8/26/2008 72.88 71.43 5535.87 10/14/2008 72.91 71.46 5536.42 3/10/2009 72.36 70.91 5536.71 6/24/2009 72.07 70.62 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5552.37 11/29/1999 68.70 67.50 5553.57 1/2/2000 67.50 66.30 5553.87 1/10/2000 67.20 66.00 5553.72 1/17/2000 67.35 66.15 5553.97 1/24/2000 67.10 65.90 5553.87 2/1/2000 67.20 66.00 5553.87 2/7/2000 67.20 66.00 5554.17 2/14/2000 66.90 65.70 5554.27 2/23/2000 66.80 65.60 5554.37 3/1/2000 66.70 65.50 5554.37 3/8/2000 66.70 65.50 5554.27 3/15/2000 66.80 65.60 5554.77 3/20/2000 66.30 65.10 5554.57 3/29/2000 66.50 65.30 5554.27 4/4/2000 66.80 65.60 5.554.57 4/13/2000 66.50 65.30 5554.77 4/21/2000 66.30 65.10 5554.87 4/28/2000 66.20 65.00 5554.87 5/1/2000 66.20 65.00 5555.27 5/11/2000 65.80 64.60 5554.97 5/15/2000 66.10 64.90 5555.27 5/25/2000 65.80 64.60 5555.33 6/9/2000 65.74 64.54 5555.45 6/16/2000 65.62 64.42 5555.22 6/26/2000 65.85 64.65 5555.45 7/6/2000 65.62 64.42 5555.40 7/13/2000 65.67 64.47 5555.45 7/18/2000 65.62 64.42 5555.59 7/27/2000 65.48 64.28 5555.65 8/2/2000 65.42 64.22 5555.70 8/9/2000 65.37 64.17 5555.74 8/16/2000 65.33 64.13 5555.96 8/31/2000 65.11 63.91 5555.87 9/8/2000 65.20 64.00 5555.95 9/13/2000 65.12 63.92 5556.05 9/20/2000 65.02 63.82 5556.06 10/5/2000 65.01 63.81 5556.17 10/12/2000 64.90 63.70 5556.20 10/19/2000 64.87 63.67 5556.22 10/23/2000 64.85 63.65 5556.36 11/9/2000 64.71 63.51 5556.42 11/14/2000 64.65 63.45 5556.45 11/30/2000 64.62 63.42 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5556.15 12/6/2000 64.92 63.72 5556.89 1/14/2001 64.18 62.98 5557.07 2/9/200 64.00 62.80 5557.62 3/29/2001 63.45 62.25 5557.51 4/30/2001 63.56 62.36 5557.77 5/31/2001 63.30 62.10 5557.84 6/21/2001 63.23 62.03 5557.98 7/10/2001 63.09 61.89 5558.33 8/20/2001 62.74 61.54 5558.57 9/19/2001 62.50 61.30 5558.53 10/2/2001 62.54 61.34 5558.62 11/8/2001 62.45 61.25 5559.03 12/3/2001 62.04 60.84 5559.08 1/3/2002 61.99 60.79 5559.32 2/6/2002 61.75 60.55 5559.63 3/26/2002 61.44 60.24 5559.55 4/9/2002 61.52 60.32 5560.06 5/23/2002 61.01 59.81 5559.91 6/5/2002 61.16 59.96 5560.09 7/8/2002 60.98 59.78 5560.01 8/23/2002 61.06 59.86 5560.23 9/11/2002 60.84 59.64 5560.43 10/23/2002 60.64 59.44 5560.39 11/22/2002 60.68 59.48 5560.61 12/3/2002 60.46 59.26 5560.89 1/9/2003 60.18 58.98 5560.94 2/12/2003 60.13 58.93 5561.28 3/26/2003 59.79 58.59 5561.35 4/2/2003 59.72 58.52 5546.20 5/1/2003 74.87 73.67 5539.47 6/9/2003 81.60 80.40 5541.87 7/7/2003 79.20 78.00 5542.12 8/4/2003 78.95 77.75 5541.91 9/11/2003 79.16 77.96 5544.62 10/2/2003 76.45 75.25 5542.67 11/7/2003 78.40 77.20 5549.96 12/3/2003 71.11 69.91 5557.17 1/15/2004 63.90 62.70 5558.65 2/10/2004 62.42 61.22 5559.90 3/28/2004 61.17 59.97 5560.36 4/12/2004 60.71 59.51 5560.87 5/13/2004 60.20 59.00 5560.95 6/18/2004 60.12 58.92 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5561.64 7/28/2004 59.43 58.23 5543.00 8/30/2004 78.07 76.87 5541.91 9/16/2004 79.16 77.96 5540.08 10/11/2004 80.99 79.79 5546.92 11/16/2004 74.15 72.95 5546.97 12/22/2004 74.10 72.90 5546.51 1/18/2005 74.56 73.36 5546.66 2/28/2005 74.41 73.21 5546.81 3/15/2005 74.26 73.06 5548.19 4/26/2005 72.88 71.68 5547.11 5/24/2005 73.96 72.76 5546.98 6/30/2005 74.09 72.89 5546.92 7/29/2005 74.15 72.95 5547.26 9/12/2005 73.81 72.61 5547.26 12/7/2005 73.81 72.61 5548.86 3/8/2006 72.21 71.01 5548.62 6/13/2006 72.45 71.25 5550.04 7/18/2006 71.03 69.83 5548.32 11/7/2006 72.75 71.55 5550.44 2/27/2007 70.63 69.43 5549.69 5/2/2007 71.38 70.18 5549.97 8/14/2007 71.10 69.90 5550.30 10/10/2007 70.77 69.57 5551.92 3/26/2008 69.15 67.95 5552.94 6/24/2008 68.13 66.93 5552.34 8/26/2008 68.73 67.53 5552.61 10/14/2008 68.46 67.26 5552.81 3/10/2009 68.26 67.06 5553.11 6/24/2009 67.96 66.76 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMlMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5543.21 11/29/1999 75.00 73.59 5543.01 1/2/2000 75.20 73.79 5543.31 1/10/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.11 1/17/2000 75.10 73.69 5543.41 1/24/2000 74.80 73.39 5543.31 2/1/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.31 2/7/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.71 2/14/2000 74.50 73.09 5543.76 2/23/2000 74.45 73.04 5543.86 3/1/2000 74.35 72.94 5543.86 3/8/2000 74.35 72.94 5543.91 3/15/2000 74.30 72.89 5544.31 3/20/2000 73.90 72.49 5544.21 3/29/2000 74.00 72.59 5544.01 4/4/2000 74.20 72.79 5544.21 4/13/2000 74.00 72.59 5544.41 4/21/2000 73.80 72.39 5544.51 4/28/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.51 5/1/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.81 5/11/2000 73.40 71.99 5544.51 5/15/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.71 5/25/2000 73.50 72.09 5544.71 6/9/2000 73.50 72.09 5544.81 6/16/2000 73.40 71.99 5544.68 6/26/2000 73.53 72.12 5544.76 7/6/2000 73.45 72.04 5544.77 7/13/2000 73.44 72.03 5544.76 7/18/2000 73.45 72.04 5544.92 7/27/2000 73.29 71.88 5544.96 8/2/2000 73.25 71.84 5544.98 8/9/2000 73.23 71.82 5544.97 8/15/2000 73.24 71.83 5545.21 8/31/2000 73.00 71.59 5545.31 9/8/2000 72.90 71.49 5545.43 9/13/2000 72.78 71.37 5545.56 9/20/2000 72.65 71.24 5545.57 10/5/2000 72.64 71.23 5545.81 11/9/2000 72.40 70.99 5545.66 12/6/2000 72.55 71.14 5546.28 1/3/2001 71.93 70.52 5546.70 2/9/2001 71.51 70.10 5547.18 3/27/2001 71.03 69.62 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5547.31 4/30/2001 70.90 69.49 5547.49 5/31/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.49 6/20/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.83 7/10/2001 70.38 68.97 5548.13 8/20/2001 70.08 68.67 5548.30 9/19/2001 69.91 68.50 5548.45 10/2/2001 69.76 68.35 5547.49 5/31/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.54 6/21/2001 70.67 69.26 5547.83 7/10/2001 70.38 68.97 5548.13 8/20/2001 70.08 68.67 5548.30 9/19/2001 69.91 68.50 5548.45 10/2/2001 69.76 68.35 5548.62 11/8/2001 69.59 68.18 5549.03 12/3/2001 69.18 67.77 5548.97 1/3/2002 69.24 67.83 5549.19 2/6/2002 69.02 67.61 5549.66 3/26/2002 68.55 67.14 5549.64 4/9/2002 68.57 67.16 5550.01 5/23/2002 68.20 66.79 5549.97 6/5/2002 68.24 66.83 5550.13 7/8/2002 68.08 66.67 5550.30 8/23/2002 67.91 66.50 5550.50 9/11/2002 67.71 66.30 5550.90 10/23/2002 67.31 65.90 5550.83 11/22/2002 67.38 65.97 5551.04 12/3/2002 67.17 65.76 5551.24 1/9/2003 66.97 65.56 5551.23 2/12/2003 66.98 65.57 5551.52 3/26/2003 66.69 65.28 5551.64 4/2/2003 66.57 65.16 5549.02 5/1/2003 69.19 67.78 5544.74 6/9/2003 73.47 72.06 5543.78 7/7/2003 74.43 73.02 5543.39 8/4/2003 74.82 73.41 5543.05 9/11/2003 75.16 73.75 5543.19 10/2/2003 75.02 73.61 5543.21 11/7/2003 75.00 73.59 5543.40 12/3/2003 74.81 73.40 5548.10 1/15/2004 70.11 68.70 5549.50 2/10/2004 68.71 67.30 5550.87 3/28/2004 67.34 65.93 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5551.33 4/12/2004 66.88 65.47 5551.87 5/13/2004 66.34 64.93 5551.92 6/18/2004 66.29 64.88 5552.69 7/28/2004 65.52 64.11 5549.78 8/30/2004 68.43 67.02 5547.46 9/16/2004 70.75 69.34 5545.21 10/11/2004 73.00 71.59 5545.09 11/16/2004 73.12 71.71 5545.61 12/22/2004 72.60 71.19 5545.24 1/18/2005 72.97 71.56 5545.42 2/28/2005 72.79 71.38 5545.45 3/15/2005 72.76 71.35 5545.46 4/26/2005 72.75 71.34 5545.66 5/24/2005 72.55 71.14 5545.54 6/30/2005 72.67 71.26 5545.43 7/29/2005 72.78 71.37 5545.61 9/12/2005 72.60 71.19 5545.52 12/7/2005 72.69 71.28 5546.53 3/8/2006 71.68 70.27 5546.51 6/13/2006 71.70 70.29 5546.51 7/18/2006 71.70 70.29 5546.46 11/7/2006 71.75 70.34 5547.92 2/27/2007 70.29 68.88 5547.01 5/2/2007 71.20 69.79 5547.40 8/14/2007 70.81 69.40 5547.57 10/10/2007 70.64 69.23 5548.76 3/26/2008 69.45 68.04 5549.17 6/24/2008 69.04 67.63 5549.31 8/26/2008 68.9 67.49 5549.37 10/14/2008 68.84 67.43 5549.72 3/3/2009 68.49 67.08 5550.08 6/24/2009 68.13 66.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5577.09 12/20/1999 60.5 59.02 5577.09 1/2/2000 60.5 59.02 5577.29 1/10/2000 60.3 58.82 5577.09 1/17/2000 60.5 59.02 5577.39 1/24/2000 60.2 58.72 5577.29 2/1/2000 60.3 58.82 5577.19 2/7/2000 60.4 58.92 5577.69 2/14/2000 59.9 58.42 5577.69 2/23/2000 59.9 58.42 5577.79 3/1/2000 59.8 58.32 5577.79 3/8/2000 59.8 58.32 5577.89 3/15/2000 59.7 58.22 5568.49 3/20/2000 69.1 67.62 5578.14 3/29/2000 59.45 57.97 5577.84 4/4/2000 59.75 58.27 5578.04 4/13/2000 59.55 58.07 5578.24 4/21/2000 59.35 57.87 5578.39 4/28/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.39 5/1/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.79 5/11/2000 58.8 57.32 5578.39 5/15/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.79 5/25/2000 58.8 57.32 5578.81 6/9/2000 58.78 57.30 5578.89 6/16/2000 58.7 57.22 5578.74 6/26/2000 58.85 57.37 5578.86 7/6/2000 58.73 57.25 5578.87 7/13/2000 58.72 57.24 5578.84 7/18/2000 58.75 57.27 5579.03 7/27/2000 58.56 57.08 5579.03 8/2/2000 58.56 57.08 5579.05 8/9/2000 58.54 57.06 5579.04 8/15/2000 58.55 57.07 5579.25 8/31/2000 58.34 56.86 5579.35 9/8/2000 58.24 56.76 5579.40 9/13/2000 58.19 56.71 5579.46 9/20/2000 58.13 56.65 5579.44 10/5/2000 58.15 56.67 5579.79 11/9/2000 57.8 56.32 5579.73 12/6/2000 57.86 56.38 5580.01 1/3/2001 57.58 56.10 5580.30 2/9/2001 57.29 55.81 5580.66 3/27/2001 56.93 55.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5580.75 4/30/2001 56.84 55.36 5581.04 5/31/2001 56.55 55.07 5581.12 6/21/2001 56.47 54.99 5581.15 7/10/2001 56.44 54.96 5581.51 8/20/2001 56.08 54.60 5581.70 9/19/2001 55.89 54.41 5581.61 10/2/2001 55.98 54.50 5581.04 5/31/2001 56.55 55.07 5581.12 6/21/2001 56.47 54.99 5581.15 7/10/2001 56.44 54.96 5581.51 8/20/2001 56.08 54.60 5581.70 9/19/2001 55.89 54.41 5581.61 10/2/2001 55.98 54.50 5581.83 11/8/2001 55.76 54.28 5582.17 12/3/2001 55.42 53.94 5582.21 1/3/2002 55.38 53.90 5582.57 2/6/2002 55.02 53.54 5583.12 3/26/2002 54.47 52.99 5582.77 4/9/2002 54.82 53.34 5583.21 5/23/2002 54.38 52.90 5582.94 6/5/2002 54.65 53.17 5582.71 7/8/2002 54.88 53.40 5583.67 8/23/2002 53.92 52.44 5583.82 9/11/2002 53.77 52.29 5584.01 10/23/2002 53.58 52.10 5583.88 11/22/2002 53.71 52.23 5583.81 12/3/2002 53.78 52.30 5584.28 1/9/2003 53.31 51.83 5584.41 2/12/2003 53.18 51.70 5584.68 3/26/2003 52.91 51.43 5584.49 4/2/2003 53.10 51.62 5584.51 5/1/2003 53.08 51.60 5583.59 6/9/2003 54.00 52.52 5582.96 7/7/2003 54.63 53.15 5582.98 8/4/2003 54.61 53.13 5582.57 9/11/2003 55.02 53.54 5582.25 10/2/2003 55.34 53.86 5582.09 11/7/2003 55.50 54.02 5582.48 12/3/2003 55.11 53.63 5583.69 1/15/2004 53.90 52.42 5583.89 2/10/2004 53.70 52.22 5584.30 3/28/2004 53.29 51.81 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5584.59 4/12/2004 53.00 51.52 5584.87 5/13/2004 52.72 51.24 5584.96 6/18/2004 52.63 51.15 5585.50 7/28/2004 52.09 50.61 5584.81 8/30/2004 52.78 51.30 5584.40 9/16/2004 53.19 51.71 5583.91 10/11/2004 53.68 52.20 5583.39 11/16/2004 54.20 52.72 5583.54 12/22/2004 54.05 52.57 5583.34 1/18/2005 54.25 52.77 5583.66 2/28/2005 53.93 52.45 5583.87 3/15/2005 53.72 52.24 5584.74 4/26/2005 52.85 51.37 5585.26 5/24/2005 52.33 50.85 5585.06 6/30/2005 52.53 51.05 5584.67 7/29/2005 52.92 51.44 5584.75 9/12/2005 52.84 51.36 5584.51 12/7/2005 53.08 51.60 5585.74 3/8/2006 51.85 50.37 5584.74 6/13/2006 52.85 51.37 5584.26 7/18/2006 53.33 51.85 5584.21 11/7/2006 53.38 51.90 5584.67 2/27/2007 52.92 51.44 5584.06 5/2/2007 53.53 52.05 5585.33 8/14/2007 52.26 50.78 5585.42 10/10/2007 52.17 50.69 5587.01 3/26/2008 50.58 49.10 5585.44 6/24/2008 52.15 50.67 5585.23 8/26/2008 52.36 50.88 5584.42 10/14/2008 53.17 51.69 5583.59 3/3/2009 54 52.52 5583.35 6/24/2009 54.24 52.76 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1O Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.99 5634.24 2.25 121.33 5576.75 1/3/2002 57.49 55.24 5576.92 2/6/2002 57.32 55.07 5577.43 3/26/2002 56.81 54.56 5577.22 4/9/2002 57.02 54.77 5577.80 5/23/2002 56.44 54.19 5577.47 6/5/2002 56.77 54.52 5577.55 7/8/2002 56.69 54.44 5578.10 8/23/2002 56.14 53.89 5578.24 9/11/2002 56.00 53.75 5578.49 10/23/2002 55.75 53.50 5578.43 11/22/2002 55.81 53.56 5578.43 12/3/2002 55.81 53.56 5578.66 1/9/2003 55.58 53.33 5578.66 2/12/2003 55.58 53.33 5578.78 3/26/2003 55.46 53.21 5578.90 4/2/2003 55.34 53.09 5578.83 5/1/2003 55.41 53.16 5578.05 6/9/2003 56.19 53.94 5577.38 7/7/2003 56.86 54.61 5577.15 8/4/2003 57.09 54.84 5576.76 9/11/2003 57.48 55.23 5576.36 10/2/2003 57.88 55.63 5576.05 11/7/2003 58.19 55.94 5576.20 12/3/2003 58.04 55.79 5577.43 1/15/2004 56.81 54.56 5577.81 2/10/2004 56.43 54.18 5578.47 3/28/2004 55.77 53.52 5578.69 4/12/2004 55.55 53.30 5578.93 5/13/2004 55.31 53.06 5578.99 6/18/2004 55.25 53.00 5579.18 7/28/2004 55.06 52.81 5579.06 8/30/2004 55.18 52.93 5578.78 9/16/2004 55.46 53.21 5577.80 10/11/2004 56.44 54.19 5577.13 11/16/2004 57.11 54.86 5576.96 12/22/2004 57.28 55.03 5576.63 1/18/2005 57.61 55.36 5576.82 2/28/2005 57.42 55.17 5576.86 3/15/2005 57.38 55.13 5577.52 4/26/2005 56.72 54.47 5578.01 5/24/2005 56.23 53.98 5578.15 6/30/2005 56.09 53.84 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1O Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.99 5634.24 2.25 121.33 5577.90 7/29/2005 56.34 54.09 5578.02 9/12/2005 56.22 53.97 5577.56 12/7/2005 56.68 54.43 5579.69 3/8/2006 54.55 52.30 5578.34 6/13/2006 55.90 53.65 5577.94 7/18/2006 56.30 54.05 5578.01 11/7/2006 56.23 53.98 5578.43 2/27/2007 55.81 53.56 5577.84 5/2/2007 56.40 54.15 5578.74 8/14/2007 55.50 53.25 5579.04 10/10/2007 55.20 52.95 5580.69 3/26/2008 53.55 51.30 5579.87 6/24/2008 54.37 52.12 5579.47 8/26/2008 54.77 52.52 5578.87 10/14/2008 55.37 53.12 5578.01 3/10/2009 56.23 53.98 5577.85 6/24/2009 56.39 54.14 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5621.92 5623.62 1.70 121.33 5548.32 1/3/2002 75.30 73.60 5548.73 2/6/2002 74.89 73.19 5549.03 3/26/2002 74.59 72.89 5548.84 4/9/2002 74.78 73.08 5549.30 5/23/2002 74.32 72.62 5549.01 6/5/2002 74.61 72.91 5549.22 7/8/2002 74.40 72.70 5549.44 8/23/2002 74.18 72.48 5549.57 9/11/2002 74.05 72.35 5549.64 10/23/2002 73.98 72.28 5549.58 11/22/2002 74.04 72.34 5549.62 12/3/2002 74.00 72.30 5549.85 1/9/2003 73.77 72.07 5549.91 2/12/2003 73.71 72.01 5550.15 3/26/2003 73.47 71.77 5550.01 4/2/2003 73.61 71.91 5550.31 5/1/2003 73.31 71.61 5550.44 6/9/2003 73.18 71.48 5550.33 7/7/2003 73.29 71.59 5550.35 8/4/2003 73.27 71.57 5550.44 9/11/2003 73.18 71.48 5550.47 10/2/2003 73.15 71.45 5550.60 11/7/2003 73.02 71.32 5550.60 12/3/2003 73.02 71.32 5550.94 1/15/2004 72.68 70.98 5551.00 2/10/2004 72.62 70.92 5550.34 3/28/2004 73.28 71.58 5551.54 4/12/2004 72.08 70.38 5551.89 5/13/2004 71.73 70.03 5551.94 6/18/2004 71.68 69.98 5552.49 7/28/2004 71.13 69.43 5552.74 8/30/2004 70.88 69.18 5553.01 9/16/2004 70.61 68.91 5553.11 10/11/2004 70.51 68.81 5553.19 11/16/2004 70.43 68.73 5553.53 12/22/2004 70.09 68.39 5553.31 1/18/2005 70.31 68.61 5553.84 2/28/2005 69.78 68.08 5554.04 3/15/2005 69.58 67.88 5554.23 4/26/2005 69.39 67.69 5553.87 5/24/2005 69.75 68.05 5554.46 6/30/2005 69.16 67.46 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5621.92 5623.62 1.70 121.33 5554.57 7/29/2005 69.05 67.35 5553.86 9/12/2005 69.76 68.06 5555.30 2/7/2005 68.32 66.62 5556.20 3/8/2006 67.42 65.72 5556.48 6/14/2006 67.14 65.44 5556.37 7/18/2006 67.25 65.55 5556.94 11/7/2006 66.68 64.98 5557.92 2/27/2007 65.7 64 5557.84 5/2/2007 65.78 64.08 5558.02 8/15/2007 65.60 63.90 5557.13 10/10/2007 66.49 64.79 5569.74 3/26/2008 53.88 52.18 5561.01 6/24/2008 62.61 60.91 5562.07 8/26/2008 61.55 59.85 5562.47 10/14/2008 61.15 59.45 5563.80 3/10/2009 59.82 58.12 5564.27 6/24/2009 59.35 57.65 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5622.38 5624.03 1.65 121.33 5580.71 8/23/2002 43.32 41.67 5581.34 9/11/2002 42.69 41.04 5581.13 10/23/2002 42.90 41.25 5581.27 11/22/2002 42.76 41.11 5581.35 12/3/2002 42.68 41.03 5582.38 1/9/2003 41.65 40.00 5582.27 2/12/2003 41.76 40.11 5582.51 3/26/2003 41.52 39.87 5581.91 4/2/2003 42.12 40.47 5582.72 5/1/2003 41.31 39.66 5582.93 6/9/2003 41.10 39.45 5583.01 7/7/2003 41.02 39.37 5583.11 8/4/2003 40.92 39.27 5583.35 9/11/2003 40.68 39.03 5583.52 10/2/2003 40.51 38.86 5583.57 11/7/2003 40.46 38.81 5583.81 12/3/2003 40.22 38.57 5584.17 1/15/2004 39.86 38.21 5584.19 2/10/2004 39.84 38.19 5584.31 3/28/2004 39.72 38.07 5584.70 4/12/2004 39.33 37.68 5584.68 5/13/2004 39.35 37.70 5584.73 6/18/2004 39.30 37.65 5585.16 7/28/2004 38.87 37.22 5585.18 8/30/2004 38.85 37.20 5585.29 9/16/2004 38.74 37.09 5585.65 10/11/2004 38.38 36.73 5585.71 11/16/2004 38.32 36.67 5586.15 12/22/2004 37.88 36.23 5585.94 1/18/2005 38.09 36.44 5586.36 2/28/2005 37.67 36.02 5586.75 3/15/2005 37.28 35.63 5587.00 4/26/2005 37.03 35.38 5587.15 5/24/2005 36.88 35.23 5587.38 6/30/2005 36.65 35.00 5587.38 7/29/2005 36.65 35.00 5587.74 9/12/2005 36.29 34.64 5588.23 12/7/2005 35.80 34.15 5588.72 3/8/2006 35.31 33.66 5588.14 6/13/2006 35.89 34.24 5588.13 7/18/2006 35.90 34.25 5584.50 11/7/2006 39.53 37.88 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5622.38 5624.03 1.65 121.33 5588.65 2/27/2007 35.38 33.73 5588.33 5/2/2007 35.70 34.05 5586.29 8/14/2007 37.74 36.09 5586.48 10/10/2007 37.55 35.90 5587.56 3/26/2008 36.47 34.82 5587.39 6/24/2008 36.64 34.99 5587.15 8/26/2008 36.88 35.23 5586.64 10/14/2008 37.39 35.74 5585.97 3/3/2009 38.06 36.41 5585.54 6/24/2009 38.49 36.84 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5618.09 5619.94 1.85 12L33 5529.66 8/23/2002 90.28 88.43 5530.66 9/11/2002 89.28 87.43 5529.10 10/23/2002 90.84 88.99 5530.58 11/22/2002 89.36 87.51 5530.61 12/3/2002 89.33 87.48 5529.74 