HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC-1978-001021 - 0901a068807b2a14ENVIRONMENTAL REPCRT WIIITE MESA UMNIIIM PROJECT SAN JUAN COUNTY, UTAH FO;q. ENERGY FUELS NUCLEAR, INC. Prepared By DA;{ES & MOORE ?o-869 ?5,o.317o,zbqPDR ADOCI(I ?80515o400a681 PDR srB o 81978 ) '*,I$T1** ,ffitrii iuruo Ui & Nrclcq necdghu January 30, L978 09973-01 5-14 January 30, 1978 Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. Executive 0ffices, Suite 445 Three Park Central I515 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Attention:Mr. Muril D. Vincelette Vice President of Operations Gentlemen: with Ehis letter we are transmitting Ehe 160 copies that yourequested of the "Environmental Report, white Mesa uranium project, SanJuan CounEy Utah For Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc.r' The with NRC Report s scope of work performed and this report are in accordance Regulatory Guide 3.8 (April 1973) Preparation of Environmentalfor Uranium Mil11. On-going studies concluding in JuLy l9Z8 wiflprovide a yearts baseline data as required by NRC Regulatory Guide 3.8 and will be presented in the Supplemental ReporE. rt has been a pleasure to work with you on this project. rf we may be of further assisEance, please do not hesitate Eo contact us. Very truly yours, DAMES & MOORE?.-tltMRichard L. Brittain "'","x:^-*;;" /k.2q.., Kenneth R. Porter, Ph.D. ProjecE Manager RLB/ KRP/ t 1g 'IABLE OF CONTENTS PROPOSED ACTIVITIES. ........ Page 1-1 2-L !.- r 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-9 2-tl 2-I i 1-1 1 1-1 ') 2-12 2-15 2-23 ., -10 2-30 1,0 2.2 REGIONAI. DET,IOGMPIIY AND LANT USES. .. ...... O ' THE SITE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 SiTE LOCATION AND LAYOUT. 2.2.2 117. 2.2.L.1 Hiscory of the Region.... .. RegionaI Demography......... 2.2.L.3 Regional Land Use andOwnership .., , o. 2.2.L.4 Transportation Faci1iries........ Regional Economic Base.....,....o Housing and Social Service Systems. ... . .... t Blanding Area, Scutheastern Utah 2.2.2.L History of San, Jrran CcunEy....... Demography of San Juan Corrnty.... 2.2."2.3 Land Use and Cwnership. TransportaEioa Faciliries. Economic Base. Housing anci PublicSerrrices ... '.1_-42 Hanksville Area. ..... .. ?-57 History ..... . Z-57 2.2,3.2 Demography.... ....2-58 Land Use anci Ownershio. 2-63 TABLE 0F CCNTENTS (Ccntinued) Page 2.2.3,4 Transportation Faci1ities........ 2-66 Economic Base. ..... .... 2-68 Public Services .. ... ... 2-72 2.3 1.4 REGIONAL IIISTORIC AND CULTURAL, SCENIC AND NATURAI, LANDMARKS 2.3.1 Historic and CuItural Sites 2.3.2 Scenic Areas. 2.3.3 Archaeological Sites 2.3.4 Natural Landmarks..... GEoLOGY. ... ... ... . 2,4.1 Regional Geology ..... ............ 2.4.I.1 Physiography... r.. . ... o.. ... 2.4.I.2 Rock Units. ... SEructure and Tectonics......o... 2,4.1.4 Uranir:m Deposits........r...o.... 2.4,1..5 Other Mineral Resources. . . . . 2.4.2 Blanding Site Geology.. .. ... o.. r...... 2.4.2.I Physiography and Topography...... Rock Units....... .. Structure. ..... Mineral Resources Geotechnical Conditions at 2-75 2-7 5 2-7 6 2-7 7 2-80 2-8 I 2-81 2-8L 2-82 2-90 2-94 1 -41 2-99 2-99 2-100 2-105 2-106 the Proposed Mill andTailing Retention Sites. .... ... 2-106 GeologLc Hazards........ .... 2-108 2.5 .L 1tr TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) Page SEISM0L0GY.... ..... .. 2-i0B 2.5.L Seismic History of Region 2-108 2.5.2 Relationship of Earthquakes tc TecEonic StrucEures. . .. 2-l!4 2.5.3 Potential Earthquake Hazards Eo ?roject.... 2-L14 I{YDROLOGY 2-115 2.6.1 Ground WaEer lydrology . 2-1i5 2.6.2 2.6 .t ,2 2.6.L,3 2 ,6 .t.4 2.6 ,1.5 Sur €ac e 2.6.2.i 1Ar,) 2 .6 .2.3 !.o . t,4 Regional Occurrence and Distribution of Grorrnci I^Iate:... 2-1I5 B.egional Ulilization of Ground Water ..... 2-119 Ground WaEer Regime of Project Site 2-l2I Utilization of Ground I{ater in Project Vicinity... . 2-126 Ground Wacer Reg:-me of I{anksvi l le Ore-Buying Station 2-\27 UEilization r:f Cround WaEer in Vicinity cf Hanksviile Ore- Ruying Station. . 2-130 I,iater l{ydrology 2-130 RegionaL Clccurrence anc Drainage of Surface [,'ater 2-130 Regional LItilizar-ion r:f Su::face WaEer 2-i1+0 Pro-j ect Vic ini t1' I{aEe rshecl . . 2-Lt+0 Bland ing Si !e Drainage " " . 2-L43 riiianaing uice l'r-ooo ing f'otenEial.. 2-143 2.'t 1V TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 2.6 .3 Page Water Quality 2-149 2.6.3.L Ground Water Quality in Project Vicinity... ... .... 2-150 Surface Water Quality in Project Vicinity. 2-158 Ground lJater Quality inVicinity of lianksville Ore-Buying Staticn 2-165 Surface Water Quality inVicinity of Hanksville Ore-Buying Station. . ..... . 2-168 METEoRoLOGY AND ArR QUALTTY... ...... 2-168 2.7 .l Regional Cliruatolog]... ..... 2-L68 2.i .2 Clirnatology of Blanding and Project Site. .. 2-170 2.7.2.L Data Sourc€se. .... 2-170 2.7 .2.2 Temperature........... . 2-172 Precipitation.................... 2-172 2.7 .2.4 Relative Huuidity... o..... o . 2-175 Fog.. ....o............. 2-177 2.7 .2.6 Evaporation. ... .. .... o . 2-177 Sunshine Duration and CloudCover...... ..... 2-177 Winds.......... 2-180 Severe Weather 2-L87 Diffusion C1imato1o9y............ 2-188 Climatology of Hanksville and Buying Station.. o... ... 2-194 2.7.3 TABLE OF C0NTENTS (Continued) Page Data Sources.. 2-l9il TemperaLur€o o.... r ... ...... ... ... 2-198 Precipitation. ..... 2'2Al Relative lturnidity............... . 2-20L Evaporationo ., 2-203 Sunshine DuraEion and Cloud 2.7 .3.1 2.7,3.4 2.7 .3 .5 2.8 2.7.4 Cover. Winds 2.7 .3.8 Severe I^Ieather. Diffusic,n ClimaEology... Air Quality........ . ... ...... Regulatory SEandsrds Priority Classifications.... Sigaificant Deterioration. Existing Air Quality. ECOLOGY. 2.8.1 General Ecology of Region .. . .. . .. 2.8.2 Eccology of Project Site 2-203 2-205 2-205 ?-2A8 a-n7 /, L-ZL+ 2-2t8 2-219 2-222 1-'t 1, 2-225 2-226 ?-245 ,Q1 Vegetatr.on. Wi1d1ife. . ... .. Ecology of llanksville Buying StaEionvicinity. 2-257 Ecology of Hanksville Region..... 2-267 Vegetation of Hanksvi I l-e n.,.,: -.- dl - h.: -,- tt.i ,- j -.: +.. .l--aAO9UtLLL5 usdL!vrl r!L-.1-Lrv v1 2.9 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) Page 2. 8 . 3. 3 I{i ld Ii f e. 2-283 2.9.1 Blanding. 2-292 2.9.L.L Airborne Particulates.. 2-292 Radon Concentrations in Air. 2-292 Ground Water. ... .. 2-296 2.9.L.4 Surface Water. ..... 2-296 Soils 2-296 Vegetation. ... 2-296 Wildlife. .. ... . . .. . 2-296 Environmental Radiation Dose..... 2-298 2.9.2 Hanksvi11e... ..... 2-298 2.9.2.L Airborne Particulates.. ..... 2-298 Radon ConcentraEions in Air...... 2-298 Ground Water 2-303 Surface Water. ......... 2-303 Soils...o...... ........ 2-303 Vegetation........... .. 2-303 Wildlife.. ........ 24A5 Environmental Radiation Dose..... 2-305 2.9.3 Highway Corridor fron Hanksville toBlanding. .... o.. 2-305 2.9.3.I Environmental Radiation Dose..... 2-305 3.0 2.10 l.TLE 3.1 ?. 1 ,, 1 \,1 L TABLE 0F C0NTENTS (Cont:lnued) Page OI}IER ENVIRONME}ITAL I'EATURES.. . 2-305 2.10.1 Soils ........ ?.-305 2.10,1.1 ProjecE Site....................o 2-305 2.L0.1.2 Hanksville Vicinity...... r...... . 2-3L4 2.10.2 Noise 2-318 Arnbient Sound Levels ...2-32L MILL AND BUYING STATIONS 3-1 EXTERNAL APPEARANCE CF TIIE .LIILL. ... .. 3-i THE MILL CIRCUIT. .... 3.1 3.2.1 Uranium Circuit ..... o.. 3-i 3.2.2 By'Product Copper Recovery. 3-5 3.2.3 By-Product, Vanadium Recovery. 3-7 SOURCES OF MILL WASTES AND EFFLUENTS. ......... 3-IO 3.3.1 Non-Radioactive Mi11 l,lastes and 3 "3.2 Effluents 3-10 3.3.I.1 Gaseous Effluents.... 3-10 3.3.L.2 Liquid Effluents 3-11 Solid Effluents 3-13 Radioactive Mi11 rlastes and EffluenEs. 3-14 Ore SEorage Pads. 3-15 Ore Grinding Operation. 3-16 3 . 3 . 2. 3 Leach ing Operat ion. 3- 1 5 Uranium Concentrate Drying and Packaging. 3-15 Tailins... 3-16 3.4 3.5 vl 11 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) Page Sunmary of Airborne ReleaseRates 3-18 COMROLS OF MILL WASTES AND EFFLUENTS.. .. 3-19 SANITARY AND OTHER MILL I,IASTE SYSTEMS 3-20 3.5.1 Sanitary and Solid Wastes 3-20 3.5.2 Building and Process HeatinC......... .3-21 Gaseous Wastes ....3-21 Solid l,trastes . 3-2L 3.5.3 Analytical LaboraEory.. .....3-22 HANKSVILLE AND BLANDING BUYING STATIONS. . 3-22 3.6.I External Appearance of Buying Stations..... 3-22 3.6.2 Sources of Ore .... 3-22 3.6,2.1 Hanksville Station. .... 3-25 Blandi.ng Station........ .... 3-25 3.6.3 Hanksville Station Operationso... ..... 3-25 Receiving and Stockpiling of Delivered Ore.. . 3-25 Crushing of Delivered Ore. .. 3-27 Stockpiling of Crushed Ore.. 3-27 Sample Preparation. o... o.... . o. .. 3-27 Control of Dust in P1ant. .... .... 3-29 Haulage to Blanding Mil1... . 3-30 3.6.4 Blanding Station Operations. ...... .... 3-30 Receiving and Stockpiling of Delivered Ore...,... . 3-30 3.6 1:( 4.0 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) Page Crushing of Delivered Ore,. 3-30 Stockpiling of Crushed Ore. ...... 3-31 Sample Preparation....... . ., 3-31 Control of Dust in Plant 3-32 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SITE PREPARATION AND },IILLCONSTRUCTION.. . 4.I 4.I EFFqCTS 0N IIIE PIIYSICAL ENVIRoNMENT.... . .. ... ... ... 4-1 4.1.1 Air Quality.. . ... .. . ... 4-1 4.1.2 Srrrface l,Iater l{ydrology ..... 4-? 4.1.3 Cround WaEer Hydrology ..,.., 4-3 4.I.4 hlater Quality ..... t'-4 4.1.5 Land. ........o. ...4-4 4.1.6 Sound ... 4-4 4.1.6.L ConstrucEion Noise Sources .. 4-4 Ambient Sound Levels During 4.2 ConsEruction.. .. 4-6 Impact Assessment.... ..4-6 II"IPACTS ON THE ECOLOGICAL ENVIROM{ENT... . 4-7 4.2.1 Aquatic Biota. .... l+- t' 4.2.2 Terrestrial Biota. ..... 4-7 4.2.2.L Vegetation. ... .... 4-7 Wildlife ..... 4-8 IMPACTS ON THE SOCIOECONOMIC E}IVIRONMENT . 4.1I 4.3.f Population.... .... 4-11 4.3.2 Housing .4-15 t,, 5.0 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Conrinued) Page 4.3.3 Pub1ic Service Delivery Systems .. 4-ZO 4.3.4 Economic Base. .... 4-Zz 4.3.5 Taxes ... 4-23 4.3.6 Quality of Life ... 4-23 4.3.7 Land Use Impacts ., 4-25 4.3.8 Historical and Archaeological Sites . . . t+-25 4.4 RESoURCES COMMITTED .. o.. .. 4-26 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF }{ILL OPEMTIONS .. 5-T 5.1 MDIOLOGICAL IMPACT ON BIOTA OTHER THAN MAN. 5-I 5.1.1 Exposure Pathways ..... . 5-l 5.1.2 Radioacti.r'ity in the Environment......r.... 5-3 5.1.3 Effect on Biota. .. 5-6 5.2 RADroLocrcAL IMPACT ON MAN. .o........ .... 5-6 5.2.1 Exposure Pathways . 5-7 5.2.2 Liquid Effluents ...... ... ... 5-7 5.2.3 Airborne Effluents . ... . 5-8 5.2,3.1 Data Base 5-8 Radiological DiffusionAnalysis . ... . ... ... .. 5-10 5.2.4 5 .2.5 EFFECTS 5.3. 1 Dose Estimates From AtncosphericPathways ..... .. ... ... 5-12 Populat.ion Doses From Atmospheric Pathways ...o. ........ 5-12 OF CHEMICAL DISCHARGES. ..... 5.18 Airborne Discharges. ... ..... 5-18 5.3 TABLE OE CONTEI{TS (Concinued) Page Vehicle Emissions. r.... 5-18 IlilI S:ack Emissions of 5.3.t.i 5.4 5.5 Chemicais... 5-18 5 .3.2 Liquid Discharges. . . . 5-2C EFFECTS OF SANITARY AND OTHER I,IASTE DISCHARGES.... . 5-20 OTHER EFFECTS 5-21 5.5.f TerresErial Biora. ...,.5-Zl VegetaEion.... 5-Zl Wildlife 5-Zt 5.5.2 Socioeconomic Impacts of ProjeclOperation 5-22 Population.... ,,.. 5-22 Housing . 5-2tr Municipal Services and Ehe Tax Base 5-25 Economic Base. 5-30 Quality of Life 5-33 Land Use Impacts 5-33 Sound ... 5--16 Ambient Sound Levels Durine0peration. . 5-36 ImpacE Assessment.. 5-36 5.5.4 Surface Water 5-37 5. 6 P.ESOURCES CO}{MITTED 5-38 EFFLUEI\IT AND ENVIRONMENTAL },IEASiJREMENTS AND MOI'IIIORING PROGRAI{ 6_T 5.5.3 6.0 6.1 x]-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page PREOPEMTIONAL ENVIROMIENTAL PROGRAMS. 6-1 6.1.1 Surface Water 6-I 6.1.2 Ground Water. 6-3 Sampling Locations. 6-3 Physical and Cnemical 6.1.3 Parameters.... ....... 6-6 Air.. 6-8 6. i. 3. 1 I'leteorological MonitoringPrograms ... ... .,. ... . 6-8 Air Quality 6-8 6.I.3.3 Computer Models....t.... 6-10 6. 1. 3. 4 Other Mode 1 s. 6-1 1 Land. 6-13 5. i.4.1 Soils 6-13 Land Use and DemographicSurveys ... ... o. . 6-20 6.I.4.3 Ecological Parameters..o......... 6-2I Radiological Survey.... .o........ 5-25 Direct Environmental Radiation... 6-28 6.I.5.2 Radionuclides in Soils. .... o.... . 6-29 Radionuclides in Water. ..... 6-29 6.L.5.4 Biological Radioactivity......... 6-29 Airborne Particulates.. 6-29 Radon Concentrations in Air...... 6-30 6.1.4 6.I.5 6.2 PROPOSED 6.2.1 6.2.2 x1 r1 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) OPERATIONAL MONITORING PROGRAMS. Radiological Monitoring 6. 2. I. I Effluent Monitoring Program 6.2.L.2 Environmental Radiological Surveillance Program. Chemical Effluent 6.2.2.L Ground Water Surface Water. 7 .t.1.2 7.i.1.3 7.t.t.4 Page 6-3 I 6-3 r 6-3 I 5-3 1 6-34 6'3t+ 6--44 6-34 6-34 7-i i-L 7-2 l-,/- 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-5 7-5 7-5 6.2.3 MeEeorological Monitoring.... 6.2.4 Ecological Monitoring.. 7.0 ENVIRCNMENTAL EFFECTS OF ACCIDENTS 7.1 MILL ACCIDENTS 7.I.1 Failure of Tailing Retention and Transport Systems 7 . 1. I . 1 Flood Wa Eer Breaching of ReEention System. Overflow of Tailing Slurry....... Structural Failure of Tailing Dike s Seismic Damage to Transport Sys tem. 7.1.2 Minor Pipe or Tank Leakage.. 7. 1. 3 Maj or Pipe or Tank Breakage. 7.L.4 Electrical Power Faiiure 7 "1.5 Process Equiprnent Malfunction and/or Operator Error. 7.2 x]-v TABLE OF C0NTENTS (Continued) Page 7.L.6 Tornado . 7-6 7.1.7 Minor Fire. 7-6 7.1.8 Major Fire. 7-6 TM}ISPORTATION ACCIDENTS 7-7 7.2.L Special Training for Yellow Cake Iransportation Accidents ....... 7-8 7.2.2 Spill Countermeasures 7-9 7.2.3 Emergency Actions . 7-10 7.3 QUALITY ASSURA}ICE .... 7-IO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECTS OF MILL CONSTRUCTION ANDoPERATTON ..... . g-1 8.1 BENEFITS ... 8-1 8.2 CoSTS . 8-2 PJCLAMATION AND RESTOMTION. .. ... t. 9-1 9.1 LAND USE AND ECOSYSTEM EVALUATION. ..... ....... 9-] 9.1.1 Project Site. ..... 9-I 9.2 PLANS FOR RECLAIMING AND RESTORING AFFECTEDAREAS..... ....... .. g-2 9.2.I Tailing Retention Sysrem...... ........ 9-2 9.2.1.L Summary of Tailing Retention Plan. ... o.. .. . . .. o .. . 9-2 Cover Material... o... o o. 9-3 9.2.L.3 Background Radioactivity.......,. 9-3 Tailing Radioactivity. . 9-5 8.0 9.0 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Continued) Page RadioacEivity AtEenuation ...9-6 Tailing Reclamation 9.2.t.5 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Alternatives.. . 9-11 9.2.L.7 Conclusions and Recommendations.. 9-14 9.2.2 Decommissioning of Facilities 9-16 SEGREGATION AND STABILIZATION OF TOPSOiLS. 9-17 TYPE AND MANNER OF PROPOSSD REVEGETATION. 9-17 9.4.1 General Practices . 9-L7 9.4.2 Species anrl Seeding Raies..... 9-i8 9.4.2.L Project SiEe. 9-18 9 .4.2.2 Hanksvi l1e Buying SEarion Sire. . . 9-i9 9.1+.3 Cultural Practices 9-20 LONG-TERM }IAINTENANCE AND CONTROL. ..... 9.21 9.5.1 Diversion of Surface Water and Erosion Control 9-Zl 9.5.2 Maintenance of Es tab lished r/egetaEion. . . . . . 9-23 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS.. 9-23 10.O ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION i0-1 IO.I NO ACTION I,O-i IO.2 ALTERNATIVE MILLING AND EXTMCTION PB.OCEDURES...... IO-2 10.2.1 Hanksville Viciniry. LA-2 10.2.2 Blanding Viciniry... LA-z 10.2.2.i Zekes HoLe. I0-4 !0 .2 .2.2 l{e s a. l.0 -{ >iv1 TABLE 0F CONTENTS (Concluded) Page Calvin Black Property. . I0-4 White Mesa. f0-5 10. 2.3 AlternaEive White Mesa SiEes. . . . . I0-5 10.3 ALTERMTIVE WHITE MESA SITES. ... . ........ 10-6 I1.O BENEFIT-COST ANA].YSIS AND SI]MMARY. ..... 11-1 I2.O ENVIRONMENTAI APPROVALS AND CONSULTATIONS. ..... I2-I 13.0 REFERENCES.... 13-1 xv]. r LIST OF TABLES llab ie Page 2.2-L Population Centers of the Proiect Region. 2-B 2.2-2 Population Estimates, San Juan CounEy- i{arch 1977. 2-16 2.2-3 HisEorical Population Estimates, Blandirrg Area. .... 2-18 2.2-4 Selected Demographic CharacEeristics, San Juan counEy compared to utah, 1970 ..... 2-L9 2.2-5 Visicor Statisti,:s, Recreetion Areas Southeastern Utah, 2-20 2.2-6 Population ProjecEions .... 2-22 2.2-7 Land },rnershi2 in San Juan CounEy, 1967. . 2-26 2.2-8 Land Use in San Juan County, E:<cluding Federai Land, 1967 . '2-28 2.2-9 Traffic Voh:me, 1975 . 2-31 2.2-10 Crop ProducEioa and Livestock Inrzentory, San JuanCounty,1974 .. il-33 2.2-l I Employment by Industry, San .Iuan Cr>unty. 2-35 2.2-12 LocaEion of Manufacturing Establisl'rments, San Jr:an County , 19 t'7 -19 78 . . . 2-36 2.2-L3 Cir,,ilian Labor Force, EmpIoymenE, and Unernployrnent RaEes in San Juan County... 2-37 2.2-L4 Occupational Characteristics of Job Appi.icants, QuarEer Ending, 3-3L-77, Blanciing Area. 2-39 '2.2-15 Per Capita Income, San Juan County Compered tothe SEaEe , L973-L976.., . 2-40 2.2-16 Sur:lr'lary <rf San Juan Countv Ceneral FunC E>:pendi Eures 2-43 2.2-\7 CLE), of Bl-anding, Summar.v of CeneraL b'und Expencii:ures, Fiscal l,lear i iil6-1.97 r- Z-/4L 2.2-i S Scnoo I En'ro i rme nt ano Capac i c1' rn -U J- and rng ,t977-t9 78... ...2-49 xYl_ L i LLST CF TABLES (Continued) Table Page 2.2-19 City of Monticello, Surnmary of General Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year 1976 and 1977. ..... 2-52 2.2-20 Population EsEimates of the Hanksville Area, 1950 to 1975. . 2-59 2.2-21 Selected Demographic Characteristics, Wayne and Garfield Counties and the State of Utah, 1970.... 2-61 2.2-22 Population ProjecEions Wayne County and Garfield County Compared to the State. 2-62 2.2-23 Land Ownership, Wayne and Garfiel-d Counties, 1967.. 2-64 2.2-24 Land Use in Llayne and Garfield Counties, Excluding FederaL Land, 1967. 2-65 2.2-25 Traffic Volume , 1975 ..... . 2-6i 2.2-26 Crop Production and Livestock Inventory, I'layne and Garfield Counties, 1974. ...:. . 2-69 2.2-27 Ernployment by Industry in Wayne County and Garfield Couniy , 1976'1977 .... ..... .... 2'70 2.2-28 Labor Force, Unemploynent and Per Capita Income in Wayne and Garfield Counties Compared to the State. ..... ... 2-7I 2.2-29 Wayne County General Fund Expendicures 2'73 2.3-l Historic Sites in Southeastern Utah Included in the NaEional Register of Historic Places llovenber 1977...... .....2'75 2.3-2 Distribution of Recorded Sites According to Teurporal Position. ..... . 2-79 2,4-L Generalized Stratigraphic Section of Subsurface Rocks Based on 0i1-We11 Logs . 2-84 2.4-2 Generalized Stratigraphic Section of Exposed Rocks in the Project Vicinity. .... 2-85 2.5-1 Modified Mercalli Scale. .. 2-Il0 :<i x LIST C,F TA.BLES iConrinueci ) Tab ie Page 2.6-i WaEer Weiis in Project Vicinity BlanCing, Ura.h 2-L?9 2.6-2 Water lfells in Vicinicv of Hanksville 0re-BuyingStacion ?--132 2.5-3 Drainage Areas of Project Vicinity and Region. :Z-l3S ?.6-4 Current Surface hlater Users in Project ViciniEy.... Z-L4L ?-.5-5 Present Utah liater Use ( l165) of San Jua;r Rive-r..,. 2-i42 2.6-6 I{ater Quality of Ground I,JaEers and Sprinrzs inProjecr t/iciniry.... Z-L52 2.6-7 Water 0ua1iL_v of Suriace Ua:ers r-n ProjectVicirrili,, Blanciing, UEah. Z-li) 2.5-t) ir:aier OuaiiLy of Ground i.iater and Si:rface i."l,rterin Vicinity of Hanksville Ore-Euying SE:rEion, Hanksvi lle, Utah . 2-I6{t 2.7-\ l'lean Yonthl;.2 Belative tiumiciit.v BLandi-ng, L'Eeh . 2-L7S 2.7-Z ilean Fog 0ccr:rrence )ays at Bianding, Utah197C-i974... .. 2-i73 2.7-3 i.{cethLy and AnnuaL Sunshine Duration and Sky Ccver at tslanding, ULeh 2-i7g 2.7 -4 llcnthly PercenE Frequency 0ccrrrr:ence ,:,f t{inC Speeds in Excess of 10 t"fPS by Direcrion" 2-i83 2.7-5 Percent Frequencv DistribuEion of Wind Speed(Classes) by l/ind Direction at the 0n-SiLe StaEion and the tslanding NtrlS Starion (llarch- Augrrs t L977 ). ... 2-136 2.7-6 ){aximum liind Speed and Recurrence IrrLerrra I in the Bl.anriing Vicinity Z-'LBB 2,7-7 Es Iirna:ed Ya:<imum Point Precipitacicn Amouni-s ( crn) in lhe BlanCing Area tor Se Iecied ;rr.rrat ions and llecurrence Iniervals. ,. 2-189 2.7 -6 Seasonai and r\nnual- l4ixine lle igh Es and l"le an i,jind Sp=eis Dl-a,riir;ig i'it-:-nit)"... 2-i9i LIST OF TABLES (Contiaueci) Tab 1e Page 2.7-9 Number of Restricted Mixing Episodes Lasting Two or More Days in Five Years and Total Episode Days in the Blanding Area. 2-L97 2.7-10 Monthly Percent Frequency of Occurrence for Stability Classes Blanding, Utah ...o. 2-193 2.7-11 Monthly and Annual Sunshine Duration and Sky Cover at Hanksville, Utah. 2-204 2.7-12 Seasonal and Annual Percent Frequency of Wind Direction and Wind Speed at Hanksville, Utah t949-1954 2-207 2.7-L3 Maximum ![ind Speeds and Recurrence Intervals at Hanksvi-11e... . 2-208 2.7-14 Estimated Maxioum Point Precipitation Amounts (cm) at Hanksville Site for Selecte<i Durations and Recurrence Intervals 2-209 2.7-i5 Seasonal and Annual Mixiag Heights and }tean Wind Speeds Hanksville Vicinity.... 2-210 2.7-16 Number of Restricted Mixing Episodes Lasting lWo or More Days in Five Years and Total Episode Days in Ehe HanksviLle Vicinity. ..... 2-214 2.7-17 Seasonal and Annual Frequency of Stability Occurrence (l) Hanksville, Utahr'................ 2-212 2.7-18 Annual Percent Frequency Distribution of Pasquill Stability Classes by Direction Hanksville, UEah.. Z-2L3 2.7-19 National an<i State of Utah Air Quality Standards.. . 2-215 2.7-20 Federal Regional Priority Classifications Based on Ambient Air Quality. .......... . 2-217 2.7-21 Air Quality Data Collected at Bull Frog }iarina, 1975 Through i977.. ..........o.... 2-220 2.7-22 Monthly Sulfation Values (ug SOr/c^2/a^y) Blanding, UEah , 1977 ....j ......... 2-221 xx1 LIST 0F TABLES (Continued) Tab, 1e Page 2.8-L Species Composition of Cou'.rnunities Sampied a.t the Blanding Project Site... .2-229 2.8-2 Communit.y SEruciure Paramet.ers of the Blanding Site PIanE Communities. . 2-231 2.8-3 Production and Percent. Composition of the Pinyon- Juniper CommuniEy on the Semidesert SEonyhi11s... 2-240 2.8-4 Production and Percent Composition of CommuniEies Sarnpled on Ehe Semi<iesert Loam Range Si Le " 2-21+2 2.8-5 Blanding tsird InvenEory 2-2!+9 2.8-6 Blanciing Bird PopulaEion Estimaces from Emlen TransecEs 2-250 2.8-7 Blending Winter 1977 Roadsj.de Bird Survey 2-25! 2.8-8 Spring 1977 Roadside Bird Survey 2'252 2.8-9 Summer 1977 Roadside Bird Survey 2-253 2.8-L0 FaLL L977 Blanding Roadside Bird Survey 2'2i5 2.8-11 Blanding Rabbit Transect CounEs 2-263 2.8-L2 Rodenc Distributicn and Relative Abunciance by Habitat 2-264 2.8-13 RodenE Grid and Transect Trapping Data 2-265 2"8-14 Species Composition of Communities Sampled at Ehe Hanksville SiEe. 2-273 2.8-15 Community Structure of the Hanksville SiEe Plant CominuniEies. . . 2-275 2.8-16 i{anksville Bird InvenEory . 2-286 2.8-17 Hanksville Bird Population Estimates from Emlen Transects.... . 2-28t- 2.8-18 Hanksville Roadside Bird Transects. .. 2-2EB 2.E-L9 i^anksviiie Roacisicie F.abbic Surve;, 2-29A xx1 1 LIST 0F TABLES (Continued) Tab 1e Page 2.8-20 Hanksville Rodent Transect Trapping Data. 2-29L 2.9-l Radiomet.ric Anallzses of Air Particulates Collected in the Environs of the Blanding Site... 2-294 2.9-2 Ambient Radon-222 Concentrations in Air at Blanding Site. 2-295 2.9-3 Radiometric Analyses of Vegetation Collected on the Project Site. 2-297 2"9-4 Radiouretric Analyses of Terrestrial Mammals Collected in the Vicinity of the Project Site.... 2-299 2,9-5 EnvironmentaL Radiation Dose at the Project Si.te... 2-300 2.9-6 Ra<iiometric Analysis of Air PariiculaEes Collected by High-Volume Sampler in the Environs of the Hanksville Station . 2-301 2.9-7 Hanksville Ambient Radon-222 Concentrat-ions 2-302 2.9-8 Radiomeiric Analyses of Vegetation Collected in the l'Iicinity of the Hanksviile Ore Buying Station. . 2-304 2.9-9 Radioureiric Analyses of I'larnmals Collected in theVicinity of the Hanksville Ore Buying Station.... 2-306 2.9-10 EnvironmenEal Radiation Dose in the Vicinity of the Hanksville Buying Station. 2-3A7 2.9-L1 Locati.on of Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Along Srare Road 95 (Blanding ro Hanksville) Utah. 2-308 2. l0-1 SoiI Series Information for Project Site and Vicinity of Hanksville Ore Buying Station. .. 2-310 2.10-2 Results of Soil Samp1e Tesi Analyses for Project Site and Vicinity of Hanksville Buying Station... 2-313 2.10-3 Summary of Arnbient Sound Levels -dBA. ......... 2-322 4.1-1 ConsEruction Equipmeat Noise Levels - ExcavaEion of Processing Plant and Tailing Retention Ce1ls.. 4-5 Tab 1e /, 1. _1 xxt tI LIST OE TABLES ( Co nt inued ) P age Ambieni Sound Levels During Construction of the Processing Plant, Tailing Ce11s, anci Slurrv Pipeline - dB. ...,. 4-6 Maximum Seasonal }lumber cf Birds 0ccurring in Ilabitat to be Removed from ProducEion. 4-10 Minimum Number of Rcdents Supported by Habitat to be Removed from ProducEion. .... 4-11 ConsEruction Work Force RequiremenEs. . .. . 4-13 Population IncremenE Associated with Project Construction. . 4-14 ProjecE ConsErur:tion-Induced Population Qsetvth Compared to 1979 PopuiaEion.... ... 4-16 Current and Projected Excess Capacity of Mobile Iiome Parks November 197 t' .... . 4-f 8 EstimaEed Housing Supply, 1979 and Project-Induced Demand 4-I9 Summary of Mill ConstrucEion CcsEs (1977 Dollars).. 4-24 l,laxirnum Activity Dens ity Dry Deposition-Uii1 Effluent Southern Sector 5-5 Summary of P.elease Rates 5-9 Individuai Whole Body and Lung Dose Commitments from Mill Site Effluent... 5-13 Individual Bone and Kidney Dose Conrmi tment s f rorn Mill Site Effluent . 5-14 Dose CommitmenEs aE Project Boundaries for Each Sector Effec:ed from YilI Sice Effluent 5-1-s Indiviciual Lung Dose Cornmitments from Tai-1ing Effluents (mrem) 5-16 Exposure Eo individuals at S:ecific Locations in the Vicinity of the Mi11... 5-17 /+.2-l L n-1 4.3-l t, 1-a 4.3-3 t, '1-t, 4.3-6 5. r.-r 5 .2-2 q ,-'l 5 .2-4 aotr 5.2-6 xx1\, LlST 0F TABLES (Continued) Tab le Page 5.3-I Emission Rates for Heavy-Duty Diesel-Powered and Gasoline-Powered Construction Equipment . 5-19 5.5-1 Anticipated Housing Demand of Imported Project Workers 5-24 5.5-2 Long-Term Project-Induced Population GrowEh Compared to 1980 Population and Capacity of Public Services 5-26 5.5-3 Estimated Property Tax Payments.. 5-29 5.5-4 Basic and Non-Basic Enplo)/uent, San -iuan County, 1976 Annuai Average.... . 5-32 5.5-5 Average Daily Traffic on Potentially Ia,pacted Highways 5-35 5.5-5 Arnbient Sound Levels During Processing Plant Operation - dB...... 5-37 6.1-1 Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters..... 6-7 5.L-2 Meteorologicai- Monitoring Program SensorInformatiorr... ..... 6-9 6.1-3 Pre-Operational l'lonitoring Program - Hanksville Site. 6-26 6.1-4 Pre-Operational MoniEoring Program - Blanding Site. 6-27 6. i-5 Pre-Operational Monitoring Program - Highway Corridor. 6-28 6.2-I Effluent Monitoring Program.......... ......... 6-32 6.2-2 Environmental Surveillance Program. . 6-33 8.1-1. Quantifiable Benefits. 8-3 8.2-L Quantifiable Costs AssociaLed with the Proposed Project . ... ... 8-4 9.2-l Alternative Cover I'laterial Evaluated for Tailing Management.... 9-4 LIST 0F TABLES (Conciuded) Table Page 9.2.2 Thickness of Covers Vs. Ratio of Radon Surface Flux Eo Radon Background FIux for Various Cover Materials ... . 9-10 1 I .0-1 Quantifiable Bene fits. Ll-Z 11.0-2 Quantifiable Costs ll-3 Plate 2.1-l 2. l-2 , l-? 1 1-1 2.2-2 , ?-t 2.4-t 2.4-2 2.5-t 2.6-r 2.6-2 2,6-3 2.6-4 2.5-5 2.6-6 2,6-7 2.6-8 2.6-9 2. 6-1 0 2. 5-1 I 2.7 -1 xxvr LIST OI' PLATES Page Regional Map.. 2-2 Vicinity Map.. 2-3 Project Site Map. 2-5 Population in the Project Vicnity. 2-24 Designated Lan<is in Sc,utheastern Utah. 2-27 Locations of Archaeclogical Sites .. . t. 2-78 Tectonic Index Map.. ..... ..... . 2-83 Geologic I'lap of Project Area. 2-lO4 Regional Teciorric M.ap.. 2-109 Generalized Stratigraphic Section. 2-117 Grouncl Water Level Map of ProjecE Site. 2-125 Water Wel1s in Project Vicnity . 2-128 Water We11s in Vicinity of H.anksville Buying Station. . 2-131 Drainage Map of Project Vicinity. 2-L33 S:reamflow Summary Blanding Vicinity . o... 2-138 Precipitation Depth Duration Frequency... . ... . 2-146 Probable }laximum Thunderstorm Hydrographs 2-148 PreoperaE,ionaL WaEer Quality Sanpling Stations in Project Vicinity. .... . o. .. . ... . ... ... ... . 2-151 Preoperational Water Quality Sampling StaEions in Vicinity of Hanksville Ore-Buying Station..... 2-169 Meteorological l-lonit,oring Location Map -Blanding. ..... 2-l7l Plate 2.7-L 1 1_{- ? 7-q 'i '1 -O , 7-] ) ': -7-1 1 8-1 tr-: 8-3 8-4 8-) 8-6 xx\,f ! 1 LiS'l 0i FLnTES (Conciaue<1) -l-LE- I'1onthl.y l':teans and Extremes of Temperatures Blanding, Utah 2-L7l i,{ean }lonthly Precipitation Blanding, lltah. 2-L73 Annual Percenc Frequency DisEribution of trlind b.v- Direc tion Blanding, Utah. . 2-181 Seasonal Percent iirequency Distribution of Wind bv DirecEion Blanding, llEah 2-18? Percent Frequency 0ccurrence of liinri b',' Directic,n.. 2-185 Annual PercenE Frequeacy )istribuEi-cn of Stabi.f.ity Classes A and B. .. . .., . 2-L95 An,rrial- Percent Frecuenc.T Distri.but:-,rn of Stabii-ity Cilasses C and D.... 2-196 Annual Percent FreqLrency Distribr.rticrn of S:abili-c1' Classes E and F... . . ..:. 2-1,97 ileteorolo,3ica1 i'fonitorinq Locai:i{)n }fap -u.-r,..,-;!]- ,-loo-ldriN5vtttE a-Lr7 )ionthly ){eans and Extrernes of Teuiper.'ature -i.trni.srril1e.. 2-2OA llean ;.1onth1y' Pi:ecioitaiic'rn '- Hank,;vilie.. 2-202 +nnuai Fercent. Frequenc.r- Distribution o:'"lind Dir:ec cion. - Hanksvi L ie. . Project Siie Ii;olcgy' Sampli-ng I-ocati.ons. !'/egetati-cn lia,: oi Project Site .,'li,ili.e ]loadsicie Tre:lsccI Lc,caticns .. Blanding.... iiani< sv:- L l.e Eco io gy Sar,rol i.ng i,ccet ioi-rs 2-246 1-771 2-228 2-246 2-284 Vege Eat icrn ilap of Harilisvi - ie Site l'/ildlife Ro;-rdside Transer:t Loca:ions - Hanksrril-1e.. Plate , o-l 2.10-I 2. l0-2 2. L 0-3 2. L0-4 I ',l-l 3.2-L 3.2-2 3.2-3 3. 6-1 3.6-2 3. 6-3 3.6-4 5. 1-1 6.1-1 I 0. 2-1 xxvl 11 LI ST OF PLA.TES ( Conc 1':d ed ) Page Radi.ologicaL Monitoring Location Map - Blanding.... 2-293 Soil Survey l"iap - Project Vicinity.. 2-311 Soii Survey liap - Hanksville Station Vicinity...... 2-315 Agrbient Sounci Survel, Measurement Locations - Project Vicinity. 2-319 Ambient Sound Survey Measurement Locations -Hanksviile Vicinity.... . 2-320 Artist's Rendition. 3-2 Generalized Flowsheet for the Uranium Y.ilLing Process 3-3 Generalized Flowsheet Showing Recorrery of Copper... 3-8 Generalized Flowsheet Showing Recovery of Vanadir.rm. -?-9 Blanding Buying Station. 3-23 Hanksville Buying Station. ..... 3-2lt Location of Mines Relative to Buying Stations . 3-26 Generalized Flowsheets of the Hanksville and Blanding Buying Stations. o... 3-28 Principal Iheoretical Exposure Pathwals.o. 5-2 Sketch of Typical Ground Water Monitoring Well 6-5 Alternative Areas Near Blanding for MiIl Site...... 10-3 1-1 EN!' IROI.]MEI{TAL REPORT WHITE MESA I]RANILTM PB-OJECT SAN JUAN AND WAYIIE COUNTIES, UTAH FOR ENERGY FUELS NUCLEAR, INC. I. O PR.OPOSED ACTIViTIES Energy FueIs Nuclear, Inc. proposes to construcE and operate an acid leach uranium mill- and asscciated faciiities fcr prcrducin.g ye11ow- cake uranium concentrate and, when eccncmically feasibie, iimired quanti- ties of copper and/or vanadium cifncentrates. Ore f,tr the miii feed will be provided by tvo exirsting uraniurn ore buving sEations thaE Energy Fuels i{uclear, Inc. operates. these ore bu.iing stations,lre locared near i{anksville, Wayne County, UE.ah and Blan<ling, San Juan Ccunty, Utah and have been in operation since januar;r L9i? gnd I'1ay L1)77 , resDecEively. Bo ttr btiying s Letions :eceive ore f rom independen: arrcl conrpany owned mine s '*'ithin a raciius of aborrr 100 niles (mi) of each siatiin. Yirtiiailv e1l of r-he mines suppiying ore to these buying stacirlns have cperatecl in:er- mi tt ent I-.2 io'l 20-25 vears . Energv Fuels Nuclear, Lnc. presentiy conLrols by' cw:rershr p', ieasing or contract an estimaEed 19 miliior, pounds of U_r,l,g in poEenti:r1 i:eserr,/es. These reserves inciude both Hani<svilie anci Bl-ancling a:eas andz-\have an average grarle otQi:;)ercent U:OS. I; additi.on, tire oresence of a sampling plant at the miLl locaticn and th: mij-1 aesign will allow Energy Fuels to process custom or:s. The mill and al"1 associaiecl faciiicies, incl-uding the laili"n"-: retent j-on ii)rs Eem, will be ,-ocateci on private Lanci own*d by X;ri:rg;; Fuels Nuclear, Inc. The mill sile, excludir:g the taiii.ag r€r Lerr!1on sl/stem) t,rill- Lnclude ihe exiscing Blanding ore buyi:rg sL.atir:n and'oiii occup'7 abcrut. 50 acres, of 'nhich it acres ar13 occup:r-ed by the bu_.ri-ng s raci-on. Al 1. processi-ng of c)re wil-1 be incioors and Liquirls in the ni. 1i ci::cui: wil.L be confined Ln,e cl-c'rsed systenr" Cr:nve:ltj-cnaL mi.iling raethcds r.ri11 7-2 be used to process Ehe ore, including grinding, two-stage leaching, solvenc extracEion, precipitacion and thickening, drying and packaging, Recovery of r30S is expected to be approximately 94 percent of that contained in Ehe ore. The mill is planned to have a 2,000 tons-per-day capacity and a projected life of 15 years. Coal will probably be used as fuel for both process heat and heating of buildings. The tailing retention svstem will consist of three partiall-y excavated 7O-acre celIs. Each tailing ce11 will be surrounded by an embankment and lined with an artificial membrane Eo prevent seepage. Each cel1 is designed to contain a 5-year production of tailing and each will be constructed and used sequentially. Tailing stabilization aad reclamation will be accomplished as soon as possible after each cell is filled, beginning about the fifth year of project operation for the first ceIl, abouE five years later for the second cell, aad at ihe end of the project for the third cell. The tailing retention systerc will be located adjacent to the mill site. A slurry pipeline will transport tailing by pumping from the mill to the tailing cells. Fresh water for the mi11 and potable needs will be supplied by wells. Ihe toEal fresh rrater requirement is estimated Eo be 500 gprn. 0f Ehis, an average of 380 gpm will be required for mil1 make-up water. A sepLic tank will be used t.o treaE saniEary wastes and the dis- charge will go Eo a leach fie1d. Chemical wastes frorn the laboratory will go Eo the tailing retention systeu. ElecEricity wiIl be supplied by Utah by way of an existing electric power line total eiectrical capacity requirement for 2800 KvA. Power & Lighr Public Uriliry on the site to the nill. The the rni11 is estimated to be of mill construction and commencement of The present schedule anticipates initiation by January 1979 and completion of construction t-3 operation of the mill by early 1980. A request will be made to consErucE aon-operating buildings such as office, Laboratory and warehouse in a<ivance of this schedule. The yellowcake wiIl be Eransported from the Blanding mill to Uto conversion planEs locaEed ouEside Utah. After conversion and processing into fue1, the uranium will be used for fueLing power planEs. 2-l 2.0 T}tE SITE This section includes baseliae descriptions of the physical, biological and socioeconomic aspects of Ehe environment EhaE may be affecEed by construction and operation of the WhiEe Mesa Uraniura project. 2.t SITE LOCATION AND LAYOUT The White Mesa Uraniuia Project site is in San Juan County, in southeastern Utah and the Four Corners Region (plate 2.I-l). The Four Corners Region, named for the intersection of the boundaries of LIEah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, is characterized by an arid climate, a sparse population base and diverse topography. Ii is rich in sce'nic beauEy anci mineral resources. Tourism and energy resource development have been major factors in recenE growth and urbanizati.on of the Four Corners Region. The project region, as Ehe term is generally used thrrtughoul Lhis report, is the Canyon Lands Section of the Colorado Plateau physiographic proviace. To the north, this secEion is distinctly bcundei by the Book Cliffs and Grand Mesa of the Uinta Sasin; western margins are defined by the t.ectonically controlled High Plateaus section, and the southern boundary is arbitrarily defined a}-ong the San Juan River. The east.ern boundary is less distincE where Ehe ele'rated surface of Ehe Canyon Lands section merges with the SouEhern Rock-y llountain province. The projecr vicinit;, is defined as i./hite Mesa. This is a relativellr fLat mesa of approximaEely 29,000 acres bounded on Ehe west by Westwater Creek and on the easE, by Corral tlreek, both of which are tributary to the San Juan River ( plate 2.I-2). Suriace drainage patterns cn I,Ih ite lle sa are intermittenE and poorly def ined. The principal cornmunit;v in the project vicinity is Blanding, abouE 6 miles north of Lhe project site. Tire project vici.nity is crossed in a general north-south direction by Highr.ray 163 and is primaril.7 used for livestock grazing and wildlife range. PTITE 2.I - I P|-ATE 2.2-2 2-4 The WhiEe Mesa Uranium project site is defined as Ehe toEal area owned by Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inco oesr Blanding, including the existing Blanding uranium ore buying sEation and Ehe proposed sites for the mil1, tailing retention sysEem, and associated facilities. This site is approxinately 6 mi south of Blanding, Utah, which is the nearest Eown. The project site includes all of Section 28 and portions of Sections 21, 22,27,32 atd.33 of T37S R22E (plate 2.1-3). IE comprises 1480 acres. The project site boundary shown on Plate 2.L-3 is also being used Eo define the restricted dr€3o Thus, project site and resEricted area are one and the sane as defined here. Only a sma11 portion of the project siEe will be disturbed by construction and operation of the proposed project. A total of about 77 acres (including 15 acres occupied by the existing buying starion) in the southern one-fourth of Section 28 would be disturbed at the nill site. The tailing retention systeur will occupy a ioral of about 250 acres in the NE 1/4 of Section 32 and the NI'I l/4 of Section 33. No disturbance is planned in Sections 2L, 22 and 27. No economic deposits of oil, coal or minerals are known Eo be presenE on Ehe project site. As indicated previously, Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. owns Ehe surface of the enEire project site. Ihe following adjoining properties are fee Iand: T375 R22E Section 33, SEI/4 T375 R22E Section 21, NEl/4SI^I\14 T37S R22E Section 21, Nl /2SEL/4 T37S R22E Section 22, Nl /2SwL/4 The surface of all other contiguous land is federally owned and administered by Ehe U.S. Bureau of Land ManageuenE. The existing Hanksville uraniuu ore buying station is Iocated approximately l0 mi south-southeast of Hanksville, Utah in Section 36 of T29S RllE. This is about L22 mi from ttre Blanding uranium ore buying staEion and the site of the proposed mill (P1ate 2.1-1). + PR(IIEGI SITE IIIAP (TOWNSHIP 37 S.OUTH RANGE 2? EAST) t arES I mooar Pr,rrE 2.1-3 2-6 2.2 REGIONAL DE}IOGMPHY AND I.AND USES 2.2.L Regional Setting The proposed developnent, would generat.e social and econouic impacts of varying intensities in the projecE region. Social inpacts associated wich the uranium mi1l and buyiag sEation aL Blanding would primarily affect Blanding and Monticello and, to a lesser extent, Ehe small cortr- munity of Bluff. The three tolrns are located within 30 miles of the mill site and are thus expected Eo share most of the population and economic grotrrth induced by the proposed development. The primary impact area of Ehe nill. and Blanding buying station is therefore defined as San Juan County. The county is described in detail in SecEion 2.2.2 of Ehis report, with special euphasis placed on Blanding, MonticeLlo, and Bluff. In comparison to population impacts, economic impacts of the project would affect a wider geographical area. There are no urban areas of substantial size within 50 rniles of Ehe proposed niIl site. Thus, the regional service centers of Moab, Cortez, and Grand Junction wculd experience increased eommercial activity due to population growth gen- erated by the projecE, even though t.hese cities are too far from the rnill site Eo experience noticeable, direct populatioa impacEs. The operation of the ore buying station at llanksville, in Wayne County, and the transportation of ore to Blaading affecE the socioeco- nomic impact area of the proposed de',relopment such that it inciudes the community of l{anksville, as well as the area traversed b."* Uiah Route 95. The Hanksville Eo Blanding Ersnsportation corridor includes rural- llayne and San Juan Counties and a 30-mile segurent of Garfield Corrnty. Desig- nated areas in Ehe llanksville to Blanding corridor incl'rde Ehe Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Natural Bridges National Yonument, and Manti-La Sa1 National Forest. A description of the existing environment cf E.he Hanksviile area and Ehe !ransportation route to Blanding is presented in Sectioa 2.2.3 of this report. 2.2.1.i Eistory cf the Region Sau theas Eern Uteh was sparsel-y inhab i ted bi, I.lava jc, Ute and Paiute lndians when Europear, explorers firs; entered the area in 1540. The first recorded entry by whites consisteci of a band of Spanish soldiers u'ho were sent by Coronacio Eo explore the Colorado River. Nothing more is knovm of the region until L776, when the Dominguez-Escalante expedition entered Utah as part of an effort to establish a route from Santa Fe to California. During the next 70 years Utah rdas explored by Spanish, Mexican and Americans who came as fur trappers, tradesmen en route Eo California. and missionaries. In 1846 the Mormon movemenE into Utah began, and by 1890 a Mormon nission was established in souiheastern Utah on the San Juan River. Early inhabitants of southestern Utah incluCed Indians, Mormons, and non-llormon ranchers and homesteaders. Agriculture was the predom- inant economic pursuit. and sone mining occurred in the La Sa1 and Blue Mountains. The area Jontinued as an isolated, agriculturaL region until the 195Cs, when the discovery of uranium generated a boom in population and econoraic activity. 2.2.L.2 Regional Demography The population of Utah and Coiorado is concentrated primarily in the major metropolitan areas cf each state. The Denver-Boulder metro- politan area accounted for 56 percent of the total population of Colorad,c in 1976. Sirnilarly, in 1975 the SaIt Lake City-0gden metropolitan area incorporated 65 percent of the total population of Utah. Outsi<ie of the major metropolitan areas and medium-sized cities of each slate, the resident population base is thinly dispersed throughout a wide geo- graphical area. A rugged terrain makes access to many areas difficult, and has effectively isolated much of the Four Corners region. In the general region of the proposed Blanding Uranium Project the major population centers include Moab, Utah; Durango, Cortez and Grand Junction, Colorado; and Farmington, New Mexico. Table 2.2-I sum- marizes the 1970 and 197-s populations of these cities and those of the 2-8 IA.I,LE I.Z-L POPIILATION CENTERS OF THE PROJECT REGION L970 1975Population Population Ilanksville Site -j,ilTEil- 150 2t5 260 1_?,0 140 140 10 12C 290 area is not available 1975 esLimate is by(r977). Approximate Ilighway Mileage Colorado Grand Juncti.on Cortez Durango UEah--Etanaing Monticel to B1u ff Ilanksvi 11e Moab New Mexico-Ta--irrgEon 2,2A9 ,596 24,043 6,032 10, 333 L,059 ,2732,250 1 ,431 119ana 4,793 I ,017 ,0552I, -o79 2,54L,3LL 27 ,729 6,793ll ,77 L |,202,672 2,7 58 L,726 150 150ll 4, 500 L,L43 ,827 27,802 18 rl 85 130 3A 20 140 80 160 a An official census estimate of the Hanksville because Hanksville is not incorporated. The Westinghouse En'rironmental Systems Departnent Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1976, 1977 Blandin 2-9 Primary impact communities of Hanksville, Blanding, Montieello and BIuff. 2.2.L.3 Regional Land Use and Ownership This section focuses on land use and ownership patterns within 50 niles of Blanding and Hanksville, and along utah Route 95, the Hanksville-Blanding corridor. The region includes l{ayne, San Juan and Garfield Counties, Utah, and the Cortez and Dove Creek areas in Montezuma and Dolores Counties, Colorado. The federal government owns and administers a significant proportion of land in the Four Corners Region. In San Juan County, which covers 4.9 million acres in souEheastern Lltah, the federal government owns 62 percent of the toEal land area. In south-central Utah, I.layne County encompasses 1.6 miLlion acres, 90 percent of which are federally owned. Eighty-nine Percent of Garfield Countyrs 3.3 million acres are federal land (u.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970). The Bureau of Land Manage- menE oversees the bulk of federal land in the region. This land is cl-assified as nultiple use and as such is leased for grazing, oiL an<i gas exploration, and mining clairns. Wildlife management and recreation uses also occur on BLM land (Verbal Comuunicacion, Ms. Opal Redshaw, BH, Monticello of fice, september 29, 1977). The u. s. Foresr service adminisLers 450,000 acres of the Manti-La Sal National Forest in San Juan county, 162,000 acres in wayne county, and I urillion acres of Dixie National Forest in Garfield County (U. S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970). National ForesE land is also open to multiple uses, including recreation, agriculture, and timber and mineral production. Several national parks and national monuments are located in the project region. Canyonlands National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Hovenweep National }tonument and Natural Bridges National Monument are all located within 50 miles of Blanding, Hanksville, and/or Utah Route 95. Arches llatioaaL parl:, near Moab, and Mesa verde Naticnal park, easL of cortez, are located within a 100-nile ra<iius of the project site. 2- 10 Indian land reservations comprise another major category of land in the Four Corners Region. Ttre Navajo Indian Reservation covers 24,700 square miles in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona (t"tcXinely Area Council of Governments, L977). In southeastern Utah, this reservation includes 1.2 million acres. Ihe Ute Mountain Indian ReservaEion encompasses 433,000 acres in southwestern Colorado, 107r500 acres in New Mexico and 13r500 acres adjacent Lo Ehe Navajo Reservation in San Juan County, Utah (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977). Non-federal land in the Utah portion of the project region is devoted almost exclusively Eo agricr.rlture. llowever, this agricultural use is restricted by the arid climaEe and rugge<i landforms characteristic of the region. Ihe predominant agricultural land use in souih ceni:al and southeastern Utah is grazing. Urban developuent in the region is limited to sma11, rural com- munities. Less than one percent of the total San Juan County acreage is classified as urban and transportation and this is accounied for by Monticello, Bianding and other communities along RouEe 163. In I,Iayne County, urban and transportaEion land uses represent 0.3 percent cf the cotal acreage and are concentrated in the rresEern porticn of the county along Route 24. Urban and transportation uses cover 0.3 percent of the land area of Garfield County and are found in the western part of the county, over 50 air-niles frour Route 95 (U.S. Soil Consen'ation Service, 1970). Agriculture is the major use of land in southwestern Colorado. llon-irrigated and irrigated cropland and pinyon-juniper-rockland,,-rsed primarily for grazing, are the principal types of land in the cortez and Dove Creek areas. The Ute tlountain Indian Reservation, located souEh and west of Cortez, is covered almost exclusively by pi.nyon-juniper-rockland. Urban de.relopment i-n Montezuma anC Dolores Counties is liniteC to Cortez, Mancos, Dolores, and Dove Creek (U.S. Soil Conservation Serrice, L976). 2-1t 2.2.I.4 TransporEation Facilities Ihe private autonobile is the principal node of transportation in the project region. Interstate 70, the major east-west highway in the region, passes through Utah in an area approximately 100 road-niles north of Blanding and 50 rniles north of Hanksville. U.S. Route 163, the principal north-south highway in southeastern Utah, provides access from I-70 to Blanding and terminates at its junction with Route 160 in northern Arizona. Utah Route 95 extends 134 niles from Blanding to Hanksville, and Utah Route 24 provides access from Hanksville to inter- state 70. The above highways, with the exception of Interstate 70, are 2-lane, paved roads. Ihe Denver and Rio Grande Railroad provides freight service to Moab, Richfield, Green River and other porEicns of central Utah; no rail service extends into the Blanding or Hanksville areas. Corrmercial air service to the region is linited to Cortez, Durango, and Grand JuncEion, Colorado. Frontier Air Lines sctredules flights daily to these cities. hlthough smal1 rnunicipal airports are located at Moab, Hanksville, Blanding, Monticello, Bluff and Canyonlands National Park, there is no cormercial air service to the southeastern region of Utah. 2.2.L.5 Regional Economic Base Agriculture, nining and tourism are key sectors of the economic base in the general project region. Dry bean and wheat farming and cattle produciion are the predominant agriculture in southeastern Utah and the Dove Creek area of Colorado. Mining activity, centering on uranium production, is on the upswing in the region and this is stinulating population growth and urban development throughout the Four Corn€rs 8r€8o Tourism is keyed to the many diverse natural and scenic attractions. Ihe large number of national parks, national moniments, and national forests in southern Utah and southwestern Colorado suggests that tourisur will continue to be a strong factor contributing to regional economic growth in the future. 2-L2 Several developrnents are proposed with Ehe potential to generate social and economic changes in Ehe region. These inctude the Dolores River Project, a rrater diversion projecE in Dolores and Montezuma Counties, Cotorado and the Shell 0i1 Companyts t'C0-2 Projectrt".rhich is a proposed pipeline from Cotez to Denver City, Texas for the Eransport of carbon dixoide used ia oil recovery. Developnent of the Do!.ores River Project is expecied to conmence in L978; iinal decision on Ehe CO-z Project is stil1 pending (Verbal Comounication, Mr. Ron Short, San Juan Basin Regional Planning Commission, September 6 , 1977). Ilousing and Social Service Systems Social service systems are virtually non-exisEent in the Four Corners Region outside of estabiished communities. Housing sr:pplies and related public services are found primarily within and surrounding Ehe towns. Horrslng and social services in communities within the primary socioeconomic i.mpact area are discussed in detail in Sections and . 2.2.2 Blanding Area, Southeastern L;tah This sect,ion addresses the existing social and economic environment. of southeastern Utah, the area potentially affecied by Ehe construction and operation of the proposed ni11 and by ongoing operations of the Blanding ore buying station. The primary socioeconomic impact erea is contained within San Jr:an County. Thus, Ehis section focuses on the county as a whole; however, Blan,Jing, MonticelLo and Bluff are given special aEtention where appropriaEe. Itistory of San Juan County Throughout its early history, southeastern Utah was inhabited by scattered bands of Navajo, Ute and Paiute Indians. The first recorded entry of Europeans iaEo Ehe region occurred in 1540, r"-hen a grorJp of soldiers of che army of Francisco Vazquez de Cornado'*-as sent to explore ihe Coloracio River. The party was unsuccess ful in irs aEtempts l-o cross 2-13 the river, due to steep irnpassable canyons, and turned back. Little is kao''rn cf the next 200 years, although it is assumed that occasicnal Spanish e>lpeditions took place as far as the Colorado R.iver and canyons of the San Juan River. The best recorded early jcurney into the region rrras that of the Dominguez-Escalante expedition, organized in 1776 tc establish a route from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Monterrey, California and to initiate contact with Indian tribes. The expedition entered Colorado at a point near Pagosa Springs, passed the present day sites of Durango and Dolores, and entered Utah near La Sal. The party then turned north- ward through the Grand Va11ey and crossed the Colorado River at Moab. By the time the group reached Sevier Lake in western Utah, winter weather had begun to set in; the voyage was therefore abandoned, and expedition members returned to Santa Fe. Although the Dorninguez-Escalante expedi- tion failed in its uajor purpose, the trip nevertheless provided the best documentaEion of the area at that time. This and other early Spanish forays into southeastern Utah helped to develop what was to become the Old Spanish Trail, the most important route through the region during the early 1800s. During the century following the Doninguez-Escalante expedition, southeastern Utah was explored by Spanish, American and Mexiean tradesmen en route to California, fur trappers and missionaries. Initially, Mexicans domiaated comrercial trade between New Mexico and California. American tradesmen came later, following the early trappers who were atEracted Eo the La Sa1 and Blue (Abajo) Mountains in southeastern Utah during the I820s and I830s. By 1841, regul-ar euigration to California began, producing a sEeady stream of travellers Ehrough Utah. Although Mormon settters began moving into Utah in 1846, San Juan County was not inhabited by whites until the late 1800s. Indians pre- sented a constant threat to settlement of southeastern Utah. However, relations between the early llormons and the federal government were strained; thus, the U.S. Army rras not requested to assist in establishing peace with the Indians. ,-'t t, Ranchers from Colorado began Eo roove into San Juan CounEy i.n 1877, followed soon Ehereafter by Mormon missionaries and farmers. In 1878 the leaders of the Moraon Church directed a group of foiiowers Eo construcg a trail fron Escalante, in south-central Utah, to the San Juan River. The expedition started out in April 1879 and arrived ar Bluff rhe following year, after cutting a wagon trail Ehrough some of the m,ost desolate, rugged territory on the continent. A mission was established in 1880 near the San Juan River in an attempt to initiate peaceful contact with the Indians and to ProtecE the area from takeover by non-l'lormr:ns. As the Mormon mission grei, into a cooperative agricultural village, Ehe Indians learned to tolerate whites, traded with them and limired vio- lence Eo the occasional theft of livestock. In return, the white set- tlers tolerated the Indians and minimized the establishurent of outsid,e (i.e., U.S. Arny) control. Two distinct socieEies gre$, up in southeastern Utah in the latter part of the 19ch century. In Moab, La Sal and other northern portions of the region, Ehe population was heavily non-Mormon and conformeri to the traditional ideal of a rrestern fronlier sociery. Rugged indivitiualism was the dominant characteristic of the northern populaticn, whi.cir nas composed primarily of cattle ranchers, niners and homesteaders. in contrast, southern san Juan county rras inhabited primarily by Mormons atEempting to establish an agricultural village society. The church, and not individual fortune, rras the major influence over early Mormon pioneers. During the early years of inhabitation of San Juan Couniy, Ehree major grouPs of residents, including Inriians, l{onnons and ranchers, coexisted in a less ihan peaceful fashion. Confrontation between the groups was less Ehan bloody, but constant. The county was formally established in I880 (perkins, et al., l9S7; peEerson, lg75). Monticelto lras established as a Morrnon mission in 1888. Initial growth of the area \.ras siow, due to uncerEainty over \rater rights, which rrere in litigation at [haf Eime, and Ehe possibility of Ehe federai government designating the area an Inrlian Reservation. Frequent cowboy brawls further lessened the desirability of living in Monticello. In 2-15 1906 ihe town rdas described by one traveler from the east as "a wild place in the road," inhabited by 30 Mormon families (Perkins, et aI., 1957). In 1910, the town of MonEicello was incorporated anci had 64 registered voters. Farning and cattle and sheep ranching were the principal economic pursuits of early Monticello residents. In the early 1880s, the L.C. Ranch rdas established by a wealthy widow, Mrs. Lacey, on lhe south side of the BIue Mount.ains near what was to become Blanding. Ilorurons graduall), began moving into the area and by 1905 the coumunity, called Greyson, had a population of four farnilies. In 1906 five more fanilies moved in, and by 1916 the name of the town was changed and Blanding became an incorporated cornrrunity. During this tiure Blanding receil.,ed a substantial influx of Monnon families frcm Mexico who were driven array by the Mexican revolution (Perkins, et al., 1957). San Juan County remained an isolated, agricultural area until the I950s, when uranium and oi1 discoveries spurred significant popu- lation growlh. Uraniun activity and population growEh rates slackened in the 1960s, and oi1 production, agriculture and tourism formed the eco- nomic mainstay of the area until 1975, when uranium production intensi- fied once again. Today, San Juan County is a rural area experiencing rapid growth due to mineral exploration. 2.2.2"2 Demography of San Juan County The largest county in Utah in terms of acreage, San Juan County is sparsely inhabited, with a 1977 population of 13,368. The 1977 average density of the county rras L.7 persons per square mi1e, compared to a statewide density of 14.6 persons per square mile in 1975. Table 2.2-2 sumrnarizes the population distribution of the county and indicates that Blanding and Monticel 1o , the county I s largesE communities , together account for 40 percent of the total resident population. Navajo Indians, most of whom reside on or near the Navajo Reservation, total 61000 and represent 45 percent of the county total. Ute Mountain Indians residing at white Mesa number 295 (written Communication, San Juan County Clerk and Recorder, March 1977). 2-15 TABLE 2.2-2 popuLATIoN ESTTMATES, SAN JUAN CotNTy, MARCH 1977 San Juan County Blanding MonticelloBluff Navaj os Wtrite Mesa Aneth total 13 ,368 city 3,075surrounding 250 2,208 280 ,6000(Ute Mountain Indians ) Source: Mexican Hat Monument Valley MonEezuma Creek Cedar Point Eastlaad & Horsehead Ucolo Bug Point La Sa1 Lisbon Valley Boulder & rrMrr Ranch Spanish Val1ey San Juan County Clerk and Recorder, 295 93 99 92 200 59 L32 i04 10 378 19 15 59 1977 2-t7 Growth of San Juan County since the l95Cts has been largely influ- enced by developments in the uraniun i-ndustry. The populaEion of the county increased by 70 percent from i950 to 1960, concurrent r^rith the region's first surge in uranium mining activity. From 1960 to 1970, the county population base experienced only a minimal (6 percerrt) increase. Since the early 1970s, however, San Juan Councy and its principal com- munities have experienced a steadily increasing population due to renewed interest in uranium nining and related activities. As Table 2.2-3 indi- caEes, the 1975 county population was 11,964, representing a 24.5 percent increase since 1970. From i975 to 1977, the growth rate increased and in I"larch 1977 the county reached a population of 13,368. Since 1975 Bluff an<i Monticelio have outpaced the rest of the.county in terms of growth, while Blanding's growth has almost matched the countywide 11.7 percent increase. Demographic Characteristics Table 2.2-!+ summarizes selected deurographic characteristics for San Juan CounEy and Utah and indicates significant social and econonic differences between ihe countyrs population and that of the state as a who1e. The countyrs population is heavily non-white, and native Americans account for most of this segment. The county had a signifi- cantly higher proportion of residents with less than 5 years of schooling and an overall lower median educational attainment than the statewide a\rerage. The median family income of San Juan County residents repre- senied only 70 percent of Ehe stateride median family income. A1so, 33 percenE of the farnilies of San Juan County were below Ehe poverty 1eve1 in 1969, compared to 9 percent throughouE Ehe state. Seasonal Population Southeastern Utah experiences a significant influx of tourists each yearo Table 2.2-5 surnnarizes visitor statistics for recreation areas in the region. The figures reveal variations in visitor use of each area, with an overall increasing trend at each location other than Manti-La Sal National Forest. TABI.E 2.2-3 HISTORICAL POPULATION ESTII'{ATES, BLANDING AREA PercenE Increase, Prl rcen E Increase,1950 1960 L97O 1973 1975 1970 to 1975 1977 1975 to 1977 San Juan County 5,315 9,040 9,606 11,303 11,964 24.5 13,368 ll.7 Blanding 1,177 ,,"u 2,250 2,651 2,768 23.0 Monti.cetlo 1,172 ,r"" 1,431 1,651 L,726 20.6 Blu ff aana- na t 19 140 150 26.1 3,075 11.1 2,208 27 .g 280 86.7 ana denotes data are noL available, because cornmunities of lees than 2,500 residents rirere not conEained in cerEain census reports. Sources: 1950 to 1975 estimates from U.S. Bureau of Census, 1960,1977 1977 esti.mates from San Juan County Clerk , 1977 N) I @ 2-19 I4nt r_2. z-+ SELECTED DE}IOGMPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, SA}I JUAN COUI,ITY COMPARED TO LITAH, 1970 San Juan Count'r Tocai Population Race Wh ite Other (ii) Foreign Born (Z) Leading CounEry of Origin Educat ion Medfan School Years Conopleted ( Population 25 years and over) Percent of Populationwith less than 5 years Percent of Population with 4 years of college or more Ase Median Age Percent under 5 years Percent 5-17 Percent 18-64 Percent 65+ Income, 1969 Median Farnily Incorne ($) Percent of Families Below Low Income Level Housing - occupied unit (number) Average persons per unit Lacking Soue or all PlumbingFacilities (Z) With 1.01 or more personsper roorn (Z) Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1973 9,606 5,153 46.4 5.2 Mexico 10.7 27 .0 8.8 18.0 r3. 9 36. 0 45 .6 4.5 6,601 33.2 2,206 4.3 32.2 39 .8 Utah i,059 ,273 1 ,033 , gB0 2.4 t2.4 United Kingdom 12.5 2.0 14. 0 23.0 10. 6,,o A 52.5 7.3 9,320 ot 297 ,934 3.5 1.9 10. 0 2-20 TABLE 2.2.5 VISITOR STATISTICS. RECREATION AREAS SOUTHEASTtrNN UIAN, Area Glen Canyon N.R.A. Canyonlands N.P. Manti-La Sal National Foresi(visitor days)b Capitol Reel ll.P. Ilovenweep N.M.c Natural Bridges N.M. Visitors (Thousands) 1974 1975 t97 6 L977 (Jan-Seot) 60 .8 52.6 59 .0 71 .8 80.0 t97 2 105 .3 272.0 L2.L 58.5 t973 100.9 311 .2 12.0 1,., -, 88 .7 234.0 11 .0 40. 3 7 6.4 292.L l1 , 48.4 469.6 t9.4 '7 1 0 A'rg ) 57 .3 dna 364.2 (thru 16.2 67.L Sal A 12 hours. tDrt. refer to actual visitations for each area excepE Manci-La National Forest. Here, data indicate recreation .risitor days.visitor day is the equivalent of I person entering an area for br"a" refer to the Monticello Ranger District only. "D.t" refer tc the Square Tower R.uin Unit, near Blanding. dlrdi"ra"s data not available. 2-21 Projected PopuLation Tabl.e 2.2-6 presents population orojections for Utah and San Juan County. The "high" projection, based on the assumptions of a gradual decline in mortality, constant fertility and positive net migration, fcrecasts a population of 33,300 in San Juan County by the year 2000, representing a 160 percent increase over the I975 population leve1. In comparison, the high projection for the State shows a 78 percent increase from 1975 to 2000. A population base of 33,300 in San Juan County would represenE a density of 4.3 persons per square mile, significantly lower than the 1975 statewide average of 14.6 persons per square mile. Comparing these growth projections Eo esiimates by the U.S. Bureau of Census and the San Juan County Clerk reveals thaL actual growth from 1970 to 1975 was below the "low projection," defined as a gradual decline in urortality, constaat fertility and no neE nigraEion. However, from 1975 to 1977 the county apparently began to caEch up vith Ehe projections outlined in Table 2.2-5. From 1975 to L977, the county population in- creased approximately 5.9 percent annual1y. If this rate continues, the 1980 population of San Juan County would be 15,730, approxirnately midway between the high and low projections for that year. Population Wirhin A 5-Mi1e Radius of the MiI1 Site The area r^rithin 5 miles of the proposed miIl site is predominantly agriculEural land owned by residents of Blanding (Verbal Communication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, September 7, 1977). One farm- house, located approximately one mile north of the nil1- site, is owned by a couple residing in Blanding and rented to a family of four (Verbal Co"rmunication, l'lrs. Clisbee Lyman, November 2, 1977). A mobile home associated with a service staEion at the intersection of Routes 95 and 163 is occupied by 4 people (Verbal Communication, Mr. Wil1ie Tortlita, Vowe1l and Sones 0i1 Co., L977); this is within 3 miles of the mi11 site. Three persons live at the Blanding airport approximately 3.5 niles north of the project area, In addition, an average of 30 to 40 persons fly in and out of the airport each day (Verbal Corrnunication, Mr, John Hunt, Manager, Blanding Airport, November 2, 1977). TABLE 2.2.6 POPI'LATION PROJECT TOWS" Utah high 1ow San Juan County high 1ow Percent Increase, 19 75-20001 975b L,2!6,843 r,206,584 i2,816 L2 ,716 1980 I ,420,553 I ,302,815 L7 ,373 L3,954 2000 2,L63,927 1,655,529 33,300 Lg ,753 1990 1 ,903, gg5 1,484,231 26,002 16,9L7 78 31 160 55 'Figlrr", shown indicate high and 1ow projections; (see text fordefinitions); high medium and low medium are also presented in the reference. blr.S. Census esEimaEes for 1975 indicate a sEatewide population of L,202,572, which is below the "1ow[ projection presented in thistable. In San Juan County, 1975 population was 11,964, which isalso betow the "1ow" projection. Source: Utah Agricultural ExperimenE Station, December 1976, Population ProjecLions by Age and Sex for Utah Counties, r9 70-2000. 2-23 Southeast of the proposed mill site is White Mesa, a community of 295 Ute Mountain Indians. Ihe homes associated with White Mesa are dispersed throughout a 4 to 5-mile area, and the northern edge of the cornmunity is approximately 3.5 iniles south of the mi11 site. It is estimated that eight to ten of the families in White Mesa reside within 5 miles of the projecE area. This woulC represent between 60 and 75 persons, assuming an average of 7.4 persons per householC in the com- munity (Verbal Communications, Mr. Cleal Bradford, Utah Navajo Development Council and Ms. Anne Robinson, Ute Mountain Tribal Housing Authority, November 2, 1977). Plate 2.2-7 summarizes pennanent population esEimates of Ehe area within about 7 rniles of the propose<i mi11 site. Utah Rouie 163, the major north-south highway in southeastern UEah, provides access to the proposed ni11 sii.e from Blanding. The ni11 would be located approxi- mately one-half mil-e rrest of this highway. In 1975, the average daily traffic on Route 163 at a point eight rniles south of Blanding was 740 vehicles. Between 27.5 percent and 32.49 percent of this traffic con- sisted of out of state vehicles; from 7.5 to 12.49 percent consisted of treavy truck traffic (Utatr Department of Transportation, 1976). Land Use and Ownership The souEheast corner of Utah, known as the Canyonlands area, is characEerized by a dry climate and a rugged terrain feaEuring rocky buttes, mesas, escarpments, and narrorr canyons. These landforms have resulted in limited access to the region and. together with the arid climace, have restricEed agricultural and urban development. At the same time, unique rock formations and ancient Indian ruins, found in abundance in southeastern Utah, have made the area an increasingly popular des- tinaEion for tourists. Land ownership patterns of San Juan County are dominated by federal and Indian land, which encompass approxinately 60 percent and 25 percenE, respectively, of the total county land area. In San Juan County, Indian land includes over 1.2 million acres of the Nava.jo Reservation and 13,500 PLATE 2.2-I 2-25 acres of the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation, adjacent to the Navajo R.eservaEion on the north (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, l97l). In addi- tion, the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Canyonlands National Park, Manti-La Sal National Forest, and numerous national and state monurtrents in the county are well known tourist and recreation sites. Federal land is typically classified as oulitple use and, as such, is leased for grazing, oi1 and gas exploraEion, nining claims, Eimber production, and wildlife management (verbal comnunication, Ms. 0pa1 Redshaw, BLM, Monticallo Office, september 29, LglT). The Bureau of Land Hanagement adminisLers the largest portion of federal land in San Juan County, consisting of approxioately 2 million acres. Ihe National park service has responsibility for 570,000 acres, the u.s. ForesE service manages 450,000 acres, and the Bureau of Recramation oversees 1r200 acres in San Juan County (utatr SEate ForesEry and Fire Contro1, l975). Prirrate l-and accounts for only 8 percent of san Juan county's 4.9 million acres. TabIe 2.2-7 outlines land ownership paEterns in the county and PlaEe 2.2'2 depicts the location of designated lands in the general region. Approximately 40 percent of San Juan County is non-federal land, devoted almost exclusively to agriculEure. Aridity has a pronounced effect on agricultural land uses; the growing seasons are extremely variable, and summer heat causes evaporation to substancially exceed precipitation (Battelle Memorial Institute, Lg72). As a result, grazing is the predominant agricultural land use, and crop production is cenEered on dry farming, which produces primarily wheat and beans. Table 2.2-g summarizes land use a(:reages for the county. Residential, commercial and industrial land uses are Iimited Eo smal1, rural communiEies; there are no sizeable cities in san Juan county. Population centers occur primariry along u.s. Route lb3, Ehe region's principal north-south highway. The largest connnunities in the county are Blanding and l{ontice11o. Urban and Eransportation iand uses accounE for 0.3 percenE of the Eotal Iand area of san Juan countv. 2-26 TABLE 2.2-7 LAND OWNERSHIP IN SAN JUAN couNTY, 1967 Acres Percent of CounEy TotalOwnership Federa I Indian Private State Urban and Transportation Sma11 Watero Total 2,985 ,630 r,247 ,563 416,600 325,3L7 15 ,253 997 4,ggl ,360 59.8 25.0 8.3 6.5 0.3.b acres and streams less thanalnc ludes rdater one-eight mile bl"r, than 0.1 areas of. 2 to 40in width. percent. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1970 \ n."- isl- gucxxoex -19* a ffi, -\ FLA| qv 5. 4,= H;h-!,'--:-.r I *,eli $.* .s ^ ',,,, . n^.'-^ #lu e" M ,le i R ". ,,.r^rffi "'l -"tr: 'zl ,lf s(" "t .e"oudl ry ."r$o UJ 1 (y'|. ,..N Frrr. tm' t ,.a/ "''",)l f "'"'c I ( or.t' ilt!! '--il 1i \lr /)r. t,-' E I BhA BUY t lt\I il lt il l-,.,$, )o' rr' t:\\ n an "'.; Y.l : Ff- Sd a. o+ 4r,^ \.,"I dr.,E;'i li\1.=("=**FBi-\-.=_"#/.* l-="fO.Lr) *o=d. ,/-\il-w - '\ .-j=) o.'' Eb.ra VJb, o, ora Oo.t \ li"-trL}I ,Ut,)t ir Ihd. lla.t . _m. rcn. t?LA7EAUr hb' \ rElc JrlnntcPd o||do DESrGllATEll tAt{lls !ll S(IUTHEASTER]I UTAH 3CALE II{ FEET DATI' ! TOOII I.NAVA lon.lr rd. . rr. !-l rrh .l x.y.nh 2't*ax . - -.+\ (r li*-.f - hEi6xrirr l- 2-28 TABLE 2.2.8 LAND USE EXCLUDING Acres IN SAN JUAN CoUNTY, FEDERAL LAND,^ tg67 Cropland Irrigated Non-irrigated PasEure Range Fores t 0Eher Urban and TransporEation Small raterb Total Non-Federal Land Federal Land Total County Acreage 146,016 7,111 138 ,905 .60,53I r,263 ,007 462,318 57 ,608 15,253 997 2,005 , 730 2 ,985 , 630 4,ggr,36a Percent of Total Non-Federal 7.3 0.4 6.9 3.0 63 .0 23.0 2.9 0.8 100.0 "W"t". areas of more than 40 acres and rivers wider than one-eighEh mile are also excluded. blncludes water ares of 2 to 40 acres and sEreaos less than one-eighth uile in width. "L"", than 0.1 percent. Source: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970. 2-29 Land Use Within a 5-Mi1e RaCius of the Site Ihe prcposed ui11 would be located near the existing Energy Fuels Blanding ore buying station, approxirnately 6 rniles south of Blanding. Access to Ehe site is provided via 11.S. Route 163 from Blanding. The surrounding area is predominantly agricultural, consisting of grazir.g land, limited cropland, and some pinyon-juniper areas. A snal1 airpark is locaEed 2.5 miles north of the proposed mill site, and another uranium ore buying station operated by Plateau Resources, Ltd., is located near the intersection of Utah Route 95 and Route 163, approximately 2.5 rniles north of the Energy Fuels property.A sma11, highway-related coumercial establishment is also located at this intersection. An access road to a U.S. Army installation intersects Route 163 approximately 1.2 miles north of rhe Energy Fuels turnoff. This is a radar facility and is part of the Blanding Launch Site of the Utah Launch Cornplex, operated by the llhite Sands Missile Range. Several small buildings connected with this opera- tion are located approxinately 0.5 to I mile east of Route 163. In additioa, the actual Launch Site is in Section 2 of Township 38S, Range 21 E, apprcximately four uiles southwest of the proposed mill site. The Blanding Launch site has.not been used for five or six years, due to military budgetary constraints. The possibility of future operation of the site is under study by the Army (Verbal Communications, Mr. Ed lftrite, Public Affairs, White Sands Missile Range, and Mr. F. Sedillo, Facilities Planning, White Sands Missile Range, Januarv L7, 1978). The northern edge of the Ute Mountain Indian comnunity of White Mesa lies within 3.6 miles of the proposed nill site. The homes of White Mesa residents are located on both sides of Route 163 and extend in a north-south direction for approximately 3-4 mi1es. Transportation Facilities The highway system in San Juan County consists of two-lane paved highways and sma1ler, unimproved roads. U.S. Route 163, the major north-south highway in rhe region, extends from Interstate 70 to Route 160 in northern Arizona. IntersEate 70 is approximately 100 miles north of Blanding, and cuts through Grand County north of Uoab. 2-30 Utah Route 95 provides access frou Blanding to western San Juan County, Glen Canyon and Hanksville. This road has been designated Ehe Bicentennial Highway because its paving was completed in Lg76. The average 1975 daily traffic volume of highways in the region is summarized in Table 2.2-9. The table indicates that the point of heaviest traffic flow in San Juan County occurred near Monticello, where 2685 vehicles per day were counted on Route IG3. The figures also indicate a high proportion of out of state vehicles in the area. Although complete Eraffic volume data are not available for Lg77, estimates have been made for flows near Hanksville and Monticello. For the L975 to 1977 interval, t,he daEa reveal an increase of 33 percent in traffic on Route 9-5 south of Hanksville, and a 43 percent increase on Route 163 near Monticello (Utatr Depart.ment cf Transpcrtation, June 1977). There is no rail or air service to San Juan County. The closest rail connection is in lloab, to which the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway provides freight service. Although nunicipal airports are located in Blanding, Bluff, Monticello, and canyonlands National park, regularly scheduled commercial air service is not provided to souEh- eastern UEah. Grand Junction and Cortez, Colorado are the locations of the closest airline connecEions (Utatr Industriai Development Inforaation System, L973). There is no bus service to San Juan County, provides intercity bus service to Moab. Continental Trailways Economic Base San Juan, Grand, Carbon and Emery Counties comprise the Southeastern utah Planning DisErict, one of the most rapidly growing areas of the state. Coal and uranium development is the major impelus behind recent growth trends. Mining, consEruction, transportaEion, finance, and services are the areas exhibitint the fasiesL gains in ernployarent during Highway Utah Route U.S. Route 163 Utah Route 276 Utah Rotrte 263 Utatr Route 261 aTwo figures in this colunrn on the Traffic Volume Map. one tocaEion. Source: Traffic Volume Map, TABLE 2.2_9 TRAFFIC VOLtn{[, 1975 9"g31e"t_ Blanding to Natural Bridges N.M. NaErrral Bridges to tlite Hite to Hanksville Honticello to La Sal Junction tlonEicello to Blanding Blanding to Utah Route 262. turnoff Utah Route 262 to Bluff Bluf f to llexican Hat Route 95 to Bullfrog Basin aE Glen Canyorr RouLe 95 to Halts Crossi.ng at Glen Canyon RouEe 95 to l{exican Hat 25- 35 130 given for different points a traffic count !,ras taken at Average Da il.y Traffic Counts Approximate Percentage of Out of State Passenger Traffic 95 310 95 sio 560 220 290 2685 I 895 925 to7" 201l to% 207" 207" t2'" ,riz 407" 257" 207" 507" 207" 357" 257" 307" 95 1490 860 740 l.J I(, represent a range of values One figure i.ndicates Ehat on 1y Utah DepartmenL of Transportation, 1976. 2-32 the year ending July L977. During this time, total nonagricultural payroll employment in the region increased by 11400, almost half of which was due to mining (UtaH Department of Emplo)'Erent Securiiy , 1977). The econonic base of San Juan County is heavily tied to the mineral extraction, agriculture and tourism industries. This county is the targest uranium producer in Utah and had several large mines and numerous internediate-sized nines active in SepEember 1977. One of the two uranium mills in the state is located near La Sal, in San Juan Countyl the second ui11 is located in Moab, approximately 7O ariles north of Blanding (Written Communication, Larry Trinble, Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, September 29, 1977). In addition t.o uranium, naEural gas and crude oil are the principal resources under development in south- eastern Utah. The Aneth Oil Field, located in souEhern San Juan County, is Ehe second largest field in Utah. Although oil production has been <ieclining since L974, it is sti1l an iuportanE source of enploymenE and income in the region. In 1976, oil production in San Juan County totaled 9.8 million barrels, representing a decline af 2.5 percent from Ehe 1975 level of production. In contrast, natural gas production has beeir increasing steadily since 1975 (Utah Department of Employnent Security, Lg77). Historically, agriculture has played a major role in the developmeni of San Juan County. Due Eo an arid climate and rugged terrain, cattle and sheep grazitg and dry land farming are the ruajor agricultural acEiv- ities. The principal crops produced in the county are wheat and beans (Verbal Communication, Mr. Lyman, Manager, Blanding Oifice of Enploynent Security, September 7, 1977). AgriculEural produetion sratistics for 1974 are summarized in Table 2.2-L0. IE should be noted that, although data are not avgilable for bean production on a countl/ basis, it is an important iten in San Juan County. In 1975, the statewide production of .iry beans was rralued at $600,000 ( State of Utah, DepartmenE of Agriculture, 1977). I tern Wheat 0a t.s Barley Corn for Grain or Seed Corn for Silage Po tatoe s Hay and Grass Silage Alfalfa Hay Wild Hay Cattle and Calves Sheep and Lambs iiogs Chickens over 2 mos. ?ABLE 2.2-iA CROP PRODUCTION AND LIVESTOCK INVENTORY, sAN JUAN CoIINTY , 1974 Unit of Measurement Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Acres 1 00-we igh t Tons Tons Tons Number llumber Number Number Produc t ion 566,3t6 10,510 9,962 637 300 438 9,517 6,233 25 25,266 11 ,894 526 2,244 Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1974. 2-34 San Juan County offers a wide variety of scenic and histori.c fea- tures thaE draw tourists from a large geographical area. Tourisu appears to be on the upswing in southeastern Utah; in 1976 tourist rcom sales in San Juan CounEy, as well as t,otal taxable sates, exhibited a 14 percent increase over I975 leveIs, and tourist activity during 1977 has promised to reach even higher 1eve1s (Utatr DepartmenE of Employment Security, L977; Verbal Communication, Manager, Blanding 0ffice of Employroent Security, September 7, L977), The iurportance of tourism' is reflected in rates of enployment in retail and service sectors. Table 2.2-Ll summarizes euployment by industry in San Juan Couniy and indicates that mining and government are the two largest sources of employment in the county. These two sectors accounted for 50.6 percent of total county employment in April L977. Trade, services and agricul- ture are other important sources of employemnt in the county. Manufacturing in San Juan County in Blanding and four in Monticello. a varieiy of goods is produced by the establishment ranges froo less than 10 is lioited to four establishments As summarized in Table 2.2-12, locat f irns. Emplolment at each to 199. According to a I972 study, southestern Utah is deficient in key factors that are conducive to in<iustrial growth. The lack of skilled labor, an absence of industrial buildings, the unavailability of financ- ing, inadequate housing supplies and poor access to materials have been cited as the major barriers to industrial development in southeastern Utah (Battelle Memorial Laboratories, I972). Table 2.2-L3 sumoarizes labor force and employment in San Juan County and indicates that employmenE growth has outpaced increases in the labor force since 1975. The unemployment rate for the county declined from a 1975 average of 10.6 to 8.6 in July 1977. For the same time periods, the statewide average unemployment rates lrere 7 .2 and 5.1, respectively. Higher than average unemplol'ment in southeastern Utah is EIIPL0YI,IENT BY INDUITRY, SAN JUAN COUNTY. 1976 Average 2-35 TABLE 2.2-11 Percent of Total 90.3 28.1 ,( 6.1 5.3 t2.4 0.8 10. 6 24.6 9.7 April i977 Nonagricul tural Payroll Employnent ToEal Mining ConEract Construction Manufactur ing Trans port at ion , Communic at ion ,uril iries Wholesale, Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Servi ce s Government Agricul tural Employment Total Payroll and Agricul tural Employment aPreliminary Estimates Source: Utah Department 2,793 100.0 2,576 100.0 Number 2,523 784 10 169 L47 347 22 296 688 270 Number 2,306 683 43 140 139 353 22 305 621 274 Percent of total 89. 5 26.5 1.7 5.4 <t, L3.7 0.9 11 .8 24.t 10. 5 of Employment Security, 1977 2-36 TABLE 2.2-12 LOCATION OF MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS, sAN JUAN CoUNTY, 1977-1978 Location Fi.rm Product Blanding Canyonlands 21st Secondary Smelting CenEury Corp. and Refining HursE Cabinet Shop Wood Kitchen Cabinets 1-9 Southern Utah Indus tries C1 oth ing Enployment Range 25-49 100-1 99 t-9 Ihin Bear Indian Arts and Crafts Jewelry Monticello Blue Mountain Meats, Inc. lleat Packiag 25-49 Four-Point DeerProcessing Meat PackinC 1-9 San Juan Record Newspaper 1-9 Youngs Machine Co. Mining l,lachinery 10-24 Source: Utah Job Serviee, 1977 !-51 TABLE 2.2-13 CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYI'IENT, AND UNEMPLOYI'IENT RATES IN SAN JUAN COUNTY July 1977 Labor Force 4,270 Employed Personsa 3,903 Unemployment Rate 8.6 t97 6 4,409 3 ,980 9.7 t97 5 4,211 3,763 I0.6 tThi" total does not correspond to the ernployment total in Table 2-11 because it is a broader caEego::y, including the self-ernployed, unpaid family and domestics. Table 2-11 includes agricultural and non-agricultural payroll ernployment only. Source: L977 estimate from the Blanding Office of Ernployment Security 1975, 1976 esti[0ates from Utah Department of Employment Security, 1977. 2-38 due partly to the seasonal nature which are importanE sources of jobs agriculture and tourism, both of the area. In addition to the unemployed, a number of local residents who have jobs but are actively seeking alternative ernployment have registered with Ehe Blanding office of Employuent Security. In the firsc three months of L977, that office reported over 800 active job applicants. The occupa- tional characteristics of the applicanEs, sumuarizeC in Table 2.2-L4, indicate that a substantial labor pool exists in categories related to the construction and machine Erades. The data suggest that Energy Fuels may be able to hire a significant proportion of iEs work force from the loca1 labor poo1. It should be noted that probleurs associate,l with unemployment and underemploymenE are not shared equally by all area residents. rn April 1977 the Navajo Nation contained a potential labor force of 65,600; 16 percent of these people irere unemployed and actively seeking work. of the 40,000 tribal uembers who were employed at that time, 2l pe::cent were earning less than $5,000 per year (Navajo Area office of vital statisEics, 7977 ,\. rn the Blanding area, 76 perceat of the active job applicants in early I977 were Indians (Utatr Department of Employment SecuriEy, L977). Per capita income in san Juan county was $3,300 in L976, represent- ing only 51 percent of the statewide average of $5,400. Table 2.2-15 indicates that, while income in San Juan County has remained well below the statewide average since 1973, its rate of growth has exceeded that of the state's in the recent past. rncome in Ehe county can be expected Eo continue to rise due to increased industrial and commercial activity. The forces which are exPected to contribuEe to future economic growth in San Juan County are surmarized below. Uranium of in produc t ion. - Mining activity in san Juan county is centered on uranium Almost 100 new mining jobs opened up in the county during the year ending in july !977, which have stimulated retail trade, 2-39 TABLE 2.2-14 OCCUPATIONAL CI{AMCTERISTICS QUARTER ENDTNG, 3-31-77 , Total Applicantsa Pr:of es s ional , Technical , Ilanagerial Clerical, Sales Service Farm, Fisheries, Forestry Processing Machine Trades Bench Lrork Structural Work Miscellaneous OF JOB APPLICANTS, BLA}IDI}IG AREA 638 57 60 122 79 5 47 75 285 108 alncludes persons were employed at actively seeking employneni, the tine. some of r*rom Source: Utah Departnent of Employment Security,Job Service, 1977 2-40 TABLE 2.2.15 PER CAPITA INCoME, SAltr JUAN Cotrlrfi col,rPARED T0 THE STATE, L973-L975(Dol1ars ) Percent Increase1973 1974 1975 1976 1973-1976 Utah 4,100 4,500 4,900 5,400 32 San Juan Corrnty 21100 2,500 3,000 3,300 57 Source: 1973-1974, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis 1975-1976, Utah Department of Emplo)ment Security, Research and Analysis SecEion 2-41 residenLial cor:strucEion, and oEher service industries (Utah Department of Enploynent Security. 1977). In addition to the Energv Fuels buying station, a uranium ore buying station is in operation in the area south of Blanding, and Ehere is a possibility that the operator, Plateau Resources, Ltd., will construct a uranium mi11 (Verbal Communication, Manager, Blanding Employment Security 0ffice, September 7, 1977). The exact number of active mines in Ehe county is not known but is estimated to be 100-200, the najority of r.rhich are relatively sma11. Since 1975 regional uranium activity has intensified. and the Energy Fuels and PlaEeau Resources buying stations have been partially responsible for this upswing (Written Communication, Mr. Larry Trimble, Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, September 1977). Navajo Reservation - The Utah Navajo Development Council (UNDC) oversees a long-term fund for the development of housing, cultural, educational and health facilities and agricultural capabilities on the Reservation. The fund is designed to benefit. Navajo Indians in San Juan County. One major project of the UNDC is the construction of the Broken Arrow Center, a Native American cultural center adjacent to the new Edge of Cedars State Park near Blanding. Upon completion, the center is expected to coniribute substantially to the tourism/recreation industry in the Blanding area (Verbal Communication, llanager, Blanding 0ffice of Employment Security, September 7, 1977). Construction of a marina on the San Juan branch of Lake Powe11 has been proposed by a private company. The marina, currently in the early planning stages, will be located on the Navajo Reservation and will further stinulate recreational activity in Ehe general area (Verbal Communication, Manager, Blanding Office of Enployment Security, September 7, t977). Support Services - Contiuned uranium, natural gas and oi1 production will ensure a strong demand for transportation and 'other industrial support services in the future. The Moab to Blanding corridor is ex- pected to be used heavily Eo transport supplies to southeast.ern Utah from 2-42 Moab, the location of the closest rail Mr. M.B. Lincoln, Manager, Moab 0ffice 9, 1977). Also, increased tourism and industrial development will furEher service industries in the county, Montice I 1o. connecrion (VerbaI Communication, of Employnent Security, September regional poputation growth due to stinulate the construcEion and in particutar in Blandi:rg and Housing and Public Services San Juan Count;r provides a range of public services, including general administration, police and fire protection, mainteRance of roads and health and recreation facilities, and television reception. Table 2.2-16 sunmarizes L975 and 1976 General Fund expenditures of the county and indicates that road maintenance is the largest expense, representing 43 percenE of total General Fund expenditures in 1975. Public Services in Blanding The populaEioa of Bianding grew by approximately 4.6 percent per year from 1970 to L975. Since 1975, growth has accelerated to a rate of almost 8 percent annua11y, primarily due to increased uranium mining activiEy. City officials expect Blanding to reach a population of 4,500 by 1981, which represents an annual growth rate of approximately 10 percent (Verbal Cornmunication, Mr. Bud llielson, Blanding CiEy Manager, 0ctober i2, Lg?7). Planning for growth is an ongoing process in Blanding, tied to expectaEions of a population of 4,500 by 1981. City officials appear confident that conEinual improvement of facil.ities will enable the city to keep up with incrased dernand in the future; services will be provided as a response to growth on an as-needed basis (Verbal Communication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, October, 12, 1977). Table 2.2-17 sumrarizes budgeted General Fund Expenditures for fiscal year Lgl7 and indicates that the largest single expenditure category is the electric, water and sewer fund. Outlays for this fund 1_t i TABLE 2.2-16 SU},IMARY OF SAN .]UAN COUNTY GEI.IEML FUND EXPEII,ITURES Departments Commiss ioners District Court J.P. Courts Other Judicial. C1 erk-Aud i tor Recorder At torney Treasurer As se sso r Surveyor PIanni,ng Comnniss ionBuilding & Grounds Aud it Computer Dues Sheri ff Count,v Jails Liquor ControlIndian Task Force Special Task ForceFire Controi Emergencv Services Bi-Centennial 0Eher County Road tdeed & Rodent Poor & Indigent Touris t Extension Service Airport: llonticello Blanding 0ther Hospital Recreation: North N. Golf N. Swin South S. Swiur S. Third Television Receotion County Fair State Fair Community Involvement Election Assessing & Collection Employee Benefits ToEal General Departments 197 6 Budget 3i,950. 3 , 150. Lt,725. 6 , 500. 35 , goo. 33 , 8Eo. 24 ,200. 14, 200 . 27,870. 39 , 700. I , 000. i 6 ,850. 3, 500. 5 , 000. 6 , 500. 77 ,800 . 31,600. 16 ,000.ll ,270. 40 ,000. 5 ,350. 11,930. 25, 000. 10 ,000. 535,500. 11,500. 6 , 0oo. 30 , 740. 12 ,34t. 2, 800. 3, 500. 7L ,22L. 5 ,850. 16 ,933. 7, 850. 12,000. 12 ,000. 8,437 . 6 , 900. 2 , 500. 300. 900. 8,775. 7 , 000. t25 ,397 . L,479 ,419. 1977 Approved Budget 3I,950. 3 , I50. 15,000. 6,500. 4A ,250. 36 ,980 . 24,100. 16,390. 28 ,925. 39 ,970. I , 000. I9,150. 3 , 500. 5 , 000. 10 ,000.gg, g00. 36,100. 16,000. 13 ,020. 38 ,00c . 5 , 835. 12 , 600. 15,000. I0 ,000. 65 3 , 500. 1I,500. 6 , 000. 32 ,070. 13 ,875. 82 ,900. 3,500. 22,000. 204,815. 6, 340. 23 ,433. 8 , 150. 13,500. 10 ,900.I,970. 9,500. 5 ,000. lloo' 7 , 000. 140,000. I , 780,063. Source: San Juan County, 1977 2-44 TABLE 2.2-L7 CITY OF BLANDIIIG, SI]MMARY OF GENERAI, FUND FISCAL YEAR 1976-1977 EXPENDITURES, General Government Public Safety Police Departloent Fire Departnent Inspection Department Public Works StreeEs and Highways Airport Sanit at ion Parks Debt Service Electric, Water and Sewer Fund Payroll Taxes, Retirement Fund, Insurance, Etc. Total Appropriat.ed General Fund Expenditures Source: City of Blanding, L977 Fiscal Year 1976 Actual Expenditure 9, 838 49,323 4,923 I80 22 ,07 L 4,859 L4,429 i05 27 ,037 27 ,850 9,397 170,011 Fiscal Year 1977 Approved Budget 11,350 52,000 5,200 540 23 ,300 5,200 1O , )UU 125 36,428 260,895 1 1 ,675 421,2t3 2-45 increa sed drarna t i ca1 1-v- imorovements in Blandingr Water The City of Blanding obtains water from surface runoff and under- ground we11s. In 1976 total consumpEion r^7as approximately 200 million gallons, an average of 547,000 gallons per day. Peak daily use llas 1.59 million ga1lons. The city operaEes a water Ereatment plant with a capacity of 1800 gallons per minute. City officials estinate that the existing water treatmenE system is adequate for serving a toEal popula- tion of 3,900, representing au increase of more than 80 families above ihe July 1977 population. AIso, with minor improveoents to the treatment plant, the system could support an additional increase of 600 residents, or a maximum pcpulation of 4,500 (Verbal Conmunication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, September 7, I977). Blanding has not been forced to formally ration hrater use in years, despite drought conditions during 1977. Instead, the city has increased water rates, which has discouraged consumption. Water supply is not considered a major problem in Blanding due to the availability of a substantial reservoir of ground h,ater. In September 1977 the city cornpleted the drilling of a new 960-foot we11, and additional wel1s will be drilled in the future to provide \rater as needed. A1so, one stater storage reservoir is under repair. The combined capacities of the existing sEorate reservoir and the one being repaired will be adequate to aceommodate a 40 percenE increase in population (Verbal Communication, 1"1r. Bud Nielson, October 12, 1977). Ihe wat.er distribution system in Blanding is in need of improvement. The city is planning Eo instaLl 2 rniles of eight-inch pipes within the next six months. With planned improvements in the water transmission and storage systems and the ability to dri1l wells as needed, the city will be able to accommodate a maxiuum population of 4,500, representing a 40 percent increase in the June i-977 resident population. frorn 1976 to 1,o77, due primarily to planned s r4rater treatmenE system. 2-46 Sewage Treatment The city mainEains a sewage treatmenE lagoon which is being ex- panded. The sewage t.reatmenE improvements are expected to be completed in 1981, and the system should then be adequaEe to accommodate a maximum population of 4,500. Because occasional overflow of sewage effluent is used for irrigation by the owner of property adjacent to the lagoon, t.he sewage is contained in a localized vicinicy and does not pollute ground water. No problems or inadequacies in the town's serirage treatment are anticipated (Verbal Communication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, September t', 1977, October 12, 1977). Utilities Electricity is supplied within the Blanding City limits by rhe Utah Power and Light Company through a distribution system owned by the city of Blanding. In October 1977, consumpEion of electricity repre- sented approximately one-half of the total capacity of the distribution system. There is no natural gas service in Blanding and propane is provided through 2 local companies (Verbal Communication, Mr" Bud Nielsoa, Blanding City Manager, OcLober 12, L977). There are no najor constraints to supplying electricity to an increased population in Blanding; the loca1 distribution sysEem has excess capacity and the long-term supply outlook for Utah Power and tright is good (Verbal Comurunication, Mr. Jay Be11, Utah Power and Light, iloab Regional 0ffice, October 27, L977). Solid Waste The city of Blanding provides solid waste collection and disposal services. Collection occurs twice weekly. Waste is disposed at a dump located west of the community. within the next 2 years, city officials hope to have a sanitary landfiIl, to be operated in cooperation with other communiries or federal agencies (Verbal Communication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, September 7, 1977). 2-47 Public Safety The Blanding Police Depa:trnent consists of 3 officers. A new member will be added to the force in fiscal year lg7g. There are 2 patrol cars. The police force is supplernenEed by an auxiliary force of 8 members. The city is served by a 15-member Volunteer Fire Department and maintains a 1750-ga1Ion hose car and 11,500-ga11on purnPer Eruck. Ihe fire insurance rating is 7 (Verbal Conmunication, Mr. Bud Nielson, Blanding City Manager, September 7, 1977). HeaIth Care The San Juan County Hospital, located in Monticello, serves Blanding residents. The hospital is a 35-bed general care facility with an average occupancy rate of 40 percent. There is a 31-bed nursing hone in Blanding. Two medical doctors, one dentist and one public health nurse provide services in Blanding (Verbal ComnunicaEion, Mr. Arlo Freestone, San Juan County Hospital, October 20, 1977). A public health nurse provides a range of services to the community, such as immunization clinics, home and school visits, visual screening, and handicapped children services. Public health nurses are assigned to Blanding, Montieello and the Navajo Reservation (Verbal Conmunication, Ms. Mabel Wright, Public Health Nurse, October 20, 1977). Four Corners Mental Health, a regional agency supported by state, iocal and federal funds, provides psychological counseling services to residents of San Juan, Grand, Emergy and Carbon Counties. The agency has established a mental health clinic in Blanding, staffed by one therapisE and one secretary. In addition, four outreach workers provide services to the Navajo Reservation and the corrmunities of Bluff and Mexican Hat. San Juan County residents also have access to a psychologist at the mental health center in Moab. The average active caseload of the Blanding Mental Health Center is 80 (Verbal Communication, Ms. Colette Hunt, Blanding Mental HealEh Center, September 8, 1977). 2-48 Educat ion Two elementary schools and one higtr sctrool are located in Blarrding. Table 2.2-18 summarizes enrollment statistics and estimated peak capacities. Although the high school is currently overcrowded, new facilities are under construction which will alleviate this problem. A new high school will open in August 1978 at Montezuma Creek and another new high school is expected io open in L979 or 1980 in rhe Oljaro- Monument VaI1ey 8r€8o School officials expect that enrollment in the San Juan High School will drop to 400 upon completion of the new facilities. (l{ritten communication, san Juaa schcol District, llovember 3, 1977 and Verbal Comnunication, IIs. Clyda Christensen, San Juan SchooL District, January 17, 1978). ?arks and R.ecreaeion There are four public parks in Blanding which are naintaiaed by the San Juan County Recreation Department. An additional park is i.n the planning st.ages. The san Juan county librar,v is located north of Blanding on Route 163. Hous ing Demand fcr housing has been growing rapidly in BLanding during the past several years. Until 1975 residential construction activity in the town produced an average of l0 units per year. That rate has risen to 50 units per year in 1977 and consErucEion is expectad to further inEensify in the future. The two largest builders in the area e:rpect Eo double in capacity; each will be capable of producing 40 units per year by L979 (Verbal Communication, Mr. Terry Palmer, PaImer Builders, 0cLober 27 , t977). Construction of a l4-unit subdivision was underway in Blanding in the fal1 of L977. Three single-family housing <ievelopments have recenEly been approveC and, upon completion, will provide a tota1 of.127 unics. In addition, a l5-unit apartment complex is planned, and builders are antieipating Ehe consEruction of one 16-unit complex each year for 2-49 TABLE 2.2-I8 SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AND CAPACIfi IN BLANDING, t917-t978 BI and ing Albert R. San Juan Schoo 1 Elementary Lyman Elementary High School Number of Students 34r 289 874 Peak Enrol lment Capac ity 400 350 700 Teacher-Student Ratio 1:18 l:26 I :20 Source: Llritten Communication, San Juan VerbaI Communication, Ms. C1yda District, January 17, L978. School DistricE, November 3, L977; Christensen, San Juan School 2-50 four years (Verbal Commrrnicaiion, Hr. Terry Palmer, 0ctober 27, L97i). Palmer Builders New construction has managed Eo keep pace with denand, and in Ehe fall of 1977 there was neiiher excess demand nor excess supply of single- fauily houes in Blanding. The supply of rental units is deficient, and planned construction should help to alleviate this problem (Verbal Communications, Mr. Ken Bailey, Hal Ken, Inc., October 27, 1977 and !Ir. Terry Palmer, Paluer Builders, 0ctober 27, 1977). Although the vacancy rate for housing is low, there is a substantial amount of reasonably priced laqd available within the Blanding city limits, and city officials have exhibited a pro-developrnent posture. iE is estimated that Blandingrs development potential includes lots for 200 single-family houes, and the lead time necessary for construction of prefabricated, modular housing is from three to six months (VerbaL Communications, l,{r. Terry Palmer, Patmer Builders, and Mr. Ken Bailey, Ilal Ken, Inc., 0ctober 27, 1977). WaEer availability is a key consideration involved in development plans in Blanding. The city is taking steps noq, to alleviate the prob- lem. At the present time, therefore, che najor constraint to expanding the local housing stock is the diffieulty of obtaining financiag. There is no savings and loan institution in the area; funding for construction has come from the Fecierat Housing Adurini.sEration and Farmers Home Loan programs (Verbal Conmunication, Mr. Terry Palmer, Palmer Builders, OcEober 27, 1977). In summary, Ehe prevailing attitude among local developers is optimistic. It is generatly believed that, although current housing supplies are barely keeping pace with demand, Blanding has the capacity to accommodate a rapidly growing population throughouE EIre coming years. Given adequate sources of financing and several monrhs of 1ea<i time, developers are willing to ensure an adequate housing stock for permanen! resicienEs. However, developers aiso adu,it chac a shorEage of renCai 2-5r housing exists which will probably not be alleviated by construciion projecEs currently being planned. MobiIe home parks in Elanding have minimal capacity to absorb a growing population. According to the San Juan County Travel Council, there are two mobile home parks in Blanding. One has no vacancies and does not foresee any increase in capacity by 1979 (Verbal Communicat.ion, Palmerrs Trailer Court, October 27, 1977). The second park has excess capacity of.25 to 27 spaces and is planning to add 12 to 14 new spaces in the coming year (Verbal Communication, Ms. Carol Thayne, Manager, Kamppark, November 3, 1977). Public Services in Monticello Table 2.2-L9 summarizes General Fund expenditures of Lhe city of Monticello. The general fund budget does not include utility fund expendirures of 369,600 (FY 1976) and thus is not entirely comparable to the Blanding General Fund expenditures outlined in Table 2.2-L7. Sewage Treatment Monticello currently operates a digestor plant providing primary and secondary sewage treatment to the town's 2r208 residents. A popula- ticn of 3,000 would represent maximum capacity of the existing p1anE. The city is planning to consEruct a new sewage treatment lagoon to replace the p1ant. Ihe lagoon is in the preliminary planning stages ani should be courpleted within the next E\to years. Upon completion, the new systen will be adequate to serve from 4,000 to 5,000 residents (Verbal Communication, Mr. Dan Shoemaker, September 15, L977). llater Ground water and surface runoff are the sources of qrater in the Monticello area. The city maintains a water treatment plant that is operating at approxilnately 55 percent of fuI1 capacity and processing an average flow of 160 to 200 gallons per minute (Verbal Conrmunication, I1r. Dan Shoemaker, Monticello City Manager, September 15 and October 26, 1977). ?-52 TABLE 2.2-19 crrY 0F MONTrCELL0, sln'll'{ARY oF GENEML FU}ID EXPENDTTURES FISCAI YEAR 1975 A}ID 1977 Departnent Adurinis tration Municipal Court Police Department Fire Department Streets, Curbs and Gutters Pa::ks and Recreation Total Operating Disbursements Fiscal Year 1975 Fiscal Year 1976 16,106 6,547 39 ,908 3,163 21,762 4,015 91 ,501 15,489 2,g3g 4A,6Lg 4,477 8,965 2,210 75,699 Source:San Juan Record,Thrusday,September 15, 1977 2-53 Due to drought conditions, Monticello was forced Eo ration qrater in 1976 and 1977. The city is expanding its water suppl,v by drilling eight new we1ls and, thus, local oflicials do not anticipate the need for rationing in 1978. AIso, one of the town' s triro water storage reservoirs is being expanded; the conpletion of this project will result in a total storage capacity of 100 acre-feet. It is anticipated that the improved r^rater supply system will accommodate a maxiuum population of 4,000; overall improvements should be completed within the next two years (Verbal Communication, Monticello City Manager, September 15, 1977). Heal th The San Juan County Hospital, located in Monticello, provides general care to residenis of San Juan County and the Dove Creek area of western Colorado. The facility has 36 beds and an average occupancy rate of 40 percent. Four medical doctors, six registered nurses, and eight licensed practical nurses are employed by the hospital. Two of the doctors are from Monticello and two are frorn Blanding. There are no plans for expansion of the hospital (Verbai Communication, I'tr. Arlow Freestone, San Juan County Hospital, October 20, 1977). A public health nurse provides health care services including school visits, immunization clinics, home visits, visual screening, and handicapped children services. The Four Corners Mental Health agency has established a clinic in Monticello, sEaffed by one therapist, a part-time secretary, and one outreach worker. Monticello residents aLso have access t.o a Four Corners psychologist in Moab (Verbal Communication, Ms. Colette Hunt, Blanding Mental Health Center, September 8, 1977). Recreation Recreation services are provided by San Juan County, one city park with a playground and swimuring pool and a public golf course are located in Monticello. The county also provides television reception. 2-54 Public Safety The Monticello PoIice Department i.s staffed by one part-time and Ehree fuli-time employees. Tne city owns one patrol car. The municipal police force is supplemented by 2 or 3 members of the County Sheriff Department who patrol the Monticello area. Monticello has a 30-member volunteer fire department and three fire trucks. Education Educational services are provided by the Monticello Elementary School and Monticello High School. The elementary school has an enroll- ment of 365, representing only 56 percent of the estinated peak capaciEy of 550. The high school has an enrollment of 370 and peak capacity of 500. Teacher-student ratios are 1222.8 at Monticello Elementary and L:L7.6 at MonEicello lligh School (Written Cornnunication, San Juan School Districr, November 3. 1977). utiliEies Natural gas is supplied to llonticello residents by Utah Gas Service. -4,t the present time there is no constraint to expanding the residential or commercial supply in Monticello (t/erbal Cornmunication, Mr. Jones, Utah Gas Service, October 27, L977). Electricity is supplied by Utah Power and Light through the city of IIonticello. Although the Monticello substation is in good condition, the local Eransmission system cannoE accommodate any significant increase in demanC. Utah Power an<i Light has submitted cosi estimates and plans for an improved transmission system tc the city of Monticello. There has been no response and hence there are no plans for improving electrical service to the Monticello area (t/erba1 Couruunication, Mr. Jay 8e11, Utah Power and Light, Moab Regicnal Office, 0ctober 27, L977). Housing In September L977 there were between 550 and 700 houses in Ehe Monticello City Linits. Nerl home construction produced 50 hcmes from 2-55 1976 to 1977, and it is an-uicipated that this rate will <iouble in the coming year. Capacity for new home consEruction is somewhat lower in Monticello than in Blanding, due to less available land in Ehe city limits, fewer loca1 developers and, until recently, a less favorable attitude toward growEh on the part of city officials. However, steps are being taken to promote development in the town. The city is undertaking an aggressive annexation program, and modification of the Monticello Master Plan and zoning ordinances is anticipated. An 80-acre tract of land is expected to be annexed soon and will provide between 150 and 200 single family 1ots. City officials are aware that large-scale growth will occur throughout San Juan County and do not want their city to be by-passed (Verbal Communications, Mr. Dan Shoemaker, Monticello City Manager, September 6, 1977; Mr. Terry Palmer, Palmer Builders, 0ctober 27, 1977; Mr. Bill Jones, United Farm Agency, November 2, L977). Iionticello residents are faced with the difficulty of obtaining financing in the absence of a 1ocaI savings and loan institution. One real estate agency has been successful. in encouraging a corporation in Salt Lake City to begin to offer financing in the Monticello area. It is believed that the shortage of financial sources will be alleviated by mid-I978 (Verbal Communication, Mr. Bill Jones, United Farm Agency, November 2, L977). There are two mobile home parks in Monticello with excess capacity and additional land available for expansion. Public Services in Bluff Bluff is a smal1, newly incorporated conrmunity located approximately 19.5 niles south of the proposed ni11 site. Bluff is described as an ideal retiremenE area, and almost 20 percent of the Eownrs population is composed of senior citizens. Cornmercial establishments in Bluff include 5 stores and 2 bars. The Church of the Latter Day Saints is the pre- dominant religion. An Episcopal mission, St. Christopher's, is also located in B1uff. The 1977 population of the town is 280 (Written Communication, Ms. CIytie Barber, San Juan County C1erk, September 2-56 19771, Verbal Conmunication, Mrs. John Thonpson, fonner Treasurer and Acting Secretary, Town of Bluff, Septenber 8, 1977). Since its incorporation in L976, Bluff has been consolidating and upgrading public services. In 1975 the Eown installed a water supply system composed of three artesian wel1s and a 200r000 ga1lon storage tank. It is estimated that. the system could accommodate a maximum population of 500, .representing a 79 percent increase above the lg77 population. Individual septic tanks now provide serrage treatment to Bluff residents. Ihe town has proposed construction of a serrage treatment system, which wilI depend on federal fundi.ng. Timing of the project is uncertain, and it is believed Ehat the systen will not be constructed prior Eo the f all of i978 (Yerbal Cornnunication, l,Irs. John Thornpson, September 8, L977). School-age children attend Bluff Elernentary School. The school has an enrolLment of i04 and peak capacity of 200. The teacher-student ratio is 1:17 (Written Communication, San Juan School District, November 3, t977) . Public safety is provided in the genera!. area by Ewo sheriff depu- ties; the Eown has no municipal police force. An eight-member volunteer fire department provides fire protection. Residential construction in the last five years has coasisted of 25 ot 30 new dwellings, and the vacancy rate for housing in Bluff is now zeto. An increase in demand for housing would encoirrrage some development and it is estinated that there are 70 vacant lots available with connections to the townrs waEer sysEeE. Also, two mobile home courEs in Bluff have excess capacity (Verbal Communication, Mrs. John Thompson, September 8, 1977). 2-57 Residential development capacity of Bluff is rimited; there is a smal1 nuaber of 1oi.s avaiiabie in ihe !own. The prevailing attitude toward moderate growth in Bluff is favorable, but most residen;s would not welcome a population boom (Verbal Communication, Mrs. John Thompson, September 8, 1977). 2.2.3 Hanksville Area This section describes the existing socitreconomic environment of the area surrounding the Hanksville ore buying station and the transpor- tation corridor fron Hanksville to Blanding. Ihe ore buying st.aEion is located in central l,layne county, approximately 1o niles south of Hanksville, in south-central Utah. Ihe transportation of uranium ore from the buying station to the mi11 at Blanding would occur via Utah Route 95, which crosses southern l{ayne county, a thirty-mile segment of northeastern Garfield County, and rural San Juan county. The highway also traverses the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Because Blanding and san Juan, county are addressed in section 2.2.2 of this rePort, this section focuses on Hanksville, rural Wayne and Garfield Counties, and the Hite District of the Glen Canyon National Recreatiqn Area. Hanksville is the only populaLion cenEer within this area and, hence, public services and housing data (section refer to the Hanksville vicinity. History Due to geographical isolation and lack of access, the Hanksville area was unexplored until relatively recently. Ihe general area rdas occupied by Shoshone-speaking Paiute Indians until contact with whites occurred in the l9th century. rn 1866, a group of 60 men, led by captain James Andrews of the utah militia, explored the paria River, the Escalante and the then unnamed Fremont River. Ihis party is believed to have been the first group of whites to observe Ehe Hanksville area. Subsequentl.y, Major John I{. Powe11 made expeditions to the general area in 1869 and 1871, and named the Fremont River and the Henry Mountains. 2-58 I{hite settiers from St. George, in southwesEern Utah, were ini.tially attracted to the Hanksville area by free grazing and free water. Also, the isolation of Eanksville made the area safe for fanilies who wanted to practice polygamyr,which rras i1lega1. In Ehe spring of 1883, a sma1l seEtlenent was established ai the junction of the Fremont and Uuddy Rivers by Ebenezer Hanks and several other families. The name of the settlement lras changed from Graves Valley to Hanksville in 1885, and a post office rras established (U.S. Bureau of Land Managenent). Since that time, Hanksville has remained a srna11, isolated, agriculturally-based community. Dernography Wayne and Garfield Counties are sparsely populaEed, with average I975 densities of 0.7 and 0.6 persons per square mile, respecEively. Both counties experienced a decline in population from 1950 to 1970 which whs reversed in the early 1970s. From 1970 to 1975 Wayne County in- creased by 14.7 percent and Garfield County grew by 4.5 percent. Table 2.2-20 summarizes population from 1950 to 1975 for the two couaties. Three sna11 communities located in lrestern Wayne County account for almost one-half of the total county population base. They are Loa (the county seat, wiEh a L975 populaiion of 341), Bicknell (1975 popura- tion 282) and Torrey (1975 population 104). A11 are located along Utah Route 24, the principal east-qrest highway of the county. Torrey is the closest community !o Hanksville and is located approximately 55 roaci miles to the west. Hanksville is the only population center in eastern Wayne county and in 1975 had an estimated population of 160 (Westinghouse Environmental Systems DeparEment, 1977). In 1977 Ehere were 100 regis- Eered voters in Hanksvil.le and iE was estimated that approximately 500 residents of the surrounding area came to tgwn regularly to pick up their mail (verbal coramunication, wayne county clerk, septenber 15, lgt77). No official population estimates for Ilanksville are available. Route 95 passes Ehough Garfield County. This area isolated, 30-oile segcent of northeasiern efrectively separat.eti rrom the populacion an is 2-59 TABLE 2.2-20 POPI'LATION ESTI},IATES OF THE HANKSVILLE AREA, 1950 to 1975 Land Area (sq ui) 2,486 ana 5,158 1960 1970 1973 Percent Change,t975 1970-r975 Wayne County Hanksvi 1 1e Garfield County 1 950 2,205 ana 4,151 L,728 ana 3,577 I ,483 ana 3, i57 1,551 dna 3,L77 1,701 160b 3, 300 t4.7 ana 4.5 "offi"ir1 census estimates of available, because Hanksville has a population of less than the population of Hanksville are not is not an incorporated comnunity and 2 ,500. brni, estimate Environmental refers to a 1975 estimate systems Department (1977). by the Westinghouse Source: U.S. Bureau of by Westinghouse Census , 1977, 1973, 1960 (Iianksville estiroate Environurental Systems Department , 1977). 2-6A cenfers of ceiltral and qrestern GarfieLd County by the CapitaI Reef National Park. There is no paved road. -directly linking the eastern and western portions of the ccunty. Panguitch, the largest city and county seat of Garfield County, is located along U.S. Route 89 over 100 air- niles west of Route 95. The I975 population of Panguitch rdas l,31li. Panguitch and 7 oEher comurunities ranging in size frorn 126 to 652 account for over 90 percent of the Garfield County population. The remain- ing residents, estimated to be 284 in 1975, are dispersed through- out 5,000-plus square miles (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1977). Table 2.2'21 presents selected demographic characteristics for Wayne and Garfield Counties and for the state of Utah as a whoIe. The figures indicate that both counties had more a houogeneous population base Ehan the state, with fewer nonwhite residenLs and fewer foreign born in 7970. EducationaL achievement at Ehat time was siuril.ar in both counties and the state, although Wayne and Garfield Counties ha,l feiger college graduates than the rest of UEah. In 1969, median farnily income was lower in Wayne and Garfield Couniies than the statewide average. Also, housing con,Ji- tions hrere somewhat poorer in both counties than the state. PopulaEion forecasEs sumrnarized in Table 2.2-22 iadicate that Garfiel<i County's projected high and low growth scenarios parallel those of the State. In comparison, population growth in ifayne County through the year 2000 may be as high as 131 percent or as low as 29 percent. Even assuming high rates of growth, Wayne and Garfield Counties would be sparsely populated by 2000, with 2 persons per square mile in llayne County and one person per square mile in Garfield County. Conparing U.S. Bureau of Census population estinaies with the 1975 projections outlined in Table 2.2-22 indicates thaE the projections have overstated aclual gro.arth fron 1970 to L975. The 1975 census estimates of 1,701 in Wayne County and 3,300 in Garfield County are below the "loEtt projections outlined in the table. 2-6r TABLE 2.2-21 SELECTED DE}{OCRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS, WAYNE AND GARFIELD COUNTIES AND THE STATE OF UTAH, 1970 Total Population Raceffiite Other (Z) Foreign Born (Z) Leading Country of Origin Education M"dG" School Years Cornpleted, Persoas 25 years and overPercent with less than 5 ]rearsPercent with 4 years of college or tllore 4EI'ledian Age Percent under Percent 5-17 Percent 18-54 Percent 65+ 5 years Median Family Incone ($) Percent of farnilies below low income leveI Housing - Occupied Units (Number) Average Persons per unit Lacking Some or A11 PlunbingFacilities (Z) With 1.01 or trore persons per roon (%) Wayne County 1,639 1,630 0.5 Mexico 1' r-L4. L 1.2 8.9 27.3 7.4 35.4 49.3 7.9 5,828 10.5 472 3.4 4.9 14.2 Garf ie I d County 3,157 3,r57 0 United Kingdom 1' 1 0.3 8.7 26.4 8.2 32.6 49.4 9.8 7,110 72.3 923 3.4 3.3 13.0 Utah I,059 ,273 ,033 ,880 2.4 United Kingdom 12.5 2.0 14.0 23.0 10.6 29.6 52.5 7.3 9,320 9.2 297 ,934 3.5 1.8 10.0 Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, 1971 2-62 TABLE 2.2-22 PCPTILATION PROJEC'IIONSA I,IAYNE COUNTY AND GARFIELD COUNTY CO}fARED TO THE STATE l9 75 Percent Change 19 75-2000198019902000 UtahHigh 1,216,800 1,420,600 1,804,000 2,163,900 77.8Low 1,206 ,600 1,302,800 L,484 ,200 1,555, 500 37 .2 Wayne CountyHigh I ,950 2,660 3 ,770 4,530 i31. ILow 1,950 2,060 2,3L0 2,510 28.7 Garfield CountyHigh 3,480 3,940 4,670 5,950 7L.3Low 3,470 3,760 4,460 5,120 47,6 tttigh projecticns assune a gradual decline in mortality, con-<tant fertility and positive neE nigraticn. I"ow projections assuue a gradual decline in nortality, constant fertility and no net migration. Source: Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, 1975 2-63 Land Use and Ownership Both Wayne and Garfield Count-ies contein a high proportion of federally owned land. This territory is multiple use land administered through the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service. Designated areas in Wayne County include portions of the Glen Canyon Nationai Recreation Area, Canyonlands National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Dixie National Forest and Fishlake NaEional ForesE. Glen Canyon, Capitol Reef National Park, and Dixie National Forest also extend into Garfield County. Land ownership acreages of lJayne and Garfield Counties, summarized in Table 2.2-23, indicate that federal land enconpasses 84.2 percent of lJayne County and 89 percent of Garfield County. Ihe siate of Utah owns the second largest proportion of both counties, while private land includes only 6.3 percent of l,Iayne County and 4 percent of Garfield County. There is no Indian land in either county. Urban development and transportation, occurring primarily in western Wayne County and central and urestern Garfield County, represent a relatively insignificant land use in terms of acreage. Rangeland is the and Garfield Counties. land and indicates that land in l.layne County and largest category of non-federal land in Wayne Table 2.2-24 presents land use of non-federal rangeland encompasses 68 percent of non-federal 62 percent in Garfield County. Land Use Specific to the Hanksville Buying Station and Route 95 Rangeland is the principal land use in the Hanlcsville area, although there is some irrigated cropland in the Fremont River Va11ey at Hanksville, approximately 12 miles west of the project site. Recrea- tional activity is liurited to seasonal hunting for game aninals and waterfowl along the Fremont River (Westinghouse Environmental Systems Department, 1977). NorEheastern Garfield County is similar to the Hanksville area and is predominantly rangeland. 2-64 TABLE 2.2-23 LAND OWNERI{SIP, WAYNE AND GAMTELD CoUNTTES, i.967 Wayne County GarfieLd County Acres Federa 1 State Indian Private Urban and Transportation 5 r4L6 Small WaEer 133 Total CountyAcres I ,591 ,040 I ,339 ,975 146,651 -0- 99 ,965 Percent of Total County 84.2 9.2 -0- 6.3 0.3 100.0 Acres 2 ,953 ,7 29 222,712 -0- L32,337 9,662 960 3,318,400 Percent of Total County 89 .0 6.7 -0- 4.0 0.3 100.0 aless than 0.1 percent Source:Department of Agriculture,19 70 LAND 2-65 TABLE 2.2-24 Wayne County PercenE of Total Acres Non-Federal USE IN INAYNE AND GARFIELD COI]NTIES, EXCLUDTNG FEDEML I,AND, Lg67a Garfield Countv Percent of TotaI Acres Non-FederaI Cropland Irrigated Non-irrigateci Pasture Range Forest otherD Urban and Railroads Snal1 Waterc Total Non-FederaI Federal 1 Total CounEy 21 ,815 21 ,815 -0- -0- 17 r ,645 La,464 42,69I 5,4L6 133 252,165 , 338 ,875 AA 8.6 -0- -0- 66. 0 1.2 16.9 o1 d 100.0 33,732 31,869 1,863 3, 660 227 ,L39 60,120 30, 3gg 8,662 960 364 ,67 t 2,953 ,729 3,318 ,400 o, 8.7 0.5 I.0 62.3 i6 .5 8.3 2.4 0.3 100.0 than one-eighth f1ats, uarshes, and miscellaneous less than one- Acreage I ,591 , o4o "}J.tur areas of more than 40 acres and rivers wider mile are excluded. b"othe.t' includes strip mine areas, salt flats, mud rock outcrops, feed lots, farm roads, ditch banks agricultureal land. clncludes water areas of 2 to 40 acres and streams eighth mile in width. dL""" than 0.1 percent. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, I970 utah Route 95 is a winding, two-rane paved highway thaE was com- pleted in 1976. Sharp curves and steep grades characterize much of the distance between HanksviLle and Blanding. The highway traverses an isolaEed, rugged area. There are no cities between Hanksville and Blanding. Population centers or other signs of human activity are linited to the Hite crossing of Glen canyon, consisting of camping facilities, boat ranps and several rnobile homes; Fry canyon, which is a saal1 truck stoP; and the Natural Bridges National Monument, a tourist area adjacent to the highway. 2"2.3.4 Transportation Facilities The highway system linking l{anksville to oEher parts of Utah con- sists of state Routes g5 and 24, which are two-1ane, paved highways. Route 24 provides access from Hanksville to central Utahts major esst- rrest highqay, rnterstate 70. The interstate is approximaEely 50 miles north of Hanksville. Route 24 also connects Hanksville to more populous areas in western wayne county. rn Lg75, average daily traffic on Route 24 near Hanksville was 320 vehicles. Utah Route 95, extending 135 miles from Hanksviile to Blanding, cuts through isolated Parts of Wayne, Garfield and San Juan Counties. rmprovement of Route 95 to a paved, all-weather highway lras conpleted in L976. rn r975, traffic volume counts for Route g5 ranged frore 95 vehicles per day aE Natural Bridges NaEional l,Ionument to 310 vehicles per day near Blanding. At a point south of Hanksville, Eraffic flow was approiimately 290 vehicles per day. Although compleEe traffic counts have not been estimated since 1975, a station near Hanksville reported an increase in traffic volurne on Route 95 of 33 percent from June lg75 to June 1977. rncreased use of the highway can be expected due tc its recent completion. Table 2.2-25 sumuarizes traffic volume counts for Hanksville area highways, Route 95 and connecting roads. The figures reveal that a substantial proportion of total volume that year was due Eo oui of staEe visitors. Highway Utah Route Utah Route 276 Utah RouEe 263 Utah Route 2.6I 95 TABLE 2.2_25 TRAFFIC VOLI.IME, I975 Segrnent Blanding to Natural Bridges llational Monument Natural Bridges ro Ili.te Hite to Hanksville Route 95 to Bullfrog Basin at Glen Canyon Route 95 to Halls Crossing at Glen Canyon Route 95 to Mexican HaE Average Daily Traffic Counts 310 95 95 - 290 220 25- 35 130 Approximate Percentage of Out of State Passenger Traffic 207" r07" t07" - 207" 25i( 20"1 507. NJ Io\! a_-Two figures in this column represent a range of values given for different points on the Traffic Volume Map. One figure indicates that a traffic corrnt was taken at only one location. Sotrrce: Traffic Volume Map, by UEatr DeparEment of Transportation, 1976. 2-68 There is no air or rail service to Hanksville. Although Hanksville has an airpark, the closest airports'rith regular cormnercial service are Located in Gr:and Juncticn and Ccrtez, Colorado. Richfield, Green River and l.loab, Utah are the locaEions of the closest rail connections. Bus service is noE avaitable to the Hanksville area. Continerrtal Trailways provides service to Green River, Utah approximately 60 uriles northeast of Hanksville. Economic Base Wayne and Garfield Counties are primarily rural in nature. Agri- cultural production, sunmarized in Table 2.2-26, is centered on f.ivesEock and dry land farming. Agriculture is a major sorrrce of employrr.ent, especially ia Wayne County, where this sector accounEs for over one-third of all jobs. Table 2.2-27 presents estimates of euployment by industry in l{a;yne anC Gsrfield CounEies. In l.Iayne County, goi,ernnent and agriculture .are the largest sources of employment and together accounted for over 7O Percent of total county enployuent in 1976. Employment patterns are rnore widely dispersed among industrial sectors in Garfield county. Here, government, uanufaciuring, services, agriculture, trade and mining aLL contribute substanEially to the total enployment picture. As indicated in Table 2.2-28, unemployment in 1975 and l9i6 rras significantly higher in Wayne and Garfield Counties Ehan in the rest of the state. The table also reveals that, although per capita income in tr'Iayne County has matched the statewide average s ince 1975 , income in Garfield County has remained below the rest of the state. I,Iayne County is part of the Central Utah Planning Districi, where overall eeonomic growEh was sluggish throughout the year ending in july 1977. NeverEheless, key economic indicators have been optimistic for wayne county, where 100 jobs were generated during the year ending in July 1977. The sectors of mining, construction, manufacturing, trade and 2-69 TABLE 2.2.26 CROP PRODUCTION AND LIVESTOCK INVENTORY, WAYNE AND GARFIELD COUNTIES, 1974 Unit of Measurement ProductionIEem Wayne County llh ea t Oatsa Barleya Corn for silage PotaEoes Hay and grass silage Alfalfa hay Wild hay Cattle and calves Sheep and lambs Hogs Chickens over 2 mos. Garfield Couaty Wtrea t 0atsa, Barl ey- Corn for grain or seed Corn for silage Po tato es Hay and grass silage Alfalfa hay trti 1d hay Cattle and calves Sheep and lambs llogs Chickens over 2 oos. Bushels Bu shels Bushels Acres I0O-we ight Tons Tons Tons Number Number Number Number Bushe 1s Bushels Bushels Bushels Acres 100-we igh t Tons Tons Tons Number Number Number Number 2,232 9,576 98, 335 513 L5,457 L8,946 16 ,7 66 100 1a 1l.o 14,029 338 376 15,904 16,237 19,875 110 282 2,2gg /.J ,4J+ 17 ,337 520 t9 ,286 6,561 235 2, 501 and over.alncludes only those farms with sales of $2,500 Source: U.S. Bureau of Census, L974 TABI,E 2.2_27 EMPLOYMENT BY INDUSTRY IN I^IAYNE COI]NTY AND GARFIELD COUNTY, lg76-Lg77a ilayne CountvIndustry Agricul ture Mining ConLract Cons truc t ion Manu fac tur ing Trans pora t ion , Commuui.cat ion,uriliries ["Iholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Insurance Real Estate Se rvi ce s Goveroment Total 1976 AverageNumber Percent April 1977Number Percent Garfield Corrnty Number Percent Ntrmber Percent 26 26 190 22 47 6 37 205 562 33.8 3.9 .4.6 4.6 190 20 35. r 3.7 0.7 2.6 0.2 14.6 1.3 3.3 38.4 I 00.0 r70 79 31 25L 12.t 5.6 2.2 t7 .9 170 202 l2 216 13.2. t5.7 0.9 16. B 4 t4 0.5 8.4 1.1 6.7 36.5 100 .0 79 7 IB 208 541 57 164 l5 281 356 1404 4.1 11.7 l.l 20. 0 to 4 100.0 46 152 9 185 295 1287 3.6 tl.8 0.7 t4.4 22.9 100. 0 N I\to a_.-Figures represent preliminary estimates, and AgriculEur:al employnent estimates from verbal Secirr ity, Research arrd Analys:i s , Septenrber l 5 , include nonagricultural payroll communicaEion, l.lr. David BIaine, 1977 and agricultural ernployment Department of Employment jobs UEah 2-7 1 TABLE 2.2-28 LABOR FORCE, UNEMPLOY}IENT AND PER CAPITA INCO}IE I}I WAYNE AND GARFIELD COUNTIES COMPARED TO THE STATE Utah Labor Force Unemployment Rate (7) Per Capita Income ($) Wayne County Labor Force Unemployment Rate (Z) Per Capita Income ($) Garfield County Labor Force Unenployment Rate Per Capita Income (7.) ($) 197 5 516,877 1n 4,900 875 7.9 4 ,900 1 ,640 14.4 4, 100 t97 6 536 ,0oo 6.1 5 ,400 859 8.0 5 ,400 r,662 12.3 4, 500 Source: Utah Departnent of Employment Security 2-72 services accounted for this gain. Also, Ehe value of residenEial build- ing permits during the first six months of 1977 was 230 percent above the value of permits issued during Ehe first half oi 1976 (Utair Department of EnploynenL Security, 1977) . Garfield County is one of five counties in the Southwestern Planning District of Utah. AlEhough economic growth in that region rras stronger in earLy 1977 than in the previous year, Garfield CounLy at that time was experiencing a slowdown in activity" Crude oi1 production, an important source of revenue in the county, has been declining at an accelerating rate since 1974. Crude oi1 production Eotalled 1.7 million barrels in 1974 and 1.2 million in L976. In January L977 production .iras 15 percent below that of January 1976. Both building cr>nstruct,ion activity anci toLal employment in Garfield County in early 1977 were below levels of the previous year (Utah Departmeat of Employment SecuriEy , 1977). PubLic Services Hanksville is noE an incorporated community and, thus, Wayne County is responsible for the piovision of many of the area's public services. The county supplies education, road maintenance, and law enforcemenE services Eo the Hanksville area. one pa::t-tine sheriff is assigned to Hanksville. Although the communitv Coes not have a fire staEion at Ehe presen!, one is planned and consEruction should be compleLe in early 1978. Wayne County also operates a soLid waste dump near Hank-sville on U.S. Bureau of Land Manageuent land (Verbal Corrmunication, Ms. Angela Nelson, wayne count-.r clerk, October 21, 1977). Table 2.2-29 sumnarizes General Fund expenditures of the county for 1975, 1975 and L977. There are no health care facilities in Iianksville. The closest hcspital is in Moab, over 100 miles from Hanksville. Ambulance service and euergency uredical personnel are available in Hanksville. The closest medical clinic is in Green River, Utah approxinateLy 60 niles north of Hanksville (verbal communication, Ms. Angela Nelson, 0ctober ?1, L977)" 2-73 TABLE 2.2-29 I,JAYNE COUNTY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES County Commissioners Jud ic ia1 Central Staff Agencies Adrninis tration Agenc ies Nondepartment.a I General Government Buildings Civic Center El ec t ions Pianning and Zoning Elections Law Enforcement Fire Department Civil Defense Health Departuent Ambulance Streets and Highways Airport Parks Librar ie s Conservation and Economic Deve lopment Miscellaneous (non- c1 ari fiab le ) Total General, Fund Expenditures r97 5 Actual 7,579 6,436 12,683 23,543 9,055 t9,576 26,66r 76 252 536 18 ,284 14,2r8 168 7 ,665 774 t32,338 t6,443 8 ,639 2,639 10 , 165 37,305 45t,460 1976 Es t iraat ed 8 ,369 5, 800 1,579 22,838 1, 203 12,488 29 ,I45 ':l'o I,594 17 ,7 50 2,786 t20 7 ,022 20, 578 136 ,600 3,244 3,978 2,639 l0 , 91I 10,911 402,845 !977 Approved Budget 12,847 7 ,720 4,029 36,587 23,687 22,825 180 5,000 5,800 24,I52 5,525 620 7,119 4,200 133,887 4,650 3 ,300 3, 200 15,428 15,428 343,L76 Source: I{ayne County , 1977 2-74 Hanhsville Culinary Water Works, Inc. supplies water frorn a wel.1 to 150 residenEs through 37 connecticns. The system is currently operat- ing at peak capacity and expansion of the supply is anticipated in the near future (Written Communication, Mr. Dean Ekker, President, Hanl'.svi1le Culinary Water Works, Inc., November 1977). There is no centralized sewage Ereatnent system in Hanksville; residences are equipped with individual sepEic Eanks (Verbal Communication, Ms. Angela Nelson, 0ctober 2t, t977). The capacity of Hanksville to absorb growth is limited. Excess hcusing is nonexistant and developable land with connections Eo the',rater system is not available (Written Communication, IIr. Dean Ekker, November 1977). The Gar-Kane Power Company, an REA cooperative, supplies electricity to the Hanksvill€ ar€eo The lianksville School had a fa11 L97 r- enrollurent of 50 students in grades kindergarten through six. The school employs 3 teachers and has a maximum enrollment capacity of 60. Current plans for school consEruction call for a new classroom that will be built by September i978. This will replace a temporary building now in use an<i wiil not increase Lhe schoolts capaciEy. Students in grades seven through twelve attend middle school and high school in Bicknell, 65 rniles from Hanksville. The Bickneli lliddle School has a fall 1977 enrollment of 105 and a staff of eight. The high school has i55 students and 13 teachers. Peak capacity of Ehe nriddle school is 120 students and capacity of Ehe high school is 200. The schoot district has no plans for expansion of Bicknell schocls (Verbal Communication, Mr. John Brinkerhoff, I,Iayne county Boerd of Education, October 20, 1977). EnrollmenE in sehools throughout Wayne County is expected to remain stable or increase siightly in th,e foreseeable future. For several 2-7 5 years Prior to 1977, enrollment had been declining. School officials are not making school enrollment projections at this Eime (VerbaI Communica- tion, Mr. John Brinkerhoff, October 8, I977). Hanksville residents have access to the numerous recreationai opportunities afforded by Capitol Reef National Park, Dixie and Fishlake National Forest.s, and Glen Canyon National RecreaEion Area. A1I of these areas are partially located in I,trayne county. In addition, Arches National Park, canyonlands liational Park, and Manti-La Sa1 National Forests are locat.ed in southeastern Utah. No recreation services are provided locaIIy. 2.3 REGIONAI HISTORIC A}ID CULTUML, SCENIC AND NATURAL LANDUARKS 2.3.1 Historic and CuItural Sites Landmarks of southeastern Utah included in the National Register of Historic Places are summarized in Table 2.3-1. Closest Eo the proposed mill site is the Edge of Cedars lndian Ruin, locared in Blanding. TABLE 2.3-1 HISTORIC SITES IN SOUTHEASTER}I UTAH INCLUDED IN THE NATIONA], REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES November 1977 LOCATIO}I SITE San Juan County B I and ing Southeast of Mexican Hat 25 miles souiheast of Monticello 30 niles west of Monticello Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 14 miles north of Monticello Wayne County Capital Reef National Park on Utah Rr. 24 Edge of Cedars Indian Ruin Hovenweep National Monument Poncho l{ouse Alkali Ridge Salt Creek Archaeological Dis tr ict Defiance Housea Indian Creek State Parka Fruita School House 2-76 TABLE 2.3-1 (Conclude<i) LOCATION Wayne County - continued 3 niles southeast of Bicknell 50 miles south of Green River, in Canyonlands National Park Green River vicinity Capital Reef National Park Capital Reef National Park Capital Reef }lationaL Park Garfield County 45 lliles south of Hanksville SITE Nielson, Hans Peter, Gristmill llarvest Scene Pictograph Horseshoe (Barrier) Canyon Pictograph Panel Gifford Barna Lioe Kilna 0y1er Tunnela Starr Ranch ional Park Service. National 1975 anC the FeCeral Register subsequenE issues Ehrough aPending His toric Sources: nominations to the National Register of P1 aces U.S. Dept. of Inierior, Nat P.egister of Historic Places, Tues . , Feb. 10, 197 6, and November 29, 1977 2.3.2 Scenic Areas Southeastern ULah is known for its particular the abundance of massive sEone format.ions. The general area features a wide vistas, badlands, and steep canyons. unusual scenic quaiities, in arches and oEher standing rocl: uniquely rugged Eerrain with Canyonlands National Park is an area of unusual geologic formaEions and the GIen Canyon National Recreation Area offers opportunities for Iirater sports on Lake Powe11, a manmade lake on t.he Coiorado River. Capitol Reef Na'uional Park contains numerous colorful stone formations. At Natural Bridges Nat.ional Monument, millions of t,ons of rcck span deep 2-7 7 canyons, forming Ehe largesE natural bridges in the wor1d. These and other naEural and scenic landmarks draw visitors to southeastern Utah every year. In addition, the area contains an abundance of Indian ruins and petroglyphs. Newspaper Rcck State Park, Edge of Cedars State Park, and Hovenweep National Monument are noted areas of archaeolosical inter- es t. 2.3.3 Archaeological Sites An intensive archaeologicai survey of the project siEe was condueted in the fal1 of L977 under the direction of I1r. Richard A. Thompson of Southern Utah State College (Appendix A). The surve]' was con- <iucted on Whiie Mesa, including Sections 21,28,32 and 33 of T37S, R228. The total area encompasses 1260 acres, of which 180 are admin- isEered by the Il.S. Bureau of Land Managenent. The remaining acreage is privately owned. During the survey, 57 sites were to have an affiliation with the San trates Ehe location of the siCes and found within the project boundaries. recorded and all were determined Juan Anesazi. PIate 2"3-1 illus- indicates that all but four were Table 2.3-2 summarizes the recorded sites according to their probable temporal positions. The dates of occupation are the best estimates available, based on professional experience and expertise in the interpretation of archaeological evidence. However, it' should be noted that the archaeological investigation was hindered by a lack of reliable evidence concerning the length of time the sites were occupied. Available evidence suggests that settlement on White Mesa reached a peak in perhaps 800 A.D. Occupation remained at approximately that leveI until some Eime near Ehe end of Pueblo II or in the Pueblo IllPueblo III transition period. After this the population density declined sharply and it may be assumed that White Mesa was, for the most part, abandoned by about 1250 A.D. __-J lI I- .(trt IAl ]_j | { .,',.n i-o:,r,'-! -- - 1o,,,., i .::" L - ---I I I I I I a I Il_ I I tllc? .rll rll r I r ll21.n .Lr. '.YoFCl !rllI .tvl;li I rtt --r- --r- - -- ! ..,o,- I I I It-- I I I I 'arJr Ii-lrrl! rlt ,.,rrL l t'cYro-llr J--- I I I . Lrco Ol ', e lot. c I It--'- I It. I I I ____1 ____ II r.rrs. tr . cvrr b O.LYos I I l.r,rrr e I o'c;a; I e----------l White Mesa Project, San Juan Co. ,UtahSecs. 21,28,32, and 33, T375, RZZE SLil,I . BMIII - PI oPI OPI-PII t PIi A PII - PIII tr PiII A PII+ n PI, PII, PIII --- Project Boundaries Area Affected by Construction tllclTl0lls 0t ARGHIE(II(IGIGAt SITES D rES I mototrc -- --- PL-ATE 2.3- I 2-79 TABLE 2.3_2 DISTRIBUTION OF RECORDED SITES ACCORDING TO TEMPORAL POSITION Approxiqa Ee Da tes o (t.n. ) Number of S ites Identification Numberof Each Site 6384, 6386, 6400, 6403, 6440, 6442 6382, 6383, 6394, 640t, 6404, 6420, 642L, 6424, 6426, 5435, 6443 6385, 6388, 6405, 6t406, 6438, 6444 6387, 6393, 6399, 64t9, 6422, 6428, 6429, 643L, 6432, 6436, ('438, 544i 5380, 638r, 6a27 ffi"".";; 6402, 6407, 6433, 5434, 6437 6390, 6391, 6392, 6397, 5445 6395, 6396, 6408 6379 , 6389, 6398, 5423, 6425 Temporal Position Basket Maker III/ Pueblo I Pueblo I Pueblo I/Pueblo II Pueblo II Pueblo Ii/Pueblo III Pueblo III Pueblo II +b llu1t ic omponentc Un ident i fiedd 575-850 750-85 0 850-950 950-1 100 1100-t 150 I t 50-l 250 5 tl I2 4 5 3 5 alncludes transitional periods. L"Although collecti.ons at these locations were lacking in diagnostic material, available evidence indicates Ehat the site would have been used or occupied no earlier than 900 A.D., and possibly some tine after. ccera*ic collections from each of these sites ind.icate an occupation extending fron Pueblo I through Pueblo II and into Pueblo III. a-Four of these sites produced shr:rds which could not be identified. The fifth site lacked ceramic evidence but co:rEained an ovoid outline of verticai sLabs. This evidence was not sirc.rlg errough to justify --.. ;J^-F.:f,.i^^*.'ariji iaenL j.:r-caLj-3n. 2-80 The survey crews recorded evidence of structures at 3l of the 57 sites. At I2 sites, depressions vTere reported with diameters ranging from 5 to 15 meters. Twenty-seven sites contain evidence of other, presumably surface, structural forms and at 8 siEes depressions are combined with surface sEructures, The <iepressions are apparently pit houses or kivas and thus indicate permanent use or residence. The dimensions of mosi of the apparent surface structures built of stone suggest that they were used primarily for storage. The only exception to this, in terms of direct observation, is at site 6441 where a Pueblo II room block measuring L2 by 3 meters is recorded. I{ith the possible exception of two sites, the existence of structures cannot be precluded in the 26 locations where surface indications are 1acking as the cultural data conEained within a site are not often manifest on the surface. Also, there is a low degree of correlation between the extent of cultural debris on the surface of an archaeological site and the presence or absence of structures below the surface. rt would appear like1y that many of rhe smaller sites, both with and \^rithout surface indications of structures, may well be what Haury (Wittey, 1956) has cal1ed the "farm house." Ihat author believes that the isolated one or two room structure is a concommitant aspect of nucle- ation. It is also suggested that these structures are not likely to be found dating from any point earlier ihan 1000 A.D., and that most come somewhat later in time, prinarily in pueblo rrr and, in some areas, in Pueblo IV. It may well be, therefore, that White Mesa sites reflect pueblo III nucleation trends. Determination of this issue would require additional field investigarion. 2.3.4 Natural Landmarks The Henry I'IounEains, located in Garf ield County 43 miles south- southeast of Hanksville, are included in the National Registry of Natural 2-81 Landmarks. No other siLes are included in the Registry from ltlayne, San Juan or Garfield Counties. 2.4 GEOLOGY The proposed projecE site is near the rdestern margin of the Blanding Basin in southeasEern Utah and within the Mont.icello uranium-mining district. Thousands of feet of multi-colored marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks have been uplifted and warped, and subsequent erosion has carved a spectacular landscape for which the region is famous. Another uniqrre feature of the region is Ehe wide-spread presence of unusually large accrrmulations of uraniuu-bearing minerais. 2.4.1 Regional Geology 2.4.L.L Physiography The project site is',sithin the Canyon Lands section of the Colorado Plateau physiographic province, To the north, this section is distinctly bounded by the Book Cliffs and Grand Mesa of the Uinta Basin; western margins are defined by the tecEonically conu.rolled High Plateaus section, and the scuthern boundary is arbitrarilly de.fined alcng lhe San Juan River. The eastern boundary is iess distinct where the eleverEed surface of the Canyon Lands section merges with the Southern Rocky Mountain province. Canyon Lands has undergone epeirogenic uplift and subsequent majcr erosion has produced the region's charact,eristic angul,ar topography reilected by high plateaus, mesas, buttes, structurai. benches, anci deep canyons incised into relatively flat-lying sedimentary rocks of pre- Tertiary age. Elevations range from approximately 3000 feet (914 meters) in the botloms of ihe deeper canyons along ttre souihwestern margins of the secEion to more fhan 11,000 ft (3353 rn) in the topographicalli' anomalous laccolittric Henry, Abajo and La Sal Mountains to the northeast. With Ehe exception of the deeper canyons and isolated mountain peaks, an average elevation in excess of 5000 ft (1524 m) persists over mosE of the Canyon Lands secEion. 2-82 On a rnore localized regional basis, the project site is located near the western edge of the Blanding Basin, so:letimes referred to as the Great Sage Plain (Eardly,1958), lying east of the north-south trending Monument Uplift, south of the Abajo Mountains and adjacent to the north- westerly-trending Paradox Fold and Fault Belt (plate 2.4-1). Topo- graphically, the Abajo Mountains are the most prominent feature in the region, rising rnore than 4000 ft (1219 rn) above the broad, gently rolling surface of the Great Sage Plain. The Great Sage Plain is a sEructural slope, capped by the resistant Burro Canyon Forrnation and the Dakota Sandstone, almost horizontal in an east-!rest direction but decends to the south with a regional slope of about 2000 ft (610 m) over a disEance of nearly 50 mi (80 km). Though not as deeply or intricately dissected as other parts of the Canyon Lands, the plain is cut by nunerous narrow and vertical-waIled south- trending valleys 100 to Eore than 500 ft (30 to 152+ n) deep. Waters from the intermittent strealns that drain Ehe plain flow southward to the San Juan River, eventually joining Ehe CoLorado River and exiting the Canyon Lands section through the Grand Canyon. Rock Units The sedimentary rocks exposed in southeastern Utah have an aggregate thickness of about 5000 to 7000 ft (1829 to 2134 m) and range in age from Pennsylvanian to Late Cretaceous. 