HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006414A\ \' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DryISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. Leavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Iixecutive Director 168 Nonh 1950 West P.O. Box lzt4840 Salt Lake City. Utah 84114-4840 (801) 5364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rILE COPIKent P. Gray Diretor ERRU-123-00 May 15,2000 Andy Callister Premium Oil 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l5 RE:16)e, y4d,, Sandy, Utah Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Premium/Phillips, 10585 South Facility Identification No. 4001325 Dear Mr. Callister: A review of the information you have submitted in the closure notice received on May I l, 2000, for the above referenced USTs, indicates that no corrective action is required at the site at this time. The information you have submitted indicates that any detectable petroleum contamination at the site complies with state UST rules. Based upon these rules, there appears to be no threat to human health or the environment. Corrective action may be needed in the future if contamination is found that threatens human health or the environment. Please contact Jason Wilde at (801) 536-4132, if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Waste Control Board KPG/JTWhsp ort :]:,,r,::::]:1 ,.,.,:'.il {J il t ,,,, t"'i 0 =e e A fi lllg { 0. \t g .u 0au J J (} d.l- 0 I s #{J 0, E 0 U J fi 0 J $ L 0I s u .g-U 0 J g <CCI' I o, te*6a, ,....,......i.;..i'..i.....'.i ii::::i:::::: ::::1,:::: ::ltl,il ::jt:!l::!:::,::j, i:l:l:::l:::rr:: ::::,r::: i::iii::i::ti:::il::l::i t6 (D. i +l ( i t ,t t: a t I a .-a ;*t'- ', cat e -{ElrlJ -<u, a I I a!f.r '-dl .i I 5-a .ta aao al, E'),e, -(D :c(s au, til oreis Cl :g ch a:> 6gdcre c)€ ol(fi ('.JAtf \y f.l s i- n1 -tz .i-) tfr d] r\' (D -l-FHEiI ?t! i C'T o .B o t- FtOGOE$C q, ?! s rf .S tAvi ,' 11 Ent F -xFb(! F nfn : E X t-tCEGl$t-x la.,{ C.{N $t s.lfo$i VV\:$ ooaa !')o o v eoa vs(: EIU: i/ l' QlOl iJ F irl{r q I{ NIN N N ftIN O O EII, O (Dtt', (D G(rre:Eo <c(,l,|[ €rgso e,6 *!> cr6Jo e cia s I$ E z *, tfr$ i +:' ,(3 y"Fi{Ei.L! o\ at,t ID -< J g, 14, 1 qt t+I ..' -*ir*.r_.f' -.--i f_ +, a af I Jrr €<+ tD g l! i-.c b.I FrOrEATFC q E F v {! JE \z Fl f.l s s {\i -\ l+l \i-,Ll . dir-c}.c#) fll ""Ol oJ:lr! dod.to. -aY r'l 6r, E STORAGETAIVK PROGRAMT,NDERGROTJND Adiusturent Fotzt OWNER ThE * (drdrorcur) ADIT'STMENT REFUND RFbm 4e Nrfor a rll oz .. ..}. i E- {- .l L .! _-r*-.iE..:.; ' .'::: L . 'i:.;:-- --i: . . i.'st-.:.' .a:l lIEil i ffir:.I*gr .-f, * 3 .rl E$lrc:IE: E {.li t ..E --D- State Use O ate Processed b ate Mailed to LH amp les in LUST File # amples to LUST Review_ UST Status Fecility lD # 4001 32 5 Andrew Callister ol (company name Phone # ( 801) \87 -\721; P remi um 0i I Co. Z Tank Owner P remium 0ll Co.Phone #(801 ) 487 -4j21 [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] partnership [X] corporation Add 200 South 00 l^/e s c Sa lt Lake State-lJLah 84r1q Facility Name P rem i umlPh i I I ips Contact person Andrew Cal lister Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: 3 Number of regulated tanks al the lacility q[gl closure:---!-- TANKS CLOSED ENVIRONMENTAL R[$,OI,ISE & REMEDIATION Phone #(801 ) 487 -L'7? 1 * lndicate lhe specific substance slorcd in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, desel, waste oil, etc.) Premi um 0i I Co. 2005 South 300 VJest B ryan Fu rtek Cert. # GS Phone #t 801 t \87-4721 Exp. date_ Phone#( B0r) 5?2-6865Eve rq reen Environmental 1 AY I ,rnnn I231Tank # 3/ \/ 82 3/ \/823/ \/82Date lnstalled 12 ,000 l2 ,000r 2 ,000 1/v p Illll P I rrs lll I P remUn I eadedSubstance stored 12/29/9812/29/98 12/29/98 \/5/ 004/5/ 00 4/5/o0Date closed Removed RemovedHow closed (Removed/ln place)Removed IIII srilibtt-.. Address 1 1 5 South 1 100 Eas t Sal t La ke UNDERGROUND STOF-CE TANK PEBMANENT CLO ,F( (Revised 0U0tn97) Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identiried below) by Address 2005 South 3OO west City sal t Lake State-lll;h- Zip 8411q FACILITY INFORMATION Address 10585 South 700 Eas t Crty___Sen-dy-- State-Ulah Zip---..r&4qZI- TANK REMOVER Name D. G. Bateman Cert.#TR -0059 Exp. date-:Bl {7'01 city_ Jj_E_!g!e_qlI_r__ Srate-!la!_ zip_!-!_Il__ SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Capacity Date last operated State-Ulgh - Zip 84 I 02 CLOSUBE INFORMATION [XI Fuel was emptied [X] Sludg]aas removed [X] Tank was cleaned Tank was: [ ]Purged ftl lnerled. Method Used:15 lbs. of Dry Location of Closure Records 2005 South 300 l,/es t lce Per 1 ,000 Gallons Location Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s)Atlas Steel 975-9669 4//oo Product From Tank(s)Nat i ona I Tank 280-712tt 640 gal Contaminated Water From Tank Cleaning 80 gal SIudge oal Contaminated Water From Excavation gal Contaminated Soil ls any contaminaled soil which was over-excavated still on-site? - Yes No X Not applicable Was Free Product encountered during closure activities? - lI yes, please indicate thickness, -lnches SITE ASSESSMENT Complete lhe Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and Sample lnlormation Table (Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and olher inlormation on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samples must be consistently identilied by sample lD # on the site plat, table, and lab analysis report. [ ] Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The lollowing must be included (enter the distance, and direction (N,S,E,W) Irom the area ol contamination or, where applicable, use OH ,or ovefiead, NP for nol present): -I-water une -[-sewer Line -[- Natural cas - Storm Drain -Telephone - Eleclrical - Property Une - Buildings I X] Completed Sample lnformation Table (Closure Notice) is attached. I X] Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. I X] Unified Soil Classitication (USC) sample resulls are attached. I X] Chain of Custody form is attached. Samples were properly: [X ]Collected [X ] Labeled [X] Packaged [ ]Transported I x] Samples were in sight of the person in custody al all times or in a secured locked place. I certify under penatty ol law lhat the closure site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R31 1 - 2t2 (eE,rts2m.s2 and 280.72) and R3'11-205 U.A.C., and that any additional samples rcquircd by R3l1-202 parts 280.52 and 280.72 and R311-20S2(aX1) were properly collected. Signatur€ of Certified Groundwater/Soil Sampler -b.r^--L tlatLv- Full name of Certffied Sampler Bryan Furtek Evergreen Envi ronmental oate 5- la-oo lf contamination at the ,acility is confirmed, any person providing remedial assistance lor a lee must be a Certified UST Consuftant. The Certiiied UST Consultant providing assistance is: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name BRTAp FU,R-7-E,K Cert. # CC Com EUERGREeil g:uutRat)EM'TAL s ERUTCES Phone #601 Exp. date_ t3e.-686.{ Address +)6€. 3euTPt lti ?Le, #egc c 2 1AL:r LA|G cfiY sta.F- QT zip 8+ ttt For ln-Place Closure: tanks filled with For Change.ln-Sewice: Substance lo be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: Contact Name Tank # L/nL/no N /a vd3 MACS CRAFT PARKING LOT (o SS# 1 04-05-00-08 USC# 1 XSS#2 04-05-00-09 a I I I I x o SS# SS# ____f (. J (9 z.?t o- F LL do C)o SS# 3 04-05-00-1 0 04-05-00-14 XSS#4 04-05-00-1 1 XSS#6 04-05-00-13 XSS#8 04-05-00-15 USC# 2 04-05-00-15 sewer -c =o U)oo@o o 6 = / NORTH ( 700 East UST o USTUST zIF F U) rlL -rlL flL tlL ,^l Sr PLE INFORMATION TABLE (Closure N. -e) Complete table lor all samples that were taken tor closure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent with the sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. 1 Soil (SS), Goundwater (GW), ot Unified Soil Classification (USC). 2 Flllal depth (in ,Eet) below grade al which samples were taken. 3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed lor eact! samde [fPH, BTEXN, O&G, etc)' I nppropriate anafylis meittods for contaminant compound(s) in each sa,nPle (8015 mod', 8020' 413'1' etc)' State Certified Laboratory used: Utility Testing Laboratory State-Uleh zip---:gll Lli5lL62 I40 Wes t Lou ise Ave.Sa Analysis method(s)4CompoundssSubstanc€ stored in tank Sample typet Sample #/Lab lD TPH F, BTFXN Sorss r 80 218SS12 f t.3 Gaso I iness#r 04-05-00-0 lr)ss#2 04-05-00-0 4 ft.)ss#3 o4-05-oo-1 ss#4 04-05-00-r SS#5 04-05-00:l ]ss#6 04-05-00-r +;s#7 04-05-00- r );s#8 04-05-00- r 12 lt.is#9 04-05-00- 1 12 f t.8 US C 4 ft.5,sc#2 04-05-00- II Address Contact person Phone # ( 801 )485-8941 please explain any unusual or extenualing circumstances encountered during the site assessment or closure: I certify under penalty ot law that I am the Owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the inlormition on Uris lorm and that it is true, accurate and complete and further, that the Procedures described herein were followed during tank closure. Signatute of UST Owner Full name ol Owner Premium 0il Co. by Andrew Ca l'l i ster Retum completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site Plat and Sample lnlormation Table, Soil/Groundwater sample lab analysis resutts, USd sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 9O days ol UST Closure to: state of Utah Deot. ol Environmental Qualiw Oivision of gnvironmental Response and Remediation UST Section P.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West salt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 4 Depth2 ,sc#l 04-05-00- oate S/t<:fzo<.o The site plat must be drawn to an scale. lt must show actual substances stored in tanks, and other relevant infomation. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent wilh the inlormalion given on p. 1 and 4 ol the cbsure notice Facility tD#Drawn Date 1I Scale: 1'=Feet NOBTH Sire Plal Uust lndic.te Actual Locations Or: / Cunent & forfiEr tanks, pifrng & dispenseG / Excavations. GW nronitodng wells & soil sto@iles / Localion & depth ol all samples taken / Eluildirgs, ferc€s, & p.operty boundades / Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, stodh drains, elecldcal etc,) .,, Depth to gro{.lndn€ler (il encountered) 3 x = Sarnple locations (Ss+, ws+, USc*) l = Monitoring Wells (t{W{,) o : Soil boring (SB-f), or Geoprcbe Bodng (GP4) O = Water Wells (dornestic, livestock, etc.) Slope ot Surlace Topographj,: (N, Nw, W sW s. sE, E, NE) land Use At Sile: _Residenthl _Commercbl _ lndustnal Sunounding bnd: _Resi(bntia! - Commercid - lrEustrial 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A t-ltility Testin€ Laboratory April 20,2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOLINE & DIESET EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-08 Date Analyzed: 1 3 Apr 2000 TVPH 05 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-05-00-08 SOIL SAMPLE ss-1 SOIL SAMPLE ss-1 MBTEXN SW.846 METHOD 802'IB USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s pilKe (ppb)SOIL Test Results ms/Ks (oom) < 10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mglKg Diesel Test Results pg/Kg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pg/Kg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 UglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY V''-ft Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager I 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOLINE & DIESET EPA SWB46 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-09 Date Analyzed: 1 3 Apr 2000 TVPH 05 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-0s-00-09 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO2l B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s HdKS (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg Gasoline < '10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results uelKe (opb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pg/Kg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 t,/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE ss-2 SOIL SAMPLE SS-2 Date Analyzed: 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTlLITY TESTI NC LABORATORY T.