HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-005101AN \,:!ggg/. Dern Anderron Vicc Prcsident Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC A subsidiary of Marlthon Petroleum Corporation January 29,2024 urAH DEPABTMENT4CFV m0 N ef.t\rtnONi1eNtAL O11lqUtmke city, ur 84103 JAN 3 C 2A24 Bryce Bird, Director Attr: Jerenry Marsigli UtahDivisionofAirQualrty DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 40 CFR 63 Subpart A and UIIU Compliance Report -2H2023 Hmo Deuvenv Approval Order: DAQE-AI\I 0335007S18 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC Salt Lake City Refinery Please find enclosed the periodic report for Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery covering the time period from July | , 2023 through December 3 1 , 2023. This report includes the periodic report in accordance with 40 CFR 63.1575, Table 43 - Subpart UUU Requirements for Reports, Table 44 Applicability of NESHAPS General Provisions to Subpart UUU, and applicable sections of 40 CFR 63.10. If you have any questions conceming the content of this report, please contact Brian Mitchell at (801) 606-216s. Sincerely,Wfu Dean Anderson Vice President Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLC B-2-10335 cc: USEPA Region VIII MC ENF-AT 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver CO 80202--1129 Vnulrr- SEMIANNUAL COMPLIANGE REPORT 40 GFR 63 Subpart UUU (REFTNERY MACT [) Reporting Period: July 1,2023 - December 31,2023 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Gompany, LLG Salt Lake Gity Refinery 474 West 900 North Salt Lake Gity, Utah 84103 JAN 3 0 2024 o*=,o* oF AIR ouuTY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery Table of Contents GENERAL REPORTTNG REQUTREMENTS- 40 CFR 63.1s7s(C) FCCU PERTODTC REPORTTNG REQUTREMENTS - 40 CFR 63.1s7s(D) AND (E)..................4 REFORMER PERTODTC REPORT REQUTREMENTS - 40 CFR 63.1s7s(D) AND (E)..............6 sRU PERTODTC Rf,PORT REQUTREMENTS - 40 CFR 63.1s7s(D) AND (E).............................7 CONTROL EQUIPMENT BYPASS ROUTE PERIODIC REPORT REQI'IREMENTS - 40 cFR 53.1s7s(D) AND (E)................ ......................E PERIODIC REPORT PERFORMANCE TEST REPORTING REQTJIREMENTS.4O CFR 63.1s7s(F) 7. TNTORMATION SIJBLTTTED rN OTHER REGULATORY REPORTS-4o CFR 63.1575(G)..9 8. RESERVED - 40 CFR 63.1575(H)... ..........10 9. MULTTPLE FCCUS VENTTNG TO A STNGLE WGS - 40 CFR 63.1s7s(D&(J)........................ r0 10. ELECTRONIC SUBNIITTAL OF PERFORMANCE TEST AI\ID CEMS PERFORMANCE EVALUATTON DATA - 40 CFR 63.1575(K)... .......................10 TABLE 1 FCCU CATALYST REGENERATORDEVIATIONS FOR COKE BURN COMPLIANCE LIMIT TABLE 2 F'CCU CATALYST REGENERATOR EMISSION MONITORING DOWI\ITIME FOR COKE BT]RN CPMS .....11 ...............4 TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 14 TABLE 15 FCCU CATALYST REGENERA FCCU CATALYST REGENERA FCCU CATALYST REGENERA TOR DEVTATTONS FOR CO LrMrT........................ 12 TOR DEVIATIONS FOR TOTAL POWER LIN{IT 13 TOR E]VIISSIONS MONITORING DOWIITIME REGENERATOR EMISSIONS MONITORING DOWNTIME CI]RRENT CPMS.......... ........................14 REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR TOTAL DMFERENTIAL REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR FLARE PILOT PRESENCE REGENERATOR E1VIISSIONS MONITORING DOWNTIME FOR FOR TOTAL POWER CPMS TABLE6 FCCUCATALYST REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR SECONDARY CI]RRENT LIMIT 13 t4 15 15 TABLET FCCUCATALYST FORSECOIiDARY TABLES FCCUCATALYST PRESSTJRE LIMIT TABLE 9 FCCU CATALYST REGENERATOR EMISSIONS MONITORING DOWI\TIME FOR TOTAL DTF'FERENTIAL PRESST]RE CPMS TABLE 10 FCCU CATALYST REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR LIQUTD-TO-GAS RATIO LIIVtrT TABLE 11 FCCU CATALYST REGENERATOR FOR LIQTITD-TO-GAS RATIO CPMS EMISSIONS MOMTORING DOWNTIME TABLE12 UFUCATALYST t7 t6 16 t7 TABLE13 UTUCATALYST FLARE CPMS UFU CATALYST REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR IICL LI}trT........................ 