HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-008201March 17, 2010
Kim Shelley
UPDES Engineering Section
Utah Division of Water Quality
•What is the UPDES program and how
does the permitting process work
•JVWCD’s UPDES permit application
•Upcoming information session and public
comment period
•EPA is authorized under the CWA to
implement the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System Program.
•EPA has delegated authority to Utah to
administer the NPDES Program.
Beneficial Use Designations
•Class 5A Gilbert Bay Segment of GSL
•Beneficial Uses –Protected for infrequent
primary and secondary contact recreation,
waterfowl, shore birds and other water-
oriented wildlife including their necessary
food chain.
Water Quality Standards
•Water Quality Standard -the
maximum amount of pollutant a
waterbody can carry and still
maintain its beneficial uses.
GSL Water Quality Standards
•Selenium Tissue Standard
•Narrative Standard
In other words…
Under the Clean Water Act and the Utah
Water Quality Act, the DWQ can allow
pollution of waters of the State up to a
certain point (the WQ standard) as long as
the beneficial use is maintained.
Utah Pollution Discharge
Elimination System
The goal of the UPDES program is to
protect surface water quality by
regulating discharge of pollutants to
waters of the State.
Protects the beneficial use of a
receiving water by limiting
concentrations and types of
pollutants in a discharge.
What is a UPDES Permit?
Major components of a
UPDES Permit
•Cover Page
•Effluent Limitations
•Monitoring and Reporting
•Special Conditions
•Standard Conditions
How does the UPDES Permitting Process work?
Draft UPDES Permit &
Fact Sheet Statement of
Basis Process
Site Visit
for Facility
Request Waste Load Analysis
and Antidegradation Review
from the Water Quality
Management Section
UPDES Permitting Process, continued
Review of Draft Permit and Fact
Sheet Statement of Basis
Public Notice UPDES Permit and
Fact Sheet Statement of Basis
Final Permit Package Process
JVWCD’s UPDES Application
•Application submitted April 2009
•Application revised February 2010
•Proposes to discharge 3 million gallons a
day of reverse osmosis byproduct to
Gilbert Bay of the GSL
Normal operating conditions
(98% of the time)
Flow:3 MGD
TDS:7,944 mg/L
Mercury:0.8 ug/L
Selenium:44.7 ug/L
During times of maintenance
(2% of the time)
Flow:1 MGD
TDS:10,746 mg/L
Mercury:1.2 ug/L
Selenium:55 ug/L
Significant Technical Issues
•Mercury load to the Great Salt Lake
•Selenium effluent limit/mass balance in GSL
•Wetlands ecology protection
•Other issues raised during public comment
What’s next….
Public Information Meeting
•March 22, 2010
Utah State Library, room 227
250 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City
5-6:00 pm -Open House Poster Session
6-6:45 pm -Presentations
6:45-7:30 pm -Poster Session, continued
Public Comment Period
•Begins March 29th for 60 days
•Draft FSSOB and Permit will be available
on DWQ’s website
•Public Hearing , May 5, 2010
Utah State Library, room 227
250 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City
5:30 pm
•Water Quality’s Website:
•Department of Environmental Quality’s
Kim Shelley