HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-0091331
Petroleum Storage Tank
Environmental Media
Sampling Handbook
April 1, 2024
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
(801) 536-4100
Developed by the Department of Environmental Quality
Underground Storage Tank Branch
Table of Contents
Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 5
Rules and Regulations ................................................................................................................................ 7
What are USTs? ........................................................................................................................................ 7
USTs that are not regulated by the DERR: ............................................................................................... 7
Certification Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8
Training ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Examination .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Fees ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Reciprocity ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Certified Sampler Standards of Performance ........................................................................................... 9
Introduction to Environmental Sampling ............................................................................................... 10
Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) ........................................................................................ 10
Chain-of-Custody .................................................................................................................................... 11
UST Closure Protocol ............................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Temporary Closure ................................................................................................................................. 12
Permanent Closure .................................................................................................................................. 12
Closure Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Closure Notice ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Sampling at UST Closures ...................................................................................................................... 14
Unified Soil Classification (USC) Samples ............................................................................................ 14
Single Tank Excavation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Multiple Tank Excavation .................................................................................................................... 14
Piping ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Dispensers ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Soil Sampling Protocol ............................................................................................................................. 16
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Field Screening ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Subsurface Investigation Soil Sampling ................................................................................................. 16
Corrective Action Confirmation Sampling ............................................................................................. 17
Land Farm Sampling ............................................................................................................................... 18
Proper Waste Disposal ............................................................................................................................ 18
Soil Sampling QA/QC ............................................................................................................................ 18
Chain-of-Custody .................................................................................................................................... 19
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times......................................................................................... 20
Field Equipment Decontamination Procedures. ...................................................................................... 20
Groundwater Sampling Protocol ............................................................................................................. 22
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Total Well Depth Measurement .............................................................................................................. 22
Well Depth and Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids ........................................................................................ 22
Purging with Bailers ............................................................................................................................... 23
Groundwater Sampling with Bailers ....................................................................................................... 24
Purging with Sampling Pump ................................................................................................................. 25
Over-Purging ........................................................................................................................................... 25
No-Purge Sampling ................................................................................................................................. 26
Alternate No-Purge Sampling Techniques ............................................................................................. 26
Surface Water Sampling ......................................................................................................................... 27
Culinary Water Sampling ....................................................................................................................... 28
Proper Waste Disposal ............................................................................................................................ 28
Water Sampling QA/QC ......................................................................................................................... 28
Chain-of-Custody .................................................................................................................................... 29
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times......................................................................................... 30
Field Equipment Decontamination Procedures ....................................................................................... 30
Air Sampling Protocol .............................................................................................................................. 31
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Vapor Probe Installation ......................................................................................................................... 31
Leak Testing ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Hand Held Direct Measurement Sampling ............................................................................................. 32
Indoor/Outdoor Air Sampling ................................................................................................................. 32
Sub-Slab/Near Slab/Soil Gas Sampling .................................................................................................. 33
Sorbent Tube Sampling ........................................................................................................................... 33
Soil Vapor Extraction Off-Gas Sampling ............................................................................................... 34
Air Sampling QA/QC ............................................................................................................................. 34
Chain-of-Custody .................................................................................................................................. 355
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times....................................................................................... 366
Health and Safety ...................................................................................................................................... 37
General .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Exposure ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ..................................................................................................... 38
Health and Safety Plan .......................................................................................................................... 399
Combustion Hazards ............................................................................................................................... 39
Fire Triangle ........................................................................................................................................ 39
References .................................................................................................................................................. 41
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................ 42
Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Appendix C ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Appendix D ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Appendix E ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Appendix F ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Terms and Definitions
Terms used in this document are defined in UAC R311-200 and in Section 19-6-402. Document specific terms and definitions are listed below:
•APST - Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank
•COC – Contaminants of Concern
•DAQ – Division of Air Quality
•DERR – Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
•DOT – Department of Transportation
•DRO - Diesel Range Organics
•FID – Flame Ionization Detector
•Field blank – Any sample submitted from the field identified as a blank
•Grab sample – A single sample of soil or water taken withoutregard to time and flow and not combined with other samples
•GRO - Gasoline Range Organics
•HASP – Health and Safety Plan
•Headspace – the vapor mixture trapped above a solid or liquid in a sealed vessel
•HS – Hazardous Substance
•ISL – Initial Screening Levels
•LEL – Lower Explosive Limit
•LUST – Leaking Underground Storage Tank
•MBTEXN – MTBE, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene
•MCL – Maximum Contaminant Level (Utah Admin. Code R311-211). A standard for drinking water established by the EPA underthe Safe Drinking Water Act. The MCL is the maximum permissiblelevel of a COC in water, which is used as a drinking water supply.MCLs are recognized statewide by the Divisions of Water Quality,Waste Management and Radiation Control, Drinking Water, and EnvironmentalResponse and Remediation
•MTBE – Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether
•NAPL – Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid. Also known as product, freeproduct, floaters. This is free floating product on the water surface
•NELAP – National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
•O&G - Oil and Grease
•OVM – Organic Vapor Monitor
•PID – Photoionization Detector
•PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
•PST - Petroleum Storage Tank
•QA/QC – Quality Assurance/Quality Control
•Release - means any spilling, leaking, discharging ordisposing of regulated substance into surface waters,groundwater or soil
•SCBA – Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
•SSCL – Site Specific Clean-up levels
•SVE – Soil Vapor Extraction
•SVOC – Semi-Volatile Organic Compound
•Tier 1 SL – Tier 1 Screening Level
•TOC – Total Organic Carbon
•TOX – Total Organic Halides
•TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon5s
•TTRRPPHH - - TToottaall RReeccoovveerraabbllee PPeettrroolleeuumm HHyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss
•TTrriipp bbllaannkk - - aa ssaammppllee pprreeppaarreedd by by tthhee llaabb oorr ssaammpplleerr pprriioorr ttoo thethe
ffiieell dd wwoorr kk using using aaccttuuaal l ccoonnttaaiinneerr ss tthhaat t aarre e kept kept wwiitt hh tthhee
iinnvveessttiiggaattiivvee ssaammpplleess throughout throughout tthhee event. event. TThheeyy aarree ppaacckkaaggeedd ffoorr
sshhiippmmeenntt wwiitthh the the ootthheerr ssaammpplleess and sent and sent ffoorr aannaallyyssiiss..
•UUSSCC - - UUnniiffiieedd SSooiill CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn mmeeaannss soisoill ssaammpplleess evaevalluuaatteedd ffoorrssooiill type type in in aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh AASSTTMM DD22448888 SSttaannddaarrddct Practiic Pracee ffoorrDDeessccrriippttiioonn and and IIddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn of of SSooiillss or or DDEERRRR UUSSCC gguuiiddeelliinneesswwhhiicchh aallllooww any any ggeeootteecchhnniiccaall mmeetthhoodd that that ddeeffiinneess soil soil ttyyppeess
•UUSSTT – Underground Sto– Underground Storraaggee TTaannkk VVaaddoossee zzoonnee - - tthhee zzoonnee bbeettwweeeenn llaanndd ssuurrffaaccee aanndd
tthhee wwaatteerr ttaabbllee wwiitthhiinn wwhhiicchh tthhee mmooiissttuurree ccoonntteenntt iiss lleessss tthhaann ssaattuurraattiioonn ((eexxcceepptt iinn tthhee
ccaappiillllaarryy ffrriinnggee)) aanndd pprreessssuurree iiss lleessss tthhaann aattmmoosspphheerriicc.. SSooiill ppoorree ssppaacceess aallssoo ttyyppiiccaallllyy
ccoonnttaaiinn aaiirr oorr ootthheerr ggaasseess.. TThhee ccaappiillllaarryy ffrriinnggee iiss iinncclluuddeedd iinn tthhee vvaaddoossee zzoonnee
•VVOOCC - - VVoollaattiillee OOrrggaanniicc Compounds
Rules and Regulations
40CFR 280 – Federal Regulation that pertains to Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) UAC
R311 - Utah rules that describe how the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
(DERR) administers the UST program UCA19-6-401-429 - Utah UST Act
What are USTs?
