HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006475APR-29-04 THU 01r21 Pt1 FAX NO.P, 02? \-,\-, q/0 l417 Precis i on Line Tightness And Leak Detector Test Results Prepared fon Prepared on; February 8'l',2004 Ry: Precision Tcsting "fcch., Irro. I I 149 Sandy Gr_rlch ltoacl Sancly, UT 84094 Central Valley Water Rec. 800 West Central Valley Road Salt l.akc City, Utah s4llg Faoility ID #4001487 I I I I ) J I I I j I J APR-29-04 THU 01r21 PII FAX NO. Precis io n Testing Tec h., lrrc. I I IJ9 Sundy Gul<:h Routt ,fattly, Ut' tiJ09l 80t-.t95"2606 80 I -576-99?5 .fit-v Certification Date: 0Z/OBIC4. Iiacility ID: 400t482 Central Valley Watcr Rcc, 800 W. Central Vallcy Rd. salt Lake city, ur g4l lg 'l'cst Datc: 02106/04 Test Number: 020604-tRJOpcratou Ron Johuson Utah Certificare No-: Ul'0006 Line Lcak l)etcctorsThe mcchanical lirre leak dctectors at the above location wcrc tested in accorcla,ce wil.h usEp^ 40CF'R 280.44(a). P, 03 prelssu rized prod uct Lines J'he above location has been tcsted trsing the ACIIRIT-E7hI pipelinc Tester (modcl00-16102)" Thispipcline lcak dcteotion systcm rnccts all iequircrrrcnts set forrh by NFPA 32g-g7 and LJsllpA 40 cIRPart 280 ernd has reccived third party certification- Pleu-se see thc enclosed T'hinl pnrty certilication fr>r details. Unlcaded Dies€l Rcd Jaoket Rod Jackct 55 psi 55 psi .0037 .0028 Pass I)ass TestLcak Unleadcd I)iescl I(ed Jackot Rcd Jack.et FX2DV I t6-030 I l6-059 Non-Frrnctional Furrotional I APR-29-04 THU 01r21 Ptl FAX NO.P, 04 I ! Prec:ision Tesling T'ech., Inc,. I I 149 Snad-y Guldt lloott Srtttly, UT 54094 801-41)5-260(t B0 l-576-9925 fix Test Rcsults Date: 02/24/04 F'acility ID: 4001487 Central Vallcy Water Reo. 800 W. Ccrrtral Valley Rd. Salt L,ake City, U'[ g4l1g Test Datc: 02124/04 'Ibst Nurnb er: 022404-2R) Operator: Ron Johnson Utah Ccrtificate No,: UT0006 I,ine Leak Detectors The linc lcak detestors at thc above Iocation wcre te.sted in accordancc with USDPA 40CIrR 280,44(a). Ptptluct ID Leak Detector Leah Detector Tesl Results Red Jackct FXIV I l6-0s6Unleaded Ifnnctional W(!tq87\- STATE Of,'UTAII DEPARTMEIYT OT ENVIRONMH\TAL QUALITY DTVISION OT' EI{VIRONME}.ITAL RESPONSE AND REIVIEDIATION 168 North 1950 W€st, lst Floor Salt Lake City, fl'T 84116 (801) s39100 FAX NUMBm (E01) 359-8E53 TO B;tt Fo:( 1- AGEI,{CY/FIRM \, FAXNT,]MBffi.:-+ FR.OM: COMMEI.ITS: 5s6-qt0 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: q/q lqf t: iq PAGFS TO FOLLOW: I 1 ,I Michael O. Leavitt Govcrnor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Er@urive DiEtor Kent P. Gray Dirctm CC, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 Nonh 1950 West lst Floor Salt L-ake City, Utah 84116 (801) s36-4100 (801) 359-EE53 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. l?+ 'rcr\l l-ct(,e C,l-., LIT Date la\o7 c-.'1 I 11 rJ Dear Tank Owner or Operator: T\e 1992 Utah Legislature passed Senate Bili 116 to amend the Underground Storage Tank Act ("ACT") that requires payment of the yearly registration fees, Petroleum Storage Tank ("PST") fund assessments, processing fees, late penalties and interest. The ACT states that if any of the assessments are not paid within 60 days after the due date any Certificate of Compliance in effect lapses. Our records indicate that you assessments and late penalties have or-t not paid your yearly registration fee and interest of - or your fund . Therefore, you are hereby notified that your CertificatetGq,c F In order to receive product you must obtain a new Certificate of Compliance by documenting you are in compliance with release detection on your tank(s) and line(s), by submitting a copy of the most recent tightness test(s), paying your assessments, paying the $150.00 recertification fee, and making a new application to the PST fund. of Compliance for facility ID FtCc, t cc::-t C,',r-l-'a,( a Certificate of Compliance y investigating and cleaning up releases are no longer covered under the PST fund. Notice of payment problems may not be given in coming yqrs. Please take care to monitor your own records to assure compliance. You will be held accountable whether you receive a notice or not . Please call the UST Section at (801) 53G4100 if you have any questions. U}T Scientist C C; KPG/TKB/cb Printed on recycled PaPer \it"t*t.. (ti I cc: cannot v 4oclLt8";\-. Michael O. I*avitt Govcrnor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeurive Dirctor Kent P. Cray DirEttr DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt L-ake Ciry, Utah 84116 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fu (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Date: ra\o7f f Y Dear Tank Owner or Operator: T\e 1992 Utah Legislature passed Senate Bill 116 to amend the Underground Storage Tank Act ("ACT") that requires payment of the yearly registration fees, Petroleum Storage Tank ("PST") fund assessments, processing fees, late penalties and interest. The ACT states that if any of the assessments are not paid within 60 days after the due date any Certificate of Compliance in effect lapses. Our records indicate that you assessments and late penalties KPG/TKB/cb t "\\\",vr. C;U/a^.,,b \Ia,rvl.. havp not paid your yearly registration fee and interest of - or your fund of'1e_(rc_A__. Therefore, you are hereby notified that your Certificate of Compliance for facility ID No. a Certificate of Compliance your s) cannot recei investigating and cleaning up releases are no longer covered under the PST fund. In order to receive product you must obtain a new Certificate of Comptiance by documenting you are in compliance with release detection on your tank(s) and line(s), by submitting a copy of the most recent tightness test(s), paying your assessments, paying the $150.00 recertification fee, and making a new application to the PST fund. Notice of payment problems may not be given in coming years. Please take care to monitor your own records to assure compliance. You will be held accountable whether you receive a notice or not . Please call the usr section at (801) 536-4100 if you have any questions. T Scientist cc: Printed on recycled paper \ Cenlral Valley Water Reclamation Facility ,xlHfRi,'$,EltTJ^?r" MAY 1 3 1994 -r'r'J6$SJXnf BI'$5$'lt"- May 12, L994 CERTIFIED MAIL P 879 227 383 RETT'RN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr. Kent P. Gray Division of Environmental Response & Remediation Underground Storage Tank Section 168 North 1950 West First Floor Salt Lake City, Ut 84116 r?! 'ft1wi iam H. Fox Special Projects Engineer WHF/sme enclosures a 910?t ry l i) t o 'lrzsznz {L Dear Mr. Gray: Enclosed is our information concerning the non-marketer Petroleum Storage Tank Fund assessment. If there is other information that you require or desire, please contact me. S ereIy,il/ cv 800 west centrat Vailey Road, salt Lake city, UT 841 19-3379 . (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9280 d ag . Facility lD # This letter, or an equivalent, must be signed and included with your application and fees. PREvIoUS PoLLunoN INcIDENISAH DEPARTMEiiT oF ENVIRONMfNTAL QUALITY Mr. Kent P. Gray Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid & Hazardous Waste Control Bqard ocr 0 5 1993 DIV. OF ENWBONMENTAL ' RESPONSE AND RLMEDIATIoN Dear Mr. Gray: As required by paragraph 19-6-413 of the Utah Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness iest on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a relelse of petroleum. Additionall-v, based on "custcmary business inventory practices stanCatds" ! a'.n not aware of any release of petroleum from my tanks. signature owner/opera pstapp.trm 07129,€3 (po t{fl ,T OR I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). signature of owner/operator Failure to rcWft previous rcleases could void your coverage under the Petroleum Storuge Tank Fund. Michael O. Leavitt Govcrror Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Excuuvc Dirc!c Kent P, Gray DirEtfr TO trd. Enclosed is the information you requested regarding: Tank Notification Form Tank Closure Plan Tank Closure Notice Certified Tank Installers & Removers State Certified Labs Certified Tank Testers Certified Groundwater & Soil Samplers PST Fund Information Date: From: 6 -3-n utah UST Administrative Rules Utah UST Act EPA UST Regulations 40 CFR 280 Billing lnformation Release/I-eak Information MUSTS for USTs Dollars and Sense Leak Detection lnformation \ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 8al l6 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. FACILITYI.D.# \WItI8 7- An t/ Other: Message: -il, ,^^-< If you have any questions, please contact me at (801)536-4100. Sincerely, F :\ERR\S UPPORT\UST\FINAL\FORMS\SPMEMO. FRM P"J *-+*, pflnled on recycled paper DF 50 STATE OF UTAH Division of Finance WARRANT REOUEST FY94 I VENDOR NUMBER 1099 OR INTIALS OEPARTMENTAL NO. CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION DEPARTMENT Environmental QualityVENDOR NAME ADDRESS DIVISION ADDRESS 8OO WEST CENTRAL VALLEY ROAD SALT LAKE CITY UT 84119 Environmental Response & Remediation 168 North 1950 West-lst Flr Salt Lake Clty, Utah 84116 AMOUNTINVOICE NO UNIT PRICE 40289 FY94 Refund ot overpayment of UST Req Fee #4001487 154.75 40289 FY94 Refund ol overpmt of PST Fund Fee *4001487 TOTAL: IIIIIIIIII CONTRACT PURCHASE-CONTRACT NO. OTHER PURCHASES ACOOUNTANT SUPPoFT sEav MANAGER AUDITED BY 1t11t94 ORG ACCT ACTIVITY AMOUNT RESERVATION NO UNITS 4849 E66900 154.75 4899 2740 E70000 261 .81 -IIII IIIIIrIIIIIIIII -IIII IIIIIrIIIIIIIII -IIII-IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII DEPARTMENT HEAD OR AUTHORIZED AGENI BAANCH MANAGER DATE COMPUTATION CHECKED BY DATE DIVISION OF FINANCE NO. DESCRIPTION 261.81 416.56 l, the understigned, certily that the above listed ltems or seMces were required for otfical state use and werg rscsived, that the charges appsarlng herson are corgct, that no part ol sam6 has b€en paid and request that a warrant be drawn in payment of he amount dua. Funds ara availabls. TASK OPT 2324 UNLcRGROUND STORAGE TANK PT\ -,GRAM bnent Form lo't -q3 Date: #: ADDRESS: O\ZVNER: CV W C-D. (cirde one or more) REFI-]ND DELETECHARGES fr^t Reason for , @gSmH$T Re-bill yes \fuo U ^, Tv^anE{or FunA'tqLZ 4, trunl- 14 fx ture: EJ Uv) e lJ.llrlgi oz)Ili oz trlrlI FzEl Fo o & U oltlFI{ Elo oz EIU o z Fz o Aqrnant OF REQUIRED) Vm6er OF REQURED) M.s.C. usreEsr RE\t t/10/cal cr' t .2 ^:,n'q\ e- 4-t 1- \ \-*I I ; 1. 11 !^.tJL d.t,i i.r'.- ** L;317 Michael O. [ravin Govoor Darure R. Nielson, Ph.D. Ereutrvc Dietor Kent P. Cray Direrq TO: DEPARTMENT OF ENTVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor SaIt take City, Utah 84116 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (E0l) 536-4414 T.D.D. DA Z7 FROM: rffivwzefLoeu-VT q)+ilq RE: NON.COMPLIANCE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT UTAH;FACILITY ID# 4 CO t481 To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must pay all assessments within 60 days of the statutory due date for each yearly or quarterly assessments or the Certificate of Compliance automatically lapses. A review of our records has shown that the following payments are lacking: llt Annual Tank Registration Fee Assessment(s) and late payment penalties remain unpaid and arewThis will cover the fiscal year(s) 1988, t I Annual or quarterly Fees for the petroleum storage Tank Fund and late payment penalties remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $-to bring you up to date as of the end ofthis fiscal year. This would cover unpai6 pslrolgrrm Storage Tark Fund assessments for fiscalyean 1991, '92,'93 urd '94. The amount past due up to the end of the current quarter is Xl comments: l..Eo d*<'O'l'q3 i< 2^dQ'tar*tr ?€r IND 15.oo to. oo r-oC 1 zq2 past due. Please submit a chepkfor '89, '90, 'gl,'92, 'el, anO !q+. ) e.) + + tl ae14 Please nr NDq3 D ' q2 . bra,Edtwn {t fh i s arn asrtf d s a, s re4*s*ed vla,,pLvnu orl 3.retum a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. q.zlq The above information must be submitted to this office by lot13 received by the date this matter or need If it is nor have questions conceming at (801)s364100. Kf']? {+2>LJ.j \J?rinteC on recycled paper 2!DNorLee; you &:> 'q") .14^l O"-l" 31C). 3no. 0r)I,AO L4, g6) t^o (ffi) (rq) as. e'1) co)tGo t@ $qo qD (qd aoqo @1) XFR h= ozgLS 2- crz>Xl I O ==Et cS eLl ( O o 0zqlao o 33Et,-1 r{ fr-"h4*.ffi{-fr)+n*',-/ fv- Xni43r' u-" 180 loo 50 5o E;O di" lo8o lso 6o f.res zA,( B-t 4.r-1q) iz5-o1S 1"W\ tn (*)g OLSVS Z o73ALl ozqtoo (tbo &'rt'9.1+JP$oo Cr') 5ooL'b-1\)n D,4Q t) 1Sg Lo r?-81 = 10, 0n7ou1g t"l- tq.nt* L5(s"t GtsT jo o 6 3-t(6G o'Ls-,ta-> Zqsro O1'1o"3 A - to -nz -+ 5oO Lq,'t)3oO (o>) q49 t-rto 2-So - zeo c-w cK XrfiR ?g "c.* g(- L-k CL ctL Fa-Fu; I I r,,'- €tu,Q+a,Zu-L€<4yl-wls-- p,."-q"g "/' 500zsogoo 26,o - LtZo 7<6Y =,Ao +E ot3u 143) s;oo c,t<- aso ?,o - l5o-qs-&s7C-eO bl c*'ef- (' Qus 85 Wqhn, vfi^' l&=!-,rt' zLlo. lSo. _ag FUND. RECORD3 4 Pay Amount 01> $500 " 00 02> $250.00 03> $80.00 04> $-150.00 05> $-95.00 06> $-8s.00 Check/rOT Date 06-25-92 07 -22-92 07 -27 -92 08 - 04-92 05-17-93 06-2s-93 Check No. 037656 XFR 91 XFR 92 XFR FEE XFER TO F XFR TO 94 Org. IDT N/A AccI. IDT N/A (r-3 /3) Rcvd by CCC GKA WEM WEM TIJV TIJV FI,IID PAYIVIEMT INFORMATION 1) IJoc. rD [4001487] 2) Year t93l 3 ) O/Vil Protect tYl 10 Pay Dates Fund Paid Proc. paid pnlty paid 01> 06-2s-92 $s00.00 $.00 $. oo 02> 07-22-92 $2s0.00 $.00 $.0003> 07-27-92 $80.00 $.oo $.0004> 08-04-92 $-1s0.00 $.00 $.000s> 0s-17-93 $-9s.00 $.00 $.oo06> 06-2s-93 $-8s.00 $.00 $.oo1,6 Principal Process Owed Penalty Owed Interest Owedt $. ool t $. ool t $. ool t $. ool CHAI{GE ? FI'ND. RECORD Owner Name and Address FUIUD RECORD EIiIITRY AIiID UPDATE fnt. Paid Tot,al Paid $. oo $soo. oo $. oo $2so. oo$.00 $80.00$.00 $-1s0.00 $. oo $-es. oo$.oo $-8s.ooUnpaid Bal. Overpaymentt $. ool t $. ool (r-1,/3) Irocat.ion Name and Address CEIiIIIRAL VALLEY WATER RECIJAI"IATION 8OO W. CEIiITRAL VALIJEY RD. sALr LAKE CrrY ) tut) {Aarrs {cutttnar, vAr,r,Ey wATER RECIJAMATToN } { {eoo w. cEIifrRArJ vAr-,I-,Ey RD. 1 { {sar,r LAKE crrY } {ur} {e+rro} { 01 FAC.ID [4001487) 02 Year 194]04 Qtr. Tanks Assess. Due 1--' /Qtr. /Qtr(oId) Dare01>1 4 $75.0007-01-9302>2 4 $75.0010-01-93 03 Invoice NumberPnlty PnltyAmount Date Rate/r{ $7s.oo}Process O/w Fee Date ProE.07-01-93 N10-01-93 N 140289 l Process Fee $10.00 $10.00 Annual Projection t $300.001 totar Quarterly Assessments 13 Payment Check.No.Pay IDT Org. IDT Acct.. Date Rec. 01> $85.00 xFR 93 06-25-93 Unpaid Balance { S.OO1 Over Payment Credit { S.OO1 CHANGE ? [$1s0.00 ]Rec. By TIrV FI'IID. RECORD3 1) Loc. ID 4 Pay Amount. FI'IID PAY-IUEIIT INFORMATION (I-3l3) [4001487) z) Year 194) 3) O/W Protect, t ] Check/IDT Dat.e Check No. Org. IDT Acct,. IDT Rcvd by ^01> $85.00 10 Pay Dates 01> 06-25-93 02> 07-01-93 06-25-9 s Fund Paid $8s.00 $-10.00 Proc. Paid $.00 $10.00 Pnlty Paid $. oo $.00 1ntr. Pal_ct $.00 $.00 Tot.al Paid $8s.00 $.00 XFR 93 TLV 1-6 Principal Process Owed PenaIE,y Owed fnterest Owedt $. ool t $. ool t $. ool t $. ool CHANGE ? Unpaid Bal. Overpaymentt $. ool t $. ool t FUND. RECORD3 4 Pay Amount 01> $500.00 02> $2s0.0003> $s00 " 00 04> $250.000s> #-420.00 06> $-80.00 Pay Da 06-30 1-1,- 1,4 06-10 06-2s 07 -27 07 -27 ^t Check/IDT Date 06-30-91 1"1"-1,4-9]- 06 - t0 -92 06 -25 - 92 07 -27 -92 07 -27 -92 l ltI FUND PAY-IUEIiTT INFORT1IATION 3 ) O/sI Prot,ect tYl G-3 /3) 1) Loc" ID [4001487]2) Year 1921 Check No. 033814 033040 03 7033 037656 XFR FEE XFR TO 93 Acct,. N/A N/A N/A N/A Rcvd by SI-,D SLD CCC ccc WEM WEM org. N/A N/A N/A N/A IDT IDT tes -91 -91 -92 -92 -92 -92 10 01> 02> 03> 04> 05> 05> t6 t Fund Paid $s00.00 $2s0.00 $s00.00 $2s0.00 $-420.00 $-8o.oo Proc. Paid $.00 $.00 $. oo $.00 $. oo $.00 Pn1ty Paid $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 Int. Paid Total Paid $.00 $s00.00$.00 $250.00$.00 $s00.00$.00 $2s0.00$.00 $-420.00$.00 $-80.00Unpaid Bal. Overpayment.t $. ool t $2so. ool Principal Process Owed Penalty Owed Interest Owed $. ool t $. ool t $.ool t $. ool CHAIiIGE ? FIIND. RECORD FUND RECORD ENTRY AIitD UPDATE Owner Name and Address CENTRATJ VALLEY WATER RECI,AIVIATION 8OO W. CENTRAI-, VAIJLEY RD. sAr-,T LAKE CrrY ) {Ur} {a+rrg (r-L/3) IrocaEion Name and Address CENTRAL VAIJIJEY WATER RECIJAIYIATION 8OO W. CENTRAIJ VAIJIJEY RD. sArJT r-'AKE CrTY ) {Ur} {AarrS 01 FAC.ID [4001487) 02 Year t93]04 QEr. Tanks Assess. Due /Qtr. /Qt-r(oId) Dar.e 01> 1 4 $125.00 07 -01,-92 02> 2 4 $125.00 07 -01,-9203>3 4 $125.0007-01-9204>4 4 $125.0007-0t-92 01> $500.00 037656 02> $250.00 xFR 91 03> $80.00 xFR 92 04> $-150.00 xFR FEE Unpaid Balance { +.001 N/A 03 Invoice Number 11,1,1,1,2 I Rare/t{ grZS . OO }Pnlty Pnlty Process Process O/WAmount Date Fee Fee Dat,e Prot. t$s00.00 II Rec. By ccc GKA UIEM WEM $.00) N N N N lAnnual Projection t $500.001 totar Quarterly Assessments13 Payment Check.No.Pay IDT Org. fDT Acct. Date Rec.N/A 06-2s-92 07 -22-92 07 -27 -92 08 - 04-92 Over Payment Credit t CHANGE ? t It 02> ]-t-]-4-9L 03> 07 -22-92 ^$250.00 $-2s0.00 Check/IDT Date 06-30-91 11- 14 - 91 06-1-O -92 o6-2s-92 07 -2',1 -92 07 -27 -92 $.00 $. oo II $250.00 $-2s0.00 Overpa)rmenE.t $.001 $. oo $. oo 16 Principal Process Owed Penalty Owed InE,eresE Owedt $. ool t $. ool t $. ool t $. ool CHANGE ? FI'IID . RECORD FI'ND RECORD EMTRY AND UPDATE Olrner Name and Address CENTRAI, VAI,I.,EY WATER RECIJAMATION 8OO W. CENTRAI., VAIIJEY RD. sAr,r rJAKE crrY ) {uT} {84119 Unpaid Ba1 .t $.001 (r- L,ocation Name and Address CENTRAI., VAI.,IJEY WATER RECIJAMATION 8 O O W. CENTRAI., VAIJIJEY RD . sAr.,r r,aKE crrY i {ur} { e+rrs t/31 01 FAC.ID [400148?] 02 Year to2l.03 rnvoice Nuriber [4499 ] naue/r{gr25.OO}04 Qtr. Tanks Assess. Due Pnlty Pnl_Ey process process O/w/QEr. /QLr (OId) DaCe Amount Datse Fee Fee Dace prots 01> 1 02> 2 03> 3 04> 4 $187. s $187. s $187. s $187.50 07-31-91 0-30-91 1-30-92 4-30-92 Annual erojection t $500.001 Total euarterly Asaessment,s13 Palment Check.No.Pay IDT Org. IDT Acct. Date Rec. 01> $500.00 033814 N/A N/A 05-30-91 02> $2s0.00 033040 N/A N/A 11-14-91 03> $s00.00 037033 N/A N/A O6-LO-92 04> $250.00 037655 N/A N/A O5-2s-92 Unpaid Balance { S.OO} Over pay'ment, Credit.'qzD -8o tr? q) CHANGE ? FI]ND. RECORD3 FI]IID PAYMENT INFORMATTON 1) I-,oc. ID [4001487]2) Year [92 ]3) O/W Protect 4 4 4 4 010000 Y Y Y Y lt$7s0.00 Rec. By SLD SI,D CCC CCC { $2s0. oo } tYl IDT4 Pay AmounE 01> $500.00 02> $250.00 03> $5oo. oo 04> $250.00 05> $-420.00 05> $-80.00 Check No. 033 814 033040 037033 o37556 XFR FEE XFR TO 93 AccE. N/A N/A N/A N/A Int. Paid $.00 $. oo $-oo $.00 $-oo $. oo Unpaid Bal . Rcvd by SIJD SI.,D ccc WEM WEM Par-d 00.00 50.00 00.00 50.00 20.00 org . N/A N/A N/A N/A ay 06 11 05 06 07 07ri Datses Fund Paid Proc. Paid pnIt.y paid-30-91 $s00.00 $.00 $.00-1-4-91 $2s0.00 $.00 $. oo-1-0-92 $s00.00 $.00 $.00-2s-92 $2s0.00 $.00 $.00-27-92 $-420.00 $.00 $. oo-27-92 $-80.00 $.oo $.00ncipal Process Owed Penalty Owed Int.eresc Owed To $-80.00 Overpayment. taI $s $2 $s $2 $-4 10 P 01> 02> 03> 04> 05> 06> 16P $. oo $. 