HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006212*\,\ t Effi KLTINFELDER 1n crrr/r/(rr c,r orr rtecl (ttntlttnt August 17,2000 Kleinfelder File No. : 3 5-2047 -59.001 Z zro Rtil\tD\N\0N Steven L. Canning Department of Administrative Services 447 West 13800 South Draper, Utah 84020 Subject:UST Permanent Closure Notice Four Unregulated Ileating Oil Tanks J. Perry Egan Hatchery in Bicknell, Utah Dear Mr. Canning: Attached please find the UST Permanent Closure Notice and Site Location Map for the J. Perry Egan Hatchery in Bicknell, Utah. The site consisted of four unregulated heating oil tanks which were closed according to State regulations for regulated USTs. These tanks were closed on June 22,2000. The closure soil and water samples indicated that petroleum constituents were contamination was below detectable levels. Therefore, it appears that all four tanks are a clean closure. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you on this project. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact the office at (801) 466-6769. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. B'{ Qoz Mark Wilson StaffTechnician R.G. Senior Geologist UST Consultant #CC0004 cc: Blain Hilton, DWR DERR/UST Section 35-2047-59.001\3510L374 Page I of I August 17, 2000 Copyr"ight 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. t(lFl\liLDER )677 E.tstParler''s!\tay,Salt Lal..c(-rtt,,UTil.l I09-l(rl71r1()lr.l(r(r-6769t301r-ltr(r,{,rilltilx ,iLt tlt i:i*-^ sLP - 5 ?tss b'{DERGROUND STORAGE ^rNK PE 20oozro Facility lD # Non Regulated RMANENT CLOSURE N(^:E Revised 01/01 State Use Only DateProcessed 7-{- 20 by Df<-. Date Mailed to LHD Samples in LUST File #Samples to LUST Review LUST Status Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Kleinfelder, lnc. Phone # (801)466-6769 Address 2677 East Parley's way city salt Lake city state Utah Zip 94109 FAC!LITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Department of Administrative Services phone #801 619-7232 [ ]soleproprietorship [ ] partnership Ix] corporation Address 447 west 13800 south city_pIqpgl_ state Utah Zip B4o2o Facility Name J. Perry Hatchery Address 2550 south 200 west city Bicknell state Utah zip 9471s Contact person Blain Hilton Phone # (435) 425-3547 Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: g Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure: q TANKS CLOSED " lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name Kim Hemingway Cert. # TR-0245 Exp. Date 07/00 Company E. T. Technologie Phone #801 973-2065 Address 6030 west 1300 South city salt Lake state utah zip 84104 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Edward Larrat Cert. # GS-1056 Exp. date 1201 Company Kleinfelder lnc.Phone # (801) 466-6769 Address 2677 East Parley's way city salt Lake state utah Zip 84109 Tank #1 2 3 4 Date lnstalled Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Capacity 2,000 1,000 1,000 500 Substance stored'Heating oil Heating oil Heating oil Heating oil Date last operated 6121lOO 6121tol 1 994 1994 Date closed 6l22lOO 6l22lO0 6122lOO 6l22lOO How closed (Removed/ln place) Removal Removal Removal Removal 35-204',7 -59.00 l\35 I 0L374 August 17,2000I CLOSURE INFORMATION Ix] Fuel was emptied I x ] Sludge was removed I x ] Tank was cleaned Tank was: I I Purged Ix ] lnerted. Method Used: Dry lce Location of Closure Records: _ ___ For ln-Place Closure: tanks fi ed with For ChangeJn-Service: Substance to be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Swenson Metal Jay Lamb (801)798-3r{8 6t23tO0 2.14 tons Product From Tank(s)Jackson Excavating Kenny Jackson (435)42s-3354 6t23lOO 1100 gal Contaminated Water From Tank leaning Thermo Fluids Brian Bernard (435)364-9444 8/1 1/00 55 gal Sludge NA gal Contami nated Water From Excavation NA gal Contaminated Soil NA gal ls any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site?_Yes _No X Not applicable was Free Product encountered during closure activities? No lf yes, please indicate thickness, SITE ASSESSMENT inches Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwaler samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. I x ] Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is aftached. The following must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,s,E,w) from the area of contamination or, where applicable, use OH for overhead, Np for not present): -water Line -Sewer Line - Natu.al Gas - Storm Drain -Telephone _ Electrical _ property Line _ Buildings I x ] Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached. I x ] Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. I x ] Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. I x ] Chain of Custody form is attached. samples were properly: Ix]collected Ix]Labeled Ix]packaged Ix ]Transported I x ] samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. I certify under penalty of law that the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R311'202 (parts 280.52 and 28O.721and R311-205 U.A.C., and that any additionat samples required by R311-202 parts 280.52 and 280.72 and R311-205-2(axl) were pro colle Signature of Certified Groundwater/Soil Sampler Full name of Certified Sampl er Edward R. La.rat Date o 2 August 17,2000 lf contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: GERTIFIED usr CoNSULTANT Name Renee zoflinger cert. #cc-0004 Exp. Date 1/31/02 Company Kleinfelder, lnc. Phone # (801) 466-6269 Address_.lQfl !g!ey q Wey City Satt Lake City State Utah Zip 84109 req 35-2047-59.00 l\35 10L374 ^ACILITY SITE PLAT CLOSURE NOTI The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. lt must show actual sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 4 of the closure notice Facility lD # None Drawn By Edward Larrat Date Scale eet Nofirn (See Plates I through 4 attached) X = Sample locations (SS+, WS+, USC+) = Monitoring Wells (MW#,) = Soil boring (SB#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP+) = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use