HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-008954195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director Air Quality Board Cassady Kristensen, Chair Kim Frost, Vice-Chair Michelle Bujdoso Kevin R. Cromar Randal S. Martin Sonja Norton John Rasband Kimberly D. Shelley Jeff Silvestrini Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-054-24 UTAH AIR QUALITY BOARD MEETING TENTATIVE AGENDA Tuesday, July 9, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. 195 North 1950 West, Room 1015 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Board members may be participating electronically. Interested persons can participate telephonically by dialing 1-475-299-8810 using access code: 449-801-632#, or via the Internet at meeting link: meet.google.com/dpm-oqgm-nzk I. Call-to-Order II.Date of the Next Air Quality Board Meeting: August 7, 2024 III.Approval of the Minutes for the May 1, 2024, and June 5, 2024, Board Meetings. IV.Propose for Public Comment: Amendment to R307-110-13. General Requirements: State Implementation Plan. Incorporation of Utah State Implementation Plan, 2015 Ozone NAAQS Northern Wasatch Front Moderate Nonattainment Area, Section IX.D.11. Presented by Ryan Bares. V.Propose for Public Comment: Amend R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. Presented by Erica Pryor and Rachel Chamberlain. VI.Five-Year Reviews: R307-125. Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program; R307-501. Oil and Gas Industry: General Provisions; R307-502. Oil and Gas Industry: Pneumatic Controllers; R307-503. Oil and Gas Industry: Flares; and R307-504. Oil and Gas Industry: Tank Truck Loading. Presented by Erica Pryor. VII.Informational Items. A.Air Toxics. Presented by Leonard Wright. B.Co mpliance. Presented by Harold Burge, Rik Ombach, and Chad Gilgen. C.Monitoring. Presented by Bart Cubrich. DAQ-054-24 Page 2 D. Other Items to be Brought Before the Board. E. Board Meeting Follow-up Items. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson, Office of Human Resources at (385) 226-4881, TDD (801) 536-4284 or by email at leannjohnson@utah.gov. ITEM 3 May 1, 2024 Draft Minutes 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director Air Quality Board Cassady Kristensen, Chair Kim Frost, Vice-Chair Michelle Bujdoso Kevin R. Cromar Randal S. Martin Sonja Norton John Rasband Kimberly D. Shelley Jeff Silvestrini Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-048-24 1 UTAH AIR QUALITY BOARD MEETING 2 May 1, 2024 – 1:30 p.m. 3 195 North 1950 West, Room 1015 4 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 5 6 DRAFT MINUTES 7 ____________________________ 8 9 I. Call-to-Order and Roll Call 10 11 Kim Frost called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and conducted a roll call of Board members. 12 13 Board members present: Kim Frost, Kevin Cromar, Randal Martin, Kimberly Shelley, John Rasband, 14 Michelle Bujdoso (attended electronically), Sonja Norton (attended electronically), Jeff Silvestrini 15 (attended electronically) 16 17 Excused: Cassady Kristensen 18 19 Executive Secretary: Bryce Bird 20 21 II. Date of the Next Air Quality Board Meeting: June 5, 2024 22 23 Mr. Bird explained that staff is looking to include some field trip opportunities with the next scheduled 24 Board meeting in June. Mr. Bird provided some options for an earlier Board meeting start time in the 25 morning, followed by lunch, and then leave for site visits. After Board discussion, the June 5, 2024, 26 meeting will start at 11:00 a.m., followed by lunch, and then leave for a couple of site visits in the 27 Wasatch Front. 28 29 For future planning, Mr. Bird explained that a July Board meeting is necessary. Mr. Bird asks the 30 Board if they would like to keep the regular date and time of Wednesday, July 3, at 1:30 p.m. Or 31 another option could be to move the date to Tuesday, July 9, at 10:00 a.m. After brief discussion, the 32 July Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. 33 34 III. Approval of the Minutes for February 7, 2024, Board Meeting, and March 20, 2024, Board Work 35 Meeting. 36 37 Mr. Rasband suggests a wording correction on page 3, line 19 of the February 2024 minutes, to which 38 Mr. Bird agrees and staff will make the correction that, “the timing really does not have any regulatory 39 impacts.” 40 DAQ-048-24 Page 2 1 ● Randal Martin motioned to approve the February 2024 minutes with the noted change. Kevin 2 Cromar seconded. The motion carries unanimously. 3 4 ● John Rasband motioned to approve the March 2024 minutes. Randal Martin seconded. The motion 5 carries unanimously. 6 7 IV. Propose for Public Comment: Amend R307-315. NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired 8 Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu. Presented by Ryan Bares. 9 10 Ryan Bares, Environmental Scientist at DAQ, stated that on October 7, 2022, the EPA reclassified the 11 Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) nonattainment area (NAA) as a moderate nonattainment area for the 12 2015 ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) since it failed to attain the 70 parts per 13 billion (ppb) standard by the attainment date. Further, monitoring data from the summers of 2021 14 through 2023 indicate that the area will not attain the standard under the moderate timeline, and will be 15 reclassified to serious nonattainment status sometime in early 2025. 16 17 As a result, the state of Utah is required to implement reductions of ozone precursor emissions, 18 including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) throughout the NAA. In 19 an effort to meet these obligations, the Board adopted R307-315 on May 3, 2023. This rule reduces 20 NOx emissions from industrial, commercial, and institutional natural gas-fired boilers in Salt Lake, 21 Weber, Davis, Tooele, and Utah counties by requiring that any new boiler, or burner installed on a 22 boiler, to emit no more than 9 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of NOx while operating. These rules 23 do not require retrofits or replacements of any existing boilers and are only required for boilers 24 operating on pipeline quality natural gas. 25 26 In efforts to clean-up the rule based on feedback received, the DAQ is proposing the following 27 amendments: moving applicability language originally located in section 4 to section 2 to provide 28 clarity for when the rule is triggered; adding a carbon monoxide (CO) limit of 200 ppmv to provide an 29 additional mechanism to verify that compliance is consistent with the intent of the rule for burners to 30 meet the 9 ppm NOx standard; adding a definition of “combustion analysis” to provide clarity for how 31 compliance with the rule can be achieved; and modifying the definitions of “construction” and 32 “modification” in an effort bring these definitions in line with the intent of the rule to require 9 ppm 33 NOx burners while simultaneously making these definitions more consistent with those found 34 elsewhere in state and federal rules. 35 36 During the public comment period, division staff is specifically seeking feedback and comment 37 regarding whether the relocation of the applicability language achieves the intended goal of clarifying 38 when the rule is triggered, and if the CO emission limit of 200 ppmv is suitable given sources current 39 operating parameters. In addition, the division is open to comment on any and all aspect of the rule and 40 the proposed amendments. Staff recommends the Board approve amendments to R307-315, NOx 41 Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu, for a 30-day public comment period. 42 43 Mr. Cromar asked if it was okay to have a begin date of May 1, 2024, in the compliance schedule in 44 section 6, if the rule will be enacted after that date. Mr. Bares replied that he is aware that there is an 45 overlap with the amendment dates which can be updated in the final submission. 46 47 Dr. Martin asked why a CO limit was added. Mr. Bares replied that it is to make sure that the burners 48 that are installed are in fact to be at 9 ppm. The goal is to prevent a source, for instance, taking a 49 30 ppm burner and turning it way outside of spec down to hit 9 ppm during compliance. Which would 50 really increase CO emissions. So, this is really more of an enforcement mechanism than it is intending 51 to reduce CO emissions. 52 DAQ-048-24 Page 3 1 Ms. Bujdoso commented that on page 3 of 3, line 14, of the rule it incorrectly references 2 R307-315-4(1)(c) because that section was removed. Mr. Bares agreed and stated that the citation 3 should be R307-315-2 for the applicability language. This will be included in the motion to approve. 4 5 Ms. Bujdoso commented about the intent of adding a CO limit to make sure no one adjusts their burner 6 down so that they can achieve the NOx while increasing CO. She asks, wouldn’t that be handled under 7 the definition of modification or construction that you cannot change the method of operation or make 8 an adjustment that would increase emissions. Mr. Bares responded that yes, it may be covered there, 9 but that this is kind of the clearest and straight forward way to make sure that the intent really hits 10 within the compliance. This is also consistent with many other NAA that have adopted similar rules. 11 12 Ms. Bujdoso asked if staff could speak to how the CO limit of 200 ppmv was determined to be 13 technically feasible for this rule as well as for the larger boiler rule. Mr. Bares responded that the limit 14 was recommended by manufacturers and distributers of boilers and burners. They had looked at what 15 the current limits are, the parameters of the Wasatch Front, and then they made the recommendation of 16 200 ppmv. Mr. Bares added that we do have some distinct characteristic differences in our rule versus 17 what we see at the South Coast. But again, this is something that staff is seeking direct feedback on 18 during the public comment process. 19 20 Ms. Bujdoso commented that she just wanted to point out that the definitions for construction and 21 modification appear to have been modified to meet the state rule. But then, in looking at the definition 22 of construction, it seems like, “in method of operation” is more in line with the definition of 23 modification in some of the federal rules. 24 25 ● Jeff Silvestrini motioned to approve R307-315 for public comment with the noted correction to 26 section 6. Randal Martin seconded. The motion carries unanimously. 27 28 V. Propose for Public Comment: Amend R307-316. NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired 29 Boilers Greater Than 5.0 MMBtu. Presented by Ryan Bares. 30 31 Ryan Bares, Environmental Scientist at the DAQ, stated that in parallel with the previous agenda item, 32 staff is proposing amendments to R307-316. These amendments are identical to those proposed for 33 R307-315 with the same intent. Staff recommends the Board approve amendments to R307-316, NOx 34 Emission Controls for Natural Gas-fired Boilers Greater Than 5.0 MMBtu, for a 30-day public 35 comment period. 36 37 It was noted that the same change needs to be made in the proposed rule in several places where 38 R307-315-4(1)(c) is incorrectly referenced. Staff will make those changes. 39 40 ● Jeff Silvestrini motioned to approve R307-316 for public comment with the corrections. John 41 Rasband seconded. The motion carries unanimously. 42 43 VI. Informational Items. 44 45 A. Air Toxics. Presented by Leonard Wright. 46 47 B. Compliance. Presented by Harold Burge, Rik Ombach, and Chad Gilgen. 48 49 C. Monitoring. Presented by Sally Lloyd. 50 51 Sally Lloyd, Environmental Scientist at the DAQ, updated the Board on monitoring information. 52 DAQ-048-24 Page 4 1 D. Other Items to be Brought Before the Board. 2 3 Mr. Cromar asked staff to give a brief update on ethylene oxide emissions in the state. Also, does 4 the Board need to take any action in response to the new federal rules. Mr. Bird responded that 5 there are two permitted facilities in Utah, Sterigenics and BD Medical, with ethylene oxide 6 emissions. Both facilities have been working with the EPA in the rule development process and 7 have recently upgraded controls and received new permits in preparation for the federal standards. 8 As far as adopting the standard in Utah, later this year we will be incorporating all of the federal 9 changes in the Federal Register. That will then incorporate the federal rules into state rules which 10 will make them effective in Utah. 11 12 Mr. Cromar stated that there have been quite a few changes in the state since the regional haze 13 (RH) state implementation plan (SIP) was submitted to EPA. Looking at EPA’s deadlines, in the 14 next few weeks, if not imminently, they are going to reject this SIP. Mr. Cromar asked the Board 15 its thoughts about proactively revisiting the RH SIP, only to maintain some level of local control 16 over what happens for our regional haze plan and also see if the Board would want to send some 17 updated information to the EPA to hopefully stave off a federal information plan (FIP). 18 19 In response the question if staff has received any additional communication from EPA, Becky 20 Close, Policy Section Manager at DAQ, responded that there has been some communication but 21 that there is litigation. The deadline to have the final action in the Federal Register is November 22 22, 2024, which is pretty much all that staff knows at this point. 23 24 In response to what is staff’s recommended path forward on this, or is there any potential path to 25 prevent a FIP, Mr. Bird replied that EPA is not sharing information at this point. He then gave a 26 brief explanation of the SIP disapproval process. 27 28 Mr. Cromar added that as an additional complication, the Governor signed a piece of legislation 29 related to Intermountain Power and that he feels that the Board should revisit the RH SIP sooner 30 rather than later. Mr. Bird added that a Legislative Special Session has been scheduled to address 31 Senate Bill 161 (SB161), Energy Security Amendments. As it reads right now, we do have time 32 with SB161 where no action takes place until January 2025. 33 34 Mr. Bird updated that EPA pre-published versions of the new power plant regulations for existing 35 coal fired power plants and new natural gas fired power plants last week. He provided a brief 36 highlight of some of the requirements and noted that it does require a state designated facilities 37 plan that puts enforceable requirements for either shut down or the dates when the compliance 38 mechanisms will be triggered to be developed within two years. 39 40 E. Board Meeting Follow-up Items. 41 42  Staff to provide an update at the July Board meeting on the Legislative Special Session. 43 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 44 Meeting adjourned at 2:07 p.m. 45 June 5, 2024 Draft Minutes 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director Air Quality Board Cassady Kristensen, Chair Kim Frost, Vice-Chair Michelle Bujdoso Kevin R. Cromar Randal S. Martin Sonja Norton John Rasband Kimberly D. Shelley Jeff Silvestrini Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-053-24 1 UTAH AIR QUALITY BOARD MEETING 2 June 5, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. 3 195 North 1950 West, Room 1015 4 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 5 6 DRAFT MINUTES 7 ____________________________ 8 9 10 I. Call-to-Order 11 12 Cassady Kristensen began the meeting at 11:01 a.m. 13 14 Board members present: Cassady Kristensen, Michelle Bujdoso, Randal Martin, Jeff Silvestrini, 15 Sonja Norton (attended electronically from 11:13 a.m. to 11:54 a.m.) 16 17 Excused: Kim Frost, Kevin Cromar, John Rasband, Kimberly Shelley 18 19 Executive Secretary: Bryce Bird 20 21 II. Date of the Next Air Quality Board Meeting: July 9, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. 22 23 III. Informational Items. 24 25 A. Northern Wasatch Front Ozone Attainment Planning. Presented by Ryan Bares. 26 27 Ryan Bares, Environmental Scientist at the DAQ, gave an overview of the division’s full plan to 28 meet the Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements as an ozone nonattainment area. He began with 29 ozone health impacts and the planning timeline for the Northern Wasatch Front and why it is so 30 important to attain the standard. Mr. Bares spoke about the regional challenges in the 31 Intermountain West, noting the 80% of ozone and ozone forming emissions are naturally 32 occurring or transported to Utah. More than half of anthropogenic emissions driving local ozone 33 formation are difficult to regulate at the state level. A chart was shown on historic trends and 34 there was brief discussions with the Board about reasons for the decrease in concentrations. 35 36 Mr. Bares spoke about the CAA requirements for state implementation plan (SIP) approval. He 37 talked about the ozone requirements by classification and the due dates, the 15% reasonable 38 DAQ-053-24 Page 2 further progress, and finally what happens with federal sanctions when EPA disapproves a SIP. 1 Next he talked about rules that are in progress to sort of fill the deficiency in the moderate SIP as 2 well as thinking forward to our serious SIP. He then went through several options or proposed 3 rules that staff are working on to get us closer to attainment. In closing, Mr. Bares talked about 4 real world solutions to more effectively reduce ozone. In particular, we want to find a viable way 5 of fulfilling our reasonable further progress requirements for the moderate SIP. Utah is working 6 to find a pathway to allow for past volatile organic compounds reductions to count towards 7 ozone planning efforts. In discussion, staff responded to questions or comments from the Board. 8 [See handout of full presentation.] 9 10 B. Air Toxics. Presented by Leonard Wright. 11 12 C. Compliance. Presented by Harold Burge, Rik Ombach, and Chad Gilgen. 13 14 D. Monitoring. Presented by Bo Call. 15 16 Bo Call, Air Monitoring Section Manager at the DAQ, stated that the annual monitoring network 17 plan is out for public comment and available for review on the division’s webpage. In response 18 to a question about locations of the photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS), Mr. 19 Call responded that there are currently five sites located at Red Butte, Bountiful, Erda, the 20 Technical Support Center, Hawthorne, and one more about to be up and running at the 21 Monticello Academy. 22 23 The school district for the Hawthorne site has no plans to develop the site and has indicated to 24 DAQ that the monitor should be good at that location for a while. Also, the EPA recently did site 25 visits earlier this year of several monitoring sites and so far all the sites met EPA’s criteria. Staff 26 does recognize that changes may need to be made in the future at sites, such as Smithfield, due to 27 construction or trees. 28 29 E. Other Items to be Brought Before the Board. 30 31 Ms. Bujdoso asked if we are submitting the recommendations to the Governor for attainment 32 status and nonattainment area. Mr. Bird replied yes, and that the yearlong process is starting. 33 Becky Close, Policy Section Manager at the DAQ, added that the designation recommendation is 34 due February 7, 2025, which is based on the years 2021, 2022, and 2023. 35 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 36 Meeting ended at 12:21 p.m. 37 38 Board members had lunch followed by a site visit with staff to the Chevron refinery tank farm. 39 Northern Wasatch Front Summertime Ozone Ryan Bares What is ozone? NOx + VOC + Sunlight and Heat=ozone Significant human health impacts 2 Ozone is a powerful oxidant that can irritate the airways. Health Impacts of Ozone Ozone can cause the muscles in the airways to constrict, trapping air in the alveoli. This leads to wheezing and shortness of breath. With inflammation, the airway lining is damaged. It has been compared to the skin inflammation caused by sunburn. 3 Pollution The Northern Wasatch Front is not meeting the 2015 NAAQS for ozone: 70 ppb. Creating a Plan The State submied a moderate State Implementation Plan (SIP) and has started the process of planning for a serious SIP. Redesignation to serious expected early 2025. DV 21-23: 77 ppb 4 5 Why is it so important to aain the standard? There are serious consequences if the area fails to meet SIP requirements and/or aain the health-based standard. Reduce ozone to protect public health and improve quality of life along the Wasatch Front Federal plan could be far more strict (FIP) Potential freeze to federal highway funds “Bump up” in NAA classification will require even more costly controls 6 Ozone in the West Regional Challenges 7 Intermountain West Ozone Challenges Utah faces a range of challenges when working to reduce ozone: ○High elevation ○Natural emissions of VOCs ○Transported pollutants ○Wildfire emissions ○Utah is one of the fastest growing states in the nation 8EPA modeled background ozone concentrations in the continental United States. This demonstrates the effect of elevation and transport on background ozone concentrations in the west. “background ozone can exceed 60 ppb in the intermountain west” ~ 80% of ozone and ozone forming emissions are naturally occurring or transported to Utah. Summertime average background concentrations can be as high as 50 ppb. Background Ozone in the Intermountain West 8 Man-Made NOx and VOC Emissions in the Northern Wasatch Front on an average “ozone season” day More than half of anthropogenic emissions driving local ozone formation are very difficult to regulate at the state level 9 Ozone Source Contributions 10 Historic NWF Ozone Concentrations 11 Ozone Aainment Plan 12 Ozone Aainment Plan Requirements for SIP approval Rules with short and long term outcomes that meet CAA requirements and get area closer to aainment Results from studies will inform future policy to more eectively reduce ozone Prevent serious nonaainment and allow time for real world solutions 13 Ozone Aainment Plan Requirements for SIP approval 14 Reasonable Further Progress 15% The moderate SIP submied October 2023 does not fulfill the RFP requirement. Disapproval will impact federal highway funds. UDAQ is working to find solutions by substituting NOx reductions. Under a serious NAA designation, RFP will be an additional 3% per year of reductions. Northern Wasatch Front Anthropogenic VOC Emissions 16 “The state must identify and implement emission reduction strategies equal to or greater than 15% [VOCs] of the 2017 baseline inventory“ 16 Federal Sanctions What happens when EPA disapproves a SIP? 1. Transportation Conformity Freeze - Immediately Certain transportation projects can proceed, but no new transportation projects can be implemented. 2. Large Industry Osets - 18 months Large industry emissions osets of 2:1 start, meaning it becomes very challenging for existing sources to expand or for new industry to move into the NAA. 3. Highway Funding Sanctions & Transportation Conformity Lapse - 2 years Without an approved SIP, a conformity lapse will occur meaning that transportation plans cannot be updated to include new projects. All projects, including transit projects cannot proceed even if state and local funds are used. 4. Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) Deadline –2 years EPA must promulgate a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) two years after a SIP disapproval. 17 Ozone Aainment Plan Rules with short and long term outcomes that meet CAA requirements and get area closer to aainment 18 Rules in Progress Short Term (1-3 Years) ●Gas dispensing rule ●Locomotive inventory reporting ●Small 2-stroke lawn equipment ●Major Source RACT Updates Long Term (3+ Years) ●Refinery tank controls ●Warm mix asphalt ●Composting ●Metal recycling ●Industrial baking ●Halogen reductions (HB 220) ●Non-road equipment rules (SB 136) ●Low volatility gasoline (CAA required) ●Low volatility gasoline (CAA required) Rules with short and long term timelines that meet CAA requirements and get uarea closer to aainment 19 Installation of CARB CP-207 certified: Dripless Nozzles & Low Permutation Hoses Counties: Salt Lake, Utah, Tooele, Davis and Weber Counties. VOC Reductions: 214.96 tpy 0.59 tpd Compliance Schedule May 1, 2026 R307-328: Gasoline Transfer and Storage 20 Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: April 8, 2024 20 ●Will require switcher and locomotive trains that stay within Utah to report annually to UDAQ. ●Provide data needed to understand emissions from these engines and improve inventories. Locomotive Reporting S.B. 136 Final Report- November 2023 21 ●Controls for storage tanks at petroleum refineries. ○Early stages examining emissions and controls options. ○Examining rules implemented in other NAAs. ○UDAQ has started early stakeholders engagement and collaboration. ●External Floating Roof, Internal Floating Roof, and Fixed Roof Tanks. ●Doming, best practices, and inspection and monitoring strategies. ●Planning an extensive stakeholder engagement process including individual source meetings and stakeholder workshops. 22 Refinery Storage Tanks Photo credit: Wikipedia 22 Reasonably Available Control Technology Review and Update RACT for major sources ●20 Major Sources >= 50 tpy VOC or NOx. ●Initial completeness review finished for all submied RACTs. ●All but one RACT have been returned by sources. ●Compile controls, costs, compare emission points across all major sources. 23 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-serious-ozone-sip-technical-support-documentation Ozone Aainment Plan Results from studies will inform future policy to more eectively reduce ozone 24 NOX Substitutions 25 Utah is working to find a pathway to allow for past VOC reductions to count towards ozone planning efforts. Outstanding moderate ozone RFP reduction requirements: 10.3 tpd VOC emissions 25 26 Pathway to Aain In the NWF, reductions in NOX emissions can provide as great or greater an improvement in air quality when compare to VOC reductions. A paired NOX and VOC reduction approach is the most reasonable pathway to attaining the standard. 8-hour ozone isopleths representing NOx and VOC reductions and the resulting predicted ozone concentrations at Bountiful monitoring station in the NWF NAA. Analysis was conducted using CAMx version 7.1 High-Order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) and demonstrates the sensitivity of the NWF NAA to changes in anthropogenic NOx and/or VOC reductions. 26 27 Pathway to Aain 27 8-hour ozone isopleths representing NOx and VOC reductions and the resulting predicted ozone concentrations at Bountiful monitoring station in the NWF NAA. Analysis was conducted using CAMx version 7.1 High-Order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) and demonstrates the sensitivity of the NWF NAA to changes in anthropogenic NOx and/or VOC reductions. 28 28 Pathway to Aain 28 8-hour ozone grid cells represented as the average MD8A ozone value over exceedance days (highest value each day). Maxima may not occur at exactly the same time period. Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Updated Photochemical Modeling Utah Summer Ozone Study (USOS) July 2024 Utah Focused Scientific Advancements 29 Photo from UWFPS NOAA study Winter 2017 NOAA DHC-6-300 twin oer plane 29 Multi-State Transportation Leer Governor Cox sent a multi-state leer to President Biden ●4 Western States: ○Utah - led eort ○Colorado ○Wyoming ○Arizona ●Focused on transportation funding challenges and provided a list of solutions that these states agree would improve the implementation of CAA ozone standards throughout the Intermountain West: ○Improving Exceptional Events framework; ○Common sense reforms to Renewable Fuel Standards; ○Work to approve “outside of the box solutions”; ○Improve the process of assisting and approving projects; ○Revisit transportation project definitions; ○Work with states on protecting highway funding for transportation projects that reduce emissions; and ○Work with states to approve CAA 179B submissions for non-border states 30 31 Boundary Adjustment ●Utah has submied a request to expand the boundary of the NWF NAA ●Anticipate that EPA will act on this request upon redesignation from moderate to serious in early 2025 31 Utah’s Real World Strategies ●Work to meet requirements with the SIP planning tools that reduce emissions and show reasonable progress. ●Multistate leer/congressional actions to amend the prescriptive provisions of the Clean Air Act and EPA’s implementing regulations. ●Work with EPA to find a pathway for substituting NOX emissions for VOC emissions for RFP requirements. ●Prepare a modeling demonstration of the impact of international transported emissions under CAA 179B(b). 32 Ozone Aainment Plan Prevent serious nonaainment and allow time for real world solutions 33 34 35 ●Demonstration showing that the area would have aained the standard but for international contributions. ●Submit demonstration to EPA end of Fall, 2024 before area is reclassified to serious. ●Modeling funded by the legislature is being conducted by Ramboll and is expected to be completed by September 1, 2024. 35 CAA Section 179B CAA Section 179B An approved 179B would not: ●Negate the requirement to reduce emissions and aain the standard. ●Remove sanctions from disapproved moderate SIP elements. An Approved 179B would: Give the state greater flexibility in how it approaches aaining the standard: ●What emission reductions are targeted; ●What programs are required; and ●Timeframe for implementation. Opportunity for the State to remain on the record regarding the significant challenges facing it under current, and future, ozone NAAQS. UDAQ is developing a 179B(b) for the NWF NAA for a Fall 2024 submission to EPA. 36 Ozone Aainment Plan Requirements for SIP approval Rules with short and long term outcomes that meet CAA requirements and get area closer to aainment Results from studies will inform future policy to more eectively reduce ozone Rules help meet 15% requirement Research to find what rules are most eective Prevent serious nonaainment and allow time for real world solutions 37 Questions? Ryan Bares rbares@utah.gov 38 Moderate SIP 15% VOC Reduction (RFP) 172(c )(2) NOx Substitutions NOx and/or VOC (Approvable) VOC Only (Not Approvable) 179B(b) Demonstration Approved Disapproved Serious SIP 9% VOC and/or NOx Reduction Yes No and / or Major Source Threshold 50 tpy All other Serious NAA requirements and and 40 After a SIP is submied with known deficiencies, states have continued to identify additional SIP strengthening strategies. These are documented through rulemaking and revisions to the submied SIPs. EPA actions to begin sanction clocks require notice to the states and publication in the Federal Register. EPA also takes time to consider state’s submissions with usually up to a year to make determinations and take action. States have focused eorts on reasonable progress, and demonstrating that the state is actively working to improve the basis of the SIPs. This could include: ●Actions to identify and quantify additional emission reduction strategies that impact the inventory, including incentive programs and public outreach and education. ●Rules that identify permanent, quantifiable and enforceable regulations on a portion of the inventory of air pollutant precursor emissions. ●Additional air quality model improvements to identify precursor emissions. ●Evaluations of other CAA provisions such as 179B International Contribution demonstrations. ●Exceptional Event demonstrations to exclude the impacts of natural and exceptional events such as wildfires and stratospheric intrusion. Status of Active Sanctions Clocks Under the Clean Air Act as of April 23, 2024 How have other states avoided sanctions? 41 ITEM 4 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-057-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Air Quality Board THROUGH: Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary THROUGH: Erica Pryor, Rules Coordinator FROM: Ryan Bares, Environmental Scientist DATE: June 27, 2024 SUBJECT: PROPOSE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Amendment to R307-110-13. General Requirements: State Implementation Plan. Incorporation of Utah State Implementation Plan, 2015 Ozone NAAQS Northern Wasatch Front Moderate Nonattainment Area, Section IX.D.11. ______________________________________________________________________________________ On August 3, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated Utah’s Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) as a marginal nonattainment area (NAA) for the 2015 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for 8-hour ozone concentrations (83 FR 25776). On October 7, 2022, EPA finalized the reclassification of the NWF NAA from marginal to moderate status (87 FR 60897) since the area failed to attain the standard by the attainment date of August 3, 2021. The reclassification to moderate status became effective on November 7, 2022. As a result of this designation, under Section 182(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), the state of Utah was required to submit a revision to Utah’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) outlining specific provisions implemented in order for the NWF NAA to attain the NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable. On September 12, 2023, the Utah Air Quality Board adopted amendments to the Utah SIP titled Section IX.D.11: 2015 Ozone NAAQS Northern Wasatch Front Moderate Nonattainment Area, which aimed to fulfill the CAA requirements for a moderate NAA. While this SIP revision demonstrated compliance with a number of CAA requirements, it failed to fully implement Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) requirements as required under CAA Section 182(b)(1)(A)(i). Specifically, the RFP requirements for a moderate NAA requires a 15% reduction in VOC emissions. However, the 2015 ozone implementation DAQ-057-24 Page 2 rule states that a moderate NAA that has implemented federally enforceable VOC emission reductions equal to or greater than the current 15% requirement as part of a previous ozone SIP revision, shall be granted the opportunity to substitute a comparable amount of NOx emission reductions, if those reductions deliver an equivalent improvement in air quality (83 FR 63004). The proposed amendments to Section R307-110-13 results in the incorporation of revisions to Chapter 7 of the NWF moderate ozone SIP which demonstrate compliance with RFP requirement through the substitution of NOx emission reductions in place of the VOC emission reduction requirement. Additionally, these amendments provide the analysis necessary to demonstrate the NOx emission reductions achieved as part of the moderate SIP revision demonstrate an equal or greater improvement to air. The ability to pursue compliance through the use of NOx substitutions is possible due to the substantial past VOC emission reductions achieved throughout the NWF NAA as part of the state’s efforts to reduce fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Recommendation: Staff recommend the Board approve the amendment to Section R307-110-13, Incorporation of Utah State Implementation Plan, 2015 Ozone NAAQS Northern Wasatch Front Moderate Nonattainment Area, Section IX.D.11, for a 30-day public comment period. State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE TYPE OF FILING: Amendment Rule or Section Number: R307-202 Filing ID: Office Use Only Date of Previous Publication (Only for CPRs): Click or tap to enter a date. Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state: Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Rachel Chamberlain 385-414-3390 rachelchamberlain@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule or section catchline: R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. 3. Purpose of the new rule or reason for the change: The Division of Air Quality is filing an amendment to Rule R307-202 on account of HB567 becoming effective May 1, 2024. 4. Summary of the new rule or change: This filing amends Rule R307-202 to align with the changes in statute because of HB567. On March 12, 2024, Governor Cox signed into law HB567 Fire Regulation Amendments. This bill has an effective date of May 1, 2024. The proposed amendments to R307-202 result in several changes to open burning with permits in the state. The bill changes the following: 1) the areas of the state that have different permit burning windows; 2) the time frame of the burning windows, and 3) the clearing index values at which burns are allowed to occur. The bill defines attainment areas to distinguish between the open burning timeframes. Fiscal Information 5. Provide an estimate and written explanation of the aggregate anticipated cost or savings to: A) State budget: There is no anticipated cost or savings to the state budget, as this rule is clerical in nature and will have no impact besides some staff time spent reprograming the permit interface which will be absorbed by the general budget. B) Local governments: There is no anticipated cost or savings to local governments, as this rule is clerical in nature and will have no impact but could increase permits application requests and reviews. The number is unknown and therefore costs or savings cannot be calculated. C) Small businesses ("small business" means a business employing 1-49 persons): There is no anticipated cost or savings to small businesses, as this rule is clerical in nature and will have no impact. D) Non-small businesses ("non-small business" means a business employing 50 or more persons): There is no anticipated cost or savings to non-small businesses, as this rule is clerical in nature and will have no impact. E) Persons other than small businesses, non-small businesses, state, or local government entities ("person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental entity, or public or private organization of any character other than an agency): There is no anticipated cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, non-small businesses, state, or local government entities, as this rule is clerical in nature and will have no impact. F) Compliance costs for affected persons (How much will it cost an impacted entity to adhere to this rule or its changes?): There are no anticipated compliance costs for affected persons, as this rule is clerical in nature. G) Regulatory Impact Summary Table (This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts will be included in narratives above.) Regulatory Impact Table Fiscal Cost FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 State Government $0 $0 $0 Local Governments $0 $0 $0 Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Non-Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Other Persons $0 $0 $0 Total Fiscal Cost $0 $0 $0 Fiscal Benefits FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 State Government $0 $0 $0 Local Governments $0 $0 $0 Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Non-Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Other Persons $0 $0 $0 Total Fiscal Benefits $0 $0 $0 Net Fiscal Benefits $0 $0 $0 H) Department head comments on fiscal impact and approval of regulatory impact analysis: The Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality, Kim D. Shelley, has reviewed and approved this regulatory impact analysis. Citation Information 6. Provide citations to the statutory authority for the rule. If there is also a federal requirement for the rule, provide a citation to that requirement: Utah Code 19-2-104 U.S.C. Title 42 Chapter 85 Subchapter I Part A Section 7410 (a)(1)2(A) Incorporations by Reference Information 7. Incorporations by Reference (if this rule incorporates more than two items by reference, please include additional tables): A) This rule adds or updates the following title of materials incorporated by references (a copy of materials incorporated by reference must be submitted to the Office of Administrative Rules; if none, leave blank): Official Title of Materials Incorporated (from title page) Publisher Issue Date Issue or Version B) This rule adds or updates the following title of materials incorporated by references (a copy of materials incorporated by reference must be submitted to the Office of Administrative Rules; if none, leave blank): Official Title of Materials Incorporated (from title page) Publisher Issue Date Issue or Version Public Notice Information 8. The public may submit written or oral comments to the agency identified in box 1. (The public may also request a hearing by submitting a written request to the agency. See Section 63G-3-302 and Rule R15-1 for more information.) A) Comments will be accepted until: 09/03/2024 B) A public hearing (optional) will be held: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Time (hh:mm AM/PM): Place (physical address or URL): To the agency: If more than one hearing will take place, continue to add rows. 9. This rule change MAY become effective on: 09/10/2024 NOTE: The date above is the date the agency anticipates making the rule or its changes effective. It is NOT the effective date. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Sections 63G-3-301, 63G-3-302, 63G-3-303, and 63G-3- 402. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin and delaying the first possible effective date. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 06/20/2024 R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. 2 R307-202-1. Applicability. 3 Sections R307-202-4 through R307-202-8 applies to general burning within incorporated community 4 under the authority of county or municipal fire authority. 5 6 R307-202-2. Definitions. 7 The following additional definitions apply only to Rule R307-202. 8 "Attainment areas" means any area that meets the national primary and secondary ambient air quality 9 standard (NAAQS) for the pollutant. 10 "County or municipal fire authority" means the public official so designated with the responsibility, 11 authority, and training to protect people, property, and the environment from fire, within their respective area 12 of jurisdiction. 13 "Federal Class I Area" means an area that consists of national parks exceeding 6,000 acres, 14 wilderness areas and national memorial parks exceeding 5,000 acres, and [all]any international parks that 15 were in existence on August 7, 1977. See Clean Air Act [s]Section 162(a). 16 "Fire hazard" means a hazardous condition involving combustible, flammable, or explosive material 17 that represents a substantial threat to life or property if not immediately abated, as declared by the county or 18 municipal fire authority. 19 "Maintenance Area" as defined in Section R307-101-2, means an area that is subject to the 20 provisions of a maintenance plan that is included in the Utah state implementation plan, and that has been 21 redesignated by EPA from nonattainment to attainment of any NAAQS. 22 "Native American spiritual advisor" means a person who leads, instructs, or facilitates a Native 23 American religious ceremony or service[;], or provides religious counseling[;], is an enrolled member of a 24 federally recognized Native American tribe[;], and is recognized as a spiritual advisor by a federally 25 recognized Native American tribe. "Native American spiritual advisor" includes a sweat lodge leader, 26 medicine person, traditional religious practitioner, or holy man or woman. 27 "Nonattainment Area" means an area designated by the Environmental Protection Agency as 28 nonattainment under Section 107, Clean Air Act for any NAAQS. The designations for Utah are listed in 29 40 CFR 81.345. 30 31 R307-202-3. Exclusions. 32 As provided in Section 19-2-114, the [provisions]requirements of Rule R307-202 are not applicable 33 to: 34 (1)[E]except for areas zoned as residential, burning incident to horticultural or agricultural35 operations of: 36 (a)[P]prunings from trees, bushes, and plants; and37 (b)[D]dead or diseased trees, bushes, and plants, including stubble[.];38 (2)[B]burning of weed growth along ditch banks for clearing these ditches for irrigation purposes;39 (3)[C]controlled heating of orchards or other crops during the frost season to lessen the chances of40 their being frozen so long as the emissions from this heating do not cause or contribute to an exceedance of 41 any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS and is consistent with the federally approved State 42 Implementation Plan;[ and] 43 (4) [T]the controlled burning of not more than two structures per year by an organized and operating44 fire department for the purpose of training fire service personnel when the National Weather Service clearing 45 index is above 500[.], [ S]see also Section 11-7-1(2)(a)[.]; and 46 (5)[C]ceremonial burning is excluded from Subsection R307-202-4(2) when conducted by a Native47 American spiritual advisor. 48 49 R307-202-4. Prohibitions. 50 (1)No open burning [shall]may be done at sites used for disposal of community trash, garbage, and51 other wastes. 52 (2) No person [shall]may burn under this rule when the director issues a public announcement under53 Rule R307-302. The director [will]shall distribute [such]the announcement to the local media notifying the 54 Page 1 of 4 public that a mandatory no-burn period is in effect for the area where the burning is to occur. 1 2 R307-202-5. General Requirements. 3 (1)Except as otherwise provided in this rule, no person [shall]may set or use an open outdoor fire4 for the purpose of disposal or burning of:[ of disposal or burning of petroleum wastes; demolition or 5 construction debris; residential rubbish; garbage or vegetation; tires; tar; trees; wood waste; other combustible 6 or flammable solid; liquid or gaseous waste; or for metal salvage or burning of motor vehicle bodies.] 7 (a) petroleum wastes;8 (b) demolition or construction debris;9 (c)rubbish;10 (d) garbage or vegetation;11 (e)tires;12 (f) tar;13 (g) trees;14 (h) wood waste;15 (i)other combustible or flammable solid;16 (j) liquid or gaseous waste; or17 (k) for metal salvage or burning of motor vehicle bodies.18 (2) The county or municipal fire authority shall approve burning based on the predicted19 meteorological conditions and whether the emissions would impact the health and welfare of the public or 20 cause or contribute to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standard]NAAQS. 21 (3)Nothing in this regulation [shall]may be construed as relieving any person conducting open22 burning from meeting the requirements of any applicable federal, state, or local requirements concerning 23 disposal of any combustible materials. 24 (4) The county or municipal fire authority that approves any open burning permit [will]shall retain a25 copy of each permit issued for one year. 26 27 R307-202-6. Open Burning - Without Permit. 28 The following types of open burning do not require a permit when not prohibited by other local, 29 state, or federal laws and regulations, when it does not create a nuisance, as defined in Section 76-10-803, and 30 does not impact the health and welfare of the public[.]: 31 (1) [D]devices for the primary purpose of preparing food [such as]including outdoor grills and32 fireplaces; 33 (2)[C]campfires and fires used solely for recreational purposes where [such]the fires are under34 control of a responsible person and the combustible material is clean, dry, wood or charcoal; and 35 (3)[I]indoor fireplaces and residential solid fuel burning devices except as provided in Section36 R307-302-2. 37 38 R307-202-7. Open Burning - With Permit. 39 (1)No person [shall]may knowingly conduct open burning unless the open burning activities may40 be conducted without a permit pursuant to Section R307-202-6 or the person has a valid permit for burning 41 on a specified date or period, issued by the county or municipal fire authority having jurisdiction in the area 42 where the open burning [will]shall take place. 43 (2) A permit applicant shall provide information as requested by the county or municipal fire44 authority. No permit or authorization [shall]may be deemed valid unless the issuing authority determines that 45 the applicant has provided the required information. 46 (3)Persons seeking an open burning permit shall submit to the county or municipal fire authority an47 application on a form provided by the director for each separate burn. 48 (4)A permit shall be valid only on the lands specified on the permit.49 (5)No material [shall]may be burned unless it is clearly described and quantified as material to be50 burned on a valid permit. 51 (6)No burning [shall]may be conducted contrary to the conditions specified on the permit.52 (7) Any permit issued by a county or municipal fire authority [shall be]is subject to the local, state,53 and federal rules and regulations. 54 Page 2 of 4 (8) Open burning is authorized by the issuance of a permit, as stipulated within this rule, for 1 specification in Subsection R307-202-7(10). These permits can only be issued when not prohibited by other 2 local, state, or federal laws and regulations and when a nuisance as defined in Section 76-10-803 is not 3 created and does not impact the health and welfare of the public. 4 (9) Except as provided in Section R307-202-7(10)(f)(ii), [I]individual permits, as stipulated within5 this rule, for the types of burning listed in Subsection R307-202-7(10) may be issued by a county or 6 municipal fire authority when the clearing index is 500 or greater. When the clearing index is below 500, 7 [all]any permits issued for that day [will]shall be null and void until further notice from the county or 8 municipal fire authority. Additionally, anyone burning on the day when the clearing index is below 500, or is 9 found to be violating any part of this rule, shall be liable for a fine in accordance with Rule R307-130. 10 (10) The following include [T]types of open burning for which a permit may be granted[ are]:11 (a) [E]except in nonattainment and maintenance areas, open burning of tree cuttings and slash in12 forest areas where the cuttings accrue from pulping, lumbering, and similar operations, but excluding waste 13 from sawmill operations [such as]including sawdust and scrap lumber[.]; 14 (b)[O]open burning of trees and brush within railroad rights-of-way, provided that dirt is removed15 from stumps before burning, and that tires, oil more dense than #2 fuel oil, tar, or other materials which can 16 cause severe air pollution, are not present in the materials to be burned, and are not used to start fires or to 17 keep fires burning[.]; 18 (c) [O]open burning of a fire hazard that a county or municipal fire authority determines cannot be19 abated by any other viable option[.]; 20 (d)[O]open burning of highly explosive materials when a county or municipal fire authority, law21 enforcement agency, or governmental agency having jurisdiction determines that onsite burning or detonation 22 in place is the only reasonably available method for safely disposing of the material[.]; 23 (e) [O]open burning for the disposal of contraband in the possession of public law enforcement24 personnel provided they demonstrate to the county or municipal fire authority that open burning is the only 25 reasonably available method for safely disposing of the material[.]; 26 (f)[O]open burning of clippings, bushes, plants, and pruning’s from trees incident to property clean-27 up activities, including residential cleanup, provided that the following conditions have been met: 28 (i) [W]within only the counties designated as nonattainment and maintenance areas,[of Washington,29 Kane, San Juan, Iron, Garfield, Beaver, Piute, Wayne, Grand and Emery,] the county or municipal fire 30 authority may issue a permit between March 1 March 30 and May 30 when the clearing index is 500 or 31 greater. The county or municipal fire authority may issue a permit between September 15 to November 15 32 for [such]the burning to occur when the state forester has approved the burning window under Section 65A-33 8-211 and the clearing index is 500 or greater[.];34 (ii)[I]in [all other areas of the state]attainment areas, the county or municipal fire authority may35 issue a permit between [March 30 and May 30]November 1 and March 31 for [such ]burning to occur when 36 the clearing index is [500]250 or greater. The county or municipal fire authority may issue a permit between 37 September 15 and October 30 and also between April 1 and May 30 for [such ]burning to occur when the 38 state forester has approved the burning window under Section 65A-8-211 and the clearing index is 500 or 39 greater[.]; 40 (iii) [Such ]burnings occur in accordance with state and federal requirements;41 (iv)[M]materials to be burned are thoroughly dry; and42 (v) [N]no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil are included in the material to be burned, used to start fires, or43 used to keep fires burning. 44 (g) [E]except for nonattainment and maintenance areas, the director may grant a permit for types of45 open burning not specified in Subsection R307-202-7(3) on written application if the director finds that the 46 burning is consistent with the federally approved State Implementation Plan and does not cause or contribute 47 to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS. 48 (i)This permit may be granted once the director has reviewed the written application with the49 requirements and criteria found within this rule [at]in Section R307-202-7. 50 (ii)Open [B]burning [P]permit [C]criteria shall include the following requirements.51 (A) The director or the county or municipal fire authority shall consider the following factors in52 determining whether, and upon what conditions, to issue an open burning permit: 53 (I) [T]the location and proximity of the proposed burning to any building, other structures, the54 Page 3 of 4 public, and federal Class I areas that might be impacted by the smoke and emissions from the burn; 1 (II)[B]burning [will]shall only be conducted when the clearing index is 500 or above; and2 (III)[W]whether there is any practical alternative method for the disposal of the material to be3 burned. 4 (B)Methods to minimize emissions and smoke impacts may include[, but are not limited to]:5 (I)[T]the use of clean auxiliary fuel;6 (II) [D]drying the material [prior to]before ignition; and7 (III)[S]separation for alternative disposal of materials that produce higher levels of emissions and8 smoke during the combustion process. 9 (C) Open burning permits are not valid during periods when the clearing index is below 500 or10 publicly announced air pollution emergencies or alerts have been declared in the area of the proposed burn. 11 (D)For burns of piled material, [all]any piles shall be reasonably dry and free of dirt.12 (E)Open burns shall be supervised by a responsible person who shall notify the local fire13 department and have available, either on-site or by the local fire department, the means to suppress the burn if 14 the fire does not comply with the terms and conditions of the permit. 15 (F) [All]Any open burning operations shall be subject to inspection by the director or county or16 municipal fire authority. The permittee shall maintain at the burn site the original or a copy of the permit that 17 shall be made available without unreasonable delay to the inspector. 18 (G) If at any time the director or the county or municipal fire authority granting the permit19 determines that the permittee has not complied with any term or condition of the permit, the permit is subject 20 to partial or complete suspension, revocation, or imposition of additional conditions. [All]Any burning 21 activity subject to the permit shall be terminated immediately upon notice of suspension or revocation. In 22 addition to suspension or revocation of the permit, the director or county or municipal fire authority may take 23 any other enforcement action authorized under state or local law. 24 25 R307-202-8. Special Conditions. 26 (1) Open burning for special purposes or under unusual or emergency circumstances may be27 approved by the director if it is consistent with the federally approved State Implementation Plan and does 28 not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS. 29 ([a]2) This permit may be granted once the director has reviewed the written application with the 30 requirements and criteria in Section R307-202-7. 31 32 KEY: air pollution, open burning, fire authority 33 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: October 6, 2014 34 Notice of Continuation: December 9, 2019 35 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104; 11-7-1(2)(a); 65A-8-211; 76-10-803 36 Page 4 of 4 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 1 Utah Division of Air Quality State Implementation Plan 2015 Ozone NAAQS Northern Wasatch Front Moderate Nonattainment Area [2023]2024 Section IX Part D.11 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 2 Contents List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................8 Chapter 1 – Background and State Implementation Plan (SIP) Requirements ..................................... 10 1.1 How Ozone is Formed ....................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 Health Effects of Ozone ..................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 History of Ozone NAAQS in the Northern Wasatch Front................................................................. 11 1.4 2015 NAAQS Ozone NAAs ................................................................................................................. 12 1.5 Responsible Air Agencies ................................................................................................................... 15 1.6 Moderate SIP Elements ..................................................................................................................... 15 1.7 Moderate Area SIP Development Process ........................................................................................ 17 Chapter 2 – NWF Monitoring Network .............................................................................................. 18 2.1 Monitoring Network .......................................................................................................................... 18 2.2 Ozone Monitoring Data ..................................................................................................................... 20 2.3 Data Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 3 - Baseline and Future Year Emission Inventories ................................................................ 25 3.1 Emission Inventory Background ........................................................................................................ 25 3.2 Baseline 2017 Emission Inventory and Projected 2023 Emission Inventory ..................................... 25 Chapter 4 – Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) ................................................................................................................................. 34 4.1 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Overview ............................................................ 34 4.2 Utah RACT Process ............................................................................................................................ 35 4.3 Big West Oil LLC - Refinery ................................................................................................................ 36 4.4 Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery ............................................................................. 40 4.5 Hexcel Corporation ............................................................................................................................ 45 4.6 Hill Air Force Base .............................................................................................................................. 48 4.8 Kennecott Utah Copper Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator ................................ 56 4.9 KUC Smelter and Refinery ................................................................................................................. 60 4.10 LHoist North America of Arizona, Inc. ............................................................................................. 66 4.11 Pacificorp Energy Gadsby Power Plant............................................................................................ 67 4.12 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery ............................................. 70 4.13 Utah Municipal Power Agency West Valley Power Plant ................................................................ 75 4.14 University of Utah ........................................................................................................................... 77 4.15 US Magnesium LLC .......................................................................................................................... 80 4.16 Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal ........................................................................................... 85 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 3 4.17 Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal ................................................................................. 87 4.18 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC Truck Loading Rack and Remote Tank Farm ................................ 89 4.19 CTG and ACT .................................................................................................................................... 92 4.20 RACT Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 92 4.21 Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) ................................................................................... 95 Chapter 5 - Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis ................................................ 96 5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 96 5.2 RACM Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 97 5.3 RACM Analysis Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 104 Chapter 6 – Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program ................................................................. 106 6.1 Overview of I/M Programs .............................................................................................................. 106 6.2 Federal Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 106 6.3 I/M Testing ...................................................................................................................................... 107 6.4 Utah I/M Program History and General Authority .......................................................................... 107 6.5 UDAQ Evaluation of Current I/M Program ...................................................................................... 108 6.6 Implementation of I/M Program in Tooele County ......................................................................... 110 Chapter 7 – Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) ............................................................................... 112 7.1 Reasonable Further Progress .......................................................................................................... 112 7.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 113 7.3 RFP and Anthropogenic VOC Emission Reductions ......................................................................... 113 7.4 Anthropogenic NOx Emissions ......................................................................................................... 116 7.5 CAA Section 172(c)(2) and NOx Substitutions ................................................................................. 119 [7.5]7.6 Future SIP Emission Reductions ............................................................................................... 124 7.7 RFP Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 127 Chapter 8 - Attainment Demonstration and Weight of Evidence ...................................................... 128 8.1 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 128 8.2 Photochemical Modeling Platform.................................................................................................. 129 8.3 Weight of Evidence (WOE) .............................................................................................................. 137 8.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 150 Chapter 9 - 179B(a) Prospective Demonstration .............................................................................. 151 9.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 151 9.2 Ozone Source Apportionment (OSAT) Modeling ............................................................................ 152 9.3 Ozone Source Apportionment Modeling Results ............................................................................ 155 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 4 9.4 Future Design Values after Removal of Contributions from International Anthropogenic Emissions ............................................................................................................................................................... 157 9.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 158 Chapter 10 - Transportation Conformity and Motor Vehicle Emission Budget .................................. 161 10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 161 10.2 Transportation Conformity............................................................................................................ 161 10.3 – Consultation ............................................................................................................................... 161 10.4 Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (MVEB) ..................................................................................... 162 10.5 Emission Budgets for the Northern Wasatch Front NAA .............................................................. 