1/9/2003 90.20 88.35 5531.03 2/12/2003 88.91 87.06 5531.82 3/26/2003 88.12 86.27 5524.63 4/2/2003 95.31 93.46 5531.54 5/1/2003 88.40 86.55 5538.46 6/9/2003 81.48 79.63 5539.38 7/7/2003 80.56 78.71 5540.72 8/4/2003 79.22 77.37 5541.25 9/11/2003 78.69 76.84 5541.34 10/2/2003 78.60 76.75 5541.69 11/7/2003 78.25 76.40 5541.91 12/3/2003 78.03 76.18 5542.44 1/15/2004 77.50 75.65 5542.47 2/10/2004 77.47 75.62 5542.84 3/28/2004 77.10 75.25 5543.08 4/12/2004 76.86 75.01 5543.34 5/13/2004 76.60 74.75 5543.40 6/18/2004 76.54 74.69 5544.06 7/28/2004 75.88 74.03 5544.61 8/30/2004 75.33 73.48 5545.23 9/16/2004 74.71 72.86 5546.20 10/11/2004 73.74 71.89 5547.43 11/16/2004 72.51 70.66 5548.96 12/22/2004 70.98 69.13 5549.02 1/18/2005 70.92 69.07 5550.66 2/28/2005 69.28 67.43 5551.26 3/15/2005 68.68 66.83 5552.23 4/26/2005 67.71 65.86 5552.87 5/24/2005 67.07 65.22 5553.42 6/30/2005 66.52 64.67 5554.00 7/29/2005 65.94 64.09 5555.21 9/12/2005 64.73 62.88 5558.13 12/7/2005 61.81 59.96 5562.93 3/8/2006 57.01 55.16 5564.39 6/13/2006 55.55 53.70 5562.09 7/18/2006 57.85 56.00 5565.49 11/7/2006 54.45 52.60 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5618.09 5619.94 1.85 121.33 5571.08 2/27/2007 48.86 47.01 5570.63 5/2/2007 49.31 47.46 5565.24 8/14/2007 54.7 52.85 5565.83 10/10/2007 54.11 52.26 5569.29 3/26/2008 50.65 48.80 5570.00 6/24/2008 49.94 48.09 5570.41 8/26/2008 49.53 47.68 5570.64 10/14/2008 49.3 47.45 5570.43 3/3/2009 49.51 47.66 5570.56 6/24/2009 49.38 47.53 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-14 Total or Lengt Measure Total Total Water Land Of Depth Depth to Depth Elevatio Surface Measuring Point Elevation Riser Date Of to Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5610.9 121.3 5612.77 1.85 5518.90 8/23/2002 93.87 92.02 5519.28 9/11/2002 93.49 91.64 5519.95 10/23/2002 92.82 90.97 5520.32 11/22/2002 92.45 90.60 5520.42 12/3/2002 92.35 90.50 5520.70 1/9/2003 92.07 90.22 5520.89 2/12/2003 91.88 90.03 5521.12 3/26/2003 91.65 89.80 5521.12 4/2/2003 91.65 89.80 5521.24 5/1/2003 91.53 89.68 5521.34 6/9/2003 91.43 89.58 5521.36 7/7/2003 91.41 89.56 5521.35 8/4/2003 91.42 89.57 5521.30 9/11/2003 91.47 89.62 5521.35 10/2/2003 91.42 89.57 5521.36 11/7/2003 91.41 89.56 5521.16 12/3/2003 91.61 89.76 5521.29 1/15/2004 91.48 89.63 5521.36 2/10/2004 91.41 89.56 5521.46 3/28/2004 91.31 89.46 5521.54 4/12/2004 91.23 89.38 5521.59 5/13/2004 91.18 89.33 5521.69 6/18/2004 91.08 89.23 5521.71 7/28/2004 91.06 89.21 5521.76 8/30/2004 91.01 89.16 5521.77 9/16/2004 91.00 89.15 5521.79 10/11/2004 90.98 89.13 5521.80 11/16/2004 90.97 89.12 5521.82 12/22/2004 90.95 89.10 5521.82 1/18/2005 90.95 89.10 5521.86 2/28/2005 90.91 89.06 5521.85 3/15/2005 90.92 89.07 5521.91 4/26/2005 90.86 89.01 5521.93 5/24/2005 90.84 88.99 5521.94 6/30/2005 90.83 88.98 5521.84 7/29/2005 90.93 89.08 5521.99 9/12/2005 90.78 88.93 5522.04 12/7/2005 90.73 88.88 5522.05 3/8/2006 90.72 88.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-14 Land Surface Measnring Point Elevation LSD MP 5610.9 Water Elevatlo WL Total or Lengt Measure Total Total Of Depth Depth to Depth Riser Date Of to Water Water Of Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 121.3 5612.77 1.85 5522.27 6/13/2006 90.50 88.65 5521.92 7/18/2006 90.85 89.00 5520.17 11/7/2006 92.60 90.75 5522.24 2/27/2007 90.53 88.68 5522.47 5/2/2007 90.30 88.45 5520.74 8/14/2007 92.03 90.18 5518.13 10/10/2007 94.64 92.79 5522.85 3/26/2008 89.92 88.07 5522.91 6/24/2008 89.86 88.01 5523.01 8/26/2008 89.76 87.91 5522.96 10/14/2008 89.81 87.96 5523.20 3/3/2009 89.57 87.72 5523.33 6/24/2009 89.44 87.59 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5624.15 5625.45 1.30 121.33 iw-\S5574.75 8/23/2002 50.70 49.40 5574.97 9/11/2002 50.48 49.18 5575.10 10/23/2002 50.35 49.05 5574.99 11/22/2002 50.46 49.16 5575.28 12/3/2002 50.17 48.87 5575.41 1/9/2003 50.04 48.74 5575.43 2/12/2003 50.02 48.72 5575.63 3/26/20u3 49.82 4s.52 5575.91 4/2/2003 49.54 48.24 5575.81 5/1/2003 49.64 48.34 5572.36 6/9/2003 53.09 51.79 5570.70 7/7/2003 54.75 53.45 5570.29 8/4/2003 55.16 53.86 5560.94 9/11/2003 64.51 63.21 5560.63 10/2/2003 64.82 63.52 5560.56 11/7/2003 64.89 63.59 5564.77 12/3/2003 60.68 59.38 5570.89 1/15/2004 54.56 53.26 5572.55 2/10/2004 52.90 51.60 5574.25 3/28/2004 51.20 49.90 5574.77 4/12/2004 50.68 49.38 5575.53 5/13/2004 49.92 48.62 5575.59 6/18/2004 49.86 48.56 5576.82 7/28/2004 48.63 47.33 5527.47 9/16/2004 97.98 96.68 5553.97 11/16/2004 71.48 70.18 5562.33 12/22/2004 63.12 61.82 5550.00 1/18/2005 75.45 74.15 5560.02 4/26/2005 65.43 64.13 5546.11 5/24/2005 79.34 78.04 5556.71 6/30/2005 68.74 67.44 5554.95 7/29/2005 70.50 69.20 5555.48 9/12/2005 69.97 68.67 5551.09 12/7/2005 74.36 73.06 5552.85 3/8/2006 72.60 71.30 5554.30 6/13/2006 71.15 69.85 5554.87 7/18/2006 70.58 69.28 5550.88 11/7/2006 74.57 73.27 5558.77 2/27/2007 66.68 65.38 5548.54 5/2/2007 76.91 75.61 5551.33 10/10/2007 74.12 72.82 5545.56 3/26/2008 79.89 78.59 5545.56 6/25/2008 79.89 78.59 5545.82 8/26/2008 79.63 78.33 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Elevation WL Land Surface LSD 5624.15 Point Elevation MP 5625.45 Length Of Riser 1.30 Date Of Monitoring Depth to Water blw.MP Depth to Water blw.LSD Total Depth Of Well 121.33 5545.64 rV.vJ-S 10/14/2008 79.81 78.51 5544.45 3/3/2009 81 79.70 5545.32 6/24/2009 80.13 78.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5622.19 5624.02 1.83 121.33 5562.91 8/23/2002 61.11 59.28 5563.45 9/11/2002 60.57 58.74 5563.75 10/23/2002 60.27 58.44 5563.68 11/22/2002 60.34 58.51 5563.68 12/3/2002 60.34 58.51 5564.16 1/9/2003 59.86 58.03 5564.25 2/12/2003 59.77 57.94 5564.53 3/26/2003 59.49 57.66 5564.46 4/2/2003 59.56 57.73 5564.79 5/1/2003 59.23 57.40 5564.31 6/9/2003 59.71 57.88 5563.29 7/7/2003 60.73 58.90 5562.76 8/4/2003 61.26 59.43 5561.73 9/11/2003 62.29 60.46 5561.04 10/2/2003 62.98 61.15 5560.39 11/7/2003 63.63 61.80 5559.79 12/3/2003 64.23 62.40 5561.02 1/15/2004 63.00 61.17 5561.75 2/10/2004 62.27 60.44 5562.98 3/28/2004 61.04 59.21 5563.29 4/12/2004 60.73 58.90 5564.03 5/13/2004 59.99 58.16 5564.09 6/18/2004 59.93 58.10 5565.08 7/28/2004 58.94 57.11 5564.56 8/30/2004 59.46 57.63 5563.55 9/16/2004 60.47 58.64 5561.79 10/11/2004 62.23 60.40 5560.38 11/16/2004 63.64 61.81 5559.71 12/22/2004 64.31 62.48 5559.14 1/18/2005 64.88 63.05 5558.65 2/28/2005 65.37 63.54 5558.54 3/15/2005 65.48 63.65 5558.22 4/26/2005 65.80 63.97 5558.54 5/24/2005 65.48 63.65 5559.24 6/30/2005 64.78 62.95 5559.38 7/29/2005 64.64 62.81 5559.23 9/12/2005 64.79 62.96 5557.67 12/7/2005 66.35 64.52 5557.92 3/8/2006 66.10 64.27 5558.47 6/13/2006 65.55 63.72 5558.42 7/18/2006 65.60 63.77 5558.09 11/7/2006 65.93 64.10 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5622.19 5624.02 1.83 121.33 5557.34 2/27/2007 66.68 64.85 5547.11 5/2/2007 76.91 75.08 5558.52 8/14/2007 65.5 63.67 5559.02 10/10/2007 65.00 63.17 5561.04 3/26/2008 62.98 61.15 5560.06 6/24/2008 63.96 62.13 5559.32 8/26/2008 64.7 62.87 5558.89 10/14/2008 65.13 63.30 5558.40 3/3/2009 65.62 63.79 5558.32 6/24/2009 65.7 63.87 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-17 MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.41 5625.24 1.83 121.33 5542.17 8/23/2002 83.07 81.24 5542.39 9/11/2002 82.85 81.02 5542.61 10/23/2002 82.63 80.80 5542.49 11/22/2002 82.75 80.92 5542.82 12/3/2002 82.42 80.59 5543.03 1/9/2003 82.21 80.38 5543.04 2/12/2003 82.20 80.37 5543.41 3/26/2003 81.83 80.00 5543.69 4/2/2003 81.55 79.72 5543.77 5/1/2003 81.47 79.64 5544.01 6/9/2003 81.23 79.40 5544.05 7/7/2003 81.19 79.36 5543.99 8/4/2003 81.25 79.42 5544.17 9/11/2003 81.07 79.24 5544.06 10/2/2003 81.18 79.35 5544.03 11/7/2003 81.21 79.38 5543.94 12/3/2003 81.30 79.47 5543.98 1/15/2004 81.26 79.43 5543.85 2/10/2004 81.39 79.56 5544.05 3/28/2004 81.19 79.36 5544.33 4/12/2004 80.91 79.08 5544.55 5/13/2004 80.69 78.86 5544.59 6/18/2004 80.65 78.82 5545.08 7/28/2004 80.16 78.33 5545.26 8/30/2004 79.98 78.15 5545.48 9/16/2004 79.76 77.93 5545.61 10/11/2004 79.63 77.80 5545.46 11/16/2004 79.78 77.95 5545.66 12/22/2004 79.58 77.75 5545.33 1/18/2005 79.91 78.08 5545.51 2/28/2005 79.73 77.90 5545.57 3/15/2005 79.67 77.84 5545.46 4/26/2005 79.78 77.95 5545.45 5/24/2005 79.79 77.96 5545.33 6/30/2005 79.91 78.08 5545.16 7/29/2005 80.08 78.25 5545.54 9/12/2005 79.70 77.87 5545.77 12/7/2005 79.47 77.64 5546.09 3/8/2006 79.15 77.32 5545.94 6/13/2006 79.30 77.47 5545.94 7/18/2006 79.30 77.47 5546.24 11/7/2006 79.00 77.17 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-17 MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.41 5625.24 1.83 121.33 5546.81 2/27/2007 78.43 76.6 5546.56 5/2/2007 78.68 76.85 5546.81 8/15/2007 78.43 76.6 5546.96 10/10/2007 78.28 76.45 5547.9 3/26/2008 77.34 75.51 5548.08 6/25/2008 77.16 75.33 5548.42 8/26/2008 76.82 74.99 5548.05 10/14/2008 77.19 75.36 5548.29 3/3/2009 76.95 75.12 5548.09 6/24/2009 77.15 75.32 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5639.13 5641.28 2.15 121.33 5585.13 8/23/2002 56.15 54.00 5585.41 9/11/2002 55.87 53.72 5585.47 10/23/2002 55.81 53.66 5585.40 11/22/2002 55.88 53.73 5585.68 12/3/2002 55.60 53.45 5585.90 1/9/2003 55.38 53.23 5590.79 2/12/2003 50.49 48.34 5586.18 3/26/2003 55.10 52.95 5586.36 4/2/2003 54.92 52.77 5586.24 5/1/2003 55.04 52.89 5584.93 6/9/2003 56.35 54.20 5584.46 7/7/2003 56.82 54.67 5584.55 8/4/2003 56.73 54.58 5584.01 9/11/2003 57.27 55.12 5583.67 10/2/2003 57.61 55.46 5583.50 11/7/2003 57.78 55.63 5584.08 12/3/2003 57.20 55.05 5585.45 1/15/2004 55.83 53.68 5585.66 2/10/2004 55.62 53.47 5586.13 3/28/2004 55.15 53.00 5586.39 4/12/2004 54.89 52.74 5586.66 5/13/2004 54.62 52.47 5586.77 6/18/2004 54.51 52.36 5587.35 7/28/2004 53.93 51.78 5586.34 8/30/2004 54.94 52.79 5585.85 9/16/2004 55.43 53.28 5585.22 10/11/2004 56.06 53.91 5584.70 11/16/2004 56.58 54.43 5584.81 12/22/2004 56.47 54.32 5584.68 1/18/2005 56.60 54.45 5585.02 2/28/2005 56.26 54.11 5585.25 3/15/2005 56.03 53.88 5586.31 4/26/2005 54.97 52.82 5586.97 5/24/2005 54.31 52.16 5586.58 6/30/2005 54.70 52.55 5586.10 7/29/2005 55.18 53.03 5586.05 9/12/2005 55.23 53.08 5585.86 12/7/2005 55.42 53.27 5587.13 3/8/2006 54.15 52.00 5585.93 6/13/2006 55.35 53.20 5585.40 7/18/2006 55.88 53.73 5585.38 11/7/2006 55.90 53.75 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5639.13 5641.28 2.15 121.33 5585.83 2/27/2007 55.45 53.30 5585.15 5/2/2007 56.13 53.98 5586.47 6/24/2008 54.81 52.66 5586.3 8/26/2008 54.98 52.83 5585.21 10/14/2008 56.07 53.92 5584.47 3/3/2009 56.81 54.66 5584.35 6/24/2009 56.93 54.78 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Total Depth Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5629.53 5631.39 1.86 121.33 5581.88 8/23/2002 49.51 47.65 5582.14 9/11/2002 49.25 47.39 5582.06 10/23/2002 49.33 47.47 5582.07 11/22/2002 49.32 47.46 5582.16 12/3/2002 49.23 47.37 5582.28 1/9/2003 49.11 47.25 5582.29 2/12/2003 49.10 47.24 5582.74 3/26/2003 48.65 46.79 5582.82 4/2/2003 48.57 46.71 5548.47 5/1/2003 82.92 81.06 5564.76 6/9/2003 66.63 64.77 5562.53 7/7/2003 68.86 67.00 5564.10 8/4/2003 67.29 65.43 5566.01 8/30/2004 65.38 63.52 5555.16 9/16/2004 76.23 74.37 5549.80 10/11/2004 81.59 79.73 5546.04 11/16/2004 85.35 83.49 5547.34 12/22/2004 84.05 82.19 5548.77 1/18/2005 82.62 80.76 5551.18 2/28/2005 80.21 78.35 5556.81 3/15/2005 74.58 72.72 5562.63 4/26/2005 68.76 66.90 5573.42 5/24/2005 57.97 56.11 5552.94 7/29/2005 78.45 76.59 5554.00 9/12/2005 77.39 75.53 5555.98 12/7/2005 75.41 73.55 5552.00 3/8/2006 79.39 77.53 5545.74 6/13/2006 85.65 83.79 5544.06 7/18/2006 87.33 85.47 5548.81 11/7/2006 82.58 80.72 5543.59 2/27/2007 87.8 85.94 5544.55 5/2/2007 86.84 84.98 5558.97 8/15/2007 72.42 70.56 5559.73 10/10/2007 71.66 69.8 5569.26 3/26/2008 62.13 60.27 5535.47 6/25/2008 95.92 94.06 5541.41 8/26/2008 89.98 88.12 5558.45 10/14/2008 72.94 71.08 5536.9 3/3/2009 94.49 92.63 5547.76 6/24/2009 83.63 81.77 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-20 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5628.52 5629.53 1.01 106.0 5565.70 7/29/2005 63.83 5546.53 8/30/2005 83.00 5540.29 9/12/2005 89.24 5541.17 12/7/2005 88.36 5540.33 3/8/2006 89.20 5530.43 6/13/2006 99.10 5569.13 7/18/2006 60.40 5547.95 11/7/2006 81.58 5550.58 2/27/2007 80.28 5563.60 5/2/2007 78.95 5555.85 8/14/2007 65.93 5569.10 10/10/2007 73.68 5560.00 3/26/2008 60.43 5539.64 6/25/2008 69.53 5539.51 8/26/2008 89.89 5553.00 10/14/2008 90.02 5534.18 3/3/2009 76.53 5629.53 6/24/2009 95.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5638.20 5639.35 1.15 120.92 5582.98 7/29/2005 56.37 5583.43 8/30/2005 55.92 5581.87 9/12/2005 57.48 5.58050 12/7/2005 58.85 5583.64 3/8/2006 55.71 5580.55 6/13/2006 58.80 5578.95 7/18/2006 60.40 5578.47 11/7/2006 60.88 5579.53 2/27/2007 59.82 5578.07 5/2/2007 61.28 5583.41 8/15/2007 55.94 5583.45 10/10/2007 55.9 5586.47 3/26/2008 52.88 5579.16 6/24/2008 60.19 5579.92 8/26/2008 59.43 5577.37 10/14/2008 61.98 5578.00 3/10/2009 61.35 5580.14 6/24/2009 59.21 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Length Measured Total Total Water Land Point Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5627.83 5629.00 1.17 113.5 5571.89 7/29/2005 57.11 5572.20 8/30/2005 56.80 5572.08 9/12/2005 56.92 5571.61 12/7/2005 57.39 5571.85 3/8/2006 57.15 5571.62 6/13/2006 57.38 5571.42 7/18/2006 57.58 5571.02 11/7/2006 57.98 5571.24 2/27/2007 57.76 5570.75 6/29/2007 58.25 5571.82 8/14/2007 57.18 5571.99 10/10/2007 57.01 5573.05 3/26/2008 55.95 5573.04 6/24/2008 55.96 5573.04 8/26/2008 55.96 5573.02 10/14/2008 55.98 5573.19 3/10/2009 55.81 5573.32 6/24/2009 55.68 Attachment ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail Creek Hqbway 82601 RC Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 _____________Toll Free 888.2350515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperEenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LABORATORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/23/09 1430 Lab ID C09061 033-027 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID MW-4 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method AnalysIs Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 34 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1208 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 5.2 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1335 /jal VOLA11LE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.3 ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 0912/jlr Chloroform 1800 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/02/09 0406 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912 /jlr Surr p-Bromofiuorobenzene 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912/pr Surr Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912/jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0912 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hihway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 To//Free 888.2350515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 caspeffienergy/ab.cofn wwwenergy/ab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0945 Lab ID C09061033-021 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1156 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.9 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1313 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.0 ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0601 /jlr Chloroform 1500 ugL 50 SW8260B 07/01/09 1948/jIr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 0601 jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0601 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 101 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 0601 jlr Surr p-Bromotluorobenzene 82.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0601 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 87.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0601 /jlr Surr 2.Dichlorobenzene-d4 87.0 IOREC 80-120 5W8260B 07/02/09 0601 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefinItions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LABORA TORIES ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHjqhway 82601 RO Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toll Free 888235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1539 casperenergyIab.com wwwel7ergylab.comEIERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07110/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0938 Lab ID C09061 033-024 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-2 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 44 mgL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1200 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.4 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30109 1328 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 2.0 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950 jIr Chloroform 2800 ug/L 100 5W82606 07/02/09 0211 jlr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950 jIr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950/jlr Sum Dibromofluoromethane 103 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950 jlr Surr p-Bromofiuorobenzene 86.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 84.