At Site: Residential Commercial lndustrial Sunounding Landl_Residential= Commercia- lndustrial Site Plat Must lndicate Actual Locations Of: Current & formertanks, piping & dispensers Excavations, GW monitoring wells & soil stockpiles Location & depth of all samples taken Buildings, fences, & property boundaries Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical etc.) Depth to groundwater (if encountered) J35 -204',t -59.00 l\35 I 0L374 August 17,2000 SAMTTE INFORMATION TABLE (Closure Notice) Complete table for all samples that were taken for closure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample #/Lab lD Substance stored in tank Sample type' Depth'Compoundsr Analysis method(sf- ss-l/06-23-00-34A Heating Oil SS 10'Heating Oil BTE)C{, 8O2IB, TPH, 80158 ss-2/06-23-00-3sA Heating Oil SS l0'Heating Oil BTEXN, 8021B, TPH, 8OI5E} ss-3/06-23-00-38A Heating Oil SS 4',Heating Oil BTEXN, 80218, TPH, 80158 ss-4/06-23-00-44A Heating Oil SS l0 Heating Oil BTEX{, 8021B, TPH, 8015E} ss-5/06-23-00-4sA Heating Oil SS l0'Heating Oil BTEXI{, 8021B, TPH, 80158 ss-6/06-23-00-464 Heating Oil SS 4',Heating Oil BTEXN, 8O2IB, TPH, 80158 ss-7/06-23-00-43A Heating Oil SS 10'Heating Oil BTEXN, 80218, TPH, 8OI5E} ss-8/06-23-00-39A.Heating Oil SS l0'Heating Oil BTEXN, 8O2IB, TPH, 80158 ss-9/06-23-00-40A Heating Oil SS 4 ,Heating Oil BTEXN, 8021B, TPH, 8OI58 ss-10/06-23-00-31A Heating Oil SS 10'Heating Oil BTEXN, 8O2IB, TPH, 80158 ss-1 l/06-23-00-32A Heating Oil SS l0'Heating Oil BTEXN, 90218, TPH, 90158 ws-01i06-23-00- 48,A Heating Oil Hzo 10'Heating Oil BTE)O{, 80218, TPH, 80158 usc-r/06-23-00-36 Heating Oil USC t0'USC usc-2/06-23-00-37 Heating Oil USC 4',USC usc-3/06-23-00-47 Heating Oil USC l0'USC usc-4/06-23-00-48 Heating Oil USC 4',USC usc-5/06-23-00-41 Heating Oil USC l0'USC usc-6/06-23-00-42 Heating Oil USC 4',USC usc-7/06-23-00-33 Heating Oil USC 10'USC 1 Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classification (USC). 2 Final depth (in feet) below grade at which samples were taken.3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed for each sample (TPH, BTEXN, O&G, etc).4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (8015 mod., 8020, 413.1, etc). 43 5-2047 -59.00 I \35 I 0L3 74 Auzust 17,2000 State Certified Laboratory used: Utility Testin g Laboratory Address 40 West Louise Avenue City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84165-0621 Contact person Ann Lewis Phone#(801 )485-8941 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: None I certify under penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein followed du tank closure. Signature of UST Owner Full name of Owner Canning 2OeO Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and I nformation Table, Soil/Groundwater sample lab analysis results, USC sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 90 days of UST Closure to State of Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation UST Section P.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 535 -2047 -59.00 1\35 I 0L374 August 17,2000 ,\ l? 1l j.l I i ,,.;, Cecar -..'r'')-'\lJd:'l1itr :-1,- t' Ir{ Z I .t .. . _.i' I BASE MAP: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UTAH U.S.G.S. 7.5 lvllNUTE QUADRANGLE PHOTOREVISED 1975 Spr'4r, - irl BICKNELL 0' 1000' 2000' H SCALE 1:24,000 1'' = 2000' CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET SUPPLEMENTAL CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET 35 1 0Q070. ppt I i: u ( ( t: xt L .q29,7 :,1' (, t' YI L t i ! ) ,E bl r--- ' ii: l t: ,. I:"- i ,..,i '--/ .Lm ii- 'I i. l-nO/li l ,l 1j t4 E i .rta:o u , ,I .1 ) I h ,l_ ( UIAH KLEIT$FEI.DER Pro.ject Number 35-2047-59 001 Tffi UDAS J. Perry Egan Hatchery Bicknell, Utah SITE LOCATION MAP PLATE 1 QUADRANGLE LOCAIION ffi t t.,I I I I i t I -, l 7,I I I I i I i" .o; f' W-?ii, . LJI n t' ,l I .l 30 Y n 9y: t )1er -. lr L-1'- I,., tl I , S,l i o -\': i l 7 %-r% 0 N 30' Approximate scale: 1' = 30' G.,o ,%</^s 15 60' KLEINFELDER Projoct Nurnber 35-2047-59.001 IM UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERY SITE MAP House Nos. 255O and 2552 LJSTs PLATE 2 ,,\ 2000 gal Heating Oil *rq, K Parking Area N 5' {Lawn5 Approximate scale: 1" = 10" s1&r6 KLEIN FELD ER Prolecl Num5ar 35-2047-59.001 E5E UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERY SITE MAP Hatchery Office 1,O0O-Gallon UST PLATE 3 ^ UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERYENffiKLEINFELDER SITE MAP Hatcherv 2.000 Gallon UST q \ \ \o.o\a \8- \r_r,,o \U| 1000 Tank gal (in Heating Oil usE) \\ ,Lnag eor =- Lawn -s- %^ % Ao,ttA % N 0 r0, 2g 40' - Approximata Scale: 1'= 20' 35 t0dr0a PLATE 4Project Nur'::ber 35-2047-59.00'l .-4r \ o- ILu ,.2o F-(t J(J :i: . -r F! *tu .:=: i'.. -: i.': r!-. .- :: .- ,i'.: e -, E- r-hC=l cro(t;LiJ EJ.,; G-AL. v ItaiE (,,:$Oi39 i$f;ioE : ul llliQ -=,rlr o^.,:O Zl-:(,, <-ilrl h=lo= luI ln.-:>E,,O El--t6 ki:{ lp !ut qr:r rri-:lF _utn;btr iff& lS ci-i6k i=H._Git 9-!< r:; - .1rt 'F (; : lr, )t.':ts l-.r< J-itl- 4!!:ra (}- ;> uE :$;:ar G .,llt+ =r6 .=: ..- =6 f<-q: -t::- ,3 .J tl ! i I I ti @fi r3<> \.G -.4 o < *J kl t) ; := iJ =I .t) -'oE L!tJ:l : Q (/ltn t^.1.J ua = LjF t!E at7 F-.. IJ J) tscr -ri {l= ...:; i:l t- tJ l.- !<a.x(.> () F3 c- i:)i,r(t-J,:.: ,-x F5Lri o rro <: -oF.O :Er-o 6v)aea Li c-i 6- t- ll= Q[i .f, $ - E <: : -:: o E (> \l)!nELt j,n q i_- !DL -* @i L(nts6U)I L!; 'n (J., i=J 'J) - 6=.68- :E <f LL t't = =@gJ.u)+. Crt (Jr H' N LJd<* =toLoi, .O CJ: Af rn r:) (-) €aL. 'Ll e(l,e lll - LA i:- > I i, i-Ltt;) ri lrj Frlt FI(' !..1 l-- (I .i.| .{o t,tl !tir-,l I ( Fl ug 1O O0 O4: 56p FROI,l Ta,'6 Co1land FAX NU. 8u1-37'7-0741 Jan. 17 1998 12:55R1'l Pl t,lvotcE ro. 25e1. p-" J*r*t, 6ra'*tt'ot,l" TO $TFFED.TE :- c,Tv STATE ZIP , ult, 6 ? ' 7L7Z.1l 01 723 . :1.;-::-.