-ru\ Tina May Quality Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-894r Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84.t15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed TOTAT PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOTINE & DIESEL EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 GASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:10 mglKg (ppm) SOtt Test No. 04-05-00-10 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-0s-00-1 0 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 p/KS (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < '10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 5 pg/Kg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-3 SOIL SAMPLE ss-3 Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTING LABORATORY 6-n\ Tina May Quality Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84'.t65-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A tltility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected: O5 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAT PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH). GASOLINE & DIESEL EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm)SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-11 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-05-00-1 1 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s p/Ks (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mglKg Casoline < 10 mglKg Diesel Test Results pglKg (ppb) < 5 pg/Kg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pg/Kg Toluene < 5 Fg/Kg Ethylbenzene < 15 prg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pg/Kg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-4 Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY T;/t7 Tina May Quality Assurance Manager SOIL SAMPLE SS-4 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory April20, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAr PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOLTNE & DTESEL EPA SWB46 METHOD BO15B CASOLINE (TVPH) USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mg/Kg (ppm)SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-12 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution FactorUsed = 1.0 Test No. 04-0s-00-12 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 80218 USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s plKe (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) <.10 mglKg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results FglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 pglKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-5 SOIL SAMPLE SS-5 Date Analyzed: 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTING LABORATORYry Tina May Quality Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 6562.l Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) . GASOTINE & DIESET EPA SW846 METHOD 80158 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: 10 mgiKg (ppm)SOIL Test No. 04-0s-00-'13 Date Analyzed: I 3 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1 .0 Test No. 04-0s-00-13 SOIL SAMPLE SS-6 SOIL SAMPLE SS-6 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO21B USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: s p/KS (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results Fg/Kg (ppb) < 5 Frg/Kg MIBE < 5 pg/Kg Benzene < 5 prg/Kg Toluene < 5 Hg/Kg Ethylbenzene < '15 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed: 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORYo\ Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A t-ltility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOLINE & DIESET EPA SW846 METHOD BO15B CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 10 mgiKg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-14 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 'l .0 Test No. 04-05-00-14 SOIL SAMPLE SS-7 SOIL SAMPLE SS-7 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO2l B USING PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTING LIMIT: s pelKs (ppb)SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 1O mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results lrglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 ;rglKg Benzene < 5 pglKg Toluene < 5 FglKg Ethylbenzene < 1 5 pg/Kg Xylenes, Total < 5 FglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY @ ry Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 485-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211 A tltility Testing Laboratory April20, 2000 Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 841 .15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 :Hii:ff |?'J;iil;?3',f"ilH;;;, B secon d co r u m n conri rm ation n ot co nri rm ed. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOLINE & DIESEL EPA SWB46 METHOD BOl58 CASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURCE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: 1 0 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-15 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-05-00-1 5 SOIL SAMPLE SS-8 SOIL SAMPLE SS-8 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD 8021B USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT: s t /KS (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results lrglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pg/Kg Benzene < 5 pg/Kg Toluene < 5 pgiKg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY l,tb)*r Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager 1 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (801 ) 484-9211 A Utility Testing Laboratory April 20, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West salt Lake city, Utah 841 15 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister TOTAL PETROTEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) - GASOLINE & DIESEL EPA SW846 METHOD BOl5B GASOLINE (TVPH) USINC PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:10 mg/Kg (ppm) SOIL Test No. 04-05-00-16 Date Analyzed: 13 Apr 2000 TVPH 06 Apr 2000 TEPH Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 Test No. 04-05-00-16 MBTEXN SW-846 METHOD BO2l B USING PURGE & TRAP METHOD 5O3OB REPORTINC LIMIT:5 t,S/Kg (ppb) SOIL Test Results mg/Kg (ppm) < 10 mg/Kg Casoline < 10 mg/Kg Diesel Test Results ]rglKg (ppb) < 5 pglKg MIBE < 5 pg/Kg Benzene < 5 ;rglKg Toluene < 5 pg/Kg Ethylbenzene < 15 pglKg Xylenes, Total < 5 pglKg Naphthalene SOIL SAMPLE SS-9 SOIL SAMPLE SS-9 Date Analyzed 1 3 Apr 2000 Dilution Factor Used = 1.0 UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Tina May Quality Assurance Manager Subject: TPH/MBTEXN Testing - ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: EPA SW-846 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confirmed. ru 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 sart Lake city, UT 84165-0621 (801) 48s-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A t-ttility Testing Laboratory May 1, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-9O -ALTA STATTON Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 APr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your sub.iect samples; Test No. 04-05-00-15 Color of Sample: Dark Brown Toughness: None Plasticity: None Description of Sample: Well-graded sand with silt Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - ND COARSE SAND < 4.0 mm - ND MEDIUM SAND <2.O mm - 10 o/o FINE SAND <0.425 mm - 80 % FINES < 0.075 mm - 10 % * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTI LITY TESTI NC LABORATORY Customer l.D. SS-8 Drv Strensth: None Classification: (SW-SM) -firt"u,I Tina May Qual ity Assurance Manager Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Weak ^ 40 West Louise Avenue P.O. Box 65621 Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0621 (801) 4Bs-8941 Fax: (801) 484-9211A t-ttility Testing Laboratory May 1, 2000 Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Attention: Mr. Andy Callister Subject: - Uniform Soil Classification ASTM Method D2488-90 -ALTA STATION Sample Collected:05 Apr 2000 Sample Received:05 APr 2000 Sample Received By: David Simmons Comments: None Following are the test results on your subject samples; Test No. 04-05-00-08 Color of Sample: Brown/Crey Toushness: High Plasticity: High Description of Sample: Clayey sand Composition of Sample by Sieve Analysis: COARSE CRAVEL <76.0 mm - ND FINE CRAVEL < 19.0 mm - ND COARSE SAND < 4.O mm - ND MEDIUM SAND <2.0 mm - 10 % FINE SAND < 0.425 mm - 70 "h FINES < 0.075 mm - 20 1" * ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED UTILITY TESTINC LABORATORY Customer l.D. SS-1 Drv Streneth: Low Reaction with 1:1 HCI: Strong Classification: (SC1 Tr"*ry Tina May Quality Assurance Manager Utility,Jie*iltl-abo ratory CHAIN OF CUSTODY ffiSaltlakecity, Utah c*i'u t1f 8,44€{* Phone: 801 -973-8305 FAX: 801-973-8333 Pro.iect Number Project Name: ALW) sTA11CI tl Analysis Report To (print): r1*by C/rLLtsICR >(u m '-r' 0-l- ,i $ ) P.O. Number:Sampler's Signature:'%r-^-Yrffi No. of cont.Matrix REMARKSDate Sampled Sample Time ldentification t t-* 5-oo 4', grt ss-l X Y X I So,L a -T- f Io'.oo 6s"a-{(\ Io',4 CI 95" 3 )II I It"oo 9s-q I t iI J l\oo ss -5 I \\\ \\ r I '."{i s,5 *6 I I '.3o I9-Y I ( I'L+i 5S-8 \X {l Q',t+d E6* q t,{.I, ,quished (signature): I Datefime: '!/r,,;/ou t:{3 Recei SEND RESUTTS TO (Company Name) ?&€ mtu,"- CI tc C o CONDITION OF SAMPTES Samples Chilled: tr Yes tr No Seals lntact:trYes trNo Samples Preserved: tr Yes tr No Remarks: Rel i nq u ish6{(si gnatu re) :Datefiime Received (signaturef To the attention of: Relinqu ished (signature) :Datefl-ime Received (signature)Address: Relinqu ished (signature)Datefiime:Received (signature) Phone: COMMENTS:Fax ) { 1 I ( Contact Person UJ L Area Code Phone Number Owner Name _ Address _ City 5 e (check IfuTU--^ best description of land use) Other _Street Address Facility Name _Surrounding residential _City. TANKS CLOSED ranr ruo. .l ,/, Tank No. 4 Tanr ruo. j Tank No._Tank No._ 1. Estimated Capacity (gallons)Lak t1K lL l< 2.Iype (Steel, FRP, Composite)41 4t /T 3. Substance Stored h aqh - 4. Date last used al6{8 4?)Lz /4r-' 4 /5lnb - -1lilltiA, -5. How closed (Rmvd, inplace, CIS) Cert. #:GS Expiration Date:GW & Soil Cert. #: TR Date:UST Remover: 1.owner/operatorhasanapprovedclosureptan:,pNcopy9!q!s@ I 2. Product removed: Y N By:T rl;*WeODisposed at:o 3. Sludge removed: Y N By tDisposed at: 4. Tanks cleaned: Y N By:)Rinsate disposed at 5. Non-explosive atmosphere inside tank obtained by: - Purging - lnerting. Llfff Z. Olyggltg!!e!!gq-l 6. Product lines were: - Cleaned, secured in place, and capped - Removed, disposal site:L 8. Soil7. Tank site:site: Meter PID or FID meter readings (indicate location on the site plat.) Gain or span:- Calibration /D Depth of contamination: 0 - 3 feet - greater than 3 feet -ill_ 4. Certified Lab:3.#of I 1. Soil contamination is evident: Y 2. Water contamination is evident: V tD pgP!! !9f9!9I collected: - GW { soir -Ltsc 6€ir ,ift)5. Analysis Methods I lBTEXO&G TRH HOG 6. lnspector observed collection of samples:N1 N lndicate location and depth of samples on the site plat.v and submitted them to the State Lab for ana V (f.i-) f.fZn lf yes, confirmation samples were collected: Y N N7.1 8. Contaminated soil overexcavated: r collected icate Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facitity tD nspectionPermanent Closure I l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s) 4. Date Closed ?\ SITE ASSESSMENT: CLOSURE INSPECTION SITE PLA Facili lD No. NORTH (&e t t L LZ I e' tr o 2 I+1yrt TAI\K/,.a1a<VrJ\' lolbxrhx 12 7 +vtL,vz ? 5 *lz 4- ovea-iler+o /r"lss (e(*ttrnrca1; -> location ol any roported PIO or FIO readings. Potential Receptors: Distance (in feet) to the nearest: Residences - Commorcial buildings X- Surlace water _ Underground: Sewer _ Telephone line_ Electrical line _ x Storm drain_ Property iine Water line Active water well _ Natural gas line_ Olher (specity)_ T 66>e++e Ial-aComments: lL, L€ that I inspected the above-named lacility on Cert#ln Date L sSi nature: Distribution: White.OERR, Yellowlnspeclor, Pink-Facilily/Ownsr Revised 5/98 ( lq I tqsyg s DEPART),{E\T OF E}I\/iRONMENTAL QUALITY DiVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION \lichacl (). Leevru (irrvernrrr )iiurne [1. Niclson. Ph.D. I:\crulr\c Dircctor Kent P. Gra-v'' f)irecror I68 North l9-ir) \\'est P O. Box I liSr0 Salt Lake Cirr . L rah s+ I ll--+8"10 ( r0 I ) j-16--l la)r_) (liOt ) .159-8,351 Fex (801 ) 536-Jllr T D D rl ww.deq.state.ur.us Web r ILE COPY RE ERRU-003-00 Januarv 7. 1000 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED ANDY CALLISTER PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2005 s 300 w SALT LAKE CITY LTT 8.+ I I.5 Notice of Intent to Revoke Certificate of Compliance Located at Premium Phillips 66 #41 (Alta), 10585 South 700 F.ast, Sandy. Utah Facility Identification No. 4001 325 Dear Mr. Callister: The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Rules (R3 I I 202-l ) require that aiier December22,1998, UST owners and operators must comply with one of the following: I ) New UST system performance standards in Federal Regulations of 40 Code (CFR) 280.20; 2) The upgrading requirements in 40 CFR 280.21; 3) Closure requirements under 40 CFR 280 Subpart G. Our records indicate that tank(s) 1. 2. 3 at Facility Number 4001325 were placed under temporary closurebecausethel w'erenotincompiiancerviththe l998up-eraderequirements. Thealiowedtimeforthe temporary closure to be effective ended on December 22. 1999. Pursuant to Section I 9-6--l l4 of the Utah Code. :i ou have 60 day's to submit doe umentation to us to demonstrate that yoll arc in compliance or vour Certificate of Compliance will be revoked. If your Certificate of Compliance is revoked and you are participating in the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST r Fund. -v-ou will be ineligible to receive pa\ ment for claims against the PST Fund. If you have anv questions. please call Jason Wilde at (801) 536-4100. Sincerely, D;- t r1*/L Kent P. Gray. E.recutive Secretary (LIST) Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/GKA/hsp SENDER: tr Complete items 1 ar Complete items 3, 4a, for additional services. 4b. I also 'tr to receive the follow- ing s ,ps (for an extra fee): 1. D Addressee's Address 2. D Restricted Delivery 5 Juo @ertified D lnsured itrAaD ) Et Pint your name and address on the reveEe of this lom so that we can relurn lhis card to,you. this lom to lhe front ofthe mailpiece, or on the back il space does noltr Atlach permit. o W (ile'Fetum Receipt Requested' on the 0 The to was delivered and the date 3. Article Aldressed lo' below the arlicle number. 