HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006080CORRECTIVE ACTION SECTION – SITE VISIT REPORT SITE NAME: _Family East Center DATE: __04__/__30__/_2024_______ EPA ID #: __N/A __________________________ UTCA ID#:___N/A _________________ LOCATION: _400 South 600 East. Salt Lake City, UT__________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER: _Ethan Upton________________________________________________________ SITE STATUS ___ Active Investigation ___Ongoing Cleanup Activities ___Confirmation Sampling _X_ Long-term Institutional Controls in-place [Site Management Plan (SMP), Environmental Covenant (EC), and/or Post Closure Plan (PCP)] ___ Long-term Groundwater Monitoring OTHER (describe): PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT _X_Drive-by (windshield survey) ___Sample Observation &/or Collection ___Site Investigation ___Cleanup Activities Inspection _X_Confirm Current Land Usage ___ Confirm Cleanup Completed ___ Confirm Integrity of Engineering Controls _X_ Confirm Compliance with SMP/EC D2# for SMP/EC: DSHW-1994-004501 ___ Post-Closure Permit Verification ___ Document Change in Land Usage OTHER (describe) FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Site continues to be used as a commercial shopping complex with the portion to the north consisting of a paved parking lot. The active monitoring well (MW-12) is located in the southwest portion of the Site and was observed during the Site Inspection (picture below). SAMPLE COLLECTION Were Environmental Samples Collected per the approved Sampling & Analysis Plan? YES ___ NO ___ N/A _X_ COMMENTS: Is the Work Being Performed in a Manner Consistent with the Approved Workplan(s)? YES ___ NO ___ N/A _ X_ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) ___ COMMENTS: CURRENT LAND USAGE ___ Residential _X_ Commercial ___ Industrial ___ Mixed Commercial w/ Residential ___ Under Construction &/or Development ___ Other: __________________________________ COMMENTS: FUTURE LAND USAGE ___ Residential ___ Mixed Commercial w/ Residential _X_ Commercial ___ Other: (describe below) ___ Industrial ___ Unknown at this time COMMENTS: POST-CLEANUP SITE VISITS Is the Completed Cleanup Remedy Still Protective Based on Current Land Use? YES ___ NO ___ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) _X_ COMMENTS: LONG-TERM INSTITUTION CONTROL(S) VERIFICATION Are Components or Restrictions of the SMP, EC &/or PCP Currently Being Complied with? YES _ X_ NO ___ Unknown (Drive-By Inspection Only) ___ COMMENTS: SITE VISIT CONCLUSIONS Groundwater monitoring well appears to be intact and accessible. Property appears to be in compliance with the SMP. RECOMMENDATIONS In 2023, the former PM of the Site sent a letter to the owner requesting them sample the existing monitoring well (MW-12) and collect potentiometric data from all three wells at the Site. The letter was met with approval to proceed and sample the well. However, no data has been submitted to the Division as of the date of this Site Visit Report. I (Ethan Upton) will email the Site owner and consultant for information on the status of the groundwater monitoring at the Site. ATTACHMENTS (PHOTOS, MAPS, FIGURES, TABLES, etc.) YES _X_ NO ___ SIGNATURE: