HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-1988-001002 - 0901a068807b2ffe2037707 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnclogy, June 10-12, 1996 THE DESIGN OF FINAL COVERS SYSTEMS FOR ARID AND SEMI-ARID REGIONS OF THE WEST Gregory N. Richardson, Ph.D., P.E. G.N. Richardson & Associates Raleigh, North Carolina W. Joseph Waugh, Ph.D. Rust Geotech Inc. Grand Junction, Colorado ABS1RACI: Conventional engineering approaches for designjng covers for uranium mill tailings repositories fail to fully consider ecological processes that can impact long-term performance. The U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE) developed an alternative design for the semiarid Monticello, Utah, Superfund site that combines ecological infiltration contols with engineered barriers (e.g., geomembranes, compacted soil layers). The design does not soley rely on compacted soils to control water infiltration, which can fail because of desiccation and cracking, but provides a soil water­ balance ecological system to limit infiltration. The design relys on a combination of vegetation and a simulated desert pavement to limit soil loss without influencing the soil water balance. Additionally: the design controls radon releases, biointrusion, and protects critical layers from disturbanceoy frost. Preliminary analog studies of climate change, ecological change, and pedogenesis suggest that the performance of this design may ?mProve with time. INTRODUCTION DOE is in the midst of cleaning up more than 20 million metric tons of low-level radioactive and chemically toxic tailings at abandoned uranium mills in the Four Comers region (PoitiiiO 1992). The accepted remedial action is to cover tailings and other contaminated materi$ �er-in place or in landfill repositories. DOE mces the unprecedented legislative and engineering requirements that these tailings repositories have design lives of200 to 1,000 years (EPA 1983}. Engineered covers for tailings repositories typically consist of compacted soil layers, sand drains, and rock riprap intended to function as physical barriers to radon releases, water infiltration, and erosion (DOE f989}. This conventional engineering approach fails to fully consider the ecology of cover environments. After only a few years, biological disturbances threaten cover integrity at many sites po�_1992}. DOE developed an ahemative cover design for the disposal of uranium mill tailings at the Monticello, Utah, millsite The Monticello repository design must satisfy both (1) minimum technology guidance (MTG) for hazardous waste disposal facilities (EPA 1989) under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) and (2) design guidance for radon attenuation and 1,000-year longevity (DOE 1989) under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (UMTRCA). CONTAMINANT RELEASE MECHANISMS Several concomitant release mechanisms acting on the cover could potentially cause environmental transport of tailings contaminants. .. -------·-- Water Infiltration --- Rain water and snow melt not lost by runoff and evaporation Will enter the rock and soil layers overlying the tailings and become distn"buted in response to various water potential gradients (Hille11980). Depending on the properties and thicknesses ofthese layers, soil water could evaporate from the cover surface, be extracted by plants and returned to the atmosphere as transpiration, remain stored in the soil, pass into and remain stored in the tailings, or drain :from the tailings and potentially mobilize and release contaminants. Radon Release ---Residual radioactive materials (radium-226) in uranium mill tailings emit radon gas. The �ates of radon gas release will depend on the physical, hydrological, and radiological properties of the tajlings and overlying soil layers. The properties that most influence radon release are the soil moisture content of the cover, the radon diffusion coefficient for the. cover, radium-226 concentrations in the tailings, and the emanating fraction for radon in the tailings (Smith et al. 1985). Erosion ----Loss of cover material by erosion could expose tailings under extreme conditions or, more likely, reduce the cover thickness leading to contaminant transport by other pathways (e.g., water infiltration). Soil loss by sheet-flow erosion involves the detachment of soil particles from the cover by raindrop splash and overland flow. If storm runoff is intense, flow may concentrate and cut rills and gullies deep into the cover (Walters and Skaggs 1986). Wind transports soil particles by surface creep, saltation, and resuspension and may be particularly rapid leeward of topographic highs formed by mounded repositories (Ligotke 1994). Frost Penetration --As temperatures drop and soil layers within the cover freeze, water drawn toward the .freezing front can cause desiccation cracking (Chamberlain and Gow 1979), :freeze/thaw cracking, and frost heaving (Miller 1980}, particularly in compacted soil layers. Desiccation and :frost cracking may lead to increased permeability and gas diffusion in compacted soil layers within the :frost zone (Kim and Daniel l992). Frost heaving may also cause distinct engineered soil layers to become mixed, thereby disrupting the integrity of critical layer interfaces (Bjornstad and Teell993). Plant Root Intrusion --Plants growing in the cover could potentially root into tailings, actively translocating and disseminating contaminants in aboveground tissues (Foxx et al1984, Morris and Fraley 1989; Markose et al 1993). Roots may also alter tailings chemistry potentially mobilizing contaminants (Cataldo et a1 1987). Macropores left by decomposing plant roots act as channels for water and gases to effectively bypass compacted soil barriers (Hillel1980; Passioura 1991). Plant roots may concentrate in and extract water from buried clay layers, causing desiccation and cracking (Reynolds 1990). This water extraction can occur even when overlying soils are nearly saturated (Hakanson 1986), indicating that the rate of water extraction by plants may exceed the rehydration rate ofthe buried clay. Roots can also clog lateral drainage layers (DOE 1992}, potentially increasing infiltration rates. Animal Tntmsion ---Burrowing animals can mobilize contaminants by vertical displacement of tailings or by altering erosion, water balance, and radon-release processes (Hakanson et al. 1992). Vertical clisplacement results as animals excavate burrows and ingest or transport contamination on skin and fur (Hak:onson et al. 1982). Once in the surface environment, contaminants may then be carried off site {Arthur and Markham 1983). Loose soil cast to the swface by burrowing animals is wlnerable to wind and water erosion {Winsor and Whicker 1980). Burrowing influences soil-water Typeol Cover System Water Storage/Frost ProtecUon (Hne soiQ 150 ern---:;-,i1�!1it---li � Animal Intrusion Layer 260 ern m (native pediment gravels) Geotextlle Filter Topsoil Layer 30cm t Sand Layer and Capmary Break 60 MD Geomembrane (high-density polyelhylana) 60c:m Figure 1. DOE Cover Design for the Monticello Repository Table 1. Comparison of RCRA Subtitle C (EPA 1989) and DOE MRAP Cover Designs "Kut • saturated llydtauDc; c;onducllvlty. balance and radon releases by decreasing runoft; increasing rates of water infiltration and gas diffusion, and increasing evaporation because of natural drafts (Landeen 1994). COVER DESIGN The Monticello cover (Figure 1) is structurally similar to the RCRA subtitle C design (EPA 1989). The seemingly subtle structural differences, however, represent important differences to enhance water balance performance. Table 1 compares components of the Monticello and RCRA design. Water lnflltratio� Control Water Balance System---Water infiltration and leakage through the cover must not exceed the leakage rate of the. repository liner (EPA 1989). The Monticello repository liner includes two composite liners, each having an HOPE liner and a geosynthetic clay layer. The Monticello cover is essentially a RCRA MTG design, but with a thicker topsoil layer. The reliance of RCRA and UMTRCA designs on low-permeability compacted soil layers is well documented (Daniel1994; DOE 1989), and the failure of compacted soil layers to achieve performance objectives because of desiccation �and shrinkage is also documented (Melchoir et al. 1994 ). At the semiarid Monticello site, infiltration is limited by a natural water-balance mechanism Thick loess soils at the surface store precipitation until soil evaporation and plant transpiration seasonally return it to the atmosphere (Waugh and Link 1992). The Monticello water-balance cover design uses the sand drainage layer typical to RCRA covers as a capillary break to enhance this natural water conservation. In accordance with the "outflow law" of soil physics (Richards 1950), the capillary barrier limits downward water movement and increases water storage capacity of the topsoil layer. High pore tensions (suction) in the topsoil impede movement of water into the larger pores of the underlying sand layer. Leakage into the sand occurs only if water accumulation at the topsoil/sand layer inter.filce approaches saturation (Hillel l980). A geotextile filter maintains the :fine/coarse layer discontinuity until soil aggregation occurs by natural pedogenic processes (Bjornstad and Teel1993). Evapotranspiration can prevent exces$ye water accumulation above the textural break (Waugh et al. 1991; Anderson et a1 1993; Link et a1 1994). In short, the topsoil stores water while plants are dormant, then plants extract stored water during the growing season and return it to the atmosphere. . .. Leakage from the water-balance system occurs if water accnmnlation rates exceed evapotranspiration and, eventuall.y, the water storage capacity ofthe topsoil layer. Soil-water storage capacity is the difference between the upper storage limit (before leakage occurs), sometimes referred to as the field capacity, and the lower storage limit (after removal of plant extractable water) (Ritchie 1981). Field-plot and lysimeter tests conducted at other DOE sites (Waugh et al 1991; Wmg and Gee 1993; Anderson et al. 1993) suggest that, with plants present, water accumulation at Monticello will not likely exceed the topsoil storage capacity, even during higher than record precipitation years. Field and modeling studies are ongoing at Monticello to test this hypothesis. Revegetation--The increased thickness of the Monticello topsoil and presence of a capillary break provides an optimum water-balance system and creates a habitat more suitable for vegetation. A diverse mixture of native plants on the cover will maximize water removal by evapotranspiration (Link et a1. 