HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010158Utah Division of Air Quality
New Source Review Section Company ___________________________
Form 14 Date _______________________________
Concrete Batch Plants
Process Information
1. Type of batching:
□ Wet (Rotary mixing trucks)
□ Dry (Flat bed trucks with segregated material
□ Central mix (Batching at plant site)
□ Other (specify) _________________________
2. Raw materials that will be handled:
□ coarse aggregate □ portland cement
□ fine aggregate □ fly ash
washed □ lime
□ admixtures
□ other (specify) _________________________
3. Maximum plant production rate and operating hours:
____________ yd3/yr
____________ yd3/hr
____________ hrs/yr
____________ hrs/day
4. Water sprays will be used at the following locations:
Yes No
□ Stockpiles □ □
□ Aggregate bins □ □
□ Conveyor transfer points □ □
5. Cement received by:
□ Rail Car
□ Truck
□ Other (specify)_________________________
6. Portland cement is transferred from delivery vehicle to
cement storage silo by (give maximum capacity in
□ Pneumatic conveying system _____________
□ Elevator
□ screw ________________
□ bucket ________________
□ Other (specify) __________________________
7. A baghouse is used on the cement silo vent:
□ Yes (submit Form 10)
□ No
8. Cement is transferred from cement storage silo to
cement surge hopper by (maximum feed rate lb/hr):
□ Pneumatic transfer system ________________
□ Gravity feed _______________________
□ Screw Conveyor _______________________
□ Bucket elevator _______________________
□ Other (specify) _______________________
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Form 14 - Concrete Batch Plants
9. Cement weigh hopper is loaded by:
□ Gravity feed
□ Pneumatic conveyor
□ Screw conveyor
□ Other (specify) _____________
10. The cement weigh hopper will be vented to the:
□ Cement silo
□ Baghouse (submit Form 10)
□ Discharge spout
□ Other___________________________________
11. Aggregate received by:
□ Rail car
□ Truck
□ Other (specify) _____________________
12. If aggregate storage bins are used, how is aggregate
transferred to storage bin:
□ Covered conveyor belt Length: ____________
□ Uncovered conveyor belt Length: __________
□ Other: __________________________________
13. Fly ash received by:
□ Rail car
□ Truck
□ Other (specify) _____________________
14. Fly ash is transferred from deliver vehicle to storage
(maximum capacity in lb/hr):
□ Pneumatic conveying system __________
□ Elevator
□ screw _____________
□ bucket _____________
15. Admixture ingredients:
16. Admixtures received by:
□ Rail car
□ Truck
□ Other (specify) __________________________
17. Admixtures are stored in: 18. Admixtures are transferred from delivery vehicle to
storage (maximum capacity in lb/hr):
□ Pneumatic conveying system ____________
□ Elevator (screw) ____________
(bucket) ____________
□ Other (specify) __________________________
19. The batch drop point to the truck or central mixer will be controlled to prevent dust emissions by:
□ Shroud with exhaust air suction to baghouse (submit Form 10 also)
□ Flexible discharge spout
□ Other type of control device (explain in detail)
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Form 14 - Concrete Batch Plants
20. Equipment
Qty Type Specifications
Wet Batch Plants Capacity ______ yd3/hr Manufacturer Model Serial Number
Central Mix Batch
Capacity _______ yd3/hr Manufacturer
Model Serial Number
Front End Loader Usage ______ hr/day Horsepower _______
Hoppers Controlled by:
Conveying System
Length _________ ft
Length _________ ft
Cement Conveying
Pneumatic: ______ lb/hr Screw _________ lb/hr
Bucket _________ lb/hr
Elevators Screw _______ lb/hr Bucket: _________ lb/hr Other:
Fly Ash Storage
Volume _______ ft3 Controlled by: Specifications:
Cement Storage
Volume _______ ft3 Controlled by: Specifications:
Other Storage
Material: Volume _______ ft3 Controlled by:
Coarse Aggregate
Storage Piles
Size: _______ yd3
Fine Aggregate
Storage Piles
Size: _______ yd3
Other Storage
Material: Size: ________ yd3
Storage Bins Material: Size: ________ ft3
Mixers Volume: _______ yd3
Generators Size: Fuel: Hrs/day: Days/yr:
Emissions Calculations (PTE)
21. Calculated emissions for this device
PM10 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr PM2.5 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr
NOx ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr SOx ____________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr
CO ____________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr VOC ___________Lbs/hr ___________ Tons/yr
HAPs___________Lbs/hr (speciate)____________Tons/yr (speciate) Submit calculations as an appendix.
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Instructions Form 14 - Concrete Batch Plants
NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2.
2. To relocate a concrete batch plant, which is already permitted submit Form 15b – Notice of
Temporary Relcation of Portable Equipment.
3. Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in
filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to
1. Mark the appropriate box for the kind of batching done at the facility.
2. Mark the appropriate box for kind of materials to be used.
3. Indicate the plant production rate and operating hours.
4. Indicate where water sprays will be used for emission controls.
5. How is the cement received?
6. How is the cement transferred from delivery vehicle to the silo. Indicate the maximum rate at which it
can be unloaded.
7. Indicate whether or not a baghouse is used. If yes, also submit Form 10 with this application.
8. How is the cement transferred from the solo to the hopper and at what rate?
9. How is the cement weigh hopper loaded?
10. To where is the cement weigh hopper vented?
11. How is the aggregate received?
12. How is the aggregate transferred to storage bins?
13. How is fly ash received?
14. How is fly ash transferred to storage?
15. What admixture ingredients are used?
16. How are the admixture ingredients received?
17. How are the admixture ingredients stored?
18. How are admixtures transferred?
19. What is the control on the batch drop point to the truck or central mixer? If a baghouse is used, also
submit Form 10.
20. Indicate the number and type of equipment that will be used in the facility. Give specifications on the
individual pieces of equipment. Attach additional sheets of paper, if necessary.
21. Supply calculations for all criteria pollutants and HAPs. Use AP42 or Manufacturers data to complete
your calculations.
U:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form14 Concrete Batch Plants.doc
Revised 12/20/10