An UST is a tank system, including piping connected to the tank, that has at least 10 percent of
its volume underground. Federal and state regulations apply only to those USTs containing
petroleum products or certain hazardous chemicals.
USTs that are not regulated by the DERR:
•Farm or residential tanks 1,100 gallons or less, used non-commercially.
•Tanks storing heating oil used on the premises.
•Flow-through process tanks.
•Emergency spill and overflow tanks.
•Tanks holding 110 gallons or less.
•Tanks containing hazardous waste.
What are APSTs?
A petroleum storage tank greater than 500 gallons and meets one or both of the
•If the APST rests on soil or gravel
•If any portion of the piping is underground
APSTs that are not regulated by the DERR:
•Less than 501 gallons
•Commercial airport for fueling
•Used in farming or agriculture
•Petroleum refiner (SIC Code 2911)
•Petroleum bulk stations and terminals (SIC Code 5171)
•Related to oil or gas production and gathering operations
•Used for heating oil on premises
Certification Requirements
Any person conducting environmental media sampling to determine levels of contamination
which may have occurred from regulated USTs must be certified by the DERR (R311-201).
Training topics must include:
•Chain of custody.
•U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) testing methods.
•Groundwater, soil, and air sampling protocols.
•Preservation of samples during transportation.
Coordination with National Environmental Laboratory
Accreditation .Program (NELAP) certified labs.
•State and Federal statutes, rules, and regulations.
An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination. Examinations are given at the
DERR office.
All applicable fees must be paid prior to certification.
Initial Certification Requirements:
•Application and fees.
Proof of training.
•Proof of citizenship.
•Pass the certification examination.
Renewal Requirements:
•Renew every 2 years.
•Application and fees.
•Pass the certification examination.
If the Division Director determines that another state’s certification program is equivalent to the
certification program provided in R31-201, they may issue a Utah certification. The application,
certification fees, and citizenship requirements still apply.
Certified Sampler Standards of Performance
The certified sampler:
•Must display the certificate upon request.
•Must comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding PSTs.
•Must report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of
Performing tank handling to the local health district, local public safety office and the
DERR within twenty-four hours.
•Must not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect
to PSTs.
•Must not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without
meeting all requirements of that certification program.
NOTE: For violations of the standards of performance as outlined in R311-201 a sampler could
be fined civil penalties of up to $10,000 per violation per day. See R311-201-6.
Introduction to Environmental Sampling
The primary goal of the PST Branch sampling program is the identification and quantification of
Hazardous Substance (HS) or petroleum compounds and derivatives from regulated tanks.
Proper quantification of these regulated substances is necessary to identify leaking tanks and the
release of HS or petroleum compounds that may threaten human health and the environment.
Sampling for regulated substances may be necessary in a variety of media. Water sampling,
including groundwater and surface water, and soil sampling will account for most of the
sampling to be conducted. As conditions exist, environmental sampling may also need to be
conducted in other matrices which include air, sludge, and free product.
Proper sampling protocol requires all sampling to be conducted by a certified sampler and a
chain-of-custody to be maintained from sample collection to final analysis. Sample locations
may vary depending on intended use of data. Sample locations associated with tank closure are
dictated by the State Site Assessment Protocol found in R311-205-2
(https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/code/r311/r311-205.htm). The DERR project manager should be
consulted in the location of samples for subsurface investigations and for confirmation samples
associated with corrective action.
Parameters for which each sample will be analyzed depend upon the individual project
objectives. A number of analytical parameters may be necessary to evaluate different sources of
contamination to meet the PST program objectives. These parameters include analysis for
petroleum products or petroleum derivatives, HS compounds defined by the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), (Section 101(14)) and
any known intermediate breakdown of products or compounds above. It may also be necessary
to measure Total Organic Halides (TOX), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Oil and Grease (O&G),
and any other waste analysis as determined by permitted treatment and disposal facilities.
This document is only provided as a condensed summary of protocols and procedures and is not
meant to replace any other applicable state or federal rule, regulation, or safety practice
commonly used by the environmental industry or regulatory agencies.
Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC)
The objective of QA/QC in sampling is to produce data that is accurate, representative, credible,
and defensible in a court of law. Proper QA/QC includes, as applicable:
•Duplicates - samples collected simultaneously using one collection system.
•Blanks - A clean sample or a sample of matrix processed so as to measure
artifacts in the measurement (sampling and analysis) process.
•Split samples - A technique where multiple samples are collected from the
same location at the same time and then sent to separate labs for analysis.
•Sampling must be conducted in a manner that minimizes loss of volatile organic
•Samples should have zero headspace.
•Samples should be preserved at 4℃ (39.2℉) immediately after sampling and maintained
•At that temperature until received by the lab.
Proper QA/QC for the specific environmental media sampled is addressed in the following
protocols. See Appendix A and Appendix B for additional information.
The chain-of-custody form is used to track the possession of a sample from the time it is
collected until the time it is analyzed. The individual in custody of the sample must remain in
direct control of its security until it is released to the next chain-of-custody recipient or to the
analytical laboratory. The chain-of-custody form must include:
•Sample identification number.
•Date and time of collection.
•Place of collection (borehole, well number, etc.).
•Type of material (soil, water, air, etc.).
•Sample container type (VOA vial, 1-liter bottle, etc.).
•Preservation method (acidified, cooled, etc.).
•Signature and printed name and company of the sample collector.
•Signatures and printed names and dates/times of persons involved in the transportation
and handling of the sample.
PST Closure Protocol
There are two types of PST closures: temporary or permanent. All regulated PSTs must meet state and
federal regulations or must be permanently closed. Regulated PSTs that meet state and federal regulations
may be temporarily closed for periods when the tanks are not in operation.
Temporary Closure
There are typically two reasons for temporarily closing a PST; seasonal closures, and
circumstances when a tank will be out of use for a period of time less than a year (the time limit
imposed by fire code). Seasonal temporary closures occur in settings like resorts or marinas
where weather or economics prohibit their use for some period during each year. In the other
scenario, PSTs are not in operation but are expected to return to service or permanently closed.
Temporary closures less than three months, owners must:
•operate and maintain cathodic protection (if any); and,
•perform leak detection or empty the tank to less than one inch of product.
Temporary closures three months or more, owners must:
•operate and maintain cathodic protection (if any);
•perform leak detection or empty the tank to less than one inch of product;
•submit a Temporary Closure Notice;
•leave vent lines open but cap and secure all other lines, pumps,
manways and ancillary equipment; and,
•fire codes may limit temporary closure to one year.
Permanent Closure
Regulated PSTs that do not meet state and federal regulations must be permanently closed.
Permanent closure entails either the removal of the PST from the ground or closure in place.
Closure in place must be approved by the local fire department and the DEQ. To properly
close an PST in Utah, an owner must:
•Use a Utah Certified Remover;
•File a Closure Plan at least 30 days prior to closure activities and obtain approval from
the DERR;
•Notify the local fire department, local health department, and the DEQ 72 hours prior to
closing the tank;
•Close the tank either by removing it or by filling it with an inert substance, like sand or
cement slurry;
•Have a certified sampler collect the necessary environmental samples and have the
samples analyzed at a NELAP certified laboratory;
•If contamination is present, notify the DEQ within 24 hours; and,
•In the case of in-place closures, meet the requirements of the Division of Waste
Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) by placing a notice on the title of the
Closure Plan
A completed Closure Plan must be submitted by the Owner/Operator and approved by the
director before commencing closure of the PST. A contractor may prepare the Closure Plan;
however, the Owner/Operator is responsible for compliance with all rules and regulations.
Changes to an approved plan must be submitted in writing to the DERR and approved before
closing the PST. A copy of the approved Closure Plan must be on-site during closure activities.
Once approved, the Closure Plan is valid for one year.
Closure Notice
Within 90 days of closing the PST, the Owner/Operator must submit the following:
•completed Closure Notice signed by the Owner/Operator and the certified sampler;
•site plat;
•analytical results of all samples; and,
•chain-of-custody form, which tracks the samples from the time they were collected until
they were delivered to the laboratory.