00 (r-3 /31 IDT 10 Date of Pa)rment, 01> 05-25-93 15 Prin. Owedt $29s.001 CHANGE ? Fee Paid $9s.00 Penalty Owedt $.001 Pnlty Paid $.00 fnE.erest. Owedt $8. s31 Unpaid Ba1 .t $303 . s3l InE.. Paid $. oo Total Paid $9s.00 Owner Name and Address CEI{TRAI-, VAIJIJEY WATER RECI'AMATION 8 O O W. CEIiTTR,AI., VAIJI.,EY RD . sArJT rJAKE CITY ) tUr) {e+rrS FI'ND RECORD EIiI]TRY AND UPDATE L/3)(r-II 01 FAC.ID [4001487] 02 Year [91104 QE.r. Tanks Asseaa. Due /QEr. /eEr (o1d) DaEe01>1 4 $125.0007-30-9002>2 4 $125.00 11-01-9003>3 4 $L25.0001-31-9104>4 4 $]-25.0004-30-91Annual Projection t $500.001 Tot.a1 Quarterly Assessments 13 PaymenE. Check.No.Pay IDT Org. IDT Accts. DaE,e Rec. 01> $s00.00 0283s2 N/A N/A 08-15-90 02> $250.00 033040 N/A N/A 11-14-91 03> $-250.00 xFR 93 07-22-92 Unpaid ealance {$.00)Ower PaymenE. Credit { +.001 CHANGE ? FIJITD . RECORD3 FI'IID PAYMEM| INFORMATION (r-3 /31 1) Loc. ID [4001487]2) Year [91]3) O/w Protect tYl IDTCheck/IDT Date Check No. Org. IDT Acct.08-1s-90 028352 N/A N/A11-14-91 033040 N/A N/A07-22-92 XFR 93 03 Invoice Nunber [446 ] RaEe/T{$12s. OO}Pnlty Pnlty Process Process O/WAmounE. Date Fee Fee DaE,e ProE. t$s00.00 Rec . KiTK SLD GKA Rcvd by K.fK SI,D GKA N N N N l By 4 Pay Amount. 01> $500.00 02> $250.0003> $-250.00 10 Pay Dates 01> 08-15-90 Fund Paid $s00.00 Proc. Paid $.00 fnt. Paid $.00 'I',OEa-L Pa1Cl $s00.00 Overpalment t $.001 FIJND. RECORD L,ocat.ion Name and Address CEIiIIIRAI, VAI,I,EY WATER RECIJAMATf ON 8 O O W. CEIiTTRAIJ VALLEY RD . sALr LAKE CrrY ) {m} {earrs PnlE,y Paid $.00 UPDATE.IIID.RECORD' Owner Name and Address I CENTRAIJ VAI.'I.'EY WATER RECLAMATION] [ 8 0 0 w. CEI{TRAIJ VALLEY RD . ] I SAI.,T I.,AKE CITY ] tUT] [84119] 16 I'NPAID BAI.,ANCE {18 StaEe Billing Act.ion $.00i CIANGE ? UPDATE . TND. RECORD2 4 Check/IDT Date 01> 06-30-91 Amount. $50.00 17 OVER PAYMEIiI'T 19 Date of State Bill t a ng $.00) ther SEate Actsion 1 1 2I DAL 0 0 eofO 4-02-9 8-]-4-9 1) Loc. ID [400148?]2) Year [88]3 ) O/W ProE,ect. [Y] Rcwd. sL,D (r-2/2) byCheck No- 033814 IDT IDT Acct,. N/A org . N/A 10 Dat.e of Pal,'ment 01> 06-30-91 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 Fee Paid $s0.00 PenalEy Owedt $.001 PnlE,y Paid $. oo Int. Paid $. oo Unpaid Bal .t $. ool OverpaymenE.t $. ool CHANGE ? UPDATE . IND. RECORD Owner Name and Address I CENTRA], VAIJITEY WATER RECL.,AT'IATIONI [8OO W. CEMTRAI., VAIIJEY RD. ] [SA].,T IJAKE CITY ] IUT] t84119] INDIVIDUAI, FEES RECORD UPDATE G-I/2)L,ocaEi_on N€rme and Addresa I CENTRAI., VAI.,I,EY WATER RECI-,AMATION] [ 8 O O W. CEIiTTRAI., VAI.,I.,EY RD . ] I sAr.,T r.,AKE CITY ] ttrTl t 84119l 01 Iroc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [88] 03 Invoice [4 ] 04 Void tyl05 No. of Tanks a 21 06 Fees Assessed t $50.001 07 Due Date I l08 Penalt,y t I 09 Penalty Date t l10 Pa)rment. check No. rlr org. rDT Acct. Date Received Received By01> $s0.00 033814 N/A N/A 06-30-91 SLD 20 Other SEat.e AcEion 01> ADD 2 NON-NOT TANKS. INST 02> ADD 2 NON-NOT. TANKS TNDTVIDUA! FEES RECORD UPDATE (r-t/2\ LocaE,ion Name and Address I CEIiERAI, VALIJEY WA?ER RECIJAI,IATION] [8OO W. CENTRAI, VAIJIJEY RD. ] ISAIT LAKE CrTY I tUTl [84119] FEE PAYMEI{IT INFORI'IATION ToEal Paid $s0.00 Interest Owedt $.001 01 Iroc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [89] 03 hvoice [11689 ] 04 Void tNl05 No. of Tanks t 4l 06 Fees Assessed t 9100.001 07 Due Date t O9-25-g9l08 Penal-Cy t I 09 Penalty DaCe t l10 Pa)ment. Check No. IDT Org. IDT Accts. DaEe Received Received By 01> $50.00 o247oo N/A N/A 10-17-89 SB02> $50.00 033814 N/A N/A 06-30-91 SIJD 15 rrNPArD BALANCE ( S.OO)18 StaE,e Billing Act,ion 01> COMPIJIANCE BII'IJING 20 Other SE.at.e Action 01> TANKS INSTAILED 02> ADD 2 NON-NOT. TANKS UPDATE . IND. RECORD2 17 OVER PAYMENT {19 Dat.e of St,ate Billing 09-12-89 FEE PAYMEI{T INFORMATION 3) O/w Procect. [Y] $.oo) (r-2/2) 1) L,oc. ID [4001487]2) Year [89] 4 Check/IDT Date 01> 10-17-89 02> 06-30-91 10 Date of Payment, 01> 10-17-89 02> 06-30-91 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 Amount $s0.00 $s0.00 Fee Paid $50.00 $50.00 Penalty Owedt $.001 Check No. 024too 033814 IDT IDT AccI,. N/A N/A Rcvd. by SB SI,,D org . N/A N/A Pnlty Paid $.00 $.00 Int.eres! Owedt $.001 Int.. Paid $.00 $.00 Unpaid Ba1 .t $.001 Owerpayment t $.001 UPDATE. IND. RECORD Owner Name and Address I CEI{TRAI, VAI-,I,EY WATER RECI]AMATION] [ 8 O O W. CEIVTR,AI., VAI.,I.,EY RD . ] [sAr,T IAKE CrTY ] tUTl [84119] INDIVIDUA]-I FEES RECORD UPDATE (T-I/2) IJocation Name and Address I CEMPRAI.I VAI.'I.'EY WATER RECIJAMATION] I I0 0 w. cEIil]IRAL, VAITLEY RD . l I SAIJT IJAKE CITY ] tUTl [84119] 01 Loc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [90] 03 hvoice larT 43 I 04 Void [N]05 No. of Tanks t 41 06 Fees Assessed t $180.001 0? Due Dat.e [ 10-01-89]08 Penalty t I 09 Penalcy Dat,e t l10 Palment. Check No. IDT Org. IDT Acct. Dat.e Recej.ved Received By 01> $90.00 024100 N/A N/A 10-17-89 SB CHANGE ? 21 Date of Other Stat.e Action 06-13-89 04-02-9t ToE.al Paid $s0.00 $s0.00 CIIANGE ? N/A $.oo) Amount $9o. oo $90.00 Fee Paid $90.00 $9o. oo Penalty O!'/edt $.001 Check No. 024100 03 3 814 05-30-91 IDT IDT AccT. N/A N/A Rcvd. by SB SLD 02> $90.00 03 3 814 15 IJNPAID BAI,ANCE {18 SE.ate BiIling Action O 1> COMPI.,IANCE BI],L 20 Other Stat.e Action 01> CERT OF REG 02> ADD 2 NON-NOT TANKS CHANGE ? 4 Check/rDT Date 01> 10-17-89 02> 05-30-91 S I,D 1) IJoc. ID [4001487]2) Year [90] 1? OVER PAYMENT {19 Date of SE.ate Billing 09-12-89 21 Date of Other State AcEion 11- 06 - 89 04-02-91, FEE PAYMENT INFORMATION 3\ O/w Protect [Y] $.00 ) (r-2/2) org. N/A N/A 10 DaEe of Pa)ment. 01> 10-17-89 02> 05-30-91 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 Pnlcy Paid $.00 $.00 InE,eresE Owed I $.001 InE. Paid $. oo $.00 Tocal- Paid $90.00 $90.00 Overpalmentt $.001 CIIANGE ? UPDATE.I}TD.RECORD Owner Name and Address I CENT&AI., VAI.,I.,EY WATER RECIJAMATION] [ 8 O O W. CEIiTTRAI.J VAIJLEY RD . ] I SAI,T I.,AKE CITY ] tUT] [84119] Pa)rmenE $90.00 $90.00 16 I]NPAID BAI,ANCE {18 St.ate Billing Action O 1> INITIAI, BIIJIJING INDIVIDUAI, FEES RECORD UPDATE (T-7/2) Location Name and Address I CENTRA], VAI.,I.,EY WATER RECIJAMATION] [8OO W. CEITTRAIJ VA.LIJEY RD. ] I SAIJT IJAKE CrTY ] tUTl t841191 17 OVER PAYMENT {19 Dale of SEaEe Billing 06-07-90 01 Loc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [91] 03 Invoice [13280 ] 04 Void tNl05 No. of Tanks t 4l 05 Fees Assessed t 9180.001 07 Due Dare [ 11-23-90]08 Penaltsy t I 09 Penalty Dat.e t lCheck No. fDT Org. IDT Acct. Dat.e Received Receiwed By0283s2 N/A N/A O8-1s-90 K.rK033814 N/A N/A 05-30-91 SLD 10 01> o2> $.00 )$.00) N/A UPDATE . TND. RECORD2 Unpaid Bal . t $.001 CHANGE ? UPDATE . IND. RECORD2 4 Check/rDT Date 01> 08-15-90 02> 05-30-91 1) Loc. ID [4001487]2) Year [ 91] 06-24-90 21 DaEe of Other St,ate Action 08-17-90 04-02-91 FEE PAYMEIiE INFORMATION 3) O/w Protect [Y] (r-2/2) Amount. $e0.00 $90.00 Fee Paid $90.00 $e0.00 Penalty Owedt $.001 Check No. 0283s2 033814 IDT IDT ACCt,. N/A N/A Rcvd. by KJK SI-,D org. N/A N/A 10 DaE,e of Pa)rment. 01> 08-15-90 02> 05-30-91 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 PnlEy Paid $. 00 $. oo InE.erest. Owedt $.001 Tota1 Paid $90.00 $90.00 Unpaid BaI .t $.001 Overpaymentt $.001 INDIVIDUAI., FEES RECORD UPDATE (T-7/2\ Location Name and Address I cEIirrRAL, VAr.,L,Ey WATER RECLAI{ATfON] [800 w. CEIiTTRAIJ VALL'EY RD. ] [SAI,T LAKE CITY ] IIJT] 184119] I 04 void [Y] Due Dat,e [ 10 - 31- 91]nalty DaEe t lceiwed Received By-92 WEM 17 OVER PAYMET{T { $.00} -91 -91 Other St,ate Action -91 -92 01 IJoc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [92] 03 Invoice [105 No. of Tanks t 4l 06 Feea Assessed [ 9180.0008 Penalty t I 010 Palment Check No. IDT Org. IDT AccE.. DaE 01> $180.00 xFR FI,ND 0 16 I'NPAID BAIANCE { $.OO}18 Stat.e Billing Act j.on 01> FY 92 BIII,ING 02 > EY 92 BIIJIJING 20 OE,her Stat.e Act.ion 01> ADD 2 NON-NOT. TANKS 02> 2 TANKS REMOVED 8795 l079Pe eRe 7-01 13 08 of L4 o4 19 Dat.e 05- 11- 21 Dat.e 08- 03- of SCaEe Billing CHANGE ? 02 > REPRINT fNITIAI-, ,20 Other State AcE.ion 01> CERT OF REG 02> ADD 2 NON-NOT TANKS Int. Paid $.00 $.00 CHANGE ? UPDATE. IND. RECORD Owner Name and Address I CENTRA]., VA].,I.,EY WATER RECI.,AMATION] [8OO W. CENTRAIJ VALI'EY R.D. ] ISAIT LAKE CITY ] II'T] [84119] UPDATE . IND. RECORD2 1) Loc. ID [4001487] 4 Check/rDT Date 01> 07 - 01- 92 FEE PAYMEMP INFORMATION 2l Year 1921 3) O/w Prot,ecE. Check No. Org. IDT IDT Acct. XFR FI]ND Amount $180.00 tYl Rcvd. WEM (r-2/2) by 10 Dat.e of Payment o]-> 07 -01-92 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 Fee Paid $180.00 PenaIE,y Owed t $.001 Pnl-Ey Paid $.00 Int,eresE Owedt $.001 Int. Paid $.00 Total Paid $180.00 Overpa)mentt $.001 Unpaid Ba1 .t $.001 CIANGE ? UPDATE . IND. RECORD Owner Name and Address I CEIiTIRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION] [ 8 0 0 w. cEIilltRAIJ VALLEY RD . ] I SAI.,T I]AKE CITY ] IUT] [84119] 16 I'NPAID BAI.,ANCE {18 SE.aEe Billing Act.ion O 1> FY 9 3 BII.,IJING 02> FY 93 BII.,IJING 2 0 Other SE.at.e Act.ion $.00 ) CHANGE ? INDTVIDUAI., FEES RECORD UPDATE (T-I/21 Location Name and Address I CENTRAIJ VALLEY WATER RECI.,AMATION] [ 8 O O W. CEIiERAIJ VAIJIJEY RD . ] I SAI.,T LAKE CITY ] IUT] [84119 ] 17 OVER PAYMENT { S.OO119 Dat,e of SE.at.e Billing 05-26-92 05-26-92 21 Date of Other St,ate Action UPDATE. IND. RECORD2 FEE PAYMEIVT INFORMATION (a-2/2) 01 L,oc. ID [4001487] 02 year [93] 03 Invoice t2563L 1 0a Voiil tNl05 No. of Tanks t 4l 06 Fees Assessed t $390.00j 07 Due Date I O7-Ot-92j08 Penalty t I 09 PenalEy Date t l10 Palment Check No. IDT Org. IDT Acct. Date Received Received By01> $240.00 xFR FIJND o7-o7-92 WEM02> $150.00 xFR FUND o8-o4-92 WEM03> $95.00 xFR FUND 05-17-93 Tr.,V -1) Loc. fD [ 4 0 014I7l 1 3 ) O,/W prot,ecE. org. rDr IDT AccE. Inc. tYl Rcvd. by WEM WEM TLV TLV Tot.al Paid $240.00 $1s0.00 $es.00 $-9s.oo Overpayment.t $.001 Amount $240.00 $1s0.00 $9s.00 $-9s.oo 2) Year [93] Check No. XFR EI'ND XFR FI]IID XFR FI]ND XFER 94 10 Dat,e of Pa)rment o]-> 07 -ot-92 02> 08-04-92 03> 05-17-93 04> 06-25-93 15 Prin. Owedt $.001 heck/ rDT Dat.e 1> 05-25-93 Fee Paid $240.00 $1so. oo $95.00 $-es.00 Pena1t.y Owedt $.001 AmounC $es.00 Pnlty Paid $.00 $.00 $. oo $.00 Paid $.00 $.00 $.00 $. oo fnterest, Owedt 9.001 Unpaid Ba1 .t $.001 01 Loc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [9al 03 rnvoice [405 No. of Tanks t 4l 05 Fees Assessed t $39O.OO08 Penalty t I 010 Palment Check No. IDT Org. IDT AccE. DaE01> $95.00 XFER 93 o CHAIIIGE ? UPDATE.IND.RECORD Owner Name and Address I CENTRAI, VAIJIJEY WATER RECI..AMATION] I I0 0 w. CEIiTTRAL VAIJIJEY RD . ] I sAr.,T LAKE CrTY ] tUTl [84119] 16 I]NPAfD BALAIiICE { $303.53i18 SEate Billing Action 01> FY 94 BII,IJING 02> FY 94 BILLING 20 OEher State AcE.ion CI{ANGE ? 1) l,oc. ID [400148?] INDIVIDUAL FEES RECORD UPDATE G.I/2)Location Name and Address I CEIiMRAI, VAIJIJEY VIATER RECLAIIATION] [ 8 0 0 w. CEIiTTRAIJ VAIITEY RD . ] I sAr,T LAKE CITY ] tuTl [84119] I 04 void [N] Due Date [ 07-01-93]nalt.y Date t lceived Received By-93 TLV 1? OVER PAYMENT { S.OO119 Date of State Billing 05-17-93 05-17-93 21 Date of Other St.ate Action 0289l079Pe eRe 6-25 FEE PAYMEMT INFORMATION 2) Year [94] 3) O/w Protecr Check No. Org. IDT IDT Acct. XFER 93 Rcvd. TIrV 4C 0 by '4 Check/IDT Dat.e 01> 07-01-92 02> 08-04-92 03> 05-17-93 04> 06-25-93 UPDATE . IND. RECORD2 (r-2/2) .\' STATE OF UTAH DBPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVTSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 North 1950 West, 2nd floor Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Mailing Address: PO Box 144840 Salt Lake City, UT Ull.4-4840 (801) s36-4100 FAX NUMBER (801) 3s9-8853 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: lc' 1 'c'13 TO lccrA AGENCY/FIRM. A' / i^I C. > FAX NUMBER:41V-42?:c) FROM: PAGES TO FOLLOW: 7- coMMENrs: ?aq - TIUS Mg # aSteEG $ r9c,. oo wu s \(GL. See fr,\ytl IQL ctttd Vvnd '"b)q 4 ftt,Ttvr's (lrndvwj dut- to br,rra<.bz B. ft o'r qu),Rorr sn y< new r5r krrs art-fi nally cLt fovLt e ,t"na witt 'fuY'1u 0n iu,5,[rit'v',i' €t- Ct- drd gt1 FOFI DATE ,,*= ll )'17 A.M ,P. M tvt f?-o--r-L kberts OF PHONE tr FAX AREA CODE NUM BEFI EXIENSION tr IVIOBILE AFIEA COOE NUMBER TIME TO CALL IVIESSAGE Zat 9a- z.e -to :ro Ult trl4\^^r*,.<L ^ .rrrlni* SIGNED T TOPS FOBM SOOzP LITHO IN U.S.A. MPORTANT MESSAG TELEPHONED CAME TO SEE YOU PLEASE CALL -< WILL CALL,AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH BETURNED YOUFI CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION r+...-t...\, JND. RECORD FIJND RECORD ENTRY AND UPDATE (T-I/3) or,rrner Name and Address Location Name and Address { CENTRAI., VALLEY WATER RECI,AMATION } T CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAIT{ATION } {8OO W. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. } {800 w. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. } {sALr LAKE CrrY } tUT} {84119} {SALT LAKE crrY } tUT} {84119} 01 FAC.ID [4001487] 02 Year [93] 03 Invoice Number [11112 ] Rate/T{$125.00} 04 Qtr. Tanks Assess. Due Pnlty Pnlty Process Process O/W /Qtr. /Qtr(o1d) Date Amount Date Fee Fee Date Prot. 01> 1 4 $125.00 07-01-92 N 02> 2 4 $12s.00 07-01-92 N 03> 3 4 $125.00 07-01-92 N 04> 4 4 9125.00 07-01-92 N Annual Projection t $5oo.ool Total Quarterly Assessnents [$500.00 ] 13 Payment check.No.Pay IDT org. IDT Acct. 01> $s00.oo 03?656 N/A N/A 02> $250.00 XFR FRO}{-> c. ,..,-o,." 4T, 03> $8o.oo xFR FROMT 04> $-150.00 xFR rEE Unpaid Balance t $.00) CHANGE ? FI'ND. RECORD3 1) Loc. ID [4001487]2) Year [93 ] FT]ND PAYI.{ENT INFORI.{ATION o6-25 92 -22-92 o7 -27 -92 o8-o4-92 Over Pa)rment Credit { 3) O/w Protect -f-1-/' check No. o37 656 XFR FROIII XFR FROM XFR FEE XFER TO F XFR TO 94 Acct. N/A Rec. By ccc GKA WEM WEI'{ $.00) (r-3 l3) Rcvd by ccc GKA WEM WEIII TLV TLV org. N/A IDT tYl IDT o6-25-92 o7 -22-92 o7 -27 -92 oa-o 4-92 05-]-7 -93 o6-25-93 Check/IDT Date o6-25-92 07 -22-92 o7 -27 -92 o8-o4-92 05-17-93 o6-25-93 10 Pa y Dates Fund Paid Proc. Paid Pnlty Paid rnt. Paid 01> o2> 03> 04> 05> 06> $500. 00 $250.oo $80.00 $-15o. oo $-9s. oo 9-85.00 $. 00 $. oo $. 00 $.00 $. oo $. 00 $.00 $. oo $.00 $.00 $. 00 $. 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Bal . $. 001 $ $ $ $ $ $id $250. 00 980. oo $-1s0. oo $-es. oo $-85. oo Overpaymentt $. 001 16 Principal- Process owed Penalty owed Interest owed Unpa i $.ool t $.ool t $.001 t $.001 t CHANGE ? FUND. RECORD FIJND RECORD ENTRY AND UPDATE (T-I/3) owner Name and Address Location Name and Address { CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECI,AMATION } T CENTRAL VAI.,I.,EY WATER RECI.AI,TATION } {8OO W. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. } {800 W. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. } {SALT LAKE CrTY } {UTi {84119} {SALT LAKE CrTY } {UT} {841,19} 4 Pay Amount 01> $500. 00 02> $250.00 03> $80.00 04> $-15o. oo 05> 9-95,00 06> $-85.00 FIJND. RECORD Owner Name and Address CEI{IRAI.,, VAI,,IJEY WATER RECIIAMATION 8 O O W. CEIVTRAIJ VA].,].',EY RD . SAIJT IJAKE CITY ) {uri {8 4119 FI]IID RECORD EIiITRY AND UPDATE (r-t/3)i{L,ocacion Name and Address CEIiMRAI., VALLEY WATER RECI,AMATION 8 O O W. CEIiII|RAI, VAIJIJEY RD . sArrT rrAKE crrY ) {ur} {84119 01 FAC.ID [4001487] 02 Year 04 QE.r. Tanks Assess. Due /eLr. lelr (oId) Date01>1 4 $250.0007-31-9102>2 4 $250.00 10-30-9103>3 4 $250.0001-30-9204>4 4 $250.0004-30-92Annual Projection t $1,000.00113 Pa],'ments Check. No . Pay IDT Org . 01> $500.00 033814 N/A 02> $250.00 033040 N/A 03> $500.00 037033 N/A 04> $250.00 0376s5? N/A Unpaid Balance { S.OOI CHANGE ? FI'ND. RECORD3 1) IJoc. ID [4001487]2) Year [92 ] 21 3 Invoice Nunber [4499 ] Rate/T{$250.00}Pn1ty Pnlty Process Process O/Amounts Date Fee Fee DaE.e Pr Total Quart.erly Assessment.s Date Rec . 06-30-91 11-14-91 06-70-92 06-2s-92 Over Pa)rment Credit FI]IID PAYMENT INFORMATION (r-3/3t 3) O/w ProEect w oE. N N Y N lIDT AccE, . N/A N/A N/A N/A t$1,000.00Rec. By SI,D SI.,,Dcrn (1t1t1 { $.oo ) IDT tYl IDT4 Pay AmounE 01> $s00.00 02> $250.00 03> $500.00 04> $2s0.0005> $-420.00 05> $-80.00 Check/IDT Dat.e 05-30-91 11-14-91 06-10-92 06-25-92 o7 -27 -92 07 -27 -92 Check No. 033814 033040 037033 o37 6s6 XFR FEE XFR TO 93 Rcwd by SI,D S I.,D CCC WEM WEM Totsa1 Paid $s0o. oo $2s0.00 $s00.00 $2s0.00 $-420.00 $- 80.00 Overpalmentt $.001 org . N/A N/A N/A N/A AccE. N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 Pay Dates 01> 06-30-91 02> L]--14-91 03> 06-10-92 04> 06-25-92 05> 07 -27 -92 06> 07 -27 -92 Proc " 15 Principal Process Owed PenalEy Owed Interest $.ool t $.ool t $.ool t Fund Paid $s00. oo $2s0.00 $soo. oo $2s0.00 $-420.00 $-8o.oo Paid $.00 $.00 $.00 $. oo $.00 $.00 Paid $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00t Owed $.001 nlP Ey hr. Paid $ $ $ $ t $ Unpaid .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 BaI . $.001 CHANGE ? r FAC.ID [4001487] 02 Year [94]4 Qtr. Tanks Assess. Due /Qt-r. /QEr (old) Date01>1 4 s75.0007-01-93 02> 2 4 $75.00 10-01-93 4 Pay Amount 0r.> $85.00 03 Invoice NunberPnlty Pn1tyAmount Date l4o28e l Process r'ee $10. oo $10. oo Rate/Tt Process Fee Date 07-01-93 10- 01-9 3 $7s. oo) olw Prot N N Unpaid Balance t $. oo1 over Payment credit {$.00) CHANGE ? liecl t', F. .{faH FI'ND. RECORD3 1) Loc. ID (r-3 / 3) [4001487]2) Year [94]3) o/w Protect [ ] rD ry; lo?o,oc FI]ND PAYMENT INFORMATION check/ IDT Date check No. Org. IDT Acct.06-25-93 XFR FROII 10 Pay Dates o1> 06-25-93 02> o7 -01-93 01 Loc. ID [40005 No. of Tanks Fund Paid $8s. oo $-10. oo L487 )o2 Proc. Paid $. 00 $10. oo 93 06 Fees Asses OB Penalty IIDT orq. aid .00 .00 03 Invoice I Int. Paid $.00 $. 00 Unpaid Bal.t $. 