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0950/jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENEROYLABORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail CreekHbway 82601 P0 Box 3258W Casper WY82602 Toll Floe 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspeitenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LAI3ORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0741 Lab ID C09061033-001 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-3 Matrix Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 20 mgL A4500-CI 07/02/09 1122/jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.9 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1203 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 jlr Chloromethane ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524/jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 IjIr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 93.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 /jlr Sum Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 1524 /jIr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 95.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 15 Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERO YLABORA TORIES INc p2393 Sail creekHiq/iway82601 .Rc Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.2350515 Fax 3072341639 casperllenergy/ab.com wwenergy/ab.comENSRGY LABORATORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0919 Lab ID C09061 033-023 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-4 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 34 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1159 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 8.2 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1325 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Chloroform 1800 ugh 50 8W8260B 07/02/09 0132 jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ugh 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 87.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718/jlr Sum Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-1 20 5W8260B 07/02/09 0718 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Greek Hhway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Gas/rn WV82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspereaergy/ab.com www.energylab.comE1SERGY LALORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0728 Lab ID C09061 033-015 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-5 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mg/L A4500-CI 07/02/09 1148/jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 7.5 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1248 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/01/09 1717 /jlr Chloroform 13 ug/L 1.0 3W8260B 07/01/09 1717 IjIr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1717/jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1717 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 96.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/01/09 1717 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 91.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1717/jlr Surr Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW82608 07/01/09 1717/jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1717 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGY LABORATORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID Analyses MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Sum p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Report RL Analyte reporting limit Definitions QCL Quality control limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHiqbway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Caspec WV82602 To/I Free 889235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper6energyIaA corn wwwenergy/ab.corn LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0909 C09061 033-016 DateReceived 06/25109 TW4-6 Matrix Aqueous MCL Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By 37 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1149/jal 2.7 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1250 /jal ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/01/09 2104 /jlr 120 ug/L 10 5W8260B 07/01/09 2026 jlr ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/01/09 2104 /jlr ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 2104/jlr 104 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 07/01/09 2104 jIr 90.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 2104 /jlr 90.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 07/01/09 2104/jlr 98.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 07/01/09 2104/jlr MCL Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hhway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 roll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 thaspercenergylaA corn wwwenegylab.cornENERGY LASORA LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0953 Lab ID C09061 033-022 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-7 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1158 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.8 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1315 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0639 /jlr Chloroform 1400 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/02/09 0054 /jlr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0639 jIr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 3W8260B 07/02/09 0639 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 0639 jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 86.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0639 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 86.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0639 /jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 100 %REC 80-120 5W82608 07/02/09 0639 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefinitIons QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hibway 82601 PC 8ojc3258 Caspec WV82602 Toll Free 888.235 0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.cornEIERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0930 Lab ID C09061033-008 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-8 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 44 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1134 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1145/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 /jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 jlr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/090005 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 0005 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/090005 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES ItIC 2393 Sail CreekHq/way 8260 P0 ox 3258 Casper WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casper4energylat.com www.energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0734 Lab ID C09061 033-011 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-9 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 30 mgL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1138 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.3 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1230 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159 /jlr Chloroform ND ugL 1.0 8W8260B 07/01/09 0159 fir Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/01/09 0159 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 109 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159 jIr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 86.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159/jIr Sum Toluene-d8 86.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159 IjIr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 0159 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EISERGY LALIORA TORIES ENERG YLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHihway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe1c IVV82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwweneigylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0720 Lab ID C09061 033-020 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 62 mg/I A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1155/jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 9.8 mg/I 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1310 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0523 jlr Chloroform 1200 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/01/09 1910 /jlr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0523 jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/I 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0523 jir Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 07/02/09 0523 Ijlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 82.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 07/02/09 0523 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 85.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02109 0523 IjIr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 95.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0523 /jlr Report RI Analyte reporting limit MCI Maximum contaminant level DefinItions QCI Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EtERGY LAIJORA TORIES ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toil Free 888.2350515 307235.0515 Fai 307234.1539 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.comEIERGY LALIORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0756 Lab ID C09061 033-019 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MW Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 44 mgL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1154 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.8 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1308 jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0445 jlr Chloroform 980 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/01/09 1832 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 0445 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0445 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 0445 jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 84.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/090445 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 87.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0445 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 97.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/090445 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHiqhway 82601 RO Box $258 Caspe4c WV82602 To//Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspeitenergy/a/zcom www.energylab.comEIERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0841 Lab ID C09061 033-002 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 22 mgL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1122 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.8 mgL 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1205 /jal VOLA11LE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1550/jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1550 jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 8W8260B 06/30/09 1550/jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1550 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 92.0 %REC 70-1 30 8W8260B 06/30/09 1550 /jIr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 %REC 80-120 8W8260B 06/30/09 1550 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 06/30/09 1550 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 96.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1550 /jlr Report RI Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGVLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHi.qhway 82601 RO Box 3258 Caspe1c WY82602 Toll Free 888.2350515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper.energy/ab.com www energyla/z cornEtERGY LABORA TOR/4 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10109 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Cellection Date 06/24/09 0849 Lab ID C09061 033-003 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 57 mg/L A4500-Cl 0702109 1122 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 1.2 mgL 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1215 jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1629 /jlr Chloroform ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 0630/09 1629 jlr Chloromethane ND ugL 1.0 SWB26OB 0630/09 1629 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 0630/09 1629 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 0630/09 1629/jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 90.0 %REC 80-1 20 5W8260B 06/30/09 1629 /jlr Sum Toluene-dB 87.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1629 /jlr Sum 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1629 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL-Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Mfqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspac WY82602 Toil Free 888235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/aO.com www.energylab.comENERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10109 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0856 Lab ID C09061 033-004 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW41 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 36 mgL A4500-CI 07/02/09 1125 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 1.4 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1135/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 /jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 jir Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ugL 1.0 8W8260B 06/30/09 1708 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 91.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-120 8W8260B 06/30/09 1708 jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 95.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1708 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORATORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHvbway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Caspcc WV82602 Toil Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergyIab.coin wwwenergy/ab.comENERGY LABOR/i TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/23/09 1419 Lab ID C09061 033-025 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 48 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1206 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 0.2 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1330/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 /jlr Chloroform 410 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/02/09 0249 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 0756/jlr Methylene chloride 12 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 jIr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 97.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 0756 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek H4vbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe4c WV82602 Toil Free 888.235 0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 caspenPenergylab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0815 Lab ID C09061 033-012 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 76 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1139 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 8.9 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1233 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237/jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237/jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC 70-1 30 SW82608 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 88.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0237 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL-Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERO YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 PO Box 3258 Caspe.c WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fai 307234.1839 casper@energy/ab.com wwwenergylab.comEIERGY LABOTA TOR/ES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0826 Lab ID C09061 033-005 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 31 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/0209 1127 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mgL 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1138 jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 0630/09 1746jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 06/30/09 1746/jlr Chloromethane ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ugfL 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 jir Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 96.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 06/30/09 1746 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 P0 5ox 3258 Casper IVY82602 Toil Free t555 235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenetgy/absom www.energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0654 Lab ID C09061033-014 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 30 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1144 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.2 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1243 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 jlr Chloroform 16 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640/jIr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/ag 1640 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 105 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 jIr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 92.