HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-007520Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Sam Stowe Camp updated DWSP plan review 2 messages Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov>Wed, May 1, 2024 at 1:05 PM To: James Quitter <jamesquitter@utah.gov> Cc: Kevin Taylor <kevintaylor@utah.gov> Hi James, I'm reviewing the updated DWSP plan for the Sam Stowe Camp Well (WS001), received on November 11, 2022. It appears that the previous update was conditionally concurred with on the condition that the water system would complete the requirements for the public notification statement. The water system was to provide a copy of the public notification statement and indicate how and when this statement was distributed to consumers. The conditional concurrence letter from 2018 is attached explaining this issue. I will not be able to concur with the updated plan until this condition is completed. I can grant 90 days from the date of this email for the system to provide this information before a formal disapproval letter is issued. Let me know if you have any questions. Noah Zorsky, PG Environmental Scientist II | Division of Drinking Water P: (385) 707-7317 drinkingwater.utah.gov M: (385) 707-7317 nzorsky@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov 2 attachments DDW-2018-004901 - 0901a0688081ef04.pdf 46K public notification requirements.pdf 79K James Quitter <jamesquitter@utah.gov>Tue, May 7, 2024 at 12:08 PM To: Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Dear Sir, Thank you for helping to clarify the public notification issue with my Source Protection Plan update for the Sam Stowe Campground dated November 11,2022, system #20156. This water system is a transient, non community system and is not required to have a Consumer Confidence Report. As per our phone conversation on May 6,2024 I will write up a statement of public notification and keep it on file. The notification is displayed in our campground bulletin board at the campground. I have attached a copy of the notification. If there is anything else that I need to do let me know. Thank you for you help with this Jim Quitter Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Fremont Indian State Park Water operator 435 527 4631 [Quoted text hidden] Water source protection plan update notification.odt 21K 5/8/24, 1:28 PM State of Utah Mail - Sam Stowe Camp updated DWSP plan review https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=d42b33a28c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r4503851433923656396&simpl=msg-a:r8953990690664132889&simpl=msg-f:1798418280795611639 1/1