001 IDT Rcvd by TLV .00 Overpaynentt $.ool PnIty P $ $ 16 PrincipaL Process Owed Penalty O$red Interest Orredt $.001 t 9.001 t $.001 t $.001 CHANGE ? UPDATE . TND. RECORD INDIVIDUAL FEES RECORD UPDATE Owner and Address I CENTRAL VALLE TER RECI,AMATTON [800 w. CENTRAL I SALT I,AKE CITY RD.It 441L9 (r-L/ 2)Location Name and Address I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION]It )[-"- l l l l 09te l04void[]07 Due Date [ ]Penalty Date t lReceived Received By otal Paid $es. 10 Pa)rment check No.IDT Acct.Da ^!ruD Annual Projection [ $300.00] Total Quarterly Assessnents [9150.00 ]13 Payment check.No.Pay lDT Org. IDT Acct. Date Rec. Rec. By 01> $85.00 xFR FROI! 06-25-93 TLV 01 Loc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [93] 03 Invoice 12563t I 04 void [N]05 No. of Tanks t 4l 05 f'ees Assessed [ $390.00] 07 Due Date I O7-OL-921 08 Penalty t I 09 Penalty Date t l Pa UPDATE. IND. RECORD Ordner Name and Address I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECI,AMATION ] [800 w. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. ] I SALT r,AKE CrTY ] tUTl t84r-191 INDIVIDUAL FEES RECORD UPDATE (T-L/2) Location Nane and Address I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECI,AMATION ] [800 w. CENTRAL VALLEY RD. ] I SALT r,AKE CrTY ] turl t841191 17 OVER PAYT,TENT t $.00) 19 Date of state Billing o5-26-92 o5-26-92 21 Date of other State Action FEE PAYMENT INFORMATION (r-2 / 2) 3) o/w Protect [Y] 10 01 o2 03 240 . OO 9150.00 $9s. oo Check No. IDT org. IDT Acct. Date Received Received By xFR FIND O7-O7-92 WEll XFR FIJND OA-O4-92 WEU XFER FROM 05-17-93 TLV $.00)16 18 State 01> FY 02> Fy 20 Other BALANCE {Billing Action 93 BILLING 93 BILLING State Action CHANGE ? UPDATE. IND . RECORD2 1) Loc. ID [ 4oo1487 ]2) Year [93] 4 Check/ IDT 01> 07-01- 02> 08-04 - 03> 05-17 - 04> 06-25- Amount $240.00 $150.00 $95. oo $-gs. oo Fee Paid $240. oo $1s0. oo $95.00 $-95. oo check No. XT'R FUND XFR FUND XFER FRO XFER 94 Date 92 92 93 93 Interest owed t $.00l Org. IDT IDT Acct. Int . Unpaid Bal- .t $. 001 .00 Overpa)rment t $.001 Rcvd. by WEII WEM TLV TLV aI Paid $24o. oo 150.0 aid .00 .00 .00 .00 Paid $. 00 $. oo $. 00 $. 00 PnIty P $ $ $ s $ 9 CHANGE ? UPDATE. IND. RECORD owner Name and Address I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION] [800 w. CENTRAr.., VAr_,r.,EY RD. ] I SALT r,AKE CrTY ] [UT] [84119] TNDTVTDUAL FEES RECORD UPDATE (r-L/2) Location Name and Address I CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAI,IATION ] [8OO W. CENTRAIT VAL,L,EY RD. ] I SALT r,AKE crTY ] turl t841191 10 Date of Payment 01> 07 -01-92 02> 08 -04 -92 03> 05-17 -9 3 04> 06-25-93 15 Prin. olred t $. 001 Penalty owed t $. 001 $-9s. oo 01 Loc. ID [4001487] 02 Year [94] 03 05 No. of Tanks t 4l 06 Fees Assessed I08 Penalty I a9 I 04 void [N]07 Due Date [ 07-01-93] Penalty Date t l Invoice 2 10 Payment check No. IDT Org. IDT Acct. Date Received Received By 01> $95.00 XFER 93 06-25-93 TLV 17 OVER PAY!.IENT {$. o0) $390.00 9 State Billing -93 -93other state Action 16 UNPATD BAT,ANCE { $302.46} 18 state Billing Action 01> FY 94 BILLING 02> FY 94 BILLING 20 other State Action CHANGE ? 19 Dat 0 0 21 Dat eof 5-L7 5-L7eof I'EE PAYI.{ENT INFORMATTON 2) Year [94] 3) O/w Protect Check No. Org. IDT IDT Acct. XFER 93 4 Check/IDT Date 01> 0 6-2 5-9 3 10 Date of Payment 01> 06-2 5-9 3 15 Prin. owed [ $2e5. 00 ] CHANGE ? (r-2 / 2t Amount $95. oo tl Rcvd. by TLV Fee Paid $es. 00 Penalty owed i $.001 Pnlty Paid $. 00 Interest owed t $7.451 Int. Paid $. 00 Unpaid Bal. t $302.451 Overpaynent t $. 001 -APP\iea f6 fzeS W Total Paid $9s. oo UPDATE. IND. RECORD2 1) Loc. ID [ 4001487 ] \ State of Utah DEPARTIVIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALTTY DTYISION OF ET.IVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt kkc City, Utah 84116 (80r) 53G4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 53G4414 T.D.D. ,^ Michael O. L,eavi( Gwmr Dianne R. Nielson, Ptr-D. Exeuivc Distq Kent P. Gray Dtcaq TO Facility r.D.#_l@L|!? FROM: &ru As{4n Date: ?/ts/ls Your application for coverage under the PETRoLEIJM SToRAGE TANK FtrND is incomplete. Thefollowing additional information is required before your application can be processed. t I The results of your Tank&ine Tighnress Test and a copy of the field report need to be submitted to thisoffice. t I You must document that you have leak detection on: [ ] your tark(s) [ ] your piping t I A Notification Form @PA Fomr 7530-t Revised 2-g2), registering or upgrading your tarks, needs to befilled out and submitted to t I Arurual Fees for [r-']- Arnual Tark Fee Assessments remain unpaid. Ple.Qse submit a check for $ 9Z4b . This will cover the T1,[:ff'r?f]#;']!;,l,lik i:Tm, rais's wh4 t" *@*g* esi a)J' n- t sc [v'{ You have not completed the form declarin-g "PREVIous PoLLUTIoN INCIDENIS.' please complete theenclosedform. Plir'a -ry\&+rw-{* g. h"qls thskk4 s/lz-,tu/d/ oud no",,ftq;r; the PETROLEIJM STORAGE TANK FUND remain This would cover the fiscal years lggl, ,92,'93 and unpaid. Please submit a check for '94. The amount past due for the t I Your "APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETER DISCOIJNT" is defective for the following reasons: t ] The release has not been characterized or maintained its cleanup schedule to the satisfactionofyour project manager, and the Executive Secretary (UST). [/ Please retum a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. t vI Other (below): rhwlcs. Please note that you will not be covered under the PETRoLELM SToRAGE TANK FuND until the abovementioned items are completed. If you are currently a LUST site, and your Fund application has beenapproved, any further releases wilt be covered by the Fund. If you have any questions concerning this,please call the Division of Environmental Response and Remediaiion at (g0r)ise-4100. Printed on recycted paper current quafier only would be $_ 't,? Facility ID No-?oo/t/ 9 t fnspectcr Cerc CLOSITRE TNSPECTION nry Stace C.4 f CounE' Date tr Z /1r-rnar ll-..* q i-rao L:LY. T Y_,- € Prc=e=tt'c;1y P!rc:ip z E,: 1 Cl--56r. ^:!.,.LILV. ?hone: l.C:,.=. Cci:panY: ? .lc;.iE. Ccnpanv: rl 2 or l,atituie-- r,onEi .. i. L_UE Cert. f -02 / s' :i mol,er Tvoe of Closg-ra LJTemPorarY Substance stored for Chanqe- I an.ng=-J;:-Servj-ce 1n-serv].ce Tank Infornaticn ooriqinal #Tank ,^ No' \\ - P.emoved TanksI __2- * l{e',r Tanks - 4..*+--i- - Le-€:i9 l.ge o: Tank CrpacitY Tvpe: FR'P, Steel, Ccnoos tte Subscance Date Last Useci Date.Closec Hc'.; Clcsec? E:lpcie<i? Sluoge P.enove<i? CIeaned.? atC{nl 5 ENVIRONMEN CIUALITY DIV. OF ENV OTJUINTAL I I I Furgeo or Inerted? (8Y t Inspectcr '6' 7 , o,q t ,)o l* ^,1 Art{ I f q'rr ,lf N^, ,t/a-11,, ot/a-, trt ^ I l,)f-r-'L ^rjP) tCl I I FnocrssrL-I 1'y''' $Ias the ExIf Ye Gain Facility ID No- cavation scanneC vith a PID or FID neter?s, Ifhat were the Readings, Make of iletor Span sett and Calibration 6F N! ,//' Are the:e An1, signs that iniicate contanination t<i soiLsor crcuni Water? . .n 0. .. .: . I.tas Eu:eau oi Solid & HazarCcus Haste l{otified of Contanination? k Iv'ai Eureau oi Air Qua).ity liotifi;d of Contaninated Soilif enisslon f:cn tite ccncaninant is to take place?.. - ! ..:' Iv-as Eureau of liater PoIl-ution Cont=sl Notifie<i .cf Grounci I'iater Contatrination? Contractors: Nane of Incividual vho reruoved Pro<iuct: Nane Co;noany Stree State ci Zip Phone Nane cf Inciviiual Nane \who Cleaned Tank:\ Cl-raor Stace citv Place uhere Tank was DisPosed: Name C {--a or Stata zip Place where PiPins was DisPosed: Name (l-raol Stace zLp L 1D where Froouc*- was DisPcsed.: Z SI- G L*) E /l Phone Ccnpan ci IY Phone c ciilDany ci ty. Phone Dl:r-o NaEb Qi.roc i- State ci Phcne Place uhare Sluiqe was Disposed: Nane ConDan' Street state ZLo Ci t,/ Phone 'ce/{,?) _1 I a :4' Temcorarv Closure Netv or UPgraded: Is Corrcsion Prot Is the Leak Detec Greater than 3 nronths: Lre Ven-. Lines oP Are Lines, PunPs Over 12 nonths: cf Street state Facility ID No. ection Systen uaintained 7 N ') tion Systen stil1 being nonitcr={?.._ \ en ) lias a Slte Lssessnegtt'i:een done? ...... Iias the o/o applieC for an ex+-ention? If Yes, Expiration Date: lias the tank been Upgraoed to ne',r Corrosion and Leak Detectibn staniarCs?. sur General: \ \ -t--'' : ' Does o/o have an aooroved CLosure PLan? - - -.--4 -r'iias the Fire Departnent been Notified of closure?... . L./ I{as Fire Deparunent given approval to Close in Place? - - - - o Site Assessrnent: liere Soil anci Ground liater and Han';ays Cacoed and^ Securad? .i sanples taken? ei Lab vrhere Sanples were taken: I{as Fira Departnent been notif ied for Change-in-service.. . '/ t{ere Product Lines: Renov "d y1""*"UTaupPeC in pfu"I What, Mer--hccolcgy was used for Saaple *na1ysi.s? 80L5 ncclfieci 413 - 1 Other iiere Uni.fie<i SoiI Classif i.rrion Sanples Taken? / Na:ne Name it L D CT Phone ..4r"?_- Place where Contanina ted Soils Nane Streec State Zip Place uhere l{ane Ccntaninated Water was Disrcs ed: \ Iacility fD No. vere Dispcised: ci t1' Phone Streec JLdLC ci ty Phone If any of the above is different than indicateri on the'clcsire Pi::r, ilease ex-olain whY: L lrl \ ..6 t ^ FACILITY ID.qa0t191 PsT PROCESSING CIIECKLIST Year q3 Not Applicable Non-Marketer Discount Unacceptable Acceptable ,-/ Previous Pollution Incidence . LUST FilEpfr ""ff"*Iil*iu J -+- o']t, SIKP olu ,Lr'/Y/N Y/N TTT - Verify tank/ l j.nes vs registered Documentation ok? - Rate ok? t-/ if, f- Zae,, hds ap Y/N Y/N Y/N Y YI I Fund Paid FY 92 FY q3 FY 91 t/ Q7 ,./ Q2,/ Q3 t/ Q4 l./arZaz-As ./ aqL QL rQ2 -/ Q3 / Q4 / Fees Paid Y/N r q't t r Ftt-yolt[93 FY BB? FY 89? FY 90? FY 9 ].? -/ v V .-/ t-/ qu 9oZ.L16 t^tlrA,t Lo rra€r1,[ I?'1FY o Compliance Conpliance Outstanding? Leak detection required? - Notification up to date & complete? ,rl'[q?lication? 0.uJ $,, 2 r'r*, l.l.I" WoQ/App L-'t- Y lN /\) Y/N Y r\ Y/N Y for" 9p. ne^o rfs[S r- Date QualifiedDate Issued Review completed and certificate issued by 4M SUPPORTffi ,3 FsrP<oC , F,q4\ Jaro.r.ary et Hq< I lHt ETIVIRONMENTAL April 22,1992 Neil Blosch Sheer Structure 1325 South Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Sincerely, Dear Mr. Blosch, . Enclosed please find the results of the tank tightness tests performed on the two - 1000 gailon tanks at the Central Vailey Water Conservation District Facility, 355 West 1300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Both tanks tested tight und.er the the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) criteria #329. A tank which is leaking or gaining less than 0.05 gallons per hour (gph) is considered tight-under this criteria. Consequently, itr" tunt also met lhe less-stringent EPA definition of a non-leaking tank. This definition states that a tank is tight if the calculated leak rate is less than 0.1 gallons per hour GPh). Please let me know if you have any questions. /*( Bert A. Hill, MSPH UST Program Manager Enclosures fr-l ...rj, :r i:- lrousrntnt Hrltrx lHconPonerro 640 E. WtitltricToN AvENUE Snrr Lffit CtW UmH 84 106 Te lEptiont: 801 '466'2223 Fu 801 '466€616 ' i .-:'-rl' n? ne . Test,a ourct elevation in tank (-.r Re=u I- ts i nc he= ) - 77 . t)t:t endpoints of the se lected o+ 1.1O4 mV in 61 minutes of 169 mL in 61 minuttes at 05:41:4i:) and enci= al-- 06:4i: r:).! 'starts at O5:41:4O and ends at O.r:4J: {15- rL(n on t--t4/'?7/q? at t)5:41:4tlt. IeveI data for thiE analvsis sf-arts temperatLtre data for this ana).ysis :hE volta-eP change for ts cal. i brat i on volurme of 1O mL was O.O65 volts 1at the c han-oe E hange f,irect read i ngs talten =how an auditor P robe This is a gross level analysis per i od and 26 seconds. and 26 Eeconds. E / honr is g rtrss c hanqE Tai.iing all the data into tronsideration by performing a leaEt square regreision o* Ievel on time gives an auditor probe sloPe of 1.111 V/houtr. Thus. the gross Pi'oduct volume is increasing 171'3 mLlhottr' The coeffiiient of correlation for the level data ls 99"72' Using the calculated ternperatutre slope o+ 11' Qt)t:t477 degrees and ihe coe+ficient of expansion. the e++etrt of temperature an incresse in volume of O.5 mL/hoLtr The coe+ficient o* correlation for the temperiture data is .subtracting the computed teinperature volutme change f rorn the prodr-rct ,o1.,*= changE yields a temperature corrected volume of 17O.8 ml/hourr or aJ. D451f, ggl/hour.'.\ ',/Syste,m complies Nith N-F.F.A. *339 criteria (+'/- O'r-)g GFH) -/ System does not comply with N.F.P.A..S5?9 /-/ T anl:. leak indicated /-/ le;l inconclusivel /-/ A\r or VaPor traP indicated / -/ Iemperature instabi IitY /-/ lnproPer installation test condutcted by Eert Hill' UT 0171i criteria (+/- O. O5 GPH): .2EignatLrre: 6.-r/ (4_/ test witnessed by NeiI Eloschl signature: Additional comments: opet'ator'' s commentE for thiE test: system --l Ite ltE .Central Val1ey flater Reclamation District - East Tank Testl Re=r.r L ts :duct elevation in tank (in i nches ) - 82. Otl run on 174/21i 9" at OB:54: "9.leveI data for this analysis starts temperature data for this analysis at O8:57:45 and bnds at O?:58:55. starts at OB:57:43 and ends at O9:58:55' gross change -he voltage change for a calibration volume of lt) mL was O.066 volts endpointE of the selected analysis period of O.11? mV i,n 61 minutes and 1? seconds' of L7 mL in 61 minutes and 1" seconds' ,irect readings tallen at the now an auditor Probe change'his is a gross level change r"all i ng aI1 the data i nto tronsi derat ion by performi ng a least square -=gr"==ion of level on time gives an auditor probe slope of O.CI59 V/hour' =hur=. the gross product volume is increasing 8.9 mL/hour" The coeff icient of trorrelation for the level data is 6-='97" Jsing the calculated temperature slope of r).OO73OS degrees C / hour .=.nd ih* .o*ff icient of er:pansion, the effect odi$ppc.ralyt" is 3n increase in volume of 7.3 mL/hour Tir= coeff icient of correlation for the temperatLtre-data i= ?8.27. :utbtracting the computed temperature volume change from the :rodurct volume change yields a ternperatutre corrected volume =i 1.4 mL/hourr ots O*OOO37 gal/hour' U"/ ./;(i System cornplies with N.F.P.A. *3?9 criteria (+/- o-05 EPH) i_/ System does not comply with N.F.P.A. *S29 criteria G/- O.OE 6PH): i-/ Piping lea[,: indicated /-/ Tank leak indicated /-/ Test inconclusive: /-/ Air ot- VaPor traP indicated / -/ Temperature instabi I itY /-/ IrnproPer- installation r-est condutcted by Eert Hi I 1, UT O171i signature: te=t witnessed by NeiI Blosch; signature: -1r1zr ator' g comment= fot' this test: =_\/ =_-t_efft -icd i f- i c'na 1 commentE: March 26, 1991 Mr. Kent P. Gray Executive Secretary (UST) State of Utah Division of Environrnental Response and Remediation Department of Environrnental Qual,itySaIt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Subj ect:Closure Notice for Underground Storage Tanks at the Power Generation Building Central Valley Water Recl,anatj-on Facility 800 W. Central Val1ey RoadSalt Lake City, Utah Facility rD No. 4ool487 Dear Mr. Gray: Attached is a closure Notice !'rith an Attachment, a site p1at, andLaboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody for the subject facility.A Closure PIan hras submitted to IvIr. Therron Blatter of your staff on February 4, ]-992. l,Ir. Dale Urban is the designated LUST project Manager. If you have any questions or need additional infornation, pleasecall us at (801) 466-5730. Very truly yours, n EER STRUCTIJRE h han H onan aan VH:sh Attachments cc: IIr. Ronald Roberts, central Valley Water Reclamatj.on Facility ovrdrovD{r8 H(P DTr),(r.fV E-L l} a-rt$ TANK OWNER Na mgCentral CLOSURE NOTICE Facility ID #4001487 Val lev Water Reclamatioa Paci l itv P hone 97 3-9r 00 tc odress 800 I{.BoardCentral VaI l ey Road Citv Sa lt Lake city State ur Zio 84119 T{NK OPERATOR/LOCATION Name, Title Ron Rober s. Di rector of Enqineerin o Business Name aI u 1C 1 alle t{la at i I {- }proprietorstig- - f Y:| eorporatiorS - - [ -fpartnership.Phone 973-9100 Address 800 W. Central valley Road TANKHANDLER/REMOVER Name Sheer St ructure Address I8 01{. 3030 S. Salt Lake city, uT 84115 SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name vahan Hoon an i Address 180 l{. 3030 S.SaIt Lake City, UT 84115 Cert. #TH-0249 Pho ng 466-5730 Phone n T}'PE F [x] Permanent [ ]Temporary [ ] Change-In-Service Perm anent or Ch an ge-in-Service Date Closed 3 / 4/92 [;] Removed [ ] In-place Ix] _ Fuel was emptied.[x] Sludge was removed. [x] Tank was cleaned. ,-ank was: [ ] Purged, [x ] Inerted. Method Used: l-ocation of Closure Records Cent ra1 VaI lev }{ater Recl amat i on Facilitv {drr gra Substance to be stored for Change-In-S ervice N/A Te m oo ra r.v Date of Closure N/A [ ] Fuel was emptied. or, Vo by weight of total capacity of UST:Residue depth remaining in tank N/A [ ] Corrosion protection equipment is operating. [ ] Release detection equipment is operating. 3 months: [ ] Vent lines open Cap/Secure: [ ]lines [ ]pumps [ ] manways 13 months: [ ] Permanently closed [ ] New/Upgraded [ ]Extension TANKS CLOSED Tank # 2 A-se of tank 6 6 Capacity 500 500 Subs. stored* Lube oil-6Es oi I Pr(e last tsed 3/2/92 3/2/92 .rdicate the specific substance slored in each tank closed ( regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) N/A cirv salt Lake citv county salt Lake ziP 84119 Dr\7 Tae Cert. # GS0468 466-57 30 I)ISPOSAL SITES USED: Tank: salt Lake county Landfill Product from Tank: Aduanced Petroleum Recvcl inq Date i/5/g? ^tclge: Advanced Pet ro I errm R ecyc I i n g Contaminated Soils: N/A see attachment Contaminated Water:G rorrn d water n t encountered Dateo Date 3/5/92 Date 3 / 5192 Date Number Amount Amount Anrount Amount 97 4-6920 5 5 SITE ASSESSIVIENT (A copy of the lab analysis report must be attached to this notice) Groundwater samples: TPH: [ ] 8015 modified; Oil & Grease: [ ] 413.1 Other:BETX: BETX: Resuhs:See attachment R.rult.t Soil samples:TPH: []8015modified;Oil'& Grease: P( I 413.1 [ ] 418.1 [ ] 8020 [ ] 418.1 lxl 8020 Certified Laboratory:Utilitv Testin Laborat orv Acldress:R75 S Chc tnrrt St - Sa I t I,ake ci t UT ,^r- "t artr"r" t (A copy of the form must be attached to this notice) At t ached Samples rvere properly: [ { Collected [x ] Labeled [x] Packaged I x ] Transporterl t )d Samples were in sight of the person in custocly at all times or in a securecl locke<J place. I certify underpenalty of larvthat I am famitiarrvith the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein rvere follorved during tank closure. Signature of UST Orvner/Operator Full name of Orvner/Operator Ronal d Roberts pxlg Shw\ust\all\clplll'rrr2 licr.iscrt Ot /Ot /9t Other: Purqeabl e Hal ocarbons 8010 , ATIACHIIETT CI,OSURE NOTICE central Valley water Recl-anation Facility Facility ID No. 4oo!487 800 w, central Valley Road salt Lake city, Utah On March 4, L992 two 500-ga11on fiberglass underground storage tanks used for lube oit and waste oi1 were removed frorn the facility. They were erroneously reported as 1000-ga11on each in the closure Plan submitted to DEQ on February 4, L992. The tanks $rere positioned on a 15.5 ft x 8.5 ft concrete pad. The tanks and the excavation were inspected by Fire Chief Robert Adams, city of South salt Lake Fire Departnent, and Mr. Trevor Burborough, Underground Storage Tank Special-ist, SaIt L,ake city and County Health Department. There lrere no holes on the tankl however, top of the waste oil tank was stained, suggesting possible waste oil- overfl-ow. The tank excavation fill rnaterial consj-sted of pea graveL and tended to cave in during excavation and cover the excavation floor. On March 5 the excavation walls were shored allowing renoval of the fill material fron the excavation corners beyond the concrete pad. Four soil samples (sanples ss#l- through sS#4, Iocations shor^/n on the Site Plat attached) were collected from the native naterial at a depth of approxinately one foot below the concrete pad at each cornar of the excavation. Soils consisted of fine-grained sand with layers and lenses of silt and clay (SM, Sc). Laboratory test results are presented below. Laboratory reports and chain-of- custody are attached. TEST RESULTS oiL and Grease(413.l,)Purgeable Halocarbons & Aromatics(8010 & 8020)Samr)le ss# 1 SS#2 SS#3 SS#4 105* L70 26 29 ND ND ND ND * concentrations in rTrilligrams per kilograrn or parts per nillion (ppn).