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Utah Division of Air Quality
New Source Review Section Company____________________
Form 22 Date________________________
Combustion Turbines
Equipment Information
1. Manufacturer: ______________________________
Model Number: ______________________________
2. Operating time of Emission Source:
Hours/day _________ _________
Days/week _________ _________
Weeks/year _________ _________
3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO: __________________ □ MW or □ hp
Proposed site operating range: _____________________________ □ MW or □ hp
Manufacturer's rated heat rate at baseload, ISO: _________________ (BTU/kW-hr)
4. Percent of annual heat input:
Dec-Feb _____% Mar-May _____% Jun-Aug _____% Sep-Nov _____%
Gas Firing
5. Origin of gas:
□ Pipeline □ Distillate fuel □ Other liquid □ Solid fuel □ Byproduct, specify source: ______
oil gasification fuel gasification gasification ______________________________
6. Are you on an interruptible gas supply:
□ Yes □ No
If "yes", specify alternate fuel:
7. Annual consumption of fuel: _______________ scf
*8. Heat content: _________________________ BTU/scf *9. Sulfur content: ________________________ % by wt.
10. Maximum firing rate: ____________________ scf/hr 11. Average firing rate: ____________________ scf/hr
*If the gas fired is pipeline grade natural gas, these items need not be completed.
Oil Fired
12. Grade of oil, Number: □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 □ Other: specify ___________________________
13. Annual consumption: ___________________ gallons 14. Heat content: ____________________ □ BTU/lb
□ BTU/gal
15. Sulfur content: _____________________ % by wt. 16. Ash content _________________________ % by wt.
17. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: specify ________________________________
18. Average firing rate: ______________________ gal/hr 19. Maximum firing rate: _____________________ gal/hr
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Form 22 – Combustion Turbines
20. Application: □ Electric generation
____Base load ____Peaking
□ Driving pump/compressor
□ Exhaust heat recovery
□ Other – Specify ________________
21. Cycle: □ Simple cycle
□ Regenerative cycle
□ Cogeneration
□ Combined cycle
22. Is turbine equipped with exhaust heat recovery equipment? □ Yes □ No
If yes, supply the size, flow rate, steam output capacity and temperature profile.
23. Is turbine equipped with duct burners? □ Yes □ No
If yes, provide burner description, fuel usage, combustion air input and location of the burners. Show all heat transfer
surface locations with the waste heat boiler and temperature profile.
Emissions Data
24. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, PM10 and PM2.5 for each proposed fuel at
turbine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must
be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a
conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and
except for PM10 and PM2.5, parts per million by volume at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions.
Method of Emission Control:
□ Lean premix combustors □ Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other – Specify ____________
□ Other low-NOx combustor □ SCR catalyst □ Steam injection ________________________
Additional Information
25. On separate sheets provide the following:
A. Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and
model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational
algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus turbine load for variable mode
combustors, etc.
B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form.
Emissions Calculations (PTE)
26. Calculated emissions for this device
PM10 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr PM2.5 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr
NOx ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr SOx ____________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr
CO ____________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr VOC ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr
CO2 ___________Tons/yr CH4 ___________Tons/yr
N2O ___________Tons/yr
HAPs__________ Lbs/hr (speciate)___________Tons/yr (speciate)
Submit calculations as an appendix. If other pollutants are emitted, include the emissions in the appendix.
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Instructions Form 22 – Combustion Turbine
NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2.
2. Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling
out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help!
1. Indicate the manufacturer and the model number of the equipment.
2. Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week,
and weeks per year.
3. Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard
Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site
operating range is in megawatts or horsepower.
4. Supply the percent of annual heat input by season for a year's time. The four seasons should total to 100%.
5. Indicate what the origin of the gas used in the turbine is.
6. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens.
7. Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in standard cubic feet.
8. Indicate what the heat content is of the fuel.
9. Indicate what percent of sulfur is in the fuel.
10. Supply the maximum firing rate in standard cubic feet.
11. Supply the average firing rate in standard cubic feet.
12. Indicate the grade of oil being used.
13. Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil.
14. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal.
15. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight.
16. Indicate the ash content of the oil.
17. Indicate what the firing direction is.
18. Supply the average firing rate of oil.
19. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil.
20. Indicate what the turbine will be used for.
21. Indicate what type of cycle the turbine will have.
22. Indicate whether or not the turbine is equipped with exhaust heat recovery equipment and what the specifications of
that equipment are.
23. Indicate whether or not the turbine is equipped with duct burners and provide specifications on the burners.
24. Provide manufacturer's emission information for the turbine. Also indicate what method of emission control will be
25. Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information.
26. Supply calculations for all criteria pollutants, greenhouse gases and HAPs. Use AP42 or Submit the Manufacturers
data used to complete your calculations.
f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form22 Turbines.doc
Revised 12/20/10
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