HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006632 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2890 East Cottonwood Parkway Suite 300 Salt Lake City UT 84121-7283 April 12, 2024 Project/File: 203723247 Hong-Lei Tao Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West, First Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH Mr. Hong-Lei Tao, On behalf of 7-Eleven, Inc. (7-Eleven), Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) proposes the following work plan and budget to conduct additional subsurface investigation activities at 7 Eleven Store No. 25760 (the Site), located at 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah (Figure 1). The Site is eligible for reimbursement under the Utah Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Trust Fund. The scope of work proposed herein would be designated as Work Plan and Budget (WP&B) OJH-01. This work plan presents a technical approach and cost estimate to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), for the following scope of work: project management and field work preparation, advancement of one direct push soil boring, soil sample collection, installation of one temporary groundwater monitoring well, collection of one groundwater sample, analytical costs, and reimbursement services. The purpose of the limited subsurface investigation is to verify UST closure sample analytical results obtained in October 2023. Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations above the Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) developed by the UDEQ-DERR were reported for a groundwater sample collected from the tank basin. BACKGROUND On October 10 and 11, 2023, the underground storage tank (UST) system was closed by removal. The UST system consisted of three 10,000-gallon single-wall steel USTs and two product dispenser islands used to distribute various grades of unleaded gasoline. A petroleum release from the UST system was reported to the UDEQ-DERR on October 31, 2023, based on UST closure analytical sample results. The dissolved benzene concentration of 0.0100 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and the groundwater analytical laboratory reporting limit (RL) for TPH-GRO of 2.50 mg/L for the GW-2 sample exceeded the respective ISLs of 0.005 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L. Based on these results, the UDEQ-DERR assigned Release Site OJH and, in a letter dated January 16, 2024, requested completion of a limited subsurface investigation. April 12, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH SCOPE OF WORK Task 1 – Project Management and Field Work Preparation Task 1 includes the preparation of this work plan, including communication and coordination with UDEQ- DERR. A Site-specific health and safety plan will also be prepared to address hazards associated with the proposed scope of work. Task 2 – Temporary Monitoring Well Installation and Soil and Groundwater Sampling Following UDEQ-DERR approval of this work plan and budget, Stantec will advance one borehole (Figure 1). The borehole will be advanced to approximately 15 feet below ground surface (bgs) and completed as a temporary monitoring well. The temporary monitoring well will be constructed using two-inch outside diameter, Schedule 40 PVC blank casing and 10-foot long, 0.010-inch slotted screen. The well will be completed with 10/20 silica sand filter pack across the screened interval up to one foot above the top of the screen and a bentonite seal up to one foot bgs. Cost bids for well installation were requested from Direct Push Services (DPS), Cascade Drilling, L.P., and ET Technologies, Inc. DPS provided the lowest cost estimate and will be awarded the work. Copies of the subcontractor cost estimates are provided in Attachment 1. DPS is a Utah licensed well driller and the monitoring wells will be installed in accordance with the Utah administrative rules for wells (R655-4 UAC). Soil sampling will be accomplished via five-foot continuous core acetate sleeve samplers. Stantec will collect up to three soil samples; soil sample selection will be based on field screening results. Soil samples will be screened for petroleum hydrocarbon vapors using a Minirae 3000 VOC monitor equipped with a photoionization detector (PID). One sample will be collected at the most impacted depth as indicated by PID screening results (highest impacts are expected near the capillary fringe). Stantec will attempt to collect a non-impacted sample above and below any encountered petroleum hydrocarbon impacts. If field screening does not indicate the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts, up to two soil samples