HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010159 Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Form 15b Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Contact Name _________________________________________ Company Name _________________________________________ Mailing Address _________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________ Use the following guidelines to complete the information requested on the back of this form. Equipment types to list: crushers, screens, generators, asphalt batch plants, and concrete batch plants (include all grandfathered equipment.) Various associated support equipment such as conveyors, loaders, dozers, water pumps, water trucks, haul trucks, and service trucks do not need to be listed individually. Applicable Federal standards: ¾NSPS Subpart OOO applies to non-metallic mineral processing facilities. This regulation applies to aggregate processing equipment that was constructed, modified, or reconstructed after August 31, 1983. ¾NSPS Subpart I applies to hot mix asphalt facilities. This regulation applies to all asphalt batch plants that were constructed, modified, or reconstructed after June 11, 1973. ¾NSPS Subpart JJJJ applies to stationary spark ignition combustion engines ¾NSPS Subpart IIII applies to stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines. ¾MACT Subpart ZZZZ applies to stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines ¾There are currently no applicable Federal standards for concrete batch plants.  See 40 CFR 60 (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60) for definitions of construction, modification, and reconstruction. Instructions This form is used to register all portable equipment. Please provide the following information: 1. Name of person the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) should contact concerning this form. 2. Name and address of company. Page 1 of 2 3. Fill in the indicated information for each piece of equipment. If the equipment has not been inspected, started up, or tested, leave the dates blank. Attach additional sheets if needed. Page 2 of 2 Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Form 15b (continued) Equipment Type: _______________________ Make/Model _______________________ Serial or ID # _______________________ Manufactured Date _______________________ Design Capacity _______________________ (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Initial Startup Date _________________________ Initial Inspection Date _________________________ Applicable Federal Standard _____________________ NSPS Performance Test Date ____________________ Equipment Type: _______________________ Make/Model _______________________ Serial or ID # _______________________ Manufactured Date _______________________ Design Capacity _______________________ (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Initial Startup Date _________________________ Initial Inspection Date _________________________ Applicable Federal Standard _____________________ NSPS Performance Test Date ____________________ Equipment Type: _______________________ Make/Model _______________________ Serial or ID # _______________________ Manufactured Date _______________________ Design Capacity _______________________ (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Initial Startup Date _________________________ Initial Inspection Date _________________________ Applicable Federal Standard _____________________ NSPS Performance Test Date ____________________ Equipment Type: _______________________ Make/Model _______________________ Serial or ID # _______________________ Manufactured Date _______________________ Design Capacity _______________________ (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Initial Startup Date _________________________ Initial Inspection Date _________________________ Applicable Federal Standard _____________________ NSPS Performance Test Date ____________________ Equipment Type: _______________________ Make/Model _______________________ Serial or ID # _______________________ Manufactured Date _______________________ Design Capacity _______________________ (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Initial Startup Date _________________________ Initial Inspection Date _________________________ Applicable Federal Standard _____________________ NSPS Performance Test Date ____________________ Owner or operator representative: ______________________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date NOTE: Call the DAQ at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions when completing this form. Ask for a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! f:\aq\engineer\generic\Forms 2010\Form 15b Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment.doc Revised 12/20/10