** Not detected above the detection limit specified in the report. on March 13 Mr. Dale Urban, Environmental Scientist, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, j-nspected the excavation and, upon reviewing the test resuLts, stated that due to the presence ofoil- and lrrease in the soil samples the facility would be placed on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) list; however, because the concentratj-ons were below the Reconmended Soil cleanup Leve1s (RcLs), no further action \^rould be necessary at this time. Mr. Urban authorized installation of tvro new tanks in the excavation. SITE PLAT The site plat must show all buildings, tanl<s, lines, dispensers, underground utilities, proposed sampling location and depths, substances stored in tanks, and other important features. Facility or Location ID No 400I487 Drawn vahan Hoonan i an Date 3/20/92 1 North POWER GENERATTON BLDG. DOORS GAS PAD o o -ol OrCONCRETE WASIE OIL TANK GRASS ss*2 ss#A-.rF----- usc ss#3 ss#l +--f- UBE OIL TANK 1!___t GRASSDRIVEWAY CENTRAL VALLEY ROAD 1. Indicate sample locations, depths and sample !?e. (soil, groundwater, unified soil classification).l. Indicate tank number that corresponds with information given on page 1 of the Closure Plan. Ker.:----- Building, etc. outlines Tank & Line outlines Creeks, Rivers -s-s-s- = Sewer -8-8-8- = Gas 0 = Monitoring Wens (MW-#,) X = Sample locations (SS-#, WS-#,) [ ] = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etcr) -P-P-P- = Power -w-w-w- = Water -t-t-t- = Telephone -d-d-d- = French Drains I I I I I I I I I I tJ-r t L t-y -r-ES-r I N(3 L AB(^lA-roFrY 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84I25 PHoNE: (801) 973-8305 March 9, 1992 Environmental Professionals AssociatesP. O. Box 1 1367 GIendale, Ga 91226 Attent i on: Mr. Vahan Hoonan ian Subject: Oi I and Grease Method 413.1/9070 CVWR F Sample col Iected: 05 Flarch 1992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 TOTAL RECOVERABLE OIL AND GREASE Test No,Test R esults 3-05-92-05 SO IL SAMPLE NO. 1 Test i n9 105 ppm Oi I and crease 170 ppm oil and Grease 25 ppm Oi I and Grease 29 ppm Oi I and crease Date Ana I yzed: 06 MAR 1992 3-05-92-06 SO IL SAMPLE NO. 2 Date Analyzed: 05 MAR 1992 3-05-92-07 SO IL SAMPLE NO. 3 Date Ana I yzed: 06 NAR I992 3-05-92-08 SO IL SAMPLE NO. 4 Date Analyzed: 06 MAR I992 UT IL ITY TEST ING LABORATORY Dw ?/",^D. M. Thorsen 4t - U -T I L IAY -TE S-T I NGi LAEI 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 ( R A-TOFI Y March 9, 1992 Env i ronmenta I Professionals Associates P . O. Box 1 1367 clendaIe, ca 91226 Attent ion: Mr. Vahan Hoonan ian Subject: EPA 8010 Testing CVWRF Sample Col Iected: 05 March 1992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 SALT LAKE CtTY, UTAH 84125 PHoNE3 (801) 973-8305 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS - EPA 801O USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O su I ts KTest No, 3-05-92-05 SO IL SAMPLE 1 Date Ana l yzed: 06 MAR 1992 UT IL ITY TESTING LABORATORY Ch 'l oromethane Bromomethane D i ch I orod i f I uoromethaneVinyl ch loride Ch I oroethane Methyl ene chloride Tr ich Iorof I uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,1-Dichloroethane trans- 1, 2-d i ch loroethy 1 ene Ch loroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane Carbon Tetnachloride Bromod ich I oromethane 1 ,2-D i ch I oropropane ci s- l, 3-Di ch loropropy l ene Trichloroethylene D i bromoch I oromethane 1 ,1 ,Z-Iti ch I oroethane tnans- 1 ,3-Di ch 1 oropropy I ene 2-Ch I onoethy I vinyl ether Bromoform 1, 1,2,2-Tetrach loroethane Tetr ach 1 oroethy I ene Ch I orobenzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene'I ,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,2-Di ch I orobenzene t L 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg K9 Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg K9 K9 K9 Kg Kg Kg K9 K9 Kg K9 K9 Kg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n U n 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 vs/Ks vs/ps/ us/ps/ vs/ps/ ps/ ps/ vs/ us/ tts/ps/ ps/ vs/ps/ rs/ps/ ps/ rs/rs/ us/rs/ vs/ps/ vs/ps/ vs/ us/ rn J"h-,^ '7rTt4 LJ-rrr_r^Y Test No. 3-05-92-05 SO IL SAMPLE I Date Anal yzed: 06 MAR 1992 UTIL ITY TESTING LABORATORY TEST t NG LABC-.A.-TORY 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 March 9, 1992 Env i ronmenta I Professionals Associates P . O. Box I 1367 Glendale, Ca 91226 Attent i on: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8020 Testins cvv{RF Semple Col lected: 05 March 1992 Sampl e Received: 05 March 1992 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84125 PHoNE: (801) 973-83Os PURGEABLE AROI4ATICS - EPA 8O2O USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O 1 ps/K9 ps/Ke ps/Ks ps/K9 ps/Ks uslKs ttg/K9 ttg/ Ks vs/Ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Test Results uqlKq. uqlL (oob) B6n z ene To I uene Ch I orobenzene Ethy I benzene 1 ,3-Dichlorobenzene1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene xy I enes Naphtha 1 ene D. M l"Ly*,* r* March 9, 1992 Environmental Professionals AssociatesP. O. Box 11367 G1endale, Ca 91226 Attent i on: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8010 Test i ng CVWRF Sample Col lected: 05 March 1992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 UT ! L TAY TE S'I- t NGT LAEt 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 < \AToRY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84I25 PHoNE: (801) 973-8305 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS - EPA SOIO US ING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O Test No. 3-05-92-06 SO IL SAMPLE 2 Date Ana lyzed: 06 r.lAR 1992 UT IL ITY TEST ING LABORATORY Ch I oromethane Br omomet h an e D i ch I orod i f I uoromethaneVinyl chloride Ch I oroethane Methylene chloride Tr i ch I orof I uoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,1-Dichloroethane trans- 1, 2-dich loroethy I ene Ch I oroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1, 1, 1-Tr ich loroethane Carbon Tetrach loride Bromodichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane ci s- 1, 3-Di ch loropropy I ene Trichloroethylene Di bromoch I oromethane 1, l, 2-Trichloroethane trans- 1, 3-D ich I oropropy I ene 2-ch I oro€thy I vinyl ether Bromo form 1 ,1 ,2,2-Tetrach l oroethane Tetrach loroethy I ene Ch I orobenzene 1,3-Dich'lorobenzene 1,4-DichlorobEnzcne 1 ,2-Dichlorobenzene < 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0( 5.0( 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0 vs/Ks vs/K9pslK9 vs/KspslK s rs/Ks v9/Ksps/Ks ps/Ks H9lKs us/Ksps/Ks us/Ksp9/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ksps/Ks ps/Ks us/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks [.r9lKsp9/K9 ps/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks p9lK 9 Th rsen 1l Test Resu I ts uglKq. ug,/L (oob) U-TILIAY -TE.S-T-INGt LAB 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 | ?A'-roFtY March 9, 1992 Env i ronmenta l Professionals Associates P. o. Box 1 1367 Glendale, Ca 91226 Attent ion: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8020 Testing CVWR F Sample Col lected: 05 March 1992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 44125 PHoNE: (80t) 973-8305 PURGEABLE AROI.IAT I CS - EPA 8O2O USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O Test No. 3-05-92-06 SO IL SAMPLE 2 Date Ana I yz ed: 06 MAR 1992 UT I L ITY TEST ING LABORATORY Test Results uslKq. uqlL (oob) pg/Kg Benzene !r9lKg To I uene Ch I orobenzene Ethy I benz ene I ,3-Dich lorobenzene 1 ,4-D i ch lorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Xy I enes Naphtha 1 ene 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 1 uslKs uslK9p9lKs HslKs H9lK9ps/Ks ps/Ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ?4[rS n IJ -I- I L TAY -TE S'T I NG 1- AET(NA]-ORY 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84125 PHoNE: (801) 973-8305 March 9, 1992 Env ironmental Professionals Assoc'i atesP. O. Box 1 1367 Glendale, Ca 91226 Attent ion: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8010 Test i n9 CVWR F Sample Col Iected: 05 March I992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS - EPA 801O USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O Test No. 3-05-92-07 SO IL SAMPLE 3 Date Ana lyzed; 06 MAR 1992 UT IL ITY TEST ING LABORATORY I oromethane omomet h an e ch lorodi f I uoromethane ny I ch I or i de l oroethane thy I ene ch I or i de i ch I orof I uoromethane 1 -D ich I oroet h y I ene 1-D ich I oroethane ans- l, 2-d i ch Ioroethy I ene'lorof orm 2-D i ch loroethane 1,1-Trichloroethane rbon Tetnachloride omodichloromethane 2-Dichloropropane s-'l , 3-D i ch I oropropy I ene 'i ch I oroethy I ene bromoch I oromethane 1 ,2-Iri ch I oroethane trans- 1 ,3-Di ch I oropropy I ene 2-Ch I onoethy I vinyl eth6r B r omoform 1, 1,2,2-Tetrach loroethane Tetrach I oroethy I ene Ch'lorobenzene t ,3-Dichlorobenzene1,4-Dich loroben z ene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ch Bn Di ch Me Tr 1, 1,tr ch 1, 1, Ca Br 1, ci Tr Di 1, 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 s.0 5.0 5.0 vs/Ks uslK9 uslKs vs/Ks vs/Ks u9lKs v9/Ksps/Ks vs/Ks uslKs us/Ks u9/Ks us/K9 vs/Ks us/Ks us/Ks v9/K9 vs/Ks v9/Ks H9lKs v9/Ks vs/K9 tts/Ks HSlKSps/Ks vs/Ksps/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks 1fA".^ D T or sen 1t Test Resu I ts uslKq . uqlL (oob) u-rrr-r^Y Test No, 3-05-92-07 SO IL SAMPLE 3 Date Anal yzed: 06 MAR 1992 UT IL ITY TEST ING LABORATORY -T.ES-T T NGI L.ABAATOFIY 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 March 9, 1992 Env ironmenta l Professionals AssociatesP. O. Box 1 1367 Glendale, Ca 91226 Attent i on: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8020 Testin9 CVIVR F Samp'l e Co l l ected: 05 I'larch 1992 Samp I e Received: 05 March 1992 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84125 PHo E: (801) 973-8305 PURGEABLE AROHATICS - EPA 8O2O US ING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O vs/Ks HslKsp9lKs ttg/ Ks vs/Ks u s/Ks vs/Ks v9/Ks ttg / Ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, 5. 5. 5. 5. Test Results us,/Ks. uslL (ppb) Benzene To I uene Ch I orobenzene Ethy I benz ene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 ,4-D i ch I orobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Xy I enes Naphtha I ene w --/1 t ll/w-,-- U M Th orsen 1 U]-ILIAY -TES-TING LAB(\AToRY 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. Box 25005 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH A4125 PHoNE: (801) 973-8305 March 9, 1992 Env i nonmenta l Professionals AssociatesP. O, Box 1 1367 cl endal e, ca 91226 Attention: Mr. Vahan Hoonan'i an Subject: EPA 8010 Test i ng CVWRF Sample Col Iected: 05 March 1992 Sample Received: 05 Harch 1992 PURGEABLE HALOCARBONS - EPA 80'IO USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O Test No. 3-05-92-08 SO IL SANPLE 4 Date Ana I yzed: 06 MAR 1992 UT IL ITY TEST IN LABORATORY Ch I oromethane Bromomethane D i ch Iorodi f I uoromethaneVinyl ch 1or i de Ch I oroethane f4ethy I ene chloride Tr i ch lorof Iuonomethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,1-Dichlonoethane trans- l, 2-di ch loroethy I ene Ch I oroform 'I , 2-D ich I oroethane 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane carbon Tetrachloride Bromodichloromethane 'I ,2-DichIoropropane ci s- l, 3-Di ch Ioropropy I ene Trichloroethylene D i bromoch loromethane 1,1,2-T" i ch I oroethane trans-1 , 3-D i ch I oropropy I ene 2-Ch I oroethy I vinyl ether Bromoform 1 ,1 ,2 ,2-Tetrach loroethane Tetrachloroethylene Ch I oroben z ene 'I ,3-Dichlorobenzene1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene < 5.0 us/Ks us/Ksps/Ks us/Ks us/Ks vs/Ksps/Ks usl Ks Fg/K9p9l K9 Vg/K9 us/K9 uslKs vs/Ks H9lK g vs/Ks vs/Ks vs/Ks v9/K9 u9/Ks USlK€'ps/Ks ps/Ks uslKs us/Ks ttg /K9ps/Ks uslKs u9lKs < 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0( 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0< 5.0 D T onse Jr Test Resu lts uqlKq. uqlL (oob) L,, -r I L t-Y Test No. 3-05-92-08 SO IL SAMPLE 4 Date Ana I yzed: 06 MAR 1992 UT IL ITY TEST ING LABORATORY -TES-T I NG T-AB 875 SO. CHESTNUT ST.P. O. BOX 25005 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 44125 PHoNE: (801) 973-8305 PURGEABLE AROI'IAT ICS - EPA 8O2O US ING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3O &aronv March 9, 1992 Env i ronmenta I Profess ionals AssociatesP. O. Box 11367 Glendale, Ca 91226 Attent ion: Mr. Vahan Hoonanian Subject: EPA 8020 Test i n9 CVWR F Sampl e Col lected: 05 March 1992 Sample Received: 05 March 1992 1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Test Results uq/Kq. uqlL (oob'l yg/Kg Benzene uglKg To I uene Ug/Kg Ch I orobenzene UglKg Ethy I benzene US/KS l, 3-Dichlorobenzene USlK9 1 ,4-Dich Iorobenzene Ir9/KS 1, 2-Dichlorobenzene UglKg Xy I enes UglKg Naphthal ene iltM 2 D 1.1 . Thor en LJ Uilry {e$Ung Laf,}oratory 875 South Chestnut Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 Chain of Custody Form 'F rrr,i, on,*r4o-l As*nil ?-,^L/"U2 Company Name *,h{,n ,0 a o cvru P_r Purchase Order Phone No L,- Sarnple ldentitication I - 'f .fl -e I X I ?-x x ,{X XI I Reoort To V,hon l(""o n' u w 6^ * 6$-)4b-'l/or Remarks Z lmmediale Attention X Ruslt Strndord by: (aiqnahu\el \,tu,*,( oltfltt '1--" il::ih-l 15,' I f datd - -iinre- -t/l by: (.s,i11rra-ttr.t c ) Witnessed 8yi (diEm,tuwl ( ,s.rgrrrctu.ta )Date Time Received by: l,sign,,;;ily.el Wltneseed By! lr.igwtu.nel Recelved by:Relinquished by: I t.L.qna.tuttel Date Time Wltrreesed Byl ldignat.unzl C J ,(,0 E I ,v (fr a 5 cv Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Jtly l, 1992 UTAH DEPARTMENT OF etlVtnONiieNTAL AUALITY JUL I tt 1992"/ DIV. OF ENVIBONMENTAL NCSTONSE AND AEMEDIATION Underground Storage Tank Section Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 1950 West North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840 Attention: Theron Blatter RE: Central Valley Fund Assessment Fee, ID 4001487 Based on my conversation with Mr. Blatter, I have now completed the "non-marketer discount" forms for the previous two years (see attached). I am also enclosing documentation obtained from Garth Miner at the Salt Lake County Health Department verifying the removal of two tanks at the Central Valley site one year ago. These are identified as "unknown" on our bill. I am requesting that this information be incorporated in the calculation of our assessment. Since we have made recent payments, I understand that we wili receive some credit, to the extent that our current charges will be greatly reduced or perhaps deleted. Should you have any questions, please contact me. S Y, ^-a1 J,"k- L. Roberts Director of Engineering RLR:ah enclosure 800 west central Valley Road, salt Lake city, UT 841 19-3379 . (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9280 --4 /L;' T^ s?*tt .h ),**,n7 1 bt +,-,-l- , //Facility ID No.-- \-, !\)i!Li'i-Uli E,-1"rrt /Pror JLC t L -il\Ja I - I nspectcr T-cnar'|c.- n-! ^Ud. Le ! /f r.,n o r q:-r.o C Tank Ly Drn Dhn-o Y '1 Change-I::-Service rl- D I ti Q!!.=6-. Cit-*Count)'Z Latitude Longic=de r, c..,=Cert. ; Cert. f Cc:panv: l^a-11611 ' fr Tvoe of Closure L- TernPora, Substance s"ored for Chang ry pn"=run"na e-in-service Tank fnfor:raticn oriEinal #?ank No. .l.ge of Tan.k C:pac itY Tvpe: F(P, Stael, Ltopo= j-te .- g*ttt6,,l - Removed Tanks,f{ 6F /@Tt /rO t2r Dr * liew Tanks - a..--^-: - Lu: - =:19 -(,lou Subscance DatE Las-- Useo lztf Daie . Closac l{c'.; Clcsed? r--r i oriT!..lssIes' S J.uoge P.enoveci?V.ez-L/a-- Cleaneci?i-o----=- /7 -, /"fr r 1 I .-,. --:--- ---. .*-"-:--r-:--:--c' ./.:_l>-' (*t r f '- Furgeo or Inerted?}\>H-0 D tr "'Grcunclwacer SancLerC=r-.:. Ilec Sorl / -- 4?4 /r*'(l:'*uv /t-lfh I Kc/*o;Kt*--'Y ) July 1, 1992 Iob No. 4515.02 Client No. TASK ORDER Task Order No.: Date I To:DMJM 220 Fast Morris Avenue, Suite #300 South Salt I-ake City, Utah 84115 Pursuant to the provisions of a Task Order Agreement for Professional Engineering Sewices, hereinafter referred to as AGREEMENT, entered into on the 1st day of January 1990' by central valley water Reclamation Facility Board (identified as owNER therein), and CONSIJLTANT to perform the services described herein in accordance with the terms and conditions of said AGREEMENT. The services required under this TASK ORDER are identifled and attached hereto as Exhibit'A.' The services required hereunder shall commence upon CONSIJLTANT's receipt of the TASK ORDER and be compieted by February 14, 1993. For the services required under this TASK ORDER, CONSIJLTANT shall be paid on a lump-sum basis with a fee of $450,000. Aclnowledged: Central Water DMJM By:4 By: L. Roberts,P.E.George E. Patience, P.E. Its:Its u. m Authorized: Date: Chief slneer ..(/? 