HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-009173 UTAH TANK NEWS Published by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation UST Branch Dianne R. Nielson, Executive Director Brad Johnson, Division Director Dale Marx, Branch Manager Gary A. Harris, Editor Summer 2003 INSIDE: New Director Valid ATG Test Terrorism at Gas Stations PST Fund New DERR Director Appointed Brad T Johnson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Executive Director Dianne Nielson appointed Brad Johnson as the Director of the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. Johnson had been serving as Interim Division Director since January 2003 when Director Kent P. Gray retired. "Brad is the right person to step into this job," Nielson said. "He has provided superb leadership to a staff that has accomplished great work. And just as important, he is committed to doing the right thing for the environment and improving Utah's quality of life.” As Division Director, Johnson will oversee the inspection and clean up of underground storage tank sites, the Voluntary Cleanup Program, Superfund, environmental emergency response, and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know reports. Johnson will also lend his expertise to state and national groups working through hazardous waste issues. “I’m excited for the opportunity to be part of DEQ’s Senior Management Team and look forward to building on our successes,” Johnson said. Johnson began his work with DEQ as an environmental scientist 20 years ago. For the past 15 years, he has managed the state’s work with EPA to clean up Utah’s most hazardous waste sites under the Superfund Program. He graduated from Brigham Young University with two degrees in Geology, a bachelor’s in 1981 and a master’s in 1983. g Valid ATG Tests By William Moore wners and Operators can be lured into a false sense of security if they do not know the 3rd Party Certified Limitations of their Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) system. It is possible to initiate a Tightness Test and receive a “Pass” even though the tank is not full enough to meet the criteria for a “Valid Test.” For it to be a “Valid Test,” tanks are required to have at least a specified minimum level of product. The chart below indicates the minimum required product level in your tank in order to receive a valid “Pass” from your ATG. If your ATG does not appear on the chart or if you have questions concerning your ATG, please contact Bill Moore at (801) 536-4100. g ATG Manufacturer Type Minimum Require Product Level in Tank Caldwell Systems Tank Manager (revised 4/5/99) 18 inches of product EBW Autostik 10% full EBW Autostik II 50% full EBW Autostik Jr. 50% full EMCO EECO TLM 1500, 2000, or 3000 48” Tank Dia= 8.5 inches 72” Tank Dia= 11.5 inches 96” Tank Dia= 14 inches 126” Tank Dia=18 inches Gilbarco EMC, TM2, TM2.1, TM3 and TM3.1 50% full Gilbarco EMC with CSLD 12 inches Gilbarco EMC/PC series 48” Tank Dia= 18 inches 72” Tank Dia= 24 inches 96” Tank Dia= 30 inches 132” Tank Dia=39 Inches INCON Tank Sentinel TS-1000, 1001, 2001 Standard Test 48” Tank Dia= 12 inches 72” Tank Dia= 15 inches 96” Tank Dia= 17.5 inches 126” Tank Dia=21.5 inches INCON Tank Sentinel TS-2000 Standard Test 50% full INCON Tank Sentinel TS- 1000, 1001, 2000, 2001 with SCALD 7.3% full NESCO Emcompass Standard Test (Default) 50% full NESCO Emcompass with CSTT Completed Tests 18% full Petrovend Petrosonic III Version 4.05 or later 50% full Petrovend Site Sentinel 50% full Red Jacket RLM 5000, 9000, ST-1400 and ST-1800 series and ProLink with Mag Probes 48” Tank Dia= 16 inches 72” Tank Dia= 24 inches 126” Tank Dia= 41 inches Red Jacket RLM 5000, 9000, ST-1400 and ST-1800 series with Ultrasonic Probes 50% full Tidel EMS-2000, 3000, and 3500 series 2 hour test 49 inches 4 hour test 18 inches 6 hour test 15 inches Veeder Root TLS-250 50% full Veeder Root TLS-350, 300 series Standard Test with Old System Software 50% full Veeder Root TLS-350, 300 and TM2 with Standard Test with New System Software 30% full Veeder Root TLS-350, 300 Series CSLD Test with Old System Software 10% full Veeder Root TLS-350, 300 Series CSLD Tests with New System Software 5% full O TERRORISM AT SERVICE STATIONS By David Wilson And Alex Ralston he Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) received a fax on March 21, 2003 from the FBI Counterterrorism Division regarding Al-Qaeda interest in targeting the fuel infrastructure in the United States. An excerpt from this fax states , "Recent reporting indicates that Al-Qaeda Operatives have discussed... acts of terrorism involving gas stations, fuel trucks, and underground fuel storage locations..." The fax goes on to indicate that there are no specific targets for these acts of terrorism, but people should be alert for suspicious activity. Although it is unlikely for such an attack to occur at your local gas station, it is still good advice to remain alert to the potential for acts of terrorism. Listed below are some ideas to protect you as an owner/operator from this possible threat. • Keep fuel tanks locked at all times, except when receiving deliveries. • Report any suspicious persons or vehicles around the site to the proper authority or local law enforcement officer. • Aboveground tanks should have a locked security fence around the tank farm. • Immediately report any fuel delivery truck, or truck driver, attempting to enter the site that is not properly identified or authorized to make deliveries to your site. • Have a Preventive Maintenance (PM) and training program to test the operator’s knowledge of what to do in the event of any emergency and test on a regular schedule: emergency shut down switches, impact valves, locks on gates, tanks, and other security measures taken at your site. If you have questions or comments, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. g UTAH PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK TRUST FUND by Randy Talyor he PST Fund is a voluntary program to provide the owners and operators of underground fuel storage tanks a low-cost method to comply with Federal Financial Assurance requirements and to pay for the cost of cleanup if a leak occurs. Of the 3,999 eligible tanks in Utah, 3,557 participate in the PST Fund (89%). Since the PST Fund’s inception in 1991, 178 petroleum releases have been cleaned up and closed out at a total cost of $15.5 million. There are currently 264 open releases being worked on that are estimated to cost $75.7 million. The main source of PST Fund revenue is a per gallon fee paid by the participating owner/operators. This fee was originally set at ½ cent. It was reduced to ¼ cent in 1997 because the PST Fund had a healthy cash balance. Since that time the cheap, easy cleanups have been completed and the PST Fund is left with the expensive, difficult cases. In addition, new releases continue to be reported. This has resulted in a steady decline in the cash balance to the point the PST Fund was predicted to reach a zero cash balance in 2005. Utah’s Independent Actuary and the State Auditor recognized the declining cash balance and recommended a fee increase to ½ cent per gallon. The fee can only be changed by the State Legislature. A bill to accomplish this received wide support and was passed early in the 2003 legislative session. The ½ cent fee became effective July 1, 2003. Another provision of the bill will reduce the fee back to ¼ cent when the PST Fund cash balance reaches $20 million. It is projected that this fee increase will keep the PST Fund financially healthy for the foreseeable future. Owners and operators who participate will continue to be provided with financial assurance and reimbursement for the cost of cleanup for current and future petroleum releases. g T T UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION P.O. BOX 144840 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-4840 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT #4621 CERTIFICATION CORNER PETCON www.petconinc.com 1-800-852-8374 Nov 12,13,14 Installer, Remover, and re-certification UVSC (801) 863-8117/8677 Aug 26 Oct 7 Sampler only ECI (801) 373-2727 Sampler only By appointment Re-certification Tests are given the first Tuesday of each month. For more info call David Wilson at (801) 536-4138 Environmental Consultant Contact Melissa Turchi at (801) 536-0078 Test Dates: Sept 12 http://undergroundtanks.utah.gov