will be collected from each boring: one at the total boring depth, and if groundwater is encountered, one at the capillary fringe. Stantec will collect one groundwater sample from the temporary monitoring well. The depth to groundwater in the temporary monitoring well will be allowed to stabilize after the well casing is set. The temporary well will then be developed/purged by removing up to six well volumes of groundwater via a weighted, disposable bailer. Should the temporary well be bailed dry during development, Stantec will allow the well to recover and attempt to bail the well dry a second time. Following development and after allowing the water level in the temporary well to recover, the well will be sampled via bailer. Purged groundwater will be thin spread at the surface. Soil and groundwater samples will be collected by a Utah certified soil and groundwater sampler. Soil and groundwater samples will be labeled with the sample identification, collection date, and time, and placed into an ice-chilled cooler for delivery to the project laboratory under chain-of-custody (COC) documentation. Samples will be analyzed for gasoline-range total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH-GRO), methyl tertiary-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene (MBTEXN) by Environmental April 12, 2024 Page 3 of 4 Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260B. Analyses will be performed by Utah certified Pace Analytical National (Pace) of Mount Juliet, Tennessee. Soil samples will also be analyzed for total solids by Standard Method 2540G. Remaining soil cuttings will be drummed for disposal at the ET Technologies Soils Regeneration Site (ET SRS). A waste characterization soil sample will be collected from the drummed cuttings and submitted to Chemtech-Ford Analytical Laboratories (Chemtech) of Sandy, Utah for the ET SRS UST waste profile analytical suite. Analyses will include total lead by EPA Method 6010 and TPH-GRO and MBTEXN by EPA Method 8260B. Task 3 – Reporting Following completion of the proposed limited subsurface investigation, Stantec will prepare one report documenting the results of the WP&B OJH-01 scope of work. The report will include a summary of field activities, soil and groundwater sampling results to date, boring log, updated site plan, conclusions and recommendations, and laboratory reports with associated COC documentation. Task 4– Reimbursement Services Stantec’s services will include preparation of reimbursement claims on behalf of 7-Eleven. This task includes assembling invoices paid by 7-Eleven, subcontractor invoices, details of charges, Stantec invoices, proof of payment documentation, the UDEQ-DERR Standardized Invoice Form, and the UDEQ-DERR Request for Payment Voucher Summary Worksheet. ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs for the scope of work described in this work plan are presented in Table 1. Non- reimbursable costs, such as subcontractor markup, have been omitted from the cost breakdown. The costs presented in Table 1 represent Stantec’s estimate of likely charges to be incurred during the implementation of the scope of work described above. Actual charges to the tasks and activities included in the scope may vary from those presented in the estimate as activities and tasks require either more or less effort than estimated. Stantec will contact the UDEQ-DERR project manager if there is significant diversion from the estimated cost breakdown, or if additional authorization above the total estimated cost of this work plan is required. April 12, 2024 Page 4 of 4 Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact Anna Skinner at (801) 743-4815. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Anna Skinner Project Manager Certified Consultant #0271 Phone: (801) 743-4815 anna.skinner@stantec.com Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Plan Table 1 – Estimated Costs for WP&B OJH-01 Attachment 1 – Drilling Subcontractor Bids April 12, 2024 Figure Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH FIGURE 1 Site Plan ASPHALT SI D E W A L K 7-ELEVEN STORE NO. 25760 GRASS LIGHT SIGN FENCE FE N C E CONCRETE PARKING GR A S S SIDEWALK DUM P S T E R & TELEPHONE PHONES LIGHT SEWER CLEANOUT POLE ENC L O S U R E OE OE OE OE OE OE OE O E OE E E E E E E E& T E& T E& T E& T E& T E& T E& T E& T E&T 9 0 0 E A S T 4 5 0 0 S O U T H SI D E W A L K SIDEWALK GRA S S LIGHT SI G N AIR DISPENSER ISLANDS CANOPY ELECTRICAL POLE CONCRETE WATER STORM DRAIN SIDEWALK GR A S S ELECTRICAL POLE LA N D S C A P I N G G G G G G G G G G G G G W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W (ESTIMATED DISTANCE) GAS METER ELECTRICAL W W W W W