1',-Date Division CENTR,AL VAIJ,,EY WATER, RECLAMA'TION FACILITY NII:RIFICATION FACILITIES DFSIGN SCOPE OF PLANNED ET.IGINEERING SERYICES Planned engineering sewices to be performed under this agreement comprise and are [mited to those specifically set forth in this Exhibit. These services are related to the design of the nitrification facilities for the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Board. If, during the course of performing the planned services, the Board and Engineer find that additional tasls are requted of the Engineer, such tasls will be negotiated and performed as special engineering services under sqrarate task order. Major facilities that are anticipated to be included in this project are: . Four nitrifyrng trickling filters (NTF's) . Distribution prping and channels . NTF pump station r Effluent flume The level of effort and associated costs for the design of the NTF's, as detailed in this scope of work, is based on the nitrification study of December, 1991, which located the new tanla and pumping station immediaGly west of the existing secondary clarifiers. PRELIMINARY DESIGN SERYICES Prior to initiation of the detailed design of nitification facilities, the key design criteria and facility requirements for the nitrifying trickling fiIter (l{IF) treatrnent process alternative wi-ll be firmly established during a preliminary design phase. An engineering report summarizing these components will be prepared for review by the Board and staff. Task 10.fi) - Data Review Review EPA/State mandated seasonal ammonia discharge requirements of 517 mgll, Evaluate TSS, BOD, and ammonia limits and compare to the criteria used in the nitrification study; assess impact on proposed facilities. Assess diumal ammonia loadings. Exhibit A July 1, 1992 Page 1 of 7 '1O.2 EruIBIT A Task 11.00 - Technical Tours This task involves arranging and accompanying State water quality staff members, Board, and key staff on tours of nvo full-scale NTF projecs located in Nevada and Colorado. This activity is considered critical for State staff so that they can evaluate the performance of the separate stage NTF process. This budget anticipates participation by two members of the Engineer's project team. Task 12.00 - Process Design Based on the expected NPDES discharge requirements and the data review' establish firm design criteria for the major treatment process units. Identify all facility improvements necessary to meet the design criteria. Produce design data tables and process and instrumentation drawings (P&ID's) for the NTF nitrification process. Task 13.00 - Cost Estimate Update the construction cost estimate prepared during the nitrifrcation study based on the recommended facilities. Task 14.fi) - Predesign Work Session Hold a one-day work session with technical reviewers, and staff to discuss and evaluate all information generated in the preceding tasts. The results of the work session will be the basis for the predesign report. Task 15.fi) - Predesign Report A predesign report will be prepared describing the plan for NIF nitrifrcation facilities including design criteria, recommended facilities, and an updated construction cost estimate. Forty-percent design level P&ID and layout drawings will be prepared as part of the report. Ten copies of the report will be provided to Central Valley staff. DETAILED DESIGN SERVICES Exhibit A July 1, 1992 Page 2 of 7 TO.2 Foltowing completion of the predesign report, the deuiled design of the nifification facilities will commence. Detailed design services will include the preparation of plans, specifications, contract documents, a fina.l construction cost estimate and document printing. Specific work tasks will be as follows: Task 20.00 - Preoare General/Civic Drawings Plant layout and hydraulic profrle drawings will be developed under this task. In addition, the design of a final effluent flume, outside piping, paving, grading, soil berm along 9th West, drainage, and civil engineering items required for the project will be designed under this task. Eighteen contract drawings for generaUcivil design will be prepared. Task 21.00 - kepare Process and Instrumentation Diagram Drawinss The preliminary P&ID's prepared duriag the predesign will be developed into fully detailed process design drawings under this task. these drawings will show the relationship between processes and subprocesses, and will define the basic process operation and control schemes. These drawings will serve as process summaries, design control, and construction aids. Ten process design drawings will be included in the ftnal contract drawings. Task 22.fi) - Prepare Structural and Architectural Drawines Structural design work for foundations, buildings, process structures, supports, handrails, repair and modification to existing structures, and miscellaneous special conditions are included in this task. In addition, this task includes preparation of architectural drawings for the NTF pump station and the provision of a scope of work for geotechnical services. The architectural treatment of this structure wiJl be compatible with existing buildings. Twenty-two contract drawings for the structural/architectural work will be prepared. Task 23,00 - Prepare Mechanical/HVAC Drawings Mechanical design will include the preparation of equipment and control data sheets; design and layout of mechanical systems for the NTF's and NTF pumping station, including internat piping; and preparation of mechanical contract drawings. Twenty-one mechanical drawings will be prepared. Task 24.00 - Prepare Electrical Drawinss The eiectrical design includes determination of power requtements, design of electrical distribution systems, motor control centers, lighting and circuit diagrams, and electric motors and switchgear for the NTF facilities. Fifteen contract drawings for electrical design will be prepared. Task 25.00 - Prepare Instmmentation Drawings Instrumentation design includes determination of specific control systems for the specified mechanical systems and integration into the plant. The graphic display and control panel Exhibit A Illy l, 1992 Page 3 of 7 TO.2 at the plant operations center will be updated to reflect new control systems and display components. Three instrumentation drawings will be prepared under this task. Task 26.00 - Specifications This task includes the preparation of the draft techdcal specifications, the final technical specifications, the general conditions, and other project related specifications. 26.01 - Prepare Draft Specilications. At approximately the 7O-percent completion levd, draft specifications will be prepared. These specifications will include general conditions and technical @ivisions I through 17) specifications. 26.02 - kepare I'inal Specifications. A final set of contract specifications will be prepared prior to the bidding phase. This task includes preparation of bidding and contract requirements specifications and final revisions to the technical specifications. Task 27.fi) - Construction Cost Estimates This task includes the preparation of intermediate construction cost estimates and the Engineer's opinion of the final estimated construction cost. This task includes: 27.01 - Cost Estimate Updates. The Engineer will prepare an opinion of estimated construction costs of the project, based on the 50-percent completionJevel plans and specifications. This estimate is to be provided to Central Vailey on or about October 1,1992. 27.02 - Final Construction Cost Estimate. The Engineer shall update the cost estimate opinion prepared in Subtask 27.01; this will be used as the Engineer's estimate for bidding purposes. Estimates will be based on the final submittal set of plans and specifications. Task 28.00 - Ou Control Meetines This task includes preparation for, and attendance at, two review meetings during the detailed design. Review meetings will include the review of project development at roughly 50- and 70-percent completion levels by the Board and staff, and by principals and senior engineers of DMJM-BC not directly engaged in the project design for determining general conformance to company standards, good engineering practice, constructibiiity, and proper application of technology. Exhibit A Iuly 1, 1992 Page 4 of 7 TO.2 A thorough coordination check of the design documents will be performed at roughly the 90-percent design completion levei in an effort to make all work depicted in the documents for various design disciplines clear, consistent, and as constructible as possible. The design will be finalized based on this coordination check and other design review comments. Task 30.00 - Desim Submittals This task involves final revisions and assembly of the 9O-percent completion level plans and specifications. This task includes: 30.01 - Finalize Contract Documents. Once all review comments are received, the design plans and specif,cations will be revised. Comments will be incorporated into the final documents. 30.02 - Document Submittal. The final submittal shall consist of preparing 50 sets of half-size plans and specifications for the Owner. T ask 40.00 - Bid Period Assislenee The bidding process will be administered by the Central Valley staff with assistance from the Engineer. The Engineer will assist staff in responding to vendor/contractor requests for information during the bid period. Preparation of an addendum (if necessary) and conducting one prebid meeting are aiso included in this task. Task 41.00 - Design Management Administration and supervision of design work will be performed by work tasla in this phase. Services provided will include review of work products by managerial level engineers, planning and monitoring budgets and schedules, correspondence with Central Valley, supervision of Engineer's project staff, and preparation of monthly invoices and status reports. Project management includes the following work tasla: 41.01 - Prepare Project Management PIan. At the start of the project, a detailed plan will be developed to effectively manage the design activities throughout the project duration. This plan will identify project milestones, work products, budgets, schedules, and quality control measures to be utilized. This plan will be updated at various milestones in the design period. 41.02 - Project Management. Project management task includes assignment of project staff, review of engineering work performed by project staff, project coordination, pianning and monitoring of work budget and schedule, correspondence Exhibit A July 1, 1992 Page 5 of 7 TO.2 Task 29.fi) - Desisn Coordination Check with Central Valley and others, and preparation of a monthly invoice to Central Valley. This task also includes assistrnce to Central Valley with respect to developing changes in scope of work and general contract administration. 41.03 - Scheduled Project Meetings. Project meetings will be held with Central Valley staff to discuss project status. Project meetings will be scheduled to occur twice monthly. Task 42.fi) - State Aooroval Assist Central Valley staff in gaining state Water Quality Depaflment approval of the nitrification project, This task is budgeted to include one project review meeting with the State staff. Task 43.00 - Surveyi Geotechnical Services This task involves the contract administration and direct costs related to acquiring necessary additional survey and geotechnical data for the site to aid in the design of facilities. OWNER FT]RMSHED SERVICES Services furnished by Central Valley are provided to assist the Engineer in the design of the nitrification facilities and include the following: 1. Timely review of all intermediate submittals including: . Reports . Progress drawings o Technical memos 2, Provision of additional ammonia sampling and testing of teafinent plant sfteams. Exhibit A Iuly 1, 1992 Page 6 of 7 TO.2 i OTIIER The scope of work is also based on several other assumptions as follows: 1. The design wiil be completed as follows: Notice to Proceed I,ane 24, 1992 Predesign report (25-percent level)August 14, 1992 5O-percent review October 1, 1992 70-percent review October 30, 1992 90-percent review November 20, L992 Finaf bidding documents December 18, 1992 Bid period Ianuary 1, 1993 through February 14, 1993 Contract award, construction period, startup February 14, L993 through December 30, 1994 2. Drawings will be submitted to the state at the 70- and 90-percent completion stages of the project. The finai bidding document availability schedule is based on the Engineer receiving review comments on the 90-percent documents within two weeks of their submission. 3. The scope of work is based on a single set of contmct documents for the project. Exhibil A July 1, 1992 PageT of7 TO.2 cvw {^),^ Cenftal Valley Water Reclamation Facility Utah Bureau Environmental Response P.O. Box 16690 SaIt Lake CitY, UT 84115-0690 loatusT Kw(5 May 29, 1-992 RE: UST Fund Assessment We are rnaking payment for the above-referenced assessment based on amend.menLs-to sone of your information. This will confirm that the unknown rrUNK'r storage tanks, identified in the billing, had been removed from the premises in June of 1991 and therefore, are not subject to this billing. In addition, we have also changed out the 550 gallon lube and used oil tanis and replaced them with 1OOO gallon-sized tanks. They received State approvals following installation- Gentlemen: RLR: ah EIY, *"ak {. L. Roberts,F Director of Engineering +fqb ta+[ ^**/^ **l**, tlztlov ?*lo at* s W"fr,;( fftu8,,hrh rh,frz tid,va.l') b L'; ]'tv* w w,r) chr. ,o/'' s /' rPstlk * Z r€wt'rcJ' tud lat &^ *f P S f'a/,p , h, k ^01il dWg 800 West Central Valley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84119-3379. (801) 973-9100. FAX (801) 973-9280 qoa/qs, Cenlral Valley Water Reclamation Facility Utah Bureau Environmental Response P. O. Box 15590salt Lake city, uT 84116-0690 l,c'<W t\ YscA& 1r YL-o."''e- tn t-L'e' wrb t ;.--1.r'J Ajf)u'/1 br Iln)t 6 t^*'t"he- Yiay 29, t992 t' we are naking payment for the above-referenced S sessment based on amendrnents to some of your information. This will confirm that the unknown nUNKr storage tanks, identified in the bi11ing, had been removed fron the prenises in June of 1991 and therefore, are not subject to this bilting. In addition, we have also changed out the 550 galLon lube and used oil tanks and replaced then lrith 1000 qallon-sized tanks. They received state approvals following installation. Si reIy, ,-"2{ad. Ron d L. Roberts,,8. Director of Enqineering RLR: ah UTAH DEPAHT}IENT OF ENVIRONUFi,ITAL OUALIW JLIN O 8 1992 Dtv. or riivir{0NMENTAL RESPONSF ai{l-\ nrrrFDlATlO[l b <- 800 West Ce ntral valley Road, satt Lake city, uT 84119-3379. (801)973-9100. FAX (801)973-9280 cv centlemen: RE: UST Fund Assessment :a *t FILT COPY Reply to: State of Utah Divisron of Environmental Besponse and Remediation Department of Environmental Ouality satt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 (usr) Control Board . .... : DEPARTMENT OF EI\TVIRONMENTAL QUALITYDIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Norman H. Bangerter Govemor Kenneth L. Alkema 1950 West North Temple Executive Direcror . Salt Lake Ciiy, U_tah Kent P. Gray , (8O1) 536-4100 Director .: (801 ) 536-4099 Fax ERRU-171-92 Ron Roberts Central Valley Water Reclamation u00 West Ceritral Vallev Roatl Salt Lake City, Utah Sqng Re: Closure Plan approval for Underground Storase Tanks at the Power Generation Building, 800 WestCentral Valley Road. Salt Laketitu- Ui;h -'"- Facility Identification No. 400148i " Dcar Mr. Roberts: 'l'he Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental ResponseItnd Remediation (PER,R) on,February i0, 1992,' has be-en qp'provecl irf,i.it to-til;oftd ffidifi;;ii;r, i].,.ny. Local health and. fire departments must be notified 7/ trouri tef6re beeirriiie-.toiure actiuitiei.I he local agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may chargE inspEction fees. ily propgsed change to an approved Closure Plan must be submitted in writins and approved bv theolttce ot the Executive Secretary before jmp_!e11e1tation. If contamination is susflected dr'found Oirringclosure activities, you must repdrt it to the DERR within 24 houri ,rf riis.nr"ry. Enclosed i:?^99.py of the "Closure Notice" form which must be completecl an<l submitted to the Executive *::llry^ IY,:II ,The closed tank ,":or9! may then b.e removed frbm the. fee uittin[iis1r.- iteur. luu-iiSample Analysis data and Chain of Custody forms with the Closure Notrce as soon u. poriifi!, ili-;;later than 90 days after tank closure. If you have any questions, please contact Therron Blatter at (801)536-4100. Sincerely, March 2, 1992 Utah KPG/TSlra 1t-b Enclosures ,'Irnt Wt.?x,74/ Sqnt-N{ine1 Sa!. Lale City/County Health Department Salt Lake City Fire Deoariment Neil Blosch, Sheer Srrdcrure, lu0 west 3030 South, sLC. ur. g4115 cc c rr\support\dmd\tnk-cls.28 Pnnted on recycied paper t. 1R (rev.01/0r/9r) -ate Received evieu,er/Date Receive Reviewer Recommendatio .'..i' j.'' aciliry'ID # Date Received Reviewer/Date Reviewe Z ate mailed to Stat eviewer Recomme ti EHM Review/Da Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below)r{pi I Rl of (company n:.me) sheer Structure Address 180 w- 3030 s- sa1 t Iake City. tl.l.ah R411 5 Phone # ( 801)466-5730 ,\ Contractor may act as the owner/operator's agent to prepare this Closure Plan. The Contrictor musr act wirh the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. This Closure Pl-n is submitted in compliance with R451-202 Subpart G and R451-204 (U.A.C.) if owner is a sole proprietorship, dba, partnership cress 800 W. Central Valley RoadT- Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 ''e Name ) Poqrer Generation E:ilding 4or, ' ,.'-.) 6 5 % 'tqr*r-*oT,rrhp oi I InJJse- Waste Oi 'l Inllse- 800 W. Central Vallev Road'PCC SaIt Iake City, Utah 84119 Contact perso Ron Rc,berts Facilrrl, Identification Number (found or, billing fornrs, 7 digit #)4001 4A7 Total nui iber of undergrou nd tanks at this site 6 -t'oial number of underground tanks at this site to be clolsed .I.,\\KS TO BE CLOSED 1'/ Phone #( 801)973-9100 E<t. 107 UTAH OF QUALITY FEEI i_E$ZWbfank # Aqe oi tank Capacity S rrbs. store d ' Date last used = =!u= gF Etil,r fi 0 ;$iu tr+l+*t_ RESP0N,q E Aii s fi EIJ Etniior.l ' Intlicate the specific substance stored in the tanks to be closed (regular, unleaded, dieset, \\,asre oil, erc.) For rvaste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other t)?es of solvents been stored or mixecl with the *,a.ste oil? .;\'es (identify if knorvn)No Unknorvn "u v SITE I]*FOR\IATION Ou'ner's Nanre Phone #( 801 973-e100 \Ii HA I Na,tne Cert. #4-oza 9 .{ cc ress 180 w- 30 ?0 S- Sall Take Citv^TII:h 84115 D I S PoSAI- INFOR]\,IATION OI^AI ^}OLJ"vfbc mo<hol ot-71 ''?- /. l a-,4 l''fl ' Tlrnk(s)rvillbedisposedat:Facility.Fil.o.gr--l-r^ri].|l.r:vlar.rnrrnaA.:'.-.. SOI L GROU)*DIVATER S.