HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006454L1 -t Page 1 of i\-'' Jason Wilde - Documents for inspections From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: "Paulson, Anne M. (AUB Contractor)" 4ll/2008 1l:20 AM Documents for inspections Please find attached the documents needed for the inspections scheduled for Thursday April 3rd at the following sites. Let me know if you have any questions or need more information. . Tesoro # 62095 - 680 E 400 S. SLC 7A Thanks, Anne Paulson Retail Environmental Contractor Tesoro Refining and lvlarketing Company 3450 S 344th Way, Ste 201 Auburn WA 98001 253-896-8786 AP auf s-on.co n! f actor@tS,oc o!:p".!prn RECEIVED APR - 3 2008 UEQ Env,ronmental Response E RomodiStion Tesoro # 60296 - 176 S 1300 E, SLC file:/iC:\Documents and SettingsUwilde\Local Settings\TempV(Pgrpwise\47F21A6DEQDO... 41112008 H HAZTEC OFAMEFIICA. INC. I GArHouGPRorEotlot IT$NESU1IS IrPROVIOING COMPIIANCE SOLUTIONS SINCE 1989 Lction: Tesrc 24o #62096 176 Soutr 1300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Tst Oat : March 07. 2008 T6tRson: E gyear CP Systsm Typ€: E Galvanic Test Result: @ eass I Fail D ln@nclusive Certified Tsster: Gordon G. Wood Certifi@tion Number: Expiratiotr Dale:15,2009 .. Tester Slgnature: I omontn E rete$anerrepair, ! SOaay afler fail E lmprBsed Current Test Crlieria (vs. Cu/CUSO{): E -85omvon n -Sbomvoff E lOO mV polarization Retilier Makey'Modol Guardian LTASSA 48-12-T6{ Rated Ouhut 48V, 12A Serial No: 85157 Fmd Sefing:B2 [4easuEd Ou$ur 18.4V 0.66AL6ftS6hing: M€Bured Ouhul: HourMeter: brckon Anode Shunt Edings in 0C Amps (if appli€ble):1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 5:7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12:'13: 14. 15r 16: 17. 18: Schematic of UST System Including Tsi Point L@tlons Readings vs. Cu/CuS04l T6t point R€ults depolanzed ON 11 #2 #3 d4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 -0.596 -U OJb -0.938 -0.930 lo 1300 E6l Stel {.695 .1.052 -1.062 -1.016 {.656 {.700 Efiea light pole-0.652 -1.097 -1.1274.577 -0.559 -1.250 -1.7814.729 lo 200 Souh Slml I Notes: StucturetGeil readings tak6n following repla@ment ol qisfing TOMCAT wlar power supply system with u$d recrtilior ilpplied by client. I volc. 801 968{632 l'ill"i",iHilti,'l'l-'.i.Ti;i1ili1l!' f ' I iln#3 14 d5 #6 ##9 Site: Address: INFORM TANK PASStrD TEST REPORT pdnted on 0441-2008 TESORO # 62090 1 76 South 1 300 East Salt Lake City UT TANK NUMBER TANK NUMBER 915/2@6 12:5t:O0AM 0.2gel/hr 2212008 1i30:00AM 0.2 gal/hr 21ffi08 2:03;00M 0.2galrhr 1n1l2006 3116:00S 0.2 gal/hr 1/15200E 1:10:004M 0.2sal/hr 1231 mO7 1:42:OO N O-2 gd I ht 121U007 1:57:00 AM 0.2 96l/hr ,18m07 3:27:mM o.2Sal/hr 11/15/2007 3:20:00M 0.2 gsl/ hr !0/30D@7 11:16:00AM 0.2 g.l/hr 101ffi07 l:51:00AM 02gd/nr 9fm007 3:2:00AM 0.2 gal/hr glu@7 6:@r@M 0.29dlh &31/2007 3:19:00AM 0-? gsl /hr E/1ffi07 l:30:00AM 0.29a1/hr 7/312007 3:ll:004M 0.29d/hr 7|14DOO7 2:42:00 AM O 2 lal t ht d2@007 3:34:@N 0.2gat/hr g4/2007 11i24:O0AM Fullest Monlhly 0 2 gal / hr 5re12007 3:4:00M 0.2Ftlht tld20o7 9:0?:00 PM Flu€sl MsSly 0 2 Oal/hr 4n1nOO7 Us.oO PM 0.2 gd I ht 4/142007 3:39:00AM 0.2 gd/hr 2.972.2e 2,92.34 4.06.S 3,2@.83 3,r6.73 27s.15 2.727 -01 3,64.23 3,96_45 2,453 $ 4,469.91 2,503.92 2.W-57 3.414.93 2,717.35 2.7S.S 2.9U.57 2.0$ 55 2,631.32 708.80 2.799.76 r,887.51 3,298.33 6.515.72 7.148.58 6.737.21 6.621.42 7,221_83 6,501_86 7,244.33 6,520.14 5,57962 6,201-47 5,515.15 5.09E.38 6.599.00 5,091.50 4.395S 5,479.47 s.59.61 5,E1253 6.40r_15 6,341.13 7,A22.50 1,2AO.1S 7,120 3E 32.00 3r.o 36.@ 30_@ 33.S 32.00 35.@ 33.@ 33.m 32rc 31_@ 27_@ 32 00 32.O o.@ 3r.00 29.@ 30 00 32 00 32.00 39.@ 28.@ 32.00 26.00 21$ Pa$d 20-33 P33rd 32.93 Passd 25.85 Pasd 25.04 Passd 22.31 Psd 21.98 Passd 29.45 Pa$d 26.97 PaM 19.78 P6s 3d03 PaS A-18 Pad 2r.s P8g 27.52 Pa# 22.14 Psd z2w?M 16.89 Pas 21 21 PM 2 57 P6d 15.21 Ps& 6$Pad ( LABEL 1:37:mM o.2gd / hr At4200E 5r48t00AM 0.2 96l/hr 292008 6:59:00AM 0.2 gal/hr 21t2@6 3:47:00AM 0.29dlhr 1/312006 s:57:00S 0.2 gal/hr 1/1fl006 5:09:00AM 0.29dlhr 12318007 0:03:00N 0.29d/hr 1214n007 4t23tgg N 9.2 gd I ht 11/302007 5:11:00AM 0.2 gal / hr lrl15/2007 1:35:00AM 0.2 gal/ hr 10312007 8i00:00M 0.2 gat/hr 1d15/2007 3i07 00AM 0.2 gsl/hr 9Rm007 4:25:00S 0.2 gd / hr 9/142007 Er00:00M 0.2 gal/hr mo2007 s'a5:00AM 0 2 g6t/ hr &1!2007 2151:00AM 02 gar/hr 7B1nO07 2:20:00 AM 0.2 gal I nt 7/1U007 5:26:00AM 0.2gall hr 52.52 P's 57.62 Paed g.s Pa# 53.39 Ps*d S23 Pasd 52.40 Pas$d 56.30 Passd 52.62 Pa# 49.98 Passd 44.45 Pass8d 41-09 Passod 53.19 Pa$od 35.43 Pr$d 45.09 Pass6d 4€.65 Pass.d 51.11 Pa6sd 63.05 Pas$d 50 6E Pa$d 57.39 Pass.d 27.@ 7.OO ?a.m 2E-AO 8.00 29.00 2E.00 31.@ 27.0O 28.00 29.00 24.00 22.0O 25.00 21.00 26.00 27.00 27.O0 26.00 25.00 29.00 21.N 25.O0 €/12@7 5:37:@N Full6t h^thry 0.2 lat/ h, 5/31/2007 3:30:00M 0.2 Ft / hr 5/1U007 3i06:00 AM 0.2 gal/ hr a4t2oo7 411:@ N O_Z 8t I nr 4114120a7 6:14:00 AM 0.2 sal I ht I I I ( SITE DIAGRAM ttw**gv 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TESTDATE 09/05/01 CLIENT:TaSoRO Ru&s COtlPAlIt WORK OROER NUMBER22515?5 SITEI TESoRO 52095 ( VENT A cs s t ES'l'1/ il TESORO #62096 101 11 5 REG @2K @oPLU S7\ SUP * nted O9112DOO7 17r45 KOHLI4EYER rrrvr\r r vN o t o r Lttr Lrrt\l rI rud r rvr! TANKNOLOGY Test Date: 0910512001 WorkOrderllr _ 2251575 Client: TESORO'IUu&S COMPANY Site:TESORO 3450 S. l44TH STREET, STE. 201 176 S. 1300 E. AUBUR!\t, WA,98001 SALT LAKE CITY, UT,84IQ2 - Overall System Operation The pumps; Shut down outomatically ifthe system detects a lcak, fails to opemte, or is clcctronically disconnectcd. ThE system h6 funclioning audiblc md visual alams. Thc circuit brcaker for the systcm is properly idcntificd. There m no alams and the system ii certificd opentional per maufacturer's perfomuce standards. [ ]ves [x ] ves lX I Ycs lx lY* x I t,to lNo llo lNo Product Tank Monitoring: [ ] Double wall I x ] single wall Make:VEEDER-ROOT Model: egLD_ , _ Typ",AI1TO_D4AIICj1ANKCAIJqI,- Howmany: 3_-_-. __- Opcrational: (Automatic hk gauge, unula space vapor probe, annular space liquid probe, hydrogu4d systcm, vadose zone monitor well, groundwater monitor well) [X]Yes [ ]No Comments: Product Piping Monitoring: [ ] Doubte wall I x I single walt Make:Model; Typc: MTCHANICILLEAK -_ How many: _3_- - Op€ntional: (Piping smp liquid sosor, piping trench liquid semr, elcctronic linc pressure sensor, mechanical linc leak detector) lxlves [ ]to Other Monitoring Systems: Make:Model: How 64y;T)?e:operational: I iYes [ ]No Technicion Sigilature: Bto*"d @ (A) @ TCChNiCi N: DAVID MATHIE SI'PER REGSLAR PLUS PRESSME PRESSI'RE PRESSI'RE P P P 0.000 0.000 0.000 v Y v t> ra,r/ot*gty *.,,'"flH[]P-!R.'"".fif.IIiL+Ei;[i3S,Il,tJ#.9u,un TELEPHONE (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORT WORK OROER NUMBER: 2251575 CUSTOMER PO: 4500820675 SITE:TESORO 62096 176 S. 1300 E. SALT LAKE CIil, UT 84102 TEST TYPE: TLD-1 PURPOSE: COMPLIANCE TEST DATE: 09/05/07 CLIENT: TESORO RM&S COMPANY 3450 S. 3,l4TH STREET, STE.201 AUBURN, WA 98OO,| KAIHY SLATON (253)896-8734 ROBERT (2s3)896-8801 2 3 RED .'ACKET FE PETRO RED JACRET FXlV ULD FXlV - -7A77 04071182 40398-5209 P P P Tester Namer DAVTD MATHTE Technician Cedjf,ction Number: UT 0151 INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS t>bnffigv TEST DATE:09/05/07 CLIENT:TESORO N&S COP}N 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY. SUITE 4OO AUSTTN, TEnS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22515?5 SITE:TESoRO 62095 Tank lD: 1 Product: SSPER Capacity in gallons: 42,4o7 Diameterininchesr 96.00 Length in inches: 401 Material: sIEEL w/cP Tank manifolded: Vent manifolded: Vapor recovery manifolded: Ove.fill protection: Overspill protection: lnstalled: CP instal,ed on: NO ES YES YBSrs A?G and CP Bottom to top fill in inches: Botlom to qrade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor re@very: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 taloE/2ooa) COMMENTS 163 .0 169.0 67 .0 {.0 DUAL STMBED Nedpassed Failed/replaced Nedpass€d Fail.d/replaced L.O. #1 L.O. *1 L-D. #2 L,D. #2 SD JAGM PXlV 3.00 16 80 1S9 .0 10 3.00 PS9 NOT TESTED COMMENTS Make: Model: s/N: Open time in sec: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Dipped Water Level: Dipped Produc{ Level: Probe Waler Level: lngress Detected: water Test time: lnclinomeler reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTet Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Pointl Tank water level in inches: Water tablo depth ;n inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Bubble Ullage Material: Diameter (in)l Length (fl): Test psii Bleedback 6: Test time (min)i Slart time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBIRGNSS 2.O 50.0 50 50 30 14 :08 14 :38 0.000 PASS PRESSURA RTD JACTET lmpact Valves Operational: YEs NOT NOT TESTED COMMENTS NOT TESTED P tinted 09 I 1 212007 1 7 :4 5 Ptinted 09t1212a47 17'.45 KOHLMEYER NOA TESTED INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS ff>aaffigv TEST DATE: O 9/05,/07 CLIENT:TESORO U&S COMPiN 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUtlBER22515?5 S[E:mSORO 52095 Tank lD: 2 PTodUcI: REGSUR Capacity ln gallons: 12,407 Diameter in inches: 96.0o Length in inches: 401 Material: srEEL w/cP Tank mani{oldedi No Vent maniroldedr Es Vapor re@very manifolded: YEs Overill proteclign: YEs Overspill protection: Es Installed: ATG and cP CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: 153.0 Bottom to gmde in inchesi 159.0 Fill pipe length in inch€s: 67 . o Fill pipe diameter in inches: 4 .0 Stage I vapor re@vory: DUAL Stage ll vapor re@very: STBBED Fuel pure rating:4 llt/0A/20011 COMMENTS Dlpped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Leve,: lngress Detected: Wat6r Test timel lnclinometer reading: VacuTrct Test Type: Vaculect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Resull: NOT TESTED Bubble Ullage Nedpassed Failed,lreplaced Newpassed Fallodfephcod L.D. #'t L.D. #1 L.D.l2 L.O. #2 PE PEIRO ED 3 .00 18 150 189.0 12 3.00 PMS Make: N4odel: s/N: Open time in sec: NOT TESTED Calib. leak in qph: Results: Holding psil Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: lllateriall Diameter (in): Lensth (ft): Test psi: Bleedback rc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Resull: Pump lypel Pump make: FIBARGBSS 2.O 60.0 50 50 30 1{:08 14:38 0 .000 PASS PRESSURB RED JACKAT lmpact Valves Operational: YESCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOr TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 09/1212007 17:45 INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMAT]ON AND TEST RESULTS tr7,"r,*Ww TEST DATE:09/osl0? CLIENT:TESORO U&S COEM 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22 5157 5 SfE:rEsoRo 62095 ) Material: Diameter (in)l Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback @: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBBRGUSg 2 -0 50 .0 50 50 30 l,{:08 1{r38 0. 000 PASS PRESSURI RED JIGET NOT TESTBD NOT TEgTBD NOr TESAED COMMENTS lmpact Valves Operational: YEs Tank lD: 3 Product PLUS Capacity in gallonsr 12,407 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inchesl 401 l\,4aterial: sTEEL w/cP Tank manifolded: Vent manifoldedi Vapor re@v6ry manifolded: Overfill prolection: overspill protection: lnstal'ed: CP inslalled on: NO vEs yEs ES ATG snd CP Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipo di8meter in inches: Stage I vapor re@very: Stage ll vapor recoveryl Fuel pure rating: { 153 .0 159.0 57 .0 4,0 DU[ SIEBED lL!/0s/200L1 COMMENTS Dipped Water Level: Dipped Producl L6vel: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: wat6r Test timel lnclinometer reading: VaaTect Test Type: Vaculect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water lable depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: Bubble Ullage NOT TESTED Newpasssd Fail€d/raplaced Nedpassed Failod/ieplacod L,0.f1 L.D.#1 L.D.#z L.O.*z E@ JIGE txtY !.00 20 80 189.0 10 3.00 Ptsa NOT COMMENTS Make: Model: S/N: Open time in ss: lvletering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Holding psi: R6siliency @: leak r6t6 mum: P tlnted o9 I 1212007 17 :45 Site: Address: INTORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT Fhled on 04 01 2008 TESORO # 62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City UT LABEL Plus TANK NUMBER ) U15n@6 12152:004M 0.2 c.l/hr 22Y2008 3r59:004M 0.2 sal/hr z1ffit 1i$:00AM 0.2grllhr 1Blm8 l'30:00M 0.291/hr 1^flm8 7:23:00AM 0.2 gal/ hr 1m1l2m7 4:57:00AM 0.2 gal/ hr 1214/2007 11rm:00 PM 0.20.1/hr llEoDmT 1l:55:00 PM 0.2 gel/hr 1t/152@? i2.31:@S 0.2Cd/hr 1ry3Mm7 2:30:00 PM 0.2 $l/hr 10rtm7 4 13:00aM 0.20a1/hr S02m7 ?:43:00AM 0.29!l/h. 9/1t2m7 8:@r00AM 0.2 !al/ hr ffi1w? 2:21,00 N o-2 tel I lt &1m7 3:19:O0M 0.2Cdlhr 1t3ot2@7 11:47:OO PM O.2 grl I ht 7l14nOO7 2 4!A AM 0.2 eal I nt d3(m7 1:01:00S O.2Cll/hr d242m7 10:47:00 M Fuhsl Molhly 0.2 o.l / hr m12m7 6:6:00M FuklMffhly 0.2 gal/h. a/1mm7 2:32:@AM 0.2 9.1 / hr 4/2t2007 9:6:00 PM FukslMmthlv 0.2 csl /hr 4l14m17 1:22:OO N O.2 grl I h. 32 eE Passd Y 63 PaS 37.33 Pag 26 25 Passed 28.02 Pas$d 29 09 P6M 32 55 Passsd 30.18 Pas*d 21.38 Pas*d 29.07 Passed 33.21 Passd 25.7s Passed 15.37 Passd 26.95 Passed 22.38 Passd 1,09.27 5,9E.05 4,3b.* 4,24.$ 4,63t.31 1,152.12 3.2S.91 3,972.79 5,14 42 3,476S 3,@ 46 1,037 g7 1,9-q 3.7{.73 2.652 32 3,6@.U 3,560.25 4,1 19.67 3.827.22 3.199.47 r,s.4E 3.591.65 2,774.10 26.@ 33-00 31.00 29.00 32.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 26.00 26.00 31.00 30 00 26.00 30.00 29.00 2E.@ 31.m 28m 27.@ 25.m s.@ 29.00 ) Underground Storage Tank- lnspection Verification Form Facility lD: 4000764 Facllity Namo: TESORO #62096 StrootAddross: 176S 1300 E Last Inspdr 3/7/2007 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 JOCK STREIDL Owngr Namg: ownor Addrgss: TESORO REFINING & MARKETING CO 3450 S 344TH WAY STE 201 AUBURN WA 98OO1 KATHY SLATONOwnsr Contact:(253) 896-8700 UTM Coordlnate! 427,8a1.a5 4,513,046.10 Comments: Odhoquad (OOO) I mele.lmage ln LD compliance Yes ln Operation Compliance:Yes Tank Status: Date lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: Tank lvlaterial: Tank Modifications: Pipe Material: Pipe Modifications: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: SpilUoverfi ll Oescription Tank C P MeULastTesuPassed? Last Line CP TesuPassed?: Tank Release Detection: Last TTT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model Min. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALOT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Melhod/ Passed? PSTFund: Yes Oher: 1 E-Gen: No Cunenuy in Use Manibld: No 1A1h99l 12,000 North lmprossed curentCahodic Prol€clio. Flb€rgrass Rolnforced Pla3tic Booted Sted Flex Pressurize Perm RD by: 1 l/30/2001 Gasolino Premlum 5 gal. Spill Bucke Ball float valve YES 3/7/2008 Yes ATG 11'18lmm VacuTect Yes Veeder Root TLS-350 CSLD N 10%old5%new,lsK 227,559 glnr.o 1. LTT 2. ALD 9/6/2006 Mechanical Yes 9/6/20$ Tanknology Yes No OherType: Tank Status: Date lnstalled/CaPacitY/Loc: Tank Material: Tank Modifrcations: Pipe Material: Pipe Modifications: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: Spill/Overfi ll Description Tank C P MeULast TesUPassed? Last Lin6 CP TesuPassed?: Tank Release Detection: Last TTT/Method/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Model irin. Vol./Max. Cap.: Max. Monlhly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Oate ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: Yes Oher: 3 E-Gen: No Cunently in Use Manibld: No 12111199'1 12,000 Center lmpr€6sed C,umnt Cathodic PrcGclion Fibealass Reinlo.ted Plaslic Boot€d Steel Flex Pressurize PeIm RD byt 1'll3Ol2OO' Gasolin€ Midgrade 5 gal. Splll Bucke Ball float valve YES 3/7/2008 Yes ATG 111812001 VacuTect Yes Veed€r Root TLS-350 CSLD N 10% old 5% ne$, 45K 227,559 gl.r,o,I. LTT 2. ALD 9/6/2006 Mechanical Yes 9/6/2006 Tanknology Yes No OtheiType: Tank Status: oate lnstalled/Capacity/Loc: Tank Mateial: Tank Modifications: Pipe Material: Pipe Modifcatjons: Pipe Flex Connectors: Pipe Type: Substance Stored: SpilUoverfill Description Tank C P ireuLast TesuPassed? Last Line CP Te6vPassed?: Tank Release Detection: Last TTT/M€thod/Passed?: SIR Vendor ATG Vendor/Mod el Min. Vol./Max. cap.: Max. Monthly Thruput: Pipe Release Detection: Date ALDT/Type/Passed? Date LTT/Method/ Passed? PSTFund: Yes Other: 2 E-Gen: No Cunenuy in Use Manifold: No 12111'1991 12,000 South lmpr633ed Curent Calhodic P.oteclion Fibelglass Renfo.ced Plasiic Booted Steel Flex Pressurize Perm RD byt'l1l3Ol2OO1 Gasoline Reqular 5 gal. Spill Bucke Ball float valve YES 3/7/2008 Yes ATG 11EI2OO1 VacuTect Yes Veeder Root TLS-350 CSLD N 10% old 5% new 45K 227,559 glmo 1. LTT 2. ALD 9/6/2ood Mechanical Yes 9/6/2006 Tanknology Yes No OlherType: (orr = T€fo,to 141, fl+I fr zEtce+ wLazz 4e€.u44 3(Dfl€T1 @D "nr6rr{Lat4_ No'y c&t< od 7tY4ru-?ulsfrc a( -'{?P * f€?epo 4wr,( I,t\tk Thursday, April 03, 2008 Page 1 of 2 TE DATE VOLTAGE AMPERAGE OPERATION HRS.RECORDED by: (printfult name) t|312007 3.2 VDC not measuredx not indicated Jay Kruqer 21L|2007 2,8 VDC not measuredx not indicated tr 31s12007 5.2 VDC not measuredx not indicated 41312007 5.0 VDC not measured*not indicated slu2ooT 2.81 4,6VDC not measuredx not indicated 61712007 2.61 4.BVDC not measured*not indicated 7lr3l2oo7 s.6l7AVDC not measuredx not indicated Blrl2007 3.6 / 5.0 VDC not measuredx not indicated r 91412007 3.4 l6.2VDC not measuredx not indicated I L01312007 6.2 VDC not measuredx not indicated LtlLlz007 5.6 VDC not measured*not indicated il L21512007 5,2 VDC not measuredx not indicated I 1i8l2008 2.6 VDC not measuredx not indicated il 21412008 2.8 VDC not measured*not indicated I 3l3lzo09 6.6 VDC not measured*not indicated il not measured*not indicated I not measuredx not indicated I not measured*not indicated I not measuredx not indicated I not measuredx not indicated ll not measuredx not indicated not measured*not indicated not measured*not indicated I not measured*not indicated Impressed Cathodic Protection Monthly Rectifier Reading Please e-mail or FAX first week of month TESORO SITE # 62096 (2 solar//cells in series as of Oct Jock Streidl and Kathy Slaton, Retail Environmental x Rated electrical current of this solar cell is 0.5 amp. (average daylight); 0.65 amp. (sunny sky). No amperage meter tr n l a3/a7/2o87 LL:86 BB1er4(t 7E TESORO /\PAGE 02/82 TESORo srTE # 620e6 lmprcosld Crthodic protcation Monthly Rcgrifior Rcsdingploaqo u-mlll or FA}( first weck of mond J0ck Srrcldt rnd Krdry Slorn. Retall Enlirpnnrcnhlx Rded electrkel cun€nt of thls dar cell is 0.5 amp. (ararage d'yluht), 0.65 amp. (sunny sky). rvo Empe.gc me*r DATE VOLTAGE A}IPERAGE OPERATIOI{ HRS.RECORDED bYt (pdnt tult nsmB) fi n n n tr lr not tt 0 rl tr tr tr lt I A3-87-"P,fr7 1P:16 18EE8E4395 PRGEE ffi 3.? lDc not rneasured* il | ,r,roor-2.8 lDc not meaeut€d* 5.2 VDC not measuned* not measured*not lndlcated not measurcd*not indicaftd t? t not measurcd*,t not measurudx not measuredr,not indlcatetl il I not measured* not measuredt not heasurcd* Iot &easured* not measurcd*nqt indtcated Mt measurcd,t not tndicAted not mgsur€d* not measurcd*ngt indlcated not measuredr, not measuned* not measured* lpt measured,r n*****ft €;aWy PURPOSE: COUPL]ANGE TESTDATE: 09/06/06 CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, MARKETING AND SUPPLY COMPANY 3450 S. 344TH STREET, STE. 201 AUBURN, WA98OO1 KATHY SLATON (2s3)896-8734 owrer report visit www Tester Name: DAVID MATHIE TANKNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF TESTING 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 TELEPHONE (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORT WORK ORDER NUMBER: 22446,08 GUSTOMER PO: 4500672926 SITE:TESORO 62096 176 S. 1300 E- SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84.102 ROBERT (253)896.8801 TESTTYPE: TLD.1 .com or contact your Technician Certification Number: UT 0151 1 2 3 SI'PER REGI,IJAR PIJUS SIBERGIJASS FIBERGI,ASS TTBERGIJASS PRESSIIRE PRESSI'RE PRESSI'RE P P P 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y Y Y l_ ) 3 RED .'ACRET FE PETRO RED JACKET rxlv MLD rx].v L0 -98-7 877 0407 1183 40398-s209 P P P Printed 09/1 1/2006 12:13 KOHLMEYER TEST DATE:09 /06/06 CLIENT:TESORO REFTNTNG, 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 \-, WORK ORDER NUMBERz244 6O 8 SITE:TESORO 62096 V INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS 7>Tffiorology Tank lD: 1 Product: SITPER Capacity in gallons: !2 ,4o7 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inches: 401 Material: srBEr, w/cP Tank manifolded: No Vent manifolded: lrEs Vapor recovery manifolded: YEs Overfill protection: YeS Overspill protection: YEs Installed: ATG and cP CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 (L1/o8/200L) DUAI, STI'BBED COMMENTS 163.0 169.0 67.0 4.0 Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: Start (in)End (in) COMMENTS Bubble Ullage NOt TESTED COMMENTS New/passed L.D. #1 Failed/replaced L.D. #1 NeMpassed L.D.t2 Failed/replaced L.D.t2 RED ,TACKET FXl]I LO-99-7877 3.00 15 100 189.0 10 3 .00 PASS NOT TESTED Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGIJASS 2.0 50-0 50 30 30 13:05 13:35 0 .000 PASS PRESSIIRE RED JACKET lmpact Valves Operational; YEsCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOr TESTED NOT TBSTED Printed 09/1 1/2006'12:13 Tank lD: 2 PTOdUCI: RBGI,IJAR Capacity in gallons: L2,407 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 401 Material: STEET, w/CP Tank manifolded: No Vent manifolded: YEs Vapor recovery manifolded: YEs Overfill protectionr YEs Overspill protection: YEs lnstalled: ATG and cP CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 L53 .0 L59. 0 67 .0 4.0 DT'AI, STUBBBD (Lt/08/200L) COMMENTS Start Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Watertable depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: End (in) NOr ?ESTED COMMENTS Bubble Ullage FE PETRO I{I,D 0{ 0?1183 3.00 15 150 189 .0 10 3 .00 PASS COMMENTS Failed/replaced L,D, #1 New/passed Failed/replaced L.D.#z L.D. #2 NOr TESlrED New/passed L.D. #1 Make: Model: SIN: Open time in sec: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS *rw*tXW TEST DATE:09 /06/06 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 7B7sS (512) 4s1-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER2244 5 O 8 SITE:TESORO 62096 Material: Diameter (in): Lensth (fi): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGLASS 2.O 60.0 50 30 30 13 :05 13:35 0.000 PASS PRESSI}RE RED .'ACKET lmpact Valves Operational: YEsCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NO" TESTBD NOT TESTED Printed 09/1 1/2006 12:13 v Tank lD: 3 Product: Pr.,us Capacity in gallons: t2 ,4o7 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inches: 401 Material: sTEEr, w/cP Tank manifolded: No Vent manifolded: YEs Vapor recovery manifolded: YEs Overfill protection: YES Overspill protection: YEs lnstalled: AIG and CP CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 GOMMENTS DIJAT STTIBBBD (77/08 /zoot) 1.63 .0 159 .0 67.0 4.0 Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time; lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Deterrnined by (method): Result: GOMMENTS End (in) Bubble Ullage NOr TESTED COMMENTS Nedpassed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 New/passed L.D. fr2 Failed/replaced L.D.