The closure notice site plat MUST include:
•excavations, test pits, groundwater monitoring wells, soil stockpiles, sample locations,
and collection depths;
•buildings, fences, property boundaries or other adjacent structures, and type of ground
cover such as dirt, grass, gravel, asphalt, concrete, etc;
•information regarding land use around the site, such as residential, industrial or
•a north arrow and scale, the location of utilities conduits and exposure pathways such as
sewers, storm drains, water lines, gas lines, etc; and,
•PST system including tanks, lines, dispensers, etc.
NOTE: Submit the Closure Notice with the sample analytical results within 90 days of closure.
Sampling at PST Closures
The appropriate number of environmental samples must be collected in native soil, below the
backfill material and close to the tank, piping, or dispenser islands. Soil samples must be
collected from a depth of zero to two feet below the backfill and native soil interface. If
groundwater is encountered, soil samples must be collected from the unsaturated zone
immediately above the capillary fringe. All environmental samples must be analyzed using the
appropriate methods as provided by the DERR. Additional samples must be taken when
contamination is found, suspected, or as requested by the DERR.
Unified Soil Classification (USC) Samples
USC samples must be analyzed according to ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Description
and Identification of Soils, and the DERR USC guidelines which include any geotechnical
method which defines soil types. One USC sample must be collected at the same depth as
environmental samples at each tank and piping area. For all dispenser islands, only one USC is
Single Tank Excavation
For an excavation containing one UST:
•collect one soil sample at each end of the tank; and,
•collect one USC sample.
If groundwater is contacted during the process of collecting soil samples:
•collect a minimum of one groundwater at each end of the tank in addition to the soil
Multiple Tank Excavation
For a tank area containing more than one UST:
•collect one soil sample at each corner of the tank excavation; and,
•collect one USC sample.
Tank X SS #2/USCSS #1 X
GW #1 X
SS #1 X
X GW #2
SS #1 X
SS #3 X
X SS #4
If groundwater is contacted during the process of collection soil samples:
•collect two groundwater samples and two soil samples at the end of the tank excavation;
•collect one USC sample at the same depth as environmental media samples.
Collect samples at each product piping area, at locations where leaking is most likely to occur,
such as joints, connections, and fittings. Samples must be collected at intervals which do not
allow more than 50 feet of linear piping to go unsampled. If groundwater is encountered, collect
a minimum of one groundwater sample and one soil sample from each sampling area. Collect
one USC sample at the same depth as environmental media samples.
Collect environmental media samples from beneath each product dispenser. If groundwater
is encountered, collect a minimum of one soil sample and one water sample at each
dispenser. Only one USC sample is required for all the dispensers, collected at the same
depth as environmental media samples.
SS #1 X
GW #1 X
X GW #2
Soil Sampling Protocol
Investigations at tank sites usually require chemical and physical analyses of soil samples that
are collected at the sites. The data obtained serve as the basis for decisions regarding impacts to
soil and potential drinking water supplies, and assessing actual and potential impacts to human
health and the environment. Data obtained from soil samples at tank sites must, to the greatest
extent possible, be accurate and representative of site conditions.
Soil sample types includes: grab, composite, tank closure, cleanup confirmation, and QA/QC
(duplicate, split, blank, etc.). Typical sampling features include the following: excavations, test
pits, soil borings, land farms, and stockpiles. Additional samples may be requested by the DERR
project manager.
Field Screening
Field screening is generally conducted using a headspace analysis. To conduct headspace
analysis, place a sample of soil in a plastic zip bag and allow the soil gas to volatilize.
NOTE: Headspace soil is not to be used for laboratory analytical samples.
Consider the following for field instruments:
•readings of a photoionization detector (PID), organic vapor monitor (OVM), or flame
ionization detector (FID) should not be used to replace laboratory analytical results;
•PID/OVM/FID should be calibrated against a standard calibration gas before each use;
•a filter may be used with PID/OVM/FID when the soil moisture is high and/or the
readings are hard to stabilize;
•readings measured at different depths of a soil boring should be recorded in the soil
boring log; and,
•PID used for hydrocarbons should have a lamp voltage of 10.6 ev.
Field screening is a useful tool for determining sample locations, however, laboratory analytical
samples should be placed in sampling containers within 30 seconds to 1 minute to avoid loss of
analytes due to volatilization.
Subsurface Investigation Soil Sampling
Soil borings and/or monitoring wells are installed as part of the subsurface investigation at a
leaking storage tank site to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of contamination. A decision
on the locations and number of soil borings should be made in consultation with the DERR
project manager and should be determined based on site-specific information. If no
contamination is evident in a boring, regardless of depth, a minimum of one soil sample should
be collected. When contamination is suspected or evident in a boring, a minimum of one sample
should be collected from above the impacted zone, from the impacted zone, and from below the
impacted zone. Depending on site conditions, additional samples may be requested by the DERR
project manager. If soil contamination is observed/registered (stains, odor, field instrumentation,
etc.) at the bottom of a soil boring, the soil boring process should be continued until impacts are
no longer evident and a “clean” soil sample is collected. The most common field instrumentation
includes PID/OVM/FID. A sufficient number of soil samples from each boring should be
analyzed to determine the vertical extent of contamination.
Corrective Action Confirmation Sampling
Confirmation samples are environmental samples that are collected to demonstrate that cleanup
goals have been achieved after corrective action at the site is complete. The number and
locations of samples should be determined in consultation with and approved by the DERR
based on site- specific information.
When in-situ remediation is applied as a corrective action, the procedures of confirmation soil
sampling are similar to those of subsurface investigation soil sampling. Multiple confirmation
samples are to be collected in locations of known historic impacts.
If soil excavation is chosen as a corrective action option, at least one soil sample should be
collected and analyzed from each sidewall and the bottom of an excavation pit after over
excavation is complete.
Recommendations for confirmation sample collection include:
•sample intervals should not exceed 25 lateral feet;
•when contamination is suspected or evident, a minimum of one sample should be
collected from above the impacted zone, from the impacted zone, and from below the
impacted zone; and,
•samples should be taken from the location of the highest reading from a PID/OVM/FID.
NOTE: A sampling plan must be submitted with the corrective action plan. Additional samples
may be requested by the DERR.
A backhoe can be used to collect samples from an excavation pit. During the sampling, the depth
of sampling location should be measured and recorded. Soil samples should be collected away
from the edges of the backhoe bucket to avoid cross contamination. A clean pair of nitrile gloves
should be used for each sample.
Land Farm Sampling
Landfarming is frequently used to treat petroleum impacted soils on-site by enhancing
volatilization and biodegradation. After a landfarming process is completed, confirmation soil
sampling is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the landfarming treatment. The general
procedure of this type of soil sampling are summarized below:
1.Prepare a land farm map including a North arrow, a scale, and any relevant site
2. Divide the land farm into a numbered grid
a. size of the grid and number of confirmation soil samples should be
determined in consultation with the DERR project manager.
3.Randomly select the sections that need to be sampled.
4.Collect grab samples from these chosen sections and submit the
samples to a lab for analysis.
Proper Waste Disposal
Soil waste associated with sampling activities is likely to come from drilling activities or direct-
push sampling events. The waste associated with excessive material from a soil sampling device
may contain petroleum contamination and must be disposed in a manner that satisfies federal,
state, and local laws. Soil may be segregated into clean and contaminated based on field
instrumentation readings or observations.
Facilities that accept petroleum affected soils do exist throughout the state, but many of them
require a waste profile evaluation prior to acceptance at the facility. Other options for disposal
include land farming the soil until properly aerated, and staging the soil on site or at an approved
location prior to disposal or aerating. Applicable permits and approvals are necessary prior to
implementation of any alternative cleanup plan.
Gallon steel drums may be used to store petroleum-contaminated soil. Drums should be properly
labeled as either hazardous or non-hazardous. Materials in the drum, certified sampler’s name
and company, date and time of generation should be clearly marked on the label. The drums
should be transported and properly disposed of at a certified facility in a timely manner.