4b.INDY CAI,T,ISTI.)R PRI.]N,TIT'NI OtL (]() 2005 s 300 \\' s.\t,'l'L-\Ktl CITY trT 8{115 5. Received E Registered [J Express Mail E Retum Receiptlor and 6. 1 7. Date of Delivery (- 8. Addressee's tee is paid) PS Form 1 994 1 02s95-99-B-0223 Receipl E Ulrreo Srnres Posral SeRvrce )lililt fFi-*--Jl-..i/.il II Postaoe & Fees Paid Ilsps l tfermit No. G-10 | o Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box o UOEO / DERR P0. Box 1 44840 r r-niii cirv ur 84114-4840 ll,,l,,l,,l,,,ll,,,ll,l,,l,l,,ll,,l,,l',lll,,t,ll,,l a ,^ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. haviu Governor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Execu(ive Director 168 North t950 West P.O. Box l1-1840 Salt Lake City. Utah 841 l4-4840 (801)536-1100 (801) 359-8853 Fax ( 80 I ) 536-4.1 l-l T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web T IL E COPY Kent P. Gray Director ERRU-396-99 December 17,1999 Andrew Callister Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 RE Closure Plan Approval for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Premium,/Phillips, 10585 South 700 East, Sandy, Utah Facility Identification No. 4001325 Dear Mr. Callister: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on December 9,1999, has been approved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginningclosure activities. Ircal agencies mayhave additional requi,rements forclosure ormaycharge inspection fees. The Salt Lake City/County Health Department is no longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake City/County Health Department) is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan approval is effective for a period of one vear from the date of approval. If closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary (UST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspected or found during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary (UST) afterthe closure is performed. Please submit the Closure Notice ils soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. v Facility ID# 4001325 Page 2 If during upcoming closure activities, it appearlthat a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions. as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact Jason lVilde at (801) 536-4132 Sincerely, \)*-t 4*/h Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utan Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Enclosures cc: Don Chase, Chiei Sandy City Fire Department KPG@hsp UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK C U RE PLAN (rev.05/01/98) FACILITYID#4001325 LHD USE ONLY Date Received Reviewer Date LHD Approved Date mailed to state Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operalor (identified below)Andrew Callister ot (company name)Premium 0il Co.Phone # (801 ) 48 7-4721 Address 2005 South 300 West A Contractor may prepare this closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. ln preparing the closure Plan, the contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. ThisCtosure Ptan issubmitted in compliance with the requirements contained in R311-202 Subpart G and R311-204 (U.A.C.) Tank owner Premium 0il Co,phone # ( 801 ) \87-\721 [ ]sole proprietorship [ ] partnership [X] corporation City Sal t L ake STATE U E ONLY ) IReceived ate Mailed to LHD ate Received From LHD iewer/Date Appr r. Review/Date Facility Name Premi umlPh i I I i S Address '10585 Sollth 700 Ea f C ity__SaL:_dy_- Statqlrah_ Zip Rto 7o Contact person Andrew Il:l I i Phone#(8^1 ) 487-47, I Total number ol regulated underground tanks at this site 3 Total number ol regulated underground tanks at this site lqbe closed TANKS TO BE CLOSED ? 2 j,|Tank # S tee I Stee I SteelType (Steel,FRP,etc.) nEn -o ,]7/ tt/82 7/ 4/ 82 7/4/82Date lnstalled 1 2 .0001 2 ,000 12 ,00 0Capacity Un leaded U/L PIus U/L P remSubstance stored' .{J 4 N,2 A'912/29/98 12/?9/98 12/29/98 \!L Date last operaled Remove Remove Removed/ln Place/ Chanoe in Service?Re mo ve I ' lndicate ths specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the wasle oil? Yes (identify if known)No _ Not known _ Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required priorto disposalol contaminated soilor other material. (Checkwith your disposal lacility.) City Salt Lake State Utalzip 84'l l5 FACILITY INFORMATION Address 2005 South 300 West State Utahzip 841 l5 El'lTAl Pr:rlr 1 TANK REMOVER Name D la t eman Premium 0il Co. .#TR-0059 Exp.date B/01./Ol Compan Address 2005 Sorrth ?OO Upct City Sa I t L Phone # SOIUGROUNDW ATEB SAMPLER Name Rrwrn tr,,.rar.Cert. # GS Company Address Eve rq reen E nvi ronmen ta I ll5 South 1100 East City Salt Lake State Ut ah 84r02 Before the closure plan is submitted tor approval, the local health and ,ire departments where the tacility is located mUSl be Contacted. ll the tacility is in Beaver, Carbon. Emery, Gadield, Gand, lrcn, Kane, Salt Lake, San Juan, Wasatch, ot Washington county contact OERR (UST) at (801)536-4100 instead ol the local heallh disttict. You still musl contact the local fire deoanmeht in these counies. Contact Tifle Phone # CONTACT LoCAL FIBE DEPT. Name ol Dept.Sandv Citv Fi re De f Contact Ri cha rd Lyman Dale 11 /n1 /gg ph6ns I 558-2938 Atlas SteelTank(s) will be disposed at: Facility Address \221 Vest 700 South CrV qalt Lal,.e Statfun"g_ Zip__94_141*_ Phone#(801 D75-9669Contact person Product lines will either be: -[_ removed or - cleaned, secured in place, and capped Vent lines will eilher be: X removed or_cleaned and secured open. S ame Address City State_ Zip Contact person Phone # ( ) National Tank E Honito rinq /Phone# ( B0t ) 280-3i24 Phone # Tank(s) will be emptied by: company Tank(s) will be cleaned by: company Contaminated water in the tanurinsate will be disposed at: Facility Nat iona I Tank E n itorino Contact person Phone # ( nnr ) 280-3324 Tank(s) will be: _ purged or __-X_ rendered inert by the following method:l5 lbs of Dry lce Per 1.000 Gallor Residual sludges will be disposed at the ,ollowing facility : Nat iona l Tank e Mon i torino / City State u t.h ZiP B T,OBBAddress4r52 r,, - 8?70 s.Uocf .l^r.116 Contacl person Phone #( B0r ) 2Bo-3324 FOR CLOSURE I N.PLACE ONLY Facility Site Plat, Sample lnformation Table, sample results and Chain of Custody forms are included. Documentation that the tank(s) were emptied and cleaned prior to sampling is included. Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Fire Department' Fire Dept._Phone#Contact Date [ ] Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Department Health District one#Contact Date [ ] Substance to be used to fill tanks 2 Phone#( 8Or ) 53"-r865 CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT Name oI Dist. - D IE Tirle - DISPOSAL INFOBMATION Piping will be disposed at: Facility CPNTAMINATED MATERIALS MU{BE DISPOSED AT AN ACCEPTABLE FA.CILITY: All materials generated lrom USiclosures must be managed and disposed in a mannerthat does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Any person providing remedial assistance for a fee, including aeration and over-excavation (of more than 50 yd), must be a Certified IJST Consultant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the Iollowing facility: Address City _ State_ Zip _ Contact person Phone # SITE ENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in R311-202, Part 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). lf contamination is suspected. additiona! samoles must be collected at the location where contamination is most likelv to be present. ll qroundwater is encountered. a soilsamole must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each qroundwater samole. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed forthe compounds shown in thefollowing table, using appropriate lab methods. Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed SoiI, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8260 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); 4g! Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8260 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); 4g[ Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXN) and MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 413.1 or 418.1 and EPA 8020 or 8260 and EPA8010or8260 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 413.1 or 418.1 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); 49! Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) 8015 Modified and EPA 8020 or 8260 and EPA 8010 or 8260 rAlternative nrethods or test procedures allowed for 413.1 are 1664 or 5520(b), and 418.1 may also use 1664 or 5520(f). The DERR is now accepting the use of the E0fi) nrethod series to replace the 6fi) method series for water analysis. Note that analytical nrethod numbers may change or be replaced (e.9., 8020 can be upgraded to, or replaced with, 8260 if desired, etc.). Check with the DERR, your certilied sampler, or your analytical laboratory if you have questions regarding the proper analytical method(s) to use for your sampling program Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformation Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION lf contamination at the facility is susoected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. lf contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. () 3 ANALYTICAL METHODS' FACILTTY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE PLl \ The site plat must be drawn to an alpropriate identified scale. lt must show plarlrr+d sampling locations, substances stored in tanks, and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the inlormatior given on p. 1 and 5 of the Closure Plan. F)ataFacility lD #_ Drawn 1I Scale:1"- _Feet NORTH X = Sample locations (SS-#, WS-#, USC-#) e = Monitoring Wells (MW+,) O = Soil boring (SB#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#) O = Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N,NW,W,SW,S,SE,E,NE) Land Use At Site: -Residential -Commercial -lndustrialSurroundi ng Land: -Residential -Commercial -lndustrial Site Plat Must Indicate Approxinrate Locations Of: y' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers y' l-ocation of all samples to be taken y' Buildings, fences, & property boundaries t/ lJtility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical, etc.) 4 SS#1X WS# 1 USC# 1 UST UST UST XSS#2 WS# 2 I I I--------t ( A 5Q i\' 3SS# 5SS# X7SS# XSS#4 XSS#6 XSS#8 USC# 2 ( NORTH -l-l-L _ll.L z.otr Fc/) ll.L --.Li-L rlL __Ll.L Complete table lor all samples to be taken for closure. 1 Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soil Classification (USC). 2 Approx. depth in feet below grade. The required minimum sile assessment samples must be iaken at 0-2 fe€t below the backfilynative soil interface. 3 Contaminant compounds to be analyzed lor each sample (trom table on p. 3). 4 Appropriate analysis melhods for contaminant compound(s) in each sample (lrom table on p. 3). Approximate depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the tanks:leet Regional groundwater llow direction: State Certilied Laboratory to be used:Uti I i ty Testing Laboratory Compounds3 Analysis method(s)aSubstance stored in tank Sample typet Sample # Gasoline SS 10- l2 ft .TPH 8BTE XNSS# 1 SS# 2 ss# 3 4 ft. SS# 5 55f b SS# 7 ss# B TPH E B TEXN 8or5 Mod s Bo2oGasolineWS'10- l2 ft.t/s# 1 \rs# 2 USC l0- l2 ft.USC# 1 usc# 2 II City Salt lake Contact person Phone #(80l ) q73-8 ?oq Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances expecled regarding the site assessment or closure: I certlfy under penalty of law that I am the owner/operator ot the tank(s) reterenced above and that I am lamiliar wilh the informatlon on this torm and that it is true, accurate and complete, and further, that the procedures described herein will be followed d Signature ol tank owner uring lank closure. oate t z-l z lq '1rlFull Name ot tank owner IA 5 C..l\ SAMPLE INFORMATION TABLE Depth'? 8015 Mod s 8020 SS# 4 Address 87q South Chestnut Stateftah_ Zip R4 I ? 5 I Michael O. l,eavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director l DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION I 68 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (80r) s36-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web LE.COPI ERRU-310-99 September 2I,1999 PREMruM OIL COMPANY 2005 s 300 w SALT LAKE CITY UT 84115 Ourrecords indicate thatyou are the owner and/or operator of facllity#400l325,known as PREMruM PHILLPS 66 #41( ALTA ) at 10585 S 700 E, SANDY, and that there are three temporarily closed Underground Storage Tank(s) (UST) at your facility. ManyUSTs weretemporarilyclosed lastDecemberin orderto stayin compliancewithUSTregulations. These tanks may only remain temporarily closed for one year. All owners and operators must meet one of the following requirements for each temporarily closed LJST by December 22,19992 1. Permanently close the UST(s) by removal or proper closure in place. 