#2 RAD .T}CKET FXlV {0398 -5209 3.00 15 100 189.0 i.0 3.00 PASS NOT TESTED Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS tr7Er**rotclW TEST DATE:09 /06/A6 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBERz2446O 8 SITE:IESoRo 52096 Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGI,ASS 2.0 50.0 50 30 30 13:49 L4: L9 0.000 PASS PRBSSIIRE RBD ,fACKET lmpact Valves Operational: YEsCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 09/1 1/2006 12:13 \ MONI Authoity Cited: Chapter 6. ON Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. lf more than one monitoring system control panel is insialled at the facility, a separate certification or reDort must be Dreoared for each monitorino svstem control Danel by lhe technician who performs the wo*. A copy of this form must be provided lo the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the locel agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A General lnformation Facility Name: TESORO 62096 City: SALT LAKE Clry UT Zip 84102 Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. Date of Testing/Service:09/06/2006 Facility Contact Person: ROBERT Make/Model of Monitoring TLS35OR Work Order Number: 2244608 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/Gertified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced * lf the facility contains more tanks or dispensers; copy this form. lnclude information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers'guidelines. Attached to this certification is information (e.g manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct. and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also attrached a copy of the (Check all that apply): I Xl System selup [] ntarm history report Technician Name (print): DAVID MATHIE Signature Certification No.: 00&05-1937 License. No.: Testing Company Name: Tanknology Phone No.:800-4633 Site Address: 8501 N. MoPac Expressway,suite 400, Austin, TX 78759 Date of Testing/Servicing: 09/06/2006 Tank lD:Tank lD: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Sensor(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. fr.|ooet: RJ FXI V Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). MAG Electronic Line Leak Delector. Model: Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor. Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping SumplTrench Senso(s). Fill Sump Sensor(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Elec'tronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: type and model in Section E on page 2). FE PETRO Other (speciry Model: MAG Tank lD:PLUS Tank lD: XllI Xlfl ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annolar Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Senso(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: RJ FX'IV Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor. Model: Model: MAG N,lodel: Model: Model: nTnnTTT TankOverfill/High-LevelSensor. Model: Other (specify equipment q/pe and model in Section E on page 2). Annular Spac€ or Vault Sensor. Piping Sumpffrench Senso(s). Fill Sump Sensor(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: [l tn-tanl Gauging Probe. Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). X DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Sensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s) Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Contiainment Sensor(s). yo6"g. Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). _l DispenserContainmentSensorGl Model: -l ShearValve(s). -l Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser lD: ] oispenserContainmentSenso(s). Model:- -l ShearValve(s)._l Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser lD: Monitoring System Certilication Page 1 of3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 SYSTEM Division 3 Contact Phone No: 89S8801 Itf- "3itoring System Certification Y DateofTesting/Service: 09106/2006Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version lnstalled:121.00 Gomplete the following checklist: ' ln Section E below, describe how and when these deficiences were or will be conected. E. Gomments: CSLD HAS PASSING RESULTS LAST 12 MONTHS LAST TEST 09-06 CHECKED FOR WATER AT ATG RISER WATER AS SHOWEN fi ves I-l ,uo'ls the audible alarm operational? [] vu"l-l r'ro'ls the visual alarm operational? I v""nruo'Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? I v""[*o'Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? ffi ves Ir'ro'l-lrun lf alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.9. modem) operational? For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? lf yes: which sensors initiate positive shut{own? (check all that apply) ! Sump/Trench Sensors; fl Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shutdown due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? [ ves I t'to I v""nr.ro.Ir.ua I ves [*o'Iwa For tank systems lhat utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e.: no mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill waming alarm visible and audible at the tank fill points(s) and operating properly? lf so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? I ves'El*o Was any monitoring equipment replaced? lf yes, identifo specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section E, below. I ves'E*o Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (check all that apply) n Water. lf yes, describe causes in Section E, below. I Product; I ves [*o'Was monitoring system selup reviewed to ensure proper settings? Atiach selup reports, if applicable. I ves n*o"ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' specifications? Page 2 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 Site Address: 176 S. ,1 300 E F. ln-Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment . ! Monitoring System Gertification ' : Date of Testing/Service:09/06/2006 f] Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. I CnecX this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Gomplete the following checklist: " ln the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be conected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD) : n Check this box if LLDs are not instialted. Complete the following checklist: n ln the Section H, below, describe how and when lhese deficiencies were or will be conected H. Gomments: Iv""Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Iv".f]*o Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? lTl yu.f]*o Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? lTIy""flto'Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? lXIv".[-l "o 'Were all probes reinstalled properly? X Yes n*o'Were all items on the equipment manufucturers'maintenance checklist completed? l-Fly".fl *o'f]r'rn For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: E] s S.p.n fl o.l s.p.n [o.z g.p.n ffives fl *o'Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? lTlves E*o" Ives E*o-flrvn For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? Iv.,E N/A For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? flv".f]*o'Inre For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected? Iv""E*o I r.rie For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any porlion of the moniloring system malfunctions or fails a test? f]v'"n*o Ir'ua For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? fi"u.I*o Were all items on the equipment manufacturers'maintenance checklist completed? Page 3 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 tr*o' Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? ENo' *>aa*aaw 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 45$.1459 TESTDATE:O9 /05/06 CLIENT:TESORO RETfNING, I{ARKETING WORK ORDER NUMBEFO 244 5 O 8 SITE:TESORO 62096 COMMENTS REPI.ACED 2 BI'],BS ON COUNSEI, PARTS REPLACED HELIUM PINPOINT TEST RESULTS 2 LIGHT BIIIJB Printed 09/1 1/2006 12:1 3 KOHLMEYER \ 1:.:)'SITE DIAGRAM t>w*'*g1 B5O1 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 09/06/06 CLIENT:TESORO REFININC, !{IARKETING WORK ORDER NUMBER2 244 5 O 8 SITE: TESORO 62095 12K REG t E€)'1,1, fr TESORO #62096 10.1 .1 1 .5 Printed 09/'1 1/2006 1 2:1 3 KOHLMEYER t VENT ,/VV\ttt-r--j A+\7vV # @@PLU S fF) (e) suPv vlzK @ Site: Address: }TI{FORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/5l2oo7 TESORO #62096 176 S 1300 E f satt tare caty, ur 841a2 LABELTANK NUMBER 2t2712007 4112007 1115/2007 1/4/2007 12,1912006 121112006 11/1512006 1113/2006 10115/2006 10/3/2006 9115/2006 911/2006 8115/2006 El1/2006 7115/2006 7/412006 6/',t5/2006 61112006 5/15/2006 511/2006 411912006 4/1/2006 311612006 3/312006 6:18:00 AM 3:44:00 AM 1:55:00 AM 1:38:00 AM 1:01:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 1:14:00 AM 3:48:00 AM 2:36:00 AM 1:45:00 AM 3:46:00 AM 2:34:00 AM 3:07:00 AM 5:02:00 AM 5:05:00 AM 4:04:00 AM 4:52:00 PM 1:31 :00 AM 6:53:00 AM 5:56:00 AM 6:30:00 AM 6:35:00 AM 4:56:00 AM 6:00:00 AM o.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht o.2 gal lht o.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal I ht o.2 gal /ht o.2 gal / ht o.2 gal /ht o.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hI o.2 gal lht o.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal lhr O.2 gal / hr O.2 gal / hr O.2 gal I ht o.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal / ht o.2gal lht 3,468.70 3,128.66 4,181 .81 2,366.29 3,109.04 3,413.35 2,716.52 1,895.15 't,925.74 2,756.39 2,952.26 2,703.95 2,825.O4 3,278.32 2,668.68 3,377.18 3,119.99 4,019.52 2,528.41 2,696.58 3,003.10 2,674.67 2,273.65 3,125.35 LABEL 6,40s.55 7,495.06 7,606.66 7,174.68 7,O79.48 6,995.65 7,300.30 6,O65.59 6,266.02 5,394.21 6,693.50 6,157.13 6,220.50 7,',t37.43 5,499.91 4,832.68 5,9E6.31 6,451.72 7,849.91 7 ,O7 5.01 8,645.59 6,760.25 5,858.66 8,317.49 27.96 25.22 33.71 19.07 25.05 27.51 21.90 15.27 15.52 22.22 23.80 21.79 22.77 26.42 21.51 27.22 25.15 32.40 20.3E 21.7s 24.20 21.56 18.33 25.19 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Pmed Passed Passed Passed Psed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed TANK NUMBER 2127/2007 5:42:00 AM 2l1l2OO7 1:07:00 AM 1114/2OO7 6:10:00 AM 11412007 3:53:00 AM 1i,1212006 6:06:00 AM 141/2006 8:00:00 AM 1111512006 3:48:00 AM 111312006 3:13:00 AM 1011512006 3:51:00 AM 1012/2006 4:47:00 AM 9/15/2006 6:08:00 AM 9/1|2OOG 1:23:00 AM 811512006 2:01:00 AM 8/1/2OOB 12:s1:00 AM 7/1512006 5:56:00 AM 714/2006 2:31:00 AM 611512006 5:27:00 AM 6/1/2006 5:41:00 AM 5115/2006 1:31:0o AM 5/1/2006 2:31:0O AM 4113/2006 1:31:00 AM 411/2006 6:53:00 AM 3116/200O 1:31:00 AM 3/2/2006 2:3.1:00 AM 0.2 gal lht 0.2 gal I ht O.2 gal / ht o.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr o.2gal lht o.2 gal I hr o.2 gal lhr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal /ht 0.2 gal lhr O.2 gal / it 0.2 gal /hr O.2 gal / ht O.2 gal / ht o.2 gal / h. o.2 gal /hr O.2 gal / ht O.2 gal / ht o.2 gal I ht s1.61 60.41 61.31 57.83 57.06 56.38 58.84 48.89 50.50 43.48 53.95 49.63 50.1 4 57.53 44.33 38.95 44.25 55.22 63.27 57.O2 69.68 54.49 47.22 67.04 30.00 30.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 36.00 31.00 32_00 29.00 33.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 30.00 29.00 30.00 28.00 3.50 36.00 31.00 30.00 32.00 32.00 33.00 29.00 27.OO 28.00 26.00 25.00 29.00 24.OO 25.00 28.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 28.00 1.00 27.OO 1.00 27.OO 26.00 1.50 '1.00 2.00 29.00 2.00 1.50 f, INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPO printed on 3/5/2OO7 TESORO #62096 176 S 1300 E Fsan ure city, ur 84102 Plus R'T Site: Address TANK NUMBER LABEL 3 2/27/2007 8:30:00 AM 2l1l2OO7 2:51:00 AM 1l15l2oo7 2:34:00 AM 114/2007 12:58:00 AM 1A12/2OOO 1'l:15:00AM 1A112006 1:5t:OOAM 1111512006 2:54:00 AM 11/312006 2:29:00 AM 10115/2006 3:4E:00 AM 101312006 4:05:00 AM 9/15/2006 1 :41 :00 AM 9/1l2OOG 2:45:OO AM 811512006 2:19:00 AM An/2O06 6:55:00 AM 7l1512006 5:35:00 AM 71412006 4:07:00 AM 6/15/2006 4:48:00 PM 6/1l20OO 2:31:00 AM 5/15/2006 6:27:00 AM 5l112006 4:44:00 AM 4113/2006 4:29:00 AM 411/2006 1:31 :00 AM 3/1612006 6:48:00 AM 3/1/2OOG 10:31:OO PM 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal /ht 0.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / nt o.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / hr o.2 gal /ht 0.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / ht 0.2 gal I hl o.2 gal lhl 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / ht o.2 gal lht 0.2 gal lht o.2 gal /hr 0.2 gal lht o.2 gal lht O.2 gal I ht 4,840.16 3,463.80 3,719.68 3,463.35 3,442.89 3,E75.E9 3,651.E6 2,746.67 2,532.84 2,784.27 3,002.25 2,584.35 2,891.88 3,229.42 2,440.93 3,O70_42 4,094.69 4,317.50 2,919.57 3,473.96 2,797.97 3,376.99 2,738.91 3,372.22 30.00 31.00 32.00 30.00 32.00 32.00 30.00 30.00 27.OO 32.00 30.00 28.00 32.00 29.00 30.00 30.00 28.O0 1.50 33.00 29.OO 29.00 2.OO 33.00 5.50 39.01 27.92 29.98 27.91 27.75 31.24 29.43 22.14 20.4'l 24.20 20.83 23.31 26.03 19.67 24.75 33.00 34.80 23.53 2E.00 22.55 27.22 22.08 27.18 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Pa.s.sed Passed Passed Passed Hpr 25 O7 1O:31a Haztec of Hmerica, Inc. 10 oo 761 I.|AZTEG OFAIVIEFIICA, INC. 801-947-2632 re Gfirnorrrg PBorEGuot ilSI BTSUlffi p.2 ffi ffiPROVIDING COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS SINCE 1989 Location: Tesoro 2-Go #62096 176South 1300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84'102 Test Date: April20, 2007 Test Reason: tr a y"u, fl 6 montr cP System Type: |--l Galvanic Test Result: retest afler iEpair., fI 90 day retest after fail [] lmpressed Current Rectifier Make/Model: (2) Guardian Tomcats (in series) Rated Output: 12V, 0,5A SerialNo: 86286, 85843 Found Setting:Measured Output'11 Left Setting: Measured Output: Hour Meter; Anode Shunt readings in DC Amps (if applicable): 1'. 2'. 3: 4', 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 1 0: 11: 12'. 13: 14: 15: 16: 17 18: Certified Tester: Certification Number: Expiration Date: Tester Slgnature: Gordon G. Wood uT 0280 15,2009 Pass f] rail fl lnconclusive Test Criteria (vs. Cu/CuSOo): EI -aso mV on [ -aso mv ofr f] too mV polarization Schematic of UST System lncluding Test Point Locations and Readin gs vs. Cu/CuSO4: store Test point ON -0.916 -0.911 -0.871 -0.966 -0.924 -0,944 -1.039 -1.051 -1.219 to 1300 East Street 2TOMCAT units wired in series and mounbd to liqht pole vent line + wtre #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 to 200 South Street Structure leads cadwelded at each tank, replacing clarnp connections prone to atmospheric corrosion.Notes: Additional Tomcat unit (salvaged from Tesoro 2-Go #62088) installed ind wired in seiies providing '12 VDC systern to overcome high groundbed circuit resistance. System tested on overcast day. lnstant offs to be measured at six-month retest, s{ruclure ,// anode 2506 Easton Street * Salt Lake City, Utah 84118 r www.haztec.net voice 801 968-6632 r fax 801 967-2632 s watts 888 323-2663 I x x NI t6l t6-l canopy canoPy #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7ffi#g ffiffiffi ffi ffi FIpr zS 07 1o: 31a Haztec of Hmerica, Inc.801-gA?-263e p.3 ,:,:.,:.1 H2717c ()F AMEFIIGA, II\IG. ffiI ffi PROVIDING COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS SINCE 1989 PERFOR MANCE VERI FIGATION Tesoro 2.Go #62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 841A2 1. SYSTEM OPERATION WAS VERIFIEDANDALLTEST POINTS WERE MEASURED, (YES) 2. A CONTINUIry CHECK WAS PERFORMED AND ALL STRUCTURES' POTENTIALS ARE CONSISTENT, (YEs) 3 ALL TANK POTENTIALS ARE.O,B5 VOLTS DC OR MORE NEGATIVE AS INDICATED ON TEST RESULTS WHEN REFERENCED TO A COPPER/COPPER SULFATE HALF CELL. (YES) 4. VOLTAGES WERE ADJUSTED IF NECESSARY. (YES) 5. ALL UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES, NOT INCLUDED IN THE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEI/ HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR INTERFERENCE. CHANGES TO ANY NON.SYSTEM STRUCTURES ARE NOT GREATER THAN 50 rnVDC (0.50 VOLTS) lN APOSITTVE DIRECT|ON. (YEs) HAZTEC OF AMERICA, INC., GUARANTEES COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE CATHODIC PROTECTION ITEMS AND AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS TROY R. STILLEY AND GUARDIAN CORROSION CONTROL CORP. FOR ANY CLAIMS FILED AS A RESULT OF THE WORK PERFORMED BY HAZTEC OF AMERICA, INC, PERFORMED FOR: Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company Retail Environmental 3450 South 344th Way, Suite 100 Auburn, Washingon 98001,5931 NG D HAZTEC OF AMERICA, INC. NACE CORROSION TECHNOLOGIST #1 OO74 CP INSTALLER CERTIFICATION #UTTLO339CP, EXPIRES NOVEN4BER 1,2008 *E!j.t*i 2506 Easton Street r Salt Lake City, Utah &4118 r www.haztec.net volce 801 968.5632 r far 801 967.2632 :r watts 888 323-2663 n f.rl Rpr 25npr ?3 o? ?, 1O:32al2:29p Haztec of Hmen i ca, Inc. 8O1-g.Eil-2632 CAT}IOOICPnIETECTIOICOE-EIIO CETNE|EATE TrroF Refurlni rnd l,bdtcliua Conp.ny Rcttil Elrv&onmrr al 3450 Sou& 3+lor ULy, Sdts roe ArSurn, Yulshinglon 980lll55ti .EB fEctuptlO - C€alificatbn ol rspaired impmsspd crrrent cdroda protecfm sry$sm m hree undorgrcund storaga tanks locded at lacility T.Eoro SGo OAGIG 176 South 1$0 El3t Sah lrIcGiU, Uhh 01102 eEmruAffil . I herEby Esrtity hat I haE rBview€d ho $18{Ir tderenced abovo wift the rcsits endosed hseifl , Ttis was dme to cornply *ith Unibd States Erwiorrnentd Protecfon Agency dicctiv*. Ihis impressd drrlEnt syden as ]spired by Hatec of A.rnerica, lncoporded, provad to have sJfficient readngs b prorids cdodc goledim {or the underground slstam in accordanca uith lhe mininnrn dandards of tip NdorC Assod*)n ot Conocion Bgiras (MC$- _w fr J_tzt-, rmfR srirby, P.E. C€{tTred Cono.si{xl SpeddiEt Ndbnal Associalion of Conosian &tgineets R€gialration No. 1297 utmn007 dabd P _t 4 P INFORM TANK PASSBD TEST REPORT printed on 1l13l209o Site: Address: TANK NUMBER TESORO #62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL 113112005 21312005 2t27t2005 31312005 313112005 41412005 413012005 51412005 513112005 612812005 612812005 71112005 712312005 81412005 8/30/2005 91712005 912912005 101112005 1012912005 1111t2005 1112312005 121112005 12/3012005 11512006 111312006 8:16:00 Alvl 9:45:00 AM 9:19:00 Atr/ 9:3'l:00 Ptvl 7:10:00 AM 9:58:00 AM 7:41:00 AM 6:48:00 AM 11:20:00 AM 10:57:00 AM 2:22:00 PM 3;31:00 AM 7:57:00 AIt/ 2:15:00 AM 6:33:00 ANI 6:40:00 AtVl 5:07:00 AM 5:38:00 AM 5:07:00 AM 4:50:00 AM 10:43:00 Alt/ 6:16:00 AM 5:34:00 AM 5:47:00 AM 6:11:00 AM 6:01:00 AIV O.2 gal /hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr O.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr O.2 gal lhr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 4,142.24 2,540.99 2,549.55 3,413.29 2,999"03 2,177.63 2,626.99 2,622.45 2,452.80 2,931.89 4,254.37 3,888.88 4,349.42 2,371.15 2,244.84 2,654.05 2,187.54 2,002.21 2,002.21 2,803.91 3,029.18 3,341.32 2,266.66 3,458.88 2,829.71 2,835.01 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 35.00 33.00 35.00 7.00 29.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 36.00 30.00 31.00 1.50 28.00 31.00 31.00 33.00 32.00 31.00 31.00 35.00 30.00 31.00 31.00 28.00 31.00 32.00 33.39 20.48 20.55 27.51 24.17 't 7.55 21.17 21.14 19.77 23.63 34.29 31.34 35.06 19.1 1 18.09 21.39 17.63 16.14 16.14 22.60 24.42 26.93 18.27 27.88 22.81 22.85 ,v INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 1l'13120A6 Site: Address: TESORO #62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL 111312005 1t31t2005 21312005 212812005 31312005 3/31/2005 41412005 4t3012005 5t2t2005 513112005 612612005 612812005 7t112005 712212005 81412005 8/30/2005 9t7t2005 912912005 101112005 1 0/30/2005 111112005 1112312005 121112005 1213012005 11512006 111312006 5:07:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 6:10:00 AM 6:13:00 AM 6:18:00 AM 5:23:00 AM 6:34:00 Att/ 6:36:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 5:36:00 AM 3:31:00 AM 5:27:00 AM 7:15:00 AM 5:35:00 AM 5:47:00 AM 5:28:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 6:15:00 AM 2:31:00 Alt/ 6:45:00 AM 3:31:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 3:59:00 AM 2:3'l:00 AM 4:31:00 AM 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal lhr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 7,656.32 3,465.36 6,688.48 6,903.84 6,577.33 6,600.23 6,484.74 6,307.37 7,114.17 6,885.10 5,076.91 6,940.95 6,940.95 6,391.97 5,906.69 5,168.44 4,634.44 8,546.84 6,885.47 5,855.04 6,928.84 7,687.37 5,489.51 7,882.21 7,180.35 7,377.80 30.00 2.00 34.00 29.00 32.00 32.00 31.00 24.00 3.s0 25.00 2.50 26.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 1.00 1.00 23.00 1.50 25.00 1.00 1.00 28.00 1.00 30.00 61.71 27.93 53.91 55.64 53.01 53.20 52.27 50.84 57.34 55.49 4A.92 55.94 55.94 51.52 47.61 41.66 37.35 68,89 55.50 47.19 55.85 61.96 44.25 63.53 57.87 59.46 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passec Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed TANK NUMBER ^ Site: Address TANK NUMBER TESORO #62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL Plus3 111312005 1t3112005 21312005 212812005 3/3/2005 313112005 41412005 413012005 51412005 513112005 612812005 71212005 712312005 81412005 8/30/2005 91712005 912912005 1011t2005 1012912005 111112005 1112312A05 121112005 1213012005 11512006 111312006 7:02:00 Alr/ 7:58:00 AM 7:37:00 AM 8:43:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 5:33:00 AM 8:25:00 AM 8:16:00 AM 1'l:44:00 AM 5:50:00 AM 12:31 :00 AltI 12:31:00,AM 3:48:00 AM 6:18:00 AM 5:46:00 AM 10:25:00 AM 5:20:00 AM 4:40:00 AM 5:06:00 AM 12:46:00 PM 5:30:00 AIr/ 12:27:00 PM 5:28:00 AM 6:21:00 AM 6:49:00 AM 3,660.79 3,675.65 3,446.92 3,395.40 3,548.97 3,275.05 3,148.61 3,238.72 3,435.36 3,113.42 5,182"43 3,765.64 2,469.87 3,217.85 2,128.80 2,995.16 3,301.57 3,463.77 3,896.34 3,467.19 3,153.08 2,251.06 2,919.54 2,611.17 2,254.27 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gall hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr A.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr' 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr Q.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr O.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 29.51 29.63 27.78 27.37 28.60 26.44 25.38 26.1 0 27.69 25.09 41.77 30.35 19.91 25.94 17.16 24.14 26.61 27.92 31.40 27.95 25.41 18.14 23.53 21.05 18.17 30.00 34.00 32.00 34.00 3.00 31.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 4.00 3.00 30.00 30.00 27.00 32.00 30.00 26.00 31.00 29.00 32.00 29.00 26.00 30.00 31.00 INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 1l13l200o "^\^ GUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Purpose: COMPLIANCE Send original invoice & test report plus one copy of test report to Kathy Slaton, if site is in WA, send to NW office. Do not send report to any regulatory agency.. Y Y Y P P P 0.000 0.000 0.000 FIBERGLASS FIBERGIJASS FIBERGI,ASS PRESSI'RE PRESSURE PRESSI'RE 1 2 3 SUPER REGT,IJAR PLUS P P P FXlV MLD FXlV LO3-- 7877 04071183 40398-s209 1 2 3 RED i'ACKET FE PETRO RED iIACKET #*F>Ted@y TANKNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF TESTING 8501 N N/OPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 TELEPHONE (512) 451-6334 FAX (51 2) 459-1 459 TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORT WoRK ORDER NUMBER: 2238248 CUSTOMER PO: 4500537373 SITE: TESORO 62096 176 S. 1300 E. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102 PURPOSE: COMPLIANCE TEST DATE: 09/07/05 CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, MARKETING AND SUPPLY COMPANY 3450 S. 344TH STREET, STE. 201 AUBURN, WA 98001 KATHY SLATON (253)896-8734 ROBERT (2s3)896-8801 TESTTYPE: TLD-I E Test Tr owner report w.tanknology.com , or contact your Tester Name: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certification Number: UT 0151 rff& Printed 09/09/2005 1 7:45 KOHLIUEYER Tank lD: 1 Product: sUPER Capacity in gallons: L2, tlo7 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: {01 Material: slrEEL w/cP Tank manifolded Vent manifolded Vapor recovery manifolded Overfill protection Overspill protection lnstalled CP installed on NO YES YES YES YES ATG and CP Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:{ 153.0 169.0 67 .O 4.0 DUA]. STT'BBED (Ltl oe / 20oL) COMMENTS Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method); Result: Start (in)End (in) COMMENTS Bubble Ullage NOT TESTED COMMENTS NOT TESTED Nedpassed L.D. #1 RED i'TCKET rxlv 103-- 7877 3.00 15 90 189. 0 10 3.00 PASS Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Calib, leak in gph Results Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: INDIVIDUAL TANK]NFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS ff>Tedsp@v TEST DATE: 09 / O7 / Os CLIENT:TESORO RETINING, 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22382{8 SITE:TESORO 62096 [\ilaterial: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGI,ASS 2-O 60.0 50 30 30 13:12 13z42 0.000 PASS PRESSI'RE RTD iTACKET lmpact Valves Operational: xusCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 09/09/2OOS 17'.45 Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.O.#2 L.D.