-:.li.r:l;..,!,:i:i:.':.i:;r:'-1:'--l':' :,:.i. .. -,. '-, -1 l,r:.::;:'- .o.ErE FMS g 6v({ (.,/ SALESMA?V B u6 '10 00 O4: 56p g1lLgl2600 15:47 Collard TFISLClflYVluE CIUSTOMER PIGKUP TICKET AC I fi OWLEDG MEiIT/R E C EI PT ,a T ar-a 8612956385 801 -9?7 -O'74L 255960 PAGE 6I/OI xEMll l(): rllERMo FLulos tilc. BANK OF AMERICA PO BOX t!41017 DALLAS, TEXAS 75AE4.101 I TERMS: NET t0 DAYS P.3 Thermo Fluids lnc. Ihe fraponsible Solulron Fod. t.D.59-34t0374 CUST T CALLT- MANIFESTT Arr- .r7 GEHEMTOfUCUSIDMES NAME AOORESS r'3ooS.^ ST^TE t.rr zrP qqro{ CITY 5:L '. iRi&,.stLLrNG ADORESS (lF 0IFFERENn HALOGEI'JTESIEO:L^ | ^^t^. , frrA_ Nn - Hlr oGFN TFsr REsuLrs r\- s<- PPll zb En r (rF APPUCABLE)tr. I G.nelator,r ds&lipltoo otiiltc rnd Eouce: (Atlach analylicaldahi MSoS, elc lo bacx)(-ol f).to.-- accounl ls rclened for colleclion. arThoalzeo cusror{Efl's luilE PHNIED DflryETS S!(I}{ATURE TBUCX I 2^4 Date fi I tl t?M- pursuanl to EpA snd oor reguletions, generaron o( waste furds orc aqured to lully and accuralely dsciose lhe nalu.0.and sowca of lholr wasle as well as a55we lts ptoper Trsmponaton, U.S. Envrronrnental Prolectrut Agency. StBle ot Local reguhtlons' lf any o{ th€ abovo oescrroeo malerials tansterso to Thcrmo Fluid6 ,nc. are tound to be 'hazardous wa6to' pursuant to Federal or slole regulalrons, Generelor shall be solety rho producl ot leMces herein provided ey iign,ng, we hereby oromise lo pay all bi[s wyl.n y66d0red We guaranlee paymenl ol all sumg reltecled on lhls documenl ln he event thal this a cosi of tryont -five Porc€nl ol tho pnncPal amounl *ill bc added lo rl'rc lolal amount due oP"/ddO{"* O Itsrtrtltl O0l Yt Jt[od 5l Pl!.u AzEilJ llldEll6Sl lmit2n.?.m O ^,lrur fcfry laol E Ftil,lyrnol. IEn- AZ l5ll. lM'}t7.. l5r0l2}{ra O ltr5r F.tllt , r.o.fl ta. t.rVrlr tw lEo Hvnlbdl0ll lrlarDl{2, BECElvlllG FACILIW (Checr One) o or9.trlxr q Eriofl(rtrr D gcelrof..ur tltti.huE<ltt3 zittD&t{lri {alF}lalst* Furrri- (n t?:cl ll,lnor. l0 lIl, Ihi{ C0 l'0022 ono(Ddrl2ro rDo'i.lalol c0t6aoa:2. 11031 rt54r2. l?olt .c5{ro0 rlr}) tll'rl ll O llr lxke trcniY roa Orh l{. S E. fD.gu..qu.. ilff !rl9 Wodr Colr. UI Erdl xLA(l)@l!!0 l0ol 150.)lll uln08mr05 \r*',-*, rrta w )5e loulh @ TOTALDRUMSOUAI[TITYTIATERIALS 5 YIASTE ros LK) NA 1270 Oil SPECIFICAI}Oil USED OIL LO oEF SPECIFIC TIO0I usED olL olr GAS' DIESEL (CIRCLE Oll€l olrw rEB !(e-\aOoo HALOGEN I€STFIELO OTHER NET WEIGHT Sg:.* NEXT PrcKUP DATE TOIATS( tLrl2!6{6tl O Ulilr _ Ifl KLEINFELDER PROJECT NAME ruo KLEINFELDER SAMPLE CONTROL LOG DATES of FIELD WOR//PROJECT NUMBEFI SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SAMPLE CONTAINER FIELD SAMPLE NUMBERDATE NOTES,lW 4-t 'fn,<-kl /bo&c-lUr,,1 /Offi -)lt I I (I i/2ru -?tl /6ctO *q -r,poC) 14VO -5 it I /fa o -L it ,7/o TetKZ:'1fl/o -q tl'/2/0 -7 lt I;eEb '/O 'fn*K V4U,l V tb4>'-(/'- /-tr**(/i/oT)7/{rrt 4 -1pt{?/fr)()a l//7/c q frpG i7/t)L it a?'b 'l 7*r{l V r -r-inO t ) Laboratory Sampler:, Chain-of-Custody No.: *Ol eage I ot JYE,., b, lt r ) / ,.rf.q,&l 'r!t LLIJEK PROJECT NO. PEOJECT NAME ,::.,. r'','' t=.lrl,'.;yr; 1;,, /),,...i ./ L" E RECEIVING tAB; ) ) (PO. NO. NO. OATE MM/ODiYY SAMPLE I.D. TIME HH.MM-SS SAMPLE I.O.MATRIX NO. OF coN- TAINERS 1 TYPE OF coN- IAINERS j2 3 4 5 6 7 :,i...l/ I I 0 I u l : .,. Relinquished by; (Signature) Fleceived by:(Signature) by:(Signature) Date/Time Received by; (Signature) Relinqurshed by:(Signature) DaGfTime ,or laboratory by: (Signature) | -,,:: ":-_-t\.i-t ' KLANFELDER ({aifff.E ffiir,Y?#65., u,, SEnd Sesults To: Attn: ,' CHAIN or i... A Utility Testin€ Laboratory \ 40 West Louise Averrue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841 65-062't (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 lune 2000 10:30 am Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second colurnn confirmation not confirrned. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD BOl5B CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: l0 mgKg (ppm) SOtL Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 05July 2000 l0:28 am DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-34 A Test No. 05-23-00-34 A SOIL SAMPLE SS-1 SOIL SAMPLE SS-I MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s plKg (ppb)SOIL Test Results mp/Ks (oorn) < '10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results uelKe (oob) < 5 pglKg MIBE Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTITITY TESTINC LABORATORY < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < I 5 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 yg/Kg Naphthalene -fr,'*W Tina May U Quality Assurance Manager I A Lltility Testing Laborarory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City. UT 84165-0621 (B0r ) 485-8941 Fax: (801 I 484-9211 luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - BicknellTank pull project No. 35-2042-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 .lune 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-845 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . CRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-35 A Date Analyzed: 30june 2000 GRO 01 luly 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 05-23-00-35 A SOIL SAMPLE SS-2 SOIL SAMPLE SS-2 MBTEXN SW.845 METHOD BO21B USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pilKe (ppb) SOIL Test Results ms/Ks (oom) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C5 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to C,u) Test Results Fg/Kg (ppb) < 5 pyKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pg/Kg Ethylbenzene < '15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY -0;lb* il Tina May U Qual ity Assurance Manager A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801 ) 48s-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 .luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2042-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 lune 2OOO Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-38 A Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 01 July 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-38 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pclKe (ppb)SOIL Test Results ms/Kp (oom) < 10 mglKg CRO (Co to C,o) < l0 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results lrglKg (ppb) < 5 PglKg MIBE pglKg Benzene pg/Kg Toluene pg/Kg Ethylbenzene pglKg Xylenes, Total ;rglKg Naphthalene SOIT SAMPLE SS-3 SOIL SAMPLE SS.3 Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = .l.