HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006214Bnildhgs Envitmment Infurtial Managencnt Sydens Transportation Uiban Land \zo oo 7 0>- Stratec Comdthg lrr 3995 Sou$ 7(X) Eas! Suite 5fi) Salt take City t T S4107 USA T€l: (801) 261fl90 Fac (801) 2$-1571 www.stanbccom Septembor 20,2OOO Mr. Steve Canning, UST Program Specialist State of Utah Fuel Network - Draper Complex 447 West 13800 South Draper, Utah 84020 RE: UDOT Right-of-Way UST Removal, Wales, Utah Dear Steve: Regarding the liquid encountered in Tank #2 (approximately 10 gallons) dr:ring the UST removal operation, it was decided at the time to drum it after soil fell into the UST. It was not known if the contonts were actual product or water that had accumulated over the years. No sludges appeared to be present while the UST was cleaned ou! and the liquid/soil mix was not fingerprinted to determine if it was actual fuel or not. On the day ofthe removal, a lifetime resident eommented that one ofthe old tanks may have been used to store heating oil fuel. Please call if you need further information regarding this site. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING INC Steve Mills Site Manager SM:sb F:\USERSIS:HERRYIMIIJ*S\CANNINGo0 zoou ]NI .9NIJ'IIISNOC 3SJNVIS 06tozztr08 Ivd 0r:0T cIl,ll oo/oZ/60 Stantec M G Dsr\JL', I ?s d$"L q [zr 178 -1&i4 4L/r'- &h^z \v \. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMANENT CLOSURE NOTTCE (Revised 01lO1lg7l Facility lD #See (l-fot lD# Z 709 Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by St e Mils of (company name) Stantec Consultino lnc. phone# (8Ol) 261-0O90 Address 3995 So 70O East. Suite 3O0 (-Salt Lak e Citv state uT zip 84107 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Utah DeDa ment of TransDortation Phone#(801t6 19-7232 (Steve annino) I I sole proprietorship I I PartnershiP I I corporation Address 7OB South 1O0 West Ric hf ie ld State__U I__ Zip 4470 Facility Name Old Co-oo Store (Future Wales Citv Office) 26-D mp les in LUST File # ate Process UST Status ate Mailed to LHD mples to LUST Review Address 150 North Sta Street City Wales State UT zio 84667 Steve Cannino {State of Utah - DFO)Pho ne #t801 619-7 232 Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: 2 Number of regulated tanks at the facility gjftg! closure:o lndicate the specific substance stored in each tank closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name Tim Ard Cefi.# 1R-O245 Exp . date 07lol loo Address 3656 West 21 OO Sor SOIL/GROUNDWATER SAMPLEB Name Steven F. Mills Cert.# Phone# ExpGS-O 169 (801) 261-OO90 . date OSLLOOZ Company Address Stantec Consultinq lnc. Tank #1 2 pre I 950 pre 1 95O ENVIRONIViENTAT \ RESPCNSE & RII,4 :DlATl0ll t 560 gal I 7O0 gal.I- Substance Stored *gasoline gasoline ltm Date last operated unknown unknown I Date closed 6/8/OO 6/8/O0 How closed (Removed/ln Place) removed removed 399 5S orrth 7OO F t. Suite 3OO City 1 salt Lake citv State UT Zip Contact person TANKS CLOSED NOTE: Company E.T. Technoloqies, lnc. Phone#(8011 c77-O73 1 city salt Lake citv state uT zip a412o-12o2 Date lnstalled Capacity H\ rtKtu A I 44107 CLOSURE INFORMATION lN/Al Fuel was emptied [N/A] Sludge was removed I X ] Tank was cleaned. I X ] lnerted, Method Used : lnerfA.l with Drv lcaTank was: [ ] Purged Location of Closure Records State of Utah - Steve Cannino/Stantec C nsultinq lnc. For ln-Place Closure: tanks filled with N/A For Change-ln-Service: Substance to be stored N/A DISPOSAL SITES USED: Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Fran Jackson 798-3548 6/8/OO Tank #1 & 2 Product from Tank(s)see page 4 9al Contaminated Wat6r from Tank Cleaning gal Sludge N/A gal Contaminated Water from Excavation N/A gal Contaminated Soil see page 4 yd3 ls any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site? -Yes -No X Not Applicable Was Fraa Product encountered during closure activities? No lf yes, please indicate thickness, _ inches SITE ASSESSMENT Complete the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identified by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. txl I certify under penalty ot law that the closuro sit6 assessmant at this facility was conducted in accordance with R31 1- 202 (parts 28O.52 and 28O.721 and R311-2O5 U.A.C,, and that any additional samples required by R31 1-2O2 parts 280.52 and 280.72 and R31 1-205-2(a)(1) were properly collected. Signature ot Certified Groundwater/Soil Sampler b,,?9 @Name Exp, Date Compa Phone # ComDleted Facilitv Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached.' The followinb must b€ includ6d (€nter the distance, and direction {N.S,E.W) from the arsa of contamination or, where applicable, uso oH for ovorhead, NP for not pres€nt): Contamination Not Present (NPl NP Water Line-Ne_Sew6r Lin6_lE_Natural Gas_Nlstorm Drain.X_Telephone-Ne_Electrical.LProperty Line _X_Buildings Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached. Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: Ix I collected Ix ] Labeled I X ] Packaged IxlTransported I X I Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured locked place. Address N/A ci 2 Cert. # state_ zip Full name ot ccrtilied Samplsr oate 8-?-OO lf contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. The Certified UST Consultant providing assistance is: txltxltxltx1 Tank(s)Swensons Metal Salvage v \-._ FACILITY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE NOTICE) The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identified scale. lt must show actual sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. 1 and 4 of the closure notice. Facility lD # See DEO for lD#Drawn By Stantec Consultin Date June 19. 2OOO 1I Scale: 1" - 20 Feet NORTH oVE{\/&DfueK ,) i tZ":ceq$)*ruoal ,k-- cL/LvERr 4gilfr,qc Afrt{ | 7-TzFfNoni'E I ?wR,PaE\*t(eueea) ColtaEE7€ mNK#-l (%-z ( rt'rru*re W4eE* CTH oFr/@/ 4e-t ubc- / 45-v*x 4zwz *-/ € 6' s*-Zd G' I t/e{-/ e 6' 53-A € 7,s'35-4 { 7,S'. 4{-Z d 2,5'Ii X = Sample locations (SS-#, WS-#, USC-#) a = Monitoring Wells (MW-#,) O = Soil boring (SB-#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#) O = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N,NW,W,SW,S,SE,E,NE) Land Use at Site: _Residential _Commercial _lndustrial Surrounding Land: _Residential _Commercial _lndustrial Site Plan Must lndicate Approximate Locations of:y' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensersy' Excavations, GW monitoring wells & soil stockpilesy' Location of all samples to be taken t/ Buildings, fences, & property boundaries r/ Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) r/ Depth to groundwater (if encountered) 3 ) I I I I I I I I I I I I i i t I I i i i.i I I t t I Oep €o-aP €JaRiE: --I55-+ u^e.-2 I I milK*z I I \7 SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE (Ctosurs Noticel Complete tablg fot all samples that were taken for closure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unilied Soil Classiticarion (USC), Approx. depth in feet below grade. The roquired minimum site assessmBnt samples must be taken at O-2 feet below th6 backfill/native soil interface. Contamioant compounds to be analyzed for each samplo (from table on p. 3). Appropriate analysis mothods for contaminant compound(s) in each samplo (from table on p. 3). State Certified Laboratory used:LJtilitv estino 1 2 3 Sample #/Lab lD Substance stoied in tank Sampla typet Depth2 Compounds3 Analysis method(s)a ss-1 @6'/06-09-00-01 Soil TPH/MBTEXN 801 58, 80218 Soil 6',TPH/MBTEXN 80158,80218 usc-1 @6'/06-09-oo-o3 USC Unified Soil Classification ss-3@7. 5'l06-09-00-04 7 .s',TPH/MBTEXN 801 58, 80218 ss-4@7.5',l06-09-OO-05 Soil 7 .s'.TPH/MBTEXN 801 58, 8021 B usc-2@7.5'lo6-09-oO- 06 USC 7 .5',Unified Soil Classification Address 40 West Louise Aven e, P.O. Box 65621 c ity_sslltele.lty state_.lJI_ zip 84165-0621 Contact person Anne Lewis Phone#(801) 485-8 1 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: Tank #1 was rv, Tank #2 contained aDDro ximatelv 10 qallons of Drodu ct which was drummed after soil fell into [JST drrri n otc oval ooerations (1.5 drums to be disoosed of at E.T. Tec hnolooies). I certify under penalty of law that I am the Owner of the tank(sl described above and that I am familiar with the information on this form and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the procedures described herein were followed dudng tank closure, Signature ot UST Ow Full name of Owner ner Dato Return completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformation Table, Soil/Groundwater sample lab analysis results, USC sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 90 days of UST Closure to: State of Utah Dept. of Environmental Ouality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation UST Section P. O. Box 1 44840 1 50 North 1 95O West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 16 F:\usERs\sHERB\ DFo\orJcoop.Nor 4 ss-2@6'/o6-09-OO-O2 o Soil CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS BEQUEST trbooat F "/, PROfCT NO.PRO.ICT NAME,/SITEii*ea, udrl U.D.o.r Fo.t; //fr- EtuvMl4L $/A/E ,fiitt*fl^9}>SAMPLER (PRTNT) REIIARKS SAMru IDENNflCAIION DAIE tL =o(, (D uo PRES. USED olrJ s2 v,ELlz Fz.oo c,z. L,IF lrlJc =v,lIME I {vt (xL8-oo 4-,n X /.ttt I rl (Yb*e ,4x {{/ {*lh@rc/11C-/ @ L t b-rd t+ r*,(I 4tl- 7z?a4l /#aJ^lD 4N LWr>V I +)tL I xb+-00 *b I I 'o -tr40 *'ln*x x I lot-/-r K )"h11I //,/4e-L e F 7.s'L-?