HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-2009-002322 - 0901a0688011d2a0U-c--:to't-o^''^^^^, White Mesa Uranium Mill Chloroform Monitoring Report StateefUtah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Corrective Action Order UDEQ Docket No. UGQ-20-01 1** Quarter (January through March) 2009 Prepared by: Denison Mines (USA) Corp. (DUSA) 1050 17* Street, Suite 950 Denver CO 80265 May, 2009 White Mesa Uranium Mill ChloroformMonitoring Report State of Utah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Corrective Action Order UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-01 1st Quarter January through March 2009 Prepared by Denison Mines USA Corp DUSA 1050 17th Street Suite 950 Denver CO 80265 May 2009 INTRODUCTION This is the Quarterly Chloroform Monitoring Report as required under State of Utah Notice of Violation and Groundwater Conective Action Order State of Utah Department of Enviromnental Quality UDEQ Docket No UGQ-20-0l for the 1st Quarter of 2009 the Quarter for Denison Mines USA Corp.s DUSAs White Mesa Uranium Mill the Mill This Report also includes the Operations Report for the Long Term Pump Test at MW-4 TW4-19 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4-20 for the Quarter SAMPLING AND MONITORiNG PLAN 2.1 Description of Monitor Wells Sampled During the Quarter During the Quarter the following chloroform contaminant investigation groundwater samples and measurements were taken 2.1.1 Groundwater Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring was performed in all of the chloroform monitoring wells being the following wells MW-4 TW4-ll TW4-1 TW4-l2 TW4-2 TW4-l3 TW4-3 TW4-l4 TW4-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-5 TW4-16 TW4-6 TW4-l7 MW-32 TW4-7 TW4-18 TW4-8 TW4-l9 TW4-9 TW4-20 TW4-lO TW4-21 TW4-22 The locations of these wells are indicated on the map attached under Tab Wells sampled during this reporting period were analyzed for the following constituents Chloroform Chloromethane Carbon tetrachloride Methylene chloride Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite as 2.1.2 Groundwater Head Monitoring Depth to groundwater was taken in the following wells and/or piezometers during the Quarter All of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells listed in paragraph 2.1.1 above in two measurement events on either March or 10 2009 The point of compliance monitoring wells under the Mills Groundwater Discharge Permit GWDP on February 2-17 2009 Piezometers P-i P-2 P-3 P-4 and P-5 on February 17 2009 In addition weekly depth to groundwater measurements were taken in MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 as part of the long term pumping test for MW-4 2.2 Sampling Methodology Equipment and Decontamination Procedures The sampling methodology equipment and decontamination procedures that were performed for the chloroform contaminant investigation during the Quarter can be summarized as follows 2.2.1 Well Purging and Depth to Groundwater list is gathered of the wells in order of increasing chloroform contamination The order for purging is thus established Mill personnel start purging with all of the non-detect wells and then move to the more contaminated wells in order of chloroform contamination starting with the wells having the lowest chloroform contamination and Before leaving the Mill office the pump and hose are rinsed with de-ionizedDIwaterMillpersonnelthenproceedtothefirstwellwhichisthewell indicating the lowest concentration of chloroform based on the previous quarters sampling results Well depth measurements are taken and the two casing volumes are calculated measurements are made using the same instrument used for the monitoring wells under the Mills GWDP The Grundfos pump gpm pump is then lowered to the bottom of the well and purging is begun At the first well the purge rate is established for the purging event by using calibrated gallon bucket After the evacuation of the first well has been completed the pump is removed from the well and the process is repeated at each well location moving from least contaminated to most contaminated All wells are capped and secured prior to leaving the sampling location 2.2.2 Sampling Following the purging of all chloroform investigation wells the sampling takes place usually the next morning Prior to leaving the Mill office to sample cooler along with blue ice is prepared The trip blank is also gathered at that time the trip blank for these events is provided by the Analytical Laboratory Once Mill Personnel arrive at the well sites labels are filled out for the various samples to be collected All personnel involved with the collection of water and samples are the outfitted with rubber gloves Chloroform investigation samples are collected by means of dedicated bailers and the wells are purged by means of dedicated portable pump Each quarterly pumping and sample collection event begins at the location least affected by chloroform based on the previous quarters sampling event and proceeds by affected concentration to the most affected location The dedicated portable pump is appropriately decontaminated prior to each purging sampling event and the QA rinsate sample is collected after said decontamination but prior to the commencement of the sampling event Mill personnel use disposable bailer to sample each well The bailer is attached to reel of approximately 150 feet of nylon rope and then lowered into the well After coming into contact with the water the bailer is allowed to sink into the water in order to fill Once full the bailer is reeled up out of the well and the sample bottles are filled as follows First set of VOC vials is filled This set consists of three 40 ml vials provided by the Analytical Laboratory The set is not filtered and is preserved with HCL ii Second 500 ml sample is collected for Nitrates/Nitrites This sample is also not ifitered and is preserved with H2S04 the bottle for this set is also provided by the Analytical Laboratory iii Third 500 ml sample is collected for Chloride This sample is not ifitered and is not preserved and After the samples have been collected for particular well the bailer is disposed of and the samples are placed into the cooler that contains blue ice The well is then recapped and Mill personnel proceed to the next well DUSA completed and transmitted to UDEQ on May 25 2006 revised Quality Assurance Plan QAP for sampling under the Mills GWDP The GWDP QAP was reviewed by UDEQ and has been approved for implementation The QAP provides detailed presentation of procedures utilized for groundwater sampling activities under the GWDP While the water sampling conducted for chloroform investigation purposes has been conformant with the general principles set out in the QAP some of the requirements in the QAP were not Idly implemented prior to UDEQs approval for reasons set out in correspondence to UDEQ dated December 2006 Subsequent to the delivery of the December 2006 letter DUSA discussed the issues brought forward in the letter with UDEQ and has received correspondence from UDEQ about those issues In response to UDEQs letter and subsequent discussions with UDEQ DUSA has incorporated changes in chloroform QA procedures in the form of separate document The chloroform QA document describes the differing needs of the chloroform investigation program and is and attachment to the GWDP QAP where QA needs other than those described in the chloroform QA document are addressed 2.3 Field Data Worksheets Attached under Tab are copies of all Field Data Worksheets that were completed during the Quarter for the chloroform contaminant investigation monitoring wells listed in paragraph 2.1.1 above and sampled either March or 10 2009 2.4 Depth to Groundwater Sheets Attached under Tab are copies of the Depth to Water Sheets for the weekly monitoring of MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 as well as the monthly depth to groundwater monitoring data for chloroform contaminant investigation wells measured during the quarter Depth-to-groundwater measurements which were utilized for groundwater contours are included on the Field Data Worksheets at Tab of this report DATA INTERPRETATION 3.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Levels Gradients and Flow Directions 3.1.1 Current Site Groundwater Contour Map The contour map Tab uses the March 10 2009 data for the wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 above February 2-17 2009 data for the wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 and February 17 2009 data for the piezometers and wells listed in paragraph 2.1.2 above Also included under Tab is groundwater contour map of the portion of the Mill site where the four chloroform pumping wells are located with hand-drawn stream tubes in order to demonstrate hydraulic capture from the pumping 3.1.2 Comparison of Current Groundwater Contour Maps to Groundwater Contour Maps for Previous Quarter The groundwater contour maps for the Mill site for the fourth quarter of 2008 as submitted with the Chloroform Monitoring Report for the fourth quarter of 2008 are attached under Tab comparison of the water table contour maps for the Quarter to the water table contour maps for the previous quarter indicates similar patterns of drawdown related to pumping of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 Water levels and water level contours for the site have not changed significantly since the last quarter except for few locations reported increase in water level of approximately 13 feet occurred in pumping well TW4-20 Reported decreases in water levels of approximately feet in pumping well MW-4 and of approximately 22 feet in pumping well TW4-l9 occurred The water level .fll4 h.dI ..Z...... in pumping well MW-26 TW4-15 also decreased by more than foot although the exact decrease is unknown due to the water level sounder hitting snag during water level sampling Water level fluctuations at pumping wells MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 are due in part to fluctuations in pumping conditions just prior to and at the time the measurements are taken The largest increase decrease in drawdown of approximately 13 feet occurred at TW4-20 and the largest decrease increase in drawdown of approximately 22 feet occurred at TW4-1 3.1.3 Hydrographs Attached under Tab are hydrographs showing groundwater elevation in each chloroform contaminant investigation monitor well over time 3.1.4 Depth to Groundwater Measured and Groundwater Elevation Attached under Tab are tables showing depth to groundwater measured and groundwater elevation over time for each of the wells listed in Section 2.1.1 above 3.1.5 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Capture Perched water containing chloroform has been removed from the subsurface by pumping MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 The purpose of the pumping is to reduce total chloroform mass in the perched zone as rapidly as is practical These wells were chosen for pumping because they are located in areas of the perched zone having relatively high permeability and saturated thickness and high concentrations of chloroform were detected at these locations The relatively high transmissivity of the perched zone in the vicinity of the pumping wells results in the wells having relatively high productivity The combination of relatively high productivity and high chloroform concentrations allows high rate of chloroform mass removal The impact of pumping these wells is indicated by the water level contour maps attached under Tabs and Cones of depression have developed in the vicinity of the pumping wells which continue to remove significant quantities of chloroform from the perched zone The water level contour maps indicate that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of the pumping wells is occurring As noted in Section 3.1.2 an increase in water level decrease in drawdown occurred at TW4-20 and decreases in water levels increases in drawdowns occurred at MW-A and TW4-l9 between the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 Overall the combined capture of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-l9 and TW420 has not changed significantly since the last quarter The increase in drawdown at TW4-19 and the decrease in drawdown at TW4-20 has increased and decreased respectively the apparent capture zones of the wells relative to that of other nearby pumping wells .....e...w........isM...d it .._. Although high chloroform concentrations exist at some locations downgradient of the pumping wells for example near TW4-4 the low permeability of the perched zone at these locations would prevent significant rates of chloroform mass removal should these wells be pumped By pumping at the more productive upgradient locations however the rate of downgradient chloroform migration will be diminished because of the reduction in hydraulic gradients and natural attenuation will be more effective 3.2 Interpretation of Analytical Results 3.2.1 Copy of Laboratory Results Included under Tab of this Report are copies of all laboratory analytical results for the groundwater quality samples collected under the chloroform contaminant investigation on March 11 2009 along with the laboratory analytical results for trip blank 3.2.2 Electronic Data Files and Format DUSA has provided to the Executive Secretary an electronic copy of all laboratory results for groundwater quality monitoring conducted under the chloroform contaminant investigation during the Quarter in Comma Separated Values CSV copy of the transmittal e-mail is included under Tab 3.2.3 Current Chloroform Isoconcentration Map Included under Tab of this Report is current chloroform isoconcentration map for the Mill site 3.2.4 Data and Graphs Showing Chloroform Concentration Trends Attached under Tab is table summarizing chloroform and nitrate values for each well over time Attached under Tab are graphs showing chloroform concentration trends in each monitor well over time As TW4-14 was previously dry and wells TW4-23 4-24 and 4- 25 have limited data trend graph for that well has not been included but will be included with the 4th Quarter report as sufficient data will have been collected at that time 3.2.5 Analysis of Analytical Results Comparing the analytical results to those of the previous quarter as summarized in the table included under Tab the following observations can be made Chloroform concentrations have increased by more than 20%in the following wells compared to last quarter TW4-5 and TW4-6 Chloroform concentrations have decreased by more than 20%in TW4-15 TW4- 19 and TW4-22 compared to last quarter and in TW4-20 compared to the third quarter of 2008 Chloroform concentrations have remained within 20%in the following wells compared to last quarter MW-4 TW4-1 TW4-2 TW4-4 TW4-7 TW4-l0 TW4-1 TW4-18 and TW4-21 Chloroform concentrations at TW4-16 decreased from 3.9 tgfL to non-detect and concentrations at TW4-24 increased from non-detect to 1.4 jtg/L and TW4-3 TW4-8 TW4-9 TW4-12 TW4-13 TW4-14 MW-32 TW4-17 TW4- 23 and TW4-25 remained non-detect In addition between the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 the chloroform concentration in well TW4-2 increased slightly from 170 ggfL to 180 j.tg/L and the concentration in well TW4-22 decreased from 630 j.tgfL to 390 jig/L Between the third quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 the concentration in pumping well TW4-20 decreased from 21000 ig/L to 8200 tg/L TW4-20 was not analyzed for chloroform in the fourth quarter of 2008 Wells TW4-23 and TW4-25 remained non- detect for chloroform and the concentration in well TW4-24 increased from non-detect to 1.4 j.tgfL TW4-24 located west of TW4-22 and TW4-25 located north of TW4-2 bound the chloroform plume to the west and north Chloroform concentrations in TW4-6 which was the most downgradient temporary perched well prior to installation of temporary well TW4-23 increased from 37 jsg/L to 81 pg/L bringing it for the first time just within the chloroform plume This well likely remained outside the chloroform plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008 due to combination of slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping and natural attenuation TW4-23 continues to bound the chloroform plume to the south 3.3 Quality Assurance Evaluation And Data Validation Quality assurance evaluation and data validation procedures in effect at the time of sampling were followed These involve three basic types of evaluations field QC checks Analytical Laboratory checks and checks performed by DUSA personnel as described below 3.3.1 Field OC Checks Field Quality Control samples for the chloroform investigation program consist of field duplicate sample field blank and trip blank These check samples are to be generated for each quarterly sampling episode During the Quarter of 2009 duplicates TW4- 65 duplicate of TW4-17 and 4-70 duplicate of TW4-2 DI blank TW4-60 rinsate TW-4-63 and trip blank were collected and analyzed The results of these analyses are included with the routine analyses under Tab 3.3.2 Analytical Laboratory OA/QC Procedures The Analytical Laboratory has provided summary reports of the analytical quality assurance/quality control QA/QC measurements necessary to maintain conformance with NELAC certification and reporting protocol The Analytical Laboratory QA/QC Summary Report including copies of the Mills Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Record forms for the September sampling event are included under Tab 3.3.3 Mill OA Manager Review The Mill QA Manager which for these sampling events was DUSAs Manager of Environmental Affairs performed four types of reviews determination of whether Mill sampling personnel followed Mill sampling procedures review of the results from the Field QC Checks review of analytical reports for holding times and qualifying indicators for the data and review of the Analytical Laboratory QA/QC analysis The results of the QA Managers review are discussed below Adherence to Mill Sampling SOPs On review of adherence by Mill personnel to the sampling procedures summarized in Section 2.2 above the QA Manager concluded that such procedures had been followed Results From Field QC Checks The duplicate samples of TW4-l7 and TW4-2 indicated relative percent difference within the prescribed standard of 20%for those parameters duplicated However chloroform presence was indicated in the field blank and rinsate samples The matter of continued chloroform presence in these field blank and rinsate samples remain under investigation on the part of the QA Manager During the Quater report period it was noted that field blank de-ionized water continued to yield trace volatile organic presence i.e Chloroform This matter was further investigated by the QA manager and corrective measures included confirmation that purchased de-ionized water had in fact been used for the field blank and two sets of purchased de-ionized waters samples were prepared and duplicate sets were sent to each of two contract laboratories Energy Lab and AWAL Both Labs continued to report the presence of low concentration Chloroform in all of the purchased water samples e.g approximately 30 pb Concurrently these low concentrations of Chloroform were found in the Quarter field blanks as well During the QA review for the preparation of the 4th Quarters report it was discovered that in fact what was purchased is the resin used to treat the water and not the water itself Accordingly samples of pretreated water treated water and the field blanks themselves were planned for analysis in order to further isolate the cause of this low level contaminant source Field blanks were collected during the Quarter and the matter was discussed at length with onsite laboratory personnel however the samplings for pre and post treatment DI water were not collected until the 2111 Quarter Accordingly the results of that testing will be evaluated within the 21u Quarter Report Review ofAnalytical Laboratory QA/QC Analysis andAnalylical Reports The QA Manager reviewed the Analytical Laboratorys QA/QC Summary Reports and made the following conclusions Check samples were analyzed for each method used in analyzing the Chloroform investigation samples These methods were Parameter Method Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite as E353.2 Chloroform E624 Carbon tetrachloride E624 Chloromethane E624 Methylene chloride E624 Chloride A4500-CL ii The check samples included at least the following method blank laboratory control spike sample matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate iii All qualifiers if any and the corresponding explanations in the summary reports are reviewed by the QA Manager The only qualifiers reported were for matrix interference in some of the analyzed monitoring location samples however the reporting limit was maintained below the parameter standard in these instances iv The laboratory holding time for all analyses was within chloroform specification and sample temperature was acceptable upon receipt LONG TERM PUMP TEST AT MW-4 TW4-15 MW-26 TW4-19 ANt TW4-20 OPERATIONS REPORT 4.1 Introduction As part of the investigation of chloroform contamination at the Mill site IUSA has been conducting Long Term Pump Test on MW-4 TW4-l9 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4- 20 The purpose of the test is to serve as an interim action that will remove significant amount of chloroform-contaminated water while gathering additional data on hydraulic properties in the area of investigation The following information documents the operational activities during the Quarter 4.2 Pump Test Data Collection The long term pump test for MW-4 was started on April 14 2003 followed by the start of pumping from TW4-19 on April 30 2003 from TW4-15 MW-26 on August 2003 and from TW4-20 on August 2005 Personnel from Hydro Geo Chem Inc were on site to conduct the first phase of the pump test and collect the initial two days of monitoring data for MW-4 ITJSA personnel have gathered subsequent water level and pumping data Analyses of hydraulic parameters and discussions of perched zone hydrogeology near MW-4 has been provided by Hydro Geo Chem in separate report dated November 12 2001 and in the May 26 2004 Final Report on the Long Term Pumping Test Data collected during the Quarter included the following Measurement of water levels at MW-4 TW4-19 TW4-15 MW-26 and TW4- 20 on weekly basis and at selected temporary wells and permanent monitoring wells on monthly basis See Section 3.1 and Tabs and for discussion of the water levels Measurement of pumping history pumping rates ii total pumped volume iii operational and non-operational periods Periodic sampling of pumped water for chloroform and nitrate nitrite analysis and other constituents as discussed in detail in Section 3.2 above 4.3 Water Level Measurements Beginning August 16 2003 the frequency of water level measurements from MW-4 TW4-l5 MW-26 and TW4-l9 was reduced to weekly From commencement of pumping TW4-20 water levels in that well have been measured weekly Depth to groundwater in all other chloroform contaminant investigation wells is monitored monthly Copies of the weekly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for MW-4 TW4-lS MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 and the October and December monthly Depth to Water monitoring sheets for all of the chloroform contaminant investigation wells are typically included under Tab but will be transmitted separately on December 2008 Monthly depth to water measurements are recorded in the Field Data Worksheets included under Tab 10 4.4 Pumping Rates and Volumes L4.1 MW-4 Approximately 90710 gallons of water were pumped from MW-4 during the Quarter The average pumping rate from MW-4 when the pump was pumping was approximately 4.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well purges for set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge Water from MW-4 was transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the 3rd Quarter 2008 and since commencement of pumping on April 14 2003 an estimated total of approximately 1908170 gallons of water have been purged from MW-4 TW4-19 4.4.2 TW4-19 Approximately 469100 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-19 during the Quarter The average pumping rate from TW4-19 when the pump was pumping was approximately 6.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The pump in this well is operating on delay It pumps for approximately one and half minutes and then is off for two to three minutes Water from TW4-19 was directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the Quarter 2007 and since commencement of pumping on April 30 2003 an estimated total of approximately 9692250 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-19 4.4.3 TW4-15 MW-26 Approximately 52970 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-1 MW-26 during the Quarter The average flow rate from TW4-15 when the pump was pumping was approximately 1.5 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well now purges for set amount of time and then shuts off to allow the well to recharge The water is directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose At the end of the 1g Quarter 2006 and since commencement of pumping on August 2003 an estimated total of approximately 1273940 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-15 Note The meter for this well was replaced during the period 4.4.4 TW4-20 Approximately 52050 gallons of water were pumped from TW4-20 during the Quarter The average flow rate from TW4-20 when the pump was pumping was approximately 6.0 gpm throughout the Quarter The well is not purging continuously but is on delay device The well pump is set on water elevation device When the water reaches set point the pump turns on until the water level drops to another set point The water is directly transferred to the Cell evaporation pond through pipeline installed specifically for that purpose Since commencement of pumping on 11 August 2005 an estimated total of approximately 1035700 gallons of water have been purged from TW4-20 4.5 Daily Inspections Denison has submitted an Operations and Maintenance Plan Chloroform Pumping System White Mesa Mill Blanding Utah Revision 1.0 to UIDEQ for approval Upon approval of that plan the Mill will commence documenting its daily inspections of the operational status of the chloroform pumping wells on the daily inspection form an example of the form of which is attached as Tab Operational Problems No operational problems in the pumping wells were reported during the Quarter 2009 period 4.7 Conditions That May Affect Water Levels in Piezometers No significant amount of water was added to any of the three wildlife diversion ponds during the Quarter 4.8 Chloroform Analysis Monthly chloroform sampling ceased on November 2003 From that time all chloroform contaminant investigation wells were sampled on quarterly basis The sample results are discussed above in Section 3.2 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The water level contour map for the Quarter indicates that effective capture of water containing high chloroform concentrations in the vicinity of the pumping wells is occurring Between the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 the chloroform concentration in well TW4-21 increased slightly from 170 .tgfL to 180 jxg/L and the concentration in well TW4-22 decreased from 630 pgIL to 390 j.tgfL Between the third quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 the concentration in pumping well TW4-20 decreased from 21000 j.tg/L to 8200 sgIL TW4-20 was not analyzed for chloroform in the fourth quarter of 2008 Fluctuations in concentrations in these wells are likely related to variations in pumping in TW4-20 and nearby wells and their location near the suspected former office leach field source area Regardless of these measured fluctuations in chloroform concentrations sampling of temporary wells TW4-24 located west of TW4-22 and TW4-25 located north of TW4-21 indicated these wells remain outside the chloroform plume and thus bound the plume to the west and north Chloroform was not detected at TW4-25 and was detected at concentration of 1.4 jtgfL at TW4-24 The chloroform concentration at downgradient well TW4-6 increased from 37 to 81 gfL bringing this well just within the plume for the first time Although fluctuations 12 .........._...........a........_ in concentrations have occurre4 this well likely remained outside the chloroform plume between installation in the second quarter of 2000 and the fourth quarter of 2008 due to combination of slow rates of downgradient chloroform migration in this area due to low permeability conditions and the effects of upgradient chloroform removal by pumping and natural attenuation Chloroform remained non-detect at downgradient temporary well TW4-23 which continues to bound the chloroform plume to the south Continued pumping of MW-4 MW-26 TW4-15 TW4-19 and TW4-20 is recommended Pumping these wells regardless of any short term fluctuations in concentrations detected at the wells such as at TW4-20 helps to reduce downgradient chloroform migration by removing chloroform mass and reducing average hydraulic gradients thereby allowing natural attenuation to be more effective 13 II ll /I II OTW4-5 TW4-1 6YTw49 OTW4-3 0TW4-1 T37S T38S 00TW4-14 // SCALE IN FEET perched mon4toring well temporary perched monitoring weD perched piezometer perched monitoring well installed April 2005 temporary perched monitoring well installed ApriL2005 wildlife pond HYD14O GEO CHEM INC SITE PLAN AND PERCHED WELL LOCATIONS WHITE MESA SITE RENCE HJ71 8000/mayO9/welloc.srf temporary perched monitoring well installed Mav2007 ............l.................L..4....... Mill Groundwater Discharge Perniit Groundwater Monitothig Quality Msurance Plan QAP Date 2.25.07 Revision Page4Oof4l ATTACIHIIt4IIENT 11 WIHUITE PAHESA URANIFUM MIELL F1ERUID DATA WOEKSIHEEfl FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event r tnt Sampler Location well name 2JkP II IAJ Name and initials4aanr /1 Date and Time for Purging .3 Z0O7_and Sampling if different_________________ Well Purging quip Uset Aiump or ..jailer Well Pump if other than J3ennet Jt/sa47 Lr Sampling Event cit 6ro fts Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event p4 pH Buffer 7.0 --O pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance qq uMHOS/cm Well DepthS Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume 49 Well .653k 3K Welt .367k Conductance avg pH of Water avg Welt Water Temp avg___________Redox Potential Efi Turbidity Weather Cond.f/tv S11..t01-ft--Bxtl Atub .pdorto sampling event net ..CML Purged Tit 3aJ Purged Conductance 2t CondiIctance__________________________ pH Temperature 3.Cj7 TemperatureX Redor Potential Bk VA Redox 9thIl Bk_____________ Turbidity 1-63 TU4$IJ___________________ Ti e_________Gal Purged Conductan __-- pH /7 Temperature Tipie Conduct GaLPurged Temperature pRy 2K Redox Redox PoteyS1hL Mm Groundwater Discharge Pemæt Groundwater Monitoring QualiW Assurance Plan QAP Date 1117.06 Revision Thrbidity Page4l of 41 Volume of Water Purged When Field Parameters are Measured__________________ Pumjing Rate Calculation Flow Rate 03 in gpm 5/60 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 21/ T2VIQ Number of casing volumes evacuated If other than two_ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuatet Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab Tyne ot$adn Snounk Taken circle $SAile Volume iædfcatØif other ththiaS specWcd below Filtered circle Preservative Added circle VOCs 3x40m1 HCL /7 Nutrients lOOm H2SO4 IlØavyMetals 250th1 Bl4O3 All Other Non- Radiologics 250m1 NoPresØrvativeAdded GrossAipha Other specify UkNct0 JlfnJ/4kAS L000mI Sampl volume HSO Ifapreservativeisused Specify Type and Quantity of Peservalive Onmmnt dfc IOt4flDZ /1 ---r7r7ca7- GotnSwatur Disthaie Feinriit iindwater otiing Quality AsauraacePThn QAP Date 2.25.07 Levisioa Page 40 of 4k MLTACIHII%4IIENTI1 WIIIIIITE IMIIA 1LJ1A1kRh11JM alL IMDZLITh DATA WOEXLSIHIIEIE FO11 GIIOUMb WATER Descæptioo of Sampling Event ST onra ri-i latiFo/Lw Sampler Location weVi name 72i/9-WantØ alid initials irte.-/Ja//J7 Rna 4ivne.r DateandTimeforPurging.2 10 2dOc7 andSampliugifdiffeivnt /J Well Purging Equip Ueath 4iuiip or ..jailer Welt Pump if other than Beunet Sampling Event cit Prey Well Sarnpd in Sampling Event 76U F/ pH Bufferl.O________________pkBuffer4O Specific Conductance uM$IOS/ctn Wl Pt I/f Depth to Water IBefore rgingjL4 Casing Volume Well 32 765 .6531i Welk .367W Coadethiuce avg_________________pH btWater avg._ Well Water Temp avgLT Reddg Potedtial Ii eyurbzdlty Weather Cond C/es cn14/J Extl Arab Temp priorto sampling event Time Ifl3 Cml Purged Tu Gal Purged condudpce 2-SO oitducIhec pH L1 plt. Temperature RS Temperature RŁdoxPotnthlEh 57 o4h Tinbidity X3 idity GaL Purged TomnPrature otential SI Mill GrotSwaterDischsrge Permit Date 11.11.06 Eevkioa Omuadwater Monibriag QuASePISSQAP Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged When PieMaameteneaieMeaauaerL_________________ ppjnnRateCalcuWion Flow Rate in gpa Time to evacuate tycasiag vqhunes 2V 5160 ______________TZV/Q Jf -a. Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_______________ If welt evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Thiergy Labs afSnanile SaSS Takn fcfrdlie j1e.Vohnu SdjcatiWdthØr ikSIinisheclfled Sow IFiltered cfrdeI IPresentftve Added circle VOCs Ot 31140m1.YYP in Nutrients 100 in iq 250Sf 111403 AIF Othii Non- Radiologica YN 250S NWethrvativeAdded GrossAlpha Other specify evnrJ .ctt.ttt LI 1000ml SamptS volume LLS0 YN $t if preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of PtØserivative nmments At-C er /017 tieic II ian p1c Jgr 4n 6//tp-cnZr/427 Setnrf/i tn /tlK $H a.r 11/8 %pr .......r......