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 86.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1640 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LASORA TORIES ENERGYLAHORA TORIES INC -2393 Sail CreekHibway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Toil Free 885235.0515 307235 0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com vw.v.energy/ab.comENERGY LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Preject 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/23/09 1451 Lab ID C09061 033-026 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 132 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1207 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.4 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1333 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834 jlr Chloroform 990 ug/L 50 SW8260B 07/02/09 0328 jlr Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834 jir Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834/jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 99.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 86.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/090834 /jlr Surr Toluene-c18 84.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834 /jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 96.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/02/09 0834 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLAHORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHibway 8260 PU Sox3258 Caspei WV82602 To//Free 888235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper@energylab.com www.energylab.comENERGY LABORATORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/23/09 1410 Lab ID C09061 033-028 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-20 Matrix Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 164 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1210 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.9 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1345 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 4.9 ug/L 2.0 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438 /jlr Chloroform 6800 ug/L 1000 SW8260B 07/06/09 1401 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438 /jlr Methylene chloride 4.2 ug/L 2.0 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 8W8260B 07/06/09 1438 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 91.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438/jIr Surr Toluene-d8 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438/jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 87.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/06/09 1438 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspec WY82602 Toll ftee 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperenergyIab.com wwwenergy/ab.comENERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07110/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0647 Lab ID C09061 033-017 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-21 Matrix Aqueous MW Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 291 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1151 /jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 8.1 mgL 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1255 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Chloroform 200 ug/L 10 SW8260B 06/30/09 1823 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 jIr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 98.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 93.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 83.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 06/30/09 1901 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG YLABORA TORIES INC -2393 Salt CreekHbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 caspe WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com wwwenergylaAconi LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06124/09 0709 C09061 033-018 DateReceived 06/25/09 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 177 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02109 1153/jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 20.6 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1305 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 1028 jir Chloroform 730 ugh 500 SW8260B 07/01/09 1755 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 1028/jlr Methylene chloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 1028 /jlr Sun Dibromofluoromethane 107 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/02/09 1028 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 84.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 07/02/09 1028 Ijlr Surr Toluene-d8 84.0 %REC 80-120 SW82608 07/02/09 1028 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 91.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 1028/jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LASORA TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID TW4-22 ENERS YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hibway 82601 RU Box 3258 Casper WY802 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.2350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperºenergy/atz corn wwwenergy/ab.cornEISERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0806 Lab ID C09061 033-006 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-23 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 43 mgfL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1130 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1140 jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2249 /jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2249 jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2249 jIr Methylene chloride ND ugh 1.0 5W8260B 06/30/09 2249 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 107 %REC 70-1 30 8W8260B 06/30/09 2249 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 90.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 06/30/09 2249/jlr Sum Toluene-d8 86.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 2249/jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 96.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 2249 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EMERGYLABORA TORIES INC p2393 Sail CreekHjqbway 82601 RQ Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comENERGY LAI3ORA TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID TW4-24 Analyses MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofiuorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Report RL Analyte reporting limit Definitions QCL Quality control limit LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corn Report Date 07/10/09 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0703 C09061 033-013 DateReceived 06/25/09 Matrix Aqueous MCI Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By 759 mg/I A4500-Cl 07/02109 1142 jal 30.4 mg/I 0.3 E353.2 06/30/09 1253 /jal ND ug/I 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602 jlr 1.5 ug/I 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602/jlr ND ug/I 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602/jlr ND ug/I 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602 /jlr 105 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602 /jlr 92.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602/jlr 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602 /jlr 100 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 1602 /jlr MCI Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit RI increased due to sample matrix interference ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2893 Sail Creek Hii/iway 82601 RC Box 3258 Caspec WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergyIab.com vwwenergy/ab.coniEfERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0639 Lab ID C09061 033-007 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-25 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 328 mgL A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1133 jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 15.3 mgL 0.2 E353.2 06/30/09 1143 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Chloroform ND ugh 1.0 SW8260B 06h3009 2327/jIr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 06/30/09 2327 jIr Surr p-Bromofiuorobenzene 89.0 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 85.0 %REC 80-120 8W8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 06/30/09 2327 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGY LASORi1 TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspei WV82C02 To/I Free 888.2350515 307235 0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper@energy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/23/09 0745 C0906l 033-029 DateReceived 06/25/09 TW4-60 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride ND mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1213 Ijal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1348 flaP VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410 /jlr Chloroform 3.5 ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410/jlr Chloromethane ND ugL 10 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410 jIr Methylene chloride 1.4 ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410 jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 110 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410 jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 99.0 %REC 80-1 20 8W82608 07/07/09 1410 jlr Surr Toluene-d8 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410 jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/07/09 1410/jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QOL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLAHORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHvhway 8260 EQ Box 3258 Caspet WY82602 To//Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 307234.1539 caspeitenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.coinEtERGY LA DORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 08/23/09 0800 Lab ID C09061 033-030 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID TW4-63 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride ND mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1214 /jal Nitrogen NitratetNitrite as ND mgL 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1355 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1521 jlr Chloroform 4.7 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1521 /jlr Chloromethane ND ugh 1.0 5W8260B 07/07/09 1521 /jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/07/09 1521 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 118 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 07/07/09 1521 /jlr Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 98.0 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 07/07/09 1521 jlr Surr Toluene-d8 98.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/07/09 1521 jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 102 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/07/09 152 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions OCI Quality control limit NO Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORATORIES INC 2393 SaIl Creek Hiqhway 82501 RU Box 3258 Caspe WY82502 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307234.1639 caspercenergyIa/.t corn tvwwenergylab4ornEIERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0826 Lab ID C09061 033-009 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-65 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 26 mg/L A4500-Cl 07/02/09 1135/jal Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30/09 1218 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Chloroform ND ugh 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043/jlr Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC 70-130 8W8260B 07/01/09 0043 jir Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 85.0 %REC 80-120 8W8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 88.0 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 95.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0043 /jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EtERGY TORiES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID Analyses MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Report RL Analyte reporting limit Definitions QCL Quality control limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82501 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82502 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307234.1539 casperenergy/ahcom www.energylab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 0930 C09061 033-010 DateReceived 06/25/09 TW4-70 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By 41 mg/L A4500-CI 07102109 1136 jal ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 06/30109 1228 /jal ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr ND ug/L 1.0 3W8260B 07/01/09 0121 IjIr ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /Jlr 96.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr 91.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr 86.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr 99.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/01/09 0121 /jlr MCL Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Highway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspac V9V82602 _____________Tel/Free 888235.0515 307235.0515 Pa 307.2341639 casperªenergylab.com www energyla corn LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10109 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06124109 Lab ID C09061 033-031 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID Trip Blank Matrix Aqueous MCU Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556/jlr Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556 jir Chloromethane ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556 jir Methylene chloride ND ugh 1.0 5W8260B 07/02/09 1556/jlr Surr Dibromofluoromethane 93.0 %REC 70-130 5W8260b 07/02/09 1556 jir Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 92.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556 /jlr Surr Toluene-d8 92.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556 /jlr Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 90.0 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 07/02/09 1556 jlr Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LABORA TORIES ENERO VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WV82602 To//Fre6868.