-oct { 6a'* RELINQUISHED BY ( DATE blnlo /D: lb NME RECEIIED BY: idrlru kr#lL RELINQI.'ISHED BY:DATE NME RECEIVED BY: L/nu79 7H7,YG LABORATORY: TIME COMMENIS REQUESIED TURNAROTJND IIME: 21*e Publ oN r"i/6rb$t PI"EASE SEND RESULTS TO: lsvrv&. Curanzx* g$P-€eglreorhgr{nr 3995 Sorrth 7@ Eost. $ritc 500 Sdt Loke City. Utoh 84107 pn: (aot) 261-0090 fox (801) 266-1671 DATE ffilE /n/LL* SITE MANAGER:PROJECT MANAGER; PETX. flfrefu,^1 RECEI\,ED BY LAB:DATE TIME RECEIPT CONDIIION: EUtr, !0et 3 ilD t gr too3r r& Q.rf,tll0[-Z}lola Or"zCr.$to,r Ol.?t..larlrirbrffi ANALYSIS REQUESIED ,l RELINOT'IS}IED BY: ( 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A Utility Testing Laboratory Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Wales, Utah UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No' 8600518 Sample Collected: 08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09 June 2000 Sample Received BY: Anne W. Lewis Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 802',| B second column confirmation not confirmed' TOTAT PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) 'GASOLTNE & DIESEL EPA SW846 METHOD 8015B CASOL]NE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT:10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL June 12, 2000 Stantec Consulting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Test No. 06-09-00-01 Date Analyzed: 09 June 2000 TVPH 09 June 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-09-00-01 ffiffiffiffi$vffi,ffi JUL 1 ai 200U SOIL SAMPLE ss-l @ 5' SOIL SAMPLE ss-1 @ 6' MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s P{Ke (PPb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (PPm) < 10 mglKg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results lrglKg (pPb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 ;rglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 09 lune 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY T*/b"h Tina tUayU Quality Assurance Manager \-,40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84"t65-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testin€ Laboratory June 1 2, 2000 Stantec Consulting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Wales, Utah UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No. 8600518 Sample Collected: 08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09 June 2000 :ilij: ff : ?'J;i f,lj. ff l^".,H;l "#i 1 B s ec o n d c o r u m n c o n r i r m at io n n ot c o n r i r m e d TOTAI PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOLINE & D!ESEL EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH)USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mglKg (ppm)SOIL Test No. 05-09-00-02 il Date Analyzed: 09 June 2000 TVPH 09 June 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-09-00-02 SOIL SAMPLE ss-2 @ 6' SOIL SAMPLE ss-2 @ 6' MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s lrlKe (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg Gasoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results uelKe (oob) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pg,Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pg/Kg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 09 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTINC LABORATORY Tr,-rut Tina May l/ Quality Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84"t65-062"1 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A Utility Testin€ Laboratory June 12,2000 Stantec Consulting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Wales, Utah UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No. 8500518 Sample Collected: 08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09.lune 2000 Sample Received By: Anne W. Lewis Comrnents: EPA SW-846 Method BO2l B second column confirmation not confirmed' TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOTINE & DIESEL EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:10 mglKg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 05-09-00-04 Date Analyzed: 09 June 2000 TVPH 09 June 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-09-00-04 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s p{Ke (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mglKg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results pglKg (ppb) < 10 pglKg MIBE < 10 HglKg Benzene < 10 pglKg Toluene < 10 pg,/Kg Ethylbenzene < 30 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 10 p/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE ss-3 @ 7.s' SOIL SAMPLE ss-3 @ 7.5' Date Analyzed 09 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY fr) rno,, tin^ t$av t' Qual ity Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84't65-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory June 12, 2000 Stantec Consulting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - Wales, Utah UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No. 8600518 Sample Collected: 08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09 June 2000 Sample Received By: Anne W. Lewis Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOLINE & DIESEL EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CASOL]NE (TVPH) USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Ks (ppm)SOIL Test No. 06-09-00-05 Date Analyzed: 09 June 2000 TVPH 09 June 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 06-09-00-05 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pe/Ke Fpb)SOIL Test Results me/Ks (oom) < 10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 10 pglKg MIBE < 10 p/Kg Benzene < 10 pglKg Toluene < 10 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 30 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 10 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE ss-4 @ 7.5' SOIL SAMPLE ss-4 @ 7.5' Date Analyzed 09 June 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY fr; ftb,th Tina May 7 Quality Assurance Manager \/ 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 8416s-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A Utilitv Testing Laboratory )uly 12,2OOO Stantec Consu lting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-90 - Wales, UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No. 8600518 Sample Collected:08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09 June 2000 Sample Received By: Anne W. Lewis Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-09-00-03 Color of Sample: Light Brown Toushness: High Plasticity: High Descriotion of Samole: Lean clay with sand Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < '19.0 mm - ND COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - ND MEDIUM SAND <2.0 mm - ND FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 20 o/o FINES < 0.075 mm - 80 % * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. usc-I @ 6' Drv Strencth: Medium Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (cL) *y Quality Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, uT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A t-ttility Testin€ Laboratory )uly 12,2000 Stantec Consulting, lnc. 3995 South 700 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah B4'l07 Attention: Mr. Peter Anderson Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-9O - Wales, UDOT ROW UST Removal Project No. 8600518 Sample Colletted:08 June 2000 Sample Received: 09 June 2000 Sample Received By: Anne W. Lewis Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 06-09-00-05 Color of Sample: Light Brown Toushness: High Plasticitv: High Description of Sample: Lean clay Composition of Sample bLsieve Analysis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - ND COARSE SAND < 4.O mm - ND MEDIUM SAND <2.O mm - 5 7o FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 10 % FINES < 0.075 mm - 85 % * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. usc-2 @ 7.s' Drv Strencth: Medium Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (cL) T,;% Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager Client: Utility Testing Laboratory Date Sampled: June 8,2000 Project: UOO-I11 AL Lab Sample ID: L41753-01,4 INORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Contact: Anne Lewis Date Received: June 28,2000 Field Sample ID: composite ss- 1,ss-2,ss-3,ss- 4 I 06-09 -00-0 1,02,04,05 Method Reporting Amount Used Limit Detected AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 TOT,AL METALS Analytical Results Units Date Analyzed Lead mdkg 6130100 60108 5.0 15 (801)25U8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (80L) 253-8687 Released by: Supervisor Report Date:July 7, 2000 Page I of I