Applicable manifests must be submitted to the DERR.
Soil Sampling QA/QC
The objective of quality control and assurance in the field of environmental sampling is to obtain
defensible data of known quality and origin. In regards to environmental sampling and
maintaining quality assurance and data quality objectives, see Appendix A.
Sample collection must be conducted in a manner that minimizes the loss of volatile organic
•transfer soil samples to sample containers as soon as they are collected (avoid sample
exposure to sunlight/air);
•separate soil vapor screening and sample collection to avoid Volatile Organic Carbon
(VOC) loss during sampling e.g. as soon as a split spoon is open or a plastic sampling
tube is cut, soil samples must be collected and transferred to a sampling container
•eliminate headspace in sample containers unless sampling method dictates otherwise;
•preserve samples at 4° Celsius (39.2° Fahrenheit) during storage and delivery; and,
•collected samples should be properly preserved and stored, and analyzed by the
laboratory within applicable holding times.
NOTE: Laboratory analytical detection limits must be sufficiently low in order to detect
contaminant concentrations at or below Utah Initial Screening Levels (ISLs), Utah Tier 1
Screening Levels (Tier 1 SLs), or EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) as applicable (see
Appendix E.)
In order for analytical results to be defensible, a chain-of-custody must be established for all
samples collected. Chain-of-custody must demonstrate that samples have not been tampered with
during collection, transfer, storage, or analysis. This requires custody of the samples to be
documented from the time the samples are collected.
A sample is under custody if:
•it is in the person’s possession;
•it is in the person’s view, after being in the person’s possession;
•it was in the person’s possession and then it was locked up or placed in a sealed container
to prevent tampering; or,
•it is in a designated secure area.
NOTE: The sample is in a person’s custody until the sample has physically been relinquished
and the chain-of-custody form has been signed by both parties.
Chain-of-custody documentation must be maintained and provided for all samples collected. The
chain-of-custody must include:
•unique sample identification (number or name);
•date and time of collection;
•place of collection;
•type of material, sample container, and preservation;
•signature of the certified sampler; and,
•signature and dates of persons involved in the transportation and handling of the sample.
NOTE: All sample identifications, names and numbers must be consistent throughout the Chain-
of-custody documentation, laboratory analytical results, site map, data tables, and the report
text. The depth at which a soil sample is collected must be measured, labeled, and recorded.
Sample locations should be shown on a properly scaled and oriented site map.
In addition, field sampling information should be maintained in facility files and in field log
books which should contain all information pertinent to each sampling event. The information
recorded by the certified sampler should include but not be limited to:
•site name and location;
•site description and photo documentation;
•name of certified sampler, certification number, and date of expiration;
•purpose of sampling;
•sample identification, types, location, depth, time, and facility identification numbers;
•field measurements including instrument model and calibration specifications.
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times
When possible, environmental samples should be transported directly to the laboratory by the
certified sampler or representative. When shipping is required, the environmental samples must
be placed in a container acceptable to both the laboratory and the carrier. Dry ice should not be
used when shipping water samples to prevent the samples from freezing and breaking the glass
The certified sampler should contact a NELAP certified laboratory in advance of sampling to
determine that the lab is capable of conducting the sample analysis within the specified holding
time. See Appendix B for maximum holding times. Certified samplers should also verify the
number of containers and volume of sample needed in order to achieve appropriate detection
levels prior to conducting the field sampling. Each laboratory should specify their required
containers for each specific method and should be willing to supply their own certified
containers for sample collection.
Field Equipment Decontamination Procedures.
The following procedures shall be used, at a minimum, for all reusable sampling equipment used
to collect routine samples:
1. Clean with tap water and phosphate-free laboratory detergent using a brush if necessary
to remove particulate matter and surface films. Equipment may be cleaned by using a
phosphate-free laboratory detergent and high-pressure water rinse (high-pressure wash)
as an alternative to brushing.
2. Rinse thoroughly with tap water.
3. Rinse thoroughly with isopropanol. Do not rinse PVC or plastic items with isopropanol.
4. Rinse thoroughly with deionized water.
The following procedures shall be used, at a minimum, for field measurement devices used to
collect field data:
1. Wash with phosphate-free laboratory detergent and tap water.
2.Rinse with tap water.
3. Rinse with isopropanol.
4.Rinse with deionized water.
NOTE: Do not reuse disposable equipment.
Groundwater Sampling Protocol
Groundwater samples are usually obtained from groundwater monitoring wells. They can also be
obtained from anywhere groundwater is accessible, such as from a porewater sampler, a pit, or a
dug or drilled hole. Groundwater samples are generally collected using bailers, pumps or a
variety of no purge grab sample and passive diffusion devices. Certified consultants and the
DERR project managers are responsible for choosing the most appropriate sampling method for
a given sample location.
Groundwater sampling procedures can be divided into two general categories: purge and no
purge methods.
Total Well Depth Measurement
An electronic water level indicator or weighted tape can be used to determine the total well
depth. This is accomplished by lowering the tape or cable until the weighted end is resting on the
bottom of the well. In deep wells with long water columns, it may be difficult to determine when
the tape end is touching the bottom of the well. Care must be taken in these situations to ensure
accurate measurements. All total well depth measurements must be taken at the same reference
point on the well casing during each sampling event and recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot.
Well Depth and Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids
Before sampling a monitoring well, the column of water in the well casing must be checked for
the presence of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPL), including free petroleum products that might
be floating on top of the water or in a separate layer at the bottom of the casing. NAPL are
identified by:
•carefully lowering a clean bailer, in a manner that will create minimum disturbance, into
the well before purging and observing the liquids removed from the top and the bottom of
the water column;
•using a paste type of detector with ingredients that will not lead to cross-contamination;
•using an electronic device designed to detect NAPL and to measure the thickness of the
NAPL layer.
NOTE: A photograph of the NAPL must be taken and provided in a report to the DERR.
Purging with Bailers
Monitoring wells must be purged before sampling unless otherwise approved by the DERR. Two
general methods are used to purge monitoring wells before sampling: low flow/ low stress
purging, where a well is purged at a low flow rate until physical and chemical parameters
indicate that purge water is representative of conditions in the aquifer; and well volume purging,
where a predetermined volume of water is removed prior to sampling.
NOTE: All purging methods can lead to over-purging if done incorrectly, so an awareness of
drawdown and recharge rate during purging is important regardless of the technique that is
employed. Over-purging may cause bias in sample laboratory analytical results. See
overpurging section below.
Purge monitoring wells using the following procedure (or an equivalent):
1. Prior to handling any purging or sampling equipment, clean disposable nitrile gloves
must be worn.
2. The depth of water, any NAPL, and the total well depth must be determined before
purging. NOTE: Groundwater samples shall not be collected from monitoring wells
containing more than 0.01 feet of NAPL.
3.Determine depth measurements using an electronic water level indicator or weighted
a. all depth measurements must be made and recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot.
4.Prior to initiating the purge, the amount of water standing in the water column
(water inside the well riser and screen) must be calculated.
a.the water level is subtracted from the total depth, providing the
length of the water column
b. the volume of water to be purged can be determined using the
V = (h)(x)
h = height of water column in feet (total well depth minus depth to water)
x = volume in gal/ft
V = volume of water in gallons
For 1-inch well: x = 0.041
For 2-inch well: x = 0.163
For 4-inch well: x = 0.652
5.For well volume purging, at least three well casing volumes of water must
be removed from the well before sample collection; or
a.for low yield wells, until the well bore is evacuated.
6. For low flow purging, measure the purge water temperature, pH, and conductivity until
these parameters are stable to within 10% variability between the last two measurements.
7. All purged water must be properly containerized or disposed.
8. Purge and sample from the farthest down gradient well to the most up gradient well or
from the least contaminated well to the most contaminated well if previous sample results
are available.
9. Record applicable information on DERR’s “Field Data Information Sheet- Groundwater
Sampling Log” (see Appendix D).
Groundwater Sampling with Bailers
1.After purging the well, allow sufficient time for the well to equilibrate and suspended
solids to settle.
a.If full recovery exceeds two hours, samples must be extracted
as soon as sufficient volume is available.