W W W W W SMITH'S FOOD PR P R PRODUCT LINE UST BASIN (CONCRETE) ELECTRICAL POLE TRAFFIC POLE ELECTRICAL BOX SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS E E E E E EE E E E E SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS FOR: CHECKED BY:DRAWN BY:JOB NUMBER:APPROVED BY:DATE: FIGURE: 1 AMSJR/ARA/AMS203723247 11/1/2023 STORE NO. 25760 895 EAST 4500 SOUTH MURRAY, UTAH No warranty is made by Stantec as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. Original data were compiled from various sources. This information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This product was developed electronically, and may be updated without notification. Any reproduction may result in a loss of scale and or information. ELEVENELEVEN 0 30 60 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET SITE PLAN N 2890 EAST COTTONWOOD PARKWAY SUITE 300 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (801) 261-0090 LEGEND SS-1 CLOSURE SAMPLE LOCATION PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATION WW W W l l April 12, 2024 Table Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH TABLE 1 Estimated Costs for WP&B OJH-01 Work Plan Preparation and Site-Specific HSSE • Work Plan Preparation Initial Subsurface Investigation 1 NTE @ $2,000 =$2,000 • Initial Health & Safety Plan 1 NTE @ $400 = $400 Work Plan and HSSE Subtotal $2,400 Temporary Monitoring Well Installation and Soil and Groundwater Sampling • Field Oversight and Sampling PM P103 2 hours @ $118 = $236 Field Prep P104 2 hours @ $101 = $202 Field P104 10 hours @ $101 = $1,010 Subcontractor 1 bid @ $4,210 = $4,210 • Equipment and Mileage Mileage - 12 mile round trip 12 miles @ $0.67 = $8 PID 1 day @ $95.00 = $95 Sampling Supplies 1 day @ $25.00 = $25 Water Level Meter 1 day @ $25.00 = $25 Weighted Bailer 1 each @ $11.00 = $11 Traffic Safety Equipment 1 day @ $15.00 = $15 • Analytical Soil - EPA 8260B MBTEXN & TPH-GRO 3 samples @ $51.00 = $153 Soil - ET Technologies Soil Waste Profile 1 sample @ $96.00 = $96 Water - EPA 8260B MBTEXN & TPH-GRO 1 sample @ $45.00 = $45 • Waste Disposal and Coordination for Transport ET Technologies Soil Regeneration Site PM P103 2 hours @ $118 = $236 Disposal 1 drum @ $70.00 = $70 Transport 1 each @ $250.00 = $250 Installation and Soil and Groundwater Sampling Subtotal $6,687 Reporting Senior PM P101 1 hours @ $152 = $152 Professional P102 1 hours @ $147 = $147 PM P103 6 hours @ $118 = $708 Field P104 2 hours @ $101 = $202 Drafter P107 1 hours @ $85 = $85 Admin P109 1 hours @ $62 = $62 Reporting Subtotal $1,356 Reimbursement • PST Fund Claim Preparation Senior PM P101 1 hours @ $152 = $152 PST Specialist P108 8 hours @ $78 = $624 Reimbursement Subtotal $776 Total Budget $11,219 c Table 1 Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH Estimated Costs for WP&B OJH-01 c Page 1 of 1 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. April 12, 2024 Attachment 1 Reference: Work Plan and Budget for Limited Subsurface Investigation 7-Eleven Store No. 25760, 895 East 4500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah Facility ID 4001043, Release Site OJH ATTACHMENT 1 Drilling Subcontractor Bids 20-1339913 | www.directpushservices.com Direct Push Services LLC PO Box 25784 Salt Lake City, UT 84125 (801)230-1721 sean@directpushservices.com Estimate ADDRESS Stantec Consulting 2890 East Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 ESTIMATE #240075 DATE 02/22/2024 EXPIRATION DATE 06/30/2024 P.O. NUMBER SALES REP 7-11 25760 895 E 4500 S, Murray Sean Bromley DATE ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT GPR Utility Locating 1 950.00 950.00 Mob/Demob Drill rig/Vac 1 200.00 200.00 7822 DP Rig 1 1,350.00 1,350.00 Daylighting 0-8'1 650.00 650.00 55 Gallon drum 1 130.00 130.00 MC 60 in PVC liner 2 15.00 30.00 Decon 1 150.00 150.00 2" temp monitoring well with 10' screen. Set and be on standby while Stantec Develops and samples. Upon completion backfill/abandon and restore the asphalt surface. 