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY <5 <5 <5 < 15 <5 T;r*-. /'b"4rt Tina May U Quality Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Averrue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (80r ) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 Easl Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22lune 2OOO Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . CRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-39 A Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 0'l luly 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-39 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pC/Ke (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 1O mglKg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mSlKS DRO (Cro to C,r) Test Results Fg/Kg (ppb) < 5 PglKg MIBE < 5 prglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 trglK8 Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS.8 SOIL SAMPLE SS-8 Date Analyzed 30 lune 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY l.tl-tYb, dTina May Quality Assurance Manager A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-0521 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2042-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-845 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - CRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-40 A Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 01 July 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1 .0 Test No. 06-23-00-40 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 pelKg (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mglKg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mglKg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results lrglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 prglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-9 SOIL SAMPLE ss-9 Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1 .0 UTITITY TESTINC LABORATORY -F,,- //b^lr Tina May Quality Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-921 1 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - BicknellTank pull project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 1 2:10 pm Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: 10 mglKg (ppm) SO|L Test No. 06-23-00-43 A SOIL SAMPLE SS-7 SOIL SAMPLE SS-7 Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 06 July 2000 1'l:01 amDRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-43 A MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB . REPORTINC LIMIT: 5 HelKe (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to C,r) Test Results pg/Kg (ppb) < 5 pg,/Kg MIBE <5 VilKgBenzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 FglKS Ethylbenzene < 15 ;rglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY -9.-ry Tina May Quality Assurance Manager I A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84l 55-062l (801 ) 485-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2042-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 lune 2000 1 5 :00 pm Sample Received: 23 June 2000 . Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-845 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 GRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOtL Test No. 06-23-00-44 A SOIL SAMPLE SS-4 SOIL SAMPLE ss-4 Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO O6 luly 2000 '12:07 pm DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-44 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 5 trglKg (ppb) SOIL Test Results mslKs (oom) < 10 milKg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mdKS DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 5 pg/Kg MIBE pglKg Benzene pglKg Toluene pB/KB Ethylbenzene pglKg Xylenes, Total pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = I.0 UTILITY TESTI NG LABORATORY <5 <5 <5 < 15 <5 =41/.u* Tina May Qualiiy Assurance Manager A tltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84 1 65-062 1 (B01 ) 485-8941 Fax: (B0l ) 484-9211 luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 Easl Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPHiMBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 lune 2O0O Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . CRO & DRO EPA SW846 METHOD BOl5B CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mglKg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-4s A Date Analyzed: 30.lune 2000 CRO Ot July 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-4s A MBTEXN sw-846 METHOD 802'l B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s lrelKg (ppb)SOtt- Test Results melKs (oom) < 10 mg/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < l0 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to C,u) Test Results pg/Kg (ppb) < 5 FB/KB MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-5 SOIL SAMPLE ss-s Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY WlhL I Tina May Quality Assurance Manager A t-itility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65611 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA 5W-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TpH) - CRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD BOl5B CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTTNC LIMIT: 10 mglKg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-21-00-46 A Date Analyzed: OS July 2000 CRO 01 July 2000 DRO Dilution Faqtor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-46 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO2l