2. Comply with the 1998 upgrade requirements for spill, overfill, and corrosion protection. If yourTemporarilyclosedUST does notmeet one of these two requirements, you will be subjectto fines and penalties for non-compliance. If you currently have a Certificate of Compliance for your temporarily closed UST, the certificate for the non-compliant UST will be revoked. If your temporarily closed UST is currently covered by the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund, you will lose the ability to make a claim against the Fund for releases from the non-compliant UST. If you have questions concerning your temporarily closed UST please contact Jason Wilde at (801) 536-4100. Sincerely, Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary ruST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/GKA/hsp \ State *f- utah DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION t d Michael O. Leavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Exccutivc Direcmr Kent P. Gray Dircctor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801 ) 3s9-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. r, May 3, 1999 PREMfUM OIL COMPANY 2005 s 300 w SALT LAKE CITY UT B4t_15 Re: Temporarily out of use underground storage tanks with a Certificate of Compliance The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records show you have one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) which have been temporarily closed. These tanks are located at PREMIUM PHILLIPS 66 #41 ( ALTA ), 10585 S 700 E, SANDY, facility ID# 4001325. * July 1,1999 starts the new billing period for Underground Storage Tank fees. x If you permanently close your tanks before July 1, 1999 you will not have to pay fees for the new fiscal year. * If your tanks remain temporarily closed after July l, 1999 you will have to pay fees for the new fiscal year. The DERR shows that the following tanks are temporarily closed: Tank ID Substance Tank CaPacitY 1 Gasoline 12000 2 Gasoline 12000 3 Gasoline 12000 If you have questions concerning your temporarily closed tanks please contact the UST section ar 801-536-4100. Low-interest loans are available for upgrading or permanently closing UST's. If you are interested in applying for a loan please call Gary Astin at (801) 536-4103. L2/25/SE (Revlsed 4lU96l 14:J0 FNt 1 E01 5t04242 DEQ/DERR UNI TERGRQUNI) STORAoE r NK CLOSURE N-OXISJ TEMPORARY CLOST.IRE DEO / OE!iB l?EC!r'.'ii) @ooz Facility ID 4 400 132s t-*_-l | .lrtt-?mq Ilqa r U n;,.,J DiLtvERLD Temporary Closurp Noticc prcpared at tte request of the owner/upcrator (identified below) by Andrew Callister of {comosnv nome) Premium Oi 1 Co . Phorrc #( 80b 487-4721 Address 2005 South 300 West S.alt Lake Stileuta! Ab 8411.3' FACILMYINFORMATION UST Owncr Premiu. Oi 1 C.'. Phone # [ ] sole proprietorship [ ] pannership [fl corporadon Address , 2005 Sog!h.300 We .City.- Salt T.eke Srare Uralhzip 8411s Facility Premium i 11i S 10585 South 700 City lalllatl StareutalZp 840,70 ContactpcrsoD - Phone # Number of rcgulated tanks at thc facilitv to be temporarily ^t^G^'{j Number of regulated tanks at the facility; 3 TEMFORARY CLOSURE REOULd TIONS An UST Eystem temporarily cic,sed less than 3 months must: O continue operation anrl maintenancp of corrosion protcction (if any; on rnnlcs and lines. e continuc opcradon an<l mainrenance of release detection or empty the the UST system ro lcsu than l" of product. An UST syrtcm temporarily closcd 3 rnonths or flxlre must: O continue operation anrl maintcnance of conosion protectioo (if anyl 0n umks and lines.g continue opcration arul rnaintenance of release dctcction or cmpty the the UST system to less rhrn l " of product. O leave vent lines open ind functioning, and crp snd sccurc ull othcr lines, pumps. rnanways, and ancillrry equipment. O send a propcrly complered Tenporary Closure form to the DERIVUST Secdon. tl USTs (anks and lines) withou: propcr conosion prctection may remain undcr tcmporary closurc status for up to 12 months- Bctore thc cnd of this dosurc period: O thc tanks must bc pcnuncotly closed, org a silc sssessnrc-nt mus. bc prrfortrd and ao uxtcnsion of the tcfiportry closurc status requested from the DERR and approYctL An UST systcm tcmporarily clcecd tbr morc than 12 montis rnrst bc upgraded wi(h cvrrosion prrotec(on on tanks and lines, and spill and ovcrfill prevention beforc thc tnnks csr bc brought into usc- ( { t/ .,'% Entared 7- [ ] Fuel was cmpticd. [ | Com;sion Fotcc$on is opcrating. [ ] Rclcasc dctection uluipmeut is operuing. Ll^-^ tl/ ZUt AO t4l 003 TANK$ TEMPoRABILY CLOSEp ' IadirnE thr rptdflc tuttttlcc norcd ln .tc'h tllls io bc r fo tt? trerrtc U8 ioctr For Temporary ClostrrE of 3 uooths or nore: clored (rcBllarr unllrdcd. drc6ct.tr31c oilt utc') Beforel2monthstheUST(s)willbe:$leerm"nendyclosed[.lNcw/tjpgradedIlExtensionrequcstcd SITE ASSESSMENT If ancxrcnsioo o[ thc l2 nronth tenporar.l closure is requestedr complcrc the site Asscssmc[tponions of thc uudcrgound Storage Tank Pcrms[srt Clo$re Noticc (avaitable lPon rcquett)' l{:JJ. fAl' 1 oul oJO{Z{Z lrbr{/ rbt(K r certify undcr penalty o[ lrrw ttst r rror thc orucr or the trnk(s) descrtbed gbove aud that I am larnitiar with thc inform'thr os ttrb form end tuat it is truq occurato .rd .onfht" and fur6cr, ttat the proccdurts dcscrtbcd henein verc toll'owcd durinl tenkdosurt. Signeturc of UST Owner Full name o[ Owncr Rerurn comptetcd Temporary Closun: ''Iotice form to: State of Utrh Dept. of Envirourfltal Qualiry f)ivision of Environrncntal RwPouse and Rqncdiatioo UST Section 168 Nonh 1950 West lut Floor salr L-ske ciry, utah E4l 16 t Ilate tll l1x-T- Tank #1 2 3 Date Installed 314/82 3 / 4l82 3 /4182 _ Cepecitv 12,000 12,000 12,000 $u$5frn6g st6rcd'Unleaded U/L Plus u/L Prem Dftte t.st opcretcd L2/2e/sd v/2s/s t L2129/98 Inches of product remaiuing io taukr L l,b Tunk # Coppedsecurcd (YN) lines Purnps maowoys Venr Llnes open (Y[D , a , ta.r LPremium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 487-4721 n November 25,1998 Attn: Tamie Call Division of Environmental Response P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Re: Facility # 4001325 10585 South 700 East Dear Tamie: Enclosed you will find the infonnation you requested in your letter date November 3, 1998. If you have any questions you may contact me at the above address or phone number. Thank Andrew State lf Utah DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utrh 84 I l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 r.D.D. November 3, 1998 a Michael O. travitt Governor Dianne R. Nietson, Ph.D. Exccutive Dircctor Kent P. Cray Direcbr TO Andy Callister Premium Oil Co 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115 RE Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Premium Phillips 66, 10585 South 700 East, Sandy, Utah Facility I.D. #4001325 To continue to maintain a valid Certificate of Compliance, the facility must be in compliance with Federal and State Rules and Regulations. The compliance review, performed on October 27 r 1998, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1. Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tank(s) #1.2.3 . The above information must be submitted to this office by December 3, 1998 . If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact Tamie Call at (801) 536-4t63. Premium/Ph i l1ips 10585 sourh 700 Eas t Sandy, Utah 84070 LINE LEAK DETECTOR TEST LOCATION: TESTER: NUMBERTANK SIZE PRODUCTTANK # FAIL6aBrRed JacketPlus12 , 0001 ns lI:nmPe.l .Ir.k P rIIn'l eeded12 _ 0002 IiilmRed Jacket3Premium12,000 PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL PASS / FAIL 6E kaGSEIIII II III DArE oF rEsr-lq?l?,STATTON #__-!L_ PASS / FAILBRAND PASS / FAIL Address Eoo 5 S 3oo t)c*v >Lc t'"t"(/-i- t'otffq lt g Phone NumberArea Code Phone #Person Owner Name.A V fer\t Lutry'1 ;IC, Number of tanks at Current ts Facility Name 7oo F qo7 D No Certificate Year: Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 P State ZipCity rem)qm Phi tl;* ^ n streetAddress lOq?5 S Certificate of Compliance countY uhrl.\ Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank presently in use Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No lf not in use, date lasl used lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed 31t^ Capacity of tank (in gallons)I AOOD tao&t e-oo o Substance slored Gas ; Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.) Material of construction ot piping (steel, FRP, etc.)rR? -Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.) lV. Belaase treteotioh For.Tanks tnolcate merhod(a) usedfor Emergency Generator tank (leak detection delerred) Pressrr,"e - each tank Qornplt lnventory Control/Tank Tightness Testing Automatic Tank Gauging Manual Tank Gauging Vapor Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring lnterstitial Monitoring t/'v/-t-/-Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) Other approved method (indicate name of melhod) V. Heleage. Oetection For Piping comptete plptlrg Ehecklbt an l/-zAutomatic Line Leak Delector t/ Line Tightness Testing Vapor Monitoring Groundwater Monitoring lnterstitial Monitoring Statistical lnventory Reconciliation (SlR) Other name of method) certify that I inspected the above-named facility on (honth, day, y6sr, lime) Present Du method I (prinl nam€}-l,/a /drru& t<-of -1lnspector's Distribution: White-DEBR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink.Facility/Ower 08/0997 -UTAH UST PROGRAM ' Facirity to No. qM$A5 Release Detection I Checkl l. Ownership of Tahk(s)Hi Ubcatianoffthk{s} "ff:;i\C, for each tark.lf facllily has mpre than 4 Unksi sompletG for additional tanks on for,m.lll. Tankrlnforrnation compt6t6 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and ovedill prevention is not required.Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment?/Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls there an overfill prevention device installed on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: Ball lloat (in vent line), Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes @ Yes o Yes (,Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For overlill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 rank N P rank Nf rank wp Tanklndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). lndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not lJ the UST is not protected, was the tanupiping installed before May 7, 1 985? It yes, corrosion protection is not required untll Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder of this section. The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). Protected N pipins F*p PFing tr4P Pipi'.ts fAP Piping stb-Purlp N/56-Putrp NO "*'"* NP Sub-Pump O**, N ? o*'/,/ P Dirpas6,Nf'Disp€Ner @'* *o @'* *o rd No@ Yes r'* No @"''* *o @'''* *o @"'o* *o Yes PiPru No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No volts volts volts volts volts volts volts volts Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. Tank Piping Flex Test Name of tester: volts volts volts volts For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.)Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Comments lnspector's Signatu T)ala./o-a 7-? ( lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was ; i ' ,,;iADE NOTIFICATION (Complete only for pre-1988 Ta ;Roverfill prevention to, t^nxls)* h 2 / 3 $c-oT-)- KKrinRo -r rLdP tr Facility meets 1998 upgrade (SOiff prevention for understand that the following marked items must be completed by ! Corrosion protection for tank(s) # Siqnature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspection (p.lnt |Me) December 22, 1998 in order to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements: f,Corrosion protection for niping/f;)ssoc. with tank(s) # Distribution: White-DERR, Y6llow-lnsp€c1or, Pink.Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 UTAH UST PROGRAM Overfill and Corrosion Protection Facirity tD No.lAO [3a5 Checklist Piri,..e comptete all intormation for each tank, Use addltional lorms as necessary lf the facility has more than I tt Sot 1 Trlk I T..{. 2 T.r* 3 T.nt 4 Automatic Flow Rostrictor lil yos, indicllo mod6l in commont6 s6ction)4,e"1 Tdct<r:-> Automatic Shut-off Dovico (it yos, indicrto modol in commcms aoction) ) Continuous Alarm Syst.m (iI y6B, indicato modol in commo,rts soclionl Rocordr of last Lino Lglk Dotoctor porlormanco t6st 610 6v6ilsbl6 on-shr Yor No Yos No Yoa No Ya! No O!t6 ol la6t Lino Lo6k O6tector p6rfo,manc. t€at Rs6uh of la6t Lin€ Lesk Doloctor porformrnc6 t€st P.ss F6il Pa88 F6il PErs Fail Set 2 Rgcords ot la6t Lino Tightness Tost rrs rvail.blo on-8ito Y.. No Yo8 No Ycs No YgE No Dat6 of last Lino Tighlnoss T6st R6suh of laEt Lins Tighlmss Tost P!8! Foil Pars Fail P.s! Fsil P!88 Fail Nam6 .nd company ol csnifigd testor V.por Monitoring (it yo8, us6 Vapor Monitoring chockli8t) G,oundwatff Monitoring lif ye6, uas Groundwator Monitoring ch6cklistl lntErstitisl Monhoring (if yes, uso lntorstiti.l Monito.ing chscklistl ' Stati6tical lnventory Beconciliation [SlRl (if yes. uso SIR ch6ckli6t],r/l,'-t" Yo6 No Oth€r .pproved method (if yes, us6 other m€thod chocklist) ,::S,iq$9lt:#:lh,tlll.