-..............h ...I ......i...... Mill GaatSwateiDiscbaaga P3tnit Groundwater iWoaitcSg QuaIiy Asstrance Plan QAP jj Date 2.25.07 IPayision Page4Oof4i MLTAC1HliMll1kPF WIfflJITIE R4IIA VIIkANWUM E4IILLL kflEffiD DATA WOSJHEIIiT 111DM GROUJkPDJ WMI7ER Descriplrn of Sampling Event AaiLnn Sampler Location well name tb WaS and hultials 1-R1m 4Ivte.r Date awl Time for Purging /0 24O7 and Sampling if different Ji Well Pinging Equip Useth or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennetiju 4/ Sampling Event d-t ocoa Patv Well Sampled in Sampling Event 7L pllBuffer7i Specific Conductance qq uMHOS/cnu Veil Depth /21.f Depth to Water Before Purging 4t 77 Casing Volume WellJ7_.653h We 36Th Condtucflice aVg____________ptEot Waler avg_ Well Water Temp avg___________Redoz OEei4 nh ETurbidity_ Weather Cond rfa4r Lii Eictl Mnb Temp puor to sampling event Tune WS lal Purged 4a Tfltik 3al Purged Condiiclance %\Conducitu Temperature iU iuperatnm_L Redox Potentjal Turbidity c5 rnii PRN Gal Purged____conce__mn Condu Gal Purged________ TevnPeratr.._ mU____ pg Tenetiirn RedoR$al S________ -4 Mill uodwaterDichgePeaait ouadwater lWonitoitg Quay Assarance lisa QAP Date 1L17.06 Revisiox Turbidity___ Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged When Pigld lflV Rate Calculation Flow Rate fin gpm 8160 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes ZV T2V/Q /1 fr11 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuatd__________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs TakendSe SSUle Volume fiiitifthØr tliSaa.specffied tielii Filtered dSe PreservSive Mlded citele vocs H.N k40th1 HCL MitriSs itMimi $3 HO4 HiavyMetals 25thiitt 1tbtO.. All Other Nba- Radiologics 250S1 N.NoprbsÆvatlveAdded 3rossAlpba 1060ml H2SO Other specify evinrJ Sanipl volume bt If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative fj SaryIi 4e4-c ar /tw mo/f cr 770 hpr Str Cqpiinents r2 44tt a-r /hz/Ll it II 1tre.cr 1c pacc Miell ii /1 Alio nc // Mill GouadwatarDischag Penuli ouedwaer Moaitoæaig Quality Msurance Plan GAP pH at Purged Temperature Temperature Re1loxP utial Eli Date 2.25.07 Pevision Page 40 of 411 A7ITACIHIIMIEIkJTII W1HIIITE IMIIE4 EJRMkWUM MIlL PBELD DATA WO1JSffiIIEfl OR GROU1kID WATE1 Deacription ofSamplthgThvene t5lcctwt 4%cncw Sampler Location welil name 77j Wam Sd initials 7vsnr DateandTimeforPurging and SaiuplingIdifferent 1/.200/ Well Purging equip Useth ijthpor Well Pump if other than Bennet Lci.qnrf ic SamplingEventL 4rnpa-Prey Welt Sampled in Sampling Event 7LO -7 pflBufferl.0 pllBuffer4M________________ Specific Conductance 7t uMHOSIcin WelPeth /00 Depth to Water Before Purging Si Casing Volume Well .653h 3ff Well 36Th pif ofWater avg____________________ Welt Water Temp avg____________Rhdo teiitaL flirbzdzty Weather Condjlkstsr Ext Amb Temp pior to sampling event /d Time ro9t Gal Puigs Lurged 7/ CohdOcfaace ohductan. p0 7.I pa Temperature Temperature_________________ Redox Potential Eli RedoxJeiil Eli____________ Turbidity IS Turl$iity__________________ Titne Gal.PurgedConce____ Mill Groundwater Disvharge FernS Cioundwater Monitoring Quality Msurance Plan QAP Date tLI7.O6 eulsion Page4l o141 Volume of Water Purged ggpjpg Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gprn _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V TZV/Q /1 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two if well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated____________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if OthertwnEnergy Labs zifSnmPle $g Xakei ebtie SiælileVnbnae fiSicatŁittbØrŁeied belsvi Filtered 4g1 Preservative Added cirelh vocs Nutrients .N loolni y4p cV Ha ifz$04 fl HÆavyMetals 1C 25Ol lIMO3 All Other NØn- Radiologics 250S NoPresØrvativeAdded GrossAipha i000mI H2S04 Other specify tiio4 irnM4us Sample volume If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative /nWWaSAtI 87/lCcd ar /62R /637 Jrn sue- ictnief /t/4 j/j c1i9Z Jyz /7f4pt /ecsc.e c.c /7 fiA 3d Thwe iv-/tw /2ejer 1Ct -Scnoi4C4J/AJr //t /tY-tC I............l............r Mill Croamilwater Disciage WaiSt Groundwater Monitoring QuS Msurance IPIm QAP Date 2.25.07 Jievision Page 40 of4X PHNV Tempentare Redo.PntiaI Rh_______________ ATTA4C1ifMNT ii ThVJFIE M1EA UIIIANHUM JMBULL WHEffS IDATA WORWSIHIIEET Jl\DR GllOU1D WAT Description of Sampling EveBtj 4Ae1mF Sampler.. Location well uaiaet 7W HaS afid imEiatfl4O -1 4a Dale and Time for Purging .3 ZCXf Jmd Sampling if different 3-67 Well Purging Equip IJsed or_bailer Well Pump if other than Rennet Lin4 Sampling Event rhAwisw-PreP Well Sampled in Sampling Event 77U pHBuffer7.0 716 pHBufferto ..qo Specific Conductance flg uXVIKOSIem wq Depth 1/%i Depth to Water Before Purging IL Casing Volume Well flJ$.653h Well..36Th Conductance atrg p11 i%ter avg___________________ Well Water Temp avg_Redo 1oteiitMl Ilk crurbidity______ Weather Co id.Sr4 letschis Extl MS Teinp.pior to wunpling event /2 Cs Time hi Purged 2L.I Thpw Gal Purged Condnciauce Condu Temperature jq -55 Temperature Redwc Potential Rh Redox Rh Turbidity 23-3 Turl$iiity uchqF Gal PurgedZ tiq GaL-Purged Condumnce_________________ pH Tempentum RtdoxptdEh .4 M31-hargePemiit Date 11.17.06 Revision Groundwater MoiætoSg Quality Msuraace Plan QAP Page 41 of 41 Tuthiclity________________Turbidity__________________ Volume of Water Purged WhiSiesaeaaumd__________________ gping Rat luJation Flow PS QJ in gpm Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V 8160 _______________TZV/Q /7 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two____________________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacutd____________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than nergy Labs innfSnaS $umn Taken cht SaSla Voinme flsleaSltihØr thSasspeened Filtered fefrele Pregenrnilive Added fkele VOCs Nutrients HØavyMetals 3140ml lOOm2fl RCLO4 fl lIMO3. MI OrbS Non- Radiojpgics 25Gtht NoPresOrvativeAdded GroasAipha 100JmI 112804 Other specify Cleiueod frnYcc Sample volume If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative CQmments btT6-4flit jgs TZiACC if fion 4c4e.4r %.e7//yce ear /3SK R4-4 Je/J Cra S/I 41CMnc fniclctr /YAti I.-sr r-i9f1 _Sckw.pfr /zr Thnw /ew /2ee_r-/jCc Feicnr .t 4/fA/efe tier ..r J37_2_7-Fr ar MIII C-ndwaferDistharge Pemi Date 2.25.07 Revisbn ouadwater iWoScriag QuaJIi4 Asanrance Pun QAP Page 40 of 411 ATTACfflII141liNT WIIffII1E JMIIEA VIIAPJ1IUM 4IIII1JL PIIELIII DATA WOII1BIII1ET FOul GIIIOUND WA1IIM Desthption of Sampling Event 6Jiinnt t4kuwm Sampler Location well name TLI.JIr Name ad th sjn Date and Time for Purging .5 30 and Sampling if different .3 a7 Well Purging Equip Used 4np or_bailer Well Pump if other than Eennet Thinr Sampling Event4LaCf chLmc1tw Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event 7N 4- pllBuffer7.0 76 pRl3uffer4.O .4O Specific Conductance_fl_uIVIHOS/cn WU Depth I-RI 7ST Depth toWaterBeforePurging STS qo Casing Volume Well .653h Well.36Th Condtgttaitce atg p11 6$fitaS avg ta_______ Welt Water Temp avg________Reddk EotentSEh turbzdity_____ Weather Cond naii.-.Extl.Arnb TŁrnp.pribrto aa ptidfevºht /Z4c Time 15 lal PurgeL CO TRpe Gal Purged Conductance I6D COæ .- pH 7.03 p11 TemperaturejC Temperature VN Redox Potential Eli______________Redox Po fiat Eh Turbidity Turl$iiity GaLPurged Ti GaLPurgedlb____ Temperature Temperature Eh RedoxptEh_ Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Mothtorisg Quality Assurance Plan QAP Turbidity Date 1.17-06 Revision lflirhiditv Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged oinS Rate Calculation PlowRnteQ iagpra s/6o ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2VT2WQ/9 __ Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two if well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuate.d__- Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other ThanEsiergy Labs ffitumila $nSle TalkS ehtde jmpIe.Voilunne SSWtÆtei tlikiiispeded Mitered Eircle Preservative Added $Ø VOCs Nutrients WOth1 --ct l4O4 fl HØavyUetals Z5QthlT ffiO3 All Other Non- Radiologics 250 ml NPresrvative Added OrossAlpha 1000 H2S04 Other specify 6ioreeJ Sampl volume Ifapreservaliveisused Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative rr /1 fl4 /C4e..-araler/352 left JtVtAef 64 b.jc-/J VUc 2i3s 4on æesc.r at 41eei ti s/ear S4 -pJrc Wat jg 7r if- Fer ii cr 2SO ew /rr ejer.b.C Stt aD 12 ................Sn.............. MIII Gaaun11w8fl Disdwige Pea-rtht a-ouzdwaterc Mcnitoriog Quality Assurance Plan CAP Pniperatum_..l RedoxPotentWEh DSt Turbidity Date 2.25.07 DevkS age4Oof4I AflACJIIffMIIENT WT1E WUEA 1UkVNfflDM alL IIDL1ID DATA WOS$JLIWtT WOE GIIZOU1MD WATER Description of Sampling Event Acuurt c-k Iorivi Sampler Location welil name 11sf HaS ad initials 1vvr iJid7 14J44ter DateandTimeforPurging IO.260c andSamplingifdiffezvnt i-67 Well Purging Equip U8 or_bailer ellPump if other than Rennet__________ Sampling Event cii bacs-Prev.WffSampld kSapp1iflgEV6nt pullnfferl.O pHBOffer4.O 4-c Specific Conductance qq uMliOSIcm VtPpl /OO Depth to Water Refore Purging 7236 Casing Volume Si Well /8111 qg653h Well 26Th Comluetance avg_____________pH of $atet ave Welt Water Temp avg_iii Rfolc PoitMl flh Turbidity Weather Cond pief ht7 fig LI Ext lAmb Temp pzot to sampling event .S Time lal Pumed_iL__THPQ Gal Purged Con ance-31 Cnduclue pH Temperature 7N Redox ml Eh_ TwM Jal Purged_______Ti aged TemperaUwe Redox i4a1 Rh Mill ouu4waterDistge Perrait Crouudwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Date 1L17B6 Resioa Turbidity Page of 41 Volume of Water Purged When lel4P ggRate Calculation flow Rate QX ingpm S160 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2W T2V/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_ If well evacuated to dtyness number of gallons evacuated_________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if OtherThai Snºrgy Labs TØkØn ftiste $iiSleVobnneiti jkSitai sliecified below Filtered ckclel Preservative Added c14 VOCe Nutrients tyN 3k4O1E1 1005 tS fl SN IfSO4 HØavyMetals 2OiL 11Nb3 All Other Non- Radi$pgics jr NoPSthativeAdded GrossAiplla Other specify eaJ iM7tnf Ct 1000S SamplS volume H2SO YN I1I if preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Spmp4 -c at4d r/ar kin %r se .1/o44P On dir.cr ct ILi .ir ti8C -6wc/ rnmment /A.fl 4ni-t ........ n......l...fl- Mill schnePennt Date 2.25.07 evisioa GowalwaterMonitag Quality Aacurance Plan QAP Page 40 o141 ArrAclum4ngNn Wflwilii IMIIilSA UJRANHIIJM huLL WIIEIIZD DATA WOSEEflOR LWUND WAT1EE Description ofSmnplingEvent St Ltrct hioeoii/es_ Sampler Locntion well name 77N -7 Name afid infitialsj7 ALr Date andTimefornrging 3lO .260cf and SwuplingQfdifferent.3 1/- Well Purging Equip Uset or_bailer Well Pinup if other than Bonnet /jvi1/ Sampling Event di Icnofoi_Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event it pflBuffer7.O______________ SpecfficConductance qqg uMMOS/cni c11Pr.2/ DepthtoWaterBefozePwging Is Casing Volume WellJ Ai .653k Well 36Th ConduSnceavg pH ofVtatkavgi Well WaterTeaup avg_RedoxPotentialflh Cturbzdity Weather Cond .c/en .Zif Ext Amb Temp prior to sampluig event Ca inie al Purged 3C ______Gal Purged conductance outhiutee pg 7O Temperature Temperature_______________ Redox Potential Bk 34 Redox PyitiiWk Turbidity_________________Tewtiy___________________ GaLPurged______Ti GaLPurged_______ Condu ce _________________ pH pH Temperature Tnperatur..Z Aewawua uaas .3.1 JwffiOrodwatwDi8cbargePermft Date 1L17.06 llteviaioa Orouudvjater Moaitoring Quality Msurauce Plan QAP Volume of Water Ptuged When IWeld Turbidity.._ Page 41 sf41 wing Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpin 5160 _____ Time to evacuate two cqsiag volumes 2V T2V/Q ii Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated___________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory iiOther Than EæØrgyLabs cr Z2S SSsS TakeS elSe SSjiUeVdanune flSlcafMliØr Sdi.speeiflŁd Filtered elSe Preservative AddS dSi bebkWY VOCs Nutrients JtN 3x401u1 100 Si .y act QN .UzO4 EØavyfrietals t..N 250itHt H.1lliOj All Other Non- Radiologics 250ial NPiSrvtheAddŁd GrossAipha Other specify LI 1000ml Sample volume 112504 If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Pwservative eweti I/Jvlit Ihnii f4v-.er Cf ætttIiLJ4/ªf/flnmmtsnt coe %Av-C ot1 JOt -/T/AJ/ Sakif/i ar/D77 .-7nr 4c-pr/627 Thte 2.25.07 lRevisiau Page4Oof4l ATTAC1IIIMIIJNT Wflilltril 1t411E84 URW4IIUM IMIIILL FifiELD 1UTA wonmrIFOIll GWUNII wAm Description ofSamplingEvent Ln/i4/cv1 Location well name It-u NaS add initials inat /1 4g Date and Time for Purging SS 200 and Sapling if different Well Purging Equip Uset jSp or Jailer Well Pump if other than Bennet L.t4 Sampling Event 41 ati ftc r4Iumimnw Piv Well Sampled in ainpling Event J-3 plBufferli 76 pHBuffer4.O .L/O Specific Conductance 98 uMROS/cm Well Depth /24. Depth to Waterillefore Purging 17 Casing Volume Si 4t1 WellSZ 57 .65Th Welt 367k Condudaace avg IHdfWttŁr ayg ----.- Well Water Temp avgT Red Potend$En turbidity weather Cond.________________Ext Amb Temp prior to sampling event Time IOS alPurged TiIn QalPurged Conductance \XS ConduN PH 7.O .__ ________________Temperatum MIII oilMw ThrcTuacg Peimit Urouzalwater Mothothig QuSMslwance Plan QAP Tenipemftire ILL Redox PotentialEh 3L Turbidily__________ Redox Tqrb__ Mill ciater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Msuraace flan QAP Date itl706 laevision TIU4UIIItV Page4l of 41 Volume of Water Purged Pumning Rate Calculation How Rate in gpm sI69 ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes TV T2V/O___ Number of casing volumes evacuated if tkOr than two___________________________ If welL evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated__________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Thanilnergy Labs Jypat$nmS Snmp4e TotS chicle SSitle Vh fctiiifth thsiS speciedbi Filtered circle fl-esenailive AddS ciSc VOCs Nutrients .2K iV 3j4Qjj. loOlni .y ua ifO4 yMØtals YN 250Th1H liMo3 YN All Othei Non- Radiologics 250ml ...... NPresenativeAdded CirossAipha Other specify eniej f1 l000ml Sample volume HSO4 If preservative is used Speci1 Type and Quantity of Preservative rrntwuLlsWOLttLc4 cnLt_r /Os j.- -rz ii 6r cL 49 Rv4E4 o.jJj f2 æ7.Ccrcc ai 5tIt.t Weec /3 /pnnet iP/7 M//2e1er Cvt /rFr Sfl ar /74 Mall Growthlwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality .4 ace Plan QAP Thne Gal Purged_______ Condak Temperature Redo otential Eli_________________ Temperature RedoxP atiat Eli. Date 2.25.07 evisicn iPage40of4 ATTACIHIIt4IIN 11 WIBIIITH MESA ffAA1JllhtJM MIULL FHELD DATA WO1KsJlllET IFOIN GLWDIkJD WAT1ER Description olSampling Event gwnc Sampler Location well name 76t1 Name initials Date and TiirueforPurgthg 12601 ad Sampling if different 3SL Well Purging Equip Uset .Litp or jailer Well Pump if other than Beanet L-im.f jc Sampling Event____________________Prey Welt Saiip1ld in Sampling Event 7ZJ pliBt7.0 76 pHBuffer4l______________ Specific Conductance_f uMIIOS/em WS Depth 121.33 Depth to Water Before Purging 00 Casing Volume Well .653k Welh 367k conduthlnce av pif oSier avg Well Water Temp avg.._RedwŁ Potenthtt tflh Turbidity WeaktherCond._________________Extl Amb Temp.p br ID samplitig evcht_________ Time Ot3 lab Purged TRue Gal turged Conductance___________________Condu p11 7O pH Temperature 14 .07 Temperature Redox Potential Bk 3$1 Redox Po tint Eli NN Turbidity 1-nIfty___________________ Th\GM.Pured PH N--.-- Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Gromdwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Date 11.17.06 Revisiot Page 41 of 41 Turbidity Volume of Water Purged Turbidity pping PS Calculation PlowRnteQ iugpm 51610 Time to evacuate wo casing volumes ZV TZVIQ /9bn Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_________________ if well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated_________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Lab Sakuple TaJS ciSe SÆSjilVolume Filtered fSbitfiithØr circle thiith.specifled 1iØIOY Presenative Added cfrctŁ VOCs NutrIents flØavyMetals All Other Non- M0m1 lOOmI j5Qjjf 2501 Ha i7 fl5 H14o3 sr NPrSrvitive Added Radiologics GrossAlpha iflOæ aso Other specify tletthJ fonus Saniplvolume If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative PnmmentQ f/C..- iq/Iedyc 4efTL -- /otnaet 1/ Rv4 ft /Aor flttSc.r /C P1 4t7-tc IIn-4 074 /rrr sr Seape t4ej 8i IJZc 5IYJAL _r.FcSpI4 a.-y ca.-..4/Cc Z37 /ePr Sfl two ............ ..............................%........I Mill CreuSw Ththae MrS QthwaterMooi2Sg Quality Msurance Plan QAP MLTACJHIII4IIENT ii Wffiwrn E4IIZSA IUIIWWJM R411LL PIIEU2 DATA WOS1RIIEET IFOR GWOII.ThJD WAT1IIt Description of Sampling Event sLxoi rb Sampler Location well name 1-CO NutS and initials Cprsr R7av /4vncr Date and Time forPurging .20cf and Sampling if differcent S/I OT Well Purging Equip tJsed .itp or_bailer Welt Pump if other than Rennet i./ Sanipling Event ekprowv Prey Wll Sampled in Sampling Event 7Z0 1/ pHBuffer7.O 7-p pfluffer.4 Specitic Conductance qq uMROS/cm Wd11DPth 1/3 Depth to Water Refore Pwgin .23 Casing Volume 114 Well flO 653h Wel 367h Conductance avg pH of water avg__ Well Water Temp avg_RSoi Poteiitth Efi_eturbzdity Weather Cond dear eea tl Ab Tenp.priortoaniplhigevent 3C Tin 1OCt5 lal Purged Tik Gal purged condathnce a7q CoauIsC cT Tempenture SQ Temperature RedoxPotendatEb %3 otfiih Tutbidity Cj day__________________ Date 2.25k 1RevisS Page4Oof4l ci ______Gal Purged_______ Temperature Eli Mill Crouadwatez Discharge Pennit Date 11.17.66 JQevisionr ouudwater IMkmitoæag Quality Assurance Plan QAP Page4l of 41 Volume of Water Purged When Piel4Pnrametesnm Pqftnpjng Re Calcuhitign flow Rate in gpm 5160 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2VT2WQ Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_ if well evacuated to dryness number of gallons Svacuatd_ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other than Bnergy Labs zjSk alnllkSS clrde VSieSWuithi tSSiapØeiffed bŁlMW fltered cfrclel Preservative Added elide VOCS NUtrients .jt...W 62TN. i4O.thI.. lOOmI WI H2$04 dP Uºavyutal 2soihLh.YNH BNQ YN All OthS Næ- Radiotogics 250nd NSpreservaflveAdded GrossAipha Other specify iiflnznn.c 1000ml Sampl volume HSO TN cbV ifapresedveisilsed Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Cqnmeats /ilJp//ic /2 æ1t Oqc7 /nc7 /7 4in ieceiv irfl tt.n .ce p1c /0.// -Sanii 4nii et.rfiSl Th//c1 ar /dOO /nr Sjr /e9d Mill Groundwater Distharge Fed-nE Date 2.25.07 Ifinvicion ondwater Monitoiiug Quality Msamnce Klan QAJP Page 40 of 41 ATFACIIIIMflJNTI WIIIIJJTIE MESA 1IJtQANffffi1 alL IFEfl DATA WOUSEDIET 1iO1 GlltO1tJ14D WArS Description of Sampling EventJ St Sampler Location well name 77j LI NSŁ Ed ithtinlsil.1-/14f/J7 RJ4inear Date and Time for Purging 10-2 OO and Sampling if different Well Purging Equip lLJge or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bonnet 1vu1 Sampling Event ckiod-OscflL.W-Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event TA .32 pIBuffer7.0 pHlluffer4.0 Specific Conductance gq uMTcLOSIcm Well Depth 111 Depth to Water Before Pugging tZ Casing Volume Well 2-237 .653h 3WU7 i6lh Condftttglnca avg_________________pH ofiWatØr nvg__ ________________Welt Water Temp avg_Me4ox Potential P21 Crurbidity Weather Cond iLna Extl Auth Temp prior to sampling event ime O450 did Purged 30 Tpq Gal rurged Conthictagce 1K/b CondScIftee pH fl7 Temperature I.3J Temperature Redox Potential Eli 31 Redox PpnÆh Turbidity ISL Ttyby Gal Purged Tjre OoSaturThsclwrgePenjiit Date 1117.06 Revision Groundwater Mokothig Qwillty Assurance Plan QAP Page 41 of 41 Turbidity________________________ Volume of Water Purged When Pieid.Pamsstaie-Msasused_________________ ggppina Rate CS4$on PiowRsjeQJingpn Timetoevacustetwocasingvolumes2V 8/60 ________________T2V/Q PV1 Number of casing vohunes evacuated if other than two____________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons vacusd__________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Tuna Energy Labs rr SSiude TalinehS 1SileVajhnue SieAttdflir thSispSd Filtered cirelel Preservative Added elSe VOCs lIft Nutrients 101 tt 112504 HØnvyMetals t.N25Othl 11N03 YN All Other Non- Radiologics 750afl1 No.frnadAftleJ GrossAipha Other specify evnd V11.tf l000ml Sample volume 11280 If preservative is used Specify Tjp and Quantity of PreseSative Copnents ac-r 94 tifrt II /4 pc ujlI//t7 fthiv R4r 69C c4/c4VS5 -SpnipJi 4w-c r/OY3 TS//ena%an /0 4pr szr cii77 Mill Cimeulwater Dischaige iFerwÆt rouadwater MoniitoSg QuthflssuranceThian QAP Date 225.07 1tevisS Page400f4I Temperature 14./7 Redox Poten$Ek_JqS Turbidity______________ Thi ______Gal Purged Conduc e____________________pp\y Temperaffire Redontial Eli T4CJBIIMIIN 11 Wififif TIE 1141PM UJJEM4RIEJM aL IFIIIEILIID IIDATA WOIEJSIHIIEiET FOIlS GHWUND WATIEI Description ofSauplingEveimt Samper Location well name 7Ai NUS ad initials Itnc 4pg jt Date and Time for Purging 33 Zoct7jind Sampling if different 07 Well Purging Equip LJseth or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennet L-nw 7f_ Sampling Event4Laa rAaicsw-.JPrev.WeJl Sampled in ampling Event.______ pHlluffer7.0 7O pflBuffer4.O_______________ Specific Conductance uMEiOSIcm WU Depth /O Depth to Water Before Purging 58 Casing Volume Well 91.97 .653k Well .367k Conductance avg pH ofWatr ayg Well Watet Temp nvg_Iecfwc otentnth turbidity_____ Weather Coed LY L4 ti--Extl Amb Temp priorto sampling event_______ Tnne35 GPurgeC Tibi JalPurged Conddciance 7fl Couductan .. pH 7.9 Temperature___________________________ Redox PnI tint mM Tiqe GaLPurged Temperature RetloxP ntial Bk. JlllGrouuduater Discharge Permit Date 11.17.06 itevizioa Groundwater Ivionitoriag Quality Msuraace Plati QAP Pntidihi Volume of Water Purged %SPi gpjnaRnte Calculation Tnrhiditcr Page 41 of 41 FlowPSQ ingpm SI6O _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes ZYT2WQ Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated__- Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs ta in Taken IdMe SÆmeVime hullcitŁ lfthiE .tS.SsOecifted iei4c. Filtered fittle Preservative Adaled tdrele VOCs Nutrients HN 3A4JiI 100 Y4 cM act H2$04 HŁavyMetals Mi Other Non- Radiologics Hit 250Th1.H 250m1 .. it RHO3 Y.N NapteervtiveAdded IrossAipha LOGOS it H2804 Other specify eaa fiVoctvtt SaniplŁ volume if apreservative is used Specify Type and Quantity ofPeservative rr__a 1279 nAeJC -y wi /r sri a.vtet /2V1 tt /Zrz 4rt cs4r iat____ 4cr /8 LII ipn-/-Mf /2eica-.czc S04 c.JAthC njo /n/i.n-sA 1417 IMr cjtE Mill 002 waterDicllagePe2unit Date 2.25.07 Revision CroiSwterMen crag QuthtyAssurancePlanQAP irage4O of4l AT11ACIIt4IIENT WrdIR1I 14fflSA IIJJAN1IUM aL IFfflILD DATA WOJJSJRIIEfl FOM GHtOIUND WAflJ Description ofSarupling Event jLin2r Samplcr Location well nameTttg-i.c Nate nail firntalu7.14- DateanilTinieforPurging Jcd2 lSampllngif different 9-07 Well Purging Equip Uae or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennet i-4 Sampling Event cA/iacsw Pretr Welt Sampled in Sampling Event 7ZuY -Z3 pHBuffer7.0 pfiBuffer4.0. Specific Conductance flg uMHOSIcm Well Depth Depth to Water Before Purging 9T Si Casing Volume Welt ..t .653k ________Welt .367k Conduttilace avg_____________bIater ayg Well Water Temp avg___________Redol otethil Bk Turbzdity Weather Cond 7tr L5 t..a ExCt Audi temp priorto sampling event /2 Tune 1i LI cia Purged ______Gal urged Condaciance IS Condue pH_____________ TemperatUre 9s3 Temperature RedoxPotentiafBh IS RedoxPyitalBh Turbidity 3fl TnrbiiILy Tine Gal Purged 77 Gal.Purged Conduh __________________CondIhn ____________________pHNV ____ Temperature_______________temLwre iatEh NN Redox4dEh .N Mill Groundwsr Discharge Permit irouadwater Monitoring Quality Msvrance Plan OAF Date H.17.06 iltevMiojz Turbidity___ Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged gpuRate Calculation FlowRnteQhigjifl 5160 ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2WT2WQ Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evaduat____________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other ThanEnergy Labs IsiiizS Qpj TliÆin cfrclel SSbleVohune SkttŁthØr tbSaiseeWed lliltered drclaI Preservative Added LdicM VOCs Nutrients 34Qfl loDint .Yc$lICE tN H$O4 HØavyMetals Y..25ESj All Other Non Rndioj4gics YN 2SOiiil NopresŁrvÆtiveAddŁd UrossAipha IOtflml llSO4 Other specify e%IAJ fNPn cs Sample volume Ifapreservativeisused Specify Type and Quantity of Preserirative flnmmntoILiL /e4c a- cnijjjr 22O /ti-r /Oc r1c Ja.vtAef /22a /1 lZra æes..r i.c 49Cn 4r.eci c1 -r-fVete /pn4tte .cr /C 4w /rfr fi /2eJe.-r Ct Sifl a7 MJ Mill GroilwflwaterDisthavga 1Pirnit Date 2.25.437 lFtevkdou Grouadwatf MeuitoSg Quality Mscirauoai9an QAP Page 40 of 411 MTAC1H1WIINT1 WJIIDITIE MIESA WEANHUM M11LL liWILJ DATA WO1IVSIHIEfl FOR GROUND WATER Desciiptioa of Sampling Event j3g0 tmk Sampler Location well name 7IJY WaS and initials /1 /44 4her Date and Time for Purging 2..j ZOI7 and Sampling if different________________ Welt Purging Equip Us1 nip or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennet s-4 Lr Sampling Event ci $fl.nr Prey Wel Sanipled in Sarnpling Event fl4 pH Buffer 7.0 -O pRBiffer4.0 Specific Conductance I1 tilJIHOSIcm Well Depth 9/vA Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume Well .653k Wail .367k Conductance avg__________________p0 o4ieravg Well Water Temp avg_________Redoa PotSthil Ek Turbidity WedtherCondfl/env1 Snw.j IA4I.rnExnAmb Temp ppiortaaamplmgevent Thnt ..vi..rged YqitEurged Condudaace .ST Centaflce pH______________piL.NY _______ Temperature /3 Temperatuie______________ Redoz PotentialEh zoC Redox P9jetIºIt Bh_ Turbidity ____________________ Ti Couduhc Gal Purged_______ 7__ pH /7 Temperature_ Redox P2Jplh Mill omtdwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring QaS mace Plan QAP Date 11.17.06 Revision Turbidity Page 41 of 41 Volume ofWaterPuxged When Field Parameters are Measure4 pjgjtate Calculation Plow Rate in wa s60 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V T2V/Q Numberof casing volumes evacuated if other than two_ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacUatQt Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than BægyLabs____ tSsLiSS Sninds Taken dSeI SisUle Vdnme 4athitoUieEt- 1ththi.aiapeeifiedbe Filtered cjrcM Preservative Added elide VOCs 4thelT Yt3 IICL fl Nutrients 100 ant HeavyMetals All Other Non- Radlologics 250M.. 2SOnd 1m03. NhSrativeAddŁd GmssAbÆ 1000ml 112S0 Otherspecil Lw_k4 Saniplivolume If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Comments OS7-t1z ft S.n 14 a-c em k// tflt_jY flt4M Date 2.25.07 RevisS Page 40 of 411 ATTACJW1IIT WIHEJITIE 1MIIESA U1AFJ1HIIW I4ffiLL PIIIEW DATA WOUSEIIIIIT \9J GHRO1IJND WATIE Description ofSanpling Event 5t 4kzn c4%rnn Spmpler Location well name 7hi LI WaS nEd initials iWr // Date and Time kr Purging ..3 1iZOd and Sampling if differan3 Well Purging Equip Useth .x$p or bailer Well Pump if other than Beunet Lzuftnr PŁc Sampling Event_____________________Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event T4v 2. pllBufferl.O pIBuffer4.0 Specific Conductance 53 uMHOS/pm Depth Depth to Water l3efore Purging 4cC 62 Casing Volume Well 4f 17 .53h ____________ Mid .367k Conduetance avg of Water avg Well Water Temp avg___________Rsdo Potential Eh cffrurbithty WetherCond ti$ztO r7..Lc Extl AmiTemp.priqr.tq snpiug event 13 Tune 2S dal Purged flue Gal Vurged___ Condudauce \7 conduct nŁs. Temperature ____________Redx PotethIl Ph__________________Tu pH 7o Temperature Redox Poten Turbidity tialQ3h as L21 -7 Tii Couduut at Purged GaI.Purged Condnce__________________ Mill GroQrndwt Dfiscaige PSt Gioandwa Moaitothig Quality Assurance Flaii QAP7 Ct p1 Temnentuia-r Redo otential Ph_____________Redox ntial Ph. Mill Cirouetwater Discharge Permit Date 11.17.06 laevisiojr ouudwater Moaitoring Quality Assurance Plan QA1P Page 41 of4I LQUltflt.J Turbidity___________________________ Volume of Water Purged jpjng Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpm Time to evacuate two caning volumes 21 5/60 _____________ T2VIQ Number of casing volumes evacuated if othr than two_____________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuEted__ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Jfilgpj $uthS Taken dSe- SinniileVdonne iSfØak ifotbØr ui..cfled kered cle Pregervulive Added riSe VOCs Nutrients 100 in somI. y-- ct lick %$04 HØavyMetas Y.fl ENO3.YN All OtheE Non- Radiologics 250th NiPrSæervativeAdded CirossAipha Other specify t-wieoei 5/1J%v1RS 1000Sf Sampl volume jt 112504 cli 11 preservative is used Specify Type Quantity of Preservative mments46-4rpt ra7 4yc.-crI3s4-rr /2 /5Vt cV4A21fl S7i-/507 J2 M/eYc /s n.r S7 /rFr A-- ShLE .C /29 MW Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Tuxbidity_ Time O4 Gal Purged 2LU75 Conductance 3fl pH_ Temperature 97 RedoxPotentialBh 173 _Ja__ Date 2.25.07 Revision Page4Oof4l WWIITh MISA flt4iNflJM MILL IFIIIIELD DATA WORKSHIEfl FOR GROUND WATIER Description of Sampling Event QueLr s1a-L4rr- Sampler Location well name T04 tl Name and initialsit 13 Date and Time for Purging 3-M-aocr9i and Sampling if different ii Well Purging Equip Usetk ..ptap or_bailer Well Pump if other than Rennet QEr Sampling Event CiorL cklorArr Prev Welt mpled in Sampling Event A/A pllBufferl.O pllBuffer4.O .g1j Specific Conductance J17 uMROSIcm Well Depth 130 Depth to Water Before Puging..76 MS Casing Volume 14 Well 34 .4 .653h 3K Well 36Th Conductance avg of Water avg 44 Well Water Temp avg Redox PoteaOtal hi Turbidity 15 Weather Cond br CleJc Bxtl Amb Temp.prior sampling event Time ooo.l.ged gl Tiine OecS CaLPurged ICS Conductance 44 Conductance 3Cj79 C39 Temperature i49 Temperature j3jt Redox Potential Eh 1k Turbidity__________________________ Time Oq3 Conductance Gal.Purged 4051 34 P1 Temperature Redox Potential L.4 V3 .81 Eli j Mffl-GroundwnterDischarge Permit Date 11.17.06 Revision Groundwater Monitoring Quality AssurancePlan QAP Page4I of 41 Turbidity Turbidity__________________ Volume of Water Purged pumping Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpni Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V S160 33 T2V/Q 2J0 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two .t If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacnate.d Al/A- Name 0f Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy LabÆ /14 ype of Sample SaEnle Taken ciS4 Saumie Volmne hidiciite if other ththtS specifIed below Filtered circle Preservative Added circle VOCs jY Sx4Oinl HCL Nutrients HØavyMetals All Other Non- Radiologics YO Sf loom 250kiil... 250S Sf I1O4 jfl NoPresØrvativeAdded GrossAlpha Other specify rener inQekJeS 1P 1000mI Sample volume Sf 19 H2SO4 If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Comments or s4c 0731 te.nn- f-LIUs PrcsJ Ic.r Pcrcc Ctn4 Sc..rnpln\cJen 4W ue 2-o954 1to Rra1 tvi ee1 ct0J bccytr 6t otL16 34sj os %pk Clccr dpAr8cg dk c%t7 4R tao LA1 vctcr 14L fr tL1 tfintcjinr Pctt_ h...I .......%v.......n..................... MIM Gmuidwater Discha Pmit Date 2.25.07 ReSiea Grouedwater Monitoring Quality MsuraacelPian QAP Page 40 of 41 kTrACiRilMNT 11 BfflTE 4IISA AP4KffJM EIULLL WKllLD DATA WOJS1EET FOR GROUND WATER Description ofSamplingEvet cntir .ch%t mnpIer Location well name 77 /7 NaS and initialsjndff Date and Time for Purging and Sampling if different SiV Well Puiing Equip TJseth jPiporjaiiler Welt Pump if other than Beunet L-7f Sampling Event rh/aecv Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event 1i pHfiuffer7.O 76 pHi3uffer4.0________________ Specific Conductance C/yg uMROS/cm WIL Depth Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume CV Well 52 .653k Well 367k conductunce avg___________________ff of wdtet avg _._.... Well Water Temp avg___________Redd PoteitiaI Eli Turbidity Weather d.p ev.2 q/AZjtt Extl Auth PptoS$pling event /2 tune -b2 Gal Purged 72 Thne Gal Purged Coadªciance 13 CoflductanN .- pH Temperature -l Temperature Redox Potential Bk Redox Pyi1il Eli Turbidity__________________ririsity ______Gal Purged _______GaL PurgedInCondine_____ Temperature Redo otential Eli_____ mperature________ Redo pttialtEhi MW Cronadwates Discharge Permit Date 1117.06 Wtevithon Groundwater Moaitoriug Quality Assurance Plan QAJP V.W1tfl9 Volume of Water Purged VIeaeJ$ ffluMigg Rate Calculation Page4l of4I Plow Rate in gpm 5/60 ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes TVT2WQ/2 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuite.d__- Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs gfgle Stpfl Taken$el Sthjile Volume iSkiiØifDth soecisbaar fltered Ldrck Preservative Added drd VOCs Nutrients .jN 100 an liCE H2O4 TY HiavyMetals All Other Non- 250thF 2SOl liMo3 NoPreservative Added Itadiologics GrossAipha I000mI 1LSO4 Other specify leNlO.lJ i1/PtC.a4t r.S Sample volume c13 Ifapnativeinu Specify Type and Quantity of Peservative fl.nntowuwwoLe_RujecLL crnfLJtr I33O /-er /3/2 iLAc /1 i3 Jc/J Cr2 rlc 12 /j. s1 c.t---4 /2/i /anncr lb .r12/V /rF-r icc sit ar /21/ nnlwaariNstharge Parent Bate 2.25.07 ttevisiaa CoMwaterMaitoæag Quality Msurance Plan QAP Page 40 of 41 AflACWMIIRNT ii WJHIIIU1 MESA URANIIIEIM MRLL FJIIEL1Th IilATA WORKS1E1fl FOR GIIODNIID WATEM Description of Sampling Event Sampler Location well name 77v IauØand uutials4ar 4k- Date and Time for Purging ZOO7find Sampling if diffeaent_______________ Well Purging Equip Uiset X$thp or_bailer Well Pump if other than Beamet JSI-4/ Sampling Event_________________Prei Welt Sampled in Sampling Event fl4 p11 Buffer 7.0 -o pH suffer 4.0 Specific Conductance uMLIOSIcm reWPepth Deitb ito Water Before Purging Casing Volume Well .653h Well-.36711 Conduethice nvg_________________pif OfWiter avg__________________ Well Water Temp avg________Reix.PoteiW Eh Turbidity Weather COflCkw Sut oi-e-EJCti Amb Temp.priprtq hag event Time aal Purged Tn Gal Purged conthlcwce____________Conctnce_____________ pH___________ _____________ Temperature 43 Temperature RedoxPottnthtlWh___________RedoxPo _____________ Turbidity Tuty Titue Gal..Purged__ Condaftet_____________NV Temperature Redox Poteyi1h jvjffl-roundwaterDiscSgePemeit Date 1t.1706 Revisioar 3ouudvwjtcrMonitodug Quality Msarance Plan QAP Page 41 of 41 Turbidity Turbidity__________________ Volume of Water Purged When Field Parameters am Measured___________________ pg Rate Calcuktion Flow Rate in gpm Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V s/60 _______________T2V/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated___________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Tb Energy Labs__ q$asumk Sample Taken elSe SIihde Volume SkatMttli tthisuecifled Filtered fcM Presenatlve Added efr4E VOCs Nutrients HØavyMetala All Other Non- tt N.y 340S 100 mlz5oiS 250ml NH Th$04 liMp3 YN NoPSvativeAdded Radiologics GrossAlpha 100Gm Sample volume ISO YN Ifapreservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Other specify 5/eimaP 41nJtpAlt4 Focr xrifiM t0 ti74777 //q4 -C /r ct Of-27 MIII CterDShargePemiit Date 2.25.97 fleuisioa C-row water WiioSoriag Quality Msuraoce Plan QAF Page 40 of 411 MTACIffl14BENfl WliwnriE PAIIEA UIRAIkJRUM IMIIULL FRIi2LITh DATA WORWSffillEET 1OR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Eveat Onamnk i4/n1eat Sampler Location well name 7u -I Name and initialTr /1 iL fZhec Date and Time for Purging OO7find Sampling if different______________ Well Purging Equip Vised 4itunp or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennet t4 L.. Sampling Event ah Prey Weil.Sampled in Sampling Event p4 pffBufferl.O -o pllRufferto Li Specific Conductance uMifOS/cm Wl Depth Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume Well .653h 31t Well J67h Condttthnce avg pH od VMr avg Well Water Temp avg_________RSoPoºeitia1 Eh Turbidity Weather Cant C3/ew1 1tatt ExtlAinb Temp.priortsaiupling event Tune Gal Purged TmP Gal Purged Conductance 33 Concihtance pH______________w.