#z Tank lD: 2 PTOdUCI: REGUI,AR Capacity in gallons: L2,lo7 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: {01 Material: sTEEr, w/cP Tank manifolded: no Vent manifolded: Yss Vapor recovery manifolded: rrs Overfill protection: rEs Overspill protection: YEs lnstalled: ATG and cP CP installed on: / I Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 153 .0 159.0 67.O 4.0 DUAL STUBBED (LLl o8 / 200L1 COMMENTS Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: , lnclinometerreading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: Start (in)End (in) COMMENTS Bubble Ullage NOT TESTED FE PETRO MI,D 04071183 3 .00 L2 150 189.0 10 3 .00 PASS COMMENTS New/passed L.O. #1 Failed/replaced L.D. #1 Nedpassed L,D,#2 Failed/replaced L.O.#2 NOT TESTED Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: INDIVIDUAL TANK*INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS E-tTffigV TEST DATE. O9 / 07 / 05 CLIENT: TEsoRo R.EFINING, 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUST|N, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22 38248 SITE:TESORO 62096 Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: EIBERGI.ASS 2.O 50.0 50 30 30 14:01 14 :31 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET lmpact Valves Operational: vrsCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 09/09/2005 1 7:45 LEAK ^ Tank lD: 3 Product: Pr,us Capacity in gallons: 7.2,407 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inches: {01 Material: STEEL w/cP Tank manifolded: No Vent manifolded: Ygs Vapor recovery manifolded: YEs Overfill protection: YEs Overspill protection: Yes lnstalled: ATG and cP CP installed on: I I Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 COMMENTS 4 153 159 67 DUAL STUBBED (La/ 08 I 200Lt .0 .0 .0 .0 INDIVIDUAL TANK*INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS E-tTffigV 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE4OO AUSTTN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 TEST DATE: 09 I 07 / os CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, WORK ORDER NUMBER22 3 82t!8 SITE:TESORO 62096 Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water tabie depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Start (in)End (in) Bubble Ullage NOT TESTED Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: Nedpassed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 RED iTTCKEIT txlv 40398-5209 3.OO 15 80 189.0 10 3 .00 PASS COMMENTS Nedpassed L.D.#2 Failed/replaced L,D.#2 NOT TESTED Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGI.ASS 2.O 50.0 50 30 30 L32L2 13212 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED TIACKET lmpact Valves Operational: vesCOMMENTS NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 09/09/2005 17:45 I ffiTertuplogv 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (s12) 459-1459 TEST DATE:09 / 07 / 05 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, MARKETING WORK ORDER NUMBER22 3 824 8 SITE:TESORO 62096 COMMENTS REPI,ACED ALL 3 BULBS ON TLS AUTO DIAL FAILUR (C129) PARTS REPLACED HELIUM PINPOINT TEST RESULTS IF APPLI 3 IJIGET AUIJB \-/ Printed 09/09/2005 17 :45 KOHLN/EYER SITE DIAGRAM ,.#3{>Tbnlffigy 8501 N MOPAC EXPRESSWAY, SUITE 4OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-14s9 TEST DATE: 09/07 /Os CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, !,IARKETING WORK ORDER NUMBER22 3 824 8 SITE: TESORO 62096 VENT t E*C'tV X TESORO #62096 12K REG SUP 12K Printed 09/09/2005 1 7:45 KOHLMEyER ffi {} PLUS @ @ MONITOI,*- {G SYSTEM CERTIFTCALJN For Use By All Jurisdictions Within lhe Slale of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3 Title 23, California Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. lf more than one monitoring system control panel is installed at the facility, a separate certification or reoort must be preoared for each monitorino svstem control panel by the technician who pedorms the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank s)rstem owne"/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General lnformation Facility Name: TESORO 62096 City: SALT LAKE CITY UT Zip:84102 Site Address: 176 S. 1 300 E. Date of Testing/Service:09t07t2005 Facility Contact Person: ROBERT Work Order Number: 2238248 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/Gertified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced " lf the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. lnclude information for every tank and dispenser at the facility C. Certification I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers'guidelines. Attached to this certification is information (e.g manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct. and a Site plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also attached a copy of the (Check all that apply): ! SYstem seluP I Rtarm history report &ns***" rtr Certification No.: 006-05-1937 Technician Name (print): DAVID MATHIE Signature: Phone No.: (800) 800-4633 suite 400, Austin, TX 78759 Date of Testing/Servicing:Site Address: 8501 N. MoPac Expressway, Tank lDTank lD: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sumpff rench Senso(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfill/High-Level Sensor Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: and model in Section E on page 2). MAG FE PETRO Other (specify equipment ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Senso(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank OverfilYHigh-Level Sensor Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). tr,,toOet RED JACKT MAGModel: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfi ll/High-Level Sensor. Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overflll/High-Level Sensor Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: MAG Dispenser Containment Sensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s) Dispenser Containmenl Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s). yo6"1. Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s). Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). ID: DispenserContainmentsensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser lD: Monitorin g System Certification Page 1 of 3 09to712005 Based on CA form dated 03/01 a Contact Phone No, Make/Model of Monitoring System: TLS350R License. No.: Testinq Companv Name: TanknologY ru'onitori ng System Gertification site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. Date of resting/service:09t07t2005 D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version lnstalled: 121 .00 Complete the following checklist: * ln Section E below, describe how and when these deficiences were or will be corrected. E. Gomments: CSLD HAS PASSING RESULTS LAST 12 MONTHS LAST TEST 09.05 REPLACED ALL 3 BULBS ON TLS AUTO DIAL ALARM FAILUR [Il v""l-l ro.ls the audible alarm operational? I v""n r.ro -ls the visual alarm operational? ! v".E "o.Were all sensors and confirmed operational? No'Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? l-l v""lilruo,[lNn ! v".E*o.INrn For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to_eperate, or is electrically disconnected? lf yes: which sensors initiate positive shuldown? (check all that apply) [ Sumpfirench Sensors; ! Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shuldown due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection?!v"" !ruo ! v".E*o'N/A For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the prima ry tank overfill warning device (i.e.: no mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill waming alarm visible and audible at the tank fill points(s) and operating properly? lf so, al what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? I ves'Eto Was any monitoring equipment replaced?tf yes,identify specific sensors probes or olher equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all tn Section E below. I vest E*o Was liquid found inside any secondary E Water. lf yes, describe causes in containmenl systems designed as dry systems? (check all that apply) Section E, below. Product; I ves E*o'Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set-up reports, if applicable. I ves E*o.ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' specifications? Page 2 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 ! v"" lf alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? Monitoring System Gertification SiteAddress: 176 S. 1300 E. F. ln-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment Date of Testing/Service:09t0712005 ! Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. E Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform Ieak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: . ln the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be conected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): E checkthisboxif LlDsarenotinsraued. Gomplete the following checklist: * ln the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: X Yes E*o'Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Iv".E*o'Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? x Yes E"o'Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ITly".E*o'Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? lTlyes Ero Were all probes reinstalled properly? Iv".E*o Were all items on the equipment manufacturers'maintenance checklist completed? Elv."E*o'!Nre For equipment start-up or annual equipmenl certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: E e S p n I O.t g.p.n !O.z g.p.n I ves E*o'Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? [T]ves E*o Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Ives fl*o'!Nrn For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if il detects a leak? tr Yes E*o E N/A For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? !v""fl*o Iva For electronic LLDs, does lhe turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected? f]v""E*o Ir.un For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of lhe monitoring system malfunctions or fails a test? !v".E*o Inn Yes E*o Were all items on the equipment manufacturers'maintenance checklist completed? Page 3 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? ATG lnformation t10100 SEP 7,2005 2:13 PM 980 SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL vERStON'121.00 SoFTWARE# 346'121-100-A CREATED - 00.'11.'t5.13.23 s-MoDULE# 330160-102-A SYSTEM FEATURES: PERIODIC IN-TANK TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANK TESTS CSLD BIR SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL r20100 SEP 7,2005 2:13 PM T€soro 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#801.322.0087 T€sorc 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phme#801.322.0087 Tesoro 2-Go #62096 '1765. '1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#80 1.322.0087 IN.TANK INVENTORY TANKPROOUCT VOLUMETCVOLUME ULTAGE HEIGHT WATER TEMP 1 Super 1697 0 10578 18.67 0.00 77.55 2 Regular 4099 0 8'176 35.05 0.94 83.21 3 Plus 2482 0 9793 24.39 0.00 80.50 120600 SEP 7,2005 2:13PM TANKALARM HISTORY TANK I Super HIGHWATERALARM SEP 7,2005 1:33PM OVERFILLALARM SEP 7,2005 1:24PM LOWPRODUCTALARM SEP 7,2005 1:2OPM HIGHPRODUCTALARM SEP 7,2005 1:24PM INVALIOFUELLEVEL SEP 7,2005 1:20PM PROBE OUT SEP 7.2005 1:20 PM HIGHWATERWARNING SEP 7.2005 1:33PM DELIVERY NEEDEO SEP 7,2005 'l:25 PM SEP 7.2005 1:20PM AUG 6,2005 2:23 PM TANK 2 Regular HIGHWATERALARM SEP 7,2005 1:33PM OVERFILLALARM SEP 7.2005 1:24PM 2238248 Work Order # 2238248 HIGH PRODUCTALARM SEP 7.2005 1:24 PM PROBE OUT SEP 7.2005 1:22PM HIGHWATERWARNING SEP 7,2005 1:33PM RECON WARNING SEP 3,2005 5:30 PM AUG 31, m05 4:30 PM AUG 29, m05 10:30 PM RECONALARM SEP 5.2005 9:30AM SEP 3,2005 6:30 PM AUG 31,2005 5:30 PM TANK 3 Plus HIGHWATERALARM SEP 7,2005 1:33PM OVERFILLALARM SEP 7,2005 1:24PM LOWPRODUCTALARM SEP30,2OO4 1I:52AM HIGHPRODUCTALARM SEP 7,2005 1:24PM INVALIDFUELLEVEL M4Y13,2005 9:49AM PROBEOUT SEP 7,2005 l:21 PM HIGHWATERWARNING SEP 7,2005 1;33PM DELIVERYNEEDED SEP 7.2005'I:25PM SEP 7,2005 'l:2'l PM AUG 25,2005 2:03 PM t20700 SEP 7,2005 2:13PM Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765. 13O0 East Salt Lake uT 84102 Phone#801.322.0087 TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 'l:Super LAST GROSS TEST PASSED: NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED; TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTWPE AUG31,200511:31 PM 5 3410 27.5 STANDARD FULLEST ANNUAL TEST PASS TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTWPE JUN 25,2005 'l:31 AM 5 4834 39.0 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME'/OVOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 7,200510:54AM 32 2187 17.6 CSLD FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH MONTH: TEST START TIME JAN 1.2005 8:31AM FEB 27. 2005 3:31 AM MAR 6, 2005 '12:23 AM APR 27. 2005 10:3'1 PM MAY 31.2005 10:31 PM JUN 25. 2005 1:31 AM JUL 1,2005 12:32 AM AUG 18.2005 'l:31AM ATG lnformation Work Order # 2238248 2238248 HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTryPE 1 4448 35.9 STANDARD 2 3729 30.1 STANDARD 29 3084 24.9 CSLD 7 3329 26.8 STANDARD 5 4328 34.9 STANOARD 5 4834 39.0 STANDARO 28 4349 35.'l CSLO 3 4068 32,8 STANDARO 'ATG lnformation Work Order# 2238248 TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 2:Regular LAST GROSS TEST PASSED: NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 4,2005 3:31AM 2 8314 67.0 STANOARD SEP 1.2005 2:04AM 33 OCT 12,2004 12:3'l AM 3 NOV 5,2004 11:31 PM 1 DEC 6,2004 11:31 PM 3 TEST START TIME JAN24,2005 1:31AM FEB 21,2005 1:3'1 AM MAR 6.2005 l:31 AM APR 18,2005 4:01 AM MAY28,2005 1:31 AM JUN 20, 2005 1:31 AM JUL 4,2005 1:31 AM AUG 9,2005 2:31 AM SEP 4,2005 3:31 AM OCf 25,2004 12:3'l AM NOV 6,2004 2:31 AM DEC 6.2004 2:31 AM 2654 4488 4103 4061 21.4 CSLD 36.2 STANDARD 33.1 STANOARD 32.7 STANDARD FULLEST ANNUAL TEST PASS TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE JUN 5,2005 2:31 AM 2 9443 76.1 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTryPE SEP 7.2005 2:3'l AM 1 4634 37.4 STANOARD FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH MONTH: TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 3:Plus LAST GROSS TEST PASSED: NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED: TEST START TIME HOURS VOLUME '/. VOLUME TEST ryPE SEP 4,2005 1 l:3'l PM 7 3550 28.6 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 7, 2005 10:25 AM 32 2995 24.1 CSLD FULLEST ANNUAL TEST PASS TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE JUN 26.2005 1:31 AM 4 6177 49.8 STANDARD HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTWPE 3 9060 73.0 STANDARD 3 7221 58.2 STANDARD 2 7412 59.7 STANDARD 26 6922 55.8 CSLD 2 8180 65.9 STANDARD 1 9764 78.7 STANDARD 2 8866 71.5 STANDARO 1 6857 55.3 STANDARD 2 8314 67.0 STANDARD 2 8648 69.7 STANDARD 2 8555 69.0 STANDARD 1 9404 75.8 STANOARD FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH MONTH: TEST START TIME JAN 9. 2005 3:31 AM FEB 10, 2005 12:31 AM MAR 14,2005 1:3'l AM APR 21,2005 1:31 AM MAY 1,2005 6:31 AM JUN 25. 2005 3:31 Al/ JUL 31, 2005 12:31 AM 2238248 HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE 1 6587 53.1 STANDARD 2 4646 37.5 STANDARO 2 4170 33-6 STANDARD 3 5877 47.4 STANDARD 1 4294 34.6 STANOARD 1 6872 55.4 STANDARD 5 4397 35.4 STANOARD AUG 18,2005 1:31 AM SEP 4.2005 3:31 AM OCT 8.2004 3:31 AM NOV 6,2004 3:31 A[, DEC 23. 2004 3:3'l AM 2 3924 2 3855 'l 4777 2 4802 1 4335 3,I.6 STANDARD 31.1 STANOARD 38.5 STANDARD 38.7 STANOARD 34.9 STANDARD r'11100 SEP 7,2005 2:13 PM Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lak6 UT 84102 Phone#801.322.0087 PRIORITY ALARM HISTORY ID CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ALARMTYPE STATE DATE TIME T3TANK Plus HIGHWATERALARM CLEAR 9-0ru5 1:49PM T2TANK Regular HIGHWATERALARM CLEAR 907{5 1:49PM T1TANK Super HIGHWATERALARM CLEAR $07{5 l:49PM TITANK Super HIGHWATERALARM ALARM $0745 1:33PM T3TANK Plus HIGHWATERALARM ALARM 907{5 1:33PM T2TANK Regular HIGHWATERALARM ALARM $O7{5 1:33PM TITANK Super OVERFILLALARM CLEAR 907{5 1:30PM T3TANK Plus OVERFILLALARM CLEAR 9{7{5 l:30PM T2TANK Regular OVERFILLALARM CLEAR 94745 1:30PM TITANK Super OVERFILLALARM ALARM 947{5 1:24PM T3TANK Plus OVERFILLALARM ALARM 907{5 1:24PM T2TANK Regular OVERFILLALARM ALARM 9-0745 1:24PM T2TANK Regular PROBEOUT -CLEAR 9{7-05'l:22PM T2TANK Regular PROBEOUT ALARM 9{7{5 1:22PM T3TANK Plus PROBEOUT CLEAB 9{7{5 1:21PM T3TANK Plus PROBEOUT. nmRu +07{5 1:21PM TITANK Super LOWPRODUCTALARM CLEAR 907-05 1r21PM TlTANK Super, PROBEOUT CLEAR 9-07{5'l:21PM T'ITANK Super PROBEOUT ALARM $07-05 1:20PM TlTANK Super LOWPROOUCTALARM ALARM 947{5 1:20PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR 9-0il5 10:30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM $05-05 9:304M T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR m445 10:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 9-OH5 6:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-0145 5:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM &31-05 5:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR 8-3Go5 12:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM &30{5 11:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR 8-3G05 '10:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM &30-05 12:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR 8-26,05 '10:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM &2M5 6:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 8-2+0511:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM &22{5 3:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 8-1905 6:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 8184512:30P1, T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 8-'1605 9:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM &1il5 5:30PM D3OTHER ENVIRDEPT AUTODIALFAILURE CLEAR 8-1t05 4:40PM O 3 OTHER ENVIR DEPT AUTODIAL FAILURE ALARM 8-12-05 11:10PM T2TANK Regular RECoNALARM CLEAR 8-12-05 4:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM &1045 6:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 84905 12:30PM D 3 OTHER ENVIR DEPT AUTODIAL FAILURE CLEAR 8-08-05 a:43AM D 3 OTHER ENVIR DEPT AUTOOIAL FAILURE ALARI\,| 8{845 3:10AM D3OTHER ENVIRDEPT AUTODIALFAILURE CLEAR 8-08-05 3:10AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM &08-05'l:30AM D3OTHER ENVIRDEPT AUTODIALFAILURE ALARM 848-0512:10AM D3OTHER ENVIRDEPT AUTODIALFAILURE CLEAR 8-06-05 3:00PM D3OTHER ENVIRDEPT AUTODIALFAILURE ALARM 845-05 8:10PM tAo100 SEP 7. 2005 2:13 PM ryPE CODE LENGTH SERIAL NO, D/CODE TANK 1 Suptr MAG CO00 96.00 440959 2794 TANK 2 Regular MAG C000 96.00 440953 2794 TANK 3 Plus l\,lAG C000 96.00 440957 2794 ATG lnformation Work Order # 2238248 2238248 lnformation t52300 SEP 7,2005 2:13PM RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUI,,IBER RCVR LOCATION LABEL PHONE NUMBER ENVIR DEPT C129 t52C00 SEP 7,2005 2:14 PM RECEIVER SETUP REPORT D1: - NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS - Work Order # 2238248 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 D 3;ENVIR DEPT IN-TANK ALARMS ALL:LEAK ALARM ALL:HIGH WATER ALARM ALL:OVERFILL ALARM ALL:SUDDEN LOSS ALARM ALL:HIGH PRODUCT ALARM ALL:INVALID FUEL LEVEL ALL:PROBE OUT ALL:HIGH WATER WARNING ALL:DELIVERY NEEDED ALL:MAX PROOUCT ALARM ALL:GROSS TEST FAIL ALL:PERIOOIC TEST FAIL ALL:ANNUAL TEST FAIL ALL:PER TST NEEDED WRN ALL;ANN TST NEEDED WRN ALL:PER TST NEEOED ALM ALL:ANN TST NEEOED ALM ALL:TANK TEST ACTIVE ALL:NO CSLD IOLE TIME ALL:TANK SIPHON BREAK ALL:CSLD INCR RATE WARN ALL:ACCU_CHART CAL WARN ALL:RECON wARNING ALL:RECON ALARM ALL:LOW TEMP WARNING ALL:MISSING TICKET WARN ALL:GROSS FAIL LINE TNK LIQUID SENSOR ALMS ALL:FUEL ALARM ALL:SENSOR OUT ALARM ALL:SHORT ALARM ALL:WATER ALARM ALL:WATER OUT ATARM ALL:HIGH LIQUID ALARM ALL:LOW LIQUID ALARM ALL:LlQUlO WARNING D2: . NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS. D4: . NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS - D5: - NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS. D6: . NO ALARM ASSIGNMENTS. D7l 2238248 ATG Information Work Order # 2238248 - NO ATARM ASSIGNMENTS - D8: . NO AI.ARM ASSIGNMENTS. t1 0 100 SEP 7.2005 2:43 Pl,1 Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#801.322.0087 SYSTEM STATUS REPORT D 3:AUTODIAL FAILURE t52DOo SEP 7,2005 2:43 PM RECEIVER AUTOOIAL ALARM STATUS RCVR STATUS 1 CLEAR 2 CLEAR 3 ALARM 4 CLEAR 5 CLEAR 6 CLEAR 7 CLEAR 8 CLEAR t'10100 SEP 7,2005 2:43 PM Tesoro 2-Go #52096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#80 1 .322.0087 SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL t52D00 SEP 7.2005 2:43 PM RECEIVER AUTOOIAL ALARM STATUS RCVR STATUS 1 CLEAR 2 CLEAR 3 CLEAR 4 CLEAR 5 CLEAR 6 CLEAR 7 CLEAR 8 CLEAR 2238248 Site: Address: TANK NUMBER INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/'l 5/2005 TESORO #62095 176 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL 1 3t1012005 3t3t2005 212712005 2t171200s 21312005 113112005 1t1712005 11312005 1213012004 1212012004 121212004 1112912004 1111512004 111112004 1012812004 1011812004 101412004 9t3012004 911612004 9t112004 813012004 8t1912004 8t212004 712912004 711512004 71112004 6t2812004 611712004 6t312004 512712004 511012004 51312004 412812004 411512004 41112004 312912004 3t2212004 311712004 :00 AIM 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 28.00 29.00 7.00 29.00 3s.00 33.00 35.00 39.00 33.00 34.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 2.00 31.00 1.00 28.00 31.00 31.00 5.00 30.00 3.00 5.00 30.00 4.00 31.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 35.00 27.00 31.00 4.00 30.00 30.00 23.00 28.00 5.00 22.27 24.17 27.51 16.74 20.55 20.48 26.61 31.16 23.03 26.19 27.46 27.46 25.33 29.32 25.27 33.53 20.97 23.84 25.60 28.18 23.49 32.14 30.87 23.62 28.87 26.56 24.76 21.93 23.42 24.00 20.41 19.76 35.09 19.23 26.85 32.64 44.55 44.93 2,762 7:10:00 AttI 9:31:00 PtVl 6:48:00 AM 9:19:00 AM 9:45:00 AIV 7:54:00 AIVI 8:57:00 Atvl 7:56:00 AIVI 7:12:00 AIVI 9:12:00 AM 7:44:00 AM 7:48:00 AM 3:31:00 AM 8:35:00 AIVI 3:31:00 AttI 8:18:00 AM 7:40:00 AM 8:41:00 AM 11:31:00 PM 8:25:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 7:14:00 AIt/l 12:31 :00 Att/l 6:29:00 AI\I 10:03:00 AIVI 6:59:00 AM 6:37:00 AM 8:38:00 At\I 7:40:00 AM 7:11:00 Att/l 11:31:00 PM 7:19:00 AM 7:11:00 AM 8:03:00 AIVI 8:50:00 AM 11:31:00 PM 2,999.03 3,413.29 2,077.10 2,549.55 2,540.99 3,301.29 3,866.53 2,856.81 3,249.83 3,406.75 3,406.75 3,142.45 3,638.19 3,135.86 4j60.25 2,601.17 2,957.71 3,176.25 3,496.68 2,913.79 3,987.36 3,829.89 2,930.33 3,581.71 3,294.79 3,072.27 2,720.52 2,905.74 2,977 -35 2,532.57 2,451.47 4,353.00 2,385.82 3,331.57 4,049.09 5,532.10 5,574.83 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Site: Address: TANK NUMBER INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on3/15/2005 TESORO #62096 176 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL 3t10t2005 31312005 2t28t2005 2117t2005 2t3t2005 1t31t2005 1t17t200s 11312005 12t30t2004 12t16t2004 1212t2004 11t29t2004 11t15t2004 11t1t2004 1012812004 10t18/2004 10t4t2004 9130t2004 9t16t2004 9t2t2004 8130t2004 8119t2004 812t2004 7t29t2004 7115t2004 71112004 6128t2004 6t17t2004 6t3t2004 5127t2004 5113t2004 513t2004 4t29t2004 4115t2004 41112004 312912004 3122/2004 3t18t2004 12:31:00 AM 6:18:00 AM 6:13:00 AM 5:47:00 AIV 6:10:00 AM 1:31:00 AIVI 7:19:00 AIVI 1:31:00 AtVl 7:20:00 AM 2:55:00 AtVl 5:22:00 Alt/l 5:02:00 AM 6:53:00 AtM 6:17:00 AtVl 1:50:00 AM 4:58:00 AM 6:55:00 AM 5:28:00 AM 5:37:00 AM 6:21:00 AtV 6:39:00 AIVI 6:36:00 AIVI 6:10:00 AM 6:38:00 AM 1:31:00 AIVI 6:44:00 AM 8:05:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 2:31:00 AIVI 6:17:00 AIVI 4:52:00 AIVI 7:00:00 AIVI 5:35:00 AIVI 6:26:00 AM 6:33:00 AM 6:36:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal lhr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 6,577.33 6,903.84 6,087.11 6,688.48 3,465.36 7,128.82 7 ,781.31 7,234.03 6,622.73 6,470.13 6,685.29 7,178.75 6,845.77 6,284.88 5,748.80 5,093.68 6,639.34 6,892.61 6,836.45 6,968.57 7,395.28 6,554.83 5,620.94 3,882.76 6,973.19 6,816.79 5,592.97 5,596.26 5,657.45 6,511.39 5,172.56 4,256.57 4,464.37 7,357.90 7,113.32 8,784.70 5,857.09 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 3.00 32.00 29.00 31.00 34.00 2.00 30.00 1.00 31.00 29.00 34.00 34.00 25.00 29.00 28.00 30.00 16.00 24.00 22.00 26.00 27.00 24.00 27.00 26.00 2.00 24.00 27.00 1.00 2.00 27.00 16.00 23.00 29.00 31.00 3.00 1.00 32.41 53.01 55.64 49.06 53.91 27.93 57.46 62.72 58.31 53.38 52.15 53.88 57.86 55.1 8 50.66 46.34 41.05 53.51 55.55 55.1 0 56.17 59.61 52.83 45.30 31.29 56.20 54.94 45.08 45.11 45.60 52.48 41.69 34.31 35.98 59.30 57.33 70.80 47.21 23.00 21.00 Site: Address TANK NUMBER INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/1 5/2005 TESORO #62096 176 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102-1709 LABEL Plus3 3t10t2005 31312005 2t28t2005 2t17t2005 213t2005 1t31t2005 1117 t2005 1t3t2005 12t30t2004 1212012004 12t212004 11t29t2004 11t15t2004 11t1t2004 10128t2004 10t18t2004 101412004 9t30t2004 911612004 9t2t2004 8130t2004 8t19t2004 8t2t2004 712912004 7t15t2004 7t1t2004 6t28t2004 6t17t2004 6t3t2004 5t27t2004 5t13t2004 51312004 4129t2004 4t15t2004 4t1t2004 3t29t2004 3t22t2004 3t18t2004 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2gal lhr 0.2gal lhr O.2gal lhr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2gal lhr 0.2gal lhr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr O.2 gal lhr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal/ hr 0.2 gal I hr 3,246.1 3,548.97 3,395.40 4,014.32 3,446.92 3,675.65 3,498.75 3,652.27 2,976.53 3,650.43 3,771.09 3,771.09 3,925.61 3,509.76 3,506.89 2,914.60 3,172.73 3,314.20 4,613.93 3,383.37 5,765.00 4,141.05 2,873.63 2,799.97 3,243.04 4,562.04 3,423.37 3,411.32 3,150.91 3,073.65 3,278.79 3,678.37 4,170.77 4,1 13.69 6,755.01 7,328.43 6,237.49 7,372.32 30.00 3.00 34.00 4.00 32.00 34.00 36.00 3.00 29.00 33.