*:lfH,I|ii::El#ltbr:::.:,:,:::.::,::.:::,::,,:r::::::,:.,r:::r:::l::i:,:'1::::.:.:':,:::,irr:i:,:r:l,,:ixi'::i:: Rocords of lsst Lino Tightno66 Tost are avrilabla on-Eit6 Yos No Yos No i:!._--,--',,Ei!:ltttttri_l Yo6 No Dats of la6t Lino Tightnoss T6st Rssult of la6t Lin6 Tightnoss T6st Pa66 Fail P.5s Fail Pass Fail PasB Fail Vapo, Monitoring (if y6s, uso V.por Monitoring chscklistl G.oundwator Monitoring (if y6s, us6 G.oundwator Monatoring chocklistl lntorstiti.l Monitoring lif ygs, u6o lntgrstitial Monhoring chockliGtl Statistical lnvontory Reconciliation ISIRI lif yos, uso SIR checkli6tl Op6r6tes at leBs than atmo6phoric pros6uro , uso bthsr mothod ch€cklistlmorhod {ifOth6r Y6s No Y66 No 'TH,ffi,-ffiffililliiihl:i:rl:ii:ai:i:i;: ::i:: Yos No Y.6 No Yos No Yo. No Y6s No Yes No Ha6 only OilE chock vrlv6, loc.t6d di.octly undor pump Yas No Yos No Yss No Yos No All .bov6 inform.tion on st ction piping is VEBIFIABLE. uso commsnta 86clion below to documsnt how it is vorifiabl€, Y6s No Y6s No Y6s No Y68 No Comments: Dat6 Signatu.e of Ownsr or Owner's Bepresentativo Prgsont ouring lnspection lngpector's Signature: Dbtriburion: Whit6-DERR, Yollow"lnsp€ctor, Pink-Frcilhy Pr6r Fail [Jt!h Te8to, Canificltion Numbs: UT Slopo of pipino will .llow ALL product 1o drain into tank wh6n suction i6 rolossod SIB as a method of test and should be leak detection refers only to monthly monltoring uslng SlR, An annual test performed using SIR is considered a tank tightness reported on the tank testing and inventory control form. Name and address of SIR vendor: lnventory records for product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are available for each operating day,(ves) tto @r.ro 6J'o Yes No Records include correct number of monthly water monitoring readinqs.fD uo G No G No Yes No Tank inventory is measured and recorded before and after each fuel delivery,4] No ca No fl") Ho Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review. No@ Yes No Yes No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current callbratlon stlcker or approprlate calibratlon documentation.QHo Nog G*. The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one foot ol tank bottom.6") uo C")*o rG) No Yes No SIR monitoring records are available lor the past 12 months. It no, indlcate which months are missinq in the comments section below,@to G)No (ves/ Ho Yes No Yes @ ves @ ves @-)Yes NoAre any months results reported as "fail"? lf yes, specify which months ln comments section below, Are any months results reported as "inconclusive"? lf yes, specify whlch months in comments section below. ves Cffo)ves 0?.)Yes No No Documentatlon of perlormance claims for the SIR method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with a 95% or greater probability ol detection and a 5"/" or less probability ol false alarm (3rd party certification). a"=D No3rd party certilication indicates the method has been approved tor both tanks and lines ffi ATGlThe volume of product in the tank is measured using a: Nolf a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank. -\ . Acceotabld Wornlf a qauge stick is used, the bottom o, the gauge stick ls: lf a gauge stlck is used, lt ls marked tegibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 ol an inch Comments: No Date: / 0 -a7-?{lnspector's Slg Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During I t Complete the approprlate sections of the ATG checklist. over the full of the tank's internal Oistributlon: Whita.DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Revised 5/98 a lFaciilty pn".1oo l3 &-9 Statistical Please circle Yes or No for each question for each tank Tailk 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 @t' Yes No ves@ Please circle the appropriate response for each question Yes @ Michael O. Leavitt Governor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director ..\/-:.\-' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2005 s 300 w SALT LAKE CITY UT October 29,1998 B4t_15 Re: December 22,1998 upgrade deadline for Underground Storage Tanks The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records show you have one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) which have not met the December 22, 1998 UST upgrade requirements. These tanks are located at PREMIUM PHILLIPS 66 #41 ( ALTA ), 10585 S 700 E, SANDY, facility lD# 4001325. Under Federal regulations issued in 1988, UST owners and operators have until December 22, 1998 to upgrade, replace, or permanently close USTs that do not meet the requirements for protection against spills, overfills, and corrosion. This deadline will not be extended. If your tanks are not in compliance by the deadline, they will not be able to receive deliveries of fuel. Our information shows these requirements have not yet been met: Tank ID Substance Tank Capacity Spill Protection Overfill Protection I Gasoline 12000 No No 2 Gasoline 12000 No No 3 Gasoline 12000 No No Corrosion Protection No No No Any metal flex connectors connected to fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) piping at the submersible pump or dispenser must be cathodically protected or taken out of contact with the soil. USTs filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons at a time (usually used oil tanks) are not required to meet the spill and overfill prevention requirements as part of the upgrade requirement. If you have questions about which requirements you still need to meet, or would like to have someone visit your site to help assess your needs, please call Alan Jones at (801) 536-4115. PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2005 s 300 w SALT LAKE CITY UT March 17,1998 8411_5 Re: December 22, 1998 upgrade deadline for Underground Storage Tanks Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) records show you have one or more underground storage tanks (USTs) which have not met the December 22, 1998 UST upgrade requirements. These tanks are located at PREMIUM PHILLIPS 66 #41 ( ALTA ), I 0585 S 700 E, Sandy, facility ID# 4001 325. Under Federal regulations issued in 1988, UST owners and operators have until December 22, 1998 to upgrade, replace, or permanently close USTs that do not meet the requirements for protection against spills, overfills, and corrosion. This deadline will not be extended. If your tanks are not in compliance by the deadline, they will not be able to receive deliveries offuel. The DERR encourages owners and operators to meet the 1998 upgrade requirements as soon as possible before the December 22, 1998 deadline. It can take several months to upgrade, close or replace an UST system. Delays are not unusual, and contractors may not be available if you wait. Start planning now! Our information shows these requirements have not yet been met: Tank ID Substance Tank Capacity Spill Protection Overfill Protection I Gasoline 12000 No No 2 Gasoline 12000 No No 3 Gasoline 12000 No No Corrosion Protection No No No Any metal flex connectors connected to fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) piping at the submersible pump or dispenser must be cathodically protected or taken out of contact with the soil. USTs filled by transfers of less than 25 gallons at a time (usually used oil tanks) are not required to meet the spill and overfill prevention requirements as part of the upgrade requirement. If you have questions about which requirements you still need to meet, or would like to have someone visit your site to help assess your needs, please call Alan Jones at (801) 536-41 15. NOTE DATE:2/14196 TO: Gary Astin Department of Environmental Response FROM: Andy Callister Premium Oil Company Enclosed you will find the information you requested in you letter dated,l/19/96. Facility # 4000148 9812 South 700 East Sandy, Utah " * 4001324 1075 South Redwood Rd. Salt Lake City, Utah* * 4001325 10585 South 700 East Sandy, Utah" " 4001326 2690 West 3100 South Salt Lake City, Utah If I can assist you in anyway you can reach me at (801) 487-4721. i FEB 1 fi !oe6 ! uauo DELTVEBED DEBR ffi USIIIIAII. TAIII( IilUTIITllRY II[T[ SHEET t .{o.r3 zf do I F.*-ili 9t- - Jcl^ COMPANY: PREMIUM OIL COMPANY TANK ID#: PRODUCT MONIH/YEAR: STAIION MANIFOLDED: YES (A-B+F-G) A B CD E 77u)l rEIEi F GH rnEvtcrJ:t I onsrrq I nwcll'toS I (sh6l)r#:t ,,,:^ I rmrv's loeuvenrrs I II sncx I cnossner I II cLrols I cu-irrs I cn I rEf c^ttcr6 50u, 1 a,r, ^, . )-? ,' <_2\<>5b {)-/rI j2 ? 2 9--:'l ra'l /! rJr4 )^t -7,/)S';0 5')-E5 3 ,l0q Yu?r$lt47-T);--t tq -lb I 4 15 bl .+ l./13 q55 tlo'j \L - '-{ q nQ^tl lU Lr-i tttft I lJ39 -.f / rt'.,.nt t -3 6 '?tt \7co13 .1 LIL Zio-''*t7 -Ll 7 -2,' .,1t - ,'r 5ct 14tt rJt Jl 8 bg'1 I 4 313e1 \73 ^ tll -15 9 q,1x)2q0c q L/ ot?i lnZT-ba; I \q I 10 LtQl \'-ltfr lr31 q193 "-- <5+ 11 '7lo'L1 ,152{1 q Ll)4t44 -3Q tq L2 b1r t '15'i i 1r \ trtrc-t lQzo tr 7'l 13 la t;'t 275o 4 b tot-t ota trtj-? j -r7 -3j 14 q 310 q-7 q t-7 "1 lc-Q o.r?7l -tv 15 =-J_Q,r_,.q 1? ltr )r4L 7 ).i0 'L'7 -1u 15 \21-'/q ? Sl",l .'1f,-...1't))n Q,:,-t t3 I L7 b3c,',11") ul i.,r QCT"ut"Yl17r'tcl L '/, 18 r 5ii15':il rl r?U-3':'ct -,8 19 ,l,c,l>5cI1"1,l"=l I 5.L,l :-51 z0 '? t t"i tr: t.I e-(tr''t'l t I -81 2L 1't l'1 r -t n €t'I'tL >) I '7,1 !7 toq 7rl -i? 22 lo\ 1L (,-L'ld,q .'-t .:,. 7 1LU*l -r).Ll 23 (lrC'iir -r 3 Ll?7 -16 0 \-1 .1lrl i;-&Jrll, I ! 24 q'1?')t-l''i 0 i 5,-l 2 h I nbL U;"t;t Ll?t I 25 v ot.l ? 3 z6 \5 SLo-5t 43tz rlV 27 ? 1<nj I tlv sSq bl lrSV ?fa'I -1 ')"e- I j 2E nulg a b 3'11 5l\9t?0 t1-41ao29.1rlc$5 (r(o i3 25("'1t018 - !*? i I 30 :? 17q 1"i:1 91 i t3a 440 -1Lt bq L 3{ L o r'Z-(,MONIHLY WATER READING 6-d I -Lo-v 31 oTHER REfiO/ALS/AoDTTIoNS &},ATER RE}+O/AL): g 38'aL 1 USIIIIAII - TAIII( IilUHT(lRY IIITA SIIEET TANK ID#:Itt )COMPAI'JY: PREMIUM OIL COM PANY q\\ q. IL-PRODUCTSTATION MANIFOLDED: YES UMBER: ij // (A-B+F-6) I rmrY's I oelrvurs I II "iln | ffi*,* 1 .,. I E t)!:/(g TgIf.f, H O/sww (sFffir) z{* oJr otw (5roRT) A B r G J I,ltTtAl. CD 'REYIq':'STICX c^tt06 ,Ju.cl6 sq.o 1 3-738 / ))ss:/ U-l /-!tg,l tl - /o -)g /q,'g z Ql qS *stt l) ,rl< '' , / i to3)7>z/-Gt -,3 ! 3 (05\4 tL'i L7'i 7 D1l"fu4t - t5 - t5l 4 4 0;'),'i )z.71 ZQgO \oa1'l \o -xl q 45q:1ffio 13 r,r: I \ rr or)1au4 _ 105 -r9., 6 Tti t,B3t3cr tt rz-qS-ii qT -t)t1l) I I 7 5-.l r-1 )rrrt r1'7 -t'\r l- 8 LlitZT 13{ot }' ;7 I 01b :t -t3 -r3s 9 93lf t1\\q,o t4 ol -ltrzV -r/3 -zqq 10 url3 t4 ool',l5?5 9:r3 r- c:))-n\ 11 e0ql I ./ rt l'--l t'l1 I lol,"l3 l -nb L2 1 t'll O -', ^r "l ) .' i'r 1tl -'r(.' i7 l8 z'R 5r-11 -7w 13 qtlq 400)H qU tL{r4qt l!?1 Y -zql 14 1"lLl'|l'!1>tr"t1s)qtLl1 50 -L37 15 vtsi l.{ t ".ri I 4zv 17(ql -<3 -71C 16 4ilL'd l', ; l'-i I 1Q rr'_i t/L.lS5 )-1 -LV\ L7 zi t-)t "'. ', ',-,t"!1a L\b7A *2, I -1),* 18 t .1 O'LU llJ C I I +- -.-.i -.._ .-l( ) jJ:,luL!3 Z('L '-lz-t -2: i 19 , t ".>' ') 15 --.ti1.:\7 bc tr''J;L{q - ? r"') 20 !.,-LtL: i 't t-.-, I l.-'., Ll t-gcttZ - 1q - 30) 2L tac I'u 19 ttr.{L \6 2,;!'L{3 -?!/t 22 A,4,ii 9q-?21 111'j (. | \v,3rl - \-s 23 -1 Li U.J '{tQ:-lUrztl tq 10 tiirl - r1l - tlZZ 24 4r!,'l I Li i r,^1631--L LIC- I rl q ir'. L1L - 9'r:i 25 :j "i tf/I u Lr'l1L l7-3 C q Ll'rt t - 71_.l-)-qn I I 26 , ??T 't 54v(7 (o??Lttr 3Z -4q z7 *q,rlb ' 65 '): ri-,llq L,TLql ar*?,- LItL I I 28 u 5*g I biLoo t3 q1 9q "1b '1 - 4rfr , 29 3138 tb9 o33 *'{ ') 1 Ll5X8 3 - 4aL 30 ?q0 1o'lsO l'? D csa,t)lLl q,u 3-?38 - qLl - Ll5c 31 5{v t'2 oTHER REHO/ALS/AoDrrroils & 1{TER MONTHLY WATER READING 4- 1 -26 rorP h9 rZ a USIilIffI - TAIII( HUT]ITIIRY B[T[ SHETT COMPANY: PREMIUM OtL COMPANY SIAIION NAME/NUMBER:*/t PRODUCT:tr,t' ,'i1L// 7 MANIFOLDED: YES -B+F B OELWERIIS €R065nET c^LLfi5 E 3318d nEItf, H ols A v wwctrrEtf Iitrtlt FCD -10r, J TOOAY'5 STICX caL016 PREVIq,s sncrclrt06'JLtorts 50.o clr atw (sroRr) 1 9rya 7-z /?4tzi.r-rB _tr,Z 2 l0i t 7410 L{ !t .)i -lo0 3 7,1oo sSt l'l I I 4 Zr.l Ua Ltl .l q: (I 3 l'rjt qtrJ 0 Li '10 6 b0a 3Lt 1t-L - LlS 7 1o4 )I (I oc 8 'a5 2_bb qXL l 9 is'i l.',t $n4 o - q'i9 10 I 5 3?ltg I 1L qa3\Z.lqLT n L2 CU t,z 1,\x I - -.Ll r.3 ri ?0 caq (--J -)5 14 a,)L]It5 1F rJn-.4o 15 1 qi, l tr'\.1 7 i 16 1]3v Atl r<l/LJV t7 !-i1-47 V t -t i 18 '-t33 .{3 ?5t j u,- i3i 19 i1,'o Llrl -L-- i 3l ') 20 c'- Li *! r,7 \2.- 2L u{,{ I "ut7 22 zc a tr,l\t {3 23 7 LI b3 L Ll CY I,3 -5 24 3V 0 t--j 25 nL.lq \J J 2.6 I q l/ 27 'l Z I 28 29 -, G- 0 30 L - 4zY Qog .l5 t- -zMONTHLY WATER READING - zo' 31 (RECORD OrHER REflO/ALS/AoDITrOils &REI+O/ L): LO I{OTE DATE: December 28,1995 TO: Gary Astin FROM: Andrew Callister The station manager for facility # 4001325located at 10585 South 700 East has been given a new stick for tank gauging, also enclosed is an amended tank notification form- Stat* *f'{-Itah Michael O. travin Covemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exeutive DiEttr Kent P. Cray DiEtor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor P.O. Box lzt4840 Salt L,ake City, Utrh 84114-4840 (801) 5364100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 53644r4 T.D.D. Facility r.D.#4001325 TO: Andy Callister Premium Oil Co. 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake ciry, uT 84115 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Premium Phillips 66 # 41 (Alta). 10585 South 700 East. Sandy, Utah: Facility I.D. #4001325. The Utatr Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on October 23. 1995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: -1. Submit evidence that proper Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on USTs #1. 2 and 3 by: a. Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least twice per month, and the water measurements are submitted to the SIR vendor. USTMAN's protocol requires at least two water checks each month. It was not evident that this information is being recorded and submitted to USTMAN. Please submit copies of November's inventory data sheet or other documentation showing that the water readings are being recorded..b. Documenting that you have obtained a gauge stick which is capable of measuring product level in one-eighth inch increments, is legible, is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, and is not worn on the end. (The stick on site was worn on the end.) Other:Grant Bateman was on site during the inspection. He indicated that the tanks may have had anodes attached. but they were not sufficient to protect the tanks. When originally registered. the tanks were registered as being cathodically protected. If they are not protected. either because they do not have anodes or because the existing anodes are not sufficient to protect them. you may declare them as unprotected. You can do this by completing the enclosed Notification Form and indicating they are bare steel tanks on p.3. or by otherwise indicating in writing that they are not protected. If you do this. they will have to be protected or replaced by the December 1oo8 upgrade deadline. If there is any question conceming whether they are protected. it might be a good idea to have a cathodic protection test done on them if you have not already done so. Some other items were noted during the inspection. They are listed in the "comments" sections of the SIR page of the inspection form. Please take the necessary measures to correct the problems. The above information must be submitted to this office by .Ianuary 1, 1996. ff it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. Prinled on recycled paper Date: lllll95 From: Garv Astin USIIIIAII - TAIII( IWffT(lRY II[T[ SHffr Ptt: 5 COMPANY: PREMIUM OtL COMPANY o I TANK lD#: I PRODUCT4tSTATIONUMBER: MANIFOLDED: YES 8+F-G) B OELIYERI T5 cnosS,/r.ET c!-to.5 C clt I ct! otf,,l ($0m) y0 to1 A D E F G J cNwrEIPrglEN ITITI^T TOOAY'S sncx c^I.L016 FRIYICTI! STICT CALIOE c^tto.s sa.o 1 a7c 3n 2V ?'is lo L 3 l'l a7 4 C, q azzc t3L '1 ,:-!A1 -t 6 dlL u-1 7 b U L to 8 q 533 -l 9 av I 31 10 LL nu ,{ 1L 3 .l L-l I l5a L ? L2 (f-1 70 I '35 L{3 13 L\V -> t-o 0 alLl L{ 14 5q L2 7L 7t 5 15 Sq n bq 16 \L]S l3 ?-0 i t L7 ?q tll 18 q oL.l I L 19 IS 20 I 0 L 2L r52 22 -2v -l S 24 1 25 0 '1 q 5 26 b I 0f 5 27 0 OL "39281o -z 29 L 30 1-t l3 Lq 31 cnHER REr'tO/ Ls/,& I{ATER MOMHLYWAIER READING l:, L,. l-^. H o/s 3 USI!fiAII . TAHI( IWTilT(IRY IIATA SHEET TANK lD#: L- A I l"-- PANY STATION NAM NUMBER: COMPANY: PREMIUM OtL COM MON PRODUCT MANIFOLDED: YES (A-8+F-G) B OILTVERI E5 (aos5^|ET cluor5 H o/s wEnl (srqT) I OJI otw5 bxl A E F G J c.,/r IE'f x€rEi IT L') CD roo^Y'J STICX c^tLor5 PlfYlCTT:I STICIqlu.06 eu-016 so_o I lt 2 3 z1 t 3 L 3t r 4 ?tc5 LI (1 -a tL Zo5 .1 -) ), 6 3 3z-l 7L .-v-l I a a 7 LJ '-*A iL.t*tGS C) 8 1-1 -)\59 51 9 It{q D.{L I 10 Li)z\q -q u 11 Ll 0 tt?7t5 L2 tt\:V 63o 4,.*t?,-Ll I rat 13 Lrq a t!lctG 3 LOG 14 "ll, uti (-poe 8o LZ\ 15 )na (r111 o 16 "lb 5t 0z L7 0 c'J 7l qn -sf 18 '1 19 I I cJ q 20 4 NL ,+ l0 2L q '7 I 22 ?-60 Llz 5 '1 24 L-l 3 t n 25 1b lo .t Z 3 - llo 26 5 5O3lP L '1ll v 27 313'52b j q -tu 28 5 I I 3 ) 29 b 5q 535 I 30 \t aA3v5 g 31 -?l oTHER REflOTALS/ADDITTO{S &I{ATER MONTHLYWATER READING f-t I tt - 5 USIililI . TAI{I( II{UTITT(IRY IIITA SHTET Nor,r 3 I COMPANY: PREMTUM Olt COMPANY STATION TANK ID#: PRODUCT: MANIFOLDED: YES (A-8+F-G) IOOAY. t JTICX c{-L06 B OELTVERIE5 CR('sI,/}.€T clLt016 H ols C'J€II I qJx oletl (srcRr) 1535 E F G J Q,/r IEf xfrt.R CD FEEYIGI' STICX cartort .Jr.t6 5q..0 1 \b t 2 0t L 3 tr3 5 OL LO 4 b 0LO Lllg>r3Lo 3(tb3 21u c3 -1 6 u 5.{3<1 7 L{0 rll c1 1 8 U(c1 Ll1 g a zLO 9 25 q b-l 10 00 r?-]35 11 q D'l LUb L2 l'"i 510a \z - z7z l I v 13 (1t ! t ,t'1. L 51a5 zt1 1LlLl'{9 |'L I141LL{5 L1 zq .Z\ 15 \V 53 -lt ( 16 (Lto 0 t IL7tD,8ts 18 0 v t 5 19 ,20 oul ro l2L OQ I22 I rI t0 23 zo I?zt 925BZrjz,1 ot26b1rq 3527vbL-Z4L28o53LAl- 29 5'1 2n00 t5 o OL o30aY31 51158 OTHER na+orAt):Aoorrro{s &I{ATER MONTHLYWATER READING a It ! 6rb-)MONIH/YEAR: Michael O. L€avitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Ex6utive DiEtq Kent P. Gray Diretor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor P.O. Box lzt4840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l4-4840 (801) 536-4100 Voice (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. Facility I.D .#4001 )5 TO: Andy Callister Premium Oil Co. 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake ciry, uT 84115 Date: ll/1195 From: Gary Astin RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Premium Phillips 66 # 4l (Alta). 10585 South 700 East. Sandy, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001325. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At ttre request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on October 23. 1995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1 . Submit evidence that proper Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) is performed on USTs #1. 2 and 3 by: a. Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least twice per month, and the water measurements are submitted to the SIR vendor. USTMAN's protocol requires at least two water checks each month. It was not evident that this information is being recorded and submitted to USTMAN. Please submit copies of November's inventory data sheet or other documentation showing that the water readings are being recorded. b. Documenting that you have obtained a gauge stick which is capable of measuring product level in one-eighth inch increments, is legible, is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, and is not worn on the end. (The stick on site was worn on the end.) Other:Grant Bateman was on site during ttre inspection. He indicated that the tanks may have had anodes attached. but ttrey were not sufficient to protect the tanks. When originally registered. the tanks were registered as being cathodically protected. If they are not protected. either because they do not have anodes or trecause the existing anodes are not sufficient to protect them. you may declare them as unprotected. You can do this by completing the enclosed Notification Form and indicating they are bare steel tanks on p.3. or by otherwise indicating in writing that they are not protected. If you do this. they will have to be protected or replaced by the December 1oa8 upgrade deadline. If there is any question conceming whether they are protected- it might be a good idea to have a cathodic protection test done on them if you have not already done so. Some other items were noted during the inspection. They are listed in the "comments" sections of the SIR page of the inspection form. Please take the necessary measures to correct the problems. The above information must be submitted to this office by .Ianuary 1, 1996. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact me at (801) 536-4100. Printed on recycled paper lco Eas{ ts A Code ({ City I I Facility Certificate of Compliance on site? County No Expiration Street Address-'--' iA.t8rf sesrL State U 2005 .(oulL Zip Codeurc & Address StateCity ( l/" Owner Nama'-"'Rzwri.l,a,r 0d ( (x) E dcst- Area Code Phone #Contact Person At UST Location 9) ,a No Yes NoTank listed on Certificate of Comoliance )G No Yes NoTank oresentlv in use lf not in use. date last used lI not in use. deoth o, Droduct in tank (in inches)l*t ql*z-LItrlonth and vear tank installed lLr 00C)t i7,0aoCaoacitv ol tank fin qallons) Peaw.ir-ID(vt Uu'lte&lSuhstance slored 9La/-SLee IMaterial of construction ol tank (steel. FRP, etc.) FdLP Fep trtLPMaterial of construction of pipinq (steel FRP. etc.)ffikllst:iftS,l ri:ti*ifr6x .25iuY€ lnventorv Control/Tank Tiohtness Tesling Automatic Tank Gauoino rl45W Groundwater Monitorinq lnterstitial Monitorino Statistical lnventorv Reconciliation (SlR) I ine Tidhtness Testino Vaoor Monitorino Groundwater Monitorino lnterstitial Monitorino Statistical lnventorv Reconciliation (SlR) hL5 certify that I have inspected the above-named facility on &y, yeer, tm) Present During f\)g 1-l I ,o Z, L3 Signature ol Owner or Owne/s lnspector's Signafure Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner , .: : I tt . I I ,,, :, I :,,::::,: t: iiiii iti ..i.'.,.... :,. ..,,iiii ii..iF#tffi..lD :Ch6G IiSt::::::::i:iiiiill:, ...ot lL I Lffitlon..,ofiifd k(s)I;.....Ortlneiship.,,CIf : TAnkt faak D Tank ?Taak ATank'l fiift Nr) Nn Ki,Na 9W Pininn tune lorassure- suction. oravifu. etc.) Fmarncnnv Ganarator tank {leak detection deferred) It-ianrral Tank Gatroino Eil5NMTdT""U$F Vanor Jtionitorino |c4J--:-'rr Othar annrovad mathnd lindieate name of methori) V palaana fh?aetldrr For P[nIno Cmlatc fiihhf, r..hankli(t nnd nnnranrlatc tank r:hec]listls\ lor ilaeh mathrxl lHhnrl Arrlnmalin I ina leak Dalaatar Other annroved method (indicate name of method) fenk 2 Tank 3 Tank dTank 1 Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes NoThe UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required. Yes @ Yes @ 6Yesls thers a spill containment bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? Yes @ @Yes YeS @ Yes No Yes No Yes No ls thore an overlill prevention device installsd on the tank? lf yes, indicate the type of device: Ball float (in vent line), Automatic shutotf (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Other (specify) Yes No Yes No Yes NoFor overlill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Tank 4 Yes No Tank 1 Yes No Tank 2 Yes No Tank 3 Yes NoFor overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Tsnk AIP Tank tfP Tar* LIP Tar* Umllr FA-r FfuP Llre ?tLP Um lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Nonconodible material (FRP)' Composite stesl (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). f FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. No@ Yes NoNo@No@)lf the UST is not protected, was the tank/tine installed before May 7' 1985? tf yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec' 22' 1998; do not complete the remalnder of this section. Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes NoThe results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter)' Tar* volts Tilk volts T!l* volts Tad( volts Um volts Llm volts Ure volts Um volts Name of Test Yes NoYes No Yes No Yes No For lmpressed current aystem: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) December 22, 1998 in order to mset the 1998 upgrade requirements: El€pill prevention for tank(s)# lnspector's Sig meets 1998 upgrade requirements. OY\ t Z , r*4- 1,7,3poverfill prevention for ! Corrosion protoction for piping assoc. with tank(s)# \,t^S understand that the following marked items must be completed by Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During I s lf the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the rotrotit was completsd. 1,7,3 Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner iiOfis6$i$t FTOIIW:IE. :HITi"t TIaild UST PROGRAM Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. u PG RADE HOrr rrCitor.rl @€orrosion protection for tank(s) * l, ZE , Set 1 Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Automatic Flow Restrictor (if yes, indicate model in comments section bslow) Automatic Shut-off Device (if yes, indicate model in comments section below) Continuous Alarm System (if yes, indicate model in comments soction below) Records of last Line Leak Detector performance test available on-site Nolu)Nofo NorrRt Yes No 4lztlqS d,h s t l- z4tztt\5Date of last Line Leak Detector performance test Fail6e f^A) Fail das3, Fait Pass FailResult of last Line Leak Detector performance test Set 2 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoRecords of last Line Tightness Test available on-site Date of last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass FailResult of last Line Tightness Test Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) Yes No lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use lntsrstitial Monitoring checklist) v/Statistical lnventory Reconciliation [SlR] (if yes, use SIR checklist) Yes No Yes NoRecords of last Line Tightness Test available on-site method (if yes, use other methodOther Yes No Date of last Line Tightness Test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass FailPass FailResult of last Line Tightness Test Vapor Monitoring (if yes, use Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwater Monitoring (if yes, use Groundwater Monitoring checklist) lnterstitial Monitoring (if yes, use Interstitial Monitoring checklist) Statistical lnventory Reconciliation tslRl (if yes, use SIR checklist) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No method (if yes, use other method checklist) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Other Yes No Yes NoSlope of piping will allow ALL product to drain into tank when suction released Yes No Yes No Ll0rs Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No (-Comments Present During HaS ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes Yes Yes YesAll above information on suction piping is VERIFIABLE, use comrnents section lnspector's Signature: Signature of Owner or Distribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner FsCltrty SIR as a method of leak detection refers only to monthly monitoring using SlR. An annual test performed using SIR is considered a tank tightness test and should be reported on the tank testing and inventory control torm, Name and address of SIR vendor: u fil) Ho fl"p r,ro @)N"Yes No ves fQ lnventory records lor product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are available for each operating day. Records include correct # ol monthty water monitoring readings.. gtb ves 6ft!ves(ru!Yes No Tank inventory is measured and recorded before and after each fuel delivery. No E)""C9D *o Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review.