\ Temperature 1/0/Temperature_________________ Redox PatentS Eli 2/Redox PoJeiiuil Eh\ Turbidity TurJ$__________________ Tipi Gal Purged_______Tine GaLPurged Conduciia _v______Condufiet_______________________ Temperature Temperature Potenti$Redox Poteyhi z.4 pCrcuaderDisdiargePerS Date 1U7.O6 ieviaien Omuadwater WAonitothlg QliyAssuraaceP1aaQAP JPage4I of 41 V.LUflLfl5y____________________________________IL W4LSy Volume of Water Purged When Pekl Parameters are Measured____________________ fjuD.pjIg Rate Calculation flow Rate Qj in gpm Time to evacuate two casing volumes TV 5160 _______________TZV/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two___________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuhtd Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Elergy Labs Sabn Taken dzsele SØsuile Volume thifÆfbi tSiÆSanec1fled bØlŁ Filtered circle Preservative Added circle VOCs SN 3i4Oh1ul RL Nufrients 100.int R$O4 HØavyMetaJs .N .250thlH P140. All Other Non- Radiologics 250mnl NPEosŁrvitiv Added GrossAipha Other specify 1000mL Sample volume IASQk Ifapreservative is used Specify Type and Quantity Of Preservative Comments OCf92-i1-/1 ____PVLCSgPLI2LLfle ar /ftcCfr/ctirH 3tsT Mll-DisePunii Dt2.25.07 Eevithca2 owaterMonRoring Quality Msarance Plan QAP Page 40 of 41 AflAC1HffiEIklT WE11T1 MIESA 1LBJk1IIJM IWifl 1BHI1LD DATA WMSIliIIEIffT JFI2R GIIIOUI\R11 WARIED 1oeacnptaonofSamplingEvent sr Sampler. Locationwelihiame 72i HaS afid initials C-41/J7 DateandTimeforPurging 10 2OO7 and Sampling if different Well Purging Equip Used 4uniip or ..jailer tell Pimip if other than Bennet jj.i/i5ii Sampling Event Ui Prey Well.Sampied in Sampling Event I1Q -h pHlluffer7.0 pH$uffer4.O Specific Conductance uMHOS/cm Well Depth /2 Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume Well .653h .3 Wet.367h Conductance avg_________________pH of Water avg__________________ Well Water Temp avg_________Iedthc Potenft1 Ek Ttnbxdity Weather Cond rfat d/c Extl Amb Temp prior to sampling event Time YO1 al Purged Lr Tune ______Gal Purged Conductance 35 _____ pH 7k Tempenture 147 Redor PotentialEh 331 Turbidity Time Gal Purged_______Ti Gal Purged Coce ________pH Temperature otential E0 ci Grmwdwater Dlscbarge Permit Date 11.27.06 Revlsiot -oundvaterMonitotg Quality Assurance Plan QAP Tuthiditjc Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged When lel4 iing Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpm 5160 _____ Time to evacuate two ping volumes 2V T2VIQtt 19 tnnpo Number of casing volUmes evacuated if other than two_ if welt evacuated to dryness number of gallons vacuatd________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Eiiergy Labs rr th TÆkin efreMi j$Re Volume icteft ihSili.neclfled Silly Filtered dSeI PreservatIve tIded.fr VOCs Nutrients 11W lOOmI yS HCL ifO HØayyMetalR .N 5Qnf .1 HHO3 All Other Non- Radiologics 250l N6rresŁrvativeAddŁd Orosspha Other specify evtir4 nfOYn 1j100m1 Sample volume RZSOAL YN LbJ If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative gjnmeats /L-A MI 7rt j14 -z -c4t iv 1O acr.r cc erncIrI964iZ .. z9itf 4n-c dVfl 7/OVa /tstr szer tc ....J..._..._.......I......_______.%........................._...I....-.. Mill Grotwiwater Discharge 2emai Groandu1ei Moniiicciiag Quallity anosPlan QAP ______Gal Purge CoŁtance____ PUN Date 2.2517 Ktevisioe Page 40 of Gal Purged________ Tempemtare Redox $al Bk.NN MTACIHILMBItNT 11 WMflSA11111WJHh1JMIbilliLL W1IIL1D DATA WOWSIEIET Th02 GHWffJND WAThI Descriptªon of SamplliiagBvent Jajra Ii IofrtuZutA.. Sampler Location well name 17u 9-Name IIkd initials 7i- /-Jeifvie7 l4in.g4te.r Date and Time for1Pu1iug 3-2Ot_znd Sampling if different 31/zoo Well Puiging Equip LTseth or W-ellPwup if other than Bennet Sampling Event di Iorztmvt-Pmv Well Samp in Sampling Event Tbu Y-2 pHlluffer7.0 R-O pflBuffer4.O Specific Conductance ft uMHOSIcvn Wd Depth L5. Depth to Water Before Pugging Casing Volume 40 Well J24 .653h 311 Well.367k CouduŁktnce avg pwot$Viter avg____________________ Well Water Temp avg keddi Potential Eli Ttwbidtty Weather Cond 2IA Extl Auth Temp prior to samphug event Time O1Th 4a1 Purged 4K Ti Gal Eurged Conductance IWO CoæducIifre pH 77 Temperatint Temperature Redox PotcntialBh Redo4h Turbidity 1.7 Ttybfdity Temperature tential Bk. Mill GrotSwatei Discharge Peonit Date 11.17.86 Revision rouiwaterMothtoriag Quality Assurance Plan QAP Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged When T1ie14.P pingRate Calculation 77 Plow Rate 03 in gpa 5.160 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 211T2WQ13 Number of casing volumes evacuated If ShE than two_ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacutht Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs pe of Sample mSfla Talks elSe jSleVobme dithtfdtbet thSÆiSØeSfled IBiftered dSe Preservative Adde4 LØISM VOs ...L4oi Nutrients gavyMØtalE ib it lOOm 2SOkhU...it $O4 Alt OthS Non- Radiologics .q 250th NProservÆtiveAdded rossAlpha it I000ml it LSO YN Other specify evinti L7c Sasupl volume preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative C9uments nyc %ftc err teue/I 7ciAiL ii /1 _7ItZ4t 11 I-1r.f /249ec1DViLc7Jtd0nci2VM Sklit1 4n pr94f cni ..cr æ9So /ejc.r st ai S2 .......................-I Mill GwSIwater Dkcliae Pem Date 225.07 Revision Cwundwrater Monitoring Quality Msrirance Plan QAP Page 40 of 411 ATTAC1Hll4llENT ii W1IIUI IMIIESA ffJRANJII MILL FEEUD DATA WOWSHI FOR GROU1k1Ifl WATIllR Description of Sampling EventJ ccrf hk0 Sampler Location well narneLfi -.23 Name aM rnvtialt144C 4i Date and lime forPurging4 3c2dd_and Sampling if different 171 Well Purging Equip lETset 4up or_jaller Well Pump if other than Dennet Sampling EventLaKf r6/wraw-.-Prey We.Samplcd in Sampling Event 1i 1- pflEuffer7.O 716 pllBuffer4A________________ Specific Conductance flt uMHOS/cm W.Depth /23-3 Depth to Water IBefore Purging 4751 Casing Volume Well$L 513 .653k Well .367k Conductance ravg of Water avg Well WaterTemp avg_________ReiioxPotenttatWh Turbidity_____ Weather Cond 4rnr-/iwrEict Ainli Tump prior to sampling event Time 3Purged tlbiokJ QaLPrgCd Conductance V7\Coflucta pH__________pW _____ Temperature 16 Temperatiue.. Redox Potential Eli Ph Redox P9eil Ehi Turbidity________________Turl4_________________ ll-Groundwater Discharge Permit Date ff17.06 Revisioit Groundwater Monkoriag Quality Msurance Plan QAP Page 41 o141 2LIfltI.J Tumidity Volume of Water Purged PimpinaiRate Caictilation Plow Rate 03 in gpm Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V 5/60 _____________T2V/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two_____________________ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuatØ.d_________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs________________ iiiak $nnk TIIºa deI SIns le Valune SlSifIther thiSai Specified Filtered LØkdel Preservative Added clyde VOCs Nutrients ...N 34Qj WOnd HCL .1M06 HØavylvletab .Y.N N.liMo3 TN All Other Non- Radiolqgics NorServativeAdded GrossAlpha l000ml 112504 Other specify tieieoJ2 frnice4Lc.s Sampl volume Ifapmseveis Specify Type Quantity of Preservative asmeats fl6-Le iec_arfniJr%/Y /e //æ M1V7 Aef ///A fl.c cr F-c L4/trc /4S7 t7nr /t i4 4//ecrfl cr /AVY Jew /rfr j-.r sin ai/OC ee__..____._...........UJ...............t .....P...n Grouiuwater Disthagc Permit Date 2.25.07 ReviSa C-roimdwaterMositorhig Quality Assurance Plan QAP Page 4.0 of 411 ATTACJBIIMIIENfl W1IIIIJTIE 1MIIEA JUMANIIUM JMUIITJL 1IUWD DATA rsJHflEfl 11101111 GII11OUNI WArSIZ Description ofSampling Event gwt-z4%ctwL niplr Location well name y4J -2 Name alid initials inizcr sI tan /J Date and Time for Purging o.200q and Sampling if different L/ Well Purging Equip Used x$thp or_bailer Well Pump if other than BennetIin.f Sampling Event r%/or.w..-Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event iZt pflBuffer7i pllfluffer4i Specific Conductance uMROSIcm Depth /22 Depth to Water Before Purging it Casing Volume j4ft Well 77 .653k Well.367k Condttctunc avg_________________of $ter ayg Well Water Temp avg_c Redcsic Pomntxat fifi Turbidity Weather Cowl aiavc liv Ext IAmb Temp priorto sampling event Time U9O jul Puted_______ltlIne Gal Purged condciance 5O6 ConduN pH W2t2/c.ctl Temperature 4W2b .36 Temperature Redox PotentiaIQ3hS Redx rediaIEh Turbidity 3.L1t Turliiiy______________________ wmGroundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Mordtoriag QuSy Assurance Pian QAP Date 11.17.06 Revision Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged SWum Diwing Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpm 5/60 ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V T2V/Q 1I Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to dqness number of gallons evacuate$____________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs______________ 9SS Talthn efrde Sash$le Vehinse ffiailfstitothir .Sia.specifled S6iii Filtek drejel Preservative Ashled fdrcJI Wc Nutrients ijiW 32 ions YthJ fD HO4 fl rlØavyMetals .Y NH 1MO3 YN All Othir Non- RadiolQgics 25GSl If NoPreservafive Added GrossAipha i000ml 112504 Other specify ti/ted fNcta-s Sampl volume Ifapreservativeisused Specify Type and Quantity of Peservative flnantc 7..WWISAS7.J 5Cn5Jer V//rrr s- gtic ctvtiief If 4.fic.lr S-p1E er 4jeec /.229 it -cr /779 4- /rF-r 2- SPE cc /Z 36 Mill Croau4dwater DkchargePeirnit GoiSwater Monftoziug QSi Assurance Plan QAP Date 2.25.07 ievision Page 40o14k Gal..Purged Condhnce__________________ Tempeture RedoxtEh MTACffiffWYJF 11 WRIIITJE IMUESA ILJIIkNHIJM I4II1LL MIIL DATA WOBK1SIHIIT lOR GHOUI1D WATIEM Description of SamplingBvent Lurs ihcgsprvt Sampler Location well naiiue 7l Nanth ftd itht tb.s Date and Time forPurgiag JtaOand Sampling if differentS 1-20O Well Purging Equip Used jCmpor Well Pump if other than Bennet Lmnw Sampling Event c4Imnra Piev Well Sampled in Sampling Event ft pFlBufferl.0 70 pHBuffer4i Specific Conductance flz uMHOS/cm Well.Depth Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume WellL/JJVX_.653h Well .367h Conduttstnce avg__________________iH of Water avg Well Wntet Temp avg___________Redwc PotetidI Turbidity Weather Cond s-r -ii Ext Anib Temp prior to sampling event IC -.-......-.. Tnne Gal Purged.Thut Gal Purged Concludance 2R57 ConductanN 71. pf 7.d pH-VV Temperature Temperatuie__________________ L2edox Potential Eli gJ Redox Po tie Eli______________ Turbidity idity__________________ Conduh nil NV Purged Temperature JWill-CrotSwaterDistgePeffnit Date 11.17.06 Revisioit Groundwater Monitoring Quniiiy Assurance Plan QAP AIUAIJJU.y Volume of Water Purged Pumping Rate Calculation Page 41 of 41 PlowRnteQingpm 8160 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2WT2WQ20 Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to dtyness number of gallons evacuate.d Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Snergy Labs stiS $p$Ø ken drelel SIS jilt.Volmne iffŁtŁifofhØr th1SS snedifed Filtered ffrle Preservative AddedeM VOCs Nutrients .NY 1140t lOOmI Y4I Ha tN HO4 ffiavyMetals All Other Non- Radiolojcs N.25oit 250 ml .-. NoPreseæative Added GrossAlpba 1000S 112804 Other specify tItle no iJLq4tt Sampl volume Ifapreservativeisused Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative r...ante RCA -_d4r.4 nr ASflRUtUsfltOflLt/L//ecc.... J-rr V1StC Sr1r /ro /czse.cr ic vZg Z0 ffl.dflc cr c4 ...ykc f4itc 14/J5 JOtnct Ir t/ecfl4 /2YJ/ /2eJet-irt /t snt ar Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Gronudwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Date 2.25.07 Revision Page 40 of 41 TTAC1BUk4IEEQ 11 wrni MIESA URAIkJIIUM MILL FIERLD DATA WORKSHEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event tnro errtl Sampler ____________________Name and initials itwca -nLcflIuLocationwellnameiLkGO Date and Time for Purging Z.Ooc and Sampling if different_________________ Well Purging Equip Useck or_bailer Welt Pump if other than Bennet__________ Sampling Event C.h Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event pin Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 Specific Conductance uM Well Depth Depth to Water Before Purging____________Casing Volume Well Well Condutthnce avg pH of Water avg Well Water Temp avg___________roS aI Turbidity 4/i\- .653h .367k Weather Cowl.________________Extl Auth Temp4uior to sampling event________ Tame O1 Gal Purged_______Tt4ie Gal Purged CondÆctapce 1.14 Conductance______________________ ff Temperature Temperature Redox Potential Bk 313 Redo otential Ehj_________________ Turbidity Cl ACbidity______________________ Tern$tY Potential Eh_R1c Potential Ehj....... Time Gal Purged_______ Conductance Time Gal.Purged Conductance_______________________ MIII Groundwatei Discharge Permit Date 11.17.06 Revision Groundwater Monitog Quality Assurance Plan QAP Page 41 of 41 Turbidity_________________ Turbidity___________________ Volume of Water Purged When Field Parameters are Measured___________________ ppina Rate Calculation Plow Rate in gpm Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V 5/60 ________________T2V/Q Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two if well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuatd_________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs_ zafSnnÆ1 $nimile Takeaa circle Salajilt Volume iaidieatØifistbr specified sowi Filtered circle Preservalive Added cjrclj voCs YN 3A4Om1 HCL SON Nutrients HavyMetals 100 ml 250th cli .HzO4 clv lIMO3 All Other Non- Rarliologics 250 ml No Preservative Added GrossAipha Tt 100Gm H2SO4 Other specify Sampl volume If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative 3r4 te tn ttryccs Comments Arrjek \-k nt o-iaG s4 or pcwctmcke.s uie.rc tx.f D73 efl .k CnL4 Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundvvatar Mordtoring Quality Assurance Plait QAP Date 2.25.07 Revision Page 40 of4l PR Gal Purged Temperature /8w 5x MtTACIBIIMBENT VflIHITIE MESA URAMUM DAII1LL IFREIID DATA WO IFIIIEET FOR GROUND WATER Description of Sampling Event Sampler Location well name ikA4 NtunØ arid initials j- Date and Time for Purging 22 21.2 oo and Sampling if different_________________ Well Purging Equip Use jsp or_bailer Well Pump if other than Bennet imnr Sampling Event c4i Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event -flat1- pH Buffer 7.0 pH Buffer 4.0 .q Specific Conductance Vfl uMHOSIcm Well Depth Depth to Water Before Purging____________Casing Volume Well .653h Well 367k Conductance avg pH of Water avg Well Water Temp avg RŁdOtSthalS turbidity Weather Court Extl Amb Temp.priot to sampling event Sc Time dlJurged_____...GaLPurged ...2 Conductauce I3SS Conducta. pH S17 pH 77 Temperature 151 20 Temperature Redox Potential Eh 1/13 Redox PpiIiial Eli Turbidi____________TtuUiIy Temperature Gal Purged v- RedoxptEh Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Date 11.17.06 Revisiorn Turbidity Page 41 of 41 Volume of Water Purged ping Rate Calculation Flow Rate in gpm 5160 ________ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V 2VIQ ___________________ Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If well evacuated to drmess number of gallons evacuated____________________________ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Type of Sample Sahuple Taken cfrcleF Smrnile Volume imlicatI if Other ThRtakspecffied below Filtered circle Preservative Added circle Nutrients VN 401111 100 nit cIt HCL tN HSO4 RavyMetals 250S HN03 All Other Non- Radiologics 250 ml .c No Ptesorvative Added GrossAlpha L000ml H2SO4 Other specify tleeaJ fNoeivtu.c SaniplS volume Ifapreservativeisused Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative .Scnpf6 Arteei c1 t7L4c IAc1fl4/CC /AJele /ECr$.cr 4e /rr 4ee-rrnt Sfl ATTACIFifIMIIENT Ii WHIt TIE MESA URANIUM IFRIELD DATA WORESHEET FOR GROU1JIth WATER Description of Sampling Event CkLoro-cnn sr Oo.arkr Sampler Location well name Ttt3 4-Name and initials itncr IL IlciM Date and Time for Purging 3-4-.cot and Sampling if different Well Purging Equip 1Jsed .Lpump or Well Pump if other than Bennet Sampling Event unrrIt thlurocm Prey Well Sampled in Sampling Event a/A plBufferl.O 7.0 pHBuffer4A 14Q Specific Conductance 141 uMROS/cm Well Depth 130 Depth to Water Before Purging Casing Volume Well .653li Well 36Th Condsictaince avg jH of Water av Well Water Temp avg flkiiØPfithii fO Turbidity Weather Coed 6rOKCA Ogc4 Extl Amb Ternp.prior to sampling event Sc Time Purged Ties Qiil PurgeÆ Coictazice_______________________Conductance pif Temperature Temperaturer .7... Redox Potential Eli RedyPotential Eli______________ 1idity Turbidity Time Gal Purged Conductance .- pH Temperatur/ Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan QAP Date 2.25.07 Revision Page4Oof4l Time Gal Purged Conductance_______________________ ni-I Temperaturt Redox Potential Eli_____________Redox Potential Eh 17 Mill Groundwater Discharge Permit Date 1.17.06 Revisiorn Groundwater Monitoring Quality AssurancePlan QAP Page4l of 41 V4J.UAJt.J__________________________________________IL tASIJLLAL% Volume of Water Purged gmping Rate Calculation Flow Rate in wm Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V sioo .33 T2V/Q 1O AA.fl Number of casing volumes evacuated if other than two If welL evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacutd Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Than Energy Labs Afl Iw of Saniæi SaSple Taken ciSc SiSgile Volume lndicateifther tlithia specified helæI Filtered circle Preservative Added circle ________________ VOCS Nutrients Ct rn IGOmI y...-HCL geavyMetals AU Other Non- Radiologics cr 44 zsoihi 250 ml RIcO3 No Preservative Added GrossAipha LOGOS H2S04 I4 Other specify .1 Sample volume j4 If preservative is used Specitr Type and Quantity of Preservative rcncc\1roesc.n Comments fl ................................. .. Mill GrmSwaterDischaige JPeonit The 2.25.07 ReviSe roiSwatMOliftitOSg Qualhy AS8QThcePIi1 QAP Page 40 of 41 MTAC1RII4IIENT 11 II1kTII 1MSA UMMllflUM MIILL FIIIZIDD ATA WOWHHLfl JLtDJLZ GLIIOUNJTh WATIEIR Desctipion of Sampling Eventll ST iLvxiinet iori Sampler Location well name ttu Cf7O Hwn Sd initials ilflhC 14 Date audTimeforPurging 310 2OO7 and Samplhigif different .r f-6 Well Puaging Equip lIJset or_bailer Well Pump if other than Beenet Sampling Event_ti-i ciriattw.-Prev Well Sampled in Sampling Event______ pllBufferl.O 7-o pHBtiffer4.O Specific Conductance ft uMROSIcin Well Depth__________________ Depth to Water Bet re Purging Casing Volume Well .653hYWe367h Conductance avg__________________pEE traug__ Well Water Temp avg_________RWox htentW li turbdity Weather Cowl._________________Ext Amb Temp prior to sampling event_________ Tune fat Purged TIUkN Gal urged Conduciance Condue1rUe pH Temperature Temperature Redox Potential Eb Redoatiii Turbidity Ttjbldity f/ ffl-CouudwaterDischargePerasft Date 11.17.06 Revision oidwaterMO1ut0il2Ig Quality Msurance PS QAP Volume of Water Purged When ieId4tu jg Rate Calculation Page 41 of 41 FlowRateQ ingpa S60 _____ Time to evacuate two casing volumes 2V T2WQ__________________ Number of easing volumes evacuated if Slier than two_ If well evacuated to dryness number of gallons evacuated_ Name of Certified Analytical Laboratory if Other Thali ety Labs SSnnSe $anle TalkS elSe SthhjileVohmnie ffijjjfas 1iakiŁspieffied Filtered elSe Preserynaive Added feleebi VOCs tlHN 6t 3k40s dt Nutrients 100th .HO4 HØavylWetals 250thf fltO3 AU Other NØn- Radiologics 25Ouil ..J.... NpmƺryidveAdded firossAipha Other specify evi4J Ztravz-.n .. LOGOS Sample volume cjV If preservative is used Specify Type and Quantity of Preservative Tiarntzr-- eats t1c.ivrWtJS-A_2__.L /.i Lanipli p-r/6t4 flit .c%/O /r 3tit ar/6 Date i-os-aoocl Depth to Water mmHa 1.1LILI Time Well Death Comments \2 MW-A 71 71 j2j TW4-15 Flow -P Meter oo-iw 74 1L 1W4-19 Meter Flow MccL.r jarckcn cri3 CrG%1 cc lx rcpkcec\ nfl-i TW420 Flow 7Ct PM Meter 3k3c7O C5 Flow Meter Water 73365 Depth to WatSr Date NLL-__009 mmHq La4 Time Well Comments lpLjL MW-4 79 Flow Meter tz7 1W4-15 gio-i Flow S.i PM Meter OCQ3t-j ta-TW4-19 Flow Pt-k Meter Mupsc TW4-20 fl Flow pJ\ Meter g$sq7O Water 7tj57 1k Date Depth to Water mmHa Time WeD Denth Comments .- Water 77flS oZC MW-4 7l.7R Flow Li 6-PM Meter tauoo oio 1W4-15 77.i.3 Flow 6-Pi Meter 3ofl78k IYOQ 1W4-19 r4 Flow rPM Meter lKouO TW4-20 7VZ Flow q.q 6-PM Meter 3cjCO Depth to Water Date -cL-2opg mmHj cai31Cy Time WeD OT9L Deoth Comments P133/I TW4-20 7/.OX Flow 5-2 6P4 Meter OStU MW-4 z1 Flow Meter oi ro oq2k tW4-15 8qr Flow ijej LJL TW4-19 tt cc35 Meter u/2yso /f4t Vt-I Jfla7J l4ow Meter igqo Water YS7I Depth to WatSr DatesL2jd/Lt mmHgflL341 Time WeD Depth Comments 15O7 MW-4 -O.e Flow Meter j1qt TW4-15 Flow qg Meter 211/7/26 fs jr 1W4-19 siig Flow Meter /9g/ /S13 TW4-20 71 Flow Meter Water flY Depth to Water Date mmH Time Well iq c/ /Lf-7 /S2/ /94.C MW-4 Depth rYyj si/a c9 W43 Comments /fc2 tW4-15 Flow /M Meter Su4.c cp 1W4-19 Flow 4/4pM Meter 2/7 Flow TW420 Meter .2. Flow 4/c7Pfl Meter 1qg Water k4flj -1 ii.i- Date .L- Depth to Water mmHa cI.qcx Time Well Depth Comments igs1 MW-4 Flow Lii GPA Meter itSOit iuc TW4-15 5c%A.-7 Flow 1A C2k Meter JJ q30 TW4-19 Flow ti441 ____________________ Meter TW4-20 Flow Lj 6PM Meter nic.co Water S77o7 Date Lt3-Lloc3tl Depth to Water mmHa 2R 8L1 Time Well \2.C3 tIL to so taoc MW-4 Death Th 3S Id 71 9-7.sg cjjL Comments 1W4-15 Flow L\.G-PV\ Meter j57flLæ 14-19 Flow Meter enccn Vi FR 1W4-20 Meter Flow 41 6PiV\ Meter sqsSo Water Depth to Water Date_3-.-2.0o4 mmHgC4 Time Well taa IOO 12Y7 Depth iT cjS.j6 11 SLL Comments TW4-15 1W4-19 Flow Eg Meter O\scnn TW4-20 Flow 71 -FiJ\ Meter Flow 4.1 -Pi\ Meter ccL3ChU MW-4 1SS Flow 42 GPtA Meter oR 56 Water 9EO Date Depth to Water mmHa -i.CRL Time Well MW-4tq flL 1017 Iav6 Depth TLL4 noc q3t 90 Comments TW4-.15 Flow Lj.U 6PM Meter 5t7tOCd Flow 1W4-19 Meter ooslic TW4-20 Flow 7.1 rPAA Meter atgt4o Flow 4.6 Pk41 Meter D77uin r- Water Depth to Water Date 3-17-XOq mmHq c.o78 Water 79S1 VJ2W7 lime WeOll Depth Comments MW-4 71 Flow 4.4 6.Pt Meter 01110gb u4o TIV4-15 774 Flow sc Meter 0044100 OLt7 TW4-19 L7 Flow Meter a2t1U 1W4-20 Flow q.O crpJ\ no Meter OS7aiqr Depth to Watet Date S232COCf mmHa GHtL Time Well II I32 Death q75 Comments aa4 G.%S3 TW4-19 TW4-20 Ftw g.rc PM Meter -jo.q4 Flow .c1 rPF\ Meter OG7 531 MW-4 Flow q.q it Meter TW4-15 Flow .pr\ Meter ooLtsuso Water qq%z.7 Date 3-30- Depth to Water mmHa s4q6 Time Wefl TW4-19 Depth Meter _________Flow G.9PW\ Meter t$RsO ioo TW4-20 Flow 31 6-fri Meter 0G1%t Water ojag Comments CR4 MW-4 75 Flow TW4-15 62.4 Flow 5Aaactp Meter 0o52.V7Q ChOoroform WeDs Time O-L/O 0633 os-I/cf 113/ 0134 i9827 61Y3 96 1i/i OS2 L92 ogct pgsc WeD MW-4 TW4-1 1W4-2 1W4-3 TW4-4 TW4-5 TW4-6 TW4-7 TW4-8 1W4-9 TW4-1O TW4-11 TW4-12 TW4-13 1W4-14 TW4-15 1W4-16 TW4-17 TW4-18 TW4-19 TW4-20 TW4-2 TW4-22 TW4-23 TW4-24 1W4-25 Depth Vi Or 13.btf SSJ7 72.18 jz S3 LO nfl24 qs3s 1/JK 4J1L L722 47.c92 Date O/J 2dJ7 iii LImmHIa/is Comments /2g-qEO v.7 t22Y3c 16VSC4% Cfl3f SI Chloroform Wells Date -J4-.ioo mmHg aa5S Time Well Depth Comments OWi MW-4 7364 _____TW4-1 DagI3 TW4-2 _________ ______1W4-3 ova 1W4-4 cM TW4-5 _________ _____TW4-6 7.S4 oqO 1W4-7 _________ ____1W4-8 ________ _____TW4-9 _________ _____TW4-1O _________ _____1W4-11 tM.LiS _____TW4-12 _________ 06115 TW4-13 gg.7c _____1W4-14 9W ______TW4-15 __________ Olbf 1W4-16 _________ ______TW4-17 77414 _____TW4-18 jjoo TW4-19 KILS ftI1 TW4-20 _________ _____TW4-21 Gaol _____TW4-22 _________ _____TW4-23 67 G3 ____1W4-24 ________ _____TW4-25 _________ Chloroform Wells 33 zoOf Date J2OV/mmHg 6/i2YM2 Time Well Depth Comments ____MW-4 ________ ___________________ /3c4 TW4-1 ___________________________ OQ125 TW4-2 ______________________ ___TW4-3 ___________________________ jj4q TW4-4 __________________________ 13U TW4-5 __________________________ /301/TW4-6 _______ _________________ iqOg TW4-7 __________________________ 042-1W4-8 ________ ___________________MC TW4-9 21 on _______________________ 32 TW4-1O ___________________________ Jr3tj TW4-11 ________ ___________________ izrn TW4-12 ________ _____________________ 26 1W4-13 _________________________________ Iozz TW4-14 _____________________________ OVO TW41 .n147 cw47i wnJ ki ir l2.t7-TW4-16 /5.Z rL2 TW4-17 _______ _____TW4-18 _________ qzq TW4-19 gl on TW4-20 jji/TW4-21 t23 1323 TW4-.22 _______ 16c7 TW4-23 i.si TW4-24 ________ O8ZS TW4-25 ________ ii.2 5612 SCALE IN FEET 05556 PIEZ-I 5593 MW-SI 4-5546 5573 5540 perched monitoring well showing elevation in loot amsi temporary perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl perched piezonieter showing elevation hi feet amsi perched monitoring well installed April 2005 showing elevation in loot amsi temporazy perched monitoring well installed April 2005 showing elevation in feet amsi temporary perched monitoring well installed May 2007 showing approximate elevation // NOTES Locations and elevations for TW4-23 1W4-24 and TW4-25 are approximate HYDRO GEO CHEM INC KRIGED 1st QUARTER 2009 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE EXPLANATION estimated capture zone boundary stream tubes resulting from pumping temporary perched monitoring weI showing elevation in feet artist MW32 perched monitoring well showing 5548 elevation in feet amsi 150 300 SCALE IN FEET KRIGED 1st QUARTER 2009 WATER LEVELS AND ESTIMATED CAPTURE ZONES WHITE MESA SITE detail map 0TW4-4 5550 NOTES MW-4 MW-26 TW4-19 and TW4-20 are pumping wells Locations and elevations of TW4-23 TW4-24 and TW4-25 are approximate HYDRO GEO CHEM INC 1-1171 8000/mayo9/wIOSO9cz.srf Quarterly Depth Summary 1st Quarter 2009 WELL DATE DEPTH WELL DATE DEPTH MW-i 2/11/2009 66.56 MW-4 3/3/2009 80.08 MW-2 2/17/2009 109.5 TW4-1 3/10/2009 61.68 MW-3 2/9/2009 83.18 TW4-2 3/10/2009 68.99 MW-3A 2/9/2009 85.21 TW4-3 3/3/2009 48.59 MW-4 2/17/2009 72.21 TW4-4 3/3/2009 63.76 MW-S 2/4/2009 106.84 TW4-S 3/3/2009 55.9 MW-i 2/16/2009 90.68 TW4-6 3/10/2009 72.36 MW-i 2/4/2009 108.72 TW4-7 3/10/2009 68.26 MW-i 2/4/2009 104.17 TW4-8 3/3/2009 68.49 MW-i 2/9/2009 106.3 TW4-9 3/3/2009 54 MW-17 2/9/2009 77.05 TW4-iO 3/10/2009 56.23 MW-i8 2/11/2009 71.64 TW4-i 3/10/2009 59.82 MW-19 2/11/2009 50.86 1W4-i2 3/3/2009 38.06 MW-20 2/2/2009 80.68 TW4-i 3/3/2009 49.51 MW-22 2/2/2009 67.62 TW4-14 3/3/2009 89.57 MW-23 2/11/2009 113.88 TW4-i5 3/3/2009 81 snag MW-24 2/5/2009 114.9 TW4-i 3/3/2009 65.62 MW-25 2/3/2009 76.77 TW4-i 3/3/2009 76.95 MW-26 2/2/2009 76.85 TW4-i8 3/3/2009 56.81 MW-27 2/16/2009 51.73 TW4-i 3/3/2009 94.49 MW-28 2/4/2009 78.18 TW4-20 3/3/2009 76.53 MW-29 2/3/2009 103.15 1W4-2i 3/i 0/2009 61.35 MW-30 2/3/2009 79.08 TW4-22 3/i 0/2009 55.81 MW-3i 2/3/2009 70.37 TW4-23 3/3/2009 67.51 MW-32 2/2/2009 77.72 TW4-24 3/3/2009 56.46 TW4-25 3/3/2009 48.44 PIEZ-i 2/17/2009 62.94 PIEZ-2 2/i 7/2009 16.39 PIEZ-3 2/17/2009 35.2 PIEZ-4 2/17/2009 51.34 PIEZ-5 2/17/2009 45.75 SCALE IN FEET perched monitoring well showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well 5555 showing elevation in feet amsl perched piezometer showing elevation in feet amsl perched monitoring well installed April 2005 showing elevation in feet amsi temporary perched monitoring well installed April 2005 showing elevation in feet amsl temporary perched monitoring well installed May 2007 showing approximate elevation HYDRO GEO CHEM INC KRIGED 4th QUARTER 2008 WATER LEVELS WHITE MESA SITE H./71 8000/febo9/wIl 08.srf Depth Below Measuring Point ft 9/25/1979 9/15/1980 2/1/1985 12/1/1985 2/20/1987 6/1/1988 9/1/1989 11/13/1990 3/17/1992 6/8/1993 8/18/1994 12/11/1995 4/7/1999 4/4/2000 6/9/2000 7/18/2000 8/31/2000 10/5/2000 11/14/2000 2/9/2001 7/10/2001 12/3/2001 5/23/2002 10/23/2002 3/26/2003 8/4/2003 1/15/2004 6/18/2004 11/16/2004 4/26/2005 09/27/05 11/17/206 3/26/2008 I- NJ 00 -N NJ 0J et -5 -I CD 0. 0 0 10 . 0 0 20 . 0 0 It4- 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 TW 4 - 1 Wa t e r De p t h Ov e r Ti m e tU tf l 4 / UU su s u t. . . . . . . . . f l p s . . . U s .U a . U .. U NU t. . r U U tU Depth Below Measuring Point ft 00 -J 01 03 NJ I- 11/8/1999 1/10/2000 2/1/2000 2/23/2000 3/15/2000 4/4/2000 4/28/2000 5/15/2000 6/16/2000 7/13/2000 -I8/2/2000 8/31/2000 9/20/2000 1L 12/6/2000 3/29/2001 6/21/2001 CD 9/19/2001 12/03/01 CD 03/26/02 06/05/02 09/11/02 CD 12/03/02 -I 03/26/03 06/09/03 CD 09/11/03 UI 12/03/03 03/28/04 06/18/04 09/16/04 12/22/04 03/15/OS 06/30/05 12/07/05 07/18/06 5/2/2007 3/26/2008 10/14/2008 Depth Below Measuring Point ft Co 11/29/1999 1/17/2000 2/7/2000 3/1/2000 3/20/2000 4/13/2000 5/1/2000 5/25/2000 6/26/2000 ._ 7/13/2000 8/2/2000 8/31/2000 pa 9/20/2000 12/6/2000 3/28/200 6/21/2001 CD 9/19/2001 6/21/2001 9/19/2001 12/3/2001 3/26/2002 6/5/2002 9/11/2002 CD 12/3/2002 -I3/26/2003 6/9/2003 9/11/2003 CD 12/3/2003 3/28/2004 6/18/2004 9/16/2004 12/22/2004 3/15/2005 6/30/2005 12/7/2005 7/18/2006 5/2/2007 3/26/2008 10/14/2008 Depth Below Measuring Point ft I-s oo ci NJ 5/25/2000 11/25/2000 5/25/2001 11/25/2001 5/25/2002 -I 11/25/2002 5/25/2003 11/25/2003 CD 5/25/2004 CD -D eP 11/25/2004 5/25/2005 11/25/2005 CD 5/25/2006 11/25/2006 5/25/2007 11/25/2007 5/25/2008 11/25/2008 Wh i t e Me s a Mi l l Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 5 Wa t e r Le v e l Ov e r T i m e Da t e of Me a s u r e m e n t 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Mi l l Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 6 Wa t e r Le v e l Ov e r T i m e Da t e of Me a s u r e m e n t O@ Oo i 20 0 09 00 0 0s 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 CC 90 . 0 0 4- 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Mi l l Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 7 Wa t e r Le v e l Ov e r T i m e Da t e of Me a s u r e m e n t 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Mi l l Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 8 Wa t e r Le v e l Ov e r T i m e Da t e of Me a s u r e m e n t 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 .0Ca 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 9 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 525456 0- 58 .0 606264666870 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 0 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 0- .0I- 70 . 0 0 4-4- 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 1 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 7/ 5 / 9 / 7 / 5 / 9 / 7 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 5 9 / 7 / S / 9 / 7 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 00 c p Oo 4O o Oo a to Oo a Oo Oo 4b o 5 QO o 5 Oo 5 oo Qo o 6 O4 Oo O o 4b 0 Oq Oo 5 .O O 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 .0 90 . 0 0 1- 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 2 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 20 . 0 0 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 .0.2 60 . 0 0 -I 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 3 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 5% 1 % D3 1% 0e 0 a 0 q 0 0 00 5 0 0 5 00 00 6 % 00 O0 00 00 00 00 5 0 0 5 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 0- 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 2/23/2004 -I 8/23/2004 2/23/2005 8/23/2005 eP 2/23/2006 CD 8/23/2006 2/23/2007 8/23/2007 Depth Below Measuring Poing ft to to to to to to to oo 00 00 0i Ui Nj 8/23/2002 2/23/2003 8/23/2003 2/23/2008 8/23/2008 2/23/2009 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a y We l l 4 - 1 5 Ov e r T i m e 20 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 -C4- 0t 80 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 8/23/2002 11/23/2002 2/23/2003 5/23/2003 8/23/2003 11/23/2003 2/23/2004 5/23/2004 8/23/2004 11/23/2004 2/23/2005 5/23/2005 ID 8/23/2005 CD 11/23/2005 2/23/2006 5/23/2006 8/23/2006 __ 11/23/2006 CD 2/23/2007 5/23/2007 8/23/2007 11/23/2007 2/23/2008 5/23/2008 8/23/2008 11/23/2008 2/23/2009 Depth Below Measuring Point ft 00 -J 01 Depth to Water biw MP 00 00 00 00 00 -.4 -..j ..j -.1 00 8/23/2002 11/23/2002 2/23/2003 5/23/2003 8/23/2003 CD 11/23/2003 2/23/2004 -I 5/23/2004 8/23/2004 11/23/2004 2/23/2005 5/23/2005 8/23/2005 11/23/2005 2/23/2006 QQ 5/23/2006 CD 8/23/2006 11/23/2006 2/23/2007 5/23/2007 ttitJ 8/23/2007 11/23/2007 CD 2/23/2008 5/23/2008 8/23/2008 11/23/2008 2/23/2009 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 8 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 I- 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 1 9 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 2 0 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t T9 / 7/ S D 9 / Oc O c O c 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 I. 