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 32.00 30.00 28.00 27.00 27.00 1.00 30.00 3.00 1.00 30.00 29.00 34.00 5.00 2.00 26.00 30.00 32.00 30.00 1.00 4.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 3.00 32.00 26.16 28.60 27.37 32.36 27.78 29.63 28.20 29.44 23.99 29.42 30.39 30.39 31.64 28.29 28.27 23.49 25.57 26.71 37.19 27.27 46.47 33.38 23.16 22.57 26.14 36.77 27.59 27.50 25.40 24.77 26.43 29.65 33.62 33.16 54.45 59.07 s0.27 59.42 Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed 1:31:00 AM 8:43:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 7:37:00 AM 7:58:00 AM 6:24:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 7:54:00 AM 6:20:00 AM 6:39:00 AM 6:44:00 AM 6:59:00 At\I 7:27:00 AM 6:38:00 AM 9:13:00 AM 9:01:00 AM 8:48:00 AM 2:31:00 AM 5:47:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 2:3'l:00 AtM 7:49:00 AM 7:04:00 AM 5:33:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 1:31:00 AM 6:23:00 AM 6:34:00 AlVl 7:23:00 AIVI 4:17:00 AIVI 2:31:00 AM 12:31:00 AM 5:32:00 AtV 6:16:00 AM 6:27:00 AtV 12:31:00 AM 6:45:00 AM ,^\ CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Purpose: COMPLIANCE $ Send original invoice & test report plus one copy of test report to Brenna Davis, if site is in WA, send to NW office. Do not send report to any regulatory agency, per Brenna Davis, 816102. Number:229f,289 ^. L 2 3 SUPER REGUTAR PLUS FIBERGIJASS FTBERGLASS FIBERGTASS PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE P P P 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y Y Y L 2 3 RED .IACKET VAPORLESS RED .'ACKET FXlV LD2000 FXlV 55588 40398-5209 P F P FE PETRO MLD 04071183 P "#H>hdffigy TANKNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF TESTING 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 TELEPHONE (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459_1459 TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORT WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2232289 CUSTOMER PO: 4500384538 SITE: TESORO 62096 176 S. 1300 E. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102 PURPOSE: coMPLIANcE TEST DATE: 09/30/04 CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, MARKETTNG AND SUPPLY COMPANY 3450 S.344TH STREET, STE. 1OO AUBURN, WA 98O(),I BRENNA DAVIS (2s3)896-8801 ROBERT (253)896-8801 TEST TYPE: TLD-1 Exist est owner report .colll or contact your Tester Name: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certification Number: UT 0151 k*-*-** rry*gffi Printed 1 0i01 /2004 1 8:33 KOHLMEYER 1 VALVE LINE ,tD LINE PRODUCT LINE .MATERIAL DELIVERY TYPE TEST RESULT BCD FINAL LEAK RATE (gph) BCD.: SERIAL # LINE ID MODEL#SERIAL #RESULT MODEL # SERIAL # LINE 2 ID MODEL #SERIAL #MANUFACTURER MODEL # Tank lD: 1 Product: SUPER Capacity in gallons: L2,407 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inches: 401. Material: STEEL w/cP Tank manifolded: Vent manifolded: Vapor recovery manifolded: Overfill protection: Overspill protection: lnstalled: CP installed on: Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 NO YES YES YES YES ATG and CP (LL/ o8 /200L) COMMENTS 153 .0 159.0 67 .0 4.O DUAL STT]BBED TANK TEST RESULTS Test Method:V"."Te.t Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Start (in)End (in) NOT TESTED Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: tvletering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 RED ,JACKET PXlV ____-__ 7477 3.00 15 75 189.0 10 3 .00 PASS COMMENTS New/passed Failed/replacedL,D,#z L,D.#2 NOT TESTED INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS *>at*@v TEST DATE:09 /3o / 04 CLIENT:TESORO REFTNTNG, 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (512)451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBERz2 322 89 SITE:TEsoRO 62O96 Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGIJASS 2.O 50.0 50 20 30 10:28 10:58 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET COMMENTS lmpact Valves Operational: YEs NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED P rinted 1 O I 01 12004 1 8:33 Test method: FTe Bubble Ullage LINE TEST RESULTSLINE A B Test type: tr.o-rc D Tank lD: 2 PTOdUct: REGUIJAR Capacity in gallons: L2,4o7 Diameter in inches: 95. oo Length in inches: 401 Material: STEEIJ w/cP Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 Tank manifolded Vent manifolded Vapor recovery manifolded Overfill protection Overspill protection lnstalled CP installed ont (LL/ o8 / 20oL) COMMENTS K 163 .0 169.0 67 .0 4.0 DUAL STUBBED NO YES YES YES YES ATG and CP INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS *rifiK>@y TEST DATE:09 /30 /04 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (512)451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22 3 22 89 SITE:TESORO 62096 Start (in) Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS Bubble Ullage Failed/replaced New/passed L.D. #1 L.O.#2 VAPORLESS r.D2000 65588 Ir4ake: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: COMMENTS NOT TESTED End (in) New/passed L.D. #1 FE PETRO MLD 04071183 3.00 15 120 189.0 10 3.00 PASS Failed/replaced L.D.*2 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED 3 .00 FAIL FTBERGI,ASS 2.O 50.0 50 20 30 10:28 10:58 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED TACKET NOT TESTED NOT TESTED lmpact Valves Operational: yEs Printed 10/01/2004 18:33 Test method: FrA TIJD'1 Tank lD: 3 Product: PLus Capacity in gallons: L2,407 Diameter in inches: 95.00 Length in inches: 401 Material: srEEL w/cP Tank manifolded: Vent manifolded: Vapor recovery manifolded: Overfill protection: Overspill protection: lnstalled: CP installed on: Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating:4 NO yEs YES YES YES ATG and CP (LL/ 08 /2o0L) COMMENTS 163 .0 159 .0 57 .0 4.0 DUAL STUBBED INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS s,z,a,*-,rcrgl TEST DATE:09 /30 / 04 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER22 322 8 9 SITE:TESoRo 62O96 Start Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time: lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: est leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 RED .'ACKET FXlV 40398-5209 3 .00 15 70 189.0 10 3.00 PASS End (in) COMMENTS Bubble Ullage New/passed Falled/replaced L.D,#2 L,D.#2 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FIBERGLASS 2.O 50.0 50 20 30 L0 228 10:58 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET COMMENTS lmpact Valves Operational: YEs NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Printed 1 0/01/2004 1 8:33 1 TANK INFORMATION TANK TEST RESULTS TeSt Method;VacuTect Test method: FTA IINF A r esl rype:rxB-1 D NOT TESTED ff>Terrrr@v 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-63s4 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DArE:09 /30/04 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, MARKETTNG WORK ORDER NUMBER223 22 8 9 SITE:TESoRO 52096 COMMENTS REPI.ACED LD ON RUIJ TIJS35OR TIAD RECON ALARM T'2 V/R SUPPROT SAID IT WAS USING EUROPEA}I SETTING CHECKED DIP SWITCH 3 OK, WARM STARTED ALARM CAITTE BACK IIAD TO DO COLD START PARTS REPLACED HELIUM PINPOINT TEST RESULTS F APPLIGABL 1 FE PETRO STP-MLD I,EAR DETECTOR Printed 10/01/2004 1 8:33 KOHLMEYER 1 1 OUANTITY DESCRIPTION I{EI.IUM PINPoINT LEAK TEST RESULTS ITEMS TESTED ^\ 1 SITE DIAGRAM *-rur*Wv 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (s12) 459-1459 TESTDATE: 09/30/04 CLIENT:TESORO REFINING, DIARKETING WORK ORDER NUMBER2 2 3 22 8 9 SITE: TESORO 62096 VENT S E.+'w N afJ(L SUP REG REG 12K PLUS SUP 12K TESORO #62096 Printed 10/01/2004 1 8:33 KOHLMEYER R4\M7 A^Aw7 s @@ @@ @ ^\\ \ MON. JRING SYSTEM CERTIFI TTION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within fhe State of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6,7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3 Title 23, California Code of Regutations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. If more than one monitoring system control panel is installed at the certification or report must be prepared for each monitorino svstem control oanel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. facility, a separate provided to the tank A. General lnformation Facility Name: TESORO 62096 City: SALT LAKE CITY Site Address: 176 S. '1 300 E.Contact Phone No: 896-8801 Date of Testing/Service: 0913012004 Facility Contact Person: ROBERT Make/Model of Monitoring System:TLS350R Work Order Number: 2232289 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced - lf the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. lnclude information for every tank and dispenser at the facility Technician Name (print): DAVID MATHIE Signature: Certification No.: 8328 License. No.: Phone No.:Testing Company Name:Tanknoloov (800) 800-4633 Site Address: 8900 Shoal Creek, Bldq. 200 Austin. TX Date of Testing/Servicing: 0913012004 UT Zipi 84102 C. Certification I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers'guidelines. Attached to this certification is information (e.g manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct. and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also aftached a copy ofthe (Check all that apply): n System set-up IRtarm history report Tank lD: RUL ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Model: Model: Model: Model: MAG Mechanical Line Leak Detector. vooet: RED JCKT Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank OverfililHigh-Level Sensor. Model: Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). trI tr tr E T trI ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sumpff rench Senso(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overtill/High-Level Sensor Model: MAG Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: FE PETRO Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). Tank lD: ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfi lllHigh-Level Sensor Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: MAG RED Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). X Dispenser Containment Sensor(s) Model: _ Shear Valve(s). Oispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Containment Float(s) and ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Trench Sensor(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Tank Overfi lUHigh-Level Sensor, Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Other (speciry equipment type and model in Section E on page 2). DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model Shear Valve(s) Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainmentSensor(s). yo6"1. Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser lD: 5/6 T DispenserContainmentSensor(s) Model [l shearvatve(s). T DispenserContainment Ftoat(s) and Chatn(s). Dispenser lD: l Dispenser Containment Senso(s). Model:_l ShearValve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Monitoring System Certifi cation 78757 Page 1 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 Tank lD: SUP Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E Monitori ng System Gertification Date of Testing/Service: D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version lnstalled 121 .00 Gomplete the following checklist: * ln section E below, describe how and when these deficiences were or will be corrected. E. Comments: CSLD HAS PASSING RESULTS LAST 12 MONTHS LAST TEST 09-04 HAD TO COLD START TO CLEAR RECON ALARM PROBLEM Yes No.ls the audible alarm operational? Yes No*ls the visual alarm operational? Yes No*tested, and confirmed operational?Were all sensors ! v".No'Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will nol interfere with their Yes No.N/A monitoring modem)alarmstf are ato remoterelayed isslation communicationsall (e.equipment s.operational? ! v".E*o.Ir.rn ! ves E*o'Ir.rn For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning primary tank overfill warning alarm visible and audible at device (i-e.: no mechanical the tank fill points(s) and operatingproperly? lf so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? n Eto Was tfanyequipmentmonitoringreplaced?identifyyes,SENSOTS,specific or otherprobes,and thelistequipmentreplacedmanufacturernamemodelandallforinSectionbelow, Eto Product;Was insidefoundliquid containmentsecondaryany systems AS alldesignedsystems?dry that(check applv) Water tf describe causes Sectionin belowE, Yes E *o.system selup reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set-up reports, if applicable.Was monitoring I ves E*o'ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' speciflcations? Page 2 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/0'l 0913012004 Yes ! v". 4. Mon itori ng System Gertification F. ln-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment DateofTesting/Service: 0913012004 I Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. E Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: " ln the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD) : Complete the following checklist: E Check this box if LLDs are not installed. * ln the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: REPLACED LD ON RUL Yes tr No*Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? lTly",E"o'Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? I v""E"o'Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? Iv""E*o Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? ITly""Ero.Were all probes reinstalled properly? E Yes tr No.Were all items on the equipment manufacturers' maintenance checklist completed? I v"t E*o.Ir'un For equipment start-up or annual equipment was leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate:3g.ph 0.1s.p.h no.zs p.h I ves E *o.Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? lTlves E"o'Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Ives E*o.!va For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? tr Yes E*o E N/A For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? !v".E*o [rurn For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected? !v".E*o Ir.vn For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions or fails a test? !v".Ero For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? @"""E*o Were all items on the equipment manufacturers' maintenance checklist completed? Page 3 of 3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. I r.uel a ATG lnformation Work Order # 2232289 1101 00 SEP 30, 2004 1 1;32 AM Tesorc 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#801 .322.0087 SYSTEM STATUS REPORT T 2:RECON WARNING 980 SOFTWARE REVISION LEVEL vERStON 121.00 SoFTWARE# 346121-100-A CREATED - 00.'r'r.1s.13.23 s-MoDULE# 330'160-102-A SYSTEM FEATURES: PERIODIC IN-TANK TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANK TESTS csLo BIR 120100 SEP 30, 2004 1'l:32 AM Tesorc 2-Go ffi2096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 841 02 Phone#801.322.0087 IN-TANK INVENTORY TANKPRODUCT VOLUMETCVOLUME ULLAGE HEIGHT WATER 'l Super 2262 0 '100'13 22.A4 0.00 74.81 2 Regular 5427 O 6848 43.27 O.OO 76.66 3 Plus 2115 0 10'160 21.78 O.OO 75-74 t20600 SEP 30. 2004 'l 1:32 AM Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765.1300 East Salt Lake UT 84'102 Phone#801.322.0087 TANK ALARM HISTORY TANK 1 Super HIGH WATERALARM SEP 30,2004 10;53AM NOV 5,2003 1:46PM NOV 8. 200'l 'l'l:47 AM OVERFILL ALARM SEP 30, 2004 10:31 AM NOV 5,2003 1:36PM NOV 19,2002 1:05 PM LOWPRODUCTALARM JUN10,2003 4:57PM NOV 19. 2002 12:58 PM OCT 1.2001 5:11 PM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM SEP 30, 2004 10:32 AM NOV 5, 2003 'l:37 PM NOV 19,2002 1:06 P[, INVALIDFUELLEVEL NOV 5,2003 1:38PM JUN 10, 2003 3:59 PM NOV19,2002 1:23PM PROBE OUT IEMP 2232289 SEP 30, 2004 10:29 AM a ATG lnformation Work Order # 2232289 NOV 5,2003'l:35PM NOV 19,2002 1:22 PM HIGH WATER WARNING SEP 30, 2004 10:53 AM NOV 5,2003 'l;46 PIV NOV19,2002 1:15PM DELIVERY NEEDED SEP 30. 2004 10:28 AM AUG 27,2004 8:23 PL4 AUG 25,2004 8:02 PM MAXPRODUCTALARM NOV 5,2003 1:37PM NOV 8,2001 11:43AM RECON WARNING MAR 24,2003 9;30 PM FEB 6.2003 6:30 PM FEB 6,2003 4:30 PM RECON ALARM i,AR 24,2003 10:30 PM FEB 6,2003 6;30 PM FEB 6,2003 4:30 PM LOWTEMPWARNING NOV 5,2003't:54pM TANK 2 Regular LEAK ALARM SEP 7,2001 1:00AM HIGH WATER ALARM SEP 30,2004 10:53 AM NOV 5,2003 1:46PM NOV19,2002 1:15PM OVERFILL ALARM SEP 30, 2004 10;31 AM MAY 30,2004 5:13 AM MAR20,2004 6:51 AM LOW PRODUCT AIARM SEP 30, 2OO4 10:32 AM APR 1,2004 8:53PM SUDDEN LOSS ALARM SEP 6,2001 10;52 PM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM SEP 30, 2004 10:31 AM NOV 5,2003 1:37PM NOV 19,2002 1:06 PM INVALID FUEL LEVEL SEP 30, 2004 10:32 AM SEP 30, 2004 10:27 AM SEP 8,2004 3:02 PM PROBE OUT SEP 30, 2004 10:27 AM SEP 8,2004 2:46 PM NOV 5,2003 1:33PM HIGH WATER WARNING SEP 30,2004 10:53 AM NOV 5.2003 1:46Pi/ NOV 19,2002 1:'15 PM oELIVERY NEEDED SEP 30, 2004 '10:32 AM SEP 8,2004 2:46 PM APR 12,2004 3:53 PM MAXPRODUCTALARM NOV s,2OO3 1:38PM NOV 8,2001 10:27 AM RECONWARNING SEP30,2OO41,I:3OAM SEP 30, 2004 10:30 Ai, SEP 28. 2004 10:30 AM RECON ALARM SEP 30, 2004 '12:30 AM SEP 28. 2004 12:30 PM SEP 23, 2004 '10:30 AM LOWTEMPWARNING NOV 5,2003 1:54 pM TANK 3 Plus SETUP DATAWARNING SEP 6,2001 2:09 P[4 2232289 ATG lnformation Work Order # 2232289 HIGH WATERALARM SEP 30,2004 10:53AM NOV 5,2003 1:46PM NOV19,2002 1:'l5PM OVERFILLALARM SEP 30,2004 10:31 AM NOV 5,2003 1:37PM NOV 19,2002 'l:06 PM HIGH PRODUCTALARM SEP 30,2004 10:32 AM NOV 5,2003 1:37PM NOV 19,2002 1;06 PM INVALID FUEL LEVEL SEP 8,2004 3;00 PM NOV 5,2003 'l:34 PM NOV 19,2002 'l:25 PM PROBE OUT SEP 30. 2004 10:28 AM SEP 8,2004 2:s4 PM NOV 5,2003 1:34PM HIGHWATERWARNING SEP30,200410:53AM NOV 5,2003 1;46 PM NOV19,2002 l:15PM DELIVERY NEEDED SEP 30, 2OO4 1O:32 AM SEP 30, 2004 10:27 AM SEP 8,2004 2:54 PM MAXPRODUCTALARM NOV 5,2003't:37PM RECONWARNING MAR16.20049:3OAM MAR 15, 2004 2:30 PM RECON ALARM MAR 15,2004 6:30 PM MAR 11,2004 8;30 PM MAR 6,2004 2:30AM 120700 SEP 30, 2004 1 1;33 AM TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 1:Super LAST GROSS TEST PASSED; NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTryPE SEP 7,2004 1:31 AM 3 36'17 29.2 STANDARD FULLEST ANNUAL TEST PASS TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTryPE MAR 11,2004 9:31 PM 8 6s34 s2.7 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TEST START TIME HOURS VOLUME O/O VOLUME TEST ryPE SEP30.2004 7:40AM 31 2957 23.8 CSLD a Tesom 2-Go r,62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#80 1.322.0087 FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH MONTH: TEST START TIME JAN 25.2004 12:31 AM FEB 6,2004 'l'l:3'l PM MAR 11,2004 9:31 PM APR 28,2004 11:31 PM 2232289 HOURS VOLUI\4E %VOLUME TESTTYPE 4 4177 33.7 STANDARD 1 5364 43.2 STANDARD 8 6534 52.7 STANDARD 4 4353 35.1 STANDARD ^ ATG lnformation Work Order # 2232289 MAY 30, 2004 10:31 PM JUN 23,2004 1:3'l AM JUL 31,2004 11:31 PM AUG 1, 2004 3:3'l AM SEP 5, 2004 8:31 PM OCT 30, 2003 10:31 PM NOV 19,2003 10:31 PM DEC 1,200312;07AM TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 2:Regular LAST GROSS TEST PASSED: NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP20,2004 1;31AM 2 7063 56.9 STANDARD FULLEST ANNUAL TEST PASS TEST START TII\,IIE HOURS VOLUME % VOLUME TEST TYPE MAR 15,2004 'l:3'l AM 2 9685 78.1 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 30,2004 5:28 AM 24 6639 53.5 CSLD 8 4 1 3 3 1 6 4063 4063 4095 4083 3838 5612 7395 5704 32.8 STANDARD 32.8 STANDARD 33.0 STANDARD 32.9 STANDARD 30.9 STANDARD 45.2 STANDARD 59.6 STANDARD 46.0 CSLD FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH i,,IONTH: TEST START TIME JAN 5,2004 1:31 AM FEB27,2004 'l:3'l AM MAR l5,2004 1:31 AM APR 1,2004 4:00AM MAY 9,2004 3:31 AM JUN 1,2004 'l:31 AM JUL 17,2004 2:31 AM AUG 16,2004 2:31 AM SEP 13,2004 2:31 AM OCT25,2003 2;31 AM NOV 23, 2003 3;31 AM DEC 22,2003 1:31 AM HOURS VOLUME 3 9345 75.3 2 8503 68.5 2 9685 7A.1 29 7357 s9.3 't 8039 64_8 1 9119 73.5 1 7944 64.0 1 9034 72.8 1 8998 72.5 2 8503 68.5 2 8833 71.2 4 9696 7A.2 % VOLUME TEST ryPE STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD CSLD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD TANK LEAK TEST HISTORY T 3:Plus LAST GROSS TEST PASSED: NO TEST PASSED LAST ANNUAL TEST PASSED: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUIIIE %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 19, 2004 'l 1;31 PM 5 4184 33.7 STANDARD TEST START TIi,4E MAR 15,2004 2:31 AM HOURS VOLUME %VOLUI,IE TESTryPE 2 9850 79.4 STANDARD LAST PERIODIC TEST PASS: TESTSTARTTIME HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE SEP 30, 2004 8:48 AI/ 27 33'14 26.7 CSLD FULLEST PERIODIC TEST PASSED EACH MONTH: TEST START TIME JAN 6,2004 2:31 AM FEB 1,2004 3:31 AM ,alaroo HOURS VOLUME %VOLUME TESTTYPE 1 6539 52.7 STANDARD 2 7924 63.9 STANDARD ATG lnformation Work Order # 2232289 MAR 15,2004 2:31 AM APR 1,2004 1:58AM MAY 10,2004 12:31 AM JUN 30,2004 1:31 AM JUL 1,2004 12:31 AM AUG 29, 2004 'l:31 AM SEP 16,2004 2:31 AM OCT 31, 2003 '12:31 AM NOV23,2003 1:31 AM DEC 2,2003 1:31 AM t1 1 100 SEP 30, 2004 1'l:33 AM 2 9850 30 7206 2 4065 2 5404 s 4562 4 6241 1 4613 3 7352 3 884s 1 7738 79.4 STANDARD s8.1 csLD 32.8 STANOARD 43.6 STANDARD 36.8 STANDARD 50.3 STANDARD 37.2 STANDARD 59.3 STANDARO 71.3 STANDARD 62.4 STANDARD Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East Salt Lake UT 84102 Phone#80'l .322.0087 PRIORIryALARM HISTORY ID CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ALARMTYPE STATE DATE TIME T2TANK Regular LOWPRODUCTALARM CLEAR 9-30-0410:57AM T 2 TANK Resular HIGH WATER ALARM CLEAR 9-30-04 '10:57AM T'ITANK Super HIGHWATERALARM CLEAR 9-304410;57AM T 3 TANK Plus HIGH WATERALARM CLEAR 9-30-04 10:57AM T 3 TANK Plus HIGH WATER ALARM ALARM 9-30-04 10:53AM T2TANK Regular HIGHWATERALARM ALARM 9-30-0410:53AM TlTANK Super HIGHWATERALARM ALARM 9-304410:s3AM T'lTANK Super OVERFILLALARM CLEAR 9-30-0410:37AM T 3 TANK Plus OVERFILL ALARM CLEAR 9-30-04 10:37AM T 2 TANK Regular OVERFILL ALARM CLEAR 9-30-04 '10:37AM T2TANK Regular LOWPRODUCTALARM ALARM 9-30-04'10:32AM T 3 TANK Plus OVERFILL ALARM ALARM 9-30-04 10:31AM T 1 TANK Super OVERFILL ALARM ALARM 9-30{4 '10:31AM T2TANK Regular OVERFILLALARM ALARM 93044'10:31AM T I TANK Super PROBE OUT CLEAR $30-04 10:29AM T 1 TANK Super PROBE oUT ALARM 9-30-04 10;29AM T3TANK Plus PROBEOUT CLEAR 9-30-0410:28AM T3TANK Plus PROBE OUT ALARM 9-30{4 10:28AM T 2 TANK Resular PROBE OUT CLEAR $30-04 10:27AM T2TANK Regular PRoBEOUT ALARM 9-30-0410:27Atil T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR 9-30-04 10;21AM T2TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 9-30-04 12:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM CLEAR S29-04 1 1:30PM T2TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM $28-04 12:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARIVI CLEAR 9-23-04 4:30PM T2TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 9-23-04 10;30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-2$04 9:30AM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 922-04 10:30PM T2TANK Resular RECONALARM CLEAR 920-04 9:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-20-04 7:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-20-04 5:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM $20-04 11;30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR S17-04 6:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 915-04 '10:30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-15-04 9:30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-15-04 8:30AM T2TANK Resular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-15-04 1:30AM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-13-04 2:30PM T 2 TANK Regular RECON ALARNI CLEAR 9-10-04 1 1:30PM T2TANK Regular RECON ALARM ALARM 9-'10-04 10:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARii CLEAR 9-10-04 9:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-'10-04 8:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-10-04 7:3oPtvl T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-10-04 6:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM CLEAR 9-10-04 5:30PM T2TANK Regular RECONALARM ALARM 9-09-04 5:30PM T2TANK Regular PROBEOUT CLEAR 9-08-04 3:02PM T3TANK Plus PROBEOUT CLEAR 9-08-04 3:00Pi/ T3TANK Plus PROBEOUT ALARM 9-08-04 2:54PM T 2 TANK Regular PROBE OUT ALARM 9-08-04 2:46PM 2232289 I ^ CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Purpose: COMPLIANCE Send original invoice & test report plus one copy of test report to Brenna Davis, if site is in WA, send to NW office. Do not send report to any regulatory agency, per Brenna Davis, 816102. Order Number: 2232289 a3,t 23i 2AA5 O9: 43 253S96882A t,lAR 2 3 206 TESORO PETROLEUM PAGE ATIg4 Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company 3450 S. 344tr Way, Suite 100 Auburn, WA 98001-5931 TESORO FAX COYER SIIEET DATE:March 2312005 ATTENTION: David VYilson COMPANY: Stete of Utah - DEQ PHONE: }.AX:801-3s9-8853 FROM: Kathy Slqton. Retail Environment4! Coordinator PHONE: 253-896- 8734 FAX: 866-7{3-3299 Pages including this cover page:4 David: Following are the cathodic protection readings for site #620961 176 So. 1300 East, SLC for the past 12 months along with the last CP test results conducted on Feb, 7,2043. Please let me know if you need anything further. /Vorrnt ,# or.