B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 5 VilKe (ppb) SOIL Test Results ms/Ke (oom) < 10 mglKg CRO (C6 to C,o) < 10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cr.) Test Results ]rglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 prglKg Benzene < 5 ;rglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 FglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS.6 SOIL SAMPLE SS-6 Date Analyzed 05 July 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI tITY TESTINC LABORATORY -Tr f% Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Silt Lake City, uT 84165-0621 (80r ) 485-894r Fax: (801) 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comrnents: EPA SW-845 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. pH > 2.0 TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:0.5 mg,/L (ppm) WATER Test No. 06-23-00-49 B, A Date Analyzed: 05 luly 2000 CRO Ot luly 2000 DRO Dilution Fagtor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-49 B WATER SAMPLE ws-o.r WATER SAMPLE w5-01 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 2 fie/L (ppb)WATER Test Results mg/L (ppm) < 0.5 mgll GRO (Cu to C,o) < 0.5 mg,/L DRO (C,o to C,r; Test Results lrgll (ppb) < 4 pgil MIBE < 4 pgll Benzene < 4 pgll Toluene < 4 pgll Ethylbenzene < 8 ;rglL Xylenes, Total < 4 pglL Naphthalene Date Analyzed 05 July 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Tr,*/n"V Tina May I Qual ity Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84155-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-921 I July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-90 - Bicknell Tank Pull Proiect No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-23-00-33 Color of Sample: Tan Toushness: Low Plasticity: Low Description of Sample: Silty sand with gravel Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: Customer l.D. USC-7 Dry Strength: None Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (SM) COARSE CRAVEL FINE CRAVEL COARSE SAND MEDIUM SAND FINE SAND FINES - ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTI NC LABORATORY <76.0 mm - ND <19.0 mm-25% < 4.0 mm - 20 "/o < 2.O mm - 20 o/o <0.425 mm - 20 o/" < 0.075 mm - 15 % "k Tina May Quality Assurance Manager A Utility Testing Laboratory Test No. 06-23-00-36 Color of Sample: Brown Toushness: Low Plabticity: Low Descriotion of Samole: Silty sand with gravel Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: COARSE GRAVEL <76.0 mm - l5 % FINE CRAVEL < 1 9.0 mm - 10 % COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 15 % MEDIUM SAND < 2.O mm - 20 "/" FINE SAND < 0.425 mm - 25 1" FINES < 0.075 mm - 15 % - ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. USC-1 Drv Strensth: Low Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (Svtl 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (801\ 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D24BB-90 - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; LaP Tina May Qualiiy Assurance Manager I *r A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (80 I ) 484-921 1 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D24BB-90 - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-23-00-37 Color of Sample: Dark Brown Toughness: Low Plasticitv: Low Descriotion of Samole: Silty sand with gravel Comoosition of Sarnole bv Sieve Analvsis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - 15 % COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 20 Y" MEDIUM SAND <2.0 mm-25"/" FINE SAND < 0.425 mm - 25 o/o FINES < 0.075 mm - 15 % - ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTING LABORATORY l-il/* Tina May Customer l.D. USC-2 Dry Strength: None Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (svtl Qual ity Assurance lvlanager /b4j.- (J A tltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (80r ) 485-8941 Fax: (80I ) 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention; Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D24BB-90 - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22lune 2OOO Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-23-00-41 Color of Sample: Light Brown Touphness: Low Plaiticity: Low Comoosition of Samole bv Sieve Analvsis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - 25 "h COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 20 "/" MEDIUM SAND <2.0 mm - 25 o/" FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 20 Y" FINES < 0.075 mm - 10 % * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Customer l.D. USC-5 Dry Strength: None Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (SW.SM) T*flvr tl Tina Mav V Quality Assurance Manager I Descriotion of Samole: Well graded sand with silt and gravel A Utility Testin€ Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (B0r ) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 luly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2577 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification AsrM Method D2488-90 - BicknellTank Pull project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-23-OO-42 Color of Samole: Tan Toughness: Low Plasticity: Low Descriotion of Samole: Silty sand with gravel Comoosition of Samole bv Sieve Analvsis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - 15 % COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 25 Y" MEDIUM SAND < 2.0 mm - 25 "/" FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 20 1" FINES < 0.075 mm - 15 % - ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Customer l.D. USC-6 Drv Strensth: None Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (SM) fr. //a4(r Tina May v Qual ity Assurance Manager t A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City,.UT 8416s-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 july 20, 2000 Kleinielder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Sublect: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-9O - BicknellTank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. o6-23-00-47 