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Wh i t e Me s a Te m p o r a r y We l l 4- 2 1 Ov e r T i m e Da t e O f Me a s u r e m e n t /O O S 9 O O S % O G % O C % O C 9 / Q O O C 00 o0 30 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 90 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 11 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 0 0 Depth Below Measuring Point ft 7/29/2005 9/29/2005 11/29/2005 1/29/2006 3/29/2006 5/29/2006 7/29/2006 9/29/2006 11/29/2006 1/29/2007 3/29/2007 CD 5/29/2007 7/29/2007 9/29/2007 -I 11/29/2007 CD 1/29/2008 3/29/2008 5/29/2008 7/29/2008 9/29/2008 11/29/2008 1/29/2009 Lfl 11 Lfl Lfl Cr cri TI Cr TI 00 01 TI Cr in in TI Cr Cr White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5527.63 9/25/1979 94.70 93.14 5527.63 10/10/1979 94.70 93.14 5528.43 1/10/1980 93.90 92.34 5529.93 3/20/1980 92.40 90.84 5528.03 6/17/1980 94.30 92.74 5528.03 9/15/1980 94.30 92.74 5527.93 10/8/1980 94.40 92.84 5527.93 2/12/198 94.40 92.84 5525.93 9/1/1984 96.40 94.84 5528.33 12/1/1984 94.00 92.44 5528.13 2/1/1985 94.20 92.64 5528.33 6/1/1985 94.00 92.44 5528.93 9/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.93 10/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.93 11/1/1985 93.40 91.84 5528.83 12/1/1985 93.50 91.94 5512.33 3/1/1986 110.00 108.44 5528.91 6/19/1986 93.42 91.86 5528.83 9/1/1986 93.50 91.94 5529.16 12/1/1986 93.17 91.61 5526.66 2/20/1987 95.67 94.11 5529.16 4/28/1987 93.17 91.61 5529.08 8/14/1987 93.25 91.69 5529.00 11/20/1987 93.33 91.77 5528.75 1/26/1988 93.58 92.02 5528.91 6/1/1988 93.42 91.86 5528.25 8/23/1988 94.08 92.52 5529.00 11/2/1988 93.33 91.77 5528.33 3/9/1989 94.00 92.44 5529.10 6/21/1989 93.23 91.67 5529.06 9/1/1989 93.27 91.71 5529.21 11/15/1989 93.12 91.56 5529.22 2/16/1990 93.11 91.55 5529.43 5/8/1990 92.90 91.34 5529.40 8/7/1990 92.93 91.37 5529.53 11/13/1990 92.80 91.24 5529.86 2/27/1991 92.47 90.91 5529.91 5/21/1991 92.42 90.86 5529.77 8/27/1991 92.56 91.00 5529.79 12/3/1991 92.54 90.98 5530.13 3/17/1992 92.20 90.64 5529.85 6/11/1992 92.48 90.92 White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5529.90 9/13/1992 92.43 90.87 5529.92 12/9/1992 92.41 90.85 5530.25 3/24/1993 92.08 90.52 5530.20 6/8/1993 92.13 90.57 5530.19 9/22/1993 92.14 90.58 5529.75 12/14/1993 92.58 91.02 5530.98 3/24/1994 91.35 89.79 5531.35 6/15/1994 90.98 89.42 5531.62 8/18/1994 90.71 89.15 5532.58 12/13/1994 89.75 88.19 5533.42 3/16/1995 88.91 87.35 5534.70 6/27/1995 87.63 86.07 5535.44 9/20/1995 86.89 85.33 5537.16 12/11/1995 85.17 83.61 5538.37 3/28/1996 83.96 82.40 5539.10 6/7/1996 83.23 81.67 5539.13 9/16/1996 83.20 81.64 5542.29 3/20/1997 80.04 78.48 5551.58 4/7/1999 70.75 69.19 5552.08 5/11/1999 70.25 68.69 5552.83 7/6/1999 69.50 67.94 5553.47 9/28/1999 68.86 67.30 5554.63 1/3/2000 67.70 66.14 5555.13 4/4/2000 67.20 65.64 5555.73 5/2/2000 66.60 65.04 5556.03 5/11/2000 66.30 64.74 5555.73 5/15/2000 66.60 65.04 5555.98 5/25/2000 66.35 64.79 5556.05 6/9/2000 66.28 64.72 5556.18 6/16/2000 66.15 64.59 5556.05 6/26/2000 66.28 64.72 5556.15 7/6/2000 66.18 64.62 5556.18 7/13/2000 66.15 64.59 5556.17 7/18/2000 66.16 64.60 5556.26 7/25/2000 66.07 64.51 5556.35 8/2/2000 65.98 64.42 5556.38 8/9/2000 65.95 64.39 5556.39 8/15/2000 65.94 64.38 5556.57 8/31/2000 65.76 64.20 5556.68 9/8/2000 65.65 64.09 5556.73 9/13/2000 65.60 64.04 5556.82 9/20/2000 65.51 63.95 White Mesa Mifi Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5556.84 9/29/2000 65.49 63.93 5556.81 10/5/2000 65.52 63.96 5556.89 10/12/2000 65.44 63.88 5556.98 10/19/2000 65.35 63.79 5557.01 10/23/2000 65.32 63.76 5557.14 11/9/2000 65.19 63.63 5557.17 11/14/2000 65.16 63.60 5556.95 11/21/2000 65.38 63.82 5557.08 11/30/2000 65.25 63.69 5557.55 12/7/2000 64.78 63.22 5557.66 1/14/2001 64.67 63.11 5557.78 2/9/2001 64.55 62.99 5558.28 3/29/2001 64.05 62.49 5558.23 4/30/2001 64.10 62.54 5558.31 5/31/2001 64.02 62.46 5558.49 6/22/2001 63.84 62.28 5558.66 7/10/2001 63.67 62.11 5559.01 8/20/2001 63.32 61.76 5559.24 9/19/2001 63.09 61.53 5559.26 10/2/2001 63.07 61.51 5559.27 11/8/2001 63.06 61.50 5559.77 12/3/2001 62.56 61.00 5559.78 1/3/2002 62.55 60.99 5559.96 2/6/2002 62.37 60.81 5560.16 3/26/2002 62.17 60.61 5560.28 4/9/2002 62.05 60.49 5560.76 5/23/2002 61.57 60.01 5560.58 6/5/2002 61.75 60.19 5560.43 7/8/2002 61.90 60.34 5560.44 8/23/2002 61.89 60.33 5560.71 9/11/2002 61.62 60.06 5560.89 10/23/2002 61.44 59.88 5557.86 11/22/2002 64.47 62.91 5561.10 12/3/2002 61.23 59.67 5561.39 1/9/2003 60.94 59.38 5561.41 2/12/2003 60.92 59.36 5561.93 3/26/2003 60.40 58.84 5561.85 4/2/2003 60.48 58.92 5536.62 5/1/2003 85.71 84.15 5528.56 6/9/2003 93.77 92.21 5535.28 7/7/2003 87.05 85.49 5534.44 8/4/2003 87.89 86.33 White Mesa Mill Well MW4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.56 123.6 5537.10 9/11/2003 85.23 83.67 5539.96 10/2/2003 82.37 80.81 5535.91 11/7/2003 86.42 84.86 5550.70 12/3/2003 71.63 70.07 5557.58 1/15/2004 64.75 63.19 5558.80 2/10/2004 63.53 61.97 5560.08 3/28/2004 62.25 60.69 5560.55 4/12/2004 61.78 60.22 5561.06 5/13/2004 61.27 59.71 5561.48 6/18/2004 60.85 59.29 5561.86 7/28/2004 60.47 58.91 5529.17 8/30/2004 93.16 91.60 5536.55 9/16/2004 85.78 84.22 5529.00 10/11/2004 93.33 91.77 5541.55 11/16/2004 80.78 79.22 5541.12 12/22/2004 81.21 79.65 5540.59 1/18/2005 81.74 80.18 5542.85 2/28/2005 79.48 77.92 5537.91 3/15/2005 84.42 82.86 5548.67 4/26/2005 73.66 72.10 5549.53 5/24/2005 72.80 71.24 5544.36 6/30/2005 77.97 76.41 5545.16 07/29/05 77.17 75.61 5544.67 09/12/05 77.66 76.10 5541.28 09/27/05 81.05 79.49 5536.96 12/7/2005 85.37 83.81 5546.49 3/8/2006 75.84 74.28 5546.15 6/13/2006 76.18 74.62 5545.15 7/18/2006 77.18 75.62 5545.91 11/17/206 76.42 74.86 5545.90 2/27/2007 76.43 74.87 5548.16 5/2/2007 74.17 72.61 5547.20 8/13/2007 75.13 73.57 5547.20 10/10/2007 75.13 73.57 5547.79 3/26/2008 74.54 72.98 5545.09 6/25/2008 77.24 75.68 5550.36 8/26/2008 71.97 70.41 5550.39 10/14/2008 71.94 70.38 5542.25 3/3/2009 80.08 78.52 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5540.98 11/8/1999 81.35 80.33 5541.13 11/9/1999 81.20 80.18 5541.23 1/2/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.23 1/10/2000 81.10 80.08 5540.98 1/17/2000 81.35 80.33 5541.03 1/24/2000 81.30 80.28 5541.03 2/1/2000 81.30 80.28 5540.93 2/7/2000 81.40 80.38 5541.23 2/14/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.23 2/23/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.33 3/1/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.43 3/8/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.73 3/15/2000 80.60 79.58 5541.43 3/20/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.43 3/29/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.18 4/4/2000 81.15 80.13 5540.93 4/13/2000 81.40 80.38 5541.23 4/21/2000 81.10 80.08 5541.43 4/28/2000 80.90 79.88 5541.33 5/1/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.63 5/11/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.33 5/15/2000 81.00 79.98 5541.63 5/25/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.63 6/9/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.65 6/16/2000 80.68 79.66 5541.63 6/26/2000 80.70 79.68 5541.85 7/6/2000 80.48 79.46 5541.79 7/13/2000 80.54 79.52 5541.91 7/18/2000 80.42 79.40 5542.17 7/27/2000 80.16 79.14 5542.31 8/2/2000 80.02 79.00 5542.43 8/9/2000 79.90 78.88 5542.41 8/15/2000 79.92 78.90 5542.08 8/31/2000 80.25 79.23 5542.93 9/1/2000 79.40 78.38 5542.87 9/8/2000 79.46 78.44 5543.09 9/13/2000 79.24 78.22 5543.25 9/20/2000 79.08 78.06 5543.44 10/5/2000 78.89 77.87 5544.08 11/9/2000 78.25 77.23 5544.49 12/6/2000 77.84 76.82 5546.14 1/14/2001 76.19 75.17 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5547.44 2/2/2001 74.89 73.87 5548.71 3/29/2001 73.62 72.60 5549.20 4/30/2001 73.13 72.11 5549.64 5/31/2001 72.69 71.67 5549.94 6/22/2001 72.39 71.37 5550.25 7/10/2001 72.08 71.06 5550.93 8/10/2001 71.40 70.38 5551.34 9/19/2001 70.99 69.97 5551.59 10/2/2001 70.74 69.72 5549.64 5/31/2001 72.69 71.67 5549.94 6/21/2001 72.39 71.37 5550.25 7/10/2001 72.08 71.06 5550.93 8/20/2001 71.40 70.38 5551.34 9/19/2001 70.99 69.97 5551.59 10/2/2001 70.74 69.72 5551.87 11/8/2001 70.46 69.44 5552.40 12/3/2001 69.93 68.91 5552.62 1/3/2002 69.71 68.69 5553.12 2/6/2002 69.21 68.19 5553.75 3/26/2002 68.58 67.56 5553.97 4/9/2002 68.36 67.34 5554.56 5/23/2002 67.77 66.75 5554.54 6/5/2002 67.79 66.77 5554.83 7/8/2002 67.50 66.48 555i29 S/23/2002 67 04 602 5555.54 9/11/2002 66.79 65.77 5555.94 10/23/2002 66.39 65.37 5556.02 11/22/2002 66.31 65.29 5556.23 12/3/2002 66.10 65.08 5556.49 1/9/2003 65.84 64.82 5556.67 2/12/2003 65.66 64.64 5557.15 3/26/2003 65.18 64.16 5557.23 4/2/2003 65.10 64.08 5556.07 5/1/2003 66.26 65.24 5554.28 6/9/2003 68.05 67.03 5553.84 7/7/2003 68.49 67.47 5553.39 8/4/2003 68.94 67.92 5553.06 9/11/2003 69.27 68.25 5553.33 10/2/2003 69.00 67.98 5553.25 11/7/2003 69.08 68.06 5553.82 12/3/2003 68.51 67.49 5555.61 1/15/2004 66.72 65.70 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth WL LSD NIP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5620.77 5622.33 1.02 111.04 5556.32 2/10/2004 66.01 64.99 5557.38 3/28/2004 64.95 63.93 5557.79 4/12/2004 64.54 63.52 5558.35 5/13/2004 63.98 62.96 5560.03 6/18/2004 62.30 61.28 5560.36 7/28/2004 61.97 60.95 5557.96 8/30/2004 64.37 63.35 5557.24 9/16/2004 65.09 64.07 5556.28 10/11/2004 66.05 65.03 5556.17 11/16/2004 66.16 65.14 5556.21 12/22/2004 66.12 65.10 5555.82 1/18/2005 66.51 65.49 5555.96 2/28/2005 66.37 65.35 5556.01 3/15/2005 66.32 65.30 5556.05 4/26/2005 66.28 65.26 5556.00 5/24/2005 66.33 65.31 5555.97 6/30/2005 66.36 65.34 5555.90 7/29/05 66.43 65.41 5556.22 9/12/05 66.11 65.09 5556.25 12/7/2005 66.08 65.06 5556.71 3/8/2006 65.62 64.60 5556.98 6/14/2006 65.35 64.33 5560.95 7/18/2006 61.38 60.36 5557.07 11/7/2006 65.26 64.24 5558.10 2/27/2007 6413 63.21 5557.82 5/2/2007 64.51 63.49 5557.82 8/14/2007 64.51 63.49 5557.63 10/10/2007 64.70 63.68 5559.48 3/26/2008 62.85 61.83 5560.35 6/24/2008 61.98 60.96 5560.58 8/26/2008 61.75 60.73 5560.62 10/14/2008 61.71 60.69 5560.65 3/10/2009 61.68 60.66 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5548.85 11/8/1999 76.15 74.25 5548.85 11/9/1999 76.15 74.25 5548.60 1/2/2000 76.40 74.50 5548.80 1/10/2000 76.20 74.30 5548.60 1/17/2000 76.40 74.50 5549.00 1/24/2000 76.00 74.10 5548.90 2/1/2000 76.10 74.20 5548.90 2/7/2000 76.10 74.20 5549.30 2/14/2000 75.70 73.80 5549.40 2/23/2000 75.60 73.70 5549.50 3/1/2000 75.50 73.60 5549.60 3/8/2000 75.40 73.50 5549.50 3/15/2000 75.50 73.60 5550.20 3/20/2000 74.80 72.90 5550.00 3/29/2000 75.00 73.10 5549.70 4/4/2000 75.30 73.40 5549.80 4/13/2000 75.20 73.30 5550.00 4/21/2000 75.00 73.10 5550.10 4/28/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.10 5/1/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.40 5/11/2000 74.60 72.70 5550.10 5/15/2000 74.90 73.00 5550.40 5/25/2000 74.60 72.70 5550.40 6/9/2000 74.60 72.70 5550 50 6/16/2000 74.50 72.60 5550.35 6/26/2000 74.65 72.75 5550.45 7/6/2000 74.55 72.65 5550.45 7/13/2000 74.55 72.65 5550.46 7/18/2000 74.54 72.64 5550.61 7/27/2000 74.39 72.49 5550.66 8/2/2000 74.34 72.44 5550.68 8/9/2000 74.32 72.42 5550.70 8/15/2000 74.30 72.40 5550.82 8/31/2000 74.18 72.28 5551.15 9/8/2000 73.85 71.95 5551.25 9/13/2000 73.75 71.85 5551.32 9/20/2000 73.68 71.78 5546.11 10/5/2000 78.89 76.99 5546.75 11/9/2000 78.25 76.35 5547.16 12/6/2000 77.84 75.94 5552.46 1/26/2001 72.54 70.64 5552.48 2/2/2001 72.52 70.62 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5551.38 3/29/2001 73.62 71.72 5551.87 4/30/2001 73.13 71.23 5552.31 5/31/2001 72.69 70.79 5552.61 6/21/2001 72.39 70.49 5552.92 7/10/2001 72.08 70.18 5553.60 8/20/200 71.40 69.50 5554.01 9/19/2001 70.99 69.09 5554.26 10/2/2001 70.74 68.84 5554.42 11/08/01 70.58 68.68 5555.07 12/03/01 69.93 68.03 5555.02 01/03/02 69.98 68.08 5555.19 02/06/02 69.81 67.91 5555.43 03/26/02 69.57 67.67 5555.67 04/09/02 69.33 67.43 5556.01 05/23/02 68.99 67.09 5556.07 06/05/02 68.93 67.03 5556.19 07/08/02 68.81 66.91 5556.32 08/23/02 68.68 66.78 5556.53 09/11/02 68.47 66.57 5557.00 10/23/02 68.00 66.10 5556.70 11/22/02 68.30 66.40 5557.29 12/03/02 67.71 65.81 5557.48 01/09/03 67.52 65.62 5557.63 02/12/03 67.37 65.47 5558.11 03/26/03 66.89 64.99 5558.15 04/02/03 66.85 64.95 5553.99 05/01/03 71.01 69.11 5549.26 06/09/03 75.74 73.84 5548.42 07/07/03 76.58 74.68 5548.03 08/04/03 76.97 75.07 5547.50 09/11/03 77.50 75.60 5547.96 10/02/03 77.04 75.14 5547.80 11/07/03 77.20 75.30 5548.57 12/03/03 76.43 74.53 5554.28 01/15/04 70.72 68.82 5555.74 02/10/04 69.26 67.36 5557.18 03/28/04 67.82 65.92 5557.77 04/12/04 67.23 65.33 5558.35 05/13/04 66.65 64.75 5558.47 06/18/04 66.53 64.63 5559.28 07/28/04 65.72 63.82 5554.54 08/30/04 70.46 68.56 White Mesa Mill Well TW4-2 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.10 5625.00 1.90 121.125 5552.25 09/16/04 72.75 70.85 5549.93 10/11/04 75.07 73.17 5550.17 11/16/04 74.83 72.93 5550.65 12/22/04 74.35 72.45 5550.23 01/18/05 74.77 72.87 5550.37 02/28/05 74.63 72.73 5550.41 03/15/05 74.59 72.69 5550.46 04/26/05 74.54 72.64 5550.60 05/24/05 74.40 72.50 5550.49 06/30/05 74.51 72.61 5550.39 07/29/05 74.61 72.71 5550.61 09/12/05 74.39 72.49 5550.57 12/07/05 74.43 72.53 5551.58 03/08/06 73.42 71.52 5551.70 06/14/06 73.3 71.40 5550.80 07/18/06 74.20 72.30 5550.80 11/07/06 74.20 72.30 5553.17 2/27/2007 71.83 69.93 5552.34 5/2/2007 72.66 70.76 5552.30 8/14/2007 72.7 70.80 5552.48 10/10/2007 72.52 70.62 5554.86 3/26/2008 70.14 68.24 5555.51 6/24/2008 69.49 67.59 5555.57 8/26/2008 69.43 67.53 5555.71 10/14/2008 69.29 67.39 5556.01 3/10/2009 68.99 67.09 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5565.78 11/29/1999 66.45 65.43 5566.93 1/2/2000 65.30 64.28 5567.03 1/10/2000 65.20 64.18 5566.83 1/17/2000 65.40 64.38 5567.13 1/24/2000 65.10 64.08 5567.33 2/1/2000 64.90 63.88 5567.13 2/7/2000 65.10 64.08 5567.43 2/14/2000 64.80 63.78 5567.63 2/23/2000 64.60 63.58 5567.73 3/1/2000 64.50 63.48 5567.83 3/8/2000 64.40 63.38 5567.70 3/15/2000 64.53 63.51 5568.03 3/20/2000 64.20 63.18 5567.93 3/29/2000 64.30 63.28 5567.63 4/4/2000 64.60 63.58 5567.83 4/13/2000 64.40 63.38 5568.03 4/21/2000 64.20 63.18 5568.23 4/28/2000 64.00 62.98 5568.13 5/1/2000 64.10 63.08 5568.53 5/11/2000 63.70 62.68 5568.23 5/15/2000 64.00 62.98 5568.53 5/25/2000 63.70 62.68 5568.61 6/9/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.69 6/16/2000 63.54 62.52 5562.45 6/26/2000 63.72 62.76 5568.61 7/6/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.61 7/6/2000 63.62 62.60 5568.49 7/13/2000 63.74 62.72 5568.55 7/18/2000 63.68 62.66 5568.65 7/27/2000 63.58 62.56 5568.73 8/2/2000 63.50 62.48 5568.77 8/9/2000 63.46 62.44 5568.76 8/16/2000 63.47 62.45 5568.95 8/31/2000 63.28 62.26 5568.49 9/8/2000 63.74 62.72 5568.67 9/13/2000 63.56 62.54 5568.96 9/20/2000 63.27 62.25 5568.93 10/5/2000 63.3 62.28 5569.34 11/9/2000 62.89 61.87 5568.79 12/6/2000 63.44 62.42 5569.11 1/3/2001 63.12 62.10 5569.75 2/9/2001 62.48 61.46 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP btw.LSD Of Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5570.34 3/28/2001 61.89 60.87 5570.61 4/30/2001 61.62 60.60 5570.70 5/31/2001 61.53 60.51 5570.88 6/21/2001 61.35 60.33 5571.02 7/10/2001 61.21 60.19 5571.70 8/20/2001 60.53 59.51 5572.12 9/19/2001 60.11 59.09 5572.08 10/2/2001 60.15 59.13 5570.70 5/31/2001 61.53 60.51 5570.88 6/21/2001 61.35 60.33 5571.02 7/10/2001 61.21 60.19 5571.70 8/20/2001 60.53 59.51 5572.12 9/19/2001 60.11 59.09 5572.08 10/2/2001 60.15 59.13 5572.78 11/8/2001 59.45 58.43 5573.27 12/3/2001 58.96 57.94 5573.47 1/3/2002 58.76 57.74 5573.93 2/6/2002 58.30 57.28 5574.75 3/26/2002 57.48 56.46 5574.26 4/9/2002 57.97 56.95 5575.39 5/23/2002 56.84 55.82 5574.84 6/5/2002 57.39 56.37 5575.33 7/8/2002 56.90 55.88 5575.79 8/23/2002 56.44 55.42 5576.08 9/11/2002 56.15 55.13 5576.30 10/23/2002 55.93 54.91 5576.35 11/22/2002 55.88 54.86 5576.54 12/3/2002 55.69 54.67 5576.96 1/9/2003 55.27 54.25 5577.11 2/12/2003 55.12 54.10 5577.61 3/26/2003 54.62 53.60 5572.80 4/2/2003 59.43 58.41 5577.89 5/1/2003 54.34 53.32 5577.91 6/9/2003 54.32 53.30 5577.53 7/7/2003 54.70 53.68 5577.50 8/4/2003 54.73 53.71 5577.71 9/11/2003 54.52 53.50 5577.31 10/2/2003 54.92 53.90 5577.33 11/7/2003 54.90 53.88 5577.34 12/3/2003 54.89 53.87 5578.24 1/15/2004 53.99 52.97 5578.38 2/10/2004 53.85 52.83 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-3 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.21 5632.23 1.02 141 5578.69 3/28/2004 53.54 52.52 5579.15 4/12/2004 53.08 52.06 5579.47 5/13/2004 52.76 51.74 5579.53 6/18/2004 52.70 51.68 5580.17 7/28/2004 52.06 51.04 5580.20 8/30/2004 52.03 51.01 5580.26 9/16/2004 51.97 50.95 5580.12 10/11/2004 52.11 51.09 5579.93 11/16/2004 52.30 51.28 5580.07 12/22/2004 52.16 51.14 5579.80 1/18/2005 52.43 51.41 5580.35 2/28/2005 51.88 50.86 5580.57 3/15/2005 51.66 50.64 5580.86 4/26/2005 51.37 50.35 5581.20 5/24/2005 51.03 50.01 5581.51 6/30/2005 50.72 49.70 5581.55 07/29/05 50.68 49.66 5581.68 09/12/05 50.55 49.53 5581.83 12/7/2005 50.4 49.38 5564.92 3/8/2006 67.31 66.29 5582.73 6/13/2006 49.50 48.48 5582.33 7/18/2006 49.90 48.88 5582.75 11/7/2006 49.48 48.46 5583.35 2/27/2007 48.88 47.86 5559.57 5/2/2007 72.66 71.64 5583.29 8/14/2007 48.94 47.92 5583.49 10/10/2007 48.74 47.72 5584.95 3/26/2008 47.28 46.26 5584.59 6/24/2008 47.64 46.62 5584.55 8/26/2008 47.68 46.66 5584.03 10/14/2008 48.2 47.18 5583.64 3/3/2009 48.59 47.57 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring btw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5612.301 5613.485 1.184 114.5 5512.145 5/25/2000 101.34 100.16 5518.985 6/9/2000 94.50 93.32 5512.145 6/16/2000 101.34 100.16 5517.465 6/26/2000 96.02 94.84 5520.145 7/6/2000 93.34 92.16 5521.435 7/13/2000 92.05 90.87 5522.005 7/18/2000 91.48 90.30 5522.945 7/27/2000 90.54 89.36 5523.485 8/2/2000 90.00 88.82 5523.845 8/9/2000 89.64 88.46 5523.885 8/15/2000 89.60 88.42 5524.555 9/1/2000 88.93 87.75 5513.235 9/8/2000 100.25 99.07 5516.665 9/13/2000 96.82 95.64 5519.085 9/20/2000 94.40 93.22 5522.165 10/5/2000 91.32 90.14 5524.665 11/9/2000 88.82 87.64 5518.545 12/6/2000 94.94 93.76 5527.695 1/3/2001 85.79 84.61 5529.085 2/9/200 84.40 83.22 5529.535 3/27/2001 83.95 82.77 5530.235 4/30/200 83.25 82.07 5530.265 5/31/2001 83.22 82.04 5534.405 6/22/2001 79.08 77.90 5531145 7/10/2001 80.34 79.16 5534.035 8/20/200 79.45 78.27 5534.465 9/19/2001 79.02 77.84 5533.285 10/2/2001 80.20 79.02 5530.265 5/31/2001 83.22 82.04 5534.405 6/21/2001 79.08 77.90 5533.145 7/10/2001 80.34 79.16 5534.035 8/20/2001 79.45 78.27 5534.465 9/19/2001 79.02 77.84 5533.285 10/2/2001 80.20 79.02 5533.865 11/8/2001 79.62 78.44 5534.275 12/3/2001 79.21 78.03 5534.7 15 1/3/2002 78.77 77.59 5535.435 2/6/2002 78.05 76.87 5536.445 3/26/2002 77.04 75.86 5536.405 4/9/2002 77.08 75.90 5537.335 5/23/2002 76.15 74.97 5537.325 6/5/2002 76.16 74.98 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth zi LSD MP Ii Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5612.301 5613.485 1.184 114.5 5537.975 7/8/2002 75.51 74.33 5538.825 8/23/2002 74.66 73.48 5539.275 9/11/2002 74.21 73.03 5539.765 10/23/2002 73.72 72.54 5540.205 11/22/2002 73.28 72.10 5540.295 12/3/2002 73.19 72.01 5540.795 1/9/2003 72.69 71.51 5540.985 2/12/2003 72.50 71.32 5541.675 3/26/2003 71.81 70.63 5541.765 4/2/2003 71.72 70.54 5541.885 5/1/2003 71.60 70.42 5542.025 6/9/2003 71.46 70.28 5541.925 7/7/2003 71.56 70.38 5541.885 8/4/2003 71.60 70.42 5541.825 9/11/2003 71.66 70.48 5541.885 10/2/2003 71.60 70.42 5541.995 11/7/2003 71.49 70.31 5542.005 12/3/2003 71.48 70.30 5542.555 1/15/2004 70.93 69.75 5542.705 2/10/2004 70.78 69.60 5543.225 3/28/2004 70.26 69.08 5543.555 4/12/2004 69.93 68.75 5543.865 5/13/2004 69.62 68.44 5543.9 15 6/18/2004 69.57 68.39 5544.655 7/28/2004 68.83 67.65 5544.795 8/30/2004 68.69 67.51 5544.845 9/16/2004 68.64 67.46 5544.705 10/11/2004 68.78 67.60 5544.525 11/16/2004 68.96 67.78 5544.625 12/22/2004 68.86 67.68 5544.305 1/18/2005 69.18 68.00 5544.585 2/28/2005 68.90 67.72 5544.685 3/15/2005 68.80 67.62 5544.675 4/26/2005 68.81 67.63 5544.785 5/24/2005 68.70 67.52 5544.795 6/30/2005 68.69 67.51 5544.775 7/29/2005 68.71 67.53 5545.005 9/12/2005 68.48 67.30 5545.225 12/7/2005 68.26 67.08 5545.735 3/8/2006 67.75 66.57 5545.785 6/14/2006 67.70 66.52 5545.855 7/18/2006 67.63 66.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-4 5545.805 11/7/2006 67.68 66.50 5546.675 2/27/2007 66.81 65.63 5546.535 5/2/2007 66.95 65.77 5547.155 8/15/2007 66.33 65.15 5547.215 10/10/2007 66.27 65.09 5548.305 3/26/2008 65.18 64.00 5548.865 6/24/2008 64.62 63.44 5549.235 8/26/2008 64.25 63.07 5549.305 10/14/2008 64.18 63.00 5549.725 3/3/2009 63.76 62.58 Water Elevation Land Surface LSD 5612.301 Measuring Point Elevation MP 5.613.485 Total or Measured Total Length Depth to Depth to Total Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 1.184 114.5 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Moaitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5579.30 1/2/2000 61.40 59.45 5579.60 1/10/2000 61.10 59.15 5579.35 1/17/2000 61.35 59.40 5579.60 1/24/2000 61.10 59.15 5579.50 2/1/2000 61.20 59.25 5579.50 2/7/2000 61.20 59.25 5579.90 2/14/2000 60.80 58.85 5579.90 2/23/2000 60.80 58.85 5580.20 3/1/2000 60.50 58.55 5580.00 3/8/2000 60.70 58.75 5580.04 3/15/2000 60.66 58.71 5580.70 3/20/2000 60.00 58.05 5580.30 3/29/2000 60.40 58.45 5580.00 4/4/2000 60.70 58.75 5580.20 4/13/2000 60.50 58.55 5580.40 4/21/2000 60.30 58.35 5580.50 4/28/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.50 5/1/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.90 5/11/2000 59.80 57.85 5580.50 5/15/2000 60.20 58.25 5580.75 5/25/2000 59.95 58.00 5580.80 6/9/2000 59.90 57.95 5580.92 6/16/2000 59.78 57.83 5580.80 6/26/2000 59.90 57.95 5580.90 7/6/2000 59.80 57.85 5581.05 7/13/2000 59.65 57.70 5580.90 7/18/2000 59.80 57.85 5581.05 7/27/2000 59.65 57.70 5581.06 8/2/2000 59.64 57.69 5581.08 8/9/2000 59.62 57.67 5581.07 8/16/2000 59.63 57.68 5581.25 8/31/2000 59.45 57.50 5581.32 9/8/2000 59.38 57.43 5581.34 9/13/2000 59.36 57.41 5581.41 9/20/2000 59.29 57.34 5581.37 10/5/2000 59.33 57.38 5581.66 11/9/2000 59.04 57.09 5581.63 12/6/2000 59.07 57.12 5581.92 1/3/2001 58.78 56.83 5582.20 2/9/2001 58.50 56.55 5582.54 3/28/2001 58.16 56.21 5582.72 4/30/2001 57.98 56.03 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-5 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5582.72 5/31/2001 57.98 56.03 5582.81 6/22/2001 57.89 55.94 5582.92 7/10/2001 57.78 55.83 5583.17 8/20/2001 57.53 55.58 5583.28 9/19/2001 57.42 55.47 5583.36 10/2/2001 57.34 55.39 5582.72 5/31/2001 57.98 56.03 5582.81 6/21/2001 57.89 55.94 5582.92 7/10/2001 57.78 55.83 5583.17 8/20/2001 57.53 55.58 5583.28 9/19/2001 57.42 55.47 5583.36 10/2/2001 57.34 55.39 5583.49 11/8/2001 57.21 55.26 5583.84 12/3/2001 56.86 54.91 5583.79 1/3/2002 56.91 54.96 5583.96 2/6/2002 56.74 54.79 5584.39 3/26/2002 56.31 54.36 5584.12 4/9/2002 56.58 54.63 5584.55 5/23/2002 56.15 54.20 5584.42 6/5/2002 56.28 54.33 5583.65 7/8/2002 57.05 55.10 5584.90 8/23/2002 55.80 53.85 5585.02 9/11/2002 55.68 53.73 5585.20 10/23/2002 55.50 53.55 5585.15 11/22/2002 55.55 53.60 5585.42 12/3/2002 55.28 53.33 5585.65 1/9/2003 55.05 53.10 5585.65 2/12/2003 55.05 53.10 5585.92 3/26/2003 54.78 52.83 5586.22 4/2/2003 54.48 52.53 5586.01 5/1/2003 54.69 52.74 5584.81 6/9/2003 55.89 53.94 5584.34 7/7/2003 56.36 54.41 5584.40 8/4/2003 56.30 54.35 5583.88 9/11/2003 56.82 54.87 5583.57 10/2/2003 57.13 55.18 5583.39 11/7/2003 57.31 55.36 5583.97 12/3/2003 56.73 54.78 5585.28 1/15/2004 55.42 53.47 5585.50 2/10/2004 55.20 53.25 5585.87 3/28/2004 54.83 52.88 5586.20 4/12/2004 54.50 52.55 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-5 Total or Measuriag Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5638.75 5640.70 1.95 121.75 5586.45 5/13/2004 54.25 52.30 5586.50 6/18/2004 54.20 52.25 5587.13 7/28/2004 53.57 51.62 5586.22 8/30/2004 54.48 52.53 5585.69 9/16/2004 55.01 53.06 5585.17 10/11/2004 55.53 53.58 5584.64 11/16/2004 56.06 54.11 5584.77 12/22/2004 55.93 53.98 5584.65 1/18/2005 56.05 54.10 5584.98 2/28/2005 55.72 53.77 5585.15 3/15/2005 55.55 53.60 5586.25 4/26/2005 54.45 52.50 5586.79 5/24/2005 53.91 51.96 5586.52 6/30/2005 54.18 52.23 5586.03 7/29/2005 54.67 52.72 5586.05 9/12/2005 54.65 52.70 5585.80 12/7/2005 54.90 52.95 5587.06 3/8/2006 53.64 51.69 5585.90 6/13/2006 54.80 52.85 5585.32 7/18/2006 55.38 53.43 5585.35 11/7/2006 55.35 53.40 5585.81 2/27/2007 54.89 52.94 5585.20 5/2/2007 55.50 53.55 5586.66 8/14/2007 54.04 52.09 5586.80 10/10/2007 53.90 51.95 5588.48 3/26/2008 52.22 50.27 5586.51 6/24/2008 54.19 52.24 5586.45 8/26/2008 54.25 52.30 5585.40 10/14/2008 55.3 53.35 5584.80 3/3/2009 55.9 53.95 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5522.28 5/25/2000 86.50 85.05 5521.51 6/9/2000 87.27 85.82 5522.35 6/16/2000 86.43 84.98 5522.14 6/26/2000 86.64 85.19 5522.25 7/6/2000 86.53 85.08 5522.13 7/13/2000 86.65 85.20 5522.17 7/18/2000 86.61 85.16 5522.26 7/25/2000 86.52 85.07 5522.31 8/2/2000 86.47 85.02 5522.33 8/9/2000 86.45 85.00 5522.35 8/15/2000 86.43 84.98 5522.40 8/31/2000 86.38 84.93 5522.40 9/8/2000 86.38 84.93 5522.45 9/13/2000 86.33 84.88 5522.53 9/20/2000 86.25 84.80 5522.39 10/5/2000 86.39 84.94 5522.42 11/9/2000 86.36 84.91 5522.29 12/6/2000 86.49 85.04 5522.63 1/3/2001 86.15 84.70 5522.72 2/9/2001 86.06 84.61 5522.90 3/26/2001 85.88 84.43 5522.70 4/30/2001 86.08 84.63 5522.89 5/31/2001 85.89 84.44 5522.88 6/20/2001 85.90 84.45 5522.96 7/10/2001 85.82 84.37 5523.10 8/20/2001 85.68 84.23 5523.23 9/19/2001 85.55 84.10 5523.21 10/2/2001 85.57 84.12 5522.89 5/31/2001 85.89 84.44 5522.88 6/21/2001 85.90 84.45 5522.96 7/10/2001 85.82 84.37 5523.10 8/20/2001 85.68 84.23 5523.23 9/19/2001 85.55 84.10 5523.21 10/2/2001 85.57 84.12 5523.25 11/8/2001 85.53 84.08 5523.46 12/3/2001 85.32 83.87 5523.36 1/3/2002 85.42 83.97 5523.50 2/6/2002 85.28 83.83 5523.94 3/26/2002 84.84 83.39 5523.75 4/9/2002 85.03 83.58 5524.23 5/23/2002 84.55 83.10 5523.98 6/5/2002 84.80 83.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5524.31 7/8/2002 84.47 83.02 5524.36 8/23/2002 84.42 82.97 5524.49 9/11/2002 84.29 82.84 5524.71 10/23/2002 84.07 82.62 5524.60 11/22/2002 84.18 82.73 5524.94 12/3/2002 83.84 82.39 5525.10 1/9/2003 83.68 82.23 5525.15 2/12/2003 83.63 82.18 5525.35 3/26/2003 83.43 81.98 5525.68 4/2/2003 83.10 81.65 5525.74 5/1/2003 83.04 81.59 5525.98 6/9/2003 82.80 81.35 5526.04 7/7/2003 82.74 81.29 5526.07 8/4/2003 82.71 81.26 5526.42 9/11/2003 82.36 80.91 5526.30 10/2/2003 82.48 81.03 5526.41 11/7/2003 82.37 80.92 5526.46 12/3/2003 82.32 80.87 5526.83 1/15/2004 81.95 80.50 5526.81 2/10/2004 81.97 80.52 5527.14 3/28/2004 81.64 80.19 5527.39 4/12/2004 81.39 79.94 5527.64 5/13/2004 81.14 79.69 5527.70 6/18/2004 81.08 79.63 5528.16 7/28/2004 80.62 79.17 5528.30 8/30/2004 80.48 79.03 5528.52 9/16/2004 80.26 78.81 5528.71 10/11/2004 80.07 78.62 5528.74 11/16/2004 80.04 78.59 5529.20 12/22/2004 79.58 78.13 5528.92 1/18/2005 79.86 78.41 5529.51 2/28/2005 79.27 77.82 5529.74 3/15/2005 79.04 77.59 5529.96 4/26/2005 78.82 77.37 5530.15 5/24/2005 78.63 77.18 5530.35 6/30/2005 78.43 76.98 5530.47 7/29/2005 78.31 76.86 5530.95 9/12/2005 77.83 76.38 5531.50 12/7/2005 77.28 75.83 5532.43 3/8/2006 76.35 74.90 5533.49 6/13/2006 75.29 73.84 5532.58 7/18/2006 76.20 74.75 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-6 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5607.33 5608.78 1.450 98.55 5532.88 11/7/2006 75.90 74.45 5534.09 2/27/2007 74.69 73.24 5534.04 5/2/2007 74.74 73.29 5534.43 8/14/2007 74.35 72.90 5554.54 10/10/2007 54.24 52.79 5535.40 3/26/2008 73.38 71.93 5535.55 6/24/2008 73.23 71.78 5535.90 8/26/2008 72.88 71.43 5535.87 10/14/2008 72.91 71.46 5536.42 3/10/2009 72.36 70.91 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5552.37 11/29/1999 68.70 67.50 5553.57 1/2/2000 67.50 66.30 5553.87 1/10/2000 67.20 66.00 5553.72 1/17/2000 67.35 66.15 5553.97 1/24/2000 67.10 65.90 5553.87 2/1/2000 67.20 66.00 5553.87 2/7/2000 67.20 66.00 5554.17 2/14/2000 66.90 65.70 5554.27 2/23/2000 66.80 65.60 5554.37 3/1/2000 66.70 65.50 5554.37 3/8/2000 66.70 65.50 5554.27 3/15/2000 66.80 65.60 5554.77 3/20/2000 66.30 65.10 5554.57 3/29/2000 66.50 65.30 5554.27 4/4/2000 66.80 65.60 5554.57 4/13/2000 66.50 65.30 5554.77 4/21/2000 66.30 65.10 5554.87 4/28/2000 66.20 65.00 5554.87 5/1/2000 66.20 65.00 5555.27 5/11/2000 65.80 64.60 5554.97 5/15/2000 66.10 64.90 5555.27 5/25/2000 65.80 64.60 5555.33 6/9/2000 65.74 64.54 5555.45 6/16/2000 65.62 64.42 555512 6/26/2000 65.85 64.65 5555.45 7/6/2000 65.62 64.42 5555.40 7/13/2000 65.67 64.47 5555.45 7/18/2000 65.62 64.42 5555.59 7/27/2000 65.48 64.28 5555.65 8/2/2000 65.42 64.22 5555.70 8/9/2000 65.37 64.17 5555.74 8/16/2000 65.33 64.13 5555.96 8/31/2000 65.11 63.91 5555.87 9/8/2000 65.20 64.00 5555.95 9/13/2000 65.12 63.92 5556.05 9/20/2000 65.02 63.82 5556.06 10/5/2000 65.01 63.81 5556.17 10/12/2000 64.90 63.70 5556.20 10/19/2000 64.87 63.67 5556.22 10/23/2000 64.85 63.65 5556.36 11/9/2000 64.71 63.51 5556.42 11/14/2000 64.65 63.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD NIP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5556.45 11/30/2000 64.62 63.42 5556.15 12/6/2000 64.92 63.72 5556.89 1/14/2001 64.18 62.98 5557.07 2/9/2001 64.00 62.80 5557.62 3/29/2001 63.45 62.25 5557.51 4/30/2001 63.56 62.36 5557.77 5/31/2001 63.30 62.10 5557.84 6/21/2001 63.23 62.03 5557.98 7/10/2001 63.09 61.89 5558.33 8/20/2001 62.74 61.54 5558.57 9/19/2001 62.50 61.30 5558.53 10/2/2001 62.54 61.34 5558.62 11/8/2001 62.45 61.25 5559.03 12/3/2001 62.04 60.84 5559.08 1/3/2002 61.99 60.79 5559.32 2/6/2002 61.75 60.55 5559.63 3/26/2002 61.44 60.24 5559.55 4/9/2002 61.52 60.32 5560.06 5/23/2002 61.01 59.81 5559.91 6/5/2002 61.16 59.96 5560.09 7/8/2002 60.98 59.78 5560.01 8/23/2002 61.06 59.86 5560.23 9/11/2002 60.84 59.64 5560.43 10/23/2002 60.64 59.44 556019 11/22/2002 60.68 59.48 5560.61 12/3/2002 60.46 59.26 5560.89 1/9/2003 60.18 58.98 5560.94 2/12/2003 60.13 58.93 5561.28 3/26/2003 59.79 58.59 5561.35 4/2/2003 59.72 58.52 5546.20 5/1/2003 74.87 73.67 5539.47 6/9/2003 81.60 80.40 5541.87 7/7/2003 79.20 78.00 5542.12 8/4/2003 78.95 77.75 5541.91 9/11/2003 79.16 77.96 5544.62 10/2/2003 76.45 75.25 5542.67 11/7/2003 78.40 77.20 5549.96 12/3/2003 71.11 69.91 5557.17 1/15/2004 63.90 62.70 5558.65 2/10/2004 62.42 61.22 5559.90 3/28/2004 61.17 59.97 5560.36 4/12/2004 60.71 59.51 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-7 Total or Measuring Measured Total Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Depth Of Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Well WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD blw.LSD 5619.87 5621.07 1.20 119.8 5560.87 5/13/2004 60.20 59.00 5560.95 6/18/2004 60.12 58.92 5561.64 7/28/2004 59.43 58.23 5543.00 8/30/2004 78.07 76.87 5541.91 9/16/2004 79.16 77.96 5540.08 10/11/2004 80.99 79.79 5546.92 11/16/2004 74.15 72.95 5546.97 12/22/2004 74.10 72.90 5546.51 1/18/2005 74.56 73.36 5546.66 2/28/2005 74.41 73.21 5546.81 3/15/2005 74.26 73.06 5548.19 4/26/2005 72.88 71.68 5547.11 5/24/2005 73.96 72.76 5546.98 6/30/2005 74.09 72.89 5546.92 7/29/2005 74.15 72.95 5547.26 9/12/2005 73.81 72.61 5547.26 12/7/2005 73.81 72.61 5548.86 3/8/2006 72.21 71.01 5548.62 6/13/2006 72.45 71.25 5550.04 7/18/2006 71.03 69.83 5548.32 11/7/2006 72.75 71.55 5550.44 2/27/2007 70.63 69.43 5549.69 5/2/2007 71.38 70.18 5549.97 8/14/2007 71.10 69.90 5550.30 10/10/2007 70.77 69.57 5551.92 3/26/2008 69.15 67.95 5552.94 6/24/2008 68.13 66.93 5552.34 8/26/2008 68.73 67.53 5552.61 10/14/2008 68.46 67.26 5552.81 3/10/2009 68.26 67.06 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5543.21 11/29/1999 75.00 73.59 5543.01 1/2/2000 75.20 73.79 5543.31 1/10/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.11 1/17/2000 75.10 73.69 5543.41 1/24/2000 74.80 73.39 5543.31 2/1/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.31 2/7/2000 74.90 73.49 5543.71 2/14/2000 74.50 73.09 5543.76 2/23/2000 74.45 73.04 5543.86 3/1/2000 74.35 72.94 5543.86 3/8/2000 74.35 72.94 5543.91 3/15/2000 74.30 72.89 5544.31 3/20/2000 73.90 72.49 5544.21 3/29/2000 74.00 72.59 5544.01 4/4/2000 74.20 72.79 5544.21 4/13/2000 74.00 72.59 5544.41 4/21/2000 73.80 72.39 5544.51 4/28/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.51 5/1/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.81 5/11/2000 73.40 71.99 5544.51 5/15/2000 73.70 72.29 5544.71 5/25/2000 73.50 72.09 5544.71 6/9/2000 73.50 72.09 5544.81 6/16/2000 73.40 71.99 5544.68 6/26/2000 73.53 72.12 5544.76 7/6/2000 73.45 72.04 5544.77 7/13/2000 73.44 72.03 5544.76 7/18/2000 73.45 72.04 5544.92 7/27/2000 73.29 71.88 5544.96 8/2/2000 73.25 71.84 5544.98 8/9/2000 73.23 71.82 5544.97 8/15/2000 73.24 71.83 5545.21 8/31/2000 73.00 71.59 5545.31 9/8/2000 72.90 71.49 5545.43 9/13/2000 72.78 71.37 5545.56 9/20/2000 72.65 71.24 5545.57 10/5/2000 72.64 71.23 5545.81 11/9/2000 72.40 70.99 5545.66 12/6/2000 72.55 71.14 5546.28 1/3/2001 71.93 70.52 5546.70 2/9/2001 71.51 70.10 5547.18 3/27/200 71.03 69.62 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5547.31 4/30/2001 70.90 69.49 5547.49 5/31/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.49 6/20/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.83 7/10/200 70.38 68.97 5548.13 8/20/2001 70.08 68.67 5548.30 9/19/2001 69.91 68.50 5548.45 10/2/2001 69.76 68.35 5547.49 5/31/2001 70.72 69.31 5547.54 6/21/2001 70.67 69.26 5547.83 7/10/2001 70.38 68.97 5548.13 8/20/2001 70.08 68.67 5548.30 9/19/2001 69.91 68.50 5548.45 10/2/2001 69.76 68.35 5548.62 11/8/2001 69.59 68.18 5549.03 12/3/2001 69.18 67.77 5548.97 1/3/2002 69.24 67.83 5549.19 2/6/2002 69.02 67.61 5549.66 3/26/2002 68.55 67.14 5549.64 4/9/2002 68.57 67.16 5550.01 5/23/2002 68.20 66.79 5549.97 6/5/2002 68.24 66.83 5550.13 7/8/2002 68.08 66.67 5550.30 8/23/2002 67.91 66.50 5550.50 9/11/2002 67.71 66.30 5550.90 10/23/2002 67.31 65.90 5550.83 11/22/2002 67.38 65.97 5551.04 12/3/2002 67.17 65.76 5551.24 1/9/2003 66.97 65.56 5551.23 2/12/2003 66.98 65.57 5551.52 3/26/2003 66.69 65.28 5551.64 4/2/2003 66.57 65.16 5549.02 5/1/2003 69.19 67.78 5544.74 6/9/2003 73.47 72.06 5543.78 7/7/2003 74.43 73.02 5543.39 8/4/2003 74.82 73.41 5543.05 9/11/2003 75.16 73.75 5543.19 10/2/2003 75.02 73.61 5543.21 11/7/2003 75.00 73.59 5543.40 12/3/2003 74.81 73.40 5548.10 1/15/2004 70.11 68.70 5549.50 2/10/2004 68.71 67.30 5550.87 3/28/2004 67.34 65.93 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-8 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSD1MP1LIMonitorinublw.MP1 btw.LSDI Of Well 5616.80 5618.21 1.41 126.00 5551.33 4/12/2004 66.88 65.47 5551.87 5/13/2004 66.34 64.93 5551.92 6/18/2004 66.29 64.88 5552.69 7/28/2004 65.52 64.11 5549.78 8/30/2004 68.43 67.02 5547.46 9/16/2004 70.75 69.34 5545.21 10/11/2004 73.00 71.59 5545.09 11/16/2004 73.12 71.71 5545.61 12/22/2004 72.60 71.19 5545.24 1/18/2005 72.97 71.56 5545.42 2/28/2005 72.79 71.38 5545.45 3/15/2005 72.76 71.35 5545.46 4/26/2005 72.75 71.34 5545.66 5/24/2005 72.55 71.14 5545.54 6/30/2005 72.67 71.26 5545.43 7/29/2005 72.78 71.37 5545.61 9/12/2005 72.60 71.19 5545.52 12/7/2005 72.69 71.28 5546.53 3/8/2006 71.68 70.27 5546.51 6/13/2006 71.70 70.29 5546.51 7/18/2006 71.70 70.29 5546.46 11/7/2006 71.75 70.34 5547.92 2/27/2007 70.29 68.88 5547.01 5/2/2007 71.20 69.79 5547.40 8/14/2007 70.81 69.40 5547.57 10/10/2007 70.64 69.23 5548.76 3/26/2008 69.45 68.04 5549.17 6/24/2008 69.04 67.63 5549.31 8/26/2008 68.9 67.49 5549.37 10/14/2008 68.84 67.43 5549.72 3/3/2009 68.49 67.08 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth WL1 LSD MP LI Monitorina blw.MP blw.LSDI Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5577.09 12/20/1999 60.5 59.02 5577.09 1/2/2000 60.5 59.02 5577.29 1/10/2000 60.3 58.82 5577.09 1/17/2000 60.5 59.02 5577.39 1/24/2000 60.2 58.72 5577.29 2/1/2000 60.3 58.82 5577.19 2/7/2000 60.4 58.92 5577.69 2/14/2000 59.9 58.42 5577.69 2/23/2000 59.9 58.42 5577.79 3/1/2000 59.8 58.32 5577.79 3/8/2000 59.8 58.32 5577.89 3/15/2000 59.7 58.22 5568.49 3/20/2000 69.1 67.62 5578.14 3/29/2000 59.45 57.97 5577.84 4/4/2000 59.75 58.27 5578.04 4/13/2000 59.55 58.07 5578.24 4/21/2000 59.35 57.87 5578.39 4/28/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.39 5/1/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.79 5/11/2000 58.8 57.32 5578.39 5/15/2000 59.2 57.72 5578.79 5/25/2000 58.8 57.32 5578.81 6/9/2000 58.78 57.30 5578.89 6/16/2000 58.7 57.22 5578.74 6/26/2000 58 85 57.37 5578.86 7/6/2000 58.73 57.25 5578.87 7/13/2000 58.72 57.24 5578.84 7/18/2000 58.75 57.27 5579.03 7/27/2000 58.56 57.08 5579.03 8/2/2000 58.56 57.08 5579.05 8/9/2000 58.54 57.06 5579.04 8/15/2000 58.55 57.07 5579.25 8/31/2000 58.34 56.86 5579.35 9/8/2000 58.24 56.76 5579.40 9/13/2000 58.19 56.71 5579.46 9/20/2000 58.13 56.65 5579.44 10/5/2000 58.15 56.67 5579.79 11/9/2000 57.8 56.32 5579.73 12/6/2000 57.86 56.38 5580.01 1/3/2001 57.58 56.10 5580.30 2/9/2001 57.29 55.81 5580.66 3/27/2001 56.93 55.45 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5580.75 4/30/2001 56.84 55.36 5581.04 5/31/2001 56.55 55.07 5581.12 6/21/2001 56.47 54.99 5581.15 7/10/2001 56.44 54.96 5581.51 8/20/2001 56.08 54.60 5581.70 9/19/2001 55.89 54.41 5581.61 10/2/2001 55.98 54.50 5581.04 5/31/2001 56.55 55.07 5581.12 6/21/2001 56.47 54.99 5581.15 7/10/2001 56.44 54.96 5581.51 8/20/2001 56.08 54.60 5581.70 9/19/2001 55.89 54.41 5581.61 10/2/2001 55.98 54.50 5581.83 11/8/2001 55.76 54.28 5582.17 12/3/2001 55.42 53.94 5582.21 1/3/2002 55.38 53.90 5582.57 2/6/2002 55.02 53.54 5583.12 3/26/2002 54.47 52.99 5582.77 4/9/2002 54.82 53.34 5583.21 5/23/2002 54.38 52.90 5582.94 6/5/2002 54.65 53.17 5582.71 7/8/2002 54.88 53.40 5583.67 8/23/2002 53.92 52.44 5583.82 9/11/2002 53.77 52.29 5584.01 10/23/2002 53.58 52.10 5583.88 11/22/2002 53.71 52.23 5583.81 12/3/2002 53.78 52.30 5584.28 1/9/2003 53.31 51.83 5584.41 2/12/2003 53.18 51.70 5584.68 3/26/2003 52.91 51.43 5584.49 4/2/2003 53.10 51.62 5584.51 5/1/2003 53.08 51.60 5583.59 6/9/2003 54.00 52.52 5582.96 7/7/2003 54.63 53.15 5582.98 8/4/2003 54.61 53.13 5582.57 9/11/2003 55.02 53.54 5582.25 10/2/2003 55.34 53.86 5582.09 11/7/2003 55.50 54.02 5582.48 12/3/2003 55.11 53.63 5583.69 1/15/2004 53.90 52.42 5583.89 2/10/2004 53.70 52.22 5584.30 3/28/2004 53.29 51.81 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-9 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDNIPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5636.11 5637.59 1.48 121.33 5584.59 4/12/2004 53.00 51.52 5584.87 5/13/2004 52.72 51.24 5584.96 6/18/2004 52.63 51.15 5585.50 7/28/2004 52.09 50.61 5584.81 8/30/2004 52.78 51.30 5584.40 9/16/2004 53.19 51.71 5583.91 10/11/2004 53.68 52.20 5583.39 11/16/2004 54.20 52.72 5583.54 12/22/2004 54.05 52.57 5583.34 1/18/2005 54.25 52.77 5583.66 2/28/2005 53.93 52.45 5583.87 3/15/2005 53.72 52.24 5584.74 4/26/2005 52.85 51.37 5585.26 5/24/2005 52.33 50.85 5585.06 6/30/2005 52.53 51.05 5584.67 7/29/2005 52.92 51.44 5584.75 9/12/2005 52.84 51.36 5584.51 12/7/2005 53.08 51.60 5585.74 3/8/2006 51.85 50.37 5584.74 6/13/2006 52.85 51.37 5584.26 7/18/2006 53.33 51.85 5584.21 11/7/2006 53.38 51.90 5584.67 2/27/2007 52.92 51.44 5584.06 5/2/2007 53.53 52.05 558i33 R/14/2007 52.26 50.7R 5585.42 10/10/2007 52.17 50.69 5587.01 3/26/2008 50.58 49.10 5585.44 6/24/2008 52.15 50.67 5585.23 8/26/2008 52.36 50.88 5584.42 10/14/2008 53.17 51.69 5583.59 3/3/2009 54 52.52 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mifi Well TW4-1O Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.99 5634.24 2.25 121.33 5576.75 1/3/2002 57.49 55.24 5576.92 2/6/2002 57.32 55.07 5577.43 3/26/2002 56.81 54.56 5577.22 4/9/2002 57.02 54.77 5577.80 5/23/2002 56.44 54.19 5577.47 6/5/2002 56.77 54.52 5577.55 7/8/2002 56.69 54.44 5578.10 8/23/2002 56.14 