163 10.6 Implementation of MVEB in Transportation Conformity Determinations .................................... 163 Chapter 11 - Contingency Measures ............................................................................................... 165 11.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 165 11.2 Contingency Measures .................................................................................................................. 165 Chapter 12 - Environmental Justice & Title VI Considerations .......................................................... 167 12.1 Environmental Justice ................................................................................................................... 167 12.2 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act ........................................................................................................ 167 12.3 Screening-Level Analysis ............................................................................................................... 168 12.4 Identified Stakeholders ................................................................................................................. 169 12.5 Stakeholder Outreach, Meaningful Involvement, and Information Distribution ......................... 169 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 5 List of Tables Table 1: NWF NAA marginal requirements under the CAA. ....................................................................... 14 Table 2: Ozone values in ppm from sites in NWF NAA from 2018 - 2020. Values calculated in accordance with 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix U. ............................................................................................................... 14 Table 3: SIP Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 16 Table 4: NWF 4th Maximum 8-Hour Ozone Values reported in ppm......................................................... 20 Table 5: NWF 8-Hour Ozone Three-Year Average 4th Maximum Ozone Values. ....................................... 21 Table 6: NWF Ozone Data Recovery Rates shown as percentages............................................................. 23 Table 7: 2017 Nonattainment Area Emission Inventory (tons per day) ..................................................... 26 Table 8: 2023 Projected Nonattainment Area Emission Inventory (tons per day) ..................................... 27 Table 9: Biogenic Emissions (tons per day) ................................................................................................. 27 Table 10: Solvent Emissions Inventory ....................................................................................................... 28 Table 11: 2023 Solvent Emissions Inventory .............................................................................................. 28 Table 12: 2017 Area Source Emission Inventory ........................................................................................ 29 Table 13: Area Source Emission Inventory ................................................................................................. 29 Table 14: Non-Road, Rail and Airports Emission Inventory ........................................................................ 30 Table 15: 2023 Non-Road, Rail and Airports Emission Inventory ............................................................... 30 Table 16: 2017 Point Sources and EGUs Emission Inventory ..................................................................... 31 Table 17: 2023 Point Sources and EGUs Emission Inventory ..................................................................... 32 Table 18: 2017 On-road emission inventory for ozone weekday ............................................................... 32 Table 19: 2023 On-road emission inventory for ozone weekday ............................................................... 32 Table 20: 2017 ERC Bank Emission Inventory ............................................................................................. 33 Table 21: 2023 ERC Bank Emission Inventory ............................................................................................. 33 Table 22: Big West Oil LLC Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions ..................................................................... 37 Table 23: Big West Oil LLC - Refinery .......................................................................................................... 37 Table 24: Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions ................................ 40 Table 25: Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery ....................................................................... 41 Table 26: Hexcel Corporation Facility-Wide Emissions ............................................................................... 45 Table 27: Hexcel Corporation ..................................................................................................................... 45 Table 28: Hill Air Force Base Facility-Wide Emissions ................................................................................. 48 Table 29: Hill Air Force Base........................................................................................................................ 50 Table 30: Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions ....................................... 53 Table 31: Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery .............................................................................. 54 Table 32: KUC Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator Facility-Wide Emissions .................. 57 Table 33: Kennecott Utah Copper (KUC): Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator .............. 57 Table 34: KUC Smelter and Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions .................................................................... 61 Table 35: Kennecott Utah Copper: Smelter and Refinery .......................................................................... 61 Table 36: LHoist North America of Arizona Facility Facility-Wide Emissions .............................................. 66 Table 37: Lhoist North America of Arizona, Inc. ......................................................................................... 67 Table 38: Pacificorp Energy Gadsby Power Plant Facility-Wide Emissions ................................................. 68 Table 39: PacifiCorp Energy: Gadsby Power Plant ...................................................................................... 68 Table 40: Tesoro Marathon Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions ................................................................... 70 Table 41: Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery ...................................... 70 Table 42: West Valley Power Plant Facility-Wide Emissions ...................................................................... 75 Table 43: Utah Municipal Power Agency West Valley Power Plant ........................................................... 76 Table 44: University of Utah Facility-Wide Emissions ................................................................................. 77 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 6 Table 45: University of Utah ....................................................................................................................... 78 Table 46: US Magnesium LLC Facility-Wide Emissions ............................................................................... 81 Table 47: US Magnesium RACT Determination .......................................................................................... 81 Table 48: Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal Facility-Wide Emissions ................................................ 86 Table 49: Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal ....................................................................................... 86 Table 50: Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal Facility-Wide Emissions ...................................... 88 Table 51: Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal ............................................................................. 88 Table 52: Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC TLR and RTF Facility-Wide Emissions ....................................... 90 Table 53: Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC TLR and RTF ............................................................................. 90 Table 54: Controls identified by RACT analysis for the NWF NAA. ............................................................. 94 Table 55: Existing area source VOC rules in the NWF NAA ......................................................................... 97 Table 56: VOC RACM Assessment Summary .............................................................................................. 98 Table 57: NOX RACM Assessment Summary ............................................................................................. 102 Table 58: RACM Identified Control Strategies .......................................................................................... 104 Table 59: 2023 Davis County Summer Basic Performance Modeling ....................................................... 109 Table 60: 2023 Salt Lake Summer Basic Performance Modeling.............................................................. 109 Table 61: 2023 Utah County Summer Basic Performance Modeling ....................................................... 110 Table 62: 2023 Weber County Summer Basic Performance Modeling .................................................... 110 Table 63: I/M Program Implementation Evaluation for Tooele County in 2023 ...................................... 111 Table 64: Anthropogenic VOC Emission Reductions from 2017 to 2023 for the NWF ............................. 114 Table 65: Anthropogenic NOx Emission Reductions from 2017 to 2023 for the NWF ............................. 116 Table 66: VOC reductions in the NWF NAA during past SIPs timeline demonstrating a 15% VOC reduction relative to NAAQS base years………………………………………………………………………………………………………………120 Table 67: VOC and NOx reduction in the NWF NAA during the moderate SIP timeline………………………..121 Table [66]68: Performance statistics for maximum daily average 8-hour (MDA8) ozone on all days of the modeling episode. Results are shown for monitors in the 1.33 km modeling domain. ........................... 131 Table [67]69: Performance statistics for maximum daily average 8-hour (MDA8) ozone on high O3 days (observed MDA8 > 60 ppb). Results are shown for monitors in the 1.33 km modeling domain. ............ 132 Table [68]70: Baseline design values (BDV), relative response factors (RRF), future design values (FDV) at Bountiful, Hawthorne and Herriman monitoring locations. Design values before and after exclusion of days impacted by wildfire smoke are shown.* indicates design value after removal of wildfire smoke- impacted ozone exceedance values. ........................................................................................................ 136 Table [69]71: Baseline design values (BDV), relative response factors (RRF), future design values (FDV) at monitors within the northern Wasatch Front ozone non-attainment area. ............................................ 136 Table [70]72: 2023 contributions from upwind states to NWF NAA (ppb) as identified by EPA 2016v2 modeling ................................................................................................................................................... 140 Table [71]73: NOx and VOC reductions resulting from PM2.5 SIPs. ........................................................... 143 Table [72]74: Emission reductions associated with incentive programs in and around the NWF NAA ... 147 Table [73]75: Emission source categories considered in 2023 ozone source apportionment modeling. 154 Table [74]76: Future design values (FDV), source contribution estimates for international anthropogenic emissions (IAE) and adjusted future design values (FDV adj) at monitoring locations within the northern Wasatch Front non-attainment area. ....................................................................................................... 158 Table [75]77: NWF Ozone 2023 NAA MVEB ............................................................................................. 163 Table [76]78: Percent Emission Reductions Based on 2017 Base Year Inventory .................................... 166 Table [77]79: Environmental Justice Indexes Over the 80th Percentile in the NWF NAA ........................ 168 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 7 List of Figures Figure 1: Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Areas. .............................................................................. 13 Figure 2: Monitoring sites in the NWF NAA ................................................................................................ 19 Figure 3: Ozone 4th Highest 8-Hour Concentration in Wasatch Front ....................................................... 22 Figure 4: NWF Anthropogenic VOC Emission Inventories ........................................................................ 115 Figure 5: NWF Anthropogenic NOx Emission Inventories ......................................................................... 117 Figure 6: NOx-attributable (brown) and VOC-attributable (green) ozone at Hawthorne (left panel) and Bountiful (right) monitoring stations on average over all days of the modeling episode. ....................... 118 Figure 7: 12/4/1.33 km CAMx Modeling Domains ................................................................................... 130 Figure 8: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Bountiful monitoring station. ........................................................... 132 Figure 9: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Hawthorne monitoring station. ........................................................ 133 Figure 10: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Erda monitoring station. ................................................................... 133 Figure 11: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Herriman monitoring station. ........................................................... 133 Figure 12: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Harrisville monitoring station. .......................................................... 134 Figure 13: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Ogden monitoring station. ............................................................... 134 Figure 14: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at Gothic Colorado monitoring station. ...................................................... 134 Figure 15: Ozone Attributed to Domain-Wide Sources at Hawthorne as simulated 8-hour mean daily ozone concentrations along the Wasatch Front. ...................................................................................... 139 Figure 16: Episode average of simulated 8-hour mean daily ozone concentrations at Hawthorne along the Wasatch Front. ................................................................................................................................... 139 Figure 17: Ozone Attributed to Domain-Wide Sources ............................................................................ 142 Figure 18: MDA8 ozone source apportionment exceedance vs. non-exceedance days .......................... 142 Figure 19: Map of source regions used in 2023 ozone source apportionment modeling for the 4 and 1.33 km domains. Each color represents a different source region. ................................................................ 153 Figure 20: Source contributions by region and emission sector to maximum daily 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone concentration (ppb) at the Hawthorne monitoring station for each day of the modeling episode (left panel) and on average over all days of the modeling episode (right panel). Results are based on 2023 OSAT model outputs for the 1.33 km modeling domain and spin-up days are excluded. .............. 156 Figure 21: Source contributions by region and emission sector to maximum daily 8-hr average (MDA8) ozone concentration (ppb) at the Hawthorne monitoring station for each day of the modeling episode (upper panel) and on average over all days of the modeling episode, exceedance days, top 10 exceedance days and non-exceedance days (lower panel). Results are based on 2023 OSAT model outputs for the 1.33 km modeling domain and spin-up days are excluded. ............................................ 157 Figure 22: International contributions at Hawthorne monitor site on exceedance and non-exceedance days. .......................................................................................................................................................... 159 Figure 23: EJ Indexes >80th percentile in Each NWF NAA Census Block .................................................. 167 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 8 List of Acronyms ACT = Alternative Control Techniques AO = Approval Order BDV = Base Design Value CAA = Clean Air Act CAMx = Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions CFR = Code of Federal Register CO = Carbon Monoxide CTG = Control Techniques Guidelines DERA = Diesel Emissions Reduction Act DV = Design Value EGU = Electric Generating Units EMP = Enhanced Monitoring Program EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EV = Electric Vehicles FDV = Future Design Value FHWA = Federal Highway Administration FIP = Federal Implementation Plan FR = Federal Register HAP = Hazardous Air Pollutants HYSPLIT = Hybrid Single–Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory ICT = Interagency Consultation Team I/M = Inspection and Maintenance MDA8 = Maximum Daily Average Ozone Over an 8-Hour period MOVES3 = Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (2014 Release) MPE = Model Performance Evaluation MPO = Metropolitan Planning Organization MVEB = Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets NAA = Nonattainment Area NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard NESHAP = National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NMOG – Non-Methane Organic Gases NOx = Nitrogen Oxides NSPS = New Source Performance Standards NNSR = Nonattainment New Source Review OBD = On-Board Diagnostics OSAT = Ozone Source Apportionment PPB = Parts per Billion PPM = Parts per Million PPMV = Parts Per Million by Volume RACM = Reasonably Available Control Measures RACT = Reasonably Available Control Technology RFP = Reasonable Further Progress RRF = Relative Response Factor SIP = State Implementation Plan SMOKE = Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 9 TIP = Transportation Improvement Program TPD = Tons per Day TPY = Tons per Year TSD = Technical Support Document UDAQ = Utah Division of Air Quality VMT = Vehicle Miles Traveled VOC = Volatile Organic Compounds WOE = Weight of Evidence WRF = Weather Research and Forecasting ZEV = Zero Emission Vehicles UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 10 Chapter 1 – Background and State Implementation Plan (SIP) Requirements 1.1 How Ozone is Formed Ozone is a highly unstable and oxidative gas made up of three atoms of oxygen covalently bonded together. Tropospheric ozone is not directly emitted but is formed in the atmosphere through a complex series of secondary and tertiary reactions. In short, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources react in the atmosphere with Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), and to a lesser extent Carbon Monoxide (CO), in the presence of sunlight and heat to form ozone (Equation 1). Equation 1 VOC + NOx + Sunlight + Heat = O3 Anthropogenic sources of VOCs and NOx include, but are not limited to automobile exhaust, refueling vapors, solvents, complete and incomplete combustion of fuels, and industrial activities. Natural sources include wildfires, biogenic activities, and soil respiration. In the Northern Wasatch Front (NWF), elevated concentrations of ground-level ozone are predominantly a summertime phenomenon associated with extended periods of high-pressure coinciding with high temperatures, low relative humidity, limited cloud cover, and intense incoming solar radiation. In addition to favorable atmospheric conditions for the local formation of ozone, the high elevation of the NWF and its location within the Intermountain West contribute to the observed elevated ozone concentrations. 1.2 Health Effects of Ozone Exposure to elevated levels of ozone is linked to an array of respiratory and pulmonary problems, primarily among susceptible populations and those participating in outdoor activities.1 These health problems can include increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis, chest pain, inflammation of the respiratory tract, irritated and or permanently damaged lung tissues, and cardiac impacts and aggravation of preexisting respiratory issues like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set air quality standards for certain criteria air pollutants, known as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), to protect both public health and the environment. States must develop plans to attain and maintain these health-based standards called State Implementation Plans (SIPs). If an area is determined to not meet these standards, then the SIP must be revised with plans on how the area will achieve the standard by deadlines established in the CAA. 1 Devlin BR, Raub AJ, Folinsbee JL. (1997). Health effects of ozone. Science & Medicine;(3):8-17. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 11 1.3 History of Ozone NAAQS in the Northern Wasatch Front Significant efforts have been made in reducing precursor emissions, primarily NOx and VOCs, throughout the NWF over the last 40 years. Much of the more recent efforts have been targeted at reducing Utah’s wintertime fine particulate matter (PM2.5), however, there is a long history of efforts to combat ozone directly. 1.3.1 1979 1-Hour Ozone Standard In 1977 EPA designated parts of the Wasatch Front including Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber Counties as nonattainment for the 1-hour ozone standard of 0.120 parts per million (ppm). In 1981 both Weber and Utah Counties were re-designated as attainment. In April of 1981, an ozone SIP was submitted to EPA that demonstrated attainment of the standard for both Davis and Salt Lake Counties by May 1, 1984. This ozone SIP submittal was fully approved by the EPA. In November of 1990, Congress amended the CAA. Under the 1990 Amendments, each area of the country that was designated nonattainment for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS, including Salt Lake County and Davis County, was classified by operation of law as marginal, moderate, serious, severe, or extreme nonattainment depending on the severity of the area's air quality problem. The ozone nonattainment designation for Salt Lake County and Davis County continued by operation of law according to section 107(d)(1)(C)(i) of the CAA, as amended in 1990. Furthermore, this area was classified by operation of law as moderate for ozone under CAA section 181(a)(1). On November 12, 1993, Utah submitted a formal request to EPA that the Salt Lake/Davis County nonattainment area (NAA) be redesignated to attainment of the 1-hour ozone NAAQS, and the State, in accordance with the CAA, submitted a maintenance plan. In July of 1997, the EPA approved the Ozone Maintenance Plan for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, effective August 18, 1997, and redesignated both counties to attainment for 1-hour ozone NAAQS. 1.3.2 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard In July 1997, the EPA established a new, more rigorous standard for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS. The new 8-hour standard was set at a level of 0.080 ppm averaged over an eight-hour period. To better account for variable meteorological conditions that can influence ozone formation, a violation of the standard occurs when the three-year average of the fourth-highest maximum value at a monitor exceeds the federal standard. On April 30, 2004, EPA published the first phase of its final rule (Phase 1 Rule) to implement the 8-hour ozone NAAQS.2 At the same time, EPA also published 8-hour ozone designations for all areas of the country. All areas of Utah were designated attainment or unclassifiable. These designations became effective on June 15, 2004. The Phase 1 Rule provided that the 1979 1-hour ozone NAAQS would be revoked following the effective date of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, or June 15, 2005. This revocation action was affirmed on August 3, 2005.3 On November 29, 2005, EPA published the Final Rule to Implement the 8-hour Ozone NAAQS - Phase 2.4 2 Final Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard—Phase 1, 69 Fed. Reg. 23,951 (April 30, 2004). 3 Identification of Ozone Areas for Which the 1-Hour Standard Has Been Revoked and Technical Correction to Phase 1 Rule, 70 Fed. Reg. 44,470 (Aug. 3, 2005). 4 Final Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard—Phase 2; Final Rule to Implement Certain Aspects of the 1990 Amendments Relating to New Source Review and Prevention of Significant Deterioration as They Apply in Carbon Monoxide, Particulate Matter and Ozone NAAQS; Final Rule for Reformulated Gasoline, 70 Fed. Reg. 71,612 (Nov. 29, 2005). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 12 The Utah Air Quality Board adopted a revised maintenance plan on January 3, 2007. Salt Lake and Davis Counties were found to be in attainment on July 18, 1995, under the 1-hour ozone NAAQS5 and had been operating under an approved maintenance plan (62 Federal Register [FR] 38213) since July 17, 1997.6 This maintenance plan demonstrated that Salt Lake and Davis Counties had achieved the 8- hour ozone standard and could maintain compliance with the standard through 2014. 1.3.3 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard In March, 2008, the EPA revised the 1997 8-hour NAAQS from 0.080 to 0.075 ppm averaged over an 8-hour period. In 2012, EPA finalized the standard and issued rulemaking relevant to the implementation of the rule.7 In 2015, EPA finalized the SIP requirements and NAA classifications and determinations for this standard.8 Monitoring data indicated that all areas of Utah were attaining the standard, and thus no SIP revisions were required for the state of Utah for this NAAQS. 1.4 2015 NAAQS Ozone NAAs On October 26, 2015, the EPA promulgated a revision to the primary NAAQS for ground-level ozone in accordance with Section 107(d) of the CAA. This revision lowered the standard from 0.075 to 0.070 ppm for the 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour concentration (MDA8) averaged over three years.9 As a result of the more stringent standard, effective on August 3, 2018, the EPA designated two areas along the Wasatch Front as marginal NAA including the Northern Wasatch Front and Southern Wasatch Front.10 The NWF NAA includes Salt Lake and Davis counties as well as portions of Tooele and Weber counties (Figure 1). 5 Determination of Attainment of Ozone Standard for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, Utah, and Determination Regard ing Applicability of Certain Reasonable Further Progress and Attainment Demonstration Requirements, 60 Fed. Reg. 36,723 (July 18, 1995). 6 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Utah; Salt Lake and Davis Counties Ozone Rede signation to Attainment, Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes, Approval of Related Elements, Approval of Partial NOX RACT Exemption, and Approval o f Weber County I/M Program, 62 Fed. Reg. 38,213 (July 17, 1997). 7 77 FR 30160 8 FR 80 12264 9 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone, 80 Fed. Reg. 65,292 (Oct. 26, 2015). 10 Additional Air Quality Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 83 Fed. Reg. 25,776 (June 4, 2 018). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 13 Figure 1: Wasatch Front Ozone NAAs 1.4.1 Northern Wasatch Front Ozone NAA The boundaries for the NWF NAA include three valleys that are part of the Intermountain West’s basin and range geological province: Tooele Valley, the North Salt Lake Valley, and the Salt Lake Valley. The majority of the approximately 1.8 million residents within the NAA reside in the Salt Lake valleys situated along the base of the Wasatch Mountains. The three valleys consist of a variety of complex topography including low and large valleys bordered by steep mountain terrain and a large body of water—the Great Salt Lake. The average elevation of the three valleys is 4,327 feet above sea level with the bordering Wasatch Mountains rising to elevations over 11,000 feet. The area experiences a dry- summer continental climate with hot and dry summers dominated by persistent high-pressure systems. The relatively high baseline elevation of over 4,000 feet, coupled with its warm and dry climate, and its prominent location in the Intermountain West, results in a naturally high contribution of background ozone in the NWF NAA11 during the typical summer ozone season. 1.4.2 NWF Marginal Ozone NAA Requirements The NWF NAA failed to attain the standard by the marginal attainment date but has met all statutory requirements for a marginal NAA under the CAA Section 182(a) as shown in Table 1. 11 Scientific assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management. Jaffe et al. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 14 Table 1: NWF NAA marginal requirements under the CAA. CAA Requirement Federal Register Approval 2017 Base Year Emission Inventory 86 FR 35404, July 6, 2021 Emission Inventory Statement Rule 87 FR 24273, April 25, 2022 Nonattainment New Source Review 87 FR 24273, April 25, 2022 The design value (DV) calculated from data collected from 2018-2020 was used to determine if the area attained the standard by the attainment date of August 3, 2021. Validated data in EPA’s Air Quality System (AQS) shows a 3-year average of the 4th high maximum daily 8-hour ozone value at the NWF Bountiful monitor of 0.077 ppm, with exceedances also observed at all other monitoring sites in the NAA except Erda in Tooele County (Table 2). Table 2: Ozone values in ppm from sites in NWF NAA from 2018 - 2020. Values calculated in accordance with 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix U. On October 7, 2022, the EPA finalized rulemaking where it determined that the NWF did not attain by the attainment date and reclassified the area to moderate with a new attainment date of August 3, 2024.12 The effective date of this rulemaking was November 7, 2022, marking the effective date of moderate designation for the NWF NAA. 1.4.3 Utah’s Request to Adjustment the NWF NAA Boundary On February 27, 2023, Governor Spencer J. Cox submitted a letter13 and supporting documentation14 to EPA Region 8 administrator Kathleen Becker. In this letter, Governor Cox used his authority under Section 107(d)(3)(D) of the CAA to request an adjustment to the existing NWF NAA boundary (figure 1). The requested modification would extend the western edge of the existing boundary in Tooele County 7.6 miles further west. This adjustment would result in the inclusion of US 12 Determinations of Attainment by the Attainment Date, Extensions of the Attainment Date, and Reclassification of Areas Classif ied as Marginal for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897 (Oct. 7, 2022). 13 Utah’s Request for Boundary Adjustment for the Northern Wasatch Front NAA. Feb. 27, 2023: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air -quality/planning/DAQ-2023- 002065.pdf 14 Request for Adjustment of the Northern Wasatch Front NAA Boundary for the 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Feb. 27, 2023: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-002086.pdf Ozone Summary Site ID Site Name County Annual 4th Highest (ppm) Three Year Average (ppm) 2018 2019 2020 2018-2020 49-057-1003 Harrisville Weber 0.077 0.064 0.074 0.071 49-011-0004 Bountiful Davis 0.080 0.073 0.080 0.077 49-035-2005 Copperview Salt Lake 0.079 0.067 0.075 0.073 49-035-3006 Hawthorne Salt Lake 0.074 0.073 0.075 0.074 49-035-3010 Rose Park Salt Lake 0.080 0.071 0.080 0.077 49-035-3013 Herriman Salt Lake 0.078 0.070 0.073 0.073 49-045-0004 Erda Tooele 0.074 0.065 0.070 0.069 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 15 Magnesium LLC (section 4.15) into the NWF NAA. US Magnesium’s Rowley plant is currently one of the largest point sources of VOCs and NOx in the greater Wasatch Front. US Magnesium is also a unique source of halogen emissions which have been shown to impact both summer and wintertime pollution.15 Upon the receipt of the letter, EPA has 18 months to either approve or deny the state’s request. EPA has not formally acted on this request and thus the extent of the NWF NAA remains as described in section 1.4.3 (Figure 1). However, given the magnitude of emissions from US Magnesium LLC, and their impacts on the NWF NAA, the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) has included US Magnesium LLC in this SIP revision where it is appropriate. 1.5 Responsible Air Agencies 1.5.1 Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Section 19-2-104 of the Utah Code gives the Utah Air Quality Board the authority to promulgate rules “regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source.”16 The UDAQ develops, prepares, and submits SIPs to the Utah Air Quality Board for consideration and promulgation. UDAQ is the primary state agency responsible for the development and implementation of SIPs once they are approved by the Utah Air Quality Board, and associated administrative rules, as required by the CAA. 1.5.2 Interagency Consultation Team UDAQ works in close coordination with local Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) on relevant traffic and travel-related aspects of SIP and transportation conformity activities. The Interagency Consultation Team17 (ICT) is a group of MPOs and transportation planning agencies, that undertake the interagency consultation process as it relates to the development of the SIP, applicable control measures related to transportation included in the SIP, transportation plans, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and Transportation Conformity determinations. Within the NWF NAA, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) serves as the MPO for Box Elder, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber Counties. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Federal Highway Transportation Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and the EPA, are all part of the ICT as well. 1.6 Moderate SIP Elements As part of the reclassification to a moderate NAA, EPA has required that Utah submit a SIP revision.18 A moderate SIP revision requires mandatory planning elements per CAA section 182(b) which are outlined in the final SIP Requirements Rule as well as in Table 3.19 15 Womack CC, Chace WS, Wang S, Baasandorj M, Fibiger DL, Franchin A, Goldberger L, Harkins C, Jo DS, Lee BH, Lin JC, McDonald B C, McDuffie EE, Middlebrook AM, Moravek A, Murphy JG, Neuman JA, Thornton JA, Veres PR, Brown SS. Midlatitude Ozone Depletion and Air Quality Impacts from Industrial Halogen Emissions in the Great Salt Lake Basin. Environ Sci Technol. 2023 Feb 7;57(5):1870-1881. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c05376. Epub 2023 Jan 25. PMID: 36695819. 16 Utah Code Ann. § 19-2-104(1)(a). 17 Utah State Implementation Plan Section XII; Transportation Conformity Consultation (May 2, 2007), available at https://documents.deq.utah.gov/legacy/laws- and-rules/air-quality/sip/docs/2007/05May/SECXII.PDF 18 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897. 19 Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: NAA Classifications Approach, Attainment Deadlines and Revocation of th e 1997 Ozone Standards for Transportation Conformity Purposes, 77 Fed. Reg. 30,160 (May 21, 2012). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 16 Table 3: SIP Requirements Category Requirement Reference Addressed in Section Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) Demonstrate a 15% reduction of VOCs from the base year inventory to the attainment year. CAA §182(b)(1)(A)(i) and 40 CFR §51.1310 Chapter 7 (IX D.11) Base Year and Projected Emission Inventories Establish the base year emission inventory (2017) and attainment year inventory (2023) for use in establishing RFP and demonstration of attainment. CAA §182(b)(1)(B) and 40 CFR §51.1315 Chapter 3 (IX D.11) Attainment Demonstration Demonstration that the NAA will attain the standard using a photochemical model and methods approved in EPA modeling guidance. CAA §182(c)(2)(A) and 40 CFR §51.1308 Chapter 8 (IX D.11) Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) Evaluation of the application of reasonable control technology (technically and economically feasible) at major sources. CAA §182(b)(2) and 40 CFR §51.1312 Chapter 4 (IX D.11) Reasonable Available Control Measure (RACM) Evaluation of application of RACM for all other sources of ozone precursors. CAA §182(b)(2) and 40 CFR §51.1312 Chapter 5 (IX D.11) Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program Evaluate if current I/M program meets CAA requirements. CAA §182(b)(4) Chapter 6 (IX D.11) Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Program General offsets for VOCs shall be a ratio of at least 1.15 to 1.0. CAA §182(b)(5) and 40 CFR §51.1314 Chapter 4 (IX D.11) Contingency Measures Emission reduction measure triggered if the NAA fails to attain the standard by the attainment date. CAA §182(c)(9) Chapter 11 (IX D.11) UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 17 Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets Establishment of maximum allowable emissions from on-road mobile sector for ozone precursor emissions used in transportation conformity analysis. CAA §182(c)(5) Chapter 10 (IX D.11) 1.7 Moderate Area SIP Development Process UDAQ led the development of the moderate SIP and coordinated with the MPOs and EPA on the development of the various SIP elements. Work began in September 2019 in anticipation of the reclassification of the area from marginal to moderate status. Throughout the SIP development, public stakeholder meetings were held to solicit comment and engagement from interested parties as detailed in Chapter 10 of this SIP revision. The UDAQ holds regular bi-monthly meetings with both industry representatives and environmental advocates. These meetings provide the opportunity to maintain open dialogue and transparency in the development of a SIP with interested parties. Once aspects of the SIP were developed to the point where they could be shared, UDAQ scheduled public outreach meetings to present data and information to the public, and the public was provided with the opportunity to comment or make suggestions. UDAQ also posted all documents related to the development of this SIP revision, including all technical supporting documentation, to its public webpage20 as soon as they became available. 20 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-moderate-ozone-sip-technical-support-documentation#supporting-tsd UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 18 Chapter 2 – NWF Monitoring Network 2.1 Monitoring Network The UDAQ maintains a highly reliable, continuous near-surface ambient air monitoring network that meets the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 50, 53, and 58.21 The 1970 CAA and subsequent amendments provide the framework for an ambient air monitoring network that is designed to collect data addressing five basic needs to: 1. Activate emergency control procedures that prevent or alleviate air pollution episodes. 2. Provide air pollution data to the public in a timely manner. 3. Judge compliance with and progress towards meeting ambient air quality standards. 4. Observe pollution trends throughout the region, including non-urban areas. 5. Provide a database for research evaluation of the following effects: urban, land-use, transportation planning, development and evaluation of abatement strategies, and development and validation of diffusion models. The UDAQ collects monitoring data for five NAAQS criteria pollutants including: sulfur dioxide (SO2), CO, ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). In addition, UDAQ currently operates one continuous gas chromatograph for the collection and analysis of ozone precursor data for the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (PAMS) program. Each year, a network review is performed by staff and the Annual Monitoring Network Plan is submitted as a separate document to EPA Region 8 for approval. In addition, Utah has established a comprehensive meteorological monitoring network to supply data for modeling activities, including measurements of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. As part of the air monitoring network, the UDAQ specifically operates an extensive network of ground level in-situ ambient air quality monitoring stations throughout the NWF NAA. The network consists of eight active sites that monitor atmospheric concentrations of ozone that are used for regulatory purposes, as well as two historic sites which help provide context for the extent and length of UDAQs monitoring network (Figure 2). Beyond the UDAQ operated network of sites, there are several research grade ozone monitoring stations within the NAA boundary that are supported by UDAQ including: The Red Butte Ozone Monitoring Network, the mobile based TRAX Air Quality Observation Project platform and the Mobile Electric Bus Air Quality Monitoring Project. While these projects are not regulatory and are not included in the EPA’s Air Quality System and determination of a DV for the NAA, they significantly contribute to the understanding of transport, production, and the spatiotemporal patterns of ozone throughout the NAA. 21 Title 40 Protection of the Environment, Chapter 1 Environmental Protection Agency, Subchapter C Air Programs, Part 50 Nationa l Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards, Part 53 Ambient Air Monitoring Reference and Equivalent Methods and Part 58 Ambient Air Quality Surveillanc e. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 19 Figure 2: Monitoring sites in the NWF NAA The UDAQ currently operates one PAMS site at Hawthorne, located in Salt Lake County. The PAMS program is a subset of the State or Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS) network for enhanced monitoring of ozone precursor chemicals at sites located in an area with a population over 1,000,000 and in areas of moderate and above nonattainment status. The PAMS program is designed with the objective to produce an air quality database to be used to evaluate and refine ozone prediction models. In addition, the program will assist to identify and quantify the ozone precursors and establish the temporal patterns and associated meteorological conditions to assist and refine the control strategies. UDAQ is measuring the following parameters at the PAMS required site: • Carbonyls • Meteorological parameters: ambient temperature, wind direction, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, precipitation, mixing layer height, solar radiation, and UV radiation • Speciated VOCs • True NO2 • NO & NOy • Ozone UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 20 Since significant portions of the NWF NAA overlap with the Salt Lake City PM2.5 NAA, the UDAQ operates the PAMS site for the full calendar year to account for both wintertime PM2.5 and summertime ozone seasons. In order to meet the Enhanced Monitoring Plan (EMP) requirements for a moderate NAA the UDAQ is developing an EMP in fulfillment of federal regulations, 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D 5(h). These regulations require that a state with any area designated moderate or above for the 8-hour ozone standard, and any state within the Ozone Transport Region (OTR), develop, implement, and submit an EMP for ozone to the regional EPA office two years following the effective date of a designation to a classification of moderate or above. The EMP is intended to provide monitoring organizations the flexibility to implement any additional monitoring beyond the minimum requirements for the SLAMS to complement the needs of their area. As part of UDAQ’s proposed EMP, UDAQ plans to expand PAMS monitoring beyond the existing site at Hawthorne to include 5 additional sites throughout the NWF NAA. These sites will represent an array of land use types and will be distributed to provide insight into the underlying atmospheric chemical regimes present at a variety of locations. 2.2 Ozone Monitoring Data Table 4 and Table 5 show the monitoring data for the past twelve years for the NWF ozone monitoring sites. The MDA8, and the 3-year averages of the MDA8 at each site are shown, respectively. A trend graph of data from 2002 – 2021 for the key sites in the NWF is presented in Figure 3. Table 4: NWF MDA8 reported in ppm. NWF NAA Ozone MDA8 (ppm) Site ID AQS # 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bountiful BV 49-011- 0004 0.074 0.068 0.067 0.062* 0.074 0.073* 0.076 0.078 0.080 0.073 0.080 0.082 Copperview CV 49-035- 2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.079* 0.067 0.075 0.086 Hawthorne HW 49-035- 3006 0.073 0.075 0.078 0.077 0.072 0.081 0.074 0.081 0.074 0.073 0.075 0.081 Rose Park RP 49-035- 3010 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.080 0.071 0.080 0.079 Herriman H3 49-035- 3013 --- --- --- --- --- 0.074 0.076 0.078 0.078 0.070 0.073 0.087 Lake Park LP 49-035- 3014 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.062* 0.082 Tech Center UT 49-035- 3015 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.038* 0.071* 0.083 Near Road NR 49-035- 4002 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.064 0.072 0.083 Tooele #3 T3 49-045- 0003 0.074 0.071 0.074 0.072 0.069 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Erda ED 49-045- 0004 --- --- --- --- --- 0.071* 0.072 0.077 0.074 0.065 0.070 0.075 Harrisville HV 49-057- 1003 0.070 0.074 0.076 0.073 0.070 0.074 0.073 0.073 0.077 0.064 0.074 0.077 Ogden O2 49-057- 0002 0.073 0.074 0.066 0.076 0.070 0.072 0.072 0.075 0.079 0.059* --- --- * Indicates numbers that do not meet the data completeness requirements UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 21 Table 5: NWF 8-Hour Ozone Three-Year Average 4th Maximum Ozone Values. 3-yr. Average MDA8 (ppm) Site ID AQS # 2010- 2012 2011- 2013 2012- 2014 2013- 2015 2014- 2016 2015- 2017 2016- 2018 2017- 2019 2018- 2020 2019- 2021 Bountiful BV 49-011- 0004 0.069 0.065* 0.067* 0.069* 0.074* 0.075* 0.078 0.077 0.077 0.078 Copperview CV 49-035- 2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.079* 0.073* 0.073* 0.076* Hawthorne HW 49-035- 3006 0.075* 0.076 0.075 0.076 0.075 0.078 0.076* 0.076 0.074 0.076 Rose Park RP 49-035- 3010 --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.08* 0.075* 0.077* 0.076* Herriman H3 49-035- 3013 --- --- --- 0.074 0.075 0.076 0.077 0.075 0.073 0.076 Lake Park LP 49-035- 3014 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Tech Center UT 49-035- 3015 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.064* Near Road NR 49-035- 4002 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.073* Tooele #3 T3 49-045- 0003 0.073 0.072 0.071 0.07 --- --- --- --- --- --- Erda ED 49-045- 0004 --- --- --- 0.071* 0.071* 0.073* 0.074 0.072 0.069 0.07 Harrisville HV 49-057- 1003 0.073 0.074 0.073 0.072 0.072 0.073 0.074 0.071 0.071 0.071 Ogden O2 49-057- 0002 0.071 0.072 0.07 0.072 0.071 0.073 0.075 0.071* --- --- * Indicates numbers that do not meet the data completeness requirements UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 22 Figure 3: MDA8 in Wasatch Front As shown in Figure 3, the combined state air agency and federal regulatory actions have been successful at reducing ozone values in the NWF. However, the area is still experiencing exceedances of the ozone standard at all regulatory air monitors within the NAA. Ozone represents a unique challenge in the Intermountain West. Despite years of success in reducing precursor emissions of NOX and VOCs, the region still faces significant and unique challenges in meeting ambient ozone concentration health- based standards. These regionally specific challenges include significantly elevated background ozone levels,22 increasing instances and contributions of emissions from wildfire events,23 significant biogenic contributions,24 as well as both interstate and international25 transport. 2.3 Data Quality Assurance The primary purpose of UDAQ’s ambient air monitoring network is to determine whether the area is meeting the criteria pollutant NAAQS. Other purposes for air monitoring include, but are not limited to, determining the impact of sources on air quality, establishing background concentrations, and determining the extent of regional ozone transport. The goal of UDAQ’s Air Monitoring Section is to 22 Scientific Assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management 23 Influence of Fires on O3 Concentrations in the Western U.S.; Dan Jaffe, Duli Chand, Will Hafner, Anthony Westerling, and Dominick Spracklen; Environment al Science & Technology 2008 42 (16), 5885-5891. DOI: 10.1021/es800084k 24 EPA Webinar; Description and preliminary evaluation of BELD 6 and BEIS 4. ORD. Jesse O. Bash and Jeff Vukovich 25 Entrainment of stratospheric air and Asian pollution by the convective boundary layer in the southwestern U.S.; Langford, A.O . et al. (2017), J. Geophysics. Res. Atmos., 122, 1312-1337, doi:10.1002/2016JD025987 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 23 produce data that are complete, comparable, representative, precise, and accurate in accordance with 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A. Data quality is calculated at least annually according to EPA’s accepted statistical procedures to determine compliance with the recommended limits. Data outside these limits are still reported to Air Quality System (AQS), but UDAQ flags the data internally and attempts to determine the source of the problems. The UDAQ Air Monitoring Quality Assurance Program Plan provides details of how UDAQ meets the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A and is made available to the public for review.26 Table 6 shows the data recovery rates for each monitoring site in the NWF NAA as a percentage. The percent of data recovery is the number of valid sampling hours occurring within the ozone season divided by the total number of hours encompassing the ozone season. The ozone season for Utah was defined as from January 1 to December 31, thus is year-round.27 A valid sampling day is one in which at least 75% of the hourly averages are recorded. Table 6: NWF Ozone Data Recovery Rates shown as percentages. Site 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Bountiful 49-011-0004 99% 97% 98% 64% 99% 53% 100% 99% 99% 98% 99% 99% Copperview 49-035-2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 96% 93% 98% 97% Hawthorne 49-035-3006 99% 97% 98% 64% 99% 53% 100% 99% 99% 98% 99% 96% Rose Park 49-035-3010 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 87% 80% 98% 99% Herriman 49-035-3013 --- --- --- --- --- 100% 98% 98% 97% 99% 99% 98% Lake Park 49-035-3014 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 99% 98% Tech Center 49-035-3015 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 99% 99% 98% Near Road --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 99% 98% 99% Tooele 49-045-0003 64% 98% 99% 100% 99% 100% 83% 83% 97% 99% 92% --- Erda 49-045-0004 --- --- --- --- --- 61% 100% 99% 93% 97% 99% 99% Harrisville 49-057-1003 83% 99% 98% 99% 100% 96% 99% 89% 99% 82% 98% 96% Ogden 49-057-0002 98% 94% 96% 99% 100% 100% 99% 99% 99% 99% --- --- As shown in Table 6, the UDAQ monitoring program is extremely robust with a consistently high level of data recovery. On an annual basis, the monitoring network is evaluated, assessed, and adjusted as necessary to ensure that the agency and the public have an accurate understanding of local air quality 26 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/air-monitoring/DAQ-2022-007189.pdf 27 83 FR 25776 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 24 concentrations and trends. What these monitoring values represent and how they are impacted will be evaluated and discussed in other SIP chapters. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 25 Chapter 3 - Baseline and Future Year Emission Inventories 3.1 Emission Inventory Background 3.1.1 2017 Base Year Inventory In accordance with the CAA and 40 CFR §51.1315, when the NWF was designated as a marginal ozone NAA, the UDAQ was required to submit a base year emission inventory 24 months after the effective date of designation. A base year inventory is comprised of a comprehensive, accurate, current inventory of actual emissions from sources of VOCs and NOX emitted within the boundaries of the NAA as required by CAA Section 182(a)(1). The base year for this SIP submittal is 2017, which is the most recent calendar year for which a complete triennial inventory was submitted to the EPA. The inventory is compiled in ozone season day emissions, which is an average day’s emissions for a typical ozone season work weekday. This requirement was met and approved by EPA in 86 FR 35404, on July 6, 2021. As a result of being reclassified as a moderate ozone NAA, the 2017 base year inventory is being resubmitted as part of this NWF moderate SIP as some refinements have been made since the submittal of the marginal base year inventory. The methodology for each inventory source category will be provided in this chapter, with a more detailed description provided in the technical support document (TSD) for this SIP. 3.1.2 2023 Projected Year Inventory To support the CAA requirement for a moderate NAA to demonstrate RFP towards attainment, UDAQ has developed a projected emission inventory for 2023 based on the base year inventory described in Section 3.1.1. 2023 is the year prior to the required attainment date of August 3, 2024, thus the state is required to demonstrate a 15% reduction in VOCs between 2017 and 2023 in accordance with 40 CFR § 51.1310. The emission inventory presented here represents the projected inventory for sources with no additional emission controls implemented beyond actions taken under the PM2.5 SIPs. A discussion of proposed or potential emission controls and how they will help achieve the required VOC reductions and demonstration of attainment will be discussed in Chapter 7, RFP. This chapter provides the methodology and results of developing the baseline and future year inventories in accordance with available EPA guidance.28 3.2 Baseline 2017 Emission Inventory a nd Projected 2023 Emission Inventory Both inventories developed for the SIP are reported as an average day’s emissions for a typical ozone season work weekday, in the unit of tons per day (tpd). This is an average summer day for the NWF. The 2017 inventory of actual emissions is the basis for any projections made to represent future years. Emission inventories are generally collected and reported as annual emissions. These annual inventories are processed through the Sparse Matrix Operating Kernel Emissions Model (SMOKE).29 SMOKE modeling spatially allocates, temporalizes, and chemically speciates annual emissions estimations from the emissions inventories. Post-SMOKE, annual emissions are temporalized and can be represented in tons per day. Spatial allocation, temporalization, and chemical speciation are SCC-specific operations. UDAQ typically tabulates emissions from area and mobile sources on a county-by-county 28 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf 29 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air -quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 26 basis, however the NAA includes two partial counties. To obtain the typical ozone season day, emission inventories are entered into the SMOKE model such that it is assigned a geographic location (grid cell). To report emissions specific to the NAA, UDAQ cropped the post-SMOKE processed gridded emissions using a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool using polygons representing the boundaries of the NAA. An inventory of emissions was developed for the major source categories as presented in Table 7 for the 2017 emission inventory. Residential wood combustion is excluded as this source is not a significant emitter of ozone precursors when compared to more predominant sources in the NAA and is not seasonally relevant to summertime ozone production in the NWF. More detailed post-SMOKE emissions inventory tables can be found in the SMOKE TSD.30 Table 7: 2017 Nonattainment Emission Inventory (tons per day) NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD Solvents 0.56 43.20 Area (non-point) 5.36 8.51 Livestock 0.69 Non-road 10.52 12.53 Rail 9.25 0.47 Airports 3.14 1.25 Electric Generating Units (EGUs) 0.44 0.03 Point Sources 20.43 5.85 On-road Mobile 55.53 20.47 ERC Bank 3.1 0.7 TOTAL ANTHROPOGENIC 108.33 93.7 The projection year emissions inventory was prepared for 2023 as this is the year prior to the attainment date of August 3, 2024. The emission projections reflect changes due to growth and existing controls. The 2023 emission inventories presented here do not account for controls put in place specifically from actions taken for this SIP. 30 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 27 Table 8: 2023 Projected Nonattainment Emission Inventory (tpd) NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOX TPD VOC TPD Solvents 0.71 44.52 Area (non-point) 4.85 8.26 Livestock 0.71 Non-road 8.05 12.62 Rail 8.77 0.44 Airports 3.74 1.42 Electric Generating Units (EGUs) 0.45 0.03 Point Sources 22.00 6.00 On-road Mobile 35.40 15.32 ERC Bank 3.1 0.7 TOTAL ANTHROPOGENIC 87.07 90.02 3.2.1 Fires and Biogenic Sources Emissions from wildland and prescribed fires, and biogenic sources, which are dependent on meteorological conditions, are accounted for during the modeling phase and are not traditionally inventoried.31 Emissions from wildfires are accounted for using the Blue-Sky Framework in the SMOKE model. Biogenic emissions are modeled with the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) version 3.6.1. BEIS creates gridded, hourly, model-species emissions from vegetation and soils. Forests are significant sources of VOCs, and the burning of forest material is a source of ozone precursors and particulate matter. These source categories are crucial to include in any ozone modeling demonstration. The emissions from biogenic sources are shown in Table 9 and are held constant between 2017 and 2023. Table 9: Biogenic Emissions (tons per day) NWF NAA COUNTIES (includes all of Tooele and Weber Counties) 2017 base year Sector NO TPD VOC TPD TOTAL NAA COUNTY-WIDE BIOGENIC 5.57 246.88 3.2.2 Solvent Emissions The solvents sector includes VOC emissions from everyday items such as cleaners, personal care products, adhesives, architectural and aerosol coatings, printing inks, asphalt, and pesticides. Emissions estimates were sourced from EPA’s 2016v2 platform, which were generated with the VCPy framework. EPA’s 2017 platform predates EPA’s 2016v2 platform, and it does not include emissions from solvents according to the VCPy framework. The VCPy framework features better VOC emissions estimates than previous platforms, thus UDAQ made every effort to include improved emissions in the solvents inventory.32 Since EPA’s 2016 modeling base year did not align with the NWF SIP 2017 base year, the inventory was projected to 2017. The only relation expected to change between 2016 and 2017 base years is the mass of chemical products used. To determine a change in product used, UDAQ evaluated 31 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf 32 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 28 the average Producer Price Index (PPI) across the summer months represented during our modeling episode: June, July, and August. In 2016, the average summer PPI for all commodities was 187.3. In 2017 the PPI was 193.6. This shows a 3% increase in PPI from 2016 to 2017, so all solvents emissions from the 2016v2 platform VCPy inventory were increased by 3% to produce the 2017 base year VCPy inventory used in this modeling demonstration. The 2016v2 platform includes projected emissions inventories for 2023 that were utilized by UDAQ. Table 10 and Table 11 provide the 2017 baseline inventory for solvents and the projected 2023 inventory respectively. Emissions from hot mix asphalt (HMA) plants are submitted as point source inventories, however, all HMA plants in the NAA have 2017 NOx and/or VOC emissions less than 100 tons per year (tpy). Point sources with NOx and/or VOC emissions less than 100 tpy are assumed to be represented in nonpoint sectors, but emissions from asphalt plants are technically not represented in the solvents or nonpoint sectors. To accommodate planned rulemaking, UDAQ added emissions from HMA plants to the solvents sector. It is important to note that the emissions associated with HMA facilities discussed in this section represent UDAQ’s best assumptions for actual annual emissions associated with the production of HMA products based on known metrics like annual production. Elsewhere in this SIP revision emissions may be reported based on the combined potential to emit based on permitted maximums from all HMA facilities, and thus represent the upper bounds of potential emissions from HMA facilities. Table 10: Solvent Emissions Inventory NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOX TPD VOC TPD Solvents 0.56 43.20 Consumer Products - 18.23 HMA plants 0.56 0.06 Other Solvents - 24.91 Table 11: 2023 Solvent Emissions Inventory NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOX TPD VOC TPD Solvents 0.71 44.52 Consumer Products - 18.80 HMA plants 0.71 0.11 Other Solvents - 25.62 3.2.3 Area Sources Nonpoint (area) sources are typically smaller, yet pervasive sources that do not qualify as point sources under the relevant emissions cutoffs. Area sources encompass more widespread sources that may be abundant, but that, individually, release small amounts of a given pollutant. These are sources for which emissions are estimated as a group rather than individually. Examples typically include residential heating and residential charcoal grilling. Area sources generally are not required to submit individual emissions estimates, and instead are reported as county totals. Area source calculation methods are consistent with Utah’s methods for reporting the EPA’s tri- annual National Emissions Inventory. Area source emissions are calculated based on activity data, which UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 29 is gathered from sources such as Departments of Transportation, State Tax Commissions, State Data Centers, State Offices of Planning and Budget, State Energy Commissions, federal agencies such as the U.S. Census Bureau, county and local government agencies, airports, natural gas suppliers, and local trade associations. These data include population, employment, vehicle miles traveled (VMT), fuel usage, animal, crop, and other estimates. Area source calculations are often based on combining these activity data with emission factors. Emission factors were also gathered from similar sources, mostly EPA documents. Area sources were adjusted for potential overlaps and double counts with point sources.33 Emission projections for 2023 were based on 2017 data and projected forward. Projection methods were consistent with methods used in past Utah SIPs. Emission projections were based on activity data, similar to their baseline estimates. Depending on the specific source, emissions were projected to scale with population, manufacturing, agricultural, employment data, Energy Information Agency energy use projections, VMT, and other similar data sources. Livestock emissions were calculated using EPA generated emission factors for livestock animals and multiplying them by the respective livestock populations for each county. Future emissions were forecast using a linear regression model to predict future year livestock emissions as based on agricultural employment. Table 12: 2017 Area Source Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOX TPD VOC TPD Livestock - 0.69 Nonpoint 5.36 8.51 2 - 5 MMBTU boilers 0.91 0.05 Other Nonpoint Sources 4.45 8.46 Table 13: Area Source Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOX TPD VOC TPD Livestock - 0.71 Nonpoint 4.85 8.26 2 - 5 MMBTU boilers 0.87 0.05 Other Nonpoint Sources 3.99 8.21 3.2.4 Non-Road, Rail, and Airport Sources EPA’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES3) model was used to obtain emission inventories for non-road mobile vehicles and equipment that operate on unpaved roads and other areas but not on paved roads.34 They include non-road engines and equipment, such as lawn and garden equipment, construction equipment, engines used in recreational activities, portable industrial, commercial, and agricultural engines. Emissions from MOVES3 for the month of July are input to SMOKE to obtain the typical ozone season day value. 33 Area Source Inventories; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001348.pdf 34 2017 BASELINE, EPISODIC AND 2023 PROJECTION OZONE EMISSIONS INVENTORY NON-ROAD MOBILE SOURCE; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air- quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001585.