18 UTU CATALYST REGENERATOR EIVIISSIONS MONITORING DOWNTIME FOR HCL CONCENTRATION................... ...............18 Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery TABLE 16 UT'U CATALYST REGENERATOR DEVIATIONS FOR REGENERATOR TEMPERATURE LIMIT TABLE 17 UF'U CATALYST REGENERATOR EI\ISSIONS MONITORING DOWNTIME FOR TEMPERATI]RE CPMS.......... 9 9I TABLE 18 TABLE 19 TABLE 20 TABLE 2I TABLE22 TABLE 23 TABLE 24 TABLE 25 TABLE 26 SRU DEVIATIONS FOR TEMPERATI'RE LIlVtrT SRU EIVtrSSIONS MONITORING TEMPERATT]RE DOWNTIME FOR TEMPERATURE CPMS SRU DEVIATIONS FOR OXYGEN LIMIT.......... FCCU CATALYST REGENERATOR BYPASS ROUTE DEVIATIONS......................22 FCCU CATALYST REGENERATOR BYPASS ROUTE MOMTORING DOWNTIME FOR TEMPERATI]RE & POSITIONER CPMS IIFU CATALYST REGENERATOR V-15 BYPASS ROUTE DEVIATIONS................ 23 UFU V.15 BYPASS ROUTE CAR SEAL CHANGES U['U CATALYST REGENERATOR FLARE BYPASS ROUTE DEVIATIONS .......... 24 SOUTII FLARE BYPASS ROUTE EMISSIONS MONITORING DOWNTIME FOR POSTTIONER CPMS...... ..............24 23 Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refrning & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery 1. General Reporting Requirements- 40 CFR 63.1575(c) The cover page of this report contains the company nirme, address, and reporting period for this report. [$ 63.1575(cX1)] ln cases where there were no deviations from emission limitations or there were no deviations from the requirements for work practice standards, a statement is included in the corresponding table. Instances where continuous monitoring systems were inoperative, inactive, malfunctioning, out-of-control, repaired, or adjusted are noted in the corresponding tables. [$63. 1 575(c)(a)]. 2. FCCU Periodic Reporting Requirements - 40 CFR 63.1575(d) and (e) The Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) catalyst regenerator at Tesoro's Salt Lake City Refrnery is subject to New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and complies with NSPS Subpart Ja to meet Subpart UUU continuous compliance demonstration requirements as specified in Subpart UUU Table 6,Item 2 and Table 10, Item l. Tesoro determined that the modemization of the Carbon Monoxide (CO) Boiler at the Salt Lake City Refinery conducted in 2013 triggered 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Ja for CO emissions. Startup of the CO Boiler began on May 26,2013. For purposes of MACT 40 CFR 63.1565(a), Tesoro complies with NSPS Subpart Ja. The reporting of deviations in Table 3 is based on the NSPS Subpart Ja limit. Tesoro reports compliance with the NSPS Subpart Ja limit in the quarterly State Electonic Data Report (SEDR) pursuant to Utah Air Quality Rules 307-170 and in compliance with 963.1575(G). Tesoro complies with the FCCU PM limit, testing, monitoring and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR Part 50, Subpart Ja - Federal Standards of Performancefor Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007 (NSPS Ja). $63.156a(a)(l) requires that each FCCU subject to $60.102a(bx1), must meet the emission limitations for NSPS uni*. This testing is conducted to meet the FCCU PM testing requirement of $60.104a(a) and confirms compliance with the 1.0 gram (g) PM per kilogram ftg) coke burn-off limit for reconstructed or modified FCCUs from $60.102a(b)(1Xi). Note that the presented units of glkg align with those represented in the technical corrections to NSPS Ja as part of the Refinery Sector Rule. Method 58 Emissions Performance Tests were conducted in the second half of 2022 and Tesoro demonstrated compliance with testing results of 1.0 kg PM/IvIg coke burn-off. $60.102a(c)(1)(ii) requires that the daily average exhaust coke burn-offrate does not exceed the level established during the most recent performance test. The daily average exhaust coke bum-off rate limit established include:20,647 lbs.tr. set on Apt',l24,2023. Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refrning & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery The reporting of deviations in Tables I and,2 are based on compliance with the applicable coke bum-off rate. $60.105a(a) requires that each FCCU subject to a PM emission limit under $60.102a(b)(1) be compliant with the use of a continuous monitoring systern (CMS) to veriff continuous comFliance with the limits. $63.1572(c) contains additional, more stringent requirements for the continuous parametric monitoring system (CPMS) used to demonstrate compliance with the operating limits. Tesoro operates a FCCU that is confrolled by an Electostatic Precipitator (ESP) and as such is required by $60.105a(b)(i) and $63.1564@)Q) to monitor the total power input and secondary current from the ESP using a CPMS. A Wet Gas Scrubber (WGS) is installed downsteam of the ESP; therefore, Tesoro is also required by $60.105a(b)(ii) to monitor and record the hourly average pressure drop, liquid feed rate, and exhaust gas flow rate using CPMS. Tesoro is required to operate and maintain the CPMSs in accordance with 63.1572(c). $60.102a(c)(1)(i) requires FCCUs controlled by an ESP to maintain the 3-hour rolling average total power and secondary current above the level established during the most recent performance test. $60.102a(c)(2xi-ii) requires FCCUs contolled by a WGS to maintain the 3-hour rolling average pressure drop and liquid-to-gas ratio above the level established during the most recent performance test. . Upon result confirmation on April 24,2023, the following limits were established: o 0 kW Total Power to the ESP o 0 Amps Secondary Current to the ESP o 4.9 in HzO for WGS pressure drop across the tower o 62.9 gaV MSCF for WGS liquid-to-gas ratio, all applicable on a 3-hr rolling average. Tesoro is continuously monitoring these parameters using CPMSs to confirm compliance with the PM limit. The reporting of deviations in Tables 4 through l1 is based on these parametric limits. Per 40 CFR 63.1575(e)(12), this report should also include "the date of last certification of audit for the continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emissions monitoring system." This information is addressed in Section 7 (MACT Subpart UUU Periodic Report Requirements; Information Submitted in Other Regulatory Reports) of this report. Tesoro utilizes the WGS to comply with opacity requirements and does not operate a continuous opacity monitoring system. Tesoro's deviation and monitoring report information for this source is located in the periodic report tables identified in the matrix listed below. These tables are located at the end of this document. Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery 3. Reformer Periodic Report Requirements - 40 CFR 63.1575(d) and (e) The Ulfraformer Unitl (IIFII) catalyst reformer at Tesoro's Salt Lake City Refinery uses a flare to control organic HAP emissions and a fixed bed adsorber to conkol inorganic HAP emissions. Tesoro's continuous compliance demonstation requirements for the UFU are specified in Subpart UUU Table 21, Option 1 and Table 28, Option 4. Tesoro's deviation and monitoring information for this source is located in the periodic report tables identified in the matrix listed below. These tables are located at the end of this document. Emission Limitation Deviations Report Table # Continuous Compliance Demonstration Monitoring Report Table # FCCU catalyst regenerator coke burn rate for metallic HAPs Table I Continuously monitor FCCU catalyst regenerator coke burn rate for rnstallic HAPs Table2 500 ppm ofCO on a dry l-hour aYerage basis for organic HAPs Table 3 CO emissions from the CO boiler on the FCCU catalyst regenerator See Section 7 0 kW Total Power to ESP for 3-hour rolling averase basis Table 4 Continuously monitor the total power to the ESP usins a CPMS. Table 5 0 Amps Secondary Current from ESP for 3-hour rolling average basis Table 6 Continuously monitor the secondary curent from the ESP using a CPMS. Table 7 4.9 inches H2O Total Pressure Drop at WGS for 