53.89 5578.24 9/11/2002 56.00 53.75 5578.49 10/23/2002 55.75 53.50 5578.43 11/22/2002 55.81 53.56 5578.43 12/3/2002 55.81 53.56 5578.66 1/9/2003 55.58 53.33 5578.66 2/12/2003 55.58 53.33 5578.78 3/26/2003 55.46 53.21 5578.90 4/2/2003 55.34 53.09 5578.83 5/1/2003 55.41 53.16 5578.05 6/9/2003 56.19 53.94 5577.38 7/7/2003 56.86 54.61 5577.15 8/4/2003 57.09 54.84 5576.76 9/11/2003 57.48 55.23 5576.36 10/2/2003 57.88 55.63 5576.05 11/7/2003 58.19 55.94 5576.20 12/3/2003 58.04 55.79 557743 1/15/2004 56.81 54.56 5577.81 2/10/2004 56.43 54.18 5578.47 3/28/2004 55.77 53.52 5578.69 4/12/2004 55.55 53.30 5578.93 5/13/2004 55.31 53.06 5578.99 6/18/2004 55.25 53.00 5579.18 7/28/2004 55.06 52.81 5579.06 8/30/2004 55.18 52.93 5578.78 9/16/2004 55.46 53.21 5577.80 10/11/2004 56.44 54.19 5577.13 11/16/2004 57.11 54.86 5576.96 12/22/2004 57.28 55.03 5576.63 1/18/2005 57.61 55.36 5576.82 2/28/2005 57.42 55.17 5576.86 3/15/2005 57.38 55.13 5577.52 4/26/2005 56.72 54.47 5578.01 5/24/2005 56.23 53.98 5578.15 6/30/2005 56.09 53.84 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-1O Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5631.99 5634.24 2.25 121.33 5577.90 7/29/2005 56.34 54.09 5578.02 9/12/2005 56.22 53.97 5577.56 12/7/2005 56.68 54.43 5579.69 3/8/2006 54.55 52.30 5578.34 6/13/2006 55.90 53.65 5577.94 7/18/2006 56.30 54.05 5578.01 11/7/2006 56.23 53.98 5578.43 2/27/2007 55.81 53.56 5577.84 5/2/2007 56.40 54.15 5578.74 8/14/2007 55.50 53.25 5579.04 10/10/2007 55.20 52.95 5580.69 3/26/2008 53.55 51.30 5579.87 6/24/2008 54.37 52.12 5579.47 8/26/2008 54.77 52.52 5578.87 10/14/2008 55.37 53.12 5578.01 3/10/2009 56.23 53.98 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5621.92 5623.62 1.70 121.33 5548.32 1/3/2002 75.30 73.60 5548.73 2/6/2002 74.89 73.19 5549.03 3/26/2002 74.59 72.89 5548.84 4/9/2002 74.78 73.08 5549.30 5/23/2002 74.32 72.62 5549.01 6/5/2002 74.61 72.91 5549.22 7/8/2002 74.40 72.70 5549.44 8/23/2002 74.18 72.48 5549.57 9/11/2002 74.05 72.35 5549.64 10/23/2002 73.98 72.28 5549.58 11/22/2002 74.04 72.34 5549.62 12/3/2002 74.00 72.30 5549.85 1/9/2003 73.77 72.07 5549.91 2/12/2003 73.71 72.01 5550.15 3/26/2003 73.47 71.77 5550.01 4/2/2003 73.61 71.91 5550.31 5/1/2003 73.31 71.61 5550.44 6/9/2003 73.18 71.48 5550.33 7/7/2003 73.29 71.59 5550.35 8/4/2003 73.27 71.57 5550.44 9/11/2003 73.18 71.48 5550.47 10/2/2003 73.15 71.45 5550.60 11/7/2003 73.02 71.32 5550.60 12/3/2003 73.02 71.32 5.550.94 1/15/2004 72.68 70.98 5551.00 2/10/2004 72.62 70.92 5550.34 3/28/2004 73.28 71.58 5551.54 4/12/2004 72.08 70.38 5551.89 5/13/2004 71.73 70.03 5551.94 6/18/2004 71.68 69.98 5552.49 7/28/2004 71.13 69.43 5552.74 8/30/2004 70.88 69.18 5553.01 9/16/2004 70.61 68.91 5553.11 10/11/2004 70.51 68.81 5553.19 11/16/2004 70.43 68.73 5553.53 12/22/2004 70.09 68.39 5553.31 1/18/2005 70.31 68.61 5553.84 2/28/2005 69.78 68.08 5554.04 3/15/2005 69.58 67.88 5554.23 4/26/2005 69.39 67.69 5553.87 5/24/2005 69.75 68.05 5554.46 6/30/2005 69.16 67.46 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-11 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5621.92 5623.62 1.70 121.33 5554.57 7/29/2005 69.05 67.35 5553.86 9/12/2005 69.76 68.06 5555.30 12/7/2005 68.32 66.62 5556.20 3/8/2006 67.42 65.72 5556.48 6/14/2006 67.14 65.44 5556.37 7/18/2006 67.25 65.55 5556.94 11/7/2006 66.68 64.98 5557.92 2/27/2007 65.7 64 5557.84 5/2/2007 65.78 64.08 5558.02 8/15/2007 65.60 63.90 5557.13 10/10/2007 66.49 64.79 5569.74 3/26/2008 53.88 52.18 5561.01 6/24/2008 62.61 60.91 5562.07 8/26/2008 61.55 59.85 5562.47 10/14/2008 61.15 59.45 5563.80 3/10/2009 59.82 58.12 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5622.38 5624.03 1.65 121.33 5580.71 8/23/2002 43.32 41.67 5581.34 9/11/2002 42.69 41.04 5581.13 10/23/2002 42.90 41.25 5581.27 11/22/2002 42.76 41.11 5581.35 12/3/2002 42.68 41.03 5582.38 1/9/2003 41.65 40.00 5582.27 2/12/2003 41.76 40.11 5582.51 3/26/2003 41.52 39.87 5581.91 4/2/2003 42.12 40.47 5582.72 5/1/2003 41.31 39.66 5582.93 6/9/2003 41.10 39.45 5583.01 7/7/2003 41.02 39.37 5583.11 8/4/2003 40.92 39.27 5583.35 9/11/2003 40.68 39.03 5583.52 10/2/2003 40.51 38.86 5583.57 11/7/2003 40.46 38.81 5583.81 12/3/2003 40.22 38.57 5584.17 1/15/2004 39.86 38.21 5584.19 2/10/2004 39.84 38.19 5584.31 3/28/2004 39.72 38.07 5584.70 4/12/2004 39.33 37.68 5584.68 5/13/2004 39.35 37.70 5584.73 6/18/2004 39.30 37.65 5585.16 7/28/2004 38.87 37.22 5585.18 8/30/2004 38.85 37.20 5585.29 9/16/2004 38.74 37.09 5585.65 10/11/2004 38.38 36.73 5585.71 11/16/2004 38.32 36.67 5586.15 12/22/2004 37.88 36.23 5585.94 1/18/2005 38.09 36.44 5586.36 2/28/2005 37.67 36.02 5586.75 3/15/2005 37.28 35.63 5587.00 4/26/2005 37.03 35.38 5587.15 5/24/2005 36.88 35.23 5587.38 6/30/2005 36.65 35.00 5587.38 7/29/2005 36.65 35.00 5587.74 9/12/2005 36.29 34.64 5588.23 12/7/2005 35.80 34.15 5588.72 3/8/2006 35.31 33.66 5588.14 6/13/2006 35.89 34.24 5588.13 7/18/2006 35.90 34.25 5584.50 11/7/2006 39.53 37.88 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-12 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5622.38 5624.03 1.65 121.33 5588.65 2/27/2007 35.38 33.73 5588.33 5/2/2007 35.70 34.05 5586.29 8/14/2007 37.74 36.09 5586.48 10/10/2007 37.55 35.90 5587.56 3/26/2008 36.47 34.82 5587.39 6/24/2008 36.64 34.99 5587.15 8/26/2008 36.88 35.23 5586.64 10/14/2008 37.39 35.74 5585.97 3/3/2009 38.06 36.41 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5618.09 5619.94 1.85 121.33 5529.66 8/23/2002 90.28 88.43 5530.66 9/11/2002 89.28 87.43 5529.10 10/23/2002 90.84 88.99 5530.58 11/22/2002 89.36 87.51 5530.61 12/3/2002 89.33 87.48 5529.74 1/9/2003 90.20 88.35 5531.03 2/12/2003 88.91 87.06 5531.82 3/26/2003 88.12 86.27 5524.63 4/2/2003 95.31 93.46 5531.54 5/1/2003 88.40 86.55 5538.46 6/9/2003 81.48 79.63 5539.38 7/7/2003 80.56 78.71 5540.72 8/4/2003 79.22 77.37 5541.25 9/11/2003 78.69 76.84 5541.34 10/2/2003 78.60 76.75 5541.69 11/7/2003 78.25 76.40 5541.91 12/3/2003 78.03 76.18 5542.44 1/15/2004 77.50 75.65 5542.47 2/10/2004 77.47 75.62 5542.84 3/28/2004 77.10 75.25 5543.08 4/12/2004 76.86 75.01 5543.34 5/13/2004 76.60 74.75 5543.40 6/18/2004 76.54 74.69 5544.06 7/28/2004 75.88 74.03 5544.61 8/30/2004 75.33 73.48 5545.23 9/16/2004 74.71 72.86 5546.20 10/11/2004 73.74 71.89 5547.43 11/16/2004 72.51 70.66 5548.96 12/22/2004 70.98 69.13 5549.02 1/18/2005 70.92 69.07 5550.66 2/28/2005 69.28 67.43 5551.26 3/15/2005 68.68 66.83 5552.23 4/26/2005 67.71 65.86 5552.87 5/24/2005 67.07 65.22 5553.42 6/30/2005 66.52 64.67 5554.00 7/29/2005 65.94 64.09 5555.21 9/12/2005 64.73 62.88 5558.13 12/7/2005 61.81 59.96 5562.93 3/8/2006 57.01 55.16 5564.39 6/13/2006 55.55 53.70 5562.09 7/18/2006 57.85 56.00 5565.49 11/7/2006 54.45 52.60 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-13 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5618.09 5619.94 1.85 121.33 5571.08 2/27/2007 48.86 47.01 5570.63 5/2/2007 49.31 47.46 5565.24 8/14/2007 54.7 52.85 5565.83 10/10/2007 54.11 52.26 5569.29 3/26/2008 50.65 48.80 5570.00 6/24/2008 49.94 48.09 5570.41 8/26/2008 49.53 47.68 5570.64 10/14/2008 49.3 47.45 5570.43 3/3/2009 49.51 47.66 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-14 Total or Leagth Measured Total Total Water Laad Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Measuring Point Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5610.92 5612.77 1.85 121.33 5518.90 8/23/2002 93.87 92.02 5519.28 9/11/2002 93.49 91.64 5519.95 10/23/2002 92.82 90.97 5520.32 11/22/2002 92.45 90.60 5520.42 12/3/2002 92.35 90.50 5520.70 1/9/2003 92.07 90.22 5520.89 2/12/2003 91.88 90.03 5521.12 3/26/2003 91.65 89.80 5521.12 4/2/2003 91.65 89.80 5521.24 5/1/2003 91.53 89.68 5521.34 6/9/2003 91.43 89.58 5521.36 7/7/2003 91.41 89.56 5521.35 8/4/2003 91.42 89.57 5521.30 9/11/2003 91.47 89.62 5521.35 10/2/2003 91.42 89.57 5521.36 11/7/2003 91.41 89.56 5521.16 12/3/2003 91.61 89.76 5521.29 1/15/2004 91.48 89.63 5521.36 2/10/2004 91.41 89.56 5521.46 3/28/2004 91.31 89.46 5521.54 4/12/2004 91.23 89.38 5521.59 5/13/2004 91.18 89.33 552L69 6/18/2004 91.08 89.23 5521.71 7/28/2004 91.06 89.21 5521.76 8/30/2004 91.01 89.16 5521.77 9/16/2004 91.00 89.15 5521.79 10/11/2004 90.98 89.13 5521.80 11/16/2004 90.97 89.12 5521.82 12/22/2004 90.95 89.10 5521.82 1/18/2005 90.95 89.10 5521.86 2/28/2005 90.91 89.06 5521.85 3/15/2005 90.92 89.07 5521.91 4/26/2005 90.86 89.01 5521.93 5/24/2005 90.84 88.99 5521.94 6/30/2005 90.83 88.98 5521.84 7/29/2005 90.93 89.08 5521.99 9/12/2005 90.78 88.93 5522.04 12/7/2005 90.73 88.88 5522.05 3/8/2006 90.72 88.87 5522.27 6/13/2006 90.50 88.65 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-14 Total or Length Measnred Total Total Water Land Of Depth to Depth to Depth Elevation Surface Measuring Point Elevation Riser Date Of Water Water Of WL LSD MP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5610.92 5612.77 1.85 121.33 5521.92 7/18/2006 90.85 89.00 5520.17 11/7/2006 92.60 90.75 5522.24 2/27/2007 90.53 88.68 5522.47 5/2/2007 90.30 88.45 5520.74 8/14/2007 92.03 90.18 5518.13 10/10/2007 94.64 92.79 5522.85 3/26/2008 89.92 88.07 5522.91 6/24/2008 89.86 88.01 5523.01 8/26/2008 89.76 87.91 5522.96 10/14/2008 89.81 87.96 5523.20 3/3/2009 89.57 87.72 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-15 MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5624.15 5625.45 1.30 121.33 5574.75 8/23/2002 50.70 49.40 5574.97 9/11/2002 50.48 49.18 5575.10 10/23/2002 50.35 49.05 5574.99 11/22/2002 50.46 49.16 5575.28 12/3/2002 50.17 48.87 5575.41 1/9/2003 50.04 48.74 5575.43 2/12/2003 50.02 48.72 5575.63 3/26/2003 49.82 48.52 5575.91 4/2/2003 49.54 48.24 5575.81 5/1/2003 49.64 48.34 5572.36 6/9/2003 53.09 51.79 5570.70 7/7/2003 54.75 53.45 5570.29 8/4/2003 55.16 53.86 5560.94 9/11/2003 64.51 63.21 5560.63 10/2/2003 64.82 63.52 5560.56 11/7/2003 64.89 63.59 5564.77 12/3/2003 60.68 59.38 5570.89 1/15/2004 54.56 53.26 5572.55 2/10/2004 52.90 51.60 5574.25 3/28/2004 51.20 49.90 5574.77 4/12/2004 50.68 49.38 5575.53 5/13/2004 49.92 48.62 5575.59 6/18/2004 49.86 48.56 5576.82 7/28/2004 48.63 47.33 5527.47 9/16/2004 97.98 96.68 5553.97 11/16/2004 71.48 70.18 5562.33 12/22/2004 63.12 61.82 5550.00 1/18/2005 75.45 74.15 5560.02 4/26/2005 65.43 64.13 5546.11 5/24/2005 79.34 78.04 5556.71 6/30/2005 68.74 67.44 5554.95 7/29/2005 70.50 69.20 5555.48 9/12/2005 69.97 68.67 5551.09 12/7/2005 74.36 73.06 5552.85 3/8/2006 72.60 71.30 5554.30 6/13/2006 71.15 69.85 5554.87 7/18/2006 70.58 69.28 5550.88 11/7/2006 74.57 73.27 5558.77 2/27/2007 66.68 65.38 5548.54 5/2/2007 76.91 75.61 5551.33 10/10/2007 74.12 72.82 5545.56 3/26/2008 79.89 78.59 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-15 MW-26 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5624.15 5625.45 1.30 121.33 5545.56 6/25/2008 79.89 78.59 5545.82 8/26/2008 79.63 78.33 5545.64 10/14/2008 79.81 78.51 5544.45 3/3/2009 81 79.70 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWILSDMPILIMonitoringhlw.MP1 blw.LSDI Of We 5622.19 5624.02 1.83 121.33 5562.91 8/23/2002 61.11 59.28 5563.45 9/11/2002 60.57 58.74 5563.75 10/23/2002 60.27 58.44 5563.68 11/22/2002 60.34 58.51 5563.68 12/3/2002 60.34 58.51 5564.16 1/9/2003 59.86 58.03 5564.25 2/12/2003 59.77 57.94 5564.53 3/26/2003 59.49 57.66 5564.46 4/2/2003 59.56 57.73 5564.79 5/1/2003 59.23 57.40 5564.31 6/9/2003 59.71 57.88 5563.29 7/7/2003 60.73 58.90 5562.76 8/4/2003 61.26 59.43 5561.73 9/11/2003 62.29 60.46 5561.04 10/2/2003 62.98 61.15 5560.39 11/7/2003 63.63 61.80 5559.79 12/3/2003 64.23 62.40 5561.02 1/15/2004 63.00 61.17 5561.75 2/10/2004 62.27 60.44 5562.98 3/28/2004 61.04 59.21 5563.29 4/12/2004 60.73 58.90 5564.03 5/13/2004 59.99 58.16 5564.09 6/18/2004 59.93 58.10 5565.08 7/28/2004 58.94 57.11 5564.56 8/30/2004 59.46 57.63 5563.55 9/16/2004 60.47 58.64 5561.79 10/11/2004 62.23 60.40 5560.38 11/16/2004 63.64 61.81 5559.71 12/22/2004 64.31 62.48 5559.14 1/18/2005 64.88 63.05 5558.65 2/28/2005 65.37 63.54 5558.54 3/15/2005 65.48 63.65 5558.22 4/26/2005 65.80 63.97 5558.54 5/24/2005 65.48 63.65 5559.24 6/30/2005 64.78 62.95 5559.38 7/29/2005 64.64 62.81 5559.23 9/12/2005 64.79 62.96 5557.67 12/7/2005 66.35 64.52 5557.92 3/8/2006 66.10 64.27 5558.47 6/13/2006 65.55 63.72 5558.42 7/18/2006 65.60 63.77 5558.09 11/7/2006 65.93 64.10 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-16 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total ELevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5622.19 5624.02 1.83 121.33 5557.34 2/27/2007 66.68 64.85 5547.11 5/2/2007 76.91 75.08 5558.52 8/14/2007 65.5 63.67 5559.02 10/10/2007 65.00 63.17 5561.04 3/26/2008 62.98 61.15 5560.06 6/24/2008 63.96 62.13 5559.32 8/26/2008 64.7 62.87 5558.89 10/14/2008 65.13 63.30 5558.40 3/3/2009 65.62 63.79 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mifi Well TW4-17 MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.41 5625.24 1.83 121.33 5542.17 8/23/2002 83.07 81.24 5542.39 9/11/2002 82.85 81.02 5542.61 10/23/2002 82.63 80.80 5542.49 11/22/2002 82.75 80.92 5542.82 12/3/2002 82.42 80.59 5543.03 1/9/2003 82.21 80.38 5543.04 2/12/2003 82.20 80.37 5543.41 3/26/2003 81.83 80.00 5543.69 4/2/2003 81.55 79.72 5543.77 5/1/2003 81.47 79.64 5544.01 6/9/2003 81.23 79.40 5544.05 7/7/2003 81.19 79.36 5543.99 8/4/2003 81.25 79.42 5544.17 9/11/2003 81.07 79.24 5544.06 10/2/2003 81.18 79.35 5544.03 11/7/2003 81.21 79.38 5543.94 12/3/2003 81.30 79.47 5543.98 1/15/2004 81.26 79.43 5543.85 2/10/2004 81.39 79.56 5544.05 3/28/2004 81.19 79.36 5544.33 4/12/2004 80.91 79.08 5544.55 5/13/2004 80.69 78.86 5544.59 6/18/2004 80.65 78.82 5545.08 7/28/2004 80.16 78.33 554516 8/30/2004 79.98 78J5 5545.48 9/16/2004 79.76 77.93 5545.61 10/11/2004 79.63 77.80 5545.46 11/16/2004 79.78 77.95 5545.66 12/22/2004 79.58 77.75 5545.33 1/18/2005 79.91 78.08 5545.51 2/28/2005 79.73 77.90 5545.57 3/15/2005 79.67 77.84 5545.46 4/26/2005 79.78 77.95 5545.45 5/24/2005 79.79 77.96 5545.33 6/30/2005 79.91 78.08 5545.16 7/29/2005 80.08 78.25 5545.54 9/12/2005 79.70 77.87 5545.77 12/7/2005 79.47 77.64 5546.09 3/8/2006 79.15 77.32 5545.94 6/13/2006 79.30 77.47 5545.94 7/18/2006 79.30 77.47 5546.24 11/7/2006 79.00 77.17 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-17 MW-32 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5623.41 5625.24 1.83 121.33 5546.81 2/27/2007 78.43 76.6 5546.56 5/2/2007 78.68 76.85 5546.81 8/15/2007 78.43 76.6 5546.96 10/10/2007 78.28 76.45 5547.9 3/26/2008 77.34 75.51 5548.08 6/25/2008 77.16 75.33 5548.42 8/26/2008 76.82 74.99 5548.05 10/14/2008 77.19 75.36 5548.29 3/3/2009 76.95 75.12 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water DepthWLLSDMPMonitoringblw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5639.13 5641.28 2.15 121.33 5585.13 8/23/2002 56.15 54.00 5585.41 9/11/2002 55.87 53.72 5585.47 10/23/2002 55.81 53.66 5585.40 11/22/2002 55.88 53.73 5585.68 12/3/2002 55.60 53.45 5585.90 1/9/2003 55.38 53.23 5590.79 2/12/2003 50.49 48.34 5586.18 3/26/2003 55.10 52.95 5586.36 4/2/2003 54.92 52.77 5586.24 5/1/2003 55.04 52.89 5584.93 6/9/2003 56.35 54.20 5584.46 7/7/2003 56.82 54.67 5584.55 8/4/2003 56.73 54.58 5584.01 9/11/2003 57.27 55.12 5583.67 10/2/2003 57.61 55.46 5583.50 11/7/2003 57.78 55.63 5584.08 12/3/2003 57.20 55.05 5585.45 1/15/2004 55.83 53.68 5585.66 2/10/2004 55.62 53.47 5586.13 3/28/2004 55.15 53.00 5586.39 4/12/2004 54.89 52.74 5586.66 5/13/2004 54.62 52.47 5586.77 6/18/2004 54.51 52.36 5587.35 7/28/2004 53.93 51.78 5586.34 8/30/2004 54.94 52.79 5585.85 9/16/2004 55.43 53.28 5585.22 10/11/2004 56.06 53.91 5584.70 11/16/2004 56.58 54.43 5584.81 12/22/2004 56.47 54.32 5584.68 1/18/2005 56.60 54.45 5585.02 2/28/2005 56.26 54.11 5585.25 3/15/2005 56.03 53.88 5586.31 4/26/2005 54.97 52.82 5586.97 5/24/2005 54.31 52.16 5586.58 6/30/2005 54.70 52.55 5586.10 7/29/2005 55.18 53.03 5586.05 9/12/2005 55.23 53.08 5585.86 12/7/2005 55.42 53.27 5587.13 3/8/2006 54.15 52.00 5585.93 6/13/2006 55.35 53.20 5585.40 7/18/2006 55.88 53.73 5585.38 11/7/2006 55.90 53.75 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-18 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Depth WL LSD NIP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Of Well 5639.13 5641.28 2.15 121.33 5585.83 2/27/2007 55.45 53.30 5585.15 5/2/2007 56.13 53.98 5586.47 6/24/2008 54.81 52.66 5586.3 8/26/2008 54.98 52.83 5585.21 10/14/2008 56.07 53.92 5584.47 3/3/2009 56.81 54.66 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-19 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Length Depth to Depth to Elevation Surface Elevation Of Riser Date Of Water Water Total Depth Of WL LSD NIP Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5629.53 5631.39 1.86 121.33 5581.88 8/23/2002 49.51 47.65 5582.14 9/11/2002 49.25 47.39 5582.06 10/23/2002 49.33 47.47 5582.07 11/22/2002 49.32 47.46 5582.16 12/3/2002 49.23 47.37 5582.28 1/9/2003 49.11 47.25 5582.29 2/12/2003 49.10 47.24 5582.74 3/26/2003 48.65 46.79 5582.82 4/2/2003 48.57 46.71 5548.47 5/1/2003 82.92 81.06 5564.76 6/9/2003 66.63 64.77 5562.53 7/7/2003 68.86 67.00 5564.10 8/4/2003 67.29 65.43 5566.01 8/30/2004 65.38 63.52 5555.16 9/16/2004 76.23 74.37 5549.80 10/11/2004 81.59 79.73 5546.04 11/16/2004 85.35 83.49 5547.34 12/22/2004 84.05 82.19 5548.77 1/18/2005 82.62 80.76 5551.18 2/28/2005 80.21 78.35 5556.81 3/15/2005 74.58 72.72 5562.63 4/26/2005 68.76 66.90 5573.42 5/24/2005 57.97 56.11 5552.94 7/29/2005 78.45 76.59 5554.00 9/12/2005 77.39 75.53 5555.98 12/7/2005 75.41 73.55 5552.00 3/8/2006 79.39 77.53 5545.74 6/13/2006 85.65 83.79 5544.06 7/18/2006 87.33 85.47 5548.81 11/7/2006 82.58 80.72 5543.59 2/27/2007 87.8 85.94 5544.55 5/2/2007 86.84 84.98 5558.97 8/15/2007 72.42 70.56 5559.73 10/10/2007 71.66 69.8 5569.26 3/26/2008 62.13 60.27 5535.47 6/25/2008 95.92 94.06 5541.41 8/26/2008 89.98 88.12 5558.45 10/14/2008 72.94 71.08 5536.9 3/3/2009 94.49 92.63 5565.70 5546.53 5540.29 5541.17 5540.33 5530.43 5569.13 5547.95 5550.58 5563.60 5555.85 5569.10 5560.00 5539.64 5539.51 5553.00 5629.53 7/29/2005 8/30/2005 9/12/2005 12/7/2005 3/8/2006 6/13/2006 7/18/2006 11/7/2006 2/27/2007 5/2/2007 8/14/2007 10/10/2007 3/26/2008 6/25/2008 8/26/2008 10/14/2008 3/3/2009 Measured Total Depth to Depth to Total Water Water Depth Of blw.MP blw.LSD Well 63.83 83.00 89.24 88.36 89.20 99.10 60.40 81.58 80.28 78.95 65.93 73.68 60.43 69.53 89.89 90.02 76.53 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mifi Well TW4-20 Total or Measuring Water Land Point Elevation Surface Elevation Leagth Of Date Of WL LSD MP Riser Monitoring 5628.52 5629.53 1.01 106.0 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-21 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of WL LSD MP Riser Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5638.20 5639.35 1.15 120.92 5582.98 7/29/2005 56.37 5583.43 8/30/2005 55.92 5581.87 9/12/2005 57.48 5580.50 12/7/2005 58.85 5583.64 3/8/2006 55.71 5580.55 6/13/2006 58.80 5578.95 7/18/2006 60.40 5578.47 11/7/2006 60.88 5579.53 2/27/2007 59.82 5578.07 5/2/2007 61.28 5583.41 8/15/2007 55.94 5583.45 10/10/2007 55.9 5586.47 3/26/2008 52.88 5579.16 6/24/2008 60.19 5579.92 8/26/2008 59.43 5577.37 10/14/2008 61.98 5578.00 3/10/2009 61.35 Water Levels and Data over Time White Mesa Mill Well TW4-22 Total or Measuring Measured Total Water Land Point Depth to Depth to Total Elevation Surface Elevation Length Of Date Of Water Water Depth Of WL LSD MP Riser Monitoring blw.MP blw.LSD Well 5627.83 5629.00 1.17 113.5 5571.89 7/29/2005 57.11 5572.20 8/30/2005 56.80 5572.08 9/12/2005 56.92 5571.61 12/7/2005 57.39 5571.85 3/8/2006 57.15 5571.62 6/13/2006 57.38 5571.42 7/18/2006 57.58 5571.02 11/7/2006 57.98 5571.24 2/27/2007 57.76 5570.75 6/29/2007 58.25 5571.82 8/14/2007 57.18 5571.99 10/10/2007 57.01 5573.05 3/26/2008 55.95 5573.04 6/24/2008 55.96 5573.04 8/26/2008 55.96 5573.02 10/14/2008 55.98 5573.19 3/10/2009 55.81 ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHibway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Far 307234.1639 casperfflenergy/ab corn www.energylab.com LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04106/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 0907 Lab ID C09030258-015 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID MW-4 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1624/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 5.7 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1127 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.5 ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/11/09 0435 wen Chloroform 2200 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/11/09 0117 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0435 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0435 wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/11/09 0435 /wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 107 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0435 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 118 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 03/11/09 0435 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0435 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EPERGY LASORA TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creak Hq/7way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperc0energy/ab.com wM4.energy/aA corn LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 1018 C09030452-006 DateReceived 03/13/09 TW 4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mgL A4500-CI 0324/09 1307 /sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 7.5 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/18/09 1513/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.1 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 Iwen Chloroform 1700 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/20/09 1614 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 123 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 121 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 /wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/20/09 0252 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC p2393 Sail Creek Hthway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WY 82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307234.1639 casper9energy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.comENERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1St Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 1040 Lab ID C09030452-008 DateReceived 03/13/09 Client Sample ID 1W 4-2 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 46 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/24/09 1310 /sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.5 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/18/09 1515 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 2.2 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Chloroform 3100 ug/L 200 5W8260B 03/20/09 1730 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Sum Dibromofluoromethane 123 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 126 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408/wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0408 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefinitIons QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHi/iway 8260 P0 Box 3258 Caspai bVY82602 roll Free 8882350515 307235 0515 Fm-307234.1639 casperenergyIaLz corn www energy/at cornEIERGY LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1310 Lab ID C09030258-001 DateRecelved 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-3 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 21 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1600/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.5 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1032/jal VOLA11LE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetraohloride ND ugL SW8260B 03/1 0/09 0235 wen Chloroform ND ugL SW8260B 03/10/09 0235 wen Chioromethane ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0235 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0235 /wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0235 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 03/10/09 0235 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 112 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 03/10/09 0235/wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 03/10/09 0235 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Highway 82501 RO Box 3258 Caspei WY82502 ____________Toll Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fa 307234.1539 caspenllenergy/aA corn www.energy/aA corn LABORATORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1329 Lab ID C09030258-016 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-4 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 37 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17109 1625 /sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 10.2 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/16/09 1202/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03111109 0515 wen Chloroform 2200 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/11/09 0156 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/11/09 0515 Iwen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0515 /wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0515 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0515/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 122 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0515/wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/11/090515 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hii/iway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602IYTollFree888.235.0515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.corn LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1250 Lab ID C09030258-01 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-5 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 34 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1622 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 7.9 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/16/09 1157 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 /wen Chloroform 12 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 /wen Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/10/09 1813 Iwen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 Iwen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 98.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 /wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 118 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1813 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW82608 03/10/09 1813 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference EIERGY LABOR/I TORIES ENERG VLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek HI/way 82601 RO Box 3258 Caspet WY82602 Toil Free 889.235 0515 3072350515 Far 307234.1639 caspeitenergy/ab corn wwEenergyIab.corn LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Project LabID Client Sample ID Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform C09030452-001 TW 4-6 Report Date 04/03/09 Collection Date 03/11/09 1009 DateReceived 03/13/09 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 35 mgL 2.2 mgL A4500-Cl 03/24109 1250 sp 0.1 E353.2 03/18/09 1443/jal Chloroform Chioromethane Methylene chloride Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 ND ugL 81 ugh ND ugL ND ug/L 111 %REC 118 %REC 123 %REC 108 %REC 1.0 1.0 80-1 20 70-130 80-120 80-1 20 SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 5W82605 SW8260B 03/19109 2341 wen 03/19/09 2341 /wen 03/19/09 2341 wen 03/19/09 2341 /wen 03/19/09 2341 wen 03/19/09 2341 /wen 03/19/09 2341 /wen 03/19/09 2341 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit DefInitions QCL Quality control limit MCL Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.0 1.0 Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC -2393 Salt Creek Hi/iway 82601 RO Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 roll Free 888.235.0515-307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com www.energylab.comEtERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04103/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 1025 Lab ID C09030452-007 DateReceived 03/13109 Client Sample ID TW 4-7 Matrix Aqueous MW Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 35 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/24109 1308 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.7 mgIL 0.1 E353.2 03118109 1503 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 03301 wen Chloroform 1800 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/20/09 1652 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0330/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0330/wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW82608 03/20/09 0330/wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 121 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0330/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 122 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0330/wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0330/wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail Creek Hbway 82601 P0 Sax 3258 Caspec WY82602 Ta//Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307234.1639 caspeit.energy/ab.cam www energy/a/i cornEIERGY LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1320 Lab ID C09030258-008 DateRecelved 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-8 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 42 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1610/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1057 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503 wen Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503/wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503 wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503 /wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 94.0 %REC 70-130 SWB26OB 03/10/09 1503/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 117 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503 /wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/10/09 1503 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG YLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHiq/iway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 Toil Free 888.235 0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1257 Lab ID C09030258-009 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-9 Matrix Aqueous MCU Analyses Result UnIts Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 30 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1615 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.5 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1100 /ial VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 96.