-\IIPLER Name Vahan Hoornnian Cert. idress 30 -25 de;hrss rirssib.l.e-ft:ture use. Contact w/a Phone #n/a " Procjuct lines rvill either be: x removed or - secttred in place and capped. \/ent lines rvill either be: x r€rnovt?d or - secured open. Pipinguiil be disposed at: Facility n'ir^,, 6aqs pips w'il'l he c nt-rninated and dismsed of at .d&kes+a local rnicioal landfiIl. Contact Phone #N Tlnk(s) rvill be emitied by: Trrrik(s) rvill be cleaned by: (company) tuft-anr.prl pafrnl arrm Rpr.yr.'l i ng ?- (company) Tlre tank(s) rviil either be: - purged or x rendered inert by the following method: Carbon Dioxide {Dry Ic*/- t/ Rc rdual sludges will be disposed at the following facility:Adranced Petroler-un Recnclinq r' 4783 Dri'e, Kearns,.-,Jclress Conr,ct Cathv Phone #(801 ) 964-9444 li rhe tank(s) are to be closed in-place,:approval must be obtainecl from the Local Fire Department. Date approval granted N/A ,-Contact - N/A IiI:ITOIIO \\.INT: N{^TtrRIAI S I\IIIST NF'.IAr)NqrlN AT AN A(-(-I?PTA I Ii Ii^(-IT IT\" .\ll nrrterials generated from UST closures must be managcd and disposcd in a manner that does not place thos, rnrterials in direct contact lvith the enyironment. Conraminated soils are to bc disposed at the follorving facilitv:E:r Ehnofsdeq'- \ rltlress fiflai'tr^: Contact Tbd Phone #( 801)973-205s Crinranrinatecl u,ater is to be disposecl at the follorving facility:Adrranced Peb:oler:rn Recycling tz ..r. clrl re.ss 4783 Shakestone Drive, Kearns, U!4b C<lntact Cathv Phone #(t101 ) 964-9444 Iicontaminated soils are to be aerated, the necess:try permits must be obtained from the Bureau of Air Qualiri, (538-6108). In addition, a detailed aeration pl:rn ntust be submitted to the Executive Secretary (USI') before this Closure Plan can be approvecl. *4soa,aa () Src Contact Garth Miner Title UST Inspecto-Phone #534-4537 CO\TACT LOCA-L FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept.Salt Lake Citv Fire Dept. Contact Ver I InsDector Phone #799-4168 SITE ASSESS}IENT CO\TACT LOCAI HEALTH DISTRICT Name of Dist. Approximale depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks: Croundwater sarnple lab analysis to be used: x "/ EPA473.|EPA 418.1 Other Soil sample, la5 analysis to be used: Healti Dav(izglgz oa&lnln A site assessment must !,,e performed for all UST closures and change.in-service. Site assessments must be p.rro...a as outlined in iu51-202, Part 280,12 and R451-205 (U..{.C.). If contaminr.tion is suspected, "dditional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most Iikely to be present. 10 Feet. Appropriate 8015 modified method ApPr 80 15 modified methoda/-o x t EPA 413.1 EPA 418.1 Other State Certifled Laboratory to be used: Itj1itv rbc.ting ralr)ratory Address 875 S.Chestnut S treet Sa It Iake City utah 973-830s Contact Don thorson il TI T R If crntamrnation is detecte,' or suspected.based on the site assessment, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary GST) .t (801) 538-63 38 within 24 hours. The Bureau of Water Pollution Control must be norified at (801) 538-5146 if cont aminated groundwater is for,nd. If contamination is confirmed, a qualified e nvironmental consultant should a ssist in the remediation Process. ln rhe evenr rhat contamination is fcund. the environmental consultant will be: N ame Vahan H@tratli.n Company Artrrrp<q 180 W. 303C S.. - City Salt Lake City r]41 15 Phone #f801 ) 466-s730 1 The Closure Notice Form, sample results, and Chain of Custody Forni must be completed and returned to the Bureau of Environmentai Response and h.emediation within 90 days following UST clbsure. I ccrtify under penalq,of larv that I am the omer/operator of the facility -referenced above and that I am familiar riith tlre information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete, and further, that the procedures des-'ribed herein *ill bi rved during tank closu re. ' .i'r l'itle ature of ormer /op:rator tuaL "( Date L Title %/^a for total vnlati le organic crm[rlrndc 7io 841 J5 Phone # Sheer Struciure Srrre. ut.ah - Zip ,,/ SITE PI-AT The site plat must show all buildings, tanlr, lines, dispensers, underglound utilities, proposed sampling location aild deprhs, substances stored in tanJcs, and other important feafures. l Faciiiry or I-ocation ID No. aooranz Drawn Neil Blosch Date 1/29/92 OV*4%.rr.i[\-, tYh ne.i I t4rs,/LNonn II vicr fV-wrte A- t ? I I.o. RCI.IGHING FILTER.S s',[e @ rsdt.r''ot o 3 ftJl- R -4rl -2-b{ (]}I\iTRAL \ELLEY. ROAD DRfVH^rAY ss#1 h6 tr rB GRASS 1OOO GAI;I.ON NEI.T OIL 1OOO USED OIT, a GRASS o l-r---- Building,'etc. outlines Tank & Line outlines Creeks, Rivers -s-s-s- = Sewer -g-g-g- = Gas J.lorB 7 oo F--{ J2 rrfSsTf o.H.DmRS PRODLICT LINES PG,IER GENTRATION BUILDT}IG ] Indicate sample locations, depths and- sampl? typ.. (soil, groundwater, unified soil classification).?. Indicate tank number that coriesponds with inforriration given on page I of the Closure Plan. t I I I I i , I -P-P-P- = Porver -w-w-w- = Water -t-t-t- = Telephone 'd-d-d- = French Drains Ke-r': t I I I I 0 = Monitoring Weils (MW-#,)X = Sample locations (SS-#, WS-#,) [ ] = Water \\/ells (domestic, livestock, etc.) I ..( J). <fi'$,<a ,- a^ I o J II d ,t l I U] I I a I II o a I i I toB !i Yihr +- k F (f. I ei tsl 5,Ei TANK SrIE AT CENIRAL VAIJ,EY FACruTY 6E E ? c d cI t,i Ei 8I II : 8 = E:- ! 8 E : aI 5I 56 ) ( I ---- r--r I3:UIS IS3'{ OO6 \ .t t ..1 I fao-s ow'ol ('( ge e +l' 2- e? s_2 ?) ?o li qo Q 2- alo 1'- b fnJ awz1 FY El 2ed C"'r 9- ? 7- f ) 9ot't o-! ca0 n-dtut szc ta 67 I'l 5tz,sz U.M-b, 4 uul xa*t p^{ {r,* Sz, ttoui"T or*1ta,y*af FOR DATE ME -"2sr€s M OF AREA COOE NUMBER EXTENSION 111- 3:3O t<a la,^tu d;/"n lz no* 8m u)6^lru^! ckll u'fil Sond nl L*rl Jlor^ SIGNED u - Fu,'h LITHO IN U.S.A. TOPS @Y FORM 3OO2P P. or.-- K TELEPHONED CATL .! MESSAGE I Lloot487 ) 4l FOR DA 3F PH(]N AREA COtrE NUMBER EXTENSION MESSAGE tJ), y^u6qo elrl 2:tc tk",llall\.k SIGNED LITHO IN U.EiA. TOPS GY FORM 3OO2P D o :CcmDiiance i,_sDense ua te Closed Out -:1SDeCCOr I 2 J j 5 N AIt{E CITY t SLC INIIIAL ]NSPECIION & COMPLIANCE SUMMARY FORM tJo0,,lr^'A; COUNTY/STATE ) ztP CONTACT TITLE PHONE Tank operator Ind.dba _ Corp. Other Oate(acquired/Inc.)_ STREET C ITY COUNTY ztP CONTAC T IITLE PHONE V IOLAII ON,/ COMPL IANCE ,^i .t/ <J cooryn{l^.j-[DATE Act i on 0ate ' 3,c : Act i on Suspense Date Pena I ty $_ lST CONTACT 2ND CONTACT 3RD CONTACT 4TH CONTACT N0v OROER FILE EPA REFERRAL N0v ORt) ER CLOSE OUT *lr4l ) O FY?A, t. FiNAL ASSESS}IENT t $ $_ $_ $_ Tank owner _Ind. dba _ Corp. 0ther oate( acqui red /Inc.) _ STREET ) FACILITY NO.BUSINESS NAI.IE ,tui) dba _ Corp.other oat e ( a c q u i red / I n c . )_Ind. NAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP ACQUIREO- In Co$ ance? # t/N)IANK # STATUS AGE ;A PAC I TY [,IATER IAL I NTERNAL EX TE RNA L P I PING SUBSTANCE LAST USEO CLOSURE CERTI F I CATION RELEASE t)ET. I)ATE t)UE SPILL/OVERF I Lt RELEASE OATE COMMENTS: INSURER I 0""\ il|,-7 548U P roo e rt,/ owner Financial Resoonsibi I itv MEIHOD-POLICY-EFFECTIVE DATE- ,N,U,t/, ^j-A1tu./i l "lN V /\ Central Val1ey Water Reclamation Facility July 3, 1991 Mr. Gary Astin Bureau of Environmental Response and Remediation 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-0690 Dear Mr. Astin: RE:Underground Application, Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility This is in answer to your questions of me of July l, l99l regarding our application for registration of our underground fuel and storage tanks: The diameter of the two lube oil storage tanks is 6 feet. There was a discrepancy in some of the information that had been sent to your office with regard to the pipe material for the pressure lines in the fuel dispensing tanks. I have researched the information and determined that the lines are made of a fiber reinforced plastic material. The piping was installed by F.W. Jones & Associates. 3. Page 5 of the application form has been completed (see enclosed). If you have any questions, please call me. 1 2 RLR:js Enclosure frECENED JuL I $91 +dr*:'si#s*i'* Styctd\ ( =/a^J,/ / -(RonaldY. Roberts P.E. Director of Engineering cv 800 West Central Valley Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84119-3379 . (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9100 Ext. 125 Norman H. Bangerter Govemor Suzanne Dandoy, M.D., M.P.H. Executrve Diretor Kenneth L. Alkema DiEtor Bureau of Environmental Response and Remedratton 288 Nonh 1460 Wesr, p.O. Box 16690 salr Lake city, utah 84116-0690 (801 ) 538-6338 : t\ .l ."* -,-i'* , i.v -.i__*^- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DTVISION OF EN\TIRONMENTAL HEALTH Facirity t.o. *ltIll_( ( 7 5t*'06f( DATE: TO tl FRO 5 o I 4,b-(t Srr **u*- k - -rt +s: A tl'n i Form 7 ,4.u Annual Le Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM SToRAGE TANK FUND is iricomplete. The follorving additional information is required before your application can be processed. Xl Tht results of your Tank/l ine Tightness Test and a copy of the fielcl report need to be submitted to this- office. /tqa_ tM lt- pcae d+ tr-e- lar}, c>-. Lube'o;l .leoL5 D( You must document that you have ieak detection on: [ ] your tank(s) p(your piping b4 .r' Notification Form, registering or upgrading your tanks, needs to be filled out 530 (Revised 9-89)) . ,t/."4 o ee zx*!;p l,ilr l*,LA*+Li* I ank Fee Assessments remain unpaid .%.P"'ES"J,*fr ck for $ aud submitted (use I'o.rt*rn'+,i/ This will cover the fiscal year(s) '88 '89 '90 '91 (circle the applicable). t I You have not completed the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS." Please complete the enclosed form. i ] Annual Fees for the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND remain unpaicl. Please submit a check This would cover the fiscal year '91. The amount for the current quarter only woulclfor beS t I Your "APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETER DISCOUNT" is defective for the following reasons t I The release # satisfaction of has not been characterized or maintained its cleanu p schedule to the your proJe ct manager, and the Executive Secretary (UST). '[\{ftease return a copy of this speed memo with the t I Other (below): "HEE€{VE JUL 8 B$ n . RECEIVED IPIOcesslng. JUL - 3 1991 OF ENV ATION TANK FLIND until the abovePlease note that you will not be covered under the pE mentioned items are completed. If you are currently a LUST site, and your Fund application has been approved, any further releases will be covered by the Fund. Ifyou have any questions concerning this, please call the Bureau of Environmental Response and Remediation at (801)538-633g. F^r, xt I\} oF conPu lrcE (@nPl€rE FoR Alr NErv Ar|D UFG8 DED T t{lci AT THB LOCATpil) frnf,U. I Trr*ltb.-rer*tu:3LT.rt( 5.rdffion Nu,rt t ,n*.2-r.rr,rs.-} A holbr crifrrd by rrf..d pFhg m.n rdur.rr 8.nm[.r orffi.d or hr.d by tlr hpa.lmlnfrgTrq 0. mlEon h.pd.d bf .reht.ltdqh..t D. halffin hop-!.d rd rm.urr.d by hCaltrilhg T.nq E urnuhctn/r lnnd&n cfidr- llnrh.I.brncoqnrd F. A,!dr.i oa0Ed dd by S:rr!. rgrnry. Plcu rprcily, i-hndihl PPIM!PIPINGPPHOTAIIX a PFI}IG Eaf7E T xt(PFlrlc TAT{K x TAT{X x llGEI-}IT Z B.Lrr. D.l.ction (M!rt !I thsl Tply) UL E I99I ! ll 3. SpI rd Ov.rliu hcabn A ov.rlil d.v'E hdrf.d 8. SpU d.ub. h.irl5 arJlrwLog..xlanxto :t<C I m,cqEmng ^/D ba ?J ol trrno.,Polbn / O TH: i c.tfiy the hlLr: t^r{K EEE EwEE EA lllnuallmk Oarrlrl B. TlnX rithrnGr lGlhg C. hv.nbry ontob D. Arrbmlrb tlnk grDghg E V.por monlbring F. GrounM.r nFnlorhg G lntrrttiel monffi1.dol6L w.ll.d tankDPlrte H. lnt rctital lrcntahg,lEndlry oofltlhmanl I Atbmtb lino lrdr dd.cE{t J. ih.lighir.t t drg K Clrh.r n thod.hlnd by hplemcnling Agency. Plor .p.dfy. EEEE E EEEE E E E EEEE E EEtl E EEE E tlEtI DtlE tl E E E E E E@ E EB - ry E t:]t_lEEnEE E I-L her 5 Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility .ilJ,TH,P,IEfl +I[ETI^[T,,^ ocro?ffiql ,'B'X,i '9["[ill|$]YF[I+lo, Dear Mr. Howard: This is to inform you of our intent to remove two old underground diesel storage tanks that exist on our plant site. It is our understanding from telephone converstaions with you, Mr. Jim Thiros and Ms. Janet Kellar of the State Division of Environmental Response and Remediation that these tank are "non-regulated' and do not need a State UST Closure Plan. As discussed with you, these tanks were used for storage of diesel for use in supplying fuel to furnaces that supplied heat to a plant process. Never-the-1ess, we have enclosed a proposed closure plan. The two tanks were installed in about 1954 and 1962 and have not been in service for at least 15 years. We are having to excavate around these tanks to determine their size and characteristics. I hope the enclosed information is sufficient to satisfy all the requirements of tank removal. If not, please contact me so that we can remove these tanks as soon as possible. We would like to schedule a time during the week of October 13, 1991, for you to come to inspect the site before we remove the tanks. Sincereiy, Mr. Cary Howard Underground Storage Tank Specialist 610 South 2nd East Salt Lake City, Utah 841 11 WHFjs Enclosures cc: Mr. Jim Thiros October 4, 1991 #4m/z/47 /-rL4;^Z/frt William H. Fox Special Projecs Engineer 800 west central valley Road, salt Lake city, uT 84119-3379 . (801 ) 973-9100 . FAx (801 ) 973-9100 Ext. 125 cvwR F fri CLOSURE PLAN FOR TWO 500 GALLON (APPROXTMATELY) DTESEL TANKS AT CENTRAL VALLEY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY October t, 1991 INTRODUCTION Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility has discovered that there are two 500 gallon (approximately) diesel storage tanks buried on the plant site. These tanks have not been used for at least 15 years and need to be removed from the plant site. Because we know so little about these tanks, we have had to excavate around them to expose them so we could get approximate size and characteristic data. The soil that was removed from around the tanks has been placed on a concrete pad so that if soil contamination has been a problem, we will be able to treat the soil that has been removed. In order to proceed further, we propose to proce€d with the outline listed below. PROCEDI]RE Test the contents of the tanks to determine what materials are in the tanks and in what quantities. We propose to dispose of the water in the tanks in the influent to the waste-water treatment plant which we operate. We propose to have a contractor waste oil hauler pump the diesel out of the tanks and dispose of the fuel in his normal manner. We propose to steam clean the tanks to remove any traces of diesel fuel from the tank. We propose to cut the tanks into small pieces with an acetylene torch and have the pieces hauled to the dump. We propose to inspect the sites where the tanks were removed to see if leakage or contamination has been a problem. If contamination is evident, we propose to sample the soil on both sides of the cylindrical tank to determine the extent of the contamination. We will excavate the contaminated soil and remove it to the concrete siab for aeration until the contamination is at acceptable limiS, We propose to replace the uncontaminated (or decontaminated) soil in the excavation site to refill the hole. If there is no contamination present, we propose to replace the soil in the hole in the excavation site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I \ :-r-cr- :tY _D.U PST PROCESSING CHECKLIST rear q I t g7 llon-t'{arketer Discount unaccepcable Accept 't^ 1333 i.Iot Applicable Previous pol-Iution Incidence - LUST File - Forn fncluded Y/N / Y/lr Y i I TMIA - tlerify tank/Iines\/s registered - Docunentati_on ok? - Rate ok? (- Tautt Au/;1,r s((n' z{*1t",^ls u(:lrr- zoi(kr,Lr lf;';r'&!,"z bit t!*'lYu'4' ru; d^'il^ bP" l"'* oJwp funhr,tu f4+d, _/ rxt \rt(Yltt t/ '{/n t/ Y/N t-/ ^V,&Fund Paid 6- FY el Y/N ,/""= paio V -Fy aa? /'bhl- FY as? vl t - Fy 90? -rr pipr\ FBP*.5,,1, sd",/ 7 - an' 7"{' (rels LD, +S a. z{*( fawLs Nuds splt(oouo"P'fi 2 o i{ t-orlr I ,ret) no L0 ar L}D - lf86 Y /Ii L,/E r ',({,taql-,+- tatttr - FY 9L? Compliance 1YT B/ compliance oursrandins? y ^\t-*/ 7 Leak derection required? y ,\\t)K,Z tlyliftcation up tc date & compler-e? y / r"/Appf ication? Dv /w ft , .,r\v I'J)Dli'-"' - / l\ c,1tt t-+f-,"" /,p,"f ,\ " rlrilfnl"'firr' ' ] /N ! {qzl pfiL ffr Date Qualified Rer,,ie'.,r ccmpleted and certificate issueC bv suPPoRT \ CE \ CHECKLT ST . PS? JUI u g Bgr ": t'r1 {ur{ +ciL ( Acr+. t/ cv JUL- 3-gI I,IED 15:02 CETIIAL I/ALLEY }IATER REC FA)( NO. BOI g?i.QzBO Central ValleV Water Redamation Facility ne rfl - "7r r'L,F ' ', r, ' tG. i". .\ULSXISl uyp-[,]"ift$&Qffi*' t Aqtdisfr.^ P. 0l FA]I COVER SHEET Date To E.AX Phohe Speclal rnstructions --_- .- ******** *r************* ** Nuaber of pages sent inctualng thle page: Please.call (g0l) 923-9100 ext- L00 if you have probleraereceivlng thic transurieeion or do not rEcelve ari paEes, * * * ** ** * * ***r* * * ** f, * i * * * * * cv JUL- 3-gI }IED 15:02 CEilIRAL UALLEY I.IATER REC FA}( HO. BOI 97L{2BO Central Valley Water Redamation r Facility InIy 3, 1991 Mr. Gary Astfur Brueau of Environruental Rcsponrc atd Remediation 288 Nffh 1460 West salt I,atB City, UtEh S411m690 Dear Ml. Astinl RE: RoMs P.E" Direcbr of Engineertng RLR:js Enclosur€ P, 02 Uodergxoutrd Applicatior, Cenhal Valley Wa&r Reclamation facility This is in answer to yourquesHqns of rne of luly 1, 1991 regardiqg our application forrqgisftadon of our urrdergrouud fuel and storage tanlq: 1. The diameter of the two lube oil stonags tanks is 6 feet. 2- There was a dismcpancy rn some of the infsmation that had been sent to your offfpe with regard to the pipe matcrial for the prcssure lines in the firel dispensing tanks, I have researched t&e iufurmation and determined that ths lines are made of a fiber reinforcert plastic material. The piping was inshlled by F.W. Iones & Assooiates. 3- Page 5 of the application fsrm bas bccu complehd (see encroeed). If you have any questions, please cqll me. &t wf E00Westcenrral Valley Road, SBlt Lalte City,uT 8411e-s37e . (801) e73€100. FAX (801) 97s-9100 Ext. re5 JUL_ 3-91 I.IED 15:02 CEUI&AL VALLEY I,IATEB REC FA}{ NO. BOI 9TLQ2BO P, 03 ! I It r...lr:-.F-. F_tf, r,e ,ii :_ iAi: DEI_A.RT1fENI oF HIIALTITDrvlgroN or rmwnonrnrrMer, HEALTIINqrmanH.n ng"nu !Oom ! $rrtaan: Ihadoy. M.n..U-p.ff- i ErBulrroDlErq. Icnnrth L rlltrcna Jur* .i Btrlr9su Of Etviro,nrEr{il Respcrse g1d R.fi€GAlEn s€8 North t46o whs, Po. 80r lE6so Salr t*a|3 clty, UBn B4l rE{6&} (€or) Esg-6938 Facirity I.D- #fiD!4gy g?