01der unexposed rocks are known mainly from oil well drilling in the Blanding Basin and Monument Uplift. Ihese wells have encountered correlative Cambrian to Permian rock units of rnarkedly differing thicknesses but averaging over 5000 ft (1524 rn) in total thickness (I{itkind, 1964). Most of the wells drilled in the region have bottoued in the Pennsylvanian Paradox Menber of the Hermosa Formation. A generalized stratigraphic section of rock units ranging in age fron Cambrian through Jurassic and Triassic(?), as determined from oil-weIl Logs, is shown in Table 2.4-1. Descriptions of the younger rocks, Jurassic through CreEaceous, are based on field mapping by various investigators and are shown in Table 2,4-2. la? ShoandL7.1956 i Kr EXPLANATION 250255075 TCALE III IILET EOUI{DARY OF TECTOXIC DIV. ltl MOt{OCLll{8, SHOU|t{G TRACEoF AX|S Ar{O DtRECTtot{ OF DIP TTGT|ITIG ITDTI TIP ailT ICLlt{Er SHOWIi{G TiACEoF AXr3 AtD DtRECTtOil OF PL UXOE tYxcLttE, sHoull{c TRAGE oF AX|S AXD OtRECT|OI{ OF PLU'IOE NII..ICOII PIITE 2.I. I 2-e4 TABLE 2.4-I GTIIERNTIZTD SIRATIGRf,PIIIC St$TIOH OT SIJBSUNFf,{}[ n(lc[s BASED 0ll 0lI-HELL t0GS (After Stokes, 1954; tlitkind, 1964; Huff and Lesure, 1965; Johnson and Thordarson, 1966) Ase Stratigraphic Thickness*Descripti.onUni.t ( ft) Glen Canyon GrouP: jurassic and Na?ajo SandsEone 3OO-4OO Buff to light gray, massj.ve, cross- Triassic(?) bedded, friable sandstone Triassic(?) Kayenta Formation IO0-150 Reddish-brohrn sandstone and mudstone and cccasional conglonerate lenses Triassic Hingate Sandsione 250-350 Reddish-bro-,tn, massive, cross-bedded, f ine-grained sandstone Chinle qorrlation: undivided 600-700 varj.egatec cL3ystone with some thin beds of siltstone and limestone Moss Back Member 0-100 Lr{Jht colored, conglomeratic sand-stoie and couglomerite shinarump llember 0-20 Yellot ish-gray, fine to coarse- graj.ned sandstone; conglomeratic sandstcne and congLorerace ----- 'Jnconforlnity Middle(?) and l,toenkopi Formation 50-100 Reddish-brown mudstone and fine- Lower Trj,assi.: grained sandstone oHoN U1 G] I ! i U s d t -- Unconformity ---------A Pennian Cutler Formation: crgan Rock Member 0-500 Reddish-brown, sandy mudstone cedar Mesa 1100-1400 Reddish-brown, raassi-ve, fine to Sandstone Membe! medium-graiaed sandstone Pennsylvanian Rico Formation 450 Red and gray ealcareous, sandy shale, and Permian(?) gray limestone and sandstone Pennsylvanian HermosaFornation: Upper t{e:nber 1000-1200 Gray, tnassive linestone; some shale and sandstone ?aradox i,lember L200 Halite, anhydrite, gypsum, sha1e, and siLtstone Lovrer !,ternber 200 i.ifiestone, siltstone, and shale Uneonformity Mississippian LeadviiLe i,imestone 500 white tc tan sucrose to c=ysta.Lline limestone Devorlian ouray Limestone 100 Light gray and tan, thin-beddedlimestone and dolomite Eibert Folr.atj.on 200 Gray and brown dolomite and limestonewi',h *-hin beds green shale and sand- stone Unconformity Car.brian ophir Formation and 600 cray and brown lirnestone and dolomi*-e,Tintic Quartzi..e feldspathic sandstone and arkose t To convert reet to meters, multiply by 0.3043. Average thickness given if range is not sh )wn . I? BAmr3I *lG)|onm 2-85 TABLE 2.4-? Gt}IERATIZED STRITIORIPRIC $ECTI(}H (}r TIP(}SEDt0cl(s ilt THt PR0IEcT utcllilTY (After Hoynes et ol., 1962i Withind, 1964i Huf, ond Lssors, 1965) ERA SYSTEM SERIES (Age) STRATIGL{PU1C UNIT THICIWESST(ft)LITHOLOGY o N 2Eo QUATERNARY Holocene toPleistocene Alluviun 2^25+Sllt, sand and gravel ln arroyos and streanTaIl.eys. Colluvlun an<i Talus 0-15+ Slope vash, talus and rock rubble ranglngfrou cobbles and bouLders to msslve blocksfalleD froD cltffs and outcrops of reaistantrock. Loess o-22+ Reddlsh-brown to light-brom, unconsolida-ted, uell-sorted slIt to nediuE-graiDedsand; partlally cenented with caliche ln aoDe area; reworked partly by uater. o N E CRETACEOUS Upper CretaceouE llancoE Shaie 0-u (?)Gra:r to dalk-gray, fiseile, thln-beddedmarine shale wlth fossiliferous sandy lloe- at.one in lover strata. Dakota Sandstone UnconforEl.ty - Burro Canyon Forutlon 30-75 Light yelloutsh-brom to light gray-brom,thick belded to cross-bedded sandstone,conglo[eratic sandstone; interbedded thlnLentleular gray carbor^aceous claystoneand lnpure coal; loeal course basel con-glomeraLe. Louer Cretaceous 50 - 150 t,ight-gray and llght-brom, usslve andcross-bedded eonglomeratlc aandatone andlnterhedded green end gray-green nudstone;1ocal1y contalns thin discontinuous bedsof sillclfled sandatone and llrestonenear toP. JUEASSIC Upper Jurassi.c l;;;:-200-450 Variegated gray, pale-green, reddish-brom,and purpJ-e bentonttlc Dudstone end silt-atone containlng thln discontlnuous sand-sfone and congloDerate lensea. o 6E o o6 Io Westwater Cenyon llember 0- 250 Interbedded yellowlBh- and greenish-grayto ?lnklsh-gray, flne- to course-grainedarkoslc sandatone and greenlsh-gray toreddlsh-brom sandy shale and Eudstone. Recapture l.lenber 0-200 Interbedded reddlsh-gray to llgbt bromflne- to uedlm-grained sandstone andreddlsh-gray silty and sandy claysrone. SaIt llash MeDber 0-350 lnterbedded yellovish-brom to pale reddlsh-brovn flne-grained to conglorerltic sandatones and greenish- andreddlsh-gray Dudstone. otsg oE 6c a6 Bluff Sandstone 0- I 50+ Lthlte to grayish-brom, Msslve, croas- bedded, flne- to Dedr.urgralned eoliaBsendstone, S@ervllleFomtlon 25-125 Thin-bedded, rlpp1e-narked reddlsh-bromuuddy sandstone and sandy shaIe. Entreda Sandstone r50-180 Reddlsh-brom to graylsh-whlte, Esglve,cross-bedded, flne- to Dediu-gralnedsandstone. CarDel ForMtion 20-l0o+ Irregulary bedded reddlsh-brom muddysandstone and sandy trudstone wlth locelthin beds of brom to gray llnestone andreddish- to greenlsh-gray sha1e. Mldd1e Jurasalc *To convert feet to reters, mltlply feet by O.3O4g.DAIIIS 8 ilO(DTlI 2-86 Paleozoic rocks of Canbrian, Devonian and Mississippian eges are not exposed in the southeastern Utah region. Most of the geclogic knowledge regarding these rocks rras tearned from the deeper oii we11s drilleC in the region, and from exposures in the Grand Canyon to the southwest and in the Uinta and Wasatch Mountains to the north. A few patches of Devonian rocks are exposed in the San Juan Mountains in southwesEern Colorado. These Paleozoic rocks are the result of periodic transgressions and regressions of epicontinental seas and their litholo- gics reflect a variety of depositional environmenLs. In general, the coarse-grained feldspathic rocks overlying the Precambrian basement rocks grade upward into shales, limestones and dolomites that dominate the upper part of Ehe Cambrian. Devonian and Mississippian dolomit.es, limestones and interbe<i<ied shales unconformably overlie Lhe Cambrian sErata. The compleEe absence of OrCovician and Silurian rocks in Ehe Grand Canyon, Uinta lvlountains , souEhwest Utah region and adjacent portions of Colorado, New l{exico and Arizona in<li- cates that the region was probably epeirogenically positive during these times. The oldest stratigraphic unit that crops out in the region is the Hermosa Formation of Middle arrd Late Pennsylvanian age. 0n1y the upper- most strata of this fornation are exposed, the best exposure being irr Ehe canyon of the San Juan River at the ttGooseneckstt where the river tra- verses the cresE of the Monunent Uplift. 0ther exposures are in the breached centers of the Lisbon Valle-v, Moab and CasLle Valley anticlines. The Paradox .r{ember of the Hermosa Formation is sandwiched between s relatively Lhin lower unnamed member corrsisting of dark-gray shale siltstone, dolomite, anhydrite, and limestone, and an upper unnamed meuber of siniLar lithology but having a much greater thickness. com- pcsition of the Paradox Member is dominantly a thick seqlience of inter- bedded salE (halite), anhydrite, gypsuxc, anC black shale. Surface exposures of the Paradox in Ehe Moab and Castie Valley anticlines are limited to conEorted residues of gypsum and black shale. 2-87 Conformably overlying the Hermosa is the Pe::nsylvanian and permian (?) Rico Formation, composed of interbedded reddish-brown arkosic sand- stone and gray marine limestone. The Rico represents a transition zone between the predominantly marine Hermosa and the overlying continental Cutler Formation of Permian age. Two members of the Cutler probably underlying the region south of Blanding are, in ascending order, the cedar l,lesa Sandstone and the Organ Rock Tongue. Ihe Cedar Mesa is a r^'hite to pale reddish-brown, massive, cross-bedded, fine- to medium-grained eolian sandstone. An irregular fluvial seguence of reddish-brown fine-grained sandstones, shaly siltstones and sandy shales comprise the organ Rock rongue. The Moenkopi Fornation, of Middle(?) and Lower Triassic age, unconformably overlies the cutler strata. rE is cornposed of thin, evenly-bedded, reddish- to chocolate-brown, ripple-narked, cross- laminated siltstone and saady shales with irreg'r1a:'beds of massive medium-grained sandstone. A thick sequence of complex continental sediments known as ttre Chinle Forrnation uncoaformably overlies the lloenkopi. For the purpose of making f.ithology correlations in oi1 we11s this forrnation is <iivided into three units: the basal Shinarump Member, the lloss Back Member and an uPPer urrdivided thick sequence of variegated reddish-brown, reddish- to greenish-gray, yellowish-brown to light-brown bentonitic claysEones, mudstones, sandy siltstones, fine-grained sandstones, and limestones. The basal shinarump is dominantly a yellowi,sh-grey, fine- to coarse- grained sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone and conglomerate character- istically filling ancient stream channel scours eroded into the Moenkopi surface. Numerous uranium deposits have been located in this member in the ltrhite Canyon mining district to the west of Comb Ridge. The Moss Back is typically composed of yellowish- to greenish-gray, fine- to medium- grained sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone and conglomerate. It conrmonly cornprises the basal uniE of the ChinIe where the Shinarump was not 2-88 deposited, and in a like manner, fil1s ancient streau channels scoured into the underlying unit. rn the Blanding Basin the Glen canyon Group consists of three formations which are, in ascending order, the wingate sandstone, the Kayenta and the Navajo sandstone. A11 are conformable and their contacts are gradational. Commonly cropping out in sheer cliffs, the Late Trias- sic wingate sands'tone is typically composed of buff to reddish-brown, massive, cross-bedded, well-sorted, fine-grained quartzose sandstone ofeolian origin. Late Triassic(?) Kayenta is fluvial in origin and consists of reddish-brown, irregularly to cross-bedded sandstone, shaly sandstone and, localIy, thin beds of limestone and conglomera6e. Light yellowish-brown to Light-gray and white, massive, cross-bedded, friable, fine- Eo medium-grained quartzose sandstone typifies the predominantly eolian Jurassic and Triassic(?) Navajo Sandstone. Four formations of the Middle Eo Late Jurassic San RafaeI Gr'up unconformably overly the Navajo sandsEone. These strata are composed of alternating marine and non-marine sandstones, shales and mudstones. rn ascending order, the forrnations are the Carmel Formation, Entrada Sand- stone, Summerville Formation, and Bluff Sandstone. rhe Carmrrl usuarIl, crops ouL as a bench between the Navajo and Entrada sandstones. rypi_ cally reddish-brown muddy sandsEone and sandy mudstone, the carrnel- locally contains Ehin beds of brown to gray limestone and reddish- togreenish-gray shale. predominantly eolian in origin, the Entrada is a massive cross-bedded fine- to raedium-grained sandstone ranging in color from reddish-brown to grayish-white that crops out in cliffs or hummocky slopes. The sumrnerville is compose,J of regular thin-bedded, ripple- marked, reddish-brown muddy sandsEone and sandy shale of marine origin and for,ms steeP to gentle slopes above the Entrad,a. Cl-iff-fcrrning BJ.uff sandstone is present only in the southern part of the Monticello disErict thinning northward and pinching out near Blanding. rt is a whife tograyish-brown, massive, cross-bedded eolian sarrdstone. 2-89 In the southeastern Utah region the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation has been divided in ascending order into the Salt llash, Recapture, West- water canyon, and Brushy Basin Members. In general, these strata are dominantly fluvial in origin but do contain lacustrirre sediments. BoEh the Salt Wash and Recapture consist of alternating mudstone and sand- stone; the Westwater Canyon is chiefly sandstone with some sandy mudstone and claystone lenses, and the hetero$eneous Brushy Basin consists of variegated bentonitic mudsEone and siltstone containing scattered thin limesione, sandstcne and conglooerete lenses. As strata of the Morrison Formation are the oldest rocks exposed in the project area vicinity and are one of the two principal uraniurn-bearing format.ions in southeast Ut.ah, the Morrison, as well as younger rocks, is described in more detail in Section The Early Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation resEs unconformably(?) on Ehe underlying Brushy Basin l"tember of the Morrison Formation. Most of the Burro Canyon consists of light-co1oreC, massive, cross-bedded fluvial conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone and sandstone. Most of the con- glomerates are near the base. Thin, even-bedded, light-green mudstones are included in the formation and light-gray thin-bedded limestones are sometimes 1oca11y interbedded with the mudstones near the top of the formation. Overlying the Burro canyon is the Dakota sandstone of upper cretaceous age. Typical Dakota is dominantly yellowish-brom to light- 8raY, thick-bedded, quartzitic sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone with subordinate thin lenticular beds of mudstoner gray carbonaceous shale and, 1oca1Iy, thin seams of impure coal. The conEact with the underiying Burro Canyon is urrconformable whereas the contact with the overlying Maneos Shale is gradational from the light-colored sandstones to dark- gray to black shaly siltstone and sha1e. Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale is exposed in the region surrounding the project vicinity but not within it. Where exposed and weathered, the 2-90 shale is light-gray or yellowish-gray, but is dark- to olive-gray'*here fresh. Bedding is thin and well developed; much of it is laminated. Quaternary alluvium within the project vicinity is of chree Eypes: alluvial silt, sand and gravels deposited in the sEream channels; col- luviuon deposits of slope wash, talus, rock rubble and large displaced blocks on stopes below cliff faces and outcrops of resistant rock; and alluvial and windblown deposits of silt and sand, partially reworked by water, on benches and broad upland surfaces. Structure and TecEonics ' According io Shoemaker (1954 and I956), structural features within the Canyon Lands of southeastern Utah may be classified into Ehree main categories on the basis of origin or mechanism of the stress that created the structure. These three categories are: (1) structures related to large-scaIe regional uplifting or downwarping (epeirogenic deformation) directly related to movements in the basement complex (Itonument Upliit and the Blanding Basin); (2) structures resulting from the plastic deformation of thick sequences of evaporite deposits, salt plugs and salt anEiclines, where the structural expression ac t,he surface is not reflected in the basement complex (Paradox Fold and Fault nelt); and (3) structures that are formed in direct response to sEresses induced by magmatic intrusion including local laccolithic domes, dikes anci stocks (RUajo MounEains ). Each of the basins and uplifts within the project area region is an asyaretric fold usually separated by a steeply-Cipping,in,rorrc monocline. Dips of the sedimenEary beds in the basins and uplifts rarely exceed a f ew degrees except along the r.ronocline ( Shoemaker, i956) where, in sooe instances, the beds are nearly vertical. Along the Cornb Ridge monocline, Ehe boundary between the l"Ionument Uplift and the Bland- ir,g Basin, approxinately B ni (12.9 km) wesi of the project area, dips in the Upper Triassic i,IingaEe sandstone and in the Chinle Formation are more Ehan 40 degrees to Ehe easE. 2-91 Structures in the crystalline basement eomplex in the central Colorado Plateau are relativeLy unknown but where monoclines can be followed in Precambrian rocks they pass into steeply dipping faults. rt is probable that the large monoclines in the Canyon Lands section are related to flexure of the layered sedimenLary rocks under tangential compression over nearly vertical normal or high-angle reverse faults in the nore rigid Precambrian basement rocks (re1ley, 1955; shoemaker, 1956; Johnson and Thordarson, 1966). The Monument Uplift is a north-trending, elongated , upwarped mi (S0 km) 1"y, 1955). Conb Ridge structure approxiurately 90 mi (145 km) long and nearly 35 wide. Strucrural relief is abour 3000 fr (914 m) (fet Its broad crest is siightly convex to the easE where the monocline defines the eastern boundary. The uniform and gently descend- ing western flank of the uplift crosses the White Canyon slope and merges into the Henry Basin (plate 2.4-l). EasL oi the Monument Uplift, the relatively equidimensional Bianding Basin merges almost imperceptibly with the Paradox Fold aad Fa'.rlt Belt to the norch, the Four Corners Platform to the southeas! and the Defiance Uplift to the south. The basin is a shallow feature with approximately 700 ft (213 m) of structural relief as estimated on top of the Upper Triassic chinle Formation by KeJ.ley (1955), and is roughly 40 to 50 mi (64 to 80 km) across. Gentle folds within the basin trend westerly to northwesterly in contrast to the distinct northerly orieatation of the Monument Up!.ift. Situated to the north of the Monument ltplift arrd Blanding Basin is the raost unique struc.tural feature of the Canyon Lands section, the Paradox Fold and Fault Be1t. Ttris tectonic unit is dorninated by norrh- r'test trending anticlinal folds and associaEed normal faults covering an area aboui I50 mi (24l kE) long and 65 mi (104 km) wide. Ihese anri- clina1 structures are associated with salt flowage from the Pennsyl- vanian Parado>: i'fenber of Ehe Henncsa Formation and scme show piercement of Ehe cverLying younger sedimentary beCs by plug-1ike salt intrusions 2-92 (Johnson and Thordarson, 1965). Prominent valleys have been eroded along the crests of the anticlines where salt piercemenEs have occurred or collapses of the central parts have resulted in intricate systems of step-faults and grabens along the anticlinal crests and flanks. The Abajo Mountains are located approximately 20 oi (32 km) north of the project area on the rnore-or-less arbitrary border of the Blanding Basin and the Paradox Fold and Fault Belt (Plate 2.4-l). These mountains are laccolithic domes that have been intruded into and through the sedimentary rocks by several stocks (witkind , 1954). At least 31 lacco- liths have been identified. The youngest sedimentary rocks that have been intruded are those of llancos Shale of Late CreEaceous age. Based on this and other vague and inconclusive evidence, Witkind (1964) has assigned the age of these intrusions Eo the L,ate Cretaceous or early Eocene. Nearly all known fautts in the region of the project area are high-ang1e normal faults wich displacenents on the order of 300 ft (gt m) or less (Johnson and Thordarson, 1965). The largest known faults within a 40-rni (64-km) radi.us around Blanding are associated with the Shay graben on Ehe north side of the Abajo Mountains and the Verdure graben on the south side. Respectively, these faults trend northeasterly and easEerly and can be traced for approximate distances ranging f rom ?7 to 34 mi (-?4 Lo 55 km) according to Witkind ( 196/+) . Maxioum displacements reported by I'Iitkind on any of the faults is 320 fE (98 m). Because of the extensions of Shay and Verdure fault systems beyond the Abajo Mountains and cther geologic evidence, the age of these faults is Late Cretaceous or post-CreEaceous and antedate the laccolithic intrusions (witkind, 1964) . A prominenE group of farrlts is associated wiEh the salt anticlines in the Paradox Fold and Faule Be1t. These faults trend norEhwesterly para11e1 tc the anticlines and are relaEed to the salt empLacer:rent. Quite likeIy, these faults are relief features due to saIE inirusion or salt renovaL by solution (fnompson, 1967). Trro faults in this region, 2-93 the Lisbon Valley fault associaEed with the Lisbon Valley salt anticline and the I'loab fault at the southeast end of the Moab anticline have rnaximun vertical displacements of aE least 5000 ft (L524 m) and 20OO ft (609 m), respectively, and are probably associated with breaks in the Precambrian basement cryscalline complex. It is possible that zones of weakness in the basement rocks represented by faults of this rnagnituCe may be responsible for the beginning of salt flowage in the salt anti- clines, and subsequent solution and removal of the salt by ground rdater caused col1-apse within the sal.t anticlines resulting in the formation of grabens and local compLex block faults (Johnson and Thordarson, 1966). The longest faults in the Colorado Plateau are located some 155 to 210 mi (249 to 338 km) west of the project area along the western margin of the High Plateau section. These faults have a north to northeast echelon trend, are nearly vertical and downthrown on the west in most places. l{ajor faults included in this group are the Hurri- can, Toroweap-Serrier, Paunsaugunt, and Paradise faults. The longest fault, ',he Toroweap-Sevierr can be traced for about Z4O mi (386 kn) and may have as much as 3000 fr (914 m) of displacemear (Xelley, 1955). From the later part of the Precambrian until rhe middle Paleozoic the Colcrado Plateau sras a relatively stable tect.cnic unit undergoing gentle epeirogenic uplifting and downwarping during vhich seas transgres- sed and regressed, depositing and then pertially removing layers of sedimentary materials. Tllis period of stabiliEy aras interrupted by northeast-southwest tangentiaL compression thst began sometime during late Mississippian or early Pennsylvanian and continued intenuittently into the Triassic. Buckling aLong the northeast margins of the shelf produced northwest-trending uplifts, the most prominent of which are Ehe Uncompahgre and San Juan Uplifts, sometimes referred Eo as the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. Clearlv, these positive features are the earliest marked tectonic controls that may have guided many of the later Laranide structures (t<e1ley, 1955). 2-94 Subsidence of t.he area southrvesE, of Ehe Uncompahgre Uplift through- out Eost of the Pennsylvaniaa led to the filling of Ehe newly formed basin with an extremely thick sequence of eveporites and associated interbeds which comprise the Paradox Member of the Hermosa FormaEion (fe1ley, 1958). Following Paradox deposition, continental and marine sedimenEs buried the evaporite sequence as epeirogenic aovements shifted shallow seas across Ehe region during the Jurassic, Triassic and uruch of the Cretaceous. The area underlain by the Peradox Henber in eastern Utah and western Colorado is commonly referred to as the Paradox Basin (Plate 2.4-L). Renewed coupression during the Permian initiated the salt anticlines and piercements, and salt flowage continued through the Triassic. The Larauide orogenyr lasting from Late Cretaceous Ehrough Eocene Eime, consisted of deep-seaEed compressional and loca1 vertical. stres- s€so The orogeny is responsible for a north-south to northwest trend in the Eectonic fabric of the region and created most of Ehe principal basins and uplifts in the eastern-half of the Colorado Plateau (Crose, 19721' Keiley, 1955). Post-Laramide epeirogenic deformation has occurred throughout the Tertiary; Eocene strata are flexed sharply in the Grand llogback mono- cline, fine-grained Pliocene deposits are tilted on the flanks of the Defiance UpIift, and Pleistocene deposits in Fisher Valley conEain three angular unconfonoaties (Shoemaker, 1955). 2.4.L.4 Uranium Deposits Most of the productive uranium deposits in southeast Utah are in the Cutler, Chinle and Morrison Formations. Minor uranium mineralization is found in the He;mosa, Rico, Moenkopi, Wingate, and Kayenta FormaEions. Vanadium is a byproduci of mcst uranium deposits in the Morrison and of some in the Chinle. Deposits in the Morrison and Chinle are the most important, in the MonEicello mining district. 2-95 Two distinct types of uranium deposits exist in the region: (l) labular, or peneconcordant, deposits ueariy parallel to the bedding of fine- to coarse-grained to conglomeritic sandstone lenses, and (Z) fracEure-controlled deposits. None of the fracture-controlled deposits have yielded large production and their resource potential is sma11 (Johnson and Thordarson, 1966). Localization of Eabular ore deposits is primarily controlled by sedimentary features that tend to restrict lateral movement of ore- bearing solutions. These features range from regional stratigraphic pinchouts to 1ocal channel fiils and interfingering of sandstone and mudstone lenses. Ore deposits in the basal Shinarump and Moss Back Members of the Chin1e Forrnati-on are located where ore-bearing solutions moving through permeable sandstone have been dammed by either the pinch- out of the sandstone or interfingering with less permeable rocks i.rithin a few miles of the northeastern regional pinchout of these members. Ihe Salt Wash llember of the Morrison Formation is a highly lenticular and interfingering assemblage of claystone, mudstone, sandstone, and con- glomeratic sandstone. The larger ore deposits are found where lenses of sandstone and mudstone predominate, the sandstones allowing passage of ore-bearing solutions and the less permeable mudstone confining the solut.ions in the sandstone. Most of the ore-bearing sandstones are stream deposits that filled channels cut into less permeable underlying beds or 1ateral1y inter-fingered with fine-grained sediments that accumulated on fLood plains. The ore bodies are usually in the lower parts of these filled channels where the sedimenis are irregularly-bedded, fine- to coarse- grained, sometimes conglomeratic, quartzose or arkosic sandstone. Carbonaceous rnaterials (carbonized leaves, stems and wood fragments) are sParse to abundant. Localizaiion of ore in the lower portions of these sediments is assumed to be due to either gravitational flow of the ore-bearing solutions to Ehe channel bottoms or favorable compositional anC textural characteristics of the sediments in this part of Ehe fi11. 2-96 Tabular deposiEs in the sinuous channel fi11s are usually elongate in the channel direction and nearly concordant with bedding in the host rock, but do not follow the bedding in detail. A1i iayers range in thickness from a few inches to uore than a few tens oi feet. Some ore layers ere split into two or more thin overlapping tongues, sometiues separated by several feet of barren sandstone. The ore bodies range in size from sna11 masses only severai feet wide, and containing only a few tons of ore, to those hundreds of feet across and conEaining several hundred thousand tons (Fischer, 1968). According to Fischer ( 1956) ore <ieposi.ts within the region are classified by the relative amounts of uranir:n, vanadium and copper that they contain: uranium deposits (containing little or no vanadium or copper), vanadium-uranium deposits (VrO, conEent greater than U3Og), and copper-uranium deposits (more copper than U30g). Typically, ore mined in Ehe region ranges from about 0.05 to 0.2 percent U3Og, buE smalI pods of high-grade within the ore bodies often contain more than 2.0 percent U3Og. In general, ore minerals uainly coaE the sand grains. eiiher parEially or conpletely filling the pore space in Lhe sandsLone. Often they form rich replacements of carbonized wood fragments and partially replace the sandstone enclosing the fragmenis. The minerals also impregnate or replace thin shaly searus and u,udsEones fragments in the ore-bearing sands Eone. Unoxidized priurary ore minerals occur as 1ow-valent oxides and silicates of uranium and vanadium. Principal uraniun minerals are uraninite, an oxide, and coffinite, a silicate. The 'ranadium silicates are all nicaceous and consist of vanadium-bearing chlorite, hydrous mica and roscoelite. Montroseite is t.he utost abundant vanadium oxide. Accessory minr:ra1s are uainLy sulfides and include pyrite, marcasite, chalcopyriEe. borniEe, chalcocite, galena, and sphalerite. Miaerals containing seleniun, nickel, ccbalt, molybdenum, chrornium, and silver are also present, but usually not abundant. enough to be reccgnized (Finch, 2-97 1967 3 Fischer, 1968). in a si-ngle deposit. 0f course, not all of the accessory minerals occur Vanadium silicates are stable under oxidizing conditions, but the vanadium oxides, the uranium oxides and silicates, and the various sulfides oxidize and readily form simple to complex secondary ore min- erals. During oxidation of vanadium-rich deposits, most of the available uranium combines with the vaaadium to form the hydrous vanadate minerals carnotite and tyuyamunite. In vanadium-poor deposits, the uranium and associated sulfide minerals alter to secondary silicates, arsenates, carbonates, sulfates, and phosphates. If excess vanadium is present afEer forming the uranium vanadate minerals, other secondary vanadium oxide rninerals roay occur, such as dolorsite, navajoite, and corvusite. Other secondary vanadium minerals may include simplotite, hewettite and volborthite. Secondary accessory minerals may include malachite, azurite, cuprite, goethite, hematite, jarosite, calcite, gypsum, man- ganese oxides, and lepidocrocite (Finch, L967). Most investigators agree that the uranium-vanadium deposits are epigenetic (precipitated from solutions after placement of the host rocks) but differ as to the source of the metals. Other Mineral Resources Following the discovery and derrelopmen! of Ehe Aneth oi1 field north of the San Juan River, numerous wildcat we1ls were drilled without success along the western border of the Blanding Basin. Seven wells have been drilled within an approximate 4-ri (6-km) radius surrounding the project site. A11 of these wells bottomed in the Paradox Member of the Hermosa Formhtion, except one that penetrated the }iermosa and bottomed in Cambrian limestones. A11 were dry and abandoned. Thin discontinuous beds of carbonaceous sha1e, impure lignite and coal, and low-rank coal beds up to 2 ft (0.6 ro) thick are known to oceur throughout the areal extent of the Dakota Sandstone. Although several of these seams have been mined on a very limited scale in the 2-98 Blanding area, most of the coals are too impure for commerciai use (liuff and Lesure, i965) and of insufficient quantity to offer any nining po tent iai . Numerous smaLl gold and silver mines operated in the Abajo Mountains from 1892 to 1905, but the amount of ore produced never equalted the amount of time and money invested (I,IiEkind, 1964). Ore occurrences lrere located in sulfide-mineralized veins in the shatter zones surrounding the stocks and near the margins of Ehe laccoliths. Sulfide minerals associated with the gold and silver included pyrite, chalcopyriLe, sphalerite, and galena. Minor amounts of free gol,cl were produced from placer deposits near Ehe heaCs of Recapture and Johnson Creeks on the Abajor s southern flank. Copper deposits are associated liith the fracture-controlled uranium- vanadium deposits in the Abajo Mountains anci with some tabular sedi- mentary deposits, especially in the Chinle Formation. Copper content of the rnined uranium-vanadium ore has been as high as 3 percent (averages 1 to 2 percent in Chinle). Pediment deposits up to 100 ft (30 m) in thickness on the north, east and south slopes of t.he A.bajo }lountains are sources of base-coarse material and road metal used in pavement construction. These deposits consist of unconsolidated and poorly-sorted mixtures of angular to well-rounded sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders up to 4 ft (1.2 m) on a side. Highway deparEments for the StaEe and San Juan County have opened pits in these deposits and use the rock extensively after crush- itg, sizing and washing. Inclusions of chert and crytocrystalline quartz in these rocks preclude their use as suitable concrete aggregate (Iilirkind , 1964). According to Huff and Lesure (1965) ttre Dakota and Formations have been used as a source of sand used in struction. Rock from a quarry about 2 mi (Z.Z km) east was crushed and screened, mi.xed with gravel, and used Burro Canyon highway con- of Monticello in pavemenE. lle11s drilled on the GreaE Sage Plain uplands yield water supplies adequate for stock waterine and, in some places, domestic use. These wells produce from saLurated sandstone at the base of the Burro Canyon FormaEion. At soue localities, \irater produced from the Dakota Sandstone and Burro Canyon is so highly mineralized Ehat it is unfit for hurnan con- sr:mption (Witkind, 1964). Ttre underlying Morrison Formation does not contain any aquifers. Deep we1ls drilled into the Entrada and Navajo Sandstones have yielded potable water (Johnson and Ihordarson, L966; Witkind, 1964). SeveraL springs in the project vicinity discharge ground Idater froro the saturated sandstone at the base of the Burro Canyon Formation where this horizon crops out at the head of canyons. 2.4.2 Blanding Site Geology 2.4.2.I Physiography and Topography The project site is located near the center of white Mesa, one of the urany finger-like north-south trending mesas that make up the Great Sage Plain. The nearly flat upland surface of White l"iesa is underlain by resistant sandstone caprock which forms steep prominent cliffs separating the upland from deeply entrenched intermittent stream courses on the east, south and west. , Surface elevations across to 5650 ft (1692 to 1722 a) and south at a rate of approximately the project site range from about 5550 the gently rolling surface slopes to Ehe 60 f t per mi (18 rn per 1.5 kn). l'laximum rel ief between tbe mesa I s surf ace and Cottonwood Canyon on the west is about 750 ft (229 n) where Wesrwater Creek joins Cotton- wood Wash. These two strearos and their Eributaries drain the west and south sides of White llesa. Drainage on the east is provided by Recapture Creek- and its tribuEaries. Both CotEonwood l{ash and Recapture Creeks are normally interrtrittent streams and flow south to the San Juan River. Hcwever, cottonwood wash has been known to flow perennial.ly in the project vicinity during rret years. 2-1 00 Rock Units Only rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous ages are exposed in the vicinity of Ehe proposed project site. These include, in ascending order, the Upper Jurassic Salt Wash, RecapLure, Westwater Canyon, and Brushy Basin Members of the Morrison FormaEion; Lhe Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation; and Ehe Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone. The Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale is exposed as isolated remnants along the riru of Recapture Creek valley several miles southeast of the project site and on the easEern flanks of the Abajo Mountains sone 20 mi (32 km) north but is not exposed at the project site. Howerrer, patches of Mancos Shale may be present within the project siEe boundaries as iso- lated buried remnants that are obscurred by a mantle of alluvial wind- blorm silt and sand. The Morrison Formati.on is of particular economic imporEance in southeast Utah since several hundred uranium deposits have been dis- covered in the basat Salt Wash Member (Stokes , L957). In most of eastern Utah, the Salt Wash Member underlies the Brushy Basin. However, just south of Blanding in the project vicinity the Recapture Member replaces an upper portion of the Salt Wash and the Westwater Canyon Member replaces a lower part of the Brushy Basin. A southern limit of Salt Wash deposition and a northern liinit of Westwater Canyon <ieposition has been recognized by l{aynes et a1. (1962) in Westlrater Canyon approximately 3 to 6 Ei (4"8 to 9.7 km), respecEively, northwest of the project site. However, good exposures of Salt Wash are found throughout Ehe I'lontezuma Canyon area 13 ni OL km) to the east. Ihe Salt Wash Member is composed dominantly of fluvial fine-grained to conglomeratic sandsiones, and interb'edded mudstones. Sandstone intervals are usualLy yellowish-brown to pale reddish-brown while the mudstones are greenish- and reddistr-gray. Carbonaceous malerials ("trash") vary from sparse to abundant. Ciifi-forming massive sandstone and conglomeratic sancistone in disconEinuous beds nake up to 50 percent or uore of the member. According to Craig ec al. (i955), Ehe Salt 2-101 Wash r.ras deposited by a system of braicied sEreams flowing generally east and northeast. Most of the uranium-vanadium <ieposits are located in the basal sandstones and conglomeratic sandsLones that fill stream-cut scour channels in Ehe underlying Bluff Sandstone, or where the Bluff Sandstone has been removed by pre-Morrison erosion, in similar channels cut in the Summerville Formation. Mapped thicknesses of this member range from 0 to approximately 350 ft (0-107 m) in southeast Utah. Because Ehe Salt l^lash pinches out in a southerly direction in Recapture Creek 3 mi (4.8 kE) northwest of the project site and does not reappear until exposed in Montezuma Canyon, it is not known for certain that the Salt ilash actually underlies the site. The Recapture Member is typically composed of interbeCded reddish- Bray, white, and 1.ight-brown fine- to medium-grained sandstone and reddish-gray, silty and sandy claystone. Bedding is gently to sharply lenticular. Just norEh of the project site, the Recapture intertongues with and grades into the Salt Wash and the contacE between the two cannot be easily recognized. A few spotty occurrences of uraniferous mineralization are found in sandstone lenses in the southern part of the Monticello district and larger deposits are known in a conglomeratic sandsEone facies some 75 to i00 mi (iZ:. to 161 km) southeast of the Monticello district. Since signifieant ore deposits have not been found in extensive outcrops in more favorable areas, the Recapture is believed not to contain potential resources in the project site (Johnson and Thordarson. 1956). Just north of the project site, the I.Iestvater Canyon Member inter- tongues with and grades into the lower part of the overlying Brushy Basin Member. Exposures of the WesEwater Canyon in CoEtonwood Wash are typi- cally composed of interbedded yellowish- and greenish-gray to pinkish- 8raY, lenticular, fine- to coarse-grained arkosic sandstone and minor amounts of greenish-gray to reddish-brown sandy shale and mudstone. Like Ehe Salt l,Iash, the hlestwater Canyon Member is fluvial in origin, having been deposited by sLreams flowing norEh and northhrest, coalescing with streams from the southwest depositing the upper part of the Salr I,rIash and 2-toz the lower part of the Brushy Basin (ttutf and Lesure, j.9G5). several small and scattered uranium deposits in the Westwater Canyon are located in the extreme southern errri of the Monticello district. Both the Recapture Member and the Westwater Canyon contain only traces of carbona- ceous materials, are believed to be less favorable host rocks for uranium deposition (Johnson and Thordarson, 1966) and have very little potential for producing uranium reserves. The lower part of the Brushy Basin is replaced by the westwater Canyon Member in the Blanding area but the upper part of the Brushy Basin overlies this member. Composition of the Brushy Basin is dominantly variegated bentonitic mudstone and siltstone. Bedding is thin and regular and usually disEinguished by color variations of Eray, pale- green, reddish-brovln, pale purple, and Barcon. Scattered lenticular thin beds of distinctive green and red chert-pebble conglomeratic sandstone are found near the base of the member, some of which conEain uranium- vanadium mineralizaEion in the southernmost part of the llcnticello district (Haynes et al., L962). Thin discontinuous beds of liuesEone and beds of grayish-red to greenish-b1ack siltstone of locaI extenE suggest that uuch of the Brushy Basin is probably lacustrine in origin. For Ehe most part, the Great Sage Plain ordes its existence to the erosion of resisEant sandstones and conglomerates of the Lower Cretaceous Burro canyon Formation. This formation unconformably(?) overLies ile Brushy Basin and Ehe contact is concealed over most of the project area by talus blocks and slope wash. Massive, light-gray to light yeLlowish- brown sandstone, congloaeratic sandstone and conglomerate comprise more than two-thirds of the formatioa's thi.ckness. The conglomerate and sandstone are interbedded and usr-raIly grade from one to the cther. However, most of the conglomerate is near the base. These rocks are massive cross-bedded units formed by a series of interbedded lenses, each lens rePresenting a scour fi1led with stream-d.eposited sediments. In places the formation contains greenish-gray lenticular beds of mudstone and claystone. Most of the Burro canyon is exposed in the vertical cliffs separating the relatively flat surface of I,IhiEe IIesa from the 2-103 canyons to the west and east. In souie places the resistant basal sanci- stone beds of the orrerlying Dakota SanC-"tone are exposed ar the top of the cliffs, but entire cliffs of Burro Canyon are most common. trfhere the sandstones of the Dakota rest oa sandstones and conglomerates of the Burro Canyon, the contact between the two is very difficult to identify and most investigators Eap the two formations as a single unit (Plate 2.4-2). At best, the contact can be defined as the top of a silicified zone in the upper part of the Burro Canyon that appears to be rernnants of an ancient soil that formed during a long period of weaLhering prior to Dakota deposition (ttuff and Lesure, 1965). The Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone disconfornably overlies the Burro Canyon Formation. Local1y, the disconformity is marked by shallow depressions in the top of Ehe Burro Canyon fi1led with Dakota sediments cont.aining angular Eo sub-rounded rock fragments probably derived from Burro Canyon strata (Wittina, 1964) but the contact is concealed at Ehe project site. Ihe DakoE.a is composed predomi,nantly of pale yellowish-brown to light Eray, massive, intricateLy cross-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained quartzose sandstone 1ocalIy well--cemented with silica and calcite; elsewhere it is weakly cemented and friable. Scattered throughout the sandstone are lenses of conglomerate, dark-gray carbonaceous mudstones and shale and, in some instances, impure coal. In general, the lower part of the Dakota is more conglomeratic and contains more cross-bedded sandstone than the upper part which is nor- nally more thinly bedded and marine-1ike in appearance. The basal sandstones and conglourerates are fluvial in origin, whereas Ehe carbon- aceous mudstones and shales were probably deposited in backwater areas behind beach ridges in front of the advancing Late Cretaceous sea (Uutf and Lesure, 1955). The upper sandstones probably represent littoraL marine deposits since they grade upward into the dark-gray siltstones and marine shales of the llancos Shale. The Mancos shale is noE exposed in the project vicinity. The nearest exposures are small isolated rennants resting conformably on Dakota Sandstone along the western rim above Recaoture Creek 4.3 to 5.5 REFERENCES:GEOLOGY, rN PART, AFTER BLANDINGI BRUSHY BASIN qJAORAT{CLES. ANATION LOESS MANCOS SHALE HAYNES ET AL., 1962. EASE MAP WASH, 8LUFF, AI{D TONTEZUMA CREEX PREPARED FROM PORTIOI{S OF THE U,S.G.S, I5. XIr{UTE TOPOGRAPHIC EXPL f:ffil''I,cr,l[ ,' .i r.: ,..t r# @ tErEf,n'Efj..:..r.Iffiffi SCALE3000 0 5000 6000ffi FEET OAXOTA AND SURRO CAI{YON FORTATIOilS (UNOIFFERENTIATEO} MORRISON FORXATIOI{: BRUSHY AASIl{ METBER WESTUATER CANYOI{ TEMAER NECAPTURE IETBER CONTACT, OASHED WHERE GE(lT(lG IG 0t PR ll|EGT iIA P A REA -;-' e .APPROXIXATE STRIXE AND DIP OF BEDS r{oRtz^xT L aEos DATI" T(o(DII PLATE 2.4-2 2- 105 mi (6.9 to 8.9 km) southeast of the project site. Additional exposures are found on the eastern and southern flanks of the Abajo Mountains approximately 15 and 20 ui (26 ana 32 kn) to the north. It is possible that thin patches of Mancos may be buried at the project site bui are obscurred by the manEle of alluvia1 windblo\rn silt and sand covering the upland surface. The Upper Cretaceous Mancos shale is of nnarine origin and consists of dark- to olive-gray shale with ninor anounts of gray, fine-grained, thin-bedded to blocky limestone and siltstone in the lower part of the formation. Bedding in the Mancos is thin and well der,reloped, and much of the shale is laminated. I^Ihere fresh, the shale is brirtle and fissile and weaEhers to chips that are light- to yellowish-gray. Topographic features formed by the Mancos are usually subdued and com- monly displayed by low rounded hills and gentle slopes. A layer of Quaternary to Recent reddish-brown eoiian silt and fine sand is spread over the surface of the projecE site. Most of the loess consists of subangular to rounded frosted quarEz grains Ehat are coated with iron oxide. Basically, the loess is uassive and homogeneous, ranges in thickness from a dust coating on the rocks that form Ehe rim cliffs Eo more than 20 ft (6 n), and is parEially cemented r,rith calciun carbonate (caliche) in light-colored mottled and veined accumulaEions which probably represent ancieriE immature soil horizons. Structure The geologic structure at the project site is comparatively sirnple. Strata of the underlying Mesozoic sedinentary rocks are nearly hori- zonEal; only slight undulations along the caprock rims of the upland are perceptible and faulting is absent. In much of the area surround- ing the project site the dips are less than one degree. The prevailing regional dip is about one degree Eo the south. The low dips arrd simple structure are in sharp contrast to the pronounced structural features of the Comb Ridge Monocline to the west and the Abajo }lountains to the north. 2-106 Jointing is common in the exposed Dakota-Burro Canyon sandstones along the mesars rim. More often than not, the primary joints are virtua!-ly parallel to the cliff faces anC the secondary joints are ahnost perpendicular to the primary joints. since erosion of the underlying weaker Brushy Basin mudstones removes both vertical and lateral support of the sandstone, large joint blocks commonly break away from the cliff leaving joint surfaces as the cliff face. Because of this, it is not possible to deternine if the joints originated after the development of Ehe canyons or it the joints influenced the development of canyons and cliffs. However, from a geomorphologic standpoint, it appears that the joints are related to the conpaction of the underLying strata and, therefore, are sedimentary and physiographic features rather than tectonic in origin. whatever the original cause, two sets of joint attitudes exist in the resistant sandstone6 adjacent to the west side of the project site. These sets range from N.l0-18oE. and N.60-85'E. and nearly para1le1 the cliff faces. Minerai Resources Because of extensi'"'e and easily accessible outcrops in the dissected Great Sage Plain, the Salt Wash Member of .the l4orrison Formation has been one of the most prospected ore-bearing strata in southeastern Utah. One old and sma1l pcssible prospect site was located in Cott.onhrood Canyon during field reconnaissance. No evidence of uranir:m mineralization was found at this location. Other than the possibility of quarrying sandstone from the Dakota Sandstone and Burro Canyon Formation for construction materials, there are no other known mineral resources with potential for econoroic develop- ment beneaEh the project site. Geotechnical Conditions at the Proposed Mi11 and Tailing Retention Sites A geotechnicaL investigation of the proposed ni11 and tailing sites was conducted during Septenber 1977. Field data and observaticns, resulEs of laboratory testing, and conclusions based on the results of the investigation are presented in Appendix H. 2-\07 The mi11 site is underlain by interbedded chin layers reddish-brown silty fine sand and fine sandy silt co depths ranging from 7.5 to 14.5 ft (2.3 to 4.4 n). These materials are loessal soils Ehat have been partially reworked by surface waier (probably by precipitation runoff). In general, they are loose at the surface, are mediuu dense within I to 2 f.t (0.3 to 0.7 rn), and become more dense with increasing depth. In places, these materials are stighcly to moderaEeLy cemented with calcium carbonate. The tailing site is undertain by the same soil types possess- ing Ehe same general charact,erisEics, however, thicknesses range from 3 ro 17 fr (1.0 ro 5.2 u). In 1I of the 28 bori.ngs drilled during the geotechnical investiga- tion, a light gray-brown t,o grayish-green, stiff to very-stiff silty clay was encountered below the loessal soil materials. IE is possible Ehat these silty clays are weathered shales of the Mancos Formation. Ihick- ness of the silty clays range fron 1.5 to 11 ft (0.5 to 3.4 rn). Ihe thinner layers could be mudstones and claystones that are known to be included in the upper marine facies of the Dakota Sandstone, buE the thicker layers tend to indicate that these materials could be Mancos. Regardless of origin, these materials have undergone subsEantial weather- ing and should be classified as soil rather than rock. Underlying the loessal soils and silt,y clays is the Dakota Sandstone Format,ion. This formation is composed of a hard to very hard fine- to coarse-grained sandstone and congloueritic sandstone. It is poorly Eo highly cemented wich silica cr calcium carbonate and, sometimes, with iron oxides. Losses of drilliag fluid during the subsurface investiga- tion indicate that open fracEures or very permeable layers exist within the formation. The contact between the Dakota Sandstone and Ehe under- lying Burro Canyon Formation is extremely difficult to detect in a dri1l hole without continuous coring. Souetimes it nay be identified by a thin greenish-gray mudstone layer beneath the Dakotats basal conglomeraEe. Wlrere the sandstones of the Dakota rest on Burro Canyon sandstones, Ehe contact can hardly be distinguished even in ouicrops. From a geotech- nical appraisal, tha physical properties and characteristics of the two formations are nearly identical, even sharing the (see Section and having similar zones of Geologic Hazards Other than Ehe possibility activity, no potentially hazardous aE the proposed project site. same joint patterns high permeability. of very minor effects from seismic geologic conditions are known to exist 2.5 SEISMOLOGY 2.5.1 Seismic History of Region Because of the regionts late settlement, the record of earthquake oecurrences in the Colorado Plateau and surrounding regions dates back only 125 years. Docunnentation of the earlier events was based solely on nelrsPaper rePorts that freguently recorded effects only in the trore populated areas which may have been some distance from the epicenters. Not until the late 1950s was a seismograph network developed to properly locate and evaluate seismic events in this region (simon, lg72). The project area is within a relatively tectonicaLly stable portion of the Colorado Plateau noted for its scarcity of historical seismic event6. Conversely, the border between the Colorado plateau and the Basin and Range Province and Middle Rocky Mountain province some 155 to more than 240 mi (249 to 386 km) west and northwest, respectively, frorn the site is one of the most acEive seisnic belts in the western United States. The epicenters of hisrorical earthquakes from 1853 through Lg76 within a 200-mi (320-km) radius of the site are shom o, plate 2.5-r. More than 450 events have occurred in the area, of which at least 45 were darnaging; that is, having an intensity of vr or greater on the Modified Ilercalli scale- A description of the Modified Mercalli Scale is given in Table 2.5-I, and all. intensities mentioned herein refer to this scale. only I5 epicenters have been recorded within a r00-mi (160-km) radius of the project area. 0f these, 14 haci an intensity ttr or less (or to80 r060 I I<lol<li),1ullzll I I wYoMrNG @ UNIIA 8a s/tu i',t . . I t_ I 'NLL|,"l*, V r r e r-D'- '% 1+c GRANOJUNCTIO COLORADO L urAH/r , /i rl /tri l/ ..,^"::, tt - t]tl 11. hff / "( f HtcH t 1 votcA l,/lr//t'{ 'ltl/ ./": ,l<1 l, {r€t ll' r I t l^r ,/ qu '\.,prr\y'o of .---.-. ,lu" Ithra 1 el' / ULt THANKS, 9, o, ;';?^\1nf +,,^1 -o i EASIN d,r. {Y.,,\+ .o\Vr s -LE \ t./ .Mof aSAJo MTs " pno.lEct' str.!1 ! srlrorlof EASIN L\j^N \ SAN JUAN VOLCANIC AREA\It-tr \\ N.v \a\5 au' 'di* ll .r \\,- t_/L-t \ \r-J f-}.,}. ^t \1 ,{rk,l"^**i'! 4 /Y /.'/2 .1,'a w n+ GALLUP r. It^,\*+ \osr elsNrs IAR{ERSHOCl(Sne\. MAt\q\E|lSAN JUAN oF r/23166\BAS'N l, lY! t//'/( //-,''l / 1 FLAG J\ i,.'\ \ i" Y,+, /)\ l:;"'d'' ":'^:#'"^ krf_( / ,.\ nnrzoNA rH BROOK ETER)------'- NEW MEXICO LEGEND KEY TO EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS SYMBOL MOOIFIEO MERCALLI INTENSITY - UNCLASSIFIED FAULT vilt & .- THRUST FAULT: . v||SAW TEETH ON UPTHROWN SIOE ,..-.. NORMAL FAULT: HAoHURES oN DowNrHRowN srDE , REGIONAL TECTONIC MAp --{_ anrrcrrNAl Axts lv 0R LEss 0R NorNrENsrrY GrvEN sHowlNG HlsToRlc EARTHQUAKE + DoME NUMBER REFERs 10 MULTTeLE EVENTS rN saME LocAroN. EPICENTERS WITHIN 200-MILE INTENSITY OF LARGEST EVENTIS PLOTTED. RADIUS OF THE PROJECT S]TE References: Cook and Smith,l967; Hadsell,l968;Simon,1972i coffman and von Hake,1973a,1973b,1974,and 1975i Coffman and Stover,1976i Giardina,l9Tii NoAA,1977. Tectonicbase after Cohee ET AL, 1962. SCALE ?5 o 25 50 75 roo - TILES DAMES E HOIOEE PLATE 2.5-I 2-1 10 TABLE 2.5-I YODIFIED UERCALLI SCALE(Abridged) I. Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable cir- cums tances . II. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing, III. FeIt quite noticeably indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but rnany people do noE recognize i.t as an earthquake. Standing rnotorcars may rock slightly. Vibration like passing oftruck. Duration estimated. IV. During the day felt indoors by many, outdoors by few. AE night some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walLs make creaking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing lnotorcars rocked noEiceably. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened. Some dishes, windows, etc., broken; a few insEances of cracked plasterl unstable objects overturned, Disturbances of Erees, poles, and other tal1 objecEs sometimes noLiced. Pendulum clocks Eay stop. VI. Felt by all, many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy furni- ture moved; a few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimneys. Damage slight. VII. Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderaEe in well-built ordinary s tructures ; considerable in poorly built or badly designed sEructures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons driving Eot.orcars, VIII. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse; great i.n poorly built structures. Panel walIs thro'run ouE of frame struc- tures. Fal1 of chinneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments,walls. Heavy furniture overturned. Sand and mud ejected in smallamounts. Changes in welt water. Persons driving noEorcars disturbed. IX. Dauage considerable in specialiy designed structures; well- designed frame structures Ehrown out of piumb; great in sub- staniiaL buildings, with partial co1lapse. BuilCings shifted off foundations, Ground cracked conspicuously. Underground pipes broken. v. 2-111 TABLE 2.5-1 (Concluded) x. some well-bui1t wooden structures destroyed; most masonry andframe structures destroyed with foundations; ground badly cracked.Rails bent. Landslides considerable from river banks and steepslopes. Shifted sand and mud. I,Iater splashed (slopped) overbanks. xr. Few, if &D}. (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridgesdestroyed. Broad fissures in ground. underground pipelinescmrpletely out of service. Earth slumps and land slips in softground. Rails bent greatly. xrr. Damage tota1. waves seen on ground surface. Lines of sightand 1eve1 distorted. Objects thrown upward into the air. 2-1t2 unrecorded) and one was recorded as intensity V. The nearesi e',-ent occurred in the GIen Canyon llational RecreaEion Area approximately 43.5 mi (70 kus) west-ncrthwest of the project area. The next closest et'ent cccurred approximately 58.5 ni (94 kn) to the Durango, Colorado, approximately 99 mi (159 km) area, an eveni having a local int.ensity of V was 1941 (Hadsel1, 1968). It is very doubtful that been felt in the vicinity of Blanding. Three of Ehe most danaging earthquakes associated ',rith the seismic belt along the Colorado Plateaurs \resLern border have occurred j.n the Elsinore-Richfield area about 158 mi (270 km) northwest of the project site. A11 were of intensity VIII. 0n November 13, 190I, a strong shock caused extensive damage frour Richfield to Parowan. Many brick sEructures 'rere Camaged; rockslides were reporEed near Beaver. Earth cracks rcith Ehe ejection of sand and water were reported, and some creeks increased their flow. Aftershocks continued for several weeks (von Hake , 1977). Following several weeks of sma11 foreshocks, a strcng earthquake caused najor dauage in the l{onroe-Elsinore-Richfield area on September 29, 1921. Scores of chimneys were Ehrown dowo, plaster fe11 frosr ceilings, and a section of a new 2-st.ory brick walL collapsed at Elsinorers schoolhouse. Two days later, on 0ctober 1, anoEher strong tremor caused additional daaage to Ehe area's struct.ures. Large rockfalls occurred along both 0n1y 15 epicenters have been recorded within a 1O0-mi (I60-kr) radius of the project area. Of these, 14 had an intensity Itr or less (or unrecorded) and one was recorded as intensity V. The nearest evenE, occurred in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area approximately 43.5 roi (70 krn) wesE-northwest of the projecE area. The next closest event. ocr:urred approximately 58.5 mi (94 krn) to the norEheast. Just east of Durango, Colorado, approxiaately 99 mi (159 km) due east of the project area, an er/ent having a local intensity of V was recorded on AugusE 29, 1941 (Hadsell, 1958). It is very doubtful that these events wculd have been felt in the vicinity of Blanding. northeast. Just east of drre eas t of the pro j ec t recorded on August 29, these evenEs would have 2-t13 Three of the most damaging earthquakes associaEed wiEh the seismic belt along the CoLorado Pla:eeurs westerr. border have occurred in the Elsinore-Richfield area about 168 mi (ZlO km) northwest of the projecr site. A11 were of intensity vrrr. on November 13, 1901, a strong shock caused extensive danage from Richfield to Parowan. Many brick structures rrere damaged; rockslides were reported near Beaver. EarEh cracks with the ejection of sand and water were reported, and some creeks increased their flow. Aftershocks continued for several weeks (von Hake , tg77). Following several weeks of sma11 foreshocks, a strong earthquake caused major damage in the Monroe-Elsinore-Richfield area on September 29, lg2l. scores of chinneys were thrown down, plaster felr from ceilings, and a section of a new 2-story brick waIl collapsed at Elsinorers schoolhouse. Two days 1aEer, on 0ctober L, another strong tremor caused additional damage to the area's structures. Large rockfalls occurred along both sides of the Sevier Val1ey and hot springs were discolored by iron oxides (von Hake , L977). rt is probable that these shocks may have been per- ceptible at the project site but they certainly would not have caused any d amage. Seven ertents of intensity Vtt have been reported in the area shown on Plate 2.5-1. 0f these, only two are considered to have any signifi- cance with respect to the project site. on August 18, LgIz, an intensity VII shock damaged houses in northern Arizona and was felt in Gallup, New Mexico, and southern Utah. Rock siides occurred near the epicenter in the San Francisco Mountains and a 50-mi (80-krn) earth crack was reported north of the San Francisco Range (U.S. Geological Survey, 1970). Nearly every building in Du1ce, New Mexico, was damaged to some degree when shook by a strong earthquake on January 22, 1956. RockfaLls and land- slides occurred 10 to 15 rni (15 to 24 kn) west of Dulce along Highway 17 where cracks in the pavenent were reported (von Hake, 1975). Both of these events may have been felt at the project site but, again, would certainly not have caused any darnage. 2-r14 2-5.2 Relationship of Earthquakes to Tectonic sErucLures Ihe majority of recorded earthquakes in Utah have occurred along an aclive belt of seisaicity that extends from the Gulf of California, through western Arizcna, central Utah, and northward into \restern British Coluurbia. Ttre seismic belt is possibly a branch of the active rift system associated with the landward exEension of the East pacific Rise (coot and smith,1967). It is significant to note that the seismic belt forms the boundary zone between the Basin and Range and Ehe Colorado Plateau-Middle Rocky MounEain Provinces. This block-faulted zone is about 47 to 62 ni (25 to 100 kra) wide and fornos a tectonic lransition zone between the relatively simple structures of the Colorado Plateau and the coraplex fault-control- led sEructures of the Basin and Range Province (Cook and Srnith, 1967). Another zor.e of seismic activity is in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico near the Colorado border. This zone, which coincides with an extensive series of Tertiary inErusives, may also be related to the northern end of the Rio Grande Rift. This rift is a series of fault- controlled structural depressions extending southward from southern Colorado Ehrough central New l{exico and into Mexico. IlosE of Ehe events of inEensity V and greater are Loca1ed within 50 ni (80 km) of post-oligocene extrusives. This relarionship is not surprising because it has been observed in many other parts of the world (Hadsel1, 1968). 2.5.3 Potential Earthquake Hazards to project The project site is located in a region known for its scarcity of recorded seismic events. Although the seismic history for this region is barely 125 years old, the epicentral pattern, or fabric, is basically set and appreciable changes are expected not Eo occur. Most of Ehe larger seismic events in the Colorado Plateau have occurred along its uargins rather than in the inEerior central regioa. Based on the region's seisuric history, the probability of a major damaging earthquake 2-1t5 occurring at or near the project site is very remote. sEudies by Algermissen and Perkins (1976) indicate that southeastern Utah, including the site, is in an area where there is a 90 percent probability that a horizontal acceleration of four percent gravity (0.04g) would not be exceeded within 50 years. Minor earthquakes, not associated with any seismic-tectonic trends, can Presumably occur ranConly at almost any location. Even if such an event with an intensity as high as VI should occur at or near the project site, horizontal ground accelerations would not exceed 0.10g but would probably range between 0.05 and 0.09g (coulter et al., 1973; Trifunac and Brady, 1975). These magnitudes of ground motion would not pose significant hazerds to Ehe projeet's proposed facilities. 2.6 HYDROLOGY 2.6.1 Ground I{ater Hydrology Regional occurrence and Distribution of Ground water The occurrence and distribution of ground water in the region enconPassing the Blanding area are influenced by the type and extent of rock formations anC the structural features naking up the Canyon Lands Section of the Colorado Plateau physiographic province (see Section rn generaL, the rock formations of the region are flat-lying with dips of one to three degrees. Ihe rock- formations are incised by streags that have formed canyons between intervening areas of broad 1gesas and buttes. An intricate sysrem of deep canyons along and across hog-backs and cuestas has resulted from faulting, uprsarps and distocation of rocks around the int.rusive rock masses such as Abajo Mountains, approxi- mately 25 miles to the north of the project site. Ttrus, the region is divided into numerous hydrological areas controlled by structural features such as the San RafaeI Sr^re11, the Monument Upwarp, and the Abajo, Henry and La Sal Mountains as well as the faulted anticlines in Sa1t, Spanish and Lisbon Va1leys. 2-1t6 Water-bearing sedimentary rock formations r:f Cambrian and Devonian through Cretaceous age are exposed in the region or have been identifi.ed in oi1 wells in the Blanding basin. Data on bedrock aquifers for most of the region are sperce and that information available is iargely restric- ted to wells locate,cl in only one or two areas thet are noE near the project site. Bedrock Aquifers 0n a regional basis, the foraations Ehai are recognized as bedrock aquifers are: the Cretaceous-age Dakota sandstone and the upper part of the Morrison formation of late Jurassic age; the Bluff sandstone, the EnErada sandstone and the Navajo sandstone of Jurassic age; the Wingate sandstone and the Shinarump raember of the Chinle fonnation of Triassic age; and the DeChelle member of the Cutl.er formation of Permian age. These units are shown in Plate 2.6-L, a generalized secticn of strati- graphic uniEs including '.r3ggr-bearing uniEs in southeastern Utah. 0ther fornations within this sequence also contain waEer but its quality varies frou slightly saline to very saline. Underneath Ehe Permian Cutler formation are saline waEer-bearing units within the Rico formation and the Hermosa formation of Pennsylvanian age from which oil is produced in Lhe Blanding basin. There are no available reports with quantitative daLa regarding transmissivity, sLorage and other aquifer characteriscics of major bedrock aquifers in this region of southeastern Utah. Some data on the reported yields of wells are contained in older geologic reports (Goode, 1958; Felcis , L956; and Lofgren, 1954). For instance, according to Feltis (i966) Ehe range in yield for six wells drilled inEo the DakoEa sandstone and Burro Canyon fomration east of Monticello varies froa 22 Eo L25 gallons per rninute (gpm). Two we11s drilled into Ehe Morrison formation in Ehe same area yield 15 to 22 gpa whereas, in other areas of San Juan CounLy, Utah, the yield from wells drilled into the Morrison is L or 2 gpn or less. k= q le EE M;;;S\-[Rlr-uv ruN.>-\ \ from s Dakota ss l to grea yield. qual i tyin the (-) v|a d.=- Morrison \Jf formation \ Bl uff sandstone \ frn*orA san\{ formati \ [ availab Summerv'ille fm I,Entrada ss Uarme I fm \ \for trt Navajo sandstone {N water. and we Kayenta formation \ Wingate sandstone \ \ IENTRADA '\ ill: i\t ff,,l Chinle formation Shinarump member \ Moenkopi formation \ r*,n,, 7_ =d. UJo_ De Chel 1y member Cutl er formation I \\ v o a n r Rico formation \ z.z.Lrlo- Hermosa formation GETERATIZEI' SIRITI G GEOLOGI C AGE *= SH llITIil G UTITS IT Source: After Goode, 1958 Provides small quantities of waterhallow wells. Such wells are subjectat seasonal variation in amount of The water is generally of poory--probably owing to the sulfate salts Mancos shale. dstone and upper parton. Water of fair to 1e by pumping. of MORRISON poor qual 'ity dstone. Artesian aquifer, potable Supplies a spring east of Blufflls south of Hatch. A sandstone. Artesian aquifer, able water. Crops out in western southern parts of area but base ches depth of nearly 1500 feet intral part of area (near Aneth field Blanding basin). AJO sandstone. Artesian aquiferyielding good quality water. Crops out in western and southern parts of area and reaches depths of 1850 feet near Aneth oil field. I.lINGATE sandstone. Artesian aquifer Provides good qual ity water forwells in vicinity of Bluff. SHINARUMP member of Chinle formation and DeCHELLY sandstone member of Cutler formation. Local 1y provide good water where they are near surface, as invicinity of Bluff. SIRITIGRTPilIG SECTI(lX FRESH ITITERBEARI]IG SI)UTHEISIERil UTAH DATES 8 MO(ORE PTITE 2.6- I 2-1 18 Likewise, the Bluff sandstone, found only in southern San Juan County, has report,edly yielded 13 and 25 gpln in two wells drilled near Bluff (reltis , 1966: 27) yield an average of 143 gpn at yields as high as 1200 gpm have Urah (Felris, I965: 27). . The Entrada sandstone is reported to five wel1s drilled in San Juan County, but been reported in other areas of southeast The Navajo sandstone is one of the most permeable bedrock aquifers in the region with reported yields as high as 1335 gpm (Feltis, 1966: 26), although many we1ls drilled into the Navajo in southeast Utah only have yields varying between 35 to 72 gpur. The Energy Fuels mill site well drilled into the Navajo sandstone is reported to have yielded 120 gpn after 1.5 hours of pumping shortly after it was drilled. Throughout Ehe region, snall quantities of r-ater are produced from shallow wel1s constructed in che alluvium that occurs in stream valleys and a veneer on the flat-top mesas. These wells are subject tc great seasonal variaiion in yield and the water withdram is generally of poor quality, perhaps due to the Ieaching of sulfate salts in the Mancos shale which is present et or near the surface near streau valleys over much of the region. Recharge The source of recharge to bedrock aquifers of the region is pre- cipitation. Precipitation in southeastern Utah (see Sections 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) is characterized by wide variations in seasonal and annual rain- fal1 and by lcng periods of deficient rainfall. Short-duration summer storms furnish rain in sma11 areas of a few square miles and this is frequentty Ehe total rainfall for an entire month within a given area. Ihe average annual precipiLation in the region ranges fron less than 20 cn (8 in) at Bluff to more than 4t cm (16 in) on the eastern flank of the Abajo Mountains, as recorded at Monticello. Precipitation at the projecE site is discussed in Section 2.7.1. The nountain peaks in the llenry, La Sal and Abajo Mountains rnay receive more than 76 cm (30 in) of 2-Lt9 precipitation but these areas are very small in comparison to the vast area of much lower precipitaiioa in the ;egi.on. Recharge to bedrock aquifers in the region occurs by direct infil- tration of precipitation into the aquifers along the flanks of the Abajo, Iienry and La SaL Mountains and along the flanks of the folds, such as Comb Ridge Mcnocline and the San Rafael Swe1l, where the permeable fornations are exposed at the surface. Recharge also occurs on the wide expanses of flat-lying beds that are exposed on the mesas between these major structural features. In these cases, some precipitation is able to percolate rhrough the near-surface joints and fractures in the Mancos Shale and Dakota sandstone, where it circulates according t,o the 1oca1 ground water regime. 2.6.L.2 Regional Utilization of Ground Water Rainfall throughout most of the region is inadequate for grorrth of crops so that irrigation is necessary in most locations, except in a smal1 area east and southeast of l,fonticello. Ground water is utilized for irrigation, livestock, domesEic needs and more recently for municipal irater suppl ies. Present Use Ihe area of greatest present devel.opment of ground water use in the region is in the Blanding basin, en artesian basin east of Conb Ridge in San Juan county (see Plate 2.4-l in Section 2.4.L.L). Within Ehe Blanding basin in the areas of Moniezuma Creek valle;r and south and east of Blanding, there are a number of deep wells which derive good quality rrater from the deep bedrock aquifersl i.e., the Entrada, Navajo and Wingate Saadstones. These waters are used for irrigation and domestic needs of residents in the area. The estimated total amount of ground water withdrawal of all these deep bedrock we1ls in the region is unknown but considered very small compared to the total amount of water available in the aquifers. 2-L20 Within Ehe last year (1977), a few deep wells for municipal vater supplies have been drilled into the Entrada and Navajo sandstones near Blanding and Monticello, Utah. The present usage of these wells is not known. Blanding coupleted one deep welL (960-foot depth) in 0ctobet l9l7 and anticipates drilling three Eore. Monticello is currently (fall, 1977) drilling a new 1000-foot deep well and anticipates drilling more as the need occurs. I'Iater from shallow we11s, drilled principally into unconsoli- dated aluvium overlying the bedrock in Eany areas of the region, has been used from the earliest days of settleoent to the present as a source of domesEic and stock lilater supplies. Some of these shallow wells, mosEIy less than 150 feet deep, have been drilled into the saturated upper portion of the Dakota sandstone which directly underlies the Mancos shale throughout much of the region. Ihe estiraated tcltal annual ground water withdrawal from these shallow aquifers in the region is unknown. Another area of ground water developmenE in the region outside of the Blanding basin is the broad, flat, plain eest of Monticello. Here, the grorrnd ltater is derived principally from ihe thin veneer of surf;rce alluvir:m that overlies the Dakota sandstone and from the upper portion of the Dakota and under!.ying Morrison fornation. Most of rhe we1ls in this area are shallow and, for the Eost part, water suppry requirements are relatively sna11. I'he remainder of the region is very sparsely populated with cnly a few scattered stock wells of low yields and shallow depth deriving water from alluvium and the upper part of the Dakota sandstone or l,Iorrison formation. Projected Use The projecEed regional use of ground lrater for domestic purposes and stock watering will probably increase at the saue raEe as population growth occurs in the rural areas outside of the three popu!.ation centersof Blanding, Monticello and Bluff, Utah. l'he ground water used for these 2-LzL purposes would 1ikely be derived from near-surface sources such as al1uvium, the Dakota sandstone, the Burro Canyon forrnation and the Morrison formation. Increases in use of ground water for irrigation will depend on the availability of land for raising of crops and an increase in tillable acreage. However, no significant change is anticipated. Ground water use for municipal water supplies for Blanding, Monti- cello and Bluff will increase at a rate conmensurate lrith the increase in population (see Section 2.2). Ttre communities do anticipate drilling additional wells for water supplies to accommodate growth 2.6.L.3 Ground llater Regine of Projeet Site Ihe project site, located on a flat-toP mesa approxiroately two uiles wide, is partly covered with a thin veneer of alluviun which in some places is underlain by the Mancos shale and in other locations by Ehe Dakota Sandstone/Burro Canyon formations. The Mancos shale contains water soluble salts and generally rrater circulating through it beco,rnes fairly highly mineralized. The Mancos is not a fresh water aquifer. St,ratigraphically below the Mancos shale is the Dakota sandstone, the Burro Canyon formation and the Morrison for:uration which yield fresh to slightly saline water to numerous springs and shallow wel1s in the project vicinity. Both the Dakota sandstone and the Burro Canyon forura- tion crop out in the canyon walls and valleys of Westlrater Creek, Cottonwood Creek and Corral Creek near the site. the formations are continuous beneath the site, extending fron the outcrops in Corral Creek Canyon east of the site to the Canyon of Cottonwood Creek and llestwater Creek west of the site. The subsurface fornations below the project site are represented by the typical stratigraphic rock section es discussed in Section 2.4 and illustrated in Plate 2.6-1. The known fresh water-bearing unit,s below the Dakota sandstone, Burro Canyon and Morrison formations at the site are mainly the Entrada sandstone and the Navajo sandstone as shown on Plate 2.6-l and discussed in Section Ihere are no quantitative aquifer data available on these formations in the site vicinity and 2-t22 little is known of the <ieeper aquifers such as Ehe Wingate aud Shinarump of the Chinle formation. Recharge In the project viciaity, the Dakota sandstone and the Burro Canyon fomation localIy receive recharge from infiltration of rainfall on the flat-lying Eesa. In the site area, the Dakota sandstone and Burro Canyon fonoation are well jointed by two joint sets trending N.10-18oE and N.60-85'E (see Section 2.4 f,or more detail). These open joints provide pathways for the percolation of rainfall and downward infiltration of ponded surface waters on the site. Ihe joints also may act as conduits for the 1ocal Eovenlent of ground rrater underneath Ehe site. The recharge area for Ehe underlying deeper aquifers such as Ehe Navajo sandstone and the EnErada sandstone, as they occur rrithin the Blanding basin and under the sit:e, is the outerop area of these sand- stones along the length of the north-south trending Comb Ridge Monocline approximately 8 miles west of the project site. Ground Water Movement The moveoenL of ground lrater occurring al shallow depths in the Dakota sandstone and Burro Canyon formation at the project site is believed to be confined to isoLated zones wichin hihite Mesa. These formations are exposed and crop out in the canyon wal1s oi the surface drainages both east and west of the site. Due to Ehe location of the site on the norLhern margin of the northwest-southeast trending Blanding basin, the near surface formations dip one or two degrees to the south. Beneath the shatlow aquifers, the Brushy Basin Member of the llorrison foroation is generally impermeable and there are 1oca1ly impermeable lenses in the base of the Burro Canyon forrnation. Thus, \raEer perco- lating into the near surface fonnations of the project site, such as Ehe Dakota sandstone and Ehe Burro Canyon formation, will generally nigrate southward downdip. Ii is probable that slight ground water 2-123 mounding may occur in the east-central part of the nesa at the site. Ground water levels may be highest in the center of the mesa, coincident with the highest land elevations, and lower to the east and west where ground water can drain from the mesa through springs and seeps in the canyons of Westrrater, Cottonwood and Corral Creeks. Ihis is partially substantiated by water levels measured in drill holes and wells in the project vicinity. Several springs exist along the canyon walls adjacent Lo the project site. Supplenental drilling at the mill site and tailing retention area is planned for the spring of 1978 and will provide rnore infornation on the local occurrence and movenent of ground hrater at the site. Results from this study wilL be included in the Supplemental Report. Ground water mol,euent in the deeper aquifers is related to the deeper structures of the Blanding basin. The recharge area of the EnErada and Navajo sandstones is along Conb Ridge Monocline about 8 miLes directly west of the site area. The ground water movement in these units is thought to proceed from the recharge area eastward and southeastward downdip toward the center of the Blanding basin, approximately 18 roiles south-souEheast of the project site. At present, there are no data to substantiate this hypothesis as there are neither maps of potentiornetric surfaces in the Navajo or Entrada nor long-term records of water levels in the site vicinity for we1ls penetrating the Navajo or Entrada. Ground Water Coaditions,at Mil1 Site and Tailing Retenticn Site Ground rrater is present beneath the mi1l site at a depth of approx- inately 56 feet below the land surface (see log of borehole No.3 in Appendix H). Ttris ground water is probably the water table or uncon- fined ground water, although it Eay represenE perched ground water. As part of Ehe geoteehnical investigations of the mi11 site area and tailing retention site area, a number of boreholes were drilled in the project vicinity and water levels measured in those boreholes in which water was present. Based on these water level measurements and 2-t24 miscellaneous water leve1 meaaurement,s made in some abandoned sEock we1ls in the immediate vicinit,y, a ground waEer-level map \ras constructed showing the elevation of the waEer table (plate 2.6-2) and indicating general gradienEs. The \dater leveIs mapped in Ptate 2.5-2 are from a few boreholes and stock we1ls and are believed to represent a water table situation and not artesian conditions. I{owever, it is not knowa if the lrater table recorded in each borehole is the saue and is continuous or whether there are a number of "perchedt' waier tables throughout the project vicinity. One of the objectives of the supptemental. investiga- tions at the nill site and tailing site areas in spring of 1978 will be to evaluate the ground water flow system in more detail. Using the ground water-leve1 map (Plate 2.6-2), it eppears that the shallow ground water forning the \^rater table throughout the prcject vicinity has a gradient toward the south-southwest. The general ground vraEer gradient appears to be related to the general topographic gradient; i.e., the highest elevations are generally at the northeastern edge of the project. site near Highway 47 and the lowest elevations are aE the propertyr s southwest corner. Based on the recorded lrater levels as shown on the map and assuming that the rrater table is continuous throrrgh- ogt the map area, it can be calculated that the wacer table gradient under the mil1 site is about 0.03, and Ehat under the tailing retention area is 0.01. A number of ttpez:oreability" tests .cere conducted in boreholes during the geotechnical inrresEigation of the mi11 site and tailing retenEion sit.e. The tests used packers in Ehe borehoLes and injection cf waEer under pressure for various periods of time. The results of Ehese "perme- ability" tests indicate that, in general, the hydraulic conductivity ("horizontal permeability") of the formaEions below the rraEer tab1e, on Ehe average, ranges between 5 and 10 feet per year. However, it should be noted that sorire of the packer tests conducted above t.he water t.abie indicated a uuch higher hydraulic conductivity rrhilg a few packer tests conduct,ed both above and below the water table indicated a much lower hydraulic conductivity for sele:ted interval-s (see r\ppendix H). \ ) ! 'lI A\7 GRouilD WIIIR ttUil itlP 0r PR0JIcT stlt KEY -552Or- ELEVATION OF WATER TABLE (FEET ABOVE MSL) <- DIRECTION OF SHALLOW GROUNO WATER MOVEMENT SOREHOLE LOCATION AND NUMBER ENCOUNTERNG WAIER ," /.."\./ ^: / ssoo t'-.5 2-125 Lrsing the formuia based on Darcyr s Law ,r=Ki'e where: v = the rate of movement of ground n ater through formation 6 = I'permeabiliiy"; hydraulic conductivity of formation(measured as 5 to 10 ft/yr) 0 = porosity of formation (assumed as 20 percent) i = gradienr (calculated as 0.03 at mi1l site and 0.01 attailing retenrion site) the average rate of grouad water movement through the water-saturate{ portion of ttre fornaEion below the waEer iable can be estimate<i. Thus, based on the recorded values and implied assumptions, it is estinated that, on the average, the shallow ground rrater movement at the mi11 site is approximately 0.01 to 0.02 ft (0.3 to 0.6 cn) per year toward the south-southwest and the sirallow ground water oovement at the caiLing retention siEe is approximately 0.0025 to 0.01 fr (0.0g ro 0.3 crn) per year toward the south-southwest. Utilization of Ground tr{ater in project Vicinity Prese{rt Ground [.Iater Use There are 39 ground water appropriation applications on file with the Utah State Engineers Office fcr withdrawal of ground water within a 5-mile radius of Ehe project site. Most of these applications are for small r,rells of less Ehan 10 gpn. The total ground wacer withdrawal of the wells permitted by the appropriations within 5 mi of the projecr sige is approximately 3.0 second-feet or about 2170 acre-feet per year. This includes 811 acre-feet per year requested by Energy Fuels and approved by the utah state Engineers office but not yet being pumped. Most of these wells produce rrater for irrigation, stock watering and domestic use. i{ithin this 5-rni ta the existin -5 t depth @gL{.gs}*_ pitt*.r*f:gjg_ "*hqrawing uaEer from Ehe ","d"rlyi"g N"y"j9 A11 oEher wells in the projecr viciniry are shallow we11s drilled in the a1luvium, the Dakota sandstone, Ehe Burro Canyon formation or upper parts of the Morrison formation. The locations 2-t27 of registered wells within a 5-mi radius of the project site are showrr on Plate 2.6-3 and the description of these wells is included in Table 2.6'L. As indicated on Plate 2.6-3, the majority of the wells are north and therefore, upgradient of the project site. Projected Ground Wat.er Use rhe only recorded projection of ground water use within 5 mi of the Blanding project site is the planned withdrawaL of 811 acre-feet Per year from four wells (three more to be constructed) at the Energy Fuelsr mi11 site. within a 5-mi radius of the proposed uill, there may be a few additional irrigation or domestic wells drilled into the Dakota or slightly deeper into the Morrison formation but no roajor change in the increase in use of grouad water in the project vicinity is anticipated under the present land use. Ground I{ater Regirne of Hanksville Ore-Buying Station The occurrence and distribution of ground water at the HanksvilLe ore-buying station are not well knowa. Ihere are only a few wells and I-ittle data on ground water in the whoLe area. The geologic rnap of Utah indicat.es that, in general, the rock types are similar to the strati- graphic section present near BIanding. Ttre rocks exposed at the land surface very near the Hanksville ore-buying station are the Summerville formation, ihe Curtis formation and the Entrada sandstone. The driller's log of the water well drirled at Energy Fuel's ore- buying station shows that the well penetrated the Curtis formation at 20 ft below the land surface. At 140 ft belo'* the land surface, the green glauconit.ic siltstones and shale of the Curtis formation are in contact with the underly'ing Entrada sandstone. The well was drilled to 450 ft in depth and coupleted in the Entrada sandstone with 40 ft of perforated casing. The drillerr s 1og indicates that ground water lras first noticed during the drilling at 40 feet below the surface within the Curtis iormation. Its quality was considered unusable. This suggests a perched (' TR bu uttls It .i *"',',) ,l' -l 36\ )r WATER WELL UMBER NJ,!l V I AtAND LOCATION (\ ( L, _) I tt- c t ':d Izz I .;[:,;; /v F0z[,\{" ($-_ \../f.\ ,ol > u ',iu'# \ /,, .Y 7a\* L s-'\\[.\ \\\0. $' rla ilffi \. -,'l',v )tt ,:,:t i::la rr ,r \ \N:( I / ll$$'-\-'" l^trtttrr,-'.v,NOTE: ALL GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATION I APPLICATt0NS WtTHtN A 5-MtLE RADTUS OF THE ORE-BUYING STATION AS FILED WITH THE UTAH STATE ENGINEER OFFICE ARE sHowN oN THIS naP,&r/,ll/iDl,,A 2.6-3 TABLE 2.6_I WATER WELLS IN PROJECT VICINITY BLANDTNG, UTAH f,cll Utah) - !tll:-! 14c.tion T _lj._ -SSc.{rr1ic!r.of l,se Pr.ilucj rul thpth of ---!,,r-!-- l 0(i'-7001ltr,.-I50' I 50. -200. lo0r -500. 100, -500, 190' 82. 165, lo0'| -400' .Loo'-4001100'-{00'loo,-400. 120' 170, 150 | -200.180'too. - 300 | '::15 '200. IOOr -200, I O0' -300. 100'-200' I00. -5001lo0. -200' 150,-200r 164, too, -200 | I OO'- 21r', 1 oo. - too. IO0 i - 2OO. ?oo. - t 800, 200'-250. 800. ?s0- , 150, l l5' I 3 4 5 5 7I 9 10)il2 l3 11 I5l6 L1I8 r9 20 2t 21 26 28 29 13 t4 l5l6 17 38 3C t5t5 t5 t,rIIlo 10l0lc l0loloto 4961O Lto52 29432 4 aB:5 4t 827 164tl :2 t (,o t 6ll{490r4-l 490:r4-2 4 901,t - l 4 901 4-{ 2 1460 40214 41791 4186' 3t442 29651 t 749s 48298 43570449t9 40824 45'149 41r95 161t2 4b640 45195 3904747Jrl n794 3--T86bL 7'to99 21r54 4qt 41 44544 37S 2?rl7s 22lll7s 22E 3?S 228 l?s 2281'15 228l7s 22E.!7s 228r7s 22E3'?s 22E37S ?2E 3 ls 228 315 22E)15 228l7s 22t)37s 22[:375 22I:3ls 22L .J 'S ?28l7s 22E315 2)E3'75 22837s 228375 2283?S 22E37s 22E37S 22837S 2:tl7s 22E375 22tl 315 22E115 22E315 22E cl ist,ee N. LyMn Clj.sbee N. Lyoan Clisb€e N. Lynancllsbee N. Lyman Ired S. Lyman BIil $l'ol.lon I. ln)lt I,S lr,kota,/t{.)t riuon caorga f. LFnan S Oakota,/lt)rrlson Clarcnce Trcqellas D Dakota/tbrrison Bar llark Iianches lnc. I,D,S Dakota,/hrrisonBar lldrk Ranches lnc. I,D,S D,rkota,/t4orrlson Douglas calbraith S Ddkotd/XorrisonOillard M. Ca)mn S Dakota/t ort iiort BIJi S Drkota/tbrrison CJ6rn(t Sitc of -r4.'.,llr !.,1': rut- fr" 6 t/a" Scr crrrr Yiel(l of I_l:!:ay4 _,wclr _ . Ol t) ficc-ft.015 sec-ft.07 sec-ft.015 6cc-ft .015 6ec-ft 0. l0 scc-ft O.OI5 sec-ftU.0ll sec-ftO.50 sec-ftO.50 sec-ft0.50 sec-fr(r.50 sec-ttlo Cr*O.022 sec-ft 0.015 sec-ftO.o33 sec-ft0.OI5 6ec-ft 0.O15 sec-ft 0. LO sec-ft 0.015 s€c-ft O. lO sec-ftO.0t5 sec-ft O.015 sec-ft 0.O15 6ec-ft0.015 sec-(t O.OO3 s€c-ft O.Ol5 sec-ft O.Ol5 sec-ftO.OtS sec-ft O.015 Eec-ft 1. 11 sec-ft-: (r- 10 sec-ftO.50 sec-ft0.0I5 sec-ft O.015 sec-fcO.O!5 6€c-fr L!,',,$e 4 sep.rate welLs Joln(dby 1200' of 8" pipa Hater uaed for Drlve-ln thearre I,D,S Dakota/MorrisonLD,S Dalota/krrisoDI, D, S Dak.rta,/forrj sonI,D,s Dakotd,/lbrrisonS,D,G OalotalHorrisonS Dakota/&,rrisonRobert E. llosl.er t,D,S Dakota/torrisonh'ilLie Slmpson S,D, I Dakota,/Morri.sonItuflur Lee Lewis D Dakota/torrison Houkesha of Utah D Dalota/ltorrisonPlatte D. Lyman S Dakota,/Morrison Doan W. cuymon I,S Dakota/ilorrisoo Leonard R. llowe O Dakota,/ljorrison l.eland Shumway I,D,S Daiota/souison B.rr lbrk knches I,D,S Dak)ts./ltctrisonXloyd Perkjns S frikota/itorriconJ, larley Laus I,D,S l)akota/tbrrisonNillard N. Oulman s Uakota/ilorrl6onQrar!.L..,.qqyleF. 1.9.@- D4]or.e/!{e!ILslllittoyd L()!s f,D,S Ddkotc/[orrisonUtah bunch Cdrplex D Dak()talhrriaontjncrsy-Iqel$. !..C4. . _ .IeD._Q_-.. _paj-ora/florrisonf,r,ctgy t'uelE, Lrd. O^ NJv.rjo ssLorenzo llankihs D(9 D.rlioLc/fiorlisunl,a.r-iE S,hurray I,f@ onkota,/llorrison Alma U. J-c:trcs ....-,,-,-, .-,s-:, Dakota/ilorrisonl:lalil E. Perkir,s S tcl()tal&rriso0 Plateau Re!. LtC. D Da,.ota,/rbrrisflr t.) IH 1..)\o 22 22 21 2S 2B'i1 33 33 2tl5 B1l-l n9!_Let:.dll!lsr One uell drillcd. tllree velts to he conerru(.tcdrBottom 30'perforated See Plate 2.5-2 fot eell l@ation6 .D r bm€stlc S - Stockwatering I = Irrigation(r , tndustrial 2-130 water table in the Curtis formation, the driller's 1og indicates that tire nex! appearance of water occurred at 40C ieet below the surface in the Entrada sandstone. This water is probabl;r under some artesian head and represents the uain bedrock aguifer under the ore-buying station. 2.6.L.5 Utilization of Ground Water in Vicinity of Hanksville Ore- Buying Station The vicinitlr of the Hanksvill-e ore-buying station is very desolate and unpopulated with only a few scattered stock wells. In fact, within a five-mile radius of the Hanksville ore buying station there are only 5 ground water approprietion applications on file with the Utah State Engineerrs Office and only three wells dri1led. These well locations are shown on Plate 2.6-4 and their description is included in Table 2.6-2. The total ground water usage as approved by the Utah State Engineer within 5 sri of rhe ore-buying station is approximateLy 15 second-feet or 10,860 acre-feet per year. 0f this quantity, current usage is probably only l/5 of the quantity authorized. The authorized amount of 10.0 per acre-feet for Energy Fuels, for instance, is based upon production yields of six (6) weIls. Presently, only one well has been drilled and utilized for production. 2.6.2 Surface llater Hydrology No perennial surface rrater occurs on the project site. The follow- ing sections describe the regional drainage and utilization of surface nater, the project vicinity's watershed, and surface waEer hydrology of the project site. Regional Occurrence and Drainage of Surface I{ater The project siie is situated on Wtrite Mesa which is drained alnost equally by Corral Creek on the east and by Westwater Creek on the west (p1ate 2.5-5). A11 drainages in the project vicinity are intermittent. Corrai Creek has cent to the site and 4 1S drainage area of about 5 sq ni (f3 sq kn) adja- tributary to Recapture Creek. Westwater Creek, ,IABLE. 2.6-2 WATER WELLS IN VICINITY OE' HANKSVILLE ORE.BUYING STATION t{ell (ltah I App. I | 44294 2 2(,24tJ3 l:i3024 2?9545 9r9S-l6 9198-2? 91 9B-l8 9I9B-49 91 98-5 lo 91.98-6 Iocatlon _T R Sec. 30s llE 530s LIE I 295 llE I29S llE 3629S llE 36 29S llE 36 29S llE 3629s llE 36 29S llE 36 29S llE 36 ovner/ opera tor Ralph & Una Pacc Sophie Nlcolas BLM Lavon forsyth Energy fuel8, Ltd. Energy Fuels, LLd. Energy Fuela, Ltd. Energy Fuels, Ltd. Energy Fuels, l,td. Energy fuels. Ltd. screcn Yleld of lnterval well O.O3 aec-ft4.O sec-ft 0.063 6ec-ft O.015 sec-ft 0.o15 sec-ft IO.O sec-ft Resarka 6 uells (one well drllled, 5 to be conFt-rlrcted at future datel Naturer of Us€ D,SI s s I,D,S I'D,s I,D,SI,D's t,D, s I,D, S ProduclngFomtlon Depth of well loo r -300.loo'-500' 300'-3501ll5 | 200'-1000' 200' -roo0 t 200. -looo I 200' -looo I 200'-1000 | 200'-rooo' caslng Depth 100, -3001 loo. -500. 300' -350 | 3r5' 200 r -loo0r 200 | -tooo I 200' -looo' ?oo' -looo l 200 | -l ooo I 200 | -1000' size of Caslncl Entrada ss Entrada SE[trada SS Entrada SS Entrada sS Entrada SS Ent.rada sS Entrada SS Entrada SS Entrada SS .: l See Plat€ 2.6-3 for well locations rD = Donelttic S = Stocliwater I - Irrigation o = Industrlal T\) I(, N' I r_) oq SPRING CREEK WATERSHEDi RECAPTURE CREEK WATERSHEDCOTTONWOOD WASH WATERSHE./v v.,, /DI r^\6 (\\\ru l^\ lirl)l IUY \\- - / \'\1 .t , _\J/ HEWESTWATER CREEK WATERSHED CORRAL CREEK WATERSHED OI USGS GAUGE .2 USGS GAUGE 03 USGS GAUGE NO. O9376900 NO. O9378630 NO. O9378700 IIRAITIGE PR(lIEGI itl P 0t U IG I1I IIY DATI'! TO(DII PROJECT PIJTE 2.6-s 2-134 on Ehe western edge of the site, has a drainage area of nearly 27 sq rui (70 sq kn) and is Eributary to CoEtonwood t^lash. Both Cottonwood liash and Recapture Creek drain in a southerly directi-on and are tributary to the rnajor drainage artery of the region, the San iuan River. The confluences of CotEonwood Wash and Recapture Creek with the San Juan Rirrer are located approximately t8 mi {29 km) south of the project site. The drainage areas of Recapture Creek and Cottonwood Wash at their confluence with the San Juan River are approxiuately 200 sq mi (518 sq krn) and 322 sq mi (860 sq km), respectiveLy. The San Juan River is a major tribuEary of the Upper Colorad,o River and drains approximately 23,000 sq mi (60,000 sq kra) above B1uff, Utah which is located at the mouth of Cott,onwood wash. The San Juan River flows in a westerly direction toward its confluence with the Colorado River at Lake Porqe11, which is about 114 river miles (183 krq) west of Bluff. The entire Cottoilrood Wash waEershed <lrains 332 sq mi (860 sq km) with the southern half being relatively narrold and the northern half being wider. The creekr s headwaters are in the lianti-La SaI I'Iatic,nal ForesE. Elevations within the basin range from nearly i1,000 ft (3333 m) uean sea level (usl) at ME. Linnaeus Peak, to a low of about 4300 ft (1303 n) msl at Ehe ccnfluence of Cottonwood Wash and Ehe San Juan River. Ihe creek bot tom is ar ele'ration 5100 f c (1545 m) ns 1 direc c1y west of the project site. The overall basin slope averages about 154 t.t (46.7 m) per uile, or nearly 3 percent. The Recapture Creek <irainage area encompasses 200 sq mi (518 sq km) and extends for nearly 38 ni (61 kn) from its headwaters in the Abajo Mountains on Ehe north to its confluence with the San Juan Ri.rer to the south. The basin is very narrow, measuring less than 7 mi (11 km)'*ide at its broadest point. Elevations range from 11,36C ft (3442 a) ms1 at its headwaiers on Abajo Peak, to 5200 f: (1576 m) msl direcEly east of the project site, to a low of 4400 fC (1333 ia) ms1 aE its confluence wich 2*t35 the San Juan River. The overall basin slope is about 163 ft (49 m) per mile, or a littLe over 3 percer.t. The Westlrater Creek drainage basin covers nearly 27 sq mi (70 sq km) at its confluence with CoEtonwood Wash, about 1.5 ni (2.5 krn) west of the project site. The west and northwest portions of the project site lie within the tJestwater Creek watershed. The divide between WesEwater Creek's drainage area and that of Recapture Creek passes through the City of Blanding. Runoff originating frou vithin Blanding is collected by both of these watercourses. Corral Creek is a small intermittent tributary of Recapture Creek and collects runoff from the eastern half of the project site. Ihe drainage area of that portion of Corral Creek above and including the site is about 5 sq mi (13 sq km). The area of the entire Corral Creek basin measured at its confluence with Recapture Creek is 6 sq ui (15 sq kn). Table 2.6-3 summarizes the drainage areas in the general vicinity of the project site as well as the urajor watercourses of the region. Runoff from storms in the region is characterized by a rapid rise in flow rates followed by a rapid recession of flow rates. Ihis is probably due to the smal1 storage capacity of shallow surface soils in the region. 0n August 1, 1958, a flow of 20,500 cfs was recorded on Cottonwood Wash near Blanding (205 sq mi drainage area). However, the average flow for that day was only 4,340 cfs. By August 4, the flow had returned to the pre-flood flow rate of 16 cfs. This is characteristic behavior for basins with very 1ittle storage capacity. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) currenEly maintains two streau gauges on eratercourses in the region. The locations and gauge numbers are: gauge number 09378630 is on Recapture Creek in the uPPer portion of the watershed, at elevation 7200 ft nsl; gauge number 09378700 is on DRAINAGE AREAS 2-t36 TABLE 2.6-3 OF' PROJECT VICINITY AND RXGION Basin Description Corral creek adjacentto project site Corral Creek at conflrrence with RecapEure Creek WestwaEer Creek at confluence with Cottonwood Wash Cottonwood tfash at USGS gauge west of project site Cottonwood Wash at confluence with San Juan River Recapture Creek at USGS gauge Recapture Creek at Confluencewith San Juan River San Juan River at USGS gauge downstream of Bluff, Utah Drainage Area Square Miles Square KilomeEers 5.3 5.8 26.6 9as s332 3.8 s200 <23,000 13.7 15.0 68.8 ss31 <8 60 9.8 18<5 <60,000 2-137 Cottonwood Wash about 7 ni (11 krn) southwest of Blanding, at elevation 51.38 ft msi. rn ad,Jiticn, a gauge hras formerly mainEained on spring creek at elevaticn 7720 ft ns1 near Monticel-1o. rhis gauge, numbered 09376900, was discontinued in I971. TLre locations of these gauges are indicated on Plate 2.6-5. During the ocrober 1965 to present period of record for the Recapture creek gauge, the average annual yield iron the 3.8 sq rni (9.9 sq km) basin was 3.9 in (99 nm). The minimum and maximum annual yields on record were, respectively, 0.5 in (13 nn) for the period from october 1970 to Septenber 1971 and L6.2 in (411 mrn) for the period frorn October 1972 to September 1973. Average annual flows for the period 1965 ro 1975 are shown on Plate 2.6-6. During the 0ctober 1964 to present period of reeord for Ehe cottonwood wash gauge, the average annual yield from the 205 sq mi (531 sq km) basin was 0.57 in (14 nrn). The mininum and maximum annual yields on record were, resPectively, 0.13 in (3 rnn) for the period from October 1970 to September L97l and 1.87 in (48 rnu) for the period from October 1972 to September 1973. Average annual flows for the period 1964 to 1975 are shown on Plate 2.6-6. During the period that the gauge on spring creek was maintained, October 1955 to September L972, the average annual yield from the 4.95 sq roi (I3 sq km) basin was 2.8 in (71 mn). The miniuum and maximum annual yields on record I{ere, respectively, 0.88 in (22 nrn) for the period frorn OcEober 1969 to September 1970 and 5.27 in (134 nrn) for the period frour October 1965 to September 1966. Average annual flows for the period 1965 to 1972 are shown on Plate 2.6-6 the average annual rdater yields outlined above, 3.9 in (99 mrn) from Recapture Creek, 0.57 in (14 nn) from Cottonwood Wash, and 2.9 in (zt nm) frou spring creek, refleet the higher yields per unit area expected from the higher alti.tudes of the basins. As shom on plate 2.6-7, the uPPer reaches of the basins receive three Eiures the annual 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 AVE RAGE ANN UAL FL0t,l=800AF- ( 1965- 1974 ) DRAI NAGE AREA= 3.77 SQ. MI . AVERAGE ANNUAL Y IELD=2L2.2 AFlSQ. MI . 1600 1400 1200 1 000 800 600 400 200 AYE RAGE DRAINAGE AVI RAGE ANN UAL FLOW=6300 AF ( TgO 4-T97 4) AREA=205 SQ. MI. ANNUAL YIELD = 31 AFlSQ. ML Ft! lrJtL 1lfJdC) =oJtr J IFz.o = llJ(9 d.ul YI ELD-AF/SQ. MI FlrJ trJL! IlrJe.(-) =O)lr -J!F-=o = lrJ(5 dIJ YIELD-AF/SQ. MI. MI N.AVE.MAX.MI N. AVE MAX. 26 (1e70) 212 862 (te7 2) 6.7 31 (1e6e ) 100 ( te7 z) NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAYJUNEJULY AUG SEPT MON TH CREEK NEAR BLANDING GAUGE 09378630 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAYJUNEJULYAUG SEPT MON TH COTTONWOOD WASH NEAR BLANDING USGS GAUGE O93787OO AIl"JSTf;C AF'HIqT{JHE CAHD ,Also Ar.railable onAperture Card RECAPTURE USGS Flrl lrJl+ lrld.(J =oJt!. J-F =o = lrJ(5 d, lrJ 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 AVERAGE ANNUAL FL0I.J=734 AF (1965-1971) DRAINAGE AREA=4.95 SQ. MI. AVERAGE ANNUAL YIELD=148 AFlSQ. MI. 1. lrqs _ FOR THE LOCATION OF t.lATERCOURCES SUMMARIZED, SEE PLATE SOURCE OF DATA. l.lATER RESOURCES DATA RECORDS. COMPI LED AND PUBLISHED BY U S G S YIELD-AFl SQ. MI . MIN. 47.L (1e70) AVE. 148 MAX.2. 287 (1e6s) ffos/7oza?- ol OCT NOV DEC JAT.I FEB i'AR APR IUAY JI.,i.IE JIIY At,,G SEPT I4ON TH SPRING CREEK ABOVE DIVERSIONS, NEAR MONTICELLO USGS GAUGE 093769OO sIRErtFtoil suiltlRY BL[[DITG, UT[]I UICIilITY DIII'CMII P|-ATE 2.6-6 - 400 AVERAGE ANt{UAL FL0l{'800AF-( r96s- 1974) DRAINAGE AREA=3.77 SQ. tlI. 16 00 AYE RAGE DRA I N AGE AVERAGE ANNUAL FL0l{=6300 AF (1964-1974) AREA=205 SQ. MI. ANNUAL YIELD = 31 AFlSQ. rilI. . 350 UULJ 300 do .250-oJ* 2oo J *= l5oo- U loo dUe50 AVERAGE ANNUAL Y IELD=212.2 AFlSQ.14 00FUU T rzooUdo1 rooo-o)* Boo J-z 600o =u 400 du? zoo YIELD.AFlSO. IIII YrELp-AF/SQ. !,rr. MI N. AVE. I,.IAX. 6.? 31 100 t.II N. AVE . ?6 2n ( le70) MAX. 862 ( te7 2)( le6e )( re7 2) OCT NOV OEC JAN FE8 UAR APR TTAYT'{EJIJLY At,G SEPT TIONTH RECAPTURE CREEK NEAR BLANDING USGS GAUGE 09378630 OCT ITIOV DEC JAITI FEB MAF APR MAY.I,\EJI,-Y A,G I.ION TH ANSTEC APERTURE CARD Also Available onAporture Card COTTONWOOD WASH NEAR BLANDING USGS GAUGE O937870O 350 AVE RAGE DRAI NAGE AVE RAGE AiINUAL FLOI{=734 AF (r955-1971) AREA=4.95 SQ. ilI.FUE 3oo Ue: zso -3 2oor J- 150F =o= looua9 fi50 At{NUAL YIELD=148 AFlSQ. YrELp-AF/SQ. Ilr. itIN. AVE. [AX. 47.t 148 28t -rqrE!:I. FOR THE LOCATION OF UATERCOURCES SUI,I}IARI ZED, SEE PLATE2. SOURCE OF DATA. }IATER RESOURCES DATA RECORDS. COIIIPI LED AND PUBLISHEO BY U S G S ( rsTo )( 1e65) fro3/702A?- 0l OCT Mry DEC JA'{ FE8 MAR APR TAY.T.iEJIYAJG SEPT Irt0!t TH SPRING CREEK ABOVE DIVERSIONS. NEAR MONTICELLO USGS GAUGE 09376900 sTnErtn0[ sutfrRr BuxDtxc,urt[ ulclillil PLATE 2.6-7 2-140 precipitation Ehat Ehe project siLe receives. produces a greater amount of runoff. The greater precipitation Regional Uti.lizaEion of Surface Water Surface erater use within the Cottonwood Wash, Recapture Creek, Corral Creek and I{estwater Creek basins is prinarily for agricultural irrigation and stock watering. Table 2.6-4 lists Ehe existing water appropriations within tie project vicinity. it is not known ii all these rights are being exercised. The State of Utahrs DeparEmenE of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights is in the process of cornpiling a statewide list to establish the current lrater users but the Blanding area has not yet been appraised. In addition, the Division of Water Rights has stated that 'tadditionai waEer rights could exist, in good condition, if the wat,er was used for some beneficial use prior to 1903 as long as the right was sEiIl in use today.'r On a more regionat basis, wat,er use 9900 acre-feet per year in Utah alone USDA, L974). This 9900 acre-feei of water as indicateC in Table 2.5-5. Project Vicinity WaEershed Ihe project site is situaEed aE.op k'hice Mesa from r"-hich strrface runoff is conducted by severaL poorll' defined, ephemeral drainages to either WestwaEer Creek or Corral Creek (see SecEion 2.6.2.I). The mesa is defined by Ehese iwo adjacent uain drainages which have cui deepl;r into the regional sandstone formaEions. I{hite Mesa slopes gently Eo the south-southwest frorn the town of Blanding; its elevaEions range from over 6000 ft msl near Blanding to around 5400 fE msl at the southern e:.treuity of the plateau. The project sice is sit.uated at elevations generally ranging beiween 5600 ft msl and 5650 ft rasl. White Mesa is about 10 mi (16 km) in length, making its o.rerall slope a little nore than 1 per- cent. from the San Juan River total (Co1o. WaEer Cons. Board and is used in many different ways CORRAL CREEK FreA H;111d-;y Blanding, UT COTTONI,JOOD CREEK OR I^IASH 2-14t TABLE 2.6-4 CURRENT SURFACE }JATER USERS IN PROJECT VISINITY ADDRESS APPLICATION APPLICATION DATE Aug 12, l97L Nov 12, 1907 June 22, 1910 Itar L2, 1924 l(ar 24, L924 NUMBER 40839 1647 3322 9486 9491 9492 10320 104935 r0496 t0497 34666 QUANTITY 0.5 cfs 1.0 cfs 5.49 cfs l. 18 cfs 0.738 cfs Willian Keller Hyrurn Perkins U.S. Indian Service U.S. Indian Service U.S. Indian Service Seth Shumway ll.E. Shumway Moab, UT Bluff, UT Ignacia, CO Ignacia, C0 Ignacia, C0 Blanding, UT B1anding, UT Blanding, UT Monticello, UT K.loyd Perkins Blanding, UT I{.R. Young W.R. Young W.R. Young San Juan County hlater Conserv. District Earl Perkins B1anding, UT WESTWATER CREEK Blanding, UT B1anding, UT Apr 16, 1965 Jan 7, L929 Segregation Date Feb 28, 1970 Segregation Date Oct 22, 1970 Claim Date Oct 16, I970 Change of Approp. June 12, 1974 36924 10576 37601a 37501a Claim 2373 0.298 1.455 0.001 5 4.0022 0.002 l2 ,000 cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs A-F 5.0 cfs 0,005 cfs 0.7623 cfs 0.2377 cf.e 0.015 cfs Mar APr 0ct 0ct 0ct 0ct 24, 13, 77 23, 22, 10, t924 t928 1928 1928 L928 L962 Preston Nielson Blanding, UT Parley Redd Kenneth McDonald Blanding, UT Blanding, UT 42302 1.0 cfs 2-142 TABLE 2.6-5 PRESENT UTAH WATER USE (1965) OF SAN JUAN RIVER Use Irrigated Crops (5000 acres) Reservoir Evaporation Incidental Usea Municipal & Industrialb Miaeralsb Augmented Fish and Wildlife alncidenEal use of other roi.scel laneous Total irrigation qrater by phreatophytes and vegetation. Acre-Feet 55 00 100 I 300 1800 I 100 100 9900 Source: blncludes evaporation losses applicable to these sourcesof depletion. Colo. l,Iater Cons. Board & USDA, 1974. 2-143 Project Site Drainage The 1480-acre project site is drained by both Westwater Creek and Corral Creek. Of this area, surface runoff from approximately 384 acres is collected by l{estwater Creek and about 383 acres are drained by Corral Creek. The remaining 713 acres in the southern an<i southwestern portions of the site are drained to Cottonwood Wash. Surface lrater yield from the project site averages less than 0.5 inches annuall.y, although just how much Less is not known. Cottonwood Wash with a drainage basin composed of both mountainous land and arid lowlands, has an annual yield of 0.57 inches at the USGS gauge. 0f that yield, a considerable portion is provided by the headwaters of the basin which is at a much higher elevation and provides a disproportionately higher yield. If one assumes that 15 percent of the basin is sinilar to Spring Creek and Recapture Creek and yielding 3 inches annually, then the remainder of the basin, which is simiLar to the project site, is pro- viding only 0.14 inches of yield to make the weighted basin average 0.57 in. Ihus, the project site is assumed to have an average annual yield in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 inches. The annual yield probably has wide variations because of occasional intense thunderstorms. Project Site Flooding Potentiat A flooding potential determination can be made either by examination of long-term stream flow records or by examination of precipitation records. Of the two techniques, an analysis of stream flow data is preferred since it requires fewer assumptions and is a more direct measure of the needed inf orrnation. LlnfortunaEely, f ew areas have Ehe high quality, long-term flow records that are required for a sta- tistical stream flow analysis. The Blanding area lacks such flow records and, Eherefore, precipitation analysis was used to deternine the project site flooding potential. Flooding Analysis To analyze the threat of flooding to the project site from adjacent drainages and from direct precipitation, estimates of potential flooding 2-L44 resulting frou a probable maximum flood (ptlr) and a 100-;rear flood were used. A probable maximum flood i.s defnied by the World Meteorological Organization (1973) as: "The hypothetical flood characteristics (peak discharge, volume, and hydrograph shape) ttrat are considered to be Ehe most severe reasonably possible at a parEicular location, based on relatively comprehensive hydrometeorological analyses of criti- cal runof f-producing precipitation (and snor.irrelt, if pertinent) and hydrological factors favorable for maximum flood runoff." A PMF is prepared by estirnaEing probable maxiraum precipitation (pUp) amounts over the drainage basins, and then arranging these anounts in aa optimum time sequence to produce the maximurn flood runoff likely. A PI,IF represents the most severe runoff conditions considered to be 'rreasonably possible." While a PMF is an outstanding event, 1O0-year precipitaton (a 1O0-year flood) is occuro The teru "IO0-year precipitaEion" is duration, usually 24 hours or less, that every 100 years. A 100-year flood has about occurring once any one year. Precipitation Analysis Probable maximum precipitation used irr deriving the PMF, is defined by the Wor1d Meteorological Organization (1973) as: rrThe theoreticaLly greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration theE is meteorologically possible over the applicable drainage area that would produce flood flows of which there is virtually no risk of being exceeded. These esEimates involve certain modifications and extrapolation of historical data to reflect rnore severe rainfall meleorological conditions than actually recorded, in the generaI region of the basin under study, insofar as these are deeued reasonably possible of occurrence on the basin of hydromeEeorological reasoning." a flood resulting fron the smaller and more likely to the rainfall oi a particular is equaled or exceeded once a one percent probability of 1n 2-t45 Two types of probable maximum precipitaton (pt'tp) were considered in developing the probable maximum fIood. The first is thunderstorm rain- fa11, eharacterized by extreuely intense precipitaton of short duration. Ihe second is the rainfall from a general-type storm, characterized by less intense precipitation over a much longer period of time. Ihe PMP estimate for different durations from thunderstorm and general type storms are presented on Plate 2.6-8. These data were taken directly or derived from tables and charts of the U.S. Bureau of Reclam- ationts (1973) "Design of Snall Dams.rr The values are for PMP at a point (applicable to an area up to 10 sq ni (26 sq km). For areas over 10 sq Ei, the values shown must be reduced by appropriate areal reduction factors. As shown, the general type stor:In PMP produces 9.8 in (249 nm) of rainfall in 48 hours. The PltP generated by a thunderstorm is more intense, producing 7 in (178 nm) in only t hour. The thunderstorm is not expected to last more than I hour in this region (UStrn, 1973252). In addigion to the PMP rainfalts, the rainfall. events having return periods of 2 to 100 years were deternined for the area, The values shown on Place 2.6-8 nere computed from NOAA and NWS (1973). The resulting 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-r 50- and 100-year 24-hour preeipitation depths are 1.4 in (35 nm), 1.8 in (45 nn), 2.L in (53 nm) 2.5 in (63 nn), 2.8 in (72 m) and 3 .2 in (81 um), respectively. Precipitation depths for these return periods are shown on Plate 2.6-8 for the 24-hour duration as well as int,ermediate durations donrn to 15 minutes. Unit Hydrographs Unit hydrographs were developed to describe the rainfall-runoff response of the study basins which are the basins for the drainages adjacent to the project site shown on Plate 2.6'5. -Idea1ly, the unit hydrographs should be determined and verified from historical floods and associated rainfall/runoff relationships. Since such data were not available for these waEersheds, syntheEic unit hydrographs were derived based on the physiographic characteristics of the drainage areas. These synthetic unit hydrographs were conputed using the procedures set It il Nb Io L FROM, PRECIPITATION ATLAS UN ITED STATES, VOL. AND Nt{lS, 1973. 23 TrME (H0URS) OF THE I^lESTERN VI-U7A4-NOAA 10 1(r, I lfJ-(J =6 =Otr !, F F d,6- c) l+,d,ao- ')E'!e- =E- -I-e= -jI'i=Trel!E-tcl,lFlFrc-'Etclr{i<- 48 a?/ / / TH UN DE RSTORM PMP (USBR 19ZS) \ GENERAL-TYPE STORM PMP ( USBR, 1973)-/ a // /a /// ,/a / ////z- ,_a a = 50 25 1 n 1r-'--J --" L- 5 .---- .25 .50 l2 24 2-L47 out by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the Soil ConservaEion Service (ScS). Flood Hydrograph Analysis Using the previously described precipi- taEion guantities and depth-duration relationships given on PlaEe 2.6-8, the runoff producing rainfall was computed. Retention losses, rainfall lost by soil infiltration or evaporated from the soil surface, lrere then deternined by SCS criteria. For the PMP, near-saturated antecedent moisture conditions vrere adopted corresponding to cur.Je number 85 (UStrA, 1973). For the 100-year event, t'average" basin condi- tions were assumed, resulting in the use of curve nuuber 50. Incremental runoff quantities were then convoluted wirh the previously determined unit hydrographs to obtain the flood hydrographs for each event. Com- parison of the PMF|s front thunderstorus and general storms showed that the thunderstorn produced the longest peak flows. The hydrographs from a PMP thunderstorm are shown on Plate 2.6-9. The PMF hydrographs shown for Cottonwood Wash, Westwater Creek and Corral Creek adjacent Eo the project site have peak discharges of 66,000 cfs (1869 cms), 18,000 cfs (510 cns) and 14,000 cfs (396 cms), respec- tively. Ihe 100-year discharges for the same rdatersheds are 4500 cfs (127 cms),450 cfs (12.7 cms) and 114 cfs (3.2 cms), respectively. By observation, the nater courses for these three creeks have capacities which far exceed the computed PMF values. Therefore, the project site cannot be inundated due to floods on these drainages. Flooding of the project site due to direct precipitation is dis- cussed in detail in Appendix I1. The precipitation depth-duration used in Appendix H is the same as that developed above, under "Precipitation Analys is. " The flood of record on CoEtonwood Wash that occurred on August 1, 1968 rras 20,500 cfs (581 cms). The rainfall that produced this record flow was almost 4.5 in (114 mro) in a 24-hour period. This flow is over 4 times the esEimated 1OO-year discharge. As mentioned previously, nc ! s{ Fr N'b I\o 7 2000 OTTONWOOD WASH PEAK66, OOO CFS 64000 o 56000Z.OO l-Lla 48000E LTJ o- F fr +oooo LL o $ reooo 3 LLIp z+ooo I C)0 o 16000 3 2000 28000 COTTONWOOD WASH UNIT HYDROGRAPH PEAK=25, 600 CFSaz.OOL!a EL! o_ F LLJL! U. O m =3 tu(D G, I(Ja o 24 000 20000 -|I --b -E'Ft d.=feEe ==I -F!.lI- ==--,t-leGi-i3!e!crEr I=i-a v!, 1 6000 12000 8000 8000 4 000 4 6 I 10 TIME ( HOURS ) FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS 468 TIME (HOURS) UNIT HYDROGRAPHS WESTWATER CREEKPEAK 1 8, ooo CFS CORRALLPEAK L4,CREEK OOO CFS WESTWATER CREE UNI T HYDROGRAPHPEAK=5800 CFS CORRAL CREEKUNIT HYDROGRAPHPEAK= 31OO CFS 2-149 statistical frequency analysis was performed on the meteorological data, but this 4.5 in (114 mm) rainfall was certainly an extremely unusual event, mosE probably generated by a general-type storm system, since high runoff occurred for several days both before and after the peak flow event. The PMF hydrograph sholrn on Plate 2.6-9 is the result of the thunderstorn PMP, i.e. 7 in (178 srm) of rainfall in I hour. Although the PMP associated with a general-type storm produces more rainfall,9.8 in (249 un), the intensity is much tess since the duration is much longer at 48 hours. The PMF hydrograph frou such a rainfall would result in more volume of runoff than the PMF thunderstorm but the peak discharge would be less, therefore being less critical as far as flooding potential is concerned. Also, since the flood of record on Cottonwood Wash occurred in August, no snowmett baseflow was added Eo the above PMF estimate. If the snounelt conponent, nere included it would produce a negligible change in the peak flood flows shown. 2.6.3 Water Quality Water quality determinarions rraters in and around the proposed existing conditions and to be able inpacts on the water quality as a are being made of surface and ground mill site to evaluate and describe the to make predictions of possible future result of the planned acEion. Sanpling sEations are locaEed to provide baseline lrater quality conditions up gradient and down gradient froo the site for both subsur- face and surface rdaters. These locations were chosen Eo be as represen- .t.ative of specific conditions as possible and the frequency of sampLing was selected to provide a statisEically valid sanpting. The water quality parameEers chosen for analysis represent the major chemical, physical and radiological properties that would be important for possible intended uses of the lrater and would be appropriate Eo monitor during the life of the project to detect possible changes in water quality. 2-150 An explanation of the significance of selected ehemical and physical properti.es of water and a discussion of ihe wai.er sampiing procedures and techniques are included in Appendix B. Ground lJater Qualiry in project Vicinity rn general, ground water quality is related to the type of geologic fornation frorn which the water is derived. Ihe ground water from wells drilled into the alluvir:m and at shallo-,,, depths in the Dakota sandstone, the Burro Canyon formation and the ltorrison formation is slightly min- eralized with a range of total dissolved solids from approximately 300 to 2000 nill.igrans per liter (rng/1) (Felris, i956:29). The water qualit.v in the deeper aquifers, such as the Navajo sand- stone and the Entrada sandstone, varies considerably. The Engrada has yielded fresh ldater to ldater wells in some areas of southeastern Utah and saline liTater in others. No data are available regarding its quality in the vicintiy of the project site. The Navajo sandstone, however, yields fresh htater to the rnill site weI1. Its total dissolved solids content is about 245 mgt1. Generalized descriptions of ground water quality frorn rnany different formations present in the region and the Blanding vicinity ere listed b)'specific we1ls and locaiion ir. r,able 3 of Feltis (1g65). I{ater sanples have been collected and enalyzeC from springs and wells in the project vicinity as pari of the baseline field investiga- tions. The Locations of these sampling sites and other preoperational water quality sampling stations are showa in Plaie 2.6-10 (those north of ihe project site are upgradient). Results of aaalyses are listed in TabLe 2.6-6. In general, the qualiEy of the shallow ground water discharging from the springs in the project vicinity ranges from 780 to 1270 mg/l in rolal dissolved solids. The ground water is a sodium sulphate-bicarbolate to a sodium-calcium sulphate-bicarbonaEe t)'pe water with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH (see ana!.yses of stations No. G4B. and G3R). PLATE 2.6.I0 IABLu._?r-q:g WATER QUALITY OF CROU}ID I,IATERS AND SPRINGS IN PRO.IECT VICINITY Locat ion Spring in Corral Ck Blanding Mi11 Site Wcll in Navajo Sandstone Station No.GlR G2R Collection Date 7 /25/77 1t/t0/77 L/27 /77r s/4/772 7/2s/77 tzlos/77 t2/osl773 Field Specific Conductiviry (umhos/cn)Field ptlDissolved 0xygr:nTemperature ('C)Estimated Florv, gpm Deternli.nation (mg,/1 ) pll TDS (0r 80"c) Redox PotencialAlkalirrity (as CaCOSJIlardness, total (as CaCOg) Car'bonate (as CO3)Alr-rrninum, d issolvedArnmonia (as N)Arsenic, to talBariun, totirl Boron, totalCadmi.un, totalCalciurn, dissolvcd Ch lorideSodium, dissolved Silver, dissolved Sul fate, dissol ved (as SOa)Vanadium, dissolvedi'langanese,,lis solvedChrolniutn, tr)ta 1 Copper, totalFluoride, dissolve<lIron, totalIron, dissolvedLead, total Itlagnes iunr, JissolvedItlercury, to talIrloiybdentrnr, rlisso lvedNitrirte (as N)Phosphorus, total (as p) :: 8.0 244 189 196 0.0 0.0 0. 014 <0. 0 0.040 0.0 510.0 8.0 0.0 24 0.020 0.0 0.0 0 .17 !: ta 0.0 t7 0.0 0.0s 0.03 ;; :9', t7 9,t i6 00 0.12 400 6.9 7) '' 20 7.7 1110 220 221 208 0 <0. 01 <0. 1 <0.0L0.13 <0. I 0. 004 51. <15.5 <0.002l7 <0.0020.03 0. 02 0.005 0 .220.61 0. 570.02 1B 0. 002 <0.01 <0. 05 <0. 01 7.9 24s 180 (,zH&Aan gl F UoJ ts"C)z A-lo() o*iB{ o.-l (J &Aa trlt c)o,l I-ioz a-.1)C)(J =o-lt\ 3oJ (ottho) 770btNo. HRI - 11 503on radioactivi ty a$ IFUrN) caczoa F.rrl]<l-d,rl oEl€A< =,-loUL' t{HILI F>u)tllFFoZA U)HHUq&> g.l 2A{ c.r AEoar<tr1<tsdtril o-t Fqo"<E-ro(J L9zFHulF>.nEIFtroZA (/'H H()u't c>Irl<=zo<() Itrtah State Division of Ilealth Analysis, Lab No.llarlial. analysis by ltazen Research, In;., Sa;pieiReplicare sample analyzed for Quality Asiurante !: Q € n pc = O€n o! /.o,4 .i O N ea) 3' =.4 I N --a'-* i a =,N I o 'o .i (i o! c> 'J- t j c c) C) O,.) U oU o t-I c U O ! o I a) .i 2-153 Iti0IVr0EYr :llil.LS3J lYiiiirii,iclIE 03J,3'IdITO] J3I ION SiSAIY}:Y IUol.!,,-u0gYI SfiI ISlJ ']YI lUSltliSl,\B C3I3TdHO3 TAA JON SISAIYN"; '\c nrco.c . . . . NiC'!NC+ i+ i+ r+ i+ lr Ialr*rCOtl\ . . . . A C:CFC - lr I a-C r r ' rNrrrl 'Orrrr :)NIUdS AIVf,CIl ioN 01n03 "4t0iJ l1o1 ,i\lUdS 3J\'301 ioN o-inof, "\10'ii r1i01 NN a{,= \o . .ta -.=--=i n- I i i i , rlt I r N a1 rt\ NN I\ Nt\r NF NN i Ns rN 4 r G] - o a z =q) .a lt) :E cC-tEl =lci JIal-t I I I _lUI -I,sl tlolui =l'-l * .ilr.l^t"i i I I alT,Iol ;l EIol vl I\Olri c!l I tr.t I Fll 'col<lt-r I mc* c ,J i .J '2. ,6 tricldlpi ;lo: TABLI: 2.6-6 (Continued) Location Spring inCottorrwood Crcek Spring inCottonwood Creek Spring irrWcstwater Creek Abandoned Stock WetIStation No. Collection Date G3ll G4R GSR G6R 7/2s/77 tt/to/77 7/2s/77 rL/t0/77 7/25/77 r1/L0/77 7 / 2s/77 Lt/ t0/77 Field Specific Condrr(:tivity (umhos/crn)Field pl{Dissolved OxygenTemperature ('C)Ilstimated flow, gptir Detelmilg-tion (ng/l) pll TDS (ot80"cl Redox PotentialAlkalinity (as CaCOI)llaldrress, total (as Catl0g) Calbonntc (as COr) AI urn irrurn, dissolieJ Ammon:i a (as N)Arsen.ic, totalBarium, total Roron, tota ICarltriurn, totalCalc.ium, dissolved C'lrl oride Sodiunr, dissolved Silver, dissolvedSul.fal.e, dissolved (as SOa)Vanadi.rrn, dissolved Manganese, ,lissolved Uhromiunr, total. Coppe r, t()t.rl[:luoride, di.ssolvedIron, total I ron, di sso lvedLead, total Ittagnesium, Jisso)vedMcrcury, fot-a1 |.{o1 ybdenurn, dissol.veJNitrate (as N)Phosphorus, total (as l,) plJA a Fi Frscl oF. ctEIt- B :CC'Dc'z,1I] Foz 9507.4 13.5 .5 7.8 975 260 187 477 0<0. 1 :9. ',<0.? 0.2 0.004 J7 5 ?5 200 472<0.01 <0.005 0.1 <0. 0050.6 0.050.02<0.05 2(tS <0, 005 2.7 7 0"05 24 006.4 24t0 7,0 r27 0 240 643 232 0 0. 06 0. 13 <0.010.25 0.5 0. 004 58I 400 0.00,1 333 0.0061.1, 0" 02 0" 005 1.0 0. 34 0.320.05 l9 0.002 <0.010.06 0,07 760 6.7 70 2 8.1 780 26(') z5z LOl 00.4 <0. I <0. 2 0.1 u.002 1557l 11s 243 <0.01(t. 060 <0. 01 <0.0050.5 0. l6 0.11 <0.05 28 u.001 o -26 0.02 h) I LN.F-EI,lr\ aD oF lrl*I 14 7- t&t-IA U) oF t!l-ttrl z tllJaria oF &q.lF oz gl FlA a oF dklF4 =o TABLE 2.6-6 (Continued) Spring inCottonwood Creek Spring in Cottonwood Creek Spring in Westwater Creek Abandoned Stock liellLocatton Statien No.GSll G4R GSR G6lt Collection Date 7/2s/77 L7/t0/77 7 / ?s/77 rL/ to/77 7/ZS/77 tL/t0/77 7/25/77 tL/t0/77 Deterrni.nation (rng/l) Pot-ass iunr, d.i ssolvedSelenium, cli.ssolverlSil ica dissolved (as SiO2)Strontium, dissolved Urani.un, total (as U) llraniurn, dissolved (as U)Zinc, rli ssolverl'l'otal. 0rganic (larbon Chemical Oxygen Dernandoi l. anrl Grea se'Iotal Suspended Solids ll g t rILLn 4j9_L-[ug.il_1_). Gross Alpha+Precis ionhGross Beta+Precision4 Ita<l i urn - 2 26TPrecis iontt Thor irrnr- 2 30{ l,reci s ion'rLcad'210+Precision'r Po lonium:210+Prec is iontr tll F-]o{ tft FJtrlF 5otqa ot- dtllI* =:E(J oztl] Foz 2.8 I 1.5 0r010 0.010 0.015 1 28 2 11 6.6 0. 14 292.7 0.005 0.004 0 .06 4.3 16 1.5 0,006 0.0060.15 8 39 12l tllJA a oF dtqF4ts oz tr.lrto.2-.(.a oF. tu*lEI 5 EIJo{ a oF rJj Flro zp rq "JA vt ot- c<rqI-r =o2 N) IF. \JI\,l10.2+3.1 37T21 0. 0T0. 2 0. zto. 80.0;2.00.0r0.3 qVariability of the radioactive disintcgraLion process (cotrnting error) at the 959 confidence 1eve1, L.96o. Since the lialf-life of polonium-210 is 138 days, it wi1l. be in equilibrium with lead-210 in approxinrately 1380 There wiIl he equal activities of polonium-210 and lead-210 when in equilibriun.days or 3.8 years. I]ABLE 2.6-6 (Conttnued) Aba rrdotred Stock WellLoca t ion Station No. Collection llitte G7R 7/Zs/7?ll/L0/77 Future date Future date Futrrre date Fielcl Specif ic Conductivity (urnh.trs/cnr) Fietd pll Dissolved Oxygen Teml)erature ('C) Ilstimat,ed ftow, gPrn Determination (mg/U pll TDS (o r 80" c) Redox I)otenEialAIk:rlinity (as CaCO3) Hardrress, total (as CaCOS) Carbonate (as COS) Aluriiinum, dissolved Arnmonia (as N)Arseni.c, totalBariruu, total BoroII, total(:adrniunr, totalCalciunr, dissolved Chl o r ideSodiun, di sso1ved Silver, dissolvedStrlfate, dissolved (as SO4) !'anadiun, dissnlved l'langancse, di.ssolved Chromitlnt, total. Copper, totalFltroride, disso lvetiIron, totalIron, dissoLved l.eatl , tot.al Magnesi.urn, di ssolvedIrlercrrry, Eotal l'lol ybde nrrn, dissolved I'l.i trste (a s N) Phosphorus, total (as P) hJ I \rtOi rqF-lA eU) otr tllJ FAz f{JA a oF. ,IJ !.114 zp TABLE 2.6-6 (Concluded Loca t ion Station lrlo.G7R 7 /2s/77 ll/L0/77 I.rutrrre dateCollection Date Future date Futurc date Determination (ng/1) Potassium, dissolvedSelenium, di ssolvedSilica dissolved (as SiO2)Strontium, dissolvedUranium, total (as U) Uranium, dissolvcd (as U)Zinc, dissolved'fotal Organic CarborrChemical Oxygen DemandOil and GreaseTotal Suspended Solids Deterninat ion (frCi,/1) Gross Alpha+Precis iontlGross Beta+I'reci s iontt Rad iun- 2 2 6T['rec i s ion tr Thorium- 2 3O+Prec i s iontr l,e ael - 21 0+ Prec i s ion tr Po 1 on ium:'2 I 0 + Prec is ion tr tvariabllitl of the radioactive disintegratton process (counting error) at tho 951 confidence l€vel, 1.96r. Sincc thc h.lf-1iIe of polonlun-210 is 158 days, it xill he ttr equlllbriun xlth le.d-zl0 in rDDroxlharcly 1580 days or !.s /ears.There wIIl be oqual activities of polonlm-210 ind lead-210 xhen tn equilibrlutr. tll,lo. eat) oF EI>J,a z5 E].Jocz (D oF EJJE 2D t) 1H(n{ 2-1 58 More information will be gathered regarding the quality of shaLlow ground rdater at the rui1l site and uailing retention site. These data will be subnitted in the Supplemental Report. The water quality analysis of ground water from the mi11 siEe well drilled into the Navajo sandstone is included in Table 2.6-6 for reference and cooparison with other ground waters. However, iE urusi be recognized that the ground water in the Navajo sandstone beneath the ni11 site is isolated from the shallow ground water regime of the Dakota- Morrison rock formations by several hundred feet of less perneable geologic forroations. Therefore, because these geologic foruations are of different character and physical cooposition, it is understandable that the ground waEer compositions are enEirely different in each formation. Specifically, based on analyses of water from the Blanding mil1 site well (Station No. G2R), the ground water in the llavajo sandstone is a calciun-bicarbonaEe type lrater wiCh 1ow total dissolved solids, and a very slightly alkaline pH. The dissolved iron content of 0.57 f,g/L, however, would require treatment in order to meet U.S. Public Health Service Q962) recorumendeC standards of 0.3 ng/1 for drinking water. Surface Water Quality in Project Vicinity Surface rrater samples have been colLected at. several locations around Ehe project site and analysed as part of the baseline field studies. The locations of these preoperat.ional surface water quality samp.ling sEations are shown on PIate 2.6-10 and the results of the analyses are presenEed iu Table 2.6-7. Two sets of surface rrater samples have been coilecEed from the Blanding siEe area; one in July 1977, another in November 1977. Sarnples were collected from WestwaEer Creek, Cottonwood Creek and Ccrral Creek, int.ermj-ttent streams which drain ihe rnill site area; and, from a surface stock pond just southeast of the proposed mill site. Attempts have been made to sanple Recapture Creek at Station No. S4R and a sma1l wash south Loca t ion TABLE 2.6-7 T,IATER QUALITY OT SURFACE WATERS IN PROJECT VICINITY, BLANDING, UTA}I Westwater Creek Corra I Creek Corral Creek Corral/RccaptureCreeks.Junction Sta tion No. Collection Date s1R S2R 7 /2s/77 Lt/ r0/77 7/ZS/77 tr/10177 7 /25/77 ttlt0/77 s4R 7/2s/77 tt/ro/77 Field Sgrecific Conductivity (umhos/cm)Field ptl Dissolved OxygenTemperature ('C)Estimated Flow, sec-ft Determination (mg/1) pll TDS (e 180"C) Redox PotentialAlkalinity (as CaCO3)Hardness, total (as CaCO3) Carbonate (as COg)Alumi.num, dissol.ved Ammonia (as N)Arsenic, totalllariun, total Boron, total Cadnium, totalCalcium, dissolvedChlorideSodium, dissolved Sj.1ver, dissolvedSulfate, dissolved as SOa)Vanadium, dissolved l,tanganese, dissolvedChromiun, total Copper, TotalFluoride, dissolvedIron, totalIron, dissolvedLead, tota1 Magnesium, dissolvedMercury, total lulolybdenun, dissolvedNitrate (as N)Phosphorus, total (as P) rrlJ& v) Jtllt-. q!la oF{ z rqdFU) z &rllF = (,5oz,q t-.o2 490 7.6 3 0 .02 8.2 496 220 20(t 262 00.2 <0. I <0.2 0.1 <0.002 76t7 31 103 <0.01 0.030 <0.01 <0.00s0.3 0. 28 0.17 <0.05 17 <0. 0005 <0.050.0s 20006.8 z7 .7 0. 09 6.7 1350 260 70 853 0 0. 040.15 <0.010.36 0.1 0.004 150 54 115 0. 004 803 0.0040.200.02 0.01 0. 32 0. 080.t2 0. 04 t20 0.002 <0.01 0 .21 0 -21 2400 s 0.02 8.0 316 0 240 t72 1910 0 <0. 1 <0. 1 0.4 0.2 0. 006 7B L5Z r60 2000 <0.010.030 0.01 0.0100.6 0. 09 0.070.1s 20 <0.0005 0.11 0. 06 ,{FIo. a rJtllF Dorrlo oF .(rqdF.tn z dults{ = (,5oztq Fo2 JlllF DgtllA oF z rrl&FID 7H dlrlF = (9DozB] Foz gJ F]Az a ot- lll&Fa zH &;llF =oz. EIrlAzIv) oF- ul&Frt) 2 dpIF o2, ,qtJo{ EU) IrJ !Fl.rl\o TABLE 2.6-7 (Continued) Corra l./ Recap tureCreeks .Jurictiony'les tHatcr Creek Corral Creek S2R Corral Creek SlR 11/t0/77 7/2s177 tr/t0/77 7 /2s/77 s4R Lt/ ro/77 7 /2'-1/77 11/lt)/77Col lection Date 7 /Zs/77 Station No. Determ!n-atigg-!'S/!l Potassiun, dissol.ved Sel enium, d issolvedSilica dissolved (as SiO2)Strontium, di ssolved Uranium, total (as U) Uranium, d.issol ved (as U) Zinc, dissolvedTotal 0rgariic Carbon Chemical Orygen DemandOil and Grcase'I'otal Suspr:rrrled Solids Deterlti.rraition ( PCi/f ) Gross Alpha+Precisionl Gross Beta*Pr'ecision r Radiun - 226+Precisionr'Ihoriurl - 230+Precisi.onl Learl - 210+Preci.sionl Poloni.unr :210{'Precis ionl IVar.iabil.ity of the radioactive disintegration process (counting error) at the 95t N' I o\c) gI*to" a, oF etrldFU) 2H & F :? oz lltrto" a oF 4rqdF1t) z &trlF.( =oz oF z !r] tllo4JFO.az zaH d "-l,rl lrlFF BDo!qrll(,Qp<() 'a-rll F.o oF E t! tqod ,lFAaz zaH d.rtq tuF t-. BDoiE ILI,J rip<ozru F.o,Z oF <rllrrl iJco.F>a<azH> >-1o(tagl t-F<<p =qEIiEoC'<poZlr| Foz. 1:' 7 0.44 0. 006 0.002 0. 09 6 ?3 1t2 15 0. 16 101.9 0.005 0. 002 0. 06 4.8 2 2.2 0.028 0.028 0 .02 11 79 1 9 1S+2 180+20 0.0T0 . 3 5.1+6. 5 1 .4i2.1 o. oIo. 3 confidence leve1. 1.96o since the half-l,ife of poloniun-210 is 138 days,.it rvirl !e in equilibrium with lead-210 in approximately 1"3g0 days or s.8 years.' There will be equat iciivities of poloniunr-210 and lead-210 when in equilibriunt. TABLE 2.6-7 (Continued) Locat i on Surface Pontl Unnamed Wash Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creck Station No.s5R S6R S8R 7 /2s/77 11/ to / 77 7 /2s/77 tr/10/77 7 /2s/77 rU t0/77 7/Zs/77 tt/t0/77 s7 Collection Date Field Specific Conductivity (umhos,/cm)Ficld pll Dissolve<1 oxygenTemperature ("C) Estimated flow, sec-ft Determination (ngl1) PIITDS (0180"C) Redr>x PotentialAlkalinity (as CaCO3)tlardness, total (as CaCO3) Carbonate (as CO3)Aluninun, dissolrred Arnrnon ia (as N)Arsenic, totalBariunr, total Ror:on, total Cadmitrn, totalCalciun, dissotved Chlor ideSo<tiun, dissolved Si. lver , dissolved Sul trate, dissolved as SO4)Vanadium, dissolved Manganese, dissolved Chromiurn, total Copper, t(,ta1Fluoride, dissolvedIron, totalIron, dissolveclLead, total lvlagncsiun, dissolr'edlr{ercury, total Molybdenunr, dissolvedNitrate (as N) Phosphorus, total (as P) 100 6.8 7 None 6.9 264 280 218 67 0 2.O <0. 1 <0.? 0.2 <0.002 22 80.6 64 <0.01 0.095 0. 04 0. 005 <0. 19.4 1.2 <0.05 3.2 <0.0005 4 .26 0. 04 5506.6 35 0.4 7.5 944 220 134 195 03.00.rz 0 .0?1.2 0.1 0. 004 79 13 56 0.002 s64 0.005 0. 84 0.14 0. 09 0. 36 150t.4 0.14 24 0.002 <0.01r.77 0.05 44s 6.9 6.0 0.07 8.2 504 260 195 193 0 0.7 <0. 1 o-2 0.2 <0.002 54 24 66 ts2 <0. 0l 0.06s <0. 01 0.005 0.2 5.9 0 .62 <0.05 t7 <0. 0005 0. 100.l43.2 t) IHo\ t{FI O. ?a ot{ &tljF =oz tjl,-lA?- ID oF &rl]t-{ B oz tll F]&z a oF r{ri EA 5 Alll-JA. =t, Foz EIJAi U) oF, t.t) EA z:) TABLE 2.6-7 (Continued) Loca t i on Surface Pond llnnamed Waslr Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Creek Station No.S5R 7/25/77 tL/ro/77 7 l2s/77 s8R rL/L0/77 7 /2s/77 t7/10/77 7/2s/17 rL/10/77 S6R s7 Col lection Date @ Ptrtassium, dissolvedSelenium, dissolvedSilica dissolved (as SiO2)Strontium, dissolvedUranium, total (as U) Uranium, dissolved (as U)Zinc, dissolvedTotal Organic CarbonClremicaL Oxygcn Demand0i1 and Grease'l'otal Suspended Solids Ileternrination (pCi/1.) Gross Alpha+Precisio! I Gross Beta+Precision I Rad ium- 2 2 6iP rec i s ion I f'horium- 250+Prec is ion I Lead- 2L0+Preci siont Poloniulrrl 2 I 0+ Pr'ec is iolr I lVariability of the ratlioactive disintegration process (counting erros) at the 95t confidence level, trl,-l& U) oF{ rl"'JEq zp r{,tA U' ot- trlJ FC zD tq.lO{ rA oF d,!qF. = C)2 IlI.-lF. a otr dtuF oz. a,{FIA ?U) Foz t4 2 0. 10 0.004 0.003 0. 02 157l 2 268 6.9 0"08 10 0. 64 0 .027 0. 015 0. 06 3.2 8 0.600.004 0.004 0. 05 76l 2 146 t.) IFo\ TJ16+3 7 2it7 0.6;-1 . 3 0. 9+0.6 0.8t1 .9 0. 0i0. 3 Since the half-life of polonium-210 is 138 days, it will be in equilibrium with lead-210 in approxirnately1380 days or 3.8 years. There r.ri11 be equal activities of poloniun-210 and lead-210 rrrhen in equilibriurn'. Loca t i on TABLE 2.6-7 (Continued) It/estwater Creek Station No.s9 7 /25/77 lr/10/77 Future dates Future datesCollection date FieI.d Specific Conductivity (unhos/cm)Field ptlDissolved OxygenTenperature ("C)Estinated Flow, sec-ft Deternrination (ng/1) pll TDS (0180.C) Redox PotentialAlkalinity (as CaCOg)Hardness, total (as CaCO3) Carbonate (as CO3)Alurninum, dissolved Ammonia (as N)Arsenic, totalBarium, totalBoton, totaI Cadmiun, totalCalcium, dissolvedChlorideSodium, dissolved SiI.ver, dissolvedSulfate, di.ssolved (as SO4)\ranadium, dissolvedManganese, dissolved Chromium, total Copper, totalI;luoride, dissolvedIron, totallron, dissolvedLead, total Magnesium, dissolvedMercury, totall,lolybdenum, dissolvedNitrate (as N)PhOsphorus, total (as P) p1 F:A a c)tsi =!{dFtn z &Irlt< B o2 t!JA an ot-. 4"r{dFa z dEIF =oz t., I Ho\(, TABLB 2.6-7 (Concluded) Locatio S ta t ion l.lo . Wes ter Creek S9 7 / 2s/77 tt/10/77 Future datesCollection rlate Ftrture da t es Determination (me/1) Potassium, dissolved Se lenium, ,.lissolvedSilica, di:;solved (as SiO2)Strontium, dissolvedUranium, total Urarriun, d.issolved (as U)Zinc, dissolved'I'otal Orgarric Carbon Chem.ica 1 Oxygen Dernand0i1 and GrcaseTotal Suspcnded Solids Deteimina ti ori (riCilI ) Gross Alphrr+Preci sionlGross Bei:a+Precisionr Rad i un- 2 2 6l:Prec i s ion I'I'hor ium- 2 30+Prec is ion I Lead- 210+Precisionl Po loniuml2 l.0+prec i s ion I },J I ol\5 ,{-l Cn oF{ tlldF.a z gl F{ =c)z t|l,-1A at) oF rq Fan zH dlll ts o7- lVariability of the radioactive disintegration process Since the half-life of poJonium-210 is l3g days, it wil1380 days or i.8 years.' ,l'here will be equat icii"itiu, (counting error.) at the 95t confidence level, 1.96o. 1 be in etluilibrium with leacl-210 in approximatelyof polonirrrn-210 and lead-210 when in iiluifibriumi 2-t65 of the plant site siations have had Station No. S6R; but, at the tiures of sampling these water to sanple. The sampling times in Juiy and November occurred within a few days of major precipitation events within the drainage area of these sEreams. At other times during the period from July 1977 to present there has not been sufficient flow available in the streams for sampling. It is intended that these streans will be sarnpled at the same site locations in the spring at a time when the snomelt runof f hopefully will provide adequate flow in the streams for representative sampling. The analyses of rrater samples collected at Stations S1R and S8R on Westwater and CoEtonwood Creeks indicate that the water is of a calciusl- sodium sulphate type with a slightly alkaline pH. the water analyses from Station S3R on Corral Creek indicate that this u,ater is a roixed calcium-sodium-uagnesium sulphate type rilater of slightly acidic pH with high amounts of chlorides. The total dissolved solids of all the surface waters sampled in the project vicinity, except for the pond (Station No. S5R) range from 944 to 1350 srg/l, and the total suspended solids renge fron 9 to 146 ag/\. Ground l,Iater Quality in Vicinity of Hanksville Ore-Buying Station Ihe only available ground rrater inforroration on the vicinity of rhe Hanksville 0re-Buying Station are the analyses of the ground water from the deep well at the ore-buying station (table 2.6-8). The analyses of the ore-buying station well water indicate that this water from the Entrada sandstone is slightly alkaline and uroderately saline. The rrater is a sodiun-sulphate type with a range of. 6020 to 7230 mg/l in total dissolved solids and concentrations of manganese, silver, iron and sulphate that exceed permissible limits for drinking water as seL by the U.S. Public Health Service 0962) and the U.S. EPA interim primary standards for public drinking water supplies (see Table B-2 of Appendix B). at DO TABLE 2.6-8 OF GROUND WATER AND SURFACE I.IATER IN VICINITY OF HANKSVILLE ORE-BUYING STATION, HANKSVILLE, UTAHWATER QUALITY Locat ion Ore-Buying Station Well in Entrada Sandstone Station No" Collcction Date IIGIR tz/?t/76r 7/2s/77 1Z/ s/77 12is/772 Futrrre date Field Specific Conductivity (unhos/cm)Field pll Dissolved Oxygen Tempelature ("C) Estimated flow, gpm Determinati"g!__Og/U pil TDS (0180'C) Redox Poten tialAlkalinity (as CaCO-j)llardness, tctal (as-CaCO3) Carbonate (as CO3)Aluminun, dissolved l\muronia (as Ii)Atseni.c, l.otalBalium, total Boron, total Catlmium, total.[ialci.um, dissolved Ch I ori de Sodir.rur, dissolved Silver, disso lvedSulfate, dissolved (as SO4)Vanadiun, dissolvedItlanganese, dissolved Chrornium, total Copper, totalFlr"roride, dissolvedIron, totalIron, disscrlvedLead, total I\lsgnesium, dissolvedMercury, t(rta1 Mol ybdenum, dissol.r'edNitratc l.as, NJPhosphorrrs, total (as P) rUtah l,rivision of2Repl ica te snmpl e (ortho) 8.3 7 230 62 1350 0.0 t.2 0.002 0.0 1.060.0 352 t3? 2020 0.070 4720 0. 160 0.0 0.085 0.4 0 r .28 0.0 114 0.0 0.00-s 74006.6 19. 5 20 6.9 6020 240 60 10 80 0 <0.01 0. 53 <0.010.05 L"? 0. 008 345 94 1 790 0. 004 39 20 <0. 002 0. 060.03 0. 03 0 .47 2.?.1.30.11 u5 0.002 0.01 <0.05 0.02 t..) I Oro\ tXotr aorrr *l(,z F"antqtr Fl (J Hdtudao(J FA atqtsi,rlrJA o(., t<tll Fo a (a J4 &ot<.<-)o FA-( "J(,zHt<atrlF *f (J&tltEo(J rq retr]FtrlJA oL) t4rq tr C)z u)ts{U) 'Tz IIealth, Lab. No. 761.46tarralysis for QurrLi ty Asstlrancc olt todiotrctif itl, Loca t ion TABLE 2..6-8 (Concluded) Ore-lluying Station Well in [ntrada Sandstone Station No. Collection Date HC LR tz/ 2L/ 7 6,1 7 /25/77 L7/s/77 1Z/ s/ 77 2 Future date Determination (mgll ) Potassium, dissolvedSel.eniunr, dissolvedSilica <lissolved (as SiO2)Strontiun, dissolvedUranium, total (as U) Uranium, dissolved (as tl)Zinc, di ssolved 15.00.0002 4.0 0. 999 9.9 0. 38 7 11 0.015 0.0071.0 t) I o{ A&ocrtsur<?.drrl oF.I EOp.< o(J (2zFHlll t{>u)tqFFoZA (nHx(JU'&lg<zzo<() 6dotrl t-.ru<t-cdrlloi-l FaA< =Fro(J L'z[-HIrl F>atqFFoZA lnHHUIa&tg4Z7,O<L., Tot:rl. Organic Carbon Chemi.cal Oxygen DenandOil and GrcaseTotal Srrspended Solids Deternination (pCi/1) Gross Alpha +Precision3 Gross Beta+Piecision3 - Radiurn- 2 26TPreci s ion 3 Thorium- 2 3O+Prec is ion 3 Lead- 210+Precision3 Polon iunrrZ 10+Preci sion 3 3Variability of the radioactive disintegration process 700+40? 2900;100? 0. 2i0.3 0. 8T1. I0.0+1.9 0. 0T0.3 (counting error) at the 95? confidence 1eveL, 1.96o Since the harf-life of polonlun-2lO ii 1I8 dals, it illl be in equilibri{n eith leed-210 ir approrlnately 1580 days or 5.8 years. There *tll be aqual lctivlties of polonlun-2lo dnd rend_210 ihen tn equiribriur. 2-168 2,6.3.4 Surface Water Quality in Vicinity of Hanksville 0re-Buying Station The Hanksville ore-buying station is located in an area of very 1ow precipitation (see Section 2.7.3). Consequentty, there are no perennial streams near the site. 0n1y smal1 iLl-.tefiaed channels drain the site area during short-duraiion sEorm events. Nevertheless, two surface water sampling stetions on Halfway Wash (Plate 2.6-ff) have been selected in the vicinity of Ehe Hanksville ore-buying station to determine water quality during the few tines a year when surface runoff may occur. However, il has not been possible, from the period of July 1977 to December 1977 , to collect water samples in the vicinrty as ihere has been no collectable surface runoff. 2.7 METEoR0LOGY AND AIR QUATITY 2.7.L Regional Clinatology The climate of southeastern Utah is classiiied as dry to arid continental. 0f nain importantance in the dete;urination of the clina- tology of this area are its location beEween najor mountain ranges, its distance from major moisture sources and its proxiraity relaEive to najcrr stona tracks. The region incl.uding the Blanding vicinity, is typified by rrarm summer and cold winEer teoperatures, precipitation averaging Iess than 35 cenEimeters (f3.8 in) annually, low humidity, clear skies and large annual and diurnal temperature variations. Total annual precipitation in the region is low as moisture from the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico is largely removed as it passes over the Sierra Nevada and Rocky l{ountain chains. The Blanding vicinity, which averages nearly 30 centimeEers (11.8 cm) annually, receives corrsiderabiy more precipi.tation than areas to the west and northwest. Precipitation occurs throughout the year aE Blanding but over one third of annual precipitation occurs in the three-month period of AugusE through 0cEober. With the absence of Iocal sources of moisture, thunderstorms (which usually couprise a major portion of the annual precipitation in most areas) are not abundanE in this area; this accounts for Ehe relativeiy PLATE 2.6.11 2-t70 light spring and summer rainfal1. Likewise winter precipitation is scanty as this area is missed by many major winter storms that pass too far to the north or form too far to the east to significantly affect the area. Most of the winter precipitaton falls as snow but rapid warming during the day in the winter is characteristic so that snow does not remain on the ground 1ong. Winds are usually light in this area, averaging two to five meters per secondl however, higher average speeds occur in the spring and summer. 0n an annual basis, northwest through north winds are the mosE frequent. I.Iith the high percentage of clear skies and 1ow wind speeds, nighttime inversions are common. 2.7.2 Climatology of Blanding and Project Site 2.7.2.L Data Sources Long-term meteorological data are available from the National Weather Service station in Blanding, Utah, located approxinatety l0 kilometers north of Ehe project area. With its close proximity and similar terrain, clinatic conditions at Blanding should be fairly representative of those at Ehe project site. Therefore, these data have been used to a large degree to describe the climatology of the project site. To a much lesser degree, additional meEeorological daEa from Green River, UEah, located approximately 160 kilometers to the north-northwest have also been used in this report to estimate specific climatic condi- tions. Other sources employed in the conpilation of this report are referenced within the text. An on-site meEeorological monitoring program was initiated in early March L977 (see SecEion 6.1.3). The exact location of Ehe monitoring station is indicaEed on PlaEe 2.7-L. Limited correlations between these data and concurrent Blanding meteorological data have been made in order to determine the representativeness of the Blanding station daEa to actual site conditions. A more detailed correlation is planned after the collection of one year of on-site data when it is felt that the data base will be of sufficient length to yield a more varid comparison. Results PLATE 2.7 - I 2-L72 of the first six months of data collecEion from this sented in Appendix C. Results from the ful1 year of will be presenEed in the Suppleuental Report. Program are Pre- daEa collection Temperature Plate 2.7-2 suumarizes treans and extremes of temperatures recorded at Blanding, Utah from 1951 through 1974. Ihese data show thag the mean annual tenperature is 9.9"C (49.8'F), and the mean monthly temirerature varies between -2.5oC (27.5"F) in January and 23.1.C (73.6oF) in July. rhe average daily maximum tenperatures range from 3.goc (3g.g"F) in January to 31.9'C (89.5'F) in July. The average daily minimum tempera- tures range from -8.8oC (16.2"F) to 14.2"C (57.6.F) in January and July, resPectively. The norual diurnal variation of temperatures is 15.5'C (27.9"F), but normally the range is greater in the summer months and narrower in the winter. 0n the average, temperatures can be expected to rise to 32oc (90'F) or above 35 days per year and fall to -18"c (o'F) or below only 4 days Per year. 0nly on an average of 15 days per year does the daily maximum temperature fail to rise above freezing but the dail.y minimum Eenperature Idips to freezing or below on approxiuately 161 days per year. I As shown in Plate 2.7'2 the normal last and first freezes (tempera- ture occurrences of 0oC or below) occur on May tZ and October 13, respecEively. Ihe average continuous period without freezes is 153 days. However, freezing conditions have been recorded in every month except July and August. 2.7.2,3 Precipitation Plate 2.7-3 indicates the monthly means and extremes of precipita- tion recorded at Blanding, utah fron l95l through L974. Annual precipi- tation at Blanding averages 29.1 centimeters (11.69 in). August and october are typically the weEtest monEhs, averaging 4.2 and 4.L centi- meters (1.64 and 1.53 in), respectively; together these two monEhs average almost 30 percent of the total annual precipitaton. June is III(lTTIILY iIE[ilS []ID EXIREiIES (lF TEiIPERITURES Bt[TDITG, UTIII ANNUAL MEAN: 9.9OC oo IJ E.lF E. bJo- lrJF (c) D) M ONTH EXTREME MAX. MEAN M AX. MEAN JAN l6 3.8 -oq FEB l8 MAR 24 APR 27 MAY 33 JUNE 38 JULY 38 37 34 2.9 30.2 26.O 18.8 21.6 17 .2 I O.9 13. t 8.4 ?.9 3 -5 -l? NOV ?l DEC l5 MEAN MlN. -6.9 EXTREMEMtN. -?9 6.9 lO.9 16.3 2?.8 28.7 31.9 o.5 3.4 8.4 l4.l 19.4 Z3.l -5.9 -3.2 0.4 5.4 lo.l t4.2 -22 -15 -lt -6 -l I lo.? 4.5 3.6 -1.7 -3.2 -7.8 -19 -22 (A) MEAN DAILY MAXIMUM (B) MEAN MONTHLY (C) MEAN DAILY MINIMUM (D) FREEZE DATES DIII'C TO(DTT PrtrE 2.7-2 ^/ IrlE[]l ttl0ilTllLY PREGIPITITI0t BtlilDtilG, UTIH 6.O o z 9F F d (.) td E. o_ 4.0 2.O MoNrH I ,or I MONTHLY o o MEAN MONTHLYMAxrMgy lu'o FEB IMAR IAPR 2.O 1.7 1.7 4.4 5.O 5.4 I MAY IJUNE IJULY I AUG 1.4 t.' 2.7 4.2 5.r 5.5 7.8 t2.6 I sEP I ocr 2.4 4.t 9.6 r 6.8 TNOVIDECI 2.2 3.3 5.2 9.3 30 lrlE[ 1l lrl0 ilTH tY B L[ il DI]I G, sil0tIr[tt o F UJ UJJ U) =oz. U) UTAII ANNUAL MEAN:9O.7 CM 20 to MONTH MONTHLY MEAN MONTHLY MAXI MUM I JAN t FEB 22.9 r 6 .0 93.5 55.9 I MAR I APR r3.O 5.t 4 5.5 3 8.6 I MAY I JUNE I JULY I AUG I sEP 0.3 0.o 0.O o.O O.o 4.t locrlNovtDEcl 0.3 7 .9 25.4 3.3 ?7.9 73.7 D rra! roorr ANNUAL PLATE 2.7-3 ^a 2-17 5 generally the driest nonth, receiving about 1.1 centimeters (0.42 in). Seasonally, spring is the driest and fal1 is normally the wettest. Daily precipitati.on amounts in excess of 0.25 cenEimeters (0.1 in) typically occur 31 days per year, and the greatest daily precipitation recorded in the 25-year record was 11.4 centimeters (4.48 in). The greatest nonthly precipitaton recorded in the data period was 15.8 centineters (6.62 in) and occurred in 0ctober L972. A good deal of the summer precipiEation in ihe Blanding area is associated with thunderstorm activity. Approximatley 20 to 30 thunder- storn days occur each year in this area and brief but inEense rainfall associated with Ehese storms may occasionally result in 1ocal flooding. Wtrile most of the precipitation in the Blanding vicinity falIs as rain, snowfall accounts for approxioatley 30 percent of Ehe total annual precipitation. The annual average snowfall at Blanding is 90.7 centime- ters (35.7 in), and some snowfall is normally recorded in every month from October through May. Monthly snowfall daEa are summarized in Plate 2.7-2 and show that the monthly maxirnuu recorded snowfall was 39.5 centimeters (36.9 in). Thg greatest snowfall recorded fron a singte storm was 50.8 centimeters (20.0 in). Relative Huraidity Relative huuidity is dependent upon both moisture eontent and the temperature of the air. Generally relative hurnidity is rhe highest in Ehe early morning hours and lowest in the afternoon. While relative hurnidity data are not routinely ccllected at BIand- irg, the U.S. Department of Commerce (1965) presents general estiuates for this area. Table 2.7'L indicates the monthly and annual mean rela- tive hurnidity in the Blanding vicinity. The mean annual relative hunidity is 44 percent and on a monthly basis is highest in January and lowest in July, averaging 62 and 35 percent, respecEively. 