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper@energy/abcbm wwwenergylab.conENERGY LAI3ORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 06/24/09 Lab ID C09061033-032 DateReceived 06/25/09 Client Sample ID Temp Blank Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Temperature 3.0 E170.1 06/25/09 0848 /sec Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform lyte Method A4500-CI Sample ID MBLK9-090702 Chloride Sample ID C09061033-OO4AMS Chloride Sample ID C09061033-OO4AMSD Chloride Sample ID C09061033-OI4AMS Chloride Sample ID C09061033-OI4AMSD Chloride Sample ID LCS35-090702 Chloride Sample ID C09061033-O24AMS Chloride Sample ID C09061033-O24AMSD Chloride Sample ID C09061033-027A Chloride Sample ID C09061033-027A Chloride Method Blank ND mg/L Sample Matrix Spike 124 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 124 mgIL Sample Matrix Spike 208 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 207 mg/L Laboratory Control Sample 3530 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike 224 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 224 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike 214 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 212 mg/L Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit EfERGY .4BORA TORIES ENERG VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek HIbway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspe4c WV82602 ____________Toll Free 888235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperlleaergy/ab.com www.eneigylab.com QA/QC Summary Report Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit Report Date 07/10/09 Work Order C09061033 RPD RPDLimit Qual Batch 090702-CL-TTR-W Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02109 1103 0.4 Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02/09 1125 1.0 100 90 110 Run TITRATION 090702A 07/02/09 1127 1.0 100 90 110 10 Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02/09 1145 1.0 101 90 110 Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02/09 1146 1.0 100 90 110 0.9 10 Run TITRATION 090702A 07/02/09 1147 1.0 100 90 110 Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02/09 1201 1.0 102 90 110 Run TITRATION 090702A 07/02/09 1202 10 102 90 110 10 Run TITRATION_090702A 07/02/09 1216 1.0 102 90 110 Run TITRATION 090702A 07/02/09 1217 1.0 101 90 110 0.8 10 ND Not detected at the reporting limit Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Sample ID MBLK-1 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID LCS-2 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09060931-OOIDMS Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09060931-OOIDMSD Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09060978-OOIDMS Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09060978-OOIDMSD Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09061033-0168M5 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09061033-OI6BMSD Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09061 033-027BM5 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Sample ID C09061033-O27BMSD Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as Method Blank ND mg/L Laboratory Control Sample 2.29 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike 1.82 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 1.81 mgIL Sample Matrix Spike 3.15 mg/I Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 3.12 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike 4.56 mg/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 4.65 mg/I Sample Matrix Spike 7.40 mg/I Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 7.63 mg/I Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hqhway 8280 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WV82602 To//Free 888235.0515 307.235 0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com QA/QC Summary Report Method E353.2 Analyte Result Units RI %REC low limit High limit RPD Report Date 07/10109 Work Order C09081033 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Run TECHNICON_090630A Run TECI-INICON_090630A 90 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 91 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 91 90 110 0.6 Run TECHNICON_090630A 120 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 119 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 95 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 100 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A 112 90 110 Run TECHNICON_090630A RPDIimit Qual Batch R120281 06/30/09 1030 06/30/09 1033 06/30/09 1128 06/30/09 1130 10 06/30/09 1208 06/30/09 1210 10 06/30/09 1258 06/30/09 1300 10 06/30/09 1350 06/30/09 1353 0.10 123 90 110 3.1 10 ND Not detected at the reporting limit Sample ID 063009_LCS_3 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Sample ID 063009_MBLK_6 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Laboratory Control Sample 11 ug/L 12 ug/L 11 ug/L 11 ug/L Method Blank ND ND ND ND Run SATURNCA_090630A 1.0 108 70 130 1.0 122 70 130 1.0 106 70 130 1.0 114 70 130 1.0 111 70 130 1.0 107 80 130 1.0 90 80 120 1.0 93 80 120 1.0 102 70 130 1.0 90 80 120 1.0 85 80 120 1.0 92 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-OI7CMS Carbon tetrachioride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Sun 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Sample Matrix Spike 110 ug/L 300 ug/L 98 ug/L 110 ug/L Run SATURNCA_090630A 10 107 70 130 10 101 70 130 10 98 70 130 10 108 70 130 10 98 70 130 10 90 80 120 10 88 80 120 10 94 80 120 06/30/09 1939 Sample ID C09061033-OI7CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Carbon tetrachloride 110 ug/L Chloroform 310 ug/L Chloromethane 100 ug/L Methylene chloride 110 ug/L Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Run SATURNCA_090630A 10 108 70 130 10 114 70 130 10 104 70 130 10 110 70 130 10 104 70 130 10 93 80 120 10 91 80 120 10 92 80 120 06/30/09 2017 0.7 20 4.4 20 5.9 20 1.8 20 10 10 10 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit EIERGY LLARORA TORIES ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 807234.1639 caspenWenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform QAIQC Summary Report Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit QuaI Method 5W8260B Batch R120325 Report Date 07/10/09 Work Order C09061 033 06/30/09 1155 06/30/09 1348 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Run SATURNCA_090630A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail CreekHibway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspa WY82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperc6energylab.com www.energylab.com ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT ENERGY LASORA TORIES July 102009 Denison Mines USA Corp 6425 Hwy 191 Blanding UT 84511 Workorder No C09061 033 Project Name 2nd Quarter Chloroform Quote ID C2975 Chloroform Sampling Energy Laboratories Inc received the following 32 samples for Denison Mines USA Corp on 6125/2009 for analysis Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite SW8260B VOCs Standard List Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test C09061 033-001 TW4-3 06/24/09 741 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-002 TW4-1 06/24/09 841 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-003 TW4-1 06/24/09 849 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-004 TW4-1 06/24/09 856 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-005 TW4-1 06/24/09 826 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-006 TW4-23 06/24/09 806 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-007 TW4-25 06/24/09 639 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-008 TW4-8 06/24/09 930 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-009 TW4-65 06/24/09 826 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-010 TW4-70 06/24/09 930 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-011 TW4-9 06/24/09 734 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-012 TW4-1 06/24/09 815 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-013 TW4-24 06/24/09 703 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-014 1W4-18 06/24/09 654 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-015 TW4-5 06/24/09 728 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-016 TW4-6 06/24/09 909 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-01 TW4-21 06/24/09 647 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-018 TW4-22 06/24/09 709 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-019 TW4-11 06/24/09 756 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-020 TW4-10 06/24/09 720 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-021 TW4-1 06/24/09 945 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-022 TW4-7 06/24/09 953 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-023 TW4-4 06/24/09 919 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061033-024 TW4-2 06/24/09 938 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-025 TW4-1 06/23/09 1419 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-026 TW4-1 06/23/09 1451 06/25/09 Aqueous C09061 033-027 MW-4 06/23/09 1430 06/25/09 Aqueous EIERGY L/-1I3ORA TORIES ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Hlqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Toll Free 885235.0515-307235 0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper@energylab.com wwwenergylab.con ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT C09061 033-028 TW4-20 C09061 033-029 TW4-60 C09061 033-030 TW4-63 C09061033-031 Trip Blank C09061033-032 Temp Blank 06/23/09 1410 06/25/09 06/23/09 745 06/25/09 06/23/09 800 06/25/09 06/24/09 000 06/25/09 06/24/09 000 06/25/09 As appropriate any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report the QNQC Summary Report or the Case Narrative It you have any questions regarding these tests results please call Report Approved By Stephdnie Wakirop Reporting Supervisor Aqueous Same As Above Aqueous Same As Above Aqueous Same As Above Aqueous 5W8260B VOCs Standard List Aqueous Temperature ENERG YLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WY82602 To//Free 8882350515 307235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperilenergy/ab.com www energy/ab cornENERGY LASO/A OfIE5 QA/QC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09061033 aIyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLIm1t Qua Method SW8260B Batch R120381 Sample ID 070109_LCS_3 Laboratory Control Sample Run SATURNCA_090701A 07/01/09 1148 Carbon tetrachloride 9.2 ugh 1.0 92 70 130 Chloroform 10 ugh 1.0 104 70 130 Chloromethane 9.0 ug/L 1.0 90 70 130 Methylene chloride 10 ug/L 1.0 100 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 98 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 96 80 130 Sun Toluene-d8 1.0 92 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 90 80 120 Sample ID 070109_MBLK_6 Method Blank Run SATURNCA090701A 07/01/09 1341 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 103 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 93 80 120 Surr Tnluerte-d8 89 80 120 Sum 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 96 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-OI6CMS Sample Matrix Spike Run SATURNCA_090701A 07/01/09 2142 Carbon tetrachloride 200 ug/L 20 100 70 130 Chloroform 330 ug/L 20 109 70 130 Chloromethane 190 ug/L 20 93 70 130 Methylene chloride 220 ug/L 20 111 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 20 101 70 130 Sum p-Bromofiuorobenzene 20 94 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 20 89 80 120 Sum 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 95 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-OI6CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run SATURNCA_090701A 07/01/09 2220 Carbon tetrachloride 220 ug/L 20 108 70 130 7.7 20 Chloroform 340 ug/L 20 112 70 130 1.7 20 Chloromethane 200 ug/L 20 101 70 130 8.3 20 Methylene chloride 240 ug/L 20 119 70 130 6.6 20 Sum Dibromofluoromethane 20 108 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 20 87 80 120 10 Surr Toluene-d8 20 88 80 120 10 Surm 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 92 60 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek H4hway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspe1c WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307.234.1539 casperllenergylab.com wwwenergylab.comEIERGY LARORA TORIES QA/QC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09061033 HiYte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDiual Method SWU26OB Batch R120434 Sample ID 070209_LCS_3 Laboratory Control Sample Run SATURNCA_090702A 07/02/09 1225 Carbon tetrachloride 10 ug/L 1.0 101 70 130 Chloroform 11 ug/L 1.0 115 70 130 Chloromethane 9.2 ug/L 1.0 92 70 130 Methylenechloride 11 ug/L 1.0 108 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 106 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 92 80 130 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 94 80 120 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 90 80 120 Sample ID 070209_MBLK_7 Method Blank Run SATURNCA_090702A 07/02/09 1456 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 108 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 91 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 95 80 120 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 95 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-028CM5 Sample Matrix Spike Run SATURNCA_090702A 07/02/09 1907 Carbon tetrachloride 11000 ug/L 1000 107 70 130 Chloroform 18000 ug/L 1000 121 70 130 Chloromethane 12000 ug/L 1000 123 70 130 Methylene chloride 11000 ug/L 1000 114 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1000 107 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1000 94 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1000 86 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1000 85 80 120 MSD lost due to power outage Due to limited sample availability no reanalysis was performed Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ElERCV LASORA TORIES ENERGYLABORATOR/ES INC p2393 Salt Creek Hibwayj82601 P0 Bo$258 Casper WV82602 To/I Free 888.235.0515 307235 0515 Fax 307.234.1839 casperenergyIaAcm iwiw.energy/ab.com QAIQC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10109 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09061033 Anaiyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method SW8260B Batch Ri 20486 Sample ID 070609_LCS_3 Laboratory Control Sample Run SATURNCA_090706A 07/06/09 1009 Carbon tetrachloride 10 ug/L 1.0 104 70 130 Chloroform 11 ug/L 1.0 112 70 130 Chioromethane 12 ug/L 1.0 119 70 130 Methylene chloride 11 ug/L 1.0 113 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 109 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 97 80 130 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 86 80 120 Surr 2-Dichiorobenzene-d4 1.0 87 80 120 Sample ID 070609_MBLK_6 Method Blank Run SATURNCA_090706A 07/06109 1202 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 104 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 95 80 120 Surr Toiuene-d8 1.0 94 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 96 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-O28CMS Sample Matrix Spike Run SATURNCA_090706A 07/06/09 1712 Carbon tetrachioride 11000 ug/L 1000 108 70 130 Chloroform 19000 ug/L 1000 118 70 130 Chloromethane 12000 ug/L 1000 124 70 130 Methylene chloride 12000 ug/L 1000 116 70 130 Sum Dibromofluoromethane 1000 103 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1000 100 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1000 87 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1000 95 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-O28CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run SATURNCA_090706A 07/06/09 1751 Carbon tetrachIoride 11000 ug/L 1000 109 70 130 1.5 20 Chloroform 18000 ug/L 1000 110 70 130 4.6 20 Chloromethane 12000 ug/L 1000 119 70 130 20 Methylene chloride 12000 ug/L 1000 116 70 130 0.3 20 Surm Dibromofluoromethane 1000 103 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1000 100 80 120 10 Surr Toluene-d8 1000 86 80 120 10 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1000 92 80 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLAHORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comENERGY LARORA TORIES QAIQC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 07/10/09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09061033 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method SW8260B Batch R120553 Sample ID 07-Jul-09_LCS_6 Laboratory Control Sample Run 5975V0C1_090707A 07/07/09 1222 Carbon tetrachloride 12 ug/L 1.0 124 70 130 Chloroform 11 ug/L 1.0 115 70 130 Chloromethane 12 ug/L 1.0 115 70 130 Methylene chloride 11 ug/L 1.0 110 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 106 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 111 80 130 Sum Toluene-d8 1.0 102 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 90 80 120 Sample ID 07-JuI-09_MBLK_8 Method Blank Run 5975V0C1_090707A 07/07/09 1334 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 107 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 100 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 98 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 97 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-O3OCMS Sample Matrix Spike Run 5975V0C1_090707A 07/07/09 1557 Carbon tetrachloride 260 ug/L 20 131 70 130 Chloroform 250 ug/L 20 123 70 130 Chloromethane 230 ug/L 20 115 70 130 Methylene chloride 230 ug/L 20 115 70 130 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 20 119 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 20 117 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 20 104 80 120 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 90 80 120 Sample ID C09061033-O3OCMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run 5975V0C1_090707A 07/07/09 1633 Carbon tetrachloride 250 ug/L 20 125 70 130 4.7 20 Chloroform 240 ug/L 20 118 70 130 4.3 20 Chloromethane 230 ug/L 20 116 70 130 0.3 20 Methylene chloride 230 ug/L 20 113 70 130 1.8 20 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 20 112 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 20 114 80 120 10 Surr Toluene-d8 20 103 80 120 10 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 90 80 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits Energy Laboratories Inc Workorder Receipt Checklist Denison Mines USA Corp Login completed by Kimberly Humiston Reviewed by Reviewed Date Shipping container/cooler in good condition custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler Custody seals intact on sample bottles chain of custody present Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received Chain of custody agrees with sample labels Samples in proper container/bottle Sample containers intact Sufficient sample volume for indicated test All samples received within holding time container/Temp Blank temperature Water VOA vials have zero headspace Water pH acceptable upon receipt contact and corrective Action Comments None C09061 033 Date and Time Received 6/25/2009 648 AM Received by klh Carrier name Hand Del Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present Yes No Not Present i1 Yes No YesJ No Li Yes No Yesf No Yes No Yes No Yesf No 3C On Ice Yes No No VOA vials submitted Yes No Not Applicable Co m p a n y Na m e Pr o j e c t p1 a m e 1 W S Pe r m i t s Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n EP N S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e if l i e s OI a a s n t St a t e Ye s No Re p o r t ap r e s s g Co n t a c t Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l Sa m p l e r Pl e a Pr i n t EL /a 1 5 t fl C h Tr z z a In v o t e Co n t a c t Ph o n e Pu r c h a s e Or d e r Or d e r In v o i c e Ad a r e s s Sa Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d Co n t a c t E L I pr i o r to pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l tx fo r ch a r g e s an d co o l e r ID a sc h e d u l i n g - S e e ac 2 In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e DD W EJ A 2 L A Co m m e n t s Te m p GS A Li ED D / E D T E i e c t r o n i c Da t a Cu PO T W / W W T P Fo r m a t ov No St a t e LE V E L IV cu s a l Bo t t l e s l Do t h e r DN E L A C co o l e r s SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Co l l e c t i o n Co l l e c t i o n In t a c t re MA T R I X Slg n a t u Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Da t e Ti m e Ma t c h eZ f . 