2.The water level must be remeasured after purging has occurred and water
level has returned to at least 70% of the static level.
3.If decontaminated equipment is used to collect the water sample, the
equipment must be rinsed with analyte-free distilled or deionized water.
a.a portion of this rinsate must be collected into a container
appropriate for the most volatile analyte suspected (typically
BTEX); this equipment blank must be contained, preserved, and
analyzed according to the procedures outlined in this chapter for
that analyte.
4.Reusable bailers must be made of glass, Teflon, stainless steel, or other
suitable materials. Disposable bailers must be made of suitable materials
for sampling VOCs/SVOCs.
5.Use new bailer line for each well sampled; wear clean disposable gloves
when handling the bailer and line;
6.The bailer should be slowly lowered to minimize disturbance of the well
and water column. NOTE: Do not allow the bailing line to contact with
the outside of the well, ground surface, equipment, and clothing.
7. Obtain samples as close as possible to the water level/air interface, unless
analysis indicates that contamination is at a different depth.
8.Slowly lift and transfer the contents of the bailer to a clean sample container
with minimum disturbance and agitation to prevent loss of volatile
a.if different analytes are sampled, transfer samples to containers
in the order of their volatility.
b.minimize headspace and bubbles in the sample container by filling
the sample container until a positive meniscus is present.
9.Quickly and adequately seal sample containers.
10.Label all sample containers according to required information on chain-of-custody form.
11.Immediately following sample collection, preserve samples to
4°C.This temperature must be maintained in the field and through
delivery to the laboratory until analysis. NOTE: Samples may not be
accepted by the laboratory above this temperature.
Purging with Sampling Pump
Pumps are used for purging and sampling when low flow techniques are required or when wells
are too deep or contain volumes of water too great to be effectively sampled with bailers.
Immediately following purging, samples must be collected using the techniques which are
described below:
Peristaltic Pumps - When peristaltic pumps are used, only the intake tubing is placed into the
water column.
1. Sample tubing should be lowered until it is midway within the saturated portion of the
screened interval of the well, but at least two feet above the bottom of the well to avoid
agitating any particulates present at the bottom of the well.
2. When purging is complete, the downhole tubing should be filled and disconnected from
the flexible pump tubing.
3. After donning a new nitrile glove, the certified sampler should place a finger over the
tubing, which is removed from the well.
4.Water is then poured from the tubing into the sample containers with minimal contact
with air entrained in the tubing.
5. Do not collect samples directly from the silicone tubing attached to the pump’s rotor.
Submersible Pumps - Several types of submersible pumps are commonly used for groundwater
purging and sampling, including bladder pumps, piston pumps and gear driven pumps. After
purging has been accomplished with a submersible pump, the sample may be obtained directly
from the pump discharge or with a bailer. The discharge rate of the pump must be minimized
during sampling to diminish sampling disturbance. This is especially important for the collection
of VOC and metals samples.
Even when purge rates are minimized, a well may be pumped or bailed until it is effectively
dewatered or dry. In these situations, dewatering constitutes the effective limit of purging. If a
well is over-purged, it may result in the sample being comprised partially of water contained in
the sand pack, which is not representative of groundwater in the soil. In addition, as water re-
enters the well, it may cascade down the sand pack or the well screen, leading to the removal of
volatile organic constituents that may be present. It is important to evaluate drawdown during
purging to ensure that wells are not dewatered, and the resulting samples compromised.
NOTE: For wells that are dewatered, it is not necessary that the well be bailed dry additional
times before sampling. The well should be allowed to equilibrate for at least two hours or until
the water level has reached 75% of its level prior to purging before sampling. Resampling may
be required if the well is sampled before it reaches at least 75% recovery. All associated QA/QC
sampling must also be collected. If resampling is required, the costs related to the resampling
may not be reimbursable from the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust (PST) Fund. Options for
sampling wells that do not meet recharge requirements should be discussed with the DERR
project manager.
If it appears that a well is being over-purged, i.e. the groundwater table has been drawn down
more than a foot when it is within the screened interval, it may be preferable for a sample to be
collected after the well is allowed to recharge without additional purging. The DERR project
manager should be notified when poor recharge in monitoring wells may affect the quality of
groundwater data. Approximate recharge rates, final depth to groundwater, and indicator
parameters during or immediately following sampling must be recorded.
NOTE: If the water column in a screened interval is less than 6 inches, consult the DERR project
manager before collecting a sample. The well may need to be rehabilitated or drilled to a
greater depth. If the well needs to be rehabilitated, do not collect a sample until the water table
No-Purge Sampling
Sample collection methods without purging must be approved by the DERR. No-purge samples
may be collected when the following conditions are met:
1.The water level in the well is within the screened interval;
2.The primary contaminants are petroleum constituents; and
3.There is no NAPL present.
Depth to water, before and after sample collection, depth to bottom, and indicator parameters:
pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, must be measured and recorded for no purge
Alternate No-Purge Sampling Techniques
Alternate methods for collecting no-purge samples are presented below.
Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers - Diffusion sampling is a method of groundwater sampling for
certain VOCs.
1. Proper QA/QC on the quality of the deionized water needs to be obtained in order to
adequately interpret sample results.
2.The sampler must be positioned within the screened interval of the well and allowed to
equilibrate for a period of two weeks.
3. The sampler is then removed and the water is emptied into a standard sampling container.
SNAP Sampler® - SNAP Samplers® may be used to collect no-purge groundwater at discreet
1.The sampler is deployed at a predetermined depth within the screened interval of the
well, and the water within the well is allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of two weeks.
2.The device and sealed containers are retrieved, and any required preservative is injected
into the container prior to being sealed with a screw-on cap for transport to the
HydraSleeveTM Sampler - may be used to collect groundwater at discreet depths.
1. Disposable colorless nylon rope and a decontaminated weight must be attached to the
2.The sampler must be positioned at the depth of interest and allowed to equilibrate for a
sufficient amount of time per manufacturers recommendations.
3. The sampler is removed and the water is emptied into a standard sampling container.
Surface Water Sampling
Consultants are responsible for providing SOPs for sampling, the DERR requires that the
following requirements are met:
1.Surface water samples should be collected in a manner that minimizes the potential for
cross contamination caused by contact with sampling equipment or sediment suspended
during collection.
2. Surface water sample collection should not allow preservative to be washed out of the
sample container.
3. Surface water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity should be measured
and recorded on a field form or log book immediately following the collection of
4. Samples should be collected from the portion of the water body closest to the release
5. Surface water sample locations should be recorded using GPS coordinates and/or
photographs and marked with flagging tape hung at eye level or an equivalent marker to
allow the location to be accurately resampled.
Culinary Water Sampling
Culinary water samples collected from chlorine treated water, such as household tap water,
should be collected from the cold-water supply and be preserved with approximately 3mg
sodium thiosulfate. This powdery chemical is typically added to the sampling vial by the issuing
laboratory. The tap should be allowed to run for a minimum of one minute prior to collecting the
sample. There are no additional procedures to follow other than ensuring that no headspace
exists between the surface of the sample and the vial’s cap.
Proper Waste Disposal
Petroleum affected water associated with sampling is typically generated from development,
purging, or sample collection. This waste can be managed in several ways depending upon site
conditions or the availability of disposal/treatment sites. After the sample is collected, the purge
water may be poured into the monitoring well from which it came. This process eliminates the
need to transfer water away from the site.
Disposing the water at an approved treatment facility is also an option, but some facilities require
a laboratory evaluation of the wastewater prior to acceptance. In this case the certified sampler
will have to arrange for chemical analysis of the waste water, and for the storage and
transportation of it. Other disposal methods may be appropriate based upon site-specific
NOTE: If more than 0.01 feet NAPL is present in the well, the water waste should be
containerized and disposed of appropriately.
Water Sampling QA/QC
The objective of quality control and assurance in the field of environmental sampling is to obtain
defensible data of known quality and origin. In regards to environmental sampling and
maintaining quality assurance and data quality objectives, see Appendix A.