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 117 %REC 80-120 8W8260B 03/10/09 1541 /wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SW82608 03/10/09 1541 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LARORA TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID ENERG YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek HIghway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WY82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casper4energy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.comn LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 1000 C09030452-005 DateReceived 03/13109 TW 4-10 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 64 mg/L A4500-CI 03/24/09 1306 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 11.6 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/18/09 1500 ial VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214 /wen Chloroform 1100 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/20/09 1536 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 120 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214 wen Sum p-Bromofluorobenzene 124 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214/wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0214/wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGY LAIIORA TORIES ENERG YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Hi/iway 82601 AC Box 3258 Caspe.c WY82602 roll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com wwwenergy/ab.com LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform C09030452-004 1W4-11 Report Date 04/03/09 Collection Date 03/11/09 1046 DateReceived 03/13/09 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 49 mg/L 7.3 mg/L 0.2 A4500-Cl 03/24/09 1257 /sp E353.2 03/18/09 1458/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chioromethane Methylene chloride Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-dB ND ugJL 1000 ugJL ND ug/L ND ug/L 111 %REC 119 %REC 125 %REC 105 %REC SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 5W8260B 03/20/09 0135 /wen 03/20/09 1459 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen 03/20/09 0135 wen MCL Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits 1.0 100 1.0 1.0 80-1 20 70-130 80-120 80-1 20 Report RL Analyte reporting limit Definitions QCL Quality control limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference EPERGY LARORA TORIES Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail Creek HI/7way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 Toil Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.coin LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04106/09 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1043 C09030258-002 DateReceived 03/06/09 TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 23 mgL A4500-Cl 03/1709 1602 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.4 mgL 0.2 E353.2 0311609 1034jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ugL SW8260B 031 009 0314 wen Chloroform ND ugL SW8260B 0311009 0314 /wen Chioromethane ND ugL SW8260B 03/1009 0314/wen Methylene chloride ND ugL SWB26OB 031009 0314 /wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 109 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 031009 0314wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 98.0 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 031009 0314/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 113 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 031009 0314 /wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-1 20 5W8260B 03/1009 0314 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hir/way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Tail Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspen4energy/ab.cam www.energylab.comEIERGY LASOR.4 TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denisn Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1034 Lab ID C09030258-003 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RI QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 58 mg/I A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1603 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.7 mg/I 0.2 E353.2 03/16/09 1037 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Chloroform ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 60-120 5W8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 105 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 114 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0352 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL QualiW control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference ENERGYLI4HORA TORIES INC 2393 Ball Creek Hi/iway 82601 pRO Box 3258-Caspec WY82602 roll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.corn www energy/ab corn LAIIORA TORIES Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project Lab ID Client Sample ID 1W4-14 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Report Date 04/06/09 Collection Date 03/04/09 1022 DateReceived 03/06/09 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method AnalysIs Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 35 mgIL 1.6 mgIL 0.1 A4500-CI 03117109 1605 Isp E353.2 03116109 1039 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Sum Toluene-d8 ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L 113 %REC 114 %REC 114 %REC 105 %REC SWS26OB SW6260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B SW8260B 03/10/09 0431 /wen 03/10/090431 /wen 03/10/090431 Iwen 03/10/090431 /wen 03/10/09 0431 Iwen 03/10/09 0431 /wen 03/10/09 0431 /wen 03/10/09 0431/wen RL Analyte reporting limit QCL Quality control limit 1st Quarter Chloroform C09030258-004 80-120 70-1 30 80-1 20 80-1 20 Report DefinItIons MCL Maximum contaminant level ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hii/i way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe1 WY82602 ____________To//Free 888.235 0515 307235 0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/aLx corn www.energylab.corn LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Project Lab ID Client Sample ID Denison Mines USA Corp 1st Quarter Chloroform C09030258-01 1W4-15 Report Date 04/06/09 Collection Date 03/04/09 0901 DateReceived 03/06/09 Matrix Aqueous Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL MCL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 49 mgIL 0.4 mg/L 0.1 A4500-Cl 03/17109 1823 sp E353.2 03/16/09 1117 /jal Report Definitions MCL Maximum contaminant level VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354/wen Chloroform 950 ug/L 200 SW8260B 03/10/09 1850/wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354 wen Methylene chloride 51 ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354 wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354/wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 109 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 118 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354/wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0354/wen RL Analyte reporting limit QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 R0 Box 3258 Casper WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wivenergy/ab.com LARORi1 TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04106/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1239 Lab ID C09030258-01 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units QualIfiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 78 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1619/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 9.6 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/16/09 1154 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachionde ND ugiL 1.0 SWS26OB 03/10/09 1651/wen Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1657 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW82608 03/10/09 1657/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SWB26OB 03/10/09 1657/wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC 80-120 SWS26OB 03/10/09 1657/wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 96.0 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 03/10/09 1657/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 117 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/10/09 1657 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SWS26OB 03/10/09 1657/wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefinItions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference ENERO YLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Hii/iway 82601 P0 Box 3256 Casper WV82602JYThYFree 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307234.1639 casperenergylab.corn wiw..energylaA corn LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04106109 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 0947 Lab ID C09030258-005 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 30 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1606/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1050/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L SW82608 03/10/09 0510 wen Chloroform ND ug/L SW82608 03/10/09 0510 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 3W8260B 03/10/09 0510/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0510 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0510 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 110 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/10/09 0510/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 114 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0510 wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 03/10/09 0510/wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqhway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WV82602 ____________Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307.234.1639 caspeitenergylab.com www energy/ab corn LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1214 Lab ID C09030258-01 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 29 mgIL A4500-CI 03/17109 1621 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 5.2 mgIL 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1112 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Chloroform 11 ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Chlorometharie ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/10109 1735 Iwen Methylene chloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 108 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Surr Dibromofluorometflane 95.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 119 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1735 wen Surr Toluene-d8 103 %REC 80-1 20 SW82608 03/10/09 1735 Iwen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefInItions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERO VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hibway 82501 P0 Box 3255-Caspec WY82602 ____________Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1539 caspei-energy/ab.com www energy/alz corn LALORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 0924 Lab ID C09030258-017 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-1 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 127 mgIL A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1627 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.2 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1132 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 1.2 ugIL 1.0 SW6260B 03/11/09 0556 wen Chloroform 1100 ugIL 200 SW8260B 03/11/09 0236 wen Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/090556 Iwen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0556 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0556 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 108 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0556 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 119 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 03/11/09 0556 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 05561 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Hf/ERG VLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hqhway 82601 P0 Sex 3258 Caspec WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 caspercQenergy/ab.com www.ei7ergylab.com LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 0855 Lab ID C09030258-018 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-20 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 164 mg/L A4500-CI 03/17/09 1628 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 5.1 mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1134 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 5.7 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Chloroform 8200 ug/L 2000 SW8260B 03/11/09 0315 wen Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Methylene chloride 5.2 ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 109 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Surr Dibromofiuoromethane 108 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Sum p-Bromofiuorobenzene 119 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/11/090636 wen Surr Toluene-dS 105 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0636 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERO YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hi/iway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235 0515 Far 307234.1539 casperEenergy/aA corn www.energylab.comElERGY LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 0940 Lab ID C09030452-002 DateReceived 03/13/09 Client Sample ID TW 4-21 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 279 mg/L A4500-Cl 03124109 1252 /sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 8.3 mgIL 0.2 E353.2 03/18109 1453 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugIL 1.0 5W8260B 03120109 0020 wen Chloroform 180 ugIL 20 SW8260B 03120109 13431 wen Chloromethane ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0020 wen Methylene chloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/20109 0020 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0020 wen Sum Dibromofluoromethane 117 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0020/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 122 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0020 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 03/20/09 0020 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek H/iway 82601 Pa Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 roil Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Far 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LABOR/i TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 0950 Lab ID C09030452-003 DateReceived 03/13/09 Client Sample ID TW 4-22 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 177 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/24/09 1256 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 20.7 mg/L 0.3 E353.2 03/18/09 1455 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW82606 03/20/09 0058 won Chloroform 390 ug/L 100 SW8260B 03/20/09 1421 won Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0058 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0058 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 113 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0058 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 122 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0058 won Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 123 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0058/won Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 5W82608 03/20/09 0058/wen Report RL Analyto reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek H/iway 82501 P0 Sax 3258 Casper WY82602 Ta/I Free 888.235.0515 3072350515 Far 307234.1539 casparOenergy/ab.ccm www.energyfab.com LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1054 Lab ID C09030258006 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-23 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 41 mg/I A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1608 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/I 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1052 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 5W8260B 0310/09 0550/wen Chloroform ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0550 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L SW8260B 0310/09 0550 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L SW6260B 03/10/09 0550 Iwen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0550/wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 105 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/10/09 0550 /wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0550 wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0550 wan Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Highway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspec WY82602 ____________Toll Free 888235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com www.energylab.com LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03104/09 1228 Lab ID C09030258-01 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-24 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result units Qualifiers RL QCL Method AnalysIs Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 1010 mgL A4500-CI 03/17/09 1618sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 30.5 mgL 0.3 E353.2 03/16/09 1152 jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1618/wen Chloroform 1.4 ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/10/09 1618 /wen Chioromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW82608 03/10/09 1618 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 1618 /wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1618 /wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 98.0 %REC 70-1 30 SW8260B 03/10/09 1616 /wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 117 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 1618 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW82608 03/10/09 1618 /wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekH/iway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspe.c WY82602 ____________Toil Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspercPenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com LA//CPA TOP/ES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1201 Lab ID C09030258-007 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-25 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 332 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1609 /sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 15.3 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 03/16/09 1055 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 /wen Chloroform ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 /wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 102 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 114 %REC 80-1 20 SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 wen Sum Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 0630 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference ENERGVLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hihway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235 0515 Fax 307234.1539 caspercenergylab.corn www energy/oh corn LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06109 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/03/09 0738 Lab ID C09030258-019 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-60 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride ND mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1635 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1137/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/10109 2240 wen Chloroform 33 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SWB26OB 03/10/09 2240 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240/wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 104 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 115 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2240 Iwen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ....h ..fl....1uV.ul ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek H@hway 82601 P0 Box 3258-Caspe1c WV82602 ____________Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Far 307234.1839 casper6energy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.coni LARORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/10/09 0725 Lab ID C09030452-012 DateReceived 03/13/09 Client Sample ID TW 4-62 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride ND mgL A4500-Cl 032409 1314 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mgL 0.1 E353.2 03/1809 1523 /jal VOLA11LE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 03120/09 2233/wen Chloroform 34 ugL 1.0 5W8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Chloromethane ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Methylene chloride ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 119 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20109 2233 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 128 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 2233 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level DefinitIons QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERG VLABOR.4TORIES INc 2393 Sail Creek Highway 82601 RU Box 3258 Caspe1c WY82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperenergy/a/zcom wwwenergy/ab.coni LASORA rornEs LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/03/09 0800 Lab ID C09030258-020 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-63 Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride mg/L A4500-CI 03/17/09 1537 Isp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1147 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03110/09 2320 /wen Chloroform 10 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10109 2320 /wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2320 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/10/09 2320 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 112 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2320 wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 104 %REC 70-130 5W8260B 03/10/09 2320 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 114 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2320 wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SWS26OB 03/10/09 2320 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hihway 82501 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82502 ____________Toil Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fa 307234.1539 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denisbn Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 0947 Lab ID C09030258-021 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID TW4-65 Matrix Aqueous MCL/ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 31 mg/L A4500-Cl 03/17/09 1638/sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03/16/09 1150 Ijal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359 Iwen Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359/wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW82608 03/10/09 2359/wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359 /wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 111 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359 wen Sun Dibromofluoromethane 104 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359/wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 118 %REC 80-120 SW82608 03/10/09 2359 wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/10/09 2359 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERG VLASORA TORIES INC -2393 Salt Creek Hliway 82601 AO Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 ____________Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspaitenergylab.com wwwenergylab.com LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04103109 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11109 1040 Lab ID C09030452-01 DateReceived 03113109 Client Sample ID 1W 4-70 Matrix Aqueous MCL Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride 44 mgL A4500-Cl 03124/09 1311 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 7.0 mg/L 0.2 E353.2 0326/09 1303/jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride 2.1 ugL 1.0 SW8260B 032009 0524 wen Chloroform 3100 ugL 200 SW8260B 03120109 1808 wen Chioromethane ND ugL 1.0 SW8260B 0320/09 0524 wen Methylene chloride NO ugL 1.0 SW8260B 03/20109 0524 wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 113 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0524 Iwen Sum Dibromofluoromethane 119 %REC 70-130 SW82608 03120109 0524 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 126 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0524 wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SWB26OB 03120/09 0524wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit RL increased due to sample matrix interference Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hi/iway 82601 PO Box 3258 Caspel WY82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspenenergy/ab.corn wwwenergy/ab corn EIERGY LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1St Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/10/09 0800 Lab ID C09030452-01 DateReceived 03/13/09 Client Sample ID 1W4-73 Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By MAJOR IONS Chloride ND mg/L A4500-Cl 03/24/09 1313 sp Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.1 E353.2 03118/09 1520 /jal VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8250B 03/20/09 2155 wen Chloroform 19 ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 2155/wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW82608 03/20/09 2155 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW82606 03/20/09 2155 wen Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 2155 Iwen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 118 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 2155 wen Sum p-Bromofluorobenzene 126 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 2155 wen Surr Toluene-d8 105 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 2155 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENERGVLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hihway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 Toll Free 888.235.0515 307.235.0515 Far 307234.1639 casperc4energy/ab.com www.energylab.com LABORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/11/09 1046 Lab ID C09030452-009 DateRecelved 03/13/09 Client Sample ID Trip Blank Matrix Aqueous MCLJ Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachioride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Chloroform ND ugIL 1.0 5W8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 5W8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Sum 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 114 %REC 30-1 20 SW8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Sum Dibromofluoromethane 125 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 126 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Surr Toluene-d8 106 %REC 80-120 5W8260B 03/20/09 0446 wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits ENEROYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHi/i way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspe WY 82602 ____________Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1539 casperenergy/ab.com www.energylab.com LASORA TORIES LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Collection Date 03/04/09 1329 Lab ID C09030258-022 DateReceived 03/06/09 Client Sample ID Trip Blank Matrix Aqueous MCLI Analyses Result Units Qualifiers RL QCL Method Analysis Date By VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0039/wen Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03111/09 0039 wen Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 SW8260B 03111/09 0039 wen Methylene chloride ND ugIL 1.0 SW8260B 03/11/09 0039 wen Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 110 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03111109 0039/wen Surr Dibromofluoromethane 106 %REC 70-130 SW8260B 03/11/09 0039 wen Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 117 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0039/wen Surr Toluene-d8 104 %REC 80-120 SW8260B 03/11/09 0039/wen Report RL Analyte reporting limit MCL Maximum contaminant level Definitions QCL Quality control limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EIERGY LABORA TORIES ENERG YLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hihway 82501 PU Box 3258 Caspe1 WY82602 roll Free 8882350515 307235.0515 Fax 307.234.1639 casperenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT Quote ID C2975 Chloroform Sampling April 03 2009 Denison Mines USA Corp 6425 Hwy 191 Blanding UT 84511 Workorder No C09030452 Project Name 1st Quarter Chloroform Energy Laboratories Inc received the following 12 samples for Denison Mines USA Corp on 3/13/2009 for analysis Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix Test C09030452-001 1W 4-6 03/11/09 1009 03/13/09 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite SW8260B VOCs Standard List C09030452-002 1W 4-21 03/11/09 0940 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-003 1W 4-22 03/11/09 0950 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-004 1W 4-11 03/11/09 1046 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-005 1W4-10 03/11/09 1000 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-006 1W 4-1 03/11/09 1018 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-007 1W 4-7 03/11/09 1025 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-008 1W 4-2 03/11/09 1040 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-009 Trip Blank 03/11/09 1046 03/13/09 Aqueous SW8260B VOCs Standard List C09030452-010 1W 4-70 03/11/09 1040 03/13/09 Aqueous Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite SW8260B VOCs Standard List C09030452-01 1W 4-73 03/10/09 0800 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above C09030452-01 1W 4-62 03/10/09 0725 03/13/09 Aqueous Same As Above As appropriate any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report the QAIQC Summary Report or the Case Narrative If you have any questions regarding these tests results please call Report Approved By 3bQY\kU13 UiJL Qualifiers RI Analyte reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits EIERGY LAB ORA ron/ES ENERGY LABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hbway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY 82602 Toil Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperc4energylab.coin wv.energyIab.com QA/QC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1St Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09030452 Analyte Result Units RI %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method A4500-Cl Batch 090324A-CL-TTR-W Sample ID MBLK9-090324A Method Blank Run TITRATION_090324A 03/24/09 1055 Chloride ND mg/I 0.4 Sample ID C09030452-OO4AMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TITRATION_090324A 03/24/09 1258 Chloride 228 mg/I 1.0 101 90 110 Sample ID C09030452-OO4AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TITRATION_090324A 03124/09 1259 Chloride 228 mg/L 1.0 101 90 110 10 Sample ID LCS3S-090324A Laboratory Control Sample Run TITRATION_090324A 03124109 1302 Chloride 3570 mg/L 1.0 101 90 110 Method E353.2 Batch Ri 16039 Sample ID LCS-2 Laboratory Control Sample Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/i 8/09 1208 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.47 mg/I 0.10 99 90 110 Sample ID MBLK-1 Method Blank Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/18/09 1214 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/I 0.03 Sample ID C09030364-OOIBMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/18109 1425 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.26 mg/L 0.10 106 90 110 Sample ID C09030364-OOIBMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/1 8109 1428 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.24 mg/L 0.10 105 90 110 0.9 10 Sample ID C09030452-OO7BMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/18/09 1505 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 5.68 mg/L 0.10 98 90 110 Sample ID C09030452-OO7BMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TECHNICON_090318A 03/18/09 1508 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 6.12 mg/L 0.10 120 90 110 7.5 10 Method E353.2 Batch Ri 16304 Sample ID MBLK-1 Method Blank Run TECHNICON_090326A 03/26/09 1253 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/I 0.03 Sample ID ICS-2 laboratory Control Sample Run TECHNICONO9O326A 03/26/09 1255 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.43 mg/I 0.10 97 90 110 Sample ID C09030572-OOIDMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TECHNICON_090326A 03/26/09 1313 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.23 mg/I 0.10 98 90 110 Sample ID C09030572-OOIDMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TECIINICON_090326A 03/26/09 1315 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.20 mg/I 0.10 97 90 110 1.4 10 ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLA flORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiibway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 Toll Free 888.2350515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1539 casperenergyIab.com www energylab corn LASORA TORIES QAIQC SUmmaReb1t Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/03/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09030452 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method 5W8260B Batch R116157 Sample ID 19-Mar-09_LCS_3 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Sum 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Laboratory Control Sample 13 ug/L 12 ug/L 12 ug/L 12 ug/L Run GCMS2_09031 9A 1.0 126 70 130 1.0 122 70 130 1.0 122 70 130 1.0 123 70 130 1.0 109 80 120 1.0 114 70 130 1.0 108 80 130 1.0 108 80 120 Sample ID 19-Mar-09_MBLK_6 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Sum 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Sum p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Method Blank ND ND ND ND Sample ID 20-Mar-09_LCS_3 Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Chloromethane Methylene chloride Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits Laboratory Control Sample 11 ugIL 11 ug/L 12 ug/L 11 ug/L Run GCMS2_090319A 1.0 111 70 130 1.0 112 70 130 1.0 116 70 130 1.0 112 70 130 1.0 108 80 120 1.0 117 70 130 1.0 110 80 130 1.0 108 80 120 ND Not detected at the reporting limit 03/20/09 1112 03/19/09 1143 ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Run GCMS2_090319A 03/19/09 1336 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 110 80 120 1.0 110 70 130 1.0 125 80 120 1.0 104 80 120 Sample ID C09030452-OIOCMS Carbon tetrachioride Chloroform Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr Dibromofluoromethane Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr Toluene-d8 Sample ID C09030452-O1OCMSD Carbon tetrachloride Chloroform Sample Matrix Spike 250 ug/L 2600 ug/L Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate 260 ug/L 3100 ug/L 20 127 20 -108 20 112 20 123 20 120 20 106 20 129 20 136 20 110 20 120 20 119 20 106 Run GCMS2_09031 9A 03/20/09 0640 70 130 70 130 80 120 70 130 80 120 80 120 Run GCMS2_09031 9A 70 130 70 130 03/20/09 0718 1.9 20 17 20 80 120 10 70 130 10 80 120 10 80 120 10 __ EPERGY L.ABORA TORIES ENERO VLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekH/i way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspec WY82602 Toll Free 888235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 caspenllenergy/ab.com wwwenergy/ab.com QAIQC Summary Report Report Date 04/03/09 Work Order 009030452 Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit QuaI Method SW8260B Batch R116157 Sample ID 20-Mar-09_LCS_3 Laboratory Control Sample Run GCMS2_090319A 03/20/09 1112 Sample ID 20-Mar-09_MBLKJ Method Blank Run GCMS2_090319A 03/20/09 1305 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 108 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 111 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 126 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 105 60 120 Sample ID C09030452-OO2CMS Sample Matrix Spike Run GCMS2_090319A 03/20/09 1845 Carbon tetrachloride 250 ug/L 20 125 70 130 Chloroform 440 ug/L 20 134 70 130 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 111 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 20 116 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 20 123 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 20 105 80 120 Sample ID C09030452-OO2CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run GCMS2_090319A 03/20/09 1924 Carbon tetrachloride 250 ug/L 20 127 70 130 1.9 20 Chloroform 440 ug/L 20 131 70 130 1.3 20 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 20 110 80 120 10 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 20 114 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 20 122 80 120 10 Surr Toluene-d8 20 106 80 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Spike recovery outside of advisory limits Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d Pa g e of _ _ _ PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e in i i n h in f n r m t i n n as nn e c i h I Co m p a n Re p o r t Ma i l Ad d r e s s Lc /4 f l h i n 7 t4 5/ / In v o i c e Ad d r e s s 5f r v Pr o j e c t Na m e PW S Pe r m i t Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n sr hh t n St a t e Mr Co n t a c t Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l jg 4q v o i c e Co n t a c t Ph o n e Pu r c h a s e Or d e r O4 u a I M I L Cf Z Z Z f EP A / S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e Ye s No Sa m p l e r Pl e a s e Pr i n t II a1 Qu o t e / B o t t l e Or d e I Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g LI DW LI A2 L A LI GS A LI ED D / E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a LI P O T W I W W T P Fo r m a t LI St a t e LI L E V E L I V LI Ot h e r LI NE L J A C .c cg Ea s t - a l ai p a1 6 O Co Co n t a c t EL I pr i o r to RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r ch a r g e s an d sc h e d u l i n g Se e In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e Sh i p p e d by t4 / f co o i e r iD l s r- tZ t i c f Co m m e n t s vv i j4 A Re c e i p t T e m p No cu s t o d y Se a l Co o l e r s Bo t t l e s B4 In t a c t SI g n a t u Ma t c h SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e MA T R I X H-2I rL 57 / p 6T f l J L 1 / fl j L / . 7 8t L u I - 2 it 10 32 3. f Q O 9 /O Q OO fl lo o p // g lo Y c JO .X ii ii i __ _ _ _ Cu s t o d y Rp i 9 e d by pd n Da t e / T u n e /0 4 5 fr a t u r e Vf t c 3- 1 2 - 0 7 JR v e d W t p oa W m e Si g n u r e Re c o r d Re l i n q u i s by pn t Da t e f f i m e Sn a t u r e Re c e i v e d by pr i m Da t e r n m e Sn a t u r e MU S T b e Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l .3 fl t ad Iy Ia b o r a t o r y Da t e / T i m e Sig n a t u r e EN E R G Y La J/ A Tt R/ E S In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s In c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s s e r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r g v l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d Pa g e of _ _ _ PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e pe mi m i jn f n r m n t i n n as nn c c i h l n Co m p a n j L N m e Re p o r t Ma i l 4 d d r e s s 4 15 f l $2 ur In v o i c e Ad d r e s s Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t 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t i o n In t e r v a l et c . 1 Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e 1t t l o 21 3. / / . f 37 0 f l Lo O j9 2 3- 5L U 3m Ø Q 3. 1 0 . 