4 7 O i _ ej i J pg y ii s z 6 II I I I I I I I I T _ 4 OF 0 6 7T W v 2 C ri _ 8i r n - s ct d 11 8 7 A Da t e 4 i m a 10 m v Y t9 f W re mR a v s w t uŒ i W T i e sig n a t u r e Cu s t o d y Re t JC 67 Re c e i v e d by pd n t Da t e / l i m e Sig n a t u r e Re c o r d Ra I l qu Da t e i me MU S T be La b o r a t o r y Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l Re c e I v e d by Da t q Vt t a bN . In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s sa m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s In c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s se r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r g y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f c r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e a s mu c h fa . i M o I h 1 n Pa g e of Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d Pa g e Zo i PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e a s mu c h In f o r m a t i o n as po s s i b l e Co i a y Na m e 41 Re p o r t au Ad d r In v o i c e Sp e c i a l R e p o r t l F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g LJ D W EA 2 L A GS A ED D / E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a PO T W J W W T P Fo r m a t St a t e LE V E L IV DO t t i e r DN E L A C me WS Pe r m i t Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n EP A / S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e zs ch % a s a r t St a t e Ye s No Co ct Na m e S Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l Sa m p l e r Pl e a s e Pr i n t 4a a ms t tt z a jQ s r Pu r c h a s e Or d e r to / B o t t l e Or d e r nv c e Co n t a c t Ph o n e Co n t a c t EL I pr i o r to RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r ch a r g e s an d co o er ID s 22 1 sc h e d u l i n g S e e In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e U\ b U 3 Co m m e n t s ec s i e t n On Np - P4 cu s t o d y Se a l Bo t t l e s co b co o l e r s .% In t a c t MA T R I X Sig n a t u r e Ma t c h SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e 11 j A i f r 1 Os y 5 o3 29 / J f6 Y Ti w n I 94 f l OM __ _ _ _ _ by p 9n O Re c o r d Re l u n q u $ h e d by pr i n t Da t e f l l m e Mu T b e 7C Re c e l d by rn ec e i v e i 5 7 k p i l n t y it i 1 1 e Sig n a t u r e DY t m e Cu s t o d y 77 d La b o r a t o r y De t a i n Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to cl i e n t La b Dis p o s a l Re c e i v e d b y EJ \ E R G Y In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s In c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s se r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t da t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r p y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s UU l U u U I I U U I IU U L W I WS Pe r m i t Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n EP N S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e Co r n y J m e Jg A J - L A /4 i A r s xo i i a e A/ g o F t r - - St a t e Ye s No Re 5 T r a i l Ad d r e s s Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l Sa le r Pl e a e Pr i n t .o y a c g D Lm t a/ Pu r c h a s e Or d e r Qu o t e / B o t t l e Or d e r In v o i c e In v o t Co n t a c Ph o n e Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d jr Co n t a c t E L I pr i o r to pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r ch a r g e s an d co o t e r ID s sc h e d u l i n g - S e e J3 0 C 2 W1 In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e cn DD W DA 2 L A pf T e m p Co m m e n t s Ra c e GS A ED D / E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a st On PO 1 W I W W T P Fo r m a t 44 St a t e LE V E L IV El cu s t o d y se a l DN DO t h e r DN E L A C co Bo w e s BE Wo H Co o l e r s Il In t a c t SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Co l l e c t i o n C o l l e c t i o n MA T R I X Sig n a t u r e Ct Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Da t e Ti m e Ma t c h 1- m r n - J tr n t o n s - c o 7I I I I I I I -2 9 - 6 2 f l f f __ _ 25 - 6 1W 6i o o s j II _ I T Q /L y p 24 5 Th -2 3 fl T h e c e i v e d b y p r i n t ui i W i i e sig n a t u r e Cu s t o d y R4 d /i 6 z r 25 0 o v 3 i2 z Ra c e W e d by pæ n t Da t e l f l m e Sig n a t u r e Re c o r d Re i i n q u u a h by pu n t at e / T h i e MU S T be l Ls b o r a w r y Ds t e r r i n i e Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l Re c e i v e d by In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s In c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s se r v e s a s no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t da t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r g y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l c a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s E1 \ E R G Y Ai /I A Ic fI / I Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v I d e as - - - h. f a . . a . S Z a n no s s i b l e Pa g e s of .3 ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspe4c WV82602 Toll Free 889235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspenPenergylab.com wwwenergylab.com CLIENT Denison Mines USA Corp Date 13-Jul-09 Project 2nd Quarter Chloroform CASE NARRATIVE Sample Delivery Group C09061033 ORIGINAL SAMPLE SUBMITTALS All original sample submittals have been returned with the data package SAMPLE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE 4C 2C Temperature of samples received may not be considered properly preserved by accepted standards Samples that are hand delivered immediately after collection shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has begun GROSS ALPHA ANALYSIS Method 900.0 for gross alpha and gross beta is intended as drinking water method for low TDS waters Data provided by this method for non potable waters should be viewed as inconsistent RADON IN AIR ANALYSIS The desired exposure time is 48 hours days The time delay in returning the canister to the laboratory for processing should be as short as possible to avoid excessive decay Maximum recommended delay between end of exposure to beginning of counting should not exceed days SOIL/SOLID SAMPLES All samples reported on an as received basis unless otherwise indicated ATRAZINE SIMAZINE AND PCB ANALYSIS USING EPA 505 Data for Atrazine and Simazine are reported from EPA 525.2 not from EPA 505 Data reported by ELI using EPA method 505 reflects the results for seven individual Aroclors When the results for all seven are ND not detected the sample meets EPA compliance criteria for PCB monitoring SUBCONTRACTING ANALYSIS Subcontracting of sample analyses to an outside laboratory may be required If so ENERGY LABORATORIES will utilize its branch laboratories or qualified contract laboratories for this service Any such laboratories will be indicated within the Laboratory Analytical Report BRANCH LABORATORY LOCATIONS eli-b Energy Laboratories Inc Billings MT eli-g Energy Laboratories Inc Gillette WY eli-h Energy Laboratories Inc Helena MT eli-r Energy Laboratories Inc Rapid City SD eli-t Energy Laboratories Inc College Station TX CERTIFICATIONS USEPA WY00002 Radiochemical WY00937 FL-DOH NELAC E87641 Radiochemical E871 01 California 02118CA Oregon WY20000I Utah 3072350515 Virginia 00057 Washington C1903 ISO 17025 DISCLAIMER The results of this Analytical Report relate only to the items submitted for analysis ENERGY LABORATORIES INC CASPERWY certifies that certain method selections contained in this report meet requirements as set forth by the above accrediting authorities Some results requested by the client may not be covered under these certifications All analysis data to be submitted for regulatory enforcement should be certified in the sample state of origin Please verify ELIs certification coverage by visiting www.energylab.com ELI appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this analytical service For additional information and services visit our web page www.energylab.com THIS IS THE FINAL PAGE OF THE LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT EN5RGY LABORA TORIES Attachment Steve Landau From Steve Landau Sent Monday August 31 2009 625 PM To DFINERFROCK@utah.gov Subject 2nd Quarter Chloroform CSV Data Attachments C09061 033.csv Dear Mr Finerfrock Attached to this email is an electronic copy of quarterly results for chloroform monitoring conducted for the White Mesa Mill during the 2nd Quarter 2009 in Comma Separated Value CSV format Yours truly Steven Landau Attachment SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION perched menitering well ehewieg cencentrelien in cOil ternpererp perched rneeitening well chewing cencentretien in cOil perched piezeererer net eempled perched rnenitnrieg well inerelled April 2005 chewing cencentretien in cOil tewperary perched weniteneg well installed April 2005 chewing cencentrerien In sOil renrperery perched mnnitering well Inelelled May 2007 chewing ceeceerratien in sOil T37S T38S -Y NOTES ND not detected NS not sampled HYIMtO GEO CHEM INC KRIGED 2nd QUARTER 2009 CHLOROFORM WHITE MESA SITE Nor N171 8000IaegO9Ichl0009.erf Attachment Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values 28-Sep-99 MW-4 6200 28-Sep-99 5820 28-Sep-99 6020 15-Mar-00 5520 15-Mar-00 5430 2-Sep-00 5420 9.63 30-Nov-00 6470 9.37 29-Mar-01 4360 8.77 22-Jun-01 6300 9.02 20-Sep-01 5300 9.45 8-Nov-01 5200 26-Mar-02 4700 8.19 22-May-02 4300 8.21 12-Sep-02 6000 8.45 24-Nov-02 2500 8.1 28-Mar-03 2000 8.3 30-Apr-03 3300 NA 30-May-03 3400 8.2 23-Jun-03 4300 8.2 30-Jul-03 3600 8.1 29-Aug-03 4100 8.4 12-Sep-03 3500 8.5 15-Oct-03 3800 8.1 8-Nov-03 3800 8.0 29-Mar-04 NA 22-Jun-04 NA 17-Sep-04 3300 6.71 17-Nov-04 4300 7.5 16-Mar-05 2900 6.3 25-May-05 3170 7.1 31-Aug-05 3500 7.0 1-Dec-05 3000 7.0 9-Mar-06 3100 6.0 14 Jun-06 3000 6.0 20-Jul-06 2820 1.2 9-Nov-06 2830 6.4 15-Aug-07 2600 6.2 10-Oct-07 2300 6.2 26-Mar-08 2400 5.8 25-Jun-08 2500 6.09 10-Sep-08 1800 6.36 15-Oct-08 2100 5.86 12-Sep-02 5700 8.3 Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values 24-Nov-02 MW-4 5000 8.5 28-Mar-03 4500 8.2 23-Jun-03 4700 8.4 12-Sep-03 3400 8.6 10-Nov-03 4500 8.4 29-Mar-04 NA 22-Jun-04 NA 17-Sep-04 3300 6.83 17-Nov-04 4100 16-Mar-05 3700 7.1 25-May-05 3740 7.8 31-Aug-05 3800 6.9 1-Dec-05 3000 6.7 9-Mar 06 3700 5.8 14-Jun-06 3300 7.3 20-Jul-06 3190 12 8-Nov-06 3370 7.1 28-Feb-07 2300 6.3 27-Jun-07 2000.00 15-Aug-07 2600 6.2 10-Oct-07 2300 6.2 10 Sep-08 1800 6.36 15-Oct-08 2100 5.86 4-Mar-09 2200 5.7 23-Jun-09 1800 5.2 Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Jun-99 TW4-1 1700 7.2 Quarterly 10-Nov-99 5.79 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 1100 Quarterly 10-Apr-00 1490 Grab Sample 6-Jun-00 1530 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 2320 5.58 Quarterly 30-Nov-00 3440 7.79 Quarterly Split Sample 29-Mar-01 2340 7.15 Quarterly 22-Jun-01 6000 8.81 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 12.8 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 3200 12.4 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 3200 13.1 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 2800 12.7 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 3300 12.8 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 3500 13.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 3000 12.4 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 3600 12.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 2700 12.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 3400 11.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 3200 11 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 3100 8.78 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 2800 10.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3000 11.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 2700 9.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3080 10.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 2900 9.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2400 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 2700 9.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2200 9.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2840 9.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2260 9.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2300 8.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2000 7.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2000 7.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1900 8.68 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1700 8.15 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1700 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1700 7.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 1500 6.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 10-Nov-99 1W4-2 2510 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 5220 Quarterly 28-Nov-00 4220 10.7 Quarterly Split Sample 29-Mar-01 3890 10.2 Quarterly 22-Jun-01 5500 9.67 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 4900 11.4 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 5300 10.1 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 5100 9.98 First 1/4 2002 Sample 23-May-02 4700 9.78 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6000 9.44 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5400 10.4 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 4700 9.5 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5100 9.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3200 8.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 4700 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 4200 9.14 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 4300 8.22 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 4100 8.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 4500 8.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3700 7.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3750 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3900 8.0 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 3500 7.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 3800 7.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 3200 7.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 4120 7.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 3420 7.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 3400 7.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 3200 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 3300 6.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 3100 7.44 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 2800 7.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 3200 7.99 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 3100 6.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 2800 6.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Jun-99 TW4-3 3500 7.6 Quarterly 29-Nov-99 702 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 834 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 836 1.56 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 836 1.97 Quarterly Split Sample 27-Mar-01 347 1.85 Quarterly 21-Jun-01 390 2.61 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 300 3.06 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 170 3.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 11 3.87 First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 204 4.34 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 203 4.32 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 102 4.9 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 4.6 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 4.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND 4.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 4.48 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 3.68 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 3.88 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 4.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-OS ND 3.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 ND 3.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 3.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 3.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 3.