Sample collection must be conducted in a manner that minimizes the loss of volatile organic
1.Transfer water samples to sample containers as soon as they are collected. Avoid sample
exposure to sunlight/air.
2.Eliminate headspace in sample containers unless sampling method dictates otherwise.
3. Preserve samples at 4° Celsius (39.2° Fahrenheit) during storage and delivery.
4. Collected samples should be properly preserved and stored, and analyzed by the
laboratory within applicable holding times.
NOTE: Laboratory analytical detection limits must be sufficiently low in order to detect
contaminant concentrations at or below Utah ISLs, Utah Tier 1 SLs, or EPA MCL as applicable
(see Appendix E.)
In order for analytical results to be defensible, a chain-of-custody must be established for all
samples collected. Chain-of-custody must demonstrate that samples have not been tampered with
during collection, transfer, storage, or analysis. This requires custody of the samples to be
documented from the time the samples are collected.
A sample is under custody if:
•it is in the person’s possession;
•it is in the person’s view, after being in the person’s possession;
•it was in the person’s possession and then it was locked up or placed in a sealed container
to prevent tampering; or,
•it is in a designated secure area.
NOTE: The sample is in a person’s custody until the sample has physically been relinquished
and the chain-of-custody form has been signed by both parties.
Chain-of-custody documentation must be maintained and provided for all samples collected. The
chain-of-custody must include:
•unique sample identification (number or name);
•date and time of collection;
•place of collection;
•type of material, sample container, and preservation;
•signature of the certified sampler; and,
•signature and dates of persons involved in the transportation and handling of the sample.
NOTE: All sample identifications, names, and numbers must be consistent throughout the Chain-
of-custody documentation, laboratory analytical results, site map, data tables, and the report
text. The groundwater depth below ground surface must be measured and recorded. Sample
locations should be shown on a properly scaled and oriented site map.
In addition, field sampling information should be maintained in facility files and in field log
books which should contain all information pertinent to each sampling event. The information
recorded by the certified sampler should include but not be limited to:
•site name and location;
•site description and photo documentation;
•name of certified sampler, certification number, and date of expiration;
•purpose of sampling;
•sample identification, types, location, depth, time, and facility identification numbers;
•field measurements including instrument model and calibration specifications.
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times
When possible, environmental samples should be transported directly to the laboratory by the
certified sampler or representative. When shipping is required, the environmental samples must
be placed in a container acceptable to both the laboratory and the carrier. Dry ice should not be
used when shipping water samples to prevent the samples from freezing and breaking the glass
The certified sampler should contact a NELAP certified laboratory in advance of sampling to
determine that the lab is capable of conducting the sample analysis within the specified holding
time. See Appendix B for maximum holding times. Certified samplers should also verify the
number of containers and volume of sample needed in order to achieve appropriate detection
levels prior to conducting the field sampling. Each laboratory should specify their required
containers for each specific method and should be willing to supply their own certified
containers for sample collection.
Field Equipment Decontamination Procedures
The following procedures shall be used, at a minimum, for all reusable sampling equipment used
to collect routine samples:
1. Clean with tap water and phosphate-free laboratory detergent using a brush if necessary
to remove particulate matter and surface films. Equipment may be cleaned by using a
phosphate-free laboratory detergent and high-pressure water rinse (high-pressure wash)
as an alternative to brushing.
2. Rinse thoroughly with tap water.
3. Rinse thoroughly with isopropanol. Do not rinse PVC or plastic items with isopropanol.
4. Rinse thoroughly with deionized water.
The following procedures shall be used, at a minimum, for field measurement devices used to
collect field data:
1. Wash with phosphate-free laboratory detergent and tap water.
2.Rinse with tap water.
3.Rinse with isopropanol.
4.Rinse with deionized water.
NOTE: Do not reuse disposable equipment.
Air Sampling Protocol
Air sampling is necessary when petroleum vapors are reported to the DERR. The petroleum
vapors may be reported in and around buildings, utilities conduits, etc. Air sampling may also be
necessary when subsurface investigations and corrective actions are unable to demonstrate
incomplete exposure pathways for indoor air and outdoor air. Evaluation of these exposure
pathways can be done by using Utah’s Site-Specific Cleanup Level (SSCL) Calculator v1.2.
EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Screening Level calculator and/or EPA’s PVIScreen software may also
be used for screening purposes. Exceedances of action levels in these screening tools may
necessitate soil vapor sampling. The DERR SSCL Calculator will be used to establish vapor
cleanup levels. According to Division of Air Quality (DAQ) requirements, air sampling may be
necessary during corrective action, such as off-gas sampling in soil vapor extraction (SVE)
The types of air sampling discussed in this protocol are: hand held direct measurement,
concurrent indoor/outdoor, sub-slab/near-slab, and soil gas, sorbent tubes, and off-gas.
Vapor Probe Installation
Temporary Vapor Probe
•Self-Sealing Vapor Probe - Installation and removal performed by
qualified drilling contractor.
•Traditional Vapor Probe
o install a stainless-steel hollow rod specifically manufactured for
vapor sampling, according to manufacturer specifications.
o properly abandon the sampling points after sampling has concluded.
Permanent Vapor Probe
•Direct push (self-sealing vapor probe) – Installation performed by qualified drilling
•Probes in building foundations - Hand Placement
o use an appropriate hammer drill to create a hole large enough for a vapor probe to
be inserted.
o the final vapor probe placement must be flush with the surrounding surface to
avoid creating a trip hazard.
o seal the surface of the vapor probe.
•Probe in ground surface – Hand Placement
o remove soil to desired sample depth.
o place sample probe at desired sampling depth.
o flexible tubing should connect the probe to the ground surface.
o fill with sand pack and place bentonite seal.
o if placing nested vapor probes in the same hole, place thenext probe above the bentonite seal at the desired depth.
o sand pack and bentonite seal the probe.
o repeat these steps as needed according to work plan.
o seal the surface of the sampling location. If necessary, place
a well monument to protect the probe from damage.
Leak Testing
DERR recommends proprietary self-sealing vapor probes installed to manufacturer
specifications for ease of installation and minimized leak risk. However, other types of probe
installations are permissible when installed properly to prevent leaks. Before taking a sample
from the probe, allow for appropriate equilibration time, at least 30 minutes.
Leak testing should be conducted after installation and each time a sample probe is used. A
simple leak test is done by soaking paper towels in isopropanol and placing them on the ground
surrounding the vapor probe during sample collection. Isopropanol (or other tracer gas) should
then be included in the laboratory analytical results. Companies or laboratories may also use
their own protocols for leak testing. The chosen method of leak detection should be
communicated to DERR.
NOTE: If laboratory results indicate a leak in the sample train, the DERR will not accept the
sample results. Seal the leak(s) and resample.
Hand Held Direct Measurement Sampling
Suitable only for screening (not quantitative.) Potential uses include storm and sanitary sewer
manholes, locating areas of higher concentrations in buildings, etc. Potentially used to inform
further vapor investigations.
•Use a PID/FID/OVM calibrated to manufacturer specifications.
•Place the tip of device in desired location and take a reading.
o ensure tip is not placed in location where debris will get inside the tip.
o ensure tip is not placed in a location with potential for bias, ex: an
abnormally windy location, near a geoprobe/field vehicle, etc.
o record reading and location in field log.
Indoor/Outdoor Air Sampling
•Record the starting pressure of the canister.
•Set the system up to run for the specified amount of time as approved by
DERR. NOTE: Do not let the pressure gauge go to zero. Record end
canister pressure. The ending canister pressure allows the laboratory to
know if the valve functioned correctly.
o record sample start time in log book.
o ensure sample setup is in a protected location, unlikely to be disturbed.
•Return to collect the sample after the time has elapsed.
o close the valve and place the cap over the inlet.
•Follow all laboratory chain of custody guidelines.
•Follow all Department of Transportation (DOT) hazardous materials shipping guidelines
if sending samples to laboratory through mail.
NOTE: Do not take samples near possible sources of bias. There are many common household
products that can bias samples. Prior to conducting indoor air sampling, consult with DERR
project manager and DERR toxicologist.