- o-{ Kathy Slaton Orr-2?{- eTof Gr) 2oo- l5 5o DERR RESPoNSE & REi!ii:; ii0ll C9R4 csa BY ENTERED gy*|/ 5t J'':4J-Q-T5D g3/23/28A5 89:43 Feb t *, Oa O5 I O6p 25s8958826 1don G. lrlood PPFT,lII[, PLUS RSOULAR TESORO PETROLEUM1^q01-s67-263e br/Jr't V-zt-o) /.f.r( (/o ) PAGE O-Ii A4p.+ CAJHOtrIC PENTEETIOIU TEST RESUITE TesorQ ,Store CIZQg$ s u 11 1L f,' E[r] il?unn%uni n * rested o, Tu'&i*n8:;*sl; s:*H#-&ffi=20til#o,Ht on,, snoa4 Read i n s s are i n o. r#r1',,riilSl l;o'fflE .til:: ?!"":ff.1[n p e r s u rf ate h a rf c e,Flex fines et dispenst" i;;-#i;d. er"i nrilJ"I=i.,8-prrDs are in containment. flrcffi., "0.683 .0.88? "0,G3S 4.e57 4.69s .o.coe 'C.62O "0.024 *O.G3Z FEE t4 2Ag3 16t24 t aCIL 96? 2632 PSDE. A4 D3i 23,t 2AZ5 O9: 43 TESORO SrrE # 62096 25389588281 TESORO PETROLEUI"I PAGE Zi!24 Iqrersed cathodic Msctioo Monthly Reclifie,r Readiug tlease e-mail or PA.X first v/e€k ofnrodh DATE VOLTAGE AMPERAGE OPERATION HRS.R.ECORDED byi (prlnt full name) 11412005 3.0 vDc not measuredt nd indicated Jay lGuqer 213l20os 3.0 VDC not m@suredx not indicfted 3lL6l20As ,+.0 VDC not measured*not lndlcated I Jook Steidl and Ka'thy Slaton, Rctlil Eoviforilrentat* Rated electrical current of this solar cell is 0.5 amp. (average daylight); 0.65 amp. (sunny stsr). No ampenqe meter A3/23/26A5 z9:43 25389688 2A TESOROSTTE# 62096 TESORO PETROLEUM ^- PAGE A4/ A4 lEpr€&ed Cdodio ktr ri@ Mootl& Rpaifitt Readia8 Pleaso FAX fiIrt !rcC( ofaooth @ (866) 7,{34216 q (253) 896-Er2r DATE VOLTAGE AMPERAGE OPERATION HRS,RECORDED by: (prlntfull name) 6/3/2003 5.0 vDc not measured*not indicated Jay Kruger 7117120f,3 4.6 VDC not measured*nqt indicated Blsl200,3 4.s vDC not m@sured*not indicated 91912003 I+,4VDC not measured*not indicated 70n12003 4.2 VDC not measured*not indicated tLlto12003 ,I.O VDC not measur€d*not indicated L2l5/2003 3.2 VDC not measured*not indicated u8l2w 2.8 VDC not measurcd+not indlcated zn/2001 3.6 VDC not measur€d*not indicated 3le12co4 3.2 VDC not flEasurcd*not lndlcaH alslzsm 4.+ VDC not measured*not indicated s/q2004 4.4 VDC not measurcd*not indicated 6/4lz004.3.8 VDC not measured*not indicatd 7lslzw 3.6 VDC not metsured*not lndicated 81612004 3.6 VDC not measured*not indiatted 9lBl2oy 4.ZVDC not measurcd*not llrdicated 70l5/2004 2.5 VDC not measurdx not indicated tusl2M 2.2 VDC not measured*not indicated 7Ll25lz004.3.0 vDc not measurcd*not indicated Br.rmo Da].b &. l(dhy Slatot Rdail Enyiroaaeust* Rated electrical current on this solar cetl 'rs 0,5 amp. (aveGge daylight); and 0.55 amp. (sunny sky). No amperage meter. t'lRY 28 2AA4 tst 46 FR TESORO 253 895 882A TO 218A13598853 P.A2/47 1 I 3 sUPEB RE6UI.TR ELUS ['r Evic*i--I :-^aalz l'l^r-e^- 1 2 3 RED JACKET PX].V New 0398-5209 RealacemanT t t>tu*wv ,*Iffii3$=??I,$,E$lsifA[=.f,.[+=,fiI,ilB, TELEPHONE (512)451493r FA( (s12) asg-rass TEST RESULT SUI{MARY REPORT PURPIOSE: coTPLIANcE TESI DATE: O${zlrc.l CUENT: TESORO REF|NII{G, i|ARKETING AND SUPPLY COMPANY 3450 S. 3,t4Tlt STREET, STE. 10O AUEURN, WA 98OOl ROBERTH@YER (2s3)8S{8Ot wORl( oRDER NUHBER: ?29i.1s6 CUSTOUERFO: .S0O3B4S3E STTETESORO 52006 176 S. 1300 E. SALT t-AlG ctTY, tJT &4t02 ROBERT (253r8e6-8801 TESTTYPE: TLD-, TESICT NAME: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certification Numbet. UT OlSl O\ TtGr or Pnnld 0StZSt20A4 11;33 CLEACH I,1FY 28 2AA4 T5.4? FR TESORO INDIVIDUAL 253 896 882A TO 218A13598853 P,Z3/A? TEST DATE;0 5/L? /04 CLIENT; lEgORo REFIttrmre, TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTStruryl*Wy 69@ SHOAL CREEK eUtUolr.r.c eoo AUsrrN, rocns [isz 1srel+sress+ yiff*lT Nuf,itERzz3rrs' Tank manifolded: rro Vent manifolded: yEs Vapor recovery manifolded: tzs Overfill protection: yeg Overspill protection; vzs lnEtalled: ATc Cp installed on: / / Bottom b top fill in inehes: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe lengfir in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor reaoveq/: Stage ll vapor recovery; Fuel pure rating:+ 163. 0 169.0 67 .0 4.0 DITA.L STIIIIEED (LL/oE /zooL) 3 COMMENTS Tank tD: Product PEUS Capacity in gallons: L2,407 Diameter in inches: sE, oo Length in inches: {01 Material: STEEIJ Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Levet: Probe Water Level: lngress Detected: Water Test time; lnclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type; VacuTect probe Enty point: Pressure Set point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMII,ENTS Bubble Uilage NCI TESTED COMMENTS Faited/rpptaced L.D. #t N€dpassed L.D, #2 Failedrreplaced L.D.t2 NOT TESTED l,lew/paseed L.D, #I RED iI}CEEtr PAlV .03r8_t209 2.00 1s 80 I89.0 to 3,00 PlsS Make: Model: 9N: Open time in sec: Calib, teak in gph: Results: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: leak rate ml/m: Metering pai: Material: Diameter (in): Lensth (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump typs; Pump make: ]m pact Valves Operational: Ulml.oIW COMMENTS FIBERCT.ISS 2.O 50. o iloT TISTED rtor TESTED rgoT TTSTED t00T TISTED PBESSI'RT RED ,}ACXET Printed O5l25l2OM 11:33 NRY 28 2AA4 L5.47 FR TESORO 253 896 882A TO 218213598853 SITE DIAGRAM trWy 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (s12) 451-6334 FA"\ (512) 4s9-1459 P.A4/A? ! VENT =.$* U)f o- SUP REG PLUS 12K SUP TESORo #62096 Printed 0y2S/2004 11.33 CLEACH TESTDATE: O5/L7/O4 CLIENT:IIBSORO RETTNING, tiARKBtMG WORK ORDER NUMBERI231I.56 S[E; AEsoRo 62096 n/\.ak#a-v\nWJ f.k{s OO,,ffn @ @ rA 6?\-,/ \_/o INT'ORM TATIK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/i7l2004 14:53 PM SITE: Address: TANK NUMBER TESORO #62096 176 So. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 LABEL Super1 3t10t2004 3nnoo4 3Br20o/ 3lln1u z26n0u 2t1912004. ?,12t2004 2t2t2w 1D9f2W4 11151200/. 1t12r20U 1t$nou 111n@4 1,,29t20p'3 121'18nfi3 121'15t2003 1Zg2OO3 1Z4nN3 11AO/2003 '1111312@3 11t12t2003 1 1/10/2003 1 't19/2003 11n12003 11t6t2003 11BnN3 10R1D@3 10/18/2003 10Dn@3 10t1/2003 9/30t2003 9t1812@3 9t5t20{)3 9t4t2003 9/3,/2003 9t2noo3 u31/2003 8/18/2003 8/5/2003 4w2003 811t2003 7t31t2003 7n812003 5,135.,16 5,'176.48 3,970.80 3,616.24 3,523.54 3,870.38 4.740.25 3,847.03 3,230.02 3,184.68 3,396.70 3,461.46 2,870.11 2,88/..G 3,037.96 3,308.35 4,655.20 5,378.39 4,352.33 3,989.75 4,096.06 3,906.29 3,861.48 4,117.17 4,177.33 4,187.40 5,606.52 2,688.07 2,878.76 2,478.76 3,06'2.87 3,249.59 4,038.26 3,740.89 4,094.35 4,514.U 4,754.41 2,532.57 2,575.@ 2,466.28 2,512.12 2,512.12 2,550.99 4 5 7 30 29 28 26 33 3l 29 29 33 29 29 32 7 30 5 30 32 27 29 29 3 29 32 37 32 31 2 4 1 6 30 31 28 29 29 29 VOLUiIE DURATION %Gal Hourg FULL VOLDATETIMETYPE Tesoro #62096 - Salt Lake City, UT 10:31:0OPM 1'l:31:oOPM 10:31:00PM 7:30:00AM 7:43:00AM 7:57:00AM 8:'12:oOAM 9:14:oOAM 6:54:00AM 8:31:oOAM 7:50:00AM 4:28:004M 7:54:004M 5:58:00AM 8:3'l:oOAM 8:09:00AM 7:41:oOAM 7:'10:00AM 9:31:oOPM 11:z2,OOAM 11:31:00PM 7:16:004M 10:40:00AM 12:06:00PM 2:,14:oOPM 7:18:0OAM 2:31:00AM 8:17:00AM 8:41:00AM 7:03:004M 7:32:004M 8:37:00AM 10:26:oOAM 2i31:00AM '12:31:00AM 3:31:004M 11:31:00PM 6:23:oOAM 1:47:00PM 9:43:00AM 7:34:00AM 6:37:00AM 5:.16:00AM O.2 gavht 0.2 gavht 0.2 gal/hr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gallhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gal/hr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gayht 0.2 gavht O.2 gallhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 galht 0.2 gal/hr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavh( 0.2 gayht 0.2 gayht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gal/hr O.2 gayht 0.2 gauht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 41.39 41.72 32 29.'t 5 28.4 3't.2 38.21 3'1.01 26.03 25.67 27.34 27.9 23.13 23.25 24.49 26.67 37.s2 43.35 35.08 32.16 33.01 31.48 31.12 33.'18 33.67 33.75 45.19 21.67 23.2 23.2 24.69 26.19 32.55 30.15 36.38 38.35 20.41 20.76 19.88 20.25 20.25 20.56 1of 6 INFORM TAIiK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/1712004 14:53 PM SITE: Addre3s: TESORO #82096 {76 So. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 LABEL 7t5t2003 71412003 7Bl2N3 7t2t2003 7t1noo3 6/30/2003 6i/18/2003 6/5/2003 611t200'3 5131t2003 5118DOO3 5t8noo3 5nnoo3 5t312003 52DOO3 5t1t20p3 4t3U2003 411A2OO3 4a,t2003 4t2nN3 4t1DN3 3t31t2003 3t18t2003 3t12t2003 3111t2003 8i35:00AM 2:,t6:00PM 8:43:00AM 4:42:00AM l:29:00PM 11:38:00AM 1'1:07:00AM 10:51:00AM '11:52:00AM 9:07:oOAM 10:57:00AM 7:19:004M '12:59:00PM 12:31:004M 12:16:oOPM 6:42:oOAM l:39:00PM 7:15:00AM 8:33:00AM 2:33:00PM 7:40:00AM 11:31:00AM 12:43:00PM 9:14:00AM 2:27:OOPM 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gallht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gavhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr O-2 gauht O.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauht O.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gatlht 0.2 ga ht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gaYhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavhr O.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauht 0.2 gavh( 2,138.12 1,839.87 1,768.88 1,633.39 1,558.68 '1,49t.93 1,541. 2,149.06 3,112.39 2,975.27 2,850.35 2,920.50 2,861.80 3,U7.92 3,713.56 3,746.40 3,774.48 4,l9o.U 8,051.20 4,261.45 8,192.55 8, r 32.80 9,064.50 7,814.95 7,506.78 28 27 27 29 2A 25 28 35 29 32 30 29 5 30 29 25 30 28 29 29 30 29 25 17.23 14.83 14.26 13.17 12.56 12.02 12.15 17.32 25.09 23.98 22.97 23.54 23.07 25.98 29.93 30.2 30.42 33.78 64.89 66.59 66.03 65.55 73.06 62.99 60.5 2of6 Tesoro *62096 - Salt Lake City, UT TANK NUMBER 1 VOLUiIE DURATIONGal HouisDATETIiiETYPE FULL INT'ORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/1712004 14:53 PM SITE: Addre$: TANK NUIIBER 2 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauht 0.2 gal,rhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayhr O.2 gavht O.2 gavht 0.2 gayht 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayht 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gayht 0.2 gayht 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gayhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gal/hr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr O.2 gayhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gavht O.2 gauht 0.2 gayht 0.2 gaUhr 7,969.34 7,763.46 7,468.87 7,8/,8.02 8,000.71 6,937.05 7,58r'..13 8,'r85.16 6,602.80 6,066.26 I,y5.44 s,863.99 6,398.06 6,745.94 6,377.72 6,377.72 7,fi3.52 7,205.44 6,825.29 7,U7.14 7,536.95 8,740.48 6,647.30 6,735.10 6,945.39 7,443.48 7,331.46 5,285.61 7,701.33 6,909.08 6,909.08 6,901.68 6,489.82 6,067.39 5,832.98 5,616.56 6,021.96 5,736.04 6,120.50 5,656.24 5,29'1.89 5,191.11 5,'191.11 64.23 62.57 60.2 63.25 64.49 55.91 61.13 65.97 53.2? 48.89 75.32 47.26 51.57 54.37 51.4 51.4 59.35 58.08 55.01 s6.8 60.75 70.45 53.58 54.28 55.98 60 59.09 42.6 62.07 55.69 55.69 55.63 52.31 48.9 47.01 45.27 48.5,{ 46.23 49.33 45.59 42.65 41.U 41.U 28 25 24 27 ,| 3 2A 31 3 26 24 26 26 26 26 23 22 25 24 24 26 25 1 25 29 29 25 24 23 24 27 28 25 26 26 VOLUiIE DURATION o/o Gal HourB FULLVOLDATETIi'E TYPE 3of6 Tesoro *62096 - Salt Lake City, UT TESORO #62096 176 So. 1300 East Salt Lake City, Uf ',4'lO2 LABEL 3t11t2004 3/8,2004 3t412004 3t1D004 2t26t2004 2t1612004 2t12nOU z2tmo4 1t2912004 1l15DN4 1t5l2m4 IAnOU 12129f2003 12t18t2003 1?j412003 12t'12003 11n7r2N3 11n412003 't1120t2003 11t13t2003 11t612003 11/3t2003 10i31t2m3 1013012003 10/18/2003 10/9/2003 't0/1/2003 980/2003 9/182003 98t2003 91?,2003 911t2003 8/31/2003 8/30/2003 a18r2N3 8/6/2m3 8t1t20o,3 781D003 7tl8t2003 7BaOO3 712t2003 7t'v2003 6/30/2003 5:25:004M 6:35r004M 6:59i00AM 6:06:00AM 6:33:00AM 2:3'l:004M 12:3'l:004M 2r31:004M 3:06:004M 5:24:oOAM 'l:3,l:oOAM 5:40:00AM 6:20:00AM 5:38:00AM 6:28:004M 5:29:004M 6:22:004M 5:56:oOAM 6:40:004M 6:18:00AM 8:00:00AM 12:31:00AM 6:13:00AM 6:32:00AM 6:43:00AM 6:05:00AM 6:23:00AM 2:3'l:oOAM 6:14:00AM 4:50:004M 6:05:004M 6:23:00AM 6:39:oOAM 6:36:004M 6:38:004M 4:59:00AM 6:25:00AM 6:08:004M 7:06:00AM 6:09:004M 6:10:004M 6:21:00AM 7:00:00AM INTORM TAITK PASSED TEST REPORT pdnted on 3/1712004 14:53 PM SITE: Address: TANK NUiIIBER TESORO #62096 176 So. 1300 East Salt Lake Clty, UT 84102 6,/18/2003 6,/5/2003 d1noo3 5Ar /2003 5/18t2003 5lBnoo3 5t112003 4a0t2003 4t18f2003 411112003 4t1t2N3 3/3112003 ll/18t2003 311212003 3l11nOO3 3:31:004M 6:02:004M 2:46:00PM 5:42:oOAM 6:42:004M 6:31:004M 6:39:00AM 2:31:00AM 7:'18:0OAM 5:38:00AM 5:36:00AM 2:31:oOAM 7:08:004M 7:25:004M 3:48:00AM 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gal/hr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gavhr 0.2 gayht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayh. 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gayht 0.2 gaUhr O.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauht 5,351.79 5,432.99 6,665.53 6,663.81 6,238.35 5,700.41 5,6't6.87 6,6't5.68 6,355.77 6,7't4.06 7,@5.52 4,092.30 7,941.24 8,4r2.66 8,'t 15.90 43.14 5r.85 53.72 53.71 50.28 45.95 45.27 53.32 51.23 54.12 55.46 32.98 64.0'l 67.81 65.41 ,| 30 28 27 28 27 24 2 25 22 21 1 23 20 4of6 Tesoro *62096 - Salt Lake City, uT LABEL VOLUME DURANOil Gal HouEDATETIMETYPE INFORM TAI\IKPASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/1712004 14:53 PM SITE: Addr6s: TANK NUi'BER 3 LABEL Plus 3111DOM 3t8t2B u4t20u 3llnou 2rxnou z23l20u 2l19DOO4 1122f20r)4 1t19nOU 1l1sn0o! 1t12t20M 111noo4 't2t29f2003 12118t2003 12t'1512003 1ZSDOO3 1211nOO3 11t2712W3 11l13nOO3 11t8f2m3 '11ta2003 10/31/2003 10t18t2AO3 r 0/9/2003 1U1t2003 9AO/2003 9A8nOO3 9t1U2003 9t112003 8t3112003 8/18/2003 8n/2003 u1t2003 7/31t2003 7 tl8t2003 7t10t2003 7t212003 7t1t2003 6,/30/2003 6/18/2003 5/5/2003 6/1/2003 5i31nOO3 12:31:00AM 6:00:00AM 2:31:00AM 5:29:004M 7:09:00AM 7:07:004M 3:31:004M 12:31;004M 1:31:00AM 5:17:00AM 5:17:00AM 7:23:00AM 7:42:OO l,ll 6:50:00AM 6:11:00AM 5:40:004M 6:47:004M 1:31:004M 5:18:00AM 8:53:00AM 6:18:oOAM 12:31:00AM 7:49:004M 6r'12:004M 8:56:004M 7:13:004M 6:3r:OOAM 6:38:00AM 9:21:00AM 'l:31:004M 7:34:oOAM 7:08:oOAM 6:'16:004M 7r05r00AM 6:21:00AM 6:28:004M 5:'13:O0AM 5:52:004M 2:31:004M 6:25:00AM 7:53:00AM 11:05:004M 7'.12:OOAM O.2 gavhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gallht O.2 gayht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gallht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 galhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauht 0.2 gavhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gauht O.2 gavht O.2 gauht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gavht o.2 gavht 0.2 gaUhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr O.2 gavhr 6,237.68 5,76'1.15 7,252.03 5,008.s8 5,254.93 5,306.51 4,776.?5 5,017.83 4,707.06 4,519.59 4,519.59 4,417.37 4,501.03 6,096_98 6,749.93 6,918.87 7,335.33 8,i168.85 6,280.20 5,665.13 5,7fi.47 7,352.94 3,971.33 3,93'.89 3,751.72 3,499.66 3,856.31 3,581.78 4,045.44 4,509.97 3,858.47 3,736.10 i|,300.10 4,436.99 4,021.10 3,960.r 8 3,046.92 3,046.92 3,ffi.24 3,479.85 3,901.84 3,881.05 3,791.65 J 31 2 34 I 3 1 28 28 27 30 29 31 32 29 29 30 29 25 29 29 3't 4 28 u 2A 34 1 28 29 50.28 46.43 58.45 40.37 42.35 42.77 38.5 40.44 37.U 36.43 36.43 35.6 36.28 49.14 u.4 55.77 59.12 68.26 50.62 45.66 $.4 59.26 32.01 31.69 30.24 28.21 31.08 24.87 32.61 36.35 31.1 30.11 34.66 35.76 32.41 31.92 24.56 24.56 28.58 28.05 31.45 3',1.28 30.56 REPORT VOLUTE DURATION Gal Hou6 FULL VOLDATETYPETIME Tesoro #62096 - Sa[ Lake City, UT TESORO #62m6 176 So. 1300 East Satt Lake City, UT 84102 5of6 INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT pnnted on 3/172004 14:53 PM SITE: Addr€ss: TANK NUHBER J TESORO #62096 176 So. 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 LABEL Plus 5t1812003 519D003 5t1r2@3 4/3012003 411812003 4t1112003 4l1DOO3 381t2003 ,18/2003 311212003 3t1112003 11:53:00A[I 7:34:00AM 6:32:oOAM 'l:31:00AM 1:31:004M 5:51:00AM 6:54:00AM 6:55:004M 11:38:0OAM 2:31:004M 7:20:004M 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gavht 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 0.2 gauhr 5,933.56 6,226.80 6,042.51 7,050.00 5,652.04 7,509.46 8,087.67 8,087.67 8,378.89 8,973.70 8,573.09 47.82 50.19 48.7 56.82 45.56 65.19 65.19 67.53 72.33 69.1 29 28 28 4 2A 28 28 25 ,1 24 6 of 6 Tesoro #62096 - Salt Lake City, UT VOLUTE DURATION Oh Gal HouE FULL VOLDATETIMETYPE REPORT t>ansgow TANKNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF TESTING 8900 sHoAL CREEK BU|LD|NG 200 AUSTTN, TEXAS 787s7 TELEPHONE (512) ll51€334 FAX (512) 4591459 TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORTPURPOSE: COMpLIANCE TEST DATE: lll05/03 CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, MARKEflNG AND SUPPLY COMPANY 3'[50 S.344TH STREET, STE. 100 AUBURN, WA 98001 ROBERT HOOVER (253)896€801 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 2228961 CUSTOMER PO: SITE:TESORO 62096 176 S. 1300 E. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102 'f500-2592'13 ROBERT (253)896A801 TEST TYPE: TLD.I htness Test ResultsProduct ne 1 2 3 gI,PER REGT'I.AR PLUS FIBERGIASS ETBERGI.ASS EIBERGIASS PRESST'RE PRESST'RE PRESSURE P P P 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y Y Y 1 2 3 EXlV r,D2000 EXlV 10398-7877 65588 40398-s209 P P ina ! al TESIET NAME: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certification Number: .com or * Printed 11l1112003 10:53 CLEACH RED iIACKET VAPORT.ESS RED i'ACKET I 3 2004 EQ ponse & Remedia i,IAR .:,,'swsv -r,,U"?tl?t'ffi":HJ,Tffi,T',liJ"$J,1T",,^" Authority Cited: Chapter 6.t, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3 Title 23, Califomia Code of Regulations This form musl b€ used lo document teding and servicing of moniloring equiprnonl. lf more lhan one rnonitoring sydem control panel is in$alled al lhe facility, a separate cerlificatbn or rBporl mud b€ prepared for each monitoring sydem conlrol panel by the lechnician v*lo perfonrs the nork. A copy of lhb form must be provkled lo the tank localagencyregulatingUSTsystenrswithin30daysoflestdate. A. General lnformation Facili$ Name: TESORO 62096 City: SALT LAKE Ctry UT Zip:84102 Site Address: 176 S.'t300 E Contact Phone No: 695-889,1 Facilig Contact Person: ROBERT Date of Testing/Service:11t05.r2003 Make/Model of Monitoring System: TLS3SOR Work Order Number: 7228%4 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced Tank lD: SUP Tank lD: RUL ! tn-TankGauging Probe. ] AnnubrSmce orVault Sensor llIlll Mechani:al Line Leak Detector. y66d' RED JCKT Oher (specify equipmenl type and rnodel in Sec.tion E on page 2). ysdgl. MAG Model: Electronic Line Leak Deloctor. Model: TankOverfilltligh{evel Sensor. Model: PipingSumpffrenchSenso(s). Model: Fill Sump Senso(s). Model: Efll Elll ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annuhr Space orVault Sensor. Piping Sump/Irench Senso(s). Fill Sump Senso(s). Mechanixl Lin6 Leak Delec'lor. Elec-trcnic Line Leak Delec'lor. TankOverfilttligh{evolSonsor. Model: Other (specify equipment type and rnodel in Sectim E on page 2). Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: VAPORLESS Model: MAG IANK IU: TLUD I anK tu: lllIlll ! ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: MAG Annuhr Space orVault Sensor. Model: PipingSump/TrenchSensor(s). Model: Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Mechanir=l Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank OverfilUHigh{evel Sensor. Model: Oher (specify equipmenl lype and model in RED JACKET Seclbn E on page 2). trtr trr D tr T Annuhr Spece orVault Sensor. Piring Sump/Irench Senso(s). FillSump Senso(s). Mechanbal Line Leak Detec{or. Elec{ronic Line L€ek Detector. Tank Overfi lUHigh{evel Sensor, Other (specify equipment type and model in Sectbn E on page 2). Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: Model: fl ln-Tant Ciauging Probe. DispenserContainment Senso(s) Model ShearValve(s). n Oispenser Conlainrnent Float(s) and Chain(s). vrolErrwt tu,uz DispenserContainrnenl Sensor(9 Model: ShearValve(s) Dispenser Containrnent Float(s) and Chain(s). DispenserContainnrntSenso(s) Model: ShearValve(s). Dispenser Containmenl Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Containmenl Senso(s). Model: ShearVatue(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Containment Senso(s) Model: ShearValve(s). Dispenser Containrnenl Float(s) and Chain(s). ID: Dispenser Containment Senso(s). Model: ShearValve(s). Dispenser Containmenl Float(s) and Chain(s). ' lf the C. Certification pR1NTED p4yg.DAV|D MATHIE more or I certiff that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines. Attached to this certification is information (e.g manutscturers'checklists) neoessary to verify that this information is conect. and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also affached a copy of the (Check all that apply): System set-up report; n Ahrm hlstory report E copy this form. lnclude information for every tank and dispenser ,rrSIGNATURE PHONE NO:COMPANY: Tanknology page 1 of3 (800) 8004633 Based on CA form dated 03/01 Site Address: 176 S. 13OO E. Monitoring System Certification Date otTesting/Service: 1110512003 D. Results of Testing/Servicing Sofiware Version lnstalled: 121.00 Complete the following checklisl: lxl v."E".'ls the audible slarm operalional? E v."E No'ls the visual alarm operational? E ","E No'Were all sensors visually inspected, funclionally lested, and confrmed operdtional? E "."