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 3.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 1.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 3.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 3.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-2007 ND 3.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10/10/2007 ND 2.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 2.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 2.85 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 2.66 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 2.63 4th Quarter Sampling Event Mar 09 ND 2.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND 2.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 6-Jun-00 TW4-4 ND Initial 2-Sep-00 ND Quarterly 28-Nov-00 3.85 1.02 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 2260 14.5 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 3100 14 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 3200 14.8 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 2900 15 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 3400 13.2 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 3200 13.4 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 4000 12.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 3800 13.4 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 3300 12.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 3600 12.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 2900 12.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 3500 12.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 3200 12.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 3500 11.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 3100 10.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3600 11.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3100 10 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 2400 11.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3200 9.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2800 10.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 2900 9.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2600 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2850 9.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2670 10.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 2200 9.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun 07 2400 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2700 9.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2500 9.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2800 9.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25 Jun-08 2500 10.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 2200 8.83 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 2500 10.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 2200 10.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 1800 8.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 20-Dec-99 TW4-5 29.5 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 49 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 124 .86 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 255 3.16 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 236 3.88 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 240 6.47 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 240 2.1 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 260 5.2 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 260 2.54 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 300 3.05 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 330 4.61 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 260 1.1 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 240 1.9 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 290 3.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 200 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 240 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 210 4.99 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 200 4.78 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 150 4.79 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 180 5.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 120 4.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25 May-05 113 3.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug 05 82 6.0 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 63 6.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 66 6.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 51 5.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 53.70 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 47.10 2.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 33 7.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 26 7.0 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug 07 9.2 7.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-17 9.5 8.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 11 7.4 1St Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 9.3 8.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 11 7.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 10 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 12 7.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 13 7.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 6-Jun-00 1W4-6 ND Initial 2-Sep-00 ND Quarterly 28-Nov-00 ND ND Quarterly Split Sample 26-Mar-01 ND .13 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 ND ND Quarterly 20-Sep-01 3.6 ND Quarterly 7-Nov-01 1.00 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 ND ND First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 ND ND Quarterly 12-Sep-02 ND ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 0.1 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND 0.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 ND 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 10.0 0.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec 05 17.0 0.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event Mar-06 31.0 1.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 19.0 1.0 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 11.00 0.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 42.80 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 46 1.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 0.11 0.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 18 0.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 18 0.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-3-08 52 1.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 24 0.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 39 1.14 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 37 1.01 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 81 2.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 120 2.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 29-Nov-99 TW4-7 256 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 616 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 698 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 684 1.99 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 747 2.46 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 1100 2.65 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 1200 3.38 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 1100 2.5 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 1500 3.76 First 1/4 2002 Sample 23-May-02 1600 3.89 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 1500 3.18 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 2300 4.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 1800 4.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5200 7.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3600 7.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 4500 7.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 2500 4.63 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 2900 4.83 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 3100 5.59 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3800 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3100 5.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 2700 5.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3100 5.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2500 5.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event Mar-06 1900 1.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2200 4.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2140 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2160 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 1800 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2600 5.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 14-Aug-07 2300 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 1900 4.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2200 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1800 4.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1600 4.16 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1900 4.01 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1800 3.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 1400 3.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event TW4-8 29-Nov-99 ND Quarterly 15-Mar-00 21.8 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 102 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 107 ND Quarterly Split Sample 26-Mar-01 116 ND Quarterly 20-Jun-01 180 ND Quarterly 20-Sep-01 180 0.35 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 180 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 190 0.62 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 210 0.77 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 300 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 450 ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 320 0.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 420 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 66 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 21.0 0.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 24 0.65 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 110 0.52 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 120 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 120 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 10.0 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-OS ND 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 1.1 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1.3 0.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 0.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 2.50 0.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2.5 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1.5 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 3.5 0.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 20-Dec-99 1W4-9 4.24 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 1.88 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 14.2 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 39.4 ND Quarterly Split Sample 27-Mar-01 43.6 ND Quarterly 20-Jun-01 59 .15 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 19 0.40 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 49 0.1 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 41 0.5 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 38 0.65 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 49 0.2 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 51 0.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 34 0.6 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 33 0.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 32 1.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 46 1.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 48 0.82 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 48 0.75 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 39 0.81 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 26 1.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3.8 1.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 1.2 1.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 1.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 1.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 1.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 1.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 0.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 0.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 0.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 21 1.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 9.5 1.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 8.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 1.3 2.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1.0 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10 Sep-08 ND 2.79 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 1.99 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 2.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-10 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 21-Jan-02 14 Initial Sample 26-Mar-02 16 0.14 First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 17 0.11 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6.0 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 14 ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 29 0.2 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 110 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 74 0.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 75 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 22 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 32 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 63 0.46 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 120 0.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 140 1.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 62.4 0.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 110 1.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 300 3.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 190 2.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 300 3.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 504.00 6.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 452.00 5.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 500 7.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 350 5.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 660 7.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10 Oct-07 470 6.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 620 7.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 720 9.91 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 680 9.23 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1200 10.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1100 11.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 1200 9.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 21-Jan-02 TW4-1 4700 Initial Sample 26-Mar-02 4900 9.60 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 5200 9.07 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6200 8.84 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5800 9.7 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 5100 9.7 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5700 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 4600 9.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 5200 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 5300 9.07 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 5700 8.74 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 4800 8.75 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 5800 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 4400 8.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3590 10.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 4400 9.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 4400 9.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 4400 9.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 4300 10 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 4080 10 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 3660 10 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 3500 10.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 3800 10.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 4500 10.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 4400 9.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 340 7.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 640 7.28 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 900 7.93 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1000 9.46 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1100 7.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 6-24-09 980 6.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12 Sep-02 TW4-12 1.5 2.54 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND 2.2 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 1.9 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 1.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND 1.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 ND 1.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 1.58 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 1.