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 30 Emissions from snow blowers and snowmobiles have been removed from the non-road sector, assuming that these emissions are zero during the summertime modeling episode. Emissions from pleasure craft (personal watercraft and recreational boats with outboard or inboard/sterndrive motors) are allocated to counties according to the number of watercraft registrations in each county. However, along the Wasatch Front, personal watercraft is not operated in the county of residence. Bodies of water on which pleasure craft may be operated exist in mainly rural counties beyond the urban corridor of the Wasatch Front. Assuming that pleasure craft owners transport their recreational vehicles to use them, UDAQ removes any pleasure craft emissions from Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Tooele counties. These four counties do not include any bodies of water on which pleasure craft may be operated. 35 Emissions in the airports sector include all emissions from aircraft and associated ground support equipment. UDAQ’s platform base year airport emissions are sourced from EPA’s 2017 platform within Utah, and from EPA’s 2016v2 platform outside Utah. All future year 2023 emissions were copied from EPA’s 2016v2 platform future year emissions inventories (2023). Rail emissions within the state of Utah include all locomotives, railway maintenance locomotives, and point source yard locomotives.36 Table 14: Non-Road, Rail and Airports Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD Non-road 10.52 12.53 2-stoke Lawn/garden Equipment 0.11 3.33 Other Lawn/garden Equipment 1.48 4.35 Other Non-road Sources 8.94 4.86 Rail 9.25 0.47 Airports 3.14 1.25 Table 15: 2023 Non-Road, Rail and Airports Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD Non-road 8.05 12.62 2-stoke Lawn/garden Equipment 0.12 3.63 Other Lawn/garden Equipment 1.46 4.42 Other Non-road Sources 6.47 4.57 Rail 8.77 0.44 Airports 3.74 1.42 3.2.5 Point Sources and Electric Generating Units (EGUs) The definition of a Type B Source under Title V of the CAA (as specified in 40 CFR Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 51) includes point source thresholds in the NAA. This definition includes all facilities with the potential to emit 100 tpy or more of VOC or NOX. Emissions from sources under the Type B thresholds are included in the area source baseline inventory, as they do not have large enough 35 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air -quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf 36 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.ut ah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 31 potential emissions to qualify for the point source inventory. According to the Type B Source definition, Utah had 53 major point sources of NOx and VOC in 2017, 12 of which are located in the NWF NAA. UDAQ has improved emissions inventory data management with the implementation of the State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS). This system has established an online emissions inventory system, whereby point sources can submit their air emissions inventories to UDAQ. SLEIS includes built-in calculation capabilities which simplify the process and reduce the workload for point sources. SLEIS also contains extensive Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) tools which guide point sources as they submit their data, thereby greatly reducing oversight required by UDAQ staff. The 2017 triannual emissions inventory was submitted to UDAQ by point sources using the SLEIS online system. The submitted emissions inventories were thoroughly reviewed using additional QA/QC by UDAQ staff before being finalized. The QA/QC contained in the SLEIS online system along with the review performed by UDAQ staff greatly surpasses EPA guidance requiring 10% QA/QC as the minimum criteria necessary for a SIP inventory. The 2017-point source emissions inventory was used for the baseline emissions inventory for the SIP.37 Point source emissions were represented as the actual emissions from the 2017 triannual emissions inventory which coincides with the most recent triannual inventory that has been compiled and reviewed by UDAQ. Point source emissions, as based on annual actual emissions, in the NAA and affecting the NWF NAA was grown on a case-by-case basis for each source and represented in the ozone SIP workbooks for 2023. Emission estimates were projected to future years and to display any control technologies that will be applied. Data from Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute County Projections were used for developing projected emissions for all major point sources. 38 More information on how the Kem C. Gardner data was used is found on page 3 of the 2023 Point Source TSD. Point source operators provided a monthly percentage of annual emissions from January to December as part of their emissions inventory submission, which was used to generate source-specific monthly temporal profiles in SMOKE for point sources in Utah’s emissions inventory. Emissions summaries are provided on a per-facility basis in the SMOKE TSD.39 Table 16: 2017 Point Sources and EGUs Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD EGUs 0.44 0.03 Point Sources 20.43 5.85 5+ MMBTU boilers 1.90 0.12 Other Point Sources 18.52 5.74 37 Base Year Ozone SIP Point Source Inventory; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001356.pdf 38 Projected Ozone SIP Point Source Inventory; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001361.pdf 39 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 32 Table 17: 2023 Point Sources and EGUs Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD EGUs 0.45 0.03 Point Sources 22.00 6.00 5+ MMBTU boilers 1.48 0.14 Other Point Sources 20.52 5.86 3.2.6 On-Road Mobile On-road mobile source emissions include vehicles that travel on paved roads that produce exhaust, evaporative, and road dust emissions. The on-road mobile inventory was compiled using Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES3) according to the document “MOVES3 Technical Guidance: Using MOVES to Prepare Emissions Inventories for SIPs and Transportation Conformity” November 2020. The baseline year and projection year inventories was compiled through the ICT. The interagency consultation team is primarily used to discuss and decide what MOVES modeling inputs should be used with the SIP modeling domain. The ICT includes representatives from EPA, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Authority, Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority, Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), Cache MPO, and UDAQ.40 On-road mobile source baseline and projection emission inventories are prepared for an average ozone season weekday based on average hourly temperatures and relative humidity from 2017 July data. VMT were reported as an average ozone season day weekday. Table 18: 2017 On-road emission inventory for ozone weekday NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD On-road Mobile 55.53 20.47 Heavy Duty Vehicles 27.21 3.65 Light Duty Vehicles 28.32 16.82 Table 19: 2023 On-road emission inventory for ozone weekday NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD On-road Mobile 35.40 15.32 Heavy Duty Vehicles 23.41 2.74 Light Duty Vehicles 11.98 12.58 40 2017 THE NORTHERN WASATCH FRONT, UT NONATTAINMENT OZONE AREA SUMMER BASELINE OZONE INVENTORY ON -ROAD TECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001725.pdf & 2023 NORTHERN WASATCH FRONT, UT NONATTAINMENT OZONE AREA SUMMER PROJECTION OZONE INVENTORY ON-ROAD TECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENT; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ- 2023-001699.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 33 3.2.7 Emission Reduction Credit Bank The NAA has Emission Reduction Credit Bank (ERC) from past ozone SIP revisions that include NOx and VOC credits available. Emission credit banks for VOCs and NOx were reviewed for the four NAA counties. All banked credits were reviewed for validity concerning applicable emission credits meeting 2017 RACT or better for controlled or reduced emissions. Upon review, the majority of credits were awarded as a result of a unit or facility closure or decommissioning. Credits are valid and remained in the bank if the applicable change was RACT or better. These credits are available in the ERC offset bank moving forward and were included in the ERC portion of both the baseline and projected year inventories to represent all potential emissions within the NAA boundary.41 Table 20: 2017 ERC Bank Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2017 base year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD ERC Bank 3.10 0.70 Table 21: 2023 ERC Bank Emission Inventory NWF NAA 2023 future year Sector NOx TPD VOC TPD ERC Bank 3.10 0.70 41 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 34 Chapter 4 – Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysis and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) 4.1 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Overview Under the CAA 182(b)(2), all areas designated moderate nonattainment for the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS are required to implement RACT for all existing major sources of VOCs or NOx that emit 100 tpy of either pollutant, as well as all VOC sources subject to an EPA Control Technique Guideline (CTG). CTGs are documents issued by the EPA to provide states with recommendations on how to control VOC emissions from specific sources or products in an ozone NAA. When determining what is RACT, in addition to existing CTGs and alternative control techniques (ACTs), states should consider, “all relevant information (including recent technical information and information submitted by the public) that is available at the time they develop the RACT SIPs.”42. “States may require VOC and NOX reductions that are “beyond RACT" if such reductions are needed to provide for timely attainment of the ozone NAAQS.”43 A RACT analysis identifies controls that could be implemented at the lowest emission limitation that a source is capable of meeting by the application of a control technology that is reasonably available, considering technological and economic feasibility.44 Implementation of controls identified under the RACT process must be implemented by January 1, 2023, for emission reductions to be creditable towards RFP requirements (section 7).45 A RACT analysis must include the latest information when evaluating control technologies. Control technologies evaluated for a RACT analysis can range from work practices to add-on controls. As part of the RACT analysis, current control technologies already in use for VOCs or NOX sources can be taken into consideration. To conduct a RACT analysis, a top-down analysis is used to rank all control technologies. 4.1.1 Top Down RACT Analysis Steps For sources that meet or exceed the applicable emission thresholds, the following steps are followed: • Step 1. Identify all RACT options applicable to the source • Step 2. Eliminate technically infeasible control technologies • Step 3. Rank remaining control technologies based on capture and control efficiencies • Step 4. Evaluate remaining control technologies based on economic, energy, and environmental feasibility • Step 5. Select RACT options 42 Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: NAA State Implementation Plan Requirements, 83 Fed. Reg. 62,998, 63,007 (Dec. 6, 2018). 43 Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements, 80 Fed. Reg. 12,264, 12,279 (March 6, 2015). 44 40 CFR § 51.1312 Requirements for reasonably available control technology (RACT) and reasonably available control measures (RACM). 45 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 35 All available control technologies must be included in a RACT analysis for all VOC and NOx sources, with a thorough description and discussion of technological feasibility. Economic feasibility is determined through Step 4 of a RACT analysis using EPA’s Air Pollution Control Cost Manual as guidance.46 4.2 Utah RACT Process The UDAQ relied on multiple available analyses when determining if sources within the NWF NAA met RACT requirements, or if the implementation of additional RACT were required to demonstrate that the NWF NAA will attain the standard at the earliest possible date. First, the UDAQ reviewed and reconsidered control options submitted as part of the Salt Lake City, UT PM2.5 serious SIP, which required the implementation of the more stringent Best Available Control Technologies (BACT) for both NOx and VOCs.47 BACT relies on more restrictive emission control requirements than RACT, and thus emission reduction strategies identified and implemented under BACT are more stringent than those identified through the RACT process. Therefore, by reexamining past BACT analyses, the UDAQ relied on a recently conducted analysis which implemented controls that conform to a higher economic and technological standard. In doing so, the UDAQ is remaining consistent with guidance provided by the EPA48, in which the EPA concludes that states may conclude a source has already addressed RACT based on a RACT determination for a previous NAAQS SIP revision. For instance, the EPA proposes that in some instances a RACT analysis submitted for the 1997 NAAQS are appropriate for meeting RACT requirements for the 2008 NAAQS.49 In this example, states are granted the discretion to rely on a like- for-like RACT analysis with a substantial time laps between respective SIP revisions under each NAAQS. For this SIP revision, the UDAQ reexamined the more stringent BACT analyses submitted with a shorter time lapse than that provided in the example, with BACT reports being submitted just 4 to 5 years earlier. In addition to reexamining past BACT reports, the UDAQ identified three emission sources that were not evaluated as part of the PM2.5 serious SIP. Those analyses were provided to UDAQ by Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC50, Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal51, and Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal52. These three RACT reports were later included in facility wide updated RACT analyses by each of the respective sources and therefore were analyzed in multiple rounds of RACT analysis conducted as part of this SIP revision. Beyond the past PM2.5 BACT reports, and three additional RACT reports submitted for review, the UDAQ notified sources that they could opt-in to submitting an updated facility wide RACT analysis for consideration in this SIP revision. Subsequently, 9 sources within the NAA provided UDAQ with new RACT analyses for emissions of both VOCs and NOx. The UDAQ reviewed all analyses submitted in 46 EPA’s Air Pollution Control Cost Manual can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020 -07/documents/c_allchs.pdf 47 Utah State Implementation Plan; Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, Serious Area PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, Utah NAA; Section IX. Part A.31: https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/control-strategies-serious-area-pm2-5-sip 48 80 FR 12264 & 83 FR 62998 49 80 FR 12264 p.12278 50 The RACT analysis from the Tesoro Refinery and Marketing Company can be found at: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air -quality/planning/air-quality- policy/DAQ-2022-011275.pdf 51 The RACT analysis for the Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal can be found at: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/air-quality- policy/DAQ-2022-011295.pdf 52 The RACT analysis for the Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal can be found at: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air -quality/planning/air-quality-policy/DAQ- 2022-011292.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 36 conjunction with past BACT reports, and where warranted, requested updated RACT reports with additional or clarifying information. All RACT analyses, and all follow-up reports, were made available for public review at the earliest possible date53. UDAQ determined that one major source located outside the NWF NAA impacts the ability of the NAA to attain the NAAQS, and as such was required to provide a RACT analysis to UDAQ. This source, US Magnesium, its RACT analysis, and identified control options, will be discussed in detail in Section 4.15. 4.2.1 Actual Emissions and Potential to Emit (PTE) Utah Administrative Rule R307-101; General Requirements, contains the definitions for the terms “Actual Emissions”, “Potential to Emit”, and “Enforceable”. Thus, the actual emissions of a source refers to the actual rate of emissions of an air pollutant from an emissions unit. Actual emissions are calculated using the unit’s actual operating hours, production rates, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the selected time period. The actual emissions of a source can fluctuate from year-to-year due to changes in a source’s year-to-year operations. The PTE of a source means the estimated maximum capacity of a source to emit an air pollutant under its physical and operational design. A source’s PTE is not an enforceable limitation in itself, but is instead the maximum amount of air pollutants a source could emit if each emission unit operated at 100% of its design capacity, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Any physical or operational limitation on the capacity of a source to emit an air pollutant, including air pollution control equipment and operational or process restrictions or limitations, are treated as part of a source’s design if the limitation is enforceable. Enforceable limitations and conditions include requirements developed pursuant to 40 CFR Parts 60 and 61, requirements within the Utah SIP and Utah Administrative Rule Series R307, and any permit requirements established pursuant to Utah Administrative Rule R307-401; Permit: New and Modified Sources. 4.3 Big West Oil LLC - Refinery 4.3.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Big West Oil LLC – Big West Oil Refinery (Big West). The UDAQ relied on past submitted BACT reports and an additional RACT analysis submitted by Big West for evaluation on January 31, 2023; specific sections from this analysis are referenced in the RACT analysis. Specific ozone SIP conditions for Big West can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.a. 4.3.2 Facility Process Summary The Big West Oil Refinery is a petroleum refinery capable of processing 30,000 barrels per day of crude oil. The source consists of a specific type of Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU), a Millisecond Catalytic Cracker (MSCC); catalytic reforming unit; hydrotreating units; and a sulfur recovery unit. The source also has an assortment of heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and fugitive emissions. 53 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-moderate-ozone-sip-technical-support-documentation#supporting-tsd UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 37 4.3.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from Big West processes and equipment are summarized in Table 22. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Big West were established by the most recent active Approval Orders (AOs) issued to the source. Big West currently has several open AO modifications that will include updating their PTE to more accurately reflect their operations. • AO DAQE-AN101220077-22 issued January 13, 2022 (0077-22) • AO DAQE-AN101220074-19 issued October 23, 2019 (0074-19) • AO DAQE-AN101220072-19 issued July 10, 2019 (0072-19) Table 22: Big West Oil LLC Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions Big West Oil LLC Refinery Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 115.15 195.00 VOC 676.59 432.78 4.3.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Big West Oil, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 23. Table 23: Big West Oil LLC - Refinery Big West Oil LLC - Refinery RACT Section #54 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 3.1 FCCU (MSCC) Regenerator NOx Low-NOx regeneration with low-NOx promoter catalyst - meets MACT Subpart UUU. (0077-22) II.B.3.b H.12.b.ii & H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustion practices, no (0077-22) I.5 No 54 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001493.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 38 additional controls. 3.2 - 3.4 Process Heaters and Boilers NOx LNB & ULNB required on various units, & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0077-22) II.B.1.d & II.B.8.d H.12.b.ii & H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0077-22) I.5 No 3.5 Refinery Flares NOx Evaluated through control of flare gases, not through individual pollutants, requirement to meet New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart Ja and MACT Subpart CC for flares. (0077-22) II.B.4 & II.B.7.c H.11.g.v, H.12.b.ii, & H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs 3.4 SRU NOx Existing tail gas incinerator & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0077-22) II.B.8.d H.12.b.ii & H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.13 Cooling Towers VOCs MACT Subpart CC requirements on cooling towers servicing high VOC heat exchangers. (0077-22) II.B.7.a H.11.g.iii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.7 Fugitive emissions VOCs Low leak LDAR requirements of NSPS Subpart GGGa. (0077-22) II.B.1.a & II.B.7.b H.11.g.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 39 3.10 & 3.11 Tanks VOCs Submerged fill operations & tank degassing requirements - eventual compliance with NSPS Subpart Kb or MACT Subpart CC. (0072-19) II.B.1.a & II.B.1.b H.11.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.12 Wastewater System VOCs API separator with fixed cover, carbon canisters for VOC control, 90% removal efficiency. No H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.6 Standby Fire Pumps VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0074-19) I.5 H.12.b.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx (0074-19) II.B.1.c 3.8 Truck Loading Rack VOCs Vapor recovery unit with carbon adsorption in compliance with MACT Subpart CC. (0077-22) I.5 H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.9 Railcar Loading Rack VOCs Vapor recovery with vapor combustion unit in compliance with MACT Subpart R. (0077-22) I.5 H.12.b.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. N/A Refinery General Approach NOx Refinery-wide NOx limit. (0077-22) II.B.8.d H.12.b.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 40 4.3.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emission limitations are considered RACT for the Big West Oil Refinery. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for Big West Oil Refinery as required by this SIP revision. 4.4 Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery 4.4.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery (Chevron Refinery). In addition to its past submitted BACT reports, Chevron Refinery submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 31, 2023, with supporting information submitted February 23, 2023, and February 24, 2023; specific sections from this analysis are referenced in the RACT analysis. Specific Ozone SIP conditions for Chevron Refinery can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.b. 4.4.2 Facility Process Summary The Chevron Refinery is a petroleum refinery with a nominal capacity of approximately 50,000 barrels per day of crude oil. The source consists of two FCCUs, a delayed coking unit, a catalytic reforming unit, hydrotreating units, and two sulfur recovery units. The source also has an assortment of heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and fugitive emissions. The refinery operates with a flare gas recovery system on its hydrocarbon flares. 4.4.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Chevron Refinery processes and equipment are summarized in Table 24. The 2017 baseline actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Chevron Refinery were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN101190106-22 issued August 24, 2022 (0106-22) • AO DAQE-AN101190104-22 issued September 26, 2022 (0104-22) Table 24: Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 265.50 766.50 VOC 339.60 1,242.06 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 41 4.4.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Chevron Refinery, AOs and supporting documentation, and Section IX, Utah SIP Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPs. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 25. Table 25: Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery Chevron Products Company – Salt Lake Refinery RACT Section #55 Emission Unit / Activity Pollutant RACT Determin ation Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions II.A FCCU Regenerator NOx Feed hydrotrea ting & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0106-22) II.B.1.h & II.B.7.b H.12.d.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustio n practices, no additional controls. (0106-22) I.5 No II.B Process Heaters and Boilers NOx LNB, FGR (Boilers 5, 6,7), & refinery- wide NOx limit, complianc e with NSPS Subpart Ja. (0106-22) II.B.1.h, II.B.2, & II.B.3 H.12.d.ii & H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustio n practices, (0106-22) I.5 No 55 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001911.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 42 no additional controls, complianc e with NSPS Subpart Ja. II.B Crude Heaters NOx LNB & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0106-22) II.B.1.h H.12.d.ii & H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustio n practices. (0106-22) I.5 No II.C SRU NOx Existing tail gas treatment unit and thermal oxidizer & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0106-22) II.B.1.h H.12.d.ii & H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.D Cooling Towers VOCs MACT Subpart CC requireme nts on cooling towers servicing high VOC heat exchanger s. (0106-22) II.B.10.a H.11.g.iii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.E Fugitive emissions VOCs Low leak LDAR requireme nts of NSPS Subpart GGGa. (0106-22) II.B.10.b H.11.g.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.F Tanks VOCs Submerge d fill (0106-22) II.B.10.c1 H.11.g.vi Current operations UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 43 operation s & tank degassing requireme nts - complianc e with NSPS Subpart Kb or MACT Subpart CC. & (0104-22) II.B.2.c2 meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.G Wastewater System VOCs Induced air floatation & RTO, complianc e with NSPS Subpart QQQ and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Subpart FF. (0104-22) II.B.2.a & II.B.2.b H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.H Refinery Flares NOx Evaluated through control of flare gases, not through individual pollutants , requireme nt to meet NSPS Subpart Ja for flares. (0106-22) II.B.10.d H.11.g.v, H.12.d.ii, & H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 44 II.I Standby Fire Pumps and Emergency Diesel Engines VOCs Proper maintena nce and operation, and complianc e with NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ. (0106-22) I.5 H.12.d.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx (0106-22) II.B.8.c II.L Reformer Compressor Engines NOx Use of NSCR meeting NOx emission limits in SIP Section IX, Part H.12.d.v. (0106-22) II.B.9.a H.12.d.v & H.12.d.vii SCR incorrectly required in SIP Section IX, Part H.12.d.vii. Correct control required is NSCR. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. II.J Crude Oil Loading Racks VOCs Vapor Combusti on Unit with a 98% VOC control efficiency. (0104-22) II.B.3.a H.12.d.vii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. N/A Refinery General Approach NOx Refinery- wide NOx limit. (0106-22) II.B.1.h H.12.d.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.4.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities examined in this RACT analysis indicates that all activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and all other existing controls and emissions limitations are considered UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 45 RACT for the Chevron Refinery. No other additional add-on controls or limitations are technically or economically feasible options at this time. 4.5 Hexcel Corporation 4.5.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Hexcel Corporation (Hexcel). In addition to its past BACT reports, Hexcel submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 31, 2023. Specific Ozone SIP conditions for Hexcel can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.c. 4.5.2 Facility Process Summary Hexcel owns and operates a carbon fiber and fabric pre-impregnation manufacturing plant in West Valley City. Products made at Hexcel are used in commercial aerospace primary and secondary structures, helicopters, defense aircraft, satellites, and sporting equipment. The facility consists of twelve production buildings, two raw material receiving warehouses, and a material testing laboratory. The plant manufactures carbon fibers and hot melt pre-impregnation fabrics. The plant also produces epoxy resins, adhesive films, and solvated fabrics. 4.5.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Hexcel industrial processes and equipment are summarized in Table 26. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Hexcel were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN113860032-19 issued May 13, 2019 (0032-19) Table 26: Hexcel Corporation Facility-Wide Emissions Hexcel Corporation Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 187.90 197.51 VOC 154.20 168.34 4.5.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Hexcel, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 27. Table 27: Hexcel Corporation Hexcel Corporation Pollutant Enforceability Comments UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 46 RACT Section #56 Emission Unit/Activity RACT Determination AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.0 - 4.2 All Fiber Lines All Consumption and production limits. (0032-19) II.B.1.b H.12.f.i & H.12.f.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.0 - 4.2 Fiber Lines 2 thru 8, 10 thru 12 VOCs Good combustion practices, natural gas as fuel, incineration and flaring technology. (0032-19) I.5; II.B.1.d - II.B.1.l; II.B.3.a - II.B.3.d; II.B.4.a - II.B.4.c; & II.B.5.a - II.B.5.b No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. Fiber Lines 2, 5, 6, 8, 10 thru 12 NOx 4.0 - 4.2 Fiber Lines 3, 4, and 7 NOx ULNB with FGR required to be installed by December 31, 2024. No H.12.f.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.0 - 4.2 Fiber Lines 13 thru 16 VOCs RTO, incineration and flaring technology. (0032-19) I.5; II.B.1.d - II.B.1.l; II.B.6.a; & II.B.7.a H.12.f.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx LNB on thermal oxidizer and RTO, good combustion practices, natural gas as fuel. H.12.f.ii, H.12.f.v 4.3 Pilot VOCs Good combustion practices, natural gas as fuel, proper maintenance, incineration and flaring technology. (0032-19) I.5 & II.B.1.d - II.B.1.l No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 56 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001511.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 47 5.0 Matrix (Solvent Coating Operations) VOCs Good combustion practices, natural gas as fuel, proper maintenance, incineration and flaring technology. (0032-19) I.5; II.B.1.j; II.B.1.o; & II.B.1.p No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 6.0 Boilers VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0032-19) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Compliance with a NOx emission rate of 9 ppm. (0032-19) I.5 No 7.0 Emergency Generators VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, Subpart IIII and Subpart ZZZZ. (0032-19) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 8.0 HVAC VOCs Proper maintenance and operation. (0032-19) I.5 & II.B.1.o No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 4.5.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for Hexcel. RACT evaluations showed that additional add- on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for Hexcel as required by this SIP revision. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 48 4.6 Hill Air Force Base 4.6.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Hill Air Force Base (Hill AFB). Hill AFB did not submit an additional RACT analysis for evaluation, and thus UDAQ relied on the more stringent BACT analysis submitted for NOx and VOC emissions as evaluated for the Salt Lake City PM2.5 serious SIP. Specific conditions as they relate to this SIP revision for Hill AFB can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.d. 4.6.2 Facility Process Summary Hill AFB is a large U.S. Air Force base located in northern Utah, just south of the city of Ogden. Hill AFB is the home of the Air Force Material Command’s Ogden Air Logistics Complex, which is the worldwide manager for a wide range of aircraft, engines, missiles, software, avionics, and accessories components, and provides worldwide logistics support for Air Force and Defense Department weapon systems. Additional tenant units include the Air Combat Command and the Air Force Reserve Command. Hill AFB has extensive industrial facilities for painting, paint stripping, plating, parts warehousing/distribution, wastewater treatment, and manages and maintains air munitions, solid propellants, landing gear, and training devices. 4.6.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Hill AFB processes and equipment are summarized in Table 28. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Hill AFB were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN101210245-16 issued September 1, 2016 (0245-16) • AO DAQE-AN101210200A-09 issued December 17, 2009 (0200A-09) • AO DAQE-AN0121175-06 issued October 16, 2006 (175-06) • AO DAQE-AN101210266-19 issued May 8, 2019 (0266-19) • AO DAQE-AN0101210195-09 issued August 10, 2009 (0195-09) • AO DAQE-AN101210233-12 issued January 27, 2012 (0233-12) • AO DAQE-AN101210225-12 issued April 19, 2012 (0225-12) • AO DAQE-AN101210248-17 issued June 7, 2017 (0248-17) • AO DAQE-AN101210228-12 issued June 13, 2012 (0228-12) • AO DAQE-AN0101210214-11 issued June 28, 2011 (0214-11) • AO DAQE-AN101210229-12 issued October 29, 2012 (0229-12) • AO DAQE-AN101210233-14 issued June 26, 2014 (0233-14) • AO DAQE-AN101210237-15 issued March 9, 2015 (0237-15) • AO DAQE-AN101210241-15 issued November 5, 2015 (0241-15) • AO DAQE-AN101210260-19 issued April 3, 2019 (0260-19) • AO DAQE-AN101210240B-16 issued February 8, 2016 (0240B-16) Table 28: Hill Air Force Base Facility-Wide Emissions Hill Air Force Base Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions PTE UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 49 (TPY) (TPY) NOx 101.43 279.81 VOC 140.24 330.41 4.6.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Hill AFB, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 29. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 50 Table 29: Hill Air Force Base Hill Air Force Base TSD Section #57 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant BACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 2.1.1 Boilers VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas (low sulfur fuel), good combustion practices, good design, and proper operation. (0245-16) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx All boilers older than January 1, 1989, will be removed. The combined heat NOx emissions for all boilers (except those less than 5 MMBtu/hr) shall not exceed 95 lb/hr. (0245-16) II.B.1.a & II.B.2.a H.12.q.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.1.2 Surface Coating, Cleaning & Chemically De-painting Operations VOCs Low VOC coatings, work practice standards, emissions limit of 0.58 tpd, and proper maintenance. (0200A- 09) II.B.1.a through II.B.1.m H.12.q.i Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 57 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-007651.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 51 2.1.3 Emergency Equipment Operations VOCs Limited hours of operation for maintenance and testing, good combustion practices, use of a tier- certified engine when required under NSPS Subpart IIII and JJJJ, the use of ULSD and proper equipment operation, maintenance schedules and protocols. (175-06) I.E & II.C (0266-19) I.5 & II.B.1.b No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 2.1.4 Testing Operations VOCs Site-wide fuel limit and proper operation, maintenance, and protocols. (0195-09) I.5, II.B.1.a, II.B.2.a, & II.B.3.a (0233-12) I.5 & II.B.1.b (0225-12) I.5 & II.B.1.a (0248-17) I.4, II.B.1.a, & II.B.1.b No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 2.1.5 Degreasing Operations VOCs Use of low volatility solvents, proper operation, maintenance and operation protocols with (0228-12) I.6, II.B.1.a through II.B.1.f No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 52 a limit on VOC emissions. 2.1.6 Misc. Coating and Blasting VOCs Scrubbers, low-sulfur fuel, limited use, proper operation, maintenance and protocols. (0214-11) I.5 & II.B.1.a (0229-12) I.5 (0233-14) I.5 & II.B.1.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Limited use, proper operation, maintenance, and protocols. 2.1.7 Air Handlers & Heaters VOCs LNBs, low sulfur fuel, limited use, proper operation, maintenance, and protocols. (0237-15) I.5 & II.B.1.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 2.1.8 Fuel Operations VOCs Fuel storage: vapor balancing system and submerged loading as required by R307-328, limited use, proper operation, maintenance and protocols. Distillation: Limited use, proper operation, Maintenance and protocols. (0241-15) I.5 and II.B.1.a (0260-19) I.5, II.B.1.a, & II.B.1.b No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.1.10 Industrial Wastewater Operation VOCs Limiting VOC emission, proper operation, (0240B- 16) I.5, II.B.1.a, & II.B.1.b No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 53 maintenance and protocols. 4.6.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for Hill AFB. Re-evaluation of BACT showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for Hill AFB as required by this SIP revision. 4.7 Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery 4.7.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery (HF Sinclair Refinery). In addition to its BACT report submitted as part of the Salt Lake City PM2.5 serious SIP, HF Sinclair Refinery submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation on January 31, 2023, with supporting information submitted February 23, 2023. Specific conditions related to this SIP revision for HF Sinclair Refinery can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.e. 4.7.2 Facility Process Summary The HF Sinclair Refinery is a petroleum refinery capable of processing 60,000 barrels per day of crude oil, primarily heavier black wax and yellow wax crudes from eastern Utah. The refinery produces a variety of products including gasoline, natural gas liquids, propane, butanes, jet fuels, fuel oils, and kerosene products. The refinery receives and distributes products by tanker truck, rail car, and pipeline. The source consists of two FCCUs, both controlled with wet gas scrubbers. A single sulfur recovery unit controls the sulfur content of the fuel gas. The source also has an assortment of heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and related fugitive emissions. 4.7.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the HF Sinclair Refinery processes and equipment are summarized in Table 28. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for HF Sinclair Refinery were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN101230053-22 issued September 1, 2022 (0053-22) Table 30: Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 170.51 347.10 VOC 217.45 223.63 4.7.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from HF Sinclair Refinery, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 54 identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 31. Table 31: Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery Holly Frontier Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery RACT Section #58 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Condition s PM2.5 SIP Conditions 3.4 & 4.5 FCCU Regenerator NOx Wet gas scrubber with use of LoTOx add-on & refinery-wide NOx limit. (0053-22) II.B.4 & II.B.8.b H.12.g.ii & H.12.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.5 VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0053-22) I.5 No 3.1 & 4.1 Process Heaters and Boilers NOx LNB, ULNB, some use of SCR, & refinery-wide NOx limit. (0053-22) II.B.4.a & II.B.6.b H.12.g.ii & H.12.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.1 VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0053-22) I.5 & II.B.6.d No 3.3 & 4.4 Sulfur Recovery Unit Tail Gas incinerator NOx Wet Gas Scrubber, Low- NOx burner & refinery-wide NOx limit. (0053-22) I.5 & II.B.4.a H.12.g.ii & H.12.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.4 VOCs Wet Gas Scrubber. 4.3 Cooling Towers VOCs MACT Subpart CC requirements on cooling (0053-22) II.B.12.a H.11.g.iii Current operations meet RACT, no further 58 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001865.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 55 towers servicing high VOC heat exchangers. action warranted. 4.9 Fugitive emissions/ Equipment Leaks VOCs Low leak LDAR requirements of NSPS Subpart GGGa. (0053-22) II.B.1.h H.11.g.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.6 Fixed Roof Tanks VOCs Compliance with NSPS Subpart Kb, MACT Subpart WW, and LDAR. (0053-22) I.5 H.11.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.7 Internal Floating Roof Storage tanks VOCs Submerged fill operations & tank degassing requirements - eventual compliance with NSPS Subpart Kb or MACT Subpart CC and MACT Subpart WW. (0053-22) I.5 H.11.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.8 External Floating Roof VOCs Compliant with NSPS Subpart Kb or MACT Subpart CC and MACT Subpart WW. (0053-22) I.5 H.11.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.10 Wastewater System VOCs Closed vent system with carbon adsorption. Compliance with NSPS Subpart QQQ and MACT Subpart FF. (0053-22) I.5 H.12.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.2 & 4.2 Refinery Flares NOx Flare Gas recovery system, requirement to (0053-22) II.B.1.g H.11.g.v, H.12.g.ii, & H.12.g.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.2 VOCs UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 56 meet NSPS Subpart Ja. 3.5 & 4.12 Standby Diesel Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, compliance with MACT Subpart ZZZZ. (0053-22) I.5 H.12.g.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.1 NOx 3.6 & 4.13 Standby Emergency Nat Gas Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, compliance with NSPS Subpart JJJJ and MACT Subpart ZZZZ. (0053-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.1 NOx 4.11 Product Loading VOCs Submerged or bottom loading as well as vapor balancing. (0053-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. N/A Refinery General Approach NOx Refinery-wide NOx limit. (0053-22) II.B.4 H.12.g.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.7.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the HF Sinclair Refinery. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the HF Sinclair Refinery as required by this SIP revision. 4.8 Kennecott Utah Copper Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator 4.8.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Kennecott Utah Copper (KUC) – Bingham Canyon Mine (BCM) and Copperton Concentrator (CC). In addition to past submitted BACT reports, KUC submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 30, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for KUC BCM & CC can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.f. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 57 4.8.2 Facility Process Summary The KUC BCM is an open pit mining operation located in the southwest corner of Salt Lake County. The ore and waste rock at the BCM are transferred from the mining areas to other areas of the mine through a series of transfers using haul trucks and conveyor belts. Ore is crushed in the in-pit crusher. After the ore is crushed, it is conveyed to the KUC CC located approximately five miles north of the open pit. At the CC, semi-autogenous grinding mills and ball mills grind the ore into a slurry. The slurry is sent through cyclone clusters, and the cyclone overflow is fed into flotation circuits and mixed with reagents. The flotation circuits are aerated to float copper and other valuable by-products from the ore. Once the ore is processed at the concentrator, it is transferred to the smelter. 4.8.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the KUC BCM & CC processes and equipment are summarized in Table 31. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for KUC BCM & CC were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN105710047-21 issued May 10, 2021 (0047-21) • AO DAQE-AN105710044-18 issued August 21, 2018 (0044-18) Table 31: KUC Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator Facility-Wide Emissions KUC Bingham Canyon Mine & Copperton Concentrator Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 4,209.19 5,852.77 VOC 210.03 318.17 4.8.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from KUC, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPs. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 33. Table 33: Kennecott Utah Copper: Bingham Canyon Mine and Copperton Concentrator Kennecott Utah Copper: Bingham Canyon Mine & Copperton Concentrator Bingham Canyon Mine RACT Section #59 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Condition PM2.5 SIP Conditions 59 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001509.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 58 2.1.1 Tailpipe Emissions from Mobile Sources NOx Compliance with non-road EPA Standards. (0047-21) II.B.1.f H.12.h.i.A Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.1.5 Solvent Extraction and Electrowinni ng Process NOx Use of mist eliminators and covers in tanks, mixers, and settlers. (0047-21) II.B.2.f & II.B.2.g No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs 2.1.2 Gasoline Fueling VOCs Stage I and Stage 2 recovery systems. (0047-21) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.1.3 Cold Solvent Degreasing Washers VOCs Compliance with R307-335. (0047-21) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.1.4 Propane Communicati ons Generator VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0047-21) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx PM2.5 BACT TSD 1.460 Diesel-Fired Emergency Generators VOCs BACT determination: proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0047-21) I.5 No Equipment not operated during evaluation period, no additional RACT submitted. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 60 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-007709.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 59 Copperton Concentrator RACT Section # Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Condition PM2.5 SIP Conditions 2.2.1 Tioga Heaters VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, and good design and proper operation (0044-18) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 2.2.4 Feed and Product Dryer Oil Heaters VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas and good combustion practices. (0044-18) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx LNBs H.12.h.ii.A 2.2.2 Degreasing Parts Washers VOCs Compliance with the requirements of R307-335. (0044-18) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.2.3 Gasoline Fueling Stations VOCs Stage I and Stage 2 recovery systems. (0044-18) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. PM2.5 BACT TSD 1.4 Three Storage Tanks (Sodium Cyanide) VOCs BACT determination: use of submerged pipes. (0044-18) I.5 No Equipment not operated during evaluation period, no additional RACT submitted. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 60 2.1.4 Liquid Propane- Fired Emergency Generator VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0044-18) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 4.8.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for KUC BCM & CC. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for KUC BCM & CC as required by this SIP revision. 4.9 KUC Smelter and Refinery 4.9.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of KUC – Smelter and Refinery. In addition to past BACT reports, KUC submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 30, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for the KUC Smelter and Refinery can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.g. 4.9.2 Facility Process Summary KUC operates a copper smelter and refinery in Salt Lake County. The Smelter employs flash smelting technology with flash converting technology to produce copper anodes and high concentration sulfur dioxide gases. Copper ore concentrates from the Copperton Concentrator are first dewatered, dried, blended with fluxes and secondary copper-bearing materials, then fed to a flash smelting furnace where the ore is melted and reacts to produce copper matte. The copper matte is converted to blister copper by oxidization, reduced in the anode furnace to produce a high purity copper, and then poured in molds to cast solid copper ingots (anodes). The anodes are moved to the Refinery co-located near the Smelter. The Refinery uses an electrolytic refining process to convert the Smelter-produced anodes to high-purity cathode copper and also recover precious metals from the electrolytic refinery slimes in a precious metals circuit. 4.9.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the KUC Smelter and Refinery processes and equipment are summarized in Table 34. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for the KUC Smelter and Refinery were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN103460058-20 issued November 12, 2020 (0058-20) • AO DAQE-AN103460061-22 issued June 23, 2022 (0061-22) UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 61 Table 34: KUC Smelter and Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions KUC Smelter and Refinery Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 154.87 198.13 VOC 10.94 20.47 4.9.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from KUC, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 35. Table 35: Kennecott Utah Copper: Smelter and Refinery Kennecott Utah Copper: Smelter and Refinery Refinery RACT Section #61 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditio n PM2.5 SIP Conditions 3.2.1 Boiler VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0058- 20) I.5 & II.B.4.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Installation of ULNB (9 ppmvd) on the boiler & continued use of FGR. (0058- 20) II.B.1.A H.12.j.ii.A & H.12.j.ii.C 3.2.2 CHP VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0058- 20) I.5 & II.B.4.d H.12.j.ii.D Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 61 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001509.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 62 NOx Use of SoLoNOx burner technology (9 ppmv) on turbine. (0058- 20) II.B.1.A H.12.j.ii.A 3.1.8 Space Heaters VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0058- 20) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 3.1.6 Gasoline Fueling VOCs Stage I and Stage 2 recovery systems. (0058- 20) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. PM2.5 BACT TSD 1.462 Degreasing VOCs BACT determination: compliance with R307-335. (0058- 20) I.5 No Equipment not operated during evaluation period, no additional RACT submitted. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.2.8 Paint VOCs Enclosures. (0058- 20) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.2.7 Prime Diesel Generators VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0058- 20) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 3.1.4 Refinery LPG Emergency VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and (0058- 20) No Current operations meet RACT, no further 62 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-007702.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 63 Communicati on Generator NOx compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. I.5 & II.B.4.e action warranted. Smelter RACT Section # Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditio n PM2.5 SIP Conditions 3.1.1 Main Stack NOx Controls are described for each source that vents to the Main Stack. The following sources vent to the Main Stack: anode furnaces, secondary gas system, matte grinding, concentrate dryer, acid plant, and vacuum cleaning system. Compliance with MACT Subpart EEEEEE. (0061- 22) II.B.1.a & II.B.3.a H.12.j.i.A.I. 3 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. Anode Furnaces NOx LNB (30 ppmvd) (0061- 22) II.B.1.a & II.B.3.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas and oxy-fuel, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0061- 22) I.5 3.1.1 Concentrate Dryer NOx Use of LNB & good combustion practices. (0061- 22) II.B.1.a & II.B.3.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas and oxy-fuel, (0061- 22) I.5 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 64 good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. 3.1.2 Powerhouse Holman Boiler VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, proper operation, & limited natural gas consumption. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Use of continuous monitoring to ensure NOx emissions do not exceed 14 lbs/hr (calendar-day average); FGR. (0061- 22) II.B.1.a & II.B.2 H.12.j.i.A.II 3.1.3 Powerhouse Foster Wheeler Boiler (Now Rentech Boiler) VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, proper operation, & limited natural gas consumption. (0061- 22) I.5 No Replaced by Rentech Boiler in AO DAQE- AN103460056-20 issued January 10, 2020. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx ULNB, 15 ppm (0061- 22) II.B.1.a & II.B.2 3.1.5 Cold Solvent Degreaser VOCs Compliance with R307-335 (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.1.8 Space Heaters VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 65 3.1.6 Fueling VOCs Stage I and Stage 2 recovery systems. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 3.2.7, 3.1.7 Emergency Backup Power Generators VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx PM2.5 BACT TSD 1.4 Diesel Compressor VOCs BACT determination: proper maintenance and operation. (0061- 22) I.5 No Equipment not operated during evaluation period, no additional RACT submitted. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 3.1.4 Smelter LPG Emergency Communicati on Generator VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 3.1.9 Hot Water Boilers VOCs Proper maintenance and operation. (0061- 22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 4.9.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the KUC Smelter and Refinery. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the KUC Smelter and Refinery as required by this SIP revision. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 66 4.10 LHoist North America of Arizona, Inc. 4.10.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of LHoist North America of Arizona, Inc. (LHoist). LHoist did not submit an additional RACT analysis for evaluation. UDAQ referenced the more stringent BACT for NOx and VOCs evaluated as part of the Salt Lake City PM2.5 serious SIP. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for LHoist can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.h. 4.10.2 Facility Process Summary LHoist operates a lime production facility near Grantsville that consists of a Quarry and Lime Plant. Kiln operations were placed in temporary care and maintenance mode November 14, 2008, with support operations having had limited operation since that date. Activities at the facility include mining of limestone ore, limestone processing through various crushing and screening processes, operation of a rotary kiln that heats the crushed limestone ore and converts it into quicklime, lime hydration equipment to create hydrated lime, bagging facilities, and load-out operations. When operating, the facility produces a variety of products including quicklime, hydrate, aggregate kiln-grade limestone, overburden/low-grade limestone, and limestone chat. 4.10.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the LHoist processes and equipment are summarized in Table 36. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for LHoist were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN0707015-06 issued August 14, 2006 (015-06) Table 36: LHoist North America of Arizona Facility Facility-Wide Emissions LHoist North America of Arizona Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 0.11 328.66 VOC 0.07 3.01 4.10.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from LHoist, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 37. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 67 Table 37: Lhoist North America of Arizona, Inc. LHoist North America of Arizona, Inc. TSD Section #63 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant BACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.0 Rotary Kiln System NOx SNCR required upon facility startup. No H.12.c.i & H.12.c.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustion practices and burner/process optimization. (015-06) #22 No 5.0 Pressure Hydrator NOx Good combustion practices and natural gas as fuel. (015-06) #22 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs 7.0 Kiln Shaft Motor NOx Good combustion practices and proper maintenance. (015-06) #22 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs 4.10.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for LHoist. Re-evaluation of BACT showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for LHoist as required by this SIP revision. 4.11 Pacificorp Energy Gadsby Power Plant 4.11.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Pacificorp Energy – Gadsby Power Plant (Pacificorp Gadsby). Pacificorp Gadsby did not opt to submit an additional RACT analysis for evaluation, therefore UDAQ referenced the more stringent BACT for NOx and VOCs evaluated as part of the PM2.5 serious SIP, with support information submitted by Pacificorp Gadsby March 10, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for Pacificorp Gadsby can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.i. 63 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-007681.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 68 4.11.2 Facility Process Summary Pacificorp Energy operates the Gadsby Power Plant located in Salt Lake City. The Gadsby Power Plant is a natural gas-fired electric generating plant consisting of three steam boilers (Units #1-3) and three simple-cycle combustion turbines (Units #4-6). Unit #1 is a 65 MW unit equipped with low NOx burners; Unit #2 is an 80 MW unit equipped with low NOx burners; and Unit #3 is a 105 MW unit. All three units are capable of using fuel oil as a back-up fuel during natural gas curtailments. Units #4-6 are 43.5 MW combustion turbine engines. The plant also has small emergency generators, cooling towers, and small storage tanks. 4.11.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from Pacificorp Gadsby processes and equipment are summarized in Table 38. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Pacificorp Gadsby were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN103550015-09 issued January 12, 2009 (0015-09) Table 38: Pacificorp Energy Gadsby Power Plant Facility-Wide Emissions Pacificorp Energy Gadsby Power Plant Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 38.81 716.10 VOC 2.26 23.00 4.11.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Pacificorp Gadsby, AOs and supporting documentation, and SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 39. Table 39: PacifiCorp Energy: Gadsby Power Plant PacifiCorp Energy: Gadsby Power Plant TSD Section #64 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant BACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.0 Steam Generating Units (Boilers 1-3) NOx Natural gas as fuel, good combustion practices, ULSD as backup fuel, NOx emission limits. (0015-09) II.B.4 H.12.l.i, H.12.l.ii, H.12.l.iii, & H.12.l.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 64 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-006882.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 69 VOCs Good combustion practices, proper design. (0015-09) I.5 No 5.0 Combustion Turbines (Units 4- 6) NOx SCR, water/steam injection. (0015-09) II.B.3 H.12.l.v Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs GCP and oxidation catalysts. (0015-09) I.5 No 6.3 Fuel Storage Tanks VOCs Submerged fill operations, no additional controls. (0015-09) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 6.5 Misc. Painting Operations VOCs Use of low-VOC compliant coatings, high transfer efficiency applications, & proper operation. (0015-09) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 6.2 Standby Emergency Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation. (0015-09) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 5.5 Startup/Shutdown at Combustion Turbines NOx Limitation of hours of operation for startup/shutdown to limit NOx, alternative operating scenarios included. (0015-09) I.5 H.12.l.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.11.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for Pacificorp Gadsby. Re-evaluation of BACT showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for Pacificorp Gadsby as required by this SIP revision. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 70 4.12 Tesoro Refining & M arketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery 4.12.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery (Marathon Refinery). In addition to past BACT reports, Marathon Refinery submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 31, 2023, with a subsequent submission including additional information submitted on March 31, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for Marathon Refinery can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.j. 4.12.2 Facility Process Summary The Marathon Refinery is a petroleum refinery capable of processing 57,500 barrels per day of crude oil. The source consists of one FCCU, a catalytic reforming unit, hydrotreating units, a sulfur recovery unit, and cogeneration units. The source also has assorted heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and similar fugitive emissions. 4.12.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Marathon Refinery processes and equipment are summarized in Table 40. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Marathon Refinery were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN103350075-18 issued January 11, 2018 (0075-18) • AO DAQE-AN103350081A-21 issued January 12, 2021 (0081A-21) Table 40: Tesoro Marathon Refinery Facility-Wide Emissions Tesoro Marathon Refinery Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 313.27 638.05 VOC 230.77 769.88 4.12.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Marathon Refinery, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 41. Table 41: Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC dba Marathon Refinery Pollutant Enforceability Comments UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 71 RACT Section #65 Emission Unit/Activity RACT Determination AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.0 FCCU Regenerator & CO Boiler NOx Wet gas scrubber with use of LoTOx add-on & refinery-wide NOx limit. (0075-18) II.B.1.g, II.B.4.a, II.B.4.f, & II.B.7.a H.12.m.ii & H.12.m.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0075-18) I.5 No 5.0 Process Heaters and Boilers NOx LNB & ULNB required on various units, & refinery- wide NOx limit. (0075-18) II.B.1.g, II.B.3.a, & II.B.7.a H.12.m.ii & H.12.m.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0075-18) I.5 No 65 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001490.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 72 6.0 Cogeneration Turbines NOx Good combustion practices, use of gaseous fuels, & refinery-wide NOx limit. SCR installation required. (0075-18) II.B.1.g & II.B.7.a H.12.m.ii Installation of SCR that meets a 5 ppm NOx limit by October 1, 2028. Required by SIP Section IX, Part H.32.j. VOCs Good combustion practices, no additional controls. (0075-18) I.5 No 7.0 SRU NOx Good combustion practices & refinery-wide NOx limit. (0075-18) II.B.1.g H.12.m.ii & H.12.m.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 13.0 Cooling Towers VOCs MACT Subpart CC requirements on cooling towers servicing high VOC heat exchangers. (0075-18) I.5 H.11.g.iii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 73 8.0 Fugitive emissions VOCs Low leak LDAR requirements of NSPS Subpart GGGa. (0075-18) I.5 H.11.g.iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 16.0 - 18.0 Tanks VOCs Submerged fill operations, and tank degassing requirements - eventual compliance with NSPS Subpart Kb or MACT Subpart CC. Secondary seal installation on Tank 321 required. (0075-18) II.B.9 H.11.g.vi & H.12.m.vi Installation of secondary seal on Tank 321 by May 1, 2026. Required by SIP Section IX, Part H.32.j. All other current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 9.0 Wastewater System VOCs API separator unit with fixed cover; installation of closed vent system to carbon adsorption required. (0075-18) I.5 H.12.m.vi Installation of a closed vent system to carbon adsorption by December 31, 2025 in compliance with NSPS Subpart QQQ. Required by SIP Section IX, Part H.32.j. 11.0 & 12.0 Refinery Flares NOx Evaluated through control of flare gases, not through individual pollutants, requirement to meet Subpart Ja for flares. (0075-18) II.B.1.f H.11.g.v & H.12.m.