2-1.7 6 TABLE 2.7-1 MONTHLY RELATIVE I{IIMIDITY BLANDING, UTAH IMAN Month Jan Feb l'tar APr May Jun Jul Aug seP Oct Nov Dec Annuat Source: U.S. Department of Relative Humidjtyy 62 58 47 38 38 36 35 40 4T 42 46 58 44 Commerce, I968 2-t77 2.7.2,5 Fog Based upon five years of Blanding rleteorological data, 1970 through L974, visibility reducEions Eo 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) or less caused bv fog or meteorological conditions concomitant with fog occur on Ehe average of 8 days per year. Visibility reductions to less than 0.4 kiloneters (0.25 uile) occur less than 5 days per year. The monthly distribution of fogging days is indicated in Table 2.7-2. Typically in this area heavy fog is more prevelent in the winter months with January having the most fogging occurrences. In the five-year daEa period, fog reducing visibility to 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) or less oceurred exclu- sively in the five months of November through March. Evaporation The closest point to the Bland,ing project site where evaporation daEa have been collected is Green River, Utah approxiroately 160 kiLo- meters to the north-northwest. Data from there indicate an average evaporation of I18.8 centimeters (45.8 in) from May through October. The greatest monthly evaporation occurs in Ju1y, averaging 25.8 cenEimeEers (10.15 in). Evaporation data are not collected from November through April due to freezing conditions; however, the U.S. Departurent of Cornmerce (1965) estimates Ehat 76 percent of the EoEal annual evaporati.on in this area occurs from May through October. Therefore on an annual basis evaporation is expected to average 155.3 centimeters (51.5 in). Sunshine Duration and Cloud Ccver Sunshine duration is defined as the number of hours of sunshine reaching the surface that is inEense enough to cause distinct shadows. Sunshine data are not collected at Blanding. However, the U.S. DepartoenE of Conmerce (1968) has deteroined sunshine duration and cioud cover throughout the contiguous United SEates and the Eonthly and annual data from that source for the general Blanding vicinity are presenced in Table 2.7-3. Month 2-t7 B TABLE 2.7-2 MEAN FOG OCCURRENCE DAYS AT BLANDING, UTAH 1970-1974 Visibility(1.5 kilometers 'Jan Feb Mar APr May Jun Ju1 Aug seP Oct Nov Dec Annual 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 Vis ib i1i ty(0.4 kilometers 4.6 2 <l <1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 2-17 9 TABLE 2.7.3 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL SUNSHINE DURATION BLANDING, UTAI{ Mean Percentageof Possible Sunshine AND SKY COVER AT Month Meaa Sky Cover ( Percent ) Jan Feb Mar aPr May Jun Ju1 AuB seP 0ct Nov Dec Annual Source: U. S. 59 52 51 51 51 34 48 46 29 40 40 49 46 61 70 69 70 7L 81 72 73 81 72 6t+ 60 Departrnent of 70 Commercer l968 2-180 On the average the Blanding possible sunshine annuaIly. On a greatest amount and December the cover (clouds) for this area is cloudiest month and September the area receives 70 percent of the total nonthly basis, September receives the least. The mean annual daylight sky 46 percent. January is usually the clearest. Winds A wind rose of the annual percent frequency distribution of winds recorded at the Blanding NWS station from 1970 through L974 is showa in Plate 2.7-4. Seasonal wind roses are presented in Plate 2.7-5. Tabula- tions of nonthly and annual distributions of wind direction and mean wind speeds used in the compilat.ion of Plates 2.7-4 and 2.7-5 are presented in Appendix C. From the five-year Blanding wind record, northerly winds are the mosE. frequent in all nonths and winds from the northwest, north-northrrest and nor-uh coLlectively occur over 35 percent of the time annually. East and east-southeast winds are the least frequent and annualLy occur only 2.7 and 2.8 percent of the time, respectively. Calm conditions are not common, occurring 12.6 percent of the time in the winterr 4.O percent in the spring and 7.6 percent annually. From Appendix C (Tables C-1 through C-13) the mean annual wind speed is 3.0 meters per second (6.7 mph), but higher average wind speeds occur in the spring and early sunmer. On a rnonthly basis, April usually has the highest average wind speeds and January the lowest, averaging 3.9 and 2.2 aeLers per second (8.7 and 4.9 nph) for the respecEive months. Generally, the highest average wind speeds occur with south-southrrest through west-southwest. winds and the slowest with north and east winds. Wind speeds in excess of 10 mecers per second (22.4 mph) are not common and occur on an average of only 0.8 percent of the time annually (rable 2.7-4). High winds are most common in spring, especialLy in March and April when wind speeds in excess of 10 meEers per second occur 2.0 percent and 1.9 percent of the time, respectively. Ail1{U[t PERGTlIT FREQUETGY DISTRIBUT!(l1I ()I WIlIII BY IIIRECTI(lT BllilDl]tc, UTilt 1970-1974 DAUC3 8 ro(Onr PLATE 2.7 - 1 WlNTER SPRING SUMMER FALL SE[S(lilAt PERGETI 0t }IrHr BLAilIIIilG, FREQUEilGY IIISTRIBUI!()]I BY IIIREGTI(lil uTilt 1970-1974 DATES B TO(OEE PLATE 2.7.5 TABLE 2.7.4 I-IONTHLY PERCENT FREQINJNCY OCCURRENCE OF I,IIND SPEEDS IN EXCESS OF IO MPS BY DIRECTION BLANDING UTAH Jan N 0.0NNE O.ONE O.OENE O.OE 0.0ESE O.OSE O.OssE 0.0s 0.0ssI^I 0. Isw 0.1 I{,SI^I 0.0I,I 0.0 WNI^I 0.1NW 0.1 NNW 0.0 ALL 0.4 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.6 Mar 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.2 1.6 s. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.4 o.2 o.2 0.2 0.I 0.2 2.O llst 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.7 0"7 o.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.9 June July 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0"0 0.0 0.1 o.2 Atlg_ 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 or I 0.0 0.2 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.7 Oct 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.7 Nov Dec All 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0.20.0 0.20.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 0, I0"2 0.10.0 0. 1 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 4.2 0.1 l.l 0"1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 ti I @(, 2-184 On-site wind data have been coLlected since March 1, !977. Wind roses from the on-site program and the Blanding NIIIS station for the period March through August 1977 are presented for comparison in Plate 2.7-6. The tabulated percent freguencies of wind direction and mean wind speeds at each station are presented in Table 2.7-5. The on-site data indicat.e that the first and second most frequent wind directions for the six-month period were south-southwest and north- west, occurring 10.8 and I0.3 percent of the Eime, respectively. For the same period the Blanding NWS data show that northerly winds prevailed and occurred 12.I percent of the tine; south-southwest winds were the second most frequent and account.ed for 11.5 percent of the winds. hhile north winds at the proposed site occurred only 5.0 percent of the time compared to I2.1 percent at the NWS station, the total occur- rence of northwest, north-northwest and north winds at the site coropared favorably to the NWS data, occurring 2L.7 and 25.1 percent, respectively. Likewise 25.8 percent of the total recorded winds ai the NI,IS station blew frorn the three sectors, south, south-southwest and southwest, compared to 31.0 percent at. the site for the same three sectors. Wind frequencies from each of Ehe other 10 sectors show agreenent within 1.5 percent for each sector except the northeast where winds at the site occurred 6.6 percent of the tirne compared to onl.y 2.6 percent at the Nws station. The apparent differences in individual wind direction frequencies can be explained at least in part by the differences in data acquisition techniques at the two sites. The on-site winds were reduced as an average direction over the entire hour while the NWS station winds are reduced as no more than a l0-consecutive-minute average during Ehe hour. Also as shown in Plate 2.7-L, the Blanding NWS station's elevation is slightly over 6000 feet MSL and the higher terrain to the northwest would tend to funnel winds from this direction into a more northerly direction. PERGE]IT TREOUETGY (ICCURRETCE 0t tlltD BY l[REcTl0t iIIRGH THR()UGII IUGUST, 1977 ENERGY FUELS SITE BLANDING NWS STATION D/rlrra ! E! PIJTE 2 .7 .6 PERCENT FRI1QUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF WIND SPIIED (CLASSES) A BY WIND DIRECTION AT 'I'HE ON-SITE STATION AND THE BLANDING NIOS STATION March-August 1977 On-Site \Blanding IWS N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE ssE s ssw shI WSW w wM{ }M N[il,i' Calm A11 o-3 L.7 1"3 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 I.4 r.8 L.2 1.6 o.7 L.2 o.7 1.9 L.7 0.1 23.80 ,3.9 2.5 3.5 4.2 L.2 0.9 1.3 3.4 3.1 6.r 5.0 4.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 5.1 3.4 50.2 >6<lo o.7 0.6 0.5 o.2 o.3 0.6 0.9 0.5 2.O 3.4 3.0 2.6 L.7 o.9 2.4 1.O >I0 0"1 0 0 0 0 o.2 0.1 o o.3 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.3 o.2 0 "9o.2 4.8 bTotaI 5.O 5.4 6.6 3.3 2.7 3.5 6.r 5.1 LO.2 10.8 I0.0 5.7 5.1 3.7 10. 3 6.4 o.1 100. 0 cMI{S 4.2 4.1 3.8 3.2 3.3 4.3 4.2 4.O 4.7 6.1 5.4 6.6 5.4 4.9 5.8 4.5 4.9 o-3 6.9 2.4 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.3 3.0 2.O 2.O 2.A 2.3 1.6 2.8 2.4 2.7 4.9 7.5 49.4 >3t6 4.7 L.7 1.I 0.9 0.5 o.4 1.8 2.6 2.O 5.4 5.3 4.1 2.2 0.8 2.6 2.5 >6<10 0.3 o.2 o.30.I 0.1o.I 0 0.3 0.6 3.0 2.L L.4 0.8 o.6 o.4 0.9 Total L2.L 4.3 2.6 2-3 a'l 2.8 5.1 5.O 4.6 11. 5 9.7 7.O 5.7 3"8 5.6 8.4 7"5 I00. 0 >IO 0.I o o.1 o.1 o 0 0.3 0.r 0 o.3 0.1 0 0 0 o 0 r.1 MWS 2"9 3.1 4.L 3.2 2.8 2.4 3.r 3"43.s Y4.7 64.5 0\ 4.4 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.1 2I.2 38. 30 LL.2 3.3 awind speed classes j"n meters per second bDue to rounding summation of rows and colu:nns may differ from total "Mws = mearr wind speed in nreLers per second 2-L87 The fact that 0.1 percent calms rilere recorded at the site while 7.5 Percent of all observations at the Blanding l{WS station rrere recorded as calm is attributable to the different methods of data acquisition men- tioned above and instrument sensitivity. The wind inst.rument at the site has a starting threshold speed of approximately 0.25 rneters per second while the NI{s station instrument has a starting threshold of approxi- nately 1.3 meters Per second. The 7.5 percent calm conditions recorded at Ehe Blanding NI,IS station are not distributed by wind direction within the freguency distribution and thus could also affect the relative wind frequencies somewhat. The March through August 1977 Blanding NI.iS wind rose (plate 2.7-6) compares very favorably with climatological means. The mean wind speed of 3.3 neEers per second is only slightly higher than the annual mean wind speed of 3.0 meterg per second (see Appendix C, Tabl.e C-I3). The 7.5 percent calm condiEions observed in the six-month data set also compare very favorably with the climaiic nean of 7.6 percent. 2.1 .2.9 Severe lleather Tornadoes Tornado occurrences in the Blanding area are rare. through 1958, only B tornadoes were reported in all of utah reported in the Blanding area. rhon (1963) states that the of a tornado occurring at any point in the project vicinity Z€tO t From 1915 and none was probability is virtually Strong Winds Ihom (f958) has compured (as measured 30 feet above the 2.7-6) for the project area. the recurrence interval oi extreme winds surface). These are Iisted below (tabl_e 2-188 TABLE 2.7.6 MAXI}flN,I WIND SPEED AND RECURRXNCE INTERVAL IN TITE BLANDING VICINITY Recurrence Interval MaxiEun Wind Speed 2 years 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 years On the average, 25-neter per second occur every trro years at the site, while winds should occur once every 50 years. 25 nps 29 nps 32 aps 35 arps 37 nps (56 mph) wind speeds should 35-meter per second (78 mph) Maxinun Precipitation Hershfield (1961) and Miller (1964) have estimated maximum precipi- tation amounts for selected durations anC recurrence intervats throughout the contiguous United States. These estimates are presented in Table 2.7-7 for the site 8(€Elo These data suggest that a maximum one hour rainfall of 1.65 centiueters (0.65 in) should occur on the averaEe of every two years ai the site, and maximum daily and weekly precipitation of 9.8 and 12.90 centimeters (3.7 and 5.1 in) should occur once etrery 100 years. Ttre uaxinuur single 24-hour precipitation amount recorded at Blanding in the 69-year data period (1905 through 1974) was 11.4 centimeters (4.5 in) and occurred on AugusE 1, 1968. This precipitation amount exceeds the 100-year estimate presented in Table 2.7-7. 2.7.2.L0 Diffusion Clinatology Mixing l{eights From a climatological standpoint, a generai estimate of the atmos- pheric diffusion trend of an area can be made from examination of the aixing height and the mixing layer wind speeds of the area. fte,i*ing height is defined as the height or layer above the surface Ehrough which 2-t89 TABLE 2.7-7 ESTIMATED MAXIMUI.{ POINT PRECIPITATION AMOUNTS (CUT) IN TIIE BLANDING AREA FOR SELECTED DUMTIONS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS Recurrence Intervals (Years) Duration 30 minutes t hour 2 hours 3 hours 5 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 4 days 7 days t0 25 50 100 1.65 1.98 2.Ll 2.74 3.23 3.81 4.78 5.18 6. 05 2.47 2.69 3.02 3.81 4.27 5. 03 5.92 6.32 7.04 3. 05 3.51 3.gg 4.37 5.44 6.25 6.50 8.03 8.46 3.58 4.14 4.67 5.18 6.32 7.29 7.75 9.17 10. 52 4.22 4.50 4.75 5.39 5.26 5.74 5.66 5.53 7.34 7.gg 7.72 g.g0 8.03 10.39 10.57 12.09 12.01 L2.90 2-t90 relatively vigorous vertical mixing of efftuents can take place. The average wind speed ttrrough this layer is cal1ed the mixing layer wind speeC. Generally, Ehe higher the nixing heighi and mixing layer wind speed the better the diffusion capabilities of the area, and conversely the lower the mixing height and mixing layer wind speed the poorer the atnospheric diffusion. Seasonal and annual mean raixing heights and mixing layer vind speeds for the morning and afternoon hours for the general project site vicinity are present,ed in Table 2.7-8. As shown in this table, the morning nixing heights and wind speeds are generally lower than those in the afternoon. The annual mean morning nixing height in this area is 345 Eeters (1130 ft) compared with the mean afternoon height ot 2650 rneters (8690 ft). Mean wind speeds are 3.9 and 5./+ ueters per second (8.7 ana lz.L rnph), respectively, for morning and afternoon. Seasonally, spring demonstrates the best diffusion capabilities and wint.er demonstrates the Irors t. The dispersion of pollutants nay be limited during persisting conditions of mixing heights of 1500 meters (4920 tt) or less and aixing layer wind speeds of 4 meters per second (g mph) or Less (Stackpole, L967; Gross, 1970). Holzworth Q972) rabulated the number of cases of such restrictive conditions for the five-year period, 1960 through 1954. Episodes persisting for at least two days for various combinations o! uixing heights and wind speeds are summarized for the site area in Table 2.7 -9 . From the table, 46 episodes of a and a 4.0-meter per second or tess five-year period and persisted for a frequency of episodes occurred in the winter months, indicating that Ehis is the worst season for dispersion of effluents. Atmospheric Stability A meEhod for determining and classifying atmospheric stability based upon the parameters of sky cover, wind speed and solar angle 1500-meter or less urixing height wind speed were observed in the total of 2I5 days. Tae greatest 2-L9t TABLE 2.7-8 SEASONAL AND ANNUAL MIXING HEIGHTS AND MEAN I{IND SPEEDS BLANDING VICINITY Morning Afternoonllixing Height Wind Speed(neters) (rneters/sec) Winter Spring Summer Fa11 Annual Source: 265 580 280 260 345 Holzworth, L972 Wind Speed m;7sec ?4.0 r/sec ?6.0 r/sec Source: Holzworth, G.C., L972 2.9 5.r 4.1 3.4 3.9 3.9 7.0 6.5 4.8 5.6 Mixing He igh t (meters ) i 160 361 0 4060 2200 2650 Wind Speed (rneters /sec ) TABLE 2.7-9 NI]MBER OF RESTRICTED MIXING EPISODES LASTING TI{O I'IORE DAYS IN FIVE YEARS AND TOTAL EPISODE DAYS(Tn pA TnTHESES) IN THE BLANDING AREA (500 n zrm'I r2 (40) L2G2) Mixing Heights (1000 m (1500 rn Til3-ol- KIO- 33 ( 1s0) 46Q15)41(r95) 0SOeS) 2-t92 was developed by Pasquill and Turner (Pasqui11, 1961). This rnethcd assumes that unstable condit.ions occur when the atmosphere near the surface undergoes warming during instances of Low wind speeds, and stable conditions occur with atmospheric cooLing associated with 1ow wind speeds. Neutral conditions occur with either cloudy skies or high wind speeds. Ihe stability classifications based upon this method are as follows: Clas s Degree of Stabilit), Extremely unstable Unstab leSlightly unstable NeutralSlightly stabte Stab le Generally during unstable condiEions volumes rri air can move up or down freely, resulEing in rapid vertical mixing through a relativeiy deep layer of air wich little buildup near Ehe surface. Conversely, during st,able (inversion) conditions volumes of air do noE move freely in a vertical direction but are restricted to a certain lerrel and, as a result, pollutants may remain trapped near the ground. During neutral conditions, volumes of air will experience no upward or downward accel- eration but will be free Eo move due t,o exLernal impetuses such as winds. Ihe nonthly and annual frequencies of each Pasquill stability class for Blanding, based upon L970 through L974 d.ata, are indicated in Table 2.7-L0. Annually, unsEable conditions (Classes A, B, and C) occur ap- proximateLy 26.0 percent of the time, stable conditions (Classes E and F) approximaEely 46.6 percent, and neutral (C1ass D) approxioately 27.3 Percent. January normally has the highest occurrence of stable (inver- sion) conditions, averaging 56.6 percent. However, the winEer months (December, January, February) each average over 52 percent occurrenee of stable condit.ions. The summer months, on the average, have the lowest frequency occurrence of stable conCi.tions but the highest Gccurrence of unstable conditions. The three months of June, July, and August each average more than 36 percent occurrence of unstable conditions. Neutral A B c D E F MonEh 2-t93 TABLE 2.7.L0 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE FOR BLANDING, UTAH STABILITY CLASSESMONTHLY PERCENT 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.3 3.0 5.7 6.5 4.6 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.8 DA Jan Feb Mar APr May June July Aug seP 0ct Nov Dec Annual 4.0 6.5 9.5 7.7 14.4 17.2 16. 5 14.8 14.9 12.4 4.4 5.4 10.7 11.1 10 .7 12.9 t4.6 16.7 i5.9 16 .3 t7 .3 13.5 10.6 13.7 9.3 13.5 28.3 29.4 35.8 36. 5 23.8 18 .8 21. I 21.7 20.0 32.9 29.2 31 .0 27.3 13.3 15.6 16.0 L5.2 L5.7 13.9 13.3 12 .0 14.0 11. 6 L4.2 13.5 14.0 43.3 37.3 25.5 25.8 26.4 28.5 26.3 29.6 37 .4 32.5 38.5 40.7 32.5 2-194 conditions are infrequent throughout the year, averaging from 18.8 percent occurrence in June to 36.5 percent in Apri1" PlaEes 2.7-7 through 2.7-9 present the annual frequency distribu- tions of Pasquill stability classes by wind direction. Ttre monthly and annual frequency distriburions of Pasquill stability classes by wind direction and associated mean wind speeds are also Eabulated and pre- sented in Appendix C (Tables C-l through C-13). Throughout the year, unstable conditions occur most frequently with south through south* southwest winds and in every month stable conditions are predominately associated with north winds. Neutral conditions are more evenly dis- tributed beEween northerly and southerly componenE winds throughout the year. The spring uronths exhibit the best diffusion capacity and winter the lrorst. Ihe high frequency of stable condiEions in the winter months is probably the result of somewhat slower wind speeds during this season. The relatively high percentages of stable and unstable condiEions and the relatively 1ow frequency of neutral conditions throughout the year reflect the tow winds and high percentage of clear skies Ehat are char- acteristic of this area. As shown in Appendix C (Table C-I3) the annual mean wind speed associaEed with each sEability class are as foLlows: Class A 1.9 nps Class B 2.4 mps Class C 3.5 ups Class D 4.2 rnps Class E 3.4 urps Class F 1.9 mps 2.7.3 Climatology of llanksville The clirnate at Hanksville area is generally drier and the and Buying Staiion is similar to that at Blanding but the winds are somerdhat slower. ATilU[L llF PtRCtrT TREQUIilGY llrSTRtBUTl0t sTlBrrrTY GtlssEs I AilD B BY WITD IIIREGTI(lT B[AilDttG, UTAIt 1970-1974 STABILITY CLASS A STABILITY CLASS B IIATI' A EI .l8o/o O.9o/o PLATE 2.7 -7 TREQUETCT IIISTRIBUTI(lT G lilt D BY tlttD l[RECTl0il uTllt 1970-1974 STAB ILITY C LA SS D rraxE3 a roorl PERGE ilT Gr[ssEs BL[TDITG, STABILITY C LASS C lttu[t 0t sItBluTY l.8o/o l.8o/o PLATE 2.7 -8 4.ao/o l.8o/o 3.5olo STABILITY CLASS E STABILITY CLASS F IXTUII PERGETIIGE 0r srrBlUTY GUSSES TREQUE TGY ETTDTBY uTilt 1970-l IIISTRIBUTI()X WIID IIIRECTI(IT 974 E'rII.. MI BLTTIIITG, PLATE 2.7.9 2-1 98 2.7.3.L Data Sources Long-teru Eeteorological data are available from the National i{eather Service sEaEion in Hanksville, utahr located approximately 20 kilometers (12 ui) north of the site area (pIate 2.7-10. These dara, ro a large degree, have been used to describe the clinatology of the site area and should generatly be representative of site conditions. To a much lesser degree meteorological data from Green River, located approx- imately 98 kiloneters (51 mi) northeasL of the site, have also been used in this report to estimate specific clirnatic conditions. An on-site meteorological uonitoring program qras initiated in early l'larch L977 (see Section 5.1.3). An insufficient data base has been collected from this program to adequately describe the site-specific clinatology for the buying station at Hanksville. Ttrerefore, these data have not been used in this report. However, results of the firsE six months of data collection from this progratr are preseuEed in Appendix c. Results from the ful1 year program wirl be presented in the supple- uental Report. Tenperature Plate 2.7-Ll summarizes of ueans and extremes of temperature re- corded aE Hanksville, Utah fron 1951 through 1974. These data show that the mean monthly temperature varies from between -3.5oC (25.7"F) in January to 26.6'C (79.9'F) in July, and the annual average temperature is l1.7oc (53.1'F). The average daily maxiuuo temperatures range from 4.3oC (39.8'r) in January to 35.3oc (97.3'F) in July, and the average daily oinirnuu Eemperatures range frorn -Ll.3oC (11.6.F) to 10.9.C (62.5"F) in January and July, respectively. The norural diurnal range of temperatures (the difference between the daily maximum and ninisrum temperature) is 17.6'C (31.7'F) but on the average this range is highest in the summer months and lowest in Ehe winter months. Singular record high and low tenperature extremes are 43.3'C (110'F) and -33.3.C (-29"F). on the average, teoperatures can be expected to rise above 32oc (90'F) or above 86 days per year and fall to -18oC (0'F) or below only 9 PLATE 2.7 - 1O Irl0l{THLY ltlEAllS [illl EXIREITIES (lF TEIIPERITURES IIAl{I(SUIILE, UTAH ANNUAL MEAN! II.7OC oo IJ(rlF E. lrJ(L uJF M ONTH EXTREM E M AX. M EAN M AX. ME AN JAN l8 FEB ?3 MAR 29 APR 32 MAY 38 JUNE 42 JULY 43 AUG 4t SEP 39 ocT 33 NOV 2_6 DEC 20 MEAN MIN. EXTREME MI N. 4.3 9. o I 4.6 20 .l -3.5 t.l 6.1 il.3 -11.3 -6.9 -2.4 2.4 -33 -29 -14 -9 26.8 i?.6 36.3 34.3 17.4 2?.7 26.6 ?5.1 7.9 l?.7 | 6.9 I 5.9 -5 0 3 2 29.4 Zl.7 19.6 lz,6 9.8 3.3 -? -?l l?.o 5.2 4.1 -z.l -4.0 -9.4 -2? -?6 (A) MEAN DAILY MAXIMUM (B) MEAN MONTHLY (C) MEAN DAILY MINIMUM (D) FREEZE DATES DITI'! T(t,lDII PLATE 2.7-II 2-201 days per yearo Substantial noct.urnal cooling is cominon because relatively clear skies and freezing Eemperatures (0"C) or less occur an average of 154 days per year. Normally, the last. and first freezes (temperature occurrence of OoC or belor.l) occur on May 5 and october 13, respectively (Plate 2.7-10). ltre average freeze-free period is 160 days. However, freezing conditions have been recorded in every month except July and August. Precipitation Mean monthly precipitation for Hanksville, based upon 24 years (1951-f974) of record, is indicated in Plate 2.7-12. The annual average precipitation at Hanksville is only 12.6 cm (4.96 in) with approximately 45 percent of the total occurring in the three months of August, SepEember and 0ctober. August, which averages 2.5 ca (0.97 in) of precipitation, is nornally the wettest month and iE is the only month that averages ruore than 2.0 centimeters of precipitation. January and February are typically the dri.est months, receiving only 0.5 centimeters (0.2 in) of rainfall each. Daily precipitation amounts in excess of 0.25 ceniimeters (0.1 in) occur on the average of i4 days per year, and the greatest daily toEal precipitation amount recorded in the 24-year record was 4.6 cenEimeters (1.8 in). The greatest Bonthly precipitatioa amount recorded in the data period was 9.1 centimeEers (3.58 in) and occurred in October L972. Wtrile most of the precipitation in the vicinity fal1s as rain, the annual average snowfall at Hanksville is 19.8 centimeters (l.S in). The maximr:m monthly recorded snowfall rras 43.2 centimeters (17.0 in), and the greatest snowfall from a single storm nas 38.1 centimeters (15 in). Snowfall data are summarized in Plate 2.7-12. Relative Ilurnidity While humidity data are not collected in Ehe Hanksville area, the relative humidity in this area is generally 1ow. Estinates from the U.S. Department of Comnerce (1958) indicate that the mean annual relaEive of on MEA]I M(l1{THLY PREGIPIIATI(ll{ HAlII(STIILLE, UTAH 3.0 o zo F F o-- 6 UJEo- 2.O MONTH I I MONTHLY M EAN MONTHLY MAXIMUM JAN I0.5 t.7 FEB luan;,reRo.5 o.7 l. O t .3 2.6 6.0 I MAY IJUNE ;,ruLv I AUG I sEP I o.' I0.9 0,7 r.o 2.5 t.4 1.8 2.5 3.2 3.t 7.5 4,6 9.1 *ou I DEc I r. o o.7 4.2 3.9 6.0 ]IIEAil ]II(lilTHtY HA 1{ I( SU !ILE sil0ITFAtt , UTAH ANNUAL MEAN: 4.O o oz.a 2.0 MoNrH I ,o* |MONTHLY 5.I M EAN MoNTHLY 44,7 MAX I MUM FEB ?.o t2.7 l'o* | o'* 3.0 o.O 2 0.8 0.5 I MAY I iuNE t JULY I orn I 0 .0 o. o o.0 0.0 r., | 0., I0.0 0.8 - r7.8 Nov I DEc I2.5 6.4 17.3 43.2 D/lttla a XO(OII ANNUAL 2.7 - l2 2-203 huaidity in Ehis area is approximately 40 percent and varies from a winter average of approximately 65 percent to a summer average of approx- inately 30 percent. Evaporation Ihe closest available evaporation data to the Hanksville area are collected at Green River, Utah approximately 90 kiloureters north- northeast. These data show that an average evaporation of 118.8 centi- meters (46.8 in) occurs fron May through October. Ttre greatest monthly evaporation occurs in July, averaging 25.8 centiueters (10.2 in). Evaporation data are not collected froo November through April due to freezing conditions; however, Ehe U.S. Departnent of Connnerce (1955) estinates thaE 76 percent of the total annual evaporation in this area occurs from May through 0ctober. Therefore on an annual basis evapora- tion is expected Eo average 156.3 centimeters (61.5 in). Sunshine Duration and Cloud Cover Sunshine duration is defined as the number of hours of sunshine reaching the surface that is intense enough to cause distinct shadows. Ihe U.S. Department of Comrerce (1958) has determined sunshi-ne duration and cloud cover throughout the contiguous United States. Monthly and annual daEa for the general Hanksville area are presented in TabLe 2.7-Ll. On the average, Hanksville receives 7l percent of the possible annual sunshiae. Sunshine duraEion is highest in Septernber and the lowest in December. The rnean annual daylight (sunrise to sunseE) sky cover (clouds) for this area is slightly less than 50 percent. The greatest atrount of daylight sky cover occurs in January and December, averaging approximaEely 60 percent, and the least amounE occurs in Septeober, averaging 30 percent. 2-204 TABLE 2.7-II MONTHLY AND ANNUAL SUNSIIINE DURATION AND SKY COVER AT HANKSVILLE, UTAH Mean Z of Possible Sunshine Mean Z Sky CoverMonth Jan Feb Mar APr May Jun Jul Arrg seP Oct Nov Dec Annual Source: U. S.DeparEment 59 7l 69 7L 72 81 78 76 82 7L 62 54 7l of Coumerce, 1968. 61 58 57 58 51 39 46 48 30 39 47 60 49 2-205 Winds Plate 2.7-L3 presents the annual wind rose at llanksville based upon 1949 through L954 surface ueteorological daEa. Table 2.7-L2 pre- sents the seasonal and annual frequency distribution of wind direction and wind speed at Hanksville for the same 5-year data period. Calsl conditions, which rrere recorded approximately 19.8 percent of the time, are included in the distributions as a weighted average. Northwest winds are Ehe most frequently occurring in all seasons except summer and, on an annual basis, winds from the northwest through north occur nearly 27 percent of the tine. During the sumner winds from the south-southwesE are the most dorninant, occurring I0.5 percent of the tine. Winds from the west-southwest and west are the teast frequently occurring during all seasons and, on an annual basis, winds from these directions occur only 2.9 and 3.4 percent, respectively. During all seasons Ehe lowest average wind speeds occur with easterly winds while the highest average wind speeds are associated with south-southwest winds. With the relatively high occurrence of calm conditions, the mean annual recorded wind speed is only 2.5 meEers per second (5.5 mph). The highest average wind speeds occur in the spring and the lowest in the winter averaging 3.2 and 1.9 neters per second (7.2 and 4.3 urph), respectively. Severe Weather Tornadoes Tornadoes are extreme states that the probabil virtually zotoo rare in the Hanksville area. Thom (1963) of a tornado occurring in this area is Strong Winds Thom (1968) has computed Ehe recurrence interval of extreme winds (measured 30 feeE above the surface); these are listed in Table 2.7-13 for the llanksville vicinity. On the average, 25-meter per second (S0 iy itv [T[U[[ PERGETT FRTQUETCY IIISTRIBUTI(IT OT WITD I'IREGTI(lT ilttlsulL[E, uTllt I 949- I 954 DAf,Cs 8 T'O(oR! 2.7-t3 1',F-BLE 2,'l-) 2 SE"ASONAL A}ID ANI.II'AI, PERCEMT FRNQUENCY OF WIND DINECTION AND WIND SPE}:D AT HANKSVILLE, UTAH 1949-1954 Occurr-ence, (r)__ 12-2 6.5 7.9 3-5 5.5 4.5 ' 5.6 6.2 5.9 5.0 4.2 2.1 3.7 6.4 L2.2 4.7 sDrinq-..+occurrence Mvlso --___trl_ (mps) Occurrencc(r) 6.5 3.9 5.1 3.8 5.3 6.3 6.5 8.8 8.7 IO.4 8.O 3.7 3-2 5.5 7.6 6.6 Occurrence(r) _ 9,4 4.4 7.6 3.8 5,8 5.4 6.5 e.7 7.4 7.3 6.0 2.6 3.O 4.9 10. B 4.2 Occurrence(*) ._ 8.5 4.6 6.4 3.7 5.3 5.5 6-O 7.3 7.3 8.2 6.4 ao 3.4 6.1 lo. 5 7.8 wint-er Annual Qileg!io' N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE ssE s ssw slr tlrSW w l',Nl{ NW NNW Average MWS* (mps) 2.4 2.8 2.O 1.5 1.3 I.7 1.6 2.5 2.2 5.0 3.4 2-7 2.4 3.0 a1 2.2 r.9 !!wsd (nPs) 2.3 2.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.3 3.4 5.3 4.5 3.8 2.9 3.2 3.O 2.9 2.8 !twsa (mps) 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.O I.5 1l 2.O ^ 2-7 2.7 5.1 3.6 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.6 ,2 2.O MViSd(npel 2.3 2.7 2-3 2.1 1.6 2.2)) 3.O 3.0 5.6 4.4 3.6 il..a 3.6 3.2 2.4 'E 6.4 3.9 5.3 3.5 4.8 5.7 5.6 7.5 6.7 9.9 7-3 3.3 .).6 7.4 Ir. 2 7.6 2.7 3.r 2.8 2.4 I.9 2.4 AE 3.3 3.4 5.3 EE 4.2 3.4 4.7 4.2 3:5 3.2 l.J It.Jo{ Mrls - llean wind Speeal in meters per second source: National clifiatic Center, 1971 Fall 2-208 mph) wind speeds should occur every two years in the area while 37-meter per second (83 mph) winds should occur only once every 100 years. TABLE 2.7-13 Md(IMI'I'{ WIND SPEEDS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS AT HANSKVILLE Recurrence Interval 2 years 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 years Diffusion Clinarology Mixing Heights and hrind Speeds Holzworrh (L972) derernined heights and wind speeds for the the contiguous United States for These are presented in Table Z. Maximum Wind Speed(meters per second) 25 29 33 35 37 Maxinun Precipitation Table 2.7-I4 Presents estimated maximum precipitation and recurrence intervals within the general Hanksville vicinity. It is estimated that a one-hour rainfall maximum of 1.66 centimeters should occur every trdo years, and a 24-hour uaximum of 6.35 centimeters should fall every 100years. Fron 1951 through L974, the greatest daily precipitation amount recorded at Hanksville was 4.57 centimeters and occurred on August I, 1968. the seasonal and annual rnean mixing morning and afternoon hours throughout the five-year period 1960 rhrough 1964. 7-15 for the general Hanksville area. From Table 2.7-ls, the morning mixing heights and wind speeds are lower than the afternoon. The annual mean morning rnixing height is 285 meters (935 ft) coapared with the afternoon height of 2520 merers (8266 ft); mean wind speeds are 4.3 and 5.4 ueters per second (9.6 and 2-209 TABLE 2.7-L4 ESTIMATED MAXIMUM POINT PRECIPITATION AMOUNTS (cm) AT HANKSVILLE SITE FOR SELECTED DURATIONS AND RECURRENCE INTERVALS HANKSVILLE Duration UTAII Recurrence Intervals (Years) 5102550 100 3.25 3.73 4.24 3.53 4.01 4.67 3.85 4.34 4.93 4.24 4.88 5.36 4.88 5.23 6.12 5.00 5.94 5.35 5.62 6.25 7 .16 5.30 6.91 7.82 6.93 7.29 8.15 I llour 2 Hours 3 llours 6 llours 12 tlours 24 Hours 2 Days 4 Days 7 Days 1.55 1. 58 1.83 2. 08 2.3L 2.49 2.82 3. 38 3.81 2.18 2.72 2.36 2.97 2.59 3.15 2.77 3.61 3.15 4.04 3.71 4.47 3.86 4.93 4.32 5.13 4.42 5,66 Sources: Hershfield, 1951; lli1ler, 1964 2-210 TABLE 2.i-I5 SEASONAL AND ANNUAL MIXING ITEIGHTS AND HANKSVILLE VICINITY MEAN WIND SPEEDS Morning Afternoon Winter Spring Summer Fa11 Annual Source: HolzworEh. 1972 Mixing I{ind Sped Height l{ind Speed(Meters/sec) (rneters) (meters/sec) 3.5 1070 4.1 s.3 2940 6.5 4.2 3970 6.1 4.3 2090 4.9 4.3 2520 5.4 Mixing Height(neters ) 250 395 245 230 285 2-2LL 12.1 mph), respectively, Seasonally, winter and fal1 demonstrate the rrorst diffusion capabilities and spring the besr. According to the Nat,ional Air Pollution Potential Forecasting Program (Stackpole, L961; Gross, 1970) the dispersion of pollutants could be lirnited with persisting uixing heights of 1500 neters or less and nixing tayer rrind speeds of 4 Eeters per second or 1ess. Holzworth Q972) Labulated the number of cases of such restrictive conditions for the five-year period, 1960 through 1964. Episodes persisting for a least two days for various combinations of nixing heights and wind speeds are summarized for the general Hanksville vicinity in iable 2.7-16 (page 2-2L3). Fifty-two episodes of a 1r500-meter or less mixing height and a four-met.er per second or less wind speed were observed in the five-year period and persisted for a total of. 220 days. The greatest frequency of episodes occurred in the winter months. From Table 2.7-17, it appears that spring exhibits the best dif- fusion capacity and winter the worst. Ihe high frequency of unstable conditions in the suumer months is probably the result of the somewhat slower wind speeds and greater solar insolaEion during ihis season. The relatively high percentages of stable and unstable conditions and the relatively low frequency of neutral conditioos throughout the year reflect the low winds and high percentage of clear skies that are char- acteristic of this area. Table 2.7-18 presents the annual frequency distribution oi Pasquill stability classes by wind direction and associated wind speeds. Gen- erally, unstable conditions occur most frequenily with souEh-souEheasE winds and stable condiEions are associaEed with northwest through norEh winds. SEASONAI AND AI{NUAL 2-212 TABLE 2.7-T7 FREQUEIICY 0F STABILITY OCCURRXNCE (Z) HANKSVILLE, UTAH Season Winter Spring Summer Fa 11 Annual 0.32 2.9L 6.61 1.80 2.93 Li.47 14.gg 19 .82 19 .06 16 .35 11.70 10.67 13.02 9.47 11.20 21.69 30.47 18.45 16 .05 21.58 5.41 7.52 6. 85 5.24 6.26 49.40 33.43 32.26 48.44 4r.57 Stabilit Class ANNUAL PERCENT FREQUENCY TABLE 2.7-T8 DISTRIBUTION OF PASQUILL STABILITY CI.ASSES BY DIRECTION HANKSVILLE, UTAII F q E /" D z C z B Z A "l Direc t ion Frequency 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 2.9 Frequency 0.7 0,5 0.8 0.7 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.7 1.1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.9l.l 0.9 16.4 Frequency 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.1l.l 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.7 ll.2 Frequency 1.3 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.6 1.5 4.0 2.3 0.9 0.7 1.8 2.5 1.5 2t.7 Frequency Frequency N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE ssE s sst, SW t^ISI.I Id WNI.I NtI NWN Al 1a 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0"4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.5 6.3 5.3 2.4 3.7 2.0 3.2 2.2 2.4 1.9 2.2 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.4 2.1 5.2 4.1 41.6 l.J IN)11(, aMay not equal total of column because of rounding off 2-2L4 TABLE 2.7-16 NTIMBER OF RESTRICTED MIXING EPISODES LASTING TWO MORE DAYS IN FIVE YEARS AND TOTAI EPISODE DAYS(rN pen.sNmrsrs) IN THE IIANKSVILLE VICINITY Wind Speed Mixing Heights(500 n (1000 m (1500 m OR 52.0 m/sec (4.0 no/sec (6 .0 rn/sec 1(3) 1 6( ss) L2G2) s(i2) 37(r4r) 44(215) 5(13) 52(220) 6zQe4) Source: Holzworth, G.C., L972 2.7.4 Air Quality Regulatory Standards Anbient air quality standards for various gaseous and particulate pollutants have been promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Utah Division of Health has adopted these standards as applicable throughout the sEate. The current national and Utah prinary and secondary air quality standards are presented in Table 2.7-I9. Priaary air quality standards define the relative air quality levels judged necessary, with an adeguate safety margin, to protect the public health. Secondary air quality standards are those specifically Atmospheric Stability Seasonal and annual percentage frequency distributions of each Pasquill stability class ( see Section 2.7 .2.L0 for explanation) for Hanksville are presented in Table 2.7-L7. Annually, unstable con<iitions (Classes A, B, and C) occur approximately 30.5 percent of the time, stable or inversion conditions (Classes E and f) approxinately 47.8 percent, and neutral (C1ass D) approximately 21.7 percent. Unstable conditions occur most frequently in the strmmer months, averaging 39.5 percent and are least frequent in winter, averaging 23.5 percent. StabIe conditions throughout an average year vary between 41.0 percent (spring) and 54.8 percent (ninter). 2-215 TABLE a.7-19 NATIONAI AND STATE OF UTAH AIR QUALITY STANDARDS Averaginq Tj$e Annual Average Federal Primary Standard Federal Secondary StandardPollutant Nitrcgen Di-oxideb ?;33 ",!h,,.0.05 ppm ,(1OO uglm') Sulfur Dioxide Annual Average 24 Hour 3 Hour 0.03 ppm, (80 ug,/m') 0.14 ppm ,(355 uglm") 0.05 ppm a(I3OO vq/m') Suspended Particulate Annual Geometric Mean 24 Hour 75 yg/m3 260 rg/^3 eo ugl*3 150 pgrlm3 Hydrocarbons(corrected fcr methane) 3 Hour 6-9 A.M. 0.24 ppne, (160 uglm') 0.24 ppm -(160 uglnr) Photochemical Oxi-dants 0.08 ppm .(150 us,/m-) 0.08 ppm ^(160 uglmr) I Hour Carbon Monoxide 9ppm -r€(10 mg,tu-)' 35 ppm {(40 mg,/m-) 9 ppm (1-o-m.g/mr) 35 ppm )(40 mglm') I Hour I Hour A11 standards except annual average are not to be exceeded more than once a year. ,"Fr.. the Bureau of National Affairs, 1975DNitrogen dioxide is the only one of the nitrogen oxides considered in the ambient standardsc,ppm ; parts per mj-Iliong,J ^vl/n- = micrograins per cubic mcter Itaaxirnu:n 3 hour concentration between 6-9 A.M. 'mg7p3 = milligr€rms per cubic meter 2-215 concerned with protecting the public welfare from any known or adverse effects of a pollutant. National arrd Utah New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) governing the release of euissions are not applicable for projects of this srnall s ize. Priority Classifications The project site, located in San Juan County, is part of the Four Corners Interstate Air Quality Control Region which encompasses parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona as well as Utah. A classi- fication system for all Air Quality Control Regions (AQCR) was estab- lished (as outlined in the Federal Register of April 14, 1971) for the purpose of air pollution control planning and evaluation. Each AQCR is classified into one of three groups for each najor pollutant. A Priority I classification indicates that significant violation of the federal stanCards exists for a portion of the region and special emission controls are needed. Priority II and III classifications indicate better air quality within the region, with a priority III classi- fication indicating better air quality than priority II. Each AQCR is classified separately with respect to each of the following pollutants: sulfur oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and photochernical oxidants. Where an AQCR is classified Priority I on the basis of measured or estimated air quality levels resulting from emissions predominately from a single point source, it is further clas- sified Priority IA. Ambient pollutant concentrations that flefine the classification system are outlined in Table 2.7-20. The priority classifications for the Four Corners Interstate Air Quality Control Region are presented in below. Particulate Sulfur Nitrogen Carbon PhotochernicalMatter Oxides Dioxide Monoxide Oxidants (HC) Pr iori tyClassification IA IA III III III 2-2L7 TABLE 2.7_2O TEDERAL REGIOIi-AL PRIOF.ITY CT,ASSIFICATIONS BASED ON tuyBiEi{T AIR QUATITY Priority Group Pollutant Avg. Time II Greater than From - To Less than surrur oxides ill;#'' 133 Hiil: ,il:133 izi:i3-hour 1300 ug,/m' III 6o vg/n3. ZAO u1/rl'. 1300 uglmr Particulate Ann. Avg.s5 vs/n3^ 60-95 us/n1 6o ug,hl 325 yg/mr 150-325 ug/ms I5o uqr,/m5 2L1 nq/ni.J55 mglm Matter Carbon Monoxide 24-hour 9-hour 1-hour La ns/nl .J55 nglm Nitrogen Ann. Avg. I10 ug,/m3 110 p9lm3 Dioxide Photochemical l-hour 195 pgrlm3 I95 ug,/m3 Oxidants Note: In absence of measured data to the contrary, any region containing an area whose 1970 "urban place" population exceeds 200,0O0 will be classified Priority I. AlI others wil-l be classified, Priority III. No Priority I1 classification for CO, IlO2, and Photochemical Oxidants Hydrocarbon classifications will be same as for Photochemical Oxidants Source: Code of Federal Regulations; 40 CFR 51.3 2-2t8 The priority te classification of particulates and sulfur dioxide for the AQCR are based upon emissions from specific fossil-fueled power plants within the region, none of which lies within 50 kilometers of the Blanding site. Therefore, the air quality in the vicinity of the Blanding site is expected to be betEer than the IA classification would ind icate. Significant Deterioration Rules have been prornulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency as of December 1974 and aa further modified in the CIean Air Act Amendnents of. L977 with regard to prevention of significant deterioration (PSD). Under this law, each area of the nation with air quality better than Ehat defined by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for sulfur dioxide (S02) and total suspended particualtes (TSP) must be identified and designated as Class I, II or III for purposes of allowable air quality degradation. A class I area would allow a very small increase in air pollution, in Class II a larger increase and Class III would allow air polLution Leve)-s up to, but not exceeding, the natioaal ambient standards. Currently San Juan County, in which the project site is located, is classified as a Class Ii area. Ttre significant deterioration regulations apply specifically to certain stationary source types and sizes (of wtrich uranium mill.ing processes are not included), and more generally to any source that has the potential to emit more than 250 tons per year of any air pollutant. With the expecied low emission rates, this law should not be applicable to the proposed nilling project. Preliminary estimates based upon current planning indicate total particuLate emissions from the White Mesa Uranium Project will not be greater than 200 tons per year. However, detailed planning is in pro- gress and a more refined estimate of total emissions will be presented in Ehe Supplemental Report. 2-219 Existing Air Quality Ihe Utah Division of Health rnaintains a network of air monitoring stations throughout the state. The closesE monitoring station to the projecE area ls at Bull Frog Marina locaEed approximaLely 105 kilomeEers (66 ni) rresE of the proposed site. 0n1y particulate and sulfur dioxi.de concentrations are measured at Bu11 Frog (table 2.7-ZL). 0n1y the short-teru (24-hour) particulaEe standard has been exceeded at the Bull Frog station; the annual average is well below Ehe standard aof 60 ug/m' for all three data years. The 24-hour violations must have been associated with conditions of high winds and blowing dust. Wtrile only 1976 data are available, sulfur dioxide concentraEions ueasured at Bull Frog Marina are low and well below the applicable anbient standards. The maximum one hour average recorded in 1976 was only 0.03 ppm. As part of the on-site nonitoring progran, four eulfation plate monitoring stations rrere installed at various locations around the project sice; sampling locations are shown on Plate 2.7-1. Data col- lection sErated in March L977 and the srrlfaEion plaEes were routinely exposed for one month periods. Results of the first seven monihs (March through September 1977) of data collecEed are presented in Table 2.7-22. Wtrile conversion of sulfation plate data to acEual SOe concentra- tions is not accurate, sulfation plates do provide an indication of background sulfur dioxide. From Table 2.7-22, all monthly sulfaEion values were below the minmum detectable limit of the analysis procedure. This would tend to indicate EhaE sulfur dioxide concentrations in the site vicinity are very low. This conclusion agrees with the state data collected at the Bull Frog Marina. In 0ctober- L977, a total suspended particulate sampling program was initiated at the project site. Plate 2.7-L dipicts Ehe exact sam- pling location. While data collection has been limited, initiai 2-220 TABLE 2.7-2I AIR QUALITY DATA COLLECTED AT BULL FROG MARINA, 1975 TIIP.OUGIT 1977 Tota1 Suspended. Sulfur Dioxide Particulates ( ug/mJ) (ppm) Annual , Maximum Annual Maximum Year Averaget 24-hggr Average l-hour Lg772 24 z5g ND3 ND3 1976 15 t20 <.01 '03 lg75 14 183 ND3 ND3 ItAnnual average as a geonet.ric mean 2D"terrir,ed fron January through September data only. Annual geometric mean extrapolated for ful1 year. ?"No data-specific parameter not operational 2-22L TABLE 2.7-22 MONTHLY SULFATION VALUES (pg SO"/c-2/a^y) BLANDI}IG , UTAII, T97 7' B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 <1 .3 <1 .3 <1 .3 <1 .3 March <1 .3 <1 .3 April <1.2 <1 .2 Ulr <1 .5 <1 .5 <1.5 <1.5 June July <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 August <r.6 <1 .6 <l .6 (1.6 SepEember <1.3 <I .3 <1 .3 <1 .3 2-222 indications are thaE total suspended concentrations agree fairly well with the longer Eerm Bull Frog l'Iarina data. 2,8 ECOLOGY 2.8.1 General Ecology of Region The natural vegetation occurring on the project site and within a 25-oile radius is characterized by Pinyon-Juniper woodland intergrading with the Big Sagebrush association of rhe Northern Desert shrub formation (Hunt, 1953). A plant formation used in this context refers to a grouP- irrg of plant co"rmunities, whose distribution is largely influenced by climate, specifieally in the seni-arid region of the Project site by altitude. An association ig defined as groupings of plant communities, whose distribution is IocaIly affected by soils and available moisture. Both associations are extensively distributed throughout Utah. In 1947' 20 percent of Utah rilas covered by Pinyon-Juniper woodland; the remaining area hras dorninated by Northern Desert Shrub vegetation, with minor occurrences of Aspen-fir and Alpine Tundra (Woodbury, L947 I Tidestrom, 192il. Cotlam (1951) estinates thaL the areal extent of the Pinyon- Juniper woodland in UEah has increased sixfold since white seEtlement in the nid-1800s. This is attributed to overgrazing and lack of fires. The Pinyon-Juniper woodland, also called pigny conifer woodland, is donrinated by Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperna) in Utah, with occur- rences of Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) as a co-dominant or sub-dominant tree species. The woodland forms a belt between the NorEhern Desert Shrub Formation and I{estern Yel1ow Pine forest fornation. The woodLand is alrirudinally distributed frou 5000 ft (1650 n) to about 7500 ft (2273 n) in San Juan Counry, reaching 5000 (1818 ur) to 6500 ft (1969 m) ns1 in the Abajo Mountains to the east of the project site. The tower linics of distribution reach abour 5200 ft (1576 E), although the woodland also extends down drainages meeting the Big Sagebrush tyPe. The project site lies ar an elevation of 5600 to 5700 ft (1697 to 1727 rn), just above the lower altitudinal limit of this association. Ttre appearance of the woodland is short scrubby conifers with a dense canoPy' although uPon inspection the understory is usually nore open with wide sPaces between 2-?.23 trees. The understory is composed of grasses, forbs and shrubs also found in the Big Sagebrush association. At the lorver limits of distri- bution, the stands are rnore open with individuals of shorter heighEs Ehan :in the more dense stands at the upper distribution of the association. Usually the Pinyon-Juniper woodiand occurs on shatlow rocky imperme- able soils of exposed canyon ridges and slopes while communities of the Big Sagebrush association occur on deeper well drained soils on flatter terrain of val1ey floors, rnesas or flattened slopes (VJoodbury, 1947). The Pinyon-Juniper woodland contains a varieEy of wildlife habitats including isolated trees on rocky cliffs dense stands of trees and stan,ls interrupted by Big Sagebrush communities. Understory vegetation coru- prise<i uostly of forbs and shrubs also provides further habitat diver- siry. Most of che wildlife species iound in ttre Pinyon-Juniper woodland are not permanent residents but use other vegeEaEive associations found above and below the woodland. The uost characteristic smal1 mammals inhabiting the pigny conifer woodtand include woodrats (Neotoma sp.) and the Pinyon Mouse (Peromyscus truei) although the ubiquitous Deer llouse (Perornyscus maniculatus) usually is the nosE abundant rodent. Ttre Pinyon Jay (G)rmnorhinus cyanocephalug), the Plain Titnouse (Parus inornatus) and the Common Bushtit (Psaltriparus mininus) are permanent bird residents (Frischknecht, I975). Throughout the year, about 75 species inhabit this kind of woodland at various times, making up the Erost nurerous vertebrate fauna (Frischknecht, 1975). These species include several rapEors: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Ferruginous llawk (nuqeo regalis), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Great llorned ful (gubo virginianus), Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni), Kestrel (Falco sparverius) and Red- tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are also the woodland, and the principal big game species. the Pinyon-juniper include Coyotes (Canis latrons) Badger (Taxidea taxus) and Desert Cottontail audubonii) (rrisctrknecht, 1975). a dominant species in Other mammals found in , BobcaEs (i.ynx rufus), Rabbits ( sylvilagus Communities occurring in the Big Sagebrush association are charac- terized by the dominant, Big Sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata), which grows from 2 to 16 ft (0.6 to 4.9 m) in height on favorable areas and is widely distributed altitudinally from 3800 to to 7500 ft (1151 to 2273 n) ms1 (Woodbury, 1947). Usually the shrubs in the association are widely spaced but occur closer together in more favorable areas. Grasses are the principal component of the understory. Historically, areas of well-developed Big Sagebrush stands have yielded good dryland farmland in Utah, probably reflecting Big Sagebrushrs preference for deep aLluviaL soils (Tidestron, 1925). Since the Big Sagebrush Association is wideiy distributed altitud- inally, many species occurring in the Pinyon-Juniper woodland and in deseri shrub associations also occur in this association. Important sma1l mammals of this association include Pocket Mice (P-erognathus sp.), Kangaroo Mice (Microdipodops sp.) and Voles (uigrqtus sp.). In western Utah, Deer ltice and Kangaroo Rats are numerous but locally restricted. BlacktaiI Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) are also important constitu- ents of the fauna. Generall.y, bird species utilizing this association came from other associations, such as the Swainsonrs Hawk, Prairie Falcon (falco uexicanus), Burrowing Owl (Bubo virginianus) and Horned Lark. Bird populations are low during the breeding season according to Kendeigh (1951), averaging 25 pairs per 40 hectares (100 acres). Other irnportant bird species occurring in this association include the Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), Poor-wi11 (Phalaenoptilus nuttalLii), Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus), Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza be11i) and Brewerrs Sparrow (Spizella breweri). Reptiles occurring in this associ- ation are also cortrmon to other associations but occur in lesser numbers (Shelford, 1963). Lizards are abundant and visibLe. Important reptiles inelude Ehe Collared Llzard (Crotaphytus collaris), Sagebrush Lizad, (Sceloporus gaciosus), Striped Whipsnake (Mastieophis taeniatus), and Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) (Kendeigh, 1961). region and on woodland and Throughout the the Pinyon-Juniper Ehe project area itself, communities of Big Sagebrush association intergrade. 2-225 This integradation is influenced by soil type, texture, avaitable soil moisture and past grazing practices' Where the soil type is preferred by one comnunity type, there is a sharp demarcation line between the assoc- iations but where soils are rnore intermediate communities of the Pinyon- Juniper woodland and Big Sagebrush associations intergrade. Where they intergrade, as on some parts of the project site, junipers are widely scattered anong species couuron to the Big Sagebrush association, being 100 ft (30.3 m), or trore apart. Since whiteuan t s the surrounding region for caEtle grazing and some irrigated farming settlement, the project site and portions of and San Juan County in general have been utilized to a much lesser extent for dryland farming and (usoA, t962). Cattle and sheep gtazirrg reached its peak in San Juan County between 1925 and 1930. During thaL period, cattle numbers ranged from 25,184 in 1925 ro 15,158 ro 119,802 in 1930 (USDA, 1962). According to the United States Department of Agriculture 0952: 13) "I{eavy graziag by large numbers of livestock has brought changes to the vegetation in the area and has caused the range to deteriorate.tt Various pracEices to increase Ehe productivity of the rangeland i.ncluding controlled fires and chain- i.g, lrere and sti1l are being used. As a result of these t.reatment pracEices, many seral plant communities to Ehe climax Piayon-Juniper woodland and Big Sagebrush associations occur throughout the region. 2.8.2 Ecology of Project Site As discussed elsewhere (Sections 2.4 and 2.6), the project site lies on a plateau, with genEly rolling topography that is incised with deep canyons. Elevations range from 5577 tE (1690 m) esl in the south to 5685 ft (1723 n) msl in the north. Canyons with steep rocky slopes and shallow rocky fine sandy loam soils border the east side of the project site beyond State Highway 47 and the west side. Two soil types occur on the site, the Mellenthin scil type and the Blanding soil (see Section 2.10). The natural climax vegetation that occurs on Mellenthin soils is the Pinyon-Juniper woodland an<i on the Blanding soil, a deep very fine 2-226 sandy loam, coumunities of the Big Sagebrush association (USoA, 1962). A11 the plant cot"*unities sEudied on the project site except Ehe Pinyon- Juniper woodland occur on the Blanding soil type. Annual precipitation in the region averages L2.77 inches Per year and the average length of the growing season is 129 days frorn May 25 to 0ctober 1. Precipitation is disgributed throughout the year but May and June are drier than the rest of the growing season. Precipitation is distributed so about 55 percent occurs during the growing season and 45 percent during the winter (see Section 2.7). Vegetation Vegetation sarupling locations are indicated on Plate 2.8-1. Seven communities found on the project site are outlined on Plate 2.8-2. The communities are named either according to the dominant species in the cliurax vegetation (for example, Big Sagebrush comaunity) or so as to identify the type of disturbance that contributes to the present vegetative composition (for exanple, reseeded grassland). Comrunitv Distributions and Structure I{ith the exception of snall porEions of the Pinyon-Juniper woodland and the Big Sagebrush comunity tyPe, the uajority of the plant con- munities found on the project site are seral or disturbed communities that reflect past grazing use and treatments designed to improve the site for rangeland. These Ereatnents include chaining, plowing and reseeding with Crested Wheatgrass. About 94 acres of Pinyon-Juniper woodland occur on portions of the eastern and western edges of the site, 232 acres of Big Sagebrushr 5 acres of veget,ation associated with stockponds and overflow, 27 acree of disturbed vegetation on and imroediaLely surrounding the present buying station and seral conmunit,ies recovering from Past disturbances of chaining and plowing, 567 acres of controlled Big Sage- brush, and 369 acres of reseeded grassland. These communities are separated by fences once used to separate individual pastures. Species composition of the co"tmunities sampled on the site are listed in Table 2.8-1. Parameters describing the structure of communities described below are presented on Table 2.8-2. Sampling nethods and locations are discussed in Section PLATE 2.8.I PLATE 2.8-2 2-229 TABLE 2.8-I SPECIES COMPOSITION OF AT THE BLANDINC CO}CTUNITIES S.q.UPLED PROJECT SITE Scientific llame Grasses and Grasslike Plants Agropyron deser!orum Aristida longiseta Bromus tectorum 0ryzopsis hyorenoides Sitanion hystrix Spor,obolus cryptandrus Forbs Asclepias subverticillata Arrenesia biennis@Aster arvenosus Conrmon Name Crested Wheatgrass Red Threeawn CheaEgras s Sixweeks Fescue Galleta Grass Indian Ricegrass Bottlebrush Squirre ltai 1 Sand Dropseed Butterfly llilkweed Biennial llormwood Catchweed As ter Timber Poison Milkvetch Chicory European Gloryvine Horseweed Fleabane Eriogonum Eriogonum Euphorb ia Curtycup Gumweed Gi1 ia Conmon SunfLower st ickweedAlfalfa Comaon Russian- Tir is t 1e Threadleaf Groundsel Groundsel Scarlet Globemallow Meadow Salsify Louisiana Sagebrush Big Sagebrush Douglas Rabbitbrush Conmunity of Occurrence RGl,RGII,TS,CBS RGl,JP JP TC TD BS , JP, CBS , F.GII JP, CBS BS , JP, CBS , RGII RGII RGII TS TS RGII CBS RGII RCII RGII 15 JP RGII TS , D, RGII JP RGII JP D cvsrRRlrBS,RGII RGII RGII RGl , CBS, RCIr RC1 RGII RG1 , BS, JP RGII As tragalus Chichorium intybus Convolvulus arvensls conval larius Conyza ca.nadensis Eriogonum gordonii Eriogonum ovulotoliuo Euphorbia fendleri Grindelia squarrosa_Gilia leplomeria Helianthus annuusffi Medircago sat.iva Salsola kali Senecio longilobus_ Senecio multicapitatus SEae-raiG'ffiGea-- Tragopogon pratensis Shrubs Arteroes ia ludovicianaffi;]i rrlaenraraffiviscidiflorus var.ffipfitll"s- Festuca octophoraHilaria _ianresii Scientific Name Shrubs Cowania mexicana var@EchinocereusTffiE.rEiatus Ephedra viridis Gutierrezia sarothrae@Opuntia polyacantha Yucca angustissima Trees Juniperus osteosperma Pinus edulisSaIF e"E"a Tamarix pentandra C1 i ffros e Claretcup Echinocereus Green Ephedra Broom Snakeweed Pale I,Iol.fberry Plains Pricklypear Fineleaf Yucca One-seeded Juniper Pinyon Pine Coyote Willow Tamarisk 2-230 TABLE 2.8-1 (Concluded) Couron Name Community of 0ccurrence JP CBS RGI,BS,JP,CBS CBS, RGII RGl,RGII JP,CBS,RGII BS, JP RGI ,JP, CBS JP TS TS Control led 1 (RGr); (D); Tamarix- Courmunities - Juniper-pinyon (.lp); Big Sagebrush (BS); Big Sagebrush (CBS); Reseeded Grassland Reseeded Grassland II (RGII); DisturbedsaLix (TS) TABLE 2.8-2 COMMUNITY STRUCTURE PARAI-{ETERS OF THE BLANDING SITE PLANT COMMUNITIES Relativel PercenEl Relativel Relativel rmportance Parameter DensiEy Cover Cover Frequency Value COMMUNITY RESEEDED GRASSLAND I GROUP SPECIES Grasses and Grasslike Plants Agropyron jlesertorum Festuca octofora trITa@ l.r,"sfEitatilon-fiffix Forbs Cichorium intybus @ea Shrubs Gutierrezia sarothrae:-:-Lycium pallidum Total Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Litter RESEEDED GRASSLAND II 92.O t2.0 78.2 66.41.0 0.1 0.5 5.62.0 0.3 2.4 2.41.0 0.1 0.5 2.4Total 12.5 0.3 a.2 t.2 2.40.3 0. I 0. 5 2.4Total 0.3 4.O 1.9 13.3 16"00.3 0.5 3.6 2.4Total 2.4 t5.2 61 .0 24.2 236.2 7.5 6.4 3.5 N)3.5 ,l2.8 g 33. 3 5.9 Grasses and Grasslike Plants Agropyron desertorum 96.0 8.9 82.7 75.0 253"7 Total 8.9 I-PercenEages may not add to one hundred dtre to rounding. Parameter TABLE 2.8-2 (Continued) Re 1 at ive Percent Cover Relative Co1'er Relative Importance Value COMMUNITY RESEEDED GRASSLAND II (conr'd) Forbs ka1 iSa1 so 1a Dens it 0.6 3.0 Total 0.6 3.8 66.0 1.9 Total 9.4 To tal 1.9 16.9 To ta1 0.1 1.4 1.5 0.3Total 0.3 lo.7 79.7 9.5 Frequenc 5.0 15.0 5.0 7.7 53.9 7.7 15.4 7.7 7.7 Sphaeralcea coccinea Asperugo procumbens Grindelia squarrosa Salsola kali Shrubs Artemesia tridentata Trees Salix exiguaffiifTEnTanara Total Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Li t ter 1.2 13.0 3.1 6.8 3l .0 8.7 15.6 194.9 1l .3 31.5 17.g 28.8 Shrubs Gutierrezia sarothrae Total Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Li E ter TAMARIX-SALIX Forbs hJ Il\)(, N) 9.7 0.8 0.5 9.0 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.5 r7;0 67.9 20.1 4.1 75.O 1.7 6.7 8.3 4.2 TABLE 2.8-2 (Continued) Parameter Relative Dens i Ly Percent Cover RelaEive Cover Relative Importance Frequency Value ['estuca octoflora Forbs Salsola kali Total Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Li tt er CONTROLLED BIG SAGEBRUSH COMMUNITY DISTURBED Grasses and Grasslike Agropyron Gras se s Forbs Sh rub s Tota1 Vegetative Cover Bare GroundLitter and Grasslike PIants Agropyron desertorumHilaria jamesii 0ryzopsis hymenoides Sitanion hystrix Plants desertorum 92.0 2.0 6.0 l9 .0 16.0 3.0 10. 0 Total 3.0ll.0 0.2 ToEat 27.O 10.0 9.0 0.2Total 9.2 4.0Tocal 4.0l3J 90.0 7.0 68 .0 2.0 30.0 66.0 t6.7 t6.7 226.6 20.7 52.7 53.3 49.9 8.0 43.8 11 .0 37.2 2.4 61.0 32.4 N) It.J(,(, Astragalus conval larius Salsola kali Sphaeralcea cocc I-nea Artemesia tridenEata G"ti"rr"ria sarottrrae 3.4 2.8 0.5t.7 8.4 0.5 1.9 0.1 2.4 4.7 1.8 19.3 15.9 3.0 9.8 3.0rt.2 0.2 27.0 10.4 15.0 18 .0 2.0 24.0 5.0 15.0 2.0 7.0 12.0Tocal 6.5l7J 67.4 15.3 Parameter TABLE 2.8-2 (ConEinued) Relative Percent Cover Re lative Cover Relative Importance Value COMMUNITY BIG SAGEBRUSH Grasses and Grasslike PlantsHilaria jamesii SitanC'n-IystEx Shrubs Artemesia tridentataffi Lichen Total Vegetative Cover Bare GroundLitter PINYON.JUNIPER Grasses and Grasslike Plants Aristida longisete Bromus tectorumEtt,&@ oryzo-IEiiE6-noiaes' Sitanion hystrix Forbs Gilia leptomeria Lappula redowski Total Dens i t 72.8 19.0 4.6 3.5 13. I 1.2 26.2 1.2 4.8 8.3 L.2 t2,7l.l 13.8 18.9 0.5 19.4 OJ 33.3 49.g 16.9 38. 1 3.3 56.8 1.5 0.3 Frequenc 35.9 23.4 20.3 10.9 9.4 146.8 45.7 Total To tal Total 81.7 16 I 1.2 t., Il..J(,s 2.1 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.1 3.8 0.04 2.4 2.41+ 8.1 0.4 3.1 2.3 ().tt 0.1 9.3 9.7 4.8 9.7 r.6 3.2 1.6 1.6 29.3 12.4 39.0 5.0 8.3 10.1ll.7 TABLE 2.8-2 (Concluded) Parameter Re lative Dens i Ey Percent Cover Re lative Cover Relative Importance Frequency Value COMUUNITY PINYON-JUNIPER (cont' d) Shrubs Trees Lichen Moss ToEal Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Li t ter Rock Artemesia Eridentata @ir1or.rsvar. Slenophylhs Cowania mexicanaffiti,',Gutierrezia sarothroe@ Total Juniperus 06teosperma Pinus edulis Total 5.9 1.2 3.6 3.6 14.3 2.4 4.8 1.2 4.0 0.3 /r. 0 0.1 1.3 0.2 9.9 7.2 0.8 8.0 T.0 0.8 25.9 5s. 6 15.6 4.4 15.4 l.I 15.4 0.4 5.0 0.8 27.8 3.1 3.9 3. t 9.7 3.2 4.8 I.6 11 .3 3.2 6.5 1.6 t9.4 3.2 30. 3 5.6 23.0 5.6 30.4 6.3 37.6 5.7 29.5 6.3 t) Il.J(/,vr The Pinyon-Juniper woodland on the site is restricted to shallow soils along the cauyon rims on the east and west of the site. A sharp boundary occurs between this community and the other corrrmunities on the site. About 30 individual Lltah Juniper trees are scattered across the project site on the Blanding soil (see Plate 2.8-2). The pinyon-Juniper woodland contains the most species of communities sampl.ed on the site (see Table 2.8-1). Wtrile the woodland is stratified into four layers, the dominant tree layer gives the woodland an overatl appearance of dense vegetation. However, its species are widely separated; vegetative cover made up only 25.9 percent of the ground cover and bare ground made up 55.6 percent in areas sanpled. Litter is an important component of ground cover, couprising 15.6 percent wieh rock 4.4 percent and lichens and mosses 1.8 percent (table 2.8-Z). The dominant species as reflected by importance value in the woodland is Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosPerma) wittr infrequent occurrences of Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis). In the shrub 1ayer, shrubs rrere widely spaced with grasses and forbs occurring in open areas, the shrub layer was the most important copponent of the understory, contributing about 10 percent of the vegetative cover. Big Sagebrush, Cliffrose (Cowania mexicana) and Broom Snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae) were the dominant shrubs, based upon importance va lue. Ihe Big Sagebrush co"'munity is composed of two layers shrubs and grasses. This coormunity is dorninated by open stands of Big sagebrush, 3 to 5 feet ta11. The stand is interspersed with occasional shrubs of Broou Snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothroae). About 20 percent of the ground cover is Big Sagebrush with open spaces of bare ground interspersed with grasses (taule 2.8-2). About 52 percent of cover was bare ground. The understory layer of grasses lras not diverse, two species were sampled with Galleta Grass (ttilaria janesii) being the most inportanr grass species. The other five communities oecurring on the site are in various stages of recovery from past disturbances due to range treatgent and overgrazing. Evidence of chaining and plowing nas apparenE in the 2-237 reseeded rangeland cor,.lmunities and controlled Big Sagebrush communities. 01d trunks of Big Sagebrush made up much of Ehe litter sampled in those communiEies. Chaining not only increases the litter but also renoves the dominanE shrub layer in the comnunity, releasing grasses and forbs fron competition by shrubs. Several weedy species comnon to abandoned pasLures and overgrazed rangeland are conrmon in Ehese communities (See Table 2.8-1). Species classed as weeds because they are introduced and provide litt1e or no forage value to wildlife or livestock, include Aristida longiseta, Sitanion hystrix, Salsola kali, Cichorium intybus, Asperugo procumbens, Grindel:Lx squarrosa (Holugren and Anderson, 1970). Table 2.8-2 presents relative frequency, retative cover, relative density and iuportance values of species sampled in each communiEy tyPe. The reseeded Grassland I, occupying the northeasEern portion of the site is dominaEed by the grass layer, with occasional occurrences of shrubs such as Broou Snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothroe) and Wolfberry (Lyciurn pallidun). In addition to being chained in the past, this area was also reseeded in Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorug), which made up 8.9 percent of the ground cover and was the douinant, species in Ehe community, based upon importance vatue. The vegetat.ive cover is sparse in this comrounity; 61 percent of ground cover was bare ground and 24.2 percent litter. The relative frequency of Crested I{heatgrass sampled was 75 percent whiLe Broom Snakeweed was 3.1 percent and forbs 14.2 percent (tab1e 2.8-2). Usually with chained areas, native species reinvade 12-15 years after treatment. I^Iith the additional reseeding of Crested l.Itreat, this period would be much longer. The reseeded Grassland II community in the southern portion of the projecE site is physically separated from the other communiEies by fences and roads (see Plate 2.8-2). This community is in an earlier stage of recovery from disturbance than the reseeded Grassland I com- uunity in the northern portion of the site. VegeEative cover is sparse, 10.7 percent of ground cover, and is douinated by the only grass species sanpled CresEed Wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum). Bare ground makes up 79.7 percent of cover and litter 9.5. Cnly four species were sampled in 2-238 this comrnunity, Crested l{heatgrass which was used in reseeding, and three weedy species. In later stages of recovery frora mechanical treatment and reseeding, rangeland should support a more ciiverse composition of native grasses as well as introduced species than the rangeland communities s tud ied. The controlled Big Sagebrush co'rylunity appears to be the oldest community to recover fron chaining. A shrub layer is present and the dominant species in the community is Big Sagebrush, based upon importance values. Crested Wtreatgrass was the doninant species in the grass layer. Vegetative cover was a low 17.3 percent, while bare ground contributed 67.4 percent to ground cover and litter, nainly uprooted Big sagebrush, 15.3 percent. The disturbed plant coumunity on and surroundiag the present Blanding buying station contained a single layer dominated by Crested wheatgrass. vegetative cover was sparse, being 13.2 percent of ground cover, while bare ground made up 8.0 percent. The Tanarix-SaIix community type is associated with trdo stock ponds on the project site (see plate z.B-2). The water levels in the ponds fluctuate and at the time of sanpling the ponds rrere dry. The variability in moisture around the pouds is refl.ected in the forb layer which was composed of only weedy species. Vegetative cover was sparse (I2'0 percent), bare ground was 67.9 percent of ground cover and litter 20.1 percent (see Table 2.8-1). No grasses lrere sampled, and forbs were the douinant group in the vegetative cover. The most proninent layer in Ehe community is the tree Layer uade up of Tamarix and witlows atong the dam. Although not sampled, two mature cottonwood trees occur at the Idesternmost pond and several saplings occurred at the easternmost pond (see Plate 2.8-2). Vegetative Production Annual production on the project site was measured as total air dry yields from seascnal clippings (see section for sanpling 2-239 Eethods and locations). Cnly tlro range sites occur on the site, t.he semideserE upland stony hi11s (Pinyon-Juniper) range site and semidesert loam range site. Descriptions for these lwo range sites were used to estimaEe condition classes of the communiEies sampled (USDa,,1971 and 1975). The Pinyon-Juniper community sampled is on the semidesert upland stony hi1ls (Pinyon-Juniper) range site while Ehe other communities saopled are on the semidesert loam. Because all communiEy types other than the Pinyon-Juniper conmunity had been subjected to various range improvement treatnents (such as chaining, plowing and reseeding with Crested Wheatgrass), production samples were taken from each community type and condition classes were then based upon the semidesert loam range site description. Annual production samples from the project site varied beEween comnunities within the semideserE loam range site and beEween Ehe semi- desert upland stony hil1s (Pinyon-Juniper) range site and t,he semidesert loau rangesiEe. Production measurements discussed below may be mislead- ing since precipitation for 1977 aE the projecE site and for San Juan County was classed as drought conditions (see SecEion 2.7). Until July, no production was evident. during sampling on the site. Based upon percent cornposition by dry weight, Ehe Pinyon-Juniper couuruniEy is in fair condition (see Table 2.8-3 for actual percentages in couparison to climax composition). Total yield for Ehe Pinyon-Juniper. coumunity was 206 1bs/acre air dry, while the total annual yield in an unfavorable year for a semidesert stony hills (Pinyon-Juniper) range site in fair condition is 1200-500 lbs/acre air dry (Usol, L97l). Generelly, understory cover varies from 35 to 40 percent. However, in Ehe Pinyon- Juniper community sampled toEal understory vegetative cover was 30 percent which may account for the lower yield. This community type also was overgrazed in the past, as evidenced by the high percentage of increaser shrubs present. An increaser species is one that increases in occurrence when the range is grazed too heavily. Big Sagebrush, rabbit- brush and snakeweed composi.tion in the Pinyon-Juniper communiEy totalled 2-240 TABLE 2.8-3 PRODUCTION AND PERCENT CO},IPOSITION OF THE PINYON-JUNIPER COMMUNITY ON THE SEI'IIDESERT STONYHILLS(Pinyon-Juniper) Range Sitea Ilaximun Perceat in CLimax Percent in Juniper-Pinyon ConmunityPlant Group and Species Grasses and Grasslike Plants Agropyron spicatum Muhlenbergia emers leyi Bouteloua gracilis Brex geophilaHilaria jamesii Oryzopsis hymenoides Koeleria cristataffi;fr" "p.Agropyron smithii Poa secunda Forbs Erigeron sp. Chr]'soPs is vil losa Astragalus sp. Others Phlox sp. Shrubs and Trees Artemesia tridentata nova sP. 25 2 5 10 I 25 I I I I 1 Tr 2 1 5 23 0.1 Artemes ia_-JunI.perus@Pinus edulis @oEGEilous sp. Aster sp. Gutierrezia sarothrae Total percent composition Total production Condition class "T"k", fron the SCS range site description 5L2 I 35 I 15 5 1 3 t4 36. I 206 lbs/acre Fair 2-241 30 Percent while increaser percent composition in the potential native communiry normally ranges from 5 to 12 percent (USOA, 1971). Based uPon percent dry weight coupcsition, all the communities sampled on the semidesert loam range site were in poor condition except the Big sagebrush and controlled Big sagebrush community types (tabIe 2.8'4). Production on these sites lras rnostly weeds causing the low condition class classification. Annual dry weight production in the reseeded Grassland I coomunity was 119 lbs/acre, on the reseeded grass- land II ssm'nunity 148 1bs/acre, on the disturbed comnunity 32 lbs/acre and on the Taraarix-salix communit;r 15E5 lbs/acre. 0n a semidesert loam rangesiEe in an unfavorab!.e year, production generally varies from 300 to 225 Lbs/acre (usDA, 1971). Ihe Big Sagebrush and Controlled Big Sagebrush courmunity Eypes were in fair condirion (see Table Z.B-4). pro<luction of the Big Sagebrush community was I59 lbs/acre and the Controlled Big Sagebrush community 380 lbs/acre. In an unfavorable year on a semidesert loam range site in fair condition production can range frour lI00 lbs/acre to 250 lbs/acre (usoA, 197i ) . No plant species designated as endangered and offered special proEection by the U.S. government occurs in Utah (Federal Register Vol. 42 (155): 40582-40685, Augusr 11, Lg77). Fifty-nine species norninanred as possibly warranting endangered or threaEened status and protection occur in Utah (Federal Regisrer Vol. 4L (ll7): 24524-2t+572, June 16, 1976). 0f these species all are endemic to certain areas in Utah and s ix occur in san Juan countv. Br ief. ,lescripEions of the Eype localities for the latter, taken from We1sh, et a1. (1975), are Iisteri below. Erigeron kachinensis l.Ielsh & Moore Habitat - an endemic species known only from hanging gardens and seeps near Kachina Narural Bridges National Monument, about 45 miles west of the project its type loca1iry, in Natural Bridges s ite. TABLE 2.8-4 Plant Group and Species Grasses and Grasslike PlanEs Agropyron spicatum Bouteloua gracilis _E:_t_"*r:tt hystrixHilaria jamesii Oryzopsis_ hymenoides Stipa comata Aristida sp. Forbs Annual s Aster sp.. Eriogeron sp. Eriogonum sp. Astragalus sp. Lomatium sp. Brassica sp. Lathyrus sp. Penstemon sp. I!1o" "p.Sphaeralcea coccinea Lappula sp. Maximum Percent in Climax Tamarix- Sa1 ix l0 l5 5 10 20 20 2 Tr 6 10 11 5 Tr 9 t$ IN).s- t\.1 PRODTICTIOTI AND PERCENT COMPOSITION OF CO}fMU}IITIES SA}IPLED ON THE SEMIDESERT LOAM RANGE SITEI Big Sagebrush Control led Big Sagebrush Cormnunity Reseeded Grassland I Reseeded Grassland II Dis turbed TABLE 2.8-4 (Concluded) Plant Group and Species Shrubs and Trees Artemesia tridenEata Artemesia nova ArEe*."Ta- lFliescens Eriogonum sp. Atriplex canescens Artemesia campestris Phlox hoodii Ephed.a sp. Gilia sp. Opuutia ps[sl1$El/rtriplex confert i fo1 ia Gutierrezia sarothraeffig!ry*.!hgi*no* "p. Total percenE composition ToEal production Condition class Maximunr Percent in Climax Bie Sagebrush 85 34"4 159 lbs/acre Fair Control 1ed Big Sagebrush Comniunity Re seeded Grassland I Reseeded Crassland II Dis turbed Tamarix- Salix N Ii.J}\(, 30 19 20 20 5 10 1 5 r5 I L I 1 8 5 40 5 442 380 lbs/acre Fa ir ltz 119 lbs/acre Poor 17. 148 lbs/acre Poor 0% 67" 20 lbs/acre l5B5 lbs/ Poor acre Poor lrukun from the SCS range site description 2-244 Ast.ragalus cronquistii Barneby IlabiEe: - an endemic species very restricted, its type in the desert along west side of Comb lJash, g rniles west about 30 miles souEh-southwest of the project site. locality i.s of Bluff and As tragalus iselyi I{e lsh Habitat - an endemic, edaphically Brumley Bridge, about 1.5 rniles north miles north of the project site. Eriogonum humivagans Reveal Habitat - an endeuric species knorm only 13.5 uiles east of Monticello at 51800 feet, the project site. restricted, type locality is of Pack Creek Ranch and about at 70 Phacelia indecora Howe11 Habitat - an endenic species, type locality Bluff, about 20 rniles souih of the project site. fron the Eype Locality about about 30 uriles northeast of Zigadenus Habitat vaginatus Rydb Natural Bridges an endemic species, type locality Armstrong Canyon near , about 40 miles west of the project site. According to the BLM Monticello (Personal Communications, Mr. Nick Sandberg and Mr. Rick llcQuire Range and Wildlife Specialists, November 10, L977) no endangered species occurs in the vicinity of or on the project site. Although an extensive list and description of endangered, threatened, extinct and endemic species of Utah rras published in 1975 (Welsh et al. 1975), only the species listed above were designated by the Federal government as warranting further study for designation as endan- gered or threatened. Due to the disturbed nature of the project site it is unlikely any species listed above occurs on the site. 2-245 llildlife This section conEains baseline inforoation collected through four seasons at t.he Blanding site for the purpose of predicting impacts associated with construction and operation of the proposed ni11 and forrnulating mitigation rueasures to reduce those impacts. Ttre ensuing discussion concentrates on species actually observed, trapped, or posi- tively known to occur in the area from unmistakabte sign such as scat, tracks and middens (see Plates 2.8-1 and 2.8-3 for saupling locations). A list of species potentially occurring in the vicinity, based on general distributions, is in Appendix D. Aurphibians and Reptiles Anphibians function as secondary consumers ia ecosystems, feeding primarily upon insects and other inverEebrates and, in turn, are consumed by vertebrate predators. The arid nature of the project site, the lack of perennial waEer, and the lioited number of vegetated sEock pon,ls indicate Ehat loca1 arnphibian populations ere smalt or non-exisEenE. Seven species potentially occur in the area (see Appendix D) based on distribution range maps (Stebbins, i955). However, Ehe only amphibian seen during field work for this report was one Tiger Salamander (Anbystona tigrinuur) in Pinyon-Juuiper habitat to the wesE of the project siEe. Reptiles function as secondary or tertiary consurners in eco- syst.ems, depending upon the species. Eleven species of lizards and five species oi snakes potentially occur in the area (see Appendix D) based on distribution range maps (Stebbins, 1966). Any of the eleven Lizard species could occur in the project vicinity, but not all would occur together in one habitat. Ten sympatric Li-zard species is the highest nutnber known in western North America and a maximum of five species roay occur syopatrically in southeastern Utah according to Pianka (1955). Three species oi Li,zards were observed during fieldwork: ihe Sagebrush Llzard (Scelopor,us graciosus) and the'v[estern h'iriptail (Caesridophorus !._E=g) both occurred ia sagebrush and the Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi) was observed in grassland. By mid-October P|-ATE 2.8-3 2-247 adu Lt s sril1 Birds were in hibernation but young of Lhe year Sagebrush Lizards were active in sagebrush. No snakes were observed during field work. Birds are directly linked to functioning of ecosystems through the patEern and rnagniEude of energy f1ow. One dinension of Ehe imporEance or role of non-game birds in rangeland ecosystems is the pattern of food consumption. Total prey consumption values for rangeland similar to that of the site have been deEermined from simulation models to fa11 in a restricted range (0.215 to 0.405 g dry wt p"r 12 per season) cl,er the 15O-day breeding season fron April through August (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). Aninal prey rather consistently comprises 80 percent or more of the total prey biomass consuued. In general, chewing insects dominate the diet which also includes smalL percentages of omnivorous inverEebrates, scavengers, and grass see<is (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). No one has been able io quantify the effecEs of avian predation on controlling prey popula- tions or their effects on such factors as herbage consurnption by chewing insects or plant grovth suppression by sucking forms (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). A second way to view Ehe imporEance of a bird community is to evaluate energ,v flow through the avifauna in comparison with total energy transfers among trophic levels of Ehe ecosystem. Wiens and Dyer (1975) reported avian bionass was several orders of magnitude less than that of primary producers (photosynthetic plants), and Ehe biomass of secondary consumer (primarily insect-eaters) was 2-5 times higher Ehan that of prinary consumer. A third way of assessing the importance of birds is by the role that they play in nutrient cycling. Relative to invertebraEes population turnover in birds is slow. This means that nutrients ingested by birds are not available for some tine to oEher components of the ecosystem. These nutrients can be exported out of the local ecosystem via migration couoled with higher mortality rates on wintering grounds (FretwelI, 7972 and Wiens , 1974). However, t.he uragnitude of nutrient export by birds is 2-248 generally negligible compared with that of streamflow (Wiens and Dyer, 1975) . AnoEher dimension of the importa.nce of birds is Ehe recreaEion that they provide for bird-watchers. Payne and DeGraaf (1975) esti- uated the total. national direct expenditures for the enjoyurent of non- gane birds to be $500 nillion. They predicted continued moderate growth in this form of recreation. In four seasons of field work, 55 species of birds rrere observed in the project vicinity (rable 2.8-5). A lisr of species porenEiatly Present is in Appendix D. The estimated abundance of birds in the project vicinity derived from nodified Emlen transects and roadside bird counts varied with habitat anC season. 0n1y four species were observed during winter sampling in February. The most abundant species was the Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) which rdas concentrated in grassland (tab1e 2.8-6). The llorned Lark and Common Raven (Corvus corax) r/ere seen in two of the four habitats sampled. Most winter roadside bird observa- tions (55 percent) occurred in grassland habitat (table Z.B-D. Spring sampling in May showed a great influx of breeding species. The most abundant species was again the Horned Lark in grassland (Table 2.8-5). Iiorned Larks, I,rlestern Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), Brewerr s Black- birds (Eugphagus cyanocephalus), Common Ravens, Wtrite-throated Swifts (Aeronautes saxatalis), Violet-green Swallows (Tachycineta thalassina), and Lark Sparrows (Chondestes graumacus) were observed in two of the four habitats sampled. Uost spring roadside bird observations (62 percent) occurred in grassland habitat (tabIe 2.8-8). While grassland continued to be important to year-round residents, sagebrush became important in spring; particularly to sparrows and meadowlarks (table 2.8-6). Summer sampling in August sat/ the continuation of the Horned Lark as the most abundant species in grassland (table 2.8-6). The Black-bi1led Magpie (pica pica) was seen in all four habitats, while the Common Crow and llourning Dove (Zenaidq macroura) Lrere seen in three habitat types. Most srurner roadside bird observations (53 percent) occurred in grassland (tabIe 2.8-9). The overall distribution of birds became more uniform in Spec ies Mallard Pintai 1 Turkey Vulture Red-tailed Hawk Golden Eagle Marsh Hawk Merl in American Kestrel Sage Grouse . Scaled Quail" American Coot Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Mourning Dove Common Nighthawk whire-throated swift Ye1low-beliied Sapsucker Western Kingbird Ash-throated Flycatcher Sayrs Phoebe Horned lark Violet-green Swallcw Barn SwallowCIiff Swallow Scrub Jay Black-bi11ed Magpie Comrnon Raven Coumon Crow Pinyon Jay tAft"r Behle and Perry (I975) bNot listed in Behle (1960 Relative Abundance C = common U = uncommon H = hypotheEical 2-249 TABLE 2.8.5 BLANDING BIRD INVENTORY Statewide Re lative Abundance Statusa CP CP US CP CP CP UW CP UP Spec ies Bushtit Bewick I s tvJren Mockingbird MounEain BluebirdBlack-tailed Gnatcatcher Ruby-crowned Kinglet Loggerhead Shrike St arl ing Yellow-rumped Warbler Western l{eadowlark Red-winged Blackbird Bre'rrerr s Bl ackb ird Brown-headed Cowbird Blue Grosbeak House Finch American Goldfinch Green-tailed Towhee Rufous-sided Towhee Lark Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow Sage Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Chipping Sparrow Brewer's Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Song Sparrow Vesper Sparrow cs CP CS cs cs CS CP CS CS cs CP CS CS cs CP CP CP cI^I CP S E ate$ride Relative Abundance Status CP CP US cs H CP CS CP CS CP CP CP CS cs CP OD CS CP CS CS US c!, rtc cs CS CP CS or Behle and Perry (1975) Sratus P = permauent S = summer resident W = winter visitant 2-250 TABLE 2.8-6 BLANDING BIRD POPULATION ESTI}IATES FROM EMLEN TRANSECTSA Individuals/100 Acres Habitat /Spec ies Gras s land Horned Lark Meadowl ark Lark Sparrow Brewerr s Sparrow Mourning Dove Conrmon Crow Green-tailed Towhee Black-bi11ed I'tagpie Ilouse Finch Arnerican Goldfinch Mountain Bluebird Sagebrush Horned Lark Meadowlark Lark Sparrow Brewert s Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Sage Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow l'lourning Dove Brewerr s Blackbird Loggerhead Shrike American Kestrel Winter Spring Surnmer Fal 1 ,1' 4.7 96.9 7.3rlo .. 26.5 23.5 L7.7,< o 4.7 3.5 2.4 3.5 8.5 ?:o 36.4 7.3 0.6 2.4 -- 3.5 9.4 1t 13. 0 7.1 4.L 3.8 98.8 18.8 47.L ",1.2 4.7 9.4 36.2 2.4 ,r_:_, L2.5 :: -: 1.0 "Ar"r"g" from surveys on two consecutive days. BLAI{DII,IG WINTER 2-251 TABLE 2.8-7 1977 ROADSIDE BIRD SURVEY Re lat ive Abundang_[S[!!91! Spec ies Conrmon Raven Starl ing Dark-eyed Junco To tal s No. of Species Species Diversity Grassland Sage/Gras s pinyon/ Sagebrush Juniper 4 15 i 6 2 0. 65 t I 0.00 0 0 0.00 4 I 0.00 2-252 TABLE 2.8-8 SPRING 1977 ROADSIDE BIRD SURVEY Relative Abundance by Habitat Spec ies Mourning Dove Western Meadowlark Brewerr s Blackbird Starl ing Common Raven Horned Lark Western KingbirdCliff Swallow Gras s land 4 Sage/Gras s _i a Sagebrush 15 : Pinyon/ Juniper 2 I I I .; -I 4 16 1 10 6 9 8 3 6 2 T2 2 15 3 :: I{hite-throated Swift \tiolet-green SwalLow Barn Swallow Mockingbird Scaled Quail Loggerhead Shrike Ash-throated Flycatcher Brewerr s Sparrow Lark Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow Turkey Vulture Total s No. of Species Species Di.vers ity 81 L2 3.31 3 2 0.92 38 6 1.81 5 4 L.92 2-253 TABLE 2.8-9 SLI,IUER i977 ROADSIDE BIRD SUR''/EY ReLative Abundance by Habitat Spec ies Gras s land Mourning Dove 4 I.Iestern Meadowlark 2 Brewerr s Blackbird 1 Common Crow 15 Horned Lark Cliff Swallow 50 Violet-green Swallow 4Black-billed Magpie 5 Mockingb ird Loggerhead Shrike 1 Ash-throated Flycatcher -- Brown-headed Cowbird I Couuron Nighthawk Lark Sparrow Black-throaied Sparrow Chipping Sparrow American Kestrel To ta1 s No. of Species Species Diversity 9 t .91 Sage/Grass 3 I 2.87 Pinyon/ Sagebrush Juniper I 5 ) -; 3 4 I -; 3 -; _I 1 5 2.04 1: 7 .; 1 1 -: 2 7 2.19 38152083 2-254 sumrner, $rith species appearing in the sage/grass and pinyon/juniper for the first time. In fa11 (October) the Horned Lark continued to be the most abundant species in grassland (lable 2.8-6). The I^Iestern Meadowlark was the most widely distributed species occurring in three of the four habitats sarnpled. Most falI roadside bird observaEions (94 percent) occurred in grassland (Tab1e 2.8-10). With Ehe approach of winter the distribution of birds was again centering on grassland as sumrner resi- dents left the area. Species diversity is a measure of the probability of encountering an individual of a given species among all che species present in an area. In general, the greater the species diversity the greater the ecosystem stability. Avian species diversities measured by the Shannon- lliener formula (Snittr, L974) are shown for roadside bird counts by habitat in Tables 2.8-7 through 2.8-10. Species diversity was generally low in winter and greatest in grassland. In spring, diversity increased in all habitats and remained greatest in grassland. In summer, diversity declined in grassland and peaked in all other habitats. In fa11, diversity decreased and remained greatest in grassland. Ihe relatively snall group of speeies characterizing the breeding avifauna of the site was typical of rangeland habitat (I,Iiens and Dyer, 1975). Also typical was the srnall total number of species which inhab- ited the area. The Horned Larks and meadowlarlis were the associated breeding najority species of the project site grassLand (fab1e 2.8-5). Average avian densities measured by Wiens and Dyer (1975) on other rangeland during the breeding season ranged from 185 to 329 individ- Iuals/kn-. Ihe avian density on grassland of the project site during spring was 305 individuals/k*2 based on extrapolation of Emlen transect data. Eighty-four percent of these individuals belonged to the trdo most abundant species, which is also typical of rangeland habitats (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). Shrub-steppe avifaunas generally contain more migratory species than grassland avifaunas. The high interseasonal species turn- over at the project site supports the preceeding statement. Wiens and Dyer (I975) found that the total rangeland breeding bird connunity 2-255 TABLE 2.B.IO FALL I.977 BLANDING ROADSIDE BIRD SURVEY Relative Abundance By Habitat Spec ies Brewer's Blackbird Common Crow Western Meadowlark Horned Lark Black-bi1led Magpie Red-tailed Hawk To tal s No. of Species Species Diversity Gras s 1 and 47 5 1.64 Sage/Gras s .: 2 2 0.92 Sagebrush 4 2 :: 3 1.38 Pinyon/ Juniper :: 0 0 0 29 2 4 3 9 2-256 appeared to be more stable annually than individual populations of the dominant species; shrub-steppe densities exhibited the greatest irr- stability. Raptors are important as a recreational resource, often being the favorites of bird tatchers. They are also indicators of quality habitat. Since raptors occupy the ecological niche of tertiary consumer, their density and diversity in a particular area are positively cor- related with the 1ocal ecosystemr s structural and functional stability and production. Ttre folloving discussion presents raptor life history information, largely derived fron Eyre and Paul (1973), plus evidence of breeding, habitat utilization, and uigration on and adjacent to Ehe proposed mill site. Harrier - The Harrier or Marsh Hawk (Circus cyaneus) is listed by Eyre and Paul (1973) as a conmon year around resident in Utah, being often associated with open lowlands and marshes. However, some individuals do migrate. Migrating birds errive in March or April and leave during November. Mating takes place in early Apri1, nesting in early May, egg hatching in June, and fledging in Ju1y. The diet consists of sroall mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and soloe insects. Rodents generally account for more than two-thirds of their diet. Some Harriers live longer than 16 years. Harriers rrere sighted twice during the fa11 site reconnaissance, once on an evening hunting flight in grassl.and Ll4 rnile wesr of the crusher and once near the pond 1/4 nile northeast of the site. No evidence of nesting was found on the project site. The probability of their nesting on the site is 1ow considering the ephemeral nature of local streams and this speciest predil,ection for wetland nesting areas. Prairie Falcon dents in Utah 1973). I'ia t ing month later. - Prairie Falcons (Falco mexicanus) are year-round resi- with nunbers auguented in falI by migrants (Eyre and Paul, occurs in Marchr eBB hatching in May, and fledging about a The diet consists of birds, mammals, reptiles and some 2-257 insects. In the Blanding area the su6imer diet may consist alnost eatirely of Ilorned Larks, doves, and ground squirrels. ihe winter diet is largeiy Horneci Larks and Rosy Finches. No sightings rrere made of this species cliff eyrie was located about 3/4 rrile eest has a strong tendency to return to the same undi s turbed. but what may have been a of the site. This species nest for several_ yeers if American Kestrel - The Auerican Kestrel or sparrow Hawk (Fa1co sparverius) is perhaps the most common raptor in Utah and is a permanent resident (tryre and Pau1, 1973). Mating takes place in April.r egg hatch- ing in June and fledging in late June and July. The dieE consists priraarily of insecEs and rodents. Sparrow-size birds are also eaten. Kestrels \rere observed cn or near the site in spring, summer and fa1l. No evidence of nesting was found on Ehe site. However, nests of this species are inconspicuous and probably occur in juniper Eree cavities and in the cliffs wesE and east of the site. KesErels are also reported to use woocpecker holes and oId crow and magpie nests (E;rre and Paul, 1973). These latter species are present on the site. Merlin - The Merlin or Pigecn Hawk (tr'alco colunbarius) is an uncomnon fal1 and wiater visitor in Utah (Uyre and paul , !g73). There are only a few records of this species breeding in Utah (Uyre and paul, 1973). The diet consists almost entirely of passerine birds, such Finch. , CD the House one \rinter observation (Feburary lgTl) Lres made of a Merlin in sagebrush/juniper on the northwestern edge of the site. Red-tailed i{awk - The Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is the most coErmon buteo (broad-winged hawk) in Utah and is a yeat aroun<I resideni (Eyre and Paul, 1973). some in,li.riduals migrate to Mexico. Mating and nesting take place in ilarch, ezg hatching in May, and fledging in June 2-258 and July. The diet varies seasonally with prey availability, small uammals constituting 85 to 90 percent of the prey base. Rabbits are preferred in sagebrush areas. Mice and ground squirrels are substituted in areas lacking rabbits. Birds and snakes are taken infrequently. Ifre Red-tailed Hawk was observed on or near the site in summer and faIl. No evidence of nesting was found on the site or in the cliffs to the west of the site. One suspected Red-tailed Hawk eyrie was located in the cliffs about 3/4'urile east of the site. This species has a strong ten<iency to reoccupy the same nest for several years. Golden Eagle - The Golden Eagle (Aguila chrysaetos) is a coumon year around resident in Utah (fyre and Pau1, 1973). Mating and nest construction begins in January and Februaryr eBB hatching in late March and April, and fledging in June. The dieE coneists generally of mammals but Golden Eagles are the only raptors which are consistently successful in preying on other raptors. Rabbits are important food itens and Whitetail Antelope Ground Squirrels, which occur on the site, are ut ilized. A Golden Eagle was sighted on a power pole in sagebrush/grassland l/2 rnile southeast of the Blanding ore buying station on 0cEober 10, L977. Suitable nesting habitat is probably not available on or near the site. This species prefers tal1 trees or tall cliffs generally remote from man for nesting. Turkey Vul.ture - The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is a cormon spring and summer resident in Utah arriving in March and migrating south in September and October (tryre and Pau1, 1973). Nesting takes place from April through June, egg hatching 5-7 weeks later, and fledging about 2-2 1/2 months later. Turkey Vultures are seavengers and provide the irn- portant ecological function of accelerating the decomposition process and the recycling of carbon and nutrients bach into the ecosysten. Ihe Turkey Vulture was sighted once in sagebrush south of the buying station, once in grassland of the site and three individuals were seen north of 2-259 the site in grassiand in spring. One in<iividual was sighted in pinyon- juniper'about 2 niles northeast of the site in summer. No evidence of 1ocal cliff nesting was found. Great Horned 0w1 - The largest resident owl in Utah, the Great Horned Owl (trubo virginianus) establishes territories in Novenber, rnates in December and January, with egg hatching from February through April, and fledging occurring 2-2 ll2 months later. The diet consists almost entirely of mammals. Jackrabbits, cottontaits, and kangaroo rats are principal prey items. Birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and insects are also eaten. This species fil1s an iuportani niche as a nocturnal and crepuscular counterpart Eo diurnal raptors. No sighlings were made of this species, but a pe1let was found one oile west of the site in sunmer. Nests could occur in the area. Iiests are inconspicuous, usually in poEholes of cliffs, and without the usual r.rhite wash evident at other rapEor cliff-nest sites. Great horned owls also nest in remoEe abandoned buildings. Mammals Mamnals are discussed below under the headings: big game, live- stock, predaEors, rabbits, rodents and bats. A iisE of species poEen- tia11y occurring in the project vicinity, based upon general di.stribu- tions, is in Appendix D. Big Garne - The Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is an imporiant and significant species in the strucEure and function of the projecL vicinityts ecosysEeE. Deer undoubEedly consEituEe a significanc pro- poration of the faunal biomass on a seasonal basis. Deer are an economic resource of the area and offer recreation for hunters and nature lovers, Mule Deer inhabit the project vicinity and adjacent canyons during winter. Ihey spend the diurnal hours resting in pinyon/juniper habitat located adjacent to the site's east and west boundary. They move out into sagebrush and sagebrush/grass areas of the site to feed at. dawn and 2-260 dusk, probably being more active in the evenings. Numerous pel1et groups and shed antlers were observed in sagebrush and pinyonljuniper habitats, atEesting to high winter use. Mule Deer bucks shed their antlers in January and February of each year. Winter deer use of the project vicinity, as measured by browse utilization, is among the heaviest in southeastern Utah and is estimated at 61 deer days use per hectare Q5 deer days use/acre) in the pinyon-juniper-sagebrush type in the Project vicinity (PersonaI Communication, Mr. Larry J. I{i1son, Supervisor SouEheastern Region Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, July 27, 7977). This heavy browse utilization msy be from light use by a large number of deer or heavy use by a small number of deer. Since the Utah Division of Wildlife resources does not f1y witner aerial censuses, the present size of the local herd is not known. In addition to winter use, the project vicinity is heavily used as a migration route. Daily movement of deer has been observed between lJestwater Creek and Murphy point (Personal Cornmunication, llr. Larry I{ilson). The deer move across the proje"g si,te to Murphy point to winter (see Plate 2.8-3). Livestock - The project site lies in the WhiEe Mesa Graziag Allotment of the Moab District of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The Allot- menE supports an estinated 41531 AIIM|s, being grazed by about 755 cattle from December I to May 31. The entire area is only in fair condition due Eo a past, history of overgrazLdg. Predators - There are seven species of manmalian predators that Eay contribute to the sEructure and function of the project vicinityrs ecosysten: the Coyote (Canis latrans), Red Fox (Vulpes vrllpes), Gray Fox (Uroc:ron cinereoargenteus), Srriped Skunk (Mephitis rnephitis), Badger (Taxidea taxus), Longtail Weasel (Mustela frenata), and Bobcat (Lynx rufus). Structurally, these predators occuPy the ecological niche of secondary and tertiary consuluers and sit at the apex of the pyramid of biomass and at the top of the food web. Functionally, predators reduce numbers of herbivores and compleEe the nutrient cyc1e. 0f the species 2-261 na$ed, the CoyoEe probably is observed on the site and have areas and sold to furriers October 13, 1977). the doninanE influent. Coyote scats were beEn trapped on Ehe site and in adjaceni (Personal Comrouaication, Mr. Bryan Ho1t, The Coyote is acEive year around and is prirnarily nocturnal but occasionally seen during the day. They are generally solitary but may hunt in pairs. Rodents and rabbits are principal prey items but Coyotes are omnivorous and will eat berries, insects, carrion, game animals and domestic sheep (Lechleitner, 1959). The hunEing route is normally about 10 rniles but may be up to 100 miles (Burt and Grossenheider, i964)" CoyoEes maEe from January through February and pups are born in April and !1ay. Litter size averages 5-6 but may be inversely related Eo population density (McMahan, 1975). The CoyoEe has 1i-ved 18 years in captivity (Burt and Grossenheider, L954). The Longtail l,Ieasel is probably the mosL common and widely distri- buted mammalian predator in Utah. Burt and Grossenheider (1954) state it is found in all land habitats near water. However, free water availa- bility does not necessarily limit the distri.buEion of this species. Utah individual.s have been observed in burrows 3 niles from the nearest perennial water. Assuming a home range of 30-40 acres (Burt and Gros- senheider, 1964), the Utah observations indicate that Longtail Weasels are noE dependent on free water. Physiologically, it should be possible for weasels to maintain water balance from prey body fluids. Weasels, which may be active anytime, feed urostly on sma11 mammals and birds. Mating takes place from July through August and the young are born the followir.g spring. The longtail weasel is of ninor economic irnportance. They occasionally raid poultry houses but also ki11 many small rodenEs. BobcaEs may also occur in Ehe area. This species is nocturnal and seldom seen. None was observed during this study but the boulder sErewn cliffs to the west and east of the site appear to be suitable habitat. Tracks were seen at a stock pond within 3 miles of the site. The Bobcat is solitary (Sparks, 1974) and feeds on smail mammais, bircis 2-262 and untainted carrion (Burt and Grossenheider, 1964). Reptiles and amphibians are also taken (Lechleiiaer, 1969). Mating Eakes place in Late winter and spring. Ihe kittens Q-4) are born any month and leave their mother in autumn or the following year. Bobcats usually wander within a 2-ni1e radius but may wander 25-50 miles (Burt and Grossenheider, 1964). The Bobcat has economic value. Its fur is sought by trappers (Sparks, 1974) and an ESSA survey indicated 1977 wholesaLe pelt prices ranged from $90-$100/pelt (us0f , !977). Individuals may raid poultry houses of farms and ranches (Lechleitner, 1959) but Bobcats also destroy rnany rodents. Due to declining numbers, the Bobcat is now under total state protection ia Utah (Utatr Div. Wildlife Resources, tg77). The two fox species, Striped Skunks, anC Badgers are probably only minor predator influents in the site vieinity based on the lack of evidence for Eheir presence. However, lack of evidence of the presence of these species does not mean that they do not occur in the area. The Red Fox had declining populations in 1952, while the Gray Fox occurred "sparingly" (Durant, 1952). These species prefer mountainous terrain, which implies site habitat is onLy marginally suitable. Possible fox scats were observed on the site. Frischknecht (1975) did not mention foxes in his discussion of predators within the pinyon-juniper ecosystem. Arnstrong (1972) and Lechleitner (1969) bottr reported the Gray Fox as an inhabitant of Pinyon-Juniper in Colorado. The lack of Striped Skunk roadkills in the region suggests that the area nay be too arid for this species, which commonly frequents irrigated farms. the Badger den has a characteristic entrance configuration and badgers dig rodente out of their burrows. No den entrances or digging were seen on or around the croject site. Rabbits are important to the functioning of an ecosystem in ways similar to those of rodents discussed in the next section. Rabbits are particularly important prey of Coyotes and buteos. Cottontail rabbits are classified as small game by the State of Utah and provide recreation and food for hunters. 2-253 Rabbits were uncommon in 1977, as indicated by the results of the roadside rabbit survey (taU1e 2.8-11). CoEtontail burrows were evident with highest concentrations noted in sagebrush habitat. Black- tail Jackrabbits were occasionally seen during all seasons. TABLE 2.8-11 BLANDING RABBIT TRANSECT COI]NTS Species leasonal Number of Individuals Obser-ved/Milea Winter Sunrmer Fa1l Desert Cottontail 0.06 Blacktail Jackrabbit 0.00 "40 rot"l Miles Driven Spring 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.00 Rodents - Rodents are inportant to the functioning of an ecosystem in a nuober of ways. They aid in the propagation of planEs by seed dispersal in scats and caches. They increase plant productivity through fertili- zing nutrients, such as soluble sa1ts, in their scaLs and by burrowing. Burrows facilitate the penetration oi water and oxygen to greater depths and their mixing of soil horizons increases soil water-holding capacity. These burrows also provide hibernation places for lizards and snakes. Rodents constitute an importanE prey base for mamrnalian carnivores, raptors and snakes. Finally, rodenEs can, in times of population in- crease, influence the success of reclauation efforts, Nine species of rodents vrere trapped or observed during this study. The distribution and relative abundance by habitat of each of these species is shown in Table 2.8-L2. Actual trap data are shown in Table 2.8-13. The Deer Mouse was the most abundant rodent and accounted for 52 perceat of the individual rodents trapped. The Deer Mouse atso had the greaEest distribution on the site. In contrast, only one Gulnison Prairie Dog and one Northern Grasshopper Mouse were recorded on the site. Note that abundance for all rodents was low compared to studies in similar Upper Sonoran areas and that designations of abundance in Table 2.8-12 are relative between and within habitats on the site. Although Gunnison Prairie Dog I^lhiEetail Antel,rpe Sguirrel Least Chipmunk Colorado Chipurunk Silky Pocket Mouse Ord Kangaroo Rat Deer Mouse Pinyon Mouse Northern Grasshopper llouse WhiteEhroat Woodrat A = Abundant C = Comnron U = Uncommon R = Rare ? = None Erapped, but middens TABLE 2.8-12 RODENT DISTRIBTITION AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE BY HABITAT Grass land Sagebrush/Grassland Sagebrush Pinyon/Juniper Tamarisk/Grass A A C C indicate presence t.) I t-.JOrI. C C c c U U A R U A U? TABI,E 2.8-I3 RODENT CRID AND TRANSECT TRAPPING DATA No. Trappcd Per 100 Trap Ni(rhts ... (DaYs) ____ tl <l I <1 2 <I <l I I 5 4 4 2 2 2 f rrrlividual l; -_llql]lql nc.c-_llrtufe-l llinimrun Dcns.i ty Sox ltatio .!U91_{!A}-. M:F __ MJ t:imum Lst.im.1t.ed Aver-a(rc ll i.onrar;s !ef.J,Lt-_!r_ -J1"/l!l llab i tat 'lrtr14rj ng Success tl!aUlalAlieil= Sageb"rush De.lr Mouse Silky Pocl.-et Mouse Whitetail Antelope Squirrel Or,1 Kanqaroo nat S.rg ebru sh^;ras s Deer Mouse SiLky Pocket Mouse Nor Uhet:n Grassllopl)er Mouse Grass Detlr I'louse Si-lky Por--ket Mrxrse Tamat isk,/Grass Deer Mouse Pinyorr/,Iun iper Pilryon Mouse Wh i.Letail Atitcl.c,pe Squirrel Or,l Kangaroo ,tai: (:o lorado Cliiprrurrk Lenst Chipmunk l6 4 6 3 2I 6 9 1 2 ?-IIl 2t 0 5 2 6 I 0 3 1 C} (J o o 0 0 4.9 1. :) l.B 0.9 1a o.6 0.3 1.8 2.4 2.J 2.:l 2.3 I.l 1.1r.l 9t7 3;l 2t4 2zl 4:3 1:1 .It0 5:l 5:4 2tO 2tO Ot2 l;O 0:l 0;l lB. i 7 .{l 99. J 50.0 18.5 10.o 19. I 19.2 9.0 18. 2 20. B lo4. r s0. 4 47 .O 49. O 89 .4,).l 163.9 45.0 40. o 6.2 5.9 34.6 25. O 4L.4 4'l .8 ?79.4 2,5 .4 51 .7 53.9 NINcLa 1.3 2-266 rodent populations cycle through periods of abundance and scarcity, it is unlikely that different sgecies would exhibiting synchrony in their population cycles. Thus, it appears that the site was not particularly productive of rodents in L977. The fact that this was an exceptionally dry year may have been a contributing factor in limiting rodent Pro- duc t ion. Species diversit.v is a measure of the probability of encountering an individual of a given species among al.L the species Present in an area. Rodent species diversity from the traP data, as measured by the Shannon-i{iener for:nula (Smittr, 1974), increased in the order: tanarisk/ grass (0.00), Grassland (1.00), sagebrush/grassland (1.30), sagebrush (I.54), Pinyon-Juniper Q.24). Greater species diversity usually is an indication of greater ecosystem stability. Given the reLative degrees of disturbance in each of the projeet site habitats, the relative diversity values are as would be expected. With Ehe exception of the tamarisk/ grass habitat, the species diversity increases with increasing spatial diversity. Rodent species diversity by habitat rras also positively correlated with minirnuu estimated rodent biornass (tabl-e 2.8-13) by habitat (r = 0.83, p <0.01). In other words, the habitats with more kinds of rodents also produced more grams of rodents. Bats - No bats were observed in the Blanding area during field work. list of species potentially present in this vicinity is in Appendix Endangered and Threatened Species Two currently recognized endangered species (uSnf, 1977 ) plus one formerly considered to be endangered could conceivably occur in the project vicinity. However, the probability of habitation is low con- sidering the food reguirements of each of these species. The Black- footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) preys primarily on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs which do not occur in Utah. 0n1y one specimen of the ferret has been recorded from Utah in San Juan County and that prior to 1952. This specimen was from the D. Bayliss Ranch, 2 miles south of Blanding (Durrant, 1952). Utah State Division of I.Iildlife Resources records A D. 2-267 indicate only one unverified ferret sighting since 1952 near Vernal, Utah. The Division feels it is highly unlikely that this animal occurs in Utah (l,inder and Hillman, 1973). The American Peregrine Falcon (Fa1co peregrinus_ anatum) preys on passerine birds, waterfowl, and shorebirds (Snow, 1972). The lack of significant aquatic habitat in the project vicinity indicates a low probability for occurrence of this species. Ilowever, an eyrie has been discovered about 30 rniles wesE of Blanding in a desert rim-rock habitat (Personal Comrmrnication, A1 Heggens, Chief of Research in Non- Game Animals Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, December L4, 1977). Ihis species may hunt the Blanding area during migrations, The SpoEted Bat (Euderma naculatum) is a rare inhabitant of the region which has been removed frou the Endangered Species List. Habitat requirements appear to include sedimenEary cliffs in proximity to water (Snow, 1974). the lack of such habitat in the project area probably indicates the absence of this species. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources reports the Abert's Squirrel (Sciurus glSCi) as a species limited by habitat availabiliEy. This species occurs in Ponderosa Pine habitat around Monticello, Utah. None is expected in the project area since there is no Ponderosa Pine habi- tat. 2.8.3 Ecology of Hanksville Buying Station Vicinity Ecology of Hanksville Region Vegetative associaEions occurring on the Hanksville site and within a 25-mile radius of the site are characteristic of the Northern Desert Shrub formation, Ehe most ridely distribuEed vegetation in Utah and Nevada (Shantz, 1925). A fornation used in the following discussions refers to a grouping of plant communities whose distribution is largely influenced by climatic factors. In the arid region oi Hanksville, clinatic factors are most affecied by altitude. An association is defined as groupings of plant communities, whose distribution is 1ocaIly 2-268 affected by soils and available moisture (Hunt, 1953). In the Hanksville regi.on, plani associations cover large aress usually dominated by one species for which the association is named. 0n large portions of the desert surrounding the Henry Mountains below 5,000 ft. (about 14 niles directly SSW of the Hanksville site) and on ihe site, the shadscale (Atriplex sp.) and Blackbrush (Colegyne rauoissima) associations occur. In areas with high sal.inity along streams below 5r000 ft, greasewood (SarcobaEus sp.) occurs (Hackman, i973). The Big Sagebrush association and Pinyon-Juniper l{oodland associations occur at higher elevations (5000 to 7000 ft), as on the Blanding siEe. The shadscale association is characterized by Shadscale Saltbrush (Atriplex confertifolia) and Galleta Grass (ttilaria jarnesii), the two dominant species, although I'lormon Tea (Iphedra torreyana) and Single- leaf Ash (Fraxinus anomala) also may occur as co-dominants on sandstone dip slopes and mesa tops. Ttre shadscale association occurs from the lower edge of the Big Sagebrush Association to alkali bottornlands and the desert floor. It is found on alluvial soils of stream terraces, flood plains, sandstone dip slopes and mesas and flats of sandy desert. The shrub layer reaches about 18 inches in height and shrubs are spaced a few feet apart. Shadscal,e is a shallow rooted shrub t.hat Prefers areas of I-ow salt concentration in the upper soil layers and tolerates higher alkalinity in the deeper layers. During prolonged periods of drought, shadscale may be temporarily replaced es the donninant species by Broom Snakeweed (Gutierrezi,a sarothrae) (Shantz, 1925). Common shrubs in this association include Atriplex canescens, AtriPlex powellii, AtriPlex cuneata, Atriplex graciliflora, Eurotia lanata, Gutierrizia sarothrae and Chrysorhamnus sp. (Hunt, 1953). Ihe Blackbrush association also covers large areas of desert in the region. Ihe Blackbrush association usually occurs on sandier soils and lower areas of the desert than the shadscale association. Sooetimes this is reversed as occurs on the Hanksville site. Common shrubs in this association incLude Ephedra nevadensis, Ephedra viridis, Yucca harri- maniae, Gutierrizia sarothrae and -9}5ysol!!sgg.1 sP. (Hunt, 1953). 2-269 Within the Northern Desert Shrub foruation, rodents are the most common mammals. Large mammals are generally absent, althcugh Mul-e Deer occur in snail localized numbers. Comrnon ro<ients inclu<ie pocket mice, kangaroo rats, deer mice, kangaroo mice, woodrat.s and AnteLope Ground Squirrels. Blacktail Jackrabbits and Desert CotEontails also are connon. Predators include Badgers, foxes, Coyotes and Bobcats. Generally, birds are scarce in this formation but the greaEest species numbers occur along erastes or llater where vegetation diversity offers rnore habitats. Dominant bird species include Red-tailed Hawk, Mourning Dove, Great Horned Or^r1 Loggerhead Shrike and Black-throaEed Sparrow, Prairie Falcon and Swainsonrs liawk (Kendeigh, 1951; SheIford, 1963)' Vegetation of Hanksville Buying Station ViciniEy Comnunity Structure The plant conrnaunities occurring in the vici.nity of the Hanksvil.le buying station are physiognornically similar, being dominated by the shrub layer and large spaces of bare ground between shrubs. These coumunities were distinguished in this study by species compositioa, occurrence on soil type and the degree of disturbance of the area, VegeLation sampling locations are indicated on Plate 2.8-4. Plant disEribution on the site is influenced by geology, soils and available wat,er. Ihe Eopography of the Hanksville buying staticn vicinity is gently rolling alluvial fans on the easi Ehat becoming hilly toward the \rest and extend Eo a series of eroded shallow soil covereC breaks or cliffs on the wesE. Relief is fairly f1at, elevations range from /+750 feet nsl on the alluvial fans to the east of the station to 4913 feet on the breaks in the west of the site. Annual Eean precipitation in the area is 5 in with an approximaie 180-day growing season (see Seciion 2.7.3). May and June receive the least amount of rainfall during the growing season; the most rainfall for one month occurs in August and September (uOe^U, L977). Due to the uneven distribution of precipitation in summer and winter, t\ro phenological groups of planEs occur in the region, lrann season plants that utilize summer precipitation and begin growth in May and mature in September anC cool season plants that utilize water stored in the soil during winter for initial. growth and mature by May cr June or become dormanE if sufficient water is not present. \ [rt[sutttr EG(IL(IGV srilPUxG tocrl loxs VEGETATION Tronsect Locotion SMT - Snokeweed - Mormon Teo - Shodscole Cornmunily SR - Snokeweed - Robbitbrush Community WILDLIFE Smoll Mommol Live-Tropping Tronsect Locotion r Mormon Teo/Shodscole,/Sieep Breoks l{ Morron TeolShodscole,/Gentle Breoks f strooscote/Sogebrush Modified Emlen Bird Tronsesls Emlen I - Mormon Teo - Gross Bird Tronsecl Emlen 2 - Mormon Teo - Shodscole Bird Tronsect v- RT - Russion Thistle Communiiy MTSB - Mormon Teo - Shodscole - Blodbrush Community lMormm Teo,/Gross fl Robbilbrustr Wostr Bottom f Grosslond origin - O direction of lrovel -SCALE I: 4I875O PLATE 2.8-4 2-27L Four plant, communiEies occur on the site, three are associated with the Shadscale association and one with the Blackbrush association, both of which were discussed above. These communities are named according to the dominant shrub species present and Ehat which gives the community its general appearanceo The communities are the Snakeweed-Mormon Tea- Shadscale type, Ehe Russian Thistle Eype (Salsola kali), and Snakeweed- Rabbitbrush type, all of which are components of the shadscale associ- ation and the Moruon Tea-Shadscale-Blackbrush type, parE of the Black- brush association. Ttre communities are grouped inLo the two associations based upon species composition, distribution of the associations in the region (Hackman, 1973) and disEribution on soil Eypes. Ttre Snakeweed- Mormom Tea-Shadscale type covers 79 percent of the vicinity sEudied, 504 acres; the Snakeweed-Rabbicbrush Eype, occurring along a wash dissecting the site, covers 6 percent or 42 acres of the aree, the Russian Ttristle Eype covers 13 percent or 80 acres on an old dry lake bed and the Mormon Tea-Shadscale-Blackbrush t,ype occurs on the breaks, covering 2 percent or 14 acres. A11 the cormunities except the Shadscale-Mormon Tea-Blackbrush type occur on a11uvia1 fans on Ehe Neskahi (1ike), Rairdent (fite) and unnamed, soil types (see section 2.10.2 for a detailed description of soils). Ihe Shadscale-Morroon Tea-Blackbrush type occurs on Ehe eroded badland breaks. Plate 2.8-5 outlines the distribution of these com- ounit.ies in the study area and Table 2.8-14 conEains a list of species found on the site. SecEion 6.L.4.3 includes a description of the samp- ling nethods and locations used in analyzing the vegeEation. The Snakeweed-Mormon Tea-Shadscale community is dominated by several shrubs, the dominant Broom Snakeweed, and sub-dominants Mormon Tea and Shadscale Saltbush (table 2.8-15). Generally, Shadscale Saltbush and Mormon Tea would be expected to be dominant shrubs in communities of the Shadscale association. However, within the community sanpled these dominant,s were distributed into subtypes reflecting varying salt 1evels in the soils, varying salt tolerences of the species and noisture conEent of the soils. Within this comnunity three soil types occur: the Neskahi (Like), Rairdent (1ike), Cambic Gypsiorthid fine loamy-mixed and unnaued (see Section 2.10 for specific soil descriptions). Analysis of Ehese PTATE 2.8-5 TABLE 2.8-L4 SPECIES CO}IPOSITION OF COI"I}ruNITIES SAMPLED AT THE HANKSVILLE SITE Cororuon NameScientific Namea Grasses and Grasslike Plants Aristida longiseta Hilaria jamesi! Oryzopsis hynenoides Sporobolus airoides Forbs Dalea polygonoides Red Ihreeawn Galleta Grass Indian Ricegrass A1kali Sacaton Sixweeks Dalea Desert TrumpeE Eriogonun James Eriogonuu Slenderbush Eriogonum Cushion Eriogonum Fendler Spurge Te legraph-p lant Fremont Pepperweed Tufte<i Phlox Russian Thistle Badlands Wyethia Communityof Occurrence SR SMS; SR;RT;MTSB SMS ; SR;MTSB SR SMS; SR;MTSB RT: ilTSB SMS; SR SMS MISB SR;MTSB RT SMS; SR;MTSB Sl'lS ; MTSB Sl{S ; SR; RT }fTSB Eriogonum Eriogonum Eriogonum Eriogonum inflatum j arnes ii microthecum ovatifolium Euphorbia fendler:. Heterotheca villosa Lepidium freuontii Phlox caepitosa Salsola kali Wyethia scabra Shrubs 2-27 4 TABLE 2.8-L4 (Concluded) Scientific Name Corrmon Name Ephedra torreyana Torrey Ephedra Gutierrezia sarothrae Broom Snakeweed Communig, of Occurrence SMS; SR;MTSB SMS; SR Artemesia filifolia Sand Sagebrush SMS; SR AtripLex canescens Fourwing Saltbush SR Atriplex confertifolia Shadscale Saltbush SMS;SR;MTSB Chr:rsotharnnous nauseous Rubber Rabbitbrush SR Coleogyne ramossissima Blackbrush }fISB Opuntia polyacantha Plains Pricklypear SMS;SR Sarcobatus vermiculatus Black Greasewood SMS Forbs Tamarix pentandra Tamarisk SR " No*"o"lature follows Nickerson, Mona F., Glen E. Brink and Charles Feddema, 1976; "Principal Range Plants of the Central and Southern Rocky I'iountains, January I976, the USDA Forest Service General Tech-nical Report Rrn-20 and identifications rrere verified at the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, University of I{yoning. b ,r, Snakeweed-Mormon Tea-Shadscale Community TypeSR Snakeweed-Rabbitbrush Cornmunity TypeRT Russian Thistle Conrmunity TypeMTSB Morrnon Tea-Shadscale-Blackbrush Community Type Parameter TABLE 2.8-I5 CO}IMUNITY STRUCTURE OF THE HANKSVILLE SITE PLANT COMI"IUNITIES Relative Percent Density Cover Re lative Cover Re lative Frequency Importance Value COMMUNITY SNAI(EWEED-}IORMON TEA- SITAD SCALE Group Species Grasses and Grasslike PlantsHilaria jamesii@ lro rb s DaIea 31lfygonoide.tE;I.sr;rn j.r;ll- Eriogonrlm microthecum Lepidium frernonti Ph IoI caepitosae satsota tatT- ToEal Shrubs AEriplex confertifolia Artemesia filifolia@Gutierrezia saroEhrae@ Lichen ToEal Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Rock Litter 66.7 3.7 Total 0.3 0.3 0.5 3.7 4.7 3.4 2.6 0.2 2.2 11.3 0.5 Total 3.9 1.0 4.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.7 0.5 0.2 2.9 r.4 0.1 2.6 3.4 0.3 8.00 0.6 t6.4 74.t 4.0 q, 23.7 6.0 3.1 2.7 3.2 4.3 3.4 1.1 8.4 0.6 t7 .2 20.9 1.5 3.7 26.9 6.6 3.3 1.1 2.2 9.9 8.2 4.9 9.9 0.5 7.7 L7 .6 1.1 117.3 16.3 6.7 4.1 5.9 t 7.9 16.3 9.4 20.9I.3 27.L 49.8 3.1 3.7 }J I t,,J\.|(,r TABLE 2.8-15 (Continued) Parameter Relative Dens ity Percent Cover Relative Cover Relative Importance Frequency Value CO}tr{UNITY SNAKEWEED.RABB ITBRUSH Grasses and Grasslike Plants Aristida longisetaHilaria jamesii Oryzopsis hymenoides Sporobolus airoides Forbs Shrubs 23.1 40.3 1.5 9.0 To EaL 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.5 Total 1.8 3.0 1. 50.7 0. I 0.6 2.6 0.4 2.3 5.9 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 5.7 0.6 2.3 0.4 Total 10.6 3.1 13.2 2.1 11. 7 3.5 4.1 0.6 1.0 7.6 0.4 29.4 3.1ll.g 2.1 4.5 20.5 2.3 1r .4 31 74 6 32 Dalea polygonoides Eriogonum jamesii Lepidium fremontii Salsola kali Artemesia filifolia@ Chrysothamnous naseosus Ephedra torreyana Gutierrezia sarothrae@ 3.0 0.7 t2.7 0.7 4.5 6.8 2.3 2.3 9.1 2.3 9.1 2.3 18.2 2.3 9 l2 lt 5 20 3 42 6 43 5 F.J ItJ{ cr\ TABLE 2.8-15 (Continued) Parameter Relative Density Percent Cover Re lative Cover Re lative Frequencv COUUUNITY SNAI(E1,\,EED-RABBITBRUSH (Cont inued) Trees Tanarix pentandra Total veger:ati-Ie cover Bare Ground Ro,:k Li tter RUSSIAN THISTLE Grasses and Grasslike PlantsHilaria jarnesii Forbs Eriogonum inflata Salsola kali Total VegeEative Cover lJa re Ground Rock Li c ter MOR},ION TEA- SHADSCALE-BLACKBRUSH Grasses and Grasslike PlantsHilaria jamesii._-0ryzopsis hymenoides 42.O 1.4 ToEal I.4 2.0 0. 156.0 0.9 0.7 I.2 6.2 t7 .9 60.0 10.6 10.4 59. 0 2.3 32.4 Total 1.0LT 95.5 0.3 1.7 42.2 2.21.6 0.2 Total 2.4 4.9 36. I 8.1 59. 5 18.2 3.0 L2.4 l.l Importance Value 133 .4 TABLE 2.8-15 (Concluded) Relative Percent Relative Relative Importance Parameter Density Cover Cover Frequency Value COMMUNITY Forbs Dalea polyacantha Eriogonum inflata Lepidium fremontii Phlox caespitosa Wyethia scabra 1.6 0.4 2.3 3.023.4 0.2 1.1 3.01.6 0.2 1,1 3.06.3 1.4 7.9 9.1I.6 0.4 2.3 3.0 Total 2.6 Atriplex confertifolia 10.9 3.0 16.9 21.2 Coleogyne ramoissima 3.1 2.2 t2.4 9.1 6.9 27.5 5.7 23.3 6.9 Shrubs Ephedra _!ryane Lichen Total Vegetative Cover Bare Ground Rock Litter 7.8 6.8 38.4 15.0 Total 12.00.7 3.9 l2.l 17 .7 72.1 4.8 5.3 49.0 24.6 6r.2 16.0 NJ IN)!@ 2-279 soi ls showed varying alkalini ties in the upper 30 in ( r- 6 cm) . 0n Ehe Neskahi (like) and unnarued soi1s, salt tevels were 1ow (i.e., ECe values of 3 or less in the upper 30 in; see Table 2.L0-2) and Broom Snakeweed was Lhe dominant shrub sarnpled. Shadscale salEbush and Mormon Tea, however, srere the co-dominants in the samples occurring on the Rairdent (like) Conbic Gypsiorthid fine-loamy mixed soi1. Analysis indicated thaE this soil type conEained rnoderately high salt' levels (i.e., ECe of over 5 in the first 30 in; see Table 2.LA-2 for complete analysis of the soils). Based upon similarity indices of Jaccard (Muel1er-Dr:mbois and Ellenbergy, 1974), these subtypes are sirnilar (fs, = 79 percent) and belong to the same community. Although forbs were abundant in the grass-forb 1ayer, grasses were the dooinant life form group based uPon importance values (tabl-e 2.8-15). Galleta Grass, a salt tolerant grass, was the dominant grass species, vegetative cover was low (16.4 percent of cover) while bare ground made up 74 percent. and rock and litter 9.2 percent. Only Ehree species occurred in the Russian thistle tyPe that occurred on the oId lake botton to the east of the siEe. These are the very salt tolerant, Hilaria jamesii, Eriogonum inflata and Salsoia krf,.i. The occurrence of Ehese three species rras very sparse. VegeEative cover made up only 2.4 percent of cover while bare ground made up 95.5 percent and, rock and litter 2.0 pe:cent. Russian faistle, a species preferring disturbed areas and classed as a weed (Ilolngren and Andersoa, 1970) was the douinant species. This coununity occurs on the Rairdent (like) Canbic Cypsiorthid fine-loamy, uixed, calcareous soil type. Chemical analysis of this soil showed the highest salt content of any soil types on the site. The Snakeweed-Rabbitbrush cornmunity occurs aLong the wash that dissects the site. This community is also dominanted by the shrub tayer, Broom Snakeweed and Rubber Rabbitbrush are the dominanE species based upon importance values (lab1e 2.8-15). Most vegetative cover was uade up by shrubs, 10.6 percent. Sixty percent of cover measured was bare ground while rock and litter made up 21 percent, reftecting che 2-280 large amount of debris carried through the wash during only tree species on the erea rras in this community, pendra). flood stage. The Tamarisk (Tamar:ix The Mormon Tea - Shadscale-Blackbrush community occurs on the badly eroded breaks on the west side of the area. Ihis co'rnmunity is dominated by Mormon Tea (Ephedra torreyana) and Shadscale Saltbrush (Atripl,ex confertifolia). Blackbrush, which is the dominant species in conmunities of the Blackbrush association occurs as a less important species. Vegetation in this community is sparsely distributed, GalLeta Grass was the most imporEant species sampLed in the grass and forb layer (table 2.8-15). Seventy-two percent of ground cover was bare ground and 10 percent rock and litter. Vegetative Production Production studies were conducted during the 1977 growing season on each of the plant comunities sampled. Section describes the sampling nethods used. Only a trace of production (1ess than 3g/10m2) uas apparent on Lwo comrnunities (ttre Snakeweed-Mormon Tea-shadscale cor"munity and Snakeweed-Rabbitbrush Community) and none on the remaining comnunities sampled. Ttre only species showing even a trace of production were Dalea polygonoides, Pheox caepositsoa and Atriplex confertifoLia. Although no other site specific data are available on the production of communities in the Hanksville vicinity, expected production values for range sites occurring in the area are discussed below, in order to provide some infornation on potential production at the Hanksville buying station site. Two range sites occur in Ehe area studied, the Desert Loam and Desert Sand range sites (SCS, 1971 and 1975). Ninety-two percent of the area is covered by the Desert Loam range site and 6 percent is covered by the Desert Sand range site. The badlands were not considered as range sites since they nake up only trro percent of the area and the terrain is unsuitable for livestock grazLng. Production values discussed below are 2-28t based upon scs range site descripEions. rn a favorable Desert Loam range site in excellent condition, annual expected to be about 750 lbs/acre air-dry plant uaterial, year 650 lbs/acre and in an unfavorable year 500 lbs/acre. year with a production is in an average A Desert Sand range site in excellent condition during a favor- able year rnay produce 900 lb/acre, during an average year 625 lbs/acre and an unfavorable year 500 lbs/acre air-dry rnaterial. If the range is in poor condition during an unfavorable year production can range from 300 to 35 lbs/acre. The Hanksville site lies in the BLM Hanksville alloturent. The area received heavy grazing pressure by sheep and cattle in the 1800s and early 1900s. In 1973, the general condition of the area of the Hanksville site qras poor (trLu, no date). Therefore, the low production measured during the unfavorable lg77 year is not unexpected for the site" Enrlangered and Threatened plant Species No endangered plants in Ehe Federal Register August ll, lg77 and designated endangered and offered special protection by the U,S. Go'rern- IEent occur in Utah. Of the species nominated as warranting designation and proiection in Ehe Federal Registeris June 16, tg75 proposed list, 7 species occur in Utah and in l,Iayne County. These include Gaillardia spathulata, sclerocactus wrightiae, Astragalus harrisoni, Astragalus loanus, Astragalus serpens, phacelig indecora, and Gilia caespitosa. Brief descriptions of type localities of these species are listed below. These descriptions rrere taken from I{eLsh et al. (1975). Gaillardia spathulata A. Gray Habitat - an endemic, common throughout its range, neither threat- ened nor endangered, found in carbon, Enery, Garfield, Grand and wayne counties utah. Type locality Rabbit va11ey, wayne counEy at 7,000 feet. 2-282 Sc lerocactus wrightiae L. Benson Habitat - aa endeoic, restricted and rare species found in Emery and l,Iayne counties. Type locality near San Rafael Ridge, Emery Co., Utah at 5,000 feet. Astragalus harrisonii Barneby Habitat an endeuric, rare, known only from the type area, r,ash below the Natural Bridge near Fruita, I{ayne County, about 45 rniles west of Hanksvi1Ie. 4stragalus loanus Barneby Habitat - an endemic, rare, found in Garfield Piute, Sevier and Wayne counties. Type locality Canyon east of Glenwood, Sevier county. Found on open hill.sides among sagebrush in gravelly voicanic soil 6,000- 8,900 feet. Apparently known only frorn the divide between the Sevier and Fremont rivers in Sevier and rrestern Wayne counties (Barneby , 1964). Astragalus serpens M.E. Jones Habitat - an endemic, local, and populations considered by Wel,sh et a1. Found in Garfield, Piute and Wayne llayne County about 8400 feet. Phacelia indecora J.T. Howe11 periodically abundance in disjunct neither threatened nor endangered. counties. Type locality Loa Pass species found in l{ayne and San Juan Juan County. According to Howell restricted to cliff gardens on the Habitat - an endemic and rare counties. Type locality Bluff, San (1943) q!g""Lie indecora is probably bluffs of the San Juan River. Gilia caespitosa A. Gray Habitat - en endemic, rare, species found in Wayne County. Type locality Rabbit Valley on barren cliffs of sandstone, Wayne County at 7,000 feet. Specimen in the Garreit Herbarium University of Utah was collected in l,Iayne County, N si<ie of Boulder Mt. I mile SI.l of Teasdale T29S, R.4E Section 20 at 8r500 feet, on white sandstone in rock crevices 2-283 on a north facing slope in Juniper-pinyon woodland (Persona1 communica- tion, Ms. Lois Arnow, Curator, Garrett Herbarium, December 9, L977). ' Although an extensive list and dlscussion of endangered, threatened, extinct and endemic species of Utah was published in L975 by llelsh et al., only the species listed above are designated by the Federal govern- rnent as warranting further study for inclusion on Ehe endangered list of plants and animals. The other species listed either occur at different altitudes and in different habitats, based upon the type locality, are known only from the type locality or are coumon throughout their range (We1sh et al., 1975). Wildlife This section contains baseline informaEion collected ihrough four seasons for the purpose of predicting impacEs associate<i with Ehe con- tinued operation of the Hanksville uranium ore buying station and for formulation of mitigation measures to reduce the magnitude of those impacts. The ensuing discussion concentrates on species actually observed, trapped, or posiEively known Eo occur in the vicinity of the buying station from unmistakable sign (for example, scat, t.racks and rniddens). Saupling locaLions are indicted on Plates 2.8-4 and 2.8-6. A list of species whose general distribution includes Ehe project vicinicy and, Eherefore, that possibly occur on the site is given in Appendix ). Anphibians and Reptiles The funcEions of amphibians and reptiles in ecosysEems are dis- cussed in Section No amphibians were observed during field work and the scarcity of free rdater limits the potential use of the Hanksville site by amphibians. Great Basin spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus interoontanus) and Woodhouse's toacis (nulo woodhousei) occur in the area, possibly being the rnost xeric-adapted of Utah amphibians. Based on general distributions (Stebbins, 1966), any of seven species of lizards and five species cf snakes (see Appendix D) could P|-ATE 2.A - 6 2-285 occur in the project vicinity. The only Lizard species obser.red on the Hanksville site during Ehis survey were the Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) and the Side-blotched Lizard (ilia stansburiana). Young of the year Sagebrush Lizards were active in October after adults had enlered hibernation. Gopher Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucas) and Desert Striped Whipsnakes (Masticophis t. taeniatus) probably occur in the area. Presence of the t'Iidget tr'aded RatElesnake (Crotalus viridis concclor) is questionable considering Ehe aridity of the area. No snakes lrere ob* served during field work for this report. B irds Ihe funcEion and importance of birds in the ecosysEem are discussed in Section OnIy 18 species of birds were observed in four seasons of field work at the t{anksville siEe (taUle 2.8-16). 0f these, five species (table 2.8-17) rdere seen during transect walks following EmIen (1971) nethods. Four additional species (tab1e 2.8-18) were observed during roadside bird transect counEs following methods of Rotenberry and Wiens (1976), and Robbins and Van Velzen (1957 and 1974). Thus, only nine species of birds occurred with any measurable frequency. The Horned Lark was the dominant bird influent during ai1 seasons oi 1977. 0n1y two raptor species lrere seen in :he Iianksville region. A pair of Burrowing owls (Speotyto gunicularia) was observed in a wash during the summer sampling effort and an Anerican Kestrel (Falco sparverius) lras sighted during suumer fiel.d work. Possible evidence of a Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) eyrie was found in the cliffs about 2.6 miles WNW of the Haaicsville ore buying station. At Ehe base of this "eyrie" a few rabbit ribs and some Coyote teg bones were found. It is more 1ikely, however, that this was the roost site of a Red-tailed Ha'*k (Buteo jamaicensis), Great Horned Ctwl (gubo virEiinianus) or Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Maurnals Mammals are discussed belcv under the headings: big game, live- stock, predators, rabbits, and rodents. Ihe function and importance of 2-286 TABLE 2.8-T6 HANKSVILLE BIRD INVENTORY statewide Relative Abundancea starewidS S tatusSpecie s American Kestrel Mourning Dove Burrowing 0w1 Coumon Nighthawk White-throated Swift Sayr s Phoebe Cosmon Raven Common Crow Rock ltrren Loggerhead Shrike I{estern Meadowlark Brewerr s Blackbird Blue Grosbeak American Goldfinch Black-throated Sparrow Sage Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Song Sparrow Relative Abundance C = common U = uncommon c c U c c c c C C c c c c c c U C c Status permanent resident summer resident winter visitant P S P S s S P I{ S s P P S P S S I^I P p= D- W= "Aft.. Behle and Perry (1975) 2-287 TABrE 2.8-17 IIAIiKSVILLE BIRD POPULATION ESTII,IATES FROM EMLEN TRANSECTSA Individuals/100 Acres Habitat/Species Ephedra-Gras s Horned Lark Sage Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow Rock Wren Ephedra-Shads c a1e Horned Lark Black-throated Sparrow Mourning Dove "Ar"r.g" from results of surveys b-- i.,ai.ates none observed Winter Spring Sunrner Fa 11 24.9 ?-' 43.3D 1-_' 1.8 9.0 3.6 10.5 5.3 t:' l.t ,_:, 129.8 2.6 '1t on two conseculive da'ls IIANKSVILLE ROADSIDE BIRD TRANSECTSA Relative Abundance By Habitat 2-288 TABLE 2.8-18 GrasslandSeason/ Species llinter Horned Lark Sage Sparrow Spring Horned Lark Black-throated Sparrow Coumon Raven Suomer Horned Lark Black-throated Sparrow Burroving Onl Fal I Horned Lark Western Meadowlark Loggerhead Shrike 2 50 1 consecutive days Sage Rabbitbrush :! .: -2 3 I 5 2 3 -: .: -I 'Tot.l observed during surveys on two 2-289 eaeh of these groups is discussed under the respecEive heading in Section Big Game A few Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) -'rinter in Ehe vicinity but are a minor influent. There is no evidence that deer use the Livestock Ttre Hanksville project site lies in the Henry Mountain Resource Area Planning Unit of the Richfield District of Ehe tl.s. Bureau of Land Management. The total allotment containing the l{anksville project site covers 95,989 acres of which only 29r906 acres are suitable for grazing. The latest available data for use were from 1974. Six cattle operaEors ran 600 cattle fron September I to May 3I. One sheep operator ran 2,090 sheep from October I to May 5. The total AIIM's in the allotment was 51992. Considering the total acreage of this allotment, t,he area's available forage was 1ow. Low annual precipitation is one factor responsible for iow production. However, a past history of severe overgrazing by cattle and sheep has resulEed in a poor range condition (Hanksville BLM files). Predators There are four species of mammalian predators thaE noay contribute to the structure and function of the terrestrial ecosysten of the Ilanksville buying station vicinity: the Coyote (Canis latrans), Badger (Taxidea taxus), Longtail Weasel (Mustela frenata), and Bobcat (Lynx:gl5-). Of these, the Coyote is probably the douinant influent since it is known Eo occur in the area based on Scats. The habitat nay be marginal for the other Ehree species. Life history paraxneters and ecological retation- ships of these species are reported in Sectioa The numbers of predators supported by the vicinity of the buying station would have been low in i976-1977 because of the liurited numbers of rodents and rabbits present. 2-290 Rabbits Rabbits and hares were uncorn:acn in !977 , as indiceted by the resuli,s of the roadside rabbit survey (tau1e 2.8-19). Cottontail burrows were present on Ehe site, particularly in washes where they \{ere the most dense, but no individuals were seen during field work. Blacktail Jack- rabbits (Lepus californicus) were occasionally seen during all seasons. Eight carcasses were found in a pile in rnid-October at the junction of the buying station road and Highway 95. Presumably, these animals had been shot in the area. TABLE 2.8.I9 ILA,NKSVILLE ROADSIDE RABBIT SURVEY Number of Individuals/Milea Spec ies Blacktail Jackrabbit Desert Cottont.ail u48 Tot"l Miles Driven Rodents Llinier Spring Sururer Fa1 1 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0n1y five species of rodents were trapped or observed on the Hanksville site: the Great Basin Poeket llouse (Perognathus parvus), Canyon Mouse (Peromyscus crinitus), Desert tJoodrat(Neotoma lepida), Ord Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ordi), and irrhitetail Antelope Squirrel (Anrnospermophilus leucurus). The results of trapping (rable 2.8-20) as well as the few observat.ions of Wtritetail Antelope SquirreLs suggest t.hat. the site was not productive of rodents during the study period. Little vegetation production occurred in 1977 due to low precipitation. This may have been a factor limiting rodent nrrmbers. Rare and Endangered Wildlife Species No federally proEected endangered or threatened wildlife species is known to occur or migraEe through this section of Utah. TABLE 2.4_2O HANKSVILLE RODENT TRANSEOT TRAPPIT.IG DATA Habitat,/Species Ephedra/Shadscaler/ Steep Breaks Great Basin Pocket l{ouse Canyon lvlouse Ephedrar/Shadscale/ Gent1e Breaks Great Basin Pocket l"louse ShadscaLe/Sagebrush Desert Woodrat Ephedra/Grass Great llasin Pocket }touse Rabbitbrush Wash Bottom Great Basin Pocket Mouse Desert Woodrat Ord Karrgaroo Rat Grassland Ord Kangaroo Rat No. Trapper per 1O0 Trap Nights (days) Habitat trapping Success (E) Individuals Trapped Minirnum Density (No,/Ha) Sex Ratio M:F Average Weight (g) L2.4 17. O 13.6 120. O L7.2 14.5 7 6.O 45. O Minimum Estimated Biomass (g/Ha) 2"3 1.r 2.3 1.1 r.1 1:1 O:1 24.5 19.4 6.8 1.1 4.5 224 I:0 222 92.5 !g It,J\o 136.4 78 -2 33 .0 86.4 51. I 2I 1 4 I 1 1:1 0:10:I 1.1 0:1 56. 0 63.6 2-292 2.9 BACKGROUND RADIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS On-going environmental radiation measurement programs are being conducted at both the projecE site and in the vicinity of the Hanksville buying station. The programs are designed to provide daEa from one fu11 year to establish the radiation leve1s and concentrations of selected members of the uranium series decay chain in terrestrial biota, soi1s, air, and surface and ground qrater. The environmental radiation survey programs are sumnarized in Section 6.1.5. The radiometric data accumulated Eo date are provided in this section. the Supplemental Report wiIl cont.ain the results of the ful1 year program upon its completion. 2.9.L Blanding 2.9.L.1 Airborne Particulates High vorume air sampling of the environs of the project site at Blanding was begun in April 1977 and will continue for one year. Samples are being collected for Ewenty-four hours once a month. The sampling locaticn is indicated in Plate 2.9-I. The results of the radiometric analyses performed to date are presented in Table 2.9-I. Low volume air sampling of the environs at the project site r.ras initiaced in Septer,ber 1977. The three locations selected are being sampled continuously for a seven-day period (l6g hours) on a quarterly basis. The locaEions of these sampling stations are shown in plate 2.9-1. Data collected as a result of this program will be presented in the Suppiemental Report. Radon Concentrations in Air Ileasurement of radoo-222 concentration in air was initi.ated March 29 , 1977 and r^ras repeated again in september of 1977. The results of these measurements are presented in Table 2.9-2. The initial measurement of ambient Rn-222 concentration was performed by LFE Environmental Analysis Laboratories using the "single fil-ter meEhod.* The second PTATE 2-294 TABLE 2.9-L RADIOMETRIC ANALYSES OF AIR PARTICULATES COLLECTEDA IN THE ENVIRONS OF TIIE BLANDING SITE Collection Date Analyses Gross Alpha Gross Beta Uranium Thorium-230 Radium-225 Lead-210 Gross Aipha Grass Beta Uranir:m Thorium-230 Radiun-225 Le ad-2 I 0 April L-2, 1977 l4ay 23-2+, 1977 acollected by high-voluue sampler bu.".,iw concentration in ug/m3 Activity Conqentration ( pci/m') 0.0 + 0.00 t 0.311 T o.ors -<0 .001 <0. 00 i <0 .00 I 0.013 r 0.001 0.023 + 0.006 1.154 T O.OSa 0.001 T o.oor 0.002 T o.oot -<0 .001 0.021 + 0.001 2-295 TABLE 2.9.2 A},IBIENT RADON.222 CONCENTMTIONS IN AIR AT BLANDING SITE I,Iind Speed Rn-222 ConcentrationStation Date & Direction (pci/1 ) Sampl ing BR-l April 29, L977 5-10 mph SE DM-l Sep 18, 1977 0-5 mph S Dl4-2 Sep 18, 1977 0-5 mph s Dl{-3 Sep 18, L977 0-5 uph s 0.009 a 0.001 0.145 + 0.055 0.125 + 0.026 0.303 I 0.I23 2-296 sampling lras performed by Dames & Moore personnel using the rscintil- lation flask uethod" (see Section Ground Water Quarterly sanpling of ground rrater and radiometric anatysis of composite samples rras begun in July 1977 as part of the water quality monitoring Program described in Sectior- Ihe results of analvses to date are presented in Table 2.6-6. 2.9 .1.4 Surf ace I'IaEer Collection of couposite surface of the project site was begun in July Ttre results of radiometric date are presented in Table 2.6-7. water samples from Lhe environs 1977 and is on-going (see Section analyses of sampl.es collected to Soils Collection of soil samples frou the environs of the project site lras initiated in June 1977 and will be repeated, on a guarterly basis, for a period of one year. The results of radiometric analyses will be presenEed in the Supplemental Report. 2.9.I.6 Vegetation Composite terrestrial vegetation samples were collecEed I'lay 17, l97l at two locations on the project site. The results oi the radiometric analyses of these samples are presented in Table Z.g-3. The higher concentration of lead-210 relative t,o Ehe other nuclides is attributed to the foliar deposition of lead-210 as a result of the decay of aEmospheric radon-222. This concentration is normal for radio- nuclide measuremenEs in vegetation. 2.9.L.7 Wildlife collection of terrestrial mammals, primarily Dipodomys ordi, in the vicinity of the project site r^ras begun during blay 1g77. Samples rrere conposited by sEaEion prior to analysis. The results of the Radiometric Analysisa Uranium (ug/g) Thorirmr-230 ( pcilg) Radiuur-226 (p0i/g) Lead-210 (pcL/ s) aDry [Ieight 2-297 TABLE 2.9-3 MDIOMETRIC ANAIYSES OF VEGETATION COLLECTED ON THE PROJECT SITE Saropling StationD&M-A D&M-B 0.3 + 9.1 0.2 + 0.1 0.10 + 0.Ol g.LZ + g.g2 0.054 + 0.003 0.011 + 0.001 2.0 + 9.1 2.6 + 0.1 2-298 radiometric analyses conducted to date on these samples are presented in Table 2.9-4. 2.9.I.8 EnvironmeuEal Radiation Dose An initial program designed to Eeasure, on a lnonEhly basis, the enviromrent,al dose at the site was initiated on April 1, L977. This program was suppleuented by a second program begun on September 19, 1977. Both programs 'rere teurporarily suspended on 0ctober 15, 1977, penCing response checks on several thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) used in Ehe program. The results of Ehe TLD measurenents collected to date are presenEed in Table 2.9-5. The average annual dose equivalent for the Slanding site is calculated to be 141.9 Brern. 0f this total,57.8 mrem are attri- buted Eo cosuic radiation (Oatley and Golden, i972) and 74.1 mrem is aEtributed to terrestrial sources 2.9.2 Hanksville Airborne Particulates High-voluure sanpling of airborne particulates at the Hanksville \ore buying sE'ation, on a one day per Bonth basis, sTas initiated in April L977 and will continue for a period of one year. Ihe location of this station is shown in Plate 2.7-L0. The results of the radiomeEric analyses performed to date are presented in Table 2.9-5. A suppleuentat program of low-volume air sampling of the environs at the station was begun in September L977 and will continue for one 1reaf,o Samples are being collected for a seven-day (168-hour) pericd on a quarterly basis. Data cotlected upon completion of these.prograrns will be presented in the Supplemental Report. Radon Concentrations in Measurement of radoa-222 March 29, 1977 and was repeated t.hese measurenents are presented Air concentraiions in air was initiated again in Septen'oer 1977. The results of in Table 2.9-7. Tne initial measuremenr 2-299 TABLE 2.9-4 RADIOMETRIC ANALYSES OF TERRESTRIAL MAMMALS COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROJECT SITE Sarnpling Station Radiouetric Analysisa Uranitrm (uele) Thorir:o-23O ( pCi/g) Radiun-226 (pCi/e) Lead-210 (pci/g) aDry Weight D&1,1-A 0.4 + 0.1 0.08 + 0.01 0.109 a 0.005 0.29 + 0.01 D&M.B 0 + 0.I 0.022 + 0.007 0.026 + 0.002 0.13 + 0.01 2-300 TABLE 2. -A-5 ENVIRONME}ITAL RADIATICN DOSE AT THE PROJECT SITE Exposure Period April 1 to May 1, L977 May I to June 1, L977 June 2 to June 30, L977 June 30 ro July 30, 1977 Aug 1 to Sep 19, 1,977 B-N Dose (urem/day) 0.L62 + 0.301 0.136 + 0.467 0.496 + 0.076 0.685 + 0.694 a B-S Dose (mrem/day) 0.164 + 0.588 0.092 + 0.363 0.677 + 0.62L 0.694: 0.293 'Th""" data are preliminary and are being reviewed. 2-30r TABLE 2.9-6 RADIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF AIR PARTICULATES COLLECTED BY HIGH-VOLUME SAMPLER IN THE ENVIRONS OF THE HANKSVILLE STATION Co I lect ion Date Analyses Gross Alpha Gross Beta Uranium Thoriun-230 Radium-226 Lead-210 Gross Alpha Grass Beta Uranium Ihoriuro-230 Radium-226 Lead-210 Gross Alpha Gross Beta Uranium Thorium-230 Radiurn-226 Lead-2 l0 Gross Alpha Gross Beta Uranium Thorium-230 Radium-225 Le ad-2 I 0 Ac tivity Conqentrationa(pCilrn-) April 12-13,1977 May 19-20, L977 June 14-15, L977 July 7-8, 1977 a-- ?