HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010557Annual 2014 Statewide (Non-road) Misc. Non-Road Engines Inventory
Compiled 9/1/16
PM10 PM2.5
County FIPs CO NOx Exhaust Exhaust SO2 VOC
Beaver 49001 209.30 51.77 4.61 4.44 0.07 15.32
Box Elder 49003 6,016.00 681.70 57.66 54.33 1.62 1,433.00
Cache 49005 3,709.00 476.60 60.67 57.57 1.08 812.10
Carbon 49007 886.20 131.90 16.85 16.13 0.23 161.00
Daggett 49009 543.60 22.31 7.35 6.80 0.09 217.60
Davis 49011 7,869.00 928.80 94.24 89.84 2.01 929.00
Duchesne 49013 1,204.00 111.20 18.49 17.38 0.24 335.40
Emery 49015 391.20 111.90 13.05 12.55 0.16 97.23
Garfield 49017 2,151.00 84.41 34.07 31.55 0.30 894.60
Grand 49019 3,127.00 74.56 46.20 42.64 0.37 1,280.00
Iron 49021 1,270.00 193.70 22.98 21.87 0.38 266.70
Juab 49023 679.60 68.87 10.80 10.17 0.15 193.80
Kane 49025 2,136.00 83.15 28.01 25.88 0.31 821.40
Millard 49027 1,541.00 221.50 19.97 18.93 0.43 388.90
Morgan 49029 205.70 34.23 2.90 2.80 0.06 11.22
Piute 49031 102.70 17.69 1.89 1.80 0.03 31.22
Rich 49033 1,776.00 96.90 23.66 22.00 0.31 607.30
Salt Lake 49035 34,980.00 2,805.00 321.00 305.00 6.96 2,824.00
San Juan 49037 1,602.00 102.90 20.82 19.37 0.28 534.10
Sanpete 49039 976.00 107.90 16.32 15.38 0.24 292.70
Sevier 49041 1,725.00 202.20 34.65 32.75 0.37 496.80
Summit 49043 2,754.00 227.10 39.89 37.50 0.59 743.50
Tooele 49045 2,277.00 251.70 22.39 21.14 0.58 500.60
Uintah 49047 1,562.00 161.50 18.02 17.08 0.35 261.30
Utah 49049 11,633.00 1,340.00 156.60 148.90 2.89 1,534.00
Wasatch 49051 1,313.00 125.80 20.80 19.56 0.35 456.60
Washington 49053 6,476.00 573.10 94.86 89.43 1.31 1,371.00
Wayne 49055 756.00 35.22 11.97 11.12 0.11 288.00
Weber 49057 7,260.00 592.80 79.99 75.56 1.55 1,157.00
SUM 107,131.30 9,916.41 1,300.71 1,229.46 23.41 18,955.39
Misc Non-Road Mobile - TONS PER YEAR
2014 Inventory Compiled_V5 withOilGas_LocomotiveUpdates.xlsx/Misc NR Engines--EPA NONROAD 1 of 3
1. VOC emissions are shown as follows:
a. "VOC including refuel" means VOC exhaust + VOC evap, where VOC evap includes,
as a sub-component, VOC refueling emissions.
b. "VOC refueling emissions" are defined as VOC evaporative emissions that are released
when individual vehicles refuel at gasoline stations.
VOC refueling emissions have traditionally been reported in the Area Source (Non-point)
inventory, and are not considered part of the on-road mobile source inventory.
However, VOC refueling emissions are computed by the MOVES2010b model.
c. On-road mobile source emissions are shown above as "VOC LESS Refuel" emissions.
d. The ratio (VOC refuel/VOC ORMS) is a statewide average of 0.0926, or 9.26%. This
means that VOC refueling emissions are about 9.26% as large as on-road mobile source VOC emissions.