1 St J 10 Cu s t o d y R$ n a j i e h e d by pr i n t Da t e / l i m e 1R e c e / v e d b y p i l n t Ua T h 7 i i i i i e Sig n a t u r e /c c p a /4 / m e t 37 7 09 Re c o r d Re l l n q i s h e d by pr i n t Da t e / T i m e MU S T be Sug ur e Re c e i v e d by pr i n t Da t e / T i m e Sig n a t u r e ad by La b o r a t o r y Da t e / l i m e Sig n a t u r e Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l 5J 4 i I 9 92 2 In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s I n c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s s e r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r g y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s Et E R G Y .. Energy Laboratories Inc VVorkorder Receipt Checklist Denison Mines USA Corp C09030452 Login completed by Edith McPike Date and Time Received 3/13/2009 930 AM Reviewed by Received by pb Reviewed Date Carrier name Next Day Air Shipping container/cooler in good condition Yes No Not Present custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler Yes No fl Not Present custody seats intact on sample bottles Yes No Not Present chain of custody present Yes No chain of custody signed when relinquished and received Yes No chain of custody agrees with sample labels Yes No Samples in proper container/bottle Yes No Sample containers intact Yes No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test Yes tEl No All samples received within holding time Yes No container/Temp Blank temperature 2c On Ice Water VOA vials have zero headspace Yes No No VOA vials submitted Water pH acceptable upon receipt Yes No Not Applicable contact and corrective Action comments None ..L ..... .................J ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Salt Creek Hi/iway 82601 P0 Box 3258 Casper WY82602 _____________Toll Free 888.2350515 307235 0515 Far 307234.1639 casperenergylab.com www.energylab.com LABORA TORIES CLIENT Denison Mines USA Corp Date 03-Apr-09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform CASE NARRATIVE Sample Delivery Group C09030452 ORIGINAL SAMPLE SUBMITTALS All original sample submittals have been returned with the data package SAMPLE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE 4C 2C Temperature of samples received may not be considered properly preserved by accepted standards Samples that are hand delivered immediately after collection shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has begun GROSS ALPHA ANALYSIS Method 900.0 for gross alpha and gross beta is intended as drinking water method for low TDS waters Data provided by this method for non potable waters should be viewed as inconsistent RADON IN AIR ANALYSIS The desired exposure time is 48 hours days The time delay in returning the canister to the laboratory for processing should be as short as possible to avoid excessive decay Maximum recommended delay between end of exposure to beginning of counting should not exceed days SOIUSOLID SAMPLES All samples reported on an as received basis unless otherwise indicated ATRAZINE SIMAZINE AND PCB ANALYSIS USING EPA 505 Data for Atrazine and Simazine are reported from EPA 525.2 not from EPA 505 Data reported by ELI using EPA method 505 reflects the results for seven individual Aroclors When the results for all seven are ND not detected the sample meets EPA compliance criteria for PCB monitoring SUBCONTRACTING ANALYSIS Subcontracting of sample analyses to an outside laboratory may be required If so ENERGY LABORATORIES will utilize its branch laboratories or qualified contract laboratories for this service Any such laboratories will be indicated within the Laboratory Analytical Report BRANCH LABORATORY LOCATIONS eli-b Energy Laboratories Inc Billings MT eli-g Energy Laboratories Inc Gillette WY eli-h Energy Laboratories Inc Helena MT eli-r Energy Laboratories Inc Rapid City SD eli-t Energy Laboratories Inc College Station TX CERTIFICATIONS USEPA WY00002 FL-DOH NELAC E87641 California 0211 8CA Oregon WY200001 Utah 3072350515 Virginia 00057 Washington C1903 ISO 17025 DISCLAIMER The results of this Analytical Report relate only to the items submitted for analysis ENERGY LABORATORIES INC CASPERWY certifies that certain method selections contained in this report meet requirements as set forth by the above accrediting authorities Some results requested by the client may not be covered under these certifications All analysis data to be submitted for regulatory enforcement should be certified in the sample state of origin Please verify ELIs certification coverage by visiting www.energylab.com ELI appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this analytical service For additional information and services visit our web page www.energyIab.com THIS IS THE FINAL PAGE OF THE LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT ENERGVLASORATOR/ES INC 2393 Sail Creek H/iway 82601 PC Box 3258 Caspe.c WV82602 roll Free 888.235 0515 307235.0515 Fax 3072341639 casperC4energy/ab corn wwwenergylab corn EIERGY LABORA TORIES ANALYTICAL SUMMARY REPORT April 06 2009 Denison Mines USA Corp 6425 Hwy 191 Blanding UT 84511 Workorder No C09030258 Quote ID C2975 Chloroform Sampling Project Name 1st Quarter Chloroform Energy Laboratories Inc received the following 22 samples for Denison Mines USA Corp on 3/6/2009 for analysis Test Chloride Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrite 5W8260B VOCs Standard List Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above Same As Above SW8260B VOCs Standard List Sample ID Client Sample ID Collect Date Receive Date Matrix C09030258-001 TW4-3 03/04/09 1310 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-002 1W4-1 03/04/09 1043 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-003 TW4-1 03/04/09 1034 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-004 TW4-14 03/04/09 1022 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-005 TW4-1 03/04/09 0947 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-006 TW4-23 03/04/09 1054 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-007 TW4-25 03/04/09 1201 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-008 1W4-8 03/04/09 1320 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-009 TW4-9 03/04/09 1257 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-010 TW4-24 03/04/09 1228 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-01 TW4-1 03/04/09 1239 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-012 TW4-18 03/04/09 1214 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-01 TW4-5 03/04/09 1250 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-014 TW4-15 03/04/09 0901 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-01 MW-4 03/04/09 0907 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-01 TW4-4 03/04/09 1329 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-017 TW4-19 03/04/09 0924 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-01 TW4-20 03/04/09 0855 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-019 TW4-60 03/03/09 0738 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-020 TW4-63 03/03/09 0800 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-021 TW4-65 03/04/09 0947 03/06/09 Aqueous C09030258-022 Trip Blank 03/04/09 1329 03/06/09 Aqueous As appropriate any exceptions or problems with the analyses are noted in the Laboratory Analytical Report the QA/QC Summary Report or the Case Narrative If you have any questions regarding these tests results please call Report Approved By UJdef Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit LAI3ORA TORIES ENERG YLASORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail CreekHi/i way 82601 P0 Box 3258 Caspei WY82602 Toll Free 888.2350515 3072350515 Far 307234.1639 casperenergyIab.com www.energylab.com QA/OC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04106/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09030258 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method A4500-CI Batch 090317A-CL-TTR-W Sample ID MBLK9-090317A Method Blank Run TITRATION_090317A 03/17/09 0937 Chloride ND mg/L 0.4 Sample ID LCS35-090317A Laboratory Control Sample Run TITRATION_090317A 03/17/09 1105 Chloride 3570 mg/L 1.0 101 90 110 Sample ID C09030220-OO6AMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TITRATION_090317A 03/17/09 1516 Chloride 37.4 mg/L 1.0 102 90 110 Sample ID C09030220-OO6AMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TITRATION_090317A 03/17/09 1517 Chloride 37.4 mg/L 1.0 102 90 110 10 Method E353.2 Batch Ri 15905 Sample ID MBLK-1 Method Blank Run TECHNICON_090316A 03/16/09 1025 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as ND mg/L 0.03 Sample ID LCS-2 Laboratory Control Sample Run TECI-INICON_090316A 03/16/09 1027 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 2.43 mg/L 0.10 97 90 110 Sample ID C09030258-OO4BMS Sample Matrix Spike Run TECHNICON_090316A 03/16/09 1042 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.57 mg/L 0.10 101 90 110 Sample ID C09030258-OO4BMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run TECHNICON_090316A 03/16/09 1044 Nitrogen NitrateNitrite as 3.71 mg/L 0.10 108 90 110 3.8 10 ND Not detected at the reporting limit ENERGYLASORA TORIES INC P2393 Sail Creek /-/.fq/iway 82501 RO Box 3258 Caspei WV82602 roll Free 888.2350515 3072350515 Fax 307234.1539 caspeitenergy/ab.com www.energylab.comEIERGY LALIORA TORIES UA/UC Summary Report Client Denison Mines USA Corp Report Date 04/06/09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Work Order C09030258 Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPO RPDLimit Qual Method SW8260B Batch Ri 15843 Sample ID 1O-Mar-09_LCS_4 Laboratory Control Sample Run GCMS2_090310B 03/10/09 1232 Carbon tetrachloride ii ug/L 1.0 113 70 130 Chloroform 11 ug/L 1.0 108 70 130 Chloromethane 9.9 ug/L 1.0 99 70 130 Methylenechloride 11 ug/L 1.0 110 70 130 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 106 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 94 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 106 80 130 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 106 80 120 Sample ID 10-Mar-09_MBLK_7 Method Blank Run GCMS2_090310B 03/10/09 1348 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 107 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 96 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 115 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 104 80 120 Sample ID C09030258-OI4CMS Sample Matrix Spike Run GCMS2_090310B 03/10/09 1928 Carbon tetrachloride 2400 ug/L 200 118 70 130 Chloroform 3300 ug/L 200 117 70 130 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 200 106 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 200 96 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 200 113 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 200 106 80 120 Sample ID C09030258-O14CMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run GCMS2_090310B 03/10/09 2007 Carbon tetrachloride 2300 ug/L 200 116 70 130 1.4 20 Chloroform 3200 ug/L 200 115 70 130 1.2 20 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 200 107 80 120 10 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 200 96 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 200 114 80 120 10 Surrloluene-d8 200 104 80 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit EFERGY LAI3OIA rOWES ENERGYLABORA TORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiq/iway 82601 P0 Sax 3258 Caspec WY82602 Tail Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fax 307234.1639 casperilenergy/ab cani wwwenergy/a/z cam QAIQC Summary Report Report Date 04/06/09 Work Order C09030258 Client Denison Mines USA Corp Project 1st Quarter Chloroform Analyte Result Units RL %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD RPDLimit Qual Method SW8260B Batch R115970 Sample ID 09-Mar-09_LCS_3 Laboratory Control Sample Run GCMS2_090309B 03/09/09 1157 Carbon tetrachloride 8.9 ug/L 1.0 89 70 130 Chlorofom 8.8 ug/L 1.0 88 70 130 Chloromethane 7.7 ug/L 1.0 77 70 130 Methylene chloride 8.8 ug/L 1.0 88 70 130 Surr 12-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 106 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 91 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 102 80 130 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 105 80 120 Sample ID 09-Mar-09_MBLK_7 Method Blank Run GCMS2_090309B 03/09/09 1407 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.0 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 Methylene chloride ND ug/L 1.0 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 1.0 107 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1.0 86 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 1.0 106 80 120 Surr Toluene-d8 1.0 105 80 120 Sample ID C09030258-OOICMS Sample Matrix Spike Run GCMS2_090309B 03/09/09 1957 Carbon tetrachloride 110 ug/L 10 107 70 130 Chloroform 110 ug/L 10 112 70 130 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 10 109 80 120 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 10 96 70 130 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 10 105 80 120 SurrToluene-d8 10 106 80 120 Sample ID C09030258-OOICMSD Sample Matrix Spike Duplicate Run GCMS2_090309B 03/09/09 2036 Carbon tetrachloride 100 ug/L 10 105 70 130 1.9 20 Chloroform 110 ug/L 10 111 70 130 1.1 20 Surr 2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 10 110 80 120 10 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 10 97 70 130 10 Surr p-Bromofluorobenzene 10 104 80 120 10 SurrToluene-d8 10 106 80 120 10 Qualifiers RL Analyte reporting limit ND Not detected at the reporting limit Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d Pa g e of PL E A S F PR I N T - Pr o v i d e as mu c h in f o r m a t i o n as no s s i b l e __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sa m p l e Or i g i n EP A / S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e .L Re p o r t Ma i l Ad d r e s s po . i i a c s- O f sf r A A I A- f gg s - i I In v o i c e Ad d r e s s 5a Co n t a c t Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l 2a v Ai i v n e Tc 6 7 t ZZ t J In v o i d e Co n t a c t Ph o n e Pu r c h a s e Or d e r Sa m p l e r Pl e a s e Pr i n t fl . . 4 c r 4v 44 i . C f L Qu o t e / B o t t l e Or d e r Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g El DW fl A2 L A LI GS A ED D / E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a El PO T W I W W T P Fo r m a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ES t a t e EL E V E L I V EO t h e r EN E L A C l2l cn 2j wj r s o .9 gi g Co n t a c t EL I pr i o r to RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r ch a r g e s an d sc h e d u l i n g S e e In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e Sh i p p e d by iY - 4 I 9 co o l e r ID s 2/ _ c a t t Co m m e n t s A- Vj j P bk Re c e l p t T e m p oc On I No cu s t o d y Se a l Bo t t l e s co o l e r s In t a c t Sig n a t u r e Ma t c h SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e MA T R I X Tl LJ % 31 4 - 2 M I S U 5- c U 3f L j 9 - J 3 IO 3 5T L J 7 91 7 pq 3 /1 Tk i 1 - 2 3 Jt 5 9 7m J g - 2 C __ _ _ 32 O 2S 7 1O 3- 2 o O Ti. c e c e i v e d b y p r i n t Ue t e / l i m a Sig n a t u r e Rg j h e d by pr i t Da l e / l i m e Cu s t o d y 1 V/ m C ff z o na 1 e a 1 by pr i a l Da t e r n m e 27 Re c o r d Re I i n q u i e d by pn t Da t e / l i m e MU S T be 1 at o t y Da t e / l i m e Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l 7p - Y -7 In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s I n c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s s e r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l re p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r g y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s Ef s E R G Y A/ J O / A Tc R/ r s Co m p a n y Na m e Pr o j e c t Na m e PW S Pe r m i t Et c Qj n m g ek j o r n t St a t e Ye s No Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d Pa g e of PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e as p. u i r h in f n r n n t i n n po s s i b l e Co m p a n y Na m e 1t Pr o j e c t Na m PW S Pe r m i t Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n hh r o g n k St a t e EP A / S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e Ye s No Re p o r t Ma i l Ad d r e s s In v o i c e Ad d r e s s Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g LI DW LI A2 L A LI GS A ED D I E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a LI PO T W I W W T P Fo r m a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LI St a t e LI LE V E L IV LI Ot h e r LI NE L A C Co n t a c t Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l Sa m p l e r Pl e a s e Pr i n t -7 4 c c 4/ t i /4 f L fl ZZ z f In oic e Co n t a c t Ph o n e Pu r c h a s e Or d e r Qu o t e / B o t t l e Or d e r Co n t a c t EL I pr i o r to Sfl i p p e d by RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l Em .c fo r ch a r g e s an d Co o l e r ID s sc h e d u l i n g - S e e w5 In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e cf l Iv Re c e i p t Te m p Co m m e n t s a- On wi_ c o O No EI Cu s t o d y S e a l WE Bo t t l e s s6 Co o l e r s rT h MA T R I X Sig n a t u r e Ma t c h SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e Tt - I 3- 0 7 Z3 5- II I I I I I I I I T if l n 24 / L2 I nf l KI I I I I I I I I i i i i 13 2 9 92 3i fl c -3 i ZI I I I I I I I I I T _ _ _ _ _ _ fl o l S- Th e c e i v e d b y p r t n t ua t e / l i m e sig n a t u r e Cu s t o d y /t by Da t e / l i m e er Re c e i v e d by pæ m Da t e f f i m e Re c o r d Rk n q h h e d by pr i n t Da t e / l i m e Sig n a t u r MU S T be l Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Ra t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l by Ls b o r s t o r g i Da t a / l i m e EI E R G Y LA / J C / / 1 OR / C S In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s s a m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s I n c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s se r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r o v l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s Ch a i n of Cu s t o d y an d An a l y t i c a l Re q u e s t Re c o r d PL E A S E PR I N T - Pr o v i d e as mu c h in f o r m a t i o n as oo s s l b l e Co r n Na m eTh Y1 Re p o r t Ma i l Ad d r e s s Sr 9 c In v o i c e Ad d r e s s Pr o j e c t Na r n PW S Pe r m i t Et c Sa m p l e Or i g i n EP A / S t a t e Co m p l i a n c e 4t f 4i r o F St a t e Ye s No Co n t a c t Na m e Ph o n e / F a x Em a i l rn p l e r Pl e a s e Pr i p t ce Co n t a c t Ph o n e Pu r c h a s e Or d e r Qu o t e / B o t t l e Or d e r Du o %t / t jt Co n t a c t EL I pr i o r to 5p j by RU S H sa m p l e su b m i t t a l tA - / 9 fo r ch a r g e s an d co o l e r ID s sc h e d u l i n g Se e In s t r u c t i o n Pa g e cf l Iv Co m m e n t s Re c e l p t T e m p Cu 01 CO Nc t cu s t o d y s e a l N LJ J Bo t t l e s co o l e r a ff i S in t a c t MA T R I X c- si g n a t u r e 4/ Ma t c h Sp e c i a l R e p o r t / F o r m a t s EL I mu s t be no t i f i e d pr i o r to sa m p l e su b m i t t a l fo r th e fo l l o w i n g LI I DW LI A2 L A GS A ED D / E D T E l e c t r o n i c Da t a PO T W I W W T P Fo r m a t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ES t a t e LI I L E V E L I V LO t h e r LI I NE L A C SA M P L E ID E N T I F I C A T I O N Na m e Lo c a t i o n In t e r v a l et c Co l l e c t i o n Da t e Co l l e c t i o n Ti m e 1t 3- 9 e 7 CQ f l QR b a cc__ _ 10 -t 5 - - - Ee l 4 u i a h e d Cu s t o d y an bz E L 57 na t u r Re c e i v e d b y pu n t Da t e / T i m e Sig n a t u r e Da t e / T i m e ai r Sa G F 7 7 fR e c e i v e i 6 T p i V Da t e / T i m e Sig n a t u r e Re c o r d Re l i n 4 i i a h e d by pr i n t Da t e / T i m e MU S T be 1 by La b o r a t o r y Da t e / T i m e Si g n e d Sa m p l e Dis p o s a l Re t u r n to Cli e n t La b Dis p o s a l g1 r o q In ce r t a i n ci r c u m s t a n c e s sa m p l e s su b m i t t e d to En e r g y La b o r a t o r i e s I n c ma y be su b c o n t r a c t e d to ot h e r ce r t i f i e d la b o r a t o r i e s in or d e r to co m p l e t e th e an a l y s i s re q u e s t e d Th i s s e r v e s as no t i c e of th i s po s s i b i l i t y All su b - c o n t r a c t d a t a wil l be cl e a r l y no t a t e d on yo u r an a l y t i c a l r e p o r t Vis i t ou r we b si t e at ww w . e n e r c i y l a b . c o m fo r ad d i t i o n a l in f o r m a t i o n do w n l o a d a b l e fe e sc h e d u l e fo r m s an d li n k s EI E R G Y L/ t B O / A ./ / L Pa g e __ _ _ _ of __ _ _ _ Energy Laboratories Inc VVo rko rd Receipt Checklist Denison Mines USA Corp C09030258 Login completed by Kimberly Humiston Date and Time Received 3/6/2009 930 AM Reviewed by Received by pb Reviewed Date Carrier name Next Day Air Shipping container/cooler in good condition Yes No Not Present fl Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler Yes No Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles Yes No fl Not Present Chain of custody present Yes No Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received Yes No fl Chain of custody agrees with sample labels Yes No Samples in proper container/bottle Yes 7j No fl Sample containers intact Yes No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test Yes No All samples received within holding time Yes No Container/Temp Blank temperature 3C On Ice Water VOA vials have zero headspace Yes No No VOA vials submitted Water p1-I acceptable upon receipt Yes No Not Applicable fl Contact and Corrective Action Comments None ....v .... ENERG YLABOHATORIES INC 2393 Sail Creek Hiqbway 82601 P0 Box 3258-Caspe WY82602 ____________roll Free 888.235.0515 307235.0515 Fai 307234.1639 casperenergyIab.con wwwenergylab.com LABORATORIES CLIENT Denison Mines USA Corp Date 06-Apr-09 Project 1st Quarter Chloroform CASE NARRATIVE Sample Delivery Group C09030258 ORIGINAL SAMPLE SUBMITTALS All original sample submittals have been returned with the data package SAMPLE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE 4C 2C Temperature of samples received may not be considered properly preserved by accepted standards Samples that are hand delivered immediately after collection shall be considered acceptable if there is evidence that the chilling process has begun GROSS ALPHA ANALYSIS Method 900.0 for gross alpha and gross beta is intended as drinking water method for low TDS waters Data provided by this method for non potable waters should be viewed as inconsistent RADON IN AIR ANALYSIS The desired exposure time is 48 hours days The time delay in returning the canister to the laboratory for processing should be as short as possible to avoid excessive decay Maximum recommended delay between end of exposure to beginning of counting should not exceed days SOIL/SOLID SAMPLES All samples reported on an as received basis unless otherwise indicated ATRAZINE SIMAZINE AND PCB ANALYSIS USING EPA 505 Data for Atrazine and Simazine are reported from EPA 525.2 not from EPA 505 Data reported by ELI using EPA method 505 reflects the results for seven individual Aroclors When the results for all seven are ND not detected the sample meets EPA compliance criteria for PCB monitoring SUBCONTRACTING ANALYSIS Subcontracting of sample analyses to an outside laboratory may be required If so ENERGY LABORATORIES will utilize its branch laboratories or qualified contract laboratories for this service Any such laboratories will be indicated within the Laboratory Analytical Report BRANCH LABORATORY LOCATIONS eli-b Energy Laboratories Inc Billings MT eli-g Energy Laboratories Inc Gillette WY eli-h Energy Laboratories Inc Helena MT eli-r Energy Laboratories Inc Rapid City SD eli-t Energy Laboratories Inc College Station TX CERTIFICATIONS USEPA Wt00002 FL-DOH NELAC E87641 California 0211 8CA Oregon WY200001 Utah 3072350515 Virginia 00057 Washington C1903 ISO 17025 DISCLAIMER The results of this Analytical Report relate only to the items submitted for analysis ENERGY LABORATORIES INC CASPERWY certifies that certain method selections contained in this report meet requirements as set forth by the above accrediting authorities Some results requested by the client may not be covered under these certifications All analysis data to be submitted for regulatory enforcement should be certified in the sample state of origin Please verify ELIs certification coverage by visiting www.energylab.com ELI appreciates the opportunity to provide you with this analytical service For additional information and services visit our web page www.energyIab.com THIS IS THE FINAL PAGE OF THE LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT /f II /I II T37S 7- EXPLANATION perched monitoring well show Wig 2200 concentration in uGfl Iemporwy perched monitoring well showing concentration in uofl perched piezomeler not sampled perched monitoring wefl installed April 2005 showing concentration in uGfl temporary perched monitoring wel installed April 2005 showing concentration in uGh NOTES ND not detected NS not sampled HYDRO CHEM INC KRIGED 1st QUARTER 2009 CHLOROFORM uG/L WHITE MESA SITE \\ T38S SCALE IN FEET temporary perched monitoring well installed May 2007 showing concentration in uGfl REFERENCE H171 8000/mayO9/ch10309.srt Date of Sample MW-4 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Sep-99 6200 Shallow Sample 28-Sep-99 5820 Deep Sample 28-Sep-99 6020 Total Sample 5-Mar-00 5520 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 5430 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 5420 9.63 Quarterly 30-Nov-00 6470 9.37 Quarterly Split Sample 29-Mar-01 4360 8.77 Quarterly 22-Jun-01 6300 9.02 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 5300 9.45 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 5200 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 4700 8.19 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 4300 8.21 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6000 8.45 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 2500 8.1 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 2000 8.3 Quarterly 30-Apr-03 3300 NA Well Pumping Event Sample 30-May-03 3400 8.2 Well Pumping Event Sample 23-Jun-03 4300 8.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 30-Jul-03 3600 8.1 Well Pumping Event Sample 29-Aug-03 4100 8.4 Well Pumping Event Sample 12-Sep-03 3500 8.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-03 3800 8.1 Well Pumping Event Sample 8-Nov-03 3800 8.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA Unable to purge/sample 17-Sep-04 3300 6.71 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 4300 7.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 2900 6.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3170 7.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3500 7.0 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 3000 7.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 3100 6.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 3000 6.0 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2820 1.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-06 2830 6.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2600 6.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2300 6.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2400 5.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 2500 6.09 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1800 6.36 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 2100 5.86 4th Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 5700 8.3 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5000 8.5 Quarterly Date of Sample MW-4 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Mar-03 4500 8.2 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 4700 8.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3400 8.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Nov-03 4500 8.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA Unable to purge/sample 17-Sep-04 3300 6.83 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 4100 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3700 7.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3740 7.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3800 6.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 3000 6.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 3700 5.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 3300 7.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 3190 12 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 3370 7.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 2300 6.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2000.00 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2600 6.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2300 6.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1800 6.36 3re Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 2100 5.86 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 2200 5.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-1 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Jun-99 1700 7.2 Quarterly 10-Nov-99 5.79 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 1100 Quarterly 10-Apr-00 1490 Grab Sample 6-Jun-00 1530 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 2320 5.58 Quarterly 30-Nov-00 3440 7.79 Quarterly Split Sample 29-Mar-01 2340 7.15 Quarterly 22-Jun-01 6000 8.81 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 12.8 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 3200 12.4 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 3200 13.1 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 2800 12.7 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 3300 12.8 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 3500 13.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 3000 12.4 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 3600 12.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 2700 12.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 3400 11.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 3200 11 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 3100 8.78 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 2800 10.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3000 11.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 2700 9.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3080 10.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 2900 9.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2400 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 2700 9.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2200 9.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2840 9.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2260 9.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2300 8.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2000 7.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2000 7.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1900 8.68 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1700 8.15 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1700 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1700 7.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-2 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 10-Nov-99 2510 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 5220 Quarterly 28-Nov-00 4220 10.7 Quarterly Split Sample 29-Mar-01 3890 10.2 Quarterly 22-Jun-01 5500 9.67 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 4900 11.4 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 5300 10.1 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 5100 9.98 First 1/4 2002 Sample 23-May-02 4700 9.78 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6000 9.44 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5400 10.4 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 4700 9.5 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5100 9.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3200 8.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 4700 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 4200 9.14 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 4300 8.22 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 4100 8.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 4500 8.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3700 7.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3750 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 3900 8.0 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 3500 7.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 3800 7.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 3200 7.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 4120 7.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 3420 7.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 3400 7.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 3200 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 3300 6.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 3100 7.44 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 2800 7.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 3200 7.99 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 3100 6.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-3 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 28-Jun-99 3500 7.6 Quarterly 29-Nov-99 702 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 834 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 836 1.56 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 836 .97 Quarterly Split Sample 27-Mar-01 347 .85 Quarterly 21-Jun-01 390 2.61 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 300 3.06 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 170 3.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 11 3.87 First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 204 4.34 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 203 4.32 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 102 4.9 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 4.6 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 4.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND 4.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 4.48 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 3.68 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 3.88 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 4.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-OS ND 3.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 ND 3.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 3.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 3.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 3.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 3.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 1.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 3.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 3.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-2007 ND 3.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10/10/2007 ND 2.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 2.