! "o' Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containmer{ and positioned so that other equipment t/vill not interfere with lheir proper operation? El Y..lllm'I-l N/A Evo E No'E luA For pressurized piping systems, does the turtine automaticilly shut down ifthe piping secondary containment monitoring system detec,ts a leak, fails to operate, or b electrically disconnected? llyes: which sensors initiate positive shut{own? (aheck all that apply) E Sump,rTrench Sensors; E Dispenser Containmer{ Sensors. Did you confirm positive shutdown due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? E y6s E No EY*E*"'E N/A For hnk systems that utilize the mo nitoring system as the primary tank overfill waming device (i.e.: no mechanical overlill prevention valve is install€d), is the ovedill lvamlng alarm visible and audible at the tank fill points(s) and operating properly? lf so, at lvhal percent of tank capacity does the alarm trEgen % E "o'No Was any monitoring equipmer{ replaced? lfyes, idertify specific sensors, ffobes, or other equipment replaced and lisl the manulaclurer name and model tor all replacement parts in Section E, below. E vo'No Wa-ihuld lound inside any s€condary containment systems designed as dry systems? (check allthat apply) E Producl; E \&ater. lf yes, describe causes in Seclion E, belolv. tr tr No'\ /as monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set-up reports,if applicable EY*No'ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' specilications? ' ln Sec{ion E below, describe how and when th€se deficiences were orwlll be conected E. Comments: PASSING RESULTS LAST 12 MONTHS ON CSLD LAST TEST 11-03 pag6 2 of 3 lf alarms are relayed to a remole monitoring stalion, is all communicalions equipment (e.9. modem) operational? t-- r- Site Address: 176 S. 13OO E. F. ln-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment M onitoring System Certifi cation a ent SE es were or Oateof Testing/Seryice: 1110512003 ! Check this box if tank gauging is used only for invenlory controt E Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is instafied. conected. E Check this box if LLDS are not installed This section must be completed if in{ank gauging equiprflent is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete lhe following checklist: low, denn G. Line Leak Detec,tors (LLD) : Completc lhe following checklist: []"."E"o'Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry aM termination, including testing forground faults? Elto tr No'Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected tor damage and residue buitdup? E"o tr No'Was accuracy of system product level readings lesled? E"o Ero'VVas accuEcy of system water level readings tested? El"o n"o'Were all probes reinstalled properly? E ".u !N"'Were all items on lhe equipmer( manufactlrers' mainienance checklisl completed? E"o E"o'Eva For equipment start-up or annual equipmert cedification, was a leak simulated to veriry LLD performance? (check allthat apply) Simulated leak rate: E 3 g.p.h n 0.1 g.p.h f10.2 g.p.h E Em.Were all LLDS confrmed operationaland accunte within regulatory requiremenb? E ENo'VVas the testing apparatus propedy calibrated? EY*tr No'fl *o For mechanical LLDS, does the LLD restrict product 1low if it detects a leak? E"o Eno'Evr For electronic LLDS, does the turblne automatically shut off lfthe LLO detects a leak? E t.u flnro.E*o For electronic LLDS, does the turbine automatica lly shut off if arry portion ofthe monitoring syslem is disabled or dtsconnected? E"o E*.'Ev^For elec'tronic LLDS, does the turblne automatically shut off ifany portlon ofthe monitoring aystem maltuncflons or fails a test? E "."Ero'E*e For electronic LLDS, have all accessible ryiring connections been visually lnspecled? E """E"o'Were all items on the equipmenl manufacturers' maintenarrce checklist completed? ' ln lhe , below, describe horr'r and when these deficiencies were or conectedn H. Comments: COULO NOT TEST LD ON PLUS ALL 3 TEST PORTS WERE SHEARED OFF COULD NOT GET THEM OUT TO TEST LINE WAS TESTED FROM TURBINE BACK p€06 3 of3 TESr oATE: LLlOSl03 CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, TdARKETING SITE DIAGRAM WoRK oRDER NUMBEU22996 L SITE: TESORO 62096 8900 SHOAL CREEK BUtLDtNG 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (sl2)4s16334 FAX (512) 459-'t459 VENT SUP PLU S REG e.o{,r/ fr TESORO #62096 E ,| PLU S 12K SUP Printed 1 l/'1112000 10:53 CLEACH tr7#rr*Wy {} fr) (il nec fA-)v v12K \-./ @ HA:ZTEtr OFAIT'IEIIIGA, IJ\IE.il*'76r EEGAUSE TtIdE tg RUNt{tl,l G OUT EENFMIMEUHMfiTffi t. sYsIm oPERAX0N IflA$ WRIFEDAIpALLTE$r FfiNrs VERE [rEAstrffin {rEs} 2. ACChTIIMJIWC}ECI( K1A$PERFORNffEDA}$ATISTRUCTT'RES'POTENTNLSARE cchtstsTENr, fiEsl 3. A[r TANK P0TENI1[L8 ARE {.S VCI-T$ DC OR Mffi iEC,ATwE IS II\pICATED ot,r TE$rRES|TS vIllEN REFERENCED TOA COFPER COPFER $[,LFATE nArr Cflr.fiE8) 4. VOLTAGES I,\ERE An USTED tF tECE$$rARy. (yE$ 5. ALL IJT'EERffifr,,hP STRUCTUreS, iX}T IT*LI,'OED N TrE GAT}rcDrc PROTECNO{ SYSTHI{ HAVE BEEN CHECIGD FOR INIERFERE}ICE. CTW.IGES TOAI\IY }OiTSYSIEI.I STRI'€nnESARE t{OT erE{TER II{AH 50[ilv(0.f,}VCX-TS] |t'rA ffimVE DqREC11O11(YES, I{AZTEC OF ATilERICA, ItS., qIAmANIEES CfipUAITtCE nnT{ I}EABoUE oAT}fr}C PROTEC'NON IIEiffiA}DAGREES TO TOIO HARSfi.E$.S TROY R. Sru.rEYAhD GI.IARI}UNGOffiGE)iI CCINTRCI. CffiP. FOR AI{Y Ct.fiUS ruTO AS * RESItrT OF TI€ TI1ORK PERFORIiEDtr HAZTEC OFAfuIERICA, IT.TC. PERFORMED Fffi: TESRO2€O STOREffiO6 176 $t ftt tm EAsr sAtT tAtG C|TY, tffAlt ulu G, 0FAMER|CA, tstc. CP ll{$fALlER CERTIHCAIOI'I #tn TL0339CP www-Mx.rd . 'FRttl : panasdrrc FAX Sr€TEa plOfrE hD. :fitas l5 03 l2: o6p Gorcon G. Llood .. lla+ 15 m3 @:1941p, I -83r -35?-?63e p.? GftI,EIE FrlBEIIf, ffl3I[il ErIrErilE I'omro Cmrrc*on & [,ngfuoriag D?artna$ 3,150 Sordt 34{tt Wry, Sttc f OO - Arhr4 Wr*leloo gt00r-Sgf t plurcaitlr rlrrunorhco€) Teroo Z-Go Sco62096 176h{t l300grr S*khCty, tn t GIItEfm - Ifabyo.rd0 rfc lhvr-rw*nrd rtc ryctarftr:rori.bo,c u,fhfutrsils clerd t'"+ Ei"- il; ooqb "ffi iffi iil rovtu1 prrorocta ^.sry***c.T.n t;;;.,rcf*byltacofAdc+neooorreq DmEd .o L* "rmGr&r, !o Fovid. c..odc pmrcaio &rrrcffi t'ffi;-; "ffi-ffi; ilffiffi* mo"a e*t ,. * fr Truyl.P.E o,t$nw3 drd F4hGG*trcittnttu. t297 - TEIST POIiIT IOGATTOIIS Tesoro Store 02096 Facili$ tDr 4000164 176 South ISm East Salt talte City, utah g41Dz 12,000ea. PRElvllte{ teom Gd. PI.US 12,000Gd. REGUI.AR ffxomr"-. SITE LAYOI,]T Tesoro Store 62090 Facility lD# 4om704 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, tftah 84102 to 13008d sed b 1300 East Str?et /firt dgrmeb hoos Sr**t*tpctlng shrctJrE x&e Imdo hA0 Sotdr SrBs[ TSMATrur*db l[t[polo kD *Celd0 5 10r5a25 uttlItIIIIIlJllll orp trh to200 Sordr Sf6qt f....iffi I I ffiffi-q A c8ropy oo o0 oo sble csropy NOTE: Exacil rouh$ of rcnt and product piping f,rie unknofll- ffxmr"* CATTIODE PROTEGTIOIII TEST RESULilS SIIE MMEAII) LOCATIS,I: SO.AR BI'ELMODEL: SOI.AR F{}ELC[,.IIRII: MEAST'ffi D SH.N[ C[,'TP[I[: ACTIVAION OATE &Tiltffi: Te$pdnt lDf vl& Tdephooe Tmro ShrB 6ZBG Farlty lD# 400(Iru[ 176Soufi 1$0Eas Sdtt*emy,UUtr 8/|@ QsdarTUylCAT 6.SfC 6.5VDC 2nA Agil24,M3 Zfrp.m.MDT TES|IER Juslin CERTIFICATIOI,l: EXHMS: G. lnjood TLOfrXNP 09r15104 $ERIAI 1-lo: 86280 {.958 {.866 1 2 3 4 5 6 7II !h[G(VDC] 4.688 .0.662 {.686 {.6f/ {.698.0.6s -0.6a {.62{ -0.firr En€rdad (VDC) -0.913 {.911 -0.942{.s {.9m {.9,2 {.9m nla rila rda n/a rsIEeA[ rche perfi*roaes g*en kr rfrure traoqpclooppa sdhb hdfd. Smtnal bmrlmusp-urpmdinfi ffififfi$mmJl*ddecficunions. Phktg h f,borglffi" Fter IIH d c+mers ae boobtt Her kts8 *subptrrps re h 61rbinrrrnl flno*r"- FEB Z7 2AA3 A8.4? FR TESORO REFINING 253 896 8821 TO 218A135988s3 p.t2/16 TANKNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF TESTING 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 TELEPHONE (s12) 451-6334 FAx (512) 45s-145e TEST RESULT SUMMARY REPORTPURPOSE: COMPLIANCE TEST DATE: 11l19l0z CLIENT; TESORO REFINING, MARKETING A}TD SUPPLY COMPANY 3450 S. 3,l4TH STREET, STE. 100 AUBURN, WA 98001 ROBERT HOOVER (2s3)896{801 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 22?4396 GUSTOMER POI SITE:TESORO 62096 176 S- 1300 E. SALT LAKE CITY, UT &4102 45002-10159 ROBERT (253)8S6€801 TESTTYPE: TLD'I 1 2 a SUPER REGI,I.AR PLUS TIBERGIJASS TIBERGIJASS FIBERGIJASS PBESSIIRE PNESSI'RE PRESSURE P P P 0.000 0.000 0. 000 Y Y 1 2 RED JI}CRET VAPORLESS RED JACKET FX].V LDz000 FX]-.tI 6 6588 .103 9a- 5309 P P , or contrct your Te6ter Name: DAVID MATHIE Technician Certilication Number: h^.fl"rffi o\lTter report Printed 1 1 l2OD002 1 3:40 KOHLMEYER trampP4v '.....11....'.r.1ai_-al *.r, New Replacement Line Leak Detector Test . : r r,.]'t lt=l-'!:. ', ,1 - . . --; li- -.rrj,tri-: Ij . llJAsn Jlr!'.:.tiv.YF FEB A7 2AA3 A8:4A FR TESORO REFINING1 253 896 8e21 TE 218A1359AA53 SITE DIAGRAM *>Wv 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 45r-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 rESr DATE: 11/19l02 CLIENI:EESORO REFINIT(G, ttDRXETINe WORK OROER NUMtsERE224396 SITE: TESORo 62095 12K REG 1 PLU s SUP 12K VENT + SUP PLU S REG TESORO #62096 Pdnted 1 1 EOaOO2 1 3;40 KOHLMEYER A^4td \rcv {} @ @ FEB A7 2AZ3 ?,8148 FR TESORO REFINING1 PRINTED ,DAVID MATHIE 2s3 895 8821 T0 218A13598853 P .1,4/16 ;Trent@v ,.""t{?}'}?.il;1,=y,nifif;',["$JJ,T canron Authoity abd; Chapter A.z,'il6a[n and Safety CNe; Chapter 16, Divisiort 3 Ttlte 2!,'Catitomia Code of Reguletions This lorm must be ueed to docum€nt te€ting and sewioing of monitoring equipment lf mofe lhan one monitoring eystem contml pen€l is inotalled at lhe facilily. a segarate syst€m own€r/operator. The owner/ooeretor must aublflit a copy of this form to the looal agency regulaling UST syatems within 30 days of tesl date. A General lnfOrmation Facility Name: TESORO 62096 Gi$ SALT IAKE CITY UT Zie: Et1lz Contact Phone No: 699;9991 Facility Contacl Person: ROBERT Date of Testin g/Service :l1nSnOOz Make/Model of Monilofing System: TLS3SoR work order Number: 2224396 B. lnventory of Equipment Tested/Certified check the appropriate bores to irdicate specific equipment inspected/seMced ' lf the fecility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. lnclude inbrmation for ewry tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspeoted/seNiced in ac@rdance udth the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this certification is inlormation (e,g manufiacturers' drecklists) necessary lo rcriff that this iniomation is @rrect. and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment- For any equipment capable of generating sudr reporE, I have al6o attached a copy of the (Check all that apply): System set-up renort ffi Alarm history reporl tr ^^rr r{e& SIGNATURE: PHONE NO: Tank lD:Tank lD: ln'Tgnk Gauging Probe. Annular Spgce or Vault Sengor. PiPin0 Sump/Trench Senso(s). Fill Sump Sansor(s), M€chanical Line Leak Detedor, Electronic Line LeEk D€tector. Tonk Over{ilUHigh-Level Sensor. olher (speorfy eqgipment $pe end mod€l in S€clion E on pege 2). Moderi Modet: Mod6l: Model: Model: f\^o6eli Modeli MAG RED JCKT ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Piping Sump/Irench Sensoft). Flll Sump Sensor(s). Mechanical Line Leak Ddector. Electronic Line Leak D€t€c,tor. Tank OvedilUHQlt'Level Seneor. Model: Model: Model: Model: Irilodol; tulodel: NIOdEI: MAG Olher VAPORLESS and modol in S€dion E on ln-Tank Gauging Prcbc, Annular Spgce or Vsult SanEor. Pipino Sump/Trcnc}l Senso(s), Fill Sump S€n6or(s). Mechsnical Lin€ L€ah Detcctor, Eled,onic Une Leek Deilec-tor. Tank overfilyHigh.Level Sensor Other (spBciry eguipm6nt lype and model in Sec'tlon E on page 2). Model: Modcl: Mod€l: lr4odel: Model: Model: lvlodel: MAG ln-Tank Geuging Probe. Annulef SpEoe orVgult Sensor. Pipins Sumpff rench Sensor(s). FiU $ump Sensor@). Mechanhal Llne Leek Deteclor. El€ctflrnic Line Leak Deteclor. Tsnk &€rfill/Higtr-lEvel Sensor, Model: [vlodel: Model: Model: Modcl: Model: Model: otner (speclry equipment type and model in Section E qn pagq 2). Dispenser Containment Sensor(g) t todel: Sh€ar Valve(s). Dispens€r Containm€nt Float(€) and Chain(S), Dispgnser Gontainmont gcnsof(g) tvlodel: SheerVehr€(s) Dispenser Contsinment Float(s) and Chain(s). DispensarContiinmontSenso(s) Model; Sheer Valve(e). 3t4 Contginment and Drcpen8€rContEinm€nt 86nso(s). Model: Snear Valve(s), Coatainment Float(s) end ChEin(s). Disp€nser Containment Sensor(s) Model: Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Flogt(s) and Chain(s). Dlspenser lD; 5/6 Dispenser Gonlainm€nt Sonso(s), [/lodel: - Shear Valve(s). Disp€fficr Contaihment Flost(8) and Chsin(s). Dispenser lD: COMPANY; Tantlolggy page 1 of3 {800) 800-46s3 Based on CA form dated 03/01 Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. FEB A? 2AZ3 AAI48 FR TESORO REFINING 253 896 8821 TO . _ -.ritoring System Certification Site Address: 176 s. 1300 E Date of Testing/Service:1 1t19t2002 D. Results of Testing/Servicing Softuae Version lnstalled: 121 .00 Complete the following checklist: 218A13598853 P. t5/t6 lrl v",f-''lruo'ls the audible alarm operatonal? I v**l-l tlo'ls the Msual alarm operational? I ves Eno'Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and contimed operational? ! v."No'Were all sensors instalted at lolrcst point of semndary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interbre with their proper operauon? fi-l ves 1l r.ro.[-'lrura It alarms are relayed to a remote monibring station, is all communications equipment (e,9, modem) operational? ! v."nNo'Eve For pessurized piping systems. does the turbine autcmatically shut dovvn it the piping secondary containment monitorins system deteds a leak, faiB toiperate, or is eledn-cally dismnnect€d? lf yss: sftich sensors initiate positile shut dormr? (ctrect all trat appV) [ Sump/Trenctr Sensors; f] Oepenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positi\,e shut-dou,"n due to leaks aod sensor failure/disoonnection? Evqe ENo fJ vo E*o'ENn For tank systems that utilize the monitoring systom as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e.: no mechanical ovedill prcvention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill points(s) and op€raring properly? lf so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigge4 o/o I ves.E*o Was any monitoring equipment replaced? lf yes, ldentify specific sensors, probes, or other equipmsnt replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replaoement par!9 in Section E, below- ! v.='U*o Was liquid fourrd inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (check all that apply) f] Product; E Water. lf yes, describe caus€s in Seciion E, belor. fl ves EJ*o'Was monitoring system sehup reviewed to ensure prcper settings? Atlach set-up repods, if appliceble. I ves fl *o'ls all monitoring equlpment operational per manufacturers' gpecjfications? " ln Section E below, desqibe how and wtren these deficiencee were ot will be oorrected. E. Comments: CSLD PASSING RESULTS I.AST 122 MONTHS DECIO1 THRU NOV/02 NO GROUND FAULT FOR PROBES page 2 of 3 FEB A7 2AA3 A$49 FR TESORO REFINING 253 895 8821 TO 218A13598853,n P . L6/L5 'yronitoring System Certification Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E,Date of Testing/Service;11t1912002 f] Cheok this box if bnk gauglng is used only for inventory control E Ctte"t this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment b installed F, ln-Tank Gauging / StR Equipment This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detectlon monitorlng- Complete the following checkllst: ' ln the Section <lescribe how and when defiCiencies \rvere Or conecled, G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD) ; Complete the following checklist: ! Ctrecx this box if LLDs are not instalted. El*o'Has all input wifing been inspec,ted for proper enty and termination, including testing for ground faults?flves [Jve"El*"'Were all tank gauging Probes visually inSpected for damage ancl residue buildup? Was accuracy of system Product level readings tested?[T']v."E*o' Was accuraoy of system waEr lewl readir8s tested?Yee No'D E*o'werc all probes reinstalled proPerly?Yeg Were all llemE on the equlpment manufacfiJrers' mainlenance checklist oornpleted?X Yes E*" E*o a leak simulated to verify LLD performance?For equipment t g.p.h po.z g.p.rt(Gteck all thatlTly'=E Ho' E*"'Were all LLDS Oonfirmed Operatlonat and aocurate within regulalory requirements?[1]Yes Was the testing apparatus propefly callbrated?lTlv""fl*o' lalv,"E*o'fJrun For mechanical LLD9, does the LLD reslrict product florv if it detects a leak? For elecuonic LLDS, does the turbine automailcally shut off if the LLD detecb a leak?Iv"*E*"Elr.rn For electronic LLDs, does ttre turblne eutomatically shut off if any portion of the monitorifl$ system ie disabled or disCOnnected? Yes Eruo N/A E*o Ive For eleclno,nic LLDS. does the turbine aubmatically shut off if any podion of the monitorlng system malfunctions or fails a test?Ives E*"N/A For electronic LLDs, have all aCcessible wiring conneclions b€en visually inspected?!v". Were all items on the equipment manufacturers'malntrenanoe Checkllst completed?YssE E"o 'ln the H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or @re61ed, H- Comments: PLUS LD NOT TESTEp ALL 3 TEST pORrS WERE ROUND OFE COULp NOT REMOVE .COULD NOT TEST WITH lN SYSTEM FROM DISP page 3 qf 3 xx TOTFL PFGE.15 >+rx . CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESNNGttWv 8900 SHOAL CREEK BU|LO|NG 20O AUSTIN, TEXAS 787'l (sl2) 451634 FAX (512) 4$-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TESTTYPE:VacuTect PURPOSE: RE9UEST TESTDATE: LL/O7/OL CUSTOMERPo: 4599192244 WORKORDERNUMBER: 221BBBB CLIENT: TESORO REFINING, !{ARKETTNG SITE:ISSORO 62096 A}fD SUPPLY COMPANY 176 S. 13OO E. 31t50 S. 3{{TH SIREET, STE. 100 SAI.T IAKE Cfry, UT 8{102 AUBURN, M 98001 ROBERT ITOOVER ROBERT (253) 896-8801 (2s3) 895-8801 The following test(s) were conducted at the site above in accordance *'ith all applicable portions of Federal, NFPA and local regulations Tank TesE Line and Leak Detector Tests Tanknologv appreciates the opportunity to serve you. and looks forward lo working wirh you in the future. Please call an-v time, da1- or nighl when you need us. Tanknology representative: INRK SHAW Test conducled by: \TAI.DEN \'. BODTLY REGEIVED I|AR 2 5 m2 armnmmnrffi& Bomsdhrron Technician Certification Number: uro2 53 1 2 3 SUPER REGUI.AR PLUS L2 ,407 L2 , AO7 L2,4O7 95. O0 95.00 95. 00 PASS PASS PASS 0.000 0. 000 0.000 PASS PASS PASS 1 2 3 SUPER REGI'I.AR PLUS 0.000 0. 000 0.000 P P P v Y Y P P P Y Y Y Printed 11/09/2001 17:n KOHLMEYER Reviewed: TEST DATE:1LlOB/oL CLIENT:1gs9a9 REEryrNc, 89OO SHOAL CREEK BU|LD|NG 200 AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (5121 451€334 WORK ORDER NUMBER2218B8B SITE:1gs9j9 6209G INDIVIDUnL TANK INFORMATION AND rEST RESULTS t>z,t*&v Tank lD: Product sIrpER Capacity in gallons: 1-2,4o7 Diameter in inches: 9G. oO Length in inches: 401 Material: STEEL Tank manifolded: 119 Vent manifolded: ysg Vapor recovery manifolded: ygs Overfi ll protection: yss Overspill protection: 13s lnstalled: lrs CP installed on. / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fillpipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage ll vapor recovery. Fuel pure rating:4 163. 0 169. O 6?. o 'l .O DUIIJ STUBBED (11/08/2001) 1 COMMENTS Dipped Water Level. O.0O 0.00 Dipped Product Level: 73.00 73.00 Probe Water Level: o. ooo o. ooo lngress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN Test time: 12:59-15: 41 lnclinometer reading: -1.50 VacuTect Test Type: 141rJ-tj-ple ta-oks VacuTect Probe Entry Point: FiU Pressure Set Point: -2 . Oo Tank water level in inches. o. oo Water table depth in inches: 125. oo Determined by lrtrethoO;: uotrrR wELr. Result: pAss COMMENTS T,'AG PROBE. Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mUm: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: - Results: COMMENTS Failed/replaced L.D. #1 New/passed L.D.fr2 Failed/replaced L.D.tr2 NOT TESTED iledpassed L.D. #1 RED JACKET EXlV 10398-78?7 o.25 72 250 189. O 10 3. OO PASS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi. Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Finalgph: Result Pump type. Pump make: FIBERGI.ASS 2.O 200. o 50 0 30 13:00 13:30 0.000 PASS PRESSI'RE RED ,TACKET COMMENTS lmpact Valves Operational: y3s NOT IESlED NOT IESIED NOT TESTED Printed 1'l 1 A INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND fEST RESULTS t>ta*wy TEST DATE:1LI08/OL CLIENT:tesono REFIttINe, 89OO SHOAL CREEK BUTLDTNG 200 AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (51214s1Gi34 WORK ORDER NUMBER2218888 SITE:tgsono 62096 Tank lD: 2 Product REGUT,AR Capacity in gallons: L2 ,407 Diameter in inches: 96. oo Length in inches. 401 Material: gTEEL Tank manifolded: xo Vent manifolded: yts Vapor recovery manifolded: y3g Overfill protection: 13s Overspill protection: 1gs lnstalled:lrs CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery. Stage ll vapor recovery: Fuel pure rating.4 163.0 159. O 67.O a.o DUAIJ STUEIBED (LL/08/2OOL| COMMENTS Make: Model: S/N: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mUm: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: VAPORI.BSS LD2000 56558 0.25 10 116 189. O 10 3. OO . PASS COMMENTS Failed/replaced L.D.#2, Failed/replaced L.D. #1 New/passed L.O.#i2, NOT TESTED New/passed L.D. #1Dipped Water Level. 0 - 60 0. 60 Dipped Product Level: 74.00 74. 0o Probe Water Level: o. 600 o. 600 lngress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN Test time: 10:50-12:45 lnclinorneter reading: -3. oo VacuTectTestTYPe: siugle taalc VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Fitt Pressure Set Point: -2.0o Tank water level in inches: o. 60 Water table depth in inches: 1?5. 00 Determined by (method): uolflrR- I{ELI Result pAss COMMENTS }TAG PR,OBE. Material: Diameter (in). Length (ft): Test psi. Bleedback cc. Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: TTBERGINSS 2.O 200.o 50 o 30 11:00 11:30 0. o00 PASS PRESSI'RE RED JACKET COMMENTS NOT TESTED NOT lESTED NOT lESTED Printecl 1 1 lO9lNOl'17:8 lmpact Valves Operational: yss TEST DATE:1L/og/oL CLIENT: 1gg9s9 REE TNTNG, INDIVIDU- - TANK INFORMATION AND . EST RESULTS t>w*&y 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTTN, TEXAS 78757 (5121451-6i34 WORK oRDER NUMBERZZTeaeA SITE:1pg9j9 62095 Tank lD: 3 Product. pLgs Capacity in gallons. L2,4o7 Diameter in inches: 96. oo Length in inches: 401 Material: sTEEL Tank manifolded: ps Vent manifolded: yps Vapor recovery manifolded: 13g Overfill protection: 1ps, Overspill protec'tion : 13s Installed: 116 CP installed on: / / COMMENTS Dipped Water Level: o. oo o. oo Dipped Product Level: 73.00 73.00 Probe Water Level: o. ooo o. ooo lngress Detected: Water N Bubble N UllageN Test time: 12:59-15: rt1 lnclinometer reading: -2. oo VacuTect Test Type: MuJ-tip1e tantcs VacuTect Probe Entry Point: r.iu Pressure Set Point: -2. OO Tank water level in inches: O. oo Water table depth in inches: 175. oo Determined by (method): lroyrR rrELr Result pAss COMMENTS },AC PROBB. Make: Model: S/N. Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mUm: Metering psi. Calib. leak in gph: Results: COMMENTS Failed/replaced L.D. #1 NeWpassed L.D.U2 Failed/replaced L.D.*i2 }IOT lESTED New/passed L.D. #'l RED iIACKET EXlV 40398-5209 o.25 L2 2AA 189. O 10 3. OO PASS Material: Diameter (in). Lengrth (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc. Test time (min): Start time: End time: Finalgph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: FTBERGI.ASS 2.O 200.o 50 0 30 13:00 13:30 0.000 PASS PRESSI'RE RED JACKET lmpact Valves Operational: 1pgCOMMENTS NOT TESIED NOT lESTED NOT lESTED 17:8 Bottom to top fill in inches: 163. o Bottom to grade in inches: 169. O Fill pipe length in inches. 6?. O Fill pipe diameter in inches: t. O Stage I vapor recovery: DU1I Stage ll vapor recovery: sarBBED Fuel pure rating:4 ILL/OA/2OOL1 t>ta,*wv 8900 sHoAL CREEK BU|LD|NG 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 4516334 FAX (512) 4e9..1459 WORK ORDER NUMBEQ2 1g g gg SITE:1agggg 62096 TEST DATE:1t/Og/OL CLIENT: 1gg9j6 REpfNING, IIARKETING COMMENTS SUXPS ON DISP. OR STP. COI'LD NOT RE}IOVER DROP TT'BE IBO}I RI'N TENK.SI{ATL I.E,AX ABOVE IMPACT ON oN DrsP.*5/6 rrI.P. PARTS REPLACED HELTUM prNpOtNT TEST RESULTS (tF APPLICABLE) 2 1 1 2 DROP TUBE O-RIXG CAP-SIDE SE,AL 3"x4" DRY BRE"AI( OPIf 1611AV-1620(BRASS) 3" DRI BRE.AI( CAP OPII 1711T-7085 R ibT otr|bgy a uot'ttloatr,lc sYsrEM cERTlFlcATloN.t Uso By Nl Jutisdiclions WthiD tho St,te of Calii Authotity Cited: Chaptor 6., , ,lealth and Safety Code: Chaptet 16, EtydEon 3 Ti,e .., Caltomia Coda of Regulations Thb bm rxrat l,€ usod to docunEnt t€Cing a.d s.oiring of tunloring oquipnE n. I rrE € lh.n oie rE ritding stCom cont.ol p.nel b ird.llod ei th. gctty. . 