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 1.24 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 1.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-OS ND 1.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-OS ND 1.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 1.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 1.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 1.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 1.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 15 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Aug-15-07 ND 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar 08 ND 1.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 2.69 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 2.65 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 2.47 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 2.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND 3.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4 13 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 ND ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 2S-Mar-03 ND 0.2 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12 Sep-03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 ND 0.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 0.12 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 0.17 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 4.43 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 4.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-OS ND 4.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 4.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 4.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 4.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20 Jul-06 ND 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 0.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 4.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 ND 4.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND 4.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 3.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 4.24 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 4.26 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 4.63 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 3.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND 1.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-15 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 2.6 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov 02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 01 Quarterly 23-Jun 03 7800 14.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-03 7400 16.8 Well Pumping Event Sample 12-Sep-03 2500 2.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 25-Sep-03 2600 2.5 Well Pumping Event Sample 29-Oct-03 3100 3.1 Well Pumping Event Sample 8-Nov-03 3000 2.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 17-Sep-04 1400 0.53 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 300 0.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 310 0.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 30-Mar-05 230 0.2 1st Quarter POC Sampling 25-May-05 442 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 960 0.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 1000 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1100 0.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 830 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2170 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 282 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 570 0.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 300 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1400 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2000 0.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 930 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1300 0.56 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 630 0.24 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1700 0.65 4th Quarter Sampling Event Mar 09 950 0.4 1st Quarter Samplng Event 24-Jun-09 410 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 TW4-16 140 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 200 ND Quarterly 22-Mar-03 260 ND Quarterly 23-Jun-03 370 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 350 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 400 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 430 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 530 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 400 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 350 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 240 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 212 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 85 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 14 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 39 3.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 13 1.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event Nov-06 13.6 5.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 8.70 12.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2.60 9.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15 Aug-07 7.10 5.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 1.40 4.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 11.00 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 1.46 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 10.00 10.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 3.9 9.82 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 9.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 ND 8.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep 02 TW4-17 1.6 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24 Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar 03 ND ND Quarterly 23 Jun-03 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep 03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep 04 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 30-Mar-OS ND ND 1st Quarter FOC Sampling 25-May-OS ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug 05 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event Mar-06 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND ND 1st Quarter Samplng Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 TW4-18 440 1.49 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov 02 240 13.3 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 160 13.1 Quarterly 23-Jun 03 110 19 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 68 19.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 84 20.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 90 14 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 82 12.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 38 14.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 51 17.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 38 14.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 29.8 12.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 39 13.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 14 7.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 12 5.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14 Jun-06 12 4.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 10.80 6.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 139.00 8.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 9.2 5.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 8.0 4.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 8.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-us 7.4 4.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 6.4 0.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 5.7 4.55 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 8.0 4.68 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Qct-08 9.4 515 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 11.0 5.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 16.0 6.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 TW4 19 7700 47.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5400 42 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 4200 61.4 Quarterly 15-May-03 4700 NA Well Pumping Event Sample 23-Jun-03 4500 11.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Jul-03 2400 6.8 Well Pumping Event Sample 15 Aug-03 2600 Well Pumping Event Sample 12-Sep-03 2500 5.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 25-Sep-03 4600 9.2 Well Pumping Event Sample 29-Oct-03 4600 7.7 Well Pumping Event Sample 9-Nov-03 2600 4.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 16-Aug-04 7100 9.91 Well Pumping Event Sample 17-Sep-04 2600 4.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 1800 3.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 2200 5.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 1200 5.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 1400 4.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2800 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1200 4.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 1100 5.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 1120 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-07 1050 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 1200 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1100 4.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-08 1100 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 1800 2.2 lar Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1000 2.81 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10 Sep-08 3600 36.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 4200 47.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 1100 3.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 990 2.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25-May-05 TW4-20 39000 10.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3800 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 19000 1.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 9200 3.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 61000 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 5300 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 11000 3.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 4400 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 5200 2.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10 Oct-08 9000 5.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 13000 0.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 30000 7.96 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 21000 4.44 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 NS 5.51 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 8200 5.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 6800 2.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25-May-05 TW4-21 192 14.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 78 10.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 86 9.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 120 8.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 130 10.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 106 8.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event Nov-06 12.5 5.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 160 8.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 300.0 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 140 8.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10 Oct-07 120 8.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 380 14.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 160 8.81 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 120 7.57 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 170 8.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 180 8.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 200 8.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25 May-05 TW4-22 340 18.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 290 15.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 320 15.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 390 15.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/14/06 280 14.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 07/20/06 864 14.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 11/08/06 350 15.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 440 20.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/27/07 740 19.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Aug-15 07 530 19.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event Oct-10 08 440 18.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 03/26/08 1400 39.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/25/08 1200 41.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 6300 38.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 630 36.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 390 20.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 24-Jun-09 730 20.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Attachment MW4-Chloroform Values 7000 6000 5000 4000 -J 3000 2000 1000 NflflF 555 ug / L -L 03 31 -J 6/ 2 8 / 1 99 9 12 / 2 8 / 1 9 9 9 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 0 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 0 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 1 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 1 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 2 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 2 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 4 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 4 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 03 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 5 CD 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 6 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 6 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 7 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 7 6/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 8 12 / 2 8 / 2 0 0 8 No v - 9 9 Fe b - 0 0 Ma y - 0 0 Au g - 0 0 No v - 0 0 Fe b - 0 1 Ma y - 0 1 Au g - 0 1 No v - 0 1 Fe b - 0 2 Ma y - 0 2 Au g - 0 2 No v - 0 2 Fe b - 0 3 Ma y - 0 3 Au g - 0 3 No v - 0 3 Fe b - 0 4 Ma y - 0 4 Au g - 0 4 No v - 0 4 Fe b - 0 5 Ma y - O S Au g - O S No v - O S Fe b - 0 6 Ma y - 0 6 Au g - 0 6 No v - 0 6 Fe b - 0 7 Ma y - 0 7 Au g - 0 7 No v - 0 7 Fe b - 0 8 Ma y - 0 8 Au g - 0 8 No v - 0 8 Fe b - 0 9 Ma y - 0 9 ug / L 4500.00 4000.00 3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00 TW4-4 Chloroform Values c_ac- CD CD CD CD CD CD ci -j TW4-5 Chloroform Values 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 50.0 100.0 50.0 a--4-4 0.0 C\J 0.1 LI LI CO CO -- 04 0.1 0.1 04 \J 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 TW4-6 Chloroform Values 40.00 TW4-7 Chloroform Values 6000 5000 4000 3Q00 -J 2000 1000 4d fl44 4dj 4o 44qY 44 rv 500.00 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 _50.00 -j 011 1l 11 On ofl 011 TW4-8 Chlorofrom Values btae at 70.00 TW4-9 Chloroform Values 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 o.oo 10.00 0.00 C\I CO ct ct ct IC IC IC CC CC CC CO N-CO CO CO CO CS cS L- IU.IJU .2 Li .2 Cl Ci .2 C/Li .2 1/Li Li .2 Li CwLi2TU 1400 1200 1000 800 600 -J .300 200 TW4-1O Chloroform Values -400 TW4-11 Chloroform Values 7000 6000 5000 4000 3- 2000 1000 ci VP VP TW4-12 Chloroform Values 1.6 1.4 1.2 O.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 ...i.i IIII ItII$I TW4-13 1.2 -______________________________________ 0.8 Chloroform has not been detected in 1W4-13 0.4 0.2 01 -I -L -I l -t CD TW4-17 Chloroform Values 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 tI St 4tt St 44 43ce4 TW4-15 Chloroform Values 9000.00 8000.00 7000.00 6000.00 5000.00 1P0.00 3000.00 2000.00 1000.00 0.00 $1 41 $V $1 41 41fl $1 41 $t.$V $1 41 41 P.1 $1 Se p - 0 2 No v - 0 2 Ja n - 0 3 Ma r - 0 3 Ma y - 0 3 Ju l - 0 3 Se p - 0 3 No v - 0 3 Ja n - 0 4 Ma r - 0 4 Ma y - 0 4 Ju l - 0 4 Se p - 0 4 No v - 0 4 Ja n - 0 5 Ma r - O S Ma y - O S Ju l - O S Se p - O S No v - O S Ja n - 0 6 Ma r - 0 6 Ma y - 0 6 Ju l - 0 6 Se p - 0 6 No v - 0 6 Ja n - 0 7 Ma r - 0 7 Ma y - 0 7 Ju l - 0 7 Se p - 0 7 No v - 0 7 Ja n - 0 8 Ma r - 0 8 Ma y - 0 8 Ju l - 0 8 Se p - 0 8 No v - 0 8 Ja n - 0 9 Ma r - 0 9 Ma y - 0 9 4s ci 01 01 01 TW4-19 Chloroform Values 4Q00 -j 30 8000 7000 6000 5000 4/A___ 2000 1000 00000 nnm@ TW4-20 Chlorofdorm Values 70000 60000 50000 40000 00 20000 10000 cf it pc1 cpcted 25 - M a y - 0 5 31 - A u g - 0 5 i- D e c - O S 9- M a r - 0 6 06 / 1 4 / 0 6 07 / 2 0 / 0 6 11 / 0 8 / 0 6 28 - F e b - 0 7 06 / 2 7 / 0 7 Au g - i 5- 0 7 Oc t - i 0- 0 8 03 / 2 6 / 0 8 06 / 2 5 / 0 8 0- S e p- 0 8 15 - O c t - 0 8 11 - M a r - 0 9 24 - J u n - 0 9 -L ug / L 01 -1 1- J u n - 0 7 1- J u l - 0 7 1- A u g - 0 7 1- S e p - 0 7 1- O c t - 0 7 1- N o v - 0 7 1- D e c - 0 7 1- J a n - 0 8 1- F e b 08 1- M a r - 0 8 1- A p r - 0 8 1- M a y - 0 8 1- J u n - 0 8 1- J u l - O S 1- A u g - 0 8 1- S e p - 0 8 1- O c t - 0 8 1- N o v - 0 8 1- D e c - 0 8 1- J a n - 0 9 1- F e b - 0 9 1- M a r - 0 9 1- A p r - 0 9 Ma y - 0 9 1- J u n - 0 9 ug h Ui i- .f l NJ C-fl -I NJ CD TW4-23 All Non Detect TW4-25 All Non Detect Attachment