Sub-Slab/Near Slab/Soil Gas Sampling
•If sampling a vapor probe, purge three volumes of the sample train and vapor probe prior
to sampling. This can be done using a disposable plastic syringe or other method as
approved by the DERR.
•Record the starting pressure of the canister.
•Connect canister inlet to the vapor probe using nylon or Teflon tubing.
•Open valve.
•Allow the canister to nearly fill.
o do not let the pressure gauge go to zero. Record end canister pressure. The ending
canister pressure allows the laboratory to know if the valve functioned correctly.
The canister is full when you can no longer hear the gas entering.
•Close the valve and place a cap over the inlet.
•Follow all laboratory chain of custody guidelines.
•Follow all DOT hazardous materials shipping guidelines if sending samples to laboratory
through mail.
NOTE: Ensure the canister is not near a field vehicle, geoprobe rig, or other source of bias in
Sorbent Tube Sampling
Sorbent tube sampling can be used for off-gas sampling and for screening purposes. Other uses
for sorbent tube sampling need to be approved by DERR. DERR recommends canisters for use
in sub-slab, near-slab, soil-gas, indoor air, and outdoor air.
•Allow the pump to run according to laboratory specifications.
•Following the run time:
o o place caps on tubes
o o wrap the tubes in foil
o o keep ≤ 4°C
•Follow all laboratory chain of custody guidelines.
•Follow all DOT hazardous materials shipping guidelines if sending samples to the
laboratory through mail.
Soil Vapor Extraction Off-Gas Sampling
SVE systems are designed to allow for off-gas samples. Samples should be collected according
to requirements by permitting agency.
o insert PID/FID/OVM into sample port
o record reading in log book.
•Tedlar® bag
o attach the bag inlet by flexible tubing to sample port.
o open the valve for the SVE system and open the valve for the bag.
o allow to fill (usually takes seconds.)
NOTE: Do not allow bags to overfill. Do not chill Tedlar® bags.
•Sorbent Tubes – Follow procedures for sorbent tube samples above.
•Repeat sampling as often as is required by DERR approved Corrective Action Plan
(CAP) or DAQ permit.
Air Sampling QA/QC
The objective of quality control and assurance in the field of environmental sampling is to obtain
defensible data of known quality and origin. In regards to environmental sampling and
maintaining quality assurance and data quality objectives. See Appendix A.
Sample collection must be conducted in a manner that minimizes the loss of volatile organic
1.Transfer samples to sample containers as soon as they are collected. Avoid sample
exposure to sunlight/air.
2. Preserve samples as directed by the analytical laboratory during storage and delivery.
3. Collected samples should be properly preserved and stored, and analyzed by the
laboratory within applicable holding times.
NOTE: Laboratory analytical detection limits must be sufficiently low in order to detect
contaminant concentrations at or below applicable output from SSCL.
In order for analytical results to be defensible, a chain-of-custody must be established for all
samples collected. Chain-of-custody must demonstrate that samples have not been tampered with
during collection, transfer, storage, or analysis. This requires custody of the samples to be
documented from the time the samples are collected.
A sample is under custody if:
•it is in the person’s possession;
•it is in the person’s view, after being in the person’s possession;
•it was in the person’s possession and then it was locked up or placed in a sealed container
to prevent tampering; or,
•it is in a designated secure area.
NOTE: The sample is in a person’s custody until the sample has physically been relinquished
and the chain-of-custody form has been signed by both parties
Chain-of-custody documentation must be maintained and provided for all samples collected. The
chain-of-custody must include:
•unique sample identification (number or name);
•date and time of collection;
•place of collection;
•type of material, sample container, and preservation;
•signature of the certified sampler; and,
•signature and dates of persons involved in the transportation and handling of the sample.
NOTE: All sample identifications, names and numbers must be consistent throughout the chain-
of-custody documentation, laboratory analytical results, site map, data tables, and the report
text. The groundwater depth below ground surface must be measured and recorded. Sample
locations should be shown on a properly scaled and oriented site map.
In addition, field sampling information should be maintained in facility files and in field log
books which should contain all information pertinent to each sampling event. The information
recorded by the certified sampler should include but not be limited to:
•site name and location;
•site description and photo documentation;
•name of certified sampler, certification number, and date of expiration;
•purpose of sampling;
•sample identification, types, location, depth, time, and facility identification numbers;
•field measurements including instrument model and calibration specifications.
Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times
When possible, environmental samples should be transported directly to the laboratory by the
certified sampler or representative. When shipping is required, the environmental samples must
be placed in a container acceptable to both the laboratory and the carrier. Dry ice should not be
used when shipping water samples to prevent the samples from freezing and breaking the glass
The certified sampler should contact a NELAP certified laboratory in advance of sampling to
determine that the lab is capable of conducting the sample analysis within the specified holding
time. See Appendix C for maximum holding times. Certified samplers should also verify the
number of containers and volume of sample needed in order to achieve appropriate detection
levels prior to conducting the field sampling. Each laboratory should specify their required
containers for each specific method and should be willing to supply their own certified
containers for sample collection.
Health and Safety
Personal safety is paramount at tank sites. Petroleum products are toxic and present fire and
explosion hazards. Personal safety in the collection of environmental samples at tank facilities
must meet the standards required by federal and state regulatory agencies.
Health and Safety at tank facilities:
•prevents work-related injuries, illnesses, and property damage;
•prevents public exposure to harmful substances; and,
•increases overall productivity and maintains project schedules.
Petroleum products are toxic, carcinogenic, and flammable. Therefore, these products should be
handled with a great deal of care. Petroleum products can enter the body through the following
exposure pathways:
•injection; and,
•skin or eye absorption.
There are two types of exposure duration:
•acute – short term, high level exposure; and,
•chronic –long term low-level exposure.
Acute effects are typically immediate, and chronic effects typically manifest over time. Both are
dangerous. Because petroleum products are a mixture of chemicals, the different components
may enhance the hazardous effects of others.
NOTE: All exposures should be minimized as much as possible.
Signs and symptoms of petroleum constituent exposure are often vague and easily missed. The
onset of symptoms may even be delayed up to 8 days after exposure and include:
•insomnia; and,
•weight loss.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE protects personnel from vapors, gases, and particulates from hazardous materials. Certified
samplers must wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment whenever they are at
or near the site. The more that is known about the hazards at a release site, the easier it becomes
to select PPE. There are four levels of PPE: Level A, Level B, Level C, and Level D.
Level A protection is required when the greatest potential for exposure to hazards exists,
and when the greatest level of skin, respiratory, and eye protection is required. Examples
of Level A clothing and equipment include positive-pressure, full face-piece self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure supplied air respirator with
escape SCBA, totally encapsulated chemical- and vapor-protective suit, inner and outer
chemical-resistant gloves, and disposable protective suit, gloves, and boots.
Level B protection is required under circumstances requiring the highest level of
respiratory protection, with lesser level of skin protection. At most abandoned outdoor
hazardous waste sites, ambient atmospheric vapors or gas levels have not approached
sufficiently high concentrations to warrant level A protection – Level B protection is
often adequate. Examples of Level B protection include positive-pressure, full face-piece
SCBA or positive pressure supplied air respirator with escape SCBA, inner and outer
chemical- resistant gloves, face shield, hooded chemical resistant clothing, coveralls, and
outer chemical-resistant boots.
Level C protection is required when the concentration and type of airborne substances is
known and the criteria for using air purifying respirators is met. Typical Level C
equipment includes full-face air purifying respirators, inner and outer chemical-resistant
gloves, hard hat, escape mask, and disposable chemical-resistant outer boots. The
difference between Level C and Level B protection is the type of equipment used to
protect the respiratory system, assuming the same type of chemical-resistant clothing is
used. The main criterion for Level C is that atmospheric concentrations and other
selection criteria permit wearing an air-purifying respirator.