1994) and remain more resilient to catastrophes and fluctuations in the environment (Begon et all986). Revegetation activities will attempt to emulate the structure, function, diversity, and dynamics of native plant communities in the area. The native sagebrush-grass vegetation at Monticello is a mosaic of many species(Tausch et a1. 1993). Similarly, biological diversity in the cover vegetation will be important to communitY stability and resilience. Local indigenous genotypes that have been selected over thousands of years are best adapted to climatic and biological perturbations. In contrast, exotic grass plantings, common on waste sites, are genetically and structurally monotonous (Harper 1987) and, thus, more vulnerable to disturbance or eradication by single factors. Radon Attenuatio.n The 60-cm compacted soil radonfmfiltration barrier, Figure 1), satisfies the requirement for an - average surface flux of radon-222 o� less than 20 pCi m-2 s1 (EPA 1983). The thickness was calculated with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) model RADON (NRC 1989). This design apptoach is documented eJsewhere in DOE (1989). As required for UMTRCA sites (NRC 1989), only the compacted soil layer (radonfmfiltration barrier) of the cover was included in this calculation. An overlying layers were omitted. Further analysis suggests that the compacted soil layer may be unnecessary. RADON model results show a satisfactory radon flux from a cover consisting of onlv the water-balance system · Erosion Control The primaiy erosion control issue is \Wether vegetation alone adequately limits soil loss or are gravel mulches, gravel admixtures, or rock rlprap necessary to armor the soil when vegetation is sparse or less dependable. Vegetation and organic litter disperse raindrop energy, slow .flow velocity, bind soil particles, :filter sediment from runoff: increase infiltration, and reduce surface wind velocity (WISchmeier and Smith 1978). Vegetation may be inadequate in the first years after construction. UMTRCA and altemative RCRA designs include cobble or rock rlprap to control erosion in and environments with sparse vegetation (DOE 1989; EPA 1989). However, these designS reduce evaporation (Groenevelt et a1. 1989; Kemper et a1. 1994), possibly increasing leakage through compacted soil layers and creating habitat for undesirable plants that root into the radon/infiltration barrier (DOE 1992). Erosion control for the Monticello design consists of mixing gravel and sand in the top 20 em of the topsoil (Figure 1) to mimic conditions leading to the formation of desert pavement. The method of Temple et a1. (1987) was used to size the gravel mulch (Table 1). The sand component was sized relative to the topsoil and gravel with Stephanson's {1979) method. Several erosion studies (Finely et al1985;ligotke 1994) and soil-water balance studies (Waugh et a1. 1994b; Sackschewsky et al 1995) suggest that moderate amounts of gravel mixed into the cover topsoil will control both water and wind erosion with little effect on plant habitat or soil-water balance. As wind and water pass over the sur.filce, some loss of fines from the admi:xtw;e is expected. The remaining sand "filter" and root cohesion of fines will impede continued soil loss beneath this pavement (Styczen and Morgan 1995). Rilling and gullying is controlled by maintaining top-slope gradients equal to surrounding terrain (which lack rills and futermittent gullies) and by limiting lengths of overland flow paths. Frost Protection The 170-cm composite topsoil layer (Figure I) provides more than adequate depth to isolate the capillary break layer, drainage layer, geomembrane, and compacted soil layer (radonfm.filtration barrier) from frost damage. The estimated maximum frost depth for a 200-year return interval in the topsoil layer is 115 em This value was extrapolated from soil physical properties for the loess soil and Monticello weather data by using the modified Berggren equation presented in DOE's Technical Approach Document (DOE 1989}. Biointrusion Control The· Monticello cover includes baniers to biological intrusion by plant roots and burrowing vertebrates. By retaining soil water close to the surface, the combined topsoil and capillary barrier create a habitat for relatively shallow-rooted plant species and, thus, function as a de facto root-intrusion barrier (Cline et al 1980; Ha.konson 1986). Root growth is generally limited to regions within the soil where extractable water is available. .. The composite topsoil layer thickness is the primary barrier to burrowing; it exceeds the maximum burrow depths of most vertebrates at Monticello. The 30-cm layer of native pediment gravel within the topsoil layer is an added deterrent Loosely aggregated gravel and rock have been shown to deter burrowing mammals (Cline et al 1980; Hakonson 1986). This layer protects the capillary break from bioturbation, a primary long-term threat to layer systems (Bjornstad and Teell993). Cover Long Term Performance · The greatest uncertainties in the Monticello cover stem from the need to extrapolate the resuhs