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 2.85 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 2.66 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 2.63 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 2.S 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-4 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 6-Jun-00 ND Initial 2-Sep-00 ND Quarterly 28-Nov-00 3.85 .02 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 2260 14.5 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 3100 14 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 3200 14.8 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 2900 15 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 3400 13.2 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 3200 13.4 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 4000 12.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 3800 13.4 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 3300 12.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 3600 12.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 2900 12.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 3500 12.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 3200 12.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 3500 11.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 3100 10.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3600 11 .6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3100 10 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 2400 11.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 3200 9.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2800 10.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 2900 9.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2600 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2850 9.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2670 10.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 2200 9.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2400 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 2700 9.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2500 9.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2800 9.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 2500 10.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 2200 8.83 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 2500 10.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 2200 10.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-5 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 20-Dec-99 29.5 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 49 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 124 .86 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 255 3.16 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 236 3.88 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 240 6.47 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 240 2.1 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 260 5.2 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 260 2.54 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 300 3.05 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 330 4.61 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 260 1.1 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 240 1.9 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 290 3.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 200 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 240 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 210 4.99 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 200 4.78 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 150 4.79 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17 Nov 04 180 5.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 120 4.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 113 3.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 82 6.0 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 63 6.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 66 6.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 51 5.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 53.70 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 47.10 2.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 33 7.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 26 7.0 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 9.2 7.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-17 9.5 8.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 11 7.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 9.3 8.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 11 7.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 10 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 12 7.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-6 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 6-Jun-00 ND Initial 2-Sep-00 ND Quarterly 28-Nov-00 ND ND Quarterly Split Sample 26-Mar-01 ND .13 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 ND ND Quarterly 20-Sep-01 3.6 ND Quarterly 7-Nov-01 1.00 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 ND ND First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 ND ND Quarterly 12-Sep-02 ND ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 0.1 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND 0.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 ND 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 10.0 0.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 17.0 0.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 31.0 1.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 19.0 1.0 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 11.00 0.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 42.80 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 46 1.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 0.11 0.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 18 0.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 18 0.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-3-08 52 1.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 24 0.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 39 1.14 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 37 .01 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11 -Mar-09 81 2.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-7 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 29-Nov-99 256 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 616 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 698 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 684 1.99 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 747 2.46 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 1100 2.65 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 1200 3.38 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 1100 2.5 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 1500 3.76 First 1/4 2002 Sample 23-May-02 1600 3.89 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 1500 3.18 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 2300 4.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 1800 4.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5200 7.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3600 7.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 4500 7.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 2500 4.63 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 2900 4.83 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 3100 5.59 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3800 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3100 5.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 2700 5.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3100 5.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2500 5.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1900 1.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2200 4.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2140 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2160 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 1800 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2600 5.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 14-Aug-07 2300 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 1900 4.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2200 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1800 4.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1600 4.16 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1900 4.01 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1800 3.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample 1W4-7 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 29-Nov-99 256 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 616 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 698 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 684 1.99 Quarterly Split Sample 28-Mar-01 747 2.46 Quarterly 20-Jun-01 1100 2.65 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 1200 3.38 Quarterly 8-Nov-01 1100 2.5 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 1500 3.76 First 1/4 2002 Sample 23-May-02 1600 3.89 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 1500 3.18 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 2300 4.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 1800 4.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5200 7.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 3600 7.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 4500 7.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 2500 4.63 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 2900 4.83 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 3100 5.59 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 3800 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3100 5.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 2700 5.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3100 5.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2500 5.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1900 1.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 2200 4.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2140 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 2160 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 1800 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2600 5.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 14-Aug-07 2300 4.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 1900 4.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 2200 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1800 4.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 1600 4.16 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1900 4.01 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 1800 3.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-8 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 29-Nov-99 ND Quarterly 5-Mar-00 21.8 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 102 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 107 ND Quarterly Split Sample 26-Mar-01 116 ND Quarterly 20-Jun-01 180 ND Quarterly 20-Sep-01 180 0.35 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 180 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 190 0.62 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 210 0.77 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 300 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 450 ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 320 0.8 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 420 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 66 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 21.0 0.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 24 0.65 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 110 0.52 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 120 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 120 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 10.0 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 ND 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 1.1 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1.3 0.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 0.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 2.50 0.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2.5 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1.5 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 3.5 0.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND ND 4th Quarter Sam pling Event 4-Mar-09 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-9 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 20-Dec-99 4.24 Quarterly 15-Mar-00 .88 Quarterly 2-Sep-00 14.2 Quarterly 29-Nov-00 39.4 ND Quarterly Split Sample 27-Mar-01 43.6 ND Quarterly 20-Jun-01 59 .15 Quarterly 20-Sep-01 19 0.40 Quarterly 7-Nov-01 49 0.1 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 26-Mar-02 41 0.5 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 ______________38 0.65 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 49 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 51 0.6 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 34 0.6 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 33 0.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 32 1.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 46 1.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 48 0.82 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 48 0.75 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 39 0.81 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 26 1.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 3.8 1.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 1.2 1.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 1.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 1.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 1.5 1st Quarter Sam pling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 1.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 0.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 0.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 0.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 21 1.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 9.5 1.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 8.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 1.3 2.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1.0 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 2.79 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 1.99 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 2.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample 1W4-1 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 21-Jan-02 14 Initial Sample 26-Mar-02 16 0.14 First 1/4 2002 Sample 21-May-02 17 0.11 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6.0 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 14 ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 29 0.2 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 110 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 74 0.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 75 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 22 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 32 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 63 0.46 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 120 0.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 140 1.6 1st Quarter Sam pling Event 25-May-05 62.4 0.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-05 110 1.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 300 3.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 190 2.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 300 3.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 504 6.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 452 5.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 500 7.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 350 5.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 660 7.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 470 6.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 620 7.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 720 9.91 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 680 9.23 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1200 10.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 3-11-09 1100 11.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-1 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 21-Jan-02 4700 Initial Sample 26-Mar-02 4900 9.60 First 1/4 2002 Sample 22-May-02 5200 9.07 Quarterly 12-Sep-02 6200 8.84 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5800 9.7 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 5100 9.7 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 5700 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 4600 9.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 5200 9.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 5300 9.07 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 5700 8.74 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 4800 8.75 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 5800 9.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 4400 8.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 3590 10.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 4400 9.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 4400 9.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 4400 9.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 4300 10 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 4080 10 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 3660 10 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 3500 10.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 3800 10.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 4500 10.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 4400 9.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 340 7.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 640 7.28 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 900 7.93 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1000 9.46 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar--09 1100 7.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-12 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 1.5 2.54 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND 2.2 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND .9 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 1.8 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND 1.8 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 ND .6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 1.58 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 1.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 1.24 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 1.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-OS ND 1.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-OS ND .6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 31-Aug-OS ND 1.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 1.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 1.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND .4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 1.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 15 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Aug-i 5-07 ND 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 1.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 2.69 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 2.65 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 2.47 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 2.4 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-13 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 ND ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 0.2 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 ND 0.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND 0.12 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND 0.17 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND 4.43 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND 4.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-OS ND 4.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND 4.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND 4.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND 4.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND 0.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 ND 4.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 ND 4.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND 4.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND 3.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 4.24 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND 4.26 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND 4.63 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 3.7 Date of Sample TW4-15 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 2.6 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND 0.1 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 7800 14.5 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-03 7400 16.8 Well Pumping Event Sample 12-Sep-03 2500 2.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 25-Sep-03 2600 2.5 Well Pumping Event Sample 29-Oct-03 3100 3.1 Well Pumping Event Sample 8-Nov-03 3000 2.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 17-Sep-04 1400 0.53 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 300 0.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 310 0.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 30-Mar-05 230 0.2 1st Quarter POC Sampling 25-May-05 442 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 960 0.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 1000 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1100 0.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 830 0.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2170 1.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 282 0.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 570 0.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 300 0.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1400 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 2000 0.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 930 0.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1300 0.56 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 630 0.24 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 1700 0.65 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 950 0.4 1st Quarter Samplng Event 12-Sep-02 TW4-16 140 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 200 ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 260 ND Quarterly 23-Jun-03 370 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 350 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 400 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 430 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 530 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 400 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 350 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 240 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 212 ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 85 ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 14 1.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 39 3.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 13 1.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 2.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 13.6 5.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 8.70 12.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 2.60 9.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 7.10 5.4 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 1.40 4.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 11.00 ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND 1.46 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 10.00 10.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 3.9 9.82 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND 9.6 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-17 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 1.6 ND UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 ND ND Quarterly 28-Mar-03 ND ND Quarterly 23-Jun-03 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-03 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 30 Mar05 ND ND 1st Quarter POC Sampling 25-May-OS ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-OS ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 ND ND 1st Quarter Sam pling Event 27-Jun-07 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 ND ND 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 ND ND 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 ND ND 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 ND ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 ND ND 1st Quarter Sam pIng Event Date of Sample TW4-18 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 440 1.49 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 240 13.3 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 160 13.1 Quarterly 23-Jun-03 110 19 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 12-Sep-03 68 19.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 9-Nov-03 84 20.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 90 14 1st Quarter Sampling Event 22-Jun-04 82 12.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Sep-04 38 14.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 51 17.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-OS 38 14.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 29.8 12.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 39 13.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 14 7.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 12 5.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 12 4.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 10.80 6.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 139.00 8.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 9.2 5.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 8.0 4.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 8.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-08 7.4 4.4 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 6.4 0.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 5.7 4.55 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 8.0 4.68 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 9.4 515 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 11.0 5.2 4th Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-1 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 12-Sep-02 7700 47.6 UDEQ Split Sampling Event 24-Nov-02 5400 42 Quarterly 28-Mar-03 4200 61.4 Quarterly 15-May-03 4700 NA Well Pumping Event Sample 23-Jun-03 4500 11.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Jul-03 2400 6.8 Well Pumping Event Sample 15-Aug-03 2600 Well Pumping Event Sample 12-Sep-03 2500 5.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 25-Sep-03 4600 9.2 Well Pumping Event Sample 29-Oct-03 4600 7.7 Well Pumping Event Sample 9-Nov-03 2600 4.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 29-Mar-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 22-Jun-04 NA NA Unable to purge/sample 16-Aug-04 7100 9.91 Well Pumping Event Sample 17-Sep-04 2600 4.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 17-Nov-04 1800 3.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 16-Mar-05 2200 5.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-May-05 1200 5.7 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 1400 4.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 2800 ND 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 1200 4.0 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 1100 5.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 1120 4.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-07 1050 4.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 1200 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 1100 4.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-08 1100 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 1800 2.2 lar Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 1000 2.81 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 3600 36.2 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 4200 47.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 1100 3.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-20 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25-May-05 39000 10.1 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 3800 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 19000 1.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 9200 3.8 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 61000 9.4 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 5300 2.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 11000 3.5 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 4400 4.2 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 1800 2.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 5200 2.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-08 9000 5.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 13000 0.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 30000 7.96 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 21000 4.44 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 NS 5.51 4th Quarter Sampling Event 4-Mar-09 8200 5.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-21 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25-May-05 192 14.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 78 10.1 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 86 9.6 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 120 8.5 1st Quarter Sampling Event 14-Jun-06 130 10.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 20-Jul-06 106 8.9 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 8-Nov-06 12.5 5.7 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 160 8.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event 27-Jun-07 300.0 8.6 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Aug-07 140 8.6 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Oct-07 120 8.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 26-Mar-08 380 14.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 25-Jun-08 160 8.81 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 120 7.57 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 170 8.0 4th Quarter Sampling Event 11-Mar-09 180 8.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event Date of Sample TW4-22 CHCI3 Values Nitrate Values Sampling Event 25-May-05 340 18.2 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Aug-05 290 15.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 1-Dec-05 320 15.1 4th Quarter Sampling Event 9-Mar-06 390 15.3 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/14/06 280 14.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 07/20/06 864 14.5 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 11/08/06 350 15.9 4th Quarter Sampling Event 28-Feb-07 440 20.9 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/27/07 740 19.3 2nd Quarter Sampling Event Aug-15-07 530 19.3 3rd Quarter Sampling Event Oct-10-08 440 18.8 4th Quarter Sampling Event 03/26/08 1400 39.1 1st Quarter Sampling Event 06/25/08 1200 41.9 2nd Quarter Sampling Event 10-Sep-08 6300 38.7 3rd Quarter Sampling Event 15-Oct-08 630 36.3 4th Quarter Sampling Event 03/11/09 390 20.7 1st Quarter Sampling Event MW 4 - C h l o r o f o r m Va l u e s 70 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 N$ C h$ $ ug/L 6/28/1999 12/28/1999 6/28/2000 12/28/2000 6/28/2001 12/28/2001 6/28/2002 12/28/2002 6/28/2003 12/28/2003 6/28/2004 12/28/2004 6/28/2005 12/28/2005 6/28/2006 12/28/2006 6/28/2007 12/28/2007 6/28/2008 12/28/2008 -s ug/L Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Aug-01 Nov-01 Feb-02 May-02 Aug-02 Nov-02 Feb-03 May-03 Aug-03 Nov-03 Feb-04 May-04 Aug-04 Nov-04 Feb-05 May-05 Aug-05 Nov-OS Feb-06 May-06 Aug-06 Nov-06 Feb-07 May-07 Aug-07 Nov-07 Feb-08 May-08 Aug-08 Nov-08 Feb-09 -s 31 TW - 4 - 3 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 1. 0 0 0. 9 0 0. 8 0 0. 7 0 TW 4 - 3 Ha s be e n le s s th a n th e d e t e c t i o n li m i t si n c e Ma r c h 28 20 0 3 0. 6 0 0. 5 0 0. 4 0 0. 3 0 0. 2 0 0. 1 0 0. 0 0 - CD CD N- N - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - N - CO CO CO CO CO CO r- v- 14 CD N- CO LX CD r- 45 0 0 . 0 0 40 0 0 . 0 0 35 0 0 . 0 0 30 0 0 . 0 0 25 0 0 . 0 0 20 0 0 . 0 0 15 0 0 . 0 0 10 0 0 . 0 0 50 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 TW 4 - 4 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s CJ cc cc cc 03 ug / L 35 0 . 0 30 0 . 0 25 0 . 0 20 0 . 0 15 0 . 0 10 0 . 0 50 . 0 0. 0 TW 4 - 5 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s CO LU CD CC N- CO CO -. - CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 10 0 . 0 0 80 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 40 . 0 0 20 . 0 0 TW 4 - 6 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 20 . 0 0 TW 4 - 7 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 0 1 1 01 01 1 0 1 1 TW 4 - 8 Ch i o r o f r o m V a l u e s 50 0 . 0 0 40 0 . 0 0 30 0 . 0 0 20 0 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 r1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .p $ -1 0 0 . 0 0 ugL Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Sep-00 Dec-00 Mar-01 Jun-01 Sep-01 Dec-UI Mar-02 Jun-02 Sep-02 Dec-02 Mar-03 Jun-03 Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-OS Sep-OS Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun 07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Ni 21 -4 TW 4 - 1 O Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 14 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 80 0 60 0 -J -2 0 0 od / i cf l u i od 1 1 cP i cP i -4 0 0 TW 4 - 1 1 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 70 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 -J 30 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 DD O r % cC cC cC TW 4 - 1 2 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 1. 6 1. 4 1. 2 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 il t i 11 1 l i Od 11 Sep-02 Nov-02 Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 Jul-03 Sep-03 Nov-03 Jan-04 Mar-04 May-04 Jul-04 Sep-04 Nov-04 Jan-05 Mar-OS May-OS Jul-OS Sep-OS Nov-OS Jan-06 Mar-06 May-06 Jul-06 Sep-06 Nov-06 Jan-07 Mar-07 May-07 Jul-07 Sep-07 Nov-07 Jan-08 Mar-08 May-08 Ni ug/L -s OD -s TW 4 - 1 5 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 90 0 0 . 0 0 80 0 0 . 0 0 70 0 0 . 0 0 60 0 0 . 0 0 50 0 0 . 0 0 40 0 0 . 0 0 30 0 0 . 0 0 20 0 0 . 0 0 10 0 0 . 0 0 0. 0 0 ugIL 71 -J 1. 8 1. 6 1. 4 1. 2 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 TW 4 - 1 7 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s Cl C l C5 55 99 \C l \ \C l \C l \ C \ C \ C l \V N y \ V N. y N . y \V \ V \ V \ V N. y \V \ V \ V N. y N . y Ny .y N. y N . y \V \ V \ V \ V \ V N. y \V ug/L -s -s cn TW 4 - 1 9 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 80 0 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 00 0 0 fr 0Y f r oo ol e Ii 00 e TW 4 - 2 0 Ch l o r o f d o r m V a l u e s 70 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 -J 30 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 s\ _v c1 1 0F pc TW 4 - 2 1 Ch l o r o f o r m V a l u e s 40 0 35 0 30 0 25 0 15 0 10 050 ug/L 25 May-05 31 Aug-05 Dec-OS -Mar-06 6/14/06 7/20/06 1/08/06 -Feb-07 6/27/07 Ai g-1 5-07 -1 0-08 3/26/08 6/25/08 Sep-08 -Oct-08 3/11/09 ii -t I.. at