3-hour rollins averase basis Table 8 Continuously monitor the total differential pressure across the WGS column usins a CPMS. Table 9 62.9 gal MSCF Total Liquid-to-Gas Ratio at WGS for 3-hour rollins averase basis Table 10 Continuously monitor WGS exhaust air flow rate and total liquid to the column usins CPMSs. Table I I Emission Limitation and Operatins Limit Deviations Report Table # Continuous Compliance Demonstration Monitoring Report Table # Flare pilot light must be present at all times and flare must be ooeratins at all times Table 12 Tesoro monitors for the presence of a flame at the pilot light using an optical sensor (ultraviolet). Table 13 that emissions may be vented to it Fixed bed adsorber HCI concenfration <9ppm Table 14 The concentration of HCI in the adsorber is tested manually using colorimetric tubes. Measurements are taken once per week or during each regeneration cycle whichever is less freouent. Table 15 Fixed Bed Adsorber daily average temperature < 238oF Table 15 Continuously monitor the fixed bed adsorber operating temperature usins a CPMS. Table 17 Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery I T\e Catalytic ReforningUnit defined in MACT IJUU 63.1579 is what Tesoro Salt Lake City refers to as the Ultraformer Unit. 4. SRU Periodic Report Requirements - 40 CFR 63.1575(d) and (e) The Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) at Tesoro's Salt Lake City Refurery has an incinerator for conftol of reduced sulfru HAPs. Tesoro's continuous compliance demonstration requirements for the SRU are specified in Subpart UUU Table 35, Item 3, Option 2. Tesoro uses CPMS to monitor incinerator temperature and oxygen content for its compliance demonstration in accordance with 63.1572(c). During periods of startup or shutdown, Tesoro complies with 63. 1 568(a)(a)(i). Tesoro's deviation and monitoring report information for this source is located in the periodic report tables identified in the matrix listed below. These tables are located at the end of this document. Operating Limits Deviations Report Table # Continuous Compliance Demonstration Monitoring Report Table # SRU Incinerator daily average temperature > 1075"F Table 18 Continuously monitor the SRU Incinerator operating temperature using a CPMS. Table 19 SRU Incinerator daily average oxygen (Oz) concentration > l.syo Table 20 Continuously monitor the SRU Incinerator oxygen (Oz) concentration using a CPMS. See Section 7 Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery 5. Control Equipment Bypass Route Periodic Report Requirements - 40 CFR 63.1575(d) and (e) Tesoro's Salt Lake City Refinery has three control equipment bypass routes. One bypass route is located at the FCCU and two are located at the UFU. Tesoro continuously monitors the FCCU bypass with trryo temperature indicators in the bypass seal tank (Tll20246.pv and TIL20245.pv) and two nozzle position tags (H 1 00445.OP and H 1 00446.OP). Tesoro's continuous compliance demonstration requirements for the FCCU bypass route are specified in Subpart UUU Table 39, Option 1. The first bypass route at the Ultraformer Unit catalyst regeneration system bypasses the V-15 HCI fixed bed adsorption system. Tesoro inspects the car-seal system installed on the bypass valve to ensure it remains closed. Tesoro's continuous compliance demonstration requirements for the UFU bypass route are specified in Subpart UUU Table 39, Option 2. The UFU catalyst reformer system also has a bypass of the flare when venting non- contaminated inert purge gas to atmosphere through bypass valve HC-61. Tesoro operates continuous electronic valve position monitors (HC032062.PV and HC032061.PV) on the bypass valve to make sure the valves are not opened to atmosphere, except to vent inert gas. Tesoro's continuous compliance demonsffation requirements for this blpass route are specified in Subpart LfUIJ, Table 39, Option 1. Tesoro's deviation and monitoring report information for these sources is located in the periodic report tables identified in the matrix listed below. These tables are located at the end of this document. Emission Limitation Deviations Report Table # Continuous Compliance Demonstration Monitoring Report Table # FCCU Control Equipment Bypasses Table 21 Continuously monitor the temperature & nozzle positions in the bvoass seal tank Table22 UFU HCI Adsorber Bvoasses Table23 Inspect the lock or car seal once per month Table24 UFU South Flare Bvoasses Table 25 Continuously monitor the bypass valve nosition Table26 Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery 6.Periodic Report Performance Test Reporting Requirements-40 CFR 63.1575(f) A Method 5 Emissions Performance Test to establish a new daily average exhaust coke burr-off rate limit were performed in the first half of 2023 and compliance with the operational parametric limits established dwing this test are detailed in this report. 7.lnformation Submitted in Other Regulatory Reports-40 CFR 63.1575(9) Pursuant to 40 CFR 63.1575(9) reports required by other regulations may be submitted in place of or as part of the compliance report if they contain the required information. Tesoro submits a quarterly State Electonic Data Report (SEDR) pursuant to Utah Air Quality Rules 307-170. The SEDR will take the place of the following MACT Subpart UUU reporting requirements : 63.1575(dX3) lnformation on the number, duration, and cause for monitor downtime incidents (including uoknown cause, ifapplicable, other than downtime associated with zero and span and other daily calibration checks). 63.1575(e)(2) The date and time that each continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emission monitoring system was inoperative, except for zero (lowJevel) and high-level checks. 63.1575(e) (3) The date and time that each continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emission monitoring system was out-of-conhol, including the information in $63.8(cX8). 63.1575(e) (7) A summary of the total duration of downtime for the continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emission monitoring system during the reporting period (recorded in minutes for opacity and hours for gases and in the averaging time specified in the regulation for other types ofstandards), and the total duration of downtime for the continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emission monitoring system as a percent of the total source operating time during that reporting period. 63.1575(e) (8) A breakdown of the total duration of downtime for the continuous opacity monitoring system or continuous emission monitoring system during the reporting period into periods that are due to monitoring equipment malfunctions, non-monitoring equipment malfunctions, quality assurance/quality conhol calibrations, other known causes, and other unknown causes. 63.1575(e) (l l) The monitoring equipment manufacturer(s) and model number(s). 63.1575(e) (12) The date ofthe latest certification or audit for the continuous opacity monitoring systan or continuous emission monitoring system. The above information will be reported in the SEDR forthe following Subpart UUU affected sources and monitoring equipment: Affected Source CEMs/CPMS HAP Monitored FCCUESPAilGS CEMsSRU CPMS Organic HAP (CO/O, Reduced Sultur HAP (Oz) Tesoro submits a semi-annual MACT CC periodic report pusuant to 40 CFR 63.6ss(g)(1 1)(i) - (iv). Refinery MACT II - Periodic Report Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company, LLC, Salt Lake City Refinery (i) Records as specified in paragraph (i)(9)(i) ofthis section for each lS-minute block during which there was at least one minute when regulated material is routed to a flare and no pilot flame is present. (ii) Visible emission records as specified in paragraph (iXgXiiXC) of this section for each period of 2 consecutive hours during which visible emissions exceeded a total of 5 minutes. (iii) The l5-minute block periods for which the applicable operating limits