-Urani'm concentration in u|-/n' 0.23l.2ll 0.027 0.013 0.01I 0.035 0.012 0.058 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 +-+ + I+ : 0.076 + 0.012 0.883 T o.o+r 0.004 i o.oot 0.002 T 0.001 10.oo1 0.021 + 0.001 0.020 + 0.004 L.275 T O.OSS 0.002 T O.oOr 0.006 T 0.001-<0. oot 0.018 + 0.001 0.041 + 0.005 1.305 T o.ota 0.014 T 0.001 0.003 f O.OOf 0.006 T O.OOr 0.036 T o.ooz 2-302 TABLE 2.9-7 HA.NKSVILLE A^YBIENT RADON-222 CONCENTRATiONS llind Speed Rn-222 ConcentrationStation Date & Direction (pci/ I ) Sampl ing HR-l April 29, 1977 5-10 nph S.SE 0.0116 + 0.006 DM-4 Sep 19, 1977 15-20 mph 0.210 + 0.043 S.SE 2-303 was perforned by LFE Environmental Analysis Laboratory using the "single- filter nethod." The second measurement, a grab sample, was performed by Dames & Moore personnel using "the scintillation flask method.r' Quarterly Beasurement of radon-222 concentration will continue and discussion of results from a ful1 year wi11 be presented in the Supplemental Report. Ground Water Radionetric analysis of composite ground rrater samples on a quar- terly basis was initiated in July 1977 as part of the water quaLity monitoring program (see Section The results of analyses performed to date are presented in Table 2.6-8. Surface l{ater Permanent surface water bodies do noE exist in the imurediate environs of the ltanksville station. Atternpts wilL be made during the prograo to collect samples of surface water from seasonal accumulations Ehat occur after rainy periods (see SecEion Soils Collection of soil samples on a semi-annual basis was initiated in June 1977 and is continuing. The results of the radiometric analyses performed on these samples will be presented in the Supplemental Report. Vegetation Conposite terrestriat vegetation samples lrere collected at trro locations adjaeent to the Hanksville buying station on May 17, L977. The results of the radiometric analyses of these samples are presented in Table 2.9-8. The higher concentration of lead-210, relative to the other nuclides, is attributed to the foliar deposition of lead-210 as a result of decay of the atnospheric radort'222. The relative concentration of lead-210 compared to other radionuclides is normal. 2-304 TABLE 2.9-8 MDIOMETRIC ANAIYSES OF VEGETATION COLLECTEDIN THE VICINITY OF THE HANKSVILLE ORE BUYING STATION Saurpling StationD&M-C D&M-DRadiometric Analysisa Uranir.un ( ug/g) Ttrorium-230 ( pci/e) Radiun-226 (pci/g) Lead-210 (pci/g) aDry Weight 0.8 + 0.1 0.29 + 0.01 0.125 + 0.006 2.1 + 0.01 0.5 + 0.1 0.2I + 0.01 0.027 + 0.001 2.1 + 9.1 2-305 Wildlife Collection of terrestrial mammals, prinarily genera Perognathus and Dipodomys, in :he vicinity of the Hanksville ore buying station rdas initiated in early l[ay 1977. Samples were composited by sarnpling station prior to analysis. The results of the radionetric analyses of mammal samples collected to daEe are presented in Table 2.9-9. Environmental Radiation Dose A program designed to Eeasure, on a Eonthly basis, the environment.al dose at the HanksviLle buying station was initiated on April 1, L977. This prograu was supplemented by a second program begun on September 19, L977. Both programs rrere teuporarily suspended on October 15, 1977, pending response checks on several TLDs used in the program. The results of the TLD measurements collected to date are presented in Table 2.9-L0. Ihe average dose equivalent at the site is calculated to be 12I.9 mrem per year. The average cosmic ray dose equivalent for Utah is estisrated to be 67.8 rnrem per year (Oatley and Golden, 1972). Ihe remaining 54.1 mreu are attributed to terrestrial sources. 2.9.3 Highway Corridor from Hanksville to Blanding 2,9.3.L Environmental Radiation Dose Thermoluminescen! Dosimeters (U,Os) were placed in triplicate along the highway corridor (Utatr State Road 95) betrreen Blanding and Hanksville during September 1977. These TLDs will be colLect,ed and read on a quarterly basis for a period of one year. The locations of these stations are indicaEed in Table 2.9-IL. Results from this one year program will be presented in the Supplemental Report. 2.IO OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 2.10.1 Soils 2.10.1.I Project Site The Blanding vicinity is characterized by steep canyons iacised into rolling plains. Wtrite Mesa, on which the project site lies, is e broad ridge between l,IestwaEer and Corral Creeks. Its s lopes are f lat LADIOUETRIC IN THE VICINITY 2-306 TABLE 2.9-9 ANALYSES OF MAMMALS COLLECTED OF THE IIANKSVILLE ORE BIrylNG STATION Radiometric Analysisa Uranium laele) Thorium-230 (pCi/e) Radiun-226 (pci/g) Lead-210 (pci/g) aDry Weight Samp1inB Station D&M-C D&}I-D 0 + 0.1 0.04 + 0.01 0.090 + 0.004 0.53 + 0.03 1.1:0.1 0.18 + 0.01 0.39 + 0.02 0.94 + 0.05 2-307 TABLE 2.9.10 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION DOSE IN THE VICINITY OF THE HANKSVILLE BUYING STATIONA HR-l HR-2 Exposure Period nose liErn/day) oose GErn/day) April 1-30, lg77 ---b 0.658 + 0.279 May l-June 2, L977 0.033 + 0.351 0.092 + 0.363 June 2-30, L977 0.336 + 0.422 June 30-JuIy 30, 1977 0.483 + 0.530 0.467 + 0.655 Aug l-Sep 19, 1977 0,307 + 0.115 Q.D. "fn""" data are preliuinary and are being reviewed. b--- = Missing Data 2-308 TABLE 2.9-11 LOCATION OF TIIER}IOLIJUINESCENT ALONG STATE ROAD 95 (NIAUNTNC TO Station DU-R-t DM-R.2 DM-R-3 DM.R.4 DM.R-5 DOSIMETERS HANKS'IILLE) UTAH Location 23 miles from Blanding 43 niles frorn Blanding, west of intersection with Srare Road 275 68 miles from Blanding, 4 miles north of Fry Canyon 95 niles from Blanding 10 niles south of Hanksville near the center and range up to 15-20 Percent on the edges of the site (table 2.10-1). Soils are formed in the windblown silts and sands that blanket the area. These materials range in depth from less than a foot on the edges to many feet on the ridgeline. The climate is semi-arid with 8-12 inches of precipitation per year. Ihe Blanding soiL is leached to a depth of 10-20 inches and is calcareous throughout the remainder of the parent material. Rangeland is the most successful and common land use in this vicinity. Dry-farning has generally not been successful. A con- siderable amount of range improveuent has been done on land in the site vicinity. Improvement raethods have consisted prirnarily of removal of sagebrush, disking or plowing of the land, and reseeding with grasses. The land is easily tilled except where bedrock outcrops are encountered. Published information about the soils of the Blanding site is available. A published soil survey rePort (01sen, et a1., 1962) eontains a soil rnap that includes the project site and descriptions of the Blanding and associated soils. Results from laboratory tests of the major series are reported from various locations in the county. Other literature is published (see for example Gates et al., 1956; or hlest and Ibrahim,1968) which details soil-plant relationships in southwest and southeast Utah. These studies associate the upland desert types of vegetation occurring in these regions with moderatel-y alkaline non-saline situations. The Blanding soil series is the only soil occurring on the project site in significant proportions (p1ate 2.10-1). A sual1 area of Mellenthin very rocky fine sandy loarn has been mapped on the eastern edge of the site. Ihis soil is like the Blanding soil, except that bedrock occurs within 15-20 inches of the surface. Complete soil profile des- criptions and results from laboratory analyses are contained in Appendix F. TABLE 2.10-1 SOIL SERIES INFORI'{A1'ION FOR OT HANKSVILLE ORE PROJECT SITE AND VICINITY BUYING STATION Symbol Project site BnD MeG vicinity of sL ino NsB R1A RsB SlBT) Profll.e _l!".:_r-_ Soll Serles at Blandinga 4,9 lllantllng stlt loan - llellenthin very rockyflne sandY loanr llanks.rille ltuying Stationh - Badlands & Rock OutcropB Slope 2-67. 4-2si! 25"1+ r-4i4 o-27" 2-42 2-toz _ Stte Co-vsragc "/" of Approx.Sitc Asfelng 99. 3 I 520 0.7 ll 5.5 52. I I'.o s_l t 1on Loess Uplands Hllly Uplands Uplands All.uvial fan Smoorh valley bo t tom Alluvlal fan Alluvlal fans Irarcnt Materlal llindhlown sandy & sl1ty ilrt.[s. l,llrrdblour sanrls & sarndsEone lli.xed sandstones and slrales Ili.xed alluvlum Mlxed alluvlrrrn Mixed alluvium Hlxed alluvium Range Slte SemI-deserc loam Seml-desert st:ony hills Nor classified D.lsert sandy loam Desert loam Desert sandy J.oam Deserr sandy Ioarn _cf 1ss:!!!5.;tgion tls tol 11c lllpI.;r r1', l,l f lne-slIty rnlxed meslc litlric lrstol.Ilc Cal clorthld l-oanry- skeletal, mlxed mesic Unclass I f ied Typi.c TorriIluvent coarsc-Ioarny, mlxe{, calcarcous, nie:1c Canrblc Cypslorthid f i nr:-l oamy , n.ixed, cal.careous, nteslc CaLnrblc Gypslorthld fjne-loamy, urixed, meslc Canrlrlc Gypslortlild coarse-loamy, mlxr:4 nreslc 35 3343,5,7 I 6 Neskahi. (l.l.ke) f :lne sandy l.oam Rairdenr(1lke) sandyclay loam Rai.rdent(llke) flne sandy loam Unnamed fine sandy loam to.z 65 2r.7 r39 9.4 60 N) I(, o tA"ru,rg" v:r1ues tolal b A"."rgu v;rlues total l53l acres wlthln boundarles of thls survey. 640 acres which includes an unllsted 7 acres of dl8turbed land at the buying station slte. LEG EN D / ROCK OUTCROP ./-..-t TNTERMTTTENT WATERWAY+...=} NON-CROSSABLE WATERWAY GULLY_ SMALL DAM o solL SAMPLTNG- LOCATION.... AFFECTED AREAS FOR SOIL LEGEND SEE TA BLE IO.I- I T37 S R22E S(III SURUEI ilIP. PR(IIEGI SITE SOURCE USDA SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE IIII"MII SCALE IN FEET Ft.Arr 2.10- | 2-312 Blanding soil-s are deep soils formed in windblown fine sands and si1ts. Soil textures in the profile are predominantly silt loam; however, silty clay loam textures are found at some pcint in aost pro- files (laule Z.L0-2). Typically, this soil has a 4 to 5-inch reddish brown silt loam tAt horizon overlying a reddish brown silt loam to silty clay loam'B'horizon that extends downward to 12 or 15 inches. The rCl horizon and the underlying parent material is a light reddish brown calcareous silt loam or silty clay loam. Ihe tAt and tB'horizons are non-calcareous with a pH of about 8.0. Ph values on the tC'horizon are higher, with 8.5, as an average va1ue. Ttre tC'horizon is calcareous. Subsoil sodium leveIs (expressed as Exchangeable Sodium Percentage) range up Eo 12 percent in some areas. Ihis level is close to the upper limit of acceptability for use in reclamation work. Other elements such as boron and selenium, are well belo!, potentially hazardous leve1s. Potassium and phosphorus values are high in this soii and are adequate for plant growth. Nitrogen is 1ow, an<i could be added if irrigation were Eo be used and green lush growth desired. However, it is not generally recommended for open range seedings. Available moisture percentage values are t.ypical for silt loams and range from 6-9 percent of the soil uass, This soil is welt suited to support crop growth. Low moisture levels are the most common limiting factor. These soils are highly erodible when exposed, and appropriate measures are needed to conserve topsoil and moisEure. Ihe Blanding soil series profiles on the project site, in contrasE with those generally found county-wide, are higher in silt conEent, having silty clay loam textures in the profile. They also have higher carbonate concentrations thaa those representative for the whole survey. These differences represenE variations sometimes found in the B!.anding series. OF SOIL SAMPLE VICIIIITY OF TABLE 2.LO-2 TEST ANALYSES FOR HANICSVILLE BUYING PROJECT SITE AND STATION RESULTS Depth Dll 1:1 L35 ESPECe:qfs!ol BI.ANDING ST]E BnD HANKSVILT,E SITE So11 Serles Bland lng Ustolllc llaplargldflne-sllty' nlxed llcskahi (1lke) Typlc Torrlfluvent coa rse-loany, nrxed, calcareoua Ralrdent (l lke) CanrLlc Gypslorthld flne-loamy, mlxed, ca lcareous Ralrdent(llke) Camblc cypslorthld f 1ne-loamy,mlxed Unnamed Canblc Gypslorthld coaree-loamy, mlxed ^ Avallable llater st Toxturez Molsture Saturatlon=_a- Irofl 1e No. I 4 9 0-4 sil-4-12 SICL18-40 srcL40-50 stcL 0-5 sll,5-12 SlL18-40 s1L40-50 slcL 0-5 sl,5-28 SL28-38 SL38-60 SL o-l 3-12 l2-30 30-42 42-60 0- l2 12.-t'6 0-4 4-48 48-54 54-60 o-2 2-36 36-50 o-30 30-48 7.4 7.97.6 8.08.0 8.5 8. l 8.6 7.6 8.18.0 8.48.5 9.08.8 9.2 8.3 8.88.1 8.77.2 8.27.4 8.3 7.8 8./r7.9 8.68.0 8,77.2 8.27.2 8.1 7.7 8.57.4 8.1 7.6 8.57,3 8.27.2 8.27.3 8.2 7.0 8.07,2 8.17.5 8.4 7.' A.27.3 8.2 1.2 l. I0.8 0.2o,? 0.61.2 2.0 0.9 1.80.9 1.4r.2 ll.5l.o 12,5 7.6 8.7 8.0 6.4 8.9 9.3 8.0 9.0 5.7 4.9 6.0 6.9 5. t 5.0 5.9 5.3<o h.3 7.2 8.1 6.9 t0.2 5.4 9,0 7.1 lo.6 8.0 36.0 49.0 43.7 17.8 38. 7 45.6 38.7 38.9 ?5.6 2b.6 32.3 3s. 5 23.8 25,2 28.6 27.5 27.4 36. 6 23.2 31.6 43.84t.5 5t.6 30.2 48. 6 40,5 46.7 42.9 0.3 0,3 z.o2.t 0.3 0.3 3.8 1.6 o. t5 0. l4 0. 30 0. l8 0. l7 0. l8 0.18 0. l8 Ll_n"_ C_IAsmzz m/cc organlc Carbon 0. 63 0.53 o,42 o.92 0. 53 o.4t o.37 o.26 o.42 o.32 0.32 o.26 0. 37 o.32 o.32 o.26 o.26 0.37 0.21 o.42 0.17 o.26 0.32 o,42 0.37 0.32 o. 32 0.21 Phos-phate Potasslum CEC ppn ppn meq/lOo g. 198 12.8170 16.6162 15.2t65 14.9 182 11. I I 38 10.9123 ll.9161 15,9 l5 3 2 3 l0 2 2 I NsB 6. l 0.207,2 0.?98.2 9.508.5 9.50 4.2 0.254.5 0.238.2 0.207.3 5.907.3 5.20 8. I O.?-45,5 1.50 8.5 0,178.0 13.00 5. .5 14 .006-t ll.oo 7.2 2.606.2 14.001.6 7.70 5.3 18,006.7 12.00 223 8. lt75 7.8157 8. 6189 7.6200 7.8 196 12.7206 17.5 , l4 8.tlu 7.8 7.7 12.7 13, 4 8.1 8,0 1.4 1.3 4.2 5.4 1.3 1.2 l.tt 3.6 4.6 5.0 1.4 5.7 4.8 8.7 6.2 4.2 6,2 5,4 3.I 6.5 3. fi 4.o 0.1 0.1 4.33,I 3.3 0.9 1.5 o.l 0.1 0.1 7.6 0.1 0.8 6,6 o.2 0.t 0.1 9 2 4 ? tt4 182 167 t22 8.5 8.5 8.7 7.9 ICl I t 27 I 3 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL scL CL SL SL SL scL SL SL 4I 3 3 1 2I tJ I(, P(, lsl I.0248 8.5 R3B slBl, 206 345 271 l16 2t6 I Humbertng systen of soll proflles are lndependent for each 61te. ' cL = clay loami sCL - sandy clay loanl S1CL - Bllty clay loan; SIL - silt loami SL - sandy loam. 2-3t4 Hanksville Vicinity The vicinity of the Hanksville buying station is characterized by gently sloping broad alluvial fans set on the edge of severely eroded badlands. The badlands, consisting of shale-sandstone breaks, occur immediately to the west of the buying station. Broad fans occupy most of the vicini.ty and in some areas are severely eroded and gullied. A dry lake bed occurs to the easE of the buying station. Slopes in the vicinity generally range from 2-4 percent. Materials from which Ehe fans are derived are weathered sandstone and shales transported downslope from the breaks. The soils are predominantly sandy loams with 5-15 percent gravels mixed in. A few areas have sandy clay loam textures in the profile. A11 soils are calcareous, and about half of the area mapped has high levels of gypsum in the profile. This area has been used as rangeland over Ehe years. The vegeEation is sparce and not conducive to intensive grazing. Ihe primary limiting factor is low precipitation, which annually is about 6 inches. No dryland farrning has been attempEed in the area. Several research papers have been published on soil-vegetation relationships of the desert plants in southern Utah (Firernan and Hay.rTs;d, 1952; Gates et al., 1956. Mason et al., L9671' llest and Ibrahim, 1968). Shadscale tends to occupy soils with non-saline surface horizons and saline-aLkaline subsoils. This shrub occurs in nearly all of the napping units in the vicinity of the Hanksville buying station. Literature relating to specific soils of the buying station vicinity is unavailable and Ehis area had not been surveyed for range or soil condiEions prior to the present study. Soils on the siEe elere found to comprise five mapping units (plate 2.10-2 and Table 2.10-1). The soils described are not known Eo have been previously mapped or classi- fied in the United States. SeveraL of the profiles are similar or relaEed to soils already mapped and Ehese have been classed as "like" the comparable series. Mapping units RlA and RsB have very similar physical ,:. ooo -.'-t LEGEND SANDY AREA GRAVELLY AREA NON- CROSSABLE WATERWAY GULLY SOIL SAMPLING LOC AT I ON SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTION ,rwvv o' o FOR SOIL LEGENDSEE TABLE 825 iloo SC ALE IN F EET BL:RO T29S s0l t ill tl( sutt[t SOURCE USDA SOIL SURT'EY [I[P STITItlil UIGITITY CONSERVATION SERVICE DArIa S u(O(OEr PLATE 2.1O-2 2-316 and chemical properties but occrrr on differenE landscape positions. They have been differentiated for Ehe purPoses of this rePorE. A11 soils in the area Eapped have minimal soil development. Soil material frou the surface downward is calcareous and classified as trCil horizon, or undeveloped, material' Soil textures on Ehe urajority of the site are sandy toam (table 2.10-2). Mapping units RIA and RsB have sandy clay loam Eextures in Ehe profile. The soils have moderately alkaline pH values and lirne contents ranging from 4-9 percent. Gypsum is high in all roapping uniEs with the exception of NsB. Sodium values are low, noE exceeding 7.6 percent exchangeable sodium. The combination of salts present is reflected in electrical conductivity values (fCe) nhich range from 3 to 9. At Ehese 1eve1s, product.ion by planEs, especially those sensitive to salts, wi1.1 be reduced. Organic carbon values are 1ow, reflecting the low return of organic uaterial in the deseri envi- ronment. Phosphorus values range from iow to high relat.ive to recom- mendations for native range. Potassium vatues are high. The available uoisture ranged in samples fron 5 to 10 percent and the moisture cont.ent at saEuration from 25 to 50 percent. These values, while somewhaE 1ow for soils in general, are typical of sandy loam soils. A11 soils on the study area are highly erosive. Those havir.g sandy loam surface texiures will be most prone to wind and water ercsion. Ihe sand clay loau and clay loam textures would be difficulE to work and cultivate in reclarnaEion operations. If soils high ia gypsuur are used in reclamation and consEruction operations, the potential of differential seEtlement after being leached is possible. High gypsum in these soils would not cause toxicity problems. Over l/2 of the soils on the site, are well suited for use in reclamaEion to depths up to 40 inches. The following paragraphs describe specifically the four soil rnapping units defined. The fifth mapping unit is badlands and rock outcrop (see Appendix F). 2-317 This soil covers over half of the area napped and occurs on thecentral and east sides. rt has fine sandy loam textures in the profile.rtris soil does not contain excessive amounts of saIt. Electrical con-ductivity (gce) values reach 5.0 in most profiles below depths of 40inches' Ihis level of salt concentration, if exposed, would restrict theyield of some salt sensitive plants. A11 soil material above 40 inches would be adequate for use in reclamation. This soil occurs on the dry lake bed toward the east side of thesite. rt covers l0 percent of the total area mapped. rt is heavier tex- tured. than nrost soils on the area, with sandy clay roaro anc cray loamtextures to depths over 40 inches. This soil has high gypsum contents throughout its profile and electrical conductivity values from 5-9. Itis fine textured and highly susceptible to wind erosion. rt is not suitable for use in reclamation. This soil occurs on the north and west sides of the area mapped. rt covers about i40 acres, oceurring on an alluviaI fan position, and isgullied by recent erosion. This soil has a high gypsum contenE and moderate electrical conductivity values of about 4-0. Ttre dominant condition of soil textures and salt conEent rnake this soil unsuitable for uses in reclamation unLess leached by irrigation. SIBD: Unnarued Fine Sandy Loam This unit occurs in the southwest corner of the site. rt is highly eroded with severe gullying and washing. rt has a high gypsum content and moderate conductivity values (3-6.5). This soil is generally un_ suited for use in reclamation operations. However, specific smaII areasare reclaimable if construction is planned in the areas of this mapping unit. 2-3I8 2.10.2 Noise To adequately describe sound quality in the area of the project, an aubient sound survey was conducted at eight locations near Blanding and ltanksville (Plates 2.L0-3 and 2.10-4). These locations, tabulated be1ow, were selected to reflect Ehe present on-sit.e sound climates and those at nearby noise sensiEive land use areas. Blanding Vicinity (see Plate 2.10-3) Location lill Location /12 Location ll3 Location /14 Location /15 Itanksville Vicinity Location /15 Location /t7 Location /18 Playground near corner of Route 300 South and 100 West Street between Blanding Elementary School and Blanding Chapel. I{orth of project site along Route 163 near juncEion of Route 95, adjacent to t'Plateau Resourcestt uranium ore buying station. On projecE site, south of the ureniun ore buying sEaEion. South of projecE site, near residence and day care center in comrunity of lJhite Mesa. East of project site, adjacent to White Sands Missile Range. (see Plate 2.L0-4) ttanksville Elementary School yard approxi- mately 10 oiles north of the buying station. On site, north of the uranium buying sEation. Along Route 95, approxinately 11 miles south of the buying station and 70 feet from road. The background ambient sound survey iras conducted at the above locations on Tuesday through Thursday, September 5-8, L977. Sound leve1 recordings rrere made during daytime (0700-1800), evening (1800-2200), and nighttine (2200-0700) periods. Ten decibels rrere added to nighttime (2200-0700) sound in cooputing the day/night average sound 1eve1, Ldn, as defined by the U.s. EPA (L974)- A description of nomenclature, insEruaentation and data acquisiEion and analysis of the ambient sound survey is presented in Appendix G. ITBIETI SOIID STTUTT TETSUTETTTI TllGTTIllTS ?IO'TGT UIGIIITI 630612: SCALE IN MILES DAIES E X(D(OEC PLATE 2. I O- 3 :.4t' l{}{1l i iq..,l -!' Iil II tu I ti:i TTBIETT S(IUXD SURUEY TEISURETETI T|IGTII(IXS 6506t2 - SCALE IN MILES DAtlES 8 TID(ORG IITXI(SUIttE UIGIXIil PLATE 2.1O- 1 2-32L Anbient Sound Levels A sunrmary of Ehe ambienE, sound survey data collected at the eight monitoriag locations is presented in Table 2.10-3. Thi.s table contains the statistical A-weighted sound 1eve1 t90r t5O, and tl0, L"q, Ld, L, and LUn at each measurement location. These data rePresenE the typical ambient sound leveIs of the existing environment that wor:ld be affected by the proposed project. Detailed results of the anbient sound survey are presented,in Appendix G, including A-weighted sound leve1 histograms (indicating the percentage of time a particular sound 1evel occurred during the measure- ment period) and the cumulative distribution of the A-weighted sound level (indicating the percentage of tirse a sound 1evel is exceede,j). Also included on e.1ch plate is the curnulative distribution of the sound pressure level at the octave band cenEer frequencies. The meteoroLogicaL conditions during which these data were taken are indicated in Table G-1, Appendix G. MeasuremenE locations I and 4 are representative of noise-sensiEive residential areas north and south of the Blanding site, respective!,y. The major daytime sound sources at locaEion I were 1ocal traffic, inter- mittent 1ow flying aircraft and residential activities. At location 4, the major daytine sound sources rrere residential acEivities, traffic entering and leaving the day-care center and distant traffic. At location 2, the microphone was located approximaEely 400 feeL frosl the ore crushing, stockpiling and logistic operations of the Plateau Resourcestore buying slation, and about 70 feet fron junction of Route 94 and Route 163. During the evening, the ore buying station activities and loca1 car traffic noise were reduced; however, the average sound level (L-_) increased due to trucks passing by and distant shotguneg no ise. Location 3 represents the existing sound leve1s at the Blanding ore buying station. ExisEing major daytime sound sources included 2-322 TABLE 2.IO-3 SUMMARY OF AMBIEITI SOLTND LEXIELS - dtsA Statistical Sor:nd LeveLs Iocation 1 Daytime (0700-1800) 9-6-77 @ 0915 45 50 6L 57.5 9-6-77 G 1000 46 49 54 55.7 9-6-77 @ 1040 45 47 49 46.9 9-6-77 @ 1120 35 39 50 46.4 Evening (1800-2200) 9-6-77 @ 2025 40 44 52 50.6 9-6-77 @ 19s0 34 37 55 58.6 9-6-77 @ 1800 35 38 42 39.7 9-6-77 @ Ie35 35 38 48 47.7 Nighttime (2200-0700) 9-7-77 @ 0035 37 45 50 46.4 9-6-77 @ 2355 25 31 49 47.1 9-6-77 @ 2240 30 32 44 39.2 9-6-77 @ 2200 28 33 42 39.9 DaylNight Sound Levels s6.5 46.4 55.5 56.7 47.L 56.9 45.8 39.2 47.4 46.8 39.9 48.2 tgo Lso Lro L.q Ld L" L6r, Iocation Lgo Lso Lro L"q r.d Ln Ld' Location 3 Iocation 4 lso Lso Lro L.o L6' rtr L&r tgo Lso Lro Leo Ld- L,, Ldn 2-323 TABLE 2.1C-3 "(Coneluded) Statistical Sound Levels Location 5 Lso tso Lro L.q Ld Ln tdn Location 6 Lgo Lso Lro Lo^vi1L6 L,, Ldn Location 7 Lgo Lso Lro Lo^ L4 L,, Ldrl Iocation 8 Lgo Lso Lro Leg L4 Lr L6r, Daytine (0700-1800) g-'o-77 @ 1445' 34 35 35 36.2 Evening (1800-2200) 9-6-77 G 191s 26 27 34 30.9 9-7-7? e 1345 39 41 47 45.4 9-7-?7 @ L440 34 36 45 4i.3 9-8-77 @ 1000 33 37 49 47.8 9-A-77 G 1800 42 46 51 <1 a 9-8-77 @ 1850 37 44 49 43.4 9-8-77 @ 1940 34 37 46 49.3 Nighttime DaylNight(2200-0700) Sound Levels 9-6-77 @ 2320 30 32 38 35.1 35. 3 35. I 41- s 9-8-77 @ 2200 ?o 4L 46 43. 1 47.9 43.1 50.5 9-8-77 Q 2245 24 25 30 27 .7 42.8 27.7 41.5 9-e-77 e 2330 24 25 33 4L +o. J 4I 49. 5 2-324 construction and ore crushing activities aE the stat.ion, and traffic on Road 163 in the background. At location 5, near the presently inactive abandoned White Sands Missile Range, sound levels were relatively uniform throughout a 24-hour day with wind, insects, and distant aircraft and traffic contributing to the ambient sound. Measurement Location 6 is representative of noise-sensitive areas in Hanksville. The major sources of daytime sound included local traffic, children pLaying in school playground, aircraft, birds, and insects. Evening sound levels increased somewhat due Eo motorcycle traffic and an increase in windspeed. Location 7 represents areas exposed to noise from existing ore stockpiling and ore crushing operations at the Hanksville buying station, traffic on Route 95 and intermittent aircraft. Evening levels increased somewhat due to the combined effect of strong winds, and traffic on Route 95 even though buying station activities had subsided. Location 8 represents areas adjacent to Route 95 approximaEely 11 miles south of the site. The average sound level (L"q) remained relatively conslant throughout a 24-hour day with internittent Eruck traffic contributing to the sound leveIs Throughout the study area, during lulls in local traffic or facility acti.;ities, environmental sound was produced by wind, insects and birds. During the nighttime, when local activities are minimel, Ehe sounds of wind and insects were particularly prevalent. Ihe ambient sound data discussed above were used with computations of construction activity noise and facility operation noise Eo estimate future ambient sound 1evels. The projected future sound levels, the back-ground ambient souod levels, and federal EPA and State guidelines were used to assess the ir:rpact of Ehe proposed facility on the environ- mental sound quality. 3.0 THE MILL AND BUYING STATIONS Conventional milling methods for uranium ore processing will be used. The ore will be crushed and ground to a size suitable for sulfuric acid leaching to extract the uranium. The uranium-bearing solution will then be separated from the ore residue, purified and concentrated by solvent extraction, and the uranium precipitated as ammonium diuranaEe, also known as i'ye11cw cake.rr The ye11ow cake precipitate will be de- watered, calcined, crushed, and placeC in drums for shipment. hhen economically feasible r 3s determined by markeE conditions and ore characteristics, by-products of copper andfor vanadium will be recovered. The recovery methocis for by-products are discussed in SecEions 3.2.1 and 3,2.2. The milling rate of 2000 rpd is predicated on recoverv of all by-products. Should the copper circuit not be initialllz operated, the milling rate will be 1700 tpd. 3.i EXTERNAL APPEARANCE OF THE MILL The plant buildings will be mainly of prefabricated construction and the exterior panels will be of a color(s) aesthetically pleasing with the surrounding terrain. The acEual physical facility wiil resemble the artist's rendition (P1ate 3.1-1), buE the final layor-rE malr vary somewhat depending on equipment selection. 3.2 THE I{ILL CIRCUIT Plate 3.2-l shows a generalized flowsheeE for the proposed uranium milling process. The milI will process aborrt 2,000 tons of ore per day. The averagu U30g conEen! i" estimaEed to be about 2 l/2 pounds per Eon. " o.lz;"L 'J3og 3.2. I liraniun Circuit Since the ores will originaEe from many different mines, it is planned to blend them according to their chemical and metalLurgical characteristics. The crushed ore will be wet-ground in a rod r.ri11 to pass a 26-mestr (0.0232 inch) screen. ?he ore slurry prociuced by Eoe \ret Crushingnd GrindingCircuit Pre-Leach I ure I rro* ,l, Buying Statj-on at1>snnere DustCollection t F,ri.l..,rt";l v Preq. Leach -------------->-Solution ,arr"r, torsanic II ,1, f-- cED-l lwasrring l' I circuit I iTailing I Barren r Leach I I optilnarto Vanadium Recovery Preg.Strip NHs tm t os. Ye P I I ,l,1low Cakeroduct itrtHilG PR0GESS DrrIIaC I()IDII St.ripping Precipitation and Thickening Wet Scrubbing GE ]IERATIZEII TI(IWSHEET F(lR THE URAIIIUIII P|-ATE 3.2- I 3-4 grinding step will be leached in two sEages with sulfuric acid, manganese dioxide, and steam i-n anounts that will produce a solut.ion having a pI{ of 0.2 and a temperature of 70oC. The funcEion of Ehe first stage leach will be to utilize ihe residual acidity of the pregnant leach l.iquor by reacting it with the alkaline constituents of the freshly ground ore, thereby achieving chenical econornies. It is anticipated that approxi- mately 95 percent of the uraniuu contained in the crude ore will be dissolved over a period of twelve to twenty-four hours of leaching. The uranium bearing solution will be separaEed from the barren waste by counter-current decantation using thickeners. Polym.eric flocculants will be used to enhance the settting characteristics of the un,iissolved solids. The decanted pregnanE leach soluticn is expected to have a pI{ of approxirnately 1.5 and contain less than one gram per liter of U:Og. The barren rrast,e will be purnped to the tailing retention area. SoLvenL extracEion will be used to concentrate and purify the uraniurn contained in the decanted leach solution. Ihe solveni extraction process will be carried out in a series of mixer and settling vessels, using an anine-type compound carried in kerosene (organic) which will selecEi'rely absorb the dissolved uranyl ions from the aqueous leach solution. Ttre organic and agueous solutions will be agitated by mech- anical means and t-hen allo".ved to separate into organic and aqueous phases in the settling tank. Ihis procedure will be performed in four stages using a counEer-flow principle wherein the organic flow is intro<iuced to the preceding stage and the aqueous flow (drawn froa the bottom) feeds the folLowing stage. It is estimated that, after four stages, the organic phase will contain about tlro grams of r:Og per liter and Lhe depleted aqueous phase (raffinate) about 5 mg per liEer. Tne raffinate -*i11 be recycled to the counter-current decanEation step previously described or further processed for the recovery of vanadium discussed in Section 3.2.2. The organic phase will be washed with acidified u,aEer and then stripped of uranium by contacE with an acidified sodium chloride solution. Ihe barren organic solution will be returned to Ehe solvent extraction circuit, and the enriched strip soiution containing about.20 grans of UrO, per liEer will be neutralized with ammonia to precipitate 3-5 ammonium diuranate ("ye1low cake"). Ihe yellow cake will be settled in two thickeners in series and the overflow solution frorn the first filtered, conditioned and returned to the stripping slage. The thickened ye1low cake slurry will be dewatered further in a centrifuge to reduce its water content to about 40 percent. this slurry will then pumped Eo an oi1 or gas fired multiple-hearth dryer (calciner) at 550'C (1200'F). The dried uranium concentrate (about 90 pereent r:Og) will be passed through a hammer mill to produce a product of less than 1/4 inch size. The crushed concentrate, which will be the final product of the plant, will then be packaged in 55-ga11on drums for shipment. The uranium concentrate drying, crushing and packaging operation wil-1 be conducted in an isolated, enclosed building with a negative ventilation pressure to contain and collect (by wet scrubbing) al-1 airborne ,g0g particles. This systeB will not only enhance the recovery of uranium but will decrease the exposure of employees to potentiaL radiation. In addition, the design of the mi11 will be such that any leaks or spills in the plant will be collected and recycled to the appropriate part of the process, thus mininizing contamination of the surrounding areas. During processing of the ore, approximately the following chemical quantities will be consumed per day of operation for the recovery of uran ium: lbs/day Sulfuric acid (196 1b/ton)------- 392,000 Manganese dioxide (15 1b/ton)------- 30,000 Flocculants (0.3 1b/ton)-------- 500 Sodium chloride (3.0 lb/lb U3Og)-- 15,000 Soda ash (2.0 Lb/lb U3O8)-- l0,OO0 Arnmonia (0.4 Ib/lb U30g)-- 2,000 Organic (95 percent kerosene)------ 1,680 3-6 3.2.2 By-Product Copper Recovery Ores from Ehe White Canyon Mining District of Ut,ah, one of the districts supplying che rni11, usually contain copper associaEed wich the uranium. The copper occurs in sulfide form, su.ch as chalcopyriEe, and can approach a one percent copper conEent. Copper in sulfide forn is readily recovered by the froth flotation process comnonly used in mineral beneficiation plants. Energy Fuels inEends to segregate ores or this type and provide within the mi11 building a separate grinding, flotation, concentrate leaching, and filtration circuit for processing copper- uranium ore. Approximatel-y 15 percent (300 tons per day) of Ehe toEal mil1 tonnage is expected Eo be of this type. Processing will consist of wet grinding the copper ore in a rod mill-cyclone circuit to minus 28-mesh followed by rougher flotation and two-stage cleaning. Flotation will be carried out in water using about 0.1 lb xanthate and 0.08 lb Dowfroth 250 (or equivalent) per Eon of solids. The tailing from flotation vi11 be essentially barren of copper but it will contain the uajor part of the uranium present in the crude ore. Therefore, the flotation tailing will be partially dewatered in a Ehickener, commingled with che ground ore in the main uraniun circuit described in Section 3.2.L and carried on through Ehe mi11 process. The copper flotation concentraEe (frorh) is expected to assay l2 to 20 percenE copper but it will also contain Een to twenty percent of the total uranium present in the crude or€o In order to reccver this uraniuu, it will be necessary to acid leach Ehe copper concentrate unCer approximately the sarne Eemperature and acidity conditions as used in the main uranium mi11 circuit (see SecEion 3.2.i). The principal <iifference will be that the copper concentrate leach circuit will involve relatively sma11 equipment because less than one ton per hour of solids wil 1 need to be handled. The copper, in the forur of chalcopyrite, will be essentially insoluble in the leach step. Filtration of the leach slurr;r wi11, therefore, produce a filter cake of the c'opper sulficie minerals and a filtrate containing the uranium. A waEer wash will be applied to the filter to displace Ehe leach soluEion frcm the filter cake. 3-7 The filtrate (solution) will be purnped to the first counLer-current decantation thickener in the main circuit. The filter cake (copper suLfide) will be stockpiled and periodically sold to a copper smelter. Plate 3.2-2 shows the flowsheet planned for the recovery of copper. Ttre copper concentrate after leaching will contain less than 0.05 percent ugog' Copper is of minor economic importance to the overall plant and at times it may not justify recovery. It is planned to oPerate this by-product circuit only when the quantity and grade of copper ores are significant and an atEractive price for copper exists. At the time of this writing, the copper industry in the United States is faced with an oversupply of copper and a depressed market. Metallurgically, it makes little difference if the uranium ores containing copper are processed in the by-product circuit or in the main rnill process. The uranium extrac- tion is essentially the same in either case. 3.2.3 By-Product Vanadium Recovery Vanadium is present in some of the ores and will be soluble to a major degree along with the uraniurm during leaching. The solubilized vanadium will report to the uraniurn raffinate. Depending on the vanadium content of the uranium raffinate, it will either be recycled to the counEer-current decantation step (see Section 3.2.L) or further processed for recovery of the vanadium before recycling. The vanadium recovery process will extraction section to treat the uranium vanadium from the strip solution. The illustrates the process. consist of a separate solvent raffinate and precipitate the flowsheet shown in Plate 3.2-3 The uranium raffinaEe will be pumped to a series of agitators where the EMF (oxidation potential) will be adjusted to -700 mv with sodium chlorate and the pH raised to 1.8-2.0. ihe solution may possess some turbidity after this step and will be filtered prior to passing to a 5-stage solvent extraction circuit. Except for the one additional stage pper-Uranium Ore <---!tzo FlotationTail in H2SOa f->Mno2 ISteaml 9 ,l, Copper Concentrate I ri-rtrate I Air Drying ToNo. 1 CCDThickenerin Mi1l Circuit Stockpile I I v To CopperSmelter GEIIERIIIZEII TT(IWSHEET SH(IWI]IG REC(IUERY (lI GIIPPER DIII'C T.)OTI Xanthate Frother l-ng To Mi11 Leach Circuit PT ATE 3.2-2 Uranium Raffinate Solution I-Necl_ol-_-l I soaa asfrl+l adjustment Agitators I vClarifiSolution Soda Ash I IH3 I I YDriedor Fused Vanadi-um Product GEI{ERATIZEII FT(IWSITET SII(IWIlIG REG(IUERY (lT UAI{IDIUM D TI'C TOOII Atmosphere Precipitation and Thickening and Filtering PIJTE 3.2-3 3-10 of extraction, the solvent extraction section will be essentially the same as utilized for the uranium. An anine type compound carried in kerosene (same as for uranium) will selectiveiy absorb the vanadiun ions from the uranium raifinate solution. Ihe organic will then be stripoed of vanadium by contact with a soCa ash sotution. The barren organi.c solu- tion will be returneci to the solvent. extracticn circuit and vanadium will be precipitated from the enriched strip solution on a batch basis as ammonium me tavanada te. The vanadium precipitate wiLL be thickened and filtered prior to drying in a an oi1 or gas fired dryer. The dried precipitate will be subjected to a fusion step at approximateLy 800"c to produce'{zo5 black flake and packaging wili be in 55-gatlon drums. The vanadiun product will not be radioactive. The drying and iusion step along wi.th packaging will be r:onducced i.a an enclosed area wiEh a negative ventilaEion pressure to corrtact and collecE (by wet scrubbing) a11 airborne d-rrst and vapors. 3.3 SOURCES OF MILL WASTES AND EFFLUENTS 3.3.1 Non-Radioactive Mi11 Wastes and Effluents Gaseous Effluents Milling of Ehe ore will release several non-radioactive vapors to the atmosphere. Tne leaching processes (crrrde ore and copper concen- traEes) will produce vapors of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxice and some sulfuric acid. The rate of release for the carbon dioxide is estimated to be 4800 lb/hr whereas those of the oEher vapors are estinaEed Eo be a maximum of 0.05 1b/hr for each. The solvenE exL.ract.ion process (uranium and vanadium) will release organic vapor (95 percent kerosene) at an estimated rate of 0.I0 1b/hr. llnere are no State of Utah or national standards applicable to Ehe specific release of kerosene. Ilowever Ehere are ambient sEandards rhat apply to non-oethane hydrocarbons. The sEate anc national ambient hydrocarbon sEandard is I60 ug/m3 as a maximum 3-hour standard (effective between 5am and 9am) and the resultant ground- leve1 kerosene concentraEioas will be well below the a1lowable standard. 3-1 I During Ehe concentrate drying process, gaseous effluents will be enitted frorn the C;yer sta:k. These eraissicas will prir,arily be conn- prised of water vapor and carbon dioxide with naximum release rates of 205 and 105 pounds per hour, respectively. Significant amounts of sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen may be emitted depending on whether the furnace-drying process is gas or oi1 fired. If gas is used S0Z and N0 euissions will be insignificant; if fuel oil is used, fuel con-x sumption is estisrated at 3.0 gallons per hour resulting in maximun SO, and N0_- emission rates of 2 and 0.5 pounds per hour, respectively.x Assuming the use of fuel oil (no. 2) as the dryer fue1, the furnace dryer will normally operate at a heat input of. approximately 450,000 BTU!s per hour. No Utah or naiional emission standards apply to facil- ities of this snall size. However, sEate and national ambient standards will apply to the resultant tO2, *02 and particulate ambient concen- tra t ions . Using the design parameters presented in Section, the maximum ! hour SOZ concentration beyond the site boundary was calcu- lated Eo be less than 25 ug/r3. The maximum NOZ and particulate concentrations rrere calculated to be less than 6 and 5 ug/m', respec- tively. These low values would indicate that the short and long-term ambient standards for each pollutant would not be approached. Ground- level concentrations of each pollutaot in fact would be well below their respective standards. Liquid Effluents The major liquid effluent discharged from the mi11 will be rrater contained in the plant tailing slurry. The discharge rate of rrater present in the tailing slurry is expected to averege 335 gallons per minute and, based on laboratory test work, should have an analysis approximately as follows: 3- 12 Ion Gross Beta Th230 Grans/Liter 0.24 0.0025 4.90 0.065 3 .05 82.27An 0.48 4.06 t+.26 4. 58 0.09 0.007 See discussion below i .8-2.0 Ra226 V U Na NH"cl" SO, Cu- Ca Hg A1 Mn Zn Mo 0rganics pH Radiocheruical analyses of the above tailing water and soli<is were as follows: Radioactivity Liquid Gross Alpha 2.5xI05 Pb2 l0 2. 3x105 1 . 3x 10'5 172.3x10- 2.8x10- Assa'/, pCi/s Sol ids Th230 Ra226 1.5x102 3.7xla2 The above liquid effluent will contain a portion of the organic phase from the uranium (and vanadium) soivent exLraction steFls. The organic residue will be entrained with the tailing solids. The amount of organic (mostly kerosene) released will be about 0.2 gal1on per 1000 gallons of raffinate or 70 lb/hr. All liquid eEfluents exi.ting from the mi11 will be confined in the Eaiiing iinpoundment area. No liquid effluents will cross the property boundary of the mi1l site. C i/Lite:: 3-1 3 Solid Effluents By far Ehe iargest emission frou the ore stockpiles and feeding facilities will be the release of fugitive dust to the atmosphere. Dust emissions from these sources are difficuLt to define because they are highly dependent, among other variables, upon the tenporal variations of rsind and raoisture content of the ore. Some concentrate parEicles woul,d be released from the drying stack during the process. I4lith the flue gas scrubbers, total particulate loss should be less than 0.C3 grains per cubic foot. A recent study by the EPA (L973) has estinated general dust enission rat.es for various aggregate stockpiles. General dust loading data related to the type of aggregate sEorage that will occur at ihe proposed ni11 siEe inciicate that approximately 1.5 pounds per year of dust could be euitted for each ton of stockpiled ore. A rough estimate of the fugitive dust emissions resulting fro,rn the anticipated 250,000 tons of ore stockpiles is 37,500 pounds per year or 102 pounds per day. However, the saue EPA study (1973) states that dust emissions can be reduced fron 50 to 90 percent by keeping the surfaces of the stockpiles moist. Ihe ore wilL generally be coarse particles and will be kept wet as required to control dust as discussed below. Current emission standards are not applicable to fugitive dust emissions. However, ambient air quality standards would apply to the resultant surface concentrations. The state and national ambient stan- dards are 150 ug/r3 as a 24-hour maximum not to be exceeded more than once per year and 50 ug/m3 as an annual average based upon a geornetric Itrean. Fugitive dust emissions in a large 6ense are dependent upon the use of micigating measure to control their release. During nilling opera- tions, ore stockpiles will be watered and dust suppression systems and scrubbers will be used ihroughout ore handling processes. These shouLd substantially reduce dust emissions. 3-14 3.3.2 Radioective Mi11 Wastes and Effluents This section considers the airborne radioactive effluents from the mi11. Radioactivity associated with non-airborne solid effluents will be conEained rsichin the site and all radioactivity associated with the liquid effluents will be inpounded in the tailing area which is designed to totally contain Ehe liquid effluents (analyses indicated in Section More discussion on liquid effluents can be found in 5.2.2. The radioactivity reteased during roilling cf naturaL uraniuu is prinarily associated 'lith uranium-238 and its radioaciive daughEers present in the ore. Secular equilibriu$ has been conservaiively assumed to exist between the members of the U-236 decay chain seri.es. Also present in the ore is uraniua-235 and its daughters. Ihe concentration of U-235 in naEural uranium is 0.7L4 aEom percenE. Compared with the U-238 decay series, the U-235 decay series conEributes negligibly to the quantity of the radioacti.riey dispersed (Scarano eE a1., L977). Basic urill operating daEa used in the anatyses of the radioactive effLuents are suumarized belor.r. Uranium Ore FeeC Rate Operation Sciredule UrO, Content of the Ore U-238 Concentration in the Ore U-235 Concentraeion in the Ore UrO, Recovery Rate Fraction of Th-230 to Taii-ing Fraction of Ra-226 to Taiiing In the following sectioas, the release of rad.ioactivity in the nilling steps is discussed and, on Ehe basis of the available data froo operating mi11s, the radioactivit.r Ehat would be released by the proposed mill is estimated. The potential release estimates assume a 15-year nilling period and conservative assumptions were uade. = 2000 tons/day = 340 days/year = 24 hours/day = 2.5 lbs/ton = 353 pCL/ g = 16 pCi/g = 947" = 0.95 = 0.998 3-15 Ore Storage Pads Thc fecd fcr the proposed mi11, r"i11 be crushed ore fron the two buying stations that has been stored on pads to provide a continuous supply for blending. These pads will continue to release Rn-222, a daught.er of Ra-226, and windblown particulates to the atmosphere. Rn-222 release can be estinated utilizing the following data and as sumptioas : 1. Area of the Ore Storage Pads 2. Ra-226 Ccncentration 3. Density of Ore 4. Decay Constant of R-n-226 5. (D-lV)* for Ore Storage Padse(schiager, 1974) 6. Emanation Coefficient of Ore (Clements et al., 1978) The En-222 flux (J) at the surface depttr of material can be estimated from ( = 8 acres = 353 pci/ e = I .6 g/nI = 2.IxI0 6 """-1= 2.5x10 2"*2,rr"" = 0.07 of an area containing infinite Sctriager, 1974) J=C where (C-) is the concentration of Ra-225 in bulk medium in (pCi/rnl). E This equation yields the flux fron the pads of 90.5 pCi/(m2-sec) which relults in a total annual Rrr-222 release of 92.4 Ci. During dry seasons, the exposed surfaces of the ore piles maybe a source of dust generated by wind action and ore feeding and blending operations. Ii has been conservatively estimated by Sears et al. (1975) that about 4 lbs/(hr-acre) of fugitive dust may occur fron this type of operation. This figure r^ras used here for radiological calculations. However, most of the radioactivity will be associated with dust of a .E.JmD A, x"Di ffusion coef f ic ient/void fraction 3- 15 large diameter and, under nornal almospheric conditions, blowing dust, will not contribute to the transport of radioactivity outside the miil site boundary (Sears et ai., 1975). I'leveriheLess, 5 percenE of this release lras assuned to be fines that could be carried away by wind. This yields an ore sEorage pad reLease raEe of 2.1 mCi/year for U-238 and each of its daughters. Ore Grinding Operation Wet grinding of the ore will uinimize the rel.ease of dust. However, about 51.5 uCi of ?n-222 per tcn of ore is estimated as the release rate during grinding (Schiager, L974). This yields an expecEed release rate of abouE 35 Ci.lyear of Rn-222 froa the grinding of ore. Leaching 0peracion The two stage leaching operaEion is a wet, process arrC will not conEribute to emission of particulates. This part of the milling process need not be considered for the release of Ra-222, since the transit Eisle of the ore through the rai1l. circuit will be rather short. Uranium Concentrate Drying and Fackaging The uranium ccucentrate (preeipitated ammonium diuranat:) will be dried ac 550'C. The product (ye1low cake) wiil. be about 90 percent U:Og and will represent about 94 percent of the uraniurc in thr: cre. In additicn yeli.ow cake will contain 5 percent of the fn-230 aad 0.2 percenE of Ra-226 and daughters originally in lhe ore. Eraission of particulaies to air du:ing uraniuru concentrate drying and pacicaging will be controlled by a vret scrubber, as described in Section 3.4. The estimated release of uranium concentrate',ril1 be 0.04 1bs/hr. This corresponds to an annual reiease r>f radioactivity of 63.4 mCi of U-238, 2.3 mCi of Th-230 and 0.1 aCi of Ra-226 and daughters. Tailing The tailir.g prodr:ced by Ehe mi11 operation wili be stage impounded in a series of ceLls each having a total area of approximatel.y 70 acres. 3-17 Details of the design and inregrity of the tailing retention area are discussed in Appen<iix H and Sectron 3.4. The design will provide for toEal containment of solids and liquids. During operation, it is esiimaied that about 90 percent of the tailing surface will be covered by the tailing solution. The remaining area will be kept moist when necessary to control wind bl.own dusting. Prior to stabiLization, the tailing will be alLowed to dry ro about aa estimated l5 percent moisture. During this interiu period Rn-222 will be emitted. The foLlowing data and assumptions were used to estimate the radon release frorn the tailing as they are drying. 1. Maximum area of tailing exposed at any one 2. Ra-226 content 3. Densiiy of tailing 4. Decay constant of Rn-2?2 5. Emanation Coefficient for tailing (E) (Schiager, I974) 6. (D^/v) for tailing at 157j rnoisture(Schiager, Lgl4) 7. (n-/v) for tailing at l00Z noisEure(Schiager, 1974) 8. Thickness of the Cry tailing layer tiue = 70 acres = 353 p3i/ e = 1.6 g/n1 _A= 2.I>:10 " = 0.2 = 1x10 ' cm -A= 5.7x10 " = -9.J,Je*t -1sec 2./ sec 2.cln /sec The Rn-222 flux depth of material (J) at the surface of an area containing infinite I'as estiraated fron (Schiager , L974). where (Cr) is the concentration of Ra-226 The tailing were assumed to be composed of following page. in bulk medium (in pCi/ml). two layers as shown on the 3- 18 r, {*^t (+ ) *;:" [ (Ja.(.1,1!) Toiling ot 4 l5o/o Moisrure ir O -- nl| =',Il'4ttlp " ,\ , ,'r \.'.{ x I; {a,r t'', ' [ ,)t\iffil J 'lct"'ft'"'.W, hlnnh= O " c.^ts't\" ' "' f-t^ i le- SURFACE The flux a! the surface 1975; Tanner, 1964) f rco"/o Moisture 2.1 /' r--\ flt/r't6"/irl\Y- J {1x' for this configuradioo is given by (Sears et al., J, exp I , where the subscrip 6nd (2) refer to Lhe 1a1'srr shown in the figure, and where (Jl) and (lr) are ihe fluxes at the surface of an area conEaining infinite depth of materiais (1) and (2), respectively. The (tanh) tern is a correction for the finite thickness of the layer, and the (exp) ierm is the attenuation of (1") through the upper layer. (il. zsz {,lti +..t,'^rf using Ehe above data and equation yields a flux of 38.9apCi/(m'-sec). This dry condition of the tailing can be assumed to prevail no more than three monLhs before recLamaEi.on is initiated. Thus, the total release anticipated during this perio,l is calculaLed to be about 90 Ci of Rn-222. J=Jr Ore Pads Ore Grinding IelLow Cake Tailing Summary of Airborne Release Rates A sumoary of release rates computed for the various and several radionuclides are given in the table below. Rn-222 U-238 u-234 Th-230 y9i/ yr 2.1 Source Ci/yr mCi/yr uCi/yr 2.1 niil operations Ra-226 & Daugh ters aCi/ yt Lt I93 35 90 a a.--- = ]-nslgnttrcant 43.t' 43.4 2,3 0.1 ft(81 3- 19 3.4 CONTROLS OF MILL I,IASTES AND EFFLUENTS The control of dust in che Hanksville and lllanding Buying Stations is discussed in and 3.6,4.4, respectively. At the proposed mi11, the processing buildings and equipment wi1l be provided with ventilation farrs, hoods and ducting to control the concentration of gaseous effluents to levels below the applicable stan- dards. A forced-air ventilation systen designed for the entire solvent extract.ion and stripping buildings wilL remove kerosene vapors. Dust generated in the final crushing step, conveyor transfers and fine ore storage will be coilected in cyclonic precipitators and bag houses. The collected dust will be. processed in the mi11 circuit. Fugitive dust from ore piles will be controLled by sprinkling with rrater. A dust suppression spray system will be installed in the rnil1 crushing building and used when exceedingly dry ores are being handled. The water added in this manner will remain with the ore and go to pro- cess. Yel1ow cake particles carried in the flue gases from the uranium dryer and packaging area will pass through a wet fan scrubber operating at an equivalent venturi scrubber pressure of 20rr W.G. Ttre solution and particuLates eollected fron the scrubber will be recycled to the No. 1 yellow cake thickener in the ni1l. A wet dust collector will also be installed to collect and recycle dust form the vanadium drying operation. A separete building for pre- cipitation, drying, and packaging of the vanadium is planned. Itre design of the urilI is be such that any leaks or spills will be colLected and recycled to the appropriate part of the process, thus eliroinating any product loss or contamination of the surrounding area. Most process liquids will be recycled in the ni11; however, about one ton of liquid (water) for every one Eon of barren tailing solids will 3-20 be discharged to the retention area. The water (expected a.nalysis given in SecEion will be re(uired to transport rhe solid taii.ing to the ret.ention area. In addition, the elimination of some process -w-ater in this rnanner will avoid a build-up in chemical ions that could be harmful to the process. No liquid or solid effluent wil-1 cross Lhe property boundary, other than wind blown dust. Ihe tailing retention system will consist of a series of 7O-acre cells, each of sufficienE capacity to hold the quantity of rqi1l tailing produced from a 5-year operating period. The cells will be lined'.-ith aa impervious meubrane to provide tot,rl conEainmeat of solids and iiquids" The cel1 area is calculat.ed co be sufficient ro achieve evaDoration of the total liquid effluent. Appendix iI describes the preliariaary design for Lhe Eaiiing retention syslem. 3.5 SANITARY AND OTHER MILL WASTE SYSTEMS 3.5.1 Sanitary and Solid llastes A11 applicabLe State of Utah, Division of Health standards will be met in the design and operation of Ehe sanitary faciiity associated with the nill complex. Sanitary wastes will. be disposed of by a septi.r: tank and leach field designed and operaEed in acccrdance wirh U.S. Public Health Service standards and all applicable regulaEions. Trash, rags, wood chips, and oEher solid debris witl be collected and buried in designaied areas. Coveralls used in yellow cake producL areas will be laundered at the niIl. Furtherinore, nill personnel will be provided with a change room and laundering facility to a1low them Eo Leave Eheir work clothes dt the mil1. A11 liquid effluents from the taundry will be routed to Ehe tailing retention syste$. 3-2t 3.5.2 Building and Process ileating In keeping with the nacionts energy shorEage, coal wili be used to fire the boilers needed to produced steam for heating Ehe ieach pulp and other process requirements. Gaseous l{astes Steam necessary for buildings and process heating will be generated frorn eoal-fired boilers. Approxirnatel-y 60 tons of coal per day will be required for this at a heat input of approxiraately 50 nillion BTU's per hour. As a result of the boiler combustion, various stack gases will be released to the atroosphere including carbon dioxide, water vapor, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. State and national emission stan<iar<is are not appl-icable to a stean generating boiler of this sma1l size. Likewise signifieant deterioration regulations are not applicable; however, state and national ambient air quality standards will apply to the resultant ambient concentrations. Tire combusEion of 60 tons per day of 0.3 percent sulfur coal would generaEe approximately 720 pounds of sulfur dioxide per day and approxi- nately one'half this amount (360) pounds of N0*. Section presents the estimated design and eroission parameters for the boiler. Solid Wastes Itre combustion of coal will produce two ash products, fly ash and bottom ash. Wi.th a coaL usage rate of 50 tons per day. ihe tcEal ash production would be less than 6 tons per riay which will be sent to the tailing retention system. These ash products would renain in the tailing ceI1, settling with the tailing soli.ds, and present no additional waste prob I-ems . Stack emissions from the coal-fired boilers will be subject to a precipitator Eo renove fly ash, and less than 190 pounds per day of particulate matter will be released to the atmosphere. Fly ash deposits from the precipitators will also be sent to the Eailing celIs. 3-22 3.5.3 Analytical Laboratory The mi11 facility will be complemented rriLh an analytical laboratory which will routinely assay products of ore, process streaEls and final products Eo assure adequate qualiEy conErol and plant operating effi- ciency. The laboratory fume hoods rsill collect air aad arixed chenical fumes for dilution and venting to the atmosphere. These gases wiit contain non-radioactive chemicals, including HCI and UO2. fne volume of gaseous fuues enitted from the teboratory operations wilI be snall and considering the dilution in the collection stack and air eduetors should be inconsequeaEial. Liquid laboratory rdastes will be discharged to the tailing reten- tion system. 3.6 HANKSVILLE AND BLANDING BUYING STATIONS Energy Frrels currenEly is operating two uraniurn ore buying s Eat.ions l-ocaled near Hanksville, Utah and Blanding, Utah. The st.ations are approximately 135 niles apart and each provides a market for ore prodr:ced by independenE mine operators. The applicant also has several rnining properties under exploration which are expected to supply ore to the buying stations in the future. The llanksvill.e and Blanding buying stations commenced operations i.n January L977 and May L977, respectivellz. 3.6.1 Ext,ernal Appearance of Buying SEations The principai buildings of the t'^ro buying stations (Plates 3.6-1 a:rti 3.6-2) are of prefabricated construction arrd the exterior wa11s are a desert sand color, which present an unobstrutive appearance. 3.5.2 Sources of Ore Many smal1 to medium size<i uranium mines operate in southeasEere Utah and southrsesEern Colorado. The ores occur in sedimenEary formations anC, for the ncst parE, are mined unCerground. rnethods. The avaiiabiliEy of a 1ocal ore buying staEion provides a markeE for ores in the area and encourages Ehe mining and exploration of the deposits. VirLualJ-y all the mining properEies have operated :Lctermit,Eently f.or 2A-25 years. I:(r d': ondThe Truck Sco/e Scoie House ot Blonding Buying Stotion. .i:ti: :!;t:' I lx tr{wr I )ffi"Z,.ff#J,tt l':4+:i,h,l::f#^:1' t *l?.'ii iri'ff ,2;t I.fi *,Yti{'i$f{ifffii The Blonding Crushing ond Sompling Plont"PTATE 3.6- I r,",t":"';'"\"&.i:r+ -r$The Truck Scole ond Scole tlouse ot Honksville Buying Slotion. ,)oi ) " '( i; tl:t.. The Honksville Crushing ond Sompling Plont" PTATE 3.6.2 3-25 3.6.2.L Hanksville Srarion Independent mine operators within a radius of about 100 miles of Hanksville mine and se11 their ore to the applicant. The proximity of the buying station to the individual mines reduces shipping costs and, therefore, permits the mining of lower grade ores. plate 3.0-3 shows the general location of the mines wiih respect to Ehe buying station and the urajor routes utilized for ore haulage. Trucks provide the sole means of haulage as there are no railroads in the immediate vicinity. Blanding Station This sEation provides a markeE for a large area and receives ore from numerous mines within about a 125-mi1e radius. Refer to plate 3.6-3 for the location of the nines with respect to the buying station and the major truck routes. rn most cases, the major part of Ehe haulage distance is on asphalt surfaced roads. The Lrucks are virtually all diesel powered and of 30-ton capacity. 3.5.3 Hanksville Station Operations Receiving and Stockpiling of Delivered Ore Ore from the various mines in the area is delivered by truck to the Hanksville buying stationl whereupon arrival, it is weighed on a 60-ton truck scale and then duuped in a specified space on the ore pad. The enPty truck is reweighed to determine the net weE tons of ore de- livered. A "grab" moisture sample is ianediately taken from the ore as it is dunped on the concrete ore pad and the percenE moisture determined. The net dry tons of ore in the load is Ehen calculated. Each truck load is handled in this manner and each mine (shipper) has its designated dumping space. After nunerous truck loads of ore from a specific urine have been accumulaEed on the pad, the',loL,'is closed and passed through the sampling plant of the buying station. Ihe sample obtained from the sampling plant is prepared for chemical assay and payment for the ore is made t.o Ehe shipper based on the uranium content. Pl l r E 3. 6 - 3 3-27 Crushing of Delivered Ore The sanpling plant at the Hanksville buying station is housed in a 30 by 100-foot building and handles approxiuately 75 tons of ore per hour on a one shift per day basis. Operation of the plant is intermit- tent because all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned between consecutive runs so as to prevent any residual ore from one shipper being nixed with ore frou another shipper. this is standard practice for any sampling facility. SEockpiled ore on the concrete pad is generally accunulated for a one month period and then passed through the sampling plant. Longer sEockpiling periods would unduly delay the payment to be made to the shipper. A front-end loader moves the ore frou the concrete pad to a receiv- ing hopper thaE feeds the sampling p1ant. In the sampling plant, the ore passes through four stages of crushing with internediate mechanical samples between each stage (plate 3.5-4). This operation produces .a sna11 sample representative of the 1oE of ore aad a reject constituting most of the original weight of ore aE a nominal I L/2 inch size. Stockpiling of Crushed Ore Ihe ore reject from the sampling plant is collected on a cenEral belt conveyor that discharges to a systen of four 50-ft long portable conveyors terminating with a 100-ft long portable belt stacker. This systeo of conveyors provides considerable flexibility for stockpiling the crushed ore according to grade and ore type. The reject is sEored on pads in a fenced area. Eventually, it is planned that all ore sEockpiled at the Hanksville buying sEation will be hauled by truck to the proposed mill near Blanding. Sample Preparation The sample (ninus 3/16") obtained from Ehe final mechanical sampler in the sampling plant is prepared for assaying using standard procedures. PRIMARY CRUSHER ORE FEED BLANDING (125 T.P.H. ) S AIVIP L ER ------->. RE J E C T-T SCREEN Ir---T I(+) (-) I=l'l ISATUPLER ----------)'-T- |CRUSHER I-T- ISAMpL E R -------------> | IttIrr+FINAL SAMPLE *ffi GEtEntUZED FL0WSIEETS 0F iltE [AU(SYtttE lil] BmillllllG BUilXG SrlTl0[S. --rraaEaa 1 CRUSHERSS TOTAL REJECT HANKSVILLE (7 5 T. P . H. ) PRIMARY CRUSHER ORE FIIED SCREEN SAMPLER+REJECT-l- CRUSHER CRUSHER PLATE 3.6.4 3-29 The sample is crushed Eo lO-mesh and then mixed, split, dried overnight at 110'C, pulverized to minus 100-mesh, mixed, and final samples split out for assay by both the buyer (Energy Fuels) and the shipper. A Ehird sample is reserved for "umpirett assay, in case of a disagreeuent between the assay results of the buyer and shipper, Sanple preparation is perfonned in a closed rooo within the sampling plant building. Control of Dust in Plant Dust generated during crushing and handling of the ore in the sampling plant is collected in five uechanical shaker bag houses. The collecEed dust is recombined with the ore at appropriate points so as to noB inftuence Ehe grade of cre. A11 feeders, chutes, crushers and transfer points are enclosed in hoods connected to a system of ducts under negative pressure. The ducts discharge to their respective bag houses. The design paraneters for the bag house collectors are summarized in the following table: Ratio Sq Ft Air:ClothSys tern 1 2 3 4 5 Mode I TU-288 7z-LS 7 z-LS 35-LS l8VDS Ihe ducts are sized for equipped with danpers to CFM 5000 1991 1025 250 1025 250 500 t25 180 18 air velocities of 3,500 ad;ust air flow. 2.51 to I 4.L to 1 4.L to 1 4.8 ro 1 10.1 ro 1 feet per oinute and When an ore is noted to be unusually dry or has other physical characteristics that could produce above average amounts of dust, the ore is sprayed with lrater on the pad beiore it is fed to the sanpling planE. This procedure is usually required when ihe ore contains less than four percent moisture. The use of rdater spraying to control dust is the responsibility cf ihe saapling plant foreman. 3-30 Some Cust is ernitted during preparation of the sample for assay and ii-. cleaaing of. the equipment between samples. Conirol" of this dust is accompl.ished by a waII-mounted hood over the sarnple grinders. The hood is connected to a duct leading to the System 5 dust collector indicated in the foregoing table. As an added precaution, the person working in the preparation roon is required to wear a respirator. I,Iork in the sample preparation roon is on an intermiEtent basis. No chenical eoissions are produced in the sanpling plant. A 275 KW diesel-generator set supplies all the electric porrer required at the Hanksville buying station. Power from a public utility is not available due Eo the remote location of the facility. Haulage to Blanding Mi1l Haulage of the crushed ore from the Hanksville buying station to the proposed mi11 near Blanding will be done under contract with caavas-covered dunp trucks of 30-ton capacity. Ihe ore will not be heaped in the truck beds but, rather, vi11 be evenly distributed to prevent ore spilLage during transPortation. the use of a tightly tied canvas cover over the truck bed will elirninate the possibility of dust loss during haulage. 3.6.4 Blanding Station Operations 3.6.4.I Receiving and Stockpiling of Delivered Ore The applicant enploys the same procedure for receiving and stock- piling ore del.ivered to the Blanding buying station as it does at Hanksville. The procedure is described in Section Crushing of Delivered Ore . The sanpling plant ar rhe Blanding buyi'ng station is sinilar to the applicant's plant at Hanksville discussed in Section Ttre major difference is that the Blanding plant handles approxirnately L25- tons of ore per hour and a closed circuit crushing-screening system is used in the secondary circuit. In the future, it will be necessary to about double the crushing capacity of this plaat by substituting a larger prinary crusher and installing sheets of the t\do plant s are comparison between the systems. 40 feet by 100 feet. 3-3 1 a secondary crusher. shown on Plate 3.6-4 The Blanding sampling Geoeralized fLow- for a convenient plant building is As at Hanksville, the Blanding plant produces a smal1 sarnple representative of the lot of ore and a reject constituting most of the original rreight of ore. Ttre reject is a nominal I l/2-inch size. Stockpiling of Crushed Ore The stockpiling of crushed ore at the Blanding station is diiferent then practiced at Hanksville. At the Blanding staticn, the crushed ore (reject) is coltecled on a central belt convejior thsE discharges tc one 50-foot long conveyor and then onto a 110-foot long portable belt stacker. The stacker discharges into a 50-ton capacity ore bin. The ore is discharged from the bin through a bottom gate int,o a truck which hauls it to the appropriate stockpile. This systeu offers considerable flex- ibility in segregating the ore according to grade and ore Eype. Ihe stockpile area is only a few hundred feer away and the ground surface is well packed. The release of particulates to air resulting from trans- portaEion to the sEockpile is ninimal. The crushed ore is stockpiled in a fenced area and, after con- struct,ion of the applicantts proposed ni11, the ore will be aoved by front-end loader to the nill feed bin to be located a few hundred feet away. Sanple Preparation Sample preparation procedures at ihe Blanding station are the same as those described for the Hanksville station (refer Eo Section 3 .6.3.4) . An additional feature at the Blanding staEion that is noE aE Hanksville, is a sma11 analytic.rl laboratory used to perform the required cheroical analysis. This laboratory carries out the assays rec.uired by J-)1 both sampling plants. A larger analyticaL laboratory will eventually be needed to serve the requirements of the applicant's proposed ni11. Control of Dust in Plant For the most part, the dust collection system at the Blanding station is siuilar to the one at the Hanhsville station described in Section However, because of the difference in flowsheets (plate 3.6-4), only three bag house collectors were installed. The collectors use an automatic reverse jet for bag cleaning in contrast to the mechan- ical shaker design used at Hanksvili.e. A1l. feeders, crushers, screens, chutes, and transfer points are enclosed in hoods that are connected to ducts connected to their respective bag houses. The collected dust is reconnbined with the ore at appropriate points so as to not influence the grade of ore. The specifications for the Blanding bag house collectors are sun- marized in the following table: Western Precipitation CFt{ Model Air Voluue pr2+5to-t4+ pr2q5n-qg pr2as rc-49 The ducts are sized for air velocities minute and equipped with appropriate blast At times when exceedingly dry or dusty ores are encountered, (usually less than four percent moisture) the ore is sprayed wiEh water on the pad before it is fed to the sempling plant. This practice, which is the responsibility of the sampling plant foreman, reduces the dust potential and insures acceptable control of dust within the plant. Control of dust in the sample preparation room is accomplished by two wall-mounted hoods over the sanple grinders. The two hoods are Sq Ft Bag Area Air: Cloth RatioSystem 1 2 J 97 50 3000 3250 L742 593 593 of 3,500 to gates. 5.6 to I 5.1 to 1 5.5 to 1 5,000 feet per 3-33 connected by duct work and discharge to the system 3 bag collector !.isted in the above table. A respirator is required to be worn by the persou working in che sample preparation room. I,Iork in the saople preparaEion roon is on e.n intermittent basis. Public porrer is available and utilized at the Blanding buying s tation. \Lr td(^\cNt\ \o Iotv !m (. )I 4-L 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SITE PREPARATtrON AND MILL CONSTRUCTION 4.I EFFECTS ON THE PI{YSICAL ENVIRONMENT 4.1,1 Air Quality Effects on the surrounding air quality attendaot to the construction and preoperational phases of the proposed nilling project will primariLy resuLt from fugitive dust and to a lesser degree gaseous emissions from construction machinery and .rehicles. Fugitive dust is expected to be generaied from handling of loose dirt and fine aggregates:',rind erosion of loose dirt, equipment traffic on unpaved roads and heavy construction activity. Combustion enissions of gaseous contaminants and particulates are expecEed from heavy-duty diesel and light duty gasoline engines in construction machinery. However, air quality inpacts during these phases will be of a short-Eerm nature and will terrninate at the conclu- sion of construction. The toEal quantity of dust generated will be dependent upon a nunber of variables, such as: soil parEicle size, moisEure conten!, vegetaiive cover, tire tread pattern, tire speed, and wind speed and turbulence. Although particulate esrissi.ons cannot be accurately quantified, the quantity of particles lifted by tires is roughly linearly dependent on tire speed (EPA, 1976) and the quantity of particles lifred by wind is a function of the third power of wind speed (U.S, Department of Agriculture 1958). Construction activity of the mi11 and tailing retention facility will be a phased operation buU will result in the total reuoval of approximaEely 3f0 ecres of surface vegetation. As a result of con- struction traffic and activity, soil (fugitive dust) will be Iifted into the air and a portion will renain as suspended particulates. According tc the EPA (1973), parEiculate loading at a t.vpical construction site will average I to 2 tonsf acrefsonth during all phases of activity. Wind speeds are nor:rnally low in the project area which should help lessen dust emissions; in late fall and winter, dusu loading should be aE a miniarum due to snolil covered or frozen surfaces, reduced activity and the norrnally lover wind spee<is. During the spring an<i early sunmer when wind speeds are normally fastest, precipitation is usually lowest and construction activity is high, fugitive dust emissions will be at a maximum and suitable nitigating measures will. have to be instigated. Frequent watering and/or chemical treatment of exposed areas and heavily travelled areas will help to reduce fugitive dust resulting frorn construction activity. Covering of haul trucks and reducing vehicle speeds wiLl aLso help reduce dust Loading. Depending upon the degree of ect.ivity, even with control measures in effect, construction could cause occasional short-term inpacts on the concentration of particuLates within or near the construction 8E€8o To a much lesser degree, gaseous emissions from vehicle and other internal combustion construction equipment wilL impact the air quality. However, due to the spatial and temporal variations of these emission sources, ihe contribution to the overall irnpact of preoperational activ- ity is expected to be negligible to the extent that specific nitigation rueasures will not be warranted. 4.L.2 Surface l{ater Hydrology During construction of the niIl, slurry pipeline and tailing cells the ground surface wiLl be disturbed for excavation, haul roads, spoil areas and other construction related activities. In a rnore hunid c1i- mate, such ground disturbances would cause a substantial increase in the water and sediment yieLd from the affected areas due to vegetation removal and steepening of slopes. In this arid climate, however, soils are presently e>:posed to eroeion due to the lack of vegetat.ive cover. The soil remains in place prirnarily because storms capable of causing waEer erosion occur very infrequently. Nevertheless construction activities are expected to increase the possibility of larger water and sedinent yields from the project site. However, the larger yield will be dependent on the occurrence of a significant, erosion producing, rainfa11. If such a rainfall did occur, the increase in sediment 4-3 produc t ion be large. would be smal1, although the toEal sediment production coulC Once the first tailing cellrs embankment is about half coropleted, nearly all construction activities will be contained within the drainage basin upstream of that embankment. this will have the net effecE of reducing the water and sedinent yields from these basins to zero. The extrene eastern edge of the project site lies within the Corral Creek Basin. This area, which totals less than 10 acres, is not within the basin of the tailing retention system. Any sediments that are eroded fron this area would eventually find their rday to Corral Creek, thence to Recapture Creek, the San Juan River and the Colorado River. 4.1.3 Ground Water Hydrology The effect of the preparation of the ui1l site and mil1 consEruction on ground water will be negligible. The depth of the lrater table at the uil1 site is below the planned depth of excavation; Ehus, site dewatering will noE be required and construction will not occur within the saturated zone below the water table. Preparation of the tailing retention site and construction of the retention systen will have only miniual effect on the ground water systeE. The lrat,er table is about I00 feet below the land surface at the tailing retention site. Therefore, construction activities will not be in contact with the ground water. Subsequently, after the retention cells are lined with an impermeable membrane, no seepage is anticipated from the tailing reEention system downward to the water table " None of the planned surface construction activities is projected to have any effects on the deeper aquifers underlying the project vicinity. However, the pr:nping of ground rrater from the Navajo Sandst.one by the well(s) at the oi1l site:nay in time cause a decline in Ehe potentiometric surface within the Navajo Saadstone in Ehe iurmediate 4-4 vicinity of the pumping weIls. At the present tine, with the lack of any quantitative aquifer data on Ehe Navajo Sandstone in the project vicin- iEy, it is not possible to predict either the amount of drawdown or the radius of influence of the pumping with time. 4.L.4 I.Iater Quality As discussed in Section 4.1.2, site preparation and construci.ion are expected to increase the toEal sediment yield to Corral Creek and downstream drainages if erosion producing precipitation oceurs. Under such conditions, the relative increase in sedimentation will be smalI. No other impacts on \rater quality are anticipated. 4.1.5 Land Construction and site preparation operations will disturb the existing soils on approximately 310 affected acres. Areas impaeted by these operations are detailed in Seciion 9.7. The disturbance will consist of removal and stockpiling of the top 6-inch layer of the soil by scraper or dozer. After removal oi facilities, the topsoil material will be respread back over the subsoil. The disturbance and handling of these soils will not have a serious impact on their future productivity. The sandy loam and silt loam textures found in these soils are rrell suited to disturbance and nachine traffic. Productivity can be restored by reseeding and proper mainten- ance of vegetation. These soils are erosive. Erosion can be controlled, however, by good ground cover, and by nulching where needed. 4.1,6 Sound 4. i.6.1 Construction Noise Sources At this conceptual planning stage, tro construction nethodology or schedule has been provided. Therefore, the construction of the uill and tailing retention system has been assumed to be similar to the construction of an average industrial facility as described by the EPA (1973). It is estimated that the noisiest period of construction will be during the excavation phase. The construction equipment required for 4-5 this phase of construction and associated sound levels are listed in Table 4.1-1. The average sound level (A-weighted here and elsewhere unless otherwise noEed), L"q (see Appendix F for discussicn of nomen- clature), that will prevail during the excavation phase of ni11 and tailing retention facilities construction is estimated to be 55.8 dB at 300 neters (1000 ft) from the center of activity. The slurry pipeline between the ni11 and tailing retention cells will be above ground. llo heavy equipment will be required for its construction. Ttrus, it is anticipated that the sound 1evel radiating offsite will be negligible from construction of the slurry pipeline. TABLE 4.1-1 CoNSTRUCTION EQUTPMENT NOrSE LEVELS - EXCAVATIoN 0F PROCESSING PLANT AND TAILING RETENTION CELLS Number Usage ,of Units Factor'Equipruent Compactor Crawler Tractor Grader Pick up ?ruck Scraper Water Truck 80 87 78 78 88 7B I 1 0.40 0.50 3 0.40 0 .50 3 0.55 0.50 A-weighted r"n (total) - 91.8 dB at 15 m (50 ft); 65.8 dB at 300 n (1000 ft) "U.S. EPA, "Charact.eristics of Construction Site Activity,'r Phase I Interira Report. February 1977.br"fioiaion of Usage Factor - Fraction of Eine equipment operatesat its noisiest mode. Reference: Dames & Moore, Draft "ConsEructionSite Noise Control, Cost-Benefit Estinating," prepared for U.S. Arny Corps of Engineers, May L977. A-Weighted Sound Level @ 15 m (50 fr) - dBa 4-5 4.L.6.2 Anbient Sound Levels During Construction The anbienE sound leveis at each measurement iocation rrere esEitraEed fron the summation of the construction sound 1evel contributions and the background ambient sound leveLs. Table 4.1-2 presents the estimated arnbient sound levels during construction at the eight Eeasurenent loca- tions used to obtain the background anbient sound. struction schedule was assumed. A 15-hour/day con- AUBIENT SOUND LEVELS PLANT, TAILING TABLE 4.1.2 DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROCESSING CELLS, AM SLURRY PIPELINE - dB Location Background Ambient Sound Levels ConsEruction Anbient Sound Levels Change in Anbient Sound Levels I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 La 56.5 56.7 45 .8 45.8 35.3 47 .8 42.8 48.3 Ln 45.4 47.1 39.2 39.9 35. I 43.t 27 .7 4 r.0 L.dn 56 .9 56.9 47.4 48.2 4l .5 30.6 4t.5 49.5 La 5 6.5 56.9 50.0 47.3 46.7 47 .8 42.8 48.3 Ln 46.4 47.t 39.2 39.9 35.1 43.L 27 .7 41.0 L.ctn 56.5 57 .0 56.2 42.4 46.2 50. 6 41.5 49.5 ta 0 0 L4 I 11 0 0 0 Lr, 'u'00 00 0 11 00 05 00 00 00 Iupact Assessment Using the baseline data obtained from the ambient sound survey and the estimated sound level contributions due to construction of the mill and tailing cetls, the inpact on the local noise environment has been evaluated. No 1ocal" noise ordinances have been adopted by the county of San Juan or the nearby city of Blanding. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated information that indi- cates ambient sound leveLs belo, Ldr, - 55 dB do not degrade public health and welfare. At no place along the boundary line of the proposed project site will the anbient level increase above Ldo = 55 dB during 4-7 the construction phase. Furthermore, no increase in ambient sound 1evel is estiurated for the noise sensiLive areas of Bianding and White Mesa (Locations 1 and 4). 4.2 II'IPACTS ON IITE ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT 4.2.L Aquatic Biota Since Ehe only streams in the project vieinity are in the canyons to the west and east of the project siEe and since those sireans are ephem- eral no measurable impacts to a{uatic biota are expected. The one stock pond to be destroyed provides water and associated vegetation for song bird and some mammal use. There are no streams or stock ponds aE the Hanksville site. 4.2.2 TerresErial Biota 4.2.2"L Vegeiation Preparation of the ni11 site will necessitate removal of 5 acres of reseeded grassland, 23 acres of distr-rrbed vegetation, 2 acres of Tamarix-Sa1ix vegetaEion associated with the stockpond and 31 acres of controlled sagebrush. None of these communities is part of Ehe climax vegetation. They have been disturbed to varying degrees by either chaining, plowing, reseeding or fluctuating water levels. In the preparation of the tailing retention area, 33 acres of climax Big Sagebrush,119 acres of disturbed reseeded grasslanC and 97 acres of controlled sagebrush will be removed. During construction, approxiuately 40 Lbs/acre/month oi suspended particulates will be emitted into the air by construction acEivities including traffic (see Section 2.7). These particuLates, 'rill eventually settle out and be deposited in part on the surrounding vegeEaEion. Generally, dust settling out onto vegetaEion will adversely affect photosyneEhesis and reduce the vigor of the vegetation. the direction and disposition rate of suspended particulates will vary temporally and spatially and cannot be estinated. However, since the prevailing wind direction is N-NW and the highest wind speeds occur during March, April and }(ay, the disposition wiIl probably occur south-southeast of the site over a wide area nostly dominated by Pinyon-Juniper woodland. Since the highest wind speeds occur during the beginning of the growing season reduced vigor due to dust settling onto vegetation would be less than if lower wind speed and greater disposition occurred during this period. The degree to which photosynthetic ectivity and vigor of vegetation would be reduced cannot be assessed. Wildlife Wildlife in the project vicinity would be affected by site prepar- ation and ni11 construction. Loss of 310 acres of habitat, increased human activity, traffic, noise and effluent contamination would be the raajor causes of impacts. There rnay be increased roadkills of sna11 mammals (uainly lagonorphs) and deer on Highway 153 during the con- strucEion period. Roadkills are both beneficial and detrimental to scavengers ( see Section 5 .5. 1.2) . Amphibians Some anphibian habitat may be lost by construction of the mi11. Burrows of the fossorial GreaE Basin Spadefoot rnay be destroyed. Any rodent burrows used by Tiger Salamanders and Woodhousets Toads for over-wintering wil-1 be destroyed. Quantification of this potential inpact is not possible because the only amphibian seen in baseline studies was one Tiger Salamander. Qualitatively, the lack of pe::nanent water and anphibian sightings indicates the impact would be negligibl-e. Reptiles Local popuLations of Sagebrush Lizards, Side-blotched Lizards, Short-horned Lizards, and l{estern Whiptails wil1 decline in number with the destruction of about 310 acres of habitat. Some lizards will be destroyed during construction others Eey escape into surrounding areas but the net result will be a reduction in Lizard biomass, since it is assr:med the surrounding area is at or near its lizard carrying capacity. 4-9 No snakes r{rere seen during I,Jtripsnakes are probably present habitat for hunting would be the Birds Habitat loss (including several cottonwood trees) would affect smal1 populaEions of seed-eating birds directly, and insectivorous and rap- torial birds indirectly. The large raptors now using the area for hunting and roosting would probably avoid the area during rnill con- struction due to increased human activity, traffic and noise. Based on lost acreages, Table 4.2-l indicates the maxiurum number of individuals of dominant bird species that would be affected, as cal:ulated from Emlen transect data. Mauurals Construction would eliminate a total of about 310 acres of roCent and lagourorph habitat. Deer Mice, I'JhiEetail Antelope squirrels, grd Kangaroo Rats, and silky Pocket Mice would be most affected. A few cottontails and Blacktail Jackrabbits would be destroyed or displaced. Table 4.2'2 attemPts to quantify the iurpact for some species of rodents. Numbers in Table 4.2-2 were calcrrlated from live-trapping data. 1\,ro major impacts on mamuals during mi11 construction would be: the loss of habitat and increaseC deer roadkills in the winter along Highway 47. Deer migrate on and near the project siie when moving from cottonwood creek to Murphy poiot. Roadkills could be reduced if employees and ore E.ruck drivers rrere made aware of the problem and its solution. Deer are blinded at nighE by vehicle headlighEs. [fhen a deer is seen on or near the roadr i simultaneous reducEion in speed and momentary turning off of the headlights will ahaost always prevenE a roadk i 1 1. The loss of 161 acres of controlled sagebrush and Big Sagebrush habitat could conceivably adversely affect the local wintering deer herd. The Uteh Division of Wildlife Resources stated 595.2 acres of sage-grass, field work but Gopher Snakes and Striped in the area. Loss of about 310 acres of primary inpact affecting snakes. 4-1 0 TABLE t+.2*1 NI]MBER OF BIRDS OCCURRII{G REUOVED FROM PRODUCTION MA'(IMI'M SEASONAL IN HABITAT TO BE MiLI Site (51 acres) Horned Lark Western Meadovlark Lark Sparrow Brewert s Sparrow Mourning Dove Conmon Crow Green-tailed Towhee Black-bil-ied Magpie House Finch American Goldfinch Mountain Bluebird Tailing Re:ention Area (249 acres) Horned Lark Western Meadowlark Lark Sparrow Brewerr s Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Sage Sparrow BIack-throated Sparrow Mourning Dove Brewerr s BlackbirC Loggerhead Shrike American Kestrel 60 t2 L2 29 1 I I 3 6 22 1 55 59 44 65 12 31 19 9 22 9 3 4-1 I if only in average condition, would support 49 head of deer during a winter period (Personal Communication, Mr. Larry J. Wilson, Supervisor Southeastern Region, JuLy 27, L977). Therefore, 128 acres of controlled sagebrush and 33 acres of Big Sagebrush habitat would support about 1l deer, assuuing that these aereages are equivalent to 130 of sage-grass habitat. The assumption leading to the 13O-acre figure is that con- trolled sagebrush supplies half as much forage as sage-grass habitat and Big Sagebrush supplies twice as much forage as sage-gress habitat. It is not known whether the habitat loss will result in deer casualities or thinner deer. This distinction is importanE because in the long term any doe casualties must be considered a cumulative inpact, since most healthy does would have had Ewins the next spring. TABLE 4.2-2 MINI}IW NU,IBER OF RODENTS SUPPORTED BY ITABITAT TO BE REMOVED FROM PRODUCTION Mi1l Site (61 acres) Deer Mouse Silky Pocket Mouse Tailing RetenEion Area Deer Mouse Silky Pocket Mouse Northern Grasshopper 44 69 (249 acres) 221 59Mouse 31 4.3 IMPACTS ON THE SOCIOECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 4.3.1 Population Construction of the proposed uranium mil1 would begin in February L979 and would reguire one year. The construction work crew would consisE of 25 people initially, and would escalate to a peak of 250 by August 1979. Ttre average work force employed throughouE Ehe l2-month construction period would be 175. Population inpacts associated with the proposed development would stem from the need to inport workers for jobs not filled by the local 4-12 labor supply. Based on the results of a 1975 survey of major con- struction projeccs in seven western states, iE can be assumed that approximately 60 Percent of the Energy Fuels construction work force would be inported into the region (Mountain l{est Research , lg75). Sixty percent inportation would result in an initial influx of 15 workers in February rg7g, which wourd increase steadily until August, when peak employment would bring 150 construction workers to the Blanding area. The average work force of L75 would generate an average influx of 105 workers throughout the l2-month construction phase. Table 4.3-l summarizes projected ernployment for each month of the construction phase and the number of in-migrating workers associated with irnportation of 60 percent of the work force. Some of the newconer construction workers nay elect to bring their families for the duration of construction activities. Others tray be weekday residents only, commuting to their permanent residences on weekends. The total population increment, including imported workers, spouses and children, would represent a temporary population impact experienced by the Blanding area for no nore than one year. Table 4.3-2 summarizes the population growth potentially induced by mi11 construction and indicates that, during the 3-month period of peak activity, up to 341 Persons may be added to the local resident population base; an influx of 239 would represent the 12-Donth average. Blanding, located approximately 6 miles north of the uill site, is closer than any other community and thus would receive the greatest share of project-induced population irnpacts. Monticello is almost 29 miles north of the niII site and Bluff is approxiurately I9.5 miles to the south. Monticello and Bluff can also be expected to absorb some of the short-term growth induced by construction activities. The distribution of newcomers between Blanding, Monticello and Bluff would depend on a number of factors, including proximity to the ni11 site, the relative availability of rental housing or mobile home spaces 4-t3 TABLE 4.3-1 CONSTRUCTION WORK FORCE REQUIREMENTS Tiue frame Average tsor.r""", b6oz br""a Research Emplo,'menta 25 75 150 225 225 225 250 250 250 225 150 50 tneorted workers (692)b February 1979 March April May June July Augus t Septernber October November December January 1980 175 Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. on Construction l{orker Profile,(see text). t5 45 90 135 135 135 150 150 150 135 90 30 105 by Mountain West 6-t4 TABLE 4.3-2 POPIILATION INCREMENr ASSOCIATED WITH PROJECT CONSTRUCTIONA Tota1 Enploynent Imported l{orkers Population Associatedwith Inported Workers: Single workers Married-fanily absent I'larried-f anily PreEent Spouses Children Total Population Influx aBasic Employnent figures brrrlaipliers are based on West Research (1975). supplied by Energy Fuels the Construction Worker 37 40 73 73 118 341 Iac. by Mountain lI"::&]1ssb 602 Init ial I{ork Force(reb.1979) 25 15 Average lJork Force 175 105 26 28 5I 51 83 239 Nuc lear , Peak lJork Force(Aug.-Oct.1979) ?50 150 24.6% 26.5% 48.92 48.92 78.97" 4 4 7 7 l2 34 Profile, 4-15 and the quality of public facilities and commercial services in each tovn, and the personal preferences of the work force members. Conven- tional housing for rent is almost completely lacking in Blanding, Monticello and Bluff, and the situation is not expected to improve significantly by 1979. The quantity of mobile home accommodations is coraparable in each community. In terms of public and commercial services, BIuff would offer the least to prospecEive residents, due to its snall size. One particular factor which may atErect newcomers to Monticello is its relatively liberal liquor control policy. Monticetlo has three resEaurants or clubs which serve liqucr. In contrast, Blanding is a "dry" town and Bluff has beer only (Verbal Communication, Manager, Utah Liquor Control Co"r-ission, Monticello outlet, November 3, L977). Table 4.3-3 summarizas the anticipated population increment i.nduced by mi11 construction compared to the present and projected populat.ion of San Juan County and the cornbined population of Blanding, Monticello and B1uff. Due to the consideratioas presented above, iE would be speculative and misleading to predict Ehe proportion of newccmers who would Bove into each of three impact .courmunities . Ilowever, i t can be assumed that a majority would live in Blanding, and that llonticello and Bluff would also experience grcwth Curing the mi11 construction phase. The population increment associated with consEructi.on activities would represent less than three percent of the total county population in 1979. The impact on each cornmunity would be rnore noticeable; induced population growth would represenE from 5 to 5.4 percent of the combined population of Blanding, llonticello and Bluff. The inopact on Blanding may be significanc. If all newcomers erere to locaEe in Blanding, the toirn would experience as much as a 10 percent increase in population. As noted above, however, it is unlilcely that Blanding would receive 100 Fercent of the projecE-induceC popuiation infiux. 4.3.2 Housing Although sorne construction workers may decide to remain in the Blanding area upon termination of the project, it can be assumed that TABLE 4.3-3 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION.INDUCED POPULATION GROWTH COMPARED TO 1979 POPULATIONI San Juan County Blanding }Ionticello llg.!j_ Primary Impaet Communities July 1975 Population JuLy I977 Population 1979 Population, Assuming: a. Continuation of 1975-1977 Growth Rates b. t'High" growth rate projected for San Juan County by the Utah Agricultural ExperimenE Station.(cities are assumed to grow in direct proportion to the county. ) Population Assogiated with lli11 Cons truc tion: ' a. Initial (February 1979) b. Average c. Peak (AugusE-October 1979) Peak Project-Induced Population (341) as a Percentage of 1979 Population Base, Assuming: a. Continuation of 1975-1977 Growth Rates b. High Growth Projection 11,964 2,768 1,726 15013,368 3,075 2,208 290 14 ,940 3 ,420 2,830 520 15,270 3,510 2,520 320 34 239 34L 2.3"4 2.22 Combined Total of Three 4,644 5,563 6,760 6 ,350 5.02 5.4"1 5 I o\ 1inlant spaces indicaEe no applicable data'Assumes ImportaEion of 60 percent of the work force. Source: 1975 Population, U.S. Bureau of Census, 1977 1977 Population, San Juan County Clerk, 19771979(b): Utah Agricultural Experiment Station , 1976 4-t7 rnost newcomers til1 leave upon completion of the mi11, in January 19S0. Ihe temporary nature of construction employment suggests that most or all nelrcolllers would desire short-tern, rental housing. However, conventional housing for rent is almost nonexistent in Blanding, Monticellc and Bluff. Current construction plans call for the addition of 16 apartment units Per year in Blanding; no other rental unit construction is anticipated. It is assumed, therefore, that nobile houres would acconmodate the najor- ity of incoruing project personnel during the construction phase. Managers of nobile hone parks queried in Noveuber 1977 in regard Blanding, Monticello and Bluff 'sere current and projected vacancies and 1n to plans for expansion. the results, summarized in Tabl.e 4.3-4, indicate that between 52 and 57 mobile home spaces should be available in January 7979. In addition, as many as 30 spaces nay be available in a ilonticello mobile home park, and three parks have land availabte for expansion. Peak emplo]rnent would occur from August to October and would induce an influx of approximately 150 workers, 73 of whom nay be accoupanied by dependents. Many single workers and married workers without their fanilies presenE can be expected to share living acconmodations, due to the scarcity of tenporary housing. It can be assuned, therefore, thet a minimum of 99 housing units would be needed during the peak period of construction activity (i.e., 73 units for fanilies and between 25 and 39 uniEs for the remaining 77 workers). From May to July and in November, employment of 225 workers would result in an influx of 135, which is siightly tess than the peak. The estiurated housing need for this work force would be a minimum of 89 units (i.e., 66 for families and frou 23 to 35 for single and married workers without fanilies). Table 4.3-5 summarizes the esEimaEed Lg79 housing supply and the project-induced demand. The data indicate that, from May to Noveuber 1979, houses and apartments for rent and mobile home spaces in Ehe three impact communities would be fully occupied. Motels would be used to 4- 18 TABLE 4.3-4 PROJECTED EXCESS CAPACITY NOVEMBER 1977 CURRENT AND Blanding: Kamppark Palmers Monticello: Rowley' s l{es t ern er Bluff: Trail's End Coral Sands OF MOBILE HOME PARKS Plans for Expansion by 1979 Adding l0-12 spaces(reflected in 1979 project ion) No plans No definite plans; however, there is land available for expansion No definite plans; available land woul-d a1low for an additional 15 spaces Vacanciesa 4-5 Proj ected Available Spaces Jan. L979 35-37 0 4-5 Inpos s ibleto predict, may be as high as 30 1I L,t- L+ 25 30 11 No definite plans I5.5 acres are availablefor expansion Plan to add 12-14 new spaces (reflected in 1979 projection) alndicates spaces not fil1ed by perroanent residents. Source: San Juan County Travel Council, and verbal coumunications with thefollowing: Rowleyrs Trailer Court, October 27, 1977; Mrs. Pahoer, Palmerrs Trail.er Court, October 27, 1977; Ruth Chase, WesternerTrailer Court, November 3, 1977; Dale Barknan, Trailrs End Trailer Park, November 3, L977; Carol thayne, Kauppark, November 3, 1977; Mrs. McCleery, Coral Sands Trailer Court, November 3, 1977 TABLE 4.3-5 ESTIMATED HOUSING SUPPLY, 1979 AND PROJECT-INDUCED DEMAND Housing Demanded by Project l.Iorkers Hous ing Srrpply, 1979 Peak Activity (August-October 1979) High RaEes ofActivity (ttay- Jrrly and November t979) Blanding Mont ice 1 1o Blu ff Total Possible Unirs Avai-labi.e 150 135 Apartment Units 16 new units to be constructed in 1978 and 1979 Units Needed for Single and l,Iarried Workers Without Families Present (2-3 workersper unit) 26-39 23-35 llobi.le Home Spaces 35-37 /+-5 probable 30 possible Plus room for expansionin 2 trailer courts 23-25 probable PIus land available for expansion in one traiter court Total Housing Units Demanded 99-rL2 89- l0l Toral Possible Units 5 1-53 34-35 23-25 Total Newcouers Fami I ies(l unit per fami 1y ) 73 66 rIH\o 92-97 108-l 13 4-20 accommodate Potential overflows, particularly fron August until October, with the result that sr:mmertime tourists may encounter difficulty in obtaining lodging. Overcrowded conditions would endure until November 1979, when construction enplolment would begin to decline. By February 1980 construction activity is expected to terminate, and most temporary residents will have left the area. 4.3.3 Public Service Delivery Systems Construction of the proposed rnill would result in increased road maintenance costs that would be borne prinarily by the state of Ut.ah. In addition, population growth resulting from construction activity would result in greater useage of public services provided by San Juan County. Health care, mental health, pubLic safety and recreational services would experience sone increased demand. However, the temporary nature of construction-induced population growth suggests that increased expendi- tures by the county to accomodate demand would be ninimal. Blanding, Monticello and Bluff, the focal points of construction- induced population growth, will be faced with noticeable increases in demand for public services with or without the construction of the Energy Fuels uranium mi11, as the proposed project is only one of a number of sources of future growth. rn 1979, the temporary population growth generated by the project would represent an increment of 5 percent of the combined population of the three towns. LIater Local officials and developers have indicated that water supply is the major constraint to growth in San Juan County. The cities of Blanding and Monticello are expanding their water supply systems and officials of both towns have asserted that we1ls will be drilled on an I'as-needed" basis and will be able to keep up with increasing demand. Ihe water supply of Bluff comes from three wells. The maxiuum population that can be served by the existing system is 500, and additional wells can be drilled if necessary. If Bluff continues to groy at the rate sustained since L975, new wells will be necessary to accommodate the 4-2L population by I979, with or withoui mi11 construction. Population growth resulting frorn milL construct.ion will add to the deoand exerted on loca1 water supplies but shoutd not, in itself, necessitate increased well dri1ling. Sewage Treatment The selrage treatment lagoon serving Blanding will be upgraded by 1981, and will then have capacity for a population of 4,500. In the interim, overflow from the lagoon is used to irrigate adjacent property, and selrage reportedly does not pollute local drainage systems (Verbal Coumunication, Mr. Bud Nielson, OcEober L2, L977). In this uanne:, any increase in use will be accommodated by Ehe existing system. The seqrage treatment plant oi Monticello is being replaced by a new system which, by L979, vill have capacity for serving 4,000 to 5,000 residents. According to growth projections outlined in Table 2.2-6, Monticello will have less than 3,000 residents by 1979. Iherefore, the project-induced population would not place excessive burdens on the Monticello system. Bluff does not have a sewage treatment system. New septic tanks are planned for one trailer court expansion. Schools Due to the short time frame of construction activiEies, it is expected that Eost inported workers would not bring their fanilies. According to nulEipliers reported in the Construction Worker Pro!!le, .up to 48.9 percent of the imported menbers of the work force may be accoltr- panied by school-age children. During peak periods of activity this would represent 118 children, which would constitute an increment of fi.ve percenE of the courbined 1977 enroliments of Blanding, Monticello anC Bluff schools. During peak periods of consEruction activityr atr influx of 118 children would represent an addition of five percent to the !977 4-22 enrollment of schools in Blanding, Monticello and B1uff. In 1977, all of these schools except the high scirool had excess capacity. By AugusE 1978, a new high school will be completed which will relieve overcrowding in San Juan l{igh School. It should be noted that the impact caused by ni11 construction would be tenporary; by February I980 tenporary con- struetion worker fanilies would leave the area. uti liries The natural gas supply to Monticello would not be burdened by the projecE-induced population; the supply situation in November 1977 was good. Blanding and Bluff do not have natural gas service. Electrical supplies in Blanding and Bluff are capable of withstanding increased use, although the Monticello eLectrical distribution systen may be overloaded by any significant increase in demand (see Section for detail.s). 4.3.4 Economic Base Construction of the proposed uraniuu uril1 would stimulate Ehe economic base of San Juan County through wage disbursements and the procurement of supplies and equipment. It is projected that construction cosEs would anount to $38 nillion. Of this total, approxinately $Z rnillion would represent wage pa)ments to the construction work force. A significant proportion of this income would be injected directly into the loca1 econony in the forn of food, housing and other personal consumption expenditures. in addition, regional centers of commercial activity, including !1oab, Cottez and Grand Junction, would experience in- creased spending for goods and services. Ihis inerement would represent a smaller proportion of total spending and hence a less noticeable impact in the larger cities than in Blanding, Monticello and Bluff. Based on nationwide expenditure patterns recorded in L977 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the construction work force can be expected to devote approximately 36 percent of its income to personal consumption expenditures. This would result in the injection of approxinately $2.5 uillion into locaL and regional econouies during the 12-month con- sEruction phase. 4-23 The procurenent of supplies and equipment during the construcEion phase would stimulate regional, state and national economies. Table 4.3-6 summarizes anticipated expenditures an<i their region of impact. 4.3.5 Taxes The construction of the proposed rnill would add tc federal, stete and local tax revenue through wage and salary paynenEs to the con- struction work force. Personal income tax obligations representing approxinately 19 percent of total income would anount to $1.3 million during the l2-noath consEruction phase and would benefit the state and federal goverilnents (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1977). In addi- tion, a sales tax of 5 percent would be applied to personal consumption expenditures in Utah (Verbal Comurunication, Mr. RoberE Cooper, Utah State Tax Connission, December 9, L977). Assuming that the bulk of expendi- tures of the construction work force would occur in San Juan CounEy, it can be deduced that sales tax revenue would amount to $125,000 (0.05 tiraes $2.5 nillion in local expenditures). 0f this total, $112r500 would benefit the State and $12r500 would be contribuEed to San Juan County (Verbal CommunicaLion, Mr. Robert Cooper, December 9, L977). 4.3.6 Quality of Life Cornnunities of southeastern Utah have traditionally been smali and close-knit, with social life revolving around the predominant reli- gion, the Church of Jesus Christ of LaEter Day Saints (lnS). Fanily life, educaEional attainmenE and marriage within Ehe church af,e empha- sized. Also, rural tDS communities generally have low rates of crime (l,Iestinghouse Environment,al Systems DeparEment, L977). Newcomers among the construction work force rnay be perceived by long-term residents as a negative, disrupEive inftuence. However, Blanding, l'lonEicel1o and Bluff have experienced high rates of growth since 1975 and will continue to do so in the future. By February 1979 locaI residents shoul<i be accustomed to growth and change, and this would help to soften perceived disruption of community cohesion and iifestyle during the mi11 consLruction phase. 4-24 TABLE 4.3-5 SI]MMARY OF UILL CONSTRUCTION COSTS(1977 Dollars) I{age Paynents - Tocal Personal consurnption expenditures (367") $2,520,000 Equipnent and Supplies - Total Southeastern Utah (102) orher parrs of Utah (502) our of srare (rc.lz) Indirect Costs - Total Total Cost During Constructiona alncludes copper and vanadiun circuits Source: Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. $l ,900,000 $9,000, 000 $7 , 2o0, ooo $ 7,o00,ooo $ I 8, 000, 000 $l3,ooo,ooo $38,000,000 4-25 The influx of up to 150 consEruction workers would create crowded housing conditions and a rapid increase in demand for local goods and services. Local businesses would benefit from increased spending flows but some inflation can be expected, which would have a negative impact on the long-tine residents who are directly or indirectly involved in the proposed project. The poor and those living on fixed incomes would be particularly hard-hit. Balanced against this adverse impacE would be an increase in euplbynent opportunities for local residents, who are expected to account for at leasE 40 percent of the construction work force. 4.3.7 Land Use Impacts Construction of the proposed rnil1 and tailing retention facility would co.-it approximately 310 acres of rangeland for the durati.on of Ehe operaEing life of the mi11, expected Eo be I5 years. Construction acEivity would also add Eo traffic levels on Route 163, thereby creating iucreased noise and dust. Because the area south of Blanding is devoid of residential d,evelopment, transportation impacts in the irrnediate project vicinity would not be noticeable. Blanding residents, however, may be affected by increased traffic due to trucks and increased popu- lation. Secondary, short-term impacts on land use would steu from the temporary influx of constructioo workers. The increased use of nobile horues would be lhe most noticeable impact on Local land use patterns. 4.3.8 Historical and Archaeological Sites The historical tanduark closest to the proposed mill site is Ehe Edge of Cedars Indian Ruin, located in Blanding. This site and others listed in the National Register of Historic Places should not be ad- verseLy inpacted by project construction. Where Ehe proposed project will affect significant archaeological resources, Energy Fuels will pernit such resources to be examined and/or excavated. 4.4 RESOURCES COMMITTED l{o commercial deposits of on the project site that would proposed project. 4-26 oil, coai or minerai are be irretrievably lost as known to occur a result of the It is anticipated that all of the approximate 3l0-acre area con- mitted to the proposed project will be reclaimed as wildlife habitat and livestock range. Thus, the urill site would not represent an irreEriev- able loss of resources. Site preparation would temporarily destroy witdlife habitat for the duration of the project, and animals in these habitats would be displaced or destroyed. However, reduction in the animal populations on the project site probably would not be an irretrievable com.itment o! the animal resources in the region. Other resources that would be required during construction of the project include electricity, construction Eaterials and fossil fuels. However, the amounts of these materials are insignificant. 5-1 5.0 ENVIRON},IENTAL EFFECTS OF MILL CPERATIONS 5.1 RADTOLOGICAL IMPACT ON BIOTA OTHER THAN MAN In evaluating the iarpact of radioactivity discharged in trace anounts in the effluent,s from a uranium mill, it is necessary to eonsider if such discharges: (1) can be directly harmful to life forns in the area upon isruediate exposure, (2) can be harnful to organisus if accumu- lated over a life span, and (3) can be accumulated and concentrated by species which form part of the food chain for oEher species (including uan). Analysis of the radiological effects of the proposed projeet on bioEa in Ehe vicinity, as detailed in the foLlowing sections, agrees with the experience at other uraniua nills. Under norual operaEion the net effect of the gaseous and parEiculate releases, from the ni11 anC tailing retention system will not significantly increase the anount of radiaEion to which biota in the vicinity are subjected. the concentra- tions of radionuclides in the environmenE frou mi1l effluents would be a sma1l percent of che coacentrati.ons indicated in Appendix B of 1.0CFR 20. Thtr.sr no direct radiological effect on the biota, either of an inmediate or loog-tertr nature, vould be attributabLe to the releases fron the mill and tailing retenEicn syst,3m. In addition, because of the low radiation 1eve1s and the absence of any significant concentrating mechanisn cf these releases in the food chain, the radiological effects along this path would be niniaal. 5. 1.1 Exposure Path'rays RaCiation exposure of flora and fauna (both locat and migratory) and man could potentially occur via a nuaber of pathlrays from ni11- related activiEies. Pl-ate 5.1-1 il.lustretes some of the possible path- weys by which exposure to liuited amounts of radioact:vity could theoretically occurl Ehis diagram should cot be interpreteC as suggesting the actuaL existence of all of them, or that any one paEh wouid be continuously available. PRltclPlt TlltoRETlc[[ ExP0suRt PlTllwrYs FR0r[ illE PR0P0StD lrllt[ DATI3 8 M(O(DEI P!-ATE 5.1- l 5-3 Radionuclides can enter the enl'ironmenl in three forms: as radio- active gas, as particulate or solj-d matter, and as a dissolved rnaEerial carried by waEer. Ihe sources within the mi11 for each form are dis- cussed in Seccion 3.3. External to the mi11, radon-222 would be released as a gas from the ore storage, crushing and tailing retention area. Air5orne particulates containing uraniun would be released in small quantities from the process equipmenr vent,s and as dust from the ore pads. The particulates may be deposited on vegetation or soil, and enter the food chain through the consumption of vegetation by grazing anirnals. The area surrounding the facility is uncultivated. Exposures of higher life forms from uptake Ehrough the faod chain are expecEed Eo be negligible in view of the unculEivated nature of, the area and the small quantities of ef!luents reieased. Exposure can also occur from inhalation of the dust. However, the smal1 quantities that would be involved here are not expected to cause any measurable effects. Liquid effluenEs will not be discharged to surface water bo<iies except to the tailing ce11s. Inasmuch as the radionuclide ccncentra- Eions in Ehe liquid effluenc discharged to Ehe tailing area should be very snall and the tailing cells are designed for the total contain- ment of liquid effluents (see SecEion 5.2.2), the pctenEial pathway Eo biota and man through liquid effluents would require that aniraals enter or drink the tailing w8E€ro The tailing retention area will be fenced and, thus, potential exposure of Larg,e wildlife species and li.vestock .ri11 be mirinized. 5.1.2 Radioactivity in the Environment Details of the uilI circuit incJ.uding a description of means for minimizing releases of raCioactivit'r and est.imates of release rates, are presented in Sections 3.3 and 3.4. In Sections 5.2.3, 5.2.4, and 5.2.5 , a conservative rrworst case" esi,iraate of 6iiriu61 deposit.ion of uraniurn isotopes aa.l Eheir daughter products over the the impact on man mental Protection 5-4 anticipated operational life of are presented. These are based Agency's AIREM computer code (see the facility, and upon the Environ- Section Table 5'1-1, which is taken from computer printouts given in TablesI through 53 of Appendix E presents the maximum dry deposited activity.This maxinun is expected to occur at the southern sector at g05 Eeters and 1,609 meters after one year of continuous release for all long-livedisotopes considered part of the source term from the mi11 site. Alsoincluded is the maximum dry deposited activity at the project areaboundaries which is estinated to occur at the southern sector at adistance of 1,082 meters. rn order to convert these depos ited act ivities Lo figures thatcan be compared with environmental radioactivity measurements, the 'reffective surface density'r of soil quoted by u.s. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 of 240 kglr2 rdas used. wirh this figure, the calculared maximum deposition rates (see Table 5.1-I) of 22gg pCi/rn2 and 1343pCi/-Z for U-238 correspond to 9.55 pci/kg and 5.60 pCi/kg, respecrively, and the rates 111 pci/a2 and 65 pci/a2 for Ra-226 correspond to 0.40pci/kg and 0.27 pci/kg, respectively. The measured background levels for u-238 and Ra-226 in the soil are 0.43 pci/g and 0.51 pci/g, respecrively(see section 2.9). Thus, these depositions would increase the backgroundlevels for u-238 by 2.3 percent and 1.3 percent at 805 meters and at theproject area boundary, respectively; Ra-22G would increase by 0.1 percentand 0.05 percent at 805 meters and at the project area boundary, respect ively. Deposition of uraniurn-238 on vegetation at the indicated rnaximuro depos ition area r{ras estimated as fo1lows. Thre deposition rate from Table 5.1-1 at 805 Eoerers would be 22gg pCi/az. Ihis is the deposirion that would be due to one yearts release. During this period there wourdbe continuous deposition, immediate retention by vegetation, and decaydue to the rerention half-life of the vegetation. The equilibriumconcentration (ce) under these conditions is given by the formula: 5-5 TABLE 5.1.1 MAXIMUM ACTIVITY DENSITY DRY DEPOSITION.MILL EFFLUENT SOUTHERN SECTOR ( p rcocunrrs/unrrn2 ) Project Site Boundary ( 1082m)I 609mIsotope u-238 u-234 Th-230 Ra-226 Pb-210 Po-210 805m 2288 2288 22L 111 108 39 1343 1343 130 65 63 23 705 705 58 34 33 l2 e = 2288 . (Rc/T) . 5-6 T exp(- t)dt = z2g| . R /( T) where T is the period involved, which is one year; R" is the imnedi, ate retention coefficient which rras assuued to be 0.3, and is the decay constant of retention which lras calculated from the assumed retention half-Iife of 15 days. This calculation yields 40.7g pcila2 as Ehe equiLibrium concentration of U-238 at the maximum deposition point. The corresponding figure for rad.ium-226 is I.97 pcila2. Ihe foregoing evaLuation indicates that deposition of anticipated dust eoissions will not cause measurable increases in offsite radio- activity leveLs above background. since it is not planned to discharge liquid rraste frorn the ni11 receiving water bodies, no buildup of rai11 effluent radionuctides surface lrater bodies is anticipated. 5.1.3 Effecr on Biota concentrations of radionucl.ides ere reduced with every transfer, as when transierred from soil to plants, when plants are consumed by animals and when animal ldastes return to the soil. Concentrations are also reduced by atmospheric diffusion, soil dispersion and diffusion, and by the rnovement of animals. As a result, radioactive material -added to the environment will not accumulate but will become diluted and dispersed into a much wider area, becoming undetectable within short distances from the ui11. Consequently, because of this dilution and because of Ehe lov leve1s of radioactivity that wouLd be deposited by particulates associated with the rnillts ralr naterials, processes, and product, no single source of input is considered sufficient to produce a detectable detrinental effect upon any of the organisms normally found in the vicinity. to in 5.2 RADIOLOGICAI IMPACT ON UAN Man is exposed in varying degrees, depending upon and location, to sources of radiation found in nature. his activities For example, 5-7 cosmic radiaEion entering the earEhrs atmosphere and crusE is a natural radiation source. 0ther natural radiation sources affecting man are the radioacEive elements found in the earthrs crust, such as uranium and thorium and their decay products including radium and radon. I{hile all the naEurally occurring radionuclides contribute tc internal radiation, only a few are founC to be of measurable signifi- cance. Among Ehese are radiuu and its daughEer radon which are released to varying extents during uranium milling operations. Radon concentra- tions vary due to atmospheric and soil conditions as well as on a d:lurrral and seasonal basis. IE is known thaE population doses attributable to t.he uranium rnilling industr;r are relacively 1ow because these mills are located in very remote and sparsely popuLated areas and because waste treatmenf and retention systems are employed during operations. htrile uraniurn milling activities conEribute Eo the content of radioacEive material in the environment, population doses frorn this source cannot be dis- tinquished from background radiation which, in the State of Utah, is an annual whole body dose of approximately 180 mrem per person (EPA-520/1-76-010) . 5.2.1 Exposure Pathways Man can be expcsed to radionucliCes vi,r the pathways described in Section 5.I.1 as Ehe final consumer in the fcod web or by direct, exposure to gaseous or particulate airborne effluents. However, since the quantities of radionuclides released would be so sma11 and the dispersion distance signiEicant to any resi<iences or concentrations of people, none of these pathways will resuLt in measurable exposures. Exposure via gaseous aad iiquid effluents is discussed frrriher in the following sections. 5.2.2 Liquid Effluents There will be no liquid effluents discharged to surface',iaters. A11 liquid effluents will be impounded in Ehe tailing retenticn systen 5-8 which is designed to totally contain these effl,uents. Ihis will be accomplished through an inperricus lincr at the boiton of the cells. The cel1 area is designed to be sufficient to achieve evaporation of the toEal liquid effluents. In the event, however unlikely, that the liner integrity is violated there could be seepage into the strata below the tail.ing area. This seePage could carry some radionuclides dissolved in water depending on the chemical conditions and solubility of the radionuclides. Ihe depth to the ground water from the botton of the cells will be approximately 75 feet. The stratum is mainly sandstone with some interbedded clay whose primary permeability is negligible, and whose secondary permeability is estimated to be about 5 feet/yr. It i-s Iikely Ehat the tiny fissures and cracks that constitute this secondary perraeability contain uraterial deposited over the ages that is likely to enhance the radionuclide retardation capability of Ehe stratum. For example if the retardation coefficient lrere 10, (retardation coefficients for western U.S. desert soil, mostly sand, have been quored IBNWL-I900J as 14,3oo for u-23g and 500 for Ra-226 which are quite normal for these radionuclides) than the radionuclides would move 10 tirnes slower than srater. In addition, it is 1ikely that the clay material in the tailing would seal these tiny fissures and cracks preventing further migration of water, and as a consequence, radionuclides. 5.2"3 Airborne Effluents The calculated retease rates of airborne effluents that wouLd result from the ore storage area, ore grinding operation, yellowcake drying and packaging operaiion, and tailing retention area !ilere calculated in Section 3.3.2 and are sumrnarized in Table 5,2-1. The data base utilized in addition to these source terms, and the calculational procedures, are outlined in the next two sections. Data Base Meteorological wind frequency distributions ineluding pasquil- lized hourly surface data were obtained from the readings taken during 5-9 TABLE 5.?-I SUMI'IARY OF RELEASE RATES Source Mi 11 Tailing Rn-222 Ci/yr u-238 mci/yl 45.5 b rJ-234 rnCi/yr 45.5 Th-230 r,ci-/.yr 4.4 Ra-226E Daughters mCL/yr 2.2128 g0a aNot continuous. Release is due Lo prior to stabitization for each of b--- = insignificant release leve1s intentioaal drying of taiiing three areas. 5-l 0 1970-1974 at the Blandings National lieather Service Station (see Section 2.7.2) Summaries of the data are provided in Appendix C. occurrences of calm conditions have been distributed in the 0-3 niles per hour wind speed class categories based upon the number of observations in the 0-3 and 4-6 niles per hour categories. These data, tabulated in accordance with the standard U.S, Department of Commerce format, were changed to conform to the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide L.23 format for the conputer analys is. A population wheel with a radius of 7 miles (ff km) was deter- roined fron the project site in order to include the town of Blanding, the nearest significar.t population. Specific population figures were used wherever possible, otherwise conservative estimates obtained frou an average rural density were used. Radiological Diffusion Analysis Estimates of individual whole body lung, bone and kidney organ dose comuitments at annular ring centerline distance from 0.5 ni (804 n) out to 6.5 ni (10,458 u) from rhe nill are presented in Appendix E. These calculations, based upon ueteorological data from the weather station, were uade using a seui-infinite cloud uodel with effluent concent,rations per unit emission (x/Q) data. Ttre computer printouts with the results in exponential notation are to be found Tables 13 to 29 of Appendix E. A11 calculations represent 50-year dose commitments, in conform- ity with the output of the EPA progran, ArREu, which was use<i to deter- mine dose commitrnents. The 50-year dose conmitment is a concentration tine integral that prevailed during a particular tine interval. Ihis views radioactive atnospheric contamination as a one year episode or period of exPosure and the resultant 50-year dose resulting from the radionuclides as they are elininated from the body through radioactive decay as well as biological elinination. The 50-year dose commitment is most correctly reported as a ltrrerD dose rather than a dose rate such as mrem Per year. (A uren is an abbreviation for milli roent.gen equivalent 5-1 1 man. A mrem is l/1r000 of a rem, the quantity of radiaEion producing a biological effect, on man, which is equivalenE Eo Ehat resulting from absorption of one roenEgen of gamma or x-radiaEion.) AIREM3 is a compuier code usefut for the calculation of doses to the general population due Eo atmospheric emissions of radionuclides. A standard sector-averaged Gaussian-diffusion equation is solved repeat- edly for each raCionuclide, wind sector, stability class, and downwind distance. Radionuclide conLributions to doses to as many as r-our crit- ical organs are summed and printed by sector and downwind distance. Population doses (naa-rem) are also calculaEed. The code sccounts for the following physical processes: cloud diffusion, ground and inversion-1id reflections, radionuclide decay by t,ime of flight, first daughter-produci buildup, ground depositian of particulates (in<iependently), cloud depletion, in-p1ant hoidup and decontamination facEors, and secEor-Eo-secEor conEributions Eo exEer- na1 gamma dose. The code is dose nodel indepeadent such that dose conversion facEors, provided as input data, are used for calcutations of dose that are proport.ional to radionuclide concenErations in the cloud. Dose conversion tables obtained from U.S. NRC Regulatory Cuide 1.109 were utilized. The idealization of the sources to point sources inlroriuces singu- larities, which result in calculations that are not reliable too near the source. This idealization cannot be avoided, and the resulEs should be interpreted accordingly (see Seetion 5.2.4, tailing area caLc'rlations). A1so, the dose co.mitmenE esti$ates presented herein are in addition to the existing baseline radioactivity 1eve1s wichin the project site. These baseline radioactiviEy levets Cue to natural sources are about.1.60 mreo/year for each person in Ehe State of Utah. 5-12 5.2.4 Dose Estirnates From Atmospheric pathways Detailed estimates of whole body and significant organ 5O-year individual dose commitments due to effluents et each sector affected and at 0.5 (0.8), 1.5 (2.4), 2.5 (4.0), 3.5 (5.6), and 4.5 rni (7.2 kn) distances are Presented in Tables 5.2-2 and 5.2-3. Ihese tables were taken frora the Eore extensive couputer printouts presented in Tab]es 13 through 29 Appendix E. Summaries of 50-year indiviCual dose co"urrit- Bents et the project boundaries due to ui11 effuents are given in Table 5.2-4. Tailing erea effluent estioates were treated in a different way than those for the ni11 effluents. rt was deemed inappropriate to approxinate the tailing area as a point source (which is the less conservative case) due to the areal extent of the tailing, the rela- tively cl.ose site boundaries, and the three stage construction. The AIREM3 program was run for the unit tailing effluent for a large number of distances, i.e., a parametric analysis was perforned, and these results \rere nunerically integrated over the tailing areas to obtain the individual doses. Table 5.2-5 gives the areally integrated tung doses from each of the tailing areas at distances measured from the approximate center of the respective areas in eight compass directions at tlro points: the edge of the respective tailing area and the project site boundary in that direct ion. Table 5.2-6 further 'su'r*arizes exposure to individuals at signi- ficant specific locations in the vicinity of the sources. 5.2.5 Population Doses From Atmospheric Pathways The 50-year dose commitments to the population for whole body and significant organs attributable to the ni11 effluents are presented in Tables 13 through 29 of Appendix E. Ttre total population 50-year dose commitment resulting from one year's release is estimated to be 0.01 man-rem (population dose) to the whole body, 1.39 nan-rem to the Iung, DISTANCE TABLE 5.2-2 INDIVIDUAI WHOLE BODY AND LUNG DOSE COMMITI{ENTS FROM MTLL SITE EFFLUENT Whole Body Individual Dose Commitments (mrem) a SECTOR EITB ESE SE SSE ssw NNW 805m 24L4m 4O23,m 5632m 724Lm DT$TANCE .L7 .02 .01 .01 <. 01 .23 .o3 .01 .01 <. 01 NNE .29 .L4 .20 .23 . 60 .67 1. 3 .25 . 15 .o4 .o2 .o3 .o3 .o9 .10 .18 .O4 .O2 .o2 .01 .01 . 01 . 04 .o4 .08 .o2 . 01 . 01 <. 01 . 01 .01 . 02 .o2 .o4 .01 <.01 . 01 <.01 <.o1 . 01 .01 .o2 .03 . 01 <.01 Lung fndirridual Dlse Commitments (mrem) a SECTOR ESB SE SSE ssw .06 .o7 .o1 .or <.01 <.oI <.01 <.01 <.01 <.ol . 09 .16 .L2 .01 .o2 ,o2 . ol_ .01 .01 <.01 <. oI <.01 <.01 <.0I <.ol (x I(, B05m 24I4m 4O23m 5632m 724'Lm L4. 2.O .86 .50 .33 19. 2.8 1.2 .70 .47 24. 3.7 r.6 .92 .62 LZ. 1.8 .79 .46 .31 L7. 2.7 t.2 .7L .48 f1 2.O .88 .52 .35 5.O .76 .33 .19 .13 6.2 .95 .4L .24 -15 7.3 1.r .45 .26 .77 19. 51. 3.2 8.4 L.4 3.7 .83 2.2 .56 1.5 108. 21. 18. 3.4 7 .9 1.5 4.7 .89 3.2 .61 59. 9.5 4.2 2.5 1.7 13 . 9.8 1.9 1. 5 ,80 .62 .46 .36 .30 .24 t50-y..r dose commitrnenEs resulting from I year release IABTEI:t!__ INDIVIDUAT BONE AND KIDNEY DOSE COMMTTMENTS rROM MILL SITE EFTLUENT Bone Indiviclual Dose Commitments (mrem)a SECTOR DISTANCE SSE ssw WNW NW 805m 24L4m 4O23m 5532m 724Lm DISTANCE 3.5 4.9 .52 .72 .20 .29 .11 .16 .o'7 .10 NNE 3.O 4.3 .46 .66 .19 .27 .10 .15 .o7 .09 13. 14. 2.O 2.3 .81 .93 .45 .52 .29 .33 6.2 .92 .37 .20 .13 4.9 .77 .31 .L7 .11 zt. 4.2 L.7 .95 .61- 5.3 .83 .34 .1.9 .7.2 1.6 .24 .09 .05 .03 1.9 .2A .11 .06 .04 3. 3 1.3 .50 .19 .20 .08 .11 .04 .o7 . 03 3.4 2.6 .48 .38 .19 .15 .10 .08 .o7 .05 UT I 5 Kidney fndividual Dose Conunitments lmrem) a ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW 805m 24L4m 4O23m 5632m 724Lm 1. O 1.3 .I4 .20 .06 .08 .03 .O4 .o2 .03 3.5 3.9 .55 .63 .22 .25 .L2 .L4 . 08 .09 7.3 1.5 t.2 .23 .47 .o9 .26 .05 .L7 .03 .89 .35 .14 .05 .05 .o2 .03 .01 .o2 .01 .44 .53 .06 .o8 . 03 .03 . 01 .o2 .01 .o1 .93 _,7L .13 .10 .05 .o4 .03 .o2 .o2 .01 r.7 .25 .10 .06 .04 .42 .13 .05 .03 .02 L.2 .18 .07 .04 .03 1.3 .21 .09 .05 .03 " s0-y"ar dose commitments resulting from I year release 5-i 5 serr 5.2_4 DOSE CON4}4ITMENTS AT PROJECT BOIJNDARIES FOR EACH SECTOR ET'FECTED }'ROM I{ILL srrE ETTLUENT a Sector >5ti S SSI'I S9I wsw w WNW NW NNW Distance (meters) 1750 L890 1170 876 800 876 1170 1170 1082 1170 2180 1690 800 876 IL70 990 Whole Body (mrem) 0.04 0. 05 0.15 0.12 o.20 0.20 0. 31 0.35 o.73 0.13 0. 02 o.02 0.08 0.08 0. 08 0. 08 Lung (mrem) 3.49 4.20 L2.32 9.87 17.15 L6.69 27.O3 30.45 64.85 11. 14 , "c 1.37 6.23 6.18 6. 51 6.71 Bone (mrem) 0.85 1.03 3.11 2.54 4.3A 4.15 6.46 7 .32 15.54 2.7A 0. 55 0.34 1. 59 1.64 1.68 L.77 Kidney (mren) 0.23 0.28 0. 85 0. 70 1.18 1.14 L.i7 2.OO 4.24 o.7 4 0.15 0.09 o.44 0. 45 o.46 0.48 N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE tso-yaat dose cormnitrnents resulting from I year release Tailing Area I Project Area Edge Boundary TABLE- 5.2-5 TNDIVIDUAL LUNG DOSE COMMITMENTS FROM TAILI}IG EFTI,UENTS .(mTem) A Tailinq Area 2 Project Area Edge Boundary tailinq Area 3 Project Area Edge BoundaryDirection E SE s sw w NW 64.7 64.9 62.6 r55.0 154.0 151.0 2L.2 63. 3 N NE 2.87 L.7L 4. OB 33.0 4t.6 4.05 4.40 54.8 54.7 55. O 52.2 L42. 141. 140. IB. 3 53. 9 2 .18 2.L3 3.78 58.9 57.6 7.55 13.9 13.6 54.7 55. O 58. 5 150. 150. L49. 18.3 53.9 1.80 2.23 3.78 130. L2L. 8.73 11.9 6. 05 (.rr I o\ t s0-y""t dose commitment resulting from I year release TABLE- 5.2-6 EXPOSURE TO INDTVTDUALS AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE MILLA Lo<:aLion Distance (meters) Whole Bodv Lung Kidney Sector (rnrem) Po.Lnt of maxi.ntum ground l6vel concentrations offsite Boundary in the direction of the lrrevailirrg wind Boundary nearest to the sources of emission Direction at which the maximum l.ung dose would be received at the bountlary Direction of nearest population center (Blantling, Utah) 1082 1082 800 1082 10458 o.73 o.73 o.20 o.73 <o. ol 64.46 64.t36 17. 15 64.46 4.27 15. 54 Is.54 4.30 15.54 o. 05 4.24 4.24 1.18 4.24 o. ol vr I{ NNE as0-year dose commitments resulting from I ye;rr release 5-1 8 0.27 man-rem Eo the bone and 0.07 man-rem to the kidney based upon the best available population wheel described in Section 5.3 EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL DISCIIARGES 5.3.I Airborne Discharges Vehicle Emissions Eraissions fron vehicles used in the milling processes and ore transPort from the BI-anding and Hanksville buying station as well as vehicles used for mi1l maintenance and service would irnpact the atnos- phere to some extent. The EPA (1975) has estiuated average emissions rates for various gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and these are presente<i in Table 5.3-1. The suspected temporal and spatial character- istics of these emissions and the relativety low vehicle emission raEes will be such that their irapact on the local atmosphere should be insig- nificant. Possible impacts resulting from fugitive arrt due tp vehicular traffic shculd also be ninirnal. Ttre largest potential source of these emissions will be the 30-ton trucks hauling ore from the buying sta- tions to the uill site. Under normal urill operation, 15 truckloads per day of ore will be hauled from the Hanksville buying station to the mil1. These trucks will traver paved roads and the ore wilI be evenly dis- tributed in the truck beds and covered with tightly tied canvas, thus essentially elininating dust emissions. 5.3.L.2 Mi11 Stack Emissions of Chemicals Attendant with the operation of the proposed mi11, quantities of SO2, NO, and particulates wiLl be ernitted from the various stacks, most importantly the process boiler and secondarily the yellowcake dryer (see SecEion These emissions wil.l be relatively small and with reference to the arnbient air quality standards should result in only slight irnpacts on t,he local air quality. Calculations of ground-1eve1 concentrations resulting from these emissions were performed assuming various meteorological conditions. Ihe 5-1 9 ?ABLE 5.3:1_ EMISSION RATES FOR HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL-POWERED AliD GASOLINE-POWERED CONSTRUCTTON EQUIPMENT (grans Per second) (From U.S. EPA, 1976) Diesel-Powered Tracklaylng tractor Wtreeled tractor htreeled dozer Scraper Motor grader lJheeled loader Tracklaying loader 0ff-highway truck Ro1ler Mlscellaneous Gasolin+Powered *".r- tractor Motor grader Wheeled loader Bo11er Ulscellaoeous Carbon Monoxide <0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 n? <0.1 0.1 Exhaust Hvdrocarbons <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Nltrogen Oxldes (N02) 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0. i 0.1 Sulfur Oxides (SOe) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Particulates <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0. 1 <0, 1 <0.1 <0. 1 <0.1 L.2 1.5 2.0 1.7 2.1 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0. i <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Source: U.S. EPA, L976 5-20 maxi,um I hour concentrations of^ s02, N0* and particulates rrere calcrrlated to be r13, 5r. and ?g ug/r',, respectively, arrd were calculatedto occur at a point 2.0 kiloneters from the boiler stack. rhe above calculations assutre stable atmospheric conditions with a light persistent wind parallel to the dryer and boiler stacks. The modeling technigues, assumptions and design and emission parameters used in these calculations are presented in detail in Section Using the Turner tine averaging nethod (Turner, 1970), estimated maximum 3-hour toz concentrations should be 95 u g/m3 and the 24-hour maximum sOz and particulate concentrations should be 67 and l7 u g/r3,respectively. These values are well below the respective state and nationaL siandards and indicate that s02, ,oz and particulate con- centrations should be also below the applicable annual average standards. It should be noted that these values ere based "worst'r case conditions. upon the cornpletion of one year collectioa an additional diffusion modeling using actual be performed and presented in the Supp1enental Report. upon es tinated of on-site data site data will 5.3.2 Liquid Discharges A11 liquids fro'm the mill operation will be contained in a closedsystem' No effects from these are anticipated since no discharge will occur o 5.4 EFFECTS OF SANITARY AND OTHER WASTE DISCHARGES Effluent from laundry wilI discharge into the tailing retentionsysteE. Sanitary ldastes wiLl be treated in a septic tank and drainedinto a leach field. rhere would be no other waste discharges. rt isanticipated, therefore, that no impacts on surface waters, ground lrater or biota would result from waste disposal. 5-21 5.5 OTHER EFFECTS 5.5.1 Terrestrial BioEa VegetaEion The projected impacts on air quality from operation of the ni11 (see Section 5.3.1) are not so significanL that they would affect vege- tation. No other effect on vegetation is anticipated from operation of the proposed mi11. Wildlife Roadkills of deer and rabbiEs are expected to increase liith increased traffic associated with ore hauling on Highway 95 between its juirction with ltighway 163 and the tlanksville ore buying Staiion and on I{ighway 163 between the torrn of Blanding anC the proposed ni11 site. This inpact and its uitigation has been discussed in Section Roadkills provide food for scavengers. I{owever, scavengers themselves are subject t,o being killed by collisions with vehicles when flushed frour such feeding situations. Utah Division of Wildlife Resotrrces personnet indicate that increased truck Eraffic on l{ighway 89 between Kanab and Page has resulted in several recorded incidents of Golden Eagle and oEher raptors colliding with coal trucks (Personal Communicat.ion, I'1r. Joe L. Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent National Park Service GIen Canyon National Recreation Area, November 8, 1977). Relatively minor impacts are anticipaEed aE the mi1l site during the I5-year operational life of the project. Noise nay affect shy species, such as large raptors. Poaching of deer is expected to increase in the general vicinity of the project site; this inpact could be partially uitigated by a coupany enployment policy forbidding carrying of firearms in vehicles on coopany properEy. Song birds and waterfowl may be ad- versely affected by attempting to use the tailing retenticn cells for resting, drinking and feeding areas. This impacE is not expected to be significant for waterfowl since the mill site is not on a major cigratory flyway and L977 observaEions indicated minor waterfowl use of existing stock ponds in the project area; however, it could be significant on song birds, depending on waier quality of the tailing reLention cells. If the 5-22 impact is significant, rnitigation could include noise makers or netting of ce1ls to discourage use by bir<is but Ehe estimaEed nagnitude of the inpact probably does not rrarrant rnitigation. 5.5.2 Socioeconomic Impacts of project Operation operation of the proposed rni1l is expected to begin in February 1980 and to ernploy 75 to 80 workers. The anticipated operaEing life of the project is 15 years. ftnpacts on the social and economic environoent of the Blanding area would stem prinarily fron the irnportation of workers and the increased spending due to rrage and salary disbursements and annual property tax payments to local government. The Hanksville and Blanding ore buying stations are in operation and are, therefore, part of the existing socioeconomic environment. No additional impaets would result frou a continuation of the buying station operations. 5.5.2. I Population Operation of trtre proposed rnill would generate an increase in population through the inportation of some proportion of the project work force. According to the Blanding office of the Utah Department of Eruployment security, the requirement for all but highly skilled, tech- nical personnel for the nill coul.d be fulfilled from the local labor pool (Verbal Co-.unication, Mr. Lyman, Manager, Blanding Office of Eroploynent security, september 7, 1977). Energy Fuels Nuclear, rnc. anticipates that 25 percent of the work force would be of a skill levet vhieh could not be found localIy. Therefore, because every effort would be nade to hire as many loca1 residents as possible, it is expected that rniIl operation would necessitate the importat.i.on of onry 20 workers. According to population rnultipliers recorded in the Construction Worker Profile (Mountain l{est Research, 1975), fanilies moving into the project region during the inpact period would have an average size of 3.5. (rnis also corresponds Lo the average number of person per house- hold in utah in 1970.) Applying this ro rhe nuuber of anricipated 5-23 workers, it can be seen Lhat the total nunrber cf. newconers <iirectly associated with mi11 operation would be 70, which represents 1.3 percent of the combined L977 population of Blanding, Monticello and B1uff. The above discussion is a realistic, though somewhaL opEimistic, assessment of inpacts of the proposed ni1l. It should be not.ed that, in the event of implementaiion of the project, a number of factors may be at work which would alter this forecast. Most significantly, inportation of Eore than 25 percent of the project work force would necessitaEe an upward adjustment of all population-related iurpacEs. If 100 percent of the work force were iruported, for exampte, dir:ect population growih would be as high as 280, representing five percent of the combined 1977 oopu- laEions of Blanding, Monticelto and Bluff. In addition to lhe newcomers directly associated with the project, ui11 operaEion would foster indirect population growth due to stimulaEion of the loca1 economy through a multiplier effect. This process is explained in Section The creation of 88 indirect, ser.rice- sector jobs would result in a secondary wave of population growth. Assuming: 1) 24 pereent of the new fanilies would have working spouses, and 2) an overall average of 3.5 persons per household, indirect growth would consist of 235 new residenEs (l.lountain lry'esi Research, i975). Ihis growth would occur over the long run, as a response to economic condi- tions and other variables which cannot be accurately predicied at Ehis point (see Section Therefore, i; should be noted that this projection of indirect growth shoutd be interpreted as a general guide and is subject Lo change. Because the pace and extent of indirect growth cannot be accurately predicted, subsequent sections of this report address impacts of Cirect growth only. It should be noted that secondary growth would add to the demand on housing and public services. liowever, this would not occur simultaneously with increases in demand exerted by the project operaEion creqr; the indirect growth process may occur over ssveral. yrears. 5-24 Ihe conbined.direct and indirect population increment would total approximately 300, representing 5.5 percent of the combined 1977 popula- tions of Blanding, Bluff and Mcnticellc. Although this growth would be'concentrated in Blanding, it is anticipated that Monticel.lo and Bluff would share in the direct and/or indirect growth generated by operation of the project. Housing rn the fal1 of L977, Blanding, Monticello and Bluff had little or no excess housing capacity. Although developers are planning con- struction projects in Blanding and Monticello, it is probable that, in the absence of advanced notice, there would be a mininal number of houses available when ni11 operatioa comuences in February 1990. Therefore, mobile homes are Likely to be the short-tern answer to housing needs of the project work force. Local developers have indicated an interest in providing housing for permanent residents associated with the ni11 and it is anticipated that the two largest developers in Blanding will have the capacity to produce 40 units per year by I980 (verbal communication, Mr. Terry Palmer, Palmer Builders, october 27 , 1977). Therefore, it is assumed that an influx of. 20 families associated with project operation could be accommodated by the temporary and per- Banent housing stock in the Blanding area. Table 5.5-1 summarizes the type of housing demand that can be expected frou the project work force and indicates that the najority of nerrcomers would purchase single-family horaes if available (Mountain West Research , L975). TABLE 5.5-1 ANTICIPATED HOUSING DEMAND OF IMPORTED Type of Unit Percent of Newcomers PROJECT WORKERS Number of Units Demanded Single-fami 1yMultiple family Mobile Home 0ther TotaL Source: Multipliers based by I'Iountain West 55 L7 25 2 99 on Constru.ction Research, L975. I1 3 5 t 20 I{orker Prof ile, 5-25 5.5.2,3 Municipal Services and the Tax Base The influx of 20 families direccly associateC '../ith rnil1 operation would have a mininal long-terrn impact oe prlfllq facilities and services in the Blanding area in 1980. Increased capital expenditures and operating cosEs would e',rentua1ly be offset by increased property tax revenue resulting from the mi11 and from new residential construcEion for newcomers. However, municipalities may experience ir.creased costs one or tlro years before the increased tax revenue occurs. Water and Sewage Treatment The cities of Blanding and Monticello are currently e:<panCing their water supply systems and will continue to drill wells to keep pace with future demand. A1so, sewage treatment systems in both cities are being upgraded. Improvements to the Blanding sewage lagoon should be completed by 1981. In the interim, seerage overflow is used to irrigate adjacent properEy, and increases in demand are expecEed to be accommo- dated in this manner. The time frame for the planned lagoon systen in Monticello is uncertain, although its complet.ion is expected within the new two years. At Ehat time, Ehe Monticello system is expected to have the capacity to accommodaEe 4000 to 5000 residents. The coununity of Bluff is at.tempting to obtain federal funding for a selv'age treaEilent system. In the absence of funding, a contimration of Ehe use of in<ii- vidual septic Eanks can be expected. Table 5.5-2 summarizes aLternative population projecEions of the potentially impacteC communities compared to the expected capacity of waEer an<i sewage Ereatment systens and indicates thar planned expansions should enable services Eo keep up with growth occurring with cr without the CevelopmenE of the mi11. School s Approximately 30 school-age children would be included in the population increment directly induced by mi11 operation. This vould constitute an addition of one percenE to the 1977 combined enrollnerrt of schoois in Blanding, Monticello and Bluff and, therefore, would not create a significant or adverse impact on the San Juan School District. Ln 1977, elementary schools in the three communities had excess capacity. 5-25 TABLE 5.5-2- LONG.TER]'{ PROJECT-INDUCED POPULATION GROI.ITH COMPARED TO 1980 POPI'LATIO}I AND CAPACITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES San Juan Blanding Monticello Bluff County July 1975 Poputation July 1977 Population 1980 Population Assr:ming:a) Continuation of the 1975-L977 Growth Rateb) "Highrt Growth Rate Projected by the UtahAgricultural Experiment Station (Cities are assumedto grow in proportion in county ) Population Directly Associatedwith MilL operation Projected Capacity (in terms ofpopulation) of PubLic Services, 1980-1981: Waier Supply Sewage Treatuent Water Treatment 11 ,964 2,769 t,726 15013,368 3,075 2,209 290 15 ,730 3,590 3, 140 640 16,2t5 3,730 2,690 340 70 ,rr" ,r"" ,rr" ,r." Dril I Drill 5oo as needed as needed ,r.t 4, -soo 4, ooo- Not5,000 Availabl.e ,r"" 4, 5oob 4, ooo Nor Available aNot applicable brirrot improvements wouLd be needed to reach this capacity. otherwise thepeak capacity is 3,900. Source: L975 Population, U.S. Bureau of Census, lg77 1977 Population, San Juan County Clerk, I97l 1979(b) Yun Kim, for Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, 1976 5-27 T'*o nev high schools will alleviate overcrowded conditions in Ehe San Juan High School in Blanding. One school wiil be completed in August L978 and one is schedrrled fr:r completion by 1979 or 1980 (Verbal Comaunication, Ms. Clyda Christensen, San Juan School DisEricE, January L7 , 1978). Energy Supplies The natural gas supply to Monticello is reportedly adequate for meeting future needs. The city-owned electrical distribution system, however, is in need of expansion if additional residents are Eo be served in Monticello. The Blanding electrical disEribution sysEem is adequate. ?he basic source of electricity, Utah Power and Light, expects to have no problems in meeting the needs of a growing population. Increased Costs to Local Governments It has been estimat.ed thaE capital expenditures for improvement of water, sewage Ereatment and school systems in rurat, energy-inpacted communities in western Colorado amount to $1,000 per ne\^r resident (Verbal Communigstion, Mr. Steve Schnidt, Director, Colorado West Council of Governments, November 2, 1977). If it is assumed that the Blanding area will experience sinilar cost increases, the pcpulation directly induced by oi11 operation would require capital expenditures of $70,000. In addition, annual operating expenditures for municipal services r-ouLd rise. In the 1976-77 fiscal year, General Fund expenditures in Blanding and Mont.icello for services which are particularly sensitive to the 1eve1 of denand were between $20 and $30 per capita. Applying this rate to the projected nuuber of newcomers associated \rith the ui11 operating work force, it is assumed that local cornmunities'*-ould experience an annual increase in operating expenditures of between $1,400 and $2,100. This assumes no excess capacity in existing services and no econotiies of scale in the provision of services. 5-28 services provided by san Juan county that would be subjecr to cost increases in proportion to population growth include health care, recreation and public safety. the approved budget for 1977 indicates a per-capita expendit.ure of between $20 and $30 for these services. Therefore, the county would also experience operating cost increases of $1,400 to $2,100 throughout the life of the project. The san Juan school District had an operating budget of gl,00l per student in 1977. Assuning an influx of 30 school-age children, the impact in school expenditures would be $gOr090 per year. Taxes The operation of Ehe p:oposed uri1l would benefit state and local taxing jurisdictions directly through increased corporate income and ProPerty tex Psyments and indirectly through increased sales tax revenue and personal income taxes of the work force. Using total construction costs as a guide to the fair cash value of the facility, the assessed valuation, cmputed as 20 percent of true varue, would b. $2.6 nillion. rhe current applicable ni11 levy is 60; therefore, the annual property tax obligation resulting frotn the proposed development would be approxi- nately $455,000. The San Juan County School District would receive 65 percent of this total, san Juan county would receive 17 percent, and the remaining 17 percent wouLd be distributed to special county funds (Verbal co'rr-unication, Mr. Robert cooper, utah state Tax conmission, December 9, 1977). Table 5.5-3 summarizes the distribution of anticipated property taxes generated by the project. It should be noted that depreciation of buildings and equipment has not been incorporated into this estimate but would have a dampening effect on property taxes after the first year of operation. Sales tax revenue resulting frou annual personal consumption expenditures of $522,8c0 would amounr to 26,100. of this total, $23,500 would benefit Ehe State of Utah and $21600 would benefit San Juan County. 5-29 TABLE 5.5-3 ESTIMATED PROPERTY TA*T PAYMENTS 1977 Dollars Property Tax Total ($38 uillion x 201l x 60 mills) San Juan School District (40 nills) San Juan County General Fund (10.3 nills) San Juan County Capital Improvement - Roads (3 mills) San Juan County Capital Improvement - Buildings, Equipment and Grounds (1 ni11) Library (0.9 ni11) Torr Liabiliry (0.1 mi11) Health (0.7 oi11) Water Conservancy District (2 mi1ls) Blanding Cemetery (2 mills) Source: 4.5 5 ,000 304 ,000 78,280 22,800 7 ,500 6,840 760 5,320 15 ,200 15 ,200 Construction cost estiurate supplied by Energy Fue1s. Methodology for couputing tax obligations is based on a verbal communication with Mr. Robert Cooper, Utah SEate Tax Conrmission, December 9, L977. Mill levies are based on a verbal communication with the San Juan County Treasurer, December 9 , 1977. 5-30 Personal income tax obligations of the operating work crew would represent approxinately 13.8 percent of'*age and salary payments, or an annuaL totel of $188,400 (u.s. Bureau of Labor statistics, l97l). This would benefit the state and federaL governments. Corporate income tax pa)rnents would be substantial, but cannot be accurately predicted at this point. Economic Base The proposed project would be an iuportant source of long-term employment and income in the Blanding area. Itre locaL labor market is current,ly subject to wide, seasonal fluctuations in euployu.ent. llill operation would benefit the area by providing 75-80 sEable year-round jobs. This would have a stimulating, feed-through effect on the loca1 and regional economies. Uranium uines throughout southeastern Utah can be expected to increase production and enployrnent in response to in- creased denand generated by the uri11. Industrial support services, in particular the transportation industry, would also experience higher levels of activity. In addition, loca1 service industries such as finance, re"ail trade, personal and professional services, etc. wouLd benefit from an increase in demand generated by population and employment growth. Uill. operation would be considered one of the basic industries of the region, defined as those which are engaged in the production of goods or services that are sold beyond the regionr s borders and/or which account for income drawn into the region. rn contrast, emplolment in finance, insurance, real estate and most personal and professional services are considered non-basic. Non-basic service industries are prinarily local in scope and depend on the distribution of income initially earned in the basic employment sector. Basic eurployuent is, Eherefore, viewed as prioary insofar es it supports and largely deter- mines the lever of non-basic and ultimately totar employment. 5-3 l Tne ratio of basic and non-basic employment in a region can be used to measure the expansion (or contraction) in employment when an aCdition (or reCucticn) in basic ernployment occurs or is anticipated. The basic/non-basic ratio is referred to as a multiplier relarionship bec:ruse an increase in basic employment will have an expansionary effecE throughout Ehe local econcny. Table 5.5-4 presents basic and non-basic employment for San Jr.ran County and indicates that the basic/non-bas ic employment multiplier is 1.1. This suggests that, by creating 75 to 80 basic jobs, the proposed mi1l would indirectly generate up to 88 jobs in the local service sector. In addition, increased employment in uranium mining operations in the area would cause a similar expansion. Growth in non-basic ernployarent would produce an increase in loca1 population because a number of nev, jobs wouLd be filled by new residents accompanied by families. Ihis growth would occur over the long run and would depend on a number of factors. An increase in regional unemploy- menl caused by a decline in jobs or an increase in Lhe labor fcrce participation rate would dampen the population growth resulting from increased enplolmenE opportunities. Also, a high proportion of two- worker households among newcomers would have a similar <iampening effect. Annual operating costs of the mil1 are expected to aaount to $i0.5 million. Of this tota1, approximalely $1,355,000 would represent \{age and salary paynoents to the project work force, assuming that the labor cost component of 2.1 nillion includes 35 percent for fringe benefits. Current data on income multipliers and spending fl-ows in Utah are noE available. Therefore, nationwide expenditure paEterns recorded in 1976 by the Bureau of Labor StatisEics were used to calculate the effect of projecc lrages on loca1 and state economies (U.S. DepartmenE of Labor, Bureau of Labor SEatistics, L977). Assuming that 1oca1 personal con- sumption expenditures would represent 38.3 perceot of faurily income, annual retait expenditures of the project work force would rmount to $522,800. Blanding, Bluff and Monticello woutd experience the bulk of this spending. Ttre major regional cenEers of Moab, Cortez or Grand JuncEion may also experience an increment in consumpEion expenditures as 5-32 TABLE 5.5-4 BASIC At{D NoN-BASIC EUPLOn{ENT, SAN JUAN 1976 ANNUAL AVEMGE COT'NTY, Sector Agricul. ture Mining Contract Construction ManufacEuring Trans port at ion, Communication, public Ut i 1i ties irlholesale, Retail TradeFinance, Insurance, Real Es tate Services Government Federal State and Local Total Enployrnent 270 784 70 169 L47 347 22 295 688 Bas ic Non-Bas ic 270 784 r69 70 65 L47 282 22 296 549 1456TotaI Basic/Non-Basic Multiplier: l. I Source: Dames & Moore, 1917, basedEnploynent Security, 1977. 39 t327 on Utah Department of 5-33 a result of the project. However, this would represenE a minor or insignificant addition Eo exisEing spending flows; impacts on Blanding, Monricello and Bluff would be considerably greater. 5.5.2,5 Quality of Life The operation of Ehe proposed milL would have positive irnpacEs on the quality of life due to the provision of 75 to 80 long-term, stable jobs. Because Energy Fuels plans to hire as many 1ocal residenEs as possible, the population increment associated with ni11 operation would represent a noticeable but not disruptive force in 1oca1 comr:runities. An influx of. 20 families would noE cause significanL or long-term adverse impacts on the quality of life. Negative inpacts on the quality of life would stem primarily from Ehe transporEation of uranium ore froro mines throughout the region to Ehe Hanksville and Blanding buying st,ations and from Hanksville to the mi1l at Blanding. A noticeabLe increase in heavy truck traffic would affect travellers on Utah Route 95, U.S. Route 163, and ot,her highways in southeastern Utah. Increased noise and air pollution would result. Also, the Erucks would represent a safety hazard due to the increased probability of automobile accidents (see Section Land Use Impacts Operation of the mi11 and tailing retention systeE would direcEly impact land use patterns by Ehe corunitnent of 310 acres of rangeland throughout the life of the projecE. IndirecE impacts would stem frozr increased residential and commercial devalopraent in the Blanding area resulting from ind,uced population growth. Land is available for develop- EenE in the Blanding city linits and in Bluff; the City of MonticeLlo is pursuing an active annexat,ion program. Therefore, increased develop- ment would not represent an inconsistenE or conflicting land use in the poteneially inpacted comrnunities. Regional t.ransportation systens would experience increased activity during the operation phase of the project. Uranium mines throughout. 5-34 southeastern Utah would transport ore to the Blanding and Hanksville buying stations via 30-ton diesel trucks and trailers. Trips from mines to the buying stations are anticipated to total 70 each day, with 53 to the Blanding buying station and 17 to Hanksville. In addition, trans- portation of ore frou the Hanksville buying station to Blanding would be accomplished via 30-ton trucks approximately l5 tiures daily. Plate 3.6-3 (page 3-26) indicates the location of uines that would be sending ore to the buying stations and mil1. Utah Route 95 and U. S. Route 163 r,'ould experience the heaviest truck traffic associated with the buying sEations and mi11. In addition, u.s. Route 665 and utah Routes 2621 276,263 and,24 would be affected by ore movement from uines Eo the buying stations. A11 of the above roads are iwo-lane, paved highways naintained by the state of utah. rn addi- tion, secondary, county-Baintained and private roads would accommodate up to l5 percent of the project-induced truck traffic. In lg75 average daily traffic flows ranged from 95 to 310 on Urah Route 95 and from 530 to 2I00 on Route 163. As suurrnarized in Table 5.5-5, other potentially affecEed roads accommodated average daily traffic counts of 25 to 1235 vehicles. Project-induced truck traffic would constitute a noticeable increase in existing traffic flows. Designated lands potentially affected by the transporEation of ore include Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Canyonlands National Park, Manti-La sal }rational Forest, Naturar Bridges and Hovenweep National Monuments, Capitol Reef NationaL Park, and the Henry Mountains. These areas attract a large number of visitors during sunmer months. A substantial increase in truck traffic, particularly during peak vaca- tion periodsr EaI create a safety hazard. rhe Hite crossing at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area generates heavy tourist traffic and would be particularly affected by truck traff,ic on Route 95. The project work force would add to traffic circulation in the Blanding area. LocaI residents would experience noticeable increases 5-35 TABLE 5.5-5 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC ON POTENTIALLY II,IPACTED HIGHWAYS Highrray (Segment)a Utah Route 95 ( Hanksvi 1 1e-Blanding) U.S. Route 163 (Moab-Blu ff) U.S. Route 666(East of Monticello) Utah Route 263 Utah Route 276 Utah Route 262(Colorado border to Route 153) lltah Route 24 (West of Hanksvilleto Capitol Reef National Park) Ucah Route 24 (North of Hanksville) Range of 1975 Average "Daiiy Traffic Estimates- 95-310 530-2 10C 950-1235 25-35 220 4t0-440 3 10-3 20 65-475 a_--Ifnere no segnent is specified, numbers refer to Ehe entire length. bTraffic on mosl of the highways is counted and reported for several staEions. For example, traffic on Utah Route 153 is higher near Blanding than in the Bluff area. Ttie ranges in this table refer Eo nultiple estinates for each highway segment. Source: Utah Department of Transportation, 1976. 5-36 in traffic and noise during peak periods of construction activity. Assuming 2 trips per worker per day in the Blanding area, the peak work force would represent an additional traffic load of 500 trips per day, representing an increment of 68 percent above the I975 average daily traffic flow on Route 163 in the vicinity of the rnilI. 5.5.3 Sound Ambient Sound Levels During Operation Ttre noise emitted from this faeilityrs operation will be principally from the milI. In a previous study for the Bear Creek Uranium Project, the sound level from a sislilar milI half the sLze of the one under con- sideration was estimated to be 75 dB at 100 ft (!0 rn). Doubling the facility size and operation doubles the assumed sound energy enitted. Thus, the estimated sound leve1 eontribution for the proposed niIl is 78 dB at 100 ft (30 m). This contribution is extrapolated assuming henispherical radiation to the measurement locations previously used for the background ambient sound level survey. To estimate the souad levels during plant operation, the contribu- tion from the plant operation and the background anbient sound levels nere combined. Tab1e 5.5-6 indicates the projected daytime, nighttiure and day/night average sound levels. Twenty-four hour plant operation rras as sumed. Truck traffic along highways between local mine sites and the buying stations will be increased. The sound Ievel contribution due to trucks delivering ore to the plant site was estinated to be insignificant for noise sensitive land uses at large distances from the highways. For Ithose areas adjacent to the highway, the expected increase in noise due to truck traffic sras estina.ted to be about three decibels. Impact Assessment No significant inpact on from operation of the proposed daries will be less than 55 dB the ambient sound leve1 is anticipated mi11, sound levels along all site boun- (see Section for significance). 5-37 TABLE 5.5.5 AMBIENT SOUND LEVELS DURING MILL OPERATION - dB Location Background Anbient Sound Levels Operation Ambient Sound Levets Change in Ambient Sound Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 La 55.5 56.7 45.8 46.8 35.3 47.8 42.8 48.3 Ln 46.4 47.1 10 , 39.9 35. 1 43.L 27.7 41.0 L.dn 56.9 55.9 47.4 48.2 4t.5 50. 6 4t.5 49,5 La 5 6.5 55.7 55.9 40.9 40. 3 47.8 12.8 48.3 Ln 46.5 47.4 55.6 40.2 40.2 43.1 27.7 41.0 00 16 15 L.cln 56.5 57.0 62.0 48.4 46.6 50. 6 41.5 49,5 La 0 0 i0 0 5 0 0 0 Ln c Ldo 0 00 55 00 00 00 Truck traffic will increase by 50-100 percent for sorue roads near the buying stations. Noise due to truck passby on najor routes to Blanding is projected to increase ambient sound levets by about three decibels in areas adjacent to the highways. This trafiic will occur only during daytime hours and only a snaIl number of people will be affected. 5.5.4 Surface Water Although the operation of the mi11 and tailing reLention sysEeD will have little effect on the hydrolcgic characteristics of the area, the presence of the tailing retention system, which will inpound surface runoff, will reduce waEer and sediment yields from the basin. The drainage area upstrean of the tailing cells that would be affected is about 260 acres. The cells Eheoselves, at ultinate development, will occupy an area of about 240 acres; conbined with the upstream 250 acres this results in a total of about 500 acres that would be taken out of the Cottonwood Wash basin. If one assunes an average annual surface runoff of 0.2 inches (see Section 2.6.2), the total annual reduction in runoff, expressed as volume, would be 8.3 acre-feeE. This is about 0.13 percent of the average annual flow of CoEtonwood Wash at State llighway 95, inco which tnis wat,er wouid norually flow. 5-38 The change in sediment yield due to the project has not been esEiroated due t.o insuf ficient data. Peak flood flows in llestwater Creek and Cottonwood Wash would also be reduced due to the impoundment caused by the tailing retention systern. Ihis decrease in peak-flow would be snalL in comparisoa with the total since the affected drainage area will be less than one square mile while the cottonwood wash drainage area at Highway 95 is over 200 sq ni. 5.6 RESOURCES COMUITTED During the life of the proposed nill, about 15 years, approxiurately 7301000 tons of ore would go to the uill annual).y to be processed and 1r898,000 pounds of ,3og concentrate would be produced annually. This mineraL resource would be irreversibly comnitted to energy pro- duc tion. The area occupied by the proposed nilL and tailing retention system (about 310 acres) would be comitted until. the life of the nill ends, about 15 years. Ttris area would be removed as wildlife habitat and livestock range until the end of the nill operation and reclauation is cornpleted. The acreage occupied by the tail.ing retention would be conmiLted until radiation levels are below acceptable standards. Ttre length of tirne necessary after reclamation is co,mpleted is indeterminate. Portions of the project site are utilized by Mule Deer in migration and overwintering. Project facilities and human activities woutd aLt,er the use of these areas by deer. Fenced areas sould not be available for their use for about 15 years and until reclamation is completed. The displacenent and accompanying effects upon the deer herd utilizing the area rePresents a reaource co..itted, the nagnitude of which cannot be ascertained. In general, the biota occurring on the project site are not unique in the region. Short-term reuoval of land and wildlife habitat as a result of the project operations is not expected to represent an irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources in the region. 5-39 water used in Ehe mi11 circuiE woulc be Eemporarily tied up in Ehe mi11 circuit. Additional waEer would be cycled to Ehe tailing retention sysEem but much of that in the Lailing ce1ls woulrl relurn to the hydrologic cycle through evaporation. Water used at the rni11 for dust control, sanitary and general uses would also be returned Eo the hydrologic cycle through evaporation or infiltration. Ii.O EFTLUENT AND ENVIR.ONMEI,ITAL I'IEASURE}iSNTS Ai{D I.IONITORING PROGFJ]'! The folloruing section d,ascribes ihe nethcdologies useC in collecting baseline environmeatal data and the proposed programs for monitoring iurpacts Ehat the proposed urani.urn mill may have on the environment. In soae instances, the metho<lologies describeC are currently being used in cn-gcing studies uhich are necessary to cornpleEe a year of data co1- lection. 6. L PREOPERATIONAL E.TMRONMENTAI PB-0GRA1YS 6. i. i Surface WaEer An on-going basei:.ne surface -"rater q.ua1it1, moniEorirrg prLlg,:aln is being conducEed in the pro.iect vicinity near Blanding and in the vic inity o f tne Hanksvi i i.e ore-buying s tat ion f or an init ieL peri,rd of one year (.luty L977 to Jul;r 1978). Physical, chernical- and radi,:logica1 parameEers of the waters are being ciocumented" The sampling iocations in Ehe project vicinity near Blanding are located on Westwater Creek, Cotlonwood Creek and Corral Creek and in a drainage wash and at a pond down gradient of the prcposed mili site (see PLate 2.6-L0). The locations of the surface vaEer sampling staEions Station llo.Location SlR Dl,I1 S3R S4R S5R s6R S7R S8R S9 Westwater Creek at downstrean (south) side of Highway 95 Bridge Corra!. Creek at downstream (south) side of sma1l bri<ige Corral Creek at spillway of smell earEhfilL dam Corral Creek at junction with Recapture Creek (l/4 ni from end of jeep road) Suriace pond souEh of uriLl site, 1/8 mi west of Highway 47 Sma1l wash south of mill site, 1 mi. west of Highway 47 East side oi Cottcnwood Creek, at jeep trail intersection south-southwest of mi11 site East side of CoEtonwood Creek, jeep trail intersecticn rrest-souih;est cf ni11 site East side of Westrrater Creek, at jeep traii intersection 6-2 Sampling stations SIR, S2R and S3R are upgradient from the project site, the remaining downgradient. The sampling locations in the vicinity of the Hanksville ore buying station are located on Halfway Wash at two stations, one upstream and one downstreau of the ore buying station (see Plate 2.6-11). ltre locations of these two sampling stations are: Station No.Location TtSlR HS2R Halfway Wash, downstrearn of buying station, 1/8 mi eastof Highway 95 at confluence with unnamed wash draining ore buying sEation site area Halfway Wash, upstream of buying sEation, 1/8 ni southof property boundary of ore buying station The stations are saurpled on a quarterly basis when accessibl-e and when water is flowing. Because the streams are epheueral to inter- mittent, there is not always a flow to sample aE the time that sanpling is scheduled. As a result, there has been'no hrater available to sanpl-e at some stations and, consequently, there are no analyses of existing rrater quality. Effort wil.l be made to increase the frequency of sampling for a period of tine in spring 1978 in order to obtain a series of water samples at these sEations when water may be flowing continuously for a few weeks as a result of snormeLt runof f . Water sarnples for complete chenical analysis and radiological analysis were collected in the project vicinity in July L977 arrd November 1977. Ttre results of those analyses are discussed in Section and Listed in Table 2.6-7. Details of the technigues and procedures of sampling and types of analyses are discussed in Appendix B. Parameters being measured are listed in Table 5.1-1 of Section 6-3 6.L.2 Ground Water Existing baseline ground rrater conditions in the project vicinity near Blanding and in the vicinity of the Hanksville ore buying station are being measured for a period of one yeer (.luty 1977 to July 1978) as discussed in Section 2.6.1 and 2.6,3. 6.1.2.I Sampling Locations The ground water baseline sanpling locations in the project vicinity near Blanding are located both upgradient (to the norEh) and down grad- ient (to the south) of the proposed mi11 and tailing retenEion sites (see Plate 2.5-10). The locations of the ground water sampling stations are: Station No.Locat ion GlR G2R G3R G4R G5R Spring in Corral Creek, 500 feeE upstream of earth dam and surface water station S3R, upgradienE of project s ite Deep well atrmi11 site, taps Navajo Sandstone Spring near Ruin Spring PoinE, drains to CoEtonwood Creek, down gradient of project site Spring near base of Dakota sandstone cliffs about 500ft east of jeep trail, drains into Cottonwood Creek, downgradient of projected site , Spring about 1500 ft easE of WesLwater Creek in canyon, to west and possibly do-,rn gradient of projec'. site Abandoned stock wel1, 1000 ft down gradient from rnil1 site Abandoned stock weI1, 1000 ft upgradient of mi11 site G6R G7R The baseline ground rdater station (IfGlR) at the Hanksville ore buying station is the main supply rell located at the station. Tiris well withdraws ground rdater from the underlying Entrada Sandstone from a depth of 400-440 ft below the land surface <iirectly below the staEion. Additional ground erater investigatioas in ihe vicinity of the nill site and taiiing retention site are planned for earLy L978, This 6-4 work will consist of site-specific drilling and installation of ground water observgtion/monitoring we11s. The purpcse cf these investigations will be to obtain a more accurate representation of ground rilater levels, ground water flow directions, types of movement and ground water quality in the critical areas naar the ui11 site and taiLing retention area. The pre-operational ground hrat.er monitoring progran will be completed with the installation of several monitoring we1Is. Conclusions fron the additional investigations and the final design of an operational ground water nonitoring program will be described in the Supplenental Report. Ihe tentative design of a site-specific pre-operational ground water monitoring progran will include three or rnore observation/monitor- ing weLls to be installed at locations predominantly down gradient from the nil1 site and tailing retention site (see Appendix H, Plate 2). In general, the nonitoring wells (pl.ate 6.1-1) will be construcEed of. 4- or 6-inch diameter PVC plastic casing Eo a depth below the lowest expected water Level. The lower portion of the well will be screened rrith either PVC plastic, welt screen or stainless steel screen. The top of the gcreened portion of the welL will be above the highest expected water Ievel. The annular space in the borehole between the foroation and the casing will be fil1ed wilth c1ean, inert, natural stone filter material for the entire screened interval. The remainder of the annul.ar space, above a S-foot bentonite seal on top of the filter, will be grouted or backfilled with a mixture of the driLl cuttings and grout or bentonite. A cement seal will be enplaced around the exposed PVC casing at the land surface to prevent surface water from entering the borehole around the casing. For further protection, a steel casing with a hinge cap and lock will be encased around the PVC plastic casing and will be seated in the ceuent sea1. Once in operation, the well will be sanpLed for a ground water quality analysis quarterly. The well diameter will be large enough so that a 3.75u 0D subnergibLe pump can be installed and the well punped for a suf;ficient period of tiue to obtain a representative sample of the CEMENT SEAL GROUT LAND SURFACE t'ALLOVIAL SAND A €iILT. LOOSELY CEMENTED SANDSTONES & SHALES ANNULAR SPACE BACKFILLED WITH BENTONITE AND DRILL CUTTINGS MITURE OR CEMENT GROUT (FROM BENTONITE OR GROUT SEALTO LAND SURFACE) IGHEST EXPECTED WATER ANTICIPATED SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS +- OWEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL 8-INCH STEEL PROTECTOR PIPE EMBEDDED IN CEMENT GROUT (5 FEET LONG V/ITH HINGED CAP & LOCK) 2 FEET PROJECTION ABOVE LAND SURFACE 4 OR 6INCH DIAMETER PVC CASING (SCHEDULE 4O TO I20, DEPENDING ON FINISH ED DEPTHAND EXPANSIVE SOIL/ROCK CONDITIONS) WELL EN TR ALIZ E R BENTONITE OR CEtv|ENT GR0UT SEAL IN ANNULAR SPACE ( 5 FEET MINIMUM THICKNESS) PVC OR STAINLESS STEEL WELL SCREEN OPPOSITE WATER TABLE ( TOP OF SCREEN ABCVE HIGHEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL AND BOTTOM OF SCFEEN BELOW LOWEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL} WELL SORTED, CLEAN, FILTER PACK OF ROUNDED, OUARTZ SAND PVC CAP ON OF CASING BASE SIGIGII OT TYPIGII GR()UilII WATER iI(lilII(lRI]IG WEtt (FOR V/ATER TABLE OR PERCHED GROUND WATER] DATI"IOOII a^> ["::,?, 13l- revef PTITE6.I-I in-situ ground qrater quality. will be enough so EhaE ground al1 directions will be drawn sampling area being moniEored single point per we11. 5-6 the radius of influence of the purnping water within several feet of the wetl in in toward the wel1. In this manner, the can be considered as much larger than a In the event that there may be reason to suspect ground \dater contaminaEion, the frequency of the sampling will be increased and the number of parameters increased. If necessary, more we11s will be drilled and constructed. Water levels in the nonitoring we1ls will be measured and recorded quarterly to provide a tong-term record of the configuraticn of the \raEer Eable and water-leve1 fluctuations. These data will be useful to Eore accurately predict the poEential direction of ground water movement. Physical and Chenical Parameters The parameters measured on a quarterly basis for ground erat,er (and surface water quality) are listed in Table 6.1-1. CDM-Accu-Labs, Inc. (Denver) is analyzing radiological and chemical water parameEers. Sanple bottles are supplied by Accu-Labs. A11 anal- yses are done according to "standard Methods for the Exarnination of Water and wastewater'r (ArnA, 1971). Temperat.ure (oC), dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity and pH are aeasured in the field at Ehe time of sampling. Teuperat,ure and dissolved oxygen are measured by use of a YSI DO Meter (l,todel 57), specific conductivity by a Lab-line Lectro Mho-Meter, and pH by a Sargents pH neter, Model PBL. Sample procedures and techniques are discussed in Appendix B. 6-7 TABLE 6.I-1 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL I,IIATER QUALITY PARAMETERS Specific conductance (field; micromhos/cm)Total suspended solids Temperature ( field) pH (1ab, field) Redox potential Total dissolved solids Dissolved oxygen ( field)0i1 and grease Total hardness as CaCO"Total alkalinity as CaiO^ Carbonate as CO" 3 Chloride J Cyanide Fluoride Nitrate as NSulfate as SO.Calcium 4 Iron, Total and dissolved Magnes ium Ammonia as N Phosphorus, Tota). as p Potass ium Si 1 ica Sodiurn Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Ilanganes e Aluninum Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromir:m Copper Lead Mercury Mo lyb denum Nickel Se I eniurn Strontium Vanadium Zir.c S i lver Poloniun 210 Lead 2I0 Thorium 230 Llranium (uatural) Radiun 225 Gross c Gross 6 6-8 6.1.3 Air MeEeorological l"tonitoring Programs On-going site-specific preoperational meEeorological moniEoring programs were initiated at both the project site and at the Hanksville buying st.ation in early March L977. These programs monitor Ehe parameters of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humiCiEy and total precipitation. Each program enploys identical instrumenEationl however, the Hanksville wind instruuents are battery operated while conmercial po\rer is used et Blanding. The stations are locaEed so as to not be affected by 1oca1 terrain or structures. Plates 2.7-l and 2.7-L0, respectively, shorv the exact locaEions of the monitoring stations at the Blanding and llanksville sites relative to the planned operations and surrounding t,errain. Table 6.1-2 presents the respective manufacEurerrs specifications and the sanpling height of each sensor. Data are coLlected via strip charE recorders and wind speed and wind direction data are reduced as hourly averages, tenperaEure and relaEive hunidity as instantaneous values (on the half hour) and precipitation as daily totals. As part of the quality assurance procedures, calibrations of each seosor are per- formed quarterly and are documented on standard foms. Standard quality assurance practices are adhered to throughorri the daEa collection and analysis processes. Air 0ualiry Preoperational air quality moniEoring prograns have been initiated at each site to document background parEiculat.e and sulfation rate concentrations. Settleable particulates are neasureC at four locations at both the Blanding and Hanksville areas through the use of dustfall samplers. In addition total suspended particulaE.es are moniEored at one location at the Blanding site by a high volume sanpier. Sulfation rare, which provides an indication of sulfur dioxide concentracions, is also measured via lead dioxide plaEes at iour locations at, each area. Samp- ling locations are shown on Plates 2.7-L and 2.7-10. TABLE 6.1-2 METEOROLOGICAL MO}IITORING PROGRAM SENSOR INFOR}{ATION PARAI'IETER Wind Speed I.Iind Direct ion Temperature Re lative Humidity Prec ipi tat ion MFRS. LISTED SENSING TECHNIQUE PRECISIONMANUFACTURER Met One, Inc. MeE One, Inc. Bendix Corp. Bendix Corp. Weather Measure Corp. I,IODEL NO. 010 020 256 256 P51i P Cups/Light Chopper Vane/Potentiome ter Bourdon Tube Human Hair Bundle Tipping Bucket /lleated +0.15 mph 13" +10F !3% +0.01 in MFRS. LISTED TTIRESHOLD MONITORING IIEIGHT l0m 10m l.5rn l.5m l.5m 0.5 mph 0.6 mph o\ I\o 5-1 0 settleable particuiate sampling anc anlaysis are performed in accordance with procedures described in ASTII D-1739 and sulfation plate analysis is pe;fcrned by Ehe turbidimeEric Eechnique. The sulfation plaEes an<i dustfall samplers are mounted at a sampling height of approxi- mately 2.5 meEers above ground. Sampling started in liarch 1977, and each sample is rout.inely exposed for a one month period. Analysis is perfonned by an independent laboratory (Corning LaboraEories, Inc.) and results are presented as monthly a.rerages. The Blanding total suspended particulate nonitor (irigtr volume air sampler) is located just south of Ehe proposed mi11 site (see Plate 2.7-L). Sampling and analysis procedures conform to the EPA reference technique as presented in the Federal RegisEer Vol. 36 No. 84. This type of sampler collecEs airborne particulate maEter on a glass fiber filter by draw:ing a high volume of air, appro>:imaEely 40 cubic feet per ninute, through the filter for a 24-hour period. Total weight of the particuiate mat.ter is then calculated by subtracting the pre-exposure weighE of the filter from the weighr of the used filter. The resultant weight is directly related to Eotal suspended parEiculates in microgra$s per cubic meter of air. Sampling started in October, 1977 and samples are taken concinuousiy from mitinighc to nidnight every sixth da;i, in conformity with the U.S" EPA standard sampling schedule. The sampler is mounted on a nonitoring platform such thaE the intake is approximately 3 meters (10 feet) above ground to prevent biasing of the data by heavier, non-suspended particles resulting from surface interferences. Sampling flov rate is continuously recorded through the use of a recording pressure transducer. The unit is also equipped with a timer that records the actual length of operation to the nearest 0.1 rninute. A11 f ilters are weighed at the Dames & i,loore Denver laboratory in a low relative humidiEy room. 6. 1.3.3 Computer Mociels STAR MIL - Takes hourly surface a Pasquill stability meEeorological observations and computes class for each observation based upon: 1) incoming solar radiation height, 4) wind speed. Takes the output from distribution of stabil intervals. 6-I I intensity, 2) sky cover, 3) cloud STAR MIL, and computes the frequency ity by wind direction and wind speed DT ROSE Other Diffusion Anal where: X(x , y, O, H) Mociels sis for Determination of Chemical Concentrations rom Stacks The downwind, ground level concentration of effluents enitted from the various stacks was computed using the Pasquill-Gifford diffusion equation (Turner, 1970). This equation assumes Ehat the distribution of effluenEs downwind from a stack will be Gaussian (normal) in both the horizontal and vertical planes of the plume. Ihe equation is: X(x,y,o,H) = Q exp (-1/2 lvloz)2)"*p Gll2 $lor)2) ltoouyz = Concentration in micrograms per cubic Eeter (ug/r3) at the point x,y,O from an elevated source with effectiveheight, H. emission rate in micrograms per second the standard deviation in the crosswind direction of the plume concentration dis tribution the standard deviaEion in the vertical of the plume concentration distribution mean wind speed in meters per second effective height of emission (physical stack height + plume rise) distance downwind in the direction of the mean wind U= crosswind distance 6-t2 GrounC level concenEraticns computed using the preseni equation are for averaging tines of approximately !en minuEes. These Een-minute concenErations can be converted to longer averaging times using Ehe following relationship (Turner, 1970) : 4.2 X" = Xk (tn/tr) where: X" = concentration estimate for longer sampling time X, = calculated ten-minute concentrationK tk = ten minutes E = longer sampling Lime D Possibly the most difficult term to accuralely assess in the above equation is Ehe effective height of release (H) oE, rnore speci.fically, plume rise ( Ah) . Holland's equation (Turner, 1970) rras developed fcr stacks of Ehe sLze and buoyancy of those to be enployed at the mill. hhile it is generally accepted that the Holland equation tends to under- predict plume rise it rvas considered as the "besE fit" equaEion but should be somewhat conservative in the predictions. Holland's equation is: Ah = V^d (t.5 + 2.68 x 1O-3 p Ts-Ta d) Kq uTwhere: s Ah = rise of the plume above the stack in meters V- = stack exit velocity in meters per seconds d = inside stack (top) diameter in meters u = wind speed at stack height in neters P = atmospheric pressure in millibars Ts = stack gas exit temperature in degrees Kelvin Tu = air temperature in degrees Kelvin K = ccrnstant, assune 0.85 for sEable conditions and l.l5 for unstable conditions The following design stack diffusion models : 5-1 3 and emission data were used in the appropriate DRYER BOILER Stack Height Stack Exit Diameter Stack Exit Velocity Stack Exit Temperature S0^ Emission RateZ N0 Emission Ratex Particulate Enission Rate Stack Height Stack Exit Diaraeter Stack Exir Velocity Stack Exit Temperature S0^ Enission RatezN0 Enission RatexParticulate Emission Rate 13.7 m 0.22 m 23.2 mps 3560K 0.25 gm/sec 0.06 gu/sec 0.05 gna/sec 27.4 m I.22 m 4.6 rnps 350'K 4.0 gn/sec 2.0 gm/sec 1.0 gm/sec It was found that maximum ground level concentrations from the dryer and boiler stack were obtained with stable conditions and low wind speeds. Therefore, assumptions used in diffusion calculations include use of a stable atmosphere (F stability) and wind speed of 2 ureters per second. Haximum off-site ground-1evel concentrations from the dryer stack emissions occur at a point approximately 800 meters from the stack and maximum concentrations resulting from the boiler occur at a point approximately 2000 meters for the boiler. Therefore, terrain was not considered in these calculations because, vrithin 2000 meters of the proposed uril1, terrain fluctuations are slight. 6.1.4 Land Soils FieId and laboratory studies were undertaken ture in identifying the soil types present and properties important in reclamation. to to supplement litera- characterize soil 5-r4 Soil Survey & Classification AE both the Blanding and Hanksville areas, soils were identified and classified according to range site. and soil Eaxonorny. In addition, soil slopes were measured and landscape position and parent material identi- fied. At the Hanksville area, a soil surve)' map rras made because prior work had noE been done. AE Blanding, the existing soil survey uras verified. The survey and fieid descriptions r,eere completed by Mr. Lorsell I{oodward of Provo, Utah, (retired USDA Soil ConservaEic'n Service soil scientist) and a Dames & Moore soil scienEist. Field studies were compleEed during September I977. During the survey, soil profiles were located, sampled and des- cribed. At least one profile was described for each rnapping unit. Saurples of each layer -'"-ere bagged f or laboratc,ry tes ting. Laboratory TesEing Tests were conducted at AgriculEural Consultants, Inc. of Brighton, Colorado, a soil tesiing laboraEory. Soils h,ere analyzed for their potential use in reclamation operations and for boron and selenium levels. Each test is briefly described below with a description of the significance of test results. Soil Texture This classification size materials found represents lhe combination of sand, in the portion of the field sample each is given below: silt, and clay less than 2.0 nm. Ihe size ranges for sand s i1t c lay Materials coarser than 2.0 mm - 0.05 mm 0.05 mm - 0.002 mrn (0.002 mm sand have the following size groupings: >1 0" 3-1 0" 2.0 mm - 3" than 15 percent larger material do not require a modifier class. Those with 15-35 percent by volume larger mater- tgraveiiy siit loamr' or tstony clay.t lhose wirn over 35 s tones cobble s grave 1 Soils with less on the t.extural ials are named 6- 15 percent larger materials have tveryr added in front of the textural rnodi f ier. Soils with sandy loarn, loam, silt loam, and lighi clay loam textures are best suited for reclamation uses. Soils with clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam and clay texEures would present tillage diffi- cr:lties when moved and respread. Packing would occur, and the soil would becoue hard and cloddy upon drying. Soils that are the $ost erosive are the sandy loams and silt loams. Ihey are both highly susceptible to wind and water erosion. Soil textures ranging through loams, clay loams, and silt loams have good water-holding characteristics. Sandy loam soils have reduced water holding and supplying capabilities. the following graph (after Brady !974) shows characteristic values ior several types of water, and the relationships between soils: -24 =o4! o oo to o =Fz)lu zoC) IE.UlF = cc IJJF E18J6U)FGtz ta uJ FIELD -CAPACII-Y-- A-€,ffi ffi il 8itrlffi ;, il iiii ii i ili:i i i i i iiiiiii,k:-*lt.friiliiiti!ii!!:!::!!:!!!!!!i!!!!i:liiii:::::i:::iii:::i::::i::::;::i:,i;i::i::::;iii!ii:::::;:- ,H..i]?jff,F1f:iiiiiii==.-:iiliii#iillii=i;:::::::::::i:;::i:::::::::::::::::i:i::::i;:i::;:::; f=:::+=f:iiii;iiiiiiii::::ii:;i:iiiii:iii::ii:ii::i;l: Unavailable water iiiii:'iii::::iiii:ii '.:.. ji::::l:::':;:::::::::::: i+-. -.*ii:::iiiiiiiiii:!:iiiiii;i:::::::i:::ii:i::::iii:::ii:'::::::::l:::;:i;:;;:i:i:i:::::::::::::i:::::iiii:::::::::t ::;:::::i:::::::::;::ii:::::::i::i:ii:::i::::i::i::::::i;i:::i,::,:,:i::;:ii:ii:ii::::::::::i:i:i:::i:i::;::i:::ii:a:::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j::::::i:::::::::::,:::::::i:a::::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::::::i:: ::iii:::l;i:::i::::ii:::ii::ii::::::iiiil;:iiii:ii:ii::iiiiii:ii:::;iii;ii:;iiiiiiiiiiiir::;:::::;i::i:::::i::iiiiiii::i SAND : ffi 6-1 5 Water-Holciing Capacity - l/3 and 15 Bar: Tnese values Eogether reflect the amounE of waEer that is available to a p1ant. The difference in the amount ot ll3 Bar (field capacity water) and 15 Bar (wilting point water) gives the amount of waEer available for plant use. The graph above shows these relationships for various textural classes of soi1s. Note Ehat sandy loam and sandy soils have considerably reduced water supplying potential. Saturation Percentage: This value expresses the water content of a soil paste that is saturated. In general, values over 80 may indicate high clay cont.ents or sodium 1eve1s. Values less than 25 may indicate coarse textured materials that have 1ow waLer supplying capabilities. pH (1:1 and 1:5): This is a measure of Ehe hydrogen ion activity in the soil and expresses the degree of acidity or aikalinity, Soils with pH values below 7.0 are acid, Ehose wich pH vaiues at 7.0 are neutral and those ',rith pH values above 7.0 are alka1 ine. This inf luences consider- ably the availability of plant nuErients. MosE comrnonly, tesEs for soil pH involve using both 1:1 and 1:5 dilution facEors. In the west, the 1:5 factor is the probabl.y Ehe most nearly correct. Generally, the 1:1 diluEion factor is from 0.3 to 1.0 pH uniE less than the 1:5 factor. Soils high in sodium show a greaEer gap between 1:1 and 1:5 pH values than Ehose without sodium. The folLow- ir,g general rules abouE 1:5 values reflect soils experience in the west: pH >9.0 8 .8-9 .0 <8 .8 It is always wise tiate the dominant sodium problems in soils usable soil is generally good plant growth material Eo use both sodium levels and EC" vaiues Eo substan- soil-sa1t s ituation. Lime (Z): Values reflecting the lime content of the soil represent the amount of calciurn carbonate (CaCOr) in the sci1. Some lime helps to srabilize the soil and aids in forming gooo soil strucEure. Where lime 6-t7 exceeds about I0 percent, it becomes detrimental and weakens soil struc- ture. A common field tesE for lime is to use 0.1N HCL. This detecEs low levels of free lime. The following relationships show approximate field leveIs of lime: Gypsum: Results for gypsun reflect the anount of calcium sulfate (CaSOO . 2H2O) in the soil. Gypsum is highly soluble in water and is quickly leached from the prcfile by noving r^rater. It is commonly applied with irrigation l{rater to alkaline soils to remove excessive sodium from the profile. As a material itself, it is not harmful to plant growth. When soils are used as engineering materials, leaching of gypsum from soil causes severe foundation settling problems. Electrical Conductivity (ECe): Ihis is a commonly used measure of soil salts. It reflects the fact that the capability of the soil to transmit electrical current depends on the kinds of salts present. Ihe following characterizations show the effects of various salt concentrations as reflected by ECe values (Richards, L.A. , 1954). Violently effervescent Mild effervescent Barely observable These figures will generally hold utay cause different responses. ECe 0-2 mmhos/cm 2-4 4-8 8- 16 >15 A general rule is potential salt problems. 2,t /. LLfie l'2"1 Lime (1,'( lime true, buE specific salt cornbinations E ffec t Saline effects mostly negligible Yield of very sensitive crops may be restricted Yield of many crops restricted Only tolerant crops yield satisfactorily Only a few very tolerant crops yield satisfactorily that soils with ECe values over 3 or 4 have 6-1 8 Exchangeable sodium P_ercentage (ESP): The amount of sodium held on exchange sites is reflected in this value. It is calculated rrsing the following formula: ESP = N"* * loocEC " ^"" ihis value canno! be used soleiy to evaluate soils, as sodiurn interacEs with other ions to cause saline conditions. The f oi, lo.nring general relationships may be used as guidelines: ESP >L2'l 5-t2 Sodium A<isorption Rario (SAR): ESP to determine salt balances follorving relaEionships : Comrnent s Generally sodic condition; will need to becorrected for use in reclamation Highly variable - borderliae values. Sodium caninteract. with magnesium j.n this range to disperse soil. ESP values can sometimes go up to 10-12without causing high SAR or ECe values. <5 Soils usually good for use in reclamation. This rest should in the soi1. It used together with calculated from the be is Ihe fol SAR >13 10-i3 <10 DtIf\ - lowing limits can be used to characterize soils: Couruents Soil is classified as naEric. Soils will commonlv be dispersed or have high ECe 'ralues. Usuall:r indicates alkaline soi1s. Soils are generally well suited for crop growth Organic Carbon (7i): lleasures Ehe anount of organic carbon and indir- ecEly the amount of organic matter in the soil. Organic maLter can be estimated using the following relationship. OVZ=O.C.%x1.9 6-19 Soils on the arid west comrnonly contain frorn 0-1 percent organic carbon. Very dark colored. soiLs in the midwest contain 2-4 percent organic carbon. Soils with organic carbon values fron 12-18 percent or greater are considered organic. Phosphate (P^0.): available to plants. ratings are given for Irrigated Cropland: Level 0-8 ppra 9- 10 11 and greater Dry Rangeland: On the surface - For the subsoil - Measures the residual phosphorus in the soil For Utah soils (n.e. Lamborne, L977), the following test results: Response Probable Response Variable Response Very I-ow probability of any response t.he above applies in general a 2-3 ppm rating would be adequate Potassium (X*), Measures the mount of potassium available in the soil for plant growth. Utah soils are generally high in potassir:m. For irrigated cropland, soils with over 100 ppn potassir:m are considered adequaEe. Nitrate-Nitrogen: This test measures the amount of nitrogen occurring as nitrate that is present in the soil. Ttris is the most readily available form of nitrogen in the soil. Other forms are available only over a longer period of time and after biological decomposition. Nitrate nitrogen is highly soluble, and is quickly leached from the soil. Nitrogen applied in the fall can be gone by spring from leaching. Nitrogen fertilization is seasonal and should be applied for each crop. For rangeland with a 6-inch rainfall, no response could be expected from fertilization. In an area with 13 inches of rainfall or 6-20 more, some response could be expected from fertLLLzer appiicatir:ns of 50 lb per acre. Carbon Exchange Capacity (CEC): This value represents the sum-total of the exchangeable cations Ehat a soil can absorb. It is closely related to the clay content of a soil. IE represents the nutrient srrpplying cap- ability of a soil, It is, however, rarely used as e measure of soil quality, but more often is used as an indicator of the required frequency of fertilizer applications. Boron and Selenium - These elements are rnost commonly Eoxic in western elements that can be regarded assoi1s. Following are levels for Ehese general guidelines: Selenium Boron Low or De fic ient 0.1 ppm 0.5 ppm Moderaie 0. r-1.0 0.5-2.0 Exces s ive or Toxic >1 .0 >3 .0 Land Use and Demographic Surveys Published data were used wherever possible. U.S. Bureau of Census estimates were obtained for counties and communities in 1970 and 1975. The lg77 estimates for San Juan County and towns were prepared by the Ccunty Clerk, Ms. Ctytie Barber. Mr. Cleal Bradford of the Utah Navajo DevelopmenE Council and Mr. Bud Nielson of the City of Blanding were consulEed regarding population within five- and eight-ni1e radii of the mi11 site. lIr. Bradford indicated that three residences l/ere occupieC within the area. These included Vowell & Sons TraCing Company, a residence at. the Blanding airpark, and a house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Clisbee Lyman. Each home was then consulted regarding the nuuber of peruranent residents. County land ir6e statisEics were published in Utah Agricultural Statistics, 1977 by the Utah Depariment of Agriculiure. Land use of rhe project site was determined by direct ohservation, 6-21 Ecological Parameters Vegetation Ihe plant ecology field progran rdas and qualitative dat,a on the structure and at the Blanding and Hanksville areas. designed to obtein quantitative production of plant conrmunities Plant cormunities - At each of the study areas communities lrere deline- ated based upon aerial photo-interpretation, site reconnaissance and interpretation of range sites distributions. At the Blanding site determination of range site distributions was done in coordination with I,Ir. St.an Powell-, SCS District Conservationist, and at the Hanksville site in coordination with Mr. Horace Andrews, SCS Area Range Conservationist. Transects were established in each conmunity in order to obtain percenE cover, density and frequency data. Transects were set out in each vegetation community so that they ran through representative por- tions of the co-munities and did not straddle nore than one type. Five one meter square quadrats were placed every 10n along a 100 E transect. The number of transects per conrlrunity type varied depending upon the size of the corumunity and homogeneity of the community. Plates 2.8-1 and 2.8-4 shows the locations of sampling sites. Siurilarity coefficients between comrnunities were conputed using Jaccords similarity coefficient (Mue11er-Dombosis and Ellenberg, 1976) to confirm saurpling homogeneity. Species densities were deterrnined by counLing the number of indivi- dual plants per quadrat. Canopy cover of each species was determined by ocul.arly estimating the surface area covered by the species to the nearest percent. Rock, litter and bareground were also estimated for each quadrat. llathematical computations for relative frequency, rela- tive density and relative cover were computed using the following equa- tions. 6-22 Number oi quadrat occur X 100 Frequency = ty ReiativeFrequency= xLoo Sum of the individuals of a species in all quadrats per coumuni E), Density = Jotal number of quadrats per community Mean number of individuals of a species per meter Relative Density - square per cornmunity Total mean number of a1t species per meter square per community Sum percent cover of a species in all quadrats per"l Cover = cormrunity Total number of quadrats per community Plant species were collected on borh sites during spring and summer field studies. Species collected rdere tenEatively idenEified in the field with the aid of floral keys (Harrington, L964). Specimens r{rere pressed, labeled and reEurned Eo the laboratory for drying. Identifica- tions rsere verified at the Rocky Mountain Herbarium of the Universicy of Wyoming. A species list was compiled following scientific nomenclaEure of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium. Common names and speciesr symbols follow Ehat of Nickerscn et al. (1976). Successional status rras determined by species composition and percenf of cliraax vegetation present. ProducEion - AE Blanding, the vegetative communiEy sample size of the Pinyon-Juniper community was 25 cne meter square samples, i.n the BiS Sagebrush community 40 one meter square samples, in the Tamarisk-Salix community 10 one meter square sanples, in the disturbed comnuniiy 5 one Eeter square samples, in the reseeded grassl-and I communiEy 25 one meter square samples in the reseed grassland II community i-5 one meter square samples and in the controlled Sagebrush eomrnunity 25 one meter square samples. AE Hanksville in the Snakeweed-llormon Tea-Shadscale community 10 one meter samples were taken. x 100 6-23 Production studies where carried out on the Blanding and Hanksville sites during the I977 growing season, April through September. Both sites experienced drought conditions duriag this period. The average precipitation from March 30 to September 30 was 3.51 in at Blanding and 2.17 in at Hanksvile (See Section 2.7 for discussion of climatology of the sites). Where production was evident, transects were placed in each vegeta- tive community in coordination with comrnunity structure studies. Since no grazing occurred on the sites, grazing exclosures rrere not set up. One meter square plots were placed every 10 m along the transect. The plots were clipped and the wet weight of new growth for each species in the plot deEermined by weighing with a hand held spring scale. The species sampied were pooled for the entire sample and oven-dried for 24 hours at 112oC. The percent wet weight of a sample was then adjusted to dry weight biomass by computing the percent weight loss change from the combined wet weights of the species and nultip-rying the resulting percer.t dry weight by the wet weights taken in the field. This method assumes equal water loss in all samples. Production was then extrapolated to pounds per acre. With Big Sagebrush production samples, a percent of the currenE production was Eaken, weighed and the resulting weight multiplied to yield the production for the entire plant. The procedures described above were then enployed. I{ildlife Amphibians and reptiles were observed and recorded opportunistically during other scheduled activities of this study. A list of species possibly occurring in the vicinity of the project areas (Appendix D) was made based upon range distribution maps in Stebbins (1955). In 1977 birds were censused seasonally (February, May, late June, and October) by: 1) a roadside count, where all birds sighted within a l/4 ai radius circle at observation stops 0.5 mi (0.8 km) apart along Ehe 6-24 transect route were Eallied by species; and 2) a walked lransect counE, where all bird sightings were tallied by species and the laEeral disEance form Ehe transect line to the sighted individual noted. Surveys t/ere conducted on two transects of each meEhod on t\iro consecutive days in each season at each site. The roadside count (see Howe11, 1951) is an ef- ficient means of sarupling for an overview of bird courposition and abun- dance. The walked transect counts followed a method developed by Emlen ( I971) witn the exception of not rec.lrding audibles. Itris meEhod is useful for estinating densities in selected habiEats where vegetation or other features nay bias observaEions. Locations of transects are indi- ceted on Plates 2.8-L and 2.8-4. A list of species possibly occurring in the vicinity of the pr:oject areas (Appendix D) was made, based upon the sources cited at the end of Appendix D. An inventory of all birds sighted at each site in<iicating their status (whether sumrer resident, winter visitant, transient or year-round residenL) rrras made based on Behle and Perry (1975). DeEerminaEion of big gane use of the project areas was based on sign and information supplieC by Messrs. Larry Wilson and Larry Dalton of the Utah Division oi Wildlife Resources. Livestock information was obtained fron the U.S. Bureau of Land ManagemenE. Mamrnalian predator presence lras determined by sign (scat, tracks, burrows, etc.) and opportunistic observations. Rabbits and hares were counted by driving on two consecutive even- ings each season along two roadside rabbit transects at each site. All seasonal counts were summed and reported on a per nile driven basis. The locations of the transects are indicated on Plates 2.8-3 and 2.8-5. Smal1 mammal conuunity dynamics, including abundance, diversity and distribucion by habitat were evaluaEed from three Erap grids and t'*o assessment trap lines at Lhe Blanding siEe and six assessment trap lines at the llanksville site. The trapping grid <iesign described by Jorgenson, Smith and ScotE (1975, in press) liras used. !he grid consists of L2 trapping stations per line at 49 ft (15 rn) intervals with LZ para11e1 trapping lines spaced 15 meters apart, covering an effective trapping area of 8.1 ac (3.2 ha). one live trap (1arge, folding Sherman lras placed at each trapping point and checked each morning and night for a minimum of three consecutive nights in the sumner (August) and fatl (october). Each individual captured was ear-tagged for identification and released where captured. Data recorded for each animal incLuded species identification, sex and age class. A minimum estimate of density and biomass was determined for each important species. Relative abun- dance was determined but the numbers of individuals trapped of al1 species were too sma1l to uake meaningful population estinates using the Lincoln Index (Smittr, t974). Assessment trapping was performed in iuportant minor habitats ag the Blanding site and aE the Hanksville buying station vicinity to note the relative abundance, diversity, distribution and habitat of species in these areas. Trap lines, set in two parallel rows 30 m apart an{ con- sisting of.20 to 26 smalI mammal traps spaced at l5-neter intervals, were operated for one day and night. Tagging data, recording and analysis procedures were the same as for trapping grids. 6,1.5 Radiological Survelr Environmental radiation survey programs are currently being con- ducted at both the Blanding and Hanksville sites to determine the radiation ievels and their variations along the potential pathways to biota and man. These progrems were begun in April Lg77 and will continue until June 1978. Baseline data collected for the fuI1 program will be presented in the SupplementaL ReporE. The Programs, the parameters of which are summarized in Tables 6.1-3 and 6.1-4, include measuremenLs of radionuclide concentrations in air, ground water, surface water, soil, vegetation and terrestrial mammals. Tables 6.1-3 and 6.1-4 include a description of the sampling site, sampling schedules (duration, frequency, etc. ), and analyses performed on each sample. The specific sanpling locations are indicated in Plates 2.7-10 and 2.9-1. The laboratory analyses are being performed 6-26 TABLE 6.1-3 PRE-OPEMTIONAL MONITORING PROGRAM - HANKSVILLE SITE Part icul ates .t Air 1.Downwind of near the site the site boundary nearest to ore piles Upwind in the prevalent wind Cirection Water Soil 1. At two locations in the general site environs Vegetaiion l. At two lccations i.n the general site environs TerresErial Mamnals Low-Vo lume Sample continuouslyfor a seven-day period on a quarterly basis RadonffiTa measurements on a quarterly basis High-Volume Sample continuousLyfor a 24-hour periocl on a monthly basis Quarterly composite samples (as possibie) gross a1pha, gross beta, Unat, Th-230, Ra-225, Pb-210 Radon- 2 2 2 gross a1pha, gross beta, Unat, Th-230, R-226, Pb-210 Unat, fh-230, Ra-226, Pb-210 1. At two locaLrons general environs siEe. Direct Radiation 1. At two locaiions of the prevalenL direc t ion At two locations the general s it.e Semi-Annual composite samples Semi-AnnuaI composite samples Semi-Annual compos ite sam,pies(as possible) TLD measurement read on a Bonthly basis TLD neasurement read on a quarierly basis UnaE, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210 Unat, Th-230, Ra-225, Pb-2I0 Unat, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210 Terrestrial and Co smi. c Radi at icn afi of the the upwind wind in environs , 6-27 TABLE 6.I-4 PRE-OPERATIONAL MONITORING PROGRAM - BLANDING SITE Air ParticuLates 1. Downwind of potential niLl Low-Volume building and ore storage Sanple continuously gross alpha, gross area at area of maximum for a seven-day beta, Unat, Ih-230, potential deposition period on a Ra-226, Pb-210 airborne particulates quart.erly basis2. Downwind, near the site Radon boundary nearest to mill, EGTa- measurernents Rad,on-222 ore piles and tailing on a quarterly basis retention erea. 3. Downwind, near the site High-VoLune boundary in the direction Samp1e continuously gross alpha, gross of the nearest residence. for a 24-hour period beta, Unat, Th-230, on e monthly basis Ra-226, Pb-210 I{eter Quarterly composite Unat, Th-230, samples (as possible) Ra-226, Pb-210 Soi 1Fsanples collected at Quarterly composite unat, rh-230, locations adjacent to low- samples Ra-226, Pb-210 volume air sampling units.2. At least one location Semi-Annual composite in the general site samples environs. Vegetationl. At each of the low-volume Semi-Annuat Unat, Th-230, air sampling stations composite samples Ra-226, Pb-210 2. At two locations in the general site environso Terrestrial Mannnalsffi in the Quarterly composite Unat, Th-230, general environs of the samples (as possible) Ra-226, Pb-210 site. Direct Radiationffiolume air rLD measurement read Terrestrial and sanpling station (3 tl,Os on a Eonthly basis Cosmic Radiation per station). 2. At two Locations in TLD measurement read the general site environs on a quarterly basis(3 ttPs per station). 6-28 by LFE, Environmentat Analyses Laboratories Division, Richmond, California, and CDM/Accu-Labs, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Direct Envirorrmental Radiation Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (flOs) were placed in Eriplicate aE each low-volum" ^# sampling station, in the areas adjacent tc the high-volume air samplers and along Route 95 betrreen Hanksville and Blanding, (Table 6.I-5), to obtain environmental gamma radiation measure- ments. The TLDs at the air sampling stations stations are read on a monthly basis while the TLDs along the road are read on a quarterly bas is . TABLE 6.1.5 PRE-OPERATIONAL MONITORING PROGRAM - DirecE Radiation t{IGIil'lAY CORRIDOR 2 1. At five locations between between Btanding and Hanksvi 1 1e TLD measurenent, read on a quarterly bas is Terrestri.aL and Cosmic Radiation The dosiureters used are Harshaw, Mo<ie1 2040 TLDs, consisting of a dysprosium activated calcium fluoride (CafrOy) bulb type dosimeter (uo<iei 2038) enclosed in an energy compensating shield (uodel 2039) designed to minimize a characteristics over-response to 1ow energy gamma rays. The marked fading or loss of response wi.th time is corrected for by an empirically derived relationship. The correction factor used is the measured fading over a Ewo-week period, based on unpubli.shed results (Verbal Communication, Jon Olafson, Dames & Moore R.adiologist, July 27, L976) and is valid for integration periods up to 90 days. Basic dosi- meLers calibration is performed by exposure to a certified radiun-226 source, with secondary calibration on a day-co-day basis by way of an internal light source in the reader. The reader used is a }larshaw 200P reader-integrator system, consisting of a Mod,e1 2000P reader and a Model 20008 integrating picoameter. 6-29 6.L.5.2 Radionuclides in Soils Soii samples are being coliected at locations adjacent Eo Ehe 1ow-volume air sampling at both the Hanksville and Blanding locations where the potential deposition of particulates would be a maximum and in the general site environs. The weight of each sample is approxinately 1.0 kg (2.2 lbs) and is composited fron the top 7.5 cu (3 inches) of soil in an area of approximateLy 1.0 sguare meter (g square feet). Samples are dried and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and appropriate radiochern- ical techniques with sensitvities of 0.5 pCilg. Radionuclides in hlater See Sections 6.i.1 and 6.1.7 for water sampling locations and radionuclide analyses being performed. Biological Radioactivity Terrestrial Vegetation Samples of native vegetation, grasses, shrubs and herbaceous species are being collected at the sane locations as the soil samples. Samples of 1 Kg (2.2 lbs) wet weight are collected, ashed and analyzed by gau$a spsctroscopy and appropriate radiochemical techniques with sensi- tivities of 0.2 pcLlS. Terrestrial Manrmals Small manmals are being collected in the environs adjacent to the project site and Ilanksville buying station wherever possible. Samples are analyzed for specific radionuclides by gamrna spectroscopy and radiochemical techniques with sensitiviries of 0.2 pCL/e. Airborne Particulates Ihe locations for sampling airborne particuLates were determined priurarily from the calculaEions of the areas of highest potential deposition and activity resulting fron effluent release froro the facility (mit1, tailing area, and ore piles) during operation and site recon- naissance. The locations encompass Ehose indicated in NRC Regulatory Guide 4.I4. 6-30 Low-volume regulaEed flow air sarnpiers (Eberline RAS-1) are being run continuously for a seven-day period on a quart.erly basis at earth designated location to collect airborne particulates. Sarnpling is performed at. one meEer above ground to sample the breaEhing air zone. The sampling rate is 50 liters per minute, providing a 504-cubic-meter sample in 168 hours. The samplers are fitted with a Gelman Eype AE glass fiber filters having an efficiency greater than 99 percent for 0.3 micron diameter particles. Filters are changed at the end of the sample period for each location and are sent to CDM/Accr:-Lab Laboratories for analysis. Discrete high sensitivity radiochemical analyses of uranium, radium, thorium and lead are being performed Ehat provide sensitivities of.2.5 pli/filter or better. Any variability in particulate acLivity as a function of Eernporal or seasonal climatic changes will be determined by repeaEing Ehe measure- ments at predetermined intervals during the program. High volume regulated flow air samples are being run at each site for a lwenty-four hour period per month. Ihe samplers, General Metal I^Iorks Model 2000-H, consist of a vacuum pump and a filter head assembly. The samplers are enclosed in a protective metal housing and are mounted on cinder blocks to give an effecti're sampling period. The actual flor.r rate (in cubic feet per minute) is caLculated from Ehe recorded fiow rate by adjusting for pressure differences due to altitude. A General Metal Works standard calibration curve is used for reference. Radon Concentrations in Air The initial tadoa-222 concentration mea$urements $rere obtained by using the "single-filter" method. In ihis method, airborne parEicu- lates were impinged on a filter by using a high-volume air sarnpLer which Idas run for 10 minuEes. Rn-222 concentrations were deEermined from the field measurement cf radat-222 daughters Po-218, Pb-214 and Bi-214. The calculation of radoa-222 concenEration from the daughter concentrations was based on the assumption that radot-222 is in secular equilibrium ruith 6-3 1 its daughters. In this case the radoa-222 concentration is assumed to be twice the highest measured daughter concentration. Subsequent ambient radon concenEations are being determined by on-site low-volume air sarnpling utilizaEing a low-voLume air pump (Eberline RAP-I) to collect an air sarnple. The sample is pulLed through a Gelman type AE filter to remove particulates and a dessicant for moisture removal. The filtered air is collected in a scintillation chamber (Eberline SC-6; I.4 liters) and counted by a scintillation photonultiplier system (Eberline SAC-R5 and scaler). A sensitivity of 0.1 pCi/liter or better is attainabLe. Any variability in radon concentrations as a function of temporal or seasonal cliloatic changes will be determined by repeating the measure- roents at pre<ietermined intervals during the progran. 6.2 PROPOSED OPERATIONAJ. MONITORING PROGRAI'{S 6.2.L Radiological Monitoring Effluent Monitoring Program The progran to periodically monitor the airborne effluents from various release points within Ehe proposed miIl and at the site boundary, and leakage of liquid effLuents (if any) from the tailing area is defined in Table 6.2-L. This program conforms to the requirements of the proposed NRC Regulatory Guide 4.L4, "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactiviry in Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Airborne Effluents From Uranium Mills.rr A direct comparison with the background levels of the analyzed radionuclides will be possible because the preoperational sanpling program encompasses the same loca- tions and uti.lizes the same instrumentation and collection procedures. 6.2.L.2 Environmental Radiological Surveillance Program An environmental surveillance program, will also be performed on a regular basis in the unrestricted area around the site of the proposed rni11 and tailing BE€3o This progran is described in TabLe 6.2-2. TABLE 6.2-I E}'FLUENT MONITORING PROGMM Monitoring/Sampl ing Location A. Airborne Effluentsffitte mi11 except for yellow cake drier and packaging stack Sampl ing Fr:equency Semi-annual 1y Type of Sample Sufficient duration to determine release rates and concentration Sufficient durati.on to determine release rates and concentration Radionuclide to be Analyzed 2. 3. Yellow cake drier and packaging sEack. At three locations on the site boundary typi cal Iya) nearest to e f fluent release sources (courbined) b) in direction of nearest re sidence c) aE point of estimated maximum concentra tions Radon4. Ar same locaEions as in 3. Li uid Effluents Wells (3 or more) Quarterly locaEed hydrolog ical 1y downslope from tailing cel.1s Semi-annrrally Continuously collected with weekly change of filters Continuously coll.ected for one week per month-several samples/week analyzed (samplirrg tiure ( 48 hours) Unat Unat, Th-230, Ra-226 Unat, Ih-230, Ra,226, Pb-210 Radon-222 Unat, Th-230, Ra-226, (soluble and insoluble) c I(, l-) B. ,,Grab Sample Type & Location Air At EEIentially the same locations as sampled during the preoperational monitoring program (noE duplicating locations designated in Table 6.2-l). Soi IAt sa;; locations as during preoperational monitoring program. Vegetation AE same locations as duringpreoperational monitoring program. Terrestrial Aniurals rn ffigetation samples TABLE 6.2-2 ENVIRONI'{ENTAL SURVE ILLANCE PROGRAU Sargpli.ng Schedu-le Quarterly Quarterly during first annually in succeeding Annual 1y Annual 1y Rad ionuc lide Analysis Unat, gross alpha and beta, Radoa-222 Unat, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-210 Unat, fir-230, Ra-226, Pb-210 Unat, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-2I0 year years o. I(, t*) 6-34 In addition, periodic rneasurernents will be made in the vicinity of the Hanksville buying station. 6.2.2 Chemical Effluent Ground I{ater Ihe operaEional ground tater monitoring program will be fully des- cribed in the Suppleuentat Report. Additional inforuation on ground water leve1s and flow directions, which uay influence the final design of an operational monitoring program, will be obtained in early 1978 during the site-specific ground water investigations at which time the pre- operational moniEoring program will be completed. The operational prograa will monitor both quality and Levels of ground rdaEerr' as des- cribed in Section 6.1.2. Surface Water Monitoring of surface waEer quality will continue Ehroughout the life of the project. Location and frequency of sanpling will be as described in Section 5.1.1. 6.2.3 Meteorological Monitoring The preoperational scope of neteorologicaL moniioriag as described in section will continue during the operation phase of the project. Monitoring needs and requirements will periodically be reviwed and monitoring scope alterations wi1l. be made as necessary. 6.2.4 Ecological Monitoring Aerial phoEography, using appropriate false-co1or infrared or color processes, will be used to uonitor, record, and map vegetaEion and wildlife habitats, vegetation removal and recover)/, and vegetation health. Photography will be scheduled and coordinated with project acEivities and with natural biotic events (".g., maximurn spring blooin) to enhance Ehe usefulness of the uorritoring efforEs. This will p,rovide a record of consEruction and nilling activities and will document ihe effects, if aoy, of the proposed project on the project site and en- virons. Aerial photography will also be useful for documentation of 6-35 natural environmental stresses such as drought which rnay encroach on the project site. Additional terrestrial monitoring will consist of managing the reclanation and restoration of affected areas as discussed in Section 9 .0. 7-l 7 .O E1VVIRC}]HE}ITAL EFTECTS CF ACCIDEN1IS 7.1 MILL ACCIDENTS A spectrurl cf poLeiltial .dri serious has been established by c accident evaluated (labIe 7. l-1 ). accidents are alsc <iescribed. Type of Accident Failure of tailing retenEion system Tank or pipe leai<agr: Tank or pipe breakage major Electrical power failure Process equipment malfunction Operator error Tornado Fire, minor Fire, major TransporEation accident Earthquake, intensity 5 or greaEer I1 accidenEs rarrging from trj-via1 to lasses of occurrence and each class of Emergency plans for coping with the TABLE 7.1-1 SPECTRLJ}I OF POTENTIAL MILL ACCIDETTTS Severi ty 4 1 3 I I 1 3 I -1 3 4 3 I J L I I J 2 3 3 3 The severity of accidents is based oo their potential iapact on Ehe environment and is not a measure of dollar loss cr emplo-vee injrrry. The categories in Table 7.1-1 are: I = Tri.rial - No impact. Necessary repairs made. 2 = Insignificant - No impact. Corrective action taken. 3 = Significant - Slight impact. Corrective action taken. 4 = Serious - Corrective aclion necessarl/. Minor 1ccal impact. 5 = ''lery serious - Corrective action necessary. Major local and/or regional irrpact. Probabi-1itv 7-2 The probability categories in Table 7-1 are defined as follows: I = Probable - expected to occur during operating life of the plant. 2 = Improbable - possibly one or two of these events can beexpected to occur during the life of the plant. 3 = Highly Improbable - not expected to occur during the lifeof the project. 7.1.1 Failure of Tailing Retention and Transport Systems Four events that could ceuse release of tailing waler and solids outside of the proposed tail-ing impoundment area are discussed below. The volume of loss from the system and the area covered could vary considerabiy <iepending upon cause or causes of failure, the size of the systemrs failure, the voh:me of waEer availabl,e for erosion and transporE of the tail-ing, and the density of the Eail-ing and its general resis- tance to erosion and f1ow. rf tailing escapes to the environment, by whatever Beansr'rrater vi11 tend to transport the tailing downslope toward Cottonwood I.Iash, then to the San Juan River and the closest downslope population, at Bluff, utah some 20 miles away. The movement of tailing would probably require many years, since tailing is essentially sand size particles and is not easily transported except by rapidly flowing water whieh is rarely present near tailing embankments. No physical damage would occur because of an embankment failure, even if it were instan- taneous, because the maxiroun depth of water in the cells would be about 2 feeE (stored water plus the probable maximum precipitation). Ihis water would not discharge rapidly because of its shallow depth. Each of the possible failure events is discussed below: Flood Water Breaching of Retention System In general, flood water breaching of tailing embankments presents one of the greatesE dangers for the sudden release of tailing anC in- pounded waEer. For this project, however, because of the design of the tailing retention system and drainage basin involved, Ehis danger is eliminated. Within the tailing cells themselves, both during operation and after reclamaiioa, sufficieat vol-urne r.rilL be available to store any 7-3 flood which would occur, including the probable maximum f1ood. The drainage basin upstream of the taiiing retenEion facility does not concribuEe waEer Eo the impoundeci area. Flooci $rar-ers which flow towarcis the tailing dikes will be stored upstrean of Ehe upstream dik-e where flood rraters will be evaporated over a period of time (see SecEion 9.5.1 and Appendix H). The possibility of floods in I^Iestwater Creek, Corral Creek or CoEtonwood Wash causing damage to the tailing dam is extremely remoEe. This is due to the aproxirnately 200-foot elevational difierence between Ehe streambeds of che creeks and the toe of the tailing dikes. 7.L.L.2 0verflow of Tailing Slurry The retention system could overflow causing the discharge of tailing maLerials to the surrounding hydrologic environment only if the tailing sysEem were operated unattended for several months. The tail- ing in the first ce11 will rise a total of. 32 feet in 5 years of maximum production. This converts to a raEe of 5.4 feeE per year. A minimum of 5 feet of freeboard will be maintained aE Ehe top of the tailing. In order to produce an overflow of Eailing slurry, the tailing level would have to rise to the maximum level; this would have to be followed by more than 9 uonths of unaEtended operation at maxinuo production raEe. During regular operation, the retention systen operator will rnake freq':sng 316 regular inspections of the ce11 and tailing 1evel to insure safe opera- tion. Structural Failure of Tailing Dikes Failure of the tailing dikes which would produce a potential release of waste from the tailing area is possible by three basic modes: (1) spontaneous slope failure due to internal pore lraEer pressures, Q) failure due to earthquake, (3) failure due to flood water breaching. Such failures are considered exErerrely unlikely for Ehe following reasons : 7-4 (1) The stabilities of both upstream and downstream slopes at various cross-sections have been checked. The minimum factor of safety encountered was 2.21, Because the tailing cells will be lined, no seepage is expected through the embankments. Because the project is in an arid region, the only water avairable for producing pore water pressures will be direct precipitation. This water is expected to penetrate 12 inches or less into the surface of the tailing dikes, thereby pre- senting very 1itt1e possibility for pore pressures. Q) Ihe site is in a low seissric risk area. Potential earthquakes are defined as minor and would not be sufficiently severe to cause failure of the system. A stability analysis has been done on the embankments using a static analysis with the 0.1 g horizontal loading. rhe minimum factor of safety encountered in this analysis was I.65. This very conservative analysis has produced a very high factor of safety cmrpared to typical water retention dams. (3) Failure of the embankments due to overtopping by frood u,aters is extreurely remote, as discussed in section 7.t.r.r above. Seisrnic Danage to Transport System The rupEure of the tailing retention slurry pipeline would result in a minor irnpact on the environment. rire tailing retention system pipe, as planned, will be in the same drainage basin as the retention system. Any tailing slurry released by a pipe rupture, no matter what the cause, would flow downhill where it would be iupounded against Ehe tailing dike. This would prevent any spillage or escape of the tailing slurry (see Appendix H). 7.I.2 Minor Pipe or Tank Leakage Minor leaks resulting from loose connections in piping or tanks overflowing, etc., will be collected in sumps designed for this type of spill. Sump Pumps will be used to return the material to the circuit and the reason for the spill determined and corrected. No environmental impact would result from this type of occurrence. 7-5 7.1.3 Major Pipe or Tank Breakage A11 of the mi11 drainage including chemical storage tanks will flow into a large catchment basin upstream from Ehe tailing impoundment s ite. If a tank collapses and results in Ehe escape of a large quantity of liquids, chemicals or slurry, they would be collected in the caEchment basin upslream from the tailing reEention system. Liquids from such a spil1 would be pumped back to the mill or to the tailing ceIl. CAenicals would be recovered for Ehe mi11 if suitable, or transferred to t.he tailing cell or even neutralized in the catchment basin. Residtre from a slurry loss would be cleaned up and contaminaEed soil would be removed and disposed of in the Eailing retention systeo. 7.L.4 Electrical Power Failure Temporary loss of electrical power to various sections within the nill- or Ehroughout Ehe enEire nill would cause no more than a tank or vessel to overflow temporarily. No impacE woutd result from such an occurrence. Emergency lights will be situated in various parts of the miII that will activate during polrer failure enabling personnel to take appropriate action. Electrical or oechanical failure to the ye11ow cake scrubber fan could temporarily cause more than normal amounts of yellow cake to be discharged to atmsophere. Such an occurrence would be noticed very quickly, as the ternperature on the ye1low cake dryer would elevate quickly. An audible signal would activate as a result of the increase in temperature and the dryer would be shut down. 7.1.5 Process Equipnent Malfunction and/or Operator Error Process equipnent malfunction and operat.or error could result in several different types of accidents. However, none of these would result in any environmental i.mpact, with the exception of the tailing line breakage, ye11ow cake scrubber failure and ye11ow cake dryer explosions which are described elsewhere. 7.I.6 Tornado Ihe Bost significant environmental impact from a tornado would be transport of tailing frou cells or liquids fron ni11 process tanks into the environment. This dispersed roaterial would contain sou1e uranium, radium and thoriuo. An increase in background radiation coul,il result and, Lt sufficient quantities could be detected and isolated, they would be cleaned up. 7.L.7 Minor Fire Small fires that roight result from weldiag in the maintenance shop or involving snal1 amounts of coabustible oaterial cculd occur but would be unlikely because of industrial safety precautions. Such a fire would be extinguished rapidly and no irnpact expected. 7. 1. 8 I'Ia j or Fire The Bost likely place solvent extraction building major fire would occur would be in the in the yellow cake or vanadir.m roasters. a or If the solvenE in the solvent extraction circuit should catch on fire or an explosion of the yelIow cake dryer should occur, the raCiological environmentaL effects would be confined within an estimated few hundred feet of the building. Recovery of the uranium scaEtered by the explosion or burning solvent would be cleaned up by removing the topsoil and processing it in the uill. Ihe possibility of a fire as a result of an explosion in the yellow cake dryer is remote as Industrial Safety Codes will be strictl.y enforced during construction and operation. The possibility of a rnajor fire in the solvent extraction buildings is remote, as very strict safety pre- cauti.ons will be adhered to. Furthermore, this part of the process will be kept isolated and in separate buildings due to the large quantities of kerosene preseni. These facilities will be equipped with an independent fire detecEion and protection systecr. In spite of the safeiy precautions, if a major fire were to occur, the radiological environmental effects would be confined within a few hundred feet of the buildings. Recovery of uranitrm that would be scat- tered by Ehe burning solverrt would be performed and a survey of the site would be required. Uranium bearing soil would be processed in the mi11 circuit. In the past several years, two solvenE extraction fires have occur- red at other uraniurn nills. Neither fire resulted in appreciable release of uranium to the unrestricted environmental aad essentially complete recovery of the uranium was obtained. ConsequenEly, the impacE from such an event at the proposed nill would be limited to (1) cleanup of contam- inated so1id, (2) replacement of desEroyed mi11 components, and (3) a short duration release of nonradioactive combustion producEs to the atmosphere. 7.2 TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS Concentrates will be shipped in sealed 55-ga1lon drums built to withstand normal handling and minor accidents. Each drum will contain approximately 900 pounds of yellow cake. A maximum of 60 drums will be shipped in each closed van. The drums will be sealed and marked t'Radio- active LSA" (low specific activity), and the trucks will be properly uarked, Because most of the radi.oactive daughter products of uranium are removed in the extraction process and radioactive buildup of daughter products is slow, yellow cake has a very low level of radioactivity and is, therefore, classified by the Department of Transportation as a 1ow specific material. The environmental impact of a transportation accident involving release of the product would be miniual. Even in a severe accident, drums would 1ikely be breached and, since yellow cake has a high density, it would not easily disperse. More than 1ikely, t.he drums and any released material would remain within the danaged vehicle or in an area of close proximity of the accident site. 7-E Even if the ye11ow cake were to spill out of the vehicle, it could be detected easily by sight and by the use of survey equipnent. rhus, the yellow cake could be reclaimed to prevent any significant environ- mental irnpacE. At most, the cleanup operation would involve removing snalt amounts of pavement, topsoil and vegetation in the immediate area of the accident. Proper and safe shiproent guidelines for radioactive materials will be Ehe responsbility of the Radiation Safety officer, with actual shipment being the Shipping Department, s responsibility. Driver or carrier instructions will be given to each driver of each transPort leaving the plant site with a load of yeliow cake. These instructions wilL consist of an explanation of the prcduct, preli.minary precautions at the accident siEe, whom to notify and what to do in case of fire. A copy of these instructions is included in the Application for Source l'lateriaL License. 7-2.1 speciai Training for Yellow cake Transporr Accidents Energy Fuels will select and train capable pe:rsonnel to prepare for any eventuality of this nature. A team will be supervised by the radia- tion safety offieer or plant superintendent, or his appointee. Tnis team will have good background knowledge in radiation safety as is required. Further training in containment, recovery, decontamination, and the equipment needed to control such a spill will be given on a seni-annual basis. rn the event of a spill of any magnitude, the team will have been adequately trained and provided with the equipment to contain and decontaminate any accident site. The training and the equipment required to accomplish this task are, for the most pari, listed betow. Respon- sibility assignment will be direct.ed by the supervisor of the team. 7-9 7.2.2 Spill Countermeasures Proper authorities will be notified. The Region rv Director, Office of Investigation and Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion, Artington, Texas; state Public HealEh DepartmenE; and the Depart- Eaent of Eavironmental Quality, or equivalent, in the state wherein the accident occurred will be irnuediately r.otified by the ApplicanE. Train- it g of personnel as seE fcrth by the NaEional Fire Protection Associa- tion, Publication sPP-4A, rrHandling Radiation Emergencies ," 1977, wilr be utilized as applicable. Imnediate conE,ainment cf the product will be achieved by covering the spi11 area'with plastic sheering or eo.uivalenE material to prevent wind and waEer erosion. rf sheeting is not available, soiL from the surrounding area will be used. Embankment dicching would be used to contain arrf runoff caused by precipitation. All human and vehicular traffic through the spili area will be restricted. The area lrould be cordoned off if possible. All non- Participants will be rest,ricted to 50 feet fron the accident site. Law enforcemenE officers may be asked to assist in this activity. covered containers and removal equipuent--i.e., large plastic sheeting, radioactive signs, ropes, hoses, shovels, axes, stakes, heavy equipmenE (front-end loaders, graders, etc.), will be procured to clean up the yellow cake, as required. If possible, during removal acti.rities, a wetEing agenE will be applied in a fine spray to assist in dust abatement. Plain lrater will be used if a wetting agent is not available, but has a tendency Eo cause dusting if not applied in a very fine mist. Gloves' ProtecEive clothing, and any personal clothing conEaminated during cleanup operations will be encased in plastic bags and returned to Ehe plant for decontamination. 7-1 0 Any fire at the site will be controlled by 1ocal experienced fire fighting personnel wearing appropriate respiratory protective eguiprnent. Team members wilL have a thorough kaowledge in basic first aid and of the physical hazards in inhalation, ingestion, or absorption of radionuclides. ream members will adequately protect themselves. 7.2.3 Emergency Actions Emergency procedures will be established by the Radiation Safety Officer for accidents that could occur. Personnel safety, environmental conditions and prompt corrective actions will be taken as rrell as notification of regulatory official, as is required. 7.3 QUALTTY ASSUMNCE Energy Fuels intends to maint.ain quality in design, construction and operation of the rni11. A qualified engineering and construction company will be contracted to design and construct the plant. Energy Fue1s will review design and construction plans and performance continually by qualified personnel, in order to insure that quality assurance is ob- tained at all times. Ihe ni11 manager or his assigned representative will inspect all equipnenE prior to acceptsnc€o Operational quality assurance will be the responsibility of the mi11 manager. Operational control nethods will be established and approved by the rni11 Banager and radiation safety officer. Continual monitoring of the operations will be conducted by qualified staff and supervisors. Operational reports from each unit operation, including tailing reEention, will be submitted to the rnil1 Eanager on a daily basis. These rePorEs will be subrnitted by the various operators and the responsibilitv of Ehe shift foreman. These reports will be reviewed daily by the mi11 foreman, mi11 metarlurgist and ui11 manager. 7-l I Regular Inspections will be made continually by the shift foreman who will notify either che rnill foreman or mill manager immediately upon di.scovery of any unusual condition. An inventory of in-process uranium, as well as finishe<i product and uranium in ore at the site, will be performed on a monthly basis. A met.allurgical balance of processed uraniuu will also be perforored on a monthly basis. 8-r 8.0 ECONOI{IC AND SOCIAI EFFECTS OF MILL CONSTRUCTION This section is a summary of impacts described in 4.1.3 and 5.5.2. AND O?ERATION detail in SecEions produc E ion represenE- mi11 would for energy 8.1 BENEFITS The major of 1.5 nillion ing a total of subs tantial 1y development. benefit of the proposed project would be the pounds of uranium oxide annually for 15 years, 25 million pounds. OuEput of the Energy Fuels increase the national supply of uranitln oxide ConsErucEion and operation of the proposed mill would provide up to 250 short-term and 80 long-term jobs in the Blanding area. The econonic base of southeastern Utah is heavily dependent on tourism and agri- culture, which are seasonal in nature and subject Eo wide fluctrraEions in activity. Mi11 operation woutd contribute to economic stabiliEy by providing yeur-round employment for 15 years. Every efforE would be rnade Eo hire tocal residents, which would uritigate adverse impacts associated with a large population influx. Wage and salary payments would have a stimulating effect on the 1ocal and regional economies. Similariy, the procurement of supplies and equipuent for construction and operation of Ehe mi1l would have positive impacts on the regionaL, state and naiional economies. Tax revenue would benefit federal, state, county and rnunicipal governments as a direct and indirect result of the proposed project. Corporate income tax payments would be substantial and, together with personal income taxes of the project work force, would benefit the federal and state governments. Property laxes assesseC against the mil-l would benefit San Juan County, the San Juan School District, and various political subdivisions. In addition, sales Eax revenue would eccrue Eo the staEe and county as a result of personal consumption expendiEures of 8-2 the project work force and the locaI procuremen! of supplies and equip- ment for ui11 construction and operation. Table 8.1-I summarizes Ehe quantifiable benefits discussed above. 8.2 CoSTS Internal costs would total $38 nillion during the construction phase and $10.5 miltion each year of operation. External costs would be borne by the state, counEy aad municipal governments' The state of utah and san Juan, wayne, and Garfield Counties would experieace increased road maintenance costs due to heavy truck traffic during construction and operation. Other governmental costs would stem from the need to accomnodate an increase in population. San Juan County would be faced with higher expenditures for public services, particularly recreation, health and public safety. The san Juan county school District would pay higher operating costs. The prinary impact communities of Blanding, Bluff and Monticello would be faced with increased capital improvement expenditures and higher annual operating costs for services which are particularly sensitive to the number of residents. The external costs of accommodating the project- induced population increment are discussed with regard to the long-terrn operation phase only. The construction phase would last one year, and most of the irnported workers would be in the Blanding area for several months or less. Thus, locaI governmenE costs would be miniural and temPorary. Probable, quantifiable governmenEal expenditures necessitated by construction and operation of the nill are summarized. in Table 8.2-I. Non-quantifiable costs would include adverse impacts on the quality of liie and the disruption of coumunity cohesion and stability poten- tially resulting from a rapid influx of up to 150 construction workers. Ttris would rePresent a temporary irnpact; construction workers would be replaced by a smaller operating work crew in February 19g0. rhe operat- itg employees would be permanent residents of the area. Because every effort would be made to hire as many 1ocal residents as possible, 8-3 TABLE 8.1-1 QUA}ITIFIABLE BENETITSA (1977 Dollars) Cons truc t ion Phase ( toral ) 0peration Phase (Annual ) Internal Benefit Gross revenue from UrO, production External Benefits @)rmenEsPersonal income taxes Personal consumption expenditures SEate sales tax revenue (4.52) County sales tax revenue (0.5%) Procurement of supplies and equipment Southeastern Utah 0ther areas in Utah Other sEates Sales tax revenue in Utah (52) Property taxes against the uil-1 oBlank spaces indicate no applicable data 7 , ooo, ooo 1 , 344, ooo 2,492 ,o0o 112 , 100 12 ,500 18 ,000,000 I ,800,000 9 ,000,000 7 ,200,000 540,000 57 , 1 84,000 I ,365 ,0oo t88,400 522,800 23,500 2,600 456,000 8-4 QUANTIFIABLE COSTS Internal Costs Mi11 ConsEructiou Mi11 Operarion Local Property Tax payurents Reclanation Costs ExEernal Costs San Juan County Increased Health, Recreation and public Sa fety Expend i tures expenditures San Juan School DistrictIncrease<i Operating Expenditures Prinary Inpact Comrnuniiies: Blanding,Capital Improvement Expenditures Increased Operating Expenditures TABLE 8.2.1 ASSOCIATED I4IITH(1977 Dollars) THE PROPOSED PROJECTA Cons truc tion Phase(tota1) 38,000,000 l,Ionticello and Bluff 70,000 10 , 500 ,000456,000 1,400-2,100 30 ,090 1,400-2,100 0peration Phase (Annual ) aBlank spaces indicate no applicable data 8-5 popuiation growth direcrly result.ing from milt operaEion is noE expected to constitute a major adverse impact on loca1 communities. Adverse impacEs on regional highway systems would stem from the transportation oi uranium ore frorn mines throughout southeastern Utah to Energy Fuels buying stations at Henksville and tslanding and from the Hanksville buying station to Ehe mi11. Ore movement would require a subsEantial increase in truck traffic, with potential ramifications on recreational enjoyment and highway safeEy in Glen Canyon National Recre- ation Area, Manti-La Sal National Forest, Canyonlands Naiional Park, and other areas in southeastern Utah. ol 9. 1. 9-l 9.0 RECLAMATION AND R.ESTORATICT'I EXISTING AND PROP0SED LAI\D USE AND ECOSYSTEU EVALUATION 1 Project Site Ihe on-site ecosystem liras originally a semi-desert Big Sagebrush shrubland and Pinyon-Juniper woodlanci. The dominant Big Sagebrush vegetaEion has been cleared in many places and reseeded with grasses, primarily Crested l,lheatgrass, in an attempE to improve the rangeland for livestock grazing. Soae snall areas were plowed pricr to being reseeded. Ihe majority of the area has been grazed by livestock, some very heavily. Soils on the project site are relaEivety uniforn and are adequaEe for reclamation. Ia these soils, abouE I foot of the surface naEerial is Ieached and ccntains sotue organic matter and roots. Soil mat,erials down Eo a depEh of 5-5 feeE are all generally adequaEe fcr use in reclarnation. Revegetat.ion of affected areas will be for the purpose of reEurning it to livesEock range and wildlife habitat through establishuent of a mixture of grasses, forbs and shrubs. 9.L.2 Hanksville Buying Staiion The surrounding ecosystem consists of a desert shrubland Larl 1ow- lying alluvial fans Ehat are heavily gullied on some areas but have a basic 2 to 4 percent s1ope. The predoninant vegetation consists of Shadscale Saltbrush, Snakeweed and Mormon Tea. The vicinity has been grazed by cattle and is usetl as rangeland. Soils in the vicini.ty of the Hanksville buying station are variable in terms of their quality. In general they are very thin alkaline sandlr loams. Soils on about half the area surveyed (see Section and Plate 2.L0-2) have gypstrn or salt contents ioo high for use in reclama- tion. In contrast, about half the area has 30 inches of soil material that would be good for use in reclamation and are adequate to reclaim the buying station site. 9-2 Reclamation of the 9-acre disturbed area will be for the purpose restoriag the site as rangeland aaC will emphasize establishment of mixture of grasses and shrubs. 9.2 PLANS FOR RECLAIMING AND RESTORING AFFECTED AREAS 9.2.L Tailing Retention System The following plan will be implemented sequentially for the three tailing cells as each is inactivated, approxinately after the fifth year of operation, the tenth year of operation, and at termination of the pro- ject. The reclamation plan has been designed to provide both long term stabilization of tailing and controlled release of radioactivity. Summary of Tailing Retention Plan The proposed rnill will have an acid leach process and a 2,000-ton per day capacity. The project site is rocated approxinately 6 niles south of Bianding, Utah and will include an existing ore buying station as well as the proposed ni11 and a tailing retention systen. A more detailed description of the project is provided in section 3.0. The proposed tailing retention plan calrs for the disposal of mi11 tailing in three partially excavated rectangular ceLls southvest of the rnill site, each approximately 4,000 feet long, 650 feet wide and 35 feet deep. Each of the three cel1s is designed Eo contain five years of tailing; thus, reclamation will occur at approximately five-year intervals. A basic feature of Ehis retention plan is the lining of each cel1 (excavated trench and surrounding dike) with chlorinated polyeEhylene or an equivalent liner. Before the first cell is filIed, the second would be constructed and a portion of the material excavated froro the second wouLd be used as cover for the first ce11. Sirni1ar11,, excavation of Ehe third cell would provide cover uraterial for the second and would be completed before the second would be reclained. It is currently esti- mated that approximately 300,000 cubic yards of graterial will have to be excavated to cover the third ce11. This cover material will either of a 9-3 come from excavation of this cell or will be excavated from an area immediately south of the western edge of the third ce11. For radio- logical calculations, Ehe toEal storage votune of Ehe three Eailing cells was estimated at 9.0 x 106 cubic yards and it was assumed that Ehey will cover a total maximuu surface area of approximately 210 acres. The total disturbed area for tailing retention is estimated to be 249 acres. More detailed discussions of the eailing retention plan, alterna- tives considered and the reasons for rejecting ihe other alternatives may be found in Sections 3.0 and 10.0 and in Appendix H. 9.2.L.2 Cover Material This section presents the various cover naterials thaE tailing reclarnation. results of an analyrical sEudy evaluaEing couLd be utilized for post-operational the affected surface mainEenance require- The criteria used in evaluating alternative cover maEerials for post-operational tailing rectamation were: . A reduction in the gamma radiation to essentially backgrounci leve1s; A reducEion in the radon emanation flux from to not greflter th4n tvice background leve1s;t I r nA &+t fx{r -Cr-r Yininization of nronitoring and long-tern ments; . The cost effectiveness of each alternative; . Suitability for revegetation. A general description of the various rnaterials and the esti.mated costs of each are summarized in Table 9.2-L" 9.2. 1.3 Background Radioactivity Radon Emanation At the present time, there are neither measurenents of the radot-222 flux at the proposed tailing retention siEe nor in the general environs of the site. A program is currenEly being conducted to determine these values. Background radon-222 flrrxes can be estimaEed froo the average 9-4 TABLB 9.2-1 ALTERNATTvE covER uArnnul' EvALUATED Alternative Description FOR TAILING MANAGEI,MNT Cost (x $1000)b Regrade partially dried eailing. Cover with 9.0 feet of silt/sandmaterial. Add 712 foot of mixedtopsoil and sand, fertilize and reveget.ate. 1,749 Regrade partiaLly dried tailing. Cover with 17.0 feet of silt/sand- sand mixture. Add L/2 foot of mixed topsoil and sand, fertilize and revegetat,e. 2,938 RegraCe partially dried tailing. Cover with more than 20.0 feet of sand, fertilize and revegetate. Regrade partiall.y dried tailing. Cover with 2.0 inch thick asphalt cap followed by 3.0 feet of silt/ sand aaterial. Add L/2 foot of mixed topsoil and sand, fertilize and revegetate. 4,032 653 aA search is being conducted for an adequate suppry of Mancos shale orclay. If such material is available, it will be evaluated as an aLternativecover and discussed in the Supplemental Report. bCora is estimate for totaL 210-acre surface assumed for combined 3-ce11 con figurat ion. 9-5 : o-Lz pCi /"n'-s'<-radium-226 concentration of soil samples collected within Ehe project site boundaries by using a con.;ersion factor of r.6 pci/rn2-sec of radon-222 per pCi/g of radiurn-226 in soil (Schiager, lg7+). An average radium-226 concentra:ion of 0.470 pcilg of soil was obtained for the collected soil samples. Ihis concentration yields a background rad,on-222 f lux o f O .7 52 p6i/m2-s ec . w\ to{ *reat icr ta'1.1- as 1.r, {*nl()r vrc4 v€tSu? , QO. zz ?(.if ^'* *.) \,.' Background Gauma Radiation An on-going progran is being conducted to document the environmental dosage at the project sire (section The results of this Program will be preseoted in the Supplernentai Report. The average anluai dose attributabLe to !erresrrial and man-nade sources is presenEly estimated Eo be 74 mr:eu. 9.2.L.4 Tailing Radioactivity The tailing slurry discharged from the mi11 will be a well-mi:<ed gombination of sands and slimes. It has been assumed Lhat the radiun conEen! of the .tailing will be hcraogeneous and EhaE there will be a concentration of 353 pCi of radium-226 per gram of tailing. Since there are no physical separation processes planned for post-entrainrnent, it is assumed that this concentration wiLl exist at all times prior to recla- mation. T?i,1ing Radon Flux No data are currently avaiLable on the radon fluxes fron the pro- jected tailing. r"* {r.\ 1 {ur (- I') --> The radot-222 flux from estimaEed to be 38.9 pci of f.o'- 's3 {; l? the tailing, prior Ec reclamation, Rn-222 per ,2-""" (see Section 3.3.2.tcilsl ,)i*o, l;c.l*'-=.. (('^,c ;-z p(,t\*+' i. n6a oCi fn.- 1€.. is 5).,ol ", tzrl: Tailing Ganmra Radiaticn Exposure Rates Estimation of the garnma expcsure above Ehe tailing can be obtaineC by multiplying the calr:ulaied radium-226 concentration in the tailing by a conversion factor of 2.5 uR/hr (Schiager, L974). l.Iultiplication of the **tt Lptet l=l - .rt-stL+* c:/s*co \-" EH6-+ ir$tri* \n'-tt/,1 f-t-}/.'b\) Y-I 6-t:-.L\r \i ,*:dLlT *rii*tg*" :t,d6r'l r :?3il vr'J, . - cr\-!.. ;[-: q !:+' ,Gl-, r : 'et i T,..\ )rle*, ' '- rQiI,tifi'4".-Id{,{ $ J ::l?-" I -i! -:t ") t' 9-6 average tailing Ra-226 eoncentration of 353 pCi/g by the above conversion f actcr gives an exposure raEe of 882.5 i.rR/hr/or i ,736 mrem per year. 9.2. 1.-5 Radioactivity Attenuation Cover llaterials There are essentially two types of naturally oceurring materials available on site which could be used to cover the tailing area, a silt-sand and a sand. A more detailed description of these materials is provided in Appendix H. A search is being made for economic clay deposits in the vicinity of the project site. Radon Attenuation The model chosen for calcuLating the thickness of material necessary to reduce radon emanation to not greater than twice background is the one quoted by Clements, et a1 (1978). The nodel consists of a uniform layer of material of finite thickness, covering a material of "infinite" thickness, as illust.rated be1ow. Both materials are assumed to contain radium and are capable of procucing and diffusing radon. f'COVER MATERIAI TAILING Ideali-zed Sketch of the Mode1 Used ior Gaseous Diffusion The steady state equaiion atmosphere from Ehese layers )Da-C-).C+P=0 ^2dz where: C D r- governing Ehe diffusion of radon inEo Ehe is: (1) is the radon concentration in the incerstitial space (pCi/cm3) is the effective diffusion coefficient, i.e. , the diffusion eoefficient diviCeC by the porosity (cur2/sec) is Ehe specific radon production raEe in the inierstitial sDace (pci/sec cm3) The boundary conditions appropriate to the problem are: C, (z=l) = ( z=l) C, -rr ra, Dz (2) (3) C, (z=0) = 0 j.ri lim Cr(il = z+6 Substituting Jr(z=0) = -D1 gives P2/\ the solutions of (1) ac- --l3z- z=O into (2)-(5) and noring (4) (5) J( z=0)(L-e^1er)-(1 +a)er,t = -D, i9,1^L o22=E Z=E Jl sinh(r,t) + a cosh(rt) (6) 9-8 where: J (z=0) J.b a tI t Surface Flux (pCi/r2-"ec) tsackground Flux (pCi/m2-sec) D l/ D 2 ( Diruens ionless ) =l@(",)-1 = Ihickriess of Cover Material (crn) Defining r, as the flux from the uncovered tailing the above may be rearraoged in the form (7) It should be noted that the tern in model used by Tanner (1954), Alekseev et aI. the square brackets is the (1957) and orhers. The term.l(z=0)/Jo represents the ratio of the rsrfece flux to the background and must be less than 2.0 to fill the critcrie oo radon flux emanation. Because of tediousness of substituting different valult of tbictness in the above equation a computer program was written to solrc the right hand side for l/2 f.oot increments of cover material thicknell f,or various diffusion coefficients and flux ratios, i.e. , taiLing to background flux. The code is designed to terminate when the thickness of cover reached is sufficient to reduce the ratio .l(z=0)/JO to less than 2.0. The unknown parameters in the model are the effective diffusion coefficients of the tailing and the cover materials. 9-9 - The diffusion coefficient of the ulrimately dry tailing is estimated Lo be l.0xl0-2 "r2/r"". The estimate was made based on published values of similar types of material (Sears et al., L975; Tanner,1964; Alekseev et a1., 1957) and the expected hooogeneous nature of the tailing. It is expecied that t.he finer grade (-ZOO mesh) material rrj.11 take up much ai the bulk void space, thus decreasing the allowable pathways for radon diffusion so this value may be considered a conservative o,rerestinate. The diffusion coef f icient of rhe silt-sands foun,l ia the "r".pdh-^l.ll.2is esEimaEed at 1 .0x10-2 "*2/r"". , I t'v"li'uee l,r("' - A diff,:sion coefficient of - ihe diffusion coefficient is esEimated aE 3.4x10-2 to be well mixed Eo reduce -, ,,6.8x10'"o1'/sec for the sands. : r '..." l; 0".t t*t"lt'^"f of a mixture of these two marerials ,)96-/sec. Such a naterial would have interstitial voids in the sand. Substitution of these values and the yaiue of the ratio of the tailing to background flux in the right hand side of Equatioa 7 allows the dctcrainaEion of radon reduction versus eover material.. Table 9,2-2 Prcseata the results of these calculations for various thicknesses of differeot cover materials. Ac is obvious, a thickness of 9.0 feet of silt-sand reduces the turfaca aadon flux to less Ehan Ewice background. A mixture of silt-sand and gand or a cover of sand would reguire 15 feet or )20 feet, respec- tively, to achieve the same goal. It should be noted thaE most of the attenuation occurs in the first few feet of naterial. The firsE six feet cf the silt/sand, for example, reduces the ratio of the uncovered taiiing radon flux to background by an order of magnitude. The remainder of the rnaterial is basically needed to conpensate for the radium in Ehe cover and the residual couponenc or- the taiiing riux. THICKNESS OF COVERS TO RADON BACKGROLIND 9- 10 IABLE 9.2-2 VS. MTIO OF RADON SURFACE FLUX FLUX FOR VARIOUS COVER MATERIALS Itrickness of Covers (feet) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9"0 10.0 11 .0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15 .0 15.0 17.0 18 .0 19.0 20.0 Silt/Sand 33.6 2\.9 L4.4 9.6 6.5 4.6 3.3 2.5 <2 Silt/Sand-Sand 44.8 33. 0 26.2 25.3 20.4 L6.4 L3.2 10.6 8.6 7.0 5.7 4.7 3.9 3.3 2.8 2.4 2.1 <2 Sand 48.1 43.7 39.1 34.6 30.2 26.2 22.6 L9.5 L6.7 L4.4 L2.3 10.6 9.1 7.8 6.8 5.9 5.1 .4."5 1,-23.5 9-1 1 Gamma Radiation Attenuation Theoretically, each foot of packed earEh cover will reduce Ehe ganma exposure raEe by approxinately an order of nagniEude. (tlanna Ray attenuation is heavily dependent on atomic electron interactions e.9., Compton collisions, photoelectric absorption, so that the absoiute type of material, clay, etc., is irrelelrant to this discussion.) Thus, considering the worse case, 9.0 feet of cover material, the reduction is of the order of 109. This would rerluce the gamma dose of 7 1736 mrem/ year to significantLy less than 0.001 mrern/ year. 9.2.L.6 Tailing Reclamation Alteraatives Several tailing disposal concepts were considered prior to selec- tion of the proposed plan (".g., conventional surface disposal at a number of locations); these are discr:ssed in Section 10.0 and Appendix H. Four tailing reclamaEion alternatives were considered for the proposed plan using the results of the previous se,cEion for radon attenu- at,ion. The total cost of each alternaEive was derived from the couponent co'sts for each phase of the reclamation. Two costs are fixed for each alternative, the cost of trrenty years of monitoring on a regular basis and the cosE of revegeEation. The first of these was conservatively estimated at $5,000/year and includes the costs of radon neasuring equipment and quarterly surveys. An average cost of revegetation, $600/acre, was used bul it should be recognized that this cosE varies appreciably throughout the southwest and is heavily dependent on a number of parameEers (Kennedy eE al., 1977). Individual alternative cover costs \dere estinated from the following simple formula. Cover Cost = k x A x t x c x f (1,d)(8) 9-72 where: k = 43560 (ft2/acrel * * $a3l f.3) = 1613.3 yd3/""r". A = Area covered (acres) t = Thickness of cover (ft) c = Average cost. per cubic yard of cover f(1,d) = empiricaL correction factor dependent on the distance . the material is hauled (1) and the degree of difficulty of compacting, grading, etc., for the case unity. It should be noted that, in all the calculations, the background flux quote is based on Ron-seeular equilibrium for the thorium, raciium ratio. rf secular equilibrium rrere assumed, i.e. a natural soil val_ue of 0.71 p}t/g of radium, the radon flux would be I.15 pCi/n2-sec. The effecE on the thickness of eover material would be to reduce it by approximately 1.5 to 2.0 feet. Ttris would reduce the estirnated cost of the alternatives by $508,000 ro $678,000, respectively. Ttris cosE adjustment may be nade as more data become available. Sinilarly, as more data are gathered, further reduction may become evident. Graphically, it can be shown that 4 feet of material are sufficient to reduce radon flux to levels comparable with other parts of Utah, e.g. Moab. This further reduction would essentially divide the costs for reclamation of the tailing retention systen by one-third to one-hal f. A search is being conducted for suitable clay material as an alternative cover. If, this search is successful, that alternative wiIl be evaluated in the Supplemental Report. The following costs were developed using the portion of the cover material would be that material assumption that a initially excavated 9-1 3 (see Appendix H) and that exca.ration cosEs would be absorbed as opera- tional expenditures not reclamation expenditures. Al-ternative I - Silt-Sand Cover With One Half Foot of Mixed Sand and Topsoil Approximately 9.0 feet over Lhe dried tailing. The Approxinately one-half foot of on the cover to help promote and revegeEaEion would follow. approxinately as follows: of silt-sand material would be placed area wouLd be conto'.rred and compacted. nixed topsoil and sand would be placed revegeEation. Artifical fertilization The cost of this alternative would be Cover Cost: ?(43,560 f:.'facre x 210 acres x 9.0 2O49,000 yd- previously excavated) llixed Topsoil and Sand: 'I1513.3 yd" /f.t acre x 210 acres x Revegetation: $600/acre x 210 acres Monitoring: (20 years) feet x x 0.65 0.5 ft L/27 yd3Itt3) x $0.16 Iess =$1,496,000 = 27,200 = 126,000 =_ 100 ,009. $ I ,749 ,200 including costs revegeEation and 5,000/year x 20 years Total CosL Thus, the estimated cost of this alternative, of moving and compacting the volume of cover material, monitoring for 20 years is $1,749,2A0. Alternative II - A Mixture of Silt-Sand and Sand with One Ilalf Foot of lIixed Sand and Topsoil Alternative II involves reducing the radon flux and gamma dose with a mixture of silt-sand and sand. The required thickness of this cover is estimated to be 17.0 feet of silt-sand and sand. Again approxi- mately one-half foot of mixed topsoil and sand would be added to help proncte revegetation. Fertilization and revegetation would follow. A cost analysis utilizing a similar procedure as for the previous alter- native yields a total estimated cost of $21937,700. 9-L4 Alternative III - Sand Cover With One-Half Foot of Mixed Sand and Topsoil Iilrarr" rrr utilizes a sand cover for radon flux and ga,,oa exPosure rate reduction. The amount of oaierial necessary for this alternative is estinated to be in excess of 20.0 feet. One-half foot of rnixed topsoil and sand would cover the cap. Fertilization and revegetation would fo11ow. The estimated cost of this alternative is about $4,032,170. Alternative IV - Asphalt Cap This alternative would involve the placement of a two-inch asphalt cap on the tailing followed by three feet of silt-sand materiaL. Ihe asphalt cap would serve as an impermeable barrier to gas difiusion while the silt-sand would lirnit gamma ray exposure. Mixed sand and topsoil would be followed by revegetation as in the other alternatives. The estimated cost of this alternative is about $653,000. 0ther Alternatives OLher alternatives have been considered and rejected on a tech- nical feasibility and/or cost basis. A search is underway for clay deposits within a fifty-mile radius of the project site. If this search is successful, use of clay mat.erial as a cover material will be evaluated and discussed in the Supplemental Report. Consideration of other alternatives presented in Table 10.6 of NUREG-0128 have been rejected for this site. 9.2.I.7 Conclusions and Recommendations The only current alternative not completely viable from a long-term radiological health basis is Alternative IV. Artificial covers such as asphalt will crack due to recurring thermal expansion and contrac- tion and root pressure. Thus, long term stability of the asphalt cover cannot be guaranteed. 9-1 5 Unless a suitable and adequate supply of c lay can be tocat.ed , t.he current plan is to use a silt-sand cover (Alternative I) for rectamation of the tailing reEention area. Final verification of the required thickness and distribution of cover maEerial(s) for the selecEed alternaEive will be achieved Ehrough actual field measurements at the site. The results of the prograrn will be incorporated into the Supplemental Report anC will indicate tailing cover requirements as determined from the combined analytical and exper- imental efforts. Background radon flux measurements will be taken in the vicinity of the tailing retent.ion site at locaEions of generally similai: soil conditions as those unCerlying the tailing af,€El. Ihe area monitored wilI be of sufficient distance from the mi11 and tailing to ninimize Ciscortion of the natural background from effluents reLeaseC from these sources. Flux determinations will be urade from radon and progeny alpha activity measurements of I.4 liter radon sampl-es extracEed at short tine intervals from a 200-1iter container sealed into the ground. Background radon fluxes will be measured at varicus upvrind locaLities in the vicinity of the tailing. Flux Eeasurement on tailing will be nade in dry areas where pos- sible. If no dry areas are available, it nay be necessary to ta.ke composite grab saurples of che tailing slurry, allow Lhem to dry and rneasure the fluxes in a controlled environnenE. Equilibriun distribution coeffi,:ienEs for V-238, Ra-226, and Ih-230 for typical siEe soils will be measured as cetls are excavated. Permeabilities and other hydraulic par,ameEers tray also be measured. A close check on soil temperature, air temperature and barometric pressure will be nade during all tlux measuremenEs. Tne radium contenc 9-r 6 of the tailing, cover material and background station soils will be determined in order to thorcughly calculate radon fluxes for comparative PurPoses. 9.2.2 Decommissioning of Upon termination of sioned and affected land activities in accordance using accepted industrial Fac i1 itie s the project, all facilities will be deco'n'ois- reclairned. Energy Fuel.s will perform these with regulatory requireuents then in existence, practices and procedures. It is not possible at this stage to delineat,e the specific details of the decormissioning and reclaoation program because of the lack of prior precedent and regulatory guidance. It is our understanding that regulatory guidance is currently being prepared by the NRC which will be available within the next few months. In addition, Battelle Northwest Laboratories is presently perforuing a study of decommissioning of uranium fuel cycle facilities, which should provide useful data. Fur- thermore, the work on Updating the Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, wilL include an evaluation of the environmental effects from deco"'-issioning the fuel cycle facilities, including uranium mi11s. Using these sources and other relevant industrial experience Energy Fuels will develop, at the appropriate time, a detailed decommissioning and reclamation program. In general, the decommissioning_ procedure will involve the per- forrnance of surveys of the facility, equipment, and sit.e to map radiation levels; reduction, by cl.eaning where feasible, of surface contamination tevels to below those specified which perurits the release of material or equipment for unrestricted use (Alpha: 2r500 dpm/100 "r2 total, I00 adpn/100 cm'removabLel Beta/Gamma: 0.2 rnR/hr total, lr00O dpm/100 acm' reuovable); and disposal as low-level radioactive vraste of that maEerial and equipment whose surface contaminat.ion Ievels cannot be reduced to below these levels. Upon completion of the decoomissioning progrem, facilities and equipment will be suitable for release as non- radioactive, or disassenbly wiEhout radiaEion protection.' 9-17 Reclamation will involve either disassembly of the facilities and restoration of the entire site for other use; or use of the facili- ties for other purposes, with accompanying restoration of the remainder of the site. 9.3 SEGREGATION AND STABILIZATION OF TOPSOILS Topsoil materials will be beneficial to reclamation for several reasons, and where possible will be stored and saved during the life of the proposed project. At the project site, prior to construction or oEher disturbance, topsoil will be stripped to a depth of 5 inches and stored (see Appendix H). The maEerial will be stored in a large pile and seedeC with quick germinating species to stabilize the pi1e. After the project is completed, topsoil material will be respread over disturbed areas in about the same Ehickness as wae removed. Debris and organic matter will be incorporated with the surface materials when stripping is done and will provide a mulching effect on the retopsoiled areas. AE Hanksville, since no additionaL constructicn is planned, no Eopsoil will be saved. 9.4 TYPE AND MANNER OF PROPOSED REVEGETATION The following plan for revegeEation has been developed with recom- mendaEions from Mr. Lamar Mason, Agronomist Lrith the USDA Soil Conserva- tion Service, and }tr. A. Perry Plumner, Range Scientist with che USDA I'orest Service. The revegetation pracEices are intended to replace the desert shrubland formerly aE the Hanksville buying staEion site and rangeland currently present at the project. site. 9.4.1 General PracEices Revegetat.ion pracEices at both the project site and Hanksville will consist of seeding smoothed surfaces with grasses, forbs and shrubs. Seeding equipment, used commonly in farning, will be used for reclamation except on areas or spoEs Ehat are inaccessible. These areas will be hand broadcast. Due to the arid climate, irrigation will be required at Hanksville to insure establishnent of seedlings. Successful 9-1 8 establishnent of vegetation has a high probability at the project site during normal orecipitation years; in extremely dry years, irrigation may be used to facilitate germination and initial gro-rth. Mulching will not be required at the project site rr'here t.opsoil is respread over reclairned areas but will be used at Ehe Hanksville site. 9.4.2 Species Because of and Seeding Rates separate seeding Ehe clinaEic differences beiween Blanding and Hanksville, mixtures will be used for each site. Project Site The climate at Branding, with its annual rainfall of about lz inches, permits use of a variety of species in revegetation of the project site. Two initial seed mixtures are invisioned, one for the slopes of tailing retention dikes and one for roadsides and relatively leve1 disturbed areas. Results from plantings will be evaluated period- ically and reseeding modified as deemed appropriate. Every attempt will be made to estabLish a diversity of native species that will provide quality forage for wildlife and livestock. The species listed below are only tentative. Relatively Level Areas of Disturbances Relatively 1evel areas will be Depending upon availability of seed, would be used. Gras sesEna-t Pube s c ent i{hea tgras s Fairway (Crested) I{heatgrass Forbs EfGw Sweetclover Palmer FenstemonAlfalfa Shrubsfo"rilng Saltbrush Common Winterfat Big Sagebrush reseeded for use a mixture such as Seeding Rate (r,b/Acre)Er- 1.5 as rangeland. the following 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.1T07 LblAcre 9-t9 Dike Slope Stabilizaticn Species for the tailing retenLion dike slopes will be chosen especially for their aggr:essive spreading habiEs and soil-holding pro- perties. Examples incluCe: Gras ses G?rP"be scent wheatgras s Fairway (Crested) Wheatgrass Forbs GTI-o, Sweetelover Palmer Penstemon Alfalfa Shrubs @E-ing Rabbitbrush Common liinterfat Fourwing Saltbush Hanksville Buying Station Site Species seeded here will include shrubs. Examples are listed below Gras se s Pubescent Wheatgrass A1kali Sacaton Indian Ricegrass Sand Dropseed Shrubs E6Giling Saitbush Coumon Winterfat a uixture of grasses, forbs and along with the rate of seeding: Seeding Rate (l,b/Acre) 5.0 0.25 4.0 0.2 Seeding Rate(i,b/Acre) 2 c.5 0.5 0.25 I 0.25 0.5 0.5F lblacre Ihe intrcduced Fairway (Crested) Wheatgrass and tLuna' Pubescent Wheatgrass would be considered because of adaptaEioa to Ehis climate, Forbs would be used to increase diversity and provide early growth as ground cover. As an example, Palner PensEemon provides a colorful flower as well as unusually good cover on raw and eroding sites; it is espe- cially useful on roadside cuEs. A shrub such as Spreading Rabbitbrush that is well adapted to alkaline sites and spreads rapidly by undergro,rnd root stocks would be used. I 2 12.45 lb/acre Pubescent wheatgrass, an introduced sod-forming grass, appears to behighly useful fcr Cis:urbed areas (plummer, Lg77). Alkali Sacaton is asod-forming native grass well-suited to moderately alkaLine areas.rndian Ricegrass and sand Dropseed are native bunchgrasses well-adaptedto the area' winterfat is a low-stature shrub that grows well on car-careous soils and has an outstanding ability to spread (plumrner, etal. 1968). Fourwing sartbush is also well-adapted to the area and is ahardy shrub. 9.4.3 Cultural practices Preparation for planting ni11 begin with smoothing the repracedtopsoil with a disk. No uulching will be needed at the project site astopsoil containing debris will be respread over the area. At Hanksvilre,the affected areas will be rnulched with about 2 tons of native hay peracre prior to seeding. It will be crimped irrto the soil with a standard crimper to prevent blowing. seeding will be done with a suitable rangeland dri11. Ar Hanks-vi11e, rice huIls will be urixed with sand Dropseed to prevent seed \dastage through the driIl. The following are depths of seeding that wirlbe used in seeding species listed: Gras ses Depth 0-r /4,, o-t I 4" 3" | /4-r 12,, I I 2-t" 0-L I 4n 1l.t-ttt 1/4-r/2" t /4-t 12,,1/4-r/2" | /4-r /2,' 'Lunat Pubescent WheatgrassFairway (Crested) WheatgrassIndian Ricegrass Sand Dropseed Forbs Ye1low Clover Palmer PenstemonAlfalfa Shrubs Spreading Rabbitbrush Common Winterfat Four-wing SaltbushBig Sagebrush 9-21 Seeding will be done in I'Iovember Eo allow early spring germination and use of spring moisture. Seeds may presenEly be purchased from several sources. Care will be t.aken at the lime of purchase to insure that seeds taken are of an ecotype suitable Eo the area. This will be especially important, for the shrubs and Palmer Penstemon which may die out after several years if planted in an unsuitable area. The following sources presently have or can provide seed: Arkansas Valley Seeds, Inc.P.0. Box 270 Rocky Ford, Colorado 8I067 Native Plants, Inc. 400 Wakara trrlaySalt Lake Cit,v, Utah 84108 Marton Plummer c/o A.P. Plummer Provo, Utah At Hanksville, Ehe area will be drip irrigaEed in early spring and l-2 more times during the spring and suilrmer. Irrigation will not be needed after the first summer of plant growth. Fertilizer levels in soils are presenEly adequate for range grorrth. Mechanical or chemical weed control techniques will be used only in the case of extreme weed take-over of planted areas. It is anticipated that natural successioa will gradually take place and replace early reed growth with desirable plants. 9.5 LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE AI{D CONTROL 9.5.1 Diversion of Surface Water and Erosion Control During project operation, two sEorE water retention Cikes will protect the uiI1 area from peak sEorm runoff by storing flood waters and gradually releasing thern (see Appendix H). After abandonment, impound- ment areas will gradually fill vith sedimeats and the dikes may be overtopped or eroded as the area returns to nearly a natural state. This will be a very gradual process, probably requiring hundreds of years. 9-22 After project ternination, the upstrean tailing retention dike will concinue to impound surface runoff in the natural drainage basin sur- rounding the proposed niLl site. This runoff wilL continue to evaporate from the surface as it does during operation (see Section 3.0 and Appendix H). Sufficient volume will be available in the natural drainage basin to store the probable naximuro flood, thereby eliminating the possibility of erosion of the tailing dikes by water flowing around the perineter of the tailing reteniion system. Ihe recl.airned surface of the tailing cells will have " n"tir"a". road constructed of erosion-resistant sandstone on the surface and relatively impermeable compacted silty materials beneath. This road will be approxinately 2 feeE higher than the top of the level tailing cover. This 2 feet of freeboard will accommodate the probable naximum precipi- taiion of 10 inches. Direct precipitation on the tail,ing surface cover will not run off and wil1, therefore, not concentrate and cause erosion of the tailing <iikes. Precipitation will either be stored at the surface and evaporated or it will seep into the suriace soil cover and be grad- ually released by vegetation as evapotranspiration. Direct precipitation and wind will be the only causes of erosion of exterior tailing dike surfaces. The rate of erosion of these surfaces cannot be quantitatively evaluated with any confidence at this time. During operation of the project, dike erosion retes will be monitored as part of the regular inspection prograu. If erosion rates are excessive, additional work wiIl be done to reduce erosion to within acceptable Iimits. During initial construction the exterior slopes of the embank- Bents will be built at slopes of three horizontal to one vertical to reduce erosion. Further, the exterior slopes will be constructed of granular sandstone materials which are inherently more resistant to erosion than fine grained mat.erials. As part of the reclamation of the area, the slopes will be revegetated which will further reduce erosion. 9-23 9,5.2 Maintenance of Established Vegetation Appropriate measures will be taken to assure Ehe establishment of a self-sustaining plarrt conmunity. Areas where gcrni,na!i.cn does not occur or where plants die out wil l be reseeded r"rntil a suitable s tand is obtained. If weeds become dourinant wirhin Ehe stand to the exclusion of grasses or shrubs, cheurical or nechanical control measures wiil be used. The ultirnate goal of all revegeEation efforts will be an established communiEy thaE requires no artificial inputs like fertilizer or supple- mental irrigation. Vegeiation will be monitored until sEand estab- lishuent and perpetuation is assured. 9.6 EINANCIAL ARRANGEME}ITS Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. will bond in acccrdance with applicable rules and regulations. 10-1 1O.O AITERNATIVES TO IIIE PROPOSED ACTION The proposed plan of action for the WhiEe Mesa L:ranium Project is the cutmination of a decision-making process during which r,,arious alternatives were evaluaLed. Choices among alternatives have been influenced by boEh environmenEaL and practical consid,:rations. The following sections Eogether with Appendix H describe and evaluaEe feas- ible alEernaEives Eo project plans, including that of "no actionrt' and provide the rationale for rejection. IO.1 NO ACTION The'rNo AcEionrralternative to the proposed White Mesa Uranium Project. would involve milling of ore presently at the two Energy Fr:eLsr buying stations and ore to be mined from independent mines in the future at aaother mi1l either existing or nerr. Ihe nearest existing mill is the Atlas l{ill at Moab, Utah approxiioately 80 highway miles from Blanding and 110 highway uiles irom Hanksville. The additional transportation costs are estimated to be at the rate of $0.10 per ton per nile. In view of the 1ow grade ore involved r averaging about 2.6 pounds of Ur0, 0"., .,.,,ton, the increased transportation cost alone would be about $0.04 per!",: pound of U:Oa per mile; this translates into added transporEeEion[ ,'-i'"cosEs of abouE $3.08 per pound of tt:08 hauled from Blanding andI $4.24 per pound of Ur0, hauled from ltanksville. In addition to ihe increased hauling costs, t,he probability of transportation accidents transporting ore Eo I'loab will increase. Fur- thermore, there will sti11 be a,iver3e enviror,mental impact s resulting from the processing of the ores. These impacts would cccur much closer to a population center than would be Ehe case if the ore is processed in the applicantrs proposed ni11. At the present time, it is not kaova whether Ehe Atlas nill will have the capability, capacity or willingness to process the ore that is to be processed in the applicantrs mi11. if the applicent's ui11 is noE constructed, ir is likel;r thaE other mi1ls will be proposed in the area to handle the ore now programmed for 'U I 0-2 applicantrs proposed 8i11. If no nills are constructed, a substantial economic base of the Hanksville-Blanding area wilL be removed because many of the small independent mines will be forced to cLose. IO.2 ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS OF PROCESSING FACILITIES Selection of the mill and tailing retent,ion sites involved several coasiderations, including the following: . Proxirnity to producing mines and known ore reserves; . Surface ownership and availability for purchase; . Proximity to human residences and activities; . Ecological factors; . Geotechnical and hydrological. factors; . Topography; . , Accessibility; . Availability of power and communications. 10.2.1 Hanksville Vicinity Both the Hanksville vicinity and the Blanding vicinity were evaluted initially for possibl.e nill and tailing retention sites. Ihe Hanksville vicinity was rejected because of the geographical distribution of known sources of uranium ore, socioeconomic limitations, and seismic risk. Approximat,ely 75 percent of the known uranium ore available for the proposed rni11 is in the vicinity of Blanding. The Hanksville vicinity is in a seismologically rnore active area than is Ehe Blanding vicinity (see Section 2.5). Moreover, the Hanksville vicinity lacks available com- mercial power for the proposed mi11, lacks commercial communications (radio and telephone service), lacks access to a community where employees are available or where nel{ employees could live, and lacks sufficient available fee land for a mi11 site (see Section 2.2.3 for further discussion of Hanksvil-1et s socioeconomic environment). L0.2.2 Blanding Vicinity Four general areas in the Blanding vicinity were considered, includ- ing the selected projecE site (see Plate 10.2-1). PrrrE 10.2- I 10-4 Zekes Hole Ttris location is approxirnaEely 5 niles southwesE of Blanding, adjacent Eo and on the south side of State Highway 95. Cottonwood Creek drains directly thrcugh the middle of the approximately 700-acre area. An old abandoned oi1 weLl that was reported to have a good flow of wat.er at depth is located on the proPerty. The Zekes Hole area rras rejected as a proposed mi1l-tailings dis- posal site for five principal reasons: the site is "" tI:33*"; the Cottonwood Creek drainage through the niddle of the siEe posed potential hydrological and water quality impacts from construction andior acci- dentat discharges; the area is in a prevaiIing up-wind direction from Blanding, there is insufficient acreage for proper siting of the mill and associated facilities; the area provides poor access to commercial POwer. L0.2.2.2 Mesa This location is approxioaEely 4 air miles southwest of Blanding. Approxirnately 2 secEions of public land adjacent Eo and on the south side of State Iiighway 95 were iaspected. This is a flat wooded mesa sand- wiched between Ehe Cottonwood Creek and Westwat,er drainages. The mesa area was rejected as a potential project site becasue: it is located on public dora11; its vegetaEive cover of Pinyon-Juniper and Big Sagebrush is inportant habitat for Mule Deer and there would be more severe ecological impacts from construcEion and operation of the proposed project than where other vegetation types exist.; Ehe area is in a prevailiag up-wind direction from Blanding; potential sr)urces of water are quesEionable; the area proviCes pocr access to commercial Power. L0,2.2.3 Calvin Black ProperEy This property is located approximaEely 2 niles south of B3-anCing along rhe north side of State Highway 95. it encompasses 720 acres rnore or less of fee ground. ) (*N (\. IUI\lJr i.(l-f,-l o\1\) I I 0-5 The Calvin Bl.ack property vas rejected as a project site for the following reasons: three separate drainages cross the site, posing potential hydrological and water quality impacts from construction and/or accidental discharges; private residences exist within 1/4 nile in two directions and the site is only about 2 niles from the town of Blanding; the topography is too rough for siting of project facilities and the property provides insufficient area for site requirements; the area provides doubtful access to a water source. L0.2.2.4 l{trite Mesa The l,lhite Mesa area was selected as the proposed project area. Ihis area encompasses 1480 acres of fee ground and is crossed by the Black Mesa road and an existing power line. Ttre area is approximately 6 roiles south of Blanding on the west side of liighway 163. I{hite Mesa was selected as the general project area for the follow- ing reasons: it provides good topographic conditions relative to drain- age and siting of facilities; the 1480-acre area is totally fee ground bounded Eo the east, west and south by public domain; no occupied resi- dences occur on the site and the nearest such residence is approxinately 1 mile north of the northern property line; much of the vegetative cover on the property has been disturbed previously in attempts to improve range conditions by removal of Pinyon-Juniper woodland and sagebrush; the area provides good access by an existing road and good access to com- mercial power from an existing line; the area has a good rdater source through deep wells. 10.2.3 A1 ternaEive l,ttrite Mesa Sites Reference is made to Appendix H which describes a site selection process used to determine the most desirable location on the White Mesa area for the mi11 and tailing reEencion system. This study considered both engineering and environmental features in evaluating alternatives. 1 0-6 IO.3 ALTERNATIVE I\,IILLING AND EXTRACTION PROCEDURES Energy Fuels considered alkaline and acid Ieaching processes initially. The latter vras found by meEallurgical EesE work to produce superior recoveries on ttle various ore types constituEing the mi11 feed. For this reason, the. sulfuric acid leach process tas selected. Certain individual ores could be successfully treated by the alkaline Leach process but, overa11, the ores were more amenable to the acid leach Process. Resin based processes, such a resin-in-pulp and resin ion exchange in clarified solution, were also considered. These processes r,{ere eliminated on the basis of higher operating cosEs as evidenced by the facE the latest uranium mills have all chosen Ehe counter-current decan- tation and solvenE extraction system. the presence of vanadium in some of Ehe ores and the Energy Fuels' intention to recover vanadium as a by-producE necessitates the use of a st,rong sulfuric acid 1each, counter-current decantation and two stages of solvent extraction. This processing procedure represents Ehe latest t,echnology. 'n^tt" tL i'*S"nt'\ Ii-1 I1 . O BENEFIT-COST ANALYS IS AND ST'MI{ARY Sections 4.1.3 and 5,5.2 expLain project costs and benefits in detail and provide background information regarding the derivation of estinaEed costs and benefits, Section 8.0 extracts from detailed anal- ysis sections and summarizes non-quantifiable benefits and costs. This section summarizes quantifiable direct and indirect project benefits (taUle 11.0-1) and summarizes quantifiable direct and indirect cosrs (rab1e I 1.0-2) . Long-term economic benefits and costs associated with operation of the project are presented in terms of annual projections and as a I5-year sLream, di.scounted io the present values. Short-term ir:pacEs associated with the construction of the project are presenEed in Ehe tables as a loEal, one-time cost or benefiE, and are not discounLed. A11 costs and benefits reflect L977 dollars. TABLE II.O-1 QUANTIFIABLE BENEFITSA (1.977 Dollars ) Long-Term 0peration Phase Internal Benefit Gross revenue from UrO, production External Benefits @ymenEsPersonal income taxes Personal consumption expenditures State sales tax revenue (4.52) County sales tax revenue (0.5%) Procurement of supplies and equipment Southeastern Utah OEher areas in Utah Other states Sales tax revenue in Utah (5%) Property taxes against the mil1 Cons truc t ion Phase Tota1, l-Year 7 ,000,000 I ,344,000 2 1492 ,000 112,100 12 ,500 l8 ,000,000 I ,800,000g,0oo,00o 7 ,200 ,000 540 ,000 Annual $67,194,000 1 ,365 ,000 188 ,400 522,800 23,500 2,600 Present Value 610,770,000 12,409,0c0 l,7l3,ooo 4, 753,000 2I4,000 23,600 4,145,oo0 It) 456 ,000 value by the formula:lffant spaces indicate no applicable data"Represents a 15-year stream of income, discounted to the presenE where v = A l_ujf-t(I + 1, = Value in 1977 dollars of a future stream of income = Annuity = number of years, in this case 15 = rate of discount, in this case 102 V A n 1 TABLE 1I.O-2 QUANTIFIABI,E COSTSA(tgll Dollars) Cons truc t ion Phase Total Operation Phase Annua1 Present Valueb Internal Costs t'ti tT-Gr"" t.GEio.r 38 , 000 ,000Mill Operation 10,500,000 95,460,000Local Property Tax Payments 456,000 4,145,000 External Costs San Juan Co"nty Increased Health, Recreation and Public Safety Expendituresexpenditures 1,400-2,100 12,700-19,100 San Juan School DistricE Increased Operating ExpendiEures $30,090 273,500 Primar:y ImpacE Communities (BIandipg, Monticello and Bluff) Capifal Improvement ExpendiEures- 70,000 Increased Operating ExpendiEures $l ,400-2,100 12,700-19,100 flffant spaces indicate no applicable data"Represents a l5-year cost stream, discounted to the present value by Ehe formula: . . n-lv=Ail*1]"" (1 + i)" where V = Value in 1977 dollars of a future sEream of income A = AnnuiEy n = number of years, in this case 15 i = rate of discorrnt, in this case l0Z cthis represents an initial crrst for expansion or improvement of public facilities which would occur as a response to project-induced growth in 1980. ts I(, I 2-t I2.O EWIRONI'IENTAL PERI.{ITS AND APPR.OVALS The foliowing permiEs and approvals are necessary before Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc.l c8o initiate the White Mesa Uranir:m Project: 1. National Pollution Discharge Eliminacion System Permit (NPDES) frorn the Utah Bureau of WaEer Quality and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2, Hater well pernits from the Utah State Engineer's Office. 3. Water quality construction permit from the Utah Bureau of Water Quality and the Utah Water Poilution Control Co 'nittee. 4. Approval as a public drinking waEer system from the Utah Bureau of Water Quality and Utah Water Pollution ConErol Conrmittee. 5. ConsEruction permit frcm the Utah Bureau of Air Qualitlz and Utah Air Conservation Committee. 6. Source Material License from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the construction fg-Q operation of the lihite Mesa ? Uranir.m Pro ject. Possible approvals from the Bureau of Solid I.Iaste Management concerning the disposal of mi11 Eailing. Approval from the Bureau of Sanitation with respecE tc r,enporary sanitation facilities. 7. 8. 13- 1 13.0 REFER.ENCES Alekseev, V.V., and others, eds., 1957, Radiometric methods in the prospecLing and exploration of uranium ores. AEC-tr-3738. Algermissen, S.T. , and Perkins, D.l,t. , I975, A probabilistic estimateof maximum acceleration in rock in the contiguous United States: U.S. Geo1. Survey 0pen File Report 76-4L6, 45 p. A.0.U. (American Ornithologists' Unicn) , 1957, Check-1ist of North Anerican birds, 5th ed, American Ornithologists' Union, PorE City Press, Baltimore, Md. Barber, Clytie, L977, Population survey of San Juan County. Barneby, R.C., 1964, Astragalus section Agrophylli in Atlas of North American Astragalus. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Gardens 13:661. BatteIIe Columbus LaboraEories, 1972, An anaiysis of the economic sEruc- Eure and industrial potenEial of Ehe Four Corners Region. Behle, W.H., Bushman, J.B., and Greenhalgh, C.M., I958, Birds of the Kanab Area and adjacent high plateaus of southern Utah. Universityof Utah Biological Series xI(7), SalE Lake City. Behle, W.H., 1960, The birds of southeastern Utah. University of UtahBiological Series, XIi(1), Salt Lake City, Utah. Behle, W.H. aad Perry, M.L., 1975, Utah birds. Utah Museum oi llaturalHistory, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Brady, N.C., !974, The nature and properties of soils, 8th ed. MacMillanPublishing Co., New York. 639 p. Bureau of }Iational Affairs, L977, State air laws for Utah. Environment Reporter, 526:1010-1019, 525:0501-0509. Burt, W.H. and Grossenheider, R.P., L964, A field guide Eo the mammals. Houghton ilifflin Company, Boston. City of Blanding, 1977, General fund operating budget for the fiscalyear ending June 30, 1978. 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Bulletin of the University of Utah 35(14) Biological Series 9(1), Salt Lake City. Woodbury, A.M. , 1947, Distribution of pigay conifers in Utah and north- eastern Arizona. Ecology 28Q): 114-126. The following are attached and coinpLete this report. Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Very truly yours, DAMES & MOORE Q/*,tMRichard L. Brittain Princ ipal-In-Charge Kenneth R. PorEer, Ph.D. Project Manager RLB/KRP/ t 1s APPENDIX A CULTURAI R.ESOURCE INVENTOP.Y R.EPORT LETTER FROM STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER AN INTENSIVE CULTURAL ON WTIITE ivlESA, R.ES OLTRCE IN'/EI\iTORY COI'J DUCTED SAN 1i;,15 COUNTY, UTAI{ submitted io the Bureau of Land Management anC to the Antiqui.ties Section of the Utah Division of State History ln behalf of Energy Fuels Nr:clear, inc. Denver, Colorado by Richard A" Thompson Southern Utah State College wrth ceramic analysis by Alan Spencer Brigham Young UnlversitY December 7 , 1977 International Learning anci Research, Inc. Cedar City, Utah AN INTENSIVE CULTURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY CONDUCTED oN wHiTE MESA, SAN iUAN COUNTY, UTAH This report summarizes the fundings ,3f an intensive archeological survey conducted on 1260 acres of iand extending over parts of Sections 2L, 2,8, 32, and 33 of T37S, R22fr (SLM) on White Mesa. The tract is eight miles south of Blancling i.n San ]uan Co., Utah. Aithough the greater part of the project area is privately owned, 180 acres are lands administered by the Bureau of Land lr{anagement. The project area is marked on the map to be found on page 2. The survey lvas undertaken at the request of Errergy Fuels Nuc1ear, Inc. of Denver, Colorado and it was authorized by Department of the Interior Antiquities Permi! No. 77-Ut-066, and by Utah State Antiquities Perrnit No. 257. The'wrlter directed the work in the field as the research represeni- ative cf International Learning and Research, Inc., of Cedar City, Utah. Others participating in the project included Barhara Burden, Ian Crofts, Patricia Davis, Tirnothy Olson, Charles Sivley, AIan Spencer, Patricia Spencer, anC Georgia Thonnpson. Survey teams varied from four to six rvorkers with the size depending on the number of workers available on any gi.ren day. In addition to the writer, AIan Spencer of Brigham Young University served as a crew leader. ?9 nta \.4\'o r.\ [" 'in 1 rliii "l{ lc- \ ,,.t ll,, tJ a\(\ :, t.) t;1:;l /' LI 't 3 Recognized standards for intensive survey work lvere maintained at aII times and the method employed was the same for all teams. The procedure was facilitated greatly by the ready identrfication of key section corner markers and by the felicitous placement of a number of fences in the project area. Beginning at the section corner, each crew leader established the line of march by sighting with a tripod-mounted Brunton compass wi.th appropriate correction from magnetic to true north. Landmarks rnere noted in order to aid in maintaining the proper alignment. Once this had been done, the leader took a position 7 .5 meters from the corner on a line at right angles to the Hne of march and toward the center of the unit to be surveyed. The oLher crew members then positioned themselves along this line at 15 meter intervals. The crew would thus be prepared to cover the ground in transects which were 15 meters wide for each worker. A four member team would thus cover a transect 60 meters wide with each rvorker being responsible for the ground extending 7.5 meters to the right and to the left of his line of march. As crews walked a transect, ieaders recorded the distance covered by counting their paces and using a mechanical counter to note the distance covered at 10 or 20 meter intervals as seemed most appropriate. At periodic intervals which varied with the terrain, the leader then called for flagging the course. The worker at the opposite end of the line would then affix flagging to a convenient bush. 4 While landmarks were useful in maintaining alignments, the leader and the flagger nrade repeated checks either with an oil-damped compass or with a hand-held Brunton. On all subsequent traverses across the area, the procedure remained essentially the same until the entire unit had been covered by a series of contiguous transects. Every site located was subjected to an intensive surface examination by the entire team. The purpose was to determine the limits of the site, to assess the nature of the cultural debris, to detect the presence of structures .where they could be identified anC, where iiagnostic materlals could be found, to collect a sample suitable for establishing the cultural and the temporal position of the site. Crew leaders were responsible for the completion of the site forms while another cretv member took both black and white and color transparency photographs as the crew leader requested. ]n so far as the project area is concerned, White Mesa is covered with a layer of sandy but stabilized aeolian soil which has a relief crf no more than some 25 meters (AO tt.) which is manifest in gentiy rolling ridges and knolls. The soil is underlain by the Dakota Sandstone and, in places, the still lower Burro Canyon Formation, undifferentiated, reaches the base of the soil layer. The Burro Canyon Formation produces a green shale that was noted at many sites where it appears to have been employed in the manufacture of some kincis of flaked stone artifacts. The mean elevation of the project area is about 1710 meters (5600 ft.). Cottonwooci Canyon, which marks ihe western boundary of ltv'hite lvlesa, may have contained water during much of the year in prehistoric tirnes. trVhile it could thus have been a valuable source of water, USGS maps mark a spring just west of the NE corner of the NE L/4 of Sec . 32. This spring proves to be the closest source of water for a1l sites in the project area. Other springs as well as the available water in Cottonwood Canyon were doubtless used, but this spring appears at present to have been the most convenient source of water for this entire area. Limited stands of juniper and pinon exist, or have existed, in the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Sec , 32 , in the northwest corner of Sec , 28, and in the ltestern part of much of Sec. 2I. The balance of the project area, and of suroundj.ng land as vreii, has been covered with a rather dense stand of sage. All of the privately o'sned land has, however, been railed and all of the private land in the project portions of Secs. 32 and 33 as well as ln the southern ttree quarters of Sec. 28 has been seeded with a large drill as weil. The northern quarter of Sec. 28 and the southern quarter of Sec. 21 have not been seeded. Basicaliy, however, the natural vegetation cover appears to have been saqe brush i.n association with some grass, snake weed, rabbit brush, salt bush, and an occasional prickley pear. When the ceramic collections had been washed, catalogued, and labeled, Alan Spencer undertook the ceramic analysis with the aid of a binocular microscope. Once the sherds were ldentified, their temporal values were assigned on the basis of the dates projects in Breternitz, 6 Rohn and Morris (1974). The combination of the dates assigned to various ceramic types found at a given site lvere then used to flx its probable position in time. AII sites were identified as having an affiliation with the San Juan Anasazi. The counts for all diagnostic sherds are included in the narrative site descriptions that are included in an appendix to this paper. A totai of.57 sites were recorded during the survey. Of this number, four were found in areas outside the project area under circumstances which led one team to extend its coverage beyond unfenced boundaries. These sites will, however, be included in this discussion. AII sites, together with symbols indicating their temporal positions, are plotted on the locational chart on the following page. In the absence of Lino Gray sherds it proved impossible to separate Basket Maker IiI sites from Pueblo I sites since Chapin Gray covers the entire period from 575 to 900 A. D. In a number of cases, however, Pueblo I could be isolated on the basis of the presence of Moccasin Gray in association with Chapin Gray and Chapin B,/W. This paper follows Fike and Lindsay (1976) in making no attempt to consider sites classed as PI/Pfior as PII/PfiIas multicomponent sites. Distinctions cannot be made at these points without excavation and there is also reason to view these ceramic associations as representa'rive of a transitional period rather than of two distinct phases 7 ' _ _Jttrl-.t,?tt I IA'l J--- I I I --- ! I I I I !--- I t- I I il r yzr. a1i0 ] I ; _-__t | 'cvrr I I It- I----l---- Ii- t L'l 2l o(.rl9 ( 1ll.t I-l ---:{---- t . ___t I . Ll2Lo rY{J, @ I I.l IL--- Ir\oAr '6{o.F | .tt ,o tt)8. I I I I'A(Ylq. t L*lTr, I I I I L'rtorf I t- Ia rvYr. I 'o et .l2L.U ptlu o I IJ---to t,tzo,I I I __J It- IL--- I t- Il-- - Ot tot, b.aros .139r e e ' J81 . rfsYo.Llgo Ilt II tr I---t---' I| .rrt l,t - -- --e- --J a.rtrr '[rcr o t3' t .L') loa 'rrir HO o Lf'i0 I l.srL'rcI atJ?. n .attsll I . rrSf .r38ro I p I .rl87l,(3aso . BMIII - Pi OPI OPI-PIIr PII A PII - PIII tr PIIIr PII+ fl PI, PIi, PIII --- Project Boundarie O U)t,tl -l I l j'l':'fr slt2. It- 3ll.---r I. c417,/ I I I-l t L---tt .lo3 ' t I I I II I Iot't31[ I ' 41]l I It- Il---- I f .cr.ro- I I I I I I -t I I , gloo ) o L'lol 6Irr ? I I I-t | .a)$ I | *ot'a Il I . LY3.l I t'rrs. E ,b t---- It-.1r 90 I I I I I t I I I - --.L i. I * White Mesa Project, San Juan Co. ,Utah Secs. 2L, 2E, 32, and 33, T37S, R22E SLM I The following list thus provides a breal<down of the sites recorded by the survey in their temporal positrons. The numbers are those given the sites in the standard Smithsonian trinomial system. The first two elements of that system have been deleted for clarity. BMiII,/PI PI PT/PTT PII Pfi/PTfi PIII PII+ Ivlulticom p. Unident. 6384, 6386, 6400, 6403 , 6440, 6442 6382,6383, 6394, 640I, 6404,6420 6421 , 6424, 6426 , 6435, 6443 6385, 6388, 6405, 6406, 6438, 6444 6387 , 6393 , 6399, 6419, 6422 , 6428 6429, 6431, 6432, 6436, 6439, 644I 6380, 6381, 6427 , 6439 6402 , 6407 , 6433, 6434, 6437 6390, 639I, 6392,6397, 6445 6395, 6396, 6408 6379, 6389, 6398, 6423, 6425 6 1t 6 t2 4 5 5 3 5 Following statements made above, it will be noted that only three sites have been classed as multicomponent. The designation is based on the fact that the ceramic collections from each of these argues an occupation extending frorn Pueblo I through Pueblo II and into Pueblo II1. Additionally, five sites have been termed PII+. This means that collections made or observed at these locations were lacking diagnostic material but that at least a few corrugated body sherds were noted. This would indicate that the site would have been used or occupied no earlier than 900 A.D. but that it might be at some time after that date. Finally, there are five sites which, although thought to have a San ]uan Anasazi cultural affiliation, are listed as having an undetermined temporal position. Four of these produced a very small number of plain ware sherds. The sherds themselves could not be identified. The fifth site lacked any ceramic evidence but contained an ovoid outline of vertical slabs measuring 1.0 by I.5 meters. The absence of ceramics and 9 the ccnfiguration of the slructure mlght justify a Basket Maker iI designation. This w.rs not done, however, in view of the fact that the site prociuceci no cultural ciebris of any kind. There is tire further fact that 42Sa6427 produced ceramics indicative of the PIi - PIII transition and a pothole which revealed a slab-lined granary. Any attempt to elicit patterns from limited survey data must steer a cautious course between the excessive reticence which comes from a recognition of the incomplete nature of the information available and the enthusiasm for suggestive clues rvhich ilEy, too easily, lead to dogmatic statements based on tenuous evidence. The darkest shadow cast over this attempt is the lack of reliable data concerninq the length of time that sites were occupied. At the same time, however, a study of the site counts for each of the ternporal periods is suggestive. Pike and Lindsay use a modification of the puebloan chronclogy derivei from Jennings. In tenns of the Christian calendar, their dates for each period are as follows: BMIII 450 - 750Pr 750 - 9s0PiI 850 -ri00PIII 1100 -i300 A modification of this may be suggested to fit the observed data on \Mhite lvlesa which would include the transitional periods: BIVIIII,/PI 575 - 850 PI 754 - 850 Pr/Pfi 850 - 9s0 PII 950 - 1100 Pfi/PTfi lIOl] - 1150PIII 1150 - i250 TO Using this chronology in a most tentative manner, the BMiII,/PI period of.27 5 years witnesses the occupation of the area by six sites. The PI periodof 100 years, however, sees 11 sites inthe proiectarea while the PI,/PII transitional period of 100 years finds only 6 sites on the rnesa. In the 150 years of PII, some 12 sites are Iocaied in the same area while the PIVPfiI transition finds four sites in an apparent 50 year period. In the I00 years of PiII, only 5 sites are knovvn for the area. Despite the fact that there is a strong possibility of some distortion in the calculations of the time involved between late BI\{III and PIi, and allowlng for the fact that the multicomponent sites have not been taken into account, a trend would seem to emerge. Settlement on White Mesa reached a peak at perhaps 800 A.D. and the occupatlon rernained at substantially that level, despite the apparent decline seen in these figures for the Pl/Pfitransition, until some time near the end of PII or in the PII,/PIII transition after which, the population density declined sharply and it may be assumeci that the mesa was substantially abandoned by about i250 A. D. Fike and Lindsay expressed the view that PII patterns of settlement persist on White Mesa weII into the accepted PIII era and that there is no nucleation of settlement such as reported for PiII in other parts of southeastern Utah. Certainly this survey found none of the "pure" PIII sites to be large. They are, in fact, quite small. The greater size of the multicomponent sites is, quite possibly, more a function of the total Iength of occupation, whether continuous or spasmodic, than it is of an 11 increased number of persons in the terrninal PiII period. E'ren if rhere were more people resident in the multicomponent sites in the final period, none of these three sites arelaqe enough to represent the kind of aggre- gation generally considered characteristic of the larger PIII sites. They remain, in other words, characteristically PII. Were it not for an accidental discovery on the final day of the field work, this paper would have persisted in seeing the absence of trucleation while remaining happily forgetful of the perils of cultural generalizations based up projects confined to modern legal bounCaries. In this instance, .,t . a survey team working the vrestern edge of Sec. 2B arrived at the north- eastern corner of the Nw 1,/4 0f the sw l/4 0f the Nw 1,/4 0f the section. A project marker was found to verlfy the location. Directly io the north, in the abrupt and deep entrenchment of a tributary to Cottcnwood Canyon, was a massive masonry wa1I between 6 and 10 meters high and sheltered in a larger overhang. Additional masonry structures were obsen'ed in other shelters to the northeast. It is unfortunate that the press of time precluded a visit to these sites and it cannot be verified that they are PIII structures. There would appear, however, to be a good possibility that they are. Although these sites are lccally known, a records search shows that they remain 1rrl.3:.9.rj!i. The important fact is, however, ihat they leave open the question of the role of settlement on the mesa top. Certainly this and other sites known or yet to be recoried in Cottonw'ood Canyon may well represent PIII nucleated settlements of people who were still farming the top of White Mesa. n, t L2 These observations bring into sharper focus the question of the function of all of the sites recorded on White Mesa. The fieid work in this project was handicapped by the fact that so much of the area had been railed of its sage brush cover and subsequently subjected to the disturbance of seed drills. lA&ile this type of activity would not seem to have caused disturbance in great depth, its effect on the surface features of small sites has been devastating. Despite these limitations, however, the survey crews recorded evidence of structures at 3I of the 57 sites. At 12 sites depressions are reported with diameter ranges of from 5 to 15 meters while an additional 23 sites reporl evidence of other, presumably surface, structural forms. At 8 sites depressions are combined with surface structures. In all cases, the depressions should be regarded as indicating permanent use or residence fcr it is apparent that these will be either pit houses or kivas. Following Brew's findingsat Nkalai Ridge (1946) some 15 miies east of the project area, no kiva should be anticipated with a diameter greater than 5 meters while pit houses may attain diameters as great as 18 meters. The dimensions of most of the apparent surface structures built of stone suggest that they were used primarily for storage. The only exception to this, in terms of direct observation, is at 42Sa6441 where a PII room block measuring L2 by 3 meters is recorded. With the possible exception of two sites, the existence of structures cannot be precluded in the 26 locations where surface indications are lacking. It is well known that the archeologist finds that he must excavate precisely because all of the cultural data contained within a site is not manifest on the surface. i3 Further, there is nothing more than a very rough and 1ow degree of corre- Iation between the extent of cuitural debris on the surface and the presence or absence of structures belcw the surface. It wouid appear iikely, then, that many of the smaller sites, both with and without surface indications of structures may vrell be lvhat Haury (-w*itley, 1956, 7) has called the "farm house. " He bel:.eves that the isolated one or two room structure is a concommitant aspect of nucleation andgoes so far as to suggest that none of these are likellu to be found dating from any point earller than I000 A.D. and that most come somewhat iater in time, primarily in PIII and, in some areas in PIV. It may well be, therefore, that Whiie Mesa sites nnay reflect PIII nucleation trends rather more than Fike and Lindsay or, it must be admitted, this writer, have thought. Resolution of that issue requires much additional field investigation. Recommendations Federal statutes and adrninistrative directirres require ihat mitigating measures be taken to protect historic and prehistoric cultural resources either through programmed avoidance of sites or, where this is impractical, through excavation by professionally qualified archeologists. These require- ments are imposed in all cases where federal lands are involved. Less well- known is the fact that the same regulations are appiicabie both in the case of firms using funds backed by iederal guarantees or where sorne aspect of corporate activity requires federal licensing. In all cases, howerrer, it rs t4 the preference of both the federal government and of archeologists as a professional group, that sites be avoided and protected whenever this is possible. When the nature of proposed land-altering projects is such that avoidance is impossible, plans must be made to recover the largest body of data at the lowest reasonable cost. It is the view of the writer that only six sites will not require mitigation. These are 42Sa6 440 , 644I , 6442, and 6445, which are outside the project area. Sites 42Sa6389 and 6390 seem certainly to represent secondary depositions of material. A careful examination of erosional channels in these sites failed to produce evidence of miciden and it appears that these may safely be ignored. While cost estimates for survey work can be calculated in advance with a good deai of precision, estimates of excavation costs must necessarily remain open-ended against the inevitable subsurface contingencies. The approach to be used and the schedule to be maintained must also bear a relationship to the program of the development. WiIl all of the land be disturbed early in the project or will expanded land use be a matter of increments at intervals over a number of years ? This report will make no estimate of cost outlays except to say that, if sites cannot be avoided and if the entire project area is to be placed in industrial use, the costs u'i.!I be substantial. Under such circumstances, the methodologies used can have a very direct bearing on costs. In most sites, for example, much time and money can be saved with a minimal Ioss of cultural resources if testing is initiated through trenching with a back hoe, provided, of course, that the work is supervised by a I5 competent archeologist. In this way the extent of the excavations that wil1 be needed can be cletermined quickly and excavators will be guided to the most significant parts of each site lvithout protracted explorator.v . hand excavation. There must, however, be no time lag between these tests and the start of excavations since the information revealed to archeologlsts will also be revealed to the vandals who have been exceptionally active in San Iuan County for a good many years. It is recommended that the developers facing mitigation requirennents contact scholars anC institutions lvith the longest record of survey and i:xcavation in the San Juan Anasazi cu!.ture area. Each should be asked for estimates and for a recommended methodological apprcech to the project. it may be found that the use of more than one group woulC prove to be most advantagec,us. It does seem certain, however, that the greatest economy . will be obtained by reaching agreement with an institution with experience in the area rather than accepting an apparently lower cost estimate from a group unfamiliar with the area and the culture At the present time the institutions with the greatest long-term experience in the area would include the Antiquitres Seclion of the State Division of History, the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, the University of Colorado, San ]ose State University, and trVashington State University. This is not meant as an endorsemen"r of any particular institution nor is it meant to exclude another group working in the area vrith which the vwiter is unfamiliar. 16 Biblioqra phy Breternitz, David A., A. H. Rohn, and E. A. Morris.L974 Prehistoric Ceramics of the Mesa Verde Region. Museum of Northern Arizona, Ceramic Series, No. 5 Flagstaff . Brew, John Otis.1946 Archaeology of Alkalai Ridge, Southeastern Utah. Papers cf the_ Peabodv Museum of American Archaep-Iogy and Eh""l"q", Ha*ard Uri"er*ty, V"t. 7t. CamUridge. Fike, RicharC E., and laMar W. LinCsay. L97 4 Archeological Survey of the Bluff Bench,/San Juan River and White Mesa Areas, San Juan County, Utah, 1973-1974. Antiqulties Section Selected Papers, Vol. III, No. 9. Salt Lake City. Haury, EmiI W. 1956 Speculations on Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Southwest. In Gordon R. Willey (ed.), Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the New World. Vikinq Fund Publications in Anthropologry, No. 23. New York City. APPENDD( NARFATIVE SITE DESCRIPTIONS NARRATiVE SITE DESCRIPTIOI\JS 4ZSa6379 - At an elevation of I7i0 meters, the central and only feature of the site is an oval outline of vertical stone slabs measurinq 1.0 by I.5 meters. No evidence of activity is apparent on ihe surrounding surface. The site is on the upper part of the N bank of a wash which drains dorvn to the NNW. The aeolian soil slopes down to the N with a floral cover dominated by sage brush in association with rabbit brush, Russian thistle and a singie srnall juniper. The verlical slab form of the element points to a puebio affiliation but a more precise assignment cannot be made. It should be noted that Bruce Louthan of the Moab District of the BLM reports that Matheny of BYU has found that features of this type frequently prove to be ventilator openings to pit houses for which there is no surface evidence. The possibility should be taken inr-o account. 42Sa6380 - The distribution of cultural debris on this heavily disturbed aeolian soil extends over an area of at least 120 meters in diameter. The disturbance of the area may be related to the construction of the uranium ore receiving facility which is just to the E. Evidence of dis- iurbance is supported by the fact that Russian thistle is the sole covering vegetation. l,Afith an elevation of l7I0 meters, the area slopes down to the W at a gentle 30. Analysis revealed the fo!.lowing dlagnostic sherds: 4 Mesa Verde Corrugated rims (23 corrugated body sherds), I Mancos B/W, 9 McElmo B/W (9 white ware body sherds). Following dates suggested by Breternitz, the site should be classed as San Juan Anasazi, PiI-PIII with the most likely dates of occupation coming at about 1100 to It50 A.D. 42Sa6381 - The cultural debris of this siLe, primarily sherds, spreads over an area 50 meters in diameter. The area may have been eniarqed somewhat during the process of chaining and seed-cirilling. The aeolian soil slopes down to the NE at a gentle 2o while the present vegetation is composed of sage brush, salt bush, Russian thistle, rabbit brush, grass, and snake weed. The elevation is 1710 meters. A rather ccnfined scatter of stone rubble suggests the possibiiity of a crescent or an "L" shaped structure open to the S or SE. Ceramic analysis reveals the following association of diagnostic sherds: 4 Mesa Merde Corrugated rims (71 corrugated body sherds), 4 Mancos B/W, i5 McElmo B/w, 105 Mesa Verde B/W (53 slipped white ware sherds), and I Deacimans B,/R. Following dates offered by Breternitz, the site should be consiciered a San Juan Anasazi occupation during the PII-PIII period with the most likely dates calculated at ll00-1250 A.D. 42Sa63E2 - ihis site is 40 meters in dianeter and was found at an elevation of 1710 melers on aeolian soil that slopes down to the SE at- 40. The area has been ralled cf its original sage brush cc'.rer and the surh ce was even more disturbed by the use of a seed drill. The present vegetation:.ncludes 19 Russian thistle, grass, and rabbit brush. Anaiysis of the collected sherds prcduced the following diagnostic materials: 5 Chapin gray, 2 fuiancos Ccrr-ugateC rims (19 corrugated body sh:rCs), 3 Chapin Brlt4r, I Manccs BnV , I Aba jo R/O, and I Deadmans B,/R. Breternitz dates would argue a San ]uan Anasazi occupation in late PI or early PII at some time around 900 A.D. 42Sa6383 - With an elevation of 17I0 meters, the site area extends over a 60 meter diameter on the top of a low knoll which drops in all directions at about 60, As the result of the railing of sage brush and the use of a seed drill, the aeolian soil norn, produces some grass and a good deal of Russian thistle. A graded road to tirree small powder magazines cuts across the middle of the site. In addition to ground stone fragments noted, the sherd collection produced the following diagnostic samples: l4l Chapin gray, 3l Moc.casin gray, 13 ChapLn B/W, and 4 Deadmans B,/R. Using the Breternitz dates, the combination suggests a San Juan Anasazi' PI occupation between 800 and 900 A.D. 42Sa6384 - The site is situated on a slope that drops down to the W at 6o at an elevation of 1710 meters. A concentration of unmodlfied stone which may mark the origina! site area lies near the top of the slope. Belolv this stone is a limited scatter of sherds and flakes which may have been moved by runoff flow or by the actj.vity of railing the sage and seeding with a drill. The cover is grass'with a curious absence of Russian thistle. Within the 35 meter diameter of the site, a collection of sherds was made which reveals the following: 98 Chapin gray and 2 Chapin B/W, This argues for a San Juan Anasazi BMIII-PI occupation at some time between 575 and 900 A.D. if the Breternitz dates are accepted. 42Sa6385 - Situated on the 30 SE siope of a knoll, this site is 50 meters in diameter and is found at an elevation of l7l0 meters. The area has been railed of its original sage brush cover and now the aeolian scil produces some grass. Russian thistle, and rabbit brush. \lrrhile there was no evidence of structures, the sherd collection produced, after analysis, this breakdown of diagnostic items: 3 Chapin gray; I Moccasin gray; 2 Mesa Verde Corrugated rims, 4 Mancos Corrugated rims (96 corrugated body sherds), I Chapin B,/W, 36 Mancos ts/W,5 Deadmans B,/R, and I gluff B,/R. For such a collection, a reding of Breternitz argues a San ]uan Anasazi PI-PII site use sometime between 875 and 1t25 A. D. 42Sa6386 - A smal!. site of 30 meters diameter was found near the crest of a low ridge with a 50 siope down to the N. The elevation is I7I0 meters. The area has been railed and seeded with a drill. Grass is accompanied by Russian thistle and snake weed. The site area is marked by a scatter of unmodified stone which may indicate the remnants of a disturbed structure. A number of mano fragments were also noted. The 20 ceramic collection produced 55 Chapin gray and 3 Chapin B,''W sherds which, according to Breternitz, rvould mean a Bti,4iII-PI San ]uan Anasazi occupation at some time between 575 and 900 A. D. 42Sa6387 - At an elevation of 1710 meters, this site was found to extend over an area 40 meters in Ciameter on ground that slopes down to the \'V at 60. Since the original sage brush has been railed, the cover consists of grass, Russian thistle, and 2 small juniper trees. The sherd and lithic scatter also revealed a number of mano fragments. Ceramic analysis following Breternitz suqgests a San Juan Anasazi occupation in Late PI-PiI falling between 990 and 1000 A. D. Diagnostic ceramics supporting this include: 6 Chapin gray, 5 Mancos Corrugated rims (66 corrugated body sherds), I Chaptn B/W , 5 Cortez B/w, 30 Mancos B,/W and p Deadmans B/R. 42Sa6388 - This site was located on the slope of the same )<ncll as 42Sa6387 although clearly separate from it. Here the ground slopes to the SW at 50 and the site is 30 meters in diameter. The elevation is 1710 meters. Railing and seedilg has removed any surface evidence of structures that may have existed. At present a sparse stand of grass covers the entire site. The analysis of diagnostic sherds recovered inclucies: 68 Chapin 9roy, 2 Mancos Corrugiated rims (10 corrugated body sherds), 4 Chapin B/W, 4 Bluff B/R, and 2 Deadmans B,/R. The Breternitz analysis points to a late PI and early PII San Juan Anasazi occupation between 875 and 925 A. D. 42Sa6389 - One cf the few sites to be found in a juniper-pinon stand, this site measured 20 meters N-S and 40 meters E-W and r,vas situated on a slope that falls to the NW at 50. The vegetation consists of juniper and pinon with an understory of sage brush and rabbit brush. The elevation is 1710 meters. The cultural material is confined to 4 non-diagnostic plain ware sherds and to a thinly distributed assemblage of secondary flakes. Although there is a possibility that this material may be a secondary deposit, the site may tentatively be considered to indicate a San Juan Anasazi use at some time after about 600 A.D. 42Sa6390 - This site, Iccated SE of 42Sa6389, is also S of a road that angles thrcugh the NW corner of the project area in the NW Vq of tUe Nw L/4 of the NE 1,/4 of Section 32. This site, measurinE 35 meters E-W and 50 meters N-S, is at an elerration of l7l0 meters and is also on the same slope as the previously mentioned site. Here too, the cultural debris was found on a slope ciropping to the NW at 8o in a stand of juniper anC pinon with an undisturbed understory of sage brush accompanied by some rabbit brush. It is possible that the material from these two sites has drifted down from a low ridge to the SE where both railing and chaining are evident. The ridge top failed, however, 2T to show any indication of a site. In the site area a slab metate and 3 mano fiagments were found. A small sherd collection produced 5 corrugated body sherds, I Chapin gray which may have come from a corrugated vessel, and 2 white ware sherds. It is thus possible only to postulate a San Juan Anasazi use of the area at some time after 900 A.D. 42Sa6391 - Grass, Russian thistle, and snake weed cover the 30 slope to the W on the aeolian soil of the site. V\rith an elevation of 1710 meters , the site has an area 40 meters in diameter. Cultural materials occured as a very thin scatter of sherds, flakes, and ground stone fragments near the top of a very iovr ridge. Although no ceramic collection was made, painted, corrugated and B/R sherds were noted. These argue an Anasazi occupation of 900 A.D. or later. 42Sa6392 - At an elevation of l7l0 meters, this site is 40 meters in diameter and is found in a very shallow, natural crescentic depression with an opening drainage faling at 3o to the W'. The area has been railed and seeded and the aeolian soil now supports grass, snake weed, and some sage brush. The thin scatter of cultural materials included fiakes, ground stone fragments, and a few sherds either painted or corrugated which suggests a San ]uan Anasazi occupation some time after 900 A.D. 42Sa6393 - N{easuring 50 meters in diameter, this-site is at an elevation of 1710 meters and has a slope down to the W at 30. The original sage brush cover has been railed and the aeolian ground seeded with the result that the present cover is composed of grass, some sage brush, prickley pear, and some thistle. Cultural materials include a notched ground axe head, mano fragments , cores and flakes. Sherds collected produced the following diagnostic items: 4 Mancos Corrugated rims (41 corrugated body sherds), 18 Mancos B/W, and 5 Deadmans B/R. Following Breternitz, this suggests a San Juan Anasazi occupation in PII times, probablu between 900 and 1000 A.D. 42Sa6394 - This site yielded the usual sherd and lithic assemblage but it differs from those recorded just before it in that, while the area has been railed, the seed drill was ap,parently not used and the darker soil of the site is thus more visible. The aeolian soil slopes down to the W at 6o while the vegetation includes Russian thistle, sage and some grass. The elevation is 1710 meters. Analysis of the sherds collected identifies 7 Chapin 9rdy, 2 corrugated body sherds, and 7 Chapin B,/W. A reading of Breternitz projects San luan Anasazi use of the area between 850 and 900 A.D. - perhaps slightly later. 42Sa6395 - Located on the point ofa very lorv ridge, the ground around this site slopes down to the SE, S and SW at 5u. As the site extends under the fence marking the N boundary of Section 32, il has apparentiy been railed but not seeded. With an area I00 meters in diameter, the Z2 ground cover includes Russian thistle, sage, grass, and rabbit brr:sh. The surface revealed a very heavy sherd scatter vvith ground stone fragments, secondary flakes, and cores. MounCed areas of heavy stone rubble suggest a square or circular structure at least 15 meters in diarneter. It seems quite possible that the large depressron at the center of this feature may be a kiva. The analysis of the sherd collection revealed I Chapin grdy, 3 Mancos Corruqated rims, 5 Mesa Verde Corrugated rims, 5 Chapin B/G , 4 Cortez B/W , ll Mancos B/W, 46 Mesa Verde B,/W (56 white ware body sherds), I Deadmans B/R, 4 Abajo R/O, and 9 Tusayan polychrome. Breternitz supplies dates which would argue for a lengihy or for a multiple San Juan Anasazi occupation from PI to PIIi times with dates ranging from no later than 900 to 1200 A.D. 42Sa6396 - This site was found 1rear the top of a low ridge which had a slight slope down to the SE at 5o. The area has been railed and seeded with the result that the cover is now composed of sage, rabbit brush, thistle and grass. With an area measurinq 50 meters in diameter and an elevation of l7l0 meters, the central feature of the site is a circular depression 15 meters in diameter. A mouncied area on the S, E, and W sides ofthe depressson suggests a square ora U shaped surface structure. A small concentration of cultural debris was noted on a low knoll 20 meters to the SW of the edge of the site. The ceramic collecticn revealed, when analyzed, the diagnostic sherds to include 62 Chapin Gray, I Mancos Corrugated rim (47 corrugated body sherds). I Cha pLn B/W , I Cortez B/W , 39 Mancos B/W, 4 Deadmans B,/R and 3 Tusayan Polychrome. Breternitz would thus seem to indicate a long or a multiple San Juan Anasazi occupation from late PI to early PIII taking place within the minimum time span of 900 to 1150 A.D. 42Sa6397 - This site area measures 100 meters in diameter and is located at an elevation of l710 meters. The aeolian soil slopes down to the NE ancl E at 30 and, as the result of railing and seeding, the present ccver includes gra s s , some sa ge brus h, ra bbit brush , a nd some Rus sian thistle . No collection was made fonr the thin flake and sherd scatter which probably has been "smeared" by the seed drill, but the plain corrugated, anci painted sherds noted in the fieid suggests an early PII San Juan Anasazi use probably around 900 A. D. 42Sa6398 - This site w'ith its 40 meter diameter was located in an undisturbed sage brush area where some grass grows in the interspaces. With an elevation of 1710 meters, the slope is to the NE at 40. The site was characterized by a rather light scatter of sherds and flakes, a mano fragment and other ground stone fragments. No structural element could be identified. Although no collection 'was made, the sherds suggest, in the absence of the corrugated form, an occupation or use of the area some ti:ne between 800 and 900 A. D. 23 42Sa6399 - This rather nebulous site was found near the S end of a small ridge in an area of undisturbed sage, grass, anC sna]<e lveed. With an elevation of l7I0 meters and an area 40 meters in ciramerer, the surface of the aeolian soil slopes down at 60 in all directions except to the N. There is a good supply of potential building stone in the area although no structural features could be identified. The contours of the powdery soil suggest that sorne structures may exist. The ceramic collection was quite light but members of the survey team remarked that, in previous passes to the S, random sherds had been noted wlth some frequency. The analysis of sherds collected at the site reveal 3 Chapin Gray, I Mancos Corrugated rim (41 corrugated body she:cis), 13 Mancos B/W, 6 McElmo B/W (12 white ware bociy sherds), and 2 Deadmans B,/R. A reading of Breternitz suggests a PiI San Juan Anasazi occupation that probably occured between 1000 and tI00 A.D. 42Sa6400 - This small site of only 15 meters diameter, slopes down to the E at 4o. The undisturbed aeolian soil supported an overstory of sage brush with snake vreed and some grass as the understory. The elevation is I7t0 meters. The iimited scatter of sherds, flakes , and ground stone fragments, perhaps represents only the residue of materials that have largely been carried away by runoff . No structures were evident. The small sherd collection analyzed reveals 25 Chapin Gray, 5 Moccasin Gray, and I Chapin B/W. This would argue a San Juan Anasazi use in the PI period between 775 and 900 A.D. 42Sa640I - A site was found on a low knoll with a 40 slope down in all directions save to the N. The aeolian soil was covered with Sage, snakeweed, and some grass throughout its 20 meter diameter and beyond as well. With an elevation of l7i0 meters, the site produced on!.y limited cultural material. The fact that the 4 Chapin gray sherds were accompanied by a large corner-notched dart point would appear to sugqest an occupation at around 575 A.D. While no evidence of structures u'as found, the presence of ground stone fragments argues something more than a casual use area. 42Sa64OZ - At this location a light sherd and flake scatter covered an area 20 meters in diameter where the aeolian soil was covered with a rather open sage brush stand with a grass understory. The ground slopes down to the W at 5o while the elevation is 1710 meters. No structural evidence could be identified but the analysis of sherds recovered produced 6 Mesa Verde Corrugated rims (28 corrugated body sherds), 3 Mancos B/W, 4 lvlcElmo B/W, and 5 Mesa Verde B/W. The combination suggests a PIII use between lI50 and 1250 A. D. 42Sa6403 - Located in an area that has been railed and seeded, this site is at an elevation of l7l0 meters and has a vegetation cover of grass, snake weed, and Russian thistie. The aeolian soil slopes down to the 24 SE at 40. A fair scarter of sherds, fl:kes and ground stone fragments extends over an area 30 meters in diarneter. No structures could be identified but sorne mounded areas fully covered with soil and the presence of scatters of stone rubble suggest that structures do exist. The l5 Chapin Gray sherds that comprise tl're total site collection would inciicale a San Juan Anasazi use of the site in either BMIII or PI times at some point in time between 575 and 900 A. D. 425a6404 - Measuring 40 meters in diameter, this site prorJuced a limited assortment of flakes, a few ground stone fragments, and a modest ceramic collection. No structures lvere identified. With an elevatlon of l7l0 meters, the ground slopes dorarn to the E at 60. The area has been railed and seeded and the cover inciudes grass, some sage, rabbit brush, and snake vreed. The ceramic col.Iecticn produced di.agnostic sherds including 65 Chapin Gray, 4 Chapin B,/W and I Mancos B/W. The Breternitz dates suggest a San Juan Anasazi use in late PI or early PIi at some time close to 900 A.D. 42Sa6405 - The most visible feature at this s:.te is a circular depresssion 5.5 meters in diameler. Other elements rnay exist but they could not be identified with assurance. Most of the culturai debris was found down to the SW of the site despite the fact that the slope in the site area is do,arn to the NW at 50. This suggests a trash area to the SW. The aeolian soil has been railed and seeded and the present cover includes sage, grass, Russian thistle, and snake weed. The elevation is 17l0 meters. Cultural debris included sherds, secondary flakes, metate and mano fragments, and a few cores. A ceramic analysis prociuced 4 Chapin Gray, I Moccasin Gray, I Mancos Corrugated rim (13 corrugated body sherds), 6 Mancos e/W (3 white ware body sherds), lAbajo R/O, I Deadman s B/R and 48 unslipped red sherds. The Breternitz analysis suqgests that the San Juan Anasazi used the site in PI-PII times between about 850 and 950 A. D. 42Sa6406 - This site, measuring 30 meters in diameter, was -Iocated at a point where the aeoiian soil sloped down to the NWat 6'. The elevation is l7l0 meters. The area has been railed and seeded and the present vegetative cover consists of sage brush, qrass, and rabbit brush. Cultural materials involved a light scatter of flakes, ground stone fragments and sherds. No structural features could be identified. Ceramic analysis produced 123 Chapin Gray sherds and 2 corrugated bociy sherds. If the corruqated body sherds are significant, a late PI or an eariy PII San Juan Anasazi occupation is suggested although it could be earlier if the presence of the 2 corrugated sherds is fortuitous. 425a6407 - This small site was found just above a siope that drops to the NIV at 5(). Measuring some 20 meters in diameter, the site and the surrounding area has been railed and seeded. Preseni dover includes 25 sage brush, grass, and I dead juniper. Near the dead tree a linear cluster of sione rubbie running N-S, meaSures 3 meters long and 0.75 meters wide anci may represent a surface storage eleneit. A thin scatter of cultural debris included sherds, flakes, and ground stone fragments. Analysis of the sherds revealed 2 Chapin Gray, 2 Mesa Verde Corrugated rims (lI corrugated body sherds), 2 McEImo B/W,7 Mesa Verde B/W (2 white ware body sherds). Discounting the 2 Chapin Gray sherds as possibly from a corrugated vessel, the Breternitz dates suggest a San ]uan Anasazi occupation in PIII at some trme between 1200 and 1300 A.D. 425a6408 - The central feature of this site is two circular depressions. The largest of these is 10 meters in diameter whiie, just to the NE, the other is I meters across. Mounded areas adjacent to the circles suqgest L shaped surface structures with kivas, represented by the depressi ons, at the inner angles of the Ls. 20 meters ciownslope to the E was a large pot hole revealing some evidence of masonry not apparent near the depressions. The site is at an elevation of 17l0 nreters and has an overall diameter of 60 meters. it is not clear whether or not the area has been railed and seeded but the present cover inclucies sage brush, grass, snake weed, prickley pear, and a small juniper. Two cerarnj.c collections rvere nade. One was from the surface while the other is cornpcsed of sherds taken from the spoil dirtaroundthe pot hole left by vandals. The surface collection produced, upon analysis, 6 Chapin Gray, I Moccasin Gray, I Mesa r/erde Corrugated rim (40 corrugaied bod), sherds), i Chapin B/w, l0 Mancos B/w, 7 lr{cElmo B/w, I B1uff B,/R and I Tusayan po}y- chrome. The material Ieft by vandals included 12 Chapin Gray, 1 Mancos Corrugated rim, l Mesa Verde Corrugated rim (78 corrugated body sherds), 15 Mancos B/W,32 McElmo B/W,l Abajo R/O, and I0 Deadmans B/R. Fcllowing Bre'uernitz, a San Juan Anasazi occupation or multiple occupation for a period ranging from Pi through PIII is suggested for the years from about 850 to Il50 although this period might be contracted somewhat. 42Sa64I9 - This site, 75 meters in diarneter, sits on a low ridge that has been railed and chained and where the aeolian soil is now covered with a sage and grass associatlon. At an elevation of l7l0 meters, the surface slopes dovrn to the N at 70. Cultural debris appeared in the form of a fairly dense scatter of sherds, flakes, and ground stone fragments. Two stone clusters suggest wall elements but no rooms coulci be defined. A number of low, elongated mounds also suggest linear structural elements but their existance is not established. Ceramic analysis produced 37 Chapin Gray, 4 Mancos Corrugated rims (50 corrugated body sherds), I Chapin B/W,59 IVIancos B/W,9 Deadmans B,/R, and I Tusayan Polychrome. According to the Breternitz cslculations, this argues a San Juan Anasazi PII occupation at some time between 900 and lI00 A.D. 425a6420 - The sherds, flakes, atCground stone fragments of this smali scatter appears to have been "smeared" by chaining and railing to a 26 diameter of some 40 meters. With a I710^meter elevation, the surface slopes down both to the E and the W at 70 while the present cover for the aeolian soil is sage, grass, and rabbit brush. No structures were visibie. Ceramic analysis, followj.ng Breternilz, produced 46 Chapin Gray, I Moccasin Gray, 7 corrugated body sherds, 2 Chapin B,/!V, and 1 Mancos B/W. This suggests an occupation of the San ]uan Anasazi in late PI or early PII at about 900 A. D. 425a642L - At a point where the aeoiian surface soil slopes down to the E at 50 this site covers an area measuring 50 rneters in diameter. The site does not appear to have been railed or seeded but the present vegetative cover is limited to sage brush and to grass. The elevation is 1710 meters. Cultural materials occur in the form of a medium dense sherd scatter along with flakes and ground stone fragrnents. Also noted was a dense scatter of stone rubble and the fact that the soil here lvas more porvdery than sandy - suggesring an ash content. While there is no direct evidence of structures, the stone rubble nakes them seem to be likely. Analysis of the ceramic coilection produced 84 Chapin Gray, 3 corrugated body sherds, and 3 Chapin B,/\^/. This argues a late PI San Juan Anasazi occupation around 900 A.D. although a discounting of the 3 corrugated sherds could push this back to an earlier time. 425a6422 - This smali sherd and flake scatter was fcund on the SW slope of a lolv hiII where the surface drops at 50. The site is 20 meters in diameter and the cover is confined to sage and Russian thistle. The area has been heavily disturbed by railing although it does not appear to have been seeded. The elevation is l7l0 meters. No structures were found but a srnall ceramic collection has producedZ Mancos Corrugated rims (18 corrugated body sherds), 15 lvlancos B,/W (i2 white lvare body sherds), and 5 Deadmans B,/R. The Breternitz dates suggest a PII San Juan Anasazl occupation at some time between 900 and 1000 A.D. 425a6423 - Again on ground that has been railed but not seeded, thrs site had a diameter of 30 meters on ground that slopes lo the S at 40. The aeolian soil is now covered by P.ussian thistle, grass, some sage. and 4 small juniper. The elevation is 1710 meters. A very thin scatter of sherds, flakes and ground stone fragments produced only plain ware sherds. Since no collection was made the site can only by ascribed to the San Juan Anasazi, probably in BMIII or PI times between 575 and 900 A. D. No structures were observed. 425a6424 - With an elevation of 1710 meters, this site covers an area 30 meiers in diameter. The aeoLian soil slopes down at 30 to the E, SE and S while Lhe cover, after heavy distrubance by railing and seeding, is now composed of- rabbit brush, Russlan thist-Ie, and some sage brush. An anrorpirorrs clrrster of stone rubble may represei;'t the remains of a small structure. A small sherd collection has been found to include 25 Chapin 27 Gray, 5 Mancos Gray, and 8 Chapin B/W. According to Breternitz, thls should place the San Juan Anasazi occi.ipation rather neatly in Iaie PI between 875 and 900 A.D. 425a6425 - In an area disturbed by railing and seeding, the smaII sherd scatter covers an area with a diameter of 30 meters - which may represent a "smearing" by the seeding operation. The aeolian soil slopes down to the E at 3o while the present vegetation consists of sage brush, Russian thistle, grass, and some rabbit brush. Flakes and some ground stone fragments were noted, an occupation Ddy, with caution, be postulated for the San Juan Anasazi between 575 and 900 A.D. either in BMIII or PI times 425a6426 - This site covers an area with a diameter of .35 meters and is located on a ridge that drops down to the E, SE, and S at 70. The cover is sagre brush, rabbit brush, and several small juniper together with some grass. Aithough the area has not been railed, a vehicle track has beaten down the brush across the N end of the site. The elevation is 1710 meters. While no structures were identj.fied with ceriainty, a cluster of stone rubble measuring 2 meters N-S and I meter wide was noteci. There is a possibility that others may exist in the rather dense stand of brush. A Iight scatter of flakes and sherds accounted for the cultural debris. Analysis of the ceramics revealed 27 Chapin Gray, I Moccasj.n Gray, and I Chapin B/W. Dates suggested by Breternitz would thus fix a San Juan Anasazi PI occupation between 775 and 900 A.D. 425a6427 - This site was found near the E edge of a fairly level ridge top with the slope of the aeolian soil dropping to the E at 60. The area may not have been railed and the present vegetation includes sage, grass, I jdniper, and snake weed. With an elevation of I7I0 meters, the site has a diameter of.75 meters and may be larger. Structural elements were only suggested on the surface but vandais had dug out a slab lined granary in the N14r quarter of the site. This feature measures 3 meters long and nearly 2 meters wide. The digging produced a number of slab metates and manos. Additional pot hunting dovvn the slope was visible but nothing could be determined as to the depth of the midden. Other mounded areas suggest but do not outline linear or L shaped surface structures. The ceramic collection produced I Mesa Verde Corrugated rim (54 corrugated body sherds), 2 Chapin B/"|V,14 Mancos B/W,15 McEImo B/W (ll white ware sherds), I Deadmans B,/R and I Tusayan Polychrome. Breternitz dates thus suggest a PII-PIII San Juan Anasazi occupation for the period between 990 and 1150. 425a6428 - This small site produced a light sherd scatter among the heavier concentration of apparent stone rubble. A single piece of bruned clay is the only evidence of a structure - possibly aithough not necessarily jacal. 28 The elev.-rtion is i710 meters a,nd the site diameter is 20 meters. The slope is down to the NW at 70. Althcugh the site area has not been chained or railed, it has been a cattle "yarding" area because of the presence of a number of juniper. Other vegetation includes sage, grass, and snakeweed. Analysis of the small sherd collection produced 2 Chapin Gray, I1 corrugated body sherds, 2 Mancos B/W, and I Abajo R/O. Following Breternitz, an accounting for all of these sherds would postulate a late PI or an early PII San Juan Anasazi cccupation between about 900 and 950 A.D. 425a6429 - With a diameter of 15 meters and an elevation of 17l0 meters, the aeolian soil of this site area slopes down to the SE at a barely perceptable 10. The ground has been railed and seeded and the present veg'etation is restricted to grass and Russian thistle. The site is marked by a small biock of from I to 3 rooms, apparently of coursed stone althouglt burned clay fragments may also suggest the use of jacai. The analysis of the sherd collection follo'wing dates given by Breiernitz produces 4 Mancos Corrugateci rims (19 corrugated body shercis), 7 Mancos B/W (9 white ware sherds), 3 Deadmans B/R, and I McElmo B/W. This argues a PII occupation by the San JuanAnasazi between 900 and i000 A.D. 42Sa6430 - Situated in an area that has been fully railed and seeded, this site is on a 30 slope to the SW with grass and Russian thistle forming the only cover for the aeolian soil. The elevation ls 17l0 meters and the site measures 35 meters by 30 meters. The principle cultural feature is a circular depression 5 meters in diameter. Although this is an apparent PIi site, evidence of jacal suggests that this was a pit house. Cultural materials included primary and secondary flakes, a metate fragment and 3 hammerstones. A ceramic analysis of magerial collected produced 2 Chapin Gray, 2 Mancos Corrugated rims (40 corrugated body sherds), 30 lvtancos B/W (21 white ware sherds), and I Deadmans B,/R. This argues a San ]uan Anesazi PII occupaiion between 900 and I000 A.D. 42Sa6431 - With a 30 meter diameter, this site is located on aeolian soil that slopes to the SWat 30. The area has been railed and seeded and the present vegetation is confined to Russian thistle and some grass. The elevation is l7I0 meters. Cuitural debris consists of primary and secondary flakes, a hammerstone, I mano and numerous ground stone fragments as well as sherds. Sherds collected have been analyzed to reveal 2 Chapin Gray, I Mancos Corrugated rim (16 corrugated boCy sherds), 16 Mancos B/W , and 3 Deadmans B,/R. This would, according to Breternitz, argue a PII San Juan Anasazi occupation between 900 and 1000 A. D. 425a6432 - The central feature of this site is a depression 10 meters in diameter with a trash midden lying jtrst to ihe SW of it. The site is on a small ridge of aeolian soil which slopes down to the SE at 20. With an elevation of 1710 meters, the area has been railed and seeded and present vegetation is confined to I small juniper, Russian thistle, and some grass. Cultural debris incl.uded flakes, a hammerstone, a metate 29 fragment, and other ground stone fragments and sherds. Analysis of the shercis produced 46 Chapin Gray with an additional 14 sherds of the same type but of unusal thickness, 4 corrugated body sherds, and 6 Mancos B/w. lArhile it does not quite accorc with Breternitz, a pII San ]uan Anosazi occupation !s postulated for the period between 900 and 950 A. D. 42Sa6433 - A circular depression 5 meters in diameter is surrounded by midden that apparently represents trash depcsits, The aeolian soil appears. to be perfectly level, perhaps the result of railing and seeding. Present vegetation is limi'ued to a sparse cover of grass. The site measures l0 meters in diameter and the elevation is 1710 meters. Cultural debris includes flakes, two manos, ground stone fragments, and sherds. Ceramicanalysis revealed l3 corrugated body shercis, 26 Mesa Verde B/w andzg white ware sherds. This rather simple assortment follows Breternitz topostulate a San ]uan Anasazi PiII occupation between 1200 and 1300 A.D. 42Sa6434 - Again resring upon aeolian soil that appears to be quite level, this site is at an elevation of I7l0 meters and has a diameter of 15 meters. The vegetalion in the area is composed entirely of Russian thistle with some grass. Two contiguous depressions mark the focus of the site while cultural material includes both metate and mano fragments as well as other ground stone fragments, primary and secondary flakes, and a modest collection of sherds found to include I Mesa Verde Corrugated rim (6 corrugated body sherds), I lv{ancos B/W,l McElmo B,'W,4 Mesa verde B,/wand 5 white ware sherds. A study of Breternitz suggests a PIII San fuan Anasazi occupation between 1125 and L225 A.D. 42Sa6435 - With a 20 meter diameter, this site is marked by a scatter of flakes and sherds with no evidence of structures. The site is on a low ridge w-ith a slope to the E at 3o. The area has been railed and seeded and the present cover is given exclusively to Russian thistle. The elevation is i7l0 meters. An analysis of the Sherds collected produced 5 Chapin Gray, 14 corrugated body sherds, 3 ChaptnB/W,10 Mancos B/W (Il white vr'are sherds), and 3 Deadmans B/R. This assortment argues a PI-PII occupation for the San Juan Anasazi between 875 and 1000 A.D. 42Sa6436 - Central to this site is a small structure of shaped stone comprising one or t\^zo rooms. The site is on aeolian soil sloping at Io to the E. The area has been railed and seeded and the present cover is composed of Russian thistle with some salt bush. The site diameter is l5 meters and the elevation is i7l0 meters. Primary and secondary flakes were accompanied by a few sherds. Although these were not collected, field identification of Mancos Corrugated and Mancos n,/W assigns a PII San,ruan Anasazi occupation of from about 990 to i150 A.D. 30 42Sa6437 - This site, 30 meters in diameter at an e^levation of l7l0 meters, rests on aeclian soil that slopes down lo the E at 20. The site is just above a modern "root cellar". Stone rubble sugJgests a smaii structure apparently no more than I meter square. The area has been raiied and seeded and present vegetation inclucies sorne sage brush ancj Russian thistle. Cultural materials lvere confined to primary and secordary flakes and sherds. The sherds include 6 conugated body sherds, 2 Mancos B/W, 22 Mesa Vercle B/W (7 white ware sherds) and 2 Deadmans B/R. The Breternitz study suggests a PIII occupation by the San Juan Anasazi between 1150 and i300 or perhaps a bit later. 42Sa6438 - This site rests on a small knoll where the central feature is a depression 2 meters in diapeter and 50 cm. deep. The ground slopes to the NE at a very gradual 1". The area has been railed and seeded ancl the aeolian soil is presently covered with grass, sage, Russian thj.stle and one juniper. The site measures 40 meters by 30 meters and the elevation is 1710 meters. Cultural material obse:ved includes primary and secondary flakes, mano and metate fragments, harnmerstones, and sherds. The ceramic anaiysis rer,'eais ;3I Chapin Gray, 2 Moccasin Gray, 4 ChapinB/W,49 Mancos u/W (9 siippedrvhite ware), 6 Deadmans B,/R, and 2 Tusayan Polychrome. Following the lead of Breternitz, this suggests a Pi-Pii San JuanAnasazi occupatlon for a period between 850 and 1050 or perhaps a bi.t later 42Sa6439 - This site is located on aeolian soil with a slope of cnly lo to the NlV. The area has been railed and seeCed and the present cover is confined to Russian thistle with some gress. At an elevation of i7l0 meters and a site diameter of 30 meters, the central feature is a depression I meters in diameter and 75 cm. cieep lvith a small block of from I to 3 rooms to the SE of the depression. The block is formed of coursed stone and measures 4 by 3 meters. Cultural material included a slab metate and a basin metate, mano fragments, primary and seconciary flakes , hammerstones and sherds. Ceramic analysis identified 3 Chapin Gray, 3 Mesa Verde Corrugated rime (80 corrugated body sherds), 14 Mancos B/'N,33 Mesa Verde Bf$f Q4 white ware sherds). If the Chapin Gray be considered undecorated parts of ccrrugated vessles, a PIi-PIII Sarr Juan Anasazi occupation can be postulated for a time about 1000 to i300 A. D. 42Sa6440 - Located on aeolian soii with a stight Io slope to the S, this site area has been railed and seeded and the present vegetation is limited to Russian thistle and some sage brush. The elevation is 1710 meters and the site is some 15 meters in diameter. The site reveals both son:e apparent building storre and burned adobe rubble. The rubble is evident both on the surface and in a pot hole dug by varrdals. Cultural debris vras confineci to flakes, ground stone fragments and sherds. Sherds include 17 Chapin Gray, 3 Chapin B/\IV, and 2 white rvare sherds. This argues, according to Breternitz, a BMIII-PI San Juan Anasazi cccupation some tirfle between 575 and 900 A.D. 31 425a644L - The central feature at this site is a room block measuring 12 by 3 meters and apparently made of coursed stone though the structure is. nolr'serj.ously damaged as the result of railing and seeding. Some 5 meters W of the room block is a well-defined flaking area. The entire site is 35 meters in diameter. The vegetation is confined to Russian thistle and wolf berry. The aeolian soil of the site slopes at 20 to the SE and the elevation is 1710 meters. Cultural debris included primary and secondary flakes, a mano, ground stone fragments, and sherds. Sherds include 15 Chapin Gray, 18 corrugated body sherds, 3 Chapin B/W,48 Mancos B/W (16 white ware sherds), 4 Deadman B,/R, and I Tusayan Polychrome. According to Breternitz, this combination of sherds might be founci between 900 and 1000 A.D. and thus a San JuanAnasazi PII occupation can be suggested. 425a6442 - With a slope of. 20, the aeolian soil of this site is covered with Russian thistle and some sage and grass as a result of railing and seeding. The site measures l5 meters in diameter with an elevation of 1710 meters. The primary feature of the site is the surface evidence of burned adobe which suggests a jacal structure. Cultural debris was confined to flakes and sherds. The sherds were, in turn, limited to 54 Chapin Gray and I Chapin B/W. The Breternit2 study thus argues a BMIII- PI San Juan Anasazi occupation some time between 575 and 900 A.D. 425a6443 - A depression measuring 10 by l5 meters and surface evidence of burned adobe suggesting jacal form the central elements at this site nzhich has a 25 meter diameter at an elevation of l710 meters. The aeolian soll slopes to the SE at 30 and, as a result of railing and chaining, the vegetation here is confined to Russian thistle. Cultural debris is limited to ftakes and to sherds v.,hich include 63 Chapin Gray, I Chapin B,/W, and I Abajo R/O, an association which Breternitz would limit to the period between 700 and 900 A.D. so that a PI San Juan Anasazi occupation is postulated. 425a6444'- In an area railed and seeded, the site is on aeolian soil that slopes at a bare 10 to the SE. The elevation is 1710 meters and the vegetati.on is limited to Russian thistle and some grass. The site measures 50 meters in diameter and appears to represent two distinct components. In one portion of the site, structures appear to have been built of jacal and of coursed stone while in the second area, a pit structure seems to be ir:dicated. in the area of the possible pit structure, Component A, the sherds include 50 Chapin Gray and t0 Chapin neck-banded, I Chapin B/W and 3 Deadmans B,/R. This argues of PI occupation by San Juan Anasazi between 800 and 900 A.D. In component B where surface structures appear to have been built, the sherds include 24 Chapin Gray, 3 Mancos Corrugated rims (15 corrugated body sherds),2 ChapLn B/W,16 Mancos B/W, and 15 Deadman B,/R. Use of Breternitz here argues the San Juan Anasazi were present in PII times between 900 and II00 A.D. 32 42Sa6445 - The principle feature of this site is a one room structure of coursed stone measuring 3 by 4 meters with wails 0.5 meters thick. Vandals have dug a pot hole in the S portion of the site which is l0 meters in diameter. The site is covered with juniper, pinon and sage. The aeolian soil slopes down to the SE at 2o while the elevation is 17l0 meters. Very little eultural debris was present but Mancos Corrugated sherds were noted in the field and thus an occupation by the San Juan Anasazi is probably a PII manifestation although it can only be said that it was later than 900 A.D. December 29, L977 IIr. Ililo A. BarneY, Chairman Environmental Coordinating Conmi ttee State Planning 0ffice 118 State CapitolSalt Lake Citv, I.II 84114 Dear Mr. Barney: ST,\'TE OF UTAH Scott ll. Ilathcson, Governor I)l: P.\ li'l'] il:\1' O F I)I: \'l:] LOP\li-\ 1' SEI{\'l Cl.S ]lichacl D. Callivan Executive Director 104 Statc Capitol Salt I.ake Citr', Utah 84114 Telephone: (801) 533-5961 RE: Energp Fuels liuclear, Inc., Uranium i'1i11 approximately seven miles south of Blanding On the basis of staff reviet., and recommendation, the State Historic Presenation Officer has determiaed that as long as the recommendations for mitigation made by Richard A- Thompson in .d\ INTB\SIVE CULTURAI RESOURCE II$'B\IORY CO\DUCTED oN lii'tITE IIESA, SA,\ Jupli COLNTY, UTAFI are follorved, then this project rci1l har.e no lcrclfn effect on any recognized or potential iVat.ional Register historical, archeological, or ctrltural sites. Please be advised, ltot+ever, that should artifacts oI cultrral objects be discovered during the constl:irction stage, it is the reiponsibility of the Federal agency or cqnmunity receiving. -bfoik grant firnas to notify thii office inunediately as provided for in the Utah State Antiqlrities Act of 1973 and Pr:blic Law 93'29L. Should you need assistance or clari.fication, please contact iVilson G. irlartin, Preser'tration Planner, Utah State Historical Society, 603 East South Temple, Salt Lake Ci!v, Utah 84i02, (801) 533-575s. - 1 il'lichael D. Gallivan Executive Director and . State Historic Presenration Officer lfGivl: j jw:B2555, cc: 11s" Nancy E. Kennedy, Assistant Econornist, Dames & Moore, 605 Parfet Street, Denver, C0 80215 conditional clearance DIVISION OF: INI)USTRI-\L PROIIO'I'IOI{ . TR,\\'EL DIi\:[LOPllf:NT ' I\POSITIO),IS ' ST.\T[, IIISTORY ' ljl)iE ARTS Jantrary 7,7, 1978 RE(T.IVEN rEB 1 lsiB STATE OF UTAH Scott M. IVIatheson, Governor .,,.-'..il. i,,.f i' l-)i Michael D. Gallivan Executive Director 104 State Capitol Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14 Telephone: (801) 5 33-5961 lvlr. Gerald W. Grandey Corporate Coursel Energy Fuels Corporation Executive Offices Three Park Central, Suite 445 1515 Arapahoe Denver, C0 80202 Dear Mr. Grandey: RE: Energy Fuels Corporation, Uraniun Mi11 approximately seven miles southof Bianding, Utah In reference to our letter dated December 29, L977, to lvlr. It{i1o A. Barney, Chairman, Envircrrnental Croordinating Conunittee. In that letter we stated ttrat as long as the recormnendations for mi-tigation made by Richard Thom^oson are folior^ied, then 1'our project will have no krlown effect on any recognized or potential National .R.egister historic, archeoLogical, or cultural sites. This letter is intended to outline the neasures your conpany should fcllowfor mitigation. Tne sites withia the enviroilrental area of the energy :iuels plant and tailings pond will need to be tested to deternine eligibility of the sitefor inclusion on the National Register cf Historic Places isee 36 CFR Part 800). Excavation will not be ccnducted tnrLess determined necessar.v. Enclosed is a list of qr:alified archeologists who rnay be arraiiable to conduct the testing. If sites are determined to be eligib.l-e for iaclusionin the National Register of Historic Places, then nitigation measures as outlined in 36 CFR Part 800 will need to be fo11o-wed. The State Historic Presenration 0fficer is also ccncerned that secondary inpacts be avoide'l where at all possible and that should artifacts or c.r1tr:ra1 objects be discovered during the construction. stage it is the responsibility cf the FederaL agency to notify this office inmediately as provided for in the Utah State Antiquities Act of 7973 and Public Law 93-291. A copy of the testing report will be supplied to the Histori.c Preservation Office in order for our office to crcnunent about the eligibility of the sites in question. DIVISION OF: TNDUS'I'RIAL PR.OIVJOTION . IRAVEL DEVELOPMENT EXPOSITICINI] STATE HISTORY ' FINE i\RTS Mr. Gerald ItI. GrandeY Pq (Ne. e*l i\\ senA Lr.ndec Sefcr.aofe rl ct(*[re LuB,rtcC-('t 't cou.rj Page T\^lo January 27, L978 If you have any corTrnents or questions, please contact'tVil-son G. I{artin, Preservation Planner, Utah State Historical Society, 603 East South Temple, Salt Lake Cicy*, Utah 84102, (8C1) 553-5755. t '1 ,/f '- Executive Director and State Historic Preservation 0fficer 1,lr'@l: j jw:B255SJ Enclosure clearance QUALIFIED ARCHEOLOGI STS Dr. David B. l.ladsenAntiquities SectionDivision of State History 603 East South Templesalt Lake ciry, uT 84102(801) s53-s7ss Dr. Jesse D. JenningsDepartnent of AnthropologyUniversi.ty of UtahSalt Lake City, UT 84112 Dr. Ray l.latheny Department of ArcheologyBrigham Young UniversityProvo, UT 84601(801) 374-LzLl Dr. Richard Thompson Departnent, of HistorySouthern Utah State College Cedar Citv, UT 84720 Dr. Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. Museun of Northern ArizonaP. O. Box 1389Fort Va11ey RoadFlagstaff, AZ 86001 Mr. Richard HauckArcheological-Environrnental Research Corporat ionP. O. Box L7544Salt Lake City, UT 84117 APPE}IDIX B I^IATER QUALiTY rNFoSyATroN B-1 APPENDIX B WATER QUALITY General Physiocochemical Properties of Water The constiluents aaalyzed in water are the substances in solution in water. Dissolved solids commonly determined by analytical methods and expressed as concentrations of ions are the catioas (positively charge<i ions), calcium, uagnesitrm, sodir:m, and potassium; anions (negatively charged ions), sulfate, chloride, fluoride, nitrate; and those contribut- ing to alkalinity (usually expressed in terms of an equivalent amount of carbonaEe and bicarbonate). Other substances determined, but not as routinely, are boron, phosphate, selenium, and various trace elemenis. Certain checrical and physical properEies of water also are reported in water analyses. Some of these properties include the amounE of total dissolved solids, water hardness expressed as equivalenE quantities of calcium carbonate, and specific con<iucEance. The source and significance of chemical and physical properties of natural waEers are given in Table B-1. Physical and Chemical Constituents of {arer Related to Use The quality of water is often judged according to the intended use ol the water" Generally, the lower the amount of dissolved solids, the better the waEer qualicy is considered. However, the concentration of parEicular constituents in wacer may be rnore importanE than the Eot.al concentration of dissolved solids. General water quality evaluation criteria for common uses are discussed below. Domestic and Municipal Use Chemical quality staadards for vater used for public carriers and by others subject Eo federai quarantine regulations have been estab- lished by Ehe U.S. Public Heaith Service (USpttS, 1962). These regula- tions concern bacLeria, radioactivity, and chemical constituents that may be objecEionable in a pubtic water strpply. Recommended maximum concen- trafions of constiEuents established by the USPHS and proposed and ;q *1 Constltuent or lhry-r-gr!-Ir-gJJ-rlf- Arsentc (As) Blcnrbonete (HCOJ) f,ndCnrbonate (Cq) Soron (B) TABLE B-1 SIGNIFICANCE OF COMMON CIIEMICAL AND PHYSICAL lg-urce or crugg ln raslos fron s(rhe lndustry rnd nlnlng tctlvlty, rnd lnresldues froo certeln tnsectlcldes and hcrblcldcs. llrnatural rtter, trace quaotltles nry be falrly cmhon. Actlon of carbon dloxlde IB rater on carbonate rocks Buches llnestone and dolohlte. Dlssoleed froil soll and rock, pertlculnrly those ol lgneouaorlgln. ,ate.s from hot sprlngs end "speclally r.tersfrom areas of recent volcanlc rctlvlty Fry be rather hlghln boron. fiay tc added to rhter through dlsposel of r.!tematerlils, especlelly from cleanlng operrtlillg rhereborates are used es detergenta. Dlssolved lrom most solls and rocks but especlElly frohllmestone, dolohlte, !nd qyp9uil. Soile brlnes contilnlarEe concertratlons o, calclun. Dlssolved lron rocks and soils. Present lo serege ind aoundln large concentretlons Ir anclent brlnes, ger reter, andlndustrlrl brlnes. Mlnerll constltuents dissolved from rock6 and lglls, or added as a result of nan-nede condltlona. llf,y lncludedlssolved organlc constltucnts rnd aoie liter ofcryatelllzatlotr. Dlssolved ln snall to hlnute qusntltles lroE nost rocksand sol ls. In host raleri oearly ell the herdnesa ls due to cilcluhand nagneslun. Metalllc cetlons other thrn thealkall netals t160 cause hardnes6. Dlssolved froh host rocts and solls. ltry also be derlvedlron lron plpesr puhps, and other eqolphent. llore thanI ot 2 Rg/l of soluble ,ron ln surlece rater3 gener.llylndlcates nlne drelnage or other sources. Dlssolved from host solls rDd rocks but especlally lrondolomltlc llhestone. Some brlnca cortaln lsrgcconcen trtt lons of magneslun. PROPERTIES OT WATERS Slgnlllcrnce Arsehlc l6 toxlc to humrng rnd rnlhrls. lt can iccuhulrte ln tlFsilesnd result ln Eerloug phystoloBtcrl "lfects. (See t€xt for if,ilnumllhlt reconhended for drlnLlog rnter.) Blcarbonrte and carbonatr produce alk.llnlty. Blctrbon.tes ofcelclun rnd hagnoglun dec@pose ln stean bo!Iers rnd hot-rrterfAcllltles to forh scele rtrd rale.se corroslve carbon dlorlrlegas--ln coDblnatlon rlth calclun ind mrftrealun cause cerboDatehardness - Shall rhount. ln lrrlBatlon rat?r rnd soll .r€ dshrRloB to cert.lncropa. Jt ls cssentlel tn trrce quentltles ln pl.nt nutrltlon,but becohes torlc to aome pllnts ln concentretlong ag snrll asl.O oE/l li lrrtBrtlng r.ter. CtlcluN and hlgDegluh cause nost ol the herdness and actle-fornlrg prop"rtles ol reteri aoap conguhtrg, (See ltardness)Calclun products nry depos!t on plpe rella ard ln,ell-6creenopenlhga and r?duce the reter-trensnlttln8 elflclehcy. lllgh conceotratlons lncrease the corroslveness ol rttcr rnd, lncombluatlox rlth sodlun, glve r siltrr tiste. Dlssolvod gollds valu"s are a heagure of the collectlve concen-lration of constltuentg ln the rrter: the htsher the vrluethe lrl(her the concertrdtlon. Tons per tcre-foot End tons perdey are calculrted vrlues thet.re neEsures of the totrldissolved aalt lord ln nn rere-foot of the rater en.t ln ttre totrlvoluse of the Irter plsslrB the srmpltnB slte ln E 2,I-hour freriod. Fluorlde ln drlilklng xit€r reduces the lncldence of tooth decay*hen the ?rter lg consuied durlnB thG perlod of ennDelcalcl?lc!tlon, ltorcver, lt nny crrire nottllng ol the teethdependlng oh the coocentr.tlon of fluorlde, the ege ol thechtld, the emount of drlnktng rrter consuned, and the sugcerrtlb-lllty ol tfte lndlvldual. Consucea aoep before. lather rlll forh, aod deposltr soap curds onbrthtubs. llrrd reter foros scile tn boll.rs, tater heaters, andplpes. llardness equlv.lent to the blcarbontrte End carhonate lscelled crrhonrte hnrdness. lny hardneas lr ercess of thls lgcalled nooclrbonate hsrdness. On erposure to alr, lron ln froond rat"r orldlzes to reddish-brornaedlment. l{ore thao ebout O,3 ngll st!lns laundry and utensllsreddlsh-brorr. ObJectlon.l for lood processlnB, beverf,ges, dyeinglbleachlng, lca nenuldcture, end other purposea, lar[e concentretlonscause unplenarnt teste ald favor grorth ol lron bacterlr. ll&gneslui rhd cslcrun ciuse nost of tho hardDesg rnd scala-lorntngpropertleg ol rat"ri soep consunlng. Calctun (Cr) Chlortde (Cl) Dlssolved Solld3 t,I },J Eluortde (F) llnrdness (CaCO3) lron (Fe) Mngnestum (Mg) Nl t rogeo ADnonla (NH3) Nl trlte (Noo) Iltraie (NO3) pll (llydroAen-1on nctivity) Phosphote (PO4) Pot.sslun (lo Sele0iun (Se) St llca (SlOz) Sodlur (N.) Spe.ific Con(luetance(ntcroEhoa at 2SoC) Strontlrrr (Sr) Ssl fate (SO4) Tenper. t ure _TABLE_l:1 (Concluded ) Xay occur ltr water ln these torns depen.llng otr the level ot orldatton. Dlssolved froh igneous rocks; solls enrrchedby legumes and commerciol ferttltzers; blrnyrrd rrd stockcgrrals; and sevage effl[ent. Ac1d3, acid-generatlng srlta, and free carbon dloxlde lowerthc pH. Carbotrites. blcarbonates, hydroxldes, phosphates,slllcates. and borates ralse the pll, Ueatherlng of lgneous a@ks, IeachItrg o( soils contalnlog organic anstes from plants ^rd rnimals, phosphates added by fertllizers. nod domestlc and industrlal Eernge. Phosphate 1n detergents 1s lhportant source Li serage effluent. Dlssolve., fron host rocks aod solls. Found al8o 1n ancient brlnes, sea gaterr sone lndustrlrl brines. artd seiage. Prlnclpal 6ource ol selenlun-hearlng rocks &re volcanlcemanatl006 rnd sulflde deposlts f,hich heve been redl6trlbuted by eroslon !nd ye.therlog. Found lo rocks of Cretoceous age. especlally shales, tndsolli derlved lrom the[, D!ssolvcd fro$ most roc',s anJ sotls. gencrally ln amallanounts from I to 30 mB/I. lllghcr conccntritlons, a8Fuclr as l0O nrcll, may occur ln hlRhly al|(allne yaters. Dls6olved from nost rocks snd solla. Found llso lnanclent brlDes, sea watcr, lldustrlal brloea, and sewaBe. Speclflc cond$ctance ts dependent upon dlssolvedrloeral content of the uater. Iunerlcally equel lnnoder'ately mlnerallzed wnter to approxlmatel!, l. I tol 8 tlnes the dls$olved soll(ls. Dlgsolved from r@ks and soils, esfreclally cf,rbonate sedlaeots end roeks of igneous orlgln. Dissolve(l froil rocls and solls cootalnlng gypsnm, lronsulfl.les, aod other sulfur conpounds. Coehonlypresent tn ntne waters and ltr some loduatrtal rastes. Concentratlons much above ivertga for any form of nltrogen prohil)ly ln(llcate pollutlon. Nitrtrto encourage6 grortlr ol alAae and other or(enlsms that produce undeslrable testes and odors, ConccntritlonEof nltrate greater than 45 hE/l hly cause nethemoglohlncDla lnlnfants, the so-called "bluc-baby" dlsense. A prl of 7.O lodlcates neutrallty of a solution. lllgher valucsdenote increasing alkaliolty; lower values, increaslnA acidlty. Corroslvetress of wnter [eDerally llcreases wlth decr.,astnq Fll,lloscver, excessLvel.y 6lkallne raters iay also attack netals.pll ls a measure of tlre ectivlty ol tlte hydrogen lons. lllgh concentratioos can indlcnte leachloti fr@ excesslve appll.atlon otfprtlllzers, cesspoola or recharge lroE coollng ratcrs. Ijrge concentratlons, ln coBblnatlon rlth chlor.tde, glve a sa.ltytaste. Potasslun Is esscntlal 1n plant nutrltloo and rlll tetaken lnto the plont. Tbe potasslum rlll r€turn to the sollwhen the plant dles, unless the plant ls removed. 'fhe soil muEtbe r€plenlshed *1th potasslun to renaln productlve, Sclcnluil ls torlc 1tr snall quantltieg, ahd ln some areas 1tspresence lo veg€tetlon trnd sater constltutes a problcm tnllvestock management. SelenluD ls hazardous because lt conaccumulate !n enlnal ti6sn€ and result ln serious physl.rloglcNl eftects. Forils hard acale in plpes an,l botlers. Carried lo stesh,)f hlgh-prcssure borlcrs to form deposlts on bleiles of stelm turbtncs.IllrlbltB deterloration of zeolite-retcr aofteners. latge concentratlcrns, ln coDblnatloo rlth chlorlde, Rlve a saltytastc. lllgh sodliw content comhooly lihits u9e ol yater forlrrlgat!on. Speclftc conductancc is a measurc ol the capaclty of water tocotrdtct an electrlc cut r'ent. Thls property varles cl thconcentratloD and degree ol lonlziilon of the constltuent6, nn.t ulth tchperatur'e (therefore reported at 25oC). Can be usedto estlante the totnl nlneralizatlon of the roter. Concentrrtlo^s.,errerally tre too lor to be of concern to nostwater users. lllgh conceAtratlons oay have a laratlve effect aod, ln comblnatloo*lth o(her ions, glve d bltter taste. Sulfale 1n qater conl.alultrg calclu& forms a hnrd scale ln bollers. Affects uscfulness of wster for Fary ptrrposes. In general. temperature of shallof, ground rater shNg sooc seasonal fl{ctuatlon. whereas teeperature of ground ratcr frofrr noderatedepths renalns nenr the ileen rnnual elr temperature of the area. tn vcry deep vrells, eatcr ichperature rienerr.tly lncretsos al)oulI-l' for ci.h 6l)., foot , ncreneill of r,.pt h. td Il+, B-4 enEered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1'n taole D-2. The inclusion of this table does not mean are plans to use water of the project area for a The EPA recommended sEandards, when referred to, basis for comparison of water qualities. (I974-1977) are shown to inply Ehat there public water supply. are used merely as a Hardness is importanE in evaluating the suitability of water for domestic, municipal, and industrial uses. A rating has been established by the U.S, Geological Sur'\,ey as follows: Ilardnes s as CaC0 ^ (me/1)J+0-60 61 - 120 12I - 180 greater than 180 A waEer quality classification based solids or specific conductance has Survey as follows: Rating s oft moderately hard hard very hard on concentration of been in use by the total dissolved U. S. Geological Water Quality Class Fresh Slightly saline Moderately saline Very saline Br iny Dissolved Solids (ppn) 0 to 1,000 1,000 to 3,000 3,000 to 10,000 I0,000 to 35,000 More than 35r000 Specific conductance (micromhos/cm at 25'C) 0 to 1,400 1,400 to 4,000 4,000 to 14,000 14,000 to 50,000 Xore Ehan 50r000 Industrial Use Water quality criteria for industrial purposes vary considerably, depending on the use. Some industries have strict quality requirements. Requirements for cooling and waste disposal are more lenient, although certain waters may require treatmenE to prevent corrosion and scale. B-5 TABLE B-2 DRI}IKI}IG i.iATER CRIIERIA T'OR INORGAi{IC CHEMICALS Chernical Cons Eituents Arsenic (As) Bariuru (Ba) Boron (B) Cadnium (Cd) Carbon Chloroforn Extract (ccE) tlhloride (Ci) Chromirrlu, :{exavalent ( Cr+6) Copper (Cu) Cyanide (CN) fluoride (F) Hyd:ogen Suiphideiron, Total (Fe) Lead (Pb) Manganese (Mn) l,tercury (l,tg) Nicrogen (N) Nitrate (N) Pheno I sSeleniun (Se) Silver (Ag) SulfaEe (S04) fotal Dissolved Solids (TDS)furbidity (Turbidiry Unir)zinc (zn) Radiuo 226-228 Gross Alpha Activic;r Gross BeEa AcEivitv Recommended Tolerance.Limir mg/14 Limir mg/lD U.S. Public Healrh Service 1962 EPA InteriE?rinary Regulation(1975-1975) end Nacional Secondary Drinking Water Regulations ( 1977 ) l{axioum Contanina:rt Ler.el ng/1 0. 05 1.0 0. 010 0.7 250 0.05 1.0 0.2t.4-2.4c 0. 05 0.3 0.05 0. ci 0. 002 10. 0 o. or 0. 05 250 500 1.0 5.0 5 pci/ 1 l5 pci/ t4 rnillirem/year 0.1 1.0 0.; 250 l.u 0.01 0.8-t..7c 0.3 t-:' 10.0 0. 00I :_ 0.05 1.0 c.ct o. os 0.2 1.4-2.4c o:lt 0.005 o. or 0.05 250 500 aRecommended Limit: concentrations uhich should not be exceed where moresuitable wa:er supplies are available. concentrations measured ir, nil.1i-g:atrs per liter unless oEherwise indicated. bTclerance Liorit: concentrations greacer Ehan these sha1l constiEilie groundsfor rejection of the suppi.y. concencrations r.easured in uilligraas ptr literunless otherwise indicated. cFluoride: Dependenc on annual average naxioum daily air EetrpereEure ove!not less than a 5-year period. I,Jhere fluoridation is practiced, mininumrecocmended linits are also specified. B-6 Irrigation Tne ehemical quality of water is an importaut factor in evaluating its usefulness for irrigation. Total concentration of dissolved solids and relative proportions of calciuu, magnesium, and sodir:m must be known in order to estimate the effects of irrigation water on soi1. The calcium and magnesium content of the soil and subsoiL, topography, position of the water table, anounts of water used and the method of application, kinds of crops grown, and climate of the area also need to be considered prior to the application of irrigation water. If salinity (total dissolved solids) of irrigation rdater is high, excess soluble matler left in the soil from irrigation often is removed by leaching of the topsoil. The resulting solution percolates downward by gravity to the waEer tab1e. If the r^?ater table rises excessiveLy, this process of drainage disposal of salts may not be effective and 'rwater logging" of the soil with saline water results. In addition to poEential dangers from high salinity, a sodium hazard sometimes exists in irrigation water. the two principal effects of I'too much" sodium in the irrigation \rater are the reduction in soil perneability and a I'hardening" of the soi1. Both effects are caused by the replacexoent of calcium and magnesiurn ions in the soil by sodium ions from the irrigation water. The potential for these effects can be estimated by the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) expressed as: where: Na, CB, and Mg represent concentrations in millieguivalents per liter of the applied water. Plate B-l is a diagram for estirnating sodium and salinity hazards of irrigation water. Another concern regarding the quality of irrigation water is the presence of constituents in the waEer that are toxic or harmful to plant growth. Some of the specific ions that are known to be Eoxic to plants I SPECIFIC too coNDUCTANCE, lN 25 DEGREES 234 MICROMHOS PER CM AT CENTIGRADE 5678|OOO 2 3 oG N - f YJ =f 6oU' DIAGRAM FOR ESTIMATING SODIUM AND SALINITY HAZARDS OF IRRIGATION WATER (REFERENCE: US. SALINITY LABORATORY, 1954) DITI' C X(D('II E , .9 IE €o 750 SpciliG Conduclonct PTITE B. I B-8 in excessive quantities are aluminun, arsenic, beryllium, boron, caduium, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluoride, iron, manganese, nickel, selenium, and zinc. The effects of these elements on plant growth, the types of plants they affect, and the concentrations at which they may become toxic vary widely and are not discussed. Llater Sampling Procedures and Techniques The following describes the sampling procedures and techniques ernployed in the collection, preservation, shipment and analysis of surface and ground water samples for Eeasurement of the existing (baseLine) physical, chemical and radiological water quality condi- tions as described in Section 2.6.3 of the Environmental Report. In-situ Measurements At each sampling station at the Eime of sample collection the following measurements were made: remperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (surface water only), and specific conductance. All ueasurements ere immediately recorded on a standard water sample data sheet for each set of samples collected at a station. Important factors, such as an esti- mate of flow, weather, and other site conditions are recorded on the I4rater sample data sheet. Sample Collection and Preservation At each sampling station a set of samples is collected for analyses; i.e., (1) 3.8 1 of hrater in plastic container with nitric acid (HNo3) Preservative for radioactivity for metals Q) 25.0 mI of waEer in plastic container with sulphuric acid (ttrSOO) preservative for ammonia and nitrogen analyses (3) one liter of waEer in glass conEainer wiEh sul- phuric acid (H2S04) preservative for oil and grease and total organic carbon analyses and (4) one liter of raw water in plastic container for boron, chloride, fluoride, etc. The containers are labeled and verified and placed in a refrigerated container for shipment Eo a commercial testing laboratory within 24 hours of the time of collection. B-9 The preservatives are carefully measured and adde<i to the sampLe container by the commercial iesEing laboratory before Ehey are taken to the field for sample collection. The preservacive techniques retard Ehe chemical (and biological) changes that continue after a sampLe is co1- lected. This is accomplished by controlling the pH, refrigeration and chemical addition. A11 sampling and preservation are in accordance with EPA|s Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of l{aEer and Wastes (1974) and the U.S. Geological Surveyrs llethods of Collection and Analysis of Water Samples for Dissolved Minerals and Gases Book 5 LaboraEory Analysis (1970). Containers Before use, all conEainers are thoroughly cleansed, fi1led with \raler and allowed to soak several days to remove water-solubLe rlaterial" from the container surface. In addition, glass bottles are washed in hot delergent solution, rinsed in warm Eap rdater, rinsed in diluted hydro- chloric acid and fully rinsed in distilled water and placed overnight in 300oC oven. Plastic type containers are used for collecEing and storing water samples for analysis of silica, boron, sodium and hardness, other metals and radiclactivity; whereas glass boEtles are used for tctal orgarric carbon and oil and grease. QualiEy Control For quality control on rdater quaLity analyses certain procedures have been impleaented in the baseline study. As routine procedure, samples are split and the replicate sample is sent to a second commercial testing laboratory for analyses to compare with the results of the primary commercial testing laboratory, In other cases a sarnple is split anC the split port,ion assigned a different field number and it is sent to the same labo'ratory for analysis and comparison with the oEher portion of Ehe surface sample. The analysis of these quality control samples can be staEisEically evaluated with ttre oEher analyses to provide a degree of confidence of Ehe analyses resulEs. APPENDIX C METEOROLOGICAT MONTII: 14.nL!i_c_l lir)N1iiI.'{ l'ERCENT fRIQU[:NCY OISTlllBt,'rIoN OF PASQtlIt.l, S1'AIlrl.I'fy By t)IEEcTIoN AND r.rr:AH t[ND spt:r.:D (nps) I'r 0t,ANDI]lc, uTAli Cl) I uean I xean Z He arr I Meantreq. t{.S.(mps) Frug.:i.S.(rpo) rroq. u.s S.(nps) Fre_l. tr.s.(-mps) o-2 t.l 2.7 2.5 3. I 3.0 12 .l 2.t 18.5 2,3 _.8 _-- I [eao Frcq. ll.S.(nrrro) Al.L _ il HearrDirection I llean Freq. t'r.S. (nps) N 0.0 0.0 o.2 0.0 0.o o.o 0.0 0.o o.0 l. I 2.5 I .0 3.0 1.6 2.o 1.6 2.4 0. o 0.0 rl.0 0.0 0.r 1.5 t. t 2.8 u. 2 2.4 o.9 1.7 2.L 2.1 0.0 0.0 o.2 0. t 4.6 0.4 2.7 0.2 l.l t-t.4 2.3 1.2 2.6 0.0 0,0 o.2 o-1 t.9 0.7 t.9 0. t 2.t o.? 2.1 t.5 1.9 ESE 0.0 0.0 0.?.o.7 2.O 0.4 2.7 0.2 2.3 0.2 2. I 1.6 2.t 0.0 0.0 t.5 1.1 2.'l 1.4 2.6 o.2 2-l 0.1 2.3 3.6 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.5 2.4 I .5 2.4 o.2 l.l 0.8 2 .0 t .2 ?.1 0.0 0.0 o.,'i t.l 2.4 2.O 2.4 o-2 l.l 1.0 1.5 5,." ?.) 0.0 0.0 2.4 2 .8o.9 2.6 3.6 0.1 2.8 1.4 1.,l.t; 2.7 0.0 0.o I .5 1.O0.8 1.9 r.6 0.6 1.5 2.O t.9 6.8 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.4 0.4 4 .9 0.3 1-t t,0 2.1 2.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 o.2 3. I o.7 3-1 1.0 1.4 t.2 2.0 1.3 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.9 0.9 t! ,6 l.(t \,tL l.l 2.2 1.5 3.2 o.r.t 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o 2,6 5.6 t,9 3.5 4.6 I.9 9.1 l.l 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.l 4.6 ?. t i.7 2.8 -1- l 5-O ?.2 cAt.il 0.0 0.4 0.4 ?8.3 0.0 41. l il.o 2.8 5-7 8.1 e € 6 € c @ I o o N 6 I - o € 6 I o o 6 I e o o oo o o o N o oo o o c e o e I o N € 6 6 @ o o € s I o o o 6 € I o N o o a 9 € o o s o oo o N o o a o N o d o o o a o E 6 o o o o o a o € o o e o o o I o€ o o o Q c € N o o o o o 6 s @ o 6 t N N 6 I o o E E = N = N B o 3 oo It: JIJI'il* I "lE l* l.l::'l i l* -lr =t I?t l.EI 15*l"lE :l*fil z F J< @o a< Oa CE ts^*rl' : H -l-l' F @ BITl >= cal Zz<l 5sF-rl c'E CQ9Z F EO9H EOrN = HONTII: HARCII TABLB C-3 HOIITIILY PERCEIIT Ffi IQIIE}ICY DI S R IBI,I'TION OF PASQUII.L S'tAB! LITY BY DIIIIiCTION AND I{EAN t.'IND SPEEI! (MPE) AT EI.ANDING, UTAII I Hean 7 Uearr 2 llearr I ll,rao X Mean I Hean Z HeanDirectionPr. l,.s.(Freo. tl-S. (r)Fr . u.s.(Freq, 1,1,5.(mps) Frcq. tl.S.(nrps)Freq.tJ.S.(mps) Fre,l.l,l.S.(mps) 1- 0.5 t.7 2-9 I.9 3 .9 3.1 ,.1 2.1 t 5.0 2.9 1.65.4l.lo.95.10.0 0.0 3.t4.tt2.2o.,0.70.o0.0 2.91.1?.'0.2,,0"30.00.0 o.2 2.O 0.8 3.00.32.tJ- 0,6 3.1 J.!.1o.2,. 0.13. t0. I3.11.61.8l.l t.t2.5o.50.t, 4.t4.,0 3.95.91't,40.0 ll.9 ).,3o.20.00.0Nl., lt. o.2 o.0 9.5 0.0 t2.9 1.4 35. I 4.0 l6,0 3.5 25.6 2.1 100.00 3.4 0.2 4-10.5 o.4 TSP}E 9:IT HONTIII,Y PERCENT FRIIQUENCY DISTRTBUTION OF PASQUTT,L STABII,ITY BY DIRECTIoN AIID IIEAN [,,ITID SPEED (mps) AT BI,ANI}INC, I'TAH CDE Z llean Z llean 7 lle an Z Hcan 7 Mean Z tlean Direction freq. H,S.(mps) Freq. ll.S.(mps) Freq. tl.S.(nJ's_) Freq. T.S.(mpa) Freq. W.S.(mps) freq. u.S.(mps) Freq. U.S.(mJ'c) N 0.0 0.0 0.4 h.2 ?.1 t!,1 h.l 3.5 6.9 2.2 t4.2 3. I ttONTll: _ APRIl, 7 lteen 3.6 3.8o. 1.3l.l2. 0.0 2.8l.l1. 0.0 0.0 0.1,.10,82.t0.6 0.6 1.3 3.1).91.83.1t.42.30.62.t l. t4. 1.50.t2.10.14.6t.40.9 2.5 il.52.20.71r . r.8l!. 5.9 0.4,0.9 4.1 2.6 6.O ALL 0.1 2.3 14.6 4.0 ,6.5 3.7 25.8 2.0 I 00.0 1.9 tlON'Itl: UAY 1lM_!l HONTI|LY PSRCENT FREQI'ENCy DISTRIflt'TloN rlF pAsQlrILt, STABll,I',tY BY DTRECTIOII AI,II) HEAII T.'I}ID SPET:D (NPS) IT BI,ANDING, UTAH _c Z Mean 7 Moao 7 Mcan F 7 ilcan Z MernZ Hean Z Mean Direction Ereq. H.S.(mps) Freq. tl.S.(nps) Fqeq. tl.S.(mps) Freq. tl.S.(mps) Freq. W.S.(mps) Freq! H.S.(nps) l'req' i,,.s:!qIILI r{ 0.0 0.0 0. I 4.6 0.7 1.4 r.6 5.o 5.5 3.6 8.4 2.4 16.2 l.l 0.2 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 5.3 I .3 6.4 t.l 1.1 r.0 2.1 4.3 4.4 2.6 0.0 0.0 0-t 5.3 t.l 4.8 o.? 3.9 0.4 1.9 2.2 4 .2 E}IE 0.1 2.1 0.2 2 -O 0.3 4 .5 o.4 4. I 0.t 2.1 0. r t.5 I .2 1.4 0.t 0.6 2.9 0.4 4.2 0.5 tt.4 o-2 2.J 0.2 l. ,2.0 l.l 2.6 t.2 2.9 o.7 3.?0-9 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 I .5 !.0 1 .2 0.1 2.1 2.0 2.8 0.9 3. I l.l 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.8 4.8 l.l 0.2 1.6 1.2 l.l 4.3 0.7 4.1 0.2 2.3 0. I 2.6 t-7 3.6 0.5 2.4 2.6 3.0 ?.2 4.1 t.2 5.1 0.5 3.1 0.1 t .9 1.4 3.1 sstt 0.4 2.t 2 .1 5.8 3.4 6.6 0.5 4.'0.5 2-3 9.2 5. t 2.5 3.8 3. r 5.0 4.1 6.3 r.4 4.t l.t 2.L lt.7 4.8 2.6 0.6 3.6 1.5 5.3 2-1 5.3 0.4 3.1 0.9 2.3 5.7 4 .J 0.2 2.6 0.8 3.5 0.6 4.9 1.3 4.9 0.5 2.7 t.l 2.1 4.7 3.6 o.0 0.0 o.5 2.8 0.4 4 -2 0.3 6.2 0.6 3. I 1.7 2,3 3.5 3.1 1.5 0.6 1.0 0. 7 5.0 2. I 5.6 I .9 3.5 4.0 2-4 9.4 1.6 o.0 0.o o.2 O.tr 4.6 0.1, 6. t 3.4 2.2 1 -5 3.22-6 l.l tt.2 0.00.2 !4.4 4.8 23.8 ,.4 0.0 2.5 1.4 16. 7 tlotlTll: JUNE TABLE C-6 MONTHLY PERCENT rREQI'ENCY DISTRIBtTIOII OF PAliQUlt,l, StAnll,IrY BY DIRECTIoN AND tlt:AN I,IND SPEED (npo) AT BLAIIDING, UTAH Apc 7 Mean Z llesn I Hean 7 Hean I ilean Z t'leanI Mean Di.u"tion F."q. t{.S.(.p") F. 0.0 0.0 0.8 4.0 t.7 5. I 5.4 1.6 9.7 2.4 t8.l 3.10.,2.8 3.83.12.O1. 0.6lr.Ot.24.'0.62.t0.1, 1.22.5l.l0.24.10.t4. 3.23. t0.00.02.10.t4. 3.27.02.t0. 1.6 4.52.60. I1. 0.4 2.''0.84.4 3.08.4?.14.t3. o.00.80.t0.3 ALL 5.1 2.0 t7 .2 I 5.9 l8 .8 r 3.9 3.5 28. '2.t I 00.0 l.( TABLE C-7 MON',lllr,Y PERCEN',t FREQTIENCY DtsTR Illt'TloN oF PASQT' ll,L STAIIIL I'tY 8Y DtRECTIoN AND HEAN t'JltlD SPITED (mps) At UI,ANDING, t,'fAll _-c -_- I Hcan E- I Mcan -- A!:l: , --.-- I Hean Di rectioo Freo. ll.S.(nns) Z Merrn 7 Mr:a nZ Meatr Ill1g:_]{:!:!u.") rreq. U.S.(mps) Freq. }1.S.(mpe) tr99. H.S.(mps) Frtrq. l^I.SJ !i, (ry! l 0.2 0.6 2.8 I .0 3.9 2.5 3.9 4.9 3.1 8. t 2.3 17.I 2.9 o. | 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 4.6 2.O 4.2 1.3 3.4 0.8 2.2 4.8 1.7 o.2 0.2 3.8 0.4 4.3 t., 5;6 0.8 3.1 0.5 I .6 1.9 4.2 o.2 2.3 o.2 3.2 0.2 3.4 0.8 4.1 0.1 4.1 o.2 2.8 t.8 3.8 0.2 0.5 2.7 0.4 2.7 0.1 3.1 0.2 l.l 0.4 1.7 2.1 1,6 0.4 1.5 2.0 2.tESE 1.2 1.6 o.9 ',).o 0.1 3.1 0. t 3,1 3.8 3.0 0. 3 2.2 1.0 2.9 t.8 !.3 l.l 4.8 0.5 3.7 0.3 2.2 7.1 l.l ssE 0-6 2.2 0.8 2.7 0.5 l. t 0. 7 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.t 3.1 2.6 2-9 t.t 2.t 2.0 2.4 0., 3.2 0., 2.6 0 .0 0.0 0.1 t.9 4.1 2 .4 o., 2,2 1,2 1.6 4.3 1.2 5.5 0. r 2.1 0.2 1.8 5.B 1.8 I .5 2.3 3 .0 3.6 4.4 4.1 1.8 4.5 0.1 2.1 0.8 t.B il.9 \,6 0. 2 2.1 0.6 ).1 1.2 4.t (r.2 1.4 0.7 2.t 3.5 1.3 o.2 2.6 0.6 2.6 0-6 4. I 1.6 /r.8 0.1 3.t 1.3 1.8 4.6 1.3 o.l 2.6 o.0 0.0 $.2 l.l 0.7 4.O 0.6 2.7 t.t 2.1 2.7 2.8 0. I 2.6 0.8 3.3 0.8 3. 6 2.2 4.6 1., 3.t ,.t 2.2 9. O 1-1 o.0 0.0 o.2 2.6 0.9 4.1 t.2 4.t 2-t 1.1 4.4 2.tt 8.6 3.0 0.8 5.8o-6 16.5 0.2 3.8 0.6 0.0 1.6 I 00.0 TAI]LE C-8 IIONIIILI PERCEN FREQIIENCY D'STRIBUTION OT' PASQIIIT,L STADILITY RY DIRECTTON AND IIEAN WIND SPET:D (MPA) AT EI.ANDTNG, TIIAII UON'fll : AUCUST AB _ ALt, Z llerrr Z llecn 7 lloar 7 ttpan I Moan 7 llean Z llean Direction Freq. l{.S.(mns) Freq. lI.S.(rps) Freq. ll.S.(mps) Ereq. u.S.(mps) Ereq. ll.S.(mpq)Freq. l{.S.(nps) Freq. tl.S.(mps) o.2 2.4)1.5 0.7 3.t l. , 1..1 4.4 3.l 8.6 2.2 15.8 2.9 0.o 0.0 0.3 5.02.1 1.3 5.2 0.9 3. I 1.5 2.1 L.? t. 5 0,t 0.5 2.9 t.2 l.l 1., 3.9 o.t 3.7 1.0 7.1 5.2 3.2 ENE 0,1 0.2 0.6 3.tt 0. 5 t.4 0.2 2.8 0.2 2.8 | .t 1.6 o.2 0.3 1.9 0.8 3.0 I .0 3.1 0.1 5.1 o. I 2.4 2.1 I .0 rsE 0.3 2.J 1.2 2.3 t.5 3.1 0.7 J.2 0.2 4.6 o.2 2.O 4.' 2.9 0.6 2.3 2.6 1.6 3.0 1.4 h.5 0-2 3.3 o.2 I .5 6.2 1.0 0,4 ?,?o.8 2.1 1.4 l. I I .2 1.0 0.2 l. I 0.3 t.5 4.1 7,7 0.6 2.t 1.6 2.3 1.5 1.0 o.7 2.5 o.2 2.8 0.1 1.5 4.5 2.5 sst,0.6 2.1 t.9 2.8 1.7 1.,1.2 (.8 o. I 3.6 0.1 1 .6 9.8 3.( 0. 7 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.2 1 .4 2.1 4 .3 0.2 2.9 0.7 1.9 9 .J 3.4 0.7 2.3 0.9 2.8 0.7 4.J 0.7 4.1 0. 5 3.2 0.7 1.8 4-2 3.2 0.8 2.8 t.0 3.4 2.O t.4 o.2 4.1 o. 9 2.2 4.9 3.t 0.0 0.o o.2 1.1 o -2 l.l t.2 5.0 0.5 3. I 1.7 2.2 ,.9 3.2 0.1 0.1 J.2 0.2 4.4 1.6 1r.3 1.3 3.2 3.2 2.)6.8 l. I 0.0 0.o o,2 ?..8 o.2 t.9 1.5 4.1 2.t l. I 5.2 2.tl 9.2 2,9 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.0 lr -5 6.9 2-93.3 29.6 I O0.0 TABLE C-9 MON'.nILY PRRCEN',T TREQIIENCY DISTRIBUtION OF IAS()llIt,L STAnIl,ITY BY DInECTION AND illllN !rtND Slr:ED (nrps) AT DLANDINC, UTAII HONTII: SEI'TIINER Z llonn 1 Hc arr Z Mean 7 tteao I Hean 7 llcao _---_ At,r, 7. l.l? ^nDirection Freq. tl.S.(upa) Freq. tr.S.(ops) Freq. l{.S.(mpa) treq. H.s,(npq)Freq. H.s.(nps) freq. tl.S.(nrpe) Freq. !1.s.(qpi;l 0.0 0.0 0-2 1.8 0.3 4 .1 t.2 4.5 3.3 3.5 8.6 2.1 tl.6 2,8 1.4 t0.81.5o.30.0 2.40.54. t0. 1.8 2.7o.l4. ,ol.l2. 2.15.1t. 0.6 3.1 5. t 1.9o. 8.?2.1l.t4.0l.l6.61.94.22.O1.90.0 0.0 0.5 4.5 0.0 2.1 1.13.5t.5 6.t to.5 1.0 7 .lt3.7 1t10.51,41.4 0.0 14. 9 2.3 13.5 3.4 2 0.0 5.2 t 4.0 J.7 11 .4 2.4 100.0 3. t 5.23.20,4 OCTO BER TABLE C-10 HONIIILY PERCENI TlTQUEIICY DISTRIBI''TTON OT PASQUII,L STABILTTY BY DIRECTIOI{ AND MEAN l.'IilD SPEED (mpc) AT BLANDINC, UTAI 7 Hean Freo. ll.S.(mos) c ? Mean EF Z lban 7 Hoan Z ilean7 Mean Direction Freo. !1.S.(mos) Z lleanItg-t-J:g=- (,ps) 0.7 2.3 I .9 ?.8 l.l 3.1 I1.0 2.1 11.2 2.40.0 0.0 0.6 NNE 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 2.h 2.0 4.5 o.7 L.3 2.1 2.1 6.1 l.l 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.00.2 2.t 1.7 o.2 3.1 0.3 2.O 3.8 3.:! 0.0 0.0 0. 2 3.60.4 1.2 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.5 2.2 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.10.6 0.8 2.9 0.1 2.1 o.2 1.3 2.2 2,5 o.0 0.o 0.5 2.6 0.5 3.0 1.6 t.t 0. I 2.5 0.3 2.O 7.2 2,8 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.5 o.3 1-2 2.9 4.0 o.2 2-6 0.3 1.5 t.0 l.l o.0 0.0 1.0 2.7 0.9 3.1 7.O 3.7 o.2 l. l o.5 2.1 4.6 ',}.',t 0.0 0.0 0.7 l-5 2-5 l-5 o.2 2.8 o.1 2.0 5.6 2.9 0.0 0.0 2.6 1.6 4.1 4.1 tt.9 0.9 t-6 l.l 2.2 10. I l..O 0.0 0.0 3, :t2.6 1 .5 4.2 2.7 4.0 t.l 3.4 1.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 o.2 o.b 2.9 1,7 4.O 0.1 l. t 0.6 2.5 3.1 1.lt 0.0 0.0 o.2 o.3 3.0 0. 7 4.1 0., 3.2 (,., 2.2 2,6 1.02.h 0.0 0.0 2.20.1 o.2 2.6 0.7 3 -7 0. 6 4.0 0.7 2.5 2.6 3.1 0.0 0.0 1.60.3 0.3 2-1 2.O 4 .8 1.0 3.E 3.4 2.1 t.o 0.0 0.0 0.t 2.6 1.2 4.0 2.2 3.6 5.6 2.t 0. I 0.5 2.2 3.40.0 7.9 32.9 32-5 I 00.0 2.8 NOVIItBER TARLB C_l.I MONTILY PEnCENT FREQUENCY DIIiTRlllllTION OF PASQUrl,l, STABILITI BY DIRECTTON AND HI:AN UTNI) SPEED (NPS) ET BLANDTNG, UTAII ARC I llc an Z Hean Z Moan Z Mean 1 tlean ALI, Direction freo. l.t.S.(mos) Frea. ll.S.(mps) Freq. U.S.(mps)Froq. t{.S.(mps) Freq. lJ.S.(mps) I Ileaa Frcq. [1.S.(rrps) Z l.l.l nn Frr:q. !t.S.(m1{ 0.0 0.0 o-2 1.5 0.7 I .4 2.4 3.t 5.1 2.9 10.9 2.2 t9.2 2.5 2..1t.3 l.tJ.41.2,.42.5 0.3 t.50.0 3.8t.5 t. 3.00.80.t0.00.00.0 2.1 0.1 5.4t. i. 1.9 2.12.5t.0t.1o.o ,0.60.0 t.a1.42.? 0.0 3. t)t. I0.0t.,st,0.0 1.02.3 t.50.30.0o.o0.00.0 ,.28.64.4't,t1.{ 2.1 8.5 2.6,o.0 0.0 0.6 l3-7 29 -2 14.2 3.1 3 E.5 t.8 I 00.0 2,5 TABLE C-].2 }'ON.III: DECE}I8ER IIONIIILY PERCENT FREQUENOY DISTRIT}UTION OF PASQUILL SIABILITY BY DIRECIION AND ['EAN TIIND SPEND (NIJ'A) AT BLANDING, UTATI _A[E Z ll,:an ; ftean li Hean 7 llean 7 llean Z Hean !!.-SS:j_gg___Ugr-r. w.s_:-(,ef) __l.uq. U.S.(.p") r.. . tl.S.(mpa) Freq. IJ.S.(mps)Freq. U.S.(npr) N 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.2 2.0 3.0 2 -7 3.q 3.2 9.9 7.1 16.6 2.4 Z tlean 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 l -1 2-6 0.7 1.0 2.6 1.9 5.2 2.3 0,0 0.0 o.2 o.2 2.8 1.2 3.2 o.2 2.8 0., t.8 2.5 2.6 o.0 0.o 0,0 0.0 0. I 3.6 0.8 2.7 0.0 1.4 o.2 2.2 l.t 2.1 0.0 0.0 o.2 3.0 0.5 2.2 0.2 3. I o.2 1.5 l. 1 z.tr 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 2.6 1.3 2..2 o.7 3. t o.2 2.2 3 .0 2.? 0.0 0.0 0.6 I .l 2.4 2.3 2.7 o.2 2.1 0.2 2.6 1..'l 1.5 ssE 0.0 0.0 0.4 t.t 2.7 l.t 2.6 0.2 l.l 0.I 2.1 3.4 ?.t 0.0 0.0 o.1 t.2 2.h 2.O 2.J o-2 2.4 0.6 1.5 t!.5 ? .7 0.0 0.0 2.4 2.3 2.4 3. I 0.6 2.7 1.5 1.9 7.8 2.i 0.0 0.0 o.6 I .0 1.0 2.8 3.2 0.8 2.9 1.7 1.8 6.9 2 -6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 2-6 !. | 3.4 0.4 2.9 0.7 2.0 2.5 2.8 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0.0 0. I 2.t 1.7 3.4 0.8 1.6 0.7 1.8 ,.) 2.c 0.o 0.0 0.t 0. I 2.1 t.0 1.5 l. t J.4 1.5 2.1 1.7 l.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o 0.3 3 .1 2.5 5.8 1.9 2.8 4.8 1.9 9.6 t.i 0,0 0.0 0.2 3.6 2.7 n.9 2.6 1.2 6.0 2.t I1.2 2-9 0.0 2.9 0.0 9.1 2.39.1 2.6 40 .1 I 00.0 6 I 6 N d o e €{s o € o o + 6 I 6 € € € s € o 3z3 6 s j o I{ € I€ o N F6 s s I 6 @ 6 € € o N @ 6o s 6 € o a { 6 s € o I 6 6 6 @ € a€ 6 6 o o c { e o € € {il zd I s € o z $ { 6 a o e N € o e ? -l al 3l .t 1tEl II I -l4l.t -.t qicl It-IT,l z <l i I lo' I IE4l I Il* I It.l:..t-lt- I = q E F<J! FO lz,< t1<kd<r^C€ cv ^rl E - i -lrl irrl vt :^--, -2atdl c = 6 '-;,1 2 <at Gs 4< F= crO3 o! :i 1l g I I5t.l@l 1lIoi 'l ?ld .tct.I3l r.lol'l ^t35l;lit .t "l cl':l ol3.rt^l saE N N i I 'l I I I -l I I TABLE C-14 PROJECT SITE TEMPERATURE DATA MARCH-AUGUST, L977 rJAp 1,J77 TFi'oFFATt.'r?L (rLrJllGr{rl{)L) E^]FPGY } t.'F.I.S. BLANDING, UTAH t'l)lri. Ot rHF t)AY l'/\Y I I 4 5 7 H ,, ln ll t2lrlr' l5 lf-ll 1,.t') ?(l ?'l ?'? ?7 )tt 2\ i't.)l 29 )9 l,l tl {t\r,x I rl t2 l3 lc -5.n -q.6 -s.A -6.1 -T.z -!..t -c,4 _r.r r.7 ?.\ t,.t, ;.; ;:) ;:,j ;:; r;:; ;:; ;:; i:" -i:i -r:i -":Z -i:i -i:i i:i l:] -,:i :i:i -i:i -i:l -l:l '':. :'\ :f ': :l: 'l'r ra.ri ri.u 1';o r1.o r5.0 r2.rr u.r r0.0 r,.3 t.?. 6.r s.05'n 1.e -r.r -r.r -r.r -;.2 -r.r .6 2.2 r.s i.q ;:; ';:; ';:,; 'i:';'i:';'Z:'i 'L:i'i:i 'l:l i:i ':?, l:t t:l ll:, -;:: :l'l :i:l :1,:l :l:l :]:l ll: ',', .': :.: :.: 9.i 6.t l-r \-.1 s.0 r.r -.r, -r.r -t.r -.h -r.r -2.q-.-r.e -2r.6 -5.h -5.6 -5.h -i.h -4.4 ,,. r.r p.,. ...q i:,; ;:; ;:; ;:i ;:; ;:; ::i ;:i -i:,i -i:) ;:^ -l:l -r:l:i:i -l:' :i:i -?:1 :l:i :l:l :f i "l'j ,,.1, i.: :.) :.:l ?.1 !., i.i t.B t.B 4., i.,, e.. ?.A ,., r., .(1-r.r n. -r.r -r.7 -r.r -r.r -z.a ei.e r..r .r.e ^., ,.) ;:; r;:,i rii.J ,).i ri:i,l:l # €:Z l:l l:, ,:l :2!:, ,:i ,.1 i:; -):) ;:i ,.: l.: :.i ,!.i l?.i l1.l y:l tr:: i::^ l!.0 15.0 rq.0 r0.0 r0.0 7.8 s.0 s.0 3.c 74?-1?22l2tll9Ittl7l6l4ll09ol0401rt?,t I -l'l -l'l -l 'l -?'2 -l'l -?'?- '2.d -.6 1.1 q.q A.7 7.. tr.g ).q fi.9 z.,t 6.7 4.4 2.? r.7 l.l .6 -2.8 -?.A-2.n -'r.1 -q.4 -5.0 -5.fi -ra.4 -4.4 -.t. I -l.l -.6 .( l.l 1.7 l.l Z.? 2.,t 1.7 0. _i.t _-f.i _3.q _4.4 -5.6 _6,1-F'7 -1'7 -6'7 -l'8 -ti'l -4't -.'' l -J.'! -l.l I). t.t 1.3 4.4 5.n 5.,( .t.e 3.3 r.l -l.l -1. | -?.q --1 .9 -4.4 -3.9---r-(r -4.t' -q.4 -3.3 -t.? -?.2 -2.p -l.l -.6 .^, ).e .h l.l l.l .6 t.7 2.8 n. J.z -?..g _p.,r -3.3 _-l .3 -.1 .c-"'4 -q'6 -5'A -5'1 -t:'l -4.3 -?.? '?.t) ' , l.l ?.p 1.9 tt.4 q.6 :.1 'r.9 r.3 r.u -.h -z.z -3.-t -3.9 -...4 -5.6-lr Ji -3'9 -6'l -6'l -6'l'1'7 -5.h -1./ l.l ?-'a t'.q 4,a 'l ,? rr.:l 9.4 r{).0 q.4 z..r 5.(i !.3 .t, -l.l -.6 -r.l(r ' -l'l -2'2 -l'l -l'l -l'7 -l'7 '6 l.l 5.6 7.? )1 .3 t0.0 ll.l ll.t tz.z- lz.z lo.o ,i.: 5.6 4.4 3.3 l.l 3.:t-1.l 1.e 1.7 1.7 ?..2 1.7 l.t 2.2 J.9 r..l H.q l{i.ts, lZ.8 lt.3 14.4 14.4 l3.a ll.7 A.f t.? 3.1 3.J ?.?- 3.11.7 ?.? 0. .r-. .6 n. ?.? ,t.9 !.0 t.) ln.6 lt. t lz.t 14.4 lq.r, 15.l 16.l 11.9 I ?.tj tZ.Z ll.l 10.6 s.4 F.35.6 7.2 .A (r. -l.l -2.? -2.{ -2.A -l.l _l.l o. (}. .6 l.l 0. _.(1 .(r o. _.rr -.e 0. 0. 0. _..1-l'l -l'7 -1'? -2'2 -2-.1 -2.-2 -l-l .6 l.l z.? 3.i ,t.e "i.0 q.(, 5.0 4.4 :l.9 ?.a 0. -l.r -1.7 -z.a -r.3 -r.3-3'e -1'1 -A.4 -2.) -3.9 -q.4 -1.J fi. 2.? 1.9 5.f 6.r tr.3 d.q r0.0 ro.0 A...r 7.8 4.4 4.t I.7 r.7 -r.z _.6r1' 'A 'A -l'l -)'? 'l'l -.ti ?.2 4.4 6.1 A.q ll.l lz.B 14.4 lL.4 14.4 15.n l?.2 10.6 Io.0 ,..., l.r) t.t ?.A_l:i _l:l _.,:^ _l:, :l:i _l.i _)..1. _i.l :.: :.: l.: i.: 1.1 3.r 5.n 4.t 3.e r.3 o. _2.2 _2.t1 _4.4 _4.4 _4.4 r'1 1'r 3.1 r.r 2.2 t.t ?.') q.. ?.:r u.r r.r r/.a r5.o r,,.r ri.i il::l i;'l il:l i!:l iil:i,l:l I:3 7) l:i!'6 ta'h 4'4 l'1 J'l 2't1 2.t1 5.4 l.x l/.u in.( lt.? l:1.3 lq.4 lt,.tt lq.4 13.9 lj.3 l2.iJ ll.7 10.0 9.4 R.9 rr.lt'7 6'l t'I h') 5''| /4''6 l.l l.l J.9 s.6 ..-1 7., 4.9 g.4 9.4 A.9 9.4 a.,-, 6.1 5,k 5.o 4.4 3r9 r.c'!") ?'A l'7 l'l rrr n' l'l ?"1 :.0 /r.l t-7 9.zr 10.0 ll.l lz.H lz.A ll.7 ll.T A.3 6.t .-q.0 tt.4 1.9 2.22.2 2.A t.$ l.l ?.A 2.?- 3.1 5.A r:.1 10.,t ll. | 12.? l-t.q 14.4 lf..l lA.l 15.6 I 7.9 lz.Z it.9 7.? H.3 9.4 ,t.ct:'9 l'7 l'l t)' -?'A'/t'4 -5.r) -3.q -.6 .r, -i.i t., ?.? z.r, :.r 1.3 2.t4 ?.2 -.6 -r.7 -.r.i -3.9 -5.0 -s.r,-5.6 -5.6 -5.r. -5.6 -5.h -5.h -5.r) -3.? -1.7 -l.l -.a l.l .h 2,? 1.7 ?.?, 1.7 .6 _.r, _A.2 -1.3 _4.4 _s.0 -5.A-5J' -q'6 -d' I -8'q -8' I -r' I -5'5 -l' t .A l,l r.l q.4 5.0 6.1 t.p t.B 7.A r;tr 6.r 5.6 s.0 4.4 3.3 ?.2l'l l'l -'4 -'f -l'l -t'l -'n 2,' ':.') 'r.7 'i.r v.4 10.6 r0.6 r0.A lr.l lz.? lo.6 'r.i r,g 7.? (\.7 3.:t 2,2 € laF{d Oq' ( r A'r('N..Ei.-nrOd-rF<{ €A€-- I C C- € if,F if f\NaC F€!^)( \dNf { 9 -C Nf)L cel r c Fci c{ I rr: r Nfr.- I Fr c { C ? C :r ts (rc -f-\c - C c.r-€ .d C c J rCFa -N< -NN'tf r c(\---C -J' < <! 3 € O a, t -}' ('F € al tr' ct1:c F- ac { oa!fi t NF -L r Ni\ {'tr:r F € c -;F - C r')F C ri' N:nts :c 1JL € .cF J N., ca,}.t NO N i -Fi{} r.}-a aS N-$ 3 O - { t N _, f F cl } F {. Ga -, i\c {. r)a c .? € r'E F - - ( :L (\ a.ta1r\-rr(),, i'r c\.{ a'.t -?! {;a \c(J^f 'c -1 ^'\'\- o-3\ N N 'c €' (. s at t r' c, dJ E IC iJ' s'Jl'] € - :( t1nirn|JaNl.j ,^ HJ! N 3€ ]| o >! ^jc -(.) o r'> € ! rcN O> -, ^J(l -f -.tJ r - e (\ U. Ul d' c - F (\ c (r rn Ln N € ci \C - lJ 'C € € O N N O ' N ;r-^\N--d-- di^rN'rtuN € - 3 (a r ( € i\j - o c -, '{'F I F rF ! i - C F c d :o N -' a. - lr - tl (. € F c i'- c l, J l, C O'a - -F', (r c rC -n., (\ O n l- d dNatnJN ar-- d iaN -arVl\ N-.N (\J (a -il'\ .t{\ r' -( C -ts o(\€€ r\ (\.r ? C ? F { r^J, I c-- -, \ ar -c! : - { u' F F c s N N X r, a a a\aa\J f) Ga c r d ---1r LJ ^]o.jdi i --i Na rdl\ N N tu1l NrufU^l - \c' - .n r 3 d l\ .1 F iJ \t al c € :c r r -t c o F c F c (, - I -' - { i|).f - <( d:!.1 -s -' \ rc c!.\ -iO U' { #r -C - r-+ - -' -r-( r\, N\ -i i iF-i,' 1\ - iN \ i! \ ne \-R a.' -- -'t.C -{.n"O F r\ n - +€ -- :r c c OF a 5 -e -€ r\ r € € .CN J.6 c, \c-'dF \ tr C C,! -. tC t 5at n -r- Jl, \-lF?r\\-.\N- -il^\---\1ft'\\\-G. Cl -Fdnj€-C -a rEa!i C:t : N3 -, rn\ r? ] a X\C :'- a€,r ^,J c = -^ i<l c& ] 3\ \\t s T -- ra'i^'-- -' -d-(\ \. \Oj --- --- ^j \ - - a a\ a. - Ni'r c!(\N I -- O-3 -l} .J sc F 'c GnO ., N L€ cfl)c!€ i. :C t iaa -F €€ U1-J. € { :a -c.f ,N t C \ n, = er'rr a N NrL -(l I ad F a - F, N.l - -da F Ga ^ d --(\l L (1 d iu N -f\\a -c F TD F \Cc( l,i rJ) tf, c J N., C a_ F L E ! a 0) c.-l +Jtro(.) <f F{ IU E] F]pa F i F .c I; 7!- su< c,YF -6 a:>z c v6'=:< :@ C ! 5> -(9l <u rJ a-H j t (aa! .n ,l:Cr:noa\.cFf s€lJ\t =\ cd dc'J 3 ilF-J r,rF€ J I:'-sN:cF\tut- c - 31:t -iN- f --s =r'c, cu'r-^ c f)3$dl!{ \ar-triij'i a - a E r-NI oltt j - r- J :t^',€!l I :r C-'--s i 1 N.tF J € -:l gt\:a a c a' - --3.t -? NEat'l -r-,a : J. s\ J r t Jl -ia, \N\ --(ir I I (, - .1, ( -., C L ri'J (^ = r) C O I r r) ri \t i f 'tl (, J S a/'t'Y t , - I Or a - ir: < :C I C 1,1 .i !n (\ N C a N $ r r i\ t I' O \'? ? -r) I I -- ctr N>.t{(\ c{ c:ts(r (oer -r.--, -ca }? il.r {o : S - -N- SJr \ C a- i {) N:J:.')ln .cl} t f rir\ M N jlt al o t I da4 { F EF T.n-ar 3 --^.c,Nca L -9O LCO { -t c(f -'i r - c --r F F d --F IJT F U (\'.a PO ra rt.r 5. = O C N\f O rlt .{ -3 .t' T 3,a; -{ C aC -N A N C f, ? ., .f E € \O., r CR -ic I C)fi J)FC \-Et)F\CNF(\af)fl)r)c.. - 3 C J {j =NI -- - -(\OS.f(Nf):-'\--1-f fNafjsa-tf,iu".!\{?=af\,N a.n (\r NNr\(\- o i9 { -t €€ j., ct -c N.tFF -tE -r., € cF-o(c c rir r: fn < _r 11 ri (') Li Ll1 o .t |.) - r.tr ts o. a € .t |c cr or L^',r1 {) - c t\. yl ar F < '?AJ (! (\ h I c \ \l. ., d - \, - ts \t F 5J - :L €' J N I - l.. -t Cl a N (\' C t .t 3. cE l,, aa I, .t () € N .. i? - N € F a rnC F ts ar, \t F F N ^J Un F 1, NrrNd __d_-dr! q. r -€Nj(\' aA C €-a .1 E EF c -c( C F $ C tan- - O dan i{ F F <l € !f F F :L c tfr - tr \, \L F - tJ d F { - \? cf at r - r. € .c F N <<--N -di-NNN s ..,jr i q.: dl r) \: < c^ E d d| F o .5f - {) g <j F) \tr s e r! .t {' cF - -, ts .t !,., s L t,r, dar i $ .S rf N $ O (ra c -ln' ei J f c. i\r Co^ --iN -d-rN diiN{\1J(! - < .| C c, \o .Jl ,r, - = - d ts rn (') N .c C, :(. O r.} N L F L l\ J i\ .C -, -F-a( ceaCNJFt]l.,:l €€af CEFU'c.^Lna(N-a{FCNtr q,i(_ N F *! N- (" ^, r-n (\t r - d - H - N t\J - F r La cn ai fa -F { O OF diC O O o<F o-O\ a\Jf } -.a' 6 } a. F € O < -} F - - C C C d - N r l, c € \C e \C ( F r\ - \. 9 - - ts ( F c N \t a. -as(\,d.\rGacira(\J(\-(*- d-irNal -dNnJ(\f!-, Faf c€FF Far c € oC. C -tl S ri(' O F eO CC ^ ar -.- \, -F F (\ C c F- dnJ!f tJ^ C F c dF,] ct r. - € c r)l.r: C FF -r { cr -:\NlaaN(,N\"\.,'!dN1.d caNi\-d-^,(\alNr \C - f € F € -, fL c \a \O O r- € fV e o O {t N € - ( - N. r. r r \C '. - € i\= c_c _N,,,:, c 1' aa cL cc_.5,\ crrf -s r _F.u.r:f a\ \ Fa\ a\N N \ tur a\. r r - n a! FF - N \N- iaa!N^, i\i\ a. .tF N C-(: r-t Cc \C ( E .' c"ar its if C- c -;N€ ,r O r - O dF c ic an^j'f,!n o- -, F d a F1€ ts a .nJi - .c> c t\ n r -- N - N'!i\ (,r\:N iN,-- F n,, F- FN.'( A:F-- il f\ N I n r : h1 J. \r -, \c (\. :- € c. ir r J| \c a a: a. ^ F } f ^ lr : F c f\ r. a { L - E't\ C r. = L' a i C 1, lr I .J c € a (. A I r,. € N f { c ^.' r F C. - \ -i(\Ji N N il,/-N N - -ftdF- d-l\r\ <F-NNr \ \n r, .( o { e $ a .t C t', J (t a ts ts ., I 6 C-- a (! } N O € I - \' - N - C. F c N ar J' F .' C a1 fr :& - { € .t C. F N lrl ft 6 < J:':. .? € r. - \ C =-\F--Fir\l\-H11 E -r-NNd---a\f!a.r -,J\ it t (n-- $Nt i o\ :\J ? J\-\ ! N t o'. \:3 c-3L $ t: I C!\r{)7' \\,L : \(:\N- € d\\c|LC n\ \i.r -- ? :-.\.-ia - t,^dr<-N\----\\\'\ Eq { ('f \-t\rq -r{.U --(!f rr aJ -FOq a ECt\ r'<_i' t4...{ L Lr iJ. {. J N F - d { a g € a! { - c :\'{- \C ;r I F - J F a( a - i ii-iid nd_--ra.\\ a € 4,. il a: - r \ C aa \ .J S C C 1 ? (* I a \.- d r. .t -}'C :, .f : rf -r - S ., \ C.f 1 c -F -1 .t c.a \1 \Jl J'L -N a -'f C a . - €-c.r.t \' F( Cd(r F cNO(, C cCL dF €F€ -\C(i)-N e- lt - f .t .t .t € F C € N * Ll', s c (\ ts u^ E - - t,, € F - C l-\ \l] F { -rrri-<^J r : - N a\' ^\ 3 \a { r1 * - i\ -, t, N. r € 9 f - s r c r c \, },1, r .irra, vi\!\r) - J:I<{ ilS J\f}.!\'- -)!', !,t ! -.\''): { \ \ :, 1, R \r .f - L L - r =' (. - r :r € { \ 3 t N :} r ( \r s r c( s -t T \'N.\ a J F a-iN C r,de \ i\ C .C-' \N - { J } rGaA- S +} :taa!\ !-3413-\rC\c' ?J^\'}c-=\Nld3c:\Jr \ i<-E ,\ l. I1 r.\ nj € = -) 3 -s r,- { NI 'c -L lr \a Jn C-. Jn - cr - a <. 7 :) a ar {j .. u. c,r :tl () {, f} F, - E s c {. (. a (Jn ar c lr - - J\ / a, ll :( C - c' > - 1 3 - .J\ t c *a \ { f lrr Jr {) ! tr C } rt J, N-C-erge\\etu(!cus.!Flt l!-aa --r,'_f EJ( t\ r/ crro c--{ mL c-rrc r { N cE cFn { € a - -o J-L { \ € r,if\ }o \C} cN =c Nrl{'\C } I} $ J a nE cFa N.{' J -C", -(\tr'trJUr1Jl-aJrF(L, lJr .lN IJ S Jr.i" da-A t J' u-,IF It = qo o A.Fl {JcoU =rlF{ I C) F1 F] nq Er r -zU- g(JE o -Fa3a- F= c .,o-z:<-.)-O C Fn) ,}> -!1 >u' L € .t c -c r\ rv€ < ., F r. r .r -N F \t -.-' f\ - C F R -F -a { r { r -'f \f t r' -r i -C -n t { N-{d{-FFr.r--rcc R,-cf\a--(Sari=c -tur\i!r aFa -f,il l97l Ir MOf !AttrLf (Cf i,tI[(;kill)l-l FIIII,GY IIIII.5. BLANDING, UTAH [-'^Y 0l 0? 03 04 05 0t TABLE C-14 (Continued) h0t rd oF rHF_ r)AY ?t2'.\7??l2t)t9I8l7lail5l(l3l2I{)09(rh0l I ?'] 11 5 7 I 9 Iilut?ll l4lc l/rl7 lfrlq ?n 2t ?? ?1 ?t! 2q 2n ?7 ?t 29 3ri n le.9 17.? le.e lc.1 l6.l lr.2 I1.2 ?{t.0 13.1 ?4.t ?\.( 21.1 ?9.4 tt.l 12.2 3l.l l2.A f 1.7 ll,L ?_).4 ?5.o 23,q ?:q.4 2?.?2ri.A lp.q 2l.l 1.,.7 ll.5 l7.r! lb.l 2l.l ar.7 ?t.l ?1.9 ?l.i ?9.4'a)./, t0.0 24.9 10.f.'10.0 ?.A.3'c6.1 25.6 23.9 2-1 .3 22.r1?t.7 ?^.^ ?t.l lri.9 ld.1 lr-.'l t5.I 20.6 1.a.A ? r.9 2s.6 2I.l ?8.3 ?9.4 10.6 l0.o ?.e.4 30.6 2c.4 26.7 ?4.4 2-.r.3 ?_2.?- 27-.?2n.0 18.'.] 17.2 t6.? t5.o tt.{r 15.0 }r"i.e ?t.2 ?it.q 2r.q25.o 27.? 2e.4 2B.9 2A.j ?tt.3 27.a 2l .t) 26.1 -/3.3 72.?_ ?o.6 le.4 le.4 le. I It'.7 l6.l l6.l 16.7 l7.ri 2l.l t:.3 2i.n 26.1 ?.1.8 ?n.9 30.0 l0.A 3l.l 30.6 3l.l 28.9 26.1 25.0 2J.3 7\.c) ??.?2rr.0 lo.4 lr-r.-1 17.2 17.2 I l.t1 ll.8 19.4 /..P '25.6 2a.-: 29.rr 10.0 3r).r. ll.l 3I.l 30.6 30.0 27.t] 25.6 23.3 ?l.l 7?.fl ?2.A2l.l 2l.l 2rr.r, 19.4 le.9 ln.') ?.{\.6 2?.4 11.4 ?6. I /h.? /{.J 29./. -}ri.0 l(}.0 10.6 25.6 25.0 ?4.4 23.7 22.r1 1l.l l9.a 19.2, It..9 l7.rr 17.? 17.? ll.2 17.? lrr.'r 2l.l z.:.1 2,:.i) ?t,.t 2l.d ?t\.3 2|l .e ?1 .? ?6.7 25.0 24.4 27.1-r 2l.l ltr.9 I8.3 lq.-] lrr.l Ir,.l l7.R 17.2 1.i.6 15.,1 t6./ tri,9 20.0 zl.7 2r.r 25.( ?q.4 ?6.'l 2l.A 27.8 26.7 26.7 26.1 ?4.4 ?2.?- ?l.l ?l.l 24.4 2:l .3 ??.t\ 2o.6 15.0 ll.-? lt./ 14.{+ lil .t 19..r tl.l 2 t.--r 2(.q ?5.6 ?-6.1 26.7 27.?'1'l .? 2...7 ?6.1 24.4 2l .7 19.4 ltl .9 l7.ri I5.Ai(..7 Ic.o l'!-r.6 13.9 12.2 ll.e IA.3 2(,.0 i(.-i 2i.9 ?e..1 ?5.0 26.1 ?6.7 ?l.a ?s.7 ?7.q 27.2 25.6 ?1.7 ?t\.6 18.9 lq..l l8.q l.?.e l1.q lc.4 13.3 13. J 1,r.4 lr!. t 2r).h 2..? ? t..a ?\.^ 26.1 '?7.? a\.1 28.9 '1 1.8 2l .A 27.ta ?7.2 21.9 21.7 ?0.6 17.8 l7.rl I5.n 1 a.ts lt1 .4 l2.e l7.a ll..l le.a 21.7 (:a.t\ /b.4 26.1 2l.t! 2e.4 1fi.0 10.6:tr|.6 J0.6 10.0 2c.y 25.0 2.1 .e 2l.l lA.q l7.A l^.7 17.? l\.n l't.9 l.).t l6.l ?o.t\ ??.? 14.1 25,t. ?1.? ?r'.9 10.0 31.7 ll.7 32.?.1?.? - 1.7.r0.(! 25.6 ?4.q 19.4 19.4 lA.9l8.e 17.tq 10.7 15.€ ll.7 l'j.t 19.4 21.7 1't.e 2:;,6 ?7.'2-t4.9.ro.0 3l.l '1 1.7 -1 1.7 ll.7 ll.l -to.Ir 25.6 ?1.9 7.l.l lP.9 l7.Alb.l lq.( 19.4 ls.6 l6.l tl.? ?0.0 2?.2 di.9 2t'.1 ?7.P ?9.4 10.6 3l.l .;,.2 )7,..? tl.7 ,t.l 2c.4 26.l 24.r. 19.4 lrr.e 2?.4?l.l 2q.6 lh.9 17.8 1,,.q la.l 19.4 ??.7 r:..1 ?6.1 7.7.p ril.0 ll.t 3l.l 't2.? 3?.? )?.2 jl ..I 10.0 ?f).? ?-4.4 ?3.3 22.A -?-l.l "n.0 (n.0 15.6 I /.2 l5.l l^.7 l,t.l ?_?.2 t.:.-l 25.n 2;.7 ?l.t 14.9 ,,q.4 r0.5 t(r.5 lt.l ]n.6 2q.3 ?.;.a 23.9 lB.9 17.2 lrt.e lf..l 11. t l,-r.9 l?.2 t l.l 12.2 l5.r) lt.{ .i.4 ?\.c ?^.1 ?i:.-l 28.9 '}(}.o 10.0 1(l .6 ,10.6 -}0.0 28.-r 26.1 23.3 2?-.2 ?-1.7 20.0t7.tl ll.2 l\.6 14.tl I l.e 17.? l6.l 2l .l zJ.-1 7;.t1 ?,:.6 '?.6.1 )7.7 ?1.t4 ?t).Q /................\).tt :ae.4 2P.3 ?6.7 23.3 ?2.? 18.9 17.8 l5.Al5.r) l5.n l l.9 12.2 lr,.? 14.4 le.rt /tt.6 /-..? 2'l.q ?\.r ?b.l ?7.'? 2f\.3 2ti.'r 7'l .B ?-t3.9 2tt.9 ?1.7 ?-2.e 27.tA ?l.l 19./r IA.7It.7 I6.7 16.1 l2.t! 12..t lrr.4 19.4 l'r.^ /c.tt 2q.4 ?6.1 ?l.B ?9.4 ?).4 ?'r.4 1(l .0 30.6 ?a.4 27.$ 25.t)'/?.tl ?l.l ?-n.6 lq.4 16.7 I5.6 l5.o l ).9 15.5 lr'.l .to,t1 2?.? c:.q 2>.A ?1.2 11.'?. ?h.-i .J{).o ?e.4 2:}.9 25.0 ?4.4 ?c.0 2 t.9 26.7 20.0 lR.e l7.Al7.a 16.7 lt.7 lc.l 15.6 l:. r l'J.\ ?l.l 1c.L\ 'lt.q ?^.'l 'll.t1 fu..' 'rl.l 27.^ ?'l .A 2l.ta 2c,.6 21...1 Z?-.2 2l.l 20.o ?0.0 l8.qlr.J 16.7 l(:.1 l6.l ll.2 lf../ 20.tt ?-1.7 1:.1 7\.6 ?t'.7 ?r.v'll.l /1.<) 7t1.i 1't.l ?rr.q ?7.?.2\.0 2-t..i ?3..J 23.3 2?.? ?0.6 'I t,.3 17.2 1t.l lb.l lr,.l l6.l ?tt.\ 2?.{.1.i.-l ?".1 ?d.-a Jn.l) 3l.l -1 1.7 12.? 26..'l 26.1 2q.6 25.0 21.9 ??.t4 19.4 20.0 20.0 lP.q l6.l t5.6 l5.rr 15.5 I I.t1 2?.2 2.1 .q (..t ?tt..' ?q.q .Jl.l 10.0 32.P "l.l .l 3'.t.9 .],1 .9 rl.l 10.f, 28.l 26.1 25.0 21.1 ?7.n2J,3 27.q 23,9 lrj.9 19.4 l'.t.e 23.'t 21.* 'ir.0 _?1.r 32.P 1)-.2 1-i.q.Jq.6 1q.0 -14.4 34.4 11.3 13.-t 3l.t 27.? 26.7 ??.9 24.423.3 22.8 ?1.7 ?(\.0 ,1.1 2l.l 2l.l 21.9 z\.rt 2L.t tP.i tr).0 .ll.l -.| 1.7 tl.7 j?.? 31.7 .ll.l 30.0 2l1'.'; ?6.7 ?5.0 2?.? ?1,1 7l.l ?1./ 19.4 ltl .!t lF.l lr..r 2I.l 1\.r: //.rr -l'r.i) ll.l tl.7 j;.1 -i1.9 13.q.1.r.9 Jo.4 -1 1.t lI.l trr.{} ?F.l ?t>.7 26.1 ?\.1 I .D 1 F €O .rF€( .:'(\F \?-FC cNar cc., -d-Nts€.?.t' olaC( € AJe r € Lnts' !a-O --(\r eNN ocO (' ! €F C cO O cr, ca6RJf\c--i-rNG\-Gn(\^JN,caN N(.--r Ndd(!GaGnr m \!' cF d..| <t t € FF (\Cr € C e o< 3 *-d(\F C oF \C IAC( 6 t I f C €a t r:r\ r-r\'N c (atn c cO € € €F { c c-c l. NrNN^j----Nxl\r(NNNN^ \iif!\,-d cnN'r\lN'NN\' J € \o Nr- ii = - -r) Nl' -t F t i eN .c <c-N,F F oF No\ o- .t i,,i inF aD N cir,)r)(,lr) I i J ., cN c OlJ1 ..F € -c -N-Lt (t N\N,-dr!\ (rN(aNNa\NC\NN^'^.d NN\-o!Nr!\ F (rdaC a,6. I C ,c O.O F -C - - a j - ^(J^ - I a: -N - ,: ,1 d., \r: F € r (t La N lJ: U Ul, - C' \r - { C U r. - € l-: G F F e' f\ rr N (.r \C JNrUN-TNATNNNNNa\.\Nl\JrUNiU- (NNNNNca I {' Nr) S [ -E E - OtE {' J -r N.}F (\jF e-C'! } ry S {' (ilc N '. i f O t\l,t € .C C, L .e n .t f F r) - L i c f E lf r a. -t It' F r\N N N - - OU N LA \ N ! N N N N A.I N \ \ -'U AJ - d N AJ A..I N N l\' I\J € \c <r - N € >, - - $ \t - - {. } 3 J,! .$ fV € c c r. e r - .) .O i, aa.a"'c c ts-NLr ('.C { < t, tr cF d c\1 NC Ncc!r" r tr €(f (r c3rrNrNNft! r\, l!La(\Nf!aanl'(a-(\r (!-N(^.c-^rNNNr L1 tcl(' -N \r. Ga(ra oF -€ 3€ <6uoiI' C a - <:} t t (-}. € ^Jar€ -^ c(\ t a a-iccc-NC-nd !f c-U'rnroFI Cf\(\,c(n d. r (\l nJ N - - (: !: f, () e € r' e o G! (! N (1 !a N" GJ G1 N. N o e - - -aF -{ O t { r F € - ^--* r..f -(} O -cO \, C -F FO F c.- r - l\ - -Cr - --- N r C'f r, a' .I. fl -, O C - - d- --, - rj N f\ t - F - ln l?] (, - r) - 4) r) :n (v N, \ N N \- L! - r) T) -) - - fr{ e L E c taf l\F oF -lv]dr, a-ts r)\ I F co c c cF fi -t N' n. ^ c - ... a a n, i. -oi - 6 rr, -rf d",.c Jr-t cc -ir., \F) ta r Ct i\ r) r, r r; - - (a rr a: --: r - F i\ r N (\ N, N \ r -. fl .) t-i - -:a \a ^' (\.t r\ t: I s €L - t-a GF \ - -' F ^.r : \a F-r i a i_: a., C r\ F a N. N L - = - r - - Ga aa d s i I O F T) - C d - l+, .J (ar F.T (\N^,F - e r i'-F -l-( -f ft -N(. NN\a a f r)f,- A NF - f. 9 \ f i\N \' F € N€N i.F - € CiE ts T,F Ar! 4T 9 I (r \--f, 3| a_ 1,(\, -, -c At ?-a- T c.i\ c)r c rea .\.4a,3 r r-, N'! a\. ly. tv: -..i t\ta r- (']- - -- a- l: N (\ i\.N orr,-) a r,-,- a- - C c ts C, s :c F F l'/- S - \t O F- r, { A - d I \.- C S .rF } {' .L- = c €, I -.\ - -A -o -3i c --.r t iJr € € \E c.r 3 d-)c\ - r. - N (\' S. - T - -. N* l- N r- L -' r,.J).\ R (\. N N.. N \ r N- N r' - r c 3rs r- iF c €\ 3 -..1 -,,I C1 \ I g -J aL -a N, C.1Ja\ C - - .C(\a -aC - c' = a .l, J a-t1\\ .? 5 f -J" a \ a: J \r\ - n -_ - \ \ - -- Tj N,- r\ N n N - 1 l\ a R at\N' \ a nJ\ c'i - - Ji!C-\l'^a:CLFC{frFar- c,U'la_{Frt\l!i{'- 3 \ C ( -' ( C C J a !r af .! > .r € : Jl . \ r r f\ (i J \r''a: \ i : -r\ a, - - a. \ - - N r, t\ (-i .\ \ N .\ a\ \ \ \ \ N \ n, \ \ \' N .\. - . :i-(t---:t. \ JRE{ F< 3ii' FE -(\F a ? I'-\it- i: { r { -,L :1- I'i } a\ { f C f I .C N .a f - ^a - .C \ J 3 € i r r(L N- N - (\'',\ N \ t (r N a\ i\ i\ (\'\ r\ (\ r\ i\ N N ( d i\ .! rl i\j (\ (\ f 1:-rENr,Er \, r(-tI { rC {.a < 3 c -\ L l'\i - = =L - :!-\i !- \\ !'\ \\\\ \ r\ \ \ \\\.u\ \-\\ \\\ \ . {r c -c\a \--.F(\a{:-1N (. - O ?( Cr€t- Fr I \- l J 7 -. < = - L1. \, 1: \a a\ a-. \ :1.\ N r - -,-, f C C t :. r\ d r, N g -( \ \ r !r \ a, N \ t N \ \ \ 1' \ a .\ .\ \ - i\ L\ d \ lr N i\ 1J \ t - _\ N"r .{. a \ . \ 7 r < s d = { \ .: \ \ - = } L .: ra' c a d .r .r -i a..:f ,r a a.1\ -^ = dda a -j rraLiC{€a :cCd( =\ -^ - - a\ \ \.L a NN a. \ \' \a N- a, \ J N, r- Nt!.! (a N\ = \ \-{ \ - } i} N- - :d)T ! -\a = \!c t tu.\ a\ala- a]L =a ^ { J E I ? -q -{'=Ca raa -a\E-\\\FN{rI: {.lrN- \-o--\\--a\raR ! r \ - f ., \ \ ? a\ -t e .{. .$ I' a { -: ? a. F d} > { l\ i .a a, n' c <: d(. it..g {'{:c!.}J- =}-L c:r r.E r c.{,(),r\ €J,\L c a\4r\'- (\---(\drF i---Fdi\ ^ t., r \ { tr) c I g L. ., {) u c a s (' u I E r {, - r t3 t) a: L C' c) a c T -\l. f r,f (jc I 3^f c cNt al ( ( .au.€.! -r :L € icd (ai!-\- f\nr--\a*- --irrd,\ C c a N -c dFC cO r.f -a S -[ { Nr.r' --c r Nar .r.} F a : i1s \. J)'tc. :1c = 1_ < a -s.).ia :^F { .j.€ .c J:,, \ \ g tr d Nr\N- N'[-l\l\(\-dNaF- aF;dF-\ ft -C lv -C o:-( .f { C -{r(F'J \, rF---(ra .rr{ - cr-rr€ (rL \r ccc --^.c, c-3 C q { (\r { !r5EO a c-f!a\(L- :!\^.:\\\\-\\--< -qa--N\ ? n , as = (1NF \C ( -, >- A N NC J ? p't d d--r a'it -{'\ -)-l: = C J > \-3 a { <-tr d{\aCa a: 4 lrl € € { J" a a a =-a^o.1 CrR(f\nC\-nr\N-- --F-FN. n i !, - I: q5 q) c.Fl +J oU sl4 F{ IU E1Fltq Er c i ? ra FZ U< C_F =(, rsZ. c Jz{<oJ c\SE ) c> F'] L )u c { L. c TABLE C-14 (Concluded) ArJ(r l97l ltr'elt f Tr,l?l- (ctr'lIItiPAi)l--) Fr'rt riCy I t,FLS , BLANDING, UTAH CAY I ? 3 li c, 6 7 ti 9 l0llt? l3 l4 l"ilf.l7 lFl9 ?q ?t 22?i 2t! ?\ ?tt ?.7 ?A ?e J'lll h(ll'ri t)t Trlt ll,lY tl ir lr) l,r.l l6.l I5.6 l6.l I6.l lr:./ 1,4.3 17.,1 lr.a I'r.4'?t.( 21.7 2?.8 75.n 26.1 l6.l lA.7 l6.l l6.l l6.l l;,.1 l6.l I /.8 19.4 2t1.o 2!.1 ?2.r! ?_4.4 ?ta.l ?7.? I7.2 16.7 lh.7 trr.' lf..l l6.l ll.2 t7.? li.9 ztr.0 2t.l ?a.? ??.t1 2).<) )4.4 l7.rl 15.7 lr:.1 l,i.l lh.l l6.l ll.2 lt'.Q zr.A 7l,l ? l.l 25.|t ?6.1 ?1.2 2P,.:l 'l k.9 I{.q 19.4 711 .0 l.i.q ?tt.tl 7,1t.6 /2.r rti.l 2l.t/ lrt.l il./ -l-}.1 3r.3 i3.921.7 2l.f lfr.9 1}1._" lrl .l 20.ir 21. 1 lt\.1 ltl .I 2i,t! .rl ."l 12.rl 31.9 .)4.a 15.02l.l 2o.n 19.4 lA.9 lrl.l la.l lA..r 22.q 2!./r 2,,.-l.?P.9 )|.6 3?-.? -11.q l5.n 74.4 2L.4 23.9 22.8 2l .l ?t\.fi'21.7 ?3.9 1\.6 ?1,7 2r.'.2'i.9 30.0 31./ 11. 2?.8 ?l .7 ?1 .7 2r).r 19.+ 18.e 19.4 ??.2 .q.4 ?t\.1 27.t 28.9 3().6 31.7 lt.?1.7 2.A.6 ?o.A 2rl .O 19.4 19.4 /tr.h I /.t1 ..1..6 77.t }Q.'. ]l.l 32.2 -l).i "r:-'t. ?7.1?1.t.21.1 2t.l lF.9 li.B ll.t:1.?.{ r.'':16 ?^.') )'-t.( J().(.} ll./'1 1.7 ll.?1.1 ?o.6 ?(t.6 19.4 liJ.l lr.3 17.? ?-n.^ /'.:.tt ?6.1 ?n.9 Jit.o:, l.l .!I./ lI. 2l.l 19.4 lrr.9 lB.-1 16./ 11.2 2l.l 2q.4 r'l ,tt 2'1 .) ?t).q ll.7 12.2 32.11 l:l .20.r' lB.l l./.2 16.7 l6.l ll.?" ?-0.n 1?.2 2i.9 ?u.4 ?\.r 2l..t ?8.3 ?t4.7 27.2 lr..! lA.7 17.7 ll.2 17.2 ll.rt 2r).tt 2l.l 2z.A'/4.t ?t.t )-1.2 ?lt.1 'tt.9 ?<t.4 'I 6.1 ls.6 l5.a 14.4 ll.9 15.0 l,r..1 2n.^ zc.2 ?l.e 26.1 )1.2 ?t1.i 2'r.4'101{) lr.4 17.8 16.7 16., t/.,1 l6.l ?it.t:2?.) ?.;.9 7\.6 ?r., llr.{,'ll.l al.tl )'l .419.4 19.6 ll.B ll.a 17.2 ll.2 2l .l e?.F ?q.4 7\,6 77.;2n..t 2L).4'10.0 1r).6 33.9 t r.e J"l .l 3l. t 2l.P ?2.N 2?.t) 21. 7 2l.l15.0 35.o 31.9 ll ' / 2u.l ?(,.1 2q.q ?-l .l 2?.F :15.0 3c.0 31.3 ?9.4 ;18,) ?t.?. 26.7 2-5.^ 24.4 31. ! 2q.4 2e.q ?_A.9 26.1 ?-\.O ?-2.8 27_.? 21.731.7 3t.7 3l.l 3n.6 27.2 26.1 23.:] 22.8 ?t.l'.rt.3 tt.q 32.8 .11.7 eH.S ?7.? ?7.?_ ztt.6 ?1.7 ,rt.l .J0.6 3o.6 2e.4 21.) ?(-.7 26.1 l').q 2?.? -12.2 31.7 10.0 2A.e 26.1 25.o ?4.q ?1 .9 2?.A1?.u.)?.2 30.0 ?p..) 26.1 2a.i 2.?.2 21.7 21.7 21.? ?.1 .A ?-1.? ?c.b 21.9 ?l .7 ?o.6 20.0 le.q ?'l .A )-6. I 21.3 20.0 le.c lA.3 l(,.7 16.7 I6.l2rr.() 28.1 2il .3 ?^.1 25.Q 23.|t ??.4 Zfi.6 2ij.0lo.6 2q.4 ?7.6 ?6.1 2i.0 2l.l 2J.J 21.7 2l.l 2').4 2ri.e 2q..1 26.1 2l.q 21.7 2l.I 20.0 l7.t{t6.l 26.1 26.1 2\.6'CJ.;21.3 lrr.9 17.8 l6.l ?-l ,2_ 21.!1 26.7 25.0 Z].3 2?.2 2l .l 2().n 18.9l').1 2l.I 2l.l 20.6 1.r.4 19.4 ltt.9 l,r.:l rr''.1?A.1 )_A.3 27.t) 26.7 ?t., ?-?.2 2?.? 2l.l 19.4ll.7 3l.l -!0.6 24.9 ?n.l 25.o 24.r+ 21.) 20.4 30.r.28.9 2'i.3 ?-7.2 25.n 23.9 22.d 2)..1 2?.A ?rt.9 30.6 30.6 79.4 26.1 25.O 2J.9 21.7 2?.2 2t.? 25.6 2s.0 21.-i 2?.r 21.7 ?0.6 le.4 le.4?\.0 ??.? 2?.2 lc.e lq.J l7.s lz,8 17.2 t6.l2o.l ?6.1 2,4.4 ?2.a lt1 .1 19.4 19.4 lA.9 llr.3?4.3 ?A.] 27.r1 ?.A.1 t\.s ?z.A ??.? lri.,r lr..j.10.0 J0.6 ?a.e 27.? 25.e ?a.n 23.e 2:l .1 17.22t.q 23.1?2.t) 2l.l 19.,t 16.7 15.5 Ih.l lh.l/6.7 26.7 ?6.7 24.tt ?-l.l IH.q 15.7 l6.l 15.62e.4 2A.9 eA.9 26.1 2i+,q 2j.9 19.4 lF.-l l)..:t30.6 30.0 2q.4 ?'l .'2 ?tt./4 ??.8 ??.8 21.7 lh.7?A.q 2h.-l 27.tr 26.1 24.a ?2.\ ?2.? 20.n lc.4 ?t127?27l20l9Irll7l6l5l4l3l7ll09()807na1nlo?OI 18.:l lq.:l li.? l7.P ll./ l/./ I t.a ?l.l /). i 2i.i) ?7.; ?-t.e 29.4 ll.l ll.f l9.zr I7.A 17.? la.1 16.l ta.7 lH.i 2l.l ilj.l7t,.'t?^.1 )/.ti 2t{.q:ifi.0 ll.l2f.l Ie./r lH..l 18._i lC.,r lrr. I lB.9 2l .l /-:..1 ?-q.q 26.1 21.8 ?e.4 .t0.r' ll. I ?0.6 ?q.^ 19.t! I8.9 I6.7 l6.l ll.? 2?,A 2:.9 25.^ )A. ! lr).6 10.(l 2 t.-\ ?6.t lp.9 1r..1 lr_r.3 lrr.-1 I i.A l7.B 19.,i 2l.t l?.') 2\.h '2A.1 ?7.1 27.2 ?q.9 ?5.trl6.l l^.1 l5.o 14.4 13.'r l l.9 15.6 I[i.9 er,.o 71.7 ?].9 ?-l-d ?1.7 ?a.ri 2h.l1b..7 lA.l l(:.7 l5.t': lr.h l5.A l.i.l l'r.4 ?l.l ??.ri 2\.^ 2d.l 26.1 2t.l ?t.1 18.3 lI.c l/.2 l6.l l/:.1 l';.{, l/.2 le.4 /l.l ?1.) ?e,.;', ?.r.1 ?1.'2 ?q.9 r0.r, l6.l l\.6 l3.e l2.i: l2.it I l.l Ir.'l l5.n lr.7 l8.q 20.q 2n.6 ?7.2 ?1.3 ?'].el_2.9 l2.A l?.n 12.2 lr'! .6 I1.9 17.2 15.A l'-t.tt ??.2 21.q )4.4 ?5.11 ?6. 1 2r,.1 15.0 l'1 .l 1.3.9 I.J.l l2.tr l -r.9 l3.j ?().6 /it.^ ??.? 2u.\ 2t.l ?l .p '?4.9 29./. Itl .'l lq.-] l'r.r. 15.6 14.4 la.'l ll.? ?t.rt ?...a'?r..4 ?6.1 ?l.d 79.4 3r).0 2e.4It.l lt{.3 l/.H lr.}: 15.5 15.i, 15.7 2l.l rt.it. ?.-tt.1 )t..1 )a..r 28.q .llt.0 i0.n TABLE C-15 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF TOTAI PRECIPITATION APRIL-AUGUST 1977 PROJECT SITE Month ApriL May June July August Prec ipitat ion ( crn) 0.03 1.22 0.15 4.62 2.2! PROJECT SITE rvAa l97l pr't ^rJVF Ft.,r,rlt)lf y (pr.*Ct-NI) F^il" r,cy I t,EL5. BLANDll{c, UTAH TABLE C-16 RELATIVE HU}IfDITY DATA MARCTI-AUGUST, L977 Frrltli ()l'THf ltAY n)I rl l'l lfr l7 ?t2l?;)?llelltl5l4l?llfilll ll0 l,)O/rn1n20ll-'lv I ? -t q l) 7 lr 9 loul) l'J l4l5lhllIll9 2r, ?t 227'l '? /. 25 '? t1 ?l 24, '),:) 1r)'lt 2,) 58 h0 68 c) 3f.! ;:P 2t2l IB 50 .+4 2eII 34 2l l.l4l ?l 2t- 36 JO 20 2t 2t 5n 4r1 lrjlrllli l6 22 4r1 48q2 Ah f'fi AI F\l) F -l 59 $'-) 5rl lrQ 38 4t\ ll i0 3l -tn 54 77 5J 55 49 Ll 16 35 2t ?450 qn ?4 2c2i 47sl c? 1A 'r8 34 3539 /rl 40 4n-l{} 1n ?rt 'lI 'lc; 1q 6(1 8? 4A L7?t 6? 14 t6 36 1623 2\ tlA 507^ eP.6A 7tlA7 6n5Q 60\? 5lh7 40 17- 3C11 34'tn 69.ig 5i]4,1 42 -15 37?c 32q3 q6 ?6 30qq 99ri3 q4 4? 43'16 3s42 43tlO 3fl'r1 J(14 JgL5 4eq7 9146 46 Irt --l I1,r ld44 4l2A 32 49 51 5.rtl? rrh 6l I 2 6!i 6fr6t1 6Y 7l61 6? 6)5+ 55 5lqil 4? 4t .i.l 3:, 3434 14 -?J6,1 ?tt A/+ 5\) 5h 5l45 lr5 4.t1.) lr ,) .] I3.1 16 3759 s7 5?la '\/ :129a (15 8,1 55 55 5th'1 46 6A 41 42 4? ttta t! I (ta4l 44 42t.t 34 3?/t\ /r9 5l 5.1 6tt Ai, 97 cl 96 4 -i I+? 39 24 ?6 7-\'l't 19 'l.t c? 41 4tt _'14 'lb :tF, \') 45 3rr6'1 5t q4 62 5't 53{-4 6.? 5954 47 3,)ttt) 4tt 31I| I 'l,r -lar-14 14 ?9 -1,) 2t) I I t | 54 5l 44 4'l Llt 4t jq 3llfi 14 3t't5 ?5 '3(l 41 1? :r rrll ]n ?') A J 'it+ 4A 5ri 5lr ta l 19 3t l't ) .tA 3,1 I I')3 1la -)tt :Je 36 .)? .l(1 26 7qq(-l 4rr -1q 94 C'l 65 14 'jl 4-_l3l ?7 2c?q ?l ?,1:i/ 1'r 3"r.14 )a y'F ,h llr .)! .)/, I I1p .tl 4e 44ttt Itt.t4 .ll.,.1 32-_1( 3 I2t ?.1?c 24rr9 50jq ..1r.. -r^ 2l?_9 ?4 3l tt5 27 14?e 2.1qa 4l\4 rr I1^ ?A29 lu.l) lr)-.r'r 7t))-a ?l -1: 'a2 :a 553:l 2tra7 t',lc lrr .| " -?\ ia1 )tt .! L)tt atl 21 2tt .tt 14 15 lll 3/-, -15 59 hl 5'i ?_h 21 10 ?-9 77 -1.; ?A ?4 )4 2l 20 202'? 2l lq52 51r i!) 35 ltt .1 1 25 2tr )4 20 17 1455 i4 44 ?? ?tt 17 ?t lP. l5 q r) .t7 .i23? /') '2 t\ 76 ?4 /? ?c) 30 ?97e ?1 ?F,;?5 ?l ?l 2h lt{ lrl2l ?,, /5 4? 40 -19 2-o 17 lq 16 ll H lh 16 15l? itl t0 lu 16 1526 ?1 2l 7A j?. 16 4i 35 14,? 54lO 2ti?1 2l3t ?? l8 lqtri 17a:li 56 .-14 3r.'?4 ?t,13 ll?6 ?5lh 16 ls 1432 1A I p lt22 2? 30 3l?6 ?6?o l9 t6 16?6 zc33 1rr tl ??it it t 4 14 -10 :]0 14 lz.lc la 4t1 5040 4b 54 625q 5('-r0 3423 2t'23 ?t,70 ?zl7 lB55 t'0.tH 4l24 2r' I I ll?5 3017 Iet2 t?19 l+/t lf, l9?i ?5l.t 3b ?7 ?9l8 ?017 le?4 2541 4525 34 IO IJ15 171?. :r4ts 15 I 9 ?,tl qfr 58 5l 52i A6 6''; 60 6tl t2 4:l 3 3 :til ?A 30 79 )') I tt '?? q3 52 44 45 ?t 1() ll t?42 4:t ?t ?r+ 14 16 4t1 4ll ?.\ 2'i?t4 30.t5 '15 31 37?'t ?,>?? 7J?tl ?a 5r- 6lt9 52 lrt 1.,20 ?q .17 'lr, 16 I /?4 ?5 B? q3 55 56 62 6l54 5rt46 tt4 3A :]9lt 3230 .1025 3/r 51 504t1 49 3s :t615 lq47 4ri?5 ?4 l0 t?5a 5I ?A 3lll t?35 :r539 -t927 ?q24 ?b30 3164 ('0 51 5220 ?ll0 3?4? 44 Ie ?1?-6 ?6 a9t- 1ql1 prl ^Ilvt Fllr\f IulTYsfJf r-(iY tilrLS. BLANDING, UTAH CAY ol 02 n-l 04 ( Pl- kcl l\ L TABLE C-16 (Continued) |,{JUtr ()F Iilt t) 4 Y ll t2 l:1 2421?2?l20l8l7l6l5lLrt Aol0tt05 NV 70(.? lA ]B 1ts| 15 2li, 2', ?/, 2t\ 12 4A It t' 2,.{-ll) 'l,l -lq ),) 4> 50 2ta llt'| A 'l ti r.2 5-l lrJ'l tt 4)'\tt l0 t42 t!) :lr 3,t ,, I 3? 7^ ?? 22 ?tl a') lr 'l :t6-eq ?9 3'j't/ '17 lc 2.0 16l! l{r -l.l )r 5rl 40 62 .lq 1,t l9 I 2-t h 5 I '.. lrrll t? l1l4l5r6 lt l11l!r 2't ?l ??,1 2q 2A 2l 2q ?..) lf) it\lq eP ,1 ?e ?l 2Fl!/, 7c :.r c 37 )1 lAlc 3l 5r 4C 3')5:')l /9 2 -tt ?t 25?l7l)6 2? lqItItl 2tl 15 2q 17 ?4 3_' 2-t) 2t+ r+U 3t 20 7,t lir2l l+ lt 4l' .t5 42 lzr 31 12 70 7q(^? 6^jci 'lq'l1r 36 39 4)'l() 2q ?\ 27 ?l 27 lr: 11 3rt 1? .qZ q,rr 76 7q?? 2?'11 :r4 34 '\4 49 L9 7t, 7Aq2 L173 771l 'll 19 la I r. l7lA' I / /r A 6.( 54 qq t5 -17 39 t'5 6r) 1. I 34 .1'l 9Q9 qQg 79 9?6n f.0lll t ?:13 t94) q4'a2 3 -1?p ?t)22 ?l17 l,i 1q _1-1 60 (i414 73?(- ??34 33i6 34q.) qc, ?e .]745 4t72 6l17 7q70 20t8 2,t19 ?tAt 6eqq 59-18 4I5t) 6t61 611q 3..; q9a qQ9 q/ qa 5a 57 .4t! 4l t!) L\ 41 45 l5 1.{)e ?9?4 27 19 l'-r1) 1?61 7.17A 7rl -lr) 30 -12 lt44 4q5a \2 3\ 1746 45 65 6tl -11 lt'?0 le2t 7?'2q 1?l) 7!r6{ (f 46 4rl75 75 aA 7it 4l tll 1.9 9il95 ,'I 53 u? lt9 t t! 4 h ;+'? 46 40't9 tl ?4 ?:\ 3i) ?l ?t ?\ 3r ll5A 5l 66 5q?t 2'174 3l 44 tlt! Lb -l.l _?6 _l I 5rl \7 3 r :, I?t! l97a I P'll re 7 I 9')t) frl 57 49 tLA9a 8961 564J 41 2n lA23 2(l2-r 7l25 2425 2-l?1 2l?tr IA11 ldrt5 lt,15 l3 lB lfl14 lt?20 ls16 14 23 ?l3? llZt l?.2l lq6tt 6l2A ?619 17t? llll n24 2?3q t9'ltr 3 (t 33 .10 .i6 30?A 742l l9 )o ??-I,{ '?O IA IA 21 ???',. 7llq 14lr" I II I l? r I llI0 l0lr. 14'rl 3514 1614 14 l'1 18.!tt 3?7t 1717 lfr57 56 ?\ /t+15 lt,l4 l0lrl lt))1 2l?9 ?t?q ?-2?6 264f 407\ ?7lA ln ?t+ ?52c 7u17 17?_0 2t)20 ??l7 16l:r l/.t2 t2l0 t09914 1574 'r7 16 16t4 15l8 1832 1?'I 6 1716 t658 A.? ?4 ?4l.t t-2.l0 l0l0 l024 2h?.7 7872 2226 763? 302? ?ll8 1l 30 4260 I LZtt ?3?t ?t?3 eqItr ?l15 I I 12 14ll 12l0 l0?4 4244 4916 16l8 21?l 2?36 39lh 20 I t lr6tJ 15?\ 2a12 t2lu llt2 1238 .19?1 2r?2 2a26 2730 38?0 2l16 15 52 5rr70 rr5 75 ?ta?6 30)8 30?l ?4 lA 20 15 ttt2 t?t? I l49 \2q2 57 lrl zfi2A ?9?3 2q40 42?l 2?l9 ?o7l 17?l 2ll l? 14ll 13l? l'i46 49 31 38 25 ?6 ?9 3055 sit21 2 tlq tf) (r? 7366 68?9 32t7 tlt3 34i:t 27,t0 2.-l19 ?ll'r 15;r4 ?Ati? 536A 732l 2l31 322A ?Art6 t+A ?4 ?534 4078 7t30 30ls lrrl5 16lq lrr5? 5t'44 4930 3lll _1561 6t?7 -12l5 17 ,n .l rt ae ?9J:ic 74 7_4 i/AY l9?l xr-l ATIVr Ht,MlCITr (i)f aCri![) E''LI'LiY I-I,,F.LS. BLANDING, UTAH TABLE C-16 (Continued) l-'l)l,k 0l THE l)AY CAY I ? 3 4 5 6 7 tl q lrl llt? r.1 l4l5 l6l7ln l,l 2n 7t 22 "l)t ,)\ 2" 2t '? t\ '1 ':'l r),, l 0l l', ?t, 7? 74 ?h LA ?u?l 30 44 ?r- ll 5? 7\ 6l 4t2j I ll 211 ?4 71le lh l5 65 3-) ?e2l 2t l7 lA o? ?t ?q ???\ ?75t l'1'/7'il t4 79 t? 55 FN A7 37 2^ 34 1r, ?6 79 2(\ l'i lti r. 'l 'l rr 1n ?,1 7(; l()l7 ol ?4 2q ?2 27 ?A 5A 16 27 _'l 3 4? ?c l:l 57 77 A?j4 29-16 '16 7) 79 7:l l5 lr.6i 19 14 7l?l ?tl8 04 2F 29 ?? 77 ?9 64 _1q 29 3q rr5 79 l.j5f 7? 64 37 3tl 363f :t0 2'.; ?1 l7 , t. 6{ij 4r- 35 22 3l 22ll ()5 2elt ?r?l 3l 5q _1q'Jl 71 4l ?et\ 56lt l4 '1 I 3? lh -J ,t il .il'l\ ?) l7 4il -lr2til2/I', 06 29'ti ?4 77-t3 7tt4l't? 40 4J ?.) It,ql 7tJ 6tr l.l.lh .lr1l 7', ')rl ?J 70 "l 49i5)\ 33 2t )rl {tl 3h :t .r ?i2l 35 4|'Ir 4It3 ?4l55l lirI 64 3r) 3r)1l 3r 2t ?t2l ?(t liq.) 45 ll 2All ?,t ?(, lt8 qb llir ?() ?6 r,j 5H )lt 4(t 4',| ?ntl5l 11 I 55'/9 272l 2r ?t.I/ I!j le o i.t l+l )9 ?tl L'. n9 qrl-I .?,; 2\"lh c2 41 l-il(' -1;-t l7llq? 7l 4g?\ ?t ?:+ ?3)l 2tl6t1 I .-) 2.)?\ ?2 25 l'. l0 4_l ?')?i z7 Jq 4l r7 35 3h l6 l54l"t; 4tt,/? 2l ?? ?ll5'?^ l5l5l',4l ?t ir..t l,i 22 ?,t t'l ll -iit-l ?t 2? .ll qq-,\t .i rt 7r< -1 I l( l44) /r l/1 l.?l t9 tc lc l7l4 l1t! )t'2t lcl? lq l7ll t2 3J ?J l() ?2 2_9 Qtl )1 ?t) 22?l l5IJ .l r. 68 1(l l4 27 l/ t7l5l5lrl2)l 29 2.1 1l l4 l5tl I ') l3 -l) 1() t02l2ljtt lo e_i 20?\l3t.llr, fi3 2ttlol5lri l'.l7tl t?l02\ 252lllt? 1.1l3,) lo 'lt l7ll ?o?\ -rl2l?lI/ ?4ll lH 55 ?-tlI l4ll lraII t? I (l A I5 ?') 1,1-t2 lq2\ 2\ ?n2l ll 7l \) 2l 5e. 42 l7 26l5 ?t) lq ?5?l lrl?ll7 I9 ,r ?i d? 34 17 9 l0 l7 ?a I4 27 lq z4 ?tl7 20 Ir,l7 7 L't 1qt4 l5q l0 10 l9 lll0 9 a 64 l5 l7 9(l ll H lrr 73 l4 76 l7 ?4?l l9 ?0l5 It) 6 12 tl0 -15 lll0 9 9 lrtl.t t0 It 72 l!:l7q IOll f{ 6 l9 ?? lq 25 l8 252l ?o ?ol8l/ T 3) 7'? 4ril/t?l3 l() ?u l4ll tr t{ !. It' l7 9 l0 l0 I () ?l ?? l5 ?77l ?A 2? ?2 7? 10 ?l rt'le '1l.. ?2 ?t! !7 ?ta ?? 32 72?\ ?4 lfr 22 9 4.t 66 54aI ll 2??) ?t+ ?t l7lltl 5,:) :1 I 7lt llr lqlll5 I t) 23 ?4 lq 2q 21 39 24 26 ?_6 4? 2s 9 45 67 56 38le 25 2t\ 24 21 lAl2ll 59 39 27 l6 l5l5lrit? ?4 2\ 2l?) ?4q4 ?l ?^ ?tt 44 ?eq 4l hAqc _-iq ?l 27l7 ?4?\ lcJl3l4l? 37 2t) lF lAlilr. I-l ?t) ?l 1.1 Z1 l9 2b 2.) 2l 2t?l l9 I 3A tr0 4k 2it l2 I7 Iq ?2l6lr l0 l6 4A-t3 l4 2o I9 73 l8 l4l0ll63 242l l3 l3 l2 t?(, .t lll2l2II lllo A 57 l5l9llllIIlo e I 9 I 0 ll{ 2?2l ll t?tln(l lo riq7 l5lltl 9 ll 9 7 2t) 20 ll ll l0I I Jlls: lq77 l?rl illvri Pl,rtIlllIY (PFk(:tl!f ) Ft.,F,rGy t tltL5. BLANDING, UTAH c^Y 0l o? TABLE C-16 (Continued) F,.rl tt; Ot IHI- l)Ay ?t123727l20l9l8l7lr'l4l3lnnq011olo60504 I 2 3 11 6 1) ll l5l-t lc?t ?714 4n'ln 1212 -14 ?l -r^ q5 (1r L6 t,A l, ?? lt lc l'-i lci lA 17t? l?HqNF l7q ln68l0 lo l4 15 18 la?') 1r lr9 L;2 latl 4t) 16 la 5r) 6? ?() 1a?a ?1 ?l 2t\ 03 ltt l( ?la3 15 17-r4 Al l!9 71 lAlclq l-1ll A ,l ltp ll l/. 17 'r -l q2 47 41 CP ?e ?A 2t) 15 l'rt9 l,?1 ?',;45 4d :r7 .ll37 .. I 31 -J952 5rr52 5b 2l )'i2t) ) ) 16 lhl9 2tl15 16t? lq l0 l{l! I(l17_ I I 9 lrrl? t.l I / l,!?l 2\35 'ttl 52. 5q41 .rF.t1? 44 6n 56 )l 1630 2t) ?rt 2) l\ lq 16 l(, ?l l, ?^ .)ir ?l4A 44 4l-t7 .l5 11-16 :J5 l'l4(t 1l llq? 4'l 4,) 49 ttu 4,1 7v ?it /1 2l l7 lb 16 lL lr2(t l, lhIf1 14 l,'t5 tt l,)ll l0 q l0 9 A' tJ t? l,rll tr e l.J l.t lt) ))J 1l lq ?b 2't l714 ?e 775|1 t!5 4,thl . q? '.)i 4u :lq _15ql 5rr 3617 ?9 7"1 ?t) 1? ?p ?l 2r) ll ls 15 I{ l,j)4 ?? 15 .t2 ? .\ 1'l ?t) ?t12e ?5 1r ?\l 15 'a2 >? ? Il"' lC1? )2l,; 14ll l')rl 9qH 12 lo t't lr t? t215 lr t??-r 19 t7lci 18 16Ir{ 17 l4?l l(, la2l lrr ?o?0 16, 1415 13 l7l-r 17 t?987 fl ts5'7r.5 qq5 66 5 l+ tr -l 554 554ll lrt lnll l0 q ll l0 l0 19 ltr l?2t! 19 ?_l 2? ?t\ ?l 2? 20 lA2.1 20 lq15 14 14?l ?rt lq t? ll lo 7 tt l0ll lrr 1615 lr le20 23 25ld 20 ?22l ?4 7AeB 34 37.,q 16 44 17 17 t6lq lJ 14I ln lle lr) ll678 556a45 456 3463ts567l0 ll l?l0 t0 ll 15 ?n 2Jzl 15 -ltl32 35 3rl?l 2't ?A.J-? 3r+ 4ll ll ?4 7a 15 lF lel8 le 2llq t6 17 I I 12l7 1920 ?77a 30?5 2e7-4 ?6J9 ,nl 44 4A 17 l815 16rl ll t2 l-]9 I07lr6786 7q 6fiA912 l1t2 1325 2642 4l:ttr 3q32 3445 41f0 3n22 2??2 7ll8 lc l1 l_c la7. Z9 2.1 27 2c. 26 2-l t9 lqlrl: a; c tt I I l7 l..1la ?t i; l. a. 2AIt 2a l/r l?- lr. lzr Irr 26 2L 2(! ?J?t ?tttlli lrlll H I T 5 rl t2 IU 20 15 2t) ?., 74 l6?l l1 l5 4t123?_2559999 l0 ll.!5 3l76 3l?3 ?5zrj 3419 le14 14l7 17l0 ll l0ll l8l6ll 26 ?4l6t? IO 1 5 4 4 4 2 3 5 q g loi7 23?l 27 lAl4l7l0 fi ll !3 17l6l1 I8?jlr,l?ll 7 5 5 5 4 3 la 66l0 ll\? IZlrt 1816 l7 'I I 157l ztt?5 3014 15l2 t39t'li tr55 ILL q I ,' llt2 l?l4 l'.l/. ll li, le 2{\)l 22tj ;' l.2\ )7 )r, 2'. an l-, lt. lll/. lA 25 1., ]A l31t ?^ 7tt lr" t, ,{ I ll lt1 lq'?.\ _a) -12. 3t)'/9 lt 71lq 9q l0l7l9 2l 30l9l4l7l0 TABLE C-16 (Concluded) /rt,G l(r77 rirt illVr t,ill/llllIY (Pf rcf \I) F . i ucY t l.rt,t. s. BLANDING, UTAH 242i72?tZOl9l8l6l00r)nf)050to70l h()r,k ll o I l7 7?.2' l7li7l 2l.!.l! 7?ll1t tI 1g la? .tl )F 7. I ?P. 3r, J?II lqir,t: lc l9l'; Ot-. ItstF- [)Ay t2 13l4Y I ,) I Il q lt q l^ll 12 lll4 l\l5'I / IH lq '? t\)l i')2t i' tt a1 25)l )A 29 I'1rl 01 (.) tl I -.) 25 3rl 7a?lq? hl ?t Aq 67 t!5 lrl 77 (. tl 7c7l 5q /.9 l!n 1A r:') /.q 7l 17 46 ?\.io 2.\ ?l 07 ll l1r lr3tj7 ?-')?lqq 1.4 ?e 54 5l 1t 6ri 69 7t lz.tq q q l7 l7tt l9 l8 lo 26 ;23 2l 2-o 21 2p, 2t 16 I ''ll2 l7l6 )4 1':) ?a IT\) l)ll tl l1 l,r l7 fits ri I,r(l lrl2.? 712\) ?<) 2l ?a lq 2l /r -l qq 4? 4\ ?? 74 56 E;q Arl 6e :ll 4I t5 lrr 7q 7q 7h 7-l74 7a7.. 7\c,4 ql 4l ha 12 16 J/r -t{r q ) ..tt lat /' 7 67 7 !\ 34 -1 1.J6 LI, 75 ?c1 ?6 7',7?) ???l 71 (l I,i t) I I 15 l')7t i? -)tt 'l fr 29 ?e'21 7\ :ij \l \l 50 ?" 27 A-t 6? tr/ A4 4) c.l qh Ltl 't? 7lla 7? 61 6,5 ?t,J c l)5r. q,r 4(f 44tth 47 55 55'lq ln l? 7.i !5 tt.J /r 1 4l )9 7l -J0 -l(.) ?A ?l /,1! 2 I ll llo/ /6 ll ll77_ 20?t+ 22lb l.rlh llr2.J ??16 t'?21 25-10 ?-7'a,1 2i2'1 ?(l2l ?t!4t; 4(r-14 2l4l al \2 ?6 20 1774 2074 2l24 ??t0 ?\15 5n)6 25 | | lt,24 1912 t?t5 13l I 15tl lh 5544IA l8 19 t7 17 l0 l0le ?o 17 lqc l0 ?5 2424 25 ?6 231,1 . lA?4 e52A 2q20 ?0 6r) 5l ?q 18 t? llt7 l s ?l l?26 .tO 36 39?1 2716 1488ll l0l0 ln l0 t0ll I l14 l5 54 4lt9 167o ztil7 17l0 ll?o ?219 2ll0 12)4 ?621 4tl23 24le 2l?5 '21 ?6 ?9?l 27stt 6?l8 20l2 14le ?412 14-14 42t7 5l.r3 39l4 lb9 l()l0 l(,I0 l0!0 lltI 1315 lo 4ll 55f14 l/ lq23 74 7619 ?o ?zll 14 1421 ?\ ?()23 23 3lI.' 13 152q t5 4750 59 6225 ?3 752l 76 76Jq 4:J t5 35 tL5 54 )2 41 49('>q 65 f.5 ?9 '1 I :10 16 21 2l 23 76 ?A22 2t' ?t) 35 '19 45 59 63 6.1...-r 49 5 020 22 ?? 12 lt! 16 I ?- ?_t ?r)l-" 17 72 l_1 14 lt{ l4 15 16I'j l9 ?l a8 ftA2\t 2l2t ?t24 262l ?n33 3836 3A17 1951 5666 6l2q 3l?<) 3l45 tl27.r 7451 5't 67 6t .36 t1? 3a :t6?7 ?e30 \751 5065 7l52 57 J? 3ll It" 3?26 ?425 25zt 2?17 ?cte7 2h lt r l'i I'rII ?-') t3 75 2'1 .1'l -J ir 76 Lr) 9 t7 lq 21 32 ?8 ?q 55 5l 2tl 64 67L) 4ta 7? 6ti 71 lA 5nc4 qq 39 5:i 7?. 7:1 3q 49 27 30 aa 7? ol l6 65 hl ,-i I ll?l il ?'\ )tl 15 1/r l5 b7 lA 4ri 1'.i 5'r t!) sl 47'l'i 11t 1ttja ,ll It t2- 2tl 2t! .lr) 22 l)?; /,) i/o lu :JI?l -i3 3P 3) t6 :t?qq 4114l 42 2\,l :rt -l /a'tl -Jql.) ?q 1l I72l ?,1 ?r t, 5 I r) lrrl8t2 lPlqll 25'/5 27 2? 73l2 ?1 l.', ?3 ll 20 l,r qe lrll 4/t 1A 41 4? 55 44 7t l, I 7'r q4 42 _lA5rr :l /2e ?l3r) 2p?t ?1 ? 4 ?.:+ ?6il2lll I7lll7 l4lc lf - i.r J- c U^ C r I a !a r 1 c r- - I :t a i-f a (r C - La',-a a C n f J-j 1t - -- €,t .c a. J - I i\ -- .c, N o ! - { a r, F a a r - -J' < - - \ -(\(l-- - (\r..} 1-e Na\-^1rnfl--Nr.r(\r'l-d- f.') :a ar J^ :c Ul a r tn r, c r - e n, n f 1 I J. r. c c - a-' r € c c .c i.r,C ^ -, d - .t -l .t N - 1 N C (a ar O n f € - - .O if - 3 - -t € € -i tsNraTrria e (\rl 5 r\ NN- -r--a\-Gar,Nf r'a* l, .a r U: r f 3'.l.; d-i /\ C t - - c - a I - I t . n - - f lr f,' a L^ Nr\c^ --f .:' \C.r c r1 { c N< c-t';-r J ,c (rcF r(r -r cNNa)-- ,) ^Je- N a)(N,ada) -)N\N,rAl-,--N { e -,J1 { a r?t !r} r - (I) !, Jt - C mJ. J' C .J' } JC ., .:-r' L/' .f Ct :C < -}.J? 3 --\a (\.rcO,.C -(1(\ CC\-O -O J NCN-(\r r N + N(\(\(-- (\N -aw trlc1 Nf, ,*,O-N(C!-,(\-l',-(r a :t '-I t\,trutLnJrdlurf ainl.),r,Ir -U|\f,-'r..'-),rra'z -!ts(\' .t, -a<.'l.J J3-- a'! t la- \:-t -3 3 3o:-.l' -:^ -J1r\jt;- - a Gar)--t'.'N., (."aJ---\(\t ,!aJa,- N- \-\i '.} {-.nf ==!-ar.n =-^trt.a'.,-..3n,ac nJt'Jrfr -r'J 3 - - O aa'trr O c A - L i! ., fa Oi \, - € - { C C .r N^. $ J i \, i\ Jll\ l\ - r, - - - (\i N an fi - O. Ga - Nl ( - - li - N ^ - N N d) (\ - ^J yr € -., O C c O,J1 ll,j,j CJl ! {n .J1 e !n a l]^ rn C .l C,, !O I - A - JlN., --\C (t { ( a --- N,\, -r\ J -C -C r C{r- n -, 3 ? I r -N ^ -: ( -aaN I' f -(\ e -(\ ^ r r\ - N,-(\ -n r a.Ran,-(\] - cc CJ, t-. 6 c c l, u. u c u^,.1. .. .i I r c ( T c a. c'J f i.. - c Jl. Ne j i,\-N-d t'ar--a N il.n o i -l -cI c.r n --? r r -N aL-- 1rrO.,- - -,\G1 -Nt\3,--,\- \-t'-.4)NC!-N c c c-r.at. oc-iJ: lr rra ccarii(,r.:f.J^-!J'at r-rrr;lF af sC {. Nca I,C<dcCltJ c.l -C -NCn { NJ rJ f n J - j-3. N d-N- r s. ^^,^ja\a^j i(\ f, N \.\-a\.r N iJ-L r.n : 1r f x - J c c - -c, - = { c c c,-l -. I } : } - tl: u: r e c J -t'r f a\ a \ a.- I T .r a - a ( a r T \ - C .t 1, : C ^ a\ a'Jr \ ..} -'- nr is N - d d - - rs - a, - - \ r.l 1r \ o\ - o a\ 11 1 tr1 ^i rr} rs ., a-_ I3 ,, :a =:.J.\r f c,c cq_ c _i r. J^,:t = L Ctn:l J^_ ajj r dNN a 1 ---- + \ dN--\- 4,1 t r - rN"i +NlJ'.\) a. coC !O a aCJ:olfr-C,r cl,/1 X € c Lic 1r- { rii{ lr-oCA F- > t - O i.r1 tt) - I d i .t { (\ f ul \ i aC a C i, - = .,'l e } \ ;i --Nd-Cr r-i<.)r/\-Ni-i. --] oJ--NNaN^ja\.) N \ c-=' -\ t aIoJ'] !--! t,1 t a :c ct. J:--,rrn ni > :', _, :c, i [,t, - { d - a a .,,-ti - -i .) I x \ l, - c a { } - s i =-i\ -]\ JN r<<-nTt \-\-dL \ -<.\-3\',:! N,-\: \' u q, l'!. 0.'auq uru,g Jle'cru'u.a u!u q c q, : u)!'rril'J u u'-!J JUJ t- JtJlPrrJl!: ?-rfr.tdJrLr\ \U] j\ L (! !+3F? !\:r\ -a\ -1 f R aair' \ i1 --a,- --a\d--R, i.i\ ^.v- - -:f 1 -A iaTUnrU^:la A -',ar a :,tl- -a1 1 - -'JT 1 -c - 3 J] ..I .' .\ .Ji -t - - vlj| J^ g- r- - .' - J ,n' f l .]: $ le ll - n - -di\ia:\a<-d--<<(i--r\ - ra- --a !-.!-- c a rr 1 : r - - r- - :f J|. :.' :) - f .] .} = t f ! -f = r. ! -r. 1 !. J, \+ r -- ^ d--9 rn!,, cr} a-+ t t o -)( f > 4. ---t \r,.!--t ! <ir.\(.t !d !lV4,\-^.I -)i-<rL 1.) -, l! -:1.Jlij ir,::r1 cc-u: f r1 cN ca> I :r a it^:. - a Lr.r r.t!. ac ^.1 t J --^u JF J\ } -rl (.. 1 4 3 _1 .i.C s t ^-) f:,' L -iN C f11-- N (\.aat .}-1.- it ir-./ 3- ,1 .nr\-) .{) F € --!} O -\L,(t dC €c( .! G N-€ .t Oh 3 dJl C 9C -F --N-'--^, fi RJ-Ct --3\i- Nil:-aJ .nnmn n -) = :r,Jl-.1:c J: :: - ] : a -..r r, : r' ] - a -r .r' -e']n -!r!i-\c --9 -€ €(} 5r cna cr\{ a.- €.a3 ? (rr c \. --a -(\-1,r,d:-rr\- (\JNu N Niat o..^ -(\, ai a)(vrl U) cl d! a U) rr C Ar ! C'tr r) - t) e.1 2,U'1 Ul - r; Ji a'', rl U) in ar C -- c i\ T)d(} \o € \() -)or Jn r C N€ ..| -l- 3..c N.t', C -rd, { {' -1il -enaa-i (.)a.jc1 d,.\ (rr- -i\'-,lr)rf ur3. - u^i, c Lccc ecr,5 c r c? u: -a .lir-r 3T r c-"aal.= N.: J r,--{ -rCNFi.}a O C\tO fr c r.rO -{i.. C q g -C.aC,r---'.n nJ\m \r.)5:q!fl .\:)f i\-a\3)aj '.i ( t e if c r U. - < - U C - c rf\ Li f C i,J. r Lf :C T C r r' - O 3 :., - r: - - f N f,. ( ., C - € C \C -? i. n r .J O - r. l- .1. C t 3 O O car--- l\. ^(r (\r ^c!- {\r---aJnNO?- tn r) rn 1 ul c tj', - x : -,, a - :(. - f $ ..) n lr, a -,': - - a : iI .t-r --i- -\c (\-?N$ F:O ., ., N€ c {' C (xa - - c 1 c I .: < C e - e) c) el ') o{ e) a! i\ 1\ r!:,l i\ e) r).\ - i\ N,\ cr J. - Gr i ts r-n- Or FI H (, I U& A - -€ f Jl.-r:c aj 3 ---- - I :.- i' x ?\.,. t' Ea Jlflrf. c -:F :n \C - r, .t .c <\,s -+ 1, - = \ ( \ - ., < } -t -t .r - ., d i,}'': N.r\aloel-i\J l"N r\ i\'< :I -r'J d)r}- 6 c f (\ r-l H.-.rl drl ci +(JI ;lzHl O5F]I Hcol E{ I<l u5HI E1 I Ho ozH3 F] E-tH vt U{f:l !hyO':XIA= 'La<vF F -o J--o ^)t. JI:{F -9 l-- :L (, ts .t, d I F :C, O <t t i.n \ lJrt c^ c;,t o |Jn F .t,r, F o s c tr,' l\?€ rr.rO C O 3 ria\1 ( F.r r { N-(? ( c-NF .tC, (}N'Nf-r'G -i---N (\ ^ -N(.-^:-r--r\- dN,9', - C r) C aL :r f ^. tr \t c c € i O r l.. .!a tJ. ., ts f\ l\ c \f tf o (,. O o., :r - Ln - o cn C 1 i (a -,f € a.) .t 3 < : Nr O c: € r\r r-, t { } } }NNnr N-N--NN Ni!-i\NNOtr)a(!; ia\o.J' c\ \t .tClnel\€lJr,ClJr CC.J. rc.({LrF$tr N-N(^"N€Fono^:}f\ O{)-6raj.tGa€anl\-F- C-a---9 !')Fa-€,.ri|c^<Nr---N NrrN+t-. t-t er,f:'|i'.) rt nrClOO ta r.) .t c oF N-|,ts c€ cU^,ef,f.N(nUn.' l+)NfiUntnf.t,i,l.. s0 c(a caoc-.9'JloJaNI N-^rr s -Ee.f t\JJ 6d-E O^t ,\ ^J(\-l---ra tu-N- rr:CF)Nr(a(.r, Iv) ir.NC'.CO N S |.,l C C a\ - F 6 .J^ Ln F .Jl 'C c - ,C rt € o !J1 F t € c ,, e (n $ 3| 3.L1 Ots-U^\rUr,F CdO F:-{C-ON.!'C.rtJ (\--eO?Ot+:---) ij-(\ -Na).-)ir)l'}a)li(.)-i -O,aA - .f, 3 c o (\ :c ts c ln trl a) J c o c. rn F :a, (! 1 a c t) c t.(" .! o c o ^ a\(\Nt,N3CC-Fr(\,--tsF.t c .trA.r(\c0 ^ocoG1 mr)r:((n-nJ r -,NrNNN m{\l-,r.NN^- -o^eoi a Ln€r\U)a.'{ lr\ C€lnOrrC 3-.c:(\a<.!GarU.<€l<\ C.l}(} ^J -)t) t, d:rlri=n-NI.roON,in.J--€o:CN\C'}'N -rr Nn-iN, Nlr -\Nl\N,(\n-.r\NNrU(ri-tt, i ] c.r\N,, I:F CN:n 3.a-)< !c\,-c$ r.\'iiv=E-.)i)3 t-La,.t I - ] c t O r)-\.! s c F 'c a..NN(\ cr-jO N j -S' O(\F r(.)- -(1---(' ( r!(\ -Nar(..n(\ (*N - -N..or 3| o\ € ,t t,ii?.!f c.\'ri.f -f, 3€ cF 3f t.f c.,., F:na\ c \f c.J J CJ + \il1 C1la 3 O, i=.c'T \..Ji-C!t ai-\ 3:J:r r r- t.,'a \^- r 1, N d a N i N \i- i N - \ \^' d - - N \, -G1 N ^. \ r r. 3 l. --r]nccc r,oc.Cca,F3J:F j:^tsJ:,=OCFCC Ft c'.t <rr r..$r - {. s o\ }. J -r --:EF C -} ts} rjO C 3O. }nn,\ - N :\. Ji - - - N \ N _ N - f\ N r N -t \ _ d- C.. i aa. J|' O \ -c,Ji1c!l^ coc-oi iI- a.a-ra. =Lc,Ja.c-3}''-l -c e c c,o{ €? o<r } \R-=f r f ( i. .r ., a a ? - oN\.,r5\fdd-r.t\<-iaN!r/\ i-\f]t c (\C fa-,! --.' cdLr(Jre3 = J"Jrr J\_t.irr\€ JCd'f:cc -N-r't, \-icc ?.rrI(f J a\a -J f ( -3c\t, t\dJ.3,:l l:'),ri\--- <-.!d \,J..)- -4-: J j : {\,rt.tca - !r \,c a\!r c -C 3 i\a{.-< \-C a ,]r O a} 9: t? -: -: < -\r-f,:sCJ^ ja\€oa rrNt-rt,i ]i oJiJ\nnr-i :) N-\-a. n------ Of O C c--c!f FnJ-r{ ii-aL € }rmoctE-N-U.jtsf!rCl(, O\-Nal r rr\, \ \, - N--r tr-\ f,'o .! 1 a n $ i ) $ C g- C i ; r .o:]n = ., _a \ Lfi tl = : : - S -n i) ,} 5 = C ( R..(\'r r\ r \f .?\C \+,.c )., c -! -.r:f; C i, d.:lJ^ ( n,r j, O.:r<r, - -)'\ r\ tr\ rlt\iat r)e ),r.r. :.r! .}rrl. i \ €\ri c-rr.l^..- t -- f.a- C -+.r:.n --J1 r+€ Cr-N \i :} oo ir\ I NN'' ".r',€r-- I t. J -:^n-rq-d3 <J'dj.cr Ln,nJ1? Cc\-m --<l-r -(\ -. :)\.F itiaNar C rO ...t5 S S dl.n J) C J - C (! r O I',U rJ\ J\C r)F !n !!.) a) a U) €,F C'j (,C',).!ts = Nt-rICljj C a-d{ ru\C-\c)-Ot' dr irJNNCi.} i}OH---r)r.- r-- -F/m r]ea (.. ,O r O C i, U'Cea N,i, cnirrNr.U-t, -? !. f --' 31mO 1c r .},'c o^Faio_U.U.,+F co _s(an _n ___(\rq clNl, y 9 O$d-) n-rt N ir)..')tt c;r)mc)rl I N -i.l a\ < Lal'tr c O'r',( l\ (\ F q F !r c ts'!.Lr.cC Cf\U.U.Ct c Lar-o orc aFf\F- \'-FC\--r r.i\Nl\Ff\NrcrO.r.tsOO --(-f ( R.r f n T(\T-|. T ai (..'OO .t -, C - -, L - = C f J!f -n'r, {.,l F i\X CL,^ tsN O i Lr - J CnC3(lN-i{.-,Fcrr\tN+R tsraN Nr\o.U^mf OOd--,rt)f)a) <f)a.dt t) Nrrr)e) f)e \ju L' !c \t - :,- (\ s .,f c c x,f, \ f \ ., l]|) r € o r\ o c ir, F F F c c r t t.3 F Nof, N ^J.) 3 r$\ -.C ^.NA a aC)- O € i\N--,' ? 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Lf f a, - J t J: c r s .:| :n '(.'C J :r \ \ ir, ! t a.rcr.ir..F \R:1r_t.\ __.\ _dr^ !a ! _<\ N^.,-nr\ - > rn ? .}'OCUr,rO--t:r f,'c t,f I t-f,rs JrCC.tC3C(a.'< - 1f\ ' ? i.r =) \ e'tr(!. ^. -.t-A A €,.fLn- !- CL.3 -3 \ a "a \3 '}OOINI\---0(a1,.\----N(iu--N\ i.<a\i\..- l!E ,\ O f\ 1.} .o.} c-.-N .o C..c .c 1?:n.'l= n?,rn r ?aJc-a)N J> r ?.|?,:r -d: lJ. d.u.-r -(\r: \ -1 I \:,t-.+ r -c{,J. LrcN:}t.'':n:!rr<-r\1:-\-:,\<1 \,Jar'-- \i-,-1 -L =9 f L') it c q s 1 (\ g c .{ { s i <- ( c- -i u- t, t { .{ i\ c t-, c r\ J7 - !n't:i:r s ar, sJ}J. - 1 -\ 3:r ! -a.l..jFJ),!!!L\ c ! J)!t1 \ <_ JJ.]f - l\N,-f\ (\-a.)3I .i3 o c.r{ +tcoU F F{ I(-) Ei!iodH ai-! al Z= r(5+Z .J zt,-) r;Fo> JQ -) ur ^tt,\ 19l I l./J,rn t:lr)t-cTI()\ (tit,-rrriFF.s,F,tfeGy trrrLS. BLANDING, UTAII TABLE C-L1 (Concluded) t-rOt ,li Oi ll THF I)AY ?4?3??2l2t)lrll7lf,l5larl?-o()0tlnf0f,0tr0qn1o?0l l-rt-.AY I ? I q 7 H (l lnlll'/l3 lt, l5 lAl7 lrila 2n ?l ?7 21 24 25 75 27 ?t\ ') (; io 1l 3l\ 124 -I l,l "il.i 3?4 7?lt214 7?'\ .lOfi 12045 til _1 l5 I nA ?o5 2?q 2?\ 275 I t 5 ?1n54 15Qq t2q4 4\' 16 72 I n4 A 1 3t,2 27 180 1t2'( 79 2^9 3?q 'lA 76.1 3frt6 7? :i.j I ?61.16 L5 2l.3-16 1^ ltr Z I t'4 3?4 124 lf. lq4a 5 '.tA? )Q7 3?4 f?tl.-lAn 22'16 5tt'tiq 2?5 -"00 ?tt Iq4 qa 2t.2 l7ntaA )aIt 4 996j 40 :16 /r 57'l 1,,054 3t63 5t1q0 .1654 4al4ft ? I )(-l q 23 27-16 42q4 i?-l7q l0,lqo 5tl.;4 4,,.,lF 56lt 4 l4oJ11 14?_ 3c5 .160 -)t t- 30i( -J 1'l -/91 .l 1-r ?1 .1)!t -llb 1.7,t '? l ) -..?4 lrr rr'at. 'lh I r,r 2lq I q() 16.2 ? I it "/.o 3tr?l lA /rJll/ lod 9(tf<I ,rl 9rl 225 )? ?245 s7 6.'51 27 160ll4 12q ,13 -r-?7 e -]5 I.l.i .JAr) 33.Jl8 5 ll_lJ6r, 31-t -l6ri?\ 21 1/) !2rr ?44 25). )a th 'tF, 5'-' 45 1?34{t -160 77.rf, 36 4 iJzr5 45 5q4\ 41i 45 ,lb -lh -1,rI8/r 164 I 7l /r I lsH 2163o2 -146 i3l lon l4H ?7)/ '\t -c,J16 6J -]r' l/6 t7l(/9 | 1ci I I / r 7I ?tt I I Qt-{ Hl l17)(t I 2i.I i5 l7lliq lrc151 l qr) h9 lqg100 \44115 ro'lrrr:q lA2,BqH 12.,:16 3 r' -JA l(t+4q 402t.,i lqitl2 124 I .15 I ).. 'rn 12/:. | ?6 t6? (: _1 I ltr f ? I ?h I ilti I H(, I lr,r I .,) ?-92 r't? 3l 5 27()ls I'1512 I nrl -lA I t5 lt,2 I 5: l9e ?2q.lt4 lt7l9r )(tl I rlo I ttg I tI IEt I 9l) '/'tl 1 144 l8r I n0 ?ac. I r(9 l,Jg151 l4{?75 ?)(.l,t4 I Pl 14t, l5l r- I l2el5n I l5 t 7t I /c 1 Pe 2l(.l5.r t5!ld4 l rl I I / 135l-li l7t144 I ao 152 t5-: I Y,) 2 (11 l.lY I qzt ?ez ?5tt??5 ?q3 l.]e I :l-c lr!0 I 1,, l9) l!r l7l lh?2q7 2 t4llr0 lrtl) I q8 ?16 I q,J ?16?14 ?t,2 1 "8 ??5la8 225?25 2q2 I 44 ?n7144 | 15??, 24.tIq0 ? lt'll4tt 1 35130 lrJ9I4'i 144 I H9 ?-o7?16 ?o7 275 '? 10l9rl 21.,ls3 I 80 I q/ 2?\ I rto I 7ql6/r ?97l.rh 200?oA 20:1 ? ?l; 244214 225l6?. I 9r,l IFc 707l'). I tlg 2 )o ?2\) )t, '? ?5189 l!rt225 ?2;?4:\ L4.'2?\ 't )1, zj4 '?25 24' ?4f261 ?t,j?()1 ?^fI r\ l5l alO 2r.l295 310 I /l I /l I e4 2t\l7l l.Jo?2c 725?)', 24)?\2 ?t,7?bl lFq?25 261 I l/. /r5 26tr 34? ?o I 2\?IQA l9q ? l,a 2'a\ 2 r/, ?41 zll t7t l,'r0 ?o7 ) t)'? ? 2\ lq2 7l11 214 7l^?7'; ?16230 2q2 ?14 I S8?')a '2 4 :l''t.1!r ? -,t4lqH 1902\? ?t+1243 ?362'?5 ?07l5t r l7 ?^l 257.t?0 3l s 185 180?34 ??clt4 151797 1?4?53 ?61?c.l ?\? I 26 ? tlt|q6 ??5150 -133.t4 0 ',a?o ?52 7t^20? 7fi"1 2 3n ?3b252 270??5 ?41?12 lqR?43 ?5?l9e ?16 Ie 216 1?47lt1 74? "^0 ?lI I q8 ?o72?l 2lF'?5? 74 J l(l5 175?43 Z3r?52 ?70216 ?2563 3512a? ?s?115 34?lfl If,2l0 t62 I 78 2071)4 '133 2^O 2512q5 ?to-l l5 7242^t ?2514 3f)-l I 5 33.' I qH I f,9)25 20.it214 ?2?27t) 29?169 144lq6 le22c? 25eIQH ltr0 I 3',! 3t,7,2t 1r+2 210 7ro?-t5 320 2 .)t ?46 2'l q 2n8t7l 164 ?. Jtl 2 7\261 30f) ? lt1 315s l7l265 1r5 342 2te0 50 158 IB0 I ltO 50142 33324= 761102 ts lrl7 313l5l q9 Itlq ll7l5 t', l7l t?6lot 7l 6 ?22 ?25333 4(l 5t ??.lr'e 324251 7\7. I {; l1)z .324 'l l5 .t l.)324 130 34727; I 65 ?61324 .l l5 3?4 315 l8 lA315 ?"\ q 175 lH0 190212 7l?, 2lq3?h 2?9 30623q I 35 l?^l7t tJ5 l.l0q ]q 5t)6J '17 7240 u+S 144?07 ?.;2 36 nt I rl0 zlt34? 3it? I3:l?q'l !t7 ?2t 31.1 l8 ?16296 t\? .+5 c0 :J6 5472 rro 47 I l5 'i4 ')4n lq{) lqB 16 l'tz_ l?6 912?5 ?',_lp 3? 440 3A 2.19 36 -t74?0 5 333 ?61 ?ttta '?.7 2?0 1l5 l'! TABLE C-18 PROJECT STTE WIND SPEED DATA, MARCII.AUGUST, L977 PAtr l9r7 !'jINf, SPrf.{) (r/.P.c.) iNIRGY ftIELS. BLANOING, UTAH Hr.)lJk ()l' I ht. l)AY CAY I ? 3 11 5 6'l H 9 I tt ll l7- lj l4 llr lhl7 Itl lq 2rl'1t 7? 2-1 7'42\ 2b ?7 ?q ;) () Itrtl ?423??7l?ol9ItJIttl4l3l2lr)0e(\ tl060:$t403o?0l ol l.tl.r.5 .9 tl l5 I7 l.f l.i 5.'{ L,.F /r.1} ?.-l -l .l 5.4 5.,1 h.7 6.7 6.7 4.0 4.o 3.1 4.5 l.ll.!., i.1 ?.2 3.r 4.t) 4.9 4.q 5.rr ^.7 h.:! 5.tt 4.0 2,7 ?.7 ?.2 2,1 l.ll.l l.i'r 2.2 ?.7 a.l l.rr rr.n 3.1 5.1{ (,.-t F.0 6.1 4.0 5.n 6"7 5.2. 5.42.7 1.3 ?.7 u.9 7.6 t.9 l.l 2.7 3.6 4.5 4.5 l.l ?.1 t.h 4.0 4.r) 1.6 3.h c.? 1.6 l.r -l .b 4.0 4.5 4.n 5.4 7.2 5.8 5.d c.5 5.4 q.9 5.4 5.'t ?.2 1.8 '?.7 ?.1 ?.1 3.1 J.t, 5.4 l.? 6.1 5.8 4.'i 4., 4.5 -i.5 ?.7 ?.1?,1 .() l.d .l.l ?.? 3.1 a.? ?.7 2.1 l.l 4.0 3.1 l.'! ?.? 3.6 4.5 lr.tt l..t l.,t ?.7 'l.t .t.l 2.7 Z.Z -t.h 4.0 1.1 ?.7 ?.? 1.8 4.0 3.6 '1.6 -'l.ll..l t.3 -1 .f, ?.2 l.l ?.1 ?.7 4.0 ,..9 4.0 1.6 1.5 2.7 :l .l tt.5 5.H 5.42.2 t.l .).h ?.1 ?-.f 3.1 (.5 5..i 5.ii 5.q 9.4 q.(l .r.; 9.tj u.9 9.4 H.o ll.2 ll.2 lJ.n |,r.i! l r.e 12.5 I J.4 I2.c; 1,2.1 ll.rr Il.6 12.! ll.A l(,.7 l2.l l2.l 12.56.7 \.4 .r.,1 q.i .t.9 l.h l.r. .l.o ri.5 Q.2 ,).4 1.2 ?.2 l.t 2.? l.A 2.2'2.7 t.8 2.2 rr." ).1 .].6 2_.7 '1..' l.l :l.l 1.1 '1.6 2.2 l.i l.t{ 4.(r q.5'/.7 ?.? ?.1 t,.a 5.4 1.? d.0 9.4 10.3 t.5 t{.9 R.9 'r.q 7.f, tj.0 7.(, 4.0 .9 :.1 6..] 7.6 lrr.7 a.q 9.4 9.4 l0.:1 ft.9 i.9 7.? .t.l ?.7 4.0 1.6 5.8'?.'l l.l 'l.h ,\.t J.l 4.0 q.5 3.1 ;:.1 7.? 2.2 ?.'2 l.,r 4.5 4.r) 5.4 4.5 I.:r l.,r l.-r 3.1 5.4 5.8 6.1 'l .7 l.i 6.7 7.2 l?.\ ll.0 ll.2 9.8 Irr.7 B.q 4.ti i.i, rt.) h.G 9.r ll.2 lo.-1 i-t.s ti.s l.Z 8.0 6.-1 4.'.) ?.1 3.I ?.7 5.4 ?.t :r.l 2.2 l.-1 l.tt l.l ? .l 2 .7 '2 .? 4.0 q.0 5.4.,1 3.6 /.? 3.e 2.2 I.8 .l .l ?.7 2.1 1.3 3.1 4.r.' 5.46.1 5.4 J.A {.0 .r.{) 1.6 ?.1 2.2 J.6 r,..1 ll.A 5.rJ 5.tt 5.tr 't.2 A.0 9.A 6.1 8.e 1.2 6.7 4.9 ?.7 1.64.9 :.h r'.3 ...7 l./_ 6.3 ^.3 !:.4 ^.1 t..l 6.-l 4.9 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.6 ?.?o(r 1.8 '?.? 3.1 'i.l 4.9 4.1) 3.1 ).1 .1 .6 4.O tt1t) 2.1 ?.7 3.1 1.1 3.1 _1.1 3.4 /.?- I.e _r.l ?-.t l.d4.5 rr.5 3.1 I.8 ?.1 1.3 l.J3.1 .4 t.B 3.6 l..9 l._l4.5 ?,7 2.? '.r.e 3.1 3.1 ?.19.8 ln.7 l.^ 12.l ll.2 ll.r. Ir).t.5 ,\.7 IJ.g 'r.g l.) t.J 6. 2.2 4.q 4.9 2.7 q.r) 2.1 2.4.{) ?.'l 2.? ?.2 2.2 l.-l l.q.5 r.l 4.9 5.4 4.5 l.tJ I.,l6.3 4.5 ?.7 4.0 4.!l .i.9 5.4 2 .? .') I .:l ?.2 i.