36Ftrt. q'nifcatioi or roport mrd bo prepsr6d hr .,.dt r lo.i.lgsyc.'mc(,nl7olFll€lby lhr Ldlnician r{lo p..6.nu the rc.t. A aopy ot lhb t m nrsi ba FDvid€d b the t nt bcel .g6ncy lloub*E uST 3ysa6nE ralhh 3li dsy3 ol lod dal€- A. General lntormatior Facility Name: TESORO 62096 Site Address: 176 S. 1300 E. Facility Contact Person: ROBERT Make/Model ot Monitoring System: VR TLS 350 PRINTED NAME VALDEN J, BODILY City: SALT LAKE C|TY UT Zipt U1O2 Contacl Phone No: 896^880t Oate ol Testing/Service Work Order Number: 111@.D@1 22148a4 B. lnventory ot Equipment Tesled/Cerlified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced ' lf the facility contains more tanks or dispe nsers, copy this form. lnclude inlormataon for every tank and dispenser at the hcility C. Certificrtion' I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this cedificatlon is information (e.g ma nufacturers' checklists) nec€ssary to veriry that this information is corect. and a Site Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such .epods, I have also attached acopyofthe (Check allthat apply): System set-up report; E Ahrm hlstory report f] SIGNATURE PHONE NO: @ Tank lD: I Tank lD: 2 ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annubr Spec6 or Vault Sensor Piping Sump/f rsnch Sanso(s). FillSump S6nso(s). y66611 MAG Tntrn tr Model Model MochanicelLine L€ak D€166161. ye6s1 RJ FXIV EbclrDnic Line Lsak D€leclor. Mod€l Tank o/€rfl!fiigh.l-evol sensor. Model: VRHLA olhor (sp€cify oquipfltenl lyp€ end mod€l in Scclbn E on p€ge 2). E ln-Tent Gsuging Prob€. D Annuar Space o. VauI Sensor E Phing sunpffr.nch Senso(6). li,lod6l: MAG Fill Sump Senso(s) Mod6li Model: Modcl: E M6cha.irl Line Lesk Ostoctor. D Ebdmnic Line Leak Osteclor. El Taok Ov€rlilYHigh{evol Seosor Modet vMt 1D2000 Moder. VR HLA tr olh6l (speity equirflEnl typ6 and mod6l in Seclbn E on p€ge 2) I anK tu: o tanx lu: . EntrtrEtr E! ln-Tank Gsuging Prob€Mod€l: MAG Annubr SpG o. V.ui Senso.. lrodol Pipjng Sumpffrench Senss(s). tiodal Fillsump S6nsor(s). Mod6l |,l€chanbal Lin€ Leak Oeleclor. tilodel Elocllonic Lin6 L6ek Detector. Mod6l Tank O€rflUHigh{6val Sonsor. Model RJ FXlV VR IILA olh€r (sp€cify squiprnenl type and model in Seclbn E on page 2) !nn tr D Dtr! ln-Tank Gauging Probe. Annubr Spece or Vautr Sonsor. Piping Sumy'IEnch Senso(s). Fll Sunp Senso(s). Machanical Lin6 L€ak Deteclor. El€c-lronic Lins L6al Deleclor. Tant O\rsrlilyHigh+ov6l Sensor Model: Model: Mod6l: Mod€l: Model: Mod6l: Dsp€n6d Cor einnl€nt Senso(s) Model ShearVatue(s). Dsp€nser Conlainmenl Roel(s) and Chain(s) Oi6p6n6€rConiainmenl Senso(s) Model Shser Vetv6(s). Disp6nser ConleinnEnl Floal(s) end Chain(s). Dspenser CodainnDht Senro(s) Model S h€sr Velv6(s) OisfEnssr ConlainrrEnl Flet(s) and Chain(s) Disp€ns€r ContainnBnl S€nso(s). Modsl ShearVatue(s). Oasp6nser CootainnEnl R@l(s) snd Chain(s) Oispenser lD: 5/6 Oisp€nserConlainrnenl Senso(s) Modeli El shcar verve(s) Dispens€r Containrnenl Floal(s) and Chain(s). Oispenser lD Osp6nser Conlainrn6nl Sensor(s). Model fl shcar Vatue(s). Disponser Conlainmonl Flo€t(s) and Chain(s). COMPANY: Tanknology Page t ot 3 (800) 800-463 Based on CA torm dated 03/01 oIh€r (specity equbrnent typ6 end fiEdel in Seclbn E oo pege 2). I Site Address: 176 S. 13OO E ' ritoring System Certification Dateof Testing/Service: 1'llOBl2O01 D. Results of Testing/Servicing Soltware Version lnstalled: 12'1.00 Complete thc tollowing checllist: E t""!H"'ls the audible alarm operational? E t""Er.'ls the visual alarm operational? El """[".'Were all sensors vjsually inspected, functaonally tested, and confirmed operational? El t""fl*o'all sensors installed at lowest point o ryco nment and positi SO r will not irterfere with their proper op€ration? E"*E *o'T'l N/A lf alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring statjon, is all communjcations equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For pressurized piping sy6tems, does the turbine monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment , or is electrically disconnecled? It yes: which sensors initiate positive shddown? (check all that apply) E Sump/Trench Sensors;E Dispenser Cor{ainment Sensors Oid you conflrm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconneclion?Ev*No E """nNo'EMA ! "o'n*o For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill waming devrce (i_e- no m ical overllll prevention valve is installed), is the overtill waming alarm visible and audible at the lank lill points{s) and operating properly? lf so, at what perc€nt ot tank capacity does the alarm trigge? 95 % E "*'ENo Was any monitoring equipment replaced? lf yes, identity specilic sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manuaclurer name and model tor all rephc€meri parts in Section E, belorv E "*'EN'Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry sysiems? lctrect aI D \,Ahter- lf yes, describe c.uses in Seclion E, below. pply) E Produci; tr tr No'Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set-up repo.ts, if applicable EY*DNo'ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturers' specifcations? ' ln Section E b€low, describe how and when these deliciences were or will be conected E. Comments: page 2 of 3 -nitoring System Certifi cation a en these defciencies were or will be co Site Address: 176 S. 13OO E F. ln-Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment Date otTesting/Service: 11108f20O1 E Check this box iftank gauging b lrEed onty tor invedory controt. D Check this box if no tank gaugirE or SIR equipmeDt is irdalled. n n G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD) : Completc the ,ollowing checXlist: 8"""!H.'Has all input r.viring been inspecled for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? tr tr No'Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected tor damage and residue buildup? tr u was accuracy of syslem product level readings tested? tr fl*o'Was accuracy ot syslem water level readings lested? E """D"o'Were all probes reinstalled properly? E """!m'Were all ilems on the equiprnenl manuhclurers' maintenance checklist completed? !r.r'E*o For equipmer start-up or annual equipment cedification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: E 3 g.p.h ! 0.,l g.p.h D0.2 g.p.h tr ENo'Were all LLos confirmed operational and accurate within r€ulatory requirements? [xl "*Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated?No'tr E No'tr E*o For mechariical LLDS, does thd LLO restrict product iovv il it detects a leak? Ivn For electronic LLDS, does the turbine automatically shut off il the LLD detects a leak? []Hre For eleckonic LLDS, does the turbine automatically shut off il any portion otthe monitoring system is disabled or disconnegled? Evr For electronic LLDS, does the tu.tine ariomatically shut off if any portion of ihe monitoring system malfunctions or fails a lest? Ivn For eleclronic LLDS, have all accessible wiring conneclions been visually inspected? Were all items on the equipment manufacturers' maintenance checklist completed? ' ln the n , below, describe how and when these deliciencies were or will be corected. pa96 3 of 3 This seclion mu3t be completed if in{ank gauging equipnEnt is used to FErtorm leak deteclion monitoring. Complete the tollowing checklist: E Check this box if LLDS are not installed. lE"* lE*' ln"* ltr*' ln"* ll*' In"".ltr; ln"* ln*'1 E; H. Comments: vR sER#1 1014614895001. '\ilt{}r.r. imf,ffir .3 Wor* Order. 221BBSB 1 Tanknology-NDE 8900 Shoal Creek. Building 200 Austin, Texas 78757 r i-s t*GFt rlttKPI T hH t-tflTER ALAEf'1 pffi []r.]sT ALAHT H$'\TEE Hf{lNffi' . 1 TEST DATE: LL/Oy/OL CLIENT: 1p9619 REPINfNG, I1IARKETING SITE DIAGRAM t>t*&v woRK ORDER NUMBER22Ig g g g SITE: ItsSORO 62096 89OO SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 2OO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451€34 FAX (512) 459-1459 VENT A t=s* SUP PLU S REG 12K REG PLU S 12K SUP 200 s o TESORO #62096 Printed 11/09/2001 17:B KOHLMEYER t ,/\n'n.\#c*@ e o INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT printed on 3/20/2002 4:08:46PM Site: TESORO#62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake Clty, UT 84102 TANK NUMBER LABEL-r)Super DATE TIME 3l2Ol2O02 11:12:00AM 311312002 7:02:00AM 3/6/2002 11:30:00AM 31112002 6:58:00AM 212712002 9:39:00AM 211312002 6:47:00AM 21612002 10:17:00AM 21212002 12:56:00AM 113112002 7:13:00AM 1l30l2OO2 10:08:00AM 112912002 6:35:00AM 112312002 9:55:00AM 111612002 6:29:00AM 1/9/2002 6:06:00AM 11212002 11:46:O0AM 11112002 1:37:O0PM 1211212001 l0:59:00AM 121512001 12:20:00PM 121312001 2:48:00AM 1113012001 5:22:00AM 1112812001 7:19:004M 1112512001 4:10:00AM 1112112001 11:38:00AM 1112112001 5:51:00AM 1111412001 6:55:00AM 1111212001 1 1:47:00PM fifinOU 6:12:00AM 1013112001 6:46:00AM 1012412001 6:50:00AM 1Ol22l2OO1 2:22:O0AM 1011012001 7:01:00AM 1Ol9l2OO1 7:0'l:00AM 10l3l2OO1 10:45:00AM 101112001 2:51:00AM 912612001 '11:02:00AM 911912001 7:17:00AM 9/16/2001 7:50:004M 9112l2OO1 7:40:00AM 9111l2OO1 2:38:00AM 911Ol20O1 9:46:004M TYPE OURATION %FULLVOL HoulB ga0.2 h 6,603.94 6,549.68 6,337.13 7,465.47 7,918.19 8,851.40 8,836.63 9,402.80 9,439.46 8,704.64 8,704.64 7 ,082.19 4,245.90 4,382.89 4,550.18 4,U7.96 8,698.84 9,559.24 9,728.59 9,757.70 9,559.65 9,629.02 9,349.39 9,364.21 8,310.72 8,310.72 6,629.05 3,596.88 2,997.69 2,999.68 2,264.61 2,306.88 2,119.45 2,235.52 2,738.14 2,993.21 3,248.85 2,773.60 2,831 .81 2,818.72 27.OO 29.00 29.00 28.00 28.00 29.00 27 .00 28.00 25.00 27.00 27.00 28.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 28.00 32.00 29.00 29.00 26.00 29.00 32.00 28.00 35.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 26.00 30.00 2s.00 27.00 29.00 30.00 32.00 29.00 25.00 23.00 23.00 53.23 52.79 51.08 60.17 "' 63.82 71 .34 71.22 75.79 -"' 76.08 -'' 70.16 70.'16 57.08 34.22 35.33 36.67 39.07 70.11 77.05 .,.78.41 ' 78.65 -'' 77.05 77 .61 75.36 75.48 66.98 66.98 53.43 28.99 24.16 24.18 18.25 18.59 17.08 18.02 22.07 24.13 26.'19 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal i hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal lht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr O.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 22.36 22.82 22.72 Page I of3 REPORT VOLUME Gal INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT Print€d on 3/202002 'l:08:'t6PM Site: TESORO#62096 176 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Regular TYPE 3l20l2OO2 5:18:00AM 311912002 4:34:00AM 311312002 5:44:00AM 31612002 5:44:004M 212712002 6:30:00AM 211512002 5:32:00AM Z13|2OO2 5:3'l:00AM 2l12l2OO2 6:40:00AM 21612002 5:57:00AM 2l1l2OO2 3:47:00AM 1l3Ol20O2 6:01:00AM 112312002 6:58:00AM 111612002 5:28:00AM 111412002 2:03:00AM 1/9/2002 7:03:00AM 11212002 3:37:004M 11112002 3:52:OOAM 1211212001 12:09:00PM 1?j512001 5:35:00AM 1Z4|2OO1 12:23:00AM 1112812001 5:53:00AM 1112612001 3:08:00AM 1112112001 5:24:004M 1111412001 3:20:00AM 1111212001 5:48:00AM 111712001 6:10:004M 111312001 7:20:00AM 1Ol24l2OO1 4:55:00AM 1011012001 5:06:00AM 101512001 5:06:004M 1Ol3l20O1 5:27:004M 1Ol2l2O01 5:41:004M 9l3Ol2O01 7:23:00AM 912612001 7:12:00AM 9l25l2OO1 3:03:00AM 911912001 6:47:00AM 9117l2OO1 6:43:00AM 9112l2oo1 7:00:004M DURATION %FULLVOL Houta 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I nt 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I lrr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr O.2 gal I ht 7,755.15 7,755.15 7,115.54 7,654.74 6,935.29 7,673.27 7,601.98 7,666.24 7 ,042.59 7,499.53 7,499.53 7,988.80 8,143.81 8,246.18 7,555.06 7,662.46 7,759.02 8,114.27 8,8't3.15 8,949.29 8,635.42 8,728.93 8,467 .24 8,572.19 8,635.08 8,303.16 8,400.19 8,462.18 8,547 .94 8,919.94 8,665.30 8,70'1.33 8,277.57 8,132.88 8,132.88 7,944.99 8,058.09 7,601.80 62.51 62.51 .''' 57.35 61.70 55.b0 61.85 ,- 61.27 61.79 56.76 60.45 60.45 64.39 65.64 ffi.46 --- 60.89 61.76 62.54 65.40 71.03 72.13 ---'69.60 ,../70.35' 68.25 69.09 69.60 66.92 67.71 68.20 68.90 71.89 -,' 69.84 70.13 _._-- 66.72 65.55 65.55 u.04 64.95 61.27 24.00 24.00 21.00 26.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 23.00 19.00 23.00 23.00 26.00 27.00 25.00 32.00 32.00 29.00 27.00 27 .00 29.00 31.00 27 .OO 30.00 31.00 34.00 30.00 27.00 25.00 29.00 27.00 29.00 29.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 23.00 21.00 15.00 rage 2 of 3 I DATE TIME REPORT VOLUME Gal INFORM TANK PASSED TEST REPORT Printed on 3/20/2002 ,l:08:'{6PM Site: TESORO#62096 176 South 1300 Eest Salt Lake City, UT 8,102 DATE TIIIIE TYPE REPORT VOLUME Gal DURATION %FULLVOL HoulE 3l20l2OO2 5:5t:00AM 311312002 5:54:00AM 31612002 6:47:O0AM 3/1/2002 3:03:004M 2l27l2OO2 5:57:00AM 2l13l2OO2 11:02:00PM 2113l2OO2 5:',l3:00AM 21612002 6:'11:00AM 1l3Ol20O2 5:37:00AM 112312002 6:06:00AM 111612002 4:46:00AM 1/9/2002 7:01:00AM 1l4l2OO2 1:28:O0AM 11212002 7:06:O0AM 11212002 1:51:00AM Ql1a2OO1 12:12:00PM 121512001 7:27:DOAM 12l2l2ol1 1:52:00AM 1112812001 6:44:00AM 1112112001 6:38:00AM 1111412001 5:53:00AM 11113t2001 3:48:00AM 1117l2OO1 6:10:00AM 111612001 4:40:00AM 1013112001 4:36:00AM 1012412001 6:56:00AM 1Ol1Ol20O1 5:02:00AM 101312001 6:22:00AM 10l1l2OO1 2:51:004M 912612001 5:46:00AM 9l19l2OO1 7:15:004M 9114l2OO1 7:49:00PM 911212001 9:47:00AM 911012001 7:08:00AM 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I h( Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal I ht 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal / hr Fullest Monthly 0.2 gal / hr 0.2 gal I hr 0.2 gal / hr 7 ,612.51 7,388.90 7,786.43 8,092.22 I,092.22 8,852.13 8,676.05 6,852.89 6,185.88 5,278.23 5,401.91 6,232.45 6,434.96 6,318.75 6,350.07 8,897.33 9,043.87 9,082.58 9,076.1 1 9,238.64 7,065.57 7,065.57 6,450.21 6,464.98 4,412.05 3,640.89 3,589.95 3,438.59 3,645.18 4,069.66 4,091.44 4,664.30 3,857.97 4,019.20 28.00 27.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 26.00 22.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 27.00 24.OO 25.00 27.00 34.00 33.00 29.00 34.00 29.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 29.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 27 .OO 27.00 23.00 22.00 24.00 11.00 61.36 59.55 62.76 65.22 -'' 65.22 71.35 -"'- 69.93 55.23 49.86 42.54 43.54 s0.23 51.87 50.93 51.18 -','' 71 .71 72.89 73.21 -"' 73.15 -.'' 74.46 56.95 56.95 51.99 52.11 35.56 29.35 28.93 27.71 29.38 32.80 32.98 37.59 31.10 32.39 eage 3 of3 TANKNUMBER LABEL4 2- Plus 111100 .! MAR 20, 2002 5:51 PM Tesoro 2-Go #62096 1765. 1300 East SaIt Lake UT 84102 Phone# 8 01 .322 .008'7 PRIOR]TY ALARM HISTORY ID CATEGORY DESCRIPTION T 2 TANK AIARM TYPE OVERFILL ALARM OVERFILL ALARM AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTOD]AL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAlLURE COMMUNICATION ALARM COMMUN]CATION ALARM COMMUNICATION ALARM COMMUNICATION ALARM AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FATLURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL EAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE HIGH WATER ALARM MAX PRODUCT ALARM PROBE OUT HIGH WATER ALARM PROBE OUT PROBE OUT PROBE OUT HIGH WATER ALARM MAX PRODUCT ALARM PROBE OUT PROBE OUT HIGH WATER ALARM H]GH WATER ALARM PROBE OUT PROBE OUT MAX PRODUCT ALARM PROBE OUT PROBE OUT HIGH WATER ALARM MAX PRODUCT ALARM PROBE OUT PROBE OUT COMMUNICATION ALARM AUTODIAL FAILURE AUTODIAL FAILURE COMMUNICATION ALARM COMMUNICATION ALARM COMMUNICATION ALARM TANK OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER O?HER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK Regular Regular TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL STATE CLEAR ALARM CLEAR AIARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR ALARM ALARM CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR ALARM ALARM ALARM CLEAR ALARM ALARM CLEAR ALARM ALARM ALARM CLEAR ALARM CLEAR CLEAR ALARM ALARM CLEAR ALARM DATE 3-08-02 3-08-02 t-]-7 -02 t-16-02 1-08-02 t-01 -02 1-01-02 t2-3L-01 t2-72-01 7 12-1.2-01 L t2-12-01, t2-72-0L t2-12-0\ 12-77-0L 12 - 11- 01 12 - 10- 01 12-10-01 72-09-0\ 12 - 01- 01 11-30-01 11- 14 - 01 L1-14-01 11-08-01 11-08-01 11-08-01 11-08-01 11-08-01 3:2OAM 3:07AM 7:251tj{l, 7:29ItM 7:25AM 1:291*1 T :25AM 1:291*1 1:35PM 1:35PM 4:26PM 4:26P1"1 1:25AJ,1 1:29ItM, 1 :29ANl '7 :29?J{, 7:29AM T :29ANl 7:05AM 7 :29ANl 9:35AM '7 :29ItNl 3:44PM 3:44PM 3:43PM 3:43PM 3:43PM 2:24PM 2:24PM, 7:24PM, lt24PM, 1:23PM 1:23PM 1:5OAM 1 : 4 7AI'1 1: 4 6AM 1:46AM 1:43AM T]ME !2 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 E1 E1 E1 E1 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 D4 TL T1 T1 T3 T3 T1 T3 T2 T2 T2 T2 T3 T1 T3 T3 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 E1 D4 D4 E1 E1 E1 EAX EAX EAX EAX FAX EAX FAX EAX FAX FAX FAX FAX EAX EAX FAX EAX TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL Super Super Super Plus Plus Super Pl-us Regul-ar Regular Regular Regul-ar Pfus Super Plus Plus Super Super Super Regular Regular Regular Regular 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 11- 0 10 -3 L0-2 8-01 8-01 8-01 8 -01 B-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 8-01 0- 01 9- 01 1 1 1 1 1 11:43AM TANK TANK TANK OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER TERM]NAL EAX TERMINAL FAX 11 r-0 10 10 10 8 't 1 8 9 I :43AM :3OAM | 2T Attl :26AM :26ANl :56AM :25AM :29AM :59AM :55AM :37AM 10-28-01 10-25-01 10-24-01 10-24-01 ! Peto lech, lnc. 11170 Sandy Gulch Road Sandy, Utah 84094 ^-fii SEABCH' PFEa$rJ f/u( & Ur fet ilG IT}TDEFTGTLOT'DUI) EQI[..I-PI{[E}UT IDTSPECITTO}U FOFTIII Location:,ZdNBa Dr #2 Date: /e -/2 - 73 t 7b huzzr /3A Fe.,r Technician: tfuarv -/r+zr Test ro. t ?1latZ Condition of EquiDnent uDon Arrival:(Connents) FiIl cap/adaptor: Functional Y oauaged -.vapor recovery cap/adaptor: Functional X Oamged -.Additional riser caps: Functional X Dauaged -.0verfiil prevention valves: Functional X Dauaged -.Subnerisible prrlp mnuay: Visible leak: I{o X ies -. Station llanager/Elployee on Location Parts and/or Equipment Supplied by Petro Tech *bxtL Restoration: AI1 equipuent has been restored to its original condition and is in proper uorking order, uith the follouing noted exceptions: Mr^/D 4LU-*- Station l{anager/hpioyee on Location 0riginai - Invoice Ieilov - Petro lechPini - tocation T V -TestTechnician rtt+4. Z- 4Z--- V f Test Technician .-Psto Tech, lnc. 11170 Sandy Gulch Hoad Sandy, Utah 84094 $enncn" ffrEm'd lrr{ I lJ€ IE Tr€ CERTTFTCATTON OF PRESSIIRTZE,D PRODUCT LrNE/LEAK DETECTOR Test Date: October L2, L993 Test Number: 93LOL2 Location:Rainbo OiI #Zo 176 South L300 EastSalt Lake City, Utah PRODUCT LINE TEST RESTILTS PETRO TECH, INC., certifies that the pressurized product line(s) at the above location have been tested using the Acurite Line Tester, which meets all requirements set forth by NFPA 329-87 and USEPA 40 CFR Part 28O and has received third party certification. The pressurized piping was isolated and tested at L l/2 times the normal operating pressure for 30 minutes. The following results indicate a pass or a fail: Product PumD I.Ianufacturer Results Unleaded Unleaded PIus Supreme Unleaded Red Jacket Red Jacket Red Jacket Pass PasS Pass ATTTO}IATIC LINE LEAK DETECIORS Automatic line leak detectors were tested in accordance with 40 CFR 28O.44(a) . Product T.T.n I{anufacturer l[odel *Perforrnance Unleaded Unleaded Plus Supreme Unleaded Red Jacket Red Jacket Red Jacket Ll6-OL7 LL6-O1-7 tL6-OL7 Functional Functional Functional PETRO TECH, rNC By Dav d Exet ar Pres dent CUSTOMER: SOUTHLAND CORP (7-11) ADDRESS: 3146 GOLD CAMP DRIVE CITY:RANCHO CORDOVA STATE: CA ZIP: 95670 slTE |D.2712a ADDRESS: 114 W 1300 S CITY: SALT LAKE CITY STATE: UT ZIP: qol l33r Testilrq Evaluation Report The USTest 2000 System cleclares a tarrk to be leaking when lhe measured leak rate exceeds the threshold of .05 gallons per hour and has a probability of false alarm of <1% and a probability of detection of >99%. TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAIVIETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE REG UNLD FUEL TYPE PLS UNLD FUEL TYPE SUP UNLD TANK TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER IN WATER IN WATER OUT WATER OU T WATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS LE LEVEL LEVEL ULLAGE LEAK DETECTOR PASS N/A LINE PASS/01 000 VAPOR II N/A TANK 4 TANK 5 TANK 6 SYSTEM INFORMATION VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME DIAMETER DIAMETER DIAMETER FUEL TYPE FUEL TYPE FUEL TYPE TANK TYPE TANK TYPE FUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER OUT TANK TYPE FUEL LEVELFUEL LEVEL WATER IN WATER ]N WATER OUTWATER OUT SYSTEM RESULTS LEVEL LEVEL ULLAGE ULLAGE ULLAGE. : : I LEAK DETECTOR . LEAK DETECTOR , LEAK,, .1, , , DETECTOR. . LIN E LINE , LINE . VAPOR II VAPOR II VAPOR il,,,,,,, , : ATG functional: YES El NO tl ' Producl lilre and rnecharrical line leak delector tesls orrly TECHNICIAN: DALESIMMONS CERTIFICATION#: UST-666 D AT E : S E P T EMI s E Bl4J_e-_g{ ULLAGE *ULLAGE PASS N/A PASS N/A LEAK ' , DETECTOR LEAK DETECTOR LINE '1"' ,",' ,PASS/.OOO VAPOR II'VAPOR II N/A LEVEI. , . Horizon Engineering & Testing 4114 East Wood Street' Phoenix, Arizona 85040-1941 ' (602) 470j1414 Test Date:,July 27, 1994 CERTIFICATIOI\I Contract No: 8202-1311-94 Customer Att n Amoco OilCompanY ,CqrlMagnus 474 West 900 North Salt Lake City Site: Co ntact: Rainbo Oil # 20 Manager 176 South 1300 Easl Salt Lake City Leak Det. Besuft uT 84103 Tank No^ Tank Product Line Test Result ) 1 Unleaded Pass @ .000 Pass 2 Super Unleaded Pass @.000 Pass 3 Unleaded +Pass @ .000 Pass Technician Name: HaYqs Hende_rson License No.: UT{243 State:UT Technician's gna rUT Horizon Engineering & Testing 41 14 East Wood Street. Phoenix, Arizona 85040-1941 . (602) 470-1414 Test Date: July 26, 1994 CERTIFjCAITO-U Contract No: 8204-864-94 Customer: Amoco Oil Company Attn: CadMagnus 474 West 900 North Salt Lake City Site Contact UT 84103 Rainbo Orl #23 Manager 1699 West Temple Salt Lake City Leak Det. Besult UT 841 16 Tank Nq^ Tank Prod uct Line Test Result e-'- '1 Super Unleaded Pass @ .000 Pass 2 Unleaded Pass @ .000 Pass 3 Unleaded +Pass @ .000 Pass Name: License No.: State: Hayes Henderson uT-0243 UT Technician Technician Sign DERR EIfI,IROTIMET{IAT RESPON SE & REMED IATI OII ENIERED Jl{-3w 8156 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE SANDY UTAH 84093.6468 TELEPHONE (801 ) 944-01 75 FACSTMTLE (801 ) 944-01 76 BY June 1, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED NUMBERZ 190 256 69L Gary Astin Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West lst Floor SdtLake City, Utah 84[6 RE: UST Inspection et Reinbo Store #20(Facility ID 4000764) on April 27,L999 Dear Mr. Astin: Attached is a "Notification for Underground Storage Tanks indicating that isolation boots were installed on each flex connector below the dispenser islands on May I l, 1999. If you have any further questions or comments on this matter, please contact me at 52149t4. Sincerely, Carl A. Magnus,Coordinator Amoco Petroleum Products dba Rainbo Oil Company Salt Lake City Business Unit CAM Attachments EH&S File ROl.2.A D:\DOCS\CAlvfl rainbo20. 99 WN z ),1tr ash h91 i-) o , t,; ) P 0? /s gg 8395443 8156 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE SANDY UTAH 84093-6468 milnil nEcElrt NEOUESTEII ll,,l,,l,,l ',,11,,,11 'll,, ll, "l GARY ASTIN DEQ - DERR 168 NORTH 1950 WEST lST FL SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 ) MAIL *+iii.*;**f ii.ll,,l,,l,,l,,,il,,,ll,ll',,,11,11"'l"l"l'i"il"l"l'll"'l t liittltlt(t CERTIFIED 8156 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE SANDY UTAH 84093.6468 TELEPHONE (801 ) 944-01 75 FACSTMTLE (801 ) 944-01 76 January 2,1997 CERTIFIED I\{AIT, RETURN RECI'II'T REOU&STED Therron Blatter Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 RE: Underground Storage at the following Rainbo stores: 2r 5r8r 18' 20' 2\30r 31, 33, 34r 44, 45 and 47. Attached are copies of the DIR's for the months of July, August and September for previously mentioned stations. Only half of the daia for the month of July is available at Station #34. Station#34 underwent a change in computer software during the month and data for the first two weeks was lost. Station #44's computer malfunctioned in September resulting in the loss of data for that month. Rainbo Station #2 uses the AZISOL SENTRUY Automatic Tank Gauging System (ATG) for monitoring overfills. If a tank is fill to within 90% of its capacity, an alarm will sound to alert the delivery diiver rhat filling operations should be stopped immediately. This is why no drop tubes are in' place in the fill risers of the store's tanks. If you have any questions or further comment, please contact me at 521'4914. Carl A. Magnus, Asst. Environmental Coordinator Amoco Petroleum Products dba Rainbo Oil Company Salt Lake City Businbss Unit /ooo 7L? bEo ! CAM 'JNl b 'rAttachments o HAND DEL1VE oFfl t2/1Pz96 t5l.?2 ' Dec-14-96 04:15P 001-neiM 0i1 loeation: X-kinbo lm - n535005 P-O1 slk ca$ollilE ',,&tIxrcn nBF0Es Ptqe i 2 Progr D*6365 tror 0?