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Utah Department of
Environmental Quality
Division of Environmental
Response and Remediation
Underground Storage
Tank Branch
Amanda Smith
Executive Director
Brent H. Everett
Division Director
Therron Blatter
Branch Manager
DeAnn Rasmussen
UST System
Alarms…….….....Page 1
DEQ Interactive Map
& EZ Search…..... Page 2
Deadline for UST
Operator Training Less
Than 6 Months…...Page 3
Program..………...Page 4
The UST system test has failed or is in alarm!!!
WHAT DO YOU DO? by Bruce Hagans
Owners and operators are required to
report within 24-hours:
1. When a release to the
environment is discovered. A
release to the environment is
any spilling, leaking, emitting,
discharging, escaping, leaching
or disposing from an UST into
groundwater, surface water or
subsurface soils.
2. Any unusual operating
conditions of the ATG test or
other UST release detection
monitoring tests.
3. When UST system release
detection indicates a failed test,
4. When other UST monitoring
test indicates a release may
have occurred.
Suspect or Release Response
Within seven days of a suspected release, owners or operators should
determine if a release has occurred by:
1. Justifying any unusual operating condition, alarm or failed UST system
monitoring test within 24 hours.
a. For a failed ATG or UST monitoring test, an owner should try and
obtain a passing test within 24 hours.
2. If an alarm cannot be justified or a passing test cannot be obtained, the
owner should immediately have a Utah certified individual to troubleshoot
the problem.
a. If the monitoring device is defective, the equipment should be
repaired immediately and a passing test should be completed and
the DERR should be notified of the passing test.
3. If the certified individual cannot obtain a passing ATG test or justify the
alarm, the owner should notify the DERR of a suspected release and seek
help from the DERR.
4. Have a Utah certified tester perform a tightness test.
DEQ Interactive Map and EZ Search
by Harold Sandbeck and Michael Pecorelli
The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) maintains records for individual sites and
projects. The records are managed as outlined in the Government Records Access and Management Act
One of the critical missions of the DERR is to provide access to government records as conveniently as
possible. The Interactive Map is an internet based tool that was developed in the late 1990s to facilitate access
to program site information. The DEQ/DERR Interactive Map was implemented to provide easy access to
DEQ program information to the regulated community, public, and DEQ Staff.
The overall concept was to organize the data geographically and to integrate the data across divisions and
programs. The interface was designed to allow searches by address, city, site name, DEQ program ID number
or by zooming in on a map location of interest. The results are displayed on the map and allow access to site
specific details. The search results will return feature information for DERR programs including Brownfields
as well as Superfund, Voluntary Cleanup Program, and Underground Storage Tanks, as well as a number of
data layers for other Divisions.
As of February 2011, DERR made its program site records available for review via the Interactive Map or
using a text driven Easy Records Search front-end tool. The map and Easy Records Search tool is available on
the DERR’s web page or you can click on the following link to take you directly to the above mentioned tools:
• http://www.environmentalresponse.utah.gov/research.htm
ACT NOW ~ DO NOT miss the DEADLINE for the UST
Operator Training and Registration Program
To meet the Operator Training requirement of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, each
UST facility must have UST facility operators that are trained and registered by
January 1, 2012. That’s less than six months away. The following link summarizes
these requirements. http://www.undergroundtanks.utah.gov/optraining_final.htm
Course requirements ~ Class A and B Operators must complete an approved training
course and pass an examination administered by the State of Utah. A list of
approved training courses can be found on the UST branch website.
Testing requirements ~ All students taking the O/O exam must register with the DERR
at least one week prior to taking the exam. This includes exams taken with the A/B
Operator Training Courses. With the application, you must submit an application
form, a registration fee of $50, proof of citizenship (notarized) and a copy of your
driver’s license. For more details concerning testing requirements contact
Michelle Horning at 801-536-1428 or refer to the following link.
P.O. BOX 144840
PERMIT #4621
CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn PPrrooggrraamm
Please refer to the DERR web page for certification program requirements, fees, applications and the examination
schedules. The web page address is: http://www.undergroundtanks.utah.gov/cert_program.htm
A Citizenship Certification MUST be completed, notarized and submitted with any application with a copy of a photo ID
attached (driver’s license, passport, or similar).
UST Consultant Certification Program
To remain current you must take and pass the UST Consultant Certification Examination before the expiration date. Certified
individuals may apply for renewal not more than six months prior to the expiration date of the certificate. Examinations (initial
and renewal) and the renewal course will be administered three times a year. The renewal courses begin at 9:00 a.m. and finish
at 1:00 p.m. Exams and courses take place at the DERR office at 195 North 1950 West in Salt Lake City. For more
information contact Michelle Horning at (801) 536-4128 or at mhorning@utah.gov.
Initial Exam and Renewal Course Schedule: Thursday, June 23, 2011 Thursday, October 20, 2011
UST Installer and Remover Initial Certification
For information about the installer and remover certification contact David Wilson at 801-536-4138 or at djwilson@utah.gov.