HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-008102 UTAH PETROLEUM BROWNFIELDS 2012 PROJECT FACT SHEET ELLSWORTH CONOCO SERVICE 545 EAST HIGHWAY 43 MANILA, UT PARTNERS: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (UDEQ) U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) BACKGROUND The site, located in Manila, Utah, was a service and fueling station since the 1940’s. It has been abandoned since 1987. Perceived petroleum contamination was preventing the owners from selling the property for redevelopment because of its history and four underground storage tanks were still on site. The City of Manila contacted the UDEQ inquiring what could be done to bring this community eyesore back into beneficial reuse. ACCOMPLISHMENTS In June 2012, UDEQ completed assessment and tank removal work at the site using EPA grant monies. Sample results confirmed contamination above program cleanup levels UDEQ completed an additional subsurface investigation in order to fully delineate contamination in July 2012. Petroleum contamination has been successfully delineated and contamination sources have been removed at the property. Perspective purchasers now have enough information about existing contamination to make an informed decision regarding redevelopment of the property.