/0u19tr ftru 0','i 3uie96 Date/Tic: lt/13if996 03:25-F,ll Hatex kgin ?ota1 total rJtd stigh Curulative "'olune Totai ----- Yariams folerance TodaY lrrulati';eEte Units InvntrY Delivery $aies Invntry Units Sales Toleranc€ 07l30/1ee6 07/31/1S{ 7 1 82r 3W l,gox 2t l1 0 0 {91 2/3}9 582 316{8 281 290 211 ?8e ,0$1 '66? 18 18 339 63?1t- 2,196 t 1,tr"85 * fanh: Crymit1:10.ffi)I L,1,28 1,6{3 1,99? 1,0{3 2.$9 lrl{8 91? r,{*5 r,703 1,50? t,124 3r33{ l,{?9 911 1r689 Yt'1 1,381 1rffi l$22 1,513 I,t5l Lrqd.z 11915 1r283 1,@l [, ?12 1,t92 9{9 L?925 lrs55 1,703 3 . LUlEA!fiD l!,{m {ffaastrffirt lalerance : *r/oli1ffi ou0r/lges 07 iorlt986 07i6{11996 0ui6/1e06 o?/0611e95 07 is'tltev6 0u0E/1e95 o?rt6rr'* 0?lr0l1ee5 0711ri1996 allrllw?6 *t/t3!799{ aTiltll*% 0?i15/1se6 o?/16i lee6 o7it?ilw 0?/r.8/1s5 sTttgflr96 07imlre96 trll2llte,s fi13e11ee6 0?/2Ii1996 wizure96 wl?sltw s,lzillgts(' 07lTt ltqe$ 0llulrgBd 6'? l?tltw 07lwlLw 07i31i 1ee6 7?yr 6r?91-* lr0ll I{ { *0- $.X10-* 5,?fi * 5r- m- 49 608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 6$4'-7 5, {?3 8 1385 8r385 7,291 fr8?9 e 2et 8r315 6,861 5,ffi ? r3W l0,6lI 8,u5 't )2?" 6,205 8,T21 7,852 6r4'[8 9,26',1 6, lll *,921 8,998 3,7{{ 5,850 1,571 8,3'13 6,590 5,388 9,?0{ 7,119 6, l{{ 8,t82 { 3,8s 4,599 6,ml 3,500 5f399 5,?01 {,805 {,91$ 3r8l{ 6,39{ 15, S19 {, g{E I,631 72,97L 5,900 5,077 ?r386 5,96{ ? 1397 1,16$ 10r809 { r5{5 7 )91? 6,110 1,7d0 6,111 1,92L 9,ln 10,53S 1,819 1t56,l 8,369 6r631 lor598 { ,139 7 ,i7' 5r16{ 9,245 5r{?3 8,3t6 8,386 7,214 5,879 t,2t1 8,315 6,06tr 5,0&8 ?,390 1.0,5{1 8,6{5 1,122 6,205 8,'lb 1,817 6,{18 tfi$l 6;444 {,9,1 8r998 3r?4{ 5,850 1,57q 8,3?3 6,590 5,38S 9,?01 7,7t9 6,14{ 9,2y3 1.,728 3, 3?8 5r370 6,1X9 9r868 10, ll7 il.,035 l?,180 !4,263 15,?66 17,190 l0r5e5 ?2,W4 n$16 14,575 ,5r352 26,734 28, {{3 3CI,156 3L r?89 26 51 81 96 r3l 152 166 I8? rIr 135 IS8 mt 330 3lr 369 180 t0t 421 {5r 17? {91 53r 5S2 s.?,! 595 sa3 610 65{ 6[3 '?oi 't32 Jb 61 9i 106 1.{3 162 176 I9? x?t 2{6 268 318 3{0 35r 379 190 {11 {3? {6{ 187 50{ 531 562 5S2 606 63e 6m 66{ 693 1ts a r', 55{ * s,116 i ?,109 r [, {16-,i 3EX** {rfi9 * 355-r 396-r 3S$-* 380-* {,t9{ r 5,5]3 r s,5s9 * 9$5 r 5,163 * 5fffi8 r 5,0{6 I g,5r r 8,3?3 * 8,573 r ?,802 * 1,011 * 5,031 l s,039 t 5,S*3 * 5,003 * m7- 55{ } {,t61 t L,992 * 9,55-r 1,01{ * {1650 r { '6X6-*3r- IO 4 q,615 r 1.338 r t3- {,60{-} d,r?8 r w 2X- 3,$27 t Srts? * 4,fi$ * {,9?8 r 5,0?? * 3er941 3{,90{ 36,81' 38r102 39r?ffi {1, {{9 42,612 {3,59} t5,516 l?,071 49,n5 -: t2/18/96 15:25 Dec-I8-96 04:18P 0sl-*aifrbo Oil Lrcation: 2$ - Rrinbo #20 - 23535005 Din G$0rlffi Yl&iltlc8 nxFoRT far 0?ltl"lteer ffiru $?lstlreei Page; Dats/Iine; P-O1 I Prog: m636f L2/L&ltw6 03r33-Bt Date frOI,BI Units B*giii i'itri Invntry Deiivery tr!< t ilJruLatJ, !ll{l $a1or Invntry Curulative Salas YUIUTg ?olerance lUL{.t Iolerance OLIUA Units Va'riairge --*--- loday &*Iative Iat*: Copacity: ?asl: Crpacityr 07lllltex 6i10r/19$6 07103t996 0?i04ll*96 0j105/1996 0?106iree6 QTlWlLegs 07/08i 1e96 a7lwlt9fi a1lLs/te% 07ltllle}$ 07inilex 07iltlLegf 07/rtlL9E,6 fl? lt5lt99$a1ifillrfi ai iL? /t % 0?/18/19e6 s7 iL9ltve6 0?/a0/re96 01 itLiLes'wlwLw *7lUlt996 07lxutffi e7125/re96 a7 /2$179816 aTln 119960Tinltw 07 i2elLeg6 0u30iree6 07i 31/1996 1126 3r8S8 {,5$3 1,653 {,offi 3,201 4,5L5 { r091 3,16? 2t3W 4 t76l 5r'lg1 4fiit 3,990 3,382 6ros 5f{83 {,537 1,726 3,991 x,508 {r7l{ 3.1{1 3,659 3,116 5,115 tr606 1,899 J I,g0l Ltn7 1,10{ 2,593 1,103 2,307 3,513 2,*77 3,676 6,6{{ 2,588 2,6L9 5,992 3 r169 e,3Bg 4,??L 3,818 3r649 3rSgg 5r?69 I 2, {31. 5,{91 {,530 3r528 3r987 3ri08 5,050 5rL?1 2,198 ?r|n 5,135 {, {93 51090 3,*?l 31676 2,?fi { 1201 3rg6g {,653 {,653 i,000 3,r01 {,515 { 1081 ?,16'l 2,306 {r761, 5,7E? {,53t 3,890 3,382 6,090 5,IS3 4,537 1t726 3,9$7 3r508 4,'lLl 3,1{1 3,659 3.115 5,111 1,492 3,,9{ 4,571 3r688 2,713 ,J87 913 lr80l 2,78L 3t397 {,910 5,393 5,825 6,735 7r615 grr3t 9.331 Ll,l?3 l!, ll8 lt,6{l 1?,616 18,2?0 19r01{ lr,55o ,0,12{ Sr7?5 31,281 ?1,80lt 22,?oe 8,653 24,503 3$5 * 1,6t5 * 9n* 2,611-* 613 * 1.S96 t 1,900-* 1- t7 t0- 1,909 * 8$5 i I Ir886-* 3tU$ r 8- 1,098 * 155 * 2,llx1, t 3,00t * 365 i 9?9 * 2r*75 * 97l. * 972 * 990 I 9S0 * ?1889 r ltyii * 3,?76 * 1,89S * 3,5}9 * 5,53! * 5,53t * 6,$6 r 51635 r 6,6?6 * 6,300 i 4,161 * 5,52N * 5,5e1, 5,5e? * 5,531 r {,{35 r 51538 r 51550 * s,$$6 r 5,${3 r 158 . {93-* l5s, $7 r, 55? '3,18i r 566 * 563 r 561 * 553 . 3,17i * !,752 * t - 0[ F1,0fi i?r408 {lhffiuemnt to}srarce: 10,0000} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2r605 el3 090 977 615 7,4L2 583 {31 911 8?8 835 883 2,139 6{5 5n 951 588 953 909 ?39 l?8 165 5{{ 7t3 536 ,71 652 505 522 897 951 8{9 7ZL {88 65I {0{ 796 t95 396 556 52? 6{6fir ,257 ],582 3,?i3 1,9{9 2,196 1,399 1,312 6013{ 2,353 2,,123 1,67a 3,0r2 {,113 3,?1I zt6ffi a,m 3r135 1,*08 3r926 3r519 a$50 tr{20 3,656 5rfi70 5,003 | 721 I1 ,209 lr,atr 2,266 3,052 1,558 3.953 1&22 5r0a9 5,595 61309 7,567 *09 * ?1613 + 2,61f-* e- t- 3,617 * 590 * 301 u 27 42tl 72 8t 87 101 l1{ L27 t{0 iR 18.3 190 t0{ 213 22'.1 241 n2 xs, ?6{ 271 ,85 291 302 313 319 lvt 3{r lts 368 24 3? 5z 6t 82 ,1 97 1I1 124 L3? 150 Isz lgr s0 zLr t33 137 2il 252 e69 271 zgl ?95 303 312 127 329 33? 351 355 lhs I 2L 28 18 {{ t6 63 69 78 86 95 t0$ L24 335-r 2,0x1-* 1.260 t 6- 9 1,096-* 1,103 * tl 6 11- 158 * 652-r 651 r 13,592 l.lr18l 15,134 15r0,13 L6t782 17 267 ,492 99{ 57t 608 7t3 { 3 { 3 2 3 3 2 ,, 3 5 2 - P*trItH 12r{*8 (flemremnt folerancp: 19.m0) 0?/0ur995 0?lfielfies 07!ffuL9e6 0? liltlLe% 07105/1E 6 sTifslLe96 a1 107 lle96 07i08/1996 0T/09/1996 D? iL0/L99607lu|Lffi w llzlt 96 11 18 2t 3l 16 53 59 68 ?6 85 95 11{ I 1 {,30'l 3,?{1 2.600 J,600 2rlg5 1,908 ,9fr ,519 ,950 ,lfr ,5ffi ,6?0 1,9'm . . L2/LB/96 15:25 Dec-14-'96 04zL7P P-O1 Q1 illile9l6 Q7 /t4lL9*6 07lt5llee6 fi?$6/te96 07 lt7 llie6 0?118/1996 wirgi1996 s7lto/le95 07ltlitw wi?,lwgd 0,1123tL996 *1latil% g! !2rl1ee6 01ft6ltgg{ 07in/$x o7lallLffi 07 /2911ee6 0 5,0030 4,162o 3,9390 {,3$ga 4,0620 3rt5go {,9960 1,02{0 3,W1o 3,9110 2,965o 2,&50 2,1390 2,6{{a L,'lqt0 lr2s80 3,395 2,fi5 I,I01 1,ml 1,100 2,701 g,0gg 8,621 9,U7 9,5$0 10,186 79,617 11,506 L2,026 72,1'.13 13rS? 13,823 :.1, {9? 1t,085 15r9t2 16,33g 17r01{ l7r5g3 10- 2,611-r I r0r3 * {- 1 1,889 * 23r-* 2.?.43*t 5i7 * 2* { ?,68S-i 2,651 * t 3,751 * l,l{0 * ?,113 * 2,1;3E * 2,230 * {,I[g r l,lLg * l,lll r 3,8S0 r 11636 r 2,214 '2ft.16 * ?,2LX * 2r?18 r 4m-* 2,112 * 2A91 * 121 L29 139 l{{ r53 Itr tn 100 ig9 196 w7 2t? 226 x9 2t8 25S 26* 531 ,,r72 4 J62$15 6,5{1 l,gN663 3,266 {,}$9292 {1067 {r0{?606 3,1% 3,{59*61 2,997 ltgg6859 ,,026 4f026srg 3,507 3rl0?517 {,060 3,tr21513 5,:09 2,W51X ?tng 21906668 ?.r3? ?,13s592 2$17 2,644 857 1,787 Lt?gl596 3,897 1,209{76 7!2 3,}S578 2,016 2t,'2L 131 139 l{9 1,54 I63 1?0 183 lr0 19' x$ 21i 227 236 2*' 25E K5 27r I I /'ll /* al /._ Dea I er 2z tt 'I'U/P Service Station Address ,nt Services Com panyControl P rogrameconciliation Worksheet Ultimate (Gold)/Premium Silver/Midgrade Blue/Regular Diesel 1 Cumulative Monthly Over (Gain)lShort (.oss/ Gas Gallons (Refer to your Daily Liquid Motor Fuels lnventory Record for the last day of the month being reconciled and use Line #15.).7/<'?60\lssi > 2 Total Monthly Gallons Sold <4 /?/'l5-, 63-/5*',/8/8 3 Regulatory Variable Gallonage (See calculation examples betow.) )r 37/7Sb b18* The calculated figure tor Line 3. represents a volume loss or Regulatory Variable Gallonage, whi that is equal to or greater than this figure, call your Territory Mahager immediately. may a leak in the underground storage tank system lI Ltne l. shows a e 4.Opening Tank lnventory (Previous Month's Ctosing)3 b3'7 4/87 7 z?f 5.(+) Total Deliveries 7 '/ 2,7 li /JO7 7 5 /O/g 6.(-) Total Monthly Sales xz//?// 56.f/5'/8 / I 7 (-) Closing Tank lnventory 3s30 3 3ac 3-,//t/ 8.Monthly Product Variance ?{)<77'o;(ss/> ( Amoco tock Ledger ..econciliation lnformation (in gallons) Calculations are to be com tank, tor a du u must co Calculation Examples: lete 2.and 3. you have two or more tanks manifolded and the Amoco Stock eac count as one tank. However, lnformation ne #'l to the have two or more tan not man for each tank.additionalforms if together 1 for comparing lfa product Overage" (line For a product showing a cumulative monthly "Overage", Example A: Fsderal (1% of 'flow-thru" + 130 gallonsl Ultimate 1. Cumulative Monthly Over/Short Gas Gallons -5OO lline #1.) ^ Total Monthly Gallons Sold the federal guidelines (Example A) and an example where a state law has required a 112% l.OO5l comparison (Example B). f;;;;i';;;;;i;irr;i- | ,,r'-,."t-| 1. Cumulative Monthly Over/Short Gas Gallons . . . . -140 line #1.) I | 2. Total Monthly Gallons Sold 5,0,125 (tine #2.) | 3. Regulatory Variable Gallonage . . 112% l.OO5l (line #3.) I To calculate line #3. labove), tske your Total Monthly Gallons Sold lline #2) and | (see Calculation B) Calculations completed are shows a "Cumu "Regulatory submit the Variable white co Gallonage" as py of this form set forth to your by product, a "Cumulative Month #1.) in Gallons, please complete no further action is necessary on n lative calc required for line #3. and your part (unless required by your slate). terminal regulations in its laws. Therefore, it is important that you consult your Territory Manager to determini tho current comparison iigure being used in youi state, .. BegulatoryVariable Gallonage.. lolo of "flow-thru" + l3O gallons line #3.) sales and over/short am this will give you a figure of 250.625 gallons (Whenever you have a figure that is not a whole number - aq jti this case "250.625 gallons" - you should round down to the nearest whole number. ln our current calculationithe whole number you would use after you round down would be: 250 gallons.). ln this example 250 gallons representstheRegulatoryVariableGallonageforthemonth.** Lookingatlino#l.wecanseethafwehavea cumulativemonthlyshortageof 140gallons. Becausethelossof productforthemonth(line#1.) islessthan 250 gallons (line.#3.; the Regulatory Variable Gallonage, as calculated), you are below the reporting threshold for this month. lf this is the case, please complete this form and mail the white copy to your iupplying terminal. Check your local regulations for any additional action you may be required to takd. Calculation I 50,125 (line #2) x .005 250.625 ::::::::? multiply by 112% 1.005), each Notif ication to Amoco Territory Manager Calculation A 20,000 line #2.)x .01 200.00 2O,OOO (line #2.)+ 130.00 330.00 (line #3,) Tocalculateline#3. labove),takeyourTotal MonthlyGallonsSold (line#2) andmultiplyby.01 (t%), (see Calculation A) thiswill gryeyouafigureof 200-gallons. Next,add l30tothe200gallonfigure(1%of 'flow-thru"plus 130 gallons). -The sum of these two figu res (200 + '130 = 330) 330 gallons, represents this month's Relulatory Variab_le Gallonage.for your "Ultimate" product.*r Now look at line 1. The service station Cumulative Monthly Over/ShortGasGallonsfor"Ultimate",showsalossof 500gallons. lnthisexample,becauseline#1.(500 gallons) is gre"ter than line #3. (330 gallons), you have exceeded your Regulatory Variable Gallonage for this month as set forth by law, and you must call your Territory Manager immediately, the ulato Variable Gallo Date Time Person Notified ig xwith The above to the hest -=::1. "--'----Report Received lA moco Rep resentative's Si g n atu re) Have You Used Detex This Month? Comments se must Distribution: White - Terminal; Yellow - Service Station; Pink - Oftice I Service Station NumberI a/zo period o0l-Rainbo oil tocation: 20 - Rainbo ,20 - 23535005 D/R GASoUI{E VITINCE RIPoRT ror 08/01/1996 ThIu 08/31/1996 Page: Date/Tire: Prog: DR6365 09/03/1996 10:52-A}{ 1 Date i{ater Units Begin Invntry total Delivery Total sales End Invntry Stick Units ------ Variance ------ today Cunulative Iank: Capacity: 08/01 08102 08/03 08/04 08/os 08/05 08107 Tank: Capacity: l-tII,P[us 121408 (Ueasueoent Tolerance:10.0000) 1996 1996 0 0 0 0 0 155 169 777 185 20L 20't 203 189 189 188 188 44 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,187 3,015 2t074 1,5r2 3,292 2,818 4 ,229 3,365 2,5r7 4,534 4 ,447 4,442 5,536 5 t 471 5,473 5,4'13 5 ,473 5,315 5,277 5,095 3,358 2t074 1t5L2 3 t282 2,396 1-,947 5t513 2,50t 4 t544 4 t421 4 t447 5,538 5,475 5,477 5,473 5 | 473 5 ,4'73 5,219 5 t252 6,r95 6 tL92 5 t6',13 3,015 2t074 7,5r2 3 t282 2,818 4 ,229 3 r365 2,511 ,277 ,095 t792 ,190 ,673 ,446 3 ,696 3,039 2,726 r,287 3 ,634 5 t152 4 t732 3 t370 829 t,770 2 t333 2 t865 3,750 4 ,62t 5t473 6,337 6r900 7 t007 7 ,00'7 7 ,007 7 t067 7 ,067 7 p67 7 t067 7 t057 7,I03 'l tt28 7 tt28 7 tI28 7 t545 8,87 4 9,672 10,272 11,196 12 t05t 13,045 13,869 623 1,310 1t',t55 2 tL48 2,813 3,476 4,125 4 t862 5,765 5,700 't tl77 8,433 342-*342-1, 342-* 342-* 342-* 79t 89 102 104 l0l 103 99 99 99 58- 61- 218-* 22L-* 223-* 222-* 221-* 233-* 229-* 2r9-* 202-t 258-* 262-* 265-* 260-* ,534 ,44r ,442 L2 27 35 43 1t996 lre95 1L996 l7ee6 11996 2,302 2,266 2,590 1,096 1,100 56 69 82 95 427 * 2,282 * 2,277 -' 15 9- 13 I 2- 1 3- 2 t36t 83 0810811996 08l09lree5 0811011996 0811111996 0811211996 081t31L996 081L411996 0811511996 081t61t996 081t717996 0811817996 081t911996 0812011996 08l2LlL9e5 08122119e6 0812311996 0812t 11996 081251t996 08126119e6 0812711995 08128119e5 0812911996 0813011996 08l3Llre96 536 477 473 473 473 315 4 { 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 4 104 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 105 107 107 t07 107 i15 133 144 154 168 181 196 208 223 235 158-* 2- r57 -* 2- 1- 99 7 9 6 3 193 792 190 573 446 696 6 6 5 4 3 3 4 t444 3,707 3,035 2,tr5 I t270 3,690 11- 1 3 0 6 5 4 3 6 i I 5 ,039 2 tI26 L t281 3 t634 5 tL52 4 tt32 102 3,6370 3,385 0 2 t6990 2,2540 3,7620 2,7250 3,9660 3,3160 2,5870 3,5430 2,6L50 1,841 5,155 4 t136 3,364 623 3,013 686 2,599415 2 t254393 3 t152661 3,097 663 2t062 649 5t229 736 2,580 903 3 t552934 2,608 '17'7 7,837 955 3t584 372 * 371-* 1,903 * 1,91.2-r 372 * 372 * 372 * 372 t 1,903 * 3 t397 2,346 14,885 15,654 2 - PREI.IIU}I 12,{08 (lleasuerent Iolerance: 10,0000) 08101.11996 0810211995 08 /03 /Lee6 0810411996 0810511996 0810611996 0810711996 0810811995 081091te96 081L017996 08ltt 11996 081t211996 t,902 I t9I2 1,868 385 699 762 725 965 316 587 543 615 811 777 52 62 73 86 10i 172 r27 30 36 42 52 62 83 96 111 r22 737 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 9 20 26 32 I9 42 10- 3- 2 t698 Cuuulative Volure Total Sales Tolerance Tolerance 829 940 562 532 885 871 851 864 562 106 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 577 I,228 738 660 923 855 994 823 1,015 768 22 37 45 53 66 '79 a, 105 114 ll5 115 115 116 116 115 116 116 117 Ll'l u7 lr7 L25 143 154 164 t78 191 206 218 245 193 * 08lt3lLe96 08lt4it9e6 08/15/1996 08116119s6 081t711996 08lt8lLe96 08fig11996 0812017996 08l2u1ee6 0812211996 08l23ltee6 08124119e6 0812511996 0812611996 0812711996 081281t9e6 08129119e6 4l 3l 2, 5, t 4l 3, 3, 2, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 t117 2,324 1,345 4,067 3 t073 5,439 4 ,692 3,804 3 t799 3,498 1,904 3,007 ?06 I t234 991 1,024 992 L tr32 735 1,059 916 1,054 754 523 {16 571 646 606 841 76r 542. 119 074 438 703 632 79r 720 976 346 952 2,3?,4 1,3{5 4,067 3 t073 5,439 4,692 ,80{ ,714 t730 ,963 ,368 ,9t3 9 t668 10,660 11,685 12 t677 i3,810 14 ,546 15,606 16 t522 17,575 18,330 18,95{ 145 160 t75 190 207 278 231 248 264 275 284 291 299 309 318 331 342 155 t70 185 200 217 244 274 285 294 301 309 277 -* 12 52- 1- 1 1l- 17t !7- 10 t2- 22 8- 2- 1- 1- 11 13 23- 11- 63- 55- 64- 15- 96 79 89 76 98 '17 4 730 963 368 943 359 721 106 271 2 1 { 3 5 4 3 I 3 2 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 369 721 371 723 114 106 277 235 3 4 3 2 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 89\9,37r 19,943 319 2r0 341 20,589 2r tL96 22,037 22,798 87 85 77 89 7023 265 221 352 ool-Rainbo 0i1 Location: 20 - Rainbo ,20 - 23535005 D/R GASoLIIE VTRINCI IIPoRT ror 08/0r/1996 lhlll 08/31/1996 Page: Date/Tire: Prog: DR6365 09/03/1996 10:52-il1 2 Date tlater Units Begin InvnUy Total Delivery TotaI Sales Ind Invntry stick Units Cuulative Sales VoIue Tolerance Tota1 Tolerarce ------ Variance ------ today Crnulative 0 5,235 0 4 t3'10 853 539 4r 381 3,831 370 830 4 3 23,652 24 ,!91 365355 363 10-92 91 41-* Iank: Capacity: 3 . UI{LXADED 12,408 (i{easurenent Tolerance:10.0000 ) 081011L996 0810211996 0810311995 0810411996 0810511e96 0810611996 08107 1L996 0810811996 08l0e lree6 0811011996 08 fi&11996 08lt9lLee' 0812011e96 0812u1996 0812211996 0812311996 0812411996 081251L996 0812611996 0812717ee6 081281r9e6 081291L996 08130119e6 0813111996 0 9 t2950 7 t6t70 5,538 0 4,148 0 7,994 0 6,225 0 9,328 0 7 t5390 5,797 0 8,106 0 6,341 0 4 t't340 8,076 0 5,644 0 3 t7240 6 t56'70 3,885 0 7 t55t0 6,185 0 {,187 0 I t5t20 6,751 0 5,046 0 9,313 0 7 t5200 6 t3920 4,721 0 3,141 0 7,051 0 8,531 0 6,519 4,801 4 t807 4,500 5 t20I 5,199 5,603 6 tt02 6 tI04 5,598 3,003 7 t6t7 5,638 { r119 7 t994 6 t225 9 ,329 7 ,539 5,'197 8,106 6 t341 4,734 8,076 5,644 3,'124 6 t567 3r885 7 t55t 6,185 4 tL87 8,512 6,751 5,0t6 9r313 7 t520 6,392 4,72t 3,1{1 7,051 8,531 6,5L9 5,111 L2- {,870 * 4,862-* 2t- t5 37- 4- {54 :t 478-* 4 20- 33- 2t7 - 36 3{- I9- 707 69- u- 19- 16 32- 11- 41-* 11- 11- 41- 5J- 4,816 * 45- 66- 2t- 58- 52- 392 * 85- 80- 101- 101- 103- 117- 35{- 318- 352- 372- 264- 333- 351- 37).- 35{- 367- 340- 312- 383- I 3 5 6 7 9 11 13 15 L7 18 27 22 24 27 29 33 34 36 38 {0 42 43 44 46 48 49 51 54 636 615 104 060 815 584 3t7 038 375 r02 706 020 973 898 234 915 850 t82 963 777 504 189 134 857 967 619 275 891 441 420 818 25 54 77 91 TU L44 170 196 231 257 281 315 345 409 498 524 552 578 603 632 723 748 772 801 822 35 6{ 87 l0l 727 t54 180 206 2tL 26't 291 325 355 419 459 488 508 562 588 613 642 668 685 709 133 758 811 832 0811311996 0811.411996 08lt5lree6 0811111996 0811211996 0811611e96 08117 11e96 449 {78 658 675 699 t2- 27 08130119e5 0813111996 1,636 1 0ro 1r4gg 955 1- t756 1,768 I t732 I,72! 2,336 1,727 7,603 2 t3L3 1,953 1,,924 2,335 2,681 1014 1,331 1,780 1,813 t,727 1,685 1,944 t,723 1,109 1,651 1,596 I t675 1,550 t,979 1,397 7 t658 5,638 4,148 't t994 6 t237 4 t457 72 t402 5,818 8,061 6,379 1,739 7 t627 6 t122 3,719 6,587 3,886 7 t553 6 t279 4,405 8,476 6,785 5,065 9 t205 7 t589 6,410 4t747 3 t725 7 t063 8,503 6 t552 5,122 , L?/23/96 LL.23 'Dee-23:96 12:15P 001-Eainlo Oil l,osrtlou n0 - nniilo ,A - 2353f005 D/N fiSOUTE YTBI}ME REFOAT Ior $l0ure36 tlru 0e/3011r96 P. OI Pry: 1 Prog: !&{365 Date/Tim: 12123i1r36 li:3]-fi1 A\ ttat*r Ihits Bsgin fstal Invuky Delivery Total std $alee lnrutryDate stich Units Ourutativa Saler Valm* ?olerarce Total ftlcrame ------ tariarcs *----- fodoy Smletiw lank: Wity: Ta*: &prcity: 0el06ilse6 s0/0rl1str 09/08/1er6 f,ILUL9,/6 *eltzirw 0e116/rq{6elnllw wltslLffiwlwllw Bi?u1ee6 @/u/Le% 0Btt3l7efi wlztlt fi 0e/25/re06 vrlfrt1996 ffi/271r9E6 wlaslre% mlnl,3x se/n/7w6 0 2,u*0 3,E5t0 3$x0 3,091 0 t.tBl 0 3,915 0 2137$i 2,971 0 treaL 0 3,2550 2153? 0 a,{6 0 3rr950 ?1561 0 5,2{50 { ,2810 3,219o 2,{?}0 {.259 0 2r5& 0 613?2 0 3,1600 3,519 0 3,8*0 0 3,7{3o 2,1ffi0 2t760 3.9f7 0 3rI$ 0 2r5{,{ 0 !1649 0 3,218 0 2,ft30 3,&23 0 3131$0 2,61?0 2,L920 trSzt 2rffi 1r603 1r69X ?r319 27 2,693 3, {03 2'{97 1r90{ 1,901 1,09? 1 rr00 19 1r899 l, g0o 1,998 10.00@) 990 873 579 813 1,069 518 1,737 11310 990 ?3I 7t2 1,581w 819 989 1ro3o ?89 11510 897 7ffi 527 {12 792 ?51 640 tr50{ 6?5 800 613 613 lrlro 610 7X9 505 68t 55{ x,023 505 *,552 5,t26 6,006 8,606 9t75f, L2,Lti 13,8E4 16,041 1?r032 L7 t165 18,{98 20,082 21,946 2r,&89 22,e79 ,3,9(p 21,599 25fi$g 27,10't 172 612 77L- L,&91 l r8&B- 960- s50 21557 2- 10 8?- ,r.ra 24 31 21 31- {3 7ffi {3- r - 0t Pttm 12,4@ (&rsrromt ?olerarce: tad.: ? - EHIUI fapacity: 1.2,&8 (teuramfit ?olerime: 10.00ff) 13{ 7e* l,&97 t- 9*&- *5- 2,**g 1 t,*7 2, {S[ 2}w 3,ld{ 3 116, Sram 3 J21 3r193 3r?36 1,$fr x,992 51 78 91 100 l{0 L!fi l9:2 ?18 2$1 2*5 776 297 311 326 338 333 169 ]80 *03 4I7 68 /rb 82 112 L24 152 L?* Lg'.l w9 2I8 2fi 2{5 ,5{ 265 z?2 281 291 306 3lt 21 135 r58 68 81 90 r30 t*6 181 208 2fl 255 t66 27? 30t 315 3rs 3{3 359 370 393 107 58 56 72 l0? 1l{ 712 16{ 187 r99 2U 2L7 ?35 2lt e5s 62 2?3 at ,96 30{ 1t 126 lts I 3,85t 3f610 {.s?1 lr08I 3r01s 2,X?8 3r$10 t,22!. 1,239 ?;533 {,{05 3,595 2r661 5,246 ,r28L l,dlg ?'1?7 4,lrg 3,318 ,319 ,612 ,LSz ,927 ,&{ ,ffi7 ,896 I 3 4 3, ?3t 1,977 5,6{3 2,1{7 {,905 3,338 2,Wg L,667 3t257 2,521 { r{93 ?l 8Zr 2,511 5,215 1,257 3r150 2r430 3r{60 3,161 801 50,1 {8/mlrrge aeNlttees ae|f,llsx 0e1llpees 0T/r2l1e]6 a9lrc/$e6 Nlt?lt9D6 09i [e/ree68lnltw selzLlt996 wrcltwi 0*/2311s95 wlxl$% oe/ffi/1996 m/r61r+96 wl27lzee6 0s128/t*6 wlzs,llte6 w/*11,*6 3,769 5,811 l r6{8 t,?27 1r186 3,103 2,862 2,030 3,126 2,326 3r830 3,179 21648 3,813 3,11,7 2,637 2,088 2,977 3 rS21 6.t72 3r160 lr?35 1,840 3r095 2,16& 3, {35 3,*7 ,,L10 2t544 3r619 3rr58 2,653 3r823 tr,872 {r399 4 r8ll 6,81.5 ? tW? g, d55 10,959 12,laL Lx312 13,855 1{, {69 15,639 L6n?50 16,989 17,195 18,t17 18,Rl 19,716 N,2& 2r&2 2,694- 86 1 r113lfls 636- 5't2 1,8'16 r3 t7 180- lle 5 I 2 5 t3 550 t7- u,606 ?g- s 7,LL? x5 61I- 39- 1.896 I,910 1,928 l,Tltr 2,W7 l,s3! 2r5{J. ar5{{ tr5{9 e,sl 3,1,13 3,Q*5 3 - rmaD@ 13, {08 il{Guurorant nolarance: orlw/1996 wlffi/L996 wlfft12995 5 3 J 0 0 0 I11 299 886 4 I 10.omol gfi 8,956L,'l5L 61151 L,179 2,406 5l 2,265- 21557 2,219- 971 955 8r381 ?r860 318 I I I I I L2/23/96 1.4:1.4-P.e- 7Z:SA 03: O6P 001-Bsiab0 oil tlccti{er 2s - Hhbo ,N'UE];wAg Din GAsor,ffl vfiL{xcE &E}oBr tnr 09101.1199$ Tiru 0911S11195 P. O1 Ptge, ? Pl$?t sn6365 0ataltirn: Ui$/te96 filt?,Z.{{.,l Today Cunql*direDote $ater UuitE Bugin Iruntry Iotal SaIes lotaI Ilalivery End $tick Invrtry Units Ctrrul*tive 6nltt tlolune folcrance lotal lslaranc€ ffi: @city: 1- UHtm ilI,fl,8 (tcxmoset &lerane: 10.0m0) ogiou193s H$?/ree6 $el$3i r996 oelo{ll*# s9,ffi/t+x ses6/tse{ w/a7lLw ffi/B/ur6 of,l0r/19e6 s9/x0/1ee5 wlLLlte96 Bil:/1$e6 w/l3lte% wttrpn6 wits[L*6 orlr6/10s selLT/1996 orirE/lrs tg/rl9itrtr 09/p/r9s5 Blaulee$ vtltl,lrw m/ffi/1r+6 s/3{/1996 0s/r5l1ee6 $/26/res ssl?,llretr_ erulLw *ei?fltw 0ri30/1ps B s 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 51111 ?,w ?,818 6,311 5,039 3,r99 3r08{ lf9?{ 8,r51 5,729 4,985 9r5ie€ 7,%7 6,L79 6r179 srg53 5,902 9,009 ?,@ l{lro?9 8rt9? 6,{30 9r{13 ?r84{ 6r139 8rI77 6rlr? lrl']l6 2,6ffi 5.m6 {,801 lr60{ {,97t 6,099 {,{S {, B1l {E 15 {,1{g 3r?o} 1,6ffi 9S lr16{ 1r{3S 1r299 LtW lr?tl I,4?9 I,Sg 1,197 l, ?10 1rffi 7,9$2 1r?6.6 0 ltlu l.l$ 3rA8S lr0?l 1r513 1,9m 1,Iffi 1,119 2r974 lr?15 L,Ttl 1,916 1r9*9 1,626 1,?21 L,1$9 8r9S 11912 6,16X br0*l 3,217 6,151 2,lM 8,$e 6rffi l,*81 tf4ro I{r}06 6,Wl 6r1?' 8,St3 7r655 ?r{16 6r?85 5,S37 8,19t 6.163 9r158 6r438 6,118 8"Wfrs 1,168 2rifi lr{80 lrn7 lrffi 4$14 8,251 6t128 {r9S5 9,580 ?,967 6,179 6.1?9 8r853 $,90I 9,CICIg 7,0€s Lo,0?' 8rl'rl 6rl18 gr{13 7 ,glt 6,139 8,171 6J9'l frtr?6 1,66 6,S&{ t,1s6 956 2tlll 3, $7? lrff? 6r63S 8t3[] 9,860 10r9l5 12t423 1{, 16} L5,7?t l?r311 19r0?? 19,9?7 &,&3 21,001 t5 r 2S9 2?ri$ 28rS3 10,833 ?2,fi?, 3,{,291ni& 39.98' {0r756 l,.r'712 &41722 {6,31S *9r073 50,85X ?{ t2 6{ E} 108 136 158 17t 196 222 hm fi0 t96 296 122 3{0 3*9 4N {{{ {73 rls 5n( 569 :;l 55X 681 705 ?45 ??$ 5l* 2t- 20- 2- 1t ?,165-* 2rW1 * 63&i u- 1* 6,158 r 6,lTt** zr- lrs&* L,fiZ * 9{ 1,512 * t-* ffi 1,{06 r TI 118 {3- $ 5{ 1r6ff * r& tI* n ?I l6 I,219-* 318 * 312** 33t-* 3{0-r 5,871 * 3lS-r 332-r 33I.r 33?-* l,fis-* l0l-* 10s- 1,731 * lrISA r {,lf.t * 11361 * 3.76? i 5,7'18 s 5,S$S r 8,3{6 * $rs51 * 5r9m * ?.115 * '1,*7* * 9r00? 7 r8r8 5,3*1 5,039 3r3,9q 1{ 31 s{ It 99 t25 l{8 161 ls6 ae 2X8 r5s :s5 e8{ 312 3m 379 {10 t3{ t63 {88 51{ 5$9 583 6II stt 67X 6ts 7$ ?63 I I u