Level D protection is the minimum protection required. Level D protection may be
sufficient when no contaminants are present or work operations preclude splashes,
immersion, or the potential for unexpected inhalation or contact with hazardous levels of
chemicals. Appropriate Level D protective equipment may include gloves, coveralls,
safety glasses, face shield, and chemical-resistant, steel-toe boots or shoes.
Health and Safety Plan
The HAZWOPER Standard requires employers working on sites with hazardous substances and
wastes to develop site-specific health and safety plans (HASPs). The HASP is composed of
various sections that outline the work and the address the associated hazards. The following
topics must be addressed in the site HASP:
•general information;
•planned site activities;
•contaminant characteristics;
•site description;
•hazard evaluation and mitigation;
•site safety work plan;
•excavations and trenching;
•map with scale;
•hospital locations; and,
•emergency phone numbers.
Combustion Hazards
Fire Triangle
Most UST removals will involve flammable vapors from products stored in the tank and from
accumulated residues left in the tank even after it has been pumped dry.
Certified samplers must be aware of the basic fire triangle:
•oxygen; and,
•heat or ignition source
Source: http://umich.edu/~safeche/firetriangle.html
All three points of the triangle are necessary to support combustion. These three elements need to
be recognized, evaluated, and controlled to make a safe work place and avoid disaster. Safe tank
removal requires continuous attention to these potential hazards to eliminate or reduce the risk of
Risks can be minimized by removing at least one point from the fire triangle. This is done by
purging or inerting the potentially explosive atmosphere in the tank
Purging or ventilating the tank replaces or dilutes the flammable vapors in the tank with
air, reducing the flammable mixture of fuel and oxygen by eliminating the fuel point of
the triangle. Purging is considered complete when the atmosphere inside the tank is 10%
or less of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). The LEL is the lowest concentration of a
flammable gas or vapor (percent by volume in air) in which an explosion can occur upon
ignition in a confined area
Inerting displaces the oxygen (and some of the fuel vapor) in the tank with an inert or
non-reactive gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide. This reduces the flammable mixture
of fuel and oxygen by dealing with the oxygen point of the triangle. Inerting is considered
complete when the atmosphere inside the tank has an oxygen reading of 5% or less.
•Collecting and Interpreting Soil Gas Samples from the Vadose Zone: A practical Strategy
for Assessing the Subsurface Vapor-to-Indoor Air Migration Pathway at Petroleum
Hydrocarbon Sites. API. November 2005.
•Compendium of ERT Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Procedures, (EPA/540/P-
91/005, January 1991)
•Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient
Air, Second Edition. Compendium Method TO-15. Determination of Volatile Organic
Compounds in Air Collected in Specially-Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas
Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry. January 1999.
•Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient
Air, Second Edition. Compendium Method TO-17. Determination of Volatile Organic
Compounds in Ambient Air Using Active Sampling onto Sorbent Tubes. January 1999.
•Contract Laboratory Program Guidance for Field Samplers, (EPA-540-R-014-013,
October 2014)
•Cost Guidelines for Utah Underground Storage Tank Sites (DEQ, February 22, 2021)
•Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils, A Field Pocket Guide, (EPA/625/12-
91/002, November 1991)
•Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste Streams, (EPA 600/2-80-018,
January 1980)
•Sampling for Hazardous Materials (165.9) Student Manual, (EPA/540/R-96/035,
December 1996)
•Soil Gas Sampling Operating Procedure. EPA Region 4. February 2020.
•Soil Vapor & Indoor Air Sampling Technical Toolkit, Version 1.9. Chevron
Environmental Management & Real Estate Company. October 2019.
•Standard Operating Procedures for Field Samplers, (EPA Region VIII ESD, March
Appendix A
Table 1. Quality Control Reference Table for Environmental Sampling
Type of sample Number of samples needed Notes
Duplicate (Real sample with
fictitious label. Ex: MW-1
thru MW-3 sampled with
duplicate taken from MW-1
and labeled as MW-1A or
5% frequency (e.g., 1
duplicate for every 20 lab
samples collected).
Minimum of 1 needed per
sampling event.
Results w/in 10% of the
relative deviation between
the real sample and the
duplicate sample.
Field blanks (DI water
prepared in the field)
1 per day per site. Only use DI water.
Results must be less than
laboratory MDL’s.
Trip blanks (DI water
prepared by lab or sampler
prior to field work)
1 for each VOC sampling
event per site.
Only use DI water.
Results must be less than
laboratory MDL’s.
Rinsate blanks (not typically
needed based on new or
“dedicated” bailers routinely
used at each sampling event)
1 per day per sampling device
if not using dedicated or new
one- time use disposable
Not needed if dedicated or
new one-time use
disposable bailers are
used at each sampling
Split samples (not typically
needed for routine LUST
At least 2 collected per
sampling site, if deemed
Same sampling location,
but two samples are
obtained and “split”
between two different
laboratories to compare
analytical results.
Appendix B
Table 2. Containers, Preservatives, Holding Times for Soil and Groundwater Reference
Volatile Organic-Soil
Analysis Method Container Volume Preservative Holding Time
Gasoline/TPH See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
Gasoline/BTEX See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
Diesel/TPH See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days**
Diesel/BTEXN See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
Halocarbons See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
Aromatics See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
Purgeables See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 oz. Cool 4oC 14 days
** 14 days to extraction, 40 days after extraction to analysis
Semi-Volatile Organics-Soil
Analysis Method Container Volume Preservative Holding Time
TRPH See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 or 9 oz. Cool 4oC 28 days
Oil & Grease See Analytical Method Table Glass 4 or 9 oz. Cool 4oC 28 days
Appendix C
Table 3. Preservation and Holding Times for Air Samples
Description Holding
TO-15 Analysis of VOC’s collected in canisters by gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry. Laboratory report should
be generated for MBTEXN, TPH, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide,
Methane, and the tracer gas used unless otherwise approved by
the DERR.
30 days; do
not chill
TO-17 Analysis of VOC’s collected in active sorbent tubes by gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry. Laboratory report should
be generated for MBTEXN, TPH, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide,
and Methane unless otherwise approved by the DERR.
30 days;
must be
kept at 4°C
Appendix D
Facility Name & Address: Facility ID:
Release ID: Date(s) in Field: DERR Project Manager:
Depth (ft
(ft bgs)
Length of
Column (ft
Vol. (gal)*
Notes (e.g., odor, sheen, slow recharge, well dry,
Certified Sampler Signature:
* Well Dia. (in)2” I 3” I 4” I 6”
Vol. (gal/ft)0.163 I 0.367 I 0.652 I 1.468
Printed Name:
Appendix E
Appendix F
Analytical Methods for Environmental Sampling at
Underground Storage Tank Sites in Utah (July 2013)
Substance or
Product Type
Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed
for Each Substance or Product Type
Groundwater or Surface Water
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (purgeable TPH as
gasoline range organics C6 - C10)
EPA 8015 or EPA 8260
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes,
Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE
EPA 8021 or EPA 8260
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as
diesel range organics C10 – C28)
EPA 8015
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and
Naphthalene (BTEXN)
EPA 8021 or EPA 8260
Used Oil
Oil and Grease (O&G) or
Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH)
EPA 1664 or
EPA 1664 (SGT*)
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes,
Naphthalene (BTEXN) & MTBE; and
Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX)
EPA 8021 or EPA 8260
New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or
Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH)
EPA 1664 or
EPA 1664 (SGT*)
Other Type of analyses will be based upon the substance or
product stored, and as approved by the DERR Division
Method will be based
upon the substance or
product type
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (purgeable TPH as
gasoline range organics C6 - C10)
EPA 8015 or EPA 8260
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as
diesel range organics C10 – C28)
EPA 8015
Oil and Grease (O&G) or
Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH)
EPA 1664 or
EPA 1664 (SGT*)
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and
Naphthalene (BTEXN) and MTBE; and Halogenated
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX)
EPA 8021 or EPA 8260
The following modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the DERR Division Director:
•Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH and BTEXN/MTBE analysis.
•A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples, but only for the determination of
extractable TPH as diesel range organics (C10 – C28).
•Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent.
•*Silica Gel Treatment (SGT) may be used in the determination of Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory.