HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006072APPLIED GEOSCIENCE & ENVIRONMENTAL April29,2024 Ethan Upton 5455 West 10030 North, Highland, Utah 84003 (801) 763-9884 Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Proposed soil boring locations for Phase II Limited Subsurface Investigation East Parcel Edison Auto Shop 953 South, Edison Street, Salt Lake City UTCA-0042 To Mr. Upton: We have conducted subsurface investigation work for the property located at 953 South Edison Street, which has included both soil and groundwater samples. The Site is divided into two distinct parcels: West and East parcels. The west parcel contains an auto repair shop and the east parcel consists of asphalt paved parking. Our most recent report, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Limited Subsurface Investigation Report, Auto Shop Repair Facility, 953 Edison Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 dated August 1, 2023, was submitted to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC). According to the response we received from the DWMRC, it was recommended that a Site Management Plan (SMP) and Environmental Covenant (EC) be implemented on both parcels. We are seeking to obtain a No Further Action (NFA) for the east parcel. In order to obtain a NF A on the east parcel we are proposing a Phase II Limited Subsurface Investigation (LSI) with the hope that soil and groundwater samples will fall in accordance with Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R315-101 by meeting the following criteria: • Cumulative cancer risk determined across all impacted media (including soil, groundwater, and soil vapor) to be equal to or below a total cancer risk of lE-06 for both a resident and a construction worker; • Noncancer hazard index (HI) to be equal to or below a target level of 1; • No adverse ecological impacts are present (either through a request for a waiver or screening level risk assessment), and • Residual levels of contamination in soil do not exceed the soil-to-groundwater screening levels. The following is proposed for the LSI: • Contacting Blue Stakes, the utility locating service, to mark the site for utility lines at least 48 hours business days prior to performing the drilling activities as required by law; • Advance four soil borings to a terminal depth ofup to 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil borings would likely include two borings within the mid-portion of the east parcel and two borings within the east portion of the east parcel. The proposed soil borings are approximations only and the final boring locations will be decided and approved of by DWMRC and AG&E in the field based on Site access limitation for establishing boring locations , and other field observations such as utility locations, staining, etc. See attached Proposed Soil Boring Location Map; • A minimum of two soil samples and one groundwater sample are proposed to be collected for laboratory analysis from each boring; • Continuously field-screen each soil boring for organic vapors using a MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID) for potential contamination; • The highest PID reading in each soil boring will be sampled. Additional soil samples will be collected for analysis if needed based on PID results, staining, visual, and/or olfactory senses. If there is no detection in the soil boring core from the PID then a soil sample will be collected from the water table interface and a selected location between the groundwater interface and ground surface; • Both soil and groundwater will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (V OCs) which includes the gasoline constituents Methyl tert-butyl ether, Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (MBTEXN), and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals ; • Groundwater from monitor wells MW-3 and MW-4 will also be analyzed for VOCs which includes MBTEXN, and the RCRA 8 metals; • The samples will be delivered, under chain of custody protocol, to the Chemtech-Ford laboratory located in Sandy, Utah for analysis. • A report will be prepared and submitted for evaluation of the laboratory results toDWMRC. We will look forward to your response. Sincerely, David W. Christiansen, Environmental Professional, PG, CEM President Applied Geoscience & Environmental Enclosure: Proposed Soil Boring Location Map