{-trtf{ Your application for cPveragc 'nder the PETROLEUM sroRAGB TAI\IK FT.JI\[D is Gcornpletc. Thefollorving additional informaiiou l, iiqr""a before pur application can be processed. KI Th" results of your.Tank (L$yTightrress Tesr and a cqpy of the fiell report need ro be submitted to thisorrice. iqa r"e rt,*j;;+-+;-#[L,^ Ar,,6e a;r {o*ts ffi You must docuruent tbat you have leek detectiou on: [ ] your tank(s)[(yo* piping H out aBd subuitted (use ,t ln t*.*lu) IJ This will cover I I You have notomPleted the form declaring "PREvlous poLLUTIoN INCIDENTS., please completc I J Annual Fees for for be tbF PETRoLEUM SToRAGE TAI'IK FUND rernain unpaid. ptease submlt a checkThis would cover the nu"rr iurr 'ili-^iil" *ro*t for the surent querts onry would [ ] Your "APPLICA'ION FoR NON-IvIARKETER DIscouNT,is defective for rhe following reasons: [ ] The release #has uot been characterized or maintaincd its cleanup sc.hedule to the Seeetary (UST). sarisfaction of your project maaager, and the Executive }{Please reflutr a coPy of this speed rlerro with the abovc items to spced ,.,**.?SCEIVED I I Other (betow):JUL - s pgl Please note that5ou will no-t be covered tnder the PETRoLEI M sroRAGE TAIIK t'tJDIr) Erfil the aboveil?,1ffi1#1i..ffi,":ffiH*r'f,'"'Jr.f- gurcnltv e t usr at , ;d r,rr;'r#d appr,cetion ree ueeucafttn"d"*i,"lrrii**;;iliffi ;f"TrT.mfr*fffi m,Wm;d;"-hsu,i,Ipr]*. JUL- 3-sl tlED 15:03 CEUIRAL VALLEY I.IATER REC FA)( N0, 801 P, 04 oF oorlPuiltrcE (6aPLEIE Fil A}ID UFBHTDED TATTII(8 AT TTGT LOGATPilIXI. CEHNFIoATPIT Tlftffrrffii iluntf rn*l5.I 2-,Trlr No.tr*lh. ry Tr*fh-Tr*t5,-}r- A hEfrafit!ryrtt[]t!pflEnrmlretrrn 8lhrtilrrrrilDd c hmrd by tr farhmmhf frry 6HEilhocUrrt|trOtfrrr D. ffiflrEonfrrpcfdrrd FSEE rDilfErIllfrt E lltshilrrthffirrdrdpflrhilrtm€dtd E looilr.iEttfrddilf,dryqf. rgruy. Plcu+.ry- l.lffitabil T ilt( flEED t_lEfl fl q4 tf E Ewtl PFIIG E ry E Trflr( fl @ { ?as( * EE E E n trlEE tl EEtI TAiIK EE]t:EEE t:]tf E DEE =1n Irilr EtlEE]Ef:I:] Ef E tl ErE t:] t:]EE 2. Fdrnr DAolbn (Mdr rI rfu ;plyl A lrlrrdtrdrf;hg E Trnktlgmrtrtrrkrg EemmryumL D. &tsartEurtEuthg E Vqormontuiry F. Gmndrnlrrmnerif *rtbdld tt hffimnbingl0mrLrycufitmr* L tuHrdhfnh*drbar J. llnthh.llt dro K On rruhdrhrrd hrpLmailhgAgrrry. so[y. til Phrrr k g.gF!rtdOillilftnrha L Oilrrlld.rrb.h*ilr.t & Srldrrrbrhflrd xtL 6a- I brtqr. il,,ptv OATk tcrr$ylhe hilbn OV olrhcr ! PrFS P. 05 AUTO}IAT IC COVER SHEET DATE I JUL- 3-gl [.lED 15: 04 TO: FA}{ #: 5386694 FAH #: 801 973 9280 O5 PAftES I^IERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE) FROI{: CENTRAL VALLEY 6IATER REC PA:rrrY LD. * -goolqS ? - PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION FACILITY INFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: Owngf Name: central val I ey llater Recl FaciIit y Facility Name: central Vallev Wate. Reclamation Facility Street Address:800 },i. Central Val'ley Rd Boa rd Stfeet Addfessl 800 west central vallev Road City Sal t Lake City County : Salt Lake State: u;h Zip Code:8411 9 Phone:801 973-9100 Contact efsOn: Ronal d L. Roberts Contact efsOn: Ronal d L. Roberts City Cou Sal t Lake City Sal t Lake State: Phone: Utah zip Code: 8411e (801 973-9100 [ ] Marketer, or non-marketer with annual [ ] Non-marketer with annual monthly thro monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gallons. ughputiess than 10,000 gallons (Must verify). DES CRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: 2 3 4 2 2 6 6 Tank # AQe lyears) Capacity (sar ) Substance 6000 6000 550 550 Di esel Unl eaded Casoline Lube Oil Lube Oil fank # Pass/Fail 2 3 4 Pass Pass Pass Pass CERTIFTCATE OF REGISTRATION I All Underground StorageTanks ] ll registr-tion TANK Fees have (UST) at this facility have been paid.rr{D T,or, co MPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ,l ls the applicant culxl Yes t escribe item (s) of non-compliance: rrently in compliance No -- lf "No" please d ith all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations PREVIOU s PoLLUTIoN INCIDENT(S) Have vou ever had a pollution incide t I Yes - lf "Yes" Please Provide LU nt at vour facilitv? ST (Leaking Uriderground Storage Tank) lnformation: No - lf ',No,, olease attach a letter stating that under customary business inve.ntory" b;;"iiq;;til<iiiOJyou are not;ware of any release fiom any tank(s) at this facilityI x] PST FUND FEES I Full payment for every tank at this I Quarterly payment(s) for every tan facilitv is included with this application. k at this facility are included with this application I certify und6r penaity of law that tho abo/e representatiolts tnade by ms aro trus and correct. Applicant's signature:x ,/*Date signed:t7*,J Z (/r7/ TYPE OF OWNER: 1 TANKTIGHTNESS TEST 1 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: t\d All Underground [] Registration Tanr Storage Tanks (USTs) have been registered - Form 7530 (Revised g-Bg). k Fees have been paid - 1988/1989 ; $2sltanUyr, 1990/1991 : $4S/tank/yr 2. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: [d I am in compliance with release detection requirements. I I I Tanks installed before 1965 or unknown: release detection by Dec. 19g9. [ | Tanks installed 196$1988: release detection to be completed by my compliance date. I I Release detection completed upon installation. f4 I am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. 3. PST FUND FEES.. ANNUAL FACILITY MONTHLY THROUGHPUT: IJ lam a marketer, or ! am a non-marketer than 10,000 gallons. with annual facility monthly throughput greater I I $ZSO paymenVtank: Fiscal year (Juty 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). il !u..3rterly payments @ $62.50/tank (Due the 1st day of Jul, Oct, Jan, and Apr). h{ ! 3m a non-marketer ryilltqUVq!f*acilU_fng1!r:rl.V tnrqgg]pqt lessthan 1o,ooo gallons I I have oompleted the APPLICATION rOn ruon:MARK-ETERS DtSCouNi- forfi- t I $tZP .paymentAapk: Fiscal year (Juty 1, t99O - June 30, 1991). *l- . . I I Quarterty pgymeds @ $31.25/tenk (Due the lst day ot Jut, Oc.t, Jan, and Apr). ... .,-. 4. TANK & LINE TIGHTNESS TEST..ACTIONS REQUIRED AFTER TEST: D{ 4ll systems.pass the tank and line tightness tests. t ] I am submitting the resufts of the tahk tightness test and a copy of the field report. t ] l]ltanks do not meetthe requirements set by rule regarding tank tightness testinq. [ ] I have contacted the State UST office and will submitlvidenlce of a-plan for revievi. 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS: [ ] I have completed the pREVtougpoLLUTtoN tNctDENTS under customary business inventory practice standards, I am tank. form which states whether aware of any release from the 6. INDEPENDENT FINAN ASSURANCE records at []lhaveobtained rements for the first $25,000/release: r facil [ ] Commercial lnsurance I I Surety Bond tI I I Sell lnsurance I I Risk retention group I I Guarantee I I Letter of Credit I I ! nqye.qbtained independentthird-party financial assurance by my comptiance date [ ] I will obtain independent third-party financial assurance by my compliarice date. *See explanatlons under "Hotfl do I get started?, Trr* t5. 3 Tlnk ib. 4 Trr* No. - STORAGE TAl.116 (CompbL lr TukNo. I TankNo. 2 IX DESCRIPTIOI{ OF U Tr* ldcndficdbn Nurrber t nk Etthb locdon) Cunrnty h tJ.. TrmpoilrfyOulol tL Prrmarnty otl ol Ur Amcndmrntd lrt'ormltbn Err--u t. Stt ! dTank (mett only onc) 1985 198 5Z DrLsl h3lalldion (nnJycer)1989 198 9 550 5503. Eltirilr.d Taal Gapar*ty (gdlom)6,000 5,000 x No Reinforced lhermoset Reinforce Thermoset No 4. llacfilol Constnabn (llr* r[ fiat appty] &pttalt Corled or Baro Std Cdtodlcalty PrEt ct d S:trl Eporf Coacd Std Compoc[. (Stccl wlth Fbcrglus) Fbeqlsss Relrdorcrd Philic Unrd lniorbr Double WdLd Polyethylcnc Tmk J.ck.l Concrata Eradion Unrr Unknown Olhcr, Plcer lp.dty Has tank been repairrd? x No x x x x Fberylass Bcirdorccd Phldc Copp.r Cdodicdly ProLctcd Doublc WslLd ScsrOryy Coarinmcnt Unktstt Olhcr, Plear le.dfy 5. Pptng (Maerhl) (M.rt dllhdt apply)Barc Std Cralvanizcd Slecl x No x No x No x No Suclirn: mvrlvo dtrnk Su&n: vdvc d trnlt - Prresun Gnvlty F..d Haspphg brn npdrcd? 6. PFhs Oype) $ftttrIthdrpply) T - Prf 3 No 7. SuErrr. Currtlrtf or Lart SlDr.d' h G,id.d Oulr tI bf Volumo Garotrn. D|cc.l - CrrtolDl Xaruaoa Hcdrp OX t !.d OI Oh.r.PLo?.cly Hazadour Subtars CEBGLA nsllr. rldrbr, CAS numbcr N/A Trnk I\b. 2 Trd( 1r.1-3; Lube oiL N/A Trr*15.4 Trnk No. x N/A X TANKS OUT OF USE, OR CHANGE D{ SEBVICE f. Cb.he ol T.r* A Bdrna.d d.t Lrt u3.d (moJClyryaar) B. Enimal. dale tank ctos.d (moJd!y/y.rr) C. Tank wrs rrmov.d lrom grgund D, Tenk uar tcd h gatnd E 1:nk liil.d rfll$ In.rt mlt rilt Dccrbr F. Change h:crub -#d#tr ) ,- 2. Sl!. A....smcnl Comdcf.d A .rr ol! Llkd.t cl.d hg! 4 x Trnk ldcndhicn'Numb.r Mirlurr ol &baarcco Plesr. sp.dry T lx l- N/A I il- ll-- l-ll I 6t* rtoHrr June 21, 1991 Utah Department of Health Bureau of Env Response & Remed P. O. Box 16690 Salt Lake city, uT 84116-0690 R \r, AU EI E Jufiz | 0, L sslfi{ffHyitftffisi Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are applications for underground storage tanks and copies of leak testing that confirm the tanks do not leak. We will be submitting payment at a later time. Si ly, ^"r/L(Ronald . Roberts, P. Director of Engineering RLR/ct 8OO West Central Valley Road, Sah Lake city, uT 84119-3379. (801) 973-9100 . FAX (801) 973-9100 Ext. 125 Cenlral Valley Water Reclamation Facility '\ PETROLE\,rvl STORAGE TANK FUND Ch,iCKLIST' 1. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: N All Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) have been registered - Form 7530 (Revised 9€9). [] Registration Tank Fees have been paid - 1988/1985] = $2Sltank/yr, 1990/1991 = $aSfiank&r 2. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: f{tamincompliarynts. [ ] Tanks lnstalled betore 1965 or unknown: release deleelion by Oec. 1989. Dl Tank3 installed 196S1988: reler3e d€tection to be completed by my compliance dale. [ ] Releese detection completed upon instalLtion. [ ] I am in compliance with all other Federal, State, and Local UST regulations. 3. PST FUND FEES - ANNUAL FACILITY MONTHLYTHROUGHPUT: [ ] I am a marketer, or I am a non-marketer with annual facility monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gallons. I I t250 paymenulank: Fiscal year (July r, 1990 - June 30, 1991). [ ] Quaaerly payments @ i62.50/tank (Due the lst day ol Jul, Oct, Jan, and Apr). D( I1 I am a non-marketer with annual facility monthly throughput less than 10,000 gallons. I have completed the APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETERS DISCOUNT form. [ ] $r25 paymenulank: Fiscel year (July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991). [ ] Quarterly payments @ 13t.25^ank (Due the 13t day ot Jul, Ocl, Jan, 8nd Apr). I I All systems pass the tank and line tightness tests. I I am submitting the results of the tank tightness test and a copy of the field report. [ ] All tanks do not meet the requirements set by rule regarding tank tightness testing. [ ] I have contacted the State UST office and will submit evidence of a plan for review. 4. TANK & LINE TIGHTNESS TEST - ACTIONS REQU]RED AFTER TEST: 5. PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS: p{ t have completed the PREVIoUS PoLLUTIoN INGIDENTS form which states whether under customary business inventory practice standards, I am aware of any release from the tank. 6. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ASSURANCE (Keep records at your facility): ffi I have obtained financial responsibility requirements for the first $25,000/release: tr{ ser lnsurance [ ] Risk relention group [ ] I have obtained independent third-party financial assurance by [ ] I will obtain independent third-party financial assurance by my [ ] Gurrantee I I Letter o, Credil I I Commerchl lnsurrnce tI Eond I I Other: co D 'See exflanations under "Horr do I get started?" JUtr 2 r flll '., 7 -"siHi"iffif,[srW*t /1^\ F/trlrn' U} L----- PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND APPLICATION FACILITY !NFORMATION:LOCATION OF TANKS: Ownef Name: central vallev water Recl Faci I i ty FaCility Name: central valtev water Reclamation Faci lity Street Address@ "i Street'Address@ City:Sa lt Lake Ci ty City:Salt Lake Ci ty County County:Sal t Lake: Sa 1t Lake State: utuh 7ip Code:841 19 State: utah Zip Code: aqirg Phone:801 973-9100 Phone: (8or ) s73 -er oo Contact n: Ronal d L- Roberts Co ntaot PefSOn: Ronald L. Robe.rs TYPE OF OWNER: [ ] Marketer, or non-marketer with annual monthly throughput greater than 10,000 gallons. [ ] Non-marketer with annual monthly throughput less than 10,000 gallons (Must verify). DESCRIPTION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: Tank #2 43 AQe (vears) 2 Capacity ( gar )---E666-Substance Di esel HECE26 550 Unleaded Gaso'line Lube 0il Lube 0i'l JIITz I -----------.-1-TA-TANK TIGHTNESS TEST :-{lYl lank # Pass/Fail Pa ss 2 Pass Pass Pa ss 3 4 UIATT ['EPT. OF HEALTHBUNEAiU€FENVIREffiIET{'ftt-Feqotru.f ^ '.tF - P.. F-' ^-r^. ! CEBTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION [ ] All Underground Storage Tanks (UST) at this facility have been registered. [ ] All registration TANK Fees have been paid. COMPLIANCE WITH UST REGULATIONS: ls the applicant currently in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local UST regulations I x ] Yes [ ] No - lf "No" please describe item(s) of non-compliance: PREVTOUS POLLUTTON INCTDENT(S Have you ever had a pollution incident at your facility? [ ] Yes - f "Yes" please provide LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) lnformation: I x] No - lf "No" please attach a letter stating that under customary business inventory. practice standards you are not Eware of any release fiom any tank(s) at this facility. PST FUND FEES [ ] Full payment tor every tank at this facility is included with this application.[ ] Quarterly payment(s) for every tank at this facility are included with this application. L4 la1ne,,* *tl /g- d/,wrd )w," 2t,t11/ I certify under p€natty o, law that the abo/e representations made by m€ are true and corect. Applicant's signature:Z /*k Date signed:l44 /f I 6 6000 550 1 A FTSUTT ID.I PREVIOUS POLLIJTION INCIDENTS To:Mr. Deruris Downs Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Committee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragraph 26-L4e40,4 of the Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on each underground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a release of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customary business inventory practices standards", I am not aware of any release of from my tanks. 0a1 / of owner/ OR, I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). BUREAU OF ENVIBONUENTALQFqrrnhrrr AA.^ -F' "-.-utTl0hl trtI signature of owner/operator Failure to report previous releases could void ]rour coverage under the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. \ l"\^ -\ -{.. \\ \ 'k/w\-\ lt-8f, ENvIRONIlIENTAL May ,l3, 1991 Ron Roberts Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 West Central Valley Boad Salt Lake City, Utah 841 19 RE: Besults ol Tank Tiohtness Testino Dear Mr. Roberts: Si atrick E llsworth UST Precision Tester Certificate #UT-o059 encl: Tank Tightness Test Results Line Test Besuhs Enclosed are the results of tank tightness testing performed on the gasoline and diesel underground storage tanks (USTs) located at the dispenser island of the Ce ntral Val ley Water Reclamatio n f aci lity. The-lwQ-lan[s-testedl0ht. This means that the lanks meet the National Fire Protection Association's (N.F.P.A.) #329 criteria for a non-leaking tank. This criteria states that a tank is tight il it is not leaking or gaining fluid at a rate greater than 0.05 gallons per hour. The produci supply piping lines also tested tight (leak rate less than 0.01 gallons per hour). It you have any questions, please leel lree to contact me. Wie\d<' RECEIVED , Juil2tffl UTATi OEPI. OF HEALTH BunH\"u,.gF"F*vnq!{H}T l, RECEIVED t€ MAY ffi1991 . lilDUsTn,aLHE LTH hconPonarED 640 E. WTLMTNGToN AVEBUT SALT LAKE ClTy. UTAH 84106 TETEPHoNT: 801.466.2223 FAx 801"466.9616 c.v.w.H. Pltc' LLR- ,r\a -:---,. i,...'icrrr1. r-...,:.r-,Ji in-l;i,' ..rf-jr...',. j..L ! --jrr... !j!--',..r.,..-'-.!1.-i: a;"=i-:ai-ll=i .-7a:,:-:,; .i1':iir..i?..L1;-1 . ii'tr'.. ._=.-E rr jL. j:rr=r_:=.iil 7:-:r ::i.-,rt "t. LJl* i tr.:.*aiJt.:-,j t.;_.j. J:.:.,:-i .:lrsr s.iijr- ' '-= ii;:m=nt=: j-t ii..r -l'=?ir.L t!a I i fl-*L ie;; 1.. t,.i.r,* +1r" 1i:r,/?i t-ti-:.. ;a4.r O= 1...'- . .l :lil; r.-:::1r '+---.',ElJ:-j-i ';ri.-i E = :- ti:,.: l. -i. il':.jr i, i I. i-i ':'.-.: -*-i3Ei i=rl.3i:.J -0 I i-il'ii- !.-,r; r J : Te-t f:n F?e-u f- t - i.: i - i- ..t .'r,.; j- i I i-. =-- : -.1':-r - .q -'1 ...- i -- ----.- ; -_.j enC i,i se=on'iE s,t ir-. !i1-, =BLt.jt Irj= l-.r i .-.---r. -I -1- .-..:-: ---, : -iirLl,- L'sr.i *vsi r-. * i-il i i-.---!.- i'',E:i'{.' jf { i'i.4..n:.=:t_=:iL : _r!a ri:l 1_.;i _",!; !,i =t'- .-J-.-.,.J4r The iEvEi c;.ta i,-ii i.iiis anaiy=is =ts:.rts .lt i-!4.:,1.:,': =: si.lci End= Ei- t-:3-r ic.:4i" il-'e tsr't:ie:-ature cEi;. f'=t- thiS 6.n4. 1y':-=i5 =.tAi-l-5 ;.I t-t4:iE:!E cr.i-r,j eni:l= a'i t-rI:Jr':';i. Ti-,e vrL'l--aEe trh,:'ngE f ti- E cE i i hi-a.t isn vEiLlmE ilf fi..----. i --- !-.'.-- -! !L- --i--i --L:j.t-EC: l'EA.tr1n'l= t-A.i:ei ai tfr= f:fii:lErEii']-rS i:'r- EhtrH an al-rditsr pr-tr'tre ciranEE (3'F tJ.2ti rnt"' i-l1l=- Is a qrtr== LEv=-I change c+ 1(:r5 mL t. L- in 4E in 4ra r: t-t -- IIT-' IIIE - - t -..-.! - J rn i nLttE= fli i. rlLrt eE Tal.ling all the 1n+-eimeCiate data into trtrnsideration by r,er-fcrrn:ng a ieegt sqLt.;r-e rsgrss=ian o+ ievel, on time Eives -a.n aLr::itrf,r pi'r:be Eictrs xf -O . f,=i 't :.t].-'-=- / houi r- . ii.-i-i=, t,:r....j;'-,lg..= =i-;61.1;i, r,',:l;.ii-,re i.=.ir-,=pilinq -.7tlt .Til-.,'::trLti-, - ! r -,--:-i:a'ig,:l t.=:;.,-:;lr-a:L'i-e 5iif,=E i:,f -'i.i, (:::. r];'1:, ;,'-;if i'i:iE5 ; ,' .,-.i-,Li;-_: a : ; ;Lt r_; ::": \.- fi - ---1 ..j . ril :.._. , ri -\ ..: l'ii Sj vEten corr'plie:i F;j.tl-i 1,,.1-"F'.*" {+f,:jt c,r-j.LEi":a i-i.,.- i.},i:::i fr;:,r:., 5r-=iE,f, ,j*e= ;'!.*i: ,::r,-ii::.rj rr:i:_i-i i;..F.i',i+, ij:.li!.r,a ,1rii:..t: ta (-i,.-_ i:j,i-:= ;l,i..il: / _,i F':pi.r-r; i.;:;.ii i,-r,:iitr;t=c i_/ Tani': ixai": ir:d:.:n:;,:j ! _f Te=t i.nrcn=ir-r=:.ve: .i _ ..' ii i r 'r !.- i...*. F r: i-- i, i' =-: r, : i; ,: i i: .3. :: ;i r:i i _i Temu-ereti.rr'* ii::i.l,ai: -;. i.i:,,, / _i improper- i nst;ri i;l: :.-:i-.t tes'l ctrndilE:ter- t"r, F*.t;-iit,: Ei isl,;*:,.th #rlt-r:l?