specified in $ 63.670(d) through (f) are not met. Indicate the date and time for the period, the net heating value operating paramete(s) determined following the methods in $ 63.670(k) through (n) as applicable. (iv) For flaring events meeting the criteria in g 63.670(o)(3): (A) The start and stop time and date of the flaring event. (B) The length of trme for which emissions were visible fiom the flare during the event. (C) The periods of time that the flare tip velocity exceeds the maximum flare tip velocity determiued using the methods h $ 63.670(dX2) and the maximum 1S-minute block average flare tip velocity recorded during the event. @) Results of the root cause and corrective actions analysis completed duriag the reporting period, including the corrective actions implemented during the reporting period and, if applicable, the implementation schedule for planned corrective actions to be implemented subsequent to the reporting period. 8. Reserved - 40 CFR 63.f 575(h) ln accordance with 63.1575(h), this requirement is reserved. This section serves as a placeholder to align with the regulation and is intentionally blank. 9. Multiple FCCUs Venting to a Single WGS - 40 CFR 63.1s7s(i)&CI) Not Applicable. Tesoro's Salt Lake City refinery does not operate multiple fluid catalytic cracking units vented to a single wet scrubber (WGS). Therefore, these requirements are not applicable. 10. Electronic Submittal of Performance Test and CEMS Performance Evaluation Data - 40 CFR 63.1575(k) Pursuant to 40 CFR 63.1575(k), perfonnance and CEMS test reports subject to this requirement will be submitted to the Administator via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). l0 F J fa x. lJ_ozI U) :oi t>luFloJh-S lv dl15-l lg:"in- Lil rrl >lozt -ol-Ml:{=tr>tJZI LLt L d 9& fEl Fr (JzHtr&o F{ rd.il.gH(t)EE A5ZUcl= --}ZE =8 EIEER EJhEgrE *ub5EilEc)ii,,O EE F =8 5t8 roOUAE IL EE)'E r.r i!s€ ?AH9o=u)Eg H = 'o cr).=542 E irdEO.oF6Otr -EEE il$E Eil.=ue--ZSET5# E9\J - t\i,r - v\,, aH5 2 dAvH&ri Frgzl-,4trilorriI HhlEI Er(,z:ciile.lDo;^.= c.l -.Es IFI'l,g.o'tr89eD 5!)94.=OH i5 -$o-oF{?5 Bistr Fa:6otridt-e EUocl*U€q fr.DL;AEil 6l=G'Es 2aGoER HTE HEE XSE E&.=u ---ZaES5# Eg) \J - t\i,\ a vvaHr 2 (usclF h C)trIE 6)&x Q G)lz6lrl 6!(t) d FIFl*tr RItsqotr rD -X .. hI) Oin'tr ,t ^oEt2 ll dE Fbo().E<tr!tEAo >nAbo.=oo()&1- N (l) Ecl Er 0L o F t! 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IE*r_c! ? =.lJev -vJCtfua.lJ F- () EGF 3 4rilr ()zl-lt'r 6A Erl4 H*F (J.zt&a oF00=.Eno.ESr nJEegE fr -rv-i;9Uhruvuao.c)vH; tri_q)ho,f*6L() hlaI .i l-l HTYE g} EpLE(n; E fr E S EE d EtZE.egg -r ,- FqLE{L -i C -!-: fiH-1i{EU-E E H E:= iD tl.t =aE 9! .=6)-Y s - QnY^ il + 1 €'E ? d .r Ooar'trr - o a-+S E E En6 ! ,g g -bo J a =E 5 e z >dEe :tEX c)c)o-di E 6lF 0 ia anN! E q) Fr !/ E Ec)I (D ol n o) Fr 0lE c (u Eo o clLo (l) 0l Q)il fri D 6, otr o c (l)tr BItr IoIo bl EI e 0 c 4l oe o Lo! z 6l o Fi Ec)& c!F O c) q) oq) LoU o 6l C)n o o0 GI(J Eo ?0 =L .E E iI,.=!(J.4S5a- FE E& 0) dkooAo F. OLr .E? otaz z .J O F{t Eo o er bl q)il() ol e() F bl 6l ()co &(h d oH E otr o bl n O o rd 6) B a o o z 6l tr o ' !(2 o oo 6l U e P6 =L TE9ro 6!E 6l:LZ E {o: -!9E!! i:b9 qE -r :.E *.=tr:EBU =te z A-otl4rilr rlr\r/zl-l Er&oer rd a;ilHHEF LrFB"eEZqiE ep5a.HauEa! 3*-.-iEPL=\JI.BPtr.Evf,EBhDociclta Eea5t=riEHCOE.gad 85iot;i =>a:iaH e1a=rh'5EeF.qca0 \-,, .^-.F .ii H =Alr,.E HESEHa, '= \J?re.9il12oE.EEE ri.9H v)El.^tTz 3 .9 6lli ao &riEi z Filotr rd& frt F () Z fr; =oQ\atrt- norin4o,l!-)EUg9ooo.E- tri t>Ob0 c0 o iB lrJ E.E4L=EUo2rcnx-qrdb.Er"eUE(l)rn +3()\oCrnlzrEp-a6&q E A Ei+jiP:.EEU -E F E ir!L' li q)F..e E.I5iQ .r, --, Z E'.= .= & -i 'tr+ -6l o E-iE E E E-!o L] a a =:= ; e z:a1o>,dEe =tEX 6)C)c,d- E 6lF 0 o F- t = o q) ti a o 6)I o ol E t {) H bl 6l o0o &a c! oH E (l)A EI It)I q) bJ ao 6l 6) t) z 6l tr o 6lF 0 t.) o Iru oU tr 6l c) a)0 c! Q =L tre] FTH ElroOr A> L{9 !HOEEEb9 9d o}r.r 6) .F? irJ =a2 z al no ilritr (Jz H&o CrHs=,,? 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