1 750.00 750.00 895 E 4500 S, Murray (1) Location 0-15'. -Private utility locating to sweep/clear the boring area. -Daylight to 8-feet bgs and 110% borehole diameter. -Collect soil from 8-15' -Install a 2 inch dia. monitoring well using schedule 40 PVC casing, 10’ section (5-15 ft bgs) of PVC 10 slot screen. Complete the well with 10-20 filter sand pack across the 10 foot screened interval to 1 foot above the screen. Remainder of the borehole should be backfilled with bentonite to 1 foot below grade -Provide (1) 55-gallon drum to containerize borehole clearance and drill cuttings. -Stand-by time while Stantec develops and samples well, 2 hours estimated. -Abandon well and install asphalt patch. TOTAL $4,210.00 20-1339913 | www.directpushservices.com Accepted By Accepted Date Stantec 2/24/2024 2890 East Cottonwood Parkway, Ste 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 DPT Borings and Wells 7/11 Store 25760 Anna Skinner 895 East 4500 South anna.skinner@stantec.com Murray UT Cascade Rep Contact Information Scope of Work Quantity Unit Sales Price Subtotal 1 Lump Sum 550.00$ 550.00$ Each 125.00$ -$ Private Utility Locating (shop to shop)4 Hour 185.00$ 740.00$ 1 Day 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ Boring Abandonment 2 Each 15.00$ 30.00$ 2 inch Schd 40 PVC Well Casing 5 Feet 5.00$ 25.00$ 2 inch Schd 40 PVC Prepack Well Screen 5' Sections 2 Each 190.00$ 380.00$ 55 Gallon Reconditioned DOT Drum 1 Each 150.00$ 150.00$ Concrete Coring - 12" Cores Each 425.00$ -$ Pre-Tax Total Tax Percentage Taxes Quote Total Utah: 5718 W AXEL PARK RD, WEST JORDAN UT 84081 ♦ (801) 542-7159 $4,875.00 This quote is based on information provided by you and is valid for 45 days from the bid date. Unless previously agreed, Cascade requires a 2-week notice prior to mobilization. Your firm is responsible for 1) Obtaining any site specific permits, 2) Locating and clearly marking underground installations or utilities, 3) Furnishing dig Alert numbers at least three working days prior to scheduled start date and proof of private locating services, 4) Obtaining access to site with no overhead wires within 20' of the holes. Cascade Drilling shall not be responsible for damages to underground improvements not clearly and accurately marked. If bedrock, cobbles, flowing sands or other adverse or unsafe drilling conditions are encountered, drilling may continue on a time and materials basis or be terminated at the discretion of Cascade. Additional costs may apply if scope is significantly changed. Well development by others may void some or all of Cascade warranties of workmanship and materials. Prices assume standard labor rates and no work hour restrictions. Number Prepared By Trent Castner Email tcastner@cascade-env.com Description $4,875.00 Mobilization/Demobilization - DPT UT Well Logs DPT Drilling Daily Rate - Up to 10 Hours per Day Account Name Bid Date Address Quote Number Quote Revision Date Bill To Account Project Zip Project Name Contact Name Project Address Email Project City Phone Project State(801) 652-5138 One (1) boring and one (1) temp well will be completed to 15-feet, using a truck mounted DPT rig • Cascade will provide private utility locating using GPRS • The temp well will be constructed using 2-inch schedule PVC using up to 10-feet of prepack screen • The borings will be abandoned • The boring locations will be cleared to 8-feet using a air knife vac truck by the DPT crew Drill cuttings and decon/development water will be contained in 55-gallon drums and will remain on site. Expect reasonable drill rig access. Well and borings seals that take more than 25%-hole volume, will be sealed on a time and material basis. Assume 7:00AM to 5:30PM work hours and no prevailing wage requirements. Stantec 2/24/2024 2890 East Cottonwood Parkway, Ste 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 DPT Borings and Wells 7/11 Store 25760 Anna Skinner 895 East 4500 South anna.skinner@stantec.com Murray UT Cascade Rep Contact Information Number Prepared By Trent Castner Email tcastner@cascade-env.com Account Name Bid Date Address Quote Number Quote Revision Date Bill To Account Project Zip Project Name Contact Name Project Address Email Project City Phone Project State(801) 652-5138 Signature of Authorized Cascade Representative Name & Title of Authorized Cascade Representative Date Date Name & Title of Authorized Representative and Company Cascade provides management of investigation derived waste. Call us today for information on a full range of additional options to meet your drilling needs. Signature of Client/Owner Authorized Representative Cascade will perform the Work as described in this proposal subject to the terms and conditions posted at https://www.cascade-env.com/resources/other/terms-and- conditions/ unless MSA is already established between Cascade and Client in which case MSA takes precedence over the aforementioned terms and conditions. By signing this proposal, Client agrees that this proposal together with the terms and conditions referenced above constitute a Subcontract. Client acknowledges that Client has received and agrees with all such documents in the form provided by Cascade. Terms and Conditions are posted and accessible at the website location set forth above. 