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 74 19.0 Standby Emergency Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0075-18) I.5 H.12.m.vi Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 15.0 K1 Compressors (natural gas engines) VOCs Catalytic converters, proper maintenance and operation, & refinery- wide NOx limit (0075-18) I.5 (0075-18) II.B.4.a, II.B.7.a, & II.B.7.c H.12.m.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx N/A Refinery General Approach NOx Refinery-wide NOx limit. (0075-18) II.B.1.g & II.B.7.a H.12.m.ii Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.12.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The RACT analysis determined that all emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and all other existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the Marathon Refinery. The evaluations showed that the following control options are technically feasible: • Installation of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) that meets a NOx emission rate of 5 ppm on the Cogeneration Turbines • Installation of a secondary seal on Tank 321 • Installation of a closed vent system controlled by carbon adsorption on the Wastewater System The UDAQ has determined that these controls are necessary for the NWF NAA to demonstrate attainment of the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable. While the financial feasibility of the identified controls may be beyond previously established RACT thresholds, the CAA provides states with “discretion to require beyond-RACT reductions from any source” if those reductions are necessary to “demonstrate attainment as expeditiously as practicable”. 66 No other additional add-on controls or limitations are technically or economically feasible options at this time. The installation of SCR on the Cogeneration Turbines will control total emissions from these two turbines by approximately 68.7%. The installation of SCR will result in an annual emission reduction of 68.78 tpy of NOx. The SCR shall be installed and operational by October 1, 2028. The installation of a secondary seal on Tank 321 will result in 2.30 TPY of VOC emission reductions. The secondary seal shall be installed and operational by May 1, 2026. The installation of a closed vent system with carbon 66 80 FR 12279 & 83 FR 62998 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 75 adsorption on the Wastewater System is a planned refinery modification that shall be installed and operational by December 31, 2025, and result in approximately 10 TPY of VOC emission reductions. All requirements for the Cogeneration Turbines, Tank 321, and the Wastewater System are incorporated into SIP Section IX, Part H.32.j. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all other identified RACT determinations are already being implemented. 4.13 Utah Municipal Power Agency West Valley Power Plant 4.13.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Utah Municipal Power Agency (UMPA) West Valley Power Plant (WVPP). In addition to past BACT reports, UMPA submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 31, 2023, with supporting information submitted March 1, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for UMPA WVPP can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.l. 4.13.2 Facility Process Summary UMPA operates the WVPP in West Valley City. The WVPP is a natural gas-fired electric generating plant consisting of 5 natural gas simple cycle turbines. Each turbine has a power output rated at 43.4 MW and is equipped with water injection, evaporative spray mist inlet air cooling, selective catalytic reduction catalyst, and CO oxidation catalyst. The primary purpose of the plant is to produce electricity for sale via the utility power distribution system to meet the demands of the Salt Lake Valley service area. 4.13.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the WVPP processes and equipment are summarized in Table 42. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for the WVPP were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-282-02 issued April 18, 2002 (282-02) Table 42: West Valley Power Plant Facility-Wide Emissions UMPA West Valley Power Plant Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 10.09 162.06 VOC 1.47 18.33 4.13.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from UMPA WVPP, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 43. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 76 Table 43: Utah Municipal Power Agency West Valley Power Plant Utah Municipal Power Agency West Valley Power Plant RACT Section #67 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.1 & 4.2 Combustion Turbines NOx SCR, water/steam injection and maintenance of NOx emissions at or below 5 ppmv for each turbine. (282-02) #10, #17 H.12.o.i, ii, iii, iv Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.2 VOCs Good combustion practices and oxidation catalysts. (282-02) #14, #19 No PM2.5 BACT TSD 5.068 Startup/Shutdown at Combustion Turbines NOx BACT determination: limitation of hours of operation for startup/shutd own to limit NOx, alternative operating scenarios included. (282-02) #19 No No additional RACT submitted . Current operation s meet RACT, no further action warranted . 4.13.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the UMPA WVPP. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being 67 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-002084.pdf 68 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-006862.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 77 implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the UMPA WVPP as required by this SIP revision. 4.14 University of Utah 4.14.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of the University of Utah (U of U). In addition to past BACT reports, the U of U submitted an additional RACT analysis for evaluation January 31, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for the U of U can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.m. 4.14.2 Facility Process Summary The U of U is a higher education institution in Salt Lake City. The U of U campus consists of several different types of buildings and facilities, including classroom buildings, hospitals and clinics, research facilities, and housing. The emission sources at the U of U are primarily boilers, comfort heating equipment, emergency generator engines, and miscellaneous small VOC sources. Industrial high temperature boilers that provide hot water for distribution heating systems are located in the two main heating plants on campus: the Upper Campus High Temperature Water Plant (UCHTWP) and the Lower Campus High Temperature Water Plant (LCHTWP). A cogeneration turbine with waste heat recovery unit is also located at the LCHTWP. 4.14.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the U of U processes and equipment are summarized in Table 44. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for the U of U were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN103540030-22 issued December 22, 2022 (0030-22) Table 44: University of Utah Facility-Wide Emissions University of Utah Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 41.65 126.50 VOC 8.13 13.53 4.14.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from the U of U, AOs and supporting documentation, and Utah SIP Section IX, Parts H.11 and H.12. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 45. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 78 Table 45: University of Utah University of Utah RACT Section #69 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination Enforceability Comments AO Conditions PM2.5 SIP Conditions 4.0 Building 302 UCHWTP Boilers VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) I.5 H.12.p.iv. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Boilers limited to back- up/peaking boilers with natural gas limitations and FGR. (0030-22) II.B.1.b 5.0 Building 303 LCHWTP Boilers NOx Boiler 4 required to be decommissioned and replaced by Boiler 9, use of ULNB (9ppmvd) on Boiler 9, & use of LNBs and FGR (9 ppmvd) for boilers 6 and 7. (0030-22) II.b.2.a H.12.p.i., H.12.p.ii., & H.12.p.iii. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 6.0 Building 303 LCHWTP Cogeneration Plant NOx SoLoNOx burners and compliance with NSPS Subpart KKKK. (0030-22) II.B.2.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 69 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001487.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 79 VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) I.5 7.0 Dual Fuel Boilers NOx LNBs on various boilers; the use of specialized mixing heads and mixing assemblies. (0030-22) I.5 & II.B.3.a H.12.p.v. Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas with diesel fuel as backup, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) I.5 No 8.0 Backup Diesel Boiler NOx Meet a NOx emission rate of 30 ppm. (0030-22) I.5 & II.B.3.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of diesel fuel, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) I.5 No 9.0 Small Boilers VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0030-22) II.B.1.b & II.B.3.a No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx LNBs on various boilers. (0030-22) II.B.3.c H.12.p.v 10.0 Diesel Emergency Generator Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, and compliance with applicable (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 80 NSPS or MACT requirements. 11.0 Natural Gas Emergency Generator Engines VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, proper operation, and compliance with applicable NSPS or MACT requirements. (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx 12.0 Paint Booth and Parts Washer VOCs Good housekeeping practices, routine inspections, & compliance with R307-351. (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 12.0 Fuel Storage Tanks VOCs Good operating and maintenance practices. (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. N/A Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer VOCs Preparing to decommission. (0030-22) I.5 No Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.14.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the U of U. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the U of U as required by this SIP revision. 4.15 US Magnesium LLC 4.15.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of US Magnesium LLC (US Magnesium) RACT. UDAQ identified US Magnesium as a major stationary source with the potential to impact the ozone formation in the NWF NAA. The UDAQ required US Magnesium to submit a RACT analysis under CAA 172(c)(6) Other Measures for all major stationary sources located outside a NAA but impacting the NAA, UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 81 which applied to one source. US Magnesium submitted a NOx-specific RACT analysis for evaluation May 17, 2021, with a supporting VOC-specific RACT analysis submitted May 20, 2022, and an updated VOC- specific RACT analysis submitted January 31, 2023. Specific conditions for this SIP revision for US Magnesium can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.k. While US Magnesium was included in the RACT process, the emissions from this facility were not included in the point source inventories found in section 3 of this SIP revision as the facility was located outside of the NAA. 4.15.2 Facility Process Summary US Magnesium operates a primary magnesium production facility at its Rowley plant located in Tooele County. US Magnesium produces magnesium metal from the waters of the Great Salt Lake, using a system of solar evaporation ponds to create a brine solution. This brine solution is purified and dried to a powder in spray dryers. The powder is melted and further purified in the melt reactor before going through an electrolytic process to separate magnesium metal from chlorine. The magnesium is then refined and/or alloyed and cast into molds. The separated chlorine is combusted in the chlorine reduction burner and converted into hydrochloric acid, which is removed through a scrubber train. The chlorine generated at the electrolytic cells is collected and piped to the chlorine plant. The on-site lithium carbonate plant recovers lithium from cell salt created through the magnesium plant production. 4.15.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the US Magnesium processes and equipment are summarized in Table 46. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for US Magnesium were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN107160050-20 issued April 20, 2020 (0050-20) Table 46: US Magnesium LLC Facility-Wide Emissions US Magnesium LLC Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 1,061.59 1,260.99 VOC 660.26 894.25 4.15.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from US Magnesium, AOs, and supporting documentation. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; other state SIPS; and UDAQ’s Appendix A – PM2.5 serious SIP BACT for Small Sources. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 47. Table 47: US Magnesium RACT Determination UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 82 US Magnesium LLC RACT Section #70 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination AO Conditions Comments 5.1 Turbines and Duct Burners VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas with fuel oil as backup, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. (0050-20) II.B.1.b 5.2 Chlorine Reduction Burner NOx Compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. (0050-20) II.B.1.b Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 5.3 Riley Boiler NOx Compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. Installation of flue gas recirculation required by (0050-20) II.B.1.b Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 70 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001863.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 83 January 1, 2028 under SIP Section IX, Part H.23.g. VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 5.5 Hydrochloric Acid Plant Burner VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. (0050-20) II.B.1.b 5.4 Diesel Engines VOCs Proper maintenance and operation, compliance with applicable MACT requirements, and compliance with a horsepower- hour operational limitation. (0050-20) I.4 & II.B.4.b Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 84 5.6 Casting House VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx Compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. (0050-20) II.B.1.b 5.7 Lithium Carbonate Plant Boilers & Burners VOCs Use of pipeline quality natural gas, good combustion practices, good design, & proper operation. (0050-20) I.4 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. NOx ULNBs on boilers and LNBs on burners; compliance with a plant- wide natural gas consumption limit. (0050-20) II.B.1.b & II.B.12.d VOC RACT71 Boron Plant VOCs Installation of a steam stripper and RTO system that will achieve 98% control efficiency by October 1, 2024. N/A Installation of a steam stripper and RTO system by October 1, 2024, required by SIP Section IX, Part H.32.k. 71 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001495.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 85 Small Source BACT72 Fuel Storage Tanks VOCs Proper maintenance and operation. (0050-20) I.4 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. Small Source BACT Paint Booths VOCs Good operating practices and compliance with consumption and VOC limitations. (0050-20) I.4, II.B.11.a, & II.B.11.d Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.15.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The UDAQ determined that the emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and all other existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for US Magnesium. However, RACT evaluations showed that the installation of a steam stripper in series with a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) to control VOC emissions from the Boron Plant Process Wastewater Ponds is technically feasible. The UDAQ has determined that these controls are necessary for the NWF NAA to demonstrate attainment of the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable. While the financial feasibility of the identified controls may be beyond previously established RACT thresholds, the CAA provides states with “discretion to require beyond-RACT reductions from any source” if those reductions are necessary to “demonstrate attainment as expeditiously as practicable”. 73 The installation of a steam stripper with RTO on the Boron Plant Process Wastewater Ponds will control emissions from this process by approximately 98% resulting in 161.70 tpy of VOC emissions reductions. The steam stripper with RTO shall be installed and operational by October 1, 2024. All requirements for the Boron Plant are incorporated into SIP Section IX, Part H.32.k. No other additional RACT measures were identified, and all other RACT determinations are already being implemented. 4.16 Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal 4.16.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal (Chevron Terminal). The emissions units at the Chevron Terminal were not included in the PM2.5 serious SIP. At that time, UDAQ considered the Chevron Terminal as a separate source from the Chevron Refinery. However, recent permitting actions have since established that the Chevron Terminal and Chevron Refinery are considered one stationary source. Therefore, UDAQ requested a RACT analysis for the emission units at the Chevron Terminal. Chevron Terminal submitted a RACT analysis for evaluation 72 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/pm25-serious-sip/DAQ-2018-007161.pdf 73 80 FR 12279 & 83 FR 62998 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 86 March 30, 2021, with supporting information submitted January 4, 2023. Specific conditions applicable for this SIP revision for Chevron Terminal can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.b. 4.16.2 Facility Process Summary The Chevron Terminal is a bulk gasoline terminal, which receives product by pipeline from the Chevron Refinery, as well as ethanol and additives from outside vendors by truck and railcar. Products are dispensed through the primary truck loading rack to cargo tank trucks where the product is delivered to gasoline dispensing facilities. Storage tanks at the site store gasoline, ethanol, Transmix, diesel fuel, water, additives, hydraulic fluid, motor oil, and jet fuel. Ethanol and other additives are blended in line with refined products at the truck loading rack. 4.16.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from Chevron Terminal processes and equipment are summarized in Table 48. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for Chevron Terminal were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN105560017-15 issued May 18, 2015 (0017-15) Table 48: Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal Facility-Wide Emissions Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx N/A N/A VOC 13.64 33.60 4.16.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Chevron Terminal, AOs, and supporting documentation. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 49. Table 49: Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal Chevron Salt Lake Marketing Terminal RACT Section #74 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination AO Conditions Comments 2.2.1 Transport Loading Rack VOCs Vapor recovery unit with carbon adsorption in compliance with MACT Subpart R. (0017-15) II.B.1.b & II.B.1.c Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 74 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/air-quality-policy/DAQ-2022-011292.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 87 2.2.3 Fugitive Emissions VOCs LDAR in accordance with MACT Subpart R and NSPS Subparts XX and Kb. (0017-15) I.5 2.2.1 Specialty Rack VOCs Bottom loading with good work practice standards. (0017-15) I.5 & II.B.1.c Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 2.2.2 Storage Tanks VOCs Top-submerged or bottom loading of tanks; good design methods and operating procedures; and compliance with applicable NSPS Subpart Kb requirements. (0017-15) II.B.1.c Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.16.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the Chevron Terminal. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the Chevron Terminal as required by this SIP revision. 4.17 Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal 4.17.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Holly Energy Partners Terminal (Holly Terminal). The emissions units at the Holly Terminal were not included in the PM2.5 serious SIP. At that time, UDAQ considered the Holly Terminal as a separate source from the main refinery. However, recent UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 88 permitting actions have since established that the Holly Terminal and Woods Cross Refinery are considered one stationary source. Therefore, UDAQ requested a RACT analysis for the emission units at the Holly Terminal. Holly Terminal submitted a RACT analysis for evaluation February 12, 2021. Specific conditions applicable to this SIP revision for Holly Terminal can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.e. 4.17.2 Facility Process Summary The Holly Terminal is a petroleum products loading facility located in Woods Cross. The terminal consists of a loading rack and a soil remediation system. The bulk terminal is used by the Holly Terminal to load gasoline and diesel products into tanker trucks. The Holly Terminal receives gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel via pipeline from the HF Sinclair Woods Cross Refinery. The petroleum products are loaded into tanker trucks for offsite transportation. The Holly Terminal doesn’t have aboveground storage tanks. 4.17.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Holly Terminal processes and equipment are summarized in Table 50. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for the Holly Terminal were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN101230023B-07 issued October 17, 2007 (0023B-07) • AO DAQE-AN101230034-10 issued November 18, 2010 (0034-10) Table 50: Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal Facility-Wide Emissions Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx 0.32 2.53 VOC 2.14 9.13 4.17.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Holly Terminal, AOs, and supporting documentation. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 51. Table 51: Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal Holly Energy Partners Woods Cross Terminal RACT Section #75 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination AO Conditions Comments 75 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/air-quality-policy/DAQ-2022-011295.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 89 5.1 Transport Loading Rack VOCs Vapor recovery unit with carbon adsorption in compliance with MACT Subpart CC; vapor combustion unit backup. (0023B- 07) #7, #9, & #16 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 5.2 Fugitive Emissions VOCs LDAR required by NSPS Subpart VVa. (0023B- 07) #12 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 5.3 Soil Remediation System VOCs Thermal/catalytic oxidizer. (0034-10) I.5; II.B.1.b Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.17.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the Holly Terminal. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the Holly Terminal as required by this SIP revision. 4.18 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC Truck Loading Rack and Remote Tank Farm 4.18.1 Introduction This section specifically serves as an evaluation of Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC Truck Loading Rack and Remote Tank Farm (Tesoro TLR). The emissions units at the Tesoro TLR were not included in the PM2.5 serious SIP. At that time, UDAQ considered the Tesoro TLR as a separate source from the main refinery. However, recent permitting actions have since established that the Tesoro TLR and Marathon UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 90 Refinery are considered one stationary source. Therefore, UDAQ requested a RACT analysis for the emission units at the Tesoro TLR. Tesoro TLR submitted a RACT analysis for evaluation March 31, 2021, with an updated RACT analysis submitted January 31, 2023. Specific conditions applicable to this SIP revision for Tesoro TLR can be found in Section IX, Part H.32.j. 4.18.2 Facility Process Summary The Tesoro TLR is a bulk gasoline terminal, which receives products from the Marathon Refinery. Products are dispensed through the primary truck loading rack to cargo tank trucks where the product is delivered to gasoline dispensing facilities. Storage tanks at the site store gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, heavy oils, and fuel additives. 4.18.3 Facility Baseline Actual Emissions and Current PTE The baseline and current PTE from the Tesoro TLR processes and equipment are summarized in Table 52. The 2017 actual emissions were used as the baseline emissions. The current PTE values for the Tesoro TLR were established by the most recent active AOs issued to the source. • AO DAQE-AN156590008-18 issued March 12, 2018 (0008-18) Table 52: Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC TLR and RTF Facility-Wide Emissions Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC TLR and RTF Facility Emissions Pollutant Baseline Emissions (TPY) PTE (TPY) NOx N/A N/A VOC 18.24 107.92 4.18.4 RACT Analysis The RACT evaluations were performed using data from Tesoro TLR, AOs, and supporting documentation. Various resources were evaluated to identify all existing and potential controls and emission rates, including EPA’s RBLC; technical documents, EPA fact sheets, applicable CTGs, and other applicable literature; state and federal regulations; and other state SIPS. The RACT determinations for each emission unit or activity emitting NOx and VOCs are provided in Table 53. Table 53: Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC TLR and RTF Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC Truck Loading Rack and Remote Tank Farm RACT Section #76 Emission Unit/Activity Pollutant RACT Determination AO Conditions Comments 76 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001507.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 91 5.1 Transport Loading Rack VOCs Vapor recovery unit with carbon adsorption in compliance with MACT Subpart CC. (0008-18) II.B.1.l Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 4.1 Fugitive Emissions VOCs Enhanced LDAR required by NSPS Subpart GGGa and maintenance vent monitoring. (0008-18) I.7 Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 6.1 Fixed Roof Tanks VOCs Good design methods and operating procedures; closed vent system to a carbon adsorber on OWS Tank. (0008-18) I.7; II.B.1.c - II.B.1.k Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. 7.1 Internal Floating Roof Tanks VOCs Good design methods and operating procedures; compliance with applicable NSPS Subpart Kb requirements; and tank degassing requirements. (0008-18) I.7; II.B.1.c - II.B.1.k Current operations meet RACT, no further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 92 4.18.5 Conclusion of RACT Implementation The emission units/activities currently meet all RACT requirements, and the existing controls and emissions limitations are considered RACT for the Tesoro TLR. RACT evaluations showed that additional add-on controls or limitations are not technically or economically feasible options at this time. No additional RACT measures were identified, and all RACT determinations are already being implemented. Therefore, there are no additional implementation schedules or requirements for the Tesoro TLR as required by this SIP revision. 4.19 CTG and ACT For all sources located within the NWF NAA examined as part of this RACT analysis, any applicable CTGs or ACTs were found to have been implemented to the relevant source through existing AOs or SIP conditions. Any published CTG or ACT not enacted within the NAA boundary results from the fact that the NWF does not have sources in which those CTGs are applicable. Details regarding this analysis and additional information about source specific CTG and ACT applicability can be found in the CTG VOC Source Categories Analysis TSD.77 Thus, the UDAQ conducted no further RACT analysis for CTG source categories not included in AOs or SIP conditions as there are not sources subject to those CTGs within the NWF NAA. Therefore, this SIP revision has met the CTG requirements as required under CAA Section 182(b)(2). 4.20 RACT Conclusions Upon completion of RACT analysis for each of the major industrial sources located within the NWF NAA, or nearby in the case of US Magnesium, the UDAQ has concluded that the controls identified in Table 54, with the corresponding emission limitations included in Utah SIP Section IX, Part H.31 and H.32, are necessary for the NWF NAA to demonstrate attainment of the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable. While the financial feasibility of some of these controls may be beyond previously established RACT thresholds, the CAA provides states with “discretion to require beyond- RACT reductions from any source” if those reductions are necessary to “demonstrate attainment as expeditiously as practicable”. 78 The precedent for the requirement of “beyond-RACT” controls for an ozone NAA demonstrating attainment at the earliest achievable date has been previously established in 2001,79 and further upheld in 2009.80 The implementation timeline of controls identified in Table 54 are beyond the implementation deadline of January 1, 202381 and therefore will not count towards RFP under this SIP revision. However, the state of Utah has ongoing obligations under Section 182 of the CAA to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS. The timing of compliance for states meeting statutory deadlines established in the CAA does not impact or nullify those obligations for future SIP revisions. Thus, a state submitting a SIP revision late, or meeting 182(b)(2) requirements late, does not negate the obligations imposed by the CAA. As a result, the UDAQ has determined that the implementation of the controls identified in Table 54 are 77 NWF CTG VOC Source Categories Analysis: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-005467.pdf 78 80 FR 12279 & 83 FR 62998 79 66 FR 26914 80 74 FR 1927 81 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 93 required to be implemented on the most expeditiously practicable timelines to comply with these ongoing CAA obligations. While the controls identified in Table 54 have been determined to be beyond-RACT, the UDAQ has concluded that these controls meet the definition of reasonable when considering their cost effectiveness for controls considered beyond-RACT. This determination was made when examining three variables that impact what constitutes reasonable including: 1) the regulatory landscape of the NWF NAA (i.e. availability of control options), 2) other NAA determination of cost thresholds, 3) appropriate adjustments for inflationary and other price pressures. First, as noted in sections 5 and 7 of this SIP revision, Utah has previously implemented an extensive array of emission reduction strategies at the BACT threshold while the state worked to address wintertime PM2.5 pollution. These emission reductions target the same precursor emissions for ozone, i.e. NOx and VOCs. As a result, there are exceedingly few control options available for the State to implement at this time in the regulatory landscape of the NWF. In essence, the supply of available controls is exceptionally low, while the demand to implement controls to comply with CAA requirements is high. This same economic reality—what is considered a reasonable cost in one area will be different than another area based on supply and demand— is seen in a wide array of economic activities, such as housing. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that an appropriate cost threshold for controls in the NWF NAA would be higher than that seen in an area with greater control options available to it. This same reasoning follows that a reasonable cost threshold would be more similar to a cost threshold seen in an NAA with fewer control options available. Further, a recent analysis conducted by the UDAQ examining the cost effectiveness of emissions reduced from incentive programs identified a similar scenario, with the cost to reduce emissions increasing as a result of previously implemented incentive programs. In short, as programs (incentive or regulatory) reduce emissions from older, dirtier equipment, the remaining pool of emissions sources are relatively cleaner, and thus the emission reductions are more expensive per ton of pollutant removed. Second, the UDAQ compared and contrasted the RACT cost thresholds with a number of other NAAs, and compared cost thresholds for both RACT and BACT implemented controls. While many contrasting NAAs that have recently implemented RACT determined an appropriate cost thresholds between $5,000 - $10,000 per ton of pollutant removed,82 these areas are doing so with a wider array of emission reduction strategies available to them. In contrast, the UDAQ examined BACT cost thresholds in areas with more similar regulatory frameworks in place to see what the higher end of cost effectiveness could be considered reasonable. The Division found instances of BACT cost thresholds near $43,000 per ton of VOC and $41,000 per ton of NOx emission reductions.83 While these higher end estimates are considered BACT, and thus represent a more stringent standard, the Division has concluded that, given the existing regulatory framework in place in the NWF and the similarities between these higher cost threshold NAAs, that a RACT cost threshold of approximately $10,000 per ton of pollutant removed below that reported on the high end is reasonable for the NWF. The controls outlined in Table 54 all fall near or below this threshold. Additionally, the UDAQ identified instances in which a cost threshold of $10,000 was determined reasonable for Regional Haze SIPs.84 It’s worth noting that Regional Haze SIPs are developed to meet visibility standards, not health-based standards as in this 82 Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Reasonably Available Control Technology Determinations for Case-by-Case Sources Under the 1997 and 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 85 Fed. Reg. 66,484, 66,486 (Oct. 20, 2020) (examples of benchmarks from several other states examined by Pennsylvania). 83 2022 South Coast Air Quality Management District BACT Maximum Cost Effectiveness Values. 84 Oregon Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, for the period 2018 – 2028, available at https://www.oregon.gov/deq/rulemaking/Pages/rhsip2028.aspx. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 94 moderate ozone SIP. The Division believes that a reasonable threshold for a control used to protect human health should be considerably higher than that determined reasonable for protecting visibility. Lastly, the UDAQ also considered inflationary forces when determining a reasonable cost- effectiveness threshold. Since 2000, the United States has seen a cumulative price increase associated with inflationary pressures of 77.18%.85 Similar upward price pressures have been observed in other parts of the economy that impact the price of pollution controls. For example, the building cost index for construction for nonresidential buildings over the same period cited for inflation above (2000 – 2023) has risen from ~50 to just over 130—a 160% increase.86 If inflationary pressures are not taken into consideration over time when determining reasonable cost-effectiveness thresholds, the ever-increasing costs associated with building and installing controls would result in a diminished ability for responsible air agencies to identify and require effective controls. These same inflationary economic forces have been realized elsewhere in the regulatory world, resulting in an increase in the statutory civil monetary penalties for violations as enforced by the EPA for the CAA violations rising from $25,000 in 1991 to $55,808 in 2023 for each day of continued noncompliance. When all three of these factors (existing regulatory framework, similar NAA thresholds, and inflationary pressures) are taken together, the UDAQ has determined that the controls outlined in Table 54 are reasonable for an area in which beyond-RACT controls are necessary to attain the standard.87 A SIP is intended to be a plan that matches the unique characteristics of each NAA, which is why the responsible air agency has primacy to develop and implement the plan it determines best meets the unique challenges of its air shed. When considering appropriate cost thresholds for a NAA, it is important to recognize that the cost effectiveness for controls for that air shed will also be unique to the NAA in question. Table 54: Controls identified by RACT analysis for the NWF NAA. Source Control Part H Reference Implementation Timeline Emission Reductions Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Marathon Refinery NOx emission limits on cogeneration turbines with heat recovery steam generation CG1 and CG2 XI.H.32.j.b October 1, 2028 68.78 tpy NOx Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Marathon Refinery Replacement of wastewater API separator and DAF unit with a closed vent to carbon adsorption controls XI.H.32.j. d December 31, 2025 10.0 tpy VOCs Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Secondary seal installation on Tank 321 XI.H.32.j.c May 1, 2026 2.30 tpy VOCs 85 Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI), available at https://www.bls.gov/cpi/. 86 Construction Analytics, Construction Inflation 2023, available at https://edzarenski.com/2022/12/20/construction-inflation-2023/. 87 42 U.S.C § 7545(d)(1); 40 CFR § 19.4. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 95 Marathon Refinery US Magnesium LLC Steam stripper in series with RTO XI.H.32.k October 1, 2024 161.70 tpy VOCs Based on all available data including the examination of past submitted BACT reports, newly submitted RACT analyses, and by requiring the implementation of “beyond-RACT” controls as identified in Table 54, the NWF NAA has met all RACT criteria as required under CAA Section 182(b)(2) for this SIP revision. Furthermore, the implementation of technologically feasible “beyond-RACT” controls demonstrates not only completion of RACT requirements, but that the area will demonstrate attainment as expeditiously as practicable. 4.21 Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) NNSR is a CAA permitting program which requires industrial facilities to install modern pollution control equipment when they are built, or when making a change that increases emissions significantly. The purpose of an NNSR program is to protect public health and the environment, even as new industrial facilities are built, by ensuring that air quality does not worsen in the NAA and air quality is not significantly degraded. This is accomplished through preconstruction permitting. Utah Administrative Rule R307-403; Permits: New and Modified Sources in Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas,88 implements federal NAA permitting programs for major sources as required by 40 CFR § 51.165 and contains new source review provisions for some non-major sources in the ozone NAAs. Rule R307-403 is applicable any new major stationary source or major modification that is major for the pollutant or precursor pollutant for which the area is designated nonattainment if the stationary source or modification is located anywhere in the designated NAA. This includes requirements that a major stationary source in the NWF NAA obtain a ratio of total actual emission reductions of VOCs compared to the emission increase of VOCs of at least 1.15:1 prior to commencement of operations and permitting by the UDAQ. EPA determined that rule R307-403 meets the requirement for nonattainment new source review under 40 CFR § 51.131489 on February 02, 202290 Therefore, this SIP revision adequately addresses the CAA NAA requirements for NOx and VOC emission offsets. 88 Utah Admin. Code r. R307-403. 89 40 CFR § 51.1314 New source review requirements. 90 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Utah; Emissions Statement Rule and Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements for the 2015 8- Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the Uinta Basin, Northern Wasatch Front and Southern Wasatch Front NAAs, 87 Fed. Reg. 5,435 (Feb. 1, 2022). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 96 Chapter 5 - Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis 5.1 Overview CAA section 172(c)(1) requires states to implement all RACM as expeditiously as practicable, including RACT, to meet both RFP requirements and to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS. The CAA requires RACM to be implemented for point, area, non-road, and on-road sources categories to meet the attainment standard. The general approach to the RACM analysis is to evaluate control measures that have been implemented at the federal level, in other states and other local air districts and, if reasonable and practicable, to implement the controls to help the area attain the ozone standard. A RACM analysis determines potential control measures for each source category by considering the following requirements: • technological feasibility of the control measure, • economic feasibility of the control measure, • if the control measure would cause substantial widespread and long-term adverse impacts, • if the control measure is absurd, unenforceable, or impracticable, and • if the control measure can advance the attainment date by at least one year. UDAQ conducted a RACM analysis by analyzing the following materials: • EPA guidance documents and regulations including: o CTG, o ACT, o Ozone Transport Commission model rules. • A comparison of existing Utah administrative rules to other EPA SIP-approved rules of the three western air districts that were moderate nonattainment for the 2008 ozone standard. The rationale for this comparison is that the selected air districts have already implemented ozone controls approved by EPA. The three air districts are Imperial County, CA, Mariposa County, CA, and Phoenix-Mesa (Maricopa County), AZ. These NAAs were selected for comparison since they have comparable climatic conditions to those experienced in the NWF NAA during summer and similar industrial activities present in the NWF NAA. Each area has served as a basis for RACT and RACM comparisons for other ozone NAAs, hence emission reduction strategies adopted in these areas serve as a base for many other current ozone NAAs. • Lastly, an evaluation of newly identified technological and economically feasible controls, or if enhancement of existing controls were available. The RACM analysis for the NWF NAA examined control measures for all potential VOC and NOx emission sources. As part of this analysis, UDAQ reviewed existing Utah administrative rules, many of which were implemented as part of the Salt Lake PM2.5 serious SIP and were developed under the regulatory guidelines of best available control measures (BACM) which allow for more stringent measures to be implemented than those conforming to RACM. The rules adopted under the BACM approach for state efforts to address PM2.5 pollution include 24 VOC-related administrative rules, which are identified in Table 55. Furthermore, as the implementation rules under PM2.5 allow for the implementation of emission reduction strategies beyond the attainment dates, the VOC emission UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 97 reduction rules implemented during the PM2.5 SIP were not constrained by timelines and further contribute to the exhaustive list of existing regulations in the NWF NAA. As the requirements for BACM are significantly more stringent than for RACM, the majority of this analyses concluded that current control measures are as, or more stringent than, the requirements for the moderate ozone SIP. Table 55: Existing area source VOC rules in the NWF NAA91 Rule Name R307-211 Emission Standards: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills R307-230 NOx Emission Limits for Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters R307-303 Commercial Cooking R307-304 Industrial Solvent Use R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage R307-335 Degreasing R307-341 Cutback Asphalt R307-342 Adhesive and Sealants R307-343 Emission Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations R307-344 Paper, Film & Foil Coating R307-345 Fabric & Vinyl Coating R307-346 Metal Furniture Surface Coating R307-347 Large Appliance Surface Coating R307-348 Magnet Wire Coating R307-349 Flat Wood Panel Coating R307-350 Miscellaneous Metal Parts & Products Coating R307-351 Graphic Arts R307-352 Metal Containers, Closure & Coil Coating R307-353 Plastic Parts Coating R307-354 Auto Body Refinishing R307-355 Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacturing & Rework Facilities R307-356 Appliance Pilot Light R307-357 Consumer Products R307-361 Architectural Coatings 5.2 RACM Analysis To evaluate the VOC and NOX sources in the NWF NAA, UDAQ first evaluated the 2017 baseline emission inventory described in section 3, examining emission categories with the highest emissions contributions first, then proceeding to examine smaller emission categories, in an attempt to identify the most impactful strategies first. Thus, Tables 56 and 57, which overview the results of UDAQ’s RACM analysis, are presented in descending order of the magnitude of emission category, as is the corresponding TSD for this analysis.92 Next, the UDAQ identified control techniques currently in place for 91 All these rules are found in the Utah Administrative Code. 92 Northern Wasatch Front Area Source Reasonable Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis for Ozone Control. Technical Support ing Document (TSD). https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001246.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 98 source categories and determine if existing controls and rules are up to date with federal guidance and other states moderate ozone NAA rules. Table 56: VOC RACM Assessment Summary Source Category Utah Existing Rules/Statute and Federal Rules Comments Solvent, Consumer/commercial Use Products R307-357 Consumer Products R307-357 is the most current OTC model rule, no further action warranted Solvent, Graphic Arts R307-351 Graphic Arts UDAQ worked closely with the national printing trade association to derive a BACM rule that would be in line with printing rules found in the most stringent California air districts. No further analysis warranted. Surface Coating, Industrial Maintenance* Surface coating rules R307- 343,344, 345,346, 347,348,349,350,352,353,354 and 355. Surface Coatings, Traffic Markings – R307-361 Architectural Coatings Most current control strategies for surface coating and deemed to be BACM by UDAQ. R307-361 is the most current OTC model rule and deemed to be BACM by UDAQ. Chemical Stripper R307-304 Solvent Cleaning R307-335 Degreasing UDAQ created the new rule R307-304 by removing sections of R307-335, in which the applicability was dramatically lowered, and a low vapor pressure solvent option was added. UDAQ determined that R307-304 was BACM. No further analysis warranted. Surface Coatings, Architectural R307-361 Architectural Coatings R307-361 is the most current OTC model rule, no further action warranted Gas Pipelines 40 CFR 49 Subtitle B U.S. Dept. of Transportation is responsible for pipeline safety and spill prevention. No further action warranted. Asphalt R307-341 Cutback Asphalt Imperial and Maricopa counties require lower VOC limits which were not considered in this evaluation for safety reasons. Reducing the VOC content requires the asphalt to be heated at a higher temperature leading to possible flashing and increase fuel usage negating any VOC reductions. Industrial Bakery UDAQ issued a proposed rule for public comment in 2016. Commenters submitted documentation that the estimated cost would be at least $19,000/ton, requiring double-walled stainless-steel stack plus catalytic UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 99 oxidation of ethanol. High capital cost would require a rule with high applicability threshold that would preclude regulating most bakeries that comprise these emissions. No further action warranted. Residential & Commercial Portable Gas Cans Evaporation/Spillage etc. 40 CFR Part 59, Subpart F, Control of Evap. Emission from New & In-use Portable Fuel Containers No further action warranted Gas Under Ground Storage Tank DAQ enforces Federal UST regulation. No further action warranted. Waste Disposal, Treatment, and Recovery; Composting;100% Green Waste R315-312 Recycling and Composting Facility Standards Composting operations are managed by the Utah Solid Waste Division. R315-312 includes facility and material management requirements to reduce air, soil and groundwater impairment. The 3 comparative air districts do not have air quality rules for compost operations. No further action warranted. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Title 19 Chapter 6 Part 4, Underground Storage Tank Act UDEQ enforces the EPA UST regulation, no further action warranted Pesticide Application, Commercial/Consumer (FIFRA) R307-357 Consumer Products R307-357 is the most current OTC model rule, no further action warranted Fuel Gas/Gasohol Bulk Plants R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage Maricopa County has additional EPA SIP rules for gasoline transfer and storage based upon federal stage 1 vapor recovery guidance. An evaluation of Maricopa County’s rules with Utah’s determined that no additional control technique would be beneficial, and our current rules associated with these processes were determined to be BACM. Landfills R307-221 Emission Standards: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills No further action warranted. Combustion, Natural Gas, Residential R307-356 Appliance Pilot Light R307-356 prohibits appliance from utilizing a pilot light thereby reducing VOC’s. No further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 100 Gas Stage 1 R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage Refer to discussion in section 5.2.1 Commercial Cooking Researchers in California have been unable to identify cost effective technology for this emission source. Known control measures have a high capitol cost (>$50k) and demanding maintenance such that the removal cost would likely exceed $20K/ton. Prohibitive cost would shutter most sources. No further action warranted. Livestock Production According to local USDA representatives, most Utah producers use National Resource Service best management practices to protect soil, water and air. No further action warranted. Sewer Treatment in Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Clean Water Act: all POTW’s have to report to EPA VOC concentrations in discharges. All major POTW’s meet Best Available Technology, no further action warranted. Consumer and Commercial, Miscellaneous Products R307-357 Consumer Products R307-357 is the most current OTC model rule, no further action warranted Fuel, Jet, Stage 1 (Storage) Regulated under 40 CFR Subpart Kb Not technically feasible for jet fuel due to low vapor pressure (0.125 psi). No further action warranted. Fires, Structural Uncontrollable, no further action warranted. Backyard BBQ Statutory Exemption, no further action warranted. Dairy and Beef Cattle Composite According to local USDA representative, most Utah producers use national conservation best management practices. Gas Tank Truck Transport R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage Refer to discussion in section 5.2.1 Solvent, Dry Cleaning Solvent dry cleaners use no transfer machines that eliminate vapor loss during transfer from washing to drying. Additional built-in controls include refrigerated condensers. Some units also include built-in stills UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 101 to further recover vapors. No further controls would be feasible. No further analysis warranted. Poultry According to the Utah Farm Bureau, operations apply best management practices to maintain healthy stock. Fuel, Jet, Stage 2 (Dispensing) Regulated under 40 CFR Subpart CC or Subpart R Not technically feasible for jet fuel due to low vapor pressure (0.125 psi). No further action warranted. Commercial Cooking - Conveyorized Charbroiling R307-303 Commercial Cooking R307-303 requires all units to utilize catalytic oxidizers. UDAQ and a nonprofit environmental group worked together to fund and install catalysts in all units in the Wasatch Front. No further action warranted. Industrial Boiler Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) No known control measures. Source may require permit with conditions under R307-401. LPG Fuel No known control measures exist, no further action warranted. Fires, Vehicle Uncontrollable, no further action warranted. Combustion, Natural Gas, Industrial Boilers and IC Engines No known control measures exist. Source may require permit conditions under air quality permitting R307-401- 4(3) requiring low-NOx burners. Commercial/institutional wood Fuels There are no reasonably cost- effective control strategies for this de minimis emission. No further action warranted. Residential Oil Fuel No known control exists, no further action warranted. Cremation, Human and animal Catalytic oxidizer control cost would readily exceed $15k/ton, an unreasonable cost for a de minimis emission. No further action warranted. Commercial/institutional Kerosene Combustion No known control, no further action warranted. Aircraft/Rocket Engine Firing and Testing Uncontrollable event for aircraft maintenance/testing (no rocket engine). No further action warranted. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 102 Solvents; Hot Mix Asphalt NEW Administrative Rule: R307-313; VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants The UDAQ has identified blue smoke controls reducing VOC emissions associated with blue smoke from Hot Mix Asphalt plants being RACM. As a result, the Utah Air Quality Board has adopted Utah Administrative Rule R307-313 to fulfill this requirement. *Surface Coating, Industrial Maintenance: EPA has aggregated coatings of the following surfaces: wood furniture, paper, film, foil, fabric, vinyl, metal furniture, large appliances, magnet wire, wood panel, metal parts, metal containers, plastic parts, autobody and aerospace parts. Table 57: NOX RACM Assessment Summary Source Category Utah Existing Rules/Statute and Federal Rules Comments Combustion, Natural Gas R307-356 Appliance Pilot Light. R307-230 NOx Emission Limits for Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters PROPOSED: R307-315 & R307-316 Prohibits the sale of appliance pilot lights (with the exception of water heaters) after January 1, 2014. A Canadian study determined that a gas fireplace pilot light accounts for 48% of the annualized gas usage for the appliance. Reduced gas consumption translates to a reduction in PM2.5, VOC, NOx, SOx and NH3. We are not aware of other comparable rules. Ultra-low NOx water heaters reduce emissions to 10 ng/Joule for residential units and slightly higher limits for commercial units. R307-230 is consistent with the most stringent California rules. No further action warranted. The UDAQ has identified ultra-low NOx burners (9 ppmv) as being RACM in most instances when applied to replacement of end-of-life equipment or replacement burners. Some instances, particularly for high MMBtu units, may exceed RACM requirements and require regulatory flexibility. UDAQ is proposing the adoption of administrative rules R307-315 and R307-316 to fulfill this RACM requirement. Combustion, Natural Gas, Commercial & Institutional Boilers and IC Engines May be subject to air quality permitting. R307- 401-4(3) may apply requiring low-NOx burners. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 103 Industrial Boiler LPG May be subject to air quality permitting depending on size of emission sources. Combustion, Industrial, Distillate Oil, All IC Engines May be subject to air quality permitting depending on size of emission sources. Combustion, Commercial, Institutional LPG No known control. Combustion, Industrial, Distillate Oil, All Boilers May be subject to air quality permitting. R307- 401-4(3) may apply requiring low-NOx burners depending on the size of emission source. Residential LPG Fuel No known control. Combustion, Natural Gas, Industrial Boilers and IC Engines May be subject to air quality permitting. R307- 401-4(3) may apply requiring low-NOx burners. Commercial, institutional wood Fuels There are no reasonably cost-effective control strategies for this de minimis emission. No further action warranted. Backyard BBQ Statutory Exemption, no further action warranted. Structural fires Uncontrollable Residential Oil Fuel No known control, no further action warranted. Waste Disposal, Open Burning, Yard Waste and Household Waste R307-202, General Burning regulates yard waste burning by permit and prohibits household waste burning by homeowners. No further action warranted. Cremation, Human and animal Catalytic oxidizer control cost would readily exceed $15k/ton, an unreasonable cost for a de minimis emission. No further action warranted. Combustion, Kerosene No known control, no further action warranted. Aircraft/Rocket Engine Firing and Testing Uncontrolled event for aircraft maintenance/testing (no rocket engine). No further action warranted. Motor vehicle fires Uncontrollable. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 104 Table 58: RACM Identified Control Strategies Source Category New or Proposed Administrative Rules Comments Combustion, Natural Gas Proposed: R307-315; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu R307-316; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-fired Boiler greater than 5.0 MMBtu The UDAQ has identified ultra-low NOx burners (9 ppmv) as being RACM in most instances when applied to replacement of end-of-life equipment or replacement burners. Some instances, particularly for high MMBtu units, may exceed previously established RACM thresholds and require regulatory flexibility. UDAQ is proposing the adoption of administrative rules R307-315 and R307-316 to fulfill this RACM requirement. Solvents; Hot Mix Asphalt Utah Administrative: R307-313; VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants The UDAQ has identified blue smoke controls reducing VOC emissions associated with blue smoke from Hot Mix Asphalt plants being RACM. As a result, the Utah Air Quality Board has adopted Utah Administrative Rule R307- 313 to fulfill this requirement. 5.3 RACM Analysis Conclusion The evaluation of existing Utah administrative rules, EPA issued CTGs, ACTs, and OTC rules, as well as similar western counties with moderate ozone NAAs determined that the NWF NAA has adopted an expansive list of both VOC and NOx emission reduction rules for area sources. Through this process, and in parallel with UDAQ working groups, two additional control techniques were identified as RACM that will result in the reduction of NOx emissions from natural gas boiler as well as VOC emission reduction from hot mix asphalt facilities (Table 58). These controls were determined to be reasonable and will help the NAA reach attainment as expeditiously as practicable. As a result, the UDAQ has adopted administrative rule R307-313; VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants as a RACM strategy to reduce VOC emissions. Additionally, the UDAQ has adopted administrative rules R307- 315; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu and R307-316: NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-fired Boiler greater than 5.0 MMBtu. These reduction strategies, and their implementation timelines, are discussed further in section 7. The UDAQ has determined that the NWF NAA has met RACM requirements with the RACM analysis and the implementation of the two new control strategies. Beyond the RACM controls identified for natural gas-fired boilers and hot mix asphalt facilities, the UDAQ has identified that the application of in-use limitations for small non-road engines, particularly those used in lawn and garden operations, are likely to be reasonable in scope and could result in significant emission reductions of both VOCs and NOx. Section 209 of the CAA prohibits states from regulating mobile sources in certain ways,93 with section 209(e) specifically preempting states from regulating emissions from non-road sources. While section 209 does prohibit a state from regulating 93 42 U.S.C. § 7543 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 105 mobile source emissions, the prohibition is not absolute. In particular, section 209(d) allows states to impose restrictions on when or where these engines can be operated (i.e., “in use“ restrictions), including for source covered under 209(e). Thus, the UDAQ has identified that states are not preempted from implementing meaningful emission reduction strategies covering non-road mobile sources through in-use requirements. The UDAQ plans to develop and implement policies that address emissions from these sources as the NAA works towards demonstrating attainment as expeditiously as possible. However, the scope of implementing a policy that covers such a large amount of small and distributed sources like non-road engines requires more time than allotted for in this SIP revision. The UDAQ intends to develop and implement a policy aimed at reducing VOC emissions from these sources in subsequent SIP revisions. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 106 Chapter 6 – Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program 6.1 Overview of I/M Programs The transportation sector is a major source of both NOx and VOCs in and around the NWF NAA. Although modern vehicles (1996 and newer) emit far less pollution than older vehicles due to improved emission reduction technologies, these reductions depend on the on-board emission control systems being adequately maintained and operating. If not properly maintained, vehicles will not perform as originally designed, resulting in increased emissions. Malfunctions in emission control technologies can cause emissions to increase substantially beyond federal vehicle standards, with even minor malfunctions resulting in increased emissions. Therefore, identifying and repairing malfunctioning vehicles is imperative to reducing vehicle-related emissions in NAAs. Vehicle I/M programs require mandatory and periodic testing of on-road motor vehicles for compliance with emission standards, and the repair of vehicles that do not meet standards. These tests are designed to determine whether a vehicle’s emission controls are functioning properly, and whether emissions levels are acceptable. The goal of an I/M program is to identify and repair high-emitting vehicles to improve air quality in areas not attaining the NAAQS. EPA sets vehicle emission standards to protect public health, however, these regulations do not guarantee proper operation and maintenance of a vehicle’s emission controls over its lifetime. State and local governments implement I/M programs to identify high-emitting vehicles and notify owners and operators to have these vehicles repaired. Once repaired, vehicles must be retested to verify their emissions are within the standards. The 1990 amendments to the CAA mandated I/M programs for ozone and CO NAAs based on criteria such as air quality status, population, and/or geographic location. In parallel with CAA requirements, Utah Code requires that, if identified as necessary to attain or maintain any NAAQS, a county must create an I/M program as authorized by the Utah Air Quality Board to formally establish those requirements for county I/M programs after obtaining agreement from the affected counties.94 Similarly, Utah Code also allows any county with an established I/M program to subject individual motor vehicles to I/M testing at times other than the annual inspection.95 As a result of the NWF NAA’s previous designation as marginal nonattainment, as well as a CO NAA that overlaps portions of the NWF NAA, under CAA Section 182(a) and Section 187, Utah was previously required to implement and maintain an I/M program in the most populated counties in the NWF NAA including: Davis, Salt Lake, and Weber Counties. Beyond the NWF NAA, Utah was also required to implement an I/M program in the SWF NAA, which includes Utah County, to the south of the NWF NAA (figure 1). These programs are required to be at least as effective as the EPA's Basic Performance Standard.96 6.2 Federal Requirements I/M programs are mandatory under CAA Section 182 for ozone NAAs. These programs may be removed if the state can demonstrate that the program is no longer needed. However, the I/M program would still be retained in the SIP as a contingency control measure, which would be triggered if the area 94 Utah Code Section 41-6a-1642 & Utah Code Ann. § 19-2-104(1)(g). 95 Utah Code Section 41-6a-1642 96 40 CFR § 51.352 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 107 ever exceeds the applicable NAAQS.97 Additionally, states have the flexibility to develop their own I/M programs based on local conditions, if the state can show that impacted areas will continue to meet air quality standards. There are two performance levels of any I/M program—basic or enhanced. Basic I/M programs are a requirement for moderate ozone NAAs98 which requires testing for light-duty cars for any urbanized population over 200,000 residents.99 An enhanced I/M program is required for serious, severe, and extreme ozone NAAs100 with urbanized populations over 200,000. An enhanced I/M program requires inspection of both light duty cars and light duty trucks.101 As a moderate NAA, the NWF is only required to demonstrate that its existing I/M programs meet the basic I/M criteria. Since all counties in the NWF NAA with populations over 200,000 have existing programs, no new I/M programs are required as part of this SIP revision. 