@*'No@ @,"Yes No No{9Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate.calibration documentation. I ltr;-@No @to Yes No The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one foot of tank bottom.6) No No@ NoG)Yes No Noc)Nofa Nofr"i) SIR monitoring records are available lor the past 12 months. lf no, indicate which months are missing in the comments section below.Yes No Yes @Are any months results reported as "fail"? lf yes, specify which months in comments section below. ves6D Yes No Are any months results reported as "inconclusive"? lf yes, specily which months in comments section below. Documentation of perlormance claims for the SIR method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with a 95o/o ot greater probability of detection and a 5olo or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certificatton). Yes @ ,.. @ "*@ @ Yes No No 3rd party certilication indiceteg the method has been approved for both tanks and lines,(Yes_.No The volume of product in the tank is measured using a:trffi"*ATGI lf a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank.@ No lf a gauge stick is used, the bottom of the gauge stick is:8s{Acceptable c6 lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height . Present During lnspection No j.al il-le s 5Date: l& ,!n tf - ?f 0 ,,L 1 Complete to appropriate sections of the ATG checklist. Comments Signature ol Owner or lnspector's Dlstrlbution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Plnk-Facllity/Owner ves dt (J9 FACILITY SITE PLAT Faclllty lD No. NORTH I rat* Fill) Pt'., i r;ll2 F;lr, trt" I rr' 1 Di.p LL, il t'ae-6\" ojl 3 \,.* 1o a 0 E1 o 0 o a 1, lfboa t" V1^. th6 location ol any roportod PID or FID readings. Potential Receptors- lndicate distance (in feet) to the nearest: Underground utilities Active water well - Residences Sudace water _ Commercial buildings Other certifythatlinspectedtheabove.namedfacilityon. (pftl lrm) ( Mth, day' Yeat' tme) lnspecto/s Signature: Cert#- Date:- n\* I l J I (lnmmanlc' PREMIT]MOIL COMPAITY 2005 South 30O West 4oorsz{ salt take Ciry, utah 84 I 15 (80D 4874721 Dccember 17,1993 Attn: Gary Astin Division of Environmental Response 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor Saft r'te 6i1y,1;1"tr 34tr6 Dear Mr. Astin: Eacloscd is the informalion you requested in you lettcr date Dec€mber 15, 1993. Ustman Industries is presenfly completing our tank tightoess testing , we are waiting to receive or must rcsetrt certificate from them. I have onclosed their monthly monitoring rcports showing that otu tanks are tight. Ifyou have any quastioos please contact us. UTAH OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY DEC 2 0 1993 DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION , Siocerely 2,,/u,^,- {ir.t-t-:6t Andrew Callister tt ID o o ID o ID o E0o (,,l (,,I aElalal<l zl aElllFIurlEI,o / %O,/izf (- . 2 lor a.ldhional services . Print yolr nams a n(, ,Jdr€ss on th€ rsverse of this lorm so that ws can f ,rish to raceive the rotl ,ervices (for an extra Iee): 1. n Addressoe's Addr€ss 4a. Article Number P 301 680 200 4!. Service Type LJ Registered El certitied . Write'neturn BeceiptBequested" onrh€ mailpi€ce bclowthe.rticlenumb€,2. ! Resrricted Delivory. The Eeturn neceipt will s deliverod and the date '?-/Consult stmaster for fee r€tum thas card to you.. Attach this form to the lront ol the m8ilpi€cs, or on th6 b.ck if spac6 3. Article Addressed to: MR. RULON HYMAS PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2005 souTH 300 wxsT ! insured tr coD o oo cI oE E I oE oE 2 o o 6EF SA],T LAKE CITY, UTAII 84115 5. Signature (Addresseel 6. Signature (Agent) Ill Exoress Mait n Return Roceipt for' Merchendise 4oona{oEc 1 'b tgg3 8. Addressee's Address lOnly if roquested and fee i6 paid) &tw 7. Date of Dolive Form 1 1, December 1991 iu.s.oPo: re02-3?}{p DOMESTIC RETUBN RECEIPT S*mte *fl Utmh Michael O. Leavitt Gwcm Dianne R.. Nielson, Ph.D. Execrirc Dircar Kent P. Gray Dircar DEPARTMENT OF M QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIA'TION 150 North 1950 We*t 2nd Floor Salt l-ake City, Utsh 84116 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 53tu414T.D.D. Submit a copy of precision line tightness and leak detector tests for tants #1, {2, and #3, performed in accordance with the reqiriremens of the Act, for the tanls found in non- compliance on August 23, 1993, as required by utatr Admin. code R311-202-1. see 40 CFR gg 280.a1(a) O), and 280.44. ERRU-803-93 December L5, 1993 CERTIEED MAIL RETTJRN RECEIPT REOI,]ESTEI) Rulon Hymas Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 RE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 12699-3 Facility lD #4A0I3.25 Dear Mr. Hymas The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Act), Utatr Code Ann. $ 19-6414 provides that the Executive Secretary ruSD may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in compliance with the requirements specified in Utatr Code Ann. gg 19-6412Q),413. The Act iequires substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations including Utah Admin. -Code R3Lt-202-1, which incorporates by reference Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) g 280 in effect as of May 26, 1992. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) perforrred a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. 12699-3 issuedto a facility owned or operated by Premium Oil Company. This facitity is located at 10585 South 700 East, Sandy, Utatr. The designated facility identification number ii 4001325. This facility contains three underground storage tanks (USTs). The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. As such, you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank eSDFund and your Certificate of Compliance may be revoked. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1 You have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your Certificate of Compliance will be revoked and you will be ineligible to receive deliveries of fuel and receive payment for claims against the pST Fund. Printed on recycled paper Facility ID# 4N1325 Page 2 If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this lefter, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not be revoked. Please contact Gary Astin at (801)536-4100 to discuss this notice at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary QST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/GKA/cb Fred Nelson, Atlorney General's Office John Inch Morgan, Acting Director, Salt Lake CityiCounty Health Department cc ilrW, TANKNOLOGY CORPO RATION INTER Phone (8OO) 888-858 FAX (713) ServlceOrder# O65304 NATIONAL 4I6902255 restDate 08/LL/92 5225 Hollister, Housloq Teras T70406?94 Certificate of Tightness Underground storage tank system(s) tested and found tight for: TANKOwNER: PRE11IUM OIt CO. Aile-41 TESTSITEADDRESS: pREttIUl.{ OIL CO. 10585 S. 700 E. SANDY, UT I s] r-sax DErEcroR(s] oNLY.t I rANK(s)oNLY, [.]Lrr,rE(s)oNLY, TANK SIZES & PRODUCTS TESTEO 1 REG UNL 3 SUPR UNL 2 REG LTNES TESTED 1A , 2A, 3A LEAK DETECTORS TESTED 50 I 90 -9223, 501 90 - 922L , 4L289-7 47 9 Unit i/lsr. Certificate Number & Name Og? DAVID I . MATHIE 07 / 94 o15t DAvrD r. l{.ATHrE o3'/g3 validonlvwith Corporate Seal u.s. Parmt * 4462249. Camdian Parst * t 1 85693, Europcan Patent Appl. * t 692txl TANKNOLOGY & \/bcuT*t are trademrks ol TANKNOLOGY CORPORAnON INTERNATIONAL Nol.: Se€ VscuT*t Tost Eeport tq t.nk idcnttrlcetlm rnd 3na loc.tbn d[wlng. IAK+' fW PREMIUM OIL CO.\ nvoice Name/Address pREHIUl,t oIL co. 2005 s. iiteName/Address pREl,tIUM OIL CO. l05g5 S. VacuTect* TEST REPORT Site # 41 ur 841153OO WEST SALT LAKE CITY, 7OO E. SANDY, UT S.O. # Date Phone Attn: 0 55304 o8 I LL/ 92 <80r> 487-472L GRANT BATEI.I.AN LINES Loak [let Tank Prodrct Tank Capacity Tank Ola. E Malqial sT/ FRP/ LrBd Oippod Watd Lowl I STAFT ENO Oigpod Poduct Lawl a STAFT END Prob€ Waler Level a START ENO Waler lngrcsfi Oeteted a Yss/No Bubblo lngress Oelsted ! Yes/No Ullage lngrass Dsl@ted ! Ygs/No TANK a Thhl d Fail Lino t Lire Male.ial ! ST/ FRP Lire Drliwry Syel. Typo I PS/SS/GS LIN€ TEST I START NME LINE TEST a END TIME FiBl L€ak Rat6 I GPH LINE ! Tighlq F.il Exisl LD(s) Pass/ t ill NONE NEW LD(s) foslod E PASS TANKS and LINES Testod lo CFB-4O Parts 28+281 & NFPA 329 Spec's. Other: REC UNL Obdcr 1A FRP,,}11:01 14:31'::0.000, . ",,.1.rt# P N 501 90- 92 23 h(D$/M'G, WES'B Mfuqh 50 00 Y REG ZA FRP-# ,:i#$ P N 50190 - 9221 IEE9ry ores*& ': "9a ,ii 3A ::I :FRPft ,'rl;l:d" l9: lJr :iro .0QO,, ;1..r r'1,*ll, tl,a P N Erd!o$Mo: 4L289-7 479 !EE5E hwM SMTim: Od@ld ,'.fim* .' i) r,: brosMowo: LEE58 O.r*h 'lY.rirr;rri;P '1lti& t..,.i+.ii ETdLOSMG: LM TEfl E: ktuve Malcial SldTi@: '.i...:ffi krowG: IEESB: brryk Sird Im: S€o ob9. Fo. Lc. Tank t TANKS I UNL TANKNOLOGY Region: WESTERN REGION Unit # 018 Stare Lic. # \OTF: Original VacuTtrl Oata recordings are reviewed by Tanknol@y's Audit Control Oeparlment and mainlained on file. 2 Tanknology Corporation I nternational 5225 Hollister St., Houston,TX 77O4O (8OO) 888-8563 . FAX (713) 690-22s5 State: UT hLOS/MG LIXE LEAI DEIECTOR TESI sltllol Jo. #41 LOCA'IIOI Cash Saver Alta 10700 s. 700 E. Sandy, Utah DEIECIOR TO. DAIE OP tESr 1t/4/s3 PASS \TAILBRilTD tlrx l1 Regu l ar t2 ,000 Red Jacket 507909221 Pass rAJTN a2 TIIX a3 Itrxt{ IAfi l5 ?trr l6 rArx *7 tArx T8 unleaded 12 ,000 Red Jacket s01909223 Pass Premiun 12,000 Red Jacket 472897 479 Pass IXSIALLER I TL 0032tEs USTMAN SIR SYSTEM MoathTy Molitoring Report SEPTEWER, 79 93 Repor| Date: 70/22/93 Conpany Da,€ : PREMIUA OIL COMPALY SCatioD .warre: PR.E!{IUM OIL #47Addregs: 70585 S. 700 EAST PART A: City: SANDY SEatioD #47 State: VI Taak ID 07 02 03 DaCa Qual ity:DeTs: 9382 i2362 8277 POOR POOR FAIR {s,/ts/tsst, -227} Sa.I,es: 77469 35079 8743 aSTMAN INDASTRIES INC. iE a cert,ified Statiatical Inventory ReconciTiation(SIR) releaae detectloa wendor. Taak abatus results for aonthly r.oaitorir.gare based oD parazeters speclfLed by the BPA proEocol for SIR frethods. PART B:Comfrents aad Recorame adatioas O/S Tisted beTow repregeot refrovale, addiEioaa or deTivery discrepaacies wbich were accoua.ted for as part of the ,9fE aaalysis. 07 02 03 {s7sltsss:oEL t46zJ {e/s/7ee3: 221} {s/s/tsss:ozr, -t3B} {s,/ jo,/lsss: tst} {9/t,/tg9s, 782} {g/tz/tggs: 119} {g,rts,/tgss: {e/27/7ss3:DEL 224} {g/zz/tggs' -783} {e/28/7ee3: -28e] 742 ] Syatefr Status.. TICEE TIGITT TIGI{T Product : REGVLAR TJNLEADED PREMZAM USTMAN SIR SYSTEM Monthly Moaitoriag Report ocToBER,7993 Repore Date: 77/24/ 93 Conpany Daae : PREMIUM OIL COMPejiIY Statioa lva.!re: PREIIIUM OIL #47Addrese: 70585 S. 700 EAST PAR? A: City: SANDY Statio,x #47State: W Taak ID: 07 02 03 gysted Sta tua.. TIGITT TIGITT TTGT{T ProducE : REGULAR Data QuaTiEy: POOR FAIR POOR DeTs: 9704 32896 83 96 SaIes.. 77746 357 52 86 83PREMIW USTI'IAII INDASTRIES INC. is a cettified StatiaCical laveDtoiy ReconciTiat.ioa(SIR) releaae detect,ioD vendor. TaD.k atatur reauTtl for moathTy mocitoriDgare based oD pararnet.ere specified by tbe EpA proEocoT for SIR mef,hods. PART B: Confrentg aad ReconmeBdatioas O/S Tisbed below represeat zemovaTs, additioas or d.eTiwery diecrepaacies wh,icb. were accouaBed fot as parE of Cbe SIR a6aly9is. UNLEADED ] ] {to/s/tgss: 776e} {1o/7/7ee3: 4%] {70,/77/t993: -t2s} {10/24/1ss3: -a4} 07 02 0i {_70/7/tee3: 213} {10,/2,/lss3: so} {to/s/tggs '{70/74,/7993: 788} {10/19/7993: -2s7} {tO/St/tggs: 30s] -82] -102]{to,ttrttggs:{to/tz/tsgs: {70,/7,/7993: 2033 s48 ery '{ttotgzs ,A( ',a. "'- -' : .,. / 4.?t1' ..i/ :.,4n *. .i" ..; .r.ra.;a d, DEPARTMENT OF ETWIRONMENTAL QUALITY DTVISION OF EN\'IRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. Igvitt Gwelu Dianne R.. Nielson, Ph.D. Excrtivc Dista Kent P. Gray Dirgte 150 North 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt l-eke City, Utah 84116 (801) 53G4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. FIL T COP Y RE: ERRU-803-93 December 15, 1993 CERTIFIU) MAIL RETI.]RN RECEIPT REOUESTH) Rulon Hymas Premium Oil Company 2005 South 300 We.st Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 NOTICE OF INIENT TO REYOI(E CERTIFICAIE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 12699-3 Facility ID #4A013.25 Dear Mr. Hymas: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (Act), Utah Code Ann. $ 19{414 provides that the Executive Secretary OST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in compliance with the requirements specified in Utah Code Ann. gg 19-6412Q),413. The Act iequires substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations including Utatr Admin. -Code R3 1 1-202- 1 , which incorporates by reference Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) g 280 in effect as of May 26, 1992. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. 12699-3 issuedto a facility owned or operated by Premium Oil Company. This facility is located at 10585 South 700 East, Sandy, Utatr. The designated facility identification number ii +OO13zS. This facility contains three underground storage tanks (USTs). The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. As such, you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank (pST) Fund and your Certificate of Compliance may be revoked. To achieve compliance you must do the following: 1 Submit a copy of precision line tightness and leak detector tests for tanks #1, F2, and #3, performed in accordance with the requirements of the Act, for the tanks found in non- compliance on August 23, 1993, as required by utatr Admin. Code R31l-202-1. See 40 CFR $$ 280.a1(a) (b), and 280.44. You have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your Certificate of Compliance will be revoked and you wiit Ue ineligible to receive deliveries of fuel and receive payment for claims against the pST Fund. Printed on recycled paper ( (" MAILED OUT. DATE AND IMfiAL: AUTHOR SECTION MANAGER o BRANCH MANAGER DTVISION SECRETARY FINAL APPRO -DA AND INTTIA ASSIGNMENT SIGN-OFF SHEET lr2- Llb 5 /4,h (, n^ )2/ 6h3 Drq P /6/?3 /7 -t e /J -8'21 -^b /?-?-93 L: AUTHOR SECNON MANACER BRANCH MANAGER DATE RECETVED 9.. 1-t -73 /4"7 AUTHOR'S NAME: DATE SUBMITTED: DRAFT APPROVAL . DATE AND INTIIAL: DATE RECEWED CORRESPONDENCE # L/s/3-?3 tzt'l DATE FORWARDED 12- -3 DATE FORWARDED ,4tlqs tr rAt^ t>/? z ,4q(q: Dt^ tctstqz-- DIVISION SECRETARY A Facility ID# 4001325 Page 2 If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this letter, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not bi revoked. Please contact Gary Astin at (801)536-4100 to discuss this notice at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, 4,treD Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/GKA/cb cc Fred Nelson, Attorney General's Office John Inch Morgan, Acting Director, Salt Lake City/County Health Departrnent 6V+ "r/ L k i I p c h k IeaDaetctnonseoInctce I S t l. Ownership of Tank(s )ll. Location of Tank s) Own., .3oa w)*rnnJL Araa Cad! <r S&..t P C.d! 2 7 T or or Stata Roart .. .pptlc.!i. Eo.l Adc,r!sr L- o € (lt r.ft. .. S . .ppLlc'lb "to slc qo o/32 Flaasa atl lt !tLscafnoldtEu{otrnalod 6acnl*E.hasla[tY mont TlaIIle8sl,0 Enolaco fia arldoy ccmElqtt ila filornaton ail Slrt! ma tCo,poradon. Sl.rr 5t-. Clty (n du.l, Publle A!.ncy, or o!,l.r .n!tyr: rf t t4 {um5ar q,.t Thlr l-ocadoG Mcfin anc Year Iank lnsBtl€d fE-sslimatE or K-kncwnt Cscacrv ot Tank (in gailonst (E-eslrmata cy (-knownl !,'lalsnat of Cansiruction (E-esttmara cr K-kr'lownl If 6mcxtec. venv 1' Cr tess ct Crocud in tanx lll. Tank lnformation nk1 Tank 3 Tank 4 Canud Prrlon At UST t ciuon ZD Cod.f ltf ' F.cilfry l0r: Sub$ance Stored (E-€dimara or K-knovrnl Y'& n..Ltc lV. A. Flelease Detection For Tanks Ch€ck iht r€l€&9a r.tr1odls| usrd tsnk or N/A ncnt rrquirrd- Manual Tanx Gaugrng (onty ior Enks unde. 1,0@ gal.) Manual Tank Gauging and lank Tigfnn€ss Te$rng (onry Er lafl€ urcer Z0@ gat.) c<l-Z/i -r ank Tighness T€dir€ arld tnvemcry Conrc, Other acaEv€d m€riod (write in name ol m€fioc) At,cn€$c Tank Gauging lmersnial Mcnncfir€ Vaocr Mondc.ing Grcurcwals{ Monitoring lV. B. Fleiease Detection For Piping Check lha rrbls. OsE cn rr.rtc,(sl us.d lor piFing- Ch€cx On€ Typo qt Piping tor s&fl Tar1l(L.z I Aurcmatic L.in€ L€ak Oer€clors. aldldreck cn€ ct h6 iollotyrng) (-t/t/ Vaccr Monrtcnng I Grcuncwater Monitonng I Sec:ndarv &rnarnm€nr with Monrlcri Ljns Tlglf,ness Tes ng F ?,-/'/// lV. C. Corrosi on and Spiil/Overfill Protection C;rqson crcec:oa urslallod (incicato dat€t Scrll/Cvarnll grc'€cion tnsrdl€O iindtcalg catsl V. Site lnf ormation GellaEl sn€ oEsarualons and csrtmonts lvtcfirty oas€Nalon:i. Eroun<t wetat l6/€i. arE.) f3the! I ha/r irlsEracEd hsc€clcr'! Signa!.rq: .!o/! n rild bdity dl Oab: 5r.6r-t l3 Phona Numb.r 4 EnXr. tani€. TanK oresamly in us€4""k3) It nct. 6als tasl LLs€d K3/, ?'*)----------->,12-Y-___> 4 Al --+-5 a/(1. ti p{ Leak Detection for Piping Facirty lO *:/oor 3>t Pf gSSUfiZgd Piping e meoco mugt b€ 6.1€c1sd torn o.ch sar.Wh6E aDpUc.bl€ indkare daE of hn lln I tli! bcility has nEr! than ,a 6nks. ptgaso olrotccogy firs paga rrrd cornpblE lho inlErmaion lor dl rdddEEl cnDirg €'lr.DSet 1 Tenk 4 Auiomanc Fiow Festndor Aucmarrc Shd€tt Oevic€l. ,/ I =r?-Cannnuol.s Alarm Sys6m I I I and Set 2 Annuar Ljns Tighrn6ss Testrng vacor Monlcnng I lf VaEr Mcnitonng, doqJmsflratm ot monrnry monltcnrE !s avallabte ll.nersnial Montcnng I ll lrrcrsrfial Mon[cnng. Cocumemalcn cl monhty mon(onng rs availabla .. I ll Grcund-WaEr Mcnnonng, dccJnleolalron ol mcntnty rncnnonng is avala-bl€ Oth€r AoErov€d Mathod (sp€cdy in c.mmenrs sercnt I Un€ Tigi'mG T€stlrq (reauire€ €very 3 y€ars-) I VaEr Monitoring S€candary Cofltainmem with lrfl orstitial Monitonng Ground-Water MonitcnrE Cther Aoo(trv€d Merhod (sD€cfy in €mmens secimr I No Lesk Detectlon Haquir!d (must answer yrs to tll ot the tollowlng qulstlons) --T-lOp€rarBs al lEss than atmosEfi€ric Ar€ssur€ Has only one oick valve. ryhich is locared direcfly under pumo Sicc€ o, picrng allot66 produci to drain back into Enk r.,nen sudron rsl€as€d All amv€ F.,trnaron on suciJon ptptn€ E v€nfiablo I On rhe back L. tlis shea. ple€s€ skerci'l tha s 6. noUng arl piping rurE tanks {lrElL6irg sizs & S.tsran€es 5l! E} ano lccancn cf wells and lh€ir ois'6nca irom Enks ano crpin€: lt lnsDaclDt s Cariments: lBt I har! hsFl€cd rho rlo\/! tE r tecdily qr O& sr.6&5 @c)<r{fi',rrl, f/t /qt 81, /q,P/t, /qt Grouno-V{ate, Monitoring SUCtiOn Piping* , raarcrl azt! ot riosr rE r tslt N.ria rlE ai*[E d t r( tgtltlG Et!r: DO 3zF.cey D a ucqt cE{ lgrn= Grr.rg: Please com plete all in formati on fo r each tank tlt h.sfac{ty mo1t l1rlr 1 bntq C{s.hbcomgbt!FrEEc+yllrr mdinE nrdqt p.g!fr rl addtr|d EnLr. ?anl 40ar€o,last lank ItsLd!lt:ee Ord tart tesll9agl lndicate 0ry€s no.It no.5D€ci rntyemm€f|ts sEcriqi b€ior 016 otsul!..Ei tankt]('af wtlittilcorltiaveb€€n ta (€!t fES(e.9..silllE b€€n no fdA with rrarn 1 +'I 3o gajs fi no.rYhrctr nofins w€ftt tEQ ye3:s e.answer o r'n o rfo cea h ue stionq can oqo,arn €rllrc m61'lCtS an3 rlcues rJs<AIx',E'!(L y6 yet rE HET:S idu3a lYaqyr?afiry nsuori,€. YE ilEFarY& BetG tJsdapp€ar E']E ovid€flcE rEc{rll 6fifia3 rs y6 Diso€rs€r PUrnFS lt:lv6 qJ'TETT caribnrtm Stld(EG. y€s rE Th6 (lrrcts ct tre sud(caug6 AIE flar 4ft,mt rrcrn COwn. y€s t10!Th€dic: rt*13 mari(a6 ardlegibly ll16 9JE'UC l€v€t c3nan D€inctt dauYmln€c '.o tt€nearBsi cre€rgh|tfl taroer $gaellr: Commcnc: O.E B@lc ar€'tqElod rnomhry. ApF,tdiaa €tiEalE r cian is usad lE"calqJlanng voturi€. The c,rro iJ!.in ns ftl pE€gx!6rEs to wro.lin Cr:€tEcl ct tank bsacrrrOvrng carl cenErsEare ccrclslerc/ in dipstddng t€q':nlcu6slrloftirywarcr r€adrn€s ar€ lJse h calcra ng momnry invgltory Ea]arEs3.Th€ 6icsrd(is long sfiou€h b rEa6 lne bocom ot the taruc Ths Ent tEs Oa€rr r.<'rt witiin ng y€ar arE has gassod tl€ ngtm€ss lsst (i, necsssary) .A h,r!€any cafirfcarion cd fi6 Enk tjgfimgsg tESr mathcc ls ayalErleTank t€ssr empfi€d with all cant,icalcrl t€guiremerns. Mcnncnng and tEs:ng aftt mamatn€O it iC,avartaote tcr cle czsrl 2 rncr,ms y€3 ,€ rlo rE yelt ll y6 y6 y€s y€s ys yes y8s tl tl l'' ta no no rlo and tak A,l A utomatic Ga ug gann llrn.Gr?. nrrna f.td aE C,urn* ol syrun: F.crry D Please answer or no for each guestion 0evrcs ooc.rm€nEldofi is avallabte sn6at rnalat'aclJrE|.Sle.g..bleurc.orrrgs nEruaJl.y€s ,E0evrcac:rn moasurE cilh6t€irlt prEuct to n€an6t ot anone{aghrr incfr yE IEOermenarion $outsUierdan irCr.rvats in borom cil tant is C':E(€C'nrqllllytone:l,Eitate€€rlc y€s willDevice dgclarE a l6:r,(on fie ott iqis reccneliadcninvernory it orc€gteoldtscrsparEy q a130prrJsllow-0no.Elt ongalons a brqEmomrtry yE ATG0elm€madon ts utlta'ratlable fie w:Ls tn test a,n6e dmrnimum aollcB 0ronu'L y€sErO1€d(8d cdFTBSSE angElrg6 tankS yBs fiataviO€nCA 6svic€is rsldEregJnsdG,Jm€r@on.y€s TE m el€cr(ad dGJrrl€nEldm tnar wilsiqr$Brn rt$all&.andca,tibr"rEct rnairdarnd trrrrnufaciJrgagins;trLEions.acccrdir€ 2 y€s rE-cr6Mainenara ArE ayailaDte rEiUEiLupon ycatnHngrEcarEsitfietcravaila!le fi€9ast 12 Itlontis.yrE I'E .''e$**'f..' '"1"/- . ""' :'r*.,11 : .-..- -:it-. '-.''- .:'IIE ".... "a B-.- .4U''=b-"...- -.€-i':. ::-..._ E.:. '-.. .i.+.r....: -.-r :: IIEDGUsSgnrrl: Conuung 0e santrarcs gf --'1'-:" - :. .: .:... .. . ..,.-. - rA ^ FACILITY ID.tAC(, 1z zT PST PROCESSING CHECKLIST Year Non-Marketer Discount Previous Pollution Incidence LUST File Form fncluded "r@ / (9t* r-/-/ TTT - Verify tank/l-i-nesvs registered - Documentation ok? - Rate ok? Y/N Y/N Y/N - Fund Paid FY 9L -/' Y /N ,./ Fees Paid FY BB? FY 89? FY 90? FY 9I? Y/N {3' -a Compliance r-,/t- I Compliance outstanding? y /rC ,--' Jn .\ ,jf - Leak detection required? Wtw ,,-' AD-f co/\ .. / F:;l)ri Notirication up to date & complete? (i/* t,' J'' , :.AppIication? ^[>,4.SS - Date Qualified Review completed and certificate issued by suPPoRT\CE \CHECKLTST. PST -<7 NotUnacceptable Acceptable Applicable DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ] DTWSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RECEIV FA(xLxTYL D. # L.( t: a r 32r f o55rS S. ?tld F 6trL Norman H. Bangerter .. Govemor Suzanne Dandoy, M.D., M.p.H. Bureau oi Envtronmenlal Response and Reme.iation Executive Diretor ,, 288 North 1460 West, P O. Box 16690 Kenneth L. Alkema :: Salt Lake Crty, Utah 84116-0690 Diretor :, (801) 538-6338 En= TO: 7*(-<l t FRoM: [, t i?4uu-nunll Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND is incomplete. The following additional information is required before your application can be processed. [ ] The results of your Tank I Lirle Tightness Test and a copy of the field report need to be submitted to this office. $4 A Notification Form, registering or upgrading your tanks, needs to be filled submitted (use Form 7530 (Revised 9-S9). D.1(L'-'ae,r{, fh<{ f::-, f i.t,'.' (,* ( t*-&- aLntt sc-{.',-, r.,r o).E4'.!c .re l,-*., out and [ ] Annual Tank $ Fee Assessments remain unpaid. Please submit a check for . This will cover the fiscal year(s) '88 '89 '90 '91 (circie the applicable). [ ] You have not compieted the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS". Please complete the enclosed form. [ ] Annual Fees for the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND remain unDaid. Please submit a check for $. This would cover the fiscal year'91. The amount for the current quarter oniy would be $ [ ] Your "APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETER DISCOUNT" is defective for the following reasons: [ ] The release #has not been characterized or maintained its cleanup your project manager, and the [ ] Other (below): Please note that ),ou will not be eovered under the PETROLEUM Sf,ORAGE TAI.IK FUND until the above mentioned it lls arc clmpleted. If your are currently a LUST site and your Fbnd application has F." lpProveq anyAuther releases wil be covered by thaF\rnd" If youharraany questioiri concerning this please call the Bureau of Environmental Rasnnnie and Remediitinn at S3R.rlqiR schedule to the satisfaction Executive Secretary (UST). of ? PREMIUM OIL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICE taolt 48't-47 21 2005 souTH 300 wEsT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 44115 February 8, 1991 Utah Deparfnen t of Health Underground Storage Tank Section P.o. Box 15690 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-0690 RE: 10585 South 700 East To whom it may concerni Our monthly lnventory records shorr frm, March 1982 to present there has been no leaks of the storage tanks at thls location. Ttre eervice station ras purchased in, Septanber 1977 and was left vacant til it vas remodeled in March 1982. Prevtous to our purchase ofthis property, there wae a Sinclair station on thls location. We haveno lnformation on their pollution hietory. Rulon H s Petroleum Erlronmental Services, Inc ^ 2440 South 3270 West Salt lake city, utah 84119 Telephone (801) 97 2- 0202 Fax (801) 972-0977 January 4, L99L Premium Oil Company Attn: Don Wooley 2OO5 South 3OO West SaLt Lake City, UT 84115 Re Cash Saver 1O585 South 700 East, Sandy Mr. Wooley, Please find enclosed copies of the tank tightness tests that were performed on L2-4-9O, on underground storage tanks at your faci1lty. Systen type: Pressurized Tester: Troy Spackman UT #: O146 GRADE TANK SIZE (sat) HIGII LEVEL LEAI( RATE (gph) LOW LEVEL LEAI( RATE (gph) LINE TEST TANK TEST Premium Nolead 12, O00 <0.05 L2, OOO <0.05 L2, OOO <o. 05 Pass Pass Pass Pass COMMENTS A11 tanks and Lines tested tight. If you have any questions please caLl at number above. -b-42",*".-Steven R. Soruner Petroleun Environmental Service Regular Pass Pass Petroleum Envrronmental Services, Inc. 1942 Norrh Beck Srreer Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84116 Telephone (801 ) 322-2060 Fax (801)322-2063 PRODUCT LINI IEST DATA SHTET /o Sr 7*t t Err,**- O^/1"" Test #Product L,-4'"/rr/fi{, A'ZAI*r"{tl 54 /2,,/ / ,J.-.i(_r-4 _&.."p /?.r. VI U /Ini t'i a Fi na Pressure Pressure , c675 "0v . c€t fihq/),c675 ,{5 e5 u o) o_; Ratio: eed - Back BI eed- E_ -6 Cps ) "jo^7 Jc:{5 /l ,,J5-/Z 'oo /0:7s /0;{5 J/:sc30;30".-J-l--+Conc usion Tan Le Rate ank Le ak Rate ks ,Ptss lqss 11 Ca*/r,- 84,,i ,oa7S \::.-