Refueling emissions are released to atmosphere when fresh gasoline enters the gasoline tank. Fresh
gasoline displaces vaporous gasoline emissions. Vehicles equipped with "On-board Refueling Vapor Recovery"
canisters capture about 98% of refueling emissions. ORVR phase-in began with the 1998 model year in light-duty
passenger vehicles. ORVR on light-duty trucks began to phase in with the 2001 model year, and on heavy-duty
gasoline vehicles beginning with model year 2004.
e. Refueling emissions are relatively high in counties showing the following:
1) Older vehicles
2) Large fractions of light-duty gasoline trucks II (6, 000 to 8,500 lb GVWR) and larger fractions of
heavy-duty gasoline vehicles (> 8,500 lb GVWR).
2. Vehicle Miles Traveled
Vehicle Miles Traveled were reported for calendar year 2011 by UT Department of Transportation. Units are
Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT), or simply average daily traffic, i.e., the average daily traffic over the 365 days in
calendar year 2011.
3. Greenhouse Gases
The major greenhouse gas in terms of mass is CO2.
However, in terms of global warming potential, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) each have a much higher
"global warming potential":
4. Global Warming Potential (GWP)
"Global warming potential" is defined as follows:
"Global Warming Potential (GWP) is intended as a quantified measure of the globally averaged relative
radiative forcing impacts of a particular greenhouse gas. It is defined as the cumulative radiative forcing--
both direct and indirect effects--integrated over a period of time from the emission of a unit mass of gas
relative to some reference gas (IPCC 1996). Carbon dioxide (CO2) was chosen as this reference gas." (7)
Compound GWP
CO2 1.00
CH4 56
N2O 280
2014 Inventory Compiled_V5 withOilGas_LocomotiveUpdates.xlsx/Misc NR Engines--EPA NONROAD 2 of 3
5. CO2 and CO2 Equivalents
CO2 emissions are comprised of carbon dioxide emissions only. CO2 equivalents include emissions of CO2,
methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). CH4 and N2O emissions are converted to "equivalent" CO2 emissions
based on their higher global warming potentials. For example, 1 ton of methane has approximately the same
effect on global warming as 56 tons of CO2, based on its 20-year global warming potential (GWP). One ton of
nitrous oxide has about the same effect on global warming as 280 tons of CO2 (based on the 20-yr GWP).
1. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, "Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) User
Guide for MOVES2010b, EPA-420-B-12-001b, June 2012.
2. MOVES Technical Background
(numerous documents)
3. Tools for MOVES
MOBILE6 to MOVES converter tools, VMT tools, etc.
4. EPA OTAQ, "Technical Guidance on the Use of MOVES2010 for Emission Inventory Preparation
in State Implementation Plans and Transportation Conformity", EPA-420-B-10-023, April 2010.
5. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, "Commonly asked questions about ORVR",
6. Fung, Freda, and Maxwell, Bob, "Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery: Evaluation of the ORVR Program in the United States",
International Council on Clean Transportation, Washington, D.C., November 2011.
7. Center for Climate Studies, "Final Utah Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections, 1990 - 2020", July 2007.
8. UT Tax Commission, Economics & Statistics, Div. of Motor Vehicles, "Motor Vehicle,
Watercraft and Other Registrations", 2011 data,
9. Western Regional Climate Center, "Climatological Data Summaries", Utah, Monthly Temperature
Listings (Average Minimum and Average Maximum by Station, Year and Month).
10. University of Utah, Department of Atmospheric Sciences/Mines and Earth Sciences/, MESOWEST,
Current Weather Summaries for Utah by Station and Date (24-hour profiles).
11. Wasatch Front Regional Council, PM2.5 SIP emission inventories (Winter 2008, 2014 and 2019)
12. Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), PM2.5 SIP emission inventories
13. Cache MPO (CMPO), PM2.5 SIP emission inventories
14. UT Department of Transportation, Systems Planning and Programming, Traffic Statistics,
Vehicle Miles of Travel, VMT by Functional Class by County, 2011.
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