[ s:ir:n;{tLli-e test uiitnss5etr by '..:DnE; s:rj-a.t;_ir-ax ilcirrment=: ::. ,...' ,. ., -+ T n-Ellj +1=aI - E::-i.: :i\' ..: ;: Jil-. i: ':: ..i'-. . ' -; i'. . :.:- -.':. @ iq> '. ..: .:: -. . '--: :=:,'':: -.:7,] E:":n:; --:i \-,v g r rer r rlJ s.. I r_ -i;ii.; i i;;-'r i:: i i t !*:E i r':lr1";-iir-.r-: i i.'^ t---.it *, i.r-*.S';. S,:iLiEr'-,= r'€qi-E.!Etutt-r G.i i.eVeiii'i -t-; . f,f,5 'i a i t = r, i-r.;,_ii . T,:r-t:. tre .;r'.3== ;- i-,:irjii{: \,,:iLii.?.}= :r=. in'i;c f ,-rir!!:.te:'i:::nn 5 i=,ar--i,:r-,t::.-,-l i. 1--1 f'i t i mr: rJ :. rirlE ;-: !l .llr r.- - i L-- i" .r .-'i:lj rl: ; l. :i::,.: ;s:ri; 'i-hi.: i--a.iCr-ii=-itEC EE:':.Irf,=i-etL:r-a: gl*:e E.r: -i:r"i-r(j.ii:i7J L:i:j,-.r;-*.== ,i;ii: ih* ,:,=gffici.*n'1, ,:f e:li:-=n.giun. tne efi:ei,:'L ,r.i: iain!::]!.-.aiLiii.: ;. dE= i-EasE i n t,o 1utri,= clf *i,!. 6 trt;-t, nr 5'*rb tract i nr_-i th* trL-lfiipt-ai;-ict .,,r= l.Lirne f i-irii-r t3{: 'l& ,'rf,Lr'h,=i.ii-. 3i-,:Fli-t.L n'-I ;.f iit:-..' i-,r-:r..i :.-, =,i t=mp..Efi..i'-il'E vali-irre ih;.r,,le fi-;il ihc: ,* : e i C.-- ; -i=,rip€I-n'tirre i ii:- iu==t.Etri v= i r_i,r-i;.a (1 , i:tij6EiJ qa.'! / heqr " -' li | '-. -.L---- t y/*1,=t** co,rrp I ie..s r.t:th rr" F. F,,i ,' _r/ 5',r= ; gm dg;a"= r'1,:it i an:-- ]. .y *r i'i h i_/ Fiping .ie+i,: indicetE.i / _,/'I'c:.fll:t i.eaH ii-icic€1.tefr i _i Te=t t ncrtnc i;-;-1, i ve: +lf,"=j ci-ite;.i; t+/-- i:r.i.]:: Gi:,i.il i.j" i, F " r+- *f,::=,:;.:'iE..''.;. i-;-,' - ,r_/ Air- or u;.pcr tr's-ip :r;ijii:ateC i _/ Teirrp e r- e.t r: i'e : n=t e. i= ": i i t y ,t -r' i mp rcpei'- i n=ta i i =-rt i an teEt. condir=ted by Feti-ici,: E.i. i=r.r*,-tfi *(:]a-rS?i Eigna.ture :;=I, i;iti';es:=.qti i::.-: i :t.':-iei = i.,:,',et,.ti-=l RIAL HEALTH INCORPOR 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT LAKE CTTY, UTAH 84106 (801) 46S2223 D CLIENT:CatiAc t)acct( dtn.l/.( tcca*rrtonl INDT T .E Phone:t?-9rtP Address: @ D*t Gofrtou fug (ooo Une ldentification:1)e*-.1 Angle Check Valve: Pump Make:ubmers uction: Number of Dispensers:Pressure of Line Test:*l Was 'Tank Auditor' Utilized to Confirm Status of Check Valve?lrt Time el Extractable Check Valve : Ko.i- {t*{ o Lq 1 2 D D I t/3'c- 7 HESULTS: Totat Change (irches)( ) =aategtnrl 1z_5fr) x20 ml / in -i. Time (minx ) X 60 min/hr Allo,vable = 95 aa mUhou r (.025 gals.)r (.01 gals.) Suction Discharge 'l rght Untestable: 6? Tester, cert. No.Signature o^,", /47 /o /n/ Commenls VOLUMETBIC / PBESSURE LINE TEST Change d Pressuret/s v(_R- E 6._ Une Test ln onnalion 6-15-90 i--,r,,-,r ;-' 1,; ii i t=..=.''\,*1..=]lr?;; t :;;,;;: l, -rr., ft.;,, i 5,s:i Tar:i: t*=t: n;r Bt'=tei-ri ver=ion 2. 1l'-r r-EIeagea t:t1/7i,/Aq c,pa:-atCt- t s c,=mfrent=: Tanl.r Da.'i:e 1,. t_ime C':inF*rn'r' n.3.fie - 8,t97 t-r.i:1I; X=n-.-r'a.L V;.L J.ey i-jEter Recia.iirat:.a:-. Tsnl.,: iD ',J.==,=i i ne Tgni.,: Lscat.ic,n Di=pe;-i=*i- i=Ls.nJ Fi-c,dr-rct r n te-iiii.:l Ci-i=ts:riei- canta,=t --1i --'-lirllliJ F..tn i.lirb=r-t= F htrn.= nuir'nber' 973-FLQrit Street/biri lciing a.dci'e== - Brlil i6s=i Cent-ra1 Val ley Flas.dCity, E'LE'.Er iiFr etc 5*1t !--ai.le trit,v. Utaii f,urst;iiri*r- F', fi # i'i,,'#; ?;.:rir ca-nEcit-y (g*iir:lng'j, gt:t-t,-t -/ T'enir Ciameter (incheE) ?E__/Fiii di-qr:re-r-er (inche=) 4 FiiL to t;.nl-': top (rnche=.i Ebs=rved AF'I 7h. tt-, Ea=erved terrfr*rs.tr-ri-e iF) 5-.'. OiJ r-Lii I Hr-LEU Hl-L .1 "i'7L.!.Lrr-.'Ci:ef ef expa.n=.ien (F) c,i: {i r-i.(-}fiO7+i:t{} +1,j. vaLves c ic=Ec y iz vgi-rt res'tr ic'red - n Steel or +iberela== tianli + Li :isr- 'i=Hls aiJ: L.r-,,-,,.rn'r - -__L.-- -t :- )--_li :ri iiiJr... I I+ tar{: F.t r Il :'-!!:-: 5i-ig"i-- i,=r :"r" Il,;"i j. ne r-;-',rjc FLiiTiF u! *1 ;i i: iF i- ;. r-- r= r- ;i i. i-i i- = t"j'ieg: c,:ndurct-ed *V F'.=ti- rsi.; i1 i=i,+sr-th *{:3*=? T'egt- l+:''!:ness,=d by nEne :-------.L-r tilrt:rrHtir h Te-t Otoa:a,at ei.Eva.+L i. Gn i n 'i8i,!,. t i n Resul f,. t- i .:r: ne= ] - 1f,E. 0L' t==: r-Lin r:i1 i:i=,jr:;8,i5 i Er: (:,i; i?: 47. The ievei data fsr- thi= anaiy=i= =tarts;.t (:t6!44:4;r anG ei'l.:= ai {-}E:t:}7::9. The t=inper-s.tiir-e Certa t=r thi= a.naiysi= =*.*r-t= "-:t t:)6!"5:47 and €.nfl-n:. ar- {:!B::::i:;J' The voitage ch;.nEa ior a. ca.li.bration volrtne of 3t-t mL wa= *.(:!?O v=lts Iir-ect r-eaCing= t;.i':'en ;.t- t-he endpeint-E cf sh,=lv s.i-r ar-iC:.tr-rr pr-3lrE ChArrE= Cf 1.=?9 mU'i--hi= is a 'jr.=:-s Level. rhanq= ei f,1" rnl- !!-- --1--!-JI ttH \Hrtrt i Hli in Ei minnr:== i n 6i rtt i nut tlr= + .+ - I . ,- i - - -.- ; .- --ie.lrclay=f = L.qi r,-'u --i iP, Tailing al l tl''re inter-medi=.te d;rta into censideration by trerforminE a least -€,quar-e regrEs.=ian of ievel. an tin:e gives En autditsr probe =lcpeof -1. 081 voltgr'hoitr-. Tilurs. the grEEs protrLl'="- volt-tme ig dropping ?41 mL./hourr' i.-lsing the ;;.Lriri;.te,: 'iefiipEt'a:Lti'a slope of -t-t. f-ttl73ii CegrEss C ,' hcil:' anE the c:effici=ni;i ei:pansi,:n, the effect;* ternper-al,ure is a c-3;rsagg i.n vc, l.r-.tni* ci :''ii.5 il-./hr '/.r/iynrr.un, c,:ii:.,.-:*:; r,.;i.t;-, a=.::..A. *,f:tF cr:.tei.i.+. (+r,_4 ,j -./ lystem ':itre:! ..-:=.i r:c!_,.D i-r; ,, =. i i i.i. F, :3 " A. +'tr:? ci_: t*i- i a/_/ Fiping Ls:;t: indic;...t=,L_ i_l Ta.nr: leal.; rnditra:e,: ,, _r, TEs,c incc,ncLusive=: ,r_,, Air tri- Vapcr tr-a.F indicated / _/ Tempei-at;_rre i n=taLri i ity ! _/ Impru:per- in=ta.l. lat:.on t'E=t condirctisi:i h.,. i:'a.trici,: Ei is*rir-th **{j=-f i signetiir-e test witnessed by nonei sigit€,tiiiE! Camiirent=: ;::: 1 .-j ^l::',-i mi L i :.va1ts EFi. ci,.i=if, ite; la.irra-t iili-: Eentral U;.i. i=.-y Fica.d - Eity, Utah at tha endpuint= oF the =eierf-eCrh;.ng= cf (:t. 1i= mU in It-r rnrn:rte= 'Ci-,g:ni:e rf,- .d..j, rfrL- 1n :'(-),Tr:fiLttL== ;"'i-1,-a,,,.r;'i.:l .i:f':r;i i:rl,i :i : 3i tc i:r4: 1 i : 5i" T;nll *uditor (tmi -l-rryi':r,;ht Lsa.il Eetection $ys.tem=. i?-86. 1?g;'- i?E=T:.nl: te=.:inE sy'='ier'n ver-=ion 3. i3. reieeEed (l=,/:f,jE? I -r-+ .* iuE=L r Lllr tli a!ar;.t-or' = cornr..r=nt= : :-JnC r- L A..,,At i,:n Tar .ri: Te=t i.;:ie 7,t'[ r me - t:E/-it/3i-_-t:i !i,-a?,}*f:any i'!e1rnE ,lsntr=-. 1 Utl. lay 'yJ;.t*r Tanr,; :Li - Q;..=jfile_T;nk Location - DispensEr island F'ruCr-ict in tanl:: UnieaCeC. Crr=terrier csntact - ii:;;-EE6-Ert= Fhene nurnbe.- ?73-?1(r{t ;Streetr'br-:i i dr nq .-rrjCr-eEs E;lttlt hjest Eity, sta.te, riF, '=tc 5a.Lt La.lte Cut.=+-crnsr F.O + r\.!..'* Te.ni: capscity t,_;a11cns) oi-r(t{1,.. Ts,nil i:"-.metet- (:. nciir==) -E:-Fi11 ciarneter- tinrhe=) 1 Fi i I ta 'ta.nir tor i i nsne=i - O-hserved API 7&.7C, Ob=erv=d te*itrer-Et iii-e (F) =i - ,Ji:) Coi't'ec'i-e€ AFi - :i:?5.t:,i:, f i,-ur: r-i ei;p;.,r-i 5:'=i: if i '=i- i:l l-t.:-:Oi:/t16t-) i;'{i t-ani-i= i n'ter--ir:,:-llia':Ee= fi jl t r _ 1..__. - . __,_,.t 'i e \..=-: r-aS*- i-: ,-+ is.- r.l !i=e-j C,i' ;ibi=?i-E..;== r--ai:ik ; t - - -- - .. i - - - -Fr,EF I-(]li 3 i"nAEB aE+ - i i-l :r :-i ir t- .- :--.- ,'-, \,r ia i- v e- 1, - t. .= ,!i - ldatelr tabie ( if h:Fior"rn] -r inc:re= tri: aaler in t.eni: - =Sttct .;. cr-:. T'ut;- E I ne L-ir ltLl trLiini] -L i,vrr-,;+ther a.rrc! teintrsr-a.ture - F:aining Cats Er ftu='fg, Te,gt curng'-rcteE by FEtr i=k Ei isw:rrth #{tt*159 Test i4 i i neE5e,: i,y nene Cornnnsnte :,i i F F!.. rrr.r. .rr i i -T. e-t Re-r-l L t- trr-Lrdt-r'ri- eiera.ti,=n in tEnf': ( in inchs=i - 1il:.C-ti:i tes'E r-Lin C,n i:)=./itli,'?1 at Ct3:31:51 The l=vei data fcr this analysi.= =tarts at Cr3:2i:31 and eni= at Cr4: f. i:53.. Ti-ri= t'-zn-ltrerature dats. for -,-his analysis =tartg at t-r.i:!i:51 s*rj enC= at C!4:11:3tr. Tha voltage change foi- a tra:ibration voLr-lme of 20 mL hras (:t.l(ri:t vclte 0i i'ect- reaai ngs shaw 6Fi;.iiditai" ti-:q, iq :l :-:-;1iiq !-!.-- -.---L-- anal'lE:.= per icd - - - - -'i-sti iL i =E! Ul I Ll:= --J .1 .--!i:Li i;. !f --r-{-.i I'r5 , r !.-i= t i 1j-. i I !..i i-( r'Ug:.r-r,-: '1.!-ie ,_:€1 iCLii;.i_,1 ':! Z:]fi:T.!,i E.ti..:i.iir =1.r_i;-,,.51 ii.i *.i:., r:'::j:.ii.L. i!=!t rr*: :- ;.fir:'i::iEr r:rfEr:'fi.,::*fi: i:+ €iiic-ii-r':?i.,--fl" Ehe:.=.fieci: +-;: tEntr:=i-;.r':L:i-:* .t a de.cr=a=e 1n voiLiiT:i:. ,f-F 1=i.i. i!:L./'rii' Sltb+- r'act i ng't he':crripLit='j t *in$r.r-.3'i!-li-i3 v,: _.i. Lir.i,ie trr-gciLr,= t v=iLt,rE '=ii€inEe .y:.e1. d= z r.?,ilE,Et-a.i'_.,i.e r-?1 ",= iflLr/ i-rr_:r..it- , ..J,.- i-f. {-ji:I:E L1 F. 1,/hi:r..ti- " I r,-ii;lF -Fl i.l'l 7 t1,r r:.:i- i''.=r: .: E= vi-' i LliT!= System trc'inpl. ies rrirt-h fi. F, F. A. L:'ystenr doeg n$t- cair:pi_1* r+i'lh I'l . /-/ Piping iEai,. in:ij.ia"i--E# /-/ Tani': ieal: lnciitral:Ei.:i Te=t inconcllrsive: fl'f,3F crilei-:.a l+,!- {:i. (-ii EF'Hi F.F,.A" ,5JL--,, ii-j.tel-r; i: +.r'- {:i,,i':= EF,;{}: /_i Sj.r- or Ua.trr:r'trap inii=ai,=d / -/ Te,rrFei";riuit-e i netabi. 1it.i i -/ Irnpruper- i nsi-;.i 1a.t i,=n test cond'.tcted by Fatr-ici,: Ei js'rrcrrtli +it:){,3ti EiEnatrlr tegf- uitns=Eed ty' n,lnEl =lqneELrre: INE JTHIAL HEALTH INCOHPOF TED 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT LAKE CTTY, UTAH 84106 (801) 466-2223 VOLUMETRIC / PBESSUBE LINE TEST CLIENT: (e^t*ttJar* dnr<?nu^tno) phone:1T-7too Address:A:> dar (s,inv.at t/t.'e( fuo Une ldentification:(>t*tst( Angle Check Valve: PumpMake: ffi Extractable Check Valve : ?gb:(-a.Etre/Suction: l PSI Time,. ?.:45 rGO :lS i39 3:9J HESULTS: . Total Clange (inches)( ) ' = Ftare (nltnl @s"3) Allowable = Tig Pressure of Line Test:tls llo Chanoee: Was 'Tank Auditor" Utilized to Conlirm Status of Check Valve? Level Zr/g Pressure *5 pr, LL/g {5 prr Q 1/s ''15 ps, 27s €-'s,, 22/s x 206 ml / in +- lrme (minx ) X 60 min/hr +S 5 6 7 ( Signature Darc: A*/ Comments 95 m[/hour (.025 gals.) - Suclion 38 ml,hour (.01 gals.) - Discharge -righ t. lo i<11?t Untestable: oo51 Tester, Cert. No. l4tubrl UAK t'-brL'o Aeatg SuPgl,Lttr pcssr<{ 6,t c€. Line Test lnlormalion 6-15-90 Number of Dispensers: 1 L R.2 i= R.. i\ll:ll o RECEIVED APR - 5 1991 c.v.w.R. EIUVIBONMENTAL April 4, 1991 Ron Roberts Central Valley Water Reclamation 800 West Central Valley Road Salt Lake City, Utah 841 19 RE: Results ol Tank Tightness Testing Dear Mr. Roberts: Enclosed are the results of tank tightness testing done on the lubricating oil underground storage tanks (UST's) located near the engine room at the Central Valley Water Reclamation facility. The two tanks tested tight. This means that the tanks meet the National Fire Protection Association's (N.F.P.A.) #329 criteria for a non-leaking tank. This criteria states that a tank is tight if it is not leaking or gaining fluid at a rate greater than 0.05 gallons per hour. The product supply piping lines are untestable. ln order to be testable, test ports and valves would have to be placed immediately before the suction pump. Another option would be to place check valves immediately before the pump. This would exempt the supply lines from testing, provided there is not already a foot valve in the tanks, and that the piping slopes back to the tank. The product return line to the USTs is untestable without making extensive design modifications. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Patrick Ellsworth UST Precision Tester Certificate #UT-0059 encl: Tank Tightness Test Results Line Test Results lxousrRnr- HEltrr lucoRpoanrro 640 E. WrLufre icru AveNue Snlr Lnxr Crry, Urru 84106 TEr-EpH0rur: 801.466.2223 Fnx 801.466.9616 A Te-t ;.r i-3';lt-ilt - i. -'-; l- : i::i"i .r.: , t cri,,. i f n [*e-Lr L t - ; -..-L--r-: i tr-- I ti:j s .r - ,It ., n ,-ii_, --:-/b .*. i.ic-, i. y= i :3 p E i- 1 i.-, i: *nJ 4i, EttICrt-rrjg -. F .{ rl ,'iAl l! a'a' =.€LL: rii: The v'JItage changE f,-ri a c;.i ii::i-a.:icin v:=LLirir* cf ii:r rirl- l.j;..a (:r. (:rE: ;,:i.:= E 3,:t r-L:n rlri-i .::/l..rt:i;:i ? i ;rt r::r::. " .:..:" =-r . Tl-i* 1,=v=i da.t*. foi i-iri= s.i-ii,.i.cEi= stai-tE'Thri t.=mtr,era.titr--* d;.tE fc,r ti-iLE ;.iir.LL.J=1.= Fj r-ect r-ena: i-lq:l t"?,!,:Ei-r .i.t :he: sns';ri.1 j ntg c-i t:l-,8 ghgit c.tfi elt:ji.'tBr- Ei-gbg: trhe-inrlE cj-i: {:l.f,,!7 jTri"' jfi d;} *rl-r LE i'= i. qr:S;:.E_.1-+uei ch.en;'=.=.i 7i rrii--:.i-i i'..1.,;,r 7'l a'lu***k -.i- i-1!. . q-I . qf-' - i. i-':i- L I -T = ir'-:*{.L {-.ri-i !:.-:j sriJ qi;}'.j !*il'J= C,_ t_j_,: *-,i.-:, s'i.ar"l-E at (-1,+t"l'i:5[i a.n':t En,j= =-rt r-ti,::-::'.-. J-. Fi ---.--- )( /:ar d^n strqAt{ .; '-. ... . -- -- .i- - -.i. i J,!. ,- iil :_ x:-J ,! ,! i ; i-; i.,: .i ....:,a.. i:. .L i:.; : i.-: ,:i ;. -;: .-L.1 1 I r-. 'F':iEt r-r'rr-:il:l-'i.a,-i i-'..r F';tr".,-i' Fl iqr.t,-:;.-'i!-: *Laii-l::=t q:fi-;i;:r-+: 'iE'5t ylii l;1;rg=:pi-J ijv t-icti-,E i siCnai_i_,.;-=i Carnmen Ls , 6sr 7O< t re\t i:I-Or-JLf;t: ei,:rii;,: :,:i': ir-: t;:.'i1,. r. rI.i l-he vai'ta;'.-, cirsrrt*i f;r. a Re-u L t- - | i;.ii'=:j : - a:.:,r t-ll_jL +'.-<r \r/ o n-72' ' n i r- er -;: r- E*r ii i -'-= =gn$t^i ari a.r-i'i:tc't- t;is ig $. Ci'La=.--: .|--.t-.-'- -L rL-L-,i.'=!l El. l_ l_::l=. pr"cbe che-riliIE i;:1 u8.'I. C ii=-ifi,;Ei ":ndpri ritE ,f+ rl-i* =.Eiecte.:;!+ 0. 45(:) mV i. r-i 4., ,n: nitt== ii i 1 ;li; ..:iL i - il-? ''r'i i. n!-.r'i, =S ens.iy=i= rsii- i;:rj *.r-ii i:i ser:t:i-:dE *-r I .'r ili .!. ; = f 1:*,: i'-! CE -.i.-.__--I I r- i li tE. j " :-';.:: i' ,- .,,- ; ' ; -, : -,!::.-=:=li ,j ,' ': j' -.:. : .- - :.. -i - ,j ; .- - -. ,-..-;.j _i ! i_ri:i1 lE:il.. lri:-i.:-i-fi!ar,-.i r' i i i1-=t- i!:l-L..i!-.1-Ll=rl {1'; i ! llll r.-!! tg.l-r,-. 1 L! 3.! :i!r-l .iLi:tLi.ii-t I I t.--.-rnr-...-.-+.,,.---- i r--& -i- I 'i .i.L.,; _t i Hrr,l.-rL-r c:{-LiI5 : j:=i-Ei_i!:!-L-y .; .i T._.-....__.-_,- ;_.--__-.! 1_.L- ,,.r- , *# E i' .i. ; i'r. '-. i', i ,i .:r i.. .:. :1 n rE.=l: r':-1iiiii,:lEi Ii; F'=:ti- i.ci,: i:.l=r.+ii-th +li:ii:]5?; ilrr:rrnen'L, r r dcSf fi^f t - i --::rL.i:i=.'--r-ri =i -r4/\a f4ogtcr Lz,le dttrarn &( INDTISTRIAL HEALTH INCORPORATED 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84106 (801) 466-2223 VOLUMETBIC / PRESSURE LINE TEST CLIENT:Gqrzat tl,uc/ tl*r.t €c-cuuqtfi^)afi'?rooPhone: Address:b>rls r a;rtyo*e r)l Une ldentification:ad(L Angle Check Valve: Pump Make: Submersible/Suction:$;.6or'J Number of Dispensers:t\/n Pressure of Line Test: Was "Tank Audito/' Utilized to Confirm Status of Check Valve? Time Level Change BESULTS: Total Change (inches)( = Rate (mlihr) ( ) x 206.5 ml / in Tr-me (min)( ) X 60 min/hr Allowable =95 muhour (.025 gals.) - Suction 38 ml/hour (.01 gals.) - Discharge Tig N Pressure 1 , 3 5 6 7 A tight @S? Signature Line Test |tformalion 6-15-90 Tester, Cert. No o,,",4/s/tt Comments Ah Tesr Foar oR bAtu€, L*SE oZL /4AYBE rJo Ckezk l/tcdE - , t , 5.pet7 K,k^ L,^- dn{2s4"*Q'- g,,,nP( 7 L,n-e-' Extractable Check Valve: UntestaUte: 1 INDUSTRIAL HEALTH INCORPORATED 640 EAST WILMINGTON AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84106 (801) 466-2223 VOLUMETRIC / PRESSURE LINE TEST 1z -ltoo Address:b de=r (r=iltpAt ()t Ro. Scc ot,BVt t? Line ldentification: 6s4 71a,t< S.c"/ u, 7 Angle Check Valve:Extractable Check Valve: Pump Make: Submersible/Suction:SUarco"J Number of Dispensers:NX Pressure of Line Test: Was "Tank Auditoi' Utilized to Conlirm Status of Check Valve? Time Level Change RESULTS: Total Change (inches)() x 206.5 ml / in Time (min)( ) X 60 min/hr = Rate (ml/hr) ( ) Allowable = 95 muhour (.025 gals.) - Suction 38 ml/hour (.01 gals') - Discharge .I1 N ht M? 1 , 5 6 7 o t Signature Tester, Cert. No. l)o 7r.sr Bans oe J,t.,tcs, Qen C'<6tY oa", tfs/tt Lu6. oc:_ Lrtz-. No Cl.lezk lacdi, 5,uppl1 (kn un Commenls Line Test lnlonnation 6-15-90 'J"].^UL. CLTENT: Ce,'nrttt- dlrc4 b,krfi< 4ez.n,atrra^J p5ons. Pressu re Untestable: X. \\ Results of U.S. EPA Standard Evaluation Volumetric Tank Tightness Testing Method This form tells whether the tank tightness testing method described below complies with the performance requirements of the ftderal underground storage tank regulation. The evaluation was 991dlleq by the equip:nent manufacturer or a consultant to the manu-facturer according to the U.S. EPA's "Standard Test Procedure for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Volumeiric Tank TigItn-ess Testing Methods." The full evaluation report also inctudes a form describing the method and a form summarizing rhe test data. Tank owners using this leak detection system should keep this form on file to prove compliance with the federal regulations. Tank owners should check with State and local agencies to make sure this form satisfies their requirements. RTD V.2. l6Version Vendor Leak Detection Systems, Inc. 152 King Street (street address) Cohasset, YIA O2O25 6l 7-383-2305 (ciV)(state) (zip)(phone) Evaluation Results This method, which declares a tank to be leaking when the measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of 0 .05 allon per hour, has a probability ol false alarms [P(FA)] ot o .o2oo/o. The corresponding probability of detection [P(D)] of a 0.10 gallon per hour leak is 9 9 - 9I %. Therefore, this method E does ! does not meet the lederal performance standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (0.10 gallon per hour at P(D) of 95% and P(FA) of 5%). Test Conditions During Evaluation The evaluation testing was conducted in a 10 ,000 gdlon E steel E fiberglass tank that was 96 inches in diameter and 324 inches long. The tests were conducted with the tank 100 percent full. The temperature difierence between product added to fill the tank and product already in the tank ranged from -5 - 12 oF with a standard deviation of 3 - 90 oF. to 5.48 oF The p rOduCt used in the evaluation was Unleaded Fuel Volumetric TTT Method - Results Form Page 1 ol 2 Method Description Name Tank Auditor :;lsDeccor Tank owner Ind. dba Coro. sDense Date Closeci Out 0ther Ccnoiiance;,I 2 3 i 5 INITIAL INSPECTION & COI{PLIANCE SUHMARY FORH NAME ,--irrlml U, I ,1r d; STREET 7,0 o ti btko]Uo/;. (rl sL(COUNTY,/STATE 71p 8t!/t c,NTACT (o.r, Bo6e.i: Tank operato r _Ind. _dba _ Corp. _0ther 0ate(acguired/Inc. )_ BUSINESS NA!,{E {arrn FACILITY NO. STREET CITY COUNTY zlP IITLE PHONE V IOLATI ON/ COM PL IANCE I ST CONTACT 2ND CONTACT 3RD CONTACT 4TH CONTACT N0v OR OER FILE EPA REFERRAL N0v ORDER CLOSE OUT Act i on oate slzqhr Snl- ^ )^J ,,- ,.1 zf q Acti on 5c,^* n,i. {rw.. | - tarf sat J l<t ,^tat Suspense oate s.ct Pena I ty t $ $ $ $ $FINAL ASSESSITIENT 3 a te ( a c q u i reo / I n c . ) _ CITY TITLE- PHONE CONIACT COI)E DATE ProDertv owner Ind.d ba _ Corp. _other Oate(acquire6/Inc.)- STAIE ZIP ACQUIREt) In Comp I iance? NAME STREET CITY IANK # STATUS AGE ;APAC ITY I{ATER IAL I NTERNAL EXTERNAL PI PING SUBSTANCE LAST USED CLOSURE CERTIFICATION RELEASE OET. [)ATE DUE SPILL/OVERFItL RELEASE DATE ?1 o\,t e "f3 lJu.[ - d, ri.r 0,10 ^l tb*S$", # (Y/N) 6on $k crl $-f"Al,h-;tW t. 50,€ao ,tufu *l wrehi.( . COHMENTS: L Arl rt^l-7 548U Financ iaI Resoonsibi I itv METHoo-PoLICY-EFFECTIVE DATE-