(' q . (, ? .26.7 q.A 9.4 'r.9 5.1 4.9 h..J ?.7 2.1 2.? 1.8 2.) l.n l. l?..1 5.4 4.r',1 q.0 l.x l.ti 2.??.7 1.1 'e.7 l.l -'l .l ?.7 ?.t4.i) 1.1 5.q q.5 l.A ?..?. 3.1 l.l l.l '(.7 ?,1 ..2 .9 l.J z.l t.-r ?.1 {.5 4.\ 4.9 _}.t'4.(r 4.5 q.5 4.9 5.e (.q q.g 5.A 7.6 d.t) I0.-1 9.., C.e {.0 2.2 4.q :.}.6 1.3 4,tt l.f, 4.,1 tt .tt /+.9 .. .9 6.1 6 , I c .,l 6.110./ l-r.0 lU.7 10.7 l?-.1 ll.2 d.,r _1 .l 7.7 .g l.q .9 l.a ?..2 l.t 1.3 *1 .l =1 ,l l.{i !.6 2.1h.3 5.8 6.3 6.7 8.e 7.? ,5.3 1.1 r.1 l.s '2.7 .].t 2.1 t.l -t.6 t.l I.f' 1.1 t.l l.l l.l 4.() 6..1 4.5 1.8 /.-1 ?.) ?.1 rr{} .j.l 1... ?.? .!.{. 6.5 c.H 4.9 2.1 ?.2 J.l 4.0 4.0t.(. a.l 1.4 H.r' e.rr tt.5 9.4 f.i, ().4 q.4 9.4 8.(l B.r 9.t+ 7.t, U.9 7.64.9 4.:, ..1.6 !r.ir rt.() h.7 rl;5 l.;, q.8 4.0 1.1 4.0 2.1 4.5 5.8 4.0 3.14.5 :.lt '1.6 .r.ts 4.5 .l.b 2.? 3.1 J.6 5.4 5.4 6.1 4.5 5.rJ 5.tl 5.4 t,.')f,.l :.A /..-i !..4 5.q 4.5 .{.9 5.il 5.3 5.H 7.?- 9.4 4.<; 3.6 4.9 'r.5 ln.1l.n c.q l.t h.? b.7 l.? h.] (:.? 6.3 /r.3 5.,r \.4 r...i 4.5 4.9 5.A 3.1l.-r l.B 1.,'l ?.1 4.0 4.0 l.? r.n 7.? H.5 7.7- 4.5 '1 .6 3.6 4.9 r'.I 5.4J.l ..'l t;rt.! ,)c/.q 99.r:) qg.9 i,r().(, q.9 10.7 l4.u l2.l ll.h 10.7 9.R 1.2 6. t 5.rl5.4 t.? c,.n l.l.'' ll.(r l4.it 14.3 lZ.5 lrr.lt 15.2 ll.6 f.ii 9.4 q.* 9.8 q.( 8.5 ll{rL' 1977 hJNI) ct..Ftrr) (r/.r.s.) FNI.UGY ItJILS. BLANDING, UTAH TABLE C-I8 (Continued) H()l ll. OF t rJF () A Y l,l t?-Itrlfll/+l3llnq0/0h0504o-lo?-0l t5 l7 le 2n ?l 22 23 ZttCllY I/ I 5 I t) I lnll t'?t:r l4l5l6tl lHt? ?n 2t)2 2, )lt ?\ ?6 2-7 /b l0 t'.9 7.6 \9.9 'rq.9 99.9 e9.9 l7.ri r-.7 l.? A.t 8.9 6.-l e..) 1.2 5.4 7.26.1 A.l t.4.17.0 l-].4 l:.r, l/.v lr.t?.1 a.o 4.5 6.1 ti.'i 1.6 5.a r,.-l...9 5.4 4.t; 4.9 4.9 -q.4 2.2 i.6ll.2 a.8 ii.5 6.7 _l.rr 4.tt 5.q 6.u.0 A.n 7.7 1.r 9.!. 9.4 6.'.1 h.5.8 5.8 4.9 ?.t ?.'/ ?.2 2.2 l.?.7 2.2 l.p l._? 2.1 4.5 l.l '?. i.4 lo. I l7.c I.r.d lA.3 17.0 t7,t1 17.4 11.0 14.3 15.?. lo.7ts.rf ,)..i (r.r ll.6 12.5 10..1 t,,.9 tt.4 lo.7 7.b 6,7 5.tll.n'at.t: ?r.c.2_\.o 2?.r{ 21.5 )t..1 2?.1 lA.l 14.3 7.? 5.tq.5 4.q ..1 ll.2 q.4 10..1 p.9 l0.l ll.6 A.9 7.6 8.04.e 6. ! ^.7 rj.0 5.4 I.7 A.1 l.?. 9.u t.?- 7.6 6.1!9.q c./.q rrq,q ,t.0 7.6 l.?_ 6.7 . 8.q 9.4 5.4 4.0 3.Cl.? 6.1 7.2 rl .0 9.ri it.s 9.tt tt.9 Il .5 /+.9 ?.1 3.1l.'l Lott 1.6 l.l 2.7 4.q 5.4 5.4 4.q 4.5 3.6 4.0q.i zr.r) tr.9 5.q 5.u 1.6 9.q 9.ri 10.3 7.? 5.3 5..!3.A /r.n tt.c rr.J 5.8'fr.3 1.6 6.7 5.4 1.1 l.tj l.Er.n l.? 7.6 t.r 6.3 l.? t-.1 6.1 5.4 4.0 4.5 7.7.i..2 .J.l ?.1 ).1 ?.1 2.7 2.? 2.? 5.4 t,.5 4.5 4.q..1 ').6 4.9 4.9 4.9 .1.-l 6.1 r,.l 6.3 '1.6 3.1 t.tt.j.6 3.6 3.1 ),1 4.5 5.h 5.'r rr.:l 8.0 c.0 6.3 4.5l.^ 3.1 4.o t,.9 6.3 7.2 7.?, 5.7 4.q .r.t) 3.6 4.ilj . I .i. I .r.. ...5 a. t) q .(t j. I 3.6 4. (l 1.6 3. A l. I..? ?.1 .r'l {.5 5.4 6.1 1.4 l.^ A.q A.5 6.1 5.8q.q z+.5 t,.\ 5.rt 7.6 d.q 9.1. 9.4 8.9 9.4 R.5 5.74.4 1.6 t,.9 3.1 ll.0 8.q 8.0 4.0 6.7 s.tt (,.7 4,9 3.1 3.1 r,.9 5.4 q.4 a.C 9.6 'l.O B.q 4.0 7.2 5.4l.l J.l q.a r+.1) 4.| 4.9 5.4 4.9 5.4 5.tl 4.9 3.1,r.h 1.6 1.6 i..tt -l.fr 4.h a.tt 4.0 4.5 '1.6 3.1 1.9j.l 1.6 1.4 j.l l.A 4.5 4.o t+.(.1 3.1 -l .6 j.l ?-.2t.7 5.ri 4.11 6.0 /..5 a.h tl.9 5./. 1.6 6.1 7.2 5./t -: .6 1.a 1. I 3. I -t. I a. I tt.s 5. r. 8. O 6.7 3. I 4.9 -:.4 6.5 l.l l.l .t.l 3.6 4.5 ?.7 3.6 7-.1 ?,.7 2.7r.6 3.6 -r.t 4.5 5.q 5.8 6.3 6.t h.7 4.5 l.rJ l.iJ.:.r. .t.l h.r .l.o ,r.5 6.1 5.it 2.7 3.r' ?.2 3.1 7.ej.l 7.7 2.7 l.F. l.6 5.4 /..S 7.7 ?.2 :1 .1 7.t 4.0..1 4.^ r., l.l 4.0 5.rt 6.1 5.4 4.q 6.J 6.1 5.( ..1.6 h.9 q.o ,r.l l.Li 1.3 2.1 ?.?l.l l.A l.rl ?.1 1.2 5.4 t.l '2.t rt.5 j.l l.A l.-1 1., ?..? t'.'i 7.15.,r 't.r, 3.6 4., 4.ir .l.I l.l 1.84.9 l.l 3.1 4.a 4.5 (.0 ?-.?. ?_.?6.7 ll.2 ltj.7 tJ.5 tl.5 1.2 h.7 tt.q l.l 6.n ?.2 .9 2.1 l.rt ?.? -r.lq.9 -l.A J.^ ).(: -l.h l.l 2.1 l..l2.2 1.1 ?.1 2.1 4.0 4.() 4.0 1.1 6.1 1.6 7.A q.8 4.5 a.o 5.1 5.ir4.5 4.5 5.rl "i.t 4.rl I.8 I.'l ?.I4.5 4.n u.0 4.0 1.8 l.J .1 .l 2.2_?.r. 4.9 q.5 4.5 l.r 1.3 t.t p.') .r.6 1.6 1.,-i l.a 4.(\ 5.1, 5.4 l.tl4.n l.r. 1.6 6.0 l.l I.F 2.7 5.q2.? 2.2 t.rr 1.3 l..t l.,i l.d .l .l1..) 4.5 4.0 .l.l 2.2 l.B l.l 3.1q.5 .t.t 2.2 l.P 2.2 7_.? l.B 3.1t.g 1.5 J.6 \.q 4.5 99.9 99.9 4.a 5.4 5.q 4.,.) 5.q 5.4 5.4 .l .l /.7 ?.t 4.n 1.6 q.5 3.1 ?.2 .l .l ?.') 4.0 ti.5 9.q C.,l .r.6 2.1 ,.1 5.t4.9 5.tJ 4.5 3.67.6 9.4 ln.7 8.08.0 I.9 10.7 F.qa.r ll.2 4.5 6.13.6 4.5 /..5 3.6 :1. 6 ?.7 4 .9 4. (' 5. rt 6. .] 5.4 3. f, 7 .2 2. I :t.6 &.5 7.6 5.t1 q.5 4.5 5 . t, 5.4 t1 .9 6.14.5 5.4 6.1 5.48.0 9.4 'r.9 10.33.1 2.1 ?_.7 3.13.1 3.6 .t.A 4.e4.5 2.7 2.1 'l .65.8 5.4 A. 7 A .5 3.6 3.6 4.5 4. s 4. cr 6. 3 5.4 4.52.7 2.? 3. I 4. 0 .l .6 4.5 ?.7 1.6 3. I 6. 3 5.4 r+.5 3.1 l.J ?.? .l .l 3.6 3.6 3.I 3.1?.1 3.6 3. I 3.61.8 3.1 5.4 t4.o 7.'?, b.3 5.8 q.q t' .5 .+.9 :1.6 -1. I4.5 2.1 t.A l.i -€ c(\a Cts {C?.- { i O }.tFCC e,.r -( -\C ({ ^c..l"? rr i, ct f\ :C F ^i {- G ., N - O C C } .f -' 3 € \- - - \() - - l. - !- J,,oc < (f € - C - € -€ C -F C o.' -t - oU'F CN = c -{ N^,.C c } f r,U^F -{ € r rr--.\? cr O C a.? -? {, 9N-, 1 r r N r,-t J .r ao, ) F =iI3 €,i\\,, .r 3.rO.J)c€ JrN-' -' \r o F C O\ - f €.".t'!'n N N,,) C o tr J .f lr).t Ga!n, \ :1" - O + .tr C,r.1. Jf,sO .t .t <, AJ (\lN r C (!-d - N:ne., I r Lr t A,} -(: -J CC J FF .r' -a-a!L .o Jl J| ., G.. { - c r S (, C - N ., O al O c { |r, -, :c !r, c1 € :c r c\ N < e \, {OIO- !r n (1 u) N = 5 (] Fr N N J' :F 9 6,= 3 {r r {t a' O N .' 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C J r r j J - i r 3 -r,.j: - - - a' N .1', i i! c! t r) - : - - rier aF ) ,a .l', \C !{ S f, = T\a .?', C Cr'CN.r ts a FL \C'I'C "I \ l,]\ :l :i,': N -, f ii: l-,' ! } r J: - - \ - 1, - J- \ -'\ a' F rt'+ - :\ To,lt l.D ,, a \} }.< \ r- r.J. :a>o -'Jl{ r!f L t f a I IF CF tsFN .| r.i r..! !t\; ! - 3I U C J-r \.\i.:.\1 I -'i !r, !'\ r- \ o -c. a\{ E.{: -- a - t ( a E f c ? -?-7 I{ N a a \LE{- r, g' cJ.f.t -\.,)I-C---a.i J---(i-aNNftr- ]Nr r, lf d \a\ -> I a rI n1 a.! lN\T \TL J'.C. 4 \ !a:A - .^? - -\ C \1.5 \'r-Gu- -- -NNd\'-^/-)--(V i\ 1',. fN:A\F.a € .c ., € :ll { F Ar 1:\€ a .c\, C \ t).n,f 'r\ -} 3 tl ]^ (r'\ !!a' r!., jl nl -.r N -(\ -'!F' a!a-1 \l -er'!f: S i J rv t 3 3 l ? s ! € l-: i c, .l lr \ \ .! i: a .r t.c a \'r i { a g t J' D !n 3 ::. 3 \ Njn.c - - € - .t ru i\ - - - \i J. !--: i !a -'u -.l - tr j :l', (' o -r :Jr i^ U^ i.n .j^ { r g J ! s ljr a J F J} r - E \a) ir ur 1 \ i F r F { J' { , O f; t'Jn rn NU)rft-('-t -J|: (\ ., (\ a' t - € 'i -\(.. ca'\1- J -}:to1) , O C O 5 € N I ., a r n F (\ F .t \C -t € tt i:') :J- ', iC'f { { c('C'r i-}:n.-r\ O -1 ., \,Ji , - u^J \>:\., r)J) r} g.n 3 g j! -'l !a- -nl ,-) cl('cn:r:i C C O C..f.l ( \f r F\O \r (. ts', cc r,F tt { € L'\CrF €{ F -,'' O, oC O-m- {^ ^ -\C(\ ra-l, A \' ---J('f\1 -rNf U ) -r. .) .I f,. o 3 O O C ts .C .Ii a J : { - ;J" N .t li J ( F \C J J \ { < !'r U^ E .i € !, -l'.I: un,\.):l 1g - \C-,(!iJ\.J'Urc;tu-) iJ)J)\e)')g 'taaul m oc.'oc , oo .rl +J6o @Fl I C) frld cq FI > ('. *i!ni :- I ' a' Ne ^f f_.- Ja< c -F = [<I, -uz c ia'z IJ7A C =J)) f! Fo> )L' Lj -\r.rr{NC}. -\r,3U dF I }= -^e 3J'(F{f,: -N1\tu\\ai\(-aNarn Alt(r 197/ !'Il'n splFl) ('/.:,.\.) f\;II/(JY }IIILS. BLANDING, UTAH l,'6Y 0l o? 0l Ot o(r ?421?2?l2ol9Itrl7lr,l(;l4l20(r0o0rr TABLE C-18 (Concluded) F(,r ,ii r)F T Ht l, A y lo ll I 5.zr u'.4 2 3.q 1..q :l -r .6 2 .'l \ l.? A.f) 5 4.5 7.7 A t,.5 2.'l7 l.t l.nt1 7.7 t.Aa 6.1 4.q ln f.6 ?.1ll 1.8 ].6t)_ 2.7 2.7I I _?.6 i.6 14 3.A 2.1l5 (.5 4.5 l. _1 .l 2.1 tl 3.h 'l .llH l.t1 4.n l9 ?.1 r.8'lt\ 2.1 1..r 2l '..2 ".722 J.6 't.r 2'.\ 4 .() 1. A ?4 t,.O t,.0)t: 1.6 1.1 26 t.7 l.A27 ll.A ll.2)t\ a.b 6.1)<) 3 .6 (.1. 1n 4.0 /r.q 1l l.-1 .9 6.i 5.,+ l.!i 1./a 2.1 4.5lr.il 5.4 4.5 l.x J.6 4.) 1.6 --1.Al.,r 2..1 1.8 t.5 5.. 4 .5l.B l.ri2.t 2.1J.6 a.lJ.h 7-.-l(.5 3.rl3.A ?.22.t .t.l 2. ) 2.22.t ?.lJ.h -1 .l 2.7 2.7-4.5 4.53.fi 4.ll1r.l) 4.0l. t, r{ . (l 3.a q.5 3.I 2.t4.5 .1 .63.A l.r,l 5. o 3.6l.t' -1 .I l.,r ).1r.l 1.6 ._) .6 l. A 4.(i 1r.5a.l .1 .5 .':. A 4.5 l..A 3.4i.f. o.5 2 .7 4.5 J.., 5.4 r .5 5.1 ,r. r. ? .7?.1 '/.7 :,6 4.53.6 ?.2l.-l ?.2 l.rl 2.2t.t 3.tt.i' r.l .l .h 1.5 J./r 3.6q.0 4.tl 3.1 4.rl e.7 x.t),'r.0 2.1?.7 3.1J.6 :!.6:./, ,r.5 '\.4 .1.6 ?.t 4,\ f.F .).h !.4 5.4 4., 6.3s.q 7.2 5./r 5.s .l .( 3.5 4.5 t.5 5.4 5.4(i. rr zr .52.1 l.f,-1.6 -i.64.. 4.5 .\.4 J.l?.'? 3.11.1 .1 .l7.1 V.7l. | 4.t)?.1 -l .6 l.F 4.5 :t.L!.I4.4 4.5l.' {.55.rr I.b ,r .9 F. () 7 .l 3.51.6 4 .5-t .6 1.64.5 q.9 .-.., '--..t 5.tl :1.r. .-. Io.l ?.7l.F?.1 ?.7 _l .6q.5 f.64.5 ?.76.1 IA I.tl ?.?2.) .1.r. 3.1 2.7J.la.rl 2.?1.2Ir.o 4.q4.9 l.'! 6.32.1 ?.1t.25.4 0l ?.1 1.84.5 ?.12.1?.1 3.5 1..13.t:3.6L8 ?.12.1 2-. I ?.1 2.2.).2 1.4 .l .6t.l l.11l.h 3.1i.u ,.() 2.22,22.1 _1 .l4.5 ?.7l.H :]. A l.H.1. r' l.r2.1 l.tl ?. ?. ?. ll 3. f' 5.44.5 4.5 6. .'6.36.3 5.41.77.? -r.6?.7?.t5.4?.? 2.7.t.l 4.E, 5.4 4.q 5.43.6 4.O 6.1 H.0 P.9 4.' 5.44. t.l 5.4(...1 2. 2. 2. ?. .t.6 q.6 4.5 3.A 7.7 5.6 5. q 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5f'.-l r'..t 5.r. 4.\ 5.3 A.3 \.4 4.5 :l.fr 4.5 .l.fi5.4 6.1 7.2 'r.0 4.9 10.7 lt.0 9.8 ,r.0 6..1 5.16.3 1.7 |t.0 ri.o 7.2 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 3.6 3.f.6.3 |1 .0 1.2 A.3 6.3 i.6 3.6 ?.7 2.7 5.4 4.57.2 7.) 7.? 6.3 7.? 4.5 2.7 2.7 ?-.7 5.t+ t+.5 6.3 6.1 5.4 (..3 4.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 1.2 6.1 4.57.'l 8.q tl.g A.s q.0 7.2 4.5 :r.6 5.1 9.A ft.4(,.3 1.2 7.? 7.? 5.3 6.3 5.q :l .fi 1.6 4.5 3.6l.? 7.2 5,4 r..5 '1.6 :l.b 4.5 .i.rr 3.6 6.1 3.6J.r. :1.5 2..5 10.7 I l.f. 9.8 rt.o 5.4 7.? 6. _r 3.63./. 3.6 t+.5 5.4 A.3 r..3 5.t4 3.'\ 7.2 5.4 3.64,5 8. q 6.3 5. q S.4 f. h ?-.1 3.6 3.6 ?. | ?..7 .1 .6 /r .5 | .2 6. 3 5.4 4.5 4.5 9. B 7 .?- 3. /. 4.5 ?.7 2.7 2.2 l.it ?.e ?.7 /+.(t 6.7 8.9 4.9 4.0 2.7 :l.l l.l -1 .6 'r.6 .r.l ,.1 4.9 4.s 5.4 6.fi.l '1.7 4.0 l.q -i.I 2.7 2.? ?_.2 2.?. ',t.l ?.2rr.Q ^.7 r,.7 6.7 7.? 5.tt 4,q :l.l ?.2 ?.7 3.16.-1 6.7 6.3 6.7 7.2 5.4 3.1 ?.? 2.1 4.e 1.1.!.1 -1 .5 4.O 4.9 t,.5 4.5 4.9 1,.9 ?.7 1.8 2.?4.9 5.Fl /+.0 4.5 6.3 5.r+ l.l 3.., 2.7 3.1 ?.76.7 4.0 4.5 5.4 5.8 5.4 2.?_ l.r{ 2.2 3.6 4.04.rf 6.7 4.9 7.6 8.5 6.3 d.0 6..1 6.3 5.4 4.5q.o 7.2 5.7 6._1 5.8 4.9 4.q 3.1 l.;t 2.? l.-l8..r }!.q rl.0 'l .6 7.o q.8 4.0 3.1 ?.2 ?.? ?.?e.4 I 1.6 1?.5 12.1 12.5 ll.t II.' ll.6 lI.h ll.2 9.rl6.3 8. s 8.9 8. q 4.0 5. rr 4.0 4.9 5. rl 5.4 5.45.s 5.4 5.8 3.1 3.6 4.5 4.9 4.5 4.0 4.fi 3. I4.' 4.q 4.9 1.6 3.6 6.0 ?-.7 I.3 4.5 4.9 4.0 6.i 7.2 10.3 9.4 8.9 7.? 4.4 4.Ei 3.6 ?.7 7.75.:r h.1 6.-'l 4.5 q.4 4.9 4.5 4.5 .1.fl ?,? 3.4 6.3 ?. t 3.F4.5 3.e4.4 3.4l.e?.2 ?.'). 4._( 2.7 2.7?.74.0t.l 2.1l\.7 4.,-r. 62.2l.P l.tl?.27.2 /_.?2.t 2.1 :t. A2.t?.77.2h.l 4.0 l.ll.A ?.? TABLE C.I9 HANKSVTLLE BUYING STATTON TEMPERATURE DATA, I{ARCH-AUGUST | 1977 !AP I97? TEf/t)FIiATUP[ (Cf-r,rIlGriAl)E) ENEIJGY I IJ[.L5 T HANKSVILLE, UTAH [rrli]'i ot cAY 0l o? n3 04 05 06 07 otJ 0() ln Il I? -2.'? -?.4 -3.I -3.9 -3 .9 -1.e -1..i - l.l t.l ?.2 1.9 3 -3.e -t..4 -J.-l -3.-2 -4.4 -e.l -.t.J -l.i .a 1.2 3.q t -.h -l.l -l.l '1.7 -2.8 -2.d -1..J -1.2 ,.. 1.2 .J.: 5 -5..1 -7.7 -l,g -,1 .9 -f] .9 -|i.9 -5.h -2.2 -l.l l.l ?.e {' -f: .1 -7.? -1.? '1 .{j -e.e -'8'9 -7.ri -3' i rl' 2'2 1'tt 1 *l.l -1.9 -5.4 -4.tl -5.6 -6..7 -6.7 --1.-r .rr J.3 h.7 t1 5.6 1.7 l..l l.l oh 2.2 t.l l.l j.:l /"1 ll'l 9 r). 1.3 l.l .f. .5 -I.l .h l.l --'.i F.l l0.rl lrr -J.l I.? .6 0. -l.l -2,2'?.2 -?.'/ -l.l o. I.l It .l.l -l.l -2.? -?.P -?_.A -'t.3 -.J.e -?,.? t). ?.2 -).'. l? --r.c -c.o -r..1 -1.2 -1./ -)..9 -'1 .4 -6..1 -c.? l.l '?.P l3 -1.7 -1.7 5.o 5.6 ri.{ q.4 6.1 6.7 c.I t.l P.9 lq 0. -1.'l -3.e -5.0 -q.4 -J.', -5.1r -1. I e.P :i.9 .1.3 l5 -6.1 -6.1 -t.? -6.? -c..J -9.4 -r1., --r,.(l -l.t ?.2- J.-r l6 -(.rr -.i.r) -5.r) -fr.l -5.t, -h.l -1,2 -'l .l -1.7 .1 .'9 \.'. It fi.1 4.4 t4 .t 1.9 2.8 2.2 ?./ /.) :.0 6.1 5.i lA .6 .6 u. -.(- -a..2 -1./ -l.l -.A 1.7 2.2 1.9 l9 -6.1 -6,.1 -'l .? -7.? -1.2- '1.3 -9.q -4.rr rr. ?.2 5.6 20 3.9 2.? {.{ 5.6 -1.., l./ 0. ;'),2 'r./r 5.b r'.? Zl ?.? ?.? l.? l.i ft. '2.2 --\.? -4.4 -1.7 ?'a A'l 2? -l.l -2.? -?.? --r.9 -5.(' -'i.4 -l.l 3.9 !.t' /"J lo'r 23 l.l -l.t -2.p -.?.8 -3.9 -4.tt -2.1 3.C 6.7 lo.0 ll.l ?tl ll.7 ll.l l(r.6 I0.0 e... ltl .tl ll./ lt.7 lt.il 12.a lt.' 25 2.P q.'r 3.1 ?..t) 3.v q.4 6.1 h.1 ).4 l(t.ll l{).F ?-t1 .6 ^. .6 .e .6 t.l ?-.L i.l :.'i t"! l,?'ll 1.9 l..l 0. l./ ?.2 t.t. 1..] l.'4 t.4 ll.l l/.c Zt. -l .l -2.? -2.rr -.1 .-? -1.9 -4.1 -Z.li -1./ ri r l.l 1.7 29 -7.t! -fr.l -:.o -5..) -5.r1 -5.b -2.t, -I.l .{r I't ?.L 30 -F.9 -().4 -!.4-10.0-l0otr -!.21 -5.0 -2.2 I.l 2.? 5.n ]l,""l-6,7-5.h-:.b-l.il.7.,...l I HF I]AY ?42alt227l20l9l6l7l6l4lll2I5 7.? 6.1 s.0 2.8 2.2 l. 2.2 ,1 .3 l.-l 3.1 ?.8 ).7 .6 -.t, -t.3.e 5.6 6.1 t.l 5.6 4.t, 1.9 l./ l. .6 0. -l.l -2.2-1.7 -2.2 -l.l -1.e.5 0. 0. 0. q.q 3.q 1.1 3.1 '/.2 1.7 l.l -l.I -l.I -2.A -Z.B -:].9 -q.4 .i.9 t,.4 5.0 r\.1 5.5 5.6 i.9 -l.I -2.8 -3.9 -5.0 -6.1 -6., 5.6 7.? il.e 9.zr 10.0 10.0 tt.') 3.3 I.7 -.6 -l.l 0. -?'A tJ,-1 10.6 12.2 l:l .e 15.0 ll.9 l2.il I0.6 rJ.9 5.0 5.6 ?.? ?,4 I-).', l6.I I6.'t lt.? I/.2 l().1 l';.0 9.q fr.7 5.6 l..l 4.4 l'I l/.2 l?.4 I l.l 16.7 17.2 17.'1 16.I I+.'. Ia.B ll.I 10.6 6.7 4'6 /..2 ?.tt 1.tJ 3.', '1.9 3.-l ?.? .t' {}. 0. 0. -.6 -l'l 4.4 5.t, 5.6 f). I 6.7 h.l 6.1 4.4 2.? 0. -.6 -1.7 -2.i1 -1.9 5. t) 5. b 8.3 li.g 8. a 4.9 8. --l 5.6 4.4 4.4 0. -, e' Irr.5 10.6 12.2 l.i. t l-r.9 14.4 12.8 t0.b 8.9 8.3 6.1 4.t' 2"? -)..1 ?.t\ 4.4 5.(r r'.7 t.4 .t.4 2.2 0. '?.? -',.q -5.6 -6.1 5.r, 6.1 8..t ti.,r 9.4 9.4 a.J 6.1 1.9 l.t 0. 0. -?.?A.e l?.? l4.q 14.4 l't.e ll.9 I2.8 8.e lo.tr 10.6 8.9 8.3 1.7 i"t..l il .9 i.4 10.6 l(,.6 rt.s 'l .2 tt.4 2,8 l.l -.6 -l.l .6 Qr{ 5.6 q.6 5.h 5.r' 5.6 5.0 ?.2 l.t -1.7 -3.9 -4.4 -5.6r,.i' 8.3 lr).r) ll./ Il.7 l?.2 to.6 q.e 1.2 ?.t\ 5.6 5.{, 3.9 8., B.(-) .J.,.) 9.4 d.9 t{.'l '1.8 f..l q.4 3.9 Z.? ?.? 2.2 ir./ 7.tt ')..1 10.6' Il.7 tl.7 10.f, 6.1 3.9 2.2 t.l 0. 0' t/.2 \.J.9 lrr..r l''.6 15.0 lq.0 Il.9 Il.l 5.i 3.1 2.2 ?'.8 l'7 I J..r 15.6 1r...(r Iq.4 I7.2 l6.l I:1.3 I?.c ll.l l?.8 12.2 l?.? ll'7 l5.tr l5.h l5.fr lt,.l I5.b 14.4 l-1.e 13.3 12.2 ll.l l0'f' 9'4 9'4 ll.l ll.7 l.).6 9.4 t.1.9 tt.3 7.ti 7,2 r,.l 1.7 l.l 1.7 l.l rr., h.9 l0.n ll.l Il.l ln.6 7.rl 5.h 4.q 5.f, 5.6 5.0 '1 .'') Iir.3 14.4 15.5 15.5 l:.f' l^.1 I5.6 11.9 I4.q 13.3 f'.7 2.d ?.2 2.tJ .1 .9 2.r\ 3.1 '2.t) 1.7 .F -1. | -2.?. ''?.tl '2.2 --1 .I -5.0 ?-.2 1.7 l.J ?.t ?.2 ?.? l.l -l.t'4.4 -f'.1 -7.2 -t} .3 -tl .9 >.f, 6.7 l.? ?.F 7.'r 7.T 'r.l :t.J l.q 1.7 1.7 -.6 -?'8 tt.r t,,.? l,a.r l?.2 l'?.? ll.l Q.4 6.1 i.e 3.9 2.8 -.6 0. l|PP 1977 lFilpt-l.rlTl-,pF-((ir.lTlfirrADE, Er''f kGY t t,l-LS. HANKSVILLE, UTAH TABLE C-19 (Continued) l. 1)llH Uf ThE t)tlY CAY I 3 4 5 6 7 tt 9 l1llt t2 l3 la ls lAl7 lPl9 ?t\/t 23 ?t, 2a r'6 27 ?8 ?')'10 24?322?l?.0l9It,l7l6l5lal.tt2lll0n i-,l) ll0/0t)050rr0-3o20l () . l . l 99.9 99.9 99.'; 99. t, o. ? .8 i .-.6 n. - I . I -? ,7 - ).9 -4 .rr r). 1.7 l. -.r- -1.7 -l.t -2.F. -2.t1 -2.A .h ?.2 i. l./ l.l t). -.t -).i -5.0 -1.7 ?.8 r. 6.I 6.1 4.t 4.r. 3.q :1 .9 4.4 .b.l tt.l 3.3 7.q (.A l.? rh rb 3.3 1.2 lt).6 5.,) 5.6 3.3 2.P- 1.2 l.l 5.u rJ.l ll.7 t.9-1c.6-lb.l-lrr.7-ll..! l.q 6./ ll.i rqr415.6 I /.8 l_J.9 l-1 ._1 lJ.l la.2 l?.? lq.s le.7 13.9 l?.q ll.7 9.t1 (-. / P.3 5.r) 7.? l:.e 13..1 l?.? ll.7 ll.l Il.l d.9 l.r. rr.l ll.l t.l 7.F t.2 7.'F l.? 1.2 ^.t lo.o ll.le.l l.o 2.A 2.i 3.3 l.l l.l .l.v t.)tr,cl r.q 1.8 5.6 h.l 5.tr iroe 5.6 F.9 5.6 4.t! 1.1 2.tr 2.'2 2.1 2.? .l.l :.r. l.P 7.F 7.tr t.r.l Ar.l 5.1 3.9 3.3 3.3 .6 .6 -.5 -l.l -1.7 -1.75.r) 5.6 5.b h.l 6.-1 6.1 6.7 6.1 -t.9 ?.L 1.7 .rr 0. -.6 -.65.rl 6.1 ..1 I.2 t.2 7.rr 7.8 7.8 6.'l s.0 .r.9 3.f 1.7 l.l l.l{..J lrr.( l/.2 13.3 I l.e 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.4 ll.l 10.0 9.4 tt.-l 6.7 6.1t?.A t?.e ll.e t5.6 l6.l 16.7 t6.l I6.l lS.0 lZ.6 e.r, 7.2 6.1 tr.6 5.n l2.r l5.F l6. t l7.A lrr.9 t9.4 lq.4 lc.4 l,r.3 l6.l 12.2 8.9 7.6 7.?_ 6,1 l+.,i ta.7 | t.8 20.r, 22.? ?2.7- ?-1.7 ?t.7 20.0 lR.3 15.0 13.9 10.0 12.2 ll.7 f :./: le.r 2l .l 24.4 2r.q 2f.3 2-1 .-r 2?.A 22-r.2 2l.I lr_r.9 17.2 16.7 15.0 l3.qIts.3 20.r'Zl.l 2'1 .2 2).t 2-).3 2J.3 Z).3 ?2.6 2?-.2 lt.4 l?.t 12.? 14.4 15./.l5.c' 1rt.9 2lr.0 20.f, ?t.l 7l.l ?2.2 ??,2 2?.? 7l.l 2(t.e 16.7 I5.6 l2.tt ll.7lr.q lb.l 15.0 12.2 ll.l l2.r 12.2 l2.A ls.6 19,4 lB.l 16.7 lt.l 10.0 9.4 lr.t 15.0 15.0 lh.l 16.7 l/.,r l/.8 17.7 l6.l lr+.4 13., 10.6 l?.8 12.8 12,?lir.F l/-.6 14.4 l:.6 l6.l 16.7 17.7 l7.tl 17.2 15.6 2.8 ll.l 10.0 a.e 6.1 4.7 6.1 7.P b.l !.r) I.J n.7 9.r.t.9 1.t1 h.7 5.6 5.r, 4.4 .]..1 5.0 lrr.(,13.9 12.? ll.7 e.4 7.n 1.2 10.6 l'.t.1 tt.?ts.1 8.'l t..7 6.? {r.l 5.b l./ 1.2 l.tl ".e llr.F llod 14ca lr.h Ihrl lho( lt./ lr.tl llcl lacO llex llrl llr.t, tJoY ll./ 13.9 l5.h 17.8 l/.fJ le.t ?0.0 20.0 1,..9 14.4 13.3 ll.7 10.6 8.9 7.?.'.7 6.1 1,.I 6.7 /.rr l0.o ll.l l?..? l?.2 l?.? ll.l 10.0 7.8 t3.i IJ.e 15.6 16.7 t7.?.17.8 lrr.9 I,r.e l8.J ll.c 15.0 lt.l e.4 8.9l.t.l l\.( t t.2 l).4 ?t.t ??.rt 2:1 .3 2:l .3 23.3 22.8 22.8 ?1.7 e0.0 l7.n 16.720.o ? ??.? 2?.t 24.4 23.9 l'l .? 14.4 ll.7 10.6 9.4 9.q 9.4 r.t.9l.A A.1 e.4 l'?..?- ).t lrr.0 10.6 10.6 9.4 8.J 7.2 6.7 5.6 4"4 5.0 12.2 11.9 14./+ 15.6 15.7 l6.t 16.7 l.).1 15.6 lj.9 12.2 9..'lo.D 10.0 7.7I r.9 15.6 l/.1 lt.i.9 ?tl .t\ ?().o t0.fi 19.1. 18.:J 15.6 15.0 ll.l ll.l tr.3 7.4lA.l lf'.-r 2!).0 22.? 21.'1 ?3.3 23.3 2?.8 2I.l lq.4 13.9 ll.l 10.0 8.3 n.f It\.1 ?t\.n 21.7 ?-3.9 ?-h.4 ?5.0 ?5.0 23.9 ?1.3 ?2.2 l7.tr l3.c l:.3 12.2 I1.1 Ie.4 /ri).( 2l.Z 2.1 .a Zq,4 ?\.6 ?5.6 25.0 ?4.4 2j.e I /.lJ 14.4 lrJ. I 17.8 I5.fl9q.9 lil .-' 18.9 2l.l 7?-.? ?3.1 ?4.4 ?-a.9 2:r.9 2.t.9 21.7 18.3 15.6 l6.l 15.0It-...t 1(r.d, ?l.l ?1.7 ?.2.R )-t,.4 1,1.9 25.O ?.5.0 2c.U 22.8 20.6 ltl .9 17.2 15.68.9 2().a ?.1.1 't?.e ?-4.6 ?5.6 25.n 25.r. ?4.4 23.e ea.t 2l.l 20.0 20.0 19.4/.2 l6.l I /.r' 18.:) Ie.4 ?0.^ ?l.l 21.7 2?.8 2l .l ?t,.0 lA.7 I3.9 12.8 10.0 '1 .9 lA.l lir..t 20. O 21.7 23.1 23.9 24.t' 2't.9 23.v 22.t, 20..6 19.4 ltr.3 15.68.'r ?0 .^ ?2./ ?1 .4 2i.fi ?r.0 25.0 25.0 23.J 22.ta ?2.t 20.6 18.9 17.8 15.6 4 .4 5. O tt .4 4... 3.,' _l .,' a. I A..J | () .(l7.? {a.7 6.1 4.q I.l .b 5.(r rt.3 11./f..l 7.4 J.9 .t.-2 3.9 ?-.t4 /.n I l.I l{.4 10.0 l.A 5.ll J.9 3.1 A.t b.l 9.4 lr.A l(1.0 |r.9 7.tr 7.; 6.1 5.fl /.rJ l:l.l lr.lll.ir I1.3 13.9 l'1 .9 I.l .l l7-.A 12.2 l5.A I /.c l.:.7 l5.rl 14.4 Ll .9 10.{' 11./ tl .l e.4 r.i.l 17.8 lr,.i lr.7 16.7 15.,) 13.9 l:1 .3 lt.e 15.() Itt.,, lQ.4 lP.1 17.2 15.5 13.-l l4.r+ ll.8 lC. /9.4 lo.4 1.2 'l .Z l.? r.9 8.9 I l.l lc.2 15.0 l'!.'l ll.l ll.l 10.0 9.4 4.., t).<) l't.4 ray 1977 rFr..pFr,iATltRi (cr\Tl(irrArlf.) Ei\JFI?GY I (]E.LS. HANKSVILLE. UTAH CAv oI 02 03 04 oi 06 TABLE C-19 (Continued) l-,i)ilii ()f Tril l)AY 23???l2{ll9lfrI7t6llrt2IIlno90Hnl I.? 3 4 5 6 7 ,) l3 l5 14.4 I5.6 l/.? 13.-2 1,..q l5.rr l6.l l5.o lir.4 14.4 I'i.6 l/.d la.l lr.9 lA..t 1.r.4 19.4 2l .l 2l.l 2l.l 19.4 lrJ.J I5.0 l6.ll4.l Irr.l lt'.1 15.0 l2.r.r 9.4 l.t 6.7 /.!t I1.9 15.. ll.,J 19.4 ?o.6 );/.A ?'l.r.2l.l ?l.l 2t.l Z\.6 ltr.cr lt.9 lq.0 lA.Hl,?.2 L0.rr 111 .6 10.0 ll.l l0.i) ll.l l().o l..l la.l zl).r) I/.t1 14.4 l^.1 l-t.? lt..l 10.0 IZ.H lZ.ri lb.7 15.6 14.4 15.r. 15.0I1.9 l1.c lZ.2 Il.7 ll.l lrj.6 12./ 15,(| l:.0 15.,; I /.F lH.9 I9.4 /,t.fi ?l.l Z?.q Al.7 Zl.l ?0.{, ld.l l7.Z I6.l 13.9 l2.zl{,.6 l2.B l2.p lJ.9 l2.H ll.l Il./ l5.r) l-q.(r l/,./ l,r.j l/.d 18.9 1.i.4 ls.4 zl .7 Zt.7 Zl.t ?_O.O l{.-r 17.? 16.l lA.l l6.l15.0 11.9 13.3 l2.P 17.2 l2-? 12.f, 1.1 .1 l:.() l5.l 15.4 lo.l lt.n l8.v ls.4 ?O.O 20.0 19.4 l8.e lrr..l l7.Z l6.Z l6.l t5.6f q.4 13.9 12.2 ll.l ll.l II.1 I2.ri 14.4 15.6 lr'./ l7.p 19.4 lg.4 /t't.6 ?O.t\ ?0.o ?O.6 20.6 A0.0 ld.9 l8.l lrJ.-t lB.-i II.,.lh.l ls.0 13.9 14.4 l?.2 12.? 14.+ lh.l lt.? l/.tr lq.3 le.q Z0.A ?l.t ??.H Zi.3 ?.1 .3 21.3 AZ.rr ZI.l l().4 19.,r 17.2 15.5f ':.t) I-1 .q 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 la.r) lr'.1 t r.ri I't.1 lrr.( 2rr.6 2l .t ?1.? 2l.t ?l.t ?.?.? ill.l Zo.6 lt.? l:t.9 12.2 10.6 A.9.l .t) 7.A 7.? 6.1 5.6 5.,r 6.1 /.r ll.l lt.7 12.'i l.l. l 14.{ l5.n 16.1 l/.h lr,.l lh.I 15.6 14.,i l2.h ll./ ll.l 10.,);f.3 tl.l t.4 4.4 3.9 2.|r 3.y ,r.9 ll.l I !.9 lt.l l J.v 19.4 le.q 20.6 2t).6 p0.6 20.0 lq.q lil.:, l6.l ll.9 ll.7 9.4,.8 9.4 rr.9 fJ.4 rt. i ll.l 10.0 l5.tl l/.2 ltl .t) /-tt.t 2l .l ?2.,.) ?).3 23.1) ?4.4 2q.4 25.O ?2.t4 2l.t 20.0 I /.2 l7.A 17.2'| ir.l I6.l 15.0 15.0 lq.4 13.9 1.1 .9 15.,) lr.l l/., lrr.: lB.rr'?o.o ?i).ri l9.r+ l.r.(l lz.2 o.4 8.9 g.9 7.rt r>.t 6.1 5.0t|.4 'l.f 3.3 l.l J.9 -1.e 3.Y 6.? t'. J Irr.'r I l.l l2.B 13..1 I 1.9 l3.e I 1.9 11,.4 15.0 15.0 Il.l 13.3 l2.rt I 2.? ll.fll.l In.6 tr.4 l(t.0 ).i, ';.1. 9.( In.^ tr-.,r I t.q 14.,r l"r.(r l5.r) I t.q 1.r.1 lq.4 l5.o l l.g l3.e l3.g l3.g lJ.9 l3.v 13.i12.8 10.', ll.7 ll.7 ll.7 ll.l lt.l ll./ l-:.3 ll.q ll'.!) th.l l7.p ld.1 tr.'t tB.3 l/.;l t7.i, l1.z 16.1 15.0 10.6 e.rr ,j.et'.9 ".-l /.q 1.2 h,l (r.l 5,t rt.l /:.3 lo.h 12.! l1.n l-1.,);5.o 15.r, 15.6 l5.llr l(i.0 l't.l tl.7 tn.5 8.9 B..J l.?c.l ri.A 3.1 1.7 2.t 1.7 3.J t'.1 c..t 9..) ld.t lt./ t2.2 lI.t tl.l 10.6 10.6 q.e l0.u 9.,r 6.7 t.z 6.1 5.05.0 4.4 2.tt I.l -.h -l.l 2.1 t.) f.J 10.6 ll.7 l3.l IS.0 15.0 l6.l l6.l 16.l 1r..7 lrr.i ll.9 tl.7 ll.I e.4 s.49.4 fl..) 't.u t.p l.i t.Z E.-t l().0 lt.l l2.r 14.. l:.() l5.l lt.Z 17.? ll .? lt.2 lt.A I^.1 15.0 13.3 l2.A e.4 e.4';.4 A.-l t.e f.r.l 1.,.1 l.t) l.t l't.A tj..t lh.rl lq., lt.1 1p..3 lg.4 )$.^ ll .l 1l .-t 21.1 2l.t Zi).h Il.t 16.l t3.9 l.:).1f l./ lrr.F, -a.a t.4 ..1 6.1 6./ lr.r.A l:.0 15.7 l-.\ 2i.l i?.4 ?t.9 lJ.q 25.0 iq.4 ?4.4 21 .9 ZJ.9 ??.1 ?I.l z().6 Iri.llrJ.l I l.2 lt'.,1 l/.! l/.i lr.h 15.6 l6.l lt.2 ld.q 2r).6 ?/.2 ??.? 2,t.1 tl.e 21.9 2:]'.9 ?.r.3 2?.d ?.1.1 20.0 19.4 l,t.3 17.2l/.2 17.? lt.4 ll.9 15.{) l5.b I6.l lr,.l t:.6 l'J.,; t5.0 14.4 l?.A ll.7 I t.t t?-2 t?.? ll.7 ll.7 ll.7 ll.l II.l ll.l 10.69.4 rr.-t H.3 t.e l.? t.z t.d n.-l tr.7 l?.i l?,.e I-t.v 15.6 l5.l 1,..1 1r,.7 19.0 ls.0 14.4 I_t..t ll.7 10.r, io.o -a.l P.9 7.8 {r.q B.-1 6.1 5.(r 7.;' e.q Ic.Z 1.1 .9 lq.zr lt.b l/r.7 lo.t l5.h l5.l lF,.l 15.7 lq.-l l6.l14.4 l?..? l?.ri l?.8ll./ 9,t, t',.q l.P 6.1 5.o 9.q I.i. ! l:.r) I /.2 lr..? lz.4 19.4 ltt.t, 2l.t /.1.1 Zl.7 ?l.l .?l.l 1r).il lz.Z l(:,.7 l6.l 15.0l).1 l0.o l.l1 l.t l.i i.rt 9.q l/., l:.5 lri.j 2t.n 2/.,t 1l.l ,;/t).h ,,?.? ?Z.t /. 1,1 ?-7.2 ZO.U l9.i l7.t 15.6 l2.U ll.7l(,.() q.9 8..J l.F l,? a.l l.t" t't.2 tq.o I t.) lt.\ z?.2 24.q ?..n ..5.0 2).b 2h.t i4.1 26.1 )'i.i 24.4 ?3,.' 21.7 ltJ.qI /.,r l6.l ll./ ll.7 Il.l I,).6 I0.r, lil .h lr.e lx.l 20.,1 2l.t ?3.1 ?1.4 2\,.it ?6.1 Zr:..1 Z/h.l i6.l 25.a;1.1 .(, 19.4 I().4 t5.rrl!.0 14.4 ltJ.l ll.-'r ll.l 10.6 l0.b I4.c l/.x Ztt.t1 ?1.9 45.b ?l .? 2t\.t) -?e.4.t0.0 J0.6 to.6 ln.0 28.q 26.l Al.l 20.0 iZ.A lnIIl2lll4ls l6lllr! le?\ 2l ?? 23 ?425 762l '?e ?e I t)-il .'ca-F NF --F { Fr e--=F O t tr' if d (r CO Nl--ar € {t (n \c { F - \o cO € ts .C .t O r, - 3 - } 3 F } N* r Ul) fa ts € F Ga Ji,IUN Nr tu N Ga (\ i lu (rf\'(\ t\lO O - r Ga\,^j N nJ rV f\'N N (r(., O N..€ O -tl N.1 d c-r)c € NOO C -O ts ts l.}€ a o!C € F a: !tF F r'\C Ca F O € a -i: = N(!e O C --{' € r} <' !'- L^N Nj ni \ N" (U N - - d i ^l Nr (n \' N (\', 6 f! f\ (a (a aU Ga fl ^j (\J l\J N !a c :a \, r' fv - o !^ \+ c^ d :O I € - f.) .f. o ^J r\J a € - o s a 1 € o acinF 1LF \o 3aC 1r rN-t caaV- (}(\, l,J-!r:oul ) o€F f,iAJ N (A T\l N N N.V i-a (\, AJ N N N N,. } N N N NJ N N N - N N N ? - s ., l'!o (i€ -, s ol} a il No€ o s., c\o o (\Jo { o -, o ( € f\ 3 -(L)A e ci or C,eeNNit\Urcl o.\, frc { c F c c c } ca! a! N Ll - 1j N a\, - - La (\J N N- ^j N N 3 ) N cn N A" N nJ (+) .,) r?: N ')C k- - ! a, d \O 3F r0,J^ < e (\(' tl i $ C - E \t r -- a' \ F -L c F d a ^, - o od(\r('1 o n N (! f \o n 3 Q € 1l - - t Nr d-:d - N r, - -l m r) N ! N N N I\ N N \ N S 3 N N- an l.) - N - 4) ra -) f') ts I, -\ tr CF ! <<- i!-l<$ -15'! J O! - $ a :11 I) f) FF FiN iCHcl€ O(r F a( €.( C C OF e C tudO N'r -Ga-e (\t !-! c n -; ln r! l\ Gr N N N N (\r a! N 1' Gn N - - -r (\1 - r - - -i € !'lF!F dS -FNCO Oa i€'O(c c-3 -o! ---, J .9\ n -Gr--\'{ €EC ( Cs -LrO O F C-l\ -cl\-Lf d'.,n N .-1 - - r) tr) N.. Ga N N ni N - \" - N' O C N - a) - r, -r F) :l - .) m O (^. (\' ts {' G1 r F (\ \ (\,} C i C (\ c O O. r. c - tr r, \t O O \C r € - F a\ r \ i\ - € F € F € c d c \ c a .3 Ir C: i i\l rr O r; ( i! -. Aaa (\, r) :,. r):) -) N NJ a' Nr NJ - tri -) i o $ a (1 - - -. r) N I r) - r) a.) -rtlN € r E € cr: { F ar () € F € e€ C C e Ia.! ll oO\ € \C, O C J r'- a,\- c:EN.c s c c--- c, I r 3 ra d) = .a rnu: -',r \ r, r. I -, - rl \ \.. \., - f,t - r - -,O $ \- :) - r -; I 7) f e ? :r c { -NC--r a\ 1 -r\f tsdTF O t - : c-I r,{ c cO \, N 3 N -arC -F- a rS 3 v raa\-3 $ a1 af Cr,\r-a! J-riJl -., -er_v.',Lf ft,n(-^G1 F^mr.a 3 ?c,\R\--,rr f trr-: -- I ! \ C \F ENa?: (!r\ $ O> < NN, C I -, { { (\ (\F ., i I O \-!= rFNt)'Cr=1(,1\]1.laan^.-\t$r\-ia -) - -rr c,j r N I \ N i\ -,-,( fi -'>,:} (1 N Nr: - - -:l - -) ra -- - f € C € -NtsF O C € d! \.,C r' Nfa tr iN ts - ln JC ir( r- t)\ c e = c\ c \C :( c c<iN3, )F I ts i-dF t\* \nr - - \- r, - 5i.\ t ^, N - (a - 6^1 O O\\.. L \'t - -' - - - - e "a c 3\ -1 f,r -t 3E -- n., (. diN ]^ 7 -1J \ 1 € i- \\ \\ t ca a :t :, ]. r. C iJ] rJ. =-a\$ f a \\l :-1- \-ri '\ - n ^ ! Ga \, i\ .\ \ \ r\ \' m lj -. -''.}.'l ca- ^' \' \ l: r 1r -r t: - -l g,\.1 - \-:\ j F{i{ra J C:.t r\!'rII F{ cr1, S F C{ { t j -s rr.rrs c,f t, (. \ ) c : \'c-r <'-. : :' :! { cc = : \ a a\ (ra a\ N1\ a \a\ \ \ \ - -'n ) !- N \ \ 1J A l\ \ -,+ -'-: f,'* S 3 - ? da = 3 = c] - j^ - ? 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(J\ - - - d ( - + F (\ N O CANFC{€.sa\O-r-FO\Cic1 CngO((O \CCqsn FC Ntr n { -U F f s al( -T { r c-NC OC f J a. c N C\n F -!.agN \ N \:\ f\J.! a \-N a NN \ \ - :\ Ji JN << ar N - <F N A.J C.. € 3 ( ^ - .' 3 N i) -i ts ., - .r 'c - a(. a a 5 J r o L -? -' 3 -,.c r)(!r)r a\(;'JJJ C i)-n r(.1 C NCds -n JO'J^I r i {'e)-)! r)J)a\ R N ( N \(a^ n !'\ iN -Cr f\ N n -9 C c} F--N N - --N R -Nl--! f {F:rB a -\-/ 5'.r.{ Ff Cr c -(-{iJ { \ r O C - I N.J la(u N(L.- (\ -,\J n €, F € { >r<A =-.' *1 '!' t= - 1 a c^c,! .< (-= e *u-)=JrFH Ca>,-0 Lza< N _t r4 F (i't <r: u EoEaFt U oU 01 F4 IU trl F]m H -fti\Nf\<\\aNa\n-r TABLE C-20 MONTHLY SUI,I}.{ARY OF TOT.A.L PRECIPITATION APRIT,-AUGUST 1977 ENERGY FUELS, HANKSVILLE STATION Month April May June July August Prec ipitat ion (cm) 0.13 0.18 0.05 2.34 1.70 TABLE C-zI RELATIVE HUMIDITY DATA,MARCH-AUGUST I L977HANKSVILLE vAp 1977 FFI ArlVt' rrtl\'ll'IIY Fr.'r rrCY l l,l LS.HANKSVILLE' UTAH BUYING STATION, (Pl-ictrrI) C^Y 0l z42:)72?l20l9ttJl7lz.l()ol0f'0/r0-lo7 1"1 i)l lri ll UF fHT te lrAY I.l I ? 1 ll: 6 7 |l l! I -1 5 I trq tr I I l ta 5 1 P (.) fl I I I I I I I 7 ? ?- 2 2 7 ?') I-t 4l t 9 5{) 51 47 lrc 50 q7 t5 tr4-16 17 2\ 742t) 20 40 t1? 4L 44 42 btt 36 :r7 33 tt2 42 4i+ 23 ?\?9 364l b4 4:1 44 31 1?tll h2 6l q.l 'l{r .l? ?6 ?tt9? c4 95 qq 15 3q'.t4 ? 7 -15 --16/r0 tLl ?3 7c, 1r Q 1." 4') cl ql 5.J 4A ql 4tlE4 5r_( 5-t6A 49 5t40 4?- 427\ ?1 212t ?2 2l1a 38 JAL6 tth h6t!(\ 4P 5 rr -15 l(J l,)49 55 ';la5 tr, t+h 26 2t 2') )4 3l r5al 42 4uh6 tti t9 3l ,10 .Jr)r.? tt?. 45 tt4 4t 4'i'r4 36 l/11 12 3.J7d 64 56qq 95 9tt4') 42 4rl 3^ 79 .ll14 l4 ,1442 4? 4J ?1 79 to hP, 5r) 4 I 54 5(t 5lt 9 5q 5r.) siJ 611 5nci.j 54 t+7 t5 1.6 t+\ 2e 2\ 1\)?4 ?4 ., 1 41 qt, .+ I 46 46 zr{ 51 5q ci/+ r() 28 27q4 5e 55/+d 5{t q6 1r., -1. 2 )Z15 35 1644 44 4l 5tt 5? 50 \2 35 31 47 5) \'+5!) q6 Jq3H _1'r J2-14 3? lttL\ 4l qorr.J 9r) /l52 lrH Jl ]J 3Z ?et5, 3 -t .t) 4t, -1r, -i579 ?ts ,'l nQ rt 7 _lirt.(j .. I/t6 U tl 4< 4t1 lt (\ .lf'-l '1 3t, 2i /.4 2 r il.t\/*2 Jq1!6 4 'l48 t!? )6 26 laq -i q l'l 34 7Q (..34 :tn4n 3e 4tt :l-t2 J I5rr 4l 15 -12?.t '? q "l r r '?-11 25 2rl l? t I21 /.12.4 .' I 74 2l?ta ?4 I u ltt -r/r 39:9 lh 1F ]J3a 3432 2)J. 2d2r t/lE 14 _1; ,-16 1 I .)rr_lt 352.( t9'I s )/' 3; ?$ ?1 l.l I I 30:, 3ull ?l34 -\t,q ar J.iti.o ?,2.7. I 9 ?,n 22at 2.tcL 4Z lr 15 16 1.,l8 16 I e 14 t: I I ]6 l(3f .-l I33 :157? lr)27 ?-424 20l4 I I13 123J )433 -'I'l?, .l Ilr, 1443 -!9?6 7nIl e27 ?7?-{ ?lt24 ?-?.lo tr) -t0 ?tl?-3 2217 15?? 27-?-? 2'1 40 -tqt? ll12 l4lR lcl2 I()97 l6 ?6 3235 1630 l040 43?6 ?622 21la 14I(J A lo l03? 13 30 29 ?7 ?5 t? l0?'l 2,q 14 l'll0 l02? ?-tt ?7- ??zo 19 2 tJ 2()2h 26 tA 17lrr l4 ?_o 20 12 35t2 3l12 11 l:l ll l8 l88767 87 3938 4i?'r2 343d 42?6 ?t!7l ?215 lt,9 l0 I I lc:r4 3879 3025 ?5l0 12211 30 I I l4l0 1277 387"1 2l?0 2l?9 30?7 2ull.i le16 1772 ?2j9 3rr'tri 5Il0 lllq 16le 25tl 9B l3 43 4? 4la t () J4 7743 44 3? 3{. 25 30 t7 t8l2 l4l.:: I 4 -19 40 32 34 ?l ?tl l4 't 433 -16 lb l8t2 1?41 4430 1:122 ?5.t')- 1332 .'1422 ?5l7 lrl2t4 1244 c550 4?lrl 1222 28J0 -14 L2 t4Ie ?2 4l t? 4646 4'a 50a0 39 40t!6 48 49 3fi 40 4? 3? 34 35 ?o ?_? 23 16 17 lri t6 32 4241 42 44 36 38 4q30 32 35l'5 19 20 3? 40 4l I8 19 2lt4 15 lc47 49 4t\ --15 38 ..o ?9 ?T' ?A 35 3't 4016 3q 40 ?7 28 ?_A le 22 2135 -i9 fcq5 94 q5 3'l J4 3F ?l 2q 26?9 30 3?'16 Jtr 39 15 17 20?-3 ?6 2e I5 ?_? '14 t0 t5 ?7 ?_tIt l0t? J.1.tl .t trl'] .14 l7I ?" 24 ?t 2il ?tt '2.(.l t? ?l 7t\ .)ttl2l-l l\ IO 5 6Pil 197/ kFl ^TlvF frtil, lllllY (PLRCENI) tirEpGy tt-rtLs. HANKSVILLE. UTAH CAY TABLE C-zI (Continued) Fl)l I'r (rf I rll- l)AY 050lr03 at ll 2A 9rr l5 2l(i 0 2,; l,i )'t l)l/ ll J5 1l:il.ttl') ?:) I ? .-1 4 5 6I u 9 I0ltl2l3l4l5 l6l7 I r.! lq ?(t2l ?? ?3 ?4 25 ?tt'?7 2t 2')'l(l nl ?t)-l t'l 4H :15 39 3U 7'; ?t'l d t- t, 43 Hq ?,4 ?t. 563l 2 ?6 59 lr, ') t1 ,r ?l ')l 2l ?tl6l l(r n? ?t\\2 l!9 36 3q :19 ?s 7;> 7 6 Iil 9q ?q 2h f,A 3') n ?t c4 l6(, () g 7c) 25 1l ?5 Itr h?t 9) 3/ 26t/ 4A I 76 1t)l t? l)_ll.tl ?,, 1ct6 75 74 ot Jlt a? 4l la t) 4l Att -11t2tr lz l0 ?? 9) 4\' 3l 50 2 ?6 ?t) ?(t l/ l?.ll 3') fJ 3.1 --l o 7) 2i) 0A ?t -t, .J{ .,rtl? .J5 ia 12Itl0?\ ?H 9(l t9 .t? b0 lrP 2 :r.l zlJIr I,Ill I tt'lh ji .rh 2t) II l7 l: a4 ?e 23l1t: ? I lq Z7 77t) 42 lrl t1 :7. II l?'i I ?1. )h zl rr$ Lj ir l, l2 l.lli lq?) ?5 ?0I.t l(, q 5tl ??- .l ri le .r9 I -., 26 lq 10 lLll) 5 5 ti ?o ?1 2q 4tt 4q l': l3 l8 l5 l4 2tl 22ll t-?fi 4 4 lq) 2? 22 l6 42 34 2? t? 2t l0(j 4 4 lr 2tt2t 2?ql 3trI3 l4 t!6l(l4 lF)(t lA 1(r at 4 3 l7 ??t0 l4 Jt{ .t'2 lellla 1 tl 4 7 2lle l7 I'J \2II ls l7 l6 l4lillhlsI I ) l lil 20 I tttl lq )4, 1o4I (t .l 1 6) I ',.' ll ll )? ?,t I tt I6 q9 l6 1]ll IT I3 8 2 ? ? It{l9 It,l0 3t! ?t lal4'i ft t) 6 ?'t 5 l7 l?- t2 .t0 l9l0 l7 50 l4 l7l7II t? 9 a 7 I lal 2nt?lol4 2ql2 tg 5 2 3 5 I7 t?l.l 2A IR lo le 9t 45 ?5Ie ?ttl3l0 J 0 ?t)'26 l0 2z 35 24Il 33 46 4 ?l 6 l4lcl5 30 l7 9 ao 784l2l?l ?qlsl2 5 4 t) .r ll0 ll2l :!A ?{- ll 3q 50 In la _1 l t, l4 11. I5 3IIt. t',! ?t 95 5? 29?l ?7lul4 5 5 0,IH 50 I8 ?2t'0 28l21( 5a) l2 5 5 4It5l9l7 .17l6 9 ?2 95 49']2 10 30 ?0 l7 (l (' I4tt A9 ?22)4l 3?l/' 12 58 llt I) 5l4 IrJ 22l9 50 l7 I lt ?3 94 48 3.1 33 J3 ?? l7I lr ?t4 tl r, 24 25 49 34 l7 30 60 l4 n 7 6 20 l,r2\2l 55 l7l2 ?4 14 4lt l4 37 l4 ?cl7 H 5 j 45 84 ?6 2fl 54 .)4 lA 28 fr0 l5g A 7 ?4 ?o ?5?l 5q lHl4 9qq 999 99,) 'e9-,) P4. t\q ,r,) t\? t/9 49 49 1r) :17 39 q? /.tt 47 45 41 Aitqn 42 45 48?6 ?a -i() 1?.;)-, 2q ?n ? t; i lrr ll l8 50 22 ?0l7let? 9 3 2 {) 2O ?l ll t'2'14 ?4 ll ?t)4l ? 4 2 3 5 l5l? l4 ?J l8 9 lo090t) 7l lrJ 14 /_Lj?4 ?2't? ?-tt 14 3itl0 t5)7 Iqlri 15 l{) 9 l0 i)h ?l2\ ?.)rr){ 5612 ?afo 1,:52 4ti1x .tl?t lail -tl19 lrr 15 l,rq'{ I lJ .rJ H.j'1" e9q2e 1l |.1 J rl lA 4l 6() 55 2t In 7ll2 l -:1? -.l095 9!?9 -l?_?(\ 2l-.57 5741 4? 0025 25t'6 ,1 I / lP I n 12Ir't I I t0 l011 32 ?(, 2l2,r 3 r, ? I ,1ntt4 lz ,, I 2: IJAY Iq77 KII ^I IVT tsL'MIDI IYq\.I-,CY t IJF.LS r'HANKSVILLE, UTAH fAY TABLE C-21 (Continued) tr()trtr (lt I|11- lrAY ( lrF cCl-l.r I I ?t!21?27T20lel7J5lttlrtolOarn1n20lll rl ?tt .r4 I ,. l9 al 4ll'/1 ]0 :il l2lr.t7 (r tl 5l I r) );) ./ ') 4tt .t(l ?-4 ?.1l2 I9/3 58i\ 1lt !7 .t4l5 ort 'lh i2l)ll)l r5 1l '2 t) 'l t) 1? 2)llhlq7 4l 27 ?7 )4 'l rl )tl )i+ l'Jl7l7 67 l! lt 2'l)l lz ?etl ll t? 1lt ?tlllr '10 79 Vtj ;t5 2t ,t t) l2 9 :_r4 3J lq l6 lel5 ;? .) It ld l?- h 24 2t ?.1ll IU lel5 5 lr l/'I8 ?l 7 It, l0t5 l9 I9l6lll9 5 5 B5 75al l2 t? 2tt l2IJl0 8 4 49t,l3 9 l0 ii la 0 76 lr) lqllllr ?t?lleIs ?o 6 5 75 25 3C 30lq 12l4 Iq ?7 2tt 2q I9 ?3ll u ,]? ?P 3? l3 lA t? l7l6 l5 ll I 2q 2,' l9l7 9 II ll 4 I ? I 5 (. 7I q I r; ll t? l-Jl4 l5 l6 lt liJ 1,, 7,0 2l ?.7 ?3 ?4 ?5 )(. ?'l 2.d '29 l0rl l5 l'i7t ?? I ,l I'l l'. 14tl 17?6 1l 7\ 272l ?3?? ?1 ?t: 76ztt 1^ t? I'lll 349rr c2 41 61 14 3. -'10 ln 25 ?541 4A ?9 ?9 ?^ .77te ?oe l079t9 c6 t+t 47 2l ?t' l, ?n ll .15 l/ 71t? t? lA 172t ?lt? l:ll'r l^. I ,r I.;15 3/t0 3l?5 ?521 7!t?4 .i0 3:r 7A l3 ltta5 36ttl ,r 767 5111 3l'rl 32?2 37ttA 50a? 3-12q -lt)2t ?tto l0t? ?0(-i 694t\ 597^ 2l?4 2t 3 7 3t .-1 I 33t? t4 l, 1., 2t2q 3l llt.r 14 l'.1,4 l,r ?|/\t '2? 2 ),rr 41 4l ,. I 4(t 4l 29 -!rt 3026 )i J,i1? 1? lF,i5 16 15 t5 t5 15)t al 4.1Hf. Al ,r"t 5) 55 51t) 2e 7)J'r :l5 l::).1 1b .--r.-l4') 4', 4 r) ll l3 .)/ ll .1? 1?lj ?q ?5trr ll ll2t) ?\ 2?73 75 74lt, 7 I (:9 29 I I '?t1 21 24 77 /ri! t!?- t? :lr 1l :1916 ll lr 4n 1P?5 ).415 lll'; I i ?? 7, 1 J3 i I 3l :lI?A it:Jf) 29.1) a9?\ lfll ln37 jqt4 3aje _.,?2 | e ?. if/l I r: -t'! 2??5 )-l ? ) )_t'. I t lr12 lr, l,! t/l30 'a. ?7 'ia la r(. 16 I l?4 7_). 25 lllr) I ?7 ?t t5 t/2? ?tlfr tat7 tt;13 ?l'24 ?_t.l2? 2l IA lrl ?-, ?l96 76 ?-P, )q25 25 44 4t l0 q lq 1215 telf, t415 14 14 lr l0 s lc.'tl 43 2l le l5 lr.l0 l0ll Inlo q l5 ?l 2l ?-t)b6 lh l')l0 ll14 15 Iti I tle l9lb 1699 19 ?t56ll 16t6 lj 26 274?- 42 t/ l2lq 16?3 2l IJ 19le 16 I0 I IbB4t 47 47 I tt lL 13 l-1I0 l,)l: 169944 -0 0 I l2 ?ol.llll2 u 4 49 l7 l4 8 l0 9 4 I 25 a l7 IOl6 20 2tl7 l5 20 5 5 60 2slq l0t? 20l3 l:rll A 4 47 20 l3 It l0 9 4 0 20 71 24 2l6789 Irl 19 15 t6ll 12 l4 l517 19 zo ??l7 19 2t 2372 ?o 19 lRl7 l8 J0 22t3 tl 2l ?rt73 ?5 ?6 277 r, 9 ll19 20 ?q 297t q0 18 iJ37e :10 35 4lll 30 l0 3?15 73 ?.5 2c19 7o 21 24?4 2t .]5 t8?5 ?6 27 ?Ale ?t 25 ?6l? I.l 17 lHiJ98q455r)1.9 r: I 5.+ olall :13 37 44 t4 15 l7 l9t? l3 14 1517 2l ?-5 2aI0 l0 l3 l'!5 | H lno?:l 4 ,rrlr 1977 kFl arlvr PIJMllllIr (r-flHcl',l..t) f Nt l,(iY I Ut Ls. HANKSVILLE, UTAH cAY 0I O?_ 03 04 u5 00 TABLE C-21 (Continued) lrt)tln t.)f- Irtt lt4Y lt ItiI7la)lirlr{t:]lcl0o90l I ? 3 4 5 t, 7 fJq I it lll2ll l4 l5l6l7 Irl l9 '? (\ 2t 22-1 t 24 25 ?6?l /t ?e i0 ) h ?q99 qeq lltl2l?) 24 ?6 ?5 l,; ltr lri ! n 9i9 97q lll': le 6 l'z tt l5IJl3l43l 2zl0 4 6 4 I 2 I 0 99eq9r/ t3 9 IJ l4 ?oltl6 I.Jlt 20 6 l2 9 l6l.l l3ll4l 2',llj 6 2 2 2 I 999 9y9 P 2I ll 9 l7l9l5 lfl/rl ?tll4I 7 5 3 3 -l-l 999 9qe 9l7l5l0 l6 ??l9l7l7l.ll0 2? 9 l5lll7 20ll IB4l 3l I4 9 (t 4 4 l 5 9C9 99.) 9 ?tIt,II ItJ 2tt ?t) ldl8l.ll;) 23 lol5lll8l8lel9 45 36 l4lll0 () 4 5 4 5 999q99 l0 2.']l7 I ..1 2l 24?t ?0 ItJl5l4 2t t?l6IIle lA 2t ?o 45 36l5l7ll 7 5 (, l+ 6 999 99q ll 25 .10 l4 ?1 ?6 ?42ll7l5ls 5115 I4l.j '?(' .ll r? . 19 ?ttl9 ?l 2t ?325 27 Ati 50-lp 4n 16 t6l? rs13 15ilc 6778 5666!9q gqg(;99 c)99 t? ll?e -]r ?2 2116 ?l 2l ?A?-c ?7?6 ln22 ?l17 1715 15 7115 167t 2] 't s 7.1?.3 2:33 3t?5 2t -1 I 3l:55 6rl3q .tt I B 2t.lt6 le16 I I9 ltro ltta l0789Cq 9999!)9 9999gc tr99 15 tl-r4 3 -:?4 ?a?4 ?1?() 297, ?_97.a 3i'/.1 ?\ts 19t6 te, d la)tl 17 2. ?l) I 2t)2a ?,t,r ]-i 3,r ?t!3r lr, 6? 5t ,lA 35 ?t ?2l7 ltl1., ?tt lt I It? I It? I Idt)9y,i 9q99i9 99y 9 9,.r 9 9e lrj l', J4 l52t ?t\2e JrtJl 34)? 14 :l'{ lr. 2: 2^ 2 t ?l I / lfr ll lr) 15 l', 19 ll24 lt )) 2't ?A ?lze 29 7b33 34 30?9 /6 2435 J.l 15 4r il ll 3, /'.1 26 lir 16 14Ib 15 la1,, 15 149trfr 9Pl 9P,l) 6'jt; 999 999 99Q 99a 99e rgL) 99ir q9ri >9't ?t) l.J I k 13 .J l ?.t ?6 1') '?'l 3r) /l 75 34 -l! ?7 34 .J/) 2 l -?o !l )1 7a i,4 2l?t t9 llle tt tL' 12 I l l,r l-1le t5t5 it!17 t32b ?.1 ?i 2l-l.l j/t 1l li I n I(9e I .r I Il2 t t5q :r7 I I I rl !.J IIZJ ?IIt9 lHle 17l" l8-Jl 2815 14la l0d798'I 6 J22',)44aJo 99, 9999.r9 9,r() l0 I lr l?2l le17 15l.t 172t) I rt2.t ? I/t't 2t)16 llilJ ll I I t0 f,5 t,t lo I l!. I Il7 15lh 17lA 15?lt ?Jl? q lf| l065'l 655 lotl 1) 00 99q .i\iq ,l.j:, ,r,),1 r) rt l0 It7 15l3 ellr I r. It{ 15Iq I /15 Iq14 I It? t,a 9q 554t0 li 1?irlrl16 t6 15t4 13 1315 t4 l.lt5 15 14?3 ?4 2et0 ls 15lo I0 l0444(r66 541000t222ll000999 999 c)99 ver) 999 q99 8Rg ttl l{. ll I,it)7n 13 l'r 14l() lq l8t6 Iq l7 lq 15 16ll 13 t3l? l? l29s9 l'. Iq.; lq Z2l*lt lfl L2 9 ,L,l- 1977 FFI-A t IvF FtrMll, I f Y Errt tlGy f trF_t-s. HANKSVILLE, UTAH rAY ol o? ot qtl (Pl--*CtN[) TABLE C-21 (Continued) l-(rl lrr lrt Iil II Tht t)AY ls 1669 A.? l3 ll?6 1rt 5rt qq ?1 26q ln579 l0BH3_1lq lq I q ?l 15 t62'; 76 ?J ?5?c 253h 'lr. hA 497l R? 39 .t'r 7q 15 999 oo(l !99 qq() q q9 qq() 9a I aq9 I qq ()()Q q7 c7 35 1417 ?le ln 17 lrl45 lt)15 la:r7 4-1q7 6l31 35ll 127P,12 14 it94a?1 3l?i ?a16 I t?7 292t ?91t 32l9 5l4A 5017 t10Lr. 5: 9cq 9.19gQrt qg9 9q9 999 9qg 999 9qg 9qq ,q9 999qq 5-1"r5 362? 20l0 12 2i le14 79 Iri ?t\7t 6e 61 7.t.1...r 4t.iIrr l:9915 lr:9a ^l11 ltll 27 ?'t18 19lt .r2 l,) Je t-r l555 5l5.i 5t )J I ,i5ri,< 55 9 ),.t 'j Q', )')() 9 9 -r 99' 'j'.lye,rq 999999 !;qe9'rq 9,),5t 5.,15 15 In I / t? l-1 ? I 22,rl \l ?l ltl 6e 1,, 75 hA 4l t5 l'1 I 1l l/- I r) lr, 16t\tt f -r I J2t1 2llt 143l ?41l .tl.l,r 3n6u 5''sar \,r I I br 5 rt t.t) 99'y ')rtq99 9q,' 99,r 99 9 99!, 9911 !)9(, 991) 999 99{; 5a .+ I .-",r f llt ttl:r t2 le l/ lr:c2 .)t a? Irj tl lrir) b,r a146 al Jil?7 '?t 2|t81 lo ,-l 7 Irr l/ l!54.i1'1;:29 '?4 l926 2l ?lt4 12 ln 75 '/t 21t5 ?r z"ll ?) ?,45 39 ::4l .r9 qF .ti, l.(l J:/.1 -l / ')i' 9qq 't99 'r.;qe.rQ v99 'rgq 9q9 q99 ,;9'; rqq 99q g9r; 9(rq 999 99999'l 9e9 ;i'tt 32 ?P?t+ l, I7lA. 12 lrllJ q e l! ll .ln?e 2t tl1,1 lz+ 1550 40 .t5?4 lr l'1tt 15 l3554555l(, 7 ^I44e97 15 l(r ll20 17 l5lt) 9 A?z 20 le?5 ?1 a.l28 ?7 )\t2 ?tt ?- |4?- 16 )t.2) 24 ?l.lr el ?\e99 99cJ 9)99e, 999 -199 99e 99q 999 9'.1(, 999 99q999 99q 9eq23 2? 2:'2\ 2? 1915 ll l'?eRlt65 Itr qf 3?l0 l016 72 4rl {rA Irr l9ll 94:l 55l044 52 ll ll l5 147t 14 lllq l€l 2t 7026 26 rig f.l)19 ?1+2\ ?5q'iq 9q99irQ 9rr,, 999 9()99irq 9999rq 99917 3513 7l0 ll65 44 lt 33 .1 I,{9 ?') ?2 h -l .t3tl 237l'l 256004446ll ll15 156tl16 1517 lf.70 2-l 25 24 t'l 5217 1424 -ltr 999 999q99 grjg,r,r9 999999 q99 99c ga9 32 ?e66 17 t34444 35 3t)9 l0?t 2231 4325 2l la2e6r:0l44|19 lt ll 15 l4tr9 Ir! t7It ll-r22 'e3 3? .]545 q5 t5 1754 6_r(r9q 999c'r9 q99 999 999999 999 999 9993J 49 6{i 15 1655fl .al 47l0 t?26 7545 49?7 ?t)7ti34784545l0 I Il5 t7lr- 16t0 t??0 ?l?o 2l24 ?537 4049 6819 Ie70 ti9qs9 999qe9 999c)cg 9gq999 999 9aq 9CCr+5 4l Irr 2l 16 lrt56qt, 71 7914 14e5 2549 t9 27 ?69 l05fi9 l0673?ll llItr l8 15 1412 2?.?Z 2?2'l '?4 3? 3-qtt?. 4l73 ?2 Iq ??64 83o99 999qgq 999999 9e9999 99q 999 99961 5526 32 19 le798t{ 05 ?42372?l2ql9llJlht4l3l?,o9(1,\0lo6 I ?,] 4 li (. I rj l()ll t2 ll l4l5 lr:l/lt l9 cQil ?? 2'. 2L 25 2l )8 a'9 Jll 1l TABLE C-zL (Concluded) AiJG l97l F.sl tTIVr iuqlDltY (Phnctr\tl €"lt aGY f tl[:LS. IIANKSVILLE, UTAH CAY t 7 3 l! 5 I It q ll)IIl2 l3 i4l5lf)l7 lir l9 ?(l 2l 2il?l 2it 25 ?(- ?l ?tl 2)l0tt l7 2r'l ? 11 ll Zrl l7l0ll I2 21 /l l9ll J54l5l h:q99 999 993 49 44 32 l7lc I9 l2 t_l l2 ?-42i???lIrJl6lsl4o,)r) tt0il)h03ol li q ln ll1ta9ln ll \? l;17 17 )tr 2l3ir 1? 15 3all i8 l8 l9ll t? t? l-124 ?5 ?7 29 l;? 14 15 ?(\23 ?7 2'l 2?-.t5 37 t'tt 4.tlb 4tt 4'3 59l'i 31 \'? 3523 '?i t3 3l1l 3 -l -19 4'56 q6 59 6l53 riA c6 q/. tt7 P6 pr.l iili 9q9 ag'l 9q9 q9<; 9q9 qsq 99q 99s 999 qqq 9q9 999.4ri L. l qi. 5;']6 37 4' 42 4? t'-l c6 5441 Lg c7 5g ?l 2't ?o 1965 ?tt A? 12 3'i 3') 4l 411 ?t ?? ?A 79 l'l 16 )I\ 2z 12 l2 l/. 15 ll l? t?l.r ll I.r14 15 lo2t 25 ?l4.-t /r 5 45?l 2) 7\lo 15 ld-Jt 14 .lq27 '16 3f'lh 24 ?54_- 45 456/ 6? 5'Jl'' 3tl ;1 i3? 3q 3()51 55 5t61 6/ 657rr 7-l l7gtt 9q9 99!9'rq 9(l! (t99 9qe 999 999!J.J 999 999\2 11 2>5t 54 5iit;? 5? 5J54 5r{ 66 lH 15 l5P,l A9 65ttl 4l qtr-J: -1h 4tl 2/ 7l 7t\ I'1 ?4 79 lr) 17 In l0 L4 lZ I15 l0 9 2.) il6 / |4? i.J -1 I?l l,r 15tf l7 ll3q -,t! 2?.)2 3 rr 151') 'al /I.lr. 3_1 .j t5i 46 rrrl 16 ?1 ?q.1? ?tr 2t5l q9 5h61 5/ 54 hq A.' I:tlq.r9 9q,, q9i 999 !,r9 999 99t ).1', .199 99) tL)q 9992) ?3 22ir.l .l'; ?9hq 4'l -Jq 5 7 44 .lrl'16 l'r 15 l7 /)l JH -r9 I ii /\ 4,1 11, lt 7u )'l l ri-t? ? l i,,t t.or lri oF I Fl- t)AY ll lt 13 ,;16 76r,t7 l, 15 t5cr 25 2l l-a ll I0Il e lli7 16 1515 It ll 2 | 2i.t 2li9 2t 2a.t5 3t ?7 it le 17?d 25 ?"4q7 qJ 3n 49 t+tt t tl :: 55 5]qiq r9'/ 999Q99 9e9 999q9; 9q9 q99qlc 999 q9g ;-? ?t) lhi.1 ?c ?-fi q fl t5 :tn21 l/ lel5 l) 1,.34 .10 2ri;l lri lrri) ll1 1614 lr lalc tl i-, 53354trt78 ll ls 16lH lrl 19q()9 ll q I t5 14 12lr) 9 9 Itr lL, ?l,rft ) tt '22 ?\ ?1 ?'llrr lq t61?(r l,.r I8.tr. _] 7 'il 4(r l/ 406t ';l h5.r9c 9Qq ,.rqg l r9 9.lg t)99 gr)v 99q iJ99 s,ls I I 33li ?rt ?L lH ?7 .ll ?9 2P ?6l'l ltl l''ll1; tq ll2\ )t ?Z13 t? t2lL t? l0rr lt l0Ir tI t0 l9 'z .t 9 2ll6 9 lll3 TJ lvl1 l7 Ir, 30q0 497l 999 999 99e 4(l ?? 4*r 30l7l1 lqII ti 6 ll 2?44882l ?ll7 164h9 I0I J ll8H2' 1917 ld,?? l7lr, lb30 -16'.16 4 0.!? q5LJo it I9,lq 499 999 ga9 e99 999 38 4l 20 le46 :1928 ?t1l7 t5lr 1420 19Io l(t9u88 l0 t0 375$13 l2?6 ?619 70l(r l0t7 15lt lll0 ll77 ?'))5 ?.)?\ ?itItt ?o12 104,q 4.)5l 4,1,ill 87g!)q 9g'i9q9 999999 999qh 40)o ?l-r9 3dt3 36l8 lq?tl 33 22 ?tt 15 liitl la I r) I It5 l7 a't9 t016 i5l0 ?Al8 l.lII II19 ?l I I t2I'I IA3t 3137 3r?tl J02l 2a3,1 l553 565n \2e9 Ntq9(, qqq c9c 999g(iq 99946 4q ?(, 7r+ 35 rro 37 40 20 2?34 3r. 2q f0 I 9 a]t\ I I )4l-] t?I8 19 HANKSVILLE BUYING STATION ,4lJ lq/7 *lf l) llliitrllr)t. (l)t.r;{tl_s) F r\'r_!cy f tlF t. S.HANKSVILLE, UTAH t'^y o l o2 n1 n-{ TABLE C-22 WIND DIRECTION DATA,MARCH-AUGUST | 1977 lr')l ri ilf ll THt ttirY ?42'l?27l?tr!elrJl7l6ltl050/r lq I) l I I 270 ?7o ?"O z()-l ?7n ?7 n aTlt )74 lio ?(tt\ ?2C 2hA ??,, 2^_t ?tticrqg 9u9 ?ttQ r 4) ?7\ ;125 ;rqI 2ql ?t)1 ? <) j 2tt 7 2,1:1 '? 4t' ?t!P ??5 2?l lcrr lcA :138 )tlq 24A Z4A ?t,t\ '('Lr) ??\ ??q ?Lt\ ??\ 225 ea9 _rl.- t1q _.rr ?4A ?t!A ?t,s ?trit 2ttA /7 O .llq 1ls 2Ql''a?a ?t!A ;/t.A'iqtt 7t!a '.t'.4 i;75 225 ..'^1 ?'\7 ?2\ '/ t\'l ?q7 291 2a3 ?c)7 zo-t iQ1 2C3 1r 5 -J lc :ltq 2()-1 ?<t1 ?4) 2,/tA /trA 2t+4 )4q ?be ?10 7lo210 '? t0qg9 ?4124t ?4A?/,1 22qq9 9 ? !.:. 999 99,, ll5 lI r ? ltt 2q t24) ?qtl5'_r 115?48 2tt?1e ?2\'2?3 ',2 2" .l.l e '29 'l-te I l: 2 lt 9. )ta tt 27 0 .!r.0315 9q9?4e 264'?41 2A4159 l5r22\ '?2't ?7n Zq3q99 2 il\115 3lc?9') 2e,i?Lt. ?4A2qD ?4t\ 27 tt 27 tr a'l tt ?7 n)/!f ?71,24tt ?4'1 225 ?qA 9q9 ?449q., 244 a I5 2q:l'a9 j ? I rt 7 rtrt 24 t, I I .l I'15 ?,) , ?7 tt2t,t) zt+t\425 ?2\ 27rt 27OI5 tl5)4t\ 24C 7?5 ?t e 24H 25524li ?4P / /tlt' 2 ?',Irli lr,tt2'1.J ?0.)?_7tl ?91 2q3 qqg -2 l5 315 ;of 2 10 24t\ 2 2\ / 4I g(),, ?lo il(t2e.) ;lq I /.1 t) 1Q -t2nA /+5 ?\i :90 ?,t q rQ') 9q9 ) \ (',| ll5 -11,. ?'r|, rQ t /,.i 4q I l'r 115'il.i -Jl5q9q /r5 ?2\ 9 g'.-)q99 ,ltl ,lt5 .llq?q! .iAn ?9 \ .'l !\ l9'l ':'l(.) 3l 5 -, -lP l.]'a 21 lrn 154 7 li '|; .19 zqr l53r.il :5o.tl.; -llc '2 \ 1 (')1 ??'.; 2 r q'f i .2;ti 271't I tq115 _1?.t)21 ?lc .llrr) q: Jhrl ?1. .Jf:tt 16r' !15 .16n ll5 1lc .,t15 tl9 13I Tq9 l._rli l5! .J6r) 21.i.Jtl rhn It"0 -16 rl 999 2It" 29) rlc 160 q99 r.l'.r 'l:"r F l.ltl lAa l-l ! .l'.1 F /, i'r. l5P l:P 99i) l5c1/.0 16A ..r I 5 15ntl5 llq ?e! lli lirl f-; t.?It .'.) J ??\ -16 0 9,)e l6 r, 999 lri (r .15 0e9,, 999?.1 99945 l.l5l5iJ I l5lltl 338ttD .lf-045 90156 2r)32-, ?9.\9q9 q99 999 99914t 2 lill'r Jl5 I 15 l:15llb 3tA,A0 q9g -l6r) -th0'r9-/ 2-ll5r1 158l5x I 5r'I1.t 3159q9 999lt5 ltsil5 ?e:rl-r5 I t5 lri J qqq 29 r .-t l5q9q qqq 2\ 3l5 ')91) q,l'9 )rr l1'{999 999 llq llc I l5 lsq .l 1A -tls 16 n lh4.-r0 qo 203 ?n12t,A ll5l.l'r I 15 l5H ?0-l291 1)7l-]tr I llt I 15 tr ')'J J I 5 .l.l'r7.t 9,)qq)9 21\r,ti) ?tl1l;rO l'10l5A I',)rl:JFrn 9 J9 I i5 Icrtrl5 :tl.r?'J:l 314 l5r"{ l5rrL.)(Jq q'tq 315 l l59q9 ll3160 3 tBlr,0 :r9g I :r5 135ll3 l5rt I 35 lStt20.1 ??5315 ll5?3 21 I .l\ I58203 203291 999l_ts l5A203 203?e:l 21n'r -r ir 3.18qe,r 2q3,r3n 3 tq99() I 15.J60 2 '20 1 l>r0lSrr lq0l5A l5Al.tA 315135 l5{rJ-lrt 3 I s 2q3 ?)1I5p l5,r?fl ?2s -1 l5 ?93 I .15 I 5'J?()3 3l 5qq9 I Ar) l:r5 t 5rt l Srl l5rllsb l5x225 24t'tl5 ll545 45 158 I 5620-t 2?\33.1 't3rt l-15 203)?5 ?252q3 tl 5lirt 16020:r 2033-18 tjrl I 56 ?25(\t) q99 203 I t,0?q3 70J115 t581l5 293lq8 770-l lt] 33il?q3 il5 l sii e02tr3 ?4f 29' ?702(i.t 315 J l5 2c).1 24e_ 2 t't) 56 ?4tll5r I 15 225 ??5241 7t") 315 2q:1 lJr 318 l6r) l5r,270 270315 ?t P, l5,r 9a9 22\ ?I,Rll5 11tl 1.t1 ?/.tl 20 I 775JJ,t 3.l824ta ? 4u?4t ?nH 158 ?o,2?5 2032t0 2t0241 ?!.8 24A ?4AlJ,, ?9.\'13,f 2q:l45 6ft .lJ3 3n4 270 210 ?'lt)Ic3 I91 193 ?() .t ?7 o 2_l o?44 748 ?4424tt ;'4ta ? /t'. 99 ?ttq 2r. rl 275 ',?2-5 9s')?_70 tl5 ?9 1.315 -115 333:lrl 13s ?ei999 ?48 ??5 ?_70 ?70 99e Zt,t\ 24tl ??5lA0 115 ?4A?4q ?48 ?44315 ?70 tts?48 ?44 ?442+A 20.1 ?2\315 l I5 315 ?4t) ?2C 2?524{a ?44 24t\9a9 ?70 ?70 Iq0 201 ?03l5A l5A 999 2q3 ?9t 270 24t) ?93 3t5293 ?93 zel?4\ 744 248lt5 2e3 21028rJ 304 ?01 t.) lnll\2I.ll4rq l5ll lr)l9 ?(t ?l ?7)) ?\ ?l 2t' ?t).lill 3 Oi}COJta :tlaa3]i}OCCJ3O ?COarO Oq JlC.N. t'':}1gt )'C,OO J ]9 -;?' }] l{- a l )O ;\7 a ] )o ? c t.'' 3 t') oc o 3 0 6.] o :F 5 ,f, (,. ac coorlo, cr -., J lt 1c?3'o?olcc3'?0?roroo,t.}?o ^r O a 1O O, 1 3lOAo\5OOO 1 7O, 3: (} 1,1AilO11o?r t,)oc :Fo ? a ac c clc c? 1o?.}.3' oooS ? 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I ]J ) f :tlj.r-nr-';.h +:i:rrlf-.a1.1-f}.a ::)t.:--)-F:rlJ:f,J-:, f 3 .} * ) f, ) f f ] } -r r 1 .i )-:}-) _r 1 f ]-af llt:.?.l"Jf:ol:lallar - j .. 9,.n t:r ri )J^ :i i, ) T :r 1'J:1")-).1:1??aflf'i1,1:l:]\ra:i),r+1-: - _1._6 J" J. -r Jr | ir Jt.7.F j J .^ !. sE 0) .-l +, HoU C\,1c\ IU F]F]tq H ;;6+ii::-:'-, J y J '| r'I i' il l.) :rf9t:ia :_tJ-i,F,t ,e : C cc ra .s C C L -1 z' t- :.r JJlH ,.q zc<;= ) a' -) >r :r f ]:r rai f l, a r r,.t : : l,': J ) J I r I .}3 -l l 'liittlJ.lc:}f,f.r ':ir-- i -i :r :r {r !r :r s ir u -r (r c (} u J. (t'} r:t.l .: :r :r I ]\,J 3, ]F :t rc it J.i} ? li : a J. C = = !h f, ? gi .-' .' :. J - i 3 .) I ? f 3 :r ) C :i U -- :rfr^-^ 'r-a?aJCiCc'CS-rJ J tr- I alj.J .l :'1 tr1,1r f a :i I i'-| :; '} :r J J',- J'),".Ii -t.i\ c -' -J C : O C O 3lO I 3? 3O ? -1 t - - - d. : - ^c t c :,1,. 3 C r- -O J :r la 3 --O 33 .) aC : _- ? :i -ia' - :r :i ) }a :r ]]::=i:'-rf.'3fl??al"-- J{ -" J _r _' ) _r j:n? J j r _- \ ^. a \ I .\ - _ :r)rl:.]flJJr:itr-_-_-3raf?ljJ31::r j .,.J" c .j !-,Ji :n .J ).1,-r )'ta:>:rl:rf.):lfl- '?r?.)'-f:rtrla'rr:rJJ-:IT3J|fr.:i.-- - u :r.i.J'I'.1..^ (. T f I JJf.Ie.r)--1]oir:)OlJr:r)?13,?lOT .]3:'::J.'3:iJt.JJ? -r:-jJJJ.}),t!iT:rl -,\"1,r{(-rfC-i\r -lJtJ lq7/ wll'i) l'1.)lrllcN (ljl-,r,'?l I ql F,.r5t,rjy I l,t 1,5. IIANKSVILLE,UTAtl TABLE C-22 (Continued) h(l[i (]f tliL I)AY l0 l1 l3 2112l?2?l20t9l8l7llO(i(t t1ol0ho4n?0lDAY I ;) 1 1 tl .i l () ll t2l.ll.il5 lh t7 l,)lq 2t\ 2t ???. 2\ ?7 ?tt'?i) 111 ,;99 qQ.l 9g.l qqq tgq aqcl 9q9 Q('c) 9q9 (lqcJ 9qq (,')q 9q9 oaq I cr, I /'0 _rj5 ?t6'19\ 179 I 71 )itfi ?ql. ? t\ ?)l 2al 157 laq?i2 ,,65 259 2;? lq5 le4??7 ?t o l,i I I a/, 190 I 'r0 I s 7 I q6 A,r5 176ln4 I q'1 l4rr l4n 162 !':'r7 2ttl I q5 77 fr *10 2 79) 2 ril '27 c, ?70 7<17 nh 9q e q,)'i, v J9 n99 r9q qqecr9q 9q9 q !r 9 (; tt'l t()9 ,')Y 99q 'j'l!, lqrr ?-162lr' ln32lh 2-lrl?+9 ?21 22 I ))1(?l t)l ll0 I 19 l ilt! 2 l'?- ? tr,; ? Ott I ';'1 I iq 211 21,' I h{. 17 l I rJ,r I 114 I frq I ft4 l41r 169 l';l t)7 l/r :)24 I it 2)l l\2 22n I {rr 72t, ?l t 2157ln )7(\ I {4 | /.tr 99 r q9'J 99q 999 9gq qee 99,, 99eq9! 9q'"J 99(l 9q.) )9'r 9(r9 ?_9r, I 0( I ,r / lf,?fzrr 3,15 I P/. hil 24\ )\tl 2t, l t,q I rrr {tr / . 0 ? rilt ?54 .ll) / I l.r 216 21? l4 l6? I rrr l Jit l/\ lPq le5 17 ) I/b I ?5 lt' l6 i .l,rP l7q lfq ?4|t ,!a )?l 7 to.1 '\/,:t 27 a ?,.'l 221 I ao !q,) q99 qi'; eqq (r9'J 99q lqq qqq ,)y9 t, q!:) 99! q 9 g aqq q99 'l t q i9Q v99 q;g 9,1() egg .e9g let) .tl I 7 l/rn l4r) 15, :46 27r lr{ ls 2t.5 LI 7 '?,t Pf! t45 lri lj' -Jl.l l4ti lr. lO? ll'J 1..4 l2,t ilrl (,dl rr)1 lll0 ?tli \(-, 9l r.rl tt'l ll0 lin I l9 I ?,r I .J-q .n\ 116 lln. tt\ ? -tt1 2cP f) ql lts1. l\7 ll0 lrt t6l ll,l l. .',11 tti lP -lih Jr5 rl llr ll7 'i1 I I -r J1\ -rh^ 29 lq li ")()9 9rjgrr'l9 9.19 999 agq v')9 999 9e9 99.J9r9 q,rs 99'l 9,)9 15., 156 l6rj I /3 I e.r I it4 t 7 I I 7f'rJr.8 I qtr I /. t l50 I 5l l5l21n, I 7-l.ltld lt8tt 2lb lbnltt I l9ll, llir125 I lq )?7 'l / ts', 79 t22 ?q)7 4Oi,r6 6l 16 50 .1 15 lrl'?e .l4h ll )qh ld lfr qq9 q9.) 9q9 99Cq99 99() 9q9 99qeqY q99 ,:r(r 9 9 9q2lo lH4't2 7 ? lSzr 2lO I 19 I 71 171 lA4 lhx !51 I A2 l^') I f,2 I 7;l 176 210210 ?lolq7 162 I A2 16) 1r{) 145I!9 t?i 102 l1924n I q5 ?1^ ?3H ;rq l4A 2 At^ '),)? I .3?rt '15 7 146 17 4 .l5 rr 2e2 :t t5'124 -lr)0 q'19 9cJ9q99 q99 qq9 99',q99 999ciqg q9q crqq q99 lq4 ?lll1'15 ?9??\6 253173 l7llA4 llJ* I F ft I62173 I /3 lq4 176 I Fr4 I tt4 I 'r5 I 7.,1lql l5I 1 15 l,l5lc0 !55125 l3t) 114 1502-1fi ?4?21H 259 32t) 1?4 2c9 I g() tq() '10? 77 0 7tt1?e2 ?92110 1()2 1n 2 14() qei 99q 9q.rq99 9q9 999999 ggq 991999 9q9 9c99e9 gcrq 999()99 9qa 999 29 I 48 l3t l(r5 346 34 2e? 308 3l l I 84 ?21 ??2 l/l zlf' 205 159 lt ? la4l/0 l7't 200 I7| l,\0 2lr, 190 Iq0 200 I 95 270 ?c4t40 t5l I90 I r! l.l0 130 145 lcl lr.2 I-,5 Ii0 lr0221 ?16 ?16 ?_j2 t30 I45 24b ?ql I r.2 Il :I 3 ?75tl') t6? lq02el ?q2 ?^5 ?. lh ?70 275 2 I it ?^\ 7P.l?94 lll :ll3ris ??? 2q'r 99() gqq q99 99C 99e 9e999q 99q q 9 9 g.tt) 999 99it 141 lltrr24ri. Jl 9 zc)l 3OP'2t6 2?l7 3fi7102 146 ln4 ??7?31 7.t8 233 21il227 lT tl2lo 210 205 I 50 I7-l IQ', I tiO I xz.'210 20q l70 l uB 77 0 302 I flA I r-,2 2l0 llt 184 l5r ?t l 3l3)97 7l'.28l ?l^ '2 13 ?7n 03 9gq 999,,94 9ag 9qq 9qq 9qq l4 {) ?70 l90 ? to t(5'Il4 l6? /16 /.a9 ! (15 ?70 I (;5 l rrq |9tl 1.-7 I qr^ l5/ I s1 2l^ 250lrl'2t\l /'59 q99 999 999 999 99.;q9(; q9rj 97 I 190 ? -c5 lr^2 ??1 162 ?51 It:? 216 /,) tl 99Q 9e9 9q9 9 (r() rr.-).) lst 50 I /i I71I/l l -t,i l'rtlItll7l ?4q 999 tl 7.-r P.\ t1 l4 99u ., Y9 999 r)e9 i9./ l5l li{ I ,() lIi l7l It5 lh1t5l I'-t4'l)t. I t.? I I rl ll\ llo I lci7 I 9.- ,i tl ,t i1 i1 I rt" ,?trl \24 I l/1 Ii Iti 7t 1 r') l\)l5 l7: 162 I /.1 le5 l't 4 )t)(- 215 7hl ?tt t?t6q0 -1,+ A .t56 '?e ? .rl1 )t)'1 i.]s s Fcrl:ccEeJ-r€rrco.-r,f€cLr J (tc( cc ltccc s€it\ \Li., 6 n L a C -cr\ -.!N,aLF \.. C ints NN' rrEC no\C Gr l\ - -- - N- iN O! -Lndr) - N ,\l - OJ - N - (l (\'\n(n (i a! r € aC C,{}< Or: -tlrC.J'-a-l.. NrEclJ F cC{\Lnl.r ra-' C( l.r-rc(! - S:N ncC t, oaDts (\Jo O.D(t A f\JO O OL (DLn (!ts \t aa C rt\riF(\a_\-dir--(\- F-f\F \^ rNNNN(!-NN.mN \r € T ] .C - .C F f if .D C € La Ln € > € € - F .n N - r !1 c O .' c F -f\ J-rtr f tr,:r {{-tc€-r-Oi.l-3€lr d €alFa-c(r.t -Ni\-F- rrN--ida-r N N NN^JNnJdoN J F € NF r\J N d -C .,.C c., l\ €l.. ' € -tr I \.!f NF mF'Jl€r\ r!r J C ( € c -'t -1cnd-if cC' rO C ^'r'J r <.,ia.f -cr,N-a-ara!-N.-r-i- -N.,Nd:-(\,--a\.--r;i c {'rr\r (\'J".\,.F\ d€U^ c rt:} a.€ltt c{-'d)9 cuf tsi3a a.rr\JaN -n.! .} .t :F C J ; J] a trt - - - ts .c c a c t, 1il\ -) ,\ t,' i ra $ JS\Nr--(.. i(rr\'rir(\J -^ra\'-N rrld) ' .' d.I !--., d.n \N<:nrlJ., .' '.llF a O.t c 3s-.C IEtC N'l $(a-a\ t > $,) ',] NF C -!lv) r) I € C o€ \F- a') € \., s F c O C -t I Or.\r--ii FNr\ ---N r Cl --r -f rr O O o O l\J c f -) .t c l'a Jr |n !n F,, N O c I - () € a) - C $ N F ft\ J-- O'CLaa FO L !\-C -, CC F<r,\, -.!1,'N .f $ -,rnGF-- d--l\?-(\- N- -r -.^) La at N ts € ( !n a( c lJ^ -, C l, - - c € C tr - \: F:: F ^ \C ff F \, F F - f - :r - \C - - d O -t -, -. -' t' C J - J, \c - - U^. r) L. t Na - |r. t -Ni\ N- \-N--\f\--i-(a-r,-N, (\- c a !. r' { l' - :r .: s N ? C, C c a t C !f .f :-l f - c - :ti C ( n C< J j : -r < t T O \ -\t -!., e c - 3 \,--rt\a !.S r.r -j\C,\\-N\ t-\N -xpN at+- i-rai.l+)- C I C.a, -t i ^ .( .f -t \ f - J. 3 I i\ :C -', C.t'U' J'r^ S aJlC -\ !a \ f6 N \1 r.j :' - N-,! - - r = c a \C + 9 r a J -. j { \."Q:aN-\a!d-- -(r1'- a+4- ad:iNr+ F '{3.t -€\€ ? \? c5lE € c a c,]n.iC\d,{: aiFaUlF = CN-C.a\ -.J^ f a\ S NC\ :C r N A f,C] l,. C- -) €f\ -C J .c L laOrt €\,\., \- --\F-E---FN ---- -a N:1- > :. errJaa'?dccs€3 c€ :cea \.tira-c={ -}.tf\9c3 3 NF a"NaIN :-+N r(. fi -n.- liir \ =3\l$=NC ras:nrr.tlJt-tJr-J\o-r rrcc$\'!E - €-NAl-r d|-ra aC\r-! S-.I\€ .,-r3 F-.3\r?.\'-rJ ! =.- - a {.! a $Fr\ Lr Jo- l\U'Uijl3,?-{:cajFNll a gs{ r''l\tr - J f ri\U-d:L .l'\r '.1 -{,<r\d5r}}€r? \-?1't tl-r = F P--a\ (\4.- -4"\--F ria\ a\- CT -; :r ( C - \ J -{ -, - € J :n \i .l - I i r - < a -. a f' c d -t .C r ., Na \i, :r 3o a 3<.I -ar_i\-r a -ca,r c -{( c - -rc? a^ -.1 - !- ! \ !,!- \ -rri- -'-rr') : ,\aF =r\- a:'L.\r4., -t n.'.].fN f-eC r:n:\ is: CF{: ^,5 $ J1L c.n,\ J : J =--€ *--{. \c \\-"sj -.t,!>f, r:a r\-i\-\\- (1 a\i\.r--:a-N\\\ \ c i rr\r{ 1::l:-t:3.:-,1:}:J<\a: -ai\-1-cF=c J - 1.:l r-a).rrLC 0 --- c cdT \c.Critf\cn rtr.c\tFF>a.l- \ L - (\ \, \. -. \ \ - - - - :\ F r - - a\r \ - N i -r'\ - N N \ \' ! s = a,C\s r.--4._nJ _-.-i.Jn C- -n J. ].,_n.n ) +, 1,.-11 ]^ Nt:::. TO -y Nn ri rc(} -r.an --A C{LfOo:{ J\4.\{{CFL\ -n.-a\-(\'.!(\'\ (\+-r-(\-- r-a,r- 1\ r(\a\ !\. 1 i ar\ r{r\r1 a.f .: -< J r sjI^.-tf.J\} t \: s:f.T = --:-!la\\ai -= ) * ! --)4=..r J --ra FL..c.f a -\T-.\ \-turuaa.\'i\-a, ---N -L,\i1\aJN( gt-{\ -q'Jr- } J {,g s u] f '! j 0 0 { \t r.\a, s!n 1's(}.0 ou'C:C 1 J\r,C\ NJ- a -- \ er a - - - !r': .I) rn.C J N Idl. ts I. ---. -i\:Ln -NN: \r<\(\- --i\ :\\r(\--ri = -.a a C SN {' Lr N€r\:.r - J -a C( N Nrrri tr J' CC a't\i a { O ts f\ f\ iJ^ c r\ - c r !f I af tr,f - g (}. l, y Lr a s- { F F g Fiu-!\-a\tr,.!a\i\Nf <-r --N,! \\-'lr\ \ t L. 3 ., C - N ( l, F y ;\ . I e ( lr,a( S C -lf < r I N O'r r e-a:- r rJ r rr- : N J' c f\ a c J - F s 3 F C - l'- !r F !r r rr .( O -, ( af\rN-Na\^-Nn.Nn - Fv F -c\----(\-Rr\Nn :r - :d, \- T \- J { .I.7.i(. J.€Cf a -: -=\a rtsOLn€d'r r E r rr 3 .( f, c ---F --i. € ( -F F !aE .r r a\ FF N trcr(\i!(!-r\ -l'-\\N--:\<l - \-Ni{\ l\ \'\ -Na-alaN q ^tEIol5l fltrlolst ^lTI :l}]lp0l<tHI C n Zc 3 zl-.'= FUa-J JJ ,-:9za< 3l::*Fi a> -) =rlu -1r.rJ{_\r-.c-\_ TABLE C-22 (Concluded) 6trG !a7l UIf n t)lr?l'( TI(,r\ (l)f-()a[Eq) F.,I.l,GY t. III L5i HANKSVILLE, UTAH 24z3?l2qlelltl/llrl5l4l1l209ot()50q0.]o?nl h()t!< (tF I r) I I IHI I)AY CAY I ? 3 4 5 6 7 A 9 I l) llt? l:l l4 I5 tr! l7l.tle ?(l 2l ;)??i 24 ;15 )6)l ?4)9 ,.)ll 270 ?70 ?-t 'zq(r ?lo ?61?55 2?5 in Il(r|, 115 2)t'l t\A il l n ?_AAAl l0,l 54 ?l(. ??q ?|.'l 198 ?t;l lrrfr'16l ?cia '?2c l8r) )97 z?5 l5j Ic3 ILQ I h2 la4 l(.?lOri 101 loF 144 lt,4 l?l 153 16? 174 3l (r ?9 I 3t,? l oft l4c 167 z'le 7'lo tli214 I -rc i661 9n a0 2?5 l5't lli'lA .16 c)()'i\2 q 3n6 ? l6 234 /?5 ) 7() I q5 l^? I7rt Ino 21^.l.rtl l(rd l8n a?\ 71q lc6 3q2 :lA 45 342 131 .qrl 2 t0 ]A4 J14 21) ?l\ ?t-,1 .Jrttt ?t)tt 2lq 219 I lL)?79 2e?l0 261lq0 Ig.t lHo [ /rl ??a I 'r 1?iq 24 \90 9't t6? l6? lq.-q I l) l'?61 i li 162 14,{?91 ?ql153 lb J ? la litt291 ae"l I (rP I /rrq5 7 9 6.J 351 rr5 ?4 3 t+5 1,:.7 I /ir9 l:l I /l I8!?frz J I ,) Zl ..tt Ir:14?_ | ?. 77 t 2l\ )t, ) I ,.!,1 ) ?5 Z?',t ?6x 24 t iq I lo.-iq J )61leq 191 I 7r) I / I |().1 2lr'51 95 107 9!r lgrr l9x95 9l21q I tl tr llr4 l(e J nH t0r, t53 160 2_ lq le\ 21 I 26t I ,r() 19 I .1.4 Ll00?l l7llld 1449r) l?t',I70 155) le .lorr lA,t l2^ !2 I 72q45 -16lnb 10h 45 ilSr rli ?_ 1,) 36{tl5 .t1l 21\ r'1 t 1,,1 I /l 3tt, j4i 2t,l alt\ l'"' '6Ill: I I /l ;,61 2l'.t l,r/r 959! I o.t7:t4 27 !\q(, 99 ]'r I atl'l. lA'? 162 .l?4 -i ).| I{)2 599 i?6rt l rtq ?61 r\72)? 2r' 1 l') -1oh,) 27 Jl5 I'l() ll7 ll/ I 4rr ].44 .'ttl r.'lt, 2 l't t2i ?e5 .llq22 Jsll rc ls-! u 8,l -: ritl '151 l l0 I ri Ir2 257rqC ?q 2 litt.t(16 il li(l0lira: I l.'1'l7t l:-1'tr c ?P,,ri /..8 I /\l lqr l..c I la 1t:2t5l ltllt,, |/rn?r.l /'\ ) ?/1 ?if.llo l.:rl 3_t I ]7|ttt ll7 l)t, l) It, 61t5u '2 I l4e l2A I /I l5:lr.) '2.25 t4 | 2?\').)e '? 34 t25 )0 IHrtd I rt', /4.) 90 15 J I rJo,.ro I rr(li.\4 tJ I106 162_jl', 1l? )-(t I ZqjlL'.J l5/.)4?_ .l tl2A1 y'to ??5 ? tltt lhI l t4 | 'i6 ? "r4l.l5 I .15 /O,r ld0 15 I 1501'rO qn llb '?Q? I 'r (! 162.: 288 ?q.il4r. ?25I J5 lin .i5 160 tfrl) lo ll7 l(].(I{ 3rt2 ? 7t+ 351l.>? 32q 2 /i ?'?') ) itfi -/', I l1't ?t\l lll] I I 7t\ j I l7 I r.A .l 7]rr..t8 9 0 I /l t^;,3{tb .l A n ) I O .,'irl Iil F!-l lF q thc q /'th / ln)\i,. t 2 a ? 2\ 2'\?lb2 ?tq2t5 ?ln I 'rq 162 JhO t? /Nl )6 ?/.5 :) ilh 2t4 2i.h 2t. I 2l'r.l I t0 l5B l0 160 l0l0 lr'0 -ll5 ?01 I ilo 21,?j5l 'ir,0 7?5 J4 45 gl) ?4-t ?a5 I 15 .? l(\ 7 )q q9 5:t t5l l?fi'/(t') 20l I'r0 l )t l;tn l'.,-l(r0 162 l?()1?6 I 30 q0 102 I l0 lt+4 lr,0 lH0 lrto/q lr. ll5)79 2f,5 2'l-l'it10 ?4 -113 .th J6 l0rrtho .120 lcl'?lq ?65 2\; )44 ?2rl ?t+3 ?61 2.\0 75O 2-t\4 ?la 211{ )q t l?6 l8(j I f,2 I'I0 I 70 l4r l7c 170ll5 leH l7l?61 ?\l :ltj23,i 2 l0 )4.1 ?79 ?97 .779 I flo I /q 144 40 riolp l?'rl5 2lt\ I trY 243l? 90 I rr0 260t54 22216l I Jb I 70 l7o144 I rJ r)126 lzbrl5 I ]5 1n0 l/llq8 lbz30b ze Illrl )-ql 2 | zol180 lB9?l q5 iob 15 I?31 261Ir,0 214 2l tr 25?. 175 In5It'5 I 70 I lt: 166tt t I , tl3(., ilq248 2ii.iO.i 261?52 25A ?14 ?70?14 ?\1, ?(\? ?4 3 2q5 ']04 160 35 ?52 2;)4?16 7?\ 2t0 261 t68 l7s l2l', l:totI7 135Io.l Iotl I /5 l40 153 151?7,) 276 ?0 | l..rt?52 ?et I l7 ?07 22\ 488 54 llqg l,i I ilo ?43 261 ?43 170 175 160 158 I !i9 I l{q ?20 72\-t5l 45 t3 I 333 ?.1 t 743227 I 98 l5l .J{)h |'!'tl5l 315 ?65 1'/,) I /5 ;'e I I tir) tl? I -l) |,, 0-rtl I e.t ?l;yrt') 1)4 ?5? 170t62 ?tZ 30r, 3r.0 2'r0 :l13ll7 I qrl I f-,2 159c5 lA0 lq0 3?rt'?75 lI2 I '.19 36 (r ?\2 ?25 ??5 lA0 ?2 '234 21r+ 2f t) 315 3?lt 2C2jl5 ??\lsl I ri 162q9 '/i4 Ia4.ils lA0 I9r, l2l) 45 203st I rr0 t75 I Ht) t 70 I80le6 314.rlJ 230 2 ?t) 75q0 Rr) l0 ?.-? ? 4:l ?c4 TABLE C-23 HANKSVILLE BUYING STATION WIND SPBED DATA, MARCH.AUGUST, L977 t/rt, l9/7 [,, I^ift qP[F]l) (t/.P.5.) i-\r ircy i rJF-LS. HANKSVILLE, UIAII r.t,l,k (.)f I r1t l)aY CrrY I l q q I I r) t1 t?ll l4l\ lA l7 l)r l9 '2 I ?? )l ?\ '2 1 2t ln lt t?l7 3.6 4.0 4.o 4.0 -r.6 r.r r.r r.r q.q ,..\ l:i ):) ?:l l:l i:l 3.6 1f.11 4.5 4.9 q.tt 4.5 /r.5 J./. q.(! rr.5 dr.! J.l 3.1 -J.r, 6.13.L 2.t 1.3 .9 2.2 l.J t.r J.l a,l l.,i 2.7 ).2 ?.2 l.l1 ;:.?(.7 t.q ?.?- 2.1 2.1 2.? ?-.1 2.1 .9 l.-1 I.-2 l.l l.F Z.-1 3.1'i.2 r.-l 2.2 Z.? t.2 2.a 2.2 l.i .a .9 .q 1..' 1.3 1.2 2.7l.f l.A 2.? 1.,: 1.3 l.H 2.1 l.'J 1.8 l.l .q 1.3 :r.l q.0 /r.,) _r.l 1.1 t.? l._1 ta.t l.! l.H l.p l.ir l.F ?.1 t!.., ll.6 10.') t.(l lC.3 ln.-1 ll.6 l(,.7 IJ.0 l.1 .4 9.4 e.4 ).'l ll.5 lt.2 l,t.l 9.rr tj.0 ').'n5.q /r.5 4.0 q.l 5.(r q.9 5.4 \.4 5.8 1.2 F.1 6.J 5.8 q.5 q.a 2.1 1.3 2.7 2-.7 ?.r ?.1 2.1 l.'l .q l.A l.P l.r'l l.fJ 2.? 3.1 Z.? ;..J l.^ 1.2 6.1 .-.1 5.1 l.^ ..5 .,i.{} L.l 7.r, F.0 l.r, d.5'?.1 l.a l.H 2.1 ?.2 a.l l.r .(i .q ).). l.r l.B 7.6 5.4 5.q l.l ).1 2.? 2.2 l.;' ..2 l..J l.-1 .'j .4 l.? l.x -t.6 6.1 5.,1 Il.2 4.q 4.^ 5.rr 4.t) h.l 6..1 1.,{ 1.3 2.2 5.f i.J 5.4 h.3 4.O 2.2 l.l l.l -r.e ?.? -!.1 l.l 4.5 ,{.(,, 4.n 4.'; t4.5 5.4 h.-1 7.? ?.2 2.7 ?.? 2.1 ?.? 2.?. 1.8 l.l .e .9 t.F ?.7 3.1 4.0 l.q ?.2 2.7 l.l e.(l l.! 1..! 2.? 2.) i.1 .J.rr .'l.l i,.tl 6.7 d.o 7.at:.1 \..) _r.l a.l a.t .c/- l.r1 l..r .e l.it '/.; l.J ?.2 t.'? ?.2'/,2 ).t t.7 2.2 2.? 2,t l.rt l.l! l.l ).) 7.7 I.. 2.2 l.r, lrA ?.t l.q l.* ?.7 ?.a l.ti ?.t .') .9 l.l 1.3 l.B I.rt 3.1 5.t12..5 1.6 J.5 6.3 h.l h.l 5.4 l.? 1,7 rr.5 k.5 i,j.s 7.6 1.6 rl.0 9.'t l^.7 ti.0 .r.0 5.rl 7.b 5.t' 6. I q.0 q.i) 5.p l.b l.? 4.5 5.,. i.l 6.5 .J.6 4.: 4.tt 1.5 ?.1 ?.?- r.2 /.1 ?.i -l .t' 3.1 l.li l. r ?.? j.6 l.q l..l | .x ).) .(, 1.1 I ..i -l .l l.l l.J l.ri l.F '1 .l P.9 l').:l lrt.'.\ t).i l./ l.o 5.4 ft.0 1.6 8.0 F.0 'J.0 5.8 5.F 4.{) ?-.? l.e 2.f l.l .l .l l.l 2.1 l.l q.0 3.h a.9 t.9 4.9 q.5 3.1 2.1 3.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 l.n l.H 1.., .9 .q 2.; rr.0 4.9 5.4 4.e ?.7 ?.2 2.2 e.l 2.1 2.1 99.9 9().9 99.'r qo.'l '().(' ,'l .9.uq.g 9).9 q9.9 2423?27t2ql9I r.ll6l5l4llIIlooA0706r)5040l()?0l t).t.1 A.'l l.'? l.rJ .9 1.35.a 5.q 3.6 l.B l.A l.-t.J.5 3.6 1. Il.l /r.Q 5.4 t.6 r.l ?.16.7 B.q l.de.a l2.l ll.2-].6 4.5 3. b3.1 t.t 4.0 | .b |t.9 q.0 4.q 7 .7 '1 .6l.? 6.1 4.0 t.6 A.3 4.94.9 4.q 6.76.7 6. 3 q.4 1.6 5.4 r5.31.6 7.A tl .5 a.2 1.,{ l.J'?.2 l.'t l.l(-,. / 6.7 5.47.? 't.6 6.f ^.7 4 .9 6.5 ?.t t.l ?.7\.4 6.7 6.7 5. i4 6. I 5.4 5.8 5.8 4.54.9 4.0 3. I6.7 6.3 A.7 1.2 5.rr 5./. I .3 2.2 3.6 ?_.7 2.? 3. A1.8 2,e ?.7l.r{ l.f, ?.24.5 3.6 l.rt?.1 2.2 l.rJA.5 7 .7- 5. F8.0 8.5 7.??.7 1.,1 l.A1.I l.B 1.3q.8 fr.3 7.64.0 ?.1 7.27.1 1.8 l.tl2-.2 3.6 6. 37.2 4.9 3.14.5 2.t ?.23.1 2.2 l.tl7.? 1.2 3.6l.J 2.7 ?.?.(, 2.2 2.74.0 3.6 3. I7.6 4.0 'r.9r..5 3.e ?.?l.rt I"r ?.25.4 q .5 6.14.9 ].e 3.I4.O 1.8 l.t{ l .rr l ..l 3.14.0 q.5 3. I rr.9 t.\ 4.0 5.4 4.5 t.\ 3.6 3.6 2.12.2 ?.7 ?.72.7 2.? l.-l2.2 t.8 ?.72.t ?.? 1.15.4 6.7 9.41.2 7.6 S.Ft1.8 1.3 l.l.9 1.8 l.Atr.0 4.9 l.rl?.2 ?.7 l.rl?.2 t.3 I.Afr.o 7,? 7.2l.rJ l.:t l.,l2.? ?.7 ?.? 3. I 2,7 2.7(.5 5.8 6.7 1.8 ?.2 2.23.1 ?..7 3.1l.'l 3. I -1.69.4 8.9 7.64.5 ? .? .9 a. q 5.4 4.5,1.() lo.7 ll.24.0 4.5 2,72.2 ?.7 l.l1.3 r.6 2.2?.1 L 8 ..) APU l977 hlt.,,t (r,L-Fl) (v.r).S. ) Er'rI HCY t t.TELS.HANKSVILLE, UTAH DAY 0l 0? 0i 0q 05 0.' I l.q 2.7 99.!) 9q.9 g,i.(, 99.9/ ,.2 ?.? 4..r 2.1 t.r .'t .l 4.(l q.U 5.4 .r.9 .r.) l.e) TABLE C:23 (Continued) F(Jrlrr rlt THE l,A y ll '? tt2'.)???l20leItrl6l5l4l2illl)0q0ri l7 11 5 tl 7 I l0ll l2ll 1..l5 lAl7l|,l9') tt 2l ?? ?-) 24 25 ?6?l 2k '?e .)n 4.5 L.9 r{.1) -}.6 .', '..2 q.0 t+.') 4.9 4,9 4.9 q.5 l..l ?.7 t.2 l.-1 I.,J l.'il.,J 7.? 2.? l.p l.rr 2..72.2 l.l 't.l ?.1 l.l l..i 4 .9 5. q -1.6 tr. (! h. | /1 .rr:r.6 3.1 l.'t l.ri ?.1 2./i.? 'r.5 :l .l i'.2 '(.1 l.r-'l.1 4.0 a.9 4.n 5.q -(.sl.B l.B l.h 2.1 ..i ).a4.5 3.4 ?.'? 4.0 J.,) ?.2i .5 I .? q. q 9.8 e.t) /. (l 0/ l.'JI.Brr.0 l.ll.l?.2t.l ?.1 I ..r I .,1 .9 1.8 l.A ?.1 5.rJ 5.,tt h.l (-,.'l 4.9 7.1 /,.3 5.4 4.5 :1 .l 99.9 99.9 l."tl.r, .j.l 2.? l./ l.-l l.l a.? 4.n 2.7 'r.l l.d l.l r).d 1.tl. 4.5 4.9 /r.9 -).4 i{.5 ).{ !.. b.r) l,? 5./. 5.q q.5 .,.0 4.5 8.9 d.) t.-.7 5.4 /..9 r+.5 .t/ j.l J.l l.l l.|J l.tJ a.2 2.2 t.7 ?.? j.l .l.l /-.'l 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0l.'l l.,r l.ri *1.t l.I 2.? 2.? l.l t.l .l.l 1.1 2.2 l._-l 3.1 4.0 3.6 l.n.9 i.H '?.1 l.F l..J 2.? ?..? .l.l 2.1 /{.0 4.5 4.0 l.l 1.8 ?.7 3.1 2.1.9 .9 1.3 l.-a [.d ?.7 2.? 3.ll. 5.4 6.1 s.tr 4.9 4.r) 3.6 ?--? ?.7 l.'lttt l.l l.! 1.1 r.l .r.l ,J.e r't.0 r,,.1 h.0 9.0 6.1 jr.5 4., 5.4 /r.!: ?.1t>.1 ..5 ).q Lti.l e.4 9.4 ).q .r.q 'i.q 9./r 4.1 7.1 l.l 3.1 4.5 4.q 1.61.8 l. t 4.r) fr.i 9.4 H.9 'j.9 7.6 7.h 6.3 4.9 3.I i.6 2.7 l.tt 4.5 '?.?-2.;? c.7 4.i) q.4 a./ 4.9 /.rr l.) A.l ,r.5 6.-i -l.h l..J l.r{ 6.1 t,.U ?.??.t r.t 2.1 '/.2 ,.1 2.1 a.7 '?.7 ?.? 7.? 4.0 t.I 5.q s.rr J.l ?.?. I.rl,9 z.? l.l l.! t.l J.f, l.h 4.r) 4.0 4.9 4.9 l.ar ?_.2 ?.?- -].t, 3.6 4.0l.l :.1 ).1 I.: l.rt ?..2 I.t, 4.5 6.1 x.0 q.6 10.-J n.0 9.4 tl.0 7.2 fi.0l.) l.t: 1.1 4.7 /{.i, l.t- F,.l 4.5 trrr) 1.1 j.l 1.1 1., .9 1.8 'J.I l.l.9 t.l l.--1 .9 1.3 I.8 .', .() l.r l.H 2.2 1.1 ?.1 -r.l 1.'/ 2.7 ?.? l.t, l..l !.il 2.7 3.6 ?.2 2.2l.l ?.1 1.3 1.8 2.r: 2.2 ., .q l.l l.l l.s 3.1 :1 .6 r.(i 4.) .r.q 6.1 4.5 4.: 4.9 6.7 5.lr 4.0 ?.?;.1 4.5 4.5 5.4 2.7 .e .9 l.J e!.9 9e.') 99.9,i,r.(r 99.9 9!).9 q9.q 99.9 91i.9 9q.9 99.9 r.r.9 9q,.9 cr9.9 9q.9 9q.q9e.9 9c1 .q 99.9 9t1 .9';9.1 99.e 99..7 99.9 !9.9 9't.9 99.9 9rr.9 99.9 9q.q $';.().re.9 99.9 99.9 eq.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 9g.9 99.9()(,.9 v'-r.(-) (r'.1 .Q 9'r.q 9'1 .')')t.9 )i.9 9r."1 rr!.9 (i').9 (r(,r.! yl.9 )r.') 9g.9 trt;.t):-t.9 9t).(t 99.9 9q.9 y!.9 99.9 99.9 9q.q 99.qtl(r.9 9q.c 99.q 9e.9 .;:.9 9i.9 9)., 9v.9 9(,.e 9 /.'1 rvr,,.:1 99.e 99.9 ee.! 9.).,) 99.9 99.9 9!.9 9q.v .r.J.9 q9.9 99.(, )(1 .9 99.a99.9 9e.q 99.q ir,l .j 99.,'ry.9 9q.9 yy.t) ,5.t) 9;.J (r9.9 ,r..J q9.g 9'r.q (i9.e 9.r.9 99.q 9,1 .9 qq.9 9().9 99.9 99.9 9q.q 9'J.q99.9 9().9 99.9 9,).9 99.9 9.j.9 19.r 99.9 v!.9 9v.9 y.r.3..ry..r 99.9 9).9.19.,.) ecr.9 99.9 9q.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 1.8 3.6 5.A4.3 7,6 r,.0 rJ.0 8.0 8.0 ,.4 .1.Q r.i r{.r) 7.t h.7 6,.-, t./ 5.4 q,5 5.4 6.t 4.9 4.0 4.5 1.6 4.9 3.r)?.2 3.1 1.8 6.1 l.) 4.il q.\ 4.rl -..1 L.2 ?.1 a.2 2.? J.l 4.e 5.4 5.4 5.4 4.9 /r.9 5.a 5.8 /..1 5./+&.0 1.1 3.4 l.A r{.5 _}.6 I,r) .i.i ,:.1 l.r 4.q .r.r.) 5.zr /r.9 4."r 4.9 4.q 4.9 1.3 .9 1.3 l..l .9 .9 1.8 1.8 l.i 1.3 l.h l.t 1.6 ?.t .,.1 l.l :t.l r.b i'.7 2.2 l.'.r '2.? 2.1 l.I 4.9 5.,j 6.J 2.1 1.3 l.ll.rr 1.1 l..l 2.7 2.. ?.7 ?.? .9 l.ri 3.1 ?.2 l.r 2.2 ?..? 2.) ,,,1 2.2 2.1 6.(l 4.i 4.0 4.5 4.5 l.ll.,r 1.1 ?.? e.2 l.q a_,2 ?.2 l.l .(t t.l l.l t.l h.7 4.9 1.5 1.6 A.0 7.6 5.q 5.ir t,.9 4.9 4.0 ?-.2 oo'.rFoo o.rF.acoosooo o 3o o t 3 oo ooooo cFO or r(]Oc,.Ot10rdO O l} O.6OOOOOO6O $O? Oo,OOooo oot olstlotlooloooolo'Oci lOCel^lOOC-FOOOt Ao OOoooOOt O ltO OO oo ? s 90c o:r,oNoo$o oooooo to o o 00 00 atcoOct ttg (}cra?te!r\olsoolocOc?41 o,,1 c J o ot i C-3O63OOtOOC OOOo o1'O', t O' ratr,e O$3 --lo o.} ) I 1'o iAS,o O 5,}'(} O 'or ot' ',.'.,,.o',t1)''} oci''olto oo, o-ts c 3ocJtso ocilso $, oa slo o,o o'ot c OO O C CC O OtslrrN-'c OO C g ..}O O'o C (,^ (, O O o Ot o Ooo3 3Of. tC$)1)tOlo)1OO?11.}'rlo o G t F-l i) $ 0 3 E F E S O .l o ar' (t o o (I o')'j (| 6 (^ ? ()'j (, (,' ocio (jf, t oo\€ ar! }'c ccc al}t, ?'i c O io t o', r\>3' :r.'' f,].:|?O]i}'$l)$'O.i1)']i ., f,. $'tJt.^JN]F =E fi)f)3ro ] '' ) r. ), 1},\ ),' ) ) laO ) o r.t€.co coc{ €€oo o, 3o}o ? qc oo }o o ao t1C] c$c ''t(r't1t)''''):''Clea3]'o.^ )(.).,, 3'€€FJlo]'O3 3 3oa.', 1 3 ) ) )t'' OO a \aCnO CO-F\r.r OOTC(y CtC aC 3 O 3 C(' O aO?or\(^ crIO- O,\-->IO)11C')rlOa,']$o$ OO'3\C .j o,O O t-,(\ €OOO CC OOCCO O O OOO O g OO O O Aa-' CO cFtsr)C OC,O''1C O(}f O3 e f t t 13OO$ $Clr aOt]:tlOr'1}'>O,,1,\OO t c o. I n-ao 3' rF co, oo t c s? o 39 0' 0 ac, o, 10 l9 I3 c ) ?'' 3'\C, $C f 3 f :rC 31t,?o1f, t ltt'.t3^]nor3-F).- o'J.t.'f $5):rr,:}r?>1]3SLa (}t'. -.ct o.rar 1 cc'9 3 3 CO 3'J' 7 7 i 1} 3 ? t .} o ,} f t ii ) c r' )t'J' r a o.I lo f ooolo 1 ) a ) i> $'' o 'o:ra- oo tit'-l(,ccaLr']a't9'J7?t.,?.} '? o l.., c0If, .t :( Lnoo'a') 3, } c 3 :}')'5 .} ?'9 1 3 5^ :r ]^ :iL}.} ? -ni { r.?nl -}a } $? } 1 } a} }a :*? ? },}33) O,}J 3'.}AAlLr,'J'54t1')'-})O ', C g -F t 3'-.C oO' 3O'1O .}olun IO 3 C 9 t ) ) O 3? :r t G!€'' f a$4, 3'.1 )3 )!1,) t c O C )1t )3,}.tor.- $o, irlcoS'o')]ac$o])o3.)? ? 1 ], ---\ >' )? ., =t1 ) f' ].' 3, ).1 i$ ) 1 0 ? f\,, )c )+r<at nif, t>) n)3'11} ^f ,1a7 .^ l) ) ):l }ar- l'ol 11).$c'1.)}.))o3'ilo'1 u!r r, l^u'c_ u !F!r.n { 1\ !' u f u', it u rr !r u J } I U f 'J J r' tr ac ] c.\irc J I \tlF?? )i, ]? i,'l c ? ), J JI ).3 o.C.)'}r'- $)]'))r'J'li}]r']}lJ?')):41).} c| :I i T\ c9 3.Jr \r.'r?. ? a 3''f -J t 3 ? a ,' f ? a, ? 7 )?' , !1 ] :| :: { C. } t -) - I: -- ? } f, .r' r r r' r' a } } I -} } f } r tit o .) J: :' o'.r f ? -t'o }an'):.r'-^:,"(I i^ o;i j'J"J T'$ }-? r, cC? r -,{ J J J, O }, 3 Jr, }, J' f }J'Og ) , ^ -n J ar I J I 't - \ -l ) , , I .L , J F ' ' i J ^ I l J '})j. ) n I]F.-. )J -r ^)-n)-tJ.I.'j-n-n.r,r.t:!l.1D] ra r,]3 r,J:rc.' 0 ? 1 j 7 J J 33 o''? r't f t o :t ] f I rC3 37.1 - 1.} ) ) t 7'''. :r'' } f :t i'',',)l}) a^)J )t]''.)f'])))]i.}.}J))'I]' ? a a :r. .,. .C :}. :r ; r :i :t l 3 :l :' i :n ) ] > ? .} 1} , } -i' -r c. 1:r :: 1.tE:na f - dalr ]aT ?f 1? 3'o? :r )(} ):>O,}'}'f }]) c:.}:nil'')?lf c1'i,)tr'c at'J ) l t C,i )-f \) )-1 -- .) f 1 t,, ]O]l ) 11.,} s {r,t :} s F lt } } Fl - l\ -} }'} tr'}'J () } } :r' f u 3r :i'r' l ar } a,\ ,ar.!\) ,}!a 7.3rf n1'f .,\']]7'Oli'}'']13 f 1 f\ ) r\ .C ) a : - \ a )'r' C f I 1 r' C I ]'.} -a ] ]'-' 3 -, t C| 3.} :i s ! a c J. {r 1. - ?. T J t J' i^ t } f, o i} } .} }'-'', } } a} o.i,J.Jn3. .J.-')Ji :lrJN ]ai -t ,Ji-lal^ }'tant^:lo? arlo(} S --l f ,.n a) Ln, LF :t C r\ -) (I LF f, S !''-^ I 9'.1 Lr S U t) O S f, LF (} O C9 ):} aIC ] ? I a-Sa ? O{}af, }'}I f }t O }:} } },l}?t5 ']) clo)': o')'ll'ro}'?)']Jo (} O ? 3., \f C'r} J !ts5o C C 9'Cr'C (} ) O? 7 e I O 3 I O . i}c^ :r,iJ:N )O :r .} \JN3 ] r'5 1 3 ) :} l? J 7' f, $ ir'r ], :}-!F,}.) i) ..t o ) s J.,'} ) s'.1.I (, I 3(^ O /.^)'.} '}:r'at o l'r g Og {rc tO ? iJ r\r C }C OCO g O OO C 3 O 3 7 C O CO $C}C3-6OOC ( --C 3adO g9OC(rOOOO ]3"C))J -}.4^) ..,.).J.-}'J'.}.)o]1)oT))5))$ - o ' 5 .c - a o 1 { :r - } } o } '} $ 5 0 ? T f } } } } '} o o o r)f IJI)iJ lf (l { -\'} i, il, JC}} }J i,'l!F}'} J "}ooc oo? oclcnccooc'irc9aScscoo sN t'_rN N(\ C\ l.g -l - F \c { >-<a: {I\ !:. 'f<: I 3a , N cC - .!'.= .aa.F sz= c u1:lL= -uHc ;;0 za< (!z- c =a so> -(j, >L: LI Eo .J .lJco(J (f) C! IU f:l F] Eq H TABLE C-23 (Continued) .jt,N l9/i hlt,() cl'tl't) (v.P.\.) E\tpcy ittELSr HANKSVILLE, UTAH CAY I I t! q FUr r|i 1:)l lht- t)aY 0l 02 03 04 05 Ob Ol ()8 09 11, lt l?. 13 14 15 16 17 lH 19 20 ?l ?2 2) 24 qq.9 9g.q q9.g 99.S 99.9 9q.9 99.9 99.9,rv.9 99.9 99.c 9v.9 99.q 9,J.s t,9.9 99.9 9q.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.c] 99.9 99.q 99.9 9.;.9 9c.e 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.e 99.9 9r.9 9).9 9e.9 9q.q 9'r.9 99.q 9e.g 9q.q 99.9 9q.9 9().9 9().9 99.9 99.9 99.9 9S.9')9.9 99.9 9,J.9 99.9 99.9 99.,1 99.e 9q.9 99.9 .2r.9 99.9 ee.9 9r.9 9q.9 9-r.e 99."1 91.(./ q9.g 99.9 9q.Q 99.9 99.9 99.c.r gq.9 qq.9 qq.9 9q.q 99.9 99.9 99..] 9r..r 99.,r 99.9 cr.9 9q.q 19.9 99.9'Jq.9 (re.e 99.'l':19.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.C 99.!r 99.9 (r'r.q 9(;.9 9(r.9 99.9 99.5 5t.,, 9,;.9 99.9 ca.9 v9.9 99.9 e.r.9 9r.9 99.9 9e.9 q9.() 9q.9 9q.9 9c.9 99.9 99.S 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.'? *, 99.9 9q.9 99.c 99.9 99.9 99.q eq.9 q9.9',>.'l')9.9 9q.q 99.9 99.9 99.9 q9.9 qe.9 99.9 99.9 9c.9 99.9 9q.9 q9.9 9t1 .9 99.9 I 9't.9 99.C 9rj.9 99.9 99.,r e9.9 99.e 99.t er.9 99.9 9q.q 99.9 q9.9 4.5 5.r 6.7 4.q 1.1 3.t l.l 3.6 6.3 [r.5 4.q r. 5.( 5.3 4.9 3.1 3.o 2.t 2.1 l.l i.l t.f tl .i 3.6 3.r' a.t ?..? 3.6 4.n 6.J Il.2 6.7 ?.? 1.3 .4 .9 e ..) ?.? l.? 2.2 l.r 2.2 {.5 5.,r ..(} H.5 9.4 l(}.-j 9.fl .l .9 ll.ts' rr.0 5.n 5.4 7./ 6.1 5.4 5.tl A.3 4.<) tr a.2 ).7 r.l t,ta 2.? 1,3 Ln ?,: ..' r,c A./ !,0 f.0 H.0 t,2 t.2 h.t 'r.3 5t4 l.l 3.6 4.0 4.0 1..t It r.8 1.3 l.l l.l l.r a.7 l.,J l.l 1.8 L.5 /,. 6.t n.l ,1.5 8.5 ?.6 6.7 7.2 6.1 4.i \.4 .9 l..l 3.5 l2 ;.6 5.4 4.0 2.? l.J 2.2 ?.2 \.1 ..? ?.2 2.i .r.t 9.4 5.3 e.? 6.1 8.{r 7.6 7.6 5.E 2.1 2.4 1.3 ll l.n 1.6 e.7 3.1 2.1 2.2 .q l.lr l,:l 1.2 5.P lo..l 9.t d.r r.0 a.t r!0 ,.6 6'r 5.{ r.r9 3.6 ?.7 ?.? t4 ?.r t.i t.3 I.r .e .c l.r ?!2 {15 ,.0 N.: 9.t 9.4 e.n 8.9 4.2 7.it 4.3 1.6 2.7 4'0 ..s <.9 {.q t5 i.7 l.'] l.l 2.; .t i.2 l.! .:, t.1 ?.i ?.7 \.9 -1.'/ fi.l 6.7 5t4 5.{ 5.4 5!d 4.9 '.5 4's (.9 l'^ ir. :.r, r.r t.t .9 1.3 t..r .r .9 .e l.i 2.2 2.2 ?.t l.l ?.t ?.2 t.l c.4 5!1, 9.,u 6,a 4.9 2.2 ?.7 ll i.? ?.? .c l,l Lt 1.3 .e .9 l.:l !.7 f.l 6.1 7.rt L.? ii9.q b.? r'., 6.-1 6.7 t).1 4.9 4.5 5'3 a'0 tA r.3 2.2 t.J ?.2 2.] a.2 .9 I.:l 1.3 l.! I'r 2.7 2.7 1.6 5.1 ',!.1 5.4 'r.5 A.t\ 1,2 6.7 5.4 :l!l l.i t9 l,^ 2.? t.c t.c 2.2 t.lJ I.3 4.5 4.5 6,t {.s a.e 4.,, !rr. Ir.5 7.6 {.4 t\.1 7t2 6,1 :1.6 3.6 (.5 l.A 2n .:.-1 7.A 6.',t l.€ 2.7 l.r l.A l.o r.0 (.5 4.n 5,a 6.7 1.2 t.o l.^ 7.? 7.o 6..1 l.C 4.0 l. l.rl l.'t 2t 3.t 4.4 /r.0 :t,l t.l ?..0 4.0 4.0 :.. 2.2 t.; r.r' ?.? J.l 3.t 1.5 3.1 3.1 ',r.l 6.! 4.5 3.., 1.1 2.7 22 r.1 f.3 l.l 1,1 3.6 l.l ?.t 2.1 a.l ?.2 t.l 1.3 l.1l l.,r l..l l"r t.A l.s I'C l'1 1.1 1.4 3.1 :1.6 2l (.0 1!l :l.l J.t l.r .9 lr3 .e lrN l.q l.p 1.8 2.2 2.? 2.t ),r ?.7 ).7 2.7 zrl 1.3 l.l 3.6 4.5 ?-4 2.1 a.& 6.3 C.lt 2.? .9 .9 l.,l :,d 4.a i.l 2.2 -2.2 2.? 'tt.7 2.1 4.9 d.9 4.! ?.7 1.3 2., rr.:t 5.024 2.1 a.& 6.3 5.r' 2.? .9 .r 1.425 r5.1 6.3 t,.-l 5.t !.6 l.J l..l 2.2 ,.2 l.F l.l l.d 2.2 ?.1 4.5 l?.1 8.n 1.6 6.i 6.3 4.n 3.1 2.1 2.1 26 -1.., 3.6 r.4 I.l I._l ?.? t.l .9 l.r t.rr 2.1 t.1 2.1 ?.r 2.2 2,1 ..0 4.5 5.d 4.t 4.e 5ta 6.] 4.e 27 2.2 ?.? I.,r !.1 t.-r t.tt ?.2 1., ,4 lr! l.l l.J l.n 2.a 'J.l 4.5 4,0 4.9 '.6 {.1 4.0 4.5 ',1.6 f.6 7-f 3.1 L,n {.9 4rt 4.5 -1.1 1,6 l.a ..7 ?.2 2.1 l.N 't.7 2.7 ?.' l.l 3.6 :r.6 5.4 5.1 6.1 4.5 q.9 (.9 2,r {.s q.4 s.4 i,4 4.5 4.5 {.5 1.6 .J,6 '.6 ..1 .1.6 3,1 I.r l.rt l.h l.e ,'.3 7.2 6.r 5.n 5.4 r.'' 4.51n 1-6 3.6 Z.t 1.6 .., l.l l.J .4 l..l l.r l.t ?.2 2,2 a.o 5.a 6'1 5.q 5.a 5.8 5.t 4.n s.4 4.9 3.4' ..jt,L I'-r77 w1ttr, SPrrr' (l/.f).s.) f .Ih HGY T I,F,L-\. 1IANKSVILLE. UTAH TABI,E C-23 (Continuedl F()tI< ()F I Hl_ f )AY | ,)tl t3 20leIUlrlarlqlaoql_l H0t0501r0l020lI]AY I 2'I 5 ilq lr)lli2l'l l4 lqlf,l, Itll9)(' ?t ?? ;) _'l 2L/\ 26 217/t, 29 .l (l 3t 5 .1,2.t 1.8c.{) 2.2 2./_2.tl.tt 3.F,t.2 4. .1 'J . r.l 4.O(:. -1l. j 4.[t 5.1, ;).?- I .,J nh 5.ri I.Jq.0 e.t 2.2/{.ll 2.2 1.67.6t.7 5.fl3.tr h.1 .9a.tl 1.3 ?.1l.H t . .J _1 .l ?. .'? ?- .7 .9 6.3tr.5 l.ut.6 h.9 t.6?.1 _t.1 l.-:tr.9 2.t 1.1 l.l 4.ti 8.il 7.6 t .4 t.6 .e I .-l l.t-r .gl.rt ?.7 _1 .l e.5 7 .6 A.7 !.ir ^.74.5 1.6 1.8 2.? .-1 .l 1.4 l.l q.4 :).1 l.B u .\) /+.9 --1 . (- .1.4. .t .? ?.1 J.f zr. O :1. r) 7 .74.5 2.7e.0 ,r.5 ii.5 10.7 ? . | 7 .?!.q 4.n 2.? l.B5.q 4.7 J.5 4.5 2.1 ?.?n.0 7.? , ,q 6.'l :r.l t.l3.^ '?.1 t:.1 f.6 5. B *.0 t.l 2.?-I.r 1.,,?.7 ?.24.5 't.t 5.'j 4.0 l.) 'l .(5.4 5.tl1.,1 tr.7 l.rl ?.2 5. A 6,1 1.7 I .34.,) h.l r .7 t4.o 1.3 .tt4.(l 5.4 2.2 1.') J. I r+.'j 5.4 )_.7d.5 5.tl5.8 2.?rr.9 4.5 1.8 ?.1F.n ?.e c.5 5.9 I .3 2.2 I .3 4.54-n 4.4 ?.1 1.3 1.8 .9 .q I.-l rr. 0 5. iJ I . J .',) I._t -r.l4.') J.6 J. f' 3. f) 3.1 6.3 6.7 5. 11 6.1 1.2 3. b ?..2 3.1 4.95.it 6.l l.rl l.r'|5.,r 6,. I5.8 5. q l.rJ q.5 1., l. J l.l .)l,? l.'. l..l t'1 2,'t .q 3.1 2.t.e l.ll.l 1.3 4. 0 4.0 r. .5 i.6. l.tJ l.rl6..J 4.0 3,I l. I 2.2 l.lt.l 1..,i..J I.H..4 ..1.h 1.3 l.n <.2- 2.1 J .6 tt.\ t .9 J.6:.r.1 _r.l 4.(r J.h b.St a..l(,.1 .r. (l q.5 5.ri a .t, 5. fl .q .q i.6' 1.? <1 .9 A.l ?.? l.a .,) /.2 .r-) l.ir c.? l.l .q .') .9 .(i 2.2 .q -:. I 2.7.e 1.34.5 5.ti. I ?.1l.r t.!2.7 .1 .ll.-t l.h ?.?.l.I. h .5 n.5 rr.9 3. I -1.5 3. tr 5. fJ 6. f)-.1 -l.l ll.a,l3.a2.1 4.rr i.8 3.1 5.3 3. /r 6.3 5. r 2.e J.l 3'l 3.hl. I l.H 7-.? ?.7l..J ?..? 1.8 I.}1 ?.2 ?.1 1.3 1.8 5. rt 4.5 I .8 5.4 4.v 6.3 L6 7 .;b.l 7.? 7.? 6.'l .,1 7.? l.? 6.7 4.9 6.3 5.ll h.-l l.rJ l.ti 1.3 2.? 1.'2- l.l l.-i l.fr/. h 6.1 i. tt ... () .e 1.3 ?.t ?.1?.2 2 .? -J. I /+.'r t .8 I . fr 2..1 7.'l.r.r.l l.l 4.0 .r.5 l.d 3.I l.(. 3.5 1.3 l.H 7-.2 ?.1 I.tr 4.0 5.A 4.q 2.2. 3. I :1. I 3. I t.n ?.7 2.7 3.14.t 4.9 .1 .6 ?.7 l.ll 1.3 l.|r l.'r ?..2 ?..7 l.A l.tlJ.I 2.7 .1 .t .J.Il.h 4.0 4.0 tr.O h.5 3.1 6.3 5.4 4.9 6.7 6.1 5.8 5.lJ 4.: 9.4 9.q 6.3 4.e 2.1 3.6 ? , I q. 8, 9.9 e..1 4.9 4.5 5.8 4.5 4.5 4.5 6. ',l 99.9 s9.9 4 .5 .l.l .]... 1.6 4.0 4.0 1.3 1.3 l.:l ?.2 2.1 .r.6 1.6 H.0 6.7 l.e().1 7.f] A.3 6.1 5.36.1 4.q 1.6 3.f: l.H5.4 5.4 4.5 i. I '.6/.6 7 a6 1.? 6. I 4.5 4.5 6.1 4.0 5.4 4.0 2.? 2.? 'r.l :i.b 3.1 1.3 2.7 .l .l 1.1 .l .6 4.5 4.S -t.6 :r.l 2.1 3.,r tl .o ?.1 ?-.1 2.2 l. I ?,7 4.5 5.4 l. I 2.1 a.c: ll.6 Q.q 5.1/..q lr.0 ?.'L A.5 4.9 ?.1 '2.? ?.7 l.tl l.l -1.1 4.0 4.(t f .o 3.6 1.3 3.6 1.3 t.3 .9 -r.l 3.1 !.1 7.1 1.8 J,6 2.7 ',l .l 1.3 ?.? 3.6 3.6 3.6 4.u .l .l 2.2 ?.'? ?.e l.rl l.--r4.5 7.7 5.rt 5.r. 5.q 4.5 6.3 rr.0 A.5 il . 04.0 3. I 1.6 l.u 2.2 l.i 2l 3.6 r'. 3 ?.7 9. tl 5.44.9 ?.7 5. tJ7,64.9 2.7?,24.5 3.63.t4.0 l .lt 4.9t.3 l, .5 .9 1.8A.5 ?.?l.li5.q 6.7l.tt ?? t.88.9z.l1.6 ,i .5 6.1 ?..7t.9 rJ. o 5. |t 1.3l.E?.t4.54.5 6.1 1.3 3.1?.t 3.12.?2.? 3.1J.Ie.?l.J4.5l.l ?.1(r..1 lr. 0 2l ?_.77.? 2.? rl .0 7. ,1 rr. 33.69.4 8.5 4.5 .9t.8 1.8 .1 .6 5.8 4.q 2.?1r.9 7.7tt.0 .l .5 3.1 ?.?4,5j.l 3.6 3.1 I 'tr4.0 5.45.4 24 l.tl6.7 2.f _3. t 1.8 6.74.5 2.7l,rt1.8 ?. ?, 5. fl ?.7?.1 3.1 ?. I4.55./. :l .l ?.25.8?.?4.5 3.1l.f4.0 4,9 5.t+ h.l. 5.zt 5.e4.5 5.p l.-"'/.1 uq 2. 3.3.2. a a l.B6. -l5.rt a.77.h .i.9 ?.? l.-14.9 1.,l.e l./: ,.t. I aUG lgll wllrll qPFfU (Y.P.5., F.{LRGY FI,TL5. HANKSVILLE, UTAH TABLE C-23 (Concluded) H,.)lln OF Irlt 0AY IICAY I ? I 4 5 () I 8 ii lrl ll t?l3l4l5 lhIIldl92i 2t ?2?l ?q )q 26?l ?P 29 )o 3l l3 l.{t?.24.0z./ 1.3 1.32.7 3.14.9l.tt l.,j4.0 '? .7 1.37.? 4.() 4 .lt f . t 1.3 -l .h ?.7 4..1 l .lt tr .9l.u rl .5I.ri 3.1 l.H :.;.,j l4 l5 '?.7 ?.2l.,J ?.1la 1.1l.A 3. t l.l l.a 5. r, 3.6 3.1 5.Hl.$I.',l2.17.??.7 l.l6.1 7.6g.(, 3. t?.tI.ri?.? 3.1a.9 l7 ?423???l2,..-lleI8l6l'2lr)090il0706050.l0-t02OI ,r.9 4.5 q.5 4.0l.l 4.5 4.\t 4.5 t.l .,) 1.3 l.tr,).? 5.r, b.J 4.9 ,{ . l) q.5 d.4 5. 31.8 l.-l 3.1 4.01.2 1.) 7.2 7.e?.? 6.7 6.3 5.rj ?.t 7.7 2.2 1.r l.B .1 .l t.l 2.2r.0 7,6 /{.n \.=1.3 l.l 2.2 1.,-r5.4 4.\ 4.5 4.5 I ..3 ?.7 t .0 4.0u.0 n.9 8.0 't.2 ;,.7 l.,r i.ri l.-1.9 ?.? 4.5 rrorrJ ?.t 7.7 2.1 l.l .1 .5 4.9 ?.2 ?.1 .l.H ?.? l.r 2.e I .ri ?.7 t.? I .ei .2 I .,r 2.) ? .?-l.:t l.-l 2,'t l.'J2.2 1.8 t.t l.-: ';.4 5.A 7.6 7.2 I .6 4.q 't.7 I . -?rr.9 r.? 4.9 2.11.2 A.n 9.8 9.tr;.t 2.7 J.t ?.?-t.H 1.8 't.7 ?.1.9 l.a I.l I.3 L.? l.I '1 .t ?_.?l.l 4.rt 2.7 2.1{.0 4.5 .1 .F 4.0J.^ ,1 .1 J.4 t.I:.1 l.i l.-a .9(:.3 4.0 l.' I.t t .6 5.8 4. q 4.9q.r) ?.2- l.j 3.h -r.l -1.6 (.0 rr.5 l.fJ ?.1 /r.0 j.h c.,) A.o 4.5 -l.ll.ri ?.1 4.\ 5.t ,: .6' l. f. 3. I :1. II.8 6.3 t+.7 2.2 J .6 4.5 3. l 4.5l.ft l.n l.e J.l,.4 9e.9 zr.'i ';.4.) 1., .q 1.3l.l .9 I.3 l.,t:.4 5.4 l.L: 1.84.L) 4.ii rr.5 J.tj.(. i .,1 ,,. I J. Id.5 n.(t rr. ! a.9l.l 1,1 l.l 5..t I .6 .r. ,-1 7 ,? I .t)l.l1 .9 .9 .9t.i L.9 F.,1 9.nri.(r 8.0 ?.1 l./I.'r l.iJ l.r l.,rc.? ).2 l.; ?./c.l ,.1 .r.'\ 'r."r 2.7 3.1 'r.l 2.??.? ?.? 7.? l.a).6 6.:r 4.0 l.u7.7 2 .?" 4.5 5. tr?.2 ?.?_ 2.2 ?.t1.e q.0 5.4 -1 .6l.l l.ri ?.? :l .tl.l 3.t .!t .91.3 l.rr l.t, ?.12.r, l.q .9 .4?.7 l.r1 l.l .q2.',l 1.6 4.5 6. 74.9 .t.l 1.8 .98.5 I1.6 4.9 7.6 ?. t l. I 2.7 7.14.9 4.q 6.9 4.(l2.7 3. I 7.2 1.6l.ti 1.8 l.tr l.ul.fr 3.1 1.1 ?.72.7 '?.? 7.7 ?.7.1..2 1.3 3.6 3.11..1 2.7 1.1 .9j.4 1r.5 4.0 l. I\.tr 4.9 1.1 3.1r.5 h.5 6.7 5.43.1 9.tr q.4 9.4 2 .l 7.6, l0 . 3 q.4 1.6 l.l ?.2 ?_.tl.n 2,7 l.n 1.3{^.0 '?.I ?.? .t!4.5 l.r, 3.6 ?.7 4.o 4.5 4.0 3. I 2.7 ).6, 6.1 6.7 ?.25.8 5. rl 7 .??.t ?.? 2.7/+.5 tt .9 5. rt 5.4 6.3 1 .?2.2 ? .7 ?.?.9 1.3 1.8.() .9 l.'l t.8 1.3 2.?5.r+ 5.4 q.q 2.2 7!.7 l.A5.8 5.4 7 .?l.r ?.1 ?.2 .\) l.l 1.1l.r:l 1.3 2.2?.t ?.7 t.,r I .rl ?.2 ?.? 1.8 1.3 2.?.9 l.l ?.2 l..r 1..] i.,rl.l l.ti 1,6(1. t !1.0 6.1tJ.o 4.5 3.59..+ l0.f ,J.9 rJ.0 8.0 6.7 f . il '/.? 2.2I..i l.l l.tll.r{ 1.u 2.??_.2 ?.7 l.l 4.0 4 .51.3 .l 2.7 2 .?t.5 ?.74.5 l.l(.e 5.4 5.ti 5.rJ5.q 5.,tJ.l l.r2,t 4.25.* 5.Hl.l t.,r3.1 ?_.24.'r 2.'l5.li 5 .4 .t) I.{4.5 q.9 l./:1 l.l4.0 J.6l.rt ,!.h2.t 2.12.? 2.2l.f.| ?.,?.tt l.l 6. J 5.8t.3 l.l2.2 _t. t tl .5 i.6?.? 2.22.1 -1 .ll.|, 2.2 4.5 J. I.tt .9 l.l l.l I.,j 3.. ? .2 /..25.ll 5.q4.) 5.lt.r. 0 4.5 2.1 I.lz.l ?.?4.1) 6. 12.2 l.F ?-. I J..) 2.2 I .3 4 .5 3.6 [.fl l.,r5.r{ 5.n l..t .e3.i 1.,!q.ll 5.tl e.2 5.44,9 ti.ll 2.? ltl .ll.d ?-.?.5.rl 6.1 2.2 2.2 5.rl 3.1l.a l.? l.r I.tsl.rr ?.? 2.2 ? .? .4 l.Bl..l ?.2.1.6 4 .99.q 7.t) 3.1 4.04.5 lr.5 l.l 5.4l.:t l.rtl.f] .9 o! .9.9 1.87.c 1.6 t.8 2.2 4 .0 4.5l.l 1.3?.t t.3l.d 1.85.q l.l2.? l.rrl.rl l.u2.?. I .3 .J .9?.2 l.:t5.8 A.96.? Ir.09..i 9.4t{.5 8.5J.l 2,7.t l.l I .I ?.7?",1 2.? r. tl.tr1.6 Z.? l.l l.l4.5 ?.7 l.-ll.l .J.I?.22.25.45.,il.l I.'jl.h I.rl).? l.?l.f' fr.() 7.62.?|.t. ?-. 5.4 APPENDlX D VER?EBPVITE SPECIES ,i.. APPE}IDIX D YERTEBRATE SPECIES LIST1 Scientific Name Common Name A}IPITIBIANS & REPTILES Order-Caud ata- Sa lamanders Farnily-Ambys tomidae Ambvstoma tigrinum Order-Anura-Froqs & Toads Fami 1 y-Pe lobat id ae Tiger Salamander -S c aph i:pu s intermontanus Creat Basin Spadefoot PoEentially Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksville B,H Drd B B B,H B B,H B,H B B,H B,H B,H B B,H T'AIn1I Hyla y-Hyl idae aren ico 1or Fami I y-Bu fonid ae Bufo woodhouseiffi punctatus Woodhouser s Toad Red SpoEEed Toad Canyon Treefrog Leopard Frog Collared Lizard Leopard Lizard Lesser Earless Lizard ShorE-Horned Lizard Sagebrush Lizard Desert Spiny Lizard Eastern Fence Lizard Tree Lizard Side-Blotched Lizard Plateau ffiripEail Y,,Ie stern Wh ip Eai I Family - Ranidae Rana pipiens 0rder-Squamata- Lizards & Snakes Fanily - Iguanidae Crctaphytus collaris C. wislizeniiEotEroffi *?culata Phrvnosoma douglass! Sceloporus graciosus S. magisterS. undulatusEoiGrl-iTnat,rs Fauri 1y-Te i id ae Uta stansburianaGE@ro* C. tigris Scientific Name Farni ly-Colubridae Hvpsiglena torgueta Masticophis taeniatus Pituophis uelanoleucas Thamnophis elegans Farni ly-Crotalidae Crotalus viridis BIRDS 0rder-Ans eri f orme s-Water f owl Fami ly-Anat idae-Swans, Gees e, Ducks Anas platyrhvnchos Anas strepera Anas acuta Anas crecca Anas aGcors Anas iiffina A"." "lyp".t" Cormon Name Night Snake Striped Whipsnake Gopher Snake hlestern Terrestrial GarEer Snake Western Rattlesnake Mallard Gadwall Pintail Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal American l{idgeon Northern Shoveler Redhead Canvasback Lesser Scaup Red-breas ted Mergans er Turkey Vulture Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Swainsonrs Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Golden Eagle Bald Eagle Marsh Hawk (Harrier) Potentially Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksville B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H Aythva Aythya Aythya Mergus americana vaI 1s ].ner1aaffinis serrator B B B B B B B B B B B 0rde r-Fa lconi f orme s-Vu 1 tures, Hawks, Kites, Falcons, and EagL es Fami 1y- Cath art idae-American Vultures Cathartes aura Family Accipitridae-Kites, Hawks, Eagles and Harriers Buteo janaicensis Buteo lagopus Buteo swainsoniB"t"r EEi-IC- Aquila chrysaetos Haliaeetus leucocephalus@ B,H Scientific Naue Fami 1y-Falconidae- Caracaras and Ealeoos Falco mexicanusillc;EilffiT,," Falco Peregrlnus sDarver]'usFalco Order Galliformes-Grouse, Pheasants, Ptarnnigans, Prairie Chickens, Quail,and Turkeys Fami 1y Te Eraonidae-Grouse and Ptaraigans Centrocercus urop@!ryF[fGJGG-1ffi"'r" Lophprty= ;;,#EfCallipepla squamata 0rder Gruif orme s-Cranes Rails, and Allies Fani ly Rallidae-Rai1s, Gallinules and Coots Fulica americana Order Charadri i forme s-Shore- birds, GuIls and Allies Faui 1y Charadriidae-P love rs, Turnstones and Surfbirds Charadrius vociferus Conmon Name Prairie Falcon(uerlin) Pigeon Hawk Peregrine Falcon American Kestrel Sage Grouse Ring-necked PheasanL Gambelrs Quail Scaled Quail American CooE Ki 1 ldeer Spotted Sandpiper Rock Dove Band-tailed Pigeon Mourning Dove PotenEially Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksvil,le B B B B B,H B,H B B,H B B B,H Fani ly snipe Actitus S co 1op ac idae:woodcock, and Sandpipers oacularia Order Colunbif ormes-P igeons and Doves Fani 1y Columbidae-Pigeons and Doves Coluba livia6lli6i-Escl.tazei]m; rrcr""." Order Strigiformes -0w1s !'amily Tytonidae-Barn Owls Tyto alba Barn Ow1 B,H Scientific Name Farnily Strigidae-Typical OwIs Otus asio B"bo iFgioian,rs Speotvto cunicularia Asio otusI?F-lFs acadicus Order Caprinulgiformes- Goatsuckers Fani 1y Capriurulgidae- Goatsuckers Phalaenoptilus nuttal 1ii ChordeLies minor Order Apodifornes - Swifts and Hummingbirds Fami ly Apodidae-Swif ts Aeronautes saxatalis Farni 1y Troch i1 idae-Humming- birds Corrmon Name Screech OwI Great Horned OwL Burrowing Owl. Long-eared Owl Saw-whet Owl Poor-wi11 Cornmon Nighthawk White-throated Swift Balck- chinned Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird Common FLicker Ye1low-bellied SapsuckerIlairy Woodpecker Downy liloodpecker Western Kingbird Cassinr s Kingbird Ash-throated Flycatcher Say's Phoebe Gray Flycatcher tr{estern trrlood Pewee Potentially Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksville B,H B B,H B B,H B'H B B H B B ArchiLochus Seiasphor"; alexandri t"f"" Order P iciformes-Woodpeckers,Flickers, and Sapsuckers Fami Iy P icidae-Woodpeckers,Flickers, and Sapsuckers Colaptes auratus Sphyrapicus varius Dendrocopos villosus Dendrocopos pubescens 0rder Pas seri f orme s-Perching Birds Faroily Tyrannidae-Tryant Fly- catchers Tvrannus verticalis Tyrannus vociferans Myiarchus c].nerascens Savornis saya Ernpidonax wrightii Contopus sordidulus B B B B B B,H B B Fami ly Alaudidae-Larks Scientific Name Ereurophila alpestris Farni ly Hirundinidae-Swa1 lows Tachvcineta thalassina Riparia riparia Stelgidopteryx Hirundo rustica Fetro"h"lidon ppyrrhonota Farnily Corvidae-Jays, Magpies, and Crows Aphelocoma coerulescens Pica pica Corvus corax@Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus Fami ly Paridae-Chickadees, Titmice, Verdins, Parus ganbeli Parus inornatusffirEr-.r*inirn,rs Fami ly Troglodyt idae-Wrens Thrvomanes bewickii Catherpes nexicanus Salpinctes obsoletus Farni ly Mioidae-Mockingbirds and Thrashers Mimus polvglottos Toxostoma bendirei Oreoscoptes oontanus Fani ly Turdidae-Thrushes,Solitaires, and Bluebirds Turdus migratoriusSialia mexicanafaTi. ""''.GEbes Fami 1y Sylviidae-Arctic WarbIers, Kinglet.s, Gnat- catchers Regulus calendulaPolioptila caerulea Common Nane Horned Lark Violeu-green Swallow Bank Swallow Rough-winged Swallow Barn SwallowCliff Swallow Scrub Jay B1ack-bi1led Magpie Comoon Raven Coumon Crow Pinyon Jay Mountain ChickadeePlain Titmouse .Bush tit Bewickt s Wren Canyon Wren Rock Wren Mockingbird Bendire's Thrasher Sage Thrasher American Robin Western Bluebird Mountain Bluebird Ruby-crowned Kinglet Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Potentially Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksville B'H B B,H B,H R B B B B,H B,H B B B,H B,H H B B,H ruficol 1is B B B B B B Scientific Name P. meLanura Fami Ly Uotac illidae-P ipits Anthus spinoletta Farni ly Laniidae-Shrikes Lanius excubitorLr"i* ffiiiiifi-n,rs Fani ly S turnidae-Starl ings Sturnus vulgaris Fani 1y Parulidae-Wood Warblers Dendroica nigrescens Dendroica coronataffi Farni ly P loceidae-I,leaver Passer doaesticus Cormon Name Black-tailed Gnat- catcher Water Pipit Northern Shrike Loggerhead Shrike Starling Black-Throated Gray !{arb 1er Audubonr s Warbler PotentiaLly Present B = Blanding, H = Hanksville B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B,H B B B,H B,H B B,H B Finchs House Sparrow B,H Fami ly Icteridae-Meadowlarks, Blackbirds, and Orioles Sturnella neglecta Agelaius phoeniceus Icterus galbuLa Eugphagus cyanocephalus Molothrus ater Western Meadowl-ark Red-winged Blackbird Northern Oriole Brewer's Blackbird Brown-headed Cowbird Fami 1y Fringi 11idae-Grosbeaks, Sparrows, Finches and Buntings Guiraca caerulea G-po-dacrrs-rexicanus Leucosticte tephrocotis Spinus tristis Chlorura chlorura@Spinus pinus Passerculus sandwichensis Chondestes grammacus 4pphispiza bilineata Amphispiza betli Junco caniceps Junco hyernalis oreganus Spizella arborea Blue Grosbeak Ilouse Finch Gray-crowned Rosy Finch American Goldfinch Green-tailed Towhee Rufous-sided Towhee Pine Siskin Savannah Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Lark Sparrow Black-throated Sparrow Sage Sparrow Gray-headed Junco Oregon Junco Tree Sparrow B B B B Scientific Name Spizella passerina Spizella breweri Zonotrichia leucgghgygffi Melospiza melodia Order InsecLivora-Insectivores Fani ly Soricidae-shrews Sorex nerriamitliilio"6ffiwfordi Order Chiroptera-Bats Farni ly Vespert ilionidae- Plain-nose Bats Myotis lucifugus Myotis .runognens 1s Myotis thysanodes Las ionycteris noctivagans-Pipistrellus hespergs Eptesicus fuscus Lasiurus borealisff-cinereG- Plecotis raf !4e-gqueimAtis phvlloEG- Euderma maculatum Antrozous pa1 lidus Fami 1y Molossidae-Freetail Tadarida brasiliensis Order Lagomorphe-Pi^kas, I{ares, Rabbits Fanily Leporidae-Hares and Rabbits Lepus cal ifornicus Sylvilagus audubonii Order Rodent ia-Rodents Fami Iy Sciuridae-Squirrels, Prairie Dogs Cynomys gunnisoni zrrniensis Sperrncphilus spilosoma Spermophi lus variejatus @o:p"tejPtrilus -leucgIggEuEamias minimusE"fiG'aorsat*ffittat,r" Comrnon Name Chipping Sparrow Bre'rrer' s Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Song Sparrow Merriau Shrew Desert Shrev Little Brown Bat Yuma Bat Fringed Myotis Silver-haired Bat lJesEern Pipistrelle Bat Big Brown Bat Red Bat lloary Bat Westerrr Long-eared Bat Mexican Big-eared Bat sPotted Bat Pallid Bat Bats Mexican FreeEail Bat Blacktail Jackrabbit Desert Ccttoneail Potentially Present B = Blan,iing, H =_Ilanksvili.e. B F,H B,H B,H B,H B,H H B,H B B,H B,H Drd B B,H B,H B,H B,H B B B'H Zuni Prairie Dog Spotted Ground Squirrel Rock Squirrel 'dhitetail Aatelope Squirrel LeasE ChipurunkCliff Chipmunk Colorado Chipnunk B B B B,H B,H b B Fami 1y Heteronyidae-Pocket Mice, Kangaroo Mice and Kangaroo Rats Perognathus flavus Silky Pocket Mouse B Perognathus parvus Great Basin Pocket Mouse H Dipodonys ordi Ord Kangaroo Rat B,H Dipodomys merriami Merriam Kangaroo Rat B,H Fanily Cricetidae-Native Rats and Mice Reithrodontomys megalotis llestern Harvest Mouse BrH Peromyscus crinitus Canyon Mouse BrH Perornyscus maniculatus Deer Mouse BrH Peromyscus bovlii Brush Mouse B Permoyscus truei Pinyon Mouse B Onychomys leucogaster Northern Grasshopper l'louse BrH Neotoma mexicana Mexican Wood Rat B N""t"r. .IZi-IE_- Desert l{ood Rat H Lagurus curtatus Sagebrush Vole BrH 0rder Carnivora-Carnivores Family Canidae-Foxes, Coyotes Canis latrans Coyote BrH m;".@ Red Fox B,H Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray Fox BrH Family Procyonidae-Racoons and Ringtailed Cats Bassariscus astutus Ringtailed Cat BrH Scientific Name Fami ly Mustelidae-Weasels, Skunks, etc. Muitela frenataT.ffi'ta""s EEp-f,-IEslil,JFI-iti" SpilogaLe putorius Family Felidae-Cats Lynx rufusFelis concolor Potentially Present CornrronName B=Blanding,H=Hanksville Longtail Weasel Badger Striped Skunk Spotted Skunk Bobcat I"lountain Lion B,H B,H B,H B B,H B 0rder Art iodactyl a-Even-t oed Ungulates Family Cervidae-Deer and Allies Odocoileus hemionus Mule Deer Cou',mon Nar.re PotenEially PresenE B = Blandin€I, I{ = HanksvilleScientific Name Fani 1y Ant i1 ocapr idae-Pronghorn AnEel ope Anti locapra amerlcana I Derived frou the following sources: A.0.u. (19s7) Behle, et al. (1958) Behle (1960) Behle and Perry (1975) Burt and Grossenheider (1964) Durrant (L952) FrischnechE (1975) Pronghorn Antelope Kelson (1951) Legler (1963) Peterson ( 1951 ) Robbins, et al. (1966) Sparks (1974) Stebbins (1966) Tanner (1975) Woodbury (1931) tloodbury and Russe 1, Jr. ( 1945 ) APPEI{DIX RADiOLOGICAI ACTIVIIY DENSITY AI TABLE E-]. END OF RELEASE PERIOO PICOCIJ}?IES/M*I? OF ORY DEPOSITION FOR A UNIFORMu 238 RELFASE IJ^'I'E OISIANCE(MEIERSI 150 . 450. 681 . 805. 929. I 609. 2114. ?919. 4 023. 5631.t24l . 884 9. I 04 58. 150 .450. 681 .Ir05. 929. I 609. 2414 . 2919.4023. 5631.124t. 8849. I 0458. N tr230. 952,4?t. 1i o 239.90. 42. 30. 17.9. 5.4. 3. s 577 89. 6783.3Ils. 2288.t7t7,705. 331 .?19.l4t. 78. 50. 35.26. NNE I 0 723. tz.bl . 571 . 4?2. 325.l?4. 5e. 42.24. 13.8.6. 4. SSW I I 4s3. I 3s5. 6? 3.458. 3s5.l4C. 66.48. ?ta. 15.10.7. 5. NE 13561. I 599. 7?9. 533.4tl.l5B.74. 53.3t. 17.ll. 8.6. sut 7049. 833. 382. 280. ?17 .84.40.28. 17.9. 6.4.3. SECTOR r. NE 6354.7t?. 350. ?57 . 199.7t.)7. 26. 15.9. 6. 4.3. i{shr 216?. 330.lsl.lll. 86.33. 16.ll.7, 4. ?. ?.l. E e355.ll0t.504. 370.286. I 12.53. 38. ??. 12.8. 6.4. l'{ 353t. 413. 187 . 137.l0ir.40. 19.t3.8.4. 3. ?.l. ESE I 0479.l24l .s7l . 420. 326. 128.61.44. ?_6. UN{ 4247 . 50?. 2?t). 156. 128./rlJ. ?3.lh.9.5.3. ?.2. SE ?750?. 3235. I 487. I 092. 848. 33rr. l5tJ.ll4.67. 37.24. 17. 13. Nt4, 7487, 880. 399.2cl. 2?4. H4. 39. 2t). 16.9.6. 4. 3. SSE 30784.3642. 1678.I234. 959. 381.lB0. 130.77. 43.27, 19. 14. NN'd 5704. 675. J07. ??4.t72. 65.3t. 22. 13. 7.4. 3. 2. ARE AS ( HTT;) ) SFC TOR.SE GUFN T .1767Ei05 .5301Ei05 .4:i328+05 .z7l9E+05 .5910Er05 .7570E+06 .390frt:r06 .68678+05 .2540E+07 ..1558E+07 .4575F_ 107 .55a2E + 0 7 .6{r08E+07 cunJEs DEPOStTFT)WITHIN RADI I .38-t5E-02 .5 I e0E-02 .559BF-02 .5c328-02 .6325E-02.82978-02 .|)7768-02 .9.382E-02 . I 0698-0 I.Il7lE-01 . I 255E-0 I . I 327E-0 I . l3elE-01 TABLE 8.2 ACTIVITY DENSITY AT END OF RELEASE PERIOO FOR A UNIFOPM RELqASE RATE P I COCIJR I FS /M*+? OF U 238 l{ET DEPOSITION- UASHCO= . l00E-02 RAINF= .600F-01 DISTANCE(MEIERSI 150. 450. 681 . 805.929. 1609. 2414. 2919. 4023. 56-? I .7?41, 8849. I 0458. 150. 450. 681 . 805.c29. 1609. 24 14. 2919. 4023. 5631.t241. 8849. I 0458. N 9I7. ?7?. 165. 133.ll0.49. 24. 17.n. 3.l.L 0. S 3l2l . 921 .555. 446. 368. 162.79. 53. 25. 10.4. 2.l. NNE I 059. 320. 197 . 160 . 133. 6?.. 33. 23. 12.6.3. 2.l. SSt{ 126. ?16.l3l .105. fr8.40. 20. 14.7.3.t.l. 0. ltE 1240. 375. 230. 187. 156. 73. 38. 27. 14. 6.3.2.l. 5w 535. 160.97. 79. 65. 30.15.Il.5. ?.l.l.0. SECTOR ENE 503. l s3, 94.76.64. 30. 16.ll.6. 3.l.l.0. |,rsh| 240.t?.44. 35. 29. 13.7. 5.?.l. 0.0. 0. SF ls3l.455. ?7 6. 221, 184 .83. 41.29. 14. 6. 3.?.l. i{'^, 824. 246.I5n.l?1. 100.45. 23. 16.8.3.l.l. 0. ssE l65l . 491 . ?91 .240. 198 .89. 44. 30. 15.6. 3.l.l. N^IW 6 09. 182.lll. 90. 74. 34.t7. 12. 6.2.l.t.0. E 646. 193. I lB.95.79. 36. 18. 13.6. 3.l.l. 0. t{ 3?2. 95. 57.46. 38. 17.8. 6.3.l.0.0.0. ESE 639.l9l .llf,. 94.78. 35. 18.t2. 6. 3.t.l.0. }{Nd 47 2. l4l . 85.59. 5l . 26. 13. 9.4. ?..l.(r. 0. ARFaS (it+r2) SECTNP-SEGMF NT .1767E+05 .5301F+05 .43 32E + 05 . 27 I 9E.05.r91ggr05 .7570Er(,6 .3906E+06 .5867E+06 .2540E+07 . 3558E.0 7.45758.07 .55qPE + 0 7 .6608E.0 7 CURIES DEPOSITEI) WITHIN RADI I.26578-03 .5034E-03.62r3E-03 .681 lE-03 .7888E-0 3 . l4r2E-02 .1573E-02 . 1770E-0? .2 I 33E-02 .234 8E- 0 2 .?4798 -02 .256 0E-0 ?.?6llE-02 ACTIVITY DENSITY AT TABLE E-3 END OF HELE'ASE PERIOOPICocURIES/ut*7 6'- DRY DEPOSIIION FOR A UNIfOdM RTLI--ASE FAIFu 234 DISTANCE (MEIERS) 150.4li0. 681 . 805. 929. 1609. 2414. 2919.4023. 5631. 7?41. 8849. I 0458. 150 .450. 681. 805. 929. I 609. ?414.?9I9.4023. 5631.'t241. 8849. I 0458. N 8230.95?. 42q.3t2. 23e. 90. 4?.30. 17.9. 6.4. 3. S 57788. 6782. 3115.z?88. 1777. 70s.33t. 239.l4l.78. 50. 35. ?6- NNE I 0723. l?67 . 577.4??. 325. 124.58.4?. ?4. SSW I I 453. I 355. 6?3.458. 35s. 140.66.48. ?8. 15.10. 7.5. NE t3561. I 599.129.531.4ll. l5{l .t4. 53. 31.t7.ll.8.6. Sb, 7049. 833. 382. ?.8{t. ?t7 .84.40. 28. 17.9. 6. 3. SECTOR ENE 6354. 16?. 350. 257. 199.77. 37.?6._ 15.9.6. 3. },S U ?7 62. 330.r5l.lll. 86. 33. 15.tl. 7.4. 2. ?, l. E 9354.ll0l. 504. 370. 286. I 12.53. 38. 2?.l?.8. 6.4. !t 3530.4l 3. 187. I 37. 106.40.I9.13. B.4. 3. ?.l. ESE 10479.l24l . 571 .4?0. 326.lztr.6I.44. 26.i4.9.6.5. UNW 4?46. 50 2. 2?8. 156.l2tt.48. 23. 15.9. 5. 3. 2.?. SE ?7502.3235. I 487. I 09;t. 846. 336. 158. I 14.67. 37.24. 17. I-1 . N.r 7487. 880. 399. 291 . ?24.84. 39.28.lf,. 9.6. 4. 3. ssE 3 0 783.3642. I 678. 1234 . 95C.38t. l8 0.l3o.77. 43. ?7. 19. 14. NN{ 57 04. 675. 307. z?4.t7?.65. 31. 2?-.t3.7.4. 3. 2. AREAS (r.{f {r2) SEC IOR.SEGqF NT . I 767E +05 .5ll0lF+05.41128+05 .27199+05.5qI0E+0ii.75708+06 .3906E+06 .6867E + 0tr .2540E+07 .3558E+07 .4575F+07 .5592Ea07 .660tJF+07 CURIES OEPOSITEOtrITHIr{ RADII .383sE-02 .5190E-02 .56gftE-02 .5e328-02 .6325E-02 .8297F.-02.677r,8-02 . e3A2E-02 . I o69E-o I.ll7lE-01 . I 255E-0 I.13278-ot.I3elE-01 ACTIVITY DENSITY AI llET DEPOSITION. TABLE E.4 ENN OF PELEASE PERIOD PICOCUPIES/U*$2 0F tIASHCO= . I 00E-02 FOR A UNIFORM RELEASE RATEu 234RAINF= .600F-01 DI SIAiICE(MEIEFS} 150 .450. 681 . t!05. 929 - I 609. 2414 . 2919.4023. 5531.724t. 8849. I 0458. N el7. 2?2. 165 . 133.ll0.49. 24" 17.8. 3.l.l.0. s 3l2l . 921 . 55s.446. 36u. 162.79. 53.25. 10. 4. 2.l. NNE I 059. 320. 197 . 160. 133. 62. 33.23. ss l{ 7?6.2t6.l3l. 106. 88. 40. 20. 14.7. 3.l.l.0. NE 1240. 375. 230. 187. 156. 73. 38.27. 14.(r. 3.?.l. sr{ 535. 160.97.'t9. 65. 30. 15.ll.5. 2.l.l.0. sEc Top ENE 503. 153.94. 76. 64. 30. 16.ll.6.3.l.l.0. hrs hl ?40.t2. 44. 35.29. 13. 7. 5. ?.l.0. 0.0. E 646. 193.llg. 95. 79, 36. 18. 13.6.3.l.l. 0. t{ 3? 38. 17.8. 6.3.l.0. 0.0. ESE 63e.lel.ll6.9b. 70. 35. 18.t2.6. 3.l.l. 0. 9tNrl 472.l4l.85. 69.5t. ?6. 13.9.4. ?.l.0.0. SE l53l . 455. 27 6. ?? 3. l8r+. 03.41. 29. tl tl 824.246. 150.l2l . 100.45. 21 . 16.8. 3.t.l. 0. ssE It5l.4el. 297 . ?-40. 198.89. 44, 30. 15.6. 3.l. l. N[tr' 609.l8z. lll.90. 'l 4. 34. 17. 12. 6. ?..l. l.0. 150 .450.6Bl. 805. 929. 1609.24L4.29t9. 40?3. 5631.724t. 8849. I 0458. aRFAS (Mln2) SEC TOR-SEGMFNI . l7fr7E+ 05 .5101E+05 .4332E +05 .27195+05 .5910F+05 .7570E+06 .3906E+06 .586 7E r 06 .2540E+07 .3s58E+07 .4575E+07 .5592E+07 .6608E+07 CURIES DEPOSITED h, ITHJN R^DI I .2657E-03.5034E-03 .6213E-03 .681 lE-03 .7888E-03 . l4 t2E-02 .1573E-02 .17708-02 .2 I 33E-02 .234 8E-0 2.?4't9E-02 .25608-02 .261 lE-02 OISTANCE (METERS} 150 .450. 681 . 805.929. 1609. ?414.29t9.4023. 5631.'l2ttl. 8849. I 0458. 150 .450. 6rt I.805. 92e. I 609.?414. 2919.402f. 5631.t?41. 8849. I 0458. N 796. 92. 41. 30. 23.9. 4. 3.2. l.l.0.0. S 5588. 656. 301 .e2l . I 72. 68. 32. 23. 14.8. 5. 3. 3. NNE I 037. 123. 56. 41.3t. 12. 6.4. ?.l.l.l.0. SSt, I 108.l3l . 60.44. 34. 14.6. 5. 3. NE l3lt. 155. 70. 5?.40. 15. 7. 5. 3.2.l.l.l. Str, 6A2. 81. 37.27. 2.l.l.0. 0. SECTOR ENE 614.74. 34. 25. 19.7. 4. 3.t.l.t. 0.0. csl., ?67 .32.I5.ll.,t. 3. e.l.t.0. 0. 0. Co SE 2660. 3l 3. 144. 106.82. 32. 15.ll. 6. ?.2.l. hl \'/ 724. 85. 39. ?t). ?2.rt. 4. 3"2.l.l. 0.0. SSE ?977. 352. 162.Ile. 93. 37. 17. 13.7. 4. 3. 2.l. NNv.l s52. 65. 30, ?2, 17.6. 3. 2.l.t. t). 0. 0o ACIIVITY DENSITY AT TABLE E.5 END OF RELEASE PERIOO PICOCURITS/M{te OF DRY OEPOSITION RELEASE RAIFFOR A UNIFORM TH U3O ESE 1013. 120 .55. 41. 31. 12.6. 4.2.l.l.l.0. wf.ruJ 4l t.49.22. 16.l?.5. 2.2.l. 0.(). 0. 0. E 905. 106. 49. 36.28.ll.5.4. ?.l.l.l.0. r{ 341 .40. 18. 13. 10.4. ?.l.l.0.0. 0. 0. aRFAS (M++2) SECTOR.SEGI..IF NI . I 767E.05 .5301Er05 .4332E+05 .2719E+05 .5cl0Ea05 .7570Er05 .3q06E+06 .6fr67Er06 .2540E+07.35588r07 .4575F+07 .5592E r 0 7 .6608E+07 CI.,RIES DEPOSITEf) t'IITHIN RanII.3708F-03 .5019E*03 .55 I 0E-0 3 .57 36E- 0 3 .61 I 7E-03.8024E-03 . tt4B6E-03 .9073E-03 . I 034E-0? . I l32E-02 .l2l3E-02 . I2t 3E-02 . I 3458-02 TABLE E-6 ACTIVIIY DENSIIY AT END OT RELEASE PIRIOD FOR A UNIFORM RELEASE RATE PICOCURIFS/)t+iz OF TH 230 llET DEPOSIII0N- IASHCO: .1008-02 HAINF= .600F-01 DISTANCE (iIETERS} 150. 450. 681 . 805.929. I 609. ?414. 2919.4023. 5631. 7241. 8849. I 0458. SEC TOR ENE 49. 15.9. 7.6. 3. 2. l.l.0. 0.0. 0. t|,sr{ 23.7. 4.3.3.l.l.0, 0.0. 0.0.0. SI SSE 150. 450. 681 . 805. 929. I 609. 24L4. 2919. 4023. 5631.1?41.8849. I 0458. S 302.89. 54.43. 36. 16.8.5. ?.t.0.0. 0. SSt, 70.21. 0. 0.0. NE 120 .36.22. 18. 15."t. 4. 3.l.l.0. 0. 0. sr{ 52. 15.9. 8.6.3.l.l.l. 0.0. 0.0. l4 B. 44. ?7. ?2.lA. o 4. 3.l.l. 0. 0. 0. r',lt,, 8n.24.l+.t2. 10.4. 2.2.l. 0.0. 0. 0. 160. 4"t .29. 23.le.9. 4. 3.l.l.0. 0. 0. frNr{ 59. 18.ll.9.7. 3.2.l.l.0.0. 0o 0. 89. 102.?6. 3l .t6. le.13. 15.ll. 13.5. 6.2. 3.2. 2.l. l.0. l.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0. E ESE 63. 6?.19. I B.ll. ll.9. 9.8. 8.3. -:t.?. 2.l. l.l. l.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0. t{ 31.9. 6.4. 4.2.l.l.0.0. 0.0.0. r{Nt{ 46. 14. ll. 7. 6.2.l.l. 0. APE'AS (Mj'S2) SEC IOR-SEGMF- NT .1767Er05 .5301E+05 .4332E+05.2719f+05 .591 0E+05 .75799+06 .3406E+06 .6867E. O6 .2540E+07 .3558E+07 .4575E + 0 7 .5592E + 0 7 .6608E+07 CURIES DEPOSITEDI{ITHIN RADJI .2569E-04 .4'!58E-04 .6008E-04.55ft7E-04 .7628E-04.1365E-03 . lc2 I E-03 .l7llE-03 .2062E-03 .227 I E-03.2397F-03 .24 75F -0 3 .25?5F-0 3 NNE ACTIVITY DENSITY AT TABLE E-7 ENN OF RELEASE PERIOD FOR A UNIFORI.I RELEASE RA T: PICOCURIES/MTO? OF RA ??(. ORY NF,POSITION DI STANCE IMEIERSI 150 .450. 681 . 805.929. 1609. ?414. 2919.4023. 5531. 1241.8849. I 0458. 150. 450. 681 . 805. 9?9, I 609. 2414.2919. 4023. 5631.7241.8849. I045lJ. N 39rl .tt6. ?t. 15. 12.4. 2.t.l. 0. 0.(r. 0. s 27e3. 329.tsl.llt.86.34. 16. 12.7. 4. 2.2.l. NNE 518.61.28. e0. 16.6. 3.?.l.l. 0.0. 0. ssr{ 554. 65. 30.22. 17.1. 3.?.l.I,0.0.0. SF.CTOR ENE 307. 37. 17. 12. 10.4.?.t.l.0. 0.0. 0. t., sh, 134. 16.7. 5. 4. ?.l.t. 0.0. 0. 0.0. SF I 329. 156. 72.53.41. 16.8. 3. 2.l.l.l. \li 362. 43. 19. 14.ll. 2,t.l.0. 0. 0.0. SSE I 488. 176. 81. 60.46. 18.9.(:. 4. ?.l. l.t. f'lNli, ?7 6. 33. 15.lI.8. 3.l.l. l.0. 0. 0.0. NE 655.77. 35. ? 3.l.l.l.0. 0. st{ 341 .40. 18. 14. 10.4. 2.l.l. 0. 0.0. 0. 452. 53.24. IrJ.t4.5.3. ?.l.l.0.0. 0. rl l7l. 2A.9. 7.5.?,l.l.0. 0. 0. 0o0. 507. 60. 28. ?0. 16. 6.3.2.l.l.0. 0. 0. h, N|{ 205. ?4.ll.8.(r. ?,l.l. tl . 0. 0. 0. 0. E ESE AREAS (MO+z) SECTOP-SEGUFNT .1767F+05 .53018+05.4332Er05 .2719E+05 .591 0E+05 .7570E+05 .3906E+ 06 .6867E+06 .2540E+07 .3558E+07 .4575E + 0 7 .5592Er07 .6608E+07 CURTES DEPOSITED WITHIN RANI I . I 854E-03 .25108-03.27s5E-03 .2868E-0'r . 3058E-0 i .4012E-03.4243E-03.45368-03.5t70E-03 .566 I E-0 3 .6066F-03 .64 I 6E-0 3 .6723E-03 TABLE E.B ACTIVITY DENSITY AT END OF RELEASE PEIIIOO FOR A UNIFOPU RELEASE RATE PICOCTTHIES/l"l*r2 0F RA ??-(, xET 0EPOSITION- }lASHC0= .100E-02 RAINF= .600F-01 DISTAI.ICE ( r,rE I Er.is r 150 .450. 681 . rr05. 9?9. 1609.2414. 2919. 40?3. 5631.7241. 8849. I 0458. 150 . 450. 681 .805. 929. I 609.2414. ?919. 4023. 5631.7241. 8849. I 0458. N 44. l.I.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. S lsl.45.2l .?2. 18. B.4. 3.l.0. 0. 0.0. NNE 5t.ls. 10.8. 6. 3.?.t.t.0.0. 0. 0. SSX 35. ?.l.l. 0. 0. 0.0.0. NE 60. 18,ll.9. 8.4. 2.l.l. 0.0. 0. 0. s}, 26. 8. 5.4. 3.l.l.l. 0. SE C TOR ENE 24.7.5. 4. 3.l.l.L0. 0. 0, 0o 0. t{st|l 12.3. ?.?.l.l.0. 0. 0.0. 0. 0, 0o 31.9.. 6. 5.4. 2.t.l.0. 0.0. 0. 0. l{ 16.5.3. 2. 2.l.0. 0. 0o0. 0. 0.0. 31.9.6. 5.4. 2.l.l.0. 0.0.0. 0. t{Nll 23.l..4. 3.3.l.l. 0.0. 0, 0. 0.0. 74. 22. 13.ll.c. lt. 2.l.l. 0.o. 0. 0. ^l l,t 40. 12.7.6. 5. 2.l.l.0. 0.0.0. 0. 80. ?4. 14. 12. 10.4. 2.l.l.0. 0.0. 0. NN{ 2q.9.5.4. 4. 2.l.l.0.0.0. 0. 0o E ESE SE SSE ARFaS 1u*121 SECTOIi-SEGMF NT .1767E+05 .53616+05 .4332E+05 .27199+05 .5910E+05 .?570E+06 .3o068+0f' .6n(r7E+0fr .2540E+07 .1558E.07 .4575E+07 .5592E+07 .65088+07 CT'RIES DEPOSITF.'I) WITHJN DAI)II . I 285F-04 .?434F -04 .3004E-04.3293E-04 .3814E-04 .68268-04.7A05E-04 .85568-04 . t03lE-03 . I I 35E-03 . I l9frF-0.3 . l?388-03 . I 26eE-0 3 ACTIVITY DENSITY AI TABLE E-9 ENO OF RELEASE PERIOD FOR A UI{IFORM RELEASE RATE P I COCUR I ES /}I**2 OF PF A I O DttY OEPOSITION D I ST ANCE (I.tETERS) 150. 450. 681 . 805. 929. I 609. ?414 . a919.4023. 5631.7?41. 8849. 10458. 150 . 450.6Bl.605. 929. 1609.24t4. ?919. 4023, 5631. 7241. 8849. I 0458. SEC TOR ENE 300. 36. 17. 12.9. 4. ?. l.l.0. 0.0. 0, r,llsh, 130. 15. 7.5. 4. 2.l.l.c. 0.0. 0. 0. E ESEN 389.45.20.M. ll.4. ?.l.l. 0.0. 0. 0. S 2730. 320. 147.lo8. 84. 33. 16. ll.7,4. 2. ?.l. NNE 505.60.27. 20. 15.6. 3. ?.l.l.0.0. 0. SSU 541 .64. ?9. 2?. 17.7. 3. ?.l.l. 0. 0.0. NE 641 .76, 34.25. 19.7. 3. 3.l.l.l.0. 0. SW 333.39. 18. 13. 10.4.?.l.l. 0. 0.0.0. 4+2. 5?. ?4. 17. 14.5.2. 7.l.l.0.0. 0. t{ 167. 19.9.6. 5. ?.t.l. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. 495. 5r). ?7.20. 15. 6. 3.?.I.l.0. 0. 0. I{ NU 201 . ?4.ll. rJ.6. 2.l.l"0. 0.0. 0. 0, SE I 299. l5 3. 70. 5?.40. 16. 7. 5.t. ?.I.l.l. t'l "'l 354.4?. 19. 14.ll. 2. l.l. 0. 0. 0.0. SSE 1454.t72, 7C. 58.45. 18. 9. 5.4. ?,l.l.l. NNW ?69.3?. 14.ll,8. 3. l.t.l. 0. 0. 0.0. ARFAS (Mls2) sEcTorr-SEGMF l.JT .1767E+05.5301Er05 .4332E+05 .2719E+05 .59108+05 .7570E+06 .3906E+06 .5467E+06 .2540E+07 .3558E+07 .4575E+07 .5592F.0 7 .56969+07 CURIES DEPOSITET,IIITHIN RADII . I 854E-03 .2510E-03 .2755E- 0 3 .2e68E-0 3 .3058E-03 .4012E-03 .4243E - 0 3 .4536E-03 .5 I 7 0E-03 .5661E-03 .60 6 6E-0 3.54l5E-03.67238-03 TABLE E-l0 ACTIVITY DENSITY AI END OF RELEASE PERIOO FOR A UI,IIFORI,I RELEASE RATE PICOCURIES/11**? OF PB 2IO xET OEPOSITI0N- IdASHCO= . l00E-02 RAINF= .6008-01 DISTANCE(MEIEKS' 150 .450. 681. 805. 9?9. I 609. 2414. 29 19. 4023.5631.l?41. 8849. I 0458. 150.450. 681. 805. 929. 1609.2414. 2919. 4023. 5631.7?41. 8849. I 0458. N NNE SE CT ORNE ENE E SE SSE aRFAS {uno21 SEC I OR.SEG'.IE NT .1767E+05 .5"01E105 .4332E+05 .2719E+05.5'll0F+05.7570Er06 .3q06E+06 .6867E+n6 .29496+07 .3558E+07 .4575E+07 .559?E r 0 7 .6608E.07 CURIES D€POSITED WITHIN RAT,'I I . I ?n5E-04 .2434F.-O4 .3004E-04 .32c3E-04 .3814E-04 .68?5E-0 4 .7605E-04 .8556E-04 .l03lE-03' . I l35E-03 . I leSE-03 . I 23AE-03 . l?62E'03 43. 13. 8.6. 5.?. l.l.0.0. 0.0. 0. S 147 .44. 26.?l . 17.8.4. 3.l. 0. 0. 0.0. 50. 15.9. 8. 6.3.?.l.l. 0.0. 0. 0. ssh, 34. 10. 6.,5.4. 2.l.t.0. 0. 0.0.0. 59. 18.lr.9. 7. 3.?.l.l. 0. 0.0. 0. sr{ 25. 8.5.4. 3.l.l.l. 0.0. 0.0.0. 24.7. 4. 4. 3.I.l.l.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. xsr{ ll.3.z.2.l.l.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 31.9. 6. 4. 4.?.l.l. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. H 2.l.0.0. 0o 0. 0.0. 0. ESE 30.9. 5. 4. 4. 2.l.l. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. !,Nr{ ?2.'t. 4. 3. 3.l.l.0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1?.22. 13.lt. 4. 2.l.l. 0.0.0. 0. l',1 rrl 39. 12.7. 6.5.?.l.l. 0.0.0. (r. 0. 78. ?3. 14.ll.9. 4. 2.I,l.0. 0. 0.0. NNW 29.o 5.4. 4. 2.l.I. 0.0.0. 0. 0. a AC I IVITY OENSI TY AT TABLE E-11 [.ND OF Rt,LEASE PERIOD PICOCURIES/M}}E OF f)RY I]EPOSITTON FOR A IJNIFORM RELEASE RAT€ PO 210 OI STANCE (I'IETERSI 150. 450. 681 . 805. 929. 1609. ?414. 291(). 4023. 5631.t241. 8849. I 0458. l s0.450. 68I . 805. 929. I 609.?414. 29Lq. 40?3. 5631. 7241. 8849.I0458. N l42 . 16.7. 5. 4. ?"t.l. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. s 995.I17.54. 39. 31. 12. 6.4. ?.t.l.t. 0. NNE 185.?2. 10. 7. t5. 2.l.l.0.0.0. 0. 0. sst{ 197.23.ll.8.6. ?.l.l. 0.0.0. 0. 0. NE 233.28.ll. 9.7.3.l.l.l.0. 0.0. 0. st., l2I. 14.'t. 5.4.l.l.0.0.0. 0. 0. 0. SEC TOR ENE 109. 0.0.0. 0. 0. usr{ 4t1 .6. 3,2.I.l.0.0. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. E It, l.le.9.(:. 5. ?.l.l.0. 0. 0.0.0. t{ ?.t.0. 0.0. ESE 180. 21. 10. 7.6.2.l.l.0.0.0. 0. 0. U NI{ 73. 9. 4,3. 2.l. 0.0. 0.0.0. 0. u. SF 47 3. 56.26. 19. 15.6. _1 .2.l.l. 0.0. 0, Ni{ 129.ls.7. 5. 4.l.l. 0.0. ssE 530.63. ?.9.?t. 17.7. 3.2.l..l.0. 0. 0. NNW 98. 12. 5.4. 3.l.l.0. 0.0.0. 0. 0. ARI' AS ( Mrlt;i, SECTOTI-SEGMF NT .17678+05 .530 lEl05 .4132E+05 .27199r05 .591 0Er05 .7570Er06 .3c06Ea06 .68678+0f, .?540E+ O7 .1q58F + 0 7 .45758+07 .5592E+07 .66088+07 CUFI.ES DEPOSlTED t/lltTHIrv flAnII .1854E-03 .2510E-03.27558-03.2868E-03 .3058E-03.40t2E-03 .424 3E- 0 3 .4536E-03 .51708-03.5661E-03 .60fr6E-03 .64 I 5E-0 3 .67238- 0 3 TABLE E-l2 ACTIVITY DENSITY AT END OF RELEASE PERIOD FOR A UNIFORI.I RELEASE RATE PICoCURIES/t{br? OF wET DEPOSITI0N- HASHCO= .100E-02 PO ?10 RA I ftlF=.600F-0 I O I SIANCE ( METERS 'ls0.450. 681 . 805. 929. l6 0e. 2414. 2919. 4023. s631. 7241. 8849. I 0458. 150. 450. 681 .I05. 9?9. I 609.?414. 2919. r+023. 5631.7241.8849. I 0458. N 16.5. 3. 2,2.l. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. S 54. 16.I0.8. 6. 3.l.t. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. NNE 18.6.3. 3.?.l.t.0.0. 0.0. 0. 0. sstd l?.4. 2. ?. 2.l. 0. 0.0. NE 21. 6.4. 3. 3.l.l.0.0. 0.0. 0. 0. st{ 9. 3.2.l.l.l.0. 0.0.0. 0. 0.0. 9. 3.?.l.l.l.0. 0. 0. 0.0. 0. 0. TSU 4. ll.3.2,?.l.l. 0. 0. 0.0.0. 0.0. r 6.2.l.l.l.0. 0.0.0. 0. 0.0. 0. ESE ll.3.?.2.l.l.0. 0. t{N w fl .?. l.l.l.0.0.0. 0. 0. 0.0.0. SF 26. 8.q. 4.3.l. l. 0.0. Ni{ 14. 4. 3.?.a l.0.0. 0. ssE 28. 8. 5. 4t3. 2.l.l.0. 0. 0. 0o 0. NNhI 10. 3.u 2, l.l.0. 0. 0.0. 0. 0o0. 5EC TORENE E aRFAS (tlll{r2l SF CTOR.SEGMFNT' .1767E+0c .5301Ef05.4332E.05 .2719E+05 .5910E+05 .7570Ea05 .3c06E+06 .6867E+06 .2540E+07 .3558E+07 .4575E I 0 7 .55q2E r 0 7 .6608E+07 CURIES DEPOSITEDIiITHIN PADII . I 285E-04 .2434E'0r+ .30048-04 .32c3E-04 . 38 I 4E-04 . 15826E- 0 4 .7605E-04 .8556E-04 . l03lE-03.ll35E-03 . l l98E-03 . l23BE-03 .1262E-03 0. 0. 0.0. TABLE E-l3 OOSE TO AN INDIVIOU^L IN THE INDICATEO SECTOR AND ANI'IULAR DISTANCE N NNE150. .4499E.01 .5862E+01450. .5205E+00 .6925E+006tll. .?342E|00 .3154Er00805. .1704E.00 .2306E+00929. .1307Ef00 .17778.001609. .4902E-01 .67518-012414. .2276E-01 .31 75E-012e19. .1620E-01 .?27?E-014023. .9258E-02 .l3l0E-015631. .5044E-02 .??04E'0?7241. .32098-02 .46178-028849. .2?68E-O2 .3265E-02 I 04s8. . I 705E-02 .?451E'02 DISTANCE S SSU150. .3159E+02 .6261E+01450. .3799f+0I .74078+0068I. .1793f+Ul .34058400 805. . .12516+01 .2501E+00929. .9715E+00 .l94lE+001609. .3852E+00 .7638E-012414. . l8l?E+00 .360?E-012919. .1366f+00 .2598E-014023. .7692E-01 .l5e2E-01s631. .4261E-01 .8435E-02tz4l. .2740E-01 .54?aE-0?ri849. .1924E-01 .3820E-02 I 0458. . l.i32E-0 I .2848E-0e NE ENE .7413E+01 .3473E+01 .8739E+00 .41636 +00 .39838+00 . l9I5Er00.2913E+00 .14068+00.2248Ei00 .10898+00.8617E-0I .4235E-01.404eE-0I .2010E-01.2903E-01 .1448E-01 . t680E-01 .84478-02.925{rf:-02 .4694E-02.5937E-02 .3030E-02.4193E-02 .21438-02.3142E-02 .1606E-02 St{ hlst{ .3853E+01 .l5l0E+01 .4552E+00 .1805E+00.20868+00 .82808-01.15298+00 .6072E-01 .1 1946+00 .46958-01.4602E-01 .l8l2E-01.2l6lE-01 .85r6E-02.1553E-01 .6155€-02.90308-02 .3583E-02.49798-02 . l9rl5E-02 .3 I 93E-02 .1219E-0?.2244t:-02 .9059E-03.1674E-02 .6803E-03 E.5ll3Er(tl .6016E+00 .2755E+00.2021€t00 .1566E+00 .6 I 23E-0 I .28 768- 0 I .20718-01 .1209E-0 I .667 6F -02.4?85F.-02 .30 I 4E-02 ,?2468-O2 h, .19369+01 .2255F r 0 0 .1024F+00 .7483F-0 I .5770E-0 I .2207E-0 I .1 029[-0 1 .7361f -02 .4244F.-02 .23:z2F-02.l48lE-02 . I 042E-02 .7784F-0.J ESr .572sp-'r 0l .67838r00 .3l2lE+00 .2p94E +00 .r7911+00 .7023F-0 I .33 I 7E-0 I .2394E-0 I . I 405E-0 I .7801E-02 .502?E-02 .354 I E-02.26438-0e h,Nd .a3215+01 .2746p +00 .1247fr00 .9099fr-0 I .6s96E-0 I .2630F:-01 . I ?32i]-0I .8782E-02 .5025E-02 .2753E-02 . I 7598-02 . 1241;E -02.9353E-03 RING(MREIII SE .1q63p+02 .176,96+ol.8I26Fr00 .5970E+00 .4637F+00 .1836E+00 .85458-0 I .62438-0 I .366eE-0 I.2034E-0 I . I 309E-0 I .s2008-02.5851F-02 iJw .4092F{01 .4Al2E+00.2l8lE-r00.l59IEt00 .1223E+00.46028-0 I.2l5tE-01 .1534r:-01 .8779E-02 .4805F-0 2 .3068E-02.?l72E-02 . l 635E-02 1;SE .1683Ei02.l99lF+01 .9172Er00 .6745F +00 .5243F+00 .2031Er00 .e83RE-01.7ll4E-01 .4 I e0E-0 I .2330E-0 I .15038-01 . l 05BE-0 l .7891F--02 NNI.' .11l8F+01 ..':|590E+00 .1677Er00.1225€r00 . e425E-0 I . t55cE-0 I . I 65SF. -0 I .lre2E-01 .68 37 E-0 2 .3751E-02 .2398E-02 . l6s5E-02.t?74E-02 TABLE E-14 DOSE TO AN TNOIVIDUAL IN THE INDICAIED SECTOR O I SI ANCE 150. 450. 681 .805.929. 1609.2414. 2919. 4023. 5631. 7241. 8849. I 0458. DI STANCE 150.450. 681 . 805. 929, 1609. 2414. e919. 4 023. 5631. 7241 . 8849. I 0458. E .3590E+03 .4736E+02 .??.72E+0? .1697E+02 .1326E+02 .5276F+01.2689f + 0 I .lq79E+01.ll9lE+01 .7031Eo00 .47768.+00 .3528F + 0 0 .27508+00 { .1355E|03.l?5lE+02 .8300E+01 .6163E.01 .4792E + 0 I .1865E+01 .9362E + 0 0 .6836E + 0 0 .4057E.00 .2362E + 0 0 .15878+00.ll66E+00 .90s3E-0I ANO ANNULAR ESE .4021E'03 .5349t] +02 .2ct7 AE + 0?- . rr3g6+02.lsllF+02 .6058f-.0 I .a194Fr0l .2290F+()l .1384F.01 .AAl lE+00 .5595E + 0 0 .41419+00 .3232E+00 T, NF .1639E+03., g7 67. + 0? .9733E+01 .7192F+01 .5665E r 0 I .r122r +01 .1050E+0 I .76078.00 .44529+00 .2qsrrE+00 .1699Er00 . I 242E+00.96llE-01 RING(MREM' SE . I 055E+04 .1405E+03 .6791E+02 .5g6gp.+02 .39898+02 .1606E+02 .62515+0I .6097Er01 .36958 + 0 I .2l9AEr0l.l50lE.0l.lll2E+01 .86928 + 0 0 Nri .29739+03 .3660ti + 02.l7l4E+02 .1267E+02 .9808E + 0 I .3747E+01 .1857E+01 . I 3478+0 I .7902E+00 .4547E+00 .3029E+00 .2219E+00.l72lE+00 SSE.llBlE+04. t579f+03 .763qE+02 .57?aE+0? .44tlcE+02 .l8llF+02 .9320E+0 I .6892F + 0 I .4 I 828.0 I .2491F+01 .1702E+01.126pf+01 .9 8568.0 0 NNW .2l6qE+03 .2.803F.+02.l3lAF+02 .9737F+0 I .7544E + 0 I .2891E+01 .1436E+0 I .l043Ea0l .6l2r,E + 0 0 .3530E+00 .2354E.0 0 .1723f+00 .1334Er00 N NNE.'ll58Ei03 .41l5Ei03 .39928+02 .5296E.02 . I 863E + 02 .2498E + 02 .1375E+02 .18528+02 .19645+02 .1437E+02 .4059E.01 .5557E+01 .2012E+01 .27798+01.1450E+01 .20258+01 .8574E+00 . I l98E+01.4949f+00 .69528+00.32958+00 .46628+00.24195+00 .3424E+00.1879E+00 .2659E.00 s ssli .22188+04 .4395E+03.2958E+03 .5843E+02.14298+03 .28I3E+02.l07lE+03 .2105F-r0?.9496[r02 .1648Er02.33965+02 .65908r01 . I 74lE+02 .3371E+01.t287E+02 .2485Ef01.7809E+01 .1499E+01 .4648E+01 .8874E+00 .3176E+01 .6038E+00 .2354E+01 .44628+00.1840E+01 .3478E+00 NE ENE .52048+03 .24388+03.6737Er02 .3219t+02.3190Er02 .1534E+02.2369E{02 . I l43E+02 .1842E+02 .0921E+01 .71795+01 .3520E+01.36llE+01 .1786E+01.26408.01 .l3llE+01.15698.01 .7847t-+00 .91598+00 .4510E+00 .616?€+00 .31 l9Ero0 .45368+00 .22977_+00.3525E+00 .1787E+00 sr{ t{s}, .27955+03 .10608+03 .3565E+02 .1385E+02.1706E+02 .6584E.01.127?€+02 .48998+01.9933E+0' .3615E+01.3926E+0, .1494f+01.1990E+01 .7539E+00 .1460E+01 .5517E+00.8739E+00 .3287Er00.5l3lEr00 .1922E+00 .3469E+00 .12915[+00.255'lEr00 .95368-01.1984E+00 .7414E-01 TABLE E-I5 DOSE TO AN INDIVIDUAL IN THE IT,IDICATED SECTOR AND ANNULAR RING(UREM) DISTANCE |,1150. .9479Eloz450. . I 097E+0268l. .49356+01805. .3q89E+01929, .2755E+011609. .1033E+01?414. .47948r002919. .341481004023. .l95lE+005631. .1g6lf+007?4t. .6762E-018849. .4780E-01 I 0458. .3594E-0 I 0l sTAr.rcE s150. .6,556fr03450. .7g1ltt0Z681. .3588Ea02805.. .2635E+02929. .?047E+021609. .8ll6E+012414. .38178+01 29 I 9. .2756E+ 0 I4023. .l62lE+015531. .8978E.007?41. .57728+008849. .4054Er0010458. .3016E+00 NNE NE ENE.l?35E103 .1562E+03 .73laFr02.1459E+02 .l84lE+02 .877ltl0l.6645E)01 .8392E+01 .4035E+01.4858810I .5138E+01 .2963E+01.3744E+01 .a736E+01 .2295E+01 . 1425E.01 . 1815E + 0l .89e -lE + o 0.6690E+00 .tJ5308100 .4234[r00.4787F-+00 .61 l6E+00 .3050E+00.2759E+00 .35398+00 .17ggf+00 . l5l8E+00 . lr)50E+00 .9891E-01.97?78-01 .l25lE+00 .6385€-01.68791-01 .8833E-01 .45168-01.5165E-01 .65198-01 .33n6E-01 sstl .l3l9E+03 . l56lE+02 .?174E+01 .5270E+0 I .40898+01 . l609Er0l .7588E + 0 0 .5473E + 0 0 .3207E+00 .1777E+00 . I l44E+00 .80488-01.5001E-01 E .1077E+03 .12678 +O? .58058+01 .4 ?5llF r 0l .3299E+01 .12908+01 .60608r00 .4362Ef00.25478+00 .14078+00.9028t-0 I .63q0E-01 .4734€-0 I !t .4066E+ 02.4?52Eiol.2158E+01 .15778+01.l2l6E+01 .4551E+00.21588r00.l55lf +00 .894IE-0I .489{E-0I .3 I 22E-0 I .2 I 96E-0 t.l64lE-01 ESE . I207Er03 . | 4?9€+ {tz .65I5E+01 .4R32F l0 I .37'ilE+01 .1aBgg+01 .69BBf a 0 0 .5045E+00.2951t+00 .16448.+00 .l0c;9f:+00.7451E-01 .5568F-0 I I' N14.4g9lEr02 .5785E+01.ra27E+0I.lel7E+01 .14748+01 .5541€+00 .2595E + 0 0 .16565-+00 .16599+00 .5B0lE-01.3707F-01 .26?4r -0 I.1974t-01 SE .3167E.03 . 3T 26F..02 .l7l2Er02 .1258E+02 .9769E+01 . :18688 + 0l .l82lE+01.l3l5E+ol .7731E+00 .4285E+00 .2757F]+00 . l93BEr00 .1443Fa00 fl l,.86??t +0? .l0I4Er02 .4596E+0 I .3352E)01 .2577Eo01.9696Ef00 .4531E+00 .3231E+00.l rt50F+00 .lol2E{oo .6454E-0 I .45788-0 I .34468-0 I SSF .3545E + 0 3.4195F102 .19328+02 .l42lE+02 . I l05E+02 .4385E+01 .2073E101 .l499ErCl .8829E+00 .4909E.00.3I66€+00 .2230E+00 .1663€+00 NNl{ .6569Er02 ,7774F.+ol.3534Ei01 .25t30F-+01 .1986E+01 .7499E.0 0.3516Er00 .25llEr00 .1440f+00 .7903E-0 I.5055E-0 I .35748- 0 I .2685€-0 I st' wstd .81 leEr02 .3161[r02.9590E+01 .3803E+0I.4394E+01 .l744Er0l.3222€t0l .1279E+01.2404E+ol .9891f+00.9695E+00 .381 7Er00.4554E|00 .1807t'+00.3272Er00 .1299E+00.1903E+00 .7549E-01.1049E+00 .4185t--01.67e7E-01 .2696€-01.4730E-01 .1909E-01.3528E-01 .1434E-01 TABLE E-l6 DOSE IO AN INDIVIDUAL IN IHE INDICATED SECTOR AND ANI,,IULAR RIT'IG(MIILMI DI ST^NCE 150. 450.t,81. 805. 929. I 509. ?414 . 2919. 40?3. 5631.?241. ft849. I 0458. O I STANCE 150. 450. 681.805. . 929. 1609. ?414. ?919. 4023. 5631.72{1. 8849. I 0456. E .2 949E + 02 .3469E+01 . I589E+01.ll65E+01 .9029E+00 .35318 +00 .1659E+00 . I l94E+00 .6972E-0 I .385 0 E-0 I .2471E-01 . l73BF:-01 . I 296E-0 I H.lll3E+02 .l30lE+01 .5908F+00 .4315E+00 .3328E + 0 0 . l?73F+00 .5935E- 0 I .4245E-0 I .244 7E-0 I . I 340E-0 I .8546E-0 2 .60 I 2E-02 .4491F-02 ESE .1-r03Ff02 .1912F|01.1q9gr+01 . l123Ea0l .1027E+01 .r10508r00. l9l3E.0 0 .l'181F.00 .8 I 04E-0 I .4499E-0 I .21199E-01 . ?.0 428- 0 | . I 5?4E-0 I trrNW . I 339E+02 .1584E+01 .71epg+00 .5247Er00 ,4034Er00 .1517E+00 .7 I 02E-0 I ,5065E-0 I .2898E-0 I . I 588E-0 I.I0l5E-0I .7 I 82E-02 ,5402E-O? SE .65795 + 0 Z . I 020E+02 .4686E+01 .3443E+01 .2674E + 0 I .1059E+01 .4985Ff00 .3600Er00 .2ll6E+00 .1173E.00 .7547E-0 I .53058-0 I .3e5IE-01 Ntr .23608 r02 .2775F-+01 .1258F+01.ql75E+00 .7954E+00 .2fr54E+00 .1240E+00 .8844E-0 I .5063E-01 .2771E-01 . I 769E-0 I . l2s3E-0 I .9432E- 0 2 ssE .9704E +02 . I l48E+02 .5289E + 0 I .3890Er01 .3024E+0I .1200E+01 .5673E+00 .41 03E+00 .2r+l7E+00 .1344E100 .8666E-0 I .6103E-01 .4551E-0 I NNU . I 798Er02 .21288+01 .9673E+00 .7063E+00 .5435E+00 .20538+00 .9625E-0 I .6873E-0 I .3943F:-01 .21538-01 . I 384E-0 I ,97 83E- 0 2.734c8-0 2 N NNE.259a5+0? .3380E+02.3001E+01 .39948'01.l35lE+01 .lBl9E+01.9825E+00 .1330E+01.7540E.0C .10258+01.2827E+00 .3899E400 .1312f +00 .l rl3l€+00.9341E-01 . l3l0E+00.5339E-01 .7552E-01.2909E-01 .4155E-01.lB5lE-01 .2662E-01.13088-01 .lB83E-01.9836E-02 .l4l4E-01 S SSW .19225+03 .36llEl02 ,2138F+02 .4271E+01 .98208+01 . l963Er0l.72135+01 .14428+01.5603E+01 .lll9E+01.2221E+ol .4405Er00.19459+01 .2077E+00.7545Er00 .1498E+00.44368.00 .8777E-01 . e4578+00 .4864E-0 I.1580E+00 .3130E-01.lll0Er00 .2203E-01.8256E-01 .1642E-01 NE ENI.42756t02 . ag I 35 +02 .5040E+01 .2401E+01.2297Er01 .116a1-+01.l680Ea0l .8lllE+00.1296F+ol .62BlE+00.4969E+00 .2442E+00.2335E+00 . I l59E+00 .16748+00 .8349E-01.968?E-01 .487Ir--01.5338E-01 .2707F:-01.34?4F--01 .1747E-01.2418E-01 .1236E-01.l8l2E-01 .9267E-02 sw tdsw .222?-E+02 .8708Ei01.2625E+01 .l04lE+01.1203E+01 .4775E+00.8820E+00 .35028.00.6827E+00 .2?07E+00.2654E.00 .1045Er00.1245E.00 .4946E-01.8e57E-01 .3555E-01.5208E-01 .2066E-01.287IE-01 . I l45t:-01 . lB4lE-01 .73tr0E-02.1295E-01 .5226E-02.965sE-02 .3925E-02 TABLE E-l7 PoPULATI0N oosE IN THE INoIc^TED sEcroR ANo ANNULAR RING(uAN-REu)NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW Sid h'St{NNIIDIS ^I 300. 0.00600. 0.0076:z. 0.00848. 0.001010. fi.002?08, 0.00?620. 0.003219. 0.00 4B?7 . 0.006435. 0.008045. 0.009654. .0011263. 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.c0 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 .000.00 .000.00 0.00.oo .00.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CRI ORGAN UfJ WB hlB trlB wtl t'l8 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 DCF .l3l0Er06 . I5008+06 .1470Er08 .21l0E+08 .1930E+06 .2220E+05 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 RUNN I IIG TOI ^L0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 .00 .000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00(,.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 THE CONTRIBUTING RADIONUCLIDES ARE I SOIOPE u 238u 234 TH 2-:10 RA 226PB 2I0 PO 210 DECON FACTOP .I00Er0l . I 00E+01 .I00E+01.l00Er0l.I00E+01 .100E+01 CURIES RELEASED .4550F--0I .45508-0 ! .4400E-02 .2?00F--0?.??008-02 .22008-02 OECAY CONSTANT(I/SFC) .4 e7E- I 7 .8908-l 2 .39f,8- 12 . I 98E-l 0 . l5IE-08 . rl36E-0 7 TOTAL CI.= .1020Er00 TABI,E E-18 POPULATION OOSE IN THE INNICATED SECTOP AND ANNULAR EING(I'IAN.PEM) NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SId t{SI{DIS r'l 300. 0.00600. 0.00762.. 0.00848. 0.001010. 0.002?08. 0.0026?0. 0.003219. 0.00 4827 . 0.006436. 0.008045. 0.009654. .0?11263. 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.0e 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 .010.00 .000.00 0.00.03 .05.62 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 Y ^t{ NW 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 RUNN I NC IOT EL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 .02.02 .02 .03.ls .23 .57 I .39 NNE NNI, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IHE CONTRIBUTING RADIONUCLIDES ARE 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00.05 .06 0.00.04 .04 0.00.06 .06 .120.00 0.00 0.00 CURIES RELEASED .1280E+03 .455 0€ -0 I .4550E-0t .4400E-02 .220 0E- 02 .220 0E-0 2 .220 0E- 02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 I SOTOPT RN 222U 238o ?34 TH 230 RA 226 PB 2IO PO 210 CRT ORGAN LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG Lt,NG LUN6 LUNG DCF .5450 E + 05 . I 060E+08.l2l0E+08 .1440E+09 .2710E+08 .6090E+07 .7 27 0E+ 07 OECAY CONSTANTil /sEc ) .2 I 0E-05 .4A7 F - 17 .890t - I ? .3965- I 2 .198E-I0 . l5lE-08.8368-0 7 DECON FACTOR .100E+01 .100F+01 .100E+01 . I 00E+01 .100E+01. I 00E+0 I . I 00E+01 T0TAL CI.= .1281E.03 TABLE E-19 POPULATION DOSE IN THE INDICATED SECIOR ANO ANNULAR RING(I,IAI\I-REI.I'NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSh, ST USXIDIS N 300. 0.00600. 0.00762. 0.00848. 0,001010. 0.00??oB. 0,00?620. 0.003219. 0.00 4A27 . 0.006435. 0 " 008045. 0.009654. .0011263. 0"00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.01 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 .000.00 .000.00 0.00 .0 I .01.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 CRT ORGAN EONE BONE BONE BONE EONE BONE 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.01 0.00.01 0.00.01 .020.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 lrhlt, NY 0.00 0.000.00 o.0o0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 Rllr{r,r I tJG T(lT AL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .01 .01.0t .01.03 - 0q.ll .?7 THE CONTRIBUTING RADIONUCLIDES ARE 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 .0I0.00 0.00 .010.00 0.00 .010.00 0.00 0.00 0cF .2220ti + 0 7 .2410E+07 .5300E+09 .2900Er08 .61208+07.9l90ti+05 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0"000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.f,0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 t\iNli 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I SOTOPE r, 238tJ ?34IH 230 RA 226 P0 tl0 PO 210 DECON FACTOR .100E+01 .100E+01 . I 008+01.l00Er0l .100E+01 .100F+01 CURIES RELEA5ED .45508-0 I .4550E-0 I .44 0 0E-0 2 .22008-02 .2200F_-02 .220 0E -0 2 CI.= .1020s-+00 DECAY CONSTANTn /sEc ) .487E-17 .8908- I 2 .396E- I 2 .t98F-10.l5lE-08 .836F-07 TOTAL NNE TABLE E-20 POPULAIION DOSE IN THE INDICATED SECIOR AND ANNULAR RING(MAI.I.REM) NE ENE E ESE SE SS€ S SSr/ Su USt{},NIJDIS N 300. 0.00600. 0.00 'l 6? . 0.00848. 0.001010. 0.00220A. 0.00?6?0. 0.00 32 I e. 0.00 48?7 . 0.00fr436. 0.008045. 0.009654. .00 I I 263. 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 .000.00 .000.00 0.00.00 .00.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CRT ORGAN KDNY KDNY KONY KONY KDNY KONY 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00.00 0.00.00 0.00 .0 0 .010.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 00000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 00.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 NNII 0.00 0.00 0.00 t).00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rt,NN I NG TOT AL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01.03.07 THE CONTRIBUTING RADIONUCLIDES ARE I SOTOPE u 238u 234 TH 230 RA 2?6P8 ?10PO 210 DCF .5050E+06 .5770E+06 .1490E+09 .1570E+05 .4910Ei07 .6830E + 06 CURIES RELEASED .45508 - 0 I .4550E-0 I .4400E-02 .2200E-0? .2200E-02 .220 0E-0 2 OECAY CONSTANT(I/SEC' .487F-l 7 .890F- I 2 .3e6E- I 2 .1988-10 . I5lE-08 .835E- 0 7 DECON FACTOR .100F+01 .100F+01 .l00Er0l . l00F.0l .100E+01.l00El0l ToTAL CI.= .10208+00 TABLE E-zl- PROTJLEM SUMMARY FACILIIY PER I ODFROM TO ENERGY FUELS MILLI'OI/OI/70 I?/31/74 ENER6Y(uHn(TH) I-0. MONTHS OF TOTAL TOTAL HOLDUP HEFF OPERAIION FREOUENCY POPULATION (DAYS} (METERS} 12.00 99.9 3636. 0.0 0. RAOIONUCLIDE COT.ITRIBUTIONS u 238u 234 TH 230RA ?26 P8 210 P0 210 RN ?22u 238u ?34TH 230 RA 226 PB 2IO PO 210u 23t,u 234 TH zfo RA ?26 PB 2IO PO 210u 238u 23+ TH 230 RA 226 P8 210 PO 210 WB trB r{B r{8 t{B WB LUNG LUNG LUN6 LT'NG LUNG LUNG LUNG BONE BONE B0r.lE BONE BONE BONE KDNY K DNY K DNY KDNY KDNY X DNY TO POPULATION OOSES ARE .OO MAN-REM .OO MAN.REM .01 MAN-REM.00 r.tAN-REM . O O T.IAN.REM .OO MAN.REq I.2I MAN-REM .05 I'lAlJ-R€tt .06 MAN-REI.,I.05 MAN.R€M . O I I.IAN-REM .OO MAN-REM .OO MAN-REM.O} MAN.REM . O I MAN-REI.I .24 MAN.REM .01 r.rAN-REr{ . O O MAN-REI"I .OO MAN-REH . O O MAN.REI'I . O O MAN.'{EM .0? r.lar't-REM .00 ilAN-REU .00 HAN-REt'l .OO MAN-FEU TABLE F,-22 PERCENT FREQUENCY FOR EACH SECTOR AND EACH W IND DIR N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW St,J tllsl{ t.l t,lNl', Nl,{ NNI{ CLASS FOR EACH SECTOR WIND STABILITY CLASS AND TOTAL FREOUENCYFREO IN PERC A .34 .?3 .35 .10 .07 .02 .03 0.00 .03 .04 .03 ' 04 .05 .10rl8 .15 BY STA. B I :6I 1:s6 r :58 :40 ;47 .'2 0 ;28;ll ." 2B;I3';28 :?4 ;37 .'74 1;s1 ,90 c I .34 2.13 ?.37 i72 .62 .39'.53 .31 .59 .41j56 .25 .37 .79lr14 I i0l D I .6I 2.91 3.12 1.62 I .37 I .21 2.39 I .78 ?.44 L.72 1.74 .59 .68 .92 I .82 I .40 E ;24 .52 .80 .40 .56 .86 I .94 2.33 4.32 .89 .40 .12.ll .16 .23 .15 F .54 .94 I .35 .78 I .36 1.74 5.06 5.97 10.69 I .69 .76 .32 .3? .?5 .47 r39 TOTAL 5.68 8.29 9.57 4.02 4.45 4.42 10.23 10.50I8.35 4.88 3.77 I .56 1.90 2.96 5. 35 4.00 TABLE E-23 i,IEAN WIND SPEED FOR EACH SECTRO AND EACH STABILITY CLA.SS UINO SPEEOS IN M/SEC BY STA.CLASS FOR EACH DIRECTI0NOIR A B C D EN ?,?0 2o40 3030 3.30 3.10NNE 2,?0 ?,70 3.90 5.30 3.40NE 2.30 2.90 4.00 5.00 3.60ENE ?,40 3.00 4.40 5.00 3.30E 2.50 2.90 3.70 4.60 3.30ESE 2.30 2.50 3190 5.I0 3.60SE ?.I0 e.80 4100 5'60 3.70SSE 0.00 ?,70 3.80 5.10 3.30S l.B0 ?;10 3.30 3.70 3.30SSl.l a.10 1.80 3150 4'50 3'40.sil 1.90 2.30 3.40 4.40 3.30 lstl a.lo 2,?0 3130 3.60 3.ooW I .70 2.30 3.0 0 3.10 ?.90Itl.lt{ ?r?0 2150 3.I0 3.00 3.30Nvl 2.I0 2.60 3'.10 3.50 3'00NNt,l 2.30 2;60 3120 3.40 2.90 F I .80 2.00 2,00 ?.?0 2, l0 ?,?a ? r20 2.30 2.?0 2.10 1.90 2030l.g0 2.00 1 .90 ?'00 TABLE F,-24 CONCENTRATION OF AIRBORNB IIFI'LUENTS PER UNIT EPIISSION(Undepleted and Undecayerl x/A (sec,/m3) ) DISTANCE (IVIETERS) DIR 404 N .570E-05NNE .753E-05NE .959E-05ENE .456i-05E .675E-05ESE ,7628-05sE .20 1 E-04ssE .2258-04s .4?2E-04ssw .832E-055l{ ,508E-05 'hlSW * 197E-05!, .2508-05 '/llNw .295E-05NW .52 I E-05tJN'i, .398E-05 t209 .793E-06 . I 08E-05 . I 39E-05 .677E-06 . I 02E-05.ll6E-05 .309E-05 .347E-05 .65 I E-05 . I 278-05 .759E-06 .288E-06 .36?E-06 .4 I 3E-06 .729E- 06 .56eE-0 6 24t4 . 2rr 3E-06 .335E-06 .437E-06 .216E-06 .328E-0 6 .3798-06 . I 0lE-05.ll4E-05 .214E-05 .4 I I E-06 ,?4?E-06 .909E-07 . I I4E-06 . l26E-06 . e23E-06 . I 73E-06 4023 . I 05E-06 . I 46E-06 . I 9?E-06 .957E-07 . I r+7E-06 .171E-06 .4578-0 6 .517E-06 .9688-06 . I 85E-06 . I07E-06 .4008-07 .498E-07.5398-0 7 .959E-07 .7438-07 5632 .609E-07 .855E-07.l l3E-06 .568E-07 .877E-07.l0aE-06 .7758-06 .31 lE-06 . 58 3E-0 6,lllE-06 .638E-0 7 .236E-07 .293E-07 .3 I 2E-0 7 .557E-07 .432E-0 7 724L .410E-07 .578E-07 .7698-07 .388E-0 7 .6028-07 ,705E-07 . l90E-06 .2 I 5E-06 .403E-0 6 .761E-07 .436E-07 r lblL-U I . I 99E-07 .209E-07 .375E-07 .?9lE-07 BB49 .303E-07 .428E-0 7 .570E-07 . z88E-07 .4488-07 .5268-07 . I 42E-06 . l6IE-06 .3018-06 ,557E-07 .323E-07 . I I9E-07 .147E-07 .1 54E-07 ,27 6E-07 .214E-07 104 sB .237E-07 .334E-0 7 .446E-07 .225E-07 .352E-0 7 .4148-07 . I I 2E-06 .1278-06 . e37E-06 .445E-07 . 2538-0 7 .933E-08 . I I 5E-07 .1208-07.2I68-07 . I 67E-07 APPENDIX F SOILS INFORI'IATION SOIL I(APPING UNIT AND SITE DESCRIPTIONS }lAPPING UNIT DESCRIPTION BL-Ro: Badlands and Rock Outcrops This land occurs on the west side of the Hanksville site. It consists of barren badlands with sandstone and shale outcroPs. It occurs as sloping to very steep slopes with cliffs in some Parts. it has very little vegetation and is of little to no use for livestock. ?his unit is not considered a soil as no soil has deveJ-oped on these slopes. The area is highly erosive, and ruaoff is extremely rapid. This uniE is called a land type, and ihus, is not classified in rangeland or soil group:'.ngs. E coRREcr rHE FoLLowrNG CARD To READ AS FoLLows E ADD THIS CARD t t I a I I ,t t It fl t2 It tl It ll n It li a 2l 22 2t ,t 6 tt 21 IE n t0 fl t2 It ll t6 It t,It 8t t fi t,{t t{{5 tt 1'{t t!50 5l 52 tt 8t $It ,,5t $3!il t,It at t5 m n ,8 ,e ,a ,l t2 ,t ,l ,l 7t n ,t ?t I U5, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION taEC/lll-lt3a0 5 FoRM.332 |.2-711 ADP CORRECTION CARD Earg: Locatlon: BLANDING SITE BnD-4 Blanding silt loam Approximately 27OOl sw eorner, Sec. 2!, Date Sampled:9-L2-? 7 \^rest and 600r north of T37S, R22E Phvsioeraphic Position : .S1ope:5B NW Taxonomic Class: SaneeJi!g: Yegeiation: Drainage: Notes: on the uirper Part of a sidesloPe,just below the ridgeline facing Approximate Elevation: Effective-Rooting Depth: )60 inches 567 0' ms1 Ustollic Haplargid, fine-si1ty., mixed, mesic Semi-desert loam Mixed seeded sagebrush Wel-I . grasses with about l0-20t prof iles #4 and #9 \.rere both sampled and described. Profile #g differed littIe from the above. The itAlr'! horizon was an inch thicker and the "B2t" an inch thinner. The nBzt" hofizon is well developed having Z'1 z increase in clay content over the rrArr hori zon. Profile: tsnD-4 profile Description (Colors are for dry soli unless oEherwise indlcated): A1 horizon, 0 to 4 inches--Reddish broi^rn (sYR 5/4) silt 1oam, reddish brown'(5YR 4/4) when moist; moderate medium platy structure.; soft, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common fine roots; noncalcareous; moderately alkaline (pH 7..9)i clear smooth boundary B2t horizon, 4 to LZ inches--Reddish brown (5YR 5/4) silty clay loam; r,:adish brown ( 5yn 4/ 4 when moist; noderate rnedium subangular blocky structure, sLightly har<i, f riable, slightiy sticky, slightJ-y plastic; few fine roots, thin patchy clay filns nai.nly arounC pores and briCging sand grains; noncalcareous; mooeratellr alkaline (pg 8-0); gradual suooth- boundary. Cl horizon, L2 to 4C inches--Light reddish brown (5YR 6/1) silty clay loami reddish brown (5YR 4/4) when moist; rn.rssi'.'e; slightly hard, very f riable, siigh-"1y st-icky, slightly plastic; very few fine rootsi no clay films; noncalcareous above 18 inches, moderately calcareous below 18 j-nches; moderately alkal-ine (pIi 8.5). C2 horizon, 4O to 5O inches--Red,lish brown (5Yn 5/4) silty clay loam, reddish brown (5Y? 1/4) when'moist; rnassive; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; moderately calcareousi strongly alkaline (pIl 8.6) - HANKSViLLE SITE NSB-3 : Neskahi (.Like) fine Date Sampled: 9-L3-77 sandy loam Location: Approximately 1810t east and 2420' south of NW corner, Sec.36, T29S, RlIE Phvsiograohic Positign: - On a neaily leve1 broad alluvial fan Slope:21 NE facing Approximate Elevation: 4830r msl TaxgnomigClass: TyPic torrifluvent, coarse-1oamy, mixed cal.careous, mesic Range Site: De s ert loa:rr Yesetation' T;i:t r::" i::i::' ,:::;::x3?':"li:l::.:";;, i:;:: "" and other minor sPecies Drainage: WeIl to excessive Effective Rooting Depth: )50 inches Notes:Ahis profile d6scription fits very closely profilesi +5 and #7 in addition. Parts of this unit have been recently eroded with deep gu11ies. An erosion p3vement is evident 6n parts of the unit Proiile: NsB- 3 profile Description (Colors are for dry soil unless othervise lndicated): Cl horizon, 0 to 5 inches--Light brown (7.5YR 6/4) fine sandy loan; brown (7.5YR 5/4t when moist; moderate medium platy structure'; slightly hard, very friabler non-sticky, non-plastic; few fine roctsr moderately calcareousi strongly alkaline (pH 8.9); gradual smooth boundary. C2 Horizon, 5 to 28 inches--Reddish yel1ow (7.5YR 6/51 fine sand,y loam; strong brown (7.sYR 5/5) when moist, slightly hard, very friab, Ie, non-sticky, non-Pl.astic; massive .breaking to single grain, verit f ew f ine roots; moderately calcareousi strongly alkaline (pH 8.7). C3 horizon, 28 to 38 inches--Pink (7.5YR 7/4) fine sandy loam; brown (7.5YR. 5/ 4) when moist; s'r ightly hard, verl' f riable, non-sticky, non-plastic; massive; moderat.ely c,alcareous (weak zone of lirne accumulation); moderately alkaline (PH 8.2). C4 horizon, 38 to 6O inches--Light brown (7.syR.6/4) fine sandy loami brown ('7.5YR 5/4) when moist;- slightly hard, tr'ery friable, non-stlcky, non-plastic;. moderately calcareousi moderately. alkaline (PH 8.3). .. .HANKSVILLE SITE R].A-8 @-: Rairdent (Like) sandy Date Sampled: 9-L3-77 clay loam Locarion:Approximately 77Ot east and 2475r north of SE corner, Sec. 36, T295, RIIE Physiographic Position: Srnooth valley floor--presently ponds water after rains !lglg:FLa t Aooroximate Elevation: 4778 r msl Taxonomic Class: Cambic GyPSiorthiC, fine-Ioamy, mixed, calcareous, mesic Range Site: Desert loam -v-egetation: Mixed Russian th j-st1e, galIeta, bucir.wheat, and other minor sPecies Drainage: Notes: weIl to excessive Effectrve Rootirg Depth: >60 inches Profile #L was described in addition, and was very similar. 'Prof iLe:Rl_A-8 Profile Description (Colors are for dry soLl unless othenrise indicated): CI horizon, 0 to 4 inches--Light reddish brown (5yn 6/4) sandy clay loam; reddish brcwn (5ya 5/4) when moj-st; moderate medium pJ-aty structurei slightly hard, firm, sticky, plastic, common fine rootsi vesicular pores, moderately calcareousi strongly alkaline (pH 8.5) - C2 horizon, 4 to 48 inches--Light reddish brown (5YR 6,/4) clay loam; reddish brown (5YR 5/4) when moist; massive, slightly hard, friable, slightl-y sticky; s1ight.ly plastic; no clay films; strongly calcareousi moderately alkaline (pli 8. 2 ); ' c1ear smooth boundary. C3cs horizon, 48 to 54 j.nches--Pink (7.sYR 7/1) fine sandy loam; iight brown (7.5YR 6/4) when moisti accumulation oE- gypsum; moderately alkaline (pH 8.?1. C4 horizon, 54 to 6O inches--Light brown {7 -5YR. 6/4) very fine sanCy loam; brown (7.5YR 5/4) when moist; :noderately alkaiine (pli 8. 2 ) . Name: Location:Approximately 1000r east and 600' south of Nw corner, Sec.36, T29S, RllE HANKSVILLE SITE RSB-5 Rairdent (Like) fine sandy loam Mixed shadscale, 9a11eta,Russian thistle, Indian r other minor grasses. Date Sanpled: 9 -L3-77 fan since eroded by gu1lies. Acproxinate Elevation: 4830t msl Mormon iea, snakeweed, icegrass, sage, and Phvsioeraphic Position: old alluvial 2Z NE facingSlooe: Taxonouric Class: Cambic Gypsiorthid, fine-1oamy, mixe{ mesic Range Site; Desert ioam Iegetation: Prainage: Nctes: WelI to excessive Effective._P.ooting Depth: >60 inches Profile:t(Su- b Profile Descriotion (Colors are for d'ry sol1 unless othervise indlcated): CI horizon, 0 to 2 inches--Light brown (7.sYP. 6/4\ fine sandy loam; brown (7.5YR 5/4) when noist; moderate medium platy structure; soft, vety friable, slightly sticky, non-plastic;few fine rootsi moderatel.y calcareous; moderately alkaline(pH'8.0). C2ca horizon, 2 to 36 inches--Pinkish gray (7.5YP. 7/2) sandy clay loami brown (7.5YR 5/4) when moist; massive; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; no clay films; s"rongly calcareous; moderately alkaline (pH I.1) C3 horizon, 36 to 50 inches--Li9ht brown (7.5YR 6/4) sandy clay loami brown (7.5YR 5/4) when moist; massive; s1lght1y hard, very friabl€r .slightLy sticky, ron-plastic; moderateJ.y calcareous; mcderately alkaline (pH 8.4). Name: HANKSVILLE SITE SlBD-4 Unnamed fine sandy loam Date S-amrrled: 9-13-77 Location: physiographic position: An old alluvia1 fan,since severely gul1ied. .$-lope.:44 NE facing Aoproximate ELevation: 4850' msI Taxononie Class: Cambic Gypsiorthid, coarse loagry, mixed, mesic Range. Site:De sert lcam Approx imate.ly SW corner, Sec 1160 | east and 880' north .36, T295, nrrr of Yegetation: ]]rainegg: Notes: Mixed shadscale, ga11eta, Mormon tea, snakeweed, Russian thistle, Indian ricegrass', sagebrush, and other minor sPecies welI to excessive Effectrve Rooting Depth: )60 inches On this soil, erosion aPPears to have removed the original 'surface and left the underlying gypsic horizon exposed. This land is severely gullied and the surface is covered wlth an erosion pavement. Prcfile: SIBD- profil.e Description (Colcrs are for dry sol1 unless otherwise lndicated): CIsc horizon, 0 to 3O inches--Pinkish r,rhite (5YR 8/2) fine sandy loam; pink (5Yn 7/3)when moist; massivei hard,, veI:y friable, slightly stickyr non-Piastic; verv few fine roots; no clay films; moderately calcareous; stf,ongly gypsiferous with many gypsum crystalsi moderately alkaline (pH 8.2). C2 horizon, 3O to 48 inches--Pink (5yn 7/3) sarrdy loam bordering to loam; light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) when moist; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky, non-Plastic; no clay films; moderately calcareousi no observable gypsum, moderateiy alkaline (pH 8.2). RESULTS OE LABOTLC,TORY A}IALYSES AGP.I CULTUBAL C0NSIT'I-TA$iTS litj C 24A S FIRST AVE / P0 5A7 t 3fi3-659-231?, ER, GI.;TON COLO PJTEO 896gI FOR: Df{rYES & I'IOOF.E / '$JALTEA EPLEY PROJECT: T0PSOIL / S0UTHERN UTAII SLTES DATE: A9 / 23/ 7i E...C...- .( I) ELECTRI C CONDUCTANCE CF SCIL EXTRACT I'1M/CC SOATR'-( 1) SODlLM ADSORPTION BATIC ESP:.' T I ) EXCTi SO DI tJ}I PERCE}'TAGE EXCii NA- ( I ) D{CFIA$JGEAELE SODI li'i I,iEA/ LTE,G CEC- ( 3) CATiOI; EXCI{ANGE CAPAC, T'T MEE/ IggG t.JO3-}I. ( 3) NI TRATE NI TROGEI'J PPi,' PHO S- -( 3 ) AVAI LABLE PHO SPTIO EL:S PP}I K- I 3 ) AVAI LAELE P0 TASS i Utr .oPl4 GYPSUM- (l) GYPSIj'}I % EORON. -(3) WA?EF. SOLUELE FORCN PPM SE- (3) ',;IATEP. S0LUELE SELE\jIUI,i PPM OC. ( 3) ORGAI'JI C CABEON (1J.C,LKL T-ELACK) LM- (3) LIME (CACO3) 7. SAT. ( I) Z i{ATER AT SOIL STAUP.ATIODJ trHC t./ 3: ( t ) I*?ATEF. ii0i.DIlJG CAPACI TY AT l/ 3 EARI,iI.iC15- .( I) IiATEF. HOLD]I\JG CAPACIiT AT i5 EAF. TE(T- C2) TT(TUE,E CLASSsN- (2i sAlrl 0E. sA*\iY SI- (2,\ SILT OR SILTYCL- (2) CLAY D reBD En! - r.ar!,4 !ar&avve.( I) USDA liANDECCK *68(2) AI.IER SCCIE?Y CF AGROI$OMY #9 PART I(3) AI4EB SOCiEIT OF AGRONOMY i9 PART 2 PAGE: Slit,lPLE ELANDING #4 SATURATED SOIL EXTRACT: SOEI UM CAI.CI i'M i',iAGNESI U}I I L- Ll PPM AA 74 32 MEO/L 3.e L. I PI.; ( PASTE)Irli( l: 5) LtJ C /.13 rr/ -'_' r.! !rl9l- lrtB C T'Crcn l,e 3-Fi :-riO S ia GYPSUMZ EC F.ON SE arL'! h 7;t'lHCl/ 3 Z '*II{C I 5 SATZ TETT zsN ,.sI 7.4 l.> L. C. l';7g;l L2;81;l 7" l5 t98 E. l5 'L. \i d"a Iba u; L a';63g;3 - l7';7l0; I 36';fr S1 Lg 2A ?,. 7 PriGE: qAMDI F ET A^IT'IA:N SATURATED SO'L ffaFEAnf.g! I rf V I . SO DI Ul,l CAL CI U},I T{AGNESI i'M #4 4- t2 PPM 4? lc.aa I',I E8/L ra: JcO ca I PE (PASTE) PH( t;5) f.tJ SAB EXC}: NA tJ EU ti0 3-N PTIO S i< GYPSUMZ EO RCN SE L1,17. 7"W-iCl/ 3 Z l,rl:C I 5 SATZ TD(T lSN ZSIq al /ob e'; t a;8 ,.L a'; I I 6;6 L.a < 1 17a?..l4 a'- tr ?':elg';53 {z';3 23;8l5; t 49';gSI CT LOl7 Lt9 34 PAG E: s!!l.1PLE EL;il.iDIt'iG SATURATED SOIL fiTBACT: SODI UM CALCI UiY MAGNESI T]M Dt! l En <',rE\. aa \ a aJ a !/ FH( l:5)rn- SAR f,<1 ..L? nr Au\ utr tv g U trtJ E Crf, N0 3-r{ PHO S K GYPSUMZ EO F.ON SE 0cz L147"z\itict/ 3 Z'$IHC l5 SATZ ZSN zsI ., lQ-rtt7 PPM tro ,, 1 ?l r{E@lL 2.3 rjo b 2'4.6 8.A8;s a';7l;3 U;. L I s;2g';6 4'- z 162 8.32. ?';4 c;; z2g';42 2';G 2A';8 r e;8 43';7SI CL LC 8 <A 36 PAGE: qaMDI E p.l AI\.!FTI'G SATURATED SOIL EXTRACT: SO DI TJM CALCI TJI{ I{AGNESI Ui.i =tu 4 1g-59 PPM tgt al M f n.,,I 4o4 3;7 2.;.6 PT: ( PASTE) Pli('[:5)ra SAB EX C}I NA t LUreD N0 3-lI Plio s K GYPST]MZ EOBONcr L1,17 TVHCI/ 3 ZU}iC I 5 SATZ TEXT zsN 9C? 8. t 8'j 6 l';22;ss;3l4;9 2'; g 4" 3 165 E. l86;6 a'; g2 lr" 6AY)a 'ie2'; Il8;3 I l;9 37';8sr cL L0 61 3t SAMPLE ELIiiiDIil13 #9 SATUSA?ED SOiL D(TRAC?: SODI UI,I CALCI UM I.IAGNESI L],1 PPM 9E 64 10 M EQ./L 3.9 3';2 4. I PH (PASTE) PH( t: 5) EC SAR E.XCH NA a?? F CE)pJa NO 3.N PHO S K GYPSU},I2 EO RCI'; QE Ll(7. qttL,F L aFqatv Lt ! U r,rIHg l5 SATZ. zsi'i r ef /.t)8;t e';9 €-a g ta4l3; tl;6 6"ls t82 E. 17 8';4 ,r.'naaaL-1 b. ii L'. J l9';6 l'iJ. I 38;7SI LU nA 59 A PAGE: SF]4PLE ELAN D'NG SATURATED SOlL EXTPJiCT: SC DI UM C/+LCl Ul.I MAGNESI LT{ #9 6 5-t2 PPi"! ?9 78 an 1.1E8./L ?,.4 3;9 <. I PH (PASTE) Pli(-I:5) EC C D EXC}I NA cEc E'CD NC 3-N PT:O S K GYPSUMU EO RON oc7. LMB zlf;..icl/ 3 Ztr'HC I5 SAT7-" ll..l.tl 7;sN E et 8.8 8';4(;e 1;9 Y.a < ls';9 t'- rr 3" Z r38 Ae 18g';4 s';etg';41 a';3 24;3 r 5;2 43; eSI LU 3fr e-4 6 PAG E: SAI,iPLi ELAN DI IV G SATU.qATFD SO I L L\TRACT: so DI ui.I CALCI UM MAGNESI UM PH (PASTE) Pli( I;5) EA SAR LXC}; NA CEC =cD tlo 3-N DL?A q t! GYPSU}IZ BORON 5t 0c1L I I!{9 T"VticL/ ?, Zr,rFiC l5 SATZ TE(T zsNzsI A UI. ii? 7 tg- * PPM 29t 25 l4 M EQ./L t2.6l;3l;1 5o59;g L. C I l;sl;4 I t;9 I t;s 4" Z t23 E.18 6';7 8';Al ^-- ^-k..i/ 3;8l8;5 t6'i5aa-: -, SI LU 1l 61 9 PAGE! SAI'IPLE EL.ANDING i9 SATURATED SOIL E,\TRACT: SODI UM CALCIUM I4AGNESI TJM 8 47-54 PPM 224 l8tl t'lEG./L 9.8 a;9 aa.e PH (PASTE) PH( l: 5) Fa- SAR D(Cii NA cEcrcD NO 3-N P}iO S K GYPST]MZ EORON SE 0cz zrtBcl/ 3 zldHclS SATZ ZSI\jzsi 8.8 9';2l;a lG;3 2';g t s;9 l2';3 5 It6l Z. LB s';8 ?.;e.l 4;26l;6t9; sts;s 38;9SI CL LO 4 67 4A DACFT SA.YPLE SLAIiDING #3 SATURATED SOIL E(TRAGT: SO DI IJI'I CALCI Th{ MAGNESi UM PTi ( PASTE) PH('l: 5) EC' SAE DXCii NA Utrt/ ESP NO 3.N PHO S i( GYPSIJ'tttZ B0 Rot, SE ac7" Lt47.zlitict/ 3 zr.flic l5 SATZ zsN ?e? a-1 PPM 145 65 ntt Il EQ,/L O.J 3;2 2:..8 8.3 8;8t;4 J.C Xo J 3;6 9 174 ?.2G 8';3 o'' f, I9a9L c';126;t l3'i88;l 23'; e, SN LO 5t DI l8 PAGE: SAI,I PL E ELAI! DI i.' G SATUFSTED SO IL E(TBIiCT: SODI UT'i CAI. C I TJI'I MAGNESI UM !a l?tLU 3- 28 DDTI l5s 75 |.4 trn./r 6.5 J.., 2';8 PH (PASTE) Pf:( I s 5) Fa- - C/rD E,XCH IiA t/ Et FQD t'i0 3-N PHO S K GYPSUMZ EORON SE Lt/lziuric 1.1 3 zr{ric l5 SATU t.EA I 3sl'j q e? i. VL 8.1 O. ,l;3 JoOg'; ? 8;5 1'; z 4-' 2 182 Ao 29 g,';5 g'; t,l a'; ?2 1.4 I 3;6 8':7 26':6 SN LUqa Q? lt SAMPLE ELANDING #3 28.38 SATURATED SOIL EXTRACT: SODI UM CALCI UM MAGNESI U},I PPI.l 9fi 499 152 la< 8';2 ara 4 {;a: a'; I Q"q90,g'; It" 4 1679.59g;2 -a'; s I 6;32 8;2 I s;B9;8 32;3 SN LO 6l 23 l6 14 EO./L 3.9 24';9 Ie.O PF: ( PASTE) PH('Is5) Et/ SAR L\CTI NA cEcrcD Nc 3-ti Prio s K GYP St]M Z EORON ac7. I t.re z,WHCt/ 3 ZIi'IHC l5 SATZ IT.AT zsN e <? ,a lg t- PAGE: SA},!PLE tsLANDIN G #3 SATUBATED SOIL D(TRACT: 50Dr u{ CALCI UM MAGNESI UT,I l2 38-6fr PPM 87 c.) a 282 i'!E8,/L 3.8 28';7 <ga J PH (PASTE) El9/ t o E\l aa \ a . v / trt SAB EXCH NA CEC F<E NE 3-N PTiO S x GYPSUMZ BORON ocz L.L't h TliticL/ 3zlric 1_s Jttl r I i./\ I zsN 7"sl 7o48;3s;46;7e;t 7';9g'; It" 2 122 9o5Eg:;4 z'; g2 6;26 6o 5 11; ets';7 3s; s SN LU EE eltl PAGE: SAI",IPLE BLANDiNG eAT!?E +cF cn?!J6lU.Ht!g JVIL E(TBACT: SO DI UT4 CALCI U},I MAGNESI U}I uq l3 e- 3fr PFI{ 47 528 58 i,lEo./L ca Y- 26;4 ,i'a PTi ( PASTE) PH( t s 5) t- tJ SAR D(C}I NA cEc FqD NO 3-N PEO S V GYPStTI"lZ EO RON oc% Lt/i7 Lt:!t:.Cl/ 3 zIll"ri0 l5 SATB TE<T zsN ZSI zcL 1.3 8;23;lg-;s t.,9at8;l b.L 1" I t36 18,Dq 'aro L t"raL.9L a._6Aaa Je troJ 23';8 r3';2 46;7 SN LUtr, 29 l8 PAGE: SPI'1PLE ELANDITi,* G SATURA.TED SOIL D(TRACT: SODI IJM CALCI UM I'JAGNESI LTM #a- l1 ?g- 48 PPi'I lo7 597 282 MEO,/L 4.7 29;9 23'.- 3 P}i ( PASTE)PH(I'5) EC'- SAR EXCH NA cEc l'ro 3-N PHO S K GYPSIJMZ EORON ocz LMZ TVFZ{,|/ 3 u r,rHc l5 SATZ TD(T ,6 JtV zsi ZCL q.tlav 8'; ? 6;5 Vt -s f'rba L Ur ( 6;t l-- I 236 12. EA-o'-=ga J tr; t'1, z';2 t Otl 11a J tlea > SN LU 32 9 PAG E: SAI,IPLE ELANDII.JG SATURATED SCIL EXTRACT: S0DI Lrl,l 6f.LCI LtTl4 MAGNESI I,I{ PH (PASTE) PFi( l:5)rn SAR E(CH NA cEc ESP N0 3-$i PF:O S K GYPSUT4U EORONqr lJi'l tz\fttct/ 3 ZI,HC l5 SATZ TD(T zsN o C? ta trr- #5 t< t-3 PPM 147 73 NC trrE0./L 6c4 \:. , 2';6 7.88;4 l:'3 3;6 vaq Oo J 4;3 1" 4 aa \) 8.25 e'; I e;e r t"nqAavl 4;2l2;s 7';4 23';8 SN LOtr,, 43 4 PAGE: SFJI P:. E SLCII D I II G SATURATED SO].L r\f Ti) r!,1. rg\talaga. SO DI UM CALCI L14 MAGNESl IJI.I l*t t6 3- t2 PPI.i l19 65 QO MEOr'L 5.2 JrJ 2':.7 PH (PASTE) PH(l:5)?n--' SAR D(CH NA tJ .rt/ ESP NO 3-N PHO S K GYPSUMU BORON SE 0cz Lttz rr.c/ts,Cl/ 3 z!,Hc t 5 J.ta I i TEXT zsi\, zsI 7c9 E;6 l';2 JcAg;2 7'i83;l 2" I I /J A.23 tr;3t;er.t;324;5 lg; a 8;g 25';2 SN LO ?6ll l3 PAGE: SAI,IPLE ELANDING SATURATED SCIL D(TRACT: 50 DI UI'i C'd.CI UM MAGNESI UI.I !C l7 lo-'rd PPT,l L e<. 78 32 MEO,/L 5o 3 3;9 eaI PH (PASTE) PH('I:5) EC" C D E)(Cli riA cEcr<D NO 3-N Plrc s K GYPSUI.IZ BOF.ON LM7"zvt;ct/ 3 Zr.ttHC t 5 JI.l I zi TD(T qeI i. sI '8.8 8';7l;4 4-a =6;3 tleb Jr .i 1 3 157 9.28 e';4e;gt 6;32g';2 ls;I 9';2 28'; e sN Lu 52 it t7 PAGE: SAMPLE ELANE.II'JG SA,TUP.ATED SO IL L\TP.ACT: SC DI UI,l CF,LCI T'M I'IAGNESI I.J}I PT: (PASTE) PH('[:5) F' SAB EY ClJ Iv A cEc F5P i$0 3-NDsn q K nvD qtiM 9U. a ,Vl.rC BOBON SE 0cz lMq 7"\rncl/ 3 Zl,JlIC l5 TE(T a ear 7.st #5 l8 33.- 42 FPM 135 557 8E MEO./L 5.8 2g;3 6!.7 1.4 O.c rie 6r;4 O. I 7';6r;9t" a t89 6.9Ar;4 '/,. L l 6;26 l.il4;3 >a\, 27';5 SN LU 7t 4.4 7 PAGE: SAI.IPLE BLAN Dl NG SATUN..CTED SO I L L\TBACT: SODI UI'i CALCI UM MAGNESI UI{ PH (PASTE) PH(-l:5)rrr SAR !i( cri NA U &t/ ECE NO 3-N PHO S 'ri GYPSUMZ EORON CE LMZ atn:FLa,twllgl/ g z!,lic l5 cl.T|9 zsN /.Jl !C to q4'Oe PPM 19a. trE.7 175 M E0./L 8.3 aq" cc.taJ i4:::6 lac-8;l/i;6 l;8g'; I l.Ol;s l'- t 4LL 5.24g;1 a;6t 6;26 ,.J l2;8 6;9 27';4 S}J LU 59 aa PAGEs SAI{P!.E ELA.IJDING SATUFATED SO IL E.(TRACT: s0DI uli CAL CI T'M MAGNESl UM 2A #6 g-2 PTi ( PASTE) PH( I:5) EC '- SAR E)(C}i NA CEC ESP I\io 3-N Dt.rn ca aav J n GYPSUI.IZ EOBON cc7. LvlZ T"Vticl/ 3 Z1,F:C t 5 T9(T ZSN zsI zcL PPM l.:o 572 IJ 7oE 8'; A 4;2 t';4 e'; I l. t 6.'E 2" 1l 296 2.6fr e';5 o';et d'r.AIJ. 1Z 1.1 l5;4 lg';g ?z';2 SN LU ec cYJ l5 MEO./L 3.9 2g';6 6i- 1 PAGE: SAI\IPLE BLANDIN G #5 e n,Ft?D 'rEr. en ? tJHlVlial!L v'Ul.! EXTRACT: SO DI UM CALCI IJl,i MAGNESI UM 2t 1- J6 DDM 579 344 248 t4 EO,/L 24.8 I1.1 t7'4.3 PH (PASTE) Pti('I:5) EC SAR E(C}i NA cEc FEE N0 3-i'I Dr'n q K GYPSiji,iZ EO RON SE I Mq z\nicL/ 3 7;l'rHC l5 SATZ TE(T usN i.SI 7"cL lac.8;l 6;2 6'; A e';8 l2';7 6;5l" I 345 14. ?'Z'8;4 g';e2 t" -l/. i I 6';2 25';3 16;3 48'; e SIU CL LC EE ls 3Z P/TGE: SA},iPL E ELAN DI}J G SATUP.ATED SC ' L E{TEACT; SOD.I I.JM cALCi Ul,i T'IAGI{ ESI U}l #e <<, ?6.5t PPM le9 562 178 r.i EQ/L 4.1 28'c ll4;8 PIi ( PASTE) DL'/'l . tr\a l3\ l. r, !tJ SAR D(CiJ NA t tt ecD N0 3-1,; PHC S x GYPST'i.IZ EO BON acz z\rr.c,l/ 3 Zr,rIiC l5 SATU' TEACT %sN a Q? 7oS8;4 5o4 l'; s E'; I l3;4 t'. I l-' 1t L 1 .7O caL -e';?.tt';32 ltO 19;6 l2';3 4t';3 SN CI. LO 62 r8 2e PAGE: SAMPLE BLANDING SATURATED SOIL L\TRACT: SODI UM CALCI UM MAGNESI UM it 4i s,- t2 PPi.1 1l 521too M FQ./L 3. I 26'; A I 6;6 Pli ( PASTE) PH( I:5) EC SAR EXCH TJA cEc ESP NO 3-N l)Enq K GYPSIT'1,12 EO RON SE ocz LMZ z!ftic t/ 3 zrrHc l5 SATZ TD(T zsN zsI /. |glr 7"7s;s s;g fr';76;t 8;qr;t 3" zt5l Ec 24g;7 g';9, I a';378;ll6;5lz;8 36;6 SN LU 4.E it7 PAGE: SAMPLE ELANDING SATURATED SOIL D(TBACT: SCDI T]M CAL CI TJM MAGNESI.I}i itl 2A 12- 46 PPM la8 71atr i*1EO/L 4.7 3;9 2;9 PH (PASTE) Pti('I:5) LVC^D E(Cii NA cEc FqD NO 3.N PHO S K GYPST]MZ EORON SE acz Lt{7zwtict/ 3 2l,fic l5 SATs TD(T 9 <t\! zsI 7.48;rl;42;s Z;28;5 4aI t'- I 248 ItSAfi;6 s,;g I a;2.1 c"c- I t;9 /.b 23';2 SN LU EO 1l 14 PAGEs SAT'IPL E ELAI''] Di N G 5AiUnhltriJ )UJ.L E(TRACT: SODI I.]i,I CALCi UI,I I.IAGNESI LTi #8 25 a-1 PPi'1 o,r 567 3ti6 i,i E8./L 4.8 28;4 60" o6949 PH (PASTE) PH( l:5) rtr-- - SAR E(CH NA CEC f<D NO 3-N PHO S V GYPSUI,I z EORCN LJL'I i %\nicl/ 3 ztn-ic t 5eA,r? TE{T usN a/ C? 7.6 8;5 f . / a';8a;r r2';7tE; I ltz 196Z.l7 l-. I -E;rfl€;428;5 L 1.1 Lg'; s 3z'i o SN CI. LO eel2 2g PAGE: SIi!'iPLE BLAND] NG SATURATED SO I:. EXTBAC?: SODI iIM CTiLCI Ui., MAGNESI UM #8 DA 4- 48 PPT4 48 CQ ', JZv; t,tE8,/L 2. I Zi.4 26';_6 P}'I ( PASTE) PH('[ r 5) Fti- SAR rXCH NA t EUrcD NO 3-l\i P}iO S K NWDq?IM9v ^ a ,vrrrc tsO RON 5L 0cz I Mq zw.cl/ 3 Zl,rHC 15 SATZ 1.tr^.1 c CitE --lV 9 c? /..: 8';2 4';8g;4 ti; I I ?;5- lJ'- |pa I 2" 3 2A6 13.98 e';9 -E'; A I fi;31 e"d9t&.-. 2g;6l2;5 43';8 CL LU 12 26 32 PAGE: SAMPLE ELAt\iDI.l'i G SATURATED SO I L D(TRACT: SO DI Lt.1 cALCr U{ t'lAGNESI UM rO 'U Lt 46-54 PPM 771 493 317 FIEQ./L 33.5 24;6 26;4 PH (PASTE) Pli('135) SAB D(CTi I\iA tLUrcD NO 3-N DIJA C K GYPSUMZ EO RON SE acz Ll'f rL zvBcl/ 3 zl.IHC l5 JHL h iLlI ZSN 7sr 1.4 8;2 8':7 6';6s;6 8;4 l.O 19" I 114 ' I h dtlLq. L'L a';9 s'; s5 @';26 l8;9 L2';s4l; s SN LU nct l8l2 PAGE: SAI"IPLE ELANDING #8 SATURATED SOIL =YTD/.'-'F.gra.5va. SODI iJM CALCI I.'M MAGT,IESi UM PH (PASTE) PH(I:5) EC' SAR EXCii icAr.rr. oi6i-* Piic sv GYPSUMZ ECRON 5L oc7. LMZ zvHct/ 3 zlnic l5 SATZ TE(T ZST,i q C? 7.cL 28 54- 6b PPI{ 9t 496 ??o 1,1E8./L 4.6zti;8 28;2 I..5 8';2 6;2 Ira Oa'- |Yr. L 7;8g'; I4l" trllll.AA l'; E €; 16s;32 6;4 26;4 16;2 s l;6 SN Lg ot) 23 l2 P^S.I}IAFY DATA SLT}ii.lARYI C0Lt-IviN DESI GNATI0N : I- DEPTH2- PASTE PI{ 3- EC4- SAB 5- LII,lEZ 6-EO EON ?- SELENI L\,i8- SATZ9- TE(TURE NM':ERI CAL.. t=CL 2=SI CL 3=51'JCL;; ?=SILO 8=L0 9=Sl'1L0'tE- N0 3-N I 1- Plio S 12. PO TASSI IJI,I13- GYPSU}I 38UI VALEi.] T: 4=SI CLLO 5=CLL0 6=SIICLLC l9=L0 SIJ ! l= SN I 2= SI I 3= l'EK SAI,IFLE' I E,- 4 t:- 12 t8-49, 49,-se SAi,iPLE: I E- tt tr-l.) t'3- 18 4g-52 SAi,tFLE: Ig-3 :- ilo 28- 38 38-6A EI."AI{DII\JG #4234 r^lq1.4 Lac l. r 7'; 6 b;8 t'; E 3'; G A;7 l;38ilr rlle 2ils ELPNDlI',G f92347.6 e.9 2.3 ....R8..^t..4O.'L v-a> l.:s;5 L-;2 I t'is8;6 t'; g tg'; 3 56 2,.3 E. 3 a'-a d"eLa J 9a r 4" q d'' t,{a:. La h 2:..r z'!,u 55 8.3, Qt4 a'; ? z';1 '-d d'- n.j.O a. il;6 z';e 78 4. alr.4 L iO.L e';8 L 49'; t ?'; r2 43';7 a';.ez 37;g 78 8. Q? 3'8.7 z'; t I 45';5 z'; r L ?8';7 s'; g I 38;9' 9 LZ IIq - ltI I aJt:43 142 l,ltn 9teli e lr7?2712451 t2 13198 t.2t7a g'; I l.e 2 D'" 3 l6 3 ?.';2 I t2 13t8? t.? I 38 S,-; ? a Aa i" 6LeC Y'.4l6l ?';i ELA$IDI NG D'l 8.3 1.48; I l;37;2 4';27';4 5;4 hC9i 3o6 6.1 4--, A..A\i. O 1.4z';9 8';2 ll,. I Oo) 6789A.3 e.A! 2-i.6 9z';= e';?t 26';€ 9'd';2 -';trt 32';3 9 z': 4 z':2,2 3 5;5 9 t2 t3174 t,"?lez Z'" 3167 9 ;5 i 6a a' ELZ1 ;'- le 4 I I tt 9 4 z SAI,IPLE: ELF.NDIN G #1r234Z-3A ?.3 3. I 2.5 3Z- 48 7;3 6; 5 E';9 5 5.3 6';7 tz I I A 8.t o': = -a!toZ.?! 46.7e;gl 42';9 I 12 13 136 lZ.7236 l2'.1 t2 t3 6a4 a az<.: zaa I 75 ?';2 I Z7 ?'.2 I E9 6,;9??,? 5;2 9 o o SFIIPI- E: ELAI', DL N G #5 lreq 3.6 4.2 3'; e 4;52";9 8';2 L"; 4 7';3 loO ltJ. I0-3 2- 12 t2- ?9, ai- hO 42-6i SIii'4PLE: I z-2 2- 36 36- 52 .z 7.8 1.3 a.'Al.: 1.4 8'; A t;4 -'_A ^"tLe 9 .C,.. ^I .1 .+e O 677..1 Z.e I q-: 3, g'; tz tz';4 q';xt q:;4 a';et d" ^ ,"d laaq !aLt 23.8 ae'-^li a c- 2e'; e 27'; =cl)4 9 tt l, o?tt 92t ooa 9t3 o'it 9 le I92276tt cr,1 ELANDING #62347.4 4.? 1.47;2 6';2 6'; U7';5 5;lt l'; I 56 I . < ll. J 6';2 f; 1 7';6 2'; I 7 d dtaa O. ... L L-';at 2 vva e 18;64t;3 I t2 t32tO 2t 6345 l4'aZ At!1l I I.l SFJTPLE: ELav^DING #71234s67g-12 7.7 5.2 8.1 3.1 8.7 Z.frl12-46 7';!4 l;4 2;5 3;5 6;6 A;Ai 8 36o 6 aJ. a o 9 o 6 t o o le,: II tc 4 Zto 4t lt c I t2 13!5! Q.2i ,.o t'- ECqV lav t2 t:l196 Eo22q6 t 3;e114 l4'cA t I I lt;a S/rl,1PL E: t E-a 4-48 48- 54 54-6e ELANDING237.6 5.77;3 4;87;2 8';7 --'6 ." A,. \) O.4 tt8 456fr.8 8r5 4.78;4 8'.'e g';9 6;6 5; 5 e';9g';8 6';4 t'; g 18'.gl 37.6 -'; a | 43;8g;s6 4t;5 g-; t6 5 t;6 tt IE 3 I I APPENDI:( G SOUND ,3- 1 APPENDIX G SOUND lfhis appendix contains a descripEion of nomenclature and irrstru- aencation used in data acquisition an<i data analysis, and detailed results of the backgrourd ambienE sound 1eve1 survey. G.1 NOMENCLATURE The range of sound pressure,s thac can be heard by humtrns is very large. This range varies from two ien-thousand-miilionths Q x fO-10) of an atmosphere for sounds barely audible Lo humans to Evro thousandEhs -2(Z x 10 -) of an atmosphere for sounds which are so loud as to be painful. The decibel noiat.ion system is used to present sound leveIs over this wide physical range. Essentially, the decibel sysEeu com- presses Lhis range to a workable range using logariEhms. It is defined as: Sound pressure level in decibels (dn) = ZO i,oS,O fi)o Where P^ is a reference sound pressure required fcr a minimua sensaEiono of hearing. Zero decibels is assigned to this nininum leveI and 140 decibels to sound which is painful. Thus a range of more than one miLlion is expressed on a scale of zero to 140. P is Ehe measured sound Pres sure. Ttre human ear does nor- pe:rceive sounds aE low frequencies in the same manner as those at higher frequencies. Sounds of equal intensity at low frequency do not seem as loud as those at higher frequencies. The A-weighting network is provided in sound analysis systems to simulate the human ear., A-weighted sound levels are expressed ia units known as decibels (dB). These levels in dB are used by the engineer to evaluate hearing damage risk (OSUA) or corrmunity annoyance impact. These values are aLso used in federal, state and local noise ordinances. Sound is not constant in time. Statistical analysis is used to describe the tenporal distribution of sound and to compute single number descriptors for the time-varying sound. This report contains the sta- tistical A-weighted sound levels: - This is the sound leve1 exceeded xZ of the tirne during the measurement period. For example: Lon - This is the sound level exceeded 90 percent of tineduring the Eeasurement period and is often used torepresent the ttresidualtt sound level. Lan - This is the sound level exceeded 50 percent of thetime during the measurement period and is used torepresent the "medianrr sound leve1. L,n - This is the sound level exceeded t0 percent of theEime during the measurement period and is often usedto represent the ttintrusive[ sound 1eve1. This is the equivalent steady sound level which provides an equal amount of acoustic energy as the time varying s ound. La - Average sound level, Leq, for the daytime period (0700-2200) onIy. c-3 Average sound level, Luq, for the nighttime period (2200-0700) only. Ldo - Daylr.ight average sound level, defined as: L ./ L0 (1, +r 0) /10Ldrr=10LoSrO[(tSxtOd +9x10 n )/241 Note: A 10 dB correction factor is added to the nighttirne sound leve1. c.2 DATA ACQUTSTTToN AND ANALYSTS this section describes the instrumentation, daEa acquisition and analysis of the ambient sound survey conducted at the proposed mine site. The data acquisition system consists of a GenRad oonidirectional one-inch elecEret condenser microphone with winciscreen, a GenRad TyPe 1933 Sound Level MeEer and OcEave Band Analyzer, and a Nagra 4.2L single track magnetic tape recorder. The GenRad Type 1933 Sound Level Meter and Octave Band Analyzer was used as a linear amplifier and step attenuat.or. Ambient sound rras recorded on ScoEch 177 nagnetic tape. The data acquis- ition sysEem is shorn schematically in Figure A-1. Ihe above systeo was calibrated before each recording by means of a reference signal at 1000 Hertz of 114 dB generated by a GenRad Type 1552A Sound Level Calibrator. The nicrophone was nounted on a tripod four feet above the ground surface and at least Een feet from any sizable sound reflecting surfaces in order to avoid major interference with sound propagation. Most recordings of the background ambient sound were 15 minutes in length. However, if a large number of intrusions, such as aircraft over-flights or wind induced system overloads, occurred, the measurement period was extended. Meteorological parameters such as wet buib and dry bulb temperature, baromeiric pressure, and wind speed and direction were uoted during each recording period. If high relative humidity (over 90 percent) or exces- sive wind speed (over six meters per second) occurred during the measure- menE period, Ehe recording session rras terminated. Thb tape recorded data were returned to the acoustic laboratory at Dames & Moore for analysis, using GenRad Real-Time Analyzer and a Digital Equipment Corporation mini-computer shown schematically in Figure A-2. During the recording sessions, Btry unusual intrusions, such as winC pop over the microphone or clipping due to overloads, were ooted by the engineer monitoring the signal input to the tape. Such intrusions are not characteristic of the acoustic environment, and are deleted during the analysis phase. Each sample tape is used to obtain a cunu- lative distribution of A-weighied sound levels. c-5 EE.r.oPlroa{ES €41il6 ?FtEl c-e6 FIGURE A-l OATA ACQU I S IT I ON SYSTE}I f*--."t* I | .e"roreo It-/ iEAL TIF€ AIIALT:EI Pnt $TEt irSuLA i I 0$ 0F ltot5g r 3lrat .