6.3 I/M Testing There are three types of I/M testing that can be performed on vehicles: • Visual Inspections: These inspections discourage tampering by checking for the presence of certain required emission control parts such as catalytic converters. • Tailpipe Testing: This inspection consists of measuring the exhaust emissions when a vehicle is idle or under certain engine loads. This inspection is typically for models made in 1995 and older. • On-Board Diagnostics (OBD): Vehicles made in 1996 or later have been equipped with OBD computerized systems. These systems continuously monitor emission control systems and will activate the “check engine” light if a diagnostic trouble code is detected concerning the vehicle’s emission controls. 6.4 Utah I/M Program History and General Authority I/M programs were adopted in the early 1980’s in Utah as a required strategy to attain both the ozone and CO NAAQS.102 These programs have played a critical role in reducing emissions that contribute to ozone and CO and have been highly effective in improving air quality in urbanized parts of the state. Utah's I/M programs are initially authorized in Utah Code Section 41-6-163.61, which was enacted during the First Special Session of the Utah legislature in 1983. 103 I/M programs were initially implemented in Davis and Salt Lake counties in 1984, by Utah County in 1986, and by Weber County in 1990. In 1994, Utah Code was amended to authorize the implementation of I/M programs stricter than minimum federal requirements in counties where it is necessary to attain or maintain a NAAQS. 104 97 40 CFR § 51.905 (A)(4)(i). 98 CAA Section 182(b)(4), 42 U.S.C. § 7511a(b)(4). 99 40 CFR § 51.350(a)(4). 100 CAA Section 182(c)(3), 42 U.S.C. § 7511a(c)(3). 101 40 CFR § 51.350(7) and (8). 102 Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber counties are required to have I/M programs under Section 182(b)(4) and/or Section 187(a)(4) of the CAA. 103 This section has been renumbered as section 41-6a-1642 by Laws 2005, c. 2, § 216, eff. Feb. 2, 2005. 104 1994 Utah Code. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 108 This section of the Utah Code required preference be given to a decentralized program to the extent that a decentralized program would attain and maintain ambient air quality standards and would meet federal requirements. Thus, I/M programs in Utah are implemented at the county level, and not directly by the state of Utah. Utah Code also required affected counties and the Utah Air Quality Board to give preference to the most cost-effective means to achieve and maintain the maximum benefit regarding air quality standards, and to meet federal air quality requirements related to motor vehicles. The Utah legislature indicated preference for a reasonable phase-out period for replacement of air pollution test equipment made obsolete by program in accordance with applicable federal requirements, and if such a phase-out does not otherwise interfere with attainment of ambient air quality standards. By January 1, 2002, OBD inspections and OBD-related repairs were required as a routine component of Utah I/M programs on model year 1996 and newer light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks equipped with certified OBD systems. The federal performance standard requires repair of malfunctions or system deterioration identified by or affecting OBD systems. In addition, in 2002, the Utah State Legislature amended the Utah Code to allow for biannual inspection of cars six years old or newer.105 This provision is applicable to the extent allowed under the current SIP for each county within the NAA. Meaning the state would need to determine if the I/M programs in counties within the NAA would need to have their testing frequency modified to comply with NAAQS standards. The state would then work with local health departments to alter their requirements. Most recently, in 2005 the Utah State Legislature renumbered and amended Utah Code to allow counties with an I/M program to require college students and employees who park a motor vehicle on college or university campus that is not registered in a county subject to I/M provisions to provide proof of compliance with an emission inspection.106 6.5 UDAQ Evaluation of Current I/M Program I/M programs in Utah are currently using OBD and tailpipe testing. However, I/M programs rely mostly on OBD testing because most of the fleet is equipped with OBD systems, but there are still some tailpipe tests being performed. Details on Utah existing I/M programs, relevant county ordinances and regulations, network types and enforceability can be found in the applicable I/M TSD.107 In an effort to evaluate if existing I/M programs in the NWF NAA meet the requirements of a moderate NAA, the UDAQ conducted basic performance standard modeling to show how the existing I/M programs of Davis, Salt Lake, and Weber counties meet the applicable performance standard for a basic I/M Program for the summer of 2023. 2023 was chosen as the analysis year to be consistent with the year used for this modeling demonstration. This evaluation used the same MOVES modeling assumptions used to develop the on-road mobile source 2023 projection inventory for the NWF NAA covering Davis, Salt Lake, Weber, and Utah counties.108 Utah County provides reciprocity testing and, given the proximity of Utah County to the NWF, its I/M program was included in the analysis. Tooele County was not included in this analysis since the area does not meet the population threshold of 200,000 or more residents in which an I/M program is required.109 105 Utah Code Section 41-6-163.6 106 Utah Code Section 41-6a-1642 107 NWF Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program; 2015 Ozone NAAQS Moderate Ozone SIP, TSD 108 2023 EXISTING BASIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PERFROMANCE STANDARD MODELING TECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENT: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001726.pdf 109 40 CFR § 51.350(a)(2) and (a)(3). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 109 The performance standard compares the modeling results of the existing program and performance standard benchmark for a basic program for 2023. For a basic I/M program, if the proposed/existing program achieves the same or lower emissions levels for VOC and NOx as the performance standard benchmark program, then the proposed/existing program is considered to have met the basic performance standard. Areas required to operate an I/M program as the result of being classified (or reclassified) as moderate for an 8-hour ozone NAAQS must use the basic performance standard, using the program design elements at 40 CFR § 51.352(e). Emission estimates are confined to the EPA approved MOVES 3.0.3. This model produces emissions daily estimates for on-road vehicles by providing emissions profiles for starts, exhaust, evaporative and hot soak conditions. Inputs include speeds, vehicle fuel profiles and specifications, VMT, I/M profiles, VMT mix, vehicle age distributions, and meteorological conditions. These inputs were chosen to meet EPA and Department of Transportation guidance on updating local planning assumptions every 5 years.110 Compliance factors were compiled utilizing local 2017 I/M EPA data covering: Total Vehicles tested, Total Failures, Waivers, and Failure Rate for the following testing procedures: Two Speed Idle, OBD, and Gas Cap. The compliance data is from EPA prepared compliance data dated 2/21/2019. Since this modeling exercise had been completed, 2020 I/M testing compliance factors have become available (EPA prepared compliance data dated 8/12/2021)111. The only difference between the 2017 I/M and 2020 I/M compliance factors is in Weber County for light duty trucks model years 1996-2007 creating a difference of 1%. Results of this analysis including county specific I/M program details utilized within MOVES 3.0.3 are included in the Table 59 to Table 62.112 Table 59: 2023 Davis County Summer Basic Performance Modeling 2023 Davis County Summer Basic Performance Modeling (Tons Per Day) NOx VOC Davis I/M 7.42 2.77 Basic I/M 7.55 2.91 Difference 0.14 0.13 Table 60: 2023 Salt Lake Summer Basic Performance Modeling 2023 Salt Lake County Summer Basic Performance Modeling (Tons Per Day) NOx VOC Salt Lake I/M 20.98 8.51 Basic I/M 21.42 8.94 Difference 0.44 0.43 110 EPA420-B-08-901 Dec 2008 111 https://www.epa.gov/compliance-and-fuel-economy-data/annual-certification-data-vehicles-engines-and-equipment 112 Utah’s 2023 Existing Basic Inspection and Maintenance Performance Standard Modeling Technical Support Document can be found on the NWF Moderate Ozone SIP TSD web page at https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-moderate-ozone-sip-technical-support-documentation#supporting-tsd. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 110 Table 61: 2023 Utah County Summer Basic Performance Modeling 2023 Utah County Summer Basic Performance Modeling (Tons Per Day) NOx VOC Utah I/M 10.39 3.37 Basic I/M 10.56 3.48 Difference 0.16 0.12 Table 62: 2023 Weber County Summer Basic Performance Modeling 2023 Weber County Summer Basic Performance Modeling (Tons Per Day) NOx VOC Weber I/M 5.87 2.12 Basic I/M 5.97 2.22 Difference 0.11 0.10 The analysis provided in this section, with the results highlighted in tables 59 – 62, indicates that the existing I/M programs currently in place in the NWF meet the CAA requirements for moderate ozone NAAs. 6.6 Implementation of I/M Program in Tooele County To determine if the implementation of an I/M program in Tooele County would provide significant benefit for the NWF NAA to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS, UDAQ conducted an analysis of the effects of implementing an I/M program in Tooele County using MOVES parameters similar to those described in section 6.5. Tooele county has a relatively small population of approximately 76,000 residents, and only a portion of the total county is included within the boundary of the NWF NAA (Figure 1). Tooele county has not previously been required to implement an I/M program since they are below the population threshold of 200,000 residents. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 63. Based on these results, the UDAQ has concluded that the emission reductions associated with implementing a Basic I/M program in Tooele County would yield minimal emission reductions. Thus, the UDAQ has decided not to implement an I/M program in Tooele County especially in light of the fact that the county does not meet the population requirements found in 40 CFR § 51.350(a)(3), and the associated emission reductions would be small. This determination does not exclude the possibility of an I/M program implemented in Tooele County at a later date. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 111 Table 63: I/M Program Implementation Evaluation for Tooele County in 2023 NOx VOC VOC Refuel NH3 PM2.5 Vehicle Miles Traveled No I/M Program 3.783 0.875 0.13 0.097 0.081 3,476,298 OBD I/M Program 3.74 0.833 0.13 0.097 0.081 3,476,298 Percentage Emission Reduction -1.14% -4.80% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% TPD Emission Reduction -0.043 -0.042 0 0 0 0 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 112 Chapter 7 – Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) 7.1 Reasonable Further Progress CAA section 172(c)(2) requires emission reductions of that SIP provisions include Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)113, which is defined as “annual incremental reductions in emissions of the relevant air pollutant”114, or ozone precursor emissions including NOx and/or VOCs[referred to as Reasonable Further Progress (RFP)]. Section 182(b)(1)(A)(i) of the CAA further states that for a moderate ozone NAA, “the State shall submit a revision to the applicable implementation plan to provide for volatile organic compound emission reductions, within 6 years” after being designated as a nonattainment area.115 This section goes on to say that “such a plan shall provide annual reductions in emissions of volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen as necessary to attain the national primary ambient air quality standard for ozone.”116 Section 182(b)(1)(A)(i) further details RFP requirements for a newly designated moderate NAAs, which is a demonstrated 15% reduction specifically for VOC emissions, known as Rate of Progress (ROP).117 [Since the NWF does not have a previously approved ROP plan related to ozone, the state must meet the 182(b)(1)(A) requirements for this moderate SIP.] The EPA has consistently interpreted the 15% VOC-only requirements as a one-time requirement throughout several implementation rules. Starting with the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS implementation rule,118 which was revised and later replaced by the 2008 NAAQS implementation rule,119 and finally affirming the same approach in the 2015 NAAQS implementation. This interpretation has been upheld by the DC Circuit.120 Therefore, the 15% VOC only component achieved over a 6-year period identified in Section 182(b)(1)(A) of the CAA represents a one-time requirement, and once an area has achieved a 15% reduction of VOCs relative to an established NAAQS baseline year, the area can fulfill subsequent RFP requirements utilizing NOx and/or VOC reductions, as instructed by the CAA. Having previously met the one-time 15% VOC only reduction as part of the substantial VOC emission reductions achieved under previous PM2.5 SIPs, including a 21.2% VOC reduction relative to the 113 42 U.S.C. § 7502(c)(2). 114 Id. § 7501(1). 115 Id. § 7511a(b)(1)(a)(i). 116 Id. 117 Id. 118 Final Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard—Phase 2; Final Rule To Implement Certain Aspects of the 1990 Amendments Relating to New Source Review and Prevention of Significant Deterioration as They Apply in Carbon Monoxide, Particulate Matter and Ozone NAAQS; Final Rule for Reformulated Gasoline, 70 Fed. Reg. 71,612, 71,615 (Nov. 29, 2005) (“Areas that are classified as moderate under the 8 -hour standard that have already implemented their 15 percent plans under their 1-hour ozone SIPs would be considered to have met the statutory 15 percent requirement. Reasonable further progress for the first 6 years from the baseline year would be covered under the more generic RFP re quirements of subpart 1. “). 119 Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements, 80 Fed. Reg. 12,264, 12,271 (March 6, 2015) (“With respect to RFP requirements, we interpret the 15 percent VOC emission reduction requirement in CAA section 182(b)(1) such that an area that has already met the 15 percent requirement for VOC under either the 1-hour ozone NAAQS or the 1997 ozone NAAQS (for the first 6 years after the RFP baseline year for the prior ozone NAAQS) would not have to fulfill that requirement again. Instead, such areas would be treated like areas covered und er CAA section 172(c)(2) if they are classified as Moderate for the 2008 ozone NAAQS, and would need to meet the RFP requirements under CAA section 182(c)(2)(B) if they are classified as Serious or above for the 2008 ozone NAAQS.”). 120 Natural Resources Defense Council v Environmental Protection Agency, 571 F.3d 1245 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (holding that EPA reasonably interpreted the CAA provision requiring a moderate or greater nonattainment area to provide for VOC emission reductions of at least 15 percent). Thi s decision should not be disturbed by the holding in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, No. 22-1219, 2024 WL 3208360, at *5 (U.S. June 28, 2024) overruling Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984) because Loper Bright expressly held that by overruling Chevron the Court “does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework.” Further “[t]he holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful—including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself—are still subject to statutory stare decisis despite the Court's change in interpretive methodology. Mere reliance on Chevron cannot constitute a “special justification” for overruling such a holding.” Loper Bright, 2024 WL 3208360, at *5 (cleaned up). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 113 2010 PM2.5 base year achieved in a 6-year period,121 and a 43.2% VOC reduction relative to the 1980 1- hour ozone standard, the state of Utah is pursuing compliance with RFP / ROP for this SIP revision through both NOx and VOC emission reductions under CAA Section 172(c)(2) and 182(b)(1(A). Therefore, the[The] RFP requirement for this SIP revision is to reduce [VOC]ozone precursor emissions by 15% [within six years]relative to the VOC emissions of the established 2017 baseline year within six years for the purpose of ensuring attainment of the NAAQS by the attainment date of August 3, 2024. The state must identify and implement emission reduction strategies equal to or greater than 15% of the 2017 baseline VOC inventory described in Section 3.2 (Table 7) by January 1, 2023. In order for reductions to count towards RFP, they must occur at sources located within the boundary of the NAA, and “have actually occurred”122[113], meaning they are quantifiable with strategies developed to reduce emissions being enforceable. Details regarding past SIP emission reductions of ozone precursor emissions, including demonstrations of a 15% VOC reduction relative to a base year for multiple primary NAAQS, and an overview of how the state is meeting current RFP requirements, are discussed in detail in Section 7.5. 7.2 Methodology The methodology for determining compliance with CAA Section 182(b)(1)(A) RFP requirements are as follows: 1) Develop an anthropogenic VOC baseline inventory (2017) for the NAA. 2) Develop an anthropogenic VOC projected inventory (2023) for the NAA that incorporates anticipated emission reductions. 3) Demonstrate that VOC emissions in the projected year inventory (2023) are at least 15% lower than the baseline (2017) (i.e., 2023 emissions – 2017 emissions >= 15% of 2017 emissions) and meet the criteria described in Section 7.1. Alternatively, if a state is pursuing compliance under Section 172(c)(2) of the CAA, the 15% emission reduction requirement identified in steps 1-3 serve as the NAA wide emission reduction requirement, however NOx reductions can be substituted in place of VOC reductions. Beyond demonstrating the total 15% reduction requirement is fulfilled, a state must also show that the reductions in NOx deliver an equivalent, or greater, improvement to air quality as would have been achieved had RFP been met through VOC reductions alone. This demonstration can include photochemical modeling analysis, as is discussed in sections Lastly, the extent of the current NAA boundary needs to be considered. NOx substitutions are only an available pathway in areas which overlap the same geographic extent in which the previously approved VOC reductions occur. 7.3 RFP and Anthropogenic VOC Emission Reductions Table 64 shows anthropogenic VOC emission for the NWF NAA for the baseline year of 2017 and the projected year of 2023, as well as the change in emissions from 2017 compared to 2023 (i.e., 2017 – 121 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part A.21: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, UT Nonattainment Area. Adopted December 3, 2014. 122 [113] 42 USC § 7511a(b)(1)(C). 123 NOx Substitutions Guidance. U.S. EPA. December, 1993. https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/aqmguide/collection/cp2_old/19931201_oaqps_nox_substitution_guidance.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 114 2023 VOC emissions). The total anthropogenic VOC emissions for the NWF NAA in 2017 account for 93.7 tpd. As a result, the RFP requirement for the NWF NAA is 14.0 tpd reduction to achieve the 15% reduction. Table 64: Anthropogenic VOC Emission Reductions from 2017 to 2023 for the NWF Source Sector 2017 Baseline Anthropogenic VOC Emissions (tpd) 2023 Projected Anthropogenic VOC Emissions (tpd) Δ Anthropogenic VOC Emissions (tpd) % Δ Anthropogenic VOC Emissions Airports 1.3 1.4 0.2 15.4 Livestock 0.7 0.7 ---- ---- Area 8.5 8.3 -0.2 -2.4 Non-Road Mobile 12.5 12.6 0.1 0.8 On-Road Mobile 20.5 15.3 -5.2 -25.4 Point 5.9 6 0.1 1.7 Point-Electric Generating Units 0 0 ---- ---- Rail 0.5 0.4 -0.1 -20 Solvents 43.2 44.5 1.3 3.0 ERC Bank 0.7 0.7 ---- ---- Total 93.7 90 -3.7 -3.9 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 115 Figure 4: NWF Anthropogenic VOC Emission Inventories As shown in Table 64 and Figure 4, there have been substantial VOC reductions in the on-road mobile sector, resulting in 5.2 tpd of VOC reductions. These reductions are overwhelmingly due to improvements in vehicle emission reduction technologies for personal automobiles and the introduction of cleaner, tier 3 fuels, into the NAA. Other source sectors such as rail and area sources show small emission reductions of 0.2 and 0.1 tpd, respectively. While the area has experienced emission reductions across multiple sectors, the area is also experiencing rapid population growth, with Utah being the fastest growing state in the nation in 2022 and projected to add 2.2 million more residents by 2060.124[114] As a result of this rapid population growth, the NWF NAA has had emission increases in certain source sectors, including the non-road and solvents sectors accounting for an added 0.2 tpd and 1.3 tpd, respectively. The increased emissions in some source sectors that closely track population growth offset the emission reductions in other sectors. As a result, the net total reductions of anthropogenic VOC emissions in the NWF NAA are 3.7 tpd, accounting for a decrease of 3.9% of the baseline 2017 emissions.[ This means that the State of Utah still has 11.1% of its RFP requirements to fulfill, or 10.3 tpd of additional emission reductions required to fulfill the CAA sections 172(c)(2) and 182(b)(1)(A) requirements.] [114]124 Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute research and data, available at https://gardner.utah.edu/utah-population-to-increase-by-2-2-million-people-through-2060/ 1.3 0.7 8.5 12.5 20.5 5.9 0 0.5 43.2 0.71.4 0.7 8.3 12.6 15.3 6 0 0.4 44.5 0.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 To n s P e r D a y NWF Anthropogenic VOC Emission Inventories 2017 Baseline Anthropogenic VOC Emissions (tpd)2023 Projected Anthropogenic VOC Emissions (tpd) UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 116 7.4 Anthropogenic NOx Emissions Table 65 shows anthropogenic NOx emissions for the NWF NAA for the baseline year of 2017 and the projected year of 2023, as well as the change in emissions from 2017 compared to 2023 (i.e., 2017 – 2023 NOx emissions). [NOx emissions are not part of the ROP requirement for this moderate SIP; however, t] The area has experienced significant NOx reductions despite the substantial population growth. [While NOx reductions do not count towards the CAA sections 172(c)(2) and 182(b)(1)(A) requirements, t]These reductions have played an important role in the area progressing towards attaining the standard as expeditiously as possible, which is further discussed in section 7.4.1. Table 65: Anthropogenic NOx Emission Reductions from 2017 to 2023 for the NWF Source Sector 2017 Baseline Anthropogenic NOX Emissions (tpd) 2023 Projected Anthropogenic NOX Emissions (tpd) Δ Anthropogenic NOX Emissions (tpd) % Δ Anthropogenic NOx Emissions Airports 3.1 3.7 +0.6 19.4 Livestock 0 0.0 ---- ---- Area 5.4 4.9 -0.5 -9.3 Non-Road Mobile 10.5 8.0 -2.5 -23.8 On-Road Mobile 55.5 35.4 -20.1 -36.2 Point 20.4 22.0 +1.6 7.8 Point-Electric Generating Units 0.4 0.4 ---- ---- Rail 9.2 8.8 -0.5 -5.4 Solvents 0.6 0.7 +0.1 16.7 ERC Bank 3.1 3.1 ---- ---- Total 108.3 87.0 -21.3 -19.7 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 117 Figure 5: NWF Anthropogenic NOx Emission Inventories As shown in both Table 65 and Figure 5, the total anthropogenic NOx emissions for the NWF NAA in 2017 account for 108.3 tpd, decreasing to 87.0 tpd in 2023, accounting for a 21.3 tpd reduction in daily NOx emissions in this time period from 2017 to 2023. A substantial portion of these emission reductions, much like those observed in VOC emission reductions (Section 7.3), come from the on-road mobile sector because of continued improvements to vehicle engine standards and the introduction of cleaner burning fuels, resulting in 20.1 tpd of emission reductions relative to the baseline year. The NAA has also experienced NOx reductions in other sectors including non-road mobile, rail and area sources, accounting for an additional 2.5, 0.5, and 0.5 tpd respectively. While some sectors have had small amounts of emission growth, such as airports, the majority of emission source sectors are showing reductions of anthropogenic NOx emissions. 7.4.1 Effectiveness of NOx emission reductions in the NWF NAA Reductions in NOx have been identified as an effective strategy in reducing ozone formation in the NWF NAA. A source apportionment modeling analysis conducted by the UDAQ using CAMx (Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions) OSAT (Ozone Source Apportionment Tool) (section 9.2) at the Hawthorne and Bountiful monitoring stations found that a little more than half of the modeled ozone at both monitoring sites is attributable to NOx sources (Figure 6). Specifically, on average, 54% of the ozone is attributable to NOx sources and 46% is attributable to VOC sources at the Hawthorne station. Similarly, 53% of the ozone is attributable to NOx and 47% is attributable to VOCs at the Bountiful station. These results indicate that ozone at the controlling monitors in the NWF NAA is formed under both NOx- and VOC-limited conditions, with a little more than half of the ozone formed under NOx-limited conditions. 3.1 0 5.4 10.5 55.5 20.4 0.4 9.2 0.6 3.13.7 0 4.9 8 35.4 22 0.4 8.8 0.7 3.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 To n s P e r D a y NWF Anthropogenic NOx Emission Inventories 2017 Baseline Anthropogenic NOx Emissions (tpd)2023 Projected Anthropogenic NOx Emissions (tpd) UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 118 While the modeling results have some uncertainty, the findings are consistent with those from a VOC/NOx ratio analysis conducted by the UDAQ which utilized VOC measurements collected at the Hawthorne monitoring site during the summer of 2021125[115]. 8-hr time-integrated carbonyls measurements and hourly Gas Chromatograph (GC) data with VOC concentrations weighted by their Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) (i.e. reactivity respective to ozone production/per unit VOC), collected from June-August 2021, were used in this ratio analysis. Results showed that the area is in a transitional regime, with controls on both VOCs and NOx emissions as potentially effective strategies to reduce ozone formation. These findings are consistent with the CAMX results reported in this section. Figure 6: NOx-attributable (brown) and VOC-attributable (green) ozone at Hawthorne (left panel) and Bountiful (right) monitoring stations on average over all days of the modeling episode. These findings support the UDAQ’s conclusion that the implementation of NOx reduction controls as identified in section 4 (Table 54) as part of this SIP revision are necessary for the NWF NAA to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable. The UDAQ also conducted a High-Order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) photochemical analysis examining the predicted reductions in ozone concentrations for a given reduction of anthropogenic NOx or VOC emissions to further assess the effect of NOx and VOC emission reductions within the NAA. This analysis is particularly important as ozone chemistry is non-linear, and therefore a 1:1 relationship between NOx and/or VOC reduction and decreased ozone concentrations cannot be assumed. The resulting isopleth plots (Figure 7) shows that much of the NWF NAA is fairly insensitive to VOC emission reductions, especially at the controlling monitor. [115]125 https://harbor.weber.edu/Airqualityscience/docs/conferences/AQSfS-2022/AQSfS2022Posters/sghiatti_sci_4_sol_poster_2022.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 119 Figure 7: Average maximum daily 8-hour ozone isopleths representing NOx and VOC reductions and the resulting predicted ozone concentrations at Bountiful (left) and Hawthorne (right) monitoring station. Analysis was conducted using CAMx version 7.1 HDDM and demonstrates the sensitivity to NOx reductions vs. VOC reductions at the two monitoring sites. This analysis further identified that much of the NAA is more sensitive to NOx reductions on exceedance days, however significant reductions of greater than 50% of NAA anthropogenic emissions would still be needed to attain 2015 8-hr ozone NAAQS. This analysis highlights that NOx reductions play a critical role in Utah pursuing a reasonable pathway towards attaining the standard, with a NOx heavy - limited VOC reduction pathway being the most beneficial pathway for the NWF NAA to improve summertime air quality. These results confirm the unique characteristics of the NWF NAA airshed and show that an equivalent reduction in NOx emissions provides as great, or greater, of an improvement in air quality than VOC emission reduction alone. Therefore, the 21.5 tpd of NOx reductions implemented as part of the moderate ozone SIP delivers a greater improvement to air quality than would have been seen with a 15% reduction of VOC emissions alone. As a result, the 25.0 tpd of ozone precursor emissions (NOx + VOC) reductions documented in this SIP revision represents the best possible pathway for delivering the maximum improvement in air quality. 7.5 CAA Section 172(c)(2) and NOx Substitutions As discussed in Section 7.1, the EPA interprets the 15% VOC reduction requirement of CAA Section 182(b)(1)(A) as a one-time requirement for a nonattainment area. This is supported by the 2015 ozone implementation rule stating that a NAA designated as moderate that has implemented federally enforceable VOC emission reductions equal to or greater than the current 15% requirement from a previous ozone NAAQS SIP revision, are granted the opportunity to substitute a comparable amount of NOx emission reductions under Section 172(c)(2), as long as those reductions deliver an equivalent UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 120 improvement in air quality.126 This section provides the necessary evidence to document past SIP- approved VOC reductions in excess of 15% relative to a NAAQS base year in a 6 or less year window, as well as the benefits to air quality associated with NOx reductions within the NWF NAA. Taken together, this demonstrates the requirements needed to comply with CAA Section 172(c)(2) RFP requirements utilizing the substitution of NOx emission reductions in place of VOC reductions. This approach is consistent with the stated intent of RFP requirements, to “provide annual reductions in emissions of volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen as necessary to attain the national primary ambient air quality standard for ozone”.127 Furthermore, as clearly demonstrated in Section 7.4.1, this approach is the most appropriate for the NWF NAA where a combination of both NOx and VOC reductions provides the most effective pathway towards attainment. 7.5.1 Past and Current SIP Emission Reductions Table 66 overviews the substantial VOC emissions reductions achieved for both moderate128 and serious129 PM2.5 SIPs for the Salt Lake City, UT nonattainment area, as well as the 1979 1-hour ozone standard for the Davis – Salt Lake NAA. This table demonstrates that in the five-year period from the moderate PM2.5 base year of 2010 to the attainment year of 2015, VOC emissions were reduced from 130 tpd to 102.5 tpd, a reduction of 27.5 tpd. To meet the 15% RFP VOC reduction requirements specified in 182(b)(1)(A), a decrease of VOC emissions by 19.5 tpd would have been necessary. As a result, the 27.6 tpd of documented VOC emission reductions far exceeds a 15% threshold of 19.5 tpd, and therefore serves to fulfill a past RFP plan, with more than a 15% reduction occurring within a 6-year period. In fact, this reduction represents a 21.2% reduction, far in excess of the 15% required to demonstrate RFP. Table 66: VOC reductions in the NWF NAA during past SIPs timelines demonstrating a 15% VOC reduction relative to NAAQS base years. Moderate PM2.5 SIP (2010 - 2015) Combined Moderate and Serious PM2.5 SIP (2010 - 2020) 1979 1-hour Ozone SIP (1980 - 1987) VOC (tpd reduced) 27.6 tpd 35.7 tpd 67.7 tpd 15% of base year 19.5 tpd NA (10-year period) 23.5 tpd 182(b) RFP fulfilled Yes (21.2% reduction)* NA (10-year period) Yes (43.2% reduction) * The federally approved reductions from the moderate PM2.5 SIP represent an appropriately equivalent 6-year reduction of VOC emission to fulfill a 15% reduction relative to a NAAQS base year. 126 83 Fed. Reg. at 63,004 (“Areas classified Moderate for the 2015 ozone NAAQS that had SIPs previously approved to meet the ROP [RFP] requirements for the 1- hour, 1997 8-hour or 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS would be treated like areas covered under CAA section 172(c)(2)… the EPA continues to inte rpret CAA section 172(c)(2) as requiring Moderate areas with an approved SIP under the 1-hour ozone NAAQS or prior 8-hour ozone NAAQS to achieve 15 percent ozone precursor (NOX and/or VOC) emission reductions.”). 127 § 7511a(b)(1)(a)(i). 128 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part A.21: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5 SIP for the S alt Lake City, UT Nonattainment Area. Adopted December 3, 2014. 129 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part A.31: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, Serious Area PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, UT Nonattainment Area. Adopted January 2, 2019. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 121 Additionally, as the entirety of the NWF ozone NAA resides within the slightly larger Salt Lake City PM2.5 NAA boundary, with nearly identical boundaries except for the inclusion of Box Elder County to the north in the PM2.5 boundary, the past VOC reductions highlighted in Table 67 apply to the entire NWF ozone NAA. Therefore, a single RFP plan demonstrating compliance through the utilization of NOx substitutions is suitable for the NWF NAA as all areas of the current boundary can demonstrate past applicable VOC reductions. Furthermore, the state of Utah also implemented significant VOC reductions under the 1979 1- hour ozone NAAQS, which resulted in 67.7 tpd of reductions.130 This reduction represents a 43.2% reduction in VOC relative to the 1980 base year, far in excess of the 15% required to demonstrate a successful RFP plan, which additionally serves to fulfill a past 182(b)(1)(A) requirement. However, as air quality subsequently improved, the area was ultimately granted a clean data determination which resulted in the suspension of RFP requirements.131 Therefore, VOC emission reductions achieved under this standard were not federally approved and therefore are not considered a previously approved RFP plan. While this plan was never acted upon by the EPA, such action was unnecessary since the EPA issues a clean data determination instead. The act of issuing a clean data determination serves as verification that the emission reductions were implemented and successful in reducing emissions and improving air quality, demonstrating the continued effectiveness of this RFP plan. Table 67: VOC and NOx reduction in the NWF NAA during the moderate SIP timeline relative to RFP requirements for a moderate SIP as 15% of the 2017 base year. RFP Requirements 2017 - 2023 moderate ozone SIP % of Moderate Ozone SIP RFP VOC (tpd reduced) 14.0 tpd 3.7 tpd 26% NOx (tpd reduced) -- 21.3 tpd 152% Combined (tpd reduced) -- 25.0 tpd 178% Lastly, as overviewed in Section 7.3 and Section 7.,4 and shown in Table 67, the state of Utah has been able to account for 3.7 tpd of VOC emission reductions from 2017 to 2023 as part of this moderate ozone SIP revision, as well as a 21.3 tpd reduction of NOx emissions over the same six-year period. Combined, ozone precursor emissions were reduced 25.0 tpd during the 6-year period of this SIP revision, representing 178% of the 14.0 tpd RFP requirement, and therefore fulfilling RFP requirements for this SIP revision. 7.5.2 PM2.5 Chemistry and VOC Reductions While northern Utah’s PM2.5 air quality challenges are predominantly a wintertime issue, the emission reductions implemented under these past SIPs to address PM2.5 pollution episodes were largely adopted as year-round emission reduction strategies. As a result, the associated NOx and VOC emission reductions decrease both wintertime PM2.5 and serve to improve summertime ozone throughout the NWF NAA. The interconnectedness of ozone and wintertime PM2.5 in the Wasatch Front is complex, but breaks down into three essential components: UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 122 1. While the reaction of NO2 with sunlight (hv) initiates the formation of ozone (O3), VOC emissions accelerate the daytime formation of ozone (O3) in both the wintertime and summertime which subsequently drives the availability of hydroxyl radicals (OH) within the troposphere. A simplified cycle of this chemistry is included in the equations below (equations 2 - 4): Equation 2 NO2 + sunlight(hv) → NO + O3 O + O2 + M → O3 + M (M=air) O3 + hv → O2 + O O + H2O → 2OH VOC + OH → RO2 RO2 + NO → RO + NO2 2. The newly formed NO2 at the end of the reactions above subsequently cycles back to form additional ozone. The presence of ozone as formed in the reactions above during the day determines the availability of OH radicals. OH radicals subsequently act as fuel for daytime PM2.5 chemistry wherein the NOx-HOx cycle is responsible for daytime production of ozone and nitric acid (HNO3).132 This cycle begins when VOCs are oxidized by OH, generating HO2 or RO2 radicals (equation 3). Equation 3 OH + VOC → HO2 + RO2 HO2 + NO → NO2 + OH OH + NO2 → HNO3 HNO3 undergoes an acid-based reaction with gas phase ammonia (NH4) to form particulate ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), the predominant secondary particulate compound found in wintertime Persistent Cold Air Pool (PCAP) events in northern Utah.133 3. Lastly, the presence of ozone plays a direct instigating (oxidative) force in the nighttime PM2.5 chemistry as at night NOx converts to particulate ClNO2 and HNO3 through NO3 and N2O5 (equation 4).134 Equation 4 NO2 + O3 → NO3 NO3 + NO2 ⇆ N2O5 N2O5 + H2O (het.) → 2HNO3 132 Womack, C. C., McDuffie, E. E.,Edwards, P. M., Bares, R., de Gouw, J. A.,Docherty, K. S., et al. (2019). An oddoxygen framework for wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NOx and VOC control as mitigation strategies. Geophysical Research Letters,46, 4971 –4979. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082028. 133 Kelly, K. E.; Kotchenruther, R.; Kuprov, R.; Silcox, G. D. Receptor model source attributions for Utah’s Salt Lake City airshed and the impacts of winte rtime secondary ammonium nitrate and ammonium chloride aerosol. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 2013, 63 (5), 575−590. 134 Munkhbayar Baasandorj, Sebastian W. Hoch, Ryan Bares, John C. Lin, Steven S. Brown, Dylan B. Millet, Randal Martin, Kerry Kelly, Kyle J. Za rzana, C. David Whiteman, William P. Dube, Gail Tonnesen, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, and John Sohl. Environmental Science & Technol ogy 2017 51 (11), 5941-5950. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06603. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 123 N2O5 + HCl (het.) → HNO3 + ClNO2 As with daytime chemistry, the resulting HNO3 reacts with NH3 to form particulate nitrate NH4NO3, with NO3, N2O5, and ClNO2 converted back to NO2 and O3 the following morning and further contributing to daytime chemistry. The importance of ozone in wintertime PM2.5 is reinforced by the fact that tropospheric ozone is completely depleted during PCAP events (0.00 ppb) throughout the Wasatch Front, as ozone acts as a fuel driving secondary particulate formation. Because of the important role ozone plays in both the daytime and nighttime formation of PM2.5, Utah’s PM2.5 SIPs specifically targeted reductions of ozone and its precursor emissions to limit the effectiveness of these pathways. Utah’s most recent PM2.5 SIP explains this interconnectedness of ozone and PM2.5 formation.135 The explicit efforts to target the formation of ozone, even during the wintertime, as well as the year-round nature of the emission reduction policies implemented as part of these efforts, demonstrates why VOC emission reductions achieved under a PM2.5 NAAQS SIP should be applied toward RFP compliance through NOx substitutions under CAA Section 172(c)(2) for this ozone SIP revision. 7.5.3 NOx Effectiveness As discussed in detail in section 7.4.1 and highlighted in Figure 7, the airshed of the NWF NAA is more sensitive to reduction in NOx than in VOCs, especially at the controlling monitor. As an example, a 50% reduction of VOCs at the Bountiful monitoring site (~46 tpd reduction) results in a 1-2 ppb decrease in modeled 8-hour ozone concentrations. Conversely, the same 50% reduction in NOx (also ~46 tpd reduction) results in a 4-5 ppb decrease, approaching attainment of the standard at that location. However, as demonstrated by the fact that the Hawthorne monitor is far less sensitive to NOx reductions than the Bountiful monitor, the ozone photochemistry in the NWF NAA is highly localized with each monitoring location responding differently to NOx and VOC reductions. Regardless of location, however, all sites respond to paired VOC and NOx reduction strategies well, further demonstrating that a NOx-heavy - limited VOC reduction pathway provides the most reasonable pathway to attainment. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that NOx emission reductions deliver an equivalent, or better, improvement to air quality at the controlling monitor, especially when paired with the VOC reductions documented in this SIP revision. Therefore, the 21.3 tpd NOx emission reductions highlighted in Section 7.4 serve to not only fulfill the 14.0 tpd RFP requirement but also to deliver a greater overall benefit to air quality than a 15% reduction in VOC emissions alone. Lastly, the NOx and VOC emission reductions combined in this SIP revision result in a total of 25.0 tpd, representing a 26.7% reduction in ozone precursor emissions, or 178% of the RFP requirement, while delivering the most effective and reasonable pathway towards attaining the standard. 7.5.4 Conclusion The significant VOC emission reductions implemented under past PM2.5 SIPs and ozone SIPs in the NWF allow the area to pursue compliance with RFP requirements136 for this SIP revision through the reduction of both NOx and VOC emissions, as is consistent with the EPAs interpretation of Section 135 https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/technical-analysis/research/northern-utah-airpollution/utah-winter-fine-particulate-study/DAQ-2018- 004037.pdf (“Aerosol chloride can also contribute to the formation of nitryl chloride (ClNO2), a source of radicals which act to enhance the daytime photochemical production of ozone and nitrate, both of which are important contributors to PM2.5 formation. This formation of ClNO2 is particularly active in the Salt Lake Valley, as shown by recent aircraft measurements (2017 Utah Winter Fine Particulate Study (UWFPS)).”) 136 42 U.S.C. § 7511a(b)(1)(A)(i). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 124 172(c)(2) of the CAA. As demonstrated in Table 66, under the moderate PM2.5 SIP, the state implemented a 21.23% reduction of VOC emissions relative to the 2010 base year in less than a 6-year period, significantly exceeding the 15% requirement for an RFP plan. Furthermore, the state demonstrated a 43.2% reduction in VOCs for the 1979 1-hour ozone standard. As a result, the state has twice, prior to this SIP revision, implemented a full 15% VOC-only reduction in a 6-year period within the NAA, fulfilling the one-time 182(b)(2)(A) VOC-only obligation. As a result, the RFP requirement for this SIP revision, calculated as 15% of the 2017 VOC emission inventory, is a reduction of 14.0 tpd of NOx and/or VOC emissions. From 2017 to 2023, the NWF NAA has seen a combined 25.0 tpd reduction of ozone precursor emissions, representing a a 26.7% reduction in of ozone forming precursor emissions. The combined NOx and VOC emission reductions have also been demonstrated to provide a greater improvement to air quality than a 15% reduction in VOC emissions alone. Therefore, the NWF NAA has met RFP requirements as a moderate NAA for the 2015 ozone NAAQS. [7.5]7.6 Future SIP Emission Reductions The UDAQ has identified several emission reduction strategies that, once fully implemented, will result in the reduction of both VOC and NOx emissions within the NWF NAA and count towards RFP requirements. However, due to the short implementation timeframe afforded to states under this SIP revision, paired with the added difficulty of finding viable VOC reduction strategies after the extensive emission reductions associated with Utah’s PM2.5 planning efforts, these strategies will not be fully implemented by the implementation deadline of January 1, 2023[116]137 and thus, will not count towards RFP under the moderate SIP. Utah is working to have these strategies fully implemented prior to the summer of 2026 in an effort to count these reductions towards RFP requirements during the state’s submission of a potential serious SIP for the same NAA. The UDAQ is simultaneously implementing NOx emission reductions both in anticipation of future SIP creditability as well as in an effort to demonstrate attainment of the standard at the earliest achievable date. [7.5.1]7.6.1 Hot Mix Asphalt; Utah Administrative Code Rule R307-313 The UDAQ has identified reducing VOC emissions associated with hot mix asphalt manufacturing as a technologically viable and economically feasible control strategy. UDAQ has proposed R307-313 requiring hot mix asphalt (HMA) plants in the NAA to install emission capture and control devices to reduce VOC and blue Smoke emissions associated with the production and loading of HMA and oil storage tanks. Blue smoke is a visible emission generated during the production of HMA plants that results from the process of mixing hot oil with aggregate which consists of oils heated to the point of volatilization resulting in aerosols containing VOCs. Blue Smoke controls work to control both the visible emissions and VOC emissions from HMA plants by capturing the emissions at various points of the production process and routing these emissions through ducting to a destruction point, either using filters and activated carbon, or through post-capture combustion. Emissions from the associated oil tanks can be captured and reduced using similar technologies. The UDAQ identified 15 HMA plants operating in the NWF NAA as well as 48 oil tanks associated with asphalt manufacturing at these plants. UDAQ estimates that the aggregated PTE emissions from these activities result in a combined 0.34 tpd (125.32 tpy) of VOC emissions in the NAA, of which 0.26 tpd (95.63 tpy) would be reduced with the implementation of controls as required by R307-313. It is important to note that these numbers are represented as PTE, and when applied to actual emissions [116]137 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 125 from the sources based on annual production the emission reductions will be lower. This difference explains why associated inventoried emissions described in section 3 do not match those reported here, and thus it is expected that the actual emission reductions will be lower as many facilities are permitted to produce more asphalt per year than what is actually produced annually. Administrative rule R307-313 was adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 1, 2023. However, the lead time for the engineering and installation of these controls, as well as the additional testing and emission destruction verification required for the implementation of a novel emission reduction strategy, mean that the emission reductions associated with this rule will not be creditable under the moderate SIP timeline. As impacted facilities have until May 1, 2025 to install controls, these emissions reductions are expected to be creditable for future SIP reductions. [7.5.2]7.6.2 Boilers; Utah Administrative Code Rules R307-315 and R307-316 In an effort to reduce NOx emissions in and around the NWF NAA, UDAQ has proposed the adoption of R307-315; NOx Emissions Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu and R307- 316; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers greater than 5.0 MMBtu. These rules both implement an emission standard of 9ppmv for natural gas-fired boilers in the NAA in the effected MMBtu ranges. In aggregate, these rules will apply to an estimated 2,136 boilers in the NAA which combine to emit an estimated 8.55 tpd (3,122 tpy) of NOx emissions. It is important to note that these emission estimates are independent bottom-up estimates of the total potential emissions from boilers, and were determined using different datasets and methods than those used in the development of the inventories described in section 3. The UDAQ believes that these numbers are a more accurate representation of actual emissions from boilers within the NAA. However, these numbers may be different than those reported in section 3, and any future SIP credited emission reductions associated with the implementation of these rules would rely instead on the numbers reported in the inventory. The implementation of R307-315 and R307-316 has the potential to reduce 6.9 tpd (2,522 tpy) of these combined emissions. However, R307-315 and R307-316 do not require the retrofit or replacement of any boiler currently operating in the NAA, and instead require new boilers or burner replacements to meet the 9ppmv standard. Thus, the implementation of this rule will take place over a long period of time as the average lifespan of this equipment can be greater than 20 years. Since the emission reductions from the implementation of R307-315 and R307-316 will occur beyond the moderate SIP timeline[are targeted at the reduction of NOx emissions], the reductions associated with these rules will not count towards RFP requirements for this SIP revision but are anticipated to be creditable for future SIP reductions. [7.5.3]7.6.3 US Magnesium LLC The UDAQ also examined major industrial point sources that contribute to the degradation of the NWF NAA’s airshed but are located outside of the existing boundary. This examination identified one source that met this criteria, US Magnesium LLC, located in Tooele County on the southwestern edge of the Great Salt Lake. This facility produces significant amounts of highly reactive precursor emissions that contribute to both ozone and PM2.5 formation along the Wasatch Front. US Magnesium LLC is the largest producer of primary magnesium in the US and operates the Rowley Plant production facility on the western edge of the Great Salt Lake in Tooele County near the NAA boundary. Here, water from the Great Salt Lake is evaporated to produce a brine solution that is then purified and dried before going through a melt reactor and electrolytic process which separates magnesium metal from chlorine. Byproducts of this industrial process include VOCs and NOx, as well as chlorine which is converted into hydrochloric acid. All of these byproducts contribute to ozone and UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 126 secondary particulate matter formation in the NWF NAA. In 2021, US Magnesium’s permitted potential to emit was 894 tpy of VOCs, 1,261 tpy of NOx and 8,522 tpy of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). These emissions make US Magnesium’s Rowley plant one of the largest point sources of VOCs and NOx in the greater Wasatch Front and the largest point source of HAPs in Utah. As a result of the magnitude of emissions and proximity to the NWF NAA boundary, UDAQ required US Magnesium to perform a RACT analysis for VOC and NOx emissions. As described in detail in section 4.15, the RACT analysis submitted by US Magnesium identified that the installation of a steam stripper and regenerative thermal oxidizer on the wastewater ponds at the boron plant would be feasible. Once installed, this control will result in the reduction of 0.44 tpd (161.7 tpy) of VOC. However, since the source is located outside of the current NAA (see section 1.4.2), and the timeline for the installation of these controls are beyond what is statutorily required, these emission reductions are not creditable towards RFP requirements but will be included as a contingency measure as discussed in section 11.2.2. [7.5. 4]7.6.4 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Marathon Refinery As described in section 4.12, a RACT analysis submitted by Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Marathon Refinery identified that the installation of selective catalytic reduction for reducing NOx emissions from the cogeneration turbines with heat recovery steam generation CG1 and CG2 would be technologically feasible. As a result, these controls will be required to be installed by October 1, 2028, in order for the NAA to demonstrate attainment of the standard as expeditiously as practicable. The installation of these controls will result in an emission reduction of approximately 0.18 tpd (68.78 tpy) of NOx once installed. Since the timeline for the installation of these controls is beyond the implementation timeline for this SIP revision, and the controls will result in the reduction of NOx emissions and not VOC emissions, these emission reductions are not creditable towards RFP requirements but are anticipated to be accounted for in subsequent SIP revisions. In addition to the NOx reductions associated with controls on CG1 and CG2, Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC Marathon Refinery will be required to install a secondary seal on Tank 321 and replace the wastewater system API Separator and DAF unit with a closed vent to a carbon adsorption control system. These controls, once installed, will result in reductions of VOC emissions by 0.006 tpd (2.30 tpy) and 0.027 tpd (10.0 tpy) respectively. Thus, the combined VOC reductions associated with these controls is expected to be .033 tpd (12.3 tpy). [7.5.5]7.6.5 Lawn and Garden Small Non-Road Engines As noted in section 5.3, the UDAQ has identified emission reduction policies aimed at reducing VOCs and NOx emissions from small non-road engines used in lawn and garden operations as being reasonable. While there are some substantial limitations on the state in how emissions from these sources can be regulated due to CAA Section 209 preemption, the implementation of in-use restrictions for this class of equipment on ozone exceedance days, colloquially known as “mandatory action days,” complies with Section 209 preemption while simultaneously allowing for significant VOC emission reductions on days in which reductions are the most critical. The state has identified that the implementation of a rule based on these criteria could net a VOC emission reduction of approximately 2.84 tpd throughout the NWF NAA[, which would account for a significant portion of the state’s remaining RFP requirement]. It is the intent of the UDAQ to introduce an administrative rule during subsequent ozone state implementation planning efforts that aligns with reducing emissions from these sources through mandatory action days restrictions. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 127 7.7 RFP Conclusions As described in section 7.5.4, this SIP revision demonstrates compliance with RFP requirements for a moderate NAA under CAA section 172(c)(2) through the utilization of NOx substitutions as allowed for NAAs with previously approved SIPs demonstrating comparable past VOCs emissions reductions. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 128 Chapter 8 - Attainment Demonstration and Weight of Evidence 8.1 Background CAA Section 182(b)(1)(I) requires SIP revisions for moderate ozone NAAs to contain an attainment demonstration, with the ozone implementation rule[117]138 further specifying that an approvable demonstration rely on a photochemical model, or another equivalent analytical method determined to be at least as effective as that required for a serious NAA. For this SIP revision, the UDAQ has developed a photochemical model following EPA guidance, with supplemental analyses to perform the attainment demonstration modeling. In the previous sections of this SIP revision, ozone concentrations have been reported using the unit ppm to be consistent with CAA and CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) language. In this all subsequent sections (sections 8 – 12), the UDAQ will be reporting ozone concentrations in the unit of parts per billion (ppb), in order to be consistent with literature and EPA technical guidance. The photochemical model developed for this SIP serves as a useful tool for projecting future ozone concentrations, determining source regions that contribute to local ozone levels, and estimating the impacts of emission source categories. This model also represents a significant step forward in understanding the transport and formation of ozone throughout the NWF and the broader state of Utah. Though the predictive ability of this model is scientifically sound and meets established performance criteria, all models have inherent limitations since they are a simplified approximation of complex real-world systems. Therefore, results presented from this modeling analysis should not be considered the sole source of information relied upon when determining if a region will attain the 2015 ozone standard by the attainment date. EPA’s modeling guidance139[118] overviews supplemental analyses, termed “weight of evidence” (WOE), that can be used to further support an attainment determination if the maximum MDA8 ozone DV is close to the 70-ppb (0.070 ppm) standard at one or more monitoring sites. A WOE analysis is “a totality of the circumstances approach, one that considers all available data to evaluate the reasonableness of the modeled result which supplements those results.”140 [119] EPA’s modeling guidance outlines the basic types of analysis that could be included a part of a WOE analysis including: • Additional modeling analyses, • Analysis of trends in ambient air quality and/or emissions, and • Additional unaccounted emission controls or reactions The results of the UDAQ’s photochemical modeling and WOE are presented in section 8.2. [117]138 83 FR 62998 [118]139 Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020- 10/documents/o3-pm-rh-modeling_guidance-2018.pdf [119]140 Environmental Defense Fund v. Unites States EPA, 369 F.3d 193, 198 (2d Cir. 204). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 129 8.2 Photochemical Modeling Platform The UDAQ conducted an air quality modeling analysis in support of the NWF NAA attainment demonstration. Modeling was performed following EPA’s modeling guidance141[120]. This modeling platform includes emissions modeling, meteorological modeling, and photochemical modeling. Photochemical modeling was conducted using the CAMxv7.1 model. Emissions inventories were collected and processed through the Sparse Matrix Operating Kernel Emissions Model (SMOKE) version 4.8.1. With the exception of lightning NOx and oceanic emissions, modeling was based on scripts and data from EPA’s 2016v2 modeling platform.142[121] Sea salt and lightning NOx emissions were calculated in CAMx by running the corresponding CAMx tools (oceanic_v4.2 and lnox_v1.1, respectively). Meteorological fields for input into CAMx were produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRFv4.2) model. A detailed description of each of these models, their configuration, settings, and performance are provided in their respective TSDs.143 [122] For this attainment demonstration, the period of June 15 - August 1, 2017, was selected as the modeling episode, where June 15 - 25 corresponds to spin-up days. 2017 was also selected as the base year for modeling and 2023 was selected as the future year with local emissions projected from the 2017 inventory as described in section 3. The modeling domain consisted of three nested grid domains at 12/4/1.33 km. The 12 km domain covers the Western United States and is aligned with EPA’s 12US1 domain, with the north-south extent of this domain matching the EPA’s domain. The 4 km domain is nested within the 12 km domain and covers the state of Utah as well as parts of neighboring states. The 1.33 km domain is nested within the 12/4 km domains and extends over the northern Wasatch Front non-attainment area to provide higher resolution modeling within this area. The 12/4/1.33 km nested grid modeling domain configuration is shown in Figure [7]8. [120]141 Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM 2.5, and Regional Haze: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020- 10/documents/o3-pm-rh-modeling_guidance-2018.pdf [121]142 EPA 2016v2 Emissions Modeling Platform TSD https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2021- 09/2016v2_emismod_tsd_september2021.pdf [122]143 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023- 001603.pdf & Meteorological Modeling for Wasatch Front O3 SIP Technical Support Documentation and Model Performance Evaluation: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001605.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 130 Figure [7]8: 12/4/1.33 km CAMx Modeling Domains Time- and space-variable initial and boundary conditions (ICs and BCs, respectively) for the outermost domain (i.e., 12 km domain) were derived from GEOS-Chem global chemistry model outputs for 2017, with the modeling performed by Ramboll under contract with WESTAR.144 [123] Following EPA guidance, the same GEOS-Chem-derived ICs and BCs for the 2017 base case were used for the 2023 future case. BCs and ICs for the 4 km domain, which was run in a two-way nested configuration with the 1.33 km domain, were extracted from the 3-D CAMx output concentration files for the 12 km domain. Concentrations were extracted along the lateral boundaries of the 4 km domain. CB6r5h (version 6, revision 5 with halogens) gas-phase chemical mechanism, which includes halogens chemistry, was used for all simulations. At the request of the UDAQ, this mechanism was specifically developed and implemented by Ramboll, developer of CAMx, in a special version of CAMx v7.1 as a replacement for CB6r5 (version 6, revision 5). CB6r5h was developed to account for interactions between inorganic halogen species, ozone, VOCs, and NOx, where reactions involving chlorine (Cl) and bromine (Br) were added to CB6r5. Halogens emissions are significant in the valley and play a significant role in PM and ozone formation in the NWF. An aircraft monitoring campaign conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in winter 2017 indicated that US Magnesium, an industrial plant located on the southwest edge of the Great Salt Lake, emits large quantities of HCl and dihalogens (Cl2, Br2, BrCl), with the facility being the single largest halogen emission source in the US.145 [124] Using a photochemical box model and a 3D chemical transport model, the investigators also showed that, while these halogens induce ozone depletion near the plant, they [123]144 [1] https://views.cira.colostate.edu/docs/IWDW/Modeling/WRAP/2017/Ramboll_WESTAR_GEOS -Chem_Report_8Apr_2021.pdf [124]145 C. C. Womack, W. S. Chace, S. Wang, M. Baasandorj, D. L. Fibiger, A. Franchin, L. Goldberger, C. Harkins, . S. Jo, B. H. Lee, J. C. Lin, B. C. McDonald, E. E. McDuffie, A. M. Middlebrook, A. Moravek, J. G. Murphy, J. A. Neuman, J. A. Thornton, P. R. Veres, S. Brown. Midlatitude Ozone Depletion and Air Quality Impacts from Industrial Halogen Emissions in the Great Salt Lake Basin. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 5, 1870–1881. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 131 lead to significant increases in the formation of particulate ammonium nitrate, PM2.5, ozone, and other oxidants in populated regions of the Salt Lake Valley located downwind of the plant. Regional PM2.5 increases of 10%-25% were attributed to this single industrial halogen source. Given that the chemical cycles leading to ozone and ammonium nitrate are linked146[125] implementing CB6r5h in our summertime ozone modeling is increasingly important. 