Color of Sample: Brown Toushness: Low Plasticity: Low Descriotion of Samole: Silty sand with gravel Comoosition of Samole bv Sieve Analvsis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.O mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - 15 % COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 25 o/o MEDIUM SAND < 2.O mm - 35 % FINESAND <0.425 mm-15% FINES < 0.075 mm - 10 % * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. USC-3 Drv Strensth: None Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (Svt1 Tina May Qual:ty Assurance Manager a p--ruL ( -a t) i A Utility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Averrue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-062 i (80r )485-8941 Fax: (801 t 484-9211 f uly 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Renee Zolinger Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D24BB-9j - BicknellTank Pull Pro.iect No. 35-2042-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 05-23-00-48 Color of Sample: Dark Brown Toughness: Low PlaEticity: Low Description of Sample: Silty sand Comoosition of Samole bv Sieve Analvsis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - 5 7" COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - 10 % MEDIUM SAND < 2.O mm - 25 "/o FINES < 0.075 mm - 25 oh * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. USC-4 Drv Strensth: Low Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (SM) Tina May Quality Assurance Manager T_/% 1 a A t-ltility Testing Laboratory 40 West Louise Averrue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 65-0621 (801 ) 485-894 r Fax: (801\ 484-9211 July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 Easl Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Sublect: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SW845 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/KS (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-31 A Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 CRO 01 July 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-31 A MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT:5 Fre/Ke (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 m/Kg CRO (C6 to C,o) < l0 mg/KS DRO (Cro to Crr) Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 5 pg,/Kg MIBE < 5 pg/Kg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < I 5 prg,/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pg/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE ss-r0 SOIL SAMPLE SS-1 O Date Analyzed 30 lune 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY r*b Tina May U Quality Assurance Manager a 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 841 55-062 l (801) 485-894r Fax: (B0l ) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory July 20, 2000 Kleinfelder 2677 East Parley's Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84109' Attention: Ms. Rene Zollinger Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Bicknell Tank Pull Project No. 35-2047-59.001 Sample Collected: 22 June 2000 Sample Received: 23 June 2000 Sarnple Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 802 1B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GRO & DRO EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CRO USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 06-23-00-32 A Date Analyzed: 30 June 2000 GRO 01 July 2000 DRO Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-23-00-32 A SOIL SAMPLE SS.1 I SOIL SAMPLE SS-I 1 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO21B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pilKe (ppb) SOIL Test Results mp/Kp (oom) < 10 mglKg CRO (C6 to C,o) < '10 mg/Kg DRO (Cro to Cru) Test Results Fg/Kg (ppb) < 5 pg,/Kg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 ;rglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 30 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Tina May Quality Assurance Manager i% nffi KLETNFETDER ) PROJ€CT NO.PFOJECT NAME ' .: 1 Canary -^ -"1 i.:rll fi '! SAMPLERS: (Signalurey'Number)L.P NO, (rr.o. No. HECEIVING LAB: INSTFUCTIONS/REMARKS OF TYPE coN- TAINEFS MATFIX OF NO. coN- TAINERSDATE MM/DD/TY SAMPLE I.D. TIME HH.MM.SS SAMPLE I.D. ,| Ia ;, -:'2 J,-,,.3 ,. '-:1,,t,_.. ) 4 I5 _t:.:. 46 7 /'a:.e it9 ..i (..-/10 i' ', !"1 11 II i -.12 -.t.. /:.1-. !I13 -'_ -^t. -, -.- :.;t4 15 I I],-:' '!,:' ',:,'t.?16 17 i,. iIi,t'-'1il18 t'*!'; - .i ..( ,t "':; < - -t'-\ ,;-'.-' j' t !.'19 20 Received by: (Signature) iDate/fime .l: ..-. :,1 ,- .,....- Flelinquished by: (Srgnalure) Received by: (Signature)Date/TimeFlelinquished by: (Signalure) j _-, | ,' : .,1 . ,.-.. -.- : ii .,: i. -'.:,i',....';1'; 1'','f .fi, lnstruclions/Rsmarks: Date/Time Beceived lor Laboratory by: (Signature) KLEINFELDER 2677 EAST PARLEY'S WAY SALT I.AKE CIry, UT 84109-1617 (801) 466-6769 ' .:ii Send Results To: Attn; ,;-'_.Relinquished by: (Signatu/e) M-60 White - CHAIN OT TODY ,f. .>/ mil KTETNFELDER An ernployee owned contpany June 16,2000 Kleinfelder File Numb er 3 5 -2047 -5 9.00 1 r9 David Wilson Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation Underground Storage Tank Section 168 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84114 Subject: Closure Plan for Non-Regulated Heating Oil Tanks J. Perry Egan Hatchery Bicknell, Utah Dear Mr. Wilson: Enclosed is the Closure Plan for the closure of four non-regulated heating-oil underground storage tanks (UST) at the above referenced facility. Kleinfelderhas.prepared the_cDsure.plan on bEhalf of ihe Siate of Utah Department of Administrative Services. The USTs will be removed according to Utah Adminiitrative Code R3l1-204. One 500-gallon UST is located adjacent an existiig residence. In the event the 500-gallon UST cannot be removed without jeopardizing the exlsting structure, the UST will be cleaned and closure samples obtained prior to performing an in-place closure. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us at (801) 466-6769. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. Roy McDonald Field Operations P.E. Project Engineer cc: Steve Canning, UDAS 3 5 -2047 -s9.00 l\35 l 10L294 Copyright 2000 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page I ofl KLETNFELDER 2677 East Parley',s Way, Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84109-161 7 (801) 466-6769 (8O1\466-6788 lax June 16,2000 BCNfl,ltt\iTAl Fii-lr El\ITr-*" I nt\r *rr*"*oar* rro*"r rn*l"oar*r r" (rev. 01/01/e7) ,-\ 2uN2@ I'ACILITYID# Non-applicable LTID USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to State Closure PIan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Ed Larrat of (company name) Kleinfelder, Inc.Phone # (801) 466-6769 Address 2677 East Parley's Way City Salt Lake state utah Zip 84109 A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. ln preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in R311-202 Subpart G and R3l1-204 (U.A.C.) FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Departrnent of Administrative Services Phone # (801) 619-7232 I sole proprietorship f] partnership ! corporation Address zM7 West 13800 South Facility Name J. Perry Egan Hatchery City Draper State Utah Zip 84020 Facility STATE USE ONLY Date Received Date Mailed to LHD Date Received From LHD Reviewer/Date Approved Mgr. Review/Date Address 2550 south 200 West City Bicknell Contact person Steve Canning,Blaine Hilton (on-site) Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site 0 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed 0 TANKS TO BE CLOSED state utah Zip 84715 Phone # (435) 425-3547 Tank #I 2 3 4 Date Installed Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Capacity 2,000 1,000 1,000 s00 Substance stored.Heating Oil Heating Oil Heating Oil Heating Oil Date last operated * Indicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identify if known)No X Notknown Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material. (Check with your disposal facility.) 13s-2047 -59 .Nr \35 10M082 June 16, 2000 t 1 Cert. # TR-0245 Exp. Date 07/00 Phone # (801) 973-2065 TANK REMOVER Name Kim Hemingway Company E. T. Technologies Address 6030 West 1300 Souttr City Salt Lake State Utah Edward Larrat Cert. # GS-1056 Zip 84104 Exp. date l2lol (801) 466-6769' SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Company Kleinfelder, Inc.Phone # Address 2677 East Parley 's Way City Salt Lake State Utah Zip 84109 Before the closure plan is submitted for approval, the local health and fire departments where the facility is located must be contacted. If the facility is in Beaver, Carbon, Emery, Gafield, Grand, Iron, Kane, Salt Lakt, San Juan, wasatch, or Washington county contact DERR (UST) at (801) 536-4100 instead of the local health distict. You still must contact the local fire department tn these counties. CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT Name of Dist. Central Utah Public Health Dept. Date 06107100 Contact Bruce Costa Title UST Section Phone # (435) 896-5451 CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept. Wayne County Fire Departrnent Date 06t07t00 Contact Randy Astin Title Fire Chief Phone # (435) 836-2731 DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tank(s) will be disposed at: Facility Swenson Metal Recycling Address 601 South Main Street City Spanish Fork State Utah Contact person Jay Lamb Tank($ will be emptied by: company Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company E. T. Technologies E. T. Technologies Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate will be disposed at: Facility E.T. Technologies Contact Lon Griffith Zip 84660 Phone # (801) 798-3548Contact person Jay Lamb Product lines will either be: X Removed and cleaned, secured in place, and capped. Vent lines will either be: X removed or cleaned and secured open. Piping will be disposed at: Facility Address 601 South Main Street Swenson Metal Recycling Cify Spanish Fork State Utah Zip 84660 Phone # (801) 798-3548 Phone # (801) 973-2065 Phone # (801 973-2065 Phone # (801) 973-2065 Tank(s) will be: purged or X rendered inert by the following method:Dry Ice Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility:E. T. Technologies Address 6030 West 1300 South City Salt Lake State Utah Contact person Lon Grififth Zip 84104 Phone # (801) 973-2065 FOR CLOSURE IN.PLACE ONLY I Facility Site Plat, Sample Information Table, sample results and Chain of Custody forms are included. ! Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Fire Department. Fire Dept.Phone #Contact Date ! Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Departrnent.. Health District Phone # Contact fl Substance to be used to fill tanls Date 23s-2047 -s9 .001\35 10M082 June 16, 2000 ,,".r*our"]"r"rr", All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person provtding remedtal assistance for a fee, including aeralion and over-excavatton (of more than 50 yd), flutst be a Certified UST Consultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility E. T. Technologies Address 6030 West 1300 South Ciry salt Lake state utah Zip 84104 Contact person Lon Grififth Phone # (801) 973-2065 SITE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in ,10 CFR Part ?50.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). If contamination is susnected. additional samples must be collected at the location where contamination is most likelv to be present. If groundwater is encountered. a soil sample must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each sroundwater sample. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, using appropriate lab methods. The to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the Secretary A. Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH & BTEXN/MTBE analysis. B. A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples. C. Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory on the final arulytical report, 2 Methods or test procedures allowed for Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) are 5520(b) or 5520(f) respectively. Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample Information Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION If contamination at the facility is suspected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary OST) at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. If contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. J SI.'BSTANCE CONTAMINANT COMPOT]NDS TO BE ANALYSED ANALYTICAL METHODS Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes Naphthalene BTEXN), and MTBE EPA 8015Brand EPA 80218 'or 82608 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Berzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) EPA 8015B'and EPA 80218 tor 82608 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPRH) and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) & MTBE, and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 1664 or 55202and EPA 8021B tor 8260B New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH)APA 1664 or 5520 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Or other EPA methods as approved by the Executive Secretary EPA 8015B and EPA 80218 or 82608 3 5 -2047 - 59 .001 \35 1 0M082 June 16, 2000 I FACILITY SITE PLAT The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. It must show planned sampling locations, substances stored in tanls, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 5 of the Closure Plan. Facility ID # Not Applicable Drawn By Edward Larrat Date 06107lN NORTH See Attached Plates 2 through 4 X = Sample locations (SS#, WS-#, USC-tr) E = Monitoring Wells (MW#) O : Soil boring G-#) M : Water Wells (domestic, livestock, erc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use at Site: _Residential _Commercial _ Industrial Surrounding Land: _Residential_Commercial Industrial Site Plat Must Indicate: Y Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers Y Location of all samples to be taken Y Buildings, fences, & property boundaries Y Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical) 43 5 -2047 -59 .001 \35 l 0M082 June 16, 2000 06,'trir00 FRI 15:08 FAX 8016J{U258 FLEET OPS sAMPr-E TNFORMATION fABLE Compiete uible for all qamFles ro be rrken for closure. @ooz Compoundd Analysir ruethodG)'Sample f Substence sresed in es& Srmple 8YB€I Ileptbt BTEXN, 8O2IE, -TPH, tolsBSS-i Heating Orl ss to"Eleating Oil Heating Oil BTEXN, 80218. TPH. EO15BSS10' BTEXN, 8021ts, TPH. 80158SSFneating OiI BTEXN. BO2IB. TPH, 801581 fl'Heating OiIss .1 SS.1 ss3 Heating Oil r\il SS 10'Fleatrng Oil BTEXlt, 80218, TPH, 8015tsss-5 Heating Oil llearing OiI tsTEXN, 8021ts. TPH. t0r5Bss-6 Heating Oil cc 4 BTEXN, 80218. TFH, 8OT5BSS10'Heating OilSS-7 Itreating Oil Heating Oit BTEXN. 8O2IB, TPH, 80158t0'SS-8 Ftreati-ng Oil <c, Iteatins Oil Hexing Oil BTEXN, 80218" TPH. 80158ss-q SS 4 Heating Oil BTEXN. EO21B. TPH. t015ts55 lu Heatiug Oil SS 10' tsTEXN. 80218, T?E{. 801s8!o'Heating Oilqq-1 1 E{esring Oil SS 10'IJSCUSC-1 Fdeating Oil USC 4',U5CEteating tlil tiscUSC.] USCUSC.3 Eleating Oil USC 10' USCUSC-+I{earing Oil USC 4 USC{JSC_5 Eleating Oil USC USC 4',USCE{eating Oil LISC lo'uscHeating Oil t 7. 1 4 USC-6 IISC.7 Apprr-rxrmare deprtr m groundwarer in the vicinity of rhe ra.ales: Regiona) grormdwater flow direstion: Nor& Easr 50i1 (SS)- Grcrmdvsrcr or SoiI Claru-ficarion &ppron, Deprh in fcer belour grade- AU samples are m be tflEeE u 0-2 lleer lelow the bacldlUnarive soil iilcrhca. dloutauinant costpouqdc il: b( analfzEd for each sal:rplrr (hou rable on p- 3)- Appr,:pri-are aralyris medrd-r ior conraminant compormd(E) is. each sarnple (from able on p- 31- >30'fem. Surc Cenified Laboratory to he rxed: Utiliry Tesling Adcircss 45 Louise Avenue Ciry Salr Late Srare Urah Zip Phone # 84t 1i Contact person ^* lewis Plear+ explain un!' uuusual or extenustiflg circtrmsrances expected fef,arriiag rhe site assessmeni cvr clorure: Thr: heetins oil tanks are non-regulated. ThLr clssure plcn is being subrnitted to the DER}[ for documentafion purposu. 'firr:US'f, is rdjiu:en[ to a reiderce nnd rnay be eiosed in-pisce if removal would jeopardlze the existine strrur:rnre, The StHFgaIIor UST witl bc clesned snd essersed drxing tfoe removal acti-itie. I certif! under penaity oE law tlrat E am the o\#n€rldperalor o{ tlle taak(s) referenci*d sbove and that I Bffi familiar wlth the infor:mation on this {orra and thet ir is kue, asurate and complete, aud &rrtiren, that the proeednres described herein will trc frrlJuvsed during the tank closure. Signafure 6f tpnk ewrrer FuItr Name of iant( Dwner 335-?-047-59.OO r \35 TOMOSZ Dare June 16- 2ffi! 4' 1CI' % % N 0 1s' 30' 60' - 35tOdloa Ifl KLEINTELDER Proj€ct Number 35-2(X7-59.001 UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERY SITE MAP House Nos. 2550 and 2552 USTs PLATE 2 Approximate scale: 'l'= 30' 1000 gal Heating Oil \ Parking Area N {Lawn5 351odt(E Approximate scale: 1" = 10" E$t KLEIf*,1 FHLD HR PojectNumber 35-2047-59.001 UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERY SITE MAP Hatchery Office 1,OOO-Gallon UST PI-ATE 3 \ q \ \ \o,o\& fs- \r. ,o\o 2000 gal Heating Oil Tank (in use) \ \ \ \)rug eon-s- N 0 10' 20' 40' Approxlmab Scals: 1'= 20 35ilrdril KLEINFELNER Project Numbor 3$.2O{7-59.001 Ifl UDAS J. PERRY EGAN HATCHERY SITE MAP Hatchery 2,000 Gallon UST PLATE 4 -5- ^,\ J</./d rq ,( BICKNELL F t2I .;: ,330 , "A0 BASE MAP: SALT LAKE CIry NORTH, UTAH U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE PHOTOREVISED 1975 0' 1000' 2000, rE-- SCALE 1:24,000 1" = 2000' CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET SUPPLEMENTAL CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET 351 0Q070.ppt UDAS J. Perry Egan Hatchery Bicknell, Utah SITE LOCATION MAP I UTAH KLEINFELDER Project Number 35-2047-59.001 Iil PLATE 1 QUADRANGLE LOCAIION # a I I I I i i '-T 28 ,31- \ k, 30 $a F ' :,i. *-1 I I