3110 W. California Ave., suite D Salt Lake City, UT  84104 (801) 977-0731    ettechusa.com     Estimate ESTIMATE #1038289884 DATE PO # CUSTOMER Stantec Consulting Anna Skinner 3995 S 700 East, suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT, 84107   SERVICE LOCATION Stantec Consulting 7-11 #25760 895 E 4500 S Murray, UT, DESCRIPTION for the below scope of work (SOW): - Private utility locating to sweep/clear the boring area. (in-house or subcontracted) - Air/water knife services for utility clearance (to 8-feet bgs and 110% borehole diameter) at one boring location. - One soil boring to a max depth of 15 ft bgs. o With continuous soil samples via acetate sleeve (beneath borehole clearance depth). - One 2 inch dia. monitoring well using schedule 40 PVC casing o 10’ section (5-15 ft bgs) of PVC 10 slot screen o backfilled with 10-20 filter sand pack across the 10 foot screened interval to 1 foot above the screen o remainder of the borehole should be backfilled with bentonite to 1 foot below grade - One 55-gallon drum to containerize borehole clearance and drill cuttings. - NOTE: Additional drum for well development water - Stand-by time while Stantec develops and samples well, 2 hours estimated. - Abandon well and install asphalt patch. Estimate Description Qty Rate Tax Total Drill Crew Operator + Helper 1.00 $2,800.00 $0.00 $2,800.00 Site Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 Equipment Decontamination Daily 1.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 Borehole Abandonment Foot 15.00 $2.00 $0.00 $30.00 Soil Sample Liners 3.00 $8.00 $0.00 $24.00 Groundwater Sampling 1.00 $1.50 $0.00 $1.50 Drums 2.00 $150.00 $0.00 $300.00 Temp Monitoring Well 1.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 Well Development Equipment Daily 1.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 Private Utility Locate via GPR 3.00 $150.00 $0.00 $450.00 Hydro Vac Services (min 1/2 day charge) 1.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 CUSTOMER MESSAGE Note: By law E.T. Technologies must have a cleared utility markout ticket before we can drill. Due to our unfamiliarity with the project sites, we request that our clients call in a utility markout request to the appropriate OneCall system and immediately notify E.T. Technologies with their ticket number. This allows us to obtain our ticket based on the client and participate in any utility site meets that may or may not be required. Postponement of drill work may occur if sufficient time is not given to follow these steps. For planning purposes any addional direct push rig day use would be billed out at $2,650 per day and can be prorated for half days as necessary and consumables as necessary.  Estimate Total:$6,955.50 PROPOSAL PRICING & CHANGE ORDERS All pricing quoted is valid for 30 days. Any changes to the scope of the work requires a separate proposal and a signed change order. Unexpected schedule changes initiated by Client that cause additional cost to our company will be invoiced at normal rates. PAYMENT OF CHARGES All charges are due and payable upon receipt of invoice. Payment terms for approved Clients are NET 30. Client agrees to pay a charge for all past due amounts in an amount equal to the lesser of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) or a $5.00 minimum charge of such past due amounts for each month or part thereof during which such payments remain unpaid or the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. A service charge of $30.00 shall be added to all returned checks. In the event of non-payment, the Client shall be responsible for all of contractor’s reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred during collection. If Contractor shall seek to assign this account to an agency for collection, the client agrees to pay all fees and discounts imposed. FORCE MAJEURE Except for the obligation to pay for services rendered, neither party hereto shall be liable for its failure to perform hereunder, in whole or in part, due to contingencies beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, strikes, riots, war, fire, acts of God, injunction, compliance with any law, regulation, guideline or order of any governmental body or any instrumentality thereof, whether now existing or hereafter created. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is assignable with the written consent of both parties and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, nor required in the event of assignment by operation of law, nor required in the event of an assignment to an affiliate or Contractor, merger or sale by Contractor. SAVINGS CLAUSE In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement; this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been contained herein, unless such finding shall impair the rights of obligations of Contractor, hereunder, in which event, at Contractor ’s option, this Agreement may be terminated. INDEMNITY/DAMAGES Client shall indemnify and hold Contractor harmless from any and all claims which arise out of the work, including claims relating to the treatment, storage, and disposal of waste, contaminated media, or hazardous substances (including cuttings or samples) from the property, whether such liability arises under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act or otherwise, so long as the claim does not arise from the gross negligence of Contractor or its personnel. Client hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Contractor harmless from any and all loss, damages, suits, penalties, costs, liabilities and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable investigation and legal expenses) arising out of any claim for loss of or damage to property, including Contractor’s property, and injuries to or death of persons, including Contractor’s employees (i) caused by or resulting from Client’s negligence or willful misconduct; or (ii) caused by or resulting from Client’s providing to Contractor of waste other than Biomedical Waste or any other breach of this Agreement by Client. In all events, any damages sought to be collected from Contractor by Client shall not exceed the sum of fees paid by Client to Contractor. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW AND RECORD KEEPING In the performance of all services to be provided hereunder, Contractor and Client agree to comply with all applicable permits, all applicable federal, state, county and municipal laws and ordinances and all lawful orders, rules, regulations and guidelines of any duly constituted authority, including but not limited to, social security and income tax withholding laws, unemployment compensation laws, environment, safety and health laws and manifesting requirements. Contractor and its affiliates have obtained all necessary permits, license, zoning and other federal, state or local authorizations required to perform services hereunder and, upon request of Client. Contractor shall furnish copies thereof to Client. Contractor and Client shall keep and retain adequate books and records and other documentation including personnel records, correspondence, instructions, plans, receipts, vouchers, copies of all manifests, tracking records and any other records or reports or memoranda, consistent with and for the periods required by applicable regulatory requirements and guidelines pertaining to performance of the services required by this Agreement. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor ’s relationship with Client under this Agreement shall be that of independent contractor. Contractor is to exercise its own discretion on the method and manner of performing its duties, and Client will not exercise control over Contractor or its employees except insofar as may be reasonably necessary to ensure performance and compliance with this Agreement. The employees, methods, equipment and facilities used by Contractor shall at all times be under its exclusive direction and control. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to designate Contractor, or any of its employees, agents, joint ventures or partners of Client. Client acknowledges and agrees that the scope of work may be performed in whole or in part by subcontractors selected by Contractor. AMENDMENT AND WAIVER Except as otherwise provided in Article III, this Agreement may be amended from time to time only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties to this Agreement at any time of such amendment. No provision of this Agreement can be waived except by a written instrument signed by the party waiving such provision, nor shall failure to object to any breach of a provision of this Agreement waive the right to object to a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement (including any attachments, exhibits, and amendments hereto) constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto, and cancels and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, understandings and agreements, either written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof. GOVERNING LAW / MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Utah. If any of the conditions of the Agreement shall be finally determined to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and be binding upon Contractor and Client. Contractor and Client agree to reform this Agreement to replace any such invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to the intention of the stricken provision.