8.2.1 Model Performance Evaluation (MPE) Model performance was evaluated by comparing the 2017 modeled ozone concentrations to measured concentrations of ozone and ozone precursors, including NOx, NO2 and VOCs. The evaluation was focused on results for the 1.33 km modeling domain and results for spin-up days are excluded from this analysis. Results showed that the CAMx model performs well at simulating ozone at all sites within the NWF NAA. While the model generally underestimates MDA8 ozone concentrations at the local monitors, site-specific performance statistics are within established performance criteria. For all days of the modeling episode, modeled MDA8 ozone concentrations are within established performance criteria for Normalized Mean Bias (NMB), Normalized Mean Error (NME) and correlation coefficient (R). NMB values for all sites are within the performance criteria of ±15% (Table [66]]68). Similarly, NME and R values for all sites are within their respective performance criteria of < 25% and > 0.5 (Table [67]69). These performance statistics suggest that the model performs well at simulating MDA8 ozone concentrations. On days with elevated ozone (observed MDA8 > 60 ppb), model performance was overall acceptable with NME values falling within their performance thresholds at all sites (< 25%) and NMB performance threshold being slightly exceeded at one of the sampling sites (NMB of -15.86%) (Table [67]69). At some sites, the correlation coefficient R displayed some values below 0.5, which is likely related to the model switching from an underprediction to an overestimation of MDA8 ozone on a few days (< 8% of high ozone modeling days), which impacted the modeled ozone temporal trend. These days were characterized by a variable cloud cover, which WRF did not simulate completely. More details on this are provided in the CAMx MPE TSD. Table [66]68: Performance statistics for MDA8 ozone on all days of the modeling episode. Results are shown for monitors in the 1.33 km modeling domain. AQS Site ID Site Name NMB (%) NME (%) R 49-011-0004 Bountiful -11.36 13.32 0.735 49-035-3006 Hawthorne -9.75 12.48 0.653 49-035-3013 Herriman -13.73 14.46 0.61 49-045-0004 Erda -14.66 16.04 0.663 49-057-0002 Ogden -10.51 12.8 0.652 49-057-1003 Harrisville -14.12 14.56 0.763 [125]146 C.C. Womack, E.E. McDuffie, P.M. Edwards, R. Bares, J.A. de Gouw, K.S. Docherty, W.P. Dubé, D.L. Fibiger, A. Franchin, J.B. Gilman, L. Goldberger, B.H. Lee, J.C. Lin, R. Long, A.M. Middlebrook, D.B. Millet, A. Moravek, J.G. Murphy, P.K. Quinn, T.P. Riedel, J.M. Roberts, J.A. Thornton, L.C. Valin, P.R. Veres, A.R. Whitehill, R.J. Wild, C. Warneke, B. Yuan, M. Baasandorj, S.S. Brown, An Odd Oxygen Framework for Wintertime Ammonium Nitrate Aerosol Pollution in Urban Areas: NO x and VOC Control as Mitigation Strategies. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 4971-4979 (2019). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 132 Table [67]69]: Performance statistics for MDA8 ozone on high O3 days (observed MDA8 > 60 ppb). Results are shown for monitors in the 1.33 km modeling domain. AQS Site ID Site Name NMB (%) NME (%) R 49-011-0004 Bountiful -11.49 13.22 0.56 49-035-3006 Hawthorne -9.12 12.22 0.276 49-035-3013 Herriman -13.86 13.9 0.294 49-045-0004 Erda -15.86 16.78 0.565 49-057-0002 Ogden -10.16 12.46 0.318 49-057-1003 Harrisville -14.02 14.57 0.586 Moreover, the model generally captures well the temporal variability of MDA8 ozone concentrations, with the timing of peak and low ozone values being well represented (Figure[8]9 to Figure[13]14). The underestimation in modeled MDA8 ozone concentrations is likely primarily related to an underestimation in local emissions, rather than background emissions. Background ozone is well- replicated as indicated by the overall good agreement between modeled and observed MDA8 ozone concentrations at Gothic Colorado, a high-altitude (10,000 ft) monitoring site in the Colorado Rockies that serves as a good indicator of mid-tropospheric air (Figure [14]15). Overall, the model exhibited a level of agreement with measurements that has typically been achieved for US regulatory modeling for this region.147 [126] These results provide confidence in the ability of the modeling platform to provide a reasonable projection of future year ozone concentrations and source contributions in the NWF NAA. Figure [8]9: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Bountiful monitoring station. [126]147 https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-03/aq-modeling-tsd_proposed-fip.pdf & Denver Metro/North Front Range 2017 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plan: 2011 Base Case Modeling and Model Performance Evaluation. https://views.cira.colostate.edu/wiki/Attachments/Source%20Apportionment/Denver/Denver_2017SIP_MPE_Finalv1.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 133 Figure [9]10: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Hawthorne monitoring station. Figure [10]11: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Erda monitoring station. Figure [11]12: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Herriman monitoring station. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 134 Figure [12]13: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Harrisville monitoring station. Figure [13]14: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at the Ogden monitoring station. Figure [14]15: Time series of observed (grey line) and modeled (red line) maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentration (O3_8hrmax) at Gothic Colorado monitoring station. 8.2.2 Determination of Future Year (2023) Design Values The ozone predictions from the CAMx model simulations were used to project ambient ozone DVs for the year 2023 following EPA’s ozone modeling guidance for SIP demonstrations148[127]. Five-year weighted average DVs centered on the base modeling year of 2017 were first calculated by averaging ambient 8-hour ozone DVs for 2015-2017, 2016-2018, and 2017- 2019. The 5-year weighted average [127]148 https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/documents/o3-pm-rh-modeling_guidance-2018.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 135 DVs at each site were then projected to 2023 using the Software for Model Attainment Test Software – Community Edition (SMAT-CE version 1.6).149[128] This program predicts future year ozone DVs (FDVi) for each monitoring site within the NWF NAA by calculating site-specific relative response factors (RRFi) and scaling the 5-year weighted average base year ozone DV (BDVi) at each site (i) using its corresponding RRFi. Equation [2]5 𝑫𝑫𝑽𝒊=𝑹𝑹𝑫𝒊 × 𝑨𝑫𝑽𝒊 The RRFi for each monitoring site corresponds to the fractional change in MDA8 ozone between the base and future year. It is based on the average ozone on model-predicted “high” ozone days in a 3x3 grid cell array centered on the grid cell containing the monitor. Following EPA modeling guidance, RRFs were calculated based on the highest 10 modeled ozone days in the base year simulation at each monitoring site. Specifically, the RRF for an individual monitoring site is the ratio of the average MDA8 ozone concentration in the future year to the average MDA8 concentration in the 2017 base year. The average values are calculated using MDA8 model predictions in the future year and in 2017 for the 10 highest days in the 2017 base year modeling. High ozone days correspond to days when modeled ozone MD8A concentration exceeds, or is or equal, to 60 ppb. For cases in which the base year model simulation does not include 10 days with MDA8 ozone values >= 60 ppb at a site, all days with ozone >= 60 ppb are used in the calculation, as long as there were at least 5 days that meet this criterion. At monitor locations with less than 5 days with modeled 2017 base year ozone >= 60 ppb, no RRF or FDV is calculated for the site and the monitor in question is not included in the analysis. A detailed description of SMAT configuration is provided in the SMAT TSD.150[129] Following this approach, FDVs and RRFs were calculated for each monitoring site within the NWF NAA, where FDV for Bountiful, Hawthorne and Herriman were based on an adjusted BDV (Table [68). BDV for Bountiful, Hawthorne and Herriman, which correspond to the three highest monitors in the NAA, were adjusted to reflect DVs after exclusion of wildfire smoke-impacted ozone exceedance values. In a separate technical document (“Analysis in Support of Exceptional Event Flagging and Exclusion from Modeling for the Weight of Evidence Analysis”), the UDAQ determined that ozone concentrations exceeding the 2015 ozone NAAQS on August 4, 2016, and September 2, 5 and 6 2017 qualify as wildfire smoke-impacted ozone exceedances. These events were excluded from the 2017 BDV calculations for Hawthorne, Bountiful and Herriman. Excluding these events results in a decrease of 1.7 - 2.0 ppb in the BDV and 2.0 ppb in the FDV for these sites (Table [68]70). Note that consistent with the truncation and rounding procedures for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, the projected DVs are truncated to the first decimal place in units of ppb. [128]149 https://www.epa.gov/scram/photochemical-modeling-tools & UDAQ Ozone SIP SMAT-CE Configuration Utah Division of Air Quality TSD: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001838.pdf [129]150 UDAQ Ozone SIP SMAT-CE Configuration Utah Division of Air Quality: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001838.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 136 Table [68]70: Baseline design values (BDV), relative response factors (RRF), future design values (FDV) at Bountiful, Hawthorne and Herriman monitoring locations. DVs before and after exclusion of days impacted by wildfire smoke are shown.* indicates DV after removal of wildfire smoke-impacted ozone exceedance values. Flagged Data Not Excluded 3x3 grid-cell array Max Paired in Space Flagged Data Excluded 3x3 grid-cell array Max Paired in Space Site Site ID County BDV RRF FDV Final FDV BDV RRF FDV Final FDV Bountiful 490110 004 Davis 76.7 0.9593 73.5 73 75* 0.9593 71.9* 71 Hawthorne 490353 006 Salt Lake 76.7 0.9698 74.3 74 75* 0.9698 72.7* 72 Herriman 490353 013 Salt Lake 76 0.9686 73.6 73 75* 0.9686 72.6* 72 Erda 490450 004 Tooele 73 0.9673 70.6 70 73 0.9673 70.6 70 Harrisville 490571 003 Weber 72.7 0.9676 70.3 70 72.7 0.9676 70.3 70 8.2.3 Model Attainment Test Table [69]71 summarizes the finalized BDV, FDV and RRF at each monitoring site within the NWF NAA, where the BDV for Bountiful, Hawthorne and Herriman, are adjusted to reflect BDV after removal of ozone exceedance values impacted by wildfire smoke. Only sites that had an ozone monitor operating in the 5-year period (2015-2019) were used to calculate the 5-year weighted average ambient BDV and are currently still part of UDAQ air monitoring network were included in this analysis. Results show that the FDV are projected to reach between 70 - 72 ppb by the attainment date across all sites in the non-attainment area, with the Hawthorne monitoring site projected to be the controlling monitor at 72 ppb. It is important to note the way in which ozone DVs are truncated to the lowest whole number when being calculated, a FDV of 70.9 ppb is needed to demonstrate attainment. Therefore, considering the range of projected FDV, monitoring sites that show nonattainment are all demonstrating FDV very near attaining the standard. Table [69]71: Baseline design values (BDV), relative response factors (RRF), future design values (FDV) at monitors within the northern Wasatch Front ozone non-attainment area. 3x3 grid-cell array Max Paired in Space Site Site ID County BDV RRF FDV Final FDV Bountiful 490110004 Davis 75 0.9593 71.9 71 Hawthorne 490353006 Salt Lake 75 0.9698 72.7 72 Herriman 490353013 Salt Lake 75 0.9686 72.6 72 Erda 490450004 Tooele 73 0.9673 70.6 70 Harrisville 490571003 Weber 72.7 0.9676 70.3 70 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 137 8.3 Weight of Evidence (WOE) 8.3.1 Overview While the modeled attainment demonstration described in section 8.1 (Table [69]71) indicates that the MDA8 at the Hawthorne monitor will reduce to 72 ppb by the attainment date, slightly above the 70.9 ppb required to demonstrate attainment, the UDAQ has implemented substantial additional efforts to combat summertime ozone not accounted for during this modeling effort should be taken into consideration when determining if the area is demonstrating attainment. In this section, as part of a WOE approach151[130], the UDAQ will present an overview of additional efforts and analysis to provide further insights into to be considered when determining if the area is demonstrating attainment. 8.3.2 Uncertainties in Modeling and Inventory While the photochemical modeling results presented in section 8.1 meet EPA performance metrics and represent a significant improvement in past efforts to model ozone in the NWF, there are uncertainties in any modeling effort that may result in an overestimation in future predicted ozone concentrations. These uncertainties can result from a wide array of parameters involved in complex modeling efforts, including the process of compiling the emission inventories modeling efforts rely on. For instance, the mobile on-road sector of the inventory is estimated using models developed by the EPA that have many versions EPA released over the years. Estimations of NOx have differed significantly as one model replaced the next, and changes in the vehicle fleets over time such as the electrification of the mobile sector may be underrepresented (see section 8.3.4). Further, since SIPs are legally binding documents and will be enforced in the event certain conditions are not met, emission reductions associated with past SIP efforts have included conservative estimates of total reductions. Therefore, emission reductions accounted for in inventories may underrepresent the full extent of real-world reductions. Additionally, for the development of the attainment demonstration included in this SIP revision, the UDAQ relied on VOC emissions estimates within the solvent sector from an EPA supplied product. This product, VCPy, has substantial benefits over past methods used in the quantification of emissions within this category. However, some uncertainties remain in the emission estimates produced by VCPy that could result in overestimations of VOC emissions within the NWF NAA. For instance, as described in section 3.2.2, this SIP revision sourced its VOC emissions for the solvents sector from EPA’s 2016v2 platform. EPA has subsequently released an updated version (2016v3) of this platform152[131] in which EPA revised its estimated for Utah statewide VOC emissions as adjusted to account for “indoor usage assumptions” as well as “control assumptions”. These updates resulted in a statewide decrease of estimated VOC emissions by 1,699 tpy. As these emissions are generally allocated in modeling based on population metrics, and the NWF represents a significant proportion of Utah’s population, it stands to reason that the majority of the decrease in VOC emission from 2016v2 to 2016v3 would be observed in the NWF NAA. [130]151 Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM 2.5, and Regional Haze [131]152 Technical Support Document (TSD): Preparation of Emissions Inventories for the 2016v3 North American Emissions Modeling Platform. U.S. EP A. January 2023 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 138 8.3.3 Background, Interstate, and International Transport Background Ozone The EPA identifies “background” ozone in the United States (USB) as ozone formed from sources or processes other than anthropogenic emissions of NOx, VOCs, methane (CH4) and CO originating from within the United States.153 [132] This definition does not include intra or inter-state transport of ozone impacting downwind areas, which are covered by other sections of the CAA including section 110(a)(2)(D). NAAs in the Intermountain West face significant and regionally specific challenges meeting ozone standards especially as it relates to the amount of USB present.154[133] The region faces further challenges due to the increasing instances of wildfire,155[134] significant regional and local biogenic contributions,156[135] as well as the influence of internationally transported pollutants,157[136] all of which contributing to a large proportion of ozone on any given day. These challenges are highlighted in multiple analysis identifying significantly elevated USB ozone concentrations throughout the region when compared to the eastern United States.158[137] The substantial contribution of USB ozone impacting Utah’s total ozone concentrations and can be seen at the remote sites located throughout the state, such as the monitoring sites located in Escalante National Monument, or Bryce and Canyonlands National Parks. These sites are typically free of impacts from localized anthropogenic emissions, and they regularly report 8-hour summertime ozone concentrations above 0.050 ppm. Source apportionment modeling performed by the UDAQ (see section 9.2 for details) further found USB ozone concentrations (including interstate anthropogenic emissions) along the Wasatch Front account for up to 85.5% of the ozone comprising the daily 8-hour concentrations observed at the Hawthorne site (Figure [15]16 and Figure [16]17), with the remaining 14.5% attributable to Utah anthropogenic emissions. [132]153 Implementation of the 2015 Primary Ozone NAAQS: Issues Associated with Background Ozone”. USEPA, December 2015 [133]154 Scientific Assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management [134]155 Buchholz, R.R., Park, M., Worden, H.M. et al. New seasonal pattern of pollution emerges from changing North American wildfires. Nature Communications 13, 2043 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29623-8 [135]156 EPA Webinar; Description and preliminary evaluation of BELD 6 and BEIS 4. ORD. Jesse O. Bash and Jeff Vukovich [136]157 Entrainment of stratospheric air and Asian pollution by the convective boundary layer in the southwestern U.S.; Langford, A.O . et al. (2017), J. Geophysics. Res. Atmos., 122, 1312-1337, doi:10.1002/2016JD025987 [137]158 Entrainment of stratospheric air and Asian pollution by the convective boundary layer in the southwestern U.S.; Langford, A.O . et al. (2017), J. Geophysics. Res. Atmos., 122, 1312-1337, doi:10.1002/2016JD025987 & Implementation of the 2015 Primary Ozone NAAQS: Issues Associated with Background Ozone; USEPA, December 2015 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 139 Figure [15]16: Ozone Attributed to Domain-Wide Sources at Hawthorne as simulated 8-hour daily ozone concentrations along the Wasatch Front. Figure [16]17: Episode average of simulated 8-hour daily ozone concentrations at Hawthorne along the Wasatch Front. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 140 Interstate Transport In 2022, as part of its ongoing efforts to model nationwide ozone and transport of precursor emissions, the EPA released results from its updated North American Emission Modeling Platform 2016v2. This analysis identified the contributions from multiple upwind states for the modeled year of 2023 to ozone concentrations along the NWF NAA (Table [70]72).159[138] The states impacting the NWF NAA include California, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The combined contributions to counties in the NWF from these upwind states result in impacts ranging from 4.0 ppb to 4.91 ppb. Given that the attainment demonstration described in section 8.2 identified the FDV of 72 ppb for Salt Lake, and 71 ppb for Davis counties, the combined upwind contribution from western states accounts for 6 - 7% of the total predicted ozone concentrations in the NWF NAA. Table [70]72: 2023 contributions from upwind states to NWF NAA (ppb) as identified by EPA 2016v2 modeling Salt Lake Davis Weber California 2.46 2.25 2.24 Nevada 0.89 0.86 0.58 Arizona 0.22 0.22 0.13 Idaho 0.55 0.37 0.57 Oregon 0.58 0.44 0.41 Washington 0.21 0.16 0.13 Total 4.91 4.30 4.06 Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) of the CAA, known as the “Good Neighbor” provision, requires states with a contribution more than the EPA’s determined significance threshold to develop a SIP revision with provisions to address contributions to downwind states. This threshold was set at 1% of the NAAQS, or 0.7 ppb for the 2015 ozone NAAQS. Of the six states listed in Table [70]72, both California and Nevada were identified by the EPA as contributing to Utah’s ability to attain or maintain the NAAQS in a regulatorily significant way (>= 0.7 ppb). On April 4, 2022, the EPA proposed a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) to address disapprovals or deficiencies in twenty-six states’ Good Neighbor SIPs, including those of California and Nevada.160[139] The proposed FIP will require emission reductions from an array of industrial activities including fossil fuel-fired power plants, natural gas pipeline transportation, cement production, glass, iron and steel manufacturing, as well as reductions from chemical, petroleum, and paper manufacturing processes. If the proposed FIP becomes final, emission reductions covered under this rule will begin taking effect the summer of 2023, with full implementation of emission reductions by summer 2026. Given that California and Nevada combine to generate upwind contributions of 3.35 ppb of ozone to the NWF NAA, as these proposed controls take effect, they may further aid in the NWF NAA’s ability to attain the standard by the attainment date. International Transport The transport of ozone and its precursor emissions from international sources will be discussed in depth in section 9 of this SIP revision. However, international contributions to ozone along the [138]159 Federal Implementation Plan Addressing Regional Ozone Transport for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, 87 Fed. Reg. 20,036 (April 6, 2022). [139]160 Id. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 141 Wasatch Front, much like interstate contributions described in section, plays an important role in the area’s observed ozone concentrations and the NWF NAA’s ability to meet ozone health-based standards. Thus, it is important to include a discussion of international contributions in a WOE analysis. In short, emissions from international sources have long been shown to impact ozone concentrations throughout the Intermountain West.161[140] These studies generally identified international contributions in the range of 3 – 4 ppb, predominantly observed as contributing to USB ozone conditions. International contributions tend to be relatively consistent throughout the spring and summer seasons. The range of international contributions reported in these studies are similar in scale to those seen from upwind states impacting the NWF NAA as described in section and shown in Table [70]71. To examine international contributions to the NWF NAA, the UDAQ conducted source apportionment modeling (see section 9.2 for details), in which international contributions were tagged. The results of this exercise (Figure [17]18 & Figure [18]19) identified a contribution of 6.2% of ozone along the Wasatch Front attributable to international transport on non-exceedance days, with a similar but slightly higher contribution identified during exceedance days of 6.7%. While the model underestimates absolute ozone concentrations when compared to monitored values, and thus absolute apportioned contributions should be considered with that limitation in mind, the reported concentrations of international contributions range from 3.74 ppb over the episode and average, up to 4.5 ppb on the top 10 modeled exceedance days. This range is well in line with those reported in the literature and is highly similar in scale when compared to inter-state transport contributions. [140]161 Langford, A.O., Alvarez, R.J., Brioude, J., Fine, R., Gustin, M.S., Lin, M.Y., Marchbanks, R.D., Pierce, R.B., Sandberg, S.P., Senff, C.J., Weickmann, A.M., Williams, E.J., 2017. Entrainment of stratospheric air and Asian pollution by the convective bou ndary lauer in the southern U.S. J. Geophysical Res. Atmos., 122, 1312-1337, doi:10.1002/2016JD025987 & Jaffe, D.A., O.R. Cooper, A.M. Fiore, B.H. Henderson, G.S. Tonnesen, A.G. Russell, D.K. Henze, A.O. Langford, M. Lin, T. Moore, 2018. Scientific assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management. Elem. Sci. Anth., 6: 56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.309. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 142 Figure [17]18: Ozone Attributed to Domain-Wide Sources Figure [18]19: Domain-Wide OSAT exceedance vs. non-exceedance days UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 143 Federal vs. State Regulatory Authority As noted in Utah’s comments162[141] submitted to EPA on EPA’s proposed FIP for interstate transport,163 [142] “A significant portion of states’ total contribution to downwind areas include emissions that states have limited regulatory authority and, in some cases, no regulatory authority at all, including emissions that are federally regulated.” These federally regulated emission sources include the mobile sector, an area in which the state has significantly limited authority to regulate due to CAA section 209’s preemption. This is particularly relevant for anthropogenic NOx emissions, which are dominated by the mobile sector. For the NWF NAA, the emissions from federally regulated sources account for 55.96 tpd (64%) of the total NAA NOx inventory, and 29.8 tpd (33%) of the VOC inventory (section 3). The discrepancy between regulatory authority can be further seen in Figures 15 – 18, where federally regulated sources account for 59.7% of the ozone attributable to anthropogenic emissions, while emissions under state authority account for the remaining 40.3% of ozone formation. As the state of Utah strives to attain the NAAQS, it is doing so with limited authority to reduce a substantial portion of the emissions contributing to the formation of ozone within the NAA. 8.3.4 Trends in Emissions Trends in emission reductions along the Wasatch Front are presented in Table [71]73, providing further evidence that the area is progressing towards attaining the standard by the attainment date. As described in detail in section 3 and section 7 of this SIP revision, the NWF NAA has experienced substantial emission reductions of both anthropogenic VOCs and NOx during the corresponding years of this implementation timeframe—2017 to 2023. During this time, NOx emissions decreased by 21.3 tpd and VOC emissions decreased by 3.7 tpd in large part due to improvements in the on-road mobile sector and as a result of past SIP efforts. Table [71]73: NOx and VOC reductions resulting from PM2.5 SIPs. State Implementation Plan Years NOx Reduction (tpd) VOC Reductions (tpd) *Salt Lake City Moderate PM2.5 SIP (2014)164 [143] 2010 - 2015 24.86 27.57 *Salt Lake City Serious PM2.5 SIP (2019)165 [144] 2016 - 2020 15.75 8.27 Total 40.61 35.84 * Includes portions of Box Elder County which is not included in NWF ozone NAA As shown in Table [71]73, past SIP efforts have resulted in significant reductions of NOx and VOC emissions along the Wasatch Front. Additionally, as described in detail in section 7.3 and section 7.4, the areas have experienced significant decreases in both precursor pollutants as a result of improvements to the mobile on-road sector associated with lower emissions from Tier 3 fuels and engines. Beyond the [141]162 Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0668, Federal Implementation Plan Addressing Regional Ozone Transport for the 2015 Primary Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Comments Submitted by Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDAQ). DAQP-055-22. June 21, 2022 [142]163 87 Fed. Reg. 20,0036. [143]164 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX. Part A.21; Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, UT NAA [144]165 Utah State Implementation Plan Section XI. Part A.31; Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, S erious Area PM2.5 SIP for the Sal Lake City, UT NAA. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 144 inventoried reductions, these reductions likely underestimate the full extent of emission reductions in this sector since they fail to capture Utah’s high adoption rate of zero emission vehicles (ZEV), predominantly in the light duty sector. The growth of ZEV and electric-hybrid vehicles has grown 940.3% and 101.6% respectively from 2015 – 2021 in the state of Utah.166 [145] While the total proportion of ZEV and electric-hybrid vehicles in Utah’s fleet was still relatively low, at ~2.4% in 2021167[146], given the growth rate of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the state, and the fact that Utah is ranked fifth in the nation for access to EV charging infrastructure per capita,168 [147] the percentage of Utah’s on-road fleet is likely to continue to shift towards ZEV and low emission vehicles which will further advance emission reductions in this sector. In addition to the potential underestimation in the electrification of the on-road mobile sector, further market penetration of Tier 3 fuels is expected to continue. In 1970, the EPA set the first light- duty vehicle emission standards. These standards have been updated over time with generations of the standard termed Tier 1, Tier 2, and most recently, Tier 3. The Tier 2 and Tier 3 standards also included sulfur standards for gasoline to help ensure that vehicle emissions control operates optimally. By 2025, NOx emission standards for light-duty vehicles will represent a 98% improvement from 1975 levels, with sizable improvements for VOCs. The UDAQ anticipates that the transition from Tier 2 and older vehicles to Tier 3 vehicles will yield dramatic reductions in ozone precursor emissions. While MOVES modeling attempts to capture these emissions reductions, and thus should be represented to some degree in emissions inventories used for this SIP revision, it is important to note that Utah has taken significant additional steps to ensure that the benefit of the Tier 3 vehicle and fuel standards is fully realized throughout the NWF NAA and thus some emission reductions may be underestimated in this modeling demonstration. Unlike many other metropolitan areas throughout the U.S., the NWF is served by the relatively small number of refineries. Importantly, all but one of these refineries (Sinclair) are considered to be “small volume” under the Tier 3 regulations169[148] – i.e., they produce less than 75,000 barrels per day. Because of this, and due to the older age of facilities in the NWF, it may be more cost-effective for operators to comply with Tier 3 regulations by upgrading their larger, or newer, refineries elsewhere and using credits generated at these facilities and the averaging, banking, and trading provisions of the Tier 3 rule to comply in Utah. This compliance structure would result in higher-sulfur gasoline being sold throughout the NWF NAA, which would erode the benefits of Tier 3 fuels. Although states are restricted from directly establishing new fuel requirements by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the State of Utah has used a combination of state-led pressure, public awareness initiatives, and incentives in the form of tax credits, to encourage refineries to produce Tier 3 fuel instead of using credits to comply, giving UDAQ greater confidence that the full benefits of the Tier 3 fuels will be realized locally. This is especially important in the early years of the Tier 3 program when most of the emissions reduction benefits stem from using Tier 3 fuels in Tier 2 and older vehicles. In particular, the WFRC found that the use of Tier 3 fuel in existing light-duty vehicles results in a NOx reduction of 14.5% and in a VOC reduction of 3.9% as compared with the same vehicles using Tier 2 fuel [145]166 Adoption of Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicles. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH AND GENERAL COUNSEL; May 18, 2021: https://le.utah.gov/interim/2021/pdf/00002047.pdf [146]167 Adoption of Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicles. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH AND GENERAL COUNSEL; May 18, 2021: https://le.utah.gov/interim/2021/pdf/00002047.pdf [147]168 https://www.governing.com/next/new-data-shows-states-ith-highest-and-lowest-number-of-ev-charging-stations?utm_campaign=Newsletter%20- %20GOV%20-%20Daily&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=235987835&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--VWjg_LxXqDi4qNgUMKfC7NQ8O47DG- 58ltMXtUweN0QB986ZcszciRfLRxIBQmqBB1mJcfUdxIrvMrh7tWVVucfX1yw&utm_content=235987835&utm_source=hs_email [148]169 81 FR 23641: Amendments Related to: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 145 (30 ppm sulfur).170[149] These dramatic benefits begin to accrue almost immediately after the first few refueling cycles once the lower-sulfur fuel is available, making the State’s efforts to bring these cleaner burning fuels to the NWF NAA critical for reducing ozone precursor emissions and ultimately demonstrating attainment of the NAAQS. There are seven refineries that provide the majority of the fuel consumed within the NWF NAA. Five of those refineries are located in the NWF NAA, while two additional facilities – the Sinclair refineries in Sinclair and Casper, WY – are connected to the NWF via a product pipeline. Utah has received public commitments from all but one of these refineries that the fuel provided along the Wasatch Front meets the Tier 3 10-ppm sulfur average requirements. The last remaining refinery is expected to make the full transition to Tier 3 fuels by 2024.171[150] As the last of Utah’s refineries makes the transition to refining and distributing the cleaner burning Tier 3 fuels, additional potentially underestimated reductions in estimated on-road mobile emissions are possible. In addition to potential underestimations of on-road emission reductions, the state of Utah has taken steps to reduce emissions through improving the effectiveness of existing administrative rules. On February 1, 2023, the Utah Air Quality Board adopted amendments to Utah Administrative Rule R307- 328; Gasoline Transfer and Storage. These amendments resulted in the addition of clarifying language to the rule which requires all gasoline service stations to install pressure relief valves to underground storage tanks. While the requirement for pressure relief valves was preexisting in R307-328, the language did not adequately explain the requirements. The UDAQ had identified 266 underground storage tanks located in the NWF NAA that either did not have, or could not be confirmed to have, the required pressure relief valve. The resulting emission reductions from these amendments are not represented in the inventory since the inventory assumed compliance with this requirement, however these amendments will result in additional reductions of VOC emissions within the NWF NAA. 8.3.5 Unaccounted Controls and Emission Reductions As described in section 7, emissions reductions that are creditable towards RFP, and thus included in a subsequent attainment demonstration, emission reductions have strictly prescriptive requirements attached. While the attainment demonstration in this SIP revision utilized inventories that attempt to quantify emission reductions associated with past SIP work and improvements to the on- road sector, the inventory does not account for emission reductions associated with non-RFP creditable reductions. However, the state of Utah has multiple and extensive incentive and non-creditable emission reduction programs that result in substantial emission reductions. As a result, the attainment demonstration outlined in Section 8.2 does not fully account for ongoing emission reduction in, and around, the NWF NAA. This section highlights these programs and, where possible, reports emission reductions associated with these programs. Some of these programs include regions beyond the NWF NAA, however being the most densely populated region in the State, a substantial portion of the emission reductions highlighted in this section are targeted to areas within the NAA boundary. Utah Clean Diesel Program (UCDP) and Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Utah’s Clean Diesel Program provides incentives to fleet owners to retire older vehicles and replace them with newer vehicles that meet more stringent emission standards. The program began in [149]170 “Improved air quality through the use of Tier 3 fuels in Utah", Utah Clean Air Caucus, June 14, 2016 [150]171 “Four Utah refineries now produce cleaner Tier 3 fuels, and the fifth says it will soon.” Salt Lake Tribune. January 22, 2023: https://www.sltrib.com/renewable-energy/2023/01/22/four-utah-refineries-now-produce/ UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 146 2008 and will continue beyond this SIP revision and includes incentives available under the Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA)172[151] and the National Clean Diesel (NCD) program. Table [72]73 indicates the annual targeted number of vehicles included in the program and their estimated annual and lifetime emission reductions for both NOx and VOCs for the years associated with this SIP revision. Volkswagen Settlement Funds In 2016, Volkswagen (VW) entered into a settlement173[152] as a result of a lawsuit filed against the company for defeating emission testing programs and engine certifications for its light-duty diesel vehicles. The state of Utah was the beneficiary of this settlement and received $35,177,506. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality was designated as the lead agency to administer this funding, which has been used to replace older class 4 – 8 freight trucks, school buses, shuttle and transit buses, fund electrical vehicle supply equipment, and assist the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program described in section The results of this program are highlighted in Table [72]74. Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program (VRRAP) In 2018 the EPA awarded the state of Utah with Targeted Air Shed Grant funding. Targeted Air Shed Grants provide funds to reduce air pollution in the nation’s NAAs with the highest levels of ozone and PM2.5. UDAQ application was for the development of a Vehicle Repair and Replacement Assistance Program (VRRAP) for the Salt Lake PM2.5 NAA. Through the VRRAP, low-income individuals with a vehicle that fails an emissions inspection are offered funding assistance to either repair the vehicle or replace it with a newer, cleaner vehicle. Qualifications for financial assistance are based on a matrix that considers the vehicle owner’s household income as a percent of the national income poverty level, the value of the repairs being done on the vehicle, and the vehicle’s mechanical life expectancy. The program is set up to augment and improve the overall effectiveness of counties’ I/M programs. Since starting in 2020 the VRRAP has repaired 163 and replaced 48 vehicles. UDAQ expects these activities to reduce emissions annually by 1.26 tons of Nonmethane Organic Gas (NMOG) and NOx and reduce lifetime emissions of NMOG and NOx by 11.17 tons (Table [72]74). [151]172 42 U.S.C. §§ 16131 through 16137. [152]173 VOLKSWAGEN “CLEAN DIESEL” MARKETING, SALES PRACTICES, AND PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION. Case Number: MDL No. 2672 CRB (JSC) UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 147 Table [72]74: Emission reductions associated with incentive programs in and around the NWF NAA. * VOC emission reductions not available. ** Combined NOx and NMOG emission reductions Year Vehicles Replaced NOx Annual Reduction (tpy) NOx Lifetime Reduction (tpy) VOC Annual Reduction (tpy) VOC Lifetime Reduction (tpy) Program 2017 95 35.77 144.19 8.68 12.77 DERA / NCD 2018 87 9.66 176.40 0.89 16.91 DERA / NCD 2019 60 20.91 62.73 1.04 3.12 DERA / NCD 2020 44 4.75 14.26 0.55 1.65 DERA / NCD 2021 59 7.2 26.34 0.66 2 DERA / NCD 2019 - Ongoing 78 23.49 10.34 * * VW Settlement 2020 - Ongoing 48 11.17** 1.26** ** ** VRRAP 2022 13 1.54 4.62 NCD Total 484 103.32 438.88 11.82 36.45 Diesel I/M Programs In 2018 the Utah State Legislature passed H.B. 101, which established a pilot program to require diesel vehicle emissions inspections in Utah County. This program was made permanent in 2021 when the Utah State Legislature passed S.B. 146. While diesel I/M programs have not historically been awarded SIP emissions reduction credit, UDAQ nevertheless anticipates additional NOx and VOC emissions reductions from this program. Currently, all counties that are required to have an emission inspection program are required to have a diesel emissions program for vehicles model year 2007 or newer with a gross vehicle weight of 14,000 pounds or less (see 41-6a-1642(7)). Salt Lake and Davis Counties also require all diesel vehicles to go have an emission inspection. Lawn & Garden Equipment Exchange Program Beginning in 2015, as part of the Utah Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology (CARROT) program,174[153] the UDAQ has administered a lawn and garden exchange program aimed at replacing gas powered lawn and garden equipment with zero emission alternatives. This equipment includes lawn mowers and string trimmers but is expected to be expanded in the coming years to include a wider array of 2-stroke lawn and garden equipment. Since 2017, this program has replaced an estimated 6,638 pieces of summertime operated lawn and garden equipment resulting in an estimated reduction of 0.13 tpy of NOx and 2.26 tpy of VOCs. [153]174 Utah Code Ann. §§ 19-2-201 through 19-2-204. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 148 UCAIR Summer Education Program The Utah Clean Air Partnership (UCAIR) is a statewide non-profit entity created to bring together individuals, business, and communities to help improve Utah’s air. In 2022, UCAIR received a grant from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality to conduct an outreach and education campaign aimed at educating Utah’s population about summertime ozone pollution. The campaign ran from July 5 through September 11, 2022. During this time the campaign measured over 45 million unique impressions through a combination of television (2.9 million), outdoor (27.68 million) and online (14.45 million) outlets. Post-campaign research identified that 92% of residents were concerned with the air quality where they live during summer ozone season, with 99% of respondents familiar with personal actions they can take to improve air quality. UCAIR Personal Fuel Can Exchange Program In addition to the education campaign discussed in section, UCAIR operates a Personal Fuel Canister (PFC) exchange program, in which UCAIR collects and recycles old PFCs and replaces them with EPA compliant canisters, which reduces VOC emissions associated with the evaporative loss of gasoline. The program began targeting PFCs for replacement in 2019, and since that time has successfully upgraded over 5,000 PFCs in Utah’s NAAs. UTA Free Fare Days In 2019, Utah enacted H.B. 353: Reductions of Single Occupancy Vehicle Trip Pilot Program.175[154] This bill designated the UDAQ as the lead agency in administering a program to make all public transit free on days associated with poor air quality in an attempt to reduce emissions associated with vehicle emissions. While much of this program was aimed at reducing emissions during Utah’s wintertime PM2.5 season, the program has been enacted during two separate periods of high summertime ozone. These “free fare days” were August 12 - 13 of 2021, and September 1 - 2 of 2022. Surge Teleworking During the 2021 legislative session, Utah adopted S.B. 15: Workforce Solutions for Air Quality. This bill encourages eligible State employees to telecommute on mandatory action days for air quality and on other special circumstances to help decrease on-road emissions. This law covers an estimated 10,185 eligible state employees and contributes to reductions of NOx and VOC emissions on ozone exceedance days throughout the NAA. Emission Reductions Beyond the NAA Boundary On July 6, 2022, the Utah Air Quality Board adopted SIP revisions including Utah’s Second Implementation Period for Regional Haze176[155] and associated emission limits177[156]. The emission reductions associated with these actions are broad and include the following measures: (1) requiring flue gas recovery on boilers at US Magnesium by summer of 2028; (2) mandating a shutdown of units 1 and 2 at the Intermountain Generation Station by December of 2027; (3) imposing new plantwide NOx emission limits for the coal-fired Hunter and Huntington power plants that phase in between July of 2022 and January of 2028; and (4) making many existing permitted limits across the state federally enforceable. While much of the emission reductions highlighted here are beyond the temporal scope of [154]175 Id. § 19-2a-104, repealed pursuant to § 63I-1-219, eff. July 1, 2022. [155]176 Utah State Implementation Plan. Section XX.A, Regional Haze [156]177 Utah State Implementation Plan, Emission Limits and Operating Practices. Section IX, Part H.21 and Part H.23 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 149 this SIP revision, occur outside of the NWF NAA, or make permanent emission reductions that have already occurred, they serve to further demonstrate efforts by the state of Utah to reduce ozone forming precursor emissions. Science for Solutions Applied Research Grants In 2018, UDAQ received an ongoing annual $500,000 appropriation from the Utah State Legislature specifically intended to fund applied air quality research projects. In response, the UDAQ established the competitive Science for Solutions research grant program. Over the last five years, successful grant applicants have submitted proposals targeting UDAQ’s goals and priorities. In recent years, UDAQ has placed a high emphasis on improving the understanding of summertime ozone pollution throughout the NWF NAA. An abbreviated list of applied research projects funded by the UDAQ’s Science for Solutions research grant are listed below. These projects focus on summertime ozone in the NWF NAA: • The Salt Lake Regional Smoke, Ozone and Aerosol Study (SAMOZA); University of Washington • Improving Smoke Detection and Quantifying the Wildfire Smoke Impacts on Local Air Quality Using Modeling and Machine Learning Techniques; University of Utah • Improved Vegetation Data for the Biogenic Emission Inventory of Wasatch Front; Ramboll US Consulting • Impacts of the Great Salt Lake on Summer Ozone Concentrations Along the Wasatch Front; University of Utah • Development of a WRF-based Urban Canopy Model for the Greater Salt Lake City Area; Brigham Young University • Quantitative Attribution of Wildfires on Summertime Ozone Concentrations along the Wasatch Front; San Jose State University These projects, along with others, were specifically funded to improve UDAQ’s SIP model performance and better inform state policy and rulemaking. Science for Solutions projects have already made a difference in improving UDAQ’s model performance. For example, these projects have improved shortwave albedo in the CAMx model to realistically reflect salt-crust and playa surfaces around the Great Salt Lake. UDAQ also learned more about the unique role of halogens in ozone formation in the Salt Lake Valley. Motivated by this information, UDAQ funded the development of an enhanced chemical mechanism (CB6r5h) that includes a broader range of halogen pathways to use in our air quality modeling. These enhancements have led to demonstrable improvements in model performance. Future projects will help UDAQ determine critical factors in summertime ozone formation. Biogenic emissions are a large source of uncertainty in the region. Recent evaluations of BEIS/BELD have shown that isoprene, a key reactive biogenic VOC, is largely underpredicted in regional modeling. Through Science for Solutions, UDAQ is funding a comprehensive project to greatly improve inputs (e.g., leaf area index, tree species) to biogenic models using local information and high-resolution satellite imagery. In addition, UDAQ is funding projects to better understand wildfire impact on ozone pollution. These projects will not only enhance UDAQ’s understanding of wildfire contributions to ozone concentrations throughout the NWF NAA but will also improve the UDAQ’s understanding of local contributions. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 150 8.4 Conclusion Results of any modeled outcome will include some degree of uncertainties. As a result of these uncertainties, it is important to consider additional factors within the range of those uncertainties and consider factors beyond the scope of the analysis. The predicted FDV for ozone concentrations outlined in section 8.2, paired with the additional WOE analysis, results in a strong case that this attainment demonstration adequately demonstrates the NWF NAA attaining the 8-hour ozone NAAQS by the attainment date of August 3, 2024. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 151 Chapter 9 - 179B(a) Prospective Demonstration 9.1 Overview Section 179B(a) of the CAA states that a SIP revision shall be approved by the EPA if the state can demonstrate that the implementation plan is “adequate to attain and maintain the relevant national ambient air quality standards... but for emissions emanating from outside of the United States.”178[157] As noted in the preambles of both the 2008179[158] and 2015180[159] ozone implementation rules, section 179B of the CAA does not prohibit non-international border states from submitting a demonstration. However, as noted in EPA guidance,181[160] demonstrations from states that do not directly share an international border will require additional technical rigor compared to international border areas. Section 179B of the CAA has two mechanisms to demonstrate that international contributions impact a NAA’s ability to attain or maintain a NAAQS. A state may demonstrate independent of a SIP revision that a NAA would have attained the standard at a past attainment date but for the presence of international emissions, known as a retrospective 179B(b) demonstration, and thus should not be advanced in nonattainment classifications.182[161] Conversely, a state may demonstrate as part of a SIP revision that a NAA will attain the standard by a future attainment date, but for the presence of international emissions. This is known as a prospective 179B(a) demonstration.183[162] There are also substantial differences in the outcomes of approved prospective and retrospective 179B demonstrations. An approved retrospective 179B(b) acts to prevent a NAA from being further redesignated to a more stringent nonattainment status. A prospective 179B(a) however, acts as additional information used by the EPA in determining if a SIP modeling attainment demonstration adequately demonstrates attainment by the attainment date, but for the presence of international emissions. As a result, a NAA with an approved 179B(a) demonstration that subsequently fails to attain the standard by the attainment date would not be prevented from a further reclassification to a more stringent nonattainment status. On May 28, 2021, the UDAQ submitted to the EPA for consideration a retrospective 179B(b) demonstration for the NWF NAA184[163] for the marginal attainment date of August 3, 2021. In the demonstration, UDAQ provided three separate analyses examining international contributions including a synoptic weather analysis, Hybrid Single–Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) backward dispersion modeling, and photochemical modeling results performed by a third party showing that the area would have attained the standard by the marginal attainment date, but for the presence of international contributions. Upon publication of the Determination of Attainment by the Attainment Date,185[164] the EPA found Utah’s demonstration was not approvable and subsequently reclassified the area as a moderate [157]178 42 U.S.C. § 7509a(a)(2). [158]179 Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements, 80 Fed. Reg. 12,264 (March 6, 2015). [159]180 Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: NAA State Implementation Plan Requirements, 83 F ed. Reg. 62,998 (Dec. 6, 2018). s [160]181 Guidance on the Preparation of Clean Air Act Section 179B Demonstrations for NAAs Affected by International Transport of Emissions (Dec. 2020) (179B Demonstrations Guidance). [161]182 42 U.S.C. § 7509a(b)-(d); see also 179B Demonstrations Guidance at 15-18. [162]183 42 U.S.C. § 7509a(a); see also 179B Demonstrations Guidance at 12-15. [163]184 Retrospective 179B(b) Demonstration for Utah’s Northern Wasatch Front Ozone NAA. May 28, 2021. DAQP -048-21 [164]185 87 Fed. Reg. 60,897. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 152 NAA. The EPA cited four primary reasons for its disapproval186[165] including: (1) a lack of technical information; (2) a divergence in interpretation of section 179B including the importance of the proportion of local versus international contributions; (3) a failure to demonstrate sufficient implementation of feasible emission reduction measures; and (4) the presence of a nearby NAA that attained the standard despite the presence of international contributions. In this section, the UDAQ will demonstrate attainment under Section 179B(a) prospectively, using an updated and improved photochemical modeling, that the NWF NAA would attain the 2015 8- hour ozone NAAQS by the attainment date of August 3, 2024, but for the presence of international emissions. Further, UDAQ will utilize and expand on the wealth of technical information included in this SIP revision to address each of EPA reasons for denying Utah’s previous 179B(b) demonstration. 9.2 Ozone Source Apportionment (OSAT) Modeling To determine the contribution of different source emission groups and regions to measured ozone concentrations at individual monitoring sites within the NAA, OSAT modeling was performed using emissions projected to 2023. Modeling was conducted using the OSAT tool in CAMx v7.1, which was used for this SIP demonstration modeling as described in section 8. At the request of the UDAQ, OSAT was integrated by Ramboll (developer of CAMx) with CB6r5h in a special version of CAMx v7.1. CB6r5h (version 6, revision 5 with halogens) gas-phase chemical mechanism, which includes halogens chemistry and was specifically developed by Ramboll for this SIP application, was used for all modeling simulations. Source apportionment was conducted for the 4 and 1.33 km domains, where the two domains were run in a two-way nested configuration. 2023 emission inputs were used for source apportionment modeling.187[166] Meteorological fields, ozone column values and photolysis rates remained unchanged from those used for the attainment demonstration modeling. Six geographic source regions were used in the source apportionment modeling (Figure [19]20), where each county within the NAA was considered as an individual region (Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Tooele counties). Counties within Utah but outside the NAA were considered as a single region (Other Utah). Regions within the 4 km domain but outside the State of Utah were considered as a single region. 25 different source emission sectors were considered for this OSAT simulation and tracer species that track ozone formation from VOC and NOx emissions from these source categories were tagged. Source groups that were considered in OSAT included emissions from consumer solvents, on-road heavy duty mobile source emissions, on-road light duty mobile source emissions, lawn and garden equipment emissions, point source emissions, biogenic emissions, in addition to several other source emission sectors. A complete list of these source emission groups is provided in Table 75. [Six geographic source regions were used in the source apportionment modeling (Figure [19]20), where each county within the NAA was considered as an individual region (Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Tooele counties). Counties within Utah but outside the NAA were considered as a single region (Other Utah). Regions within the 4 km domain but outside the State of Utah were considered as a single region. 25 different source emission sectors were considered for this OSAT simulation and tracer species that track ozone formation from VOC and NOx emissions from these source categories were tagged. Source groups that were considered in OSAT included emissions from consumer solvents, on-road heavy duty mobile source emissions, on-road light duty mobile source emissions, lawn and garden equipment emissions, point source emissions, biogenic emissions, in addition to several other source emission sectors. A complete list of these source emission groups is provided in ] [165]186 Technical Support Document (TSD): Northern Wasatch Front (NWF), Utah: Failure to Attain the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Q uality Standard by the Attainment Date; Reclassification and Disapproval of International Emission Demonstration, Docket Id. No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0742-0043 (Jan. 2022) (179B NWF TSD). [166]187 SMOKE Technical Support Documentation for NWF SIP Attainment Demonstration; https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023- 001603.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 153 To determine the contribution of international anthropogenic source emissions to local ozone concentrations, initial and boundary conditions (IC and BC) for the 4 km domain were also considered as their own separate source groups. The contribution of international anthropogenic source emissions was determined based on two CAMx simulations for the 12 km domain. These included a base (BASE) simulation and a sensitivity (ZROW) simulation. The BASE case simulation included 2023 emissions from all source emissions while the ZROW simulation included all 2023 emissions with the exception of non- US anthropogenic emissions, leaving only US and global natural emissions. This ZROW simulation was based on 2017 ZROW GEOS-Chem global chemistry model outputs, where all anthropogenic emissions outside the US were set to zero188[167]. Source-apportioned boundary and initial conditions for the 4 km domain were then derived using CAMx “saicbc” tool and model outputs from the base and ZROW 12 km simulations. Using IC and BC extracted from model outputs from the base and ZROW 12 km simulations, the tool was used to generate two source apportionment IC and BC groups for the 4 km domain, where one group represents international anthropogenic emissions, and one represents global natural and US emissions within the 12 km CAMx domain that are transported into the 4 km domain from the lateral boundaries. Figure [19]20: Map of source regions used in 2023 OSAT modeling for the 4 and 1.33 km domains. Each color represents a different source region. [167]188 https://views.cira.colostate.edu/docs/IWDW/Modeling/WRAP/2017/Ramboll_WESTAR_GEOS-Chem_Report_8Apr_2021.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 154 Table [73]75: Emission source categories considered in 2023 OSAT modeling. *Only VOCs and NOx tracer species from US Magnesium are tagged. Source Group ID Source Group Description 1 Solvents: Consumer Products All personal care and household cleaning products 2 Solvents: Other Any non-personal care or household cleaning product solvents: Surface coatings, dry cleaning, asphalt paving, degreasing, etc. 3 Non-road: Lawn & Garden All lawn & garden equipment: 2- & 4-stroke gasoline- powered mowers, trimmers, leaf blowers etc. 4 Non-road: Other Any non-lawn & garden non-road equipment: construction equipment, aircraft ground support equipment 5, 7 On-road: Light Duty Passenger vehicles 6, 8 On-road: Heavy Duty Commercial trucks, haul trucks, buses, motor homes 9 Rail 10 Biogenics 11 EGUs 12 Point Oil & Gas 13 Nonpoint Oil & Gas 14 Point: Other All other point sources not specifically tagged 15 Point: US Magnesium* all emissions associated with US Magnesium Rowley Plant (point source ID = 10716) 16 Point: Mine Trucks Mobile Sources; Off-highway Vehicle Diesel; Construction and Mining Equipment; Off-highway Trucks 17 Wildfires, Prescribed Fires 18 Agricultural Fires 19 Lightning NOx 20 Airports 21 ERC Bank Emissions Reduction Credit bank 22 Fertilizer 23 Livestock 24 Nonpoint UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 155 25 Area Fugitive Dust International Anthropogenic Non-US anthropogenic emissions estimated based on 12 km base case and zero-out modeling simulations that use GEOS-Chem global model outputs Global Natural + Non- Utah US Anthropogenic Global natural emissions plus any US anthropogenic emissions that are transported into the 4km domain (California anthropogenic, etc.). These were estimated based on 12 km base case and zero-out modeling simulations that use GEOS-Chem global model outputs Top Boundary Conditions Source group contributions to MDA8 ozone concentrations at each monitoring station and on each day of the modeling episode were determined using modeled hourly contributions from each source sector and region, where, for each group, contributions under “NOx-limited” and “VOC-limited” chemical regimes were combined to obtain the net contribution from each group. For each day and monitoring station, hourly contributions were processed to calculate 8-hour average source group contributions at each individual monitoring site, where the contribution values were calculated using model predictions for the grid cell that includes the monitoring station. For each day and monitoring station, 8-hr average contributions were then summed to calculate total 8-hr average ozone concentrations for each source group and region. Maximum daily 8-hr average ozone concentrations and their contributions were then determined based on these total 8-hr values. 9.3 Ozone Source Apportionment Modeling Results Source apportionment modeling results showed that non-Utah natural and non-Utah US anthropogenic emissions contribute to most of the ozone measured at the Hawthorne monitoring station, which corresponds to the monitor with the highest predicted FDV, accounting for about 67% (39.07 ppb) of its modeled maximum daily 8-hour ozone concentrations on average during the modeling episode (Figure [20] 21). Local anthropogenic and biogenic sources had smaller contributions, accounting for nearly 14.5% (8.44 ppb) and 7.4% (4.28 ppb) of ozone at the same location, while international anthropogenic emissions source contribution averaged 6.5% (3.74 ppb). The contributions for background ozone (international anthropogenic emissions, global natural and US anthropogenic emissions) are consistent with contributions reported for the Western US in other modeling studies189[168],190[169],191[170]. Contributions from other sources, such as wildfires, prescribed (Rx) fires, lightning NOx, were more minor (<= 4% at 2.3 ppb). Figures in this section represent a low bound of 8- hour ozone source apportionment results and are subject to increase in future modeling. [168]189 Denver Metro/North Front Range 2017 Ozone Source Apportionment Modeling. HYPERLINK "https://views.cira.colostate.edu/wiki/wiki/9132/denver- metronorth-front-range-2017-ozone-source-apportionment-modeling"https://views.cira.colostate.edu/wiki/wiki/9132/denver-metronorth-front-range-2017- ozone-source-apportionment-modeling [169]190 2017 Denver Metro/North Front Range Moderate Area 8-Hour Ozone SIP. https://raqc.egnyte.com/dl/uJJfKleU67/FinalModerateOzoneSIP_2016-11- 29.pdf_ [170]191 Scientific assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management . https://online.ucpress.edu/elementa/article/doi/10.1525/elementa.309/112835/Scientific -assessment-of-background-ozone-over-the UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 156 Figure [20]21: Source contributions by region and emission sector to 8-hour ozone concentration (ppb) at the Hawthorne monitoring station for each day of the modeling episode (left panel) and on average over all days of the modeling episode (right panel). Results are based on 2023 OSAT model outputs for the 1.33 km modeling domain and spin-up days are excluded. These source contributions displayed some differences across exceedance, top 10 exceedance and non-exceedance days (Figure [20]21). Compared to contributions on non-exceedance days, the contributions from local anthropogenic and biogenic source emissions are greater on exceedance (modeled MDA8 ozone >= 60 ppb) and top 10 exceedance days, on average, consistent with expectations [(Table 21)]Figure 22. Ozone exceedance days are characterized by an upper-level high pressure system that brings warm temperatures, lack of frontal passage, low surface winds and increased solar radiation; all of which are conducive to the build-up of ozone and its precursors. The contribution of international anthropogenic emissions to average ozone also increased on exceedance days compared to non-exceedance days, but the increase was not as significant as that determined for local anthropogenic and biogenic source emissions. Their contribution estimate increased from 3.25 ppb (6.2%) on non-exceedance days to 4.47 ppb (6.7%) on exceedance days. A similar increase is also noted for background natural and US anthropogenic emissions. The upper-level ridge on exceedance days can increase background concentrations within the ridge, where the complex topography of the region can enhance vertical transport and recapture of ozone from aloft.192[171] [171]192 Reddy, P. J., & Pfister, G. (2016). Meteorological factors contributing to the interannual variability of midsummer surface o zone in Colorado, Utah, and other western U.S. states. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 2434-2456. doi:10.1002/2015JD023840. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 157 Figure [21]22: Source contributions by region and emission sector ozone concentration (ppb) at the Hawthorne monitoring station for each day of the modeling episode (upper panel) and on average over all days of the modeling episode, exceedance days, top 10 exceedance days and non-exceedance days (lower panel). Results are based on 2023 OSAT model outputs for the 1.33 km modeling domain and spin-up days are excluded. 