{ACtr6i I CiiP: R€aon0Er TIGURE A-2 CCHPUTER CONTROLLED OATA ANALYSIS SYSTEH IIOC. c-6 TABLE A-1 METEOROLOGICAI DATA DAYTIME HI]M. (B) t 9-6-77 2 9-6-773 9-6-774 9-6-77 5 9-6-77 5 9-7-777 9-7-77 I 9-8-77 1 2 3 4 5 5 7I 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-8-77 9-g-77 9-8-77 9-7-77 9-5-77 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-6-77 9-8-77 9-8-77 9-8-77 TII'{E TEMP (OC) 0915 23 1000 251040 281120 28L445 35t.345 34t440 38looo 24' WIND SPEED ,(M,/S) 0-1 0-1 4 4 O-2 (4.0 Gusts) O-2 (3.6 Gusts) O-2 (4.5 Gusts) A.2 (3.5 Gusts) (4.5 Gusts) (7.0 Gusts)(7.0 Gusts) (5.0 Gusts) WIND DIRECTION Variable Variable South Variable i'ariable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable North North North Variable Variabl-e Variable tr?ariable Variable Variable Variable Varial:le 34 27 27 24 9 11 9 L2 0-1 0-1 o-2 5 0-1 3.5 5 4 24 18 l2 L2 L7 13 5 10 24 26 32 32 28 33 31 29 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 I 2025 r950 1800 t_835 19I5 1800 1 clRn 1940 o035 2355 2240 2200 2324 2200 2245 2330 20 22 2L 23 18 24 20 20 EX/ENING NIGHTTiME 31 0-1 24 0-1 22222 0-130 0-113 0-116 0-I 20 0-1 c-7 G.3 RESULTS OF BACKGROUND Ai'ltsIEI,IT SOUND LEVEL SURVEY This section includes detailed results of the anbient sound 1eve1 survey conducted on and near the proposed Project sites during September 5-8, t977. Data were collected at eight lccaEions shown on Figures I and 2 during daytime (0700-1800) , evening ( 1800-2200) and niglrttime Q20A' 0700)' periods. Figures A-3 through A-26 contain an A-weighted sound level histo- gram, indicating the number of tines a particular sound 1evel occurred during the measurement period, and the cumulative distribution of the A-weighied sound levels, indicating the percenEage of time a sound leve1 is exceeded. Also included are the LrO, L5O, Ll0, and a"O of the sound pressure levels at octave band ce[ter frequencies. TabIe A-1 presents a summary of the meEeorological conditions during the measrrre- ment periods. c-8 FILE UTBIIBI. DB4 0CTR'''EBRI'ID l-90 L L L L HE. DB .: 1r.' E6 96 31. 5 64. E F;E. b '::6 6Er,3 i!i+ 5::4a 4:-to ?:::: l3 l* ::* f.{nr 45 45Flgu:e A-3 Backgrorurd Aabieac Sounri Level Data t ^^--{ ^-. 1 Dace: 091C6177Tine: 0915 :?5 .t ?s E=trE =8. f,5Br3 53. BtEtSE 53. 3?tr8l3 .43. 34ABB 47.1, 6E 67 63 ,, F:'l iJ 7L 6:1 5564 P.:1 49tE 54 4rt < a Q,'.: .! .1 53 48 ::'546 4t 34 'i i -1c, r- 4 64 r,L 1q IJSBB It-ltT.FILE LITBHEI. DIT'iH-liT. -;r:tUND L5VEL5 4'5. 5 s7. 5 .!4 .{5 46 4B 4:? aO .i r:lo=; N-- o 5.1 @ :)- ,3i o99 O ':,15J a-l 3:: E ,J.Jg -.:e:c, 3u?9 ,:e'o :: ?;a<71 7! 7.r +*:t*:6:c:x**:t t. ! :: :t.{.s*rG-*:::}:F::$:i:tsu:i:6*:F:l::14:l::}::+{:t ?. : :: :+rF+.i**:l*++:nt:k:t:.l.:t: 4. : :: .t c'.i$:f, $:a, +:f, *:a.*:i:'l!:+:r:*:F:t:*:lt:trS:l::.':, :f: :F :1. :: i: *** f,:t:*:ts*{.s:r+++:}*:rt('.trl.*:{.'.}.*:t*:*::lt+.d:++:r:*:l::.: ).fr. : *t:f +rli+*:lra.!t+**:li**:F.t.{r:.:#t{r*::+.:ts:f t}r :1. 4 ij :. * ****:**:ts*{::i:l::i:r:F+:ts rt:ti:f :}:#+r:t{:I:l::+rf f :ti"E:E{.*.:r+ !1 :.::l.s:trr:+*:ts:F{:'+*:t*:*;tr:t*r:1.*+* 6. 5 :.: {::t::t:+*:i**$:+s*{.t+s##:{r =. 6 :: .*+ri:rr:I+:r. :0,,tr:i.r,.:t'# 4. ::l :{ f,.l.il'11-lLBi !'r,.E C'ISTFI I E;l-lT J [tN ;I.$+:i***'t++*{ "t* 4. ? ,'i ,r('i*:r,rv*'f.'ttr 3. q': 7J {;a) g:'i':EEoED :i'ts:+:t!r:*:|(*tts:X**.:1. 4,a. :?5 :t:*.a.*,1.{.:{r*rrr* 3 Z :tf.l :4:++$srF**it 2. 7 1l BE **+rr.:t :t * 2 ?a ':,'B:{.:i** t. ? il . ?5 *:r*:f,*i.:. 1. :1 :rj :B*{:*r.+g !. ? :1 '55:+:1.:i+ 1. 1 ij i:El :f *+,t * 1. 4 :C :E!t:rs{. 'L :1 llJ:t,t tJ. 5 :.j 45 $:{c:*:,1. I :J 48+* L-1. F i: 35* E.: t =,.f 13. f :.J :5 + q. f ,'i !r3+ 6. 1ta a,,* B.t t a*,f E.!:1, tr :1r:rr-rt,lcr PFrE::!:LrF.:E LE'/ EL- !r, :-,et_r +-r !l -t 4r:: 4r:r .l:1 4:1 ?i;J :rJ -r:,i:! 54 :6:rl 31 64 E,]I-I I.,/BL:NT !:I:IUND LE./EL = :7. : REI c-9 FILE UTiHI33. OiI,: LTCTFVE 9IiND H3. 11. E DJ, t lri ,qfi 5rl13lArl6 2t3BB "lEr3B :3E13r.l F-!rr. Lgri L !- L !_ '_c!ts 5 '.!.E1 iuJ !8 :15 63. 5 65. 6583 <4 .l .1t3. 'i.1"+. t 3€. :3 55. r '33: Fr? 59 53q? .r. { l5 :B i: 6:l i6 4::' 47 4g .l.E ::4 l7 64 17<{ {t-l f,4 ::.1 4:1 q€. +:? i:E:{ 74 46 54 :rr .t:? :IJ :'d f4 +6 F:LE UTFH82, OIl<,t-i..lT. 5LrUH0 LEYEL:: Flgrre A-a Backgiouad AEbleEt Sound Level Data Locatlos: 2Date: 09/06/77Tloe: l00C rr4 .;|. !1. ! 2j,t: .r:&,i:*:i:t:f,:tr:;:r't 4. f ,'i .+; :*:1.:F+s*:{.:.:lirt:ts:trt:f::i:F:r:+.,rf'{L:} l:t. 5 :: +7 :l.:1.:t:t:t:t.t*:t :t*:X:{.:ts:!.:t i*:i"*;ar:};E:i::t::t :?. l:l :i 4E :ir..I:1.rts:r:*:t*:*:*:F:t:k:t:t:lr:l::x:tr:k*:f.rf::t::ti:tr-.+.:F:l*:ts:lr:lr+:tr:E:f:rlr:k:t:.t4:k,E:F:F:x:k:F L!:. j :{ {:a ri.:f:f.:i:a.:1.:1.rf,+:t :lr:t:t:}r:F:ts:z:t::F:t::}:t:t:h:}::k:li:ts:1.:t,:ts:+?:F:F:ts:t:Fg+:ts:I:1.:tr:}.rF:}:t :d:k,t i 11. l: jj 58 :{.:t rt:t:t +,t -+:t:t:(.:t{E:t:*:fr:t:ti:lr:!r:t:tr:}::r:f::h:tr:ii:tr:t:F ,l t.'' .t .J € :1 :t:t:r:lr:r:rr*:r,tr:r;::r:rr:F:i 5 ,:'CL E: :r*:r:i::i:r:I:$:*:r:*:t :ts :. I :j : ;i +i:*:r.:r.:t:r'+:r. :. ! 2:$r 5-l r:*:fr:*:r:r:s:r+ f.3:j r:t.tilULFTJ?E D!::fFtlgrt-rTtrll.{o 55 :':*:r t. 3 ;:' tE :{..r'r.:* t. 4 7: ,::t) E:{rlEEl'gD :irlil-tt,tD pF:=I5t-tF;E !-EtrL-i,!: € S: :i LJ. 4 il 1i5 +6. ?t'E +* S. 7 :,: tlfJ +i' 5-? ,r 8. 3 .'i EF 4f6 6E :*:t. 8. 7 ?i r3B 4:eil " T:i' rt o,t, J FrJ G t). :. ,a 78 .+t:l F F,= :l.,i 8.7 il €.2 +g3 g+ ,f, eJ. 3 :1 i,a "tr:r-9 E-5 'r B. + ?i -:E 4::lu,Brf i ult_ j .t: 59] 4:1E r;Z .r r3. 1 :/. 4E .r:l a, a;3 i I:1. + 7; .+t"l +:.1I 'i-? 'n B. f :i fg Ef-rI ;rf : r.1 :- .'i f ri T,lf rr r !3. 1:a tE :l< 73 't' 8. : ,'l :E :t:= ,rr r,J. ! ii tE Ti?4 :r, =4i: $ !.3. 1i,: X ::::7;&L111, =i-luI"/pLgNT ::rlrt-tHD LS'/EL = i5. i t,Er c-l 0 FILE UTHHB3. DB< DDTFC/E BFI,IDu? ?.r q .! tq 35S =tBO1gr3B 313BB 4Br)r4 BBgS rt-t{T. LEG DE 615ri.2 6A. ? 43. 4?!i .rt4 TJ f,4 46.:4 !6 65 ET q+ ::7 ::4 :;4 +:r ntB 36 43 €B4! j.+ f4 34 47 :?5 q{ 57 44 34 7.4 ;! 3:4 :.1 44 L L :rE +7 =rl4E f,.+ 34 ::+ =:145 F-, a 54 j':4 ?J, j.+ 43 Flgure A-5 Backgrouud Anbleoc Sound Location: 3Daie: 09/06/77fise: 1040 I-E'/EL-DE Level Data FII.E UTBHES. OE.{H-l'lT. ::Dl-tHO LE',/EL:: '7:' i 'J ,l oi+a (6 +j'9 o- 4.ri,3t:Ct (\ qi) E iiE -c @499!eag,;; .i 't, t3. 4 7i :t:trs:1. 3 :j +:i:4.:t:a.:1.*:1.:1.:i$:4.* 6. 3 Z {.{.:r{.:t {.+{.:13*rl.rF:|::]:l{r+:;+#f, :(r:}::F;lc:arrl::1.** 14. 6 :{ :r+?*:{.***'+**:+.:}rt **:t:{::F:f:ts:f::l::f::F+{i:t:*+:}:F:+::1.*:f:+*{:+.*:t*.1'.f.* +:f :t({'.t++:f *<+**i.:{.:t:*+:f *+.$:t:++$rft{::t::t:{i d(:h:F;kf :}: {.*-:|:+ +N:+:}:*$'r:* $*++*{.+:1.,1.$*:i:,1.r+.frs:::f.+:t:*:ir:f::tttf:{.:f:}:Fl::tr:}::F,,i1:*:t:+:}i.:|t+ !!3. ! rt 3*:trt *:t:t ,t :t :t *{E:t:li*r 7. 4 ,'C *,l.tl.$+ :- i ::+ 8.3 ii =OUI'./FILEHT SDLll'{D LE'}'EL = 46. 3 DE! |--UHULFT i ?E D' I l:TR I BLIT I r:rtl (,.I ) E:{EEEDED:rl :?CJ 9B 75i6 55 5g 55 3q 45 4rJaq fB:5!B 15 r11 3 5[r!-ll.lD F F.:E55l.lF:E 44 rE 4r: 46 +E 4E +6 -i4? +t 47 +::i +.f +,:t 4::t .1:r .{'-? c-t 1 FILE UTFHA4. OF< flr:Tfit/E BFl.lO LEr]H3. OE L ?{ q 258 ?.$B 1B}38 IBE9 .{rlBB BAAA a-i,lT 56 54 -1:l j..f :J. ::4 f,.t ?J, j::3 3Ll 4:1 i.:: +3 :. -r-{,! :'4 ::4 7:4 3+ --.c- t8 ,tq 4r 53 4': 3E 34 ::+ 3'+ iJ :4 Flgure A-6 68. B 55. 6 48. 3 43. f 35. .+ j-4. 3 34 +6. 4 .ti E+6i 5:r S.t <.4 55 i!lrl 46 j::" 3634 i:434 f,4:4 $ta F:LE UTFHO4. DHdIi.I.IT. 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B63 45.7135 4"1t3B 3a3AB 3.4. 5Lgaa 3{.3ZgBq 344rr$B 34BAAB 34[i-l,lT. 36. 3 ';44:3 17 j, 34 ::4 :.t !-rJ q.1 46 +5f€ ::4 f,4 :r4 ::4 ::6 :x:,:.fi5Fl 4f, l:6 Z€,4{t 4.1 4441 4E 48-.ii ::q -(5 l:4 ::+ 34 -i-4 :4 !4 3:4 j.r. i4 74::4f{::F ::4 f,4 Figure A-7 Backgror.nrd Aoblent Sound Lavel Data Locatloo: 5 Date: 09107 l7?Tloe: 1445 FIL= UTEHI3s. DB4 rt-!,1'I. !:LlUl.lD LEUELS o eoc, o co ! 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SOUI'ID LE'/EL5 EAU1'?'RLEllT 5'lUt'lD c-14 L TE i-terlri,i 42 ::54t -.:4 ::4 ?.r, 5E 61 544t :.( f,4 it, 3.{ 3:4-jt5 ,::,:) E:-:CEEDED 35 9qa< BE 75 ?B '55E13 :E 5E .lE 3:5 =:f4!5 LE'/EL = 41. 3 D,E :t3 15 1B 5 Backgrornd Anblect Sound Level Data Locatloa: 7 Date: 09 lO7 177Tloe: 1440 l!. 6 :{ ,'4h 46 43 ?e: ::4 :J =:4 ::4-j4 3 75 65 54 45 38 44 3+ t.i 4B L :15 41q: f,5 =.4::4 _::4 -'t:4 =1Flgure A-9 oG :i3a=aRis ca 3.qo 3't| .lg 9+:lD aa 44Ers 3+s(, .17 E .IB3 slr 6 :,r6sr)eo . , E:-l ";; :r lJ.J.i :*:1.!tttl.:f+1t:+.++*+!f:ti:*!F:t:f:t::t:rf:S:lirlt:{t:t::lE:t 13:. l:t ii ++:1.++:f,rFir:i {.+:1.:*:ta:*:f * "*:F+t**+rt*+:t:t::f'+*:fr+:lE:t +:}:'r:13:k:t:lr:l::l' :fr.l.]F:tt+r*{r+ttits:n:c:f:ts$:ts$:s:}'$+:({"*:tr:t*:l':ts:r:{"1* 16.;1 i: :3***.*!4.:I*"1.i*.i :t:t+:lE:tsi|.+:1. :t:t':l::a'++:lE:tc t 3:. t :i :+!f :i.f i*.frlt:t::t:t:+'i5F 6. 3 :{ *rf,+!t:+:t rlr:1.:1.+,* E. I ii CUHULfiTI VE DI ::TF: I EUTiOI'i +:t(:{.:,1.+:* 3 Z +,{.rF*!+.+ ?. ! il ++$*{. ?. ,. ?:,1.:1.:t:i+ 2. L Z :{.rts-'+{+:. l. 5 ?: :t !t ++++ :. 5 :a+"i:* 1. + Z:+d. FS. B 't: 4+ 1::+:+ 91. €, ils:+r{i 1. l: ?l+ ijt. 4 ?j++:f, 1. 5 :l* 8.5:i* q.L.1a ::I.JUNO FF:E::sURE LE'/EL. DE; 34'34 -(: Ei ::F ::5 l:5 ::5 j:6 ::6j7 f; jl ::El t; ,:L :' 4E 4::l c-l 5 FILE UTBHIB. DR< DCTBVE BRND f1. E |f.' L25 i5B 589 Lct8g ?$sB 4qsq aaaa B-ttT. IRfi I I DE 5 Lrl 62.3 74 6756.3 61 5955.5 61 5748.5 F5 58 44. 4 ltJ 45 44. ? 4:1 +237.5 43 :7 34. ? f,.t 34:-+ 34 f,44i. :3 55 4:1 5 tir 53 53 4'6 ::il 3+ 34 34 34f4f7 it& 4Eq") 4B :.q 3+ ::4:..( ..i:4 ?,1 -J? :1E 37s7 4q 34 J-4 3:4:+ ':J f3 Flgure .\-10 Backgro'und Aobleot Souud Level Data t----l^-. Q Dare: 09/08117Tiae: 1000 ogaoN o o! 6 o :oo !o (t o3 I 11 jj 34 lll ?6 39 4A .l, l 43 44 45 .t '547 "rB 4.1 5B 51 5e.i: 54 555'i 57 58qa 6B €1tt? 64 ,t tl. f 7: :1.:f:fr:#:{.:1.:1.:t:t:ts:t:x:*:t:f:frr:lE:,.:t:1.+rt;i:t:trl.!+{:r:ts:t:r:f :}r:t:r:f,:r:r:FtFtf,.E:t,t t:r. ::: :j :f :1.:t:F:fr:fs{.:i.:t:t:li:*.a.:t:is:f.+t:1.!f :t rtE:1.:t:F:ts:t:t::8:1.:F:ti:f :t: :trts:t :t:t:lt 16. 7 .': +:t;f:t!t:1r :t:t:{s:t:}:t:t 9. l ,'l ,.l.rl.;1.+:l.rT:1.+:1r:ts:1r:1.:1.:t:1.+,5. f, :{ il.:1.:l.:t:t:1.;1.:1..1.:l.r*+:1.:{r:l.rk:t 6. ll,": ,tr;l.rl.,{.:,t.:}:tst:l.rl.:1.,4.:}:1.:!. 5. I :.J :t t:t:1.,1.;a.+:lr:1.:{.:t:r:F 5. 3 .'i .{.,a.{..t il:tr:{.+:1.:t3* 4. 6 .'.1.r{.:..,r...t+:r.:frts:r 3. r' Z ':uNULltTI'?'E DI5TRIEUTIBN ,f:{.ri.:t:l.:t:f,:i. 3 :,!,+.r;i.+.r.r:r. 2. 6 ii (:al E:i!:EERED 5r:rl.lll0 PPE::5IJF:= LE'i eL-oEl$,t:{.*i. ?. 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J ,53 125 259 5BB tB9A zcrg$ 4BgA 98BS H-HT. q?? l.r 4 57. 1 51. 3 44. 5:a? 35. 2 34. r 3447.7 5 €3 57 F-. < s6 43 44], 34 3-+t4 1F.1 bc t4 .Ja 4::r 44 +1?ci 34 4:l 16 53 47{5 j.Jj:4 ::4 j:+ ?47.4 46 444it 4448 48?q tE 34 3{ l+ Jtf4=:4:'4 34?4 r-+icj -r J.{ Flgure A-14 Backgrorr<rd AobieoE Souqd Level Daca a ^^^-1^-. I Date: 09/06177Tlme: 1835 FILE UTTIHB;. OR{:fl-r,rr. 50ur{0 LE'/ELs a.7 iia.; ?,q.4 za.?,26.2 i4,q.2 't ,7.'L ?:tl.'L Z 34 36 3gietg --o. .lBI .r'l H+a 4334+ co45rr .t€t4? - .!:l 3+g -: seqa 3::o5+ 955 ::DEr;6sB3:si6s,it 62 '5364 €6 67 EB 6:i :l+:t{$:tt:ft:1. 2, 2 ?: :1.+:t :i:t+:f.+.t :4.+:1..{.rt :k:t :h:1.:1.+:F:t:lr:F:+rrF:FrlE|k:N:}.:F:li:+{:1.:i.tl.:F:1.:li,F 12. ] ij :{.rl.rl.:t:1.:l..a.rl.{.*:f {rrl.:1.:lrr+.:::1.:1.:tc{.:t:ts:1.:lrl|(:|.rh:1.:k:F{s:x:F:t(!r:1.:1.:1.{s:tr:t:*:t(;f.:*:ts l4 :{.+:t:a{.:{.r1.+"1.{.{.:1.+:1.:F:l.ra.:t:|.:i:F:k:t:d.:t:F:1.:tt:t t!lr:F:ts:F:l.:F:t *:F:}r:i:t*:F:1. 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'. 4:? 4pl f !:l.+F 4r- 4?j!:f 22 f B':,A --rq f q ')a ]J. ?3 t4 24 i4 24 t4 :.{::1 35 21 Flgure A-20 Backgror.rad As.blent Sound Lavel Data Locacloo: 2Data: 09106/i7Tlae: 2355 FILE UT6H14, DFI<B-I.IT. :iOUND LE'/EL5 '4 q.'L i4 ?q a< 37 4,1.:€ ]E 31 3?o33G -_. o:5(\l -.-JD o Jt o-^E ;-' ,4841E+:> .r?J .+.1 845 590oJ7o;; B+iissE! q.r oqa3;; I 'JJ< 5.tEE I'i s7 5Bqa aar't 6s- 54 55 56 :**:t:*sl.:{...*{.:1.+rl.:t:*;1.;t:i.+:F:t rt :h:t:1.:t :1.:ts:0. t6- r5 ,": :t*:l.r*+:1.+:a{:t<:1.+:1.:t +:{.:t. +*:t *:t :1.:l.:.1.*:tsrt::1.:t:ts:t:t rl.rtr:k:*:}i+lfrlli:k:F..1. .L? ia :f.rl.:f,:*:tr:t +r:t :t!:i a 4t . 3: ?4, +:f.:1.:{.*:1.:l:*:i.:f,-l.:f*:1.*rk:a 6.,5,'.::{.:t+*rt<:*:i.:1.**{.:t:ia:|.:| 6.1 :,j:lr:.rrts+:lrh:t:t ::. :!. :jrlrlrl.:1.{.:4.:a. 2- 7 :4 t:l:4.:1.+:{r:t {.S:l.il.;3:t l. 3 :,: :i.:.l.rl.:{.rts.+:a.rl.:1.:1.$:1.!1. 5, 2 :..: :1.:f.:1.:{.rf*:i:r:t:f{.:t 4, E i4:t:i$:c:{.+:r. 2. 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DF< OCTAVE BHND H3. 31. 5 EJ 125 "505BA ,'BBS 289JB 4B4$ .9AAS F-l.rT. ,i 9. 12.+ ,1. 2 il.,1.r{.+{.*+*.r1.:t+{!fr}* 6.7 it {.{.:1.++*{.*{.tar:t *+**+++;1.{. 9. 9 :,: ,{.{.**+:1.***{.rt+:F*+:ts:1.+rF*:t**:$:lE:}:ts:k lf . 6,'i '|4**!i**:,1.*rt {.:t+.}ra.d,++d.{.:lt,t*'+:1.:ft:1.:{,$++:{r:li:+.!f:{:s{c**+.lr L Figrre A-21 Backgror:od rlobiesc Sound Level Data LocatioE: 3Date: 09106171 Ti.Ee: 2240 ?4. 4 :1 LEA DB 48. ? 39lot A, 35 ::4. 5 36. 1 34. 7?4.3?€ '? as:1856l"E 54 53 4445 4? ::'549 44 3539 37 l'543 46 244t 39 !4f,1 38 21 '?'r, ?€ t€l 35 ?4 244'5 44 12 -.2 :,1 35 =:5?til '7,1 .E +G& sr g.J 2+ 2434 t42{ 24 li g,i4 2,+39.1 ?9 FlLE U7HH13. DR<F.I{T. SOUND LE$EL5 + &. 4 i,!,,t 8.?t Z 1A d38o.31 t\l rJ.343:saf6!3r t:o 3;;o a.t rLJ c.+i 3+c/j41 o46o.- 3+e'6 433sst q.l 52 54 +++rFd.**rtr+:.(:{.:1.:1.!..*.f +:trl.i. 1B :{ CUttUtBT I'dE+rt rl.rl.{.r{.!*rf*.ra.:tt{. 6. 3 z ':;.) EXCEEDED 35AB B5 aa 75 ?q 55 6B 55 5B 45 4t5 35 313 3B 15 19 5 DI!:TRIErl-rTir:rN 58t-tND pp'55!l.tRE LE'/EL-Det3 tl'l -:.q i.t ?{ ?."r j.s -J? j:g -s-'! :::: ::::.i.J 35 3:7?'1 +2 44 .+ '; +++rt +t*++* 4. 2 Z ++:*.,t rl.rt 3 i4 {.*:t ++ 2. 3 7: ,a.rt r{.ff ,.. 7 il, ,1.+rt +!F ?. 3 7:+'k* 1. 4 :Z**+:.. L.6 i4 *rt{.{rit i. 2. 6 :1 +{.{.!F L. ? :/.ir.+{r:fr ?. 2 ?: :1.*:1.+.trtz+*{. 4. 2 il+,r.:t.* L. 7 ?:.*+ 6. ;r !l{.rF t i1*!ts A.9 ?1 a.t ,z EEUIT/HLENT sOUND LEYEL = ].::1. T C.9 c-27 FILE UTFH11. DB< ']CTBVE ESND HZ. ?,{ i 63 .r ?q ?34 3AgtBao 28ctq +BB8 88qA B-HT. I Rr1 DB .{5 46. 5 4la. 6 33."3 j.D Ji. b:897q 34. 7?a 't :?5,-1q5rl1B L Ftgure A-22 Backgtormd Arrblent Sound Level Data Locatloo: 4DaEe: 09/A6ii7Tloe: Z20O 41 35 3.+44 43 43-.,. : {J.J ii2? t5 2523 t4 t4!4 24 g+ 24 t4 e-128 :4 2423 24 :4iZ l'.3 !:3 51 4:1JL -+r353 4rl43 ilr"41 ::B41 1734 7A?l, ?ta36 2547 4? FILE UTBH11. OF{fi-l,lT. SBUND LE'r'EL5 ?6 ?s.?e =sj1 "f2o. 333:rCr. 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A i1 {:{.r1.+:Fil L. 7 il{.,..+ D.'3 Z+:i:Frt 1. 3 :C :l:1.:1.:1r L :4:r+;1. 8. B :l:f:|.+il*t L. 6 :/.lr:* E. 6 ?4 ,t 'r* B. !1 :Z$r q.6 ?a "* q.3 'l * Q.? ?!,r 8. ? i,!, '* 8.3 2,* 17. ? :4,* tl. 1 i:i .* 'J.L Z C'JFIULBT I'CE E}(CEEDED :r5.14 B5 BA 75 ?a 65 68E3 513 45 4D:< 3Btq ?ul 15'Lq 5 DISTEIEIIJTILlN lirlt-lND PREs5|JRE LE'/EL-| 29iB 3:1 -.::ta'i .t ::r 31 -acTt ::::. j:3 ::4 j..-r ::6 3El ::9+t 47 EGIUI"/BLENT sDIJND LE'TEL = ::iI. :1 0e c-28 FILE UTRH13. DR4 OCTB'cIE BBND LEr,lH3. DB 31. 5 63 258 569 tBSA ?Egg 4BBg EABs R-t{T. 44. e3.t 't 44. 4 34. 5 38. S ?5. 3 24.2 27. 5 34. 3i<{ 5 51{7 53 4? 34 ?8 AC ?:3 4t t-6 5ri 45 49 :.t _'::1 ?7.)< .ao j.Q 9g :15 26 ?siE ?q ::B ?924 2424 2414 34t4 3{')a 97 24 243Et f,'a 56 '22 36 ?.q 26 24 24 24,a a4 .-' '? F!LE UT8H13. DF< B.I.IT. SOUHD LEVELS Ftgurc A-23 Backgrorm<i Alblent Souad Level Data tocatlon: 5 Date: 09/06177tloe: 232033 * g.?'i 3A {.{.:{.+rt f{.:t:t:a.i.:ts:{r:+.**:t $*:t*+:t:tr:a.{r+!t+++$::t+{:r+r:te:lr:&+*r 1:1. :X :/j E 3t '{.+:t +r.r.rtErt ++*,*++'+r(s:t *'+:*:}:t::t:ftrf:ts:tr:f +:t:tr.*:t:t:{rrt-1.+.f :F:i{!:t:t::ts 2i. i Z : fa i.+:*{.!,1.*:}:*:1.:f {.ra.r*rl.+.t:t.a.:1.:t 9, 7 :,1,i 33 {.+:++{.+,F.***,r{x**(:*++.*+++{.:r'+:r Lt.4 '1, CUI'IULIITIYE 0IsTRIEIUTI0N iC 34 {.*+{.tl.tl.+{c{.*{.+r}r.rFrtr.:1. lil. I :N 5 P. fS ***+++*{.**,r{.:t!r. 6. € :,.1 ':;Z) E:4CEEDED -5OUND PFrES5t-tRE LEI'EL;C -E *a :; +*!t,fi*r..:1.:,l.:1.!.:,r 3. 1, Z . 95 ?.8 " o 3F s{.{:,*,til 3 ?l ?A ::BB 1 =a 'r*rr*r. 2. ! ?/. SS ::B7 o 39 ***{"r"' ?. ? ?: Aq =:c1-g ' 4g *'r.* 1. 5 :., 75 31S H 41 ***'.r. !.6 i1 7g 317 4? {{.+{. !. ? Z 63 ::1i 4s- ,r,.r,r. L.4 Z 6q f,1{4 * q.?il 55 ' ='t.15 {.il 8. g i,:, 58 ::l46 * 8. t 7i 45 :,:.::"19 ::f35 34 EOUITTBLENT 5t:rl-tND LE!,EL = .:8. 1 DE 3E ::435 .:52q ::;{q.,J ::?5,8 r::l541 FILg UTFH2s. DB ODTRVE B,iI"ID Hz- c-29 LEALLLOB51E 51.5 36 54 54. 4 6!a 58 5?. B 57 54 44. B 5t 49 38 {4 41 33 38 3s3E.4 33 f,131.3 35 3424.4 25 15 43. t 4:3 46 I53BJ6 31. 5 53 1?5 ?58 5BStaag ?qsB 4BA9 BAOQ ti-HT {3 4:15t+t 34 3A 2r:._a.! 24 +1 46 4546 +649 49 ?'f "'1a) )aJJTB 3B29 3r3t5 rg3{ 2{ ?.1 -{'1 Flgure A-24 Backgrouod A.obleat Souud Level Daea Locatloo: 5 Dete: 09108/77ll.oe: 2200,* B.i:1 +:f if +:1.:t:t :):f :{.+:1.:€:tr:ts:i:r:t :*:k:lr:1.:s:ft:t :F:t 13. 4 .'C +:1.+:{.,{.:*+:t:1.:t:1.:tc:f:n:t:r:i:r:i:t(tle:l':Fs:F:t(:t:r:ts:F:}::a:F:f :ll:lE:lr:]:1.:t<:t':F:trrlE:ll:F:t?:r:F j4- l: ii :t +:l.rf..,f:f.rt:1.:1.:tstl+:t:t:.|.:{.:F:0.:trl.r}:f:t{:fi:I:t:t:tr;f.:prt{:F;l.jt{:1.:t:1.:F:F:k:li:{, 2L. 4 :1 *i.:a.rl.{.:{.:,1.:1.:$:{.:1.:*:i:*+:1.:F:lrt +rirt:*:t :1.:t :F:}r:}.:F 14. t3 ,''j r{.rl:{.:t3t{.t;1.:f :t {.:l.:1.:l.:i:1. 7. E :.: {.:t4.{.:t:{.+:t {.:1. 4- B :l rl.rlrl.:{.{.:1.:1. 3. 3 Z {.!l!r.t:1. 2. e :1 It +:i.!t..|. 3. 4 :1 $r{.:1.:{. 1. :? :l:1.{. t '/a*{. 6. I il,* q.3 z*$ 4.7 Z,* 8. 1,"{+ 6.? Z ,t B. !- ?!* 8.'L :4 ']UI'ILTLRTIIE O I sTR ! BUT ILlH (:.) EXCEEDED ErlllI',/,:lLEtlT SOUND LE'dEL = 4J. 1 DB oo.ao(\.?a ;33- "tB(B .r.r 42' .13 O?t>45o _-J+b o4? =4eod9o38 E<{ov-252gs3o543ssi:;q1 aq 3A ,95 8B?q 7B 65 6B 55 5B 45 48 35 3B aa L5ta 5 ::Ol.tNO PRE:.151-lF:E LE'/EL-C,e i'1 39 48 4E 4B 46 4i)4t4t4t+t{f .+3 4: 4f 43 444{ 4t3 FILE UTRH37. DE< OCTIIVE BBND LET,IHZ. DB tr6 9b 43 41 el t444 44 43 4f4c1 34 38 i933 t7 25 153q t7 24 3427 ?5 ?4 :424 t4 34 2434 34 34 t.{34 34 ?1 2"+33 ::E 2., 34 (i.) E)4CEEBED 35 ':-r4t qc. t{ l),,7 ?5 24 24t4 e4 24 24 ?4C 125 258 5BB l.gBa 2qBA 4B13B ssgg tq-hlT. 35. 5 d3. e 34. e 4r. -\15. 3t5 34 44. aal FILE UTFIH37. DB{B-I{T. sDUND LEYELS Figure A-25 Background Arblent Souad Level Dala LocacioB: 7Date: Ag108/77Tlae: 2245 'lt-t'rulFiT I vE 0 i 5TF: I ErlJT i 8N o23o24:.Eo::Nzb 279aaoe9!38 | ?.t "l?> J,-{o?d ?rio --Ic .rE3rz(o38E399+a€+r64?3+:i++.15 { a.t:l:tr{.++:t:tr:{.r1.*:1.{ritr{.;l.il.:l.rF*{.:1.:1.*:;:1.:frt*#+:t:f,$al.:tr*!t+:}:i:t:i:F.1.:1.+:t:F+ 43.7 :,i ,I+{r:f,:l.rls++*rl.rt;1.:{r+?**+:1.*+rl.:ir'l::lsrlt{.:1.+:t:at{<:frl::t::ttk+ ':"=:, 1: ?a :+rt:asrt {. 3. I '/! *r*rl.++ 4- 4 ?1rtri. 1. 6 Z,t+ LA'A,r;+ L. 9 ,4,tra..t ?. t 'tl,{.rt !. 4 i4,ar{. 'L.7 Z*{. L. 1, Z* 6.6 Z* B.S Z,+ t!t.6 /.* 8.4,1!* 8.3 ij,., B. E :ra* 13. 1:l * q.'L Z 9B a9 B6 7g65 €BEG ,) Ei -.6 ?q f6'?< !E 5B "+546 5CrLlND PRE55|-IRE LE,/EL-OE 34 "tt ?.r. 1f E{l'f z4 -a45! '73, g-l ::€i ESUIVFTLEHT !:EUND LE'/EL = 15ta ,J DE c-3 I FlLE UTFI{2g. DR DI:TFIT/E SRND HZ. }I..J 6i .125 2AA 3gq taSB 2AAB 4qB6 BAAg H-r,tT. 5B 43 -. I !5 t+ 24t+'?J .:'q 1E 46 4f47 444B 3:135 2',135 393.q 3:1lB e524 t424 '34 42 -'i:3 LE|T L DB 43. 7 44. 5 33 -11f. i' jJ.6 18. 7 24.9t44t :rB 43 3E t+ 7.1 '7,r. ':4 t:t$ :4 43 -a rl ?4 .{,ti.:*!1.*:t:t:.t.,1.:l.rt:i.:1.:1.:t:f:s:E:1.:}:ts:1.:}r:r:k:k:xr}:1.:l.r+r:f.:ti;1.:t:k:t:lr:l':t'lt:k:f:l':}:F 34. -?; :: i.:t:i!t +:t ri+:l.il.{.:t. :tr:1.:t:t:iS:t :!.:*:t:1.:+r:t{:l::f:n:F:ts:}:lE:t:}.:t:t:1.:f::t(:ltrtrt:ti:F:F:tt ::4 :': *+:{.:{.*:t:l.:1.:1.:t ri. '3 ,'l +{.:t:i.:1.:a. 4. t 7:t*{. e. 3 Z**:.r:t ?. 4 'A{.ri{. 2. 3 :Z$* 'L. + 'l:r.,r t. L jl ir!.t L. 3 'l:l.t t ,Z I:UI'.IULHT I'/E D I 5TR I EUT I !:IN + :{. .t :iil {. :1. {. rf :i :l i* :f, :f {. {. :I :* rl :.i. $ {. :f, :i. 8.5 Z8.3 ?:9.3 :4a.7 :.!,4.9 ?, kl. 4 ,'.48.4 Z 11. 4 :,:8.3::a.3 :4B.B Zq. 4 i:,8.3 't a.'L ?4o.3 ?: {,1. 1 i3B.? )a9.5 U 6. 3 :.:8.3 ii8.2 't tl. .:" ,t el. 3 :: B. 1 :..: r:r. 1 :a rl. f :: '?4 t: !Da2 ?B ?9 30 ?,r -32(L J-1a3+o*-6.JJ.. iEO-- Eo39E39| "+B -413*e .3 43 Jrl E+s 3+e(,4? rc 489+g Esa o Jr3sarct<E4 55 56 37 38 59 6A r;1 (Z) E}{CEEDED 95 30 B5 BB 7B 65 55 5Aq3 4B 35:o ,q 3q 15 1r-l 5 SRIJHD PRESSURE LE'/EL-Di x4 t.+ 24 2+ 1.).--.q g.J "tB. TE g.J ^it 3''5 i'; !:'J ::Bf3 Figure A-25 Backgrormd AEbieoE Sound Level Daca Locatlon: 8Dace: 09/08177 fioe: 3330 EAIJILiI?LENT SBUI,ID LE''/EL =4r D8 APPENDIX REPORT SITE SELECTION AND TAILING RETENTION AND H DESIGN STUDY MILL FACILITIES 'r'.1:l ii,. i,I s REPORT SITE SELECTION AND DESIGN STUDY TAILING RETENTION AND MILL FACILITIES WHITE MESA IIRANII]M PROJECT BLANDING, UTAH FOR EMRGY FUELS NUCLEAR, INC. 099 73-0 I 5-t 4 January 17, 1978 Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. Suite 445 Three Park Central 1515 Arapahoe Sireet Denver, Colorado 80202 AtEention: Mr. Muril D. Vincelette GenElemen: I^Iith this t"tt". we are transmitEing our report tiEled "Site Selec-tion and Design Study, Tailing Retention and Mi11 Facilities, White Mesa Uranium Project, Blanding, Utah, for Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc." The purpose and scope of this siudy were planned in discussions betweenMr. Muril Vincelette of Energy FueLs and Messrs. Richard BritEain endK.R. Porter of Dames & Moore. The purpose and scope are summarized inour submitEal titled "Propcsed Mi11 and Tailings Disposal Site Selection Studies, EnvironmenEal Studies, and Cost/Task Scneautls for Errergy Fue1s" dated July 1977. \"( This investigation was perforned in two parEs. The initial "rt/""dinvolved the selection of the Eost suitable tailing retention site/ The subsequent studies were concerned with design recommendations for thetailing retent.ion facility, and for the earEhwork and foundat.ions associ- ated with the rui11. DetaileC descriptions of Ehe site conditions encoun-tered, site selection studies, and desigu recommendations are conEainedin the report. A detailed dascripEion of Ehe field explorations andlaboratory testing performed in conjunction with rhis study are presented in AppenCix A and Appendix B, respectively. $-/*\,Jl u.o, $.e- Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. January 17, 1978 Page Two We appreciate the opportunity of performing this study for you. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we can be of furtherservice, please contact us. Very truly yours, DAMES & MOORE Kenneth R. Porter, Ph.D.Project Manager Ronald E. Versaw Senior Engineer KRP:REV:t1g Enclosure -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.. 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE..... ...... ... . t DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS .......... . 3 RETENTION SYSTEM SELECTION ... ... 4 ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS... 4 Backfilling Mines.,........ ....... 4 Large Pit.. ..... ..... 4 Conventional Surface Retent,ion.. .... ... 5 Retention Cells ..... 6 PROJECT VICINITY CONDITIONS.... ...... 6 TOPoGMPHY, VEGETATION AND CLIMATE. ............ 6 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY.... .............. 7 Structure........... i Geotechnical Conditions at the Proposed SiEe..... 8 SEISMOLOGY. ".. .... . 9 Seisnic llisrory of Region. ... . ....... .. 9 RelaEionship of Earthquakes to TectonicSEructures .... ...... 10 SURFACE WATER HYDROLOGY..... .... r 10 Site Drainage. ........ . o .. ... 10 Normal Annual ConCitions... . ....... .... 11 Flood Flows 1i GROUND T,IATER I]YDROLOGY .. . .. L2 -1 1- TABLE 0F CONTEIITS (Continued) Page Ground Water Regirne . o........ L2 Recharge. .... o..... . o... 12 Ground lJater Depth. .. ........ L2 Ground Water Movement .......... 13 DESIGN OF TAILING RETENTION FACILIfi... 14 GENERAL. .... o..... o...... o...... 14 DESTGN ANALYSES... o. ... .. .. o..... .... 15 Seepage. .. ... ..... ...... 16 Material Properties.... ..................... 16 Seismic Design Criteria. . .... 17 Liquefaction Evaluation. ..........o.... 18 Stability Analyses.......... ... .. ..... . 18 SeEtleoent. ... ..... .,... 2l Freeboard and Flood Protection.... 2l Water Balance of Cellso.... ....... 2L DESIGN RECOMI.{ENDATIONS. .. .. . . .. .. .... 22 Design Section. .. ...... o. ......... 22 Site Preparation.......... . ..... 22 Construction Materials ..... ..... .. 23 Fill Placement......... o ..... ..... 24 CeII Lining........ 25 Radiation Control and Reclamation. 26 Ground Water }lonitoring.... 27 -1 11- TABLE 0F C0NTENTS (Concluded) Page FOT'NDATION DESIG}I RECOMMENDATIONS - UILL FACILITY. .. 27 EARTHWORK .. ... ... 27 Site Preparation. ...... ..........'............. .. 27 Site Grading.. .... ...... .. ... 28 Excavation. ... .... . ..... 28 Compaction Criteria. .......... ! ........ 28 Surface Water Diversion.. .... 29 FOUNDATIONS... . .. 30 Bearing Capacity. ...... r... ....... 30 Settlement. ... ..... ..... ..... 31 Lateral Pressure..... ........ 3l Frost Protection......... .... 31 REFERENCES.... .. i....... ... 33 APPENDIX A, FIELD EXPLOMTION APPENDIX B, LABORATORY TEST DATA Table J B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 1 2 -1V- LIST OF TABLES Page Comparison of Alternate Disposal Sites .. .... 5 Material Properties Used for Dike Stability Analyses. .. ... ... ... ... . . r. ... ... .. o. o... o 17 Summary of Stability Analyses .......... 20 Atterberg Lirnits Test Data Permeability Test Data Direct Shear Test Data Chemical Test Data -1- REPORT SITE SELECTIOI{ AND DESIGN STUDY TAILING RETET.ITION AND MILL FACILITIES WHITE },IESA URANIW PROJECT BLANDING, UTAH FOR ENERGY FUELS NUCLEAR, INC. This report presents tion and design study for facilities near Blanding, on Plate l, Vicinity Map. INTRODUCTION the results of Dames & Iloorets site investiga- che proposed tailing retention s:/ste$ and rnilL Utah. Ihe generat location of rhe site is shown PTIRPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the study was iwo-fold: 1. To select the glost desirable taiLing retention and miLl siteswith regard to engineering and general environrnenEal :onsiciera-tions. 2. To provide geotechnical and hydrological paraoeters for prelia-inary design of the Eailing retention systeu and rai11. Thesedesign studies provide the information required as parE A of thesupport data for an operating license. To accomplish these purposes, the scope of work was completed in twc phases. The first phase, or site select.ion phase, included the following items: 1.Review of exisEi:rg engineering, topographic an<i geologic datafor lentaEive selection of possible retention sites, followedby preliminary engineering calculations of area/depth require- ments for each site. A field reconnaissance of each poEential retention site andEhe ni11 site for a preliurinary assessment of geotechnical and environmental conditions. Design of a drilling and sampling prcgram for the retentionareas and Ehe mi11 siie selected as being the most suitablesites based on the preceding oifice and field investigations. 2. 3. -2- The second phase, or detailed field exploration and prelininary design phase, included the fol-lowing items A subsurface investigation program of the areas defined in the site selection phase which included; drilling, logging and sampling of. 28 borings; field permeability measureuents by means of packer tests in five of those borings; and installation of five standpipe piezometers. A surface investigation program which included detailed geologic mapping of the site area and investigation of potential clay and sand borrow areas. A laboratory testing prograu which included moisture and density determinations, Atterberg limit deterninations, grain size analyses, consolidation tests, compaction tests, permeability tests on undisturbed an<i recompacted samples, triaxial coupres- sion and direct shear tests on undisturbed and recompacted sanples, and chemical analyses A program of engineering analysis and preliminary design which included: a. Seismology study to derive seisnic design criteria for use in slope stability, foundation stability and liquefac- tion potential analyses. b. Foundation design and site grading criteria for the mi11 area. c. Layout of the tailing retention system and dike design, incLuding recommendations for slope angle, crest vidth, dike height and volumes, freeboard' construction materiais, compaction criteria, and the calculation of pond caPa- city-surface area relationships. d. Estinates of seepage from the tailing areas under various lined and unlined conditions to evaluate alternatives for seepage control. e. Design of the layout and insEallation details for monitor we1ls. t. Evaluation of the control of surface runoff. Design of a final reclamation Program for the tailing retention facility. Preparation of this report, which summarizes Dames & Moorers conclusions and recommendations, Presents aPProPriate con- struction plans and sections and docunents the supporting field, laboraEory and engineering data. 1. 2. 3. 4. c. 5. -3-REVTSED DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The uranium processing mill and tailing retention facility planned for construction by Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc., near Blanding, Utah will mi11 ore from approximately 100 relatively small mining operations in the Eour Corners Region. Feed for the milt is presently being stock- piled at t\,ro buying stations, one locaEed on Ehe pro ject site and the other located 122 miles away by road near Hanksville, Utah. The mill is planned to process 2000 tons per day (tpa) of uranium ore using an acid leach process. The solid wastes (taiting) produced by the mi11 will be slurried to approximately 50 percent qrater by weight. This slurry will be transported in a pipeline to the tailing retention facility. Any excess water which is not permanently enErained in the tailing will be evapora-ted from the surface of the pond. During the projected 15-year life of the mil1 approximately 1I million tons of solid tailing will be produced at a rate of 2000 tpd. Tailing will be per- manently contained in the tailing retention facility. The objective of the design of Ehe tailing retention system is to provide permanent safe containment for the required quantity of tailing with a minimum of impact on the surrounding environment Since the natural soils and bedrock at the site are permeable, some Eype of lining system will be required to control seepage from the disposal area, Laboratory testing on the soils indicates thaE these materials respond to compaction with a decrease in permeabiliEy of approximately one order of magnitude. Regardless of the Eype of seepage control system used, observation we1ls will be est.ablished at appropriate locations around the pond perime ter f or monitoring of ground \^rater quality. Precipitation and annual evaporation rate must be accounted for in IdaEer balance calculations. Storm runoff outside the retention facil- ity area wi11, at most locations, flow naturally 6way from the tailing retention area. Runoff from the main drainage depressions north of the mi11 site and tailing retention area must be prevented from flowing uncontrol 1ed. The ernanat ion retention facilitv and regulations. of radioaciive sases nusi be controlleC in frcn rhe surface oi t:':3 accordance with apclicabi f-e'l 1 i nt e:'uies P.ET:}'ITION SYSTEiI SELECTICN Prior to Ehe selection of Ehe tailing retention systeu ciatail-ec in this rePort. several concepts were considered. These includei: using cailing to backfill Ehe mines from which ore r4-as extracred; burial in a single large pit; storage behind "conventional" dams or iikes; and storage in ce1ls construcieci partiaIlT beiow grade. (see additional shtda, Appendic r, on Alternatitse iailinjs )i-s- FlrcLs' staff eatrnents. ) ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS Backfil ling Mines Replacing Ehe tailing in the mines fron which the ore was extracted \ras considered but this al Eerna,:ive is noE suited to a central rni I 'l .i no operation whicli services approximately 100 srnal-1, widely distribi:.ted mines wiih diverse o'*rrerships. The nanagenent of such a p:ocedure;oulC be I'ery difficuit because tailing could only be backfilled in r,rines r.-hich rrere depleted and i:loper-arive. Placement of the tailing in an ac tive mine coulC inierfere with mining operations and could creaEe a radon exPosure hazatd to miners. Adequate control of the transDorlaii-on, hanCling and storage of the tailing, and monitoring the effects of Ehe tailing on the environr.reni'would be virtually impossible. Transporta- Eion costs for this alternative woul<i be prohibitive. Laree Pit TotaI burial of Ehe tailing would require the excavation and disposal of a volurne of soil and underlying sandsEone bedrock equal tc the volurne of the tailing. This requiremenE wouLd lead to additicnal disE.urbance of lanci and -,"-ould be prohibitively expens ive. It u,cul-i also be ver)'difficulE and expensive to effectively control seepage frca rhe sidewalls anl boE.ton of Ehe pit. Lloreover, Ehe pit uould place the tailing closer to the grcund warer than other aI!ern:tives anC a hirh poEenti.al, fcr gro:.rnd uater corta;iination would resuLi. L Sustems dated April. L978 ee?inq uith Ene Revision 1 5-15-78 -3-REVfSED !$" arrl =l"t'''o DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The uranium processing mil1 and tailing retention facility planned for construction by Energy Fuels Nuclear, rnc., near Blanding, Utah will mi11 ore from approximately 100 relatively sma11 mining operations in Ehe Four Corners Region. Feed for the mill is presently being stock- piled at two buying stations, one located on the project site and the other located 122 ".-iles away by road near Hanksville, utah. The uri11 is planned to process 2000 tons per day (tpa) of uranium ore using an acid leach process. The solid wastes (tailing) produced by Ehe mi11 will be slurried to approximately 50 percent water by weight. This slurry will be transported in a pipeline to the tailing retention facility. Any excess water which is not permanently entrained in the tailing will be evaporated from the surface of the pond. During the projected l5-year life of the mil1 approximately 11 million tons of solid tailing will be produced ar a rare of 2000 rpd. Tailing will be per- manently contained in the tailing retention facility. The objective of the design of the tailing retention system is to provide permanent safe containment for the required quantity of tailing with a minimum of impact on the surrounding environment. Since the natural soils and bedrock at the site are permeable, some type of lining system will be required to control seepage from the disposal area. Laboratory tesEing on the soils indicates that these materials respond to compaction with a decrease in permeability of approximately one order of magnitude. Regardless of the type of seepage control system used, observation we1ls will be established at appropriate locations around the pond perimeter for monitoring of ground water qua 1 ity. Precipitation and annual evaporation rate must be accounted for in I^rater balance calculations. Storm runoff outside the retention facil- ity area wi11, at most locations, flow naLurally away from the tailing retention area. Runoff from the main drainage depressions north of Ehe mi11 site and tailing retention area must be prevented from flowing unconErol 1ed. The emanation reEention fac ility and regulations. of radioactive gases must be controlled in from the surface of the tailing accordance with applicable rules RETENTION SYSTEM SELECTION Prior to the s ection of the tailing retention ystem detai led in usingthis report, several ncepts were considered. Th e included: tailing to backfill rhe ines from which ore was trac ted; burial :-n a dams or dikes; andsingle large pit; srora behind "convent i.ond7" storage in ce1ls construcEed artially below gr e. ALTER IVE CONCE Backfilling Mines Replacing the tailing in the from which the ore was extracted not suited to a central rniIlj.ng 100 smaIl, widely distributed was considered but this alternative 1 s !voperation which services approxi/at mines with diverse olrnerships. be very difficult because tail ema gement of such a procedure would g could ly be backfilled in mines which were depleted and inoperatiy'e. placemen of the tailing in an active mine could interfere with/mining operatio and could create a radon exposure hazard to minf s . Adequa te cont 1 of the transportation, handling and storage the tailing, and moni oring the effects of the tailing on the enviyi6nment would be virtual ly ssible. TransporEa- Eion costs for thiy'alrernarive would be prohibiti e. Large Pit ToEal by'ria1 of the tailing would require th\ excavaEion and disposal ot/a volume of soil and underlying sandsaorr"\pedrock equal to Ehe volumg/of rhe tailing. Ihis requirement would lead to additional disturbar{ce of land and would be prohibitively expensive. It would also be very difficulE and expensive !o effectively control seepage from the sidewalls and bot.tom of the pit. Moreover, Ehe pit would place the tailing closer to the ground water than other alternatives and a high potenEial for gror:nd water contamination would result. -3- DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The uranium processing mili and tailing retention faci for consEruction by Energy Fuels I'luclear, Inc., near B1 lity planned nB, Utah will uri1l1 ore from approxioraEely 100 relatively sma1l mini operations in the r Corners Region. Feed for the miLl is presenE being stock- site and thepiled at other loca The mill T planned to process 20C'0 tons p6r day (tpa) of uraniurn leach process. The solid wq6tes (railing) prodrrced by slurried to approximaEely percent \.rater by .rreight. This slurry will \e transported in a pip/line to the tailing reEent,ion facility. Any exc\ss waier which is y'ot permanently entrained in Ehe tai-Ling will be evalprateC frorn rhe furface of the pond. Duri.ng the projected lS-year life \f the mi.1l afproximately 11 million tons of solid tailing will be produce\ at a ra/.e of 2000 Epd. Tailing will be per- maaenEly contained in the\tail retention facility. The objecEive of the design cf the tailing ntion system is to provide permanent safe containnent for Ehe req'lire/\uantity of tailing with a minimum of impact on Ehe surrounding envirog6ent Since the soils bedrock t the site are permeable, a relatively imperaeable liner wj 1 be required\to concrol seepage from the disposal area. 0bservatio wel1s will be e\tablished at appropriate locations around the po quali ty. perimeLer to permi\the monitoring of ground waEer Precip/tation and annual evaporation te must be accounte<i f<>r in water baUnce calculations. Storm runoif Eside the retention facil- ity area'wi11, at ulost Locations, flow naEur ly away from the tailing retention aree. Runoff from the main drainage mi11 site and tailing retention area musE be epressions nortl'r of the eveniedfromflowi.ng s Ldore uslng an a the mil1 will uncontrolled. ,*Lb,vh' Ihe emanation retenti-on faeility and regulations. -4- of radioactive gases rnust be controlLed in from the surface of the tailing accordance with applicable rules RETENTION SYSTEM SELECTION Prior to the \election of the tailing retentiodsysteu detailed in this report, severa\oncepts were considered.ese included: using tailing to backfill th\nines from which ore extracted; burial in a singl-e large pit; stora\e behind "conventi6nal'r dams or dikes; and storage in cells constructe\ partially beloy'grade. CEPTS Backfilling Mines Replacing the tailing in qras considered buE this alte from which the ore qras extracted not suited to a central uilling 100 sma11, widely distributed the rhine s tive\ is G -S o { J ; "{- /i {xt I N)tss/E \\ \\c l I \ operation which services roxirnat{y mines with diverse or.rners ps. The ma genent of such a procedure wouLd be very difficult becau tailing could ly be baclcfilled in mines which Irrere depleted and i erative. Placeme of the tailing in an active s and could create a radonmine could interfe with mining operati exposure hazard miners. Adequate con o1 of the transportation, handling and s rage of the tailing, and mon toring the effects of the tailing on t}/e environment would be virtually Lmpossible. Transporta- tion costs /for this alternative would be prohibit Lar ru!_ \\otal burial of the tailing would require lhe excavation and dirlposal of a volume of soil and underlying sandstone bedrock equal to e volume of the tailing. Ihis requirement would lead to additional disturbance of land and would be prohibitively expensive. It would also be very difficult and expensive to effectively control seepage from the sidewalls and bottom of the pit. Moreover, Ehe pit would place the tailing closer to the ground water than other alternatives and a high potential for ground water contamination would result. -5- Conventional Surface Retention Four conventional retenEion sites were studied. Ehese are shown on Plate 2, Plct Plan. The locations of Two of the conventional alternaEives could be classified as dams, where the tailing would be conta:ined in a val1ey by means of a dam of considerable height, while the other two alternatives are essentially ponds, where the tailing would be containeC over a large area of the genEly sloping surface of the mesa by dikes of relarively 1ow height. East Site - This would involve constructing a l20-fooE high dam across Corral Creek Canyon which is east of the buying staLion, across }lighway 163. The reservoir surface area would be relatively sma11, which is beneficial for reclamation purposes. I{owever, Ehe drainage area for the reservoir is large, and flood control would a problern. AIso, sealing the sEeep canyon walls, which are rnostly sandstone, wo,uld be difficult. The reservoir surface area, drainage area and maximum dam height for this and the oLher alternatives discussed in this section are summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 COUPARISON OF' ALTERN-ATE DISPOSAL SITES West Site - A dam could be consEruct,ed across a mtnor I,Ihi].9 thi.s site would have L20 230 80 65 45 tributary of the the leest portd Dam Site Eas t West NorEh South Propos ed Pond System Surface Area (acres ) t20 68 2L5 250 70 (each ce11) Drainage Area (acres) 3400 850 420 590 70 (each ce11) Maximum Dam Height (feet) IlIestwaier Creek Canyon. !ll -6- surface area and a moderate drainage area, the darn itself would have to be quite high in order to provide the required storage capacity. Also, the toe of the dam would be in the flood plain of lleslurater Creek. Control of seepage into the nearly vertical sandstone canyon wal1s would be extremely difficult. Also this site would encroach upon a well- preserved Moqui Indian cliff dwe11ing. North and South Sites - Both of these would entail the construction of a single long dike to contain the tailing on the gently sloping mesa between the Westwater and Corral Creeks. Relatively low dikes and large pond surface areas would result. For these conditions, seepage would be expected to travel downwards to the water table in the mesa, some 50 to 100 feet below the ground surface. Because of the close proxirnity of the north site to the Westwater Creek Canyon, seepage into this drainage would have a relatively short flow path. Retention Ce1Is The scheme finally selected for the tailing retention system will eomprise three rectangular trenches lined with irnpermeable membranes each ce1l with a stora.ge capacity of 5 years. Ihis system will be constructed in 3 stages and could be reclairned in three stages. Other advantages include; sma1l surface areas, partial burial of the tailing below the existing ground surface, effectively zero cell seepage and reduced dike heights. Ihe scheme is described in detail in subsequent sections of this report and illustrated on Plete 2. PROJECT VICINITY CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY, VEGETATION AND CLIMATE The site is located on the genEly rol.Iing, slightly sloping White Mesa in San Juan County, Utah, approxirnately 6 uriles south of Blanding. The mesa is comprised of about 29,000 acres and is bounded on the west by the deeply incised Westwater Creek and Cottonwood htash and on the east by Corral Creek. The southerly sloping tcpography creates a drop in eleva- tion across the project site (see Pl,ate 2) of abouE i50 feet, from a maxinum elevation of approximaEely 5700 feet at the northern end about to -7- a minimum eLevation of approximately 5550 feet at.:he southern errd. Ground surface elevation over the proposed taiiing retenEion and mi11 sites varies by app'roximately 50 feet. 411 creeks anci drainages in the vicinity of the site are interu'rittent, although a few springs are located in the canyon walts. Vegetation consists principally of Pinyon-Juniper woodland along the rocky slopes of the deeply incised canyons, with Big Sagebrush community being dominanE on Ehe Ceeper soil and flatter terrain of the mesa. Typically, teuperatures in the area range from highs near I00"F in sunmer to lows below zero in winter. Annual precipitat-ion at the siEe ai/erages about L2 inches and is distributed relatively uniformly. The average total annual evaporation rate is about 64 inches per year. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Structure The geologic structure at the project site is simple. Strat.a of the underlying Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are nearly horizontal with only slight undulaEions along the caprock rims of the mesa. Faulting is absent. In uuch of Ehe area surrounding the projecE site Lhe dips are less than one degree. Ihe prevailing regional dip is abouE one <iegree to the south. The low dips and simple structure are in sharp contrast to the pronounced structural features of the Comb Ridge Monocline Eo the west and the Abajo ltountains to the north. Jointing is common in the exposed DakoL,a-tsurro Canyon sandstones along Ehe mesats rin. Most of the joints are essentially para11e1 to the cliff faces. Since erosicn of the underlying weaker Brushy Basin mudstones removes both vertical and lateral support of the sandstone, large joint blocks coruaonly break away from the cliff leaving joinE surfaces as the cliff face. Because of this, it is not possible to detersrine if rhe joinEs influenced Ehe development df canyons and cliffs. However, from a geonorphologic standpoint, it appears thaE the joints are related to the compacEion of the underlying strata and, thereiore, are -8- sedimentary features rather than tecEonic in origin. What.ever the original cause, tr{ro sets of j oint atritudes exist in the resistant sandstones at the project site. These sets range from Nl0-18"E and N60-85'E and nearly parallel che cliff faces. Geotechnical Conditions at the Proposed Site The geotechnical conditions of the site were investigated in detail during September L977. A toEal of 28 borings were drilled and this information was supplemented by site reconnaissance. The field explora- tion program is described in detail in Appendix A. Ttre oi11 site is covered by relativel.y thin reddish-brown silty fine sand and fine sandy silt soil layer which ranges from 7.5 to 14.5 ft in thickness. Ihese soils are of a loessal origin, but have been partially reworked by suriace water (probably precipitation runoff). In general, they are loose at the surface, are medium dense within I to 2 feet, and become more dense with an increase in depth. In plaees, these materials are slightly to moderaEety cemented with calciuo carbonate. The tailing retention site is underlain by the same soil types. However, the thickness of soil in this area ranges from 3 to 17 ft. In 11 of the 28 borings drilled during the field investigation, a light gray-bronrn to grayish-green, stiff Eo very-stiff, silty clay was encountered below the loessal soil materials. It is possible that these silty clays are highly weathered shales of the Upper Cretaceous I'lancos Formation. 3.k"= gj: j*j:. *:n_:."j9:_-i":__*-l. t*!_"*:l_ :q_.*S" thinner lavers could be mudstones and claystones that are known to------.%-_._ffib:*ir1:1"1i5*.:*"33:-::-15*.rj:i'j-:J-":ls*-slsery- sEone. but the thicker layers tend to indicate that these materials g-ould --.1--H-:-:---.::-;.'-r,+qa% -***-*##---d.-be Mancos shale. Regardless of crigin, these materials have undergone ',."*lro-**drgt@substantial weathering and should be classified as soil rather than rock. Underlying the loess+_I-..s-q-i..ls and, s.ilry-cleys 11s the pakota"-Sa-o-ds"lone-__--- Formation. This formaEion is composed of a hard to very hard, fine-to -9- coarse-grajlne{ sandstone and conglomeratic sandsione. IE is poorly Eo highly cemented liir.' -;iric"-;;";i;t", ";;;;;;;", ,o*"Eimes with iron oxides. Losses of drilling fluid during Ehe subsurface investigation indicate that permeable zones exist within the formation. The conEact between the Dakota Sandstone and the underlying iower Crelaceous Burro Canyon Formation is extremely difficulE to detect in a dri1l hole without continuous coring. Sometimes it may be identified by a thin greenish- gray mudstone layer beneath the Dakotars basal conglomerate. Where the sandstones of the Dakota rest on Burro Canyon sandstones, the contact can hardly be distinguished even in outcrops. From a geoEechnical appraisat, the physical properties and characeristics of the tvo formations are nearly identical, even sharing the same joint patterns and ha'ring similar zones of high permeability. SEIS}IOLOGY Seismic History of Region Because of the regionts late seEElement, the record of earthquake occurrences in the Colorado Plateau and surrounding regions dates back only L25 years. DocumenEation of the early evenEs was based solely on newspaper reports EhaE frequently recorded effecEs only in the more populated areas which may have been some di-stance from the epicenters. Not until the late 1950s was a seismograph network developeC to properly locate and evaluate seismic events in this region (Simon, L972). From a tectonic standpoint, Ehe project area is within a relatively stable porEion of the Colorado Plateau. The area is noted for its scarcity of historical seismic events. In contrast, the border between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Province and Middle Rocky Mountain Province (.*hich renges from 155 miles west Eo 239 mLles north- west of the site) is one of the most active seismic belts in the wesE.ern United States. The epicenters of historical earthquakes from 1853 through 1975 withi.r a 200 mile radius of the site are shown on Plate 3, Regional Epicenter Map. More than 450 evenEs have occurred in the area, of which at on -1 0- least 45 were damaging; that is, having an intensity of VI or greater the !,!odifi.ed Mercalli Scale. Relationship of Earthquakes to Tectonic Structures The rnajority of recorded earthquakes in Utah have occurred along an active belt of seisrnicity that extends from the Gulf of California, through wesEern Arizona, central Utah, and northward into western British Colurnbia. The seisrnic belt is possibly a branch of the active rift system associated with the landward extension of the East Pacific Rise (Cook and Snith , 1967). It is significant Eo note that the seisoic belt forms the boundary zone between the Basin and Range and the Colorado Plateau-Middle Rocky Mountain Provinces. Ihis block-faulted zone is about 47 to 62 uiles wide and fonos a tectonie transition zone between the relatively sirnple structures of the Colorado Plateau and the complex fault-control- led structures of the Basin and Range Province. Another zone of seismic activity is in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico near the Colorado border. ihis zone, which coincides with an extensive series of Tertiary intrusives, Eay also be related to the northern end of the Rio Grande Rife. Ihis rift is a series of fault- controlled structural depressions extending southward from southern Colorado through central New Mexico and into Mexico. SURFACE WATER HYDROLOGY Site Drainage All project facilities are located on a relatively flat, slightly sloping mesa on which the surface water drainage patterns are poorly defined. I{estwater Creek to the west and Corral Creek to the east are the major drainage channels which define the mesa; however, the southern end of the projecE drains directly to Cottonwood Wash below its conflu- ence with Westwater Creek. The rnajority of projeet features will be constructed witl,in that portion of the mesa which drains to Cottonwood llash. Corral Creek, on the eastern edge of the mesa, receives runoff flow from only a sma1l Drainage, shorvs a plan of -l 1- part of the buying sEation. Plate 4, SiEe Ehe project site drainage. Normal Annua1 CondiEions The average annual surface \./ater yield of this region expressed as depth has been esLimated as 0.5 inches or less. If. all this runoff occurred in one day, a pond would form against the norLh side of the northern retention ce1l just slightly larger than the 100 year pond shown on Plate 4. Such a pond would be approximately two to four feet deep. This r./ater could eas ily be evaporated in the f ollowing twe lve months, since the annual evaporation in the project area is about 64 inches. However, ihe annual runoff, does noE occur in a single day; raEher, it occurs in several smaller parts Ehroughout the year. Iherefore we expect EhaE a pond would only rarely form and then for only a fer..r days. The alternate filling and evaporaEing would limit the pond size Eo less than one ecre in most years and in dry years, no pond would form at all. Flood Flows The drainage of interest is thaE area which contributes Eo flow across the mi11 site and to the imp,:undment caused by the nort,hern tailing cell. North of the mi11 the topography caLlses a concentration of suriace waEer runoff at Ewo points as it enters Ehe fenced area around the nill and tailing retention sites. These drainages turn \^rest within the resEricted area and then join to form one drainage which exits the fenced area along the western perimeter. At Ehe northern fence line the areas for these drainages are 41 acres and 20 acres for the western and eastern basins respectively. Using Ehe results of a precipitation analysis and the rational formula for flood flows with a SCS (soit Conservation Service) curve number of 50, the peak flood flows with a recurrence inEerval of 100 years have been computed to be approximately 4l cfs aad 20 cfs for the western and easEern basins respectively. The probable naxinum precipita- tion, which wc,u1d occur as a thunderstorm, would produce a peak- flow -12- (curve number 85) of the eastern basin. GROUND WATER HYDROLOGY about 540 cfs in the western basin and 265 cfs in Grognd Water Regirne The project site, located on a flat-top mesa approxiroaEely 2 to 3 miles wide, is partly covered with a thin veneer of loessal soils which in some places is underlain by the Mancos shale and in other locations by the Dakota sandstone formation. The Mancos ,is not an aquifer at the site. Stratigraphically belov the Mancos shale is the Dakota sandstone, Ehe Burro Canyon formation and the Morrison formation which yield fresh to slightly saline water to springs and shallow we11s in the project vicinity. Both the Dakota sandstone an<i the Burro Canyon formation crop out in Ehe canyon walls and valleys on Cottonwood Creek and Corral Creek near the site. The formations are continuous beneath t.he site, extending from the outcrops in Corral Creek Canyon east of the site to Ehe Canyon of Cott.onwood Creek and Westwater Creek west of the site. Recharge In the project vicinity, the Dakota sandstone and the Burro Canyon fornation localIy receive recharge frorn infiltration of rainfall on the flat-lying mesa. In the site area, the Dakota sandstone and Burro Canyon formation are well jointed by a series of sub-paraIlel joint sets trending between roughly Ni0-18E and N60-85E, These joints provide pathways for the percolation of rainfall and domvard infiltration of ponded surface waters on the site. The joints also act as conduits for the local movement of ground waEer underneath the site. Ground Water Depth As shown on the logs of borings in Appendix A attached to this report Ehe ground water depth is in the range of 50 to 60 feet in the mill area and 70 to 100 feet in the tailing retenEion area. This waEer -1 3- is thought to be a perched table confined to the Dakota sandstone and Burro Canyon formations. Ground l^Iater Movement The uovemenE of groun<i water occurring at shallow depths in t'he Dakota sandslone and Burro Canyon formation at the project site is believed Eo be confined tc a very locat area. These formati.ons are exposed and crop out in the canyon watls of Ehe surface drainages both east and west of the site. The near surface formations dip one or Ewo degrees to the south. Thus, water percolating into the near surface formations of the projecE site, such as the Bu:ro Canyon and Dak,:ca sandsEone, rvi11 generally rnigrate souEhward downdip. It is probable thar sLight ground water mounding may occur in the central parE of Ehe mesa aE the site. Ground \.rater levels may be higher in elevation i.n Ehe center of the mesa and lower in elevation tc the easL and wesE where some of ihe shallow depEh ground water drains from the mesa Ehrough springs and seeps in the canl/ons of West.water, Cottonwood and Corra1 Creeks. It appears thaE the shallow ground rraEer forming the water table throughout the project vicinity has a gradient Ecward the souEh-south- west. The general ground rrater gra<iient appears to be relaEed Eo the general topographic gradienti i.e., the highest elevaEions are generaily aE Ehe aort,heasEern edge of the project site near ltighway 163 and the lowesE elevations are at the property's southwest corner. Base,:l cn the recorded water leve1s as shown on the boring logs and assuming that the wat,er tabie is continuous throughout the site, it can be calculeted tha! the'rrater table gradient under the mi11 site is abcut 0.03, and Ehat under the tailing retention area is 0.01. A nunnber of the geoEechnical site. The tesrs various periods indicate that, permeab i1 ityt') "permeability" cests were conducEed in boreholes during investigation of the rnitl site and tailing reEenEion useri packers and injection of water uoder pressure fcr of time. The results of these I'perr,eability" tesEs in general, the _-LrydI-au1ic ccrrductivity ('rhorizoqtal o? Ehe foraati.oas below the water table, on the average, -t4- ranges between 5 aad 10 feeE per year. However, it should be noted that some of the packer Eests corrducEed above Ehe water tabLe indicated a much higher hydraulic conductivity while a few packer tests conducted both above and below Ehe water table indicated a much lower hydraulic con- ductivity for selected intervals. Using the formula ,r=Ki'e based on Darcy's Law \J) !. (:j .F .*Y q o it Ni h o where: V = the rate of movement of ground r,rater Ehrough formation 11 = rrperrtreabilityrr; hydraulic conductivity of formation (measured as 5 to 10 ft/yr) 0 = porosity of formation (assumed as 20 percent) i = gradient (calculated as 0.03 at rnill site use 0.01 at tailing retention site) the average rate of ground water movement through the lrater-saturated portion of the formation below the water table can be estimated. Ttrus, based on the recorded values and iaplied assr:mptions, it is estimated that, on Ehe average, the shallow ground water movement at the uill siie is approxirnately 0.01 to 0.02 ft per year toward the south-southwest and the shallow ground water movement at the tailing retention site is approximately 0.0025 to 0.01 ft per year toward the south-southwest. DESIGN OF TAILING RETENTION FACILITY GENER^AL The tailing retention systen will consist of three individual, rectangular lined celIs with horizontal bottoms. Ihe celI dikes will be constructed from materials excavated from within the ce11 interiors. As a result the bottom of the cel1s will generally be below the existing ground leveL. The excavated material will also be used for covering the cel1s during final reclamation. Topsoil will be removed and stockpiled before commencement of other construction aetivities. The location and layout of the cell systeu and Lopsoil storage-borrow area are shown on Piate 2. - l5- Each ce1l will have a surface area of approximately 70 acres to meeL water balance requirenenEs. Ce11 depths of approximately 37 feet will provide storage capaciEy for approximately 5 years of miIl operation aE a feed rate of 2000 tpd, and including 5 feet of freeboard for containing precipiration and.wave action. ConsEruction of. the cel1s will be staged so that each ce11 wilL be couplet,ed shorEly before the preceding cel1 is fille<i. This will resulE in a minimum of sire disEurbance and exposed ceI1 surface area at any one tirne. It is intended to commence operation with the north c,r11 and then to coostrucL and operate the rniddle and south cells in trrrn. The elevation versus surface area and capac:i.ty curves for the north cell is given on Plate 5. The correspond- ing curves for the middle and souEh cel1s would be similar to the north ce11 except for different elevations. The norEh cel1 has been designed to achieve an approximate balance between excavated material and dike fiIl requirements. The middle and south ce1ls are designe<i to provide a sufficient excess of excavated laaterial to enable adequate covering of the adjacenE ce11 during reclama- tion. The south cel1 will be covered by material borrowed imnediately to the south unless sufficient material is generaEed in the ce11's con- struction. The interior of each ce11 will be consEructed with a horizontal botton and uniformly sloping sides. This regularity will facilitace Ehe installation of the iopermeable membrane liner which will be installed in each ceLl to control seepage. To proEect the liner from damag€r a Layet of fine sand and silt bedding wiLl be placed over the excavaEed rock surface prior to installation. Following installation of the 1iner, a coveriag Layer of fine sand and silE will be installed over the entire liner surface to proEect the liner from wind loads, abrasion, punctures and simiiar accidents. Typical sections illustrating lining details are shown on Plate 6. Dikes will be constructed with constanE interior and exterior slopes of 3 (horizontal): 1 (vertical). Considering the fact that the ce11 -16- lining should prevent significant seepage through the dikes, ttrese slope angies are conservative from the point of view of dike stability. The angles are also appropriate for reclamaEion of the exEerior dike s 1 opes s lopes. for facilitating Iiner installation the interior dike The cel ls Vil1 have ampleclosed system wi defined by Regulato Guide no spillway freeboard for 3.11. faciliti s Eora since each will be a of the design storm as Following paragr were coupleted in desig design reeoumendations. DESIGN ANAIYSES Seepage Material Pr rt ies Ihe in the this sectio summarize the analyses r'-hich Ehe taili reEention facility and detailed of the materials which will be involved tailing cells were evaluated by means of of ng ability testing er tests) indicated that the perrue- kota sandstoney's \enerally in the range of 5 to 10 feet hat zones of tytgh pe\meability are also present. This seepage fro{ the tai\ngs cel1s could possibly enter water. Thfefore, it i\ necessary to line the ce11s. are no su/tab1e on-site s\i1s which could be used for . Shaly' formations (predo\inantly from the Jurassic on) outfrop in va1Iey bottoms\and canyons wal1s around Ihese qL. not clay-like and pro}'abty would require con- s:'ng /at high cost to produce a elay-like naterial which or y' lining. Even if these shales rdere processed, the iry[Ie ce1l lined with 2 feet of processed shale has been en 50 and 100 gpm. Therefore, to minimize seepage, the been designed with a synthetic membrane lining. This sult in negligible seepageo ysical properties struction of the d$ - 15- Each cell will have a surface area of approxir.rately 70 acres to meet water balance requiremenEs. Cell depths of approximately 37 feet will provide sEorage capacity for approximately 5 years of rnill operaEion at a feed rate of 2000 tpd, and including 5 feet of freeboard for containing precipit.ation and rrave action. Construction of the ce11s will be staged so that each ce11 will be compleEed shortly before Ehe preceding ce11 is filled. This will result in a minimum of site disturbance and exposed ce11 surface area at any one time. IE is intended to comrnence operaEion with the norEh ce11 and then Eo construct, and operate Ehe middle and south cells in turn. The elevat.ion versus surface area and capacity curves for the north cell is given on Plate 5. The correspond- ing curves for the niddle and south ceIls would be similar to the north ce11 except for different elevations. The north cell has been designed to achieve an approximate balance beLween excavated material and dike fill requirements. The middle and south ce11s are designed Eo provide a sufficient excess of excavated material to enable adequate covering of the adjacent cel1 during reclama- tion. The south cell will be covered by material borrowed immediately to the south unless sufficienE maEerial is generated in the ce11rs con- struction. The interior of each ce11 will be constructed with a horizontal boEEom and uniformly sloping sides. This regularity will facilitate the inscallation of the imperureable membrane liner which will be insralled in each cell to conErol seepage. To protect the liner from damag€r a layer of fine sand and silt bedding will be placed over the excavated rock surface prior to installation. Following installation of the liner, a covering layer of fine sand and silt r,ri11 be inst.alled over the entire liner surface to proEecE the liner fron wind loads, abrasion, puncEures and similar accidenEs. Typical sections illustraEing Iining details are shown on Plate 6. Dikes will be constructed with.consEant interior and exterior slopes of 3 (horizontal): I (vertical). 'Considering the fact that the cell -lb- B'isea ' ; Qt'.tlp{ sfa Ia 1iningshou1dPreventsignificantSeePagethroughthedikes,theses1ope> angles are conservative from the point of view of dike stability. The angles are also appropriate for reclamation of the exterior dike slopes and for facilitating liner installaEion on the interior dike s lopes . The cells will have no spillway facilities since each will be a closed sysEem with ample freeboard for storage of the design storm as defined by Regulatory Guide 3.11. Following paragraphs of were completed in designing de sign recommendations. DESIGN ANALYSES Seepage Field permeability testing (packer tests) indicated that the perme- ability of the Dakota sandstone is generally in the range of 5 to 10 feet Per year and that zones of high permeability are also present. Labora- tory tests on the natural soils indicated permeabilities ranging from 3.9 to 144 feet per year. These results indicate that seepage from the tailing ce1ls could possibly enter shallow ground water. Therefore it will be necessary to use a lining in the cells. Results of the labora- tory permeability testing on compacted samples of the soil from one location on the site indicate that some of the soil could be suitable for use as a comPacted lining. The quantity of on-site material which could be used as a lining has not been determined and the effect of acidic tailing effluent on the caliche (calcitic) soils has not been investi- gated. Shale formations (predominantly from the Jurassic Morrison formation) outcrop in val1ey bottoms and canyon walls around the site, and these clay shales could be used for a lining. However these shales are only slightly weathered and would require considerable effort for placement and compaction. I4Iith proper compaction, the shales should provide a relaEively impervious lining. this section summarize the analyses which the tailing retenEion facility and detailed involved means of Material Properties The physical properties of the maEerials which will in the construction of the tailing cells r^rere evaluated be by field exploraticns and laboratory testing. These are summarized in Appendices A and B, respectively. The material propercies '^rhich qrere used in the stability analyses of the dikes are shown on plates 7 and 8, St.abiiity SecLions, and are listed below in Table 2. TABLE 2 MATERIAL PROPERTIES USED FOR DIKE STABILITY ANALYSES Material 3pe.- In Situ Fine Sand and Silr (SM/}fi,) Compacted Find Sand and silt (stt/i'n) SaEurated Tailing In Situ Sandstone CompacteC Sandstone In Situ CLay/CLay- s tone Bulk Density(Ibs/cu ft) 110 t25 62.4 130 120 130 Frictioa Angle ( degrees ) 28 33 0 45 37 20 Cohesion(lbs/sq ft) 0 0 0 10,000 0 3, 000 Seismic Design Criceria The project site is located in a region known for its scarcity of recorded seismic event.s. Although the seismic history for this region is barely 125 years o1d, che epicentral pattern, or fabric, is basically set and ilPDreciabl.e changes are noE expecEed Eo occur. Mosc of the i-arger seismie evenEs in the Colorado PI^aEeau have occurred along its margins rather than in the interior cent.ral region. Basec on Ehe regiont s seisrnic history, the prcbability of a major damaging earthquake occurring ai or near Lhe project site iii ver) renote. SEudies by Algermissen and Perkins (L976) indicate ihat southeastern Utah, including the site, is in an area where there is a 90 percent probability that a horizonEal accel- eration of four percent gravily (0.0a e) would not be exceeded within 50 year s . Minor earthquakes, not associated with any seismic-tectonic irends, can Presutrably occur randomly at akaost any location. Even if such an event with an intensity as high as VI should occur at or near the project site, horizontal ground accelerations probably would noE exceed 0.05 g and almost certainly would be less than 0.10 g (Trifunac and Brady, f975). Both of these values are used in stability analyses which folIow. Liquefaction Evaluation Liquefaction of a soil mass is typically brought about when a series of dynamic pulses results in rapid densification of a saturated soil Eass. This increases pore pressure and reduces shear strengEh, and as a result, the rnass acts like a fluid. Ttre potential for liquefaction within a particular soil mass under a given dynamic loading depends on the exisEence and location of the water table and the gradation and relative densfty of the soil mass. ALthough the fine sand and silt sections of the dikes (plate 5) have a grain size distribution suited to liquefaction, adequate com- paction and the absenee of saturation in this naterial will miniaize the possibility of liquefaction. The compacted sandstone portion of the dikes (plate 6) will be completely drained and the material is too coarse to experience liquefaction. Ihe tailing material constitute the only conponent of the tail- ing retenEion system which can be considered susceptible to liquefac- tion. Ilowever, as the stability analyses which are described in the next section illustrate, even if the tailing did liquefy the stability of the tailing retention systen would not be adversely affected. Stability Analyses Merhod of Analyses - The stability of the dike which will be con- structed to contain the tailing was analyzed using dike sections A-Ar and B-Bt, as shown on Plates 7 and 8. Section A-Ar can be considered a critical stability secEion because it is located where the dike height is greatest. Section B-Br has been analyzed to evaluate the effect of the claystone layer, which in places underlies the dikes, on the stabil- ity of the dikes. - 19- Ihe Simplified Bishop meEhod, which is based on Ehe assumptions of limiting equilibrirrm mechanics, was used to ;>erfonn Ehe stability analy- ses. This is a method of slices which has been shown Eo produce accurate results over a wide range of coniiEions. The forces acting on each slice are determined so that Ehe tot,a1 driving forces and resisEing forces along the assumed failure circle can be calculated. Ttre factor of safety is then defined in terms of moments about Ehe center of Lhe failure arc as the Eoment of the shear stresses along the failure surface divided by the roomeat of the weight of the soil in Ehe failure mass. To facilitate calculations, a Dames & Moore computer program was used for the slope stability analyses. In order to account. for the effect of possible earthquake loadings on Ehe dikes, a pseudo-static analysis !/as used in which the dynamic loads of Ehe earthqual:e are replaced by a staEic, horizontal force equal to Lhe producE of the seismic coefficient and the weight of the soil mass. Seismic coeffi- cients of 0.05 g and 0.10 g were used to simulate earthquake loading conditions. As indicated on the stability secEions, a phreatic surface has been assuned to occur through Ehe compacted fine sand and silt at the same 1eve1 as the maximum tailing elevation within the ce11. The phreatic surface is then assumed to drop rapidly through the compacted sandsEone to reflect the higher permeability anticipated for this uaEerial. This phreatic surface is considered to be a reascnable representation of the water distribution which could occur with an unlined pond. However, the membrane liner should ensure that no sig- nificant seepage occursl therefore, the phreaEic surface assumed for ihe purpose of the analysis is conservaEive. The tailing has been assigned zero shear strength for analysis which models the situa:ion in which the tailing have liquefied. This is considered to be very conservative, parEicularly for low leveI seismic acti'rity characterisiic of the site areas. -20- Results of StabiLity Analyses stability analyses, as presented on Table 3, indicate that the dikes are to stability. Case A-Ar represents the usual situation, where the dike foundation consists of fine sand and silt overlying sandstone, while case B-Br represents the less common situation where a highl,y weathered claystone lies between Ehe fine sand and silt and the sandstone. Ihe end of construction condition specified for analysis in Regula- tory Guide 3.11 (Design, Construction, and Inspection of Embanknent ReEention Systems For Uranium Mi1ls) has not been considered because there are no highly inpermeable materials to be used in the construction in which excess pore water pressures could be sustained for any sig- nificant length of tine. No upstream stability analysis has been undertaken on section B-Br since section A-A' is the higher and, therefore, a tnore critical case. TABLE 3 SI]MMARY OF STABILITY ANA]"YSES The results of Dames & Moorets Plates 7 and 8 and summarized in conservatively designed with regard Case A-Ar Downstream S lope A-Ar Upstream Slope Earthquake Loading (g) 0.00 0. 05 0. 10 0.00 0. 05 0.10 0.00 0. 05 0. 10 Minimum Calculated Factor of Safety 2.21 1.gg 1 .55 2.05 I .54 r.22 2.35 2.0t t.74 Minimum Factor of Safety Required by Regulatory Guide 3.11 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 B-Br Domstream Slope -2t- All factors of safety calcuLated considerably exceed the mrninum 'ralues designated by Reg-.rlatory Guide 3.11. The stability analyses indicate thaE the stabiiity oi ihe dikes would be adequaie even without the membrane liner. Set t lemenE SeLtlemenEs of Lhe dikes are expect.ed to These settlements should be elastic and sEruciion. Therefore, long term seEtlements Freeboard and Flood Protection be less than one half inch. ins t.antaneous during con- are not expected to occur. Each ce1l has been designed with a final freeboard of 5 feet aE its naxinum tailing storage level (USln, L974). ACdiiional freeboard will exisE at all Eimes other than when the ceil is filled to design capaciE,y. Since only the precipitaEion wtrich fa1ls directy on the ce11rs surface can enier it, this freeboar,l is adequate to eccolrmodate the design storm of approximately 17 inches of rain and still leave ove: three feet of freeboard for wave action. Therefore, there is no need for a spillway which would be ineompatible with Ehe objeciive of containment of tailing and effluent liquids. Water Balance of CelIs The surface areas of the cells have been determined based on r,rater balance requiremenEs and maximum uEilization of the project site. The 7O-acre surface area in each cell would on average evaporate approx- irnately 300-acre feet of waEer annualIy. Based on the mi11 processing 2000 Epd, about 540-acre feec per year of water will be discharged into the cell. Approxinately 170-acre feet per year of water wi.Il be per- uaneaEly entrained within the voids of the tailing solids. Therefore, about 370-acre feet per year of excess water will enter the cell. The excess cf water entering the pond over that lrhich will be evaporated on average results is a net surplus of approxialately 7O-acre feet of water annualIy. This will ensure t.hat there is always sufficient excess water to adeqrrately cover the tailing and reduce radon gas emissions and dust problems, even in years of unusually Depending on the actusl rate of buil-dug of surplus necessary to complete the construction of the uiddle before their tailing storage capacity is required in their evaporative capacity. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Design Section Based on Dames & Moorer s engineering evaluation of the foundation and embankment BaEerials and the requireoents of construction and recla- mation, the dike section shown on Plate 6, Typical Sections, is recon- mended as being a suitable configuraEion of all dike construction. Ihe section consists of 3 (horizontal): I (vertical) side slopes for both interior and exterior slopes. The recommended crest width of 15 feet will provide access along the crest for vehicular traffic and meet state crest width requirements. Use of compacted fine sand and silt for the interior segment of the embankuent and compacted sandstone for the outer portion is in accordance with good engineering practice, since this will resutt in a more perneable downstream she11, even though Ehe membrane liner should result in no significant seepage through the dike. Ttre exact proportions of fine sand and silt and of sandstone used in con- struction is not critical. The maximum constructed dike height would be approximately 45 feet, althougi=at" *"rage dike height would be about one half that amount as measured from the present ground surface. f The cell bottors *i1i be -c __q.:_igSh_1ayer ofI - t roIled, low carbonate fine sand and sllt to provide a smooth surface for ,) the installgttio-n.9*f;the--Li-ue-r. Following installation of .the 1iner, a 1--=--"' I t--- a E c: r Jt- lrr a a -ce 11 high evaporation. water it rnay be and south ce11s order to utilize g5rf. ,inter-ior*,elope-s to .pI.9"!S.9 t '?"g3iff:jl=1l1"-g,i-.{_r-o-g*y:ra*_uunlighr wave action and equiprnent operations. Site Preparation The upper 5 inches stockpiled for later use soil at the revege taiion. should be stripped and underlying soil does not of for site The have a hi.gh organic content, anci would be suitable for dike construc- tion. Any vegeLation, roots, debris, perishable or otherwise objectionable material should be removed from any surface on which the raised eubankment is placed and.none of this maEerial should be incorpor- ated in ihe fill nuaterial. This stripping should be performed Eo the satisfaction of a qualifed soils engineer. Prior to placing any fill on a stripped soil surface the soil should be scarified aad conditioned to a depth of at least 8 inches and compac- ted according Eo the saue criEeria specified for fill materials in a laEer section. Construction Materials Both the fine sand and silt and the sandsEone material excavated frou within the ce11 shouLd provide suitable materi.als for enbankment consEruction. How:ver, aoy clay or claystone or cLayey sandstone encoun- tered in the excavation should not be incorporated into the dikes because of possibl.y unfavorable shear strength and perueability charac- teristics. The ciayey maLerials rnay be stockpiled for later use in the cover over ihe Eop of the tailing. The fine sand and silt can generally be excavated by dozers and scrapers without blasting, although some ripping may be required in the highly calcareous zones. Low carbonaEe fine sand anC si1-t, which gen- era1.ly occurs within the upper few feet of the surface should be sep- arately stockpiled for use as bedding uaEerial for che cel1 liner. Tne lnore calcareous naterial can be used for dike construciion as iE is excavaEed. No additional breaking down of this material beyond r*hat is achieved during excavation and compaction should be required. If soft or unstable materials are encountered d.uring this process they should be reuroved and replaced with prcper. fi11. In areas where filt will be placed on excavaEed rock surfaces, the suifaces strould be saooEhed 60 that no loca1 projections or cavities greater Ehan 3 inches ar'e presert. This snocthing process probably couiC be accorTl- plished with a heavy dozer or heavy sheepsfoot compacEor. The sandstone which underlies the fine sand and silt roay in part be excavated b:', scrapers af ter ripping, but some b lastirrg o,ay also be required. some crushing of the sandstone may be required to obtain a satisfactory size distribution. A11 sandstone used for dike construction should be minus 6 inch. The construction of the north ce11 will involve the excavation of approximatery 440,000 cubic yards of fine sand and si1t, and approxi- rnately 575,000 cubic yar<is of sandstone/claystone. A11 of the fine sand and silt and approximately 480,000 cubic yards of the sandstone/claystone will be used in dike construction and bedding and cover placement for the liner. This should resuLt in a slight excess of excavated material which may be later used for cover material over the tailings or in the con- struciion of the next dike, depending on whether it is clayey or not. The earthwork volumes involved in construction of the rniddle and southern cells will depend on the amount of cover material which is required to reduce the radon gas emission frora the previous cell to an acceptable level. For example, if 5 feet of cover is required, this will involve the excavation and pl,acement of approximately 700,000 cubic yards of material in addition to the material required for dike construction and bedding and cover for the liner. Therefore the final design of these cei.is cannot be formulated until reclamation plans are finalized. FiIl Placement The maEerials placed in the embankments should be earefully eontrol- led with irispection and testing by a qualified soils engineer. Fine sand and silt used in the construction of the embankments should be placed in lifts not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness, and should be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as defined by the AASHTO* T-99, method of compaction. Adjustments in moisture content of Ehe on site material may be necessary Eo achieve adequate compaction. *American Association of State Highway and TransporEation Officials -25- For Ehe mL-sE parE it is expecEed that waEer will have to be added tc achieve saEisfactory compaction results. SheepsfooE rollels or self- propelled compactors shcuid be suitebLe for this compacEion. Fine sand and silt placed as bedding material for Ehe membrane line should be placed in a single lifc and rolled smooth with a drum type ro1ler. The interior surfaces of the dikes should be finished in a similar Banner. Sandstone used in the construction of Ehe embankments should be screened Eo renolre oversize uaterial and placed in lifts not exceeding one foot in loose Lhickness. The sandstone should be compacteC by approximaEely four t.o six passes of a sheepsfooL rotler. The distribucion of material in the fili should be such that there are no lenses, pockets or sEreaks of maEerial differing substanuially fron Ehe surrounding fi11. Fil1 should not be placed on frozen surfaces, nor should snow, ice, or t-rozen material be incorporaEed into the fi11. Ce1 1_Lining In order to ccnErol seepage to the maximum extent practical, nem- brane liners will be i;rstal1e_d _ on all inierior celi-sg-r-*f,Cces. Such control of seepage Eay be achieved by Ehe use..o-.f 20 mii. (0!020 iqch) ,. potyvin;r1 chloride (pvc) on the ceIl bottou and 20 mi1 chlorinaEedt/ Jk eorr.thylene (cPE) oa the inr:erior -sid,e 91opes. Th" ;;;;. expensive cru is recommended on side slopes .becausg it .is stable .;"" ;:;."*J."10 ,3 long periods of direct s,rrrfiint. Althougtr all liner maEerials will have a I fr:oi thick soil cover, the use of CPE on side slopes should protect againsi the possibility of liner deterioration should wind or operational proce<iures tenporarily remove the soil cover. If the soil cover is ever reuoved, it sho':ld be replaced as soon as feasible. Since membrane liners can be danaged and their effecEiveness diminished by irnproper handLing and installation, careful installation procedures.rrill be necessary. Therefore, the liner should be installed -25- under the supervision of a suitably qualified engineer. The surface on which the tiner is layed should be snocth afd. free frcrn any projections which could Puncture the lining. the strength of all splices, seams and joints, and the physical characteristics of the materials used should meet the specifications of the fabricator. Furthermore, it is recom- mended that the Pvc/cPE bond be fabricated in the factory rather than on site. Ttris would make it possible to bond only like materials in the fie 1d. Radiation Control and Reclamation Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines call for keeping radon gas emission from the reclaimed tailing reteniion area to twice background. Norma1ly, a soil cover comprised of on-site soil is used for this pur- Pose. The Ehickness of the soil cover depends on the ability of the soils to inhibit radon gas emanaEion. clayey soils are generalLy the most effective and require the least thickness, while gravelly soils would be leasE effective. For this project a mixture of on-site fine-grained sand and silt and sandstone is planned to be used for the soil cover. Ihe required thick- ness of this cover is calculated to be approximately 9 feet. The maEerial to cover the first cell will be obtained from the excavation for the second pond and a sirnilar sequence will be used to cover the second pcnd. Material to cover the third ceil will come from either stockpiling rnaterial during the construction of the third ceII or from a borrow area imrediately south of the third cell or both of these. Following placement of the 9-foot rayer of cover uaterial, tfie entire surf ace will be topdressed with about 5 inches of previoc't y stockpiled topsoil and revegetaied. Ihe borroh, area will be graded to blend in with adjacent topography, covered with about G inches of top- soil, and revegetated. -27- Ground Water Monitoring The tentative design of a pre-operational ground nater monitoring program consisis of 3 or uore cbservation/monitoring we1ls Eo be installed at location predominantiy down gradient from the mil1 site and tailing reEention site (Plate 2). In general, the monitor wells should be constructed of.4- or 6-inch Ciameter PVC plastic casing (as shown on Plate 9) to a depth beloro the lowest expected waEer IeveI. Ihe lower portion of the well should be screened with either PVC plastic well screen or si.ainless steel screen. The top of the screened portion of the well should be higher Ehan the highest expected water 1eve1. The annular space beEween the borehole wal1 and Ehe casing should be fi1led with clean, inert, natural stone filter material for the enEire screened interval. The remainder of the annular space, above a 5-foot bentonite seal on top of the filter, should be grouted or backfilled with a mixEure of the drill cuttings and grout or benEoniEe. A concrete seal should be placed around the expclsed PVC casing at the ground surface to prevent surface rrater from entering the borehole around the casing. For further protection a sLeel casing with a large cap and lock should be placed around the PVC plastic casing and should be seaLed in the cement seal. FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS - I'IILL FACILITY In this section of the report, prelin:.nary earthwork and foundaEj.on <iesign recommendaEions are provided for the mi11 facility. These recom- mendations are based cn the findings cf the field investigatic,n in the proposed mj.11 site area. EARTIIWORK Site Preparation Prior to Ehe grasses and other Although Ehere is should be rernoved construction of any foundations aE the mi11 site, all vegetation should be removed from the foundation araa. no highi.y organic topsoil, the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiled for later use in revegetation. ",f{ $r 1 Site Grading Site grading nay require siIt, although no cut slopes Excavating all cut slopes at flatter should ensure stable -28- minor cut slopes within the fine sand and are expected Eo exceed 10 feet in height. an angle of 3 horizontal to I vertical or slopes while naking revegeEation feasible. Slopes in fill areas should also be 3 horizontal to I vertical or flatter. Fine sand and silt excavated frou the ground surface in the vicinity of the nill site should provide an adequate filL material when properly compacted. The soil or rock surface upon which fill is placed should be prepared in the same manner as prescribed for the tailing ceIl construction. The uri1l site should be graded so that lrater flows alray from the roill structures and to enable the collection of any spills from the rnill circuit for pumping to the tailing retention systern or back into the ni11 circuit. Excavation ExcavaEions for foundations on other facilities around the mi11 area may be constructed with unsupported vertical side slopes up to a maximuu depth of 4 feet. Excavations deeper than 4 feeE should be shored if the side slopes are vertical. Unsupported excavations deeper than 4 feet should be constructed with side slopes of I horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Conpaction Criteria A11 structural filL should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. Each Lift in strucEural foundation areas should be compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the AASHTO T-99 meEhod of compaction prior to placing successive lifts. A compacted dry density of 90 percent MSHTO T-99 maximum dry density should be adequaEe for fill areas which will not support structural foundations. -, o- Fi1l should not be placed on a frozen surface, nor should snorir, ice, or frozen material be incorporated into the fi11. The fill should be placed aE or near its optimum moisture ccntent, and shculd be inspected and approved by a qualified soils engineer during placement. Surface Water Diversion The probable maximum precipitation as a thunderstorm would produce a peak flow (curve number 85) of about 540 cfs in the rrestern basin and 265 cfs in the eastern basin. These are nearly instantaneous flows and they could cause a substantial auount of danage if they occurred and were not controlled. Therefore, flood control dikes which will be high enough to collecE and store the probable maximuu flood volume should be const.ructed just ncrth of the mill site. fnese dikes would be 10 Eo 15 feet high. An 8-inch diaureter corrugated metal cutvert pipe should be constructed under these dikes to a1low a slow release of the stored flood waters. Each of these pipes would have a discharge of about 6 cfs under maximum conditions. This rrater would then be collected in a sualI ditch which would conduct the flows safely to Ehe western perimeter of the mill site. It would then flow in the natural drainages and iurpound upstream of the tailing retention system (p1ate 4). Overland flood flows from the ni11 site together with flows from the other parts of Ehe drainage area shown on Plate 4 wi1!. collect along the perimeter of the tailing ce11s. The tailing ce1ls will have E"{o areas of impoundment; the first, along the northern edge where the contributing drainage area is 221 acres and Ehe second, along the eastern edge where the contribuEing drainage area is 35 acres. The volune of storage created norEh of the tailing cel1s is large enough Eo contain even the probable maximum fiood (Pl'lF) without the retease of waEer and without subraerging project facilities. The maxiaum pond depth along the northern tailing cell resulEing from the PMF would be about 13 feet. Thus any radioactive solids accidentally released during a f1ood, or any other Eime, wor-rld be washed into the impoundment. This would prevent Eheir getting into I^Iest\rater Creek. -3 0- FOUNDATIONS Raari no Canqe i l'rz9Cql!:rx ,Jc;aL!LY Based on our field and laboratory investigations, it appears thaE foundations for the mi11 facilities can be satisfactorily established on naturaL soil or on fill consisting of properly compacted fine sand and silt. Conventional spread and continuous-wa11 foundations should ade- quately support Bost of the ui11 facilities, although mat foundations may be required for some heavy mi11 equipment. For spread and continuous-wa11 foundations established on natural soil or compacted filL, an allowabIe net bearing pressure of 3600 pounds per square foot may be used for design purposes. A minirnum foundation width of I foot is recommended. Exterior foundations should be estab- lished at least 3 feet below adjacenr final grade for confinement and/or frost protection purposes. Interior foundations not subjected to the full effects of frost may be found at a depth of 18 inches. Mat foundations established on on-site material can be designed using an allowable net bearing pressure of 3600 pounds per square foot provided that the loading is static. MaE foundations shoul-d be estab- lished at least 18 inches or 3 feet below adjacent final grade depending upon whether they are interior or exEerior, respectively. Separate design criteria are required for mat foundations supporting vibrating equiprnent such as crushers and ball nilIs. Of particular concern is t-he upper few feet of the soil, since this is the zorle in which vibratory compaction forces will be greatest, and below this depth cal.careous cementation generally increases. Mat foundations for vibra- ting equipment should be excavated down to the cemented cal-iche zone and backfill.ed with compacted, well-graded sand and gravel. It is estimated that approximately 4 feet of excavation below grade wouLd be required for this type of foundation. The allowable net bearing pressure for this Eype of fc'undation should be taken as 3500 pounds per square foot, -3 1- SetElement Settlements of structures founded on in situ soil or compacted fill and designed for the recomrnended marimum bearing pressure are expected to be minor. Settlements of spread and continuous wall foundations are not expected to exceed 1/4 inch, whiie settlements of mat foundations should not exceed ll2 inch. Lateral Pressure LaEeral movements of foundations can be resisEed by passive soil pressure and frictional resisEan-ce between the base of the foundation and the underlying soil. The passive lateral earth pressure may be calcula- ted by assuroing Ehat the soil against the foundation is a fluid with a unii weight of 300 pounds per cubic foot. Where foundations are not poured neat against in situ soil, backfill againsE the foundation should consist of on-site soil and shouid be compacted to at ieasE 95 percent of AASHTO T-99 maximum dry density. The upper l foot of soil should be aeglected when making Ehe passive pressure calculation. A friction coefficienE of 0.35 between the base of the foundation and the underlying soil may be used for calculating laEeral load resisEance. Passive soil resistance and fricEional resistance should be cornbined cnly afier one or Ehe other has been reduced by 50 Dercent. The acEive force that the soil against pounds per cubic foot. Frost Protection exerted on a wa11 may be calculate<i by assumi-ng the foundation is a fluid with a unit 'reight of 40 A11 waLer lines should be placed aE least 3 adjacent ground surface to prevent freezing. should also be placed 3 feet below lowest adjacent Cenent Type Sulfate analyses on four soil samples taken from boreholes within the proposed roi1l area indicate consistently low conLents of soluble sulfates. The maximum concentration of sotuble sulfaEes in any saurple is f eeE below Ehe lowesE ) ,{,*,t*, Exterior f oundaEions )'){,ll,,tI !;l/r" 'I '{rgrade. t ir"' " -32- 0.078 percent, which is rated as giving a negligible degree of sulfate attack. Therefore, in accordance with tI.S. Bureau of Reclamation Guidelines (1966), the use of special sulfate resistant cement should not be necessary. The following are attached and complete this report: Re ferences Plate I Vicinity Map Plate 2 Plot Plan (in Map Pocket)Plate 3 Regional Epicenter Map Plate 4 Site Drainage Plate 5 Area - Capacity Curves for I.IorEh Pond Plate 6 Typical Sections Plate 7 Stability Section A-At Plate 8 Stability Section B-Br Plate 9 Sketch of Typical Ground l{ater Monitoring I{e11 Appendix A, Appendix B Field Exploration Laboratory Test Data Respectively subrnitted DMES & MOORE Larry K. Davidson Partner Ronald E. Versaw uen]-or Eng].neer LKD: REV: GM: t 1g -33- REFERENCES Alge'rmissen, S.T., and Perkins, D.M. , I976, A probabilistic estimate of maximum acceleration in rock in the contiguous United StaEes: U.S. Geol. Survey 0pen File Report 76-416, 45 P. Cook, K.L., and Smith, R.B. , 1967, Seisrnicity in uEah, 1850 through June 1965: Seismol. Soc. America 8u11., v" 57, no.4, P.689-718. Simon, R.B., 1972, Seismicity :n Geologic Atlas of the Rccky Mountain Region, Rocky l{ound.ain Assoc. Geolc'gists, Denrrerr Co1o., p. 4B-5 1. Trifunac, M.D., and Brady, A.G., 1975, 0n the correlation of sei-smic intensity scales with the peaks of recorded sErong ground motion, Seisuol. Soc. America 8u11., V. 65, no. 1, p' L39-I62. Bureau of Reclamation, 1966, ConcreLe Manual, Dept,. of Ehe Inter- ior, p.12. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Design of srnall dams, p. 274.U.S" P1JTE I It40li tl |? I I wYoMrNG @ I I<lol<lr),1tn IIzll rl tl UNITA TPRICE t illtl GRANDJUNCTIO COLORADO UTAH ll l1 HIGH / r.\ I a rp, r\e,1 o ulr.,/ S.o { eY'/ rjN{' 'o "j.,,^? i, BASIN *i "-\ I HANKSV t^ar, i- +^CEDAR -,/rl tfr'i J(ft- rrh\ -3 // ri /i rlti ct /l i{/') ,'. /i {1,' lx tt I \y,nr\ / ('/ K ,(\$ ls \mv; FLAC L'. f,,#-x'tl\,1.,- \I v',1[ \1l \J-\ / \. ARTZONAAti\ BLACK MESA BASIN Ioqiit*l'/r Ili-r/'/ ^Al. w1l ,t7;"^ 1t ('^\r<.\l) ,l.\osr erisNrs IARVERSAOq(Srqu ulrssveloF r/23lM \ It, l,l\/( ,'1 SAN JUAN BASIN .H ;.,.^,-^,,.|t -,--NEW MEXICO I I to60 LEGEND KEY TO EARTHOUAKE EPICENTERS SVMBOL MOOIFIED MERCALLI INTENSITY ,- UNCLASSIFIED FAULT v.t . THRI'ST FAUI T: vIIru saw rEETH oN ,PTHRowN stoE ,.,,,.. NORMAL FAULT: HACHURES oN DowNrHRowN srDE , REGIONAL TECTONIC MAp -l-- arurrcrrNAl Axrs lv oR LEss oR N0rNrENsrrY GrvEN sHowlNG HlsToRlc EARTHQUAKE * DOME NUMBER REFERS TO MULTIPLE EvENrs rN saME LocAnoN. EPICENTERS WITHIN 200-M]LE l|':l;+'r".r:' LARGEST EvENr RADlus oF THE PRoJEcr slrE References: Cook and Smith,1967; Hadsell,l968;'Simon,l972; Coffman and von Hake,l973a,1973b,1974.and 1975; Coffman and Stover,1976; Gjardina,1977; N0AA,1977. Tectonicbase after Cohee ET AL, 1962. SCALE 25 0 ?5 50 75 rOO - MILES DAMES E H(O(ORE PLATE 3 CELL STORAGE CAPACITY (TONS X 106) 012345 5,626[ I I I | 135 30 5 ,620 ; Lll trj 5 a(,z I 5,610 F LLo 0_oF zo HF t]JJtll 25 F Lll?O trl 5 IF 0-IJo 15 JJ UJo 10 5,6OO 5 , 591 CELL SURFACE AREA ( ACRES ) KEY: STORAGE CAPACITY SURFACE AREA I RII.GT PT GITY CURUES TllR X|IRTII GEILo rraaEa // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / //t so 55 60 65 70 75 PI-ATE 5 CEMENT SEAL GROUT LAND SURFACE +'ALLUVIAL SAND A SiILT. LOOSELY CEMENTED SANDSTONES & SHALES ANNULAR SPACE BACKFILLED WITH BENTONITE AND DRILL CUTTINGS MITURE OR CEMENT GROUT (FROM BENTONITE OR GROUT SEAL IGHEST EXPECTED WATER LEVET ANTICIPATED SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS +- LOWEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL 8-INCH STEEL PROTECTOR PIPE EMBEDDED IN CEMENT GROUT (5 FEET LONG V/ITH HINGED CAP & LOCK) Z FEET PROJECTION ABOVE LAND SURFACE 4 OR 6INCH DIAMETER PVC CASING (SCHEDULE 40 TO I2O, DEPENDING ON FINISH ED DEPTHAND EXPANSIVE SOIL/ROCK CONDITIONS) WELL EN TR ALIZE R BENTONITE OR CEi/ENT GROUT SEAL IN ANNULAR SPACE ( 5 FEET MINIMUM THICKNESS) PVC OR STAINLESS STEEL WELL SCREEN OPPOS]TE WATER TABLE ( TOP OF SCREEN ABOVE HIGHEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL AND BOTTOM OF SCREEN BELOW LOWEST EXPECTED WATER LEVEL} WELL SORTED, CLEAN,FILTER PACK OF ROUNDED, OUARTZ SAND PVC CAP ON BASE OF CASING SIGTGII OT TYPIGAI GR()UilII WATER iIllTII(lRIilG WE[[ (FOR VUATER TABLE OR PERCHED GROUND WATER) DANI' C T(o(DII fr*, o rAl-a"[aol PLATE 9 APPEI'IDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION GEoLoGr$-REtoNNAISSANCE IDuring the site selection phase of the invesEigation, { brief geologic reconnaissance visit was conducted at each of the .-lq?S-1!ie, alrernare tailings disposal areas. These areas are shown "" (1.1":_"__ ).)r:the text of this reporE. During this geologic reconnaissance, f-eneral geologic, topographic, and environmental considerations for each of Ehe four sites were studied. This information was useci to help select the most suitable tailing retention site. A more detailed geologic reconnaissance was carried out aE ttre site after the proposed locaEion of the railing retenEion facility had been selected. The purpose of this reconnaissance, vhich was conducted by an experienced engineering geologist, YrIas to ideotify Ehe general geologic conditions aL the site, including the relationships of the geologic units, the locaEions of springs, and the general occurren€es of potenEial borrow sources for Ehe pond construction. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Subsurface condiEions at the site area were invest,igated by dril- 1ing, sampling, and logg.ing a total o! 28 borings which ranged ia depth from 6.5 feet to 132.4 feet. 0f these borings, 23 rvere augered to bedrock to enable soil sanpling and the esiinaEion of ttre Ehickness of the soil cover. The remaining 5 borings were drilled through bedrock Eo below the water table, with conEinuous in sicu perrneability testing where possible and selective coring in bedrock. Standpipes were installed in each of the cored holes to enable monitoring of the water table leve1. Four shallow borings and one deep hole were drilled within Ehe porposed mi11 site" Ten shallow borings and one deep hole \rere drilLed in the imrnediate vicinity of the proposed tailing retention facility. The remaining holes were located around the perimeters of and within the North and South alternative sites. The locations of all borings are shown on Plate 2, PloE P1an, ic the texE of Ehis report. }' vr tt}s The field exploration program was conducted and supervised by an experienced Dames and lloore soils engineer. Tne borings were advanced using a truck mounted CME 55 rotary drilling rig using 4 inch diameter, continuous-flight augers in soil and a tricone bit in the bedrock. Relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained using a Dames & Moore soil sampler Type U, as shown on Plate A-1. Disturbed soil samples were recovered from the Standard Penetration Test sampler. Selective diamond coring in the bedrock vas achieved using a 5 foot long NX double tube core barrel with a split inner tube. The soils encountered in the borings were classified by visual and textural examination in the fie1d, and a complete log for each boring was maintaine<i. Field classifications \rere supplemented and verified by inspection and testing in the Dames & Moore laboratory. A graphical representation of Ehe soils encountered in the borings is presented on Plates A-3 through A-11, Log of Borings. Along with written descriptions of the soi1s, data on in situ moisture content and density, type of sample obtained, blow counts, and ground water levets are presented on the logs. The terminology used to describe the soils encountered in the borings is shown on Plate A-2, Unified SoiL Classification System and Graphic Log Symbols. A geotechnical 1og was maintained for all rock core recovered during drilling. The following items were logged: Rock type and description of rock material Core run and percent recovery Descripton of rock defects, such as bedding plane breaks andjoints Rock quality designation (nQO: the RQD is a modified core recovery percentage in which only the pieces of sound core over 4 inches long are counted as recovery) Degree of alteration or weathering Relative strength of the rock 1) 2) 3) 5) 5) 4) The core 1og for each cored hole is presented as the continuation of Ehe soil log for Ehe same hole. Information on bedrock between Ehe cored section was developed from drill response and int.erpolaEion frorn avail- able core. Single packer field permeability tesEs were performed on the bedrock to provide in situ permeability data. Permeability was measured over the ful1 length of the bedrock where field conditions permitted. Results of Ehe permeability tests are presented on the boring logs. The following plates are attached and complete this Appendix: Plate A-1 Soil Sampler Type U Plate A-2 Unified Soil Classification Sysrem and Graphic Log Symbols Plate A-3 through A-11 Log of Borings DRIYING OR PUSHING ilECHANISTT SOIL SAMPLER TYPE U FOR SOILS DIFFICULT TO RETAIN IN SATIPLER cHECr VALVES NEOPRENE GASKET VALVE CAGE NOTEr.HE D EITE[3Iox'CN BE IXIIOOUCED BETTEEX 'XEAO. AXO .sPLIT AARRELi ALTERNATE ATTACHMENTS SPLIT BARREL(?o FACtLtYaTE PExOvaLOF CORE S^IPL E) CORE.R ETAINER RINGS Q-r/2'O.O.8Y liLOXC, SPLIT BARR LOCXING RING COR E.RETAININGoEvtcE SPLIT . F ERRULECORE.RETAINING - oEvtcE, tETAlf,El nlxc RETAIXEI PLATES (IxTERCX XOE BLE UITH OTHER TYPES) THIN.WALL ED SAIIPLING TUBE DATI' C MC'OTI (rxlERcHAxGEAlLE LExGTXS) PLATE A-I ilAJOR DtVtStONS GRAPH 9YHaOL LETTER sYM80L TYflCAL OESCRIPTIONS COA RSE GRAINEO SOILS IOiE tHAN 30 o/6 of lAi€lrlL rs Lli0Et Th^t to. 200 slEvE !rZE GRAVEL AND GRAV E LLY S OILS roiE tiAN 30of coltsE riAc-ror iElaM!or m. a srEvf CLEAN GRAVELS (LITILI OI NO lrtE3t il,i:1,GW t€Lr - GiA0€o GtAvtLs, GiavELslNo rrxTUF€s, LrrTLt 0tro tttas f,::q:7:4.:l:! :f::.r:t ii,i"r:t GP POOaTY-Gr 0€0 GlAVfls. cRAVEL sato trrtuRES, Ltrrlf oP iRAVELS W.lrH FINESrPPitcrlsrt r&ulTof arrts) ,tli'f,f,GM srLtY GRAVTL S. GFIVEL - SANO. siLl rrtlui€s ii;;!;!GC cLat€Y Grav€Ls, GeavEL.slNo cLlY urxTUits SAND ANO SANOY sotLs rotc TXAN soo/.or co^rst firc.roN ellltlgto. a srEvc CLEAN(LITTLt OI ft i:s SANO xo SW ItLL - GiaoE0 5at0s, GnAvttL sAros, L rtrLt ot lo rrNEs SP POOFtT - GaAOtO SAtDS. GiAvEILY s^i0s, LrrrL€ oa ro fitts SANDS WITH FNES SM srLlY Sllos. 5Ar0'srLT lrxturfs Ot ftiE!)!:,".;','.";'...1; ,^ "t, , 't1)^i.:,:)SC CL AY€Y SAIDS. SAiO'CLAY IIIIUFES F INE GRAINED SOILS rcFf rx^r 60 OF I TEFIAL IT l!!!ll! rH^N f,o 200 srEvE slz[ SILTS LrOUro LlrrlANo L(t! rx^i !o CLAYS I I I lillii ML rtoicrirc srLT3 AN0 vfiY tlNlslNos, Roct flout, stlrY olctAYEY frta 3atos oi cLAYtYsr!rs trTr sLrGtsI 2LAslrcrtY 7%CL rNoio^rrc cLlYs of tol ro rforutPLASltCrrY, SlAVft!Y CLAYS, sANOr CLAYS, SrLTY CL^YS, LEAiCL YS rtiiijitil OL oicrNrc srLTs lro oiGltlc SrLrY CLI'S Of lol PL^StlC'I SILTS LIOUID L'IITANo qi€^r€R rxAi 30 CLAYS MH rNonGA(rc srlrs, $cActous oaollto9^cEous rrN€ 3^r0 0aSILIY SOILS CH rtotc^ltc cLAYs ot xr0N PLlSrlcrTr, FAr cLAYs OH OIGAf,IC CLAYS OF ITDIUI TO HIGN PLTSTTCtY, ORGAiTC SLTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, rUrU3. SWAIP SOtl S urTi xrGi qiGArlc corrtrTs trOTE: DUAL SYMEOLS ARE USED TO INDICATT AOROLITLIN' SOIL CLASSITICATIOtrS' SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART GRAPHIC LOG SYMBOLS FOR ROCK U]{IFIEII S(III CLASSIFIGATI(}}I SYSTEM A1{II GRIPHIC t(lc SYMB(ITS EATI' 8 I(DoBT SDS SANOSTON€SLN SILTSTONE CLS CLAYSTONE 11 Y"".. ooooo-oo CGL CONGLOMERATE PTATE 4.2 BORING NO. IEL.5629.O FT. BORING NO. 5 EL. 5632.9 FT. 6.03-118 20- F 5.1?-107 UG RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, MEDIUI'l DENSE GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH C\L-CITE STRINGERS LIGHT BROWN, SILTY CLAY, HA!i..(WEATHERED CLAYSTONE) MEDIUM BROWN, VERY FINE-GRAINED SANDSTONE; INIERL"AYERED i{ELL- CEMENTED AND THIN, POORLY- CEMENTED BANDS HOIE COI4PLETED 9/10/77 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED HOLE COMPLETED 9/10/77 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED FUuG z- 10-FAUo 15 FUUGz --- lu-FGU6 FEu( =EF4uo D E D E F' F NA 20 -BORING NO. 2EL.5634.3 FT. !5! BORING NO. 4EL. 5623.2 FT. RED.BROWN FIIIE SAND AND S]LT, MEDIUM DENStr GMDING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-CITE STRINGERS GREEN-BROWN SILTY CLAY (WEATIJERED CLAYSTONE), HARD GREENISH-BROWII, FlNE-GRAINED SAND- STONE; lNTERLAYERED WELL CEIIJNTCD AND POORLY-CET4ENTED BANDS BORING NO. 6EL. 5633.5 FT. 903-I08 I 10 20_ RED-BROM FINE SAND AND S]LT., t{EDIUI'l DENSE GMDES CALCAREOUS WITB CAL-CITE STRINGERS AND OCCASIOA"AL ZONES OF MASSIVE CALCITE CE- MENTATION 5.6 LIGHT BROWN TO GREEN CLAY(WEATHERED CLAYSTONE), HARD OFF-WHITE SANDSTONE, VI]RY WELL CEIlENTLD HOLE COMPLETtrD 9/I8l?7 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED HOLE COMPLE'.TED 9 / 1-0 /'l'1 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEUD RED-BROWN EINE SAND AND SIL], MED]UM DENSE GMDING CALCAREOUS WITH (A],- CI?I] STR]NGERS GRtrEN I.INE-GRAINED SANDSTONE; IN- TERLAYERI]D WELL CEMENTED ATJD POORLY-CEIIENTED BANDS HOLL, COMPLETED 9 / l0 /'7',7 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTIiRED LOG OF NOTE: ELEVATIONS PROVIDED By ENERGY rUELS NUCLEAR, INC. il*i'o*"rr" DE.TGNATT'N -- ,ERCENTA.E oF coRE REC''ERED rNLENCTHS GRTATER THN 4 INCHES BORINGS KEY INDICA?ES DEPTH AT I,dHICH UNDISTURBED SAflPLE WAS EX- TRACTED USING DNES E MOORE SAMPLER INDICATES DEPTH AT WHICH DTSTURBED SA}IPLE WAS EXTRACTED USTNG DAMES & MOORE SAMPLER INDT(ATES SAI1PLE ATTEMPT WITH NO RECOVERY INDICATES DEPTH AT WHICH D]STURBED SAMPLE T"IAS EXTRACTEDUSING STANDARD PENETUTION TEST SAMPLER FIELD MOISTURE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENTAGE OP THE DRYWEIGHT OF SOIL DRY DENSITY EXPRESSED IN LBS/CU FT BLOWS/FT OF PENETMTION'USING A ]40-LB HAMTIERDROPPlNG 30 INCHES INDICATES NC CORE RUN PERCENT OF CORE RECOVERY RoD* INDICATES PACI(ER TEST SECTION PERMNABILITY },TEASURID BY SINGLE PACXER TEST IN TTIYR NOT APPLICABLE (USED FOR ROD IN CLAYS OR MECHANICALLYFRACTURED ZONES) DATES E llloIORE A-BlC EC trc NC B c z -FL.E1o RED-BROWN FI}JE SAND AND SILT, MEDIUM DENSE GRADING CALCART]OUS WITH CAL-ClTE STRINGERS GREEN TO BROWN, FIIJE-GRAINED SAND.STONE, LAYERED IIEDIUI1 TO WELL CE- MENTED WITH LITTLE POORLY CEMENTED A-3PLATE BORING NO. 3EL.5634.4 FT. MATCH LINE 7.6C-r007.0*-los I 35 RED-BROWN, FINE SAND AND SILT, LOOSE GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH MINOR CALCITE STRINGERS 5 N13 LIGHT GUY, FINE.GRAINED SAND- STONE, POORLY CEMENTED IN PARTS 15.1r-113I64 BROWN SILTY CLAY (WEATHEMD CINY- STONE) , HARD .13(, DARK GRAY, FIiIJJ GRAINED, SILI'Y SANDSTONE WITH YELLOW BAi{DS MOSTLY WELL CEMENTED JUT WITH SOME THIN, SOET, CLAYEY BANDS I s6B IT LIGUT GMY, MEDIUM GMINED, WELL CEI4trNTED SANDSTONE WITH ORANGELIMONITE STAINED BANDS FuUE z--_- r15-Feuo FUUL 4qo-FLuo 2.4 I I I LIGHT BROWN TO PALE GMY, FINE TO MEDI UI{-GiIAI NET) SANDSTONE INTERLAYtrRED E,ANDS OF SANDY, GREENCLAYSTONE AND PALD BROIJN SANDSTONE DRILLING IND]CAIES UNPMCTURED, WELL CEI{ENIED S}.NDSTONE L]GHT TO MJDIUM GREEI']-BRO!,iN, MEDIUM TO COARSE-GRAINED SAND- STONE 12s]- I I I WELL CEI'IENTLD GROUND WATER LEVT]L 56.8 FTtt / 4 /'7'7 CONGLOMERATE IN LIGHT GRAY, FINE SAND MATRIX FROM 62.4 TO 63 FT GRADES TtrROUGH I'HITE SILTSTONE TO A GREEN CLAYSTONI) YELLOW, I,IEDIUI4-GMINED SANDSTONE DRILLII{G INDICATES GENERALLY WELL-CEI,IENTED SANDSTONE !,lITH MTNOR CONGLOMERATE BANDS HOLE COMPLETED 9/14/11 I45- MATCH LINE DAMES 9 }IOIORE LOG OF BORINGS PLATE A-4 BORING NO. 7EL.5656.9 FT. RED-BROT{N FINE SAND AND SILT, MED]UTI DENSE GBDING CALCAREOUS WITH CALCITE STRINGERS AND OCCASIONAL ZONES OP MSSIVE CALCITE CEMENTATION PALE tsROWN, FINE GMINED, WEATHERED SANDSIONE, GMD]NG HARDER DARK BROVIN TO DARK GRAY, FINE TO I,IEDlTJ!; GRAINED, WEATHERED SANDSTOJE,GUDES HARDER AND TAN COLORED INTERBEDDED HARD AI{D VERY HARD,LIGHT GRAY SANDSTONE HOLS COMPLE"ED 9/18/77 NO GROUND WATCR ENCOUNTERED BORING NO. 8EL.'5668.4 FT. s4/86" 50/N 6" 50/o 2\" RED.BROWN TINE SAND AND SILT, DENSE GUDING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-CITE STRINGERS GRADING TO MASSIVE CALCITECEI{ENTATION GREEN, }IEDIUM TO COARSE GRAINED, WEATHERED SANDSTONE DARK GMY, SILTY CLAYSTONE, WEAAHERED WITH YELLOW-ORANGE IRONSTAINING, GEI.IERALLY VERY DRY GUDES TO VERY HARD DARK GMY, T.IEDIUM-GRAINED SANDS"ONE,RDLATMLY Ui{Ci,i,iEh-1'ID OFF-WHITE, MSDIUM_GruINED SANDSTONL,l{ELL CEMENTED HOLE COMPLETED 9/l9/77NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED FuuG z.^ -FEE6 I5 10 FUEIz-. -F4uo 20 25 0 Fu5@E =EFGU r^ )0./r.93-103 I 11', 9-t /N 10" 20_ 85/ 6. ?s-106 I 1o; BORING NO. IOEL.5690.9 FT. BORING NO. IIEL. 5677.8 FT. RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SIL1, DENSE GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-ClTE STRINGERS GRADING VERY CALCAREOUS AND VERY DENSE YELLOI.T TO GREEN, FIIJI TO MEDIUM GRAINED, WEATHERED SANDSTONE GRADING IIARD, GREEN, MEDIUI{ TO COA.qSE-CRATNED SANDSTONE HOLE COT,IPLETED 9/l9/ ,- 7NO GROUND IIATER EIICOUNTERED BORING NO. I3EL. 5602.4 FT. 50/a4\" 50/s 4!,' L5 -BORING NO. 14EL.5597.5 FT. RED-BROWN FINE SAilD AND SILT GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-ClTE STRINGERS AND SOI!,IE ZONES OF MSSIVE CALCITE CEMENTATION LIGHT BROWN, TINE GMINED, WEATHERED SAIIDSTONE GRADING WELL CEMEiITED HOLE COMPLETED 9 / t8 / 7'7NO GROUND TVATER ENCOUNTT]RED RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, MEDIU},I DENSE GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-CITE STRINGERS LIGHT GMY TO OFE-WHITE, MEDIUMTO COARSE-GRAINED SANDSTONE, VERYWELL CEI'IENTED COLOR GRADES TO YELLOW-TAN RED.BROWN PINE SAND AND SILT, MEDIUM DENSE PALE GREEN, MEDIU}I-GUINED SANDSTONtr I]ECOMES VERY I{ELL-CEMENTED HOLE COT4PLETED 9 / 18/ 7 7 NO GROUND I,IATER ENCOUNTERED 3.23--tr5 a12FUuL ;FGUo 5 LOG OF BORINGS HOLE COMPLETED 9/18/77NO GROUND }IATER ENCOUNTERED DAmESi e UOtoRE PLATE A-5 BORING NO. 9EL. 5679.3 FT. RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILI' MOTT'LED OFF-WHII'L AND GREEN, wEATilllRED SILTY CLATSTOT'IE OFF-WHITE TO CRf,EN, CLAYLY, WEATHERED SANDSTONE GRADES EARDER TO GREEN SATJDSTONE GREEN, FINE TO MEDIIJM-GRAINED, WEATHERED, CLAYEY SANDSTONE MATCH LINE GRAY-BROWN, lltrDIUI{ GRAINED, I'IODER-ATELY To POORLY-CEI,IENTED SANDSTONE,HIGHLY FMCTURED BY DISXING PERPEN- DICULAR TO CORE AXIS GROUND WATER LEVEL 99.8 F'|, 11./4/77 MEDIUTl GRAY, CT,AYEY SlLTSTONN BI,ACX, HlGHLY WI]ATHI,RED, SOTT, LAMINa\1'ED CLAYSTONII WITH OUNGL LlMONITE-STAINED LA} ERS MEDIUI.,I BROM, FINE TO MEDIUM-GRAINED SANDSTONE, VARIES FROM MODERATELY CEMENTED TO VERY POORLY-CEMENTED tsEEEIo 5 =-FEEo 110 PALE GREEN, MEDIUM GRAINLD, HARD,SILICIFIED SANDSTONI, PALE GREEI{, SANDY CLAYSTONIi FROM107.7 TO 108.2 FT DARK GREEN, WDIUM GRAINED, CLAYEYSANDSTONE, MODEMTELY HARD WITH MINORINCLUSIONS OF DARK BROWN, ANGULAR GRAVEL-SlZED CIIERT F-^u 4UuE =-FAw4t6 I',IEDIUM-GMINED SA}IDSTONE, llODEMlILY CEI1EJNTED, WITH IIION STAINING ALOI{G HORIZON'IAL FRACTURE BANDED, LIGHT TC MEDIUM GREEII SILT- STONE, CLAYEY AND SOFT IN PART DARK GMY TO BLACK, dEDIUM GU]iIEI), WELL CEMENTED, CARBONACEOUS SANDSTONN WITH SO}IE SOFT, BLACK, CLAYEY tsANDS OCCASIONAL THIN, CARBONACEOUS BAI{DS CCNT]NUE HOLE COT4PLEAED 9 /2'7 / 1 1 1:15 - 93 56 VERY WELL CEMENTED, LIGdT GRAY TO OFF. WHITE, MEDIUT4-GRAINED SANDSTOI{E POORLY-CEMENTED PEBBLE CONGLOi{ERATE 1N BROWN , SAIIDY BTRIX, SO}ITJ UNCE}ILNTED SANDY BANDS MODEMTELY-CEI"IENTED TO POORLY-CEMT]NTED SANDSTONE GRADAS IVELL CEMLNTED MATCH LINE DAttEs e lroroRG LOG OF BORINGS PLATE A-6 BORING NO. 12 EL. 5648.1 FT. s4 /86" RED-BROWN F]NE SAND AND SILT, DENSE GUDING CALCAREOUS WITH THIII LAYERS OF VERY CALCAREOUS I1ATERI AL GROUND WATER LLVEL 81.3 FT, II/4/'11 CIRCULATION LOST, STILL APPEARS WELL CEMENTED 6. 88/2r-104 I 4" 50N 2,, GREEN AND YELLOW, F]i{E TO MEDIU}I'GMINED,'{TAT}If,RED SAIIDSTONE GREEN, P]NE GM]NED, CLAYEY, WEATHERED SANDSTONL WITH YELLOW AND RED IiION STAINING BECOMES LESS CEMENTED SOME CIRCULATION REGAINED BUTSTILL LARGE WATER LOSSES BECOIES LESS CLI-YEY, MOSI CIRCULATION LOSI I00 F L =EFG Brro 115 120 1-25 r30 19.2 lilELL-CEMtr!',lTED SANDSTONE 35 FEuG 2.- -F4uo 45 50 55 60 65 1A '75 80 VERY LIGHT BROWN TO GMY, I'IEDIUM-GMINED SANJSTONE WITH SO}IE OUNGESTAINING; MODEMTELY TO WELL CEI4ENTED AT TOP, BECOMES PooiiLf- CEMENTED AT 35 ET GENEULLY MODEMTELY-CE}IENTED SAIIDSTONE WELL.CEME}JTED SANDSTONE POORLY-CiMI]NTED SANDSTONE POORLY-CL).lE}ITI'D SANDSTOTiE WELL-CEMCi{TED SANDSTONE POORLY-Cli'lENTED, POSSIBLY CONGLOIl-EUTE OR FRACTURED SANDSTONE MODEM?ELY-CEMENTED SANDSTONE POORLY-CEI,IENTED SANDSTONE WELL-CEMDNTED SAI{DSTONE 0.9 MODERATELY-CEMLNTED SANDSTOITE WEI,L CEIIENTED HOLE COMPLE IED 9 / 29 /'7'7 CLS\SDS*".r".,, sANLrv cLAYsroNri wTrH SOI4E R,]D IRON STAINIIIG, SOFI' GREEN, FINE GRAINED, MODER- ATELY.CEMENTED SANDSTONE I35 - INTERNYERED SANDSTONE AND SAi{DY CLAYSTOiJL BORING NO. 15 EL. 5600.7 FT. WELL-CEMENTED SANDSTONE, APPAR- ENTLY WITH OCCASIONAL TIGCTUREU ZONES 0 F'U5UI = FEu loo_- le: RED.BROWN TINE SAND AND SILT, MEDIUM DENSE GMDING CALCAREOUS WITH CALCITE STRINGERS GREEN, IdEATHERED CLAYSTONE GREEN, FINE TO MEDIUI4-GMINED SANDSTONE GRADES 'JELL CEMENTED fioLE COMPLETED 9/t7/77 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED LIGHT BROWN, MEDIUM.GRAINED SAND. STONE, MODERATELY CE}IENTED, GMDING WELL CEMENTED BORINGS DAmES e iio(oPE LOG OF PLATE A-7 BORING NO. 16 EL. 5597.5 FT. BORING NO. I7EL. 5582.0 FT. 6.3S-104 RED-BROr'IN FINE SAND AND SILT, MEDIUM DENSE GRADlNG CALCAREOUS IiITII CAL-CITE STRINGERS GRADES DENSE PALE GREEi{ TO WHITE, FINE TO COARSE-GMINED SAI{DSTOi{E, ALTIR- NATIIIG WEIL-CEIIENTED AND POORLY- CE}IENTED BANDS BECO}IES COI{TINUOUSLY WELL- CEIIENTED iloLE COMPLETED 9/10/77JO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED 5.5*-105 ! 76 RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-CITE STRINGERS AND INCLUSIONS GREEN, FINE TO MEDIUM-GRAINED SANDSTONE, INllTALLY WEATHERED, GRADING WELL CEMI]NTED LAYERED POORLY-CEMENTED ANDWELL-CEMENTED, POSSIBLY SOME CLAY- STONE LAYERS LAYERED WELL-CEMENTED AND VERY WELL-CEMENTED HOLE COMPLEIED 9 / l'7 / ',7 ',7 NO GROUND WATER EIiCOUNTERED L5 -BORING NO. 2I EL. 5584.5 FT. ":!{ I5 -BORING NO. 22EL.5585.3 FT. .7 3/12.53-1181101 60/ s0/ E 4', 2\- FUEEz -^-FcU6 15 UUL =tFGua BORING NO. 18EL.5608.5 FT. 93/Ir1. 50Es" 50DO, BORING NO. 20EL.5570.4 FT. RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT,MtrDIUII DENSE GBDING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL.CITE STRINCERS OFF-!,IIIITE, POORLY CEMENTED, TNEATHERED SANDSTONE WIT}I LAYERS OF WEATHERED CLAYSTONE RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, LOOSE TO MEDIUI4 DENSE GREEN CLAY wIrH SOME GYPSUI,I CRYSTALS, (WEATHERED CLAYSTONE} STIFF TO VERY STIFF GREEN, FINE GMINED, WEATHERED SANDSTONE BECOMES WEI,t-CEI4EIITED HOLE COMPLETED 9 / l7 /'7',7 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED RED-BRO}IN PI]IE SAND AND S]LT GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-ClTE S"RINGERS GRADES CLAYIER L]GI]T BROWN TO OPT-WHITE, SILTY CLAY GREI]II, FIIJL GRAIiIDD, iIEATHditED SANDSTONE WITH HIGH CLAY CONTENT, POORLY-CDMENTED BECOMES WELL.CEMENTED HOLE COMPLETED 9 / l'7 / 7'1 NO GROUND WATDR ENCOUNTERED GREIN, WEATHERED CLAYSTONE WITH OMNGE IRON STAINING HOLE COMPLDTED 9/L1/11 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED t0- RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, LOOSE TO },IEDIUM DENSL LIGHT BROWN, FINE TO MED]UM- GRAINED SANDSTONE, GRADING WELL- CEMENTED HOLE COMPLETED 9/I7/77 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED LOG OF BORINGS DAmES e lr(rroEG PLATE A-8 BORING NO. I9EL. 5600.3 FT. 93/12.4s-92 I 11" RED_BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, I{EDIUM DENSE GMDING CALCAREOUS WTIH CALCITE STRlNGERS GRADES VARY CALCAREOUS AND VERY DENSE BECOI4ES VERY LOOSE, POSSTBLY WITIT VOIJS BECOMES DENSE UODERATELY WELL-CEMENTED CONGLOMERATE OR FMCTURED SAIIDSTONE, GMDING BETTER CEMENTED GUDING LESS CEMENTED VERY POORLY-CEMENTED SANDSTONE MODEMf ELY-CEI'IENTED CLAYSTONE POORLY-CEMENTED SANDSTONE WITH MINOR HARD LENSLS MODERATELY-CEMENTED SANDSTONE GRADES LESS CEMENTED APPEARS CLAYEY MODERATELY.CEMENTED SANDSTONE N 8s/ GREEN, EINE TO MEDIU}I.GMINED SANDSTONE, ,,,DATHLmD, WITH SOME ORANGE AND YELLOW IRON STA]NII.IG GMY-GREEN, FINE TO MEDIUM GMIIJLD,WEATHERED, CLAYEY SANDSTONL WITI1' ORANGE AND YELLOW IRON STAINI}.JG BECOMES LESS WEATHERED WITH LESSCLAY, PRTDOIvlINANTLY GRAY WITHOMNGE IRON SIAIIiING, MODERATELY CEMEN?ED, MED1UM GMINED 50/4\" FUUEz- ---FLUa i I I 987t I I z. o I I GROUND WATER LEVEL 110 FT, tL/4/11 POORLY-CENII'NTED SANDSTONE WITH OCCASIONAL BANDS OF GRAVEL OR CONGLOI.lEM"D VERY WELL-CEMENTED SANDSTONE VERY POORLY_CEMENTED SANDSTONE VERY WELL-CEI4ENTED SANDSTONE 35 FuuE z- 40-FEUo II I I BROWN-YELLO!', COARSE-GMINI,D SANDSTONE FINE GRAVEL CONGLOMERATE WITH CONSID- ERABLE COARSE-GMINED SAND AND CAL- CARECUS UTRIX BROWN TO YELLOW, COARSE-GRAINCD SAND- STONE WITH CONSIDERABLE I{EAR HORI_ ZONTAL FRACTURING AND SOME ORANGBIRON STAINING, MODEMTELY CEMENTED I I I | 943 45 BECOMES LESS CEMENTED AND CLAYEY HOLE COMPLETED 9/25/77 130 - WATER RBTURN COMPLETELY LOST LIGHT GUY, MtrDIUM TO COARSE-GMINED SANDSTONE; HIGHLY TRACTURED ALONG HORIZONTAL BEDDING, CONSIDERABLE LIMONTTE STAINING ALONG BEDDINGTIiACTURES; MODERATELY CEMENTED TO UNCEMENTED, CORE LOSSES ASSUMED DUE TO WASHING AWAY OF UNCEMENTED ZONES LIMITED WATER RETURN BECOI,IES VERY UNCEMLNTED, WAI'I;R RETURN I,OST HOLE LOST AT 72 PT, HOLE 19A DRILLED 15 ET SOUTH OF HOLE T9; NO WATER RETURN OBTAINED, NO SAI'IPLING POSSIBLE; HOLE LOGGED FROM DRILLING PROGRESS VDRY WELL-CEMENTED SANDSTONE (72 FT) MODERATELY-CDMENTED SANDSTONE (73 FT} DAMEIS 8 llO{ORE LOG OF BORINGS PLATE A-9 BORING NO. 23EL. 5555.9 FT. BORING NO. 27 EL.5555.O FT. FUUE2 -^- 1U-FcUo RID-tsROWN EINE SAND AND SILT, LOOSE TO MED]UM DENSE GRADING CALCAREOUS WITH CAL-CITE STRINGERS GMDES MEDIUTl-GFAJNED MOTTLED COLORS FROM RED TO,/HITE AND YELLOW YELLOW TO LIGHT BROWN, MEDIUM TOCOARSE-GMTNED SAND (WEATHERED SANDSTOND ) 0 FE@L z-5!FGUo RED-BRO}iN F1NE SAND AND S]LT, LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE GMDING C:LCAREOUS I{ITH CALCITE STRINGERS GREENISH, FI.IE TO I4EDIUM-GMINED SANDSTONE, VDRY WELL-CETIENTED HOLE COMPLETND 9/l7/11 NO GROUND WATER EI\COUNTERED GREEN TO WHITE MOTTLED CLAY(WEATHERED CLAYSTONE) OFF-WHITE TO YELLOT,I BROI"IN, I,EDIUM TO COARSE-GRAINED, POORLY CEIiIENTEDSANDSTONE, GUDES WELL CEMENTED HOLE COMPLETED 9/10,/77 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BORING NO. 29EL. 5655.O FT. (APPROXJ 20- BORING NO. 24 EL.5573.4 FT FuuEz-5-FLuo RtrD-BROWN FIIiE SAi.]D AND SILT, LOOSE GMDES I{EDIUM DENSE GMDlNG CALCAREOUS WHITE TO SLIGUTLY TAN SANDSTONE BECOMES WELL-CEMI]IiTED HOLE COT4PLETDD 9 / 30 /'7'7NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED10 - FU5EI =!F!u 106 RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND S]LT,LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE GMDING CALCAREOUS WITH CALCITE STRTI{GERS OFF-WHITE, F'1NE GMINED, WEATHERED SANDSTONE, GRADBS WELL-CEMBNTID OFF-WHITE, FINE TO MEDIUI{ GRAII{ED, },lODEMTELY T{ELL-CE}lENTED SANDSTOl{E LIGITT BROi'N, FIIJE TO MED]U}l GMINED,I'ELL.CEI4Ei{TED SANDSTONE '\lOLt COMPLE IED 9 / t7 / 7 7 NO GROUND I,iATER ENCOUNTERED BORING NO. 26EL. 5578.3 FT. 10 _ RED-BROW}J I]NE SAND AND SILT,LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE GRADING CALCAREOUS iIITH CALCIT[ STR I NGERS OFF-WHITE, FlNE TO iqEDIUM-GUINED SANDSTONE , WEATHERED, GMDING I^]ELL- CE}IE1{TtrD VERY WELL CEMEI{TIiD HaLE COMPLETED 9/17/71NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTI]RED DAttES e ltooRE LOG OF BORINGS PLATE A-10 BORING NO. 28EL.5547.6 FT. RED-BROWN FINE SAND AND SILT, MLDIUM DENSE GMDING C'ILCARLOUS WITH CALCITE STRIL'IGERS GMDES LIGHT BROWN AND VERY DENSL BECOMES LOOSE ATCH LINE GRAVEL AND PEBBLE CONGLOI4ERATE W]THSANDY MATRIX IN PLACES UNCDMENTED LIGHT GMY TO OFF-WHITE, FINE TO}IEDIUM-GRAINED SANDSTONE, WELL CEME}ITED GEI{ERALLY LIGHT GMY SANDSTONE WITH OCCASIONAL AANDS OE BROTVN, CLAYIER SANDSTONE GRADES DARXER GMY LIGHT GMY, WELL-CEMENTED SANDSTONE BECOTIES VURY DENSE ORANGE TO YELI,OW, TIEDIUM TO FIN' GRAINED, SILTY SAIJD (WEA?IIERED SANDSTONE ) LIGH? GRE;NISH_GRAY, PINE TO MEDiUM-GRAINID SAI\DSTONE WITH SOME GMVEL TO PEBBLE-S]ZDD IN- CLLSIONS; SOiltr MINOR LIMONlTE STLINING; E&ICTURLS TIORIZONTAL 100 FUIO 5uE =-F4 rt5 120 725 130 LIGHT GMY, MEDIUM GRAINED, WELL- CEI1ENTED SAiIDSTONE; FRACTURESGE)JEMLLY NtrAR 1JORI ZONTAL F0uG z _- -FcUo I LIGHT GREtrIi, FIIIE-GRAINED SAND. STONE WITII LAYI,RS OF GREEN CLAY- STOIiE UP TO 4 INCHES THICK MEDTUM TO LIGTIT BROWN, i.lEDIU}l TO COARSE GM]NED, WLLL-CEMENTED SAND- STONE, IRON STAINlNG EVIDENT AT CONTACT WITH OVERLYING FITILR- GMINED SANDSTONE HOLE COT4PLETED 9 / 2t / 1'7 135 -- CIRCULATION LOST LIGHT GRAY, MEDIUTl TO COARSE- GMINED SANDSTONE WITH SECTIO.TS OE VERY POORLY-CE!,IENTED SANDSTONE ]NTERLAYERED, POORLY-CE}IENTED AND WELL-CEMENTED SANDSTOIE AND COI{- GT.OMEM?E CASING INSTALLED TO 74 FT GROUND I{ATER LEVEL 75.? F'T, MATCH LINE DAMES 8 MOONE LOG OF BORINGS PLATE A-1 1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST DATA GEIi-ERAL RepresenEative soil samples ob Eained from the borings l{rere sub- jected to various laboratory tesLs to aid in their identification and to study their engineering properties. Ttre laboraLory EesEs included moisture and density determinat.ions, Atterberg limits <ieEerminaEions, grain-size analyses, compaction tests, permeability tests, consolidation tests, direct and triaxial- shear strengEh Eests, and chemical analyses. MOISTURE AND DENSITY TESTS Moisture and density tests were performed on selected, relatively- undisturbed soil samples to define Ehe in situ moisture conteat and densiry of the soits; to aid in classifying the soils; and to help correlaEe oEher Eest data. The restrits of the moisLure and density tests are presented on the left side of the boring logs on Plates A-3 through A-11. ATTERBERG LIMITS Atterberg iimits were measured on several soil samples from bulk samples of potential borrow sources. These tests provide information regarding the plasEicity of the clayey and silty soiLs. The results of the AEterberg lirnits tests are presented in Table B-1, Atterberg Linits Test Daia. GMIN-SIZE DETERMINATIONS Grain-size determination tests were performed on represenEative soil sauples from the vicinity of the proposed tailing retention area and from potential bor:row sources for clay and sand. The purpose of these tests rras Eo enable accurate classification of the samples. Ilydrometer tests were used to deterrnine the grain-size distribution of material in the silt and clay size range for some of the samples. The results of lhe grain-size deEerminations are presented on Plates B-I through B-4, Gradation Curves. TASLE B-1 ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST DATA Sampl e Locat ion Depth(ft)Liquid Lirnit Limit Pl as tic Plas t ic ity Index Classification L-C Ranch L-C Ranch Co Etonwood Canyon US 47 and Utah 262 0 0 0 143.0 228.5 72.4 45. I 18.0 34.6 22.4 18.7 125.0 193.9 50.0 26.4 CH CH* CH CL * Obtained using Blenderized Method COMPACTION TESTS Compaction tests were performed on a bulk sample of naterial obtained adjacent to borehole 19. This material is rePresentative of the fine sand and silt which may be used in the construction of parts of the dikes and as bedding and cover material for the cell liners. Ihe purpose of the compaction tests lras to provide the compaction criteria for this material. Once the compaction tests were completeC, several recompacted samples were prepared in the laboratory to simulate the as-constructed condition of the dike. These samples were subjected to permeability and strength testing so that this information could be used in our analysis of the stability and seepage characteristics of the dikes. Ihe compaction tesEs were performed in accordance with the AASTHO T-99 method of compaction. The results of the compaction tests are presented on Plate B-5, Courpaction Test Data' PER}MABILITY TESTS Permeability tests were performed on relatively undisEurbed samples and on recompacted soil samples. Samples used for recompaction were from a bulk sample Eaken adjacent to borehole 19, and were compacted to approximately 95 percent of AASHTO T-99 maximum dry density. The tests vrere performed in aceordance wi.th the method described on Plate 8-6, Method of Perforrning Percolation Tests. The resuits of the permeability lesEs are presented in Table B-2, Perneahility TesE Data. CONSOLIDATION TESTS Consolidation tests rrere perforned on two relatively undisturbed samples of silcy fine sand and one sample of weathered claystone, all from borings in the mill area. The purpose of these tests was to evalu- ate the compressibility of the on-siEe soils. The tests were performed in accordance with the rnethod described on Plate B-7, Method of Perform- ing Consolidation Tests. The ccnsolidation test results are preseuted on Plate B-8, Consolidation Test Data. SHEAR STRENGTH TEST DATA DIR.ECT SHEAR TESTS Direct shear tests were performed on four relatively undisturbed samples of fine sand and silt obteined frona boriags in the miIl area to decerroine strength characteristics of the in situ aeolian sand and silt. The tests were run with varying confining pressures, wiEh Ehe samples being saturated prior to tesEing. The tesEs were performed in accordance with the procedure described in Plate B-9, Method of Performing Direct Shear Friction Tests. The results of the direct shear tests are presen- ted in Table B-3. TABLE B-3 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA Boring Number Depth ( ft) Dry Dens ity(pcf) Confining Pressure(psf) Peak Shear SErength(psf) I 3 2 5 5 4 9-t/2 5 I 17.8 107.3 109.4 97 .3 1000 2000 4000 6000 925 I 600 2325 3 680 TABLE B-2 PERMEABILITY TEST DATA Boring Number Depth(ft)Soil Classification Surcharge Pres sure(psf)Permeability (k) ( ftlvr) (cm/sec ) 6 7 10 l2 l6 t7 t9 22 Recompacted Recompacted Recompac ted 9 4-rl2 4 9 4-Ll2 4-rl2 4 4 I 1 I sM/l.rl. SM/ML sr{/ML SM/ML SM/UL SM/ML SM/ML ML ML ML ML 11 .6 10.3 t2.4 144 21.6 92.8 70. I 3.9 0.35 0. 56 0. r9 _(l.2xl0 ' -5l.0xl0 - 1 .2x10 '' -tI .4x10 Z.lxl} " 9.0x10-5 6.8x10-5 _A3.8x10 " _13.4x10 ' -15.4x10 ' l.8xl0-7 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS Consolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests with pore pres- sure measurements (TX-CU/pp) were performed on relatively undisturbed and recompacted samples of silty fine sand. Ihe recompacted samples \rere conpacted to approximately 95 percent of MSHT0 T-99 maximum dry deasity. the tests were performed to determine the sErength parameters of these materials, and the results $rere used in our stability analyses. The tests rrrere run with varying confining pressures to sinulate the pressures which would be exerted on the soils by the dikes. The samples rrere consolidated at the assigned confining pressure and saturated prior to te sting. The tests were performed in accordance with the procedure described on Plate B-10, Ilethods of Perforniag llnconfined Compression and Triaxial Compression Tests. Ihe results of the triaxial compression tests are presented on Plates B-11 and B-Lz. CHEMICAL ANALYSE} Chenical analyses qrere performed on soil samples from the proposed mi11 site to determine the percentage of soluble sulfates contained in the soi1. Soluble sulfate content is required for determining the appropriate cement Eype required for foundations and all other concrete structures - at or below grade. The results of these tests are presented in Table B-4, Cheuical Test Data. TABLE B-4 CHEMICAL TEST DATA Boring Number Depth ( f t) Percent Magnes ium as MgSOO Percent Sodiun AS NaSOO Perceni Ca tc ium AS CaS0.4 Percent Total So 1ub 1e Sol i<is PII I 2 4 5 4.5 4 4 4.5 0.013 0.010 0.012 0. 009 0.042 0.032 0.018 0.020 0.032 0.068 0.055 0.029 0.382 7 .650.112 7.900.090 7.690.088 7.63 The following plates are attached and complete this appendix: Plate B-1. Gradation Curves Plate B-2 Gradation Curves Plate B-3 Gradation Curves Plate B-4 Gradation Curves Plate B-5 Compaction Test Data Plate B-5 Method of Performing Percolation Tests Plate B-7 Method of Performing Consolidation Tests Plate B-8 Consolidation Test Data Plate B-9 Method of Performing Direct Shear Friction Tests Plate B-I0 Methods of Performing Unconfined Compression andTriaxial Compression TesEs Plate B-11 Triaxial Compression Tests Plate B-12 Multi Phase Triaxial Compression Tests F-9 'o G 2tr z e 4 6RAII{ SIZE IIi YILLITETERS DAUES e m(OOnE GRAIil SIZE II{ I'ILLIMETERS coBaLas SILT Oi CLAY -Lqc41o!,J_DEPTH cLASStFtCATtOtt tt tP u.s. sTAxoAio stEvE stzE GRAIi' SIZE IN XILLITETERS u.s. sTAr{oaRD srEvE srzE COBBLES SILI OR CLAY LOCATION.OEPTH LL PI PI rllsr I srLr . FriE !.xD GRADATION CURVES PLATE B-1 U.S. STA'{DARD SIEVE SIZE GRAIII SIZE II{ TILLIUETERS coaELEs srLl 0i cLAt LOCATION OE PIII CLASSIFICATION I NAT W(ll PI pt sx/r! I rriE 3^ro a srrr I u.s. sTAxoARo stEvE srzE io i} o G a F2 c u.s. sr^noARo srEvE srz€ Fi0: @ t z 2 G A DAMES E U|oloRE GRAII{ SIZE IN TILLIUETERS GRAIil SIZE ITi TILLIMETERS GRADATION CURVES PLATE B-2 u.s. siai{oaRo srEvE slzE GRAIN SIZE IN UILLIMETERS cooS!E5 SILT OR CIAY .-LgqAngry DEPTH cLASSTFTCATTOil XAI U(tl PI cL | :tfi_Y _c-11Y,!t.t!1 a-McE oF u.s. sTA'aoABo stEvE srzE u.s. sTAxoARo srEvE srzE GRAIX SIZE II{ TILLIMETERS DAmES g iltotoEE LOCATION OEFIh cLASStFtCATtOt{LL PL PI c{l:[lrc-1.r.-1ll-.-lf:ctqr GRADATION CURVES PLATE B-3 U.S. STA}IDARD SIEVE SIZE GRAII{ SIZE II{ IILLIT€TERS F!0] @ d = Fz E c DAUES E M('ORE GRADATION CURVES PLATE 8.4 SAMPLE NO. l9A DEPTH l'-2r ELEVATION 5600l SOILI]NE SANDL SILT (ML./SM) LOCATTON BLANpTNG. IJTAH OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 14 PERCENT MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY-]IG-PCE METHOD OF COMPACTION- AASHTO T:99 I{OISTURE GONTENT IN T OF ORY WEIGHT 5to1520 25 t50 r40 Flr t30 jo \oo =- tzo F U'zlrlct i troo roo 90 Dlrra a ro(olr -,\ - \ COMPACTION TEST DATA PLATE 8.5 The quantity and the velocity of flow of water which wil] es- cape throu€h all earth structure or percol-ate thror]gh soil are dependent upon the perrneability of the earth structr.r-re or soi1. The penneability of soil has often been calcul.rted by empir- ical formulas but is best de- termined by laboratory tests, especially in the case ol com- pacted soils. A one-inch l-engttr of the core sanple is sealed in the percolation apparatus, placed under a conlining load, or sur- charge pressure, and subjected to the pressure of a known head of water. The percolation rate is computed from r.he measure- ments of the volume of water which flows through the sample in a series of time intervals. These rates are usually ex- pressed as the velocity of flow in feet per year under a hy- drauli.c gradient of one and at METT,IOD OF PERFORMING PERCOLATION TESTS APPAXATUS FOR PERFORMING Shows tests in progress on eight PERCOLATIONS TESTS samp les s imultaneously. a ternperature of'20 degrees Centigrade. The rate so expressed mqy the sa.1re s.:11 by employing established physical Iaws. Generally, the beginning of the test and gradually approaches eqrrilibrilun as D-rring the performance of the lest, continuous readings of the micrometer dial gauges. 'he amourit of cornpression or expansion, of the sample, is a valuable indication of the co.rpression of the the expansion of the soil as saturatiori takes place. be adjusted for any set of condir,ions involving the percolation rate varies over a wide range at the test progresses. deflection of the sample are taken by means of expressed as a percentage of the original length soil which wil.l occur und.er the action of load or Dlrla! roorr PLATE B-6 Meruon Or PrRronNllNc Cor{soLrDATIoN TEsrs ColisollnarloN TESTS ARE eERFoRMED To EVALUATE THE voLUr\,tE cHANGES oF soILS SUBJECTEI) ,I'O INCREASED LOADS. TIME.CONSOLIDATION AND PRESSURE.CONSOLIDATION CURVES MAY BE PLOT. TED FROM THE DATA OBTAINED IN THE TESTS. ENGINEERING ANAI-YSES BASED ON THESE CURVES PERMIT ESTIMATES TO BE MADE OF THE PROBABLE IvIAGNITUDE AND RATE OF SETTLEMENT OF THE TESTED SOILS UNDER APPLIED LOADS. ERcH sRupLE IS TESTED vITHIN BRASS RINGS T\x/o AND oNE- HALF INCHES IN DIAMETER AND ONE INCH IN LENGTH. LTNDIS- TURBED SAMPLES OF IN.PLACE SOILS ARE TESTED IN RINGS TAKEN FROM TIIE SAMPUNG DEVICE IN WHICH THE SAMPLES U/ERE OBTAINED. LOOSE SAMPLES OF SOILS TO BE USED IN CCNSTRUCTING EARTH FILLS ARE COMPACTED IN RINGS TO PREDETE RMINED CONDITIONS AND TESTED. iN TpsTTNc, THE SAMPLE IS RIGIDLY CONFINED LATERALLY BY THE BRASS RING. AXIAL LOADS ARE TRANSMITTED TO THE ENDS OF THE SAMPLE BY POROUS DISKS. THE DISKS ALI-OW DEAD LOAD-P}IEUMATIC CO}ISOL I DOMETER DRAINAGE OF THE LOADED SAMPLE. THE AXIAL COMPRESSION OR EXPANSION OF T}{E SAMPLE IS MEASLIRED BY A MICROMETER DIAL INDICATOR AT APPROPRIATE TIME INTERVALS AFTER EACH LOAD INCREMENT IS APPLIED. EACH LOAD IS ORDINARILY TWICE THE PRECEDING LOAD. THE IN- CREMENTS ARE SELECTED TO OBTAIN CONSOLIDATION DATA REPRESENTING THE FIELD LOADING CONDITIONS FOR WHICH THE TEST IS BEING PERFORMED. EACH LOAD INGREMENT IS ALLOWED TO ACT OVER AN INTERVAL OF TIME DEPENDENT ON THE TYPE AND EXTENT OF THE SOIL IN THE FIELD. DIXI' C TO(oII PLATE B-7 PRESSURE IN LBS./SQ. FT. oo ooooooooNrosto ooo ooooooooooooNrO+to oooo oooooooooooooooo(\r]o$lo oo\r(\lI .oo .o2 .o4 .06 Ioz\ .08a UJroz z .lo zo F d.e U)zoo .t4 .t6 .t8 I'Ilt" i TO(DII n-1? aat \ta\s\r... fF --i \\fll 4P L ATURAT D a!a \ D \ \ \\ t REBOUND,\ \t \-_\ '.j\..) \o Iiatattaat .--_. latatI aaa iaaaaaaa_ REBOU tattarol I \1\\ aao RI __] .BOUNt >- t,\i I attaat \.\\ arri \ -t \{ BORING SOIL TYPE MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT DRY DENSITY IN LBS./CU. FT.SYMBOL NO.)L7tr BEFORE AF E BEFORE AF ER 3 3 4 4t l4l 4t (SM) SILTY FINE SAND (CD WEATHERED CLAYSTONE (SM SILTY FINE SAND 7,6 t5.t 5.t r8.0 t7.l r3.9 r00 il3 t07 |2 |7 il9 --- aalaaaaar G(IIIS(IIIDIII(IT TEST IIATI PLATE 8.8 Meruoo Op Psnronuwc Dtnecr SHpen axo FntcrroN Trsrs DTnTcT SHEAR TESTS ARE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THE SHEARING STRENGTHS OF SOILS. FRICTION TESTS ARE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THE FRICTIONAL RE. SISTANCES BETVEEN SOILS AND VARIOUS OTHER MATE. RIAI-S SUCH AS VOOD, STEEL,'OR CONCRETE. THE TESTS ARE PERFORMED IN THE LABORATORY TO SIMULATE ANTICIPATE D FIEt.D CONDITIONS. EACH SAMPLE IS TESTED WITHIN THREE BRASS RINGS, TVO AND ONE.HALF INCHES lN DIAMETER AND ONE INCH IN LENGTH. TINDISTURBED SAMPLES OF IN.PLACE SOILS ARE TESTED IN RINGS TAKEN FROM THE SAMPLING DIRECT SHEAR APPARATUS WTH ETECIRONIC RECORDER DEVICE IN WHICH THE SAMPLES WERE OBTAINED. LOOSE SAMPLES OF SOILS TO BE USED IN CON- STRI.'CTING EARTH FII-LS ARE COMPACTED IN RINGS TO PREDETERMINED CONDITIONS AND TESTED. Drnrcr SHEan Tesrs A trmpp-rtrcrr LENGTH oF THE sAMpLE rs TESTED IN DIRECT DoUBLE sHEAR. A coNSTANT pRES- SURE, APPROPRIATE TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE PROBLEM FOR W}IICH THE TEST IS BEING PER- FORMED, IS APPLIED NORMAL TO THE ENDS OF THE SAMPLE THROUGH POROUS STONES. A ST{EARING FAILURE OF THE SAMPLE IS CAUSED BY MOVING THE CENTER RING IN A DIRECTION PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS OF THE SAMPI,E. TRANSVERSE MOVEMENT OF THE OUTER RINGS IS PREVENTED. TnT SgeaRING FAILURE MAY BE ACCoMPLISHED BY APPLYING To TI{E CENTER RING EITHER A CONSTANT RATE OF I-OAD, A CONSTANT RATE OF DEFLECTION, OR INCREMENTS OF LOAD OR DE. FLECTION. IN EAC}{ CASE, THE SHEARING LOAD AND THE DEFLECTIONS IN BOTH THE AXIAL AND TRANSVERSE DIRECTIONS ARE RECORDED AND PLOTTED. THE SHEARTNG STRENG'TH OF THE SOIL IS DETERMINED FROM THE RESULTING LOAD-DEFLECTION CURVES. Fnrctlol Tesrs IN oRoTR To DETERN,INE THE FRICTIoNAL RESISTANCE BETvEEN solL AND THE SURFACES oF VARIoUS MATERIALS, THE CENTER RING OF SOIL IN THE DIRECT SHEAR TEST IS REPLACED BY A DISK OF THE MATERIAL TO tsE TESTED. THE TEST IS THEN PERFORMED IN THE SAME MANNER AS THE DIRECT SHEAR TEST BY FORCING THE DISK OF MATERIAL FROM THE SOIL SURFACES. DATI'C TID(DII PLATE B-9 MarHoos or PEnroRvn'Jc UNcoNF'tNe o CoN{pnrssroN aNo TRInxtaI- CoNlpnrssIor.{ Tgsts TUT SHpanING STRENGTHS oF SoILS ARE DETERMINED FROM THE RESULTS OF UNCONFINED COMPRESSION AND TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS. IN TRIAXIAL COMPRES. SION TESTS TLIE TEST METHOD AND THE MAGNITUDE OF THE CONFINING PRESSURE ARE CHOSEN TO SIIVIULATE ANTICIPATED FIELD CONDITIONS. UNcoNrtue D coMpRESSIoN AND TRIAxTAL coMpRESSroN TESTS ARE PERFORMED ON UNDISTURBED OR REMOLDED SAMPLES OF SOIL APPROXIMATELY SIX INCHES IN LENGTH AND TWO AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN DIAMETER. THE TESTSARE RI.N EITHER STRAIN-CONTROLLED OR STRESS. CONTROLLED. IN A STRAIN.CONTROLLED TEST THE SAMPLE IS SUBJECTED TO A CONSTANT RATE OF DEFLEC. TION AND THE RESULTING. STRESSES ARE RECORDED. IN A STRESS.CONTROLLED TEST THE SAMPLE IS SUtsJECTED TO EQUAL INCREMENTS OF LOAD WITH EACH INCREMENT BEING MAINTAINED UNTIL AN EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION Y/ITH RESPECT TO STRAIN IS ACHIEVED. yrELD, pEAK, oR ULTTMATE STRESSES ARE DETERMTNED TRIAXIAL C0MPRESSl0ll TEST Ut{lT FROM THE STRESS.STRAIN PLOT FOR EACH SAMPLE AND THE PRINCIPAL STRESSES ARE EVALUATED. THE PRINCIPAL STRESSES ARE PLOTTED ON A MOHR'S CIRCLE DIAGRAM TO DETERMINE THE SHEARING STRENGTH OF THE SOIL TYPE BEING TESTED. UNCOUNWTD COMPRESSION TESTS CAN BE PERFoRMED ONLY oN SAMPLES wITH SUFFICIENT CoHE. SION SO THAT TTIE SOIL WILL STAND AS AN UNSUPPORTED CYLINDER. THESE TESTS MAY BE RUN AT NATT]RAL MOISTURE CONTENT OR ON ARTIFICIALLY SATURATED SOILS. IN A TRIaXIAL CoMPRESSION TEST THE SAMPLE IS ENCASED IN A RUBBER MEMBRANE, PLACED IN A TEST CHAMBER, AND SUBJECTED TO A CONFINING PRESSURE THROUGTIOUT THE DURATION OF THE TEST. NORMALLY, THIS CONFINING PRESSURE IS IVIAINTAINED AT A CONSTANT LEVEL, ALTHOUGH FOR SPECIAL TESTS IT MAY BE VARIED IN RELATION TO T}IE ITIEASURED STRESSES. TRIAXIAL COMPRES. SION TESTS MAY BE RUN ON SOILS AT FIELD MOISTURE CONTENT OR ON ARTIFICIALLY SATURATED SAMPI-ES. THE TESTS ARE PERFORNIED IN ONE OF THE FOLLOVING WAYS: UNcoNsoLtn,ttgo-uNnnantro: TIIE coNFINING pRESSURE IS IMposED oN THE sAMpLE AT THE START OF THE TEST. NO DRAINAGE IS PERITIITTED AND TTIE STRESSES WHICH ARE MEASURED REPRESENT THE SUM OF T}IE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES AND PORE WATER PRESSURES. Cottsol-loarro-uuon,,ttnro: THE sAMpLE IS ALLowED To CoNSoLIDATE FULLy uNDER TTIE APPLIED CONFINING PRESSURE PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TEST. THE VOLUME CTIANGE IS DETERNIINED BY NIEASURING TTIE WATER AND,/OR AIR EXPELLED DURING CONSOLIDATION. NO DRAINAGE IS PERMITTED DURING TI]E TEST AND THE STRESSES WHICH ARE NIEASURED ARE T}IE SAME AS FOR THE UNCONSOLIDATED-UNDRAINED TEST. DN,q.TNTN: THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES IN A SAMPLE MAY BE MEASURED BY PER- FORMING A DRAINED, OR SLOW, TEST. IN THIS TEST THE SAMPLE IS FULLY SATURATED AND CONSOLIDATED PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TEST. DURING THE TEST, DRAINAGE IS PERI\'IITTED AND T}{E TEST IS PERFORMED AT A SLOW ENOUGH RATE TO PREVENT THE BUILDUP OF PORE WATER PRESSURES. THE RESULTING STRESSES WHICH ARE MEAS- URED REPRESENT ONLY THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES. THESE TESTS ARE USUALLY PERFORMED ON SAMPLES OF GENERALLY NON.COHESIVE SOILS, ALTHOUGH THE TEST PROCEDURE IS APPLICABLE TO CO}IESIVE SOILS IF A SUFFICIENTLY SLOW TEST RATE IS USED. AN ILTSRNATE MEANS oF oBTAINING THE DATA RESULTING FRoM THE DRAINED TEST IS To PER. FORM AN UNDRAINED TEST IN W}IICH SPECIAL EQUIPMENT IS USED TO MEASURE THE PORE VATER PRESSURES. THE DIFFERENCES BET\I/EEN T}IE TOTAL STRESSES AND THE PORE WATER PRESSURES MEASURED ARE THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES. DITI' G T(DOII PLATE B-1O 'Lriltrs , 2 OF PllF r -PONDS-I -^ SUA-BASltl AREA I r.l oc?.t I \\ ir \ suB-aasrx AREA rxcLuDrl{o AREA AEHII{O FLOOO CONTROLO|KES 221 ocr.. (, ( \ ( ( I l ( IJ ( i /(/r I) EI EIq\ Y) ( / ) ( )(,\ \ )( \ \ ) \ DRAINAGE \ ?ros/7azA?* 03 K\i \,r..-- oanors rxorcATE FLorOF SUiFACE RUI{OFF SCALE rooo TAIN DRAIT{AGE BASIil BOUI{DARY AREA = 206 oc.rt ,7' ,!,, l! '\\:.. or'i')fr Itt,\ ,'/ rn ,1/'oo'll ^1"11 -r*It^ ,,') *t,(ta\\ )t \ ,?l.,\=1'/ ANSTEC APERTURE CARD Also Available on Aperture Card PLATE 4 SITE 5I MINIMUM FREEBOARD 5630 5620 56rO 5600 s590 5580 5570 DIKE CREST le-- 15' --1 FINAL TAILING ELEVATION 5622I F ttJtdtt zotr trJJ UJ 20 MIL CPE CELL LINER IN FINE SAND AND SILT SAND COVE AND IN SITU DAKOTA SANDSTONECELL BOTTOM ELEVATION 559II 20 MIL PVCCELL LINER MINIMUM ROLLED SANDSILT LINER BEDDING TYPICAL SECTION C-CI THROUGH NORTH CELL DIKE ANSTEC APERTURE CARD Also Available onAperture Card C r57oOululIl:l5 l-s6ootrlslul;i Lssoo CREST ELEVATION CREST ELEVATION 5627'l T ELEVATION 5627' CREST ELEVATION MAXIMUM TAII I vATtoN 56021 MAXIMUM T ATI CELL BOTTOM ELEVATION 5570I CELL BOTTOM ELEVATION 5579I CELL o BOTTOM ELEVATION 559I' 200 APPROXIMATE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE NOTES: ALL DIKE SLoPES 3(HoRIzoNTAL) : I(VERTICLE) SEE PLATE 2 FOR LOCATION OF SECTIONS TYPICAL SECTION D_DI THROUGH CELL SYSTEM TYPICAL SECTIONS ANCHOR TRENCH FOR CELL LINER COMPACTED SANDSTONECOMPACTED FINE SAND AND SILT SCALE IN FEET SCALE IN FEET rEos/7ozl?- Oh::-" -5750 -5740 -5730 -5720 -57t0 -5700 - 5690 -5680 -5670 -5660 -5650 -5620 -561o -5600 -5590 -5580 - 5570 -5560 -5550 -5540 FACTORS OF SAFETY UPSTREAM SLOPE STATIC CONDITION EARTHQUAKE LOADING =0.059 EARTHQUAKE LOADING =O.lOg FS= 2.O5 FS = 1.54 FS= 1.22 FACTORS OF SAFETY DOWNSTREAM SLOPE STATIC CONDITION FS=2.21 EARTHQUAKE LOADING =O.O59 FS=1.89 EARTHQUAKE LOADING =O.IOg FS=I.65 FuJuJlJ- zo tr uJJul ofpsff8= ^ffiffi1*?0., SATURATED TAILINGS 6 =62.4 PCF d =Ooc =0PSF COMPACTED FINE AND SILT SAND , = 125 PCFI =33"c =O PSF IN SITU FINE SAND AND SILT 6 =llO PCF g=?8o c= O PSF )C NOTE: PHREATIC SURFACE USED IN STABILITY CALCULATIONS APPROXIMATES CONDITION THAT WOULD DEVELOP IF CELLS WERE UNLINED. SINCE CELLS WILL BE LINED, NO PHREATIC SURFACE SHOULD EVER DEVELOP. IN SITU SANDSTONE B = l3O PCFl=45"c = IQOOO PSF 20020 - FEET Tsos) STABILITY SECTION A-A COMPACTED SANDSTONE d= l2O PCF d =37"c=OPSF ASSUMED PHREATIC SURFACEX - 5720 - 57tO - 5700 _ 5690 - 5680 - 5670 - 5660 - 5650 - 5640 - 5630 - 5620 - 56tO - 56CO - 5590 - 5580 - 5570 - 5560 - 5550 FACTORS OF SAFETY DOWNSTREAM SLOPE STATIC CONDITION FS=2.35 EARTHQUAKE LOADING =O.O5g FS=2.O1 EARTHQUAKE LOADING = O.lOg FS = [74 Apgsl,5s=r CARD F UJtlJIL zotr t!Ju.t offfl?x*?,", ASSUMED PHREATTc suRrRce* SATURATED TAILINGS 6 = 62.4 pCFz=d c=OPSF ir.r stru cLAYsroNE r=l3O PCF g=2O" c=30OO PSf * ruotr: PHREATTC suRFAcE usED tN srABtLtTi cALcuLATtoNS AppRoxlMATES CONDITION THAT WOULD DEVELOP IF CELLS WERE UNLINED. SINCE CELLS WILL BE LINED, NO PHREATIC SURFACE SHOULD EVER DEVELOP. IN SITU SANDSTONE d = l3O PCFg= 45o c = IOOOO PSF ?tost?ozG?- 06 STABILITY SECTION B.B' 20 ttamlSamoonr PLATE 8 COMPACTED SANDSTONE d= l2O PCF d=37oSAND AND SILT d = 125 PCF AS"UFINESANDN@ FE ET TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS ON SILTY FINE SAND GOMPACTED TO 95% OF AASHTO T-99 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY EFFECTIVE STRESS TOTAL STRESS ANSTEC APERTUHE CARD l!a :< aba lrJ E,Fa E l!-U) Also Available on Aperture Gard d-3so C-O /$-t+" C-3OO pSF NORMAL STRESS, KSF (MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE STRESS RATIO) ?soe/7026?- 07 TR IAX IAL COMPRESSION TEST REPORT rYPE oF rESr f,?4oWPt'r',?r;"/4?R1559*fl€if ' TYPE MATERIAL cc),vtpAcreo coR€ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION CLASSIFICATION R€oD/s f/ ' ,BRotlr, cc 4 /€ r 9, t-- LTQUID LIMIT___:_PLASTIC LIMIT--_:-SPECIFIC *^/€R€ Y Ft/( GRAVTTY. a. " ,ia (A t 'r 'tr g- /e\ PROJECT LOCATTON D€t,.tv€e Sgg J,tg. "723-o/5- /4 PREPARED CHECKED {t-ru_, ,,pt_UtZZi,r'- ,a7-', /..JZ?r; ooo E3 3. ooo 833STRAIN RATE (INCHES /MINUTE) tb r6. x = rb r5 i oUGF ) FoF { to, * o.l *(or -(r3) iro-;d', a, u/tat oquEFq U EoUrLU PIITE B.I I MULTI PHASE TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS ON SILTY FINE SAND AT NATURAL DENSITY E FFEC TIVE STRE SS TOTAL STRESS ANSTEC APERTURE CARD Also Available onAperture CardlJ- U)Y (t) o U)ld E,Fa E, LrJ- U) ./0-zgo C-O --' -/vt\ NORMAL STRESS, KSF ( MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE STRESS RATIO) 9 to ?to? t7o269 ^ TR IAX IAL COMPRESSION TEST REPORT TYPE OF TEST 1A -CU -DP TYPE MATERIAL Br., s,it \ F. SeruA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION cLASSrFrcArroru SM /mL L reu r D ur u r r r,{h,- pLAsr rc LrM r r-^4h- spEoFrc GRAVrry, e, z,b{ol#'u,{d j-- \ STRAIN RATE ( ll{CHES / X t]{UTE ) {to, 'o3l qoUEF6 E EoUts u *(dr -43) PIITE g- 12