of short-term tests to the required 1,000-year performance period. Standard engineering approaches implicitly assume that initial conditions of material properties and of processes that drive contaminant transport w!Jl persist. Jn contrast, long-tenn covers are evolving components of dynamic ecosystems. Longevity -Natural analogs provide clues from past environments to possible long-term changes in engineered covers (Waugh et al 1994a). Natural analogs are natural and archaeological occurrences of materials, conditions, or processes that are simi1iar to those known or predicted to occur in some part of the cover system. As such, natural analogs can be thought of as uncontrolled, long-term experiments. Long-term performance issues at Monticello that can be assessed with the use of analogs include climate change, ecological change, and pedogenesis (soil development). C)jmate Change--Climate influences the performance of the cover designed to isolate tailings at Monticello. With evidence of relatively rapid past climate change (Crowley and North 199 1) and model predictions of global climatic variation exceeding the historical record (Ramanathan 1988), DOE recognizes a need to incorporate possible ranges of future climatic and ecological change in the repository design process (Petersen et al 1993). Past climate change for Monticello were constructed using available proxy data from tree rings, packrat maddens, lake sediment pollen, and archaeological records (Waugh and Petersen 1995). Interpretation of proxy paleoclimatic records was based on present-day relationships between plant distn'bution, precipitation, and temperature along. a 'generalized �leVatloiW gradient for the region. For Monticello, this first approximation yielded mean annual temperature and precipitation ranges of 2 to 10°C, and 38 to 80 em, respectively, corresponding to late glacial and Altithennal periods. Pedogenesis and Ecological Change --Pedogenic processes will gradually change the physical and hydraulic properties of earthen materials used to COJ!stluct the Monticello cover (e.g., McFadden et a1 1987; Hillel1980). Plant and animal communities inhabiting the cover will also change in response to climate and disturbances. As the ecology of the cover changes, so also will performance factors such as water infiltration, evapotranspiration, water retention, soil loss, radon diffusion, and biointrusion. Weighing lysimeters encasing 100-cm-deep soil monoliths were installed near the proposed Monticello repository site to measure the water balance of analog soils and vegetation (Waugh and Link 1992). Monolithic lysim.eters preserve, as well as possible, native soil profiles and vegetation. All precipitation received during the 1991 and 1992 bioclimatic years (November through October) was retained (no leakage occurred); close to normal precipitation was received for both years. Approximately 2.8 em of leakage was �easured during spring of 1993, indicating that soil-water accumulation exceeded the storage capacity that year. The 1992-1993 winter (December-February) was one of the wettest on record (315 percent of normal); Monticello experienced the wettest February of this century. The increased storage capacity of a 170-cm soil layer over a capillaiy break would have retained all the excess soil water. Summary DOE plans to construct a lined landfill for disposal of tailings from an abandoned uranium mill at Monticello, Utah. The cover design, although similar in appearance, represents a departure from typical RCRA and UM1RCA designs. These typical designs are vulnerable to natural processes that will degrade the cover over the long term. In contrast, the DOE design for the Monticello cover relies on the same natural processes to isolate tailings and to control the release of contaminants but is expected to improve over time. . The Monticello design should be considered a more desireable alternative to RCRA Subtitle C and UMTRCA designs at arid and semiarid sites based on the following advantages: • Compacted soil layers, as required for RCRA and UMTRCA ·designs to control water infiltration, are wlnerable to damage by desiccation and biointrusion. In contrast, the Monticello water-balance cover relies on soil-water retention, capillary barriers, and soil-water extraction by plants. • Riprap layers, as recommended for UMTRCA designs, control erosion, but enhance water infiltration, and biointrusion. The Monticello design includes a topsoil and gravel admixture. Over time, the admixture is designed to control erosion much like a desert pavement without adversely influencing desirable vegetation and the soil-water balance. • The Monticello design includes a geomembrane and a compacted soil layer as redundant infiltration baniers and to control radon release. These layers are also required to meet RCRA and UMTRCA design requirements. Results of small-scale .field tests and numerical modeling suggest that the water-balance cover will satisfy performance standards for water infiltration and radon releases without these additional engineered barriers. Engineered covers that are intended to last thousands of years must be designed as evolving components of larger dynamic ecosystems. 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