9.4 Future Design Values after Removal of Contributions from International Anthropogenic Emissions Overall, the source apportionment modeling results show that background ozone emission sources, contribute to the majority of the ozone measured along the Wasatch Front, accounting for about 66% of modeled ozone concentrations, on average on modeled top 10 exceedance days. This includes 59.3% (40.82 ppb) contribution from natural and US anthropogenic emissions outside Utah and 6.5% (4.5 ppb) contribution from international anthropogenic emission sources. Using the source contribution estimate for international anthropogenic emissions, the projected FDV were adjusted to reflect what the FDV would be but for the presence of international emissions. For each site, FDV were adjusted by subtracting the OSAT source contribution estimate for international anthropogenic emissions (IAE) from the FDV calculated in the attainment demonstration (section 8). Average source contribution estimate for international anthropogenic emissions on top 10 exceedance days were used for this calculation. For cases in which the model simulation does not include 10 days with MDA8 ozone values >= 60 ppb at a site, all days with MDA8 O3 values >= 60 ppb are used in the calculation. Given that the model does well at simulating background ozone (section 8.2[, Table 69]), subtracting the OSAT source contribution estimate for international anthropogenic emissions from the FDV calculated in the attainment demonstration is considered adequate. This approach is shown in equation [3]6. Moreover, since the model tended to be biased low for local ozone production, this approach is more adequate than a scaling technique where the FDV at each monitoring site is scaled by UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 158 the relative modeled changes in ozone between a 2023 baseline and a 2023 sensitivity modeling scenario that includes emissions from all sources except for international anthropogenic emissions. Equation [3]6 𝑫𝑫𝑽𝒊, 𝒂𝒅𝒊=𝑫𝑫𝑽𝒊−𝑰𝑨𝑫𝒊, where “i” corresponds to a given monitoring site. Resulting adjusted FDV are shown in Table [74]76. Consistent with the truncation and rounding procedures for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, the projected DVs are truncated to integers in units of ppb193[172]. All sites demonstrate attainment when the contribution of international anthropogenic emission sources is subtracted from the FDV calculated in the attainment demonstration modeling. Table [74]76: Future design values (FDV), source contribution estimates for international anthropogenic emissions (IAE) and adjusted future design values (FDV adj) at monitoring locations within the northern Wasatch Front non -attainment area. Site Site ID County FDV (ppb) IAE (ppb) FDV_adj Bountiful 490110004 Davis 71 4.54 66 Hawthorne 490353006 Salt Lake 72 4.50 67 Herriman 490353013 Salt Lake 72 3.81 68 Erda 490450004 Tooele 70 4.06 65 Harrisville 490571003 Weber 70 3.12 66 9.5 Conclusion In its document overviewing the disapproval of Utah’s retrospective 179B(b) demonstration, EPA cited a lack of “sufficient technical information”194[173] to support the modeled conclusions including: a lack of emission data, observations, and meteorological analyses. Further, EPA noted that the model UDAQ relied on for its submission did not demonstrate adequate model performance to creditably determine the influence of international contributions in the NAAs ability to attain the standard.195[174] The 179B(a) demonstration provided as part of this SIP revision leverages the wealth of information included within the SIP and in the technical supporting documentation. This includes detailed information on the underlying emission inventories (section 3), modeled and observed concentrations (section 8), and meteorological modeling (section 8).196[175] The improved modeling also conforms with EPA’s modeling performance metrics (section 8). Thus, the analysis and conclusions provided in this 179B(a) demonstration and SIP revision fulfill the technical deficiencies EPA noted in Utah's retrospective submission, and conclusively identifies the role international emissions play in the NWF NAA’s ability to attaining the standard by the attainment date. Beyond the lack of technical information cited by EPA in its disapproval of Utah’s 179B(b) demonstration, EPA noted that the state’s demonstration diverged from EPA’s interpretation of criteria [172]193 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix P to Part 50 – Interpretation of the Primary and Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone. [173]194 179B NWF TSD at 2.2 [174]195 Id. [175]196 Meteorological Modeling for Wasatch Front O3 SIP. Technical Support Documentation and Model Performance Evaluation. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 159 for a successful demonstration in several ways.197[176] EPA noted that the states did not demonstrate that international transport is significantly different on ozone exceedance days compared to non-exceedance days and that international contributions appear to contribute less than local ozone production.198[177] As shown in Figure [22]23, the UDAQ has identified that international emissions contribute to ~6% of ozone in NWF NAA on non-exceedance days. That contribution increases to ~7% of the total modeled ozone across all exceedance days. The observed increase during exceedance days relative to non-exceedance days represents a significant additional contribution to the observed ozone concentrations when considering that only 18.5% of the overall ozone contributions are attributed to in- state anthropogenic emissions. Thus, the additional 1% observed international contributions on exceedance days represents excess international contributions relative to modeled non-exceedance day contributions. Figure [22]23: International contributions at Hawthorne monitor site on exceedance and non-exceedance days. As further demonstrated by Figure 22, international emissions represent a significant contribution to the NAA relative to ozone attributable to anthropogenic emissions within the NAA, and thus emissions which this SIP can regulate. For instance, on the top 10 exceedance day during the modeling episode, anthropogenic emissions represent just 19.3% of modeled ozone, with emissions from sources under federal jurisdiction accounting for 11.8% and emissions under state authority accounting for the remaining 7.5%. However, contributions from international anthropogenic emissions account for 6.5% of the modeled ozone concentrations. [176]197 179B NWF TSD at 2-3. [177]198 Id. at 3. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 160 The EPA further notes in its disapproval of Utah’s 179B(b) submission that the state failed to adequately demonstrate that all “feasible” emission reduction strategies had been implemented.199[178] As noted in the ozone implementation rules,200[179] emission reduction strategies implemented as part of ozone SIPs are to be reasonably available (i.e., RACT or RACM), and thus feasible controls in the context of ozone reductions strategies should be held to a comparable standard. While section 179B of the CAA makes no specific mention of the requirement for implementation of feasible controls, sections 4 and 5 of this SIP revision clearly demonstrate that the state of Utah has implemented an exhaustive list of VOC and NOx emission reduction strategies throughout the NAA as a result of past SIPs targeting wintertime PM2.5, many of which go beyond what would be considered reasonably available. Beyond the controls implemented to date, the UDAQ has identified additional emission reduction controls and strategies as outlined in Sections 4, 5 and 7 of this SIP revision, some of which have been determined to be ”beyond- RACT”. These emission reductions are planned to be implemented in the coming years and serve as further evidence that the state has implemented feasible controls, and thus the contributions of international emissions should be considered when determining attainment. Lastly, in its disapproval of Utah’s 179B(b) demonstration EPA argued that the presence of a nearby ozone NAA, the Southern Wasatch Front (SWF) (figure 1) which recently attained the standard by the marginal attainment date, is evidence that the NWF NAA can attain the current standard despite the presence of international emissions. However, in the same document, EPA demonstrates that the SWF has an order of magnitude lower anthropogenic NOx emissions and almost a third of the anthropogenic VOC emissions when compared to the NWF201[180]. To this point, the SWF has approximately 1.2 million fewer residents than the NWF and a substantially different industrial sector. While the SWF did attain the 2015 ozone NAAQS by the marginal attainment date of August 3, 2021, it did so by just 1.0 ppb, and has subsequently exceeded this standard. The fact that a bordering NAA, with fewer residents, fewer emissions, and a substantially different industrial make-up, is marginally attaining the standard further demonstrates why it is critical that the presence of international emissions be appropriately acknowledged as regulatorily significant. Unless it is the intent of the EPA to suggest that the NWF NAA must reduce its NOx and VOC emissions to levels similar to that of the SWF, which is impossible given the lack of reasonably available control options available to the state as demonstrated in sections 4 and 5 of this SIP revision, the state does not see how the attainment status of the SWF is relevant. In fact, comparisons between two substantially different NAAs, both of which are facing the Intermountain West’s regionally specific challenges in addressing ozone, only further supports that international emissions are regulatorily significant to the region. Thus, section 179B of the CAA is an appropriate mechanism to provide regulatory flexibility to NAAs within this unique geographic region. As discussed in the introduction of this section, an approved 179B(a) demonstration would not prevent the NWF NAA from being reclassified to a more stringent nonattainment status if the area fails to attain the standard by the attainment date based on ambient monitoring data. Instead, this demonstration serves as further evidence that the modeling attainment demonstration and WOE analysis provided in section 8.3 of this SIP revision adequately demonstrates the NWF NAA is projected to attain the standard by the attainment date, but for the presence of international emissions. [178]199 Id. at 3. [179]200 83 Fed. Reg. 62,998. [180]201 179B NWF TSD at 14, Tables 2 and 3.4 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 161 Chapter 10 - Transportation Conformity and Motor Vehicle Emission Budget 10.1 Introduction Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (MVEB) for NOx and VOCs were submitted to the EPA in 1997 as part of Utah’s maintenance plan for the 1979 1-hour ozone standard. EPA approved these MVEB for transportation conformity purposes when it finalized the approval of that maintenance plan,202[181] further reaffirming this budget in subsequent rulemaking.203[182] As a result, the local MPO Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) has been using these budgets for subsequent transportation conformity determinations within the ozone NAA. Following this same approach, the UDAQ has developed an updated MVEB for the NWF NAA to be used in future transportation conformity determinations in relation to the 2015 NAAQS standard for ozone. As required by Section 176(c) of the CAA, this MVEB is based on the best available data for emissions, population, and travel estimates available during the development of this SIP. 10.2 Transportation Conformity Transportation conformity is a requirement under CAA Section 176(c).204[183] This requirement ensures that any federally funded or approved highway or transportation activity conforms to the relevant promogulated air quality SIPs, in a way that planned transportation activities do not interfere with a SIPs success in reducing the severity or number of exceedances of a NAAQS. The federal level transportation conformity rules establish the criteria and procedures for determining if a metropolitan transportation plan, TIP, or federally supported highway and transportation projects conform to the SIP.205[184] State level transportation conformity requirements are codified in Utah’s SIP Section XII.206 [185] Transportation conformity requirements apply to any designated NAA or maintenance area for a primary NAAQS and must be included in any SIP submitted for these areas. The metropolitan planning responsibilities for the area encompassed by the NWF NAA are covered by a single MPO—Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC). WFRC serves as the MPO for Box Elder, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber counties. Upon a finding of adequacy or approval by the EPA, the impacted MPO in the NAA will use these budgets to demonstrate that estimated emissions resulting from the implementation of approved transportation plans and TIPs are less than or equal to the budgets included in this SIP revision. 10.3 – Consultation The ICT is an air quality workgroup in Utah that makes technical and policy recommendations regarding transportation conformity issues related to the SIP development and transportation planning process. Section XII of the Utah SIP established the ICT workgroup and defines the roles and [181]202 62 Fed. Reg. 38,213. [182]203 Approval, Disapproval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plan; Utah; Maintenance Plan for the 1-Hour Ozone Standard for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, 77 Fed. Reg. 35,873 (June 15, 2012). [183]204 42 U.S.C. § 7506(c). [184]205 40 CFR Part 51; 40 CFR Part 93. [185]206 Utah State Implementation Plan; Section XII, Transportation Conformity Consultation. Adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board Ma y 2, 2007 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 162 responsibilities of the participating agencies. Members of the ICT workgroup collaborated on a regular basis during the development of the ozone SIP. They also meet on a regular basis regarding transportation conformity and air quality issues. The ICT workgroup is comprised of management and technical staff members from the affected agencies associated directly with transportation conformity including the following agencies: • UDAQ • Cache MPO • Mountainland Association of Governments • Wasatch Front Regional Council • Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) • Utah Local Public Transit Agencies • FHWA • Federal Transit Administration (FTA) • EPA The regional emissions analysis is the primary component of transportation conformity and is administered by the lead transportation agency located in the EPA designated air quality NAA. The responsible transportation planning organization for the Salt Lake City, UT NAA is the WFRC. During the SIP development process, the WFRC coordinated with the ICT workgroup and developed ozone SIP motor vehicle emissions inventories using the latest planning assumptions and tools for traffic analysis and the EPA-approved Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES2014a) emissions model. The WFRC and the ICT worked cooperatively to develop local MOVES2014a modeling data inputs using EPA recommended methods where applicable. 10.4 Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets (MVEB) MVEBs are defined as the “portion of the total allowable emissions defined in the submitted or approved control strategy implementation plan revision or maintenance plan for a certain date for the purpose of meeting reasonable further progress milestones or demonstrating attainment or maintenance of the NAAQS, for any criteria pollutant or its precursors, allocated to highway and transit vehicle use and emissions.”207[186] Thus, a MVEB refers to the maximum allowable emissions originating from the on-road mobile sector for each applicable regulated pollutant (i.e., NOx and VOCs) as defined in the SIP and required by the CAA. The MVEB must be used in all future transportation conformity analysis and areas must demonstrate that the estimated emissions from transportation plans, programs, and projects do not exceed the MVEB. MVEBs were developed in collaboration with the MPO WFRC. Details regarding the development of the budget can be found in the accompanying Technical Supporting Document (TSD).208[187] [186]207 40 CFR § 93.101. [187]208 TECHNICAL SUPPORT DOCUMENT FOR ON-ROAD MOBILE SOURCES: MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS BUDGET DERIVIATION FOR THE NORTHERN WASATCH FRONT, UT NONATTAINMENT OZONE AREA: https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/DAQ-2023-001700.pdf UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 163 For the purpose of this SIP revision, MVEBs for precursor emissions of VOC and NOx are established for the attainment year of 2023, and are based on the projected on-road mobile inventory for the same year as described in section 3.2.6. This MVEB represents a single NAA-wide MVEB to be used in transportation conformity purposes. Within the NWF NAA, both Tooele and Weber counties are not entirely contained within the NAA boundary. Thus, portions of the counties are located outside of the boundary, while most of the population of each county resides within the boundary. To account for the proportion of on-road mobile emissions attributable to the NAA, and thus to be included in a MVEB, 2020 census data was used to determine the percentage of on-road vehicle activity relative to census tracts located within the NAA, and emissions were revised accordingly. For Salt Lake and Davis counties, which are entirely located within the NAA, no such adjustments were made. 10.5 Emission Budgets for the Northern Wasatch Front NAA For the purposes of transportation conformity in the NWF NAA, Table [75]77 includes a MVEB in tpd for daily summertime weekday emissions of both VOCs and NOx. Table [75]77: NWF Ozone 2023 NAA MVEB NWF, UT Ozone 2023 NAA MVEB Year County NOx (tpd) VOC** (tpd) 2023* Davis (NA) 7.42 2.78 2023* Salt Lake (NA) 20.98 8.53 2023* Tooele (NA) 3.49 0.81 2023* Weber (NA) 5.69 2.06 Total 37.58 14.18 NA = NAA County Portion * Gasoline 10 PPM Sulfur **VOC = VOC does not include Refueling Displacement and Spillage It is important to note that the MVEBs presented in Table [75]77 are somewhat different from the on-road mobile emission inventory presented in Table 8. The emissions established for this MVEB were calculated using MOVES3 to reflect an average summer weekday. The totals presented in the summary emissions inventory in section 3, however, represent a summer average-episode-day. Thus, the temporal averaging used to generate these two different products results in slightly different values. 10.6 Implementation of MVEB in Transportation Conformity Determinations The MVEB for the NWF NAA, once determined adequate or approved by the EPA, will be used for purposes of transportation conformity determinations of Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) and TIPs for the respective MPOs and planning areas. Once the included MVEB is in effect, the local MPO must make a new determination of conformity for their respective RTP and TIP within two years of EPA’s finding of adequacy or SIP approval.209 [188] Throughout the process of determining conformity with the [188]209 40 CFR § 93.104(e). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 164 MVEB included in this SIP revision, the impacted MPO shall consult with federal, state, and local air agencies through the normal interagency consultation process established in Section XII of the Utah SIP. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 165 Chapter 11 - Contingency Measures 11.1 Overview Section 172(c)(9) of the CAA requires SIPs to include provisions for specific emission reduction measures to be undertaken if the area fails to demonstrate RFP requirements or attain the NAAQS by the attainment date. These provisions are known as contingency measures. These contingency measures shall take effect “without further action by the State, or the [EPA] Administrator”, thus no further rulemaking activities by the State or EPA would be needed to implement them if the area fails to attain the standard by the attainment date or if a SIP revision fails to demonstrate RFP.210[189] Contingency measures should consist of other available control measures or emission reduction strategies beyond those reasonably required (i.e., RACT or RACM) to expeditiously attain the NAAQS.211[190] The attainment date for the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS moderate SIP for the NWF NAA is August 3, 2024. Thus, if triggered, contingency measures must result in additional emission reductions after that date, or upon a disapproval of the RFP plan included in this SIP revision by the EPA. Contingency measures shall provide demonstratable emission reductions of one year’s worth of emission reductions, or approximately 3% of the 2017 base year emission inventory.212[191] Unlike the RFP requirements of a moderate SIP, emission reductions associated with contingency measures can consist entirely, or in part, of NOx emission reduction strategies.213[192] 11.2 Contingency Measures 11.2.1 NOx Emission Reductions from Boilers The UDAQ has proposed R307-315; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu, and R307-316; NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers greater than 5.0 MMBtu, both of which were described in section 5.3, Table 58. These rules were adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board in May of 2023, with an implementation beginning in May of 2024. These rules require new and modified industrial and commercial boilers installed in the NWF NAA to comply with an emission threshold of 9 parts per million by volume (ppmv). The NOx emission reductions from these combined rules are anticipated to result in a total reduction of 7.3 tpd, or 2,689 tpy once the full emission potential of the rules are realized. While these rules do not require retrofits or replacements of existing equipment, when accounting for the useful life span of this equipment it is anticipated that the full emission potential of these rules will be realized in 10 – 20 years. Thus, it is expected that these two rules combined will result in ~0.36 tpd of emission reductions per year, compounding over time to the full 7.3 tpd. Given the implementation timeline of these control strategies, one year of emission reductions (0.36 tpd) should be creditable towards contingency measure requirements. [189]210 State Implementation Plans; General Preamble for the Implementation of Title I of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 57 Fed. Reg. 13,498, 13,512 (April 16, 1992). [190]211 Id. 57 Fed. Reg. at 13,543. [191]212 83 Fed. Reg. 62,998; 80 Fed. Reg. 12,285. [192]213 83 Fed. Reg. 62,998. UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 166 11.2.2 US Magnesium As part of this SIP revision, and as overviewed in section 4.15, the UDAQ is requiring US Magnesium to install a steam stripper and thermal oxidizer to reduce VOC emissions from its wastewater and deboronated pond water systems.214[193] The installation of these controls will reduce 0.44 tpd (161.7 tpy) of VOC emissions from the airshed. It is anticipated that these controls will be installed by October of 2024. US Magnesium is located outside of the existing NAA boundary and thus emission reductions are not creditable towards RFP, emission reductions implemented in areas outside of a NAA may count towards contingency measures as long as they improve air quality in the subject NAA.215[194] 11.2.3 NAA NOx Emission Reductions As described in detail in section 7.4, the NWF NAA has experienced significant emission reduction of anthropogenic NOx. From the baseline year of 2017 to the attainment year for this SIP revision of 2023, NOx emission decreased from 108.3 tpd down to 87.0 tpd. Thus, the area experienced a 21.3 tpd reduction in NOx emissions, representing a 19.6% decrease. These emission reductions are largely the result of the introduction of more stringent vehicle emission reduction tiers and the introduction of cleaner burning Tier 3 fuels into the NWF NAA. Thus, as the market penetration of Tier 3 fuels continues throughout the NAA as the local refineries finish the transition to refining fuels at these standards, and older vehicles are replaced with newer cleaner vehicles, the emission reductions seen in this sector are expected to continue without further action required. 11.3 Contingency Measures Emission Reduction Demonstration Currently, no rulemaking exists that precludes a state from implementing a contingency measure before they are triggered, but emission reductions credited towards contingency measures may not be accounted for as part of the RFP demonstration. The emission reductions described in sections 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 will be in effect prior to the attainment date but are not counted towards RFP. The emission reductions described section 11.2.3 are already in place and do not count towards RFP or are being used as a control measure for this SIP revision. Table [76]78 demonstrates how the area has met the contingency measure requirement of reductions of 3% of baseline emissions. Table [76]78: Percent Emission Reductions Based on 2017 Base Year Inventory NOx Emissions (tpd) VOC Emissions (tpd) 2017 Baseline Inventory 108.3 93.7 3% Baseline Inventory 3.2 2.8 Emission Reductions for Contingency Measures (Percent of 2017 Inventory) 21.66 (20%) 0.44 (0.47%) Meets Contingency Measure Requirements? Yes -- [193]214 Utah State Implementation Plan; Section IX, Part H.32.k [194]215 See e.g., Louisiana Env't Action Network v. U.S. E.P.A., 382 F.3d 575, 585 (5th Cir. 2004). UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 167 Chapter 12 - Environmental Justice & Title VI Considerations 12.1 Environmental Justice EPA defines Environmental Justice (EJ) as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.216[195] Fair treatment ensures no group of people are disproportionately burdened by environmental harms or risks, including those resulting from industrial, governmental, and commercial operations, programs, or policies. Meaningful involvement ensures that populations potentially affected by an action have an opportunity to participate in decisions impacting their environment and health. Meaningful involvement also includes the stipulations that the public’s contributions can influence a regulatory agency’s decision, the concerns of the public will be considered in the decision-making process, and the rule-writers and decision-makers will seek out and facilitate the involvements of these potentially-affected populations. Executive Order (E.O.) 12898: Environmental Justice,217[196] directs federal agencies to incorporate environmental justice initiatives into their missions. E.O. 14008 issued in 2021218[197] further reiterated a national focus on EJ. As a result, EPA has encouraged states to consider EJ in their SIP development process as their resulting actions may have impacts on disproportionately affected areas. EPA has also issued guidance on incorporating EJ consideration during the development of regulatory actions.219[198] 12.2 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Title VI of the Civil Rights Act is a federal law that prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance (e.g., states, universities, and local governments) from discriminating based on race, color, or national origin in any program or activity.220[199] This prohibition against discrimination under Title VI has been a statutory mandate since 1964 and EPA has had Title VI regulations since 1973. Title VI allows [195]216 https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice [196]217 Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, 59 Fed. Reg. 7,629 (Feb. 11, 1994). [197]218Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, 86 Fed. Reg. 7,619 (Jan. 27, 2021). [198]219 Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the Development of Regulatory Actions (May 2015), available at https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/guidance-considering-environmental-justice-during-development-action. [199]220 Title VI, 42 U.S.C § 2000d et seq. Figure [23]24: EJ Indexes >80th percentile in Each NWF NAA Census Block UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 168 persons to file administrative complaints with federal departments and agencies alleging discrimination based on race, color, or national origin and EPA has a responsibility to ensure its funds are not being used to subsidize discrimination. Should a complaint be filed, EPA’s Office of Civil Rights is responsible for the Agency’s administration of Title VI, including investigation of such complaints. In accordance with Title VI, federal agencies shall ensure that all programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance that affect human health or the environment do not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin. The NWF NAA SIP revision falls under this category of programs and has potential impacts on such areas. 12.3 Screening-Level Analysis Using Utah’s Environmental Interactive Map,221[200] UDAQ conducted an analysis of the EJ indices surrounding the NWF NAA. UDAQ reviewed all pollution and sources as well as socioeconomic indicators (a total of 20 indices) as percentiles calculated by comparing data from census blocks within the State of Utah. UDAQ notes that this SIP revision does not have the authority to control the following indexes included in this analysis: lead paint, superfund sites, wastewater discharge, RMP facilities, hazardous waste, or underground storage tanks. Figure [23]24 shows the count of EJ indexes above the 80th percentile in each of the census blocks within the NWF NAA. Table [77]79 shows the number of census blocks in the NFW NAA at the 80th percentile and above for each EJ index. Table [77]79: Environmental Justice Indexes Over the 80th Percentile in the NWF NAA EJ Index Number of Census Blocks >80th Percentile Superfund Proximity 400 PM2.5 387 Ozone 364 Hazardous Waste Proximity 318 Air Toxics Respiratory Health Index 306 People of Color 294 Diesel PM 291 Air Toxics Cancer Risk 282 Underground Storage Tanks 267 Traffic Proximity 262 RMP Facility Proximity 258 Demographic Index 250 Less than High School Education 244 Lead Paint 236 Limited English Speaking 215 Low Income 181 Wastewater Discharge 153 Unemployment Rate 136 Under Age 5 113 Over Age 64 61 [200]221 https://enviro.deq.utah.gov/ UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 169 12.3.1 EJ Screening Findings Based on Figure [23]24, the areas within the NWF NAA with the highest concentrations of indexes above the 80th percentile include Ogden, Salt Lake City, West Valley City, and West Jordan. There is a total of 498 census blocks within the NWF NAA. Table [77]78 shows a high number of census blocks at the 80th percentile or greater for all EJ indexes, with the most prevalent indexes in the NAA being: • Superfund Proximity • PM2.5 • Ozone • Hazardous Waste Proximity • Air Toxics Respiratory Health Index • People of Color • Diesel PM • Air Toxics Cancer Risk • Underground Storage Tanks • Traffic Proximity 12.4 Identified Stakeholders As a result of this EJ analysis, UDAQ has identified the general public and public health departments within the Ogden, Salt Lake City, West Valley City, and West Jordan areas as populations potentially affected by the decisions made in this SIP. UDAQ identified these stakeholders as entities and groups requiring additional facilitation and involvement in the SIP development process. 12.5 Stakeholder Outreach, Meaningful Involvement, and Information Distribution UDAQ made it a priority to ensure that the identified stakeholders would have ample and equal opportunity within the division’s ability to participate in this SIP process through the measures described in section 12.5.1 to 12.5.5. 12.5.1 Public Informational Meetings UDAQ hosted two virtual public meetings on the subject of “Finding Ozone Emissions Reduction Ideas.” The first meeting took place on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 6 to 7 PM MST, and the second meeting took place on Saturday, May 3, 2022, also from 6 to 7 PM MST. These times were selected to maximize attendance from households with traditional working hours. Handouts for this meeting were issued via an interactive webpage222[201] and potential attendees were invited to submit comments through a public Google Form to be addressed at each of the meetings. 67 individuals attended the first meeting. 45 individuals attended the second meeting. Recordings of each of these meetings are publicly available on YouTube.223 [202] UDAQ also presented SIP-related updates to the State of Utah Governance Committee, a joint coordination effort by the Utah Department of Health and local health departments. These presentations took place on September 27, 2022, and on January 24, 2023, to inform the committee of the progress UDAQ has made in the SIP development process and emission reduction strategies employed. [201]222 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-ozone-emissions-inventory [202]223 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip5D7nRaLTI & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0fHNSFczvE UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 170 12.5.2 Environmental Advocate and Industrial Stakeholder Meetings UDAQ holds regular environmental advocate meetings, industrial stakeholder meetings, and academic stakeholder meetings where UDAQ updated these groups on the development of this SIP and online postings of the SIP-related documents. Members of all groups were provided equal opportunities to ask questions and were encouraged to comment during these meetings as well as follow up afterward. 12.5.3 Public Commenting Period Upon the approval of the Air Quality Board on April 5, 2023, this SIP and all relating documents were made available for public comment from June 1 to July 17, 2023. Public notices for the commenting period were issued on the UDAQ webpage, via electronic mail, and in the Utah State Bulletin. Commenters included: • 49 private citizens; • US EPA Region 8; • Breathe Utah; • HEAL Utah; • Utah Petroleum Association and Utah Mining Association; • Chevron Products Company; • Marathon Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC; • Rio Tinto Kennecott; • Western Resource Advocates; and • Utah Manufacturers Association 12.5.4 Public Hearing As part of the public commenting period, a public hearing was conducted at the State of Utah Multi-Agency State Office Building on July 12, 2023 at 12:00 PM. The public hearing information was advertised in the Utah State Bulletin, and the UDAQ webpage 41 days prior to the event. Attendance to this hearing was available both in-person as well as virtually. Commenters included: • Nick Schou of Western Resource Advocates; • Alex Veilleux of Heal Utah; and • Gregor Green a private citizen All comments made by groups and individuals listed in Sections 12.5.3 and 12.5.4 were duly considered in the decision-making process of this SIP. These comments are summarized and responded to in APPENDIX B with original versions of each group or individual’s comments available at https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-moderate-ozone-sip-technical-support- documentation. 12.5.5 Information Dissemination All materials related to this SIP have been posted on UDAQ’s public platforms as the division has received and processed them throughout the development of this SIP. UDAQ uses all resources at its disposal to disseminate information to its stakeholders including: UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 171 • UDAQ webpage 224[203] • State Bulletin • Ozone SIP webpage 225[204] • Stakeholder meetings • Local newspapers in identified stakeholder communities. [203]224 https://deq.utah.gov/division-air-quality [204]225 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/northern-wasatch-front-moderate-ozone-sip-technical-support-documentation Utah Governor’s Letter to EPA Administrator, Michael Regan Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 July 2, 2024 Michael S. Regan, Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 1101A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 Dear Administrator Regan, Thank you for your willingness to talk last week. As promised, I’m following up with more details around the plan we discussed. On Nov. 7, 2022, Utah’s Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) nonattainment area (NAA) was reclassified from marginal to moderate status for the 2015 8-hour average ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).1 To meet the requirements for a moderate NAA, Utah had to identify and implement 15% reductions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the NAA between 2017 and 2023, and submit a revision to Utah’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) codifying these requirements. While Utah has developed and submitted a moderate NAA SIP revision, the revision does not fully implement a 15% VOC reduction, a requirement known as Reasonable Further Progress (RFP).2 As a result, the state is facing potential sanctions under Section 179(b)3 of the Clean Air Act (CAA)4 affecting Utah’s ability to access and utilize federal highway funds. This is a difficult position given that Utah is one of the fastest-growing states in the nation. 1 Determinations of Attainment by the Attainment Date, Extensions of the Attainment Date, and Reclassification of Areas Classified as Marginal for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 87 Fed. Reg. 60897, 60898 (Oct. 7, 2022). 2 42 U.S.C. § 7511a(b)(1)(A)(i). 3 40 C.F.R. § 52.31. 4 42 U.S.C. § 7410. Office of the Governor State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE M. HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 Utah frequently commented to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the array of challenges facing nonattainment areas located in the Intermountain West.5,6,7,8 While many challenges highlighted in these comments apply to nonattainment areas across the Intermountain West, the NWF NAA faces a unique and independent challenge. As part of Utah’s past fine particulate matter (PM2.5) SIP revisions,9,10 the state has already implemented significant year- round VOC reductions, and thus identifying additional SIP-creditable VOC reductions has become exceedingly difficult, especially in the quantity required to fulfill RFP requirements. This letter is a request to EPA to exercise its authority to reasonably interpret statute 11 as it relates to specific language in the 2015 ozone implementation rule 12 and allow Utah to credit past VOC reductions toward ongoing ozone planning efforts. To our knowledge, there is no other state in the country facing the same situation, where the area has significantly reduced VOCs for a different NAAQS, yet is facing punitive sanctions under the current interpretation of the rule. Utah believes that reasonably broadening the interpretation would have a very narrow impact. I. Ozone Implementation Rule and NOx Substitutions The 2015 ozone implementation rule states that a NAA designated as moderate that has implemented federally enforceable VOC emission reductions equal to or greater than the current 15% requirement from a previous ozone NAAQS SIP revision, should be granted the opportunity to substitute a comparable amount of NOx emission reductions under Section 172(c)(2), as long as those reductions deliver an equivalent improvement in air quality.13 Specifically, the rule states that, “the EPA continues to interpret CAA section 172(c)(2) as requiring Moderate areas with an approved SIP under the 1-hour ozone NAAQS or prior 8-hour ozone NAAQS [emphasis added] to achieve 15% ozone precursor (NOx and/or VOC) emission reductions.” Utah is requesting that EPA interpret this language to similarly include VOC reductions from a previous PM2.5 SIP revision. This minor change would allow the NWF to meet RFP requirements for the NWF NAA moderate 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS SIP for the reasons outlined in this letter. Utah believes this is a reasonable interpretation of the implementation rule 5 Utah Request for Adjustment of the Northern Wasatch Front Nonattainment Area Boundary for the 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, February 27, 2023. 6 Utah Comments on Air Plan Disapproval; Utah; Interstate Transport of Air Pollution for the 2015 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, Docket ID No. EPA-R08-OAR-2022-0315, July 22, 2022. DAQP-065-22. 7 Utah Comments on Federal Implementation Plan Addressing Regional Ozone Transport for the 2015 Primary Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0668, June 21, 2022. DAQP-055-22. 8 Utah Comments on Determinations of Attainment by the Attainment Date, Extensions of the Attainment Date, and Reclassification of Areas Classified as Marginal for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0742, June 16, 2022. DAQP-054-22. 9 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part A.21: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, UT Nonattainment Area. Adopted December 3, 2014. 10 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part A.31: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Fine Particulate Matter, Serious Area PM2.5 SIP for the Salt Lake City, UT Nonattainment Area. Adopted January 2, 2019. 11 Michigan v. EPA, 576 U.S. 743 (2015). Also see Util. Air Regul. Grp v. EPA, 573 U.S. 302 (2014), and State of Wisconsin v. Env’t Prot. Agency, 938 F.3.d (D.C. Cir. 2019). 12 Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Nonattainment Area State Implementation Plan Requirements, 83 Fed. Reg. 62,998 (Dec. 6, 2018). 13 Id., 83 Fed. Reg. at 63,004 (“Areas classified Moderate for the 2015 ozone NAAQS that had SIPs previously approved to meet the ROP [RFP] requirements for the 1- hour, 1997 8-hour or 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS would be treated like areas covered under CAA section 172(c)(2)… the EPA continues to interpret CAA section 172(c)(2) as requiring Moderate areas with an approved SIP under the 1-hour ozone NAAQS or prior 8-hour ozone NAAQS to achieve 15 percent ozone precursor (NOX and/or VOC) emission reductions.”). Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 and the corresponding statute and is well within EPA’s authority given the year-round nature of the VOC reductions and the scale of these reductions. As shown in Table 1, through Utah’s PM2.5 SIP work, the NWF NAA has previously implemented VOC emission reductions equivalent to 255% of the current RFP requirement, in addition to the 25% reduced for the moderate ozone SIP. Similarly, before the start of the moderate ozone SIP, Utah implemented a 254% equivalent reduction in NOx emissions, while also reducing NOx emissions by 152% of RFP requirements during the moderate SIP timeline. II. RFP and Past Emission Reductions The total RFP requirements for the NWF moderate ozone SIP revision was 14.0 tons per day (tpd) of VOC emission reductions. Utah has been able to account for 3.7 tpd of emission reductions, leaving the state with 10.3 tpd of additional emission reductions required to fulfill RFP. The state has shown a 21.3 tpd reduction of NOx emissions over the same six-year period, representing 152% of the required RFP reductions if Utah could substitute NOx for VOC reductions. While the NOx reductions in the NWF NAA during the moderate SIP timeline represent considerable reductions and a significant step in attempts to improve air quality, they are small compared to the substantial emission reductions through Utah’s PM2.5 SIP which account for more than a 250% emission reduction of both NOx and VOCs relative to RFP requirements. Table 1: VOC and NOx reduction in the NWF NAA through ozone and PM2.5 SIPs. RFP Requirements 2017 - 2023 moderate ozone SIP (% RFP) 2010 - 2020 PM2.5 SIP (% RFP) VOC (tpd reduced) 14.0 tpd 3.7 tpd (26%) 35.7 (255%) NOx (tpd reduced) NA* 21.3 tpd (152%) 35.45 (254%) *EPA has not yet allowed NOx substitutions under its current interpretation of ozone implementation rule. Utah believes that these NOx reductions should count towards RFP requirements given the scale and nature of past VOC reductions. While Utah’s PM2.5 air quality challenges are predominantly a wintertime issue, the emission reductions implemented to address these pollution episodes were largely adopted as year-round emission reduction strategies. As a result, the associated NOx and VOC emission reductions decrease both wintertime PM2.5 and summertime ozone throughout the NWF NAA. Furthermore, the state of Utah also implemented significant VOC reductions under the 1979 1- hour standard ozone NAAQS, which resulted in 67.7 tpd of reductions.14 However, as air quality subsequently improved, the area was ultimately granted a clean data determination which resulted in the suspension of RFP requirements prior to federal approval of the SIP,15 therefore preventing Utah from being able to directly credit these past reductions towards current ozone 14Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part D: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources for Salt Lake and Davis Counties. 15 Withdrawal of the Determination of Attainment of Ozone Standard for the Salt Lake and Davis Counties Ozone Nonattainment Area; Utah; and the Determination Regarding Applicability of Certain Reasonable Further Progress and Attainment Demonstration Requirements, 60 Fed. Reg. 36,723 (July 18, 1995). Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 planning efforts. Had EPA approved Utah’s 1979 NAAQS SIP revision prior to the finalization of a clean data determination, Utah would currently be able to pursue RFP compliance through NOx substitutions under Section 172(c)(2). III. PM2.5 Chemistry and VOC Reductions Analogous to the prior interpretation in the 2015 ozone implementation rule that past VOC reductions could be counted towards RFP requirements if implemented under a previous ozone SIP, Utah is requesting that the EPA allows VOC reductions applied as part of past PM2.5 SIPs to be eligible to be credited towards the RFP requirement. This is a further reasonable interpretation of the implementation rule given that the VOC emission reductions under Utah’s PM2.5 SIP revisions were specifically targeting ozone formation, which also plays a critical role in the secondary formation of PM2.5 in the Wasatch Front. The interconnectedness of ozone and wintertime PM2.5 in the Wasatch Front is complex, but breaks down into three essential components, which are outlined in detail in Appendix A: 1) VOC emissions drive the daytime formation of ozone in both the wintertime and summertime which subsequently drives the availability of hydroxyl radicals (OH) within the troposphere. 2) This added OH subsequently acts as fuel catalyzing the daytime PM2.5 chemistry in which the NOx-HOx cycle is responsible for the daytime production of ozone and nitric acid (HNO3).16 HNO3 undergoes an acid-based reaction with gas phase ammonia (NH4) to form particulate ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), the predominant secondary particulate compound found in wintertime Persistent Cold Air Pool (PCAP) events in northern Utah.17 3) The presence of ozone also plays a direct instigating (oxidative) force in the nighttime PM2.5 chemistry as at night NOx converts to particulate ClNO2 and HNO3 through NO3 and N2O5.18 As with daytime chemistry, the resulting HNO3 reacts with NH3 to form particulate nitrate NH4NO3, with NO3, N2O5, and ClNO2 converted back to NO2 and ozone the following morning and further contributing to daytime chemistry. The importance of ozone in wintertime PM2.5 is reinforced by the fact that tropospheric ozone is completely depleted during PCAP events (0.00 ppb) throughout the Wasatch Front, as ozone acts as a fuel driving secondary particulate formation.19 Because of the importance ozone plays in both the daytime and nighttime formation of PM2.5, Utah’s PM2.5 SIPs specifically targeted reductions of ozone and its precursor emissions to limit the effectiveness of these pathways. Utah 16 Womack, C. C., McDuffie, E. E.,Edwards, P. M., Bares, R., de Gouw, J. A.,Docherty, K. S., et al. (2019). An oddoxygen framework for wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NOx and VOC control as mitigation strategies. Geophysical Research Letters,46, 4971–4979. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082028. 17 Kelly, K. E.; Kotchenruther, R.; Kuprov, R.; Silcox, G. D. Receptor model source attributions for Utah’s Salt Lake City airshed and the impacts of wintertime secondary ammonium nitrate and ammonium chloride aerosol. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 2013, 63 (5), 575−590. 18 Munkhbayar Baasandorj, Sebastian W. Hoch, Ryan Bares, John C. Lin, Steven S. Brown, Dylan B. Millet, Randal Martin, Kerry Kelly, Kyle J. Zarzana, C. David Whiteman, William P. Dube, Gail Tonnesen, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, and John Sohl. Environmental Science & Technology 2017 51 (11), 5941-5950. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06603. 19 Munkhbayar Baasandorj, Sebastian W. Hoch, Ryan Bares, John C. Lin, Steven S. Brown, Dylan B. Millet, Randal Martin, Kerry Kelly, Kyle J. Zarzana, C. David Whiteman, William P. Dube, Gail Tonnesen, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, and John Sohl. Environmental Science & Technology 2017 51 (11), 5941-5950. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06603. Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 went as far as to provide explicit language within its most recent PM2.5 SIP explaining the interconnectedness of ozone and PM2.5 formation. 20 IV. NOx Reduction Effectiveness, Photochemical Assessment Monitoring, and Ozone Studies To examine the effect of NOx and VOC emission reductions on ozone concentrations in the NWF NAA, Utah conducted a photochemical analysis examining the predicted reductions in ozone concentrations for a given reduction of anthropogenic NOx or VOC emissions. The resulting isopleth plots, as demonstrated in Figure 1, show that much of the NWF NAA is largely insensitive to VOC emission reductions, so much so that the controlling monitor in Bountiful does not demonstrate compliance with the 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS even with a 100% reduction in anthropogenic VOC emissions. This analysis also demonstrates that even a full implementation of a 15% reduction in VOCs would result in a minimal to negligible improvement in 8-hour ozone concentrations. Figure 1: 8-hour ozone isopleths representing NOx and VOC reductions and the resulting predicted ozone concentrations at Bountiful monitoring station in the NWF NAA. Analysis was conducted using CAMx version 7.1 High-Order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) and demonstrates the sensitivity of the NWF NAA to changes in anthropogenic NOx and/or VOC reductions. This same analysis identified that the area is more sensitive to NOx reductions, however significant reductions of greater than 50% of NAA anthropogenic emissions would still be needed to attain 2015 8-hr ozone NAAQS. This analysis highlights that NOx reductions play a 20https://documents.deq.utah.gov/air-quality/planning/technical-analysis/research/northern-utah-airpollution/utah-winter-fine- particulate-study/DAQ-2018-004037.pdf (“Aerosol chloride can also contribute to the formation of nitryl chloride (ClNO2), a source of radicals which act to enhance the daytime photochemical production of ozone and nitrate, both of which are important contributors to PM2.5 formation. This formation of ClNO2 is particularly active in the Salt Lake Valley, as shown by recent aircraft measurements (2017 Utah Winter Fine Particulate Study (UWFPS)).”) Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 critical role in Utah pursuing a reasonable pathway towards attaining the standard, with a NOx heavy - limited VOC reduction pathway being the most beneficial pathway for the NWF NAA to improve summertime air quality. These results confirm the unique characteristics of the NWF NAA airshed and show that an equivalent reduction in NOx emissions relative to VOC reductions, provides as great or greater an improvement in air quality. Therefore, the 21.5 tpd of NOx reductions implemented as part of the moderate ozone SIP deliver a greater return on investment than the full 15% RFP (14.0 tpd) requirement of VOC reductions. A secondary benefit in complying with the RFP requirement through NOx substitutions under section 172(c)(2) would be the additional time to identify a reasonable and viable pathway to attainment through the leveraging of pending speciated VOC data as part of Utah’s Photochemical Assessment Monitoring network, in addition to the wealth of scientific data expected to be collected as part of the upcoming 2024 Utah Summertime Ozone Study. The state believes that the added speciated VOC data from these efforts will provide critical insights into the best pathway to attainment. Yet, as these monitoring sites and scientific campaigns are coming online throughout this calendar year, the state is facing potential punitive sanctions before it can conduct this critical analysis. V. Section 172(c)(2) Pathway for RFP Requirements Utah requests that EPA exercise its authority to reasonably interpret statute and the relevant portions of the 2015 ozone implementation rule to allow the NWF NAA to credit past VOC reductions achieved for PM2.5 SIPs to demonstrate compliance with the moderate RFP requirements 21 through NOx substitutions under CAA Section 172(c)(2). Utah believes this interpretation is reasonable given the substantial past VOC reductions implemented throughout the NWF NAA as part of PM2.5 SIPs, the year-round nature of these reductions, the explicit intent behind these reductions to decrease tropospheric ozone, and the benefits of NOx reductions relative to VOC reductions for the airshed. This interpretation would treat the NWF NAA the same when compared to other NAAs that can demonstrate past federally enforceable VOC reductions equivalent to RFP requirements, only under a different NAAQS. This request is not an attempt to skirt the state’s obligation to improve air quality. On the contrary, Utah has achieved significant emission reductions throughout the NWF NAA that substantially improved air quality in the area.22 Further recent actions demonstrate the state’s continued commitment to improving air quality and complying with CAA requirements including: requesting the expansion of the NAA boundary,23 reducing NOx emissions from natural gas-fired boilers,24 reducing VOC emissions from hot mix asphalt plants,25 and implementing the requirement of costly controls on existing major point sources within the NAA.26 Instead, this letter is a request for EPA to adopt a reasonable interpretation of statute and existing rule language which would treat the NWF NAA the same when compared to any other 21 42 U.S.C. § 7511a(b)(1)(A)(i). 22 Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Utah; Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah PM2.5 Redesignations to Attainment and Utah State Implementation Plan Revisions, 85 Fed. Reg. 71,023 (Nov 11, 2020). 23 Utah Request for Adjustment of the Northern Wasatch Front Nonattainment Area Boundary for the 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, February 27, 2023. 24 Utah Administrative rules R307-315: NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu & R307-316: NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers Greater Than 5.0 MMBtu. Effective dates: 07/10/2023. 25 Utah Administrative rule R307-313: VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants. Effective Date: 07/24/2023. 26 Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part H.31 and Part H.32. Emission Limits and Operating Practices Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 NAA that can demonstrate past federally enforceable VOC reductions equivalent to RFP requirements. As regulatory partners we are tasked with the responsibilities of finding solutions to improve air quality, comply with CAA requirements, and protect human health. The state of Utah believes that this request fulfills these responsibilities in a way that is reasonable and consistent with the intent of the CAA and our shared mission, while preventing punitive sanctions against a state that has, and will continue to, work successfully towards meeting these critical goals. Sincerely, Spencer J. Cox Governor Utah State Capitol, Ste. 200 ∙ P.O. Box 142220 ∙ Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2220 ∙ Telephone (801) 538-1000 APPENDIX A: Interconnectedness of Ozone and Secondary PM2.5 Chemistry. 1) VOC emissions drive the daytime formation of ozone (O3) in both the wintertime and summertime which subsequently drives the availability of hydroxyl radicals (OH) within the troposphere: VOC + OH = RO2 RO2 + NO = RO + NO2 NO2 + sunlight (hv) = NO + O3 O3 + hv = O2 + O O + H2O = 2OH 2) The presence of O3 as formed in the reactions above during the day drives the availability of OH which subsequently acts as fuel for the daytime PM2.5 chemistry in which the NOx-HOx cycle is responsible for the daytime production of O3 and nitric acid (HNO3).27 This cycle begins when VOCs are oxidized by OH, generating HO2 or RO2 radicals. OH + VOC = HO2 + OVOC HO2 + NO = NO2 + OH OH + NO2 = HNO3 HNO3 undergoes an acid based reaction with gas phase ammonia (NH4) to form particulate ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), the predominant secondary particulate compound found in wintertime Persistent Cold Air Pool (PCAP) events in northern Utah.28 3) The presence of O3 plays a direct instigating (oxidative) force in the nighttime PM2.5 chemistry as at night NOx converts to particulate ClNO2 and HNO3 through NO3 and N2O5.29 NO2 + O3 = NO3 NO3 + NO2 ⇆ N2O5 N2O5 + H2O (het.) = 2HNO3 N2O5 + HCl (het.) = HNO3 + ClNO2 As with daytime chemistry, the resulting HNO3 reacts with NH3 to form particulate nitrate NH4NO3, with NO3, N2O5, and ClNO2 converted back to NO2 and O3 the following morning and further contributing to daytime chemistry. 27 Womack, C. C., McDuffie, E. E.,Edwards, P. M., Bares, R., de Gouw, J. A.,Docherty, K. S., et al. (2019). An oddoxygen framework for wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NOx and VOC control as mitigation strategies. Geophysical Research Letters,46, 4971–4979. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082028. 28 Kelly, K. E.; Kotchenruther, R.; Kuprov, R.; Silcox, G. D. Receptor model source attributions for Utah’s Salt Lake City airshed and the impacts of wintertime secondary ammonium nitrate and ammonium chloride aerosol. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 2013, 63 (5), 575−590. 29 Munkhbayar Baasandorj, Sebastian W. Hoch, Ryan Bares, John C. Lin, Steven S. Brown, Dylan B. Millet, Randal Martin, Kerry Kelly, Kyle J. Zarzana, C. David Whiteman, William P. Dube, Gail Tonnesen, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, and John Sohl. Environmental Science & Technology 2017 51 (11), 5941-5950. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06603. ITEM 5 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-056-24a M E M O R A N D U M TO: Air Quality Board THROUGH: Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary THROUGH: Erica Pryor, Rules Coordinator FROM: Rachel Chamberlain, Environmental Scientist DATE: July 3, 2024 SUBJECT: PROPOSE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Amend R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. ______________________________________________________________________________________ On March 12, 2024, Governor Cox signed into law House Bill 567 (HB567), Fire Regulation Amendments. This bill has an effective date of May 1, 2024. The proposed amendments to Rule R307-202 result in several changes to permitted open burning in the state to align with HB567. The bill changes the following: • the areas of the state that have different permit burning windows; • the time frame of the burning windows; and • the clearing index values at which burns are allowed to occur. HB567 relies on attainment area definitions to distinguish between the open burning permit criteria. R307-202 currently allows areas to receive burn permits when the clearing index value is at or over 500 from March 30th – May 30th, and when the state forester approves burning from September 15th – October 30th. Ten southern counties were also allowed to perform permitted burns from March 1st – March 30th with a longer fall window between September 15th and November 15th. The amendments eliminate the southern counties’ criteria by shifting the rule to distinguish burning window and clearing index eligibility by nonattainment, maintenance, and attainment areas. HB567 allows for open permitted burning within attainment areas when the clearing index value is over 250 from DAQ-056-24a Page 2 November 1st – March 31st, in addition to portions of the previously approved burning windows (March 30th – May 30th) at a clearing index of 500 and (September 15th – October 30th) when approved by the state forester. Additionally, the Division is proposing to update the previously approved burning windows to include the first and last day of each month for ease of implementation and further alignment with other Utah Code (Section 65A-8-211). This change increases the burning window in attainment areas to include the full months of November, December, January, February, and March and lowers the allowable clearing index window to obtain a burn permit from 500 to 250 during those months. Since the burns are occurring in attainment areas, there is minimal risk of State Implementation Plan backsliding. In addition, smoke impacts could be more effectively temporally dispersed and cause less of an impact to most impaired days for regional haze. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board approve the amendment to Rule R307-202, General Burning, for a 30-day public comment period. State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE TYPE OF FILING: Amendment Rule or Section Number: R307-202 Filing ID: Office Use Only Date of Previous Publication (Only for CPRs): Click or tap to enter a date. Agency Information 1. Title catchline:Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: Multi-Agency State Office Building Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state: Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Rachel Chamberlain 385-414-3390 rachelchamberlain@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2.Rule or section catchline: R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. 3. Purpose of the new rule or reason for the change: The Division of Air Quality is filing an amendment to Rule R307-202 on account of HB567 becoming effective May 1, 2024. 4. Summary of the new rule or change: This filing amends Rule R307-202 to align with the changes in statute because of HB567. On March 12, 2024, Governor Cox signed into law HB567 Fire Regulation Amendments. This bill has an effective date of May 1, 2024. The proposed amendments to R307-202 result in several changes to open burning with permits in the state. The bill changes the following: 1)the areas of the state that have different permit burning windows; 2) the time frame of the burning windows, and 3) the clearing index values at which burns are allowed to occur. The bill defines attainment areas to distinguish between the open burning timeframes. Fiscal Information 5.Provide an estimate and written explanation of the aggregate anticipated cost or savings to: A)State budget: There is no anticipated cost or savings to the state budget and will have no impact besides some staff time spent reprograming the permit interface which will be absorbed by the general budget. B) Local governments: There is no anticipated cost or savings to local governments but could increase permits application requests and reviews. The number is unknown and therefore costs or savings cannot be calculated. C) Small businesses ("small business" means a business employing 1-49 persons): There is no anticipated cost or savings to small businesses. D) Non-small businesses ("non-small business" means a business employing 50 or more persons): There is no anticipated cost or savings for non-small businesses. E) Persons other than small businesses, non-small businesses, state, or local government entities ("person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental entity, or public or private organization of any character other than an agency): There is no anticipated cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, non-small businesses, state, or local government entities. F) Compliance costs for affected persons (How much will it cost an impacted entity to adhere to this rule or its changes?): There are no anticipated compliance costs for affected persons. G) Regulatory Impact Summary Table (This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts will be included in narratives above.) Regulatory Impact Table Fiscal Cost FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 State Government $0 $0 $0 Local Governments $0 $0 $0 Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Non-Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Other Persons $0 $0 $0 Total Fiscal Cost $0 $0 $0 Fiscal Benefits FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 State Government $0 $0 $0 Local Governments $0 $0 $0 Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Non-Small Businesses $0 $0 $0 Other Persons $0 $0 $0 Total Fiscal Benefits $0 $0 $0 Net Fiscal Benefits $0 $0 $0 H) Department head comments on fiscal impact and approval of regulatory impact analysis: The Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality, Kim D. Shelley, has reviewed and approved this regulatory impact analysis. Citation Information 6. Provide citations to the statutory authority for the rule. If there is also a federal requirement for the rule, provide a citation to that requirement: Utah Code 19-2-104 U.S.C. Title 42 Chapter 85 Subchapter I Part A Section 7410 (a)(1)2(A) Incorporations by Reference Information 7. Incorporations by Reference (if this rule incorporates more than two items by reference, please include additional tables): A) This rule adds or updates the following title of materials incorporated by references (a copy of materials incorporated by reference must be submitted to the Office of Administrative Rules; if none, leave blank): Official Title of Materials Incorporated (from title page) Publisher Issue Date Issue or Version B) This rule adds or updates the following title of materials incorporated by references (a copy of materials incorporated by reference must be submitted to the Office of Administrative Rules; if none, leave blank): Official Title of Materials Incorporated (from title page) Publisher Issue Date Issue or Version Public Notice Information 8. The public may submit written or oral comments to the agency identified in box 1. (The public may also request a hearing by submitting a written request to the agency. See Section 63G-3-302 and Rule R15-1 for more information.) A) Comments will be accepted until: 09/03/2024 B) A public hearing (optional) will be held: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Time (hh:mm AM/PM): Place (physical address or URL): 08/26/2024 1:00 PM R307-202 Public Hearing In Person: MASOB, Room 1015, Air Quality Boar Roome For Virtual: Monday, August 26 ꞏ 1 – 2pm Time zone: America/Denver Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ses- ddhr-jrm Or dial: 7897-753-386 1(US) + PIN: 528 243 443# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ses- ddhr-jrm?pin=1787277907303 In accordance with 63G-3-302, please note that if no requests for a public hearing for R307-202 are received by 2:00pm on August 22nd, 2024, then we will cancel this hearing. To determine if the hearing has been cancelled and/or view the cancellation notice, you can visit: https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/air-quality- rule-plan-changes-open-public-comment To the agency: If more than one hearing will take place, continue to add rows. 9. This rule change MAY become effective on: 09/10/2024 NOTE: The date above is the date the agency anticipates making the rule or its changes effective. It is NOT the effective date. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Sections 63G-3-301, 63G-3-302, 63G-3-303, and 63G-3- 402. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin and delaying the first possible effective date. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 07/02/2024 R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning. 2 R307-202-1. Applicability. 3 Sections R307-202-4 through R307-202-8 appl[ies]y to general burning within incorporated 4 community under the authority of county or municipal fire authority. 5 6 R307-202-2. Definitions. 7 The following additional definitions apply only to Rule R307-202. 8 "Attainment areas" means any area that meets the national primary and secondary ambient air quality 9 standard (NAAQS) for the pollutant. 10 "County or municipal fire authority" means the public official so designated with the responsibility, 11 authority, and training to protect people, property, and the environment from fire, within their respective area 12 of jurisdiction. 13 "Federal Class I Area" means an area that consists of national parks exceeding 6,000 acres, 14 wilderness areas and national memorial parks exceeding 5,000 acres, and [all]any international parks that 15 were in existence on August 7, 1977. See Clean Air Act [s]Section 162(a). 16 "Fire hazard" means a hazardous condition involving combustible, flammable, or explosive material 17 that represents a substantial threat to life or property if not immediately abated, as declared by the county or 18 municipal fire authority. 19 "Maintenance Area" as defined in Section R307-101-2, means an area that is subject to the 20 provisions of a maintenance plan that is included in the Utah state implementation plan, and that has been 21 redesignated by EPA from nonattainment to attainment of any NAAQS. 22 "Native American spiritual advisor" means a person who leads, instructs, or facilitates a Native 23 American religious ceremony or service[;], or provides religious counseling[;], is an enrolled member of a 24 federally recognized Native American tribe[;], and is recognized as a spiritual advisor by a federally 25 recognized Native American tribe. "Native American spiritual advisor" includes a sweat lodge leader, 26 medicine person, traditional religious practitioner, or holy man or woman. 27 "Nonattainment Area" means an area designated by the Environmental Protection Agency as 28 nonattainment under Section 107, Clean Air Act for any NAAQS. The designations for Utah are listed in 29 40 CFR 81.345. 30 31 R307-202-3. Exclusions. 32 As provided in Section 19-2-114, the [provisions]requirements of Rule R307-202 are not applicable 33 to: 34 (1)[E]except for areas zoned as residential, burning incident to horticultural or agricultural35 operations of: 36 (a)[P]prunings from trees, bushes, and plants; and37 (b)[D]dead or diseased trees, bushes, and plants, including stubble[.];38 (2)[B]burning of weed growth along ditch banks for clearing these ditches for irrigation purposes;39 (3)[C]controlled heating of orchards or other crops during the frost season to lessen the chances of40 their being frozen so long as the emissions from this heating do not cause or contribute to an exceedance of 41 any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS and is consistent with the federally approved State 42 Implementation Plan;[ and] 43 (4) [T]the controlled burning of not more than two structures per year by an organized and operating44 fire department for the purpose of training fire service personnel when the National Weather Service clearing 45 index is above 500[.], [ S]see also Section 11-7-1(2)(a)[.]; and 46 (5)[C]ceremonial burning is excluded from Subsection R307-202-4(2) when conducted by a Native47 American spiritual advisor. 48 49 R307-202-4. Prohibitions. 50 (1)No open burning [shall]may be done at sites used for disposal of community trash, garbage, and51 other wastes. 52 (2) No person [shall]may burn under this rule when the director issues a public announcement under53 Rule R307-302. The director [will]shall distribute [such]the announcement to the local media notifying the 54 Page 1 of 4 public that a mandatory no-burn period is in effect for the area where the burning is to occur. 1 2 R307-202-5. General Requirements. 3 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this rule, no person [shall]may set or use an open outdoor fire 4 for the purpose of disposal or burning of:[ of disposal or burning of petroleum wastes; demolition or 5 construction debris; residential rubbish; garbage or vegetation; tires; tar; trees; wood waste; other combustible 6 or flammable solid; liquid or gaseous waste; or for metal salvage or burning of motor vehicle bodies.] 7 (a) petroleum wastes; 8 (b) demolition or construction debris; 9 (c) rubbish; 10 (d) garbage or vegetation; 11 (e) tires; 12 (f) tar; 13 (g) trees; 14 (h) wood waste; 15 (i) other combustible or flammable solid; 16 (j) liquid or gaseous waste; or 17 (k) for metal salvage or burning of motor vehicle bodies. 18 (2) The county or municipal fire authority shall approve burning based on the predicted 19 meteorological conditions and whether the emissions would impact the health and welfare of the public or 20 cause or contribute to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standard]NAAQS. 21 (3) Nothing in this regulation [shall]may be construed as relieving any person conducting open 22 burning from meeting the requirements of any applicable federal, state, or local requirements concerning 23 disposal of any combustible materials. 24 (4) The county or municipal fire authority that approves any open burning permit [will]shall retain a 25 copy of each permit issued for one year. 26 27 R307-202-6. Open Burning - Without Permit. 28 The following types of open burning do not require a permit when not prohibited by other local, 29 state, or federal laws and regulations, when it does not create a nuisance, as defined in Section 76-10-803, and 30 does not impact the health and welfare of the public[.]: 31 (1) [D]devices for the primary purpose of preparing food [such as]including outdoor grills and 32 fireplaces; 33 (2) [C]campfires and fires used solely for recreational purposes where [such]the fires are under 34 control of a responsible person and the combustible material is clean, dry, wood or charcoal; and 35 (3) [I]indoor fireplaces and residential solid fuel burning devices except as provided in Section 36 R307-302-2. 37 38 R307-202-7. Open Burning - With Permit. 39 (1) No person [shall]may knowingly conduct open burning unless the open burning activities may 40 be conducted without a permit pursuant to Section R307-202-6 or the person has a valid permit for burning 41 on a specified date or period, issued by the county or municipal fire authority having jurisdiction in the area 42 where the open burning [will]shall take place. 43 (2) A permit applicant shall provide information as requested by the county or municipal fire 44 authority. No permit or authorization [shall]may be deemed valid unless the issuing authority determines that 45 the applicant has provided the required information. 46 (3) Persons seeking an open burning permit shall submit to the county or municipal fire authority an 47 application on a form provided by the director for each separate burn. 48 (4) A permit shall be valid only on the lands specified on the permit. 49 (5) No material [shall]may be burned unless it is clearly described and quantified as material to be 50 burned on a valid permit. 51 (6) No burning [shall]may be conducted contrary to the conditions specified on the permit. 52 (7) Any permit issued by a county or municipal fire authority [shall be]is subject to the local, state, 53 and federal rules and regulations. 54 Page 2 of 4 (8) Open burning is authorized by the issuance of a permit, as stipulated within this rule, for 1 specification in Subsection R307-202-7(10). These permits can only be issued when not prohibited by other 2 local, state, or federal laws and regulations and when a nuisance as defined in Section 76-10-803 is not 3 created and does not impact the health and welfare of the public. 4 (9) Except as provided in Section R307-202-7(10)(f)(ii), [I]individual permits, as stipulated within 5 this rule, for the types of burning listed in Subsection R307-202-7(10) may be issued by a county or 6 municipal fire authority when the clearing index is 500 or greater. When the clearing index is below 500, 7 [all]any permits issued for that day [will]shall be null and void until further notice from the county or 8 municipal fire authority. Additionally, anyone burning on the day when the clearing index is below 500, or is 9 found to be violating any part of this rule, shall be liable for a fine in accordance with Rule R307-130. 10 (10) The following include [T]types of open burning for which a permit may be granted[ are]: 11 (a) [E]except in nonattainment and maintenance areas, open burning of tree cuttings and slash in 12 forest areas where the cuttings accrue from pulping, lumbering, and similar operations, but excluding waste 13 from sawmill operations [such as]including sawdust and scrap lumber[.]; 14 (b) [O]open burning of trees and brush within railroad rights-of-way, provided that dirt is removed 15 from stumps before burning, and that tires, oil more dense than #2 fuel oil, tar, or other materials which can 16 cause severe air pollution, are not present in the materials to be burned, and are not used to start fires or to 17 keep fires burning[.]; 18 (c) [O]open burning of a fire hazard that a county or municipal fire authority determines cannot be 19 abated by any other viable option[.]; 20 (d) [O]open burning of highly explosive materials when a county or municipal fire authority, law 21 enforcement agency, or governmental agency having jurisdiction determines that onsite burning or detonation 22 in place is the only reasonably available method for safely disposing of the material[.]; 23 (e) [O]open burning for the disposal of contraband in the possession of public law enforcement 24 personnel provided they demonstrate to the county or municipal fire authority that open burning is the only 25 reasonably available method for safely disposing of the material[.]; 26 (f) [O]open burning of clippings, bushes, plants, and pruning’s from trees incident to property clean-27 up activities, including residential cleanup, provided that the following conditions have been met: 28 (i) [W]within [only ]the counties designated as nonattainment and maintenance areas,[of 29 Washington, Kane, San Juan, Iron, Garfield, Beaver, Piute, Wayne, Grand and Emery,] the county or 30 municipal fire authority may issue a permit between [March 1 ]May 1 and May 3[0]1 when the clearing 31 index is 500 or greater. The county or municipal fire authority may issue a permit between September 15 to 32 October 31 [November 15 ]for [such]the burning to occur when the state forester has approved the burning 33 window under Section 65A-8-211 and the clearing index is 500 or greater[.]; 34 (ii) [I]in [all other areas of the state]attainment areas, the county or municipal fire authority may 35 issue a permit between [March 30 and May 30]November 1 and March 31 for [such ]burning to occur when 36 the clearing index is [500]250 or greater. Additionally, in attainment areas, the county or municipal fire 37 authority may issue a permit between April 1 and May 31 for burning to occur when the clearing index is 500 38 or greater. The county or municipal fire authority may issue a permit between September 15 and October 39 3[0]1 for [such ]burning to occur when the state forester has approved the burning window under Section 40 65A-8-211 and the clearing index is 500 or greater[.]; 41 (iii) [Such ]burnings occur in accordance with state and federal requirements; 42 (iv) [M]materials to be burned are thoroughly dry; and 43 (v) [N]no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil are included in the material to be burned, used to start fires, or 44 used to keep fires burning. 45 (g) [E]except for nonattainment and maintenance areas, the director may grant a permit for types of 46 open burning not specified in Subsection R307-202-7(3) on written application if the director finds that the 47 burning is consistent with the federally approved State Implementation Plan and does not cause or contribute 48 to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS. 49 (i) This permit may be granted once the director has reviewed the written application with the 50 requirements and criteria found within this rule [at]in Section R307-202-7. 51 (ii) Open [B]burning [P]permit [C]criteria shall include the following requirements. 52 (A) The director or the county or municipal fire authority shall consider the following factors in 53 determining whether, and upon what conditions, to issue an open burning permit: 54 Page 3 of 4 (I) [T]the location and proximity of the proposed burning to any building, other structures, the 1 public, and federal Class I areas that might be impacted by the smoke and emissions from the burn; 2 (II) [B]burning [will]shall only be conducted when the clearing index is 500 or above; and 3 (III) [W]whether there is any practical alternative method for the disposal of the material to be 4 burned. 5 (B) Methods to minimize emissions and smoke impacts may include[, but are not limited to]: 6 (I) [T]the use of clean auxiliary fuel; 7 (II) [D]drying the material [prior to]before ignition; and 8 (III) [S]separation for alternative disposal of materials that produce higher levels of emissions and 9 smoke during the combustion process. 10 (C) Open burning permits are not valid during periods when the clearing index is below 500 or 11 publicly announced air pollution emergencies or alerts have been declared in the area of the proposed burn. 12 (D) For burns of piled material, [all]any piles shall be reasonably dry and free of dirt. 13 (E) Open burns shall be supervised by a responsible person who shall notify the local fire 14 department and have available, either on-site or by the local fire department, the means to suppress the burn if 15 the fire does not comply with the terms and conditions of the permit. 16 (F) [All]Any open burning operations shall be subject to inspection by the director or county or 17 municipal fire authority. The permittee shall maintain at the burn site the original or a copy of the permit that 18 shall be made available without unreasonable delay to the inspector. 19 (G) If at any time the director or the county or municipal fire authority granting the permit 20 determines that the permittee has not complied with any term or condition of the permit, the permit is subject 21 to partial or complete suspension, revocation, or imposition of additional conditions. [All]Any burning 22 activity subject to the permit shall be terminated immediately upon notice of suspension or revocation. In 23 addition to suspension or revocation of the permit, the director or county or municipal fire authority may take 24 any other enforcement action authorized under state or local law. 25 26 R307-202-8. Special Conditions. 27 (1) Open burning for special purposes or under unusual or emergency circumstances may be 28 approved by the director if it is consistent with the federally approved State Implementation Plan and does 29 not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any [national ambient air quality standards]NAAQS. 30 ([a]2) This permit may be granted once the director has reviewed the written application with the 31 requirements and criteria in Section R307-202-7. 32 33 KEY: air pollution, open burning, fire authority 34 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: October 6, 2014 35 Notice of Continuation: December 9, 2019 36 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104; 11-7-1(2)(a); 65A-8-211; 76-10-803 37 Page 4 of 4 Current Open Burning Windows All other Areas Clearing Index Dates Season 500 March 30th - May 30th Spring 500 September 15th - October 30th Fall Washington, Kane, San Juan, Iron, Garfield, Beaver, Piute, Wayne, Grand, Emery Clearing Index Dates Season 500 March 1st - May 30th Spring 500 September 15th - November 15th Fall Proposed Revised Open Burning Windows Attainment Areas Clearing Index Dates Season 250 November 1st - March 31st Winter 500 September 15th - October 31st Fall 500 April 1st - May 31st Spring Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas Clearing Index Dates Season 500 May 1st - May 31st Spring 500 September 15th - October 31th Fall ITEM 6 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQ-055-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Air Quality Board THROUGH: Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary FROM: Erica Pryor, Rules Coordinator DATE: June 25, 2024 SUBJECT: FIVE-YEAR REVIEWS: R307-125. Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program; R307-501. Oil and Gas Industry: General Provisions; R307-502. Oil and Gas Industry: Pneumatic Controllers; R307-503. Oil and Gas Industry: Flares; and R307-504. Oil and Gas Industry: Tank Truck Loading. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Utah Code 63G-3-305 requires each agency to review and justify each of its rules within five years of a rule’s original effective date or within five years of the filing of the last five-year review. This review process is not a time to revise or amend the rules, but only to verify that the rule is still necessary and allowed under state and federal law. As part of this process, we are required to identify any comments received since the last five-year review of each rule. This process is not the time to revisit those comments or to respond to them. DAQ has completed a five-year review of R307-125, Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program; R307-501, Oil and Gas Industry, General Provisions; R307-502, Oil and Gas Industry, Pneumatic Controllers; R307-503, Oil and Gas Industry, Flares; and R307-504, Oil and Gas Industry, Tank Truck Loading. The results of these reviews are found in the attached Five-Year Notice of Review and Statement of Continuation forms. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board continue these rules, by approving the attached forms to be filed with the Office of Administrative Rules. State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW AND STATEMENT OF CONTINUATION Rule Number: R307-125 Filing ID: Office Use Only Effective Date: Office Use Only Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Courtney Ehrlich 385-232-5157 cehrlich@utah.gov Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule catchline: R307-125. Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program. 3. A concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require this rule: The Air Quality Board is allowed by 19-2-104(1)(a) to make rules "... regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source.” Also, 19-2-104(3)(q) allows the Board to "...meet the requirements of federal air pollution laws." The Utah Legislature enacted the Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology (CARROT) Program during the 2014 General Legislative Session through H.B. 61. CARROT allows grants or other programs such as exchange, rebate, or low-cost purchase programs for activities that reduce emissions from non-road or heavy-duty diesel, on road engines. H.B. 61 gives authority to the Air Quality Board to make rules specifying the requirements and procedures of the CARROT Program, which this rule does. 4. A summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this rule from interested persons supporting or opposing this rule: No comments have been received since the last five-year review on 9/5/19. 5. A reasoned justification for continuation of this rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to this rule, if any: Rule R307-125 specifies the requirements and procedures of the Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement and Off-Road Technology Program that is authorized in Section 19-2-203, including how the director may allocate funds and how grants and exchange, rebate, or low-cost purchase awards are applied for and awarded. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Section 63G-3-305. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 05/20/2024 Reminder: Text changes cannot be made with this type of rule filing. To change any text, please file an amendment or a nonsubstantive change. R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-125. Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program. 2 R307-125-1. Authority and Purpose. 3 (1)This rule specifies the requirements and procedures of the Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement and4 Off-Road Technology Program that is authorized in 19-2-203. 5 (2) The procedures of this rule constitute the minimum requirements for the application for and the6 awarding of funds that are designated for the Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology 7 Program. 8 9 R307-125-2. Definitions. 10 The terms "certified," "cost," "director," "division," "eligible equipment," "eligible vehicle," and 11 "verified" are defined in 19-2-202. 12 13 R307-125-3. Grants Under 19-2-203(1). 14 (1)A grant under 19-2-203(1) may only be used for:15 (a) verified technologies for eligible vehicles or equipment; and16 (b)certified vehicles, engines, or equipment.17 (2)In prioritizing grant awards, the director shall consider:18 (a)whether and to what extent the applicant has already secured some other source of funding;19 (b) the air quality benefits to the state and local community attributable to the project;20 (c)the cost-effectiveness of the proposed project;21 (d) the feasibility and practicality of the project; and22 (e) other factors that the director determines should apply based on the nature of the application.23 (3)In prioritizing grant awards, the director may also, at the request of an applicant, consider the24 financial need of the applicant. 25 (4) A successful grant applicant will be required to agree:26 (a) to provide information to the division about the vehicles, equipment, or technology acquired with27 the grant proceeds; 28 (b)to allow inspections by the division to ensure compliance with the terms of the grant;29 (c)to permanently disable replaced vehicles, engines, and equipment from use; and30 (d)for any grant that is not given on a reimbursement basis, to commit to complete the project as31 proposed; 32 (e)not to change the location or use of the vehicle, engine or equipment from the location or use33 proposed in their application without approval of the director; and 34 (f)to any additional terms as determined by the director.35 (5)Eligible vehicles are defined in 19-2-202(7). No additional vehicles under 19-2-202(7)(e) are36 eligible at this time. 37 (6)The division shall use the following procedures to implement the grant program:38 (a) The division shall provide notice on the division's website of the availability of grants and of cut-39 off dates for applications. 40 (b) An application for a grant shall be on a form provided by the division.41 (c)The director may provide grants on a reimbursement basis or as an advance award.42 (d) Successful grant applicants will be required to sign a grant agreement that contains the terms43 described in R307-125-3(4). 44 (e) State agencies and employees are eligible to participate in the program and are subject to program45 requirements. 46 47 R307-125-4. Exchange, Rebate, or Low-Cost Purchase Programs Under 19-2-203(2). 48 (1)The director has discretion to choose whether to use an exchange, rebate or low-cost purchase49 program. 50 (2) The division shall use the following procedures to implement an exchange, rebate or low-cost51 purchase program: 52 (a) The division shall provide notice on the division's website of any exchange, rebate or low-cost53 purchase program. 54 Page 1 of 2 (b)An application for an exchange, rebate, or low-cost purchase shall be on a form provided by the 1 division. 2 (c)State agencies and employees are eligible to participate in any program and are subject to program3 requirements. 4 (d) The director may establish additional procedures appropriate to the specific program.5 (3) A participant in an exchange, rebate, or low-cost purchase program will be required to agree to the6 terms outlined in the application as determined by the director. 7 8 KEY: air quality, grants, rebates, purchase program 9 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: March 3, 2017 10 Notice of Continuation: September 5, 2019 11 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-1-203; 19-2-203 12 Page 2 of 2 State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW AND STATEMENT OF CONTINUATION Rule Number: R307-501 Filing ID: Office Use Only Effective Date: Office Use Only Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Sheila Vance 801-536-4001 svance@utah.gov Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule catchline: R307-501. Oil and Gas Industry: General Provisions. 3. A concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require this rule: The Air Quality Board is allowed by 19-2-104(1)(a) to make rules "... regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source.” Also, 19-2-104(3)(q) allows the Board to "...meet the requirements of federal air pollution laws." In 2012, the state of Utah entered into EPA's Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uinta Basin. Ozone is created by photochemical reaction, and the main precursors are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and (NOx). In the Uinta Basin, oil and gas production accounts for 97% of anthropogenic VOC emissions. Rule R307-501 establishes general requirements for prevention of emissions and use of good air pollution control practices for all oil and gas exploration, production, transmission and distribution operations; well production facilities; natural gas compressor stations; and natural gas processing plants. 4. A summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this rule from interested persons supporting or opposing this rule: No comments were received since the last five-year review on 9/5/19. 5. A reasoned justification for continuation of this rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to this rule, if any: Rule R307-501 is one of four rules that combats high ozone levels by lowering VOC emissions. This rule helps us to address the EPA’s Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uinta Basin. Rule R307-501 establishes general requirements for prevention of emissions and use of good air pollution control practices for all oil and gas exploration, production, transmission, and distribution operations; well production facilities; natural gas compressor stations; and natural gas processing plants. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Section 63G-3-305. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 05/20/2024 Reminder: Text changes cannot be made with this type of rule filing. To change any text, please file an amendment or a nonsubstantive change. R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-501. Oil and Gas Industry: General Provisions. 2 R307-501-1. Purpose. 3 R307-501 establishes general requirements for prevention of emissions and use of good air pollution 4 control practices for all oil and natural gas exploration and production operations, well production facilities, 5 natural gas compressor stations, and natural gas processing plants. 6 7 R307-501-2. Definitions. 8 (1)The definitions in 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural9 Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution, which is incorporated by reference in R307-210 apply to R307-10 501.11 (2) "Well production facility" means all equipment at a single stationary source directly associated12 with one or more oil wells or gas wells. This equipment includes, but is not limited to, equipment used for 13 production, extraction, recovery, lifting, stabilization, storage, separation, treating, dehydration, combustion, 14 compression, pumping, metering, monitoring, and flowline. 15 (3) "Oil well" means an onshore well drilled principally for the production of crude oil.16 (4) "Oil transmission" means the pipelines used for the long distance transport of crude oil, condensate, 17 or intermediate hydrocarbon liquids (excluding processing). Specific equipment used in transmission includes, 18 but is not limited to, the land, mains, valves, meters, boosters, regulators, storage vessels, dehydrators, pumps 19 and compressors, and their driving units and appurtenances. The transportation of oil or natural gas to end 20 users is not included in the definition of "transmission". 21 22 R307-501-3. Applicability. 23 (1)R307-501 applies to all oil and natural gas exploration, production, and transmission operations;24 well production facilities; natural gas compressor stations; and natural gas processing plants in Utah. 25 (2)R307-501 does not apply to oil refineries.26 27 R307-501-4. General Provisions. 28 (1)General requirements for prevention of emissions and use of good air pollution control practices.29 (a)All crude oil, condensate, and intermediate hydrocarbon liquids collection, storage, processing and30 handling operations, regardless of size, shall be designed, operated and maintained so as to minimize emission 31 of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere to the extent reasonably practicable. 32 (b) At all times, including periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction, the installation and air33 pollution control equipment shall be maintained and operated in a manner consistent with good air pollution 34 control practices for minimizing emissions. 35 (c)Determination of whether or not acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used36 will be based on information available to the director, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring 37 results, infrared camera images, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and 38 inspection of the source. 39 (2)General requirements for air pollution control equipment.40 (a)All air pollution control equipment shall be operated and maintained pursuant to the manufacturing41 specifications or equivalent to the extent practicable and consistent with technological limitations and good 42 engineering and maintenance practices. 43 (b) The owner or operator shall keep manufacturer specifications or equivalent on file.44 (c) In addition, all such air pollution control equipment shall be adequately designed and sized to45 achieve the control efficiency rates established in rules or in approval orders issued under R307-401 and to 46 handle reasonably foreseeable fluctuations in emissions of VOCs during normal operations. Fluctuations in 47 emissions that occur when the separator dumps into the tank are reasonably foreseeable. 48 49 KEY: air pollution, oil, gas 50 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: December 1, 2014 51 Notice of Continuation: September 5, 2019 52 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(a) 53 Page 1 of 1 State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW AND STATEMENT OF CONTINUATION Rule Number: R307-502 Filing ID: Office Use Only Effective Date: Office Use Only Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Sheila Vance 801-536-4001 svance@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule catchline: R307-502. Oil and Gas Industry: Pneumatic Controllers. 3. A concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require this rule: The Air Quality Board is allowed by 19-2-104(1)(a) to make rules "... regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source”. Also, 19-2-104(3)(q) allows the Board to "...meet the requirements of federal air pollution laws." In 2012, the state of Utah entered into EPA's Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uintah Basin. Ozone is created by photochemical reaction, and the main precursors are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and (NOx). In the Uinta Basin, oil and gas production accounts for 97% of anthropogenic VOC emissions. Pneumatic controllers powered by pressurized natural gas are used in the oil and gas industry. In the past, high-bleed devices that vent natural gas to the atmosphere were commonly used. Oil and gas New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) OOOO requires the use of low- bleed controllers in most circumstances. Rule R307-502 would require the replacement of existing high-bleed devices with low- bleed devices so that all pneumatic controllers in the state would meet the NSPS standard. Rule R307-502 requires the replacement of existing high-bleed devices with low-bleed devices so that all pneumatic controllers in the state would meet the NSPS standard. 4. A summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this rule from interested persons supporting or opposing this rule: No comments have been received since the last five-year review on 9/5/19. 5. A reasoned justification for continuation of this rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to this rule, if any: Rule R307-502 is one of four rules that combat high ozone levels by lowering VOC emissions. This rule helps us to address the EPA’s Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uintah Basin. Rule R307-502 requires the replacement of existing high-bleed devices with low-bleed devices so that all pneumatic controllers in the state would meet the NSPS standard. Ozone continues to be monitored at levels above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard along the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin. As operators have already invested to comply with the rule there is no additional impact to continue to comply and reduce emissions of ozone precursors. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Section 63G-3-305. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 05/20/2024 Reminder: Text changes cannot be made with this type of rule filing. To change any text, please file an amendment or a nonsubstantive change. R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-502. Oil and Gas Industry: Pneumatic Controllers. 2 R307-502-1. Purpose. 3 (1)The purpose of R307-502 is to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds from pneumatic4 controllers that are associated with oil and gas operations. 5 (2)The rule requires existing pneumatic controllers to meet the standards established for new6 controllers in 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOO. 7 8 R307-502-2. Definitions. 9 (1)The definitions in 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural10 Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution, which is incorporated by reference in R307-210 apply to R307-11 502.12 (2) "Existing pneumatic controller" means a pneumatic controller affected facility as described in 4013 CFR 60.5365(d)(1) through (3) that was constructed, modified, or reconstructed prior to October 15, 2013. 14 15 R307-502-3. Applicability. 16 R307-502 applies to the owner or operator of any existing pneumatic controller in Utah. 17 18 R307-502-4. Retrofit Requirements. 19 (1)Effective December 1, 2015, all existing pneumatic controllers in Duchesne County or Uintah20 County shall meet the standards established for pneumatic controller affected facilities that are constructed, 21 modified or reconstructed on or after October 15, 2013, as specified in 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO Standards 22 of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution. 23 (2) Effective April 1, 2017 all existing pneumatic controllers in Utah shall meet the standards24 established for pneumatic controller affected facilities that are constructed, modified or reconstructed on or 25 after October 15, 2013 as specified in 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and 26 Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution. 27 28 R307-502-5. Documentation Required. 29 (1)The tagging requirements in 40 CFR 60.5390(b)(2) and 40 CFR 60.5390(c)(2), incorporated by30 reference in R307-210, are modified to not require the month and year of installation, reconstruction or 31 modification for existing pneumatic controllers. 32 (2)The recordkeeping requirements in 40 CFR 60.5420(c)(4)(i), incorporated by reference in R307-33 210, are modified to not require records of the date of installation or manufacturer specifications for existing 34 pneumatic controllers. 35 36 KEY: air pollution, oil, gas, pneumatic controllers 37 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: December 1, 2014 38 Notice of Continuation: September 5, 2019 39 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(a) 40 Page 1 of 1 State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW AND STATEMENT OF CONTINUATION Rule Number: R307-503 Filing ID: Office Use Only Effective Date: Office Use Only Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Sheila Vance 801-536-4001 svance@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule catchline: R307-503. Oil and Gas Industry: Flares. 3. A concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require this rule: The Air Quality Board is allowed by 19-2-104(1)(a) to make rules "... regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source.” Also, 19-2-104(3)(q) allows the Board to "...meet the requirements of federal air pollution laws." In 2012, the state of Utah entered into EPA's Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uintah Basin. Ozone is created by photochemical reaction, and the main precursors are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and (NOx). In the Uinta Basin, oil and gas production accounts for 97% of anthropogenic VOC emissions. New or modified oil and gas well production sites are required to capture and control VOC emissions, and the typical control device is a flare. Utah’s General Approval Order (GAO) for a Crude Oil and Natural Gas Well Site and/or Tank Battery requires the VOC control device to reduce VOC emissions by 98%. The GAO requires continuous compliance with this control efficiency standard. Rule R307-503 would require all new flares to be equipped with a self-igniter to relight the pilot light if the flame is extinguished. 4. A summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this rule from interested persons supporting or opposing this rule: No comments have been received since the last five-year review on 9/5/19. 5. A reasoned justification for continuation of this rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to this rule, if any: Rule R307-503 is one of four rules that combat high ozone levels by lowering VOC emissions. This rule helps us to address the EPA’s Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uintah Basin. Further, R307-503 addresses the issue of unmanned well production sites. Unmanned well production sites are an issue because of a possible wind or surge of gas blowing out the pilot light possibly causing the combustion device to cease working for an extended period until personnel visit the site and relight the pilot light. Rule R307-503 would require all new flares to be equipped with a self- igniter to relight the pilot light if the flame is extinguished. Ozone continues to be monitored at levels above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard along the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin. As operators have already invested to comply with the rule there is no additional impact to continue to comply and reduce emissions of ozone precursors. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Section 63G-3-305. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 05/20/2024 Reminder: Text changes cannot be made with this type of rule filing. To change any text, please file an amendment or a nonsubstantive change. R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-503. Oil and Gas Industry: Flares. 2 R307-503-1. Purpose. 3 R307-503 establishes conditions to ensure that flares used in the oil and gas industry are operated 4 effectively. 5 6 R307-503-2. Definitions. 7 (1)"Auto igniter" means a device which will automatically attempt to relight the pilot flame of a flare8 in order to combust volatile organic compound emissions. 9 (2)"Enclosed flare" means a flare that has an enclosed flame.10 (3)"Flare" means a thermal oxidation system designed to combust hydrocarbons in the presence of a11 flame. 12 (4)"Open flare" means a flare that has an open (without enclosure) flame.13 14 R307-503-3. Applicability. 15 (1)R307-503 applies to all oil and gas exploration and production operations, well sites, natural gas16 compressor stations, and natural gas processing plants in Utah. 17 (2)R307-503 does not apply to oil refineries.18 19 R307-503-4. Auto-Igniters. 20 (1) Flares used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds shall be equipped with and operate21 an auto-igniter as follows: 22 (a)All open flares and all enclosed flares installed on or after January 1, 2015, shall be equipped with23 an operational auto-igniter upon installation of the flare. 24 (b)All enclosed flares installed before January 1, 2015 in Duchesne County or Uintah County shall25 be equipped with an operational auto-igniter by December 1, 2015, or after the next flare planned shutdown, 26 whichever comes first. 27 (c) All enclosed flares installed before January 1, 2015 in all other areas of Utah shall be equipped28 with an operational auto-igniter by April 1, 2017, or after the next flare planned shutdown, whichever comes 29 first. 30 31 R307-503-5. Recordkeeping. 32 The owner or operator shall maintain records demonstrating the date of installation and manufacturer 33 specifications for each auto-igniter required under R307-503-4. 34 35 KEY: air pollution, oil, gas, flares 36 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: December 1, 2014 37 Notice of Continuation: September 5, 2019 38 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(a) 39 Page 1 of 1 State of Utah Administrative Rule Analysis Revised May 2024 NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW AND STATEMENT OF CONTINUATION Rule Number: R307-504 Filing ID: Office Use Only Effective Date: Office Use Only Agency Information 1. Title catchline: Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Building: MASOB Street address: 195 N 1950 W City, state Salt Lake City Mailing address: PO BOX 144820 City, state and zip: Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact persons: Name: Phone: Email: Erica Pryor 385-499-3416 epryor1@utah.gov Sheila Vance 801-536-4001 svance@utah.gov Please address questions regarding information on this notice to the persons listed above. General Information 2. Rule catchline: R307-504. Oil and Gas Industry: Tank Truck Loading. 3. A concise explanation of the particular statutory provisions under which the rule is enacted and how these provisions authorize or require this rule: The Air Quality Board is allowed by 19-2-104(1)(a) to make rules "... regarding the control, abatement, and prevention of air pollution from all sources and the establishment of the maximum quantity of air pollutants that may be emitted by an air pollutant source.” Also, 19-2-104(3)(q) allows the Board to "...meet the requirements of federal air pollution laws." In 2012, the state of Utah entered into EPA's Ozone Advance Program with the goal to proactively lower ozone values in the Uintah Basin. Ozone is created by photochemical reaction, and the main precursors are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and (NOx). In the Uintah Basin, oil and gas production accounts for 97% of anthropogenic VOC emissions. The General Approval Order for a Crude Oil and Natural Gas Well Site and/or Tank Battery contains a requirement that all tanker trucks loading on-site use either bottom filling or submerged filling to reduce VOC emissions created by splashing of liquids when loading oil, condensate, or produced water. Rule R307-504 expands this requirement to all existing operations. 4. A summary of written comments received during and since the last five-year review of this rule from interested persons supporting or opposing this rule: No comments have been received since the last five-year review on 9/5/19. 5. A reasoned justification for continuation of this rule, including reasons why the agency disagrees with comments in opposition to this rule, if any: Since January 1, 2015, tank trucks used for intermediate hydrocarbon liquid or produced water are required to load using bottom filling or submerged fill pipe. The rule applies to any person who loads or permits the loading of any intermediate hydrocarbon liquid or produced water at a well production facility. Ozone continues to be monitored at levels above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard along the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin. As operators have already invested to comply with the rule there is no additional impact to continue to comply and reduce emissions of ozone precursors. Agency Authorization Information To the agency: Information requested on this form is required by Section 63G-3-305. Incomplete forms will be returned to the agency for completion, possibly delaying publication in the Utah State Bulletin. Agency head or designee and title: Bryce C. Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality Date: 05/20/2024 Reminder: Text changes cannot be made with this type of rule filing. To change any text, please file an amendment or a nonsubstantive change. R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality. 1 R307-504. Oil and Gas Industry: Tank Truck Loading. 2 R307-504-1. Purpose. 3 R307-504 establishes control requirements for the loading of liquids containing volatile organic 4 compounds (VOCs) at oil or gas well sites. 5 6 R307-504-2. Definitions. 7 The definitions in 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOOO Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural 8 Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution, incorporated by reference in R307-210, apply to R307-504. 9 "Bottom Filling" means the filling of a tank through an inlet at or near the bottom of the tank designed 10 to have the opening covered by the liquid after the pipe normally used to withdraw liquid can no longer 11 withdraw any liquid. 12 "Submerged Fill Pipe" means any fill pipe with a discharge opening which is entirely submerged when 13 the liquid level is six inches above the bottom of the tank and the pipe normally used to withdraw liquid from 14 the tank can no longer withdraw any liquid. 15 "Vapor Capture Line" means a connection hose, fitted with a valve that can be connected to tanker 16 trucks during truck loading operations. The vapor capture line shall be designed, installed, operated, and 17 maintained to optimize capture efficiency. 18 "Well Site" means all equipment at a single stationary source directly associated with one or more oil 19 wells or gas wells. 20 21 R307-504-3. Applicability. 22 (1)R307-504-4(1) applies to any person who loads or permits the loading of any intermediate23 hydrocarbon liquid or produced water at a well site after January 1, 2015. 24 (2) R307-504-4(2) applies to owners and operators that are required to control emissions from storage25 vessels in accordance with R307-506. 26 27 R307-504-4. Tank Truck Loading Requirements. 28 (1) Tanker trucks used for intermediate hydrocarbon liquid or produced water shall be loaded using29 bottom filling or a submerged fill pipe. 30 (2)VOC emissions during truck loading operations shall be controlled at all times using a vapor31 capture line. The vapor capture line shall be connected from the tanker truck to a control device or process, 32 resulting in a minimum 95 percent VOC destruction efficiency. 33 (a)Well sites in operation on January 1, 2018 shall comply with R307-504-4(2) no later than July 1,34 2019. 35 36 KEY: air pollution, oil, gas 37 Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: March 5, 2018 38 Notice of Continuation: September 5, 2019 39 Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(a) 40 Page 1 of 1 ITEM 7 Air Toxics 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, Utah Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director DAQA-350-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Air Quality Board FROM: Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary DATE: June 3, 2024 SUBJECT: Air Toxics, Lead-Based Paint, and Asbestos (ATLAS) Section Compliance Activities – May 2024 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Asbestos Demolition/Renovation NESHAP Inspections 25 Asbestos AHERA Inspections 24 Asbestos State Rules Only Inspections 2 Asbestos Notification Forms Accepted 243 Asbestos Telephone Calls 333 Asbestos Individuals Certifications Approved 81 Asbestos Company Certifications 9 Asbestos Alternate Work Practices Approved 4 Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspections 0 LBP Notification Forms Approved 0 LBP Telephone Calls 40 LBP Letters Prepared and Mailed 1 LBP Courses Reviewed/Approved 0 LBP Course Audits 0 LBP Individual Certifications Approved 16 DAQA-350-24 Page 2 LBP Firm Certifications 12 Notices of Violation Sent 0 Compliance Advisories Sent 13 Warning Letters Sent 4 Settlement Agreements Finalized 0 Compliance 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQC-563-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Air Quality Board FROM: Bryce C. Bird, Executive Secretary DATE: June 7, 2024 SUBJECT: Compliance Activities – May 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITIES: Activity Monthly Total 36-Month Average Inspections 83 59 On-Site Stack Test & CEM Audits 3 4 Stack Test & RATA Report Reviews 28 36 Emission Report Reviews 16 17 Temporary Relocation Request Reviews 7 6 Fugitive Dust Control Plan Reviews 149 126 Soil Remediation Report Reviews 2 2 Open Burn Permits Issued 2,219 524 Miscellaneous Inspections1 10 16 Complaints Received 16 17 Wood Burning Complaints Received 0 3 Breakdown Reports Received 1 1 Compliance Actions Resulting from a Breakdown 0 0 VOC Inspections (Gas station vapor recovery) 0 0 Warning Letters Issued 0 2 Notices of Violation Issued 0 0 Compliance Advisories Issued 9 5 No Further Action Letters Issued 6 2 Settlement Agreements Reached 3 2 Penalties Assessed $4,621.00 $120,639.51 1Miscellaneous inspections include, e.g., surveillance, complaint, on-site training, dust patrol, smoke patrol, open burning, etc. DAQC-563-24 Page 2 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS: Party Amount Adolfo Rodriguez – Residential Burning on Mandatory Action Day $150.00 Snowbird Resort LLC $471.00 Compass Minerals $4,000.00 UNRESOLVED NOTICES OF VIOLATION: Party Date Issued Citation Oil and Gas (in administrative litigation) 01/15/2020 Ovintiv Production Inc. 07/14/2020 Uinta Wax Operating (formerly CH4 Finley) 07/24/2020 Finley Resources 09/15/2022 Holcim 12/19/2023 Holcim 03/01/2024 Holcim 03/27/2024 Air Monitoring Utah Division of Air Quality 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 PM 2. 5 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-Hr PM2.5 Data April 2024 Brigham City Bountiful Copperview Erda Harrisville Hawthorne Lindon Near road Roosevelt Rose Park Smithfield Spanish Fork Environmental Quality Vernal 24-hr Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 *EnvironmentalQuality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) * BG BV CV ED HV HW LN NR RP RS SF SM EQ V4 Arith Mean 44533455554454 Max 24-hr Avg 1077967798167796 98th percentile 977766788136796 Days of Data 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Days >35 µg/m300000000000000 Utah Division of Air Quality 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 PM 2. 5 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-Hr PM2.5 Data May 2024 Brigham City Bountiful Copperview Erda Harrisville Hawthorne Lindon Near road Roosevelt Rose Park Smithfield Spanish Fork Environmental Quality Vernal 24-hr Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) * BG BV CV ED HV HW LN NR RP RS SF SM EQ V4 Arith Mean 54533456544453 Max 24-hr Avg 10777779912128697 98th percentile 9676678911107686 Days of Data 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 Days >35 µg/m300000000000000 Utah Division of Air Quality 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PM 2. 5 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-Hr PM2.5 Data June 2024 Brigham City Bountiful Copperview Erda Harrisville Hawthorne Lindon Near road Roosevelt Rose Park Smithfield Spanish Fork Environmental Quality Vernal 24-hr Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 Exceedence Value is 35 µg/m3 *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) * BG BV CV ED HV HW LN NR RP RS SF SM EQ V4 Arith Mean 8788651010867675 Max 24-hr Avg 13 10 13 16 10 9 16 17 13 12 12 10 12 9 98th percentile 1391215 9 9 15171211121012 9 Days of Data 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Days >35 µg/m300000000000000 Utah Division of Air Quality 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PM 10 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-hr PM10 Data April 2024 Harrisville Hawthorne Herriman #3 Lindon Roosevelt Environmental Quality 24-hr Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 * *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) HV HW H3 LN RS EQ Arith Mean 10 14 16 18 23 18 Max 24-hr Avg 23 25 31 31 86 45 Days of Data 30 30 30 29 28 30 Days >150 µg/m 3 000000 Utah Division of Air Quality 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 PM 10 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-hr PM10 Data May 2024 Harrisville Hawthorne Herriman #3 Lindon Roosevelt Environmental Quality 24-hr Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 * *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) HV HW H3 LN RS EQ Arith Mean 12 12 17 21 18 17 Max 24-hr Avg 27 24 33 64 126 35 Days of Data 31 30 31 31 31 31 Days >150 µg/m 3 000000 Utah Division of Air Quality 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 PM 10 (µ g / m 3) Days Utah 24-hr PM10 Data June 2024 Harrisville Hawthorne Herriman #3 Lindon Roosevelt Environmental Quality 24-hr Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 Exceedance Value is 150 ug/m3 * *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) HV HW H3 LN RS EQ Arith Mean 22 22 33 32 21 25 Max 24-hr Avg 62 31 51 67 74 41 Days of Data 23 23 23 22 22 23 Days >150 µg/m 3 000000 12.2 17.0 14.7 24.6 20.0 12.0 9.1 11.1 17.2 19.3 21.7 25.7 27.3 23.6 23.2 26.5 26.4 26.0 21.8 14.9 18.1 24.4 15.0 21.1 15.9 23.2 26.4 31.3 25.3 22.1 25.6 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Bountiful Copperview Erda Herriman #3 HV Hawthorne Near Road Red butte Rose Park Environmental Quality Exceed.TM * *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) ** Controlling Monitor ** BV CV ED H3 HV HW NR RB RP EQ Arith Mean .050 .050 .050 .044 .049 .049 .046 .050 .050 .044 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .058 .056 .057 .050 .054 .055 .054 .057 .059 .058 Days of Data 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Days > 0.070 0 000 0 00000 13.916.2 14.8 21.0 19.0 10.4 10.3 12.2 13.4 16.8 19.4 24.0 26.2 23.6 21.2 25.4 25.8 25.7 21.9 15.3 15.6 22.0 15.3 18.3 13.0 21.2 25.3 27.2 27.8 22.7 24.4 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( R o o s e v e l t ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Price #2 Roosevelt Vernal Exceed.TM P2 RS V4 Arith Mean .053 .052 .049 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .060 .059 .055 Days of Data 30 30 30 Days > 0.070 000 8.4 11.9 12.3 21.2 17.8 10.0 7.7 7.7 15.1 19.2 22.623.2 22.5 19.8 21.4 23.1 22.1 22.2 17.915.2 15.2 18.7 11.5 18.9 14.6 19.6 24.2 27.8 20.7 18.8 23.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Smithfield Exceed.TM SM Arith Mean .044 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .052 Days of Data 30 Days > 0.070 0 11.4 16.3 13.5 23.4 18.3 10.3 8.1 10.4 13.5 17.7 19.0 23.1 26.1 22.3 20.7 24.3 25.4 25.7 22.6 13.7 15.6 22.5 13.6 19.0 13.7 21.6 26.0 29.227.7 21.0 25.3 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( L i n d o n ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Lindon Spanish Fork Exceed.TM LN SF Arith Mean .050 .048 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .057 .056 Days of Data 30 30 Days > 0.070 00 24.8 26.7 27.3 20.819.3 24.2 18.9 21.9 23.5 22.9 29.5 31.0 30.7 29.7 30.4 32.2 31.6 30.2 26.8 24.1 27.2 27.4 29.026.3 29.9 32.4 33.4 32.5 32.7 34.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H u r r i c a n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Enoch Hurricane Moab Exceed.TM EN HC M7 Arith Mean .049 .050 .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .055 .058 .058 Days of Data 30 28 30 Days > 0.070 000 12.2 17.0 14.7 24.6 20.0 12.0 9.1 11.1 17.2 19.3 21.7 25.7 27.3 23.6 23.2 26.5 26.4 26.0 21.8 14.9 18.1 24.4 15.0 21.1 15.9 23.2 26.4 31.3 25.3 22.1 25.6 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Stations Monitoring the Inland Port Development ZZ Lake Park Exceed.TM *ZZ is located at the New Utah State Prison (1480 North 8000 West, SLC). This site was previously named IP * ZZ LP Arith Mean .049 .047 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .057 .056 Days of Data 30 30 Days > 0.070 00 8.4 11.9 12.3 21.2 17.8 10.0 7.7 7.7 15.1 19.2 22.6 23.2 22.5 19.8 21.4 23.1 22.1 22.2 17.9 15.2 15.2 18.7 11.5 18.9 14.6 19.6 24.2 27.8 20.7 18.8 23.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature April 2024 Brigham city Exceed.TM BG Arith Mean .048 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .055 Days of Data 30 Days > 0.070 0 12.2 17.0 14.7 24.6 20.0 12.0 9.1 11.1 17.2 19.3 21.7 25.7 27.3 23.6 23.2 26.5 26.4 26.0 21.8 14.9 18.1 24.4 15.0 21.1 15.9 23.2 26.4 31.3 25.3 22.1 25.6 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Bountiful Copperview Erda Herriman #3 HV Hawthorne Near Road Red butte Rose Park Environmental Quality Exceed.TM * *EnvironmentalQuality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) ** Controlling Monitor ** BV CV ED H3 HV HW NR RB RP EQ Arith Mean .051 .051 .051 .046 .050 .048 .047 .050 .051 .049 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .058 .059 .058 .053 .056 .056 .056 .057 .059 .058 Days of Data 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 29 Days > 0.070 0 000 0 00000 13.916.2 14.8 21.0 19.0 10.4 10.3 12.2 13.4 16.8 19.4 24.0 26.2 23.6 21.2 25.4 25.8 25.7 21.9 15.3 15.6 22.0 15.3 18.3 13.0 21.2 25.3 27.2 27.8 22.7 24.4 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( R o o s e v e l t ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Price #2 Roosevelt Vernal Exceed.TM P2 RS V4 Arith Mean .054 .053 .050 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .059 .060 .058 Days of Data 31 31 31 Days > 0.070 000 8.4 11.9 12.3 21.2 17.8 10.0 7.7 7.7 15.1 19.2 22.623.2 22.5 19.8 21.4 23.1 22.1 22.2 17.915.2 15.2 18.7 11.5 18.9 14.6 19.6 24.2 27.8 20.7 18.8 23.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Smithfield Exceed.TM SM Arith Mean .045 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .052 Days of Data 31 Days > 0.070 0 11.4 16.3 13.5 23.4 18.3 10.3 8.1 10.4 13.5 17.7 19.0 23.1 26.1 22.3 20.7 24.3 25.4 25.7 22.6 13.7 15.6 22.5 13.6 19.0 13.7 21.6 26.0 29.227.7 21.0 25.3 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( L i n d o n ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Lindon Spanish Fork Exceed.TM LN SF Arith Mean .052 .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .059 .058 Days of Data 31 31 Days > 0.070 00 24.8 26.7 27.3 20.819.3 24.2 18.9 21.9 23.5 22.9 29.5 31.0 30.7 29.7 30.4 32.2 31.6 30.2 26.8 24.1 27.2 27.4 29.026.3 29.9 32.4 33.4 32.5 32.7 34.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H u r r i c a n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Enoch Hurricane Moab Exceed.TM EN HC M7 Arith Mean .052 .055 .055 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .058 .062 .060 Days of Data 31 31 31 Days > 0.070 000 12.2 17.0 14.7 24.6 20.0 12.0 9.1 11.1 17.2 19.3 21.7 25.7 27.3 23.6 23.2 26.5 26.4 26.0 21.8 14.9 18.1 24.4 15.0 21.1 15.9 23.2 26.4 31.3 25.3 22.1 25.6 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Stations Monitoring the Inland Port Development ZZ Lake Park Exceed.TM *ZZ islocated at the New Utah State Prison (1480 North 8000 West, SLC). This site was previously named IP * ZZ LP Arith Mean .050 .048 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .058 .057 Days of Data 31 31 Days > 0.070 00 8.4 11.9 12.3 21.2 17.8 10.0 7.7 7.7 15.1 19.2 22.6 23.2 22.5 19.8 21.4 23.1 22.1 22.2 17.9 15.2 15.2 18.7 11.5 18.9 14.6 19.6 24.2 27.8 20.7 18.8 23.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature May 2024 Brigham city Exceed.TM BG Arith Mean .049 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .055 Days of Data 31 Days > 0.070 0 28.9 29.1 24.1 26.9 30.7 34.8 32.2 32.9 34.4 29.9 33.8 36.1 36.4 34.231.0 26.4 22.9 19.9 25.2 31.0 32.4 36.2 37.4 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Bountiful Copperview Erda Herriman #3 HV Hawthorne Near Road Red butte Rose Park Environmental Quality Exceed.TM * *Environmental Quality (EQ) previously named Technical Support Center (TSC) ** Controlling Monitor ** BV CV ED H3 HV HW NR RB RP EQ Arith Mean .054 .055 .052 .050 .051 .052 .051 .054 .054 .052 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .065 .060 .061 .055 .060 .061 .058 .064 .063 .060 Days of Data 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Days > 0.070 0 100 0 00000 25.8 26.5 24.7 26.0 30.6 31.6 29.9 30.8 30.6 30.3 31.3 33.8 34.6 28.030.9 30.6 29.8 20.4 27.1 31.2 26.7 29.0 32.9 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( R o o s e v e l t ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Price #2 Roosevelt Vernal Exceed.TM P2 RS V4 Arith Mean .052 .054 .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .057 .059 .056 Days of Data 23 23 23 Days > 0.070 000 26.3 24.4 19.2 22.0 27.8 31.7 29.5 29.8 31.6 27.3 29.2 31.8 33.0 31.2 26.6 23.6 17.8 17.8 24.8 28.6 29.7 32.3 34.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Smithfield Exceed.TM SM Arith Mean .047 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .054 Days of Data 23 Days > 0.070 0 29.1 27.3 24.1 23.4 29.6 33.2 31.7 31.2 33.5 29.3 32.0 34.8 34.6 32.4 30.3 27.6 24.1 20.5 24.7 32.1 30.6 34.3 35.1 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( L i n d o n ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Lindon Spanish Fork Exceed.TM LN SF Arith Mean .054 .053 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .058 .059 Days of Data 23 23 Days > 0.070 00 33.0 32.9 33.7 38.1 40.1 38.1 37.2 35.1 35.2 37.7 38.4 35.4 36.6 37.7 35.2 33.6 29.6 33.0 36.1 37.2 38.0 38.4 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H u r r i c a n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Enoch Hurricane Moab Exceed.TM EN HC M7 Arith Mean .051 .054 .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .061 .064 .060 Days of Data 23 23 23 Days > 0.070 000 28.9 29.1 24.1 26.9 30.7 34.8 32.2 32.9 34.4 29.9 33.8 36.1 36.4 34.2 31.0 26.4 22.9 19.9 25.2 31.0 32.4 36.2 37.4 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( H a w t h o r n e ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Stations Monitoring the Inland Port Development ZZ Lake Park Exceed.TM *ZZ islocated at the New Utah State Prison (1480 North 8000 West, SLC). This site was previously named IP * ZZ LP Arith Mean .052 .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .060 .057 Days of Data 23 23 Days > 0.070 00 26.3 24.4 19.2 22.0 27.8 31.7 29.5 29.8 31.6 27.3 29.2 31.8 33.0 31.2 26.6 23.6 17.8 17.8 24.8 28.6 29.7 32.3 34.2 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Da i l y M a x i m u m T e m p e r a t u r e ( 0C) ( S m i t h f i e l d ) Oz o n e ( p p m ) Days Highest 8-hr Ozone Concentration & Daily Maximum Temperature June 2024 Brigham city Exceed.TM BG Arith Mean .051 8 -hr. Ozone 4th Max .060 Days of Data 23 Days > 0.070 0